HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240909PAC to Staff 212-3 Attachment - 81824 INVOICE 20231218.pdfPACIFICORP 710 NORTH MAIN RICHFIELD UT 84104 WASATCH TRAILER SALES -SPRINGVILLE 1180 South 2000 West Springville UT 84663 (801)528-1581 www.wasatchtrailer.com INVOICE Date 11/02/2023 Deal No. 371-64 Salesperson DAMON J CARR Lienholder NONE H C 801-580-1091 DANE LARSEN Email dane.larsen@rockymountainpower.net Purchase Order# PO#-4501123697 UTV SIDE BY SIDE Year Make Model 2024 CHARMAC 100X 16ATL GVWR Axle Capacity 7000 3500 Options: Notes: Trade Information Unit Information Model Name 100 X 16 ATLAS Empty Weight (GDW) 2830 Color Serial No. Stock No. WHITE 4RYG162B2RT124133 CA1968-4133 Manufacturer Retail Price Dealer Unit Price Added Accessories Freight Dealer Prep Document or Administration Fees Title/License/Registration Fees Temporary Permit Waste Tire Fee CC FEE Cash Price Trade Allowance Payoff Net Trade Net Sale (Cash Price -Net Trade) Sales Tax (7.25%) Sub Total Cash Down Payment Amount to Pay/Finance $12,695.00 $11,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $11,754.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,754.00 $851.88 $12,605.88 $0.00 $12,605.88 Customer Signature -------~--Dealer Signature ____________ _ Thank You for Your Business! Utah State Tax Comml66lon @) Division of Motor Vehicles • PO Box 30412 • Salt Lake City, UT 84130 • 801·297-7780 or 1-~4 TC-656 Vehicle Application For Utah Title R8V.12/16 Get brms at t.u.utah.govllonns D New D Change of ownership O Change of llenholder D Correclad title D Salvage tltle D Non-repairable title [J Dismantling permit ~ 'i: New Owr!ef "-~ .... _-tlonfhlpJooo-owrier: Alici □ 'br ; Primary owner's C1r1V11r1 lioense no. (or FEIN, if bLI.,_) DL .tlale Primary 0Wll9r'a DOS Co-owner, dl'Mll's li0er198 no. (or FEIN, If busineaa) Co-owner'8 DOB 93-0246090 UT Co,cwne~1 nanie (if at dHlerent Street address, ched< here D and list on back-) - PACIFIQORP __ Sll'lfl add,_ (primary ownilr) 710 NORTH MAIN Mailing lddless, H different fram Street address (primary owner) City--------_ ~ ~Z-IP_co_de ____ _ _ __ --+Ci=~=IC _HF_IEL.-=D~-_--~~==--J -1e -__ 21~~~4 ------, • ~inahfpto-~IN•De: C:fAncf □-o,·-~: LaMee'a drlwN's llcenle no. (er FEIN, If bualnaaa) leS&ee's name (last, first, middle initial, or business name) DL atet1t r •• DOB Co-la!l.a's drlwr'a Hcarae na. (or FEIN, tr bualn-) I DL Slate Co-lessee's DOB Co-lesaee's name (tr at different Street address, chedc here D and list on bad<) ----- Street add1'888 (primary leuae) City State ZIP code Mlllllng address, tt dlflerwll from Street add11111s (primary 198888) City State ZIP code ►Se"'~ 3;V.h~ lnl'oi'J'n4itlori (Nijle: MJuliolg oi''lnooiieijfl~tlori ;nw'r~ln • ~-~!\) • ·~ . . ' • ' D Passenger, light truck, van, or utility 2024 _. CHARMAC D Street motorcycle Vehicle ldentllcatlon Number (VIN) 0 Small motorvehiclas(CC HP ___ ). 4RYG162B2RT124133 Year Maki Model Farm uee? (YIN) 100 X 16 ATLAS _____ N-'----- D Motor home (Length: __ ft,-.--. In.) (Class ___ ) COior _ I Fleet numb-er D Off-highway whicle (check one; D AlV D Motorcycle) WHITE l_ □ Street-legal ATV Body~ (tteU-) JC)'linders Fuel type ----G Unit number CA 1968-4133 j l!bnlndtld111&, brandlype ------ D Low-speed vehicle D Snowmobile D Manufactured housing D Heavy truck (Registered weight: ____ _ H this is a commercial Yehicle with a registered weight of 10,0!)1 lbs. and greater, you must provide your USDOT number:. ________ _ CARGO TRAILER Manufaclurel's Sugg~MSRP) Odometer Dhlc:losure [lTITILJ Enter odometer reading (no tenths) Pul'ChuB~lce ----- _ s11100._oo ________ _ I certify that the odometer reading (chfJC/C one): 0 Reflects actual mieage for this vehicle D Reflects the mileage in excess of odometer's mechanical limits D Is not the actual mileage (Warning: Odometer dlacrapllncy) D Camper · D Park Model D Tent trailer D Travel trailer CS! Utility trailer D Other trailer: _______ Length of trailer selected: 16.00 ft. __ In. ~ntl'.lb!Jw~··~9, Q ~TV.on ~llhwaJPund · CJ Frlan_d■_F~r $111~. D: O~np~SIJ~; License plate type (For a new personalized plats, complete TC-817. Additional fees will apply.) D Title only O In God We Trusl O Life Elevated Arches O Ute Eleva1ed Skier D Transfer:._______ D Olher:. _______ _ Situa.'Phyalelll addr.M Of velllcll, ii dilf8r8nt 1rom Street ~ ab<MI 1 Cey ----------~Lr~--~ LJ.nhaldel'aname FEIN (or drtver'a lloenae oo, n lnCIIVldual) Branen number NONE MalHng lldclress ------City State Zip code !~ ~:.~nw.siamituha<•> . . A. • I d8cl8f8 that I a.m th8 owner ofthe wm/clS d6scrlbfJd on this sppllcstion sna aJJ thB above infrxmalian iS acculllt9 and true. I csrofy that I will maintain ln effect owner's or operator's sect1rity (insu111nce) for this vehicle, as required by law, in order ro operata rhis vehicle on a highwa~ quasi-public road, or parking area within this state. Ownef• signature X O.te 11/30/2023 ~$ecllon 7: PurchaiN ,nd o.a~ 111forlnetion (Fol'Uteh Dedorw~ip 0te,0f'l1y) Co-gwner1 signature X Da.te 11/30/2023 I certify that the vehlcJe is accurately described on this sppllcatlon and has been delivered to the purchaaer named above and that this dealership is in compliance with lhB licensing raquirements sst forth in T1tfe 41, Chapter 3, Part 2 ofths Utah Code. I also C8ffify that this transsclfon was complstsd In compliancs with the sales l&x reporting requirements set forth in Section 59-12-107 of the Utah Code. O~a .. r number ------------------ 11/30/2023 Permit number - N/A