HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240909PAC to Staff 212-213.pdf 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 September 9, 2024 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 monica.barriossanchez@puc.idaho.gov Secretary@puc.idaho.gov RE: ID PAC -E-24-04 IPUC Set 11 (205-216) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power’s Responses to IPUC 11th Set Data Requests 212 and 213 and Attachments. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2313. Sincerely, ____/s/____ Mark Alder Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Lance Kaufman/IIPA lance@aegisinsight.com (C) Matthew Nykiel/ICL matthew.nykiel@gmail.com Brad Heusinkveld/ICL bheusinkveld@idahoconservation.org Thomas J. Budge/Bayer tj@racineolson.com (C) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bcollins@consultbai.com Greg Meyer/Bayer gmeyer@consultbai.com Kevin Higgins/Bayer khiggins@energystrat.com (C) Neal Townsend/Bayer ntownsend@energystrat.com (C) Ronald L. Williams/PIIC rwilliams@hawleytroxell.com Brandon Helgeson/PIIC bhelgeson@hawleytroxell.com Bradley Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com Val Steiner /PIIC val.steiner@itafos.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu RECEIVED Monday, September 09, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 212 IPUC Data Request 212 From the Company’s Response to Production Request No. 55, “Staff Attachment 55-2” (attached as Attachment No. 1) lists projects under $5 million for Wildfire projects. Please answer the following questions in regards to the projects listed in “Staff Attachment 55-2”: (a) Please explain what the term “Mandated Wildfire Mitigation” means. Please explain if each project with this term is mandated by a certain state or by the Company (b) For each project with the term “Mandated Wildfire Mitigation” in project description, please provide location of the project, narrative of the project, in- service date, and any benefits to Idaho customers. (c) For each project with “Damage Repair”, “Damage Rebuild”, “Damaged Facilities”, “Fire Damage” and “Fire Restoration” in the project description, please explain the cause of the damage, any associated names of the fire and the fire start date, the scope of the project, total project cost and if the Company expects any insurance funds for the project. (d) For Ref #134 “RMP 2023 ID Fire Mitigation Vehicles”, please provide a list of vehicles purchased, price, purpose, date and invoices. (e) For Ref #79 “RMP 2023 UT Fire Mitigation Vehicles”, Ref #211 “RMP 2022 UT Fire Mitigation Vehicles”, Ref #531 “FHCA - 2021 UT Wildfire Vehicles”, please provide a list of each vehicle purchased, price, purpose, date and invoices. Additionally, please explain how these costs were allocated to Idaho. (f) For Ref #580 “RMP 2023 WY Fire Mitigation Vehicles”, please provide a list of each vehicles purchased, price, purpose, date and invoices. Additionally, please explain how these costs were allocated to Idaho. (g) For Ref #1705 “Purchase Firefighting Equipment”, please provide a list of the equipment purchased, quantity, purpose, and cost of each item. Additionally, please explain how these costs were allocated to Idaho. Response to IPUC Data Request 212 (a) Mandated wildfire mitigation is the PacifiCorp investment reason for all wildfire mitigation capital projects. Generally, these projects are considered mandated to comply with a filed wildfire mitigation plan (WMP) in the state where the investment takes place. Given that this is the name of the PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 212 investment category, the default project definition will include “Mandated Wildfire Mitigation” within the project description. (b) The projects with “Mandated Wildfire Mitigation” in the project description are minor projects associated with the default project definition for the investment reason by state. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 212-5 (Note: There is not a singular project to respond to the requested information for each row): (c) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 212-1. (d) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 212-2 which provide a list of vehicles purchased, price, date and invoices. Purpose: Fire trucks: Vehicles that include basic fire suppression equipment to maintain the capability to extinguish a small fire that might ignite while working in the field. Company policy requires job site risk mitigation when fuels risks are elevated, regardless of calendar date. Federal, state or county permits often have suppression requirements during wildfire season. Forklift (and trailers): loading and unloading of wildfire project materials. utility task vehicles (UTV) (and trailers): Provide access to patrol lines and deliver material for suppression and to reach areas where equipment and vehicles are unable to travel in order to comply with Company policies and / or federal, state or local permit requirements for suppression and risk mitigation. Backhoes (and trailers): Provide clearing capability of wildland vegetation (brush, trees, etc.) in fire high consequence areas (FHCA ) to create work platform to protect vehicles from igniting dry vegetation while working in order to comply with Company policies and / or federal, state or local permit requirements for suppression and risk mitigation. (e) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 212-3 which provides the list of vehicles purchased, price, date and invoices. Purpose: Fire trucks: Vehicles that include basic fire suppression equipment to maintain the capability to extinguish a small fire that might ignite while working in the field. Company policy requires job site risk mitigation when fuels risks are elevated, regardless of calendar date. Federal, state or county permits often have suppression requirements during wildfire season. Forklift (and trailers): loading and unloading of wildfire project materials. PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 212 all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and UTVs (and trailers): Provide access to patrol lines and deliver material for suppression and to reach areas where equipment and vehicles are unable to travel in order to comply with Company policies and / or federal, state or local permit requirements for suppression and risk mitigation. Backhoes (and trailers): Provide clearing capability of wildland vegetation (brush, trees, etc.) in FHCAs to create work platform to protect vehicles from igniting dry vegetation while working in order to comply with Company policies and / or federal, state or local permit requirements for suppression and risk mitigation. Fuel trailer: provide fuel, generators and equipment during public safety power shutoff (PSPS) event. (f) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 212-4 which provides a list of vehicles purchased, price, date and invoices. Purpose: Fire trucks: Vehicles that include basic fire suppression equipment to maintain the capability to extinguish a small fire that might ignite while working in the field. Company policy requires job site risk mitigation when fuels risks are elevated, regardless of calendar date. Federal, state or county permits often have suppression requirements during wildfire season. UTVs (and trailers): Provide access to patrol lines and deliver material for suppression and to reach areas where equipment and vehicles are unable to travel in order to comply with Company policies and / or federal, state or local permit requirements for suppression and risk mitigation. (g) Please refer to the table provided below: Quantity Description Unit Price Amount 2 HCT Piercing Rod- Model 100 (PR100-75-LV 1000) $15,433.00 $30,866.00 15 F-500 (5 gallon pail) $184.75 $2,771.25 2 Dust Wash-2 Liter Bottle $29.50 $59.00 2 Dust Wash (5 gallon pail) - - 5 Turbo Knockdown and Overhaul Nozzle W/2-Litre bottle F-500 $1,995.00 $9,975.00 Total $43,671.25 Recordholder: Jed Nye Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 213 IPUC Data Request 213 From the Company’s Response to Production Request No. 55, Attachment 55-2 lists the following projects: 1) “Judge-Brighton 46kV Rebld for Wildfire”; 2) “Northeast-Medical 46kV Rbld for Wildfire”; 3) “Medical-Research 46kV Rbld for Wildfire”; 4) “El Monte-Eden 46kV Rebuild for Wildfire”; and 5) “Span Fk- Santaquin 46kV Rbld for Wildfire”. Please provide the following details for each of these projects: (a) Please provide a narrative description of each project scope and location. (b) Please identify the facilities that will be served by each project. (c) Plant in Service amount and date. (d) Accumulated depreciation. (e) CIAC associated with the line. (f) Accumulated CIAC amortization. (g) Please provide a map of the transmission line constructed by each project showing how it interconnects with other transmission lines and/or generation resources in the vicinity. (h) Please provide a current project management Gantt chart for each project showing the major elements of work, their duration and dependencies, and their percentage complete. Please highlight the project’s critical path. Response to IPUC Data Request 213 The Company assumes that the reference to “Attachment 55-2” is intended to be a reference to the Company’s response to IPUC Data Request 55 and Attachment IPUC 55-1. Based on the foregoing assumption, the Company responds as follows: (1) “Judge-Brighton 46kV Rebld for Wildfire”: (a) Complete rebuild of the Judge to Brighton 46 kilovolt (kV) transmission line (4.73 miles) that extends from Park City, Utah to Brighton, Utah. Rebuild transmission structures with steel structures framed to 138 kV standards and install 397 ACSR conductor. (b) Judge to Brighton 46 kV transmission circuit. PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 213 (c) November 2022. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. (d) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. Note: the Company does not maintain accounting records on a project level. The data provided in this response represent an estimate only (e) $0. (f) $0. (g) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-2 for the following files: i. Judge-Brighton Network Diagram 103551.086.pdf. ii. Judge-Brighton Map.pdf. (h) Project is completed. (2) “Northeast-Medical 46kV Rbld for Wildfire”: (a) Rebuild transmission line to 138 kV framing for wildfire mitigation between the tap and Medical sub. Line will be rebuilt using steel structures. Existing 1020ACCC/TW “Drake” conductor will be reused. Switch will be installed adjacent to tap. OPGW will be added between tap and Medical substation. (b) Northeast Sub., Medical Sub and McClelland Sub. In the Salt Lake City Metro area. (c) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. (d) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. Note: the Company does not maintain accounting records on a project level. The data provided in this response represent an estimate only. (e) Not Applicable. (f) Not Applicable. (g) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-2 specifically file, Northeast- Medical_IFC_Rev2 (h) Not Applicable. (3) “Medical-Research 46kV Rbld for Wildfire”: PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 213 (a) Complete rebuild of the Medical to Research 46 kV transmission line (0.85 miles) that runs along the northeast part of Salt Lake, Utah. Replace 14 transmission structures with steel structures framed to 138 kV standards and install 1557 ACSR conductor. (b) Medical to Research 46 kV transmission circuit. (c) November 2022. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. (d) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. Note: the Company does not maintain accounting records on a project level. The data provided in this response represent an estimate only. (e) $0. (f) $0. (g) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-2 for the following files: i. Medical-Research Network Diagram 103551.079.pdf. ii. Medical-Research Map.pdf. (h) Project is completed. (4) “El Monte-Eden 46kV Rebuild for Wildfire”: (a) Install new 230 kV transmission line (0.60 miles of double bundled 795 ACSR conductor) from Ben Lomond-Birch Creek 230 kV line to feed a new “Huntsville” substation with 230-46 kV transformer and install a new 46 kV transmission line (3 miles of 795 ACSR conductor framed to 138 kV construction) from the new Huntsville Substation to Eden Substation. This is located in eastern part of Eden, Utah. Replace substation dead ends at Eden Substation and add motor operated line switches. Complete rebuild of the El Monte to Eden 46 kV transmission line (9.615 miles) that goes from Ogden, Utah to Eden, Utah. Replace transmission structures with steel structures framed to 138 kV standards and install 795 ACSR conductor. Underground 6 miles of Eden 11 distribution circuit, 6 miles of Pioneer 13 distribution circuit and 3 miles of Eden 12 distribution circuit to meet FHCA standards. (b) Please refer to the Company’s response below for the facilities that will be served by each project: i. El Monte-Eden 46kV transmission circuit ii. Eden-Huntsville 46kV transmission circuit PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 213 iii. Ben Lomond-Huntsville-Birch Creek 230kV transmission circuit iv. Huntsville Substation v. Ben Lomond Substation vi. Birch Creek Substation vii. Eden Substation viii. El Monte Substation ix. Eden 11 distribution circuit x. Eden 12 distribution circuit xi. Pioneer 13 distribution circuit (c) Please refer to the Company’s below for the Plant in Service amount and date: i. El Monte-Eden 46 kV transmission circuit - $21,750,000 – October 2027. ii. Eden-Huntsville 46 kV transmission circuit - $5,500,000 – November 2026 . iii. Ben Lomond-Huntsville-Birch Creek 230kV transmission circuit - $3,800,000 – July 2026. iv. Huntsville Substation - $13,750,000 – July 2026. v. Ben Lomond Substation - $500,000 – July 2026. vi. Birch Creek Substation - $450,000 – July 2026. vii. Eden Substation - $750,000 – October 2027. viii. El Monte Substation – $75,000 – October 2027. ix. Eden 11 distribution circuit - $9,500,000 – February 2025. x. Eden 12 distribution circuit - $2,000,000 – November 2025. xi. Pioneer 13 distribution circuit - $3,500,000 – November 2025. (d) Not applicable due to future in-service dates. (e) $0. (f) $0. (g) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-2 for the following files: i. Eden-Huntsville Network Diagram 103551.000-068.pdf. ii. Ben Lomond-Huntsville-Birch Creek and Eden-Huntsville Map.pdf. iii. El Monte-Eden Network Diagram.pdf. iv. El Monte-Eden Map.pdf. v. Ben Lomond-Huntsville-Birch Creek Network Diagram 103551.000- 067.pdf. (h) Please refer to the Company’s response below: PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 213 • Project Budget and Scope Approved – 10/24/2019. • Transmission Scopes: i. El Monte-Eden 46kV Transmission Circuit 1. Engineering Complete – 5/16/2022 2. Materials Procured – 8/15/2022 3. Construction Start – 6/7/2027 4. Construction Complete – 9/24/2027 ii. Eden-Huntsville 46kV Transmission Circuit 1. Engineering Complete – 6/13/2025 2. ROW Secured – 8/22/2025 3. Permits Secured – 9/12/2025 4. Materials Procured – 2/18/2026 5. Construction Start – 5/18/2026 6. Construction Complete – 8/14/2026 iii. Ben Lomond-Huntsville-Birch Creek 230kV Transmission Circuit 1. Engineering Complete – 6/13/2025 2. ROW Secured – 8/22/2025 3. Permits Secured – 9/12/2025 4. Materials Procured – 2/18/2026 5. Construction Start – 5/18/2026 6. Construction Complete – 8/14/2026 • Substation Scopes: i. Huntsville Substation 1. Engineering Complete – 6/13/2025 2. ROW Secured – 8/22/2025 3. Permits Secured – 9/12/2025 4. Materials Procured – 2/18/2026 5. Construction Start – 10/19/2025 6. Construction Complete – 8/14/2026 ii. Ben Lomond Substation 1. Engineering Complete – 6/13/2025 2. Materials Procured – 2/18/2026 3. Construction Start – 5/18/2026 4. Construction Complete – 8/14/2026 iii. Birch Creek Substation 1. Engineering Complete – 6/13/2025 2. Materials Procured – 2/18/2026 3. Construction Start – 5/18/2026 4. Construction Complete – 8/14/2026 iv. Eden Substation PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 213 1. Engineering Complete – 6/13/2025 2. Materials Procured – 6/13/2025 3. Construction Start – 6/7/2027 4. Construction Complete – 9/24/2027 v. El Monte Substation 1. Engineering Complete – 6/13/2025 2. Materials Procured – 6/13/2025 3. Construction Start – 6/7/2027 4. Construction Complete – 9/24/2027 • Distribution Scopes: i. Eden 11 Distribution Circuit 1. Engineering Complete – 6/7/2022 2. Materials Procured – 5/13/2023 3. Construction Start – 6/15/2024 4. Construction Complete – 1/24/2025 ii. Eden 12 Distribution Circuit 1. Engineering Complete – 11/7/2024 2. Materials Procured – 3/14/2025 3. Construction Start – 5/12/2025 4. Construction Complete – 10/20/2025 iii. Pioneer 13 Distribution Circuit 1. Engineering Complete – 5/16/2022 2. Materials Procured – 8/15/2022 3. Construction Start – 6/7/2027 4. Construction Complete – 9/24/2027 (5) “Span Fk-Santaquin 46kV Rbld for Wildfire”: (a) The Spanish Fork to Santaquin 46 kV transmission line is located in the Fire High Consequence Area (FHCA) for a distance of about 3.82 miles near Salem, Utah. As part of the wildfire Mitigation plan (WMP), all transmission lines were reviewed that were inside the determined FHCA that was modeled by Reax Engineering. All wood constructed transmission lines inside the FHCA that will be over the age of 40 by the end of the seven-year WMP were determined in need of being replaced with all new materials built to our current transmission standards. The average age of wood poles on this line is already over this 40-year threshold; therefore this line is being rebuilt to mitigate the risk of igniting a fire in the Salem area. This rebuild will include all new fire wrapped wood poles and Hendrix Spacer Cable Conductor System. Scope of work: PAC-E-24-04 / Rocky Mountain Power September 9, 2024 IPUC Data Request 213 • Install all new poles on the Spanish Fork to Santaquin 46kV Transmission line • Install new Hendrix Spacer Cable Conductor System • Install fire wrap on the new wood poles (b) Part of Spanish Foek Santaquim 46 kV transmission circuit. (c) 8/31/2020 - Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. (d) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-1. Note: the Company does not maintain accounting records on a project level. The data provided in this response represent an estimate only. (e) $0. (f) $0. (g) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 213-2 for the following files: • Santaquin-Spanish Fork google earth • Santaquin-Spanish fork network Diagram (h) The project is completed. Recordholder: Jed Nye / Justus Evangelista / Nick Highsmith Sponsor: To Be Determined