HomeMy WebLinkAboutIGC LNG 2016Notice: This report is required by 49 CFR Part 191. Failure to report may result in a civil penalty not to exceed $100,000 for each violation Form Approved for each day the violation continues up to a maximum of $1,000,000 as provided in 49 USC 60122. OMB No. 2137-0522 Expires: 8/31/2020 Reproduction of this form is permitted. U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration ANNUAL REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2016 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG) FACILITIES Initial Date Submitted 02/27/2017 Report Submission Type SUPPLEME NTAL Date Submitted 05/31/2018 A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2137-0522. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 12 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, PHMSA, Office of Pipeline Safety (PHP-30) 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590. Important: Please read the separate instructions for completeing this form before you begin. They clarify the information requested and provide specific examples. If you do not have a copy of the instructions, you can obtain one from the PHMSA Pipeline Safety Community Web Page at http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline/library/forms PART A - OPERATOR INFORMATION DOT USE ONLY 20170373 - 00837 1. OPERATOR'S 5 DIGIT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (OPID) 8160 2. NAME OF COMPANY OR ESTABLISHMENT: INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO IF SUBSIDIARY, NAME OF PARENT: MDU Resources Group,Inc. 3. INDIVIDUAL WHERE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED: Name: Craig Chapin Title: Director of Engineering Services Email Address: craig.chapin@intgas.com Telephone Number: (208)377-6142 4. HEADQUARTERS ADDRESS: 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD, BOISE Street Address State: ID Zip Code: 83709 (208)377-6000 Telephone Number 5.RESERVED Notice: This report is required by 49 CFR Part 191. Failure to report may result in a civil penalty not to exceed $100,000 for each violation Form Approved for each day the violation continues up to a maximum of $1,000,000 as provided in 49 USC 60122. OMB No. 2137-0522 Expires: 8/31/2020 Reproduction of this form is permitted. PART B - PLANT DESCRIPTION, TYPE, AND FUNCTION Name,ID,and Status,should be EXACTLY THE SAME as NPMS fields LNG_NM,LNG_ID,and STATUS_CD. Location must match the location submitted to NPMS.The LNG Facility ID (LNG_ID in NPMS)is a unique ID for a specific facility and is assigned by the Operator. Use the following key to complete the Descriptive table(s)below: Status Codes LNG Source I In Service T Truck B Abandoned R Railroad R Retired M Ship/Barge L Liquefaction Type of LNG Plant Function of LNG Plant BL Base Load MI Marine Terminal -Import PS Peak Shaving ME Marine Terminal -Export SA Satellite MB Marine Terminal -Both MT Mobile/Temporary SL Storage w/Liquefaction OT Other:Describe SN Storage w/o Liquefaction SB Storage w/Both SU Stranded Utility VF Vehicular Fuel NR Nitrogen Rejection Unit OT Other:Describe Notice: This report is required by 49 CFR Part 191. Failure to report may result in a civil penalty not to exceed $100,000 for each violation Form Approved for each day the violation continues up to a maximum of $1,000,000 as provided in 49 USC 60122. OMB No. 2137-0522 Expires: 8/31/2020 Reproduction of this form is permitted. LNG Plant Name of LNG Plant NAMPA LNG PLANT NPMS LNG ID NAMPA LNG Location of Plant For a fixed LNG Plant, provide the State (e.g., TX); for a Mobile/Temporary facility, provide the Zip Code where it is typically stored. ID Zip code 83687 Plant Status I Date Put In Service 12/15/1974 Process Maximum Liquefaction Rate (MMCF/D) 4 Number of Vaporizers 3 Maximum Vaporization Capacity (MMCF/D) 60 LNG Source L Interstate or Intrastate Intrastate LNG Storage Number of LNG Tanks 1 Total Capacity (Bbls)175000 Type of LNG Plant PS Function of LNG Plant SL Inspection UNIT ID (DOT INTERNAL USE ONLY) LNG Plant Name of LNG Plant REXBURG SATELLITE LNG FACILITY NPMS LNG ID REXBURG LNG Location of Plant For a fixed LNG Plant, provide the State (e.g., TX); for a Mobile/Temporary facility, provide the Zip Code where it is typically stored. ID Zip code 83440 Plant Status I Date Put In Service 11/15/2006 Process Maximum Liquefaction Rate (MMCF/D) 0 Number of Vaporizers 1 Maximum Vaporization Capacity (MMCF/D) 19 LNG Source T Interstate or Intrastate Intrastate LNG Storage Number of LNG Tanks 1 Total Capacity (Bbls)1666 Type of LNG Plant SA Function of LNG Plant SN Inspection UNIT ID (DOT INTERNAL USE ONLY) Notice: This report is required by 49 CFR Part 191. Failure to report may result in a civil penalty not to exceed $100,000 for each violation Form Approved for each day the violation continues up to a maximum of $1,000,000 as provided in 49 USC 60122. OMB No. 2137-0522 Expires: 8/31/2020 Reproduction of this form is permitted. For each LNG Plant listed above (that is, for each column completed above), complete PARTs C and D. LNG Plant NAMPA LNG PLANT Any leaks?No Any other events?No LNG Plant REXBURG SATELLITE LNG FACILITY Any leaks?No Any other events?No IF PARTS C and/or D DO NOT PRINT BELOW FOR ANY PLANT LISTED ABOVE, IT IS BECAUSE THE OPERATOR HAS REPORTED THAT THERE ARE NO LEAKS OR OTHER EVENTS TO REPORT FOR THAT FACILITY PART E - PREPARER SIGNATURE Craig Chapin Preparer's Name (208)377-6142 Telephone Number Director of Engineering Services Preparer's Title Facsimile Number craig.chapin@intgas.com Preparer's E-mail Address