HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240903IPC to Staff 81 - Attachment 3.pdfResponse to Staff Request No. 81- Attachment 3 ATS PRO#4781632 3F0811024030192602 3F0811024020188602 UNIFORM STRAIGHT SIU OF LADING • Original • Not Negotiable • Domelltit ATS Specialized, Inc. 71/~ nPl'OllTlJl4.'11Y llM'f. • ST .• ~_i)lfP. IIJl 0'6101 • ?horr• i,w:, ,5<,-7,\00 CARRI ll!R i-lfCrtVt:O !JUtijr~:t tQ lire ct;..1$iilc~M ~'Xf mrlffs tri ~·•:ci: on th¢ il~t:: M thB is:iue :,,f tnl:1 9i$ (')f hdinrJ f'~OM ,s111?l'an Celestica de Monterrey, $.A de C. V A I CAU.E OCT A'IA 1t1fl2 PAAQut JNQlJ6TAr.ALMOHTEMEY. APODACA 0rJNS1G1,r.0 ro HEMINGWAY EXPANSION POC: TY JOHNSTON 208-559-4734 op.;1111ATlil~ HEMINGWAY EXP. srnm 1oes1w1LsoNoEMETERYRo. c,JY MELBA co,>'!w US ID .................. ~------···--·----.... ~-~-.................... ,, ........................ ...,,,,..,,------·---·--··---·------___ __, Oll!lE.~NO PO: 10161 lli'U'/ElllllG (;IRRIER NO. COll!;CT OIi D£UV£11Y $,,,......_ ___ .,....., ___ iM!drnml!:tt,,..., ________ _ C.0.0: CHARC'w. { SHIPl'fll ::i ----•--~-----------1 TOllf PAIDllY CONSIGNEE □ Arl<iraes 10651 WILSON CEMETERY RD. c.'ty MELBA ~---- 1 LITHRJMIONl!ATTERYSTOl!AGESYSTEMINCLUO!NG Lfl'H!UM-IONPOLVMER8ATTERIES 9072 KG UN353B ------------+-•rflti.:;;r,~:;ii i:,i:,\~t'll.f!1it.-li:!~'imiiiltN:; -·------;,---+--i ~)IJNr,tl\t~u::utr,r.1m11t-il ,t m<i:~1fmu: Lfl'HltJM ICH BATTERY STORAGE SYSTEM NClUDING UTHIUM-ION POLYMER 8ATTEAES 9072 KG UN3538 ,,, ..... '"'"·' --,,..,. 1 ACCESSORIES INCLUDED/ CLASS 9 PGII -·-----+----+ II SERIAL 3F0811~4040207402 / 3F0811024040207502 ------·-·--· ----------r'- 1----Freight ~ayment_th_i_rd_p_a_rt_Y ____ ~---·---·--------_ "'iiorl:-:-" carriers llallllity '°' loss er damage to MY atfi<;le or paruge tral!SJ)011i!Uo!,al1 be 11mtiooio $1 '.iioowiiooiiii'iiisaii'-miiiiiieivi" or $2.50 per pc,ood (all olllllf articles) of ca!flo 1;1!ight as speci~e<l m CS,,ler's Govemlng Rule,i Tar.rt. To declare a lll!iue grealer t!l8n s 1.00 or $2.SO per pound, oon1act ca!l'!or fo, wr;tten an.,nato ra!e q•.mte,si;,n and rP.hJm Quote to ATS and all!¢ declare mn:11 vioattoo twre _________ ey _______ Fallure to Mtum Signed written altemRtB r~tP. quote to ATS snd f.'IIY for grealllf valu<J roa,IJllS wiU !'llllM Carll81S llab>lil)i to $1.00 br $2.50 p81' pounij, SMlf'f'f.ll P~R DELIVERY RECEIPT mwrn _________ rRAcmRii PROJECT: IDP0061 mAILERil _3_6_4_9_9 ____ _ LOA!) DIMENSIONS: EMERGENCY NUMBER: NEW HORIZON 4145241200 UN3536 -·-·-·-----------DETENTION CHARGES: VEHICLES Willi POWER UNITS LOADING UNLOADING ---------COMPUTATION OF TIME: ATS PRO# 4781626 3F0811024030191802 3F0811024030193402 ATS PRO#4781628 3F0811024020184802 3F0811024020187502 ATS PRO# 4781631 3F0811024020188202 3F0811024020187402 ATS PRO#4781633 3F0811024020188302 3F0811024020186402 ATS PRO# 4781627 3F0811024020186002 3F0811024020187602 BILL OF LADING "rojcct #IDP0061 D,'\HO PO\VER COMPANY 10651 \VILSON CEl'v1ETARY RD v1ELBA, ID 83641 ?OC: Sean Barnes -360-899-2217 ry Johnson -208-559-4734 iERIAL# 3F0811024020185402 iERIAL# 3F0811024020185302 PICK UP DATE: DELIVERY DATE: WEDNESDAY NAME: HEMINGWAY EXPANSION Prepaid _Collect _3rd Party _ _ _ PROJECT PO#: 10161 Project #: IDP0061 BOL#: HE053 ATS PRO #: 4787303 DRIVERS NAME PICKUP FROM: LOPEZADRI 22401 MINES RD LAREDO, TX 78045 Hours: 9am- 6pm POC: James - (856) 625-7967 PPE, HARD HAT, SAFE7Y TOE SHOES, HIGH VISABILI7Y VEST, SAFE7Y GLOVES ARE REQUIRED Freight EJ'arge Terms (Freigh 15"arges are prepaid "9Jess marked otherwise): . -, ;-' > , : , • - -COMMODITY INFORMATION DESCRIP'TION OF GOODS # PKGS :NERGY SEGMENTS 2 2 96x62x128" TOT,-\L WEIGHT (LBS,) HAZARDOUS INFORMATION 4 0,010 UN3536, Lithium-ion Battery (including lithium-ion polymer batteries) CLASS 9, PG: II, 24HR EMERGENCY# -Chemtel, Velocity EHS 40,0 10 1-888-255-3924 Note: Liability limitation for loss or damage in this shipment may be applica . See 49 USC§ 14706(c)(l)(A} and (B). �CE!\IED, 5'.bJect to the ·comrT'()n Carner Rate Agreement" or the CONTRACT ..d I a 2 u�een tr.e Shipper ano Camer ,n effect on the date of Shipment, the property Shipper Signature ______ --:---/---_ -, ,,---. - / _ !escn� ee•ow, rece,ved 1n good order, except as noted (contents and condition of d :cr>te-its of P�•a;es un�nown), marked, consigned, and dest,ned as Shown below_ This is to certify that the a e e materials are properly classified, described,n,,s e '1 c' Lac"� ,s rct sucJect to any tar,ffs or class,t,cat,ons whether 1nd1v1dually packaged, marked anCL-rc1oeled and are in proper condition for transportation, :et�-"e<! c, f,'ed ,-.,tn any fede--a1 or state regulatory agency, except as spec,fically according to the apph able transportation, accordin g to the applicable regulat ions ofig,= :c n ·.-r :,r,g ty tre Sn1�cer and Carner. Rate 1nd1v1dually determ,ned and NOT the Department of Transportation. ;...;b;ect to f,:ed tar1f's Carrier Signat ure/Date - -. -. . Carrier acknowledges receipt of packages and required placards. Carrier certifies emergency response information was made available and/or carrier has the DOT emergency response guidebook or equivalent documentation in the vehicle. Property described above is received in good order, except as noted. Trailer Loaded:u By shipperU By driver Freight Counted:U By shipper u By driver/pallets said to containU By driver/pieces Receiver acknowledges receipt of packages in good order except as noted. ~G\l,'I·~ LLC ;_,Js:,c w.1 ELIVER10: -i0m1rgs,Jv ~n:Jro1:_ir1 rrcwn :iroject 1/IDf'O0S] 'DAl-<0 PO'vVER COMP1\"JY lOGSl WILSON CEr•/~Tf,RY rrn 1,1ELBA, ID 83641 DOC: Sean Barnes -360-899-2.217 Ty Johnson -208-559-4734 ;ERIAL;'; 3F08110l·102018S102 ;rnrAui-JFOs110;,402ornsso2 PICK UP DATE: DELIVERY DATE: WEDNESDAY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS :Nl flGY SEGMlNIS " PKGS 2 PROJtCT NAMt: HEMINGWAY EXPANSION PO~: 10161 Project 1-l: IDP0061 80llt: HEOS6 DRIVERS NAME PICKUP FROM: , LO"LZ.I\D~I , );)!\O: '.v11N[S IW L1'il1.~DO, TX 7301\'j llcurs: ~am-firm roe James ,:w1&) E2.J /96"/ PPE /-/ARD HAT SAFETY TOE SHOES H[GH VISABIL/TY VEST, SAFETY GLOVES ARE REQUIRED Freight Ffarge Terms (Freigh\31<1rges <1rt! prep<1id ~ess m<1rkl!d otherwise): Pr1:pc1,I ·--C,111~~\"_ 3rd P3r:y COMMODITY INFORMATION TOTAL o:··-1s ',\'U::;'~T (, llS,j %xS2x:'..28'' ,10,010 HAZARDOUS INFORMATION UN3536, Lithiu111--,011 l)Jt;cry (in~lucl1nF, lithi11m-m1 j)OlyPl(!I' b~·,tcr1c;1 (1/\SS 'J. ;>(; II 24HR EMERGENCY it -Chemtel, Vi:,locity EHS {,Q,010 1-888-255-3924 Note: Liability limitation for loss or damage in this shipment may be appllcilble -49 USC§ 14706(c)(l)(A) and (B). •[1.[]·1EC,, sul,1ec( lo \1,e "(~""""'' (~1P1e• Role ,:u,_u·1u I •Jr ,11~ (UIJTRl•(l .,;....,"' L-}_ I 0, -_---JI /~ , •. ·,e,,.-, Ine S• ,~pe, ""d ,:~"'"' ,e ,,1rec1 c,n u,e :i;,e er s11,r,,,,-~nt. ttIe C·'Ul'<iL"I Shipper Signature -/ • / C'""' / ;,p-•,ts ,,, 1,,._,,gei ,.,er,e:i m,i,,r ,~ .. , r:J <l•·~t,rHI 01 ,1 u.-,1, lid:,•;, This is to cmtify th it the ove namecl m.iteriills ilre properly classified, described, :•,:'.,,L~~ :~l~r. r~c,,,,r-6 ,r, guo:l c,1:le1, e,(-,DI a1 r,c·ec -:ccntO!nl' and ca-1<lll1on JI (;,, r,,, ! 1,,1 ,c:ir,g ,, a,:,• le ""I :a,,lf1u1 clcssi!,cu(,nns ,.,,,l"I~~' ir,J "ducllv paclrnged, marked abeled anc:I are in proper condition for transportation, • • • '7 " ,-o '" r '"" • ""1" r-:-r1,,1a1r.r·; ,,,,.r,., -.-,c,•n1 ,,,. s1,,,c,1,c,,11,, according to the applicable transportation, according to the applicable regulations of '.~,_•;;;:~I~:.,•-~ le• 01 r· .. , ,,,,~per onj Car''" na,~ n,;,•,r;J,,li·, ,Mu,,,,.' d ""d l•J:JI the Dep;,rtment of Trnnsportation, Carrier Signature/Date Carrier acknowledges receipt of packages and required placards. Carrier certifies emergency response informalion was made available and/or carrier has the DOT emergency response guidebook or equivalent documenlation in the vehicle, Property described above is reCC!ived in good order, except as noted. frailer Loaded; 'j lli' shippl!r U 13y driver Freight Counted: 1_J llv s1·,1pper ..J l!v criver/;:,allr;s 5,1111 la canl2in ..J ll)' drivr.,"i'P (!(('S f~Gf/Z~ Receiver acknowledges receipt of p.:ickagcs in good order except .is noted. ATS PRO #: 4787306 ,:,,; . . , ' • ,.PPER: _ ~ii, -'• •,, ---J\!illl LlC 205SO sv,.i 1F, •• /\\/l..NUl 1 1.JAI /\TIN OR 97062 UVEllTO: •krningwc1y [xpc1nc,ion Project )r0j~C, ll\DP0061 D/\HO POWER COMPANY \06Sl WILSON CEMETARY RD v1lLB/\, ID 83641 :ioc: Sean Barnes-360-899-2217 I',' jahnson -208-559-4734 ;ERIAL# 3F0811024020186702 ERlAL# 3F0811024020185602 PICK UP DATE: DELIVERY DATE: WEDNESDAY BILL OF LADING ---------· -- PROJECT NAME: HEMINGWAY EXPANSION PO#: 10161 Project U: IDP0061 BOLU: HE057 DRIVERS NAME PICKUP FROM: lOPEZADRI 22401 MINES RD LAREDO, TX 78045 Hours: 9am-6prn POC: James -(856) 625-7967 Page l G PPE, HARD HAT, SAFETY TOE SHOES, HIGH VISABILITY VEST, SAFETY GLOVES ARE REQUIRED Freight,ct,arge Terms (F -h -•• . ------: --. LJ re19 t...c.harges are prepaid Uf':less marked otherwise): Prepaid . -Collect LJ 3rd Party W __ __ ·,, ' COMMODITY INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF GOODS 11 PKGS DIMS ,NERGY SEGMENTS I z 96x62x128" L 2 IOTAL W[JGHT \Ll3S.) HAZARDOUS INFORMATION 40,010 UN3536, Lithium-ion 8zittcry (including Hthium-ion polymer batteries) CLASS 9, PG: /J, 24HR EMERGENCY#-Chemt_E:_I, Velocity EHS 40,010 l-888-255-3924 ") Note: Liability limitation for loss or damage in this shipment may be applicable. S 49 USC. § 6 1470/6(c 1 )(91~(7•.aan_o'--f(B. )-• -. "·tween tile Shipper ,Mel carrier ill effccl 011 the date of sh',prnent, t~c property Shipper Signature !l:CE/V[D, swoJ<:el to me "Common Came, Rate Agrcemern"" or the CONTRACT ta I'-'scn/Jed below, received In good order, ciccpt as noted (con1ent5 and condition of This is to certify that the ov a materia s are properly classified, described, i~~.,l~tis of packages unknown), mar~cd, con,Ig11etJ, and destined as 5.101~n i:lelol",. k d d •~j • ·· ' 1 ot L~d1ng Is not suuJe[I 10 ~ny tariffs or ,Iass,f,c<1t,ons wnetner md,vlcJllally packaged, mar e an lauo.s cl and are in proper condition for transportat,on, Jdeiirnnl'd 01 h'ed IvIrn "nv fodcrdl or slate regulatory a°"ency, c\cept as speC1r1011v according to the applicable transportat"lon, according to the applicable regulations ol i._!1.-c_d '.o '11 wr,!ing by Ill~ Sh,ppN ,lllrl carr,er. flat~ 1nd,v1tlvally determined and IIOT the Department of Transportation . . ,1/J}L•cl (o (,1,•d t.1rolf5 Carrier Signature/ Date Carrier acknowledges receipt of packages :rnd required placards. Carrier certifles 2-mcrgency response information was mi1de available and/or carrier has the DO~ emergency response guidebook or equivalent doc_umentation in the vehicle. Property descnbed above is received in ;iood order, except as noted. Trailer Loaded: ..J By sh'1pper 1,J By driver Freight counted: U By shipper '.J By dr1,..er/p3llets said ta contain CJ By driver/pieces Rece·wer acknowledges receipt of packages in good order except as noted, ATS PRO #: 4787305 HIPPER: POWIN LLC 20550 SIN 115'·< ,WLNU!.: TUALATIN, OR 97062 ELIVERTO: Hemingway Expansion Pr □JC'Ct DroJect #IDP0061 D/1.HO POWER COMPANY 10651 WILSON CEMETARY rw VlElBA, ID 83641 POC: Sean Barnes -360-899-2217 ry Johnson -208-559-4734 iERIAL# 3F0811024020185702 iERIAL# 3F0811024020187102 PICK UP DATE: DELIVERY DATE: WEDNESDAY OESCRIPTION OF GOODS .NEI\GY SEGMENTS BILL OF LADING PROJECT NAME: HEMINGWAY EXPANSION PO It: 10161 , Project#: IDP0061 1 BOL#: Hl:058 ; DRIVERS NAME PICKUP FROM: LOPEZADRI 22401 MINES HD i LAREDO, TX 78045 , Hours: 9am-6pm POC: James -(856) 625-7967 Pagelof1 PPE, HARD HAT, SAFETY TOE SHOES, HIGH VISABILITY VEST, SAFETY GLOVES ARE REQUIRED Freightcrarge Terms (Freigh111arges ar"e prepaid °&1ess marked otherwise): , Prepaid -·-· ---·----·-· COll§!Ct~ -------, _____ 3r_c:!.!:~~--------------------- COMMODITY INFORMATION # PKGS ] DIMS TOTAL WEIGHT' (LGS.) HAZARDOUS INFORMATION 2 96x62x128" 40,010 UN3536, Lithium-ion Battery (including lithium-ion polymer batteries) CLASS 9, PG: I~ ;··-24HR-E~ER.~i~cv #-S_h_em!E:?l! ~_elo~~tY Et!_? __ _ 40,010 i 1-888-255-3924 Note: Liability limitatio~· f~-r lo ---·~d ·----------· --··---·-. -· ··-------· ··------·------4?-SC§ l410.6(c)(1)(A.) and_ (B). -- )etwc·Pn I ~P Sh1~r,~r aM Ca~,:~,~n ~r°'' ~• Rate AgreEm<,nt'· or !he CO'JTR.ACT • / ~rmvrn sct>wci to the "C 55 or amage in this shipment may be applicable. S it Q # JescribPd heloe,, rcceo;cd ,n grn:,d O~di,cl e0,~ ~h~ daie Of ~1ipmer.t. the propcrt . • __ __-:__ ---~ · ---• -·--· :c,,:~n1s 01 p,,ckag~s~nk.,:i,,n, ma, cl c~1 as not<=d lcont~m,and Y Shipper Signature __ _ __ -----------·-. 1 e properly c1ass1fied, described, r,,., B,11 or Lad,ng ,, n-:i11ub1e:t 0 10 0;,~\~r~f~,"1'9%:l. ~nd dest,~ed ~5 se~-~1~d,t,~n or Th. . h b a ed materJ 5 ar portation Jete·m,n~d or r,1e~ w,th ,ny f~dQral or wate"/',cl.•1s•r c;;t,ons wheth~, ,nd .□"low. rs IS to certify that t e a O d ·n proper condition for trans 1 'r of isre~d :" "' wr,t,nci t:y tnc SO,pper on1 c EqJtctory agency cvce . ,v,dually packaged, marked and lab e an are,., according to the applicable regu a ions ;ubwct 10 r.1,,u 1a,,rr, "''''"-lldl~ 1nd,v,du~ii-d P, as ipe~111 ::a11-, acco•d·ing to the •ppl·ic"'bl .t ansporta JOn, { eterm,nM and MOT , ., <> . Carrier Signature/Date the Department of Transportatio~. Trailer Loaded: Carrier acknowledges receipt of ·- and required placards. Carrier cta.c~ages emergency response informat·, rtifies •, bl on Was made ava1 a e and/ or carrier h DOT emergency response guide~s the C!quivalent documC?ntation in the ~ok _or Property described above is receiv:~l~le, good order, except as noted. in LJ By shipper U By driver --F;~i9ht-Co-u~1:~d: ll By shipper . lJ By driver/pallets said to contain o By driver/pieces ATS PRO #: 4787304 HIPPER: POWIN I IC 20sso S\.-V j 1 f 1\VLNUI fUALATIN, OR 9/067 EUVERTO: lemingway Expansion Proj0ct JroJect fllDP0061 DAHO POWER COMPANY 106Sl WILSON GM!.: rAHY /W 'vlFLBA, 10 83641 POC; Sean Barnes -360-899-2217 ry Johnson -208-559-4734 iERIAL# 3F0811024030199602 lICK UP DATE: DELIVERY DATE: THURSDAY DESCRIPTION OF GOODS '.NERGY SEGMENTS arricr Signature/Date arricr acknowledges receipt of packages nd required placards. Carrier certifies mergcncy response information was ,ade available and/or carrier has the OT emergency response guidebook or quivalent documentation in the vehicle. roperty described above is received in ~ oode,, except as noted. PROJECT NAME: HEMINGWAY EXPANSION pO #: 10161 Project#; JDP0061 BOL#: HE062 DRIVERS NAME PJCl<UP FROM: LOP[7ADR/ 22401 MINES RD LARWO, TX 78045 Holns: 9am-6pm POC. James -(856) 625-7967 Page f'fEL HARO HAT, SAFETY T~~ SHOES, HIGH VISABilITY Jl.giJ; SAFETY GLOVES ARE REQUIRED --. -rked otherwise): Freight FJ1arge Terms (Fre1gh~arges are prepaid ~ess ma PncpJ1d 1 ---Collect ---------3r(J P,ir' I COMMODITY INFORMATION # PKGS ; DJMS TOTAL WEIGHT HAZARDOUS INFORMATION 2 2 Trailer • Loaded: □ By shipper □ By driver (LBS.) 9f,xG7xl28" 40,010 UN3536, Uthi-.mi ion Battery (includi_1'.g lithium-Ion polymer battrr1f's) CLASS 9, PG: II, 40,010 ,' Freight Counted; ; 0 By shipper ) 0 By driver/pallets said to contain 1 1 O By driver/pieces I 24H_~--~~fRGENCY # -Chemtel, Velocity EH~ ~ : Receiver Signature I Date - I , 4-h----zl---C/i/24/Z'--f Receiver acknowledges -t f I good oode, except as no::~~•P o packages ;n i ATS PRO #: 4787307 4784082 i\,·�� � ::i�r"::ii; Celestica de Monterrey, S.A de C.V ·• · .. �:(,�.,.-,.,-�,,:.,-, .. : ;•;�·,,,• .,.,_' ... ,,_: ,,, . ·'"""' :·· .. ,,, ., .. , '.. •, > :·,,-:,,· .••. ,, , .• , .. •:• " ., ·>·, :,,. •. •'•·:,,--.·,·.•• ,-.,,.. -.···•• t�•:•:,�il,•· • "•:,,,, ·-:-:••><"-'" ,_.,, •. ,_,1,, • • ·a,' ,.,··k', :, •I ,-,,�-· ,. ..:,. ,.,,,:!·•.�.,·, ,,., -,-, .. ,, .• , ...• '''" ·1,.,, .. ,. ,,.,-�,�,.'. ,,,,,.;s,;,csns HEMINGWAY EXPANSION CARRIER MAY 13, 2024 '"'"1'''" PO: 10161 ----------------------- ID c.n.o CH-:.ii�(;r {"HwnR . .! _____ ----m�"·"·•·------J TO l�F P,',l:) IW CGf�:)J(iNL'.�'.; ·! 10651 WILSON CEMETERY RD . . ,., MELBA UH15�6 urn,u1.1 ,ON e.nTER-.. ST�01•<>F �'"�TFM INCLUD'NG L THIUM· ON �OL vt.1tl'I [l.l,,TTEn1e� 9072 KG UN"l53D ,----1 ------1-ACCESSORIES INCLUDED/ CLASS 9 PGII }----!-----!SERIAL 3F0811024040205202 I 3F0811024040205602 .,,, ,. ··-:• . .,•,-'<", ::,· , • ....,,,,.,:�:-,r •,., .··<·:: ' 'iu·):0 I , ',-:ct.-: 1----'-----F_re_ig,,_h_t..cp-'-a'-ym_en_t_t_hi_rd_pc_a_rt..,cy ____ ...__ ____ ,___-'----l O '�"_·••-LO__.,,_, ... _._-; -----�--�--,-,---,,..,,,-,�------1 , �;�/ _v_�I �l(ITi: e:-cr!le:s !:a'.r.!:c.- f(f.' :c:;, er jJl""-Q� to ai1� arti-�1£: Cl p;1ckl\)i:' 1,a,1sCl,�,(G �h<1;1 r1:· li:;11te{i !Cl 'ti ,rll) f!�I ;:GLPJ lliS�'J m�•;:�lfl(:l'.'I • ,, ..• ,,_ ,·.:G: S'c.5J :i�r /JO,c/i� ;�! ,:itne1 ap..i(;;::s; <:,l ;;;.irgo 1·;a;ight:G sp,::c:lie•j ,r1 Ca�: er ·s Go-,ern:11g :10:i:,s r�r,:f lo l'.:e,_1.:re .:i 1ait1e (jT�:Jre, ��11 ::., ,.;;1J ;::;• s:: :CG pz:-oo::=�cCI. �O':'M; '-''f'i?' fn, ,.,.,tl�;i c:11-:matl' !<l'tt <l:'J�lr.11-;n fl"l:i relwn ,;1!(}\0 oo 1\ i S .1"C 11;:o cie�l�r� n11ch v�,,;�:,rn t,.11;; ____________ e,, _________ ��ilum !r, rntur� s,gn,;d wcit1r.n ni:�rn�t;-r,•t,1 �uotr. !11 ATS 311'1 i\�!' tor g,,--;;<?r •t;-,luc -::ia,g�s 1\·:11 :r,•,ert Gc1:i1�1 s lra,1it11Y Ir $: O,') -:.r s:_::;(l �wr p,1,m(1. □ELlVERY RECEIPT 27020 ,,mr.,;r 40 ,000LBS :•·Ncfh_9_6_'_' ____ \W.n'·i�6:_2_'_' ___ _ 128" :-1: :(;>[i --------- EMERGENCY NUMBER: NEW HORIZON 4145241200 DETENTION CHARGES: VEHiCL.fS WITH POWER UNITS L0l1Dlr�G RECEIVEO IN GOOD CONDJTION UNLESS OTHERWISE IHDiCATf:O ON TTliS BU (_,,·5,·;;,:(;C: :J,,t,,_,,., ll.,t;,, u:,·.i!i ,,�[O;T MHH)'.'/,L E i' T:;[. ,.:J,:pr;P,(ff[: :::nKC ,r,c :,: C·).}lJfJ Mti., n:r:oir TUit,<:_; ,1,1,1;; ,�n·; ·v,✓<;. :,.:,.� "'!:i-1 P..S:::M ::-.Utl·S it-�:f;' j:;r., if" Ct:!-Hlfii r,;,-.,. ,u 1H_f;L)1/FJ• :'r{!;1Ciil r;1'./>,Pt:i:'.: l,i'/i.'i:,\C,.1 :Jr U;·Jr:,:;:mJ nmCES..': Di, i:3'f i.n!G!, 1:r;1< : �f: IW<n(, Of �hf. f fl['i(�i' :· OiNH-t:_; v,11.L;�, \:J :-1�. :,;:;;;,,;�(· I i:; ;,,:-; ,'1.l)!);i:•;t;;q_ !)/fr.-i HlHIJ {:/;i) 1_H· 1 Ii;· Hii:lhi:; ;l!U. JV,:},Lil.i·. UN3536 UNLOADl�JG Real Del. Date 5/13/24 5/13/2024 '··,,,�1 f�1-:::i;:,u: Celest1ca de Monterrey, S.A de C.V CARRIER < 1 �.,. ' .,,· .. -,.-�, ,., >,,, .,, .. , ., �,,_.,,.,,,. ",., .. , :, ... ,. :,.-'"'' ,.,,,.,,, ,, ';: • ' . ",,., ,., ;,, ,,., ' ',,,,,' ,.,• ', •i"'•"' •a<:,,,.,,. ,,:,,,,,,,, .. ,5\• .,,. :-·�-· •. -. ··�•,,,.. ..,,,.,·;,•, .• , .,.,.,,, .. ,-.,;. .-... ,. ''""'··· 4792282 MAY 13, 2024 --,:.•·,j·> POC: TY JOHNSTON 208-559-4734 '''"'·''''" HEMINGWAY EXP. '""' 10651 WILSON CEMETERY RO ,,,,, MELBA ,,,, US "" ID ;--------------- [ L TH!UM ION 8ATTEF!V STO<\AGE SYSTEM NCLUD N3 LITHIUM-I:)N POL YMEA BATTE<=IIE'S L TH•Ut.t ION BATTE!W STOR,1,GE SYSTEt.1 NCLUDING LITH•UM-ICN PCL Yt.lEFl BATTE<=lIES 9072 KG ACCESSORIES INCLUDED/ CLASS 9 PGII SERIAL 3F0811024040205502 • 3F0811024040208902 Freight payment third party '".l'!""'' PO: 10161 ·-,.,,.,-,.,,, _,,,._, , .. _,, ·, �::; ,_,-,,•.�-·'<: •. _,.•·c-�•�-•-,:, �,•,;:1,•,,r-, --,,.--.,,,·. ·or 1�-�,�-, ·; , . . �;� :-::,•�>;: .. / ,,,. NOi E. C�mers i,a!JiltW lot ics•, er Ca1i:age to :m� ,1,t.:1e er 1;acV-.1ge' 11'.lnSDor1M �11a1: be il"ilt�O tc $1 l}r) per pou::tl ws�<:I m:1t:>1rit:-n ;;ir S2.50 per )Xl,md (al! atM1 ar::c;es) ol rn:::io wt1 9h! a:; tptcitied 1n Carrier's Gm•emi119 f-lu!es rar:tf. "lo c:ec:are a Ya:u� �realer fu:in :;. ; .l;[J m S�-�0 per ;JQ Ure!I. CQr<1JC1: cHiC' fo, wr,ttrn �IMrnate rn:e q•Ji!l�.S!•Jn and return •.w:ite ro t,TS ;ind .11so cct!�,e ;uth •;a:�,11lC·l1 twre ____________ e� _________ �uHu1f:! !o ff:turn �,gmcd \'."i11f:!fl ailerr.ate ,�,!11 :iuot� to AT:": sn� pa� rc11 gr,c:;,er •«il,1€ c!iargss w:!I ff!�('rt CtJfier� 11,m:lit. t(l s: GO ,:.,r $2.5() per �o:mtl 40,000LBS 96" EMERGENCY NUMBER: NEW HORIZON 4145241200 DETENTION CHARGES: l'EHiCLES WITH POWER UNITS LOADING ,.,"f"J::::1 ,�, ;r,;�7)[\i;,c ,,Third part}' __ 36451 128" :(iH:" ____ _ GN3536 UNLOADING RECEIVED IN GOOD CONDITION UNLESS OfHEHWISE INDICATED OflTtl!S D!LL Hf'.is! _____________ _ !(i D1�:"',: ;;} :,:-;� ,<,(/>M ,..;:,:( i:�'. :;",J<.?;· ;:'_if_: IF c..-.1,:-::f ii H,�) ro ;,,:;uv:=1< irif:1.'.H: i):1m•.:i, \ WI 8Y ... t,•lt..-\,'<:> (;f- ('.[ :: : f ::. : ,(!�,; i ·HGU\�; DH ff/ UT!:..:}, 1 :a_;r,; 'Ht PA'ID!> G!' ·i Hf:. f :\t:rni e ;·:,n;�::ft'. W!U CARRIER , .. Celest1Ca de Monterrey, S.A de C.V •· 4784086,· ';:_L. PT-2402135 MAY 13. 2024 ,,.,,;,:·., ' ' - ,·:, ,<, ,, ' ,,,HEMINGWAY EXPANSION POC: TY JOHNSTON 208-559-4734 :___:_:___:_:.:::::.:::_:::�.:__:::�::.:.::::.:::_:_ _____ ____:__.::_::��____:::_;__c-,=:�'-'------:::::-·-'" HEMINGWAY EXP. SI"'' ,oss,w,cSONCEMETERYRD MELBA '''·""" us___ ID PO: 10161 --.... -···-----. .. :i(-StifJf\�l!V�m· ... _ •• 1 � <'l 'l f t--1>1',(,� f <;Mif'.'H' __ ...... J1\}(\/ "'A'Of,Y l,.(ON",t{,'-/n ,, 10651 WILSON CEMETERY RD ,, MELBA ID "' 78045 UN:IS:JO ; l nWM C->N AATTE='-f" ST:J"AGE svsTFr.l 1Nt.LUC•N8 L'THIUM-QN �:ll"IJE-� flATTE�1Es i 9072 KG ---------------------------'-----,---t---•\�-·· • I nt1U� 0Nl:'UTE9" STC:�AGF �VSTEM 1NCLUD·NG L 'THIUM :)N P:"ll-'t.lEn 0ATTE�IFS 9072 KG ACCESSORIES INCLUDED/ CLASS 9 PGII--·-· -··· , SERIAL 3F0811024040205702i 3F0811024040206402 UN3536 __ F_r_e-"ig_h_t ,__Pa_,y0m._e_n_t_th __ i_rd_p,__a_rt..:.Y _____ , _____ _.L __ 1 !,· 'i ·: �;·;;;;;;·1,�t;:'�;_·,;-10: !Cs<; Cl dO!"il;jt' ·;�·�,r,;;--,;;-j;::�� -�·;·c:v:klg':.' t1�11��11•W Silall t,� l1;;ult•� tc $1 00 pr:r �Ot!-''J llJ;;;;·"�;:c::1ritr11 ,.• :;.�-'.,') oer �'{);,/Id ;,:J: (ll:tl8I artic•es: ol u1rQo ;-;H;;hl a:; sp�L:fie.j 1n Cmt1er"e i:o·,em:n;J ='ILiitS TJr.tf To declart il �iliue �rt:iltei �::in ,., .,, ... "'f:. per �rJ,,,,n_ GO!l'!an G"l'rlf'' jr,, \W'11:Dr1 il!r:rn�tf· :�if q•Jr ,(e.Sl�if1 ('1:1,j Mill'<] •WO�� t); I\ T$ ani:i al�;, (tP,fl�re ae1ch 'Hh.::itlr•fl t·,·1 t ------------S\' _________ =flii11m "' r,-ttIm �1[1."r.d wcitti,,1 fli(err.11!;• r<,tl' ::jll(ltr, tn HS :,md ;:-.i. '(', �,i,cac,;r �;;1,:r; ,.1,n,oes will 'fl'Ja;,ri faniPtS liiK1iliTv ll> S; r;,) ',r 32.�(I p8r p,1un(1 ,, "'·' .. . ,-.. ,_, 62" 36395 n= ·J',·'t,•'",, ,-.·>. 128" EMERGENCY NUMBER : NEW HORIZON 4145241200 UN3536 Rf _CE!','fO IN GOOD CONDITION UM.JSS OTHf.RWJSE INDICATED ON nus DlLl ··-j UNIFOR M SlRAIGHT BILL OF LADING -Original -Not Negotiable • Domestic@ATS Specialized, Inc. CARRIER'S MFST NO. 4 ( ( ( LL 1(Bil NO.) SHIPPER'S NO. PT-2401524 DATE April 4, 2024 725 OPPORTIJNITY DRIVE -ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 -Phone (320) 255-7400 CARRIE R RECEIVED subjec t to the. ctasslflcattoos and tariffs in effect on the dllfe of the ls..'IUe of lhls BIii ol lMling FROM(SHIPPER) Celestica de Monterrey , s.A de C.V AT ourncr•v•"'""r•,.....,F,�n"�rn .. ,....,..,F� .• ror,.0, '"� orop�rty dntr•�M bel<lw ,n •op�,8,1 good <)!dor •"•�I "'"Oltd (<oot•�ls ""� eoedlllo" or conltnl• or P>!d�ges unk"n"n) rr,g1led <""1)0,od""" de,llned "' iho""' C..Tow. •�•t� 90;d CO'P'P•"'I (The •o•d «l<IIPll"Y bom� 1i1,ci�t11t0<>d !hr¢"9hol 0 1�,, contt•cl "' ,,,...,n;ng ""� P•''"" 0, ,nn,or•Mn ,n """""I"" ol lho 91•�<!1 ""dH lhe tontroct) •,i•H• 10 ea,,, to ,11 ""'"'' pl•c• of d,1,.,,, 11 •••d d"""'""on, � on ,11 0.., ,.,r,oild _, l,n •. h,g�""'Y routt or l'O<UH 0, ..,,thlo t� 1,,,,1ocy o! ,t, i,;hl'•V ni•,allon, o,�.,,..,. lo d•ll .. r !o """lh., tome, on 11 10 "'"'" In u,d d-.1lifla!lon !I lo ,n,,tu•�v •�r..,.d 11 !<J H,h ear'"lr of ,11.,,,,,., of,,.., Df{lP"!�1 trl+t oll o, any ""�'on C'I! !O,d '""� to de,t .. Ol•M ••d •• lo ••eh M,,, •l ""' 1,,,, ,,1.,.,1.� '°�II"'""' o! .. ,d prol)trt, 1h01 ••• ,,"'"""lo�-p,,,,,,,, ... 1 h"'"""d"' lhOII bot ,Ub1�1 ·� "" "'" coed,l•�"I (Ill! Df{lh,t.!od by, .... ,,.,l!l<tr l)fo,ted <>< ,.,,11en . he'llm cnetom&<r. ,-.i;lud,rQ IH cood,1,0" ""�•Cl""'""' wt,1c,1> ""' 1>0,oby 09,••d 10 bV 1110 11>,pp" ond a<copl!l<l 101 h•mt,11 oM hr, ""'I"' CONSIGNED TO Hemingway Expansion -IDP0060 POC: David Kroeker - Tel: 580-890-7011 DESTINATION Hemingway Expansion STREET 10651 Wilson Cemetery Rd CITY Melba CO\JNTY us STATE ID ROUTING {STOPS) OROfR NO PO 10161 DELIVERING CARRIER VEHICLE OR CAR INmAl NO Subjeci to Sedlon 7 of <;.O(ldillornl ,t lflls sfl1pmer,t is to be MIIV'ere,:l to the COOSIQMe w11hou1 fee(IIIW! on tM ooris.!)IIO!'. !he co,isigoor shall sign lh!t rollowlng statement; 1 UTHIUMIO'IMTTERVSroRIIGE:SVSTI:MINCLUDIIIIG LlTHIUM-101\iPOLYME.RBf,TiERIES 9072 KG UNt53& '---...Jf--------------------------1-=..:._;.::__::._ __ l---+----J TheCl!rTiersria� riot w.!ke�iYeryctllllis 1 shipment without ;iaymoot al !felgtll and 1 UTHtUMION BATTERY STORA.GE SYSTEM INCLUaNG LITI-IIUM-ION POL YM�R BATTERl�S 9072 KG 005311 all other lawlul Chal lJffi t--'---,f--.=.:..=..:==========+.===---1--+--1 ACCESSORIES INCLUDED I CLASS 9 PGII SERIAL 3F0811024030199302 / 3F0811024030200202 Freight payment third party NOTE: carriers liability tor loss or damage to any article or package transported shall be limited to $1.00 per pound (used machinery) or $2.50 per pound (all other articles) of cargo walght as spe<:tfied In Carrier's Governing Rules Tar1fl. To declare a value greater 1han S1 .00 or $2.50 per pound, contact carrier for written alternate rate Quote,sign and return quote to ATS and also declare such valuation ho,e, -----------By________ Failure to return signed written alternate rate Quote to ATS and pay tor greater value charges will revert Carriers liability to $1 .. 00 or $2.50 per pound. FREiGHT CHMGES Check App�\ale Bo.-.: Received S t/ lo ai,pry 11 p,eJ)llyffie(lt of uw charges on the p,Operty i:iescribed nereon t-----���--���---------------�----��-------,""----------'11 tl>e sllrpnrent m"""' be�n two ports by a oamBr by water, Ille law roQu,res "The boxes used tor this Shipmerrt (The signature he:re iild<noWledges ooly Ille lllal tl'IO 1;1111 ot la<ba g s11a1I s!ateWlie!her ,1,. ·c.i,rn••·sor sh,r,p,,n_!,llll_ conform to the specifications set forth in amoun1 prei,air:I .) Ship per's Certification • This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classif1e<I, the box makers certificate !hereon and desmbed, _packaged, marked and labeled and are in proper condI!1on for tra!1Spllnatioo according al! other re.Quirements of Rule 5 of the to tile apphcable re gulat10nS of the Department of TransportaUO!l." Consolidation Motor Freight Classification." SHIPPER PER AGENT PER �'::l.::a, Third part Permanent address of shipper, (Ths BIU ol ladiiYJ!! is to be Sl!J)ld by Ile s/1,pper n;I agent rJ lhe 13Y1er IS:SIJrlQ sme) DELIVERY RECEIPT DRIVER---------TRACTOR# PROJECT: IDP0061 TRAILER# _3_9_2_4_2 _____ _ LOAD DIMENSIONS: WEIGHT 4O ,OOOlbs LfNGTH_9_6_" ____ �DTH-6_2_" ____ HEJGHT 128" EMERGENCY NUMBER: NEW HORIZON 4145241200 UN3536 DETENTION CHARGES: VEHICLES �TH POWER UNITS LOADING UNLOAD!NG COMPUTATION OF TIME: CONS!GNEf/ CONSIGNOR RELEASE OF VEHICLE -COMPLETE NotrtJcation of Arrival of Vehicle ,.m T,,,. ___ p.m. �GNAlURE By _____ _ Loadi ng or Unload Date RECEJVED IN GOOD CONDITION UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THIS Bili. UPON CREDIT APPROVAL BY THE CORPORATE OFFICE IN ST. CLOUD, MN., CREDIT TERMS ARE: NET 15 DAYS AS PER ASSM RULES TARIFF 100. IF CARRIER HAS TO RECOVER FREIGHT CHARGES BY MEANS OF COLLECTION P-ROCESS OR BY LITIGATION, THE PAYOR OF THE FREIGHT CHARGES WILL ALSO BE SUBJECT TO AN ADDITIONAL ONE-THIRD (1/3) OF THE FREIGHT Bill BALANCE. a.m. T""--p.m. CONSIGNEE CONSIGNOR SIGNATURE By _____ _ FIRM 7'.::_.k'.:.:,.,"'§;::z:._ ---; ---­ ,9? �c' r < i'l j;,.,, /1. he I ;,.o1, BY DATE----"'o_'-f'-,-"_,_2_-_-z._v _4/2/24___ _ 198802 198002 193802 194802 4/2/24 DILL or LJ\DING p�ge 1 of 1 ..... -·-. ·- . . -· ...... : POWIN LLC 20550 SW 115111 ,\VENUEi TUALATIN, OR 970G2 . . - . ··-----··---- Hemingway bpam,io11 ProjectProject UI0P0O Gl IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1 1 0651 WILSON CEMETARY HbMEU3A, ID 83G41 POC: Scan Barnes• JG0-899-2217Ty Johnson· 208-559-4734 JJllOJCCT NAM(: IILMltJGWAY £:XPANSION l'O II: lOHil P1ojctl II: llH'OOGl UOL/1: IILOOl HE002 UIUVLllS NAME PICl<UP FHOM: LOPEZ/\DHI 22401 MI_NES KD LAHEDO, "fX 78045 Hours: 9am-6pm POC: James· (856) 625-7967 -------------------·--·-·---------------- SERIAL# 193702 SERIAL# 18 7802 PPE, HAl"?.D I-IA T, SAFE1Y TOE SHOES, HIGH VISABILITY VEST,_ SAFETY GLOVES ARE REQUIRED ••• ·---·--···-·--· ..... ··········-"-·"·'"-·--·-----------·--··-.. ·-·--·-···--·-·-----·--·-·· .. ···· ......... _, _________ .,., .......... -··-------... -------·------PICK UP DATE: THURSDAY 3/28/2024 DELIVERY DATE: TUESDAY 4/2/2024 Freighterarge Terms (Freightr�rges are prepaid °lxiess marked otherwise): . Prepaid ......... ·----··· ..... _____ Collect ___________ --····-··········-3rd Party_________ ---·------····-__ _ _ _ ---········. ·--···-··; i -• ·-----------·--·--···-----··-------··------------ ·--·-·----!'..:>.��-':!.ability limitation for loss or damage i� this shipm�_nt m�-�e �c:ab_!::_ fil:_ 49 �\§�?06(c)(1){A) and (B}, Rl:CEJVED; suDJCCt to the '"Common Comer Rote Agreement" or lhe CONTRACT ; h. . �� • betwcc" the Snipper and Camer in effect on the Oate of shipment, the property I S rpper Signature ... ___ .. ---··=-°-·------�---·-·-·-----'---··---.. -··-----···· -·---w aescr,bed bf:low, received'" gooo orocr,. exce�t as nuleo (conlents ano conchtion of I This is to certify thal the above named materials arc properly classified descr ibed . con1enIs of packages un�nown), mar�ed, consigned, and des.uned as shown beJo�, I . . . - 1 • • , rn.s 6dl 01 Lading is not subJect to any tanlfs or class1f,cc1l1ons whether iod1vid:1ally • I packaged, marked and labeled and arc an proper cond1t1oq for transportation, aeterm1n&1 01" filed w,th any fedllral "(state regulatory agency, except as spec1f1cally i according to the applicable transportation, according to the applicable-regulations of agreed to in wr,t1ng b y the Stupper and Carrier. Rale 1nd,v1duall)I determined and NOT , the Department of Tran sportation., subJect to Med tariffs : Carrier Signature/Date C�� a"°ckn-owledges receipt of packages •and rE:quircd placards. Carrier certifies' emergency response information wasmade available and/or carrier has theoor cme19ency response guidebook or equivalent documentation in the vehicle. , property described above is received in ; good order, C.4CCpt a!> noted. I.. Trailer l.9jlded: CY Dy shipper □13y driver I ! ' Fl)!ight Counted: lf Dy shipper 0 Dy driver/pallets said to contain 0 By driver/pieces Receiver a k vlcdgcs receipt of packages in , good order except as noted.