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20240829PAC to Staff 134-2 - Anticline Baseline Schedule.pdf
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float ANC-BL-3 Anticline Substation Baseline 1.44ANC-BL-3 Anticline Substation Baseline 1.44 503.50 22-Feb-23 09-Oct-24 19.00 ANC-BL-3.MS Project Major MilestonesANC-BL-3.MS Project Major Milestones 503.50 22-Feb-23 09-Oct-24 19.00 ANC-BL-3.MS.CM Contract MilestonesANC-BL-3.MS.CM Contract Milestones 311.00 22-Feb-23 09-Oct-24 16.00 MS.CM-01 Contract Execution 0.00 22-Feb-23*16.00 MS.CM-02 Full Notice To Proceed 0.00 10-Mar-23 20.00 MS.CM-03 Period of Perfomance 299.00 10-Mar-23 09-Oct-24 16.00 MS.CM-04 Final Completion 0.00 09-Oct-24*16.00 MS.CM-05 Detailed preliminary schedule (60)0.00 01-May-23 40.00 MS.CM-06 Detailed CPM Schedule 0.00 10-May-23 87.00 MS.CM-07 QA/QC Plan 0.00 25-Apr-23 20.00 MS.CM-08 Safety Plan 0.00 05-Apr-23 40.00 MS.CM-09 Environmental Assurance Program 0.00 13-Apr-23 30.00 MS.CM-10 345kV Temporary Shoofly Complete 0.00 10-May-23 70.00 MS.CM-11 Phase shifter Foundations Complete 0.00 21-Jul-23 76.00 MS.CM-12 Project Mechanical Completion 0.00 12-Jun-24 21.00 MS.CM-13 Project Substantial Completion 0.00 13-Aug-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.MS.SAP Start 345kV yard PhaseshifterANC-BL-3.MS.SAP Start 345kV yard Phaseshifter 178.00 02-May-23 13-Jun-24 17.00 MS.SAP-01 Construction start 0.00 02-May-23 45.00 MS.SAP-02 Foundation start 0.00 30-May-23 28.00 MS.SAP-03 Dead End steel start 0.00 22-Aug-23 31.00 MS.SAP-04 Substation steel start 0.00 25-Sep-23 32.00 MS.SAP-05 Equipment install start 0.00 09-Oct-23 64.90 MS.SAP-06 Bus installation start 0.00 06-May-24 43.00 MS.SAP-07 Cable install start 0.00 31-Jul-23 50.00 MS.SAP-08 Cable termination start 0.00 04-Jun-24 16.00 MS.SAP-09 Contractor testing start 0.00 13-Jun-24 17.00 ANC-BL-3.MS.FAP Finish 345kV yard PhaseshifterANC-BL-3.MS.FAP Finish 345kV yard Phaseshifter 183.00 12-Jul-23 28-Aug-24 25.00 MS.FAP-01 Civil earthworks complete 0.00 19-Jul-23 32.00 MS.FAP-02 Underground piping complete 0.00 23-Aug-23 32.00 MS.FAP-03 Underground conduits complete 0.00 27-Jul-23 21.00 MS.FAP-04 Underground grounding complete 0.00 12-Jul-23 32.00 MS.FAP-05 Foundations complete 0.00 07-Sep-23 22.00 MS.FAP-06 Dead End steel complete 0.00 19-Apr-24 39.00 MS.FAP-07 Substation steel complete 0.00 19-Apr-24 18.00 MS.FAP-08 Equipment install complete 0.00 03-May-24 43.00 MS.FAP-09 Bus installation complete 0.00 28-Aug-24 25.00 MS.FAP-10 Cable install complete 0.00 24-Apr-24 20.00 MS.FAP-11 Cable termination complete 0.00 12-Jun-24 16.00 MS.FAP-12 Contractor testing complete 0.00 23-Jul-24 16.00 MS.FAP-13 Forms submittal complete, testing &comssing 0.00 13-Aug-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.MS.SAY Start 500kV Yard MSANC-BL-3.MS.SAY Start 500kV Yard MS 219.00 14-Apr-23 24-Jul-24 17.00 MS.SAY-01 Civil earthworks Start 0.00 14-Apr-23 34.00 MS.SAY-02 11F37 Circuit Breaker Foundation Start 0.00 13-Sep-23 39.00 MS.SAY-03 11E 33 Capacitor Bank Foundation Start 0.00 25-Sep-23 18.00 MS.SAY-04 11F37 & Switches install Start 0.00 22-Apr-24 31.00 MS.SAY-05 11E 33 & Switches Start 0.00 22-Apr-24 31.00 MS.SAY-06 Capacitor Bank 2 Start 0.00 30-Apr-24 21.00 MS.SAY-07 Construction Started 0.00 23-May-23 20.00 MS.SAY-08 Dead End steel Start 0.00 02-Nov-23 34.00 MS.SAY-09 Contractor testing Start 0.00 01-Jul-24 17.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 09-Oct-24, ANC-BL-3 Anticline Substation Baseline 1.44 09-Oct-24, ANC-BL-3.MS Project Major Milestones 09-Oct-24, ANC-BL-3.MS.CM Contract Milestones Contract Execution, 22-Feb-23* Full Notice To Proceed, 10-Mar-23 Period of Perfomance Final Completion, Detailed preliminary schedule (60), Detailed CPM Schedule, QA/QC Plan, Safety Plan, Environmental Assurance Program, 345kV Temporary Shoofly Complete, Phase shifter Foundations Complete, Project Mechanical Completion, Project Substantial Completion, 13-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.MS.SAP Start 345kV yard Phaseshifter Construction start, 02-May-23 Foundation start, 30-May-23 Dead End steel start, 22-Aug-23 Substation steel start, 25-Sep-23 Equipment install start, 09-Oct-23 Bus installation start, 06-May-24 Cable install start, 31-Jul-23 Cable termination start, 04-Jun-24 Contractor testing start, 13-Jun-24 28-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.MS.FAP Finish 345kV yard Phaseshifter Civil earthworks complete, Underground piping complete, Underground conduits complete, Underground grounding complete, Foundations complete, Dead End steel complete, Substation steel complete, Equipment install complete, Bus installation complete, Cable install complete, Cable termination complete, Contractor testing complete, Forms submittal complete, testing &comssing, 24-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.MS.SAY Start 500kV Yard MS Civil earthworks Start, 14-Apr-23 11F37 Circuit Breaker Foundation Start, 13-Sep-23 11E 33 Capacitor Bank Foundation Start, 25-Sep-23 11F37 & Switches install Start, 22-Apr-24 11E 33 & Switches Start, 22-Apr-24 Capacitor Bank 2 Start, 30-Apr-24 Construction Started, 23-May-23 Dead End steel Start, 02-Nov-23 Contractor testing Start, 01-Jul-24 Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 1 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float MS.SAY-10 Forms submittal complete, testing &comssing 0.00 24-Jul-24 17.00 ANC-BL-3.MS.FAY Finish MS 500kV Yard MSANC-BL-3.MS.FAY Finish MS 500kV Yard MS 160.00 28-Jul-23 13-Aug-24 16.00 MS.FAY.01 Civil earthworks complete 0.00 28-Jul-23 57.00 MS.FAY.02 11F37 Circuit Breaker Foundation Complete 0.00 22-Sep-23 18.00 MS.FAY.03 11E 33 Capacitor Bank Foundation Complete 0.00 29-Sep-23 46.00 MS.FAY.04 11F37 & Switches install complete 0.00 03-May-24 21.00 MS.FAY.05 11E 33 & Switches complete 0.00 03-May-24 21.00 MS.FAY.06 Capacitor Bank 2 complete 0.00 30-Apr-24 25.00 MS.FAY.07 Dead End steel complete 0.00 19-Apr-24 38.00 MS.FAY.08 Construction Complete 0.00 05-Jun-24 21.00 MS.FAY.09 Contractor testing complete 0.00 23-Jul-24 16.00 MS.FAY.10 Forms submittal complete, testing &comssing 0.00 13-Aug-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.MS.OF Owner Furnished Materials MILESTONESANC-BL-3.MS.OF Owner Furnished Materials MILESTONES 207.00 03-Apr-23 26-Jan-24 0.00 MS.OF.01 345kV Temporary Shoo-fly materials 0.00 03-Apr-23*0.00 MS.OF.02 525kV Substation Steel & Anchor Bolts 0.00 15-Aug-23*0.00 MS.OF.03 345kV Substation Steel & Anchor Bolts 0.00 15-Aug-23*0.00 MS.OF.04 345kV CCVT (VT10)0.00 26-Jan-24*0.00 MS.OF.05 525kV CCVT (VT9)0.00 03-Jul-23*0.00 MS.OF.06 525kV Circuit Breakers (1 No)0.00 10-Jul-23*0.00 MS.OF.07 525kV Shunt Capacitor #2 0.00 01-Aug-23*0.00 MS.OF.08 345kV Switches 0.00 01-Aug-23*0.00 MS.OF.09 525kV Switches 0.00 15-Aug-23*0.00 MS.OF.10 345kV Substation Dead Ends & Anchor Bolts 0.00 15-Aug-23*0.00 MS.OF.11 345kV Circuit Breakers (5 No)0.00 02-Oct-23*0.00 MS.OF.12 PST Yard Control House 0.00 31-Oct-23*0.00 MS.OF.13 Control Panels 0.00 30-Nov-23*0.00 MS.OF.14 Reactor Current limiting 525KV 0.00 30-Nov-23*0.00 MS.OF.24 345kV 533MVA PST #1 0.00 09-Oct-23*0.00 MS.OF.34 345kV 533MVA PST #2 0.00 16-Oct-23*0.00 MS.OF.44 345kV 533MVA PST #3 0.00 08-Nov-23*0.00 MS.OF.54 345kV 533MVA PST #4 0.00 22-Dec-23*0.00 MS.OF.64 Station Service Back Up Generator, 480 VAC, 1500KW 0.00 11-Sep-23*0.00 ANC-BL-3.PM Project ManagementANC-BL-3.PM Project Management 455.50 22-Feb-23 13-Aug-24 19.00 ANC-BL-3.PM.PC Project ControlANC-BL-3.PM.PC Project Control 44.00 10-Mar-23 10-May-23 88.00 PM.PC-01 Detailed preliminary schedule 23.00 10-Mar-23 11-Apr-23 40.00 PM.PC-02 RA Detailed preliminary schedule 14.00 12-Apr-23 01-May-23 40.00 PM.PC-03 Detailed Critical Path Method Schedule BL 30.00 10-Mar-23 20-Apr-23 88.00 PM.PC-04 RA Detailed Critical Path Method Schedule BL 14.00 21-Apr-23 10-May-23 88.00 ANC-BL-3.PM.IFC Engineering IFC design packagesANC-BL-3.PM.IFC Engineering IFC design packages 53.90 22-Feb-23 25-Apr-23 54.60 PM.IFC.01 Shoofly IFC package 1.00 25-Apr-23 25-Apr-23 44.00 PM.IFC.011 IFC Civil 1.00 10-Mar-23 10-Mar-23 20.00 PM.IFC.02 Physical IFC package 1.00 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 17.30 PM.IFC.021 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC 1.00 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 32.00 PM.IFC.022 IFC PST Control Building Foundation 1.00 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 24.00 PM.IFC.023 IFC PEMB Foundation Design (Summit responsibility)30.00 22-Feb-23 04-Apr-23 16.00 PM.IFC.024 AN 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip IFC 1.00 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 25.00 PM.IFC.025 AN CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC 1.00 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 35.00 PM.IFC.026 Generator Pad IFC 1.00 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 38.00 PM.IFC.04 IFC Electrical 1.00 22-Feb-23 22-Feb-23 23.00 PM.IFC.05 IFC PNC 1.00 10-Mar-23 10-Mar-23 45.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 Forms submittal complete, testing &comssing, 24-Jul-24 13-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.MS.FAY Finish MS 500kV Yard MS Civil earthworks complete, 11F37 Circuit Breaker Foundation Complete, 11E 33 Capacitor Bank Foundation Complete, 11F37 & Switches install complete, 11E 33 & Switches complete, Capacitor Bank 2 complete, Dead End steel complete, Construction Complete, Contractor testing complete, Forms submittal complete, testing &comssing, 26-Jan-24, ANC-BL-3.MS.OF Owner Furnished Materials MILESTONES 345kV Temporary Shoo-fly materials, 525kV Substation Steel & Anchor Bolts, 345kV Substation Steel & Anchor Bolts, 345kV CCVT (VT10), 525kV CCVT (VT9), 525kV Circuit Breakers (1 No), 525kV Shunt Capacitor #2, 345kV Switches, 525kV Switches, 345kV Substation Dead Ends & Anchor Bolts, 345kV Circuit Breakers (5 No), PST Yard Control House, Control Panels, Reactor Current limiting 525KV, 345kV 533MVA PST #1, 345kV 533MVA PST #2, 345kV 533MVA PST #3, 345kV 533MVA PST #4, Station Service Back Up Generator, 480 VAC, 1500KW, 13-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.PM Project Management 10-May-23, ANC-BL-3.PM.PC Project Control Detailed preliminary schedule RA Detailed preliminary schedule Detailed Critical Path Method Schedule BL RA Detailed Critical Path Method Schedule BL 25-Apr-23, ANC-BL-3.PM.IFC Engineering IFC design packages Shoofly IFC package IFC Civil Physical IFC package 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC IFC PST Control Building Foundation IFC PEMB Foundation Design (Summit responsibility) AN 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip IFC AN CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC Generator Pad IFC IFC Electrical IFC PNC Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 2 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float ANC-BL-3.PM.PP Project PlanningANC-BL-3.PM.PP Project Planning 455.50 22-Feb-23 13-Aug-24 19.00 PM.PP.01 Submit Letter of Credit 7.00 22-Feb-23 02-Mar-23 20.00 PM.PP.02 RA Letter of Credit 5.00 03-Mar-23 09-Mar-23 20.00 PM.PP.03 Submit Safety Plan 10.00 16-Mar-23 29-Mar-23 40.00 PM.PP.04 RA Safety Plan 5.00 30-Mar-23 05-Apr-23 40.00 PM.PP.05 Submit QA/QC Plan 25.00 10-Mar-23 13-Apr-23 20.00 PM.PP.06 RA QA/QC Plan 8.00 14-Apr-23 25-Apr-23 20.00 PM.PP.07 Submit Environmental Assurance plan 14.00 10-Mar-23 29-Mar-23 30.00 PM.PP.08 RA Environmental Assurance plan 11.00 30-Mar-23 13-Apr-23 30.00 PM.PP.09 Submit Environmental Training Plan 32.00 22-Feb-23 06-Apr-23 32.00 PM.PP.10 RA Environmental Training Plan 7.00 07-Apr-23 17-Apr-23 32.00 PM.PP.11 Substation SSEP 30.00 22-Feb-23 04-Apr-23 28.00 PM.PP.12 RA Substation SSEP 13.00 05-Apr-23 21-Apr-23 28.00 PM.PP.13 Submit SWPPP 30.00 22-Feb-23 04-Apr-23 40.00 PM.PP.14 RA SWPPP 13.00 05-Apr-23 21-Apr-23 50.00 PM.PP.15 Submit Concrete Mix Design 20.00 22-Feb-23 21-Mar-23 63.00 PM.PP.16 RA Concrete Mix Design 14.00 22-Mar-23 10-Apr-23 63.00 PM.PP.17 Submit Concrete Curing Methods Procedure 24.00 22-Feb-23 27-Mar-23 46.00 PM.PP.18 RA Concrete Curing Methods Procedure 14.00 28-Mar-23 14-Apr-23 46.00 PM.PP.19 Submit Cold weather concreting plan 20.00 22-Feb-23 21-Mar-23 50.00 PM.PP.20 RA Cold weather concreting plan 14.00 22-Mar-23 10-Apr-23 50.00 PM.PP.21 Submit Hot weather concreting plan 24.00 22-Feb-23 27-Mar-23 44.00 PM.PP.22 RA Hot weather concreting plan 14.00 28-Mar-23 14-Apr-23 44.00 PM.PP.23 Submit Drilled Pier Installation Plan 24.00 03-Apr-23 04-May-23 33.00 PM.PP.24 RA Drilled Pier Installation Plan 12.00 05-May-23 22-May-23 33.00 PM.PP.25 Submit Welding Procedures and plan 14.00 26-Apr-24 15-May-24 25.00 PM.PP.26 RA Welding Procedures and plan 14.00 16-May-24 05-Jun-24 25.00 PM.PP.27 Insulators Plan 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 85.00 PM.PP.28 RA Insulators Plan 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 85.00 PM.PP.29 Submit Foundation completion certificate 1.00 07-Sep-23 07-Sep-23 55.00 PM.PP.30 RA Foundation completion certificate 14.00 08-Sep-23 27-Sep-23 55.00 PM.PP.31 Submit Project Mechanical Comp Certificate 1.00 20-May-24 20-May-24 18.00 PM.PP.32 RA Project Mechanical Comp Certificate 14.00 21-May-24 10-Jun-24 18.00 PM.PP.33 Submit Mechanical Completion Test procedures 1.00 22-Apr-24 22-Apr-24 18.00 PM.PP.34 RA Mechanical Completion Test procedures 14.00 23-Apr-24 10-May-24 18.00 PM.PP.35 Submit Substation completion certificate 1.00 24-Jul-24 24-Jul-24 16.00 PM.PP.36 RA Substation completion certificate.14.00 25-Jul-24 13-Aug-24 16.00 PM.PP.37 Submit Pre-commissioning schedule and test plan 10.00 22-Apr-24 06-May-24 28.10 PM.PP.38 RA Pre-commissioning schedule and test plan 14.00 06-May-24 24-May-24 28.10 PM.PP.39 Submit Final Equipment test reports 1.00 24-Jul-24 24-Jul-24 16.00 PM.PP.40 RA Final Equipment test reports 14.00 25-Jul-24 13-Aug-24 16.00 PM.PP.45 Submit Conductors 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 23.00 PM.PP.46 RA Conductors 12.00 29-Mar-23 13-Apr-23 23.00 PM.PP.47 Submit Control and Power Cables 24.00 22-Feb-23 27-Mar-23 34.00 PM.PP.48 RA Control and Power Cables 14.00 28-Mar-23 14-Apr-23 34.00 PM.PP.49 Submit Battery 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 30.00 PM.PP.50 RA Battery 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 30.00 PM.PP.51 Submit Ground Grid 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 33.00 PM.PP.52 RA Ground Grid 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 33.00 PM.PP.52.1 Submit Cable Trench 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 23.00 PM.PP.52.2 RA Cable Trench 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 23.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 13-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.PM.PP Project Planning Submit Letter of Credit RA Letter of Credit Submit Safety Plan RA Safety Plan Submit QA/QC Plan RA QA/QC Plan Submit Environmental Assurance plan RA Environmental Assurance plan Submit Environmental Training Plan RA Environmental Training Plan Substation SSEP RA Substation SSEP Submit SWPPP RA SWPPP Submit Concrete Mix Design RA Concrete Mix Design Submit Concrete Curing Methods Procedure RA Concrete Curing Methods Procedure Submit Cold weather concreting plan RA Cold weather concreting plan Submit Hot weather concreting plan RA Hot weather concreting plan Submit Drilled Pier Installation Plan RA Drilled Pier Installation Plan Submit Welding Procedures and plan RA Welding Procedures and plan Insulators Plan RA Insulators Plan Submit Foundation completion certificate RA Foundation completion certificate Submit Project Mechanical Comp Certificate RA Project Mechanical Comp Certificate Submit Mechanical Completion Test procedures RA Mechanical Completion Test procedures Submit Substation completion certificate RA Substation completion certificate. Submit Pre-commissioning schedule and test plan RA Pre-commissioning schedule and test plan Submit Final Equipment test reports RA Final Equipment test reports Submit Conductors RA Conductors Submit Control and Power Cables RA Control and Power Cables Submit Battery RA Battery Submit Ground Grid RA Ground Grid Submit Cable Trench RA Cable Trench Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 3 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float PM.PP.53 Submit Bus Materials 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 48.90 PM.PP.54 RA Bus Materials 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 48.90 PM.PP.55 Submit Post insulator 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 43.00 PM.PP.56 RA Post insulator 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 43.00 PM.PP.57 Submit Arresters 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 43.00 PM.PP.58 RA Arresters 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 43.00 PM.PP.59 Submit Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 25.00 PM.PP.69 RA Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 25.00 PM.PP.70 Submit Rebar Shop Drawings 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC 13.00 13-Mar-23 29-Mar-23 20.00 PM.PP.71 RA Rebar Shop Drawings 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC 26.00 30-Mar-23 04-May-23 20.00 PM.PP.80 Submit Rebar SD PST Foundation 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 17.30 PM.PP.81 RA Rebar SD PST Foundation 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 17.30 PM.PP.90 Submit Rebar SD Control Building Foundation 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 24.00 PM.PP.91 RA Rebar SD Control Building Foundation 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 24.00 PM.PP.92 Submit PEMB Foundation Rebar Shop Drawings 24.00 05-Apr-23 08-May-23 16.00 PM.PP.93 RA Submit PEMB Foundation Rebar Shop Drawings 14.00 09-May-23 26-May-23 16.00 PM.PP.94 Submit Rebar SD 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip IFC 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 25.00 PM.PP.95 RA Rebar SD 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equipt 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 25.00 PM.PP.96 Submit Rebar SD CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations I 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 35.00 PM.PP.97 RA Rebar SD CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 35.00 PM.PP.98 Submit REabr SD Generator Pad 24.00 23-Feb-23 28-Mar-23 38.00 PM.PP.99 RA Rebar SD Generator Pad 14.00 29-Mar-23 17-Apr-23 38.00 ANC-BL-3.P PermittingANC-BL-3.P Permitting 75.00 10-Mar-23 23-Jun-23 71.00 ANC-BL-3.P.SL State/LocalANC-BL-3.P.SL State/Local 75.00 10-Mar-23 23-Jun-23 71.00 P.SLL.01 Provision of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Permits 10.00 05-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 40.00 P.SLL.02 WY Process of reviewing the NOI, SWPPP, and site map 9.00 19-Apr-23 01-May-23 40.00 P.SLL.03 Building drawings from Sub 30.00 10-Mar-23 20-Apr-23 71.00 P.SLL.04 RA Building drawings PC 30.00 21-Apr-23 02-Jun-23 71.00 P.SLL.05 APP Review and issue the Large Construction GP 15.00 05-Jun-23 23-Jun-23 71.00 ANC-BL-3.PROC ProcurementANC-BL-3.PROC Procurement 428.00 22-Feb-23 25-Apr-24 41.58 ANC-BL-3.PROC.CF Contractor Furnished MaterialANC-BL-3.PROC.CF Contractor Furnished Material 428.00 22-Feb-23 25-Apr-24 41.58 PROC.CF-01 Ordering Conductors 16.00 13-Apr-23 29-Apr-23 33.58 PROC.CF-02 Manufacturing Conductors 80.00 29-Apr-23 18-Jul-23 33.58 PROC.CF-03 Delivery Conductors 7.00 18-Jul-23 25-Jul-23 33.58 PROC.CF-04 Ordering Control and Power Cables 22.00 14-Apr-23 06-May-23 49.54 PROC.CF-05 Manufacturing Control and Power Cables 100.00 06-May-23 14-Aug-23 49.54 PROC.CF-06 Delivery Control and Power Cables 7.00 14-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 49.54 PROC.CF-07 Ordering Conduits 24.00 22-Feb-23 18-Mar-23 66.58 PROC.CF-08 Manufacturing Conduits 10.00 18-Mar-23 28-Mar-23 66.58 PROC.CF-09 Delivery Conduits 6.00 28-Mar-23 03-Apr-23 66.58 PROC.CF-10 Ordering Ground Grid 27.00 17-Apr-23 14-May-23 47.58 PROC.CF-11 Manufacturing Ground Grid 38.00 14-May-23 21-Jun-23 47.58 PROC.CF-12 Delivery Ground Grid 6.00 21-Jun-23 27-Jun-23 47.58 PROC.CF-12.1 Ordering Cable Trench 1.00 17-Apr-23 18-Apr-23 31.58 PROC.CF-12.11 Manufacturing Cable Trench 70.00 18-Apr-23 27-Jun-23 31.58 PROC.CF-12.21 Delivery Cable Trench 2.00 27-Jun-23 29-Jun-23 31.58 PROC.CF-13 Ordering Bus Materials 28.00 17-Apr-23 15-May-23 69.96 PROC.CF-14 Manufacturing Bus Materials 106.00 15-May-23 29-Aug-23 69.96 PROC.CF-15 Delivery Bus Materials 2.00 29-Aug-23 31-Aug-23 69.96 PROC.CF-16 Ordering Battery 5.00 17-Apr-23 22-Apr-23 43.58 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 Submit Bus Materials RA Bus Materials Submit Post insulator RA Post insulator Submit Arresters RA Arresters Submit Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA RA Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Submit Rebar Shop Drawings 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC RA Rebar Shop Drawings 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC Submit Rebar SD PST Foundation RA Rebar SD PST Foundation Submit Rebar SD Control Building Foundation RA Rebar SD Control Building Foundation Submit PEMB Foundation Rebar Shop Drawings RA Submit PEMB Foundation Rebar Shop Drawings Submit Rebar SD 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip IFC RA Rebar SD 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equipt Submit Rebar SD CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations I RA Rebar SD CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations Submit REabr SD Generator Pad RA Rebar SD Generator Pad 23-Jun-23, ANC-BL-3.P Permitting 23-Jun-23, ANC-BL-3.P.SL State/Local Provision of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Permits WY Process of reviewing the NOI, SWPPP, and site map Building drawings from Sub RA Building drawings PC APP Review and issue the Large Construction GP 25-Apr-24, ANC-BL-3.PROC Procurement 25-Apr-24, ANC-BL-3.PROC.CF Contractor Furnished Material Ordering Conductors Manufacturing Conductors Delivery Conductors Ordering Control and Power Cables Manufacturing Control and Power Cables Delivery Control and Power Cables Ordering Conduits Manufacturing Conduits Delivery Conduits Ordering Ground Grid Manufacturing Ground Grid Delivery Ground Grid Ordering Cable Trench Manufacturing Cable Trench Delivery Cable Trench Ordering Bus Materials Manufacturing Bus Materials Delivery Bus Materials Ordering Battery Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 4 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float PROC.CF-17 Manufacturing Battery 166.00 22-Apr-23 05-Oct-23 43.58 PROC.CF-18 Delivery Battery 201.00 05-Oct-23 23-Apr-24 43.58 PROC.CF-19 Ordering Post insulator 21.00 17-Apr-23 08-May-23 62.58 PROC.CF-20 Manufacturing Post insulator 165.00 08-May-23 20-Oct-23 62.58 PROC.CF-21 Delivery Post insulator 160.00 20-Oct-23 28-Mar-24 62.58 PROC.CF-22 Ordering Arresters 22.00 17-Apr-23 09-May-23 60.58 PROC.CF-23 Manufacturing Arresters 155.00 09-May-23 11-Oct-23 60.58 PROC.CF-24 Delivery Arresters 171.00 11-Oct-23 30-Mar-24 60.58 PROC.CF-25 Ordering Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA (345kV YD)33.00 17-Apr-23 20-May-23 35.58 PROC.CF-251 Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 82.00 20-May-23 10-Aug-23 35.58 PROC.CF-252 Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 82.00 10-Aug-23 31-Oct-23 35.58 PROC.CF-253 Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 40.00 31-Oct-23 10-Dec-23 35.58 PROC.CF-254 Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 20.00 10-Dec-23 30-Dec-23 35.58 PROC.CF-255 Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 27.00 30-Dec-23 26-Jan-24 35.58 PROC.CF-256 Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 34.00 26-Jan-24 29-Feb-24 35.58 PROC.CF-26 Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 46.00 29-Feb-24 15-Apr-24 35.58 PROC.CF-27 Delivery Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA 10.00 15-Apr-24 25-Apr-24 35.58 PROC.CF-28 Ordering Rebar 345kV Steel / Foundations 2.00 04-May-23 06-May-23 29.58 PROC.CF-29 Manufacturing Rebar 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC 14.00 06-May-23 20-May-23 29.58 PROC.CF-30 Delivery Rebar 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC 2.00 20-May-23 22-May-23 29.58 PROC.CF-31 Ordering Rebar PST Foundation 15.00 17-Apr-23 02-May-23 23.58 PROC.CF-32 Rebar PST Foundation 20.00 02-May-23 22-May-23 23.58 PROC.CF-33 Delivery Rebar PST Foundation 5.00 22-May-23 27-May-23 23.58 PROC.CF-34 Ordering Rebar Control Building Foundation 5.00 17-Apr-23 22-Apr-23 33.58 PROC.CF-35 Manufacturing Rebar Control Building Foundation 15.00 22-Apr-23 07-May-23 33.58 PROC.CF-36 Delivery Rebar Control Building Foundation 5.00 07-May-23 12-May-23 33.58 PROC.CF-37 Ordering rebar PEMB Foundation 6.00 26-May-23 01-Jun-23 25.00 PROC.CF-38 Manufacturing Rebar PEMB Foundation 15.00 01-Jun-23 16-Jun-23 25.00 PROC.CF-48 Delivery Rebar PEMB Foundation 15.00 16-Jun-23 01-Jul-23 25.00 PROC.CF-49 Ordering rebar 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip 30.00 17-Apr-23 17-May-23 35.00 PROC.CF-50 Manufacturing rebar 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip 30.00 17-May-23 16-Jun-23 35.00 PROC.CF-51 Delivery Rebar 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip 5.00 16-Jun-23 21-Jun-23 35.00 PROC.CF-52 Ordering Rebar CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC 25.00 17-Apr-23 12-May-23 50.00 PROC.CF-53 Manufacturing rebar CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC 15.00 12-May-23 27-May-23 50.00 PROC.CF-54 Delivery Rebar CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC 10.00 27-May-23 06-Jun-23 50.00 PROC.CF-55 Ordering rebar Generator Pad 26.00 17-Apr-23 13-May-23 54.00 PROC.CF-56 Manufacturing rebar Generator Pad 15.00 13-May-23 28-May-23 54.00 PROC.CF-66 Delivery Rebar Generator Pad 5.00 28-May-23 02-Jun-23 54.00 ANC-BL-3.C ConstructionANC-BL-3.C Construction 445.50 14-Apr-23 23-Sep-24 33.00 ANC-BL-3.C.TL Transmission LineANC-BL-3.C.TL Transmission Line 234.00 02-May-23 29-Aug-24 24.00 ANC-BL-3.C.TL.SH Shoofly installANC-BL-3.C.TL.SH Shoofly install 7.00 02-May-23 10-May-23 40.00 C.TL.SH.01 Framing & install, and (Remove old one)5.00 02-May-23 08-May-23 40.00 C.TL.SH.02 OPGW 2.00 09-May-23 10-May-23 40.00 C.TL.SH.021 Fiber Optic Cable, ADSS 1.00 09-May-23 09-May-23 41.00 C.TL.SH.03 Outage scheduled on 05/09/2023 (6am)-05/10/2023 (6am).1.00 10-May-23 10-May-23 40.00 ANC-BL-3.C.TL.SHR Shoofly removeANC-BL-3.C.TL.SHR Shoofly remove 19.00 05-Aug-24 29-Aug-24 24.00 C.TL.SHR.01 Shoofly removal, Final Span 19.00 05-Aug-24 29-Aug-24 24.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS SubstationANC-BL-3.C.SS Substation 445.50 14-Apr-23 23-Sep-24 33.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.TF MOB/DMOBANC-BL-3.C.SS.TF MOB/DMOB 250.00 02-May-23 23-Sep-24 28.00 C.SS.TF.01 Temporary Office Facilities 6.00 02-May-23 09-May-23 74.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 Manufacturing Battery Delivery Battery Ordering Post insulator Manufacturing Post insulator Delivery Post insulator Ordering Arresters Manufacturing Arresters Delivery Arresters Ordering Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA (345kV YD) Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Manufacturing Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Delivery Transformer 1500 KVA, 150 KVA,100KVA Ordering Rebar 345kV Steel / Foundations Manufacturing Rebar 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC Delivery Rebar 345kV Steel / Foundations IFC Ordering Rebar PST Foundation Rebar PST Foundation Delivery Rebar PST Foundation Ordering Rebar Control Building Foundation Manufacturing Rebar Control Building Foundation Delivery Rebar Control Building Foundation Ordering rebar PEMB Foundation Manufacturing Rebar PEMB Foundation Delivery Rebar PEMB Foundation Ordering rebar 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip Manufacturing rebar 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip Delivery Rebar 345kV DE, SM and 500kV Equip Ordering Rebar CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC Manufacturing rebar CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC Delivery Rebar CB, Shunt, Reactor Foundations IFC Ordering rebar Generator Pad Manufacturing rebar Generator Pad Delivery Rebar Generator Pad 23-Sep-24, ANC-BL-3.C Construction 29-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.C.TL Transmission Line 10-May-23, ANC-BL-3.C.TL.SH Shoofly install Framing & install, and (Remove old one) OPGW Fiber Optic Cable, ADSS Outage scheduled on 05/09/2023 (6am)-05/10/2023 (6am). 29-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.C.TL.SHR Shoofly remove Shoofly removal, Final Span 23-Sep-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS Substation 23-Sep-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.TF MOB/DMOB Temporary Office Facilities Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 5 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float C.SS.TF.012 Mobilization 15.00 02-May-23 22-May-23 74.00 C.SS.TF.02 Staging Facilities 6.00 23-May-23 31-May-23 84.00 C.SS.TF.03 Temporary Construction Facilities 4.00 25-May-23 31-May-23 84.00 C.SS.TF.04 Demobilization 8.00 12-Sep-24 23-Sep-24 28.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE Civil Sitework and Finisih GradeANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE Civil Sitework and Finisih Grade 242.00 14-Apr-23 23-Aug-24 28.00 C.SS.CE.01 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 1 24.00 12-May-23 15-Jun-23 49.00 C.SS.CE.02 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 2 24.00 16-Jun-23 20-Jul-23 49.00 C.SS.CE.03 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 3 24.00 21-Jul-23 23-Aug-23 49.00 C.SS.CE.04 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 4 24.00 24-Aug-23 27-Sep-23 49.00 C.SS.CE.05 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 5 8.00 28-Sep-23 09-Oct-23 49.00 C.SS.CE.06 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 6 24.00 10-Oct-23 12-Apr-24 49.00 C.SS.CE.07 Installation of SWPPP Measurers 3.00 15-May-23 17-May-23 55.00 C.SS.CE.08 Removal and site Restoration 8.00 14-Aug-24 23-Aug-24 28.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE.AW Anticline WashANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE.AW Anticline Wash 84.00 14-Apr-23 11-Aug-23 57.00 C.SS.CE.AW.01 Survey and Staking 4.00 14-Apr-23 19-Apr-23 34.00 C.SS.CE.AW.02 Excavation, New Anticline Wash 1 20.00 16-Jun-23 14-Jul-23 57.00 C.SS.CE.AW.03 Excavation, New Anticline Wash 2 20.00 17-Jul-23 11-Aug-23 57.00 C.SS.CE.AW.04 Fill and Grading, Existing Anticline Wash 10.00 17-Jul-23 28-Jul-23 57.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE.SP Substation PadANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE.SP Substation Pad 153.00 04-May-23 09-May-24 43.00 SS.CE.SP.01 Mass Site Excavation 23.00 04-May-23 06-Jun-23 20.00 SS.CE.SP.02 Fill, compaction and grading 23.00 09-May-23 09-Jun-23 20.00 SS.CE.SP.03 General Excavation, Spread on site 29.00 23-May-23 03-Jul-23 16.00 SS.CE.SP.04 Crushed Rock, RG-2 Fill 20.00 21-Jun-23 19-Jul-23 32.00 SS.CE.SP.05 Crushed Rock, Aggregate Base Course 10.00 20-Jul-23 02-Aug-23 32.00 SS.CE.SP.06 Oil Containment Piping 25.00 20-Jul-23 23-Aug-23 32.00 SS.CE.SP.08 Site Drainage 9.00 24-Aug-23 06-Sep-23 44.00 SS.CE.SP.09 Crushed Rock, Rip Rap 10.00 23-Apr-24 06-May-24 43.00 SS.CE.SP.091 Substation Insulating Rock 10.00 26-Apr-24 09-May-24 43.00 SS.CE.SP.11 Substation Yard Rock 6.00 26-Apr-24 03-May-24 43.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND FoundationANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND Foundation 132.90 30-May-23 01-Nov-23 155.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.Pa Concrete - slab on gradeANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.Pa Concrete - slab on grade 112.90 30-May-23 09-Oct-23 164.00 SS.FND.Pa.01 345KV 3000A CIRCUIT BREAKER 12.00 30-May-23 14-Jun-23 16.00 SS.FND.Pa.02 345KV CONTROL BUILDING FOUNDATION 10.00 06-Jun-23 19-Jun-23 28.00 SS.FND.Pa.03 500KV CIRCUIT BREAKER, pad 8.00 13-Sep-23 22-Sep-23 18.00 SS.FND.Pa.04 500KV BREAKER CONTROL CABINET FOUNDATION 3.00 25-Sep-23 27-Sep-23 31.00 SS.FND.Pa.05 500KV STORAGE BUILDING 8.00 28-Sep-23 09-Oct-23 31.00 SS.FND.Pa.06 345 Generator Pad 7.00 29-Aug-23 07-Sep-23 21.90 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.TY 345kV Concrete-drilled pier FNDANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.TY 345kV Concrete-drilled pier FND 47.00 15-Jun-23 21-Aug-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.01 345KVBUS SUPPORT Concrete 18.00 15-Jun-23 11-Jul-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.02 345KV CCVT SUPPORT 3.00 12-Jul-23 14-Jul-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.03 345KV PHASE SPACING 7.00 18-Jul-23 26-Jul-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.04 345KV SURGE ARRESTER 9.00 25-Jul-23 04-Aug-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.05 345KV STATIC SHIELD MAST 12.00 28-Jul-23 14-Aug-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.06 STATION SERVICE STRUCTURE 3.00 28-Jul-23 01-Aug-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.07 345KV JCT BOX POLE 3.00 28-Jul-23 01-Aug-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.08 345kV CCVT (VT10)3.00 28-Jul-23 01-Aug-23 16.00 SS.FND.TY.18 345kV Switches, Misc 7.00 11-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 16.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.DP Dead End Structures PiersANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.DP Dead End Structures Piers 15.00 22-Aug-23 12-Sep-23 16.00 SS.FND.DP.01 345KV 60' A-FRAME DE 15.00 22-Aug-23 12-Sep-23 16.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.PY 500kV Concrete-drilled pier FNDANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.PY 500kV Concrete-drilled pier FND 13.00 13-Sep-23 29-Sep-23 18.00 SS.FND.PY.02 525kV CCVT (V9)2.00 13-Sep-23 14-Sep-23 16.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 Mobilization Staging Facilities Temporary Construction Facilities Demobilization 23-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE Civil Sitework and Finisih Grade Dust suppression/Dust abatement 1 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 2 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 3 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 4 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 5 Dust suppression/Dust abatement 6 Installation of SWPPP Measurers Removal and site Restoration 11-Aug-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE.AW Anticline Wash Survey and Staking Excavation, New Anticline Wash 1 Excavation, New Anticline Wash 2 Fill and Grading, Existing Anticline Wash 09-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CE.SP Substation Pad Mass Site Excavation Fill, compaction and grading General Excavation, Spread on site Crushed Rock, RG-2 Fill Crushed Rock, Aggregate Base Course Oil Containment Piping Site Drainage Crushed Rock, Rip Rap Substation Insulating Rock Substation Yard Rock 01-Nov-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND Foundation 09-Oct-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.Pa Concrete - slab on grade 345KV 3000A CIRCUIT BREAKER 345KV CONTROL BUILDING FOUNDATION 500KV CIRCUIT BREAKER, pad 500KV BREAKER CONTROL CABINET FOUNDATION 500KV STORAGE BUILDING 345 Generator Pad 21-Aug-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.TY 345kV Concrete-drilled pier FND 345KVBUS SUPPORT Concrete 345KV CCVT SUPPORT 345KV PHASE SPACING 345KV SURGE ARRESTER 345KV STATIC SHIELD MAST STATION SERVICE STRUCTURE 345KV JCT BOX POLE 345kV CCVT (VT10) 345kV Switches, Misc 12-Sep-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.DP Dead End Structures Piers 345KV 60' A-FRAME DE 29-Sep-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.PY 500kV Concrete-drilled pier FND 525kV CCVT (V9) Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 6 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float SS.FND.PY.03 525kV Circuit Breakers (5 No)3.00 13-Sep-23 15-Sep-23 16.00 SS.FND.PY.04 Shunt Capacitor #2 5.00 25-Sep-23 29-Sep-23 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.RF Reactor foundationANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.RF Reactor foundation 9.00 18-Oct-23 01-Nov-23 25.00 SS.FND.RF.01 525KV Reactor, Current Limiting 9.00 18-Oct-23 01-Nov-23 25.00 SS.FND.RF.02 Crosshole Sonic Logging 2.00 27-Oct-23 01-Nov-23 25.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.TF Transformer foundation & oil containmentANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.TF Transformer foundation & oil containment 30.00 09-Jun-23 21-Jul-23 76.00 SS.FND.TF.01 345KV PST FOUNDATION & OIL CONTAINMENT 30.00 09-Jun-23 21-Jul-23 76.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.GG Ground GridANC-BL-3.C.SS.GG Ground Grid 50.00 28-Jun-23 07-Sep-23 81.00 C.SS.GG-01 Below Grade 345kV Yard 1 10.00 28-Jun-23 12-Jul-23 32.00 C.SS.GG-02 Above Grade 345kV Yard 2 10.00 13-Jul-23 26-Jul-23 81.00 C.SS.GG-03 Below Grade 500kV Yard 1 10.00 27-Jul-23 09-Aug-23 81.00 C.SS.GG-04 Below Grade 500kV Yard 2 10.00 10-Aug-23 23-Aug-23 81.00 C.SS.GG-05 Above Grade 500kV Yard 3 10.00 24-Aug-23 07-Sep-23 81.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CT Cable TrenchANC-BL-3.C.SS.CT Cable Trench 36.00 30-Jun-23 21-Aug-23 36.00 C.SS.CT.01 Cable Trench - 345kV Yard 1 10.00 30-Jun-23 14-Jul-23 20.00 C.SS.CT.02 Cable Trench - 345kV Yard 2 10.00 17-Jul-23 28-Jul-23 20.00 C.SS.CT.03 Cable Trench - 500kV Yard 1 8.00 10-Jul-23 19-Jul-23 51.00 C.SS.CT.04 Cable Trench - 500kV Yard 2 8.00 10-Aug-23 21-Aug-23 36.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.EC Electrical ConduitANC-BL-3.C.SS.EC Electrical Conduit 142.00 10-May-23 30-Apr-24 16.00 C.SS.EC.01 Conduit Below Grade 345kV Yard 1 15.00 10-May-23 31-May-23 21.00 C.SS.EC.02 Conduit Below Grade 345kV Yard 2 20.00 01-Jun-23 28-Jun-23 21.00 C.SS.EC.03 Conduit Below Grade 345kV Yard 3 20.00 29-Jun-23 27-Jul-23 21.00 C.SS.EC.04 Conduit above Grade 345kV Yard 25.00 05-Sep-23 09-Oct-23 25.00 C.SS.EC.05 Conduit Below Grade 500kV Yard 1 25.00 18-Jul-23 21-Aug-23 36.00 C.SS.EC.06 Conduit Below Grade 500kV Yard 2 20.00 20-Sep-23 17-Oct-23 16.00 C.SS.EC.07 Conduit Below Grade 500kV Yard 3 15.00 18-Oct-23 09-Nov-23 16.00 C.SS.EC.08 Conduit Above Grade 500kV Yard 15.00 10-Nov-23 30-Apr-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.F FencingANC-BL-3.C.SS.F Fencing 18.00 02-Nov-23 25-Apr-24 25.00 C.SS.FF.01 Fencing, Gates, Signs 13.00 02-Nov-23 18-Apr-24 25.00 C.SS.FF.02 Ground Fence 5.00 19-Apr-24 25-Apr-24 25.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET Steel ErectionANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET Steel Erection 114.00 25-Sep-23 02-Aug-24 43.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.SET 345kV Steel ErectionANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.SET 345kV Steel Erection 30.00 25-Sep-23 07-Nov-23 18.00 SET.SET.01 345KV BUS SUPPORT 14.00 25-Sep-23 12-Oct-23 18.00 SET.SET.02 345KV, PHASE SPACING DISCONNECT SWITCH SUPPORT 10.00 13-Oct-23 26-Oct-23 18.00 SET.SET.03 345KV PHASE CCVT SUPPORT 1.00 27-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 18.00 SET.SET.04 345KV SURGE ARRESTER SUPPORT Insulators 1.00 27-Oct-23 27-Oct-23 19.00 SET.SET.05 STATION SERVICE Structural Steel Substation Yard Lighting 1.00 01-Nov-23 01-Nov-23 18.00 SET.SET.06 345KV STATIC SHIELD MAST, and G Mat 5.00 01-Nov-23 07-Nov-23 18.00 SET.SET.07 345KV SURGE ARRESTER SUPPORT 1.00 01-Nov-23 01-Nov-23 18.00 SET.SET.08 Structural Steel, STATION SERVICE 1.00 01-Nov-23 01-Nov-23 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.DES Dead End Structures Piers 345ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.DES Dead End Structures Piers 345 14.00 02-Nov-23 19-Apr-24 18.00 SS.SET.DES.01 345KV 60' A-FRAME DEADEND 14.00 02-Nov-23 19-Apr-24 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.STF 500kV Steel ErectionANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.STF 500kV Steel Erection 2.00 22-Apr-24 23-Apr-24 25.00 SET.STF.01 525KV LOW SWITCH STRUCTURE 2.00 22-Apr-24 23-Apr-24 20.00 SET.STF.02 525kV, RELOCATION OF BUS SUPPORT 1.00 22-Apr-24 22-Apr-24 20.00 SET.STF.03 525KV, CCVT SUPPORT 1.00 22-Apr-24 22-Apr-24 20.00 SET.STF.04 525kV, SURGE ARRESTOR SUPPORT 2.00 22-Apr-24 23-Apr-24 25.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.STB Storage Builidng PE-EngineeredANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.STB Storage Builidng PE-Engineered 88.00 02-Nov-23 02-Aug-24 43.00 SET.STB.01 Building Structure 12.00 02-Nov-23 17-Apr-24 25.00 SET.STB.02 Building Erection 1 16.00 18-Apr-24 09-May-24 43.00 SET.STB.021 Building Erection 2 16.00 10-May-24 03-Jun-24 43.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 525kV Circuit Breakers (5 No) Shunt Capacitor #2 01-Nov-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.RF Reactor foundation 525KV Reactor, Current Limiting Crosshole Sonic Logging 21-Jul-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.FND.TF Transformer foundation & oil containment 345KV PST FOUNDATION & OIL CONTAINMENT 07-Sep-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.GG Ground Grid Below Grade 345kV Yard 1 Above Grade 345kV Yard 2 Below Grade 500kV Yard 1 Below Grade 500kV Yard 2 Above Grade 500kV Yard 3 21-Aug-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CT Cable Trench Cable Trench - 345kV Yard 1 Cable Trench - 345kV Yard 2 Cable Trench - 500kV Yard 1 Cable Trench - 500kV Yard 2 30-Apr-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.EC Electrical Conduit Conduit Below Grade 345kV Yard 1 Conduit Below Grade 345kV Yard 2 Conduit Below Grade 345kV Yard 3 Conduit above Grade 345kV Yard Conduit Below Grade 500kV Yard 1 Conduit Below Grade 500kV Yard 2 Conduit Below Grade 500kV Yard 3 Conduit Above Grade 500kV Yard 25-Apr-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.F Fencing Fencing, Gates, Signs Ground Fence 02-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET Steel Erection 07-Nov-23, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.SET 345kV Steel Erection 345KV BUS SUPPORT 345KV, PHASE SPACING DISCONNECT SWITCH SUPPORT 345KV PHASE CCVT SUPPORT 345KV SURGE ARRESTER SUPPORT Insulators STATION SERVICE Structural Steel Substation Yard Lighting 345KV STATIC SHIELD MAST, and G Mat 345KV SURGE ARRESTER SUPPORT Structural Steel, STATION SERVICE 19-Apr-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.DES Dead End Structures Piers 345 345KV 60' A-FRAME DEADEND 23-Apr-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.STF 500kV Steel Erection 525KV LOW SWITCH STRUCTURE 525kV, RELOCATION OF BUS SUPPORT 525KV, CCVT SUPPORT 525kV, SURGE ARRESTOR SUPPORT 02-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.SET.STB Storage Builidng PE-Engineered Building Structure Building Erection 1 Building Erection 2 Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 7 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float SET.STB.022 Building Erection 3 16.00 04-Jun-24 25-Jun-24 43.00 SET.STB.03 Garage Doors 7.00 26-Jun-24 04-Jul-24 43.00 SET.STB.04 Electrical 12.00 08-Jul-24 23-Jul-24 43.00 SET.STB.05 Pallet Racks 8.00 24-Jul-24 02-Aug-24 43.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.BW Bus-WorkANC-BL-3.C.SS.BW Bus-Work 60.00 06-Jun-24 28-Aug-24 25.00 SS.BW.01 Strain Bus,Jumpers 1 20.00 06-Jun-24 03-Jul-24 25.00 SS.BW.011 Strain Bus,Jumpers 2 20.00 04-Jul-24 31-Jul-24 25.00 SS.BW.02 Solid Bus 20.00 01-Aug-24 28-Aug-24 25.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE Installation EquipmentANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE Installation Equipment 70.00 11-Sep-23 17-May-24 38.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.T 345KV YardANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.T 345KV Yard 54.90 02-Oct-23 17-May-24 38.00 SS.IE.T.01 345kV CCVT (VT10)1.00 22-Apr-24 22-Apr-24 18.00 SS.IE.T.02 345kV Circuit Breakers 8.00 02-Oct-23 12-Oct-23 58.90 SS.IE.T.03 345kV Switches 14.00 27-Oct-23 17-Apr-24 48.00 SS.IE.T.04 345KV SURGE ARRESTER 1.00 24-Apr-24 24-Apr-24 44.00 SS.IE.T.05 STATION SERVICE Substation Yard Lighting 3.00 24-Apr-24 26-Apr-24 44.00 SS.IE.T.06 345KV STATIC SHIELD MAST 1.00 29-Apr-24 29-Apr-24 44.00 SS.IE.T.07 345KV SURGE ARRESTER 6.00 29-Apr-24 06-May-24 44.00 SS.IE.T.08 STATION SERVICE 3.00 07-May-24 09-May-24 44.00 SS.IE.T.09 345kV 533MVA PST #1 4.00 09-Oct-23 13-Oct-23 64.90 SS.IE.T.19 345kV 533MVA PST #2 5.00 16-Oct-23 23-Oct-23 59.90 SS.IE.T.29 345kV 533MVA PST #3 5.00 08-Nov-23 15-Apr-24 57.90 SS.IE.T.39 345kV 533MVA PST #4 5.00 12-Apr-24 19-Apr-24 57.90 SS.IE.T.40 345KV Yard Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 5.00 13-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.F 525kv YardANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.F 525kv Yard 20.00 22-Apr-24 17-May-24 18.00 SS.IE.F.01 525kV CCVT (VT9)1.00 23-Apr-24 23-Apr-24 20.00 SS.IE.F.02 525kV Circuit Breakers (5 No)5.00 23-Apr-24 29-Apr-24 20.00 SS.IE.F.03 525kV Shunt Capacitor #2 1.00 30-Apr-24 30-Apr-24 20.00 SS.IE.F.04 525kV, SURGE ARRESTOR 5.00 01-May-24 07-May-24 20.00 SS.IE.F.05 525kV Switches 10.00 22-Apr-24 03-May-24 21.00 SS.IE.F.15 525KV Yard Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 5.00 13-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.R ReactorANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.R Reactor 10.00 06-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 SS.IE.R.01 Reactor Current limiting 525KV 1.00 06-May-24 06-May-24 21.00 SS.IE.R.11 525KV Reactor Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 5.00 13-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.P Protection & Control EquipmentANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.P Protection & Control Equipment 10.00 06-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 SS.IE.P.01 345 kV Control and Relay Panels 2.00 06-May-24 07-May-24 21.00 SS.IE.P.02 345 kV Annunciator and RTU Panels 1.00 06-May-24 06-May-24 21.00 SS.IE.P.12 Forms, Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 345KV Protection $ and Control Equipment5.00 13-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.CH Control HouseANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.CH Control House 10.00 06-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 SS.IE.CH.01 Structure, internal fixtures 1.00 06-May-24 06-May-24 21.00 SS.IE.CH.02 DC Batteries, racks, Chargers 1.00 07-May-24 07-May-24 21.00 SS.IE.CH.03 Panel Installation 1.00 08-May-24 08-May-24 20.00 SS.IE.CH.13 CH Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 5.00 13-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.SP Station PowerANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.SP Station Power 70.00 11-Sep-23 17-May-24 18.00 SS.IE.SP.01 Transformer 1500KVA 4.00 26-Apr-24 01-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.02 Transformer 150KVA 4.00 29-Apr-24 02-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.03 Transformer 100KVA 4.00 30-Apr-24 03-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.04 Manual Transfer Switch 4.00 02-May-24 07-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.05 Safety Switch 2.00 02-May-24 03-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.06 Transformer 100KVA 2.00 02-May-24 03-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.07 Circuit BreakerEnclosure 2.00 02-May-24 03-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.08 Station Service Generator, 1500kW, 480V 7.00 11-Sep-23 19-Sep-23 75.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 Building Erection 3 Garage Doors Electrical Pallet Racks 28-Aug-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.BW Bus-Work Strain Bus,Jumpers 1 Strain Bus,Jumpers 2 Solid Bus 17-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE Installation Equipment 17-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.T 345KV Yard 345kV CCVT (VT10) 345kV Circuit Breakers 345kV Switches 345KV SURGE ARRESTER STATION SERVICE Substation Yard Lighting 345KV STATIC SHIELD MAST 345KV SURGE ARRESTER STATION SERVICE 345kV 533MVA PST #1 345kV 533MVA PST #2 345kV 533MVA PST #3 345kV 533MVA PST #4 345KV Yard Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 17-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.F 525kv Yard 525kV CCVT (VT9) 525kV Circuit Breakers (5 No) 525kV Shunt Capacitor #2 525kV, SURGE ARRESTOR 525kV Switches 525KV Yard Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 17-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.R Reactor Reactor Current limiting 525KV 525KV Reactor Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 17-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.P Protection & Control Equipment 345 kV Control and Relay Panels 345 kV Annunciator and RTU Panels Forms, Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 345KV Protection $ and Control Equipment 17-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.CH Control House Structure, internal fixtures DC Batteries, racks, Chargers Panel Installation CH Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 17-May-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.IE.SP Station Power Transformer 1500KVA Transformer 150KVA Transformer 100KVA Manual Transfer Switch Safety Switch Transformer 100KVA Circuit BreakerEnclosure Station Service Generator, 1500kW, 480V Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 8 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float SS.IE.SP.09 Panelboard, AC 1.00 02-May-24 02-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.10 Station Lighting Fixtures and Outlet Assemblies 1.00 03-May-24 03-May-24 24.00 SS.IE.SP.20 SP Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 5.00 13-May-24 17-May-24 18.00 ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CTE Cables & TerminationANC-BL-3.C.SS.CTE Cables & Termination 116.00 31-Jul-23 12-Jun-24 21.00 SS.CET.01 Control wiring/Power cable 345kV Yard 1 Field Cable Installation 30.00 31-Jul-23*11-Sep-23 20.00 SS.CET.011 Control wiring/Power cable 345kV Yard BW Field Cable Installation 25.00 12-Sep-23 16-Oct-23 20.00 SS.CET.02 Control wiring/Power cable 345kV Yard 2 27.00 17-Oct-23 24-Apr-24 20.00 SS.CET.03 Control wiring/Power cable 525kV Yard 1 7.00 01-May-24 09-May-24 16.00 SS.CET.04 Control wiring/Power cable 525kV Yard 2 9.00 10-May-24 22-May-24 16.00 SS.CET.05 345kv Yard Cable Termination 1 7.00 23-May-24 03-Jun-24 16.00 SS.CET.06 345kv Yard Cable Termination 2 7.00 04-Jun-24 12-Jun-24 16.00 SS.CET.07 Control House Cable Installation 10.00 14-May-24 28-May-24 21.00 SS.CET.08 Control House Cable Terminations 6.00 29-May-24 05-Jun-24 26.00 SS.CET.09 525kV Yard Cable Termination 6.00 29-May-24 05-Jun-24 21.00 ANC-BL-3.TST Testing & CommissioningANC-BL-3.TST Testing & Commissioning 84.00 13-Jun-24 09-Oct-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S SubstationANC-BL-3.TST.S Substation 84.00 13-Jun-24 09-Oct-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST 345kV Yard Equipment Testing & CommissioningANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST 345kV Yard Equipment Testing & Commissioning 6.00 13-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.01 Surge Arrestors 2 1.00 13-Jun-24 13-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.011 MOAB / Transrupter 4 1.00 14-Jun-24 14-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.012 Fiber Splicing 1.00 14-Jun-24 14-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.02 Circuit BreakersANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.02 Circuit Breakers 3.00 14-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.022 SF6 Gas Charging CB (345kV) 5 3.00 14-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.023 Vacuum Per CB (345kV) 5 1.00 14-Jun-24 14-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.03 TransformersANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.03 Transformers 2.00 17-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.032 Power Transformer (W/DETC) 0 1.00 17-Jun-24 17-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.033 Station Service 4 1.00 18-Jun-24 18-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.04 Instrument TransformersANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.04 Instrument Transformers 3.00 18-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.041 CCVT 1 2.00 18-Jun-24 19-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.042 CT (Transformers) 0 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.043 CT (CB's) 30 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.044 Current Circuit Secondaries 30 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.045 Voltage Circuit Secondaries 1 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.05 GroundingANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.05 Grounding 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.051 Ground Grid Injection 1 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.06 Controls CircuitsANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.06 Controls Circuits 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.061 Functional Testing (Per Breaker) 5 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.062 Functional Testing (Per Xfmr) 0 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.063 Point to Point wire verification (Per Breaker) 5 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.064 Point to Point wire verification (Per Transformer) 4 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.07 Cable TestingANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.07 Cable Testing 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.071 VLF 5 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.08 Low Voltage Section (Verifications)ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.08 Low Voltage Section (Verifications)1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.081 LV Yard Panels 4 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.082 LV Yard Panels Mod's 2 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.ST.083 LV Safety Switches 5 1.00 20-Jun-24 20-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH Control House Testing & CommissioningANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH Control House Testing & Commissioning 6.00 21-Jun-24 28-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.01 Reports / Project Management 1.00 21-Jun-24 21-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.02 Drawing Control (when customer requests) 1 1.00 21-Jun-24 21-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.03 BatteriesANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.03 Batteries 1.00 21-Jun-24 21-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.031 Battery String Testing (1hr Discharge Rate)(125V) 2 1.00 21-Jun-24 21-Jun-24 16.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 Panelboard, AC Station Lighting Fixtures and Outlet Assemblies SP Inspection and testing PacifiCorp Forms 12-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.C.SS.CTE Cables & Termination Control wiring/Power cable 345kV Yard 1 Field Cable Installation Control wiring/Power cable 345kV Yard BW Field Cable Installation Control wiring/Power cable 345kV Yard 2 Control wiring/Power cable 525kV Yard 1 Control wiring/Power cable 525kV Yard 2 345kv Yard Cable Termination 1 345kv Yard Cable Termination 2 Control House Cable Installation Control House Cable Terminations 525kV Yard Cable Termination 09-Oct-24, ANC-BL-3.TST Testing & Commissioning 09-Oct-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S Substation 20-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST 345kV Yard Equipment Testing & Commissioning Surge Arrestors 2 MOAB / Transrupter 4 Fiber Splicing 18-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.02 Circuit Breakers SF6 Gas Charging CB (345kV) 5 Vacuum Per CB (345kV) 5 18-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.03 Transformers Power Transformer (W/DETC) 0 Station Service 4 20-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.04 Instrument Transformers CCVT 1 CT (Transformers) 0 CT (CB's) 30 Current Circuit Secondaries 30 Voltage Circuit Secondaries 1 20-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.05 Grounding Ground Grid Injection 1 20-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.06 Controls Circuits Functional Testing (Per Breaker) 5 Functional Testing (Per Xfmr) 0 Point to Point wire verification (Per Breaker) 5 Point to Point wire verification (Per Transformer) 4 20-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.07 Cable Testing VLF 5 20-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.ST.08 Low Voltage Section (Verifications) LV Yard Panels 4 LV Yard Panels Mod's 2 LV Safety Switches 5 28-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH Control House Testing & Commissioning Reports / Project Management Drawing Control (when customer requests) 1 21-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.03 Batteries Battery String Testing (1hr Discharge Rate)(125V) 2 Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 9 of 10 Baseline Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Total Float TST.S.CH.032 Battery String Testing (1hr Discharge Rate)(48V) 1 1.00 21-Jun-24 21-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.033 Battery Charger 3 1.00 21-Jun-24 21-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.04 Controls CircuitsANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.04 Controls Circuits 2.00 21-Jun-24 24-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.041 Point to Point wire verification (Per Panel) 27 1.00 21-Jun-24 21-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.042 Point to Point wire verification (Per Cabinet) 3 1.00 24-Jun-24 24-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.043 DFR 1 1.00 24-Jun-24 24-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.044 Annuncaitor 2 1.00 24-Jun-24 24-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.05 MiscellaneousANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.05 Miscellaneous 2.00 25-Jun-24 26-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.051 HVAC 3 1.00 25-Jun-24 25-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.052 Building Alarms 1 1.00 26-Jun-24 26-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.06 Low Voltage SectionANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.06 Low Voltage Section 2.00 26-Jun-24 27-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.061 DCLC 4 1.00 26-Jun-24 26-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.062 ACLC 2 1.00 27-Jun-24 27-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.063 Fuse Disco 2 1.00 27-Jun-24 27-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.07 Post Energization IR ScanANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.07 Post Energization IR Scan 1.00 28-Jun-24 28-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.071 IR Scan 1.00 28-Jun-24 28-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.072 Substation 1 1.00 28-Jun-24 28-Jun-24 16.00 TST.S.CH.073 Fuse Disco 2 1.00 28-Jun-24 28-Jun-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF 525kV Yard Equipment Testing & CommissioningANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF 525kV Yard Equipment Testing & Commissioning 17.00 01-Jul-24 23-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.01 Yard Equipment-1ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.01 Yard Equipment-1 2.00 01-Jul-24 02-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.011 Air Switch Testing 1.00 01-Jul-24 01-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.012 Surge Arrestors 2 1.00 02-Jul-24 02-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.02 Circuit BreakersANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.02 Circuit Breakers 3.00 03-Jul-24 05-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.021 SF6 CB (345kV) 5 1.00 03-Jul-24 03-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.022 SF6 Gas Charging CB (345kV) 5 1.00 04-Jul-24 04-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.023 Vacuum Per CB (345kV) 5 1.00 05-Jul-24 05-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.03 Instrument TransformersANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.03 Instrument Transformers 4.00 08-Jul-24 11-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.031 CCVT 1 1.00 08-Jul-24 08-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.032 CT (CB's) 12 1.00 09-Jul-24 09-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.033 Current Circuit Secondaries 12 1.00 10-Jul-24 10-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.034 Voltage Circuit Secondaries 1 1.00 11-Jul-24 11-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.04 Capacitors / ReactorsANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.04 Capacitors / Reactors 1.00 12-Jul-24 12-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.041 Capacitor Bank 1 1.00 12-Jul-24 12-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.043 Dry Core Reactor 3 1.00 12-Jul-24 12-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.05 GroundingANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.05 Grounding 1.00 15-Jul-24 15-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.051 Ground Grid Injection 1 1.00 15-Jul-24 15-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.06 Controls CircuitsANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.06 Controls Circuits 2.00 16-Jul-24 17-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.061 Functional Testing (Per Breaker) 2 1.00 16-Jul-24 16-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.062 Point to Point wire verification (Per Breaker) 2 1.00 17-Jul-24 17-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.07 Circuit Breakers Post Bushing Install ActivitiesANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.07 Circuit Breakers Post Bushing Install Activities 4.00 18-Jul-24 23-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.071 SF6 Gas Charging (525kV) 2 1.00 18-Jul-24 18-Jul-24 16.00 TST.S.SF.072 Vacuum Per CB (525kV) 2 3.00 19-Jul-24 23-Jul-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SP PunchlistANC-BL-3.TST.S.SP Punchlist 40.00 14-Aug-24 09-Oct-24 16.00 ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SP.C addressing Punchlist itemsANC-BL-3.TST.S.SP.C addressing Punchlist items 40.00 14-Aug-24 09-Oct-24 16.00 TSt.S.SP.C.01 Punchlist correction 1 20.00 14-Aug-24 11-Sep-24 16.00 TSt.S.SP.C.11 Punchlist correction 2 20.00 12-Sep-24 09-Oct-24 16.00 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2023 2024 2025 Battery String Testing (1hr Discharge Rate)(48V) 1 Battery Charger 3 24-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.04 Controls Circuits Point to Point wire verification (Per Panel) 27 Point to Point wire verification (Per Cabinet) 3 DFR 1 Annuncaitor 2 26-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.05 Miscellaneous HVAC 3 Building Alarms 1 27-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.06 Low Voltage Section DCLC 4 ACLC 2 Fuse Disco 2 28-Jun-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.CH.07 Post Energization IR Scan IR Scan Substation 1 Fuse Disco 2 23-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF 525kV Yard Equipment Testing & Commissioning 02-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.01 Yard Equipment-1 Air Switch Testing Surge Arrestors 2 05-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.02 Circuit Breakers SF6 CB (345kV) 5 SF6 Gas Charging CB (345kV) 5 Vacuum Per CB (345kV) 5 11-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.03 Instrument Transformers CCVT 1 CT (CB's) 12 Current Circuit Secondaries 12 Voltage Circuit Secondaries 1 12-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.04 Capacitors / Reactors Capacitor Bank 1 Dry Core Reactor 3 15-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.05 Grounding Ground Grid Injection 1 17-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.06 Controls Circuits Functional Testing (Per Breaker) 2 Point to Point wire verification (Per Breaker) 2 23-Jul-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SF.07 Circuit Breakers Post Bushing Install Activities SF6 Gas Charging (525kV) 2 Vacuum Per CB (525kV) 2 09-Oct-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SP Punchlist 09-Oct-24, ANC-BL-3.TST.S.SP.C addressing Punchlist items Punchlist correction 1 Punchlist correction 2 Anticline Substation Classic Schedule Layout 01-Sep-23 15:20 Critical ( flaot less than 10) Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining... Milestone Page 10 of 10 Baseline