HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240829PAC to Staff 175 Attachment G-2.pdf L659 Working Agreement International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 659 PACIFIC POWER Term of Agreement: A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP April 26, 2024 — April 25, 2029 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 1 .0 Purpose and Scope of Agreement ............................... 1 Article 2.0 Term of Agreement............................................................. 2 Article 3.0 Company and Union Security ............................................. 3 Article 4.0 Strikes and Lockouts........................................................... 8 Article 5.0 Union and Company Representatives ................................ 8 Article 6.0 Grievance Procedures ........................................................ 9 Article 7.0 Arbitration.......................................................................... 11 Article 8.0 Holidays ............................................................................ 12 Article 9.0 Vacations .......................................................................... 14 Article 10.0 Disability Benefit Plan ....................................................... 18 Article 11 .0 Occupational Disability Benefits........................................ 24 Article 12.0 Apprentice Rules............................................................... 26 Article 13.0 Seniority Rules.................................................................. 30 Article 14.0 Safety Rules......................................................................41 Article 15.0 General Working Rules.....................................................43 Article 16.0 Definitions and Working Rules for District Operations, Construction, Meter-Transformer and Garage Departments ..................................................................... 59 i PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 17.0 Working Rules for Power/Hydro Departments ..................................................................... 74 Article 18.0 Working Rules for Stores Department ....................................................................... 81 Article 19.0 Meter Readers and Miscellaneous Classifications ................................................................... 82 Article 20.0 Retirement and Insurance Plans for Employees ........................................................................ 83 Article 21 .0 Definitions ......................................................................... 90 Article 22.0 Job Classification and Wage Scale................................... 92 Article 23.0 Deleted 4/26/21 Article 24.0 Letters of Agreement ...................................................... 102 Index ............................................................................... 144 ii PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement THIS WORKING AGREEMENT, dated April 26, 2024 by and between PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, hereinafter called the "Company," and LOCAL UNION NO. 659 of the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, A.F.L.-C.I.O., hereinafter called the "Union", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Company (as successor to the California Oregon Power Company by merger effective June 21, 1961) and the Union as of July 1, 1960, entered into a Working Agreement, the terms and conditions of which were modified by supplemental Agreements, effective July 1, 1961, August 24, 1961, January 22, 1962, July 1, 1962, July 1, 1963, July 1, 1964, July 1, 1965, July 1, 1966, July 1, 1967, July 1, 1968, July 1, 1969, July 1, 1970, July 1, 1971, July 1, 1972, July 1, 1973, July 1, 1974, July 1, 1975, December 26, 1975, April 26, 1976, April 26, 1977, April 26, 1979, April 26, 1981, April 26, 1983, April 26, 1985, April 26, 1988, April 26, 1991 April 26, 1994, April 26, 1997, April 26, 2001, April 26, 2004, April 26, 2007, April 26, 2011,April 25, 2016 and April 26, 2024. WHEREAS, the said Working Agreement was to extend to April 25, 2029, and could be opened for modification or amendment by either party upon written notice to the other given at least ninety (90) days prior to said April 25, 2029. WHEREAS, the Union has indicated its desire to modify the said Working Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Company also desires to amend the said Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, the Company and the Union do mutually agree to continue the terms and provisions of the said Agreement, amended to read henceforth as follows: ARTICLE 1.0 - PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate the peaceful adjustment of the differences that may arise from time to time and to promote harmony and efficiency to the end that the Company, the Union and the general public may mutually benefit. 1.2 The Union agrees for its members that they will individually and collectively perform loyal and efficient work and service, that they will use their influence and best efforts to protect the property of the Company and its service to the public, and that they will cooperate in promoting and advancing the welfare of the Company and the protection of its service to the public at all times. 1.3 The Company agrees that it will cooperate with the Union in its efforts to promote harmony and efficiency among the Company's Employees and will further the Union interest wherever possible. 1 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 1.4 This Agreement applies to and covers all Employees of the Company employed in the Company's Southern Oregon - Northern California properties, (the boundaries of which are the same as those of the former California Oregon Power Company, to include those established by the Pacific Power Council split agreement) in those job classifications scheduled in Article 22.0 hereof. Should the Company construct or acquire any combustion turbine generating facilities within its regulated business, either simple cycle or combined, the parties will meet to discuss the issues associated with the creation of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement or an appendix to this agreement that reflects the technology, staffing required, and operating methodologies for such units. ARTICLE 2.0 — TERM OF AGREEMENT 2.1 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the date of ratification up to and including April 25, 2029 and thereafter until terminated. Either party may terminate this Agreement on, or at any time after April 25, 2029, by giving at least ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other party. However, if the parties are negotiating a new Agreement at the time this Agreement would otherwise terminate, the terms and conditions hereof shall continue in effect so long as such negotiations voluntarily continue, and any new Agreement shall be made retroactive to the date the Agreement would otherwise have terminated. (Amended 4/26/24) 2.2 Either party may propose amendment of this Agreement on, or at any time after April 25, 2029, by giving at least ninety (90) days' prior written notice to the other party specifying the particular modification or amendments desired. The party first notified shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, notify the other of any modifications or amendments it desires. Negotiations on the respective proposals shall begin within twenty (20) days of receipt of the first notice, unless such time shall be extended by mutual consent. Amendments agreed upon shall become effective as of April 26 following the notice first so served, and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect unless and until terminated as provided in Section 2.1 hereof. (Amended 4/26/24) 2.3 This Agreement may be changed at any time when necessary, and when mutually agreed upon by the Union and the Company. 2.4 If any part of this Agreement is, or is hereafter found to be, in contravention of the laws or regulations of the United States or of any state having jurisdiction, such part shall be superseded by the appropriate provisions of such law or regulation so long as the same is in effect, but all other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Upon any such determination being made, the Company and the Union will promptly negotiate and endeavor to reach an agreement upon a suitable substitute thereof. 2 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 2.5 Successor Clause This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors of the Employer and no provisions, terms or obligations contained herein shall be affected, modified, altered or changed in any respect whatsoever by the sale, conveyance, transfer, assignment, consolidation or merger of the Employer's operations covered by this Agreement or affected, modified, altered or changed in any respect whatsoever by any change of any kind in the legal status, ownership or management of the Employer's operations covered by this Agreement or by change, geographical or otherwise, in the location or place of business of the Employer. In consideration of the Union's execution of this Agreement, the Employer promises that its operations covered by this Agreement shall not be sold, conveyed, transferred, or assigned to, or consolidated or merged with any successor without first securing an enforceable agreement of the successor to assume the Employer's obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE 3.0 — COMPANY AND UNION SECURITY 3.1 The Company recognizes the Union as the exclusive Bargaining Agent for the Employees covered by this Agreement. 3.2 The Union recognizes that the full rights and authority of Management are vested in the Company, except as specifically limited by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3.3 Neither the Company nor the Union will discriminate against any employee or applicant as it relates to any of the terms of this Agreement, because of race, color, religion or religious creed, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status (except as required by law), gender (including gender identity and expression), sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, genetic information, physical or mental disability, veteran or military status, familial or parental status, marital status or any other category protected by local, state, or federal law. The Company and Union will cooperate to provide a work environment free of harassment and discrimination. Any use of gendered pronouns in this Agreement is intended to be all- inclusive and gender-neutral, and use of "they", "them", or "their" throughout this Agreement is also intended as a gender-neutral pronoun. Use of they/them/their shall mean a single worker or employee unless otherwise specified. Gender-specific terms are not intended to be discriminatory but are the trade terms used to describe certain positions, e.g., "Journeyman." (Amended 4126/24) 3.3.1 Use of the male or female gender in this Agreement shall include the opposite gender. 3 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 3.4 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as abridging the rights of the Company, the Union or individual Employees under the provisions of any applicable law, or as requiring the performance by any of the foregoing of any act in violation of any such law. 3.5 Employees who are members of the Union on the date hereof or who subsequently become members, shall remain members thereof by paying or tendering the dues and initiation fees normally and usually required by the Union of their members in the same classification. 3.6 Any Employee who is not a member of the Union on the date hereof, and any Employee subsequently employed by the Company for or transferred by the Company to a position covered by this Agreement, shall be required, as a condition of their continued employment, thirty (30) calendar days after the date of their employment or such transfer or the date of this Agreement, whichever date is the later, to become a member of the Union and remain a member thereof during the term of this Agreement, by paying or tendering the dues and initiation fees normally and usually required by the Union of its members. 3.7 In case any Employee shall become delinquent under the provisions of the foregoing Sections, or shall fail to become or to remain a member of the Union, the Union will notify the Company's Labor Relations designee of such fact in writing; and the Company will notify the delinquent Employee within five (5) workdays that such Employee's employment will cease upon the expiration of five (5) workdays after delivery of such notice, unless in the meantime the Employee exhibits to their Superintendent a receipt or certificate issued by the Union showing that such Employee has been placed in or restored to membership. 3.8 If any Employee shall take proper action to entitle them to such membership within five (5) workdays after delivery of such notice, their continuity of employment shall not be interrupted by such prior delinquency; but, if the delinquent Employee fails to take such action within such five (5) days' period, their employment will be terminated at the end of such period. 3.9 The Company will, during the term of this Agreement, deduct and remit, monthly, to the Financial Secretary of the Union the normal and usual dues uniformly required of its members by the Union of those Union members as shall voluntarily authorize the Company to do so. Such written authorization must be in lawful, mutually acceptable form, and shall be forwarded to the Company through the Business Manager of the Union. 4 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 3.10 The Financial Secretary of the Union will keep the Company currently advised of the monthly dues to be deducted from the wages of each Employee, who shall have filed the required Dues Deduction Authorization with the Union and the Company. 3.11 An Employee may revoke their dues deduction authorization by written notice directed to the Union by registered mail. The Union will provide timely notification to the Company. Such revocation will be effective in the payroll month following receipt of the notice. 3.12 The Company acknowledges receipt of copies of the Bylaws of Local 659 and the Constitution of the I.B.E.W. 3.13 It is recognized by the parties that the economic success of the Company will greatly enhance the job security of all Employees. To that end, the Company agrees they will not contract any work that is ordinarily done by its regular Employees covered under this agreement for the specific purpose of laying off or demoting such Employees. No regular Employee shall be laid off, terminated or discharged by the Employer as a result of the Employer subcontracting any work normally done by bargaining unit Employees. It is recognized that new technology has been injected into the workplace throughout our history and that with proper and proactive training, traditional bargaining unit work has and will remain within the unit. The Company, in contracting work, will use its best efforts to preserve the goodwill and harmonious relations existing between the Union and the Company. Upon request of the Union, the Company will make available for review any contract entered into involving work covered by this Agreement. Additionally, the Company agrees that individuals employed on the effective date of this Agreement and represented by the Union will be considered part of the Core Work Group (CWG). Minus any unforeseen catastrophic events, members of the CWG will be ensured employment throughout the term of this Agreement with the following exceptions: • Meter Reader positions will not be considered part of the CWG. • Those individuals impacted by the implementation of new technologies related to the automated reading of the Company's electric meters. • Those individuals impacted by changes to the Company's service territory or unanticipated facility closure as a result of the actions of a legal regulatory authority within the jurisdiction of Local 659. Any of the above-mentioned circumstances will be the subject of conversation at the regularly scheduled Labor/Management Committee. This Committee will be charged with exploring any and all alternatives to respond to the circumstances, which created the disruption of the normal operation of the Company's business. Any modifications to this Agreement resulting from these conversations would require approval of the affected membership. Nothing in this language is to be 5 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement understood to infringe upon an Employee's rights in this or any other section of this Agreement. It is recognized by the parties that the size of the CWG will fluctuate over time and it is not the intent of Schedule C of this Agreement to cause any loss of employment to members of the CWG on the date of this Agreement. As the term of this Agreement progresses, the effective use of Schedule C Employees will be monitored by the Labor/Management Committee with any dispute being resolved by the representatives of the Committee. The parties acknowledge Employees would receive the rate of pay commensurate with the classification held if demoted as a result of voluntary action by the Employee. Additionally, the Union recognizes that certain changes within customer service areas may require that certain rotations or reductions may need to be made to allow assignment of Employees within the overall jurisdiction to meet the needs for customer service without force reduction. Should it become necessary for the Company to make Employee work location adjustments to meet customer needs within the jurisdiction, they will meet with the Union and negotiate in good faith methods to meet those needs as they affect the classifications under the Agreement for alternate methods to maintain work opportunities prior to any downsizing of the overall Unit. Any such options negotiated will require the approval of the affected membership. 3.14 Charter Statement Labor-Management Committee The purpose of the Labor-Management Committee, while representing the interests of constituents is: • To improve communication and understanding between the Company and the Union. • To enhance Employee job security through the ongoing success of the organization. • To enhance and promote the cooperation and working relationships between the parties resulting in higher morale and increased trust. • To address and where possible resolve emerging problems. • To identify and where appropriate implement measures to enhance the Company's and Local 659's competitiveness in the industry. Guiding Principles: • Focus on interests not positions by developing options through active listening, constructive input and the sharing of information. • One party's problem is the Committee's problem. • Don't turn disagreements into trust issues. • Look for results that can be based on objective standards. 6 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • Consider impacts on interested third parties such as customers. • Observe attached meeting ground rules. • In pursuing the above purposes, the Company will not use contracting as a reason for reduction of force. Boundaries: • Operate within the parameters of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement and comply with Federal and State laws and regulations. • Strive for consensus in decision making with results adopted after approvals necessary to maintain accountability to constituencies. Committee Structure: The Committee shall consist of the Company's representative and the Business Manager of the Union, or their designated Representatives and four (4) members appointed by the Company and four (4) members appointed by the Union. The Committee shall meet on call and at mutually acceptable times and dates. The Committee will select Co-Chairs, one (1) each from among labor and management representatives, and a Secretary on a rotating basis as may be determined. Duration: This Charter Statement shall become effective upon ratification by both parties of the Collective Bargaining Agreement successor to the one expiring April 25, 1997, and shall continue in force and effect until at which time, unless otherwise agreed by the Union and the Company, the Charter Statement shall become null and void of any force or effect. Labor-Management Committee Ground Rules: 1. Meetings will be Co-Chaired. 2. Start meetings on time. 3. Prepare agenda in advance and stick to it. 4. Be courteous; no personal attacks. 5. Be open and honest. 6. Listen as an ally. 7. Keep confidences. 8. Off-the-record discussions are okay. 9. Anyone can call a caucus; recess immediately. 10. Everyone participates. No one monopolizes. 11.Agreements to be returned to the Company and Union for approval. 7 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement ARTICLE 4.0 — STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS 4.1 No strike, work stoppage or slowdown will be authorized by the Union, and the Company will not engage in a lockout because of any proposed change in this Agreement or of any dispute over matters related to or covered by this Agreement. The Union will take every reasonable means within its power to induce Employees engaged in a strike, work stoppage or slowdown in violation of this Agreement to return to work; but the Union, its officers, representatives or affiliates shall not be held responsible for any strike, work stoppage or slowdown which the Union, its officers, representatives or affiliates shall have expressly forbidden or declared to be in violation hereof. ARTICLE 5.0 — UNION AND COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES 5.1 The Union will at all times keep the Company's Manager of Labor Relations notified in writing of the name of each person designated by the Union to act as the Steward in each of the Company's Districts, Plants and other work locations, each such Steward to be engaged in work for the Company covered by this Agreement. 5.2 The Company will at all times keep the Union informed in writing of the names of the Company's Superintendents or other representatives in each District, Plant or other work location with whom grievances shall be processed in Step One of the Grievance Procedure described in the following Article 6.0. 5.3 The names of the respective Union and Company representatives designated to handle matters arising under this Agreement in each District, Plant or other work group shall be posted on the Company bulletin board in the appropriate District or Plant. 5.4 A Union Steward shall, upon request to their Superintendent, be given reasonable time off with pay at their regular rate, to process within their District any grievance pertaining to the District, Plant or other work group in which the Union Steward is then acting as the Union's representative. 5.5 Union officers, or other official representatives, upon request to the Company, shall be given reasonably sufficient time off without pay to transact Union business. 5.6 An Employee appointed or elected to represent the Union at any meeting with the Company called by or agreed to by the Company to discuss any matter covered by this Agreement, upon request to the Company, shall be allowed time off to attend such meeting with pay at the Employee's regular rate for the hours required for attendance at such meeting which otherwise would have been worked by the Employee. The number of Union representatives so entitled to leave with pay shall be subject to mutual agreement between the Company and the Union. 8 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 5.7 The Company will make available space on its bulletin boards for the posting of Union bulletins and notices. Such notices shall be signed by the representatives designated as provided in Section 5.1 hereof. 5.8 On the date of hire before their actual work assignment begins, the Company will allow each new Employee a minimum of thirty (30) minutes with the Local Shop Steward to meet and discuss the Union's role and expectation in regard to Union membership, safety and professionalism. Furthermore, within three (3) months of ratification of this agreement, the Local 659 Labor-Management Committee will meet and jointly author a formal new Employee orientation program. Each new Employee will complete this new orientation program. ARTICLE 6.0 — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 6.1 The Company and the Union will promptly meet and deal with each other, through their respective representatives, with respect to any dispute involving the interpretation, application or alleged violation of any provision of this Agreement, or any alleged action of the Company or its supervisors which the Employee feels unjustly or unlawfully affects their job or any benefits arising out of their job. All questions, disputes or controversies arising under this Agreement shall be determined and settled solely and exclusively by the Grievance and Arbitration procedures provided for herein. 6.1.2 Termination of an Employee during their probationary period shall not be subject to grievance under the provisions of this Agreement. 6.2 Grievance Procedure: 6.2.1 Step One. An Employee, or group of Employees, having a grievance shall first discuss the matter within fifteen (15) calendar days of its occurrence with their supervisor. The Steward shall have the right to be present at all such discussions, or, if the aggrieved Employee or Employees desire, the Steward alone shall have such initial oral discussion with the supervisor. The supervisor will give a reply within ten (10) calendar days. Failure to reply within the time limit will place the grievance in Step Two unless the time therefore shall have been extended by mutual agreement. For purposes of this section, a grievance is not considered to exist until the grieving party knows or could reasonably be expected to know of the alleged violations. Under no circumstances will a grievance be accepted if not presented within sixty (60) calendar days after the time the alleged 9 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement violation occurred. Every effort will be made to settle grievances at this Step One. 6.2.2 Step Two. If a grievance is not settled at the first step, the Steward shall thereupon prepare and present to the Company supervisor in the District, Department, or Plant involved a written "Notice of Grievance," with copies to the Company's designated Labor Relations Contact and the Union's Business Manager, setting forth, so far as may be applicable: a. The nature of the grievance, and the circumstances out of which it arose, b. The remedy or correction the Company is requested to make, and c. The section or sections of this Agreement, if any, relied upon or claimed to have been violated. The Company and the Union will endeavor, wherever practicable, to settle any grievance at this point; such settlement agreement to be signed by both parties and copies thereof to be furnished to the Company's designated Labor Relations contact or their designee and the Union's Business Manager, but if the Steward and the Company representative involved do not settle such grievance directly within fifteen (15) calendar days after its presentation by the Steward (unless the time therefor shall be extended by mutual agreement), then the Step 3 grievance process will apply. 6.2.3 Step Three. If a grievance is not settled under the foregoing Section 6.2.2 or Section 6.5, the Union's Business Manager or other authorized representative shall meet with the Company's authorized representative or representatives. Such meeting shall be arranged by and with the Company's Labor Relations Director after receipt of a written notice from the Union's Business Manager or their representative requesting the meeting and stating the grievance to be considered. No grievance of Employees, except for termination grievances, or by mutual agreement, shall be handled in this Step Three until it has first been processed as provided in Section 6.2.2. The Union and the Company may each call and present witnesses to testify at such meeting, and each shall pay all costs of the appearance of any witness so called by it. 6.2.4 Any grievance concerning a discharge must be filed with the Company in writing on the approved grievance forms within fifteen (15) calendar days after such discharge or any claim to grieve shall be waived by the Grievant and Union. 10 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement The Company and the Union recognize that such a grievance should be addressed at the earliest possible time. Therefore, such grievance shall move directly to the provisions of Section 6.2.3. 6.3 Grievances asserted by the Company, or the Union shall be initiated at Step Three. 6.4 The Company and the Union will endeavor to settle at Step Three, Section 6.2.3 and Section 6.2.4 hereof, any grievance not settled in the foregoing Steps and will meet to process such grievance within fifteen (15) calendar days after its presentation. All replies to grievances will be reduced to writing within fifteen (15) calendar days after meeting of Company and Union (unless the time therefore shall be extended by mutual agreement). Both parties are committed to timely resolution of all grievances. To this end, all pertinent information specific to a grievance should be presented to both parties at a reasonable time prior to arbitration. 6.5 In the event that any dispute involving the interpretation, application or alleged violation of any provisions of this agreement shall not be settled as provided in the foregoing section, such dispute shall be submitted at the request of either party to arbitration as provided in Section 7.0 hereof. If the dispute is not settled and is not submitted to arbitration in the sixty (60) calendar day period following delivery by the Company to the Union of the written settlement provided in Section 6.4, the grievance will be canceled without prejudice. ARTICLE 7.0 —ARBITRATION 7.1 Any dispute or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or any grievance as herein defined, not settled in direct negotiations as provided for in the preceding sections shall be submitted to arbitration (upon the initiative of either party to this Agreement upon notice of the other party). Such cases shall be referred to an impartial arbitrator selected by contacting the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to furnish a list of seven (7) arbitrators with offices in Oregon, Washington, and/or California who are members of the National Academy of Arbitrators. From that list of arbitrators, the Union and the Company will, in turn, strike a name from the list until there is only one name remaining, and the remaining name shall be the arbitrator. For the first arbitration under this LOA, the first to strike a name from the FMCS list shall be determined by a coin toss, with the loser of the toss striking first. For each subsequent arbitration, the first to strike a name from the FMCS shall alternate between the Company and the Union. For example, if the Company loses the coin toss and strikes the first name in the first arbitration under this LOA, then the Union would strike the first name in the next arbitration. The Company and the Union agree to take all steps necessary 11 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement to facilitate the arbitration, and to abide by and perform the award made in such arbitration. (Amended 4/26/24 per LOA dated 4/4/23) 7.2 The arbitrator shall have no authority to amend, modify or supplement any provision of this Agreement. 7.3 Each party shall bear the expense of preparing and presenting its own case. Expenses of the arbitrator and any incidental expenses mutually agreed to in advance shall be borne equally by the parties hereto. 7.4 Deleted 4/26/24 ARTICLE 8.0 — HOLIDAYS 8.1 The following days shall be recognized as holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, two (2) floating holidays (to be scheduled per Section 8.5). Employees may use these floating holidays to observe on any other day mutually agreed to with their supervisor. Floating holidays are available to use during the current payroll year and cannot be carried over to the following year. (Amended 4/26/24) New regular Employees will be allocated floating holidays according to the following schedule: Month of Hire Payroll Year 2024 Number of Floating Holidays December 26t" though June 30t" 2 July 1st through November 25t" 1 (No floating holidays will be applied for new hires starting after November 25) Beginning in payroll year 2025, the Company will either: (1) provide one additional floating holiday (total of three (3) floating holidays), or (2) implement Juneteenth as an observed holiday. If Juneteenth is not implemented as an observed holiday, beginning in payroll year 2025, the following chart will be used for floating holidays: Month of Hire Payroll Year 2025 Number of Floating Holidays December 26t" through June 30t" 3 July 1st through November 25t" 2 (Amended 4/26/24) 8.2 For Employees working a normal Monday through Friday five (5) day week, if the fixed holiday falls on a Saturday the holiday will be observed on the preceding 12 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Friday. If the fixed holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday. (Amended 4/26/21) 8.2.1 For purposes of holiday observance with respect to Employees working non-rotating shifts on other than the normal Monday through Friday schedule, the first day off shall be treated as though it were Saturday, and the second day off as though it were Sunday, in accordance with Section 8.2. 8.2.2 For pay purposes only, the holiday allowance for holidays falling on the scheduled day off for a rotating shift worker will be paid on the day on which the holiday falls. Additionally, Employees may request to extend their normal days off during the pay period in which the holiday falls. This would be accomplished by designating a workday in conjunction with their scheduled days off to be observed as their holiday. This request will be subject to a minimum thirty-five (35) calendar days written notification and the ability to cover the shift without the payment of overtime premiums as the date of scheduling. 8.2.3 T&D Operations Employees required to be on standby or declared emergency (DE worked or DE rested) (pursuant to Section 15.8) on an observed Holiday (as defined in Section 8.1) may elect to defer the eight (8) hours holiday pay to another future regular workday within the current payroll year, subject to supervisor approval. (Amended 4/26/24) 8.3 All regular, full-time Employees in classifications listed herein, shall receive holiday pay for the nine (9) calendar specific holidays, regardless of the days on which they fall in accordance with the provisions of this Article; provided, that payment is contingent upon work being performed upon the workday preceding and the workday following the holiday, unless prior approval for absence is granted, as in the case of illness or if the holiday falls within a vacation period. Holiday pay shall be for eight (8) hours' time at the Employee's regular rate of pay. Overtime compensation for time actually worked as set forth in Article 15 shall be in addition to holiday pay. 13 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 8.3.1 Regular part-time Employees will receive pro rata holidays, based upon their defined work schedule, as follows: Hours of Work Holiday Pay for Allocation Rate for Per Week Regular Holidays Floating Holidays Under 20 0 0 20-29 6 Hours 18 Hours 30-35 7 Hours 21 Hours Over 35 8 Hours 24 Hours If a regular part-time Employee's actual work schedule deviates from the defined work schedule identified above for an extended period of time, the local management and steward will meet to review the reasons for this deviation and determine if a new defined work schedule is appropriate. If a new defined work schedule is implemented, adjustments to the pro-rated benefit schedules would be warranted, beginning from the time the actual hours worked mirror the new defined work schedule. 8.4 If a holiday is observed under this Agreement during an Employee's paid vacation, they shall receive holiday pay only for that day and the Employee shall not have a day's vacation deducted from their vacation allocation. 8.5 Floating holidays may be taken at any time during the payroll year upon supervisory approval. If an Employee takes a floating holiday during an assignment away from their headquarters, they shall furnish transportation incidental to such holiday. Floating holidays must be taken in the payroll year they are allocated and cannot, for any reason, be carried into the following payroll year. ARTICLE 9.0 —VACATIONS 9.1 Eligibility. Each full-time Employee in the classifications covered by this Agreement shall receive vacation with pay as outlined below. (Amended 4/26/21) 9.2 Vacation Allowance. The number of hours of vacation to be allocated to an Employee in any payroll year and the amount of their vacation pay shall be based on the Employee's total service with the Company and provided on a full pay period basis. Simply stated, the per pay period vacation allowance provides a paid vacation after a stated period of continuous service as follows: 14 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Length of Service in Hours Per Year Hours Per Pay Period Years and Months New Hire through 4 years 80 3.333 Start through 48t" month 5th through 12t" year 120 5 49t" through 144t" month 13t" through 20t" year 160 6.667 145t" through 240t" month 21 st through 27t" year 200 8.333 241st through 324t" month 28th year and beyond 240 10 325t" month and beyond) Effective December 26, 2024, the following chart will be used to calculate vacation allowance: Length of Service in Hours Per Year Hours Per Pay Period Years and Months New Hire through 4 years 80 3.333 Start through 48t" month 5th year through 9t" year 120 5 49t" through 108t" months 10t" through 14t" year 160 6.667 109t" through 168t" months 15t" through 24t" year 200 8.333 169t" through 288t" month 25t" year and beyond 240 10 (289t" month and beyond) Employees must fully complete the 48t", 108t", 168t" and 288t" month of service to receive the higher allocation tier of vacation the next pay period. (Amended 4/26/24) 9.2.1 New hires will be eligible to utilize vacation hours when accrued. Probationary Employees who separate employment have no claim to compensation for unused vacation benefits. (Amended 4/26/21) 9.2.2 Upon achieving 1040 hours worked, a regular part-time Employee shall receive a pro-rated vacation allowance on a per pay period basis based on the following table. This pro-rated benefit will be applied to the schedule in Section 9.2, based on the number of years of service as a regular part-time or regular Employee. 15 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Hours of Work per Week Accrual Rate Under 20 0% 20-29 75% 30-35 88% Over 35 100% 9.3 Vacations may be granted to begin at any time during the payroll year providing it does not unreasonably interfere with the operations of the Company.—Employee vacation submitted prior to April 1 of each calendar year will be granted, vacation preference by seniority insofar as the needs of the Company will permit. Employee vacation requests received after April 1 will be granted subject to the business needs of the operation. 9.3.1 Vacations or portions of vacations shall be taken on a workweek basis, or when the operating requirements of the Company necessitate shorter vacation periods or Employees' desire shorter vacation periods and such scheduling is mutually agreeable to the Employee and the supervisor (this can allow vacation taken, upon agreement of Management, in hourly, daily or weekly increments). 9.3.2 An Employee shall be allowed to use a maximum of eighty (80) hours of their accrued vacation one (1) day at a time, providing the request does not create scheduling problems and no additional expense is caused the Company of such scheduling. 9.4 Employees will be allowed to carry a vacation bank into the following payroll year of up to three hundred twenty (320) hours. Should the Company cancel an Employee's scheduled vacation for operating purposes, and this vacation cannot be rescheduled before December 25' of that year and this cancellation causes the Employee to have in excess of 320 hours of vacation on December 25t", the additional vacation hours will be carried into the next payroll year. Written authorization from the Employee's supervisor will be required, documenting the approved vacation that was cancelled and the operating reasons why such vacation could not be rescheduled. Any vacation hours in excess of 320 hours of vacation on December 25', not covered by this operational exception, will be forfeited. 9.4.1 Rate of Pay. Vacation pay shall be at the Employee's regular straight-time rate as defined in Section 21.7. 9.5 Disability. In the event that disability as defined in Articles 10 and 11 of this Agreement occurs prior to and interferes with the scheduled vacation, the vacation will be rescheduled. 16 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 9.6 Holidays. If a holiday is observed under this Agreement during an Employee's paid vacation, the Employee shall receive only holiday pay for that day (the vacation being deferred per Section 8.4). 9.7 Vacation Pay Upon Termination. On termination of employment, non-probationary Employees shall receive pay for vacation hours earned but not taken. (Amended 4/26/21) 9.8 Regular Employees, who have worked for the Company, had a break in service and then returned to work with the Company, will be given credit for their entire time worked for the Company when calculating this allocation. This bridging of service will apply to all Company-provided benefit programs. 9.9 Time spent in military service shall be considered time worked for the purpose of determining the rate of vacation accrual under the preceding Sections of this Agreement provided the Employee had left the employ of the Company to enter military service and returned to its employ within six (6) months of first becoming eligible for release from military service. Each Employee, upon leaving theirjob to enter military service, may receive pay for all vacation credits then accumulated, or they may leave their vacation bank to be used upon their return to work. Upon resuming work for the Company, as provided above, the Employee will receive, in the year of their reemployment, a vacation with pay allocation equivalent to what the Employee would have received had they been continuously employed throughout the preceding payroll year, less any payments previously made to them on account of per pay period vacation allocations for the same prior year. 9.10 Time spent on personal leave per Company policy, in excess of four(4) continuous weeks for reasons other than disability (as defined in Articles 10 and 11), military service and jury duty, shall not be considered time worked for purposes of vacation accrual, and per pay period vacation allocations will not occur during such leaves. 9.11 Time spent on Disability Leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of this vacation plan, provided that vacation credit shall not accrue while an Employee is receiving insurance benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability Income Insurance Plan. 9.12 During vacation periods where the Company determines that substitutes are needed, the senior qualified Employee in the Department shall be given the opportunity to work the vacation shift of any advance position at the rate of pay established for the classification held by the Employee taking the vacation, but transfers from one point on the system to another in accordance with seniority shall not be compulsory nor shall there be rescheduling of the balance of the Employees in any Department under seniority rules. 17 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement ARTICLE 10.0 — DISABILITY BENEFIT PLAN This Article was amended 4/26/24. 10.1 The Company agrees to provide the following Disability Benefit Programs(s), in order that eligible Employees may be insured against loss of pay when unable to work because of illness or injury. The Union pledges its cooperation with the Company in preventing abuse of the Program(s) by its members and in the enforcement of Sections 10.11 and 10.12 hereof. 10.2 Cost of Program. The entire cost of the Disability Benefit Program shall be borne by the Company. 10.3 Definition of Disability. Any illness or injury which results in the inability of an Employee to perform the duties of their job shall be considered disability for the purpose of this Section 10.0, subject to the exclusions listed under the following Section 10.4.1. The Company may require medical verification of illness or injury. 10.4 Deleted 10.4.1 Exclusions. No Employee shall receive benefits under this Program for any disability which is caused by or is the result of the Employee's violation of criminal laws. 10.4.2 An occupational injury incurred by an Employee in the service of the Company is covered by Article 11.0 of this Agreement. An Employee may utilize accrued sick leave or vacation benefits to cover their shift if an occupational injury was incurred in the service of a previous employer; however, an injury suffered by an Employee while representing the Company and while engaged in work of a civic or community improvement nature for no compensation or token compensation will be considered a non-occupational injury under the Program(s) and benefits will be paid subject to the provisions of Articles 10 and 11. 10.5 Eligibility. Each regular full-time and part-time Employee who shall have completed six (6) months of continuous employment shall be eligible for benefits under the Sick Leave program. Eligibility for the Short-Term Disability Program is effective the first full month following hiring. Part time Employees shall receive pro-rated hours as per the chart in 8.3.1. 18 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 10.6 Benefit Year. The benefit year is the payroll year as defined in Section 21.9. The term "payroll month" used in the following sections is defined in Section 21.8. 10.7 Disability Benefits. Disability benefits shall begin, subject to the provisions of Section 10.11, on the first scheduled workday of an Employee's absence on account of disability. Disability benefits are comprised of: (a) sick leave, (b) Short- Term Disability benefits and (c) Long-Term Disability benefits. 10.7.1 Sick Leave. Sick leave is awarded to the Employee's sick leave bank on December 26' and on the date of hire, in accordance with the schedule below. Month of New Hire Hours of Sick Leave Allocated December 26t" through February 72 March or April 60 May or June 48 July or August 36 September or October 24 November or through December 25th 12 Regular Employees in their first full calendar year, subsequent to the beginning of the payroll year of December 26th, will be entitled to 96 hours of sick leave. In the second and subsequent years, the regular Employee is entitled to 120 hours of sick leave. Sick leave may be accumulated at the rate of 120 hours per calendar year. The Union will work in cooperation with the Company to see that sick leave benefits are utilized for the purposes defined within this agreement. A regular part-time Employee shall receive a pro-rated sick leave allowance based on the following table. This prorated benefit will be applied to the schedule above, based on the number of years of service as a regular part-time or regular Employee. Hours of Work per Week Accrual Rate Under 20 0% 20-29 75% 30-35 88% Over 35 100% Sick leave benefits will be paid in the amount of 100% of an Employee's regular straight-time rate, beginning with the first scheduled workday of an Employee's absence on account of disability. Disability benefits are comprised of (a) sick leave and (b) Short-Term Disability benefits. 19 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Sick leave usage for employee family members shall be subject to state and federal regulations and law (i.e. Oregon Sick Time and California Paid Sick Leave) and will be deducted from the Employee's accumulated sick leave bank. (Amended 4/26/24) 10.7.2 Short-Term Disability. An Employee who has been on disability leave for five (5) consecutive workdays or forty (40) hours of scheduled work, pro-rated for part-time Employees, shall be eligible for Short-Term Disability benefits which shall continue until the date of certification by a licensed provider that the Employee is capable of (a) returning to work in their regular job or (b) when the Employee applies for and receives insurance benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability (LTD) Policy, but in no case to exceed a period of 180-calendar days from the date the disability occurred or the date the Employee was no longer able to work, whichever is latest. Short-term disability benefits shall be paid at an amount equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the Employee's regular straight-time rate for the hours in their normal workday. To be eligible for Short-Term Disability benefits, an Employee must be under the care and orders of a licensed provider. An Employee who has hours credited to and remaining in their sick leave bank may supplement the Short-Term Disability compensation by subtracting hours from the bank which will increase the disability benefit provision to one hundred percent (100%) of the Employee's regular straight-time rate of pay. Each Employee will be allowed to make a personal decision whether to use their sick leave, vacation, floating holiday or standby floating holiday to supplement their disability benefits (both occupational and non-occupational) to increase their compensation while off work. However, if an Employee does choose to supplement their disability benefit, sick leave balances will be used for this purpose first, with vacation balances available after all sick leave benefits have been exhausted. Any Employee who does not report to work due to their own personal illness as described in this section of the agreement, must use their allocated sick leave to cover their absence. No Time Off Without Pay (TOWP) will be granted if an Employee has sick leave or vacation hours available. This includes the 40-hour waiting period to qualify for Short-Term Disability benefits and any leave under the Family Medical Leave Act or State Leave Laws. If an Employee has a scheduled vacation per Section 9.3 and has exhausted their vacation allocation due to these provisions, TOWP will be granted to cover the previously approved time off. 20 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Employees may use their sick leave first, vacation second for family medical emergencies that qualify for coverage under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Extended absences for family medical emergencies must meet the qualifications dictated by FMLA. Additional TOWP for any reason after exhausting sick leave and vacation balances will be governed by the requirements within the FMLA. Requests for extended TOWP that is not covered under the FMLA is addressed in the Leave of Absence Policy contained within this agreement. An Employee who has been receiving Short-Term Disability benefits and who is released to return to work, shall not have to meet another five (5) day or forty (40) hours of scheduled work, pro-rated for part- time Employees requirement if the Employee becomes unable to perform their duties and provides medical certification from a licensed provider substantiating a recurrence of the same injury or illness within fourteen (14) calendar days of their return to work. If the accumulated periods of disability exceed a total of six (6) months, the Employee may be eligible to apply for Long-Term Disability benefits. 10.7.3 All accrued and available sick leave hours from prior payroll years shall remain in an Employee's sick leave bank and will be available for use as sick leave or supplementing Short-Term Disability benefit provisions. 10.7.4 Payment of available sick leave benefit credits will be made only as provided in Article 10.0 Disability Benefit Program. 10.7.5 Disability benefits shall not accrue for any period during which the Employee is receiving insurance benefits under the Company's Long- Term Disability Policy. Any remaining sick leave credit an Employee has accrued prior to going on the Long-Term Disability benefit shall be retained for use in the event the Employee returns to regular employment status from Long-Term Disability. Employees who have exhausted their STD benefit and have not qualified for Long-Term Disability benefits and are unable to return to work will be provided 60- calendar days of unpaid leave in which to attempt to qualify for Long- Term Disability benefits or return to work. At the end of the 60-day period, if the Employee has not returned to work or qualified for additional benefits, their employment may be terminated. If the Employee subsequently qualifies for Long-Term Disability benefits during the next four (4) months, (a total of six (6) months) they will be 21 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement viewed as having qualified for such benefits and their rights will be restored. 10.7.6 Upon the termination of employment of an Employee for any cause other than retirement, all available and accrued sick leave hours will be canceled. Effective January 1, 2022, any active PacifiCorp Employee represented by Local 659 who retires will be credited with the value of any unused sick leave as follows: Sick Leave Hours times Current Hourly Rate times Sixty-five percent (65%). This value will be applied to a retiree medical benefit solution. Employees who retire between April 26, 2021, and December 31, 2021 who were hired prior to August 25, 2003 shall be eligible for this provision. (Amended 4/26/21) 10.7.7 An Employee who, following layoff or leave of absence, returns to active employment with the Company and whose date of beginning continuous service is retained in accordance with the provisions of Section 21.10, shall be entitled to restoration of their prior accumulated unused sick leave benefit credits upon returning to active service. 10.8 In the event that any non-occupational disability shall be covered by any state or federal disability benefit law, the disability benefits provided herein will be offset and not be superseded. 10.9 Holiday. No occupational or non-occupational disability benefits shall be paid for any day for which holiday pay is paid under this Agreement. 10.10 Vacations. An Employee who, while on paid vacation suffers a disability which requires hospitalization or confinement at home may apply for disability leave by notifying the Company of such disability as promptly as available means of communication permits. Upon such prompt notice, the Employee will be placed on disability leave (a) on the date of their admission to the hospital, or (b) beginning on the first day of their next scheduled work week if the disability did not require hospitalization. Disability leave shall continue until the date of certification by a licensed provider that the Employee is capable of returning to work, (subject to requirements of Section 10.7). The Employee shall immediately apply for disability benefits as required by Section 10.11. The remaining unused portion of the vacation shall be rescheduled with due regard for the Company's operating requirements. Employees who are precluded from using vacation in the current payroll year due to a disability will move vacation hours into the next year or they will be paid for unused vacation hours above 320 hours that are in their vacation account on December 25t" at their regular hourly rate on that date. 10.11 Notice and Evidence of Disability. An Employee unable to report for work because of illness or injury shall notify the designated supervisor of their absence and the reason therefore in accordance with the reporting provisions of Article 15. No 22 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement disability benefit shall be payable for any period of absence in which an Employee shall have failed, without good cause, to give prompt notice or re-certification of their condition. In order to receive benefits under this program, the Employee shall make application to the Company on forms to be provided by the Company. Medical evidence of disability may, at the discretion of the Company, be required for any absence. The expense of such medical evidence shall not be borne by the Company. The Company, at its option, may require an Independent Medical Examination (IME) of an Employee absent because of claimed disability either during the period of such claimed disability or upon the Employee's return for work, by a licensed provider to be designated and paid for by the Company. 10.12 Employee Responsibility. Misrepresentation by an Employee of the facts with respect to any disability for which benefits may be claimed by the Employee under this program shall disqualify the Employee for such benefits and shall be just cause of disciplinary action. Unscheduled Sick leave utilized the day before or the day after a paid holiday as defined in Article 8 has significant detrimental impact to the Company's operation. Employees desire approved paid time off in association with such holidays and the Company schedules the maximum number of Employees off on such days in order to accommodate these requests. Employees who establish a pattern of unscheduled sick leave utilization in association with Company paid holidays will be provided notice of such pattern absences. Likewise, unscheduled sick leave utilized repeatedly on days surrounding scheduled days off or unscheduled sick leave used heavily following a new allocation also has significant detrimental impact to the Company's operations. Employees who establish a pattern of unscheduled sick leave utilization in association with Company paid holidays, their scheduled days off or heavy usage following a new allocation of sick leave time will be provided notice of such pattern absences and continued absences in this regard will result in progressive discipline. Sick leave benefits are not additional vacation days and are to be used for the reasons defined in this Article of the agreement. An Employee unable to report for work because of illness or injury shall notify the designated supervisor of their absence and the reason for their absence as promptly as their available means of communication permits. Sick leave benefits will not be paid for any period of absence in which an Employee fails, without good cause, to give prompt notice as described above. Employees may be required to provide medical substantiation of their illness when requesting sick leave benefits. Such request will be at the discretion of the Employee's immediate supervisor and will be associated with attendance management and the appropriate use of sick leave benefits. 23 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 10.13 All regular Employees shall continue to accumulate benefits (sick leave, vacation and pension) while receiving sick leave pay or while on Short Term Disability when off duty because of illness. ARTICLE 11.0 — OCCUPATIONAL DISABILITY BENEFITS This Article was amended 4/26/24. 11.1 In the case of any disability incurred by a regular Employee in the service of the Company which is covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance, the Company will pay to such disabled Employee an occupational disability allowance equal to the difference between eighty percent (80%) of their regular straight-time wages and the amount of Worker Compensation Insurance for such period as the Employee may be receiving such compensation, for a maximum period of six (6) months for each continuous period of disability. 11.2 Occupational Illness or Injury. Benefits shall begin on the next scheduled work day following the date of injury or illness, which renders an Employee unable to report to work and shall continue until the date of certification by a licensed provider that the Employee is capable of(a) returning to work in their regular job or (b) when the Employee applies for and receives insurance benefits under the Company's Long- Term Disability Policy, but in no case to exceed a period of 180-calendar days from to the day the disability occurred or the date the Employee was no longer able to work, whichever is latest. An Employee on the day of injury will receive compensation at their regular straight- time rate as if they had worked a regular shift. 11.3 An Employee who has hours credited to and remaining in their sick leave bank may apply the required number of hours from their bank to bring the disability compensation provided under Sections 11.1 and 11.4 up to one hundred percent (100%) of their regular straight-time rate of pay. 11.4 An Employee released by the workers compensation medical provider for return to work within said 180-calendar days, but who is unable to perform any job made available to them by the Company, will continue to receive from the Company eighty percent (80%) of their regular straight-time wages for the balance of said 180-calendar days. 24 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 11.4.1 An Employee who has hours credited to and remaining in their vacation leave bank upon entering the Company's Long-Term Disability benefit, will have those hours cashed out at their regular rate of pay or continue to bank until the end of the payroll year. Employees who have exhausted their LTD benefit and are unable to return to work will be provided 60-calendar days in which to attempt to qualify for such benefits or return to work. At the end of the 60- calendar days, if the Employee has not returned to work or qualified for additional benefits, their employment may be terminated. If the Employee subsequently qualifies for Long-Term Disability benefits during the next four months, (a total of six months)they will be viewed as having qualified for such benefits and their rights will be restored. 11.5 Payment of benefits under this Article 11.0 shall cease upon the Employee's retirement; discharge for just cause; when their employment would otherwise terminate because of reduction of force, or when insurance benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability Insurance Policy begin, unless otherwise agreed to by the Company and the Union. 11.6 In order to receive benefits under this Plan, the Employee shall make application to the Company on forms to be provided by the Company. Medical evidence of disability may, at the discretion of the Company, be required for any absence. The expense of such medical evidence shall not be borne by the Company. The Company, at its option, may require an examination of an Employee absent because of claimed disability either during the period of such claimed disability or upon the Employee's return for work, by a qualified medical provider to be designated and paid for by the Company. Medical evidence will be accepted from a qualified medical provider accepted by the California State Industrial Accident Commission or the Oregon State Workmen's Compensation Department. 11.7 Payment of benefits under this Article 11.0 shall be subject to the reporting provisions of Section 15.12. Misrepresentation by an Employee of the facts with respect to any disability for which benefits may be claimed by the Employee under this Program shall disqualify the Employee for such benefits and shall be just cause for disciplinary action. 25 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement ARTICLE 12.0 — APPRENTICE RULES 12.1 The Company and Union each shall designate four (4) representatives to a Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (JATC), who shall serve until their successors are appointed. Both the Company and the Union may have an ex officio member present at all Committee meetings. A sub-committee consisting of equal numbers of Company and Union members may be formed to support the Apprentice/Apprentice Qualified selection and hiring process as needed. The number of apprentices to be trained shall be determined by the Company. 12.2 An Apprentice is an Employee who is regularly indentured under a recognized apprenticeship program to learn one of the branches of the trade, who works under the direct supervision of Journeyman in their respective classification except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. All Apprentices shall be required to satisfactorily complete a minimum of six (6) months pre-qualifying experience and review as defined by the JATC before and/or during their training prior to being indentured. 12.3 Postings and Selection Apprentice/Apprentice Qualified openings will be handled through the Company's posting and recruiting process. Notice of postings will be provided to the Union. Each applicant who obtains minimum test scores and who otherwise satisfies minimum qualifications shall be eligible to an interview including review of the applicant's documented work history, training and certifications. The top candidates may be offered Apprentice or Apprentice Qualified positions based on the number of openings. (a) The most qualified applicant(s) will be considered. (b) Qualifications will be determined using criteria such as: 1. Commitment to safety 2. Work experience 3. Knowledge of the craft 4. Education and training 5. Job performance 6. Pre-qualification testing requirements as identified by the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee. (Amended 04/26/24) 7. Mechanical Skills/Ability evaluation of applicants may be required to determine the individual's ability to perform activities associated with the respective branch of the trade. 8. Minimum qualifications as applied to all Company applicants 26 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement (c) Where candidates are otherwise equal: 1. Consideration will be extended to internal applicants 2. Applicants who have completed an accredited climbing school, where applicable 3. Obtained a Class A CDL, where applicable 4. The applicant's driving record will also be a factor 12.4 Apprentice Qualified Advancement to the Company's Apprenticeship Program For individuals advancing from the Apprentice Qualified designation, the apprenticeship will be administered with the following understandings: • If for any reason an individual fails to complete the Apprentice Qualified training or the apprenticeship, that individual will be terminated from PacifiCorp without recourse. • There will be a two-year limit from the date of hire as an Apprentice Qualified Employee to the date of being indentured as an apprentice. This limit may be extended in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the JATC. (Amended 4/26/21) 12.4.1 Rate of Pay for the Apprentice Qualified Position Rate of pay for the Apprentice Qualified position will be 60% of the straight-time hourly journeyman rate of pay for the specific craft. No pay upgrades will be given for any duties performed by an Apprentice Qualified Employee. Upon entering the Apprentice Qualified program, the Employee's rate of pay will be frozen until it meets or exceeds the rate of pay for the apprentice progression as stated in the contract between IBEW Local 659 and PacifiCorp. 12.4.2 An existing Journeyman who is awarded an apprentice qualified position in another craft, shall be indentured based on their Company Seniority date not the date they received their apprentice qualified position. (Added 4/26/21) 12.5 Apprentices will be assigned to a location in a District or Department. On recommendation or approval of the JATC, apprentices may be reassigned by the Company to provide proper job experience twice during their apprenticeship. After completion of the apprenticeship, an Apprentice may be assigned to an existing Journeyman vacancy which results from bidding at any location and shall have thirty (30)days following their notification to report to their new assignment. Should no vacancy exist, the graduated apprentice must bid on any vacancy in their classification that occurs including secondary bids and accept any location on a secondary bid for which the graduated apprentice becomes the successful bidder. Upon accepting the bid, the Employee move shall be considered as a Company requested move for application of the moving expense allowance. In the event they decline such a location, the Employee shall be afforded the rights in Section 13.3. (e). However, they shall not exercise their seniority to displace an existing Employee in their Journeyman classification. 27 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 12.6 An Apprentice whose apprenticeship is terminated by and at the initiation of the appropriate State Apprenticeship Council shall be terminated from employment. An Apprentice may voluntarily terminate their apprenticeship without prejudice. Apprentices may bid on any available vacancy. If no vacancy exists, the Apprentice's employment will be terminated. Any Employee who terminates their apprenticeship shall not be eligible for reapplication in that branch of the trade. 12.7 Not more than one (1) Apprentice shall be assigned to a crew on maintenance or construction work, except that when one (1) Apprentice is in their fifth (5th) or sixth (6th) period, another Apprentice in the first (1st) or second (2nd) period may be assigned to a crew containing at least four (4) Journeyman Linemen. This ratio shall not be exceeded in the routine operation of any crew. During the first four (4) six-month's periods of apprenticeship, an Apprentice Meterman may be assigned to a District having less than two (2) Journeyman Metermen, upon approval of the JATC. The prevailing concept of all apprentices is that they always work under the direct supervision of a Journeyman. 12.8 During the third (3rd) and fourth (4th) six-month periods of the apprenticeship, an Apprentice Lineman may be assigned to a Service crew with one (1) Journeyman. 12.9 An Apprentice may be assigned for training in the DEMC and work under the supervision of a Journeyman for a maximum accumulated period of up to six (6) months. 12.10 No Apprentice shall be permitted to work on live wires, apparatus and/or equipment energized at voltages in excess of 600 volts until the fourth (4th) six-months period of their apprenticeship and until the Apprentice has been approved for hot line training by agreement of the JATC. (Amended 4/26/21) 12.11 An Apprentice in the last step of their apprenticeship may bid on a Journeyman vacancy. In order to be considered for the bid award, the apprentice must be in their last step at the time the bid closes. If there is no qualified bidder for the vacancy and the Apprentice receives the approval of the JATC to receive the necessary training at that location for completion of their apprenticeship, they shall be given the position. JATC approval shall not be necessary when an apprentice bids and is awarded a journey level position in the same headquarters in which the apprentice completed their apprentice training. An extension of training (aka "hold(s)") implemented by the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee will extend an apprentice's completion date (top out date) by such time as the hold(s). Apprentice holds will also impact current classification date equal to the duration of the hold(s) and may alter the order of bid awards accordingly. (Amended 4/26/24 per LOA date 8/31/22) 28 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 12.12 Any restriction for training may be waived by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union for the purpose of rehabilitating Employees who by reason of physical impairment are unable to fully perform the duties of their normal classification. 12.13 Employees who complete training in any program which uses a Joint Committee for evaluation of applicants shall remain in the classification assigned for a period equal to the standard training period before they are eligible to enter training in another craft, unless mutually agreed to by the Company and Union. This provision will not apply to Journeymen who are awarded an Assistant Meter & Relay or Assistant Communications Technician position. 12.14 Employees, other than those in Journeyman classifications, awarded apprentice jobs shall receive their current wage rate until the percentage (%) apprentice rate exceeds that rate, unless the rate is less than the first step rate for that apprenticeship. Journeyman who are awarded apprentice positions in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, shall be placed in the last step of the apprenticeship wage scale for the appropriate craft until they complete their training. At which time, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.5, they will receive the wage rate and Journeyman classification date for the new position. In the instance where a Journeyman's current rate of pay is higher than the Journeyman classification wage rate of the new position, they shall be placed in the Journeyman rate of pay for the craft in which they are training. This rate will be red-circled (frozen) until the last step of the apprenticeship wage rate meets or exceeds the red-circled (frozen) rate or they complete their training. At which time, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.5, they will assume the new craft Journeyman rate. (Amended 4/26/21) 12.14.1 Deleted 4/26/21 12.15 Deleted 4/26/21 12.16 The Company and Union recognize that the existing JATC and/or APC joint committees shall be utilized to evaluate and recommend training programs and training needs related to their specific craft. 12.17 The parties agree that the Company may designate vacant positions in the entry- level classifications of Field Services Specialist, Utility Specialist and Hydro Repairman as pre-apprentice positions. A position so designated shall perform job duties as outlined in their respective job descriptions and may also be temporarily assigned work they are qualified to perform in a lesser classification as outlined in Section 15.28. It is intended, but not required that the Pre-Apprentice will complete 29 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement their six (6) month ground time hour requirements during their time in the pre- apprentice position. It is understood by the Company and Union that these hours do not have to be achieved all at once but can be spread out over time in the natural course of their work. If the Company chooses to designate a position as a pre-apprentice: • The position will be filled pursuant to Section 12.3, • The position will be identified as pre-apprentice in the job vacancy announcement (posting) and posted for a specific craft (i.e. Utility Specialist/Pre-Apprentice Lineman, Utility Specialist/Pre-Apprentice Estimator) to allow for appropriate testing and evaluation of candidates upfront for that particular apprenticeship. There is no maximum timeframe for an Employee to be in the pre-apprentice position. While it is not preferred nor the intent to have individuals remain in the position indefinitely, the Company is under no obligation to offer an apprenticeship within a set period of time. Apprenticeships, when available, shall be offered to pre-apprentices in the order in which they received their pre-apprenticeship position. If there are performance concerns with a pre-apprentice who is next in line for an apprenticeship, the Company and Union will discuss those concerns before an apprenticeship is offered, and the individual may be potentially bypassed as a result of those discussions. Employees in the pre-apprentice position are required to accept an apprenticeship when and where offered by the Company. The Company will make every effort to place pre-apprentice positions in the locations where apprenticeships are anticipated; however, the apprenticeship offered may be in a different location and the Employee(s) will be expected to relocate and the provisions of Section 13.9.4 shall apply. Refusal to accept an Apprenticeship shall be considered voluntary resignation from employment with the Company. Local management will meet at least quarterly with each pre-apprentice to review performance and documented progress towards fulfilling the six (6) month ground time requirements. (Amended 4/26/21) ARTICLE 13.0 — SENIORITY RULES 13.1 Seniority is defined as the length of continuous service worked by an Employee under this Agreement. Seniority shall apply hereunder with respect to advancement, transfer, layoff, and reemployment of Employees, provided that seniority credit for bidding of Journeyman classifications and above shall be limited to the time served in such classifications. 13.1.1 Employees who have entered into a regularly indentured apprentice training program after January 2, 2008 will be given a Journeyman 30 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement seniority date upon satisfactory completion of the apprenticeship, which shall be the completion of their apprenticeship. 13.1.2 Overall seniority means the length of continuous service worked under this Agreement in any and all classifications. 13.2 When Acquired. A regular Employee shall first acquire seniority on the day following completion of six (6) months' continuous full-time service as defined in Section 21.10 hereof, whereupon it shall date back to their date of employment. 13.2.1 A temporary Employee will achieve seniority status by meeting the provisions of Section 13.1, 13.2, and 21.11 of the Working Agreement. A temporary Employee will be given credit, upon employment as a regular Employee, for prior employment in establishing their seniority date. This adjustment will be made on the day following completion of six (6) months' (1040 hours) continuous regular service, as defined in Section 21.10. 13.3 An Employee's seniority status shall not be affected and shall be retained during absence from work under any of the following circumstances: (a) Illness under approved sick leave (b) Injury in line of duty covered by Workers' Compensation laws (c) Time spent on approved leave of absence for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, provided the Employee returns to the Company's service following release from military service within the time provided by law upon first becoming eligible for release from military service (d) Service as a regularly empaneled venireman or juror as required by a court (e) Layoff, provided they are reemployed by the Company within a period of time following layoff equal to their length of prior service with the Company, but not to exceed two (2) years, and further provided that accumulated service credits under the Company's Retirement Plan for Employees shall be retained for a maximum period of one (1) year following layoff (f) A regularly approved leave of absence for reasons other than those specified above, provided such leave does not exceed one (1)year in length (g) A regularly approved leave for full-time service as an officer or agent of the Union, provided such leave does not exceed three (3) years, subject to extension by mutual agreement between Company and Union (h) Promotion to a position outside this Agreement for a maximum period of two (2) years (i) An Employee who has been receiving benefits under the Company's Long- Term Disability Income Insurance Plan, and who subsequently recovers so that they can return to employment with the Company, shall have all seniority restored, including seniority credit for the time spent on LTDI. 31 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 13.4 Loss of Seniority. An Employee shall forfeit all accrued seniority and, if reemployed, subsequently, have only the status of a new Employee, under any of the following conditions when they: (a) Resigns their employment with the Company (b) Are discharged for cause (c) Laid off for a period exceeding their length of service with the Company to a maximum of two (2) years (d) Following layoff, fails to report for work within three (3) weeks after written notice from the Company of an offer of rehire in their regular job classification (e) Fail to return to work at the expiration of a leave of absence, or if the Employee accepts employment elsewhere while on such leave of absence without the written approval of the Company. 13.5 The right to employ in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, promote, discipline and discharge Employees, and management of the property are reserved by and shall be vested in the Company. It is agreed, however, subject to the foregoing, that vacancies shall be filled on the basis of seniority, ability and qualifications. Ability and qualifications being sufficient, seniority shall prevail. 13.6 In considering Employees for promotion to classifications, which require the direction of others, the ability to properly plan and direct the work and to promote harmony and efficiency within the crew shall be the basis of the determination of promotion. The Employee selected will be awarded the job for a mutually acceptable probationary period not to exceed six (6) months in which to demonstrate ability. The minimum qualifications in Section 13.8 will be the criteria for evaluation in the probationary period. Consistent job performance expectations across the bargaining unit will prevail in evaluation. If the Employee fails to meet the criteria, they may be removed from the job upon the successful bidding and filling of the position. The Employee leaving the job will exercise their seniority under Section 13.12.3 (g) first, and then (c) or (h). 13.7 Job classifications in the Job Classification and Wage Schedule, Article 22.0 of this Agreement, are subject to posting and bidding as provided in the following Sections. 13.7.1 The Company may assign an Employee to fill a temporary vacancy expected to last not more than three (3) months. The only exception will be the Labor Foreman classification which may be filled for a period of not to exceed six (6) months without bid. In making such temporary assignments, the senior qualified Employee at the headquarters in which the vacancy occurs shall be given preference if they indicate a desire to prove their qualifications for the job. 32 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 13.7.2 Notice of biddable vacancies in regular jobs, as defined in Section 21.11 shall be posted on the Company bulletin boards for seven (7) calendar days and shall be awarded within ten (10) calendar days after bids are closed. An Employee who bids a job and is awarded same must accept or reject the appointment when offered. (Amended 4/26/21) If a bid is awarded and subsequently becomes vacant within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date the job was originally awarded, it shall not be necessary to again post the job. The Company shall have the discretion to either repost the position or utilize the previous bid sheet starting from the top. These provisions shall also apply if another position within the same classification and headquarters becomes available within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of the last job posting. When the Company exercises the use of this provision, it shall notify the Union in advance. (Amended 4/26/24) 13.7.3 A notice of biddable vacancy as provided in Section 13.7.2 will be posted for the initial (primary)vacancy and a related (secondary) notice may be posted to fill the vacancies resulting from filling the primary vacancy. Interested Employees may bid on forms provided by the Company on the primary vacancy, the secondary vacancy or both indicating such location preferences as they desire. The primary and secondary vacancies will be filled in order of seniority from the list of bidders with the purpose of placing each successive senior bidder in the job of their preference, where possible. No vacancy above the level of the primary vacancy and no vacancy in a classification marked x* will be filled from a secondary bid list. When the last vacancy has been filled, the bid sequence shall be considered complete, and no further vacancies will be filled from the bid list. The list of bidders and final bid awards will be posted on completion of the bidding sequence. If the last vacancy cannot be filled from the bid list, the Company will fill the position by considering transfer of Employees, who could become qualified, by transfer of other Company personnel or by outside hire. In filing vacancies in jobs requiring selection by a "Joint Selection Committee," the sub-committee shall consist of 33 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement equal representation from the Company and Union. Typically, this will consist of three (3) Union and three (3) Company representatives, unless otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties. (Added 4/26/21) 13.7.4 The Employee bidding who has six (6) months' experience in a regular assignment at related work and is senior in point of service, shall be given a fair opportunity to prove their fitness for the position. If there is no qualified bidder with six (6) months' service in related work, the Company will extend preference to the senior Employee bidding, with at least one (1) year of regular employment with the Company under this Agreement, via the provision of Section 15.28, over an outside hire. If there is no bidder who can qualify as provided in the preceding paragraphs of this Section, the Company will give consideration and preference to the senior probationary Employee who has the ability to perform the work but who has been employed less than one (1) year. The moving allowance provided in Section 13.9 will not be paid in such case. 13.7.5 In awarding temporary vacancies in biddable positions, preference shall be extended to the senior qualified Employee from within the District or location at which the vacancy exists. 13.7.6 Upon acceptance of a bid award of a job at an Employee's present location involving a higher pay rate, an Employee shall receive the higher rate within ten (10) days of such acceptance, or the date specified by the job posting which must be less than six (6) months, unless such period is extended by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union. 13.7.7 Upon acceptance of a bid award of a job at a new location, an Employee must be available for transfer and placed on into new job within thirty (30) days of the bid award or the date specified by the job posting which must be less than six (6) months. If not so placed by the Company, the Employee shall receive the rate of pay for the job they have been awarded and be reimbursed for any additional expenses they incur as a result beginning on the thirty-first (31 st) day following the award or the date specified by the award posting which must be less than six (6) months. Such expenses shall be limited to additional housing expense at the location of their formerjob, additional meal cost above their normal expected costs, or mileage allowance for driving between their new job location and the former and continuing job. This 34 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement provision shall not be applicable to positions subject to Article 12.11. (Amended 4/26/24) 13.7.8 An Employee may, if they so request, have a Union representative present when interviewed for a biddable job, or the Union, on its own motion, may elect to have a representative present. 13.7.9 A copy of the specifications of a job opened for bid and a list of the Employees bidding on the job shall be furnished the Union before the job is assigned. 13.7.10 Journeyman classifications will not be permanently awarded until the successful passage of examination before the Examining Board of the Company and the Union, or upon the presentation of mutually satisfactory evidence as to the ability and qualification to fill the classification. Normally, the duties of Journeyman will not be performed until qualifications have been so determined. 13.8 Effective January 1, 2022, vacancies in the Foreman classifications for Garage Mechanic In Charge, Garage Mechanic Foreman, Wires, Substation, Metering, Senior Communication Tech and Senior Meter & Relay Tech classifications shall be filled as follows: (a) Minimum qualifications: Any Journeyman is eligible who has completed a minimum of one (1) year as a competent, qualified Journeyman in the job family of the classification bidding this Agreement. (b) The position(s) shall be posted and bid pursuant to Section 13.7.2. Upon closure of the bid, a "Joint Selection Committee" will use the following criteria to select a candidate for the vacancy. If the following qualifications are equal, seniority shall govern. 1. Ability to plan and direct the work; 2. Proficient with Company computer systems (where applicable); 3. Knowledge of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, accident prevention manual and grounding manual; 4. Ability to promote harmony and efficiency within the crew; 5. Leadership skill and respect of peers; and 6. Demonstrated commitment to safety policies and procedures (c) The determination of these qualifications will be done by interview of candidates conducted by the Joint Selection Committee pursuant to Section Interview questions shall be mutually agreeable by members of the Committee and shall be scored and weighted equally. Interview questions shall be linked to each of the criteria established above. 35 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement During the selection process, the Committee shall use the same ranking system for each candidate. In addition to selection, the Committee will be permitted to recommend training for the candidate during their probationary period. (d) Promotion moves shall be paid by the Company in accordance with Section 13.9.1. (Amended 4/26/24) 13.9 Moving Expenses 13.9.1 An Employee who bids on a higher rated job, or a job involving specialized functions (e.g., Lineman bidding to Serviceman), or a Generation (Hydro) or Plant Operator who is awarded a position which will increase their operating experience and knowledge will be reimbursed for their moving expenses up to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1,000). 13.9.2 An Employee who is awarded a job by bid in their present or a lower classification shall bear their own moving expenses. 13.9.3 An Employee affected by force reduction who can downgrade and remain at the same location, but who elects to transfer to another work location to avoid downgrading will be reimbursed for their moving expenses up to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1000). 13.9.4 An Employee transferred at the request of the Company, or regular Employee forced to move to another work location because their job has been preempted by an Employee with greater seniority, or an Employee accepting Apprentice Qualified positions or an apprenticeship, will have their moving expenses paid by the Company. In lieu of the Company-paid move, an Employee may also choose to move their own possessions after receiving a written estimate from the Company's contracted moving Company. The Employee reimbursement for this self-move will be sixty percent (60%) of the written estimate from the Company's moving vendor and is considered ordinary income for tax purposes. 13.9.5 Eligible moving expenses as defined by the IRS guidelines shall be limited to the expense of moving the Employee's household goods, mileage allowance one (1) way for one (1) private automobile, and hotel and meals for the Employee and dependents for a maximum of three (3) days. 13.10 Employees holding similar classifications may exchange positions when such voluntary request for transfer is satisfactory to the Employees involved and has been approved by the Company. 13.11 Deleted 10/26/01 36 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 13.12 Layoffs and Rehires 13.12.1 In the event of a force reduction, the Company and the Union shall promptly meet to determine the application of the rules in this Section and Article 3. 13.12.2 It is the intent of this Section 13.12 that in force reductions, the Employees possessing the greatest overall seniority shall have the choice in transferring or downgrading, displacing those Employees affected having the least overall seniority. 13.12.3 An Employee affected by force reductions shall have the following options: (a) Transferring to displace the Employee in their current classification having less and the least overall seniority (bargaining-unit wide). (b) Downgrading at their present location to either the highest classification level that they are qualified in or their basic classification, displacing the Employee in that classification having less and the least overall seniority. (c) Downgrading to replace the Employee having less and the least seniority in the force reduced Employee's basic classification (bargaining-unit wide). (d) Replacing the Employee who has less and the least seniority date in the in-hiring classifications (bargaining-unit wide). (e) Transferring into Headquarters Geographic areas to displace the Employee in their current classification, having the less and least overall seniority. (f) Downgrade into Headquarters Geographic area to displace the highest classification level that they are qualified in, or their basic classification displacing the Employee in that classification having the less and least overall seniority. Headquarters Geographic area: Medford satellite: Ruch, Ashland, Butte Falls, Prospect, Shady Cove Headquarters Geographic area: Albany satellite: Stayton, Dallas, Corvallis, Lincoln City, Sweet Home, Lebanon, Brownsville, Junction City, Cottage Grove, Independence, Mill City Headquarters Geographic area: Grants Pass satellite: Cave Junction, Glendale Headquarters Geographic area: Roseburg satellite: Glide, Canyonville 37 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Headquarters Geographic area: Klamath Falls satellite: Alturas, Lakeview, Merrill, Bly, Bonanza, Dorris, Chiloquin Headquarters Geographic area: Yreka satellite: Mt Shasta, Happy Camp/Seiad Valley, Weed/Big Springs, Ft. Jones/Scotts Valley Headquarters Geographic area: Crescent City This Section is to be used in conjunction with Article 13 to identify the headquarters geographic area. The intent is to allow the affected an opportunity to transfer or downgrade into the Headquarters Geographic area first. All bidding will be done in accordance with Section 13.7. (g) Bid open vacancy. (h) Accepting layoff. Basic classifications for defined work groups are: Journeyman Operator Maintenance (JOM) Journeyman Lineman Utility Specialist Journeyman Estimator Journeyman Station Wireman Journeyman Meterman Garage Mechanic I/C Logistic Specialist Service Coordinator Substation Journeyman Meter Reader An Operator Dispatcher who has no option to force reduce to the basic classification in the dispatch group can downgrade to the basic classification level in the hydro group to displace the Employee with less and the least seniority. Employees in the Technician classifications will force reduce to the basic classification level of the Journeyman group they formerly held. The in-hiring classifications shall include Meter Readers, Hydro Helper, Logistic and Trainee 1. For purposes of displacement, Apprentice Qualified positions are in the Journeyman progression and Employees holding those positions can only be displaced by Journeymen classifications. 38 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 13.12.4 When layoffs are necessary which involve Journeymen, their respective Apprentices/Apprentice Qualified shall be laid off in the same ratio to Journeymen as they were employed, and the layoff of an Apprentice/Apprentice Qualified shall precede the layoff of Journeymen in such ratio. 13.12.5 Notice of Layoff: The Company will give Employees who have acquired seniority status two (2) weeks' written notice of layoff. 13.13 Rehire Following Layoff: An Employee who has acquired seniority status and who is laid off, shall, if vacancies occur in the classification in which they were laid off within the period of time in which their seniority is maintained under Section 13.3, be given an opportunity to return to a like job in order of their seniority. Such opportunity shall be by means of a registered letter sent by the Company to the Employee at their last known address. An Employee's reemployment privileges and seniority shall be lost if they fail, within one (1) week of delivery of the notice, to advise the Company of their intention to return to work, and to report for work within three (3) weeks of the delivery of the Company's letter. 13.13.1 A laid-off Employee may: bid on jobs for which they are qualified or accept temporary work in a lower classification at the lower wage scale. When a vacancy results in a classification in which an Employee is on lay-off and for which they do not bid, they shall be inserted into the list of applicants in order of seniority. If they become the senior applicant, the opening will be offered under Section 13.13. 13.14 If an Employee is granted a leave of absence and returns to their previous job, only the vacancies created by the leave of absence shall be affected, and in each case the Employees affected shall return to the jobs they left. Each case will be determined in accordance with the applicable Sections of the working agreement and the Company's Leave of Absence Policies and Guidelines. 13.15 An Employee who sustains an injury or illness shall be entitled, upon recovery, to their former position with full seniority rights, provided they are physically qualified to return to work within the Short-Term Disability period, defined as the first 180 days of the disability. 13.16 When an Employee is unable to return to their former job 180 days after an injury or illness, they will be allowed to use their total overall seniority for bidding other jobs which they are physically, as well as otherwise, qualified to handle. 39 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 13.17 If an Employee is unable to perform the requirements of their regular job classification due to a medically certified limitation, they may be placed in a suitable job by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union at their regular rate of pay. This limitation shall not be the result of self-employment, or employment by others (except on Union business) for remuneration, or of disability resulting from service in the armed forces. 13.18 The placing of a disabled Employee in a different job shall not constitute an increase in the Company's normal working force. 13.19 An Employee who has been receiving benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan, upon certification by a licensed provider that they are capable of returning to work in the job classification that the Employee held prior to the onset of disability, and who refuses reemployment in such classification, will be terminated as a voluntary resignation. In addition, an Employee who has been receiving LTDI benefits, upon certification by a licensed provider that they can return to other bargaining unit work for which they are capable and qualified to perform, and who refuses such employment, will be terminated as voluntary resignation. 13.20 An Employee, who has been receiving benefits under the Company's Long -Term Disability Insurance Plan, and who is exhausting the initial twenty-four(24) monthly benefit payments under said Plan, upon certification by a licensed provider that they are capable of returning to productive employment shall, prior to the last benefit payment to which they are entitled, be offered reemployment by the Company in a job classification which is within their physical capabilities. If no suitable vacancy exists, the Employee's seniority rights shall apply under the provisions of Section 13.12. If such Employee refuses to accept the position offered or exercise their rights under Section 13.12, the Employee's employment will be terminated as a voluntary resignation. 13.21 Seniority lists shall be published at least once per year. The Company and Union shall confer and mutually agree to seniority date revisions. Seniority change requests must be submitted on the designated form to the Company and Union. Upon publication, the seniority list shall remain in effect as posted unless mutually agreed to by the Company and the Union. (Amended 4/26/21) 40 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement ARTICLE 14.0 — SAFETY RULES 14.1 The Company and the Union shall each designate five (5) representatives to the Joint Safety Rules Committee who shall serve until their successors are appointed. The Committee shall meet annually, or at the request of either party to review issues affecting the safety of Employees and the Accident Prevention Manual. If APM committee cannot resolve an issue the Labor/Management Committee will be responsible for timely resolution, subject to Articles 6 and 7. 14.2 The Accident Prevention Manual, as prepared, published and periodically reviewed by the Joint Safety Committee, shall, by this reference be a part of this Agreement as though set forth fully herein. The parties to this Agreement pledge strict adherence to the rules embodied in the manual and the rules and regulations of the states of Oregon and California. 14.3 The Company will maintain a current copy of the Accident Prevention Manual in each headquarters. The Company will provide each Employee covered by this Agreement with an Accident Prevention Manual and each such Employee shall furnish the Company with a written acknowledgment that they have received such manual and will observe the rules contained therein. 14.4 It shall be the practice to have either a Journeyman Lineman or an Apprentice Lineman who has been approved for hot line training assisting each Journeyman Lineman when working within reach of conductors that are energized in excess of 600 volts between phases. When an Apprentice is so assigned, the crew with which they will work shall have at least two (2) Journeymen. (Amended 4/26/21) 14.5 The determination of the safety of any work being performed shall be the responsibility of the Foreman or workman in charge of the job. If additional workmen or equipment are required, this shall be reported to the Superintendent and the men shall be assigned to other work which can be done safely until the additional workmen or equipment are made available in accord with Sections 3.5 and 3.20 of the Accident Prevention Manual. 14.6 In the interest of safety, the Company and the Union may mutually agree upon the proper type of clothing to be worn by the Employees on the job, and observance of such regulations will be a condition of continued employment. In the interest of safety and in order to ensure continuity of electric service, the Employees should report promptly any unsafe conditions noted in connection with the Company's facilities. 14.7 Deleted 41 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 14.7.1 The Company shall furnish rubber boots when required in connection with its operations to the Employees in Hydro Operations. 14.7.2 The Company shall supply Employees with the proper tools and PPE including the appropriate training in the use of such tools and PPE. Failure to wear PPE as required by the Safety Codes of the states of Oregon and California and the Accident Prevention Manual shall be a violation of this Agreement. (Amended 4/26/21) 14.7.3 The Company shall furnish approved hard hats to Employees working in mutually agreed upon classifications or those engaged in certain types of work where the hazard of injury from falling objects exists, or where there may be accidental contact with energized circuits or overhead objects, and failure to wear hard hats as required by the Safety Codes of the states of Oregon and California and the Accident Prevention Manual shall be a violation of this Agreement. 14.7.4 The Company, in accordance with its established procedures, will furnish Employees safety glasses, or provide the following towards the purchase of one pair of prescription safety eyewear every two years: • $70.00 for Single Vision lens • $85.00 for Bifocal lens • $95.00 for Trifocal lens • $105.00 for Progressive lens 14.7.5 Employees whose field work assignments may expose them to possible foot injuries are eligible for an annual safety-toed footwear reimbursement as follows: • Journeyman Lineman Classifications: $200 • All Other Journeyman and Logistics Classification: $120 • All Other Classifications: $50 The annual reimbursement can be banked for a maximum of three (3) years. An Employee receiving this benefit is required to wear the safety-toed footwear while on the clock, unless there is no risk of a falling hazard (e.g. working in the office or attending classroom training). (Amended 4/26/21) 42 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement ARTICLE — 15.0 GENERAL WORKING RULES 15.1 Eight (8) hours shall constitute a regular day's work and five (5) days beginning Monday morning and terminating Friday evening shall constitute a regular week's work, unless otherwise agreed to by the Company and the Union. 15.2 Hours of work shall normally be from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. Rotating and other regularly scheduled shifts may be instituted as may be required in the Company's operations. While such shifts will normally be continuously uniform with respect to days of the week and hours of the day, rotation of workdays and hours may be instituted by mutual consent of the parties hereto. When conditions imposed upon the Company require that work be performed during the regular noon time lunch of mid-shift meal period, the Foreman or immediate supervisor may advance or delay the mealtime one (1) hour without penalty. Working Through Lunch: Employees should not work through lunch except at the direction of management for emergent work. In these circumstances, employees will earn the double time rate of pay from their normally scheduled meal period to the end of the emergent work or the end of their regularly scheduled shift, whichever comes first. Employees are required to break for their unpaid meal period after emergent work is completed. (Amended 4/26/24) 15.2.1 Single-assignment Journeymen assigned to work with a crew will adopt the work hours of the crew to which assigned when notified by the end of their previous shift. 15.2.2 Alternate Hours Local work groups may be permitted to move to Alternate Hours at the discretion of management with the following criteria: 1. Alternate Hours are typically from the day after Memorial weekend to the Friday before Labor Day weekend. 2. Hours of work are typically from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a 30- minute lunch. 3. All meals shall be adjusted ahead one (1) hour. 4. It is recognized that certain classifications may be required to work regular hours as determined by management in each work location to meet business needs. These classifications will be identified prior to implementation. 5. Management and Local Union Stewards will meet to discuss any concerns related to the observance of alternate hours prior to implementation. 43 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 6. Management may change back to regular hours for planned outages, training, general meetings, safety meetings, etc. with notice given at least by the end of the previous day. 7. Should either party wish to cancel Alternate Hours they may do so by written notice to the other party at least five (5) working days prior to the change. 8. Conflicts arising as a result of the Alternate Hours, that are not resolved within Step 2 of the grievance procedure, shall result in the cancellation of Alternate Hours for the eligible work group and they will return to regular work hours, with notice as outlined above. 9. Other modifications to Alternate Hours are allowed by mutual agreement only. It is recognized that changes to Alternate Hours must be cost neutral, as determined by the Company. It is expected that Employees maintain a timely overtime response. In the event overtime response becomes a problem, as determined by the Company, they reserve the right to cancel Alternate Hours, with notice as outlined above. (Amended 4/26/21) 15.3 Employees working out of headquarters shall travel from headquarters to headquarters on Company time and shall report to headquarters in the District in which they are regularly employed, unless otherwise provided herein. By mutual agreement between the Company and Union, Employee crews may be assigned to report to work at a job location other than the regular headquarters. The conditions shall be dependent upon the nature of the specific project or assignment as may be established pursuant to this provision. In locations where there is no Company Service Center, the Company and Union will mutually agree to establish a job location or headquarters location for assigned Employees. 15.4 Overtime 15.4.1 Overtime is defined as (a) time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day, except as provided in Section 15.1, (b) time worked in excess of five (5) eight hour days or forty hours (40) in any work week, except that hours of work for which daily overtime is paid shall not be included in computing weekly overtime and (c) time worked on a non-workday. Compensation will not be paid for the time required to eat a meal under this Section 15.4, except as otherwise provided under this Agreement. 15.4.2 All overtime compensation shall be paid as follows: 44 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Regularly Scheduled Workdays: 2.5x 2x 1 x 2x 2.25x 2.5x I I � 2 hrs Start of End of 2 hrs 3 hrs Shift Shift Saturday/Prescheduled First Day Off: 2.5x 2x 2.5x 6 am 6:30 pm Regular Days Off and Holidays (call outs) all time paid at 2.5x, except Saturday/1st Regular Day Off prescheduled OT will be paid at 2.Ox for up to a ten (10) hour day scheduled between 6 am and 6:30 pm. Sunday/Second (and consecutive,)/Holidays Day Off: 2.5x Exceptions are as follows: (a) For rotating shift workers, the holiday pay may be scheduled as a floating holiday with thirty-five (35) days' notice to their supervisor or department head prior to the holiday and the ability to cover the shift without the payment of overtime premiums, as of the date of scheduling. If scheduled as a floating holiday, the rate of pay will be straight time plus eight (8) hours of holiday pay to be scheduled after the holiday. Recognized holidays after November 1st cannot be rescheduled. For Employees who have four (4) consecutive days off, the second and fourth days off shall be considered the scheduled seventh day of Employees' work week for purposes of overtime pay provisions. (b) For Service Coordinators, Field Service Specialists and Meter Readers: two (2) total extended hours for non-emergency work attached to the eight (8) hour workday on Monday through Friday will be paid at time and one-half. (c) For Service Coordinators, Field Service Specialists and Meter Readers: ten (10) total pre-scheduled hours on Saturday between 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. will be paid at time and one-half. (d) Meter Readers, Field Services Specialists and Service Coordinators called out for emergency work will be paid at the call-out rate schedule above. (e) Travel to and from training beyond an Employee's normal workday will be paid at time and one-half (1 '/2). Lay over days will constitute eight (8) hours paid at the 45 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Employee's appropriate rate, not to exceed time and one-half (11/2). Time over eight (8) hours will be paid at the time and one-half (1'/2) rate. To apply the provisions above, it is recognized that these hours rotate with the clock to represent an Employee's shift for overtime pay purposes. 15.4.3 Employees who have acquired seniority status shall be afforded equal opportunity for overtime work at their work location in accordance with Section 15.6, unless otherwise provided herein. No combination of overtime or premium pay under this Agreement shall result in a total rate of pay greater than two and one-half(2 1/2)times the regular straight-time rate, except as provided in Sections 8.3 and 15.35 hereof. Hours of overtime pay shall be posted regularly at each work location. 15.4.4 When an Employee's regular hours of work need to be changed to normal hours of work (as defined by 15.2) for training purposes, they shall be given at least three (3) calendar days' notice. Failure to provide the Employee with such notice will require any premium and/or overtime payments pursuant to the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 15.5 Employees working after midnight (to rotate depending on shift hours) on the day before a regularly scheduled workday will receive one (1) hour of paid rest at their straight-time rate for each hour worked after midnight until the start of their regular shift. At the discretion of the Manager, the Employee may be instructed to take their paid rest during their regular shift or work their regular shift with the paid rest added to their straight time pay. The exception to this is for pre-scheduled work starting two (2) hours prior to the start of the Employee's regular shift. For purposes of determining paid rest, the hour is broken into tenths. No Time Off Without Pay (TOWP) will be authorized in cases where an Employee has not earned enough hours to cover their entire shift the next day. For example, an Employee would not be able to use two (2) hours of TOWP to make up an eight (8) hour day if they had only earned six (6) hours of paid rest the night before. In that situation they may be allowed to use two (2) hours of vacation/floating holiday in conjunction with the six (6) hours paid rest or be required to come into work for the two (2) hours (or the entire day) as determined by management. The Union and Company recognize that one-off situations may occur where an Employee may need a rest break (in order to be available to work again) after working multiple outages over several days, but they did not work sufficient hours the night before to warrant being off their entire shift. Management has the ability to authorize TOWP in such extenuating circumstances, and those situations will be reviewed and may be approved on a case-by-case basis. (Amended 4/26/21) 46 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 15.6 Overtime work assignments 15.6.1 Overtime work assignments will normally be made from the overtime call out sheets for those individual Employees by classification who are low in overtime for the year to date unless the work requires the assignment of a crew or crews. Overtime assignments for metering work may be filled by qualified Employees including Field Services Specialist or Utility Specialist. (Amended 4/26/21) Deleted 4/26/24 15.6.2 The Company will maintain the balance of overtime in hours of overtime worked during the year as nearly equal as possible, by classification, for the Employees at each established headquarters. A listing of accumulated overtime for the year by Employee shall be posted and maintained per pay period at each headquarters for the Employees assigned to that headquarters. 15.6.3 Deleted 4/26/21 15.7 Employees reporting for work on orders of the Company and not being assigned, shall be paid two (2) hours' time for so reporting. If the Employees under this provision report for work, and it is found that there is no work to be assigned, they shall not be required to stay for any more than a reasonable time in order to get the two (2) hours' pay but shall be released immediately upon it being found that they will not be needed. The travel time allowance is included in the two (2) hours' minimum call-out pay. There may be instances when being paid to work from home, off Company premises make sense. These situations may require prior management approval and the following pay provisions will apply: • Situations less than or equal to 15 (fifteen) minutes between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. will not be compensated. • Situations greater than 15 (fifteen) minutes through 60 (sixty) minutes between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. will be compensated at 1 (one) hour at the appropriate overtime rate. • Situations greater than 60 (sixty) minutes will be compensated at a minimum of two (2) hours at the appropriate overtime rate. • Situations between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. will be paid a minimum of one (1) hour at the appropriate overtime rate. Mistakes or re-directing calls do not qualify as "work" for purposes of pay under this Section. 47 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 15.7.1 A minimum of two (2) hours' pay at the overtime rate (including travel allowance as stipulated in Section 15.10) shall be allowed an Employee called back to work after having been released from the regular days' work, unless such call-out is within two (2) hours of the beginning of their next scheduled work shift. 15.7.2 Employees reporting to work on orders of the Company will be paid from time of call, recognizing the following: • The Company and Union recognize that in being an Electric Utility, emergencies arise and both parties have a responsibility to respond. • Employees are required to respond to emergency callouts in a reasonable time period. • If problems arise in regard to response time, the Company and the Union will meet to resolve the issues on a case-by- case basis. • Transfers and new hires will be expected to respond to their new headquarters within one (1) hour from time of call. 15.8 Compensation for Employees required to be subject to call (stand by time) for emergency service work at any time outside of regular hours, is to be at twenty percent (20%) of the regular straight-time rate for the predetermined stand by period, with a minimum of two (2) hours' straight-time pay, and in addition shall be paid the regular overtime rate for any time worked during such standby period. If an ongoing problem exists concerning response to emergency work which may force the Company to institute mandatory stand by, the rate will be set at twelve and one-half percent (12.5%), rather than twenty percent (20%). Mandatory standby can be instituted at the reduced rate, as follows: 1. If a problem is identified at a headquarters location, the Employees shall be put on notice that should there be a recurring problem, the Company may institute the reduced stand by for a period for up to three months during the Employees normal work week. 2. Selection for assignment of such standby duty will be made from the overtime call out list, with the Employee who has the lowest accumulated overtime being offered first. This duty will be rotated weekly. While on standby, an Employee may be required to have a Company vehicle at home. 48 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 15.8.1 Wires personnel shall be compensated at a rate of 30% rather than the 20% rate noted above. As an alternative the Company will permit them to elect to receive Standby Floating Holiday (SBFH) hours equivalent to one and one half(1.5) hours Standby Floating Holiday for every five (5) standby hours worked including fractions thereof. These hours shall be added to the Employee's Standby Floating Holiday (SBFH) bank, to be used on a prescheduled basis. (Amended 4/26/24) Wires personnel will be permitted to bank up to a total of eighty (80) hours SBFH in a payroll year. An Employee who reaches the 80- hour cap will be compensated for standby in accordance with Section 15.8. (Amended 4/26/24) SBFH leave balances will not roll over or be carried into the next payroll year. It is the expectation that Employees manage their own balances to avoid having a balance at the end of the payroll year. In the event that there is a Company approved operational reason that the Employee voluntarily forgoes scheduled SBFH time off, then the Company will make the Employee whole by paying the appropriate pay rate for any remaining SBFH balance at the end of the year. Upon separation of employment, all standby floating holiday will be canceled. Should wires personnel be unable to use SBFH hours accumulated in the last pay period of the year prior to the end of the payroll year, they shall be credited with hours equal to those accumulated that period no later than the second pay period of the new payroll year. (Added 4126/24) 15.8.2 When the Company makes a request for a wires standby crew that goes unfilled, a second Customer Response Shift will be implemented for the districts of Albany/Willamette, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Medford and Roseburg. The Union is responsible to ensure that the Customer Response Shift is fully manned, or the Company has the right to assign the Customer Response Shift pursuant to Section 15.9.1. This provision shall only apply on the Company required holiday periods for New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In these circumstances both CRS personnel are eligible for the standby pay. (Added 4/26/24) 15.9 Deleted 49 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 15.9.1 Customer Response Shift (CRS) The Customer Response Shift (CRS) shall be established in January of each year. Such shifts shall be consistent for all weeks of the year. Journeyman Lineman (Serviceman, Foreman)will be assigned to the shift on a rotating basis and they may exchange or forgive a shift to another Journeyman at that work location. Individuals requesting to assign their response shift obligation should consider the current overtime hours of the members of the work group as outlined in Section 15.6 as far as practicable. Any adjustments to this schedule are the responsibility of the Employee assigned to cover the schedule and any changes made to this schedule does not create any liability for additional payments by the Company. When established, the shifts will be for seven (7) days. Each Journeyman assigned the shift shall receive 200 percent of the Journeyman Lineman rate of pay for each weekday they are assigned to this schedule. The CRS Employee shall receive 400 percent of the Journeyman Lineman rate of pay for each day which falls on a weekend or one of the designated holidays, other than a floating holiday. If, however, the Company elects to initiate stand-by at the 20% rate of pay in a specific location, the CRS person in that location shall receive the 20% stand-by rate for each day it is in place. Overtime rates, including call out, will be in addition to this day rate. Employees on the Customer Response Shift will be provided with a communications device and a Company vehicle. These Employees will be charged with responding to calls as promptly as possible. The following will receive first call and are not normally eligible for compensation under this Article: (Amended 4/26/24) • District Lineman in their area of responsibility • Line Patrolman in their area of responsibility • General Foreman in their area of responsibility • District without assigned shift By specific agreement between qualified Employees working in the District, the CRS may also be traded to the General Foreman, Line Patrolman, District Lineman and/or other qualified personnel. The above classification(s) shall not be required to accept the CRS. 50 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement After the original schedule has been established for the work location, any Employees transferring into a unit will become responsible for the schedule of the individual who vacated that position. Journeyman Lineman, Servicemen and Foremen will not be required to man the CRS more than one week in any four-week period. When the CRS is vacant due to illness, injury, or workforce changes, the Union is responsible to ensure that the Customer Response Shift is fully manned, or the Company has the right to assign the Customer Response Shift. The manager and steward are responsible for ensuring that the assignee has not or will not be assigned to the CRS more than one time in any four-week period. If there is no person available to fill the CRS voluntarily or by assignment, the Company may fill the shift at the stand-by rate or may suspend the CRS for that time period. The Company may utilize this shift throughout the year in any or all of the ten (10) locations identified below. The Union may request that the Company agree to suspend the CRS at a location. If it is deemed necessary to implement the shift, the Company will need the following year's schedule from the work group by December 15 so that it may be posted. The ten (10) locations are Albany, Lincoln City, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Crescent City, Medford, Yreka, Mt. Shasta, Klamath Falls, Lakeview/Alturas. CRS Employee may call out crew personnel from the current overtime list when an outage situation exists or may request the duty supervisor call out crew personnel. 15.9.2 Certain Employees may be required to take Company vehicles home in order to meet customer needs. Journeyman assigned to customer response shift: 1. Line Patrolman 2. Estimators permanently assigned to Transmission and Substation 3. District Lineman 4. Site Agent 5. General Foreman 6. Other Employees as mutually agreed All other vehicles will be assigned from the regular headquarters. 51 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 15.10 Employees reporting for emergency (defined as after-hours callout) or prearranged overtime work, not in conjunction with regularly scheduled hours, shall receive an allowance of twenty (20) minutes' pay at the regular overtime rate following release from work to permit return home, except as otherwise provided herein. (Amended 4/26/24 per LOA dated 9117/21) 15.10.1 In the event the overtime extends into the Employee's regularly scheduled work hours, the travel time allowance will not be paid. However, should the Employee complete or work beyond their regularly scheduled hours, the travel time allowance will be paid at the end of the work period. (Amended 4/26/24) 15.11 Paydays shall not be later than the fourth (4t") and the nineteenth (19t") day of each month and when paydays fall on Saturday, Sunday or holidays, the Employees shall receive their pay the preceding workday. The company shall have the right to change the pay period cycle and paydays, more frequently than outlined above, with 90 calendar days' written notice. (Amended 4/26/24) 15.12 Employees, who of necessity, must be absent from work will notify the Assistant Manager, Manager, or the Foreman in their absence. In the event of an emergency such as sudden illness, accident, etc., such notice of absenteeism must be given not later than one-half (1/2) hour prior to the start of the regular work period. Such notification of absence is to be given each day that the Employee is to be absent unless prior notification has stated that the absence will be extended. 15.13 Upon hire, Journeymen in all classifications shall furnish tools of their trade. It shall be the primary responsibility of the individual Employee to maintain such tools in safe and workable condition. Tools not in proper working condition will be replaced as needed by the Company. The Foreman is responsible for periodic inspections, and the Safety Director or Safety Coordinator will be required only to make occasional spot checks of tools during routine inspections of the property. (Amended 4/26/21) 15.13.1 Deleted 4/26/21 15.13.2 The Company will provide work gloves to the appropriate job classifications. Employees in these classifications are required to wear the appropriate hand protections. Employees shall choose gloves from the following options: • Long Gauntlet • Short Gauntlet with Finger Tabs • Short Gauntlet Grunt Gloves • Cut Proof Gloves 52 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement The following classifications shall receive six (6) pair of gloves per fiscal year: • Apprentices to all Journeyman Crafts listed in this Section • District Lineman • Foreman • General Foreman • Hydro Repairman • Lineman • Line Patrolman • Logistics General Foreman • Logistic Workers • Metering Journeyman classifications • Plant Mechanic • Serviceman • Site Agents who were previously Linemen • Substation Foreman • Substation Journeyman • Wireman • Wireman Foreman • Wireman Working Foreman • Utility Specialists (non-metering) New Employees in the above-listed classification starting their employment during the fiscal year will be handled as follows: • If employed prior to September 30t" of the year, Employee will receive six (6) pair. • If employed on or after September 30t" of the year, Employee will receive three (3) pair. The following classifications shall receive two (2) pair of gloves per fiscal year: • Apprentices to all Journeyman Crafts listed in this Section • Assistant Communications Technicians • Assistant Meter & Relay Technician • Communications Technicians • Estimator classifications • Field Service Specialists • Journeyman Operator Maintenance (JOM) • Mechanics • Meter & Relay Technician • Senior Communications Technicians • Senior Meter & Relay Technician • Senior Operators 53 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • Site Agent who were previously Estimators • Utility Specialist (metering) New Employees in the above-listed classification starting their employment during the fiscal year will be handled as follows: • If employed prior to September 30' of the year, Employee will receive two (2) pair. • If employed on or after September 30t" of the year, Employee will receive one (1) pair. Any changes or adjustment to this Section shall be referred to the Labor-Management Committee. (Amended 4/26/21 per LOA 5/7/13) 15.13.3 One full set of Mechanics Tools will be provided for every garage. (An example of a tool set would be Snap-On; Catalogue #9400- GSB.) 15.14 Overtime Meals 15.14.1 The intent of this Article is not to accommodate the undue delay of meal periods during overtime work. Field Employees and their supervisors are equally committed to safe work practices, excellent customer service, professional working conditions and the timely completion of work. 1. Recognized Meal Times • 6 a.m. • noon • 6 p.m. • midnight 2. At the discretion of the Employees, when working through their second recognized overtime mealtime, it is agreed that the Company will provide wholesome nutrition to the job site at no cost to the Employee; or at the first safe and reasonable opportunity after working through the second meal time, will be released to consume a hot meal at their expense. (Amended 4/26/21) 3. It is recognized that the above-mentioned release will be on the Employee's own time for up to one-half (1/2) hour. It is also recognized that there will be times when the time spent away from the work site may exceed the one-half (1/2) hour time frame and that both the Employees and supervision will act maturely in addressing such circumstances. With equal commitments to safety, customer service, economic efficiency and quality of work life, common sense and good judgment 54 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement should be the guiding factors in this regard. Employees who abuse these provisions will be provided notice of such abuse and continued abuse in this regard will result in progressive discipline. 15.15 During the winter season or bad weather conditions, the Company shall provide adequate shelter or a place to eat for those who carry their lunches. 15.16 During extreme or inclement weather, rest periods for outside crews will be allowed. One such period only between established meal period may be taken, and such period should normally not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The Foreman or Employee in charge must report to their immediate supervisor prior to the start of the next regular work period such rest periods taken. 15.17 Deleted 15.17.1 Except under overtime conditions, crews electing to take one-half (1/2) hour lunch periods for such time as that election is made shall be deemed by such election to have received permanent notification of work outside of headquarters area for purposes of furnishing their own lunch, and no travel time shall be allowed. By mutual agreement between Management, the affected Employees and the Business Manager, Employees may be assigned to report to work at a work location other than the regular work location, provided the Employee is notified by supervision before the end of the previous day's shift and the work location assigned is closer to the Employee's residence than the permanent work location. 15.17.2 Employees assigned to temporary headquarters requiring an overnight stay will be traveled between their regular headquarter and the temporary headquarters on Company time the first day and last day of the temporary assignment. This Section is subject to the provisions of Section 15.17.3. 15.17.3 An Employee assigned to work out of temporary headquarters for a period exceeding two (2) weeks will be allowed to return to their regular headquarters on alternate weekends on Company time and with transportation to be arranged for by the Company. When the Employee is not assigned work on the interim weekend, the individual members of the crew shall have the option of remaining at the temporary headquarters on Company expense or returning to their headquarters on their own time with the Company paying mileage allowance (personal vehicle, if applicable) in accordance 55 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the established mileage formula per mile each way for the shortest road mile distance between the temporary headquarters and their regular headquarters. 15.17.4 Employees assigned to temporary headquarters requiring an overnight stay will begin and end their workday at their temporary headquarters, except on days that they are traveling per Sections 15.17.2 or 15.17.3. 15.18 When the Employees travel out of headquarters, their expenses shall be paid by the Company unless otherwise provided herein. 15.18.1 Employees traveling in their personal vehicles shall be reimbursed the IRS allowable rate. 15.18.2 When working within their established headquarters area, Employees shall furnish their own noon meals and there shall be no allowance of travel time from headquarters to go to and from homes or other eating places. 15.18.3 When working outside of established headquarters area, Employees shall furnish their own noon meals. There shall be no allowance of travel time to obtain noon meals, unless Employees are not notified the previous day, in which case the location and conditions of the job shall determine any allowance for travel time and such determination shall be made by the Superintendent or their authorized representative in charge of the work. 15.19 Temporary assignment crews/personnel 15.19.1 The following rules shall apply to crews/personnel working on non- emergency temporary assignment within or outside their headquarters district. 1. Temporary headquarters shall be established in accordance with Section 15.3. The Company will provide proper sanitary facilities and adequate facilities for storing and drying tools, equipment and clothing. 2. Overtime work associated with temporary assignments shall be worked by the Employees assigned under Section 15.19.1, and such work shall not obligate the Company to offer equivalent overtime to those Employees within the headquarters where the temporary assignment is located. 3. If temporary headquarters is motel, Section 15.17.4 shall apply. 56 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 4. If temporary headquarters is local district service center, travel to/from motel or to obtain meals will be considered commute and not part of the workday. 5. Any issue(s) arising from this provision shall be referred to the Labor-Management Committee. 15.20 A Line Working Foreman must be a qualified Journeyman Lineman. When two (2) Journeymen are working together unsupervised on line or station maintenance or construction, one (1) of them shall be designated a Working Foreman. 15.21 Any Foreman shall not perform manual work if it interferes with their properly looking after their work as a Foreman and the safety of the Employees in their charge. 15.22 It shall be the duty of the Line Foreman and/or Superintendents to appoint Working Foremen to the heavy crews when it is necessary that the Line Foreman is temporarily absent or when crews are so spaced on the job that the Employee cannot properly supervise their work. 15.23 A Labor Foreman shall be an Employee qualified by experience to supervise and direct unskilled or semiskilled Employees engaged in digging ditches or digging holes for new lines, including the use of explosives, the clearing and burning of rights-of-way, the construction of roads, trails and bridges, the loading and unloading of heavy equipment and materials, mixing and pouring of concrete. A Labor Foreman is not required to be a Journeyman Lineman. This classification becomes biddable after six (6) months' duration. 15.24 A Labor Foreman, General, shall have all the qualifications of a Labor Foreman and, in addition, shall be qualified to and shall direct the work of three (3) or more Journeymen. 15.25 Labor crews of more than three (3) Employees shall have a Labor Foreman in charge. Labor crews of more than three (3) Journeymen shall have a Labor Foreman, General, in charge. 15.26 A Journeyman is an Employee who shall have successfully completed the required number of years of on-the-job and related training as an indentured Apprentice or the equivalent in practical experience in an apprenticable branch of the trade. 15.27 Journeymen of the various classifications may be assigned to work together on a crew if the nature of the work requires the special skills of various classifications. If pole work is required, this work shall be done by Journeyman Linemen and if such pole work involves energized lines, the Foreman of a mixed crew shall be qualified as a Journeyman Lineman. 57 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 15.28 An Employee shall be paid the wage stipulated in the Agreement for their primary classification for all work they perform. If the Employee is assigned to perform the work of a higher paid classification, they shall receive the pay of that classification while assigned to such work. An Employee may be temporarily assigned to perform the work of any lesser paid classification which they are qualified to perform in the same branch of the trade, but in such event shall continue to be paid for such work at their regular primary rate. A reasonable break-in period will be provided an Employee advanced to a classification in which they have had no experience. Such Employee will continue to receive the pay for their previous classification until qualified for the new classification, provided that an Employee newly classified as an Apprentice shall receive the pay of the step to which they are assigned. 15.29 Where Employees are entitled to an increase in pay at the expiration of six (6) months or any other specified period from the date of employment or reclassification, the increase will become effective on the first day of the next payroll period. This provision shall not be applicable to apprentice classifications. (Amended 4/26/24) 15.30 In case of an Employee being employed in two (2) classifications and/or where there is a regular job in which two (2) classifications are involved, the Employee working at the higher classification shall receive pay at the higher rate for time worked in the classification. However, in the case of an Employee being employed in two (2) classifications, and where fifty percent (50%) or more of their pay is in the higher biddable classification for a period in excess of six (6) months and will continue in excess of fifty percent (50%) in the higher classification, the job shall be advertised for bids and awarded to the senior qualified Employee at the higher rate of pay. 15.31 The Company will furnish waterproof clothing to include a hat, coat or jumper and trousers to be worn during inclement weather for those Employees who regularly work on the outside in the Crescent City and Lincoln City Districts. 15.32 The Company will furnish its approved safety straps, hook straps and replaceable gaffs when such items are turned in for replacement. 15.33 The Company will arrange to have coverall rental service available for Garage Mechanics, Transformer Repairmen, Wiremen, Substation Journeyman and Power Plant maintenance Employees. Each such Employee who subscribes for coverall service will be reimbursed by the Company each month for fifty percent (50%) of their coverall service cost, except Garage Mechanics and Journeyman Plant Mechanics who will be reimbursed by the Company each month for one hundred percent (100%) of their coverall service cost. 58 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 15.34 The Company reserves the right to require examination of all Employees whose duties are such that physical impairments might result in injury to the individual, to other Employees, to the public, or which might result in damage to property or equipment. Failure to pass the examination will result in the assignment to such duties as the Employee is capable of performing, or to early retirement, if eligible therefor, as may be determined by mutual agreement. 15.35 An Employee shall receive in addition to their regular pay one (1) hour's premium pay at their regular straight-time rate for each hour worked at any of the following heights and conditions: 1. A building above eighty (80) feet above ground level, where an exceptional hazard exists; 2. Wood structures above eighty (80) feet; 3. Steel structures above one-hundred and fifty (150) feet; 4. Working above eighty (80) feet on any structure when performing energized (hot) work on voltages of 69 Kv or higher. 15.36 Switching performed in establishing a clearance shall be done by a qualified Journeyman. 15.37 Employees required to perform Equipment Operations will obtain the necessary licenses as required. The inability of an Employee to hold a Commercial Driver's License shall not in and of itself jeopardize continued employment. All additional costs and training to obtain or maintain a CDL will be the responsibility of the Company. ARTICLE — 16.0 DEFINITIONS AND WORKING RULES FOR DISTRICT OPERATIONS, METER-TRANSFORMER AND GARAGE DEPARTMENTS 16.1 Journeyman Linemen shall meet the qualifications as set forth in this Agreement and shall supply the Union and the Company with satisfactory proof of their experience and knowledge. Linemen will perform Equipment Operations duties as per Section 15.37. 16.2 A Line Foreman is a Working Foreman assigned to a Headquarters responsible on a continuing basis for the direct supervision of an assigned crew and the work they perform. The normal complement of a regularly established line crew of three (3) or more workers shall include at least one (1) Journeyman Lineman in addition to the Foreman and may include a Utility Specialist, or Apprentice, or Apprentice- Qualified or Helper classification. The Line Foreman shall: (a) Be a qualified Journeyman Lineman; (b) Supervise a crew when engaged in line or substation construction or maintenance work; (c) Shall work with the person(s) under their supervision to the extent that it does not interfere with their supervisory responsibilities; 59 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement (d) Be responsible for job planning, work methods, equipment application, construction standards and job reporting for the jobs assigned. Effective January 1, 2022, selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13.8. (Amended 4/26/21) 16.2.1 General Foreman is a supervising Employee under the direction of management who: (a) is a qualified, experienced, Journeyman in the branch of the trade they are employed, (b) may perform site agent duties as assigned (these duties cannot be delegated), (c) manages the operations as assigned. General Rules: • A Company vehicle will be provided to drive to and from work; • May be assigned to assist management with weekend duty; • Regular work schedule will be agreed to by the Company and Union, however it is understood the Employee will be expected to work overtime as needed to fulfill the job responsibilities; • Is required to engage in the manual work of their trade and placed at the bottom of the overtime list and called last; • Is not required to hire, fire or discipline. Temporary upgrades to General Foreman will be at Management's discretion. If management decides a temporary upgrade is needed, the Company may assign an Employee as per Section 15.28 of the working agreement. In making such assignment, the provision of Section 13.7.1 in regards to the senior qualified Employee given preference shall apply as follows: The Company shall provide reasonably equal opportunity among the three (3) senior qualified Employees at the headquarters who are interested, on a voluntary basis, in gaining experience and proving their qualification for the position. Lineman Site Agent shall be qualified for temporary upgrades to General Foreman. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section (Amended 4/26/21) 16.3 A District Lineman is a Journeyman who is qualified as, and performs all the functions of a Journeyman, and is in charge of and resides in the service area apart from a local or district headquarters. The District Lineman residence will serve as the headquarters and the headquarters area will be the service area at time of bid. The District Lineman must be capable of reading meters, connecting services, repairing lines, collecting, load and voltage surveys, and handling the general Company affairs in the area they are assigned. The District Lineman will be responsible directly to Management. 60 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement The area assigned to the control of a District Lineman will be one that is not of sufficient area or serving enough customers to justify establishing a District Office. In the event that a District Lineman requires help in the performance of their duties, and not more than two (2) persons are sent to assist them, the District Lineman shall serve as the Working Foreman. If a crew of three (3) or more is sent to assist the District Lineman, the Working Foreman shall be in charge of the crew from the time that it is away from headquarters, and the District Lineman shall serve as a Lineman with the crew, or as a Lineman in performing other work within the District. The provisions of Sections 13.5 and 13.7.8 shall apply to any management review of the capabilities of an Employee to represent the Company in the area. 16.3.1 A Line Patrolman is an Employee who: (a) is a Journeyman Lineman familiar with transmission line work; (b) patrols transmission lines, inspects poles, stubs poles and clears rights-of-way; (c) is qualified to perform hot stick work on transmission lines, switching and related work; and (d)works with and is capable of directing the work of a line crew when required. Additional duties include: • Fielding/working of corrective maintenance conditions and replacement jobs - Employee responsibility to inspect and complete fielding information to allow for engineering, standards and estimating work to be completed. This would include field evaluation of work to be performed, including completion/submission of detailed structure component list and recommendations to transmission and distribution engineering. • Responsibility to perform mandatory compliance inspections to include investigatory inspections for reliability, safety improvements and identified material defects on our system. • Administrative functions including communication via email, familiarity with mobile technology applications, and use of computer software to include processing of COMPASS/Switching orders as needed. • Work with federal, state, local agencies, landowners, and internal departments to coordinate permitting, work planning and right of way issues. • Direction and coordination of a line crew and/or work as a member of a crew. This may also include supervision over multiple crews, PM work, and preparing materials for scheduled work within the area of responsibility. • Must have demonstrated leadership and communication skills, with the ability to be self-directed and work with minimal supervision. 61 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • Operation of technical and specialized equipment as assigned by management. Transfers and new hires will be expected to reside in the headquarters district in which the position was bid, or within a reasonable distance from headquarters as approved by management. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section (Amended 4/26/21) 16.4 A Journeyman Serviceman is a Journeyman Lineman who, with a minimum of supervision, performs the following work: (a) Installs, maintains and removes customer services; (b) Sets and removes meters, makes load and voltage surveys; (c) Investigates service interruptions, sectionalizes and/or clears damaged equipment with maximum regard to public safety and to speedy restoration of essential service; (d) Investigates customers' service calls and complaints, corrects, if Company equipment is at fault, or advises customer where to seek correction if the equipment is at fault; (e) Operates line and substation switches and control equipment on routine or emergency work, and keeps themselves familiar with lines and stations; (f) Re-fuses transformers and line devices; (g) Works as a Journeyman Lineman on line crew when necessary; and (h) Makes field collections that involve or may involve connects or disconnects. 16.5 A Utility Specialist is a qualified Employee who shall perform work mutually agreed to by the Company and Union. Duties may include Collections/Connects/Disconnects/Removal; Replacement or exchange of single- phase self-contained meters; locates; pole test and treat; Joint Use Coordination; Equipment Operation and others as agreed to by the Company and Union. The Utility Specialist may be required to hold a Commercial Driving license as dictated by the assigned duties and pass minimum qualification requirements as mutually agreed to by the Company and the Union. The Utility Specialist with proper training may operate vehicles and equipment as assigned. (Amended 4/26/21) The following criteria shall be followed in awarding Utility Specialist jobs; First, by Journeymen qualified to perform the duties in need of placement due to physical limitations (disability placement). Second, by qualified bid. Management may assign or reassign the Utility Specialist position duties as necessary. 16.5.1 An Inspection Specialist within the Field Inspection Support group will be required to inspect, evaluate and document information on overhead (distribution, transmission, communications, municipality and private ownership) and underground facilities. Inspection 62 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement activities include, but are not limited to pole attachment inspections, bird damage assessments, condition verification, pole plating, pole stub removal assessments, pole attachment transfer requests, ground-line pole testing, visual/safety inspections. An Inspection Specialist will be trained in and may perform the installation of guy guards and the removal of down guy tails. An individual in this position must become familiar with the National Electric Safety Code and PacifiCorp Construction Standards and apply this knowledge to recommend appropriate corrective actions. As a member of the Field Inspection Support group, an Inspection Specialist will establish working relationships with local district and corporate office personnel, communications companies, municipality representatives, and Pacific Power customers. Collection of data will require the use of measuring sticks and wheels, binoculars, and handheld electronic devices. Familiarity with Windows based computer systems, as well as typing, are required skills. The Inspection Specialist will be required to demonstrate proficiency in various computer applications, including but not limited to, applications such as PowerMap, FAAR, portions of CICS, GLEE, Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook. Training will be available for Inspection Specialists to learn these skills. An Inspection Specialist will be proficient in the use of maps, data sheets, work requests and engineered drawings. An Inspection Specialist will be based at various selected district offices however their territories will extend throughout Pacific Power's service area. This position will require frequent and extensive travel, including overnight stays, and the possession and maintaining of a valid driver's license. The criteria followed in awarding Inspection Specialist jobs shall first be by current Inspections Specialists within Local 659 and second, by qualified bid. (Added 4/26/21) 16.5.2 A Flagger is a temporary Employee whose regular work assignment is that of traffic control. 16.6 Heavy Equipment Man shall mean an Employee who is assigned to drive or operate equipment in one of the following categories: (a) Tractor, wheel or crawler type; (b) Truck type tractor with semi or low boy trailer; (c) Forklift five (5) ton capacity or greater; (d) Crane; (e) Steering trailer. 16.7 Lineman shall supervise the digging and back filling of holes under or adjacent to energized lines and the stubbing of poles under energized lines. 63 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 16.8 The framing, erection, installing of guys and raising of poles and towers shall be done by Linemen assisted by Apprentice Linemen, Utility Specialist and Apprentice Qualified when required. 16.9 Wire stringing shall be done by Linemen assisted by Apprentice Linemen, Linemen, Utility Specialist, and Apprentice Qualified. Wire splicing shall be done by Linemen or supervised by Linemen. 16.10 Tree trimming shall be done by Linemen assisted by Utility Specialists, Apprentice Qualified or Apprentice Linemen. 16.11 Installation and maintenance of all direct burial underground electrical circuits, both primary and secondary, and of outdoor pad-mounted transformers used in this type of installation shall be done by regular line and station Construction and Maintenance crews. 16.11.1 Erection, installation and maintenance of electrical structures or equipment in substations shall be done by Journeyman Linemen, Electricians and/or Wiremen/ Substation Journeyman assisted by Utility Specialists, Apprentice Qualified, and Apprentices. 16.12 Gas envelope welding shall be done by Journeymen. 16.13 Deleted (04/26/2004) 16.13.1 Service Coordinators are expected to progress to "A" level within twenty-four (24) months of accepting a Service Coordinator position. Upgrades will not be made among Service Coordinators B/C/D. Any clerical assignment may be given to each level of clerk, including data entry, with training and evaluation segments used for advancement only. Open Service Coordinator A positions will first be filled by the senior Service Coordinator A bidder; second by the senior Service Coordinator B bidder; third by the senior Service Coordinator C bidder; fourth by the senior Service Coordinator D bidder before other Employees. When no incumbent Service Coordinator bids on an open Service Coordinator position, the open position will be filled by the senior bidder that has met the qualifications developed by the joint Company and Union sub- committee. Service Coordinator A: Has successfully performed at the Service Coordinator B level and completed the required training and evaluation segments in the B level position. 64 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Service Coordinator B: Has successfully performed at the Service Coordinator C level and completed the required training and evaluation segments in the C level position. Service Coordinator C: Has successfully performed at the Service Coordinator D level and completed the required training and evaluation segments in the D level position. Service Coordinator D: Entry level position. Must demonstrate basic clerical skills which will include keyboard proficiency, office etiquette as well as oral and written communication skills, as determined by the joint sub-committee. The determination of these qualifications will be done by test, and/or joint interview as determined by the joint sub-committee. The joint sub-committee will work to find qualification and testing standards that will allow potential applicants to pre-qualify for Service Coordinator positions. Qualifications standards for entry-level Service Coordinator positions will be regularly published on bid postings and on Company bulletin boards. 16.13.2 The Utility Clerk can perform a broad range of tasks such as groundman work, meter reading job duties and all job duties associated with the Service Coordinator and Field Services Specialist classifications. Utility Clerks are expected to complete the Service Coordinator training progression outlined in Section 16.13. The intent is for this classification to be limited to Wires and utilized in limited locations where flexibility in job tasks is required to sustain employment. Depending on the nature of the assignment, a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) may be required. (Amended 4/26/24 Per LOA dated 9/17124) 16.14 A Senior Estimator is a Journeyman Estimator who through general experience shall have all of the qualifications of a Journeyman Estimator and who shall be qualified to direct the work of one or more estimators by bid. Future vacancies shall be filled by Journeyman Estimator. 16.14.1 A Journeyman Estimator is an Employee who shall have sufficient knowledge of the transmission, distribution and substation requirements of the District in which they are employed and have the ability to and should make all estimates for the building or rebuilding and maintenance of such installations as directed by the Site Agent, Senior Estimator or management, with the exception of those installations which, because of their complex nature, require special engineering knowledge and close supervision of the estimating work. 65 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 16.14.2 Apprentice Estimators shall work under the supervision of the Site Agent, Senior Estimators or Estimators and may assume the duties of Estimator for short periods after the second year of apprenticeship. 16.14.3 A District Estimator is a Journeyman Estimator in a location with only one permanently assigned estimating position, who through general experience shall have all of the qualifications of a Journeyman Estimator. The position shall provide scheduling and coordination of work requirements and assignments in addition to estimating duties. 16.14.4 Site Agent is an Employee who is qualified as a Journeyman Estimator or Journeyman Lineman who can work flexible hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A Site Agent manages Construction Operations and may do estimates as qualified and assigned. A Site Agent who previously held an Estimator position may be required to do estimates as qualified and assigned. A Site Agent who previously held a Journeyman Lineman classification may perform simple estimates to include: • Install/replace anchor and down guy if no permits or R/W required • Single pole replacement when no permits, R/W or Joint Use required • Install/replace streetlights • Install/replace line cutouts including cutting in deadends • Install/replace UG services • Install/replace UG services including risers • Install/replace overhead transformers • Replace padmount transformers • Replace Like for Like underground equipment • Cross arm replacements A Site Agent who previously held a Journeyman Lineman classification may be required to engage in the manual work of the trade and will be placed at the bottom of the overtime callout list and called last. When working in a Lineman classification, the flexible work schedule does not apply for purposes of overtime. However, it is the intent that the Site Agent who had previously been a Lineman will be regularly assigned to perform Site Agent work. It is further understood that estimating with pictures and field notes is the work of the bargaining unit. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section (Amended 4/26/21) 66 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 16.15 Meter Foremen are defined as Employees capable of testing, repairing and calibrating all various types of instruments and apparatus pertaining to metering according to Company specifications. This classification shall apply to the Electrical Metermen in charge of the Central Meter Department in Medford. Effective January 1, 2022, selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13.8. (Amended 4/26/21) 16.15.1 A Meter Working Foreman is an Employee who: (a) Supervises and plans the work of at least three (3) but not more than nine (9) other Journeyman Metermen, Electricians, Apprentice Metermen or Meter Testers in the Meter Department; (b) Is qualified as a Journeyman in the particular work under their supervision; and (c) Performs any work that may be assigned to the various job classifications listed in this paragraph. 16.15.2 A District Meterman is a Journeyman Meterman located at a District headquarters who (a) is responsible for meter supplies and equipment for their District; (b) works as a Journeyman Meterman; and (c) may direct the work of two (2) other Journeymen. 16.15.3 A Journeyman Meterman is an Employee who: (a) installs, tests and maintains all types and sizes of customers' meters, instruments and associated equipment and wiring; (b) does routine testing of all types and sizes of meters when assigned to such work; (c) makes load and voltage surveys; (d) reads demand meters and changes charts and tapes; (e) does instrument transformer testing and repairing; and (f) supervises Apprentice Metermen and Meter Testers. A Meterman does not climb, except by use of a ladder, in the normal performance of their duties. A Meterman does not do switching unless specifically trained in such procedures and designated by mutual agreement. 16.15.4 An Apprentice Meterman is an Employee who, depending upon their ability and training: (a) does routine testing of residential meters; (b) does instrument transformer and meter wiring in the shop; (c) reads demand meters and changes charts and tapes; and (d) performs any of the duties listed under Section 16.15.3 under the supervision of a Meter Foreman, Journeyman Meterman, Electrician or Electrician Foreman. 16.15.5 A Single-Phase Metering Specialist is an Apprentice Qualified or pre- apprentice classification as defined in Article 12.0 and Section 12.16. After completion of a JATC approved training course (minimum 6 weeks in length), a Single-Phase Metering Specialist may (a) install, 67 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement maintain and test single-phase direct connect 240V Class 200 residential meters; (b) investigate "high bill" complaints for the same class of meters; (c) perform sample and periodic meter tests on the same class of meters; (d) investigates unsealed meter conditions and simple meter tampering (i.e. upside down meters)and turns over complex tampering (i.e. current diversion) to Journeymen; and (e) works out of a Headquarters area in a bid location that also has a Journeyman Meterman. Preference for this position shall be given to the qualified pre- apprentice applicants entering the Metering craft as outlined in Section 12.6. Pre-apprentice applicants entering other crafts may serve in this classification if there are no Metering pre-apprentice applicants. This position will not work on the following installations or issues: by- pass meter bases, CL 320s, demand meters, CT installations, "hot" work, or 12s meters. 16.15.6 The Lead High Voltage and Safety Equipment Tester is an electrically qualified Journeyman who is qualified to test, repair and maintain all safety equipment used on Company property, such as rubber gloves, blankets, hoods, line hose, etc. and shall supervise High Voltage and Safety Equipment Tester(s). Incumbents shall have had at least three (3) years' experience and shall be familiar with various types of testing equipment used. The lead will be paid 3% higher than the High Voltage and Safety Equipment Tester. (Amended 4/26/21 per LOA 4/23/21) The High Voltage and Safety Equipment Tester is an electrically qualified Journeyman who is qualified to test, repair and maintain all safety equipment used on Company property, such as rubber gloves, blankets, hoods, line hose, etc. Selection for this position shall be as follows: • First, by electrically qualified Journeymen needing placement due to physical limitations and qualified to perform the duties in order of Company seniority; and then • Second, by electrically qualified Journeymen or otherwise qualified Employees bidding for the position. (Amended 4/26/21 per LOA 4/23/21) 16.15.7 A Transformer Repairman Foreman shall have all the qualifications required of a Journeyman Transformer Repairman and shall have 68 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement sufficient additional technical knowledge to direct Transformer Repairmen in the performance of their duties. 16.15.8 A Transformer Repairman is an electrically trained qualified Journeyman who is assigned to the Transformer Repair Shop who shall be capable of overhauling and repairing distribution and high voltage transformers, regulators, capacitors, switches and insulators on the ground, both in the shop and in the field. The Transformer Repairman shall also do the testing of line insulators and other insulating apparatus as required by the Company. The following criteria shall be followed in awarding Transformer Repairman jobs: First, by Journeymen needing placement due to physical limitations and qualified to perform the duties; and Second, by Journeyman bidding and qualified for the position. 16.16 A Journeyman Radio Serviceman is an Employee possessing an FCC license and qualified to install and maintain mobile and base radio communication equipment and to test and locate radio and television interference on transmission and distribution systems. 16.17 Deleted 4/26/21 16.17.1 Deleted 4/26/21 16.17.2 Deleted 4/26/21 16.17.3 A Substation Journeyman is an Employee qualified as a Journeyman to install, construct, maintain, test and repair equipment, apparatus and wiring related to their trade at generating stations and substations. The Employee shall not use climbers (hooks) in the performance of their duties. 16.17.4 A Substation Journeyman Working Foreman (upgrade only): When two Substation Journeyman are working together on station construction or maintenance work, one (1) of the Journeyman shall be designated a Substation Journeyman Working Foreman (upgrade). (Amended 4/26/21) 16.17.5 A Substation Journeyman Foreman is an Employee who (a) plans and supervises the work of a crew; (b) is qualified as a Substation Journeyman; (c) works with the Employees under their supervision; (d) has demonstrated leadership skills; and (e) has working knowledge of substation operations and is able to execute all aspects 69 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement of maintenance scheduling and job planning as assigned by management. Effective January 1, 2022, selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13.8. (Amended 4/26/21) 16.18 A Garage Mechanic is a Journeyman Vehicle-Equipment Maintenance Mechanic who is, by training and experience, a qualified automotive or mechanized construction equipment mechanic who prior to employment has successfully completed the standard qualifying examination. A Garage Mechanic is a Journeyman Mechanic who is qualified to perform overhaul, repair and maintain automotive and utility work equipment, including the hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic components and equipment. 16.18.1 A Garage Mechanic in Charge is an experienced Garage Mechanic who: (a) Is qualified to maintain all automotive and utility work equipment assigned to their headquarters; (b) Is qualified to operate a headquarters' shop and maintain equipment records, and; (c) Instructs operating personnel in equipment operation and preventative maintenance procedures for the assigned equipment. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13.8. (Amended 4/26/24) 16.18.2 A Garage Mechanic Foreman shall be an experienced Garage Mechanic who: (a) Is qualified to maintain all automotive and utility work equipment assigned to their headquarters; (b) Is qualified to operate a headquarters shop and maintain equipment records; (c) Instructs operating personnel in equipment operation and preventative maintenance procedures for the assigned equipment; (d) Normally directs the work of at least one (1) Journeyman Mechanic. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13.8. (Amended 4/26/24) 16.18.3 At locations where more than one (1) Garage Mechanic is employed and multiple shifts have been established, Garage Mechanics can 70 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement rotate shifts if mutually agreed upon by the Garage Mechanics and their Management. Whenever a change in Garage Mechanic personnel occurs, the new Employees must mutually agree to the rotating shift. 16.19 A General Foreman (Substation) is a supervising Employee working under the direction of management who: (a) is a qualified experienced Journeyman of the trade; (b) is capable of directing the work of all substation Employees in the area, which includes the direction of Employees and any or all substation facilities, Meter Relay shop, and Substation Journeymen Shop; (c) works in the branch of trade they are employed; (d) is not required to hire, fire or discipline. Temporary upgrades to Substation General Foreman will be at management's discretion. If management decides a temporary upgrade is needed, the Company may assign an Employee as per 15.28 of the working agreement. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section (Amended 4/26/21) 16.19.1 A Senior Station Meter and Relay Technician is a Journeyman qualified to perform all the duties of a Station Meter and Relay Technician and, in addition, shall be further qualified to perform all tests and adjustments and diagnose and correct trouble on the most complex relay and control systems. They shall also be responsible for a meter, relay and control equipment shop, including vehicles, tools, test equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13.8. (Amended 4/26/21) 16.19.2 A Lead Station Meter and Relay Technician is a Journeyman qualified as a Station Meter and Relay Technician who works with and supervises the work of journeymen, technicians and helpers, if required. They shall be in direct charge of the work they are performing on joint substation projects. The Employee shall be qualified to and will prepare reports and records incidental to the work and will be responsible for the transportation equipment, test equipment, tools and supplies provided by the Company for their use. 16.19.3 A Journeyman Station Meter and Relay Technician is a Journeyman qualified to install, maintain, adjust, test and repair all substation and generating station meters, relay and control equipment, such as meters, governors, solid state exciters, computerized controls systems, and may work on other apparatus within their qualifications 71 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement involved with the operation and maintenance of the Company's facilities. The Employee shall normally work under the direction of a Lead Station Meter and Relay Technician or Senior Station Meter and Relay Technician, however, when working in a single journeyman assignment, no upgrade to Lead Technician is warranted. The Employee must have a working knowledge of all relay and control schemes sufficient to enable them to diagnose and correct troubles on station meter, relay and remote-control equipment, including supervisory and telemetering. They shall be qualified to and will prepare reports and records incidental to the work. The Employee shall also be responsible for meter, relay, and control equipment, and electrical control system, including vehicles, tools, test equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company. 16.19.4 An Assistant Station Meter and Relay Technician is an Employee qualified to train for the position of Station Meter and Relay Technician as determined in 16.21 of the working agreement. They shall train as directed by a Journeyman Station Meter and Relay Technician and the Joint Qualifications Committee (JQC). The JQC shall establish the maximum period to qualify as a Journeyman Technician. When fully qualified, they shall be advanced to Journeyman Station Meter and Relay Technician without bid. (Amended 4/26/21) 16.20 A Senior Communications Technician is a Journeyman with an FCC General Radiotelephone Operators license (or obtain within six (6) months of assignment) or the equivalent to maintain microwave and radio equipment and the knowledge and ability to install, test and maintain all Company communication, supervisory control, telemetering and data acquisition equipment. The Employee shall be responsible for a communications shop, including vehicles, tools, test equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company. They shall prepare reports, records and equipment recommendations incidental to their work. They may be capable and qualified to tow and operate a Company furnished snow vehicle that would typically be pulled by a pickup when necessary to perform their duties. When the work requires, they shall supervise Communications Technician and Helpers and shall be in charge of the work being performed. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13.8. (Amended 4/26/24) 16.20.1 A Communications Technician is a Journeyman having or obtaining within six (6) months of assignment an FCC General Radiotelephone Operators license or the equivalent to maintain microwave and radio equipment and the knowledge and ability to install, test and maintain the communication equipment relating to 72 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement the Company's facilities. They shall also be capable of installing, testing and maintaining supervisory control, telemetering and data acquisition equipment. Normally, they will work alone or with a Senior Communications Technician as the work requires and will be responsible for a vehicle, tools and materials as supplied by the Company. They may be capable and qualified to tow and operate a Company furnished snow vehicle that would typically be pulled by a pickup when necessary to perform their duties. (Amended 4/26/24) 16.20.2 An Assistant Communications Technician is an Employee qualified to train for the position of Communication Technician as determined in 16.21 of the working agreement. They shall possess or obtain within six (6) months of assignment a valid FCC General Radiotelephone Operators license or the equivalent and be qualified to train for the position of Communication Technician. They shall train as directed by a Journeyman Communication Technician and the Joint Qualifications Committee (JQC). The JQC shall establish the maximum period to qualify as a Journeyman Technician. When qualified, they shall be advanced to Journeyman Communication Technician without bid. (Amended 4/26/24) 16.21 A Joint Qualification Committee consisting of equal representation from the Union and Company (minimum three (3) representatives from management and Union each), with the Company's Labor Relations Manager and the Union Business Manager as ex-officio members, shall meet as required to evaluate and select inside/outside candidates once the existing pool is exhausted. The Committee will also have the responsibility to establish qualification criteria, monitor the trainee's progress and set training requirements. Applications will be accepted by the Manager of Labor Relations and referred to the Joint Qualification Committee for Assistant Station Meter & Relay Technician and Assistant Communications Technician from the internal and external candidates who meet the qualifications as determined by the Committee. An Apprentice within six (6) months of their graduation date may apply and if certified by the Committee will be added to the list of qualified applicants no earlier than their graduation date. Assistants will be chosen from the current pool list until depleted, first electrically trained journeyman, and then qualified Employees. When no applicants are available, the Company may hire assistants who meet the criteria as established by the joint qualifications committee without applicant review by the committee. It will be the sole responsibility of the Joint Qualifications Committee to determine training content and length of time per applicant to qualify as a Journeyman Technician. Bidding of the Technician positions described above shall be done as follows: 73 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 1. Existing Local 659 Technicians at Hydro south or Technical Operations (Plant) who may wish to change locations will have first preference. 2. If no existing Local 659 Meter and Relay Technicians bids the position, Meter and Relay Technician from Local 125 would be selected. 3. If there are no fully internal qualified Meter and Relay Technicians bidding the position, the Company may elect to: (a) start an Assistant Technician who will be selected from the established pools until the pools are exhausted and then by the inside/outside process or; (b) hire a fully qualified external candidate as determined by the Company recognizing that this candidate may need additional, specific training for the position; Upon depletion of the current pool, future training positions will be bid internally and posted externally, the successful candidate will be selected (inside/outside) by the Joint Qualification Committee based on qualifications. Preference will be given to electrical journeyman and those with advanced electrical training in determining qualifications for the position, if the Committee determines that candidates are equally qualified, preference shall be given to the internal candidate. ARTICLE 17.0 —WORKING RULES FOR POWER SUPPLY 17.1 Work Schedules 17.1.1 Work schedules shall provide for two (2) regularly scheduled days off in succession and may provide at least one (1) weekend off per month. Work schedules, including shift change hours and days off for rotating shift workers, shall be determined by mutual agreement between the Supervisor and a majority of those affected. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.1.2 Changes in shifts shall require payment of straight-time plus premium time for the first rescheduled shift worked unless: (a) Sixteen (16) hours off duty shall have been provided and, (b) The Employee is notified of the shift change prior to the end of their last shift. However, a change between a rotating day shift and a normal day shift, or vice versa, will not require the payment of overtime. 17.1.3 Deleted 4/26/21 17.1.4 When a relief person is not available and the General Foreman is required to work a relief shift, they shall work the day shift, and the 74 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement scheduled day shift Operator shall be reassigned to the required shift. 17.1.5 Deleted 4/26/21 17.1.6 Deleted 4/26/21 17.1.7 A temporary work schedule for Powerhouse maintenance or Fish Passage may be established Monday through Friday. Rules for assignment to the temporary work schedule at straight-time rate of pay are: • Employees will receive at least seventeen-calendar days' notification of assignment to this temporary shift. If notice is not given, Employees will be paid premium time in addition to straight time for the first three (3) days worked on this temporary shift. • Employees will receive at least three calendar days' notice of cancellation to begin the temporary shift. Failure to provide this cancellation notice will cause payment of eight hours of premium time. • Once a temporary shift has begun, a change in shift will require notification of the shift change prior to the end of their last shift and seven and one-half hours off duty. Failure to provide this cancellation notice will cause payment of eight hours of premium time. Additional changes within a week will require payment of 8-hours of premium time for each change. • The temporary shift will normally begin at 4 PM and include a '/2-hour unpaid lunch mid-way in the shift. While the regular hours of this temporary shift are uniform, the starting time may be varied by mutual consent. • Employees will receive a 4% shift differential for all straight- time hours worked on a temporary swing shift. • However, a change between a normal dayshift and a temporary dayshift shall only require notification of the change prior to the end of their last shift and is not subject to any of the previous requirements of this Section. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.1.8 The Operators in any station may exchange complete shifts within the same workweek and partial shifts within the same workday, providing all of the following conditions are met: 1. There is an eight (8) hours' rest period between shifts. 2. The hours worked are reported in the name of the Employee actually on duty. 3. Additional overtime payments do not result. 75 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 4. The exchange is approved in advance by the immediate supervisor. 17.1 .9 Shift Differential for Toketee Control Operators will be as follows: • Swing (1500-2300) — 3% of base rate • Graveyard (2300-0700) — 5% of base rate 17.2 Vacations 17.2.1 The shift schedule at all stations shall be posted not later than January 15 for each year. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.3 Job Description, General Foreman 17.3.1 A General Foreman is a supervising Employee under the direction of management who: (a) is a qualified, experienced Journeyman in the branch of the trade they are employed and (b) as assigned, manages the operations and maintenance of their operating area. General Rules: • A Company vehicle will be provided to drive to and from work; • May be assigned to assist management with weekend duty; • Regular work schedule will be agreed to by the Company and Union, however it is understood that the Employee will be expected to work overtime as needed to fulfill the job responsibilities; • Is required to engage in the manual work of their trade and placed at the bottom of the overtime list and called last; • Is not required to hire, fire or discipline. Temporary upgrades to General Foreman are at management's discretion. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section (Amended 4/26/21) 17.4 Job Descriptions, Operations 17.4.1 Deleted 4/26/21 17.4.2 A Senior Operator is the Operator at a rotating shift regularly scheduled Monday through Friday dayshift. The Senior Operator shall be included in the control room overtime list(s) and placed at the bottom of the JOM overtime list. They will be assigned departmental duties in their operating area within their classification 76 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement and qualifications, including substation inspection, station and line switching and routine station checks. They may work the twelve (12) hour TCC day shift relief Monday through Friday (overtime paid as per 15.4.1), complete relief set of graveyard or day shift, regular and relief shifts at any of the stations in the area. (Amended 4/26/21) Unless notified prior to the end of the last shift before the start of their scheduled days off, an unscheduled relief shift during such days off will be paid at the overtime rate, provided that scheduled days off may be shortened on either end of such period to accommodate a relief shift, and if a second such instance occurs during those days off, that shift will be paid at the overtime rate. 17.4.3 A Control Operator is a Journeyman who: (a) is the Control Operator on shift in charge of the station and the area/project dispatching duties; (b) is qualified as a Journeyman Operator; (c) performs and directs transmission switching and load regulation; and (d) will provide direction in establishing and issuing clearances on hydro facilities. They will also direct switching and issue clearances on transmission lines and apparatus; and (e) will maintain project records and an accurate log of all project operations on a current basis. 17.4.4 A Journeyman Operator Maintenance (JOM) is (a) qualified Journeyman Operator who is assigned to a hydro generating area and whose primary responsibility is to operate and maintain the power plants, dams, waterways, and associated equipment. (b) They shall be responsible for the safety and protection of the facilities they operate, including ensuring adequate protection for workers performing work on and in these facilities. (c) A JOM shall perform all normal duties on a hydro project in which they are assigned, trained and qualified, including domestic drinking water; substation inspections; station and line switching; routine station checks, non- precision mechanical tasks; troubleshooting and replacement of single phase non-generating electrical equipment 240V and less; repair and minor construction of facility buildings and their systems; minor repairs to canals, impounds, roadways and bridges; light vehicle maintenance; operation of heavy equipment; and other normal duties on a hydro project that are mutually agreed to by the Company and Union. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.4.5 Deleted 4/26/21 77 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 17.5 Electrical Job Descriptions 17.5.1 A Wireman Foreman is an Employee who: (a) plans and supervises the work of crews consisting of more than three (3) Journeymen; (b) is qualified as a Journeyman Wireman; and (c) works with the persons under their supervision. 17.5.2 A Wireman Working Foreman is an Employee who: (a) plans and directs the work of crews consisting of not to exceed three (3) Journeymen; (b) is qualified as a Journeyman Wireman; and (c) works with the persons under their supervision. 17.5.3 A Journeyman Station Wireman is an Employee qualified as a Journeyman to install, maintain and repair generating station equipment, substation equipment, apparatus and wiring, such as capacitors, oil circuit breakers, power transformers, regulators, relays, and shall be proficient in all diagnostic testing and analysis of test results for equipment, apparatus and wiring relating to their trade. A Journeyman Wireman does not climb, except by use of a ladder or aerial equipment, in the normal performance of their duties. This is a grandfathered position. 17.6 Mechanical Job Descriptions 17.6.1 A Journeyman Plant Mechanic is an Employee qualified to perform and direct the maintenance and repair of all mechanical systems associated with hydroelectric generation stations, including turbines, governor oil systems, dams, and water conveyance systems. Shall be a qualified to operate precision equipment in the milling, welding, manufacturing and repairing of parts. They shall be qualified to operate heavy equipment; repair and construction of roads, trails and bridges; weld; and mixing and pouring of concrete. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.6.2 Deleted 4/26/21 17.6.3 A Plant Mechanic Trainee shall work under the supervision of a Journeyman Plant Mechanic. (Amended 4/26/21) A Joint Qualification Committee consisting of equal representatives from management and the Union with the Company's Labor Relations Director or designee and the Union Business Manager as ex-officio members, shall meet as to establish and maintain the requirements and review applicants. 78 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Applications will be referred to the Joint Qualification Committee for Journeyman Plant Mechanic from any Employee who meets the qualifications. The Committee will post notice thirty (30) days in advance of examinations to be scheduled to review the qualifications of applicants, inform individual applicants of deficiencies, provide an opportunity for re- examination after an appropriate interval and post lists of qualified applicants from which the qualified applicant with the earliest seniority date will be selected to fill vacancies. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.6.4 Deleted 4/26/21 17.6.5 Deleted 4/26/21 17.6.6 A Hydro Repairman is an Employee who is qualified to perform minor construction, repair and maintenance of non-generation facilities, roads, trails, bridges used in the hydro department and work under the direction of the Journeyman. They shall operate equipment in which they have been trained, proven proficient, and perform other tasks as assigned. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.6.7 A Hydro Helper is a seasonal worker assigned to the maintenance department whose job duties include brushing, minor building maintenance, grounds and related work, and may assist other crafts. The Hydro Helper shall operate non-CDL equipment in which they have been trained. Hydro Helper is not eligible to upgrade outside of their classification, employment term is limited to 1,040 total hours per calendar year. Each 1,040 hours may not run continuously from one year to another. (Amended 4/26/21) 79 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 17.6.8 A Hydro Compliance Technician is an Employee with the responsibilities as follows: • Safety and Security: inspect, test operate, and maintain safety and security facilities and equipment as assigned; • Environmental Management: coordinate waste management systems, conduct environmental inspections and facilitate environmental compliance as assigned; • Handles miscellaneous duties as assigned. Additionally, Employees may progress through the step progression at the time qualifications are met per the November 2005 Memorandum of Understanding. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section (Amended 4/26/21) 17.7 Deleted 4/26/21 17.7.1 Deleted 4/26/21 17.7.2 Deleted 4/26/21 17.7.3 Deleted 4/26/21 17.7.4 Deleted 4/26/21 17.8 Working Rules 17.8.1 The Company will provide the first level of working supervision under the Agreement and the necessary manpower in each area, so that shifts within the plants and stations will be covered by personnel of the proper classification or qualified relief personnel to sufficiently man all such shifts, including scheduled vacations and normal absentee experience, as calculated to the nearest man. If the calculation results in a fraction, the fraction will be treated as a whole number. 17.8.2 An operating area is a geographic grouping of facilities such that administration as a unit is possible. Operating Areas are Prospect, JC Boyle, Copco and North Umpqua. 17.8.3 At the beginning or end of the workday, Employees may be assigned to report to a work location other than their regular headquarters with 80 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement no premium pay provided the assigned work location is closer to the Employee's home. 17.8.4 Personnel residing at a Company project shall be paid at the overtime rate from the time they are called until the time they return to their assigned Company housing. Priority will be given to Employees on project at the time of call by the overtime list. Employees shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the overtime rate, unless the call is within two hours of their normally scheduled start time, in which case they will receive the overtime rate for actual hours worked. (Amended 4/26/21) 17.8.5 Employees may take assigned Company vehicles home upon mutual agreement of the Company and Union. This Section does not imply the Employee's residence is their reporting headquarters as defined in Section 21.14. 17.8.6 The Company determines when a house is available at a power station location. The Company shall determine eligibility for housing by Employee classification and relating to the operating requirements of the station. Employees provided housing may make arrangements to trade housing among themselves at that station to satisfy family requirements, providing such arrangements are approved by the Company. (Amended 4/26/21) ARTICLE 18.0 — WORKING RULES FOR STORES DEPARTMENT 18.1 A Logistics General Foreman is a supervisory Employee under the direction of Management who: (a) was formerly a Logistics specialist and (b) manages the operations as assigned. 18.2 A Logistics Specialist is an Employee who orders, receives, stores, transports, issues materials, prepares all necessary papers in connection therewith, and is thoroughly familiar with stores routine and account procedures. A Logistics Specialist is an Employee who has successfully completed the Logistics Specialist training progression and is required to hold a valid CDL license. 18.3 Hours of the Logistics personnel may be changed to best serve the requirements of the operations. The proper schedule of hours for Logistics Personnel will be determined locally, and they should be so arranged that crews will not be delayed in leaving the warehouse promptly at the beginning of work hours. 18.4 A Logistics Trainee 2 is an Employee who has successfully completed the Logistics Specialist training 1 progression. 81 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 18.5 Logistics Trainee 1 is an entry-level position, Employees must successfully complete the Logistics Specialist training 1 progression. 18.6 Logistics Lead is an employee who works as a Logistics Specialist at the Medford "hub" location, who also has the additional responsibility of assisting the General Foreman with oversight of fire mitigation projects and materials. At the direction of the General Foreman, they may oversee the work of other Logistics Specialists. Temporary upgrades to Logistics Lead at "hub" locations will be at Management's discretion. If management decides a temporary upgrade is needed, the Company may assign an employee in accordance with Sections 15.28 and 13. 7.1. At non-hub "spoke" locations, the incumbent Logistics Specialist in their home district location will be eligible for upgrade to Logistics Lead when two or more additional Logistics Specialists are assigned by the Company to assist and when a Logistics Lead or General Foreman is not assigned. If it is a district that has no incumbent Logistics Specialist and there are three or more Logistics Specialists with no Logistics Lead or General Forman assigned, the senior Logistics Specialist will receive the Logistics Lead upgrade. Logistics Specialists in a "spoke" location shall not be eligible to upgrade to General Foreman. Selection for this position shall be subject to the provisions of Section (Amended 4/26/24 per LOA dated 1/12123) ARTICLE 19.0 — METER READERS AND MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFICATIONS 19.1 A Meter Reader is an Employee who reads customer meters as required. A Meter Reader may also call on customers whose accounts are delinquent to negotiate full or partial payment and to accept and receipt such payments, repair and maintain tools, materials and equipment such as commonly used by Electric Line crews, ordinary building and grounds maintenance and minor repairs in office building and grounds maintenance and minor repairs to office furniture. Employees entering this classification after July 1, 1968, must be capable of driving an automobile and possess and maintain a valid driver's license. A temporary Meter Reader may be employed to perform necessary meter reading when regular Meter Readers are not available on a straight-time basis or used to perform a regular Meter Reader's work in order to make the regular Meter Reader available for non-meter reading assignments. 19.2 A Helper's classification shall apply to Employees performing work of a general nature and not covered under regular classifications. 19.3 Field Services Specialist is a qualified non-journeyman Employee who performs meter reading, collections/connect/disconnect/removal; replacement or exchange of residential single-phase self-contained meters less than or equal to 200 amps. 82 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Utility Specialists currently assigned to perform these duties shall be grandfathered at their present rate of pay and all future positions presently held by Metering Utility Specialist may be bid as Field Services Specialists. Upgrade to Field Services Specialists will be made by qualified Employees by seniority. The following criteria shall be followed in awarding Field Services Specialist jobs; First, by Journeymen qualified to perform the duties in need of placement due to physical limitations (disability placement). Second, by qualified bid. 19.4 A Yard Helper is an Employee who performs work of a general nature, including garage and facilities maintenance, material recycling, sweeping, general cleanup, painting, washing vehicles, pulling weeds, mail delivery, general errands and manual inventory counts. This classification may be used to fill a temporary position, which may include flexible and/or staggered hours. Depending on the operational needs of the work location, it may also be filled as a regular part time or full-time position. ARTICLE 20.0 — RETIREMENT AND INSURANCE PLANS FOR EMPLOYEES 20.1 The provisions of the Company's Retirement Plan for Employees (approved by the stockholders on October 19, 1948) with respect to retirement of Employees thereunder will govern and control in any case where conflict might otherwise arise or be claimed to exist between any provision of said Retirement Plan and any provision of this Working Agreement). (a) The Company will commence additional credits to the existing Savings Plan to transition Employees from the final average pay (FAP) formula defined benefit plan. All Employee interests in the FAP plan will be frozen effective December 31, 2007. Those Employees who have not vested, (five years of service) will continue to earn years of service to satisfy the vesting requirements, however, they will not accrue any additional benefits under the FAP plan. The Parties agree to the creation of additional contributions, per pay period, to the existing Savings Plan or 401(k) as set forth below: • 4.0% contribution on base wages for new hires and rehires on and after January 1, 2012 • 4.5% contribution on base wages for new hires on and after January 1, 2008 • 4.5% contribution on base wages for Employees <30 years old as of January 1, 2008 • 5.5% contribution on base wages for Employees 30 to 34 years old as of January 1, 2008 83 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • 6.0% contribution on base wages for Employees 35 years old and older as January 1, 2008. Transition Credits for Employees 40 years and older as of January 1, 2008: • 4.5% contribution on base wages for 2011 20.2 The Pension Committee appointed under the Plan will give the Union timely notice of any difference of opinion or dispute which may arise between the Pension Committee and any member of the Union with respect to the administration of the Plan as it may affect such Employee, with opportunity for the Union to be heard by the Pension Committee with respect to the disposition of such difference of opinion or dispute. The Union may present proposals for amendment of the Plan for consideration of the Pension Committee. 20.3 The Company will give the Union timely notice of such changes in the Retirement Plan as may be authorized by the Company's Board of Directors. 20.4 The Company has established group accidental death and dismemberment insurance, life insurance tax free reimbursement accounts, and Long-Term Disability income insurance plans. The Company will contribute to these plans in the amounts provided in Sections 20.4.1, 20.4.3, and 20.4.4. The Company will give the Union timely notice of such changes as may be established in these benefit plans as may be authorized by the Company's Board of Directors and will meet annually with the Union to review the plans and the Union may submit items for consideration by the Company. (a) Eligible Employees shall be provided certain benefits as more fully set forth in their respective Medical, Dental, Vision, Long Term Disability, and Group Life Insurance or Summary Plan Descriptions. Active Medical The Company will provide one negotiated medical plan, which shall be the CDHP with an HSA. The plan design will be the same core design offered to non-represented Employees. The Company will not provide a subsidy or share in any portion of the expense associated with an excise tax that may be imposed on any plan offered to Employees represented by the IBEW Local 659. The Union and Company agree to meet to review plan changes required to avoid any excise tax liability. The cost sharing for plan year 2024 will remain at 80% Company/20%. For plan years 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029, the cost sharing will be 83% Company/ 17% Employee. 84 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement The fixed Company HSA contributions are as follows: 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Year Year Year Year Year Year Employee $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 Employee + $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 Spouse Employee + $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 Child ren Employee + $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 Family (Amended 4/26/24) (b) During the term of this agreement, should either party make a proposal to explore alternatives to the currently negotiated medical plan, the parties shall meet to review relative to investigating and evaluating the viability of such plan for Local 659 represented Employees. Any changes from the current negotiated plan must be mutually agreed to by the Union and Company. (Amended 4/26/21) (c) The Union and Company agree to establish an Insurance committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee" consisting of an equal number of members that shall be appointed by the Union and the Company. The purpose of the committee is to provide a forum for the free and open exchange of information and statistics on health plan data. The Committee will report to the Internal Operations Committee of the Company, hereinafter referred to as the "IOC', and may make recommendations relating to health care issues and plan design. Nothing relating to the establishment of the Committee shall be construed or interpreted as restricting or waiving any legal or contractual rights or obligations by either the Company or the Union. (d) All decisions of the Committee shall be made by majority vote of the Committee members at the meeting at which such vote is taken. (e) The parties agree that Committee decisions shall not restrict or bind the Company or Local Union in matters relating to the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement. If decisions are intended to be binding, they must be executed with the Local Union pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. (f) Rules for the IOC or the Committee may be amended by majority vote of the Committee and may be terminated by either party giving the other party at least thirty (30) day written notice. 85 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 20.4.1 Life Insurance Continuation of Flex Life as outlined in the summary plan description and open enrollment materials. 20.4.2 Dental and Vision Benefits The Company shall provide for dental and vision benefit plans which Employees shall have the right to participate in. The dental and vision coverage and Employee contributions established for each plan shall be in accordance with the Employee's election and the rates applied as established by the Company for the participants. The design of the dental and vision plans are not part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and may be modified by the Company. However, the cost sharing formula of 60% Company / 40% Employee for the dental plan and 50% Company / 50% Employee for the vision plan shall be considered a part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 20.4.3 In the event an active Employee dies as a result of a workplace accident, the Employees' spouse and Plan eligible dependents will continue to receive medical, vision and dental benefits at no cost to them for the first three (3) years after the accident. Following that time, these benefits will be available at the appropriate "monthly Employee rate"for the selected coverage's until the Employee would have reached age 55. At that time, the spouse and eligible dependents, if any, would receive retiree medical coverage with the Company subsidy calculated as if the Employee had reached age 55 and retired. 20.4.4 Long-Term Disability Benefits LTDI Plan with total cost paid by the Company. 20.5 K Plus Plan The Company has established a 401-K Plan and ESOP for Employees per the plan document. In addition to the contributions set forth in Section 20.1(a) the Company shall make the following contributions: • 50% match on the first 6% of Employee contribution (gross pay) • 2% of Employee eligible compensation (gross pay) Effective December 26, 2021, the Company match on the first 6% of Employee contributions noted above shall be 65%. Beginning in plan year 2025 (December 26, 2024), the Company match will be increased from 65% to 100% per eligible dollar up to 6% deferred by the employee and will be invested per the employee's direction. (Amended 4/26/24) For purposes of Section 20.5 gross pay or "eligible compensation" generally includes earnings reported on Form W-2 plus your pretax contributions and any 86 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement salary reductions related to a flexible benefits plan. It does not include non-cash compensation (such as taxable income from stock options), expense reimbursements, fringe benefits, in-service lump-sum payments for awarded but unused personal time/vacation/sick leave, spot award recognition program awards, certain payments pursuant to collective bargaining, or any severance or other payments for termination of employment, such as retirement bonuses or certain disability benefits. The vesting rules under the Savings Plan remain unchanged; five years at 20% vesting each year. New Employees will be immediately eligible for the enhanced fixed contribution in Section 20.1(a) above. The eligibility for the current matching and 2% fixed contribution will remain unchanged. The Pension Committee will, in a timely manner, provide for a default allocation of funds into an industry recognized appropriate fund should the new Employee fail to designate a fund. 20.6 The Company will make a contribution toward the monthly premium cost for each retired Employee who accepts coverage under the Hospital-Medical Coverage Plan provided for retired Employees. Pre-65: Retiree Medical for New Hires (i.e. hired on or after January 1, 2012) Employees hired on or after January 1, 2012, will not be eligible for subsidized retiree medical benefits upon reaching age 55 with 10 years of service. Subject to plan rules of eligibility, these Employees will have unsubsidized access to such retiree benefits. Retiree Medical for Employees hired on or after January 1, 2008, but before January 1, 2012, will be eligible for subsidized retiree medical until age 65 or Medicare eligible whichever comes first, after attaining age 55 and ten years of service. Retiree Medical for Employees hired before January 1, 2008 Employees hired before 1/1/08 will be eligible for a subsidized retiree medical benefit after attaining age 55 and five years of service. Age and Service 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Company Maximum Company Subsidy Contribution • One Person $450 $400 $350 $300 $250 $200 $0 • Two People 1 $900 $800 $700 $600 $500 $400 $0 • Three or More People $1,350 $1,200 $1,050 $900 $750 $600 $0 87 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Post 65: For Employees hired before January 1, 2012, who obtain age 65 or become eligible for Medicare the Company will establish a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) for the retiree to use to purchase medical insurance on the private market through the Company's third-party administrator or through a local agent for the retiree and any eligible dependents. This account will be established the first of the month in which the retiree turns age 65 or becomes eligible for Medicare. If the retiree should die prior to their Medicare eligible dependents, their Medicare eligible dependents will continue to receive an annual HRA allocation and have access to the HRA for purchasing medical insurance. The amount of the annual HRA allocation is determined based on the retiree's age and service points at retirement as set forth below: Age and Service Points at Annual HRA Employer Retirement Contribution 60 points 0 65 points $700 70 points $875 75 points $1,050 80 points $1,225 85 points $1,400 90 points $1,575 Employees hired on or after January 1, 2012 will have the ability to enroll in post- 65 medical plans through the private market or the Company's third-party administrator but are not eligible for an annual HRA allocation. (Amended 4/26/21) 20.7 The Company will provide accident insurance covering any Employee while a passenger in an aircraft on Company business. 20.8 The Company will pay the premium for Employees covered by California Unemployment Compensation Disability Benefit. 20.9 Leaves of Absence. Leaves of absence for such personal reasons as family illness, jury duty, and military service, will be granted as provided by the Company's policies. Bereavement Leave To support employees during a time of loss, the company will provide up to five days of paid time off due to the death of an immediate family member in order to grieve and handle matters relating to the loss. Additional time off may be provided based on the situation. Under this policy, an immediate family member includes the following: 88 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • A spouse, including individuals in a civil union or domestic partnership • A parent, including stepparent, parent-in-law, civil union and domestic partner's parents • A mother and partner who have experienced pregnancy loss, including miscarriage and still birth • A sibling, including sister-in-law or brother-in-law • A child, including child of a civil union or domestic partner, biological adopted, foster, stepchild, daughter-in-law or son-in-law • A grandparent or grandchild • An aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or cousin • Any person over whom the employee is a legal guardian Special circumstances will be given to any other person whose association with the employee was similar to any of the above relationships. Employees may take time off without pay or use any existing paid time off to attend the funeral of a non-immediate family member. Based on business related reasons, this time off will be considered and granted by the employee's manager or supervisor or human resources on an individual basis. Length of Leave Full-time and part-time employees may take up to five days of paid time off due to the death of an immediate family member. Additional paid time off may be granted depending on various circumstances, such as distance, the employee's responsibility for the funeral arrangements and the employee's responsibility for taking care of the estate of the deceased. Bereavement leave is also available to attend the funeral of a co-worker. The length of time (e.g., days, hours) for such paid leave depends on various circumstances, including distance to the service and relationship. Compensation When bereavement leave is provided, paid time off will be based on the employee's regular work schedule at their regular rate of pay, excluding overtime pay, other premium pay or bonuses. Paid time off for bereavement will not be used to calculate overtime. Reporting and Verification In the event of a death covered under the policy, the employee should inform their manager or supervisor immediately or as soon as reasonably practical. The company may require verification of the need for the leave upon the employee's return to work (i.e., a death certificate or an obituary). (Amended 4/26/24 per LOA dated 2/2123) 20.10 All regular Employees serving in classifications listed herein and covered by this Agreement shall receive pay at the regular straight-time rate for all time during 89 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement normal working hours required to be absent from duty in answer to a lawful summons to serve as a juror or witness. Any fees received for such service shall be retained by the Employee. ARTICLE 21.0 — DEFINITIONS The following terms have the meaning stated wherever used in this Agreement: 21.1 The probationary period of an Employee is the first six (6) months of their regular employment in a Local 659 job classification outlined in this agreement. This period shall be extended by any time spent on disability or leave, by an Employee, in order to meet the probationary period requirement. (Amended 4/26/24) 21.2 A regular Employee is one hired for indefinite tenure, not limited at the time of hire by a stated term or for a specific project. 21.3 A temporary Employee is other than a regular Employee and is used as needed. Other than entry level classifications, (Groundman, Helper classifications, Meter Reader) temporary Employees will be hired in positions subject to bidding only upon mutual consent between the Company and the Union. 21.4 A full-time Employee is one whose regular workweek is forty (40) hours. 21.5 A part-time Employee is one whose regular workweek is less than forty (40) hours. 21.6 A shift worker is an Employee whose daily hours of work rotate from one shift to another periodically and whose duties are continuous from start to end of their shift. 21.7 Regular straight-time rate is that rate payable to an Employee at their primary classification as established by the Company records, except that if an Employee has worked at higher rated classifications in more than one hundred sixty (160) of the last three hundred twenty (320) hours immediately preceding a vacation period, the predominant higher rate shall be considered the "regular straight-time rate" for purposes of vacation, sick leave or other pay. 21.8 A payroll month is a period beginning with the first day of the payroll period established by the Company (presently the twenty-sixth (26th) day of the calendar month) and ending with the last day of such payroll period (now the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the succeeding month). 21.9 A payroll year is the twelve (12) months' period ending with the last day of the final pay period in a year (now the twenty-fifth (25th) day of December). 90 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 21.10 Continuous service of an Employee is the period of continuous time worked for the Company, beginning with the first day of their most recent continuous employment by the Company. The date of beginning continuous service shall be retained and the term thereof shall remain unbroken in the event of layoff or leave of absence not exceeding their length of prior continuous service, subject to a maximum of two (2) years; provided that the Employee at time of layoff or commencing leave has completed six (6) months of continuous service, or, in the case of a regular, part- time Employee, the equivalent of six (6) months' service. Time spent on approved leave because of disability as defined in Article 10.0 and 11.0 hereof shall be considered as time worked for the purpose of this definition. 21.11 A regular job is a position the duration of which is not limited to a specific project or to a specific term. 21.12 A temporary job is a position which may be established for a specific project, a limited term, on call, or a combination thereof. 21.13 Deleted 4/26/21 21.14 Headquarters is the permanent location where an Employee reports for duty as designated at time of employment or bid, except as provided in Sections 12.4 and 17.7.1 of this Agreement. 21.15 Headquarters area is the area within a five (5) mile radius of a permanent location designated as headquarters, unless specifically modified elsewhere in this Agreement. 21.16 In Domicile: Your current work headquarters Out of Domicile: A location where you spend the night away from your work headquarters. The per diem for Out of Domicile is the current IRS Per Diem Rate (based on the ME allowance calculated by the high-low method) for full days Out of Domicile. For days of travel, the Employee will be paid at 75% of the per diem rate. For all days during which a Company provided meal is available, the Employee will be paid at 75% of the per diem rate. The current IRS Per Diem Rate will be posted on Company bulletin boards and electronically on the Company Intranet. In lieu of Company provided lodging, Employees may elect to stay with family or friends, not the Employees primary or secondary residence, for a business trip that requires an overnight stay, the Company will pay a lodging per diem of$35.00 per night, subject to written pre-approval of management. 91 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Out of domicile expenses when on regular work assignment will be handled as follows: 1. Use Company credit card for expenses, reconcile on expense account, or 2. Use Company credit card to take cash advance at ATM and reconcile on expense account at end or assignment, or 3. Use personal cash to cover expenses and reconcile on expense account. 21.17 An emergency or emergency condition exists when a customer outage occurs, life or property is endangered and an insufficient number of qualified Employees holding classifications under this Agreement are available. 21.18 An operating area is a geographic grouping of Power Department facilities such that administration as a unit is possible. 21.19 A qualified Switchman is a Journeyman proficient in switching who has completed an apprenticeship or the equivalent that includes switching. ARTICLE 22.0 — JOB CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE SCALE 22.0 Effective within thirty (30) days following ratification of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, the following increases are agreed: Wages: 2024: 4.5% increase effective April 26, 2024 2025: 4.0% effective April 26, 2025 2026: 3.75% [2.5% GWI + 1.25% Mkt.] effective April 26, 2026 2027: 4% [2.5% GWI + 1.5% Mkt.] effective April 26, 2027 2028: 4% [2.5% GWI + 1.5% Mkt.] effective April 26, 2028 Additionally, the Parties agree to a 1% spot increase in 2024 for Journeyman Line classifications and non-lineman journeyman [classifications who received a 3% spot increase or 2.25% spot increase, respectively, in 2021]. This adjustment shall be applied prior to the April 26, 2024, wage increase. 92 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement IBEW Local 659 Article 22.0 -Wage Schedule LINE MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION See General Foreman 5001 9541 $70.77 $73.60 $76.38 $79.47 $82.68 See 13.8 Line Foreman 4279 8436 $67.52 $70.22 $72.88 $75.82 $78.88 See 13.8 Construction Line Foreman 4332 8449 $66.85 $69.52 $72.15 $75.06 $78.09 See 13.8 District Line Foreman 4284 8437 $66.85 $69.52 $72.15 $75.06 $78.09 x Line Patrolman 4519 8512 $65.33 $67.94 $70.51 $73.36 $76.32 See x Line Working Foreman 4288 8438 $64.97 $67.57 $70.12 $72.95 $75.89 x District Lineman 4275 8434 $62.65 $65.16 $67.62 $70.35 $73.20 Journeyman Lineman 4222 8420 $60.48 $62.90 $65.28 $67.92 $70.66 x Journeyman Serviceman 4255 8429 $60.48 $62.90 $65.28 $67.92 $70.66 See 12.3 Apprentice Lineman: 6th Six Months 90% of Jmn Lmn Rate 4246 8426 $54.43 $56.61 $58.75 $61.13 $63.59 5th Six Months 84% of Jmn Lmn Rate 4242 8425 $50.80 $52.84 $54.84 $57.05 $59.35 4th Six Months 80% of Jmn Lmn Rate 4238 8424 $48.38 $50.32 $52.22 $54.34 $56.53 3rd Six Months 76% of Jmn Lmn Rate 4234 8423 $45.96 $47.80 $49.61 $51.62 $53.70 2nd Six Months 73% of Jmn Lmn Rate 4230 8422 $44.15 $45.92 $47.65 $49.58 $51.58 1st Six Months 70% of Jmn Lmn Rate 4226 8421 $42.34 $44.03 $45.70 $47.54 $49.46 x Equipment Man, Heavy 4371 8459 $40.68 $42.31 $43.91 $45.68 $47.53 Equipment Man, Line 4251 8428 $37.70 $39.21 $40.69 $42.33 $44.03 Equipment Man, Light 4366 8458 $34.38 $35.76 $37.12 $38.62 $40.18 Groundman 4259 7901 $35.37 $36.78 $38.17 $39.71 $41.32 See 12.17 Utility Specialist 7901 7901 $35.37 $36.78 $38.17 $39.71 $41.32 See ISite Agent 1 58671 5867 1 $59.31 1 $61.68 1 $64.01 1 $66.59 1 $69.28 93 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement IBEW Local 659 Article 22.0 -Wage Schedule District Estimator 5942 5942 $55.04 $57.24 $59.41 $61.81 $64.31 x Senior Estimator 2404 8547 $53.39 $55.53 $57.63 $59.95 $62.37 Journeyman Estimator 2384 8540 $52.84 $54.95 $57.03 $59.34 $61.74 Estimator, Apprentice 4th Six Months 90% of Jmn Estr Rate 2401 8546 $47.56 $49.46 $51.33 $53.41 $55.57 3rd Six Months 82% of Jmn Estr Rate 2398 8545 $43.33 $45.06 $46.76 $48.66 $50.63 2nd Six Months 76% of Jmn Estr Rate 2393 8543 $40.16 $41.76 $43.34 $45.10 $46.92 1st Six Months 70% of Jmn Estr Rate 2387 8541 $36.99 $38.47 $39.92 $41.54 $43.22 Utility Specialist- Estimating 631 7901 $35.37 $36.78 $38.17 $39.71 $41.32 Service Coordinator A 2448 9170 $31.29 $32.54 $33.77 $35.14 $36.56 Service Coordinator B 2456 9172 $28.64 $29.79 $30.91 $32.15 $33.45 Service Coordinator C 2464 9174 $26.14 $27.19 $28.22 $29.36 $30.55 Service Coordinator D 2472 9176 $23.69 $24.64 $25.57 $26.60 $27.68 Utility Clerk 1 231 8549 $33.76 $35.11 $36.44 $37.91 $39.44 Inspection Specialist 7525 7525 $40.76 $42.39 $43.99 $45.77 $47.62 Trainee 2 7526 7526 $35.37 $36.78 $38.17 $39.71 $41.32 Trainee 1 7527 7527 $31.53 $32.79 $34.03 $35.40 $36.83 STATION CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE x lWireman Working Foreman 8445 8445 $64.49 $67.07 $69.61 $72.42 $75.35 Journeyman Station Wireman 4338 8450 $60.06 $62.46 $64.82 $67.43 $70.15 Apprentice Station Wireman 6th Six Months 90% of Jmn Sta Wmn Rate 4362 8456 $54.05 $56.21 $58.34 $60.69 $63.14 5th Six Months 84% of Jmn Sta Wmn Rate 4358 8455 $50.45 $52.47 $54.45 $56.64 $58.93 4th Six Months 80% of Jmn Sta Wmn Rate 4354 8454 $48.05 $49.97 $51.86 $53.94 $56.12 3rd Six Months 76% of Jmn Sta Wmn Rate 4350 8453 $45.65 $47.47 $49.26 $51.25 $53.31 2nd Six Months 73% of Jmn Sta Wmn Rate 4346 8452 $43.84 $45.60 $47.32 $49.22 $51.21 1st Six Months 70% of Jmn Sta Wmn Rate 4341 8451 $42.04 $43.72 $45.37 $47.20 $49.11 See 13.8 Journeyman Substation Foreman 8492 9549 $67.81 $70.52 $73.19 $76.15 $79.22 Journeyman Substation Working Foreman (Upgrade) 1 28391 9297 1 $65.39 1 $68.01 $70.58 $73.43 $76.39 94 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement IBEW Local 659 Article 22.0 -Wage Schedule Journeyman Substation 2835 9296 $60.91 $63.35 $65.74 $68.40 $71.17 Apprentice Substation: 6th Six Months 90% of Jmn Sub Rate 5247 4547 $54.82 $57.02 $59.17 $61.56 $64.05 5th Six Months 84% of Jmn Sub Rate 5246 4546 $51.16 $53.21 $55.22 $57.46 $59.78 4th Six Months 80% of Jmn Sub Rate 5245 4545 $48.73 $50.68 $52.59 1 $54.72 $56.94 3rd Six Months 76% of Jmn Sub Rate 5244 4544 $46.29 $48.15 $49.96 $51.98 $54.09 2nd Six Months 73% of Jmn Sub Rate 5243 4543 $44.46 $46.25 $47.99 $49.93 $51.95 1st Six Months 70% of Jmn Sub Rate 52421 4542 $42.64 $44.35 $46.02 $47.88 $49.82 METER &TRANSFORMER x Meter Working Foreman 4468 8495 $64.49 $67.07 $69.61 $72.42 $75.35 x District Meterman 4480 8499 $62.24 $64.73 $67.18 $69.89 $72.71 Journeyman Meterman 4483 8500 $60.06 $62.46 $64.82 $67.43 $70.15 Apprentice Meterman: 6th Six Months 90% of Jmn Mtrmn Rate 4501 8506 $54.05 $56.21 $58.34 $60.69 $63.14 5th Six Months 84% of Jmn Mtrmn Rate 4498 8505 $50.45 $52.47 $54.45 $56.64 $58.93 4th Six Months 80% of Jmn Mtrmn Rate 4495 8504 $48.05 $49.97 $51.86 $53.94 $56.12 3rd Six Months 76% of Jmn Mtrmn Rate 4492 8503 $45.65 $47.47 $49.26 $51.25 $53.31 2nd Six Months 73% of Jmn Mtrmn Rate 4489 8502 $43.84 $45.60 $47.32 $49.22 $51.21 1st Six Months 70% of Jmn Mtrmn Rate 4486 8501 $42.04 $43.72 $45.37 $47.20 $49.11 Utility Specialist-Metering 632 7901 $35.37 $36.78 $38.17 $39.71 $41.32 Single Phase Metering Specialist 1578 1578 $39.30 $40.87 $42.41 $44.13 $45.91 1st Six Months 1579 1579 $37.68 $39.19 $40.67 $42.31 $44.01 Transformer Repairman Foreman 4510 8509 $65.85 $68.48 $71.07 $73.94 $76.93 Journeyman Transformer Repairman 1 4513 8510 $60.06 $62.46 $64.82 $67.43 $70.15 95 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement IBEW Local 659 Article 22.0 -Wage Schedule EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE See 13.8 Garage Mechanic Foreman 8867 8867 $50.93 $52.97 $54.97 $57.18 $59.49 x 2370 8534 $50.03 $52.03 $54.00 $56.18 $58.45 See 13.8 Garage Mechanic 1/C in Chg A x 2373 8535 $48.71 $50.66 $52.57 $54.69 $56.90 See 13.8 Garage Mechanic 1/C in Chg See 13.8 Garage Mechanic 1/C 1 23621 8530 1 $46.42 $48.28 $50.10 $52.12 $54.22 LOGISTICS See Logistics General Foreman 8868 8868 $46.76 $48.63 $50.47 $52.51 $54.63 Logistics Lead 6418 6418 $43.14 $44.87 $46.57 $48.45 $50.41 Logistics Specialist 6419 6419 $39.94 $41.54 $43.11 $44.85 $46.66 Logistics Trainee 2 6421 6421 $33.95 $35.31 $36.64 $38.12 $39.66 Logistics Trainee 1 6420 6420 $29.98 $31.18 $32.36 $33.67 $35.03 POWER OPERATIONS/HYDRO See Hydro General Foreman 7905 7905 $63.27 $65.80 $68.29 $71.04 $73.91 Toketee Shift Differential 3% (Swing) 7905+S $65.17 $67.77 $70.34 $73.17 $76.13 Toketee Shift Differential 5% (Graveyard) 7905+G $66.43 $69.09 $71.70 $74.59 $77.61 Senior Operator 4435 8478 $60.00 $62.40 $64.76 $67.37 $70.09 Toketee Shift Differential 3% (Swing) 8478+S $61.80 $64.27 $66.70 $69.39 $72.19 Toketee Shift Differential 5% (Graveyard) 8478+G $63.00 $65.52 $68.00 $70.74 $73.59 Control Operator 4438 8479 $56.62 $58.88 $61.11 $63.58 $66.14 Toketee Shift Differential 3% (Swing) 8479+S $58.32 $60.65 $62.94 $65.49 $68.12 Toketee Shift Differential 5% (Graveyard) 8479+G $59.45 $61.82 $64.17 $66.76 $69.45 See Hydro Compliance Technician Step 3 -Thereafter 9797 9797 $48.32 $50.25 $52.15 $54.25 $56.44 Step 2-Second Six Months 9796 9796 $41.05 $42.69 $44.30 $46.08 $47.94 Step 1- First 6 months 9795 9795 $36.21 $37.66 $39.08 $40.66 $42.30 96 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement IBEW Local 659 Article 22.0 -Wage Schedule Journeyman Operator Maintenance (JOM) 7900 7900 $53.85 $56.00 $58.12 $60.46 $62.90 Apprentice Operator Maintenance: 6th six months 90% of JOM rate 9897 9897 $48.47 $50.40 $52.31 $54.41 $56.61 5th six months 84% of JOM rate 9896 9896 $45.23 $47.04 $48.82 $50.79 $52.84 4th six months 80% of JOM rate 7899 7899 $43.08 $44.80 $46.50 1 $48.37 $50.32 3rd six months 76% of JOM rate 7898 7898 $40.93 $42.56 $44.17 $45.95 $47.80 2nd six months 73% of JOM rate 7897 7897 $39.31 $40.88 $42.43 $44.14 $45.92 1st six months 70% of JOM rate 7896 7896 $37.70 $39.20 $40.68 $42.32 $44.03 Apprentice Qualified 60% of JOM rate 9572 9572 $32.31 $33.60 $34.87 $36.28 $37.74 See 12.17 Hydro Repairman 3964 8350 $38.70 $40.25 $41.77 $43.46 $45.21 Hydro Repairman Trainee 3rd Six Months 3956 8348 $29.78 $30.97 $32.14 $33.44 $34.79 2nd Six Months 3951 8347 $25.50 $26.52 $27.52 $28.63 $29.79 1st Six Monthsl 3947 8346 $23.31 $24.24 $25.15 $26.17 $27.22 POWER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, TEST & COMMUNICATIONS See Substation General Foreman 7902 7902 $70.27 $73.08 $75.84 $78.90 $82.08 x 4444 8482 $71.47 $76.93 $79.84 $83.07 $86.43 See 13.8 Senior Station Meter& Relay Technician Lead Station Meter& Relay Technician 4447 8483 $70.24 $75.61 $78.47 $81.64 $84.93 Journeyman Station Meter& Relay Technician 4450 8484 $68.39 $73.61 $76.39 $79.48 $82.69 4453 8485 $62.16 $66.91 $69.44 $72.24 $75.15 See 16.21 Assistant Station Meter& Relay Technician x 4456 8486 $67.86 $70.57 $73.24 $76.20 $79.27 See 13.8 Senior Communications Technician Communications Technician 4459 8487 $64.84 $67.43 $69.98 $72.81 $75.75 I., II. 3927 8339 $60.06 $62.46 $64.82 $67.43 $70.15 See 16.21 Assistant Communications Technician Lead High Voltage and Safety Equipment Tester 69171 6917j $58.85 $61.20 $63.52 $66.08 $68.75 High Voltage and Safety Equipment Tester 24281 9164 1 $57.05 $59.33 $61.57 1 $64.05 $66.64 97 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement IBEW Local 659 Article 22.0 -Wage Schedule MISCELLANEOUS Field Collection Representative 2416 8553 $36.52 $37.98 $39.41 $41.00 $42.66 See 12.17 Field Services Specialist 8869 8869 $30.79 $32.02 $33.23 $34.57 $35.97 Meter Reader 2495 9182 $25.86 $26.89 $27.91 $29.04 $30.22 2nd Six Months 2505 9184 $21.97 $22.85 $23.72 $24.68 $25.68 1st Six Months 2516 9186 $16.76 $17.43 $18.09 $18.82 $19.58 Flagger 4156 8404 $19.82 $20.61 $21.39 $22.25 $23.14 Apprentice Qualified 2nd Year and Thereafter is 65% of Jmn Lmn Rate 4168 8407 $39.31 $40.89 $42.43 $44.15 $45.93 1st Year 60% of Jmn Lmn Rate 2847 9306 $36.29 $37.74 $39.17 $40.75 $42.40 Bid Notes: x Classifications may not be filled from secondary bid list as provided in Section 13.7.3 xx Area Operations Clerk classification in incumbent Albany Only I. Classifications may be bid as "unassigned" If any employee awarded a vacancy in an Assistant Technician classification has a pay rate higher than the Assistant Technician rate, they shall II. continue to receive their prior rate, but in no case more than the Journeyman Lineman Wireman rate. 98 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Other Notes: Each employee is normally paid the wage rate for the classification as shown in the Working Agreement. There are a few exceptions which, although they affect only a few employees, are listed here to avoid future misunderstandings. A. An employee on disability leave or who is paid a special disability rate. B. An employee who, upon entering a training program, is paid a frozen rate which will continue without change until the contract rate exceeds the frozen rate. An employee who is hired for temporary summer work during their school vacation period will be paid the beginning rate for the classification in which C. they are hired for the full period of their summer employment. An employee in the beginning classification (Groundman, Helper, Meter Reader, etc.)who bids to another such classification will transfer without loss of time in the progression step or reduction in pay rate, except that such employee must serve six (6)months in the new classification at the step D. preceding the terminal rate before advancing to the terminal rate. This provision shall not apply to an employee who is listed on the Apprentice Lineman training roster who transfers to a Groundman classification to obtain that required experience before starting their apprentice training. Temporary employees will spend the equivalent of six (6)months (1,040 hours)in each wage progression step. E. Deleted 04/26/21 Parties agreed to a 3% spot increase for all Journeyman Lineman classifications in addition to the general wage increase for 2021. This adjustment F. shall be applied prior to the 2021 general wage increase. Parties agreed to a 2.25% spot increase for all other Journeyman classifications (2019 Journeyman listing plus High Voltage Safety Equipment Tester, G. Estimators and Hydro Journeyman)in addition to the general wage increase for 2021. This adjustment shall be applied prior to the 2021 general wage increase. Parties agreed to apply a 4% adjustment to the Journeyman Operator Maintenance(Job Code)wage rate for 2021. This adjustment shall be in place before any other wage adjustments or general wage increases for 2021. Furthermore, the parties agreed to apply an additional 3.75% adjustment to the H Journeyman Operator Maintenance (Job Code 7900)wage rate for 2022. This adjustment shall be in place before the application of the 2022 general wage increase. Parties agreed, pursuant to Grievance Resolution, to move the Line Patrolman (Job Code 4519)classification to rate of$55.52 effective with the 2021 I' bargaining session. This adjustment shall be applied prior to the 2021 general wage increase. Parties agreed to move the General Foreman Wires (Job code 5001)to the wage rate of$60.15 in the 2021 bargaining session. This adjustment shall J. be applied prior to the 2021 general wage increase. Parties agreed to move the Journeyman Substation Foreman (Job Code 8492)to the wage rate of$58.05 in the 2021 bargaining session. This K. adjustment shall be applied prior to the 2021 general wage increase. Furthermore, the Substation Working Foreman (Job Code 2839)shall now serve as upgrade only. 99 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Parties agreed to a 1% spot increase for Journeyman classifications identified in F. & G. above in addition to the general wage increase for 2024. This L' adjustment shall be applied prior to the 2024 general wage increase. Parties agreed that Hydro Repairman (Job Code 3964)pre-apprentice who enters a Journeyman Maintenance Operator(JOM)apprecenticeship, shall M. not incur a wage reduction. Their wage will be frozen without change until the JOM Apprentice contract rate exceeds thier frozen rate. Parties agree when an employee is awarded a vacancy as Logistics Trainee who has a wage higher than Logistics Trainee 2, their wage will be N. reduced to Logistic Trainee 2 wage. Wage will not increase until employee has completed Logstics progression requirements of Trainee 1 and Trainee 2 prior to progressing beyond the Trainee 2 wage rate. 100 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their authorized officers, respectively, as of the day and year first above written. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY By: Julie Lewis Vice President of Human Resources INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS LOCAL UNION 659 By: Nick Carpenter Business Manager 101 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement ARTICLE 24 — LETTERS OF AGREEMENT Preface to Letters of Agreement and Memorandums of Understanding Section of the Labor Agreement The Company and Union agree that the following Letters of Agreement and Memorandums of Understanding are included in the Labor Agreement for convenience of the parties and ease of access to Employees and supervisors. These documents are not incorporated by reference into the Labor Agreement and stand on their own merit and terms and conditions. Along with these Letters of Agreements and Memorandums of Understandings is a list of what is considered active Letters of Agreements at the time of printing this working agreement and included for convenience. This list may not be inclusive of agreements made subsequent to printing this working agreement Active Letters of Agreement The following is a list of what is considered active Letters of Agreement by both parties at the time of printing this working agreement. This list is provided for convenience and should be referenced for convenience only. All active Letters of Agreement are located on the Company intranet at HR Center > Labor Agreements > IBEW Local 659 > Letters of Agreement. • Transfer and Seniority Rights between IBEW Locals (1-14-1992) • Customer Response Shift - Use of Vehicles (10-03-2007) • 12-hour shift for Toketee Control Operators (11-14-2008) • 401 k (2-10-2009) • NERC.CIPS Background Checks LOA & Waiver (4-23-2009) • 12 Hour Shift Agreement for the Dispatchers at the Toketee Control Center (6- 25-2009) • Out-of-Town Assignments (5-24-2010) • Assistant Technician Selection (10-11-2010) • 4/10 Hour Work Schedule Out of Town Travel - Field Support Services (8-22- 2012) • 4/10 Hour Work Schedule for Specific Projects Out of Town Travel - signed 9/10/12 — combined (8-29-2012) • Communications Tech - Remote Routers (12-19-2012) • Field Inspection Out of Jurisdiction (12-19-2012) • Traveling Infrastructure Facilities Specialist Pilot Program (12-11-2013) • T&D Operations — 4/10 Hour Work Schedule for Specific Projects Working Out of Town (6-25-2014) • Hydro Resources Shift Turnover and Time Reporting (8-08-2014) • Hiring Hall Agreement (1-13-2015) • Compensation for Union Employees on Union Paid Business (5-18-2015) 102 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • Labor Management Committee Structure Temporary Expansion (11-17-2015) • Paid Rest During Non-Declared Emergency Storm Restoration (2-16-2016) • Estimator Apprenticeship Program (1-18-2017) • Standby Settlement Agreement (Grievances R-659-2017-3833, 3834, 3839, 3842 and 3851) • District Lineman Residency (8-6-2018) • T&D Ops Substation Operations Unified Joint Qualifications Committee (12-2- 2018) • Flame Resistant ARC rated (FIR ARC) Clothing (9-16-2019) • Line Patrolman Job Description and Selection Revisions (Grievance 2018-3875, 3878 and 2019-0002) • Standardized Callout Order in Arcos (4-16-2020) • Hydro Housing (11-13-2020) • Declared Emergency (3-15-2021) • Provisional Status (5-16-2022) • District Lineman Residency Section 16.3 (6-21-2022) • External New Hire Estimator Training Period (12-05-2022) • Assistant Meter & Relay Technician Wages (Internal Candidates) (2-24- 2023) • Hydro Settlement Agreement Article 15.5 Revisions — Hydro Personnel Only (8-29-2023) • Displacement Alternative Journeyman to Journeyman Transfer (11-22-2023) • Drug and Alcohol Policy (5-2-2024) • Craft Entry (6-28-2024) 103 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Transfer and Seniority Rights between IBEW Locals (1-14-1992) January 14, 1992 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TRANSFER AND SENIORITY RIGHTS BETWEEN VARIOUS I.B.E.W. LOCAL UNIONS HAVING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS WITH PACIFIC POWER AND LIGHT CO. (PACIFICORP.) I.B.E.W. Local Unions signing this memorandum agree as follows: It is the intent of this memorandum that the seniority rules of each I.B.E.W. Local Union agreement will prevail in the selection of employees for various jobs covered under each separate Bargaining Unit and jobs will be given to employees in the following order: 1. First to members covered under the Bargaining Unit Agreement within each Local Union's jurisdiction boundary and under rules as covered in their Working Agreement with the company. 2. Other (Pacific Power) (PacifiCorp.) employees covered under I.B.E.W. collective bargaining agreements in order of classification seniority. After transferring, the employee shall then have their seniority bridged in that Unit pursuant to the receiving unit's seniority definitions. Signed for Pacific Power Signed for the I.B.E.W. (PacifiCorp.) Date I— — L Date By By Signed for Local Union Signed for Local Union Date l Date /��f y L BY BY 104 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Customer Response Shift - Use of Vehicles (10-03-2007) 1WA PACIFIC POWER A PACIFICORP COMPANY Pacific Power Labor Relations Phone:503-813-6233 Fax:503-813-6241 October 3,2007 Mr.Ron Jones Business Manager I13EW Local 659 4480 Rogue Valley Highway, Suite 3 Medford, Oregon 97502 Subject: Customer Response Shift; Use of vehicles Dear Ron: On August 18, 2007 I mailed you a copy of the revised vehicle policy. On September 13, 2007 Pat Reiten,president Pacific Power, issued an e-mail to all managers and supervisors to share the revised policy with their employees. The week of September 24, 2007 training on the revised policy commenced. Prior to the roll out we discussed the changes briefly and I reaffirmed the company's position that existing agreements would control where there was an inconsistency with the policy. Monday October 1, 2007 you raised the point that some bargaining notes, specifically, a joint company and union IBEW Local 659 Bargaining 2001 Overtime Response Subcommittee report dated October 22, 2001 created a contract right as regards CRS personnel's personal use of company and or fleet vehicles. Specifically, you pointed to language found at paragraph number 8 on the second un-numbered page of the report which reads: "8.REVIEW COMPANY VEHICLE USE 4 The parties agreed that it is acceptable to transport family members as long as the CRS person can be immediately available to take an emergency call. 4 A family member cannot be in a vehicle or at the job site during an emergency. J It will be acceptable to use the response vehicle for limited personal use i.e. to the store, movies, ball game, and dinner, driving home etc. as long as the CRS person can respond to a call out/customer need per 15.9.1 within 60 minutes." 1 105 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement The company's files contain some bargaining notes which indicate the term "respond" in the third point was stricken and replaced with the term"show up". Unfortunately, while some of the language contained in the subcommittee report made its way into the settlement agreement, the specific language in question, (paragraph 8), did not. That is not to say, one or more managers may have communicated the subcommittee's report to employees. However; paragraph was never formally incorporated into the collective bargaining agreement. I also understand it has been the practice of one or more employees manning the CRS shift to use the CRS vehicle for limited personal use over the past few years, in a manner consistent with paragraph 8 above. In an effort to resolve the differences between the union and company over whether their exists a bargained for right for limited personal use or not, I propose the following terms and conditions in this Letter of Agreement, to run concurrent with the 2007 successor collective bargaining agreement. CRS vehicles pursuant to Section 15.9.1 may be used by CRS personnel for limited personal use as follows: 1. The necessary transportation of family members to or from school, extracurricular activities, employment or day care on the way to and from work. 2. The transportation of any family member shall comply with all laws and regulations and shall be kept to a minimum. 3. Transportation of any family member is allowed only so long as the CRS person remains immediately available to take an emergency call. 4. Family members shall not be transported to nor be present at any job site. 5. The CRS person may, where necessary, use the CRS vehicle to transport family members to a family type activity after work, examples include; ballgames, movies, dinner; only so long as the CRS person immediately responds by driving to the emergency call job site per section 15.9.1. If this Letter of Agreement is acceptable to you, please sign and return one original and we can proceed to confirm a tentative agreement has been reached by review of the final documentation. Sincerel r- i Rich d G. Lovig J Director,Labor Relations Agreed this 3rd day of October,2007. R n Jones, ess Manager,I13EW Local Union 659 2 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Out-of-Town Assignments (5-24-2010) MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between IBEW Local 659 And PACIFICORP Out-of-Town Assignments May 24, 2010 During the discussions on April 22, 2010, the company reviewed with the union some of the budgetary challenges it is facing in the near future. The reduction in scheduled overtime and other budget issues will require the assignment of crews out of their headquarters area on straight-time assignments. The company recognizes the hardship that these out-of-town assignments have on employees and the restrictions that are in place due to the Company's Vehicle Use Policy. Employees working out of town will begin and end their workday at the temporary headquarters(HQ)per section 15.17.4 of the agreement. Given these issues the parties agreed during these discussions on the following terms for handling out-of-town assignments: On "two-week turnaround" assignments - Monday (day 1) — following Friday (day 12): • Crew(two or more EEs)may at their own option take one personal vehicle to the new temporary HQ/work location, provided employees are not needed to drive other company vehicles for the job assignment. • The company will pay roundtrip mileage for one personal vehicle (out on day 1 and return trip on day 12)from regular HQ address to temporary HQ address. • The employee driving the one personal vehicle will be traveling on company time on day 1 and day 12. On the interim weekend, if employees are not working and stay in temporary HQ/work location: • Regular per diem and expense policies apply • Employees report to work, fit-for-duty at the agreed upon start time on Monday (day s) On the interim weekend, if the employees are not working and elect to return to their regular IIQ/work location in the one personal %chicle: 107 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • The company will pay roundtrip mileage for the one personal vehicle from regular HQ address to temporary HQ address. • Employees must check-out of hotel for two (2) nights. • Employees will not receive per diem or expenses on the interim weekend days (Saturday and Sunday). • Employees will not travel on company time if they elect to return home on interim weekends. • Employees will be eligible for overtime callouts in home district. • Employees will report to work, fit-for-duty on Monday (day 8). 01 Agrccd to on this day of 2010. For the Union: For the Company: o Jo usiness Manager fe y J ourval, Director 108 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Hiring Hall Agreement (1-13-2015) LETTER OF AGREEMENT This LETTER OF AGREEMENT dated January 13, 2013 by and between Pacific Power, hereinafter called the "Company" and Local Union No. 659 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, hereinafter called the "Union", do mutually agree to the terms and provisions of the said Letter of Agreement hereinafter set forth. The Company and Union recognize a need to continue to utilize temporary employees to meet the interests of both parties. Some of the factors include: (1) to have qualified personnel perform work that is temporary in nature; (2) to have work performed in classifications that will be modified or eliminated as a result of technological advances; (3) to avoid the implementation of the demotion and layoff procedures as a result of adding employees to the regular work force for work that will not continue in the near future; (4) to provide employment security for the regular workforce and to maintain the standard of living for such work force; and (5) to work together cooperatively to meet the objectives of both parties. It is not the intent of the parties to have temporary employees replace permanent employees. Notwithstanding any other understanding between the parties, the Company shall not involuntarily layoff any employee for lack of work or to avoid producing a full time work force, when needed, in a department or location where temporary employees are being utilized. No temporary employee working under the terms and conditions of this agreement shall exceed 1040 hours in a rolling (12) twelve month period without prior written mutual agreement by and between ttic Company and the Union. REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT When the Company needs temporary employees, Company shall initially request Local 659 refer applicants for such work pursuant to this agreement. The request shall include: 1. The classification needed 2. Special skills or training required 3. The work location 4. The reporting date and who to report to 5. The duration of the work if known CLASSIFICATIONS, QUALIFICATIONS AND PAY RATES The classifications, qualifications and pay rates shall be those already negotiated by the parties as contained in the collective bargaining agreement unless otherwise specifically agreed to by the parties. Pay rates shall be single rate with some exceptions identified by separate classification codes. Temporary employees hired will be paid at the top of rate for 109 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement the classification being hired into if they meet the requirements of this agreement or have worked for 12 consecutive months in the classification. PRIORITY OF REFERRALS Applicants for temporary employment at Pacific Power shall be prioritized in the following groups: 1. Previous Pacific Power employees that worked in the same or higher classification in the previous 24 months. ***Pacific Power retirees are not eligible for rehire under this agreement and will not be referred*** 2. Individuals which have worked under a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local 659 for at least 1 of the previous 3-years; in an equivalent or higher classification and; meet Pacific Power's qualifications. 3. Individuals which meet Pacific Power's entry qualifications. in administering thls reterral procedure, the union will develop procedures to provide a consistent method of referring applicants and assuring that applicants are not discriminated against. This procedure will be consistent with the provisions of Section 3.6 of the Agreement. REJECTION OF REFERRALS The Company may reject any referral that is determined by the Company to be unsuitable for employment. The Company may terminate the employment of any temporary employee when determined by the Company that such individual Is not suited for continued employment. Company may also notify the Union in writing of any individual determined by the Company who should not be referred to Pacific Power for employment per the following: 1. Each notification must be in writing to the Union with a copy mailed to the last known address of the individual; 2. The notification will be in effect for one year from the date of receipt by the Union; 3. The notification must be specific as to what classifications an individual is not to be referred to. Former Pacific Power employees who were discharged for cause and are not eligible for rehire shall not be referred to the Company for temporary employment provided the Union has been notified in writing. 110 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Additionally, the Company shall furnish the Union written confirmation of all temporary hiring and terminations provided for under the provisions of this Agreement. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS AGREEMENT In the event it is determined through the grievance and arbitration process,as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Company failed to comply with the provisions of this agreement that causes any individual to lose any benefit or compensation; such individual will be made whole by the Company for the loss of benefits or compensation. TEMPORARY STATUS Temporary employees shall not attain regular status or any entitlements that regular employees have, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. These temporary employees will not be entitled to Supplemental Benefits other than those agreed upon herein. COMPENSATION & TERMS 2. Employment shall commence upon orientation or work at the location and time requested by the Company. Pay provisions are those provided for in the collective bargaining agreement between IBEW Local 659 and Pacific Power. 2. The Company may not downgrade employees from the classification requested; however, the Company may upgrade employees in accordance with the Agreement, for a period of time not to exceed a total of one hundred sixty (160) hours during any period of continuous employment. (No temporary employee shall receive an upgrade when a regular qualified employee is available.) Payment in lieu of benefits shalt be paid for each hour worked in addition to the hourly wage according to the schedule below: Journeyman Craft and Above • An amount equal to 3% of the straight-time hourly rate gJUl; • An amount equal to the benefit package as stated in the NW Line Collective Bargaining Agreement (the Union shall provide notice to the Company as those amounts change). Non-Journeyman Employees • An amount equal to 10% of the straight-time rate. 3. Employees paid a straight-time hourly rate of fifteen dollars and one cent ($15.01) or more shall give the Company written authorization to deduct the normal and usual fees uniformly required by the Local Union of its 111 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement members which includes one and three-quarters percent (1.75%) of gross hourly wages from their paychecks. Employees paid a straight-time hourly rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00) or less shall give the Company written authorization to deduct the normal and usual fees uniformly required by the Local Union of its members which include one percent (1%) of gross hourly wages from their paychecks. Fees will be forwarded to the Union at the same time the regular employees' dues are mailed to Local 659. 4. Employees covered by the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not acquire seniority rights. 5. Overtime work shall be offered to regular employees who are qualified and available prior to employees covered by this agreement. 6. It is the intent of the parties signatory to this agreement that no "regular" employees covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between the parties shall be adversely impacted as a result of this Agreement. H. I t:KM1NA I IUN OF AGFtEEMtN I This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving the other (30) thirty days advanced written notice. I EXCLUSIONS TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT Employees referred under this agreement will be excluded from the following articles of the collective bargaining agreement: 1) Article 8 Holidays shall be excluded. 2) Article 9 Vacations shall be excluded. 3) Article 10 Disability Benefit Plan shall be excluded. 4) Article 11 Occupptignal Disability Benefits shall be excluded except the employer shall prov-de .re full nurder for all workers' compensation premiums. 5) Article 12 Apprentice Rules shall be excluded. 6) Article 13 Seniority Rules shall be excluded. 7) Article 15, General Working Rules sections, 15.32 and 15.33 shall be excluded. 8) Article 20 Retirement and Insurance Plans for Employees shall be excluded. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Letter of Agreement to be executed by the signatures of their authorized officers, respectively. Pacific Power Local Union 659 ISEW By: - By: Eric Wirfs �*kTiness Elli Labor Relations Manager 112 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Paid Rest During Non-Declared Emergency Storm Restoration (2-16-2016) IBEW' Local 659 and PacifiCorp Letter of Agreement PAID REST DURING NON-DECLARED EMERGENCY STORM RESTORATION February 16,2016 This agreement is made between Pacific Power and IBEW Local 659 and is in reference to section 15.5 of the 2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The Company and the Union do mutually agree that there arc certain situations following multi-day, non-declared emergency storm events where an employee may need to supplement their earned paid rest with vacation time to cover their full shift the day following being released from the event. Both parties acknowledge that Time Off Without Pay(TOWP)shall not be used to cover a shift unless approved by a manager before the employee is released from work.However, following a joint discussion between the employee and the manager where both mutually agree, this agreement may serve to allow for the temporary banking of up to 4 hours of earned paid rest,as defined in article 15.5 of the current CBA,to be used when all defined situations below occur. • The event must be a non-declared emergency multi-day storm event lasting more than 48 hours. • The employee has not had a break in service,or been offered a break in service. • The employee has earned at least 8 hours of paid rest combined in consecutive days as defined in article 15.5 of the CBA. • The employee is released from the event within 8 hours of the next scheduled shift. An example: An employee whose normal shift is M-F 84.30 is called out at midnight on Tuesday night working through Wednesday and being released on Thursday morning at 06:00. This employee has earned 8 hours of paid rest on Wednesday morning and has earned 6 hours of paid rest on Thursday morning. Should management allow the employee to take his 6 hours paid rest during his Thursday shift, through mutual agreement between the employee and management, the employee may choose to use 2 hours of the earned paid rest from Wednesday to supplement the 6 hours earned on Thursday to make a full 8 hours of paid rest to cover the entire 8 hour shift on Thursday. This Letter of Agreement may be amended or modified at any time upon mutual agreement of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto execute this Agreement. IBEW Local 659 PacifiCorp 'C�4 '�_ '14 A�az nic L-llis Eric Wirfs Business Manager Manager, Labor Relations 113 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Standby — Grievance Settlement (3-21-2018) GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT—STANDBY Standby Selection In keeping with current practice,Standby will first be offered to employees on a voluntary basis. A minimum two-week advanced notice shall be given for Standby in conjunction with holidays(non- weather related).When the company's request for Standby personnel goes un-filled,the Shop Steward and local management shall discuss the issue and determine what options are available to ensure coverage_The intent is that both parties share in the responsibility to provide adequate coverage,and participate equally at the local district level to provide solutions to resource needs. Special consideration will be given when staffing levels fall below normal. In the event that after discussion the parties are unable ensure coverage,company assignment of Standby bused on low overtime hours shall be a last resort_ Vacations The company will honor prescheduled vacation if the vacation was previously submitted and approved by management consistent with section 93 of the CBA. In this case the employee will not be subject to Standby or a vacant response shift(CRS)when other qualiftod Joumcymen arc available. While not preferred,the company reserves the right to cancel an employee's vacation for operational purposes consistent with section 9.4 of the CBA.It is recognized that these situations should only be considered when severe weather,customer outages,and/or public safety is either present or eminent. Standby Compensation As an alternative to the twenty percent(20%)of regular straight time wage rate outlined in the CBA,the company will pilot a process where employees may instead elect to receive Floating Holiday hours at a twenty percent(201/9)rate(equivalent to one(1)hour Floating Holiday for every five(5)standby hours including fractions thereof).'these hours shall be added to the employee's Floating Holiday bank.to be used on a pr+escheduled basis in accordance with company policy and provisions outlined in the CBA. The pilot will nun through the end of calendar year 2018,at which time the company will evaluate the results in order to determine whether to continue the process. Commitment This shall constitute full settlement of outstanding grievances related to standby including R-659-2017- 3833,3834,3839,3842,and 3851. The grievance settlement shall be reviewed quarterly at regularly scheduled Labor Management Meetings.Workforce changes that impact standby,response shins,and/or overtime coverage,shal I be a regular topic of discussion between the company and the union to ensure collaborative methods are employed to meet customer and business needs. By signing below,the parties confirm their acceptance of this settlement.The Union agrees to drop the above mentioned grievances without prejudice,and reserves the right to grieve issues of similar nature as they arise. is ORP INTERNATION OTIIERNOOD OF ELEC FRS,LOCAL 659 neider Date MiVal=inach Date Manager,Labor Relations Business Manager 114 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Flame Resistant/Arc Rated (FR/AR) Clothing (9-16-2019) LETTER OF AGREEMENT Flame Resistant/Arc Rated(FRIAR)Clothing September,2019 THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT(hereinafter referred to as the"Agreement")is made and entered into by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 659 ("Union'),and PacifiCorp ("Company"). Purpose To provide a personal protective barrier to reduce injury resulting from exposure to the hazards of electric arcs, uncontrolled flames and other extreme heat related conditions. Requirements for wearing Approved Flame Re-ictsntiArr. Rated (FR/AR) clothing Ix-r OSHA 79 C'FR 1910.769 And NFPA 70E where employees are potentially exposed to flames or electric arcs.The FRIAR Clothing Agreement is for all Union employees required to wear FRIAR clothing as described in the current FRIAR Clothing Policy. The intent of this Agreement is to work in conjunction with the requirements as stated in the Company's current Flame-Resistant/Arc Rated Clothing Policy/Procedure document. Scope 'This Agreement covers all PacifiCorp employees' within IBEW local 659, who are potentially exposed to electrical arcs or flash. FRIAR clothing for certain job classifications(see Appendix A) is considered PPE where the potential for ignition of clothing or thermal skin burns exists. Failure to wear FRIAR clothing during the prescribed conditions and activities as outlined in the FRIAR clothing policy could result in disciplinary action. The Company shall provide eligible new hire employees with an allotment of FR/AR clothing as outlined in Appendix A, and shall bear the cost of replacement FRIAR clothing items when necessary as outlined under Repair/Replacement below. The Company will provide and replace additional miscellaneous items such as beanies, gaiters, balaclavas, and bags as needed. This program revokes any existing FRIAR clothing agreements in place at the time of signing of this agreement. Employees not listed in Appendix A shall be supplied the appropriate FRIAR clothing, by the Company,if their duties require potential exposure to electrical are or flash. Application&Wear • Employees are expected to follow the FRIAR clothing policy for the application and wearing of FRIAR clothing • Laundering services currently provided by the Company for non-FR coveralls shall continue, and shall apply to FR coveralls only for those classifications to which this service is currently provided Labels • All PacifiCorp approved FRIAR clothing will be labeled with the FR and/or AR designation. • Unapproved modifications to FRIAR clothing are prohibited,and existing logos shall not be removed,modified or covered. • The only required logos on new garments shall be the small Company/Union logos on the chest and/or sleeve, as available through the vendor. Logos will not be required on beanies 115 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement designed to be worn under hard hats. The company will providc logos with no cost to the employee. Repair/Replacement • Employees may repair buttons or small holes using vendor supplied FR thread repair kits. • Employees shall report damaged FRIAR clothing to management in a timely manner. • Damaged or worn out FRIAR clothing is to be replaced by submitting the compromised garment to management along with a completed written replacement approval form. Once approval has been obtained, employees shall log onto the Tyndale website to order the approved item. • FRIAR clothing items are to be replaced with like clothing, from within the appropriate category contained in Appendix A(Shirts,Outerwear, Raingear,Pants,and Coveralls,Bibs). For example: replacement of a compromised shirt is to be replaced with another shirt, whereas a light jacket may be replaced at the employee's choice with another article of clothing from the Outerwear category(such as a sweatshirt or heavy jacket). • In the event of contamination of FR/AR clothing with any accelerant,the clothing should be laundered as soon as possible to remove contamination. Any residual staining should not compromise the FR/AR integrity. If the stain is unacceptable from a professional image standpoint, it should be replaced at manager's discretion. Conclusion The FRIAR clothing program will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, at least once annually, to detennine if conditions or processes have been changed,and to update the procedures, if necessary, based on changes to federal,state or industry standards.During this review,available clothing items may be added or removed from the vendor catalog as mutually agreed to. All questions and concerns regarding the effectiveness of the FRIAR clothing program should be directed to your local Safety Representative with the Health, Safety and Environment department. By signing this Agreement, the Union and the Company confirm that they have read, understand and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto execute this Agreement. PacifiCorp INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 659 Chris Schneider,Manager Labor Relations Mikc San mach, Business Manager 116 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement APPENDIX A Eligible Employees FIR Clothing - Initial/New hire Allotment by classification Outerwear(Light jacket.Heavy Raingear Coveralls! Shir's jacket,Sweatsh rt.Vestl Isetl� Pants Bibs T&D Operations General Foreman 5 3 1 5 Line Foreman 5 3 1 5 Journeyman Lineman includesApprentice) 5 3 1 5 t Journeyman Serviceman 5 3 1 5 1 District Lineman 5 3 1 5 1 Line Patrolman 5 3 1 5 1 Site Agent-Estimator 2 1 3 Site Agent-Lineman 5 2 1 5 1 Journeyman Estimator(includes Apprentice) 2 1 3 District and Senior Estimator 2 1 3 Senior Meter&Relay Technician 5 3 1 5 1 Jrnymn Meter&Relay Tech includes Assistant 5 3 1 5 1 1 Senior Communications Technician 5 3 1 5 Communications Technician(includes Assistant) 5 3 1 5 Joumeyman Substation Working Foreman 5 3 1 5 2 Joumeyman Substation inGudesApprentice) 5 3 1 5 2 Transformer Repairman Foreman 5 5 Journeyman Transformer Repairman 5 5 Metering" Meter Working Foreman 5 3 5 1 District Meterman 5 3 5 1 Journeyman Meterman(includes Apprentice) 5 3 5 1 Utility Specialist 5 2 5 1 Single Phase Metering Specialist 5 2 5 1 Field Serv,ces Specialist 5 2 5 1 H r " General Foreman 5 3 5 1 Joumeyman Operator Maint.(includes Apprentice) 5 3 5 1 Senior Operator 5 3 5 1 Control Operator 1 1 1 or 1 Senior Meter&Relay Technician 5 3 5 1 Jmymn Meter&Relay Tech(includes Assistant) 5 3 5 1 Journeyman Station Wireman(includes Apprentice) 5 3 5 1 Senior Communications Technician 5 3 5 Jmymn Plant Mechanic A(includes Apprentice) 5 3 5 1 Jmymn Plant Mechanic B(includes Trainee) 1 1 1 Hydro Repairman 1 1 Compliance Technician I 1 1 1 'Metering Notes: Company to provide Raingear as required "Hydro Notes: Company to provide Raingear and 60 calorie FR/AR suits as required 117 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Local 659 FRIAR Clothint* 11'rogram - Chances Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) September 2019 1. What changes have occoured? The Local 659 FR Clothing Committee and company have adopted a program where the Company provides and replaces FR/AR clothing as needed. rather than the current employee allocation program. 2. What does"replaces FR-`AR clothing as needed" mean? FR/AR clothing items that are worn out,damaged,or otherwise compromised no longer provide the necessary protection from a Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) standpoint and will he replaced at the Company's expense. 3. Will employees receive a new allotment of FRIAR clothing items as a result of this change? No. Having been in the allocation program, all eligible employees should have an appropriate level of required clothing that will be replaced as needed going forward. 4. How would a compromised FRIAR clothing item replaced? Employees should take the compromised FRR'AR clothing item to their manager along with the designated replacement form to obtain %written approval. Once approval is obtained, the employee can proceed to order the item through the Tyndale website. As a best practice, some common items may be stocked locally to facilitate an expedited replacement process. 5. What will a compromised FR/AR clothing item be replaced with? FR/AR clothing items are to be replaced kith like clothing, from within the appropriate category contained in Appendix A of the Letter ol'Agreement (LOA). Cor example. a compromised shirt is to be replaced with another shirt,whereas a light jacket may be replaced at the employee's choice with another article of clothing from the outerwear category(such as a sweatshirt or heavy jacket). 6. What FR/AR clothing items will be available.through Tyndale? The Local 659 FR Clothing Committee performed a thorough review of the current catalog, and agreed to remove some items and also add many others that were not previously available. A draft of the new Tyndale catalog is attached for reference. 7. Miscellaneous items like beanies and leg gaiters are not listed on Appendix A;does this mean they are no longer available? The Company, will provide and replace miscellaneous items such as beanies. gaiters, balaclavas, and bags as needed from the new proposed Tyndale catalog. 118 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement R. Why isn't raingear shown in the new proposed catalog? As part of the proposed FR,'AR program change, the company is currently negotiating with Neilsen Clothing to be the Company's exclusive provider of FR/AR raingear. Neilsen offers a customized individual sizing process and stores this information in each employee's profile to use for future orders. The raingear is also barcoded to track longevity. and comes with a 2 year %%arranty. If the proposed program is adopted, the Company will work to finalize an agreement %with Neilsen. 9. What happens to the allocation amounts that are currently in employees' Tyndale accounts? Employees may continue to use their allocation balances to purchase FRIAR clothing through the end of 2019. The new proposed catalog items will be made available as soon as administratively possible in 2019 liar employees to purchase items using available allocation funds. 10. When%iIl the program change take effect'? If adopted, employees will be transitioned to the new program once they have exhausted their 2019 allocation balance. As of January I,2020 the employee accounts will be eliminated and any remaining balances left in the accounts%vill no longer be available. 119 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Hydro Housing (11-13-2020) PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION Or PACIr/COAP ' r i � r Letter or Agreement Company Provided Housing— Hydro South November 13,2020 Flu Flus Letter of Agreenwrtt bet%%een IBEW Local 659("Union")and PaeifiCorp("Company")is intended to address the impacts.if any.of the IRS treatment of Company-provided housing.those employees occupying company provided housing and related matters. '11 is agreement consolidates all previous housing letters of agreement bemeen the Union and the Company and modifies the short-term disability implications associated%%ith Company pro%ided housing. WHEREAS.Company-provided housing will be provided when there is a legitimate business need to require employees designated in critical response positions to lie in on-site housing. WHEREAS,the Company-facilities are subject to strict licensing,compliance,environmental,and production requirements and these requirements lea%e the Company no option but to require personnel to live on the premises so as to he available and have y ear-round access to plant facilities. TI IEREEURE,the parties agree to the following terms and conditions i. The Company-Pro%ided Housing Policy will apply to all eligible employees and will go%ern the tax treatment of employees who live in Company provided housing. 2. Also,all regular employees vbo%vork at the North Umpqua project, shall be required to accept housing as a condition of employment since the nearest communities are of a distance to the facilities which makes housing required and that Highway 138 is the sole means of access to plant facilities and has been closed to traffic on occasion due to snow storms. fire.or other natural e%ents. This shall be the only provision of this agreement that is applicable to seasonal,temporar or hiring hall employees Should the compam elect to offer housing to temporary employees, it shall be the Company's sole discretion on which premises..properties%%ill be occupied and to%%hom housing kill be assigned. The provisions of Article 17.8 E of the Collective Bargaining Agreement shall not apply to temporary employees afforded Company housing 3. Employees on appro%ed short-term disability are eligible to remain in Company-provided housing: a Until the disability extends be-yond the six(6)month short term disability (STD) period.or: b. The Employee provides.either voluntarily or by Company request,medical certification indicating that the employee is no longer able to perform the essential job duties of the classification that made them eligible for the company-provided housing and because of a condition that the Company determines that they Page 1 of 3 120 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement I%PACIFIC POWER _ A ONISION OF PAGIFIGORP i. cannot reasonably be accommodated: and n. the situation is either permanent.degenerative or requires a time frame of rehabilitation exceeding six(6) month short term disability penod. 4. In the event that an employee is no longer eligible for housing under 3(b)above,the Company is authorized to undertake the following: a. The Company will provide the employee with a payment-in-lieu of housing for the remainder of the timeframe from the date the employee vacates the premises until the end of the six(6)month short-tern disability period or a time not to exceed six months from the date the employee was unable to be accommodated. i Payment will be based on a competitive rental cost for an equivalent residence in the nearest courtly seat to the employee's assigned work location. ii. Payment will not be grossed up and shall be subject to applicable taxes and withholdings. b. The Company will remit the housing rental deposit consistent with the employee's housing agreement. c_ The Company will provide 30 days'notice to the employee to vacate the premises. The Company and union may mutually-agree to different timeframes based on the individual circumstances d. The Company and employee will execute a"Termination of Company-Provided Housing Agreement"which includes a release of all claims related to the Company provided housing under any federal,state,local,city,or municipal law,statute. ordinance,regulation,or common-law cause of action. S. Where an employee who is living in Company-provided housing dies due to accident or illness,work or non-work related,the family of said employee shall have the opportunity to remain in the company-provided house for a period not to exceed 90 calendar days from the date of the death_The terms and conditions of the Company-Provided housing agreement and policy shall apply during the 90-day period 6. It is the responsibility of the Company to determine the critical response positions that are required to live in on-site housing expect as indicated for the North Umpqua project noted above. 7. Should an employee desire to be released from Company-provided housing,they will need to solicit and obtain written permission from the Company site manager Such request shall be granted at the Company's sole discretion based upon the Company's ability to ensure compliance with all licensing and related production requirements. 8. Employees occupying Company-provided housing are subject to all terms and conditions outlined in the Company-Provided Housing Policy and will be subject to a Company- Provided Housing Agreement, Page 2 of 3 121 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF fiAGFIGOPP M 9. An empl(A•ee who fails to fully satisf%-the Company-Provided Housing Agreement,after being afforded the opportunity'to correct such failure as provided in the Housing Agreement.shall be required to vacate the premises as set forth in the Company-Provided Housing Agreement and shall no longer satisR,the requirements of the position and may be deemed a voluntary quit. 10. In the event it is determined that an employee covered by this agreement is not eligible for an exemption from income for the value of the Company-provided housing then the following shall apply a The Company shall "gross up"a sum equivalent of the state and federal tares on the value of the housing for a term not to exceed twelve months from the date it is determined the employee is not eligible. b. Should there arise an issue over back liability, up to three years the Company shall determine the taxable value of the home. Upon determination of this value,the Company shall issue a check,grossed up for federal and state taxes equal to this sum,The Company will provide this money to the impacted employee in exchange for a full and complete release from any and all real or potential liability associated with the potential under-collection and under-withholding of taxes attributable to the value of the Company housing. 11. This agreement consolidates and supersedes all previous Company provided housing letters of agreements, including the North Umpqua Housing agreement dated November 14,2008, California Company Housing K Boyle and Copco)agreement dated February 28.2009. and the Prospect Housing agreement dated March 31.2009 and any others not specifically mentioned 12. Either party may cancel this agreement by providing the other with 90 days%%Titten notice of cancellation. Agreed. Agreed: —Zak x/a � Pa it- 1111312020 M' a minach Date Nanette Quitt Date Business Manager Labor Relations Specialist IBEW Local 659 PacifiCorp Page 3 of 3 122 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Declared Emergency (3-15-2021) PACIFICORP JAO� LETTER OF AGREEMENT Declared Emergency March 8,2021 This Letter of Agreement between IBEW Local 659 ("Union') and PacifiCorp("Company") is intended to clarify the conditions and rules of pay associated when the Company declares and emergency. This agreement shall supersede the Declared Emergency Letter of Agreement dated January 1, 2008 and shall become effective April 26, 2021 Declared Emergency Principles The parties agree to the following parameters for working, compensation and employee rest during extended major events. Customer service, reliability and employee safety are the foundations for this initiative. Accordingly,the intent and principles behind the application of this agreement is to establish rotational shifts to ensure adequate rest periods while also maintaining consistent and efficient productivity. It is understood that compensation aspects of this agreement may not result in all employees having the same compensation or periods assigned for declared emergency rules of pay due to the unpredictable nature of how each event unfolds and the resulting work/resource assignments and shifts. Process A Director of Field Operations, their designee, or a higher level of management will be responsible for determining when a Declared Emergency(DE)goes into effect and when it is assigned for changes to work rules, schedule and for "Declared Emergency Rules of Pay" purposes. Once determined,local management will inform each employee directly,if they are assigned to work under the terms of the Declared Emergency. Employees are not on Declared Emergency rules of pay simply because they perform work in the Declared Emergency district/area— they must be approved and assigned by management for participation in the Declared Emergency, Declared Emergency(DE) pay begins either: • Upon notification to the employee by management that they will be working under the pay provisions of the Declared Emergency. • When an employee is assigned to work on a Declared Emergency out of hislher headquarters, the DE pay starts at the time of assignment; including any travel time needed to reach the Declared Emergency location. • When an employee covered by this agreement is involved in the mutual assistance of other utilities("mutual assistance')_ 123 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement I PACIFICORP 4 Employees shall not be required to work any longer than 24 continuous hours unless the initial restoration will be completed within four(4)to six(6)hours after the Declared Emergency has been announced. Or in cases where working these additional hours at the beginning of a Declared Emergency would be conducive to establishing efficient work/rest shift rotations/cycles for DE work needs Once established, DE shifts will be paid at two times(2.Ox- double time)the employee's regular rate of pay. The Company shall pay the double time DE rate for working periods and rest periods while the employee is approved for,and assigned to work under, declared emergency rules of pay. Further,. ore, Article 15.5 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement does not apply to DE rules of pay and there will be no compounding or"stacking"of paid rest premiums. Employees will not be asked or directed to exceed 16 hours of continuous duty after the initial shifts have been established. Instances of excessive on-duty time will be addressed and any need for additional compensation resolved in the Labor/Management Committee following the conclusion of the Declared Emergency. If an employee is upgraded during a declared emergency,they receive the upgrade rate of pay during the 16 hours(working) periods and their normal DE rate of pay during the eight (8) hours of rest period. The upgrade hours worked during a declared emergency shall apply to the 160 hours qualifying condition outlined in Section 21.7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Declared Emergency(DE) ends either: • When the Company designates the Declared Emergency is over at the district/area level, or • When the Company notifies an employee that they are released from working the Declared Emergency The Company maintains discretion to release employees at specific times as needed for business operations and shall be permitted to release employees from Declared Emergency rules of pay prior to the Company cancelling the entire Declared Emergency event. The employee completes their Declared Emergency pay with eight(8) hours paid rest at the Declared Emergency rate of pay (2.Ox-double time)as further outlined below. Waypoints for Declared Emergency(DE)Pay Two waypoints within a 24-hour period have been established relative to the Company ending the Declared Emergency rules of pay at the district/area lever Midnight (00-00) and 4:30 p.m. (16:30), The transition to normal rules of pay is based on these waypoints as follows. • Employees who are working at the time the event is declared over shall be paid at the DE rules of pay until they are either released from work or the earliest waypoint (midnight or 4:30 p.m.), whichever comes first. Compensation for work performed past the waypoint shall follow normal rules of pay_ • Employees who are resting at the time the event is declared over, shall remain on DE 124 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement r - PACIFICORP ` �.- rules of pay until the completion of their rest period. Compensation for work performed after the rest period shall follow normal rules of pay. If the employee has worked more than eight (8) hours since their last rest period once the event is declared over or the employee is released from participating in DE,they shall receive eight (8)hours paid rest at the DE(2.Ox -double time)rate, The Company designates when the last paid rest occurs, taking into consideration whether travel to their home district can safely occur before or after the rest period_ Whenever possible, employees should not be released to travel until properly rested. Once the employees have completed their rest period, they shall return to the appropriate rate as per Article 15.4.2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement Work Examples Work Example#1: Regular workday-Day shift Employee begins DE shift at 6 am and is scheduled on DE shift until 10 p.m. During their shift, the DE is cancelled at 3:30 p.m. but the employee continues to work until 9:30 p.m. Employee begire DE shift at 6 a.m.and works u nil released M 9:30 p.ma. Fmplogee is paid normal rules of pay from 4.30 Employee a pod DF(2.0x)hum 6 am. p in(after uavp)im)until dsev arc released at until J to p m (ncrev DE waypomt,even 9 30 p in though etent ended at 3:30 pm.) Following release,emplovet is paid B hours DE rest(2.0x)susce d * has been greaser than g hnun since their prcvtous test f Gam 3:70 p.m. 9 3(1 p in DF Event 4:30 p.m.(16:30) Released CarnYlied Wa)M M from Work Work Example#2: Non-Workday(Saturday)-Day Shift Employee begins DE shift at 6 a.m. but is released from DE work at 12 noon. Employee on paid DE rest(1.0x) until 6 a.m.(from previous DE shift work). Emplo."tv paed DE(10x)fFom 6 a.m until 11 noon.TLc ► employee dor%not cam a DE(2.0x)rest since Clay had not worked a_reatcr thm 8 hours since dwir last rest � f p 12 noon Released Wavy+tint nighl6 a.m from wort t1a� 125 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement PACIFICORP Work Example#3: Regular Workday—Night Shift Employtee begins DE shift at 4:30 p.m. and is scheduled on DE shift until 8:30 a.m. DE 1.5 cancelled atll:30 p.m. but employee continues to work until 2 a.m. Eaup,loyec is paid DE(2,0x)from 4:30 p m.until 12 midnigM (he continues DE pay until the newest waypood from when DF.ends t ► Employee o paid normal rules of pay Fo1loNmg release, from 9i'a% int w end of work rmplocce is paid 8 hours M rest(2.0x)since it has ► bcett greater dun g boun sake Ibeir previous rest a:30 p-m. WavpOmI hbdmght Waypoim Employee Declared Fmergency ends Nark Ends at 11 30 p.m at t a m Work Example#4: Non-Workday (Saturday)—Night Shift F.mplgiwe begins DE shift at 4:30 p.m. but is released fmm DE work at A4idiught Employee on paid DE rest(2.0x) until 430 p.m.(from previous DE aloft w,nk). Fintlayet is paid DF(2.0x)from 4:30 p.m.utnd midnight.The a. employee does not cam a DE(2.0x)rem since they had no worked preater than g boos since their last rest. f i Midnight Released 4.30 p.m. 4:30pm. (n)m Nork Waypomt 126 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement PACIFICORP Work Example#5: Out of District Personnel -Regular Workday Out ojdistrict personnel assigned to DE work in another district. Employee begins work at 6 a.m. and is released at 10 p.m. to get their 8 hours rest and then travel home. Employee on paid DF rat(2 OK) until 6 a-m.(from previous DE shift work) Employee is paid DF.rest (2.Os)from 10 p.m.to 6 am. Following pail DE rest. 4 ► employee is nn normal Emplo%cc u pad DE(2.0x1 bunt 6 am. rules of until 10 m pay to travel back P to hutne district 6 a.m. 12 mrdnigbt 6 am. Wm poutt Employee is released at to pm. Agreed: A,reed �ric.>r Q� 3/is/zo2.' "Date minach Date Nanette Quiff Date usiness Manager Labor Relations Specialist IBEW Local 659 PacifiCorp 127 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF VACIFICORF Letter of Agreement Provisional Status May 16,2022 This Letter of Agreement between IBEW Local 659 ("Union") and PacifiCorp (`Company") memorialize discussions between the parties associated with the creation of a new status of provisional employee. '['he parties met to discuss opportunities to expand recruitment opportunities while affording new hires the ability to explore a career in the utility sector. As part of these discussions,the parties have mutually agreed to develop a"provisional status"designation. The purpose is to expand efforts to afford qualified persons exposure to the utility industry and provide a pathway for opportunities in the company's apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. A provisional status employee shall be defined as an employee whose employment is intended to last more than six(6)months but less than two(2)calendar years unless extended by mutual agreement. The work performed is linked to specific project or various assignments that can afford an incumbent opportunity to gain skills in a classification to further their career in the utility. The use of the provisional status employee will not impede the opportunities of regular employees or bypass the bidding procedure defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA). Job postings designated with the provisional status shall have the terms of Article 21.1 (Probationary Period)applied during the duration of their provisional time period. Should the incumbent successfully bid and be awarded a non-provisional status position within the Company, the employee will have their probationary period restarted as if they were a new employee. Furthermore,the parties agree that during the period of provisional status the terms of Article 6.1.2 shall apply to the incumbent. In recognition of the intent to provide a pathway to opportunities in the company's apprenticeship programs, provisional employees who have completed all pre-requisite testing and completed training programs offeredlendorsed between the parties(e.g. Stronger Together programs)will be provided an opportunity to interview(direct interview)for apprentice qualified or pre- apprenticeship openings. Such opportunity shall not impact employees already holding apprentice qualified or pre-apprentice positions advancement into indentured apprenticeships. For purposes of overtime work,preference will be extended to"regular status"employees,and the Company is under no obligation to balance overtime for provisional status employees. A provisional employee will not receive less than the minimum rate for the position and will progress through the appropriate classification wage progression in accordance with the CBA. 128 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Provisional status employees will accrue benefits equivalent to a regular employee including vacation,sick leave,medical insurance coverage,and 401(k)contributions. Furthermore,a provisional status employee who is offered and accepts a Local 659 represented position with no break in service shall be eligible for health and welfare benefits and paid time off accrual based on their continuous service from their start date as a provisional status employee. Agreed: Agreed: Jon Flegel ate Aaron Gratias Date Business Manager Principal Labor Relations Specialist IBEW Local 659 PacifiCorp 129 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement PACIFIC POWER ' A CI':ISIUh Ci�F.C;IFILCHP .r LETTER OF AGREEMENT District Lineman Residency—CBA section 16.3 THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT(hereinafter referred to as the"Agreement")is made and entered into by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 659,("Union")and PacifiCorp("Company"). The parties have reviewed the contractual requirement for District Linemen to reside in their service area as per section 16.3 of the CBA. In an effort to standardize the administration of this requirement and to allow for a broader range of available housing options for District Lineman positions, the parties agree to the following terms: I. This Agreement shall apply to all District Lineman positions within Local 659's jurisdiction. All District Lineman positions that are vacant at the time this Agreement is signed shall be reposted on the bid board with a notation of the applicable residency requirement. 2. District Linemen shall establish residence either inside or within ten(10)road miles of the outermost boundaries of the company service territory for their respective area. 3. Previous agreements related to District Lineman residency(District Lineman Residency dated August 6. 2018 and Mt Shasta District Lineman Classifications dated July 16, '1021)arc hereby superseded and placed in inactive status to be used as historical reference only by the execution of this Agreement. Specific provisions of the Mt. Shasta agreement that shall be retained and made part of this Agreement are as follows: • Should one of the Mt. Shasta District Lineman identifv a need for a crew in an after-hours callout,they will follow the established process to initiate an ARCOS callout for a crew. • Should one of the Mt. Shasta District Lineman identify a need for another single man in an after-hours callout,they will first contact the neighboring Mt. Shasta District Lineman(any others in this satellite district)and second will follow the established process to initiate an ARCOS callout for a single journeyman. 4. This Agreement shall not infringe upon the company's right to modify District Lineman area boundaries and/or restructure areas of responsibility in response to business needs. This Agreement shall not infringe on the company's right to operate the business; including making decisions regarding staffing and whether or not a District Lineman is required for a given geographic area. 5. In the event there are unforeseen circumstances come to light involving the administration of this agreement,the parties may agree to discuss modifications of this agreement. 130 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement This Agreement is being made on a one-time,non-precedent setting basis. By signing this Agreement,the Union and the Company confirm that they have read,understand and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly. Either party may cancel this agreement for any reason with thirty(30)days written notice. Upon cancellation the parties will revert to the requirements outlined in section 16.3 of the CBA. If this agreement is cancelled by either party,District Linemen who established residency under the terms of this agreement will not be required to relocate,unless they elect to voluntarily bid another opening or are subject to the terms of Section 13.12 of the CBA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto execute this Agreement. PACIFICORP INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELEU R1CAL WORKERS,LOCAL 659 b,21 Z Z -Z I_Z�Z Aaron Gratias Date Jon r4egel Date Principal Labor Relations Specialist Business Manager APPROVED INTERNATIONAL OFFICE•LELE.W. 711312022 IA)nnleR ttcoen%oa Int'IPresidem Thi sarq+roval does nnl make the Intcr nat iotral a patty to this aptement 131 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement PACIFICORP s a � LETTER OF AGREEMENT External New Hire Estimator Training Period December 5,2022 THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT(hereinafter referred to as the"Agreement")is made and entered into by IBEW Local 659("Union")and PacifiCorp("Company"). The following process will be followed for all external Estimator new hire candidates,whose job duties are outlined in Article 16 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA). The purpose is to afford the new Estimator a thorough training period as an introduction to the infrastructure, work processes and overall business culture of the Company. The parties agree that this does not modify or replace the Estimator apprenticeship program. Selection Process Candidates will be screened following the Company's established interview and evaluation process.The Union shall provide the Company with Journeyman Estimator(s)that will participate in the interview and to support the selection process. As needed to augment the evaluation process,the Company may administer an aptitude test to all new hires which shall determine qualified applicants. Classification The new hire Estimator shall be in a training period for a maximum of twelve months,or until the manager and Journeyman Estimator(s)responsible for training agree the candidate no longer needs training and./or the employee has passed the Journeyman Estimator test. Prior to passing the Journeyman Estimator test they shall receive pay equivalent to the last step of Estimator Apprentice wage scale in the CBA. While in the training period,the employee will be restricted from bidding any Journeyman Estimator,or higher,classification. Candidates with previous electric utility design who provide an employment verification letter or equivalent documentation of four thousand(4,000)hours of related work experience may be offered an Estimator position at the Journeyman Estimator wage rate and given the first six(6) months of their employment(probationary period as defined in section 21.1)in which to pass the Local 659 Journeyman Estimator test. Probationary Period The employee will be on probation for a minimum of six months. The probationary period will be extended for the length of time the employee continues in the training period beyond six months,but no longer than twelve months. The manager and Journeyman Estimator(s) responsible for training will conduct monthly evaluations to assess the employee's progress and skills. If an employee is not meeting the expectations set forth by the Company and has been afforded an opportunity to improve during their probationary period,their employment will be terminated. 132 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Journevixtan Estimator Icst The employee will be required to take and pass the Local 659 Journeyman Estimator test during_ Lhc training period. If they fail to pass the test, they will be allowed to re-take following a minimum of thirty(30)calendar days from the prior testing date. No more than three (3) attempts to pass this test will be allowed. If the employee is unable to pass before completion of the twelve-month training period,their employment will be terminated without recourse. Successful testing out shall establish Jourriryznan wage and classification date. Crew Time Mandatory crew time is required. The manager and Journeyman Estimator(s)responsible for training will determine the appropriate amount of crew time to be completed, with a minimum requirement of one hundred and twenty (120)hours. The crew time shall commence after the first four(4)months of training. By signing this Agreement,the Union and the Company confirm that they have read, understand, and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly. In the event there are unforeseen circumstances or umcems that come to light involving the administration of this Agreement, the parties may agree to discuss modifications of this Agree-ment via the Labor Management Committee(LMC) forum_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement. PACIFICORP IBEW, LOCAL 659 r T Aaron t_irauas t)ate Jo lcgcl Datc Principal Labor Relations Specialist B sinus Manager APPROVED I NMRNAT IONAL OM CE.I.B.EW. 121812022 LontneK.-eoiensoa W1President M s sppro:al does not male the Intenationals partr•to iris apreer�en 133 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement � -NZ U4401__ PACIFICORP LETTER OF AGREEMENT \ssistant Meter&Relay Technician Wages(Internal Candidates) February 2023 THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT(hereinafter referred to as the"Agreement")between IBEW Local 659("Union'?and PacifiCorp("Company")memorializes discussions between the parties related to attraction/retention within the Meter Relay Technician classification. The parties'collective bargaining agreement(CBA)wage scale has a Bid Note(II)which states:If any emplovee awarded a vacancy in an Assistant Technician classification has a pay rate higher than the .4ssistant Technician Rate, thev shall continue to receive their prior rate, but in no case more than the ,lournevman Lineman Wireman rate_ Absent exhaustive research which may or may not yield results,the history and origin of Bid Note II is unclear,and at this time the parties can only speculate as to its intent.Notwithstanding the respective reasons for having adopted the language in the past,the parties agree that current conditions warrant a pivot in order to properly attract and retain such workers. With the ongoing resource pressures experienced by the company and within the industry overall,which have seemingly been exacerbated by recent vacancies,the parties agree this is an appropriate opportunity to visit the above-referenced language. Additionally,in other classifications,when an employee pursues a"higher"classification,the wages arc frozen.There is Note(B)in the CBA wage scale page 95,which states "An emplovee i+•ho, upon entering a training program,is paid a frozen rate irhich rill continue without change until the contract rate exceeds thefrozen rate."This language is clear which seems to have been a source of confusion because of the conflicting explicit footnote related to the Assistant Meter&Relay Tech position. With respect to all the foregoing,the parties agree to the following: 1. In a non-precedent setting decision,for any eligible internal employee who is offered an Assistant Meter&Relay Tech position in 2023 through the remaining term of the current CBA,the parties will suspend the Bid Note H referenced in this document and on page 94 of the collective bargaining agreement_ 2. The parties will collaboratively address the need to modify this seemingly outdated an&or conflicting language when the CBA is open for negotiations again. By signing this Agreement,the Union and the Company confirm that they have read,understand,and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly_The parties agree that any future changes to this Letter of Agreement be trade by mutual agreement between the parties.The I.OA shall remain in effective until April 25,2024. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto execute this Agreement. PAC ICORP MEW.LOCAL 659 ^ vv'^ 2 .-J4.23 Aaron Gratias Date Jon Megel Date Hager Principal Labor Relations Specialist Business M 134 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Hydro Standby Settlement Agreement-Article 15.5 Revisions- Hydro Personnel Only Settlement Agreement PacifiCorp ("Employer") and IBEW Local Union No. 659 ("Union") hereby agree to settle all disputes arising out of Grievance No. R-659-2022-3632 ("Grievance") and Arbitration FMCS Case No. 230410-05039 ("Arbitration") in accordance with the following terms and conditions. I. Withdrawal of the Grievance and Dismissal of the Arbitration The Union agrees to voluntarily withdraw the Grievance and dismiss the Arbitration and waives all claims, complaints, grievances, appeals or proceedings of whatever nature arising from the allegations contained in the Grievance and Arbitration, with the exception of any grievances that may arise by reason of breach of any term of this Settlement Agreement. The Union agrees to promptly provide any document or take other action necessary to effectuate the withdrawal or dismissal of the Grievance and Arbitration. I1. Article 15.8 (Standby) The Employer acknowledges and agrees that Article 15.8 of the April 26, 2021 to April 25, 2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) applies to the Renewable Resources employees (referred to as "Hydro" employees in the CBA and Grievance) subject to the following clarifications: (1) the standby pay rate for Renewable Resources employees is twenty percent (20%) as set forth in Article 15.8 of the CBA; (2) Section 15.8.1 does not apply to Renewable Resources employees; and (3)the Settlement Agreement dated March 16, 2022 applies only to Wires employees. All other provisions of 15.8 shall remain in full force and effect. III. Article 15.5 (Rest Pay) To incentivize volunteers for unscheduled shifts and emergent overtime response, effective upon execution of this agreement, the Company agrees to expand the rest pay provided in Article 15.5 to allow the Journeyman Operator Maintenance classification, including Hydro General Foreman and Senior Operator when performing JOM work (collectively referred to as "JOM'), to earn rest pay when they are required to work after midnight (to rotate depending on shift hours) on the day before a workday, whether the workday was the employee's regularly scheduled workday or a prescheduled JOM overtime shift the employee volunteered for or was otherwise assigned to cover. All other provisions of 15.5 shall remain in full force and effect. The parties further agree that when a JOM is receiving rest pay per the provisions of this settlement agreement, the cap on total rate of pay of two and one-half(2 K) 135 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement times contained in Section 15.4.3 will not apply and the total rate of pay shall not be greater than three and one-half(3 V2) times the regular straight-time rate. W. Stipulations The parties further stipulate and agree as follows: A. The parties have entered into this Settlement Agreement freely and voluntarily. B. This Settlement Agreement does not constitute an admission of guilt, fault, or wrongdoing by either party. C. The obligations of the parties specified above constitute consideration sufficient to render this Settlement Agreement enforceable by either party. D. This Settlement Agreement shall not serve as precedent for resolving any other complaints, grievances, appeals or actions that may be filed. E. The parties agree that the Employer and Union will split any cancellation fee charged by the Arbitrator in the Arbitration. F. This Settlement Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the resolution and settlement of the Grievance and Arbitration. G. This Settlement Agreement may not be modified except by written agreement signed by the parties. H. This Settlement Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and each executed counterpart shall have the efficacy and validity of a signed original and with the same effect as if all parties hereto had signed the same document. LOCAL U N of th IB1. Dated: B :. Its: PACIFICOR Dated: _ g 2g 23 Bv. '-- Its: i Mak t 6k&A!n owls 136 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Iq PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORF Letter of Agreement Displacement Alternative—Journeyman-to-Journeyman Transfer November 16,2023 This Letter of Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") between IBEW Local 659 ("Union") and PacifiCorp ("Company") memorializes discussions between the parties associated with agreement to introduce a Journeyman-to-Journeyman transfer concepts in situations associated with Company-initiated displacements. The Parties recognize that Section 3.13 and Section 13.12 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) outlines methods for communication and processes should circumstances of the Company require employee displacement. In addition to those outlined processes, the Parties recognize that previously deleted contract language outlined a Journeyman-to-Journeyman transfer pathway and have a desire to resurrect the spirit of that concept in displacement situations. In recognition of this agreement,the Parties agree that the prior language will not be utilized in its entirety but shall be implemented as follows: • The execution of this Agreement shall not create an expectation or obligation for the Company to make Journeyman-to-Journeyman transfer pathway opportunities available in cases of employee(s)displacement. • The employee(s)identified("impacted employee(s)")as being subject to displacement will not be required to apply for vacant journeyman position(s),but rather indicate interest for a Journeyman-to-Journeyman transfer, in writing to labor relations and the IBEW Local 659 Business Manager. Should multiple employees have interest,they will be considered in order of company seniority based on the number of open positions and location(s) identified by the Company. • Should the situation arise where the Company determined a Journeyman-to-Journeyman transfer pathway is available,it shall require mutual agreement between the Company and Union. • The impacted employee(s)is not required to accept the Journeyman-to-Joumeyman transfer pathway option. Other provisions outlined in the CBA remain available to them. • Employees will only have one (1) opportunity to utilize the Journeyman-to-Journeyman transfer pathway in displacement circumstances during their employment. • Any employee(s)afforded the Journeyman-to-Joumeyman transfer pathway will be required to complete all training aspects of a registered apprenticeship program associated with the trade into which they approved for transferring into. Once transferred,the training progression will be overseen by the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee(#5007). 137 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • Wages shall be governed by Section 12.14 of the CBA and any subsequent clarification by the Parties such as the October 23,2023 Joint Communication. • During the training period associated with the registered apprenticeship,employee(s)will be subject to all provisions in Article 12 of the CBA. This includes the language outlined that if for any reason an individual fails to complete training, the individual will be terminated from PacifiCorp without recourse. The Parties agree to meet and confer should questions arise out of the execution of this agreement and the Parties may mutually agree to modify the terns and conditions of this agreement, as necessary. Agreed: A&Tecd: /rJa"Z& Qom- 11/221102,3 Nick Carpent9r, Dat Nanette Quitt Date Business Manager Director of Labor Relations IBEW Local 659 PacifiCorp 138 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement PACIFICORP LETTER OF AGREEMENT Drug and Alcohol Testing Revisions April 9,2024 This Letter of Agreement(hereinafter referred to as the"Agreement")between IBEW Local 659 ("Union")and PacifiCorp("Company")fulfills the commitment made during the 2024 contract negotiations and subsequent April 8,2024 ratification and serves to modify the precious Drug and Alcohol letter of agreement executed on April 23,2009. Whereas, PacifiCorp, hereinafter the Company and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 659, hereinafter the Union,desire to work together to provide a drug free and safe work environment. Whereas, the Company and the Union recognize the need for employees to be in a responsible and alert condition to perform their duties in a safe and efficient manner,free from any impairment caused by alcohol or drugs. Whereas,the Company and the Union commit to work together to provide support for employees who struggle with chemical and alcohol dependency and abuse problems. Whereas, the Company and the Union acknowledge that some cases of substance and alcohol dependency and/or abuse must also be dealt with as illnesses requiring professional medical treatment, not as personnel problems. Therefore,the Company and Union agree as follows: I. All Local 659 represented employees will be subject to drug and/or alcohol testing pursuant to the provisions of the PacifiCorp Drug and Alcohol Policy and Commercial Driver's License Guidelines, 2. An employee who seeks help and discloses they have a problem with alcohol or drugs before the employee is selected for random testing or is directed to submit to a reasonable suspicion or post accident test will not be considered to be in violation of the policy.This employee shall be referred to the Employee Assistance Program for help.This employee will be eligible to use his/her earned and accrued sick leave and vacation during any absence associated with such disclosure,i.e.until they are released to return to work.During time off work for a diagnosed condition and/or treatment related to drug or alcohol problems,the employee may also be eligible for FMLA and/or short-term disability benefits,subject to the terms and conditions of the FMLA policy and/or short term disability program. 3. A represented employee who tests positive for drug and+'or alcohol shall not be considered to have committed an offense rising to the level of termination on a first offense unless there are aggravating circumstances. 4. (Deleted April 9,2024) 139 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 5. A second positive drug and/or alcohol test, random or otherwise, during the term of employment shall be considered an offense rising to the level of just cause and will result in a termination unless the Company and Union mutually agree to issue a final warning and last chance agreement. 6. Aggravating circumstances may include but are not limited to confirmed positive drug,�alcohol test results that occur due to the following: • A post accident referral in accordance with Company policy; • A reasonable suspicion referral in accordance with Company policy; • Active"Return to Duty"provisions; • An active follow-up referral. Aggravating circumstances may also include a positive/drug alcohol test result while there is an active formal discipline in effect for the employee. 7. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Letter of Agreement,the use of prescription and non-prescription medications by an employee is not a violation of the Company's Drug and Alcohol policy,if: • The medication is taken in accordance with a lawful prescription; • The medication is used in accordance with proper dosage and instructions; • The Company has been made aware of the medication and any possible side effects,to enable them to determine if the employee should be allowed to perform their regular duties,perform restricted duties or prohibited from performing any work while under the influence of the medication. The Company reserves the right to make a final determination in each case. 8. Random non-CDL drug and alcohol testing shall commence ninety (90) days from die date of execution of this agreement. This agreement will be incorporated into the next Collective Bargaining Agreement. By signing this Agreement,the Union and the Company confirm that they have read,understand,and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly. Agreed: I k-4tal �� 05/02/2024 Shana Shepherd Date Labor Relations Specialist Pacificorp Nick Carpenter Date Business Manag IBEW Local 659 140 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement 14 PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Letter of Agreement IBEW Local 659 and Pacific Power Craft Entry Revisions—Groundman S L:tility Specialist June 2024 This letter of agreement(hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement")between IBEW Local 659 ("Union")and PacifiCorp("Company")memorializes discussions between the Parties related to modifying the current apprenticeship pathway for the Local 659 represented positions pursuant to their LMC Subcommittee on Craft Entry convened in late 2023 through May 2024.The goal of these discussions was to create a clear expectation for several entry classifications while creating agreement that the Apprentice Qualified position shall be required before an employee is indentured in an apprenticeship position. Pursuant to these discussions,the Parties have agreed that following the execution of this agreement, entry into IBEW Local 659 represented lineman.estimating and metering apprenticeships shall be modified for new incumbents as indicated below: • Following the execution of this agreement,the Company agrees that Groundman and Utility Specialist-Estimating(new classification Job Code 0631)and Utility Specialist- Metering(new classification job code 0632)classifications will be the pathway into Apprentice Qualified positions and then Apprenticeship positions. • Following execution of this agreement, new incumbents in the Groundman,Utility Specialist-Estimating; Utility Specialist-Metering classifications will be required to progress and attempt to obtain through selection an Apprentice Qualified position. o An employee will have a maximum of three(3)`opportunities"per classification to obtain an Apprentice Qualified position. o After these three(3)opportunities have been exhausted, the employee shall only be permitted an additional six-months of employment before they are subject to discharge without recourse of Article 6 of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). o Failure of an employee to apply or be awarded an Apprentice Qualified job vacancy posted by the Company,will count as an "opportunity." • There is no maximum timeframe for a regular status employee to be in a Groundman, Utility Specialist-Estimating;or Utility Specialist-Metering classification. While it is not preferred nor the intent to have individuals remain in the position indefinitely, the Company is under no obligation to post an Apprentice Qualified position within a set period of time. • When the Company posts a Local 659 represented Apprentice Qualified(AQ)position,it shall be required to note whether the position is for the Lineman, Estimating or Metering craft.The provisions of CBA Article 12.3 shall apply including insideioutside selection. 141 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement • The provisions of CBA Article 12.4 will continue to apply for all Apprentice Qualified incumbents including the two-year limit from the date of hire as an Apprentice Qualified to the date of being indentured as an apprentice. • Apprentice Qualified incumbents will be required to complete their craft checklists as required per JATC and classification. • Apprentice Qualified incumbents will automatically be indentured into their designated craft as identified by the Company(location and start date)after meeting JATC checklist requirements but in no such just case will the employee be held longer than two years in the Apprentice Qualified position before indenturement(pursuant to CBA Article 12.4). c When indenturement is approved by the Company,the JATC will indenture in order of company seniority. c An existing Journeyman who is awarded an Apprentice Qualified position shall be subject to the provisions of Article 12.14 and as clarified in the October 2023 LMC Joint Communication(#t5). Groundman Individuals hired after the execution of this agreement, shall require: • Job vacancies to be handled through the Company's posting and recruiting process (inside/outside selection)with the most qualified candidate selected for the position(s). • All incumbents will be subject to a one-year probationary period from their start date in the Groundman classification,regardless of any prior company service. • Incumbents are required to obtain a commercial driver's license(CDL)within six-months of company official request',but not to exceed(1)year of start in the Groundman classification.The company will continue its support of incumbents to obtain this requirement as it does for other CDL-required classifications. • Groundman who bid an AQ position which requires a CDL,who do not possess a CDL will not lose any of their(3)opportunities. • Groundman incumbents will not be provided an Apprentice Qualified JATC checklist, nor will they be credited for any of their Groundman classification time when they achieve an Apprentice Qualified position. The Groundman classification will be permitted to perform a variety of job duties in which they have been trained to safely perform including duties performed by the Utility Specialist (Job Code 7901). The rate of pay for the Groundman classification shall be$35.371hour for individuals hired following the execution of this agreement. 142 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Utility Specialist Estimating& Utility Specialist Metering Effective with the execution of this agreement,the Utility Specialist Estimating&Utility Specialist Metering classifications shall require: • Job vacancies to be handled through the Company's posting and recruiting process (inside/outside selection)with the most qualified candidate selected for the position(s). • All incumbents will be subject to a one-year probationary period from their start date in the Utility Specialist Estimating or Utility Specialist Metering classification,regardless of any prior company service. • A commercial motor vehicle(CMV)card will be required within six-months of start in the Utility Specialist Metering position. • Utility Specialist Estimating and Utility Specialist Metering incumbents will not be provided an Apprentice Qualified JATC checklist,nor will they be credited for any of their Utility Specialist Estimating&Utility Specialist Metering time when they achieve an Apprentice Qualified position. The Utility Specialist Estimating and Utility Specialist Metering classification will be permitted to perform a variety of job duties in which they have been trained to safely perform including duties performed by the Utility Specialist(Job Code 7901)and as established in the CBA.The rate of pay for the Utility Specialist Estimating and Utility Specialist Metering classifications shall be 535.37thour. The Parties agree that current incumbents in the Utility Specialist(Job Code 7901)are not affected by this agreement and shall be subject to the current indenturement expectations as established in the October 2019 Joint Communication from the Labor Management Committee. Based on the nature of this agreement, it is the intent of the Company to discontinue use of the Utility Specialist (Job Code 7901)classification following the attrition of current incumbents. The Parties agree to meet and confer should questions arise out of the execution of this agreement and the Parties may mutually agree to modify the terms and conditions of this agreement, as necessary. Agreed: Nick Carpenter Date Business Manager 1BEW Local 659 54uttz 06/28/2024 Shana Shepherd Date Labor Relations Specialist PacifiCorp 143 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Index Absence from Work (also see Leave of Absence) CourtWitness...........................................................................................20.10 FamilyDeath ..............................................................................................20.9 Family Illness.................................................................................. 10.7.1, 20.9 JuryDuty ..................................................................................................20.10 MilitaryService ...........................................................................................20.9 Notification to Company ........................................................................... 15.12 Occupational Illness or Injury...................................................................... 11.1 Sick Leave...................................................................................... 10.3, 10.7.1 Accident Prevention Manual......................................................................... 14.2, 14.3 AgreementApplies to.............................................................................................. 1.4 Agreement May be Changed at Any Time ..............................................................2.3 Agreement Superseded by Federal/State Laws......................................................2.4 ApprenticeRules................................................................................................... 12.0 Applying for Apprenticeship........................................................................ 12.3 Apprentice .................................................................................................. 12.2 Apprentice Estimators ........................................................................... 16.14.2 Apprentice in Last Six Months of Training ................................................ 12.11 Apprentice Meterman ............................................................................ 16.15.4 Apprenticeship Selection ............................................................................ 12.3 Assistant Comm Tech/Meter & Relay Tech.............................................. 12.13 Eligibility to Enter Training in Another Craft ............................... 12.13, 12.14.1 Exams to Qualify for Pools ......................................................................... 12.3 Ground Experience..................................................................................... 12.2 Hydro.......................................................................................................... 17.0 Involuntary Termination of Apprenticeship ................................................. 12.6 Joint Apprenticeship Committee................................................................. 12.1 Journeyman Seniority Credit ................................................................... 13.1.1 Journeyman Vacancy................................................................. 12.11 , 13.7.10 Layoff .................................................................................................... 13.12.4 MovingExpenses .................................................................................... 13.9.4 Mechanical Skills/Ability Evaluation............................................................ 12.3 Pre-apprentice Positions .......................................................................... 12.16 Timeframe to Accept/Reject Apprentice Offer ............................................ 12.3 Tools......................................................................................................... 15.13 Voluntary Termination of Apprenticeship.................................................... 12.6 Wage Rate to Awarded Apprentice .......................................................... 12.14 Arbitration................................................................................................................7.0 Authority of Arbitrator....................................................................................7.2 Expenses......................................................................................................7.3 Requestfor...................................................................................................7.1 Selection of an Arbitrator .............................................................................7.4 BargainingAgent.....................................................................................................3.1 Bidding ........................................................................................................13.7 - 13.8 144 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Accepting/Rejecting Bid Job.................................................................... 13.7.2 BidList..................................................................................................... 13.7.9 Bidders .................................................................................................... 13.7.4 Disability Placement and ................................................................ 13.17,13.18 District Line Foreman Vacancy................................................................... 13.8 Interview.................................................................................................. 13.7.8 Journeyman Classifications Awarded.................................................... 13.7.10 Laid-off Employee and........................................................................... 13.13.1 Placement in New Job............................................................................. 13.7.7 Posted Job Vacancies.................................................................... 13.7, 13.7.2 PrimaryVacancy ..................................................................................... 13.7.3 Probationary Period.................................................................................... 13.6 Secondary Vacancy................................................................................. 13.7.3 Supervisory Vacancy.................................................................................. 13.6 Temporary Vacancy. ................................................................... 13.7.1, 13.7.5 Wage Rate at New Location.................................................................... 13.7.7 Wage Rate at Present Location............................................................... 13.7.6 Break (see Rest Period) Break-in Period ................................................................................................... 15.28 Pay ........................................................................................................... 15.28 Bylawsof Local 659 ..............................................................................................3.12 Call Back after Released.................................................................................... 15.7.1 Care for a Family Member.................................................................................. 10.7.1 Clothing Coverall Service ....................................................................................... 15.33 Typeof ....................................................................................................... 14.6 Waterproof................................................................................................ 15.31 Commercial Driver's License............................................................................... 15.37 Committees Joint Apprenticeship .......................................................................... 12.1, 12.3 Joint Management and Union Insurance................................................... 20.4 JointSafety Rules....................................................................................... 14.1 Labor-Management ....................................................................................3.14 Retirement..................................................................................................20.2 Company and Union Representatives.....................................................................5.0 Company and Union Security..................................................................................3.0 Company Bulletin Board JobVacancy Posting ............................................................................... 13.7.2 Names of Union and Company Reps. ..........................................................5.3 Notice of Work Outside of Headquarters............................................... 15.17.1 Posting Union Bulletins.................................................................................5.7 Company Housing Power/Hydro........................................................................... 17.8 Constitutionof IBEW .............................................................................................3.12 ContractingWork ..................................................................................................3.13 Contracts Entered into................................................................................3.13 CoreWork Group..................................................................................................3.13 145 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement CoverallService .................................................................................................. 15.33 Customer Response Shift CompanyVehicles................................................................................... 15.9.2 Establishing Shifts ................................................................................... 15.9.1 FirstCall .................................................................................................. 15.9.1 Locations ................................................................................................. 15.9.1 Pay .......................................................................................................... 15.9.1 Customer Service Area Changes..........................................................................3.13 Definitions .............................................................................................................21.0 Continuous Service ..................................................................................21.10 CoreWork Group .......................................................................................3.13 Disability..................................................................................................... 10.3 Emergency or Emergency Condition ........................................................21.17 Expenses..................................................................................................21 .16 Full -Time Employee...................................................................................21.4 Headquarters Geographic Area............................................................. 13.12.3 Headquarters Area ...................................................................................21.15 ImmediateFamily .....................................................................................21.13 InDomicile................................................................................................21.16 JobHeadquarters.....................................................................................21 .15 Journeyman.............................................................................................. 15.26 Meal Guideline Explanation/Definitions ....................................................21.16 OperatingArea .........................................................................................21.18 Outof Domicile.........................................................................................21.16 OverallSeniority ...................................................................................... 13.1 .2 Part-Time Employee...................................................................................21.5 PayrollMonth..............................................................................................21.8 PayrollYear................................................................................................21.9 Probationary Period........................................................................... 13.6, 21.1 Qualified Switchman.................................................................................21.19 RegularEmployee......................................................................................21.2 RegularJob ..............................................................................................21.11 Regular Straight-Time Rate........................................................................21.7 ShiftWorker................................................................................................21.6 Temporary Employee .................................................................................21.3 TemporaryJob .........................................................................................21.12 Disability Placement ..................................................................................... 13.17, 13.18 Disability Benefit Plan (Nonoccupational Illness/Injury)......................................... 10.0 Available Sick Leave Hours..................................................................... 10.7.3 BenefitYear................................................................................................ 10.6 Benefits ...................................................................................................... 10.7 Care for a Family Member....................................................................... 10.7.1 Comprisedof.............................................................................................. 10.7 Costof Plan................................................................................................ 10.2 Definition of Disability ................................................................................. 10.3 146 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Doctor's Statement..................... 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 11.2, 11.6, 13.19, 13.20 Eligibility ..................................................................................................... 10.5 Employee Responsibility .......................................................................... 10.12 Exclusions ............................................................................................... 10.4.1 Holidayand................................................................................................. 10.9 Injury Incurred in the Service of Another Company ................................. 10.4.2 Injury Suffered Rep. Company in Civic Activity........................................ 10.4.2 Long-Term Disability Insurance............................................................... 10.7.2 Notice and Evidence of Disability .................................................. 10.11, 15.12 Retirementand ........................................................................................ 10.7.6 Short-Term Disability............................................................................... 10.7.2 SickLeave............................................................................................... 10.7.1 State Disability Compensation.................................................................... 10.8 Terminationand....................................................................................... 10.7.6 Vacationand............................................................................................. 10.10 Disability Benefits (Occupational).......................................................................... 11.0 Applying Hours from Sick Leave Bank ....................................................... 11.3 Cease......................................................................................................... 11.5 Certification by Licensed Physician ............................................................ 11.2 Evidence of Disability ................................................................................. 11.6 Forms to be Filled Out................................................................................ 11.6 Injury Incurred in the Service of Another Employer ................................. 10.4.2 Injury Suffered while Rep. Company in Civic Duty .................................. 10.4.2 Misrepresentation of Facts ......................................................................... 11.7 Payon Day of Injury ................................................................................... 11.2 Released to Return to Work ....................................................................... 11.4 Workers' Compensation ............................................................................. 11.1 DisciplinaryAction................................................................................................. 11.7 ESOP ...................................................................................................................20.5 Emergency or Emergency Condition...................................................................21.17 Equipment Replacement..................................................................................... 15.32 Expenses ............................................................................................................21 .16 InDomicile................................................................................................21.16 Outof Domicile.........................................................................................21.16 Force Reduction (See Layoffs) FamilyDeath .........................................................................................................20.9 Family Illness ............................................................................................ 10.7.1, 20.9 Foreman.................................................................................................. 15.20 - 15.25 401 K Plan.............................................................................................................20.5 Gender.................................................................................................................3.3.1 General Wage Increases.......................................................................................22.0 Grievance Procedure ..............................................................................................6.0 Company Asserted Grievance......................................................................6.3 Controversies ...............................................................................................6.1 Discharge ..................................................................................................6.2.4 Disputes .......................................................................................................6.1 147 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Expenses of Witnesses .............................................................................6.2.3 Extension of Time Periods........................................................................... 6.4 FirstStep ...................................................................................................6.2.1 Form to be Filled Out.................................................................................6.2.2 SecondStep..............................................................................................6.2.2 Strikesand Lockouts. ...................................................................................4.1 Termination During Probationary Period ...................................................6.1.2 ThirdStep...........................................................................................6.2.3, 6.3 Time Off with Pay to Process Grievance ......................................................5.4 Union Asserted Grievance............................................................................6.3 Headquarters Area..........................................................................................................21.15 Assignment Other than Regular Headquarters........................................... 15.3 Defined .....................................................................................................21 .14 Prescheduled Overtime........................................................................... 15.4.2 WorkOutside of........................................................................................ 15.18 High Time (Working Over 80 Feet Above the Ground)........................................ 15.35 Holidays ..................................................................................................................8.0 Birthday ........................................................................................................8.1 DuringVacation............................................................................................8.4 Eligibility ............................................................................................ 8.3, 8.3.1 Deferral of Holiday.....................................................................................8.2.3 FloatingHoliday............................................................................................8.5 Observed....................................................................................8.1, 8.2 - 8.2.2 Overtime.................................................................................................. 15.4.2 PayContingent Upon ...................................................................................8.3 Pay for Dual Classifications..........................................................................8.3 Rotating Shift Extension of Normal Days Off.............................................8.2.2 Rotating Shift may Schedule a Floating Holiday.................................15.4.2 (a) Hoursof Work ....................................................................................................... 15.2 Overtime Posted............................................................................. 15.4.3, 15.7 Hydro Dept. Shift Workers. ...................................................................... 17.1.1 Prescheduled 10 Total Hours on Sat................................................. 15.4.2 (c) Logistics ..................................................................................................... 18.3 Time Off Following Overtime Work............................................................. 15.5 Two Total Extended Hrs Attached to 8 Hr Day...................................15.4.2 (b) HSA..... .................................................................................................................24.0 InDomicile ..........................................................................................................21 .16 In-hire Classifications Layoffand.............................................................................................. 13.12.3 Pay when Awarded..................................................22.0 Wage Table Footnote Insurance Committee ............................................................................................20.4 Insurance Plans (see Retirement and Insurance Plans) JobDescriptions.................................................................................................... 16.0 Communications Technician ................................................................. 16.20.1 Communications Technician Assistant.................................................. 16.20.2 148 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Communications Technician Senior......................................................... 16.20 District Line Foreman .............................................................. 13.8, 15.21,16.2 DistrictLineman.......................................................................................... 16.3 EstimatorApprentice ............................................................................. 16.14.2 Estimator Journeyman........................................................................... 16.14.1 EstimatorSenior....................................................................................... 16.14 Field Services Specialist............................................................................. 19.3 Flagger .................................................................................................... 16.5.2 Foreman ......................................................................................... 15.21,15.22 Garage Mechanic 1 st Class...................................................................... 16.18 Garage Mechanic Foreman................................................................... 16.18.2 Garage Mechanic in Charge.................................................................. 16.18.1 General Foreman .................................................................................... 17.3.1 Heavy Equipment Man ..........................................................................16.6 (3) Helper......................................................................................................... 19.4 High Voltage and Safety Equipment Tester........................ 16.15.6 — Hydro Compliance Technician................................................................. 17.6.8 HydroHelper ........................................................................................... 17.6.7 HydroRepairman. ................................................................................... 17.6.6 Inspection Specialist................................................................................ 16.5.1 Journeyman................................................................................... 15.26, 16.12 Journeyman Lineman ......................................................... 16.1, 16.7 - 16.11.1 Journeyman Operator Maintenance ........................................................ 17.4.4 Journeyman Radio Serviceman................................................................ 16.16 Journeyman Serviceman............................................................................ 16.4 Journeyman Station Wireman ................................................... 16.17.2, 17.5.3 LaborForeman......................................................................................... 15.23 Labor Foreman General ........................................................................... 15.24 Line Foreman District ....................................................................... 15.21,16.2 LinePatrolman ........................................................................................ 16.3.1 Logistics Foreman ...................................................................................... 18.1 Logistics Specialist ..................................................................................... 18.2 Logistic Trainee 1, 2 .......................................................................... 18.5, 18.4 MeterForeman......................................................................................... 16.15 MeterReader.............................................................................................. 19.1 Meter Reader Temporary ........................................................................... 19.1 Meter Working Foreman........................................................................ 16.15.1 Meterman Apprentice ............................................................................ 16.15.4 MetermanDistrict .................................................................................. 16.15.2 Meterman Journeyman.......................................................................... 16.15.3 OperatorControl...................................................................................... 17.4.3 OperatorHydro........................................................................................ 17.4.5 OperatorSenior....................................................................................... 17.4.2 Plant Mechanic Hydro Journeyman......................................................... 17.6.1 Service Coordinator A/B/C/D.................................................................... 16.13 Service Dispatcher ................................................................................ 16.13.2 149 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Single Phase Metering Specialist.......................................................... 16.15.5 Station Meter and Relay Tech Assistant................................................ 16.19.4 Station Meter and Relay Tech Journeyman .......................................... 16.19.3 Station Meter and Relay Tech Lead ...................................................... 16.19.2 Station Meter and Relay Tech Senior.................................................... 16.19.1 Transformer Repairman ........................................................................ 16.15.8 Transformer Repairman Foreman ......................................................... 16.15.7 Utility Clerk ............................................................................................ 16.13.2 UtilitySpecialist .......................................................................................... 16.5 Utility Specialist Pre-Apprentice................................................................ 12.17 Wireman Foreman........................................................................ 16.17, 17.5.1 Wireman Working Foreman....................................................... 16.17.1, 17.5.2 YardHelper ................................................................................................ 19.4 JourneymanDefined ........................................................................................... 15.26 Tools......................................................................................................... 15.13 Various Classifications Working Together................................................ 15.27 Jury Duty CompanyPolicy.................................................................................9.10, 20.9 Pay ...........................................................................................................20.10 KPlan ...................................................................................................................20.5 Labor Management Committee Boundaries .................................................................................................3.14 Committee Structure...................................................................................3.14 Duration......................................................................................................3.14 GroundRules .............................................................................................3.14 Guiding Principles.......................................................................................3.14 Meetings.....................................................................................................3.14 Purpose......................................................................................................3.14 Layoff ................................................................................................................. 13.12 Apprentices/Apprentice Qualifieds......................................................... 13.12.4 Bidding Jobs.......................................................................................... 13.13.1 Contracting Work and.................................................................................3.13 Core Work Group and ................................................................................3.13 Customer Service Area Changes and ........................................................3.13 Disability Benefits (Occupational) and ........................................................ 11.5 Downgrading into Core Geog Areas.................................................13.12.3 (e) Employee Work Location Adjustments and ................................................3.13 In-Hire Classifications and..................................................................... 13.12.3 MovingExpenses .................................................................................... 13.9.3 Noticeof................................................................................................ 13.12.5 Options.................................................................................................. 13.12.3 Rehire Following......................................................................... 13.13, 13.13.1 Returning from Layoff and Sick Leave Credit.......................................... 10.7.7 Seniority and............................................................................13.3 (e), 13.12.2 Station Wiremen in Hydro and D.E.M.0. .................................... 16.17.2,17.5.3 150 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Leave of Absence CourtWitness...........................................................................................20.10 FamilyDeath ..............................................................................................20.9 Family Illness.................................................................................. 10.7.1, 20.9 JuryDuty ...........................................................................................9.10, 20.9 Military Service ....................................................................................9.9, 20.9 Returning to Previous Job ........................................................................ 13.14 SickLeave......................................................................................... 10.3, 10.7 VacancyCreated ...................................................................................... 13.14 Letter of Agreements List of LOA's and MOU's ............................................................................25.0 Line Crew Helpersand ................................................................................................ 16.2 Line Foreman in Charge........................................................................... 15.20 Various Classifications ............................................................................. 15.27 Working Foreman in Charge..................................................................... 15.20 Lockoutsand Strikes...............................................................................................4.0 Long - Term Disability Company Contribution.............................................................................20.4.4 Disability Eligibility ...................................................................................... 10.5 Occupational Disability Benefits and .......................................................... 11.1 Released to Return to Work and ................................................... 13.19, 13.20 Seniorityand...........................................................................................13.3 (i) Short -Term Disability Accumulation........................................................ 10.7.2 VacationBank and .................................................................................. 11.4.1 ManagementRights .......................................................................................3.2, 13.5 Meals BadWeather and...................................................................................... 15.16 Call Out for Overtime Before 6 am and ................................................. 15.14.1 CompanyProvided ................................................................................ 15.14.1 Non-overtime out of domicile....................................................................21.16 Outof Domicile.........................................................................................21.16 OvertimeMeals ..................................................................................... 15.14.1 Overtime Pay Until Relieved for a Meal...................................................... 15.2 Within Headquarters.............................................................................. 15.17.2 Work Outside of Headquarters Area...................................... 15.17.1 — 15.19.1 MileageFormula .............................................................................................. 15.18.1 MovingExpenses.................................................................................................. 13.9 Apprentice ............................................................................................... 13.9.4 Bid Award Higher Rated Job and ............................................................ 13.9.1 Bid Award Present or Lower Classification and....................................... 13.9.2 Force Reduction and ............................................................................... 13.9.3 Reimbursed ............................................................................................. 13.9.5 On the Job Injury Permanent Disability Bidding Other Jobs ................................................. 13.16 Returning to Former Position.................................................................... 13.15 151 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Out of Domicile Expenses...................................................................................21.16 Overtime Call Back After Being Released............................................................... 15.7.1 CallOut Sheets ....................................................................................... 15.6.1 Compensation ......................................................................................... 15.4.3 Customer Response Shift........................................................................ 15.9.1 Defined .................................................................................................... 15.4.1 Double Time Exceptions.......................................................................... 15.4.2 Emergency and Travel Pay ...................................................................... 15.10 EqualOpportunity.................................................................................... 15.4.3 Holiday .................................................................................................... 15.4.2 HoursPosted.................................................................................. 15.4.3, 15.7 MealAllowance .................................................................................... 15.14.1 Pre-scheduled OT ................................................................................... 15.4.2 One and One-Half Overtime...............................................................15.4.2 (e) Prescheduled Overtime and Travel Pay.................................... 15.10 - 15.10.1 Rotating Shift Workers Holiday and....................................................15.4.2 (a) Seniorityand............................................................................................ 15.4.2 Standby Time ............................................................................................ 15.8 Sunday .................................................................................................... 15.4.2 Time Off Following Overtime Work............................................................. 15.5 Training and Travel.............................................................................15.4.2 (e) Travel Time Pay and ................................................................. 15.10 - 15.10.1 Unscheduled Overtime and Travel Time Pay........................................ 15.10.1 WorkAssignments...................................................................................... 15.7 Working 60 Minutes or More of Noon Hour ................................................ 15.2 Paydays .............................................................................................................. 15.11 PerDiem .............................................................................................................21 .16 Permanent Disability ........................................................................................... 13.16 Physical Examination ...................................................................... 10.11, 11.6, 15.34 Physical Limitations............................................................................................. 13.17 Probationary Period...................................................................................... 13.6, 21.1 Purpose of Agreement ....................................................................................1.1 - 1 .3 RainGear............................................................................................................ 15.31 Retirement and Insurance Plans ...........................................................................20.0 Annual Review of Plans with Union............................................................20.4 Company Contribution......................................................................20.4 - 20.9 DentalBenefits ........................................................................................20.4.3 401 K Plan..................................................................................................20.5 Joint Mgmt and Union Insurance Committee..............................................20.4 LifeInsurance..........................................................................................20.4.1 Long -Term Disability..................................................................................20.4 MedicalBenefits ......................................................................................20.4.2 Presenting Proposals for Amendment of...........................................20.2, 20.4 Retirement Committee................................................................................20.2 Retirement Premium...................................................................................20.6 152 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Timely Notice of Changes to.......................................................................20.4 VisionBenefits.........................................................................................20.4.2 Safety Accident Prevention Manual....................................................................... 14.2 Clothing ...................................................................................................... 14.6 Foreman or Workman in Charge and ......................................................... 14.5 Glasses ................................................................................................... 14.7.4 HardHats ................................................................................................ 14.7.3 Protective Devices and Equipment.......................................................... 14.7.2 Reporting Unsafe Conditions...................................................................... 14.6 Responsibility of Foreman .......................................................................... 14.5 RubberBoots........................................................................................... 14.7.1 SafetyToed Shoes.................................................................................. 14.7.5 Toolsand.................................................................................................. 15.13 Seniority Applied ....................................................................................................... 13.1 Company Housing and ............................................................................ 17.8.6 Defined ....................................................................................................... 13.1 Journeyman Credit and ........................................................................... 13.1.1 Layoffand.............................................................................................. 13.12.2 Lists.......................................................................................................... 13.21 Long-Term Disability and........................................................................13.3 (i) Lossof........................................................................................................ 13.4 On the Job Injury and ............................................................................... 13.15 Overall Seniority ...................................................................................... 13.1 .2 OvertimeWork and.................................................................................. 15.4.3 Permanent Disability Bidding Other Jobs ................................................. 13.16 Return from Injury and.............................................................................. 13.15 Temporary Employee and ....................................................................... 13.2.1 Vacanciesand............................................................................................ 13.5 WhenAcquired........................................................................................... 13.2 Short-Term Disability.......................................................................................... 10.7.2 Occupational Short-Term Disability Allowance........................................... 11 .1 Supplementing with Sick Leave............................................................... 10.7.3 Sick Leave (see Disability Benefit Plan Nonoccupational) SixMonth Increase.............................................................................................. 15.29 StandbyTime........................................................................................................ 15.8 Standby Floating Holiday ................................................................................... 15.8.1 Strikesand Lockouts...............................................................................................4.0 Substation Journeyman.................................................................................... 16.17.3 Successor Clause ...................................................................................................2.5 Supervisory Vacancy............................................................................................. 13.6 Termof Agreement .................................................................................................2.1 Tools ................................................................................................................. 15.13 Training and Travel .......................................................................................15.4.2 (e) TrainingTrust...................................................................................................... 12.14 153 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Travel Time Prearranged Work Sat., Sun., Holiday and............................................ 15.10.1 Traveling out of Headquarters............................................................................. 15.18 Union and Company Representatives..............................................................5.1 , 5.2 Union and Company Security..................................................................................3.0 UnionDues .............................................................................................................3.5 Cancellation................................................................................................3.11 Collection......................................................................................................3.9 Condition of Employment .............................................................................3.6 Delinquent .............................................................................................3.7, 3.8 Monthly Deductions....................................................................................3.10 Upgrade Assigned to a Higher Paid Classification .................................................. 15.28 Heavy Equipment Man ............................................................................... 16.6 No Experience Break in Period................................................................. 15.28 Service Coordinators............................................................................. 16.13.1 Pay ........................................................................................................... 15.28 Vacationand...............................................................................................9.10 Welding ................................................................................................... 17.6.4 Vacation Accrual .............................................................................................9.2 — 9.2.2 Allowance ..................................................................................................9.2.1 Canceled Because of an Emergency ...........................................................9.7 Carryover Conditions....................................................................................9.4 Disabilityand ................................................................................................9.5 Eligibility .......................................................................................................9.1 HolidayDuring ..............................................................................................9.6 Leave of Absence Reduces..........................................................................9.8 Long-Term Disability and......................................................................... 11.4.1 MilitaryService and ......................................................................................9.9 Pay ............................................................................................................9.4.1 Scheduling...............................................................................9.3 — 9.3.2, 9.12 Terminationand............................................................................................9.7 Wages Apprentices............................................................................................... 12.13 Assigned Work of a Lesser Paid Classification......................................... 15.28 Awarded Inhire Classification ...............................................................22.0 (D) Call Back after Released ......................................................................... 15.7.1 Customer Response Shift........................................................................ 15.9.1 Disability Rate of Pay ............................................................................... 13.19 Dual Classifications .................................................................................. 15.30 General Increases ......................................................................................22.0 High Time (Working Over 80 Feet Above the Ground)............................. 15.35 Holiday ........................................................................................8.3, 15.4.2 (a) Journeymen Working Together Unsupervised.......................................... 15.20 154 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement Minimum Call Out Pay................................................................. 15.4.2, 15.7.1 On Day of Occupational Illness/Injury......................................................... 11.2 Primary Classification ............................................................................... 15.28 Reporting for Work and not Assigned......................................................... 15.7 Standby Time ............................................................................................ 15.8 Training and Travel.............................................................................15.4.2 (e) Union Representative at Company Meeting .................................................5.6 Union Representative Conducting a Grievance............................................5.4 Union Representative Conducting Union Business ......................................5.5 Upgrade.................................................................................................... 15.28 Working in a Lesser Classification............................................................ 15.28 WaterproofClothing ............................................................................................ 15.31 Work Location Other than Regular Headquarters................................................................ 15.3, 15.17.1 — 15.19.1 Work Rules District Operations, Meter-Transformer ............................................................. and Garage Departments............................................................16.1 - 16.18.3 HydroDepartments ........................................................................17.1 - 17.18 Logistics ...........................................................................................18.1 - 18.4 Workday................................................................................................................ 15.1 WorkWeek............................................................................................................ 15.1 Workers' Compensation ........................................................................................ 11.1 Released to Return to Work ....................................................................... 11.4 155 PacifiCorp/ IBEW Local 659 2024-2029 Collective Bargaining Agreement