HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240829PAC to Staff 175 Attachment F.pdf COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT
\ rtto NoV 1I
JANUARY 26, 2022
JANUARY 25, 2027
1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT.......................................................................................... 1
(jurisdiction, new facilities, change in operations, successor clause)
2. TERM OF AGREEMENT—SEPARABILITYOFPROVISIONS.................................................................... 2
(opening for modification, compliance)
3. UNION SECURITY...................................................................................................................... 3
(union membership, contracting)
4. STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS ............................................................................................................ 4
(work stoppages, disputes)
5. UNION AND COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES..................................................................................... 5
(shop stewards, officers, meetings, union postings)
6. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE............................................................................................................ 5
(steps, time-lines)
7. ARBITRATION .......................................................................................................................... 7
(panel selection, expenses)
8. HOLIDAYS............................................................................................................................... 8
(observed, scheduling, rotating shift rules, part time employee pro-rata chart)
9. VACATIONS........................................................................................................................... 10
(eligibility, allocation, scheduling, carryover, leaves of absence)
10. DISABILITY BENEFIT PLAN (EFFECTIVE 12-26-85) ........................................................................ 12
(injury, sick leave, allocation, eligibility, exclusions, short term disability, FMLA,
notice and evidence of, employee responsibility)
11. OCCUPATIONAL DISABILITY BENEFITS(EFFECTIVE 12-26-85)......................................................... 17
(wage rate, effective date, supplementing with sick leave, social security criteria,
vacation cash-out, termination of benefits, light-duty)
12. APPRENTICES......................................................................................................................... 19
(joint committees, vacancies, moving expenses, ratios, work rules, groundman type
experience, entering another trade)
13. SENIORITY............................................................................................................................. 20
(definition, when acquired, affects on seniority, loss of seniority, classification
seniority, seniority lists)
14. CHANGES IN WORK FORCE ...................................................................................................... 23
(notice of layoff/transfer,job postings, vacancies, temporary assignments/upgrades,
bid procedures, bid qualifications,joint training committees, moving expenses,
disabled employee placement, force reduction, regional operations, re-hire
following layoff)
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA i
15. SAFETY RULES........................................................................................................................ 33
(joint committee, accident prevention manual, crew size, rubber gloving under 5000
16. WORKING RULES ................................................................................................................... 34
(work locations, line patrolling, substation switching, rotating shifts, relief operators,
journeyman lineman requirements, crew make-ups, connect/disconnect work rules,
servicemen special shifts, underground work rules, construction department work
rules, travel allowance, stores department work rules)
17. JOB DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 41
(Foreman and Journeyman definitions, all classifications specific descriptions)
18. HOURS OF WORK................................................................................................................... 56
(standard work week, standard work hours, special shifts, rotating shifts,
meal and rest times, noon meal delays, remote locations, working through
19. WAGES................................................................................................................................ 59
(overtime defined , overtime rates, rate/time charts, equal opportunity, two or more
classifications, inclement weather, stand-by compensation, high time, annual
equipment allowances)
20. RETIREMENT AND INSURANCE PLANS FOR EMPLOYEES .................................................................. 64
(pension, accidental death and dismemberment coverage, medical coverage, life
insurance, long term disability benefits, 401(k) savings plan, leaves of absence)
21. DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 68
(regular straight time rate upgrades, probationary period, temp-casual-part time, full
time, descriptions)
22. WAGE SCHEDULE................................................................................................................... 69
23. TREE TRIMMER CLASSIFICATIONS .............................................................................................. 76
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA ii
LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE....................................................................................................... 78
ESTIMATOR TRAINEE........................................................................................................................... 79
ESTIMATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM................................................................................................. 81
APPRENTICE QUALIFIED....................................................................................................................... 84
TRANSFER AND SENIORITY RIGHTS BETWEEN VARIOUS IBEW LOCAL UNIONS................................................ 87
FLAME RESISTANT(FIR) CLOTHING POLICY AND CLOTHING ALLOCATIONS...................................................... 88
COMPANY PROVIDED GLOVES .............................................................................................................. 90
REST AND/OR CONVENIENCE STOPS DURING WORKING HOURS .................................................................. 94
BEND SUBSTATION OPERATIONS—SUMMER LAKE WORK.......................................................................... 95
HYDRO RESOURCES SHIFT TURNOVER AND TIME REPORTING.................................................................... 108
OFF—SITE TRAVEL............................................................................................................................ 109
OFF-SITE TRAVEL PAY....................................................................................................................... 111
OUT OF TOWN ASSIGNMENT.............................................................................................................. 112
OUTAGE COORDINATOR.................................................................................................................... 115
12-HOUR SHIFT PORTLAND OUTAGE COORDINATORS............................................................................. 117
FIELD INSPECTIONS IN IBEW LoCAL125 SERVICE AREA........................................................................... 120
FOUR 10-HOUR WORK SCHEDULE FOR OUT-OF-TOWN TRAVEL ............................................................... 121
TEMPORARY UPGRADE TO GENERAL FOREMAN...................................................................................... 123
HYDRO COMPLIANCE TECHNICIAN ....................................................................................................... 125
PORTLAND METRO OPERATIONS CENTER EARLY HOURS PROGRAM ........................................................... 128
DECLARED EMERGENCY..................................................................................................................... 129
OVERTIME CALL-OUT RESPONSE POLICY............................................................................................... 131
STAND-BY RESPONSE PROCESS ........................................................................................................... 133
IBEW 125/ Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA iii
CLARIFICATION OF PIVIOC OVERHEAD STANDBY PROCEDURES.................................................................. 134
VOLUNTARY STANDBY CREWS............................................................................................................. 135
STAND-BY: USE OF VEHICLES ............................................................................................................. 137
HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNTS FOR SICK LEAVE HOURS AT RETIREMENT............................................ 138
HIRING HALL AGREEMENT................................................................................................................. 141
UPGRADES FOR AFTER-HOURS FLAGGING CALLOUTS .............................................................................. 146
COMPANYPOLICIES.......................................................................................................................... 148
COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE POLICY ................................................................................................. 149
LEAVE FOR UNION OR COMPANY CONFERENCES..................................................................................... 152
CONTINUATION OF COMPANY INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 153
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING ............................................................................................................ 154
2008 HYDRO NORTH HOUSING.......................................................................................................... 156
NERC-LIPS BACKGROUND CHECKS .................................................................................................... 159
WIREMAN TRAINING PROCESS............................................................................................................ 161
IBEW 125/ Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA iv
z This WORKING AGREEMENT dated January 26, 2022 by and between PACIFIC POWER a Division of
PACIFICORP, hereinafter called the "Company", and LOCAL UNION 125 OF THE INTERNATIONAL
,e WHEREAS, the Company and the Union have heretofore entered into a Working Agreement, the
terms and conditions of which were to extend to January 25, 2022 and could be opened for
modification or amendment by either party upon written notice to the other given at least 60
days' prior to said January 25, 2027 and
WHEREAS, the Union has indicated its desire to modify the said Working Agreement, and
WHEREAS, the Company also desires to amend the said Agreement;
NOW THEREFORE, the Company and the Union do mutually agree to continue the terms and
provisions of the said Agreement, amended to read henceforth as follows:
1.1 The Company, the Union, and its members recognize that the Company is engaged in
a public service requiring continuous operation, and that the welfare of the public is dependent
on such operation. The Union, its officers, and members who are employees of the Company
agree that they will individually and collectively promote the welfare of the Company in the
performance of its public utility responsibility by efficient work and loyal cooperative support.
1.2 The purpose of this Agreement is to promote the continuance of harmonious relations
and collective bargaining between the Company and employees referred to in Section 1.3 of this
Agreement, and to that end maintain mutually satisfactory working conditions and rates of pay
for all such employees.
1.3 This Agreement applies to and covers all employees working with tools, equipment,
or materials in the Company stores, shops, electrical distribution, electrical construction, power
production, and transmission operations in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and craft workers at
the PacifiCorp Hydro facility known as the Bigfork Hydroelectric project located near Kalispell,
Montana; (other than those who are covered by a separate Agreement with Local 659, IBEW),
including those for whom wage scales are fixed in Article 22 of this Agreement, BUT EXCLUDING
(a) office and clerical employees; (b)janitors; (c) guards; (d) sales personnel; (e) professional and
supervisory employees as defined in the National Labor Relations Act as amended; (f) engineers,
steam heat employees and others in Portland in job classifications covered by and specifically
listed in a Working Agreement with Local Union 87, International Union of Operating Engineers;
(g) Distribution, operating and maintenance employees in the Coos Bay District in job
classifications covered by a Working Agreement with Local 197, Utility Workers Union of America;
(h) employees on the property of Rocky Mountain Power in Idaho in job classifications covered
by a Working Agreement with Local 57, IBEW; and (i) customers who furnish their own common
labor in lieu of contributions in aid of construction. Newly created classifications may be
hereafter be included hereunder by mutual written consent.
1.4 Should the Company acquire and operate or construct and operate any new
distribution systems, generating stations, substations, or transmission facilities of an electric
utility nature within the jurisdictional area of the Union as defined in Section 1.3 above, the
parties hereto agree to meet and negotiate working rules, wages and conditions for the
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 1
employees headquartered at such properties. Should the Company construct or acquire any
combustion turbine generating facilities within its regulated business, either simple cycle or
combined, the parties will meet to discuss the issues associated with the creation of a new
collective bargaining agreement or an appendix to this agreement that reflects the technology,
staffing required, and operating methodologies for such units.
1.4.1 Should the Company make a major change in its operations that will affect the
continued employment or working conditions of the employees at a headquarters or work
location, the parties hereto will promptly meet and negotiate new working conditions and the
application of Section 14.5, if required.
1.5 The Union and the Company recognize that, subject to the specific provisions of this
Agreement and the employee's right to adjust grievances as provided therein, the management
of the Company and its property,the direction of the work force, and the right to employ, assign,
promote, discipline, discharge and layoff employees are vested in and reserved by the Company.
1.6 This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors of the Employer and no
provisions,terms or obligations contained herein shall be affected, modified, altered or changed
in any respect whatsoever bythe sale, conveyance,transfer, assignment, consolidation or merger
of the employee's covered by this Agreement or affected, modified, altered or changed in any
respect whatsoever by any change of any kind in the legal status, ownership or management of
the Employer's operations covered by this Agreement, or by change, geographical or otherwise,
in the location or place of business of the Employer. In consideration of the Union's execution of
this Agreement, the Employer promises that its operations covered by this Agreement shall not
be sold, conveyed, transferred or assigned to, or consolidated or merged with any successor
without first securing an enforceable agreement of the successor to assume the Employer's
obligations under this Agreement.
A�5, 2.1 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from January 26, 2022 up to and
including January 25, 2027, and thereafter until terminated. Either party may terminate this
Agreement on, or at any time after January 25, 2027, by giving at least 60 days prior written
notice to the other, together with the reason or reasons therefore. However, if at the time this
Agreement would otherwise terminate because of such notice the parties are negotiating for a
new agreement, the terms and conditions hereof shall continue in effect so long as such
negotiations voluntarily continue; and any new agreement may be made retroactive to the date
the Agreement would otherwise have terminated.
,e 2.2 This Agreement may be opened for proposed modification or amendment at any time
after January 25, 2027, by either party giving at least 60 days prior written notice to the other.
Within 10 days after such notice, the parties shall meet and exchange their respective proposals
for modification or amendment of the Agreement. A discussion of such proposals shall begin not
later than 20 days after the exchange of said proposals, unless the time shall be extended by
mutual consent. If no agreement or settlement is reached, this Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect until terminated as provided in Section 2.1.
2.3 If any part of this Agreement is, or is hereafter found to be, in contravention of the
laws or regulations of the United States or of any state having jurisdiction, such part shall be
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 12
superseded by the appropriate provisions of such law or regulation so long as the same is in
effect, but all other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Upon any
such determination being made, the Company and the Union will promptly negotiate and
endeavor to reach an agreement upon a suitable substitute therefore.
This agreement may be modified at any time when mutually agreed upon by the Union and the
3.1 The Company recognizes the Union as the exclusive Bargaining Agent for the
employees covered by this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as abridging
the rights of the Company, the Union, or individual employees under the provisions of any
applicable law, or as requiring the performance by any of the foregoing of any act in violation of
any such law. The Company will cooperate with the Union in promoting harmony and efficiency
among the employees covered by this Agreement, and pledges fair and impartial administration
of this Agreement by its supervisors.
3.2 It is the policy of the Company and the Union not to discriminate against any
employee because of race, religion, color, sex, age, or national origin.
Z 3.2.1 Use of"they/them/their"throughout this agreement is intended as a gender neutral
pronoun.They/them/their shall mean a single worker or employee unless otherwise specified.
Gender-specific terms are not intended to be discriminatory but are the historical terms used
to describe certain positions.
3.3 Employees covered by this Agreement, who are members of the Union on the date
hereof or who subsequently become members, shall remain members thereof by paying or
tendering the dues and initiation fees normally and usually required by the Union of its members
in the same classifications.
z 3.3.1 Any employee covered by this Agreement who is not a member of the Union on the
date hereof, and any employee covered by this Agreement subsequently employed by the
Company shall be required, as a condition of their continued employment, 30 calendar days after
the date of their employment or the date of this Agreement, whichever date is the later, to pay
to the Union the equivalent of any dues payable by said Union's members in the work
classification in which such employee is employed, and any such employee, within six months
following such later date, shall become a member of the Union and remain a member thereof
during the term of this Agreement, by paying or tendering the dues and initiation fees normally
and usually required by said Union of its members where permitted by applicable law.
3.3.2 In case any employee shall become delinquent, or shall fail to become or to remain a
member of the Union in accord with the provisions of the foregoing Sections 3.3 and 3.3.1, the
Union will notify the Company's Manager of Labor Relations of such fact in writing; and the
Company will notify the delinquent employee within five workdays that such employee's
employment will cease upon the expiration of five workdays after delivery of such notice, unless
in the meantime they shall exhibit to their supervisor a receipt or certificate issued by the Union
showing that such employee has been placed in or restored to membership.
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3.3.3 If any employee shall take proper action to entitle them to such membership within
five workdays after delivery to them of such notice, their continuity of employment shall not be
interrupted by such prior delinquency; but, if the delinquent employee fails to take such action
within such five-day period, their employment will be terminated at the end of such period.
3.4 The Company will, during the term of this Agreement, deduct and remit monthly to
the Business Manager of the Local Union the normal and usual dues uniformly required of its
members by the Union of those Union members as shall voluntarily authorize the Company to
do so. Such written authorization must be in lawful, mutually acceptable form, and shall be
forwarded to the Company through the Business Manager of the Local Union.
3.4.1 The Business Manager of the Union will keep the Company currently advised of the
monthly dues to be deducted from the wages of each employee, who, pursuant to Section 3.4,
shall have filed the required Dues Deduction Authorization with the Union and the Company.
3.4.2 An employee may revoke their dues deduction authorization by written notice
directed to the Union by registered mail. Such revocation will be effective in the payroll month
following receipt of the notice and communicated to the Company as described in Section 3.4.1.
3.5 The Company acknowledges receipt of copies of the Bylaws of Local 125 of the IBEW
and the Constitution of the IBEW.
3.6 The Company will not contract any work which is ordinarily done by its regular
employees for the specific purpose of laying off or demoting such employees. The Company, in
contracting work, will use its best efforts to preserve the good will and harmonious relations
existing between the Union and the Company. Upon request of the Union, the Company will
make available for review any contract entered into involving work covered by this Agreement.
4.1 No strike, work stoppage, or slowdown will be authorized by the Union, and the
Company will not engage in a lockout because of any proposed change in this Agreement or of
any dispute over matters related to or covered by this Agreement. The Union will take every
reasonable means within its power to induce employees engaged in a strike, work stoppage, or
slowdown in violation of this Agreement to return to work; but the Union, its officers,
representatives or affiliates, shall not be held responsible for any strike, work stoppage, or
slowdown which the Union, its officers, representatives or affiliates shall have expressly
forbidden or declared in violation hereof.
An informational picket is only to provide information about issues and not to disrupt normal
In the case of an informational picket line established by Local 125, the Union will take every
reasonable means within their power to induce employees to return to work. The union and
the company agree that employees are required to report to work.
In this regard, Local 125 will notify employees in the case of its informational picket that the
picket line is informational and that the employees have the obligation to and are directed to
report to work.
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It is the intent of the Company and Local 125 to avoid future disruption of work and loss of
wages because of informational pickets.
4.2 All questions, disputes, or controversies arising under this Agreement shall be
determined and settled solely and exclusively by the grievance and arbitration procedures
provided for herein.
5.1 The Union will at all times keep the Company's Labor Relations Department notified
in writing of the name of each person designated by the Union to act as the steward in each of
the Company's headquarters or work locations. Each such steward is to be engaged in work for
the Company covered by this Agreement.
5.2 The Company will at all times keep the Union informed in writing of the names of the
Company's supervisors at each headquarters or work location, with whom grievances shall be
processed in Step One of the Grievance Procedure described in the following Section 6.0.
5.3 The names of the respective Union and Company representatives designated to
handle matters arising under this Agreement shall be posted on the Company bulletin board in
the appropriate headquarters or work location.
5.4 A Union steward shall, upon request to their supervisor, be given reasonable time off
with pay, as stated in Section 5.6,to process any grievance pertaining to the work group in which
they are then acting as the Union's representative.
5.5 Union officers, upon request to the Company, shall be given reasonably sufficient time
off without pay to transact Union business.
5.6 An employee appointed or elected to represent the Company or the Union at any
meeting with the Company called by or agreed to by the Company to discuss any matter covered
by this Agreement, upon request to the Company, shall be allowed time off to attend such
meeting with pay at their regular rate for the hours required for attendance at such meeting
which otherwise would have been worked by them. The number of Union representatives so
entitled to leave with pay shall be subject to mutual agreement between the Company and the
5.7 The Company will make available space on its bulletin boards for posting of Union
bulletins and notices. Such notices shall be signed by the representatives designated as provided
in Section 5.1 hereof.
,es 6.1 The Company and the Union will promptly meet and deal with each other, through
their respective representatives, with respect to any dispute involving the interpretation,
application, or alleged violation of any provision of this Agreement, or any alleged action of the
Company or its supervisors which the employee feels unjustly or unlawfully affects their job or
any benefits arising out of their job. All such matters shall be adjusted in accordance with this
Grievance Procedure, unless the time limits as established in writing, shall be extended by mutual
agreement of the parties.
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The Company and the Union endeavor, wherever practicable, to settle any grievance at the
earliest step possible. If at any step of the procedure, a settlement agreement is reached the
agreement will be reduced to writing, signed by the parties' respective authorized
representatives, and copies furnished to the Company and Union.
6.1.2 Termination of an employee during their probationary period shall not be grievable
under the provisions of this Agreement.
z 6.2 STEP ONE—An employee, or group of employees, having a grievance shall first discuss
the matter within 14 calendar days of its occurrence with their supervisor.The steward shall have
the right to be present at all such discussions, or, if the aggrieved employee or employees desire,
the steward alone shall have such initial oral discussion with the supervisor. The supervisor will
give a reply within 14 calendar days. Failure to reply within the time limit will place the grievance
in Step Two. For purposes of this section, a grievance is not considered to exist until the grieving
party knows or could reasonably be expected to know of the alleged violations. Under no
circumstances will a grievance be accepted if not presented within 60 calendar days after the
time the alleged violations occurred.
6.2.1 STEP Two—If a grievance is not settled at the First Step,the steward within 14 calendar
days of receiving the First Step response shall prepare and present to the Company supervisor a
written "Notice of Grievance", with copies to the Company's designated Labor Relations
Representative and the Union's designated authorized representative, setting forth, so far as
may be applicable:
(a) The nature of the grievance, and the circumstances out of which it arose,
(b) The remedy or correction the Company is requested to make, and
(c) The section or sections of this Agreement, if any, relied upon or claimed to have been
Unless otherwise agreed, the Company and Union will meet to discuss the issue within 14
calendar days of receiving the Second Step Notice of Grievance. If the steward and the
Company's representative involved do not settle such grievance, the Company will provide a
written grievance response to the Union within 14 calendar days of the Second Step grievance
6.2.2 STEP THREE— If a grievance is not settled under the foregoing Section 6.2.1, the Union's
designated authorized representative may, within 14 calendar days after receipt of the Second
Step response, issue a Third Step Notice of Grievance stating the grievance to be considered.
Unless otherwise agreed,the Company's authorized representative and the Union's designated
authorized representative will meet within 14 calendar days after receiving notice of the Third
Step grievance. No grievance of employees, except for termination grievances, or by mutual
agreement, shall be handled in this Step Three until it has first been processed as provided in
Section 6.2.1.
The Union and the Company may each call and present witnesses to testify at such meeting, and
each shall pay all costs of the appearance of any witness so called by it. If the matter is not settled
at the Third Step, the responding party will provide a written grievance response to the other
party within 14 calendar days of the Third Step grievance meeting.
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z 6.2.3 Any grievance concerning a discharge must be filed with the Company in writing on
the approved grievance forms within 14 calendar days after such discharge or any claim to grieve
shall be waived by the grievant and Union.
The Company and the Union recognize that such a grievance should be addressed at the earliest
possible time. Therefore, such grievance shall move directly to the provisions of Section 6.2.2.
z 6.3 Grievances asserted by the Company against the Union or a grievance asserted by
the Union that affects more than one workgroup shall be initiated at Step Three, as provided in
Section 6.2.2.
Z 6.4 In the event that any dispute involving the interpretation, application, or alleged
violation of any provision of this Agreement shall not be settled as provided in the foregoing
sections, the grieving party may within 40 calendar days of the responding party's Third Step
response submit the dispute to arbitration as provided in Section 7.0 hereof. During arbitration,
neither party may introduce additional facts or evidence in support of their position that have
not been raised during the preceding steps of this procedure. However, if one of the parties
requested information during the initial steps of the grievance procedure and were told that such
information did not exist or could not be produced and this response is reversed or proven
inaccurate, such new information will be included in the arbitration process. If the dispute is not
settled and is not submitted to arbitration within the 40-calendar day timeline,the grievance will
be canceled without prejudice.
7.1 Any dispute or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or any
grievance as herein defined, not settled in direct negotiation as provided for in the preceding
Section 6.0,shall be submitted to arbitration (upon the initiative of either party to this Agreement
upon notice to the other party) under the Industrial Arbitration Rules,then obtaining,the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service, or the American Arbitration Association, unless the parties
by mutual agreement obtain another service. The parties may also mutually agree to establish
an arbitration panel or six individuals to be used throughout the term of the Agreement. The
Company and the Union agree to take all steps necessary to facilitate the arbitration, and to abide
by and perform the award made in such arbitration.
7.2 The arbitrator shall have no jurisdiction, power, or authority to amend, modify,
supplement, vary or disregard any provision of this Agreement, in any respect whatsoever.
7.3 Each party shall bear the expense of preparing and presenting its own case. Expenses
of the arbitrator and any incidental expenses mutually agreed to in advance shall be borne
equally by the parties hereto.
7.4 To expedite the arbitration of contested terminations, the Company and Union will
refer such cases to an arbitrator selected from the parties' designated panel comprised of seven
mutually selected arbitrators. Cases will be assigned to an arbitrator as follows:
(a) The first arbitrator on the panel list will be contacted immediately to set a hearing date.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 17
(b) If the arbitrator selected cannot hold the hearing within 30-calendar days, the next
arbitrator will be contacted. This procedure will be followed until an arbitrator has been
(c) In the event no arbitrator is able to hold the hearing within the 30-calendar day period, the
arbitrator with the earliest availability will be selected.
(d) The panel of arbitrators shall remain in force for the duration of this Agreement unless the
parties mutually agree to the removal of an arbitrator. In such event the parties may select
a replacement arbitrator.
8.1 The following days shall be recognized as holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King
Jr. Holiday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,Veteran's Day,Thanksgiving Day, Friday
after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, two floating holidays (to be scheduled per Section 8.3.2).
Employees may use these floating holidays to observe the Presidents Day Holiday, Good Friday,
their own birthday, or on any other day mutually agreed to with their supervisor. The Company
will have the right to schedule not more than 30% of the employees to observe the Friday before
Labor Day as a holiday in lieu of the Friday after Thanksgiving and to work that Friday after
Thanksgiving as a scheduled workday.
Beginning in payroll year 2025,the Company will provide one additional floating holiday (total
of three floating holidays) or recognition of Juneteenth as a recognized holiday.
One additional floating holiday will be added in calendar year 2026.
New regular employees will be allocated floating holidays according to the following schedule:
Month of Hire 2021—2024 Number of Floating Holidays
December 26 through April 25 2
April 26 through August 25 1
August 26 through December 25 1
If Juneteenth is not observed, the following chart will be used for floating holidays
Month of Hire 2024—2025 Number of Floating Holidays
December 26 through April 25 3
April 26 through August 25 2
August 26 through December 25 2
Month of Hire 2025—2026 Number of Floating Holidays
December 26 through April 25 4
April 26 through August 25 3
August 26 through December 25 3
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 8
If Juneteenth is observed, the following chart will be used for floating holidays.
Month of Hire 2025—2026 Number of Floating Holidays
December 26 through April 25 3
April 26 through August 25 2
August 26 through December 25 2
8.2 Holiday observance and pay provisions for rotating shift workers.
8.2.1 The calendar day on which the holiday falls is the holiday for the purpose of these
The rotating shift schedule will be followed to determine whether an employee can observe the
holiday as a day off or must work on the holiday.
When the holiday falls on the employee's scheduled day off, the employee may schedule the
holiday to another day in that workweek to maximize the employee's days off.
No adjustment of the established rotating shift schedule other than permitted by Section 16.2.2
or the absence of the scheduled employee because of sickness, accident, or other approved leave
will be permitted.
8.2.2 Floating holidays may be scheduled at any time during the payroll year. The day to be
observed must be agreed in advance with the employee's supervisor.
8.3.1 When a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday. When
any such holiday falls on Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday, or may be
observed on the following Monday by servicemen or linemen assigned as servicemen, as
determined by the supervisor upon at least two weeks' notice. For employees working other than
the regular Monday-through-Friday workweek, the first day off shall be treated as Saturday and
the second day off as Sunday for purposes of holiday observance.
8.3.2 Floating holidays may be scheduled at any time during the payroll year. The day to be
observed must be agreed in advance with the employee's supervisor.
8.3.3 No adjustment other than permitted by Sections 8.1, 8.3.1 and 8.3.2 of the day on
which a holiday is observed by an employee will be permitted.
8.4 Each regular,full-time employee shall receive in any week in which they are scheduled
to observe any holiday an allowance of eight hours of holiday pay at their regular straight-time
rate as defined in Section 21.8, provided they report for work or are on paid disability leave on
their regularly scheduled workdays immediately preceding and following the holiday, or report
for work on one of such days and are on paid disability or other approved leave of absence on
the other, or are on paid vacation on such holiday.Temporary employees will not receive holiday
pay for a holiday observed during the first 30 days of such temporary employment. Temporary
employees are not eligible for floating holidays until they become regular employees and if they
do become regular employees, they will be granted floating holidays based on the table in
Section 8.1.
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8.4.1 Part-time employees will receive pro rata holidays after 30 days based upon their
defined work schedule as follows:
Hours of Work Holiday Pay for Allocation Rate for
per Week Regular Holidays Floating Holidays
Under 20 0 0
20-29 6 Hours 18 Hours
30-35 7 Hours 21 Hours
Over 35 8 Hours 24 Hours
8.5 Time worked on any holiday shall be accounted and paid for as time worked on any
other day; provided, however, that work performed on an observed holiday shall be paid for at
the appropriate overtime rate of pay (Call-out or Pre-Scheduled) as identified in Sections 19.1.2
and 19.1.3. Time worked on a holiday is in addition to the eight hours of holiday pay.
9.1 ELIGIBILITY — Each full-time employee in the classifications covered by this Agreement
who shall have completed six full payroll months of continuous service shall receive vacation with
9.2 (Effective December 26, 2003) VACATION ALLOWANCE—The number of hours of vacation
to be allocated to an employee in any payroll year and the amount of their vacation pay shall be
based on the employee's total service with the Company and provided on a full-pay period basis.
Simply stated, the per pay period vacation allowance provides a paid vacation after a stated
period of continuous service as follows:
Length of Service Hours Per Year Hours Per Pay Period
From 6 months through 4 years 80 3.333
(7 through 48 months)
5 year through 12 year 120 5
(49 through 144 months)
13 year through 20 year 160 6.667
(145 through 240 months)
21 year through 30 year 200 8.333
(241 through 360 months)
31 year and beyond 240 10
(361 and beyond)
New hires will receive 40 hours of vacation (3.333 hours per pay period times 12 pay periods)
upon completion of their first six months of employment. New hires that do not reach six months
of employment have no claim to vacation benefits.
9.2.1 Upon achieving 1040 hours worked, a regular part-time employee shall receive a pro-
rated vacation allowance on a per pay period basis based on the following table. This includes a
pro-rated amount of the 40 hours for new hires identified above. This pro-rated benefit will be
applied to the schedule in Section 9.2, based on the number of years of service as a regular part-
time or regular employee.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 10
Hours of Work per Week Accrual Rate
Under 20 0%
20-29 75%
30-35 88%
Over 35 100%
9.3 Vacation may be granted to begin at any time during the payroll year, due
consideration being given to (a) minimum interference with the Company's business and
(b) length of continuous service. Employees shall make their vacation request at least 30 days
(except as provided in Section 9.3.2) prior to the beginning date of the requested vacation.
Employees shall have the right, prior to April 30 of the year,to preferential scheduling of vacation
based on their length of continuous service.
9.3.1 Vacations or portions of vacations shall be taken on a workweek basis, or when the
operating requirements of the Company necessitate shorter vacation periods or employees'
desire shorter vacation periods and such scheduling is mutually agreeable to the employee and
their supervisor.
9.3.2 An employee shall be allowed to use a maximum of 80 hours of their accrued vacation
one day at a time, providing their request does not create scheduling problems and no additional
expense is caused the Company of such scheduling.
9.3.3 Employees will be allowed to carry a vacation bank into the following payroll year of
up to 320 hours.
9.3.4 Vacation schedules for rotating Shift Workers in the Power Department shall be
requested on a workweek basis, but shall be adjusted to give the Shift Workers the advantage of
their regular days off either at the beginning or end of their vacation period, provided no
additional expense is caused the Company by such adjustment.
9.4 RATE of PAY — Vacation pay shall be at the employee's regular straight-time rate as
defined in Section 21.8.
9.5 DISABILITY — In the event that disability as defined in Section 10 and 11 of this
Agreement occurs prior to and interferes with the scheduled vacation, the vacation will be
9.6 HOLIDAYS — If a holiday is observed under this Agreement during an employee's paid
vacation, they shall receive holiday pay only for that day, and at their election and upon two
weeks' notice to their supervisor, they shall be granted another day's vacation.
9.7 VACATION PAY UPON TERMINATION—On termination of employment, a full-time employee
who has completed at least six full payroll months of continuous service shall receive pay for
vacation credits earned but not taken.
9.8 VACATION ALLOCATIONS — All normal vacations shall be determined directly from the
schedule in Section 9.2. Vacation pay upon termination shall be any unused hours in the
employee's vacation bank.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 11
Regular employees,who have worked forth e Company, had a break in service and then returned
to work with the Company, will be given credit for their entire time worked for the Company
when calculating this allocation. This bridging of service will apply to all Company-provided
benefit programs.
9.9 Time spent in military service shall be considered time worked for the purpose of
determining the rate of vacation accrual under the preceding sections of this Agreement
provided the employee had left the employ of the Company to enter military service and
returned to its employ within six months of first becoming eligible for release from military
service. Each employee, upon leaving their job to enter military service, may receive pay for all
vacation credits then accumulated, or they may leave their vacation bank to be used upon their
return to work. Upon their resuming work for the Company, as provided above, they will receive,
in the year of their reemployment, a vacation with pay allocation equivalent to what they would
have received had they been continuously employed throughout the preceding payroll year, less
any payments previously made to them on account of per pay period vacation allocations for the
same prior year.
9.10 Time spent on personal leave in excess of two continuous weeks for reasons other
than disability (as defined in Articles 10 and 11), military service, and jury duty, shall not be
considered time worked for purposes of vacation accrual, and per pay period vacation allocations
will not occur during such leaves.
9.11 Time spent on Disability Leave shall be considered time worked for purposes of this
vacation plan, provided that vacation credit shall not accrue while an employee is receiving
insurance benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability Income Insurance Plan.
10.1 The Company agrees to provide the following Disability Benefit Plan, in order that
eligible employees may be insured against loss of pay when unable to work because of non-
occupational illness or injury. The Union pledges its cooperation with the Company in preventing
abuse of the Plan by its members and in the enforcement of Section 10.11 and 10.12 hereof.
10.2 COST OF PLAN - The entire cost of the Disability Benefit Plan shall be borne by the
10.3 DEFINITION OF DISABILITY-Any bona-fide non-occupational illness or injury which results
in the inability of an employee to perform the duties of theirjob shall be considered disabilityfor
the purpose of this Article 10, subject to the exclusions listed under the following Section 10.4.
10.4 EXCLUSIONS-No employee shall receive benefits under this plan for any disability which
is for a condition occurring in the course of or resulting from the employee's violation of criminal
laws, provided the employee is convicted of, pleads guilty or otherwise admits to violation of a
criminal law.
10.4.1 Occupational injury incurred by an employee in the service of the Company is covered
by Article 11 of this Agreement. An employee may utilize accrued sick leave or vacation benefits
to cover up to 25%of their shift if an occupational injury was incurred in the service of a previous
employer. An injury suffered by an employee while representing the Company or while engaged
in work of a civic or community improvement nature or youth program, for no compensation or
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 12
token compensation will be considered a non-occupational injury under this plan and benefits
will be paid subject to the provisions of Section 10.7.
10.5 ELIGIBILITY— Each full-time employee shall be eligible for sick leave benefits under this
plan in accordance with the schedule contained within Section 10.7.1. Each full-time and part-
time employee shall become eligible for short-term disability benefits on the first of the month
following the month in which the employee is hired.
10.6 BENEFITYEAR—The benefit year is the payroll year as defined in Section 21.10.The term
"payroll month" used in the following sections is defined in Section 21.9.
10.7 DISABILITY BENEFITS— Disability benefits shall begin, subject to the provisions of Section
10.11, on the first scheduled workday of an employee's absence on account of disability.
Disability benefits are comprised of: a) sick leave, and b) short-term disability benefits.
,K 10.7.1 SICK LEAVE — Sick leave is awarded to the employee's sick leave bank on December 26
and on the date of hire, in accordance with the schedule below.
Month of Hire Hours of Sick Leave Allocated
December 26 through February 72
March or April 60
May or June 48
July or August 36
September or October 24
November or through December 25 12
Regular employees in their first full calendar year, subsequent to the beginning of the payroll
year of December 26, will be entitled to 96 hours of sick leave. In the second and subsequent
years, the regular employee is entitled to 120 hours of sick leave. Sick leave may be accumulated
at the rate of 120 hours per calendar year.The Union will work in cooperation with the Company
to see that sick leave benefits are utilized for the purposes defined within this agreement.
A regular part-time employee shall receive a pro-rated sick leave allowance based on the
following table. This pro-rated benefit will be applied to the schedule above, based on the
number of years of service as a regular part-time or regular employee.
Hours of Work per Week Accrual Rate
Under 20 0%
20-29 75%
30-35 88%
Over 35 100%
Sick leave benefits will be paid in the amount of 100% of an employee's regular straight-time
rate, beginning with the first scheduled workday of an employee's absence on account of
disability. Disability benefits are comprised of(a) sick leave and (b) short-term disability benefits.
Sick leave hours that are not used for personal illness or injury are intended to be saved for
employee's healthcare funding upon retirement pursuant to the Health Reimbursement
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 13
Accounts for Sick Leave Hours at Retirement LOA (August 19, 2011). It is the employee's
responsibility to manage their sick leave hours to meet funding and/or leave needs.
10.7.2 SHORT-TERM DISABILITY - An employee who has been on disability leave for five
consecutive workdays or 40 hours of scheduled work, pro-rated for part-time employees, shall
be eligible for short-term disability benefits which shall continue until the date of certification by
a licensed physician that the employee is capable of (a) returning to work in their regular job or
(b) when the employee applies for and receives insurance benefits under the Company's Long-
Term Disability Income Insurance Plan, but in no case to exceed a period of six months from the
date the disability occurred or the date the employee was no longer able to work, whichever is
Short-term disability benefits shall be paid at an amount equal to 75% of the employee's regular
straight-time rate for the hours in their normal workday. To be eligible for short-term disability
benefits, an employee must be under the care and orders of a physician.
An employee who has hours credited to and remaining in their sick leave bank may supplement
the short-term disability compensation by subtracting hours from the bank which, will increase
the disability benefit provision to 100% of the employee's regular straight-time rate of pay. Each
employee will be allowed to make a personal decision whether to use their sick leave or vacation
to supplement their disability benefits (both occupational and non-occupational) to increase
their compensation while off work. However, if an employee does choose to supplement their
disability benefit, sick leave balances will be used for this purpose first, with vacation balances
available after all sick leave benefits have been exhausted.
Any employee who does not report to work due to their own personal illness as described in this
section of the agreement, must use their allocated sick leave to cover their absence. No Time Off
Without Pay (TOWP) will be granted if an employee has sick leave or vacation hours available.
This includes the 40-hour waiting period to qualify for short-term disability benefits and any leave
under the Family Medical Leave Act.
If an employee has a scheduled vacation per Section 9.3 and has exhausted their vacation
allocation due to these provisions, TOWP will be granted to cover the previously approved time
Employees may use their sick leave first, then vacation second for family medical emergencies
that qualify for coverage under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Extended absences for
family medical emergencies must meet the qualifications dictated by FMLA. Additional TOWP for
any reason after exhausting sick leave and vacation balances will be governed by the
requirements within the FMLA.
Requests for extended TOWP that is not covered under the FMLA is addressed in the Leave of
Absence Policy contained within this agreement.
An employee who has been receiving short-term disability benefits and who is released to return
to work, shall not have to meet another five days or 40 hours of scheduled work, pro-rated for
part-time employees' requirement if they become unable to perform their duties and provides
medical certification from a licensed physician substantiating a recurrence of the same injury or
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 14
illness within 14 calendar days of their return to work. If the accumulated periods of disability
exceed a total of six months, the Long-Term Disability Plan will become effective.
10.7.3 All accrued and available sick leave hours from prior payroll years shall remain in an
employee's sick leave bank and will be available for use as sick leave or supplementing short-
term disability benefit provisions.
10.7.4 Payment of available sick leave benefit credits will be made only as provided in
Article 10 Disability Benefit Plan.
10.7.5 Disability benefits shall not accrue for any period during which the employee is
receiving insurance benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability Income Insurance Plan.
Any remaining sick leave credit an employee has accrued prior to going on the Long-Term
Disability Income Insurance Plan, shall be retained for use in the event the employee returns to
regular employment status from the Long-Term Disability Income Insurance Plan. Employees
who have exhausted their STD benefit and have not qualified for long-term disability benefits and
are unable to return to work will be provided two additional months of unpaid leave in which to
attempt to qualify for long-term disability benefits or return to work. At the end of this two
months, if the employee has not returned to work or qualified for additional benefits, their
employment may be terminated. If the employee subsequently qualifies for long-term disability
benefits during the next four months, (a total of six months) they will be viewed as having
qualified for such benefits and their rights will be restored.
10.7.6 Upon the termination of employment of an employee for any cause, all available and
accrued benefit credits will be canceled, subject however, to the provisions in Section 10.7.7
hereof. Upon retirement from the Company, as defined in the PacifiCorp Retirement Plan
Document, sick leave hours will be treated as outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement, dated
November 3, 2004, found at the end of this Agreement.
10.7.7 An employee who,following layoff or leave of absence, returns to active employment
with the Company within one year of the start of such layoff or leave, and whose date of
beginning continuous service is retained in accord with the provisions of Section 21.11 hereof,
shall be entitled to restoration of their prior accumulated unused sick leave benefit credits upon
returning to active service.
10.8 STATE DISABILITY COMPENSATION — In the event that any non-occupational disability shall
be covered by any state or federal disability benefit law, the disability benefits hereby provided
for shall not be superseded thereby; but in such event, the benefits to be provided under this
plan in case of a non-occupational disability shall be reduced, in case of each separate disability
as defined herein, by an amount equal to the amount of the benefits or compensation which may
become available to the employee on account of such non-occupational disability by reason of
the provisions of such federal and state laws as may be applicable.
10.9 HOLIDAY— No disability benefits shall be paid for any day for which holiday pay is paid
under this Agreement.
10.10 VACATIONS — An employee who, while on paid vacation suffers a disability which
requires their hospitalization or confinement at home may apply for disability leave by notifying
the Company of such disability as promptly as available means of communication permits. Upon
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 15
such prompt notice, the employee will be placed on disability leave (a) on the date of their
admission to the hospital, or (b) beginning on the first day of their next scheduled workweek if
the disability did not require hospitalization. Disability leave shall continue until the date of
certification by a licensed physician that the employee is capable of returning to work, (subject
to requirements of Section 10.7). Upon return to work,the employee shall immediately apply for
disability benefits as required by Section 10.11 hereof, and must attach to such application
medical evidence of their disability as provided therein. The remaining unused portion of the
vacation shall be rescheduled within the payroll year with due regard for the Company's
operating requirement.
10.11 NOTICE AND EVIDENCE OF DISABILITY—An employee unable to report for work because of
illness or injury shall notify the designated supervisor of their absence and the reason therefore
as promptly as their available means of communication permits. A shift worker shall give such
notice not later than two hours before the beginning of their shift. No disability benefit shall be
payable for any period of absence in which an employee shall have failed, without good cause,
to give prompt notice as herein provided.
In order to receive benefits under this plan,the employee shall make application to the Company
on forms to be provided by the Company. Medical evidence of disability may, at the discretion of
the Company, be required for any absence. The expense of such medical evidence shall not be
borne by the Company. The Company, at its option, may require an examination of an employee
absent because of claimed disability either during the period of such claimed disability or upon
the employee's return to work, by a physician to be designated and paid for by the Company.
Medical evidence will be accepted from any practitioner accepted by the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries or the Oregon State Workers' Compensation Board.
Disability benefits to be allowed hereunder must be applied for in writing within two days after
the employee's return to work, or within two days after the commencement of short-term
disability benefits.
When the absence is for a family medical leave purpose,the provisions of state and federal family
leave laws will be followed. The employee must provide medical certification from their health
care provider (including a completed medical certification form for state and/or federal family
medical leave). The employee must also participate in second or third medical opinions, medical
re-certifications and fitness for duty medical certifications where requested by the Company and
allowed by state or federal family leave laws. The Company will pay for second or third medical
certifications in family medical leave situations and the medical certification will be obtained
from a medical provider permitted by state or federal family medical leave laws.
10.12 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITY— Misrepresentation by an employee of the facts with respect
to any disability for which benefits may be claimed by the employee under this plan shall
disqualify the employee for such benefits, and shall be just cause for disciplinary action.
Unscheduled sick leave utilized the day before or the day after a paid holiday as defined in
Article 8 has significant detrimental impact to the Company's operation. Employees desire
approved paid time off in association with such holidays, and the Company schedules the
maximum number of employees off on such days in order to accommodate these requests.
Employees who establish a pattern of unscheduled sick leave utilization in association with
Company paid holidays will be provided notice of such pattern absences.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 16
Sick leave benefits are not additional vacation days and are to be used for the reasons defined in
this Article of the agreement. An employee unable to report for work because of illness or injury
shall notify the designated supervisor of their absence and the reason for their absence as
promptly as their available means of communication permits. Sick leave benefits will not be paid
for any period of absence in which an employee fails, without good cause, to give prompt notice
as described above.
The Company recognizes that there may be situations where an employee has exhausted their
vacation allocation and personal circumstances require they be away from work. In such
situations, the employee may be granted up to three days of TOWP over the course of a payroll
year to cover their absence from work. These days are granted to avoid the inappropriate use of
sick leave and to allow employees the opportunity to manage their personal circumstances.
10.13 If a regular employee's presence is required at home because of serious illness of a
husband, wife, child or dependent parent, the employee's supervisor may authorize leave with
full pay for such absence, but not to exceed three days per calendar year. The employee will
record the reason for the use of this leave on their timesheet. Those three days, if authorized,
will be deducted from the employee's accumulated sick leave bank. It is expected that the time
will be used to make arrangements for care or medical attention and employees using this benefit
will use their best efforts to minimize impact to the business operations, including reporting back
to work for partial days. These days are to be used for the reasons defined in this Article of the
11.1 In the case of any disability incurred by a regular employee in the service of the
Company which is covered by State Industrial Insurance or Workers'Compensation,the Company
will pay to such disabled employee an occupational short-term disability allowance equal to the
difference between 75% of their regular straight-time wages and the amount of state
compensation for such period as they may be receiving such compensation, for a maximum
period of six calendar months for each continuous period of disability.
11.2 OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESS OR INJURY - Benefits shall begin on the next scheduled workday
following the date of injury or illness, which renders an employee unable to report to work and
shall continue until the date of certification by a licensed physician that the employee is capable
of (a) returning to work in their regular job or (b) when the employee applies for and receives
insurance benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability Income Insurance Plan, but in no
case to exceed a period of six months to the day the disability occurred or the date the employee
was no longer able to work, whichever is latest.
An employee on the day of injury will receive compensation at their regular straight-time rate as
if they have worked a regular shift.
11.3 An employee who has hours credited to and remaining in their sick leave bank may
apply the required number of hours from their bank to bring their disability compensation
provided under Sections 11.1 and 11.4 up to 100% of their regular straight-time rate of pay.
11.4 An employee released by the State Workers' Compensation Board for return to work
within said six months period, but who is unable to perform any job made available to them by
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 17
the Company, will continue to receive from the Company 75% of their regular straight-time
wages for the balance of said six months.
11.4.1 An employee who has hours credited to and remaining in their vacation leave bank
upon entering the Company's Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan, will have those hours frozen
in their account. If the employee is released to return to work before the end of the work year,
the vacation will be available to be taken. If the employee is unable to return by the end of the
work year, a check will be issued to compensate the employee for that vacation not taken.
Employees who have exhausted their LTD benefit and have not qualified for Social Security
disability benefits and are unable to return to work will be provided two additional months of
unpaid leave in which to attempt to qualify for such benefits or return to work. At the end of this
two months, if the employee has not returned to work or qualified for additional benefits, their
employment may be terminated. If the employee subsequently qualifies for Social Security
disability benefits and additional long-term disability benefits during the next four months, (a
total of six months) they will be viewed as having qualified for such benefits and their rights will
be restored.
11.5 Payment of benefits under this Article 11 shall cease upon the employee's retirement;
discharge for just cause; when their employment would otherwise terminate because of
reduction of force, or when insurance benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability
Insurance Plan begin, unless otherwise agreed to by the Company and the Union.
11.6 Payment of benefits under this Article 11 shall be subject to the provisions of
Sections 10.11 and 10.12.
11.7 Regular full-time and part-time employees considered for light duty shall use this
Section for selection and hours of work pertaining to light duty selection.
An employee who sustains an occupational or non-occupational injury or illness may be eligible
for light duty contingent upon the following:
(a) When the work is available, the employee is medically fit to perform the work and the
disability is temporary (six months or less) in nature.
(b) Preference for light duty work will be given to the employee released for light duty who
was disabled first.
(c) The employee assigned to light duty work will not be bumped by another employee
released for light duty.
(d) An injury/illness is verified by a licensed physician and the physician must approve the light
duty work.
(e) Employees on light duty will be limited to standard work weeks as outlined in Sections 18.1
and 18.2 of the Working Agreement.
(f) Employees on light duty will not be available for upgrades or overtime work unless
otherwise agreed by the parties.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 18
12.1 The Company and the Union each shall designate an equal number of representatives to
fourJoint Apprenticeship Committees, Lineman,Wireman, Estimator and Meterman who shall serve
until their successors are appointed. The committees shall determine the maximum number of
Apprentices to be employed under this Agreement and the locations at which they shall be trained,
and evaluate candidates as hereinafter provided. The number of Apprentices to be trained shall be
determined by (a) the needs of the Electrical Utility Industry for trained workmen; (b) the needs of
the Company for training additional skilled employees; (c) the opportunities for advancement of
eligible employees of the Company.
12.2 Vacancies in the Lineman, Wireman, and Meterman trade apprenticeship programs will
be filled as per Apprentice Qualified rules and procedures as outlined in the Apprentice Qualified
Letter of Agreement dated October 2018.
Vacancies in the Estimator trade apprenticeship programs will be filled as per the Estimator
Apprenticeship Program LOA dated January 8, 2018.
,e 12.3 Apprentices may be reassigned by the Company to provide proper job experience at
the start of their apprenticeship and twice during their apprenticeship. The cost of moving the
Apprentice will be borne by the Company as provided in Section 14.3.2. Seniority rights pertaining
to assignment or location cannot be exercised by the employee during their apprenticeship.
An employee who has entered an apprenticeship cannot exercise their rights for purposes of
bidding another classification while they are in training.
12.4 An Apprentice, other than an Apprentice Lineman or Apprentice Estimator, whose
apprenticeship is terminated by and at the initiation of the appropriate State Apprenticeship
Council shall be subject to layoff, provided that if they have a minimum of three years continuous
service, they shall have the right to be reemployed in any Helper vacancy that exists after all
other Helpers have bid any job vacancies created because of their layoff. If no such vacancy
occurs, they shall be eligible for rehire in a classification only under the provisions of
Section 14.6.1. An Apprentice, other than an Apprentice Lineman or Apprentice Estimator, may
voluntarily terminate their apprenticeship without prejudice by requesting reclassification and
bid at their expense to an existing vacancy for which they are qualified. If, for any reason, an
Apprentice Qualified, Apprentice Lineman or Apprentice Estimator fails to complete the required
training or apprenticeship, that individual will be terminated from employment with PacifiCorp
without recourse.
There will be a five-year limit from the date of hire as an Apprentice Qualified employee to the
date of completion of the Journeyman Lineman apprenticeship. This limit may be extended in
extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the committee.
12.5 No more than one Apprentice shall be assigned to a crew on maintenance or
construction work, except that when one Apprentice is in their fifth or sixth period, another
Apprentice in the first or second period may be assigned to a crew containing at least four
Journeyman Linemen. This ratio shall not be exceeded in the routine operation of any crew.
12.6 Each Apprentice shall work under the supervision of a Journeyman. The ratio of
Journeyman to Apprentice for Metermen Apprentices may be extended to allow for a second
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 19
Apprentice to be indentured when the first Apprentice has reached their fifth six-month period.
An Apprentice Lineman who has been approved for hot line training will not be permitted to work
within reach of conductors that are energized in excess of 600 volts between phases unless the
crew with which they are working has at least two Journeymen Linemen.
12.7 During the first two six-month periods of their apprenticeship, an Apprentice Lineman
shall work on a regularly established line crew, as defined in Section 16.3.5, to the fullest
practicable extent.
12.8 During the third and fourth six-month periods of their apprenticeship, an Apprentice
Lineman may be assigned to a service crew with one Journeyman.
12.9 During their first five six-month periods of apprenticeship, an Apprentice Meterman
shall not be assigned to a district having less than two Journeyman Metermen.
12.10 No Apprentice shall be permitted to work on live wires, apparatus, and/or equipment
operated at voltages in excess of 600 volts until the fourth six-month period of their
apprenticeship and until they have been approved for hot line training by mutual agreement
between their Foreman and supervisor.
12.11 Apprentice Lineman and Apprentice Wireman must have six months Groundman or
Wireman-type experience before starting apprenticeship or training.
12.12 The term "Journeyman" where used in this Agreement shall include Apprentices,
subject, however, to the foregoing provisions of this Section.
12.13 Employees who complete training in any program which uses a Joint Qualifications
Committee for evaluation of applicants shall remain in the classification assigned for a period
equal to the standard training period before they are eligible to enter training in another craft.
This provision will not apply to journeymen who are awarded an Assistant Meter & Relay or
Assistant Communication Technician position.
13.1 SENIORITY DEFINED-Seniority is defined as the length of continuous service worked by
an employee for the Company. For a job requiring the status of Journeyman, the length of
continuous service with the Company as a Journeyman in the appropriate branch of the trade
shall establish seniority, subject to the provisions of Sections 13.3.2 and 13.3.3.
13.2 WHEN ACQUIRED -A regular full-time employee shall first acquire seniority on the day
following the completion of six months continuous full-time service as defined in Section 21.11
hereof. A regular part-time employee shall first acquire seniority on the day following the
completion of the equivalent of six months continuous full-time service.
A casual or temporary employee shall not acquire seniority unless they are continuously
employed on a full-time basis for six months without a break for leave of absence or layoff.
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13.3.1 Seniority status, when acquired, shall be evidenced by a seniority date for the
employee, which shall be the date of the beginning of their continuous service.
Should two or more employees have the same seniority date the first priority for seniority will
be given to the employee's hire date. If the hire date is the same,the date the employee made
application to the company will be used. If the application date is equal, the two middle digits
of the employee's social security number will be used with the lowest number establishing the
senior person.
13.3.2 When an Apprentice is indentured after April 24, 2003, and completes their
apprenticeship with the Company and becomes a Journeyman, they shall be assigned a new
classification seniority date,which shall be the completion date of their apprenticeship.
When a Trainee, begins a training program after April 24, 2003, and completes their training with
the Company and is reclassified to the classification for which they were trained, they shall be
assigned a new classification seniority date which shall be the completion date of their training.
13.4 An employee's seniority status and date shall not be affected by absence from work
on account of:
(a) Illness under approved sick leave, absence while on leave offered as a reasonable
accommodation for a qualified individual with a disability, absence on leave protected
under state or federal family medical leave laws; or
(b) Injury in line of duty covered by State Industrial Insurance or Workers' Compensation laws;
(c) Time spent on approved leave of absence for service in the Armed Forces of the United
States, provided the employee returns to the Company's service following release from
military service within six months of first becoming eligible for release from military service;
(d) Service as a regularly empaneled venireman or juror as required by a court; or
(e) Layoff, provided they are re-employed by the Company within a period of one year
following such layoff; or
(f) A regularly approved leave for reasons other than sickness, occupational injury, jury duty,
or military service, provided such personal leave of absence does not exceed one year in
length; or
(g) A regularly approved leave for full-time employment as an officer or agent of the Union,
provided such leave does not exceed one year in length subject to extension by mutual
agreement between the Company and Union.
13.5 Loss of SENIORITY — An employee shall forfeit all accrued seniority and, if reemployed
subsequently, have only the status of a new employee, under any of the following conditions:
(a) When they resign their employment with the Company; or
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 121
(b) When they are discharged for just cause; or
(c) When they are laid off for a period exceeding one year; or
(d) When, following layoff, they fail to report for work within three weeks after written notice
from the Company by registered mail to their last known address; or
(e) When absent on a regularly approved leave for reasons other than sickness, family medical
leave, leave as a reasonable accommodation for a qualified individual with a disability,
occupational injury, jury duty, or military service hereinbefore defined, for a period
exceeding one year; or
(f) When they fail to return to work at the expiration of a leave of absence.
13.6.1 Service in classification shall mean the length of continuous service worked by an
employee in their job classification or combination of classification as detailed below. However,
an employee may never upgrade by virtue of long service in a lower of the combined
classifications. Credit for service in classification shall be canceled if an employee is voluntarily
reclassified in a lower classification for a period of two or more years.
13.6.2 Service in classification for Foreman, Line Foreman and Working Foreman shall be the
total time worked in any or all such classifications.
13.6.3 Service in classification for Equipment Men shall be the total time worked in any or all
such classifications in the same department (Line Department, Stores Department, etc.).
13.6.4 Service in classification for Lineman Agents, Lineman Representatives, and
Servicemen shall be the total time worked in any or all such classifications.
z 13.6.5 Service in classification for System Operator and Operators shall be the total
accumulated time worked in such classifications.
13.6.6 Service in classification for Journeyman Meter & Relay Technician and
Communications Technicians shall be the total time worked in such classifications including time
spent as an Assistant Technician.
13.7 Seniority lists will be published at least once a year.The Joint Seniority Committee will
meet in the fourth quarter of each year to prepare and publish the seniority list for the following
calendar year. Upon publication,the seniority list shall remain in effect as posted unless mutually
agreed to by the Company and the Union.
The Company and Union will meet within 90 days from the ratification of this agreement to
establish the Joint Seniority Committee process and details for the annual publication of the
seniority list.
13.8 An employee promoted or transferred by the Company to a position outside this
Agreement shall retain seniority acquired for up to one year if the employee returns to the
bargaining unit prior to the completion of one year. If the employee returns to the bargaining
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 122
unit after one year, that employee shall come back with the same seniority as when they left but
no additional time for the period they were outside of the bargaining unit.
14.1.1 NOTICE OF LAYOFF OR TRANSFER — The Company will give regular employees who have
acquired seniority status at least two weeks' notice of layoff or transfer at Company request.
14.1.2 The Company will post on its bulletin boards notices of all positions filled under the
following Sections 14.2.3 and 14.2.4. Notice will show the seniority date of the person filling the
position. Questions regarding any such placement must be mailed to the Director of Labor
Relations within five days of the date notice thereof is posted.
14.1.3 Any written evaluation of any employee used to determine their ability and
knowledge shall be made available to the employee within 60 days of such evaluation.
14.1.4 When an employee's work location is to be changed, (a) by the award of a bid position,
or(b) by assignment of an Apprentice or Trainee,such employee shall be given two weeks' notice,
confirmed in writing, of the date they are to report to the new assignment. This period may be
adjusted either way by agreement between the affected employee and the responsible
14.2.1 Job classifications marked with an asterisk (*) in the Wage Schedule, Section 22 of this
Agreement, are subject to posting and bidding. Vacancies in these classifications will be filled as
provided in the following sections.
An employee who bids a job out of their district must accept or reject the offer at the start of
their next scheduled workday following their regularly scheduled days off.
An employee who bids a job in their district must accept or reject the offer at the close of the
next scheduled workday.
14.2.2 The Company may assign an employee, (a) to fill a temporary job which is expected
to last less than six months, and (b)to fill a vacancy in a regular job for such period as will provide
reasonable time to post the bid, receive applications, and select an employee to regularly fill the
job. When making such temporary assignments, reasonable consideration will be given the senior
qualified employee.
14.2.3 Vacancies in biddable classifications expected to last more than six months will be
posted within 10 working days for a period of seven calendar days. If the Company does not
intend to fill this vacancy or requires additional time beyond the above mentioned 10 days to
evaluate the viability of the position or the posting of an alternative position, it will provide
written notice to the Business Manager of Local 125 describing the situation and the intended
actions of the Company. The local work group will also be informed of the Company's decision as
promptly as possible after communicating with the Business Manager.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 123
It is not in the Company's interest to unduly delay postings to avoid promoting individuals or use
temporary employees or local upgrades to inflict financial harm on potentially successful bidders.
Timely and accurate communications concerning the facts attached to any vacancy is required.
Any perceived violations of this Section should be discussed at the next scheduled
Labor/Management meeting.
14.2.4 All positions shall be filled by posting the position for bid as set forth in Section 14.2.1.
Bid for the position must be made electronically within seven calendar days of posting.
Employees must apply on the intranet through the designated Electronic Application System.The
receipt date and time stamp will be used to verify timeliness of the bid. Bids will be posted
Mondays on the Company bid board for seven calendar days. Qualifications to be considered
shall be ability, knowledge of the work, experience, physical fitness, and seniority. In the event
all factors are sufficient among applicants, seniority shall govern. The employee selected for a
job, other than a lateral, shall be awarded the job with a probationary period of six months in
which to demonstrate ability. It shall be the responsibility of the bid applicant to provide all
information on the electronic application form which they feel is important for proper
consideration of their qualifications. In the event the employee is not successful in their new
position and removed during their probationary period, the position will be re-bid and the
employee removed will fill the resultant vacancy created by the new successful candidate, or
another vacancy, assuming they are qualified to perform this work. If a new-hire or an employee
from another area of the Company fills the vacancy, the employee will have 60 days to
successfully bid a vacancy, or be placed in a vacancy in their previous classification. If the
employee isn't successful during the 60-day period, they will exercise their rights under
Section 14.5 of this Article and any move to a new location will be at the employee's expense.
14.2.5 No employee shall be eligible to bid on a Utility Specialist vacancy unless at the time
of submitting their bid, they shall have been assigned to a regular line crew or a station
construction crew for a minimum of six months, or shall have accumulated 2,000 hours of
temporary assignments to a regular line crew while employed as a regular full-time employee.
If there are no qualified bidders, the senior bidder shall be awarded the job with a reasonable
break-in period not to exceed the earlier of six months or accumulation of the aforementioned
2,000 hours, unless extended by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union.
This employee shall be classified as Groundman, for the six months or 2,000 hours identified
above, and shall be reclassified to Utility Specialist after completion of these hours.
z 14.2.6 An employee shall not be awarded a System Operator job unless at the time of
submitting their bid the employee shall have satisfactorily completed the System Operator
training program or has gained an equivalent level of skill by prior training and experience.
,e 14.2.7 An employee shall not be awarded a bid for Hydro Operator unless at the time of bid
submission the employee shall have satisfactorily completed the Hydro Operator training
program or gained an equivalent level of skill by prior training and experience, to be defined for
bidding purposes as an employee who is qualified to serve as a relief operator or has attained
the classification of System Operator.
,e 14.2.8 A six-person Joint Qualifications Committee with equal representation from the
Company and the Union is responsible for the development and administration of procedures,
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 124
including oral and written examinations, to determine the qualifications of applicants for the
position of Assistant Meter & Relay Technician and Assistant Communications Technician.
Applications will be accepted by the Joint Qualifications Committee for Assistant Meter & Relay
Technician and Assistant Communications Technician from any employee or qualified external
applicant who is a Journeyman in one of the branches of the trade or with equivalent training
and experience.
Selection of the successful candidate will be made by the Joint Qualifications Committee from
candidates both within the Company and from outside the Company that have successfully
passed the required test(s) or other mutually agreeable minimum qualifications that reflect
today's technology in these fields.
It will be the sole responsibility of the Joint Qualifications Committee to determine training
content and length of time per applicant, to qualify as a Journeyman Technician.
An Apprentice within six months of their completion date may apply and if certified by the
Committee will be added to the list of qualified applicants no earlier than their completion date.
The Committee will meet as needed throughout the term of the Agreement and will post a notice
in advance of examinations. All external candidates will be evaluated based on their previous
training and experience and will be required to pass any established tests prior to making a job
,e 14.2.9 When vacancies occur in the classification of Hydro Mechanic, Hydro Operator,
System Operator, and there are no qualified bidders, the Company may hire a qualified external
candidate or elect to bid a trainee position to fill the vacancy. The trainee will automatically
progress to the terminal classification upon completion of the training program.
System Operator trainee vacancies will be open to Electrical Journeyman or non-journeyman who
possess the electrical training, education, and/or experience as determined by the Joint
Qualification Committee (JQC). Eligible bidders may be required to pass the Electrical
Competency test and the Dispatch aptitude battery. If it is determined by the JQC that such a test
is applicable and necessary for this process, employees passing the test and aptitude battery will
be interviewed by the JQC and the position filled by joint selection.
,K 14.2.10 A Joint Qualifications Committee with equal representation from the Company and
the Union is responsible for the development and administration of procedures, including oral
and written examinations, to determine the qualifications of applicants for the positions of
System Operator, Hydro Mechanic Trainee and Hydro Operator Trainee.
The number of trainees to be trained shall be determined by (a) the needs of the Company for
additional skilled employees; (b) the opportunity for advancement of eligible employees of the
Company; and (c)the ability of the Company and the Joint Committee to coordinate training with
anticipated vacancies so that the graduating trainee can be promptly and productively used in
the position for which they are trained.
Hydro Mechanic Trainee and Hydro Operator Trainee applications will be accepted when
vacancies exist and referred to the Joint Qualifications Committee from any employee with a
minimum of six months continuous service as a regular full-time employee. The Committee will
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 125
meet when vacancies exist to review the qualifications of applicants, inform individual applicants
of deficiencies, and select qualified applicants with the earliest seniority date to fill vacancies.
Trainees whose training is terminated by the Company for failure to meet training standards shall
be subject to layoff, provided that they have a minimum of three years continuous service, they
shall have the right to be re-employed in any helper vacancy that exists after all job vacancies
have been filled which resulted from their layoff. If no such vacancy occurs, they shall be eligible
for rehire in a classification only under the provisions of Section 14.6.1. A trainee may voluntarily
terminate their training without prejudice by requesting reclassification and bid at their expense
to an existing vacancy for which they are qualified.
,e 14.2.11 Notice of selection of the successful bidder or posting of the eligibility list will be made
within 30 days of the date of closing of the bid. If it is not possible to make such selection within
the stipulated time, notice of the delay and the reason therefore will be posted. Notice of
selections from eligibility lists will likewise be posted. These notices and eligibility lists will be
posted on the Company bulletin boards and copies furnished to the Union. For System Operator
vacancies, no qualification list shall be maintained. It will be expected that employees bidding an
open trainee position will be a Journeyman or demonstrate successful completion of the required
non-journeyman pre-qualifications noted in Section 14.2.9 at the time of bid.
14.2.12 Any written evaluation rating made for determining the above qualifications shall be
furnished an employee so rated and the employee shall be given an opportunity to discuss it with
their supervisor.
14.2.13 Basis of rejection of an applicant for inclusion on a eligibility list or of a ranking
employee for selection to fill a vacancy from the eligibility list on which they appear will be
furnished by the Company if requested in writing by the rejected employee.
14.2.14 An employee who has been awarded a biddable position at their present work
location shall receive the rate of pay for the position within 10 working days of such award, unless
any delay is to accommodate the employee.
14.2.15 An employee who has been awarded a biddable position outside their present work
location must be placed on the new job within 30 working days of such award. If not so placed,
the employee shall begin receiving the rate of pay for the new position after 30 working days,
unless the delay is to accommodate the employee.
14.2.16 An Apprentice in their last six months period shall be allowed to bid on and receive a
Journeyman vacancy, so long as there are no qualified Journeymen bidders(with seniority status)
applying for such vacancy and the Apprentice is able to receive the necessary training to complete
their apprenticeship at that location.
14.2.17 Selection of General Foreman and Site Agent. Selection of the General Foreman shall
be as follows: The position shall be posted and bid pursuant to Section 14.2.4. Upon closure of
the bidding, a joint committee will interview and select the top five candidates for the position.
Interviews for this position will be conducted face-to-face whenever practical.The Company shall
have the sole discretion to select the final candidate and award the position.
Selection of the Site Agent shall be as follows: The position shall be posted and bid pursuant to
Section 14.2.4. Upon closure of the bidding, the top three senior bidders will be selected to be
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 126
interviewed by a joint committee. Interviews for this position will be conducted face-to-face
whenever practical. The Company shall have the sole discretion to select the final candidate and
award the position.
14.3.1 An employee transferred at their own request shall bear their own moving expenses.
14.3.2 A regular employee transferred at the request of the Company shall have their moving
expenses paid by the Company, except as provided in Section 14.3.4. Moving expense shall be
limited to the expense of moving the employee's household goods, mileage allowance one way
for one private automobile, and hotel and meals for the employee and their dependents for a
maximum of three days. (See also Section 12.3). In lieu of the above, an employee may also
choose to move their own possessions after receiving a written estimate from the Company's
contracted moving company. The employee reimbursement for this self-move will be 60% of the
written estimate from the Company's moving vendor. This would apply to moves under Section
14.3.4 and other trainee and apprentice moves covered within this agreement.
14.3.3 An employee who is awarded a job by bid or selection that requires them to relocate
will be reimbursed for their actual moving expenses up to a maximum of $2,500 but not more
than once in any 12 months period, provided the newjob (a) provides an increase in their regular
straight-time rate or (b) involves an employee in a basic journeyman classification bidding into
the following specialized classifications: Serviceman, Line Patrolman, Lineman Representative,
Assistant Communication Technician,Assistant Station Meter& Relay Technician, or (c) Foreman
bidding to Lineman Agent. Reimbursable moving expenses are limited to charges of a licensed
moving company or rental fees and mileage charges for a rental truck or rental trailer and
personal car for movement of the employee's normal household goods from the former to the
new location and hotel and meals forthe employee and their dependents for a maximum of three
14.3.4 A regular employee forced to move to another work location because their job has
been eliminated or pre-empted by an employee with greater"service in classification" or greater
seniority will have their moving expenses paid by the Company. However, an employee who can
downgrade and remain at the same work location, but elects to transfer to another work location
to avoid downgrading shall be paid their moving expenses but not to exceed $2,500.
14.4.1 If an employee by reason of physical limitations is unable to perform the requirements
of their regular job classification, they may be placed in a suitable job by mutual agreement
between the Company and Union.
The Company and the Union recognize that a qualified individual with a disability is entitled to
reasonable accommodation where it would enable an employee to perform the essential
functions of their regular job classification and not be an undue hardship. Where this is not
possible, re-assignment to a vacant position and/or placement under this Section may be
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 127
If there is no mutual agreement between the Company and the Union pursuant to the provisions
of Section 14.4, and either party believes that ADA accommodation considerations warrant such
a placement, the parties agree to seek the advice of the EEOC to resolve the issue.
If the parties have not resolved the issue after assistance of the EEOC, they agree to submit the
issue to expedited arbitration. The parties agree that all evidence and argument shall be
presented to the arbitrator at hearing and that the arbitrator shall issue a bench decision with
written justification to follow within two working days.
14.4.2 Each case shall be considered on its merits by a panel consisting of the Business
Manager of the Union or their designated Representative, the Company's Manager of Labor
Relations and two additional members, one of whom shall be designated by the Business
Manager of the Union or their designated Representative, and the other by the Manager of Labor
Relations. The panel shall have the authority to waive the seniority and bidding provisions of this
Agreement in order to place the disabled employee, and it shall determine the seniority rights of
such employee.
14.4.3 The placing of a disabled employee in a different job shall not constitute an increase
in the Company's normal working force.
14.4.4 If an employee by reason of non-occupational temporary partial disability is unable to
perform the requirements of their regular job classification, and in the judgment of their
attending physician and the Company's medical consultant such temporary partial disability will
prevail for six months or less, and the employee is capable of performing useful work in another
job classification, the Company may offer the employee such available work. If they accept,their
rate of pay during such temporary assignment will remain the same as their current classification.
If the employee accepts the available work as provided above, but becomes physically unable to
continue the temporary assignment or cannot resume their regular job assignment at the end of
the six months period, all time spent on disability since the onset of that disabling condition shall
be accumulative for determining the 180 day qualifying period for Disability Income Benefits
under the Long-Term Disability Income Insurance Plan.
14.4.5 When an employee having 10 or more full years of continuous service can no longer
perform their regular work because of the permanent-partial disability resulting from age,
personal illness or injury, or from a compensable injury suffered in the service of the Company,
they may, upon their request, or upon the recommendation of their supervisor, be assigned to
another job within their existing ability subject to the following provision.
14.4.6 This disability shall not be the result of conditions excluded in Section 10.4 hereof, or
of self-employment, or employment by others (except on Union business) for remuneration or
of disability resulting from service in the Armed Forces.
14.4.7 If a disabled employee is placed in a job, carrying a rate lower than their regular pay
rate, their pay in the lower rated job into which they are placed shall be determined by adding
to the rate of the new job 3%of the difference between their old job rate and new lower job rate
for each full year of continuous service, provided that the adjusted rate shall not exceed the
lesser of(a) their old job rate, (b) the Journeyman rate for the branch of the trade to which they
are assigned, or (c) the Operator rate for the station to which they are assigned. The rate thus
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 128
established is subject to change only through general wage increases or other negotiated
14.4.8 An employee who has been receiving benefits under the Company's Long-Term
Disability Insurance Plan, upon certification by a licensed physician that they are capable of
returning to work in the job classification that they held prior to the onset of disability, and who
refuses re-employment in such classification, will be terminated as a voluntary resignation.
14.4.9 An employee, who is receiving benefits under the Company's Long-Term Disability
Insurance Plan, will receive notice of vacancies within the Company. Upon certification by a
licensed physician that the employee is capable of returning to gainful employment shall, prior
to the last benefit payment to which they are entitled, be offered re-employment by the
Company in a job classification which is within their physical capabilities and in accordance with
Section 14.2 of this agreement. If no suitable vacancy exists, their seniority rights shall apply
under the provision of Section 14.5. If such employee refuses to accept the position offered,their
employment will be terminated as a voluntary resignation.
14.5.1 The Union and the Company recognize that when because of a change in the
Company's operations it becomes necessary to reduce the work force at any work location, an
employee's first right is to maintain their employment status at their present headquarters
group. If this is not possible, then it is next most important that they continue their employment
elsewhere within the Company so as to protect their established employment rights and benefits.
For the purpose of force reduction, a headquarters group is defined and established as follows:
Region Operations Power Operations Hydro Operation
• Seaside, Astoria • Portland • Bend
• Portland, Hood River, Moro • Bend • Condit
• Bend, Redmond, Madras, Prineville • Walla Walla • Lewis River
• Pendleton, Hermiston, Arlington • Yakima
• Enterprise
• Walla Walla, Dayton, Pomeroy,
Touche, Umapine
• Yakima, Harrah, Wapato, Moxee,
Selah, Westside, Naches, Sunnyside,
Toppenish, Zillah, Grandview
14.5.2 In the event of a force reduction at any work location, representatives of the Company
and Union shall promptly meet to determine application of the rules in this Section 14.5. These
rules apply only to force reductions.
14.5.3 Any situation not specifically covered by these rules shall be decided by the Company
and the Union consistent with the policy outlined in this Section.
14.5.4 No employee shall be laid off so long as there is a less senior employee occupying a
job which the first such employee is qualified and able to perform, except that Journeymen may
not downgrade to Helper classifications to avoid lay off.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 129
14.5.5 Headquarters for the entire Construction Department shall be Portland.
14.5.6 Probationary and temporary employees in the classifications affected shall first be
downgraded and/or laid off.
14.5.7 A Foreman may downgrade to Journeyman at the same work location replacing the
Journeyman with less seniority and the latest seniority date, or a Foreman may downgrade to
Working Foreman at the same headquarters group replacing a Working Foreman with less and
the least Service in Classification. If the above options are not available, a Foreman may
downgrade to Journeyman at the same headquarters group replacing the Journeyman with less
seniority and the latest seniority date.
14.5.8 A Line Foreman or a Working Foreman may downgrade to Journeyman at the same
work location replacing the Journeyman with less seniority and the latest seniority date, or a Line
Foreman or a Working Foreman may elect to replace the Line Foreman or Working Foreman in
the same headquarters group having less seniority and the latest seniority date. If the above
options are not available, a Line Foreman or Working Foreman may downgrade to Journeyman
in the same headquarters group replacing the Journeyman with less seniority and the latest
seniority date.
14.5.9 A Foreman, Line Foreman, and/or Working Foreman may elect to transfer to another
work location replacing the Foreman, Line Foreman, and/or Working Foreman, in the same
classification, if possible, having less seniority and the latest seniority date.
14.5.10 A Journeyman whose job is eliminated or who is displaced by a senior employee who
downgrades may transfer to another work location where a vacancy exists or to replace the
Journeyman who has less seniority and the latest seniority date. If no such job is available, they
will be laid off.
14.5.11 Journeyman Linemen classified as Lineman Agent, Lineman Representative, or
Serviceman shall not be included in the list of Journeyman Linemen when layoffs occur in line
crews. A Lineman Agent, Lineman Representative, or Serviceman, whose position is eliminated
may replace the employee within classification in the headquarters group, having less and the
least service in classification, or if this is not possible, may replace the Journeyman Lineman in
the same headquarters group having less seniority and the latest seniority date.
14.5.12 An Apprentice whose job is eliminated may transfer to another work location to
replace the Apprentice having the least Service in Classification. Following a force reduction in
any branch of the trade, the ratio of Apprentices to Journeymen in that branch (including all
Foreman and premium classifications) shall not exceed one Apprentice for the first six
Journeymen, and one Apprentice for each additional 10 Journeymen.
14.5.13 A force reduction affecting Utility Specialists, Logistics Workers, Infrastructure
Facilities Specialists (Inspection Specialists), Con nector/Disconnectors (Field Service Specialists),
Outage Coordinators, or Operations Clerks (Service Coordinators), shall be handled as follows:
The least senior employee (by classification) in the classification affected, shall have the
opportunity to fill any open vacancy first at their work location, secondly in their headquarters
group,thirdly bargaining unit wide,for which they are qualified or could become qualified within
six months.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 130
If no such vacancy exists, an employee may bump the least senior employee (by classification
seniority), in one of the above listed classifications,first bywork location,second by headquarters
group, thirdly bargaining unit wide.
If this is not possible, the employee force reduced may bump the least senior (by overall union
seniority)employee in the combined classifications of Meter Reader, Hydro Laborer, Hydro Utility
Worker, Salvageman, Groundman, Mechanic's Helper, or Station Wireman's Helper.The order of
consideration is:
1. Open vacancy in work location.
2. Open vacancy in Headquarters group.
3. Open vacancy bargaining unit.
4. Least overall senior in (a) work location (b) headquarters (c) bargaining unit.
If none of the above is possible, the employee will be laid off with return rights as per
Section 14.6.
14.5.14 An employee in one of the "combined" classifications whose job is eliminated or who is
displaced by a senior employee who downgrades may first transfer to another work location where
a vacancy exists or secondly, replace the employee who has less seniority and the latest seniority
date, regardless of location, consistent with the provisions of Section 22, Note (4d). Specifically, if an
employee is forced by the provisions of Section 14.5 to transfer into a classification in which they
have less than six months experience, they will be obligated to serve six months at the step rate
preceding the terminal rate for the classification. If no such job is available,they will be laid off.
If more than one employee is forced to transfer, the senior employee will be given their choice
of available location and job. Employees who choose to transfer then change their decision will
be laid off with no recall rights.
14.5.15 Force reduction in the Construction Department shall be confined to that
Department; provided, however, that if the employee to be laid off has three years or more
seniority or has been transferred previously to the Construction Department as a result of a prior
force reduction, they shall have the right of job protection as provided above.
,K 14.5.16 System Operators and Operators displaced by force reduction may transfer in the
manner and order as follows:
(a) Within the Station Group and classification to displace the employee with less, and the least
Service in Classification in that Station Group.
(b) To a lower Station Group to displace the employee in the same classification with less, and
the least total Service in Classification in all Station Groups combined.
(c) Within the headquarters to displace the Hydro Utility Worker or Hydro Laborer with less
seniority and the latest seniority date.
z 14.5.17 System Operator(s) displaced by force reduction may transfer in the manner and
order as follows:
(a) Fill an open vacancy within the bargaining unit for which they are qualified or if not possible;
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 131
(b) Replace the least/less senior employee (by classification seniority) in the reduced
employee's former classification if Journeyman. If not Journeyman, replace the least/less
bargaining unit employee; or
(c) Accept layoff with recall rights as per Section 14.6 of Collective Bargaining Agreement.
14.6.1 An employee laid off after having acquired seniority status and date as herein defined
shall, if vacancies occur within a period of one year following such lay off in the classification in
which they were laid off, be given an opportunity to return to a like job in order of their seniority
date. Such opportunity shall be by means of a certified letter from the Company delivered to the
last known address of the laid off employee. An employee's re-employment privileges shall be
lost if they fail, within one week of delivery of such notice, to advise the Company of their
intention to return to work within two weeks.
14.6.2 Employees who have been reduced from a classification, as previously provided for,
and who had occupied the classification on a regular job bid for six months or more, shall if
vacancies occur in the classification and in the location from which they were reduced, be given
an opportunity to return to that classification in the work location without bidding on said
vacancy.An employee transferred under the provisions of Section 14.3.4 shall be offered the first
opportunity to return to their former location at their own expense if a vacancy occurs at that
work location.
14.6.3 Apprentices who are eligible to be restored to Apprenticeship shall be placed in the
same period and time as that occupied at the time of reduction.
14.6.4 Seniority and service in classification of employees eligible for restoration to a
classification shall be the same as that used for reduction from classification.
14.6.5 For the term of this Agreement, temporary employment up to six months will be
offered to employees on layoff. If accepted, all benefits will be granted, if refused the employees
will not lose rehire rights (Section 14.6.1).
Temporary employment will be offered in reverse order of layoff to each employee with a current
telephone number.
It is recognized that temporary jobs contracted of a nature requiring three or more employees
and equipment will not be considered temporary employment with the Company.
An employee who accepts temporary work under this Section and is subsequently laid off from
the temporary employment shall have their one year reemployment rights under Section 14.6.1
extended by the period they worked in the temporary job.
This provision will be implemented upon date of ratification and will be effective for any
employee under this Agreement, who was on layoff under Section 14.6.1 on January 26, 1988.
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15.1 The Company and the Union shall each designate five representatives to the Joint
Safety Rule Committee who shall serve until their successors are appointed. The Committee shall
meet not less often than once each year to review the Accident Prevention Manual and to
consider changes in the Safety Rules. This meeting shall take place in July of each year.
15.2 The Accident Prevention Manual(s), as prepared, published and periodically reviewed
by the Joint Committee(s),shall, by this reference, be a part of this Agreement as though set forth
fully herein. The parties to this Agreement pledge strict adherence to the rules embodied in the
Accident Prevention Manual(s) and the rules and regulations governed by federal,state, and local
15.3 When the size of a crew or suitable equipment involves safe working practices, the
subject matter shall be handled in accord with Section 2.15 of the Accident Prevention Manual,
and employees shall not proceed with the work until the safety requirements have been met. If
necessary,the Company and the Union shall promptly consider any unsettled problems that arise
under this Section.
15.4 Regular employees will be given the opportunity for first aid training on the job and
are required to have and keep current a Medic First Aid card or equivalent.
15.5 Management shall realize its responsibility for the safety of Company employees and
the public. It shall be their duty to see that work under their supervision is being done properly
and in accordance with the Company, local, state and federal safety rules. The Company will
supply employees with the proper tools and protective devices including the appropriate training
in the use of such tools and devices. No employee will be permitted to continue to do any work
determined to be unsafe to themselves or their fellow employees.
Employees have co-responsibility for their own safety and that of their fellow employees.
Employees arriving at anyjob location shall report to the person directly in charge i.e., (Foreman,
lead or senior). Under no condition shall any employee start work until they have been
thoroughly briefed on the work they are about to do, including the hazards that may exist, by the
person directly in charge. Employees will not begin work until directed to do so by the person in
charge and when they themselves are confident that they understand the scope of the job and
that it can be done safely.
15.6 Both the Company and the Union (on behalf of the employees), agree to follow all
Federal, State, and Local regulations made applicable to the Company. It is understood that no
delays will hinder the responsibility by either parties when changes may occur within the
Company policies and or accident prevention manual. The Company has the responsibility to
implement such changes when required.
15.7 Rubber gloves shall not be used for working on circuits in excess of 5,000 volts.
Protective equipment and all devices installed on energized conductors in excess of 5,000 volts
shall be installed with hot sticks. (The only exception to the above shall be, if no protective
equipment or device has been manufactured for a particular situation, protective equipment may
be installed with rubber gloves on voltages not over 15,000 volts for that particular situation
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 133
15.8 The Company will provide personal protective equipment(PPE) as required by OSHA's
2008 standards addressing Employer Payment for Personal Protective Equipment, including but
not limited to; linemen's belt, hooks, employee hard hats, non-prescription safety eyeglasses or
goggles, hearing protection and gloves when used to mitigate hazards.
15.9 The Company will provide Journeyman and Journeyman Apprentice classifications an
annual shoe allowance of$120 per year for a period of up to three years or maximum accrual of
$360. All other employees required to wear safety-toed shoes as well as Metering employees
and Estimators will also receive an annual shoe allowance of $80 per year for a period of up to
three years or maximum of$240 for appropriate footwear to perform their job.
This language supersedes any agreements or practices inconsistent with the terms immediately
An employee receiving this benefit is required to wear the safety-toed footwear while on the
clock, unless there is no risk of falling hazard, e.g. working in the office or attending classroom
15.10 In the event an employee's personal tools, clothing and/or equipment is destroyed or
stolen while in the employ of the Company and the employee was not negligent in the care
and/or storage of such items, the Labor Relations Director and Business Manager will meet to
agree upon fair payment to the employee for the value of the destroyed or stolen items on a
case-by-case basis.
16.1.1 Employees shall report for duty at the permanent work location designated at the
time of employment, or as such permanent work location may be re-established.
By mutual agreement, employee(s) may be assigned to report to work at a work location other
than their regular work location with no premium pay, provided they are notified by supervision
before the end of the previous day's shift and the work location assigned is closer to their
residence than their permanent work location.
By mutual agreement between the Company and Union, employee crews may be assigned to
report to work at a job location other than the regular work location. The conditions shall be
dependent upon the nature of the specific project or assignment as may be established pursuant
to this provision.
16.1.2 Permanent work locations for Lineman Agents and Lineman Representatives shall be
designated in the area to which they are assigned.
16.1.3 Temporary work locations may be established where suitable board and lodging are
16.1.4 The Company will provide board and lodging or meals only per diem and lodging for
regular employees when working out of temporary work locations as per the Letter of
Understanding listed at the end of the Agreement.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 134
16.1.5 A District crew assigned to work out of temporary work locations for a period
exceeding two weeks will be allowed to return to its regular work location on alternate weekends
on Company time and with transportation to be arranged for by the Company.
16.1.6 A Journeyman shall serve as observer when patrolling lines with aircraft. Such aircraft
shall be piloted by a pilot having a valid and current certificate of competency for the aircraft
16.1.7 Substation switching shall normally be performed by Journeyman Linemen,
Journeyman Station Wiremen, or qualified Power Department personnel.
�s 16.2.1 Work schedules and days off for rotating Shift Workers shall be determined by mutual
agreement between the supervisor and the employees affected.
16.2.2 Operators shall be allowed to trade time among themselves within the current
workweek, provided no additional expense or inconvenience is placed on the Company.
Operators involved shall notify their supervisor in advance.
16.2.3 Transfers of Shift Workers from one shift to another shall be so arranged that no loss
in regular pay results,and a minimum of 16 hours off duty shall be allowed,except in emergencies
or where otherwise agreed upon by the parties directly affected.
16.2.4 Hydro Station Maintenance employees, except those with dual classifications as Relief
Shift personnel and when so employed as Relief Shift personnel, normally working an 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. shift, when transferred to a shift work schedule between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.,
unless given 16 hours off duty, shall be compensated for the first shift so worked at the overtime
rate and subsequent shifts at the straight-time rate. Such change shall be made without loss of
pay, and such employee shall have at least eight hours off duty before returning to their normal
Workers employed as Vacation Relief Shift personnel or Relief Shift personnel may be used as
Shift personnel in any station for which they are qualified to work, to eliminate payment of
overtime to the normal Station Shift personnel. These workers shall have a minimum of seven
hours off duty between shifts. Assignment of vacation relief operators for emergency relief to
eliminate the payment of overtime to normal station personnel will be on the basis of length of
Service in Classification as an Operator for the station or stations in which they have qualified to
If a Relief Shift Worker is assigned by the Company to a schedule that requires them to make
three short changes seven hours or eight hours off duty between shifts) in any workweek, they
shall receive in addition to their regular straight-time pay for such third shift one hour premium
pay for each hour worked on that shift.
Journeyman Station Wiremen qualified as Relief Operators may be so used for the convenience
of the Company. They shall be given a minimum of seven hours off duty before going on shift or
when returning to their normal duty. Unless given 16 hours off duty, they shall be compensated
at the overtime rate for the first shift so worked, if it is scheduled between 4:00 p.m. and
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 135
8:00 a.m. Subsequent shifts shall be at the regular straight-time rate. Such changes shall be made
with no loss of pay.
16.2.5 An Operator temporarily transferred to a station having a higher wage scale shall
receive the rate of pay paid to the regular Operators at that station during such temporary
16.2.6 Stations may be reclassified for pay purposes during the term of this Agreement, if
any important changes are made in the equipment or operation of such stations.
16.2.7 When overtime is required for station operation, the normal station operating
personnel, to include designated relief, will be used if available, except when overtime pay is
involved under the provisions of Section 16.2.4.
16.2.8 A Journeyman engaged in maintenance work shall be provided with competent
assistance when necessary.
16.2.9 Tools required for normal operating care maintenance performed by non-
maintenance personnel will be furnished by the Company.
16.2.10 When non-maintenance personnel are assigned to maintenance crews,their work will
be directed by the first level supervision responsible for the job.
16.3.1 Framing of poles in poleyards may be done by a poleyard crew under the direct
supervision of a Journeyman Lineman receiving a Journeyman Lineman's rate of pay.
16.3.2 Erecting of poles and towers shall be done by Journeyman Linemen, with the
assistance of necessary Groundmen, under the supervision of a Foreman who is a Journeyman
16.3.3 Journeyman Linemen will perform the work where line design criteria prevail.
16.3.4 When such work is performed by Company employees, pole stubbing, hole digging,
and residential underground distribution trenching will be done by or under the supervision of a
Journeyman Lineman. A Journeyman Lineman shall be assigned to each mechanical hole digger
or trencher.
16.3.5 A regularly established District Line Crew is a continuing district crew supervised by a
Line Foreman who occupies their position as the result of a bid. The normal complement of a
regularly established District Line Crew of three or more workers shall include at least one
Journeyman Lineman in addition to the Foreman and may include a Utility Specialist, or
Apprentice, or Groundman.
16.3.6 Connecting and disconnecting of service wires and meters shall be done by
Journeymen, except that disconnect and reconnect orders for single-phase, self-contained
residential customer meters may be worked by a qualified non-journeyman employee. This
employee shall also be qualified to complete the requirements of the Company's obsolete meter
replacement program on single-phase residential self-contained meters.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 136
Employees in this classification will have work schedules from 8:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. and
will be eligible for overtime, both scheduled and call-outs through 7:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday. A Field Service Specialist with a 7:00 p.m. end of shift may complete orders received prior
to 7:00 p.m. and should work no later than 8:00 p.m. to complete these orders. New
connect/disconnect orders received at 7:00 p.m. or later will be completed by the local
Serviceman at work or by the Journeyman on call. A Journeyman working regular hours will
complete this work if available, prior to calling out an employee on overtime. For overtime call-
outs, the order of call out will be the Journeyman on Standby, the next two linemen on the call-
out list, then the qualified Utility Specialist, Field Service Specialist/Meter Readers qualified to
upgrade, then the remainder of the call-out list.
16.3.7 Emergency line work and work on customers' premises, except as provided in Section
16.3.6, shall be done by Journeymen.
16.3.8 Servicemen may be assigned to special shifts where such is required, in which case
eight consecutive hours on duty shall constitute a workday. The shift schedule shall be
determined by the supervisor and a majority of the regular Servicemen affected so long as it
conforms to the requirements of Section 18.3.
16.3.9 Servicemen on night, Saturday, Sunday, and holiday shifts will be paid at the District
Serviceman rate of pay and may perform any "single Journeyman" work during daylight hours,
defined as from %—hour before sunrise to%—hour after sunset. New revenue type work, shall not
be assigned after daylight hours. In addition, work shall be assigned with the intent that the
Serviceman shall be able to respond to outage calls and emergencies.
16.3.10 In all work locations, a Journeyman performing single Journeyman work at night may
call out another Journeyman to assist them when it is necessary to ensure personal safety or
perform the work in a safe manner as outlined in the Accident Prevention Manual.
In order to provide personal safety and protect Company property, a Journeyman who is called
out between one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise may call for an additional
Journeyman in regions where the employee feels their safety is at risk, or Company resources
may be exposed to theft or vandalism. This Section is to mainly address the requirement for two
Journeymen during this period in Portland being eliminated, and the parties' recognition that
there are limited times where a second Journeyman is not required. Safety of employees is of the
utmost importance, and managers will be expected to respect an employee's call for the
additional Journeyman if determined to be needed.
Portland Metro Operations Center callouts will be per respective departments
(Overhead/Underground). All employees of the respective departments will receive an
opportunity for the callout prior to calling employees outside of said department.
Portland Metro Operations Underground Department work covered under Section 16.4 shall be
the area defined as "card-only" access to Portland International Airport, Cascade Station and
underground network areas in the Southwest Portland "core" area and Lloyd Center.
16.3.11 Radio interference testing and installation and maintenance of communications
equipment shall be performed by Journeymen.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 137
16.3.12 Foremen of tree trimming crews shall be Journeyman Linemen or in-house Tree
16.3.13 Except within the underground systems where regularly established underground
crews are assigned, installation and maintenance of all direct burial underground electrical
circuits, both primary and secondary, and of outdoor pad-mounted transformers used in this type
of installation shall be done by regular line and station construction and maintenance
classifications as specified in Section 22.3 and 22.5 (wage pages) hereof.
16.3.14 Location and detection instruments used in connection with maintenance and
construction of the underground equipment will be operated by Journeymen and other
classifications as agreed by the Company and Union.
16.4 Underground Department (Portland)
16.4.1 Rules concerning responsibilities, protective equipment, transportation, working on
energized lines and equipment, tools and equipment, dispatching and clearances, generating
stations or substations, where applicable apply to this Section.
16.4.2 A regularly established District Underground Crew, is a continuing district crew
supervised by an Underground Foreman who occupies their position as the result of a bid. The
normal complement of regularly established district crews of three or more workers shall include
at least one Cable Splicer or Assistant Cable Splicer in addition to the Foreman and may include
a Utility Specialist, Journeyman Lineman, Apprentice or Groundman.
16.4.3 Crews other than described by Section 16.4.2 in the Underground Department may
consist of: (a) an Underground Foreman and one of the following: Cable Splicer, Assistant Cable
Splicer, Utility Specialist,Journeyman Lineman or Groundman; (b) a Cable Splicer and one of the
following: Cable Splicer(one of which shall be upgraded to the Working Foreman rate), Assistant
Cable Splicer, Utility Specialist, Journeyman Lineman or Groundman; (c) Assistant Cable Splicer
and one of the following: Journeyman Lineman, Utility Specialist or Groundman. Formation of
these crews shall be consistent with the Accident Prevention Manual and operating requirements
pursuant to safety and specific to the underground system when applicable.
16.4.4 Crews described by Section 16.4.3 when task trained in safety aspects, operating
requirements and construction and maintenance practices may: (a) splice de-energized primary
and secondary cable in the network area; (b) switch primary and secondary transformer and
circuit switches; (c) inspect and do repairs in vaults; and (d) other applicable work as covered by
the Working Agreement and Safety Manual. Exception: An Assistant Cable Splicer may not
supervise crews engaged in construction and maintenance of primary and secondary systems in
the network area.
16.5.1 A Meterman directing Journeyman Linemen who are connecting meter equipment
shall receive the Working Foreman's rate of pay.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 138
16.6.1 Permanent work for employees will be their assigned home district. Each specific
classification will be based on a seniority volunteer basis for each job. Apprentices will be
assigned and rotated to the job as needed per the NJATC guidelines. Section 14.2.2 shall not apply
to temporary construction assignments. No employee who volunteers for these assignments will
be displaced in their current classification and location.
16.6.2 Temporary work location shall be the work location for the local crews, or any shop
or station designated by the supervisor within a town or community where suitable board and
lodging is available.The Company will provide at such work location proper sanitary facilities and
adequate facilities for storing and drying tools, equipment and clothing.Jobsite show-ups will be
located approximately 30 minutes from the board and lodging location.
16.6.3 Crews shall be given at least 48 hours' notice of change of temporary work location,
except in emergencies. In event of a move schedule for Monday, such notice shall be given not
later than 4:30 p.m. of the preceding Thursday. Employees required to move Company
equipment to the new location will be so notified at the same time. In the event crews must
move without 48 hours' notice, the Company will reimburse the employees affected for
additional out-of-pocket cost for board and lodging at the new location. In the event a crew is
relocated in an emergency, the Company and the Union will promptly meet and agree upon any
additional cost(s) incurred by the affected employees as a result of the move.
16.6.4 Employees shall move from one work location to another on Company time and shall
be given sufficient time to establish themselves before reporting back to duty, in no event
exceeding four hours from the time the Company truck arrives at the new headquarters.
16.6.5 If employees do not desire to avail themselves of the Company provided lodging while
working away from their home districts, they may elect to take the per diem expense allowance
and report to the same place and at the same time as the employees using the Company provided
16.6.6 When employees are required to travel out of headquarters and be away overnight,
lodging will be provided by the Company. All other expenses will be included in a per diem
allowance pursuant to the current IRS rate for full days out of town.The day leaving and returning
to headquarters will be 75% of the full day current IRS per diem rate. Additionally, if the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) makes adjustments to the reimbursement rate, the new rate will become
effective on the date identified by the IRS.
Any employee who uses their personal vehicle on Company business shall be compensated for
such use at the current Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rate per mile.Additionally, if the IRS makes
adjustments to the reimbursement rate,the new rate will become effective on the date identified
by the IRS.
Each eligible employee of the temporary Construction Crews will receive the regular per diem
expense allowance for each day they work or reports for work. In any workweek that an
employee is scheduled to work, they will receive the regular per diem allowance.
(1) For a holiday(s) observed during that workweek if they qualify for holiday pay as provided
by Section 8.3, and
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 139
(2) In the event an employee is sick and not able to report to the jobsite, the Company will
continue to pay for the per diem if they are not able to return home.
When temporary construction employees return to their regular work location payment of
expenses shall be in accord with Sections 16.1.4 and 16.1.5.
The working rules and expense allowance arrangements shall be determined in advance of each
assignment by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union.
These rules shall include but are not limited to:
• Hours of work
• Jobsite locations
• Employee paid return weekends
• Lodging
• Expenses not mentioned within this Section, i.e., interim weekends.
• Classifications for the job
16.6.7 Per diem will be paid in accordance with the current collective bargaining agreement
and Company expense policies.
16.6.8 Whenever a temporary construction employee returns to their home district they will
be afforded overtime pursuant to Section 19.1.4.
16.6.9 The Foreman or Working Foreman on crews engaged in major substation construction
or maintenance will be qualified as a Journeyman Station Wireman.
The following rules shall apply to employees working on temporary construction assignment.The
scope of work shall be shared with the employees at least 60 days prior to the request for
1. Employees selected for the assignment will be on a volunteer basis. However, an employee
may elect, or be asked to return to their home district, regardless of circumstance, with no
2. The General Foreman and Foreman positions will be filled prior to Journeyman Lineman
volunteer positions.
3. If no General Foreman or Foreman volunteers, these positions will be filled pursuant to the
current Collective Bargaining Agreement.
4. Current post and bid process will be used only for IBEW Local 125 employees.
16.7.1 Logistics Workers will not perform such work as electrical repairs and testing requiring
the skill of a Journeyman, except as a Helper under the supervision of a Journeyman.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 140
16.8.1 One full set of mechanics tools will be provided for the following district garages:
Bend, Portland, Walla Walla, Warrenton, and Yakima. (An example of a tool set would be Snap-
On; Catalogue #9400-GSB.)
16.9.1 Employees whose travel time exceeds eight hours to reach the job location shall
receive a full-day per diem.
17.1 The following job descriptions apply to the respective job classifications listed in
Article 22 hereof, and shall not be construed as preventing an employee from being assigned to
perform other duties of an equal or lesser classification, subject to the provisions of
Section 17.2.4.
,e 17.2.1 A GENERAL FOREMAN is a supervising employee under the direction of an Operations
Manager who: (a) is a qualified experienced Journeyman in the branch of the trade they are
employed; (b) manages the operation of distribution and transmission facilities as assigned. The
General Foreman will be provided a vehicle for use in performance of their job. The General
Foreman may be assigned to assist district management with weekend responsibilities. Normal
stand-by and overtime provisions will be applied. A General Foreman's regular work schedule
shall be agreed to by the Company and Union, however, it is understood that they will be
expected to work overtime, as needed to fulfill job responsibilities. The General Foreman may be
required to engage in the manual work of the trade. Temporary upgrades to General Foreman
for vacation and sick relief will be at management's discretion. If a temporary upgrade is needed,
the Company may assigned an employee per Section 14.2.2. A General Foreman is not required
to hire, fire or discipline.
17.2.2 A LINE FOREMAN is a supervising employee who: (a) is in charge of a job and directs the
work of others; (b) is qualified as a Journeyman in the particular work under their supervision;
(c) works with the employees under their supervision to the extent that it does not interfere with
their supervisory responsibilities; and (d) is responsible for job planning, work methods,
equipment application, construction standards and job reporting for the jobs assigned.
17.2.3 A WORKING FOREMAN is a supervising employee who: (a) is in direct charge of a job; (b) is
qualified as a Journeyman; and (c) works with the employees under their supervision. In the case
of electrical station construction and maintenance crews, they may supervise: (a) no more than
three other employees when one of the three is working as a Journeyman; or (b) three or more
In an established District work location, a Line Working Foreman works with one other person
when such work is of the nature that it may be performed by two people total.
17.2.4 A JOURNEYMAN shall have had at least three years' experience or equivalent related
training, and shall be qualified in one of the following branches of the trade: (a) Line Construction
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 141
and Maintenance; (b) Station and Substation Construction and Maintenance includes but not
limited to: Journeyman Station Wireman and Journeyman Station Meter & Relay Technician;
(c) Meter Installation, Testing and Maintenance; (d) Underground Construction and
Maintenance; (e) Communications Construction and Maintenance; and (f) Estimating.
17.2.5 A HEAVY EQUIPMENT MAN is an employee who: (a) is an experienced Groundman or
Station Wireman Helper; (b) operates and drives a truck engaged in line and station construction
and maintenance work equipped with truck powered, cab-controlled hole diggers,or truck crane,
or diesel powered crawler type tractor; and (c)works as a Groundman or Helper when not driving
or operating the equipment in their charge.
17.2.6 An EQUIPMENT MAN is an employee who: (a) is an experienced Groundman or Station
Wireman Helper; (b) regularly operates and drives a truck when it is engaged in line or station
construction or maintenance work and which is of a nominal rating of 1—%tons or greater, or one
ton equipped with manually operated aerial ladder, or which is equipped with a boom or power
winch or hydraulic dump body; and (c) works as a Groundman or Helper when not driving or
operating the truck.
17.2.7 An APPRENTICE is an employee who is learning one of the branches of the trade listed
under Section 17.2.4 hereof.
17.2.8 A JOURNEYMAN'S HELPER is an employee who assists one or more Journeymen without
enlisting or qualifying as an Apprentice.
17.3.1 A LINEMAN AGENT is a Journeyman Lineman who possesses the qualifications and
performs the same functions as a Journeyman Serviceman; and in addition, represents the
Company in an area apart from other work locations; is qualified to direct the work of others;
and is qualified as a customer representative. The Company in selecting or retaining personnel
for such positions shall be sole judge as to the employee's ability and performance in customer
relations activities. Interviews for this position will be conducted face-to-face whenever practical.
Selection will be from the top five senior bidders.
17.3.2 A LINEMAN REPRESENTATIVE is a Journeyman Lineman who possesses the same
qualifications and performs the same functions as a Journeyman Serviceman but who spends a
substantial portion of their time in customer relations activities in a rural area, works out of their
home and is qualified as a customer representative. The Company, in selecting or retaining
personnel for such positions shall be the sole judge as to the employee's ability and performance
in customer relations activities. Interviews for this position will be conducted face-to-face
whenever practical. Selection will be from the top five senior bidders.
17.3.3 A JOURNEYMAN SERVICEMAN is a Journeyman Lineman who with a minimum of
supervision performs the following work: (a) Installs, maintains, and removes customer services,
(b) sets and removes meters; (c) investigates service interruptions, sectionalizes and/or clears
damaged equipment with maximum regard to public safety and to speedy restoration of essential
service; (d) investigates customers' service calls and complaints, corrects, if Company equipment
is at fault,or advises customer where to seek correction if their equipment is at fault; (e)operates
line and substation switches and control equipment on routine or emergency work and keeps
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 142
themself familiar with lines and stations; (f) refuses transformers and line devices; (g) works as a
Journeyman Lineman on a line crew when necessary; and (h) makes collection and service
connects and disconnects.
17.3.4 A DISTRICT SERVICEMAN is a Journeyman Lineman who performs the same work as a
Journeyman Serviceman; however, may be employed at non-standard days and hours as
identified at the time of bid.
A District Serviceman may perform any single Journeyman work during daylight hours, defined
as from %—hour before sunrise to %—hour after sunset. New revenue type work shall not be
assigned after daylight hours. In addition, work shall be assigned with the intent that the
serviceman shall be able to respond to outage calls and emergencies.
17.3.5 A LINE PATROLMAN is an employee who: (a) is a Journeyman Lineman familiar with
transmission line work; (b) patrols and maintains transmission lines, inspects poles, and clears
rights-of-way; (c) is qualified to perform switching and related work; and (d) works with a line
crew when required.
Line Patrolman positions will be filled by joint selection of the top five senior bidders. If the joint
selection team is at impasse, the senior bidder will be awarded the position. Interviews for this
position will be conducted face-to-face whenever practical.
17.3.6 A COLLECTION REPRESENTATIVE is a Journeyman who collects or arranges for payment of
delinquent bills involving the disconnection or reconnection of customer service at the meter.
17.3.7 A UTILITY SPECIALIST is an employee who: (a) is an experienced Groundman or Stations
Wireman Helper; (b) regularly operates and drives a truck when it is engaged in line or station
construction or maintenance work and which is equipped with a boom and power driven winch,
or hydraulic or electric aerial ladder, or brush chipper, or boom-mounted digger, or which is used
for hauling poles or a 4-wheel trailer or operated a wheel type tractor or truck-mounted backhoe
on electric utility construction or maintenance; (c) works as a Groundman or Helper when not
driving or operating the equipment in their charge; (d) is trained to perform connect/disconnect
functions on single-phase residential meters; (e) is trained to perform non-emergency, non-
callout underground line locates that do not require electrical connections; (f) is trained to
perform pole inspections; and (g) is qualified to work with a Journeyman as part of a two-man
crew for the purpose of completing residential service work. When working as part of this two-
man crew, the Journeyman will be upgraded to the Working Foreman rate.
17.3.8 The SITE AGENT Is an employee under the direction of a Construction Manager, is
qualified as an Estimator, Journeyman Lineman or Journeyman Lineman Estimator. A Site Agent
manages Construction Operations as assigned. Site Agents may open pad mount transformers
for the purpose of estimating.
17.3.9 A LINEMAN-ESTIMATOR is a Journeyman Lineman with five years lineman experience may
bid into a one-year training program as developed by a newly established Joint Qualification
Committee. Upon completion of this training program, a Lineman-Estimator will be paid 105% of
the then current Journeyman Lineman rate.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 143
17.3.10 A DISTRICT ESTIMATOR is a fully-qualified experienced Estimator located in a District that
has one or more regularly established line crews and no Operations Manager. As directed by
supervision, is qualified to provide scheduling and coordination of work requirements and
assignments in the District in addition to Estimator duties. Employees in this classification will be
grandfathered and future vacancies will be bid as Journeyman Estimators or Journeyman
17.3.11 A SENIOR ESTIMATOR is a fully-qualified experienced Estimator located in a District that
does not have an Extension Supervisor or a District Engineer. As directed by supervision, is
qualified to provide coordination of work requirements and assignments in the District in
addition to their Estimator duties. Employees in this classification will be grandfathered and
future vacancies will be bid as Journeyman Estimators or Journeyman Lineman-Estimators.
,e 17.3.12 An ESTIMATOR is an employee qualified to perform all estimating functions by training
as an Estimator Trainee or equivalent education and experience. They shall have a basic
knowledge of electrical theory and practice, and a detailed knowledge of construction
specifications, electrical codes, and rate and service policies. They shall make field surveys,
prepare right-of-way permits, crossing and conflict documents, expenditure requisitions and
related papers and assists in the preparation of district annual budgets as assigned. The Joint
Qualification Committee will create a self-study-training program that Incumbent Estimators
may complete. If an Estimator completes this program, they will be reclassified to the
Journeyman Estimator classification. This training program will mirror the electrical theory and
practice curriculum of the first year of the apprentice lineman training. Employees in this
classification will be grandfathered and future vacancies will be bid as Journeyman Estimator or
Journeyman Lineman-Estimators.
17.3.13 A JOURNEYMAN ESTIMATOR is an employee qualified to perform all estimating functions
by training as a Journeyman Estimator Apprentice or equivalent education and experience. They
shall have an intermediate knowledge of electrical theory and practice, and a detailed knowledge
of construction specifications, electrical codes, and rate and service policies.They may make field
surveys, prepare right-of-way permits, crossing and conflict documents, expenditure requisitions
and related papers and assists in the preparation of district annual budgets as assigned.
,K 17.3.14 SERVICE COORDINATOR A — Has successfully completed all required training and
evaluation segments.
SERVICE COORDINATOR B—Successfully completed required training and evaluation segments D and
SERVICE COORDINATOR C—Successfully completed required training and evaluation segment D.
SERVICE COORDINATOR D — Entry level position. Must demonstrate basic clerical skills, which will
include keyboard proficiency, office etiquette as well as oral and written communication skills as
determined by the joint sub-committee. The determination of these qualifications will be done
by test, and/or joint interviews as determined by the joint sub-committee.
Upgrades will not be made among Service Coordinators. Any clerical assignment may be given to
each level of Service Coordinator, with training and evaluation segments used for advancement
only. The employee shall qualify as a Service Coordinator A in a maximum of two years, with the
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 144
Company providing a minimum of five modules of training every eight months. In the event that
management does not allow the employee to complete the five modules required for
advancement, within an eight-month period, the employee will automatically progress to the
next level; however, with the expectation that those modules will be completed in the future.
Advancement to Service Coordinator A is not dependent on the posting of a Service Coordinator
A position, but is a progression within classification.
Open Service Coordinator A positions will first be filled by the Senior Service Coordinator A
bidder; second by the senior Service Coordinator B bidder;third bythe senior Service Coordinator
C bidder; fourth by the senior Service Coordinator D bidder before other employees. When no
incumbent Service Coordinator bids on an open Service Coordinator position, the open position
will be filled by the senior bidder that has met the qualifications developed by the joint sub-
All Coordinators may continue to do Service Dispatching for Servicemen. No Coordinators shall
be assigned supervisory responsibilities. In addition,there shall be no upgrades in these positions
other than the normal progression from D to C, C to B and B to A.
17.3.15 A REGION SYSTEM OPERATIONS GENERAL FOREMAN is a supervising employee under the
direction of Region System Operations management who: (a) is a qualified System Operator
able to function in any of the roles of the region system operators; (b) supervises assigned
operators and provides training and technical direction to operators; (c) assists management
with reviewing of open shifts and at managements request assist with callouts to fill open
shifts, (d) and may be required to provide relief as necessary, and (e) other duties as outlined
by RSO-POL-063 Region System Operator General Foreman Roles and Responsibilities.
A Region System Operations General Foreman is expected to work overtime,as needed to fulfill
their job responsibilities. The General Foreman may be required to engage in the work of a
System Operator, including after-hours callouts. Temporary upgrades to General Foreman for
vacation or sick relief will be at management's discretion. A General Foreman is not required
to hire,fire, or discipline.
Region System Operations General Foreman vacancies will be posted and bid pursuant to
Section 14.2.4. Upon closure of the bidding, management will select qualified candidates to be
interviewed by the PCC Director and their designee.The Union will provide a representative to
participate in the interview process for these candidates. The Company shall have the sole
discretion to select the final candidate and award the position.
.ems 17.3.16 A LEAD SYSTEM OPERATOR is a System Operator assigned to a 'primary' desk as
determined by management and will fill shifts as required and assist the desk System Operator
during high workload periods. Management may change primary desk assignments without
displacement or bidding. This position will be proficient and able to perform duties on each of
the desks, perform job assignments as directed by Management which may vary by desk, and will
work a fixed day shift from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Lead System
Operators covering 12-hour shifts will be paid eight hours straight time and four hours of
overtime at the applicable overtime rate. Lead System Operators will participate in the overtime
call out list for the primary desk they are assigned and will be at the bottom of the call out list for
all other desks. These positions will be filled by management selection from among the three
most senior System Operators at PCC from those who bid each position. In general, the Lead
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 145
System Operator may perform the following duties: switching preparation and research,
contacting field personnel for switching issues, scheduling shifts, providing backup capabilities to
prepare the Prosper Morning Report and Trips Report, provide backup reporting for outage
management(ORS, PETE, CADOPS), providing corrections to maps, and providing SCADA diagram
connections and modifications. In addition, under management discretion, the Lead System
Operator may provide backup for some general foreman duties. Temporary upgrade to the
General Forman and/or Lead position will be at management's discretion. A Lead System
Operator position is a bid position and is not an upgrade position due to absence.
,e 17.3.17 A SYSTEM OPERATOR is a System Operator at PCC who monitors and controls the
electrical system and alarms, issues holds, clearances and assurances, operates computerized
systems (i.e., EMS/SCADA, CADOPS and COMPASS), prepares and executes switching orders,
maintains accurate logs and performs dispatching duties as assigned. A System Operator is a
qualified Journeyman or non-journeyman meeting the pre-qualifications in Section 14.2.9 and
who has successfully completed the System Operator training program.
A System Operator Trainee is expected to move through the training program established by the
JQC within the timeline established by the committee.
After hours call out for the work described above shall first be to the System Operator, second
the Leads, and third to the General Foreman.
R 17.3.18 An OUTAGE COORDINATOR is an employee who: must demonstrate a working knowledge
of existing tools (Trouble-up, Mobile-up, CSS, OVS, Power-out, etc.) within the first six-month
probationary period. If no qualified employees apply,the Company may hire the best-unqualified
internal/external applicant. Progress of probationary Coordinators will be reviewed monthly
against the training modules and standards by the Joint Committee. If the trainee fails to meet
the training and/or standards, and the Committee disqualifies the employee from the position,
they will be subject to the Force Reduction rules per Article 14 of the collective bargaining
agreement. The essential duties of the Outage Coordinator are: (a) acts as the point of contact
for outage information; (b) coordinates,gathers, and disseminates outage information; (c) assists
in calling and dispatching appropriate response personnel from information gathered through
outage or emergency tickets; (d) coordinates with dispatch resources; and (e) assists in
dispatching appropriate field related work and provides data input into necessary systems.
R 17.3.19 An INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES SPECIALIST is an employee who: (a) IS responsible for
inspections of all new attachments; (b) uses laptop and mobile data devices to perform loading
calculations; (c) assists with inventory verification and compliance audits; (d) prepares reports,
processes notices, enters data as directed; (e) communicates with customers and other utilities;
and (f) performs other duties relating to Infrastructure work as assigned.
R 17.3.20 An INSPECTION SPECIALIST within the Field Inspection Support group will be required to
inspect, evaluate and document information on overhead (distribution, transmission,
communications, municipality and private-ownership) and underground facilities. Inspection
activities include, but are not limited to pole attachment inspections, bird damage assessments,
condition verification, pole plating, pole stub removal assessments, pole attachment transfer
requests, ground-line pole testing, visual/safety inspections. An individual in this position must
become familiar with the National Electric Safety Code and PacifiCorp Construction Standards
and apply this knowledge to recommend appropriate corrective actions.As a member of the Field
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 146
Inspection Support group, an Inspection Specialist will establish working relationships with local
district and corporate office personnel, communications companies, municipality
representatives,and Pacific Power customers.Collection of data will require the use of measuring
sticks and wheels, binoculars, and handheld electronic devices. Familiarity with Windows based
computer systems, as well as typing, are required skills. The Inspection Specialist will be required
to demonstrate proficiency in various computer applications, including but not limited to,
applications such as PowerMap, FAAR, portions of CICS, GLEE, Microsoft Word, Excel and
Outlook. Training will be available for Inspection Specialists to learn these skills. An Inspection
Specialist will be proficient in the use of maps, data sheets, work requests and engineered
drawings.An Inspection Specialist will be based at various selected district offices; however,their
territories will extend throughout Pacific Power's service area.This position will require frequent
and extensive travel including overnight stays, and the possession and maintaining of a valid
driver's license.
17.4.1 An UNDERGROUND GENERAL FOREMAN is a supervising employee, at the Portland work
location, under the direction of a manager who: (a) is a qualified Journeyman or equivalent in the
branch of the trade they are employed, and (b) manages the operation/maintenance of Company
17.4.2 An UNDERGROUND FOREMAN is a supervisory employee at the Portland work location
responsible on a continuous basis for the direct supervision of an assigned crew and the work
they perform. They shall: (a) be a qualified Journeyman Lineman; (b) a qualified Underground
Cable Splicer; (c) supervise a crew of not more than four other employees when engaged in
underground line construction or maintenance work; (d) work with the employees under their
supervision to the extent that it does not interfere with this supervisory responsibilities; and
(e) be responsible for job planning, work methods, equipment application, construction
standards and job reporting for the jobs assigned.
17.4.3 An UNDERGROUND WORKING FOREMAN is a supervising employee who: (a) is in direct
charge of a job; (b) is a qualified Underground Cable Splicer; and (c) works with employees under
their supervision. They may supervise: (a) no more than one other Cable Splicer or (b) three or
more helpers.
17.4.4 An UNDERGROUND CABLE SPLICER is a Journeyman Lineman who has had not less than two
years' experience as an Assistant Cable Splicer and who has demonstrated their knowledge and
abilities in underground network theory, underground system physical and electrical layout, and
system maps, system construction and maintenance practices, equipment operation and
application, and splicing and terminating PILC and solid dielectric cables.
They shall be able to lay out and fabricate vault materials and to supervise employees in
installations in vaults and other related work sites. They make collections and service
connects/disconnects, sets/removes single phase and 200 amp 3-phase self-contained meters,
investigates customers' service calls and complaints, advises customer and/or Company of
equipment failure(s) and possible remedy, splices PILC and solid dielectric cables, inspects and
maintains underground vaults and manholes and the equipment therein contained, notified
customers of outages.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 147
A Cable Splicer may supervise and work with an Assistant Cable Splicer,Journeyman Lineman, or
Helper in the Lloyd Center underground and Downtown core area.
17.4.5 An ASSISTANT UNDERGROUND CABLE SPLICER is a Journeyman Lineman who works under the
supervision of an Underground Foreman, Underground Working Foreman, or Cable Splicer for
the purpose of acquiring skills and knowledge to perform all aspects of Cable Splicer duties.
An Assistant Cable Splicer may supervise employees per Section 16.4.3 and perform work
consistent with their status as a Journeyman Lineman.
When two Assistant Cable Splicers work together with no supervision from a Cable Splicer or
Underground Foreman then one of the Assistant Cable Splicers will be paid at the Cable Splicer
Upon completion of not less than two years and not more than 2—% years continuous service as
an Assistant Cable Splicer and with demonstrated ability and knowledge through testing and joint
review of all aspects of network system operation and construction and maintenance practices
and procedures, they shall be advanced to Cable Splicer.
17.4.6 An UNDERGROUND EQUIPMENT MAN is an employee who works under the direct
supervision of an Underground Foreman, Working Foreman, Cable Splicer or Assistant Cable
Splicer. They shall be proficient in all aspects of metal and liquid heating operations including
lead, ozite, oil and insulating compounds. Under appropriate supervision, they shall be
responsible for underground department vehicles daily upkeep and vehicle maintenance reports,
and ensuring proper tools and materials are maintained in truck stock.
17.5.1 A WIREMAN FOREMAN is a supervising employee who: (a) is in charge of a job and directs
the work of others; (b) is qualified as a Journeyman in the particular work under their supervision;
and (c) shall be proficient in all diagnostic testing and analysis of test results for equipment,
apparatus and wiring relating to their trade. If their crew consists of not more than two
Journeymen other than themself and two Helpers, they may perform work to the extent that it
does not interfere with the supervision of their crew. Where their Journeymen are engaged in
work on primary energized circuits or in the energized primary area, or equally hazardous work,
they shall devote their full time to supervision.
,K 17.5.2 A WIREMAN WORKING FOREMAN is a supervising employee of a regularly established crew
who: (a) is in direct charge of a job; (b) is qualified as a Journeyman in the particular work under
their supervision; (c) shall be proficient in all diagnostic testing and analysis of test results for
equipment, apparatus and wiring relating to their trade; and (d) works with the employees under
their supervision. In the case of station construction and maintenance crews,they may supervise:
(a) no more than three other employees when one of the three is working as a Journeyman, or
(b) three or more employees working as Helpers. (Upgrade)
17.5.3 A HYDRO WIREMAN is a supervising employee who: (a) is qualified as a Journeyman
Station Wireman with one year experience at a hydro facility; (b) shall be proficient in all
diagnostic testing and analysis of test results for equipment, apparatus and wiring relating to
their trade; (c) works with the employees under their supervision; and (d) has completed the
Hydro Wireman check off. In the case of station construction and maintenance crews: (a) they
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 148
may supervise no more than three other employees when one of the three is working as a
Journeyman, or (b)three or more employees working as Helpers.
17.5.4 A STATION WIREMAN is a Journeyman who installs, repairs and maintains generating
station, substation structures, equipment, apparatus and wiring.
17.6.1 A METER FOREMAN is an employee who is a Journeyman Meterman located at a District
headquarters who works with and supervises seven or more Journeyman Metermen, Electricians
and Apprentice Metermen assigned to the District Meter Department or supervises less than that
many Journeymen and Apprentices, but is responsible for the Company Meter Standards
Laboratory. They are also responsible for District Meter Records, shop and supplies and the
equipment assigned to the Meter Department operation.
17.6.2 A METER WORKING FOREMAN is an employee who: (a) supervises and plans the work of
at least three but not more than six other Journeyman Metermen, Electricians, Apprentice
Metermen or Meter Testers in the Meter Department; (b) is qualified as a Journeyman in the
particular work under their supervision; and (c) performs any work that may be assigned to the
various job classifications listed in this Section 17.6.
17.6.3 A DISTRICT METERMAN is an employee who is a Journeyman Meterman, located at a
District headquarters, who supervises the work of no more than two other Journeyman
Metermen, is responsible for meter supplies and equipment for their district, and performs the
work of a Journeyman Meterman.
17.6.4 A JOURNEYMAN METERMAN is an employee who: (a) installs,tests and maintains all types
and sizes of customer's meters, instruments and associated equipment and wiring; (b) does
routine testing of all types and sizes of meters when assigned to such work; (c) makes load and
voltage surveys; (d) reads demand meters and changes charts and tapes; (e) does instrument
transformer testing and repairing; (f) supervises Apprentice Metermen; and (g) tests direct
current meters, assisted by a Journeyman or an Apprentice Meterman.
17.6.5 An APPRENTICE METERMAN is an employee who, depending upon their ability and
training: (a) does routine testing of residential meters; (b) does instrument transformer and
meter wiring in the shop; (c) reads demand meters and changes charts and tapes; and (d)
performs any of the duties listed under Section 17.6.4 and under the supervision of a Meter
Foreman, Journeyman Meterman or an Electrician. On a case by case basis, by location, the
Union, Company and Meter Foreman will review the skill sets of the apprentice and allow the
apprentice to perform work for which the parties agree the apprentice is qualified.
17.6.6 An ELECTRICIAN is an employee who does any of the following work when assigned to
the department in which they are working: (a) installs meters, instruments and instrument
transformers and associated wiring; (b) tests and maintains demand meters, tests and repairs
instrument transformers and distribution transformers, clocks and instruments, tests insulators,
rubber goods and oil; (c) installs, tests and maintains radio, supervisory, and telemetering
equipment; (d) tests and adjusts regulators; and (e) tests equipment requiring test potential in
excess of 750 volts.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 149
17.7.1 A GENERAL FOREMAN LOGISTICS WORKER is a Logistics worker who Is in charge of four or
more Logistics Workers at a location or a location designated as a "hub" for material.
,iS 17.7.2 A LEAD LOGISTICS WORKER is an employee who works as a Logistics Worker and directs
the work of two or more other Logistics Workers at a "spoke" location. At locations that are
not a "hub", the Logistics Worker at the location will be eligible for upgrade to Lead Logistics
Worker when two or more additional Logistics Workers are assigned to assist and when a Lead
Logistics Worker or General Foreman is not assigned. If it is a district that has no assigned
Logistics Worker and there are three or more Logistics Workers with no Lead Logistics Worker
or General Forman assigned, the senior worker will receive the Lead Logistics Worker upgrade.
Logistics Workers assigned to a "spoke" location shall not be eligible to upgrade to General
Lead Logistics Worker will be filled by joint selection of the top three senior bidders. If the joint
selection team is at impasse,the senior bidder will be awarded the position. Interviews for this
position will be conducted face-to-face whenever practical.
R 17.7.3 A LOGISTICS WORKER is an employee who has successfully completed the Logistics
Worker training progression and (a) orders, receives, stores, transports, and issues materials; (b)
prepares all necessary papers in connection therewith; and (c) is thoroughly familiar with stores
routine and account procedures.
17.8.1 A JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC WORKING FOREMAN is an employee who: (a) is a qualified
Journeyman Mechanic; (b) schedules work for the garage; (c) performs all work required of other
Journeyman Mechanic classifications; (d) shall be responsible and in charge of a garage including
tools, test equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company, maintains equipment
records; and (e) instructs personnel in operation and preventive maintenance procedures of
assigned equipment.
17.8.2 A JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC IN-CHARGE is an employee who: (a) the single mechanic at a
District Headquarters; (b) is qualified to and does overhaul, repair, and maintain automotive,
traditional/hybrid electrical aerial insulated equipment, and other utility work equipment
including hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic driven components and equipment; (c) is qualified
to operate a garage and maintain equipment records; and (d) is qualified to instruct personnel in
operation and preventive maintenance procedures of assigned equipment.
,�e< 17.8.3 A JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC is an employee who: (a) is qualified to and does overhaul,
repair, and maintain automotive, traditional/hybrid electrical aerial insulated equipment, and
other utility work equipment including hydraulic, electrical, and pneumatic driven components
and equipment; (b) is qualified to operate a garage and maintain equipment records; and (c) is
qualified to instruct personnel in operation and preventive maintenance procedures of assigned
17.8.4 An EQUIPMENT MECHANIC is an employee who is in training to become a Journeyman
Mechanic and who: (a) is by training and experience a qualified automotive or mechanized
construction equipment mechanic who has successfully completed the standard qualifying
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA r a g e 1 50
examination and (b) by additional training and experience, including approved study courses,
shall qualify as a Journeyman Mechanic in a maximum of two years.
17.8.5 A MECHANIC HELPER is an employee who: (a) assists the Equipment and Journeyman
Mechanic(s); (b) cleans, lubricates and services automotive equipment; and (c) performs minor
vehicle and equipment repair work and other miscellaneous work as assigned.
If an employee in this classification, who has completed the progression steps to the terminal
rate, wishes to progress into a vacant Equipment Mechanic B position, they will be afforded one
opportunity to pass the standard qualifying examination.
17.8.6 UPGRADE FOR MECHANICS — Two or more mechanics can work together on assigned
projects without receiving an upgrade. However, the Senior Journeyman Mechanic will receive
an upgrade to Working Foreman when the Working Foreman is absent one full workday or more
and the Senior Journeyman Mechanic performs the duties of the Working Foreman including
supervising one or more mechanics or when assigned to specific projects and given the
responsibility of Working Foreman by a Transport Manager. The Senior Journeyman Mechanic
will receive an upgrade to Mechanic-In-Charge when the Working Foreman is absent one full
workday or more or less than a full day when the Working Foreman is absent, i.e., off on sick
leave, vacation, etc.
17.9.1 A HYDRO GENERAL FOREMAN (OPERATIONS) is a supervising employee under the direction
of a Hydro Operations Manager who: (a) is a Hydro Control Operator qualified in all areas of the
Hydro Control Center; (b) manages the operation of the Hydro Operators; and (c) provides relief
as necessary.
17.9.2 A HYDRO CONTROL OPERATOR (HCO) is an Operator on shift at the Merwin project who:
(a) is in charge of the project and dispatches duties; (b) monitors flows and adjusts generation
for the Lewis River, Wallowa Falls, Bend, Prospect Projects, Klamath River, and others as may be
assigned to Merwin Headquarters; (c) is qualified as a Hydro Operator A; (d)will provide direction
in establishing and issuing tagouts on hydro facilities; and (e) will maintain project records and
an accurate log of all project operations.
When two or more Hydro Control Operators are working together, the regular HCO assigned to
that shift shall be paid 105% of the normal rate of pay for that period of time. (The Lead Hydro
Control Operator, if utilized, shall be considered a vacancy and be awarded when required. It is
not an upgrade position. Currently this position is vacant.)
Progression rather than bid will normally fill position vacancies.
Operator A who has successfully completed the required training for the Hydro Control Operator
and provides relief as an HCO at Merwin.
17.9.4 A HYDRO OPERATOR A is in charge of generating plant of total capacity over 100 MW. A
Hydro Operator A is a qualified operator who is responsible for normally operating one or more
hydro plants in their area of responsibility. They shall be knowledgeable of the power plants,
water impoundments, water conduits, and switching in their operating area, as prescribed by the
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 151
Company. A Hydro Operator A will operate power plants and associated facilities, perform
switching orders and tag clearance on equipment. This includes generators, turbines, penstocks,
and other associated equipment. A Hydro Operator A will perform all duties assigned that are
the normal duties on a hydro project within the classification and qualifications, including
substation inspections, station and line switching, routine station check and servicing equipment
as required, log maintenance, and for reporting activities to the responsible Hydro Control
Operator. The Hydro Operator may perform maintenance on slip rings and commutators and
replace brushes, not to exceed 10% within a 60-day period, and cleans electrical equipment
during annual maintenance after it has been inspected by a Station Wireman.
The Hydro Operator A is a bid job which requires the employee qualify as a Hydro Control
Operator in accordance with the rules and timelines established by the Joint Qualifications
17.9.5 A HYDRO OPERATOR B is in charge of a generating plant of total capacity under 100 MW.
A Hydro Operator B is a qualified operator who is responsible for normally operating one or more
hydro plants in their area of responsibility. They shall be knowledgeable of the power plants,
water impoundments, water conduits, and switching in their operating area, as prescribed by the
Company. A Hydro Operator B will operate power plants and associated facilities, perform
switching orders and tag clearances on equipment.This includes generators,turbines, penstocks,
and other associated equipment. A Hydro Operator B will perform all duties assigned that are the
normal duties on a hydro project within the classification and qualifications, including substation
inspections, station and line switching, routine station check and servicing equipment as
required, log maintenance, and for reporting activities to the responsible Hydro Control
Operator. The Hydro Operator may perform maintenance on slip rings and commutators and
replace brushes, not to exceed 10% within a 60-day period, and cleans electrical equipment
during annual maintenance after it has been inspected by a Station Wireman.
Upon completion of all required training,the employee will be paid at the Hydro Operator B(fully
qualified) rate.
17.9.6 An OPERATOR INSPECTOR is an employee who inspects generating plants and substations,
and who is qualified to and does act as Relief Operator in any of the stations in their area. When
serving as an Inspector, they shall be paid not less than the highest station rate in their normally
assigned area but not to exceed the Journeyman Station Wireman pay rate. When serving as
Relief Operator, they shall be paid the Operator rate for the station in which they are relieving if
such rate exceeds their normal rate.
17.9.7 A HYDRO GENERAL FOREMAN (MAINTENANCE) is a supervising employee under the direction
of a Hydro Operations Manager who: (a) is a qualified Journeyman or equivalent in the branch of
the trade they are employed; and (b) manages the operation/maintenance of Company facilities.
17.9.8 A SENIOR HYDRO MECHANIC is a supervising employee under the direction of the Hydro
superintendent who: (a) is a qualified Hydro Mechanic with one year experience at a hydro
facility; (b) has completed the Senior Hydro Mechanic check off; (c) works with the employees
under their supervision; (d) as assigned, directs the maintenance and construction/upgrades of
facilities associated with hydro operations; (e) is responsible for a mechanical maintenance repair
shop or area including tools, equipment, supplies and spare parts supplied by the Company;
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 152
(f) prepares reports, equipment recommendations, and maintains records; and (g) assists in
planning and scheduling.
17.9.9 A HYDRO MECHANIC is an employee who with a minimum of supervision repairs and
maintains all types of mechanical equipment in a generating station and associated facilities,
including installation and proper alignment, and is also capable of performing precision work with
all types of machine tools. This employee will overhaul turbines, generators, governors, pumps,
valves, gates, compressors, and related mechanical equipment. A Hydro Plant Mechanic's skills
will include proficiency in all types of welding. When directly supervising another mechanic, or
two or more other workers engaged in plant maintenance, this employee will be paid 107.5% of
the regular rate of pay.
17.9.10 An OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR is an employee who: (a) is an experienced Hydro Utility
Worker; (b) operates a power driven bridge or gantry crane engaged in production plant
construction and maintenance; and (c) works as a Hydro Utility Worker when not operating
17.9.11 A HEAVY EQuIPMENT OPERATOR is an employee who: (a) is an experienced Hydro Utility
Worker; (b) operates and drives a road grader, or crawler-type tractor or an end loader over
%—yard bucket capacity, or operates and rigs mobile type cranes or other heavy equipment used
in general construction and maintenance of plant properties; and (c) works as a Hydro Utility
Worker when not operating the equipment in their charge.
Preference in filling a vacancy shall be given to employees who have held this bid job.
17.9.12 A LABOR FOREMAN (LEWIs RIVER) is an employee who: (a) is an experienced Hydro Utility
Worker on the Lewis River hydro project; (b) works with and supervises at least three other
employees; (c) is responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of buildings, parks, and
reservoir cleaning; (d) will oversee maintenance and construction in the area of responsibility;
(e) supervise park caretakers and summer helpers during the recreation season; and (f) assist in
planning and scheduling.
17.9.13 A LABOR FOREMAN is an employee who is: (a) an experienced Maintenance Man; or
(b) qualified to perform the duties of a Hydro Repairman, who works with and supervises at least
three other Hydro Repairmen, or Maintenance Men. A Labor Foreman when working with and
supervising semi-skilled and skilled Maintenance Men engaged in a major construction or
maintenance project will receive pay for such time worked at 110% of their normal rate of pay.
17.9.14 A FISH TRANSPORTER/HYDRO UTILITY WORKER is an employee who: (a) performs general
plant, waterways and substation work; (b) operates and drives all equipment not classified as
heavy equipment at hydro facilities; (c) operates a tugboat; (d) operates an end loader of%—yard
or less capacity; (e) applies herbicides and related chemicals; (f) performs minor non-licensed
electrical work such as replacement of light switches and water heater elements; (g) possesses a
Commercial Driver's License with a tanker endorsement; and (h)shall operate and drive both CDL
and non-CDL tanker trucks engaged in fish transportation from all Lewis River collection facilities
and the hatcheries as directed.
Fish Transporter/Hydro Utility Workers shall work a special shift other than Monday through
Friday to cover fish transportation seven days a week.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 153
17.9.15 A HYDRO UTILITY WORKER is an employee who: (a) performs general plant, waterways
and substation work; (b) operates and drives all equipment not classified as heavy equipment at
hydro facilities; (c) operates a tugboat; (d) operates an end loader of %—yard or less capacity;
(e) applies herbicides and related chemicals; and (f) performs minor non-licensed electrical work
such as replacement of light switches and water heater elements.
17.9.16 A HYDRO LABORER is an employee who performs unskilled duties as assigned. This
includes the duties as described in Letter of Agreement, dated November 17, 1999. When
assigned to other duties outside their classification,they will be paid at the appropriate rate listed
in Section 22.10. Time will be reported for such temporary assignments as provided in
Section 19.2.
17.9.17 A HYDRO METER & RELAY TECHNICIAN is a supervising employee who: (a) is qualified as a
Journeyman Station Meter & Relay Technician with one-year experience at a hydro facility;
(b) has completed the Hydro Meter & Relay Technician check off; and (c) is qualified to perform
all tests and adjustments and diagnose and correct trouble on the most complex relay and control
systems. They shall also be responsible for a meter, relay, and control equipment shop including
vehicles, tools, test equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company.
17.9.18 A HYDRO COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN is a supervising employee who: (a) is qualified as
a Journeyman Communication Technician with one year experience at a hydro facility; (b) has
completed the Hydro Communications Technician check off; (c) possesses an F.C.C. license to
maintain microwave and radio equipment; (d) has the knowledge and ability to install, test and
maintain all Company communication, supervisory control telemetering and data acquisition
equipment; (e) is responsible for a communications shop, including vehicles, tools, test
equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company; and (f) prepares reports, records
and equipment recommendations incidental to their work.
17.10.1 A SENIOR METER& RELAY TECHNICIAN is a supervising employee under the direction of an
Operations Manager who: (a) is qualified as a Journeyman Meter & Relay Technician; (b) works
with the individual(s) under their supervision; and (c) organizes crews, instructs and directs the
work of Meter & Relay Technicians, Assistant Meter & Relay Technicians, and others assigned to
them in work involving substation protection and control. The Senior Meter & Relay Technician
shall also be responsible for a meter, relay and control equipment shop, including vehicles, tools,
test equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company.
17.10.2 A LEADJOURNEYMAN METER&RELAYTECHNICIAN is a Journeyman Meter& Relay Technician
who works with and supervises the work of journeymen and/or technicians. The Lead Meter &
Relay Technician shall be in direct charge of the work they are performing on joint substation
17.10.3 A JOURNEYMAN METER& RELAY TECHNICIAN is a Journeyman with a working knowledge of
Company substation protection and control schemes. As assigned, installs, maintains, adjusts,
tests,troubleshoots and repairs substation protection and control equipment which includes but
is not limited to apparatus, meters, relays, controls and remote-control equipment.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 154
17.10.4 An AssISTANT METER & RELAY TECHNICIAN is a Journeyman in one of the branches of the
trade or an employee with equivalent qualifying training and experience who has been certified
by the Joint Qualifications Committee and is in training for the position of Journeyman Meter &
Relay Technician. They shall work with or under the general direction of a Journeyman Meter &
Relay Technician. An Assistant Meter & Relay Technician may work without direct supervision
when the employee has demonstrated previous qualifications or knowledge, skill and ability to
perform the assigned task to the satisfaction of the Joint Qualification Committee. The Joint
Qualifications Committee shall establish the maximum period to qualify as a Journeyman
Technician. An Assistant Meter & Relay Technician is expected to move through the training
program within the timeline established by the committee and shall be qualified as a
Journeyman upon completion of the training program.
17.10.5 A SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN is a supervising employee under the direction of
an Operations Manager who: (a) is qualified as a Journeyman Communications Technician; (b)
works with the individual(s) under their supervision; and (c) organizes crews, instructs and directs
the work of Communications Technicians, Assistant Communication Technicians, and others
assigned to them in work involving communications equipment. The Senior Communications
Technician shall prepare reports, records and equipment recommendations incidental to their
work. Also, the employee shall be responsible for communications equipment shop, including
vehicles, tools, test equipment, spare parts and supplies provided by the Company.
17.10.6 A JOURNEYMAN COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN Is a Journeyman having or obtaining within
six months of assignment an F.C.C. general radio telephone license with a working knowledge of
Company communications equipment. As assigned, installs, maintains, adjusts, tests,
troubleshoots, and repairs voice and data communications equipment, which includes but is not
limited to lightwave, microwave, radio, SCADA, telemetering and associated switching or
termination equipment. The Company will pay for the initial fee associated with obtaining an
F.C.C. general radio telephone license.
.ems 17.10.7 An AssISTANT COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN is a Journeyman in one of the electrical
branches of the trade or an employee with equivalent qualifying training and experience who has
been certified by the Joint Qualifications Committee and is training for the position of
Communications Technician. They shall work with or under the general direction of a
Communications Technician. An Assistant Communications Technician may work without direct
supervision when they have demonstrated previous qualifications or knowledge, skill and ability
to perform the assigned task to the satisfaction of the Joint Qualification Committee. The Joint
Qualifications Committee shall establish the maximum period to qualify as a Journeyman
Technician. An Assistant Communications Technician is expected to move through the training
program within the timeline established by the committee and shall be qualified as a
Journeyman upon completion of the training program.
Included as part of the required Communications Technician qualifications is the possession of a
valid F.C.C. license to maintain microwave and radio equipment. When fully qualified, they shall
be eligible to advance to Communications Technician without bid.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 155
17.11.1 A LEAD METER READER is a Meter Reader who works with and supervises the work of
another Meter Reader as required.They shall be in direct charge of the work they are performing.
They shall be qualified to and will prepare reports and records incidental to the work and will be
responsible for meter reading equipment and scheduling vehicle maintenance.
17.11.2 A METER READER is an employee whose duty is to read all types of meters used to
measure the use of service and to record accurately such readings. They may also call on
customers whose accounts are delinquent to negotiate full or partial payment and to accept and
receipt such payments and may perform other work as assigned in accordance with the working
A casual Meter Reader is an employee who has no regularly scheduled days or hours of work,
employed to perform necessary meter reading when regular, part-time or temporary Meter
Readers are not available on a straight-time basis.
A casual Meter Reader may be used to perform a regular or part-time Meter Reader's work in
order to make the regular or part-time Meter Reader available for non-meter reading
assignments provided that the period of work is not expected to exceed one week. If the period
to be worked is scheduled to exceed one week, the casual Meter Reader shall be reclassified to
temporary status. A series of temporary assignments to cover vacation relief, sick or accident
relief or separate temporary work assignments shall not be considered as a single continuing
vacancy for purposes of establishing the one week period.
In a work location, combined hours worked by casual Meter Readers shall not exceed 30 hours
in a week unless they are working in place of a regular, temporary, or part-time Meter Reader
who is unavailable to read meters due to upgrade or being on approved leave.
17.11.3 A FIELD SERVICES SPECIALIST is a Meter Reader or other qualified employee who, after
completion of designated meter connect/disconnect training, may be assigned under the
Company's cold service and delinquent account policies to connect/disconnect, or replace
residential single-phase self-contained meters. This employee shall also be qualified to complete
the requirements of the Company's obsolete meter replacement program on single phase
residential self-contained meters.
18.1 The standard workweek shall coincide with the calendar week and shall consist of
seven days beginning Sunday at 12:01 a.m. A basic week's work shall consist of five 8-hour
workdays and two days off, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The workday shall coincide
with the calendar day and shall consist of 24 hours beginning at 12:01 a.m. provided that an
employee, who works a regularly scheduled night shift, starting before midnight and continuing
past midnight, shall be considered as having worked one day only.
18.2 The normal week's work shall start on Monday and continue through Friday with
normal hours of work from 8:00 a.m.to Noon and 1:00 p.m.to 5:00 p.m., unless otherwise agreed
to by the Company, Union and majority of the affected employees. Arrangements may be made
between the supervisor and a majority of the employees affected for a %—hour lunch period in
which case the regular workday will end at 4:30 p.m.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 156
18.3 SPECIAL SHIFT shall refer to shifts worked other than the normal days and hours and
which are established to perform work that cannot reasonably be done during standard days and
hours. Assignment to such shifts will be held at a minimum consistent with the requirement for
providing adequate utility service or for performing the required work. Such special shifts may
begin at any hour of the day on any day of the week and shall continue for seven consecutive
days. Such special shifts shall be scheduled and shall be of a continuing or permanent nature.The
schedule shall provide for the time of the lunch period and the determination as to whether it
shall be %—hour or one hour shall be made by the supervisor and a majority of the employees
When two or more people are employed to perform the same type of work and such work
requires the use of a special shift, scheduling shall provide for a rotation system which shall
permit such employees to share equally in working the more desirable shifts and to share
Sundays and holidays off. Wherever possible, such schedule shall provide for two days off in
18.4 Minimum personnel (other than rotating and relief Shift Workers) required for Power
Department operation and maintenance shall have two days off in sequence, one of which shall
be Sunday if operating conditions permit, and the days off shall be determined in accord with
Section 16.2.1 hereof.
18.5 Garage employees shall have either Saturday and Sunday, or Sunday and Monday off,
unless otherwise mutually agreed to by Company and Union.
18.6 ROTATING SHIFTS shall refer to shifts established to have employees on a job which
continues 24 hours a day and seven days a week. For employees on rotating shift, eight
consecutive hours on duty shall constitute a day's work. The two days off shall be in sequence,
provided that Relief Shift personnel may be scheduled to take a single day off at the beginning or
end of a regular period of operating shifts and three days off in sequence at the other end of such
period of shifts if required for the convenience of the Company, provided that the last day off
shall coincide with the employee's normal Sunday.
18.7 Work in excess of eight hours per day, except as provided in Section 18.1, and work in
excess of five 8-hour days, or 40 hours in any workweek shall be considered overtime, but hours
of work for which daily overtime is paid shall not be included in computing weekly overtime.
Hours allowed for observed holidays and other time off with pay shall not be considered hours
of work for purposes of computing weekly overtime.
18.8 All employees required, in the course of duty, to travel from one work location to
another or to the site of the job, or from station to station, or from shop to shop (except as
provided in Section 16.1.1) shall do so on Company time.
18.9 In the event a crew wishes to return from the work site to the work location or a
suitable eating establishment, the Company will supply equipment to transport the crew to and
from such eating location provided that the elapsed time for traveling and eating will not exceed
the normal one hour lunch period (or lunch period as adjusted per Section 18.10.2) and that the
time spent in such travel shall not be considered time worked.
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18.10 The intent of this Section is to ensure that employees are not required to work
extended periods beyond normal meal and rest times, and an important element of a safe work
environment is regular relief for rest and nutrition. In order to qualify for an in lieu of meal
payment, employees must perform work through the entire meal period as outlined in Section
18.10.1. Travel time home as outlined in Section 19.5 that occurs during a meal period does not
qualify employee for an in lieu of meal payment.
18.10.1 Regular meal and rest times for other than shift workers are designated as follows:
Breakfast; 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.; Lunch; Noon to 1:00 p.m.; Dinner; 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.;
Suppertime Midnight to 12:30 a.m.
18.10.2 When conditions imposed upon the Company require that work be performed during
the regular noon time lunch or mid-shift meal period, the Foreman or immediate supervisor
(which may be a manager) may advance or delay the mealtime one hour without penalty. In the
event an employee is required to work through their lunch period, or their lunch period as
adjusted, they shall be paid at the equivalent of the double time rate for the lunch period and
until released for lunch or the end of their regular shift.
18.10.3 Employees who work during a regularly scheduled meal period, other than the regular
lunch period or mid-shift meal as provided above, may break from work for rest and nutrition,
which will be eaten on their own time. Employees, who are engaged in restoration field work,
may choose to work through their meal period (other than regular lunch period or mid-shift meal)
and receive a %—hour payment at the double time rate in lieu of their meal and rest break.
Management may direct the employee to take the meal and rest period or to continue if safe to
do so.There shall be no advance or delay of overtime meal periods. (It is expected that employees
will use good judgment in determining whether to break or to continue working in accordance
with the intent outlined in Section 18.10.) This Section shall not apply to pre-scheduled work.
For pre-scheduled distribution work, where restoration is a major concern or eating facilities are
unavailable the use of one meal in lieu of may be allowed by the crew if agreed by the affected
employees and Management.
For pre-scheduled transmission work in remote locations, where restaurant or eating facilities
are unavailable, the shop steward and manager shall meet and agree to a mutually acceptable
arrangement for providing meals. If mutual agreement cannot be reached, the issue will be
referred to the Local Union Business Manager and the Company's Managing Director of Labor
Relations for resolution. The intent is that the employees will be allowed to eat whenever
possible and reasonable. Best judgment is expected to be used by both the Union and
18.10.4 When an employee chooses to break from work for rest and nutrition per
Section 18.10.3, pay will continue until the employee arrives at the meal location and no payment
will be made for time used for the meal period other than a delayed breakfast eaten within the
employee's regular hours of work. It is expected that employees will use good judgment in
selecting a meal location within a reasonable proximity to their work location to enhance
customer service and minimize travel time.
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18.10.5 The decision to advance or delay any meal period except as provided in
Sections 18.10.2 and 18.10.3 shall be made by a majority decision of the crew affected with the
Foreman deciding any situation where the remainder of the crew is equally divided.
18.10.6 If an employee is required to work through their regular breakfast period into regular
hours of work,the employee may choose to take a breakfast meal and rest break(such time shall
not be deducted from their regular hours of work for pay purposes if employee works through
entire workday) or receive an in lieu of meal payment. If the employee is eligible to z-out, and
works a minimum of four hours into their shift, the Company will pay both the in-lieu of meal
payment and time worked for the breakfast meal and rest break.
19.1.1 Overtime is defined as: (a) time worked in excess of eight hours per day; (b) time
worked in excess of five 8-hour days or 40 hours in any week, except that hours of work for which
daily overtime is paid shall not be included in computing weekly overtime; (c) time worked on a
non-workday; and (d) time worked outside of regular work hours on a workday.
Compensation will not be paid for the time required to eat a meal unless working under
Section 18.10.6 or the employee is assigned to work a "Declared Emergency" as detailed in the
Letter of Agreement contained within this agreement.
19.1.2 Overtime compensation at the rate of 1-%2 times the regular straight-time rate of pay
shall be paid to Meter Readers (defined as Meter Readers and Lead Meter Readers) for hours
worked as defined in Section 19.1.1 except when:
(a) Time worked by a Meter Reader on their day off which is scheduled as a Sunday shall be
paid at the rate of two times the straight-time rate.
(b) Employees who are scheduled to work and do work, or are called out to work on a holiday
recognized under this Agreement, shall be paid at the rate of two times plus holiday pay for
a total of three times the regular straight-time rate of pay.
(c) Time worked by a Meter Reader between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. which are
outside of their normal shift or their shift herein adjusted, shall be paid at the rate of two
times the straight-time rate.
(d) Time worked by a Meter Reader for which the employee is called out for duty and is not
prescheduled and which is outside of their normal shift or their shift herein adjusted, shall
be paid at the rate of two times the straight-time rate.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 159
19.1.3 For all employees other than Meter Readers, overtime compensation will be paid as
Monday through Friday Hours
(Monday begins at the employees' regular start time)
Midnight 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Midnight
2x + 50%P I 2x + 50%P I 1x I 2x I 2x + 25%P
2x Pre-Scheduled
Call Outs
Saturday/Sunday/ Holidays*
Midnight 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Midnight
2x + 50%P 2x+ 25%P 2x+ 25%P 2x + 25%P 2x + 25%P
Saturday/Sunday/ Holidays*
Midnight 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Midnight
2x + 50%P 2x 2x 2x 2x + 25%P
* Holiday Pay and Section 19.7 (High Time) are to be added if applicable.
• Hours are rolled with the clock(if 7:00 a.m. is the start time then 7:00 a.m.to 3:30 p.m. would
be straight time- 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. would be 2X + 50%P...etc.).
• Employees are guaranteed and required to work their regular shift unless they are fatigued
as the result of overtime worked for a minimum of four hours after Midnight or worked six
hours after their previous shift with any part of those hours past Midnight (time to rotate
with shift).
• Overtime Premiums will be paid on employees paychecks in accordance with the following
provisions. These premiums do not apply to hours worked during a "Declared Emergency".
The 25% and 50% premiums identified above are eligible for employee 401(k) savings, the
Company match, and the ESOP contribution.
* See chart above for definition of the actual hours.
1. Scheduled overtime worked two hours before and two hours after the normal hours will be
paid at the overtime rate without a premium. Overtime scheduled during this same window
on Saturday and Sunday (or normal days off) and an observed holiday, will be paid at the
overtime rate without a premium.
,es 2. Overtime will be considered unscheduled if employees are contacted after their normal work
hours and on weekends. Parties agree that every attempt possible should be made to notify
employees 48 hours in advance for planned overtime. When less than 24 hours' notice is
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 160
given, overtime will be considered unscheduled. To facilitate planning and operational
efficiency, for Hydro North only, if employees are contacted at least eight hours in advance
and before 10:00 p.m. of the required reporting time for an overtime assignment, and the
hours worked are contained within the window identified in #1 above, this will be considered
"scheduled overtime."
3. Midnight Overtime is defined as the eight hours before the normal starting time: i.e., for
regular work hours of 8:00 a.m. — 4:30 a.m., this would be from midnight to 8:00 a.m.
However, pre-scheduled overtime two hours or less prior to the start of an employee's
regular shift shall be at the double-time rate.
4. Employees working overtime assignment will be provided the scheduled non-paid breaks for
rest and nutrition.
19.1.4 Employees shall be afforded equal opportunity for overtime work at their work
location. Portland Metro Operations Center will maintain separate overtime lists for the
Overhead and Underground Departments. No combination of overtime pay under this
Agreement shall result in a total rate of pay greater than two times the regular straight-time rate,
except as provided in Sections 8.4, 19.1.3 and 19.7 hereof. Hours of overtime pay shall be posted
regularly at each work location for each employee at that work location.
19.2 Where the work of an employee involves two or more classifications in the same day,
they shall be paid the higher rate for actual time worked in the upgrade situation.
19.3 When two or more Journeymen are working together unsupervised on maintenance
or construction, one of them shall be upgraded to the appropriate Foreman classification and
shall receive the rate of pay for that classification.
19.3.1 When two or more Journeymen Metermen are assigned to work together
unsupervised on maintenance or construction in the field, one of them shall be designated as
Meter Working Foreman and shall receive the rate of pay provided for that classification.
19.3.2 When a Journeyman Meter & Relay Technician is assigned to direct a joint substation
project, the employee shall be upgraded to the Lead Journeyman Meter & Relay Technician rate
of pay.
19.4 INCLEMENT WEATHER — If employees have reported to their work location for work and
it is mutually agreed between the supervisor and the majority of the members of a given crew
that weather conditions are such that they cannot work, such crew shall be relieved from duty
and paid for one hour at the straight-time rate.
If employees have left their work location and reported to the job site and a majority of the crew
decides that weather conditions are such that they cannot continue work, the Foreman shall
request their supervisor that the crew be relieved from work or assigned to other work that can
be performed. If relieved from duty, they shall be paid a minimum of four hours pay at the
straight-time rate, provided that if they have worked over four hours, they shall be paid for eight
It is understood that when necessary to protect life or property or to maintain service to the
public, any employees may be required to work regardless of weather conditions.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 161
19.4.1 An employee relieved from duty at their own request for other than weather
conditions by their supervisor shall be paid for time actually worked.
19.4.2 An employee relieved from duty by their supervisor because of inclement weather
conditions shall receive a minimum of four hours pay if they have worked less than four hours of
their shift or day, and shall receive a minimum of eight hours pay if they have worked four or
more hours on that shift or day.
19.4.3 An employee relieved from duty by their supervisor for disciplinary reasons shall be
paid for time actually worked.
19.5 An employee reporting for work or called from their home on other than their regular
day or shift shall receive pay at the overtime rate for a minimum of two hours, including not more
than %—hour required for reporting for duty; provided, however, that if they are called within
two hours of the beginning of their regular shift,they shall be paid at the overtime rate only from
the time they were called or from %—hour prior to the time they actually report for work,
whichever is later, until the start of their regular shift, and further provided that the minimum
call-out guarantee shall not apply to subsequent call-outs other than those which occur after two
hours from the time of the preceding call-out. If at least six hours' notice has been given, time
for pay purposes shall begin from the time the employee reports for duty and shall end when
they return to their work location. Call-out time with less than six hours' notice shall begin when
the employee is called, and shall end when they return to the place from which they were called,
but the maximum reporting time allowable with pay shall be %—hour, with a similar maximum
allowable for return after release from work. No travel allowance for return to the place from
which they were called shall be payable if the time worked extends into the employee's regular
work shift and they are released from work during or at the end of that regular shift.
There may be instances when being paid to work from home or off Company premises makes
sense. Mistaken call-outs are not considered work and shall not be compensated unless the
employee takes action to prepare to report, such as, but not limited to, dress and commence
preparing for the drive in to report. In these situations, the employee will be paid the two-hour
call-out minimum pursuant to Section 19.5.
Pay for time worked may require prior management approval and the following pay provisions
will apply:
• Situations less than or equal to six minutes are considered deminimis and shall be paid for
0.10 of an hour at the appropriate overtime rate.
• Situations greater than six minutes through 60 minutes will be compensated one hour at the
overtime rate.
• Situations greater than 60 minutes will be compensated for time worked.
• There is no stacking.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 162
19.6 An employee who is on standby duty by request of their supervisor during their
regular time off shall be compensated as per the following table.
Stand-By—Compensation: Amounts & Hours
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Holiday
2400- 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 2-8
0800- 1-8 0 0 0 0 0 1-8 2-8
1630- 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 2-8
All hours of stand-by compensation are at the straight time rate. The 1-8 is defined as one hour
of straight time pay for eight hours of stand-by.
Additional Stand-by provisions are contained in a Letter of Agreement at the end of this
Employees assigned to work out of town to respond to emergency situations who are not
otherwise placed on "declared emergency" rules of pay shall be paid four hours straight time pay
for eight hours of stand-by if the out-of-town employee is not assigned to work upon arrival, but
rather assigned to remain at a hotel or motel and the employee is otherwise prohibited from
leaving to carry on personal business.
19.7 An employee working over 80 feet above the ground, except on buildings where no
exceptional hazards exist, shall receive one-hour additional pay at their regular straight-time rate
for each hour worked at such height.
19.8 An employee whose primary job classification is changed to one in which they have
insufficient previous experience shall be given a reasonable break-in period with an experienced
employee in that position without an increase in pay. In other cases, employees will be paid the
rate prescribed in Article 22 hereof for the classification in which they are working except as
otherwise provided by this Agreement or specifically agreed to by the Company and the Union.
19.9 The Company shall not be obligated to pay transportation or subsistence expenses
incurred by an employee after termination of their employment.
19.10 The Company will pay employees at least twice a month, and will designate the
regular pay days. If a pay day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, pay day shall be the preceding
business day.
19.11 An employee requested in writing by the Company to travel for job interviews or tests
will receive leave with full pay for any of their regular hours of work required for such purpose
and be reimbursed reasonable travel, meals, and lodging expenses incurred.
19.12 The Company will furnish its approved safety straps, hook straps, and replaceable
gaffs when such items are turned in for replacement.
19.13 The Company will supply Meter Readers with some type of identification.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 163
19.14 The Company will provide either coverall service or disposable protective clothing for
employees when engaged in generator overhaul at the hydro plants at no cost to these
The Company will arrange to have coverall service available for Equipment Servicemen at no cost
to these employees.
19.15 The Company shall be responsible for providing and replacing small hand tools that
are required to perform assigned work.
20.1 The provisions of the Company's Retirement Plan for employees (approved by the
stockholders on October 19, 1948) with respect to retirement of employee there under will
govern and control in any case where conflict might otherwise arise or be claimed to exist
between any provision of said Retirement Plan and any provision of this Working Agreement.
20.2 The Retirement Committee appointed under the Plan will give the Union timely notice
of any difference of opinion or dispute which may arise between the Retirement Committee and
any member of the Union with respect to the administration of the Plan as it may affect such
employee,with opportunity for the Union to be heard by the Retirement Committee with respect
to the disposition of such difference of opinion or dispute. The Union may present proposals for
amendment of the Plan for consideration of the Retirement Committee.
20.3 The Company will give the Union timely notice of such changes in the Retirement Plan
as may be authorized by the Company's Board of Directors and agrees that said plan shall not be
terminated for the life of this Agreement and that any proposed changes affecting the bargaining
unit shall be negotiated and agreed to prior to implementation within this bargaining unit.
20.4.1 The Company will make contributions to the IBEW/Western Utilities Health &Welfare
Trust for regular and regular part-time employees covered by this agreement per Section 20.4.2
and any changes to Company and employee contributions for future calendar years will be
communicated in October of the preceding year.
z 20.4.2 These contributions will be divided in half and deducted on a per paycheck basis.
Additionally, these deductions will be made on a pre-tax basis in accordance with Section 125 of
the IRS code.
Employees will also have the option of choosing a non-contributory benefit plan that will provide
a different level of benefits and is described in the applicable summary plan description.
Regular part-time employees will be allowed to choose the appropriate level of coverage from
the above options and the Company will make the associated monthly contribution.
The Company will remain at the current cost sharing arrangement of 78/22 of the
Comprehensive Plan for 2022 plan year.
Beginning in plan year 2023 the cost sharing arrangement will move to 80/20 of the
Comprehensive Plan.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 164
In plan years 2024, 2025, and 2026 the cost sharing arrangement will move to 83/17 of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Any increases in premium cost during the term of this agreement will be borne by the Employer
and Employee in proportion to the annual premium cost share for the plan year in which the
increase occurs.
20.4.3 The IBEW/Western Utilities Health & Welfare Trust provides medical, dental, vision,
life insurance, accidental death life insurance, EAP, and substance abuse benefits to its
The parties agree that during the life of this Agreement, and as long as Local 125 represented
employees are participants in the IBEW/Western Utilities Health & Welfare Trust, the above-
referenced Benefits Plans for this bargaining unit are managed by the joint Trustees of the Trust
and any modifications to these Plans will be at the sole discretion of the Trustees.
20.4.4 In the event an active employee dies as a result of a workplace accident, the
employees' spouse and Plan eligible dependents will continue to receive medical, vision and
dental benefits at no cost to them for the first three years after the accident. Following that time,
these benefits will be available at the appropriate "monthly employee rate" for the selected
coverage's until the employee would have reached age 55. At that time, the spouse and eligible
dependents, if any, would receive retiree medical coverage with the Company subsidy (if the
employee was eligible for any subsidy) calculated as if the employee had reached age 55 and
20.4.5 LONG-TERM DISABILITY BENEFITS — Current and former Local represented, PacifiCorp
employees who are receiving Long-Term Disability benefits on January 1, 2005, will continue to
receive all life insurance benefits from the PacifiCorp Life Insurance Plan until they return to
active work, at which time they will be transitioned to Trust provided benefits. Subsequent to
January 1, 2005, employees becoming eligible for LTD will participate in health and life benefits
solely provided under the Trust.
20.4.6 During the life of this Agreement, either party may approach the other party regarding
Local 125 discontinuing their participation in the IBEW/Western Utilities Health & Welfare Trust
and participate in a different health and welfare plan. Any such change in participation must be
negotiated by the parties, and no change would take effect unless both parties mutually agree to
the change to include ratification from the bargaining unit. In the absence of a mutually agreed-
upon change or substitution,the terms of the current Agreement and plans shall remain in effect.
20.5 The Company has established a 401(k) Plan for employees as follows:
,es 20.5.1 The Company agrees to contribute an amount equal to 2% of the participating
employee's eligible compensation as defined in the plan document. *Additionally, the Company
will provide a 50% match to the first 6%of an eligible employee's contribution as provided by the
plan document. Beginning in the 2023 plan year, the Company will provide a 65% match to the
first 6%of an eligible employee's contribution as provided by the plan document.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 165
20.5.2 BASE CREDITS—The Company will provide additional contributions as set forth below:
Employment Status Base Contribution
Hired after October 1, 2008 4.0% of annual base pay
< Age 30 as of October 1, 2008 4.5% of annual base pay
Age 30 to 34 as of October 1, 2008 5.5% of annual base pay
Age 35 to 39 as of October 1, 2008 6.0% of annual base pay
Age 40 to 52 as of October 1, 2008 6.0% of annual base pay
Employees transitioned to 401(k)
As of January 1, 2012 6.0% of annual base pay
20.6.1 PENSION
Effective April 1, 2006, active employees represented by IBEW Local 125 and who were hired
before January 1, 2006, will be eligible for the better of two retirement formulas. Option one is
the current formula, which contains the "Social Security Excess Benefit" and the "Additional
Service Benefit"of 0.25%for all years of service over 30,calculated using service and final average
pay through April 1, 2006, plus the new 1.35% formula for years after April 1, 2006. The option
two calculation uses a new multiplier of 1.35% for all years of service only. All employees
participating in the Defined Benefit plan shall receive the higher of the two calculations.
Employees who were employed by PacifiCorp prior to January 1, 2006, and subsequently transfer
employment and become subject to this bargaining agreement will retain their accrued benefit
at transfer, and will accrue at the 1.35% accrual rate for only those years of service while under
this agreement. Further, employees covered under this agreement and accruing service under
the 1.35% formula will cease accruing at that rate in the event of transfer to a position covered
under a different formula. In each of these transfer scenarios, future increases in pay will be
recognized in final average pay for both formulas.
For purposes of calculating early retirement benefits, benefits calculated using the 1.35%formula
will be reduced as follows:
If the participant has at least 75 age and service points, the benefit will be reduced under the
Higher Percentage schedule in Section 4.03-1(e) of the Retirement Plan. Otherwise, if the
participant is age 55 or older but has less than 75 age and service points, the benefits will be
reduced using the Lower Percentage schedule in Section 4.01-3(b) of the Retirement Plan.
Participants meeting neither of the criteria above will have early retirement benefits calculated
using the terminated vested schedule in Section 5.02-2.
Active and LTD employees on April 1, 2006,will also receive full service credit for all service while
on Long-Term Disability and a pre-retirement death benefit will be made available for all
employees covered by the PacifiCorp Retirement Plan per the terms of the Plan.
Effective October 1, 2008, employees who are under age 53 as of that date will have their age 65
single life annuity benefit frozen under the PacifiCorp Retirement Plan and will no longer
participate in this plan as set forth immediately above and in Section 20.1, except as may be
provided in Section 20.6.2 below.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 166
Effective December 31,2011, all remaining employees in the PacifiCorp Retirement Plan will have
their age 65 single life annuity benefit frozen under the PacifiCorp Retirement Plan and will no
longer participate in this plan as set forth immediately above and in Section 20.1
These employees will receive 6.0% base contributions as provided in Section 20.5.2 of this
20.7 The Company will provide business travel accident insurance for all employees
covered by this agreement. If an employee is fatally injured and this policy pays a benefit to a
surviving spouse, additional medical benefits are currently available through the IBEW/Western
Utilities Health & Welfare Trust Fund.
20.8 Leaves of Absence. Leaves of absence for such personal reasons as family illness,
family death,jury duty, military service, and the like will be granted as provided by the Company's
policies, copies of which have been furnished the Union, and which are available for inspection
by any employee upon request to their supervisor.The Company will give the Union timely notice
of any change in this leave procedure.
20.9 If a regular employee is summoned by court or agency order to testify regarding facts
or events which became known to the employee during their assigned work hours, full pay will
be granted for that period of absence required to comply with such order; provided, however,
that no pay will be granted for absences to testify on behalf of parties exercising adverse action
against the Company, its agents, or subsidiaries.
The retiree medical subsidy for employees hired on or after January 1, 2006, shall be the same
as is the current bargaining unit employees through age 65 (or the then applicable Medicare
eligibility age), upon attaining age 55 and 10 years of service.
When retiree medical eligible employees hired on or after January 1, 2006, become Medicare
eligible,the Company will make available the same Medicare supplement plans that are available
to other retirees, but there will be no financial subsidy provided by the Company.
Employees hired on or after October 1, 2008, shall not be eligible for any financial subsidy
provided by the Company, but shall be provided access to the same retiree medical plans and
Medicare supplement plans that are available to other retirees.
For retirees hired before January 1, 2006, who obtain age 65 or become eligible for Medicare,
the Company will establish a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)for the retiree to use to
purchase medical insurance on the private market or through the Company's third party
administrator (currently OneExchange) for the retiree and any eligible dependents. This account
will be established the first of the month in which the retiree turns age 65 or becomes eligible
for Medicare. If the retiree should die prior to their eligible dependents,their eligible dependents
will continue to receive an annual HRA allocation and have access to the HRA for purchasing
medical insurance.The amount of the annual HRA allocation is determined based on the retiree's
age and service points at retirement as set for below.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 167
Age & Service Points Annual HRA Allocation per Person
(maximum of three people)
89.5 and over $1,575
84.5—89.4 $1,400
79.5—84.4 $1,225
74.5 —79.4 $1,050
69.5—74.4 $875
64.5—69.4 $700
up to 64.4 $0
Employees hired on or after January 1, 2006, will have the ability to enroll in post-65 medical
plans through OneExchange or similar administrator but are not eligible to receive an HRA
The following terms have the meaning stated wherever used in this Agreement.
21.1 The PROBATIONARY PERIOD of an employee is the first six months of their employment.
By mutual agreement of the Union, the Company and the affected employee, this period may be
extended by 90 days.
21.2 A REGULAR EMPLOYEE is one hired for indefinite tenure, not limited at time of hire by a
stated term or for a specific project.
21.3 A TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE is one hired for a specific project or definite period, in either
event not exceeding six months, with such limited period of employment stipulated at time of
21.4 A CASUAL EMPLOYEE is one employed in a helper classification who has no regularly
established workweek, whose days or hours of work are not fixed, and who works solely on call.
Such employees shall be employed only as a Hydro Utility Worker, Hydro Laborer, Maintenance
Man, as a Groundman as provided in Section 16.3.9; or as a Meter Reader, as provided in
Section 17.11.2
21.5 A FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE is one whose regular workweek is 40 hours.
21.6 A PART-TIME EMPLOYEE is one whose regular workweek is less than 40 hours.
21.7 A SHIFT WORKER is an employee whose daily hours of work rotate from one shift to
another periodically and whose duties are continuous from start to end of their shift.
21.8 Regular STRAIGHT-TIME RATE is that rate payable to an employee at their primary
classification as established by the Company records, provided that, if an employee has worked
at a secondary and higher-rated classification in more than 160 of the last 320 hours immediately
preceding a holiday or vacation period, such higher rate shall be considered the "regular straight-
time rate" for purposes of holiday, sick leave or vacation pay.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 168
21.9 A PAYROLL MONTH is a period beginning with the first day of the payroll period
established by the Company (presently the 26 day of the calendar month) and ending with the
last day of such payroll period (now the 25) day of the succeeding month).
21.10 A PAYROLLYEAR is the 12 months' period ending with the last day of the final pay period
in a year (now the 25 day of December).
21.11 CONTINUOUS SERVICE of an employee is the period of continuous time worked by them
for the Company, beginning with the first day of their most recent continuous employment by
the Company. The date of beginning continuous service shall be retained and the term thereof
shall remain unbroken in the event of layoff or leave of absence not exceeding one year, provided
that the employee at time of layoff or commencing leave has completed six months of continuous
service, or, in the case of a regular part-time employee, the equivalent of six months service.
Time spent on approved leave because of disability as defined in Articles 10 and 11 shall be
considered as time worked for the purpose of this definition.
Employment and seniority dates established as of March 25, 1960, shall not be changed as a
result of the foregoing paragraph.
21.12 A REGULAR JOB is a position the duration of which is not limited to a specific project or
to a specific term.
21.13 A TEMPORARY JOB is a position which is established for a specific project or limited term.
21.14 HEADQUARTERS is an operating entity of the Company for which a separate budget is
prepared (example - a district, a power department area, etc.)
21.15 WORK LOCATION is the service center, office, crew room or other place designated at
the time of hire or transfer at which employees regularly report for work.
22.1 Effective January 26, 2022, a 2.5% general wage increase for all classifications as
agreed to by the Company and Union. Additionally, a 1% inflation factor will be added to all
Effective January 26, 2023, a 2.5% general wage increase for all classifications as agreed to by
the Company and Union. Additionally, a 2% market increase will be added to all classifications.
Effective January 26, 2024, a 2.5% general wage increase for all classifications as agreed to by
the Company and Union.
Effective January 26, 2025, a 2.5% general wage increase for all classifications as agreed to by
the Company and Union.
Effective January 26, 2026, a 2.5% general wage increase for all classifications as agreed to by
the Company and Union.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 169
WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE: 2021 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
3.50% 4.50%
Code Group .(2.5%GwI! 2%Mrkt 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%+1%Adj) Adj)
* General Foreman 3211 9393 60.95 64.82 67.74 69.43 71.17 72.95
* Line Foreman 3459 8823 59.18 62.94 65.77 67.41 69.10 70.83
* Line Working Foreman 3468 8825 56.46 60.04 62.74 64.31 65.92 67.57
* Lineman Agent 3545 8844 58.28 61.98 64.77 66.39 68.05 69.75
* Journeyman Linemanl 3492 8830 52.69 56.03 58.55 60.01 61.51 63.05
* District Serviceman 3215 9394 55.25 58.76 61.40 62.94 64.51 66.12
* Journeyman Serviceman 3523 8838 52.69 56.03 58.55 60.01 61.51 63.05
* Line Patrolman - 106%1 3735 8899 55.85 59.39 62.06 63.61 65.20 66.83
* Lineman Representative 3550 8845 54.22 57.66 60.25 61.76 63.30 64.88
* Radio Working Foreman 3599 8858 51.92 55.22 57.70 59.14 60.62 62.14
* Journeyman Radio Serviceman 3568 8850 47.29 50.29 52.55 53.86 55.21 56.59
* Collection Representative 2431 9165 47.29 50.29 52.55 53.86 55.21 56.59
Apprentice Lineman
6th Six Months-90%1 3519 8836 47.42 50.43 52.70 54.01 55.36 56.75
5th Six Months-87%1 3515 8835 45.84 48.75 50.94 52.21 53.51 54.85
4th Six Months-84%1 3510 8834 44.26 47.07 49.18 50.41 51.67 52.96
3rd Six Months-80%1 3505 8833 42.15 44.82 46.84 48.01 49.21 50.44
2nd Six Months-76%1 3501 8832 40.04 42.58 44.50 45.61 46.75 47.92
1st Six Months-73%1 3496 8831 38.46 40.90 42.74 43.81 44.90 46.03
Apprentice Qualified -72%1 3376 9491 37.94 40.34 42.16 43.21 44.29 45.40
Apprentice Radio Serviceman
6th Six Months-90%1 3592 8856 42.56 45.26 47.30 48.47 49.69 50.93
5th Six Months-87%1 3588 8855 41.14 43.75 45.72 46.86 48.03 49.23
4th Six Months-84%1 3584 8854 39.72 42.24 44.14 45.24 46.38 47.54
3rd Six Months-80%1 3580 8853 37.83 40.23 42.04 43.09 44.17 45.27
2nd Six Months-76% 3576 8852 35.94 38.22 39.94 40.93 41.96 43.01
1st Six Months-73%1 3572 8851 34.52 36.71 38.36 39.32 40.30 41.31
* Radio Interference Man 3595 8857 36.15 38.44 40.17 41.17 42.20 43.26
* Powderman 3629 8868 37.56 39.94 41.74 42.78 43.85 44.95
* Heavy Equipment Man 3621 8866 37.56 39.94 41.74 42.78 43.85 44.95
* Line Equipment Man 3527 8839 34.38 36.57 38.22 39.18 40.16 41.16
* Utility Specialist (1) 8267 8267 31.88 33.91 35.44 36.33 37.24 38.17
* Equipment Man 3553 8846 31.88 33.91 35.44 36.33 37.24 38.17
Flagger/Helper 8848 8848 29.65 31.54 32.96 33.78 34.62 35.49
* Groundman 3531 8840 29.65 31.54 32.96 33.78 34.62 35.49
2nd 9 Months 3543 8843 24.54 26.09 27.26 27.94 28.64 29.36
1st 9 Months-Start 3539 8842 19.45 20.68 21.61 22.15 22.70 23.27
* Site Agent (2) 6027 6027 47.43 50.44 52.71 54.03 55.38 56.76
* Journeyman Lineman Estimator 8268 8268 55.29 58.80 61.45 62.99 64.56 66.17
* Journeyman Estimator2 9667 9667 46.48 49.43 51.65 52.94 54.26 55.62
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA r age 170
WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE: 2021 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
3.50% 4.50%
JOB CLASSIFICATION Job P$ (2.5%GWI+ 2.50%o 2 0 0
Code Group (2.s/GWI, zi nnrkt .50% , 2.50%
+1%Adj) AdJ)
Estimator Trainee 1 291 0291 41.83 44.49 46.49 47.65 48.83 50.06
Estimator Trainee II 292 0292 44.16 46.96 49.07 50.29 51.55 52.84
* Estimator District Certified 9668 9668 48.40 51.47 53.79 55.13 56.51 57.92
* Estimator District 3057 8094 46.45 49.40 51.62 52.91 54.23 55.59
* Estimator, Senior Certified 9669 9669 46.95 49.93 52.18 53.48 54.82 56.19
* Estimator, Senior 4239 9045 43.48 46.24 48.32 49.53 50.77 52.04
Apprentice Estimator
6th Six Months-90%2 9670 9670 41.83 44.49 46.49 47.65 48.83 50.06
5th Six Months-87%2 9671 9671 40.44 43.00 44.94 46.06 47.21 48.39
4th Six Months-84%2 4236 9044 39.04 41.52 43.39 44.47 45.58 46.72
3rd Six Months-80%2 4232 9043 37.18 39.54 41.32 42.35 43.41 44.50
2nd Six Months-76%2 4229 9042 35.32 37.57 39.25 40.23 41.24 42.27
1st Six Months-73%2 4225 9041 33.93 36.08 37.70 38.65 39.61 40.60
Infrastructure Facilities Specialist 7217 7217 31.88 33.91 35.44 36.33 37.24 38.17
Inspection Specialist 7425 7425 36.91 39.26 41.03 42.06 43.11 44.19
Trainee 2 7426 7426 31.88 33.91 35.44 36.33 37.24 38.17
Trainee 1 7427 7427 29.28 31.14 32.54 33.35 34.18 35.03
* Underground General Foreman 7867 7867 63.45 67.47 70.51 72.27 74.08 75.93
* Underground Foreman 2681 9224 61.57 65.47 68.42 70.13 71.88 73.68
* Underground Working Foreman 2690 9226 58.70 62.42 65.23 66.86 68.53 70.24
* Underground Cable Splicer 2695 9227 54.77 58.25 60.87 62.39 63.95 65.55
* Assistant Underground Cable 2700 9228 52.69 56.03 58.55 60.01 61.51 63.05
* Underground Equipment Man 2705 9229 31.88 33.91 35.44 36.33 37.24 38.17
3rd Six Months 2710 9230 26.35 28.02 29.28 30.01 30.76 31.53
2nd Six Months 2715 9231 20.91 22.24 23.24 23.82 24.42 25.03
1st Six Months 2720 9232 15.56 16.55 17.29 17.72 18.16 18.61
* Wireman Foreman 297 0297 59.18 62.94 65.77 67.41 69.10 70.83
* Wireman Working Foreman 3666 8878 56.46 60.04 62.74 64.31 65.92 67.57
(upgrade only)
* Journeyman Station Wireman 3674 8880 52.69 56.03 58.55 60.01 61.51 63.05
Wireman Trainee B 9102 9102 51.56 54.83 57.30 58.73 60.20 61.71
Apprentice Station Wireman
6th Six Months-90%1 3697 8886 47.42 50.43 52.70 54.01 55.36 56.75
5th Six Months-87% 1 3693 8885 45.84 48.75 50.94 52.21 53.51 54.85
4th Six Months-84%1 3690 8884 44.26 47.07 49.18 50.41 51.67 52.96
3rd Six Months-80%1 3686 8883 42.15 44.82 46.84 48.01 49.21 50.44
2nd Six Months-76%1 3682 8882 40.04 42.58 44.50 45.61 46.75 47.92
1st Six Months-73%1 3678 8881 38.46 40.90 42.74 43.81 44.90 46.03
Apprentice Qualified 72%1 3376 9491 37.94 40.34 42.16 43.21 44.29 45.40
* Station Wireman's Helper 3708 8890 29.65 31.54 32.96 33.78 34.62 35.49
3rd Six Months 3720 8893 24.54 26.09 27.26 27.94 28.64 29.36
I BEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 71
WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE: 2021 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
3.50% 4.50%
Code Group (z.s%GWI z%nnrkt 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%+1%Adj) Ad1)
2nd Six Months 3715 8892 19.45 20.68 21.61 22.15 22.70 23.27
1st Six Months 3712 8891 15.56 16.55 17.29 17.72 18.16 18.61
22.6 METER
* Meter Foreman 4000 8364 59.18 62.94 65.77 67.41 69.10 70.83
* Meter Working Foreman 4004 8365 56.46 60.04 62.74 64.31 65.92 67.57
* District Meterman 4112 9008 54.57 58.03 60.64 62.16 63.71 65.30
* Lead Electrician 4135 8399 50.18 53.36 55.76 57.15 58.58 60.04
* Journeyman Electrician 3727 8895 47.77 50.80 53.09 54.42 55.78 57.17
* Journeyman Meterman 4083 9000 52.69 56.03 58.55 60.01 61.51 63.05
Apprentice Meterman
6th Six Months-90%1 4105 9006 47.42 50.43 52.70 54.01 55.36 56.75
5th Six Months-87%1 4103 9005 45.84 48.75 50.94 52.21 53.51 54.85
4th Six Months-84%1 4099 9004 44.26 47.07 49.18 50.41 51.67 52.96
3rd Six Months-80%1 4095 9003 42.15 44.82 46.84 48.01 49.21 50.44
2nd Six Months-76%1 4091 9002 40.04 42.58 44.50 45.61 46.75 47.92
1st Six Months-73%1 4087 9001 38.46 40.90 42.74 43.81 44.90 46.03
Apprentice Qualified -72%1 3376 9491 37.94 40.34 42.16 43.21 44.29 45.40
Logistics General Foreman 9672 9672 42.75 45.47 47.52 48.71 49.93 51.18
Lead Logistics Worker 293 0293 39.55 42.06 43.95 45.05 46.18 47.33
* Logistics Worker 6825 6825 36.91 39.26 41.03 42.06 43.11 44.19
Logistics Trainee 2 6826 6826 31.35 33.34 34.84 35.71 36.60 37.52
Logistics Trainee 1 6827 6827 27.65 29.40 30.72 31.49 32.28 33.09
* Journeyman Mechanic 4153 9019 46.61 49.57 51.80 53.10 54.43 55.79
Working Foreman
* Journeyman Mechanic In-Charge 8270 8270 43.83 46.62 48.72 49.94 51.19 52.47
* Journeyman Mechanic 4161 9021 40.61 43.19 45.13 46.26 47.42 48.61
* Equipment Mechanic 4165 9022 34.92 37.14 38.81 39.78 40.77 41.79
1st Year 4169 9023 32.49 34.55 36.10 37.00 37.93 38.88
* Mechanic's Helper 4173 9024 27.51 29.26 30.58 31.34 32.12 32.92
3rd Six Months 4184 9027 24.54 26.09 27.26 27.94 28.64 29.36
2nd Six Months 4180 9026 19.92 21.19 22.14 22.69 23.26 23.84
1st Six Months 4177 9025 15.56 16.55 17.29 17.72 18.16 18.61
* Regional System Operations 6142 6142 68.68 73.04 76.33 78.24 80.20 82.21
General Foreman
* Lead System Operator 3557 8847 66.13 70.33 73.49 75.33 77.21 79.14
* System Operator 4001 8976 62.96 66.95 69.96 71.71 73.50 75.34
System Operator Trainee 9675 9675 57.69 61.35 64.11 65.71 67.35 69.03
Outage Coordinator 5202 4529 32.21 34.26 35.80 36.70 37.62 38.56
GF Hydro (Operations) 6694 6694 58.14 61.83 64.61 66.23 67.89 69.59
Hydro Control Operator 4976 9545 52.73 56.08 58.60 60.07 61.57 63.11
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA r a g e 1 72
WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE: 2021 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
3.50% 4.50%
Code Group (z.5%GWI z%nnrkt 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%+1%Adj) Ad1)
* Operator-Hydro A/HCOQ 4978 9546 46.25 49.18 51.39 52.67 53.99 55.34
(Fully Qualified)
* Operator Hydro A 2388 9148 40.17 42.71 44.63 45.75 46.89 48.06
* Operator Hydro B
(Fully Qualified) 3207 9392 40.17 42.71 44.63 45.75 46.89 48.06
* Operator Hydro B 4016 8980 39.17 41.66 43.53 44.62 45.74 46.88
* Operator Inspector AAA Sta 4022 8984 44.16 46.96 49.07 50.30 51.56 52.85
* Operator Inspector AA Sta 4026 8985 44.16 46.96 49.07 50.30 51.56 52.85
* Operator Inspector AB Sta 4030 8986 43.84 46.63 48.73 49.95 51.20 52.48
* Operator Inspector A Sta 4034 8987 43.15 45.89 47.96 49.16 50.39 51.65
Hydro General Foreman 6695 6695 58.14 61.83 64.61 66.23 67.89 69.59
* Senior Hydro Mechanic 3202 9391 51.92 55.22 57.70 59.14 60.62 62.14
* Hydro Mechanic 4109 9007 47.70 50.73 53.01 54.34 55.70 57.09
Hydro Mechanic Trainee
6th Six Months 3196 9390 39.75 42.27 44.17 45.27 46.40 47.56
5th Six Months 3191 9389 37.09 39.44 41.21 42.24 43.30 44.38
4th Six Months 3186 9388 35.36 37.60 39.29 40.27 41.28 42.31
3rd Six Months 3182 9387 33.53 35.66 37.26 38.19 39.14 40.12
2nd Six Months 3177 9386 32.24 34.29 35.83 36.73 37.65 38.59
1st Six Months 3172 9385 30.92 32.88 34.36 35.22 36.10 37.00
* Hydro Wireman 3220 9395 55.90 59.45 62.13 63.68 65.27 66.90
* Hydro Meter & Relay Technician 3229 9397 61.38 65.28 68.22 69.93 71.68 73.47
* Hydro Communications Technician 3225 9396 59.02 62.76 65.58 67.22 68.90 70.62
* Hydro Compliance Technician 9901 9901 40.17 42.71 44.63 45.75 46.89 48.06
Fish Transporter/ 5725 5725 31.16 33.14 34.63 35.50 36.39 37.30
Hydro Utility Worker
* Hydro Utility Worker 3271 9405 30.26 32.18 33.63 34.47 35.33 36.21
2nd Six Months 3265 9404 24.54 26.09 27.26 27.94 28.64 29.36
1st Six Months 3258 9403 19.45 20.68 21.61 22.15 22.70 23.27
* Labor Foreman (Lewis River) 3670 8879 40.07 42.61 44.53 45.64 46.78 47.95
Hydro Laborer 3243 9400 19.45 20.68 21.61 22.15 22.70 23.27
* Hydro Laborer 1 3238 9399 15.56 16.55 17.29 17.72 18.16 18.61
* Overhead Crane Operator 3941 8960 42.36 45.04 47.07 48.25 49.46 50.70
* Heavy Equipment Operator
(Fully Qualified) 4136 9014 37.56 39.94 41.74 42.78 43.85 44.95
* Heavy Equipment Operator 3234 9398 33.89 36.04 37.66 38.60 39.57 40.56
* Equipment Operator 3723 8894 31.88 33.91 35.44 36.33 37.24 38.17
* Service Coordinator A 4206 9036 28.84 30.67 32.05 32.85 33.67 34.51
* Service Coordinator B-91%3 4210 9037 26.24 27.91 29.17 29.89 30.64 31.40
* Service Coordinator C-87%3 4214 9038 25.09 26.68 27.88 28.58 29.29 30.02
* Service Coordinator D -78%3 4218 9039 22.50 23.92 25.00 25.62 26.26 26.92
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 73
WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE: 2021 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
3.50% 4.50%
JOB CLASSIFICATION Job P$ (2.5%GWI+ 2.50%o 2.50%0 2.50%
Code Group (2.5/GWI, 2%mrkt ,
+1%Adj) Adj)
Senior Meter & Relay Technician 4038 8988 62.00 65.94 68.91 70.63 72.40 74.21
Lead Journeyman Meter & 7450 7450 60.97 64.84 67.76 69.45 71.19 72.97
Relay Technician
Journeyman Meter & 4046 8990 59.90 63.70 66.57 68.23 69.94 71.69
Relay Technician
Assistant Meter & 8276 8991 53.95 57.37 59.95 61.45 62.99 64.56
Relay Technician (3)
Senior Communications 4054 8992 59.62 63.40 66.25 67.91 69.61 71.35
Journeyman Communications 4058 8993 57.57 61.22 63.97 65.57 67.21 68.89
Assistant Communications 4060 8994 51.88 55.18 57.66 59.10 60.58 62.09
Technician (3)
* Field Services Specialist 2385 9147 31.69 33.70 35.22 36.10 37.00 37.93
* Lead Meter Reader 3248 9401 30.01 31.92 33.36 34.19 35.04 35.92
* Meter Reader 3827 8928 23.97 25.49 26.64 27.31 27.99 28.69
2nd Six Months 3830 8929 20.39 21.68 22.66 23.23 23.81 24.41
1st Six Months 3834 8930 15.56 16.55 17.29 17.72 18.16 18.61
* Tree Trimmer Foreman 3921 8955 35.40 37.64 39.33 40.31 41.32 42.35
* Tree Trimmer 3903 8950 30.56 32.50 33.96 34.81 35.68 36.57
Tree Trimmer Trainee
4th Six Months 3917 8954 27.54 29.29 30.61 31.38 32.16 32.96
3rd Six Months 3913 8953 24.47 26.02 27.19 27.87 28.57 29.28
2nd Six Months 3909 8952 23.01 24.47 25.57 26.21 26.87 27.54
1st Six Months 3905 8951 18.38 19.55 20.43 20.94 21.46 22.00
* Helper (Trimmer) 3929 8957 18.38 19.55 20.43 20.94 21.46 22.00
Note: * Indicates job subject to posting and bidding under provisions of Section 14.2 hereof.
* The classification of Maintenance Man designated as regular Relief Operator will be
subject to posting and bidding under the provisions of Section 14.2.
1 All percentages reflect on a percentage of the Journeyman's rate of pay.
Z All percentages reflect on a percentage of the Journeyman Estimator's rate of pay.
3 All percentages reflect on a percentage of the Service Coordinator A's rate of pay.
Note (1) Current employees in the Line Equipment Man classification who were reclassified as
Utility Specialist will be grandfathered at their existing wages rates and shall receive
general wage increases for this classification. In addition,vacancies in Bend, Enterprise,
Yakima or Pendleton shall first be offered to any former L.E.M. should they still reside
and work in one of the above work locations, prior to posting and bidding.
I BEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 174
Note (2) The Union agrees that Site Agents may open Pad Mount Transformers for the purpose
of estimating.
Note (3) If an employee awarded a vacancy in an Assistant Technician classification has a pay
rate higher than the Assistant Technician Rate, they will continue to receive their prior
rate, but in no case more than the Journeyman Lineman-Wireman rate.
Note: Each employee will be paid the wage rate for their classification as specified in this
wage schedule except in the following situations:
(a) An employee who is disabled or physically limited will be paid as provided in
Article 10 or 11, or Section 14.4 of the Working Agreement. An employee who
is on Long-Term Disability Income will be paid according to that plan.
(b) An employee who upon entering a training program is paid a special frozen
rate will continue to receive that frozen rate until the appropriate wage
schedule rate exceeds the frozen rate.
(c) An employee who is hired for temporary summer work during their school
vacation period will be paid the beginning rate for the classification in which
they are hired for the full period of their summer employment.
(d) An employee hired into one of the in-hire classifications (Groundman, Meter
Reader, Hydro Utility Worker, Hydro Laborer, Maintenance Man etc.) who is
awarded a bid to another such classification will transfer without loss of time
in progression step or change in pay rate, except that no employees so
transferred shall advance to the terminal pay rate for the new classification
until they have served a full six months at the next lower step rate. This
provision is not applied to an employee who is listed on the Apprentice
Lineman and Apprentice Wireman training rosters who transfers to the
Groundman classification to obtain that required experience prior to starting
their apprentice training. Casual and temporary employees will spend the
equivalent of six months (1,040 hours) in each wage progression step.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 175
23.1 A TREE TRIMMER FOREMAN is an employee as assigned by a supervisor who (a) is in charge
of an assignment, works with and directs the work of others, and (b) is qualified as a Trimmer in
the particular work under their supervision.
23.2 A TREE TRIMMER is a qualified employee who has successfully completed a two-year
Tree Trimmer Trainee Program or the equivalent.
23.3 A TREE TRIMMER TRAINEE is an employee who is training to become qualified as a Tree
23.4 A TREE TRIMMER HELPER is an employee who works under the direction of a Tree
Trimmer and is capable of operating related equipment.
23.5 Seniority provisions for employees working under Article 23 will only apply within
classifications in this Section and within their work location as agreed to by the parties.
Employees with seniority pursuant to Article 23, if hired into other classifications contained in
Section 22.3 — 22.13, shall have their seniority bridged for purposes of Section 13.3 upon
completion of their probationary period in their new classification.
23.6 Employees working under Article 23 shall report to a designated location as assigned
by the supervisor.
,K 23.7 A designated location shall mean any location within the area of this Agreement which
may be designated by the employer for any job. It shall be at a place where accommodations are
sufficient within a five-mile radius from such locations to provide suitable board and lodging for
all employees reporting to such work locations.
z 23.8 Locations where employees report for work shall have reasonable facilities and shall
be located adjacent to a surfaced road.
23.9 Employees working under Article 23 shall only be assigned work involving tree
trimming and right-of-way vegetation maintenance and will not be used to displace Journeymen.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 176
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their
authorized officers, respectively, as of the day and year first above written.
Allison Lupico Carrie Laird
Negotiations Chair& Negotiations Co-Chair
Labor Relations Specialist Operations Managing Director
Pacific Power Pacific Power
By: / Date June 16, 2022
Travis Eri
Business Manager
IBEW Local 125
z Indicates language change
R Indicates renumbering of section, no language change
nlhS:\EMPLOYERS\PP&L-117\AGREEMENTS\17A 2022-2027\L125-PP CBA 2022-27 FINAL.docx
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 77
FEBRUARY 24,2016
Local 125 IBEW and PacifiCorp will each identify five representatives. One of the five
representatives from management and labor shall serve as co-chairs for each meeting.
Additionally, there will be two "open chairs," one available to each group, for an invited guest,
or subject matter expert (SME). Guests and SMEs will only participate in the matter or subject of
which they were invited. It is expected that the designated representatives will attend each
meeting, and substitutes are not expected to attend on a regular basis. Permanent changes to
the Committee by either party will be communicated in writing. A recording secretary provided
by the Company will be responsible for compiling the agendas and preparing minutes of the
meetings. The minutes, when approved, will be signed as accepted by the joint chairpersons.
The meetings will be held quarterly or on a mutually-agreed regular basis. Agendas will be
reviewed and agreed to in advance by the Business Manager of Local 125 or a designee and the
Pacific Power Director of Labor Relations or a designee and be distributed no later than one week
in advance of the scheduled meeting.
The parties will identify labor relations concerns to develop solutions that meet the contractual
obligations of both parties. It is recognized that there will be times when solutions will require
memorandums of agreement that address short-term modifications or interpretations of the
current collective bargaining agreement. Additionally, it is recognized that there may be
occasions where the proposed resolution requires the approval of some or all of the membership
of Local 125 IBEW. The parameters for that approval lie solely with Local 125.
The parties agree to communicate the results of the meeting through a jointly-authored
newsletter. There will not be any communication by either party that is contrary to the jointly-
authored newsletter.
This Committee will function throughout the term of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Manager, Labor Relations Assistant Business Manager
Pacific Power IBEW Local 125
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 178
MARCH 1,2022
The following process will be followed for all Journeyman Estimator candidates hired with intent
to obtain a Journeyman Estimator classification that have not completed the Pacific Power
apprenticeship. This is to afford the Estimator a better introduction to our infrastructure, work
processes and overall business culture.The parties agree that this LOA does not modify or replace
the estimator apprenticeship program.
SELECTION AND PLACEMENT PROCESS—The number of Estimator Trainee positions to be filled shall be
determined by the Company.
TESTING: The Company will administer a JQC-created-estimator aptitude test to all candidates
which shall determine placement into the appropriate program.
INTERVIEW:The Union will provide the Company with a Journeyman Estimator to participate in the
interview and selection process. The parties may agree to include a General Foreman or other
member in addition to the Journeyman Estimator.
PLACEMENT— Individuals ranking highest in the selection process will be offered Estimator Trainee
positions based on the number of openings. The majority of JQC members must agree on
placement level. If there is a tie, the individual will be required to complete the longer version.
The JQC may determine the applicant is not eligible for this program and will have to seek an
PROBATIONARY PERIOD —An Estimator Trainee will be on probation for a minimum of six months,
but no longer than 12 months. During this time the manager and Journeyman Estimator
responsible for training will conduct monthly evaluations which assess the employee's progress
and skills. If an employee is not meeting the expectations set forth by the Company and has been
afforded an opportunity to improve during their probationary period, their employment will be
terminated. In some cases, a longer opportunity may be afforded to the employee to meet skills
requirements by extending the six-month probationary period up to 12 months. This extension
is mutual agreement of parties.
CLASSIFICATION — The parties agree to create an Estimator I and II Trainee classification. This
classification would receive pay commiserate with their level as a percentage of the Journeyman
Estimator wage scale currently in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
ESTIMATOR TRAINEE I: Candidates who possess a journey-level classification and/or other related
experience to fulfill duties of a Journeyman Estimator. External candidates shall start at 90% of
Journeyman Estimator pay. Program shall be 18 months in length.
ESTIMATOR TRAINEE II: Candidates who have performed work comparable to a Pacific Power
Estimator for at least three years and may have worked for another utility or electrical contractor.
Candidates shall start at 95%of Journeyman Estimator pay. Program shall be 12 months in length.
Internal employees who are selected to enter either level of the Estimator training program will
be paid a special frozen rate which will continue to receive that frozen rate until the appropriate
wage schedule rate exceeds the frozen rate (per the CBA Section 22.2).
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 179
While in either trainee classification, the employee will be restricted from bidding any
Journeyman Estimator, or higher, classification.
JOURNEYMAN ESTIMATOR TEST—The JQC will administer the JQC-created Journeyman-Estimator test
to all incumbents within the 12 or 18 months of employment, pending their level—Estimator I or
Estimator 11. If the employee fails to pass the JQC's Journeyman Estimator test during this period,
they will be allowed one re-take within 60 days of testing. There will be no more than two
attempts to pass this exam. If the incumbent is unable to pass by completion of the 12- or 18-
month training period, their employment will be terminated.
SENIORITY/WAGE: Estimator Trainee 1/11 will qualify for Journeyman wage scale and be assigned a
new classification date upon completion of their designated program term and upon passing the
JQC-created and administered test.
TEST OUT OPTION—There shall be an option to test early if the JQC approves that request. The test
shall include both a verbal and written component. This option shall be permitted only with the
JQC approval. Test Out Option shall be no sooner than six months from start of program for
trainee 11, and no sooner than 12 months from start of program for trainee I. Successfully testing
out shall establish Journeyman wage and classification date.
MONTHLY EVALUATION —A 12- or 18-month training program checklist will be produced to ensure
coverage of all expected areas or expertise. During this time, it will be at the manager's discretion,
with input from the JQC to limit or allow tasks; such as single person assignments and overtime
callouts.The manager will ensure, prior to assigning such tasks,that the employee is comfortable
and can do the work safely and efficiently. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify their
managers if they feel they are not task trained or ready prior to working any such assignment.
CREw TIME— Mandatory crew time is required.The JQC shall determine the length of time as part
of the placement process for each individual.
Upon ratification of language the Company and the union will assemble a joint committee to
implement the permanent framework to meet the terms of described Letter of Agreement.
l 3/15/2022 3 15 2022
Travis Eri Date Allison Lupico Date
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 180
JANUARY 8,2018
The parties agree to update the Estimator Apprenticeship program to reflect the elements
outlined in this Letter of Agreement (LOA). The updated program will provide Apprentice
Estimators with a curriculum specific to their trade and will provide for reallocation of minimum
rotation hours based on the employee's previous experience in various departments.The parties
agree that the updated program will better prepare Apprentices to be highly skilled and
successful Journeyman Estimators who are more valuable to the Company, the Union, and the
This LOA eliminates the "Apprentice Qualified" period for the Estimator craft and supersedes any
reference to the Estimator craft in the LOA for "Apprentice Qualified" Positions between
PacifiCorp Electric Operations and IBEW Local 125 revised December 14, 2015. The Estimator
Apprentice Qualified wage rate shall be eliminated from Section 22.2 wage table. Any other
references to the Apprentice Qualified period as it pertains to the Estimator craft elsewhere in
the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) shall be eliminated. Reference to Estimator in Section
12.2 of the CBA shall be eliminated and vacancies in the Estimator Apprenticeship will be filled
per the provisions contained in this agreement.The requirement in Section 12.11 for Apprentice
Estimators to have six months of Groundman or Wireman-type experience before starting the
apprenticeship or training is eliminated.
The Estimator Apprenticeship will cover 6,000 hours of training over three years. Apprentice
Estimators will be indentured in the program as of their assignment date. An internal
subcommittee with three representatives each from the Company and IBEW Local 125 will
modify the training curriculum, implement testing requirements, and address how current
Apprentice Qualified candidates will be transitioned into the new program. Once completed, an
overview of this program will be attached to this agreement as Exhibit A. The internal
subcommittee will meet as needed to review the Estimator Apprenticeship Program and jointly
make changes as agreed to by both parties, and review the progress of all incumbents.
The Apprentice pools will be opened to the general population both inside and outside the
Company, regardless of an individual's current Union membership or seniority. Advertising and
outreach for Apprentice openings will be handled within PacifiCorp through the Horizons/START
posting process(PacifiCorp internet/intranet site). Externally, openings will be publicized through
the IBEW Local 125 internet site and other avenues determined by the Company which may
include the following:
• The Oregonian, Yakima Herald-Republic, Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, Bend Bulletin, East
Oregonian, and various other daily and weekly newspapers throughout the service area.
• State of Washington and Oregon Employment Division statewide posting processes (which
may be expanded to a nationwide process upon request).
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 181
• Outreach by company staff to institutions such as Northwest Line Vocational Outside Line
Training Academy (VOLTA), Northwest Lineman's College, Boise State, Spokane Community
College, Perry Technical Institute (Yakima), Oregon Institute of Technology,
Oregon/Washington Tradeswomen Association, Benson Tech, and others.
• Outreach to other agencies to provide access to a diverse work force.
Interested applicants should independently pursue opportunities to learn about the estimating
craft, the nature of the work, and skills required. The company may provide additional
information regarding essential estimating skills if requested by the applicant.
The established National Joint Apprentice and Training Committee (NJATC)testing will be utilized
to measure candidates' aptitude for the Apprentice position. The NJATC charges for each test
given. Cost of the test will be the responsibility of the candidate. The current Apprenticeship
Coordinator will be certified to proctor the test. Candidates will need to achieve a score of six or
higher to pass this testing and advance to skill testing, interviews, and fitness for duty evaluation.
Candidates who pass the NJATC test will qualify to take the Estimator Skills test. The
subcommittee will develop a pool of questions to be used in the skills test and interview and will
determine a scoring methodology for evaluating and ranking candidates.
The interview panel will utilize a joint committee consisting of three management members and
three IBEW Local 125 representatives.
The interview panel will meet at a location mutually agreed to by the Union and Company.
Interview candidates will be selected based on skills test scoring unless there is a manageable
number of applicants for all to be interviewed. Each candidate interviewed will be rated
numerically by the interview team and a composite score determined for each individual. The
top candidates will be offered Apprentice positions based on the number of openings.
Candidates not chosen for Apprentice positions will remain on the candidate list for two
successive openings or a period of one year, whatever comes first. Re-opening of the
apprenticeship positions will be on an as-needed basis as determined by the Company. Repeat
candidates need not take the NJATC test or Estimator Skills test unless they wish to improve their
scoring on these segments.A period of six months must elapse before a candidate will be allowed
to repeat the aptitude or physical skills testing.
Prior to acceptance into the Estimator Apprenticeship, candidates will be required to pass a
fitness for duty functional evaluation test. Costs associated with the evaluation will be paid by
the Company.
The Company will also require that the Apprentice candidate fulfill the following requirements:
• Be at least 18 years of age
• Hold a valid driver's license
• Hold a high school diploma or equivalent with coursework demonstrating proficiency in
algebra and other mathematics courses
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 182
• Pass a standard pre-employment physical examination
• Pass a standard pre-employment drug and alcohol screen
• Pass a background check
The physical examination, drug and alcohol screen and background check will be paid for by the
The Estimator Apprentice Qualified wage rates are eliminated. Apprentice Estimators are to be
paid in accordance with the progression steps to be found in the Collective Bargaining
The parties agree that any future changes to this Letter of Agreement be made by mutual
agreement between the parties.
PacifiCorp IBEW Local 125
Manager, Labor Relations Business Manager
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 183
This Letter of Agreement updates and supersedes the previous Letter of Agreement titled, "Letter
of Agreement Regarding Indentured Apprenticeships and Apprentice Qualified Positions,"
between IBEW Local 125 and PacifiCorp dated July 1998. This agreement does not apply to the
Estimator craft; Estimator Apprenticeships are addressed in the Estimator Apprenticeship
Program Letter of Agreement January 8, 2018.
The parties agree to institute the use of an Apprentice Qualified position. This position will allow
for screening of individuals who express a desire to become a Journeyman, making it more likely
that individuals will successfully complete an apprenticeship. The parties agree that this will
ultimately produce more highly-skilled Journeymen who are more valuable to the company, the
union, and the trade.
Prior to the implementation of this Apprentice Qualified program, individuals currently in the
apprenticeship pool will be offered apprenticeship positions subject to the terms and conditions
of the apprenticeship program in effect May 14, 1998.
The Apprentice Qualified pools will be opened to the general population both inside and outside
the company, regardless of an individual's current union membership or seniority.
Advertising and outreach for Apprentice Qualified openings will be handled within PacifiCorp
through the Horizons posting process (PacifiCorp internet/intranet site). Externally, openings will
be publicized through the IBEW Local 125 internet site and other avenues determined by the
Company which may include the following:
• The Oregonian, Yakima Herald-Republic, Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, Bend Bulletin, East
Oregonian, and various other daily and weekly newspapers throughout the service area.
• State of Washington and Oregon Employment Division statewide posting processes
(which may be expanded to a nationwide process upon request).
• Outreach by company staff to institutions such as Northwest Line Vocational Outside Line
Training Academy (VOLTA), Northwest Lineman's College, Boise State, Spokane
Community College, Perry Technical Institute (Yakima), Oregon Institute of Technology,
Oregon/Washington Tradeswomen Association, Benson Tech, and others.
Outreach to other agencies to provide access to a diverse work force.
The orientation and aptitude testing will be conducted as the need arises at locations determined
by PacifiCorp. Applicants will be given a lineman trade orientation prior to taking the aptitude
test. This orientation will consist of general information (i.e., video and/or verbal presentation)
on the nature of the trade, its challenges, rewards and hazards. Following this orientation,
applicants who choose to participate further will go directly to the aptitude testing described
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 184
The established National Joint Apprentice and Training Committee (NJATC)testing will be utilized
to measure candidates' aptitude for the Apprentice Qualified position. The NJATC charges for
each test given. Cost of the test will be the responsibility of the candidate. The current
Apprenticeship Coordinator will be certified to proctor the test.
Candidates will need to pass this testing to move on to the physical ability testing.
• Lineman passing score is 5
• Meterman passing score is 7
• Wireman passing score is 6
Physical testing of applicants will measure the individual's skills to perform activities associated
with the lineman trade. This testing will consist of the current "Early Rilea" course or its
equivalent. All costs for this testing will be borne by the applicant.
Individuals who pass the physical skills testing will advance to the interview and rating phase.
The interview panel will meet in a location mutually agreed to between union and management.
Interview questions have been developed. Each candidate who progresses through the NJATC
and physical testing will be interviewed by a six-person team made up of three union
representatives and three management representatives. Unless otherwise agreed to by the
parties (i.e., multiple areas could be used to make up the committee.) Following the interviews,
each candidate will be rated numerically by the interview team and a composite score
determined for each individual.The top candidates will be offered Apprentice Qualified positions
based on the number of openings.
Interview panels consisting of two local unions (125 & 659) will utilize a joint committee
consisting of four management members, two IBEW Local 125 representatives, and two IBEW
Local 659 representatives. This joint committee will create one candidate list for the selection to
the Apprentice Qualified positions for both areas.
Candidates not chosen for Apprentice Qualified positions will remain in the candidate pool for
two successive pool openings or a period of one year, whatever comes first. Re-opening of the
pool will be on an as-needed basis as determined by the company. Repeat candidates need not
take the aptitude or physical ability testing unless they wish to improve their scoring on these
segments. A period of six months must elapse before a candidate will be allowed to repeat the
aptitude or physical skills testing.
The company will also require that the Apprentice Qualified candidate fulfill the following
• Hold a high school diploma or equivalent with coursework demonstrating proficiency in
algebra and other mathematics courses.
• Pass a standard pre-employment physical examination.
• Pass a standard pre-employment drug and alcohol screen.
• Pass a background check.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 185
• Possess a valid driver's license with the intent to obtain a Class A Commercial Driver's
License within six months of initial employment with the exception of Meterman.
The physical examination, drug and alcohol screen and background check will be paid for by the
The Apprentice Qualified term will be a maximum of two years. During this time, the employee
will be required to complete a series of skill and knowledge-based checkoffs. The employee will
be given the option of advancing more quickly upon completion of these checkoffs.
The company and union will meet every six months, or as needed, to review the Apprentice
Qualified program and jointly make changes as agreed to by both parties and review the progress
of all incumbents.
Upon completion of the Apprentice Qualified program, the employee will be indentured into the
company's existing apprenticeship program.
For individuals advancing from the Apprentice Qualified designation, the apprenticeship will be
administered with the following understandings:
• If for any reason an individual fails to complete the Apprentice Qualified training or the
apprenticeship, that individual will be terminated from PacifiCorp without recourse.
Rate of pay for the Apprentice Qualified position will be 72% of the straight-time hourly
journeyman lineman rate of pay. No pay upgrades will be given for any duties performed by an
Apprentice Qualified employee. Upon entering the Apprentice Qualified program, the
employee's rate of pay will be frozen until it meets or exceeds the rate of pay for the apprentice
progression as stated in the contract between IBEW Local 125 and PacifiCorp.
1W rraA/ k Er l /k/Chr!�fthevf SGh*l .id
Business Manager Manager, Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
Date: Octol)var 31, 2018 Date: No-ve*,lipx 5, 2018
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 186
IBEW Local Unions signing this memorandum agree as follows:
It is the intent of this memorandum that the seniority rules of each IBEW Local Union agreement
will prevail in the selection of employees for various jobs covered under each separate Bargaining
Unit and jobs will be given to employees in the follow order:
1. First to members covered under the Bargaining Unit Agreement within each
Local Union's jurisdiction boundary and under rules as covered in their
Working Agreement with the Company.
2. Other (Pacific Power) (PacifiCorp) employees covered under IBEW Collective
Bargaining Agreement in order of classification seniority. After transferring,
the employee shall then have their seniority bridged in that Unit pursuant to
the receiving unit's seniority definitions.
Date Tav►.+wuj�y 14, 1992 Date Tavuwwy 14, 1992
By IkI Steve-wM. Wat3<m By /s/12 OtardlN. 2aqe4-k
Date T��vuy 14, 1992 Date Tavutiatry 14, 1992
By /k/.T&nVMGLea-w By /k/W.D. Malet-
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 87
IBEW Local 125 and Pacific Power
In the mutual interest of promoting safety, the Union and Company agree to the attached terms
and conditions of the Flame-Resistant/Arc Rated Clothing Policy/Procedure (revision date
11/4/2021) for T&D Operations Employees. This letter of agreement (LOA) replaces the FR
Clothing Policy LOA dated December 4, 2017 and November 5, 2018. Hydro employees receive
FR clothing pursuant to existing practice.
Eligible employees will receive the following FR clothing allocations:
• Five FR shirts
• One heavy duty FR coat
• One set of FR raingear (includes storage bag)
• One FR hooded or full zippered front hooded sweatshirt
• One FR hard hat liner
• Five pairs of FR pants
• Other PacifiCorp approved FR items are available at employees' cost
Upon request, and at the Company's expense, employees will be authorized to order up to three
FR bras per calendar year as provided for in the company approved catalog.
Estimators who are trained to open electrical equipment will receive one switching jacket, one
FR shirt and one pair of FR pants or coveralls.
Following the initial allocation, damaged FR clothing will be returned to management and will be
replaced as needed with managers' approval with a clothing item of the same category.
The parties agree to establish a T&D Operations FR Clothing Committee. Local 125 IBEW and
Pacific Power will each identify four representatives from within the T&D Operations
organization. One representative each from Operations management and the Union shall serve
as co-chairs for each meeting.
Meetings will be held as necessary as determined by the committee co-chairs. Frequency of these
meetings will be reviewed on a regular basis. Agendas will be reviewed and agreed to in advance
by the co-chairs and be distributed no later than one week in advance of the scheduled meeting.
T&D Operations employees are entitled to an allocation of Flame Resistant (FR) clothing items
under the conditions listed above.
This committee will represent T&D Operations' employees. The purpose of this committee is to
recommend changes to existing allocations under the FR Clothing Policy when necessitated by
changes to OSHA and other safety regulations, company initiatives, policy changes, employee
feedback and changes in industry best-practices. The committee will also review and provide
recommendations for suggested changes to the options of clothing items offered in the FR
clothing catalogue. The company will have final approval of catalog options.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 188
This Committee will function throughout the term of the current Collective Bargaining
Agreement.The effectiveness and extension of the Committee's charter will be discussed during
the next general bargaining cycle.
6/16/2022 6 16 2022
Travis Eri Date Lupico Date
Business Manager Labor Relations Specialist
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 189
The Company recognizes its obligation to provide proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to
those classifications exposed to hand laceration hazard, and is fulfilling this obligation by making
cut proof gloves available in the annual glove allotment.
Employees are required to wear the appropriate hand protection for the task at hand, in
accordance with the PPE policy, and are responsible for obtaining cut proof gloves through the
annual glove allotment.
The Company will provide work gloves to the appropriate job classifications. Employees in these
classifications are required to wear the appropriate hand protections.
Employees shall choose gloves from the following options:
• Long Gauntlet
• Short Gauntlet with Finger Tabs
• Short Gauntlet Grunt Gloves
• Cut Proof Gloves
The following classifications shall receive six pair of gloves per fiscal year:
• General Foreman • Underground Foreman
• Foreman • Assistant Underground Cable Splicer
• Lineman • Meterman
• Lineman Agent • Apprentice Meterman
• Lineman Representative • Wireman Foreman
• Serviceman • Wireman Working Foreman
• Line Patrolman • Wireman
• Apprentice Lineman • Apprentice Wireman
• Apprentices to all Journeyman Crafts • Logistics General Foreman
listed in this section • Logistic Worker
• Metering Journeyman classifications • Utility Specialists (non-metering)
• Underground General Foreman
New employees in the above-listed classification starting their employment during the fiscal
year will be handled as follows:
• If employed prior to September 30 of the year, employee will receive six pair.
• If employed on or after September 30 of the year, employee will receive three pair.
The following classifications shall receive two pair of gloves per fiscal year:
• Site Agent
• Estimator classifications
• Senior Meter & Relay Technician
• Meter & Relay Technician
• Assistant Meter & Relay Technician
• Senior Communications Technician
• Communications Technicians
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 90
• Assistant Communications Technician
• Equipment Mechanic
• Collectors/Field Service Specialist
• Inspection Specialist
New employees in the above-listed classification starting their employment during the fiscal
year will be handled as follows:
• If employed prior to September 30 of the year, employee will receive two pair.
• If employed on or .after September 30 of the year, employee will receive one pair.
Any changes or adjustment to this section shall be referred to the Labor-Management
Agreed on this 1 day of AgAaA44t, 2016
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IkI 7 raAl k£vv IV£y'Lcl W l,-�
Business Manager Manager, Labor Relations
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 191
PACIFICORP Pacific Power
Rocky Mountain Power
Portland,Oregon 97232
THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered
into by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 125, ("Union") and PacifiCorp
A four 10-hour work schedule is proposed for T&D Operations' employees who volunteer for
specific projects and working out of town. The parties have agreed to the following:
1. For the purpose of administering the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), this document
shall supersede and supplant as controlling such provisions of the CBA and any Letters of
Agreement between the parties which may be found to be in conflict with the provisions of
this Agreement.
• All holidays will be observed as an 8-hour day. An employee may supplant two hours of
vacation if they so desire or an employee may choose to work four 8-hour days and
observe the holiday for that work. The decision to work four 8-hour days will be made by
majority vote of the crew with the Foreman having the tie—breaking vote.
• Observed holidays which fall on Monday or Friday that coincide with an employee's
normal day off will be observed on the following workday.
• Utilization of sick leave/vacation will be by hours of work actually missed by the
5. 10-hour shift schedules will consist of four consecutive 10-hour days commencing on Monday
or Tuesday. Shift schedules will be from 0700 hours to 1730 hours. The standard workweek
is defined as outlined in 18.1 of the CBA.
• For the purpose of this Agreement, employees assigned to four 10-hour day work
schedules will accrue overtime after 10 hours worked in any workday and for any hours
outside of the scheduled four-day workweek. Overtime compensation is outlined in
Section 19.1.3 of the CBA.
7. Upgrades due to sick leave and vacation will be paid under present guidelines.
8. When scheduled to work with personnel from other departments or areas that are on
different work schedules, employees will work the same schedule as the other party. In all
other cases the 40-hour workweek will be maintained.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 192
• Substation operation's management and craft personnel shall discuss the personnel
necessary for specific projects/out of town travel and the Company shall assign work
accordingly. With the manager's approval, personnel selected for the special projects may
be given the option of working five 8-hour work schedules with a unanimous vote
amongst the substation operations crew.
• The Company will post a sign-up list in districts to select crew members for the specific
projects/out of town travel.
• The parties will meet at the district level to discuss crew complement for the specific
project/out of town travel.Safety behaviors will be taken into account during this process.
The agreed upon crew complement will be posted with the sign-up list. In the event,there
are more volunteers than available crew positions; the most senior employee will be
• Either party may discontinue the four 10-hour work schedule by notifying the other of its
intent to do so. The schedule will, upon notification to the other party, be returned to
schedules provided for in the CBA, as soon as mutually agreed upon but in no event longer
than 30 days from the date of notification.
• Disputes over the intent of the provisions of this document will not be subject to the
grievance procedure as outlined in the current CBA. Should the parties be unable to
resolve grievances pertaining to the establishments of the four 10-hour work schedules
at the second step of the grievance procedure, the four 10-hour work schedule
arrangement shall revert back to the normal shift as defined in the CBA at the first
opportunity to affect such change without penalty of overtime payment.
By signing this Agreement, the Union and the Company confirm that they have read, understand
and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement.
IVA"o-wCrarva4- 6/23/2014 /kITrcwbkEry 611612014
Manager, Labor Relations Date Business Manager Date
PacifiCorp IBEW Local 125
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 193
The purpose of this letter of understanding is to address guidelines and expectations for rest or
convenience stops for crewmembers during working hours while traveling to and from a work
The Union and the Company acknowledge that travel time occurs for employees from the work
headquarters to, from, and between job sites. Employees are expected to use the most direct
route possible in order to maximize productivity on a daily basis.
The Union and the Company also recognize that from time to time employees need to make rest
or convenience stops for personal reasons. If such a stop is needed, the following shall apply:
• If such a stop is needed, the employee shall make every effort to keep time spent to a
deminimis level (6 minutes or less).
• Employees shall not utilize seating facilities inside or outside any commercial establishment.
Get what you need and leave.
• No more than 1 company vehicle is to be at a commercial establishment for this purpose at
any time. This includes any drive-through facilities.
• Employees acknowledge and agree that normal rest periods (coffee breaks) as defined by
state law, will not be taken in or on the property of a commercial establishment during their
regular shift.
• The Union and Company acknowledge that violation or abuse of this policy by either party
may subject this Letter of Understanding to cancellation. Cancellation may be on a district by
district basis, or all-inclusive.
• Should a problem arise subsequent to the implementation of this Letter of Understanding,
the parties agree to meet and attempt to reach resolution prior to cancellation of the policy.
Is/( acwy Clark, IV.T Lyw P. C o-w
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
Date: Mcwd v 2 9, 2000 Date: McwcY 129, 2000
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 194
PacifiCorp, hereinafter called the "Company", and Local Union 125 of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, hereinafter called the "Union", do mutually agree to the
terms and provisions of this agreement. All the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement
will apply unless there is a conflict with this agreement. When this agreement is in conflict with
the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, this document shall be controlling.
The Company believes that the accommodations at Christmas Valley are suitable lodging, but to
address the concerns of affected employees at Bend Substation Operations, promote goodwill
and keep our costs low for our customers, the Company will agree to the following on the days
that require overnight lodging while working at the Summer Lake substation:
1. Employees may choose not to stay in Christmas Valley.
2. If employees choose not to stay in Christmas Valley,they will be paid a maximum of one-hour
travel time from Summer Lake substation to the location where they will be staying overnight,
and a maximum of one hour travel time to return to the Summer Lake substation job site the
next day.
3. If employees choose not to stay in Christmas Valley, the employee(s) and manager will
mutually agree on the alternate location and overnight accommodations.
This agreement applies only for a work assignment at the Summer Lake substation when the
work exceeds more than two consecutive work days, by the Bend Operations employees.
Either party may terminate this agreement with 30 days written notice to the other. Upon such
notice, the parties shall convene as soon as possible to attempt resolution of whatever
problem(s) initiated cancellation of this agreement. The 30 days written notice may be extended
by mutual agreement if necessary.
Dated this 18 day of No-yetnbew , 2014
/k/Travlk Er,
Business Manager Director, Safety, Environment,
IBEW Local 125 & Labor Relations, PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 195
16.1.4 BETWEEN
This letter represents agreement between Pacific Power and IBEW Local 125 and is intended to
clarify the appropriate per diem rates for instances where an employee is assigned outside their
normal shift on overtime to perform restoration/emergency work outside of their normal
headquarters and does not obtain lodging.
When an employee works an amount of overtime outside their normal shift and works outside
of their normal headquarters on restoration/emergency work, and the employee does not obtain
lodging the employee will be paid as follows:
Less than 10 hours on overtime outside their normal shift and No per diem
works outside of their normal headquarters on restoration/
emergency work
10 to less than a total of 24 hours on overtime outside their Partial day meals only per
normal shift and works outside of their normal headquarters diem in accordance with
on restoration/emergency work: current IRS rates
24 hours to less than a total of 34 hours on overtime outside Full day meals only per diem
their normal shift and works outside of their normal in accordance with current
headquarters on restoration/emergency work IRS rates
34 to less than 48 hours on overtime outside their normal shift Additional partial day meals
and works outside of their normal headquarters on only per diem in accordance
restoration/emergency work with current IRS rates
Employees shall not receive both a full-day and partial-day per diem for any 24-hour
• Travel time to and from work outside of headquarters shall be considered hours worked
outside of headquarters for the above purposes.
• If an employee does obtain lodging then this agreement is not applicable and the existing
provisions of CBA section 16.6.6 apply.
• An employee collecting a per diem under this agreement shall not be entitled to the per diem
provisions outlined in section 16.6.6 (75%for day leaving and returning to headquarters) and
16.9 (8 hours to reach the job location) of the CBA.
• To the extent that the rules of this agreement conflict with any existing agreement, the rules
of this agreement shall apply and supersede the existing agreement.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 196
This agreement shall be effective immediately upon signing. The terms of this agreement shall
remain in effect for the term of this current collective bargaining agreement unless modified by
mutual agreement during that period. Upon expiration of the current CBA, it shall be automatically
renewed unless during negotiations to a successor CBA either party provides the other with written
notice that it wishes to terminate this agreement or to negotiate changes to this agreement. Upon
such notice this agreement shall become nullified.
Agreed & Signed for IBEW Local 125 Agreed & Signed for Pacific Power
1W rv-awik Ey'v /S-/Ch4l"he4-3. schf e( e r
Business Manager Manager, Labor Relations
Date: Felrr!Aoj�y 13, 2017 Date: Egbr u.cwy 13, 2017
/s-/Dave,O'Ne b
Director NW Wires
Date: Fe,UYucwy 13, 2017
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 197
17.3.18 FEBRUARY 5, 2016
IBEW Local 125 and PacifiCorp agree to the following provisions for a rotating work schedule for
System Operators at the Portland Control Center. All provisions of the current collective
bargaining agreement between the parties remain intact except for those identified below.
A. Portland Control Center will have employees on the job 24 hours a day and seven days a
week. For employees on rotating shifts, hours on duty as defined below shall constitute a
day's work.
For the scheduled five week 12-hour shift rotation, 12 consecutive hours on duty shall
constitute a day's work. The workweek will begin at 7:00 a.m. Monday and continue for
seven consecutive days.
For the scheduled 10-hour shift, the workweek will begin at 6:30 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. as set
by the work schedule Monday through Friday.
For the 8-hour relief shift, the workweek will begin at 7:00 a.m. Monday and continue for
four consecutive days.
B. Employees who work four 12-hour shifts during one workweek shall receive extra pay for
the hours over 40 as follows:
Regular pay for the first three 12-hour shifts (36 hours) and for the last 12-hour shift of
the 48-hour week, regular pay for the first four hours of the four-hour (REGW) and the
remaining eight hours at 2.OX regular rate (REGD). These hours are not considered
C. For rotation "2", an employee shall be considered on nights 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
Monday through Thursday and shall be considered on days 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Friday
through Monday.
D. Hours of work for which daily overtime is paid shall not be included in computing weekly
overtime. Hours allowed for observed holidays and other time off with pay shall not be
considered hours of work for purposes of computing weekly overtime.
E. System Operators shall be allowed to trade work hours within the same workweek
provided no additional labor cost is placed on the company. System Operators involved
shall notify dispatch management in advance of making such change in hours.
A. The purpose of the "relief shift" is to cover System Operator absences on the regular shift
due to vacations, illness, training, etc.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 198
B. The work schedule for there I ief shift is 7:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday;
however, the relief shift hours may be changed to cover 12-hour vacancies and will be
paid under the applicable Relief Shift Rules of Pay listed in Section 3 for their entire
assignment. Individuals covering a vacant 12-hour day shift will be paid at the appropriate
OVTD rate for hours worked between 3:00 p.m. —7:00 p.m. Individuals required to cover
vacant night shifts, shall be paid eight hours of straight time and four hours of overtime
at the appropriate rate (e.g., OD50, OVTD). Weekend vacancies will be covered using the
overtime callout list. "Call-Out" rules of pay do not apply when relief-shifts hours are
changed to cover 12-hour vacancies Monday through Thursday.
C. When an employee on the relief shift is sent home at management's request to cover a
vacant shift later that same day, mileage will be paid equivalent to the distance to the
employees' home and back to the work location. If the employee fails to return to work
that day, no mileage shall be paid in either direction. No mileage shall be paid for the
initial commute to the work location and from the work location at the end of shift.
A. Overtime will be paid in accordance with Article 19 of the collective bargaining agreement
as illustrated below.
B. *OVTD (7:00 p.m. —3:00 a.m.) shall only apply if the employee(s) exceeds eight hours of
straight time pay within the service day.
5:30 AM 7:00 PM 3:00 AM 5:30 AM
1:00 AM 5:30 AM 7:00 AM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM 1:00 AM
(First regular workday in the week begins at the employees' regular start time)
1:00 AM 5:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM 1:00 AM
I OD50 I 1x I I I
— — — If Pre-Scheduled — — —
1:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 1:00 PM
I OD50 I 1x I I I
— — — If Pre-Scheduled — — —
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 199
(First regular workday in the week begins at the employees' scheduled shift start time.)
1:00 AM 5:30 AM Start Time Start Time+10 Start Time+11.5 1:00 AM
I OD50 1X I I I
- - - If Pre-Scheduled - - -
1:00 AM 5:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM 1:00 AM
OD50 I OD25 I OD25 I OD25 I OD25
1:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 1:00 PM
OD50 OD25 OD25 OD25 OD25
1:00 AM 5:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM 1:00 AM
1:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 1:00 PM
C. Hours are rolled with the clock (for 12-hour shift if 7:00 a.m. is the start time then
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. would be straight time - 1:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. would be 2X +
50%...etc. For 10-hour shift if 9:00 a.m. is the start time then 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
would be straight time- 1:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. would be 2X+ 50%...etc.).
D. Overtime opportunities will be equalized for all employees on either fixed or rotating
shifts, where practical.
E. Pre-Scheduled overtime worked one and 1.5 hours before and one and 1.5 hours after
the normal hours will be paid at the overtime rate without a premium. Overtime
scheduled during this same window on Saturday and Sunday (or normal days off) and
an observed holiday, will be paid at the overtime rate without a premium.
F. Overtime will be considered unscheduled if employees are contacted after their normal
work hours and on their days off unless they have received at least 48 hours prior notice.
This does not apply to relief shift covering vacant shifts Monday through Thursday. See
Section 2 above.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 100
G. Double-time plus the 50% premium (OD50) is defined as the first 4.5 hours of the six
hours before the normal starting time: i.e., for regular work hours of 7:00 a.m. —
7:00 p.m., this would be from 1:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m.
A. Management will determine when shift coverage is needed. The relief shift will not be
B. When relief is needed for covering vacancies Monday through Thursday, the first priority
will be to use the System Operator on the relief shift. The second priority will be to use
the 10-Hour Shift System Operator working regular schedule to cover that vacant day shift
only. The third priority shall be to use the Lead to cover that vacant day shift only. The
fourth priority shall be to utilize the Callout List.
C. When covering vacancies on Friday, the first priority will be to use the 10-Hour Shift
System Operator working regular schedule on that day to cover that vacant day shift only.
The second priority shall be to use the Lead to cover that vacant day shift only. The third
priority shall be to use the callout List.
D. On weekends or when the System Operator on the relief shift or the 10-Hour Shift System
Operator working regular schedule on that day are not available to work, the shift will be
covered by calling System Operators not already scheduled to work that day using the
overtime callout list in accordance with Section 19.1.3.
E. If the vacancy is not covered by following B, C, or D above, the shift will be covered by
having the System Operator already scheduled to work that day come in early or work
after their shift. Management's intent is to not have System Operators working more than
a total of four hours of overtime to cover vacancies adjacent to their regularly scheduled
A. For employees working 12-Hour Shifts. Holiday pay will be compensated at the negotiated
eight hours of straight time pay. Employees required to work a holiday will be
compensated for hours worked paid at 2.OX the normal rate in addition to eight hours
holiday pay. At the employee's option, the employee will be compensated for time
actually worked on the holiday at the overtime rate and, in lieu of holiday pay, will be
provided a lieu day to be taken during the first mutually agreeable relief shift.
B. For employees normally working 10-Hour Shifts. During holiday weeks only, employees
required to work on a holiday will be compensated at 2.OX the normal rate in addition to
eight hours holiday pay. Employees not scheduled to work on a holiday will receive eight
hours holiday pay at the negotiated straight time rate and will not work more than two
hours on the holiday unless called out or pre-scheduled due to workload. In lieu of
working the two hours on the holiday, System Operators may preschedule with
management a mutually agreeable day during the holiday pay period to work two hours
of pre-scheduled overtime or may take two hours of vacation or floating holiday pay at
the straight time rate. This will give System Operators the correct hours of work for the
holiday period.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 101
C. Employees called out to work on a holiday will be paid per the schedule noted in 3—A,
above. At the employee's option, the employee will be compensated for time actually
worked on the holiday at the overtime rate and, in lieu of holiday pay, will be provided a
lieu day to be taken during the first mutually agreeable relief shift.
A. All approved time off will be charged on an hourly basis and paid at the straight time rate.
Employees working this schedule and taking approved time off will be required to utilize
the number of hours for the rotation they are scheduled for on the day/week of this
vacation. For example, an employee taking vacation on a day they were scheduled for 12
hours will be required to take 12 hours of vacation.
B. If scheduling conflict does not exist, System Operators may take four hours of vacation in
a shift and work the balance. All regularly scheduled hours not worked must be charged
to sick leave, vacation, holiday, approved lieu day (see Section 5) or taken pursuant to
Section 10.12 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
/k/Tr"c k Fr& IV Erbcl W L
Business Manager Manager, Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
Date: Ee.0 acw�y 5, 2016 Date: Eayuawy 15, 2016
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 102
IBEW Local 125 and PacifiCorp agree to the following provisions for a rotating work schedule for
Hydro Control Operators at the Merwin Hydro Control Center. All provisions of the current
collective bargaining agreement between the parties remain intact except for those identified
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Week 1 N N N
Week 2 N D D D
Week 3 N N N
Week 4 D D D D
Week 5 r r r r
Merwin Hydro Control Center will have employees on the job 24 hours a day and seven days a
week. The workweek will begin at 6:15 am Monday and continue for seven consecutive days.
A. Hours on duty as defined below shall constitute a day's work.
Week one through week four of the schedule are 12-hour shift rotation, 12 consecutive
hours on duty shall constitute a day's work.
Week five of the schedule is an 8-hour relief shift, the workweek will begin at 7:00 a.m.
Monday and continue for four consecutive days.
B. Employees who work four 12-hour shifts during one workweek shall receive extra pay for
the hours over 40 as follows:
Regular pay for the first three 12-hour shifts (36 hours) and for the last 12-hour shift of
the 48-hour week, regular pay for the first four hours (REGW) and the remaining eight
hours at 2.OX regular rate (REGD). These hours are not considered overtime.
C. Hours of work for which daily overtime is paid shall not be included in computing weekly
overtime. Hours allowed for observed holidays and other time off with pay shall not be
considered hours of work for purposes of computing weekly overtime.
D. Merwin Hydro Control Operators shall be allowed to trade work hours within the same
workweek provided no additional labor cost is placed on the company. Hydro Control
Operators involved shall notify management in advance of making such change in hours.
A. The purpose of the "relief shift" is to cover Hydro Control Operator absences on a 12-hour
shift due to vacations, illness, training, position vacancies, etc.
B. The work schedule for the relief shift is 7:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday;
however, the relief shift hours may be changed to cover 12-hour shift vacancies and will
be paid under the applicable relief shift rules of pay listed in Section 3 for their entire
assignment. Individuals covering a vacant 12-hour day shift will be paid at the appropriate
OVTD rate for hours worked between 3:00 p.m. —6:15 p.m. Individuals required to cover
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1 103
vacant night shifts, shall be paid eight hours of straight time (REGW) and four hours of
overtime (e.g. OVTD, OD50, etc.). Weekend vacancies will be covered by prescheduling
overtime when possible, or by using the overtime callout list to equalize overtime.
"Callout" and "prescheduled" rules of pay do not apply when relief-shift hours are
changed to cover 12-hour shift vacancies Monday through Thursday.
A. Overtime will be paid in accordance with Article 19 of the collective bargaining agreement
as illustrated below.
B. *OVTD (6:15 p.m. - 2:15 a.m.) shall only apply if the employee exceeds eight hours of
straight time pay within the service day.
Relief Shift-Covering Vacant 12-Hour Night Shift (6:15pm-6:15am)
4:45am-6:15pm 6:15pm -2:15am 2:15am -4:45am
Relief Shift-Covering Vacant 12-Hour Day Shift (6:15am-6:15pm)
12:15am - 4:45am - 7:00am - 3:00pm - 6:15pm -
4:45am 7:00am 3:00pm 6:15pm 12:15am
12-Hour Regular Scheduled Workdays-Days
12:15am - 4:45am - 6:15am - 6:15pm - 7:45pm -
4:45am 6:15am 6:15pm 7:45pm 12:15am
Scheduled OD50 OVTD REGW OVTD OD25
Not Pre-
Scheduled OD50 OD50 REGW OVTD OD25
12-Hour Regular Scheduled Workdays- Nights
12:15pm - 4:45pm - 6:15pm - 6:15am - 7:45am -
4:45pm 6:15pm 6:15am 7:45am 12:15pm
Not Pre- OD50 OD50 REGW OVTD OD25
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 104
12-Hour Operator Call Outs-Days Off and Holidays- Days
12:15am - 4:45am - 6:15am - 6:15pm - 7:45pm -
4:45am 6:15am 6:15pm 7:45pm 12:15am
OD50 OD25 OD25 OD25 OD25
12-Hour Operator Call Outs-Days Off and Holidays- Nights
12:15pm - 4:45pm - 6:15pm - 6:15am - 7:45am-
4:45pm 6:15pm 6:15am 7:45am 12:15pm
OD50 OD25 OD25 OD25 OD25
12-Hour Operator Pre-Scheduled - Days Off and Holidays-Days
12:15am - 4:45am - 6:15am - 6:15pm - 7:45pm -
4:45am 6:15am 6:15pm 7:45pm 12:15am
12-Hour Operator Pre-Scheduled - Days Off and Holidays-Nights
12:15pm - 4:45pm - 6:15pm - 6:15am- 7:45am-
4:45pm 6:15pm 6:15am 7:45am 12:15pm
C. Hours are rolled with the clock (for 12-hour shift, if 6:15 a.m. is the start time then 6:15
a.m.to 6:15 p.m.would be straight time-12:15 a.m.to 4:45 a.m.would be 2x+50%...etc.)
D. Overtime opportunities will be equalized for all employees, where practical.
E. Pre-Scheduled overtime worked 1.5 hours before and 1.5 hours after the normal hours
will be paid at the overtime rate without a premium. Overtime scheduled during this
window on Saturday and Sunday (or normal days off) and an observed holiday, will be
paid at the overtime rate without a premium
F. Overtime will be considered unscheduled if employees are contacted after their normal
work hours and on their days off unless they have received at least 48 hours prior notice.
This does not apply to relief shift covering vacant shifts Monday through Thursday. See
Section 2 above.
G. Double-time plus the 50% premium (OD50) is defined as the first 4.5 hours of the six
hours before the normal starting time: i.e.,for regular work hours of 6:15 a.m.-6:15 p.m.,
this would be from 12:15 a.m. to 4:45 a.m.
A. Management will determine when shift coverage is needed. The relief shift will not be
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 105
B. When relief is needed for covering vacancies Monday through Thursday, the first priority
will be to use the Hydro Control Operator on the relief shift. The second priority shall be
to use the callout list to determine the operator to be assigned the planned overtime.
C. When covering vacancies on Friday, the first priority shall be to use the Hydro General
Foreman to cover that vacant day shift only.The second priority shall be to use the callout
list to determine the operator to be assigned the planned overtime.
D. On weekends or when the Hydro Control Operator on the relief shift are not available to
work, the first priority will be to cover the shift by using the overtime callout list to
determine the operator to be assigned the planned overtime. The second priority will be
to cover using the Hydro General Foreman.
E. If the vacancy is not covered by following B, C, or D above, the shift will be covered by
having the Hydro Control Operator already scheduled to work that day come in early or
work after their shift. Management's intent is to not have Hydro Control Operators
working more than a total of four hours of overtime to cover vacancies adjacent to their
regularly scheduled shift.
F. Vacancies covered on a prescheduled basis shall use the overtime list to determine the
order in which the operators are requested to cover. If requesting coverage in the order
of the overtime list fails, the overtime coverage shall be assigned to the lowest operator
on the overtime list.
A. For employees working 12-hour shifts: Holiday pay will be compensated at the negotiated
eight hours of straight time pay. Employees required to work a holiday will be
compensated for hours worked paid at 2.OX (HOLW) the normal rate in addition to eight
hours holiday pay. At the employee's option, the employee will be compensated for time
actually worked on the holiday at the overtime rate and, in lieu of holiday pay, will be
provided a lieu day to be taken during the first mutually agreeable relief shift.
B. Employees called out to work on a holiday will be paid per the schedule noted in 3-A
above. At the employee's option, the employee will be compensated for time actually
worked on the holiday at the overtime rate and, in lieu of holiday pay, will be provided a
lieu day to be taken during the first mutually agreeable relief shift.
A. All approved time off will be charged on an hourly basis and paid at the straight time rate.
Employees working this schedule and taking approved time off will be required to utilize
the number of hours for the rotation they are scheduled for on the day/week of this
vacation—sick time. For example, an employee taking vacation on a day they were
scheduled to work a 12-hour shift will be required to take 12 hours vacation.
B. If a scheduling conflict does not exist, Hydro Control Operators may take up to four hours
off of approved time off in a shift and work the balance of the shift.All regularly scheduled
hours not worked must be charged to sick leave, vacation, holiday, or approved lieu day
(see Section 5) and taken pursuant to Section 10.12 of the Collective Bargaining
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 106
This agreement shall be effective immediate upon signing and shall remain in effect on an
ongoing basis until either party elects to cancel based on 30 days' notice. In the event this
agreement is canceled, the schedule shall revert to the previous schedule in place before
implementation of this agreement.
Pacific Power IBEW Local 125
IV C1144 phe r Scl*,e� 7116118 /s-/Tvcwlk Ev-v 7116118
Christopher Schneider Date Travis Eri Date
Manager, Labor Relations Business Manager
/k1�Tael LMe-el 7116118
Joe LaMere Date
Manager Hydro
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 107
AUGUST 22,2014
Relative to implementation of the company's Hydro Resources Shift Turnover and Time Reporting
where Shift Relief is required by Management policy (copy attached for reference), IBEW Local
125 and PacifiCorp have concluded impact bargaining and agree to the following:
• All provisions of the current collective bargaining agreement between the parties remain
intact except for those identified and described below. When this agreement is in conflict
with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, this document shall be
• While shift turnovers should normally be accomplished in 15 minutes or less, the parties
recognize that there maybe times when a lengthier and more thorough turnover is necessary.
Operators are required to provide a brief explanation (noted on the daily timesheet) for shift
turnovers exceeding 15 minutes.
• It is not the intent of management to question the legitimacy of shift turnovers conducted in
accordance with the procedures outlined in the policy. However, in accordance with company
policy, time reported must accurately reflect time worked (including turnover time), and
management reserves the right to investigate potential violations of policy and/or procedure.
• Shift turnovers are paid at the applicable overtime rate in accordance with the current
collective bargaining agreement. Overtime for the shift turnover on a normally scheduled day
will not be included in the total hours for after-hours Callouts.
• Any applicable Shift differential pay for the outgoing operator will continue through the shift
turnover period.
• Shifts will be adjusted as noted below, and turnover will begin at the time(s) specified:
Shift 1 2215—0615 (Shift Turnover begins at 0615) 1815—0615 (Shift Turnover begins at 0615)
Shift 2 0615— 1415 (Shift Turnover begins at 1415) 0615— 1815 (Shift Turnover begins at 1815)
Shift 3 1415—2215 (Shift Turnover begins at 2215)
IkI Tra vt k Evv 812212014 IV Aa*-o-w( vrat'vcw 611612014
Business Manager Date Manager, Labor Relations Date
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 108
The mutual objective of the parties is to make best use of available training opportunities.To that
end, this Section prescribes mechanisms to provide such opportunities. All training must be
approved in advance to qualify for travel reimbursement.
For the purpose of this subsection, the following definitions will apply:
REQUIRED TRAINING — Non-voluntary training, meetings or site visits which the Company requires
an employee to participate in as a condition of ongoing employment. An employee's refusal to
participate in required training would be grounds for disciplinary action.
VOLUNTARY TRAINING—Training, meetings or site visits in which an employee volunteers, but is not
required to participate in.
REGULAR WORK HOURS—Traditional work hours for the activity in which the employee participates.
For off-site activities, this is often 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a one hour lunch break. For
meetings at other work or training locations, the regular hours for that location will constitute
regular work hours. Rotating shift workers will normally be assigned to an 8-hour dayshift for
training activities. Meal periods are not included in regular work hours.
TRAVEL TIME —WHEN DRIVING: Travel time is the equivalent of actual time on the road between
the employee's headquarters and the training site or hotel depending on their destination
WHEN FLYING:Travel time is the equivalent of actual time on the road between the employee's
headquarters and airport, plus time in the airport and time on the airplane, plus time to the
training site or hotel depending on their destination.
ExPENSES — Expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the current PacifiCorp Travel and
Expense Policy, supplemented with the following clarifications: 1) phone calls home will be
limited to an average of one, 10-minute call per day; and 2) meal expense reimbursement must
be supported by receipts whenever possible.
Employees will be paid at their regular straight-time rate for time spent in classroom instruction,
meetings and training activities during regular work hours whether the activity is required or
voluntary. Overtime will be paid when scheduled hours during a work week exceeds 40 hours. If
the training schedule prevents an employee from working the number of regular hours normally
scheduled for the work week, the Company, at its option, will either provide opportunity to work
the total number of hours normally scheduled or pay the employee for the number of hours
normally scheduled even though the hours are not actually worked.
Employees will receive overtime pay. Compensation will be for time actually engaged in required
training or travel time as defined above.
Paid by mutual agreement between the Company, employee and Union.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1109
Type of Training Training or Travel Time Training or Travel Time
During Regular Work Hours Outside Regular Work Hours
Required Paid Paid
Voluntary Paid Paid
(See Note 1 for Exceptions)
Mutual Agreement by Company,
employee and Union
(1) Exceptions occur for voluntary, job related training outside regular work hours in three
a) If an employee on their own initiative attends an independent school, college or
independent trade school after hours, the time is not considered hours worked even if
the courses are related to their job.
b) The Company may establish for the benefit of the employees a program of instruction
which corresponds to courses offered by independent bona fide institutions of learning.
Voluntary attendance by an employee at such courses outside of regular work hours
would not be hours worked even if they are directly related to the job or paid for by the
c) Time spent outside of regular work hours in an organized program of related,
supplemental instruction by employees working under bona fide apprenticeship or
trainee programs will be excluded from working time provided such time does not
involve productive work or performance of the apprentice/trainee's regular duties.
3/15/2022 3 15 2022
Travis Eri Date Allison Lupico Date
Business Manager Labor Relations Specialist
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 110
For Local 125 Members and Pacific Power Employees PACIFICORP
16.6.6 December 1, 2011
On October 6, 2011, IBEW local 125 filed a second-step grievance regarding Off-Site Travel Pay.
Representatives from the Company and the Union met on October 28, 2011 and
November 1, 2011 and agreed to publish this Joint Communication as a remedy to Grievance R-
125-2011-3285. Additionally, the grievant and another apprentice who traveled to the same
training will be compensated for the previously denied travel pay. Outside of the named grievant
and another apprentice that was denied travel pay, no other retro pay will be awarded.To ensure
that all affected parties are operating on the same assumptions,the Union and Company agreed
to communicate directly with their affected personnel. This communication will include face-to-
face meetings and written communication in addition to this document.
This Joint Communication shall be considered as a non-precedent-setting amendment to the
Off-Site Travel Letter of Agreement, dated July 1, 1998.
The Union and Company agreed to the following:
• Apprentices traveling to Saturday School and Camp Rilea will not be compensated.
• Although the Company views apprenticeship training as voluntary, when apprentices travel
to company-provided training, such as Salt lake City, Utah, they will be compensated. If said
training requires travel outside their normal work schedule, apprentices will be compensated
at their straight-time rate.
o Compensated time will include the time from one's home to the airport (minus the
mileage for their normal commute), plus the actual flight time and an additional one hour.
o Employees must calculate the most direct route from their home to the airport. Managers
expect employees to include the recommended 90 minutes prior to departure for
inclusion in travel time.
• Other training such as the Seattle Meter School, Portland General Electric's Transformer
School will be compensated at the straight-time rate if traveling outside their normal work
• This Letter of Agreement—Clarification to Off-Site Travel, dated July 1, 1998—shall be
considered effective immediately upon acceptance by both parties. The Company will
arrange to compensate the grievant during the next available pay period.
• There will be no retro pay
Questions about this Joint Communication should be directed to Labor Relations or the Union
/kI Ti-"&k E►-(l /�/.��vwy Cau waL
Business Manager Director of Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 111
The Company and the Union agree that the following guidelines shall be utilized regarding per
diem/board lodging when working out of temporary work locations:
(1) Prescheduled out of town assignment in Local 125 jurisdiction:
Lodging to include telephone calls and laundry will be provided by the Company in
addition to a daily meals only per diem pursuant current IRS rate.
(2) Prescheduled out of town assignment on other than Pacific Power and Light property:
Lodging, to include telephone and laundry, will be provided by the Company in addition
to a meals only per diem pursuant current IRS rate.
The Employee may elect for the Company to provide all board and lodging or
reimbursement for the reasonable costs thereof.
(3) Storm work and Declared Emergency:
The Company to provide board and lodging or reimbursement for the reasonable costs
(4) Training Assignments:
(a) Prescheduled out of town training assignments in Local 125 jurisdiction, where
lunch is provided, will be considered a travel day for the purposes of meals only per
diem rate to be paid pursuant current IRS rate.
(b) Out of jurisdiction, such as Meterman training in Seattle, shall be considered the
same as storm work and compensated as (3) above.
The Company will provide the Employee(s) with a Travel & Entertainment Credit Card prior to
leaving their regular work location for the temporary assignment, and its use is according to the
previously agreed to policy statement.
The meals only per diem expense allowance as listed above, will be an amount to be determined
in accordance with Article 16, Section 16.6.6 pursuant current IRS rate.
1W 7 ray,k Fr , 1W R i/--k Loav(e
Business Manager Director, Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 112
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into by the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, Local 125, ("Union") and PacifiCorp ("Company"). Collectively the Union and the
Company are referred to as ("The Parties").The intent of this agreement is to clarify the job duties
and expectations of a Portland Control Center Region System Operator General Foreman, outline
the candidate selection process for of Region System Operator General Foreman job postings,
and establish an agreement for the transition of the current Lead System Operators to System
The parties agree that the Region System Operator General Foreman role at Portland Control
Center is a position that requires a higher level of skill and technical expertise in all areas of region
system operations, and is a supervisory position requiring leadership abilities. Accordingly, the
parties agree to change the classification title Dispatch General Foreman to Region System
Operator General Foreman.
The following Region System Operator General Foreman job description shall replace section
17.3.15 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
A Region System Operator General Foreman is a supervising employee under the direction of
region system operations management who: A) is a qualified System Operator able to function
in any of the roles of the region system operators; B) supervises assigned operators and provides
training and technical direction to operators; C) assists management with reviewing of open
shifts and at managements request assist with callouts to fill open shifts; D) and may be
required to provide relief as necessary. E) Other duties as outlined by RSO-POL-063 Region
System Operator General Foreman Roles and Responsibilities.
System Operators General Foreman is expected to work overtime. For after-hours callouts,
System Operator General Foreman will be sorted at the bottom of the call out list and called last.
Temporary upgrades to System Operator General Foreman for vacation or sick relief will be at
management's discretion. A System Operator General Foreman is not required to hire, fire, or
System Operator General Foreman vacancies will be posted and bid pursuant to section 14.2.4
of the CBA. Upon closure of the bidding, management will select qualified candidates to be
interviewed by the PCC Director and their designee. The Union will provide a representative to
participate in the interview process for these candidates. The Company shall have the sole
discretion to select the final candidate and award the position.
As of January 15, 2018, any existing Lead System Operator will be reclassified as a System
Operator and will be assigned a 12-hour rotating shift unless otherwise assigned by management.
Reclassified Lead System Operators will continue to be paid at their current rate until the System
Operator wage exceeds the frozen rate.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1113
This agreement does not prohibit the Company from filling a Lead System Operator position in
the future. Any future Lead System Operator positions will be bid and filled in accordance with
sections 14.2 and 17.3.16.
This agreement shall be effective immediately upon signing. The terms of this agreement shall
remain in effect for the term of this current collective bargaining agreement unless modified by
mutual agreement during that period. Upon expiration of the current CBA, this agreement shall
be automatically renewed unless during negotiations of a successor CBA either party provides
the other with written notice that it wishes to terminate this agreement or negotiate changes to
this agreement. Upon such notice this agreement shall become nullified.
l 6/16/2022 6 16 2022
Travis Eri Date Allison Lupico Date
Business Manager Labor Relations Specialist
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 114
PacifiCorp, hereinafter called the "company", and Local Union No. 125 of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, hereinafter called the "union", do mutually agree to the terms
and provisions of this agreement. Furthermore, it is agreed that this agreement supersedes the
Letter of Agreement dated August 3, 2001.
This agreement is in reference to the job classification of Outage Coordinator. All provisions of
the collective bargaining agreement will apply unless there is a conflict with this agreement.
When this agreement is in conflict with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement,
this document shall be controlling.
The essential duties and job description of an Outage Coordinator are:
1. Act as the point of contact for outage information.
2. Coordinate, gather, and disseminate outage information.
3. Assist in calling and dispatching appropriate response personnel from information
gathered through outage or emergency tickets.
4. Coordinate with dispatch resources.
5. Assist in dispatching appropriate field related work and provide data input into necessary
systems (after hour reconnects).
6. Review and respond to power quality (OPQ) work orders.
7. May perform other duties as assigned.
The essential qualifications for an Outage Coordinator are:
1. Must demonstrate basic clerical skills, which include keyboard proficiency, office
etiquette as well as oral and written communication skills as determined by the Joint
2. A minimum of six months satisfactory performance in any Power Delivery Field
Operations classification.
3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the existing tools (Trouble-up, Mobile-up, CSS, OVS,
Power-out, etc.) within the first six months of assignment (probationary period). Criteria
to determine working knowledge and capabilities include the current training modules
and any other criteria will be set by the joint committee.
A. Progress of probationary Coordinators will be reviewed by the joint committee on a
monthly basis. At these times, the committee may make recommendations to the
Employee as to areas that need further development.
B. Prior to the expiration of the six month probationary period, the joint committee will
review the Employee's progress and abilities against the current training modules and
standards established by the joint committee. At this time, the Company may
disqualify the Employee from the Outage Coordinator position and the Employee will
be subject to the Force Reduction rules of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, as per
Section 14.5 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1115
Open Outage Coordinator positions will first be filled by the Senior Service Coordinator A bidder;
second by the Senior Service Coordinator B bidder; third by the Senior Service Coordinator C
bidder; fourth by the Senior Service Coordinator D bidder. When no incumbent Service
Coordinator bids on an open Service Coordinator position, the open position will be filled by the
senior bidder that meets the qualifications listed above.
Qualified applicants will first be selected from within the existing bargaining unit in accordance
with Section 14.2 of the parties'collective bargaining agreement. If no qualified employees apply,
it is the intent of this agreement to hire the best-unqualified internal/external applicant.
This Letter of Agreement may be amended or modified at any time upon mutual agreement of
the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement.
PacifiCorp IBEW Local 125
Manager, Labor Relations Business Manager
Date: .TwAe/10, 2015 Date: .Twvt&10, 2015
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 116
JANUARY 26,2005
PacifiCorp, hereinafter called the "company", and Local Union 125 of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, hereinafter called the"union", do mutually agree to the terms
and provisions of this agreement.
For the purpose of administering the collective bargaining agreement at Portland Control Center
(specifically the Incident Coordinator job classification), this document shall supersede and
supplant as controlling such provisions of the collective bargaining agreement which are in
conflict with the provisions of this Letter of Agreement.
18.1 The standard workweek shall consist of seven days beginning Monday at 7:00 a.m.
A basic workweek shall consist of three or four consecutive 12-hour workdays.
• Daily hours of work should normally be limited to 12-hours in a day. Exceptions
could include emergencies, training and the time it takes to provide relief for
18.10.2 Regular meal times as defined in Section 18.6 are as follows: Breakfast will begin
1-% hours before the start of the shift. Lunch will begin at the middle of the shift.
Dinner will begin one hour after the conclusion of the shift and meal periods will
be provided every six hours thereafter. Rotating shift workers do not observe a
meal break but eat at the convenience of the work being performed.
Employees performing scheduled overtime work shall provide their lunch meal as they would
on a normal workday.
Convert 8-hour days to hours. Leave shall be taken and paid hour for hour at the straight-
time rate.
♦ Examples:
• Vacation-employee takes 12-hours off and charged for 12-hours of vacation pay.
• Sick Leave-employee takes 12-hours off and charged for 12-hours of sick pay.
• Funeral Leave/Family Sickness-Three 8-hour days converts to two, 12-hour days.
• Holidays:
■ Employees will continue to receive 8-hours of holiday pay for each of the observed
■ Floating holidays and birthday holiday hours must be used in a manner to schedule
an entire 12-hour shift off.
■ Employees not required for coverage will be scheduled off.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 117
19.1.1 Overtime is defined as (a) time worked in excess of 12 hours per day or; (b) time
worked in excess of 40 hours in any workweek or; (c) time worked in excess of the
total weekly scheduled hours below.
Compensation will not be paid for the time required to eat a meal under this Section 19.1,
except as otherwise provided under this Agreement.
Schedules will include one 32-hour workweek, two 36-hour workweeks, and two 48-hour
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Work Paid
Shift 1 N N N 36 36
Shift 2 N D D D 48 52 *
Shift 3 N N N 36 36
Shift 4 D D D D 48 52 *
Shift 5 r r r r 32 32
Average: 40 41.6
*The last 8-hours of this week are scheduled and paid at 1% times the regular rate of pay.
D = 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
N = 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
r = 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.**
**An employee called to perform relief will receive straight-time wages unless the hours
worked exceed 12-hours in a day or 32 straight-time hours in a week.
♦ Relief for Shifts #1, 2, 3 and 4 (Shift 5 does not require relief):
• One employee from all shifts may be off at any one time
• While on night shift, employees are restricted from taking one or two day vacations
during the workweek
• Relief is normally scheduled using Shift 5
■ 1st priority is to cover with straight-time using Shift 5
■ 2nd priority is to cover using employees on days off
♦ Absence scheduled less than seven days in advance
• Vacation is by agreement of the relief employee and covered with straight-time
• Unplanned absence options:
■ 1st determine if the shift needs to be covered by PBC
■ 2nd cover with straight-time using shift 5
■ 3rd cover with overtime using employees on their day off
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1118
Disputes over the provisions of this Agreement shall not escalate beyond the second step of
the grievance procedure. Should the parties be unable to resolve a grievance at the second
step, this Agreement will terminate and employees will revert back to an 8-hour schedule at
the first opportunity to affect such change without penalty to the Company.
Either the union or company may discontinue this Agreement by notifying the other in writing
of its intent to do so. Employees will be returned to an 8-hour schedule at the first
opportunity to affect such change without penalty to the Company.
The parties having met and considered the provisions herein do, by their signatures, approve the
implementation of this document.
IkI W alla*W D. M ab?,r,jr. /a-/A vuLrec,Ga+ew
Business Manager Managing Director,
IBEW Local 125 Employee Relations & Development
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 119
PACIFICORP Pacific Power
Rocky Mountain Power
Portland,Oregon 97232
This Letter of Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered into
by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 125 and International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, Local 659 ("Union) and PacifiCorp (Company).
The Company and the Union mutually agree to allow Utility Specialists, represented by IBEW
Local 659 to perform work as an Infrastructure Facility Specialist as necessary to meet service
needs in the IBEW Local 125 service area at the Company's discretion.
It is anticipated that this work will be less than the work the Utility Specialist would perform in
the IBEW 659 service area, however if the workload dictates a full-time assignment in IBEW 125
service area, the Company will meet and discuss with the Union.
This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving the other 30 days advanced
written notice.
By signing this Agreement, the Company and Union confirm that they have read, understand and
agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties here to execute this Agreement.
/S-/ca"Ycook, 212812013 1W'1Z0TVHcu rbk 212612013
Field Inspection Support Manager Date Business Representative Date
/k/Cu vrw A. }f o-Gwdl 212812013 INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF
Labor Relations Consultant Date ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 659
IV Lonnw &M , 2/26/2013
Business Manager Date
NOTE: This LOA shall apply to the Inspection Specialist classification as per LOA dated
August 1, 2016.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1120
PACIFICORP Pacific Power
Rocky Mountain Power
Portland,Oregon 97232
THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement') is made and entered
into by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 125, and the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 659 ("Union") and PacifiCorp ("Company").
A four 10-hour work schedule is proposed for Field Inspection Specialist for employees who are
assigned to out of town travel which requires at least three consecutive overnight stays in the
same workweek. The parties have agreed to the following:
1. For the purpose of administering the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in Field
Inspection Specialist while the employee is on a shift schedule of four 10-hour days, this
document shall supersede and supplant as controlling such provisions of the CBA between
the parties which may be found to be in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement.
• All holidays will be observed as an 8-hour day. An employee may supplant two hours of
vacation if they so desire or an employee may choose to work four 8-hour days and
observe the holiday for that work.
• Observed holidays which fall on Monday or Friday that coincide with an employee's
normal day off will be observed on the following work day.
• Utilization of sick leave/vacation will be by hours of work actually missed by the
5. 10-hour shift schedules will consist of four consecutive 10-hour days commencing on Monday
or Tuesday. Shift schedules will be from 0700 hours to 1730 hours. The standard workweek
is defined as outlined in 18.1 of the IBEW Local 125 CBA and 15.0 of the IBEW Local 659 CBA.
• For the purpose of this Agreement, employees assigned to four 10-hour day work
schedules will accrue overtime after 10 hours worked in any workday and for any hours
outside of the scheduled four day workweek. Overtime compensation is outlined in 19.1.3
of the IBEW Local 125 CBA and 15.4.2 of the IBEW Local 659 CBA.
7. When scheduled to work with personnel from other departments or areas that are on
different work schedules, employees will work the same schedule as the other party. In all
cases the 40-hour workweek will be maintained.
• No change to current process: assigned by Supervisor.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1121
• Either party may discontinue the four 10-hour work schedule by notifying the other of its
intent to do so. The schedule will, upon notification to the other party, be returned to
schedules provided for in the CBA, as soon as mutually agreed upon but in no event longer
than 30 days from the date of notification.
• Disputes over the intent of the provisions of this document will be subject to the grievance
procedure as outlined in the current CBA only until the second step. Should the parties
be unable to resolve grievances pertaining to the establishment of the four 10-hour work
schedules during the second step of the grievance procedure, the four 10-hour work
schedule arrangement shall revert back to the normal shift as defined in the CBA at the
first opportunity to affect such change without penalty of overtime payment.
By signing this Agreement, the Union and the Company confirm that they have read, understand
and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement.
Is--I Cq! ey Cook 812112012 1W'R0-VVH"r&k 812212012
Field Inspection Support Manager Date Business Representative Date
IkI Currw A. ffocurcL 812212012 IV Le4uiiR,EU,i/ 812212012
Labor Relations Consultant Date Business Representative Date
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1 122
PACIFICORP Pacific Power
Rocky Mountain Power
Portland,Oregon 97232
THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and
entered into by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 125, ("Union") and
PacifiCorp ("Company").
The Union and the Company met on November 3, 2011 to discuss the temporary upgrade to
General Foreman denials in Logistics. The Union and the Company had differing interpretations
regarding 17.7.1 in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The Company's interpretation
was in order for a temporary upgrade to General Foreman to apply, a Logistic worker had to be
in charge of four or more Logistic workers at a location or a location designated as a "hub" for
material. The Union's interpretation was if working at a "hub" the "four or more" language did
not apply.
In an effort to resolve this issue the Union and the Company have agreed to the following terms:
1. The temporary General Foreman upgrade will apply when in charge of one or more Logistics
workers at a hub.
2. The temporary General Foreman upgrade will apply when the General Foreman is not
working their normal scheduled shift at a hub.
3. The temporary General Foreman upgrade will not apply to overtime hours, unless it is
scheduled overtime and are performing the duties of a General Foreman.
4. The temporary General Foreman upgrade for emergency situations will be evaluated on a
case by case basis by Logistics Management.
5. Logistic workers Jim Huffman, Gene Stevenson, Pat Arens and Eric Benz will be compensated
for previous denials of the temporary upgrade to General Foreman pay for October 2011.
6. The temporary General Foreman upgrade will be granted only when the most senior qualified
employee fulfills all the duties of a General Foreman.
7. The terms and conditions of this Agreement were reached on a non-precedent setting basis
and will not be used in any past, current or future disputes.
By signing this Agreement, the Union and the Company confirm that they have read, understand
and agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1123
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement.
PacifiCorp International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers, Local 125
/s/�Tw4;rtwSea*i *w /S-/20-w}f a4frik
Manager, Hydro Production Business Representative
/a-/Cwt&k A. }f ovwcL Date: Novemrev- 21, 2011
Labor Relations Consultant
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 124
17.9 Between
22.10 Local 125 IBEW & PacifiCorp
November 14, 2005
In cooperation with Labor and Management, Hydro Generation has completed the requirements
for creation of a Hydro Compliance Technician job classification in Local 125. The primary reason
for creation of this job is to fill a need within Hydro in the Safety and Environmental areas. The
following are the major items agreed to under this MOU:
• The duties, training requirements and qualifications for the position are as specified in the
attached Position Description. Changes to the Position Description which may affect the
duties, training or qualifications must be agreed to by both the Company and the Union.
• Stepped compensation linked to the Hydro North Operator A with step increases based on
meeting specific requirements. These requirements are to be aligned with the Post Hiring
Qualifications (within 180 days) and Post Hiring Qualifications (within 360 days). (If an
employee is awarded the Hydro Compliance Technician Training position and has a higher
pay rate the employee's wages shall be "grandfathered" at the higher rate and shall continue
to receive general wage increases.)
• Joint Selection process with a selection team consisting of three Bargaining Unit personnel
and three Management personnel. Selection process based on interviews and skill
demonstration. Should the interview team be unable to reach consensus on selection, or
where two candidates share an equal ranking, seniority will be used as the determining factor
in the selection. (Note: Local 125 Business Manager or designated Representative and Hydro
operations Manager may participate in the interview process, but will be considered as non-
voting members of the interview team.
• In situations where two candidates share an equal ranking, seniority will be used as the
determining factor in the selection.
• It is further agreed by the parties that by agreeing to this new position no current or future
position covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement will be reduced or eliminated.
Signed for the Union Signed for the Company
/S/.TivwPAtMtaw /s/2a4Ly Lando-Lt
Business Representative Managing Director
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
Date: Novevwler 14, 2005 Date: Nave*tbew 14, 2005
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 125
PACIFICORP Pacific Power
Rocky Mountain Power
A W....RKAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY 825 NE Multnomah,Suite 1800
Portland,Oregon 97232
This Letter of Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered into
by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 125, ("Union") and PacifiCorp
The parties met on October of 2012, to discuss the Company utilizing Field Passage
Biologists/Technicians to transport fish on the Lewis River located in southwestern Washington.
The Company and the Union entered into a Letter of Agreement on January 6, 2012, establishing
a Fish Transporter/Hydro Utility Worker job classification, which one function is to transport fish
on the Lewis River.
The Field Passage Biologists/Technicians are mandated by the Lewis River Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission to conduct fish monitoring and collection efforts within the area of the
Lewis River Hydroelectric projects. Fish monitoring efforts are completed per study schedules,
whereas collection and transport of upstream migrating fish at Merwin dam and collection and
transport of downstream migrating fish at Swift dam take place each day.
Currently, the Fish Passage Biologists/Technicians have to call a Fish Transporter/ Hydro Utility
Worker, who then has to use a tanker truck to come and transport the fish. This is an inefficient
use of resources if the number of fish could be transported within a small tank and the Field
Passage Biologists/Technicians is going to the fish release site.
The Company and the Union have agreed to the following:
1. The Field Passage Biologists/Technicians will be allowed to transport 10 or less adult fish, and
100 or less juvenile fish to the primitive ramp below the Merwin Dam and the Swift Dam
release sites.
2. The parties understand that there may instances where that number could be marginally
higher, and if it continues on a regular basis the Company will work with the General Foreman
and meet and discuss with the Union.
3. The terms and conditions of this agreement were reached on a non-precedent setting basis
and will not be used in any past, current or future disputes.
By signing this Agreement, the Company and Union confirm that they have read, understand and
agree with the terms and conditions in it and have signed it knowingly.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1126
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement.
PacifiCorp International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers, Local 125
/S/rod&0140-w 513012013 /s-/IZo-nlYa*-v*bk 312 912013
Director, Compliance Date Business Representative Date
/s-/..Te. owty T. Cou*-vab 312812013
Director, Labor Relations Date
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 127
18.2 November 9, 1990
1. Hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a one-half hour lunch period. Servicemen, service
Clerks, mechanics and Materialmen who have always worked different hours shall continue
to do so.
2. Early hours will remain in effect year round, so long as no major Union, customer or Company
problems arise due to the hours.
3. It is agreed that the entire group will go on and off the program with a 2/3 majority vote
deciding the outcome.
4. It is understood that this arrangement must be agreed to by the local PMOC management
and by the Local Union IBEW 125.
5. Should any major problems arise for either party, the major problem shall be discussed by
the Shop Steward and the Operations Manager. If the major problem cannot be resolved,this
program shall return to the normal hours provided for in the working agreement.
Agreed to for the Union Agreed to for the Company
/S/2cwM. V1z1/W. Co-weW Is/AU,ev/Gv'eevw
Shop Steward Line Superintendent
Date: NoveNvil-er 19, 1990 Date: No-ye4nbp ' 21, 1990
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA 128
During the 2003 Negotiations, the parties agreed to create new parameters for working,
compensation and employee rest during extended, major restorations efforts. Timely response
and employee safety are the foundations for this initiative.
The Regional Director Field Operations or a higher level of management will be responsible for
announcing a Declared Emergency. Once announced, local management and/or the General
Foreman will inform each employee directly, if they are assigned to work under the terms of the
Declared Emergency.
The initial regular or call-out work under a Declared Emergency will be paid under the existing
rules of pay and by the applicable chart until the first "6:00 a.m." after the Declared Emergency
is announced.
Pay schedule until the first 6:00 a.m. after the Declared Emergency is announced.
Midnight 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Midnight
2x+ 50%P 2x 1x 2x 2x + 25%P
After the transition to the Declared Emergency schedule and until the end of the Declared
Midnight 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Midnight
2xE 2xE 2xE 2xE 2xE
Employees shall not be required to work any longer than 24 continuous hours unless the
restoration will be completed within 4-6 hours after the Declared Emergency has been
announced. For every 24 hours period or major fraction thereof, the employee shall be provided
up to eight hours of paid rest at two times their regular rate.
• When an employee is working and the Declared Emergency occurs, pay begins at the next
6:00 a.m.; or
• When an employee is assigned to work on a Declared Emergency out of their
headquarters pay starts at the time of assignment, including any travel time needed to
reach the Declared Emergency location.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 129
o When the Company notifies an employee that they are released from working the
Declared Emergency;
o When the Company announces that the Declared Emergency work is over.
o In either case, the employee completes their Declared Emergency pay with eight
hours paid rest at the Declared Emergency rate of pay (2x—double time). The
Company designates when the last paid rest occurs. Once an employee has
completed their final rest period, they shall return to the appropriate rate as per
Article 19, Section 19.1 of this Agreement.
o Employees returning to their headquarters will complete their assignment with rest
and travel to their headquarters, to be paid according to Declared Emergency rules
of pay (2x—double time). Company designates when the last paid rest occurs, which
may be prior to travel to their headquarters. Once rest and travel is complete they
shall return to the appropriate rate as per Article 19,Section 19.1 of this Agreement.
3/15/2022 , 3 15 2022
Travis Eri Date Allison Lupico Date
Business Manager Labor Relations Specialist
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1130
The intent of this agreement is to ensure that overtime is administered in a fair and consistent
manner which affords equal opportunity for overtime to all IBEW members in accordance with
Section 19.1.4 of the working agreement, while providing the company and its customers with
an acceptable level of response to call-outs and the manning of work. With the understanding
that the local Overtime Oversight Committees have been dissolved with the cancellation of the
previous Letter of Agreement dated November 29, 1999, the parties agree that the Collective
Bargaining Agreement will govern overtime call-outs, except as otherwise provided herein.
1. Responsibilities:
• Employees will ensure the Automated Roster Call-Out System (ARCOS) is updated with
their preferred contact numbers and availability status.
• Districts shall maintain current (daily) updated call list(s) in ARCOS.
• Districts shall update ARCOS with the status of the crews or worker(s)still in the field after
regular hours, on prescheduled overtime, or working out of the area.
• System Operators will contact first responders directly, and otherwise utilize the ARCOS
system to perform overtime call-outs. ARCOS will begin at the top of the call-out list and
proceed sequentially down the list until the call is filled.
o It should be noted that for convenience ARCOS will call two times through the list;
however, the company's obligation under Section 19.1.4 of the contract will have
been satisfied after one time through the list.
• When there are requests for additional assistance involving the same case of trouble,the
System Operator will have ARCOS continue down the list from the last person called.
• For additional cases of trouble, the System Operator will have ARCOS begin at the top of
the list, unless the crew already working is finishing up or has completed their assignment
and not returned home.
2. Exceptions to Overtime Call-Out Procedures:
• Standby personnel will receive first call in the district, unless there is a Serviceman
working their straight time shift.
• When confronted with a "life or limb" emergency call, the System Operator has the
discretion to call an individual who can provide the most immediate response.
• The System Operator will call out a lineman representative or lineman agent first if the
trouble is in their area.
• The System Operator will call out a Line Patrolman first for transmission related issues in
their area of responsibility.
• For equipment operations and apprentice utilization, exhaust the Lineman list first, then
utilize non-Journeyman to obtain qualified worker (Foreman discretion).
o For Bend/Madras and Portland/Hood River, exhaust the neighboring district Lineman
list before utilizing non-Journeyman Crew Support list.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA 1131
• Employees will have the option of making themselves available or unavailable for
overtime call-out while on sick leave or vacation. An employee who was on sick or
vacation leave (unavailable) on the last of their regularly scheduled shift, shall be
considered unavailable until they have updated their availability status in ARCOS.
• Employees on light duty shall be placed in unavailable status in ARCOS, and will not be
called as part of the normal call-out process. Such employees may be contacted by a Duty
Supervisor or a local Manager to perform after-hours work within their light duty
• SAP Overtime hours will be updated in ARCOS each pay period, with hours cumulative
back to January 1 of the current year.
• Standard out of district call-outs will go to the overtime list. With the approval of the
duty supervisor, the use of neighboring districts will be prioritized based on response
• Neighboring district designation may include:
o Portland, Hood River,Astoria
o Enterprise, Pendleton, Walla Walla
• The duty supervisor can at their discretion also utilize Yakima and Bend to support the
above districts.
• Standby personnel will be last call for such assignments, provided they find someone to
cover their Standby duty.
• For flagger call-outs, any employee with a current flagger certification is eligible to be on
the list. The list will be sorted in two tiers to provide first opportunity to employees in
non-journeyman Lineman classifications. Tier 1 will include non-journeyman Lineman
classifications by overtime hours.Tier 2 will include Journeyman Lineman classifications
sorted by overtime hours.
• Employees may not request to be placed at the bottom of the call-out list(s), and will not
be averaged into the list(s) after return from disability leave.
• Portland Service Department after dark assistance (Section 16.3.9) — Underground
department standby person will be called to assist Overhead department standby, and
vice versa. Any crew work will first be offered to the respective department via the
overtime call-out list.
This agreement may be amended or modified by mutual agreement of the parties.
Either party may terminate this agreement with 30 days written notice to the other. Upon such
notice, the parties shall convene as soon as possible to attempt resolution of whatever
problem(s) initiated cancellation of this agreement.The 30 days written notice may be extended
by mutual agreement if necessary.Although the grievance process may be exercised at anytime,
the Company and Union agree that neither party may provide notice to cancel the LOA within
the first 90 days after the effective date of this agreement.
G 15 2022 G 15 2022
Travis Eri Date Allison Lupico Date
Business Manager Labor Relations Specialist
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 132
JANUARY 26,2003
1. The Company will solicit one volunteer at six locations(PMOC, Bend,Yakima, Walla Walla,
Pendleton, Astoria) who will be responsible for emergency after hours response from
Friday end of shift, through the following Friday beginning of shift. The Bargaining Unit
Members in every District and Hydro North, shall establish the method and procedures
for complying with the Standby requirement.
2. This employee will be available for emergency after hours response and will have a
Company vehicle and communication device for the assignment.
3. If there is no volunteer by Noon on Wednesday of a week for the pending Friday through
Friday schedule, the low-man on the overtime list will be required to accept this
responsibility. Subject only to the personal safety of the individual, there will be no
restrictions to the number of times an employee can volunteer for the assignment. If
there are multiple volunteers for the assignment, the low-man on the overtime list will
be given the assignment.
4. If the low-man is required to accept the assignment because there were no volunteers,
and after the weeklong assignment they remain the low-man, they will not be required
to accept this assignment again until the second low-man, the third low-man etc. have
been required to provide this coverage. For example, this responsibility would occur no
more frequently than approximately once every 18 weeks, assuming there are 18
qualified Journeymen in the District.
5. Employees may "trade" this responsibility during the week to facilitate their personal
schedules and any mid-week changes will be communicated to their supervisor and
dispatch personnel in a timely manner.
6. In Enterprise, Hood River, Madras, Sunnyside, and Hydro North, the Company will solicit
volunteers as described above, and if there are no volunteers, the Company will do one
of two things:
• Use the call-out list on an as needed basis to respond to emergency service interruptions.
• Require the low-man on the overtime list to provide such coverage for a Friday through
Friday, and no more frequently than once every eight weeks.
• By mutual agreement among the employees, local and regional management, and Local
125 the days of the week and frequency of these stand-by arrangements may be
/a-/W i,LUc, D. M a eta', Tr. IkI 2 Lc ,3 LgR y
Business Manager Director Northwest Wires
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 133
PacifiCorp and IBEW Local 125, mutually agree as follows:
1. In accordance with Stand-by Response Process letter of agreement dated 1-26-03, the
parties agree that the process set forth in the following terms and conditions shall be used
in administering stand-by at Portland Metro Operations Center (PMOC) for the Overhead
Line department.
2. On or before January 15 of each year this agreement is in effect, a union member will
develop a 12-month calendar for the year including the dates each member of the PMOC
overhead group VOLUNTEERS to accept stand-by duty.
3. Stand-by at PMOC shall be administered on a daily basis rather than the language of Friday
to Friday.
4. An employee can accept when their name comes up, trade with another volunteer or
remove their name in a timely manner to be backfilled by another volunteer and to be
selected by low-man on current overtime (OT) list.
5. If no one signs up then #3 of the LOA in CBA is applied, subject to the following
a. If the low person on OT has already scheduled vacation within 30 days, is ill, etc.
then the next lowest person on the OT list would be required to take the
Response shift.
6. The Local Union representative in the PMOC Overhead Line Department has the
responsibility of keeping track of individuals who have been forced to take the Response
shift. This is not on a year-to-year basis but rather an on-going running list.
7. Unless modified by the terms of this letter of agreement, the balance of the January 26,
2003 Stand-by letter of agreement remain in effect.
This Letter of Agreement may be modified as needed by mutual agreement of the parties.
Is/Ty'wyikEyy 1/14/2008 IV IR(--kLoy 1/14/2008
IBEW Local 125 Date PacifiCorp Date
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 134
This Letter of Agreement is made and entered into by the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, Local 125, ("Union") and PacifiCorp ("Company"). Collectively the Union and the
Company are referred to as ("The Parties"). The intent of this agreement is to establish
procedures for the utilization of voluntary standby crews that ensure coverage for outage
This agreement does not affect existing requirements and procedures for standby response
personnel as outlined in Section 19.6 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) but does
supersede the Voluntary Standby Crew letter of agreement executed between the parties on
September 1, 2017.
• Volunteer standby personnel will be utilized in situations where the Automated Roster Call-
Out System (ARCOS) list is solicited for work. First responder work will be assigned to the duty
standby response person or as typically assigned.
• In the event of a call-out for in-district crew response, the individuals who have been
assigned to voluntary crew standby will be called first.
• For additional cases of trouble, after all employees assigned to voluntary crew standby
have been engaged, the normal ARCOS procedures will be used.
• Personnel for afterhours out-of-town assignments will be resourced through an ARCOS
campaign as per normal procedures. Employees will be given the opportunity to accept or
decline the assignment based on their order on the callout list. Employees on voluntary
standby will be slotted according to their overtime hours worked. If ARCOS reaches the
employees on voluntary standby, they are expected to accept; however, they will not be
forced out of town.
• Management may solicit for volunteers to sign up for standby duty. The duration and
personnel quantity for standby duty will be identified at the time of posting. Volunteer
standby employees must be available to accept calls for the duration of the standby event
identified at posting. Management will solicit volunteers in-district prior to utilizing out-of-
district or external resources.
• Employees will have the opportunity to accept or reject the solicitation for voluntary standby
• Management recognizes that each employee has the right to make that decision, and there
will be no consequence for using the existing call-out process exclusively.
• Assignments will be made based on order on the overtime list (employees with lowest
overtime hours will be awarded the duty). If more employees volunteer than are needed for
the standby duty, then the lowest overtime hours employees will be awarded until the
desired number of employees is reached.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1135
• Volunteers for crew standby will be paid three hours at straight time for eight hours on
• Volunteer standby personnel may be assigned a take-home vehicle at the discretion of
management. This shall be done on a fair basis and based on business need.
The parties have agreed to explore using standby in this way in an effort to explore mutually-
beneficial solutions. The parties retain all rights under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The
existence of this agreement shall not be used by either party as evidence to support a contention
that the other party has conceded a position or otherwise waived any right under the Collective
Bargaining Agreement.
This agreement shall be effective immediate upon signing and shall remain in effect on an
ongoing basis until either party elects to cancel based on 30 days' notice. Prior to accepting a
cancellation notice, the parties agree to address issues at Labor Management Committee. The
parties agree to have regular dialog regarding the topic and review data associated with it as
needed. Issues shall be communicated between the Labor Relations Specialist and Business
Representative as needed.
3/15/2022 3/15/2022
Travis Eri Date Allison Lupico Date
Business Manager Labor Relations Specialist
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1136
19.6 Pacific Poker Labor Relations
Phone:503-813-6233 Fax:503-813-6241
November 1, 2007
Mr. Travis Eri, Business Manager
IBEW Local 125
17200 NE Sacramento Street
Portland, Oregon 97230
Dear Travis:
In an effort to resolve the differences between the union and company whether there exists a
bargained for right of limited personal use or not. I propose the following terms and conditions
in this Letter of Agreement, to run concurrent with the 2008 successor collective bargaining
Stand-By vehicles pursuant to Section 19.6 and the Stand-By Response Process Letter of
Agreement dated January 26, 2003 may be used by Stand-By personnel for limited personal use
as follows:
1. The necessary transportation of family members to or from school, extracurricular
activities, employment or day care on the way to and from work.
2. The transportation of any family member shall comply with all laws and regulations and
shall be kept to a minimum.
3. Transportation of any family member is allowed only so long as the Stand-By person
remains immediately available to take an emergency call.
4. Family members shall not be transported to nor be present at any job site.
5. The Stand-By person may,where necessary, use the stand-by vehicle to transport a family
member to a family type activity after work, examples include; ball games, movies,
dinner; only so long as the Stand-By person remains immediately available to take an
emergency call.
/k/12 lc- a d,G. Lov fe
Director, Labor Relations
Agreed this 1 , day of Noyei4ber , 2007.
/k/Tr"c kErly
Business Manager, IBEW Local Union 125
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 137
AUGUST 19,2011
During the collective bargaining in 2003 the parties agreed to a new treatment of sick leave hours
at retirement. This memorandum of agreement clarifies the prior agreement.
The Company and the Union agreed to establish a notional Health Reimbursement Account for
Local 125 members who retire (i.e., age 55 with five years of service or 55 with 10 years of service
depending on hire/rehire date) in an amount equal to the number of unused sick leave hours
multiplied by the member's current active hourly rate multiplied by 65%.
Upon retirement, accumulated sick leave hours will be valued per the language identified above.
A notional account will be created and funded by the Company with the above mentioned value.
This notional account will be a Retiree Health Reimbursement Account (RHRA) and available to
the retiree and eligible dependents.
The RHRA balance will be available to the retiree and eligible dependents for monthly medical
premiums, deductibles, co-pays and all other eligible expenses per Internal Revenue Service
guidelines and provided for under the PacifiCorp Retiree Health Plan.
It is understood that the RHRA is a notional account and that any balance is available to the
retiree, spouse and eligible dependents. Surviving spouses and eligible dependents will continue
to have access to the RHRA balance if they are predeceased by the PacifiCorp retiree. Any
remaining balance in the HRA expires when all eligible parties have died or no longer satisfy
eligibility rules of the PacifiCorp Retiree Health Plan. HRA balances cannot be used for anything
other than eligible expenses as determined by the Internal Revenue Service and outlined in the
PacifiCorp Retiree Health Plan and cannot be transferred or willed to other parties.
In the event of a death of an active employee who meets the retirement eligibility outlined above
a RHRA will be created, per the language above, if the active employee had qualified surviving
eligible dependents at the time of their death. This notional account will be administered as
detailed in the PacifiCorp Retiree Health Plan.
/a-/r► avbk Ertl 61- Tee4 T. CO uwvaL
Business Manager Director, Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1138
During collective bargaining in 2003 the parties agreed to a new treatment of sick leave hours at
retirement. This agreement was codified in the MOA titled: 2003 Negotiations: Health & Welfare
Specifically, the following language is contained with the MOA:
6. The Company and Union agree to pursue establishing a VEBA plan whereby Local
125 members who retire could contribute an amount of unused sick-leave benefits
to this account to be used to supplement retiree medical costs. With this agreement,
any PacifiCorp employee represented by Local 125 who retires will be credited with
the value of any unused sick leave as follows:Sick Leave Hours times Current Hourly
Rate times 65%. This value will be applied to the above-mentioned VEBA or to an
increased credited service amount for retirement benefit calculation, or to some
other mutually agreeable solution. This mutually agreeable solution will be
determined during calendar year 2004.
The effective date of this agreement was September 5, 2003 and all retirements on or after that
date will receive the following treatment relative to accumulated sick leave hours.
1. Upon retirement, accumulated sick leave hours will be valued per the language identified
above. A notional account will be created and funded with the above mentioned value. This
notional account will be a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) and available to the retiree
and eligible dependents.
2. The HRA balance will be available to the retiree and eligible dependents for monthly medical
premiums, deductibles, co-pays and all other eligible expenses per Internal Revenue Service
guidelines and provided for under the Company's Retiree Health Plan.
3. The HRA will be administered by a third-party vendor outside of PacifiCorp. In light of the
significant benefit plan negotiations currently occurring across PacifiCorp, including Local 125
IBEW, it is not expected that the external vendor relationship will occur before January 2007.
4. In the interim, the parties agree that retirees from September 5, 2003 through December 31,
2006 with HRA eligible balances may choose to have their monthly medical premiums for
their PacifiCorp retiree medical benefit deducted from this balance, thereby avoiding out-of-
pocket expenses for monthly medical premiums, until the balance is depleted. This
accommodation applies only to monthly premiums and it is understood the PacifiCorp will
not administer other types of reimbursements.This practice will begin for monthly premiums
the month following the effective date on of this MOA and there will be no retroactive
application of these terms. Retirees who have HRA balances that is less than one months'
retiree medical premium will not be offered this option.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1139
5. It is understood that the HRA is a notional account and that any balance is available to the
retiree, spouse and eligible dependents. Surviving spouses and eligible dependents will
continue to have access to the HRA balance if they are predeceased by the PacifiCorp retiree.
Any remaining balance in the HRA expires when all eligible parties have died or no longer
satisfy eligibility rules. HRA balances cannot be used for anything other than eligible expenses
and cannot be transferred or willed to other parties.
For IBEW Local 125: For PacifiCorp:
IkI Wl, Ua WD. MLUe-,.Tr. 1W Fre&D. Ho-wctiv
Business Manager Managing Director
IBEW Local 125 Labor & Employee Relationships
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 140
This LETTER OF AGREEMENT dated February 8, 2017, by and between Pacific Power herein called
the "Company" and Local Union 125 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
herein call the"Union",do mutually agree to the terms and provisions in said Letter of Agreement
hereinafter set forth.
The Company and the IBEW Local 125 recognize a need to continue to utilize temporary
employees to meet the interests of both parties. Some of the factors include:
1. to have qualified personnel perform work that is temporary in nature;
2. to have work performed in classifications that will be modified or eliminated as a result
of technological advances;
3. to avoid the implementation of the demotion and layoff procedures as a result of adding
employees to the regular work force for work that will not continue in the near future;
4. to assist with completion of work to enable a successful apprenticeship program;
5. to provide employment security for the regular work force and to maintain the standard
of living for such work force;
6. to work together cooperatively to meet the objectives of both parties; and
7. to enable recruitment of a hard to fill position, i.e., M&R Technician, Estimator,
Meterman, Wireman or Communication Technician.
It is not the intent of the parties to have temporary employees replace the Company's regular
employees. Notwithstanding any other understanding between the parties, the Company shall
not involuntarily layoff any employee for lack of work or to avoid producing a full-time work
force, when needed, in a department or location where temporary employees are being utilized.
No temporary employee working under the terms and conditions of this agreement shall exceed
1040 straight-time hours of employment in a rolling 12-month period without prior written and
mutual agreement by and between the Company and the Union.The parties agree that in unique
and extenuating circumstances it may be prudent to exceed the1040 straight-time hours in a
rolling 12-month period. In such cases, timeframes will be clearly defined.
When the Company needs temporary employees, Company shall initially request Local 125 to
refer applicants for such work pursuant to this agreement. The request shall include:
1. The classification needed;
2. Special skills or training required;
3. The work location;
4. The reporting date and whom to report to;
5. The duration of the work if known;
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1141
The Company shall notify the Union by 2:00 p.m. on Friday for referral of applicants to be made
during the following week.
The Company may continue to hire employees under the provisions of Section 21.3 of the
Agreement. The hiring of temporary employees under the terms of this letter of agreement is
considered contracting pursuant to 3.6 of the Agreement.
The classifications, qualifications and pay rates shall be those already negotiated by the parties
as contained in the Agreement unless otherwise specifically agreed to by the parties.
Pay rates shall be single rate with some exceptions identified by separate classification codes.
Temporary employees hired will be paid at the top of rate for the classification being hired into
if they meet the requirements of this agreement or have worked for 12 consecutive months in
the classification.
Applicants for temporary employment at PacifiCorp shall be prioritized in the following groups:
1. Previous PacifiCorp employees who worked in the same or higher classification in the
previous 24 months. ***PacifiCorp retirees are not eligible for rehire under this
agreement and will not be referred.***
2. Employees who have performed "dock work" on PacifiCorp property for a year or more
within the last 30 months.
3. Individuals who have performed the work of the same or higher classification at other
utilities and meet PacifiCorp's agreed to qualifications. Individuals that meet
PacifiCorp's agreed to qualifications and have previous related experience.
4. Inexperienced individuals who meet PacifiCorp's agreed to entry qualifications.
From these groups, PacifiCorp may identify a specific individual for referral.
In administering this referral procedure, the Union will develop procedures to provide a
consistent method of referring applicants and assuring that applicants are not discriminated
against. This procedure will be consistent with the provisions of Section 3.3.2 of the Agreement.
The Company may reject any referral that is determined by the Company to be unsuitable for
employment. The Company may terminate the employment of any temporary employee when
determined by the Company such individual is not suited for continued employment. If the
individual works that day, a minimum of four hours will be paid.
The Company will not be required to pay the four-hour minimum if the individual arrives late to
work, unfit for duty (i.e., fails drug screen) or without the proper tools and equipment.
Company shall also notify the Union in writing of any individual determined by the Company who
should be rejected to PacifiCorp for employment per the following:
1. Each notification must be in writing to the Union with a copy to the individual;
2. The notification will be in effect for one year from the date of receipt by the Union;
3. The notification must be specific as to what classifications an individual is not to be
referred to.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 142
Former PacifiCorp employees who were discharged for cause and are not eligible for rehire shall
not be referred to the Company for temporary employment, provided the Union has been
notified in writing.
Additionally, the Company shall furnish the Union written confirmation of all temporary hiring
and terminations provided for under the provisions of this Agreement.
An Appeals Committee shall be established composed of three members:one member appointed
by the Union; one member appointed by the Company; and a public member appointed by both
the Union and the Company.
The Appeals Committee shall consider any complaint arising out of the administration of a
referral by the Union to the Company this submitted by any employee or applicant for
employment as long as such complaint is received by the Union in writing within 30 days of the
date of the action causing such complaint. The Committee shall have the authority to make a
final and binding decision on any such complaint, which shall be complied with by the Company
and the Union. The Committee is authorized to issue procedural rules for the conduct of its
business, but is not authorized to add to, subtract from or modify any provisions of the
Agreement and its decision shall be in accord with this Agreement.
Costs associated with this Committee shall be shared equally between the Company and the
In the event it is determined that the Company failed to comply with the provisions of this
agreement that causes any individual to lose any benefit or compensation, such individual will be
made whole by the Company for the loss of benefits or compensation.
Temporary employees shall not attain regular status or any entitlements that regular employees
have, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. These temporary employees will not be entitled
to Supplemental Benefits other than those agreed upon herein.
The following shall apply for temporary employees:
1. Employment shall commence upon orientation or work at the location and time
requested by the Company. Pay provisions are those provided for in the IBEW Local 125
and PacifiCorp Agreements.
2. Temporary employees will receive the following equivalent to the outside line wages
and benefit costs including participation in the NEAP, or equivalent.
3. The Company may not downgrade employees from the classification requested;
however,the Company may upgrade employees in accordance with the Agreement,for
a period of time not to exceed a total of 40 hours during any period of continuous
employment. (No temporary employee shall receive an upgrade when a regular
qualified employee is available.)
4. All overtime work shall be offered to regular employees in that classification and
location prior to "temporary" employees covered by this agreement.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 143
2017: $5.50 per hour for all hours worked*
*The Company agrees to pay the appropriate health and welfare rate during the term of this
Agreement, as applicable in the Northwest Line Chapter Construction NECA agreement. The
Union agrees to provide the applicable rate to be paid.
Employees who become eligible for medical benefits with the Company shall be given the option
to either continue receiving the appropriate health and welfare rate as applicable in the
Northwest Line Chapter Construction NECA agreement or sign-up for medical benefits with the
2017: $9.35 per hour for all hours worked*
*The Company agrees to pay the appropriate pension defined contribution rate during the term
of this Agreement, as applicable in the Northwest Line Chapter Construction NECA agreement.
In addition to the above, 3% of gross base rate wages shall be paid to the employee. The Union
agrees to provide the applicable rate to be paid.
Employees who become eligible for 401k fixed or matching contributions shall be given the
option to participate in the PacifiCorp 401k plan in lieu of receiving the pension defined
contribution rate as applicable in the Northwest Line Chapter Construction NECA agreement.
Temporary employees shall give the company written authorization to deduct 1%of gross hourly
wages from their pay checks for union dues which shall be forwarded to the union at the same
time the regular employees' dues are mailed to Local 125.
1. Article 8 shall be excluded except for Article 8, Section 8.5.
2. Article 9 shall be excluded.
3. Article 10 shall be excluded.
4. Article 11 shall be excluded except the employer shall provide the full burden for all
Workers' Compensation premiums.
5. Article 12 shall be excluded.
6. Article 13 shall be excluded.
7. Article 14 shall be excluded.
8. Sections 19.12 and 19.15 shall be excluded from Article 19.
9. Article 20 shall be excluded except for Section 20.9.
10. Letter of Agreements shall be excluded except for Out-of-Town Travel.
1. Hiring Hall employees will be treated as "Temporary Employees" for the application of
Section 8.4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1144
2. The Hiring Hall was created to provide a flexible work force for short-term needs or
peaks in work. However, it was not the intent of the parties to allow the Company to
frequently change work locations for Hiring Hall employees with the purpose of
avoiding payment pursuant to the Letter of Agreement on Out of Town Assignment. In
order to effectuate the intent of the parties, the Company will provide as much
information regarding the Hiring Hall employee's work assignment as possible at the
time of request. This information will include work location hours per week and
estimated duration of assignment. If a Hiring Hall employee completes their assignment
at one location and is then hired at a different location, the Out of Town Assignment
language will generally not apply. However, if a Hiring Hall employee works at one
location, is released from their position to go to another location for a short duration
and then is immediately returned to the original location, payment under the Out of
Town Assignment will generally apply.
3. Hiring Hall employees will be eligible for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin
Luther King Jr. Holiday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day,
Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day when working the
regularly scheduled day before and the regularly scheduled day following the
recognized holidays listed above.
It is the intent of the parties signatory to this agreement that no regular employees covered by a
Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between the parties shall be adversely impacted as a
result of this Agreement.
This Memorandum of Agreement supersedes all previous agreements and understandings
related to Hiring Hall employees.
This Agreement shall be terminated at any time by either party giving the other 30 days advanced
written notice
Agreed on this 13 day of Ee,UvLtt , 2017 .
For IBEW Local 125: For PacifiCorp:
/s-/Trvtvik Erb 01410-to-phe,Scher.
Business Manager Manager, Labor Relations
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 145
AUGUST 2,2018
This Grievance Settlement Agreement is made and entered into by the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, Local 125, ("Union") and PacifiCorp ("Company"). Collectively the Union
and the Company are referred to as ("The Parties").
The parties recognize that there are circumstances in which employees who are called out to flag
may perform other duties to assist crews at the worksite. As such, the undersigned mutually
agree to the following third step Grievance R-125-2017-3838 settlement regarding upgrades for
flagging assignments. Without respect to either party's positions on the merits of the grievance
and without waiving any of their respective rights, the parties agree to the following:
The Groundman classification is intended for employees who are enlisted in a pre-apprentice
training program and is not an upgrade position. Therefore, the parties agree that the
Groundman wage rate and the Groundman progression step wage rates may not be utilized for
A new position will be created called Flagger/Helper. This classification is to be utilized only for
upgrade purposes when an employee accepts an overtime flagging assignment. The
Flagger/Helper wage rate will match the current Groundman wage rate, currently $27.53. The
employee will be paid the Flagger/Helper rate for the duration of the flagging assignment.
Employees who are called out for afterhours flagging jobs will be eligible for an upgrade to
Flagger/Helper. In addition to the primary responsibilities of setting up and protecting the work
zone by controlling or directing traffic a Flagger/Helper may perform tasks to include:
a) cleaning and preparing the worksite to remove hazards
b) loading or unloading equipment
c) digging ditches or backfilling holes
d) running equipment to crew members
e) other non-skilled tasks as directed by the crew foreman
The parties recognize that a flagger's primary responsibility is to protect the work zone and to
provide a safe working area for crews, therefore the flagging employee should only turn their
attention to these other tasks if all traffic control and hazards related to controlling the work
zone have been controlled. The flagger will remain controlling traffic until the foreman on the
job deems traffic control is no longer necessary at which time the foreman may assign the
employee to perform helper duties.
This settlement represents the complete final resolution of grievance R-125-2017-3838
(Groundman upgrades for Flagging) and all issues pertaining thereto. This settlement will not be
referenced in any other grievance or disagreement. The grievant will be compensated at the
Flagger/Helper wage rate for hours worked on the July 9, 2017 flagging callout.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 146
This agreement shall be effective immediately upon signing and shall remain in effect on an
ongoing basis until either party elects to cancel based on 30 days' notice.
Agreed on this 2 day Ay wit 2018.
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
/k/7rrcLvi1k Fall /k/Cli r( "ophev-Sdww,, d.P,rr
Business Manager Labor Relations Manager
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 147
The Union and the Company reviewed the current policies identified below and agreed to their
current contents and will collectively review and agree to any modifications in the future.
Leave of Absences Bereavement
Jury Duty Family Leave
Witness Duty Leave Sharing
Military Leave Light Duty
Drug & Alcohol Occupation Leave
/S-/rr"&k E ry �Te ww C&&Wvat'
Business Manager Director, Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1148
Pacific Power and IBEW 125, in response to licensing requirements imposed by the U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT), agree to the following as a method of resolving issues
associated with Commercial Driver License (CDL) laws.
The parties further agree that this document will serve as a CDL Policy and will be applied to all
employees in existing or future job classifications covered by the Working Agreement, who
operate or could operate a commercial motor vehicle, as defined by the DOT, on public streets
and highways. The company tracks two types of commercial motor vehicle drivers, CMV drivers
and CDL drivers. The same forms are required for both types of drivers. A CMV driver retains a
Class C license and may drive a vehicle or vehicles (truck with trailer) with a combined GVWR up
to 26,000 lbs. A CDL driver may drive a vehicle or vehicles (truck with trailer) with a combined
GVWR of 26,001 lbs. or more. CDL Classes A and B differ only in the weight of the towed vehicle
-Class A can tow over 10,000 lbs. and Class B may tow no more than 10,000 lbs. Anyone driving
a vehicle or vehicles (truck and trailer) with a GVWR of 10,001 lbs. or higher, must be qualified as
a CMV or CDL driver, as defined above.
The parties recognize that an employee who has a CDL may not necessarily believe they are
qualified to operate equipment which they may be called upon to drive in the course of their
employment. If so, they should identify the need for further familiarization or training to their
supervisor who shall arrange for such orientation, or shall excuse the employee from operating
specific equipment.
1. Bargaining unit classifications affected, by virtue of the nature of their work, are as follows:
a. Overhead and Underground line crew classifications, to include Foremen, Journeymen
Linemen, Cable Splicers, Assistant Cable Splicers, Journeymen Servicemen, District
Serviceman, Lineman Agents, Lineman Representatives, Apprentices, Line Equipment
Operators, Underground Equipment Operators, Utility Specialists, and Groundmen.
b. Substation Operations classifications, to include Foremen, Working Foremen,
Journeymen Wiremen, Wireman B, Apprentices, and Wiremen Helpers.
c. Tree trimmer crew classifications, to include Foremen, Trimmers, Trainees, and Helpers.
d. All Logistics classifications, unless specifically exempted.
e. Power generation classifications, to include Heavy Equipment Operators and Labor
f. Equipment Service classifications, to include Foremen, Equipment Mechanic In-Charge,
Equipment Mechanic A/B, and Mechanic Helper.
g. Apprentices and Trainees in the crafts listed above must obtain the necessary license
within 60 days of the beginning of their training.The intent of this is to include that period
of mandatory Groundman time, prior to the advent of formal training.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 149
2. Employees occupying positions listed above may be exempted from the CDL requirement by
written agreement between the parties. Exemptions will be based on the operational
requirements of the specific location.
3. Employees for whom the CDL requirements have been waived understand that rights under
Section 19.1.4 of the Working Agreement may be affected in the event an overtime
assignment requires the employee to operate a vehicle requiring a CDL.
4. Employees occupying a position which requires a CDL, but are unable to obtain or, renew
their license, or has lost or will lose their CDL in the future, shall be evaluated on a case by
case basis, to determine if their circumstance can be accommodated by the Company.
Accommodation may be in the form of: a) continued employment in their classification, at the
current work location; b) transfer to a vacant position in another work location where
accommodation is possible; c) downgrade in location to a vacancy not requiring a CDL; or
d) downgrade to a vacancy which does not require a CDL, at another location. Items (a) through
(d) may also be stipulated in a Return to Work Agreement, depending on the circumstances of
the specific situation.
5. For those employees who must have a CDL,the Company will participate in assisting them to
obtain such license in the following manner:
a. CDL MEDICAL EXAM — The Company will provide time from work and will pay the cost
associated with taking the physical exam and required drug screen.
b. DOT PRE-PLACEMENT DRUG TEST—The test will be administered before the CDL qualification
is added to an employee's record. If the employee does not pass the test,they will not be
allowed to drive a CDL vehicle. Additional actions may be taken by Labor Relations or
Human Resources.
c. CDL LICENSE—The Company will pay the difference in the cost of a regular driver's license
and a CDL.
d. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS TESTING — Employees will be provided time during work to take
required knowledge, skills and endorsement examinations. Employees who are required
to test more than two times will take the subsequent examination on their own time.The
Company will pay for the exam fees in each category for the first two instances.
Employees will pay any fees required for retesting beyond the initial two times.
e. DRIVING TEST PREPARATION — Employees will be provided up to four hours during normal
hours of work, on Company premises, to prepare for required testing for the initial test
only. If the employee is required to retest, all subsequent preparation will be done on the
employee's own time. Practice driving hours which incorporates operating company
equipment at any time shall be approved by the employee's supervisor in advance. A
legally qualified CDL driver must oversee the practice driving hours at all times and follow
the company's vehicle use policy.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 150
f. CDL TRAINING — When, either by bid or selection, an internal employee in a non-CDL
required classification is awarded a position in CDL required position the Company will
provide training to support the employee advancing to the higher skill training position.
Depending on the employee's previous driving experience and state training
requirements, the Company will arrange for the employee to attend driver training
classes. Tuition at an approved commercial driver's licenseschool for necessary classes
will be at the Company's expense. Unless otherwiserequired by state law, Company
paid training time will not exceed 80 hours. Training is expected to be conducted during
regular work hours and will be paid atthe straight time rate unless otherwise agreed to
by management. Compensationfor travel time and per diem when attending CDL
training will be consistent with existing agreements.
The parties agree that this document may be modified at any time by mutual agreement.
/k/7 ralyi k Eril IV CY wt%ta hor 3. schne id e
Business Manager Labor Relations Manager
IBEW Local 125 Pacific Power
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 151
An employee will be granted a leave of absence with regular pay for such regular workdays as
required to attend, as an appointed representative of any Union (with which the Company has a
Working Agreement), any meeting with Company representatives called by or agreed upon by
the Company, if the applicable Working Agreement so provides.
The employee must make request for leave to the supervisor, stating the number of days
expected to be absent from work on account of such meetings.
Human Resources will notify the employee's supervisor of such meetings when they are arranged
and of the employee's attendance at such meetings held outside the employee's district.
The allowed hours of pay for such leave will be those regularly and normally worked by the
employee. The Company will only cover straight time wages associated with such meetings. It
should be recognized that employees may be required to travel on their own time to attend these
meetings. The Company will work with the Union to set reasonable hours and locations for the
meetings to mitigate employee travel to the extent possible. Examples of these meetings include
Accident Prevention Manual meetings, Bargaining Committee meetings (per Section 5.6),
Labor/Management and Joint Apprentice Training Committee meetings. Regular hours may be
adjusted to a standard timeframe for the day(s) of the meeting(s) to accommodate the flexibility
of work hours at each District.
Payment will be authorized on the Time Report by the appropriate leave code, followed by the
allowed hours with explanation in the proper space, as provided in the current Payroll
/s-/W D. Maler,�Tr- 1k1 AYwLrea,Gavme+i/
Business Manager Managing Director,
IBEW Local 125 Employee Relations & Development
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 152
When an employee is granted a leave of absence,the desired Group Insurance status must be clearly
indicated on the employee Status Change form removing the employee from the active payroll. If
Life, Health,and Long-Term Disability Insurance coverages are to be continued, it is necessary for the
order to so state and advance premium payments must be arranged.
For most leaves of absence,the employee may elect,if desired,to continue Group Health, Life and/or
contributory Long-Term Disability Insurance coverages for up to three additional months. For
disability leave, however,these coverages may be continued as long as the employee is disabled,and
L.T.D.I. premium contributions will not be required after the employee begins receiving benefits from
that Plan. Group Life Insurance coverage may be continued indefinitely for approved extended leave
of absence for either active military service or Union business. For extended military leaves, the
Company will pay the entire premium cost.
Group Dental Insurance coverage may not be continued during any type of leave of absence which
requires an employee Status Change form, removing the employee from active payroll. Therefore,
when the employee returns from leave of absence,they must re-enroll for Group Dental Insurance if
such coverage is desired.
For further details concerning continuation of group insurance coverages, refer to applicable
Summary Plan Description (booklet) and Procedure, or contact the employee Benefits Section of
Human Resources.
/s-/W CUizt*w D. M ater,�Tr. /s-/A nd real Gavyww
Business Manager Managing Director,
IBEW Local 125 Employee Relations & Development
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 153
JULY 2008
The parties agree that all Local 125 represented employees will be subject to drug and/or alcohol
testing pursuant to the provisions of the PacifiCorp Drug and Alcohol Policy and Commercial
Driver's License.
The parties further agree that the Policy will be administered consistent with the clarifications
included in the attached Question and Answer document (Exhibit 1 Drug & Alcohol Policy
Questions and Answers dated February 4, 2008).
Random non-CDL drug and alcohol testing shall commence 90 days from the date of ratification
of the agreement.
/k/7 rcty&k E it IV 12%c ly Lov%�
Business Manager Director, Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
Question: Can an employee be disciplined for an arrest but no conviction of an alleged
violation of alcohol and/or controlled substance laws?
Answer: Yes. The Company maintains the right to consider evidence surrounding any such
arrest to the extent that there is some reasonable link to the employees responsibilities and
duties as a PacifiCorp employee. It is understood that any disciplinary action must allow for
due process and conform to the applicable provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
Question: What happens in the event that a drug/alcohol sample is found to be naturally
diluted to the extent that the test result in neither reliable and/or valid?
Answer: If a drug test result is reported "negative-dilute", the company's Medical Review
Officer (MRO) will determine whether the employee is retested based on DOT criteria for
dilute specimens. If a test result is reported adulterated, substituted, invalid or cancelled, the
test result is considered positive and will be handled in accordance with the drug and alcohol
policy guidelines for positive test results.
Question: If an employee is attending a company sanctioned social occasion where alcohol
is served and has a designated driver, must the employee maintain an alcohol level under the
legal limits for driving a vehicle?
Answer: No.The employee would be expected to maintain good judgment and responsible
conduct but would not be bound by the provision pertaining to alcohol levels necessary to
legally operate a motor vehicle.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1154
Question: Does the policy require that employees divulge to their supervisor the names and
reasons for taking a particular medication that may interfere with job performance or impact
Answer: No. However, the employee is required to make their supervisor aware of any
medications they are taking affects their job performance or safety.
Question: If an employee reasonably suspects that their supervisor is under the influence of
alcohol and/or controlled substance, how does an employee initiate the reasonable suspicion
testing process?
Answer: The employee should contact Disability Services on a confidential basis by calling
1-800-455-6363 or the Director of Benefits.
Question: Can an employee store legally purchased alcohol reasonably secured in a personal
vehicle parked on Company property in anticipation of leaving after work for a recreational trip?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Can a Hydro employee living in Company housing consume alcohol while off duty?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Can an employee voluntarily initiate contact with Employee Assistance Program
Counselors prior to being requested and/or detected as positive for drugs and/or alcohol and
trust that the call and any related assessment will be treated as confidential?
Answer: Yes. However, self-admission is not applicable after management has approached
an employee due to work-related issues potentially arising from or caused by alcohol misuse
or controlled substance use. Self-admission cannot be used as a way to avoid testing and/or
mandatory referral. If an employee self refers to EAP, all personal/medical information
shared with the EAP is kept confidential with EAP.
Question: May the Company initiate a search of company property and employee
possessions without reasonable suspicion?
Answer: Yes.The Company may initiate an unannounced search as part of a process aimed
at deterrence and/or detection. The Company does not intend to initiate any such searches
without reasonable justification.
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 155
This Letter of Agreement between IBEW Local 125 (Union) and PacifiCorp (Company) reached
during subcommittee discussions over the course of several meetings arising out of the 2007-
2008 contract negotiations is intended to address the impacts of the exclusion from taxable
income for certain employees occupying company provided housing and related matters.
It is the desire of both the Union and Company to mitigate any negative impacts while insuring
strict compliance with tax requirements.
At the time of execution of this agreement some of the residents of Company provided housing
have first responder requirements and are eligible for the tax exclusion, while some resident
employees are not eligible for the tax exclusion. Both parties desire to mitigate the impact on
these individuals and clarify housing requirements and responder requirements going forward
on current employees and new hires.
1. The Company Provided Housing Policy will apply to all employees and will govern the tax
treatment of employees who live in Company provided housing, except as provided in
paragraph 9 below (relating to certain employees living in Company provided housing when
this Letter of Agreement is executed).
2. Employees living in company provided housing who suffer from a disability extending
beyond short term disability period, i.e., 6-month, will be required to vacate the premises
on or before the expiration of the 6-month short term disability period.
3. Where an employee who is living in company provided housing dies due to accident or
illness, work or non-work related, the family of said employee shall have the opportunity to
remain in the house for a period not to exceed 90 days from the date of death. This 90 day
period will be under the same general terms and conditions as set forth in the housing
4. Employees hired into or awarded the following classifications may be required to live in
available Company provided housing and will be the first responder called when needed.
Seniority shall apply where appropriate.
Classification Minimum number needed as first responders
a. Outside Operator A (B) (2)
b. Hydro Mechanic (2)
c. Corn Tech (1)
d. Mtr & Relay Tech (1)
e. Hydro wireman (1)
f. General foremen (mtc/ops) (2)
5. Should a first responder desire to be released from Company provided housing, they will
need to solicit written permission of the site manager, which will be granted based upon the
Company's ability to back fill that classification on the property to satisfy the first responder
needs. The new first responder employee will be required to reside in Company provided
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1156
6. First responders occupying Company provided housing shall be subject to all terms and
conditions of the housing agreement provided by the Company.
7. If one or more Company houses remain available after meeting the first responder needs of
the Company, an otherwise ineligible employee may request to occupy the Company house,
subject to approval of the site manager, which shall not be unreasonably denied.
8. All employee occupants of Company provided housing shall be required to execute the
Company's housing agreement. Should an employee who is ineligible for the tax exclusion
fail to fully satisfy the Housing Agreement, after opportunity to correct any such failure as
provided in the Housing Agreement, they shall no longer have the opportunity to occupy
Company provided housing and shall be required to vacate the premises according to the
terms of the Housing Agreement.
9. A first responder who is eligible for the tax exclusion and who fails to fully satisfy the Housing
Agreement, after being afforded the opportunity to correct such failure as provided in the
Housing Agreement shall be required to vacate the premises as set forth in the Housing
Agreement and shall no longer satisfy the requirements of the position and may be deemed
a voluntary quit.
10. The following classifications are determined to be first responder / emergency response
classifications eligible for the tax exclusion subject to the terms set forth above.
1 Hydro Operator A
2 Hydro Operator B
3 Hydro Meter & Relay Tech
4 Hydro Communications Tech
5 Hydro Wireman
6 Hydro Mechanic
7 Hydro General Foreman (Ops)
8 Hydro General Foreman (Mtc)
11. As of the date of execution of this agreement by both parties, the following employees are
determined to not be eligible for the tax exclusion and shall be subject to the following
terms, which shall control where inconsistent with the terms set forth above.
a. Employees
1 Peterson, Blake Hydro Control Operator
2 Vargas, Jorge Hydro Utility Worker
b. The Company shall "gross up" a sum equivalent of the state and federal taxes on the
value of the housing for a term not to exceed 12 months from the date of execution
of this agreement.
c. The Company shall determine the taxable value of the home for the period of time up
to three years immediately prior to the execution of this agreement that the individual
has resided in Company housing while not eligible for the tax exclusion. Upon
determination of this value the Company shall issue a check, grossed up for federal
and state taxes equal to this sum and provide this money to the impacted employee
in exchange for a full and complete release of any and all real or potential liability
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 157
associated with the potential under-collection and under-withholding of taxes
attributable to the value of the Company housing.
12. This agreement may be cancelled by either party by providing the other with 90 days written
notice of cancellation.
Agreed to this 31 day of Dece*nbetr , 2008.
For the Company For the Union
Consultant, Labor Relations Business Manager
Date: Dece*nbre.r 31, 2008 Date: .Ta*wcwy 6, 2009
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 158
APRIL 29,2009
PacifiCorp is required to comply with the Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards (CIPS)
developed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). Standard CIP-004
requires that personnel having authorized cyber or authorized unescorted physical access to
Critical Cyber Assets have an appropriate level of personnel risk assessment, training, and
security awareness. The implementation of CIP-004 has been phased in requiring PacifiCorp's
critical control centers and related critical cyber assets to be in compliance by June 30, 2008,
critical substations must be in compliance no later than June 30, 2009 and critical generation
facilities must be in compliance no later than December 31, 2009. Failure to comply with the CIPS
will subject PacifiCorp to sanctions from NERC, the Western Electricity Coordinating Councilor
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Given the complexities associated with compliance,
PacifiCorp is voluntarily applying the requirements of Standard CIP-004 to all company personnel.
The current waiver form (attached) used to permit background checks for purposes of
performing the personnel risk assessment will be used with all existing employees.The parties to
this Agreement recognize the following procedures and rules shall apply to the use of information
gathered from any employee represented by IBEW Local Union 125.
• Although PacifiCorp's third party vendor will obtain all misdemeanor and felony records as
part of the background check process, PacifiCorp will only request information regarding
felony records within the past seven years and social security verification. Background checks
will be performed at a minimum every seven years.
• PacifiCorp will make no requests for credit reports, civil actions, including bankruptcy filings,
or military history, and will make no requests for criminal felony records more than seven
years old.
• Access to background check information will only be granted to the following:
1. The third party vendor employees that run the check.
2. PacifiCorp's Human Resources Department.
3. The employee's supervisor, department manager and labor relations department will
only be informed of background check results in the event the screen comes back positive
for a felony conviction within the last seven years, there is negative social security
verification, or both.
4. In the event of case#3, above, it may also be necessary to inform PacifiCorp's compliance
and/or legal representatives.
• In the event the information obtained requires further review or action on behalf of the
company the following procedures will be strictly adhered to:
1. Physical and/or logical access to critical infrastructure facilities will be immediately
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022-2027 CBA P a g e 1 159
2. The Company management, with authorized access to background information, will
promptly meet and evaluate each situation on a case-by-case basis. The Company will
make every reasonable effort during this evaluation in making a determination whether
the individual may be reassigned to a job function or location that will not require the
individual to have unescorted physical or logical access to critical infrastructure facilities.
A determination will also be made whether the individual is qualified to retain the
identified position in light of the background check information.
3. If it is determined that an accommodation can be made for an individual, the individual
may be offered the position, subject to the terms and conditions of the current collective
bargaining agreement.
4. If it is determined that an appropriate accommodation cannot be made for an individual,
the individual may be subject to termination, in accordance with the terms of the current
collective bargaining agreement.
5. The company reserves the right to determine if the information warrants discipline,
including possible termination of employment depending on the circumstances. In all
instances where potential discipline may be taken, the company will meet to review the
information with a representative of IBEW Local 125. All discipline will be subject to the
grievance and arbitration procedures as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.
• PacifiCorp will not retain requested background check results as part of an employee's
personnel files. A copy of an employee's executed waiver form will become part of the
employee's personnel file. PacifiCorp's third party vendor retains background check results
indefinitely. All information will be treated consistent with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
• PacifiCorp has contractually obligated its third party vendor to comply with all laws and
specifically requires its third party vendor to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act when
processing information obtained through background checks. PacifiCorp will take prompt
action in the event it determines that its third party vendor is not complying with its
contractual obligations.
• This agreement will remain in full force and effect unless modified by a subsequent
agreement mutually agreed to by the parties.
Is-I�Le.� r Cow va.L 1k1 rraNlk Eri l
Manager, Labor Relations Business Manager
Pacific Power IBEW Local 125
Date: Ap► a130, 2009 Date: May 6, 2009
Attachment: Waiver Form
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA P a g e 1 160
AUGUST 19,2011
The following process will be followed for all external Non-Wireman Journeymen candidates who
are hired into the Wireman classification at Pacific Power. This process is to afford the Non-
Wireman Journeyman a better introduction to our infrastructure, work processes and overall
business culture.
SELECTION PROCESS — The Union will provide the Company with a Journeyman Wireman or other
member to participate in the interview and selection process for these candidates.
CLASSIFICATION — Create a Journeyman Wireman B classification. This classification would receive
the Journeyman Electrician pay currently in the Collective Bargaining Agreement under section
22.6. While in this classification the employee will be restricted from bidding any Journeyman
Wireman or Working Wireman Foreman positions and will not supervise Apprentices.
JOURNEYMAN WIREMAN APTITUDE TEST — Apparatus Tech Services will administer the Company
Wireman aptitude test to all incumbents within the first 12 months of their employment. If the
employee fails to pass the Company test during this 12-month period their employment will be
PROBATIONARY PERIOD—A Journeyman Wireman B will be on probation for a minimum of six months
but no longer than 12 months. During this time the manager and Foreman will be responsible for
monthly evaluations which assess the employee's progress and skill sets. If an employee is not
meeting the expectations set forth by the Company, and has been afforded an opportunity to
improve during their probationary period, their employment will be terminated. By extending
the probationary period, employees are given a longer opportunity to meet the skills and working
rule requirements.
MONTHLY EVALUATION —A revised check off list will be produced to ensure each area of expertise is
covered during the employee's probationary period. During this time it will be up to the Manager
to either limit or allow specific tasks, which include but are not limited to, single person
assignments, callouts, and temporary upgrades.The Manager will ensure prior to assigning these
task that the employee is comfortable and feels confident they can do the work safely and
efficiently. It is incumbent upon the employee to notify their Manager if they feel they are not
task trained prior to working on any assignment.
Business Manager Director, Labor Relations
IBEW Local 125 PacifiCorp
IBEW 125/Pacific Power 2022—2027 CBA 1161