HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240828Staff 217-240 to PAC (Redacted).pdf RECEIVED Wednesday, August 28, 2024 11:16:26 AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ADAM TRIPLETT DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 10221 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES IN IDAHO AND APPROVAL ) REDACTED TWELVTH OF PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE ) PRODUCTION REQUEST OF SCHEDULES AND REGULATIONS ) THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its attorney of record, Adam Triplett, Deputy Attorney General, requests that PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company")provide the following documents and information as soon as possible,but no later than WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2024.1 This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name,job title, and telephone number of 1 Staff is requesting an expedited response. If responding by this date will be problematic,please call Staff s attorney at(208)334-0318. TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1 AUGUST 28, 2024 the person preparing the documents. Please also identify the name,job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 217: Please provide a description of the savings expected from the Field Ai-Field Asset Intelligence project referenced in Production Request No. 15 —Attachment and how they are being realized. REQUEST NO. 218: Please provide the actual in-service date for the Field Ai-Field Asset Intelligence project referenced in Production Request No. 15 —Attachment. If this has not been placed in-service, please provide a new estimated in-service date. REQUEST NO. 219: Please provide the actual spending in 2024 through July 31 for the Field Ai-Field Asset Intelligence project referenced in Production Request No. 15 —Attachment. REQUEST NO. 220: Please provide the actual in-service date for the Field Ai-Field Asset Intelligence - GWD project referenced by Shelley E. McCoy in Workpaper 8.5.3 —Major Plant Additions. If this has not been placed in-service,please provide a new estimated in-service date. REQUEST NO. 221: Please provide the actual spending in 2024 through July 31 for the Field Ai-Field Asset Intelligence - GWD project referenced by Shelley E. McCoy in Workpaper 8.5.3 —Major Plant Additions. REQUEST NO. 222: Please provide the cost savings the Company has gained or is expected to gain from the roll out of AMI. Please show where this is represented in the Company's rate case filing. TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 2 AUGUST 28, 2024 REQUEST NO. 223: Regarding the Company's REC Option Program, please answer the following: a. Please explain if there are any controls that prevent program participants from being able to retire more RECs than they currently receive in the form of REC revenue; and b. Please explain if there are any controls that prevent non-participants from receiving less REC revenue than they currently receive. REQUEST NO. 224: For each year in 2020 through 2023,please provide total RECs generated for that year and the total system load for the same year for the Company's system. REQUEST NO. 225: Regarding the Company's REC Option Program, please provide the Company's method of calculating the percentage of participants' load available for REC retirement each Program Year. Please describe how the Company plans to update the calculation as the Company's resource portfolio changes. REQUEST NO. 226: Referring to proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 74, Special Condition No. 2,please explain the Company's criteria and processes for selecting RECs to be retired on behalf of the Program. REQUEST NO. 227: Page 4 of Eller's Direct Testimony states that the Company has been approached by customers that are interested in making renewable energy claims and the retirement of RECs. Please provide the results of any surveys administered by the Company for customers seeking out REC retirement programs, if any. REQUEST NO. 228: Regarding the Company's REC Option Program, please explain the Company's criteria and processes for selecting RECs that are sold on behalf of Idaho customers. TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 3 AUGUST 28, 2024 REQUEST NO. 229: Please respond to the following regarding the CCA costs associated with the Chehalis plant. a. Please provide the dispatch cost in $/MWh for the Chehalis plant used in the Aurora model; b. Please explain whether the dispatch cost includes any allowance cost in$/MWh; c. If so,please provide the allowance cost in $/MWh assumed in the dispatch cost; d. Please provide the CCA allowance price in"$/allowance"that was used to calculate the CCA allowance unit price in"$/MWh"; e. Please explain how the $/allowance unit price is determined; f. Please explain and provide workpapers showing how the CCA unit price is converted from $/allowance to $/MWh; g. Please explain whether the CCA unit price included in the dispatch cost is the same as the CCA unit price stated in Response to Production Request No. 117 (a); and h. If not, please reconcile and explain the causes for any difference. REQUEST NO. 230: Please re-run Aurora model and provide updated workpaper "ID_GRC_2025_2023 Normalized Load.xlsm" and updated McCoy's workpaper"5.1 — NPC.xlsx"to reflect the result of each scenario below: Scenario Modifications 1 • Remove the CCA allowance cost from the dispatch cost of the Chehalis plant in the Aurora model; and • Remove the post-modeling CCA costs2, which were calculated based on the multiplication of Chehalis's generation amounts and the CCA allowance cost. 2 • Use the official forward price curve ("OFPC") dated on June 28, 2024, from Response to Production Request No. 107 in the Aurora model; • Remove the CCA allowance cost from the dispatch cost of the Chehalis plant in the Aurora model; and • Remove the post-modeling CCA costs, which were calculated based on the multiplication of Chehalis's generation amounts and the CCA allowance cost. 2 In the Application,"post-modeling CCA costs"were reflected on Line 4"Allowances"of Exhibit No.51. TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 4 AUGUST 28, 2024 3 • Use the OFPC dated on June 28, 2024, from Response to Production Request No. 107 in the Aurora model; • Remove the CCA allowance cost from the dispatch cost of the Chehalis plant in the Aurora model; • Remove the post-modeling CCA costs, which were calculated based on the multiplication of Chehalis's generation amounts and the CCA allowance cost. • Production Request No. 184 e . 4 • Use the OFPC dated on June 28, 2024, from Response to Production Request No. 107 in the Aurora model; • Remove the CCA allowance cost from the dispatch cost of the Chehalis plant in the Aurora model; and • Remove the post-modeling CCA costs, which were calculated based on the multiplication of Chehalis's generation amounts and the CCA allowance cost. • Production Request No. 185 5 • Use the OFPC dated on June 28, 2024, from Response to Production Request No. 107 in the Aurora model; • Remove the CCA allowance cost from the dispatch cost of the Chehalis plant in the Aurora model; and • Remove the post-modeling CCA costs, which were calculated based on the multiplication of Chehalis's generation amounts and the CCA allowance cost. • Production Request No. 186. REQUEST NO. 231: Please explain whether the Aurora model run in response to Production Request No. 107 uses an updated gas price forecast and an updated electricity price forecast, both of which came from the latest OFPC of June 28, 2024. REQUEST NO. 232: Please explain whether the proposed Net Power Cost is determined based on the expected resources in 2025,under the expected system conditions for 2025, and against a 2023 weather-normalized load. REQUEST NO. 233: Response to Production Request No. 108 states that Section "Historical Dollars vs Indexed Dollars" and Section"Historical Dollars vs Indexed Dollars- Monthly Average" on Tab "Adder Source" of the confidential file "Aurora GN Market Prices CONF" show that"[t]he average price difference as seen in the above referenced sections for TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 5 AUGUST 28, 2024 sales transactions show that the Company transacted at prices that were below market prices for sales of its electricity." Please respond to the following: a. The two sections contain both positive and negative values, meaning the Company transacted at prices that were both above and below market prices for sales of its electricity. Please explain why the Company believes that these two sections show the Company transacted at prices that were below market prices for sales of its electricity; and b. Please explain why the price difference is due to unavailable buyers, instead of inaccurate forecasts and provide evidence supporting the explanation. REQUEST NO. 234: Please explain and reconcile the difference between the proposed WRAP fee in 2024 ($1,354,358) and the forecasted WRAP fee in 2024 ($9,774,000) included in Attachment IPUC 112. REQUEST NO. 235: In reference to Response to Production Request No. 61(e)— Confidential Attachment 61-5 for the Swift 1 Spillway Gate Bulkhead Project, the Contractor requested the change order(CO-PRMT) for an increase of Please explain why Also, please provide workpapers with the calculation of the increase and the basis used for the increase. REQUEST NO. 236: In reference to Response to Production Request No. 61(a) - Confidential Attachment 61-1 for the Swift 1 Spillway Gate Bulkhead Project, please reconcile the difference between the— budget shown in the Confidential Attachment 6 1-1 and the $5,991,111 budget in Response to Production Request No. 55 —Attachment 55-1. REQUEST NO. 237: Please answer the following in reference to the Swift 1 Spillway Gate Bulkhead Project: a. Please reconcile the difference between the— actual cost shown in Response to Production Request No. 61(f)(i) and the total project cost of— TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 6 AUGUST 28, 2024 with Change Orders#6 from Response to Production Request No. 61 —Confidential Attachment 61-5, and provide a cost breakdown by category(i.e. Internal Labor, Contract Services, Capital Surcharge, AFUDC, etc.) of the APR(Appropriation Request) budget and actual cost to explain the difference; and b. Please reconcile the above costs with the$6,153,991 cost on Page 8.5.3, Exhibit No. 48 of McCoy's Testimony. REQUEST NO. 238: For the Culter Relicensing Project, please reconcile the difference between the� budget in Response to Production Request No. 64 and the $8,446,875 cost in Exhibit No. 48, Page 8.5.3, of McCoy's Testimony. REQUEST NO. 239: In reference to the IKL-Fall Creek Hatchery Construction Project, the total contract cost including change orders i as shown in Response to Production Request No. 65(e)-vi—Confidential Attachment 65-9. Please explain and reconcile that amount with the actual cost for Contract Services(including Removal, Materials & Supplies, Contingency) as shown in Response to Production Request No. 65(f)— Confidential Attachment 65-10. Please include workpapers with a detailed breakdown to explain your answer. REQUEST NO. 240: In reference to Response to Production Request No. 65(f) - Confidential Attachment 65-10 for the IKL-Fall Creek Hatchery Construction Project, please clarify whether there will be actual costs incurred after July 1, 2024. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 281h day of August 2024. Adam Triplett Deputy Attorney General 1:\Utility\UMISC\PRDREQ\PAC-E-24-04 PR#12 Redacted.dom TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 7 AUGUST 28, 2024 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS Z DAY OF AUGUST 2024, SERVED THE FOREGOING REDACTED TWELVTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, IN CASE NO. PAC- E-24-04, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: MARK ALDER JOE DALLAS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CARLA SCARSELLA 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 E-MAIL: mark.alder(a-)pacificorp.com Portland, OR 97232 E-MAIL: joseph.dallas Apacificorp.com carla.scarsel la(&pacificorp.corn DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAIL ONLY: datareg uest6cD paci ficorp.com ERIC L OLSON LANCE KAUFMAN PhD ECHO HAWK& OLSON PLLC 2623 NW BLUEBELL PLACE PO BOX 6119 CORVALLIS OR 97330 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: lance(a)ae isg insi hg t.com E-MAIL: elo(o,echohawk.com MATTHEW NYKIEL BRAD HEUSINKVELD ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH STREET 710 N 6TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: matthew.nykielAgmail.com E-MAIL: heusinkveld(i,idahoconservation.org THOMAS J BUDGE BRIAN C COLILINS RACINE OLSON PLLP GREG MEYER PO BOX 1391 BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 16690 SWINGLEY RIDGE RD #140 E-MAIL: ti(i4acineolson.com CHESTERFIELD MO 63017 E-MAIL: bcollins(d,consultbai.com gmeyera,consultbai.com Electronic Service Only: RONALD L WILLIAMS KEVIN HIGGINS BRANDON HELGESON NEAL TOWNSEND HAWLEY TROXELL ET AL ENERGY STRATEGIES LLC 877 W MAIN ST E-MAIL: khig ins ,energystrat.com BOISE ID 83701 ntownsendna,energystrat.com E-MAIL: rwilliamsAhawleytroxell.com bhel eg sonAhawleZroxell.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 1 of 2 Electronic Service Only: Electronic Service Only: BRADLEY MULLINS VAL STEINER MW ANALYTICS ITAFOS CONDA LLC E-MAIL: brmullins(&mwanal ics.com E-MAIL: Val.steiner(iNtafos.com Electronic Service Only: KYLE WILLIAMS BYU Idaho E-MAIL: williamsk(d,)byui.edu PA ICIA JORDAN, S CRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 2 of 2