HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240823PAC to PIIC 1-28_Attorney Attestation.pdf RECEIVED Friday, August 23, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 August 23, 2024 Ronald L. Williams Brandon Helgeson Attorneys For PIIC rwilliams(&hawleytroxell.com(C) bhel eg son&hawleytroxell.com(C) Bradley Mullins brmullins(a�mwanalytics.com(C) Val Steiner val.st einer nitafo s.com Kyle Williams williamsk(&byui.edu RE: ID PAC-E-24-04 PIIC Set 1 (1-28) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to PIIC I" Set Data Requests 1-18, 20- 23, and 25-28 an Attachments. The remaining response will be provided under separate cover. Provided via BOX are Confidential Attachments. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67—Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the non-disclosure agreement(NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2313. Sincerely, /s/ Mark Alder Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Monica Barrios-Sanchez/IPUC monica.barriossanchez(�i),puc.idaho.gov (C) S ecretary(a,yuc.Idaho.gov Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo(&echohawk.com(C) Lance Kaufman/IIPA lancena,ae isg insi hg t.com(C) Matthew Nykiel/ICL matthew.nykielkamail.com Brad Heusinkveld/ICL bheusinkveld(a�idahoconservation.org Thomas J. Budge/Bayer tj racineolson.com(C) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bcollins(&consultbai.com Greg Meyer/Bayer gme erkconsultbai.com Kevin Higgins/Bayer khia gins&energystrat.com(C) Neal Townsend/Bayer ntownsend(u-benergystrat.com (C) PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 1 PIIC Data Request 1 Reference the work papers of Witness Shelley McCoy: Please provide all of the B-Tab work papers supporting Ms. McCoy's revenue requirement calculations in the same manner provided in response to PIIC Production Request 5 in Case No. PAC-E-21-07. Response to PIIC Data Request 1 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 1 which provides a copy of for the B-tab work papers for this Idaho general rate case (GRC). Recordholder: Tyler Wells Sponsor: Shelley McCoy PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 2 PIIC Data Request 2 Reference the work papers of Witness Shelley McCoy: Please provide all of the B-Tab work papers for calendar years 2020, 2021 and 2022 supporting PacifiCorp's results of operations in manner provided in response to PIIC Production Request 5 in Case No. PAC-E-21-07. Response to PIIC Data Request 2 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 2 which provides the 2020 through 2022 B-Tabs from the Idaho December Results of Operations (ROO)filings. Recordholder: Tyler Wells Sponsor: Shelley McCoy PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 3 PIIC Data Request 3 Please identify the total non-NPC revenue requirement of Chehalis included in the test period this matter, including separate detail for the following: (a) Gross Plant. (b) Accumulated Depreciation. (c) Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes. (d) Fuel Stock. (e) Other rate base items. (f) Operating expenses. (g) Property Taxes. (h) Washington State Taxes. (i) Insurance. 0) Any Other Expenses. Response to PIIC Data Request 3 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 3. Recordholder: Craig Stelter Sponsor: Nicholas Highsmith PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 4 PIIC Data Request 4 Does PacifiCorp own any transmission equipment interconnected to the Chehalis Power plant? If yes, please describe all such assets and identify the revenue requirement associated with the assets. Response to PIIC Data Request 4 No. PacifiCorp does not own any transmission equipment interconnected to the Chehalis power plant. Recordholder: Louisa Bruschi-Dadik/Courtney Walton Sponsor: Shelley McCoy PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 5 PIIC Data Request 5 Please provide a description Washington Public Utility Tax and identify the amount of the tax (on both a System and Idaho-allocated basis) included in revenue requirement. Response to PIIC Data Request 5 The Washington Public Utility Tax (PUT) is a tax for engaging in certain public service and transportation businesses within Washington and is generally in lieu of the Washington Business and occupation (B&O)tax. The PUT is imposed on the gross income of the business. The amount of PUT included revenue requirement in this docket is provided in Exhibit 48, Tab B-5 (Taxes Other than Income) and amounts to $15,634,905 on a total-Company basis, or $833,871 Idaho allocated. Recordholder: Brian Keyser Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 6 PIIC Data Request 6 Please explain how the Washington Public Utility Tax is assigned under the Washington Interjurisdictional Allocation Method (WIJAM). Response to PIIC Data Request 6 The Washington Public Utility Tax (PUT) is situs assigned to Washington under the Washington Interjurisdictional Allocation Method(WIJAM). Recordholder: Craig Larsen Sponsor: Shelley McCoy PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 7 PIIC Data Request 7 Does PacifiCorp pay any use taxes to the State of Washington for natural gas purchased to fuel the Chehalis Power plant? If yes,please: (a) Identify and describe all such taxes; (b) Identify the FERC account where the taxes are recorded; (c) State the amount of such taxes included in revenue requirement(on both a System and Idaho-allocated basis); and (d) State the amount of such taxes paid or incurred in calendar year 2023 (on both a System and Idaho-allocated basis). Response to PIIC Data Request 7 (a) PacifiCorp pays a natural gas use tax to the Washington Department of Revenue monthly. The tax base is the purchase price of the gas plus transportation costs. The tax rate is 3.852 percent. (b) FERC Account 547.1. (c) The Chehalis use tax is incorporated into the revenue requirement initially through a gas cost multiplier in the Chehalis natural gas price curve used to determine the Chehalis natural gas consumption forecast in the general rate case (GRC) forecast. In the GRC, the multiplier is 1.03852 because the tax itself is forecasted to be 3.852 percent of each dollar consumed. The amount of Chehalis use tax included in revenue requirement therefore can be estimated as approximately $3,261,518 total-Company [Chehalis Fuel Expense—(Chehalis Fuel Expense/ 1.03852] = [87,932,300— (87,932,300/1.03852)]. The state allocated amount is $192,469. (d) In calendar year 2023, PacifiCorp incurred $5,749,922 total-company for the Chehalis use tax. The state allocated amount is $339,314. Recordholder: To Be Determined Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 8 PIIC Data Request 8 Please provide PacifiCorp's best estimate of the fair market value of the Chehalis power plant as of December 31, 2023. Response to PIIC Data Request 8 PacifiCorp objects to this request as vague, overly broad, unduly burdensome, requesting information that is not in the Company's possession or control, requesting the creation of a new study or analysis and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Without waiving this objection, the Company responds as follows: PacifiCorp has not prepared the requested information. Recordholder: Mark Paul Sponsor: Thomas Burns PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 9 PIIC Data Request 9 Please confirm or deny that the Chehalis power plant has a negative fair market value as of December 31, 2023. Please explain the answer and provide analytical work papers supporting any assertions made as to the value of the Chehalis power plant. Response to PIIC Data Request 9 Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 8. Recordholder: Mark Paul Sponsor: Thomas Burns PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 10 PIIC Data Request 10 Please provide PIIC Witness Bradley G. Mullins with access to the Aurora model, Aurora model project files, and all work papers and scripts necessary to duplicate the NPC modelling PacifiCorp is proposing to include in revenue requirement in this docket. Response to PIIC Data Request 10 The Company notes that Bradley Mullins of MW Analytics Energy and Utility Consulting is already in possession of a valid temporary Aurora license (and Gurobi license)procured by PacifiCorp. Based on the foregoing clarification, the Company responds as follows: On April 24, 2024, the Company purchased a 12-month temporary Aurora license (and Gurobi license) for Bradley Mullins of MW Analytics Energy and Utility Consulting, representing PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers (PIIC), for use in this general rate case (GRC)proceeding, Case PAC-E-24-04. The temporary Aurora license (and Gurobi license) is provided consistent with existing license agreements between Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company (BHE)and Energy Exemplar LLC (Energy Exemplar). Note: the temporary Aurora license (and Gurobi license)will expire on April 23, 2025. On August 12, 2024, the Company provided access (via BOX)to the Aurora net power costs (NPC)project supporting the direct testimony of Company witness, Ramon J. Mitchell in this 2025 GRC proceeding to Bradley Mullins. Please refer to the non-confidential and confidential work papers provided with and supporting Ramon Mitchell's direct testimony. The Aurora NPC project and its supporting work papers are confidential and are subject to the terms and conditions of the protective order in this 2025 GRC proceeding. Access to the Aurora and Gurobi applications/ software are obtained directly from Energy Exemplar subject to the terms and conditions of the existing license agreements referenced above, the execution of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) between Energy Exemplar and Bradley Mullins, as well as the terms and conditions of the confidentiality protections within the NDA executed by Bradley Mullins applicable in this 2025 GRC proceeding. Note: the Aurora NPC project is "ID PAC-E-24-04 ID GRC 2025_Mitchell Direct Aurora v14.2.1059 CONF", and the version of the Aurora application used by PacifiCorp's NPC group for the direct testimony filing in this 2025 GRC proceeding is version 14.2.1059. Please be aware that NPC results are not reproducible in other versions of Aurora. PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 10 Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67—Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Ramon Mitchell Sponsor: Ramon Mitchell PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 11 PIIC Data Request 11 Please provide a fully functional, linked version of the NPC template, including links to the DART adjustment work papers and any other native links. Response to PIIC Data Request 11 Please refer to the confidential work papers supporting the direct testimony of Company witness, Ramon J. Mitchell. Please specifically refer to confidential file "ID_GRC_2025_2023 Normalized Load.xlsm", tab "STF DA-RT"which provides the links to confidential file "Aurora GN Market Prices CONF.xlsb" which in turn contains the supporting calculations for the day-ahead/real-time (DA/RT) adjustment. Recordholder: Isaiah Zacharia Sponsor: Ramon Mitchell PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 12 PIIC Data Request 12 Reference work paper"Aurora GN Market Prices CONF," Tab "Adders Source": (a) Please provide the source data used to calculate the values in the referenced work paper. (b) Please provide the equivalent DA/RT data over the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2019. (c) Please also provide the source data used to calculate the DART values over the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2019. Response to PIIC Data Request 12 (a) Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 12-1, specifically the confidential files containing "2020", "2021", "2022" or"2023" in the file names. Please refer to Attachment PIIC 12-2 for the revision history of the processed source data. (b) Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 12-1, specifically the confidential files containing "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018"or"2019" in the file names. Please refer to Attachment PIIC 12-2 for the revision history of the processed source data. (c) Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 12-1, specifically tab "HourlySourceData" in each of the provided confidential files. Please refer to Attachment PIIC 12-2 for the revision history of the processed source data. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67—Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Isaiah Zacharia Sponsor: Ramon Mitchell PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 13 PIIC Data Request 13 PacifiCorp has announced its intention to cease all MSP negotiations. Please explain how PacifiCorp proposes to calculate actual net power costs included in the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism following the expiration of the 2020 Protocol. Response to PIIC Data Request 13 To clarify, PacifiCorp terminated the negotiations with the Framework Issues Workgroup (FIWG). Per the terms of the 2020 Multi-State Process Inter- Jurisdictional Cost Allocation Protocol (2020 Protocol), PacifiCorp will develop an allocation methodology for use in rate proceedings in each state commission, in accordance with state procedures, to replace the current allocation methodology. PacifiCorp will calculate actual net power costs (NPC) in accordance with the subsequent allocation methodology. Recordholder: Matt McVee Sponsor: Matt McVee PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 14 PIIC Data Request 14 Reference McCoy work paper"4.9 - Pension Non-Service Expense,"Tab "4.9.1 (a) Please explain what pension non-service expenses and post-retirement non- service expenses are and how they are calculated. (b) Why did PacifiCorp set the GL 554012 Pension Non-Service Expense amount to zero in the forecast period? (c) Please provide the GL 554012 Pension Non-Service expense /benefit by month over the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023. (d) Reference GL 554022 Post-Retirement Non-Service Expense: Please provide the GL 554012 Pension Non-Service expense /benefit by month over the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023 (e) Please provide PacifiCorp's most recent actuarial reports calculating pension non-service expenses and other post-retirement benefit non-service expenses. Response to PIIC Data Request 14 (a) Pension Non-Service Expenses include interest costs related to the benefit obligation, the expected return on plan assets, the amortization of prior service cost/credit, the amortization of any annual remeasurement gains/losses that are initially recognized in other comprehensive income, and any amortization of transition obligation or asset from the initial adoption of Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) 87. Calculation. Add: Interest Cost Add: Expected Return on Assets(Gain)/Loss Add: Amortization of Transition(Asset)Obligation Add: Amortization of Prior Service Cost(Credit) Add: Amortization of(Gain)/Loss Total Pension Non-Service Expenses Post-Retirement Non-Service Expenses_include interest costs related to the benefit obligation, the expected return on plan assets, the amortization of prior service cost/credit, the amortization of any annual remeasurement gains/losses that are initially recognized in other comprehensive income, and any amortization of transition obligation or asset from the initial adoption of FAS 87. PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 14 Calculation: Add: Interest Cost Add: Expected Return on Assets(Gain)/Loss Add: Amortization of Prior Service Cost/(Credit) Add: Amortization of(Gain)/Loss Total Post-Retirement Non-Service Expenses (b) Per Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Order No. 32196, the 2023 accrual basis pension expense for the PacifiCorp Retirement Plan (PRP) is removed and is replaced by a three-year average of cash contributions made by the Company to pension expense. The Company has not made any cash contributions in the past three years nor does it plan to make any contributions in the foreseeable future resulting in the zero forecast period to the test year. (c) Please refer to the table provided below: ,12020 1±12021 -12022 �12023 <1/30/2020 Jan (399,614.16) (701,504.92) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Feb (399,614.16) (701,504.92) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Mar (399,614.16) (701,504.92) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Apr (399,614.16) (701,504.92) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) May (399,614.16) (701,504.92) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Jun (399,614.16) (701,504.92) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Jul (399,614.16) (701.504.92) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Aug (399,614.16) 8,981,731.60(1) (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Sep (399,614.16) 34,688.60 (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Oct (399,614.16) 34,688.60 (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Nov (399,614.16) 34,688.60 (103,907.25) (617,215.92) Dec (399,614.16) 6,734,032.68(2)24,576,679.75(3) (617,215.92) Total (4,795,369.92) 10,909,295.64 23,433,700.00 (7,406,59L04) (1) 8,981,731.60 Included 713L21 PENSION REMEASUREMENT of$8.947,043 (2) 6,734,032.68 Included 2021 settlement true-up of($356,278.27)and YEAR END PENSION ADJUSTMENT of$7.055,622.35 (3) 24,576,679.75 Included 2022 settlementtrue-upof($246,074)and YEAR END PENSION ADJUSTMENT of$24,926.661 (d) Please refer to the table provided below: 1402020 u2021 111022 -2023 <1/31/2020 Jan (363,429.27) (107,969.04) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Feb (363,429.27) (107,969.04) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Mar (363,429.27) (107,969.04) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Apr (363,429.27) (107,969.04) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) May (363,429.27) (107,969.04) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) -Jun (363,429.27) (142,103.16) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Jul (369,812.36) (113,658.06) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Aug (364,341.14) (113,658.06) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Sep (364,341.14) (113,658.06) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Oct (364,341.14) (108,439.50) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Nov (364,341.14) (61,472.46) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Dec (364,341.14) (108,439.50) (178,492.84) (435,671.16) Total (4,372,093.68) (1,301,274.00) (2,141,914.08) (5,228,053.92) PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 14 (e) Please refer to Attachment PIIC 14. Recordholder: Ivy Widjaja Sponsor: Sheila Diver PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 15 PIIC Data Request 15 Please identify all costs included in revenue requirement associated with allocations from Berkshire Hathaway Energy Holdings Company or any other affiliate. Please provide this detail by FERC account. Response to PIIC Data Request 15 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 15. Recordholder: Sheila French Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 16 PIIC Data Request 16 Please provide the intercompany allocation manual that establishes how costs are allocated to and from PacifiCorp affiliates. Response to PIIC Data Request 16 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 16. Recordholder: Sheila French Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 17 PIIC Data Request 17 Please provide transaction level details supporting all amounts allocated to PacifiCorp from Berkshire Hathaway Energy Holdings Company or any other affiliate. Response to PIIC Data Request 17 Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 15. Recordholder: Sheila French Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 18 PIIC Data Request 18 Please identify all memberships and dues included in revenue requirement through an intercompany allocation to PacifiCorp from an affiliate or parent, with detail of amount and the organization to which the amounts were paid. Response to PIIC Data Request 18 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 18. Recordholder: Sheila French Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 20 PIIC Data Request 20 Please provide PacifiCorp's calculation of the effective rates for Allowance for Funds Used for Construction that were used for calendar year 2023, with details of all debt items and equity costs included in that calculation. Response to PIIC Data Request 20 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 20. Recordholder: Zack Much Sponsor: Sheila Diver PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 21 PIIC Data Request 21 Reference McCoy work paper"4.4 - Outside Service Expense,"Tab "4.4.1": (a) Please provide the equivalent data for each calendar year 2018, 2019, and 2020. (b) Please explain why the outside services expenses increase so significantly in 2022 and 2023. (c) Was the increase in 2022 and 2023 related to wildfire litigation? If yes, please quantify the amount of the increase related to wildfire litigation. Response to PIIC Data Request 21 (a) Please refer to Attachment PIIC 21. (b) Outside Service Expense increased $8.1 million in 2023 compared to 2022 and $13.9 million in 2022 compared to 2021. In 2023 compared to 2022, $5.3 million of the increase resulted from higher affiliate charges for information technology(IT), telecommunications and security charges. Another$13.5 million of the increase was due to higher legal consulting fees, of which $4.6 million was due to the reversal of an expected insurance recovery. These increases were partially offset by the Company's $6.8 million obligation recorded in 2022 to provide funding to an Oregon agency for water quality improvement projects required under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement(KHSA). Please refer to the Company's response to subparts (b) and(c)below. In 2022 compared to 2021, $7.7 million of the increase resulted from higher affiliate charges for IT, telecommunications and security charges. Another $6.8 million of the increase resulted from accruing the Company's obligation to provide funding to an Oregon agency for water quality improvement projects required under the KHSA. Another$2.5 million of the increase was due to reserves associated with cost deferrals in Oregon for wildfire cost recovery mechanisms. These increases were partially offset by a $4.6 million credit representing expected insurance recoveries. Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) below. (c) Of the total increases in Outside Service Expense in 2023 compared to 2022, $13.2 million was due to legal fees associated with wildfire litigation. Of the total increases in Outside Service Expense in 2022 compared to 2021, a partially offsetting decrease of$6.1 million was due to legal fees associated with wildfire litigation, of which $4.6 million represented expected insurance PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 21 recoveries to be applied to legal fees incurred as a result of wildfire litigation. In 2023, as a result of the magnitude of the wildfire losses arising from the litigation, the Company determined that all expected insurance recoveries would instead be applied to third-parry damages and the $4.6 million was reversed, contributing to the increase in 2023. Consequently, the $4.6 million of expected insurance recoveries was reflected as an offset to wildfire losses reflected in account 925 during 2023. Recordholder: Shelley McCoy Sponsor: Shelley McCoy PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 22 PIIC Data Request 22 Please provide transaction level detail of all legal expenses included in the test period revenue requirement, with a description of the legal matter on which the legal services were performed. Response to PIIC Data Request 22 The Company does not have transaction level detail of legal expenses for the Test Period. The legal expenses in the Test Period are unknown and not incurred actual expenses by the Company at this date. Furthermore, the legal matters expected in the Test Period are also unknown and unable to be provided for the Test Period. Based on the foregoing clarification, the Company responds as follow: Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 22 containing legal expenses recorded during calendar year 2023 which are included in the base year. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67—Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Christina Lopas Sponsor: Shelley McCoy PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 23 PIIC Data Request 23 Please provide transaction level detail of all expert witness consulting services accrued in the test period revenue requirement, with a description of the matter on which the services were performed. Response to PIIC Data Request 23 The Company does not have transaction level detail of witness consulting service accruals for the Test Period. The witness consulting service expenses in the Test Period are unknown and not incurred actual expenses by the Company at this date. Furthermore, the matters for which witness consulting services which will be performed in the Test Period are also unknown and unable to be provided for the Test Period. Based on the foregoing clarification, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC 22, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 22,which provides all legal expenses (including accruals) recorded during calendar year 2023 which are included in the base year. Recordholder: Christina Lopas Sponsor: Shelley McCoy PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 25 PIIC Data Request 25 Please identify each long-term service agreement that PacifiCorp has for its power plants, and describe the terms of the agreement, including the amounts paid, the timing of payment and how the rates change over time. Response to PIIC Data Request 25 The Company assumes that this request is associated with PIIC Data Request 24 and specifically to McCoy's work paper"4.5 - Generation Overhaul Expense" and to PacifiCorp's thermal resources. Based on the foregoing assumptions, the Company responds as follows: The Company has entered into Long-Term Service Agreement (LTSA) contracts with original equipment manufacturers (OEM) for the Lake Side, Currant Creek, and Chehalis plants. These contracts provide overhaul services, equipment, parts discounts, and certain warranties. The Company makes quarterly payments under the LTSAs based on the operating hours of each combustion turbine at each respective plant. The payments represent combustion turbine equipment usage that will be replaced and overhaul services to be provided by the OEM during upcoming hot gas path (HGP)and major overhauls. The LTSAs requires that the combustion turbine be maintained to the standards agreed upon per the contract and should occur after a specified number of factored fired hours or equivalent gas turbine starts. Because the overhaul services will not be performed nor equipment/materials replaced until the overhauls occur, amounts paid under the LTSAs are recorded as prepayments on the balance sheet. When the actual services are performed, and the equipment/materials are installed, the prepayments are then reclassified to capital expenses or operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses. The contract pricing is subject to escalation per the terms of the LTSAs,which is based off a formula which utilizes market indexes. Recordholder: Chad Ahlmer Sponsor: Chad Ahlmer PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 26 PIIC Data Request 26 Reference McCoy work paper"3.6 - Fly Ash Revenues.": (a) Please explain why fly ash revenues are expected to decline so significantly in 2024, and (b) Please provide all executed fly ash sales agreements in effect in calendar years 2023, 2024, and 2025. Response to PIIC Data Request 26 (a) Fly ash revenues decline in 2024 as a result of Jim Bridger Unit 1 and Jim Bridger Unit 2 converting to gas-fired units. Upon conversion to gas, these units will no longer produce ash available for sale. (b) Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 26-1 and Confidential Attachment PIIC 26-2 for the Jim Bridger plant, Confidential Attachment PIIC 26-3 for the Huntington plant, Confidential Attachment PIIC 26-4 for the Naughton plant, and Confidential Attachment PIIC 26-5 for the Craig plant. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67—Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Aaron Lively Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 27 PIIC Data Request 27 Please provide PacifiCorp's financial statement tax provision calculation by book- tax difference item as of December 31, 2023. Response to PIIC Data Request 27 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 27 which includes the calculation of income taxes for this general rate case (GRC)proceeding. The financial statement tax provision calculation as of December 31, 2023, are provided in column F of tab "Current Income Tax Expense"tab. Recordholder: Deanna Fladstol Sponsor: Ryan Fuller PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 PIIC Data Request 28 PIIC Data Request 28 Please provide the Jim Bridger Fuel stock balance by month over the period January 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024. Response to PIIC Data Request 28 Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 28 which provides actual monthly Jim Bridger Fuel Stock ending inventory balances for January 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67—Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Heather Garcia Sponsor: To Be Determined Joe Dallas (ISB# 10330) Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Telephone: 3 60-5 60-193 7 Email:joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY ) ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) CLAIM OF CONFIDENTIALITY AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS ) RELATING TO DISCOVERY RATES AND CHARGES IN IDAHO ) RESPONSES AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) AND REGULATIONS ) I, Joe Dallas, represent Rocky Mountain Power in the above captioned matter. I am a attorney for Rocky Mountain Power. I make this certification and claim of confidentiality regarding the response to the attached Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff discovery request pursuant to IDAPA 31.01.01 because Rocky Mountain Power, through its response,is disclosing certain information that is Confidential and/or constitutes Trade Secrets as defined by Idaho Code Section 74-101, et seq. and 48-801 and protected under IDAPA and Specifically, Rocky Mountain Power asserts that the response to PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers (PIIC) set 1 contains Company proprietary information that could be used to its commercial disadvantage. 1 Rocky Mountain Power herein asserts that the aforementioned responses contain confidential information that the information contains Company proprietary information. I am of the opinion that this information is "Confidential," as defined by Idaho Code Section 74-101, et seq. and 48-801, and should therefore be protected from public inspection, examination and copying, and should be utilized only in accordance with the terms of the Protective Agreement in this proceeding. DATED this 23rd day of August, 2024. Respectfully submitted, �1- By Joe Dallas Attorney Rocky Mountain Power 2