HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240823PAC to Bayer 55 Attachment - b.iii. GWS El A Approved Baseline Schedule 05.10.22.pdf PAC i F i Co R P Pacificorp: Gateway South i 1 S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1500kV Overall Project Schedule . , w..�....,_ -�. Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J I F M A M J JULAJ S 1 O N D J I F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D J F M A M J lul PacifiCorp-Gateway South 500kVT-Line Element A 2022-03-25 729.9 729.9 Jan-14-22 Dec-15-24 0.0 -Deb-1 24 Pacfi orp-r Milestones 1066.0 06 - ;Dec-15-24,Milestbne5 Key Milestones 1066.0 1066.0 Jan-14-22 Dec-15-24 0.0 be4-15-24,Key Milestor Critical&Interim Milestones 1066.0 1066.0 Jan-14-22 Dec-15-24 0.0 Dee-15-24,Cri6cal&I:nt Overall Project 1066.0 1066.0 Jan-14-22 Dec-15-24 Dee 15-24,OverallProje - ------'---' KM1030 Baseline Schedule Approval 0.0 0.0 0% Mar 29 22* 0.0 ♦ Bodpe$cheduleApproval KM1040 IssueQA/QCPIan 0.0 0.0 0% Mar-29-22* 0.0 IsSueQA6Q. . KM1050 Issue Safety Plan 0.0 0.0 0% Mar-29-22* 0.0 w Ispue�afgOlan: KM1060 Issue Environmental Assurance Plan 0.0 0.0 0% Mar-30-22* 0.0 Issue;EnVironmehtal;AssbramcePlan KM1090 Foundations Complete 0.0 0.0 0% Jan-20-23* 0.0 ♦;Foundations Complete ---'- -- n late --;- KM1100 Construction Complete 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-28-24* 0.0 Cons�ructio Co'-- -te: I I I Cnp� I I KM1110 In-Service Date 0.0 0.0 0% Sep-13-24* 0.0 :*:In-ServiceDatd KM1120 As-Built Documents 0.0 0.0 0% Sep-15-24* 0.0 *:As-1 uik Documents KM1130 Restoration/Reclamation Complete 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-28-24* 0.0 * Restoratibn/ReclannWohCompletd KM1140 Final Project Completion 0.0 0.0 0% Dec-15-24* 0.0 ♦;Final Project COmpletior KM1010 Limited Notice to Proceed 0.0 0.0 0% Jan-26-22* 11.0 Lijnited Notieeto Proceed KM1020 LetterofCredit 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-01-22* 14.5 LS'tterof,Credit KM1080 Full Noticeto Proceed 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-01-22* 14.5 j FNII f oti�etq Prpce�d KM1150 Letter of Intent 0.0 0.0 0% Jan-14-22* 23.0 LetteroflntenG KM1070 Site Mobilization 0.0 0.0 0% Apr-15-22* 61.5 :*:Site Mobilization -- -- --;--'--- -- --'--- -- --------- -- -- ------ --------- -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- --------- -- -- - KM1000 Contract Execution 0.0 0.0 0% Jan-26-22* 63.0 4 Contr;act:Execution entA Constructi 9 .0 Jan-28 22 Sep 13-24 Sep 13 24,IEIerneritAlCohstrUctior KMA02 Conductor Order Placed 0.0 0.0 0% Mar-18-22* 0.0 ♦ Cohduttot Order Placed KMA08 Site Access/Acces Road Complete 0.0 0.0 0% Oct-31-22* 0.0 Sjte�ccess/Qcc�s Rpad,CorjnplQte KMA09 Structure Erection Start 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-20-22* 0.0 ♦;Structbre;ErectionStart KMA15 OPGW Pulling Complete 0.0 0.0 0% Jan-03-24* 0.0 ♦ OPGW Pulling Complete KMA19 Project Element Substantial Completion 0.0 0.0 0% Sep-13-24* 0.0 ♦:Project,Elernerit Substantial Comple KMA09.1 Structure Erection Finish-2022Work 0.0 0.0 0% Dec-05-22* 0.0 ♦ Struttute Erection FiniSh-2022Work KMA17 Construction Complete 0.0 0.0 1 0% Feb-01-24* 0.0 C'onstruCtion Cgmplete, KMA18 Project Element Mechanical Completion 0.0 0.0 0% Mar-23-24* 0.0 Project Element Mechanical Completion I- I--- -- -- ---:-- ---- - p I I I I I I I I a 1 KMA13 ReducedTensionS an Installed Little SnakeSubst.DE 0.0 0.0 0% Dec-04-23* 0.2 ♦ RedUcedTension5panl;nstdlled,LitteSnakeSubst.AEl KMA10 Structure Erection Finish-2023Work 0.0 0.0 0% Nov-26-23* 0.2 StrucYureErectionFinisti 2023'W6rk KMA01 Lattice Steel Order Placed 0.0 0.0 0% Jan-28-22 11.0 Lattide Steel OrdiarPlaced KMA04 First Lattice Steel Delv 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-02-22 11.0 First i_attice$teei Deiv KMA07 Site Access/Acces Road Start 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-02-22 13.5 ♦ Site Access/kccesRbad'Start KMA08.1 Spotting Complete 0.0 0.0 0% Nov-15-22* 15.5 46ISpottingC0mplet0 KMA05 First Conductor Dely 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-16-22 22.0 :♦:Fiat Conductor Dely KMA16 Contractor OPGW Testing Complete 0.0 0.0 0% Feb-26-24* 27.0 Cbnttactbr OPGW Testing Cbmoletd KMA06 First OPGW Dely 0.0 0.0 0% Aug-01-22 28.9 First pP(5W pelt', KMA12 Reduced Tension Span Installed AleousSubst.DE 0.0 0.0 0% Oct-02-23* 39.5 * aeducedTension Span Ihstalled;Aleous5ub6t.dE KMA03 OPGW Order Placed 0.0 0.0 0% Mar-25-22 65.0 ♦ OPGW order:Placed: KMA14 Wire Pulling Complete 1 0.0 0.0 0% Dec-31-23* 84.0 Wire';PullingComplete KMA11 Wire Pulling Start 0.0 0.0 0% Jul-24-22 86.9 WirePullingStart 2.-22 Jan-08-2o- aan-p8-Z3,bngipeefing Detail Design&Engineering 235.9 235.9 Jan 26 22 Jan-08 23 O Jan-08-23,Detail Dbsgh&Englneerin$ Access Road Design 88.9 88.9 Jan-26-22 May31-22 8.0 , May31-22,Accd$Road Detign Access Roads-Element A 88.9 88.9 L Jan-26-22 May31-22 1 I�Iay31-22,Acc&ss Roads-ElernentA ■ Remaining Level of Effort 0 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work VmmmmI Su... 1 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N D J I F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I Elul ENG-AR220 Develop Access Road Design Package#1 29.9 29.9 0% Jan-26-22 Mar-08-22 8.0 Develop Access;Road Design Package## ENG-AR230 PAC Design Review#1 10.0 10.0 0% Mar-09-22 Mar-22-22 8.0 ■: PAC D2sigh R&vieuvi#ti ENG-AR240 Develop Access Road Design Package#2 23.0 23.0 0% Mar-23-22 Apr-22-22 8.0 jM; Dovelgp P{ceps Rpad:De�ign Package#2 j - -- -- ---------'---- '--- -------- --------- ---- ------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- ---- ------ ---- - ENG-AR250 PAC Design Review#2 10.0 10.0 0% Apr-25-22 May-06-22 8.0 pACbesignFteview42 ENG-AR260 Develop Access Road IFC Deign Package 16.0 16.0 0% May-09-22 May31-22 8.0 Develop Access r. . IFC Design;Package ENG-AR270 I FC-Access Road 0.0 0.0 0% May31-22 8.0 4 WC-;Access ltoa l Structure Design 58.0 58.0 Jan-26-22 Apr-18-22 42.4Apt 18 22,St�'uctlareDesign 500kV Lattice Structu 58.0 Jan-26-22 I ADr-18-22 V-0-oM7:Apt-18-22,500kV Lattice;Structtlres; ---'-- ENG-LSD170 Steel Lattice Procurement Design Package#1 17.0 17.0 0% Jan-26-22 Feb-18-22 42.4 Steel Lattice PlrocUrerhent Ddsigri Packap ENG-LSD220 PAC Design Review#1 9.0 9.0 0% Feb-18-22 Mar-03-22 42.4 PAC Design Review#,1 ENG-LSD230 Steel Lattice Procurement Design Package#2 17.0 17.0 0% Mar-03-22 Mar-28-22 42.4 O; Steel Lattice Procurement D;esigh P6ckage#2 ENG-LSD240 PAC Design Review#2 10.0 10.0 0% Mar-28-22 Apr-11-22 42.4 ■ PAC;Design;Revlew;#2 ENG-LSD260 IFC-500kV Lattice Steel 5.0 5.0 0% Apr-11-22 Apr-18-22 42.4 j j IFG-5b01eVLattioSteel -- -- - - - ----- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - PropertySupport 89.9 89.9 Jan-26-22 Jun-01-22 32.6 V,=0=MEMET J6n-01-22,Propiert�Suopott ENG-PS-1020 Property Acquisition(Completed by Owner) 89.9 89.9 0% Jan-26-22 Jun-01-22 32.6 -1 PropertyAcquisitioh(Cbmpleb&d by Ownel-) Close Out Supports 60.0 60.0 Nov-09-22 Jan-08-23 12.0 ;Vm.wm► aan-08-Z3,OospOgtS6ppprtsi ENG{01000 Foundation Books 60.0 60.0 1 0% Nov-09-22 Jan-08-23 12.0 EjEj Foundation BooksEnvironmental ; r 343.0 r. Jun-09-23,Enviionmerital -- ;-- r ;--- ;- -- - - -- - - -- -- - - ----- --r Environmental Feld Survey 343.0 343.0 Jan-26 22 Jun-09 23 Jun-J93,Fnvironrnental Fie l Survey ENVCCS-1020 SWPPP Field Work 57.0 57.0 0% Jan-26-22 Apr-15-22 32.9 ;SWPPP Fieid Work ENVCCS-1030 2022 Pre-Construction Biological Surveys 34.0 34.0 0% Apr-15-22 Jun-03-22 32.9 j 11" 4022 Pre-Const'ruction;Biological Surveys ENVCCS-1040 2023 Pre-Construction Biological Surveys 35.0 35.0 0% Apr-20-23* Jun-09-23 37.5 JiME 2023 Pre-Construction BiclloglcalSurveysl Construction Mitigation Plan(FnaiaePODetc.) 109.0 109.0 Feb-24-22 Jul-29-22 59.4 0 Jyl-21-22;Constructon:Miogaoon Pla6(Fi6al¢ePoDoc.)' Si(eS' ecific nvironimiental plans P + ENV.CCS-1320 Site Specific Environmental Plans(Preliminary) 109.0 109.0 0% Feb-24-22 Jul-29-22 59.4 p (Preliminary) Permitting • r Sep-02-22,Perntitdhg Federal 90.0 90.0 Jan-26-22 Jun-02-22 9.4 J6n-62-2j2,Federal j PMT-FED-1000 CWA Elem ent 401/402 90.0 90.0 0% Jan-26-22 Jun-02-22 9.4 JEJEOMW (-M.Elem erit 401/402: PMT-FED-1010 Utility Road Crossing Permit 90.0 90.0 0% Jan-26-22 Jun-02-22 9.4 won"" Utilq Rdad Crossing Permit; Wyoming 155.9 155.9 Jan-26-22 Sep-02-22 9.4 Sep 42 z2,Wy°ming State 155.9 155.9 Jan-26-22 Sep-02-22 9.4 S;ep-02-z2,5tatq PMT-S`W1000 WYPDES Large Construction Permit and SWPPP 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 9.4 � ;MPD�S L$rgpCopstrpction Permit and$WPPP: PMT-STA-1010 Temporary Water Agreement 90.0 90.0 0% Jan-26-22 Jun-02-22 9.4 $00010100 Tem0or6ry4Uater4reeme6t PMT-STA-1020 Non-Roadway Easement and Temporary Use Permit 112.9 112.9 0% Jan-26-22 Jul-05-22 9.4 Mon Roadway Easement arld Temporary Use Permit -- -- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- --i---' -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - PMT-S W1030 Utility Road Crossing Permit 155.9 155.9 0% Jan-26-22 Sep-02-22 9.4 Utility Road Crossing Permit PMT-SW1040 Air Emission Construction Permit 90.0 90.0 0% Jan-26-22 Jun-02-22 9.4 Air EMisslon Construction Permit PMT-STA-1190 Oversia/oerweight Permit 91.0 91.0 0% Jan-26-22 Jun-03-22 20.4 O gversia?/,Ovprwpighx Permit Local 79.0 79.0 Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 Vo-W-b-loW May-17-22,1-6cal PMT-LOC-1000 Building Permit Carbon County 63.0 63.0 0% Jan-26-22 Apr-25-22 20.4 1 j Building gerrriit Carbon County - ---• ,----------------- ---•- -- ----- -- - ----- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - - --- PMT-LOC-1010 Temporary Use Permit Carbon County 58.0 58.0 0% Jan-26-22 Apr-18-22 20.4 O Temporary Use Permit Carbon County PMT-LOC-1020 Flood plain Permit Carbon County 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 !Flood g lain:Permit:Carbori Coo nty PMT-LOC-1030 Utility Crossing and Road Access(Encroachment)Permit Carbon County 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 Utility Crossing and Rdad Access(Enctoathm'ent)Permit Catboh Cdunty PMT-LOC-1040 Construction Permit Sweet Water County 79.0 79.0 0% 1 Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 0 Coristructjon permit$,wept Water Cqunty PMT-LOC-1050 Conditional Use Permit Sweet Water County 74.0 74.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-10-22 20.4 Conditional Use Permit Sweet Water County -------------:--- --- ---:----I---:---- - ----- - -- PMT-LOC-1060 Temporary Use Permit Sweet Water County 74.0 74.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-10-22 20.4 0 Temporary Use.Permit Sweet Water COuMy PMTLOC 1070 Utility Crossing Permit Sweet Water County 74.0 74.0 0% Jan-26 22 May 10-22 20.4 Utility�rossing.Permit Sweet Water C. .y PMT-LOC-1080 Driveway/Road Encroachment Permit Sweet Water County 74.0 74.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-10-22 20.4 DriV-ew*/Road Enriroachrnent Permit Sweet Water County: Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 2 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I C O R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�....,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul I A I S I O N D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J EE=Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul Colorado 79.0 79.0 Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 V.00000�;May-1;-2 ,Colorado; State 79.0 79.0 Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 ��I M�y-17-22,Stete - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PMT-STA-1060 Oversi2e/Overweight Permit 74.0 74.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-10-22 20.4 t3WMt::j bve�si*/Over ei&Permit PMT-Swilo0 Element 401 Water Quality Certification 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 j Eletnerlt 401 Wait&Quality C�rtiPicabon PMT-ST,41110 Construction Activities Stormwater Permit 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 0 Copstruction ktiyitiQsStprMvvater Permit PMT-STA-1140 APEN for Batch Plant 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 1 ',APENforgatda Pont Local 79.0 79.0 Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 'May-17-22,Local: i � J � � J � � J � � • • PMT-LOC-1090 Temporary Use Permit Moffat County 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 0 Temporary Use Permit Moffat County PMT-LOC-1100 Building Permit Moffat County 79.0 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 Building Permit Moffat Country PMT-LOC 1120 ROW Access Pe mit Moffat County 1 79.0 1 79.0 0% 1 Jan-26 22 May 17-22 2 � ROWcces Pbmit MoffCbunty PMT-LOC-1130 Utilities Installation Permit Moffat County 79.0 1 79.0 0% Jan-26-22 May-17-22 20.4 i Utilitie$In�tall�tion Permit Mgffax Counl y .. .. . ;Apr-14,23;Procurement Lattice Steel Towers 444.0 444.0 Jan-26-22 Apr-14-23 77.0 ;Apr- ce; (YW7A Mitas 304.8 304.8 Jan-29-22 Nov-29-22 74.3 MMV Nov-?9-22,Mitds Stubs 112.0 112.0 Jan-29-22 May20-22 22. ��IM�y2p-2�,Stubsj PROC-1000 Production 49.0 49.0 0% Jan-29-22 Mar-18-22 11.0 join Pr6du�tio0 PROC-1010 Packaging 12.0 12.0 0% Mar-07-22 Mar-18-22 22.4 j■ jPatkaoing PROC-1020 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% 1 Mar-22-22 22.4 ♦ FAT PROC-1030 Shipment 54.0 54.0 0% Mar-28 22 May 20-22 22.4 j Shipment BEL 1 Feb- T Jwn-01 212,LOf 01 PROC-1040 Production 40.0 40.0 0% Feb-19-22 Mar-30-22 11.0 Prodlactibn PROC-1050 Packaging 26.0 26.0 0% Mar-05-22 Mar-30-22 11.0 ;10i Packaging ---------------------------- PROC-1060 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% Apr-06-22 11.0 4 �AT PROC-1070 Shipment 56.0 56.0 0% Apr-07-22 Jun-01-22 11.0 01joi Shipment LOT O 110.0 110.0 Mar-19-22 Jul-06 j .ul-66-2�,L&62 PROC-1080 Production 47.0 47.0 0% Mar-19-22 May-04-22 47.6 1 n Orocluction j PROC-1090 Packaging 33.0 33.0 0% Apr-02-22 May-04-22 53.9 Packaging ---, ----- --r 1.-- I- -- -- --- 11- PROC-1100 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% May-11-22 53.9 ;♦ FAT PROC-1110 Shipment 56.0 56.0 1 0% May-12-22 Jul-06-22 53.9 j Shipment 96.0 96.54 Apr- 0-22 3-22 V== Aug-03-22,COr03 PROC-1120 Production 33.0 33.0 0% Apr-30-22 Jun-01-22 47.6 O Production PROC-1130 Packaging 26.0 26.0 0% May-07-22 Jun-01-22 79.0 p Packaging -------------- PROC-1140 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% Jun-08-22 79.0 ♦ FAT; PROC-1150 Shipment 56.0 56.0 1 0% Jun-09-22 Aug-03-22 79.0 O Shiprnerit L 98.0 98. Jun-02-22 Sep-07-22 47. VN*-"EN!► 5ep;07-22,LCif 04 PROC-1160 Production 35.0 35.0 0% Jun-02-22 Jul-06-22 47.6 Production; PROC-1170 Packaging 28.0 28.0 0% Jun-09-22 Jul-06-22 47.6 M Packaging PROC-1180 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% Jul-13-22 47.6 ♦.FAT. PROC-1190 Shipment 56.0 56.0 0% 1 Jul-14-22 7"Aug-03-22 47.6 O Shipment LOT Jun- Imo/ $ep-07-22,I-�P5 PROC-1200 Production 53.0 53.0 0% Jun-12-22 47.6 0 Productionj PROC-1210 Packaging 26.0 26.0 0% Jul-09-22 47.6 j aackagirig --------- PROC-1220 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% ug- - 47.6 ♦ FAT; PROC-1230 Shipment 28.0 1 28.0 1 0% 1 Aug-11-22 Sep-07-22 47.6 Mi $hipmebt LOT77.0 ul-23-22 Oct-07-22 � Oct-07-22,LOT06 PROC-1240 Production 40.0 40.0 0% Jul-23-22 Aug-31-22 52.8 L� production PROC-1250 Packaging 26.0 26.0 0% Aug-06 22 Aug 31-22 52.8 p P,ack$ging Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work VmmmmmI Su... 3 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N HD � M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D J I F I M I A I M I J lul PROC-1260 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% Sep-07-22 52.8 ♦ �AT' PROC-1270 Shipment 30.0 30.0 0% Sep-08-22 Oct-07-22 52.8 ;0 Ship:met)t Nov-Z9-�2,koT07 PROC-1280 Production 33.0 33.0 0% Aug-27-22 Sep-28-22 74.3 P�ocl actipn j PROC-1290 Packaging 18.8 18.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-28-22 74.3 b Packaging -------------------------- -------- --------- PROC-1300 FAT 0.0 0.0 0% Oct-05-22 74.3 ♦ RAT PROC-1310 Shipment 55.0 55.0 0% Oct-05-22 Nov-29-22 74.3 j0 Shipment SA41A 318.0 318.0 Jan-26-22 Dec-09-22 25.0 V Dec;09422,SA RA 37.0 Jan-26-22 Mar-03-22 VN, Mar-03-22,Prototypes. PROC-1320 Prototype5GV 37.0 37.0 0% Jan-26-22 Mar03-22 12.0 Protbtyde5GV T- ; ----- ; - - - PROC-1330 Prototype5GV6 37.0 37.0 0% Jan-26-22 Mar-03-22 12.0 P,rotptype5GV6 PROC-1340 Prototype5GVS 37.0 37.0 0% Jan-26-22 Mar-03-22 22.0 [ :rototype5GV5 Mar-28-22 Jul-08-22 ------ jul-&22,LOT01 PROC-1350 Tower Material 33.0 33.0 0% Mar-28-22 Apr-29-22 25.0 Tower Materlial PROC-1360 FAT 33.0 33.0 0% Apr-04-22 May-06-22 36.3 rAT PROC-1370 Container Loading 33.0 33.0 0% Apr-11-22 May-13-22 36.3 p Container Loading: PROC-1380 Site Deliveries 33.0 33.0 0% Jun-06-22 Jul-08-22 82.0 D $ite peliveri�s �� r- -22 g- - 2 �r�►jAug-19-22,L(7T02 PROC-1390 Tower Material 47.0 47.0 0% Apr-25-22 Jun-10-22 25.0 ] Tower Material PROC-1400 FAT 47.0 47.0 0% May-02-22 Jun-17-22 25.0 Q FAT -----i--;-- --- --'--'---'---'--;--'-----------------------------T--------- --------- ---------i---------i-----------------------------T---- PROC-1410 Container Loading 47.0 47.0 0% May-09-22 Jun-24-22 25.0 0 j Container Loading PROC-1420 Site Deliveries 46.0 46.0 0% Jul-05-22 Aug-19-22 52.2 ;4 SitiaD&liveries; LOT03 103.0 103.0 Jun-06-22 Sep-16-22 Sep-1f-22,LOTO PROC-1430 Tower Material 33.0 33.0 0% Jun-06-22 Jul-08-22 36.3 O Tower lj atrial j PROC-1440 FAT 33.0 33.0 0% Jun-13-22 Jul-15-22 36.3 E--1 FAT ---:--- - :--- -- --- -- --- - -- -- - -- PROC-1450 Container Loading 33.0 33.0 0% Jun-20-22 Jul-22-22 36.3 C«ntainer;Lodding PROC-1460 Site Deliveries 33.0 33.0 1 0% Aug-15-22 Sep-16-22 36.3 p Site Deliveries LOT04 'Oul-05-22 Oct-14-22 V"��►:Octi-14F22,I LOT 04 PROC 1470 Tower Material 32.0 32.0 0% Jul-05 22 Aug-05-22 25.0 0 TAwpr Material PROC-1480 FAT 32.0 32.0 0% Jul-12-22 Aug-12-22 25.0 0 ;FAT; -- PROC-1490 Container Loading 32.0 32.0 0% Jul-19-22 Aug-19-22 25.0 E:�:] Container Loading PROC-1500 Site Deliveries 33.0 33.0 0% Sep-12-22 Oct-14-22 46.0 :Site Deliveries 05 9 0 *000miEI:04-10-22:L070� PROC-1510 Tower Material 32.0 32.0 0% Aug-02-22 Sep-02-22 40.8 IQ Tower Material PROC-1520 FAT 32.0 32.0 0% 1 Aug-09-22 Sep-09-22 40.8 0 FAT; ;- ; ; PROC-1530 Container Loading 32.0 32.0 0% Aug-16-22 Sep-16-22 40.8 O ;Container loading PROC-1540 Site Deliveries 33.0 33.0 0% Sep-17-22 Oct-19-22 40.8 Site Deliveries -22 VENTENIN-I Dec-09;22„LCfi06I PROC-1550 Tower Material 33.0 33.0 0% Aug-29-22 Sep-30-22 25.0 I� Tower Material PROC-1560 FAT 33.0 33.0 0% Sep-05-22 Oct-07-22 25.0 �AT PROC-1570 Container Loading 33.0 33.0 0% Sep-12-22 Oct-14-22 25.0 ;Co�itair er Loading PROC-1580 Site Deliveries 33.0 33.0 0% Nov-07-22 Dec-09-22 25.0 $ite. a erips j Conductor 379.0 379.0 Apr-01-22 Apr-14-23 77.0 ;Apr 14 23,;Conductor PROC-1590 LCJT01-Fabrication/Delivery 76.0 76.0 0% Apr-01-22 Jun-15-22 22.0 LCI`01 Fabrication/delivery; PROC-1600 LOT 02-Fabrication/Delivery 106.0 106.0 0% Jul-01-22 Oct-14-22 48.5 O ;LCI'02,Fabrication/Delivery: o -'-- LC�f03 Fa ;- ------- - - -- PROC 1610 LCT03 Fabrication/Delivery 123.0 123.0 0% Oct-15 22 FebFb-14-23 56.8 I�ric$tion/delivery] PROC-1620 LOT 04-Fabrication/Delivery 103.0 103.0 0% Jan-02-23 I Apr-14-23 77.0 'LCT04;Fabrickioh/Delvery Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work VmmmmmmI Su... 4 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I C O R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�....,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F I M A M J Jul A I S 1 O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul Guy Wire 183.0 183.0 Apr-01-22 Sep-30-22 59.5 MEF Sep-40-22, uyWire PROC-1630 LCT01-Fabrication/Delivery 61.0 61.0 0% Apr-01-22 May31-22 12.0 Millift LOT01-Kabrjcation%Delivery PROC-1640 LOT02-Fabrication/Delivery 71.0 71.0 0% Jun-01-22 Aug-10-22 26.2 "1"" LG'02 Fabric&orl/Delivery; PROC-1650 LOT 03-Fabrication/Delivery 63.0 63.0 0% Jul-01-22 Sep-01-22 39.2 ication/Dqlivery PROC 1660 LCT04 Fabrication Delivery 61.0 61.0 0% Aug-0122 Sep 30-22 59.5 j L17T04-Kabrication%Delivery Shield Wire 183.0 183.0 Apr-01-22 Sep-30-22 59.7 T IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEF Sep-30-22,Shield Wire PROC-1670 LOT01-Fabrication/Delivery 61.0 61.0 0% Apr-01-22 May31-22 12.0 LOT 01-Fabrication/Delivery PROC-1680 LOT 02-Fabrication/Delivery 71.0 71.0 0% Jun-01-22 Aug-10-22 26.2 p LOr02-Fabricatiori/Delivery; PROC-1690 LOT 03-Fabrication/Delivery 63.0 63.0 0% Jul-01-22 Sep-01-22 49.0 C1 COT©3 Fabdi cation IDdlivehy PROC-1700 LOT 04-Fabrication/Delivery 61.0 61.0 0% Aug-01-22 Sep-30-22 59.7 ;O Lpfg4 F;abricatlon(DQlivery Conductor Hardware 334.0 334.0 Apr-01-22 Feb-28-23 48.0 Feb-28-23,Conductor Hardware PROC-1720 LOT01-Fabrication/Delivery 144.0 144.0 0% Apr-01-22 Aug-22-22 28.0 LOT 01-Fabridation/:Delinery PROC-1710 LOT 00-Fabrication/Delivery 144.0 144.0 0% Apr-01-22 Aug-22-22 48.0 LOT 00-Fabrication/:Delivey - Del' ; PROC-1730 LOT 02-Fabrication/Delivery 146.0 146.0 0% Jun-01-22 Oct-24-22 48.0 � L 02 FabricationI / iverY PROC-1740 LOT 03-Fabrication/Delivery 123.0 123.0 0% Jul-01-22 Oct-31-22 48.0 ��- LCJT03-Fabrication%Delivery PROC-1750 LOT04-Fabrication/Delivery 120.0 120.0 0% Nov-01-22 Feb-28-23 48.0 LQIT Q4-Fabrication/Delivery OPGW/OPGW Hardware 260.0 260.0 May-02-22 Jan-16-23 91.7 Uari-16 23i0PGW%OPGW Hardware' PROC 1760 LCT01-Fabrication/Delivery 91.0 91.0 0% May-02-22 Jul-31-22 28.0 j L0T(11-Fabrication/Delivery / o p ;- Fabrication Delivery LOT 02-Fabrication Delivery77.0 77.0 0% Jul-01-22 Se 15-22 85.8 0 ,LOIO2- / ery PROC-1780 LOT 03-Fabrication/Delivery 61.0 61.0 0% Sep-01-22 Oct-31-22 91.7 LCTd3-rabrication Delivery PROC-1790 LOT04-Fabrication/Delivery 77.0 77.0 0% Nov-01-22 Jan-16-23 91.7 LOT04r Fabrication/Delivery Insulator/Misc Material 184.0 184.0 May-02-22 Nov-01-22 28.0 Nov-01-�2,Ijnsulat6r/Misc:Maxeripl PROC-1800 LOT01-Fabrication/Delivery 89.0 89.0 0% May-02-22 Jul-29-22 28.0 L(3T0;1 Fabrjcatipn/,Delivery ------ -- --- -- --------- - -- --- ------- ---------- ------ --------- ------------- ------- ------- - ------ ---- - PROC-1810 LOT 02-Fabrication/Delivery 77.0 77.0 0% Jul-01-22 Sep-15-22 28.0 LOt02 Fabricatioh/[Delivery' PROC-1820 LOT 03-Fabrication/Delivery 62.0 62.0 0% Sep-01-22 Nov-01-22 28.0 LOT03-Fabrication/Delivery r M.ar-23-24,Construgtic,6 T--Line Work 412.9 412.9 Jun-01-22 Feb-01-24 Feb-01-24,T Line Work! Element A-(Aeolus to Little Snake) 148miles500kV 412.9 412.9 Jun-01-22 Feb-01-24 0.0 Feb-01-24,ElerrtentA (Aeolus toL'ittle;Snalce)I 148r%rileS50pk Co n stru ctio n Activities 412.9 412.9 Jun-01-22 Feb-01-24 Feb-01-24,Construction ACtivities Structure 1A-001 304.3 304.3 -24 2 -23 4ec-03-23,Structure 1A-001 FDN-1A-001 Foundations 1A-001 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-07-22 13.8 i 1 I ouj claoo6s 1A-001 CLR-1A-001 Clearing 1A-001 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 15.6 1, Clearing IA-Opl: SPT-1A-001 Spotting 1A-001 0.5 0.5 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-07-22 20.8 ;1 $potting 1A-001 j ASY 1A-001 Tower Assembly 1A-001 1.3 1.3 0% Se 29 23 Oct-01-23 34.9 M mbly--- - N p_ Tower Asse 1A-001 ERC-1A-001 Tower Erection 1A-001 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-01-23 Oct-02-23 34.9 I Tower Erection 1AO01 REC-1A OO1 Reclamation 1A-001 1.3 1.3 0% Dec-02-23 Dec-03-23 48.1 1 Reclamatiod 1A-001 ACC-1A-001 Access 1A-001 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 55.3 I, Access 1A-001 T Q c-02- 3, truFturel -0Q 2Struchre 1A0 303.9 303.9 Sep-23-22 Dec-02-23 --'----- -------------- ----------- FDN-1A-002 Foundations 1A-002 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 13.8 it foundation's 1A-002 CLR-1A-002 Clearing 1A-002 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 15.6 11 Clearing 1A-002 SPT-1A-002 Spotting 1A-002 0.5 0.5 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-06-22 21.3 it $potting 1M02 ASY-1A-002 Tower Assembly 1A-002 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-28 23 Sep 29-23 31.2 1 Tbwer Assembly lA 002 ERC-1A-002 Tower Erection 1A-002 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-29-23 Oct-01-23 31.2 I Tower Er�ctipn 1A- Oz o Re------- - REC-1A-002 Reclamation 1A-002 1.3 1.3 0% Dec-01-23 Dec-02-23 48.1 l tioii 1A-002 ACC-1A-002 Access 1A-002 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 54.8 1: Access 1A-002 Structure 1A-0 302.2 SOM-22 1-23 0ec-01-13,$tructurelA-0d3 FDN-1A-003 Foundations 1A-003 0.9 0.9 00%. Nov-04-22 I Nov-05-22 13.8 1 EourSdation's 1A-003 Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work VmmmmI Su... 5 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul CLR-1A-003 Clearing 1A-003 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 15.6 1; Clearing A-003 - --- - - SPT-1A-003 Spotting 1A-003 0.5 0.5 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-05-22 21.7 :1 SpoVn$ 1A-003 -- ASY-1A-003 Tower Assembly 1A-003 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-27-23 Sep-28-23 31.2 I Tqwer Assembly 1A003 ERC-1A-003 Tower Erection 1/k003 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-28-23 Sep-29-23 31.2 1 Tower Erection 1A-003 REC-1A-003 Reclamation 1A-003 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-30-23 Dec-01-23 48.1 I Redalmation: 1A-003 ACC-1A-003 Access 1A-003 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 54.4 I j Access 1003 Nov-29-23,Struttute 1A-004 FDN-1A-004 Foundations 1A-004 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 13.8 ;I Foundation$ 1Q-0Q4 CLR-1A-004 Clearing 1A-004 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-22-22 Sep 23-22 15.6 1; Clearing 1A-0b4 SPT1A-004 Spotting 1A-004 0.5 0.5 0% Nov-04 22 Nov-04-22 22.2 I Spotting IA-0Q4 ASY-1A-004 Tower Assembly 1A-004 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-27-23 31.2 4 Tower Assembly:1AlOO4 -- ERC-1A-004 Tower Erection 1/k004 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-27 23 Sep 28-23 31.2 j j j j j j j j j j j j j Tdwet Erktidn 1,4004 REC-1A-004 Reclamation 1A-004 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-2823 Nov-29-23 48.1 I Rbclajnationj 1001 ACC-1A-004 Access 1A-004 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 53.9 1: Acces6 1A-00'4 p-23-22 Nov-28-23,Structure 1A-005 FDN-1A-005 Foundations 1A-005 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 13.8 �ouridation$ 1A-0d5 CLR-1A-005 Clearing 1A-005 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-23-22 15.6 1, Clearing 1A-005 --�- --- - --- - -- -- SPT-1A-005 Spotting 1A-005 0.5 0.5 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 22.6 1 Spotting 1A-0g5 ASY-1A-005 Tower Assembly 1A-005 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-24-23 Sep-26-23 31.2 1j TdwerAssembly'1A-005 ERC-1A7005 Tower Erection 14005 1.3 1 1.3 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-27-23 31.2 I Tower Erection IA,005 REC-1A-005 Reclamation 1A-005 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-27-23 Nov-28-23 48.1 Roclamationj 100$ ACC-1A-005 Access 1A-005 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 53.5 1: ACcest 1A-005 tore 1 3 48.1 NQv-Z7-2,3,Stru�turg14-000 FDN-1A-006 Foundations 1A-006 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 13.8 M 6ouridations 1A-006 CLR-1A-006 Clearing 1A-006 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 15.6 1I Clearing . I SPT-1A-006 Spotting 1A-006 0.5 0.5 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 23.1 ! Spottng, 1A-006 ASY1A-006 Tower Assembly 1A-006 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-23 23 Sep 24-23 31.2 I, T -- -- 1 alroer As�e A-006 ERC-1A7006 Tower Erection 14006 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-24-23 Sep-26-23 31.2 1; Tqwer Ergctign IA Q06 j REC-1A-006 Reclamation 1A-006 1.3 1.3 0% 1 Nov-26-23 Nov-27-23 48.1 1' Reclamation:1A 006 ACC-1A-006 Access 1A-006 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-22 22 Sep 23-22 53.5 Ic 1q-0OG 4 f 48.1 Nov-�6-23,Stru�ture14-007 F FDN-1A-007 Foundations 1A-007 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 13.8 , undationS 1A-007 CLR-1A-007 Clearing 1A-007 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 15.6 1 j Clearing�A-007 j SPT-1A-007 Spotting 1A-007 0.5 0.5 00%/- Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 23.5 M Spotting; 1A-007 ASY-1A-007 Tower Assembly 1A-007 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 31.2 11 Tower,Assembly 1A-007 ERC-1A-007 Tower Erection 14007 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-23-23 Sep-24-23 31.2 1: Tower Erection 14d07 j REC-1A-007 Reclamation 1A-007 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-22-23 Nov-26-23 48.1 1: RklaMation;1"07 ACC-1A-007 Access 1A-007 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 53.0 1; AGcess'A-007 298. Nov-22-23 Ndv-22-23,Structure 1A-008 FDN-1A-008 Foundations 1A-008 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 13.8 1 Foundation$ 1A-008 CLR-1A-008 Clearing 1A-008 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 15.6 1: Clearing 1;A7008 SPT-1A-008 Spotting 1A-008 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 24.0 1 Spotting:1A-008 ASY-1A7008 Tower Assembly 1A-008 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 31.2 11 Tower,Assgml$y JA-008 ERC-1A-008 Tower Erection 1A-008 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 31.2 1: Tower Erection 14008 REC-1A-008 Reclamation 1A-008 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-21-23 Nov-22-23 48.1 1', Reclamation ;1A-008 ACC-1A-008 Access 1A-008 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 52.5 11 Acce4 100� - -- --- -_ -_ Structure 1A-009 297.8 Sep-20-22 Nov-21-23 Ndv2123,Structuni1A:009 ASY1A-009 Tower Assembly 1A-009 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-21-23 7.7 11 Tower,Assgmgy IA-009 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 6 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F I M A I M J Jul A I S 1 O IND J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O IND I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O INM J D J F M A lul FDN-1A-009 Foundations 1A-009 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-30-22 13.8 I Foundations 1A-0i)9 CLR-1A-009 Clearing 1A-009 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 15.6 I Cldari6g LA-009 SPT-1A-009 Spotting 1A-009 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 24.4 j S potting:1A-009 -- -- ----- ---'- ------------------------- ------- -- ------ ---- - ------------- ERC-1A-009 Tower Erection 1A-009 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 31.2 1; Tower Erection IA009 REC-1A7009 Reclamation 1A-009 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-20-23 Nov-21-23 48.1 I Reclamation :IA-0091 ACC-1A-009 Access 1A-009 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 52.1 1:Accesi 100$ 1A-010 Ndv-20-23,Structure 1A;010 ASY-1A-010 Tower Assembly 1A-010 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-18-23 Sep-19-23 7.7 I TowverAsspmbly 1A-010: -- -- --------- -- --'---'- - -- ------ -- -- ------ - -- --------- --------- ------------------- - - - - - FDN-1A7010 Foundations 1A-010 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 13.8 Foundations 1A-010 CLR-1A-010 Clearing 1A-010 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 15.6 1 Clearing 1A-010 SPT-1A-010 Spotting 1A-010 0.5 0.5 0% 1 Oct-30-22 Oct-30-22 24.9 i Spotting:l"16 ERC-1A-010 Tower Erection 1A-010 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-21-23 31.2 1 ToinrerlErettioh 1�k010 REC-1A7010 Reclamation 1A-010 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-19-23 Nov-20-23 48.1 I ReFlarpatipn j1A{J10, --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ACC-1A-010 Access 1A-010 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 51.6 1:Access 1A-010 - - - - - - 296.2 NoV-19-23,Structure:1A-011 ASY-1A-011 Tower Assembly 1A-011 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-17-23 Sep-18-23 7.7 I :Tower'Ass#mgly 1A-011: FDN-1A7011 Foundations 1A-011 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 13.8 I Fbundatibn� 1A-M1 CLR-1A-011 Clearing 1A-011 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 15.6 1 j ClQari6g W11 SPT-1A-011 Spotting 1A-011 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-29-22 25.3 Sootting:1A.011 ERC-1A7011 Tower Erection 14011 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-18-23 Sep-19-23 31.2 1 ToWrerlErettion 1A,011 REC-1A-011 Reclamation 1A-011 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-19-23 48.1 I R41an�atipn ;1411' ACC-1A-011 Access 1A-011 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 51.2 1:Actest 1A-011 tructure 1A0 2 48.1 Nov-17, 2�,Struc,ure,lA{J1Z o i ;Tower'- . '- '- r---------- ------- --------------------- -- --------------------------------------- ASY 1A-012 Tower Assembly 1A-012 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-15 23 Sep 17-23 7.7 1 Assembly 1A-012 FDN-1A-012 Foundations 1A-012 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 13.8 g Foundations 1A-012 CLR-1A-012 Clearing 1A-012 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-19-22 15.6 I :Clearirg 1A-012 SPT-1A-012 Spotting 1A-012 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-28-22 25.8 Ij Sootling;1AF012 ERC-1A7012 Tower Erection 14012 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-17-23 Sep-18-23 31.2 I Towder,ErKtion 1A-012 --' REC-1A-012 Reclamation 1A-012 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-16-23 Nov-17-23 48.1 1 Reclamation 1A-012 ACC-1A-012 Access 1A-012 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 50.7 1:Amess 1A-012 1A-013 3 48.1 Nov-16-23,S6ucture';1A-013 FDN-1A-013 Foundations 1A-013 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-09-22 12.0 1 Fouhdations 1A-013 SPT-1A-013 Spotting 1A-013 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-15-22 13.4 I I ISpQthng JA. I - ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- CLR-1A-013 Clearing 1A-013 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-18-22 Sep 19-22 15.6 I Clearing 1A-013 ASY-1A-013 Tower Assembly 1A-013 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-07-23 Aug-09-23 44.5 ;1 Tower/kssembly 1A-013 REC-1A-013 Reclamation 1A-013 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-15-23 Nov-16-23 48.1 I Rolarriatign i013' ACC-1A-013 Access 1A-013 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-19-22 50.7 I Actes�1"13 ERC-1A-013 Tower Erection 1A-013 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-09-23 Aug-10-23 78.3 1 Tovyer�rec�on: IA 01 --'--'-----'---'--'------'- -------- --------- --------- ------------ -------------------------------- 14 2M ., -IW6 Nov-15-23 Nov-15 23 Structure lA 014 FDN-1A-014 Foundations 1A-014 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-09-22 12.0 ;1 Foundations 1A-014 CLR-1A-014 Clearing 1A-014 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 12.7 I :Clearirg 1A-014 SPT-1A-014 Spotting 1A-014 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-13-22 Nov-14-22 13.4 . 1 .Spdttirig 1A-014 ASY-1A-014 Tower Assembly 1A-014 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-06-23 Aug-07-23 44.5 ;I Tow�rAssernbl) 1A-014 REC-1A-014 Reclamation 1A-014 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-14-23 Nov-15-23 48.1 1 Reclamation 1A-014 ACC-1A-014 Access 1A-014 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 51.1 I Access 14-01A ERC-1A-014 Tower Erection 1A-014 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-07-23 Aug-08-23 78.6 I tower Election:1A 014 Structure 1A-0 294.4 Sep-17-22 Nov-14-23 8 Nov-1423,StductUrelA-015 FDN 1A-015 Foundations 1A-015 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-08-22 12.0 I Foupdafioris 1A-015 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 7 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A S O N D J F M A M I J Jul I A S O N D J I F I M A M J I Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul CLR-1A-015 Clearing 1A-015 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-17-22 12.7 I Clearing-1A-0 5 SPT-1A-015 Spotting 1A-015 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-12-22 Nov-13-22 13.4 I Spotting 1A-015 ASY-1A-015 Tower Assembly 1A-015 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-05-23 Aug-06-23 44.5 II TowgrA�sepibly 1A-015 REC-1A-015 Reclamation 1A-015 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-13-23 Nov-14-23 48.1 1Reclamation 1A-015 ACC-1A-015 Access 1A-015 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 51.4 I Access 1A-015 og g ;--- ----------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ERC-1A-015 Tower Erection 1A 015 1.0 1.0 0% Au -06 23 Au -07-23 78.6 I towor Erection:1Aj01 StrJA16 294.2 -16-Z2-MM"V-1 1-7q Nov-13r23;StrluctlurelA-016 FDN-1A-016 Foundations 1A-016 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-07-22 12.0 11 Foundations 1p-0�6 CLR-1A-016 Clearing 1A-016 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 12.7 I Clearing 1A-016 SPT-1A-016 Spotting 1A-016 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-12-22 13.4 1 (Spatting IA-016 u -TowerA---- -1d-01 --; --;-- ASY-1A-016 TowerAssembfy 1A-016 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-04 23 Aug-05-23 44.5 I h" 6 REC-1A-016 Reclamation 1A-016 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-12-23 Nov-13-23 48.1 I IRedlamatian IA-016I ACC-1A-016 Access 1A-016 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-17-22 51.7 I Ac�ess;1A01f ERC-1A-016 Tower Erection 1A-016 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-05-23 Aug-06-23 78.6 II tower Erection:14016 294.0 Sep 15-22 Nov 12 23;StrUctUre 1A-017 ------- --- ----- , FDN-1A-017 Foundations 1A-017 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-07-22 12.0 jl �oundaooris 1;A-0;17 CLR-1A-017 Clearing 1A-017 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 12.7 I Clearing 1A-017 SPT-1A-017 Spotting 1A-017 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-11-22 13.4 I �po�.tting �A-0�7 ASY-1A-017 Tower Assembly 1A-017 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-03-23 Aug-04-23 44.5 TowkrAssembly; 1A7017 REC-1A-017 Reclamation 1A-017 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-11-23 Nov-12-23 48.1 I (Reclamation 1A-017 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ACC-1A-017 Access 1A-017 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 52.0 I Ac�ess;1A�01� ERC-1A-017 Tower Erection 1A-017 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-04-23 Aug-05-23 78.6 I Tower Eriection;14017 re 2 3 Noy-11�23,Structpre JA-Q18 j FDN-1A-018 Foundations 1A-018 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 12.0 jl �oumdation's 1A-018 CLR-1A-018 Clearing 1A-018 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 12.7 1 (Clearing 1A-018 ---------------- - -- -- --- -- ----- --- ----- --- -- --------- SPT-1A-018 Spotting 1A-018 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-10-22 Nov-11-22 13.4 I jSpotting 1A-0;18 ASY-1A-018 Tower Assembly 1A-018 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-02-23 Aug-03-23 44.5 I Tow&Msembly, 1A7018 REC-1A-018 Reclamation 1A-018 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-10-23 Nov-11-23 48.1 II IReclam�tion JA-0,18 ACC-1A-018 Access 1A-018 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 52.4 I ;Access;1"18 ERC-1A-018 Tower Erection 1A-018 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-03-23 Aug-04-23 78.6 y Toower Erection I1A-018 care 1A-019 2 .5 3 48.1 Now10 23,;Structre1A19 j , FDN-1A-019 Foundations 1A-019 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-05-22 12.0 :1 Foundations 1A-019 CLR-1A-019 Clearing 1A-019 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 12.7 I ICle$ring 1A-079 SPT-1A-019 Spotting 1A-019 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-10-22 13.4 j 1 Spotting 1A-019 ASY-1A-019 Tower Assembly 1A-019 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-01-23 Aug-02-23 44.5 I Tow@rASsemblyl1A-019 o -i-- -'--- ;--- ecam'tio'--- ----- - I ; REC-1A-019 Reclamation 1A-019 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-09-23 Nov-10-23 48.1 I 0 1A-019 ACC-1A-019 Access 1A-019 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 52.7 I Acdessj1A-019 ERC-1A-019 Tower Erection 1A-019 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-02-23 Aug-03-23 78.6 1 Tpwi�r Erectjon j1A P19 293.3 293.3 ov-09-23 N0v0923,StructWre1A�120 ASY-1A02O Tower Assembly 1A-020 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-31-23 Aug-01-23 0.0 j TowerPssembly,1A-020 --------------- FDN-1A-020 Foundations 1A-020 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 12.0 ;I foundations 1A-0ic0 CLR-1A-02O Clearing 1A-020 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 12.7 1 ICle�ring IA-02D SPT-1A-020 Spotting 1A-020 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-09-22 13.4 :1 Spotting 'A-0ZO j REC-1A 02O Reclamation 1A-020 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-08-23 Nov-09-23 48.1 I Reclamation 1A-020 ACC-IA-02O Access 1A-020 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 53.0 1 IAc[ess:1A-020 ------ - ----- ERC-1A-02O Tower Erection 1A-020 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-01-23 Aug-O 23 78.6 I Tower Erection 14020, Structure 1A-0 293.1 293.1 Sep-12-22 Nov-08-23 NovM,23,1$tr6ctUre 1A-021 ASY1A-021 Tower Assembly 1A-021 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-30-23 Jul-31-23 0.0 1 TgwgrAsserrjblyj1A'02 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 8 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A I S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J I F I M A I M I J Jul I A I S O N D I J I F I M A I Elul FDN-1A-021 Foundations 1A-021 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 12.0 ;1 oundations 1A-0 1 CLR-1A-021 Clearing 1A-021 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 12.7 I .CWrin�1A-021 r - SPT-1A-021 Spotting 1A-021 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-08-22 13.4 ;1 Spotting 114-021 j REC-1A-021 Reclamation 1A-021 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-08-23 48.1 ;1 Reclamation 1A-021 ACC-1A-021 Access 1A-021 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 53.3 1 .Access:IA-021 ERC-1A-021 Tower Erection 1A-021 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-31-23 Aug-01-23 78.6 1 7ow4r Erection :1A-021' Structure 1A-022 252.5 .o Sip-28-23,Structure 1A-022 - -- J ; ASY-1A-022 TowerAssemb 1A-022 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-29-23 Jul-30-23 0.0 TQwQrAsSerrlb 1A02 REC-1A-022 Reclamation 1A-022 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-27-23 Sep-28-23 0.0 Reclamation;1A-022 FDN-1A-022 Foundations 1A-022 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-03 22 Nov-03-22 12.0 Foundations 1A-0Y2 CLR-1A-022 Clearing 1A-022 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 12.7 j 1 j learing 1A-02 SPT-1A-022 Spotting 1A-022 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-08-22 13.4 •I Spottin� 1A-022 o i--- - ;-- w'------ti'-n,-- ;22'------;--- r ; ERC-1A-022 Tower Erection 1A-022 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-30-23 Jul-31-23 28.6 I 4 er ec P 4 ACC-1A022 Access 1A-022 0.5 0.5 00%,o' Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 53.6 j I •Acdess;1A4122 SeP 27-23 Sep-217-23,Structure IA7023 ASY-1A-023 Tower Assembly 1A-023 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-28-23 Jul-29-23 0.0 1; ToweiAs;embly:1402 REC-1A-023 Reclamation 1A-023 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-27-23 0.0 • 1, Reclamation.1A-023 - - F ;--;----------;- ;-- -,---, ,-- FDN-1A-023 Foundations 1A-023 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 12.0 1 ourl atjon$ 1A-023 CLR-1A-023 Clearing 1A-023 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 12.7 I Clearing 1A-023 SPT-1A-023 Spotting 1A-023 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-07-22 13.4 .I Spotting 1A-033 ERC-1A-023 Tower Erection lA023 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-29-23 Jul-30-23 28.6 ! Tower Erection ;1A Q23', ACC-1A-023 Access 1A-023 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 54.0 . 1Access 1A-023 Structu A-0 -- -- -- -- --- -- -- ---;--- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- -SeP-2,6-23,Sfirucxur�lp-024-- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ --?-- - 2 Sep-10-22 Sep-26-2 ASY-1A-024 Tower Assembly 1A-024 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-27-23 Jul-28-23 0.0 Ij TowerAssembly;1A024 REC-1A 024 Reclamation 1A-024 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-25-23 Sep-26-23 0.0 I• Reclamation:1A-024 FDN-1A-024 Foundations 1A-024 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 12.0 1 Foundations 1A-0i4 CLR-1A-024 Clearing 1A-024 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 12.7 .1 Clealrin$1A7024 -- --- r-------• - --- -- -- - - --- --r- - SPT-1A-024 Spotting 1A-024 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 13.4 .1 5poOng IA-024 ERC-1A-024 Tower Erection lA024 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-28-23 Jul-29-23 28.6 Ij Tower Erection lA r024' ACC-1A-024 Access 1A-024 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 54.3 .I .Accl?ss.1A-024. ucture 1A-025 2 .8 p- 25-23 Sep-25-2�,Structur4IA;02$ ASY-1A-025 Tower Assembly 1A-025 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-26-23 Jul-27-23 0.0 1, TdwetAsSembly.lA-025 REC-1A-025 Reclamation 1A-025 1.0 1.0 0% Se 24-23 Se 25-23 0.0 I; RQclamation 1A,,025 FDN-1A-025 Foundations 1A-025 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-01-22 12.0 Foundations 1A-025 CLR-1A-025 Clearing 1A-025 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 12.7 .I Clearing 1A-025 SPT-1A-025 Spotting 1A-025 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 13.4 ;I $potting 1A-0�5 ERC-1A-025 Tower Erection 1A-025 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-27-23 Jul-28-23 28.6 1: Tbwet Erkt16n 1A r025: r • -- - -- -- - - ----- --r ACC-1A-025 Access 1A-025 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 54.6 I I ceu�A 025 251. Sep 24-23 Sep 24-23,StructurelA-02C ASY-1A-026 Tower Assembly 1A-026 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-25-23 Jul-26-23 0.0 II Tower Assembly;1A-026 REC-1A-026 Reclamation 1A-026 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-23-23 Sep-24-23 0.0 l Reclamation 1A-026 FDN-1A-026 Foundations 1A-026 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 FbuMatlnt 1A26 r11 CLR-1A-026 Clearing 1A-026 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 12.7 I Nearing 1Pt-026 SPT-1A-026 Spotting 1A-026 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-04-22 13.4 j1 5pottin$ 1A-026 ERC-1A-026 Tower Erection 1A-026 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-26-23 Jul-27-23 28.6 1• Towet Erection 1A4Q261 ACC-1A-026 Access 1A-026 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-09-22 54.9 j I Access;1A�26j Structure 1A-0 251.3 251.3 Sep-07-22 Sep 23-23 Sep-23-23,Sttucturd1A-027 i f I- - --;-- ASY1A-027 Tower Assembly 1A-027 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-24-23 Jul-25-23 0.0 I; TowerAs$em N ;1A�27, Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 9 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D J F M A M J lul REC-1A-027 Reclamation 1A-027 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 0.0 1; Reclamatipn 1A-027. FDN-1A-027 Foundations 1A-027 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 12.0 ' FbundationS 1A-027 CLR-1A-027 Clearing 1A-027 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 12.7 ;1 blearing 102j SPT-1A-027 Spotting 1A-027 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 13.4 Spotting 1A-027 --------------------- ERC-1A-027 Tower Erection 14027 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-25-23 Jul-26-23 28.6 1: Tower Erection 140271 ACC-1A-027 Access 1A-027 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 55.3 I kcgss?A�27; 1A-028 251.1 251.1 7 22 22-23 0. Sep-22-23,Sttucturd IM28 ASY-1A-028 Tower Assembly 1A-028 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-23-23 Jul-24-23 0.0 I; Tgwer,As�emply jIA-028, REC-1A-028 Reclamation 1A-028 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 0.0 1: Rdclamatibn 1A-028 FDN-1A-028 Foundations 1A-028 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-30-22 12.0 I FpundatipnS 1A-02$ CLR-1A-028 Clearing 1A-028 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Sep-07-22 Sep-07-22 12.7 j I �Iea.ing 1A02$ SPT-1A-028 Spotting 1A-028 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 13.4 I Spotting 1A-028 ERC-1A-028 Tower Erection 14028 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-24-23 Jul-25-23 28.6 1; Tower,Ergctign 140.28 ACC-lA 028 Access 1A-028 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 55.6 j I Access 1A-028 - -- -- p-06-22 Sep-21-23 , Sep-21-23,Structure;1A-029 ASY-1A-029 Tower Assembly 1A-029 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-22-23 Jul-23-23 0.0 1 j TowerAssembly ;1A-029, REC-1A-029 Reclamation 1A-029 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-20-23 Sep-21-23 0.0 I Reclanhatibn 1A-029 FDN-1A-029 Foundations 1A-029 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 12.0 R Fpundatipn� 1A-OZ9 CLR-1A-029 Clearing 1A-029 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 12.7 j 1 Clem ink 1A 029 ------------ SPT-1A-029 Spotting 1A-029 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 13.4 1 Spotting 1A-025 ERC-lA 029 Tower Erection 1A-029 1.0 1.0 1 0% Jul-23-23 Jul-24-23 28.6 1 j Tower Erection 1A-029 ACC-1A-029 Access 1A-029 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-07-22 55.9 I Access 1A-029 Structu A-030 2 Sep-2Q-23l,Str,ucturej1A,.03Q ASY-1A-030 Tower Assembly 1A-030 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-21-23 Jul-22-23 0.0 1 Tower,Assembly 1A-030' -- - -- -- - -- -- REC-1A-030 Reclamation 1A-030 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-20-23 0.0 1 Reclamation 1A-030 FDN-1A-030 Foundations 1A-030 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-29-22 12.0 k Foundations 1A-030 CLR-1A-030 Clearing 1A-030 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 12.7 :I CIeating;1A:030 SPT-1A-030 Spotting 1A-030 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-01-22 13.4 j Spot ing:I -03p ERC-1A-030 Tower Erection 1A-030 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-22-23 Jul-23-23 28.6 1:Tower;Erection 1A4030 ACCAA-030 Access 1A-030 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-06-22 56.2 :I Access 1A-030 ucture 1A-031 2 .5 Sep-1 -23 Sep-10-23;Struct,ure:1A-031 ASY-1A-031 Tower Assembly 1A-031 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-20-23 Jul-21-23 0.0 1 Tower;Asspmbly 1A-031I RECAA-031 Reclamation 1A-031 1.0 1.0 00%/. Sep-18-23 Sep-19-23 0.0 I ReFlarnatign jA-Q31j FDN-1A-031 Foundations 1A-031 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 12.0 Fbundatibns 1A-031 -- -- - -- -- - CLR-1A-031 Clearing 1A-031 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 12.7 ,1 ClearingllA-031 SPT1A-031 Spotting 1A-031 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 13.4 Spotingj 1A-03;1 ERCAA-031 Tower Erection 1A,031 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-21-23 Jul-22-23 28.6 I Tower;Erettioh 1Fk031 ACCAA-031 Access 1A-031 0.5 1 0.5 0% Sep-04-22 I Sep-04-22 56.6 II AccQss JA-031 j -Structure M32 250. Sep 18-23 Sep-18-23;Structure:1A-0321 -- ---i------ ------ J ASY-1A-032 Tower Assembly 1A-032 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-19-23 Jul-20-23 0.0 1 ;ToWverAssemby IA-032I RECAA-032 Reclamation 1A-032 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-17-23 Sep-18-23 0.0 1 j Reclamation iA-032j FDN-1A-032 Foundations 1A-032 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 12.0 1: Fbundatibns; 1A-032 CLR-1A-032 Clearing 1A-032 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 12.7 I 4learing:1A-03z SPT-1A-032 Spotting 1A-032 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 13.4 1 Spotting;IA-032 ------ -- ----- ERCAA-032 Tower Erection 1A,032 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-20-23 Jul-21-23 28.6 1 Tower;Erettioh 1;6,032 ACCAA-032 Access 1A-032 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 56.9 jl �ccess 1032 Structure 1A-0 250.0 250 Sep-02-22 Sep-17-23 F mini Se 17-23'StrUctUrelA-0331 ASY1A-033 Tower Asse�� l33 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-18-23 Jul-19-23 0.0 I ;Tower gssgmhIly 1A-033', Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 10 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O 1 N I D I J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O 1 N I D J I F I M I A I M I J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul REC-1A-033 Reclamation 1A-033 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-16-23 Sep-17-23 0.0 1 Reclamation 33 FDN-1A-033 Foundations 1A-033 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27 22 Oct 27-22 12.0 1, Fbundatibns; 1A-033 CLR-1A-033 Clearing 1A-033 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-02-22 12.7 l Qle4ing',1A-Q33 SPT-1A-033 Spotting 1A-033 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 13.4 Spotting;1A-033 ERC-1A-033 Tower Erection 14033 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-19-23 Jul-20-23 28.6 1 TowerlErectioh 1P,033 ACC-1A-033 Access 1A-033 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 57.2 J Access 1033 -Structure 1A-034 -- ------ -- ----- 74q R Mq g _23 ;Seo-1623,Structure IA-034 ASY-1A-034 Tower Assembly 1A-034 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-17-23 Jul-18-23 0.0 1 ITowerj ss�mb,ly JA-0.34 REC-1A-034 Reclamation 1A-034 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-15-23 Sep-16-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1A-034; FDN-1A-034 Foundations 1A-034 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 12.0 I Foundations; 1/k-03l CLR-1A-034 Clearing 1A-034 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 12.7 I dlearingjlA-04 SPT-1A-034 Spotting 1A-034 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 13.4 I Spotting:1A-034 ERC-1A-034 Tower Erection 14034 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-18-23 Jul-19-23 28.6 I TowerjEreCtion 14034 ACC-1A-034 Access 1A-034 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-02-22 57.5 i 4cce'ss 1A-084 Sep- 15-23 ;Sep-15123,StrUcture 1A-035: ASY-1A-035 Tower Assembly 1A-035 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-16-23 Jul-17-23 0.0 j 1 jTower;4ssemb,ly 1A-035 - i- REC-1A-035 Reclamation 1A-035 1.0 1 1.0 0% Sep 14-23 SeP 15-23 0.0 Reclamatidn 1A-035 FDN-1A-035 Foundations 1A-035 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 12.0 1; Fqun�atipnsj 1035 CLR-1A-035 Clearing 1A-035 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 12.7 1 Clearing;1A-035 SPT-1A-035 Spotting 1A-035 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-28-22 13.4 11 Spotting;1A-033 ERC-1A-035 Tower Erection 1A,035 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-17-23 Jul-18-23 28.6 1 ;Tower�rotion 1A-005 ACC-1A-035 Access 1A-035 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-01-22 57.8 Access 1A-035 Structure 1 j5ep 14 23,jStrUctreA�36 2 Aug-30-22 Sep-14-2 ASY-1A-036 Tower Assembly 1A-036 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-15-23 Jul-16-23 0.0 1 :Tower Assembly 1A-036 REC-1A-036 Reclamation 1A-036 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-13-23 Sep-14-23 0.0 1 ;Reclamation 1A-036 FDN-1A-036 Foundations 1A-036 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 12.0 1; Foundations;1A-030 CLR-1A-036 Clearing 1A-036 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 12.7 I Clearing;1A-036 SPT-1A-036 Spotting 1A-036 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 13.4 1: Spotting:1q-036 ERC-1A-036 Tower Erection 1A,036 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-16-23 Jul-17-23 28.6 : 1 :Tower Erection 1kk036 ACC-1A-036 Access 1A-036 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 58.2 i Access 1A-036 ucture 1A-037 -23 Sep43-23;StrocturelA-037 ASY-1A-037 Tower Assembly 1A-037 1.0 1.0 700%/- Jul-14-23 Jul-15-23 0.0 I ;ToWerAssdmbly 1A-037 REC-1A-037 Reclamation 1A-037 1.0 1.0Sep-12-23 Sep-13-23 0.0 I ;Reclamation IA-0,37 j FDN-1A-037 Foundations 1A-037 0.7 0.7Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 12.0 1j Foundations;1"37 CLR-1A-037 Clearing 1A-037 0.8 0.8 Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 12.7 ( Clearing IA-037I SPT-1A-037 Spotting 1A-037 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 13.4 I; Spotljng:1g03� ERC-1A-037 Tower Erection 1A-037 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-15-23 Jul-16-23 28.6 1 Tower Erection 1A-037 ACC-1A-037 Access 1A-037 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 58.5 I Access 1A-07 I%Tuc re 38 1 -2-M.r IMy Aug-Aug 22 Sep 12-23 Sep 12 23,Str6cture 1A-038 ASY-1A-038 Tower Assembly 1A-038 4.7 4.7 0% Jul-10-23 Jul-14-23 0.0 I1 Tower Assembly 1A-038 REC-1A-038 Reclamation 1A-038 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-11-23 Sep-12-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1A7O�8 FDN-1A-038 Foundations 1A-038 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 12.0 1: Fdundati6ns;1X038 CLR-1A-038 Clearing 1A-038 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 12.7 I Ciearing�A-0381 SPT-1A-038 Spotting 1A-038 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 13.4 1: Spotting;1A;038 ERC-1A-038 Tower Erection 1A-038 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-14-23 Jul-15-23 28.6 : 1 ;Tower Erection 1P,r038 ACC-1A-038 Access 1A-038 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 58.8 I Access 1A-0 8 ceis 1 ------ -- ------ Structure 1A-039 248.7 Aug-28-22 Sep-11-23 Sep, 23,Strt. relA-039 REC 1 A-039 Reclamation 1A-039 0.7 1 0.7 0% Sep-10-23 Sep-11-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1A-039 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 11 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul ERC-1A-039 Tower Erection 14039 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-22-22 Nov-22-22 10.1 I Tower;Erection 14039 ASY-1A-039 Tower Assembly 1A-039 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-21-22 Nov-21-22 10.3 1:TowerlAssl?mbly 1A-039 FDN-1A-039 Foundations 1A-039 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-23-22 12.0 I; Fguncatignsj1A03� '- -- --- -- ---- -------- --- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ ------------ ------ ------- - ------ ---- - CLR-1A-039 Clearing 1A-039 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 12.7 Clearing IA-039 SPT-1A-039 Spotting 1A-039 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 13.4 1: Spotting I1A-039 ACC-1A-039 Access 1A-039 0.5 0.5 0% 1 Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 59.1 k 4ceis 10$9 re 1A-040 L Au -27-27 c..-ln-7q 5ep40,23,5trUctulreIA-040 REC-1A-040 Reclamation 1A-040 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-09-23 Sep-10-23 0.0 I Reciamptiog 1A-040 j ----------------------- - . . . . . ERC-1A-040 Tower Erection 14040 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-21-22 Nov-22-22 10.1 1; Tower;Erection 1A-040 ASY-1A-040 Tower Assembly 1A-040 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-20-22 Nov-21-22 10.3 1:ToWerlAssembly IA-040 FDN-1A-040 Foundations 1A-040 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 12.0 1 Foundations j 1A-04O CLR-1A-040 Clearing 1A-040 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 12.7 1: Clearing 1A-040 SPT-1A-040 Spotting 1A-040 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 13.4 1i Spottjng j1A-04q -'- ACC-1A-040 Access 1A-040 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-28-22 59.5 1j Access 1A-040 0 Sep-09;23,Structure 1A-041 REC-1A-041 Reclamation 1A-041 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-09-23 Sep-09-23 0.0 1 heclamation 1A-041 ERC-1A-041 Tower Erection 14041 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-20-22 Nov-21-22 10.1 1 Tower;Erettioh 1A-041 ASY-1A-041 Tower Assembly 1A-041 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-19-22 Nov-20-22 10.3 1:TojverAssgml$ly �A-041j CLR-1A-041 Clearing 1A-041 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-26 22 Aug-27-22 12.0 I; Clearing 1A-041 FDN-1A-041 Foundations 1A-041 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 12.0 1 Foundations:1A-041 SPT-1A-041 Spotting 1A-041 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 13.4 1; Spotting 14041 ACC-1A-041 Access 1A-041 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 59.8 1: ACce9s 1A-041 S 1A-0 2 5ep,09,23,$tryctu,re�A-042 Reclam'------------- ----- ------------------- ----- -- --------------------------------------- REC-1A-042 Reclamation 1A-042 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-08-23 Sep-09-23 0.0 I atioh 1A-042 ERC-1A-042 Tower Erection 1A-042 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-19-22 Nov-20-22 10.1 I ToWer;Erection 1A-042 ASY-1A-042 Tower Assembly 1A-042 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-19-22 Nov-19-22 10.3 I j Tower Assembly iA-042j CLR-1A-042 Clearing 1A-042 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Aug-26-22 Aug-26-22 12.0 1; Cli=_aring 1A-042 FDN-1A-042 Foundations 1A-042 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-21-22 12.0 1 Founciatignsj1A-04 --------------------- SPT-1A-042 Spotting 1A-042 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 13.4 I j Spotti,ng ;1404Z ACC-1A-042 Access 1A-042 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-26 22 Aug 27-22 60.1 I Access 1A-042 ire 1A-043 f 38.5 Der13-23;Structure 1043 ERC-1A-043 Tower Erection 14043 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-19-22 Nov-19-22 10.1 1 Tower Erettioh 11A043 ASY-1A-043 Tower Assembly 1A-043 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-18-22 Nov-19-22 10.3 I Ib�,er�-s m* IA-043 j - -'- CLR-1A-043 Clearing 1A-043 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 12.0 1; Clearing 1A-043 FDN-1A-043 Foundations 1A-043 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 12.0 1 Foundations;1A-043 SPT-1A-043 Spotting 1A-043 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 13.4 I Spotting ;1Ab4 REC-1A-043 Reclamation 1A-043 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-12-23 Dec-13-23 38.5 I :Reclamation 1A-043 ACC-1A-043 Access 1A-043 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-26-22 60.4 l; Access 1A-043 ---------------------------- 3 � 2 Aug-24-22 2-23 Dec-12-23�Structure1A-0441 ERC-1A-044 Tower Erection 1A-044 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-18-22 Nov-19-22 10.1 I Touter Erection IA044 ASY-1A-044 Tower Assembly 1A-044 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-17-22 Nov-18-22 10.3 I j Tower 4ssgmtily iA-044j CLR-1A-044 Clearing 1A-044 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 12.0 11 ClL-aring 1A-044 FDN-1A-044 Foundations 1A-044 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 12.0 1 Foj ndatio;ns j1A-044 -----'-- --------- - ------------------------------------- ----------------- SPT-1A-044 Spotting 1A-044 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-21-22 13.4 1: Spottihg IA-P44 REC-1A-044 Reclamation 1A-044 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-12-23 Dec-12-23 38.5 : 1 ;Reclamation 1A-044 ACC-1A-044 Access 1A-044 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-25-22 60.8 II Agces 1A-044 Structure 1A-0 343.3Jinn_ Aug-23-22 Dec-12-23 38. IDed-12,23,StrUctureIA-045: IL ERC-1A-045 Tower Erection 1A-045 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-17-22 Nov-18-22 10.1 I j Tower�re�tiog IA045 j Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 12 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D J I F I M A J Jul A S O ININD J F M A M J Jul A S O D J F M A M J lul ASY-1A-045 Tower Assembly 1A-045 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-16-22 Nov-17-22 10.2 1 Tower Assembly AM 45 CLR-1A-045 Clearing 1A-045 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 12.0 1; Clparing 1A-045 FDN-1A-045 Foundations 1A-045 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-19-22 12.0 1 Foundations j1A-045 SPT-1A-045 Spotting 1A-045 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 13.4 I Spotting 1A-045 RECAA-045 Reclamation 1A-045 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-11-23 Dec-12-23 38.5 I ;Reclamation 1A-045 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACCAA-045 Access 1A-045 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 61.1 1 j AGces�1045 1A-046 DecA1T23,IStrUcture 1A-046 ERCAA-046 Tower Erection 1A,046 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-17-22 Nov-17-22 10.1 I Tower ire tion 1P,046 j ASY-1A-046 Tower Assembly 1A-046 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-16-22 Nov-16-22 10.2 1 'Tower Assemb 1A-046 CLR-1A-046 Clearing 1A-046 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-23-22 12.0 1: Clearing 1A-046 -- -- ; FDN-1A-046 Foundations 1A-046 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-18 22 Oct 19-22 12.0 ; ; I ;Foundations j1A�45 SPT-1A-046 Spotting 1A-046 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 13.4 1 Spbtting 1A-046 RECAA-046 Reclamation 1A-046 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-10-23 Dec-11-23 38.5 I Recjamption �-A-046 j ACCAA-046 Access 1A-046 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 61.4 1; AccesS 1A-046 343. g-22-22 Dec;10-23,;StrUcture 1A-047 ERC-1A-047 Tower Erection 1Ak047 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-16-22 Nov-17-22 10.1 j 1 Tower l re�tiom 1M47 - -------- -- ------ -- ------ ------ - - , ASY-1A-047 Tower Assembly 1A-047 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-15-22 Nov-16-22 10.2 1 ITower Assdmbly 1A-047 CLR-1A-047 Clearing 1A-047 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 12.0 1; Charing JA-0,47 j FDN-1A-047 Foundations 1A-047 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 12.0 1 Fobndatiohs 1A-047 SPT-1A-047 Spotting 1A-047 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 13.4 I Spotting IA-047I --- ----------------------- ----- -------------------------------- RECAA-047 Reclamation 1A-047 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-10-23 Dec-10-23 38.5 1 $lion 1A-047 ACC-1A-047 Access 1A-047 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-23-22 61.7 1; Adcest 1A-047 ture 1 10-23 pec-10�23,5trgdpreIA-048 rllllllllllll7ERC-1A-048 Tower Erection 14048 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-15-22 Nov-16-22 10.1 : 1 ;Tower Eredtiori 1X048 ASY-1A-048 Tower Assembly 1A-048 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-15-22 10.2 . 1 ;Tov✓erAssembly 1A-048 CLR-1A-048 Clearing 1A-048 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 12.0 1 j Clearirg 1A-048 FDN-1A-048 Foundations 1A-048 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-17-22 12.0 1 Foundatiohs 1A-048 SPT-1A-048 Spotting 1A-048 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-18-22 13.4 I Spotting JA-048; RECAA-048 Reclamation 1A-048 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-09-23 Dec-10-23 38.5 I Reclamation TA-048 ACCAA-048 Access 1A-048 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-22-22 62.1 1:Access 1A-048 rERC-lA-049 49 f 5 pecj09 23,Strcture 1A-049--------------- - ---- - Tower Erection 14049 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-15-22 10.1 1 (Tower Eredtiori 11k049 TowerAssembly 1A-049 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-14-22 10.2 I ;ToWerAssq'mbly 7A-0{49 Clearing 1A-049 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 12.0 1j Ckari6g 1A-049 Foundations 1A-049 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 12.0 1 Foundations 1A-049 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPT-1A-049 Spotting 1A-049 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 13.4 1 jSpottimg IA-049j RECAA-049 Reclamation 1A-049 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-09-23 Dec-09-23 38.5 I Reclbmatioh 1A7049 ACCAA-049 Access 1A-049 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-21-22 62.4 1:Access 1A-049 Oct-0922 9-23 Dec j09;23,StructurelA-a50 ERCAA-050 Tower Erection 1A,050 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-14-22 10.1 1 ;Tower Erection 14050 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASY-1A-050 TowerAssembty 1A-050 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-13-22 Nov-14-22 10.2 1 TovyerAssembly 1A-050 FDN-1A-050 Foundations 1A-050 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-16-22 12.0 1 FOWncldtiohs 1A-050 SPT-1A-050 Spotting 1A-050 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 13.5 1 ;Spotting JA-050j CLR-1A-050 Clearing 1A-050 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 17.3 j 1 Clearing 1Al050 ACCAA-050 Access 1A-050 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-10-22 17.3 I Accoss 1A-050 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ RECAA-050 Reclamation 1A-050 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-08-23 Dec-09-23 38.5 I keclemation 1;A7050 Structure 1A-0 294.4 Oct-08 22 Dec-08-23 38. Dec-08-23,StructulreIA-051 ERC-1A-051 Tower Erection 1Ak051 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-13-22 Nov-14-22 1 10.1 1 ;Tovyer�recgtion 14051 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 13 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A I S 1 O N I D J I F I M A M J Jul A S O IN J F M A M J Jul A S O INM J D J F M A lul ASY-1A-051 Tower Assembly 1A-051 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-12-22 Nov-13-22 10.2 I Tower mb 1A-0, 1 FDN-1A-051 Foundations 1A-051 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 12.0 1 Fownddtiohs 1A-051 r - -- --- -- - - -- SPT-1A-051 Spotting 1A-051 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-16-22 13.6 1 ;Spgttirig JA-Q51j CLR-1A-051 Clearing 1A-051 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 17.2 1 Clearing 1A057 ACC-1A-051 Access 1A-051 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 17.2 I Access 1A-051 REC-1A-051 Reclamation 1A-051 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-07-23 Dec-08-23 38.5 1 I eclematiom 1"$1 S 1A-052 294.4 .5 Dec-07-23,StrtYctulre 1A-052 ERC-1A-052 Tower Erection 1/k052 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-12 22 Nov 13-22 10.1 I Tovjrerregtiorj 1405 f T T T ASY-1A-052 Tower Assembly 1A-052 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-12-22 10.2 1 Tower Assembly 1� 7052 FDN-1A-052 Foundations 1A-052 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 12.0 1 Foundations 1A-052 SPT-1A-052 Spotting 1A-052 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-15-22 13.6 1 ;Spottirig 1A-052 CLR-1A-052 Clearing 1A-052 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08 22 Oct-08-22 17.1 I Clearing 1A 052 rr------------- IACC-1A-052 Access 1A-052 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 17.1 Access A Q52 REC-1A-052 Reclamation 1A-052 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-07-23 Dec-07-23 38.5 1 Reclamation 1A-052 Dec-07 23,Structure lA-053 ERC-1A-053 Tower Erection 1Ak053 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-12-22 10.1 j 1 Tower�rectiori 1,05;3 ASY-1A-053 Tower Assembly 1A-053 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-11-22 10.2 1 ToWerAsseYnbl� 1A-053 ;- r--;------ -- -- FDN-1A-053 Foundations 1A-053 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-14-22 12.0 1 Foundations JA1j53j SPT-1A-053 Spotting 1A-053 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 13.7 1 ;Spotting 1A-053 CLR-1A-053 Clearing 1A-053 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 17.1 .1 Clearing;1A-053 ACC-1A-053 Access 1A-053 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 17.1 j I Access iA Q53 REC-1A-053 Reclamation 1A-053 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-06-23 Dec-07-23 38.5 11 Reclamdtioh 1A-053 r - -- - -- -- - - ----- --r--,------- Pecp& 3,Ttrgctu e A-054 re 1 2 -06-23 Q S U I 1A 5 7ASY-1A,054 A-054 Tower Erection 14054 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-11-22 10.1 1 Tower Grectiori 1A,054 TowerAssembly 1A-054 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-10-22 Nov-11-22 10.2 :1 TowerAssembly 1A-054 A-054 Foundations 1A-054 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 12.0 j I :Foundations iA-054'-054 Spotting 1A-054 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-14-22 13.8 I Spdttirig 1A-054 -- r--r------ - - --- - --- ----- - ----- -- - -- -- - -- - --- r- - CLR-1A-054 Clearing 1A-054 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 17.0 I Clearingj 1A,054 ACC-1Ar054 Access 1A-054 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 17.0 j 1 Access 1A-054; REC-1A-054 Reclamation 1A-054 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-05-23 Dec-06-23 38.5 11 Reclamation 1A-054 cture 1A-055 .3 f 3 38.5 bec-05-�3,$tructurel;A-0�5 ERC-1A7055 Tower Erection 14055 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-10 22 Nov-11-22 10.1 1 Touter Erection 1/k05'S -- -- ;-- ; ASY-1A-055 Tower Assembly 1A-055 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-10-22 10.2 I AFsssemn lV A S5 o Tower b 1 -0 FDN-1A-055 Foundations 1A-055 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 12.0 j 1 Fodndatioris 1A-055 SPT-1A-055 Spotting 1A-055 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-13-22 13.9 I SpclttirYg 1;A-0S5 CLR-1A-055 Clearing 1A-055 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 16.9 it (leajingj 1A�05$ ACC-1A-055 Access 1A-055 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 16.9 1 Access 1A-055 r - -- - -- - - ----- ---- - REC-1A-055 Reclamation 1A-055 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-05-23 Dec-05-23 38.5 1 Reclamatior) 1Q055 �r 'IW2 Oct-06-22 5-23 Dec-05-23,StructurelA-056 ERC-1A-056 Tower Erection 1A,056 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-10-22 10.1 1 Tower Erection, 14056 ASY-1A-056 TowerAssembmy 1A-056 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-09-22 10.2 I tower Assembly 1A-0$6 FDN-1A-056 Foundations 1A-056 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-12-22 12.0 1 ;Fodnddtiorls 1A-056 -- r SPT-1A-056 Spotting 1A-056 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 13.9 1 SpQmrrg 1A-056 CLR-1Ar056 Clearing 1A-056 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 16.8 :1 glearing;1A-056 ACC-1A-056 Access 1A-056 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 16.8 11 Access IA-056I REC-1A-056 Reclamation 1A-056 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-04-23 Dec-05-23 38.5 1 f eclamatiori 1A-0$6 Structure 1A-0 294.2 Oct-05-22 Dec-04-23 38. Dec-04-23,StrUctufelA-057 tower f'-I ec on 1/k05- ; ERC-1A-057 Tower Erection 1A,057 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-09-22 10.1 I f ti 7 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 14 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ASY-1A-057 Tower Assembly 1A-057 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-08-22 10.2 ;I TbwprAsseTbly 1" 7 FDN-1A-057 Foundations 1A-057 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 12.0 1 ;Fodnddtiohs 1A-057 SPT-1A-057 Spotting 1A-057 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-12-22 14.0 I 5p4ttirRg 1A-057 CLR-1A-057 Clearing 1A-057 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 16.8 j1 Clearing;1A-057 -----------:------ ACC-1A-057 Access 1A-057 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 16.8 ;1 Access IA-Q57 REC-1A-057 Reclamation 1A-057 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-04-23 Dec-04-23 38.5 I gecl�matiorj 1057 Structure 1A-058 294.1 t-04-2 Dec-04-23,Structure 1A-058 ERC-1A-058 Tower Erection 1Ak058 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-09-22 10.1 j 1 Tower Exec ion: 1A>058 ASY-1A-058 Tower Assembly 1A-058 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-08-22 10.2 j1 Tower4sembl� 1A-058 FDN-1A-058 Foundations 1A-058 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 12.0 1 Foundations 1A-0.58 SPT-1A-058 Spotting 1A-058 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 14.1 I $potting 1A-058 CLR-1A-058 Clearing 1A-058 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 16.7 :1 Cleating;IA 058 ACC-1A-058 Access 1A-058 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 16.7 I Access A-058 REC-1A-058 Reclamation 1A-058 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-03-23 Dec-04-23 38.5 I I eclamatiori 1A-058 ff t-04-22 Dec-03-23 Dec-03-23,Structure1A-059 ERC-1A-059 Tower Erection 1Ak059 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-08-22 10.1 j 1 �bwer Erection:1405$ ASY-1A-059 Tower Assembly 1A-059 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-07-22 10.2 :1 TowprASsernbly 1A-059 FDN-1A-059 Foundations 1A-059 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-10-22 12.0 I Foujndatiorjs !A-059 j SPT-1A-059 Spotting 1A-059 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 14.2 1 5pottin� 1A-059 - CLR-1A-059 Clearing 1A-059 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 16.6 ;I Clear^,ingI1A-059 ACC-1A-059 Access 1A-059 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 16.6 i1 Access 1A 059 REC-1A-059 Reclamation 1A-059 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-02-23 Dec-03-23 38.5 1 Reclamatiod 1A-059 tore 1 2MEN_ Dec-02-23 Qec-02-�3,$trupturelQ-0f0 ERC-1A-060 Tower Erection 1A060 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-06 22 Nov-07 22 10.1 ;1 Tower Erection;14060 ASY-1A-060 Tower Assembly 1A-060 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-06-22 10.2 :1 N 0 o - -- ------,- ; TowerASsemb , 1A-06 FDN-1A-060 Foundations 1A-060 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 12.0 j 1 foundations 1A-060 SPT-1A-060 Spotting 1A-060 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-10-22 14.2 I Spatting 1A-060 CLR-1A7060 Clearing 1A-060 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 16.5 i1 ClearingjlA{J6Q AC C-1A-060 Access 1A-060 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 16.5 j1 Access 1A-060 Reclamation 1A-06 REC-1A-060 Reclamation 1A-060 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-02-23 Dec-02-23 38.5 I 0 care 1A-081 f 38.5 Dec-02-23,$tructure1041 ER C-1A-061 Tower Erection 14061 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-06-22 10.1 1 Tower Erection;1A061 ASY-1A-061 Tower Assembly 1A-061 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 10.2 I TowerA$serjibl� 1A-0f1 FDN-1A-061 Foundations 1A-061 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 12.0 j 1 �oundatioris 1A-051 ------------- 5 -- ---- -- SPT-1A-061 Spotting 1A-061 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 14.3 ;I potting 1A-0. ; CLR-1A-061 Clearing 1A-061 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 16.4 i1 Clearingj1A-061 ACC-1A-061 Access 1A-061 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 16.4 :1 Accdss IA-061 REC-1A-061 Reclamation 1A-061 0.6 0.6 0% Dec-01-23 Dec-02-23 38.5 I Reclamat•ionx 1A-06,1 2� f 2�.9 Oct-02-22 1-23 .ec-01-23,StructurelX�-062 ---------- --- ------ -- - -- ERC-1A-062 Tower Erection 1A-062 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 10.1 ;1 Tower Erection;1A+062 ASY1A-062 Tower Assembly 1A-062 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 10.2 ;1 tower Assembly 1A-062 FDN-1A-062 Foundations 1A-062 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 12.0 :1 Fouhdatioris 1A-062 SPT-1A-062 Spotting 1A-062 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 14.4 I Spotting 1A-062 j CLR-1A-062 Clearing 1A-062 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 16.4 )l Clearing;lA-06a -- -- ---:---�--,,--11---:---,- -- -- ACC-1A-062 Access 1A-062 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 16.4 ;1 Access IA-062 REC-1A-062 Reclamation 1A-062 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-30-23 Dec-01-23 38.5 I R;eclamationi 1062 Structure 1A-0 293.9 Oct-02-22 Nov-30-23 38. Nov-30-23,Strutture 1A-063 ERC-1A-063 Tower Erection 1Ak063 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 10.1 ;I Tower Erection j 1A063 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 15 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F I M A M J Jul I A I S O N D J F M A M J lul ASY-1A-063 Tower Assembly 1A-063 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 10.2 ;I TowerAssembly 1A-063 FDN-1A-063 Foundations 1A-063 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 12.0 I Fouhdation5 IA-063 SPT-1A-063 Spotting 1A-063 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 14.5 :1 Spotting 1Q063 j CLR-1A-063 Clearing 1A-063 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-02-22 16.3 Clearjing;1A-06 ACC-1A7063 Access 1A-063 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 16.3 1 Access 1A-063 REC-1A-063 Reclamation 1A-063 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-30 23 Nov 30-23 38.5 Reclajnation: 100 S 293, Nov-30-23,Struttute 1A-064 ERC-1A-064 Tower Erection 1Ak064 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-04-22 10.1 ;I Tewpr Erection:1A;064 ASY-1A-064 Tower Assembly 1A-064 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-03-22 10.2 :1 TowerMsemblyl 1A-064 FDN-1A-064 Foundations 1A-064 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 12.0 1 Foundations 1A-064 SPT-1A-064 Spotting 1A-064 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 14.6 ;1 $potting 1A-064 CLR-1A-064 Clearing 1A-064 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 16.2 1 Clearing,1A-064 ACC-1A7064 Access 1A-064 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-02-22 16.2 j Access W04 REC-1A-064 Reclamation 1A-064 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-29-23 Nov-30-23 38.5 Reclamation: IA-064 Nov-29-23,Struhture 1A-065 ERC-1A-065 Tower Erection 1Ak065 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 10.1 i1 7ow�r Erection:1Aj06$ - - -- ------ - - ------ -- ---- - -- -- ASY-1A-065 Tower Assembly 1A-065 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 10.2 I Tow�rA�sen.%Iy, 1A-065 FDN-1A-065 Foundations 1A-065 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 12.0 it Foundat7on$ 1j4-0(5 SPT-1A-065 Spotting 1A-065 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 14.6 :1 $potting 1A-065 CLR-1A-065 Clearing 1A-065 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 16.1 j Cleaning;1A-065 ACC-1A-065 Access 1A-065 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 16.1 Pjccess 1A-0 5 o --'--;-- R>?claMati - I REC-1A-065 Reclamation 1A-065 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-29-23 Nov-29-23 38.5 I 'on, 1A-065 ture 1A-06 2 _JJVSep-30 22 3 ==IF Nov9�3,StrutturelA-06,6 lllll7ERC-1A-066 Tower Erection 14066 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 10.1 jl Tower Erection :1A-066 ASY-1A-066 Tower Assembly 1A-066 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 10.2 I lbwerPssemblyl 1A-066 FDN-1A-066 Foundations 1A-066 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 12.0 it �oumda&ns 1A-066 SPT-1A-066 Spotting 1A-066 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 14.7 I Spotting 1A-066 CLR-1A-066 Clearing 1A-066 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 16.1 i Clearing'�A-Q66 ACC-1A-066 Access 1A-066 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 16.1 M Access 1A-066 REC-1A-066 Reclamation 1A-066 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-28-23 Nov-29-23 38.5 I Reclamation;1A 066 cture 1A-067 f 38.5 Nov-�8-23,*ructure1057 - ------ - ----- -- ---- - -- -- ---- ERC-1A-067 Tower Erection 14067 0.7 0.7 0% Towdr Er Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 10.1 ection 067 1A ASY-1A-067 Tower Assembly 1A-067 0.7 0.7 00%1. Nov-01-22 Nov-01-22 10.2 j TpwgrAssemblyj 1"67 FDN-1A-067 Foundations 1A-067 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 12.0 i1 Foundations IA-067 SPT-1A-067 Spotting 1A-067 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 14.8 I Spotting 1A-067 CLR-1A-067 Clearing 1A-067 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 16.0 i Clearing;-A467 ACC-1A-067 Access 1A-067 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 16.0 i Atcets 1A-067 REC-1A-067 Reclamation 1A-067 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-27-23 Nov-28-23 38.5 I Rpcla�nation:1At067 2� 7p-2922 Nov-27-23 Nbv-27-23,Structure1A-068 ERC-1A-068 Tower Erection 1Ak068 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-01-22 10.1 I lower Erection ;1A-068 ASY-1A-068 Tower Assembly 1A-068 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 10.2 1 Yow4Asserribly:1A}06 FDN-1A-068 Foundations 1A-068 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 12.0 .I FouridationS 1A-068 SPT-1A-068 Spotting 1A-068 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 14.9 ;I Spotting IA-0F8 CLR-1A-068 Clearing 1A-068 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 15.9 i Clearing 7A-068 ACC-1A-068 Access 1A-068 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 15.9 I Access 1A-068 REC-1A-068 Reclamation 1A-068 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-27-23 Nov-27-23 38.5 Reclamation:l4-06$ Structure 1A-069 --�-- --�------ --�-- ------�-- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- ---,--- -- ---,--- -- -- ------ --�-- - 293.6 Sep-28-22 Nov-27-23 38. Nbv272'3,Strutture1A-069 ERC-1A-069 Tower Erection 1Ak069 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 10.1 i Tpwgr Erpctipn 1A Q69, Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Su... 16 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O IN J I F I M I A I M I J Jul A I S 1 O IN I J I F I M A M J Jul A S O IN I J I F I M A I M lul J ASY-1A-069 Tower Assembly 1A-069 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 10.2 I owerAsserr�bly;1/k06 FDN-1A-069 Foundations 1A-069 0.7 0.7 011 Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 12.0 :1 Fouridabon5 1A-069 SPT-1A-069 Spotting 1A-069 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 14.9 ;1 S!po�ng 1/-OQ9 --'- -- ---'---- ' - -- -- --- ----- -- -- ----------------------------- -- --- CLR-1A-069 Clearing 1A-069 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 15.8 j Clearing 7A-069 ACC-1A-069 Access 1A-069 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 15.8 1 Access 1A-069 REC-1A-069 Reclamation 1A-069 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-26-23 Nov-27-23 38.5 I', Reclarnatjon:1A060 Structure 1A 70 Nbv-26-213,Strutture1A-070 ERC-1A-070 Tower Erection 1A-070 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 10.1 j Tpwgr Erection j1A p70, o --t -Tower Assembl 1A-070 ---------- ------ ----- - -- -- ASY-1A-070 Tower Assembly 1A-070 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 10.2 yl FDN-1A-070 Foundations 1A-070 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 12.0 :1 Founclabons 1A-070 SPT-1A-070 Spotting 1A-070 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 15.0 i1 SpottinP 1A-010 CLR-1A-070 Clearing 1A-070 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-28-22 15.8 I Clearing 1A-070 ACC-1A-070 Access 1A-070 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 15.8 I Access 1A-070 ----- ---I-- --I--- -------- ------------ ------ -- ----------------------- --- REC-1A-070 Reclamation 1A-070 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-26-23 Nov-26-23 38.5 I' Rlam ecation:1A-070 293.5 293.5 p-27-22 Nov-26-2I3,Structure 1A-071 ERC-1A-071 Tower Erection 1A-071 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-30-22 10.1 i Tower Enoction ;14071' ASY-1A-071 Tower Assembly 1A-071 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-29-22 10.2 I Tbwel•Astenibly;1A071 FDN-1A-071 Foundations 1A-071 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 12.0 F,ou6d4onj 1A-071 ---'--'-------- - ------------ --- -- -- ---------------------- --- - SPT-1A-071 Spotting 1A-071 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 15.1 j1 Spotting 1A-071 CLR-1A-071 Clearing 1A-071 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 15.7 I Clearing 1A-071 ACC-1A-071 Access 1A-071 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-28-22 15.7 j Access 1071 REC-1A-071 Reclamation 1A-071 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-25-23 Nov-26-23 38.5 11 Rbclarnation;1A-071 tructure 1A-07 2 p-26-22 Nqv Z5-2 ,SruGturpl/�{-072 -------- - ---' ------- ---'- ----' ---'---'- -------- --------- --------- ------------ ----------- ERC-1A-072 Tower Erection 1A-072 0.7 0.7 0% Oct 29 22 Oct-30-22 10.1 o Tower Erection 1A-072 ASY-1A-072 Tower Assembly 1A-072 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 10.2 1 Tower Assembly:1A-072 FDN-1A-072 Foundations 1A-072 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 12.0 Fouridation9 1A-002 SPT-1A-072 Spotting 1A-072 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-02-22 15.2 I Spotting; 1A-072 CLR-1A-072 Clearing 1A-072 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 15.6 l; Clearing IA-072 ACC-1A-072 Access 1A-072 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-27 22 Sep 28-22 15.6 j Access 1A-072 ------------------------------------- REC-1A-072 Reclamation 1A-072 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-22-23 Nov-25-23 38.5 1: Reclamation;1A-072 cture 1A-073 f 38.5 N4v-2-�-28,Sfiructure1A07$ ERC-1A-073 Tower Erection 14073 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 10.1 I Tbwer Erbctibn 1A 0731 ASY-1A-073 Tower Assembly 1A-073 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 10.2 g TpwerAs3emblyj1Aj07 -- -- --'------ -- ------'- ------ -------- ----- FDN-1A-073 Foundations 1A-073 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 12.0 Foundations 1A-073 SPT-1A-073 Spotting 1A-073 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 15.2 1 Spotting: 1A-073 CLR-1A-073 Clearing 1A-073 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-26 22 Sep-26-22 15.5 li Clearing 1A d73 ACC-1A-073 Access 1A-073 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 15.5 AtceSs 1A-073 REC-1A-073 Reclamation 1A-073 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-22-23 Nov-22-23 38.5 1: RQclarpatipn j1A0721' 74 � 22 .4 Sep- 5- 22 Nov-22-23 Nov-22-23,Struoture1A074 r , - , - ERC-1A-074 Tower Erection 1/k074 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 10.1 g Tower Erection 1A,0741 ASY-1A-074 Tower Assembly 1A-074 0.7 1 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-27-22 10.2 I; Tower Assemblyj1A;07A FDN-1A-074 Foundations 1A-074 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 12.0 1 Fburidation� 1A-074 SPT-1A-074 Spotting 1A-074 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 15.3 1 Spotpngj 1A-07;4 CLR-1A-074 Clearing 1A-074 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 15.4 1: Cl6aring 1A-U74; ------ ----- ------------- ------ ----- --- ------ ---- - ACC-1A-074 Access 1A-074 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-26-22 15.4 g AtceZ 1A-074 REC-1A-074 Reclamation 1A-074 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-21-23 Nov-22-23 38.5 1', Reclamation 14074 Structure 1A-0 293.3 Sep-25-22 Nov-21-23 38. Ndv-21-23,Structurd1"75 ERC-1A-075 Tower Erection 1A-075 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-27-22 10.1 I; Tpwer Erectipn 1AQ75 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 17 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ASY-1A-075 Tower Assembly 1A-075 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 10.2 1; Tower Assembly;1A;07 FDN-1A-075 Foundations 1A-075 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 12.0 Fbundations; 1A-075 CLR-1A-075 Clearing 1A-075 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 15.4 1: ClQaring�A-075 j ACC-1A-075 Access 1A-075 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 15.4 1: Access 1A-075 SPT-1A-075 Spotting 1A-075 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 15.4 1 Spotting:IA-07S -- -----;--- --;--- ; REC-lA-075 Reclamation 1A-075 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-20-23 Nov-21-23 38.5 1 Reclamation 1A-075', -- --- -- --- ------- 1A-076 29 Ndv-20-23,Structure 1A 076 v 20- ERC-1A-076 Tower Erection 1Ak076 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 10.1 1i Tgwe�ErQctiQn 4Q76 ASY-1A-076 Tower Assembly 1A-076 0.7 0.7 0% C�ct-25 22 CCt 26-22 10.2 [ Tower Assembly;1A076 FDN-1A-076 Foundations 1A-076 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 12.0 I Foundations: IA-076 --- -- -- ---'- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- CLRAA-076 Clearing 1A-076 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 15.3 1: Clearing IA-076j ACC-1A-076 Access 1A-076 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 15.3 1; A: : 1A-076 SPT-1A-076 Spotting 1A-076 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 15.5 1 Spotting:1A`07F REC-1A-076 Reclamation 1A-076 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-20-23 Nov-20-23 38.5 1 Reclamation 1A-076 293.2 293.2 Nov-20-23,Structure 1A-077 - - - , ERC-lA-077 Tower Erection 1Ak077 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 10.1 1: Tower Erection iA,d77 ASY-1A-077 Tower Assembly 1A-077 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 10.2 1, TdwerAs�embly;1A-077 FDN-1A-077 Foundations 1A-077 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 12.0 i FQunrlatipnsj 1A-077 CLR-1A-077 Clearing 1A-077 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 15.2 1; Clearing 1A-q77 ACC-1A-077 Access 1A-077 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 15.2 1; Acces5 1A-077 SPMA-077 Spotting 1A-077 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 15.5 Spot ingj 1A-077 REC-1A-077 Reclamation 1A-077 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-19-23 Nov-20-23 38.5 1: Retlarbatibn ;1A-0771 tructure 1 2 Nov-l�-2�,structure:1A-07R ERC-1A-078 Tower Erection 14078 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 10.1 1; Tower Erection 14078' ASMA-078 Tower Assembly 1A-078 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-24-22 10.2 ---'---- 1; TawerAssw?mbly 1A-078 -- --- ------ ------------ FDN-1A-078 Foundations 1A-078 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 12.0 k Foundations;1A-079 CLR-1A-078 Clearing 1A-078 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 15.1 1: Clparing 1A 078 ACC-1A-078 Access 1A-078 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 15.1 1: Access 1A-07$ SPT-1A-078 Spotting 1A-078 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 15.6 i Spottingj1"78 RECAA-078 Reclamation 1A-078 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-19-23 Nov-19-23 38.5 1 :Reclamation IA-078I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - cture 1A-079 f 3 38.5 140-10-2�,Stcucture,1470 ERC-1A-079 Tower Erection 14079 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-24-22 10.1 1; ToNved Erection L4079 ASY-1A-079 Tower Assembly 1A-079 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 10.2 I; Tower,AssQm ly :1479: FDN-1A-079 Foundations 1A-079 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 12.0 Foundatibns;1a-075 CLR-1A-079 Clearing 1A-079 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 15.1 1; Clearing lA-079: ACC-lA-079 Access 1A-079 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 15.1 1 j Access 1A-079 ---------------------- ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---- SPT-1A-079 Spotting 1A-079 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 15.7 1 Sootting;1A;079 REC-1A-079 Reclamation 1A-079 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-18-23 Nov-19-23 38.5 I ReclamatiQn �A-979, -52".F1 r Sep-22-22 ov-18-23 Nov-18 23,StructurelA-08tl ERC-lA-080 Tower Erection 1A-080 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 10.1 1; Tower Erettictn MOM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASY-1A-080 Tower Assembly 1A-080 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 10.2 1; Tower Assembly jIA-080' FDN-1A-080 Foundations 1A-080 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 12.0 1: F6undatibns;1A-080 CLR-lA-080 Clearing 1A-080 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 15.0 1 ClQaring 1A-000 j ACC-lA-080 Access 1A-080 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 15.0 1 j Access 1A 08b SPT-1A-080 Spotting 1A-080 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 15.8 1 Spotting:1AID8p REC 1A-080 Reclamation 1A-080 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-18-23 38.5 1 Reclarr?ation ;1480, Structure 1A-08 293.0 Sep-21-22 Nov-17-23 � 87, NoV-17-23,SttucturellA-081;ERC-1A-081 Tower Erection 1A-081 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 CXt-23-22 10 1; Tower,Erertign 1A q81 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 18 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A I S I O N D J F M A M J Jul I A S O N D J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S O N D J F M A M J lul ASY-1A-081 Tower Assembly 1A-081 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-22-22 10.2 1;Tower:Assembly 1A 81 FDN-1A-081 Foundations 1A-081 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 12.0 1, Fdundatibns:1A-081 CLR-1A-081 Clearing 1A-081 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 14.9 I j Cleann-g ¢1 j ACC-1A-081 Access 1A-081 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 14.9 I Access 1A-081 SPT-1A-081 Spotting 1A-081 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 15.9 1: Spotting;1A-081 REC-1A-081 Reclamation 1A-081 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-17-23 38.5 I Re larrjation iA-081' re 1A-082 NoV-17-23,Sttucture11A-082 r - -- -- --r ERC-1A-082 Tower Erection 1A-082 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-22-22 10.1 I Tower;EreFtianA 0,82 ASY-1A-082 Tower Assembly 1A-082 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 10.2 I Tower:Assembly ,1"82' FDN-1A-082 Foundations 1A-082 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 12.0 II Foundations;1A-082 CLR-1A-082 Clearing 1A-082 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-2122 Sep 21-22 14.8 I j Clearing 1;A-0$2 ACC-1A-082 Access 1A-082 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 14.8 I Access 1A-082 - r I - --- --r- - -- - --- SPT-1A-082 Spotting 1A-082 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 15.9 l; Spoong j 1A-08? REC-1A-082 Reclamation 1A-082 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-16-23 Nov-17-23 38.5 I Reclamation 1A-082' NoV-16-23,StructurellA-083 ERC-1A-083 Tower Erection 1A-083 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 10.1 I j Tower Erection 1Ak083 ASY-1A-083 Tower Assembly 1A-083 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 10.2 I Tower.ASsembly 1A-0831 r - --- - ----- - ----- - - ---,- - ---,- - ---,-- - - --- FDN-1A-083 Foundations 1A-083 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 12.0 li Fqun�iatigns j 1q-083 CLR-1A-083 Clearing 1A-083 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 14.8 I Clearing 1"A 3 ACC-1A-083 Access 1A-083 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 14.8 1:AMess 1A-083 SPT-1A-083 Spotting 1A-083 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 16.0 Ij Soottjng j148$ REC-1A-083 Reclamation 1A-083 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-15-23 Nov-16-23 38.5 1 Redlarriatidn 1A-0831 r ; tore 1 2 p-20-22 Noy-15-23,Structure�A-984; lllll7ERC-1A-084 Tower Erection 1A-084 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 10.1 I Tower;Erectioh 14084 ASY-1A-084 Tower Assembly 1A-084 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 10.2 I ToWerAssembly 1A-0841 FDN-1A-084 Foundations 1A-084 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 12.0 1: F6undati6ns;1A084 CLR-1A-084 Clearing 1A-084 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 14.7 1: Clearing 11A-084 r -- -- -- - --- 11- ACC-1A-084 Access 1A-084 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 14.7 1:AcFesS 1A,084 SPT-1A-084 Spotting 1A-084 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 16.1 Ij Spotting j1A-084 REC-1A-084 Reclamation 1A-084 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-15-23 Nov-15-23 38.5 I Reclamation 1A-084 1A-085 f 38.5 Nov-1�-23,Structure 1A-085: ERC-1A-085 Tower Erection 14085 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct 20-22 10.1 I .Tower;Eredtioh 1A,085 , - ;-- ,--;-- , ;-- -,--;- ---�,, - ASY-1A-085 TowerAssembly 1A-085 0.7 0.7 0o% Oct-19-22 Oct-19-22 10.2 1 ToWerAss m4Iy A-Q85 FDN-1A-085 Foundations 1A-085 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-23-22 12.0 1: Foundations 1A?085 CLR-1A-085 Clearing 1A-085 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 14.6 1: Clearing 1A-085 ACC-1A-085 Access 1A-085 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 14.6 1;Access 1"8$ SPT-1A-085 Spotting 1A-085 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 16.2 1: Spotting,1A-085 REC-1A-085 Reclamation 1A-085 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-14-23 Nov-15-23 38.5 I rReglarnatign JA-Q85 � � Nov-14-23 Nov-14-23,Structure 1A-086: ERC-1A-086 Tower Erection 1A-086 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-19-22 10.1 1 Tourer Erection 1A-086 ASY-1A-086 TowerAssembty 1A-086 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 10.2 1 jTower;. ssemlily 1A-086' FDN-1A-086 Foundations 1A-086 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 12.0 1: Foundations 1A 086 r -- - - ----- --r- - CLR-1A-086 Clearing 1A-086 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 14.5 I ClQanr.g 1A-0$6 ACC-1A-086 Access 1A-086 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 14.5 1:Access 1?-086 SPT-1A-086 Spotting 1A-086 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-23-22 16.2 11 Spotting ;1A-086 REC-1A-086 Reclamation 1A-086 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-14-23 Nov-14-23 38.5 j I Reclamation 1 086 Structure 1A-08 292.8 Sep-18-22 Nov-14-23 38. v Nov-14M Structure lA-087 r ERC 1A-087 Tower Erection 1A-087 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 10.1 1 Toyver�regtio� 1p,0$7 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 19 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul ASY-1A-087 Tower Assembly 1A-087 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 10.2 I ;Tower Assembly A 87 FDN-1A-087 Foundations 1A-087 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 12.0 1, Foundations;1AM7 CLR-1A-087 Clearing 1A-087 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-18-22 14.5 1 j ClQari6g 104 7 j ACC-1A-087 Access 1A-087 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 14.5 1 Access 1A-087 SPT-1A-087 Spotting 1A-087 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 16.3 1; Spotting ;1A-087 REC-1A 087 Reclamation 1A-087 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-13-23 Nov-14-23 38.5 j 1 Reglametio,n 1087', 292.7 Nov-13-23;Structure 1A-088; ERC-1A-088 Tower Erection 1A,088 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 10.1 1 j Togver Erection 1j40$8 ASY-1A-088 Tower Assembly 1A-088 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-17-22 10.2 1 ;Towerpssdmbly 1A-088' P p ;------------ -- ------ --- -- FDN-1A-088 Foundations 1A-088 0.7 0.7 0% Se 21-22 Se 21-22 12.0 1, Foundations 1A-088 CLR-1A-088 Clearing 1A-088 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-17 22 Sep 18-22 14.4 1 j Clearing 1A-0$8 ACC-1A-088 Access 1A-088 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-18-22 14.4 I Access 1A,088 SPT-1A-088 Spotting 1A-088 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 16.4 I: Spotting ;1A-08$ REC-1A 088 Reclamation 1A-088 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-12-23 Nov-13-23 38.5 1 'Reclamation 1A-088' ----------------- ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- --- - -- 292.7 p 17 22 Noxt-12;23;StrUctUre 1A-089 ERC-1A-089 Tower Erection 1A,089 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-17-22 10.1 1 ;Tower Lrectiom 1A0$9 ASY-1A-089 Tower Assembly 1A-089 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 10.2 1 ;TowerAssdmbly 1A-0891 FDN-1A-089 Foundations 1A-089 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 12.0 1 j Fopnc+atigns j1A-08� CLR-1A-089 Clearing 1A-089 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-17 22 Sep 17-22 14.3 1 ;Clearing 1A-089 - --- ACC-1A-089 Access 1A-089 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 14.3 I Access 1A-089 SPT-1A-089 Spotting 1A-089 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 16.5 I; Spotting 3A�89 REC-1A-089 Reclamation 1A-089 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-12-23 Nov-12-23 38.5 : 1 'Reclamation 1A-089 -dkMmtijre 1 2 Noy-12,23,Structpre JA-Q90 j lllll7ERC-1A-090 Tower Erection 14090 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 10.1 1 ;Tower Eredtioh 1A,090 ---- ----- -- -- -- ASY-1A-090 Tower Assembly 1A-090 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 10.2 I 1 ;TouverAssembly 1A0901 FDN-1A-090 Foundations 1A-090 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 12.0 1 j Foundations 1A-09d CLR-1A-090 Clearing 1A-090 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 14.2 1 Clebrinlg 1A-090 ACC-1A-090 Access 1A-090 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-17-22 14.2 1 Access',1A,09Q SPT-1A-090 Spotting 1A-090 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 16.5 1: Spotting 7A-090 o Reclamdtio' REC-1A-090 Reclamation 1A-090 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-11-23 Nov-12-23 38.5 1 n 1A-090 6 38.5 Nov-11.23,Structure 1A1.91 ERC-1A-091 Tower Erection 14091 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 10.1 I ;Tower Erection 1A-091 ASY-1A-091 Tower Assembly 1A-091 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 10.2 I ;TovyerAssenbly �A-091 FDN-1A-091 Foundations 1A-091 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 12.0 1; Foundations 1A-091 CLR-1A-091 Clearing 1A-091 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 14.1 1 Clearing 1p-091 ACC-1A 091 Access 1A-091 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 14.1 1 Ac�ess;1A'091 SPT-1A-091 Spotting 1A-091 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 16.6 1 Spotting 1A-091; REC-1A-091 Reclamation 1A-091 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-11-23 Nov-11-23 38.5 I IReclamation �A-091 c re 92 �2} 5 Nov-11-23 Nov-11 23 Structure 1A-092 ERC-1A-092 Tower Erection 1A-092 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 10.1 1 ;Tower Erection 14092 ASY-1A-092 TowerAssembfy 1A-092 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14 22 Oct 14-22 10.2 j 1 Tower Assembly 1A-092 FDN-1A-092 Foundations 1A-092 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 12.0 1 FoUndetidns 1A-092 CLR-1A-092 Clearing 1A-092 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 14.1 1 ;Clearing 1A-092 ACC-1A 092 Access 1A-092 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 14.1 j 1 j Access;1Aj092 SPT-1A-092 Spotting 1A-092 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-19-22 16.7 I Spotting 1A-092 REC-1A-092 Reclamation 1A-092 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-10-23 Nov-11-23 38.5 j 1 Reclami3tion 1A-092 Structure 1A-09 292.5 Sep-14-22 Nov-10-23 ll 38. NoU M23,StrUctwre 1A-093 ERC-1A-093 Tower Erection 1A-093 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-14-22 1 10.1 1 :Tower Erec0or 1A093 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 20 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D I J F I M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul ASY-1A-093 Tower Assembly 1A-093 0.7 0.7 0% Oct 13 22 Ctt 14 22 10.2 I Tower semb,y 1A-093 FoUndl -- - -- -- - -- -- - FDN-1A-093 Foundations 1A-093 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-18-22 12.0 1 atians 1A-093 CLR-1A-093 Clearing 1A-093 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 14.0 1 ;Clearing 1A-0�3 ACC-1A-093 Access 1A-093 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 14.0 j I ;Acdess';1A-093 SPT-1A-093 Spotting 1A-093 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 16.8 1 Spotting 1A-093. REC-1A-093 Reclamation 1A-093 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-09-23 Nov-10-23 38.5 j 1 keclam#iop 1A-003 292.4 NoV,09+23,:StrUCtUre 1A-094 ERC-1A-094 Tower Erection 1A,094 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 10.1 I ITovper�recOora 1A,,094 ASY-1A-094 Tower Assembly 1A-094 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 10.2 1 Tower Assembly 1iA-054 FDN-1A-094 Foundations 1A-094 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 12.0 1 FoUnd;atians IA-094 CLR-1A-094 Clearing 1A-094 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 13.9 j I jCeearing 1A-0.4 ACC-1A-094 Access 1A-094 0.6 0.6 ;091. Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 13.9 I Acdess;1A-094 SPT-1A-094 Spotting 1A-094 0.6 0.6 Sep-18-22 Sep-18-22 16.9 I SpQthOg A-094 REC-1A-094 Reclamation 1A-094 0.6 0.6 Nov-09-23 Nov-09-23 38.5 j 1 Reclamation 1A-094 p-13-22 9-23 Nov-09;23„Structure 1A-195 ERC-1A-095 Tower Erection 1/k095 0.7 0.7 Oct-12 22 Ctt 13-22 10.1 j I Powerrectiori 1/k0�5 ASY-1A-095 Tower Assembly 1A-095 0.7 0.7 Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 10.2 I Tower Assembly IA-095 FDN-1A-095 Foundations 1A-095 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 12.0 1 Foundations jA-p95j CLR-1A-095 Clearing 1A-095 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 13.8 1 :Clearing 1A-055 ACC-1A7095 Access 1A-095 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 13.8 I Access:lA-099 SPT-1A-095 Spotting 1A-095 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-17-22 16.9 1 j Spgttimg 1A-d95 j REC-1A-095 Reclamation 1A-095 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-08-23 Nov-09-23 38.5 :1 Reclamatioh 1'A-095 tare 1A-09 2 Nov.08 23,,Structure 1A-096 ERC-1A-096 Tower Erection 14096 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-12-22 10.1 1 Tower Erectiori 1A 096 ASY-1A-096 Tower Assembly 1A-096 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-11-22 10.2 1 TowerAssembl� 1A-096 FDN-1A-096 Foundations 1A-096 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 12.0 j 1 j Foundations iA-b96j CLR-1A-096 Clearing 1A-096 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 13.8 1 CWrin$1A-096 ACC-1A7096 Access 1A-096 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 13.8 I ;Access;1Ap96, SPT-1A-096 Spotting 1A-096 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 17.0 1 j Spotting 1A-q% REC-1A-096 Reclamation 1A-096 0.6 0.6000%. 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-08-23 38.5 ;1 Reclamation 1A-096.3 38.5 Novj-07 23,;Structure 1A-097 ERC-1A-097 Tower Erection 1A-097 0.7 0.70% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 10.1 1 Touter Erection, 14097 ASY-1A-097 Tower Assembly 1A-097 0.7 0.7 Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 10.2 j 1 Tov4er4ssernbly 1A-097 FDN-1A-097 Foundations 1A-097 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 12.0 j 1 Foundations 1A-097; CLR-1A-097 Clearing 1A-097 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 13.7 I ;Clearing 1A-097 ACC-1A-097 Access 1A-097 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 13.7 I 'Access:1491. SPT-1A-097 Spotting 1A-097 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 17.1 I Sp6ttihg 1A-097 REC-1A-097 Reclamation 1A-097 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-07-23 38.5 ;1 Reclamation lk4 7 -NMucture Nov�07,23,'Structure lA-098 ERC-1A-098 Tower Erection 1A-098 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 10.1 1 Tower Erection: 1A 04$ ASY-1A-098 Tower Assembly 1A-098 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 10.2 j 1 TowerAssernbly 1A-098 FDN-1A-098 Foundations 1A-098 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 12.0 1 FoUnd�tiohs 1A-098 CLR-1A-098 Clearing 1A-098 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 13.6 1 bearing 1A-09¢ ACC-1A-098 Access 1A-098 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 13.6 I Acdess;1Ab9 SPT-1A-098 Spotting 1A-098 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 17.2 1 ;Spotting 1A-098 REC-1A-098 Reclamation 1A-098 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-06 23 Nov-07 23 38.5 it keclemation 1A-098 Structure 1A-099 --�-- --�------ --�-- ------�-- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ---,--- -- ---,--- -- -- ------ --�-- - 292.2 Sep-11-22 Nov-06-23 38. Nov�0623,StrUCtUre1A-099 ERC-1A-099 Tower Erection 1A099 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 10.1 j 1 Tower Erection: 1A 09,9 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 21 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul ASY-1A-099 Tower Assembly 1A-099 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 10.2 1Tower Assembly 1A-0 9 FDN-1A-099 Foundations 1A-099 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 12.0 I Fodnd2tiohs 1A-099 CLR-1A-099 Clearing 1A-099 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 13.5 1 Clearing 1/�-09Q '--'---1---'--------- --------- ------ --------- ------------- ------ ----- ---- ------ ---- - ACC-1A-099 Access 1A-099 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 13.5 1 ;Access;1A-099 SPT-1A-099 Spotting 1A-099 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 17.2 I ;Spotting 1A-099; REC-1A-099 Reclamation 1A-099 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-06-23 38.5 ;I Reclamation 1009 Structure 1A-100 292,2 Nov 06 23,StrtSctUre 1'Ar1D0 ERC-1A 100 Tower Erection 1A,100 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 10.1 I Tower Erection: 1410p '--'--'--'---'--'------'- ------------------- ASY-1A-100 Tower Assembly 1A-100 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 10.2 jl TowerAssernbly 1A-100 FDN-1Ar100 Foundations 1A-100 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 12.0 1 Foundations IA-100I CLR-1A 100 Clearing 1Ar100 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 13.5 j I Clearing 1A 10b ACC-1A 100 Access 1Ar100 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 13.5 I ,Access;1,4100 SPT-1A-100 Spotting 1A-100 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 17.3 I ;Spgttirag �A�00 -----'--'- '----- ' ---- -- ------ -- ------ -- ---------------- REC-1A100 Reclamation 1A-100 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-05-23 Nov-06-23 38.5 ;1 Reclamation 1A-100 Nov;05-23,Strocture 1A-101 ERC-1A 101 Tower Erection 1A,101 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 10.1 j I ower E.�ecoonj 1Pr10;1 ASY-1A-101 Tower Assembly 1A-101 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 10.2 :1 TowerAkserhbly 1A-101 FDN-1A101 Foundations 1Ar101 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-12-22 Sep13-22 12.0 ; I ;Foundations IA-101j CLR-1A 101 Clearing 14101 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 13.4 I Clearing 1A-101 ACC-1A-101 Access 1A-101 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 13.4 I Acceess;1,4101I SPT-1A 101 Spotting 1Ar101 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 17.4 I jSpotting 1A-101 REC-1A-101 Reclamation IA-101 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-04-23 Nov-05-23 38.5 :I Recl�marioh 1A-101 tore 1A-10 2 dw_p-09-22 Nov-04-R3,5tructure1j-192 j --'--'---' ---------- ------ --------- ERC-1A-102 Tower Erection 14102 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 10.1 ;1 tower Erection;1A 102 ASY-1Ar102 Tower Assembly 1A-102 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 10.2 II Tower Assembly 1A-102 FDN-1A 102 Foundations 1Ar102 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 12.0 j I Foundations 1A 102 CLR-1A 102 Clearing 14102 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 13.3 1 Clearing 1A 102 ACC-1A-102 Access 1A-102 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 13.3 1 i cc�ss JAJ02; SPT-1Ar102 Spotting 1A102 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 17.5 I Sp6tting 1A-102 REC-1A-102 Reclamation IA-102 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-04-23 Nov-04-23 38.5 ;1 Reclamation 1A-102 cture 1A-103 f 38.5 Nov-0443,Structure 1A 103 ERC-1A-103 Tower Erection 14103 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 10.1 .I Tower Erection;1A>103 ASY-1Ar103 Tower Assembly 1A-103 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 10.2 I Tower Assembh� 1A 1q3 '--, --'--'- -;Founds '--'--'---'---'- --'---'- --'---'---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- - --- FDN-1A 103 Foundations 1Ar103 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 12.0 1 tioris 1A-103 CLR-1/k103 Clearing 1,4103 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-09 22 Sep-09-22 13.2 I Clearing 1A-103 ACC-1Ar103 Access 1A-103 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 13.2 1 i ccess;1Ar103 SPT-1A 103 Spotting 1A-103 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 17.5 1 spotting 1A-103 REC-1A 103 Reclamation 1A-103 0.6 0.6 0% Nov-03-23 Nov-04-23 38.5 II Reclama�ion 1A-1Q3 -104r5 Ckt 25-23 Ckt 26 23,StructurelA104 r ERC-1A 104 Tower Erection 1A-104 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 10.1 11 Tower Erection:1Ad104 ASY-1A104 Tower Assembly 1A-104 0.7 1 0.7 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 10.2 jl tbwerAssermbhj 1A-1d4 FDN-1A 104 Foundations 1A-104 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 12.0 :1 FollndUtiods 1A 104 CLR-1A-104 Clearing 1A-104 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 13.1 I Nearing 1A,104 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ACC-1Ar104 Access 1A-104 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-09-22 13.1 11 %access 7Ar104 - - - - - - SPT-1A 104 Spotting 1A-104 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 17.6 1 Spotting 1A-104 REC-1A-104 Reclamation 1A-104 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-23 Oct-25-23 48.0 li Reclamation 1A-104 Structure 1A-10 282.3 Sep-08-22 Oct-24-23 Ott-24-23,Stiructur&1A�105 ERC 1A-105 Tower Erection 1A-105 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 10.1 ;1 Tower Erectjon j 1A;105 Remaining Level of Effort E1= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 22 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D J I F I M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ASY-1A-105 Tower Assembly 1A-105 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 10.1 ;I ower/assembly, 1 -1 5 FDN-1A 105 Foundations 1Ak105 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 12.0 I Fouhdaboris 1IA-105 CLR-1A 105 Clearing 1A-105 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-08-22 13.1 ;1 blearing 1A,105 ACC-1A 105 Access 1Pr105 0.6 0.6 0% Sep08-22 Sep09-22 13.1 ;1 Access 7Ak105 SPT-1A-105 Spotting 1A-105 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 17.7 I Spotting 1A-105 ------------- ---------------------------- REC-1A 105 Reclamation 1Ak105 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-23 Oct-24-23 48.0 1; Roclarpation ',1A 10$ 1A-106 282.2 _ : Okt-23-23,StIructur614106 ERC-1A 106 Tower Erection 1A-106 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 10.1 II Tower Erectjon j 1Ak106 ASY-1A-106 Tower Assembly 1A-106 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 10.1 jl TowerAssenibh. 1a-106 FDN-1Pr106 Foundations 1Ak106 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 12.0 1 Foundations 1A-106 -- ------ -- --------- -- CLR-1A 106 Clearing 1A-106 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 13.0 j 1 Nearing 1A 100 ACC-1A 106 Access 1Pr106 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-08-22 13.0 I Access lA 106 SPT-1A-106 Spotting 1A-106 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 17.8 1 Spotting 'A-1Q6 j REC-1A 106 Reclamation 1Ak106 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-23 Oct-23-23 48.0 1; Reclamation 1A406 282.0 : Oct-22-23,Structural Ak107 F--;--- T--;---- -------------------------- ------ --------- -- -- ---- ,---------,-------- ERC-1A 107 Tower Erection 1A-107 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 10.1 i1 Yow�r Erection:1Akj10� ASY-1A-107 Tower Assembly 1A-107 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 10.1 :1 Tow�rMserhbly 1A-107 FDN-1A 107 Foundations 1A-107 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 12.0 I Foundatior. 1A 107 j CLR-1A 107 Clearing 1A-107 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 12.9 j 1 Clearing 1X107 ACC-1A-107 Access 1A-107 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 12.9 I Access 1A 107 ----- -- -- --- -- ------'-- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - SPT-1A 107 Spotting 1A 107 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 17.8 I Spotting 1j4-107 REC-1A-107 Reclamation 1A-107 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-23 Oct-22-23 48.0 1 Reclarhatibn '1A-107 lure 1 OGt-2Z-2a,Structurg1Nk Oa ERC-1A-108 Tower Erection 14108 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 10.1 jl Tower Erectibn 1A7,108 ASY-1Pr108 Tower Assembly 1A-108 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 10.1 1 lbwerAssembly. 1A-108 FDN-1A 108 Foundations 1A-108 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-08-22 12.0 j 1 foundations 1A-1b8 CLR-1A 108 Clearing 1A-108 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-06-22 12.8 1 Cleating 1A1108 ACC-1A-108 Access 1A-108 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 12.8 ;1 Access IA-1 08 j SPT-1A r108 Spotting 1A 108 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 17.9 :1 Spotting 1A-108 REC-1A-108 Reclamation 1A-108 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-23 Oct-22-23 48.0 1 Reclamation I1A-108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cture 1A-109 .8 281.8 48.0 Oct-21-2�,StruourolA7100 ERC-1A-109 Tower Erection 14109 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 10.1 Tower Er;ectibn:1Pr,109 ASY-1Pr109 Tower Assembly 1A-109 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 10.1 TpwerA�senjblyj 1k109 FDN-1A 109 Foundations 1A-109 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 12.0 j 1 �oundaboris 1A-109 CLR-1A-109 Clearing 1A-109 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 12.8 ;1 Clearing!1A 109 --;---;--;--;---;--T--;---;-- ACC-1Pr109 Access 1A-109 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-06-22 12.8 ;1 Accoss 1A-109 SPT-1A 109 Spotting 1A 109 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-08-22 18.0 :1 Spotting 1A-109 REC-1A 109 Reclamation 1Ak109 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-21-23 48.0 I Rpclarpatipn 1A-�09 MWOMMIXT1 72M.r Oct 20-23 Oct-20-23,StructurelA7110 ERC-1A 110 Tower Erection 1A4110 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 10.1 1 lower Erection ;1A,11Q - ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASY-1A110 Tower Assembly 1A-110 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 10.1 YowerA9serriblyj 1Ak11b FDN-1A 110 Foundations 1A-110 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-07-22 12.0 :1 Foundations 1A-110 CLR-1A-110 Clearing 1A-110 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 12.7 ;1 Clear;ingj 1A,11q ACC-1Ar110 Access 1A-110 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 12.7 11 Access 1/k110 SPT-1A 110 Spotting 1A 110 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22418.1 ;1 Spotting 1P 110--; T ,REC-1A-110 Reclamation 1Ak110 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-20-23 .0Reclar>7atign 1A- 10 Structure 1 281.5 Sep-03-22 Oct-20-23 Oc't-20-23,Steucture1Pr11L ERC-1A-111 Tower Erection 1A4111 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 .1 Tower Erpctipn JA7�17 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 23 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul ASY-1A-111 Tower Assembly 1A-111 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 10.1 I ower Assembly; 1Ar11;1 FDN-1A 111 Foundations 1Ak111 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 12.0 :1 Fouhdatior►s 1A 111 CLR-1A 111 Clearing 1/k111 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03 22 Sep-04-22 12.6 II Clearing:1A 11 ACC-1A 111 Access 1Pr111 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 12.6 :I Access L41;11 SPT-1A-111 Spotting 1A-111 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-07-22 18.2 :1 Spotting 1P-111 REC-1A-111 Reclamation 1A-111 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-23 Oct-20-23 48.0 I Reclamation '1A-i11 S 1A-112 48,0 :Oct-19-23,SteuctUrel4112 r - -- -- --r -- - ----- - - -- --r ERC-1A 112 Tower Erection 1/k112 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 10.1 I TpwQr Erpctipn j1/k�1Z ASY-1A-112 Tower Assembly 1A-112 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 10.1 1 Tower Assembly,19112 FDN-1A 112 Foundations 1A-112 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 12.0 :1 Foundation$ 1A-112 CLR-1A 112 Clearing 1A-112 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 12.5 (learing:lA 112 ACC-1A 112 Access 1Pr112 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 12.5 :I Access 14112 r SPT-1A-112 Spotting 1A-112 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-06-22 18.2 I Spotting 1A-1 2 REC-1A 112 Reclamation 1A-112 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-18-23 Oct-19-23 48.0 I :Reclamation 1A-112: Oct-18-23 48.0 Oct-18-23,StructUrel 4113: ERC-1A 113 Tower Erection 1Ak113 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 10.1 I Tower Erection 141-13 ASY-1A-113 Tower Assembly 1A-113 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 10.1 ' Tbwer Assembly,1X113 FDN-1A 113 Foundations 1A-113 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 12.0 ;I Four) ation$ 1A-113 CLR-1A 113 Clearing 1-113 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 12.5 Clearing:M-113 ACC-1A-113 Access 1A-113 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 12.5 I Access 1A-113 SPT-1A 113 Spotting 1Pr113 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 18.3 potting 1A 113 REC-1A-113 Reclamation 1A-113 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-23 Oct-18-23 48.0 I RetlaMatidn 1A-113 -dkMmtore 1 CkX-17 23;StrNcture---- ;- -- - -- - -- ----- --? OEM- ERC-1A-114 Tower Erection 1A,114 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 10.1 1 Tower Erection 14114 ASY-1Pr114 Tower Assembly 1A-114 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 10.1 1 Tower Assembly:1A114 FDN-1A 114 Foundations 1A-114 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 12.0 jl foundations 1A-114 CLR-1A-114 Clearing 1A-114 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 12.4 1 Cleariing;lA-114 --- r----- - --- --- 1-- --- r ACC-1A-114 Access 1A-114 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 12.4 1 Access JA-1�4 j SPT-1A 114 Spotting 1A-114 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 18.4 :I Spotting 1A-114 RECAA-114 Reclamation 1A-114 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-23 Oct-17-23 48.0 I Reclamation 1A 114 care 1A-115 f 48.0 :Oct-1y 23;StructoreiAk115 ERC-1/k115 Tower Erection 14115 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-28 22 Sep 29-22 10.1 1 Tower Er&ctidn 14115 ASY-1A 115 Tower Assembly 1A-115 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 10.1 I Tgwer Assembly 1A;115-- ------ --?- -- FDN-1A 115 Foundations 1A-115 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 12.0 �ouridationi 1A-115 CLR-1A-115 Clearing 1A 115 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-01-22 12.3 I Clear.ing;1A-115 ACC-1A115 Access 1A-115 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 12.3 Access 1A-1;15 SPT-1A 115 Spotting 1A 115 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 18.5 :I Spotting 1A-115 r -- - -- - -- REC-1A 115 Reclamation 1A-115 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-23 Oct-17-23 48.0 I Re�larriatign h4�15 1A-116 � Ckt 16-23 Oct-1fi 23i Structurel/k116 ERC-1A 116 Tower Erection 1A-116 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 10.1 1 Tower Erection 14116 ASY1A116 Tower Assembly 1A-116 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 10.1 4 Tower Assembly:1A;11i FDN-1A 116 Foundations 1-116 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-02-22 12.0 I FouridationS 1A-116 CLR-1A-116 Clearing 1A-116 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 12.2 I glearjng;1Ak116 ACC-1Pr116 Access 1A-116 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-01-22 12.2 1 Acc6s 1A-176 SPT-1A 116 Spotting 1A 116 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 18.5 1 SpoCting 1A 116 REC-1A-116 Reclamation 1A-116 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15-23 Oct-16-23 48.0 I Reclamation 1A i16: Structure 1A-117 2 Aug-31-22 Oct- 5 ;Oct-15�23,I St rU ctw re l A-117 r -- - ----- - - ---,- - ---,- - ---,-- - - ----- --, ERC-1A-117 Tower Erection 1A-117 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 10.1 Tgwer En�ctign �4117 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 24 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F I M A I M J Jul A S O IN J F I M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O IN J F M A M J lul ASY-1A-117 Tower Assembly 1A-117 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-26-22 10.1 I; Tower Assem,ly,1A-11 FDN-1A 117 Foundations 1A-117 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 12.0 1 F�ouridationS 1A 117 CLR-1A 117 Clearing 1/k117 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-3122 Aug 31-22 12.2 j Qlearjng j1/k17j ACC-1A 117 Access 1Pr117 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-3122 Sep-01-22 12.2 Access 1;A 1. -------�--,---I---�---- -- -- - -- --- -- -- - -- --- -- - -- - - --- SPT-1A-117 Spotting 1A-117 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-02-22 18.6 1 Spotting 1A-117 REC-1A-11 7 Reclamation 1A-117 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15-23 Oct-15-23 48.0 j I Reclamtation 1A 117 Structure 1Ad18 280.4 ;Oct-15F23,;StrUct6relA,118; ERC-1A 118 Tower Erection 1A-118 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-26-22 10.1 I. Tgwe�Er�ctign jA,J18 j ASY-1A-118 Tower Assembly 1A-118 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 10.1 Ij Tower Assembly;lA;118 g- p J J -- ------ -- FDN-1Pr118 Foundations 1A-118 0.7 0.7 0% Au 31-22 Se -01-22 12.0 I � o -s 1A-118 o FourYdati CLR-1A 118 Clearing 1A-118 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 12.1 I t.learing',1A i18 ACC-1A 118 Access 1Pr118 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-31-22 Aug-31-22 12.1 I Access 1A-118 SPT-1A-118 Spotting 1A-118 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 18.7 j Spotft 1A 11¢ REC-1A 118 Reclamation 1A-118 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-23 Oct-15-23 48.0 j I Reclamation 1/k118 ---------------- ---- ----- - -- -- -- -- - - --- - -- ---------- 99 Oct-1423,;Structure1A-119; ERC-1A 119 Tower Erection 1A-119 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 10.1 Ij Tower Erection 1,4119 j ASY-1A-119 Tower Assembly 1A-119 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 10.1 1, Tower As�emfSly 11A 119 CLR-1A 119 Clearing 1A-119 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 12.0 ( Clearing 1A-119; ACC-1A-119 Access 1Pr119 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 12.0 Access 1A-119 --------- ------- --------------- - -- - -- -- ---- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - FDN-1A-119 Foundations 1A-119 0.7 0.7 0% Aug-31-22 Aug-31-22 12.0 1 FiDunclatio% IA-119 SPT-1A 119 Spotting 1Pr119 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 18.8 l Spot�ingj 1P}-11 REC-1A-119 Reclamation 1A-119 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-13-23 Oct-14-23 48.0 I ;Reclamation 1A-119 tore 1B-00 MovL08,.23,,StrtpctgreJB-Q02 j ERC-1B-002 Tower Erection 113-002 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 10.1 [ Tower Erection 113-002 - - ----- ----- -- -- - -- -- -- ---- - ASY-16-002 Tower Assembly 16-002 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 10.1 1: Tower Assem. 16-002 CLR-113-002 Clearing 113-002 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 12.0 I Clearing;p-002 ACC-113-002 Access 16-002 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 12.0 AtceSs 16-002 FDN-113-002 Foundations 113-002 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 28.2 ;I Fougdat;ions 1Q-0Q2 SPT-16-002 Spotting 16-002 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 28.2 jl Spotting 19-002 REC-16-002 Reclamation 1B-002 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-08-23 38.6 ;1 Reclamation 16-002 cture 1B-003 f 38.6 Novj07 23,;StrocturelB-d03 ER C-1B-003 Tower Erection 113-003 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 10.1 1; TQWer'Erdctidn 113-003 ASY-16-003 Tower Assembly 16-003 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 10.1 Ij Tawer,As$embly j1B-00 CLR-113-003 Clearing 113-003 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 12.0 ClearingB-003 ------ --------- � -- - -- -- ---- -- -- - -- FDN-1B-003 Foundations 1B-003 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 28.1 I Foundations 1"03 SPT16-003 Spotting 16-003 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 28.1 ;I spotting 1�-003 ACC-113-003 Access 16-003 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 32.2 AtceSs 16-003 REC-113-003 Reclamation 113-003 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-07-23 38.6 ;1 Reclamation 1Q-003 JUb Nov-07-23 Nov 07;23Structure tiB 004 -- -- - -- - - - - ----- ERC-16-004 Tower Erection 113-004 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 10.1 I; Tower,Erection 1B-004; ASY-113-004 Tower Assembly 16-004 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 10.1 1: Tower,Assembly j1B-004 CLR-113-004 Clearing 113-004 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-28-22 12.0 1: Clearing 113-004; FDN-113-004 Foundations 113-004 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 28.0 l Fourjdat;ons 1Q-OQ4 SPT-16-004 Spotting 16-004 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 28.0 )l Spotting 19-004 -- - -- ACC-16-004 Access 16-004 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 32.0 I Access 16-0©4 REC-113-004 Reclamation 1B-004 0.7 0.7 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-07-23 38.6 jl keclemation lk-004 Structure 1B-0 305.6 Aug-27-22 Nov-06-23 Nov�06-23,StrdctUre113-005 ASY1B-005 Tower Assembly 1B-005 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 10.1 Ij Tower,Ass.pmbly 116-005, Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work V==NNN► Su... 25 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul ERC-113-005 Tower Erection 1B-005 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 10.1 1; Tower Erection B-Q05 CLR-16-005 Clearing 115-005 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 12.0 1, Clearing 105 FDN-113-005 Foundations 113-005 0.7 0.7 00 Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 27.9 a Fourjdat;ionj 1Q-Og5 SPT-1B-005 Spotting 1B-005 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 27.9 Spot ino 10-005 ACC-1B-005 Access 16-005 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-28-22 31.9 C Access 18-005 REC-16-005 Reclamation 113-005 0.7 1 0.7 0% Nov-05-23 Nov-06-23 38.6 i1 Reclamation lb-005 Nov405-23,StrrJctUre11 8-006 ASY-113-006 Tower Assembly 16-006 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-26-23 7.7 1: T4wefAsgembly 116-00F ERC-113-006 Tower Erection 113-006 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-27-23 7.7 Tower Erection 1B-006 FDN-16-006 Foundations 113-006 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-20-22 13.7 1 Foundations;16-009 CLR-113-006 Clearing 113-006 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 17.9 1: Clearing 1B-006j SPT-113-006 Spotting 113-006 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 33.9 1 Spbttihg 1B-006 ACC-113-006 Access 16-006 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 36.7 1; kce�s 1"Q6 REC-16-006 Reclamation 113-006 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-04-23 Nov-05-23 38.6 ;I Reclamation 16-006 275. p26-22 Nov-04-23 38.6 Nov-A4-23,Structure 16-007I ASY-113-007 Tower Assembly 16-007 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-23 Sep-26-23 7.7 Ij Tower Assembly 16-00� - --- --- - -- -- ERC-113-007 Tower Erection 113-007 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-26-23 7.7 1, Tdwef Erdctidn 113-007 FDN-113-007 Foundations 113-007 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 13.7 I Founclatignsj16-007 SPT-113-007 Spotting 113-007 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 33.7 1 Spotting 113-007 CLR-113-007 Clearing 113-007 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 36.9 1; Clearing 113-007 ACC-16-007 I Access 16-007 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 36.9 ! Access 113-007 REC-16-007 Reclamation 16-007 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-03-23 Nov-04-23 38.6 :1 Recbmatiori 1B-007 Structure 16 0 Nov-03-Z3,$trycture 1R-Op8 j ASY-11B-008 Tower Assembly 113-008 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-23 Sep-25-23 7.7 [ Tower Assembly '113-008 ERC-16-008 Tower Erection 113-008 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-23 Sep-26-23 7.7 II Tower Erection 1B-008 FDN-I13-008 Foundations 113-008 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 13.7 1 F6undati6nsj1B-00$ ----- - -- --- L- --- - - -- SPT-1B-008 Spotting 1B-008 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 33.6 1 Spottihg 113-00$ CLR-113-008 I Clearing 113-008 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 37.0 Clearing IB-008 ACC-16-008 Access 16-008 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 37.0 i Ai cess 16-008 REC-113-008 Reclamation 1B-008 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Nov-03-23 Nov-03-23 38.6 :I Reclamation 16-008 2 .3 - 3 38.6 Nov-03-23,$tructure1l-009 --- ASY-1B-009 Tower Assembly 16-009 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-23 Sep 24-23 7.7 l; TaWerAssembly 16-009 ERC-16-009 Tower Erection 113-009 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-23 Sep-25-23 7.7 1; Tower,Er�ctign JB-Q09 j FDN-1B-009 Foundations 1B-009 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 13.7 l Foundations;lB 009 SPT-113-009 Spotting 113-009 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 33.4 1; Spotting I113-009 CLR-16-009 Clearing 115-009 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 37.2 I Clearing iB-009j ACC-113-009 Access 16-009 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 37.2 i Access 16-009 REC-113-009 Reclamation 113-009 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-02-23 Nov-03-23 38.6 i Reclamation, 1Q-0Q9 c re 10 270. NovNov-02_23-23 Nov-02-23,Struct4relB-010 ASY-16-010 Tower Assembly 16-010 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 7.7 11 Tol erAssembly 16-010 ERC-113-010 Tower Erection 113-010 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-23 Sep-24-23 7.7 li Tower Erection 1B-dlO j FDN-113-010 Foundations 113-010 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 13.7 1; Fdundati6ns;113-01© SPT-113-010 Spotting 113-010 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-24-22 33.2 11 Spotdpg j16-010 CLR-16-010 Clearing 115-010 0.7 0.7 1 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 37.4 i Clearing 1B-010 ACC-16-010 Access 16-010 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 37.4 I Access 16-010 REC-113-010 Reclamation 113-010 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-01-23 Nov-02-23 38.6 1 Reclamation 19-010 Structure 1 B-01 --�-- --�------ --�-- ------�-- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ---,--- -- ---,--- -- --,------ --�-- - 269.31111V Sep-29-22 Nov-01-23 38 Nov-0123,Strut:tutelB-011 ASY1B-011 Tower Assembly 16-011 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 7.7 1: Tower,Ass�mbly JB-011 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 26 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South IS G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule M. ..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D J I F I M A M J I Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ERC-16-011 Tower Erection 1B-011 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 7.7 1; Tower,Erection 113-011 FDN-16-011 Foundations 113-011 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 13.7 I, Foundations:16-011 SPT-113-011 Spotting 16-011 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 33.1 I; Spottjng j1B4O11 '- -- --- --'--'---'- -- --- ----- --------- ---- --- --------- --------- CLR-113-011 Clearing 113-011 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 37.5 Clearing 76 011 ACC-113-011 Access 16-011 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 37.5 I AkceSs 16-011 REC-16-011 Reclamation 113-011 0.8 0.8 1 0% 1 Oct-31-23 Nov-01-23 38.6 i I eclamation: 16-01;1 1 B-012 267. - Oct-31-23,Strudtudel B-012 ASY-113-012 Tower Assembly 16-012 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-21-23 7.7 I Toyver,Assgmtjly612j o -- --i-- Tower -'---- r--- ------- ------------------------ -- --------------------------------------- ERC-1B-012 Tower Erection 1B-012 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 7.7 I; Erectioh 1B 12 FDN-16-012 Foundations 113-012 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 13.7 I; Foundations:1B-012 SPT-113-012 Spotting 113-012 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 32.9 I; Spotting j1Bj01 CLR-113-012 Clearing 113-012 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 37.7 I Clearing 16-012 ACC-113-012 Access 16-012 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 37.7 I Access 1,6-012 6 Reclamation ;REC-16-012 Reclamation 1B-012 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-30-23 Oct-31-23 38. 1g-0ti2 325. Aug-01-22 Oct-30-23 38.6 Oct-30-23,StruCturt?1P-013 CLR-1B-013 Clearing 1B-013 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 12.0 { C;learing j1B-013 FDN-1B-013 Foundations 1B-013 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-26-22 14.3 Ij Fdundatibns;1B013 SPT-1B-013 Spotting 16-013 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 21.9 I; Spotting:1B4O1 --'---'--'- '---'-- --'---'- - ASY-113-013 Tower Assembly 16-013 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-19-23 Aug-20-23 37.9 I Tower,Assembly 1B-013 ACC-113-013 Access 16-013 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 38.0 ;I Access IB-013 REC-16-013 Reclamation 113-013 1.1 1.1 0% Oct-29-23 Oct-30-23 38.6 k Reclaination',1"1 ERC-16-013 Tower Erection 113-013 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-20-23 Aug-21-23 43.5 I ToWer;Erettioh 1B-013 tructure 1 Oct-Z9-23,SXrugturelK14 CLR-1B-014 Clearing 1B-014 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 12.0 Clearing;1B-b14 ---------------------------- FDN-16-014 Foundations 1B-014 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-26-22 14.3 I; Foundations:1M14 SPT-1B-014 Spotting 16-014 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-27-22 21.9 Ij Spottingj1B;014 ACC-1B-014 Access 16-014 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 37.7 y Accdss 1B-014 ASY-1B-014 Tower Assembly 16-014 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-18-23 Aug-19-23 37.9 I Tower.ssemgly jB-014j --;--I - ---I-- -- ---; - I--'--'- REC-16-014 Reclamation 1B-014 1.1 1.1 0% Oct-28-23 Oct-29-23 38.6 Reclamation,1"14 ERC-16-014 Tower Erection 1B-014 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-19-23 Aug-20-23 43.5 I ToWer;Erectioh 16-014 1B-015 3 0 38.6 Oct-2$-2�,StruourelB-01� CLR-1B-015 Clearing 1B-015 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 12.0 Cleafing;l6-015 FDN-1B-015 Foundations 1B-015 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 14.3 1: Fqundatipnsj 1Bj-01� '- --' '--'--'---'----- -- ---- --- --- ----- --------- ---- --- ------------------- SPT-1B-015 Spotting 16-015 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 21.9 Ij Spotting:1B?015 ACC-1B-015 Access 16-015 0.6 1 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-03-22 37.5 ;I Access 16-0.15 ASY-16-015 Tower Assembly 16-015 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-17-23 Aug-18-23 37.9 I Toyverjossem* 1B-015j REC-1B-015 Reclamation 1B-015 1.1 1.1 0% Oct-27-23 Oct-28-23 38.6 Ij Reclamation 116: : ERC-113-015 Tower Erection 113-015 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-18-23 Aug-19-23 I ToWer:Erectiop 1�-015 j Strucc re 1B-016 320. Oct 27-23 Oct-27-23,StructurelB-016 r CLR-16-016 Clearing 1B-016 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-03-227t14.3 ;I Clear.ing:1B-019 FDN-1B-016 Foundations 1B-016 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-27-22Foundations;1B-016 SPT-1B-016 Spotting 1B-016 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-28-22 . II S�otting;lB 016 ACC-113-016 Access 16-016 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 37.2 :I Access 1;B-016 j o ; TowerAssemb 16-0---------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ASY-16-016 Tower Assembly 16-016 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-16-23 Aug-17-23 37.9 I N 16' REC-16-016 Reclamation 16-016 1.1 1.1 0% Oct-26-23 Oct-27-23 38.6 I; Reclamation 11B-016 ERC-113-016 Tower Erection 113-016 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-17-23 Aug-18-23 43.5 j I TowerEreetiom 113-016 Structure 1B-01 291.9 Aug-03 22 Sep-29-23 Spp 29 23,Strudturp 1B-0117 CLR 16-017 Clearing 1B-017 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 12.0 ;I Gle4ingj113-017 Remaining Level of Effort IN= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 27 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I M I J lul FDN-16-017 Foundations 1B-017 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-27-22 16.7 I; Fqundations;1B;-01 SPT-16-017 Spotting 16-017 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 21.9 { Spotting;113M7 ASY-113-017 Tower Assembly 16-017 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-15-23 Aug-16-23 37.9 I ITowerQsspmbti �6-0,17 j ACC-113-017 Access 16-017 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-04-22 39.3 j1 access 1B-017 ERC-113-017 Tower Erection 113-017 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-16-23 Aug-17-23 41.7 I IToWer Erection 18-017 REC-16-017 Reclamation 1B-017 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-28-23 Sep-29-23 61.9 I- a-- on: --- ° Recl maion 1B-017 - - S 18 Sip-28-23,Structurpl6-018 CLR-113-018 Clearing 113-018 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-04-22 12.0 II GIearingj113-01a FDN-113-018 Foundations 113-018 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 16.7 1j Foundations;113%01$ SPT-16-018 Spotting 16-018 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 21.9 1 Spotting;1B-018 ASY-113-018 Tower Assembly 16-018 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-14-23 Aug-15-23 37.9 I Tower Assembly 18 ACC-113-018 Access 16-018 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 39.0 :I Access 1B-018 ERC-1B-018 Tower Erection 1B-018 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-15-23 Aug-16-23 41.7 I (Tower rection 1$-018 REC-16-018 Reclamation 1B-018 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-27-23 Sep-28-23 61.9 l Reclamation j 1B'018 g-04-22 Sep-27-23 Sep-27-23,Structure 1B-019 CLR-1B-019 Clearing 1B-019 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 12.0 ;I �Ieahngj 1Bj01� ----------------- -- ------ --------- -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- ------------ - FDN-1B-019 Foundations 1B-019 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-28-22 16.7 1, Fbundations;1B:019 SPT-113-019 Spotting 16-019 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 21.9 ( Spotting:1BjO19 ASY-113-019 Tower Assembly 16-019 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-13-23 Aug-14-23 37.9 I 'Tower Assembly 1,13-019 ACC-113-019 Access 16-019 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-05-22 38.8 :1 Access 1B-019 g g -----;--; i --;- -tio'-1�-01--;--- -- ; ERC-16-019 Tower Erection 13-019 1.1 1.1 0% Au 14-23 Au 15-23 41.7 1 ,To yer�rec, n 9 REC-16-019 Reclamation 16-019 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-27-23 61.9 I Rpclalnattion;16F019 tructure 1 Sqp-2,6-23,Structurel"2p CLR-16-020 Clearing 113-020 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-05-22 12.0 j1 glearing;1B:020 FDN-16-020 Foundations 113-020 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-28-22 16.7 g Foundations;1B-020 - -- --- -- --- ------ ----- ----- SPT-113-020 Spotting 16-020 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 21.9 1 Spotting: 113 020 ASY-113-020 Tower Assembly 16-020 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-12-23 Aug-13-23 37.9 I TowerAsselnbly 16-020 ACC-113-020 Access 16-020 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 38.5 ;1 Access IB-Q20; ERC-16-020 Tower Erection 113-020 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-13-23 Aug-14-23 38.9 1 'Tower trectiori 1"210 REC-16-020 Reclamation 1B-020 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-25-23 Sep-26-23 61.9 1. Reclamation;1B-02p Structure 18-021 2 .4 61.9 $ep-25-2 ,StIructurg 1B 02 i , CLR-113-021 Clearing 113-021 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 12.0 :1 Cleating;1134021 FDN-16-021 Foundations 113-021 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-28-22 16.7 1; Fqundatipnsj 1BL02� SPT-113-021 Spotting 16-021 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-31-22 Aug-31-22 21.9 1 Spotting; 1"21 ASY-113-021 Tower Assembly 1B-021 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-11-23 Aug-12-23 37.9 :1 Tower Assembly 18-021 ---' - ACC-16-021 Access 16-021 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 38.2 I Access�"21 ERC-113-021 Tower Erection 113-021 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-12-23 Aug-13-23 38.9 1 Tower Erection 16-021 REC-113-021 Reclamation 113-021 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-24-23 Sep-25-23 61.9 1; RQclamatjon j113-021 283.8 283.8 Sep-24-23 Sep24-23,Stiructure1B022 CLR-16-022 Clearing 115-022 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 12.0 :1 Clearing 16-022 FDN-113-022 Foundations 113-022 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 16.7 1 Foundations 19-02j2 SPT-113-022 Spotting 113-022 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 21.9 1 Spotting 16-022 ACC-113-022 Access 16-022 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-07-22 37.9 ;1 Access I&g22; ASY-16-022 Tower Assembly 16-022 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-10-23 Aug-11-23 37.9 1 7owerFlssembly 16-022 ERC-16-022 Tower Erection 113-022 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-11-23 Aug-12-23 38.9 1 Tower Erection: 18-022 REC-113-022 Reclamation 113-022 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-23-23 Sep-24-23 61.9 1i Reclamation 1B 022 282.2Jilin Sep 23-23,Sttucturd 1023Structure 16-0 CLR 1B-023 Clearing 113-023 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-07-22 12.0 11 Clearing 11BL023 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 28 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J I F I M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul FDN-1B-023 Foundations 1B-023 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 16.7 1 Foundatpns; 1B;-02;3 SPT-16-023 Spotting 16-023 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-01-22 21.9 1 Spottin$ 16-023 r--;--- - - ACCAB-023 Access 1B-023 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 37.6 I Access 1B-023 ASY-1B-023 Tower Assembly 16-023 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-09-23 Aug-10-23 37.9 j1 Towerassembly 18-023 ERCAB-023 Tower Erection 1B-023 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-10-23 Aug-11-23 38.9 I Tower Erection: 18-023 REC-1B-023 Reclamation 1B-023 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 61.9 I j Reclamation 16-02 Structure 1M24 22- 61.9 Se0-22-23,Sttucturd1B4024 r ;I ; CLRAB-024 Clearing 1B-024 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 12.0 I Gearing 1B;024 FDN-1B-024 Foundations 1B-024 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 16.7 Fbundations; IM24 SPT-16-024 Spotting 16-024 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 21.9 1 Spotting 15-02} ACCAB-024 Access 1B-024 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-08-22 37.4 I 4cess iB-024 ASY-1B-024 Tower Assembly 16-024 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-08-23 Aug-09-23 37.9 1 TovJerAssernbly 1B-024 g g - -- - i- -- ;- ERC-18-024 Tower Erection 1B-024 1.1 1.1 0% Au -09-23 Au 10-23 38.9 ;1 Tower Erection; 1Q-024 REC-16-024 Reclamation 1B-024 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 61.9 1: Reclamation 113-024 Sep 21-23 Sep-21-23,Structure.1B-02S CLRAB-025 Clearing 1B-025 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-08-22 12.0 j I ✓learing 19-025 FDN-1B-025 Foundations 1B-025 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 16.7 Fbundations; 1B-025 SPT-1B-025 Spotting 1B-025 0.6 0.6 0% Se -02-22 Se -02-22 21.9 1 S;potl ing - --, ---- p g p p 1�-025 I I I I I I I I I ACCAB-025 Access 16-025 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 37.1 I Access 7B-025; ASY-1B-025 Tower Assembly 16-025 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-07-23 Aug-08-23 37.9 II TowerAssembN 16-025 ERC-16-025 Tower Erection 1B-025 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-08-23 Aug-09-23 38.9 i1 TowerECection:1Bj02$ REC-1B-025 Reclamation 16-025 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-20-23 Sep-21-23 61.9 I Retlartiatibn 1B-025 tructure 1 - -- - -- -- Sep-2Q-2a,St uctur B-02C ;- r, e1 - --- CLR-16-026 Clearing 1B-026 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 12.0 I Clearing 1g-026 FDN-16-026 Foundations 1B-026 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 16.7 { Foundations; 1Q 026 SPT-1B-026 Spotting 16-026 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 21.9 j $potting 19-02;6 ACCAB-026 Access 16-026 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-09-22 36.8 I Access 1B-026 N g g - b, r--;- ASY-1B-026 TowerAssemb 16-026 1.1 1.1 0% Au -06-23 Au -07-23 37.9 I Tow�rgsserrr ly �6 ERC-16-026 Tower Erection 1B-026 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-07-23 Aug-08-23 38.9 I tower Erection:16 026 RECAB-026 Reclamation 1B-026 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-19-23 Sep 20-23 61.9 1 Reclamation 1B-026 Structure 1B-027 2 .8 Se 61.9 Sep-1$-23;Struct,ure:1B-027 CLRAB-027 Clearing 1B-027 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-09-22 12.0 I Cle�rin$16-027 r ; FDN-16-027 Foundations 1B-027 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 16.7 1 Fpundatjonsj 1"2;7 SPT-1B-027 Spotting 16-027 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 21.9 jl Spotting 19-02.7 ACCAB-027 Access 16-027 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 36.5 I Access 1B-027 ASY-16-027 Tower Assembly 1B-027 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-05-23 Aug-06-23 37.9 ;I tow4A;serpbM 19-02'7 ERCAB-027 Tower Erection 1B-027 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-06-23 Aug-07-23 38.9 1 Towdr Erection:16027 r ; RECAB-027 Reclamation 1B-027 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-18-23 Sep-19-23 61.9 l ReFla align B Q27 m 274. Sep 18-23 Sep-18-23;Structure:1B-028 CLR-16-028 Clearing 1B-028 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 12.0 1 Clearing 18-028 FDN-1B-028 Foundations 1B-028 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 16.7 1 Foundations: Hm028 SPT-1B-028 Spotting 1B-028 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 21.9 II Spotting 1B-OZ8 r - --- - -- ACCAB-028 Access 1B-028 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 36.2 I i4ccpss�131-028; ASY-16-028 Tower Assembly 1B-028 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-03-23 Aug-05-23 37.9 j1 Towbr&sembl. 18-02'8 ERCAB-028 Tower Erection 113-028 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-05-23 Aug-06-23 38.9 ;I Tower Erection;1B-028 RECAB-028 Reclamation 1B-028 1.1 1 1.1 0% Sep-17-23 Sep-18-23 61.9 1 j Reclamation iB-028j Structure 1 B-029 272.6 Aug-10 22 Sep 17-23 Se�17-23;St rUctUre 16-029' CLR-11B-029 Clearing 1B-029 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 M12.0 I Clearing 1E}02� Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 29 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A I S O N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I M I J lul FDN-16-029 Foundations 1B-029 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 16.7 I Foundations 1 -029 SPT-16-029 Spotting 16-029 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 21.9 II Spotting 16-029 ACC-113-029 Access 16-029 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-11-22 36.0 I Access�13-029; ASY-113-029 Tower Assembly 16-029 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-02-23 Aug-03-23 37.9 M Tow6rMsembly; 1"29 g g --- --;-- - --- ERC-1B-029 Tower Erection 1B-029 1.1 1.1 0% Au -03-23 Au -05-23 38.9 1 on;1B-029 o Tower Erecti REC-1B-029 Reclamation 113-029 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-15-23 Sep-17-23 61.9 I j Rolamatign 1B-029j Structure 1 30 2 ,O ;Sep-15'23,StrUctdrelB-0301 CLR-113-030 Clearing 113-030 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-11-22 12.0 ; I Clearing 10030 FDN-113-030 Foundations 113-030 0.3 0.3 0% Aug-31-22 Aug-31-22 16.7 Foundations 1g-030 ----------------- ----------- - -- --- -- - ----- - - - - ----- ---- - SPT-16-030 Spotting 16-030 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-06-22 21.9 ;I Spotting 16-030 ACC-113-030 Access 16-030 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 35.7 1 ;Acoess;113-1330 ASY-113-030 Tower Assembly 16-030 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-01-23 Aug-02-23 37.9 I ThwdrMserhbly,1B:030 ERC-113-030 Tower Erection 113-030 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-02-23 Aug-03-23 38.9 I Tpwi�r Erectjon j1B-Q3q REC-16-030 Reclamation 113-030 1.1 1.1tO.%,., Sep-14-23 Sep-15-23 61.9 1 j Reclamation 16-030 j - - -- -- - - --- -- -- - -- -- -- - ------ --+ Se 14-23 ;Sep-14'-23,StrUcturelB-0311 CLR-1B-031 Clearing 1B-031 0.6 0.6Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 12.0 j I ;Clearing 1"- l FDN-1B-031 Foundations 1B-031 0.3 0.3Aug-31-22 Aug-31-22 16.7 ! Fbundation� 1B-031 SPT-1B-031 Spotting 1B-031 0.6 0.6 Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 21.9 ;I Spotting 113-031 j ACC-113-031 Access 16-031 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-12-22 35.4 I ; ccess;1B-031 - -- -- - -- - -- ---- - - - ------ -- - - - ASY-1B-031 Tower Assembly 16-031 1.1 1.1 0% Jul-31-23 Aug-01-23 37.9 1 TdwerASsembly;1B-031 ERC-16-031 Tower Erection 113-031 1.1 1.1 0% Aug-01-23 Aug-02-23 38.9 1 Tower Erection :1431' REC-16-031 Reclamation 16-031 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-13-23 Sep-14-23 61.9 1 Redlarnatidn 1B-031 tructure 1 2 jSep 13�23,:StractareIB-Q32 CLR-16-032 Clearing 113-032 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-12-22 12.0 1 �Iearin�19-052 ---- ------ ------ FDN-16-032 Foundations 113-032 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-29-22 13.0 I Foundations 18-03,2 SPT-113-032 Spotting 16-032 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 29.0 k Spott�ingj 113�03 rASY-113-032 Tower Assembly 16-032 1.1 1.1 0% Jul-30-23 Jul-31-23 37.9 I T6wdrAslserribly;16:032 ERC-113-032 Tower Erection 113-032 1.1 1.1 0% Jul-31-23 Aug-01-23 38.9 I Tower Erection j1B-Q32, REC-16-032 Reclamation 113-032 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-12-23 Sep-13-23 61.9 1 Reclamation 16-032 ACC-16-032 Access 16-032 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 89.1 1 Ac[ess;113-032 Structure 1 Ei-033 2 .1 61.9 Sep 12 23;Strcturef6 d33 CLR-1B-033 Clearing 1B-033 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 12.0 I ;Clearinj 16033 FDN-16-033 Foundations 113-033 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 13.0 R FpunKlatipn$ 1q ,3 SPT-113-033 Spotting 16-033 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-29-22 29.1 Spot[ing;1g-033 j Tower ,1B-03 J ASY-1B-033 Tower Assembly 16-033 1.1 1.1 0% Jul-29-23 Jul-30-23 37.9 j 1 ERC-16-033 Tower Erection 113-033 1.1 1.1 0% Jul-30-23 Jul-31-23 38.9 k Tower Erection ;' B"33', REC-113-033 Reclamation 1B-033 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-11-23 Sep-12-23 61.9 1 :Reclamation 16-033 ACC-113-033 Access 16-033 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-13-22 87.8 I Access j1B-033; c re IMii264.711111111111 V Sep 11 23,Str6cturelB-034' CLR-16-034 Clearing 115-034 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-13-22 12.0 1 ;Clearing 18-03,4 FDN-113-034 Foundations 113-034 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 13.0 I; Foundations; 113 034 ERC-113-034 Tower Erection 113-034 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-17-22 Nov-18-22 14.8 1 Tower Erettioh 16-034 ASY-113-034 Tower Assembly 16-034 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-15-22 Nov-16-22 15.0 I ;Tower Qs mbly JB-j34 j SPT-16-034 Spotting 16-034 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 29.2 SpotGing;1g-034 ---- REC-16-034 Reclamation 16-034 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-10-23 Sep 11-23 61.9 I :Reclamation 1B-03, 4 J J ACC-113-034 Access 16-034 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 86.6 j I Ac4essj113-034 Structure 16-0 262.9Jilin Aug-13-22 Sep-10-23 5ep40,23,5trdctu're1B-035 CLR-16-035 Clearing 115-035 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 12.0 1 ;Clearing 10�5 Remaining Level of Effort III= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 30 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul FDN-16-035 Foundations 1B-035 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-27-22 13.0 I; Foundations; 16 03 - ERC-16-035 Tower Erection 113-035 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-15-22 Nov-17-22 14.8 III Touter Erettioh 16-035 ASY-1B-035 Tower Assembly 16-035 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-15-22 15.0 I ;TovyerAssgmb� 113-0,35: SPT-1B-035 Spotting 1B-035 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 29.3 I; Spotting:1M3 REC-1B-035 Reclamation 1B-035 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-09-23 Sep-10-23 61.9 I Reclamation 18-035 ACC-16-035 Access 16-035 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-14-22 85.4 I IAc4ess;1B-035 S 1 B-036 p Au -14-2 12-22 ISM► ecF12F22,:StrlacturelB-036, CLR-1B-036 Clearing 1B-036 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-14-22 12.0 I :Clearing 1�-0�6 FDN-1B-036 Foundations 1B-036 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 13.0 Ij Foundations; 1M36 ERC-16-036 Tower Erection 1B-036 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-15-22 14.8 1 ;Tower Erection 16-036 ASY-1B-036 Tower Assembly 16-036 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-13-22 Nov-14-22 15.0 I TovverAssembly 1B-0 6 SPT-1B-036 Spotting 1B-036 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-27-22 29.4 1: Sootting:1BM6 REC-1B-036 Reclamation 1B-036 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-11-22 Dec-12-22 58.8 I Reclamation �B-056 j ACC-16-036 Access 16-036 t 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 84.2 j I IAcdess:1B-036 Aug-14-22 ;�� Dec;11;22,:StrUctureIB-038: CLR-1B-038 Clearing 1B-038 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 12.0 j I Cle$ring 11�-018 FDN-1B-038 Foundations 1B-038 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-26-22 13.0 Ij Ftlundatibns,16038 ERC-1B-038 Tower Erection 1B-038 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-13-22 Nov-14-22 14.8 I jTower Erettion 15-0�8 ASY-113-038 Tower Assembly 16-038 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-12-22 Nov-13-22 15.0 I ITowerAssembly 113-038 SPT-113-038 Spotting 113-038 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 29.5 1: Spotting:lB-038 REC-16-038 Reclamation 113-038 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-10-22 Dec-11-22 58.8 I �eclametion 1B-008 -- -- ACC-16-038 Access 16-038 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 83.0 : I :Acdess:164038 Structure 1 Vmmmmm�.V Pec%09,22,5trpctgre JB-039 CLR-16-039 Clearing 113-039 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 12.0 j I jClearin�18-039 FDN-16-039 Foundations 113-039 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 13.0 I; Foundations;16-039 ERC-113-039 Tower Erection 113-039 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-12-22 Nov-13-22 14.8 I Tovier ll�reckion 19-039 - -- ASY-1B-039 Tower Assembly 16-039 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-12-22 15.0 I ToWerRsselnbl� 1'B-039 --- -- -- -- --- I - SPT-113-039 Spotting 113-039 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Oct-26-22 Oct-26-22 29.6 I; Spotting:16,039 REC-16-039 Reclamation 113-039 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-08-22 Dec-09-22 58.8 I Reclamation tiB-039 ACC-16-039 Access 16-039 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-16-22 81.8 1 IAcCess:1131.039 Structure I B-0 IL ill q 1LI.9 g jvolomm.momm.mov Oec-08 22,5tructu;relB-040 CLR-113-040 Clearing 113-040 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-16-22 12.0 I :Clearing 1B-040 - -- FDN-16-040 Foundations 113-040 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 13.0 I; F6unGlatipns:1BL04Q ERC-113-040 Tower Erection 113-040 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-11-22 Nov-12-22 14.8 1 'rower Erectiori 18-040 ASY-113-040 Tower Assembly 1B-040 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-10-22 Nov-11-22 15.0 :1 TowerAssernbl� IB-040 ; SPT-16-040 Spotting 16-040 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 29.7 I; Spotting:11304Q REC-1B-040 Reclamation 16-040 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-07-22 Dec-08-22 58.8 II Reclamation 16-040 ACC-1B-040 Access 16-040 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 80.5 I :AcGess:1B4O4q 110.3§ Dec07;22,5tructurelB-041 CLR-16-041 Clearing 1B-041 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 12.0 1 :Clearing 18-041 FDN-16-041 Foundations 113-041 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-24-22 13.0 I; Foundati6ns:lB;041 ERC-113-041 Tower Erection 113-041 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-10-22 Nov-11-22 14.8 I Tower Erection 113-041 ASY-113-041 Tower Assembly 16-041 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-10-22 15.0 11 Tow,erPjssejnbFy 15-041 j SPT-16-041 Spotting 16-041 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 29.8 1: Spotting:16?041 REC-16-041 Reclamation 16-041 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-06-22 Dec-07-22 58.8 :I Reclamation 18-041 ACC-113-041 Access 16-041 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-17-22 79.3 I ;Ac4ess:113104i -- -- -- -- - --- L- --- - - -- - -- - -- Structure 1B-0 108.7 Aug 17 22 Dec-06-22 �!�!�!► Dec-06 22,StrtictureL6-042 CLR 16-042 Clearing 1B-042 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-17-22 Aug 17 22 12.0 1 ;Clearing 1�-042 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 31 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ,..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul FDN-16-042 Foundations 1B-042 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 13.0 1; Foun ations;1 04 ERC-16-042 Tower Erection 113-042 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-10-22 14.8 :1 Tower Erection, 113-042 ASY-113-042 Tower Assembly 16-042 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-09-22 15.0 jl Tow,erAsse�nbly 1�1-042 j -----' ------- - --- ------'- '---'- --'-- ----- ----- ---------- - ------ ---- - SPT-1B-042 Spotting 113-042 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-24-22 29.9 1: Spotti:ng ;113-042 REC-113-042 Reclamation 1B-042 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-05-22 Dec-06-22 58.8 1 Reclamatior) 16-042 ACC-16-042 Access 16-042 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 78.1 I Ac�essj 16j04 1 43 VI�I�► Dec-05-22,StrUctureIB-043 FDN-113-043 Foundations 113-043 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 13.0 1: Fqungati6nsj113-043 ,--'--- '--- '- --' ERC-1B-043 Tower Erection 1B-043 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-08 22 Nov-09-22 14.8 I Tower Erection, 1g-04 ASY-16-043 Tower Assembly 16-043 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-08-22 15.0 ;1 TowlerASsembly 15-043 CLR-113-043 Clearing 113-043 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 17.6 I j Clearing 16-043 SPT-1B-043 Spotting 1B-043 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-23-22 29.6 1, Spotting ;1B-043 REC-113-043 Reclamation 1B-043 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-04-22 Dec-05-22 58.8 ;I Rec6matio6 '�D43 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ACC-16-043 Access 16-043 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-18-22 76.9 I ;Access;16 043 - - - - - - Dec-04-22,3tructutelB-044 FDN-113-044 Foundations 113-044 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-22-22 13.0 1: Foundations j16-044 ERC-113-044 Tower Erection 113-044 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-08-22 14.8 :1 Tower Erection;1B-04# ASY-113-044 Tower Assembly 16-044 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-07-22 15.0 ;I Towprksernbl� 1p-044 -- -- ----- --- -- --------- -------- -- ---- T ------------------ - ------ ---- - CLR-1B-044 Clearing 113-044 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-18-22 17.6 I Clearing 16-044 SPT-113-044 Spotting 113-044 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 29.2 1: Spotting 1B-044 REC-16-044 Reclamation 115-044 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-03-22 Dec-04-22 58.8 ;1 gecl4ma0o6 1444 ACC-16-044 Access 16-044 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 75.7 I AcCess;1M44 1B-0 VmwmwmmV Rec-Q3-�2,Structure1l3-045 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - FDN-113-045 Foundations 113-045 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 13.0 1: Foundatidns;1B-045 - - - - - - ERC-16-045 Tower Erection 113-045 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-07-22 14.8 ;I Tower Election;1Q 045 ASY-113-045 Tower Assembly 16-045 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 15.0 ;I tower Assembly; 19-045 CLR-113-045 Clearing 113-045 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 17.6 I Cldaring 1B-045 SPT-113-045 Spotting 113-045 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-22-22 28.8 1: Spotting �B-P45; --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - REC-16-045 Reclamation 115-045 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-02-22 Dec-03-22 58.8 )l Reclamation 18-045 - - - - - - ACC-16-045 Access 16-045 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-19-22 74.5 1 Access 18-045 11113446 1 .3 58.8 Dec-¢2-12,jtructurell-046 FDN-1B-046 Foundations 1B-046 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20 22 Oct-21-22 13.0 1 Folundatidns 16-046 ERC-16-046 Tower Erection 113-046 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 14.8 ;I Tower Erection j 16;045 o --------;- - -TowerAssemb -18-04-- ---'- '---'- ---'---'- ------------------------------------7----------------- - ------- ------ ------ -- --- -- -- ASY-16-046 Tower Assembly 16-046 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 15.0 ;I N 6 CLR-113-046 Clearing 113-046 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-19-22 17.6 1 Clearing 1;6-046 SPT-16-046 Spotting 16-046 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-21-22 28.4 I Spotting ;16b46 REC-113-046 Reclamation 16-046 1.0 1.0 0% Dec-01-22 Dec-02-22 58.8 Reclamation 16-046 ACC-113-046 Access 16-046 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 73.2 1 1 AcFesS 11B�046 1-22 �" qec-01-22,Structurel8-047 r r FDN-16-047 Foundations 113-047 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-20-22 13.0 1 Foundations;16-047 ERC-16-047 Tower Erection 1B-047 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 14.8 I tower Erectnon 1B'04� ASY-113-047 Tower Assembly 16-047 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 15.0 11 TAw&rAfseriibly. 16-04'7 CLR-113-047 Clearing 113-047 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 17.6 1 Clearirg 1;13-047 SPT-16-047 Spotting 16-047 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 28.0 1 j Spotting 1B-047; ---------------------------- REC-16-047 Reclamation 16-047 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-30-22 Dec-01-22 58.8 1 Reclalmatioq 113-047 ACC-113-047 Access 16-047 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 72.0 I Access 1B 04 Structure 1B-048 99.1 Aug-20-22 Nov-30-22T Nov-30-22,Strutturel6-048 FDN 16-048 Foundations 1B 048 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 13.0 I Fojundatigns j16-04a Remaining Level of Effort O Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 32 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I M I J I Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ERC-11B-048 Tower Erection 1B-048 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 14.8 I ower Erection:1B-04 ASY-16-048 Tower Assembly 16-048 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 15.0 I Tow�rA�serttibly, 18-048 SPT-113-048 Spotting 16-048 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-20-22 27.7 I SppthOg jB P48; REC-113-048 Reclamation 113-048 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-29-22 Nov-30-22 58.8 Reclamation; 1g-04$ CLR-113-048 Clearing 113-048 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 61.1 1 Clearing 1B-048 ACC-16-048 Access 16-048 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-21-22 70.8 I Agcesj 1d-040 1 49 -21 29-2 5 � Nov-29-22,Strutture1B-049 FDN-113-049 Foundations 113-049 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 13.0 1 Founcloops j113-049 ERC-113-049 Tower Erection 113-049 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 14.8 j1 Tower Erection :16;049 ASY-16-049 Tower Assembly 16-049 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 15.0 1 lbwerASsemblyl 18-049 SPT-113-049 Spotting 16-049 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-19-22 27.3 1 ;Spotting 113-049j REC-113-049 Reclamation 1B-049 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-28-22 Nov-29-22 58.8 I Reclamation, 1B-049 CLR-113-049 Clearing 113-049 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-21-22 61.1 I j Clearng B-019 j ACC-16-049 Access 16-049 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 69.6 1:Access 1g-049 95.9 g21-22J 28-22 58.8 VF====V Nov-28-22,StruCturielB-050 -- -- --------- ---------i--i- - -----------------,---------T------------------- ---------i---------i---------i--------------------T---- FDN-1B-050 Foundations 113-050 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-18-22 13.0 1 j Fopndations 113-050 ERC-113-050 Tower Erection 113-050 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 14.8 Tower Erection 1134050 ASY-113-050 Tower Assembly 16-050 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 15.0 I TpwerAs�err blyj 1"5p SPT-113-050 Spotting 113-050 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 26.9 1 Spbttimg 113-050 REC-113-050 Reclamation 1B-050 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-27-22 Nov-28-22 58.8 1 Reclamation;18-050 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- CLR-16-050 Clearing 115-050 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 61.1 1; Clgari6g 113-050 ACC-16-050 Access 16-050 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-22-22 68.4 1:Access 16-050 Struc UM1B0 Vwmmm�r Npv-Z7-�2,Stru�turplR-051 FDN-16-051 Foundations 113-051 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 13.0 I Foundations 113-051 ERC-16-051 Tower Erection 113-051 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 14.8 1 lower Erection ;16-051, - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ASY-113-051 TowerAssembiy 16-051 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 15.0 I Yow4Assen�blyj 113 051 SPT-113-051 Spotting 113-051 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-18-22 26.5 1 Spbtftg 16-051 REC-113-051 Reclamation 1B-051 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-26-22 Nov-27-22 58.8 1; R�clamat;ion j 1Bj-05 CLR-16-051 Clearing 115-051 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Aug-22-22 Aug-22-22 61.1 1: Cldarir g 113-051 ACC-16-051 Access 16-051 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 67.2 1: Access 18-05.1 - -- care 1B052 58.8 �-- Nov-ZI -2---- tune---052 , FDN-113-052 Foundations 113-052 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 13.0 1 Fownddtiohs 1B-052 ERC-16-052 Tower Erection 113-052 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 14.8 j Tpwer Erpctipn j16-052, ASY-16-052 Tower Assembly 16-052 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 15.0 j TowerPssembly;l&052 SPT-113-052 Spotting 113-052 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 26.1 I Spotting 1B-052I -- ------ -'-- ---- --;---; ;---;- --;---;- ----- --- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- --------- -- -- - REC-16-052 Reclamation 113-052 1.0 1.0 -ov- -0% Nov-2322 N2622 58.8 1; 4c R' lalmation:1B�05 CLR-113-052 Clearing 113-052 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 61.1 I j Cl2aring 1B-052 ACC-113-052 Access 16-052 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-23-22 65.9 I AGc-$1"5;2 f Aug-23-22 ov-23-22 qv-23-2:2,Strudturel&053 FDN-16-053 Foundations 113-053 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-16-22 13.0 1 Foundations 1B-053 ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERC-1B-053 Tower Erection 1B-053 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 14.8 k Tower Erection ;1B-053' ASY-113-053 Tower Assembly 16-053 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 15.0 I TbwelrAsterrlbly:lM53 SPT-113-053 Spotting 113-053 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 25.7 I ;Spotting IB-j53j REC-16-053 Reclamation 1B-053 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-22-22 Nov-23-22 58.8 1', Reclamation 1605 CLR-16-053 Clearing 113-053 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-23-22 61.1 1; Clearing 1B-053 ACC-113-053 Access 16-053 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 64.7 I; A4ce4 1"- 3 Structure 16-054 89.6 Aug-23 22 Nov-22-22 Ntiv 22-22,SSrudtun#16 05A FDN-1B-054 Foundations 1B-054 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15 22 Oct 16 22 13.0 I Foundatiops �"54 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 33 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O Nd J F M A M J Jul A S 0 N D J F M A M J Jul A S O IN J F M A M J lul ERC-1B-054 Tower Erection 1B-054 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 14.8 1 Tower Erection 46 54 ASY-16-054 Tower Assembly 16-054 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 15.0 I, TdwetAsSembly;1B:054 SPT-113-054 Spotting 16-054 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-16-22 25.4 1 ;Sp4ttiog IB-054; REC-113-054 Reclamation 113-054 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-21-22 Nov-22-22 58.8 1 j Reclamation 1M54 CLR-113-054 Clearing 113-054 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 61.1 1; 06rir g 1B-d54 ACC-16-054 Access 16-054 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-24-22 63.5 I Aoce4 11�054 Structure1 55 Au -242 Nov-2 ►; Ndv-21-22,Structure 1M55 r ---- --- ; FDN-1B-055 Foundations 1B-055 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 13.0 1 ;Fognd4tions IB-055 ERC-113-055 Tower Erection 113-055 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 14.8 1j Tower Erection 16-055' ASY-16-055 Tower Assembly 16-055 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 15.0 I; Tower Assembly:1B-055 SPT-16-055 Spotting 113-055 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 25.0 1 ;Spotting 1B-055: REC-113-055 Reclamation 113-055 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-20-22 Nov-21-22 58.8 1: Retlarbatibn 116-055I CLR-113-055 Clearing 113-055 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-24-22 61.1 1; Clearing�B-055 j ACC-16-055 Access 16-055 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 62.3 1 j Access 1"55 Aug- 24-22 V=w=NNNV; Nov-20-22,Structure 1B;056 FDN-113-056 Foundations 113-056 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-2277 . . 3.0 j I Found#ioms 1B1156 ERC-1B-056 Tower Erection 1B-056 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-26-22 .8 1, Tdwet Erdctibn 1B-0561 N o T werAs em j1B-05 - ;-- 7- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- ----- --? ASY-1B-056 TowerAssemb 16-056 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-25-22 .9 I; 4 S bN SPT-1B-056 Spotting 1B-056 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-14-22 .6 1 ;Spottirg 16-056 REC-1B-056 Reclamation 1B-056 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-19-22 .8 1 Reclamation ;16-056' CLR-16-056 Clearing 115-056 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 61.1 1; Clearing IB-056 ACC-16-056 Access 16-056 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 61.1 1: Access 1B-056 Struck r 1B-0 /;Nov 19 2 ,Structure,1B 057 - -- --- - FDN-16-057 Foundations 113-057 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 13.0 1 Foundations 1B-057 ERC-16-057 Tower Erection 113-057 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 14.8 1; Tower.Erection 1B-0571 ASY-1B-057 Tower Assembly 16-057 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 14.9 I; TdwerAs9 mbly j1B-05 CLR-113-057 Clearing 113-057 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 17.7 1 Clealring;1B4057 --- 11-- -- --- 11- r ACC-1B-057 Access 16-057 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 17.7 ;1 Access B q57; SPT-16-057 Spotting 16-057 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-14-22 24.2 j 1 jSpottirig tiB 057 REC-16-057 Reclamation 113-057 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-18-22 Nov-19-22 58.8 1 Reclamation 113-0571 cture 1B-058 ' - 58.8 �►;Nov-1$-22,Structure,l&05$ FDN-113-058 Foundations 113-058 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 13.0 1 ;Foundations 1B-058 ; ; � ; ; � � Tower Erection B ERC-16-058 Tower Erection 1B-058 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 14.8 I 4 Qn 1 -058 ASY-113-058 Tower Assembly 16-058 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 14.9 1; Tower,Assembly 16-058 CLR-113-058 Clearing 113-058 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 17.6 I Clearing:1B;058 ACC-16-058 Access 16-058 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 17.6 j 1 Access 1B-058 SPT-113-058 Spotting 113-058 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 23.9 1 :Spdttidg 1B-058 r --- --r- r 1. REC-1B-058 Reclamation 1B-058 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-17-22 Nov-18-22 58.8 I Ret larriatipn �B�58, Oct-06 22 Nov-17-22 !(�!�►j Nov-17-22,St�ucture'16-059 FDN-16-059 Foundations 113-059 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-12-22 13.0 1 ;Foundations 1B-059 ERC-16-059 Tower Erection 113-059 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 14.8 1; Tower Erection 1B-059 ASY-113-059 Tower Assembly 16-059 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 14.9 1:ToWerlAsspmbly 1B-059: r11-- - - - -- - --r -- -- --- - CLR-1B-059 Clearing 1B-059 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 17.5 ;I Clearing:1B,.059 ACC-16-059 Access 16-059 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 17.5 j 1 Access 1B-059, SPT-1B-059 Spotting 1B-059 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 23.5 1 �Spattigg 113- 59 REC 1B-059 Reclamation 1B-059 1.0 1.0 0% Nov 16 22 Nov-17 22 58.8 I :Re lamation : ¢59, Structure 16-060 41.1 Oct-06 22 Nov 16-22 58 1�I, N otr 16 2Z,St�ucture 1B-060 FDN 16-060 Foundations 1B-060 0.7 0.7 0% Oct 11-22 Oct 12-22 13.0 1Foundations �B 060 Remaining Level of Effort O Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 34 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul ERC-1B-060 Tower Erection 1B-060 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 14.8 I Tower;Erection 1B-060 ASY-16-060 Tower Assembly 16-060 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 14.9 1:Tower;Assembly 1B-0601 CLR-1B-060 Clearing 1B-060 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 17.4 ;I Clearing:lB-06Q ACC-1B-060 Access 16-060 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 17.4 :1 Access 1B-060 S -- -- - ----- - SPT-1B-060 Spotting 1B-060 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-12-22 Oct 12-22 23.1 I pgmrYg 16-060 REC-16-060 Reclamation 1B-060 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-15-22 Nov-16-22 58.8 1 :Reclamation t"60', ov 15-2 1rN1,I Nov-15-22,Structure 1B-061 FDN-113-061 Foundations 113-061 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 13.0 I Foundations IB-061: ERC-113-061 Tower Erection 113-061 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-22-22 14.8 1:Tower;Erettion 1B-061 --- - ASY-16-061 Tower Assembly 16-061 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 14.9 1 Tower Assembly 1B-061 CLR-113-061 Clearing 1B-061 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 17.2 II Nearing:1B-061 ACC-113-061 Access 16-061 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 17.2 :I Access 1B-061 SPT-113-061 Spotting 113-061 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 22.7 I SpQthng REC-16-061 Reclamation 113-061 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-14-22 Nov-15-22 58.8 1 ;Reclamation 16-061' ................. - ------ ------- -- -- -- - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - --- 40.1 Nov-14-22 58.8 �►;Nov-14l-22;,Structure 1B-062; FDN-1B-062 Foundations 1B-062 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-10-22 13.0 I rou:ndatioris 1B-062 ERC-1B-062 Tower Erection 1B-062 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 14.8 1 Tower;Erectioh LB-062 ASY-1B-062 Tower Assembly 16-062 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 14.9 I ;To,jver j ssQmL ly j"62, CLR-1B-062 Clearing 1B-062 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-05-22 17.1 :1 Clearing;1B;062 ----------:----- ACC-1B-062 Access 16-062 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 17.1 II Access 1B-062; SPT-16-062 Spotting 16-062 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 22.3 : I Spooning 18-062 REC-16-062 Reclamation 16-062 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-13-22 Nov-14-22 58.8 I ;Redlam�atidn 1B-062: Structure 1 58_8 V=W:Now-13,22,StructpreIB-963: FDN-1B-063 Foundations 113-063 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 13.0 :I Fouhdatioris 1B-063 ---------- --- ---------- ---------- ----- - ---- ERC-16-063 Tower Erection 113-063 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 14.8 I Tower Erection 16-063 ASY-113-063 Tower Assembly 16-063 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 14.9 I :TowerAssem6ly tB-063' CLR-1B-063 Clearing 1B-063 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 17.0 1 Clearing;l6-063 ACC-113-063 Access 16-063 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-05-22 17.0 I I Access�B-063 SPT-16-063 Spotting 16-063 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-10-22 21.9 :1 Spotting 18-063 REC-16-063 Reclamation 1B-063 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-12-22 Nov-13-22 58.8 1 ;Re[lametign 16-063 cture 1B-064 1 58.8 ► ;Nov-11 22yStructure 6 64 FDN-113-064 Foundations 113-064 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 13.0 I Fouhdatioris 1B-064 ERC-16-064 Tower Erection 113-064 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 14.8 I Touter frKtion 10-004 ASY-113-064 Tower Assembly 16-064 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 14.9 I ;TowerAssem6ly 1B-064' - -- -- - ----- ---- - CLR-1B-064 Clearing 1B-064 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 16.9 ;I Clearingl1B-064 ACC-16-064 Access 16-064 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 16.9 II Access 1B-064 SPT-113-064 Spotting 16-064 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 21.6 1 Spotting 16-064 REC-113-064 Reclamation 113-064 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-10-22 Nov-11-22 58.8 I ;Reclamation �13-064 �3 Oct-03-22 ov-10-22 �!► Nov 10 22�Structure 1B 065 -- -- --- --,--- -- -- -- - - -- --- -- -- FDN-16-065 Foundations 1B-065 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 13.0 ;1 Foundations 1B-065 ERC-113-065 Tower Erection 113-065 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 14.8 I ;Tower Lrectiom 11 65 ASY-113-065 Tower Assembly 16-065 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 14.9 I IToviverPssdmfaly 1B-0651 CLR-113-065 Clearing 113-065 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 16.8 i1 Cle4,ing:113{J6 ACC-16-065 Access 16-065 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 16.8 :1 access 1B-065 ---,-- - SPT-1B-065 Spotting 1B-065 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 21.2 :1 5 potting 16-065 REC-113-065 Reclamation 113-065 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-09-22 Nov-10-22 58.8 I keclamation 1:13-065 Structure 1B-066 �► ;StructWrelB 0661 38.1 Oct-02-22 Nov-09-22 58 NoV 09:22 FDN-1B-066 Foundations 1B-066 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 13.0 ;1 Fou6dafionS 1:13-066 Remaining Level of Effort O Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 35 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A S O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F I M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F I M A M J lul ERC-113-066 Tower Erection 1B-066 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 14.8 I ;Tower Erection lb-0 6 ASY-16-066 Tower Assembly 16-066 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 14.9 I T oWer Assembly 1B-0166 CLR-16-066 Clearing 1B-066 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 16.6 Glearingj16-06E ACC-113-066 Access 16-066 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 16.6 j1 access 1B-0I66 SPT-113-066 Spotting 113-066 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 20.8 ;1 Spotting 16-066 REC-16-066 Reclamation 113-066 1.0 1.0 1 0% Nov-08-22 Nov-09-22 58.8 I l eclam#lion 1;B-066 NovM422,.Strwctdre 1B-067. FDN-113-067 Foundations 113-067 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 13.0 i1 ioundaiion� 1;6-057 j ERC-113-067 Tower Erection 113-067 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 14.8 1 Tower 6rectiori 18-067 ASY-16-067 Tower Assembly 16-067 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 14.9 1 IToWerAssembly 1B-067 CLR-113-067 Clearing 113-067 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-02-22 16.5 Blearing j16-J61 ACC-1B-067 Access 16-067 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 16.5 Access 1B-067 SPT-113-067 Spotting 113-067 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 20.4 II Spotting 1"67 REC-16-067 Reclamation 113-067 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-08-22 58.8 I Reclam6tion 18-067 V=I► Nov 07-22„Structure 1B-Q68 FDN-113-068 Foundations 113-068 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 13.0 jl �ou6dation� 1"$8 ERC-113-068 Tower Erection 113-068 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 14.8 I Tower Erection 1B-068 ASY-113-068 Tower Assembly 16-068 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 14.9 I ;JbWerAssembly 1j6-0j 8 CLR-113-068 Clearing 113-068 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 16.4 Clearjing;16-06g ACC-113-068 Access 16-068 0.5 0.5 1 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-02-22 16.4 I Access IB-068 SPT-16-068 Spotting 16-068 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 20.0 jl $potting 19-0$8 REC-16-068 Reclamation 16-068 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-06-22 Nov-07-22 58.8 .1 Recltim2tioh 16-0 Structure 1 58.8 Vm► Nov,06 z2,5trgcture 1,B-0,69 FDN-1B-069 Foundations 113-069 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 13.0 j1 Foundations 18-069 ERC-16-069 Tower Erection 113-069 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 14.8 I Tower Erection 1B-099 ASY-113-069 Tower Assembly 16-069 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 14.9 j 1 7owerAssembly 1j13-069 --�-- --�------ --�-- ------�- --- -- --�------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - CLR-113-069 Clearing 113 Clem' -069 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 16.3 1 ing.16-069 ACC-113-069 Access 16-069 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 16.3 Access 1,6-069 j SPT-16-069 Spotting 16-069 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 19.7 jl Spotting 18-069 REC-16-069 Reclamation 1B-069 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-05-22 Nov-06-22 58.8 II Recldmatiori 16-069 cture I B-0 IL1 58.8 Nov05 2,StructurelB 070 FDN-113-070 Foundations 113-070 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 13.0 .1 Fouhdationt 1B-070 - ERC-16-070 Tower Erection 113-070 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 14.8 1 IJbWer grection 15-070 ASY-113-070 Tower Assembly 16-070 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 14.9 j I Towerassembly 18-070 CLR-113-070 Clearing 113-070 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 16.2 j Clearing;1B-07Q ACC-16-070 Access 16-070 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 16.2 Access 1;B-0?0 SPT-113-070 Spotting 113-070 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 19.3 .1 Spotting 1B-070 REC-113-070 Reclamation 113-070 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 58.8 i1 Reclamation 113-07 0 96.3k_JJJV Jul-30-22 Nov04-221 Nov-04-22,5truct6re1B-071 CLR-16-071 Clearing 113-071 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 12.0 1 Clearing 1_B-071 ERC-16-071 Tower Erection 113-071 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 14.8 j 1 rower 6rectionj 16-0 1 ASY-113-071 Tower Assembly 16-071 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 14.9 .1 ToWerAsser;nbl� 16-071 FDN-113-071 Foundations 113-071 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 35.5 1 Foundations jB-071j SPT-16-071 Spotting 16-071 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 35.5 1 j Spotting 1B-071 REC-16-071 Reclamation 16-071 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 58.8 II Reclamation 18-071 ACC-113-071 Access 16-071 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 80.8 i Access 1;B-011 Structure 1EW7 96.1 Jul-29-22 Nov-03-22 ov03-22,StrUcttirelB 072 CLR-1B-072 Clearing 1B-072 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 12.0 j Clearing�B-072; Remaining Level of Effort III= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 36 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J I F M A M J I Jul I A S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul ERC-1B-072 Tower Erection 1B-072 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 14.8 1 ower rection; 1 -0 2 ASY-16-072 Tower Assembly 16-072 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 14.9 :I TowerAsserhbly 1B-072 FDN-16-072 Foundations 113-072 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 35.5 1 Foundations jB-072j --- -- -- SPT-113-072 Spotting 113-072 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 35.9 1 ;Spottimg 1B-072; - - REC-113-072 Reclamation 1B-072 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 58.8 ,1 Reclamation 18-072 ACC-16-072 Access 16-072 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 80.3 14c*14 2 1 73 - -2 N -22 1 Nov-02-22,StrUctulhe1B-073 CLR-113-073 Clearing 113-073 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 12.0 Clearing IB-Q'73: o -- - --- ------- --- - --- ERC-1B-073 Tower Erection 1B-073 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 14.8 ;1 Tower Erection; 1"73 ASY-16-073 Tower Assembly 16-073 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 14.9 11 TowerAsserhbly 16-073 FDN-113-073 Foundations 113-073 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-15-22 35.5 j 1 ;Foundations 1B-073j SPT-113-073 Spotting 113-073 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-15-22 36.4 I Spdttirig 16-073 REC-113-073 Reclamation 1B-073 1.0 1.0 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 58.8 1 Reclamatiori 1" 3 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ACC-16-073 Access 16-073 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 79.7 l Access 1"73 - - - - - - avu -01-22 58.8 VmmmmmV Nov-01-22,3truttutelB-074 CLR-113-074 Clearing 113-074 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 12.0 1 Clearing iB-074j ERC-113-074 Tower Erection 113-074 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 14.8 1 Tower Erection;1M74 ASY-113-074 Tower Assembly 16-074 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 14.9 j1 tow argsserpbly 1�-074 ------------- -------- --- -- --- ------ ----- ---------- ------- - ------ ---- - FDN-1B-074 Foundations 113-074 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 35.5 1 Foundations 1B-074 SPT-113-074 Spotting 113-074 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 36.8 I ;Spotting 1B-074 REC-16-074 Reclamation 113-074 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 58.8 I Reclamation; 19-074 ACC 16-074 Access 16-074 0.9 0.9 0% Jul 28 22 1ul 29 22 79.1 l Access 16-074 Structure 1B-074A �� Qct-�1-Z2,�truGturelg-07j4A j '--' --'----- ------------------------------------- CLR-16-074-A Clearing 1B-074-A 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-27-22 12.0 Ij Clearing 1B-074;A ERC-16-074-A Tower Erection 1B-074-A 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 14.8 1 Tower Election;16-074 A ASY-113-074-A Tower Assembly 16-074-A 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 14.9 i1 �owerAssen,�bly; 19-01,4-A FDN-113-074-A Foundations 113-074-A 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 35.5 I (Foundations 1B-074-A SPT-113-074-A Spotting 113-074-A 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 36.9 I Spotting J B-074 j4 REC-16-074-A Reclamation 113-074-A 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 58.8 F7eclamation: 1g-074-A ACC-16-074-A Access 16-074-A 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 79.6 1 ACceSs 1B-074-A Structure 1B-075 58.8 *0001 Qct-10-2-�,Struetureld-075 CLR-113-075 Clearing 113-075 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 12.0 1, Clearing 16-075 ERC-16-075 Tower Erection 113-075 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 14.8 ;1 Tower Erection j 16,075 --- -- --'-- --- -- --'------ - ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - ------------------ ASY-16-075 Tower Assembly 16-075 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 14.9 j1 *ower Assembly 19-075 FDN-113-075 Foundations 113-075 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 35.5 1 Foundations 1B-075 SPT-16-075 Spotting 16-075 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 36.7 I jSpottin� 1;6-0�5 REC-113-075 Reclamation 1B-075 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 58.8 l Reclamation, 16-075 ACC-113-075 Access 16-075 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 78.6 II ACce�s 1R-07,5 95.1 Jul-25 2222 Oct 29-22 * 0c09-22,Strudture1EW75 r r CLR-16-076 Clearing 113-076 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 12.0 I. Clearing 16-076 ERC-16-076 Tower Erection 113-076 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 14.8 j1 dower Erection:1B-07t? ASY-113-076 Tower Assembly 16-076 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 14.9 11 Tow&Mserhbh/ 1B-0716 FDN-113-076 Foundations 113-076 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-10-22 35.5 I Founda�tiorjs �-6-076 j -----'-- ------------------------------------- SPT-16-076 Spotting 16-076 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 37.2 j I Spotting 18-076 REC-16-076 Reclamation 16-076 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 58.8 1 Reclamation; 113-0716 ACC-113-076 Access 16-076 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 78.0 I; Access 1"�6 Structure 16-076A 94.7 Jul-24-22 Oct-28-22 ��► Ott-28-22,Strudtum-113-076A CLR 1B-076-A Clearing 113-076-A 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 12.0 1; Charing jB-076-j4 Remaining Level of Effort IN= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work 1- Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 37 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul I A S 1 O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ERC-11B-076-A Tower Erection 1B-076-A 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 14.8 ;1 Tower Erection 1B-07 -A ASY-16-076-A Tower Assembly 16-076-A 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 14.9 Tow�rASserh 16-076 AI FDN-1B-076-A Foundations 1B-076-A 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-08-22 35.5 I Foundaj ior> 1'0-07' 6 A SPT-113-076-A Spotting 113-076-A 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 37.2 ;1 Spotting 18-076-A REC-113-076-A Reclamation 113-076-A 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 58.8 II Reclamation;1B-076-A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACC-16-076-A Access 16-076-A 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 78.6 1; Aeces�1"- 6-q 94.5 t 27-22 5 � Ott-27-22,Struc'turpl6-077 CLR-113-077 Clearing 113-077 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 12.0 I; Clearing 713-0,77 j ERC-113-077 Tower Erection 113-077 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 14.8 Tower Erection 1B-077 ASY-16-077 Tower Assembly 16-077 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 14.9 I TbwerAssemblyl 16-077 FDN-113-077 Foundations 113-077 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-08-22 35.5 it foundations 16-077 SPT-1B-077 Spotting 1B-077 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-08 22 Sep-08-22 37.1 I Spotting 1B-077 REC-1B-077 Reclamation 1B-077 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-2622 Oct-27-22 58.8 II Rpclamatj on: l6-077 ACC-16-077 Access 16-077 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-2422 Jul-25-22 77.5 Ij Access 18-077 OCt-26-23,StructurelB-078 -- -- ---------i--;- -----'--' - ----------------,---------T--------- --------- ---------i---------i----------------------------T---- CLR-1B-078 Clearing 1B-078 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-22 22 Jul-23-22 12.0 I j Cloarimg 1B-0'78 ERC-1B-078 Tower Erection 1B-078 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 14.8 lbwdr Erbctibn 116-078 ASY-1B-078 Tower Assembly 16-078 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 14.9 j TpwQrA�senjblyj 18-07¢ FDN-1B-078 Foundations 1B-078 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 35.5 jl foundations 18-078 SPT-1B-078 Spotting 1B-078 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 37.5 :I Spotting 16-07,8 REC-16-078 Reclamation 1B-078 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 58.8 II Rgclamnation:16�07$ -------- - ACC-16-078 Access 16-078 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 76.9 I j Adcest 16-078 Structure 1B-079 �� Cat-25-2Z,Struqurp1Bj079 CLR-1B-079 Clearing 1B-079 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-22-22 12.0 1 Clearing 1;6-079 ERC-16-079 Tower Erection 113-079 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 14.8 I Tower Erection ;16-079 ------------------------- ASY-1B-079 Tower Assembly 16-079 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 14.9 I TowerAssemblyj 113;07g FDN-113-079 Foundations 113-079 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-04-22 35.5 I Eoundationt 16-079 SPT-113-079 I Spotting 113-079 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 37.9 ;I Spotting 1"7.9 REC-16-079 Reclamation 113-079 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 58.8 Ij Reclamation j 16j079 ACC-113-079 Access 16-079 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 76.4 1: Access 18-079 - -------------------------------------------------------- t-24-2 ru -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0 58.8 }�� Oe ,StcturglB-08(1 ERC-113-080 Tower Erection 113-080 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 14.8 Tbwdr Erbctibn 1113-080 ASY-16-080 Tower Assembly 16-080 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 14.9 t Tgwej-AsWmblyj1B4O8Q FDN-113-080 Foundations 113-080 1.5 1.5 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 35.5 M Koundat ons 18-080 SPT-113-080 Spotting 113-080 0.4 0.4 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 38.8 1 Spotting 18-080 REC-16-080 Reclamation 1B-080 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 58.8 I j Roclarnation:16-08Q ---------------------------- CLR-1B-080 Clearing 1B-080 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 64.6 :1 Cleaning:1B-080 ACC-1B-080 Access 16-080 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 64.6 :I Access 713-0,80 81.3 Oct-23-22 r► Odt-23-22,St'ructurelB-081 ERC-16-081 Tower Erection 1B-081 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 14.8 I Tower Erection ;1B-081 '- '--- ' ------------------------- ASY-1B-081 Tower Assembly 16-081 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 14.9 4 Tower Assemblyj16;08 FDN-1B-081 Foundations 1B-081 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-30-22 Sep-01-22 35.5 I Fbundation� 1B-081 SPT-1B-081 Spotting 1B-081 ..4 0.4 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-01-22 39.3 I Spotting: 1"8 REC-16-081 Reclamation 113-081 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 58.8 1: Reclamation 16-181 CLR-16-081 Clearing 113-081 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 63.6 I Cleaning;113-0811 --'---' ---------- --------- ------T----- ---T----- ---T ---- --------- ------------- ,-- --- T ACC-113-081 Access 16-081 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 63.6 ;I Access 1.13-001 Structure 1B-0 80.7 80.7 Aug-01-22 Oct-22-22 7 Odt-22-22,Sttucturdl6082 ERC-11B-082 Tower Erection 1B-082 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 14.8 Tgwer Erpctign . 6"82 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 38 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D I J F I M A M J Jul I A S 1 O 1 N D J F M A I M I J lul ASY-16-082 Tower Assembly 113-082 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 14.9 I; TowerAssem,ly;1B-08 FDN-16-082 Foundations 113-082 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 35.5 { Fbundations; 1B-092 SPT-1B-082 Spotting 1B-082 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 39.7 I Spotting; 1q 08Z REC-113-082 Reclamation 113-082 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 58.8 1 Reclamation 113-08 CLR-113-082 Clearing 113-082 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 62.5 8 Clearing;113-082 ACC-16-082 Access 16-082 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 62.5 ;I ,qcc*1;B-002 Structure 1 E ' Au -01 Oct-21-22 58.8 �" h'► Oct-21-22,Sttucturc113-083 r �- - -- --- -- CLR-113-083 Clearing 113-083 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 12.0 a glearing;1B-Q83 ERC-113-083 Tower Erection 113-083 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 14.8 1: Towet Erection 1B-083 ASY-16-083 Tower Assembly 16-083 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-26-22 14.9 II Tower Assembly;16-083 FDN-113-083 Foundations 113-083 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-29-22 35.5 I Foundations: 113 093 SPT-1B-083 Spotting 1B-083 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 40.1 S�otCing.16. . REC-113-083 Reclamation 1B-083 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 58.8 I Reclamation ;1B-083 ACC-16-083 Access 16-083 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 61.4 Access tiB-083 V===EV;Oct-20-22,Structure;lB-084; CLR-113-084 Clearing 113-084 0.4 0.4 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 12.0 1 C;learing j1B-b8d ERC-1B-084 Tower Erection 1B-084 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-26-22 14.8 1, Tdwet Erdctidn 1B-084 r -; - -- ASY-1B-084 Tower Assembly 16-084 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 14.8 1i Tower,As-embIV j1B-P84 FDN-113-084 Foundations 113-084 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 35.5 1: Foundations;1M84 SPT-1B-084 Spotting 113-084 0.4 1 0.4 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 40.6 II Spotting:1B-084 REC-16-084 Reclamation 1B-084 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 58.8 1 j Reclaration :1484 ACC-16-084 Access 16-084 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 60.3 Access IB-084 r -------- -- Structure 1B-085 J ��;Ocx-1�22;Structure�B�85 CLR-1B-085 Clearing 113-085 0.4 0.4 0% Jul-31-22 Jul-31-22 12.0 1 Clearing 113-085; FDN-16-085 Foundations 113-085 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-26-22 14.3 1: Foundations:1B-085 ERC-113-085 Tower Erection 113-085 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 14.8 1i Tower Erection 1B-d85; ASY-113-085 Tower Assembly 16-085 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 14.8 I, Tohvee'Assiambly 113-085 -- ----r--r--I-- --- r 11-- -- - --- r--r- - ACC-1B-085 Access 16-085 0.4 0.4 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 38.1 I kce�s 1,13-005 SPT-16-085 Spotting 16-085 0.4 0.4 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-26-22 41.0 Ij Spotting j 1B 085 REC-113-085 Reclamation 1B-085 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 58.8 1 Reclamation 1B-085 9 Oct -22 58.8 TimElEmmI;Oct 1 22;Structure;1B86 CLR-113-086 Clearing 113-086 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-20 22 Jul-21-22 12.9 1: Cldaring 113-086 r--;--- -- - - -- -- - ----- - - ---,- - ---,- - ---,-- - - ----- ---- -- FDN-16-086 Foundations 1B-086 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 14.3 I Fcunciatigns;1B 08� ERC-113-086 Tower Erection 113-086 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 14.8 1: Tower;Erection IB-086 ASY-113-086 Tower Assembly 16-086 1.0 1.0 1 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 14.8 11 TowerAssombly ;1B-08G SPT-16-086 Spotting 16-086 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 40.8 I; Soottjng 1B-080 ACC-113-086 Access 16-086 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 46.5 1: ActesS 1B-086 r -;--; I --- --r- ----- - -- REC-1B-086 Reclamation 13-086 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 58.8 1 Rec.amatign �B-Q86 88.8 88.8 Jul-192222 Oct16-22 j !�IjOct-1fi22�StructurelB{J87 ASY-16-087 Tower Assembly 16-087 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 10.1 1:ToWerlAssembly 1B-087 CLR-113-087 Clearing 113-087 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 12.9 1 Clearing 11B-0$7 FDN-113-087 Foundations 113-087 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-23-22 14.3 1; Fdundatibns;1B 087 --- r----- - - --- -- --- - ERC-1B-087 Tower Erection 1B-087 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 14.8 1: Tower,Erection �B-087 SPT-16-087 Spotting 16-087 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 36.5 1: Spotting;16-087 ACC-16-087 Access 16-087 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 46.1 1: Access 18-087 REC-113-087 Reclamation 113-087 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 58.8 I ;Reclamation IB-087j Structure 16-088 88.8 88.8 Jul-18-22 Oct-15-22 58 � :Octi-15 22,,StrUctwrel6-088 r--,-- ----- ---- ----- - ----- - - ---,- - ---,- - ---,-- - - ----- --, ASY16-088 Tower Assembly 16-088 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 10.1 1 j Tower;Ass�mkjly�B-088 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 39 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul CLR-1B-088 Clearing 1B-088 1.0 1.0 0% Jul 18 22 Jul-19-22 12.9 1 Clearing 1 -0 8 FDN-16-088 Foundations 115-088 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 14.3 1 Foundations;113-088 ERC-113-088 Tower Erection 113-088 1.0 1.0 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 14.8 1:Touter:ErKtion 713-008 SPT-113-088 Spotting 113-088 1.0 1.0 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 37.0 1 Spotting ;113-088 --------------- ACC-113-088 Access 16-088 1.0 1.0 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 45.6 I ActesS 16-088 REC-16-088 Reclamation 113-088 1.0 1.0 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 58.8 : 1 :Reelarrtation 1B-088; Au$-13F22,StrUctUre16-089 oil ASY-113-089 Tower Assembly 16-089 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 10.1 I: TQwefAsSembly;16-08� FDN-113-089 Foundations 113-089 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 12.0 1: 1`6undatibns:1M89 - -- -- - SPT-16-089 Spotting 16-089 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-25-22 12.0 11 Spotting;1B-089 CLR-113-089 Clearing 113-089 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-20-22 15.0 1 j Clearing 1;13-0$9 ACC-113-089 Access 16-089 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 15.0 1:AdcesS 16-089 ERC-113-089 Tower Erection 113-089 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 71.8 I :Tower�recOorj 1"89 REC-16-089 Reclamation 113-089 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 85.7 : 1 Reclamation 1B-089 ----- ------ Jun 21-22 Aug �►;Aug 14 22;StrUctureIB-090 ASY-1B-090 Tower Assembly 16-090 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 10.1 i Tow4Assemblyj16�090 FDN-113-090 Foundations 113-090 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 12.2 1, Fdundatibns:1M9© SPT-113-090 Spotting 16-090 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-26-22 12.2 1; Spotting:1&09q CLR-113-090 Clearing 113-090 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 14.3 1 Clearing 113-090 ---------------- -- --- ----- - ----- - - -- - -- --- - -- -- - ACC-1B-090 Access 16-090 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-23-22 14.3 I Access 16-090 ERC-16-090 Tower Erection 113-090 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 71.8 1 :Tovyer trecoon 19-0 0 REC-16-090 Reclamation 16-090 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 85.7 1Reclamation 1B-090 eltructure 1B-0 5 Jun-22-22 ym�►;Aug-15;22,Strpcture�B-Q91 'ASY-lB-091 Tower Assembly 1B-091 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-29-22 Jul-01-22 10.1 (I TowdrAssembly;1M91 ------,-------------- ------- I- -- --- -- - ----- - FDN-16-091 Foundations 115-091 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-26-22 12.5 1: Foundations:16-091 SPT-113-091 Spotting 113-091 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 12.5 1: Spoong:1B;091 CLR-113-091 Clearing 113-091 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-23-22 14.9 1 j Clparing 1B-091 ACC-113-091 I Access 16-091 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-23-22 14.9 11 Access 1"9.1 ERC-16-091 Tower Erection 113-091 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-15-22 71.8 : I ;Tower Eredtic,6 16-051 REC-16-091 Reclamation 1B-091 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 85.7 1 ;ReclamaticIn 16-091 ucture 1B-092 -16-22 85.7 ►;Aug-10-22;S6uctore:1492 ASY-113-092 Tower Assembly 16-092 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 10.1 1bw�rAsserribly,1&093 FDN-16-092 Foundations 113-092 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 12.8 II Fpundations;1"9Z SPT-113-092 Spotting 16-092 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 12.8 1: Spotting;1B;092 - CLR-1B-092 Clearing 113-092 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-23-22 15.5 1; Clearing 1B 092 ACC-16-092 Access 16-092 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 15.5 I Access 19-092 ERC-113-092 Tower Erection 113-092 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 71.8 1 :Tower Erection 16-092 REC-113-092 Reclamation 113-092 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 85.7 1 ;ReGlarnatign IB-q92: 53.4 Jun-23-22 Aug 17-22 : �":Aug-17-22',Structure1B-093 ASY-16-093 Tower Assembly 16-093 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 10.1 I lbwerAssemblyl 1B-093 FDN-113-093 Foundations 113-093 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 13.1 II Foundations:113 093 SPT-113-093 Spotting 113-093 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 13.1 1 Spotting:113;093 CLR-113-093 Clearing 113-093 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 16.2 I; Clearing�B-093 j ACC-16-093 Access 16-093 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-24-22 16.2 1; Access 1"93 ERC-113-093 Tower Erection 113-093 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 71.8 1 Tourer Erection 16-093 REC-113-093 Reclamation 113-093 0.9 0.9 1 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 "85.7 1 ;Re4laniation 1B-d93: Structure 16-094 53.7 53.7 Jun-24-22 Aug-17-22 ��►:Auk-17-22,SteuctUre;1B-094ASY16-094 Tower Assembly 16-094 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 Tow�rAssernbly, 1n-094 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 40 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul FDN-16-094 Foundations 1B-094 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 13.4 I Foundations; 19-094 SPT-16-094 Spotting 16-094 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 13.4 S�ott9ng;1&094 CLR-113-094 Clearing 113-094 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-24-22 16.8 1 Clearing jB-094 j ACC-113-094 Access 16-094 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 16.8 Ij Acces6 16-094 ERC-1B-094 Tower Erection 1B-094 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 71.8 1 Tower Erection 18-094 REC-1B-094 Reclamation 113-094 0.9 0.9 1 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-17-22 85.7 I ;Rolanjation 1B-094j Jun-24-22 -22 8 �11;Aug 18 22,StructUre;16-095 ASY-113-095 Tower Assembly 16-095 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 10.1 II Tow�rAs erpbl 1Q-04.5 FDN-113-095 Foundations 113-095 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 13.7 Foundations; 1g-096 SPT-16-095 Spotting 16-095 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 13.7 1 Spotting; 1"95 CLR-113-095 Clearing 113-095 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 17.5 1i Clearing 1B-095 j ACC-113-095 Access 16-095 0.46 0.6 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-25-22 17.5 Ij A cesS 1B-095 ERC-1B-095 Tower Erection 1B-095 0.9 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 71.8 I Tower:ErKtiop 10-095 REC-16-095 Reclamation 1B-095 0.9tO.%,., Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 85.7 1 j Reclamation 1B-095; Jun-25-22 Aug �►;Aug-19-22,StructUre;1B-097 ASY-1B-097 Tower Assembly 16-097 1.2Jul-06-22 Jul-08-22 10.1 jl �bworPssembly 19-007 FDN-1B-097 Foundations 1B-097 0.9 0.9Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 14.0 ' Fbundation� 1B-097 SPT-1B-097 Spotting 16-097 0.6 0.6 Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 14.0 j Spott:ingj 1"97 CLR-113-097 Clearing 113-097 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-25-22 18.1 1: Clearing 1B-097 ACC-113-097 Access 16-097 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 18.1 I: Access 18-097 ERC-16-097 Tower Erection 113-097 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 71.8 1 j Toyver:Erotiob 18-007 REC-16-097 Reclamation 16-097 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 85.7 1 Retlarrlatibn 16-097 eltructure 1B-0 5 J & Aug-20-22 V.m�►;Aug-2Q-22,StructurQ113-09$ 'ASY-lB-098 Tower Assembly 113-098 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 10.1 jl TowerAssembl* 16-098 FDN-16-098 Foundations 115-098 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 14.3 1 Foundations 18-098 SPT-113-098 Spotting 113-098 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-02-22 14.3 I $potting 11-09$ CLR-113-098 Clearing 113-098 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 18.8 1; Clearing 16-098 ACC-113-098 Access 16-098 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-26-22 18.8 II Access 1Q-098 ERC-16-098 Tower Erection 113-098 0.9 1 0.9 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 71.8 1:Tower:Erectioh tiB-098 REC-113-098 Reclamation 1B-098 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 85.7 I ReClartlatipn 16-098 -22 85.7 J! 0 Aug-2i-22,S6ucjuro16�090 ASY-113-099 Tower Assembly 16-099 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 10.1 :1 TovderAsseYibly 1B-099 FDN-16-099 Foundations 115-099 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 14.5 i F,ourjdation3 15-099 SPT-113-099 Spotting 16-099 0.6 0.6 00%1. Jul-03-22 Jul-03-22 14.5 Spot ino 1g-0Y9 CLR-113-099 Clearing 113-099 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-26-22 19.4 11 ClOaring 1B-099 ACC-16-099 Access 16-099 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 19.4 li Access 18-099 ERC-113-099 Tower Erection 113-099 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 71.8 1:Tower;Erettioh 113-099 REC-113-099 Reclamation 113-099 0.9 1 0.9 1 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 85.7 1: R�clarnatipn j16-099 55.4 Jun-26-22 Aug-22-22 I.M"j Aug-22-22,Structure 1B 100 ASY-16-100 Tower Assembly 16-100 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 10.1 :1 Tower Assembly 1B-100 FDN-113-100 Foundations 18-100 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 14.8 j �ourjdations 1k-100 SPT-113-100 Spotting 113-100 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-05-22 14.8 :I Spotting 0 CLR-113-100 Clearing 18-100 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 20.1 1; Clearipg IB-100: ACC-16-100 Access 16-100 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 20.1 1; Access 18-100 ERC-16-100 Tower Erection 113-100 1.9 1.9 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-24-22 71.8 1; Tower.Erection 1B-100 REC-113-100 Reclamation 113-100 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 "85.7 1 Reclamation 16-�Od Structure 16-10 55.8 55.8 Jun-27-22 Aug-23-22 �7 A�g-23-22,Structur&1&101 ASY1B-101 TowerAssembly 16-101 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 ;1 jJbWerAssejnbly 1j3-101 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 41 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D J I F I M I A I M I J lul FDN-16-101 Foundations 1B-101 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 15.1 ;1 oundation¢ 1 -191 SPT-16-101 Spotting 16-101 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-06-22 15.1 :1 �pottin$ 1B-101 CLR-16-101 Clearing 18-101 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 20.7 1: Clearing jB-101 -- '- --------- ACC-113-101 Access 16-101 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-28-22 20.7 I, Access 18-101 ERC-1B-101 Tower Erection 1B-101 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-24-22 71.8 1: TQWer.Erection 1B-1'01 REC-1B-101 Reclamation 18-101 0.9 0.9 1 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 85.7 1 j Reclamaton 113401 re 1&102 n-2822 24-22 �7 Aqg-24-22,Structun&113102 rA -102 Tower Assembly 16-102 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-14-22 10.1 I jTow/erAssejnb� 1:B-1p2 j -'---'---'--' ----- B-102 Foundations 18-102 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 15.4 jl �oumdations 1B-102 -102 Spotting 16-102 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07 22 Jul-07 22 15.4 I spotting 16102 -102 Clearing 16-102 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-28-22 21.3 1i Clearing .13402j ACC-113-102 Access 16-102 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 21.3 Access 16-102 ERC-113-102 Tower Erection 113-102 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 71.8 1: Tower,ErKtign I B-102; -'---'---'--'--' -- --- --I-- --- --I-- -- ---I-- -- --- --------- ------- REC-16-102 Reclamation 18-102 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 85.7 1: Reclarnation 113402 Jun 28 22 Aug �I Awg-25-22,Structure18-103 ASY-113-103 Tower Assembly 16-103 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 10.1 TowerAssembly 16-103 FDN-113-103 Foundations 18-103 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-07-22 15.7 :1 Foundations 1B-103 SPT-113-103 Spotting 16-103 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 15.7 ;I Spotting 10-103 CLR-1B-103 Clearing 16-103 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 22.0 Clearing,16-103 --- -- --------- ---- ------ ---- - ACC-113-103 Access 16-103 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-29-22 22.0 1 Access 18-103 ERC-16-103 Tower Erection 113-103 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 71.8 1; Tower Ergctign 16103 REC-16-103 Reclamation 16-103 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 85.7 1: R&W.nation;16;103 tructu &1 5 J Aug2522 �► AUg-Z5-2Z,StructurV1�101 -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- - ASY 16-104 Tower Assembly 16-104 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-15 22 Jul 16 22 10.1 I 'Tower Assembly 1B-104 - - - - - - - - FDN-16-104 Foundations 18-104 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 16.0 11 Foundations 11B-1p4 SPT-1B-104 Spotting 16-104 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 16.0 ;1 $potting 19-104 CLR-1B-104 Clearing 16-104 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-29-22 22.6 I Clearing 16-104 ACC-1B-104 Access 16-104 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 22.6 Access 1S-1Q4 -----'- '--'---'-- -- ---'-- -------- ------------------------------------- ERC-16-104 Tower Erection 1B-104 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 71.8 1; Tower Erection 1B-104 REC-16-104 Reclamation 1B-104 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-25-22 85.7 11 Reclarnation;113404 cture 1B-105 -22 85.7 �► A4g-26-2�,Sfiructure1�105 ASY-1B 105 Tower Assembly 16-105 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-16 22 Jul-17-22 10.1 1 ToeArerAssembly 1B 105 FDN-16-105 Foundations 18-105 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 16.3 I Foundations 1j61p5 --- --------------- ---- ------ ---- - SPT-1B-105 Spotting 16-105 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 16.3 :1 Spotting 18-105 - CLR-113-105 Clearing 18-105 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 23.3 1 Clearing IB-105 ACC-16-105 Access 16-105 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-30-22 Jun-30-22 23.3 gcce$s 1;6-105 ERC-113-105 Tower Erection 113-105 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 71.8 I Tower Erectibn 16-105 REC-113-105 Reclamation 113-105 0.9 0.9 1 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 85.7 II Rpclarnatjon j1B�.10$ 57.4 Jun-30-22 Aug-27-22 � Aug ?22,Strudture 1g 1a6 , r r ASY-16-106 Tower Assembly 16-106 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 10.1 1 Tower Assembly 113-106; FDN-113-106 Foundations 18-106 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 16.5 j 1 roundations 16-106 SPT-113-106 Spotting 113-106 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 16.5 1 Spotting 16-106 CLR-113-106 Clearing 18-106 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-30-22 Jun-30-22 23.9 I Qlearing j1B-106 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ACC-16-106 Access 16-106 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 23.9 i Access tiB-106 - - - - - - ERC-16-106 Tower Erection 113-106 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 71.8 1 Tower Erection 1B-106 REC-113-106 Reclamation 113-106 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 85.7 1i Reclamation j 1B 100 Structure 1B-10 57.8 57.8 Jun-30-22 Aug-28-22 85. TMP" AUg-28-22,Strudturi?1B-107 ASY1B-107 Tower Assembly 16-107 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-20-22 10.1 I ;TowergssgmLjly B 707 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 42 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N DE4!A M J lul FDN-16-107 Foundations 1B-107 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 16.8 I oundations 1B-1 7 SPT-16-107 Spotting 16-107 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 16.8 I Spotting 16-107 CLR-16-107 Clearing 16-107 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 24.6 j Glearjng j16 i07j ACC-113-107 Access 16-107 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-01-22 24.6 Access 1;B-107 ERC-1B-107 Tower Erection 1B-107 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 71.8 1 Tower Erection 1B-107 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - REC-16-107 Reclamation 18-107 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 85.7 I; Rocla�nat on:l&10 re 11113-108 2 -22 8 T=�E1 Aug-29-22,Strudur',e113-108 rA -108 Tower Assembly 16-108 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 10.1 1:TogverjAssambly iB-j08j B-108 Foundations 18-108 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 17.1 j I Fou:ndatioris 1B-108 -108 Spotting 16-108 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 17.1 I SpottirYg IB-108 . d---; -- --- ----- --- -- ----- -- -------- , -108 Clearing 16-108 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-01-22 25.2 I Clearing:16-109 ACC-113-108 Access 16-108 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 25.2 I Access 1B-108 ERC-113-108 Tower Erection 113-108 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 71.8 j Tpwgr Erectipn REC-16-108 Reclamation 18-108 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 85.7 Reclamation:1M0g ill AUg-30-22,StruCturelB-109 --; - ------ --,--- ------ ------- -------- ASY-113-109 Tower Assembly 16-109 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 10.1 1:Tower:Assom4ly 1!3409: FDN-113-109 Foundations 18-109 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 17.4 I ;Fou;ndatiohs 1B-109 SPT-113-109 Spotting 113-109 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 17.4 1 :Spotting IB-109 CLR-113-109 Clearing 16-109 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 25.9 M Clearing;16,105 ACC-113-109 Access 16-109 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 25.9 1 Access 1B-109 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ERC-16-109 Tower Erection 113-109 0.9 1 0.9 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 71.8 1 lower Erection 113-101 REC-16-109 Reclamation 16-109 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 85.7 { Rklatnation;113409 tructu &110 5 J 2 Vmwm/ Aug-31-22,Stru�turelD-1 0 ASY-11B-110 Tower Assembly 16-110 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 10.1 1: Tower;Assembly 16-110 FDN-16-110 Foundations 18-110 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 17.4 1 ;Foundations 1B-110I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- SPT-113-110 Spotting 113-110 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-14-22 17.7 1 :Spottinig 1,13410 CLR-113-110 Clearing 16-110 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 26.2 Clearing;16-110 ACC-1B-110 Access 16-110 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-03-22 26.2 A,cceSs 7 6-1�0 ERC-16-110 Tower Erection 113-110 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 71.8 Tower Erection 16-110 REC-16-110 Reclamation 1B-110 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 85.7 1 Reclalmation: 1B-110 cture 1B-110.1 -01-22 85.7 *-k-* $13-dl 22,Structur 19-110.1 , FDN-113-110.1 Foundations 113-110.1 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-14-22 17.4 I Foundations 113-110.1 SPT-16-110.1 Spotting 16-110.1 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 17.7 1 ;Spgtting 113-110.� CLR-16-110.1 Clearing 16-110.1 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-03-22 26.5 Clearing;113410.1 ACC-113-110.1 Access 16-110.1 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 26.5 1 Acccess 113-110.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERC-16-110.1 Tower Erection 113-110.1 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 71.8 Power Erection 113410.1 ASY-113-110.1 Tower Assembly 16-110.1 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 79.8 1: Tol✓ver;Assi?mbly 16-110.1 REC-113-110.1 Reclamation 113-110.1 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 85.7 I Reclama�ionj 1E-11o.1j -"Wucture 19T11 59.4 Jul-03-22 Sep-02-22 VE" Sep-02-22,5truOurelB-111 ASY-16-111 Tower Assembly 16-111 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 10.1 11 TowerAssembly 1B-111 - --- -- --'---'---' -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- FDN-1B-111 Foundations 18-111 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 17.4 j 1 :Foundations iB-111 SPT-113-111 Spotting 113-111 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 17.4 1 ;SpdttMg 1B-111 CLR-113-111 Clearing 18-111 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 26.6 Cle4,ing:1B&11I ACC-16-111 Access 16-111 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-05-22 26.6 i1 Access 16-1-11 ERC-16-111 Tower Erection 1B-111 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 71.8 1 lbwer Erection ;16-111 REC-1B-111 Reclamation 1B-111 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 85.7 ` declamooni 1d 111 ----- --- -------- --- ----- --- ----- ---- - --- ---- - - Structure 1B��Tb�werAssem�b� lB-1�12 59.8 59.8 Jul-05-22 Sep-02-22 85. �1 Sep-02-22,Struttur'e16-112 ASY16 1121.2 1.2 0% Jul-24-22 Jul 26 22 10.1 1; T&v4.Assembly j16-11� ; Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 43 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 5 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O IND J F M A M J Jul A S O IN J F M A M J Jul A S O INDE4!A I M I J lul FDN-16-112 Foundations 1B-112 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 17.7 I Foundations 113- 12 SPT-16-112 Spotting 16-112 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 17.7 1 Spbttft 16-112 CLR-16-112 Clearing 16-112 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-05-22 27.2 I Glearing;1&11Z ACC-113-112 Access 16-112 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 27.2 :1 Access 1B-112 ERC-1B-112 Tower Erection 1B 1b -112 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 71.8 1 w2r Erection I16-112 REC-1B-112 Reclamation 18-112 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-02-22 85.7 i 11ecl�maiiori 1E 112 ire 1B-113 85,7 Sep-03-22,StruttutelB-113 rAB-113 Tower Assembly 16-113 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 10.1 1; TowerAs$embly j1B 11 r - -- -- - - ----- --r B-113 Foundations 18-113 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 17.9 1 Foundatiohs 1B-113 6-113 Spotting 16-113 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 18.0 I (Spotting 16-113 6-113 Clearing 16-113 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 27.8 i1 Clearing:1B 11 ACC-113-113 Access 16-113 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-06-22 27.8 :1 Access 113-113 ERC-1B-113 Tower Erection 1B-113 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 71.8 it Tew�r Erection j 113JI3 REC-16-113 Reclamation 18-113 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 85.7 Reclamation 18-113 u1-06-22 Sep-04-22 �lV Sep-04-22,Structurel8-114 ASY-113-114 Tower Assembly 16-114 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 10.1 I ToweiA4eniblyj113414 9 .FDN-113-114 Foundations 18-114 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 17.9 1 FoOnd�tiohs 1B-114 SPT-113-114 Spotting 16-114 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 18.3 I Spotting IB-114; CLR-113-114 Clearing 18-114 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-06-22 28.2 j1 �Ieahng;113,114 ACC-113-114 Access 16-114 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 28.2 :1 Access 1B-114 ERC-16-114 Tower Erection 113-114 0.9 1 0.9 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 71.8 j 1 7owpr Erection 1B 114 REC-16-114 Reclamation 16-114 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 85.7 :1 Reclamation 16-114 tructure 1&11 - / SepiJ6 22,StruFture10 1I --- --?-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- --- --?- - 6 Jul-06-22 Sep-06-22 ASY-11B-115 Tower Assembly 1B-115 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 10.1 1 Tower Assennbly;11341S FDN-16-115 Foundations 113-115 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 17.9 1 Foundations 1113-115 SPT-113-115 Spotting 16-115 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 18.5 1 Spotting 113415: CLR-113-115 Clearing 16-115 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 28.6 :1 CIeating;1BM5 -- --- 11-- -- --- ACC-1B-115 Access 16-115 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-07-22 28.6 ;I Access 16115 j ERC-16-115 Tower Erection 113-115 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 71.8 j 1 tower Erection:1&115 REC-16-115 Reclamation 1B-115 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 85.7 ;1 Reclamation 18-115 ucture 1B-116 -22 85.7 � $ep-07- 2, tructurelB-1;16 ASY-113-116 Tower Assembly 1B-116 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 10.1 ' TbwdrAs6enibly:113416 FDN-16-116 Foundations 18-116 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 17.9 1 Fo{anc#atigns 1& 16 SPT-113-116 Spotting 16-116 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-20-22 18.8 1 j Spotting 1B-116 CLR-113-116 Clearing 18-116 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-07-22 28.9 :1 Clearing:113116 ACC-16-116 Access 16-116 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 28.9 :1 Access 113416 ERC-113-116 Tower Erection 113-116 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 71.8 1 Tower Etection;113416 r - - -- --- - REC-1B-116 Reclamation 1B-116 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 85.7 ;I Reclamation 10-116 j 1&117 52.5 Jul-16-22 Sep-08-22 jam!► 5ep0822,StructurelB-1Y7 ASY-16-117 Tower Assembly 16-117 1.2 1.2 0% Jul-30-22 Aug-01-22 10.1 1 lbwerAsserrI .16417 FDN-113-117 Foundations 16-117 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 17.9 1 Foundations:11341y SPT-113-117 Spotting 113-117 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-21-22 19.1 1: Spbtting 1B-117 r ;Cl ri 1' 1 r CLR-1B-117 Clearing 18-117 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 20.2 I ; e. rzg R 1 ACC-16-117 Access 16-117 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 20.2 1 jAc6ess;:&117 ERC-16-117 Tower Erection 113-117 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 71.8 ;1 Tower Erection;1B;117 REC-113-117 Reclamation 1B-117 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 85.7 ;1 keclematiom 113-117 Structure:&118 54.0 54.0 Jul-1622 Sep-09-22 85. TM!MMT Sep:09422,Structure1B-118I r , ASY1B-118 Tower Assembly 16-118 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 10.1 I TpwerAgserr�blyj 1Bf110 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 44 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul FDN-16-118 Foundations 1B-118 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 17.9 1: Foundations 16-11& SPT-16-118 Spotting 16-118 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-22-22 19.3 1: Spbtting 1B-118 CLR-16-118 Clearing 18-118 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-16-22 20.2 I ;Clearing 1Q418 ACC-113-118 Access 16-118 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 21.7 j I :Ac�ess:1&118 ERC-1B-118 Tower Erection 1B-118 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-09-22 71.8 :1 Tower Erection;113MB REC-16-118 Reclamation 113 118 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-08 22 Sep-09-22 85.7 ;1 �ec,amotiob 18-118 ucture rAB -119 Jul- 2 Se 10 ;�p► Sep40-22,StrdctdreIB-1;19 Tower Assembly 16-119 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 10.1 ;1 Tpw�rAgsembly: 1Q-119 Foundations 18-119 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 17.9 1: Foundations'1B-119 Spotting 16-119 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-23 22 Jul 23 22 19.6 1; Spotting 1B-119 Clearing 16-119 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 20.2 1 :Clearing 19-119 ACC-113-119 Access 16-119 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-16-22 23.2 I ;Access:1B;119 ERC-113-119 Tower Erection 113-119 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 71.8 1 Tower�rectton: 1Q-119 REC-16-119 Reclamation 18-119 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 85.7 :1 Reclamation 1g-119 Sep-11-22 ;V=NNNI Sep,11+22,StructurelB-120I ASY-113-120 Tower Assembly 16-120 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 10.1 :1 7owdrAssembly: 18420 FDN-113-120 Foundations 18-120 0.9 1 0.9 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 17.9 1: Foundatidns 11B;120 SPT-113-120 Spotting 113-120 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-24-22 19.9 1: 5pottkng ;16-J2Q CLR-113-120 Clearing 16-120 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-15-22 20.2 1 ;Clearing 18-120 ----------:------ ACC-1B-120 Access 16-120 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 24.8 I ;AcCess;164120 ERC-16-120 Tower Erection 113-120 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 71.8 I Tower ll�rec{ion 1Fr120 REC-16-120 Reclamation 16-120 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 85.7 1 :Reclamaation 16-120 10 tructu 1&1 5 Jul-14 ;�► ;5ep,11,22„StrgctyreJB-721 ASY-11B-121 Tower Assembly 1B-121 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 10.1 :I TowerAssembl�. 18-121 --- ---------- -- --- -- --- - ----- - CLR-16-121 Clearing 18-121 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 12.6 1 :Clearing 18-121 FDN-113-121 Foundations 16-121 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-24-22 17.9 1; Foundations:lB 121 SPT-113-121 Spotting 113-121 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-25-22 20.2 1: Spotting;1B;121 ACC-113-121 Access 16-121 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-15-22 26.3 1 ;Access:1B,.12 ERC-16-121 Tower Erection 113-121 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 71.8 1 lower Erection 1EM1 REC-16-121 Reclamation 1B-121 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-11-22 85.7 I ;Reclam. . 1;B 1. cture I B-I Q0 85.7 ;�7 Sep-12 22,Struct6re16-122 ASY-113-122 Tower Assembly 16-122 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-07-22 10.1 1 TowprASserin 16-122 CLR-16-122 Clearing 18-122 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 12.6 I ;Clearing 1Q-1�2 FDN-16-122 Foundations 16-122 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-25-22 17.9 1; Fdundations;lB 122 -------- ----- -- - -- SPT-1B-122 Spotting 113-122 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 20.5 1: Spotting;1B;122 ACC-16-122 Access 16-122 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 27.9 : I Aceessj16122 ERC-16-122 Tower Erection 113-122 0.9 1 0.9 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 71.8 I Tower Erection 1B-122 REC-1B-122 Reclamation 1B-122 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 85.7 1 ;Reclamation 713-1:22 : 61.6 u-13-22 Sep 13-22 ;Vr►:Sep-13 22;StructwrelB-123' ASY-16-123 Tower Assembly 16-123 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 10.1 ;1 TowerAssembN 16-123 CLR-1B-123 Clearing 16-123 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-13-22 12.6 : I Clearing 19-123 FDN-113-123 Foundations 16-123 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 17.9 1: F6undatibns:1BF123 SPT-113-123 Spotting 113-123 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 20.8 1: Spotting:1M23 ACC-16-123 Access 16-123 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 29.4 : I Ace:113423 ERC-16-123 Tower Erection 113-123 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 71.8 1 ;Tower Erwborl 16-123 REC-1B-123 Reclamation 1B-123 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 85.7 I Reclamation 113423 Structure 1113-124 63.1 63.1 Jul-12-22 Sep-14-22 85. Vm!=�►:Sep-14r22;StrUctOre16-1241 ASY1B-124 rTbwe,�r�Assembly 16-124 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 10.1 :I Tow,ergssembl> 1Q4�4 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 45 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O IN J F M A M J lul CLR-16-124 Clearing 1B-124 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 12.6 I 'Clearing 1 -124 FDN-16-124 Foundations 18-124 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 17.9 I: Foundatibns;1M24 SPT-113-124 Spotting 16-124 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 21.1 1 Spotling;1BL124 ACC-113-124 Access 16-124 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-13-22 30.9 I 'Ac6ess;113424 ERC-113-124 Tower Erection 113-124 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 71.8 I ;Tower!EreCtiorl 1B-124 REC-16-124 Reclamation 18-124 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 85.7 I j Reelaniation 16424 j ucture 1 B-125 64.6 - g VEP-'h►;Sep-15',22,StrUctlare 1 B-1251 ASY-113-125 Tower Assembly 16-125 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-09 22 Aug-10-22 10.1 I to,ger4sejnbly 11 4�5 j CLR-113-125 Clearing 18-125 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 12.6 :1 Clearin6 16-125 FDN-16-125 Foundations 18-125 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 17.9 I Foundations: 18-125 SPT-113-125 Spotting 16-125 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-28 22 Jul 29 22 21.3 l Spotting:lB 12 ---i-- --,---;---;- ;- ;-- --- I- -- -- - --- - - -- ACC-1B-125 Access 16-125 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 32.5 I �cl?sss 116125 ERC-113-125 Tower Erection 113-125 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 71.8 I ;Tower Frectioq 113-125 REC-16-125 Reclamation 18-125 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 85.7 I j Reclamation 16-125 j 66.1 66.1 VENEENE►;Sep-16-22,Structure 1B-126I ASY-113-126 Tower Assembly 16-126 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 10.1 j I tower Assembly 113-126 CLR-113-126 Clearing 18-126 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-11-22 12.6 I ICledrin$1B-126 FDN-113-126 Foundations 18-126 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 17.9 l Fgundatipnsj 113.126' SPT-113-126 Spotting 113-126 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 21.6 l Spotting;1B,126 ACC-113-126 Access 16-126 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 34.0 I Access 18-126 ERC-16-126 Tower Erection 113-126 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 71.8 I ;Tower 1rection 1$-126 REC-16-126 Reclamation 16-126 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 85.7 I Reclamation 16-126 tructure 1 B-1 6 Jul-10-22 ;Vmmm�►;Sep-17-22,Stnuctpre MJ27, ASY16127 rTower)Assembl� 1B-127 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-11-22 Aug13-22 10.1 j I Tower Assembly 16-1�27 CLR-16-127 Clearing 18-127 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 12.6 I Clearing M-127 FDN-113-127 Foundations 16-127 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 17.9 I Fouridations 1$-127 ---'--- :--- ,--,-- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- --- I - SPT-113-127 Spotting 113-127 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 21.9 I Spotting;16127 ACC-113-127 Access 16-127 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Jul-11-22 Jul-11-22 35.6 1 Access�13-127; ERC-16-127 Tower Erection 113-127 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-17-22 71.8 I ;Tower Erection 18-127 REC-16-127 Reclamation 1B-127 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 85.7 I Reclamation 113-127 llffEc,ture 1B-1286,%1 85.7 jVEi=E1:Sep-1$-22;Structure:113&128, -- --- L- -- -- - -- ASY-113-128 Tower Assembly 16-128 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 10.1 I TowerAssdmbly 113-128 CLR-16-128 Clearing 18-128 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-10-22 12.6 I Clearing 18�12� FDN-113-128 Foundations 16-128 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 17.9 Fburidations 18-12$ SPT-113-128 Spotting 113-128 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 22.2 1 Spotting 1B-128 ACC-16-128 Access 16-128 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 37.1 I kcoss;1B-128j ERC-113-128 Tower Erection 113-128 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 71.8 I TowerErettioh 16-128 REC-113-128 Reclamation 113-128 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 85.7 I Rer lamatign IB-128 70.7 Sep-19-22 Sep 19-22yStructure16129' ASY-16-129 Tower Assembly 16-129 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 10.1 I ;Tower Assembly 1B-129 : CLR-113-129 Clearing 16-129 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 12.6 j I Clearing 1B 12g FDN-113-129 Foundations 16-129 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 17.9 I Foundations 113-129 SPT-113-129 Spotting 113-129 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 22.5 :I Spotting 16-129 ACC-16-129 Access 16-129 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-10-22 38.6 j I Access 7B-129 ERC-16-129 Tower Erection 1B-129 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 71.8 I Tb%rer Erection 16-129 REC-1B-129 Reclamation 1B-129 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 "57 I j Rej larmatign 113429: Structure 16-130 --�-- --�---'--- --�-- ---'---�-- ---1---i--i--�---'---i--J---,---;- - ------,-- ------,-- -- ---,--- -- ---,--- -- ---,--- -- -- ------ --�-- - 72.2 72. Jul-08-22 Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22,Str`ucture1B;130ASY16-130 Tower Assembly 16-130 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 I ;TovverQs mbN 113-�30 j Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 46 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 011 N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul CLR-16-130 Clearing 1B-130 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 12.6 I tearing 1B 13 FDN-16-130 Foundations 18-130 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 17.9 ,I FburidatlonS 16-130 SPT-113-130 Spotting 113-130 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 22.8 ;I Spottng 14-13p ACC-1B-130 Access 16-130 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 40.2 j I Access;1B-130 -- ---------------------- ------------- ------ ------- - ------ ---- - ERC-113-130 Tower Erection 113-130 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 71.8 I ToWer;EreCtion 113-130 REC-16-130 Reclamation 18-130 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 85.7 1: Reclamation ;113430 ucture 1B-131 J V. EPEEIW. Sep-20-22,Str'ucture;164131 ASY-113-131 Tower Assembly 16-131 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 10.1 1 :To�rerQss�mb� 11331: CLR-113-131 Clearing 18-131 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-08-22 12.6 I Clearing 113131 FDN-16-131 Foundations 18-131 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 17.9 11 Foundations 113-131 SPT-113-131 Spotting 113-131 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-03-22 23.1 ;I Spotting 19-13:1 ACC-113-131 Access 16-131 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 41.7 :1 Access 1B-131 ERC-113-131 Tower Erection 113-131 0.9 1 0.9 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 71.8 1;Tower:Erection 1ti6-131 -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- - REC-16-131 Reclamation 18-131 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 85.7 1: Reclamation 7B-731 - - - - - - - - Sep-21-22 �� Sep-21-22,Str;ucture.113432 ASY-1B-132 Tower Assembly 16-132 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-19-22 10.1 I :Touver;4sWm* 113432 j CLR-113-132 Clearing 18-132 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 12.6 :1 Cleating 1Br132 FDN-113-132 Foundations 18-132 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 17.9 ;1 Fougdation� 11 4�2 ---'---'--' ' ---- SPT-1B-132 Spotting 113-132 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-04-22 23.4 :1 Spotting 18-13;2 ACC-113-132 Access 16-132 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-08-22 43.2 I Access 1B-132 ERC-16-132 Tower Erection 113-132 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-21-22 Aug 22-22 71.8 I TowerjErection 1;6-1j32 REC-16-132 Reclamation 16-132 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 85.7 1: Reclamatibn 1B-132 MV tructu B-1 7 �� Sep-2Z-2Z,Structurg1B-13 ASY-1B-133 Tower Assembly 1B-133 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 10.1 I Tower;Assembly 1B-133 -------- ---------------------------- CLR-16-133 Clearing 18-133 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 12.6 '1 Clearing:111133 FDN-113-133 Foundations 18-133 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-04-22 17.9 ;I F�ouridations 19-1J3 SPT-113-133 Spotting 113-133 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 23.6 I Spotting 16133 ACC-113-133 Access 16-133 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 44.8 ;I Access IB-133; --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ERC-16-133 Tower Erection 113-133 0.9 1 0.9 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 71.8 1: Tower Erection 1B-133 - - - - - - REC-16-133 Reclamation 1B-133 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 85.7 1. Reclamation. ;1B;133 cture 1B-134 85.7 �NT'. Sep-2�-22,S6ucture16134 ASY-113-134 Tower Assembly 16-134 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 10.1 1:ToWer;Assembly 16-134 CLR-16-134 Clearing 113-134 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 14.3 I Oea6ng:1BL134 --- -- --------- ------ ----- --------- ---- ------ ---- - ACC-16-134 Access 16-134 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-08-22 14.3 j 1 cess 7B 134 - FDN-113-134 Foundations 18-134 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 14.3 1 Foundations IB-134 SPT-16-134 Spotting 16-134 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 20.3 1 potting 18-1$4 ERC-16-134 Tower Erection 113-134 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-23-22 Aug 24-22 71.8 1; ToWetl Erection 1B-134 REC-113-134 Reclamation 113-134 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 85.7 1; RQclarnatipn :1B,134 'NIuMr-e 1B-135 46.4 Sep 24-22 �7! Sep 24-22,Structural&13 r r ASY-16-135 Tower Assembly 16-135 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 10.1 1:TowerlAssembly AB-135 FDN-1B-135 Foundations 18-135 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 14.3 I roundations 1B-1�5 CLR-1B-135 Clearing 16-135 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-08-22 14.6 1 Clearing 1B-135 ACC-1B-135 Access 16-135 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 14.6 1 Access�B 135: S ------------------------------------- SPT-16-135 Spotting 16-135 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 20.6 j 1 potting ti&135 ERC-16-135 Tower Erection 113-135 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 71.8 1; Tower;Erection 1B-135 REC-113-135 Reclamation 113-135 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 85.7 li Recl4na*n 113 13$ Structure 1B-136 46.8 46.8 Aug-08-22 Sep-25-22 85. :�T Sdp-25-22,Sttucturd1&136 ASY1B-136 Tower Assembly 16-136 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 10.1 11 Tower,As�em$ly �13-�36 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 47 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul I A I S I O N D J I F I M A M J Jul A I S 1 O IND I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O IND I J I F I M A I M I J lul FDN-16-136 Foundations 1B-136 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 14.3 I oundations 1B-1 6 CLR-16-136 Clearing 18-136 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 15.0 I Clearing 16-136 ACC-113-136 Access 16-136 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-09-22 15.0 1 Access�B 1361 SPT-113-136 Spotting 113-136 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-11-22 20.9 I Spotting 1;6-136 ERC-113-136 Tower Erection 113-136 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-25-22 71.8 11 Tower Erection 1B-136 REC-16-136 Reclamation 18-136 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 85.7 l Rgclarnatjon 1B-13E 1B-137 S4p-26-22,Strudturb16-137 ASY-113-137 Tower Assembly 16-137 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-25-22 10.1 1; TgwerAsjemW ;1B,137 FDN-1B-137 Foundations 18-137 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 14.3 1 Fotindatioms 113-137 CLR-16-137 Clearing 113-137 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-09-22 15.3 1 Clealring 16-137 --------- ---F- T i-- ---F i-- ---F i-- --- ACC-113-137 Access 16-137 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 15.3 1 Access 113437 SPT-113-137 Spotting 113-137 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-12-22 21.2 I Spdttirig 113-137 ERC-113-137 Tower Erection 113-137 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 71.8 1; Tgwer Erectign �13-1371 REC-16-137 Reclamation 18-137 0.9 1 0.9 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 85.7 Il Reclamation:1B 137 g-09-22 Sep-27-22 V==IV SOp-27-22,Structur2lB 138 -- ;------ -;--; --;-- --- --------- -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- --------- -- -- - ASY-113-138 Tower Assembly 16-138 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 10.1 1; Tower Assembly jl&130 FDN-113-138 Foundations 18-138 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 14.3 1 IFodndAtior s 1B-138 CLR-113-138 Clearing 18-138 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 15.6 I Clearing 15-13¢ ACC-113-138 Access 16-138 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-10-22 15.6 I Access 16-138' SPT-113-138 Spotting 113-138 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-13-22 21.5 I Spotting 1B-138 ERC-16-138 Tower Erection 113-138 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 71.8 1; Towej Erection 1B-138j REC-16-138 Reclamation 16-138 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 85.7 11 Rklamation 11Br138 tructu bib. 4 ;Tm.mmI S4P Z8 2Z,SfiruGturp1E 139 IMI'ASY-lB-139 Tower Assembly 16-139 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 10.1 11 Towei Assembly;1B 139 FDN-16-139 Foundations 18-139 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 14.3 1 ;Foundations 1B-139I CLR-113-139 Clearing 18-139 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-10-22 16.0 I Clearing 1d-13§ ACC-113-139 Access 16-139 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 16.0 I Acci?ss 1B-139 SPT-113-139 Spotting 113-139 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-14-22 21.8 I ISp4mrlg 113 739 ERC-16-139 Tower Erection 113-139 0.9 1 0.9 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 71.8 11 Tower Erection 1B-1391 REC-16-139 Reclamation 1B-139 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 85.7 I R2clarnabon:1B-139 ucture 1&140 85.7 �� Sep-28-2-,Slruetureld-14b , ASY-113-140 Tower Assembly 1B-140 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 10.1 1, TdwetAstembly:ABA40 FDN-16-140 Foundations 18-140 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-14-22 14.3 11Fo6nd�tio6s jB-7401 CLR-113-140 Clearing 16-140 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 16.3 1 1 Clearing 18-140 ACC-113-140 Access 16-140 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 16.3 I Access:11B-140 '- '-- --- -- ------'---' -- ------ ------------------ --------- ------------------ SPT-16-140 Spotting 16-140 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 22.1 I Spotting 1B-140 ERC-113-140 Tower Erection 113-140 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 71.7 I Tbwer Er2ctbn 1B-140 REC-113-140 Reclamation 113-140 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-28-22 85.7 Reclamation 111 14p 48.3 Sep-29-22 Sep-29-2:2,Strudture19-141 ASY-16-141 Tower Assembly 16-141 1.2 1.2 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 10.1 1 Tower Assembly;1B141 ----- -- -- --- -- -- ------, ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ----- FDN-16-141 Foundations 16-141 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 14.3 I Foundations 113441: CLR-113-141 Clearing 18-141 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 16.6 1 ICleilring 1B-141 ACC-113-141 Access 16-141 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-12-22 16.6 1 Acgess;16-�41, SPT-16-141 Spotting 16-141 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 22.3 1 ;Spotting 16141 ERC-16-141 Tower Erection 113-141 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 71.4 1 Tower Erection 1B-141 -- - --- , REC-1B-141 Reclamation 1B-141 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 85.7 j Reclamoonl 10-141 Structure 1&��TowerAss�emmb� 48.6 Aug-12-22 Sep-30-22 85.7 ;�T Spp 30 22,StrudturplB 14'2 ASY1B-1426-142 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 10.1 1 Tpwer'As�emblv11BL14 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 48 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S O N D J F M A I M I J lul FDN-16-142 Foundations 1B-142 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 14.3 I ;Foundations 1 B 42 CLR-16-142 Clearing 18-142 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-12-22 17.0 I .Cle�rin$1B-142 ;- r--;---• -- ACC-16-142 Access 16-142 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 17.0 I Ac .16�42 SPT-1B-142 Spotting 1B-142 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 22.6 1 ;Spotting 1B 142 ERC-113-142 Tower Erection 113-142 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 71.4 I Tower Erection 1B-142 REC-16-142 Reclamation 18-142 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 85.7 Reclamation:10 14 1B-143 85.7 Ckt-01-22,StruCturlelB-14'3 r--;--- --; - - -- ASY-1B-143 Tower Assembly 16-143 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 10.1 I TpwqrAsserrjbly.1B 143 FDN-113-143 Foundations 18-143 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 14.3 1 ;Foundations 1B-143 CLR-16-143 Clearing 18-143 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 17.3 1 ;Clearing 1B-143 ACC-16-143 Access 16-143 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-13-22 17.3 I ;Access;113443j SPT-113-143 Spotting 113-143 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 22.5 I .Spbtting 1B-143 ; r------•- - -- -- --r- ----- - ----- - - -- - -- - -- - --- - r ERC-1B-143 Tower Erection 1B-143 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 71.4 I Tpwgr Erpctipn �B-�43 REC-16-143 Reclamation 18-143 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-30-22 act-01-22 85.7 M declamation: 19-143 49.2 49.2 ;V==► Oct-02-22,St ructure 1 B-144 ASY-113-144 Tower Assembly 16-144 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 10.1 I 7owerPssemblyj 1E 144 FDN-113-144 Foundations 18-144 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 14.3 I FOun6tidns 1B-144; CLR-16-144 Clearing 16-144 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-13-22 17.6 1Cle4ring 1E-144 ACC-113-144 Access 16-144 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 17.6 I •Acdess;113444 SPT-113-144 Spotting 113-144 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 22.4 1 :Spotting 1B-144I ERC-16-144 Tower Erection 113-144 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 71.4 ` 7owgr Erection 16 144 REC-16-144 Reclamation 16-144 0.9 0.9 0% act-01-22 act-02-22 85.7 I Reclamation, 1B-144 r ;--- ;- --s- tructure 16-1 ;�T Cat-Z7-2Z,Strugturpl&14� ASY-11B-145 Tower Assembly 1B-145 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 10.1 1 TowerMsenibly,19-146 FDN-16-145 Foundations 113-145 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 14.3 1 Foundations 1B-145 CLR-16-145 Clearing 16-145 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 17.9 I Clearing 16-145 ACC-1B-145 Access 16-145 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 17.9 I .Ac�ess;1B;145 ;--; �--r--;-- - -- - ----- - ----- - - -- - -- -- - -- - --- --r- - SPT-1B-145 Spotting 1B-145 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 22.3 1 I Spptti�g �B 145 ERC-16-145 Tower Erection 113-145 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 78.3 *bwer Erection •1B 145 REC-16-145 Reclamation 16-145 0.9 0.9 0% act-26-22 act-27-22 85.7 I. Reclamation:113;145 ucture1&146 _ 85.7 j -N-V Ckt-2$-2',StruourelB140 ASY-113-146 Tower Assembly 1B-146 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-02-22 10.1 lbw&rASsenibly,1&146 :- -I FDN-16-146 Foundations 18-146 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 14.3 I Fojunciatigns j16-14E CLR-113-146 Clearing 16-146 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 18.3 : 1 .Clearing 1B-146 ACC-113-146 Access 16-146 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-15-22 18.3 I .AcCess.113;146 SPT-16-146 Spotting 16-146 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 22.2 1 ;Spotting '113 146: ERC-113-146 Tower Erection 113-146 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 78.3 .I Tower Erection .1B;146 REC-113-146 Reclamation 113-146 0.9 1 0.9 0% act-27-22 act-28-22 85.7 I.-Rpcla�nato-nj 1B,14� 40.8 act-29-22 Okt z9 22,Struaturel8147 CLR-16-147 Clearing 18-147 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 12.7 1 .Charing 1B-147 ASY-113-147 Tower Assembly 16-147 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 33.5 Ij Tower Assembly j113441i ACC-113-147 Access 16-147 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 35.4 1:AcicesS 113-147 r ; • -- - - -- - -- - -- --- --r- - FDN-1B-147 Foundations 18-147 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 35.4 1 Foundations j16147 SPT-16-147 Spotting 16-147 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 35.4 I: Spbtting 76-147 ERC-16-147 Tower Erection 113-147 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 54.1 1• Tower,ErM gn 1B 147 REC-113-147 Reclamation 1B-147 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-28-22 act-29-22 85.7 I, Reclamat on: li3-147 Structure 1B-148 40.8 Sep-19-22 Crct 30-22 85 • �� act-30-22,StrudturblB-148 o . r Tower • ;---•-- - ASY1B-148 Tower Assembly 16-148 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 33.5 I. Assern j16-�4a Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 49 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A S O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul CLR-1B-148 Clearing 1B-148 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 35.4 1 Clearing 16-148 ACC-16-148 Access 16-148 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 35.4 1 ActesS 16-148 FDN-113-148 Foundations 18-148 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 35.4 1 j Foundatigns j1B,'14� SPT-113-148 Spotting 113-148 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 35.4 1; Spotti;ng ;16-14g p- p -------- ----- ------ ERC-1B-148 Tower Erection 1B-148 0.8 0.8 0% Se 25-22 Se 26-22 54.1 o TOwef Erection 113-1481 REC-16-148 Reclamation 18-148 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 85.7 1 Reclajnaoonj 1Ej 148 1B-149 40.8 t 31-22 85 �T Oct-31-22,Strutturlel6-145 ASY-113-149 Tower Assembly 16-149 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 33.5 l; T4weFAseemply;113�149 CLR-113-149 Clearing 18-149 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 35.4 1 Clearing 113-149 ----,-- ACC-16-149 Access 16-149 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 35.4 1:Access 1B-149 FDN-113-149 Foundations 16-149 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 35.4 1: Foundations 113 14§ SPT-1B-149 Spotting 1B-149 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 35.4 1 j Spotting .16-. . ERC-113-149 Tower Erection 113-149 0.8 1 0.8 1 0% 1 Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 54.1 II Tgwe�Er�ctign �49j REC-16-149 Reclamation 1B-149 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 85.7 F7eclamationj 18-149 ------------------ -- -- - -- 40.8 p-21-22 Oct-31-22 TME► Oct-31-22,StruCturelB-150 ASY-113-150 Tower Assembly 16-150 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 33.5 1j Tow4As4emblyj113150 CLR-1B-150 Clearing 18-150 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 35.4 1 Clearing ti6-150 ACC-1B-150 Access 16-150 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 35.4 1 AGces 1q 15p FDN-113-150 Foundations 16-150 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 35.4 1: Foundations 113,150 SPT-113-150 Spotting 113-150 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 35.4 I: Spotting;16-150 ERC-16-150 Tower Erection 113-150 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 54.1 ! Tower Erection 16450 REC-16-150 Reclamation 16-150 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-31-22 Oct-31-22 85.7 I Recldmation, 16-150 fil!1&1 p-21-22 V�. ► Nov-91-�2,$trupture1l�-151 ASY-113-151 Tower Assembly 1B-151 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 33.5 Towe'rAssembly;11BA51 --------- -- - ----- - CLR-16-151 Clearing 113-151 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 35.4 1 Clearing 16-151 ACC-113-151 Access 16-151 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 35.4 I; Access 1d-151 FDN-113-151 Foundations 16-151 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 35.4 1: Foundatibns;1M51 SPT-113-151 Spotting 113-151 0.8 1 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 35.4 1: Spotting j1B-�5 ERC-16-151 Tower Erection 113-151 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 54.1 Tower Erection 16-151 REC-16-151 Reclamation 1B-151 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 85.7 I Reclalmation; 16-15.1 care 1&152 85.7 Not Nov-02-�2,$tructujelb-1.$2 ASY-113-152 Tower Assembly 1B-152 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 33.5 TdwelrAstemblyl1BA52 CLR-16-152 Clearing 113-152 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 35.4 1 j Clearing J B-152 j ACC-16-152 Access 16-152 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 35.4 1: Access 19-152 FDN-113-152 Foundations 18-152 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 35.4 1; Foundations;1B;153 SPT-16-152 Spotting 16-152 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 35.4 1: Spotting j 1&15 ERC-16-152 Tower Erection 113-152 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 54.1 1 Tbwdr Erktibn ;16-152 REC-113-152 Reclamation 113-152 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 85.7 I i eclamafiorj 11 452 "SINEW1B-153 117.3 11 .3 Nov-03-22 * Nov�3 22,Structurel6 153 ASY-16-153 Tower Assembly 16-153 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 10.1 Tower Assembly; 16153 CLR-16-153 Clearing 16-153 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-08-22 12.0 j I Tearing 113 153 FDN-113-153 Foundations 16-153 1.7 1.7 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-29-22 14.3 1 Fbundations; 16-153 SPT-113-153 Spotting 113-153 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 14.3 1 Spot�ingj 113453 ERC-16-153 Tower Erection 113-153 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 57.4 II Tower Erection 113,153 ACC-16-153 Access 16-153 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 63.5 I Access 1B-153 REC-113-153 Reclamation 113-153 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-02-22 Nov-03-22 85.7 ;I keclamaoori 19-1$3 Structure 18-154 117.7 Jul-08 22 Nov-04-22 85. �I Nov-04-22,StrdcttirelB-154 ASY-16-154 Tower Assembly 16-154 1 0.9 0.9 O o Sep-03-22 1 Sep-04-22 10.1 ;I -ow�r4semblyj 111�454 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 50 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul CLR-1B-154 Clearing 1B-154 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 12.0 I Clearing 1BI154 --,-------I---- -- -- -- -- --- --- -- --- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- FDN-16-154 Foundations 113-154 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-29-22 14.6 { Fbundations; 1B-154 SPT-113-154 Spotting 16-154 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 14.6 i Spotting:16,154 ERC-113-154 Tower Erection 113-154 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 57.4 j1 Tower Erection 113,154 ACC-113-154 Access 16-154 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-09-22 65.0 1 Access 113454 REC-16-154 Reclamation 18-154 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-03-22 Nov-04-22 85.7 qecl�mai ion 113-1$4 11113-155 ov-05-22 85, V. 00=0=000W Nov405-1 22,StnJctUrelB-155l ASY-1B-155 Tower Assembly 16-155 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 10.1 I Towprgsser. . 1R 1 5 CLR-113-155 Clearing 18-155 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-09-22 12.0 j I Cleating 113155 FDN-16-155 Foundations 18-155 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 14.9 1 Foundations: 1B-155 SPT-16-155 Spotting 16-155 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 14.9 1 Spotting:1B 15$ ERC-113-155 Tower Erection 113-155 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 57.4 :1 Tower Election;16-155 ACC-113-155 Access 16-155 0.6 1 0.6 0% 1 Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 65.3 l i4ccgss.B-155 REC-16-155 Reclamation 18-155 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-04-22 Nov-05-22 85.7 jl Reclamation 18-155 � Oct-03-22 V Oct-03 22,Strutture16156 ASY-113-156 Tower Assembly 16-156 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 10.1 it �ower*embly; 111�4$6 CLR-113-156 Clearing 18-156 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 12.0 1 IClearin$16-156 FDN-113-156 Foundations 18-156 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 15.2 i Fpundat.onsj 1EI-156 SPT-113-156 Spotting 113-156 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 15.2 1 Spotting; 113 155 ERC-113-156 Tower Erection 113-156 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 57.4 :1 Tower Erection:1B-156 ACC-16-156 Access 16-156 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-10-22 65.7 I j4ccess;16-�56j REC-16-156 Reclamation 16-156 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 85.7 1 Reclamation 1B-156 1E-1 Jul-10-22 Qct-p4-Z2,S.trupture15-157 ASY-113-157 Tower Assembly 16-157 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 10.1 j1 Tower Assembly 18-157 CLR-16-157 Clearing 18-157 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-10-22 12.0 1 Clearing 18-157 FDN-113-157 Foundations 16-157 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 15.5 I Foundations 1E-157 SPT-113-157 Spotting 113-157 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 15.5 I Spotting; 16-157 ERC-1B-157 Tower Erection 1B-157 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 57.4 ;1 Tower Erection:1R-157 ACC-1B-157 Access 16-157 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 66.0 j I Access 7B 157j REC-1B-157 Reclamation 18-157 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 85.7 1 Reclamation 16157 1Eh158 3 85.7 . Qct-b5-22,$trujcturel8-1$8 ASY-1B-158 Tower Assembly 1B-158 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 10.1 11 TovierAssednbly 1B-158 CLR-16-158 Clearing 1B-158 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 12.0 1 Clearing 1B�15R FDN-16-158 Foundations 16-158 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 15.8 Fourdations 1g-158 SPT-1B-158 Spotting 1B-158 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-01-22 15.8 1 Spotting 16-158 ERC-16-158 Tower Erection 1B-158 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 57.4 ;I 7bWer Erection:10-150 ACC-1B-158 Access 16-158 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 66.4 I �cess;16-15& REC-1B-158 Reclamation 1B-158 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 85.7 i1 Recl�majlio6 11-4�8 59 85.6 Jul-11-22 Oct-06-22 jam!► Qct 06 22,StructurelB-159 ASY-16-159 Tower Assembly 16-159 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 10.1 :1 Tower Assembly 1B-159 CLR-16-159 Clearing 16-159 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 12.0 j I Clearing 1E 159 FDN-113-159 Foundations 16-159 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-01-22 16.1 I FburidationS 113-159 SPT-113-159 Spotting 113-159 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 16.1 1 $;potting 1R-159 ERC-16-159 Tower Erection 113-159 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 57.4 j I Tower Erection 18-159 ACC-16-159 Access 16-159 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-12-22 66.7 I Access 16-159 REC-1B-159 Reclamation 1B-159 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 "57 jl Recl�matiori 111-1$9 Structure 18-160 86.0 Jul-12-22 Oct-07-22 :�!► ©ct-07-22,StrdctutellASY-1B-160 Tower Assembly 1B-160 0.9 0.9 0% Sep 10 22 Sep 11-22 j I TowerAsseinbl. 1j6160 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 51 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul CLR-1B-160 Clearing 1B-160 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-12-22 12.0 I Clearing 1 -160 FDN-16-160 Foundations 18-160 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 16.4 Fouridatlont 1B-160 SPT-113-160 Spotting 16-160 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-02-22 16.4 l Spotting 1p-16p '--------- ------ ----- --- -- --- ------ ----- ------ --------- ERC-113-160 Tower Erection 113-160 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 57.4 I lower Erection: 16-160 ACC-113-160 Access 16-160 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 67.0 I Access:113-160 REC-16-160 Reclamation 18-160 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 85.7 i1 I eclematio6 1IR-40 rASY-lB-161 161 u1-12-22 - 8 :�� Oct-07-22,Strtictutel:B-161 TowerAssembly 16-161 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 10.1 I TbwerAssejnbly 1:B-151 j Clearing 18-161 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 12.0 j I :Clearing 1g-161 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- -Foundations 18-161 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 16.7 1 FoundationS 1B-161 Spotting 16-161 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 16.7 $potting 19-161 ERC-113-161 Tower Erection 113-161 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 57.4 I Tower Erection 1B-161 ACC-113-161 Access 16-161 0.6 1 0.6 0% 1 Jul-13-22 Jul-13-22 67.4 I iAcGess;16�67 REC-16-161 Reclamation 18-161 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 85.7 j I Reclam6tio6 16-161 Oct-08-22 :T=NmV Oct'08-22,StructureIB-162 ASY-113-162 Tower Assembly 16-162 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 10.1 j 1 :Tower Assembly 16-162 CLR-113-162 Clearing 18-162 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-13-22 12.0 1 :Clearing 1B-162 FDN-113-162 Foundations 18-162 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-03-22 17.0 Foundation$ 111�4�2 --- -- -- SPT-113-162 Spotting 113-162 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 17.0 it Spotting 16-162 - - ERC-113-162 Tower Erection 113-162 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 57.4 I :Tower ErectiorY 18-162 ACC-16-162 Access 16-162 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 67.7 I Acgess:113462 REC-16-162 Reclamation 16-162 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 85.7 :1 Reclamation 1;6-162 : tructu &1 J :Vmmm�.V Qct,09-Z2,$trgctgre B-153 j -'--'-- '-- -------- ---------------------------- ASY-1B-163 Tower Assembly 1B-163 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 10.1 j I :TowerAsseinbly ti13-153 : CLR-16-163 Clearing 18-163 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 12.0 1 :Clearing 18-163 FDN-113-163 Foundations 18-163 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 17.3 jl rouridationi 19-163 SPT-113-163 Spotting 113-163 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 17.3 y Spotting 113-163 ERC-113-163 Tower Erection 113-163 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 57.4 I ;Tower Erection 1ll3-163 ACC-16-163 Access 16-163 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-14-22 68.1 j I Ac6ess:1B46 REC-16-163 Reclamation 1B-163 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 85.7 :1 Reclamation 1;13-163 care 1&164 Oct 85.7 I � Oct 10J22,5tr6cturel6164 ASY-113-164 Tower Assembly 1B-164 0.9 0.9 0% 1 ToVerAsmb 16-164: CLR-16-164 Clearing 18-164 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-14-22 12.0 1 ;Clearing 1E 1Ej4 ---- '---'-- ------'-- ------------------ ------ FDN-16-164 Foundations 16-164 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 17.6 :1 �ouridations 18-164 SPT-113-164 Spotting 113-164 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 17.6 :1 Spotting 1B-164 ERC-16-164 Tower Erection 113-164 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 57.4 1 ;Tower�rectio6 19-1E4 ACC-16-164 Access 16-164 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 68.4 : 1 :Access:UTA64 REC-1B-164 Reclamation 1B-164 0.9 0.9t00%/- Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 85.7 I RecMamation 1B 1�4 j 87.7 Jul-14-22 Oct 11-22 rl bct 11, 2,Str6cturelB-165 r r ASY-16-165 Tower Assembly 16-165 0.9 0.9Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 10.1 : I :Tower Assembly 1B-1;65 CLR-1B-165 Clearing 16-165 0.6 0.6Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 12.0 j 1 :Clefring 19-165 FDN-1B-165 Foundations 16-165 0.6 0.6 Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 17.9 :1 Foundations 113-165 : SPT-113-165 Spotting 113-165 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 17.9 :I Spotting 1B-165 ---------------- - -------- ----------------------------- -----------ERC-16-165 Tower Erection 113-165 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 57.4 j 1 j Tower 6redtiori 113-165 : ACC-16-165 Access 16-165 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-15-22 68.8 : 1 :Access:18465 REC-113-165 Reclamation 113-165 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 "57 j I heclamoon 18-165 Structure 18-166 :�Iq :Oct-12:22,StrUcttirel B-1166: 88.1 Jul-15 22 Oct 12-22ASY-1B-166 Tower Assembly 16-166 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 1 ITowerjo mbly jB-166, Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 52 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul CLR-113-166 Clearing 1B-166 0.6 0.6 0% Jul 15 22 Jul-15-22 12.0 1 ,Clearing 1 -1 6 FDN-16-166 Foundations 18-166 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 18.1 :1 Fouhdation's 16-166 SPT-1B-166 Spotting 16-166 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-07-22 18.1 ;1 $poi ing 1�-1f6 j ERC-1B-166 Tower Erection 1B-166 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 57.4 1 Tower Eredtiori 18-166 ACC-1B-166 Access 16-166 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 69.1 I ;AcCess;1B;166 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REC-16-166 Reclamation 18-166 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 85.7 j 1 Reclamation 113466 rFDN-lB-167 67 88.4 - t-13-22 8 h► ;Oct-13+22,StructUre1B167 TowerAssembly 16-167 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 10.1 I ;Towerl��bly jB-�67 Clearing 18-167 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 12.0 j I j06rin�1B-167 Foundations 18-167 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-07-22 18.4 :1 Foundations 16-167 - '---'-- -- ----- - ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- Spotting 16-167 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 18.4 j 1 potting 16-167 ERC-113-167 Tower Erection 113-167 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 57.4 1 :Tower,Ere: : 1;6167 ACC-113-167 Access 16-167 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 69.5 I Acgessj 113,167 REC-16-167 Reclamation 18-167 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 85.7 j 1 :Redlamatioh 1B-1-67 V====IV;Oct-1422,;StrUcturel B 168 r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASY-1B-168 Tower Assembly 16-168 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 10.1 1 j TowerAssem�ly 1B-168j CLR-113-168 Clearing 18-168 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 12.0 1 Clehring 16-168 FDN-113-168 Foundations 18-168 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 18.7 I Foundations 1�41 8 j SPT-113-168 Spotting 113-168 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-08-22 18.7 :1 Spotting 1B-168 ERC-113-168 Tower Erection 113-168 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 57.4 1 TowerlEreCtion 1;6-168 --F------------- j-- -------------I---F --;---F ----- --- ----- --- --------- -- ------ -- --------- --,-- ---- - ACC-16-168 Access 16-168 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-17-22 69.8 I ass 16 16$ REC 16 168 Reclamation 16168 0.9 0.9 0% Oct 13 22 Oct 14 22 85.7 1 Reclamation 16168 tructu Ei-1 J T,T;Oct-15�22,:Strpct4rejB-169j ASY-1B-169 Tower Assembly 1B-169 0.9 0.9 09%. Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 10.1 1 Tower,Assembly 113-169 CLR-16-169 Clearing 18-169 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-17 22 Jul 17-22 12.0 1 CleBrirYg 1B 169 ------- -- --- -- ---F T i-- --- FDN-113-169 Foundations 18-169 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-08-22 19.0 j 1 �oundationis 16-169 SPT-113-169 Spotting 113-169 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 19.0 :1 Spotting 16-169 ERC-113-169 Tower Erection 113-169 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 57.4 1:Toyver:Er%tion 1,13-109 j ACC-16-169 Access 16-169 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 70.1 1 j Ac6ess:1B 169 REC-16-169 Reclamation 1B-169 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 85.7 1 ;Reclamation 113-169 F - ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - uc�re 1Ei-170 5 Oct 1 -22 85.7 �IOc-1Cr22;StructureiB170 CLR-113-170 Clearing 18-170 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18 22 12.0 1 Clehring 16-170 FDN-16-170 Foundations 18-170 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 23.8 I Foundgtiorjs 1j64,70 j ASY-113-170 Tower Assembly 16-170 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 33.5 1 Tower;Assemtily 16-170 SPT-113-170 Spotting 113-170 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 42.7 1 Spotting 113-170 ----- -- -- --- -- --'---'- - -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - ERC-16-170 Tower Erection 113-170 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 57.4 1 j ToNrer:Er4tioa 113-170 ACC-113-170 Access 16-170 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-18-22 75.0 I Access:113470 REC-113-170 Reclamation 113-170 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 85.7 1 ;Re�larrjati6n jB-j70j 89.8 89.8 Jul-18-22 Oct-17-22 jr►jOct-1722iStructurelB-171 CLR-16-171 Clearing 18-171 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-18-22 12.0 1 Clearing 113-171 ASY-1B-171 Tower Assembly 16-171 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 33.5 1:ToywerjAssembly 113471 --- --- --- FDN-113-171 Foundations 16-171 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 43.0 1 Foundations 1B-171 SPT-113-171 Spotting 113-171 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 43.0 ;I Spotting 10-1 1 j ERC-16-171 Tower Erection 113-171 0.9 1 0.9 1 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 57.4 1; Tower;Erectioh 1B-1-71 REC-16-171 Reclamation 16-171 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 85.7 1 :Reclamation 1B-171 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACC-1B-171 Access 16-171 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 94.3 I Aci ess 113 171 Structure 1 B-17 �I�►;Oct-17,22,StductUrel B 172 90.2 Jul-18-22 Oct-17-22 CLR-1B-172 Clearing 18-172 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 12.0 1 Clearing 1�41 2 j Remaining Level of Effort III= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 53 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC i F i Co R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ASY-16-172 Tower Assembly 1B-172 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 33.5 1; Tower Assembly ;16-;72 FDN-16-172 Foundations 113-172 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 43.3 I Fouhdatioris IB-172 r - -- - - -- --T- -- - I- -- -- - - ---,-- - ---,- - ---,-- -- - ----- --, SPT-113-172 Spotting 16-172 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 43.3 I Spng 113 172 ERC-113-172 Tower Erection 113-172 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 57.4 1: Tower;Erection 113-172 REC-113-172 Reclamation 18-172 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-17-22 85.7 1 Reclamation 1B-172I ACC-16-172 Access 16-172 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-19-22 94.6 1 Acr ess 1&17 S 1&173 85.7 �I'IOct-18-22,Str'uctUre1B173 r -- ---- -- CLR-1B-173 Clearing 16-173 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-19-22 12.0 1 Clearing 10-173 j ASY-113-173 Tower Assembly 1B-173 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 33.5 1: Tower;Assembly ;113-173 FDN-16-173 Foundations 113-173 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 43.6 1 Foundations 1B-173 SPT-113-173 Spotting 113-173 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-11-22 43.6 j 1 jSpottin� 1;13-1�3 ERC-113-173 Tower Erection 113-173 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-23 22 Sep-23-22 57.4 1 j ToWerl Erection 1B-1'73 I -- r--r-- r-- - - REC-1B-173 Reclamation 1B-173 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 85.7 1 ReGlarriatign �B 73j ACC-16-173 Access 16-173 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 94.9 1 j Access 1&173 90.9 Oct-19-22 ��;Oct-19-22,StructUrel B-174 CLR-1B 174 Clearing 16174 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-19 22 Jul 20 22 12.0 1 j Clearirg 1t3-14 ASY-1B-174 Tower Assembly 16-174 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 33.5 1, TbWer'Assl?mbly 116-174 -- ;-- r--;-- FDN-1B-174 Foundations 18-174 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-11-22 43.9 1Foundations 7 674 j SPT-1B-174 Spotting 1B-174 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 43.9 1 Spotting 1;B-174 ERC-1B-174 Tower Erection 1B-174 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 57.4 1: Tower,Erection 1B-174I REC-16-174 Reclamation 18-174 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 85.7 1 j R41anr ation 1!3474 ACC-16-174 Access 16-174 0.6 0.6 0% 1ul-20-22 Jul-20-22 95.3 I Actes�1BF174 r 2 2 St1B--- 11--r-- -- - -- 1B-1 DTI - Q Z f cfiu ureA75 CLR-113-175 Clearing 1B-175 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-20-22 12.0 1 Clearirg 16-175 ASY-16-175 Tower Assembly 16-175 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 33.1 I T6werAsserrblyl1BL175 ERC-113-175 Tower Erection 113-175 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 33.2 I Tower Erection 18475 ACC-113-175 Access 16-175 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 38.8 I AcEes, 1B-175 r FDN-1B-175 Foundations 18-175 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 49.0 1 ;Foundations SPT-16-175 Spotting 16-175 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 49.0 j 1 j5p6ttirig 16175 REC-16-175 Reclamation 18-175 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 85.7 1 Reclamation ;1B 175 JI&cture 1B-176 L -22 85.7 TimElEmm « -21-22,Structuro1B 76t CLR-113-176 Clearing 18-176 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 12.0 1: Cldaring 116-176 ASY-16-176 Tower Assembly 16-176 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 33.1 1 T4wgrAs�e bly;1BL176 ERC-16-176 Tower Erection 113-176 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 33.2 M Tower Erection 113476 ACC-113-176 Access 16-176 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 38.8 I Access 1B-176 FDN-16-176 Foundations 18-176 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 49.1 1 Fooncl#ioms 16476 j SPT-113-176 Spotting 113-176 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 49.1 1 :Spotting 1B-176 r -R --- --r-- -- -- -- --- REC-1B-176 Reclamation 13-176 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 85.7 1 eFlamatipn j1B76 91.4 Jul-21-22 Oct-21-22 r► Odt-21-22,St'ructurelIB477 CLR-16-177 Clearing 18-177 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 12.0 1 Clearing 1B-177 ASY-113-177 Tower Assembly 16-177 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 33.1 I YowerAi%mblyj 18�177 ERC-113-177 Tower Erection 113-177 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 33.2 1 lbwdr Erbctibn 1113-177 r --:- 11- - r-- 11- -- - --- --r- -- I- -- I- - -- - -- - -- - --- r ACC-113-177 Access 16-177 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-22-22 38.8 I AcFes$18-177 FDN-16-177 Foundations 18-177 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 49.2 1 Foundations 16-177 SPT-113-177 Spotting 113-177 0.6 0.6 09%. Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 49.2 1 ;Spotting 1B-177 REC-1B-177 Reclamation 1B-177 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-21-22 85.7 1 Reclamation 113471 Structure 18-178 91.5 Jul-22-22 Oct-22-22 85 Cdt-22-22,Sttucturd1B178 CLR-1B-178 Clearing 18-178 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-22-22 14.3 1 ClQarigg 113-478 j Remaining Level of Effort IN= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 54 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O IND J F M A M J lul ASY16178 Tower Assembly 1B-178 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 33.1 I ower Assembly; 18;-17 ERC-16-178 Tower Erection 113-178 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 33.2 lbwdr Erbctibn ;16-178 ACC-113-178 Access 16-178 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 38.8 I AGcesS 1q-17;8 FDN-113-178 Foundations 16-178 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 49.4 I Foundations 1B-178 SPT-113-178 Spotting 113-178 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 49.4 . I .Spotting 16-1;78 REC-1B-178 Reclamation 18-178 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 85.7 1 Reclamation 16470 Structure 1B-179 t-2 -22 8 7 OCt-23-22,Structur61B179 CLR-113-179 Clearing 16-179 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 14.3 I; Charing 1;13-1:79 : ASY-113-179 Tower Assembly 1B-179 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 33.1 Tower Assembly, Mg-173 ERC-16-179 Tower Erection 113-179 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 33.2 Tower Erection;16;179 ACC-16-179 Access 16-179 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-23-22 38.8 I A&ess 1d-1y9 FDN-113-179 Foundations 16-179 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 49.5 I Fotindatiohs 16-179 SPT-113-179 Spotting 113-179 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Sep-15-22 Sep-15-22 49.5 I ;SPQtting 113-1,79: REC-16-179 Reclamation 18-179 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 85.7 1: Reclamation:16;179 ------------ -- Oct-2A 22,Structur2lB�� +180 CLR-113-180 Clearing 16-180 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-23-22 14.3 1 j Clearing 16-1$0 ASY-113-180 Tower Assembly 16-180 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 33.1 Tow&rASsenibly 16-180 ERC-113-180 Tower Erection 113-180 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 33.2 :1 Tpwi�r Erectipn:1B,.18Q ACC-113-180 Access 16-180 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 38.8 I; Aces 1g-180 -- -- - FDN-113-180 Foundations 18-180 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-15-22 49.6 1 Foundations 1B-180 SPT-16-180 Spotting 16-180 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 49.6 1 :Spotting 113-1$0 REC-16-180 Reclamation 16-180 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 85.7 1; Rdclarnatibn;16;180 Structu2j!MPR T.mmmmmor OCt-24-22,StructrurQlB,,181 CLR-16-181 Clearing 1B-181 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 14.3 1; Clearing 16-181 - -- --- ----- - -- ------------ - ASY-16-181 Tower Assembly 16-181 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 33.1 ;1 lbwerAssembhj 18-181 ERC-113-181 Tower Erection 113-181 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 33.2 :1 tower Erection:1&181 ACC-113-181 Access 16-181 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-24-22 38.8 I j Adcest 113-191 FDN-113-181 Foundations 18-181 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-15-22 Sep 16-22 49.7 I Foundations �B-j81: SPT-16-181 Spotting 16-181 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 49.7 1 :Spotting 16181 j REC-16-181 Reclamation 1B-181 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-24-22 85.7 11 Reclamation;1B;181 care 1B-182 t -22 85.7 �� Oct-25-22,%ructure1B182 CLR-1B-182 Clearing 1B-182 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-24-22 14.3 1, CI&arft ti6-1'82 ASY-16-182 Tower Assembly 16-182 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 33.1 :1 TpwprAgsembb. 1q-1$2 ERC-16-182 Tower Erection 113-182 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 33.2 :I *ower Erection;1B 182 -- ---- -- -- - ACC-113-182 Access 16-182 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 38.8 I Atces5 18182 FDN-16-182 Foundations 18-182 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 49.8 I :Foundations 113482: SPT-113-182 Spotting 113-182 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 49.8 1 Spbtting 1B-182 REC-113-182 Reclamation 113-182 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 85.7 I; Reclarriatjon:11348 92.3 Jul24-22 Oct-26-22 Oct-25-22,StructurelB183 ° - ------n 16-1-- = CLR-16-183 Clearing 18-183 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 14.3 I g 83; ASY-113-183 Tower Assembly 16-183 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 33.1 II towerAssenmbb, 19-193 ERC-113-183 Tower Erection 113-183 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 33.2 11 Tower Etection;1B483 ACC-113-183 Access 16-183 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 38.8 1; Access 111�403 FDN-16-183 Foundations 18-183 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 49.9 1 j Forundatiohs 1B 183 SPT-113-183 Spotting 113-183 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 49.9 I Spotting 1B-183 REC-113-183 Reclamation 113-183 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 85.7 1; Reclamation:lB 18 Structure 1B-184 92.5 Jul-25-22 Oct-26-22 V�N� C�t-26-22,Structur&16,184 CLR-1B-184 Clearing 1B-184 _ 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-25 22 Jul 26 22 14.3 1; Clparing 113-�84 Remaining Level of Effort O Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 55 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D J I F I M I A I M J Jul A S O N D J F I M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul ASY-16-184 Tower Assembly 1B-184 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 33.1 ;I owerA�sermbly. I -1 4 ERC-16-184 Tower Erection 113-184 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06 22 Oct-06-22 33.2 I Tower Erection;16:184 ACC-113-184 Access 16-184 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-26-22 38.8 1; ACce�s 1$4$4 FDN-113-184 Foundations 16-184 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 50.0 1 Foundations 113484 SPT-113-184 Spotting 113-184 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-18-22 50.0 I Spotting 1B-184; REC-1B-184 Reclamation 18-184 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-26-22 85.7 Ij Rgclarnation:1618 Structure 1 B-185 _ J_ _22 q IDet1622,StructUre;lB-185 CLR-113-185 Clearing 16-185 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-26-22 14.3 l; Cl�ari6g IB-185j ASY-113-185 Tower Assembly 16-185 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 33.1 j1 YowerMsembly 16-185 ERC-16-185 Tower Erection 113-185 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 33.2 ;1 Tower Erection;1B 185 ACC-16-185 Access 16-185 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 38.8 I; Mce9s 19-195 REC-113-185 Reclamation 113-185 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-16-22 Dec-16-22 46.9 I :Reclamation 113-185 FDN-1B-185 Foundations 18-185 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18 22 Sep 18-22 50.1 I Foundations �B-�85 SPT-16-185 Spotting 16-185 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 50.1 1 j Spbtting 1B-185 7-22 �V IDec-17,-22;,Sttuctlure:1B-186, CLR-1B-186 Clearing 16-186 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 14.3 Ij Clearing 16-186 j --- 1-- - - -- --- - --- - -- -- - -- - -- ASY-1B-186 Tower Assembly 16-186 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 33.1 11 TowerAkserhbly 1B-186 ERC-113-186 Tower Erection 113-186 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 33.2 1 Tower Erection:1BL186 ACC-113-186 Access 16-186 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-27-22 38.8 Ij Access 18-186 REC-113-186 Reclamation 1B-186 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-16-22 Dec-17-22 46.9 1 ;Reclamation 1B-186; FDN-16-186 Foundations 18-186 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 50.2 I j Foondations ;' 613486 J SPT-16-186 Spotting 16186 0.6 0.6 0% Sep 19 22 Sep 19 22 50.2 1 Spbtbhg 1B-186 Structu 1B-187 VDeb-1$-2Z,Structure.113487 CLR-16-187 Clearing 1B-187 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-27-22 14.3 Ij Clearing 16-187; ASY-16-187 Tower Assembly 16-187 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 33.1 :1 Tower Assembly 18-187 ERC-1B 187 Tower Erection 1B 187 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08 22 Oct-09-22 33.2 j lower Erection; 1E 187 -- --- L j,-- -- - -- -- --- 1 11 ACC-113-187 Access 16-187 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 38.8 I Access 1B-187 REC-113-187 Reclamation 1B-187 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-17-22 Dec-18-22 46.9 I Re�largatipn �13-187; FDN-16-187 Foundations 18-187 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-19-22 50.4 1 j Foundations 7B-187 SPT-16-187 Spotting 113-187 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 50.4 1 Spotting 16-187 Structure I B-1 Q.16a-22 46.9 Dec 1$-22,S6ucturel&18$ - --- - - -- - -- - -- -- -- --- CLR-113-188 Clearing 18-188 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 14.3 Clearing 16-188 ASY-16-188 Tower Assembly 16-188 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 33.1 II �owerAgsserjnblp 1$4$8 ERC-16-188 Tower Erection 113-188 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 33.2 I Tower Election; 113 18$ ACC-113-188 Access 16-188 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-28-22 38.8 1 Access 1B-188 REC-16-188 Reclamation 18-188 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-18-22 Dec-18-22 46.9 I ;Re�larnation ;16488j - -- -- FDN-113-188 Foundations 18-188 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 50.5 1 Foundations 113;188 SPT-113-188 Spotting 113-188 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 50.5 I; Spotting 113 188 141.4 141.4 Jul-28 22 9-22 7;Dec-19-22,Str uct'ure16489, CLR-16-189 Clearing 18-189 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-28-22 14.3 1 Clearing 1B-189 ASY-113-189 Tower Assembly 16-189 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 33.1 j I �owerPssembly 19-199 ERC-113-189 Tower Erection 113-189 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 33.1 1 ToNYer Erection 1B-189 ACC-113-189 Access 16-189 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 38.8 t Access 1$-1$9 REC-16-189 Reclamation 18-189 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-18-22 Dec-19-22 46.9 1 j Reclamation 713-189 FDN-16-189 Foundations 18-189 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 50.6 1: Foundations ;113489 SPT-113-189 Spotting 113-189 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 50.6 1: Spotting ;16-189 Structure 1&1 141.6 Jul-28 22 Dec 20-22 Det 20-22,Sttucturd16191 CLR-1B-191 Clearing 113-191 0.6 1 0.6 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 14.3 i Clearing IB-191j Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 56 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC i F i Co R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J F M A M J Jul A S O N I D I J I F I M A I M I J lul ASY-1B-191 Tower Assembly 1B-191 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 33.1 I T-owerAsserribly 1 -1 1 ERC-16-191 Tower Erection 1B-191 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 33.1 I I TovVer Erection, 16-191 ACC-1B-191 Access 1B-191 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-29-22 38.8 l AFce� 11�491 ---------- REC-1B-191 Reclamation 1B-191 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-19-22 Dec-20-22 46.9 1 Reclamation 181-191 FDN-1B-191 Foundations 1B-191 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 50.7 I Foundations ;113;191 SPT-16-191 Spotting 16-191 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 50.7 1: Spotting j1B-i91 Structu 1ER-192 1 .7 ec 21-22 Det-21-22,Structurd113492 CLR-1B-192 Clearing 1B-192 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-29-22 14.3 Clearing IB-192j --'--'--'--'---'-- --'---'- ------------------ - - ---- ------------ --------- ------------ ---- ASY-1B-192 Tower Assembly 16-192 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 33.1 I Tower Assembly 18-192 ERC-16-192 Tower Erection 113-192 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 33.1 I 'Power Erection: 15-192 ACC-1B-192 Access 1B-192 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 38.8 I Access 1134§2 REC-1B-192 Reclamation 1B-192 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-20-22 Dec-21-22 46.9 I I Reclartiati: 1B-192 FDN-1B-192 Foundations 1B-192 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 50.8 I; Foundatigns j16192 SPT-16-192 Spotting 16-192 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 50.8 1: Spotting ;16-192 Der-21-22,Structure 113493 CLR-1B-193 Clearing 1B-193 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 14.3 l Clearing;113493j ASY-1B-193 Tower Assembly 16-193 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 33.1 I TovVerAssernbly 1B-193 ERC-1B-193 Tower Erection 113-193 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-12-22 33.1 I jTovier�rec�o6 11 4�3 '- -- ---'--'- --'---' ---------- --------- ---- ------ ------ ACC-113-193 Access 1B-193 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 38.8 I Access 18-193 REC-1B-193 Reclamation 1B-193 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-21-22 Dec-21-22 46.9 I Reclamation ;101-193 FDN-16-193 Foundations 1B-193 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 50.8 I j Foundations 1619 SPT-1B-193 Spotting 1B-193 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 50.9 1: Spotting ;1B-193 Jul-30-22 ; DGc-2Z-2Z,SfirucXurg1B,194 '--' ----- -------- CLR-1B-194 Clearing 1B-194 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 14.3 I Clearing 113-194 ASY-16-194 Tower Assembly 1B-194 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-12-22 33.1 ; I Tower Assembly 1.13-194 ERC-1B-194 Tower Erection 113-194 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 33.1 j I 'Tower�rectiori 19-194 ACC-1B-194 Access 1B-194 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-31-22 Jul-31-22 38.8 I Atce9s 1B-194 REC-1B-194 Reclamation 1B-194 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-21-22 Dec-22-22 46.9 I Re�larnatipn j16--194 -- --------- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- -- FDN-16-194 Foundations 1B-194 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 50.8 1: Foundations 16194 - - - - - - - SPT-1B-194 Spotting 1B-194 0.6 0.6 0% 1 Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 51.0 1: Spotting I1B-194 16-195 -22 46.9 Dec-2�-22,Strucfur4IE 19$ CLR-1B-195 Clearing 1B-195 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-31-22 Jul-31-22 14.3 i Clearing 16-195 ASY-16-195 Tower Assembly 1B-195 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 33.1 I ;TbvjerAssernbly 1j6-195 ------------------- ERC-1B-195 Tower Erection 113-195 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 33.1 j I Tower Erection 19-195 ACC-1B-195 Access 1B-195 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 38.8 I Access IB-195 REC-16-195 Reclamation 1B-195 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-22-22 Dec-23-22 46.9 I j Reclamation 16-195 FDN-1B-195 Foundations 1B-195 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 50.8 1: Foundatibns;1Br195 SPT-1B-195 Spotting 1B-195 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 51.1 l; Spotting j1B495 c re 1Ei-196 142.4 142.4 Jul-31-22 3-22 Dec 23-22,Structurel&19G r---------r--------------- -- - CLR-16-196 Clearing 1B-196 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 14.3 1 Clearing;16-196 ASY-1B-196 TowerAssembiy 16-196 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 33.1 j I Tower Assembly 1B-196 ERC-1B-196 Tower Erection 1B-196 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-14-22 33.1 I :Tower Erection 1B-196 ACC-1B-196 Access 1B-196 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 38.8 II ceps 7 B 196 j REC-16-196 Reclamation 1B-196 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-23 22 Dec-23-22 46.9 1: Reclamation'1B;196 FDN-1B-196 Foundations 1B-196 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 50.8 1: Foundations;1B;196 SPT-1B-196 Spotting 1B-196 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 51.3 li Spotting j1&196 Structure 1B-1 142.5 Aug-01-22 Dec-24-22 Dec-24-22,Structun&1&197 CLR-1B-197 Clearing 1B-197 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 14.3 ;I Gleaning j1B-�O. Remaining Level of Effort IN= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 57 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC i F i Co R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A S O N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F I M I A M J I Jul I A S 1 O N D J I F I M A I M I J lul ASY-16-197 Tower Assembly 1B-197 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-14-22 33.1 I Tower semby 1B-1;97 ERC-16-197 Tower Erection 113-197 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 33.1 I :Tower Erection 16-197 I ACC-113 197 Access 16197 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-0122 Aug-02-22 38.8 I /cceSs 7 8197 REC-1B-197 Reclamation 1B-197 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-23-22 Dec-24-22 46.9 1; Reclamation:1B;197 FDN-113-197 Foundations 18-197 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 50.8 1: Foundations:1B;197 SPT-16-197 Spotting 16-197 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 51.4 Spotting j 1&19� Structu 1ER-198 142.7 Au -01 Dec-26-22 4 Dec-26-22,Structurp16-198 CLR-113-198 Clearing 16-198 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 14.3 i Tearing j1B-'�98 ASY-113 198 Tower Assembly 16-198 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-14-22 Oct 15-22 33.1 I Tower Assembly 16-198 ERC-16-198 Tower Erection 113-198 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 33.1 I .Tower Erection 16-198 F -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC-16-198 Access 16-198 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 38.8 I Piccess 1;B-138 REC-1B-198 Reclamation 1B-198 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-24-22 Dec-26-22 46.9 Ij ReclaMation;1B.198 FDN-1B-198 Foundations 18-198 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 50.8 l; Fqundati. .1919$ SPT-16-198 Spotting 16-198 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 51.5 1: Spotting j 113498 Dec-27-22,Structure 18-1919 CLR-1B-199 Clearing 16-199 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 14.3 Clearing j1B-;199 ASY-113-199 Tower Assembly 16-199 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 33.1 I ;ToduerAssdmbly 1B-1991 ERC-16-199 Tower Erection 113-199 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 33.1 I ;Tower�regtion 15499 ACC-113-199 Access 16-199 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 38.8 access 113499 REC-113-199 Reclamation 1B-199 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-26-22 Dec-27-22 46.9 II Reclamation;1BF199 FDN-16-199 Foundations 1B 199 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-25 22 Sep 26-22 50.8 li Foun{iatiQnsj 1B 19� SPT-16-199 Spotting 16-199 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 51.6 II Spotting;1B;199 Structure 1 dEbEhL Dec-z7-Z2,StructurplE-200 CLR-16-200 Clearing 1B-200 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 14.3 Cleaeing;113;200 ASY-16-200 Tower Assembly 16-200 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 33.1 I ;TouverAssembly 1B 200 -----'--'- '--- ----- ----------- -- --- -- -- ERC-1B-200 Tower Erection 1B-200 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-17-22 33.1 I ;Tower Lrectiom 113-200 ACC-113-200 Access 16-200 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-03-22 38.8 :1 Access 1B-200 REC-113-200 Reclamation 1B-200 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-27-22 Dec-27-22 46.9 II R�clajnationj 16�20p FDN-16-200 Foundations 18-200 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 50.8 1: F6undations:1E000 SPT-16-200 Spotting 113-200 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 51.7 1 Spotting:1B 200 rERC-lB-201 EF201 4 9 - Dec---------rueture1d20;1 TowerAssembly 16-201 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-17-22 33.1 I ;IbWerAssdmbly 1B-201I Tower Erection 1B-201 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 33.1 I Tower Erection 10 2Q1 1 Clearing 16-201 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-03-22 38.8Clearing;1B;20J 1 Access 16-201 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 38.8 11 Access 1B-201 -- -- -- I'--- - -----'- -- ---- -- ---i- ---;---i- ----------------------------------------------------- - REC-16-201 Reclamation 18-201 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-27-22 Dec-28-22 46.9 I, R�clajnationj 16.201 FDN-113-201 Foundations 16-201 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 50.8 Fbundations;1B-201 SPT-113-201 Spotting 113-201 0.6 0.6 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 51.8 I Spott�ing;1B,20 14 -3 9-22 Dec 29 22,5tructurelB 202 ASY-16-202 Tower Assembly 16-202 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 33.1 I IIbWerAssembly 1B-202I '- '--- ---'-- -- ------------------- T i-- ---F i-- ---F i------- ERC-16-202 Tower Erection 113-202 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 33.1 I j Tower treGtion 16-202 CLR-113-202 Clearing 18-202 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 38.8 :1 Cleating;lB 202 ACC-113-202 Access 16-202 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 38.8 I Access B 202 REC-16-202 Reclamation 18-202 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-28-22 Dec-29-22 46.9 Reclamation; 1B 202 FDN-16-202 Foundations 16-202 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 47.3 FpurldationS 18 202 -- -- --------- --------;-- ---------------,---------T- --------i----------------------------- ----------------------------T--- - SPT-1B-202 Spotting 1B-202 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 48.4 Spotlingj 16 202 Structure 1Et��TowerAssem�b� lB-2�03 143.5 Aug-04-22 Dec-30-22 6 Doc-30-22,Structur'�e1B-203 ASY 16 2030.7 0.7 0% Oct 18 22 Oct 19 22 33.1 I Tower j4ssgmkjlyB03 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 58 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O 1 N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I M J lul ERC-1B-203 Tower Erection 1B-203 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-19-22 33.1 1 Tower rection 1 -2 3 CLR-16-203 Clearing 18-203 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 38.8 I Cleating;16;203 :- ---, ACC-113-203 Access 16-203 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-05-22 38.8 ;1 Accgss 113-�03 j REC-1B-203 Reclamation 1B-203 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-29-22 Dec-30-22 46.9 Reclamation; 16 208 FDN-1B-203 Foundations 18-203 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 47.3 Foundations 18-203 SPT-16-203 Spotting 16-203 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 48.3 ! potting 19-203 Structure 1B-204 207. un-01- 9 DL-c-30-22,StrutturlelB-204 - �--;-- r ;------- ; CLR-1B-204 Clearing 16-204 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-01-22* Jun-01-22 10.1 1 gleaning;1B-Z . ACC-1B-204 Access 16-204 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-02-22 13.4 Access 1;B-2b4 ASY-16-204 Tower Assembly 16-204 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-19-22 33.1 1 ToWrerAssembly 16-204I ERC-16-204 Tower Erection 1B-204 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 33.1 1 j TowerEreetion 1;B 204 REC-113-204 Reclamation 1B-204 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-30-22 Dec-30-22 46.9 I Reclamation, 1B,204 --r-- r-- FDN-1B-204 Foundations 18-204 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 47.3 1 F,ougdation3 1Q 2q4 j SPT-16-204 Spotting 16-204 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 48.3 :1 Spotting 1g-204 un-01-22 Dec 31 22 46.9 dec-31 22,Structure 1B 205 ACC-113-205 Access 16-205 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-03-22 13.4 ` 4cess 18-205 CLR-113-205 Clearing 18-205 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-01-22 Jun-02-22 14.0 ! Cleaning;1B-2051 ' bIy ASY-1B-205 Tower Assembly 16-205 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 33.1 ToW r'A5� B-Z 05 ERC-113-205 Tower Erection 113-205 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 33.1 1 Tower;Erection 1;B-205 REC-113-205 Reclamation 1B-205 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-30-22 Dec-31-22 46.9 I Reclamatior% 18-205 FDN-16-205 Foundations 18-205 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 47.3 i1 Koundat ono 10-205 SPT-16-205 Spotting 16-205 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 48.2 II Spotting 16-205 tructure 1Il" J Z Structure Q q--; - - ----- --r J n 4 3, ru ture 1 r 2 6 ACC-1B-206 Access 16-206 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-03-22 13.4 access IB-206 CLR-16-206 Clearing 18-206 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-02-22 14.0 1 Clearing I1B-206 ASY-113-206 Tower Assembly 16-206 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 33.1 1 j Tower;Assembly iB-c,06' ERC-113-206 Tower Erection 113-206 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 33.1 I ToWer,Erettidn 1B-206 r on '-- ;-- -- - --- - REC-1B ech mah 1-206 Reclamation 1B-206 0.7 0.7 0% Dec-31-22 Jan-04-23 46.9 1 R Q Q FDN-16-206 Foundations 18-206 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 47.3 j1 Kouridations 18-206 SPT-16-206 Spotting 113-206 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 48.2 ;1 Spotting 113-206 1 B-2C 7nR 7 20.2 .9 Ji n-04-23,*ructur�11k 207 ACC-113-207 Access 16-207 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-04-22 13.4 F cdss 1B 207 CLR-16-207 Clearing 1B-207 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-03-22 14.0 j Glearing;16,.207 ASY-16-207 Tower Assembly 16-207 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 33.1 1:Tower;Assembly ;18-�07' ERC-113-207 Tower Erection 113-207 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-22-22 33.1 1 IbMverlErecti«n 1B-207 REC-16-207 Reclamation 18-207 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-04-23 Jan-04-23 46.9 i1 liecl�mdtior7 11 2Q7 FDN-113-207 Foundations 16-207 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 47.3 :1 FouridadonS 1B-207 - r ; -- -- - --- --r- SPT-1B-207 Spotting 1B-207 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 48.1 ;1 spotting 1i-2Q7 208. r Jun-03-22 Jan-05-23 Jan-05-23,Structure18-208 ACC-16-208 Access 16-208 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-04-22 Jun-04-22 13.4 1 Access 1B-208 CLR-113-208 Clearing 16-208 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-03-22 14.0 Clearing j16 20# ASY-113-208 Tower Assembly 16-208 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-22-22 33.1 1:Totnrer;Assembly 1B-208: --r--;-- ; ti7--- r -- --- - ERC-1B-208 Tower Erection 1B Tower.Er-208 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 33.1 1; eF 4n113-208 REC-16-208 Reclamation 18-208 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-04-23 Jan-05-23 46.9 i1 Reclamation 18-208 FDN-16-208 Foundations 16-208 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 47.3 ;1 Foundations 1B-208 SPT-113-208 Spotting 113-208 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 48.1 ;1 $potting 11y 208 Structure 1 B-209 208.6 Jun-03-22 Jan-06-23 V Jan-06-23,Strutture 16-209 ------ r ; ACC-1B-209 Access 16-209 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-04-22 Jun-05-22 13.4 1 Access�B 409 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 59 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul I A I S O N I D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul CLR-1B-209 Clearing 1B-209 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-04-22 14.0 Iearing;16209 ASY-16-209 Tower Assembly 16-209 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 33.1 I, ToWertAsslmbly ;1B-2091 ERC-1B-209 Tower Erection 1B-209 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 33.1 1; Tower,ErKtign J B-Z09 REC-1B-209 Reclamation 1B-209 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-05-23 Jan-06-23 46.9 jl Reclamation 113-209 FDN-1B-209 Foundations 18-209 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 47.3 ;1 Foundation$ 1B-209 SPT-16-209 Spotting 16-209 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 48.0 i1 $potting 19-209 1 B-210 208.7 Jun-04-2 Jan-07-23,Struttur;e 1B-210 ACC-1B-210 Access 16-210 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-05-22 13.4 ;I Access B Z10 CLR-1B-210 Clearing 18-210 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-04-22 Jun-04-22 14.0 Clearing;1B;21tl ASY-1B-210 Tower Assembly 1B-210 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 33.1 I; -Y o - ---- --- -TaweCAssw?mbl ,16-210, ERC-1B-210 Tower Erection 1B-210 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 33.1 I; Tower;Erection 1B-210' REC-1B-210 Reclamation 1B-210 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-06-23 Jan-07-23 46.9 II Reclamatiorti 16-210 FDN-1B-210 Foundations 18-210 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 47.3 ;I Foundations 1�210 SPT-16-210 Spotting 16-210 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 48.0 :1 Spotting 18-210 ---------------- --- --- - - Jan-07 F3,Strulcturel6 211 ----- -- ----- ACC-1B-211 Access 16-211 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-06-22 13.4 jl Access$8-211 j CLR-1B-211 Clearing 18-211 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-04-22 Jun-05-22 14.0 �Ieatingl16:211 ASY-113-211 TowerAssembty 16-211 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 33.1 I; Tgwer,As$embly j1B,.211 ERC-113-211 Tower Erection 113-211 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 33.1 1; Tower Erection 1B-211' REC-113-211 Reclamation 1B-211 0.7 0.7 00%6 Jan-07-23 Jan-07-23 46.9 ;I Declamation 16-211 FDN-16-211 Foundations 18-211 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 47.3 it �ouj claoon� 1j13-211 SPT-16-211 Spotting 16-211 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 47.9 :1 Spotting 16-211 re 1 Ju Jan-08-2 Jan-08-Z3,$truicturelp-212 ACC-16-212 Access 16-212 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-07-22 13.4 jl Access 113 212 CLR-16-212 Clearing 18-212 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-05-22 14.0 ;1 Cleating;l6-212 ASY-113-212 Tower Assembly 16-212 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 33.1 1; Tow4As9embly j1&212 ERC-1B-212 Tower Erection 1B-212 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 33.1 1: Tdwer Erection 16 212 REC-113-212 Reclamation 1B-212 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Jan-07-23 Jan-08-23 46.9 II Rec+amjtion 1R-2�2 FDN-16-212 Foundations 18-212 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 47.3 j 1 foundations 1j6-212 SPT-16-212 Spotting 1B-212 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 47.8 ;1 Spotting 16-212 ----- - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - --- 1B-213 2 ,2 g 1an-093,$tru;cturel�-213 ACC-1B-213 Access 16-213 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-07-22 13.4 11 Access 16-213 CLR-16-213 Clearing 18-213 0.6 0.6 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-06-22 14.0 :I Oeajringj 16,213 ASY-16-213 Tower Assembly 16-213 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 33.1 1; Tower Assembly;1B;21 ------------------- ERC-1B-213 Tower Erection 1B-213 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 33.1 I; Tower Erection 1B-213: REC-16-213 Reclamation 18-213 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-08-23 Jan-09-23 46.9 j I IZeclam�tion 1'B 2;13 FDN-1B-213 Foundations 16-213 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 47.3 1 Foundations 1;6 213 SPT-1B-213 Spotting 1B-213 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 47.8 II Spotting 10-213 j WA Oct-05-22 Jan-09-23 !Ir► Jan-09 231 Structure 18-214 ASY-16-214 Tower Assembly 16-214 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 33.1 I; Tower AsSem: y;1B 214 ERC-16-214 Tower Erection 1B-214 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-27-22 33.1 1; Tower Erection i6 214' REC-1B-214 Reclamation 1B-214 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-09-23 Jan-09-23 46.9 .1 Reclam. . 1'B 214 FDN-113-214 Foundations 18-214 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 47.3 I FoundaliorJs B 2�4 j SPT-16-214 Spotting 16-214 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 47.7 :1 Spotting 18-214 -- - ----- ---- ----- - ----- - CLR-16-214 Clearing 16-214 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 49.4 ;1 Clearing:1B;214 ACC-113-214 Access 16-214 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 49.4 ;I Access 1134-14 Structure 1 B-21 90.6 Oct-06-22 Jan-10-23 46 r!mm� Jan,'10-23,Stru'ctute 1B-215 ASY1B-215 Tower Assembly 16-215 0.7 0.7 0% Oct 27-22 Oct 27 22 33.1 1; TgwerAs3errxbly j1B 215 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 60 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A S O N I D J I F I M I A I M I J Jul A S O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul ERC-1B-215 Tower Erection 1B-215 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 33.1 I; Tower Erection B- 15 REC-16-215 Reclamation 18-215 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-09-23 Jan-10-23 46.9 I Reclamatioh 1'B 215 FDN-16-215 Foundations 16-215 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 47.3 I Foundai orx �B 225 SPT-1B-215 Spotting 1B-215 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 47.6 I Spotting 18-215 CLR-1B-215 Clearing 18-215 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 49.5 :1 Clearing:1B;215 ACC-16-215 Access 1B-215 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 49.5 j l Access 16-215 j cture 1B-216 Jan-11 '�M► Jan;11-23,StrUct Lire IB-216 -mud ma"L-UMM ASY-1B-216 Tower Assembly 1B-216 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 33.1 g Tgwe�Asiernblyj1B-21C ERC-113-216 Tower Erection 113-216 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 33.1 l( Towe'r Erection 7B-216' REC-16-216 Reclamation 18-216 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-10-23 Jan-11-23 46.9 I Reclamation 16 216 FDN-16-216 Foundations 16-216 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 47.3 j 1 Fou;ndatioris 1B4-16 - --- - - -- - -- SPT-113-216 Spotting 113-216 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-10-22 47.5 I Spotting 16-216 CLR-113-216 Clearing 18-216 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 49.6 ;I GIearingj 16�210 ACC-16-216 Access 1B-216 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 49.6 j I Access 1B-2.16 Jan;1223,StrUct"relB217 ASY-113-217 Tower Assembly 1B-217 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 33.1 I TpwerAs¢erriblyj16.211 I-- - - -- --- -- --- L- --- - - -- - -- - -- ERC-1B-217 Tower Erection 113-217 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 33.1 I Tbwet Erktibn 1B-217: REC-113-217 Reclamation 16-217 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-11-23 Jan-12-23 46.9 I Reclamation 113-;'17 j FDN-113-217 Foundations 18-217 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 47.3 1 �oundatioris 1134-17 SPT-113-217 Spotting 113-217 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-11-22 47.4 1 Spotting 18-217 CLR-16-217 Clearing 113-217 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 49.7 j 1 (learingj 113 21 ACC-16-217 Access 1B-217 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 49.7 I Access 16 Z17 - -- Structure 16-2 n 12-23 V )an,12-Z3,$trycture113-2�8 ASY-16-218 Tower Assembly 1B-218 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 33.1 Tower Assembly:1B,218 ERC-16-218 Tower Erection 1B-218 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-30-22 33.1 I Tower Erection 1B-2181 REC-1B 218 Reclamation 16 218 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-12 23 Jan 12 23 46.9 j 1 heclametia,n 1B 2;18 FDN-1B 218 Foundations 16 218 0.6 0.6 0% Oct-1122 Ctt 11-22 47.3 1 Fou;ndarioris 1B 2;18 SPT-1B-218 Spotting 1B-218 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 47.3 I I SpQttirXg �B-2j18 j CLR-16-218 Clearing 1B 218 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07 22 Oct-08-22 49.9 j 1 �learingj 1&218 ACC-16 218 Access 16 218 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-08 22 Oct-08-22 49.9 ;1 Access 1B Z18 care 1&219 .3 f 46.9 ;Jan 13J23,StructurelB-219 ASY-1B 219 Tower Assembly 16-219 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-26 22 Jun-27-22 10.1 I TdwetAstembly 116'219 SPT-16-219 Spotting 16-219 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-23 22 Jun 24 22 12.5 1; Spotting j16 Z19 CLR-16-219 Clearing 16-219 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 13.9 1 j Clearirg 1;B 219 ACC-1B-219 Access 1B-219 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-21-22 13.9 1:Access 1B 219 FDN-16-219 Foundations 1B-219 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 13.9 1 j Foundations 16;21� REC-1B-219 Reclamation 16-219 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-12-23 Jan 13-23 46.9 1 :ReClarriatidn 16 219 ERC-113-219 Tower Erection 113-219 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 71.8 1 ;Tov4er�rec�oQ 15-219 200.7 �7 Jun-1922 Jan-14-23 Jan14;23,StructurelB-2'20 ASY-16-220 Tower Assembly 16-220 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 10.1 1' Tower As embly 16-220 SPT-113-220 Spotting 16-220 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-23-22 12.3 1: Spottijng j18420 CLR-113-220 Clearing 18-220 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 13.8 1 Cldaririg 113-220 ACC-113-220 Access 1B-220 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-20-22 13.8 1 AcicesS 1R-22Q FDN-16-220 Foundations 18-220 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 13.8 1 j Foundations:1B;22tl REC-16-220 Reclamation 16-220 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-13-23 Jan-14-23 46.9 1 IReClarrotion 113 220 ERC-113-220 Tower Erection 113-220 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 71.8 j 1 'Tower�rechori 16-220 Structure 1M 202.2 Jun-1822 Jan-14-23 Jan,14,23,StructUre1B-2'211 ASY 16 221 Tower Assembly 16-221 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-25 22 Jun 25 22 10.1 II Tower,As embly j16-Z2J Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 61 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul SPT-16-221 Spotting 16-221 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 13.7 I Spotting 1B- 21; CLR-16-221 Clearing 18-221 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 13.8 I Cidaridg L13-221 ACC-113-221 Access 16-221 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 13.8 I AcFesS 1q 221 -'---'--' FDN-1B 221 Foundations 16 221 0.5 0.5 D% Jun-20 22 Jun 20 22 13.8 1 Found'atidns 1B 221 REC-1B-221 Reclamation 1B-221 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-14-23 Jan-14-23 46.9 1 ;Redarrtation 113-221I ERC-16-221 Tower Erection 113-221 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-10 22 Jul-11-22 71.8 j 1 rower l rectionj 16-221 ucture 1 B-222 203.7 - JanA5+23,IStructUre 1B-222 r 2 Tower Assembly 16-222 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 10.1 1; Tgwer,As emgly 113-Z2Z 2 Spotting 1B-222 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-20-22 13.5 I Spbttihg 7B-222; ------------------ 2 Clearing 1B-222 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-18-22 13.7 1 Clearing 1B-222 2 Access 16-222 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 13.7 I Access 1i3-222 FDN-113-222 Foundations 16-222 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 13.7 I Folund'atidns 113-222 REC-113-222 Reclamation 1B-222 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-14-23 Jan-15-23 46.9 I ;Re�larriatign 1B-222 j ---------------- ---------------------------- ERC-16-222 Tower Erection 113-222 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 71.8 :1 Tower Erection; 15-222 un-17-22 ;Jarl-17;23,StrUctore 1B-223; ASY-113-223 Tower Assembly 16-223 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 10.1 1; T*4AssemW j113-223; SPT-113-223 Spotting 113-223 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 13.4 I Spbtting 1B-223; CLR-113-223 Clearing 113-223 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 13.6 I Clearing 1�-2�3 ACC-113-223 Access 16-223 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-18-22 13.6 I Access;113,223 FDN-113-223 Foundations 113-223 0.5 1 0.5 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 13.6 1 Foundations 1B-223; REC-16-223 Reclamation 113-223 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-15-23 Jan-17-23 46.9 j I jR41an�ation iB-223j ERC-16-223 Tower Erection 113-223 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-09-22 71.8 1 Tower Election;16F223 tructure 1 Jun-16 22 :Jarj-18L23;StrNcttareIB-224; --'--'-- '---'-- --'---1-- ------------------------------------- ASY-1B-224 Tower Assembly 1B-224 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-23-22 10.1 Ij Towed Assembly ;113-224; SPT-16-224 Spotting 16-224 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 13.2 I Spotting 1B-224; CLR-16-224 Clearing 16-224 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 13.6 j 1 :Clearing 19 224 ACC-113-224 Access 16-224 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-17-22 13.6 I Actess;1Br224 FDN-113-224 Foundations 1B-224 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 13.6 I Foundations �B-R24j ------------- ------------------ REC-16-224 Reclamation 113-224 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-17-23 Jan-18-23 46.9 I Reclamation 1B-224; ERC-16-224 Tower Erection 113-224 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 71.8 ;1 Tower Erection;113;224 1 B-225 r g :Jan-18-23;Structure iB-225 ASY-113 225 Tower Assembly 16-225 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 10.1 1 Tof✓der;Asspmbly 16-225; SPT-16-225 Spotting 16-225 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-18-22 13.1 I Spotting iB-�25 CLR-16-225 Clearing 16-225 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 13.5 j I :Clearing 16-225 ACC-1B-225 Access 16-225 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 13.5 I IAcCess;16225 FDN-16-225 Foundations 113-225 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-17-22 13.5 1 jFoundations iB-225j REC-113-225 Reclamation 16-225 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-18-23 Jan-18-23 46.9 I .Retlarhatibn 113-225; ERC-1B-225 Tower Erection 1B-225 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 71.8 I Tower Exec ionj 1B 225 -- -- --------- -- ---------'---- -- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ ---------------------- ----- ---- ------ ---- - 209.5 Jun-1522 Jan-1923 .Jari-19'23fStructurelB-226 ASY-16-226 Tower Assembly 16-226 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 10.1 I Tower Assembly 16-226; SPT-113-226 Spotting 16-226 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 12.9 1 Spotting iB-226; CLR-113-226 Clearing 113-226 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-15-22 13.4 1 :Clearing 1B-226 ACC-113-226 Access 16-226 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 13.4 I ;AcCess;113t226 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - FDN-16-226 Foundations 113-226 0.5 0.5 1 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 13.4 1 FoOndatiohs 1B-226; - - - - - - REC-16-226 Reclamation 16-226 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-18-23 Jan-19-23 46.9 I Reclamation IB-226: ERC-113-226 Tower Erection 113-226 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 71.8 jl tower Election 1B-226 Structure 1 B-22M 211.0 Jun-14-22 Jan-20 23 Jah-20-23,StductUrelB-227 ASY1B-227 �TowerAssemmb� B-227 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-20-22 10.1 1 TopverPms m6ly �27 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 62 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J I Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul SPT-16-227 Spotting 1B-227 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 12.8 I ;Spgtting B- 27 CLR-16-227 Clearing 113-227 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 13.4 1 ;Clearing 16-227 ACC-113-227 Access 16-227 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-15-22 13.4 I :Acceu;1B122a FDN-113-227 Foundations 16-227 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 13.4 I Foundatiohs 1B-227; REC-113-227 Reclamation 1B-227 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-19-23 Jan-20-23 46.9 1 Reclarhatipn 11B-227 - --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ERC-16-227 Tower Erection 113-227 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 71.8 ;I towor E�ectjon:16 22� ucture 11113-228 212.5 un-13 2 3 4 Jah-21-23,StructUrelB-22$ ASY-113-228 Tower Assembly 16-228 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 10.1 I Toyverp,%�m6ly �28 SPT-113-228 Spotting 113-228 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-16-22 12.6 1 :Spotting 1B-228; CLR-16-228 Clearing 115-228 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 13.3 1 ;Clearing 16-228 -- ---'-- ------ -- --- -- --- ------ ------ ----- ACC-16-228 Access 16-228 0.7 0.7 1 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-14-22 13.3 I Ac6ess:113 22# FDN-113-228 Foundations 16-228 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 13.3 I ;Foundatiohs 16-228; REC-113-228 Reclamation 1B-228 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-20-23 Jan-21-23 46.9 1 R�clarpatipn 16-Z28 ERC-16-228 Tower Erection 113-228 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-05-22 71.8 II *bwer Erection:16;22g un-12-22 Jan-21-2%Str,ucture lB-229 -- ;--; ---'- -- -- ------ --------- -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- --------- -- -- - ASY-1B-229 Tower Assembly 16-229 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun 19-22 10.1 I jTovuerAssemoly tB429 SPT-113-229 Spotting 113-229 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 12.5 I Spbtb6g 1B-229; CLR-113-229 Clearing 113-229 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 13.2 1 ;Clearing 111�-2Z9 ACC-113-229 Access 16-229 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 13.2 : I Access:113;229 FDN-113-229 Foundations 113-229 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-14-22 13.2 I ;Foundations 1B-229; - ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REC-16-229 Reclamation 113-229 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-21-23 Jan-21-23 46.9 I :Reclamation ';16--�24 ERC-16-229 Tower Erection 113-229 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 71.8 I Tow&r Erection;16;229 tructu B-230 Jun-12-22 j Jao-2�-2a,Struqure:lB-Z3q ASY-1B-230 Tower Assembly 1B-230 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 10.1 : I :TowerPssembly 1B-230 SPT-16-230 Spotting 16-230 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 12.3 1 Spotting 1B-230I 1 -- --- -- --- -- --- CLR-1B-230 Clearing 18-230 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-12-22 13.2 : I :Clearing 19-230 ACC-113-230 Access 16-230 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 13.2 I :Access;1B-230 FDN-113-230 Foundations 18-230 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 13.2 I iFoundations jB-z30j REC-16-230 Reclamation 18-230 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-21-23 Jan-22-23 46.9 1: Reclamation 16,230 ERC-16-230 Tower Erection 113-230 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 71.8 Tower Erection ;113-230 F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 B-231 f 46.9 0 Jan-2$-2�,Structure:lB-�31 ASY-113-231 Tower Assembly 16-231 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 10.1 1 iIbWerAssdmbly 1B-231 SPT-16-231 Spotting 16-231 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-14-22 12.2 I ;Spotting �13-Z31: CLR-16-231 Clearing 16-231 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 13.1 1 :Clearing 19-291 ACC-113-231 Access 16-231 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-12-22 13.1 I Access;1B-231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FDN-16-231 Foundations 113-231 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 13.1 1 Foondetio6s 16431 REC-113-231 Reclamation 16-231 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-22-23 Jan-23-23 46.9 1: Rdclarnation 116;231 ERC-113-231 Tower Erection 113-231 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 71.8 I TpwQr Erjectipn :113-Z37 Structure32 218.4 218.4 Jun-10 22 JanJan-23. 3333 Jan-23-29,Structure:113-232 ASY-16-232 Tower Assembly 16-232 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-16-22 10.1 1 ITowerAssembly 1B-232 - --'-- --' SPT-113-232 Spotting 16-232 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 12.0 1 ;Spotting 164-32 CLR-113-232 Clearing 113-232 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 13.0 1 Clearing 113-232 ACC-113-232 Access 16-232 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Jun-11-22 Jun-11-22 13.0 1 Access WR32; FDN-16-232 Foundations 115-232 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 13.0 1 Foundations 16-232 REC-16-232 Reclamation 16-232 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-23-23 Jan-23-23 46.9 1: Reclamation I113;232 F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERC-1B-232 Tower Erection 113-232 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 71.8 I Tower Erection 113432j Structure 1B-2 219.8 Jun-09-22 Jan-24-23 Jah-24-23,Structure;16;233 ASY16-233 Tower Assembly 16-233 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 10.1 I TowerAssembly 113-Z33 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 63 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D I J I F I M I A I Elul SPT-16-233 Spotting 16-233 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 11.9 I ¢potting 16-2 3 CLR-16-233 Clearing 115-233 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 13.0 :1 CleJrin$16-233 ACC-1B-233 Access 16-233 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 13.0 :I Access IB-Z33 --;----- - - FDN-113-233 Foundations 16-233 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-11-22 13.0 1 Foundations 113433 REC-113-233 Reclamation 1B-233 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-23-23 Jan-24-23 46.9 1, Reclamation I113 233 ERC-16-233 Tower Erection 113-233 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 71.8 1 Tower Erection 113-�33 ucture 1E�-234 221.3 2 .3 uin - 46.9 Jah-25-23,Sttucturc1B,234 ;--- -- - ----- --r- ----- - ----- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - - ----- ---- - ASY-1B-234 Tower Assembly 16-234 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 10.1 I TovyerAssQmb�r 7B24 j SPT-1B-234 Spotting 1B-234 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-12-22 11.8 j I Spdttino 1B-234 CLR-16-234 Clearing 1B-234 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-09-22 12.9 :1 Clearing 1R-23f1 ACC-16-234 Access 16-234 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 12.9 j I Access;113434 FDN-113-234 Foundations 16-234 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 12.9 :I FoUndatioris 1B-234 REC-113-234 Reclamation 1B-234 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-24-23 Jan-25-23 46.9 1; Reclarnatjon 16t234 ERC-16-234 Tower Erection 113-234 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-29-22 71.8 Tower Erection -IB-234j Jon-26-23,Structure 1C-00 ASY-1C-002 TowerPssembly 1C-002 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 10.1 j I Tower Assembly 1C-002 SPT-1C-002 Spotting 1C-002 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 11.6 :1 Spdttin$ 1C-002 CLR-1C-002 Clearing 1C-002 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 12.9 ;1 blearing 1�OOZ ACC-1C-002 Access 1C-002 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-09-22 12.9 j I X ccess 1C-002 FDN-1C-002 Foundations 1C-002 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 12.9 :1 FoUndatior)s 1C-002 REC-1C-002 Reclamation 1C-002 0.7 0.7 1 0% Jan-25-23 Jan-26-23 46.9 1; Recla{natnon',1C-00i ERC-1C-002 Tower Erection 1C-002 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 71.8 Tbwet Erktibn 1C-002 Jan-2 2r Structurer1CT- -- -- -- -- - -- - - --- --r- - tructu 1 C-0 2 J a 5 3, 00 ASY-1C003 Tower Assembly 1C-003 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 10.1 j I TowerAsselnbly X-003 SPT-1C-003 Spotting 1C-003 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 11.5 :1 Spatting IC-003 CLR-1C-003 Clearing 1C-003 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-08-22 12.8 i1 Blearing 1t�-00 ACC-1C-003 Access 1C-003 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-08-22 12.8 I Access 1C-003 11 FDN-1C-003 Foundations 1C-003 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 12.8 :I Foundations �C-0p3 -- - --- - REC-1C-003 Reclamation 1C-003 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-26-23 Jan-26-23 46.9 1j Reclamation'1G003 ERC-1C-003 Tower Erection 1C-003 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 71.8 1: Tower Erection 1C-003 225.7 46.9 Jan-2�-2�,Structure 1G00 ASY-1C-004 Tower Assembly 1C-004 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-12-22 10.1 1 TowerAssetnbly IC-004 SPT-1C-004 Spotting 1C-004 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-10-22 11.3 :1 spatting 1;C-0Q4 CLR-1C-004 Clearing 1C-004 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-07-22 12.0 i1lea'ring;1G004 ACC-1C-004 Access 1C-004 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-08-22 12.0 :1 Access 1C-004, FDN-1C-004 Foundations 1C-004 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-08-22 12.7 ;1 oupdatiorjs 1;C-004 REC-1C-004 Reclamation 1C-004 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-26-23 Jan-27-23 46.9 1: R2clatnation 110004 ERC-1C-004 Tower Erection 1C-004 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 71.8 1; Tgwe�Ergctign JC-Q04 ----- --r- -- S u �05 227. Jan-28 23 Jan-28-23,Structure1G005 ASY-1C-005 Tower Assembly 1C-005 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 10.1 :1 Tower Assembly 1,C-005 SPT-1C-005 Spotting 1C-005 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 11.2 I Spotting 1C-005 CLR-1C-005 Clearing 1C-005 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-06-22 12.0 :1 Clearing:10005 ---r--r--I-- 7--- 11-- --- I- ACC-1C-005 Access 1C-005 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-07-22 12.7 :1 access JC-Q05 FDN-1C-005 Foundations 1C-005 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-08-22 12.7 11 �ouhdatioris 1C-005 : REC-1C-005 Reclamation 1C-005 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-27-23 Jan-28-23 46.9 1: Reclamation 11C-005 ERC-1C-005 Tower Erection 1C-005 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 71.8 1: Tower Erection iC-005 Structure 1C-00 228.7 Jun-05-22 Jan-28-23 Jan 28 23,Structur. I . r--;---:-- - -- --- -- --- ---- -- -- ASY1C-006 Tower Assembly 1C-006 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 10.1 I TouterQssetnbhy 1�-0Q6 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 64 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul SPT-1C-006 Spotting 1C-006 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 11.0 I potting 1C-0 6 CLR-1C-006 Clearing 1C-006 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-06-22 12.0 11 Cleating;1CM6 ACC-1C-006 Access 1C-006 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-06-22 12.6 ;1 Access IC-006 FDN-1C-006 Foundations 1C-006 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-07-22 12.6 j1 Foundatiors 11C-006 -- ------ REC-1C-006 Reclamation 1C-006 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-28-23 Jan-28-23 46.9 I Reclamation11C-006 ERC-1C-006 Tower Erection 1C-006 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-25-22 71.8 1i Tower Erection 1C-006 rCL ucture 1C-007 Jun-4 2 Jdn-29-23,Structur61CF007 Y-1C-007 TowerPssembly 1C-007 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 10.1 I towerAsseMbly 1�-0Q7 T-1C-007 Spotting 1C-007 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-08-22 10.9 :1 Spotting 1C-007 R-1C-007 Clearing 1C-007 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-04-22 Jun-05-22 12.0 I Clearing;1C-007 C-1C-007 Access 1C-007 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-05-22 12.5 jl Access 1C-d.07 FDN-1C-007 Foundations 1C-007 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-06-22 12.5 :1 EouhclationS 1C-007 REC-1C-007 Reclamation 1C-007 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Jan-28-23 Jan-29-23 46.9 g R�clajnation,1Q-007 ERC-1C-007 Tower Erection 1C-007 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 71.8 1 j Tdwer Erection 1C-007 Jon 30 23,StruCturE1C-0OS -- - -- -- - -- --- ASY-1C-008 Tower Assembly 1C-008 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 10.1 i1 �owerAiss*blj 1�-008 SPT-1C-008 Spotting 1C-008 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-08-22 10.7 11 Spotting 1C-008 CLR-1C-008 Clearing 1C-008 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-04-22 12.0 a Clearing:MbOa ACC-1C-008 Access 1C-008 0.7 0.7 %% Jun-04-22 Jun-05-22 12.5 Access 1C-008 FDN-1C-008 Foundations 1C-008 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-05-22 12.5 ;I Foundations 1C-008 REC-1C-008 Reclamation 1C-008 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-29-23 Jan-30-23 46.9 J Ifiecldmation', 1(--000 ERC-IC-008 Tower Erection 1C-008 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 71.8 1: TQWen Erdctidn 1C-008 tructure 1C-0 2 Jun-03-22 Jon-3j1-23,Strugturel"09 ASY-1C-009 Tower Assembly 1C-009 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-08-22 10.1 jl ToWerAssembly 1C-009 SPT-1C-009 Spotting 1C-009 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-07-22 10.6 1 Spotting 1C-009 CLR-1C-009 Clearing 1C-009 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-03-22 12.0 1 dleahng:1C-00Sl ACC-1C-009 Access 1C-009 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-04-22 12.4 I Access 1C-009 FDN-1C-009 Foundations 1C-009 0.5 1 0.5 0% 1 Jun-04-22 Jun-05-22 12.4 1 Foundations 1G-009 REC-1C-009 Reclamation 1C-009 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-30-23 Jan-31-23 46.9 Reclamation' 1C-009 ERC-1C-009 Tower Erection 1C-009 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-23-22 71.8 1: Tower,Erection 1C-009 1 C-010 46.9 J$n-1143,Structure 1t-010 ASY-1C-010 Tower Assembly 1C-010 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-07-22 10.1 11 TowdrAtserhbly 1C-010 SPT-1C-010 Spotting 1C-010 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-06-22 10.4 ;I Spotting 1(-010 CLR-1C-010 Clearing 1C-010 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-03-22 12.0 M Clearing;1G01tl -------------:---�--11---:--- ---:---I, -- --- -- ACC-1C-010 Access 1C-010 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-03-22 12.3 1 Access 1C-010 FDN-1C-010 Foundations 1C-010 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-04-22 12.3 Foundations 1 -010 REC-1C-010 Reclamation 1C-010 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-31-23 Jan-31-23 46.9 1 Recldmationl 1C-010 ERC-1C-010 Tower Erection 1C-010 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 71.8 I TowerjEreFtioln 7 C-M0 j Structure �11 235.9 235.9 Jun-01-22 Jun-01-2I3,StructureX-011 ----- - ----- - ----- - - ASY-1C-011 Tower Assembly 1C-011 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-07-22 10.1 1 TowlerAssembly 1C-011 SPT-1C-011 Spotting 1C-011 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-06-22 10.3 ;1 $potiting 1C-011 CLR-1C-011 Clearing 1C-011 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-01-22 Jun-02-22 12.0 1 Cleaning:1C-011 ACC-1C-011 Access 1C-011 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Jun-02-22 Jun-02-22 12.2 I Access IM1 j FDN-1C-011 Foundations 1C-011 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-03-22 12.2 1 Foundations 1C-011 REC-1C-011 Reclamation 1C-011 0.7 0.7 0% Jan-31-23 Jun-01-23 46.9 Reclamation: 1C-01 1 -- - -- -- - -- --- ERC-1C-011 Tower Erection 1C-011 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 71.8 I Tower:Erection 1C-0;11 Structure 1C-01 237.3 Jun-01-22 Jun-02-23 JOn-02-213,Strudture X-012 CLR 1C-012 Clearing 1C-012 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-01-22 Jun-01-22 10.1 j Gleaning j1C-�1Z Remaining Level of Effort IN= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 65 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N D J F M AlA M J Jul AlA S O N D J F M A J Jul A S O IND J F M A M J lul ACC-1C-012 Access 1C-012 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-01-22 Jun-02-22 10.1 ---------------- I Access 1C-012 ASY1C-012 Tower Assembly 1C-012 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-06-22 10.1 I �wprAtserhbly 1C-012 FDN-1C-012 Foundations 1C-012 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-02-22 10.1 I Fpurjdatjon� 1G-002 SPT-1C-012 Spotting 1C-012 2.6 2.6 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-05-22 10.1 M Spoitin$ 1C-012 REC-1C-012 Reclamation 1C-012 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-01-23 Jun-02-23 46.9 I Reclalmatioq 1C-012 ERC-1C-012 Tower Erection 1C-012 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-20-22 71.8 1 j Tojver;Er4tiob 1j -012 - -- -- ----- 1C-013 2 Au -04 Aug-04-23,StruttueelC-013 ASY-1C-013 Tower Assembly 1C-013 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-01-23 Aug-02-23 0.0 I TpwprA�semblyj 1601� ERC-1C-013 Tower Erection 1C-013 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-02-23 Aug-03-23 0.0 N Tower Erection 1C-01 CLR-1C-013 Clearing 1C-013 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 17.6 ;1 CleaYing;1C-013 SPT-1C-013 Spotting 1C-013 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-27 22 Oct 28-22 31.2 I; Spotting j 1C;013 REC-1C-013 Reclamation 1C-013 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-03-23 Aug-04-23 33.2 j j j j j j j j j :1ReWmatiori 1C-013 ACC-1C-013 Access 1C-013 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 49.4 I Access jC-013 FDN-1C-013 Foundations 1C-013 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 49.4 j I �ouhdatioris 1C-013 Ftructure 1 C-014 Aug 05 23,Structure l C-014 ERC-1C-014 Tower Erection 1C-014 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-03-23 Aug-04-23 0.0 jl 7owgr Erection 1C-014 ASY-1C-014 Tower Assembly 1C-014 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-02-23 Aug-03-23 0.0 i Tow&rAseembly, 1C-014 CLR-1C-014 Clearing 1C-014 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 17.6 ;1 GIea-ingj 1C'014 SPT-1C-014 Spotting 1C-014 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 31.2 Ij Spotting;1G014 REC-1C-014 Reclamation 1C-014 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-23 Aug-05-23 33.2 I Reclamation 1C-014 FDN-1C-014 Foundations 1C-014 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 49.4 j 1 �ouj claooni 1j -014 -- ---- �- - -- -- - -- --- -- --- - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - - --- ACC-1C-014 Access 1C-014 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 49.4 I Aco&ss 1C-014 re 1C-0 :Sep-14,-23,StrpctpreJCQ15 ERC-1C-015 Tower Erection 1C-015 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-23 Aug-05-23 0.0 jl Tower Erection:1C-015 ASY-1C-015 Tower Assembly 1C-015 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-03-23 Aug-04-23 0.0 ,I lbwerAssembly' 1C-015 REC-1C-015 Reclamation 1C-015 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-23 Sep-14-23 4.3 I j Reclamation 1C-d15 j CLR-1C-015 Clearing 1C-015 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 17.6 1 Clea ing;1C-015 SPT-1C-015 Spotting 1C-015 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-26-22 31.2 I! Spottjng j1G015 FDN-1C-015 Foundations 1C-015 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 49.1 j 1 foundations 1�C-015 ACC-1C-015 Access 1C-015 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 49.4 11 Access 1C-015 Structure 1C-016 EEL, 2 .5 Sep-15-23,StructurelC-¢16 g g ERC-1C-016 Tower Erection 1C-016 0.9 0.9 0% Au -05-23 Au -06-23 0.0 ,I Tower Erecton:1G016 ASY-1C-016 Tower Assembly 1C-016 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-23 Aug-05-23 0.0 ;1 TowprA$sembly, 1G-01,6 REC-1C-016 Reclamation 1C-016 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-23 Sep-15-23 4.3 1 ;Reclamation 1C 016 CLR-1C-016 Clearing 1C-016 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 17.6 :1 Clearing:1C016 LACC-1C-016 C-016 Spotting 1C-016 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-25-22 Oct-25-22 31.2 Ij Spottjng j1Cj01t; 1C-016 Foundations 1C-016 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 48.8 :1 Foundations 1C-016 Access 1C-016 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 49.4 ;1 Access IC-016j re 17 218.1 218.1 OctOct-03-2222 Sep 16-23 Sep 16-23fStructure7C-0171 ERC-1C-017 Tower Erection 1C-017 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-06-23 Aug-06-23 0.0 :1 Tower Erection:1C-017 ASY-1C-017 Tower Assembly 1C-017 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-05-23 Aug-06-23 0.0 jl tow4AssembM 1C-017 Retlarhatidn 1C-017 REC-1C-017 Reclamation 1C-017 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-15-23 Sep-16-23 4.3 j j j j j j j j j j j j j CLR-1C-017 Clearing 1C-017 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 17.6 II Cle4ingjlC-J17 SPT-1C-017 Spotting 1C-017 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 31.2 I; Spotting;1G01 FDN-1C-017 Foundations 1C-017 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 48.4 :1 Foundations 1C-017 ACC-1C-017 Access 1C-017 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 49.4 jl Access 1C-017 j --- -- -- -- ------ -- Struc�re 1 C-018 219.7 Oct-03-22 Sep-16-23 4. i Sel-16-23;Structure lC-0181 ERC-1C-018 Tower Erection 1C-018 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-06-23 Aug-07-23 0.0 i I Tower Election:10,01$ Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 66 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J I F I M A M J I Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul ASY-1C-018 Tower Assembly 1C-018 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-06-23 Aug-06-23 0.0 1 owerAssembly. 1 C-018 REC-1C-018 Reclamation 1C-018 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-23 Sep-16-23 4.3 1 ReGlamatitln 1C-018 CLRAC-018 Clearing 1C-018 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 17.6 ;I 41earing:,C�J1$ --'--'- -- --- -- ------'- ------------- ------ ------ ---- ------ ---- - SPT-1C-018 Spotting 1C-018 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 31.2 1: Spotting ;1C-018 FDN-1C-018 Foundations 1C-018 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 48.1 I Foundation9 k-018 ACCAC-018 Access 1C-018 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 49.4 i1 Access 1C-0;18 221.3 2 .3 Oct -22 Se - - ;Sep-17-23,StrUct(arelC-0191 ERCAC-019 Tower Erection 1C-019 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-07-23 Aug-08-23 0.0 i 1 Tower Erection:1C,019 i mb'-1C-0 --'--' . . . . . ASY-1C-019 Tower Assembly 1C-019 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-06-23 Aug-07-23 0.0 j1 Tower4se Iy 9 RECAC-019 Reclamation 1C-019 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-23 Sep-17-23 4.3 1 Reclamation 1C-019 CLRAC-019 Clearing 1C-019 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 17.6 dle4ing:ic-bid SPT-1C-019 Spotting 1C-019 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 31.2 1: Spotting 1C-019 FDN-1C-019 Foundations 1C-019 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 47.8 II Foundat7on 1C-0 9 ----------------- ---------------------------- ACCAC-019 Access 1C-019 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 49.4 i1 Access 1C-079 cture 1I 20 ;Sep-18-23,StructlureIC-020 ERCAC-020 Tower Erection 1C-020 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-08-23 Aug-09-23 0.0 j I Tower Election:1Cj 02b ASY-1C-020 Tower Assembly 1C-020 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-07-23 Aug-08-23 0.0 :1 Tower Assembly 1C-020 RECAC-020 Reclamation 1C-020 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-23 Sep-18-23 4.3 I Reclamation iC-020j '- --'--- -- --'---'- -- ------ -- -- ------------ - ---- -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - CLRAC-020 Clearing 1C-020 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 17.6 Clearjing;1C-02d SPT-1C-020 Spotting 1C-020 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 31.2 1: Spotting 1C-020 FDN-1C-020 Foundations 1C-020 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-05-22 47.5 i1 �oumdaiion$ 1C-0�0 ACC-1C-020 Access 1C-020 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 49.4 Access IC-020 tore 1C-020.1 2 Sep-30 22 j Sep-1Q-23,Structpre:1C-J2Q.1 i --' ERCAC-020.1 Tower Erection 1C-020.1 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-09-23 Aug-10-23 0.0 j 1 Tower grection, 1G020.1 ASY-1C-020.1 Tower Assembly 1C-020.1 0.9 1 0.9 0% Aug-08-23 Aug-09-23 0.0 1 Tower Assembly 1E-020.1 RECAC-020.1 Reclamation 1C-020.1 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-18-23 Sep-19-23 4.3 1 j Reclamation iC-020;1 CLRAC-020.1 Clearing 1C-020.1 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 17.6 1 Clearing IC-020.1 SPT-1C-020.1 Spotting 1C-020.1 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-21-22 31.2 1: Spotting �C-i)20..1 ------------------- ---------------------------- ACCAC-020.1 Access 1C-020.1 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 49.7 Access IC-020.1 FDNAC-020.1 Foundations 1C-020.1 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-02-22 49.7 1 Foundations 1C-020.1 2 .9 :Sep-1�23;Struct,ure1C-021 ERCAC-021 Tower Erection 1C-021 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10-23 Aug-11-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection, 1C-021 ASY-1C-021 Tower Assembly 1C-021 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-09-23 Aug-10-23 0.0 ;1 ToHjerAsseKnbFy 1Q-0 1 j ---'-- ------'- -- ------ -- ------ -- --------------- ----- - ------------- RECAC-021 Reclamation 1C-021 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-19-23 4.3 1 Reclamation 1C-021 CLRAC-021 Clearing 1C-021 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 17.6 j Clearing 1C-021 SPT-1C-021 Spotting 1C-021 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 31.2 1 j Spotting iC-021j FDN-1C-021 Foundations 1C-021 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 46.6 :1 Eouhdationt 1C-021 ACCAC-021 Access 1C-021 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 49.4 I pcceSs C-021 j c re 22 227. Sep-29 22 Sep 20-23 $ep 20-2 ,Struct'ure1G022 r - - --- - ------ ---- ERCAC-022 Tower Erection 1C-022 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-11-23 Aug-12-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection 1C-022 ASY-1C-022 TowerAssembty 1C-022 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10-23 Aug-11-23 0.0 I Tower Assembly 1t-022 RECAC-022 Reclamation 1C-022 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-20-23 4.3 1: Reclamatibn 1C-022 CLRAC-022 Clearing 1C-022 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 17.6 j Clearing�C-Q22 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - SPT-1C-022 Spotting 1C-022 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 31.2 1 j Spotting 1C-022; - - - - - - FDN-1C-022 Foundations 1C-022 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 46.2 ;1 P,ougdabons 1C-022 ACCAC-022 Access 1C-022 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 49.4 I Access 1C-0�2 Structure 1C-0 229.1 Sep-28-22 Sep-21-23 4. Seri-21-23,Ste.ucture IC-023 ERC-1C-023 Tower Erection 1C-023 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-12-23 Aug-13-23 0.0 1 ',Tower ErectioQ 1G-02,3 Remaining Level of Effort []I= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 67 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I Elul ASY-1C-023 Tower Assembly 1C-023 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-11-23 Aug-12-23 0.0 :1 JovferAssembly 1C-0,3 REC-1C-023 Reclamation 1C-023 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-23 Sep-21-23 4.3 1 Rei lartratibn 1C-023 CLRAC-023 Clearing 1C-023 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 17.6 1 Clearing�0Q23j SPT-1C-023 Spotting 1C-023 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-18-22 Oct-19-22 31.2 1 Spbttimg 1C-023; FDN-1C-023 Foundations 1C-023 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 45.9 ;1 Foundation$ 1C-023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ACCAC-023 Access 1C-023 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 49.4 l Access 1C-023 Structure 1C-024 -22-23 Sep-22-23,Sttucturd1C;024 ERCAC-024 Tower Erection 1C-024 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-23 Aug-13-23 0.0 I Toyer Erectioq 1G-02,4 ASY-1C-024 Tower Assembly 1C-024 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-12-23 Aug-13-23 0.0 1 TovrerAssembly 11C-024 RECAC-024 Reclamation 1C-024 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 4.3 1; Reclamation ;1C-024 F I CLRAC-024 Clearing 1C-024 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 17.6 1 Clearing iC-024j -------- ------ ------------ SPT-1C-024 Spotting 1C-024 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-18-22 31.2 1 Spbtti�g 1C-0241 FDN-1C-024 Foundations 1C-024 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 45.6 II F,ourida ion3 1�-024 ACCAC-024 Access 1C-024 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 49.4 Access 1C-024 chore 1C-025 p-26-22 Sep-23-23 Sep-23-23,Structure1C1025 ------------- ----- - - --- ---- - ERCAC-025 Tower Erection 1C-025 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-23 Aug-14-23 0.0 j 1 ';Tower trectiori 1(-025 ASY-1C-025 Tower Assembly 1C-025 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-23 Aug-13-23 0.0 1 TovrerAsseYnbly 1C-025 RECAC-025 Reclamation 1C-025 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 4.3 1; RQclarnatipn j1C{J25i CLRAC-025 Clearing 1C-025 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 17.6 Clearing 10-025 SPT-1C-025 Spotting 1C-025 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-17-22 31.2 I ;Sp©ttir)g 1C-0251 FDN-1C-025 Foundations 1C-025 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 45.3 ! Kouijcl atlion4 1�-0�5 ACC-1C-025 Access 1C-025 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 49.4 i Access 1C-025 ture 1C-02 2 , Sep-2�-23,Structurgl&.02C rd�ERC-1C-026 Tower Erection 1C-026 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-23 Aug-15-23 0.0 1 'Tower rectiori 1C-026 ASY-1C-026 Tower Assembly 1C-026 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-23 Aug-14-23 0.1 1 ITov✓erAssembly 1C-026 ------------- ------------- RECAC-026 Reclamation 1C-026 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-23 Sep-23-23 4.3 1: Reclamation 1C-026 CLRAC-026 Clearing 1C-026 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 17.6 1: CII?aring 1C-026 SPT-1C-026 I Spotting 1C-026 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 31.2 1 ;SpQttirig JC-j26j FDN-1C-026 Foundations 1C-026 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-02-22 45.0 Foundations 1C-026 ACCAC-026 Access 1C-026 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 49.4 1 Access 1C-026 Structure I"27 2 .8 Sip28-- ------ - -027 , ERCAC-027 Tower Erection 1C-027 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-15-23 Aug-16-23 0.0 I Touter Eredtiori 1C-027 RECAC-027 Reclamation 1C-027 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-23 Sep-28-23 0.0 t RQclarn4on j 1&02j ASY-1C-027 Tower Assembly 1C-027 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-23 Aug-15-23 0.1 1 'Tower Assembly 1;C-027 CLRAC-027 Clearing 1C-027 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 17.6 11 Clearing 1C-027 ----- -- -- --- -- ------'- - -- ------ -- -- --- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - - - - - - SPT-1C-027 Spotting 1C-027 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-15-22 Oct-16-22 31.2 I ;Sppttirig IC-027j F6N-1C-027 Foundations 1C-027 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 44.7 I Foundations 1C-027 ACCAC-027 Access 1C-027 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 49.4 l; ACc�1G-027 cture 28 241.4 241.4 Sep-24-22 p-29-23 Sep 29 23,StructurelC-02'8 ERCAC-028 Tower Erection 1C-028 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-16-23 Aug-17-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection 1C-028 ---;- Recla - -1 ; RECAC-028 Reclamation 1C-028 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-23 Sep-29-23 0.0 I mation 1C-029 ASY-1C-028 Tower Assembly 1C-028 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-15-23 Aug-16-23 0.1 1 IToulrerAssdmbly 1C-028 CLRAC-028 Clearing 1C-028 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 17.6 1i ClQaripg jC-028j SPT-1C-028 Spotting 1C-028 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-15-22 31.2 j 1 jSpottirig 1C-028 FDN-1C-028 Foundations 1C-028 0.5 0.5 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-01-22 44.4 I Foundations 1C-028 -- ------- -------- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- --,------ -- -- - ACCAC-028 Access 1C-028 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 49.4 II Access It-O 18 Structure 1C-029 242.9 Sep-23-22 Sep-30-23 0. Sp -30-23,StrudturplC-0219 ERC-1C-029 Tower Erection 1C-029 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-23 Aug-18-23 0.0 1 Tower l rectioQ 1(-0Z9 j Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 68 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South ASO I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D J E M A M J Jul A S O N D J F I M I A M J lul REC-1C-029 Reclamation 1C-029 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-23 Sep-30-23 0.0 I Reclamation;1 -02 ASY-1C-029 Tower Assembly 1C-029 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-16-23 Aug-17-23 0.1 I IToWerAssdmbly 1C-029 r - -- - -- CLR-1C-029 Clearing 1C-029 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 17.6 1. Clfann'g�C-029 j SPT-1C-029 Spotting 1C-029 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 31.2 1 ;Spotting 1C-029 FDN-1C-029 Foundations 1C-029 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 44.1 I FpuridationS 1C-029 ACC-1C-029 Access 1C-029 0.8 1 0.8 1 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 1 49.4 li Access 1 -02;9 IF 244.5 Se - Oct-01-23,StrudurleIC-0310 r ; ERC-1C-030 Tower Erection 1C-030 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-18-23 Aug-19-23 0.0 I ?Toyver�retio n ; REC-1C-030 Reclamation 1C-030 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-23 Oct-01-23 0.0 M declamation, 1C-030 ASY-1C-030 Tower Assembly 1C-030 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-23 Aug-18-23 0.1 I IToWerAss2mt%ly 1C-030 CLR-1C-030 Clearing 1C-030 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 17.6 1 j Clearing 1C-030 SPT-1C-030 Spotting 1C-030 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-13-22 31.2 I Spdttirig 1C-030 --r--i- - --- _- ----- - FDN-1C-030 Foundations 1C-030 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 43.8 1 Fpun;dati.ons; 1G-030 ACC-1C-030 Access 1C-030 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 49.4 1: Acces6 1C-030 p_21.22 Oct-02-23,Structure l C-0311 ERC-1C-031 Tower Erection 1C-031 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Aug-19-23 Aug-20-23 0.0 1 Touver Erection 1C-031 REC-1C-031 Reclamation 1C-031 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-01-23 Oct-02-23 0.0 I Reclamation, 1C-0311 -- ASY-1C-031 TowerAssembN 1C-031 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-18-23 Aug19-23 0.1 ToWerAsspm6.y IC-Q31 CLR-1C-031 Clearing 1C-031 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 17.6 1: Clearing 1C-031 SPT-1C-031 Spotting 1C-031 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-13-22 31.2 . I SpgttirYg 1,C-031 FDN-1C-031 Foundations 1C-031 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 43.5 Fgun datpnsj 1C-031 ACC-1C-031 Access 1C-031 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 49.4 1; Adcest 1C-031 r ; tructure 1C-03 2 Sep-21 22 Qct Q2 23,SkructurelG-032 ERC-1C-032 Tower Erection 1C-032 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-20-23 �Aug-20�-230.0 I Tower;Erection 1C-032 REC-1C-032 Reclamation 1C-032 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-02-23 Oct-02-23 0.0 1 Reclamation, 1C-032 ASY-1C-032 Tower Assembly 1C-032 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-19-23 Aug-19-23 0.1 1 ToverjAssembly 1C-032j CLR-1C-032 Clearing 1C-032 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 17.6 1: Cldaridg 1C-032 -- - ----- - - -- - -- -- - -- SPT-1C-032 Spotting 1C-032 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 31.2 r - I SpQttirXg �C-032 ; FDN-1C-032 Foundations 1C-032 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 43.2 Foundations: 1C-03:2 ACC-1C-032 Access 1C-032 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 49.4 1: Access 1C-032 Structure 1C-033 212.3 Oct-b3-13,*ruct4el(033 ERC-1C-033 Tower Erection 1C-033 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-20-23 Aug-21-23 0.0 I Tower:Erection IC-033 r ; REC-1C-033 Reclamation 1C-033 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-02-23 Oct-03-23 0.0 1 rx Recl�matio 1G-Oa3 ASY-1C-033 Tower Assembly 1C-033 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-19-23 Aug-20-23 0.1 I Tower,Assembly 1C-033; CLR-1C-033 Clearing 1C-033 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 17.6 1: Clearing 1;C-033 SPT-1C-033 Spotting 1C-033 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 31.2 j I 1potting 1C-033 FDN-1C-033 Foundations 1C-033 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 42.9 1 Fbundations;1C-033 r11- --- 11--r-- I-- I-- 11-- -- --- - -- ACC-1C-033 Access 1C-033 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 49.4 I AcFesS 1q-033 cture 34 250. t-04-23 Oct-04-23,StructurelC-034 ERC-1C-034 Tower Erection 1C-034 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-21-23 Aug-22-23 0.0 I Tower:Erection 1C-034 REC-1C-034 Reclamation 1C-034 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-03-23 Oct-04-23 0.0 it declamabori 1t-034 ASY-1C-034 Tower Assembly 1C-034 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-20-23 Aug-21-23 0.1 1 ToWer;Assembly 1C-034 r11-- - --- -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - r CLR-1C-034 Clearing 1C-034 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 17.6 1 Clearing 7,.C-034 SPT-1C-034 Spotting 1C-034 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 31.2 :1 Spotting 1C-034 FDN-1C-034 Foundations 1C-034 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-28-22 42.6 I Foundations;1C-034 ACC-1C-034 Access 1C-034 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 49.4 1 j Access 1(034 Structure 1C-0 252.5 Sep-18 22 Oct-05-23 0. Oct-05 23,StruttutelC-035 o i - T i � 35' ERC 1C-035 Tower Erection 1C-035 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-22-23 Aug 23 23 0.0 1 Tower,Erection C-0 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 69 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South ASO I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M Jul A S O IND J F M A M J lul 5A M J REC-1C-035 Reclamation 1C-035 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-04-23 Oct-05-23 0.0 ;I Reclamation, 1 -0 ASY-1C-035 Tower Assembly 1C-035 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-21-23 Aug-22-23 0.1 I I ToWer,Assembly 1C-035 CLR-1C-035 Clearing 1C-035 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 17.6 I j Clearirg 1C-035 j SPT-1C-035 Spotting 1C-035 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 31.2 I Spotting 1C-035 - FDN-1C-035 Foundations 1C-035 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 42.3 1 FOundations;1C-035 ACC-1C-035 Access 1C-035 0.8 1 0.8 1 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 49.4 1:Access 103$ Structure 1C-036 254.1 Se Oct-05 23,StrutturelC-036 ERC-1C-036 Tower Erection 1C-036 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-23-23 Aug-24-23 0.0 I Tower,Erection �C-0,36 j REC-1C-036 Reclamation 1C-036 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-05-23 Oct-05-23 0.0 jl Reclamation 1C-036 ASY-1C-036 TowerAssemb 1C-036 0.9 0.9 0% Au 22-23 Au 23-23 0.1 1', Tolwer.Assembly IC-036 CLR-1C-036 Clearing 1C-036 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 17.6 1 j Clearing 1C-036 SPT-1C-036 Spotting 1C-036 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 31.2 :1 Spotting 1C-036 FDN-1C-036 Foundations 1C-036 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-27-22 42.0 Fqundatipnsj 1G-030 ACC-1C-036 Access 1C-036 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 49.4 I j Access 1G036 -- - - --- p-17-22 Oct-06-23 MMMMIV ©ct-06-23,Structure 1C-037 ERC-1C-037 Tower Erection 1C-037 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-23 Aug-25-23 0.0 1, Tower Erection 1C-037 j REC-1C-037 Reclamation 1C-037 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-05-23 Oct-06-23 0.0 .I Reclamatiod 1C-037 ASY-1C-037 Tower Assembly 1C-037 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-23-23 Aug-24-23 0.1 1', Tower,Assem$� �C-Q37j CLR-1C-037 Clearing 1C-037 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-17-22 17.6 I Clearing 1C-037 --------------- ------------------ -- - -- SPT-1C-037 Spotting 1C-037 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 31.2 :1 Spotting 1C-037 FDN-1C-037 Foundations 1C-037 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 41.6 li Foun{lationsj 103 ACC-1C-037 Access 1C-037 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 49.4 I Actes�1G037 tructure 1 2 Sep-16 22 pcV07-Z3,$tru,cture1:C-038 j lll ERC-1C-038 Tower Erection 1C-038 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25-23 Aug-26-23 0.0 I', Tower Erection 1C-038 REC-1C-038 Reclamation 1C-038 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-06-23 Oct-07-23 0.0 11 Reclamation 1C-038 ASY-1C-038 Tower Assembly 1C-038 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-23 Aug-25-23 0.1 1', Tower Assembly j1C-039 CLR-1C-038 Clearing 1C-038 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 17.6 I .Clearing 1C-038 SPT-1C-038 Spotting 1C-038 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 31.2 ;1 Spotting 1C-038 FDN-1C-038 Foundations 1C-038 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-26-22 41.3 1: F6undations;1"38 ACC-1C-038 Access 1C-038 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-17-22 49.4 I Actess;1C103$ Structure 1 C-039 2 ,g bct-08-�3,5tructurel:C-0$9 ERC-1C-039 Tower Erection 1C-039 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-26-23 Aug-26-23 0.0 1! Tower'Erectidn 1C-039 REC-1C-039 Reclamation 1C-039 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-07-23 Oct-08-23 0.0 ;1 Reclamatioq 1�-039 ASY-1C-039 Tower Assembly 1C-039 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25-23 Aug-26-23 0.1 1', Tower Assembly ;1C-039 J CLR-1C-039 Clearing 1C-039 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 17.6 1 Clearing 1C-039 SPT-1C-039 Spotting 1C-039 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 31.2 i1 $potting 1�-0$9 FDN-1C-039 Foundations 1C-039 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 41.0 1: Fdundatibns:1C-039 ACC-1C-039 Access 1C-039 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 49.4 1 Aceess;1G039 cture 40 260. Sep-14-22-22 t-09-23 Oct, 9 23,5tructuretiC-0?30 g g ER(-1C-040 Tower Erection 1C-040 0.9 0.9 0% Au 26-23 Au 27-23 0.0 11 Tower Erection 1C-040 REC-1C-040 Reclamation 1C-040 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-08-23 Oct-09-23 0.0 j 1teclamatiom 1C-040 ASY-1C-040 Tower Assembly 1C-040 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-26-23 Aug-26-23 0.1 II TdwetAsSembly ;1C-040 CLR-1C-040 Clearing 1C-040 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 17.6 1 ;Clearing 1C-040 SPT-1C-040 Spotting 1C-040 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-05-22 31.2 i1 Spotting 1C-040 FDN-1C-040 Foundations 1C-040 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 40.7 I. Foundations:1CL040 ACC-1C-040 Access 1C-040 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 49.4 I Ac�ess;1G04d Structure 1C-0 262.0 Sep-13-22 Oct-09-23 Oct-09-23,StrtictUrelC-041 ERC-1C-041 Tower Erection 1C-041 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-27-23 Aug-28-23 0.0 II Tgwer Erectign IC-Q41 j Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 70 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South IS G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule M. ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S O N D J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F M A M J lul REC-1C-041 Reclamation 1C-041 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-09-23 Oct-09-23 0.0 ;I Reclamation 1C-041 g- g ---- ;--- -- - ----- -- -------- ASY-1C-041 TowerAssembly 1C-041 0.9 0.9 0% Au 26-23 Au 27-23 0.1 11 TdwetAstemblY'1C-041 CLR-1C-041 Clearing 1C-041 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13 22 Sep 14-22 17.6 1 ICIe$ring 1G-041 SPT-1C-041 Spotting 1C-041 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 31.2 j1 Spotting 1C-041 FDN-1C-041 Foundations 1C-041 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 40.4 1; Foundations:1CL041 ACC-1C-041 Access 1C-041 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 49.4 I ;Access;1C-041 Strut 1 G042 Oct,10;23,Structdrel C-042 ERC-1C-042 Tower Erection 1C-042 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-28-23 Aug-29-23 0.0 Tower Erpctign C Q42j REC-1C-042 Reclamation 1C-042 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-09-23 Oct-10-23 0.0 :1 ReclamWoh 10042 ASY-1C-042 Tower Assembly 1C-042 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-27-23 Aug-28-23 0.1 II Tower Assembly AC-042 CLR-1C-042 Clearing 1C-042 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 17.6 j I Clearing 1C-042 SPT-1C-042 Spotting 1C-042 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 31.2 :I Spotting 1C-042 FDN-1C-042 Foundations 1C-042 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 40.1 1: F6undationsjX04 ACC-1C-042 Access 1C-042 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 49.4 j I jAcdessj1G047 p-12-22 Octr11;23,StructUrel C-043 ERC-1C-043 Tower Erection 1C-043 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-29-23 Aug-30-23 0.0 j Tower Erection iC¢43j REC-1C-043 Reclamation 1C-043 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-10-23 Oct-11-23 0.0 I Reclamatioh 1'C-043 ASY-1C-043 Tower Assembly 1C-043 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-28-23 Aug-29-23 0.1 1 TpwerAsSemblyj1Cj043 CLR-1C-043 Clearing 1C-043 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 17.6 1 :Clearing 1C-043 SPT-1C-043 Spotting 1C-043 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 31.2 1 Spouting 1C-043 FDN-1C-043 Foundations 1C-043 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 39.8 1: Foundations:XC 04 ACC-1C-043 Access 1C-043 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 49.4 1 ;Access AC-0431 rtructure 1 2 Sep-11-22 ;Oct-12�23,5tructyrejC-0,44 j ERC-1C-044 Tower Erection 1C-044 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Aug-30-23 Aug-31-23 0.0 I Tower Erectibn IC-044 REC-1C-044 Reclamation 1C-044 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-11-23 Oct-12-23 0.0 1 ;ReClamkion 1C-0441 ASY-1C-044 Tower Assembly 1C-044 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-29-23 Aug-30-23 0.1 j Tower Asserribly j 1C 044 CLR-1C-044 Clearing 1C-044 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 17.6 I ;Cledrin$1C-044 SPT-1C-044 Spotting 1C-044 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 31.2 1 Spothngj 1CL044 FDN-1C-044 Foundations 1C-044 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-23-22 39.5 1: Foundations 1C044 ACC-1C-044 Access 1C-044 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 49.4 I ;Access;1C-044 Structure 1 C-045 20.3 Oct-12 23,Structure1C-045 ERC-1C-045 Tower Erection 1C-045 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-31-23 Sep-01-23 0.0 lbwdr Erectibn 1C-045 REC-1C-045 Reclamation 1C-045 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-12-23 Oct-12-23 0.0 I ;Reclamation IC-045; ASY-1C-045 Tower Assembly 1C-045 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-30-23 Aug-31-23 0.1 1 Towdr Assembly:1G045 CLR-1C-045 Clearing 1C-045 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 17.6 1 Clearing 1C-045 SPT-1C-045 Spotting 1C-045 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 31.2 1 Spot ingj 1�-045 --- FDN-1C-045 Foundations 1C-045 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 39.2 1: Foundatidns 1C;045 ACC-1C-045 Access 1C-045 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 49.4 I Access j1C-045j cture 269 t,13 23,StructurelC-0469.92 c3 ERC-1C-046 Tower Erection 1C-046 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-01-23 Sep-02-23 0.0 1 lbwer Erection ;1C-046 REC-1C-046 Reclamation 1C-046 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-12-23 Oct-13-23 0.0 j 1 Reclamation 1C-046 ASY-1C-046 TowerAssemb 1C-046 0.9 0.9 0% Au 31-23 Se -01-23 0.1 I lbwdrPdsembl 1C;-046 CLR-1C-046 Clearing 1C-046 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 17.6 I blearing 1�-046 SPT-1C-046 Spotting 1C-046 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 31.2 Spottng;1G046 FDN-1C-046 Foundations 1C-046 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 38.9 1; Foundations;1C-0413 ACC-1C-046 Access 1C-046 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 49.4 j I ;Access j1C-046j Structure 1 C-0 271.5 Sep-09 22 Ort-14-23 -- -- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ---;0ct-1423,;StrUct6re1C-0471-- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - ERC-1C-047 Tower Erection 1C-047 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-23 Sep-02-23 0.0 I Tpwgr Erection j1C-Q47 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 71 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South ASO I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O 1 N I D J F M Jul A S O D J F M A M J lul REC-1C-047 Reclamation 1C-047 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-13-23 Oct-14-23 0.0 I Reclamatign C 47A M J IN; ASY-1C-047 Tower Assembly 1C-047 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-01-23 Sep-01-23 0.1 1bw&ASsenibly,1C-047 CLR-1C-047 Clearing 1C-047 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-09-22 17.6 I Clearing 1�-047 -------------------- ---------------------- -------- -- ------ -- --- - ------ ---- - SPT-1C-047 Spotting 1C-047 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 31.2 1 Spotting;1G047 FDN-1C-047 Foundations 1C-047 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 38.6 1: Foundations I10-047 ACC-1C-047 Access 1C-047 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 49.4 1 j4ccess;1C-047j Structure 1 C-OA 2 .1 Oct-15F23,IStriactwrelC-048 ERC-1C-048 Tower Erection 1C-048 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-23 Sep-03-23 0.0 I Tower Erection j1C-04$ ---- -i---�- - -- ---'-- ---'--'- --'------- ---------- --------------------- - ------------------------------------------ REC-1C-048 Reclamation 1C-048 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-14-23 Oct-15-23 0.0 j 1 :Reclamation 1C-048 ASY-1C-048 Tower Assembly 1C-048 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-01-23 Sep-02-23 0.1 1 lbwerAssembly;1G-048 CLR-1C-048 Clearing 1C-048 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 17.6 j I Clearing 1604$ FDN-1C-048 Foundations 1C-048 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 23.8 1 Foundations ;1C-048 SPT-1C-048 Spotting 1C-048 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 31.2 j Spothngj 1C-04� - -- -- -- --- -- -- ---'-- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- ACC-1C-048 Access 1C-048 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-09-22 35.0 j 1 %access 7C-048 p-07-22 Oct-16-23 ;Oct-1Q-23,StrluctUrelC-049 ERC-1C-049 Tower Erection 1C-049 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-03-23 Sep-05-23 0.0 1 tower Erection 1G049 REC-1C-049 Reclamation 1C-049 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-15-23 Oct-16-23 0.0 1 Redarriatidn 1C-049 ASY-1C-049 Tower Assembly 1C-049 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-23 Sep-03-23 0.1 I Tow�rAssemblyj 1C-049 - ---- -- --- ----- ------ ---- CLR-1C-049 Clearing 1C-049 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 17.6 I CleaHno 1G049 - - FDN-1C-049 Foundations 1C-049 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 23.8 1; Folundati. ;1C b49 SPT1C-049 Spotting 1C-049 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27 22 Sep-28-22 31.2 k Spotting:1G04 ACC-1C-049 Access 1C-049 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 35.3 I Acci'ss 1C-049 S ture 1 0 Oct-16-2 jOct-1&23;StructureiC-Q50j o i TowerE'- - ---r--'--' --` ---------- ------- --------------------- -- ------------------------------------ ERC-1C-050 Tower Erection 1C-050 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-05-23 Sep-06-23 0.0 I rection:1C,050 REC-1C-050 Reclamation 1C-050 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-16-23 Oct-16-23 0.0 1 ;Reclamation 1C-050 ASY-1C-050 Tower Assembly 1C-050 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-03-23 Sep-05-23 0.1 I tower Assembly; 1C-0�0 CLR-1C-050 Clearing 1C-050 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 17.6 :1 Clearino 1G050 FDN-1C-050 Foundations 1C-050 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 23.8 1 Folunclatigns j1C-05q --- -- ------ -- ------ -- SPT-1C-050 Spotting 1C-050 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 31.2 Spotting:1G050 - - - - - -- ACC-1C-050 Access 1C-050 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 35.6 ;I Access 1C-050 Structure 1C-051 2 9 Oct-1y23;StructoreiC-651 ERC-1C-051 Tower Erection 1C-051 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-06-23 Sep-07-23 0.0 I Tower ErecUSon;1C-051 REC-1C-051 Reclamation 1C-051 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-16-23 Oct-17-23 0.0 I Reclarrjatign JC-Q51; ------------- ASY-1C-051 Tower Assembly 1C-051 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-05-23 Sep-06-23 0.1 1 towerA6sembly 1C-051 CLR-1C-051 Clearing 1C-051 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 17.6 :1 Clearing:1C1051 FDN-1C-051 Foundations 1C-051 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 23.8 1: Foundations 10051 SPT 1C-051 Spotting 1C-051 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-26-22 31.2 l: Spotting;1C 051 ACC-1C-051 Access 1C-051 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-06-22 Sep-07-22 35.9 ;1 4 cess JC-Q51j ------------------------- ----------- ----------------------- ----- --- 279.4 279.4 Oct-18-23 Oct-18 23fStructureYC-052 ERC-1C-052 Tower Erection 1C-052 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-07-23 Sep-08-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection:1C-052 REC-1C-052 Reclamation 1C-052 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-17-23 Oct-18-23 0.0 1 Reclamation iC-052; ASY-1C-052 Tower Assembly 1C-052 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-06-23 Sep-07-23 0.1 1 Towi?rAsserhbl 1C-052 CLR-1C-052 Clearing 1C-052 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 17.6 ;I 4Iearing:X-05z --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - FDN-1C-052 Foundations 1C-052 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-19-22 23.8 1 j Foundations 7C-05Y - - - - - - SPT-1C-052 Spotting 1C-052 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 31.2 11 Spotting;1C-052 ACC-1C-052 Access 1C-052 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-04-22 Sep-06-22 36.2 jl Access iC52 Structure 1C-0 281.0 Sep-03-22 Oct-19-23 0. Oct-19-23,StductUrelC-053 ERC-1C-053 Tower Erection 1C-053 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-08 23 Sep-09 23 0.0 I Tower Erection:1C'-05 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 72 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South ASO I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N D J F M A M I J Jul I A S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M J lul REC-1C-053 Reclamation 1C-053 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-18-23 Oct-19-23 0.0 1 Redarr?ation 1C 53 ASY-1C-053 Tower Assembly 1C-053 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-07-23 Sep-08-23 0.1 11 Tows rAsserhbl� 1C-053 CLR-1C-053 Clearing 1C-053 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 17.6 1 �Iearing:1C-05� FDN-1C-053 Foundations 1C-053 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 23.8 1 Foundations 7C-053 SPT-1C-053 Spotting 1C-053 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 31.2 II Spotting I1C-053 ---- --------- -- ------.--- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - ACC-1C-053 Access 1C-053 0.8 1 0.8 1 0% 1 Sep-04-22 Sep-04-22 36.5 ;1 Access 1C-053 54 282.6 Oct-20-23,Stducturdl C-054 ERC-1C-054 Tower Erection 1C-054 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-09-23 Sep-10-23 0.0 I Tower Erection:1Q-051 REC-1C-054 Reclamation 1C-054 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-19-23 Oct-20-23 0.0 1 Reclamation 1C-054 ASY-1C-054 Tower Assembly 1C-054 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-08-23 Sep-09-23 0.1 I Tower Assembly 1C-054 - '---'---- ---'---- '- ------------------ ----- ------------ --------- ----------------- CLR-1C-054 Clearing 1C-054 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 17.6 I dlearing:X-b54 FDN-1C-054 Foundations 1C-054 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-18-22 23.8 1 FoUnd'atidns 1C-054 SPT-1C-054 Spotting 1C-054 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 31.2 I. Spotting;1C-054 ACC-1C-054 Access 1C-054 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-03-22 Sep-04-22 36.8 Access 1C-054 Ckt-20-23,Str,uct;ure;1C-055. ----------- ---i--T--i---.-- ---------- --------------- ---------i-------------------T---- ERC-1C-055 Tower Erection 1C-055 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-10-23 Sep-10-23 0.0 I Tower trect7on j 1C 055 REC-1C-055 Reclamation 1C-055 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-20-23 0.0 1 .Rer lamatibn 1C-055 ASY-1C-055 TowerAssembty 1C-055 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-09-23 Sep-09-23 0.1 I Tow,erAssernbly 1C-0$5 j CLR-1C-055 Clearing 1C-055 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 17.6 M Clearing;lC-055 FDN-1C-055 Foundations 1C-055 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 23.8 1 .Foundations 1C-055 ------ ' '- - ---'--'--' ------------------------------------- SPT-1C-055 Spotting 1C-055 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 31.2 1: Spotting j1C-¢55 ACC-1C-055 Access 1C-055 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 37.1 FcceSs 1C-055 S re or 0qt-2J-2a,Structurg1C-05C ERC-1C-056 Tower Erection 1C-056 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-10-23 Sep-11-23 0.0 I Tower Erection, 1C-056 REC-1C-056 Reclamation 1C-056 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-21-23 0.0 1• Reclamation I1C-059 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ASY-1C-056 TowerAssembty 1C-056 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-09-23 Sep-10-23 0.2 1 Tower Assernbl� 1t-0�6 CLR-1C-056 Clearing 1C-056 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 17.6 1 Clearing IC-056 FDN-1C-056 Foundations 1C-056 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-17-22 23.8 1 Foundations �C-056j SPT-1C-056 Spotting 1C-056 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-22-22 31.2 1: Spotting :IC-056 ACC-1C-056 Access 1C-056 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 37.4 I Access 1C-056 Structure 1 C-057 2 .4 ---------------- -- --- -- --- ------ Oct-22-2�,StructurelCbS--- T ERC-1C-057 Tower Erection 1C-057 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-11-23 Sep-12-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection, 1C-057 REC-1C-057 Reclamation 1C-057 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-21-23 Oct-22-23 0.0 1. Rpclarpatipn ',1C-P57 ASY-1C-057 TowerAssembty 1C-057 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-10-23 Sep-11-23 0.2 I Tower Assembly 1C-057 CLR-1C-057 Clearing 1C-057 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 17.6 I Clearing.1C-0571 FDN-1C-057 Foundations 1C-057 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-16-22 Sep 17-22 23.8 1 j Foundations iC-057j SPT-1C-057 Spotting 1C-057 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 31.2 1: Spotting .1C-057 ACC-1C-057 Access 1C-057 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 37.7 I Access 1C-057 289. Oct-23-23 Oct-23-23,Structural C-058 ERC-1C-058 Tower Erection 1C-058 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-12-23 Sep-13-23 0.0 1 .Tower Erection 1C-058 ------------- --------- REC-1C-058 Reclamation 1C-058 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-22-23 Oct-23-23 0.0 I; Reclamation '1C-05$ ASY-1C-058 Tower Assembly 1C-058 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-11-23 Sep-12-23 0.2 1 TovSerAsseMbly 1C-058 . CLR-1C-058 Clearing 1C-058 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 17.6 I Clearing�C-058j FDN-1C-058 Foundations 1C-058 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 23.8 j 1 j Foundatiohs 1C-058 SPT-1C-058 Spotting 1C-058 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 31.2 I. Spptting 1C-05$ ACC-1C-058 Access 1C-058 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 38.0 + Picce$s l;C-0 8 - - ------ ---- - --- ---- - Structure 1C-059 290.5 Aug-29-22 Oct-23-23 0. Ott-23-23,StructurdlUM ERC 1C-059 Tower Erection 1C-059 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-13-23 Sep-14-23 0.0 I ITovyer�rregtion 1C-059 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 73 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South 0-0 1 S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ., -..,..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O 1 N I D I J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul REC-1C-059 Reclamation 1C-059 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-23-23 Oct-23-23 0.0 1: Reclamation 1C-05 ASY-1C-059 Tower Assembly 1C-059 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-12-23 Sep-13-23 0.2 I ;TowerAsselnbly 1C-059 r ; CLR-1C-059 Clearing 1C-059 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 17.6 ( C�earjng�C-059j FDN-1C-059 Foundations 1C-059 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 23.8 I Foundations 1C-059 SPT-1C-059 Spotting 1C-059 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 31.2 I Spotting 1C-059. ACC-1C-059 Access 1C-059 0.8 1 0.8 1 0% 1 Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 38.4 k Access 1C-0$9 tructure 1C-060 292.1 Au -28 22 Oct 24-23 0.0 Odt-24-23,Stlructur61C-060 r - -- ERC-1C-060 Tower Erection 1C-060 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-14-23 Sep-15-23 0.0 . . . . . I ;Tovyer reGdorj 1G-0f0 REC-1C-060 Reclamation 1C-060 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-23-23 Oct-24-23 0.0 l; Reclamation '1C-060 ASY-1C-060 Tower Assembly 1C-060 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-13-23 Sep-14-23 0.2 1 ;TowerPsseMbIV 11C-060 CLR-1C-060 Clearing 1C-060 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 17.6 4 Clearing;1C-060j FDN-1C-060 Foundations 1C-060 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-15-22 23.8 I :FoOndations 1C-060 r SPT-1C-060 I Spotting 1C-060 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 31.2 I Spotting IC-060; ACC-1C-060 Access 1C-060 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 38.7 Access 1C-060 OCt-25-23,Structurel C-061 ERC-1C-061 Tower Erection 1C-061 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-15-23 Sep-16-23 0.0 I j Tower erection 1�-061 REC-1C-061 Reclamation 1C-061 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-24-23 Oct-25-23 0.0 I, Rdclae.nation I1G061 = r ---- er Ass mb C-061 ; ASY-1C-061 Tower Assembly 1C-061 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-14-23 Sep-15-23 0.2 I W CLR-1C-061 Clearing 1C-061 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 17.6 1j Clearing 1C-061 FDN-1C-061 Foundations 1C-061 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 23.8 I Foundations 1C-061 SPT-1C-061 Spotting 1C-061 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-18-22 31.2 1 j Spotting iC Q61 ACC-1C-061 Access 1C-061 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 39.0 AtceSs 1C-061 Structure 1C-06 2 r wV OFt 25 23,Sfiruckur�1C06 ; ERC-1C-062 Tower Erection 1C-062 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-16-23 Sep-16-23 0.0 I Tower EredtioA 1C-062 REC-1C-062 Reclamation 1C-062 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-25-23 Oct-26-23 0.0 l; Reclamation I1C-062 ASY-1C-062 Tower Assembly 1C-062 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-15-23 Sep-15-23 0.2 I jTowerAssembly 1C-062 CLR-1C-062 Clearing 1C-062 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 17.6 Ij Clearing 1C-062 --- r - --- - --- --r- -- - -- -- --- - FDN-1C-062 Foundations 1C-062 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 23.8 1 ;Foundatiors �.C-062 j SPT-1C-062 Spotting 1C-062 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 31.2 I j Spotting IC-062j ACC-1C-062 Access 1C-062 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 39.3 l: Access 1C-062 Structure 1 C-063 - 2 g Oct-27-2�,StruourelC-06� ERC-1C-063 Tower Erection 1C-063 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-16-23 Sep-17-23 0.0 1 Tourer Eredtioh 1C-063 r ,- - - ,- - - ---,-- - REC-1C-063 Reclamation 1C-063 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-26-23 Oct-27-23 0.0 I; Roclarnatjon 1C;-06a ASY-1C-063 Tower Assembly 1C-063 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-15-23 Sep-16-23 0.2 I To Assembly 1C-063 CLR-1C-063 Clearing 1C-063 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-26-22 17.6 1; Clearing 1C-063 FDN-1C-063 Foundations 1C-063 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 23.8 1 Foyncl#ioms 1C-063 j SPT-1C-063 Spotting 1C-063 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 31.2 I Spbtting 1C-063 rI--- 11--r-- I-- I-- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - ----- --r ACC-1C-063 Access 1C-063 0.8 0.8 1 0% 1 Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 39.6 II kcm 1C-0�3 cture64 298. Oct 27-23 Oct-2J-23,Structure1G064 ERC-1C-064 Tower Erection 1C-064 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-17-23 I Sep-18-23 0.0 I ToWrerlEreCtion 1C-064 REC-1C-064 Reclamation 1C-064 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-27-23 Oct-27-23 0.0 l; Reclamation'1C064 ASY-1C-064 Tower Assembly 1C-064 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-16-23 Sep-17-23 0.2 I ;TbwerAssdmbly 1C-064 r - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - CLR-1C-064 Clearing 1C-064 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 17.6 1; Clearing JC-Q64 j FDN-1C-064 Foundations 1C-064 0.5 0.5 0% 1 Sep-13-22 Sep-13-22 23.8 j 1 Foundations 1C-064 SPT-1C-064 Spotting 1C-064 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 31.2 I Spotting 1C Q64 ACC-1C-064 Access 1C-064 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-26-22 39.9 I; A4cess 1t-004 Structure 1C-0 300.1 Aug-24-22 Oct-28-23 0. Ott-28-23,StrucYurelC-065 p p - - -i---, ------ -------- ; ERC-1C-065 Tower Erection 1C-065 0.9 0.9 0% Se 18-23 Se 19-23 0.0 I Tower,ErKtion 1C-065 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 74 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South ASO I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D J F M Jul A S O IND J F M A M J lul REC-1C-065 Reclamation 1C-065 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-27-23 Oct-28-23 0.0 I; Reclamation 1C-0 A MJ 6 ASY-1C-065 Tower Assembly 1C-065 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-17-23 Sep-18-23 0.2 I TowerAss&mbly 1C-065 CLR-1C-065 Clearing 1C-065 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 17.6 1: Cl�ari6g jC-065 j FDN-1C-065 Foundations 1C-065 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 23.8 I Foundations 1C-065 SPT-1C-065 Spotting 1C-065 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 31.2 I ;Spotting 1C-065; ACC-1C-065 Access 1C-065 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 40.2 I; AGces 1 -0�5 tructure 1C-066 qnl 7 L Au -23-2 - Oct-29-23,StruCturie10066 ERC-1C-066 Tower Erection 1C-066 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-20-23 0.0 1 Topver,Eret tion 1,C-056 j REC-1C-066 Reclamation 1C-066 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-28-23 Oct-29-23 0.0 l( Reclamation'M061; - i-- ----- ------- - -- -- ------J- ASY-1C-066 Tower Assembly 1C-066 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-18-23 Sep-19-23 0.2 I Tower Assembly 1C-066; CLR-1C-066 Clearing 1C-066 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 17.6 I j Clearing 1C-066 FDN-1C-066 Foundations 1C-066 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 23.8 I Foundatiohs 1C-066 SPT-1C-066 Spotting 1C-066 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-14-22 31.2 I ;Spgttigg IC-066j ACC-1C-066 Access 1C-066 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 40.5 1: Access 1C-066 ------------------ ----- -- --- -- -- Aug-22-22 Oct-30-23 Oct-30-23,StruCturl?1C-067 ERC-1C-067 Tower Erection 1C-067 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-20 23 Sep 21-23 0.0 I j Tower Erection 1C-067 REC-1C-067 Reclamation 1C-067 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-29-23 Oct-30-23 0.0 I Reclamation 16-067 ASY-1C-067 Tower Assembly 1C-067 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-20-23 0.2 I Toyver,AssemLjly t C-067j CLR-1C-067 Clearing 1C-067 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 17.6 1; Clearing 1C-067 FDN-1C-067 Foundations 1C-067 0.5 0.5 0% 1 Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 23.8 1 ;Foundations 1C-067 SPT-1C-067 Spotting 1C-067 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 31.2 I :Spotting 1C-067 ACC-1C-067 Access 1C-067 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 40.8 I ACcest 1C-067 Structure 1 Oct-a0-23,SXrugturp1G-060 ERC-1C-068 Tower Erection 1C-068 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 0.0 1; Tower Erectioh IC-068 REC-1C-068 Reclamation 1C-068 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-30-23 Oct-30-23 0.0 I Reeclamation 11C-06R ASY-1C-068 Tower Assembly 1C-068 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-20-23 Sep-21-23 0.2 1:Tower Assembly iC-068; CLR-1C-068 Clearing 1C-068 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-22-22 17.6 I 00ring 1C-068 FDN-1C-068 Foundations 1C-068 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-11-22 23.8 I Foundations C-j68 j SPT-1C-068 Spotting 1C-068 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 31.2 j 1 j5p6ttirig 1C-068 ACC-1C-068 Access 1C-068 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 41.1 I ACces5 1C-06$ 30.4 Oct-$1-23,StruGturel(00 ERC-1C-069 Tower Erection 1C-069 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 0.0 I Tower Erettioh 1C-069 REC-1C-069 Reclamation 1C-069 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-30-23 Oct-31-23 0.0 I Reclajmation, 1q-06,9 ASY-1C-069 Tower Assembly 1C-069 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-21-23 Sep-22-23 0.2 1: Tower Assembly '1C-065 j - -- -- - -- -- - -- CLR-1C-069 Clearing 1C-069 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 17.6 1: Clearing 1C-069 FDN-1C-069 Foundations 1C-069 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 23.8 I Foundations 1C-069 SPT-1C-069 Spotting 1C-069 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 31.2 1 spotting 1'C-069 ACC-1C-069 Access 1C-069 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-22-22 41.4 1:A4ces*1G-069 cture 70 308. Nov-01-23 Nov-01-23,StructuieiC-070 P p --- -- -- ERC-1C-070 Tower Erection 1C-070 0.9 0.9 0% Se 23-23 Se 23-23 0.0 I Tower Erection 1C-070; REC-1C-070 Reclamation 1C-070 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-31-23 Nov-01-23 0.0 I Reclamation' le-00 ASY-1C-070 Tower Assembly 1C-070 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-22-23 0.2 1; TowerAssiambly 1C-070 CLR-1C-070 Clearing 1C-070 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 17.6 I Clearing k-070 j FDN-1C-070 Foundations 1C-070 0.5 0.5 1 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 23.8 j 1 rouhdatioris tic-070 SPT-1C-070 Spotting 1C-070 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 31 22 :1 Spotting 1C-070 ACC-1C-070 Access 1C-070 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 41.7 I Access le.-070 Structure 1C-07 381.7 Jun-07-22 Nov-02-23 0. Nov-02-23,Strtictuhe1C-071 ERC-1C-071 Tower Erection 1C-071 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-23-23 Sep-24-23 0.0 I Tower,Ere�ctign IC-Q71 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 75 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South IS G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule M. ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O 1 N I D J F I M A M J Jul I A I S O N D J F I M I A M J lul REC-1C-071 Reclamation 1C-071 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-01-23 Nov-02-23 0.0 1 Reclamation, 1 -U 1 ASY-1C-071 Tower Assembly 1C-071 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-22-23 Sep-23-23 0.2 I, ToWedAssb bly 1C-071; CLRAC-071 Clearing 1C-071 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-08-22 14.3 ;1 blearing 11Z�07 FDNAC-071 Foundations 1C-071 0.5 0.5 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 23.8 1 t oundatioris 1;C-071 SPT-1C-071 Spotting 1C-071 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-10-22 31.2 I Spotting 1C-071 ACCAC-071 Access 1C-071 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 73.3 ;1 Accoss IC-071j 1C72 - -------,- -0 Nov-03-23,StrUctuie1C-072 ERCAC-072 Tower Erection 1C-072 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-24-23 Sep-25-23 0.0 1; Tower Erection JC-Q72: RECAC-072 Reclamation 1C-072 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-02-23 Nov-03-23 0.0 :1 Reclamation, 1C-072 ASY-1C-072 Tower Assembly 1C-072 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-23-23 Sep-24-23 0.2 1; Ta6er,AsSembly '1C-072 CLRAC-072 Clearing 1C-072 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 14.3 j 1 blearing 1t�-07 FDNAC-072 Foundations 1C-072 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-27-22 26.3 1: Foundations;1C 072 SPT-1C-072 Spotting 1C-072 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 26.3 1 Spotting:1CL07 ACCAC-072 Access 1C-072 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-09-22 72.5 11 access IC-072j chrre 1C-073 Nov-A3-23,Structure1IC-073 ERCAC-073 Tower Erection 1C-073 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-25-23 Sep-26-23 0.0 I; Tower Fraction 1C1173 j RECAC-073 Reclamation 1C-073 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-03-23 Nov-03-23 0.0 ;1 Reclamatiod 1C-073 ASY-1C-073 Tower Assembly 1C-073 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-24-23 Sep-25-23 0.2 I; Tower,As$emW 1C-07a CLRAC-073 Clearing 1C-073 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-09-22 14.3 I Clearing 1C-073 SPT-1C-073 Spotting 1C-073 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 26.3 1 Spotting:1C-073 FDNAC-073 Foundations 1C-073 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 26.4 1 Fpundationsj 1(;07 ACC-1C-073 Access 1C-073 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 72.5 1 Access 1C-073 re 1C-0 Nov-04-73,$trycturelC 075 ERCAC-075 Tower Erection 1C-075 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-27-23 0.0 Tower Erection 1C-075; RECAC-075 Reclamation 1C-075 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-03-23 Nov-04-23 0.0 ;1 Reclamation 1C-075 ASY-1C-075 Tower Assembly 1C-075 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-25-23 Sep26-23 0.2 1i Tower,As$embly'1C-07$ CLRAC-075 Clearing 1C-075 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 14.3 1 Clearin$1C-075 SPT-1C-075 I Spotting 1C-075 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 26.3 1 Spotting:1C,L07$ FDNAC-075 Foundations 1C-075 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 26.4 f Foundations: 1G075 ACCAC-075 Access 1C-075 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 72.5 I Access 1C-075 Structure 1C-076 3 .6 Nov�05�3,5tructorel'C-076 p P -- -- f ERCAC-076 Tower Erection 1C-076 0.9 0.9 0% Se 27-23 Se 28-23 0.0 1 Tower Erktidn 10076 RECAC-076 Reclamation 1C-076 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-04-23 Nov-05-23 0.0 ;1 Reclamation K-07 6 ASY-1C-076 Tower Assembly 1C-076 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-26-23 Sep-27-23 0.2 I: TdwerAssembly'1C076 CLRAC-076 Clearing 1C-076 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 14.3 1 Clearing 1C-076 SPT-1C-076 Spotting 1C-076 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 26.3 1 Spotting:1�-07 FDN-1C-076 Foundations 1C-076 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 26.5 ' Fbundation� 1C-076 ACCAC-076 Access 1C-076 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 72.7 I Access:IC-P76 c re 7 381.7 381.7 Jun-11-22 Nov-06-23 Nov 06 23,Structure 1'C-077 ERCAC-077 Tower Erection 1C-077 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-28-23 Sep-29-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection 1C-077 RECAC-077 Reclamation 1C-077 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-05-23 Nov-06-23 0.0 II Reclamation 1t-017 ASY-1C-077 TowerAssemb 1C-077 0.9 0.9 0% Se 27-23 Se 28-23 0.2 1 TowetAstembly11C077 CLRAC-077 Clearing 1C-077 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 14.3 I ;Clearing 1C-07:7 SPT-1C-077 Spotting 1C-077 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-31-22 Jul-31-22 26.3 1 Spotting;1C 077 FDNAC-077 Foundations 1C-077 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-30-22 26.5 1 FourYdation5 1C-077 ACCAC-077 Access 1C-077 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 72.7 I ;Access:1&07y Structure 1C-078 381.7 Jun-12-22 Nov-06-23 0. Nov�06-23,StrUctUrellC-078 ERC-1C-078 Tower Erection 1C-078 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-29-23 Sep-30-23 0.0 I Tpwgr Er�ctipn �C-978 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 76 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A I S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul REC-1C-078 Reclamation 1C-078 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-06-23 0.0 ;l eclamatior? 1 -0 8 ASY-1C-078 Tower Assembly 1C-078 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-28-23 Sep-28-23 0.2 I TdwerAstembNIXG078 CLR-1C-078 Clearing 1C-078 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 14.3 I ;Clearing 1�-07;8 --'- -- --- -- ---------'---- --------------------------------------- --------- ----- SPT-1C-078 Spotting 1C-078 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 26.3 M Spotting; 1C-07$ FDN-1C-078 Foundations 1C-078 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 26.6 1 FpundationS 1C-078 ACC-1C-078 Access 1C-078 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Jun-13-22 Jun-13-22 72.7 I %access 1Cb7& 1 79 n-13-22 - Novr07,23,IStrwctdreIC-079; ERC-1C-079 Tower Erection 1C-079 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-30-23 Sep-30-23 0.0 I Tpwpr Erection �C-979 i -- --'---'--- -------- r REC-1C-079 Reclamation 1C-079 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-07-23 0.0 j1 Reclamation 1C-079 ASY-1C-079 Tower Assembly 1C-079 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-28-23 Sep-29-23 0.2 I Tower Assembly 11C-079 CLR-1C-079 Clearing 1C-079 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Jun-13-22 Jun-13-22 14.3 j I j Tearing 1C-0y9 SPT-1C-079 Spotting 1C-079 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 26.3 I Spotting 1C-079 FDN-1C-079 Foundations 1C-079 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 26.6 j Fpurjdatjonj 1G-079 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ACC-1C-079 Access 1C-079 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 72.7 j I :Access;100075 - - - - - - chrre 1C-080 un-13-22 =MIV Nov;08;23,IStr0cture1C-Q80 ERC-1C-080 Tower Erection 1C-080 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-30-23 Oct-01-23 0.0 I Tower Erection 1C b8d REC-1C-080 Reclamation 1C-080 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-08-23 0.0 ;1 Reclamation 1C-080 ASY-1C-080 Tower Assembly 1C-080 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-29-23 Sep-30-23 0.2 I TpwprAs$emjbly:1Cj08p --'--'- --'- -- -----'--- ---------- ------------ ------------ - -- ------ -- -- - CLR-1C-080 Clearing 1C-080 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 14.3 I Clearing 1�-080 SPT-1C-080 Spotting 1C-080 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 26.3 ;I Spotting 1C-080 FDN-1C-080 Foundations 1C-080 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 26.7 jl Fourjdatjonj 1t-084 ACC-1C-080 Access 1C-080 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 72.7 I ;Access:1008q re 1 C-0 Nov-09-23„Structure JC-Q81 j '--- --'----- ------ -- ------ ---------- ------ ------- -------------- ERC-1C-081 Tower Erection 1C-081 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-01-23 Oct-02-23 0.0 } Tower Erection '1C-081 REC-1C-081 Reclamation 1C-081 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-08-23 Nov-09-23 0.0 11 Reclamation 1'C-081 ASY-1C-081 Tower Assembly 1C-081 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-30-23 Oct-01-23 0.2 I YowerA9sembly'1C 08;1 CLR-1C-081 Clearing 1C-081 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 14.3 I IClearinp 1C-081 SPT-1C-081 Spotting 1C-081 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 26.3 II Spotting 1G-081 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - FDN-1C-081 Foundations 1C-081 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 26.7 )l Fouridations 1C-081 - - - - - - ACC-1C-081 Access 1C-081 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 72.7 I ;AcCess;1C;081 3 .6 Noy-1023,;Structure1C .82 ERC-1C-082 Tower Erection 1C-082 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-02-23 Oct-03-23 0.0 1 Tower Edectibn I1C-082 REC-1C-082 Reclamation 1C-082 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-09-23 Nov-10-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-0¢2 -- -- --'-- --- -- --'----- ----------- ---------- - ------ ---- - ------------- ASY-1C-082 Tower Assembly 1C-082 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-01-23 Oct-02-23 0.2 TowerAsserribly'1"82 CLR-1C-082 Clearing 1C-082 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 14.3 1 ;Clearing 1C-082 SPT-1C-082 Spotting 1C-082 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 26.3 ;1 $poXting 1 -002 FDN-1C-082 Foundations 1C-082 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-03-22 26.8 :1 Foundationt 1C-082 ACC-1C-082 Access 1C-082 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 72.7 I ;Acuess;1C08� c re 83 381 �LM. Jun-16-22 Nov-10-23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Nod-104 ,Structure 1C-083 ---r--------,---------,--------- ---- ERC-1C-083 Tower Erection 1C-083 0.9 0.9 1 0% Oct-03-23 Oct-04-23 0.0 1 lbw2r Erection I1C-083 REC-1C-083 Reclamation 1C-083 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-10-23 Nov-10-23 0.0 I heclamation 1;C-083 ASY-1C-083 Tower Assembly 1C-083 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-02-23 Oct-03-23 0.2 1 TowerASsenSblyl 1C-083 CLR-1C-083 Clearing 1C-083 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 14.3 I ;Clearing 1G-0$3 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - SPT-1C-083 Spotting 1C-083 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-05-22 26.3 jl 5pottino 1C-083 - - - - - - FDN-1C-083 Foundations 1C-083 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 26.8 ;1 Rburldation5 1C-083 ACC-1C-083 Access 1C-083 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-17-22 72.7 I ;Access;lC 08 Structure 1C-083A 381.5 Jun-17-22 Nov-11-23 NoV-11�23,StrluctUre1C-083A ERC 1C 083 A Tower�Erection�83A 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-04-23 Oct-05 23 0.0 II tower Erection 1C 83A Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 77 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South ASO I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 20227777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O IND I J I F I M A I M I J lul REC-1C-083-A Reclamation 1C-83A 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-10-23 Nov-11-23 0.0 I Rec amation 1C-&M ASY-1C-083-A Tower Assembly 1C-83A 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-03-23 Oct-04-23 0.2 :I TowerASserhblyl IC-831A CLR-1C-083-A Clearing 1C-83A 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-17-22 14.3 1 Clearing 1C-83A j SPT-1C-083-A Spotting 1C-83A 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 26.3 jl Spottino 1C-83A FDN-1C-083-A Foundations 1C-83A 0.5 1 0.5 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 27.1 ;I Foundations 1C-83A --' -- - -------- ---------------------------- ACC-1C-083-A Access 1C-83A 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 72.9 I Aces'1C 83A Structure 1C-083B NoU-12F23;StrUctUre1C-083B 381. ov-12-2 ERC-1C-083-B Tower Erection 1C-83B 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-05-23 Oct-06-23 0.0 I Tower Erection 1&835 REC-1C-083-B Reclamation 1C-83B 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-11-23 Nov-12-23 0.0 I 'Reclamatioh 1C-83B ASY-1C-083-B Tower Assembly 1C-83B 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-04-23 Oct-05-23 0.2 :1 Tower Assembly 1C-83B 1 -i ------------------ ------------ --- CLR-1C-083-B Clearing 1C-83B 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 14.3 I j Clearin' 1C-8$B SPT-1C-083-13 Spotting 1C-83B 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 26.3 :I Spottin$ 1C-83B FDN-1C-083-B Foundations 1C-83B 0.5 0.5 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-05-22 27.4 I I Four clarions 1C-836 j ACC-1C-083-B Access 1C-836 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 72.9 1 j Access 1C,838 chrre 1 C-084 un-18-22 I Nov-13;-23;StructUre IC-084; T ;----- ----- -- ------ -- -- --- -- -- --- -- ------------------ ---- T - ERC-1C-084 Tower Erection 1C-084 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-06-23 Oct-06-23 0.0 j 1 tower Erection XC 084 REC-1C-084 Reclamation 1C-084 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-12-23 Nov-13-23 0.0 I IRedlambtion 1C-0841 ASY-1C-084 Tower Assembly 1C-084 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-05-23 Oct-05-23 0.2 II TowgrAssembly 1G-0a4 CLR-1C-084 Clearing 1C-084 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 14.3 1 ;Clearing 1C-0$4 SPT-1C-084 Spotting 1C-084 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 26.3 II Spotting 1C-084 '- '-- ---'--'- --'---; ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - FDN-1C-084 Foundations 1C-084 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 27.5 ;I �ourcla�ions 1t-0$4 ACC-1C-084 Access 1C-084 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 72.7 I Actes�1C-084 C-0Sun-19 22 13- Now-13;23;Structpre IC-985: ERC-1C-085 Tower Erection 1C-085 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-06-23 Oct-07-23 0.0 I Tower Election 1G085 REC-1C-085 Reclamation 1C-085 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-13-23 Nov-13-23 0.0 I (Reclamation 1C-085( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASY1C-085 Tower Assembly 1C-085 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-05 23 Oct-06-23 0.3 it towerAsser>7bly 1C-0$5 , CLR-1C-085 Clearing 1C-085 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 14.3 I Clearing 1C-085 SPT-1C-085 Spotting 1C-085 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 26.3 I $potting 1C-0$5 FDN-1C-085 Foundations 1C-085 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 27.5 i1 foundations 1C-085 ACC-1C-085 Access 1C-085 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 72.7 1:Access 1C-085 - ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 3 .4 Nov-14-23y Structure 1C-b8r EMIL ERC-1C-086 Tower Erection 1C-086 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-07-23 Oct-08-23 0.0 ;1 Tower Etecb.on 11C,086 REC-1C-086 Reclamation 1C-086 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-13-23 Nov-14-23 0.0 I ReGlamjatign 1C-086 ASY-1C-086 Tower Assembly 1C-086 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-06-23 Oct-07-23 0.3 j1 TowerA6sembly 1C-086 CLR-1C-086 Clearing 1C-086 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 14.3 1 ClEarirlg 1C-086 ------' - SPT-1C-086 Spotting 1C-086 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-09-22 26.3 I $potting 1C-0$6 FDN-1C-086 Foundations 1C-086 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-07-22 27.6 :1 Fouhdation's 1C-086 ACC-1C-086 Access 1C-086 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-21-22 72.7 1;AGcesS 1G-080 c re 7 381.4 381.4 Jun-21-22 Nov-15-23 Nov-15Structure 1C ti87 ERC-1C-087 Tower Erection 1C-087 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-08-23 Oct-09-23 0.0 I Tower Erection 11C-087 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- REC-1C-087 Reclamation 1C-087 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-14-23 Nov-15-23 0.0 I ,Reclamation iC-087' ASY-1C-087 Tower Assembly 1C-087 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-07-23 Oct-08-23 0.3 I TowerASserhblyi 1C-087 CLR-1C-087 Clearing 1C-087 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-21-22 14.3 I; Clearing�-C-0¢7 j SPT-1C-087 Spotting 1C-087 0.8 0.8 1 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 25.3 j I 5pottino 1�-087 FDN-1C-087 Foundations 1C-087 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 27.6 ;1 Foundations IC-087 ACC-1C-087 Access 1C-087 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 72.7 I;Access 1087 Structure 1C-088 293.8 Sep-19-22 Nov-16-23 No4-16-23,SttuctureIC-088 ERC 1C-088 Tower Erection 1C-088 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-09-23 Oct-10-23 0.0 I Tower�rect7on, 1�-088 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 78 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South ASO I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 20227777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F M A M J 1 Jul A S O N D J I F I M A M J Jul A S O N D J I F I M I A I M I J lul REC-1C-088 Reclamation 1C-088 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-15-23 Nov-16-23 0.0 1 Re4lamation C 88, ASY-1C-088 Tower Assembly 1C-088 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-08-23 Oct-09-23 0.3 :1 ToWerAssernbly 10088 CLR-1C-088 Clearing 1C-088 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-23-22 12.7 p Charing 7 C-0138 j ACC-1C-088 Access 1C-088 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-26-22 18.8 1; Access 1C-088 FDN-1C-088 Foundations 1C-088 0.4 0.4 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-26-22 18.8 1: Foundations:1C-088 SPT-1C-088 I Spotting 1C-088 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-26 22 Sep 30-22 26.4 p Sootting:1C;083 291.1 29,1.1 Nnv-17-7q 0.0 NoV-17-23,Sttucture:lC-089 r -- - ----- --r ERC-1C-089 Tower Erection 1C-089 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-10-23 Oct-11-23 0.0 I Tower�reckion,, 1G-089 REC-1C-089 Reclamation 1C-089 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-16-23 Nov-17-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-089' ASY-1C-089 Tower Assembly 1C-089 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-09-23 Oct-10-23 0.3 :1 Tower Assembly 1C-089 CLR-1C-089 Clearing 1C-089 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-26-22 12.7 Ij Clearing iC-d89j ACC-1C-089 Access 1C-089 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-30-22 15.8 1 Access 1C-089 r--I-- - -- FDN-1C-089 Foundations 1C-089 0.4 0.4 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 15.8 j Fpun;datjons; 1G-089 SPT-1C-089 Spotting 1C-089 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-03-22 26.4 M Spotting 1C-089 NoV-17-23,StructurellC-A90 ERC-1C-090 Tower Erection 1C-090 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-11-23 Oct-12-23 0.0 j 1 'Tower�recoon 1�-000 REC-1C-090 Reclamation 1C-090 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-17-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-090: -- --;-- f --- , ASY-1C-090 TowerAssembty 1C-090 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-10-23 Oct-11-23 0.3 I lower4ssembly 1C-090 CLR-1C-090 Clearing 1C-090 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-30-22 12.7 Clearing 7C-090 ACC-1C-090 Access 1C-090 3.5 3.5 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-03-22 12.7 1 Access 1C-090 FDN-1C-090 Foundations 1C-090 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-03-22 12.7 i1 Koundation SPT-1C-090 Spotting 1C-090 3.5 3.5 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-07-22 26.4 :1 Spotting 1C-090 11 re 1C-0 18- - --- - -- 7Nov 1$2g,Structure,lC 09�-- - -- - -- --- --?- - ERC-1C-091 Tower Erection 1C-091 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-12-23 Oct-13-23 0.0 j 1 Tower Erection, 1C-091 REC-1C-091 Reclamation 1C-091 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-18-23 0.0 1 Reclamation 1C-091: ASY-1C-091 TowerAssembty 1C-091 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-11-23 Oct-11-23 0.3 j 1 fiowerAssernbly it-0g1 FDN-1C-091 Foundations 1C-091 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-03-22 Oct-04-22 12.7 :1 Rou6dation5 1C-091 CLR-1C-091 Clearing 1C-091 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 20.1 II �Iearing;1C,09 l --- _ -- -- - -- -- - -- - --- r SPT-1C-091 Spotting 1C-091 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 26.4 j 1 Spotting 1C-091 ACC-1C-091 Access 1C-091 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 99.4 ;1 Access 1C-091 EEL 3 1 Nov-1g-2�,St�ucture,1C�09� ERC-1C-092 Tower Erection 1C-092 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-13-23 Oct-13-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection: 1C-092 R lamati n C92' ; ------- REC-1C-092 Reclamation 1C-092 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-18-23 Nov-19-23 0.0 I eG P ASY-1C-092 TowerAssembty 1C-092 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-11-23 Oct-12-23 0.3 j 1 'fowerAssembly 1t-052 CLR-1C-092 Clearing 1C-092 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-06-22 12.6 :l Clearing:1C-092 FDN-1C-092 Foundations 1C-092 0.4 0.4 0% 1 Oct-04-22 Oct-04-22 12.7 i1 Kou6dation4 1�-012 SPT-1C-092 Spotting 1C-092 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 26.4 :1 Spotting 1C-092 -;------- --- ACC-1C-092 Access 1C-092 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 29.3 ;I Access JC-Q92 c re 93 372. Jul-05-22-22 Nov-20-23 Nov-2b 23,StructurelC 093 ERC-1C-093 Tower Erection 1C-093 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-13-23 Oct-14-23 0.0 1 ;Tower Erection 1C-093 REC-1C-093 Reclamation 1C-093 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-19-23 Nov-20-23 0.0 1 Reclamation :1C-093' ASY-1C-093 Tower Assembly 1C-093 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-12-23 Oct-13-23 0.3 1 TowerAsseMbly 1'C-093 I-- --- 11-- -- --- 11- CLR-1C-093 Clearing 1C-093 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 12.6 :1 Glearing;1C,093 FDN-1C-093 Foundations 1C-093 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-04-22 Oct-05-22 12.7 i1 oumdationt 1C-093 SPT-1C-093 Spotting 1C-093 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 26.4 1 Spotting 1C-093 ACC-1C-093 Access 1C-093 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-06-22 29.3 jl Accoss tC-093 j Structure 1C-094 374.0 Jul-03-22 Nov-20-23 0. Ndv-20-23,S1;ructurd 1C:094 r - j ; ERC-1C-094 Tower Erection 1C-094 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-14-23 Oct-15-23 0.0 I ToWerEreckion 1C-094 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 79 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N I D J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I Elul REC-1C-094 Reclamation 1C-094 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-20-23 Nov-20-23 0.0 1 Re clamation 1C-094, ASY-1C-094 Tower Assembly 1C-094 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-13-23 Oct-14-23 0.3 1 ;Tower Assembly 1C-094 CLR-1C-094 Clearing 1C-094 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 12.6 i Gleaning:1C-094 FDN-1C-094 Foundations 1C-094 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-05-22 12.7 jl Foundations lC-054 - -- -- SPT-1C-094 Spotting 1C-094 0.7 0.7 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 26.4 :1 Spotting 1C-094 ACC-1C-094 Access 1C-094 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 29.3 jl Access iC d94 Jul-22 2 JEW ov 21-23 0. Ndv-21-23,Structure 1G095 ERC-1C-095 Tower Erection 1C-095 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-15-23 Oct-16-23 0.0 I ;TowerreGtion 1G-095 REC-1C-095 Reclamation 1C-095 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-20-23 Nov-21-23 0.0 1 Reclamation :1C-095' - -- ---j-- ASY-1C-095 Tower Assembly 1C-095 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-14-23 Oct-15-23 0.3 1 ;ToWerAssembly 1C-095 CLR-1C-095 Clearing 1C-095 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-24-22 12.6 I; Clearing 1C-095 FDN-1C-095 Foundations 1C-095 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-06-22 12.7 :1 Foundationt 1C-095 SPT-1C-095 Spotting 1C-095 1.5 1.5 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 26.4 I Spotting 1G-095 j ACC-1C-095 Access 1C-095 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 83.9 1: Access 1C-095 - -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - 6 Nov-22-23 Nov-22-23,Structure 1C;096 ERC-1C-096 Tower Erection 1C-096 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-16 23 Oct-17-23 0.0 1 ;Towerrectior7 1�-096 REC-1C-096 Reclamation 1C-096 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-21-23 Nov-22-23 0.0 11 Reclaration ;10096 ASY-1C-096 Tower Assembly 1C-096 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-15-23 Oct-16-23 0.3 1 ;TowerAssambly JC-g96 CLR-1C-096 Clearing 1C-096 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 12.6 1 Clearirg 1;C-096 FDN-1C-096 Foundations 1C-096 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-06-22 12.7 y I Foundations 1C-096 SPT-1C-096 Spotting 1C-096 1.5 1.5 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-13-22 26.4 j 1 jSpotting 1,0096 ACC-1C-096 Access 1C-096 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-24-22 85.8 I j Accest 1C-09,6 LaIllore 1 u1-19 22 Nqv Z5 2$,StruGturaK,097 ERC-1C-097 Tower Erection 1C-097 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-17-23 Oct-18-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection 1C-097 - - -- -- - REC-1C-097 Reclamation 1C-097 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-22-23 Nov-25-23 0.0 1', Reclamation;1C-097 ASY-1C-097 Tower Assembly 1C-097 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-16-23 Oct-17-23 0.3 1 jTowerAssembly 1C-d97' CLR-1C-097 Clearing 1C-097 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-21-22 12.6 I Cldaririg 1C-097 FDN-1C-097 Foundations 1C-097 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-07-22 12.7 II Fou6dafion� 1jC-097 j SPT-1C-097 Spotting 1C-097 1.5 1.5 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 26.4 : 1 jSpottirig 1C-097 ACC-1C-097 Access 1C-097 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 87.8 1: Actress 1C-097 Nov-.6-23,Structure le.-098 ERC-1C-098 Tower Erection 1C-098 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-18-23 Oct-19-23 0.0 1 Tower EreCtioh 1C-098 REC-1C-098 Reclamation 1C-098 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-25-23 Nov-26-23 0.0 11 R�clarnation j 1Cj-09$ ASY-1C-098 Tower Assembly 1C-098 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-17-23 Oct-18-23 0.3 I ;TowerAssdmbly 10-098' ------- ---------- - -- ---- ----- - ----- - - -- -- - CLR-1C-098 Clearing 1C-098 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 12.6 I Clearing 1C-098 FDN-1C-098 Foundations 1C-098 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 12.7 j 1 �ouj doon� 1C-008 SPT-1C-098 Spotting 1C-098 1.5 1.5 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-16-22 26.4 1 ;Spbttirlg 1C-0981 ACC-1C-098 Access 1C-098 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-21-22 89.7 I AcFes1 1t-090 cture 1M99 366.3 366.3 Jul-16-22 Nov-26-23 Nov-26-23,Strufture1C-099 ------ -- ----- ERC-1C099 Tower Erection 1C-099 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-19-23 Oct-20-23 0.0 1 Tower;EreCtion 1C-099 REC-1C-099 Reclamation 1C-099 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-26-23 Nov-26-23 0.0 1: Reclamation j XL099 ASY-1C-099 Tower Assembly 1C-099 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-18-23 Oct-18-23 0.3 1 ;Tower Assembly 1C-099 CLR-1C-099 Clearing 1C-099 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-18-22 12.6 I Clearing 1G-099 FDN-1C-099 Foundations 1C-099 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-07-22 12.7 j 1 foundations 1C-099 SPT-1C-099 Spotting 1C-099 1.5 1 1.5 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 26.4 1 ;Spotting 1C-099 ACC-1C-099 Access 1C-099 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 91.6 I Access 1Cj09 Structure 1C-100 368.6 368.6 Jul-15 22 Nov-27-23 0. Nov-27-23,StrutturlelC-100 ERC-1C-100 Tower Erection 1C-100 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-20-23 0.0 I TowerjErention IC Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 80 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South IS G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule M. ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N I D J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N D J I F I M I A I M J lul REC-1C-100 Reclamation 1C-100 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-26-23 Nov-27-23 0.0 1 Reclamation;1C40 ASY-1C-100 Tower Assembly 1C-100 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-18-23 Oct-19-23 0.3 1 ;TowerAssdmbly 1C-100 CLR-1C-100 Clearing 1C-100 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 12.6 1 ;Clearing 1G400 FDN-1C-100 Foundations 1C-100 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-07-22 Oct-08-22 12.7 ;1 foundations lt-100 SPT-1C-100 Spotting 1C-100 1.5 1.5 0% Oct-17-22 Oct-19-22 26.4 I Spotting 1C-100 ACC-1C-100 Access 1C-100 1.5 1.5 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-18-22 93.6 I Ac4essj 1C-100 385. Nbv2823,StrutturL-1C 101 ERC-1C-101 Tower Erection 1C-101 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-21-23 0.0 I TowerjErer lionC 701 REC-1C-101 Reclamation 1C-101 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-27-23 Nov-28-23 0.0 Reclamation;1C101 ASY-1C-101 Tower Assembly 1C-101 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-19-23 Oct-20-23 0.3 1 Tower Assembly 1C-1011 FDN-1C-101 Foundations 1C-101 0.4 0.4 0% 1 Oct-08-22 Oct-08-22 12.7 j 1 �oundationis 1C-lb1 -- -- - --- - -- - -- - -- CLR-1C-101 Clearing 1C-101 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 17.4 I Clearing 1C-101 ACC-1C-101 Access 1C-101 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 25.6 i Access 1�-1Q1 SPT-1C-101 Spotting 1C-101 1.2 1.2 0% Oct-19-22 Oct-20-22 26.4 1 Spotting IC-101j Nov-29-23,Strulcture lC-102 ERC-1C-102 Tower Erection 1C-102 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Oct-21-23 Oct-22-23 0.0 1:TowerjErection 1C 102 REC-1C-102 Reclamation 1C-102 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-28-23 Nov-29-23 0.0 ' R�clalnation, 1C-102 ASY-1C-102 Tower Assembly 1C-102 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-21-23 0.3 1:Tower:Assambly �C-j02, FDN-1C-102 Foundations 1C-102 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 12.7 1 �oundatioris 1C-102 CLR-1C-102 Clearing 1C-102 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-28-22 17.4 1: Clearing 1C-102 ACC-1C-102 Access 1C-102 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 25.6 J Access 1C-1¢2 --- SPT-1C-102 Spotting 1C-102 1.2 1.2 0% Oct-20-22 Oct-21-22 26.4 1 Spbtting 1C-102 tructure 1 Ck. un-25-22 MMMV Nov-30-Z3,$trupturelG-1Q3 ERC-1C-103 Tower Erection 1C-103 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-22-23 Oct-23-23 0.0 1: Tower;Erection 1C-103 REC-1C-103 Reclamation 1C-103 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-29-23 Nov-30-23 0.0 I Reclamation, 1C-103 ASY-1C-103 Tower Assembly 1C-103 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-21-23 Oct-22-23 0.3 1;Tower:Assembly ;1C iO3' FDN-1C-103 Foundations 1C-103 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-09-22 12.7 1 Fouhdatiorts 1C-103 CLR-1C-103 Clearing 1C-103 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 17.4 1; Cleearing j&--03 j ACC-1C-103 Access 1C-103 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-28-22 25.6 1: Access 1C-103 SPT-1C-103 Spotting 1C-103 1.2 1.2 0% Oct-21-22 Oct-22-22 26.4 1: Spotting 1C-103 Structure 1 C-104 Nov-$0-23,Structure lC-104 ERC-1C-104 Tower Erection 1C-104 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-23-23 Oct-24-23 0.0 1, Towed Erection 1C-104 f REC-1C-104 Reclamation 1C-104 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-30-23 Nov-30-23 0.0 I Rpclajnai on: 1G404 ASY-1C-104 Tower Assembly 1C-104 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-22-23 Oct-23-23 0.3 1; Tower;Assembly ;1C704 FDN-1C-104 Foundations 1C-104 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-09-22 Oct-10-22 12.7 1 Foundatiorts 1C-104 CLR-1C-104 Clearing 1C-104 1.2 1.2 0% 1 Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 17.4 1i Clearij g t&%04 j ACC-1C-104 Access 1C-104 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 25.6 1j AtcesS 1C 104 SPT-1C-104 Spotting 1C-104 1.2 1.2 0% Oct-22-22 Oct-23-22 26.4 1; SpottRng j1C,104 c re 105 393.2 Jun-23 22 1-23 Dec-01-23,StructurelC 105 ERC-1C-105 Tower Erection 1C-105 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-24-23 Oct-25-23 0.0 1; Tower.Erection 1C-105 REC-1C-105 Reclamation 1C-105 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-30-23 Dec-01-23 0.0 j Reclamation 1�405 L- -- --- ASY-1C-105 Tower Assembly 1C-105 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-23-23 Oct-24-23 0.3 I T shmbly 1 awed As C�05' FDN-1C-105 Foundations 1C-105 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-10-22 12.7 I foujndatiorjs �C J05 j CLR-1C-105 Clearing 1C-105 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 17.4 1 j Clearing 1C-105 ACC-1C-105 Access 1C-105 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 25.6 1: ACcesS 1C-105 SPT-1C-105 Spotting 1C-105 1.2 1.2 0% Oct-23-22 Oct-24-22 26.4 1 j Spotting IC40� - --- -- --- -- --- -- -- Structure 1C-10 395.1 395.1 Jun-22-22 Dec-02 23 0. Dec-02-23,StructudelC 106 ERC-1C-106 Tower Erection 1C-106 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-25-23 Oct-26-23 0.0 1; Tower,Erection IC-106 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 81 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South V I S G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , w.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D J F M A I M I J lul REC-1C-106 Reclamation 1C-106 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-01-23 Dec-02-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1 -106 ASY-1C-106 Tower Assembly 1C-106 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-24-23 Oct-24-23 0.3 I, TbwedAssl mbly ;1C-106 FDN-1C-106 Foundations 1C-106 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-10-22 Oct-11-22 12.7 I Foundatiorjs j&- 06 CLR-1C-106 Clearing 1C-106 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-23-22 17.4 I; Clearing 1C-106 - - ---- -- ---- --- ------------ --- ----- -- ACC-1C-106 Access 1C-106 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 25.6 I Access 1C-106 SPT-1C-106 I Spotting 1C-106 1.2 1.2 0% 1 Oct-24-22 Oct-26-22 26.4 I; Spottjng j1C 10E Structure 1 107 3 ,1 Dec-03-23,Structure1C-107 ERC-1C-107 Tower Erection 1C-107 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-26-23 Oct-26-23 0.0 I; Tpwer,Erpctipn jC-107 ---` Reclama ------------- --------------------------- ----- ------------------------- ----------- REC-1C-107 Reclamation 1C-107 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-02-23 Dec-03-23 0.0 I tiori 1�107 ASY-1C-107 Tower Assembly 1C 107 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-24-23 Oct-25-23 0.3 I: Tgwer,PsSembly;1C;107 FDN-1C-107 Foundations 1C-107 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-11-22 12.7 j I roujndatioris 1C-107 CLR-1C-107 Clearing 1C-107 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 17.4 I Clearing 1C-107 ACC-1C-107 Access 1C-107 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-23-22 25.6 I; AGces 1 -10,7 -- --- SPT-1C-107 Spotting 1C-107 1.2 1.2 0% Oct-26-22 Oct-27-22 26.4 Ij Spotting;1G107 --------- Dec-03-23 Dec-03-23,Structure 11C-108 ERC-1C-108 Tower Erection 1C-108 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-26-23 Oct-27-23 0.0 li Tower Erection iC-108 REC-1C-108 Reclamation 1C-108 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-03-23 Dec-03-23 0.0 q Reclomatiorl 1C-108 ASY-1C-108 TowerAssembty 1C-108 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-25-23 Oct-26-23 0.3 I; Tpwer,Asaemply j1C,,10$ FDN-1C-108 Foundations 1C-108 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-11-22 12.7 I Poundatioris 1C-108 CLR-1C-108 Clearing 1C-108 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 21.0 1 Clearing 1C-108 ACC-1C-108 Access 1C-108 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-02-22 Oct-03-22 21.0 ! Access 1C-108 SPT-1C-108 Spotting 1C-108 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-27-22 Oct-28-22 26.4 II Sootting;1CF108 tructure 1 2 p-30-22 qec-04-�3,$tructure1lC-1Q9 --` ----- ---F '--i-- - -- ERC-1C-109 Tower Erection 1C-109 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-27-23 Oct-28-23 0.0 Ij Tower Erection 1C-109 REC-1C-109 Reclamation 1C-109 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-03-23 Dec-04-23 0.0 !I Reclamation 1e-109 ASY-1C-109 TowerAssembty 1C-109 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-26-23 Oct-27-23 0.3 I; Tow4As$embly j1C 100 rIFDN-1C-109 Foundations 1C-109 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-11-22 Oct-12-22 12.7 I ;Foundations 1C-109 CLR-1C-109 Clearing 1C-109 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 21.0 j Qlearing j1C- OQ ----- -- -- --- -- -- ---'- -- ----- ------------------------------------ - ----------------- ACC-1C-109 Access 1C-109 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 22.3 j Acc6s tiC-109 SPT-1C-109 Spotting 1C-109 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-28-22 26.4 g Spotting;1C 109 1C-110 3 .6 r) -n sec-05 3,$tructurelC 1i0 ERC-1C 110 Tower Erection 1C 110 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-28 23 Oct-29-23 0.0 Tbwet Erbctibn 1C-1101 REC-1C-110 Reclamation 1C-110 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-04-23 Dec-05-23 0.0 I Reclamatioq 1(1 0 - -- -- ---'-- ---- -r --- -----r- ---- ------ -------- - ASY-1C-110 TowerAssembty 1C-110 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-27-23 Oct-28-23 0.3 Ij Tower Assembly;1C-110 FDN-1C-110 Foundations 1C-110 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-12-22 Oct-12-22 12.7 I ;Foundltior)s 1C-110 CLR-1C-110 Clearing 1C-110 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 16.2 i Clearing;1C-110 ACC-1C-110 Access 1C-110 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 23.6 1 Access 1'C-110 SPT-1C-110 Spotting 1C-110 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-28-22 Oct-29-22 26.4 i Spot�ingj 1C`11p c re 11 302. Sep-29 22 6-23 Dec U6 23,5tructuhe 1-C-111-r----------------- - ERC-1C-111 Tower Erection 1C-111 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-29-23 Oct-30-23 0.0 I Tower Erection IC-111I REC-1C-111 Reclamation 1C-111 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-05-23 Dec-06-23 0.0 I I eclamatiori 10-111 ASY-1C-111 Tower Assembly 1C-111 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-28-23 Oct-29-23 0.3 I TbwetAstem'bIy 1CF111 FDN-1C-111 Foundations 1C-111 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-12-22 Oct 13-22 12.7 I ;Fotjndatiogs LC J 11 j ---- -----'---'-- ------'- -- --- ----------- CLR-1C-111 Clearing 1C-111 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 16.2 Clearing 7C-111 ACC-1C-111 Access 1C-111 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 24.9 I Access 1�111 SPT-1C-111 Spotting 1C-111 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-29-22 Oct-30-22 26.4 t Spot ingj 1C 11l Structure 1C-11 303.8 Sep-28-22 Dec-07-23 0. Dec-07-23,Structure IC-112 ERC 1C-112 Tower Erection 1C-112 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-30-23 Oct-31-23 0.0 I Tpwpr Erection j1C-�12, Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 82 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J Jul A S O N D J F M I A I M J lul REC-1C-112 Reclamation 1C-112 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-06-23 Dec-07-23 0.0 I eclamation 1G1 2 ASY-1C-112 Tower Assembly 1C-112 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-29-23 Oct-30-23 0.3 { T6w&Astembly;1C112 FDN-1C-112 Foundations 1C-112 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-13-22 12.7 I ;Foundations <C12 CLR-1C-112 Clearing 1C-112 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 16.2 i Clearing 1C-112 ACC-1C-112 Access 1C-112 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 26.2 I AkceSs 1C-112 SPT-1C-112 Spotting 1C-112 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-30-22 Oct-31-22 26.4 + Spotlingj 1 -11 -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- ------------- - Stru 1 113 305. -27-2 - Dec' 7- trUctu'reIC-113 ERC-1C-113 Tower Erection 1C-113 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-31-23 Nov-01-23 0.0 I Tpwpr Erpctipn j1C413, REC-1C-113 Reclamation 1C-113 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-07-23 Dec-07-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-113 ASY-1C-113 Tower Assembly 1C-113 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-30-23 Oct-31-23 0.3 I TowerPsSerrlbly,1C 113 --- -- ------ -- -- -- --- -------- FDN-1C-113 Foundations 1C-113 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 12.7 j I :Foundations iC413 - - - - - - CLR-1C-113 Clearing 1C-113 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 16.2 I Clearing 1C-113 SPT-1C-113 Spotting 1C-113 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-31-22 Nov-01-22 26.4 1 Spot ingj 1G-11 ACC-1C-113 Access 1C-113 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 27.4 Access 1C-113 14 p-26-22 Dec-08-23 v Dec-08-23,StructulreIC-114I ERC-1C-114 Tower Erection 1C-114 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-01-23 Nov-02-23 0.0 lower Erection 1C-'114 REC-1C-114 Reclamation 1C-114 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-07-23 Dec-08-23 0.0 11 Recldmzltion 1C-114 ASY-1C-114 Tower Assembly 1C-114 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-31-23 Oct-31-23 0.3 I TpwprAssenjblyj 1�114 FDN-1C-114 Foundations 1C-114 0.4 0.4 0% Oct-14-22 Oct-14-22 12.7 I Foundations 1C-114 CLR-1C-114 Clearing 1C-114 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 16.2 1; Clearing 1C-114 ---------------- ------------ ------------- ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---- - - SPT-1C-114 Spotting 1C-114 0.8 0.8 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-02-22 26.4 1 5potlingj 1�-114 ACC-1C-114 Access 1C-114 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-27-22 Sep-28-22 28.7 Atcess 1C-114 Sbiore 1C-1MMMV pec%09�23,5tructureJC-715 ERC-1C-115 Tower Erection 1C-115 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-02-23 Nov-02-23 0.0 j1 Tower Erection 1C115 REC-1C-115 Reclamation 1C-115 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-08-23 Dec-09-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASY-1C-115 Tower Assembly 1C-115 0.9 0.9 0% Oct-31-23 Nov-01-23 0.4 I YowerMsemrblyj 1d-115 ACC-1C-115 Access 1C-115 1.2 1.2 0% Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 12.0 I Access 1C-115 CLR-1C-115 Clearing 1C-115 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-01-22 Jun-01-22 12.0 I blearing k-�15 FDN-1C-115 Foundations 1C-115 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 12.3 j I Fo6ndatioris 1C415 SPT-1C-115 Spotting 1C-115 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-10-22 12.3 1 Spotting IC-115 1C-116 4 .5 Dec 1 bec 10- - -------elC-116 , ERC-1C-116 Tower Erection 1C-116 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-02-23 Nov-03-23 0.0 Tow&r Er'ection:1C416 REC-1C-116 Reclamation 1C-116 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-09-23 Dec-10-23 0.0 I Reclamatiop 1C-116 j ASY-1C-116 Tower Assembly 1C-116 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-01-23 Nov-02-23 0.4 j1 Tower Assembly; 1C-116 ACC-1C-116 Access 1C-116 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 12.0 I Access 1C-116 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLR-1C-116 Clearing 1C-116 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-01-22 Jun-02-22 12.0 I Clearing';1C-;116 FDN-1C-116 Foundations 1C-116 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-10-22 12.3 1 FoUndations 1C-1;16 SPT-1C-116 Spotting 1C-116 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 12.3 I spatting �C-116 j c re 17 423. Jun-02-22 0-23 bed1023;Str6cturelC-117I ERC-1C-117 Tower Erection 1C-117 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-03-23 Nov-04-23 0.0 ;I bower Erection;1C 117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REC-1C-117 Reclamation 1C-117 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-10-23 Dec-10-23 0.0 I heclamation 1C-117 ASY-1C-117 Tower Assembly 1C-117 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-02-23 Nov-03-23 0.4 I Tow&rASsernbly 1C-1117 ACC-1C-117 Access 1C-117 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 12.0 I ;ccpss�C-117j CLR-1C-117 Clearing 1C-117 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-02-22 12.0 l Cleaeing;1C-717 FDN-1C-117 Foundations 1C-117 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-11-22 12.3 1 Foundations 1C-117 F F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPT-1C-117 Spotting 1C-117 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 12.3 j I jSpottirrg 1C-1;17 Structure 1C-11 423.8 Jun-02-22 Dec-11-23 DecA1,23,;StrUCture 1C-118 ERC 1C 118 Tower Erection 1C-118 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-04-23 Nov-05-23 0.0 ;I Tower Erectjon j 1C 11$ Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 83 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N I D I J I F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D I J F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul REC-1C-118 Reclamation 1C-118 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-10-23 Dec-11-23 0.0 I ec amation LC-118 ASY-1C-118 Tower Assembly 1C-118 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-03-23 Nov-04-23 0.4 :I Tow&rA9serhby 1C-11'8 r -- - ----- -- , ACC-1C-118 Access 1C-118 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-11-22 12.0 I i Ccass�C 18 CLR-1C-118 Clearing 1C-118 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-02-22 Jun-03-22 12.0 M Clearng:1G118 ; FDN-1C-118 Foundations 1C-118 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 12.3 :I ;Foundations 1C-118: SPT-1C-118 I Spotting 1C-118 0.8 1 0.8 1 0% 1 Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 12.3 I jSpottirrg 1C-118 Structure 1 119 423. ec-12-23 0.0 :Deo12r23;StncctwrelC-1191 ERC-1C-119 Tower Erection 1C-119 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-05-23 Nov-06-23 0.0 I Tower Erectjon j 1Cf11� REC-1C-119 Reclamation 1C-119 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-11-23 Dec-12-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-1'19 ASY-1C-119 Tower Assembly 1C-119 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-04-23 Nov-05-23 0.4 :I Tow2rAssembN 1C 119 ACC-1C-119 Access 1C-119 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 12.0 j I ;Access j1C-;114 CLR-1C-119 Clearing 1C-119 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-03-22 Jun-04-22 12.0 I Cleating:1C119 r- ----- FDN-1C-119 Foundations 1C-119 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 12.3 I ;Foundations C 119 SPT-1C-119 Spotting 1C-119 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 12.3 j 1 jSpottirig 1C-1,19 cture 1C-120 -0 _ :Dec-13-23;StructureIC-120: ERC-1C-120 Tower Erection 1C-120 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-07-23 0.0 i1 tower6ectionj1e12b REC-1C-120 Reclamation 1C-120 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-12-23 Dec-13-23 0.0 I -I - :Reclamation 1C-1'20: - - 0.4 ASY-1C-120 TowerAssembN1C-120 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-05-23 Nov-06-23 ; :1 Towpr4sernb� 1G41 0 ACC-1C-120 Access 1C-120 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 12.0 I j cdess;1&12a CLR-1C-120 Clearing 1C-120 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-04-22 Jun-04-22 12.0 1 Cleadng;1G120 FDN-1C-120 Foundations 1C-120 0.8 0.8 1 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 12.3 I Founcl#iobs 1C-120 j SPT-1C-120 Spotting 1C-120 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-14-22 12.3 : 1 :Spdttirig 1C-120: ---,---:--- ;- -- --- - -- - - ----- --r ; K-14 23,St. t re�C-121 re 1C-1 ;DeG- - 3; ruc U � � I I I ERC-1C-121 Tower Erection 1C-121 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-08-23 0.0 j 1 Tower Erection:1G121 REC-1C-121 Reclamation 1C-121 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-13-23 Dec-14-23 0.0 I :Reclamation 1C-121 ASY-1C-121 Tower Assembly 1C-121 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-06-23 0.4 ;1 tower Assembly 1C-121 ACC-1C-121 Access 1C-121 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-13-22 Jun-14-22 12.0 I :Acdess;1C121 --- r ------- -- -- -- --- - CLR-1C-121 Clearing 1C-121 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-04-22 Jun-05-22 12.0 :I 4learing;1Ct121 ; FDN-1C-121 Foundations 1C-121 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-14-22 12.3 1 Foundations 1C-121 j SPT-1C-121 Spotting 1C-121 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 12.3 : 1 :Spotting 1C-1121 1 C-122 4 .3 Dec DeG-14-23,Structure;lC422' ERC-1C-122 Tower Erection 1C-122 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-08-23 Nov-09-23 0.0 :I Tovuer Erection, 1C 122 REC-1C-122 Reclamation 1C-122 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-14-23 Dec-14-23 0.0 I : eq n3 4 1 1: : : : : : : : : : : R la ati n C 22; - ---I-- - ASY-1C-122 Tower Assembly 1C-122 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-07-23 0.4 j1 TowerA'ssembly 1C 122 ACC-1C-122 Access 1C-122 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 12.0 : 1 :AcCess:1C;122 CLR-1C-122 Clearing 1C-122 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-05-22 Jun-06-22 12.0 ;I (Iearing:1C 12 FDN-1C-122 Foundations 1C-122 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-15-22 12.3 : 1 :Fo ohs 1C 122 --TS �tti 'C--22;-- - - ----- - --- r -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- - -- --- - -- -- - -- --- r SPT-1C-122 Spotting 1C-122 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 12.3 : I p4 qg $ c re 123 424.4 424.4 5-23 :Ded-15'-23fStructure7C-123' ERC-1C-123 Tower Erection 1C-123 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-09-23 Nov-09-23 0.0 :I Tower Erection: 1C-123 REC-1C-123 Reclamation 1C-123 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-14-23 Dec-15-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-123: ASY-1C-123 Tower Assembly 1C-123 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-08-23 0.4 :1 Tow6rAsserhbly 1C-123 ACC-1C-123 Access 1C-123 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-15-22 12.0 l Acgessj1C,.12a CLR-1C-123 Clearing 1C-123 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-06-22 12.0 II �Iea'ring:1G121 FDN-1C 123 Foundations 1C-123 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 12.3 : I :Foundations 1623 SPT-1C-123 Spotting 1C 123 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 12.3 I :Spotting 1C-123 j Structure 1c-124 424.5 Jun-06-22 Dec-16-23 :Deb 16-23:,Str ucture:lC-1241 - - - 1 , I i ; : ERC-1C-124 Tower Erection 1C-124 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-09-23 Nov-10-23 0.0 I Tower Erection; G 12 4 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 84 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022777 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F I M A I M J Iul REC-1C-124 Reclamation 1C-124 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-15-23 Dec-16-23 0.0 I ;Reclamation C- 24: ASY-1C-124 Tower Assembly 1C-124 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-08-23 Nov-09-23 0.4 :1 Ib\NerAsseritbly 1C 124 ACC-1C-124 Access 1C-124 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 12.0 I ;Ac�ess;XJ24 CLR-1C-124 Clearing 1C-124 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-06-22 Jun-07-22 12.0 jl OIealring;1G124 FDN-1C-124 Foundations 1C-124 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 12.3 I :Foundations 1C-124 SPT-1C-124 I Spotting 1C-124 0.8 1 0.8 1 0% 1 Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 12.3 I Sppttimg iC-124 Structure 1 C-125 424.5 - Ded-17-23,Ste.uctUre:lC-125: ERC-1C-125 Tower Erection 1C-125 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-10-23 Nov-11-23 0.0 1 ',Tovyer�reciorx 1G 12,5 REC-1C-125 Reclamation 1C-125 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-16-23 Dec-17-23 0.0 I ;Realamatidn 1C-125 j ASY-1C-125 Tower Assembly 1C-125 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-09-23 Nov-10-23 0.4 .I Tower Assembly 1C 1 5 ACC-1C-125 Access 1C-125 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 12.0 j I ;Access:1C 125 CLR-1C-125 Clearing 1C-125 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-07-22 Jun-08-22 12.0 II Clealrin�1C-125 FDN-1C-125 Foundations 1C-125 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 12.2 I Foundations �C-j25j SPT-1C-125 Spotting 1C-125 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-18-22 12.3 I j Spotting 1C-125 cture 1C-126 -0 ec Dec-17-23,StructUre:1------- - - ------ -- -- ure;1C-1261 I I ERC-1C-126 Tower Erection 1C-126 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-11-23 Nov-12-23 0.0 j I ;lower ll�rectiori 1C-126 REC-1C-126 Reclamation 1C-126 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-17-23 Dec-17-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-126 ASY-1C-126 TowerAssembty 1C-126 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-10-23 Nov-11-23 0.4 :1 'TowerAssembly 1C-1Z6 j ACC-1C-126 Access 1C-126 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 12.0 j I j AcLessj 1G126 ------------ CLR-1C-126 Clearing 1C-126 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Jun-08-22 Jun-09-22 12.0 I Clearing 1C-126 FDN-1C-126 Foundations 1C-126 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-18-22 12.2 I j Foundations ;1C 126 SPT-1C-126 Spotting 1C-126 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 12.3 1 Spbtting 1C-126 re 1C-1 j DK-1$-24,Structure.1C427, ERC-1C-127 Tower Erection 1C-127 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-12-23 Nov-13-23 0.0 I 'Tower Erectior 1C-127 j ' -- Reclamation 1C- REC-1C-127 Reclamation 1C-127 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-17-23 Dec-18-23 0.0 1 127 ASY-1C-127 TowerAssembty 1C-127 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-11-23 Nov-12-23 0.4 17owerdssembly 1;C-127 ACC-1C-127 Access 1C-127 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 12.0 I Actess;lC 127 CLR-1C-127 Clearing 1C-127 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-09-22 Jun-10-22 12.0 I Tearing 14-127 FDN-1C-127 Foundations 1C-127 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-19-22 12.1 1 j Foundations 1C-127 SPT-1C-127 Spotting 1C-127 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 12.3 I Spotting 1C-127 1C-128 4 .4 Dec 1 Dec-1§-21,St�ucturejlC 128, ERC-1C-128 Tower Erection 1C-128 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-13-23 Nov-14-23 0.0 I :Tower Erection 1C-128 REC-1C-128 Reclamation 1C-128 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-18-23 Dec-19-23 0.0 1 ;Re�lamatign �C-128: ASY-1C-128 TowerAssembty 1C-128 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-12-23 Nov-13-23 0.4 1 'Tower Assembly 1C-128 --- -- - - -- ACC-1C-128 Access 1C-128 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-19-22 12.0 I ice 14128 CLR-1C-128 Clearing 1C-128 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-10-22 12.0 I Clearing 1C-120 FDN-1C-128 Foundations 1C-128 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 12.1 I .Folund'atidns IC-128 SPT-1C-128 Spotting 1C-128 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 12.3 I; Spotting ;1C-. . c re 29 424.4 424.4 Jun-10 22 0-23 Dec 20-23,St�ucture 1CG129 ------ -- ----- ERC-1C-129 Tower Erection 1C-129 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-14-23 Nov-15-23 0.0 1 Touter Erection 1C 129 REC-1C-129 Reclamation 1C-129 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-19-23 Dec-20-23 0.0 1 j Reclamation 1C 129 ASY-1C-129 Tower Assembly 1C-129 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-13-23 Nov-13-23 0.4 I ITowerAssembly 1C-129 ACC-1C-129 Access 1C-129 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 12.0 I AcicesS 1Q-129 CLR-1C-129 Clearing 1C-129 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-10-22 Jun-11-22 12.0 1 Clearing 1C-129 FDN-1C-129 Foundations 1C-129 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 12.0 I Foundations;1C;129 SPT-1C-129 Spotting 1C-129 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 12.3 I Spotting jX429 Structure 1C-13 424.5 Jun-11-22 Dec-21-23 Dec-21-23,Sttucturd1C;130 ERC-1C-130 Tower Erection 1C-130 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-15-23 Nov-16-23 0.0 I Touter Erection 1(41 0 Remaining Level of Effort Ell= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 85 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O INA S O D J F M A M J Jul N D J F M A M J Jul A S O IN J F M A M J lul REC-1C-130 Reclamation 1C-130 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-20-23 Dec-21-23 0.0 I Reclamation 1C-130 - ASY-1C-130 Tower Assembly 1C-130 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-13-23 Nov-14-23 0.4 I ITower Assdmbly 1C-130 ACC-1C-130 Access 1C-130 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 12.0 I Accesi 1G430 FDN-1C-130 Foundations 1C-130 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 12.0 1: Foundations:1CG13tl CLR-1C-130 Clearing 1C-130 0.5 0.5 0% Jun-11-22 Jun-12-22 12.0 I (Clearing 1C 130 SPT-1C-130 Spotting 1C-130 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-22-22 12.3 1: Spotting :IC-130 Structure 1 131 3 1 ec 21-23 0. Ddc 21 23,S1ructurd1C431 ERC-1C-131 Tower Erection 1C-131 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-16-23 Nov-16-23 0.0 I I Tower Erection 1C-131 j REC-1C-131 Reclamation 1C-131 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-21-23 Dec-21-23 0.0 1: Reclamation I1C-131 ASY-1C-131 Tower Assembly 1C-131 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-14-23 Nov-15-23 0.4 I IToWerAssembly 1C 1131 CLR-1C-131 Clearing 1C-131 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-18-22 Sep-19-22 15.9 1 j Clearing 1C 1$1 ACC-1C-131 Access 1C-131 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 47.3 1:Acces�1C-131 FDN-1C-131 Foundations 1C-131 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 47.3 I Foj nciatigns j1C,131 SPT-1C-131 Spotting 1C-131 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 60.4 1: Spotting :IC-131 cture 1C-132 Jan-02-24,Structure1C-132 ERC-1C-132 Tower Erection 1C-132 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-16-23 Nov-17-23 0.0 I Tower trectiom 1C4$2 REC-1C-132 Reclamation 1C-132 0.8 0.8 0% Dec-21-23 Jan-02-24 0.0 0 Reclamation 1C-132 ASY-1C-132 TowerAssembty 1C-132 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-15-23 Nov-16-23 0.4 I ',TowerQsspmbly 1C-132j CLR-1C-132 Clearing 1C-132 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-19-22 Sep-20-22 15.9 I Clearing 1:C-132 FDN-1C-132 Foundations 1C-132 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 47.3 1; Foundations 116132 ACC-1C-132 Access 1C-132 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 47.6 1:Access 1C 13i SPT-1C-132 Spotting 1C-132 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 60.0 1 Spotting ;1C-132 tructure 1 Sep-20 22 Jan-03 2 Jan Q3 z4,SkruGturR1G 13 ERC-1C-133 Tower Erection 1C-133 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-18-23 0.0 1 Tower Erectioh tiC-133 REC-1C-133 Reclamation 1C-133 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-02-24 Jan-03-24 0.0 1 Reclamation 1C-133 ASY-1C-133 TowerAssembty 1C-133 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-16-23 Nov-17-23 0.4 I TowerAssemtily iC-133j CLR-1C-133 Clearing 1C-133 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-20-22 15.9 1 Clearing 1C 133 FDN-1C-133 Foundations 1C-133 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 47.3 I; Foundatigns j1C 133 ACC-1C-133 Access 1C-133 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-21-22 48.0 1:Access 1C,133 SPT-1C-133 Spotting 1C-133 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 59.7 11 Spotting;1C-133 1C-134 3 3 Jan-04-�4,*ruetur�1(-13,4 ERC-1C-134 Tower Erection 1C-134 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-18-23 Nov-19-23 0.0 I Tower Erettioh IC-134 REC-1C-134 Reclamation 1C-134 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-03-24 Jan-04-24 0.0 Reclamation 1C 134 ASY-1C-134 TowerAssembty 1C-134 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-18-23 0.4 1 Tower Assembly IC-134 CLR-1C-134 Clearing 1C-134 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 15.9 1: Clearing 11C-134 FDN-1C-134 Foundations 1C-134 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 47.3 1:. Foundations j 1&134 ACC-1C-134 Access 1C-134 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 48.3 I Adcest 1C-134 SPT-1C-134 Spotting 1C-134 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 59.4 1; Spotting j1C-134 c re C-135 328.3 328.3 Jan-04-24 an 04- 4,Structure 1C 13'S ERC-1C-135 Tower Erection 1C-135 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-19-23 Nov-20-23 0.0 1 Toiwer;Erection 1C-135 REC-1C-135 Reclamation 1C-135 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-04-24 Jan-04-24 0.0 it declamatior7 1C-1A5 ASY1C 135 Tower Assembly 1C 135 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-18 23 Nov 19-23 0.4 To I -- ---Assembly 1 wer Ass C 135 CLR-1C-135 Clearing 1C-135 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 15.9 1 Clearing 1C-1�5 j FDN-1C-135 Foundations 1C-135 1.1 1.1 0% 1 Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 47.3 1: Foundations;1G13 ACC-1C-135 Access 1C-135 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 48.6 I ACcesS 1C-135 SPT1C 135 Spotting 1C 135 0.8 0.8 0°'° Sep 25 22 Sep 59.0 II S�?ott}ng j 1C 13 -- - --- - --- - - --- - --- - -- Structure 1C-13 328.4 Sep-22-22 to Jan-05-24,Struttufe1C-136 ERC-1C-136 Tower Erection 1C-136 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-20-23 0.0 I I I ToWerjEreI . 1C 136 j Remaining Level of Effort E11111=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work � Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 86 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule . , .,.. ..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A S O 1 N I D I J I F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N D �FIMI AM J Jul A S O IND J F M A MJ lulREC-1C-136 Reclamation 1C-136 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-04-24 Jan-05-24 0.0 ;Iecl$mation 1 -1 6 ASY-1C-136 Tower Assembly 1C-136 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-19-23 Nov-19-23 0.4 1 TovverAssdmbly 1C-136 CLR-1C-136 Clearing 1C-136 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-22-22 Sep-23-22 15.9 1: Clearing�C-1�6 -'--'- -- --- -- ------'- ---------------------- ------- -- ----- ------- FDN-1C-136 Foundations 1C-136 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 47.3 1: F6undations;1C-136 ACC-1C-136 Access 1C-136 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 48.8 1: Access 1C-13.6 SPT-1C-136 Spotting 1C-136 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 58.7 ! Spoongj1C-13 Structure 1 137 3 5 Jdn-06-24,Struttur.e1C-137 ERC-1C-137 Tower Erection 1C-137 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-21-23 Nov-22-23 0.0 1 Tower:Ereptign jC-1137; ------ --------------------------- ------------------------------------ REC-1C-137 Reclamation 1C-137 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-05-24 Jan-06-24 0.0 i1 amatioh 1C-117 ASY-1C-137 Tower Assembly 1C-137 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-19-23 Nov-20-23 0.4 1 TolnrerAss2mbly IC 137 CLR-1C-137 Clearing 1C-137 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-23-22 15.9 1 j Clearing 1C-1�7 FDN-1C-137 Foundations 1C-137 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-28-22 47.3 1 Fbundations;1C-137 ACC-1C-137 Access 1C-137 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-24-22 48.8 II Access 1C-13;7 - -- -- -- --- -- -- ---'- ----- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- -------------------------------- SPT-1C-137 Spotting 1C-137 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-28-22 58.4 Spotting:1C 137 cture 1 C-139 329. p-23-22 Jan-08-24,Structure 1C-139 ERC-1C-139 Tower Erection 1C-139 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-22-23 Nov-25-23 0.0 1 Tower Erection 1C-139 j REC-1C-139 Reclamation 1C-139 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-07-24 Jan-08-24 0.0 ;1 Reclamatioh 1C-139 ASY-1C-139 TowerAssembty 1C-139 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-21-23 Nov-22-23 0.4 I', Tower:Asspm$ j1C-139 CLR-1C-139 Clearing 1C-139 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-23-22 Sep-24-22 15.9 1: Clearing 1C-1.39 FDN-1C-139 Foundations 1C-139 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-30-22 47.3 1 Fpun;datlons; 1C-135 ACC-1C-139 Access 1C-139 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 48.8 1: Access 1C43;9 SPT-1C-139 Spotting 1C-139 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-30-22 Sep-30-22 57.7 1 Spotting;1CA39 tructure 1 .fan-07-Z4,$trupture1C-1�8 i - -----r--` ERC-1C-138 Tower Erection 1C-138 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-22-23 Nov-22-23 0.0 1 ToWer;Erection 1C-138 REC-1C-138 Reclamation 1C-138 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-06-24 Jan-07-24 0.0 1 Reclamation 1C 138 ASY-1C-138 TowerAssembty 1C-138 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-20-23 Nov-21-23 0.4 1 TowerjAssemfDly ;1C 138j CLR-1C-138 Clearing 1C-138 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-24-22 Sep-25-22 15.9 1, Clparing 1C-138 FDN-1C-138 Foundations 1C-138 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-28-22 Sep-29-22 47.3 t Fqunjlatipnsj 1G-130 ACC-1C-138 Access 1C-138 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-26-22 48.8 1; Access 1C-138 SPT-1C-138 Spotting 1C-138 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-29-22 Sep-29-22 58.1 1 Spotting;1C138 S re 1 C-140 3 .6 tan b8 4, truct4 1C-140 ERC-1C-140 Tower Erection 1C-140 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-25-23 Nov-26-23 0.0 11 Tdwee.Erdctidn 1C-140 REC-1C-140 Reclamation 1C-140 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-08-24 Jan-08-24 0.0 ;1 Reclamation 1C-140 j ASY-1C-140 TowerAssemb 1C-140 0.9 0.9 0% Nov-22-23 Nov-25-23 0.4 I ToweeAssembly;1G N o - ----- 1-- ------r----------- CLR-1C-140 Clearing 1C-140 0.7 0.7 0% Sep-25-22 Sep-25-22 15.9 II Clearing 1C-140 N-1C-140 Foundations 1C-140 1.1 1.1 0% Sep-30-22 Oct-01-22 47.3 1 Fourjdaoons 1040 LSPACTC-lC-140 Access 1C-140 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-26-22 Sep-27-22 50.3 1, Atce�s 1C-140 -1C-140 Spotting 1C-140 0.8 0.8 0% Oct-01-22 Oct-02-22 57.4 Spot�ingj 1�140 c re 41 432. Jun-12-22 Jan-09-24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan-b9-24,Structure 1�C-141-------,---------,--------- ---- REC-1C-141 Reclamation 1C-141 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-08-24 Jan-09-24 0.0 :1 Reclamation 1IC-141 CLR-1C-141 Clearing 1C-141 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-12-22 12.0 I j learing 1C-141 ASY-1C-141 Tower Assembly 1C-141 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 18.5 1 TowdrA9sen5blyl 1G141 FDN-1C-141 Foundations 1C-141 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-24-22 25.2 I Foundations:1Ct141 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - SPT-1C-141 Spotting 1C-141 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 25.2 1; Sootting j 1G141 - - - - - - ACC-1C-141 Access 1C-141 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 35.9 I Access 16411 ERC-1C-141 Tower Erection 1C-141 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 66.8 j �ower Erection XC.141 Structure 1C-1 432.7 Jun-12-22 Jan-10-24 Jan 10-24,Strulctute1C-142 REC-1C-142 Reclamation 1C-142 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-09-24 Jan-10-24 0.0 1 Reclamation 1,C-142 Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 87 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule �..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O IND J F M A M J Jul A S O IND J F M A M J lul CLR-1C-142 Clearing 1C-142 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-12-22 Jun-13-22 12.0 I Clearing 1 -142 ASY-1C-142 Tower Assembly 1C-142 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 18.5 Tow&rA9sery., 1C-142 SPT-1C-142 Spotting 1C-142 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 25.4 1: Spottjng:1C-14Z FDN-1C-142 Foundations 1C-142 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 25.5 I: Foundatibns;1G142 ACC-1C 142 Access 1C-142 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-13 22 Jun-14-22 36.1 I ;Access 1C;142 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I--------------------------- ERC-1C-142 Tower Erection 1C-142 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 66.8 ;I tower E�ectjon:1G14 JBtructure 1 1A 432.8 tJan-10-24 2 n-11-24 Jan,11-24,StrUct Lire IC-143 REC-1C-143 Reclamation 1C-143 0.8 0.870%. Jan-11-24 0.0 I Reclamation IC-143 CLR-1C 143 Clearing 1C 143 0.7 0.70% -22 Jun-14-22 12.0 : I :Clearing 1C 143 ASY-1C-143 Tower Assembly 1C-143 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 18.5 II TowerA5sembM 1C-143 --- -- -- SPT-1C-143 Spotting 1C-143 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 25.6 I: Spotting:1Q14 - - FDN-1C-143 Foundations 1C-143 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 25.7 1: Foundatibns:M143 ACC-1C-143 Access 1C-143 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-14-22 36.3 I ;Acgess;1C,.14a ERC-1C-143 Tower Erection 1C-143 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 66.8 :I tower Erection;1C 143 Jan,11-24,Structure IC-144 --;-- -- --,----,--,- REC-1C-144 Reclamation 1C-144 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-11-24 Jan-11-24 0.0 : I Oeclametion 1C-144 CLR-1C-144 Clearing 1C-144 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-14-22 12.0 1 :Clearing 1C-144 ASY-1C-144 Tower Assembly 1C-144 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 18.5 ;I TowprAs erpbb. 1G44,4 SPT-1C-144 Spotting 1C-144 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-27-22 25.8 1: Spotting:1C 144 FDN-1C-144 Foundations 1C-144 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-26-22 26.0 1: Foundations:1C144 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ACC-1C-144 Access 1C-144 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 36.5 I Access:1G144 ERC-1C-144 Tower Erection 1C-144 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-07-22 66.8 I Tower Erection;1C144 re 1C-1 un-14-22 Jan42-Z4,5trtjctgre�C-145 REC-1C-145 Reclamation 1C-145 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-11-24 Jan-12-24 0.0 I Reclamation IC-145 CLR-1C-145 Clearing 1C-145 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-14-22 Jun-15-22 12.0 1 (Clearing 1E-145 ---I I--- -- -- --- -- -- ------ -- --- ASY-1C-145 Tower Assembly 1C-145 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-07-22 18.5 II tower Assembly 1C 145 - - - - - SPT-1C-145 Spotting 1C-145 0.7 0.7 0% 1 Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 26.0 1: S�otting;1C:145 FDN-1C-145 Foundations 1C-145 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 26.3 I: Fqundatipnsj 1G 145 ACC-1C-145 Access 1C-145 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 36.7 : I :Access:1C145 ERC-1C-145 Tower Erection 1C-145 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 66.8 II Tower Erection;1C;145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c�re 1C-146 .9 f -15 0.0 ;Jan 13-24,StructtirelC 146 REC-1C-146 Reclamation 1C-146 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-12-24 Jan-13-24 0.0 I ;Redlamatidn 1C-146 CLR-1C-146 Clearing 1C-146 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-15-22 Jun-16-22 12.0 I ;Clearing 1046 ASY-1C-146 Tower Assembly 1C-146 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 18.5 :I towerAssernblX 1C-146 SPT-1C-146 Spotting 1C-146 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 26.2 1 Spotting;1CF146 --' -'-- --------- ----- ---------------- -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - FDN-1C-146 Foundations 1C-146 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 26.5 l; Fqun{tationsj 1C`14 ACC-1C-146 Access 1C-146 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 36.9 I ;Access:M146 ERC-1C-146 Tower Erection 1C-146 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 66.8 I Towpr Erection:1&14( ONE c re 1C-147 432.9 432.9 Jun-16-22 Jan-14-24 Jan 14;24,StrtuctdreIC-147 REC-1C-147 Reclamation 1C-147 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-13-24 Jan-14-24 0.0 I ;Reclamation 1C-147 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLR-1C-147 Clearing 1C-147 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-16-22 Jun-17-22 12.0 I :Clearing 1t 147 ASY-1C-147 Tower Assembly 1C-147 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 18.5 :1 TowerAsserhbly 1C-147 SPT-1C-147 Spotting 1C-147 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-29-22 26.4 i; SpoOngj 1C,147 FDN-1C-147 Foundations 1C-147 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-28-22 26.8 1: Foundations;1C147 ACC-1C-147 Access 1C-147 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-17-22 37.1 I AcCess;1C14Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERC-1C-147 Tower Erection 1C-147 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 66.8 I rower�rec�ion: 1e 14 Structure 1C-14 433.0 Jun-17-22 Jan-16-24 Jan,16:24,IStrwct0relC-148 REC-1C-148 Reclamation 1C-148 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-14-24 Jan-16-24 0.0 I ;Reglanjatign JC-�48; Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 88 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul CLR 1C 148 Clearing 1C 148 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-17-22 12.0 I ;Clearing 1G1 8 ASY-1C-148 Tower Assembly 1C-148 0.9 0.9 011 Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 18.5 I TovUerAsseMbl� 1C-148 SPT-1C-148 Spotting 1C-148 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 26.6 1 Spotting 1�,14g --- - -- - -- --- FDN-1C-148 Foundations 1C-148 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 27.1 Foundations; 1C-148 ACC-1C-148 Access 1C-148 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 37.3 I Access:1C;148 ERC-1C 148 Tower Erection 1C 148 0.9 1 0.9 0% Jul-10 22 Jul 11-22 66.8 j I lower�recionj 1�14$ 1 149 16 24 Jan'16F24,Strlactwre1C-149 r ; REC-1C-149 Reclamation 1C-149 0.8 0.8 70% Jan-16-24 Jan-16-24 0.0 1 Re�lamatipnC�49CLR-1C-149 Clearing 1C-149 0.7 0.7 Jun-17-22 Jun-18-22 12.0 I ;Clearing 1C 149 ASY-1C-149 TowerAssenbly 1C-149 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 18.5 I Tower Assembly 1C 149 SPT-1C-149 Spotting 1C-149 0.7 0.7 1 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 26.8 I Spoongj 1t 143 FDN-1C-149 Foundations 1C-149 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 27.3 I Foundations; 1C-149 r r- --- r-- ----- - --- r- ----- - ----- - - -- - -- - -- - - --- - r ACC-1C-149 Access 1C-149 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 37.5 I AcGeul1C449 ERC-1C-149 Tower Erection 1C-149 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 66.8 j I Tower 11rectiori 1C-145 Structure 1C-150 un-18-22 Jul-20-235tructureIC-150 CLR-1C-150 Clearing 1C-150 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-18-22 Jun-19-22 12.0 I j Clearing 1C4$0 ASY-1C-150 TowerAssenbly 1C-150 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 18.5 1 TovVerAsseMbly 1C-150 SPT-1C-150 Spotting 1C-150 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 27.0 1 Spotting 1�,15p FDN-1C-150 Foundations 1C-150 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-30-22 Jun-30-22 27.6 Foundations 1C-150 ACC-1C 150 Access 1C-150 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 37.7 I Access 1C-150 REC-1C-150 Reclamation 1C-150 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-19-23 Jul-20-23 46.9 I Reulanmatign '1C-150j ERC-1C-150 Tower Erection 1C-150 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 66.8 I Touter Erection 1C-15D C-1 2 J Ju119 23 - - -- -- -- -- --- - -- -- -- -- -- --- I--1--- I--- 1---:--- I- '- -- -- - -- - -- -- --- - qre CLR-1C-151 Clearing 1C-151 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-19-22 Jun-20-22 12.0 I Clearing 1�-151 ASY-1C-151 Towe'Assembly 1C-151 0.9 1 0.9 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 18.5 I Tower Assembly 1C-151 SPT-1C-151 Spotting 1C-151 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-02-22 27.2 I $potlin� 1d-15j1 FDN-1C-151 Foundations 1C-151 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 27.9 I Fbundation� 1C-151 -ram 1 I-- i --- -- -- - --- - ACC-1C-151 Access 1C-151 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-20-22 37.9 l FesS 415 1 REC-1C-151 Reclamation 1C-151 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Jul-18-23 Jul-19-23 46.9 1 Reclamation 'IC-151j ERC-1C-151 Tower Erection 1C-151 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 66.8 1 ;Tower Erection 1C-15.1 re 1C-152 2 ,g g Uuh1843,$truct4e1C4$2 CLR-1C-152 Clearing 1C-152 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-20-22 12.0 I Cidaridg LC-152 -- ;-- r--, ' , -- - --- - ----- - ----- - - ---,- - ---,- - ---,-- - - ----- --, ASY-1C-152 Tower Assembly 1C-152 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 18.5 1 ;Tow/erAssernb(y 1C 152 j SPT-1C-152 Spotting 1C-152 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 27.4 Spotting 1C-152 FDN-1C-152 Foundations 1C-152 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 28.1 I Fpun;dationS 1C-152 ACC-1C-152 Access 1C-152 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 38.1 1 j Aeces 1 -15 REC-1C-152 Reclamation 1C-152 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-17-23 Jul-18-23 46.9 I i Reclamation 1C-152 - r r r 1To r 0 1;1;Z -- - -- - - --- --r- - ERC-1C-152 Tower Erection 1C-152 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 66.8 I W e5� q G- 5 53 26� � 1 Jun-20 22 Jul-17- UuF17 23,StructutelC 153 CLR-1C-153 Clearing 1C-153 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-20-22 Jun-21-22 12.0 1 Clearing 1C-153 ASY-1C-153 Towe'Assenbiy 1C-153 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 18.5 j 1 jTovier ssembN 1C-1$3 SPT-1C-153 Spotting 1C-153 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 27.6 1 Spotting 1C-153 ---;--- ---- ---- ----- I--- 11-- -- --- 11- FDN-1C-153 Foundations 1C-153 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-02-22 28.4 I F,ouridations 1G-153 ACC-1C-153 Access 1C-153 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-21-22 Jun-22-22 38.3 I j Acces4 1C-15,3 REC-1C-153 Reclamation 1C-153 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-16-23 Jul-17-23 46.9 1 ;Reclamation 1C-153 ERC-1C-153 Tower Erection 1C-153 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 66.8 j I ;Tower�rection 1t-1$3 Structure 1C-1 260.5 Jun-21-22 Jul-16-23 Jul-16-23,Strulctute1C-154 -- ;-- r --I-- -- ' CLR 1C 154 Clearing 1C 154 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-21-22 Jun 22-22 12.0BENI I Charing IC-154 Remaining Level of Effort III= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 89 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J I Jul I A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J lul ASY-1C-154 Tower Assembly 1C-154 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 18.5 I ;TowerAssemby 1C-1 4 SPT-1C-154 Spotting 1C-154 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 27.8 :I Spottin$ 1C-154 FDN-1C-154 Foundations 1C-154 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 28.7 I 0,ou6d4on3 1t-154 ACC-1C-154 Access 1C-154 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-22-22 38.5 1:Access 1C-154 :- ------ J J REC-1C-154 Reclamation 1C-154 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-16-23 Jul-16-23 46.9 I ; I larrlation 1C-154; ERC-1C-154 Tower Erection 1C-154 0.9 1 0.9 1 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 66.8 I j Tower lErectiom 1�4$4 Structure 1C-155 258, Jul-16-23,Strulctute1C-155 CLR-1C-155 Clearing 1C-155 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-22-22 Jun-22-22 12.0 I Clgarigg�C-155 j ASY-1C-155 Tower Assembly 1C-155 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 18.5 j 1 ;TowerAssemb MISS SPT-1C-155 Spotting 1C-155 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-06-22 28.0 I spotting 1C-155 FDN-1C-155 Foundations 1C-155 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 28.9 �oundaljions 1i-1$5 ACC-1C-155 Access 1C-155 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-23-22 38.7 I j Adcest 1C-155 REC-1C-155 Reclamation 1C-155 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-15-23 Jul-16-23 46.9 I ;Reclamatign C 55 j ERC-1C-155 Tower Erection 1C-155 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 66.8 I Tower Erectiom 1C-155 1C-156 Jul -23,$tructute1C-1'-- - - , -- --- - -------------- Structureun 23 22 IJ 56 CLR-1C-156 Clearing 1C-156 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-23-22 12.0 1 j Cloarimg 1C-1;56 ASY-1C-156 Tower Assembly 1C-156 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 18.5 I ;ToWerAssembly 1C-1,56 SPT-1C-156 Spotting 1C-156 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 28.2 ;I Spotting 1G41 6 FDN-1C-156 Foundations 1C-156 0.7 0.7 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-05-22 29.2 j1 Foundations 1C-156 ---- -------------- ACC- C-156 Access 1C-156 0.7 0.7 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 38.9 1: ACces$1C-15.6 REC-1C-156 Reclamation 1C-156 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-14-23 Jul-15-23 46.9 I ;Reclanation iC-156 ERC-1C-156 Tower Erection 1C-156 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 66.7 1 ToWer;Erettioh 1C-156 1C-1 lul- 43, truicturelG 17 ASY-1C-157 Tower Assembly 1C-157 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 39.0 I TowerAssaftly;1C-157 --i------ i ---;- IReC J REC-1C-157 Reclamation 1C-157 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-13-23 Jul-14-23 46.9 1 larrtatign 1C 157 SPT-1C-157 Spotting 1C-157 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 59.0 1 jSpottinig 1C-11 7 ERC-1C-157 Tower Erection 1C-157 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-03-22 61.3 I TOWOr Rection ;M157 ACC-1C-157 Access 1C-157 0.8 0.8 1 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 68.0 A�cceSs 1,C-157 j FDN-1C-157 Foundations 1C-157 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-02-22 68.0 Fourdations 1C-157 CLR-1C-157 Clearing 1C-157 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 68.8 1 Clearing 1C-157 ucture 1C-158 212.2 46.9 jul-i3-13,5tructur 1(-158 ASY-1C-158 Tower Assembly 1C-158 0.9 0.9 09%. Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 39.0 1 lbwgrMsen)bly,1C-158 REC-1C-158 Reclamation 1C-158 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-12-23 Jul-13-23 46.9 I Reclamation JC-1�8 j SPT-1C-158 Spotting 1C-158 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-11-22 59.0 j 1 Spotting 1�-158 ERC-1C-158 Tower Erection 1C-158 0.9 0.9 0% Sep-01-22 Sep-02-22 61.3 1 lbwer Erection ;M158 FDN-1C-158 Foundations 1C-158 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 67.8 Foudclatlonj 1C458 ACC-1C-158 Access 1C-158 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 67.9 Access tiC 158 CLR-1C-158 Clearing 1C-158 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-30-22 68.7 i Clearng. .i : 59 219.1 219.1 u- 922 u1-12- lul-12-23,Structure1C-159 ---- -- -- ASY-1C-159 Tower Assembly 1C-159 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 39.0 1 Tower Assembly;IC-159 REC-1C-159 Reclamation 1C-159 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-11-23 Jul-12-23 46.9 I Reclamation IC-159 SPT-1C-159 Spotting 1C-159 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 58.9 1 Spotting 11C-159 ERC-1C-159 Tower Erection 1C-159 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Aug-31-22 Sep-01-22 61.3 1 Tower Erectipn j1C,.159 FDN-1C-159 Foundations 1C-159 0.6 0.6 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-01-22 67.6 Foundations 1C 159 ACC-1C-159 Access 1C-159 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 1ul 3122 67.8 I Arce%1C-159 CLR-1C-159 Clearing 1C-159 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 68.6 J Clearing;1C459j Structure 1C-160 219.0 Jul-28-22 Jul-11-23 Jul-11-23,StrutturieIC-160 ASY-1C-160 Tower Assembly 1C-160 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 13.0 1 TgwerAs errx by:1CL16Q Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 90 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A I M I J lul SPT-1C-160 Spotting 1C-160 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 32.9 ppotting It 1150 FDN-1C-160 Foundations 1C-160 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 41.3 FburidatlonS 1C-160 ACC-1C-160 Access 1C-160 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-30-22 41.8 I Apce$s 1C-160 CLR-1C-160 Clearing 1C-160 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 42.6 i Clearing 1C-160 REC-1C-160 Reclamation 1C-160 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-10-23 Jul-11-23 46.9 I Reclamation 11C-160 ERC-1C-160 Tower Erection 1C-160 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 61.3 i Tower Erection ;1C-160 rre 1C-161 21gOEM- , Ju- -2 Jul-10-23,StrutturbIC-16'1 ASY-lC-161 TowerAssembly 1C-161 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 13.0 i TgwerASSerr. j1C16-161 Spotting 1C-161 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 32.8 j I Spotting 1C-161 C-161 Foundations 1C-161 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 41.1 I Foundations 1C-161 C-161 Access 1C-161 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 41.7 I Access 1C 1F;1 CLR-1C-161 Clearing 1C-161 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 42.5 Clearing 1C 161 REC-1C-161 Reclamation 1C-161 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-09-23 Jul-10-23 46.9 I Reclamation 1,C-161 j ERC-1C-161 Tower Erection 1C-161 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-30-22 61.3 i Tower Erection IC-161j Struc7re 1C-162 u-2 - Jul-09-23,Structure IC-162 ASY-1C-162 Tower Assembly 1C-162 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 13.0 4 TgwerAsserribly j1C 162 SPT-1C-162 Spotting 1C-162 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 32.8 I Spotting 1C-162 FDN-1C-162 Foundations 1C-162 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-30-22 40.8 j Fpundation� 1G46Z ACC-1C-162 Access 1C-162 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 41.7 i Access 1C-162 CLR-1C-162 Clearing 1C-162 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 42.4 II Clearing 1C-162 REC-1C-162 Reclamation 1C-162 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-08-23 Jul-09-23 46.9 j I 1 eclam#ilo6 1C-1$2 ERC-1C-162 Tower Erection 1C-162 0.9 0.9 1 0% Aug-29-22 Aug-30-22 61.3 I Tbwet Erktibn 1C-162 tructu 1C-1 Jul-26-22 aul�j8-Z3,SirruGturpl�16g ASY1C-163 Tower Assembly 1C163 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-27-22 Aug -22 13.0 lj Tower Assembly;1G163 SPT-1C-163 Spotting 1C-163 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-07-22 32.7 1 spotting 1C-163 FDN-1C-163 Foundations 1C-163 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 40.6 I Foundations 1C-16 ACC-1C-163 Access 1C-163 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 41.6 Access 1C-163 --�- --- - --- - - -- CLR-1C-163 Clearing 1C-163 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-26-22 42.3 I; Clearing jC-163j REC-1C-163 Reclamation 1C-163 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Jul-08-23 Jul-08-23 46.9 j I Reclamation 1C-163 ERC-1C-163 Tower Erection 1C-163 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-28-22 Aug-29-22 61.3 1 Tower Erection 1C-163 e 1C-164 2 7 g 1ul-d&23,Structure1 164 ---- -- -- -- --- - - -- - -- - -- ASY-1C-164 Tower Assembly 1C-164 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 13.0 I, TdwetAstembly 11C164 SPT-1C-164 Spotting 1C-164 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 32.6 II Spotting 1C-164 FDN-1C-164 Foundations 1C-164 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 40.3 i Foundations; 1C164 ACC-1C-164 Access 1C-164 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 41.5 I: Access 1C-164 CLR-1C-164 Clearing 1C-164 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 42.3 I; Cloarij g 1C-164 REC-1C-164 Reclamation 1C-164 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-07-23 Jul-08-23 46.9 I Reclam�tiorl 1C-164 ERC-1C-164 Tower Erection 1C-164 0.9 1 0.9 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-28-22 61.3 l; Tgwer Er�ctign jC-164j u TC-4 218. u1-24-22 Jul-07- Jul-07-23,Structure1C16S ASY-1C-165 Tower Assembly 1C-165 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 13.0 1' TgwerAssembly 1C;165 SPT-1C-165 Spotting 1C-165 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 32.6 ;I $potting 1C-165 FDN-1C-165 Foundations 1C-165 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-28-22 40.0 I Foundations; 1C-165 ACC-1C-165 Access 1C-165 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Jul-26-22 Jul-26-22 41.5 l; Aece�.s 1C-165 CLR-1C 165 Clearing 1C 165 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-24 22 Jul 25 22 42.2 Ij Clearing 1C 165 REC-1C-165 Reclamation 1C-165 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-06-23 Jul-07-23 46.9 I fReclamation 1C-1B5 ERC-1C-165 Tower Erection 1C-165 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 61.3 Ij Tower Erection 1C t65 j -- -- - --- L- --- - - -- - -- - -- Structure 1C-16 218.5 Jul-23-22 Jul-06-2.3 JUI-06-23,Structur�1C166 ASY-1C-166 Tower Assembly 1C-166 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 13.0 II Tower,As empty j1C 16f Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 91 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul SPT-1C-166 Spotting 1C-166 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 32.5 ;1 ,potting 1;-1 6 FDN-1C-166 Foundations 1C-166 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 39.8 t Fbundatibns; 1G166 ACC-1C-166 Access 1C-166 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 41.4 I; AgcesS 1G-1E16 --' ---'---'--' --- --------- CLR-1C 166 Clearing 1C 166 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-23 22 Jul 24 22 42.1 I Clearing 1C 156 REC-1C-166 Reclamation 1C-166 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-05-23 Jul-06-23 46.9 :1 Reclamation 1C-166 ERC-1C-166 Tower Erection 1C-166 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 61.3 I; Tower Erection 1C-166 j 1G167 218.4 Ju- -2 JUI-05-23,Structurd1C467 rASY-lC-167 TowerAssembly 1C-167 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-24-22 13.0 I Tower,As�em$� �C-�O. ----- -'--'- -----'--$- - -- ----------------- ------ --------- ------------- ------ ------ - ------ ---- - -167 Spotting 1C-167 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 32.4 jl 5pottin 1C-167 C-167 Foundations 1C-167 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-27-22 39.5 g Foundations:1C 16Y C-167 Access 1C-167 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 41.3 II Access 1t-167 CLR-1C-167 Clearing 1C-167 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-23-22 42.0 I; Narft 1C-1'67 REC-1C-167 Reclamation 1C-167 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-03-23 Jul-05-23 46.9 i Reclomajtio6 IC-1f7 ----- -- -- --- -- -- ------'- ----------------T F-- F- ERC-1C-167 Tower Erection 1C-167 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-25-22 61.3 1; Tower Erection 1C-167 chi 6 7Jul-0 -23,Stlucture1C;16$ ASY-1C-168 Tower Assembly 1C-168 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 13.0 1; TowerAssemoly ;1C-;168 FDN-1C-168 Foundations 1C-168 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 26.3 11 Fdundatibns;1G168 ACC-1C-168 Access 1C-168 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 28.4 I AGcesS 1G-16,8 CLR-1C 168 Clearing 1C 168 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-22 22 Jul 23 22 29.0 1; Clearing 1C 158 SPT-1C-168 Spotting 1C-168 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-03-22 32.4 ;I Spotting 1C-168 REC-1C-168 Reclamation 1C-168 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-02-23 Jul-03-23 46.9 ! Oeclzlmoori 1�-168 ERC-1C-168 Tower Erection 1C-168 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-24-22 61.3 1: Tdweri Erdctidn 1C-168 Structu C-16PrJul-21-22 Jul-07-2�,StrucTurg1C.169 -- -- --------- -- ------' -------------------------------------- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - ASY-1C-169 Tower Assembly 1C-169 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 13.0 1; Tower Assembly 1C-169 FDN-1C-169 Foundations 1C-169 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 26.3 I: Foundations:1G169 ACC-1C-169 Access 1C-169 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 28.4 I Aocess 1d-159 CLR-1C-169 Clearing 1C-169 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 29.0 I CldarMg ZC-169 SPT-1C-169 Spotting 1C-169 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 32.3 1 Spotting 1G-169 o aecla ---------------------------- REC-1C-169 Reclamation 1C-169 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-01-23 Jul-02-23 46.9 M matiori 1C-169 ERC-1C-169 Tower Erection 1C-169 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 61.3 I Tower,Erection 1C-169 care 1C-170 2 .2 46.9 Jul-01-21,St�ucturelC 17d ASY-1C-170 Tower Assembly 1C-170 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 13.0 1:Tobver;Assbmbly 1C-170 FDN-1C-170 Foundations 1C-170 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-25-22 26.3 I; FqunGatipnsj1C47Q ---'---' --------- ------- ------ --------- ---- --- -------------------------------- ------ ACC-1C-170 Access 1C-170 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-22-22 28.4 I j Access 1G170 CLR-1C-170 Clearing 1C-170 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 29.0 1 Clearing IC-170 SPT-1C-170 Spotting 1C-170 0.8 0.8 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 32.2 Spotlingj 1�--170 REC-1C-170 Reclamation 1C-170 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-01-23 Jul-01-23 46.9 1 Rdclamation, 1C-170 ERC-1C-170 Tower Erection 1C-170 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22t26.3 I Tower,Ergctign 7 C-�70 j 71 218.1 218.1 u-1922 Jul-01 Ju1-01-23,Wucture1G17ti r r ASY-1C-171 Tower Assembly 1C-171 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 1:ToWenAssembly 1C-171 FDN-1C-171 Foundations 1C-171 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 Foundationsj 1C 171 ACC-1C-171 Access 1C-171 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 . I ActesS 1G171 CLR-1C-171 Clearing 1C-171 0.8 1 0.8 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 29.0 I Cle�arirjg 1�471 j --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - SPT-1C-171 Spotting 1C-171 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 32.2 M Spottng; 1C-177 - - - - - - REC-1C-171 Reclamation 1C-171 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-30-23 Jul-01-23 46.9 1 Reclamation; 1C-171 ERC-1C-171 Tower Erection 1C-171 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-22-22 61.3 1 j Touver:Erection 1;C-141 Structure 1C-17 218.0 Jul-19-22 Jun-30-23 Jtln-30-23,Strudturd1G172 ASY-1C-172 Tower Assembly 1C 172 0.9 0.9 0% Aug 19 22 Aug 20 22 13.0 1 j ToWer%Ass�mtjly C l72 Remaining Level of Effort EI= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 92 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N L J F M A I M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul FDN-1C-172 Foundations 1C-172 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-24-22 26.3 1; Foun ations 1G17 ACC-1C-172 Access 1C-172 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 28.4 I Actes5 1G172 CLR-1C-172 Clearing 1C-172 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-19-22 28.9 1 Clearing 1C 172 j SPT-1C-172 Spotting 1C-172 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 32.1 I Spotting;1G172 REC-1C-172 Reclamation 1C-172 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-29-23 Jun-30-23 46.9 Reclamation;1C-172 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ERC-1C-172 Tower Erection 1C-172 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 61.3 I Touver:Erection 1;C-172 1 G173717 q 217.9 J JUn-219-23,Structure 1G173 ASY-1C-173 Tower Assembly 1C-173 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 13.0 I ;Toyver�-s m* �C-�73 j FDN-1C-173 Foundations 1C-173 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 26.3 1; F6undati6nsj1G173 ACC-1C-173 Access 1C-173 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 28.4 1 Access 1C;173 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLR-1C-173 Clearing 1C-173 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 28.9 1 Clearing 1t-1�3 SPT-1C-173 Spotting 1C-173 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-30-22 32.0 I Spotting;1G173 REC-1C-173 Reclamation 1C-173 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-28-23 Jun-29-23 46.9 i R�clarn4onj 1C-173 ERC-1C-173 Tower Erection 1C-173 0.9 0.9 1 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 61.3 1 Tower;Erectioh 11C-173 cture 1C-174 =EW JUn-2,8-23,Structure 1C 174 --�--�--;--;---�--;--;--;---; '-- ' ------------------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------------------------- ---- ASY-1C-174 Tower Assembly 1C-174 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 13.0 1 Towa r;4ss�m* iC-174j FDN-1C-174 Foundations 1C-174 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 26.3 1: Fdundatidns:1G174 ACC-1C-174 Access 1C-174 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 28.4 I Access 1CL174 CLR-1C-174 Clearing 1C-174 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 28.9 1 Clearing 1C-174 SPT-1C-174 Spotting 1C-174 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 32.0 1 Spotting:1C-17A -- -- --;- --- -- --,---;--- -- ---'- -'--; --;- REC-1C-174 Reclamation 1C-174 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-27-23 Jun-28-23 46.9 li �cl tnation;1C-174 ERC-1C-174 Tower Erection 1C-174 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-18-22 Aug-19-22 61.3 I Tower Erettioh 1C-174 1C-1 Jul-16-22 3 Jun-27-23,Structure1C175 ASY-1C-175 Tower Assembly 1C-175 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-17-22 13.0 I ;Tower Assembly 1C 175 FDN-1C-175 Foundations 1C-175 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-22-22 26.3 1 Foundations;1C-175 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACC-1C-175 Access 1C-175 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-18-22 28.4 I Ac ess;1C 17 CLR-1C-175 Clearing 1C-175 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 28.9 1 Clearing 1C-175 SPT-1C-175 Spotting 1C-175 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 31.9 SpoWngj 1C,175 REC-1C-175 Reclamation 1C-175 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-26-23 Jun-27-23 46.9 Ij 11eclamation;1C,17 ERC-1C-175 Tower Erection 1C-175 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-18-22 61.3 1 ToNrer Erection 1C-175 cture 1C-176 2 7 46.9 Jun 26-2 ,St �udure1CJ176 ASY-1C-176 Tower Assembly 1C-176 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 13.0 1 TowerAssdmbly 1C-176 FDN-1C-176 Foundations 1C-176 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 26.3 1 Fojunclatigns:l&- 76 ACC-1C-176 Access 1C-176 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 28.4 I j Access:1C 176 CLR-1C-176 Clearing 1C-176 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 28.9 1 ;Clearing 1C-17,6 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - SPT-1C-176 Spotting 1C-176 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 31.8 1 Spot�ing;1C-17 - - - - - - REC-1C-176 Reclamation 1C-176 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-25-23 Jun-26-23 46.9 Ij Rdclaniation 1C4176 ERC-1C-176 Tower Erection 1C-176 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-17-22 61.3 I jIb�,er�reGtio6 1G41 6 1C-177 217. u1-15-22 n- 523 Juh-25-23,St.ucturd1G177 ASY-1C-177 Tower Assembly 1C-177 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 13.0 1 ;To�erAssembly 1C-177: f ------------- FDN-1C-177 Foundations 1C-177 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-21-22 26.3 1 Foundations:1C-;17y ACC-1C-177 Access 1C-177 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 28.4 I Actess;1G177 CLR-1C-177 Clearing 1C-177 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-15-22 28.8 1 ;Clearing 1C-177 SPT-1C-177 Spotting 1C-177 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 31.8 1: Spotting;1C17 REC-1C-177 Reclamation 1C-177 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-24-23 Jun-25-23 46.9 1; Reclamation;1C+177, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERC-1C-177 Tower Erection 1C-177 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-16-22 Aug-17-22 61.3 I ;Tower erection 1C-117 Structure 1C-17 217.5 Jul-14-22 Jun-24-23 Juh-24-23,SttucturelC-178 ASY-1C-178 Tower Assembly 1C-178 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 13.0 I jTovperAss�mbly 1C-178 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmmm► Su... 93 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J I F I M A M J Jul A S O 1 N D J F M A M J lul FIE N-1C-178 Foundations 1C-178 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 26.3 I Foundations 77170 ACC-1C-178 Access 1C-178 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 28.4 I ;Acdess;1C178 r - - ----- - ----- -- - CLR-1C-178 Clearing 1C-178 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 28.8 I ;Clearing 1G 178 SPT-1C-178 Spotting 1C-178 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 31.7 Ij Spotting;1C178 REC-1C-178 Reclamation 1C-178 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-24-23 Jun-24-23 46.9 l; Reclamation ;1C178 ERC-1C-178 Tower Erection 1C-178 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-16-22 61.3 I ;Tower l=reetiori 1(41 8 re 1C-179 217.4 J - Jun- 3 46.9 1uh-24-23,SttucturdIC-179 r :Tower'---- ' -- -- ----- - r -- - -- -- - - ----- --r ASY-1C-179 Tower Assembly 1C-179 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 13.0 IAsWmb(y 7C-1;79 j FDN-1C-179 Foundations 1C-179 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 26.3 I Fobndrations 1C-179 ACC-1C-179 Access 1C-179 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 28.4 I ;Access:1G179 CLR-1C-179 Clearing 1C-179 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 28.8 j I Clearing 1C 19 SPT-1C-179 Spotting 1C-179 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-25-22 31.6 Ij Spotting I1C;179 o - ,---, IaT a' n j1C 17�--- ;R REC-1C-179 Reclamation 1C-179 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-23-23 Jun-24-23 46.9 II Rt tro ERC-1C-179 Tower Erection 1C-179 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 61.3 j I Tower trectiori 1C-179 cture 1C-180 , Juh-23-23,Structure.1C-180 ASY-1C-180 Tower Assembly 1C-180 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 13.0 j I 7ovjerAssembly 1C400 FDN-1C-180 Foundations 1C-180 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-19-22 26.3 I Foundations :1C-180 r-- ---'--I ;-- ACC-1C 180 Access 1C-180 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-14 22 1ul 14 22 28.4 I AcGe ;1C�8q CLR-1C-180 Clearing 1C-180 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 28.8 I Clearing 1C-180 SPT-1C-180 Spotting 1C-180 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 31.6 I. Spotting:XA80 REC-1C-180 Reclamation 1C-180 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-22-23 Jun-23-23 46.9 I j Reclamatjon 1C-180 ERC-1C-180 Tower Erection 1C-180 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 61.3 I :Tower Erection 1C-180 Structu C-1 Jul-12 22 3 2 -2�,St ucfiure;lC- 81r ; ;Jun r, ASY-1C-181 Tower Assembly 1C-181 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 13.0 I Tower Assembly 1C-181 FDN-1C-181 Foundations 1C-181 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 26.3 I .Foundations ;1C-181 ACC-1C-181 Access 1C-181 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 28.4 j I Accessj1C�181 CLR-1C 181 Clearing 1C 181 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-12 22 Jul 12 22 28.8 I IClearin 1C 1$1 r SPT-1C-181 Spotting 1C 181 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-23 22 Jul-24-22 31.5 I Spotting ;1C�81 REC-1C-181 Reclamation 1C-181 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-21-23 Jun-22-23 46.9 I j Reclamation 1C 181 ERC-1C-181 Tower Erection 1C-181 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 61.3 I Tower Erection: 1C-181 ucture 1C-182 46.9 Ju6-21-21,S6uctureIC482 ASY-1C-182 Tower Assembly 1C-182 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 13.0 I ToWerAsseMbl 1C-182 r FDN-1C-182 Foundations 1C-182 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-18-22 26.3 I Foundations �C-j82j ACC-1C-182 Access 1C-182 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 28.4 j I Access;1C-18Z CLR-1C-182 Clearing 1C-182 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 28.8 1 IClearing 1C-182 SPT-1C-182 Spotting 1C-182 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-22-22 Jul-23-22 31.5 I; Spotting 1C-182 REC-1C-182 Reclamation 1C-182 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-20-23 Jun-21-23 46.9 1: Reclanhatibn IC-182 r--;-- jTo - -- --- - -- - -- -- --r ERC-1C-182 Tower Erection 1C-182 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 61.3 ; I virer�reciorx 1G-1�2 c re 1C-183 217.11 u-10-22 un-20-23 Juri-2tl-23,Structure7C-183' ASY1C 183 Tower Assembly 1C-183 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10 22 Aug 10-22 13.0 I ToWerAssembw 1G-1$3 FDN-1C-183 Foundations 1C-183 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 26.3 I j Foundations 1C483 ACC-1C-183 Access 1C-183 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 28.4 I Access;1C-183 -,-I ring 1 18' --- -- --- - CLR-1C-183 Clearing 1C-183 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 28.7 r I lea g r 4 $ SPT-1C-183 Spotting 1C-183 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-22-22 31.4 I j Spotting 7C-183 REC-1C-183 Reclamation 1C-183 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-19-23 Jun-20-23 46.9 I Reclamation IC-183 ERC-1C-183 Tower Erection 1C-183 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 61.3 j I tower�rec�ionj 1d 1&3 Structure 10-18 217.0 Jul-09-22 Jun-19-23 Jura-19-23,SteuctlurelC-1841 r - - -- -- ---- -- -- - -- -- -- --- -, ASY1C-184 Tower Assembly 1C-184 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 13.0 I TowerP{ssernbl 1G1$4 Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 94 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Activity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A I S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D J I F I M A I Elul FIE N-1C-184 Foundations 1C-184 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-17-22 26.3 I Foundations ;1C- 84 ACC-1C-184 Access 1C-184 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 28.4 I Access 1C-184 CLRAC-184 Clearing 1C-184 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 28.7 ;1 Clearing 1�184 SPT-1C-184 Spotting 1C-184 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-21-22 Jul-21-22 31.3 1: Spbtting -1C 184 Reclam - RECAC-184 Reclamation 1C-184 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-18-23 Jun-19-23 46.9 1 ation 1C 184 ERCAC-184 Tower Erection 1C-184 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-10-22 61.3 I Tower�rec�ion: 1(184 1 C-185 216. Jul Juri-18-23,Structure 1C-1851 ASY-1C-185 Tower Assembly 1C-185 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 13.0 .I �ow,erP4sserjnbl 1G-1$5 FDN-1C-185 Foundations 1C-185 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-16-22 Jul-16-22 26.3 : 1 ;Forinc!Wohs 1C-185 -- -- ---- ACC-1C-185 Access 1C-185 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-10-22 28.4 I Access 1C 185 CLR-1C-185 Clearing 1C-185 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 28.7 j 1 Clearing 1C 18 SPT-1C-185 Spotting 1C-185 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-20-22 Jul-21-22 31.3 1: Spbtting 1C-185 REC-1C-185 Reclamation 1C-185 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-17-23 Jun-18-23 46.9 1 Re�lamatipn �C-185: ERC-1C-185 Tower Erection 1C-185 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 61.3 :1 tower Erection:1G185 ----------------- chrre 1 G186 Jur1-17F23,StructUre 1C-1861 ASY-1C-186 Tower Assembly 1C-186 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 13.0 j 1 tower Assembly 1C-1$6 FDN-1C-186 Foundations 1C-186 0.6, 0.6 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 26.3 1 FoUnddtiohs 1C-186 ACC-1C-186 Access 1C-186 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 28.4 I Access�C-186 CLR-1C-186 Clearing 1C-186 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-08-22 28.7 :1 Clearrino 1G186 ------------ SPT-1C-186 Spotting 1C-186 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-19-22 Jul-20-22 31.2 I Spotting 1C-186 REC-1C-186 Reclamation 1C-186 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-17-23 Jun-17-23 46.9 1 :Re�lamatipn iC486j ERC-1C-186 Tower Erection 1C-186 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 61.3 1 Touter Election;1CA86 tructu C-1 J Jun-17-23 :Jura-17�23,StructgreJC-787, CLR-1C-187 Clearing 1C-187 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 12.0 jl Clea'rin$1G187 ----------,-- ASY-1C-187 Tower Assembly 1C-187 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 13.0 i1 TowerAssembN 1C-187 FDN-1C-187 Foundations 1C-187 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 26.3 j 1 :Foundations iC487 rACC-1C-187 Access 1C-187 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 28.4 I Access 1C-187 SPT-1C-187 Spotting 1C-187 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-18-22 Jul-19-22 31.1 I Spotting IC-187; REC-1C-187 Reclamation 1C-187 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-16-23 Jun-17-23 46.9 1 :Reclamation 1C-187 j ERC-1C-187 Tower Erection 1C-187 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 61.3 ;1 Tower Erection;1C;187 1C-188 216.72 7 Jun -23 46.9 Juri 16-23;StructyrefC-188 CLR-1C-188 Clearing 1C-188 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 12.0 :1 �Ieating;1CT188 ASY-1C-188 Tower Assembly 1C-188 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 13.0 ;1 TnwerA$serj bly, 1G41 8 FDN-1C-188 Foundations 1C-188 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-14-22 26.3 : 1 Foundations 1C 188 ACC-1C-188 Access 1C-188 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 28.4 I Access 1C-188 SPT-1C-188 Spotting 1C-188 0.8 1 0.8 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-18-22 31.1 1 ;SpgtOg 1088; REC-1C-188 Reclamation 1C-188 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-15-23 Jun-16-23 46.9 1 ReClarnatibn 1C-188 ERC-1C-188 Tower Erection 1C-188 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 61.3 ;1 Tower Erection:1&18$ Structure1 216. Jul-05-22 Jun-15 23 Jun 15 23;StructturelC-1;89' --- CLR-1C-189 Clearing 1C-189 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 12.0 '1 Clearing:1C,189 ASY-1C-189 Tower Assembly 1C-189 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 13.0 ;1 Tower Assembly; 1C-109 FDN-1C-189 Foundations 1C-189 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 26.3 1 ;Foundetions 1C 189 1 ACC-1C-189 Access 1C-189 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 28.4 II Access C- 89 SPT-1C-189 Spotting 1C-189 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-17-22 Jul-17-22 31.0 1 ;Spotting 1C-189 --- --- ;Reclamation 1C-1 REC-1C-189 Reclamation 1C-189 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-14-23 Jun-15-23 46.9 I 89 ERC-1C-189 Tower Erection 1C-189 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-05-22 Aug-06-22 61.3 ;1 tower Erection:1C 189 Structure 1C-19 216.5 Jul-03-22 Jun-14-23 JUn,14+23,:StrWcturel&190 CLR 1C 190 Clearing 1C 190 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-03 22 1u1-05 22 12.0-MM Cleaning:1C"19q Remaining Level of Effort III= Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 95 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D J F M A M J Jul A S 1 O N D I J I F M A M J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D I J I F I M I A M J luI ASY-1C-190 Tower Assembly 1C-190 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-04-22 13.0 ;I owerAssembly; 1C 190 FDN-1C-190 Foundations 1C-190 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-13-22 26.3 I ;Fodndations 1C-190 ACC-1C-190 Access 1C-190 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 28.4 ;I Access JC-790 SPT1C 190 Spotting 1C 190 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-16 22 Jul 17 22 30.9 1 ;Spotting 1C 190 REC-1C-190 Reclamation 1C-190 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-13-23 Jun-14-23 46.9 1 Reclamation 1C-190 ERC-1C-190 Tower Erection 1C-190 0.9 0.9 1 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 61.3 i1 7owe r Erection:1G19Q 216.4 3-23 Jun43,23,StrUctdreIC 191 CLR-1C-191 Clearing1C-191 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-03-22 12.0 GIearingjlC49 ASY-1C-191 Tower Assembly 1C-191 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 13.0 it TowerMsenibly; 1G151 FDN-1C-191 Foundations 1C-191 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 26.3 1 ;Foundations 1C-1191 ACC-1C-191 Access 1C-191 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-05-22 28.4 ;I Access 1C 1;91 -- :--- L L L j,-- -- -- SPT-1C-191 Spotting 1C-191 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-15-22 Jul-16-22 30.9 I ;Spdtting 1C-191 REC-1C-191 Reclamation 1C-191 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-12-23 Jun-13-23 46.9 I :Reclamation C 1,91 j ERC-1C-191 Tower Erection 1C-191 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-04-22 61.3 11 Tower Erection 1C 791 Struc7re 1C-192 JUn 12-23,StructureIC-192 CLR-1C-192 Clearing 1C-192 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 12.0 i dlearing:iC 192 ASY-1C-192 Tower Assembly 1C-192 ..9 0.9 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 13.0 :I ToworASsenlbly, 1C-19'2 - --- - - -- - -- - -- FDN-1C-192 Foundations 1C-192 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 26.3 1 jFoujndatioras IC-1j92 ACC-1C-192 Access 1C-192 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-03-22 Jul-05-22 28.4 Access 1C-1-92 SPT-1C-192 Spotting 1C-192 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-14-22 Jul-15-22 30.8 I ;Spotting 1C-192 REC-1C 192 Reclamation 1C-192 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-11-23 Jun-12-23 46.9 I :Reclamation 1C-192 ERC-1C-192 Tower Erection 1C-192 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 61.3 :1 Tow&r Erlection ;1C-192 tructure 1C-19 Jun 11 23 jun 11 Z3,�trgctu,re7C 193 CLR 1C 193 Clearing 1C 193 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 12.0 M Clearing;1G199 ASY-1C-193 Tower Assembly 1C-193 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 13.0 ;I lbwerASsembly:1C;193 FDN-1C-193 Foundations 1C-193 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-11-22 26.3 j 1 roundatioris 1C-133 - :--- ----- 11--- IL I--- IL I I L j,-- -- -- ACC-1C-193 Access 1C-193 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-02-22 Jul-03-22 28.4 Access 1C-193 SPT-1C-193 Spotting 1C-193 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-13-22 Jul-14-22 30.7 1 ;Spgtting 1,C-193 j REC-1C-193 Reclamation 1C-193 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-11-23 Jun-11-23 46.9 I Iteclamatioh 1C-1193 ERC-1C-193 Tower Erection 1C-193 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-02-22 Aug-03-22 61.3 1 lbwer Erection ;1C-193 JIMIRLe 1C-194 2 .2 III&2_3 46.9 dun 11-�3,5tructu;rel.C-104 --- -- -- - -- -- - - CLR-1C-194 Clearing 1C-194 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 12.0 Clearing;1C-194 ASY-1C-194 Tower Assembly 1C-194 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 13.0 1 TpwgrASserr blyj 1CL194 FDN-1C-194 Foundations 1C-194 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 26.3 j 1 �oundatioris 1C-154 ACC-1C-194 Access 1C-194 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-01-22 Jul-02-22 28.4 I Access 1C-194 SPT-1C-194 Spotting 1C-194 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-13-22 Jul 13 22 30.7 j I :Spotting 1C-194 REC-1C-194 Reclamation 1C-194 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-10-23 Jun-11-23 46.9 I Reclamatioh 1C 194 ERC-1C-194 Tower Erection 1C-194 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-02-22 61.3 ;I Tpwr r Er�ctipn j1C-j9 u �195 216.1 216.1 Jun-30 22 Jun-10 23 Jun,' 0-23,5tructurel:C-195 CLR-1C-195 Clearing 1C-195 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-30-22 Jun-30-22 12.0 1 Clearing:1C-195 ASY-1C-195 TowerAssembiy 1C-195 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-30-22 Jul-31-22 13.0 1 TowerAssemblyj1G19 FDN-1C-195 Foundations 1C-195 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-10-22 26.3 1 Foundations 1C-195 ACC-1C-195 Access 1C-195 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-30-22 Jul-01-22 28.4 1 Access IC-195 SPT-1C-195 Spotting 1C-195 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-12-22 Jul-13-22 30.6 j 1 Spotti* tiC-1b5 REC-1C-195 Reclamation 1C-195 0.9 0.9 0% Jun-09-23 Jun-10-23 46.9 11 Reclamation IC-195 ERC-1C-195 Tower Erection 1C-195 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-31-22 Aug-01-22 61.3 i Yowgr Erection 1C495 Structure 1C-19 437.7 Jun-29-22 Feb-01-24 Feb-01-24,StruttudelC-196 REC-1C-196 Reclamation 1C-196 0.8 0.8 0% Feb-01-24 Feb-01-24 0.0 I Reclamation, 1G 19,6 Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 96 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J lul CLR 1C 196 Clearing 1C 196 0.8 0.8 0% Jun 29 22 Jun 30 22 12.0 I C eanng 4C- 96 ASY-1C-196 Tower Assembly 1C-196 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 13.0 ' TbwdrAsSerribly;1CT196 FDN-1C-196 Foundations 1C-196 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 26.3 I Foundajtio6s �C-1�6 --'--'- --'- --------- ----- ---------------- ----- -- -- ------ ------ ------- --------- ---- - ACC-1C-196 Access 1C-196 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-30-22 Jun-30-22 28.4 Access 1t-196 S.PT-1C-196 Spotting 1C-196 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-11-22 Jul-12-22 30.5 I Spottirg IC-196 ERC-1C 196 Tower Erection 1C 196 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-30 22 Jul-31-22 61.3 1 Tower Erection ;1C-196 1 197 Jun-2822 -24 T Feb-01-24,Struttur;e1C-197 REC-1C-197 Reclamation 1C-197 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-31-24 Feb-01-24 0.0 I Reclamation, 1G 19,7 --'--'- - ------'---'---- '------------ ----- -------- CLR-1C-197 Clearing 1C-197 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 12.0 Clearing 7C-197 ASY-1C-197 Tower Assembly 1C-197 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 13.0 1 Tower Assembly:1G19T FDN-1C-197 Foundations 1C-197 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08 22 Jul-09 22 26.3 j 1 �oundationis It-1g7 ACC-1C-197 Access 1C-197 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-29-22 Jun-30-22 28.4 Access 1C-197 SPT-1C-197 Spotting 1C-197 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-10-22 Jul-11-22 30.5 1 Spotting 1C-197 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ERC-1C-197 Tower Erection 1C-197 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-29-22 Jul-30-22 61.3 1 Tower Erection 7C-197 - - - - - - 1 C-198 Fun-27-22 J Jan-91-24,Structure1C-198 REC-1C-198 Reclamation 1C-198 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-30-24 Jan-31-24 0.0 I Reclamation 1C498 CLR-1C-198 Clearing 1C-198 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 12.0 1, Clearing 1C-198 ASY-1C-198 Tower Assembly 1C-198 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-28-22 13.0 1 TgwerAs$ernblyj1C,19$ FDN-1C-198 Foundations 1C-198 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-08-22 26.3 ;1 �oundatioris 1t-198 ACC-1C-198 Access 1C-198 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Jun-28-22 Jun-29-22 28.4 I Access 1C-198 SPT-1C-198 Spotting 1C-198 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-10-22 30.4 j I Spotting 1C 1 8 ERC-1C-198 Tower Erection 1C-198 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-29-22 61.3 1 Tower Erbctibn 1C-198 Pr un-26 22 Jan 30 21,StruGtur�1C 1 499 --'-- -- i --- -i---r--F- - -- - - REC-1C-199 Reclamation 1C-199 0.8 0.8 1 0% Jan-29-24 Jan-30-24 0.0 Reclamation, 1C-199 CLR-1C-199 Clearing 1C-199 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 12.0 I: Clearing 1C-199 ASY-1C-199 Tower Assembly 1C-199 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 13.0 I; Tower Assembly j1C499 FDN-1C-199 Foundations 1C-199 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 26.3 :I Fouhdatiorts 1,C-199 ACC-1C-199 Access 1C-199 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-27-22 Jun-28-22 28.4 l; AcCESP 1C-199 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - SPT-1C-199 Spotting 1C-199 0.8 1 0.8 0% Jul-09-22 Jul-09-22 30.3 j 1 Spotting 1C-199 - - - - - - ERC-1C-199 Tower Erection 1C-199 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-28-22 Jul-28-22 61.3 I Tower Erection 1C-199 cture 1C-200 Jan-29-24,Struoturo1C-200 REC-1C-200 Reclamation 1C-200 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-28-24 Jan-29-24 0.0 Reclamation! 1C-200 CLR-1C-200 Clearing 1C-200 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-26-22 12.0 1: Cleearing j&- 00 ASY-1C-200 Tower Assembly 1C-200 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 13.0 Ij Tdw6Assembly;1C-200 FDN-1C-200 Foundations 1C-200 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-07-22 26.3 I Roundation5 1C-260 ACC-1C-200 Access 1C-200 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-27-22 28.4 Ij Access 1t-200 SPT-1C-200 Spotting 1C-200 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-08-22 Jul-09-22 30.3 :1 Spotting 1C-200 ERC-1C-200 Tower Erection 1C-200 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-27-22 Jul-28-22 61.3 I; Tgwe�ErQctign j&-00j RMOMMMIM1 437. Jun-25-22 Jan 28 24 . Jan-28-24 Structur21C=201 REC-1C-201 Reclamation 1C-201 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-28-24 Jan-28-24 0.0 1' Reclamation 11C-201 CLR-1C-201 Clearing 1C-201 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 12.0 1: Cleariog t&- 01 ASY-1C-201 Tower Assembly 1C-201 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 13.0 I: TobvetAs�embly IC-201 FDN-1C-201 Foundations 1C-201 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 26.3 II Foundations 1C-201 --- -- ------ -- ------ -- - ACC-1C-201 Access 1C-201 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-26-22 Jun-26-22 28.4 1: Acces6 1C-201 - - - - - - SPT-1C-201 Spotting 1C-201 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-07-22 Jul-08-22 30.2 ,I Spotting 1C-201 ERC-1C-201 Tower Erection 1C-201 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-26-22 Jul-27-22 61.3 Ij Tower Erection 1C-Z01j Structure 1C-2 437.6 Jun-24-22 Jan-28-24 Jan-28-24,Structurd 1CT202 REC-1C-202 Reclamation 1C-202 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-27-24 Jan-28-24 0.0 I; Rpclajn4on 1¢20Z Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 97 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A M J lul CLR-1C-202 Clearing 1C-202 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 12.0 I; Clearing C-202 ASY-1C-202 Tower Assembly 1C-202 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 13.0 1, ToWet.As�embly ;1C-202 FDN-1C-202 Foundations 1C-202 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 26.3 it Foundation$ 1�-202 ACC-1C-202 Access 1C-202 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-25-22 Jun-26-22 28.4 1; Acces6 1C-202 SPT-1C-202 Spotting 1C-202 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-06-22 Jul-07-22 30.2 II Spotting 1C-202 ---'--'--'-------; -- ----- ------------------------------------- ERC-1C-202 Tower Erection 1C-202 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-25-22 Jul-26-22 61.3 1; Tower Erection 1C-202 1 203 7 24 Jah-27-24,Stl-ucturd 1C,203 REC-1C-203 Reclamation 1C-203 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-26-24 Jan-27-24 0.0 I; Reclamation 1CL203 CLR-1C-203 Clearing 1C-203 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-23-22 Jun-24-22 12.0 1I Clearing iC-203 ASY-1C-203 Tower Assembly 1C-203 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-23-22 Jul-24-22 13.0 1: Tower,Assembly 1C-203 - --- -- --, FDN-1C-203 Foundations 1C-203 0.6 0.6 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-05-22 26.3 i1 foundations 10-263 - - ACC-1C-203 Access 1C-203 0.8 0.8 0% Jun-24-22 Jun-25-22 28.4 Ij A: : 1C 203 SPT-1C-203 Spotting 1C-203 0.8 0.8 0% Jul-05-22 Jul-06-22 30.1 ;1 Spotting IC-2Q3 ERC-1C-203 Tower Erection 1C-203 0.9 0.9 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-25-22 61.3 1: Tower Erection 1C-203 376. Aug-23-22 Jan-26-24,Structure 1C-204 ------- ----- , REC-1C-204 Reclamation 1C-204 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-25-24 Jan-26-24 0.0 li Reclamation 1C-204 ASY-1C-204 Tower Assembly 1C-204 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 35.1 1 ToWerPssdmbly 1C-204 CLR-1C-204 Clearing 1C-204 6 1.5 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-25-22 52.9 Ii Charing j&- 04I ACC-1C-204 Access 1C-204 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-26-22 52.9 1; Acces6 1C-204 FDN-1C-204 Foundations 1C-204 0.9 0.9 0% 1 Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 52.9 C Foundations;16.'204 --- -- --'------ --'------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- ------ -- ------ -- -- ------ -- -- - SPT-1C-204 Spotting 1C-204 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-27-22 Aug-29-22 52.9 1 SpotKingj 1C 20 ERC-1C-204 Tower Erection 1C-204 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-17-22 Sep-18-22 75.3 I .Tower;Erehtioh 1,C-204 MMEWre 1C-2 g-22-22 4 , Jan-25-24,Structure,1&-O5 REC-1C-205 Reclamation 1C-205 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-24-24 Jan-25-24 0.0 1; Reclamation 1C 205 ASY-1C-205 Tower Assembly 1C-205 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 35.1 I Tower Assembly 1C-205 '- ----- --'---' ------------- -- ----- CLR-1C-205 Clearing 1C-205 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 52.9 1 j Clearing 1C-205 ACC-1C-205 Access 1C-205 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-25-22 52.9 II Mcest 1C-205 FDN-1C-205 Foundations 1C-205 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-25 22 Aug-26-22 52.9 I; Fqundatipns;lC 20$ SPT-1C-205 Spotting 1C-205 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-26-22 Aug-27-22 52.9 II Spotting',1C 205 ERC-1C-205 Tower Erection 1C-205 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-17-22 75.3 1 Tower Erection 1C-205 - care 1C-206 3 .2 - Jan- - - - - -- ------ - Struo -- - , REC-1C-206 Reclamation 1C-206 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-24-24 Jan-24-24 0.0 1: Reclamation I1G206 ASY-1C-206 Tower Assembly 1C-206 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 35.1 1 ITovyerAss�mb� j&C 06I CLR-1C-206 Clearing 1C-206 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-22-22 52.9 1: Clearing 1C-206 ACC-1C-206 Access 1C-206 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 52.9 1: Access 1C-206 '- '-- --- -- --'---' ------ -- ------ -- --------------- ------------- ------ ------ ----------- FDN-1C-206 Foundations 1C-206 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 52.9 1; Foundations 110y 0 i SPT-1C-206 Spotting 1C-206 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-24-22 Aug-26-22 52.9 1: Spotting;1G206 ERC-1C-206 Tower Erection 1C-206 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-16-22 Sep-16-22 75.3 III Toyver j reGtioq 1�-206 MM c re 1C-207 378.9 Jan-24-24 Jan-24-24,Structure lC 207 REC-1C-207 Reclamation 1C-207 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-23-24 Jan-24-24 0.0 11 Reclamation I1G207 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ CLR-1C-207 Clearing 1C-207 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 12.0 I Clearing 1IC-207 ASY-1C-207 Tower Assembly 1C-207 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 35.1 . I ToWerAssdmbly IC-2D71 ACC-1C-207 Access 1C-207 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-22-22 52.9 1:Access K-207 FDN-1C-207 Foundations 1C-207 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-22-22 Aug-23-22 52.9 1; Foundations;1G207 SPT-1C-207 Spotting 1C-207 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-23-22 Aug-24-22 52.9 1; Spotting I1C-207I ERC-1C-207 Tower Erection 1C-207 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-15-22 Sep-16-22 75.3 I ;Towerreotiori 10-2d7 Structure 1C-20 379.6 .6 Aug-17-22 Jan-23-24 Jah-23-24,Stduct;ureIC-209 REC-1C-208 Reclamation 1C-208 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-22-24 Jan-23-24 0.0 I Rgclarnatjon 1C.20a Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 98 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A S 1 O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D I J F I M A M J Jul I A S O N D J F M A I M I J lul CLR-1C-208 Clearing 1C-208 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-17-22 Aug-19-22 12.0 I Clearing 1C-2 y 8 ASY-1C-208 Tower Assembly 1C-208 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 35.1 1 ;TowerAsseMbly 1C-208 ACC-1C-208 Access 1C-208 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-19-22 Aug-20-22 52.9 Acpess 1�,20$ FDN-1C-208 Foundations 1C-208 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-20-22 Aug-21-22 52.9 I Foundations 10208 SPT-1C-208 Spotting 1C-208 1.5 1.5 0% Aug-21-22 Aug-23-22 52.9 1; Spotting;1C-208 ERC-1C-208 Tower Erection 1C-208 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-14-22 Sep-15-22 75.3 I ;Tower l�rectio6 1�-208 1 209 an-22-24 0.0 Jai-22-24,StductureIC-209 ------------- REC-1C 209 Reclamation 1C 209 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-2124 Jan 22 24 0.0 I j-Rwjaniation 1C,.20� ASY-1C-209 Tower Assembly 1C-209 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 35.1 j I Tower Assembly 1C-209 SPT-1C-209 Spotting 1C-209 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-15-22 Aug-17-22 57.2 1 ;Spotting 1C-209 CLR-1C-209 Clearing 1C-209 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 58.0 I Clearing 1C-209 ACC-1C-209 Access 1C-209 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-14-22 58.0 I :Acdess;1C4209 r - --- - -- --- ---- -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - -- -- --- ----F - FDN-1C-209 Foundations 1C-209 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 58.2 I oLpnd4tions JC-z09j ERC-1C-209 Tower Erection 1C-209 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-13-22 Sep-14-22 75.3 j I Tower Irrectiori 1C-209 -JFucture 1 C-210 385. Jari-21-24,Str,ucturelC-210, REC-1C-210 Reclamation 1C-210 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-20-24 Jan-21-24 0.0 1 j Reclamation 1C10 ASY-1C-210 Tower Assembly 1C-210 0.8 0.8 0% 1 Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 35.1 I IbvJerAsseMbly 1C-210 r -- -- - ----- --- SPT-1C-210 Spotting 1C-210 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-14-22 Aug-15-22 57.2 1 ;Spotting IC-Z10 CLR-1C-210 Clearing 1C-210 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 58.0 I Clearing 1C-210 ACC-1C-210 Access 1C-210 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 58.0 1 Access,lC-210 FDN-1C-210 Foundations 1C-210 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-12-22 Aug-13-22 58.2 1 Foynd#tioms 1C4,10 ERC-1C-210 Tower Erection 1C-210 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-13-22 75.3 I Tower Erection 1C-210 re 1C-211 Jan 20 24 j Jan-2q 24�Str,ucture�C11j REC-1C-211 Reclamation 1C-211 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-20-24 Jan-20-24 0.0 1 ;Reclamation '1C 21ti ASY-1C-211 Tower Assembly 1C-211 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-11-22 Sep-12-22 35.1 1 ToWerAssembly 1,C-211 SPT-1C-211 Spotting 1C-211 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-14-22 57.2 1 ;Spotting 1C-2;11 CLR-1C-211 Clearing 1C-211 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-10-22 58.0 1 Clearing 1G211 - ---- r---------- --- - -- - ----- -- -- --r- ----- - ----- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- r- - ACC-1C-211 Access 1C-211 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 58.0 I AccPass 1C-211; FDN-1C-211 Foundations 1C-211 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-12-22 58.2 I Foundations 1C-2.11 ERC-1C-211 Tower Erection 1C-211 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-12-22 Sep-12-22 75.3 1 Tower Erection; 1C-211 AMLre 1c-212 7 :Jar?-2d-2d,Structure;lC-112 REC-1C-212 Reclamation 1C-212 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-19-24 Jan-20-24 0.0 I Retlarhatibn IC-212 - ;- r - -- --- -, -- -- ASY-1C-212 Tower Assembly 1C-212 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 35.1 I jTowerAsse(`nbly 1C-212 j SPT-1C-212 Spotting 1C-212 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-11-22 Aug-13-22 57.2 j 1 Spotting 1C-2;12 CLR-1C-212 Clearing 1C-212 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 58.0 ;1 Clearing 1C-212 ACC-1C-212 Access 1C-212 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-10-22 58.0 1 Access IC-212j FDN-1C-212 Foundations 1C-212 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-10 22 Aug-11-22 58.2 I Foundations 1C-212 r ; ERC-1C-212 Tower Erection 1C-212 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-1122 Sep-12-22 75.3 1 jTovger fired ion; 1G-212 c re 1C-213 3877.7lJan-19 24 Jan-19 24}StructurelC 213 REC-1C-213 Reclamation 1C-213 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-18 24 Jan-19-24 0.0 1 Reclamation 1C 213 CLR-1C-213 Clearing 1C-213 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 14.3 ;I �Ieaiing,1 21 ASY-1C-213 Tower Assembly 1C-213 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 35.1 :1 Tov�erAsser.nbly 1C-213 -- r--r--I-- --- -- -- --- - SPT-1C-213 Spotting 1C-213 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-10-22 Aug-11-22 57.2 I .5potting 1jC-213 j ACC-1C-213 Access 1C-213 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 58.0 j I Access 1C-213 FDN-1C-213 Foundations 1C-213 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-08-22 Aug-09-22 58.0 1 Foundations 1C 213 ERC-1C-213 Tower Erection 1C-213 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-10-22 Sep-11-22 75.3 j I Tower�rectionj 1C-21;3 387.7 Aug-04-22 Jan-18 24 Structure 1C-214 Jan-18-24,Structure 1C-214; REC-1C-214 Reclamation 1C-214 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-17-24 Jan-18-24 0.0 I Reclamation �C Z14 Remaining Level of Effort Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 99 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South Is G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A I M I J Jul A I S O N D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O N I D I J I F I M I A I M I J lul CLR-1C-214 Clearing 1C-214 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-06-22 14.3 ;IClear"ng;1C-21 ASY-1C-214 Tower Assembly 1C-214 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 35.1 :1 Tov�erAssetnbly 1C-214 SPT-1C-214 Spotting 1C-214 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-09-22 Aug-10-22 57.2 ;1 Spotting It-2i4 j FDN-1C-214 Foundations 1C-214 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-08-22 57.6 :1 Foundations It-214 ACC-1C-214 Access 1C-214 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-06-22 Aug-07-22 58.0 11 Access 1C-214 ERC-1C-214 Tower Erection 1C-214 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 75.3 ;I lower erection j 1t-214 1C-215 3 an 17-24 Jan'17F24,StrUctwrelC-215 REC-1C-215 Reclamation 1C-215 0.8 0.8 0% Jan-16-24 Jan-17-24 0.0 I ;Replamatipn iC 15j CLR-1C-215 Clearing 1C-215 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-03-22 Aug-04-22 14.3 jl Clearing;1CG215 ------- ----- -- -- - -- -- - ASY-1C-215 Tower Assembly 1C-215 1.2 1.2 0% Sep-07-22 Sep-08-22 35.1 I TovuerAssembly 1C 215 FDN-1C-215 Foundations 1C-215 0.9 0.9 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-07-22 57.2 ;I Foundations 1C-215 SPT-1C-215 Spotting 1C-215 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-07-22 Aug-09-22 57.2 I Spottin$ 1C-215 ACC-1C-215 Access 1C-215 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-06-22 58.0 ;1 Access JC-215 j ERC-1C-215 Tower Erection 1C-215 0.8 0.8 0% Sep-08-22 Sep-09-22 75.3 j 1 Tower 5rection j 1C-215 ---- ullWire-Conductor Stringing ;DeC-20-23,Pull Wire=Conductor Stringing PWC-1APSO47 Element AConductor Pull Number47(Str 1C-135 to 1C-149) 4.0 4.0 0% Nov-26-23 Nov-30-23 0.0 Elemont AConductor Pull Number 47( tr iC 135 to 1C-149)j PWC-1APSO49 Element AConductor Pull Number49(Str 1C-164 to 1C-180) 10.3 10.3 0% Jul-10-23 Jul-20-23 0.0 :1 Elemeht AlCohduetor;Pull NUmbhr 49(Str 1C-164 to 1C-180) PWC-1APS052 Element AConductor Pull Number 52(Str 1C-195 to 1C-203) 7.0 7.0 0% Dec-13-23 Dec-20-23 0.0 ;Elernent gConduFtor,Pull Nu,mbpr 5Z(Str 1C-1�5 tp 1C-203) PWC-1APS053 Element AConductor Pull Number 53(Str 1C-203 to 1C-211) 7.0 7.0 0% Dec-06 23 Dec 13-23 0.0 Element AConductor Pull;Number 53(StF 1G20�to 1G211) -1C-211to1C-215) PWC-1APS054 Element AConductor Pull Number 54(Str 1C-211 to 1C-215) 6.0 6.0 o% Nov-30-23 Dec-06-23 0.0 1 ElementlACgnductorPull Number,54 Str PWC-1APS001 Element AConductor Pull Number 1(Str 1A-001 to 1A-002) 4.0 4.0 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-10-23 0.1 j 1 tlenr ent At onouctor Pull Nurpber 1$tr to-001 to 1A-0,02) PWC-1APS002 Element AConductor Pull Number 2(Str 1A-002 to 1A-008) 5.0 5.0 0% Nov-01-23 Nov-06-23 0.1 1 EleMentlACbnductiorFull NuMbee2(Str 1A-002 to 1A-008) PWC-1APS003 Element AConductor Pull Number 3(Str 1A-008 to 1A-021) 4.0 4.0 0% Oct-28-23 Nov-01-23 0.1 j Element A Cpnductpr Pull Number (Sxr 1A-0Q8 tQ 1A-0�1) j PWC-1APS007 Element AConductor Pull Number 7(Str 1A-047 to 1A-061) 6.4 6.4 0% Nov-27-23 Dec-03-23 0.1 0 glement'AConductor Paull Number;7(Str 1A-047 do IA-061) ( ) o ---;-- - ---- ( -072 PWC-1APS008 Element AConductor Pull Number 8 Str 1A-061 to 1A-072 7.4 7.4 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-27-23 0.1 ■I Element AConductgr Pull Number 8 SCr 1A-0G1 to 1A ) PWC-1APS009 Element AConductor Pull Number 9(Str 1A-072 to 1A-089) 7.4 7.4 0% Nov-10-23 Nov-17-23 0.1 Elemerit ACoriduutor Pull Number 9 j(Strj1A 07 Ito;1A. . PWC-1APS010 Element AConductor Pull Number 10(Str 1A-089 to 14103) 5.0 5.0 0% Oct-21-23 Oct-26-23 0.1 1 Elemdnt ACohdtictdr PUII Number 10(Str 1A-089 to 1A 103) PWC-1APS011 Element AConductor Pull Number 11(Str 1A 103 to 1A-119) 12.0 12.0 0% Sep-23-23 Oct-05-23 0.1 E Iement;ACpnd,uctpr Pull Number,11 lStrjl{k�03 to to 19) PWC-1APS012 Element AConductor Pull Number 12(Str 1A-119 to 18-016) 13.0 13.0 0% Oct-05-23 Oct-18-23 0.1 j Elemerit AConductor Pull Number 12(Str 1A-119 to 1"1'6) PWC-1APSO40 Element AConductor Pull Number40(Str 1C-048 to 1C-060) 4.0 4.0 0% p- p (Str 1C-048 to 1C-060 ° Se 15 23 Se 19-23 0.1 1 ;Element A;Conductor,Pull Number 40(S ) PWC-1APSO46 Element AConductor Pull Number46(Str 1C-120 to 1C-135) 4.0 4.0 0% Nov-20-23 Nov-26-23 0.4 1', Element AConductor Pull Number 46( tr 1C 1j20 to 1C-1 5): PWC-1APS039 Element AConductor Pull Number 39(Str 1C-037 to 1C-048) 4.0 4.0 0% Sep-03-23 Sep-08-23 6.6 q Element AConductor Pull NuMbet 39;(Std 1CM7 to I1C-048) PWC-1APS006 Element AConductor Pull Number 6(Str 1A-042 to 1A-047) 6.4 6.4 0% Dec-03-23 Dec-09-23 9.2 II Viler ienit A�onductor Pull Number 6($tr to-042 ko IA-0;47)j PWC-1APSO45 Element AConductor Pull Number 45(Str 1C-112 to 1C-120) 4.0 4.0 0% Nov-07-23 Nov-11-23 9.4 j 1 'Element AConductor Pull;Nurnbe'r 45(Str 1G112 to IC,120) ( ) o g_ g -- ------ _ PWC-1APS038 Element AConductor Pull Number 38 Str 1C-025 to 1C-037 4.0 4.0 0% Au 25 23 Au 29-23 12.1 1 Element ACgndUctgr Poll Number 38(Str 1C-025 to 1C-037) PWC-1APSO44 Element AConductor Pull Number 44(Str 1C-100 to 1C-112) 4.0 4.0 0% Oct-31-23 Nov-04-23 12.4I IententjAConductor Paull Nunjber,44(Strj1C'100to IC-112) PWC-1APS037 Element AConductor Pull Number 37(Str 1C-014 to 1C-025) 4.0 4.0 0% Aug-14-23 Aug-18-23 18.6 1 EleMerlt AlCoriduCtorlPull Number 37(Str 1C-014 tb 1C-025) PWC-1APSO43 Element AConductor Pull Number43(Str 1C-087 to 1C-100) 4.0 4.0 0% Oct-20-23 Oct-24-23 18.8 0', Elpment AConductor Pull Number 43(�tr 7 C-007 t;o 1C-loo)j PWC-1APS004 Element AConductor Pull Number (Str 1A-021 to 1A-032) 9.0 9.0 0% Aug-08-23 Aug-17-23 21.0 j-- - ❑ Element ACoridudtor'Pull Number 4;(Str;1A b21 to 1A 032) --- -- -- ----- PWC-1APS005 Element AConductor Pull Number 5(Str 1A-032 to 1A-042) 9.0 9.0 0% Jul-30-23 Aug-08-23 21.0 ❑ Element AConductor Pull Number 5(Str 14-032 to 1A-042) PWC-1APSO48 Element AConductor Pull Number 48(Str 1C-149 to 1C-164) 10.0 10.0 0% Jul-20-23 Jul-30-23 21.0 ❑, Element A Conductor Pull Lumber 48(Str iC449!o 1C-1'64); PWC-1APS036 Element AConductor Pull Number 36(Str 113-234 to 1C-014) 7.0 7.0 0% Aug-04-23 Aug-11-23 22.0 ❑ Elerhent AConductor Pull Nurhbeir 36(Stt 16,234 to;1C,014) PWC-1APS015 Element AConductor Pull Number 15(Str 1B-033 to 113-035) 6.0 6.0 0% Aug-04-23 Aug-10-23 25.4 ❑ flerpen{AConductor Pull Number 15(Sty 1&033 to:113m5j) PWC-1APSO42 Element AConductor Pull Number42(Str 1C-075 to 1C-087) 4.0 4.0 0% Oct-09-23 Oct-13-23 26.1 :1 Element AConductor Pull'Number 42,(St'r 1G075 to 1G087) - AConduct ------- PWC-1APS050 Element AConductor Pull Number 50(Str 1C-180 to 1C-188) 4.0 4.0 0% Jun-05-23 Jun-08-23 30.0 1 Element or Pull Number 50(Str 1C18p to 1C 18$) PWC-1APS051 Element AConductor Pull Number 51(Str 1C-188 to 1C-195) 4.0 4.0 0% Jun-01-23 Jun-04-23 30.0 E lenient AConcuctor Pull Number 51 j(Str 1C 180 to iC 195j PWC-1APSO41 Element AConductor Pull Number 41(Str 1C-060 to 1C-075) 4.0 4.0 0% Sep-27-23 Oct-01-23 34.3 1 Element ACdndUctbr PUII Number4l(Str IC-0601to 1C-075) PWC-1APS013 Element AConductor Pull Number 13(Str 113-016 to 113-019) 1 6.0 1 6.0 1 0% 1 Aug-20-23 Aug-26-23 38.9 0 ElpmQnt AConductor Pull Number 13($tr IIB-016 fio l B-0j9)j Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 100 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South IS G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule M. ..�..,.,_ Activity ID DeviceName Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D I J F M A M J Jul A I S 1 O 1 N I D J F M A M J Jul I A I S 1 O 1 N I D J F M A M J lul PWC-1APS014 Element AConductor Pull Number 14(Str 1B-019 to 16-033) 6.0 6.0 0% Aug-14-23 Aug-20-23 38.9 p Elemept AConductor Pu I Number 14(Str 1 -0 9 to 1 -03;3) ; PWC-1APS016 Element AConductor Pull Number 16(Str 113-035 to 113-044) 18.6 18.6 0% Nov-15-22 Dec-06-22 39.1 E] ElementACbnductbr Pull Number'16;(Strl 16-035 to 16-044) PWC-1APS031 Element A Conductor Pull Number 31(Str 16-184to1B-193) 8.2 8.2 0% Dec-06-22 Dec-14-22 39.1 p IEler�edtAGorduoor:Pull:Nujnb�r3i(Str1�-18;4tg1q-19�) PWC-1APS032 Element AConductor Pull Number 32(Str 18-193 to 113-194) 8.2 8.2 0% Dec-14-22 Dec-22-22 39.1 0: Element AConductor Pull Number 32(Str 1;13-193 to 1B-194) PWC-1APS033 Element AConductor Pull Number 33(Str 113-194 to 113-209) 8.2 8.2 0% Dec-22-22 Jan-04-23 39.1 ❑ EleMent;ACpndluctor Pull Number.33I(StrI1B-194 to 113-209) PWC-1APS034 Element AConductor Pull Number 34(Str 18-209 to 1B-220) 8.2 8.2 0% Jan-04-23 Jan-12-23 39.1 - ;p ,dement A onductor full';Number 34(Sty 1B 203 to 1B 220) -- PWC-1APS035 Element AConductor Pull Number 35(Str 16-220 to 113-234) 8.2 8.2 0% Jan-12-23 Jan-21-23 39.1 ; 0 Eldmeht ACobduttoe.Pull Number 35(Str162 20 to 16-234); PWC-1APS017 Element AConductor Pull Number 17(Str 1B-044 to 16-058) 8.2 8.2 0% Nov-07-22 Nov-15-22 39.3 p ;ElernerKt ACorxduGtor',Puli Nuinbpr 17(Str 1�-044 tq 113,-050) PWC-1APS018 Element AConductor Pull Number 18(Str 1B-058 to 113-071) 8.2 8.2 0% Oct-24-22 Nov-01-22 45.2 q Element AUnductor PUII Number'18(Str YB-058;to 16-071) PWC-1APS019 Element AConductor Pull Number 19(Str 113-071 to 113-075) 8.2 8.2 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-24-22 45.2 p Element AConductor Pull Number 19(Str 1B-071 to 16-075) PWC-1APS028 Element AConductor Pull Number 28(Str 16-144 to 113-155) 8.0 8.0 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-16-22 45.2 j 0 j Elemerit ACoriduetor:Pull Number 29(Str 19-144 to 19-155) PWC-1APS030 Element AConductor Pull Number30(Str 113-169 to 113-184) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-06-22 Oct-08-22 45.2 :I Element A Cbnd uctor Pull NuMbet 3G(Str 1BA69 to11B-184) PWC-1APS022 Element AConductor Pull Number 22(Str 1B-075 to 113-089) 8.2 8.2 0% Oct-05-22 Oct-13-22 47.9 :0 IElernenx AConj ucxor pull',NumbQr 2�(Star 1i-07,5 tq 1B;.089) PWC-1APS029 Element AConductor Pull Number 29(Str 18-155 to 113-169) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-20-22 Sep-21-22 60.6 1: Element ACo6cluctor Pull Number 29(Str tiB-155 to 16-169) PWC-1APS027 Element AConductor Pull Number 27(Str 16-131 to 113-144) 6.0 6.0 0% Sep-02-22 Sep-09-22 71.4 p Element AConductor Pull Number 27(Str 18-131 to 16;144) PWC-1APS025 Element AConductor Pull Number 25(Str 113-110 to 16-122) 12.0 12.0 0% Aug-13-22 Aug-25-22 74.4 ❑ Element AConductor Pull Num�er 25($tr 1B-110 to 1B-1�2)j ( ) g- g ; Elem&nt ( --- -- PWC-1APS026 Element AConductor Pull Number 26 Str 1B-122 to 18-131 5.0 5.0 0% Au 25-22 Au 30-22 74.4 p ACdnddctdr Pull Number 26 Str 1B-122,to 1B-131) PWC-1APS024 Element AConductor Pull Number 24(Str 16-100 to 113-110) 2.5 2.5 0% Aug-01-22 Aug-04-22 83.4 ;I �lerr entA Cvnd�ctpr Pull ry uMber,24 JStrj1B-100 to 1B-110j PWC-1APS023 Element AConductor Pull Number 23(Str 113-089 to 16-100) 4.2 4.2 0% Jul-24-22 Jul-28-22 85.7 0 ElemEnt AConductor P611 Number 23(5tr 1B-089;to 1B-1'00) 46.0 4-22 Jan-02-24 Jan-02-2,4,OPGWWire Stringing OPGW 1APSO4 Element AOPGW Pull Number 4(Str 1A-033 to 1A-043) 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-30-23 Aug-31-23 0.0 J Element 4O�GW Py11 Number 4(Str 1A-03';3 t4 l44�) 0PGW-1APS42 Element AOPGW Pull Number 42(Str 1C-150 to 1C-165) 1.3 1.3 0% Aug_2 8-23 Aug_30-23 0.0 1 E�l ement AOPGW�PUIII Number 42(St r 1 C-150 to 1C-165) OPGW-1APS43 Element AQPGW Pull Number 43(Str 1C-165 to 1C-181) 14.4 14.4 0% Jul-20-23 Aug-28-23 0.0 , El�m,�nt AQPGW Pull Nymt er 43(�tr�C-165 t; 1G441) j 0PGW-1APS46 Element AQPGW Pull Number 46(Str 1C-196 to 1C-211) 1.7 1.7 0% Dec-20-23 Jan-02-24 0.0 Element AOPGW P611 Number 46(Str 1C-196 to 1C-2;11) 0PGW-1APS06 Element AOPGW Pull Number 6(Str 1A-047 to 1A-062) 1.3 1.3 0% Dec-03-23 Dec-04-23 0.1 11 21ement'AOPGW Pull Number 6(Str 1A-047 to 1A-06'2) 0PGW-1APS41 Element AOPGW Pull Number 41(Str 1C-136 to 1C-150) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-30-23 Dec-02-23 1.5 I Element 40PGW Pull Number 41( tr 1C 136 to 1;C 150)j OPGW lAPS07 Element AQPGW Pull Number 7 Str 1A-062 to 1A-073 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-27-23 Nov-29-23 3.2 I EILmdnt AOPGW Pull Number 7(Stl-1A-062 td 1A:073) 0PGW-1APS40 Element AQPGW Pull Number 40(Str 1C-121 to 1C-136) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-26-23 Nov-27-23 3.2 El�m(�nt AOPGW Pull Number 40(�tr�-C-1Z1 t; 1G-136)j 0PGW-1APS03 Element AOPGW Pull Number 3(Str 1A-022 to 1A-033) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-03-23 Sep-05-23 4.3 1 Element AQPGW Pull Number'3(Str 1A-022 to 1A-033) 0PGW-1APS14 Element AOPGW Pull Number 14(Str 113-034 to 16-036) 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-31-23 Sep-01-23 4.3 1 Qlement'AOPGW Pull Number 14(Str 113 Q34 to 16-036) OPGW lAPS31 Element AQPGW Pull Number 31(Str 1C-002 to 1C-015) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-01-23 Sep-03-23 4.3 I dement AOOG\V Pull Number�l$tr iC-002 to 1;C-015)j 0PGW-1APS32 Element AQPGW Pull Number 32(Str 1C-015 to 1C-026) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-05-23 Sep-06-23 4.3 11 Element AOPGW PUII Number'32(Str 1C-015;to 1C-026); 0PGW-1APS08 Element AOPGW Pull Number 8(Str 1A-073 to 1A-090) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-17-23 Nov-18-23 8.6 I I Elejnegt A',OPGW:Pu11',Nuinb�r 8(Strj1A-073,to i"90) 0PGW-1APS05 Element AOPGW Pull Number 5(Str 1A-043 to 1A-047) 1.7 1.7 0% Dec-09-23 Dec-11-23 9.2 1 �Iernent AOPGW pull Number,5($tr 1A-043 to 1A-047) 0PGW-1APS47 Element AOPGW Pull Number 47(Str 1C-211 to 1C-215) 1.3 1.3 0% Dec-06-23 Dec-07-23 11.0 I Element AQPGW Puull Nurrtber'47(Str IC-211;to 1C-215) 0PGW-1APS01 Element AOPGW Pull Number 1(Str 1A-001 to 1A-003) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-10-23 Nov 11-23 13.3 j 1 ;Element AOPGW I ull Nummber 1($tr 1A-001 to 1003)' '- I---I-- -- ---I--i- ;- Elerhent AOPGW Pull Nurhb er 39(Str1 1G113 to1C-1211) 0PGW-1APS39 Element AOPGW Pull Number 39(Str 1C-113 to 1C-121) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-11-23 Nov-12-23 13.3 1 I OPGW lAPS02 Element AQPGW Pull Number 2(Str 1A-003 to 1A-022) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-06-23 Nov-07-23 16.0 ;I lemenfi AQPGW Paull rylurrjberj2(SI 1A-0p3 to 1A-0. 0PGW-1APS38 Element AQPGW Pull Number 38(Str 1C-101 to 1C-113) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-04-23 Nov-05-23 16.6 j1 Element;AOPGW Pull Number38(Str IC-101'to 1C-113) 0PGW-1APS09 Element AOPGW Pull Number 9(Str 1A-090 to 1A-104) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-26-23 Oct-27-23 24.3 I. Element AOPGW Pull Number 9(Str 1A-090 to 1A;104) 0PGW-1APS37 Element AOPGW Pull Number 37(Str 1C-088 to 1C-101) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-24-23 Oct-26-23 24.3 I; Element AOPGW Pull Number 07(Str 1C-098 to 1C-1d1) OPGW lAPS11 Element AQPGW Pull Number 11(Str 16-002 to 113-017) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-18-23 Oct-19-23 29.7 j j j j j j j j j j j j j I 1(St 17)Element AQPGW Pull;Numbdr 1 .1B-002 to 1B 0 0PGW-1APS36 Element AQPGW Pull Number 36(Str 1C-076 to 1C-088) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-13-23 Oct-14-23 33.0 I ;ElemerX AOPCtW Pull Number 36;(Str 1CLO76 to',1C-08a) OPGW WS44 Element AOPGW Pull Number 44(Str 1C-181 to 1C-189) 1.3 1.3 0% Jun-09-23 Jun-10-23 39.0 I �Iernent AOPGW Full Number,44 j(Strj 1G181 to 7C-189) OPGW-1APS30 Element AOPGW Pull Number 30(Str 18-220 to 16-234) 1.3 1.3 0% Jan-21-23 Jan-22-23 39.1 1: Element ACPIGW,Pull Nulmbler 30(Str 16-220 to 16-234) OPGW-1APS10 Element AQPGW Pull Number 10(Str L4104 to 1B-002) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-05-23 Oct-06-23 40.0 ;1 IementjACrhGW Pull Numberjl0(Str 7/k�04 to 1B-002)j ' ; � - --- --i--;-- --�---i-- UIINumber'-- --i- - --- -- - --- -- - --�- OPG\M-1APS45 Element AQPGW Pull Number 45(Str 1C-189 to 1C-196) 1.3 1.3 0% Jun-05-23 Jun-06-23 41.7 11 Element AQPGW P 45(Str;1C-189to 1C-196) 0PGW-1APS35 Element AOPGW Pull Number 35(Str 1C-061 to 1C-076) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-01-23 Oct-02-23 42.5 Element j40PGW Pyll Num!?er 35($tr]C�i61 to 1,C-076)j Remaining Level of Effort [19=1 Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 101 of 102 May-10-22 00 PAC I F I CO R P Pacificorp: Gateway South IS G Element A-Aeolus to Little Snake 1 500kV Overall Project Schedule M. ..�..,.,_ Activity ID Device Name Original Remaining Actvity% Start Finish Total Float 2022 2023 2024 2025 Duration Duration Complete J F M A M I J Jul I A I S 1 O FN FD J F M 1 A M J Jul I A S 1 O 1 N I D J F I M A M J I Jul A S 1 O N I D I J I F I M A I M I J lul OPGVV-IAPS29 Element AOPGW Pull Number 29(Str 1B-209 to 16-220) 1.3 1.3 0% Jan-12-23 Jan-13-23 46.0 I 'Element AOPGW Pull umber 29(Str 1B-20 to 1B-.22 ) OPGVt�1APS27 Element AOPGW Pull Number 27(Str 1B 184 to 16-193) 1.3 1.3 0% Dec-14 22 Dec 16-22 46.9 1 Elerneht AQPGW PuII;Nurhbdr 27(Sth 16-18a td 16193) OPGVNFIAPS28 Element AOPGW Pull Number 28(Str IB-193 to 16-209) 1.3 1.3 0% Jan-04-23 Jan-05-23 52.9 jl blerrjent:AOPGW Pull Numberj28(Str 1B-i93 to IB-�09a -- -- --'-- --- --T--'----- ------------------- ------------- OPGWlAPS34 Element AOPGW Pull Number 34(Str 1C-049 to 1C-061) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-19-23 Sep-20-23 53.3 1; Element AOPCW'Pull Number 34(Str 1C-049 to 1C-061) OPGVIFIAPSI5 Element AOPGW Pull Number 15(Str IB-036 to 1B-045) 1.3 1.3 0% Dec-06-22 Dec-07-22 53.8 :1 Element AQPGW Pull Number115(Str;IB-036to 1B-045) OPGMAPS19 Element AOPGW Pull Number 19(Str IB-075 to 16-088) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-13-22 Oct-14-22 58.8 j I :Elernerit AQPGW dull Nurpbej 11 (Str 1B;O7S to,1B-08o) OPGV4-IAPSI2 Element AOPGW Pull Number 12(Str IB-017 to 16-020) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-08-23 Sep-09-23 61.9 I Elerhent AOPGW Pull NuMber 121(Str 16-017 to 16-020) OPGWlAPS13 Element AOPGW Pull Number 13(Str 16-020 to 113-034) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-06-23 Sep-08-23 61.9 11 filer Tent AQPGW PNII f unjber:13(Strj1B-020,to iB-q34� 0PGVIFIAPS33 Element AOPGW Pull Number 33(Str IC-026 to 1C-049) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-09-23 Sep-10-23 61.9 I t AQPGW pull Numben 33(Str;1C 026 to iC 049 OPG\MWS26 Element AOPGW Pull Number 26(Str IB-169 to 16-184) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-08-22 Oct-09-22 62.8 I Element AOPGW Pull Mumber,26(Strl1B;16�to 16184) OPGV4-IAPSI6 Element AOPGW Pull Number 16(Str IB-045 to 16-059) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-15-22 Nov 17-22 71.1 I j Element AQPGW Pull'Nurnber 16(St;r 19-045 to 113j059) 0PG\*1APS25 Element AOPGW Pull Number 25(Str 18-155 to 113-169) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-21-22 Sep-22-22 78.1 1: Eldmeht AOPGW Pull Number 25(Str 113-155 tb 113-169) 0PGVIFIAPSI7 Element AOPGW Pull Number 17(Str IB-059 to 113-072) 1.3 1.3 0% Nov-01-22 Nov-03-22 83.8 j �lem�nt�OpGW Pull Number�7($tr�B-059,to 7-B-072), OPG\MIAPS20 Element AOPGW Pull Number 20(Str IB-088 to 16-100) 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-04-22 Aug-05-22 85.7 I (Str 16-088 -------------------------------------- o Element�AOPGW PWII Number�20 '�,to 16-100), OPGVNFIAPS23 Element AOPGW Pull Number 23(Str IB-131 to 16-144) 1.3 1.3 0% Sep-09-22 Sep-10-22 89.0 I Element AQPGW Pull plumber,231(Str;1B-131 to 113-144) OPGIFIAPSI8 Element AOPGW Pull Number 18(Str 16-072 to 113-075) 1.3 1.3 0% 1 Oct-24-22 Oct-25-22 90.8 I j Elornot AOPGW Pull Number 1$(Str 113-0�2 to 19-01.5) 0PGVIFIAPS24 Element AOPGW Pull Number 24(Str IB-144 to 113-155) 1.3 1.3 0% Oct-16-22 Oct-17-22 95.0 I :Eletnerit AOPGW Pull:Nurhbdr 24(Stt 1B-144 t(J 1B:155) OPGV4-IAPS22 Element AOPGW Pull Number 22(Str IB-122 to 16-131) 1.3 1.3 0% Aug-30-22 Aug-31-22 96.6 j EMem�nt AOPGW Pyll Number�2($tr iB-122 ko 1B-1j 1): ----- ------ ----- --------- -- --- OPGWlAPS21 Element AOPGW Pull Number 21(Str 18-100 to 113-122) 3.1 3.1 0% Aug-25-22 Aug-28-22 98.5 Ij Elemdnt AOPGW Pu:II Number 21(Str 1.B-100 to 1B-122) T Line commissioning 80.6 80.6 Jan-02-24 Mar-23-24 M;ar-23 2R,T-;;LineCgmmissipnirlg Element A-(Aeolus to Me Snake) 148miles500kV 80.6 80.6 Jan-02-24 Mar-23-24 0.0 V-P--W. Mlar-23-24,Element A-(Aeolus to Litt leSnIle): 148milE TCA1000 Testing and Commissioning Support (Aeolus to Little Snake) 30.0 30.0 0% Jan-02-24 Feb-02-24 0.0 >♦ 1L-sting and CommiSsioningSupport (,Aeolus toLtttleSnaw): TCA1020 Environmental Restrictions 50.6 50.6 0% Feb-02-24 Mar-23-24 0.0 Environmental Restrictions Remaining Level of Effort O Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Mil... Element A Date Revision Checked Approved Actual Work Cdtical Remaining Work Vmmmm► Su... 102 of 102 May-10-22 00