HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240823PAC to Bayer 55-56.pdf RECEIVED Friday, August 23, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 August 23, 2024 Thomas J. Budge ti(&racineolson.com(C) Brian C. Collins bcollins(&consultbai.com Greg Meyer gmeyerkconsultbai.com Kevin Higgins khiggins(c�r�,energystrat.com(C) Neal Townsend ntownsendkenergystrat.com(C) RE: ID PAC-E-24-04 Bayer Set 3 (49-56) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to Bayer 3rd Set Data Requests 55-56. Also provided is Attachment Bayer 55. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at(801)220-2313. Sincerely, /s/ Mark Alder Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elokechohawk.com(C) Lance Kaufman/IIPA lance(&ae isg insi h�(C) Matthew Nykiel/ICL matthew.nykiel(&gmail.com Brad Heusinkveld/ICL bheusinkveld(&idahoconservation.org Ronald L. Williams/PIIC rwilliamskhawleytroxell.com Brandon Helgeson/PIIC bhel eg sonLhawleytroxell.com Bradley Mullins/PIIC brmullins(&mwanalytics.com Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner(&itafos.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk(&byui.edu Monica Barrios-Sanchez/IPUC monica.barriossanchez(a),puc.idaho.gov SecretM(a,puc.Idaho.gov PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 55 Bayer Data Request 55 New Test Year Transmission Projects Timeline and Costs: Reference PAC/1000/Vail/14/Table 1. Please refer to the transmission projects listed in Table 1 on p. 18 of RMP witness Richard A. Vail's direct testimony. Please provide the following information for each transmission project listed in the table. (a) A Gantt Chart showing the construction timeline and milestones. (b) Explain whether there was any delay at any stage of the construction and the reason for the delay. (c) For any project that has not yet been placed into service, please explain the impact(s) that would be caused by any delay in the planned in-service date. (d) Please indicate whether a CPCN was required and, if so, the docket number and date when was the CPCN granted for the project? (e) If the project construction is being performed by is contracted to a third parry, please provide the third party contractor name(s) and contract execution date(s). (f) If a project construction is being performed by is contracted to a third party, please explain whether there is a guaranteed maximum price in the contract. If yes, please provide the guaranteed maximum price for the project. If no, please explain why not. Response to Bayer Data Request 55 • Gateway South a) Please refer to Attachment BAYER 55-1 which includes the following attachments: ■ ALAeolus 230kV initial baseline schedule.pdf ■ A2.Aeolus500kv.Initial.Baseline.pdf ■ A3.LittleSnake.Initial.Baseline.pdf ■ A4.Coyote.Initial.Baseline.pdf ■ b.iii. GWS El A Approved Baseline Schedule 05.10.22.pdf ■ b.iii. GWSEI B Approved BL Schedule 5.16.22.pdf ■ b.iii. GWS EL CD Approved BL Schedule.pdf ■ c.v.1 GWWDI Tline BL App.pdf b) The overall project schedule for the transmission line was aligned with the baseline completion dates until early 2024. However, an unexpected archaeological discovery was made at the Little Snake compensation station, which connects power from Element A to Element B, linking PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 55 Elements C and D. Without this connection, it is impossible to complete any of the lines, as they are arranged in series. The discovery required PacifiCorp to implement an emergency shoofly design to partially connect the Little Snake shoofly to the main transmission line, allowing for energy flow and the continuation of line work on Elements B and C to D. Due to the extent of the shutdown, PacifiCorp extended the completion dates for each of the Gateway South Elements, as the delay was not caused by the contractor's work. Detailed schedule variance explanations are included in the attachments for the substations, which were affected by several key factors: 1) The Aeolus and Clover substations experienced transformer delivery delays due to manufacturing issues, necessitating schedule adjustments. 2) The Little Snake substation encountered a significant cultural find, severely delaying construction. In addition, supply chain issues at several sites delayed various equipment and materials, impacting the original sequence. PacifiCorp and its contractor have implemented several mitigation measures, including engineering workarounds and schedule re-sequencing, to ensure the project is energized in 2024. c) Delay in construction of the Gateway South, Gateway West Segment D.1, EV2024 Network Upgrades, Anticline 345 kV Phase Shifter and Gateway South Supporting Projects results in inability to interconnect the needed cost effective resources to serve PacifiCorp network loads. The projects listed above allows for interconnection of up to 2,030 MW of new cost effective resources in eastern Wyoming which currently has only one way out of Wyoming and stresses the existing Jim Bridger West 345 kV path into Southeast Idaho. The addition of the Gateway South line unloads these 345 kV lines as well as the stress on the underlying 138 kV transmission system and enhances the reliability of Customers in southeast Idaho and Goshen area as well as other Customer's in Idaho. Delay in construction of the Gateway South line will also result in the inability to provide the required transmission service for a point-to-point transmission service request as per PacifiCorp's OATT requirements. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was required in Wyoming. Wyoming Docket Number: 20000-588-EN-20, May 10, 2022. A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was required in Utah. Utah Docket Number: 21-035-54, April 08, 2022. e) The contractor for transmission line construction is performed by Quanta Infrastructure Solutions Group. Substation construction is performed by Cache Valley Electric. Contract execution dates for the transmission line and substation contractors are January 26, 2022, and September 22, 2022, respectively. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 55 • Gateway West D.1 a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-2 which includes the following attachmentc.v.I GWWDI Tline BL App.pdf. b) The project has been re-sequenced from the original baseline due to various factors, including unexpected environmental and access constraints, climatic conditions, supply chain delays and resultant productivity challenges. PacifiCorp and its contractor have implemented several mitigations, engineering workarounds and schedule resequencing processes to ensure the project will be energized by the end of 2024, meeting the required deadlines for additional wind farm generation connections. c) Please refer to the explanation provided in section Gateway South above. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was required in Wyoming. Wyoming Docket Number: 20000—588-EN-20, May 10, 2022. A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was required in Utah. Utah Docket Number: 21-035-54, April 08, 2022. e) The contractor for transmission line construction is performed by Forbes Bros. Substation construction is performed by Great Southwestern Construction Inc. Contract execution dates for the transmission line and substation contractors are July 20, 2022, and February 2, 2023, respectively. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • EV2024 Network Upgrades As indicated in the testimony provided by Richard A Vail, the Energy Vision 2024 Generation Interconnection Network Upgrade project consists of five generation interconnection projects. These projects are included below: • Q0409 Boswell Springs Wind a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-3 which includes the following attachment Boswell project schedule.pdf. b) Construction is in progress and no delays have occurred to date. c) A delay to the in-service date would result in a delay in back-feeding power to the interconnection customer's facilities. d) A CPCN was not required e) The contractor for construction is RC Hunt Electric. The contract execution date is May 21, 2024. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 55 based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • Q0713 Cedar Springs IV Wind a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-4 which includes the following attachment Cedar Springs Preliminary Schedule.pdf. b) Foundation installation is currently delayed for two to four weeks. This delay is due to a renegotiation of property purchase with the landowner. The project does remain on track for completion in 2024. c) A delay to the in-service date would result in a delay in back-feeding power to the interconnection customer's facilities. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was not required. e) The contractor is Great Southwestern Construction Inc. The release was executed June 24, 2024. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • Q0785 Anticline Wind a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-5 which includes the following attachment RMP Anticline Wind Project—Progress Schedudle.pdf.. b) Construction is in progress and no delays have occurred to date. c) A delay to the in-service date would result in a delay in back-feeding power to the interconnection customer's facilities. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was not required. e) The contractor is Summit Line Construction, and the contract was executed on June 25, 2024. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • Q0835 Rock Creek Wind 1 and Q0836 Rock Creek Wind 2 a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-6 which includes the following attachment Rock Creek I and II Schedule.pdf.. b) The Rock Creek I Foote Creek substation interconnect construction is delayed due to the long lead time of the materials but remains on track for completion in 2024. Rock Creek Wind II is on schedule with no current delays. c) A delay to the in-service date would result in a delay in back-feeding power to the interconnection customer's facilities. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was not required. e) The contractor for transmission line construction for both Rock Creek I and II is PAR Electrical Contractors. The release was executed May PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 55 6, 2024. The contractor for the substation construction for both Rock Creek I and II is Cache Valley Electric. The release was executed September 19, 2022. At the Rock Creek I Foote Creek substation Power Engineers is the construction contractor. The release was executed May 2, 2024. Rock Creek II is also utilizing Power Engineers as a contractor and this contract was executed on December 22, 2023. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • Gateway Supporting Projects a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-7 which includes the following attachment PAC—Riverton Preliminary Baseline Schedule.pdf.. b) The Riverton shunt capacitor construction activities have only recently commenced; as such, the schedule remains on track with no significant deviations from the baseline. The Mustang shunt capacitor has experienced delays due to environmental and access constraints. This project will begin on July 15, 2025, and will be energized in October 2025. c) Please refer to the explanation provided in section Gateway South above. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was not required. e) The construction contractor is Great Southwestern Construction Inc. The contract was executed May 30, 2024. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • Path C Transmission a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-8 which includes the following attachment 002-Construction_Schedule.pdf. b) The Bridgerland substation transformer experienced delays and was delivered later than planned. c) The project is in-service. If the construction was delayed it may result in extending the N-2 reliability issues on the parallel 138 kV system around Bridgerland that were identified as part of an NERC FAC-013 Assessment of Transfer Capability across transmission path known as "Path C". Delay in construction of this Project also delays the improvement in the reliability of the 138 kV system that runs parallel to the Path C. The Project improves the load service in the Bridgerland area under normal and outage conditions. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was not required. e) Sturgeon Electric is the construction contractor, and the release was executed September 2022. PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 55 f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • Oquirrh to Terminal a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-9 which includes the following attachment o-T TMET-2009-C-001 Schedule 080924.pdf.. b) No notable delays in the project schedule which remains on track for completion in 2024. c) The delay in construction of the Oquirrh—Terminal 345 kV line will result in the continuation of the transmission constraints that exist between the Mona area and Wasatch Front. The delay in this Project result in delay of increasing the capacity across the Wasatch Front cutplane which is used to transmit resources from southern Utah to Wasatch Front. The Project also alleviates system reliability issues (thermal overloads) under outage conditions which otherwise could potentially result in shedding of approximately 1,350 MW of load under outage conditions. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was not required. e) Construction services are provided by EC Source. The contract execution date was May 6, 2024. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is a fixed firm lump sum approach based on a defined scope, providing pricing certainty and allowing PacifiCorp full control over allocated risk funds. • Anticline Phase Shifter a) Please refer to Attachment Bayer 55-10 which includes the following attachment Anticline Baseline Schedule.pdf.. b) The project sequence responded to several challenges driven by supply chain issues, which led to actual-versus-baseline schedule differences. However, with re-sequencing and collaborative efforts by PacifiCorp and the contractor, the project will be energized on schedule and the original contract final completion date will be attained. c) The project remains on schedule to be placed in-service before the end of 2024. Please refer to the explanation provided in section Gateway South above. d) A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was required. Wyoming Docket Number: 20000—588-EN-20, May 10, 2022. A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity was required in Utah. Utah Docket Number: 21-035-54, April 08, 2022. e) The construction contractor is Quanta Infrastructure Solutions Group, and the contract was executed March 3, 2023. f) PacifiCorp does not use a guaranteed maximum price strategy. The most common pricing strategy is to use a fixed firm lump sum price approach PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 55 based on a defined scope,providing a certainty in pricing and full control of allocated risk funds by PacifiCorp. Recordholder: Brandon Smith Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power August 23, 2024 Bayer Data Request 56 Bayer Data Request 56 New Test Year Transmission Projects Timeline and Costs: Reference PAC/1000/Vail/14/Table 1. Please refer to the transmission projects listed in Table 1 on p. 18 of RMP witness Richard A. Vail's direct testimony. Please provide the following information for each transmission project listed in the table. (a) A Gantt Chart showing the construction timeline and milestones. (b) Explain whether there was any delay at any stage of the construction and the reason for the delay. (c) For any project that has not yet been placed into service, please explain the impact(s) that would be caused by any delay in the planned in-service date. (d) Please indicate whether a CPCN was required and, if so, the docket number and date when was the CPCN granted for the project? (e) If the project construction is being performed by is contracted to a third parry, please provide the third party contractor name(s) and contract execution date(s). (f) If a project construction is being performed by is contracted to a third party, please explain whether there is a guaranteed maximum price in the contract. If yes, please provide the guaranteed maximum price for the project. If no, please explain why not. Response to Bayer Data Request 56 Please refer to the Company's response to Data Request Bayer 55. Recordholder: Brandon Smith Sponsor: To Be Determined