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CURVE TABLE 1 3->:1 PER V V ®OD CROSSING G SUB � VI`SION Line No. LINE SABLE Distant DIVISION NO. 3 L1 544"51*2" 2JL? Curve No. Delta Radius An L2 N4*W5M 912 P' CI 01°lifl0' 4220.00'W 9os4• C.L.ROAD CHORDS L3 SOMOS58"E 20-W 01.0 1- ,22D.ar 9436 JEFFERSON COUNTY IDAHO L4 N49.3754"W 28.1IV C3 01"01.11" 4_OW 96.9T '1 Line NO. Bearing Distance LS S39°1911'W 27.87' Ci 0I'WOO' 4=0.00' 73.3ar6F LOCATED IN THE SE I/4 OF SECTION 36,T4N R38E,B.M. C66 NOrIl'43"W 2d.go' L6 N45-0"5lrW' 65.W CS 01"00'00" J_''0.00' �J.6r NOTES: C71 N°5°4D'.1±"W 1311.8R' L7 NgrSI'02'E 20.0°• C6 n0^Ifi'IS' T_20.ar ±OAS' NOTE I:This Subdivison falls onside the 500 flood Plain as C72 NOl°192g"E 357.3?' 1.8 N3wi5'S9"E 21.29, L7 19"00'00' 4250.Oo' 14093. year (7t1 NO0"33V2"W 4R7,4R' L9 N18.180I'W ?9.01' Ce at"10'n0• 42Aa.ar $7.15' FIRMMop No.1605TC0375 B. CR8 NOl'I1'S8'E 197.2J' LIO S89.29'I4.1V 9.01, C9 DI°Isgp- 4'_90.Oo' 9335' NOTE 2:The Basis of Bearing wm obtained from Idaho Tmnspunation ncs-ol RecoNMS-e I C92 N04°4425'E 1±521' LII 589`29'16'W 30.18' CIO 01"1604' 42R0.00' IV NOT y ttai,Sula i,ion 89,o C41 N93^_I'Sg'E 19TIT Ll2 N69°31'S2•E 30.00' C11 !00°I6'04' 42PO.ar 20A0 NOTE 3:The im.ded use of this SttMliaisi,m is for Hesidmtial Single C33 NR2'JI'S8'E 1R8.ifi' L13 N36'S92U'w 27.31' CR 017V00' 42R(1,00' 112.05' ramil)Dwelling Units. C32 siRA"7811Z"E 658.U9 CIS 01'±5'S3' J280.ar 106.92' NOTE4:All lotsmbexrved by Cemral W.c,-dSew. r""i 1 - - Lli N52°33'09"E 29.W C27 NJrl 1'30"E ±27.SS' LIS N89°51'02'E W.ar CI4 01.15'00" 4280.00 93 tB -_-- - _ f I_" t C4R N°2`4k)0•'ty 4±6.93' L16 N89'°JI'SYE 20.00 C75 01°IV00" 428aA9 37.15' _ t C56 N?2°21.03•E 114.60 C16 01'woo' 42" 74.70 L17 S37°3621•W 27.79' 1 C57 N6,21t12"E IId,gO c17 %'01.15- Iw9.o2• la6.o� BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION �,� LIB S52.16ro6•E 28.62• A Parcel of lam)Situated in Jeff-,C' Slmcof Idaho.I-W.i 4 Numb,RIm 38 F n ofthe Boise 4.' C7 S89.33'02"E 1402.90 L14 Naa-OrSP'W 10.52' CIS 08.54'W" 1039.02' 161A2' n"'ay' P - - ) cis NW36UM3V 161 fy C19 04030*00" 1069-02, 33.W M.idian.Section 36.Mors Pankularl)Described as F.Reays:Beginning at the Southexa C'stmer of Section L20 NOVOMSS'W IO.W C20 W-24'04' 106u.02' ffi.12 36.Township 4 Noah.Range 38 East.B.M. _ woos.*_ _ .-j•• C23 NW°36'°0'LV 161.25' L21 mtr o$rss.W I0,80 C'1 04"50'al' Itl(N.02' 85.12' Thence NOD°0359'W along the Fast line of Senior 36 fo a Distance of 1555.60 fen o the True Poim of /- a2 w'oi•IN^ 1009.0±• 71 bt. Beginning , SURVEYOR LAND DEVELOPER C73 ,6 14•W^ 1039,02 161 A2' Thence Sg9'±91 S•W for a IYL--e 91 195.00 f t: '/' 9 Kevin L.Thompson,P.L.S. it.B- C24 u6"I5'1 r I069.02 116.70, Theme Sa0"ORSR'E f a Dismrce of 215_50 feel to Ilse Northwest Corner of Lot 1.Black 5 of y/''� �� 215 ranuwonh W'ay 3S94 East 2W NotA C 2 5 2vWOv I SO.ar Peppmrod Gosling SuWa istoa Divis4m No.I,Jeff on Cuuntp.Iddo.62.93' ?i' Rigby.ID.83442 Rigby,East 83442 0O.N C_6 1P°40 2 56• 180.00' 53.69, Thence S89"9 ab 19•W ng the N-h Li-of said Suhdisisinn for a Distance of 17811.82 fah m llle "•'---- -- - '"-- -_""--i',• (108)74W"l 1?09)145-7979 C27 46°4U56" 150,00' 23935, Northwest Comer ofPcpperwwd Crossing Subdivision Divimn No.2: ) C28 nl`32'4V 120M. 191.7T Project).tc:alion C29 07"OS'IO^ 120-W 14.11. I Qaler($S•W' forao36. of1321.62 fcctmlhe NonAline ofdc•Nonh HanlN i)of[hc South 1 C30 al"56'01r^ Fast Qtuner lSE'/.)af section 36. 67o.ar 9oA9 WATER RIGHTS STATEMENT C31 (W36'00' 2670.ar 27.96• r-t Li a of S l'S2"E along said North Line of id Nnvlh Half IN%)i r a Uemrce of 7963.67 fah to the East Line of Section 36: Cl2 14"fq'00' '700,ar 659.IT - Cmm�y Lax Read ._I Water righm and assrssmem obligations ray n C73 M`W'00' ±?09'W.00` IS830' TI ce S00°08'3rE along said Lass line f a Distance of 1084.60 fah to the True Pxim of Beginning, 1- -._., ga iota are apsa mart to the lands inclWee Containing 58.58 Acres More or Less. � eo�'�'wt5� within this plaL l74 01°35'00' 2130.ar 75.44' S- C35 01°55.00• 2730.110' 91,32' L:w (10-5111" 2TJo.ar 20.W VICINITY MAP C37 Ol°soao• 2rO.ar 873s' (NO Scale) RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Leg 01'a6'5R- 273a.ar 77.ar PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE C39 02"5T44' 273U.ar 14121• I Hereby Certif ten the Forgoing Pen or,he PEPPERWOOD CROSSING C40 w°hoar I9MW N3.65' Unties shall have hcri Ito innau.maintain amo aefie e y TREASURER'S AND ASSESSORS CERTIFICATE C41 05.40Y10• 200D.00 147 Say within per quipmrnt above awl may cce and all I'm! ISION. Divistm No.J. Jeff Cdlnly. ffic- was Filed G2 0?'^_0'00• 2030.ar 82.6T deerrelated prtoi inwithinthe ices within C•ern¢ he1identified on Wthispadmap may Ise necessaryo fw '8 n 1h off� of ate Recorder for Jefferson Coemn ,m dcsin a in h 11-iling wilily the within adwi1119l,the ids ide into heftsdi including dtc rightm we,the Uingresicd County Treasurerper the Counry Asses a C flare County li Jefferson, Stale of 'hi, Day of�2007.a1 1n•7C C44 01'0V0°' 4631.54• $4.14' s msuch fxililie Gael the right oreyuir<tsmnvxl of any oMtrtx7kminclurling stnNturew bars and IdaM,hoving reviewed this Plots Per the Requirements of Idaho Cale S(a130JC do Hereby Cerlif that all 'tt4h_-.3� C43 01`0227' 4631-14' 200t, xs etelion Ilut ma be placed within the PIJG The utility ma the Id owner to remove all Nnctures C uray lases far ale Pm ny shown and described on IN,Plat as being S)div'nle 1.am Current. �J 1 �A Cd5 ar'14.31' i67134' _DAI' .it > P ac y requirepe rg.u { `( C46 0"743' 4631 N' 77.76' .it in the PLIE al the Id mtnets apnue.AI nu tine may any Ill, R)cm th u t us,be Phased x ithin the Iminrm a,Number: C47 a0'JT.r g631 S1' 36.9K PUE or any other obstruction which iderfem with the use of the Pl1E without ate prhx wrinen approval - $g 33�tna "�'���..��tL�/11 // p C48 OS°19'04• 4601.54: 417.08' or list radities with facilities in the PILE. .leJ.� 43At r)RI'O4N3/F]+Jn00 IDPQ�S.>7&4&Ll Q�'aj7 JeBe-Caamry itexdrr.� nZ. C49 01"±6'39' 4571.SJ' 1 I533' idle n County Ass. Parcel Number Comes Trcasvrcr Da1c C30 01`0731 4571.54' 93.(12' C51 OWIS'03• 4571 v -0.01, HEALTH DEPARTMENTCERTIFICATE Cs2 OVOTOO• 4571.54' 79.79 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY APPROVAL C34 10°50'00• 4120"• 66.J9 71.11C. etY Certify Ihot Jte Sanitary ResVicuom R,11hel by Idaho C,elc Title 11.Cl,,,-11.bass ham Visfed The ForegoingFinal Plan was Duly Ace C55 11.11 . 120.00' _%55' 111.11.l�m the DEQ 4Ppmvnl of the deign Plmw and spe.f tire and the conditions impoeed am the deselnp.far egcd and AP W by lefkrson CSS PO°OODO' I±0.00' 16755' .maasod saw ion ofmnimryrenral-Buyer ucmaLme flawtherinc olfhu approval,nu dunking wm. KNOWN ALL A4F.N flV THESE PRESENFS:11W I Ilte uaA»igra 1,:ore the Ow7mr ml'the Tract of County.Olahu,by Rasolwirat.4doq d Ihis r)Day of C56 44"W5r 1.10.00• I I7.8I' ur xew..'.ep1ic facslain w.e coe4mctd.Bwldmg cvn tmninn can be al4wved wish aPmnPdntc buadw is Laad Included within the Boundary Description Shown Hereon and lane catered s,same m be Planed ts.d✓ _(t� C57 JS°00'00' I50.00, 117Ji1' irdnakmt ureter or x..a.facial-have since here cuss-,al or,f,h,dcvca, g N 1 into Blacks.Lots,and Streets Io lc hercafer known.be PEPPERWOOD CROSSING SUBDIVISION, n �}- pc:di stm.f DEudv,:cam atng Division No.3.Jefferson Counry.Idaho:red 1 do hereby dedicate to lhe Public all streets and C38 li'OVIq' ISO 43.95 0atsc ri ow are.If des skvekp.fails a canter fide Ti..roch the oho coon sonu,.f DER mnn omeas Ri .f--W' h heremn.Tc Easena7tts,lawn hereon me net dedicwed to the blic but the ri•1R C60 09°0920' 1N.00 25.76 .17.1y om ve in fmx,in acca,l doow h Idaho Code Title 50,Chou.l7,section and mcxmtnxnrn gM aysass own pu b many mrsatoner Chairman C61 A9'41'12' 2a.ar 3131' ofany building nr ahei:n rcquinng dr:nk:ng svm.mava.'sciaie facilid.Shallbe alkw.cd t91e5e said fuumcnts arc herclw perlctwlly rexevd Wr Public Utilifioorfxam nOter uv:dus r, ed 9n C61 SD`00.00• 60.017 S236' the Pau.1 ales Ceniry ate the Lots Shown nn this Ptz will lc Screed by a Central Wm.S)stam. C62 .2°001)0" ,-W0W0, 73A0 / C64 29w9v4• SOZ 30AS �J ,M1 _ n og In W;ttwxs Wh¢rcpf dte Undersigned Have only Signed this Crnifeme this_9 ra' Day M PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION C64 23°0920" IAO.ar T±.75' -J/j-(/i�rti/t CJr••F•vi-II( C65 W 4516- 2000.W ±RJaY r E.H.S.No.242 oat SRP ra.,•61r/t .:OIJ$ I.Foregoing Final Plat Ims been Approved by Ne Jeff-('-Is c66 oo°iz^s" 2ooD.00• ±iJ)0' C67 OW36.49^ I970.°a ;IAA* I`lanniagand Zoning Commission C69 07�5110' 20J0.ar 67.91' Is ark Dowell.morn Pm terries L.L.C. -t/f�•.1A A C70 0__ra0' 20J0.ar 87.17 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /.•, .4L 4 l Ln.r•`- C'70 02°15'00' 2030.ar 79.72' l'llat an le C71 0345U0' 2000 130.90 I.Kevin L.Thompson,a RegL.k W Professional Land Surveyor in tic Gee of Idaho,do Hereby Certify that CT 10°IS•00' 20Do.ar a57.79 the-,,cy ofihi,subdivision designated as he PEPPERWOOD CROSSING SUBDIVISION.Division 1 mud' fanny'nc htcmher C73 02�1757" 1970.00' M,05• No.3.Jefferson County.Idaho,sans made by me or aria my direction,and hem said sutdivisinn is ouly C74 02_IT4r I Ina-W So.67 Ind 1 and PI THOMPSON ENGINEERING,INC. C75 02'^_V00' 1970,ar 801 M'.aw ern g L76i o•too" ' i �W io:� �056 ACKNOWLEDGMENT CONSULTING ENGINEERS C-79 01°IOW' 2030:00' 4134' RIGBY,IDAHO 83442 C79 0)OOW' 2030.ar 106.v9staleurhaaholL•BD 02NOIDID• 2030A0' WAS, p - -/9-o cmmay mricrr,m,) 9S. C81 14°ar00' 20DO.ar 488.69 N r P.L.S.Lieense No.10. Nate CS_'' D24a-OD- 197D.a0 91.1, fill j1T �.o= FINAL PLAT CYl 0-*'35'00• I97U.00 8S.R2' Z'j FOF C,Q9 Onmis 97'V IAty of�/i�6'°+sl ,in the Year n121st1�before me C84 (W45'00' 1970.W 25 79' 'v 1. TIM' K6✓2 nL.T/M.OS*W ,Ikndmlly ApKamd JIM BERNARD.Known 9r Id.nifN m me to 1 the LOCATED IN THE SE V4 OF SECTION 36,TOWNSHIP 4 cis U5'30'OD' 679.±7' 65.11• maruging member or Landmark Deve)oplamm Propenic,L.LC.,ssitose nannes ate s.bacrihcd m the wilhin C96 OT'00'OD' 079.±T 32, lntammcal,and Acknowledged to me that they c.ccuk d the sane NORTH,RANGE 38 EAST,JEFFERSON COUNTY,IDAHO C87 Us100'00" 6782T 39,19, EXAMINING SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE see 7'30roo' 618.7 vP.Do Project Name: Jim Bernard C89 12'4221' 6182T 137.11' 1 Hereby'Cenify flea I eve Esanined this Sandi-wa Plat nrd find al..to Analytically Command .-y l Job Number: 2004-53 C" 02`30*00' 6s9.52, ?6.76 S Notary I'uhlk: ✓r__' =1 J3+- Scale Accepmbk as Required in Section 50-130.5 ofthe Idaho Sraae Code. KEVINtiHO/LPION �r CoGo File: Bef7)aJd]im(CnryROed) N/A C91 OT'S5'06' 689.5Y 91.15' E Notary Pu6tc C'92 l0J•06" 68932- 1.538' A Sim.oflaaho Sly(:,mmiss:mENtirec �e-2)-ZC/y C94 Ill111' 719.52' 67.I5' 07 L Date March 19,2007 C94 01°Ss'06' s_U30.ar 67.9T DcnnisL.Jon9-s 4 P.LS.Lk-No.'W Dam Survevor K.L.T. Sheet Of Drawn By: J.W.T. 1 2 ACREAGE LEGEND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE FINAL PLAT Total Subdivision----58.58 Acres 0 St,518"X 30"Iron Rod Wislaslic Cap No.1 U56J 135 Tmn1 Loss-------46.R8 Acres 0 Se1 IR"X 24"irm Rod WIPlaStic Cap No.10563 I.Kevin L.Thompson,a XtBisstred Pmfmi,"f pnd Swveyor in the Stet of Idaho. LOCATED IN THE SE 114 OF SECTION 36,TOWNSHIP 4 5 Common Lots----- 2.51 Aerna 0 Found 5/9'X 10•Iron Rod W inslie Cpp N.A050 do Heseby Cenify fiat the interim mmumen0 f Ink Alas,de g.n ted as PEPPP.MOOD NORTIL RANGE 38 EAST.JEFFTRSON COUNTY,TOM 1 rhdimurd Covniy Rowl---t 1.70 Acme 0 Fotmd 1/2'X 24"Iron Rod WIPlnssic C p Ne.10563 CROSSING SUBDIVISION,Dh�61Ua Na.3,Je l County.Idaho,will be so in Is Adjaccm Property Line aocordmta with Seclion 50-1303,Jdaho Codc,on or belle October 1.2010. a gg - Project Name: Jim Bernard THOMPSON ENGINEERING,INC. 12'Wiliy Ememmt llnles.°Nmai Ot1wmist LU :3 Job Ntamb- 2004.53 TECONSULTINGENGINEERS dI 5oa1U 187 COGo Pile: DemOdlim(G7tyRoadl RIGBY,IDAH083442 NOTES: + "b 1•�laa NOTEI:This Subdivision fells outside the 500year IOwd n,TPlainuper DLpnMap No.16U51C1650C, t Date March 19,2007 NOTE": No Buis of Beoring wsu nMailxd fmm 7dahn Tm cpodpsi+n Deponemem 0.ennl of Survey -'{ �7_J2-e 9 Of NOTES:lospoVa" No.i-nde, e, I DraSLKVCwn K.L.T, jh- 7 NOTE3:All 'ss1.bnu>eof Nis Subdivision'sI'a Raidsadui Single Family OsscllinN Units. ¢"yT Cp P.LS.I.icenst Ka.1D56) l7Dle Dras371 9y' J.W.T. NOTE 4:All loss to be served by CemrDl tauter and � Dcw1,A" 0 100 200 30D North Line M L. T1i See Detail"A" ® Graphic Scale s0uda ut Qnygr r'1W93J32'El963.67'IRI41' / L12 12 I1d.7S 38.W 86.00' BF.00' SR.W' 88.OV R8.00' "'w 85,00' RS.W tlS.OD' SS.W' SS.IV eS.W asw 104.49' 170.D: 4a In an O C D�Easemei 30'(3}lnn_, � U26 ns. `¢' 3 Q $ $175.79' '� 6'6.3T{ u2 A°i 0.t3 Aa O © O m ® © Sc © .ze © .^ a zukL- C �• 0.3J 'c 0303]ne p "nap Ac.m ae U3'Ar.s. - t= -03T Ae. U Ae.a -O]6 Ae�alsabID2„w CI... <. p P •,�[ Z z ��A i, o3onc o31 At. Ili._aG•"$� _ - .'C7 _CI o O J4S 8 Cs P7. ,21,p �yCA CJ- .CI ...._ ..� C .(;......_ _.Cq Cq G1 C4 `��_RZ5 163.66 �® LaI \z Util1w OR C9.. (, 1 C16 {4 zasl ne. O 3 C9. C73e• Enxtnem 3 eta UnfityN89°1I'I '' 6� C13'60 eiD.... el" elz.. . c12 S a F�ement uq16149' r Y_ 3 `3 'g „� a ^'LLT ® Lu.34 Ae Q0©e. © y ® a• '^ ® iJ+ ,9, ® © ® 9u '6 ® Y $, vp3© c. W i -U.17 Rc.° - ten 0.r A,. n3J n.. 1 -U31 Ac. U 71 Ar '¢� 037 AC '-•. 4.7.At. -a31 r1c $ - S89°Q'49� c!' ® 'z g •'p� =p75 At°.d n.:R At.'�-' D37 M. $ o.3±nc •�, r: •� 7 x C 5719`5G'37"p m `l �r 105911' 34.93'53,32' z z z %T 145.a2' LL /°� 170.06' 8S.W go- 92.Oa IOO.OV 92.W 9t.d9 619•Slo:'w Ir+.us'1a1p71R+'h'n2.o7 aW`aM9 t11.91 O.7t•ar�v ma.US' 92SY $9.90, 100Aa a I--J F s SR8°3733'W]?9A3' NR:'9V)Ily,alit 60W sDvslnz"w r7.ar SN l°31'02'W S39°5I'02'W 589°31'OTW 87.15• 89.OU• A9,OC 89.OV 38_W 589`Slro2'W 584°51'02"W' S89°51'D2•W ! o31 Ae M r D x ®c I ® $ r< ® P 'f f 9.© B R L 3 O 3 C 3 K 3 3 g :l N�°51 D2 E NFS°15'10"C o3o ne. 8 �JA.9�6 o,i]Ae. Ya ® _ ''S ® $ S, $ a $ - �I$ 14<AO' n _ r5�, z 1'R.51' Stl8%8'49'F. % 9.4U,3e. 1.+ -0.31 At. a 0.7®s. p® e� n© o ® E v' ® a `c9' P '" ® 'n ® e ® w ® - I'.4i' o 1 77 Q1-�. 1 133.3T C62 x c - '` x; - `8 193u.u.a =93unt8 -o3p A<g �O.r Ar.� =a3e A°.� -9.3o ne. -- 6.n n..e1 x Oj M t�l Z I,,,, Oq `� ' ® z c 4 z z Z x z 7 z o31 n.. 8 �j f-�C> Ola nc. a Oj i3 0 kIAc Ca•� CUa B6.76' 92.W 9149' L7 87,1S- A9.W WOO` 89jwr � 8R_W� WAS'�� RS.W 80.W105pV �/ m F J y NA8'47ro7"E 0.31.4 8 :L -�P' )J' "•60' C 589'S1V2'Mr SBU'31'02'W' iS S89°51ro2"W i4 IR3.06' N88"3434"E 589°08'411' �C�- {1-•--,QQ•-"""•-•^•'--^•---_____���_______-_- Q r1aSi' -_� 214 W cl' a 00 ® . 1 1 131.01' 3 ]20.73' _..._ �_-_--- _ 5 Z^ w]Ac V , qQ © g $C1 ® Cgi. g �'y 6a.'J6' w4.W `'. Io2RW L7 102sa Im_sa- $ -15sao• �� .�. 1^.'J.00•....3 Iz m 569•DT3]"E LI 031 Ac _ O.I.At J O =_ cast... a.n+<s ISS.7a I n '�/ ar 3 _ $ o.® I e o®a. 8 0 s I •� E rn N89'1F:5"6 U 0.71 Ae. i - 6 a _h U31Ae T k N 1 N83°5332' S I NB9.51'02"$ a s z e ='• + 3 t Z 0-12 A. - ,A..,//t" ].4.2a ? S8V45'0OT b N89°51'O2TE N97$1'02"E I N89•Slro:•E Y Fi+ - st o3f ti< V I 134' o:®.. ` d..�e m p.i©n `ai A. z m li 183.9V IT5.01' I 143.00' 3 141.31' 6 145.W Z S87°aorol"E 1 4 „IY403D.1c. r_ ^ a+ x z 8 B L O C I ® A• �/ 5 { o32At y, NR3 47'"o ti 93Oe. m `z K E 1 0 a ® E 4 $ $ $ r' (j 0.]I As u39 Al I.r Q E L I u.3a M 9w r'l.3a R79"542fi' t48.44• N8R°16'S2'E 10131' 102.00' 102.SV IU2.Sa '' - ® W K:: .� ' N89'Sfro2'EN69°514WE ® 186.s1 SB9°51'02"w 10.31' S89.5l'U2"w 2D5•W 193.00' 3 lalsl' Ias.Da e 171.34• 0_]OAt. - w+s+"'•']� I d. ir. Common Area/Park ® g I' G @ S ...� ® ,� t5A?4 z g2 0.14.K. C4~ ` iN3.NT '9' jfiU cvZ I a 031 Al. '- 9JDAc. c. `y 175.01• 14L00' yz� 141.51, 0 O S �i 611o°10d0 7 4A.96' lO it f S 1 I 8 D33 A. 8 [7 r �u } 'Sa!'W'I10-fis n t OCSI N89"51'02"B ±.O7 Ac. F I] tbdR 589°3622"E vw'tWu'F 's . O 4 'y zl 1BSA9' N0o°et•SN"W 589'd3tl0'E s :7 , NIc9'S1'02'E G DJI Ac. } °� ',� 589°51'0:W 264 1' D.17 Ae. 161.5"• r ,,, P 8 E ITs.01• 143.W 141.31• m 14$.W ,9 039 Ac. N83°13.2.1- 1 9,3J,te. ® }" NAMJ9'S3"E LSO.iA' u J 16'S3"ti.1R3.7%' tl 'd M90°Olt'00'E 189.73' N9V'00'00'E 276.W © rJ 3 NA2° 9d 434 K a i1 AC. 0.W Ac. .73' 95.D0' 92.W 92W 77 s-3S 999`59"WE 1 y '63.06 '� 1 ® 9&73• AS•Op N a•@?c 3 �t S9U°OD'OD"E N89.51'0+_"E $ P N89°51'02"E P z I^ NSY51�"k a DOc i� 09+gR^E s i o. a N a e 125.W 143.W 3 141.51' 1 U5.W II o NA,. � ' 3 A ® sS - © g lasr 4 I NR<fz'DA"E 't n3tn.eM ^o_G?i O ^D33- 62..• g® ry ®� o.:sn°, g p D.;1Ae. ts4.9D b10 cTS Q -431Aee -n32ne=° S_ e ® sx $ ® 7 fi, �632As. 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