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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240822SWS to Staff 80-83.pdf RECEIVED Thursday, August 22, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC ST6NERIDGE UTILITIES COMMISSION CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 Ph(208)437-3148 Extn. 4 SENT By: Email August 20, 2024 Michael Duval Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Eighth Production Request Submission M . Duval, plea find attached our written response to Production Request#8. Pl se let us k ow if you have additional requests. Si r y a aru ' h naging Member Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request REQUEST NO 80: Please update the Company's proforma capital expenditures and capital project plan. a. Name and Description of Project b. Explanation of the need C. Expected time frame from initiation to completion of the project; and d. Expected Cost and support for those costs. Answer: It is our understanding that the current schedule is for "Staff Recommendations on this rate case to be completed by October 2, 2024, and for the Final Order to be issued by November 30, 2024. As we understand the IPUC guidelines on Capital Improvements related to specific rate cases, we will have no more than 60 days after publishing of staff's recommendation to initiate and complete any projects. This short amount of time is problematic given both material and labor availability timelines! An even larger obstacle is that we would be working only under Staff recommendations and not have final approval by the Commission for the investments. We would be asked to make the investment in Capital Expenditures without any assurance we would be entitled to recover the investment from future rate increases etc. Since our application in early 2024 we have had several changes in our strategy for "Near term" Capital Expenditures by the Water Company. In July 2024 our #3 Well Pump and Motor failed and required an emergency replacement. We had previously anticipated that our #1 Well & Pump was already beyond its "useful life" and was our highest priority for capital investment in the Water Company—the failure of the #3 pump resulted in an even higher stress load than usual at the height of summer water demand being placed on the #1 Well pump. We contacted IPUC Staff to discuss how we would be reimbursed for this capital investment and what documentation would be required. We were told to go ahead and replace the pump and provide all the invoices for the work to IPUC when the project was complete. It was our assumption that this repair would also be included in the Capital Expenditure Budget as part of our General Rate Case SWS-W-24-01 that is in process. Company Response 8/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request A summary of our updated Cap Ex. Projects is Attachment 1 attached. We don't have a "final" invoice on the new Pump and Motor replacement for Well #3. The original estimates are attached as Exhibit A. The replacement of Well #1 is still our highest priority and the cost for that is attached as Exhibit B. The challenge with the replacement of this Pump Motor is the long lead time to source it-5-6 months from the order date— Staff has indicated that to be included in the General Rate Case all work must be completed by the time the Case Order is published. This is not feasible in this case of the replacement of Well #1 motor. Our #2 Capital Investment is Backup Power for all wells and distribution pumps. Loss of electrical power is not uncommon in our rural location; we have provided details in previous discussions of our need for backup power To maintain water pressure and service for our customers during power outages. We are awaiting final proposals covering the cost and timing for this work and the original estimates are included for review as Exhibit C. Our #3 Capital Investment is to clean and repair the 315,000-gallon Booster Station Reservoir concrete tank. This tank was recently inspected using a remote submersible drone by Aquadrome Marine Services and they have provided an initial estimate for cleaning and recoating the concrete tank as well as repairing the center support column. We are discussing with them the timetable to complete the work and how we might work around our water system storage needs while the tank is offline. Their preliminary estimate for the work is attached as Exhibit D. Our #4 Capital Investment is to replace the Booster Station Lift Station pump as this pump is critical to maintaining system pressure to the service areas above the Booster Station Reservoir. The estimate for this pump replacement is attached as Exhibit E. Our #5 Capital investment is to replace our Ford Pickup with a new Toyota Tundra. The existing 1992 Ford Pickup needs a new transmission and is not dependable for our operator's use. The estimate for the Toyota Tundra is attached as part of Exhibit F. Company Response 8/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Our #6 Capital Investment is to replace our 1995 Kubota 4-Wheeler (photo attached as part of Exhibit F) with a new Gator 4-Wheeler with Premium All- Weather Cab. We have requested an updated price from our local John Deere Dealer. Initial Estimated Price 2024 John Deere 4-Wheel Gator $35,749.00 Including taxes/Licenses (Exhibit F) Our #7 Capital Investment is to install Fire hydrant Locks on all of our Fire Hydrants and also purchase a combo Water Meter and Back Flow Prevention Device for use on Bulk Water Sales from our Fire Hydrants. Please see Exhibit G with information on these items. Initial Estimate Price of Fire Hydrant Locks, including individual pad locks an each hydrant lock (32 Hydrants total). Fire Hydrants Cov ers & Pad locks 32* $115 $3,680.00 Water Meter/Backflow Preventer 13.792.00 Total $7t472.00 See Exhibit G. for Hydrant Covers and Meter Backflow Preventer Details Our #8 Capital Investment is to upgrade the Electrical Service from Inland Power to Wells #1 and #3. During the replacement of Well #3 Motor/Pump our contractors determined that the current electrical service from Inland Power to the transformers servicing these two wells is inadequate to allow both pumps to run simultaneously as the Water System was designed to do. At times of high demand, it is very likely that both wells will need to run at the same time to provide both domestic use and especially fire flow if the Booster Station storage is inadequate to maintain flow. We have contacted Company Response 8/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Inland Power to arrange a "site visit" by their engineering team to inspect the status of their service and discuss possible upgrades to allow both wells to run at the same time. We have no current estimate for this upgrade, but apparently when the prior owner of the water company reviewed this situation the potential upgrade investment was in the $150,000-$250,000 range. After our meeting with the engineering team, we anticipate having a better estimate to share with Staff. Our #9 Capital Investment is to upgrade our water system controls to allow better control of the system both onsite and remotely. Our current SCADA system was installed over 20 years ago and has mostly been repaired vs upgraded over the years. Given the recent loss of our #3 well pump potentially from electrical power level fluctuations our contractors have recommended an upgrade of our pump motor controls along with adding protection for power fluctuations through filters etc. With the higher level of pump motor protection, it is likely we will have more system "shutdowns" to protect the equipment. The protection will likely be these controls turning off the pump and it will be necessary to "re-set" the pump after the shutdown. that will necessitate a site visit by our water system operator with the current SCADA configuration. An upgrade in the SCADA system will likely reduce our travel time costs and allow the operator to "remotely" turn the system back on vs being required to make a site visit 24/7. Our preliminary discussions with our SCADA contractors anticipate a $50,000 to $125,000 investment in the SCADA system to complete this upgrade. The savings on Operator callout time and mileage etc. could very likely contribute significantly to the return on this investment. We have requested a written proposal for this work and will provide a copy to Staff when we receive it. In our original application we had two other Capital Expenditures included- 1) Upgrade all existing manual read meters to cellular meters, 2) Retrofit 25 finished lots to being meter ready to simplify connecting these lots that range from stubbed out to Curb Stop on the Lot to require tapping a main line across the street and boring under the road etc. We have decided not to include these in the current rate case. Our top priorities are the 9 items listed. Company Response 8/12/2024 Attachment 1 Capital Expense Projects Preliminary Investment Cost mary Project Project#1 Name Budget Exhibit 1 Replace#3 Well Motor/Pump $ 52,758 A 2 Replace#1 Well Motor/Pump $ 26,000 B 3 Backup Power Generators for Pumps $ 110,575 C 4 -Clean/Repair 315,000 Water Reservoir $ 221,457 D 5 Replace Booster Station Lift Pump $ 14,000 E 6 Truck & 4 Wheeler Replacements $ 112,153 F 7 Fire Hydrant/Cover-Lock, Backflow Preventer $ 7,472 G 8 Inland Power Upgrade to Well Pump House $ 200,000 9 SCADA Control System Upgrades $ 87,500 Total Proposed Capital Expenditures 1 $ 831,915 Case # SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Exhibit #A Replacement of Well #3 Pump and Motor Original cost estimate dated 8/5/024 from A & H Well Services Replace 100HP Submersible Pump—Parts & Labor $34,398.00 Variable Frequency Controller for Replacement Pump $18,350.00 Total Estimate Pump and Controller Replacement $52-,7-5-8...Q,Q Company Response 8/12/2024 ESTIMATE A&H Well Services LLC 2710 Quarry Browns Lake Rd +1 (509)953-7458 Chewelah,WA 99109 Bill to Ship to Stone Ridge Water Company Stone Ridge Water Company Blanchard,Idaho Estimate details Estimate no.:4354 Estimate date:07/23/2024 # Date Product or service Description Qty Rate Amount 1. Pump Install Install FW-8QC-5&100HP SME 8"460V 1 $27,350.00 $27,350.00 Submersible Motor To Original Depth. Splice Kits at motor and surface will be provided. Assuming re-use of all existing drop pipe and wire. Electrical Permit. 2. Labor Services Installing Pump End and shake down. 15 $300.00 $4,500.00 Subtotal $31,850.00 Sales tax 8.00% $2,548.00 Total $34,398.00 Overdue 08/05/2024 Accepted date Accepted by ESTIMATE A&H Well Services LLC 2710 Quarry Browns Lake Rd +1 (509)953-7458 Chewelah,WA99109 Bill to Ship to Stone Ridge Water Company Stone Ridge Water Company Estimate details Estimate no.:4356 Estimate date:08/05/2024 # Date Product or service Description Qty Rate Amount 1 Materials Yaskawa IQ1000 139A 460V Drive 1 $14,500.00 $14,500.00 TCI 125HP Line Reactor TCI 125HP Load Reactor DV/DT Misc wire and fittings required to retrofit Permit 2. Labor Services Removal of existing_soft start and 10 $250.00 52.500.00 installation of new VFD+ Programming. Subtotal $17,000.00 Note to customer Sales tax 8.00% $1,360.00 Thank you for your business. Total $18,360.00 Accepted date Accepted by Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Exhibit B &ell d_QejT en �l� #_ _Ttarbine Pumo Matar Attached is an original bid from Horsley Pumps dated March 13, 2024. This bid is for the turbine pump motor only and does include any controls nor potential pump/linkage repairs/replacements for this 35-year-old system. We are awaiting a test of this system by our pump/well specialists to determine the condition of the motor, as well as the pump and linkage—i.e. will additional costs be incurred in replacing this system beyond the $26,000 estimate. Company Response 8/12/2024 Jeffrey Merkeley< :stimate 1101 from SANDPOINT PUMP AND POWER 2 messages andpoint Pump and Power<> Wed, Mar 13,2024 at 9:01 Al eply-To: ) Dear Jeff Merkeley, Please review the estimate below. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We appreciate the opportunity and we look forward to working with you. Please let us know if you would like to get this scheduled. Sandpoint Pump and Power 54399 N.Old US Hwy 95 Athol, ID 83801 (208)263-0536 --------------------------------- Estimate --------------------------------- 54399 N. Old US Highway 95 Athol, ID 83801 US 208-263-0536 Estimate #: 1101 Date: 03/13/2024 Exp. Date: $26,000.00 Address: Jeff Merkeley Stone Ridge Golf Course Activity Qty Rate Amount 125HP Turbine Motor 460V 60HZ US 1 23,750.00 23,750.00 Motor Misc. Electrical and Hardware 1 250.00 250.00 Two Technician Labor 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 This estimate is for removal of old turbine motor, installations of new turbine motor, misc electrical parts and the new turbine motor. --------------------------------------- Total: $26,000.00 *Excavation Not Included unless otherwise specified *Estimated Cost Only *Prices may be subject to change, depending upon market conditions or changes in design and installation. *Any materials or services not provided that are list in this estimate, but not used, will not be charged. *Additions not included on this estimate will be added at fair value. Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request hj it C Backup Power Su®olies We have a supplier working up an "updated bid"for purchasing and installing three (3) new backup power generators to provide sufficient power to operate all of our critical pumps during a power outage. Our preliminary estimates are primarily for the generators only and do not include, permits, and electrical wiring updates etc. The total "all-in" costs could be significantly higher than the attached estimates. We will update this estimate soon. Wcation Protected Model Use Price Well Pump House 2 100+HP pumps 1@ 200 KW Generator $58,927.68 Booster Station 2 15+HP pumps 1@ 30 KW Generator $28,377.20 HV Mid-Level 2 7.5+HP pumps 1@ 17 KW Generator $23,27Q.24 Total 11O - 12 Note —I all of these Nn-orators indicate 32-34 weeksJead-tim-e- Company Response 8/12/2024 G BLUE ST*R Power Systems Inc. Sales Quote Quote Date: 4/10/2024 2:51:07 PM Distributed by: Quote Number: 0108443-0 Project Title: Stoneridge Utilities C Prepared for Critical Power Products&Service Unit Model JD200-01 Standby/Prime Emergency Stationary Standby kWe Rating 200 kWe UL 2200 Listed Yes Fuel Diesel CSA Approved Yes EPA Tier 3 Paint Color White Engine Model: John Deere 6068HFG85 200kW Standby Power Rating at 1800 RPM Governor-Electronic Isochronous Voltage: 480/277V 3 Phase 60 Hz 0.8 PF Gen Model: Stamford UC1274H 12 Lead Wired 480V 3 Phase High Wye 125°C Rise Over 40°C Ambient Voltage Regulator: Stamford AS440 Automatic Voltage Regulator Control Panel: Blue Star DCP7310 Microprocessor Based Gen-Set Controller Mounted Facing Left from Generator End(Unless Specified Otherwise) Standard Features: Low Oil Pressure, High Coolant Temp, Overspeed, Overcrank Shutdowns Emergency Stop Pushbutton,Audible Alarm Buzzer with Silencing Switch Control Panel Options: Low Water Level Sensor with Shutdown Unit Color: White Enclosure: Level 2(Weather Proof Enclosure with Foam)Powder Coated 14 Gauge Steel Rugged and Durable 200 MPH Wind Rated Enclosure Pitched Roof for Increased Structural Integrity and Improved Watershed Punched Intake with Baffle and Punched Exhaust Openings Keyed Alike Lockable Doors with Draw Down Latches and Stainless Steel Component Hinges Additional 1.5"Thick Polydamp Type D Acoustical Foam(PAF) Formed Steel Base with Mounting and Lifting Holes Includes Vibration Mounts to Isolate Unit from Base Rail Sound Attenuation Foam: Sound Attenuation Installed in Enclosure Enclosure Options: Load Distribution Center for Single Point Accessory Wiring Cooling: Unit Mounted Radiator(50°C Ambient) Oil Drain Extension: Plumbed to Bulkhead Fitting in Base Mainline Breaker: 300 Amp 3 Pole 600 Volt Breaker Mounted &Wired in a NEMA 1 Enclosure Jacket Water Heater: Engine Block Heater 2000W 240VAC Rated for-20°F Heater Installed with Isolation Valves and Wired to Terminal Air Cleaner: Dry Single Stage Silencer: Critical Grade Compact(CPJ Series)Silencer Mounted to Engine Battery: 12 Volt System with Rack and Cables Battery Charger: 12 Volt 6 Amp Mounted and Wired to Terminal Fuel Tank: 24 Hour/375 Gallon UL 142 Listed Sub-Base Fuel Tank with Stub-up Area Double Wall Construction with Secondary Containment Standard Includes:Supply&Return Connections, Fuel Level Gauge, Fuel Leak Switch and Fill &Vent Plumbing C— Factory Test: Standard Commercial Testing Includes: Verification of Alarm Shutdowns,Voltage Settings, Block Loading to Rated kWe and PF Owner's Manual: Print Copy(Qty 1) Warranty: 2 Year/2000 Hour Limited Notes: Additional Options (Not Included in Price): Unit Price(CITY 1) $58,927.68 Total Price $58,927.68 Payment Terms: Due Upon Receipt Lead Time: 32-34 Weeks(Contingent on component availability) Terms & Conditions • This quote is valid for a period of 30 days. • This proposal is our interpretation of your requirement.It includes only the items listed on this quotation.Should there be other requirements or specifications,we will re-quote accordingly. • Units are shipped wet to include lube oil and 50/50 water and antifreeze mix unless otherwise noted in this quotation. • All extended piping,wiring,or other than listed above is performed by'others". • Seller is not quoting,offloading,job site startup,personnel instructions,field testing,or unit installation. • Quoted prices include normal testing,packaging,and instructional literature. • It is the distributor/purchaser and end user's responsibility to ensure that this equipment is operated in accordance with all applicable local,state,and federal laws and regulations governing the use and operation of this equipment. Distributor Terms & Conditions 50%deposit required to initiate order with remaining balance due upon completion of build. G BLUE 5 T*R Power systems Inc. sales Quote Quote Date: 4/11/2024 9:58:26 AM Distributed by: Quote Number: 0108473-0 pwcai �. L1�Y i�r'7 way,w±. �tw Project Title: Stoneridge 30kw Prepared for Critical Power Products&Service Unit Model JD30-031T4 Standby/Prime Emergency Stationary Standby kWe Rating 30 kWe UL 2200 Listed Yes Fuel Diesel CSA Approved Yes EPA Interim Tier 4 Paint Color White Engine Model: John Deere 3029TFG89 30kW Standby Power Rating at 1800 RPM Governor-Electronic Isochronous Voltage: 480/277V 3 Phase 60 Hz 0.8 PF Gen Model: Stamford S1 L2-J41 12 Lead Wired 480V 3 Phase High Wye 125°C Rise Over 40°C Ambient Voltage Regulator: Stamford AS540 Automatic Voltage Regulator Control Panel: Blue Star DCP7310 Microprocessor Based Gen-Set Controller Mounted Facing Left from Generator End (Unless Specified Otherwise) Standard Features: Low Oil Pressure, High Coolant Temp, Overspeed, Overcrank Shutdowns Emergency Stop Pushbutton,Audible Alarm Buzzer with Silencing Switch Control Panel Options: Low Water Level Sensor with Shutdown Unit Color: White Enclosure: Level 2 (Weather Proof Enclosure with Foam)Powder Coated 14 Gauge Steel Rugged and Durable 200 MPH Wind Rated Enclosure - - - Pitched Roof for Increased Structural Integrity and Improved Watershed Punched Intake with Baffle and Punched Exhaust Openings Keyed Alike Lockable Doors with Draw Down Latches and Stainless Steel Component Hinges Additional 1.5"Thick Polydamp Type D Acoustical Foam(PAF) Formed Steel Base with Mounting and Lifting Holes Includes Vibration Mounts to Isolate Unit from Base Rail Sound Attenuation Foam: Sound Attenuation Installed in Enclosure Enclosure Options: Load Distribution Center for Single Point Accessory Wiring Cooling: Unit Mounted Radiator(50°C Ambient) Oil Drain Extension: Plumbed to Bulkhead Fitting in Base Mainline Breaker: 50 Amp 3 Pole 480 Volt Breaker Mounted&Wired in a NEMA 1 Enclosure Jacket Water Heater: Engine Block Heater 1000W 120VAC Rated for-20°F Heater Installed with Isolation Valves and Wired to Terminal Air Cleaner: Dry Single Stage Silencer: Critical Grade Compact(CPJ Series)Silencer Mounted to Engine Battery: 12 Volt System with Rack and Cables Battery Charger: 12 Volt 6 Amp Mounted and Wired to Terminal Fuel Tank: 24 Hour/70 Gallon UL 142 Listed Sub-Base Fuel Tank with Stub-up Area Double Wall Construction with Secondary Containment Standard Includes: Supply& Return Connections, Fuel Level Gauge, Fuel Leak Switch and Fill &Vent Plumbing Factory Test: Standard Commercial Testing Includes: Verification of Alarm Shutdowns,Voltage Settings, Block Loading to Rated kWe and PF Owner's Manual: Print Copy(Qty 1) Warranty: 2 Year/2000 Hour Limited Notes: Additional Options (Not Included in Price): Unit Price(CITY 1) $28,377.20 Total Price $28,377.20 Payment Terms: Due Upon Receipt Lead Time: 32-34 Weeks(Contingent on component availability) Terms & Conditions • This quote is valid for a period of 30 days. • This proposal is our interpretation of your requirement.It includes only the items listed on this quotation.Should there be other requirements or specifications,we will re-quote accordingly. • Units are shipped wet to include Tube oil and 50/50 water and antifreeze mix unless otherwise noted in this quotation • All extended piping,wiring,or other than listed above is performed by"others". • Seller is not quoting,offloading,job site startup,personnel instructions,field testing,or unit installation. • Quoted prices include normal testing,packaging,and instructional literature. • It is the distributor/purchaser and end user's responsibility to ensure that this equipment is operated in accordance with all applicable local,state,and federal laws and regulations governing the use and operation of this equipment. Distributor Terms & Conditions 50%deposit required to initiate order with remaining balance due upon completion of build. G BLUE ST*R Power Systems Inc. Sales Quote Quote Date: 4/11/2024 9:59:50 AM Distributed by: Quote Number: 0108474-0 Project Title: Stoneridge 20kwr Prepared for Critical Power Products&Service Unit Model PD20-011T4-17 kWe Standby/Prime Emergency Stationary Standby kWe Rating 17 kWe UL 2200 Listed Yes Fuel Diesel CSA Approved Yes EPA Interim Tier 4 Paint Color White Engine Model: Perkins 404D-22G 17kW Standby Power Rating at 1800 RPM Governor-Mechanical Voltage: 480/277V 3 Phase 60 Hz 0.8 PF Gen Model: Stamford S1 L2-J41 12 Lead Wired 480V 3 Phase High Wye 125°C Rise Over 40°C Ambient Voltage Regulator: Stamford AS540 Automatic Voltage Regulator Control Panel: Blue Star DCP7310 Microprocessor Based Gen-Set Controller Mounted Facing Left from Generator End(Unless Specified Otherwise) Standard Features: Low Oil Pressure, High Coolant Temp, Overspeed, Overcrank Shutdowns Emergency Stop Pushbutton,Audible Alarm Buzzer with Silencing Switch Control Panel Options: Low Water Level Sensor with Shutdown Unit Color: White Enclosure: Level 2(Weather Proof Enclosure with Foam)Powder Coated 14 Gauge Steel Rugged and Durable 200 MPH Wind Rated Enclosure Pitched Roof for Increased Structural Integrity and Improved Watershed Punched Intake with Baffle and Punched Exhaust Openings Keyed Alike Lockable Doors with Draw Down Latches and Stainless Steel Component Hinges Additional 1.5"Thick Polydamp Type D Acoustical Foam (PAF) Formed Steel Base with Mounting and Lifting Holes Includes Vibration Mounts to Isolate Unit from Base Rail Sound Attenuation Foam: Sound Attenuation Installed in Enclosure Enclosure Options: Load Distribution Center for Single Point Accessory Wiring Cooling: Unit Mounted Radiator(50°C Ambient) Oil Drain Extension: Plumbed to Bulkhead Fitting in Base Mainline Breaker: 30 Amp 3 Pole 480 Volt Breaker Mounted &Wired in a NEMA 1 Enclosure Jacket Water Heater: Engine Block Heater 1000W 120VAC Rated for-20°F Heater Installed with Isolation Valves and Wired to Terminal Air Cleaner: Dry Single Stage Air Restrictor Indicator: Installed in Air Filtration System Silencer: Critical Grade Compact(CPJ Series)Silencer Mounted to Engine Battery: 12 Volt System with Rack and Cables Battery Charger: 12 Volt 6 Amp Mounted and Wired to Terminal r Fuel Tank: 24 Hour/70 Gallon UL 142 Listed Sub-Base Fuel Tank with Stub-up Area Double Wall Construction with Secondary Containment Standard Includes:Supply&Return Connections, Fuel Level Gauge, Fuel Leak Switch and Fill&Vent Plumbing Factory Test: Standard Commercial Testing Includes: Verification of Alarm Shutdowns,Voltage Settings, Block Loading to Rated kWe and PF Owner's Manual: Print Copy(Qty 1) Warranty: 2 Year/2000 Hour Limited Notes: Additional Options (Not Included in Price): Unit Price(QTY 1) $23,270.24 Total Price $23,270.24 Payment Terms: Due Upon Receipt Lead Time: 32-34 Weeks(Contingent on component availability) Terms & Conditions • This quote is valid for a period of 30 days. • This proposal is our interpretation of your requirement.It includes only the items listed on this quotation.Should there be other requirements or specifications,we will re-quote accordingly. • Units are shipped wet to include lube oil and 50/50 water and antifreeze mix unless otherwise noted in this quotation. • All extended piping,wiring,or other than listed above is performed by"others". • Seller is not quoting,offloading,job site startup,personnel instructions,field testing,or unit installation. • Quoted prices include normal testing,packaging,and instructional literature. It is the distributor/purchaser and end user's responsibility to ensure that this equipment is operated in accordance with all applicable local,state,and federal laws and regulations governing the use and operation of this equipment. Distributor Terms & Conditions 50%deposit required to initiate order with remaining balance due upon completion of build. Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request ExhLWt D Sto_neRid Bo ste.rStation Concrete Storage Tan eanina In April of this year our water system operator arranged to have our 30+ year old concrete water reservoir storage tank inspected by a remote marine drone. This 315,000-gallon concrete storage tank provides both storage and fire flow for the StoneRidge Golf Community and Happy Valley Community. The video is available at The inspection revealed that the structural center support column has deteriorated and needs repairs. It also revealed that the tank walls, top and bottom have severe cracking and need to be cleaned and repaired in order to preserve the tank life. Aquadrone Marine recommended cleaning the bottom of the tank to better determine the extent of the cracking in the bottom of the tank. The cleaning can be done without draining the tank and would allow a more accurate repair estimate for time and costs—to repair the tank cranks, the tank must be drained so cracks can be ground down and then recoated with reinforcing fabric and CEM-Kote Flex St. The current estimate is approximately 7-10 days would be required to complete the work and should likely best be done in the "off-season" at StoneRidge. Given the age of the tank, and the likely investment required to keep the Tanks integrity going forward, we also are examining other Water Storage options. See the attached Bid from Aquadrone Marine Services. Company Response 8/12/2024 Aquadrone Marine Services A CLEANER, SAFER SOLUTION Hayden Lake, ID a April 29,2024 Stone Ridge Stone Ridge Reservoir Attn. Bob Kouchenski Thank you for the opportunity to offer our services. Please find below our estimate to repair and leakproof your concrete reservoir.We take your drinking water seriously. Estimate: Service Est. Cost Coat/waterproof interior 60' Diameter / 18' high Concrete Reservoir Proposed process: • Clean and prep all surface (hand grind, 5000 psi pressure wash) to required CSP#3. Apply 2 coats CEM-KOTE FLEX ST $214,207 (fiber reinforced cementitious slurry NSF/ANSI) with one layer REINFORCING FABRIC HD to reservoir floor with 6" cove. • Apply 2 coats CEM-KOTE FLEX ST (fiber reinforced cementi- tious slurry NSF/ANSI) to walls. Repair center piling: install steel reinforced concrete at $6 000 base, 24" diameter x 48" high ' Mob fee $1,250 Total $221,457 (includes 3 year workmanship warranty) Thank you in advance for trusting us with your business, Buck Storm / Chris Covey 208-691-6460 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Exhibit E .Replace StoneRidge Boos er—SJation Lift Pumo Last year we replaced one of our two Pumps at the StoneRidge Booster Station with a new pump. We want to replace the 2nd pump this year as it is in need of replacement as well. We estimate the cost of this project to be. Approximately $14,000.00. Company Response 8/12/2024 !Exhibit E Replacement HV Lift Pum Items By Installation Total Priorit E ui . C sts asts Bud et Lead Time Well Pump House Replace 125 HP Turbine Pump $ 23,750 $ 2,250 $ 26,000 5-6 Months Equipment Shipment BackupPower Supply200 kWe 58,927.68 17,678.30 76,605.98 4 Months Equipment Shipment Replace 100 HP Submersible Pum - Upgrade HVAC to Cool Pumps in Summer 10 000.00 10,000.00 Total Well Pump House 92 677.68 19 928.30 $ 112,606 Booster Pump Water Storage Tank Replace 2 Pump Motors - Backup Power Supply 30 kWe 28,377.20 8,513.16 36,890.36 4 Months Equipment Shipment Clean & Repair Water Storage Tank 221,457.00 - 221 457.00 Total Booster Pump Water Storage Tank $ 249 834.20 $ 8,513.16 $ 258 347.36 Mid Level Lift Station Replace 1 Pump Motors $ 12,000.00 $ 2,000,00 14,000.00 Backup Power Supply 17 kWe: 23,270.24 6,981.07 30,251.31 ,4 Months Equipment Shipment Total Mid Level Lift Station $ 35,270.24 1 $ 8,981.07 $ 44 251.31 Total Cap Ex. Budget 377,782.12 37,422.54 415 204.66 Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Exhibit F 4-Wheelp-r Remcement Photo of existing 4-Wheeler Purchase of Toyama Tundra real cemenLtor Ford 150 Company Response 8/12/2024 Exhibit F 4 Wheeler and Truck Investment _Toyota Tundra 4 Wheel Drive $ 75,648.00 Tax & Licensing $ 756.48 Total Pickup $ 76,404.48 Gator 4 Wheeler $ 33,749.00 Tax & Licensing $ 2,000.00 Total 4 Wheeler $ 35,749.00 Total Vehicles $ 112,153.48 TOYOTA 2024 Tundra TRD Pro p 4-Wheel Drive, i-FORCE MAX V6 Hybrid Estimate Payments Engine, 10-Speed Electronically Controlled automatic Transmission with intelligence (ECT-i) and sequential shift mode CrewMax, 5.5ft BASE MSRP* $72,130 EXTERIOR COLOR Ice Cap $0 INTERIOR COLOR Black SofTex®-trimmed* $0 PACKAGES TRD Pro With Tow Mirrors Grade Package $290 TRD Pro With Tow Mirrors Grade Package, 50 State Emissions ACCESSORIES All-Weather Floor Liner Package* $179 Alloy Wheel Locks* $80 Ball Mount* $89 Bed Mat* $225 Dual Step Running Boards - Black* $710 DELIVERY, PROCESSING& HANDLING $1,945 TOTAL AMOUNT AS BUILT* $75,648 SToyotaCare i $o(No cosh No cost maintenance plan and roadside assistance. Vehicle builds may vary by location, please contact your dealer to find your match. y L, l .V w � G 'Y_� ''fV 'l• � �' �' �• � ''ice. ,`. v ti lu _ Find a Dealer Sign In Search Q Home > Gator Utility Vehicles > Full Size Crossover Gators > XUV83SR Premium Cab Crossover Utility Vehicle d fx XUV83SR Premium Cab Crossover Utility Vehicle * 7 3.4 (17) Write a review Premium HVAC cab with light-stone interior • Cargo box power lift • LED headlights • Up to 4,000-lb towing capacity STARTING AM $33,749.00USD,PLUS ADDITIONAL CHARGES' Find a Dealer Order Online Build Your Own View Product Brochure Apply for Financing , Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Exhibit G Fire Hydrant Lock Covers & Water Meter Backflow Preventer Company Response 8/12/2024 Updated Capital Ex22nditure Bud et Stonerid a Water Com an Prepared by JGM Exhibit G Fire H rant Cover Locks and Backflow Preventer _ I Hydrant Size Number Hydrants Price for Hydrant Lode Cover Price Total Price I Total Pirce This Size Price for Hydrant Lock Cover Master Key Padlocks Per Hydrant Project Fire Hydrant Locks 2 1/2 22 $ 90 $ 25 $ 115 $ 2,530.00 11/2 10 90 $ 25 $ 115 $ 1,150.00 Total Hydrant Locks 32 $ 115.00 $ 3.680.00 Meter&Backflow Preventer 1 $ 3.792.00 Total Fire Hydrant Covers and Backflow Preventer $ 7,472.00 UiVAD1UUDUUK backflow preventer with meter Q aa Get the Best Dwhnenf m Back to overview Zenner FHD Hydrant Meter w/ Wilkins Backflow Preventer (Gallons), 2-1/2 NST Item 14070 number Brand Name Zenner Performance Meter Catalog Page 501 Net weight 69.2 Condition New +Hover to zoom Click to enlarge price per each $3,576.95 In Stuck _ . carp Add to Order i'e:mpiake ' Add to wish list Need Help?Call 800-548-1234 )roduct Details • PRICE DROP!Lower price on this item and thousands of other items • Flows up to 650 gpm • RPZ(reduced pressure zone)design for maximum water system protection • More compact and economical then the competition his device measures potable water from a fire hydrant or other non-permanent installation where flow is in one direction only.The single-body instruction makes this unit more compact than the competition,while providing backflow and back siphonage protection that meets most national tandards.Fast hookup means no hoses or carts required. he 3"meter is a class I I turbine meter for accurate measurement of gallons used.The meter meets the requirements of both ANSI and AWWA C701-88 lass 11 requirements. = WDJWIUUDUUK hydrant lock cover Get the Best Treatment'-" Back to overview Replacement Outer Cover for USABlueBookO HydrantLok"' Item 22411 number Brand Name USABIueBook Catalog Page 486 Net weight 5 Condition New $52 49 price per each +Hover to zoom I Click to enlarge , Call for availability 1 [ i Add to ca:rt Add to Order Template Add to wish list Need Help?Call 800-548-1234 .epalcement part for USABIueBook HydrantLokT"(stock#22529). _ast viewed products viewall Clear Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request REQUEST NO 81: For projects included in the Company's previously filed capital plan that have been complete, provide final costs and include all invoices for the project Answer: See answer to NO. 80, we have not completed any previously included projects in our Cap Ex. Program. However, we had an emergency replacement of the Well #3 motor/pump in July. The estimates for that work are included in NO 80 answer. We will provide final invoices when we receive them. Company Response 8/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request REQUEST NO 82: Please provide the monthly metered customer water usage data (in gallons) by customer type, customer ID, route, meter size for all months in 2024 to date. Answer: This data has been uploaded to the Cloud folder for this case and is available to Staff and Intervenors. Company Response 8/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request REQUEST NO 83: In the Customer usage data provided by the Company, Account 8-02980-00 Golf Irrigation Pond 6 inch, used 1,486,000 gallons of water n June 2022 and 11,447,800 gallons in June 2023. Please provide any known cause, events, or situations that explain this difference. Answer: We have reviewed this data for the 2 years requested as well as looked back 10+ years on this account. We also reviewed and charted the high temperatures for June 2022 and June 2023. It is readily apparent that June of 2023 was a much warmer month than June of 2022 and could have resulted in a much higher use of water by the golf course that year based on warmer temperatures. In addition in 2023 a new golf course superintendent commenced employment for StoneRidge Golf Course. Lacking local experience with the conditions in Blanchard, Idaho it is possible the new supervisor defensively started off the irrigation system very strong in June to ensure great course conditions in July and August rather than starting slower and risking having to play catch up in July/August. See Exhibit H Company Response 8/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 8th Production Request Exhibit #H Average Daily High Temperatures Blachard Idaho 2023 Company Response 8/12/2024 F,)�44 \�� 4 Blanchard Idaho Daily High Temp 2022 & 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2022 Temp >2023 Temp