HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240731IPC to Staff 20 - AppendixF_ResourcesConsidered.pdf Huntington-Quartz Transmission Line (Line 423).
Resources/Issues Potentially Present in the Project Area and Indication of Presence,
Absence or Not Impacted by The Project
Resource Status Rationale
Access PI New and upgraded roads,improved access.
To be analyzed in EA
The project is not located in or adjacent to any U.S.Environmental Protection
Agency National Ambient Air Quality Standards non-attainment areas.The
Air Quality NI project would generate small amounts of vehicle emissions during
construction.However,project activities would not exceed any national
ambient air quality standards.
Areas of Critical A portion of the existing ROW for Line 423 crosses through the Oregon Trail
Environmental NI Historic ACEC.
Cultural Resource PI To be analyzed in EA
Economic and Social NI The Project would not alter the current economic and social values in the area.
Environmental The Project would not disproportionately affect any environmental justice
Justice NI populations. Any effects that the Project would have would be felt equally
between all populations living within and in the vicinity of the Project area.
Existing and NI The powerline and most of the roads are in place.There would be no
Potential Land Uses permanent changes in land use.
The Proposed Action is proximate to and/or crosses the Snake River,the Burnt
River,and several named/unnamed streams that could provide fish habitat.
Fisheries pI Ground disturbing activities associated with the proposed project could result
in direct or indirect impacts to fish habitat.However,BMPs would be applied
to mitigate erosion and other maintenance activities that have the potential to
impact water quality and habitat.
The powerline crosses mapped Special Flood Hazard Areas(SFHAs)
Floodplains NI associated with the Burnt River,Durkee Creek, Sutton Creek,Manning Creek,
and Swayze Creek. However,the proposed project is not expected to affect
any SFHAs.
Forest Resources NP Forestry resources do not occur in the project area.
Greenhouse Gases NI Present,not affected. See Air Quality above.
Invasive,Non- PI To be analyzed in EA
Native Species
Lands with
Mineral Resources NP Mineral resources would not be impacted by the proposed project.
Migratory Birds PI To be analyzed in EA
Native American ? TBD—Based on BLM consultation.
Religious Concerns
Off Highway 9
Vehicle Use
Resource Status Rationale
Paleontological TBD—Surveys will be conducted to determine presence/absence. The results
Resources of the clearance survey will determine level of analysis
Prime and Unique NP No prime and unique farmlands are found within the project area on BLM.
Soil Resources PI To be analyzed in EA
TBD-A review of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Species by County
Report indicates that Whitebark pine and Howell's spectacular thelypody are
known to or believed to occur in Baker County.However,A USFWS IPaC
Threatened, search shows that there are no ESA species known or expected to occur on or
Endangered,and near the project area.The project area does not possess the necessary habitat
Sensitive Plants or elevation criteria for whitebark pine.Howell's spectacular thelypody habitat
(e.g.,alkaline meadow habitats)is also not expected to occur in the project
area. Surveys will be conducted to determine presence/absence of BLM
Special Status Species.The results of the clearance survey will determine level
of analysis.
TBD-A review of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Species by County
Report indicates that North American wolverine is known to or believed to
occur in Baker County.However,the project area does not possess the needed
Threatened, habitat requirements(i.e.,high-elevation montane habitats centered near
Endangered,and ? alpine tree lines).Also,a USFWS IPaC search shows that there are no ESA
Sensitive Animals species known or expected to occur on or near the project area. Surveys will
be conducted to determine presence/absence of BLM Special Status Species.
Those species observed or suspected to occur within the project area will be
Threatened, TBD-A review of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Species by County
Endangered,and NP Report indicates that bull trout is known to or believed to occur in Baker
Sensitive Fish County.However,a USFWS IPaC search shows that the project area is
outside critical habitat.
Range Resources NI The Project would not result in any modification to quantity,quality,or access
to range lands.
Recreational Use NP No Special Recreation Management Area(SRMA)are within or proximate to
the project area.
Tribal Treaty Rights The proposed project would have no effect on the tribes' access to use the area
and Interests NI to exercise their treaty rights and would have no known effect on resources
they use for traditional purposes.
Vegetation PI To be analyzed in EA
The new transmission structures would be installed at approximately the same
location as the existing structures and the existing structures would be
removed. The new structures would be up to 5 feet taller than the existing
Visual Resources NI structures and would be lighter in color but would weather to a similar color as
the existing structures in 3 to 5 years. The casual viewer would not notice the
change from the old structures to the new structures. The visual landscape
would not be noticeably altered as a result of the project.
Wastes,Hazardous The Project would not generate hazardous waste. Construction waste
and Solid NI generated by the project will be removed from the project area and disposed in
an approved manner.
Resou I Rationale
Water Quality The Proposed Action is proximate to and/or crosses the Snake River,Burnt
(Surface and NI River,and several streams.However,BMPs would be applied to mitigate
Ground) erosion and other maintenance activities that have the potential to impact
water quality.
Mapped wetland complexes are within and proximate to the proposed project
area.However,project construction and operation would not result in the
Wetland and NI removal,fill,or alternation of any wetlands.
Riparian Zones There are riparian areas within or near the proposed project area.However,
implementation of environmental protection measures(i.e.,BMPS)are
expected to minimize potential affects.
Wild and Scenic NP There are no wild and scenic rivers near the project area.
Wilderness and NP There are no wilderness areas or WSAs near the project area.
Wildlife PI To be analyzed in EA
NP=Not Present,NI=Present Not Impacted,PI—Present Impacted.