HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240731IPC to Staff 20 - AppendixD_SSP.pdf Special Status Plants with Increased Potential to Occur: Huntington-Quartz Transmission Line (Line 423).
Scientific Name Heritage Federal ODA ORBIC
Common Name Rank' Status" =01 tatus List Phenology Habitat01
Thelypodium howellii ssp.spectahilis Desert shrub communities and alkaline meadows and flats between
Howell's spectacular thelypody G1T1 S1 BLM-S,SOC LE 1 May-July 3000-4800 ft.
Hackelia cronquistii Shrub-steppe communities typically dominated by sagebrush.It occurs
G3 S3 BLM-S,SOC LT 1 May on sandy north-facing hillsides with slight to extreme slope,sometimes
Cronquist's stickseed on moist slopes in ravines,at elevations ranging from 2000-3640 ft.
Known only from the southern end of the Snake River canyon in
Oregon and Idaho.Inhabits dry,rocky,open soil with little other
Fyrrocoma radiata perennial vegetation.It typically occurs on south-to west-facing
G3 S2 BLM-S,SOC LE 1 June-July hillsides with gentle to steep slopes at elevations ranging from 2000-
Snake River goldenweed 6000 ft.It is found in slightly to very calcareous soils often overlaying a
shale formation,usually in grazing-modified sagebrush/grassland
Typically found in heavy clay soils within big sagebrush plant
Stanleya confertiflora communities at elevations from approximately 2500-5000 ft.There is
Biennial stanleya G2 S2 BLM-S,SOC C 1 April-July little other vegetation in these areas in heavy clay soils except for some
exotic annuals.
Caulanthus pilosus Open,dry areas,flats,rocky slopes,sagebrush scrub,pinyon/juniper
G4 S2 BLM-S - 2 March-July woodland at elevations rangingft.
Hairy wild cabbage from 1800-8400
Heliotropium curassavicum G5 S2 BLM-S __ 2 Mid Spring- Typically found in sandy soils and mesic areas near ponds and streams.
Salt heliotrope Summer Has been observed in intermittent streams and dry washes.
The heritage Rank,Federal Status,ODA Status,and ORBIC List status and ranks are all taken from the Rare,Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon,Oregon Biodiversity Information Center
April 2019.The heritage rank is done with a global(G)and state(S)rank on separate lines and attached is a numeric ranking from 1-5.The definition of the numeric ranks found in the Heritage Rank
and ORBIC List are as follows;1=Critically imperiled because of extreme rarity or because it is somehow especially vulnerable to extinction or extirpation,typically with 5 or fewer occurrences.2=
Imperiled because of rarity or because other factors demonstrably make it very vulnerable to extinction(extirpation),Typically with 6-20 occurrences.3=Vulnerable,uncommon or threatened,but not
immediately imperiled,typically with 21-100 occurrences.4=Not rare and apparently secure,but with cause for long-term concern,usually with more than 100 occurrences.5=Demonstrably
widespread,abundant,and secure.
"Federal Status and ODA status definitions are provided only as they occur in this table.BLM-S=Sensitive.Taxa listed by OR/WA BLM State Directors 2019 list. SOC=Species of Concern.Taxa
which the USFWS is reviewing for consideration as Candidates for listing under the ESA.LT=Listed threatened.Taxa listed by the USFWS,NOAA Fisheries,ODA,or ODFW as Threatened.LE=
Listed Endangered.Taxa listed by the USFWS or the National Marine Fisheries Service(NOAA Fisheries)as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act(ES),or by the ODA or ODFW under the
Oregon Endangered Species Act of 1987(OESA).