HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240820IPC to Staff 20 - 23A-73929-600_IPC-423-Steel_Pole_Specification.pdf P"" 11DAW §L..... POWER. An IDACORP Company TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES HUNTINGTON TO QUARTZ 138KV LINE #423 REBUILD DARON BEESLEY- IPO — 208-388-6178 JAKE THOMAS — PEI- 208-288-6535 Version 1, Revision 1 Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES i IDAHO POWER COMPANY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES Part1 - GENERAL.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Codes and Standards..................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Definitions.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.4 QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................................2 Part2- PRODUCTS..................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Materials.......................................................................................................................................2 2.2 Structural Design..........................................................................................................................3 2.3 Foundations...................................................................................................................................7 2.4 Fabrication.................................................................................................................................... 8 2.5 Finishes.........................................................................................................................................9 2.6 Design Calculations......................................................................................................................9 Part3 - EXECUTION...............................................................................................................................10 3.1 Shipping.......................................................................................................................................10 3.2 Weight..........................................................................................................................................10 3.3 Marking........................................................................................................................................10 3.4 Structure Pre-Assembly...............................................................................................................11 3.5 Inspection and Testing.................................................................................................................11 3.6 Full-scale load test.......................................................................................................................11 3.7 Technical Information To Be Supplied With The Proposal.........................................................11 3.8 Structural Steel Shop Drawings...................................................................................................12 3.9 Test&Inspection Reports............................................................................................................12 Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES ii PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. These specifications describe the technical requirements for the weathering tubular steel pole structures,complete with as-specified mounting brackets,tubular steel davit arms,structure erection hardware,pole top caps,bearing plates,base plates,anchor bolt assemblies,and grounding appurtenances as required for each structure. B. In the event of conflict between this specification and the referenced documents,the requirements of this specification shall take precedence.In the case of conflict between several referenced documents,the more stringent requirement shall be followed.If a conflict exists between this specification or the referenced documents and the supplied drawings,the supplied drawings shall be followed.If clarification is necessary,contact Idaho Power Company. C. Items shown in this specification as"with stfike th-,.ug42 are not applicable of this project and remain to provide number continuity for this specification 1.2 CODES AND STANDARDS A. The following codes and standards are referenced and considered part of this specification: 1. American Institute of Steel Construction(AISC),"Specification for the Design,Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,"latest edition. 2. American Society of Civil Engineers and Structural Engineering Institute(ASCE/SEI) Standard 48-11,"Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures,"latest edition 3. American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE),"Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line Structural Loading,"Manual 74,latest edition 4. American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE),"Design of Guyed Electrical Transmission Structures,latest edition 5. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE),"National Electrical Safety Code" (NESC),latest edition 6. American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM),various standards,latest revision 7. American Concrete Institute(ACI),"Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete,"ACI 318,latest edition 8. American Welding Society(AWS),"Structural Welding Code",AWS D1.1,latest edition 9. Steel Structure Painting Council(SSPC),"Surface Preparation Specification,"SPCC-SP6, latest edition 10. American National Standards Institute(ANSI),various standards,latest revision 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Cambering:Fabricating of a slight convex curve in a pole or cross-arm. B. D/t:Ratio of the diameter of a tubular pole to the steel plate thickness. C. Contractor:The line construction company,and their authorized representatives,typically contracted for by Idaho Power Company,responsible for erecting the steel pole structure,with all appurtenances.The Contractor may also be internal construction staff employed under the direct supervision of Idaho Power Company. D. Engineer:A registered or licensed person who may be a staff employee or an outside consultant, who provides engineering services for Idaho Power Company.Engineer also includes duly authorized assistants and representatives of the licensed person. E. Groundline:A designated location on the pole where the surface of the ground will be after installation of a direct embedded pole. F. Overload capacity factors(OCF):Multipliers that are applied to each of the vertical,transverse, and longitudinal structure loads to obtain an ultimate load. Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 1 G. Owner:As used in this specification,shall refer to the purchaser and/or user of the material,or its agents. H. P-delta moment: Secondary moment created by the vertical loads acting on the structure when the structure deflects from its unloaded position. I. Point of fixity:Location on the pole at the ground line or below the ground line where the maximum moment occurs. J. Project:The line within which the steel pole will be used. Typically,the"Project"will be referred to as a proposed or existing high voltage transmission line,but may also only include a single pole replacement or addition. K. Raking: The practice of erecting a straight pole out of plumb,or at an inclined angle."Raking" of a pole is usually done to oppose the direction of the resultant vector sum load under that stated load case. L. Supplier: The pole manufacturer,who is responsible for the design of the pole and all included appurtenances,fabrication and finishing,adherence to both project specifications and industry practices,and delivery of the pole.The"Supplier"may also include their engineer,or other authorized representative,to respond to questions or other technical or fabrication issues as they may arise. M. Ultimate load:Maximum design load,which includes the appropriate overload capacity factor. N. w/t:Ratio of the width of the pole(flat-to-flat)to the plate thickness. 1.4 QUALITY CONTROL A. The manufacturer shall have a registered ISO 9001,latest version,quality management system, or equivalent quality management system as determined by Owner.The registration certificate and the quality manual shall be provided by the manufacturer upon request. B. The manufacturer shall submit the quality plan as soon as possible in the contract,but no later than 1 week prior to production start.After the quality plan is submitted,any revisions to the plan shall be communicated to Idaho Power Company immediately. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. All materials shall comply with the applicable requirements of IEEE/NESC and ASTM specifications.Any modifications to the specifications must be approved by Idaho Power Company or its representative prior to bidding. B. Poles,arms and conductor brackets shall conform with: 1. For weathering steel finish:ASTM A588,ASTM A871 2. For painted steel finish:ASTM A36,ASTM A572,ASTM 581,ASTM A595 and ASTM A6/A6M. Refer to Section 2.5 Finishes for additional requirements C. Base plate shall conform with: 1. For weathering steel finish:ASTM A588 2. For painted steel finish: ASTM A572,ASTM A633,or ASTM A595.Refer to Section 2.5 Finishes for additional requirements. Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 2 D. Pole shafts shall consist of constant tapered regular dodecagon(12-sided polygon)tube sections, with the pole diameter measured across flats. Structure beams shall be either multi-sided tube sections or standard hollow structural sections(HSS)as listed in the AISC Hollow Structural Sections Manual. Structural steel shall be ASTM A500 Grade B(HSS),ASTM A36 (miscellaneous shapes and bars),or ASTM A992(wide flange).Weathering steel plate for tapered or multi-sided tubular sections shall conform to ASTM A871 and with minimum yield strength of 65 ksi.Minimum plate thickness shall be 3/16 of an inch.Mill test reports shall be submitted at no cost to Idaho Power Company. E. All erection bolts shall be furnished with one hex nut and one MF locknut and shall be high strength in accordance with ASTM A325 and ASTM A563,Type DH respectively.An additional bolt assembly quantity of 5%shall be furnished to account for losses in the field.A minimum of one bolt assembly shall be furnished for each structure. F. ,>above the ground line,on flats 6 an 12 for grounding purposes. The grounding nu4 threads shall be proteeted from coatings. G. Anchor bolts for self-supporting structures shall be as required by structure design and anchor bolt material shall conform to ASTM A615 Grade 60,or Grade 75.Each anchor bolts shall be furnished with two nuts;one below the base plate for leveling and one above for securing the pole with base plate to the anchor bolt.All other bolts and nuts shall conform,as applicable,to ASTM A325,ASTM A354,ASTM A394,or ASTM A687.As a minimum,all bolts shall meet SAE Grade 5 strength requirements,or equivalent.Locknuts shall be provided for each structure bolt,or American Nut Company(ANCO)type self-locking nuts may be used.Locknuts shall be the galvanized MF or ANCO type. H. Anchor bolts,structural plate,and weld material,shall meet the following requirements for Charpy V-notch tests: 1. The impact properties in the longitudinal direction of the material,for base plates,shafts, attachment lugs and flanges shall be a minimum of 20 Joules(15 ft-lb)for the average of the three specimens and no single specimen shall be less than 13 Joules(10 ft-lb).The test temperature shall be-20°F and testing shall be as described in ASTM A370. 2. For plates'h"or less in thickness and for quenched and tempered or normalized plates of any thickness,heat lot testing may be used to determine whether the material meets the impact property requirements. 3. Controlled rolled or as-rolled plates and shapes over'/2"in thickness shall be tested on a slab (plate)testing basis. 4. Anchor bolts shall have minimum Charpy V-notch impact properties in the longitudinal direction of 20 Joules(15 ft-lb)for the average of the three specimens and no single specimen shall be less than 13 Joules(10 ft-lb).The test temperature shall be-20°F and testing shall be as described in ASTM A370. I. For galvanized structures,steel used for the pole shaft and arms shall have a silicon content less than 0.06 percent. 2.2 STRUCTURAL DESIGN The overall design shall follow the requirements of Idaho Power Company's Technical Specification for Tubular Steel Poles. The design,fabrication,allowable stresses,processes,tolerances,and inspection shall conform to the American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE)48-11,Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures,latest edition. A. Pole designs shall be prepared from the provided configuration drawings and design loads.The structure shall be capable of withstanding all specified loading cases including secondary stresses from foundation movements(when foundation movements are specified),but not considering the possible restraining effect of conductors or shield wires. The structure shall withstand the loads without failure,permanent distortion,or exceeding any specified deflection limitations. Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 3 B. All loads shown in the load and design drawings include the appropriate overload factors as per NESC Table 253-1 (2017 Edition).All load cases are to be considered as shown in the drawings. C. Wind pressures shown in the loading criteria shall be multiplied by the appropriate shape factor. 1. Pressures,in Pa,shall be computed as follows: p=WxCd Where p=pressure on projected area of the pole normal to wind,W=wind pressure,and Cd=shape(or drag)factor. Shape factors for computing the wind loading are: D WIND El 0 0 0 (:: 1.3 0.9 D. Designs,in addition to the loading conditions to be considered in the drawings,shall accommodate load allowances for handling,transportation,and erection.Furthermore,the structural design shall accommodate an atmospheric temperature range of-40°F to 120°F. E. Attachment details for overhead ground wires(OHGW)and conductors are shown on the load and design drawings. Standard pole line hardware will be used for all attachments and will be the responsibility of Idaho Power Company. F. Deflection Limitations: 1. Terminal Deadend Structures: a. Horizontal deflection of vertical members: 1) For 60°F,0 psf wind,initial tension conditions load case: 1%of the total length of the structure. b. Combined vertical and horizontal deflection of horizontal members. 1) For 60°F,0 psf wind,initial tension condition load case: 1/2%of unsupported arm length. 2) For all other listed load cases: 6 inch maximum combined(vector sum)deflection. 2. Suspension,Angle,and In-Line Deadend Structures: a. Horizontal deflection of vertical members: 1) For 60°F,0 psf wind,initial tension conditions load case:the greater of 1%of the total length of the structure,or 40%of the pole base diameter. b. Combined vertical and horizontal deflection of horizontal members: 1) For 60°F,0 psf wind,initial tension condition load case: 1/2%of unsupported arm length. 2) For all other listed load cases: 6 inch maximum combined(vector sum)deflection. G. Stresses 1. The maximum design unit stress shall be the minimum yield strength as stated in applicable ASTM and IEEE/NESC specifications for the particular application and types of loads, including overload factors. H. Foundation Rotation and Deflection: 1. Foundation rotation and deflection shall be included at the pole base for worst case line loading(s)and considered when determining the appropriate pole shaft sizes,base plates, anchor bolts,connections,and other structural members that would be impacted by Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 4 displacement at the pole base.The permanent(non-recoverable)foundation rotation and deflection limits are as follows: a. For permanent rotation: 0.5 degrees—to be applied to the worst case loading(s)and the vector sum of rotation shall be approximated based on the loads acting in the transverse and longitudinal directions for those load case(s). b. For permanent vertical settlement: 3 inches—to be applied to the worst case loading(s). c. For permanent horizontal deflection: 3 inches—to be applied to the worst case loadings. d. Maximum allowed rotation and deflection limits,to be applied at the top of the pier (base of the pole)and evaluated as part of the foundation design,are: 1) 1.0 degrees rotation. 2) 4.5 inch vertical settlement. 3) 4.0 inch horizontal displacement. I. Cross Section: 1. Circular or polygonal cross sections for welded steel tubular members are preferred. Only dodecagon pole shafts will be allowed. J. Taper: 1. Pole tube sections shall have nearly uniform taper,and shall be required to be within 0.11 to 0.5 inches per linear foot,unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. K. Camber: 1. Steel poles designed for eccentric loading or line angles shall be shop cambered to counteract the eccentric load or line tension at 60°F final.The minimum deflection requiring cambering shall be 6". L. Joints&Guys 1. Poles shall be designed with a minimum number of joints.Field welding shall not be allowed as part of the design of a new pole. The shaft joints to be made in the field shall be slip joints or bolted flange joints. 2. The ultimate load in guys shall not exceed 90 percent of the rated breaking strength of the guy. M. Slip Joints: 1. Slip joints shall be designed in accordance with requirements provided in ASCE/SEI Standard 48-11. Slip joints shall only be used if the jacking force exceeds the maximum design compressive force.The use of slip joints in guyed deadend structures or those subjected to uplift forces shall be evaluated for structural integrity and performance. Sufficient jacking lugs shall be provided at each slip joint and shall be placed so as to not interfere with maximum overlap on the joint,grounding pads,ladder clips,or other details. Slip joint length shall be a minimum of 1.5 times the largest inside diameter of the female section. Supplier shall verify slip joint fit prior to shipment. 2. ''/2"grounding nuts must be included on either side of the slip joint on either side of the pole sections to allow for grounding bond. 3. Do not top coat upper portion of male sections of slip joints. Primer only must be applied. N. Flange Plate Connections: 1. Prior IPC approval is required for flange plate connections. Connections shall be designed in accordance with requirements provided in ASCE/SEI Standard 48-11.Flexural stress in the flange plate shall not exceed the specified minimum yield stress of the plate material, and the flange plate connections shall be designed to resist the maximum forces and moments at the connection.As a minimum,the flange plate connection shall also be designed to resist 50%of the moment capacity of the lowest strength adjoining tube.The Supplier shall verify upper to lower flange plate fit and connectivity prior to shipment. O. Arms Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 5 1. Arms shall be designed so the end of the arm is at the specified height under a loading of initial conductor tension,60F,No Wind,and no overload factors.Arms shall not deflect vertically more than 1' at the end of the arm under heavy ice conditions(without any overload factors applied). 2. Arms shall be upswept or straight,tapered, steel tubular members,of any cross-sectional type,which meet the dimensions shown on the attached drawings. 3. Arm end plate connection details for hardware attachment shall be typical of those shown on the provided configuration drawings.The arms shall be hermetically sealed when a painted finish is specified. Galvanized arms shall have drain holes where appropriate.If weathering steel is used for the arms,attachments and the arm shall be designed to avoid trapping or holding moisture. P. Davit Arms: 1. Supplier shall provide davit arms as shown in the load and design drawings.The horizontal offset listed on the load and design drawings shall be measured from pole face and a minimum vertical rise of 6 inches is required unless otherwise noted.The davit arms can be either linear or curved profiles and manufactured as multi-sided or round tubes. See load and design drawings for details of arm attachment and vangs. Supplier will provide all necessary arm bracket vangs and hardware to attach the arm. Q. Bearing Plate: 1. The bottom of the embedded section of pole shall have a bearing plate installed that is no more than 2 inches larger than the maximum pole base diameter,unless otherwise specified. R. Cap Plate: 1. Supplier shall provide cap plate at pole top.The cap plate shall be no more than 2 inches larger than the pole top diameter. The plate shall not be vented but fitted flush and seal welded to the top of the pole. S. Alignment Marks: 1. Each pole section shall be marked with an alignment arrow properly located on the exterior surface of the pole section for purposes of insuring each pole section is correctly aligned. T. Dimensions 1. Minimum plate thickness for all pole components shall be 3/16". 2. Poles shall have a nearly uniform taper throughout their entire length.The maximum difference in tapers between two pole sections measured by the diameters shall be 0.2 in/ft for poles with variable taper. 3. All unguyed angle poles or unguyed deadends shall be precambered to remain plumb when the calculated deflection at the top of the pole exceeds 1.0 percent of the pole height under the specificed camber load case. 4. Pole height shall be the height of the pole from the top of the baseplate,or the entire length of pole for direct-embedded poles. U. Lifting Lugs&Attachments 1. Lifting lugs shall be provided on large pole sections as required,the manufacturer is to determine this.The lugs shall be designed and positioned such that the pole section will hang nearly vertical when suspended from the lugs.The base section of all deadend poles should include lifting vangs towards the top of the section.Lifting lugs on arms are optional. The manufacturer shall supply complete instructions for handling and erection of poles and arms. 2. In the design of connections for vangs,brackets,or stiffeners attached to the pole shaft,care shall be taken to distribute the loads sufficiently to protect the wall of the pole from local buckling. Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 6 3. Clips for working/elimbing are to be included on one flat the entire length of each-pole beginning 10 feet from the designated pole ground line or base plate,and in all quadfants 5 feet below eaeh wife attaehment point.MeGr-eger-type ladder-s will be used.All hand holds and elimbing loops shall have a 5000 1b. eapaeit�,. The elips shall be welded to the pole sur-faee.Ladder-elips shall be leeated to avoid interference between ladder-s and other-a4taehments V. Moisture Prevention 1. When a painted finish is specified,poles shall be hermetically sealed. 2. Weathering steel structures shall be designed to eliminate water and refuse traps. 3. Tubular sections shall be sealed at the top of the base section to prevent moisture from entering the inside of the pole. 4. Connections shall be designed to reduce the effect of pack-out by preventing moisture from entering the joint or by designing the connection to allow moisture to easily drain off. 5. Plastic plugs shall be installed in all nuts welded to the structure and all tapped holes. 2.3 FOUNDATIONS A. Anchor Bolt Type: 1. Supplier will furnish structures with base plates,templates,and threaded anchor bolts with two nuts(one below the base plate for leveling and one above the base plate for securing the pole with base plate to the embedded anchor bolts).The length of threaded anchor bolt projection shall equal the base plate plus thickness of two nuts plus 2 inches as a minimum. The Supplier will assemble the anchor bolts into a cage unless otherwise requested.The anchor bolt cage shall also include upper and lower steel templates which shall be fabricated within a tolerance of 1/16 of an inch.The top 2 feet of all anchor bolts shall be galvanized. The anchor bolts are not expected to be full-length.Minimum embedment lengths will be determined using the ultimate bond stress values as listed in the latest addition of ACI-318. For bond stress calculations,concrete compressive strength shall be assumed to be 3000 psi in 28 days. 2. The anchor bolt thread shall be protected during shipping.The anchor bolts shall be welded to the holding plate in the bottom of the cage.The top template shall be designed to be removable and to support the assembled cage during lifting and setting operations without detrimental deformations.Bolt clusters shall be designed to be rigid enough to withstand the normal jolts of shipping,handling and installation with no displacement of bolts from the proper positions within the cluster. 3. Welding on anchor bolts will only be allowed in the bottom 1'. Only one length of anchor bolt shall be used on each pole.Anchor bolts/clusters shall be plainly marked to indicate the structure type,structure number,orientation,and top of concrete. 4. Supplier shall refer to the Project(s)Bid Unit Form,included as an attachment to this specification,for providing pricing for the following delivery options: a. Fully assembled anchor bolts in a single cage,unless otherwise specified by Idaho Power Company. 5. The removable template at the top of the anchor bolt assembly shall be marked with a v- notch indicating the angle bisector for all structures. Two,0.5 inch diameter holes shall be drilled in the template at locations 90°to bisector. 6. if anchor bolts a e shipped loose,they are to be btindled by stT-uetuf B. Self-Embedded Type: 1. Structures which are to be direct embedded shall have bearing plates and ground sleeves. Bearing plates shall have a diameter not more than 2"greater than the maximum pole diameter. 2. Supplier will blast clean steel substrate surfaces to be coated with steel grit or sand(steel shot not acceptable)to SSPC-SP6 surface preparation specification.Minimum acceptable substrate surface profile shall be 1.5 mils. 3. Supplier will apply protective coating to blast cleaned substrate surfaces with one of the following approved coatings: Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 7 a. Coal Tar Epoxy C-200(Sherwin Williams). b. Corrocote II Classic(Madison Chemical). c. Devtar 5A(Devoe). d. 46H-413 Tneme-Tar(Tnemec). Carbomastic 15 (Carboline). f. Idaho Power approved equal. 4. All below grade surfaces will be coated including the bearing plate and extend to 2 feet above ground line.Minimum acceptable coating thickness shall be 16 mils dry thickness. 5. Supplier shall provide a ground sleeve. Standard ground sleeve length is 46"with 12"being above ground.The minimum thickness shall be 3/16 of an inch.The ground sleeve shall not be considered in the strength calculations for the steel pole.The grounding nut threads shall be protected from coatings. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Steel pole structures shall be fabricated as shown on the load and design drawings. Supplier shall assume responsibility as noted. Supplier shall verify all dimensions to verify proper fit up of structure connections prior to fabrication.Any deviation in dimension or materials from that shown on the drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for his written approval prior to fabrication. Such submittals shall be in the form of shop fabrication drawings,per Section 3.5 of this specification. B. Prior to being worked in any manner, structural materials shall be cleaned of all rust and foreign particles.Material shall be straight within the tolerance allowed by ASTM Specification A6.If straightening is necessary,it may be done by mechanical means or by application of a limited amount of localized heat. Straightening shall be done in a manner that will not injure the material. C. Punching and drilling shall be done accurately. Center to center distance between holes of a piece shall not vary more than 1/16 of an inch from the specified dimension.Holes other than those shown on the drawings shall be approved by the Engineer.Burrs caused by drilling or punching shall be removed. D. All connections shall be shop welded,except as noted below: 1. Connections required or provided for disassembly and shipment of structure.Field welding for reassembly will not be permitted. 2. Bolted connections shown on the specification drawings or approved on the Supplier's shop drawings. E. All welding shall be in accordance with the requirements of the AWS Specification D1.1. Welding electrodes shall be heated E-70XX or equivalent wire if semi-automatic or automatically welding is used.Welding shall be performed by operators who have been qualified by tests as prescribed by AWS D1.1 to perform the type of welding required. F. One hundred percent(100%)weld penetration shall be required but not limited to circumference welds joining structural members,longitudinal welds in female portion of slip joint,welds at butt joints of back-up strips,base plate to shaft welds,and other longitudinal welds adjacent and within 3 inches of circumference welds,flange welds,base welds and ends of tube. G. Full penetration or equivalent 90%partial penetration welds with fillet overlay shall be used for arm-to-arm base,vang-to-plate shaft,and arm box joints. H. All other penetration welds shall have minimum 60%penetration. I. Quality and acceptability of the complete length of all full penetration welds shall be determined by visual and ultrasonic inspection. J. All other penetration welds shall have 60 percent minimum penetration. Quality and acceptability of all welds other than full penetration welds shall be determined by visual inspection, supplemented by magnetic particle,ultrasonic or dye penetrant inspection. Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 8 K. All weld back-up strips shall be continuous the full length of the welds. Care shall be exercised in the design of welded connections to avoid areas of high stress concentration which could be subject to fatigue or brittle fractures. L. Field welding shall not be permitted except with Idaho Power Company's approval and the manufacturer's direction in repairing a pole. M. The poles shall be designed and fabricated to eliminate water and refuse traps.After fabrication, poles shall be neatly finished,cleaned of oil,scale,etc.,in accordance with SSPC-SP-6,to ensure uniform and rapid formation of the protective oxide layer.All holes,blocks,and clips shall be made with sharp tools and shall be clean-cut without torn or ragged edges. N. Before being laid out or worked on in any manner,structural material shall be straight and clean. If straightening is necessary,it shall be done by methods that will not injure the metal. O. Shearing and cutting shall be performed carefully and all portions of the work shall be finished neatly. Copes and re-entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting. P. All forming or bending during fabrication shall be done by methods that will prevent embrittlement or loss of strength in the material being worked. Q. Holes for connection bolts shall be 1/16"larger than the nominal diameter of the bolts. R. Holes in the flange plates for bolted splices shall be 1/8"larger than the bolt diameter. S. Holes in the base plates for anchor bolts shall be 3/8"larger than the nominal diameter of the anchor bolts. T. Holes in steel plates which are punched must be smooth and cylindrical without excessive tear out or depressions.Any burrs that remain after punching shall be removed by grinding,reaming, etc. U. Holes of any diameter may be drilled in plate of any thickness. Care shall be taken to maintain accuracy when drilling stacks of plates. V. Holes may be made by use of a machine guided oxygen torch.Flame cut edges shall be reasonably smooth and suitable for the stresses transmitted to them. W. The overall length of the assembled structure should not be less than 6"of the specified length and not more than 1'. X. All weathering steel poles are to be blasted to remove mill scale. 2.5 FINISHES A. Aeeeptable finishes:oine pr-imer-and paif4ing with below gi-7ade eeating,powder-eeming with below..rage coating or non paintedweathering stool with below grade,.,,at4i. B. Zino Primer and Painting:Poles which are to be painted shall be hermetieally sealed to pre coffesion of interior-surfaees.After shot or sand blasting and cleaning in aceor-dance with th Steel Stmeture Painting Cotineil's Surface Preparations Specifleation, SSPC SP6,a A of 3 mils dry film thickness(DFT)and two coats of finish paint,each 3 ils DF T1 shall applied to all exterior surfaces in aceor-dance with the paint supplier's recommendations. On gallon eaeh of pr-imer-and f4aish paifft shail be supplied with eaeh five poles.A gidafantee agains fq&ing or-fading of the paint for a miniffpam ef 5 yeafs shall be provided.The gr-eu-nding 2.6 DESIGN CALCULATIONS A. Documentation to be supplied for Idaho Power Company's and Engineer's approval prior to fabrication includes final design calculations for pole shaft,base plate,anchor bolts,and arms, including their connections. Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 9 1. For the loading cases with overload factors,the total shear,axial forces,moments stresses or stress ratios, section moduli,cross-sectional areas,deflections w/t's for polygonal D/t's for round cross sections at all splices,at arm attachment points(top and bottom),and at least every 10 feet along the pole. 2. For the critical loading case, shear and axial forces,moments,stresses,section moduli, cross-sectional areas at the arm connections,bolt stresses in the arm connection,and deflection at the end of the arm. 3. Anticipated deflections at the top of the pole and at the ends of the arms shall be indicated for each pole for the deflection case specified on the design drawings. 4. For all specified loading cases,reactions and ground line moments shall be supplied. 5. Supply PLS-Pole models with sets and phase unchanged from the design. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SHIPPING A. Idaho Power Company and/or Idaho Power Company's representative shall be notified 10 days prior to shipment.All parts required for any one structure shall be in one shipment,if possible. Nuts,bolts,and small hardware shall be boxed or bundled and identified.Each shipment shall be accompanied by a list of parts,identifiable by structure type and number. Salt-treated wood blocking or urethane foams shall not be used for shipping or storing weathering steel poles.All weathering steel poles must be protected from corrosive contaminants such as road salt. B. The anchor bolts shall be welded to the holding plate in the bottom of the cage.A removable template shall be used at the top of the cage and shall be marked to show the centerline for tangent structures and the angle bisector for angle structures.Matching marks are to be on the base plate so proper alignment can be made. C. Bolt clusters shall be rigid enough to withstand the normal jolts of shipping and handling with no displacement of bolts from the proper positions within the cluster. D. Unless otherwise authorized by Idaho Power Company,the anchor bolt cage shall be shipped at least 30 days prior to pole shipment. E. All fabricated steel sections shall be suitably braced for handling and shipping. F. Steelwork shall be properly protected during shipping so that parts will not be bent,broken, deformed, stained or otherwise damaged. G. Damage to any part of the work due to lack of proper handling or loading by the manufacturer shall be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer's expense. 3.2 WEIGHT A. The weight of a pole section or a single piece pole shall not exceed 25,000 lbs unless approved by Idaho Power Company.Weight shall include arms,base plates,and other attachments. 3.3 MARKING A. Each piece shall be clearly marked or stamped with its respective erection identification mark. At 5 feet from the base plate(for self-supporting poles)or designated ground line(for direct embed poles),the Supplier shall clearly mark the structure number,overall height,date of fabrication,name of pole manufacturer,and suppliers job number. B. Each pole will be marked on the bottom of baseplate or bearing plate with the following identifying information: structure type,height,structure number(if supplied).For Multi-section poles the top of the cap plate shall be marked with height and structure number(if supplied). Marking may be done with welding,marking paint or other suitable method that provides a weather resistant marking method. C. Each pole section for each structure shall be clearly marked with a highly visible grease pencil indicating the structure number to support field installation,"STR Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 10 3.4 STRUCTURE PRE-ASSEMBLY A. All multi-component sub-assemblies should be pre-assembled and match marked by the manufacturer,before being shipped. Should the manufacturer choose not to complete the trial assembly and match marking process,costs incurred by Idaho Power Company or it's subcontractors during assembly resulting from improper fit-up will be the responsibility of the manufacturer. 3.5 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Idaho Power Company and its designated agents shall have free entry at all times while work is being carried on,to all parts of the manufacturer's plant to inspect any part of the production of the poles covered by this specification. B. Steel members which are bent or warped or otherwise improperly fabricated shall be properly repaired or replaced. C. The cost of tests made by the Supplier or Manufacturer,including cost of the certified test reports shall be considered included in the price. D. The Supplier or Manufacturer shall make tests in accordance with ASTM A370 and ASTM A673 to verify that the material used in the structures meets the impact properties. E. Mill test reports showing chemical and physical properties of all material furnished under this specification shall be traceable to the structure. F. All plates over 1-1/2 inches thick shall be ultrasonically tested to assure against defects which could lead to lamellar tearing. G. All visual and non-destructive inspection will be carried out by qualified testing personnel. H. The Supplier or Manufacturer shall make certified welding reports for each structure.The reports covering welding shall include all welds of a structure.Each weld shall be clearly identified and the report shall consist of the method of testing,whether the weld is acceptable, the identification of the structure,the date,and the name and signature of the inspector. 3.6 FULL SCALE LOAD TEST A. such t B. Details of the test pr-eeedufes and metheds of measur-ing and r-eeer-diag test loads and deflections. shall be speeified by the mafvufaeVaFer-prior-to testing and shall be subject to the review an appr-eval of Idaho Power-Company or-its fepresentative. C. . Deflection measufements shall be taken iinder the no lend—�W_nd_itien beth before and testing. D. Material pre"rement for te t poles shall be identical to material procurement procedures fe ..,,l.,r production r. poles, E. A fall report listing results shall be submitted after completion of all testing. Copies of mill tes repei4s shall be ineluded in the lead test r-epei4.The r-epei4 shall also inelude a eemplete ,1„ser-i do of the lead tests with diagrams and..1...teg-.,p4s F. Mahe Pewer-Company or-its r-epr-esen4a4ive r-eser-ves the right to be present during testing and shall be notified 2 weeks prior to the stai4 of s4iaetufe fabFiea4ion. 3.7 TECHNICAL INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED WITH THE PROPOSAL A. Calculated shipping weight of each structure excluding anchor bolts. Separate weights shall be given for arms and poles. B. Calculated shipping weight of anchor bolts. Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES II C. Ultimate groundline reactions(including overload factors)in poles and guy wires. D. Anchor bolt size,length and locations(bolt circle diameters). E. Type of material of major components. F. Description of pole shaft,including thickness,length,diameter,cross-sectional geometry,and method of fastening each shaft component. G. Data showing the design of the arm,arm connections,arm attachment plates and brackets. H. Sketches or draft drawings of structure and structure attachments. I. PLS-Pole.bak file will all structures and set and phases unchanged 3.8 STRUCTURAL STEEL SHOP DRAWINGS A. Structural steel shop drawings,for all Supplier-designed and/or detailed structures,showing all details necessary for fabrication and assembly shall be provide as follows: B. Approval Drawings: 1. Provide drawings in electronic(pdf)format prior to fabrication. Shop drawings submittals shall be sent directly to Idaho Power Company Project Engineer. 2. The Engineer will return to the Supplier,within two weeks after receipt,one set of drawings marked"Resubmit,""Approved,""Approved as Noted,"or"Rejected,"as the case may be. For any resubmittal,all revisions will be clearly shown on the resubmitted sets of drawings. Design revisions,in accordance with corrections shown thereon,may be considered as ready for fabrication. Corrections or revisions shown on"Resubmit"set shall be made. Drawings shall be returned two weeks after notice of requiring resubmittal. 3. The standard drawing size for shop drawings shall be 22 inches by 34 inches(ANSI D),but the drawings should be prepared in order that they can be reprinted/copied and reviewed as 11 inch by 17 inch plots.Drawings shall be laid out in legible,organized manner,with uniformity in appearance,style,contents,and dimensional proportions.Material lists shall be included on the shop drawings. C. Construction Drawings: 1. After approvals are received and shop drawings finalized,the Supplier shall furnish structural steel shop drawings in electronic(pdf)format to the Idaho Power Company Project Engineer.The drawings will be used for construction purposes.Electronic files of final drawings shall be submitted in AutoCAD format for its records.Inquire for AutoCAD version. 3.9 TEST&INSPECTION REPORTS A. The following test and inspection reports shall be provided(upon request): 1. Certified mill test reports for all structural material. 2. Certified welding reports for each structure. 3. Impact property test reports showing that the material used in the structures meets the impact properties. 4. Test reports on coating thickness. 5. Report of structure testing,when required,including photographs,diagrams,load trees,test equipment calibration records,etc. 6. Incoming,in-process and final quality records. END OF SECTION Idaho Power Company Huntington to Quartz 138kV Line#423 CUSTOM TUBULAR STEEL POLES 12