HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240820Certificate_No_ 549.pdf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF SCHWEITZER ) CASE NO. SWC-W-23-01 WATER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR ) APPROVAL OF THE ACQUISITION OF ) CERTIFICATE NO. 549 THE ASSETS OF RESORT WATER CO. INC. ) AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY ) IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the Public Convenience and Necessity requires Schweitzer Water Company and its successors and assigns to:hold,construct,or otherwise acquire a water system and water supply; and to maintain and operate said water system and water supply to supply water to the water system service areas formerly served by the Resort System and the Ridge System—located within Bonner County, Idaho: See attached as Exhibit 1 - Service Territory Maps See attached as Exhibit 2 - Service Territory Legal Descriptions This Certificate is for such purpose to own, hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory water wells, reservoirs, tanks, towers, stand pipes collectors, settling basins, galleries and other works and structures, and also to lay,take up,repair, renew, extend, alter, maintain, and operate water mains, pipes, conduits, aqueducts hydrants and other appliances, equipment and facilities, in, upon, over, under, along, through and across all streets, avenues, alleys, streams, highways, roads, and other public places in said territory as the same now exists or may hereafter be extended, laid out or established, and to exercise the rights and privileges granted, or to which hereafter may be granted to Schweitzer Water Company, its successors or assigns,by any franchise conferred by the State of Idaho or any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and conclusions of Order No. 36260 in Case No. SWC-W-23-01 to which reference is hereby made. CERTIFICATE NO. 549 1 DATED at Boise, Idaho this 20th day of August 2024. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT HN R. HHAAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER G EDWARD LODGE, COM SSIONER ATTEST: 11Zo.,, Mo c arrio c z Commission Secretary I:\Legal\WATER\SWC-W-23-01_Asset Acq\orders\SWCW2301_Cert549_md.docx CERTIFICATE NO. 549 2 EXHIBIT 1 to CPCN No. 549 SERVICE TERRITORY MAPS Case No. SWC-W-23-01 Qa s scc „ s 'a i Q 3a 5 s rcw a ''^^ vJ Q a~ z o z N= U Qa UN W rcW O� G \ W ¢� wN z r T1N� �w 3Q w m Q 0.00 =i H3 h S w z " W N N W _ � ZoS W X w �C' V J LLJ w¢ f �z vI �z 00 zm � a � o 0 G I a 031INIHONd AlLnu SI W now 30 NOISSIMM N]EIM 013I03dS 1NOH1IMS1NMNOO Sll HOINMW SNI SIH130 NOI1tl0I3I00WN03SN3N'N0117NOONdEH ANV VNNNONtl30 A bMONd 3HLSI 1N349NNLSNI SIHl'ONI'dNONObNNNONV noz@ ¢d—I—----d viceeece -'-P'--p0.i----Nuyo­i­ey—,�.....N ­'­­--," Q ¢ o scc „ s 'a i Q 3¢ rc z Q r'1Q Q LL a zN / io w O sN L N �N U aww om o 4J pad ~ ~ w � 7 NN coz0 W X crw¢ V� S. ui Z W 00 N Zm H a I W = z O U I I o 0 B i w 0 0 x O3IINIHONd Alms SI W now 30 NOISSIMM N]EIM OI31o3dS 1NOH1IMS1NMNOO Sll HOINMW SNI SIH13O NouvoI3IO0WNO 3SN3N'NOIloN0O8d3N ANV VNNNONtl3O A bMONd 3HLSI 1N349NNLSNI SIHl'oNI'dnoHowNNONV noz@ ¢deae I—Swa---d .....N a ­awnaw--," O g � ¢ CI a 0 rcw a oQ eU m O OO� Q Q 00 S G w Cl) C0 w z w LU �¢ LU a¢ } W N 00 �U Z mo < a a •— �; m04 ^ p N Q F F-- G N�N Z w i Z)H- 3 w♦� m o Z O C t V C) 9(U I u w w � �Za V) J W om H z a � ` a S z w ° N H W 2 U 031131HONd AU)IM SI N1tlIOW JO NOISSIMU N3UN1M 011103dS 1NOHiW SLN31NOD S11 801N3NNtl15N1 SIHI dO NOLLMJIlIWW UO3S13d'N01101100tld34 ANV n4no lOAiU3dOtld3H1SI1N34YnWNISIHI'ONI'dNo4ovu4 ouvvzOZ0 n dad i�Ma u r ry.a wd 11111-11—'—ee— .y-e —..oll-lp— 1aw%wns 11 EXHIBIT 2 to CPCN No. 549 SERVICE TERRITORY LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS Case No. SWC-W-23-01 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SCHWEITZER WATER COMPANY SCHWEITZER WATER SYSTEM A parcel of land in Section 20, Township 58 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County Idaho, further described as follows: Beginning at the Center Quarter Corner of said Section 20, monumented with a 4 inch diameter concrete monument with a 2 inch diameter brass cap marked "PLS 1947", from which the East Quarter Corner bears South 89°51'25" East, 2693.97 feet; Thence South 00°13'44" West, 1068.16 feet along the north-south center section line to the southeasterly corner of Ski and Road Easement as shown on Crystal Springs Subdivision Block E, recorded as Instrument#437196, Records of Bonner County, Idaho; Thence North 89058'51" West, 527.03 feet, along said Ski and Road Easement southerly line, to the southwesterly corner of said Easement; Thence North 22014'10" East, 33.20 feet, to the southeasterly corner of Lot 10, Crystal Springs Subdivision Block D, recorded as Instrument#437196; Thence, along the southerly line of said Crystal Springs Subdivision Block D the following five (5) courses; 1) North 66°17'30" West, 343.67 feet; 2) Thence South 23°39'37" West, 200.23 feet; 3) Thence North 66019'45" West, 192.32 feet; 4) Thence North 59015'24" West, 185.93 feet; 5) Thence North 46°26'07" West, 256.60 feet to the southwesterly corner of Lot 6 of said Crystal Springs Subdivision Block D; Thence, departing said Crystal Springs Subdivision Block D southerly line, North 39°3951" West, 961.28 feet; Thence North 45°28'38" East, 1912.66 feet, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 6, Block 6, Trappers Creek, recorded as Instrument#735696; Thence North 46036'42" East, 930.90 feet to the northwesterly corner of Parcel 35 as described in Special Warranty Deed Instrument#102486. Thence South 89023'40" East, 330.04 feet; Thence South 00°15'36" East, 211.23 feet; Thence South 41°18'17" East, 616.50 feet; Thence South 89°23'40" East, 605.25 feet; Thence South 00°33'53" East, 253.90 feet; Thence South 67053'34" East, 1456.70 feet to the easterly line of said Section 20; Thence South 00°52'27" East, 507.70 feet to the east quarter corner of said Section 20; Thence North 89°51'25" West, 2693.97 feet, along the east-west center section line of said Section 20, to the Point of Beginning. And The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 58 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho. Containing 177 acres, more or less. Nl L A A(,9 E N SF� 19136 s� �o �'Ai 9TE 0 F �QP p� 6. MEO \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION RESORT WATER COMPANY RIDGE WATER SYSTEM Boise Meridian, Idaho T. 58 N., R. 2 W. SEC. 29, NE1/4, N1/2NW1/4, SE1/4NW1/4. Containing 280 acres, more or less. Nl L A A(,o ��ENSF� ��< 19136 s� �o �'Ai 9TE 0 F k pA\ 6 ME0