HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240820Interlocutory_Order_No_36295.pdf Office of the Secretary Service Date August 20,2024 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF CAPITOL WATER ) CASE NO. CAP-W-24-01 CORPORATION'S APPLICATION TO ) INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ) ORDER NO. 36295 WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF ) IDAHO ) On August 5, 2024, Staff filed an expedited motion seeking to vacate the August 21, 2024, public comment deadline, the September 4, 2024, company reply deadline, and the August 22, 2024, customer hearing in this case; and (2) to indefinitely suspend the Capitol Water Corporation's ("Company") proposed effective date for new rates (as suspended by Order No. 36118), pending completion of Staff s review of the Company's financial records. Attached to Staffs motion as an exhibit was a document signed by a duly authorized Company representative consenting to the relief sought in the motion. Having reviewed the record, the Commission issues this interlocutory order vacating the August 21, 2024, public comment deadline, the September 4, 2024, company reply deadline, and the August 22, 2024, customer hearing in this case; and indefinitely suspending the Company's proposed effective date for new rates. COMMISSION FINDINGS AND DECISION With the consent of the party seeking approval of a new rate,we may suspend the proposed effective date of the new rate indefinitely. See Idaho Code § 61-622. Additionally, we may alter or amend interlocutory orders, like those suspending rates, scheduling deadlines for written communications, or proposing modified procedure. IDAPA Staff represented that, despite the Company's overall cooperativeness, the antiquated billing and record keeping software the Company uses has slowed the review of the Company's financial records. So much so, that Staff will be unable to file appropriate comments by the established August 21, 2024, public comment deadline. Indeed, Staff indicated that it is currently unsure when its review of the Company's financial records will be complete. Consequently, Staff seeks to not only vacate the comment deadlines and customer hearing, but also to suspend indefinitely the Company's October 1, 2024, proposed effective date for new rates until the financial review is complete. Staff further indicated its willingness to work with the Company to recommend new comment deadlines and propose a date for the rescheduled customer hearing after ORDER NO. 36295 1 completing its review of the Company's financial records. As further demonstration of its overall cooperativeness, the Company consented to the relief Staff requests. Accordingly, we find it reasonable to grant Staff s request to vacate comment deadlines and the customer hearing and indefinitely suspend the Company's proposed effective date for new rates. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the August 21, 2024, public comment deadline, the September 4, 2024, company reply deadline, and the August 22, 2024, customer hearing in this case are vacated. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company's October 1,2024,proposed effective date for new rates is suspended indefinitely, pending completion of Staff s review of the Company's financial records. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that after completing its examination of the Company's finances, Staff shall work with the Company to recommend to the Commission new comment deadlines and propose a date for the rescheduled customer hearing. THIS IS AN INTERLOCUTORY ORDER, not a final and appealable Order of the Commission. The period of reconsideration will not begin until the final order is issued. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 20th day of August 2024. I rcroL ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT HN R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER yie—k" G . EDWARD LODGE, CO ISSIONER ATTEST: I ;a� �.. MXVharr s- n Commission Secreta P7 IALegahWATEMCAP-W-24-01_rates\orders\CAP W2401_Suspension_at.docx ORDER NO. 36295 2