HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240808Reply Comments.pdf MPOWER. An IDACORP Company MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Corporate Council mgoicoecheaallen(aD_idahopower.com August 8, 2024 RECEIVED Thursday, August 8 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES VIA ELECTRONIC FILING COMMISSION Monica Barrios-Sanchez, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 RE: Case No. IPC-E-24-11 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for a Determination of 2023 Demand-Side Management Expenses as Prudently Incurred Dear Ms. Barrios-Sanchez: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company's Reply Comments in the above- entitled matter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, r Megan Goicoechea Allen M GA:cd Enclosures MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (ISB No. 7623) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 mgoicoecheaallenCa�,idahopower.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) CASE NO. IPC-E-24-11 DETERMINATION OF 2023 DEMAND-SIDE ) MANAGEMENT EXPENSES AS ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PRUDENTLY INCURRED. ) REPLY COMMENTS Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") respectfully submits the following Reply Comments in response to Comments filed by Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff ("Staff"), the City of Boise City ("Boise City"), the Idaho Conservation League ("ICL"), and NW Energy Coalition and South Central Community Action Partnership ("NWEC/SCCAP") (collectively called "Parties") on July 25, 2024. I. REPLY COMMENTS In its Comments, Staff concludes that the Company's Demand-Side Management ("DSM") programs are well managed and cost-effective' and recommends the Staff Comments at 2. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 1 Commission approve $30,323,272 in Idaho Energy Efficiency Tariff Rider ("Rider") expenses and $8,455,107 in Demand Response ("DR") program incentives.2 Staff also provides recommendations on program management and evaluation. All other Parties recommend a prudence determination from the Commission as well.3 In addition, Boise City provides recommendations for additional programmatic offerings, and NWEC/SCCAP offers recommendations for programmatic improvements. In these Reply Comments, the Company responds to the issues and recommendations raised by Parties. A. Weatherization for Income Qualified Customers Boise City, ICL, and NWEC/SCCAP commented on the Company's low-income weatherization programs, the Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers ("WAQC") program, and the Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers ("Weatherization Solutions") program. Specifically, Boise City encourages the Company to ensure its income-qualified programs are set up to leverage the forthcoming federally funded Home Efficiency and Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate programs, which it suggests "will increase the impact of the Company's weatherization programs, improve cost-effectiveness, and reduce the energy burden for vulnerable community members."4 ICL states that the Commission has long identified that these programs provide benefits that are hard to capture in traditional cost-benefit analyses like health, safety, good will, and nontraditional economic benefits.5 NWEC/SCCAP also cites benefits associated with low-income weatherization that traditional cost-effectiveness tests do not capture, 2 Staff Comments at 14. 3 Boise City Comments at 5, ICL Comments at 4, and NWEC/SCCAP Comments at 9. a Boise City Comments at 3. a ICL Comments at 2. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 2 including reduced arrearages, health and safety benefits (including savings on medical expenses), job support, savings that can be used in other segments of the economy, and fewer days of missed work.6 Additionally, they mention that certain energy efficiency measure may have high costs but also yield greater savings.' For these reasons NWEC/SCCAP suggest that the Company increase its annual average per project cap in the WAQC program and re-evaluate that cap every three years.$ Staff, Boise City, and ICL express support for Company efforts to improve cost- effectiveness.9 When considering cost-effectiveness, it is important to understand that Idaho Power funds are paid directly to the Community Action Partnership ("CAP") agencies to perform work that is determined by the State of Idaho Weatherization Assistance Program guidelines. Therefore, Idaho Power's ability to improve cost- effectiveness is limited to reducing labor costs associated with program administration. The high costs of comprehensive whole-house weatherization compared to the relatively low Company administration costs provides limited intervention that would result in improved cost-effectiveness. Given the limited opportunities for Company action to influence cost-effectiveness and recognizing that traditional cost-effectiveness tests fail to capture the full benefits of these programs, the Company requests that the Commission consider permanently exempting them from the traditional utility cost-effectiveness analysis. As noted by both Staff and ICL,10 in the Company's 2023 General Rate Case ("GRC"), IPC-E-23-11, the Commission approved an all-party settlement that 6 NWEC/SCCAP Comments at 5-6. NWEC/SCCAP Comments at 6. 8 NWEC/SCCAP Comments at 9. s Staff Comments at 7, Boise City Comments at 5, and ICL Comments at 3. 10 Staff Comments at 7 and ICL Comments at 3. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 3 implemented certain changes impacting its DSM programs. More specifically, the Commission-approved Settlement Stipulation states in pertinent part: Additionally, the Parties agree that the existing obligations for $1.2 million for income-qualified weatherization and $125,000 for low-income education are to be moved from base rate revenue requirement to recovery through the Rider, resulting in a reduction to the base rate revenue requirement of $1,324,853. The Company commits to work with Staff and the Community Action Partnership agencies to develop implementation and ongoing administration details, including funding levels, for both programs, which could be presented for Commission approval in Idaho Power's next demand-side management prudence filing or other compliance filing." In conformance with the Settlement Stipulation, the Company has undertaken to work with CAP agencies and Staff to address certain matters related to its DSM programs. To this end, the Company held a meeting on July 31, 2024, where stakeholders convened to discuss implementation and ongoing administrative details associated with WAQC. Participants included Staff, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, and several CAP agencies, including El Ada Community Action Partnership, South Central Community Action Partnership, Metro Community Services, and Southeastern Idaho Community Action Partnership. During the meeting, the stakeholders discussed a number of issues including the sufficiency of the current $1.2 million; implications of shifting funding from base rates into the Rider; the treatment of transfers between agencies; evaluation of increasing the annual average project cap; and the continuation of funding available for qualified non-profits through the program. The Company is committed to continued collaboration with the stakeholder group and does not believe it is necessary for the Commission to issue an order with direction on the programmatic elements of these programs at this time. Following remaining stakeholder engagement, Idaho Power will "Case No. IPC-E-23-11, Stipulation and Settlement at 7. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 4 submit a filing seeking Commission approval for necessary updates to Schedule 79, Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers and any programmatic changes it intends to implement. B. DSM Programs Recommendations The Parties had several specific recommendations around ways to improve the Company's non-income qualified DSM offerings, including: • Staff expressed concern that the Home Energy Reports ("HERS") program design excludes the participation of customers assigned to the control group and that these customers do not have the opportunity to benefit from the program despite contributing to the recovery of program funds through the Rider. Staff recommends that the Company explore alternatives to allow these customers to participate in the HERS program should they want to.12 • Boise City recommends that the Company consider an electric vehicle charging incentive, targeted at commercial customers, to encourage charging at off-peak times. 13 • Boise City also recommends and that the Company evaluate increasing point-of-sale rebates and incentives for energy efficiency measures to ensure they are as accessible as possible to residential customers.14 • NWEC/SCCAP recommends the Company use efforts to expand the use of HERS (including adding additional test and control groups) and find ways to better reach the rental housing market.15 12 Staff Comments at 7. 13 Boise City Comments at 4. 14 Id. 15 NWEC/SCCAP Comments at 3-4. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 5 • NWEC/SCCAP also recommends Idaho Power consider how it can ensure customers who take advantage of beneficial electrification do not invest in inefficient appliances.16 Idaho Power appreciates the thoughtful assessment of its DSM programs and is committed to exploring the ideas raised by each of the parties. The Company is also committed to bringing any potential programmatic changes to its Energy Efficiency Advisory Group ("EEAG") for further discussion and input prior to implementation. C. Evaluation Recommendations Staff provided two recommendations specific to program evaluation. First, Staff expressed concern that the Company uses the same estimated savings values for contractor-installed and self-installed smart thermostats in its Heating and Cooling Efficiency Program, which may not reflect actual savings because contractor-installed smart thermostats save more than self-installed. Staff recommends that the Company evaluate the savings of contractor-installed and self-installed smart thermostats in its next evaluation.17 The Company is supportive of this recommendation and is committed to undertake this effort in its next evaluation of the program. Second, Staff raises concerns that the use of simulated energy savings does not represent the actual energy savings impact on the Company's system and recommends that the Company conduct a follow up impact evaluation of its Residential New Construction ("RNC") Program using billing data from both the time construction is finished and when occupation begins in order to quantify energy savings, the results of 16 NWEC/SCCAP Comments at 4. 17 Staff Comments at 8-9. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 6 which the Company should include in the next possible prudence filing.'$ While the Company acknowledges that using billing data to quantify energy savings can yield informative results, it is important to consider the set of available data needed to complete the analysis. A billing analysis is typically performed in one of two ways: (1) comparing post-implementation usage to prior usage at the site, or (2) comparing post- implementation usage to a control group of"like" homes. The first method cannot be used for RNC projects because there is no usage prior to a new construction project. A "pre- condition billing analysis" comparing post-implementation usage to modeled data could be performed with standard methods using data readily available to the Company. Alternatively, a "matched control billing analysis" would require identifying a set of non- participating electrically-heated homes with similar characteristics such as home type (e.g., single-family versus multi-family), HVAC type, conditioned area, number of residents, and geographic location. The results of a billing analysis on a new construction program will be subject to the quality of the data and matching process and would ultimately require more time and resources to conduct. The Company is not opposed to exploring which of these methods warrants further consideration; however, it does not believe it is necessary for the Commission to direct it to complete the additional analysis at this juncture. As it has committed to previously, the Company typically presents a 2-year evaluation plan to EEAG for input and alignment in the November meeting.19 Accordingly, the Company plans to work with informally with 18 Staff Comments at 9-10. 19 Case No. IPC-E-19-11,Attachment No.A to Staff's Comments, p.4: "The Company and Staff held a conference call on February 27,2019, and the Company agreed to create a two-year,forward-looking schedule of evaluations in the DSM Annual Report. This will give Staff and other stakeholders visibility into the Company's planned evaluation schedule and help determine the need for additional or more frequent evaluations. Staff believes this is a reasonable solution and will continue monitoring the evaluation schedule." IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 7 Staff and will bring a recommendation related to an additional RNC impact evaluation (which will also consider its impact on program cost-effectiveness), to the November 2024 EEAG meeting, where it will solicit input and feedback before determining the timing and type of further RNC evaluations along with the holistic 2025-2026 evaluation schedule. II. CONCLUSION Idaho Power appreciates the collaboration from Parties to continually improve its energy efficiency offerings. The Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: (1) finding Idaho Power's $30,323,272 in Rider funds and $8,455,107 in DR program incentives, for a total of$38,778,378, as prudently incurred DSM expenses; and (2) considering permanently exempting the low-income weatherization programs from the traditional utility cost-effectiveness analysis. Respectfully submitted this 8th day of August 2024. jNr?I W�ict 96 MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 8t" day of August 2024, 1 served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing Idaho Power Company's Reply Comments upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Adam Triplett Hand Delivered Deputy Attorneys General U.S. Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission Overnight Mail P.O. Box 83720 FAX Boise, ID 83720-0074 X Email adam.triplett(cD_puc.idaho.gov Ed Jewell Hand Delivered City of Boise City U.S. Mail 150 N. Capitol Blvd. Overnight Mail P.O. Box 500 FAX Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 X Email BoiseCityAttorney(a cityofboise.org elewell(c)_cityofboise.org Steven Hubble Hand Delivered Boise City Dept. of Public Works U.S. Mail 150 N. Capitol Blvd. Overnight Mail P.O. Box 500 FAX Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 X Email shubble(a)cityofboise.org Matthew Nykiel Hand Delivered Attorney for Idaho Conservation League U.S. Mail 710 N. 6t" St. Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83702 FAX X Email matthew.nykiel(c�gmail.com Brad Heusinkveld Hand Delivered Idaho Conservation League U.S. Mail 710 N. 6th St. Overnight Mail Boise, Idaho 83702 FAX X Email bheusinkveld(a�idahoconservation.org Benjamin J. Otto Hand Delivered NW Energy Coalition U.S. Mail 1407 W. Cottonwood Court Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83702 FAX X Email ben nwenergy.org IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 9 Ken Robinette Hand Delivered South Central Community Action U.S. Mail Partnership Overnight Mail 550 Washington Street South FAX Twin Falls, ID 83303 X Email ken(o)_sccap-id.org a4pu- f - Christy Davenport, Legal Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 10