HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240806IPC to Staff Response No. 31(b) - Attachment 1 - RFB - Engineering Design.pdf Response to Staff Request No.31b-Attachment 1 1DA M FOOMR0 An IDACORP Company Request for Bid Design Services for the Oxbow Fish Hatchery Renovation Idaho Power Company P.O. BOX 70 Boise, ID 83707 RFB Coordinator: Mira Beck Mail to: mbeck@Idahopower.com Phone: 208-388-6048 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid Table of Contents I.INTRODUCTION 1 A. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................1 B. Company Background......................................................................................................................................1 C. Project Background/Current State.............................................................................................................1 D. Scope of Work/Specifications and Requirements................................................................................1 E. Additional Requirements and Clarifications...........................................................................................3 II. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR RESPONDENTS 4 A. Key Events and Dates.......................................................................................................................................4 RFB Schedule 4 Project Schedule 4 B. Deadlines...............................................................................................................................................................4 Questions 4 Proposals 5 C. Contact Information..........................................................................................................................................5 RFB Coordinator 5 D. Content of Proposals.........................................................................................................................................5 E. Failure to Comply...............................................................................................................................................6 F. Contractual Status of Proposals...................................................................................................................6 G. In Whole or In Part............................................................................................................................................6 H. Revisions to the RFB.........................................................................................................................................6 I. Cost to Propose ..................................................................................................................................................6 J. Respondent to Conform with Law..............................................................................................................6 K. Business Conduct Policy..................................................................................................................................7 L. Proprietary Information—Confidentiality..............................................................................................7 M. Accountability......................................................................................................................................................7 N. Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Program..........................................................7 0. Physical and Electronic Protection.............................................................................................................7 III. RFB EVALUATION PROCESS 8 A. RFB Evaluation Team.......................................................................................................................................8 B. RFB Evaluation Criteria...................................................................................................................................8 C. Form of Contract................................................................................................................................................8 D. Entire RFB.............................................................................................................................................................9 E. Attachments.........................................................................................................................................................9 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose Idaho Power Company ("IPC") is currently seeking bids in response to this Request for Bid ("RFB") to renovate the Oxbow Fish Hatchery, ("OFH"). B. Company Background IDACORP, Inc. is a holding company formed in 1998. Comprised of regulated and non-regulated businesses,its origins lie with Idaho Power,a regulated electric utility that began operations in 1916. Today,IPC is the largest regulated electric utility in the state of Idaho and IDACORP's chief subsidiary.IPC serves over 500,000 residential,business,agricultural, and industrial customers.The company's service area covers approximately 24,000 square-miles,including portions of eastern Oregon.Learn more about Idaho Power at www.idahopower.com. C. Project Background/Current State OFH lies on the Oregon bank of the Snake River just downstream of IPC's Oxbow Dam.The facility is owned by IPC and operated by Idaho Department of Fish and Game ("IDFG") personnel. It is operated as mandated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to mitigate impacts to anadromous fish associated with the construction and operation of Brownlee,Oxbow and Hells Canyon dams on the Snake River. The hatchery serves as a trapping,holding and spawning facility for summer steelhead,and serves as a trapping and holding facility for spring Chinook salmon. Hatchery and IPC staff operate the fish trap located near the base of Hells Canyon Dam and transport fish back to OFH. Hatchery and IPC staff also provide fish transport to IPC's Rapid River Fish Hatchery for spawning and rearing. Current hatchery facilities consist of: • Two adult holding ponds,and associated crowding,intake/sorting,and spawning facilities. • Egg incubation building and associated chiller • Hatchery operations/office building. • Hatchery Managers residence • Staff dormitory and storage shed • Additional raceways not in use. Water for the hatchery is supplied by both river water and well water.The river water supply is a pump station located along the bank of the river on the southeast corner of the property. This pump station consists of a steel structure that has been placed in the river with two vertical turbine pumps, with an attached T-screen. Each vertical turbine pump can supply up to 17.5 cfs of river water to the adult holding ponds and are run one at a time.Nearby,a small building houses additional electrical controls and an air compressor which pneumatically cleans the t-screen for the river water pumps.The well water is supplied by two onsite wells,each of which can supply 170-200 gpm of water to the hatchery office and incubation building. D. Scope of Work/Specifications and Requirements The Oxbow Fish Hatchery,constructed in 1961,has been in operation for nearly 58 years.With outdated infrastructure,ineffective fish holding and rearing vessels,and poor overall aesthetics,the complex is due for a complete renovation. Confidential Page 1 Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid This hatchery renovation is expected in include new construction of the following: 1. A hatchery office building. 2. An egg-incubation building and associated chiller. 3. Adult holding ponds(at least 4)and associated crowding and sorting facilities capable of holding 500 to 1,000 adult salmon and steelhead. 4. A storage/shop building S. All new yard piping,valves,etc.,for river and groundwater delivery and discharge. 6. A visitor kiosk area. 7. Newly landscaped building perimeters and visitor area. The hatchery office building will entail a complete demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new one. Within this new building there will be an enclosed manager's office,two to three cubicle areas for temporary staff work stations, a lunch/meeting room and a restroom. This office building is expected to have a hatchery alarm system and associated software dialer.The alarm system is expected to monitor well water flows into the incubation building,river water flows into the adult holding ponds and outdoor raceways, incoming power supply, generator start up, and other potential parameters associated with systems vital to fish health. The egg-incubation building will contain a boot room where staff can change and disinfect footwear and clothing and an egg receiving room. The building needs to be large enough to house a minimum of 28 double stacks of Heath trays. Each stack of 16 trays needs to receive 5 gallons per minute of well water. The associated chiller will need to have the capability of providing a maximum of 150 gallons per minute of 40-42'F water to the building.Due to current total dissolved gas("TDG")levels in the well water supply being at 101-102% saturation, the water will need to be de-gassed. For disease prevention purposes, a formalin pump system,capable of delivering formalin to every stack,will need to be incorporated to treat incubating eggs. The current adult holding ponds will be demolished and redesigned.The new hatchery design will have at least 4 new adult holding ponds, capable of holding 500 to 1,000 adult salmonids each. Each new holding pond will include crowding capabilities and incorporate with the intake/sorting facility and the spawning facility.The new adult holding ponds will be supplied with up to 17.5 cfs from the river pump station. The successful bidder will also be responsible to have the river pump station inspected and analyzed for structural integrity,including a dive inspection. If the structure proves to be adequate,the structure will be modified to accommodate raising the pump platform approximately 5 ft to accommodate high flows. The existing pumps will be replaced with new vertical turbine pumps. Each new pump shall have the ability of producing 17.5 cfs of flow at the new elevation. The access walkway,and all piping,conduit,and other utilities will be modified or relocated to accommodate the intake structure modifications and higher river flows. All piping and valving on the hatchery grounds are to be replaced.All new piping,instruments, and controls must meet Oregon Department of Water Resources requirements. If, after inspection and analysis, the existing intake structure does not warrant modification and reuse, a new intake structure shall be designed and installed. If in-water work can be avoided during this platform renovation,then a Biological Assessment will not be necessary. To satisfy potential future expansion the new OFH site plan shall account for possible additional holding/rearing areas and adequate provisions to supply water to these areas. This accommodation for expansion shall be captured in the 10 percent conceptual design. The new shop/storage building shall include enclosed shop space for vehicles, tools and equipment as well as covered storage for large equipment and miscellaneous items. Additionally,OFH will have carcass storage and a walk-in freezer that will need to be incorporated into the design of one of the buildings onsite. Page 2 Confidential Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid From an aesthetic perspective,the OFH is extremely lacking in any sort of curb appeal to the public eye. With proximity to Copperfield Park,OFH has the potential to attract many visitors.The new hatchery will include a visitor kiosk and informational area intended to inform the public of IPC hatchery programs and its role in providing fisheries for the states of Idaho and Oregon.This area,along with many others on the hatchery grounds,will need to be landscaped in a manner which will be inviting to visitors and passersby. Removing some sections of the current chain link fence will also help improve the aesthetics of the property. IPC expects the following items to be salvaged/unchanged during the renovation: 1. River pump T-screen and associated control/compressor building 2. The two well pumps and motors (salvaged and stored as backup) 3. The dormitory and adjacent storage shed 4. The hatchery manager's house and yard Deliverables for the design of OFH shall include: • Onsite kickoff meeting with IPC and IDFG staff • Development of a bioprogram for Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead • 10%conceptual design and technical memo including the bioprogram • 30%,60%,and 90%design submittals • Engineering estimate of construction cost • 100%Bid ready drawings and specifications • Issued for Construction drawings and specifications stamped by a Licensed Engineer in the State of Oregon Upon award,the successful respondent is expected to participate in a kickoff meeting with IPC and IDFG staff onsite at OFH to discuss design criteria, and periodic design review meetings with IPC and IDFG hatchery staff associated with each deliverable. Additionally, if the river water pumping station modification involves in-water work,then the respondent will also be required to co-author,along with IPC,a Biological Assessment. E. Additional Requirements and Clarifications A pre-bid meeting will take place at 11/19/2019 at 10:00 AM MST. Attendance at the pre-bid meeting is a requirement of the bidding process. Failure to attend the pre-bid meeting may result in rejection of the Suppliers bid. Confidential Page 3 Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid II. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR RESPONDENTS A. Key Events and Dates The Design of Oxbow Hatchery Renovation is targeting to start 12/20/2019 and complete by 11/16/2020. IPC at its sole discretion, reserves the right to alter the dates listed below and/or add to or remove scheduled activities. RFB SCHEDULE Event Completion Date RFB Issued 11/11/2019 Pre-bid meeting 11/19/2019 Last Day for Respondents to Submit Questions 12/2/2019 RFB Proposals Due 12/13/2019 Review and Evaluation of Proposals 12/20/2019 RFB Award—Estimated Date 12/20/2019 PROJECT SCHEDULE Event Completion Date Onsite Kickoff Meeting 1/14/2020 Draft Bioprogram 2/28/2020 10%Conceptual Design with Final Bioprogram 3/27/2020 30% Design Submittal 5/18/2020 60% Design Submittal 7/29/2020 90% Design Submittal 9/24/2020 100% Bid Ready Design Submittal 11/16/2020 B. Deadlines QUESTIONS Respondents should carefully review this RFB for questions, clarifications, defects and questionable or objectionable material. Comments and questions concerning clarifications, defects and questionable or objectionable material must be submitted through the Power Advocate tool to the RFB Coordinator and must be submitted on or before the date and time specified on the RFP Schedule. No questions will be accepted after this date. All questions and their applicable responses will be provided to every Respondent via Power Advocate. Protests based on any omission or error, or on the content of this solicitation,will be disallowed if they have not been brought to the attention of the RFB Coordinator in the timeframe outlined in this document. Page 4 Confidential Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid PROPOSALS All proposals must be received through Power Advocate on or before the date and time specified on the RFP Schedule. All copies of the proposal and accompanying documentation become the property of IPC and will not be returned. C. Contact Information RFB COORDINATOR Throughout the duration of the information gathering and proposal process,all questions,submission of references,responses and other communications concerning this RFB are to be directed through Power Advocate to the RFB Coordinator. Respondent agrees that, during the RFB process and prior to the response deadline,Respondent shall not discuss this procurement with any IPC employee other than the designated RFB Coordinator as identified below.Failure to comply with these requirements may result in Respondent disqualification and elimination from the RFB process. Name: Mira Beck Phone: 208-388-6048 1221 W.Idaho Street Email: mbeck@idahopower.com Boise,Idaho 83702 D. Content of Proposals Respondents submitting a proposal shall use the following outline and criteria: 1) Introduction - Provide general introduction and information about your company (3 pages maximum). 2) Project Qualifications-Provide a description of why your firm is qualified to perform this work including relevant projects completed in the last 5 years (5 pages maximum). 3) Project Team-Provide information describing how your project team is organized along with a description of the key personnel and how they will contribute to the projector work. Identify any subcontractor(s)that may be part of the team and the type of work that will be performed by the subcontractor(s). In addition,specify if any of the subcontractor(s) are certified Women-Owned Businesses and/or Minority-Owned Businesses (5 pages maximum - Full resumes may be provided in the Supplemental Information section and will not count against the 5 pages). 4) Client References - Provide at least three references from clients for which Respondent's company has performed similar work described in this RFB in the past five years (2 pages maximum). 5) Project Approach - Describe how you would perform the work required for this project, your approach for completing the work(5 pages maximum). 6) Fees,Costs, and Schedule-The work must be completed prior to 11/16/2020. Provide a logic driven CPM project schedule,including a schedule of tasks,and a price for each task proposed in the project schedule. In addition,please provide all fees and cost data. This data should itemize all costs, including taxes, indirect costs, and markup. Please fill in the total price for each task listed in PowerAdvocate Pricing Tab and attach the labor and equipment rates with your bid submittals. Confidential Page 5 Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid 7) Supplemental Information - Include any additional information including resumes, client reference information, and any other material that demonstrates your company's qualifications for successfully completing this project. (There is no maximum number of pages. However, the additional information provided should be concise and relevant to this project). General information provided by Respondent that is not specifically requested in this RFB should be attached separately and clearly labeled"Supporting Material." E. Failure to Comply Respondent is specifically notified that failure to comply with any part of the RFB may result in disqualification of the proposal,at IPC's sole discretion. F. Contractual Status of Proposals This RFB has been prepared solely to solicit proposals,and is not a contract offer. This RFB is not binding on IPC. The only document that will be binding on IPC is a contract duly executed by IPC and the successful Respondent (if any) after the completion of the selection process and the award and negotiation of a contract. IPC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted by Respondents.The issuance of this RFB does not obligate IPC to purchase any product or services offered by Respondent or any other entity, or requested herein. Furthermore, IPC may choose, at its sole discretion, to abandon the RFB process in its entirety.Respondents agree that they submit offers without recourse against IPC,IDACORP Inc.,any of IDACORP Inc.'s affiliates,or any of their respective employees,agents,officers,or directors for failure to accept an offer for any reason. G. In Whole or In Part IPC reserves the right to accept the proposal in whole or in part, and to award to more than one Respondent.Furthermore,Respondent understands that any"award"by IPC does not obligate IPC in any way. IPC will not be obligated to any part unless and until IPC executes a definitive agreement between the parties. H. Revisions to the RFB The requirements specified in this RFB reflect those presently known. IPC reserves the right to vary, in detail, the requirements and/or to issue addenda to the RFB. IPC also reserves the right to cancel or to reissue the RFB in whole or in part, prior to the execution of a contract, if any. In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of the RFB,addenda will be provided to Respondents included in the current and applicable stage of the RFB. I. Cost to Propose Respondent will absorb all costs incurred in responding to this RFB, including without limitation, costs related to the preparation and presentation of its response.All materials submitted by the Respondent immediately become the property of IPC.Any exception will require written agreement by both parties prior to the time of submission. J. Respondent to Conform with Law Respondent shall conform in all material respects to all applicable laws,ordinances,rules,and regulations and nothing in this RFB shall be construed to require IPC or Respondent to act in a manner contrary to law. Page 6 Confidential Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid K. Business Conduct Policy In responding to this RFB,Respondent shall adhere to best business and ethical practices. Respondent shall adhere to IPC's Supplier Code of Conduct,available at www.idahopower.com. L. Proprietary Information—Confidentiality Respondent acknowledges and agrees that all information obtained or produced in relation to this RFB is the sole property of IPC and shall not be released or disclosed to any person or entity for any purpose nor used for any purpose other than providing a proposal to IPC,without the express written consent of IPC. Respondent agrees not to make any public comments or disclosures, including statements made for advertising purposes, regarding the RFB to the media or any other party without the prior written consent of IPC.In the event Respondent receives any inquiries regarding the RFB from the media or any other Party,said inquiries shall be forwarded to IPC. Respondent shall specifically designate and clearly label as "CONFIDENTIAL" any and all material(s) or portions thereof that they deem to contain proprietary information. M.Accountability Respondent whose proposal may be selected in response to this RFB acknowledges that it assumes full legal responsibility for the accuracy,validity,and legality of the work provided in conformance with this RFB.Respondent agrees to maintain sufficient resources to perform its obligations. N. Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Program IPC is committed to the implementation of a Small and Disadvantaged Business Program.It is the intent of IPC that small business concerns and small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts awarded by IPC. Consequently,we request that you indicate your eligibility as a small business based upon the regulations in Title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 121. (If in doubt, consult the Small Business Administration Office in your area). Eligibility as a small disadvantaged business is first based on eligibility as a small business,as noted above. Second,the business must be majority owned (51 percent or more) and controlled/managed by socially and economically disadvantaged person(s).The Small Business Administration designated the following groups as "presumed socially disadvantaged": Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian-Pacific Americans. Other individuals may be found socially disadvantaged and eligible for the program on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions,please see 13 CFR 124.1-124.1016 or contact your local Small Business Administration office. O. Physical and Electronic Protection IPC is required by federal law and regulations to protect access to its critical assets, both physical and electronic. Certain portions of IPC's premises may have restricted access and may require prior authorization or an IPC designated escort to all access by IPC contractors. In the event IPC moves forward with Respondent, IPC will require Respondent to comply with federal, state, or local laws or regulations, and any applicable IPC policies, standards, and procedures related to physical security of IPC's premises prior to performing any work for IPC.These include,but are not limited to, any policies, standards and procedures requiring drug screening, background checks, and social security verifications. Should Respondent require access to IPC's network,or unescorted access to IPC's Confidential Page 7 Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid or its customer's premises as part of the work under a definitive contract, Respondent will not be able to perform any work for IPC until this criteria has been satisfied. Respondent will also be required to sign and comply with all IPC forms related to the same. III. RFB EVALUATION PROCESS A. RFB Evaluation Team Bid Responses will not be publicly opened. The bid opening will be in private by the IPC evaluation team. An IPC evaluation team will determine the proposal that best meets the requirements of this RFB and provides the best overall value for IPC. Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the requirements set forth in this RFB,any addenda that are issued,and any other factor IPC deems appropriate.Based upon RFB response evaluation and scoring, references, and any subsequent activities identified during the evaluation process (clarifications, etc. that may be required), IPC may identify the top candidate(s) for further clarifications and/or a Respondent presentation. Those Respondents whose proposals have not been selected will be notified via an email or a written letter at the number and address provided in their proposal. B. RFB Evaluation Criteria At a minimum,proposals will be evaluated based on the response to this RFB,which may include,but not be limited to the following criteria: • Ability to meet requirements • Financial stability of company • Total Cost • Minimal exceptions to Professional Services Agreement • Reputation for thoroughness, credibility, and client responsiveness as demonstrated through references • Any other factors deemed appropriate by IPC C. Form of Contract IPC directs Respondent to Attachment A, Professional Services Agreement. In the event IPC decides to move forward with Respondent, Respondent will be required to enter into a legally binding contract substantially similar to Attachment A. As part of this RFB,Respondents must indicate acceptance of IPC's Professional Services Agreement in its response to this RFB. Alternatively,if the Respondent is unwilling to agree to a proposed clause or term, Respondent must provide redlines of the Professional Services Agreement identifying any proposed changes requested by Respondent. Respondent's proposal will be deemed non-responsive if Respondent fails to either acknowledge acceptance of the Professional Services Agreement "as is" or to provide redlines to that document. Please be advised that Respondent's proposal will be judged, in part, on Respondent's willingness to comply with the original terms of the Professional Services Agreement. The Professional Services Agreement provided by Respondent in its response should be Respondent's best and final offer as to the legal terms and conditions Respondent is willing to accept. If IPC is unable to reach agreement on all contract terms and conditions with the designated Respondent, IPC at its sole discretion reserves the right to extend or terminate negotiations and begin negotiations with another Respondent. Page 8 Confidential Revised 1/26/2016 Idaho Power Company Request for Bid D. Entire RFB This RFB and all Attachments or Exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference represent the final expression of this RFB.Only information supplied by IPC in writing through the parties listed herein or by this reference made in the submittal of this RFB shall be used as the basis for the preparation of Respondent's proposals. E. Attachments Attachment A: Professional Services Agreement Confidential Page 9 Revised 1/26/2016