HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240801Application_CL.pdf ' 11 RECEIVED Avista Corp. Thursday,August 1, 2024 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 IDAHO PUBLIC Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 UTILITIES COMMISSION Telephone 509-489-0500 NEW CASE: AVU-G-24-03 Toll Free 800-727-9170 August 1, 2024 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Avista Corporation Application for Determination of 2022-2023 Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Expenses as Prudently Incurred Dear Commission Secretary: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is the Application of Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities (Avista or "the Company"), requesting a determination of prudence for the Company's natural gas energy efficiency expenditures from January 1, 2022 through December 31,2023.Also included in this filing are Exhibit Nos. 1-4 in support of the Application,containing Avista's 2022 Annual Conservation Report(ACR),2023 ACR,2023 Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) Evaluation Report, and NEEA's Response to the Evaluation Report. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please Kim Boynton, Manager, Energy Efficiency Analytics, at(509) 495-4744 or kim.boynton(cavistacorp.com. Sincerely, 14/,"w arrw Jaime Majure Regulatory Affairs Manager Enclosures cc: Avista Energy Efficiency Advisory Group DAVID J. MEYER, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC 27 P. O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Telephone: (509) 495-4316 david.me er&avistacorp.com Attorney for Avista Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) AVISTA CORPORATION FOR A ) CASE NO. AVU-G-24-_ DETERMINATION OF 2022-2023 NATURAL ) GAS ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPENSES AS ) APPLICATION OF PRUDENTLY INCURRED ) AVISTA CORPORATION In accordance with IDAPA 31.01.01 (Rules of Procedure, or RP), RP 052 and RP 201, et seq., Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities (Avista or the Company), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) for an order designating Avista's natural gas energy efficiency expenditures from January 1,2022 through December 31,2023, funded through the Company's Schedule 191 Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment in the amount of $4,149,757, as prudently incurred (hereinafter Application). The Company also requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure Rules (RP 201-204)through the use of written comments. APPLICATION OF AVISTA- I All communications,pleadings, and orders with respect to this Application should be directed to: David J. Meyer, Esq. Shawn J. Bonfield Vice President and Chief Counsel Senior Manager, Regulatory Policy& Strategy Regulatory& Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation Avista Corporation P. O. Box 3727 P. O. Box 3727 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC 27 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC 27 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone: (509) 495-2782 Telephone: (509) 495-4316 E-mail: shawn.bonfield(&avistacorp.com E-mail: david.me er&avistacorp.com Avista Dockets (Electronic Only) - AvistaDocketsgavistacorp.com Avista has included the following attachments in support of this filing, which are also referenced below: a) Exhibit No. 1 —Avista 2022 Idaho Annual Conservation Report b) Exhibit No. 2—Avista 2023 Idaho Annual Conservation Report c) Exhibit No. 3 —2023 NEEA Evaluation Report d) Exhibit No. 4—NEEA response to ADM Evaluation I. BACKGROUND Avista has continuously offered energy efficiency services since 1978. Through these offerings, the Company seeks to provide customers with programs and information that may help them manage their energy use and to utilize cost-effective energy efficiency resources to meet the energy and demand needs of the Company's electrical and natural gas systems. These efforts are funded through Avista's Electric and Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustments(Schedule 91 and Schedule 191, respectively), or tariff riders. The Company's Energy Efficiency Program (Program) consist of options for residential, non-residential and low-income customer segments. The Program includes offerings through traditional prescriptive channels along with site-specific projects and upstream buy-down programs.Additionally,Avista introduced a midstream program in 2023. Each program within the APPLICATION OF AVISTA-2 Company's natural gas Energy Efficiency Portfolio (Portfolio) is designed to meet cost- effectiveness requirements and is evaluated by a third-parry evaluator each year. The results of both the Company's and the third-party evaluator's annual assessments of the Program are contained within Avista's Annual Conservation Report (ACR). IL NATURAL GAS PROGRAM EXPENDITURES The Company requests Commission determination that the expenditures incurred during the 2022-23 Program years, totaling $4,149,757 for its natural gas Program, were prudent and in the public interest. Of the total amount spent, $3,435,926, or 83%, of total expenditures were paid out to customers in direct incentives.' This percentage does not include additional benefits such as technical analyses provided to customers by the Company's Energy Efficiency engineering staff or regional market transformation efforts through the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA). The Company reports the Schedule 191 balance on a monthly basis to Commission Staff and its Energy Efficiency Advisory Group (EEAG or Advisory Group). As of June 30, 2022, Avista's natural gas tariff rider balance was about $1.65 million overfunded, meaning that more tariff rider funding was collected than actually needed to fund the ongoing Program operations. This overfunded balance is a reflection of lower customer participation in Program offerings. The midstream program introduced in mid-2023 is showing strong volumes and participation, which should help to better align future revenue with budgeted expenditures. Table No. 1 below illustrates the balances for the 2022 and 2023 Program years on a monthly basis. ' $1,849,958 in incentives were paid to customers in 2022 and$1,585,968 in 2023. APPLICATION OF AVISTA-3 Table No. 1 -Schedule 191 Tariff Balances By Month, January 2022-December 2023 Accounting Beginning Program Tariff Ending Period Balance Expenditures Collections Balance Jan-22 $ 2,067,047 $ 180,076 $ (268,312) $1,978,811 Feb-22 $ 1,978,811 $ 149,393 $ (230,469) $1,897,736 Mar-22 $ 1,897,736 $ 200,874 $ (214,361) $1,884,249 Apr-22 $ 1,884,249 $ 152,466 $ (143,455) $1,893,261 May-22 $ 1,893,261 $ 138,705 $ (113,753) $1,918,213 Jun-22 $ 1,918,213 $ 153,569 $ (65,906) $2,005,876 Jul-22 $ 2,005,876 $ 142,029 $ (35,720) $2,112,185 Aug-22 $ 2,112,185 $ 96,896 $ (30,768) $2,178,314 Sep-22 $ 2,178,314 $ 181,515 $ (30,603) $2,329,226 Oct-22 $ 2,329,226 $ 174,035 $ (46,290) $2,456,971 Nov-22 $ 2,456,971 $ 228,345 $ (297,091) $2,388,225 Dec-22 $ 2,388,225 $ 165,705 $ (730,094) $1,823,835 Jan-23 $ 1,823,835 $ 224,769 $ (707,244) $1,341,360 Feb-23 $ 1,341,360 $ 109,069 $ (614,012) $ 836,418 Mar-23 $ 836,418 $ 262,704 $ (648,475) $ 450,647 Apr-23 $ 450,647 $ 261,291 $ (399,108) $ 312,829 May-23 $ 312,829 $ 174,223 $ (218,243) $ 268,809 Jun-23 $ 268,809 $ 151,791 $ (101,302) $ 319,298 Jul-23 $ 319,298 $ 115,223 $ (89,521) $ 345,000 Aug-23 $ 345,000 $ 90,516 $ (79,914) $ 355,602 Sep-23 $ 355,602 $ 146,191 $ (90,592) $ 411,201 Oct-23 $ 411,201 $ 67,951 $ (151,914) $ 327,238 Nov-23 $ 327,238 $ 151,526 $ (390,804) $ 87,960 Dec-23 $ 87,960 $ 430,894 1 $ (571,512) $ (S2,6S8) III. 2022 AND 2023 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE The Company's energy efficiency targets are established on an annual basis through the process of developing its natural gas Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The targets derived through the resource planning efforts provide a starting point for Program planning,which is accomplished through the annual business planning process where Program offerings are optimized for the Company's service territory based on current economic and market conditions. Program savings for 2022 were 306,330 therms, which fell short the natural gas savings target of 522,441 therms, APPLICATION OF AVISTA-4 achieving 59% of the target. For 2023, the Company accomplished 50% of its 465,478 therm target, achieving annual energy savings of 231,497 therms. This represents 54%of the Company's combined, two-year IRP target of 987,919 therms, which does not include the additional 499,133 therms acquired through NEEA. In support of these figures, Avista's 2022 and 2023 Natural Gas Impact Evaluations are included as appendices within each respective year's ACR (See Exhibit No. 1 for 2022 and Exhibit No. 2 for 2023). Table No. 2—Therm Savings Compared to Target, 2022-2023 Time Period of Reported Savings Local Evaluated Therm Savings IRP Target Percent Achieved 2022 306,330 522,441 59% 2023 231,497 465,478 50% 2022-2023 537,827 987,919 54% As shown in Table No. 2 above, from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023 the Company achieved 537,827 therms of savings, excluding NEEA savings of 499,133 therms. Table No. 3 below details the natural gas savings by residential,non-residential and low-income sectors, which make up the Company's natural gas Portfolio. Table No. 3 — 2022-2023 Natural Gas Savings by Program Sector Program Sector Local Evaluated Therm Savings Residential 433,890 Non-Residential 99,968 Low-Income 3,979 Total Portfolio 537,827 Avista evaluates the effectiveness of its natural gas Portfolio based upon a number of metrics, including analyses utilizing four specific measurements to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a given program from both the Company's and from customers' perspectives: the Utility Cost Test(UCT),2 the Total Resource Cost (TRC), the Participant Cost Test (PCT), and the Ratepayer 2 Also known as the Program Administer Cost(PAC)test. APPLICATION OF AVISTA-5 Impact Test (RIM). The most commonly applied metrics to provide insight into the net value to all customers are the UCTa benefit-to-cost test from the utility perspective that includes incentives and excludes net costs and non-energy benefits (NEBs)—and the TRC, which represents the customer perspective by including all measure costs and NEBs, excluding incentives. Per Commission Staff recommendations in previous prudence reviews, Avista has shifted, in recent years, to conducting its own cost-effectiveness calculations in-house,rather than relying on a third party. This prudence review marks the second cycle in which Avista has run these calculations internally,and the Company has continued to develop its quality control,review processes and knowledge to ensure the consistency and accuracy of these calculations. Avista's cost-effectiveness calculations have moved away from static, lump-sum inputs for cumulative electric avoided costs, total year one energy savings, and total incentives. Calculations are based on values within the Company's reporting structure, specifically, units installed, unit energy savings, and per-unit incentives. Avista has also improved its quality control process for cost- effectiveness calculations and for overall accuracy of the Company's work papers by developing cost-effective workbooks that utilize active formulas, implementing peer reviews and reconciling Portfolio savings totals against the systems of record. The Company will continue to refine its processes, as needed,to ensure the appropriate and concise reporting of its Program. For 2022,the overall Portfolio achieved a UCT ratio of 1.37 and a TRC ratio of 0.68 based on verified savings. For 2023, the overall Portfolio achieved a UCT ratio of 1.01 and a TRC ratio of 0.35 based on verified savings. The cost-effectiveness metrics are included in Table No. 4 below: APPLICATION OF AVISTA-6 Table No. 4—Natural Gas Cost-Effectiveness, 2022-2023 Cost-Effectiveness Test 2022 2023 Uti I ity Cost Test(UCT) 1.37 1.01 Total Resource Cost(TRC) 0.68 0.35 There are two primary factors that impacted the overall decline in cost effectiveness from 2022 to 2023: 1) the continued decline in participation resulting in less than anticipated savings and higher fixed cost ratios, and 2) lower realization rate on midstream measures due to misalignment between the baseline assumptions used by the implementor and baseline assumptions used by the evaluator. Throughout 2024, Avista has worked with both the midstream implementor and the evaluator to better align baseline assumptions on both residential and commercial measures. The Company also notes that the UCT cost ratio for the commercial/ industrial gas program sector increased in 2022 and 2023 (1.15 and 1.22, respectively) in comparison with UCT cost ratios in 2020 and 2021 (1.01 and 0.64, respectively). These improvements in UCT in the commercial sector reflect increased program participation as compared to previous years, resulting in lower fixed administrative costs per project. IV. PROGRAM EVALUATION In addition to the cost-effectiveness analyses conducted for the Program, Avista also contracts with independent, third-party consultants to provide program Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification (EM&V) activities each year. These EM&V activities are used to validate and report verified energy savings related to the Company's energy efficiency measures and Program offerings, as well as provide viable recommendations to improve Program performance, enact changes to Program components, and decide whether and when to phase out measures. For both the 2022 and 2023 Program years,ADM and Associates,Inc. (ADM)was retained by Avista to perform both impact and process evaluations on Avista's natural gas Energy APPLICATION OF AVISTA-7 Efficiency Program, inclusive of the residential, non-residential, and low-income components of the Program. The primary goal of the impact evaluations is to provide an accurate summary of the gross natural gas and demand savings attributable to Avista's Portfolio,while the main purpose of a process evaluation is to identify any improvements needed at the Program level to increase Program effectiveness, and efficiency while improving the participation experience for customers. As part of its 2022-23 evaluations, the evaluator concluded that Avista's natural gas Program achieved 537,827 therms and the Program addressed all impact and process evaluation needs in accordance with industry and regulatory standards. V. NEEA EVALUATION Per Order No. 35129 in Case Nos. AVU-E-20-13 and AVU-G-20-08, Avista's request for a prudence determination of its 2018-2019 electric and gas energy efficiency programs, the Commission ordered Avista to take several actions intended to improve its Program and associated processes. One such action determined by the Commission was that Avista should pursue an independent EM&V of the NEEA program in Idaho. The intent of this evaluation was to clarify whether the savings claimed by NEEA, the allocation of those savings to Idaho, and the cost- effectiveness are accurate and ultimately benefiting Idaho customers. Avista began its EM&V vendor selection efforts early in 2022 and transitioned to pursing a joint effort with Idaho Power for the NEEA review. Avista and Idaho Power collaborated to jointly issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the review of the Program and ultimately selected ADM to perform the EM&V evaluation. ADM completed their review in early 2023 and issued a final evaluation report in April 2023. In summarizing their conclusions, ADM found that contributions to NEEA efforts for standards and codes remained cost-effective across Program years 2017 through 2021. ADM also made nine specific recommendations based on their findings, APPLICATION OF AVISTA-8 eight of which have been agreed to and addressed by NEEA to-date.' The final recommendation related to attribution of code savings is being reviewed by NEEA's Cost Effectiveness and Evaluation Advisory Committee (CEAC) with a proposed resolution at the end of 2024. The full ADM evaluation report is provided in Exhibit No. 3. VI. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Midstream Program In 2023, Avista launched its Midstream Program, which offers incentives to distributors and trade allies,rather than directly to customers, ensuring that the mix of HVAC products offered to customers includes items with high efficiency ratings. By moving commercial and residential HVAC offerings, as well as commercial food service equipment offerings, from a direct rebate model to a midstream model,Avista saw savings for these programs increase significantly,as more customers were offered incentives by participating companies. While savings for these measures increased due to higher volumes, the Midstream Program had a lower realization rate than expected, due to differences between the baseline assumed by the implementor in comparison to the RTF,which was the baseline favored by the Company's third-party evaluator.Avista continues to work with the evaluator to coordinate and implement appropriate midstream design modifications in pursuit of a higher realization rate for future Program years. Research and Development Funding In the Company's 2018-2019 prudence determination,Case Nos. AVU-E-20-13 and AVU- G-20-08, the Commission directed Avista to update its Research and Development (R&D) program to include measurable targets and metrics for programs that prioritize benefits for Idaho customers (Order No. 35129). During 2022 and 2023, Avista continued to evaluate opportunities 3 See Exhibit No.4 for the NEEA Response to ADM Evaluation. APPLICATION OF AVISTA-9 for R&D projects that align with the Commission's order,but did not submit any updated proposals for its R&D program. However, as noted in the Company's 2023 ACR, Avista is part of a large cross-sector initiative to establish an Inland Northwest Center for Energy and Decarbonization ("INTENT"). Several Idaho entities, including the University of Idaho, North Idaho, the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and the Nez Perce Tribe, are participating in the initiative, which has already received a planning grant of approximately $1 million from the National Science Foundation's Regional Innovation Engines Program to further develop a vision for the Center. Once the vision has been finalized, Avista and its collaboration partners plan to submit the INTENT concept for a 10-year, $160 million grant from the National Science Foundation's Regional Innovation Engines program. If the concept obtains funding through this program, INTENT could then potentially be leveraged in the future to pursue efficiency-related R&D projects. At that time, if Avista determines that such an endeavor will have measurable metrics and provide direct benefits to Idaho customers as intended, Avista will submit such a proposal to the Commission for approval. VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF As described in greater detail above,Avista respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order designating Avista's 2022 and 2023 total natural gas Energy Efficiency Program expenditures of $4,149,757 as prudently incurred, with this Application being processed under Modified Procedure through the use of written comments. DATED this 1st day of August 2024. Respectfully submitted, Avista Utilities By: Is/David Meyer David J. Meyer, Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs APPLICATION OF AVISTA- 10