HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240802Garrison to SWS 69-96.pdf RECEIVED Friday, August 2, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Randolph Lee Garrison Pro per 76 Bellflower Ct Blanchard Idaho 83804 (541 ) 580-4446 garrison(a_rmgarrison.com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF CDS ) Case No: SWS-W-24-01 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, ) LLC'S APPLICATION FOR ) INTERVENER GARRISON'S 5th AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ) REQUEST FOR ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) PRODUCTION/DISCOVERY FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE ) FROM CDS STONERIDGE STATE OF IDAHO ) UTILITIES (#s 69 - 96) REQUEST FOR DISCOVERY: Pursuant to the authority cited below, Intervener, Randolph Lee Garrison, a party, as a 5th request for production of documents and discovery from CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC, hereby requests production of the following document(s) and discovery. CONTINUING REQUEST/FORMATS INTACT/IDENTITY OF PERSON ANSWERING: In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files with formulas intact and enabled. This Production Request is continuing and StoneRidge Utilities 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 1 of 15 is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting work papers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. Responses must restate in full each question asked, then state in full the party's response to the question and the persons who will be able to answer questions about or sponsor the answer at hearing. The restatement of the question and its accompanying answer must begin on a new page whenever the preceding answer refers to other documents or whenever the preceding question in the particular production request or written interrogatory is not answered in full in that document. See DAPA 31 .01 .01 .228.02 Delivery: Discovery is generally required to be provided electronically. If Discovery is to be delivered by or through someone other than the partes listed on the Commison Secretary's Second Amended Notice of Parties (filed on 30 July 2024), please notify me in advance. REQUEST NO. 69: Bob Kuchenski, Integrity Water Management, send out a notice/letter dated 24 July 2024. The notice stated that well number 3 was 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 2 of 15 not operational and that well number 1 was providing 100% of the water demand. (a) Is any part of the golf course served by well number 1? (i) If so, what area of the golf course is served by well number 1? (ii) If so, what is the yearly by month (for 2023) number of gallons used by the golf course from well number 1? (iii) If so, what is the year to date by month for 2024 number of gallons used by the golf course from well number 1? (b) Is any part of the golf course served by well number 3? (1) If so, what area of the golf course is served by well number 3? (ii) If so, what is the yearly (for 2023) number of gallons used by the golf course from well number 3? (iii) If so, what is the year to date by month for 2024 number of gallons used by the golf course from well number 3? (c) What wells/sources (other than wells # 1 and 3) provide water to non-golf course areas, for example Stoneridge generally and Happy Valley? (ii) If so, what is the annual number of gallons for 2023? (iii) If so, what is the annual number of gallons by month to date for 2024? 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 3 of 15 (d) Is any part of the golf course served by other water wells/sources (other than the well on fairway 16 and wells 1 & 3)? (i) If so, what areas of the golf course are served? (ii) If so, what is the annual number of gallons by month for 2023? (iii) If so, what is the annual number of gallons by month to date for 2024? (e) The notice stated: "We are requesting an expedited review/approval from IPUC for this pump replacement request, please contact IPUC staff and encourage Staff's expediting this approval." (i) Why did think any approval from IPUC is needed for a pump replacement? (ii) For what reason did you encourage "contact with IPUC staff . . . [to] encourage Staff's expediting this approval"? (iii) Do you agree IPUC approval was not necessary to replace pump # 3? (iv) What experience does Bob Kuchenski have working with the IPUC? REQUEST NO. 70: Regarding well/pump # 2: (a) When was this well last in service? 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 4 of 15 (b) Why was it not repaired or replace? REQUEST NO. 65: In case number SWS-W-23-23, Commission staff noted: The Company has already recorded a note payable to Esprit of$787,782 and advances from associated companies of $196,422, totaling $984,204. (a) Did any of this money pay for any repairs, improvements, or pumps involving well number 1 or well number 3? (i) If so, exactly what amount of money was spent on repair, improvements or pumps for well number 1 or well number 3? (ii) If so, exactly what repair, improvement, or pumps was done/to well number 1 or well number 3? (ii) If not, why did you not allocate the some of this money to a "30 year old pump"? (b) Was this sum ($984,204) actually transferred into the accounts of the water utility, CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC? (1) If so, please provide the deposit receipts. (ii) If not, please provide the company/entity/place the money was deposited in the deposit receipts. REQUEST NO. 71 : Are you aware of a water pressure problem in any area you serve. 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 5 of 15 (a) If so, what areas have a water pressure problem? (b) If so, what steps are being taken to remediate the water pressure problem? REQUEST NO. 72: Regarding the new well for the Golf Course put on line at or near October 2023: (a) Is the new well located at, near and on the 16th Fairway? (b) Discovery disclosed on 1 August 2024 contained a file "Gofl (sic) Irrigation Meer (sic) Daily Readings 2024 - 2025". Only one reading was recorded and that was for July 9, 2024. These was no indication when the last reading was taken. (i) What is the number of gallons pumped by the new golf course well on a monthly basis from and including October 2023 to present? (ii) What is the number of gallons pumped by the new golf course well on a monthly basis 2024 to present? (iii) Please include a date for each entry from which the meter reading is taken. (c) Please identify the source of all funds, by date and amount, for the construction and installation of the new well. (d) Please provide all cancelled checks for the funds used for the 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 6 of 15 construction and installation of the new well. (e) Please provide invoices (on a monthly basis) for all electricity paid by for the pump and well from it's inception to present. REQUEST NO. 73: Did the Golf Course reduce its water usage consistent with Bob Kuchenski, Integrity Water Management, notice/letter dated 24 July 2024? (i) If so, what amount of gallons were reduced? (ii) What amount of water was reduced from pump # 1? (iii) What amount of water was reduced from pump # 3? (iv) If not, why not, in light of water to the golf course was to be "interruptible" and therefore paid at a lesser rate? (v) Does the CDS Stoneridge Utility presently receive any benefit from the golf course water being "interruptible"? (vi) If so, was is the benefit? (vii) In the event the golf course water is interrupted, how and in water manner is that specifically done and accomplished? REQUEST NO. 74: Regarding Happy Valley loan: (a) The Happy Valley loan was taken out in 2003, correct? (b) The loan was for 20 years, correct? 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 7 of 15 (c) Why has the loan not been paid off? (d) The balance of the loan was reported to be $104,005.43 as of January 2024. After 20 years, why is there still a balance? (e) The contract provided in response to Request # 32 does not have a copy of the promissory note referred to in Section VIII A. (page 8). Please provide the promissory note. (f) The response to Request # 32 provided a loan payment schedule from 2019 to March 2024. Please provide a schedule for all other payments. REQUEST NO. 75: Please provide all contract documents, directions or instruction to/with Integrity Water Management. This request includes, but is not limited to, both water and sewer operations involving or related to Chan or Teresa Karupiah and/or for CDS Stoneridge Utilities, Esprit, JD Resorts and Bayview. REQUEST NO. 76: Please list all employees of the CDS Stoneridge Utilities. REQUEST NO. 77: Please list all contracted persons with CDS Stoneridge Utilities (except for Water Systems Management, Sandpoint, identified in Request 36 and Integrity Water Management). REQUEST NO. 78: Please provide the contract, directions and/or instructions to all contracted persons/entities with CDS Stoneridge Utilities. 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 8 of 15 REQUEST NO. 79: Please provide all 2023 W-2s for all employees of the Utility. REQUEST NO. 80: Provide all W-2s for Chan Karupiah from CDS Stoneridge Utilities, Esprit, and JD Resorts. REQUEST NO. 81 : Provide all 2023 W-2s for Teresa Karupiah from CDS Stoneridge Utilities, Esprit, and JD Resorts. REQUEST NO. 82: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2019 expense for Rentals- Property & Equipment in the amount of $85,200.00, correct? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 83: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2020 expense for Rentals- Property & Equipment in the amount of $63,735.00, correct? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 84: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2021 expense for Rentals- Property & Equipment in the amount of $68,704.00, correct? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 85: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2022 expense 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 9 of 15 for Rentals- Property & Equipment in the amount of $61 ,371 .00, correct? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 86: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2023 expense for Rentals- Property & Equipment in the amount of $79,465.00, correct? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 87: What is the 2024 year to present date for Rentals- Property & Equipment Expenses? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 88: Esprit leases to the Water Utility water rights and use of Rights of Way. Why are the water rights and use of Rights of Way not already a part of and owned the Utility? (a) What are the annual actual cash costs to Esprit of the water rights and use of the Rights of Way? REQUEST NO. 89: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2023 expense for Labor - Amin & General in the amount $67,863.00, correct? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 10 of 15 allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 90: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2023 expense for Salaries— Off. & Directors in the amount $39,303.00, correct? (a) Are the only persons in this expense item Chan Karupiah and Teresa Karupiah? (b) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 91 : Regarding Randi Flaherty, (a) Please provide any employment contracts, agreements, directions or instructions involving her employment. (b) Please provide her 2024 compensation by month from all entities associated with or involving Chan or Teresa Karupiah, and/or for CDS Stoneridge Utilities, JD Resorts and Bayview REQUEST NO. 92: The Annual report filed with IPUC shows a 2023 expense for Labor - Amin & General in the amount $67,863.00, correct? (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month, allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 93: Please provide a year to date (2024) detail for Labor - Amin & General. 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 11 of 15 (a) Please provide a breakdown of this expense for each month (2024), allocated to each person or entity. REQUEST NO. 94: Regarding the schedule provided in response to Request # 1 , please provide the time cards, logs or details of each employee for the days claimed to have been working (on the rate case). REQUEST NO. 95: Regarding the IDEQ Report dated 10 October 2019 and attached to response # 16: (a) The report states (at pages 2/3) the pump house buildings contain chlorination components for both wells 1 and 2. The water feeds from both wells 1 and 2 into 2 lines for distribution and "a separate line for the golf course. A fourth line is abandoned . . . The golf course (irrigation) line is not chlorinated". (i) Is this still true today? (ii) Was this true in October 2023? (iii) If either of the above are not true, when was the change made not to have a "golf curse (irrigation) line". (iii) If a change was made not to have a "golf curse (irrigation) line" why was the change made? (iv) Explain why is there no current DEQ report (IDEA Sanitary 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 12 of 15 Survey)? REQUEST NO. 96: Regarding all of the sub-questions in this Request # 91 , if any of the requests are not answered and/or are objected to, please provide the name of the person best suited to answer the question; several dates and times his/her deposition may be taken; and a proposed place of deposition. (a) Do you agree that CDS Stoneridge Utilities owes its customers a duty of good faith and fair dealing as describe in Burns Concrete, Inc. v. Teton County, 168 Idaho 442, 483 P.3d 985 (2020) ["The district court did not err in its determination that the County violated the covenant of good faith and fair dealing. A party violates this covenant when it "violates, nullifies or significantly impairs any benefit of the contract."]? (b) Do you agree CDS Stoneridge Utilities violated its duty of good faith and fair dealing, by significantly impairing a benefit of its contract when removing most of the golf course water service from CDS Stoneridge Utilities? (c) Do you agree that the golf course was a significant benefit to CDS Stoneridge Utilities by providing to the Utility net review (after electricity and chlorine expense) of $12,648.59. 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 13 of 15 (d) Do you agree that the golf course was a significant benefit to the customers of CDS Stoneridge Utilities by providing a broader base and a high end user to cover and pay for costs of the Utility? DATED and Signed this 2nd day of August 2024. GV\,A `.4 Randolph Lee Garrsion CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 2nd day of August, 2024, 1 served a true and correct copy of the foregoing upon each party in this matter by delivering the same to each of the following individuals by the method indicated below, addressed as follows: Michael Duval By e-mail michael.duval@puc.idaho.gov Deputy Attorney General IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Chan Karupiah By e-mail chansanacomcast.net CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC utilities�stoneridgeidaho.com P.O. Box 298 Jeff a@merkeley.com Blanchard, ID 83804 Jason T. Piskel By e-mail: jpiskel(�D_pyklawyers.com Piskel Yahne Kovarik, PLLC 612 W. Main Ave., Suite 207 Spokane, WA 99201 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 14 of 15 Norman M. Semanko, ISB #4761 By e-mail nsemanko(oparsonsbehle.com Patrick M. Ngalamulume, ISB #11200 pngalamulume(a�_parsonsbehle.com PARSONS BEHLE & LATIMER 800 W. Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise, Idaho 83702 Rick Haruthunian By e-mail: rharuthunian(a_rmedlaw.com CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOC. INC: Ramsden, Marfice, Ealy & De Smet, LLP (Exhibit Nos. 201-300) 700 Northwest Blvd. P.O. Box 1336 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-1336 DATED this 2nd day of August 2024. Gv\,^ `4 Randolph Lee Garrison 5th Request for Production/Discovery — page 15 of 15