HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240801Staff Comments.pdf RECEIVED Thursday, August 1, 2024 2:31:42 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 9917 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) POWER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL ) CASE NO. PAC-E-24-06 OF THE TRANSFER OF PORTIONS OF THE ) NORTH TEMPLE PROPERTY AND ) ACCOUNTING ORDER ) REDACTED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMMISSION STAFF ("STAFF") OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On April 15, 2024, PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power("Company") applied for approval of a Property Transfer Agreement("Transfer Agreement") it entered with LHM DEV E, LLC ("Developer") and a determination that the disposition of the property is in the public interest. The Company also requested an accounting order authorizing it to record any net proceeds from the transfer as a regulatory liability. The Company requested its Application be processed by Modified Procedure and the Commission issue a final order by October 1, 2024. The Company represents the North Temple property ("NTP") it seeks authority to sell contains facilities supporting several of the Company's operational functions in the six states it STAFF COMMENTS 1 AUGUST 1, 2024 operates. These functions include engineering, IT, HR, renewable energy development, health and safety, legal, finance, customer service, grid operations, regulatory, thermal generation, environmental, and facilities/property management. The grid operations center located on the property supports the mountain west service territories. The Company represents these facilities house the above-mentioned functions and associated personnel, which no longer meet disaster recovery requirements and have exceeded their useful lives. The Company lists a myriad of issues present at the existing facilities to support its position. The Company commissioned a third-party assessment that explored renovating the existing facilities on the NTP or constructing new facilities. According to the study, new construction would cost at least ten percent less than renovation of existing facilities. The Company's plans for the initial phase consist of a new headquarters ("New HQ") and the possibility of a new energy services building ("New ESB").1 The New ESB would be built to critical infrastructure resilience risk category IV standards that would ensure the critical infrastructure remains operational during and after extreme incidents. The Company plans to develop 4-10 acres of the NTP and would retain about 35 acres for the Gadsby power plant and substation. NTP contains several "Blocks"that will be available to the Developer after relevant conditions have been met. The Developer is not required to exercise its entire option at once and the Transfer Agreement contains a timeline for mandatory purchases. The Transfer Agreement also contains the agreed upon price for the Blocks and price escalators to account for time. The Company is not seeking a prudence determination in this case. If authorized, the Company will credit Federal Energy Regulatory Commission("FERC") Account 254-Other Regulatory Liabilities and debit FERC Account 421.1-Gain on disposition of property. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff reviewed the proposed Transfer Agreement and Application. Staff agrees with certain portions of the Transfer Agreement but has reservations about other parts. Staff recommends approval of the sale and transfer of the NTP Blocks but believes the Commission should withhold approval of the submitted Transfer Agreement and order the Company to 'Exhibit 1 of the Company's Application shows that the remodel would include about 234,000 sq ft and the new headquarters construction would include 150,000 sq ft. STAFF COMMENTS 2 AUGUST 1, 2024 provide a copy of the finalized Transfer Agreement in a future rate proceeding when the proceeds and costs associated with the sale of the North Temple Property are known. Staff has also reviewed the Company's request for an accounting order to record any net proceeds from the Transfer Agreement as a regulatory liability. Staff recommends the accounting treatment be approved with an added carrying charge equal to the customer deposit rate. Accounting treatment The Company's proposed accounting treatment is to defer the amounts of any property dispositions (currently unknown due to certain aspects of the Transfer Agreement), by crediting FERC Account 254-Other Regulatory Liabilities and debiting FERC Account 421.1-gain on Disposition of Property. All transactions will be subject to a prudence review and final decision on rate recovery in a future regulatory filing. Staff has reviewed the proposed accounting treatment and believes that an accounting order allowing the Company to record proceeds from the disposition of the NTP Blocks as a regulatory liability is appropriate. Staff also believes that a carrying charge equal to the customer deposit rate should be applied to any net proceeds from the sale of the NTP. This deferred liability would offset future costs that may arise in a subsequent rate proceeding. Without knowing when the next rate proceeding will happen, a carrying charge would be in the public interest and would be a benefit to Idaho customers. Transfer Agreement The Transfer Agreement identifies Block 1-A, Block 1-B, Block 2, Block 3, and Block 4 at the NTP for sale to the Developer. The Agreement also states portions of Blocks 1-B and 2 will be retained for the New HQ and potential New ESB facilities. Application at 8-9. Section 2(b) of the Transfer Agreement provides a timeline for purchase of the Blocks from March 1, 2024, through December 31, 2039. Mandatory purchases by the Developer begin January 1, 2028, as per Section 14(a) of the Transfer Agreement. Application at 9. However, as defined in the Master Development Agreement ("MDA") within the Transfer Agreement, the Company would offer the Developer an extension for the right of first offer and right of first refusal to STAFF COMMENTS 3 AUGUST 1, 2024 purchase Block 4, which would expire In the Company's confidential response to Production Request No. 9, ` " Staff is not opposed to the sale of the Blocks of NTP and recommends the Commission approve the sale and transfer of the NTP Blocks. While Staff is not opposed to the sale and transfer of the NTP Blocks, Staff has concerns regarding other components within the Transfer Agreement. Several additional agreements still being negotiated that are interlaced within the Transfer Agreement are not related to the sale of the NTP and contain terms and conditions that must be met prior to the sale of any of the Blocks, such as an executed MDA, negotiated deadlines, and construction of new facilities. The Company's vague or incomplete responses to certain discovery requests leaves vital portions of the agreement(s)unknown or incomplete and without this information the Transfer Agreement places an unknown risk on customers when the Company seeks recovery. Therefore, Staff does not recommend the Commission approve the submitted Transfer Agreement. Additionally, when the Company seeks recovery of costs associated with the sale and transfer of NTP, Staff recommends the Commission order the Company to file a copy of the finalized Transfer Agreement. New HQ and New ESB Staff is concerned the Transfer Agreement has constraints and requirements regarding the New HQ and New ESB, which are unknown currently, but present unknown risks to ratepayers. One of the Company's requests in this case is for approval of the Transfer Agreement, which may include construction of the New HQ and New ESB. The Transfer Agreement refers to benchmarks pertaining to the development and construction of a New HQ and possible New ESB, as well as the requirement for a MDA, which must be executed prior to the sale of Blocks.3 The Transfer Agreement requires written notification from the Company to the Developer for the New HQ and New ESB construction to be accepted or declined by no later than z Confidential Exhibit No. 2(8)(e)at 13. s Confidential Exhibit No. 2(2)(h)at 4. 4 Confidential Exhibit No. 2(10)(a)(i)at 16. STAFF COMMENTS 4 AUGUST 1, 2024 As of July 10, 2024, Staff has not received confirmation of the status of the Company's decision. This notification will determine whether the Developer may deliver an Exercise Notice to acquire NTP Blocks where the potential new building sites are included. When asked to provide updated cost estimates and construction timelines for the construction of the New HQ and New ESB, the Company objected to providing updated information. See Company response to Production Request Nos. 4 and 12. The Company stated that it"only seeks approval for the transfer of property under Idaho Code 61-328." Id. Transmission Lines The Transfer Agreement also includes Confidential Schedule 11, which details the Company's obligation to relocate/upgrade existing transmission lines that are located in_ The Company stated the estimated costs would be approximately See Company confidential response to Production Request No. 17. The Transfer Agreement also states there will be an impacted transmission line in_ Staff notes that there will need to be further agreements for Transmission Line easements on the impacted Blocks between the Company and third parties. MDA The Transfer Agreement contains a placeholder for the MDA, which contains several conditions for the sale of the property, such as deadlines, construction terms of new facilities, and timeline of construction. The Company stated in their response to Production Request No. 8 that the MDA is being negotiated, and it expects to be completed by June of 2024. The MDA has not been provided to Staff as of July 31, 2024. The MDA is a significant component of the Transfer Agreement as it contains terms that align with deadlines that must be negotiated prior to the execution of the Transfer Agreement. The MDA also has a Success Fee associated with the Transfer Agreement.6 In response to Production Request No. 7, the Company stated, "[t]he Success Fee provides a potential positive sales price adjustment if conditions described in the Master Development Agreement (MDA) are met related to the Developer development success related to Major League Baseball s Confidential Exhibit No.2(11)(b)at 17. 6 Confidential Exhibit No. 2(8)(i)at 14. STAFF COMMENTS 5 AUGUST 1, 2024 (MLB) and if the Company makes certain property available within agreed upon timelines." Staff does not believe this term is relevant to the transfer of NTP Blocks. The MDA refers to a "Master Plan" which provides eight minimum requirements that the Company and the Developer would need to approve. One of the requirements refers to property outside of the Company's ownership.7 Staff inquired about the property outside of the NTP in Production Request No. 11. In the Company's response, it stated, "[t]here will not be a separate master plan for the Company property that does not also include the Developer's additionally acquired property on the Company's east and west flanks." Staff does not believe that the Company's Transfer Agreement should include property outside of the Company's ownership and it should not be included as a requirement in the sale of the NTP Blocks. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission: 1. Approve the Company's request for an accounting order allowing it to record proceeds from the disposition of NTP Blocks as a regulatory liability; 2. Approve a carrying charge equal to customer deposit rate to apply to the regulatory liability; 3. Approve the sale and transfer of the NTP Blocks; 4. Withold approval of the submitted Transfer Agreement; and 5. Order the Company to provide a copy of the finalized Transfer Agreement in a future rate proceeding when the Company seeks recovery of costs associated with the sale of the North Temple Property. Respectfully submitted this 1" day of August 2024. 1 Dayn H die Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Leena Gilman, Kimberly Loskot, Vicki Stephens I:\Utility\UMISC\COMMENTS\PAC-E-24-06 Comments-Redacted.docx 7 Confidential Exhibit No. 2 (8)(k)(viii)at 14. STAFF COMMENTS 6 AUGUST 1, 2024 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE /51- I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS I DAY OF AUGUST 2024, SERVED THE FOREGOING REDACTED COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-24-06, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: MARK ALDER JOE DALLAS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 825 NE MULTNOMAH ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 STE 2000 E-MAIL: mark.alder cupacificorp.com PORTLAND OR 97232 E-MAIL: joseph.dallas-mpacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAIL ONLY: datarequest(&'pacificorp.com PATRICIA JORDA , SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE