HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240717Customer Hearing Transcript.pdf RECEIVED Wednesday, July 17, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In The Matter Of: IN THE MATTER OF R OCKY MO UNTAIN PO WER'S APPLICA TION CUSTOMER HEARING June 17, 2024 T&T Reporting, LLC 477 Shoup Avenue, Suite 105 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 (208) 529-5491 Min-U-Script® with Word Index 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 IDAHO FALLS , IDAHO 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) POWER' S APPLICATION TO COMPLETE ) 9 THE STUDY REVIEW PHASE OF THE ) Case No . : COSTS AND BENEFITS OF ON-SITE ) PAC-E-23-17 10 CUSTOMER GENERATION. ) 11 12 13 14 REPORTER' S TRANSCRIPT OF CUSTOMER HEARING 15 Monday, June 17 , 2024 ; 5 : 00 o ' clock p .m. 16 17 18 19 20 BE IT REMEMBERED that the Customer Hearing in the above-captioned matter was taken at the Idaho 21 Falls Activity Center, South Room, 1575 N. Skyline Drive, Idaho Falls , Idaho, before DiAnn Erdman 22 Prock, CSR SRL 963 , CCR, Court Reporter and Notary Public, in and for the State of Idaho, in the 23 above-entitled matter . 24 25 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 Public Utility Commissioners : JOHN HAMMOND, JR. , Chairman 3 EDWARD LODGE 4 For the Commission : OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 5 BY: MICHAEL LEE DUVAL 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard 6 Building 8 Suite 201A 7 Boise , Idaho 83720 (208) 334-0320 8 E-mail : michael .duval@puc . idaho .gov 9 Also Present: ADAM RUSH, Public Information Officer 10 JOLENE BOSSARD, Utilities Compliance Investigator 11 JOSH HAVER, Policy Analyst MONICA BARRIOS-SANCHEZ , Commission Secretary 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CUSTOMER HEARING - June 17, 2024 3 1 (The public hearing proceeded at 2 5 : 00 p .m. as follows : ) 3 4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Good afternoon . 5 Just a little closer. 6 Good afternoon . This is the time and 7 place for a customer hearing in Case Number 8 PAC-E-23-17 . 9 Further identified as In the Matter of 10 Rocky Mountain Power ' s Application to Complete the 11 Study Review Phase of the Costs and Benefits of 12 Onsite Customer Generation . 13 The purpose of this hearing today is to 14 take testimony from members of the public in 15 reference to Rocky Mountain Power ' s application in 16 this case that was filed on June 29th, 2023 . 17 My name is Commissioner John Hammond. I 18 am the chair of today ' s proceedings , and I am joined 19 to my right by Commissioner Ed Lodge -- Edward 20 Lodge . 21 Commission President Eric Anderson is 22 unavailable today due to his attendance at an 23 important conference this week, but together the 24 three of us comprise the commission in this case 25 that will collectively make a final determination on CUSTOMER HEARING - June 17, 2024 4 1 this matter. 2 Today' s objective is to take live public 3 testimony which will be added to the underlying 4 record in this case . 5 The commission will review the facts and 6 evidence in the record to make its final decisions 7 for this proceeding. 8 For anyone that wishes to submit written 9 comments , we have comment sheets available here 10 today. In addition, people may submit written 11 comments online on our website for the Idaho Public 12 Utilities Commission. 13 For today ' s proceedings , we have DiAnn 14 Prock, serving as our court reporter . Since this is 15 an official proceeding where testimony is taken, 16 please speak slowly if you are testifying and 17 clearly into the microphone . 18 Currently, we have nobody signed up to 19 speak or testify. So at this point in time , I think 20 what we ' ll do -- well , first, actually, before we 21 get to that, I ' d like to take the appearance of the 22 parties of record in this case . 23 First let' s have staff for the Idaho 24 Public Utilities Commission introduce themselves . 25 MR. DUVAL : Thank you, Commissioner CUSTOMER HEARING - June 17, 2024 5 1 Hammond. 2 Michael Duval representing commission 3 staff. 4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : And is there 5 anybody here for the company today? 6 MR. ALDER: Yeah, Commissioner. Mark 7 Alder with Rocky Mountain Power . 8 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : And is there 9 anybody else here that wishes to be identified for 10 purposes of the record? 11 (NO audible response . ) 12 COMMISSIONER HAMMON: Seeing none , let' s 13 move forward. 14 As I said, we don ' t have anyone here 15 currently that wishes to testify. So what we ' ll do 16 is we ' ll go off the record for ten minutes to see -- 17 to allow for the possibility that somebody may be 18 showing up a bit late due to traffic or otherwise , 19 and we ' ll go back on the record then. 20 Thank you very much, and we are 21 adjourned for the moment. 22 (A brief recess was had. ) 23 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Okay. So we ' re 24 going back on the record in Case Number PAC-E-23-17 . 25 Previously I have identified that as In CUSTOMER HEARING - June 17, 2024 6 1 the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power ' s Application to 2 Complete the Study Review Phase of the Costs and 3 Benefits of Onsite Customer Generation . 4 We have gone off the record for ten 5 minutes to see if anybody -- the public would arrive 6 to testify at this proceeding. As of right now, we 7 still don ' t have anyone that has come to the meeting 8 and offered to testify. 9 With that, we ' re going to close out the 10 hearing today and bring this matter to conclusion at 11 least for today. 12 Thank you very much everyone for being 13 here today and we are adjourned. 14 (Whereupon, the proceedings concluded at 15 5 : 11 p .m. ) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 1 REPORTER' S CERTIFICATE 2 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss . 3 COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE ) 4 5 6 I , DiAnn Erdman Prock, CSR, CCR, a duly commissioned Notary Public in and for the State of 7 Idaho, do hereby certify: 8 That I took down in Stenotype all of the proceedings had in the before-entitled matter at the 9 time and place indicated, and that thereafter said Stenotype notes were transcribed into typewriting at 10 and under my direction and supervision, and the foregoing transcript constitutes a full , true and 11 accurate record of the proceedings had. 12 I further certify that I have no interest in the event of the action . 13 WITNESS my hand and seal this 19th day of 14 June , 2024 . 15 16 ' DfAnn Erdman Prock COMMISSION NO. 51352 17 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO 18 19 20 DiAnn Erdman Prock Idaho CSR SRL 963 , CCR 21 Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho 22 23 My commission expires November 26 , 2025 . 24 25 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION CUSTOMER HEARING June 17,2024 4:9,11 3:25;4:6 Mark(1) Phase(2) A Commission(6) first(2) 5:6 3:11;6:2 3:21,24;4:5,12,24; 4:20,23 Matter(4) place(1) actually(1) 5:2 follows(1) 3:9;4:1;6:1,10 3:7 4:20 COMMISSIONER(9) 3:2 may(2) please(1) added(1) 3:4,17,19;4:25;5:4, forward(1) 4:10;5:17 4:16 4:3 6,8,12,23 5:13 meeting(1) pm(2) addition(1) company(1) Further(1) 6:7 3:2;6:15 4:10 5:5 3:9 members(1) point(1) adjourned(2) Complete(2) 3:14 4:19 5:21;6:13 3:10;6:2 G Michael(1) possibility(1) afternoon(2) comprise(1) 5:2 5:17 3:4,6 3:24 Generation(2) microphone(1) Power(1) ALDER(2) concluded(1) 3:12;6:3 4:17 5:7 5:6,7 6:14 Good(2) minutes(2) Power's(3) allow(1) conclusion(1) 3:4,6 5:16;6:5 3:10,15;6:1 5:17 6:10 moment(1) President(1) Anderson(1) conference(1) H 5:21 3:21 3:21 3:23 Mountain(4) Previously(1) appearance(1) Costs(2) HAMMON(1) 3:10,15;5:7;6:1 5:25 4:21 3:11;6:2 5:12 move(1) proceeded(1) Application(3) court(1) HAMMOND(6) 5:13 3:1 3:10,15;6:1 4:14 3:4,17;5:1,4,8,23 much(2) proceeding(3) arrive(1) Currently(2) hearing(4) 5:20;6:12 4:7,15;6:6 6:5 4:18;5:15 3:1,7,13;6:10 proceedings(3) attendance(1) customer(3) N 3:18;4:13;6:14 3:22 3:7,12;6:3 I Prock(1) audible(1) name(1) 4:14 5:11 D Idaho(2) 3:17 public(6) available(1) 4:11,23 nobody(1) 3:1,14;4:2,11,24; 4:9 decisions(1) identified(3) 4:18 6:5 4:6 3:9;5:9,25 none(1) purpose(1) B determination(1) important(1) 5:12 3:13 3:25 3:23 Number(2) purposes(1) back(2) DiAnn(1) into(1) 3:7;5:24 5:10 5:19,24 4:13 4:17 Benefits(2) due(2) introduce(1) O R 3:11;6:3 3:22;5:18 4:24 bit(1) DUVAL(2) objective(1) recess(1) 5:18 4:25;5:2 J 4:2 5:22 brief(1) off(2) record(8) 5:22 E John(1) 5:16;6:4 4:4,6,22;5:10,16,19, bring( ) 1 3:17 offered(1) 24;6:4 Ed 1 joined 1 6:8 reference 1 6:10 O j O ( ) 3:19 3:18 official(1) 3:15 C Edward(1) June(1) 4:15 reporter(1) 3:19 3:16 online(1) 4:14 Case(6) else(1) 4:11 representing(1) 3:7,16,24;4:4,22; 5:9 L Onsite(2) 5:2 5:24 Eric(1) 3:12;6:3 response(1) chair(1) 3:21 late(1) otherwise(1) 5:11 3:18 everyone(1) 5:18 5:18 Review(3) clearly(1) 6:12 least(1) out(1) 3:11;4:5;6:2 4:17 evidence(1) 6:11 6:9 right(2) close(1) 4:6 little(1) 3:19;6:6 6:9 3:5 P Rocky(4) closer(1) F live(1) 3:10,15;5:7;6:1 3:5 4:2 PAC-E-23-17(2) collectively(1) facts(1) Lodge(2) 3:8;5:24 S 3:25 4:5 3:19,20 parties(1) comment(1) filed(1) 4:22 Seeing(1) 4:9 3:16 M people(1) 5:12 comments(2) final(2) 4:10 serving(1) Min-U-Script® (1)actually-serving IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION CUSTOMER HEARING June 17,2024 4:14 wishes(3) sheets(1) 4:8;5:9,15 4:9 written(2) showing(1) 4:8,10 5:18 signed(1) 2 4:18 slowly(1) 2023(1) 4:16 3:16 somebody(1) 29th(1) 5:17 3:16 speak(2) 4:16,19 5 staff(2) 4:23;5:3 5:00(1) still(1) 3:2 6:7 5:11(1) Study(2) 6:15 3:11;6:2 submit(2) 4:8,10 T ten(2) 5:16;6:4 testify(4) 4:19;5:15;6:6,8 testifying(1) 4:16 testimony(3) 3:14;4:3,15 three(1) 3:24 today(7) 3:13,22;4:10;5:5; 6:10,11,13 today's(3) 3:18;4:2,13 together(1) 3:23 traffic(1) 5:18 U unavailable(1) 3:22 underlying(1) 4:3 up(2) 4:18;5:18 Utilities(2) 4:12,24 W website(1) 4:11 week(1) 3:23 Whereupon(1) 6:14 Min-U-Script® (2)sheets-5:11