HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240710Final Approved Tariffs.pdf _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN �`POWER. 1407 W.North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 RECEIVED A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Thursday June 20, 2024 8:OOAM IDAHO PUBLIC June 19, 2024 UTILITIES COMMISSION VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 Attn: Commission Secretary RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-24-02—COMPLIANCE FILING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR ADJUSTMENTS TO THE IRRIGATION LOAD CONTROL PROGRAM Pursuant to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Order No. 36193, issued May 28, 2024 in the above referenced matter, Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") hereby submits for filing a tariff schedule for the Irrigation Load Control Program("Schedule 105"). The Company worked with Commission Staff on Schedule 105 prior to this submission. Informal questions related to this matter may be directed to me at (801) 220-4214. Sincerely, Michael S. Snow Manager, Regulatory Affairs Enclosures _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Fifteenth FOUFteenth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling FourteenthThiFteenth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES-Continued Schedule Sheet No. Class of Service No. 23 General Service- Small Power 23.1 -23.3 23A General Service- Small Power(Residential and Farm) 23A.1 -23A.4 24 Interruptible Power Service 24.1 -24.5 31 Partial Requirements Service—High Voltage 31.1 —31.6 34 Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act- 34.1 - 34.3 Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit 35 Optional Time-of-Day General Service—Distribution Voltage 35.1 -35.3 35A Optional Time-of-Day General Service—Distribution Voltage (Farm) 35A.1 -35A.4 38 Qualifying Facility Avoided Cost Procedures 38.1 —38.11 36 Optional Time of Day Residential Service 36.1 - 36.3 70 Renewable Energy Rider—Optional 70.1 - 70.4 73 Renewable Energy Rider- Optional-Bulk Purchase Option 73.1 —73.4 94 Energy Cost Adjustment 94.1 105 Irrigation Load Control Program 105.1-105.3 118 Home Energy Saver Incentive Program 118.1 - 118.2 (Continued) Submitted Under CaseAdviee No. 16-04PAC-E-24-02 ISSUED: April 20,20 6June 19,2024 EFFECTIVE: Apfil 15,2016Mqy 31,2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN Approved Effective POWER July 10, 2024 May 31, 2024 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Per ON 36256 & 36193 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary Fifteenth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 I.P.U.C.No. 1 Canceling Fourteenth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES-Continued Schedule Sheet No. Class of Service No. 23 General Service- Small Power 23.1 -23.3 23A General Service- Small Power(Residential and Farm) 23A.1 -23A.4 24 Interruptible Power Service 24.1 -24.5 31 Partial Requirements Service—High Voltage 31.1 —31.6 34 Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act- 34.1 - 34.3 Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit 35 Optional Time-of-Day General Service—Distribution Voltage 35.1 -35.3 35A Optional Time-of-Day General Service—Distribution Voltage (Farm) 35A.1 -35A.4 38 Qualifying Facility Avoided Cost Procedures 38.1 —38.11 36 Optional Time of Day Residential Service 36.1 - 36.3 70 Renewable Energy Rider—Optional 70.1 - 70.4 73 Renewable Energy Rider- Optional-Bulk Purchase Option 73.1 —73.4 94 Energy Cost Adjustment 94.1 105 Irrigation Load Control Program 105.1 - 105.3 118 Home Energy Saver Incentive Program 118.1 - 118.2 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-02 ISSUED: June 19, 2024 EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION _ROCKY MOUNTAIN Approved Effective POWER July 10, 2024 May 31, 2024 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Per ON 36256 & 36193 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 105.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 105 STATE OF IDAHO Irrigation Load Control Program PURPOSE: This optional tariff allows Customers taking service under Electric Service Schedule No. 10 to participate in a demand response program where for a financial incentive the Company has the right to interrupt service. APPLICABLE: Available to qualifying customers on Schedule 10. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Eligible Customers can work with the Company to enroll irrigation pumps to be used in load control events. Load control events shut off irrigation pumps automatically at the start of an event and release control of the pumps at the end of the event, allowing them to restart. Participating Customers receive incentive payments as compensation for their participation in the program.Additional details for the program can be found on the Company website at: https://www.rockymountaippower.net/savin sg energy-choices/business/irrigation-load- control.html. • Mandatory Season Program Events: The Company shall have the right to Dispatch Mandatory Events according to the following criteria: a) Dispatch Period: The nearest Monday on or before June 1 through the nearest Friday on or after August 15. b) Available Dispatch Hours: 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM Mountain Time. c) Maximum Dispatch Hours: 52 hours per Program Year. d) Dispatch Duration: Not more than four hours per Dispatch Event or twelve hours per week. e) Dispatch Event Frequency: limited to one Dispatch Event per day and up to three Dispatch Events per week. f) Dispatch Days: Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. g) Dispatch Notification: No less than four hours before the start of a Mandatory Event. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-02 ISSUED: June 19,2024 EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION _ROCKY MOUNTAIN Approved Effective POWER July 10, 2024 May 31, 2024 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Per ON 36256 & 36193 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 105.2 In the event of a system emergency, Rocky Mountain Power may, at its discretion, expand the dispatch criteria beyond the parameters listed. Emergency events may be used to satisfy requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation(NERC) standard BAL-002- WECC-2 for Contingency Reserve Obligation (CRO) and may be deployed when the utility is experiencing a qualifying event as defined by the Northwest Power Pool. • Voluntary Program Events: The Company shall have the right to dispatch Voluntary Program Events as needed from the nearest Monday on or before June 1 through the nearest Friday on or after September 30. Voluntary Events are events that occur outside any or all of the Mandatory Season dispatch parameters. Participating Customers may choose to opt-out of Voluntary Program Events with no penalties or reductions in their financial compensation for participation in the Irrigation Load Control Program. • Non-Discrimination: Eligible facilities of similar size, operations and ability to participate will be treated in a fair and consistent manner. Any claims of discriminatory treatment should be addressed through the consumer complaint process on the Commission's website: h!Ltps://puc.idaho.gov/Form/ConsumerAssistance/ • Participation: The Company or Program Provider shall have the right to qualify program participants, at their sole discretion based on criteria the Company or Program Provider considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program and utility system. Criteria may include,but will not be limited to: having an eligible load control device installed on an enrolled pump,the Program Provider having reliable communication with the installed load control device(including the ability to receive data from the device and for the device to receive command signals from the Program Provider), ability for the Program Provider to access an enrolled pump for load control device installation and troubleshooting purposes, impact on the Company's transmission and distribution system, and/or cost effectiveness. A one-time enrollment fee per pump may apply if a program participant's average pump size is less than 50 kW. • Incentives: Participating Customers will be compensated according to the rates in Table 1, with applicable adjustments for Average Available Load and Event Participation. If a Customer opts out of any Mandatory Events, they will be compensated utilizing the Base Incentive Rate. If a customer fully participates in all Mandatory Events, meaning their pumps are off during all Mandatory Events, they will be eligible to receive the Bonus Incentive Rate instead of the Base Incentive Rate. Customers participating in Mandatory, Voluntary, and/or Emergency Events will also receive an incentive payment based on the actual load reduced multiplied by the Energy Reduction Payment Rate. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-02 ISSUED: June 19,2024 EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION _ROCKY MOUNTAIN Approved Effective POWER July 10, 2024 May 31, 2024 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Per ON 36256 & 36193 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Secretary I.P.U.C.No. 1 Original Sheet No. 105.3 Table 1 —Irrigation Load Control Program Incentives Mandatory Mandatory Energy Reduction Payment Rate Season Base Season Bonus Mandatory Events Voluntary Events/ Incentive Rate Incentive Rate System Emergencies $32.50/kW $39.00/kW $0.075/kWh $0.38/kWh DEFINITIONS: Available Dispatch Hours: Daily timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Average Available Load: The average amount of load, measured in kilowatts, that a Customer's pump can reliably shut-off during program hours. Customer: Any parry who has applied for,been accepted,and receives service at the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Dispatch Days: The days upon which the Company may or may not dispatch its load control system. Dispatch Duration: The duration of time that load control events may be dispatched for. Dispatch Parameters: The criteria within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Dispatch Period: The calendar year timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Event Participation: Event participation is measured by whether a Customer fully participates in called events, or chooses to opt out. Participation is determined based on the status of an enrolled pump during the event dispatch hours. Full participation in an event means that the enrolled pump was off throughout the entire duration of the event. If at any time during the event the pump is consuming power, that pump is considered to have opted out, and is thus not participating in the event. If a Customer does not participate in any number of load control events, the Customer's available load will be adjusted down by the percent of events in which they elected not to participate. Incentive: Payments of money or bill credits made by Company to Owner or Customer for participation in a Load Management offer. Maximum Dispatch Hours: The maximum amount of time the Company may dispatch its load control system annually. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property,and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real property, the trustor under a duly recorded deed of trust. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-24-02 ISSUED: June 19,2024 EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2024