HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240624Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdf In The Matter Of: Re: Application of VP Inc. Transcript Hearing June 24, 2024 VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 M&M Court Reporting LLC 1-800-879-1700 Coeur d Alene ID 83814 info@mmcourt.com Original File Hearing062424AXt Min-U-Script® with Word Index VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 3 IN THE MATTER OF VP INC . ' S ) Case No . VPI-W-24-01 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO ) 4 INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE ) 5 OF IDAHO ) 6 7 PUBLIC CUSTOMER HEARING 8 9 JUNE 24 , 2024 10 5 : 00 P .M. 11 12 SANDPOINT COMMUNITY HALL 13 204 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE 14 SANDPOINT, IDAHO 15 16 17 REPORTED BY : 18 PHOEBE BURNS, CSR Notary Public 19 M&M Court Reporting LLC 20 Mmcourt . com 1-800-879-1700 VPI-W-24-01 21 22 23 24 25 M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 3 For the Staff : MICHAEL DUVAL Deputy Attorney General 4 IPUC 11331 West Chinden Boulevard 5 Bldg. No . 8, Suite 201-A P . O . Box 83720 6 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 7 8 9 BEFORE 10 COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON (Presiding) 11 COMMISSIONER JOHN HAMMOND, JR. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript Hearing - June 24, 2024 3 VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : Good evening . Is it 2 working? 3 This is the time and place for Customer 4 Hearing, Case No . VPI-W-24-01, also referred to as In 5 the Matter of VP Inc . ' s Application For Certificate of 6 Public Convenience and Necessity and to Increase Its 7 Rates and Charges For Water Service in the State of 8 Idaho . 9 The purpose of this hearing is to take 10 testimony from members of the public in reference to VP 11 Inc . ' s request that was filed with the Commission on 12 January 11th, 2024 . 13 My name is Eric Anderson . I 'm the Chair of 14 tonight ' s proceeding, and I 'm joined with Commissioner 15 John Hammond to my left . 16 At this point, the Commission staff 17 workshops have been held. Today we will take public 18 testimony, and the transcript will be added to the 19 underlying record in this case . 20 The Commissioners will view the facts in 21 evidence in the case and will make its final decisions 22 in the matter . 23 Initial matter, let ' s document for the 24 purpose of the record the parties present and their 25 counsel . Let ' s begin with staff representation . M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript Hearing - June 24, 2024 4 VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 1 MR. DUVAL : Thank you, President Anderson . 2 Michael Duval here representing the staff of 3 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission . 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : Thank you, Mr . 5 Duval . 6 And VP Inc . ? 7 MR. VILLELLI : Richard Villelli, President 8 of VP Inc . , and my lovely wife, Marie, and my best 9 friend, Jim. 10 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : Welcome to you 11 three . 12 And there ' s no other parties that are 13 present so . . . 14 Well, let me explain the procedures for the 15 parameters . We don ' t have anybody here to testify 16 generally from the public, but we will call the person ' s 17 name and we will take -- ask you to take your testimony 18 after you have been sworn in, and you will be asked to 19 identify yourself for the record, which will include 20 your name, spelling your last name and whether you are a 21 customer of VP . 22 The attorneys really -- this prospect should 23 not discourage anybody from testifying if something has 24 been repeated. However, nobody has said anything or 25 will probably be saying anything. M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript Hearing - June 24, 2024 5 VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 1 We have a court reporter tonight . And her 2 name is once again? 3 COURT REPORTER: Phoebe Burns . 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : Phoebe Burns . 5 Welcome, Phoebe . 6 She ' s creating the official transcript for 7 our record. 8 Unless my colleagues find that I have missed 9 anything on this subject matter, we will go ahead and 10 proceed. Nothing missed, I don ' t believe . 11 And since we have no current customers 12 present yet, who are the ones that will be testifying, 13 we -- and I see that you have wanted to testify also, 14 but, Mr . Villelli, we won ' t take testimony from the 15 parties . But we will take testimony from customers 16 themselves . Just so that ' s kind of the formality of 17 that . 18 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Correct, the customer 19 hearing is -- the public customer hearing is for the 20 customers that testify. 21 MR. VILLELLI : Understood. 22 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: You have the 23 opportunity to submit written comments . 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And it ' s not always 25 a bad sign when people don ' t show up, not always a good M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript Hearing - June 24, 2024 6 VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 1 sign not always a bad sign . But what we ' ll do right now 2 is since we have no one here to testify yet, unless 3 anybody else wants to, we will take a ten-minute 4 break -- five-minute break, five-minute break. 5 (A short recess was taken . ) 6 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : Well, we are back in 7 order here, and being that we have no one present to 8 testify, this is a very quick meeting today. So with 9 that, we are adjourned. 10 (Whereupon, the public hearing was 11 adjourned at 5 : 15 p .m. ) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 VPI-W-24-01 Order No. 36210 7 1 REPORTER' S CERTIFICATE 2 3 I, Phoebe Burns, Certified Shorthand 4 Reporter, do hereby certify: 5 That the foregoing proceedings were taken 6 before me at the time and place therein set forth, at 7 which time any witnesses were placed under oath; 8 That the testimony and all objections made 9 were recorded stenographically by me and were thereafter 10 transcribed by me or under my direction; 11 That the foregoing is a true and correct 12 Record of all testimony given, to the best of my 13 Ability; 14 That I am not a relative or employee of any 15 Attorney or of any of the parties, nor am I financially 16 Interested in the action . 17 IN WITNESSyTW1IZREOF, I have hereunto set my 18 Hand and seal thi"s 27,th dad .ofti`ne, 2024 . 19 20 Phoebe Burns, ID C . S . R. No . SRL-1126 21 Notary Public 816 Sherman Avenue, Suite 7 22 Coeur d 'Alene, ID 83814 23 My Commission Expires March 18, 2025 . 24 25 M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Application of VP Inc. VPI-W-24-01 Order No.36210 Transcript Hearing June 24,2024 court(2) Hearing(5) A 5:1,3 3:4,9;5:19,19;6:10 N Q creating(1) held(1) added(1) 5:6 3:17 name(5) quick(1) 3:18 current(1) 3:13;4:17,20,20;5:2 6:8 adjourned(2) 5:11 I Necessity(1) 6:9,11 Customer(4) 3:6 R again(1) 3:3;4:21;5:18,19 Idaho(2) nobody(1) 5:2 customers(3) 3:8;4:3 4:24 Rates(1) ahead(1) 5:11,15,20 identify(1) 3:7 5:9 4:19 O really(1) always(3) D Inc(2) 4:22 5:24,25;6:1 4:6,8 official(1) recess(1) ANDERSON(8) decisions(1) include(1) 5:6 6:5 3:1,13;4:1,4,10;5:4, 3:21 4:19 once(1) record(4) 24;6:6 discourage(1) Increase(1) 5:2 3:19,24;4:19;5:7 Application(1) 4:23 3:6 one(2) reference(1) 3:5 document(1) Inc's(2) 6:2,7 3:10 attorneys(1) 3:23 3:5,11 ones(1) referred(1) 4:22 DUVAL(3) Initial(1) 5:12 3:4 4:1,2,5 3:23 opportunity(1) repeated(1) B E d 5:23 4:24 order(1) reporter(2) back(1) 6:7 5:1,3 6:6 else(1) January(1) representation(1) bad(2) 6:3 3:12 P 3:25 5:25;6:1 Eric(1) Jim(1) representing(1) begin(1) 3:13 4:9 parameters(1) 4:2 3:25 evening(1) John(1) 4:15 request(1) best(1) 3:1 3:15 parties(3) 3:11 4:8 evidence(1) joined(1) 3:24;4:12;5:15 Richard(1) break(3) 3:21 3:14 people(1) 4:7 6:4,4,4 explain(1) 5:25 right(1) Burns(2) 4:14 K person's(1) 6:1 5:3,4 4:16 F kind(1) Phoebe(3) S C 5:16 5:3,4,5 facts(1) place(1) saying(1) call(1) 3:20 L 3:3 4:25 1 4:16 filed( pm(1) Service(1) Case(3) 3:11 last(1) 6:11 3:7 3:4,19,21 final(1) 4:20 point(1) short(1) Certificate(1) 3:21 left(1) 3:16 6:5 3:5 find(1) 3:15 present(4) show(1) Chair(1) 5:8 lovely(1) 3:24;4:13;5:12;6:7 5:25 five-minute 2 4:8 3:13 ( ) President(2) sign(3) Charges(1) 6:4,4 4:1,7 5:25;6:1,1 3:7 formality(1) M probably(1) spelling(1) colleagues(1) 5:16 4:25 4:20 5:8 friend(1) Marie(1) procedures(1) staff(3) comments(1) 4:9 4 4:14 3:16,25;4:2 Matter 5:23 O proceed(1) State(1) Commission(3) G 3:5,22,23;5:9 5:10 3:7 3:11,16;4:3 meeting(1) proceeding(1) subject(1) COMMISSIONER(9) generally(1) 6:8 3:14 5:9 3:1,14;4:4,10;5:4, 4:16 members(1) prospect(1) submit(1) 18,22,24;6:6 Good(2) 3:10 4:22 5:23 Commissioners(1) 3:1;5:25 Michael(1) Public(7) sworn(1) 3:20 4:2 3:6,10,17;4:3,16; 4:18 Convenience(1) H missed(2) 5:19;6:10 3:6 5:8,10 purpose(2) T counsel(1) Hammond(3) 3:9,24 3:25 3:15;5:18,22 ten-minute(1) Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (8)added-ten-minute mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re:Application of VP Inc. VPI-W-24-01 Order No.36210 Transcript Hearing June 24,2024 6:3 testify(5) j 4:15;5:13,20;6:2,8 testifying(2) 11th(1) 4:23;5:12 3:12 testimony(5) 3:10,18;4:17;5:14, 2 15 three(1) 2024(1) 4:11 3:12 Today(2) 3:17;6:8 5 tonight(1) 5:1 5:15(1) tonight's(1) 6:11 3:14 transcript(2) 3:18;5:6 U underlying(1) 3:19 Understood(1) 5:21 Unless(2) 5:8;6:2 up(1) 5:25 Utilities(1) 4:3 V view(1) 3:20 Villelli(4) 4:7,7;5:14,21 VP(5) 3:5,10;4:6,8,21 VPI-W-24-01 (1) 3:4 W wants(1) 6:3 Water(1) 3:7 Welcome(2) 4:10;5:5 Whereupon(1) 6:10 wife(1) 4:8 working(1) 3:2 workshops(1) 3:17 written(1) 5:23 Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (9)testify-5:15 mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700