HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240703Supplemental Tariff Filing.pdf "4%6h-0IQAHO POWER. RECEIVED 2024 July 3 PM 2:52 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CONNIE ASCHENBRENNER Rate Design Senior Manager caschenbrenner(didahopower.com July 3, 2024 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Supplemental Filing - Tariff Advice No. IPC-TAE-24-02 Revisions to Schedule 84, Large General, Large Power, and Irrigation On- Site Generation Dear Commission Secretary: After its June 17, 2024, filing, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") conferred with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff ("Staff") regarding its request in this matter and the tariff language proposed. In this supplemental filing, the Company seeks to replace the proposed tariff sheet, in its entirety, to update the proposed language for Schedule 84, Large General, Large Power, and Irrigation On-Site Generation ("Schedule 84"). The following Tariff Sheet No. 84-2 contains the language discussed with Staff and is intended to fully replace the sheet issued on June 17, 2024. The remaining sheets contain administrative changes: First Revised Sheet No. 84-2 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 84-2 First Revised Sheet No. 84-3 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 84-3 First Revised Sheet No. 84-4 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 84-4 First Revised Sheet No. 84-5 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 84-5 First Revised Sheet No. 84-6 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 84-6 First Revised Sheet No. 84-7 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 84-7 First Revised Sheet No. 84-8 Cancelling Original Sheet No. 84-8 Idaho Power respectfully requests the proposed updates be accepted, with an effective date of July 17, 2024. 1221 W. Idaho St(83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Commission Secretary July 3, 2024 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Regulatory Analyst Ashley Herrera at (208) 388-2656 or aherrera(a-)_idahopower.com. Very truly yours, Connie Aschenbrenner Rate Design Senior Manager CGA:sg Enclosures Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-2 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) APPLICABILITY (Continued) ii. Single-Meter Interconnection (applicable to new applicants effective December 2, 2020): Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through a single meter. 6. The Generation Facility must have a total nameplate rating equal to or less than the greater of: (a) the greatest monthly Billing Demand established during the most recent 12-month period at the time of applying for interconnection, which includes and ends with the most recent Billing Period, or (b) 100 kW. The capacity of an Energy Storage Device shall not be used to calculate the capacity limits in this schedule. a. Subject to the Company's discretion and approval, for a Customer applying to interconnect a Generation Facility (1) where Billing Demand is not available, or (2) where the Billing Demand is not reflective of future operations, the customer may provide evidence that the proposed Generation Facility meets the applicability of this schedule in accordance with one of the following: i. If previous billing data is available for the premises and the Customer's electrical needs are similar to the previous customer, the Company may rely on available historical Billing Demand at the premises not to exceed the previous 12 months. ii. If the Customer has another account in the Company's service area with similar electrical needs, the Company may rely on available historical Billing Demand from that account not to exceed the previous 12 months. iii. The Customer can have a third-party currently licensed or registered professional engineer provide analysis and documentation detailing the electrical load requirements for the Customer which support an increase in demand expected to occur within the next 12 months. iv. For a Customer taking retail service under Schedule 24, the Customer may submit documentation of the horsepower ("HP") of the irrigation equipment (motors and/or pumps). Based on the submitted documentation, the Company will determine the maximum continuous HP using a conversion factor of 1 HP to 0.8kW to define the demand for the Point of Delivery. 7. Legacy Status for eligible Exporting Systems will terminate on December 1, 2045. 8. The Legacy Status of the Exporting System is transferable to a subsequent Customer at the premises for which a valid on-site generation service is in effect. Each Customer of a Legacy System taking service under Schedule 84 will be responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the on-site generation service in effect for that premises. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-3 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) APPLICABILITY (Continued) 9. A Legacy System that is offline for over six (6) months or that is moved to a different site shall forfeit Legacy Status of the Exporting System. 10. To remain eligible for Legacy Status, a Customer may increase the capacity of a Legacy System by no more than 10 percent of the originally installed nameplate capacity, or 1 kW, whichever is greater, to allow for the replacement of broken or degraded components. If a Customer expands a Legacy System beyond these limits, the new portion of the DER would not qualify for Legacy Status. 11. A Customer that modifies a two-meter Generation Facility to a single-meter forfeits the Legacy Status of the Generation Facility. DEFINITIONS Billing Demand is the average kW supplied during the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power Factor. Designated Meter is the retail meter physically connected to the Exporting System. Distributed Energy Resource(s) (DER(s)) is a source of electric power that is not directly connected to the bulk power system. Any combination of Generation Facilities and/or Energy Storage Devices connected in Parallel is considered a DER. Energy Storage Device is a device that captures energy produced at a point in time and stores the energy for use as electricity at a future point in time. An Energy Storage Device is a DER. Excess Net Energy means the positive difference between the kilowatt-hours (kWh) generated by a Customer and the kWh supplied by the Company over the applicable Billing Period. Exported Energy means all kWh generated by a Customer in excess of the Customer's on-site consumption that is exported to the Company's system. Exporting System is a Customer-owned DER under the terms of Schedules 6, 8, or 84, which is designed to provide for the transfer of electric energy to the Company. An Exporting System is interconnected to the Company's system under the applicable terms of Schedule 68. Generation Facility means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is either delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or Generation Interconnection Point, or is consumed by the Customer. Generation Interconnection Point is the point where the conductors installed to allow receipt of the Customer's generation connect to the Company's facilities adjacent to the Customer's Point of Delivery. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-4 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Interconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the DER to the Point of Delivery or Generation Interconnection Point. Legacy Status refers to the ability for a system to receive Net Energy Metering, including net monthly one-for-one kWh credit compensation for Excess Net Energy. Legacy Systems means any system that meets the applicable criteria as described in Order Nos. 34509, 34546, 34854 and 34892. Net Billing is the compensation structure applicable to all systems that do not meet the criteria of a Legacy System. Net Billing will be effective with each eligible customer's first billing cycle after January 1, 2024. Net Energy Metering is the compensation structure applicable to all Legacy Systems. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from Idaho Power's system. Point of Delivery is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 68 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to DERs or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. MONTHLY BILLING The Customer shall be billed in accordance with the Customer's applicable standard service schedule, including appropriate monthly charges, and the Export Credit Rate under this schedule. NET ENERGY METERING - CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions for Net Energy Metering under this schedule. 1. Balances of generation and usage by the Customer: IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-5 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET ENERGY METERING - CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) a. If electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period, the Customer shall be billed for the net electricity supplied by the Company at the Customer's standard schedule retail rate, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. If electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period, the Excess Net Energy shall be carried forward as a kWh credit to offset energy usage in a subsequent Billing Period. Excess Net Energy credits are subject to the following provisions: i. Credits can only be used to offset billed kWh consumption. Customers shall be billed for all applicable non-energy charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Credits are non-transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Exporting System. Any unused credits will expire at the time the final bill is prepared. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused Excess Net Energy credits: a. If a balance of Excess Net Energy credits exists at a Designated Meter, the Customer may request to transfer the unused credits to offset energy consumption at eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets all of the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the Designated Meter is located. For the purposes of this tariff, contiguous property includes property that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rights of way; and iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Exporting System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements; and IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-6 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET ENERGY METERING - CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) V. For Customers taking service under Schedule 1 or Schedule 7, credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1 or Schedule 7. For Customers taking service under Schedule 9, Schedule 19, or Schedule 24, credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 9, Schedule 19, or Schedule 24. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits between December 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be received by Idaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. If a Customer does not request to transfer Excess Net Energy credits by the January 31 submission deadline Excess Net Energy credits will carry forward to offset consumption at the Designated Meter until they become eligible the following year. C. Requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Excess Net Energy credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. If multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Excess Net Energy credits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. NET BILLING—CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to transactions for Net Billing under this schedule. 1. Balances of usage and exports by the Customer. a. The Customer shall be billed for the electricity supplied by the Company at the rates contained within the Customer's applicable standard service schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. The Customer shall be credited for Exported Energy at the applicable Export Credit Rate contained within this schedule as a credit in dollars to only offset Monthly Charges. Exported Energy credits are subject to the following provisions: i. Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-7 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET BILLING—CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) ii. Credits are transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates. If the establishment of service at the new Point of Delivery is not initiated at the time service at the Designated Meter is discontinued, it is the Customer's responsibility to request the credit transfer when service is established at the new location in Idaho Power's service area. iii. If a Customer discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Exporting System and does not intend to establish service at another location in Idaho Power's service area any unused credits will be paid out following the time the final bill is prepared. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused credits: a. If a balance of credits exists at a Designated Meter, the Customer may request to transfer the unused credits to eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer a stated percentage of available credits between December 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be received by Idaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. If a Customer does not request to transfer credits by the January 31 submission deadline credits will carry forward at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer the following year. C. Requests to transfer credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. NET ENERGY METERING & NET BILLING— GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's DER is de-energized for any reason. 2. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Exporting System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-8 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-8 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET ENERGY METERING & NET BILLING — GENERAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 3. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the DER and Interconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the DER in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. 4. The Company shall not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Customer to curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries of energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, determines that curtailment, interruption or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system. 5. If the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 6. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement or any other service required of said equipment, as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching and any other operational requirements of the Customer's Interconnection Facilities. 7. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if an Exporting System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this schedule is any removal or disablement of an Exporting System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company 9rigiRal First Revised Sheet No. 84-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Fofth Revosed0riginal Sheet No. 84-2 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) APPLICABILITY (Continued) ii. Single-Meter Interconnection (applicable to new applicants effective December 2, 2020): Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through a single meter. 6. The Generation Facility must have a total nameplate rating equal to or less than the greater of: (a) the greatest monthly Billing Demand established during the most recent 12-month period at the time of applying for interconnection, which includes and ends with the most recent Billing Period, or (b) 100 kW. The capacity of an Energy Storage Device shall not be used to calculate the capacity limits in this schedule. 6a. Subject to the Company's discretion and approval, f4or a Customer applying to interconnect a Generation Facility (1) where Billing Demand is not available, or (2) where the Billing Demand is not reflective of future operations, the customer may provide evidence with a total naFneplate GapaGity rating that eXGeeds aGtual boiling dernand data frern the most FeGent 12 rrment ,? er (7) BillingDemand is net available must provide eviden^Gthat the proposed Generation Facility meets the applicability of this schedule in accordance with one of the following: i. If previous billing data is available for the premises and the Customer's electrical needs are similar to the previous customer, the Company_, at its diSiGretie,, may rely on available historical Billing Demand at the premises not to exceed the previous 12 months. ii. If the Customer has another account in the Company's service area with similar electrical needs, the Company, at its disGretk), may rely on available historical Billing Demand from that account not to exceed the previous 12 months. iii. The Customer can have a third-party currently licensed or registered professional engineer provide analysis and documentation detailing the electrical load requirements for the Customer which support an increase in demand expected to occur within the next 12 months. iv. For a Customer taking retail service under Schedule 24, which on'' SerViGeS me-tor lead, the Customer may submit documentation of the horsepower ("HP") of the irrigation equipment (motors and/or pumps). moter'^,imp teBased on the submitted documentation, the Company will determine the maximum continuous HP using a conversion and a Genversion factor of 1 HP to 0.8kW will be 61sed to define the demand for the Point of Delivery. 7. Legacy Status for eligible Exporting Systems will terminate on December 1, 2045. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued -June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective-July 17, 2024 january 1 20Zz4 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Fifth ReyosedOriginal Sheet No. 84-2 8. The Legacy Status of the Exporting System is transferable to a subsequent Customer at the premises for which a valid on-site generation service is in effect. Each Customer of a Legacy System taking service under Schedule 84 will be responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the on-site generation service in effect for that premises. cof IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued —June 17, 2024 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—July 17, 2024 january 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101€s Original .%Sheet No. 84-3 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) APPLICABILITY (Continued) 9. A Legacy System that is offline for over six (6) months or that is moved to a different site shall forfeit Legacy Status of the Exporting System. 10. To remain eligible for Legacy Status, a Customer may increase the capacity of a Legacy System by no more than 10 percent of the originally installed nameplate capacity, or 1 kW, whichever is greater, to allow for the replacement of broken or degraded components. If a Customer expands a Legacy System beyond these limits, the new portion of the DER would not qualify for Legacy Status. 11. A Customer that modifies a two-meter Generation Facility to a single-meter forfeits the Legacy Status of the Generation Facility. DEFINITIONS Billing Demand is the average kW supplied during the 15-consecutive-minute period of maximum use during the Billing Period, adjusted for Power Factor. Designated Meter is the retail meter physically connected to the Exporting System. Distributed Energy Resource(s) (DER(s)) is a source of electric power that is not directly connected to the bulk power system. Any combination of Generation Facilities and/or Energy Storage Devices connected in Parallel is considered a DER. Energy Storage Device is a device that captures energy produced at a point in time and stores the energy for use as electricity at a future point in time. An Energy Storage Device is a DER. Excess Net Energy means the positive difference between the kilowatt-hours (kWh) generated by a Customer and the kWh supplied by the Company over the applicable Billing Period. Exported Energy means all kWh generated by a Customer in excess of the Customer's on-site consumption that is exported to the Company's system. Exporting System is a Customer-owned DER under the terms of Schedules 6, 8, or 84, which is designed to provide for the transfer of electric energy to the Company. An Exporting System is interconnected to the Company's system under the applicable terms of Schedule 68. Generation Facility means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is either delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or Generation Interconnection Point, or is consumed by the Customer. Generation Interconnection Point is the point where the conductors installed to allow receipt of the Customer's generation connect to the Company's facilities adjacent to the Customer's Point of Delivery. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued _ June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective January 1, 2024 July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101€E�Original .%Sheet No. 84-3 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued _ June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective January 1, 2024 July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Oral First Revised Sheet No. 84-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Fourth Reyosed0riginal Sheet No. 84-4 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Interconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the DER to the Point of Delivery or Generation Interconnection Point. Legacy Status refers to the ability for a system to receive Net Energy Metering, including net monthly one-for-one kWh credit compensation for Excess Net Energy. Legacy Systems means any system that meets the applicable criteria as described in Order Nos. 34509, 34546, 34854 and 34892. Net Billing is the compensation structure applicable to all systems that do not meet the criteria of a Legacy System. Net Billing will be effective with each eligible customer's first billing cycle after January 1, 2024. Net Energy Metering is the compensation structure applicable to all Legacy Systems. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from Idaho Power's system. Point of Delivery is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 68 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to DERs or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. MONTHLY BILLING The Customer shall be billed in accordance with the Customer's applicable standard service schedule, including appropriate monthly charges, and the Export Credit Rate under this schedule. NET ENERGY METERING - CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions for Net Energy Metering under this schedule. 1. Balances of generation and usage by the Customer: CUP, Gempany during no POFOE)d IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued _ June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective January 1, 2024 July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Fourth Revosed0riginal Sheet No. 84-4 no, Supplied mpany at the Qustem IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued _ June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective January 1, 2024 July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 SeGend Revo- ed0riginal Sheet No. 84-5 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET ENERGY METERING - CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) a. If electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period. the Customer shall be billed for the net electricity supplied by the Company_ at the Customer's standard schedule retail rate, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. If electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period, the Excess Net Energy shall be carried forward as a kWh credit to offset energy usage in a subsequent Billing Period. Excess Net Energy credits are subject to the following provisions: i. Credits can only be used to offset billed kWh consumption. Customers shall be billed for all applicable non-energy charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Credits are non-transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Exporting System. Any unused credits will expire at the time the final bill is prepared. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused Excess Net Energy credits: a. If a balance of Excess Net Energy credits exists at a Designated Meter, the Customer may request to transfer the unused credits to offset energy consumption at eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets all of the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the Designated Meter is located. For the purposes of this tariff, contiguous property includes property that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rights of way; and iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Exporting System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements; and IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued _ June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— January 1, 20 24July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 SeGGnd Rev!-se Original Sheet No. 84-5 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued _ June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— January 1, 20 24July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 First Revised0riginal Sheet No. 84-6 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET ENERGY METERING - CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) V. For Customers taking service under Schedule 1 or Schedule 7, credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1 or Schedule 7. For Customers taking service under Schedule 9. Schedule 19, or Schedule 24, credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 9, Schedule 19, or Schedule 24. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits between December 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be received by Idaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. If a Customer does not request to transfer Excess Net Energy credits by the January 31 submission deadline Excess Net Energy credits will carry forward to offset consumption at the Designated Meter until they become eligible the following year. C. Requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Excess Net Energy credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. If multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Excess Net Energy credits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. NET BILLING —CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to transactions for Net Billing under this schedule. 1. Balances of usage and exports by the Customer. a. The Customer shall be billed for the electricity supplied by the Company at the rates contained within the Customer's applicable standard service schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. The Customer shall be credited for Exported Energy at the applicable Export Credit Rate contained within this schedule as a credit in dollars to only offset Monthly Charges. Exported Energy credits are subject to the following provisions: i. Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— danuary 1, 2024July 17.2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 84-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Ciro+ Reyise`lOriginal Sheet No. 84-6 6 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— danuary 1, 2024July 17.2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-7 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET BILLING—CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) ii. Credits are transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates. If the establishment of service at the new Point of Delivery is not initiated at the time service at the Designated Meter is discontinued, it is the Customer's responsibility to request the credit transfer when service is established at the new location in Idaho Power's service area. iii. If a Customer discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Exporting System and does not intend to establish service at another location in Idaho Power's service area any unused credits will be paid out following the time the final bill is prepared. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused credits: a. If a balance of credits exists at a Designated Meter, the Customer may request to transfer the unused credits to eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer a stated percentage of available credits between December 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be received by Idaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. If a Customer does not request to transfer credits by the January 31 submission deadline credits will carry forward at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer the following year. C. Requests to transfer credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. NET ENERGY METERING & NET BILLING— GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's DER is de-energized for any reason. 2. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Exporting System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— January 1, 2024July 17, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-7 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— danuary 1, 202-4July 17.2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 84-8 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 84-8 SCHEDULE 84 LARGE GENERAL, LARGE POWER, AND IRRIGATION ON-SITE GENERATION SERVICE (Continued) NET ENERGY METERING & NET BILLING — GENERAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 3. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the DER and Interconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the DER in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. 4. The Company shall not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Customer to curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries of energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, determines that curtailment, interruption or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system. 5. If the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 6. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement or any other service required of said equipment, as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching and any other operational requirements of the Customer's Interconnection Facilities. 7. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if an Exporting System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this schedule is any removal or disablement of an Exporting System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued June 17, 2024Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— danuary 1, 2024July 17.2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Advice No. 24-02