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M POWERING . YOUR GREATNESSPacific Power PACIFICOR. [4 r rRocky Mount in Power IN THE NEWS A)i4uta, stct" kaw ass Goo--pp' INSID1 Oyu, ffic, kQvf A series of winter storms caused widespread outages over the holidays, keeping operations and support personnel busy across Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power service areas. Diversity Equity& Inclusion 3 A freezing rain and ice event hit Oregon Dec. 22-24,followed closely by a storm system with high-winds and atmospheric river conditions Dec. 27-28 that impacted Oregon and Learning Opportunities 4 California service areas.Wind gusts exceeding 80 mph brought trees—weakened by the freezing rain and ice the previous week—down on powerlines. Mandatory Training 4 About 130,000 customers were impacted over the course of the two weather events, with a peak of 49,000 customers without power. Over 350 field and support personnel Employee Safety 5 were mobilized, including crews from Rocky Mountain Power,to assess and repair damage and restore power to customers. (Continued) SAFE & SECURE PacifiCorp safety results as of 1/6/2023 yam. RECORDABLE - I YTD ON TRACK? 1 TARGET 30 ID VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YrT�D ON TRACK? ij- '( 2 " TARGET y 31 Crews work to repair a downed power line in Grants Pass,Oregon. CURRENTS I JANUARY 9,2022 1 (Continued from previous page) "The tireless efforts of our crews helped customers get the lights back A total of 45,000 customers lost service,with a peak of over 14,000. on as quickly and safely as possible;'said Allen Berreth,vice president, Repair crews were dispatched from southeastern Idaho, Cedar City, operations. "We appreciate their efforts and our customers' patience as Richfield and Price to assist local crews. Over 200 field and support we worked against the elements to restore power." personnel worked to restore service to customers. On the Rocky Mountain Power side,an atmospheric river system "We are proud of our employees who worked through the holidays began impacting Utah's Wasatch Front Dec. 27-28. Significant rainfall to keep the lights on;' said Curt Mansfield, senior vice president of softened the ground, particularly at higher elevations, so the next power delivery. "Their impressive dedication to our customers and storms,which brought high winds and heavy,wet snow on New communities was on full display during these events." Year's Day,took down whole trees—and power lines with them. OV690&f4a - J_w 1 *&oa h . W141W- 61 19 ,�&VI Pacific Power reached settlements in Oregon regulatory proceedings To keep power bills as low as possible in Oregon and across the that see customer bills rise by an average of 14.8%over 2022 levels system,the company has taken and will continue to take these steps: starting Jan. 1, 2023.To lessen the impact of rate increases during We are participating in markets where we can purchase heating season,the company is delaying an additional 1.9% increase power more cheaply. In 2014,we helped pioneer the Western until April 1, 2023. Energy Imbalance Market,which provides access to the lowest-cost "We take our obligation to meet the needs of our customers seriously energy available.Through our participation in the WEIM,we have and understand that a price increase is never welcome news;" said saved customers throughout our six-state service area over$537 Matthew McVee,vice president, regulatory policy and operations. million through the end of September 2022. PacifiCorp's recent To help customers understand their bills and why prices are announcement that it will join the new Extended Day-Ahead Market increasing, McVee explains: will also result in tremendous savings to customers. "We are committed to delivering reliable power in an inflationary PacifiCorp is investing in zero-fuel-cost renewable power environment that has pushed power costs higher. New factors— to lower costs in the medium term.We are already the largest including extreme weather events and changing economic conditions— regulated utility owner of wind generation in the West and are setting are raising the costs of providing electric service. Natural gas prices have ambitious targets to add more wind and solar. risen 44% in the past year,while power costs have increased 72%" We continue to seek new ways to reduce impacts to Despite these inflationary pressures,the Jan. 1 rate increase is lower customers. Pacific Power recently launched a new program than the nationwide spike in energy prices because of PacifiCorp's providing on-bill rate discounts ranging from 20%-40%to support continued efforts to integrate low-cost renewables into our diverse Oregon customers who are experiencing income restraints. Our resource portfolio and participate in markets with other suppliers to most vulnerable customers can also access a variety of bill support buy energy at the lowest possible price. programs through local community action agencies, including the Oregon Energy Fund, Oregon Energy Assistance Program, COVID The Oregon increase is due to three separate regulatory settlements: Energy Assistance Program and Low-Income Home Energy • The Transition Adjustment Mechanism is an annual filing by Assistance Program. Pacific Power to update its power cost forecast for 2023. Due to Pacific Power offers a variety of ways to budget for energy expenses, the rising costs of purchasing power,the company's annual power including time of use and equal pay billing options. In partnership with forecast has increased.The settlement allows Oregon-allocated Energy Trust of Oregon, Pacific Power customers can also tap into power costs to increase 11.1%over 2022 rates. information and rebates to help improve their energy efficiency and • Pacific Power's General Rate Case settlement calls for more lower their bills. Customers can call 1-888-221-7070 to discuss options. investments in wildfire mitigation and vegetation management.To fund these investments, customers will see an average rate increase '4PACM �.•E„ •,•E•E,r•o F a ` „"" of 3.7%over 2022 levels starting Jan. 1.An additional 0.8% rate increase will begin on April 1. MYA..0 Bill payment assistance • Pacific Power's Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism raises rates by an average of 1.1%,starting April 1.The proposed increase relates to a spike in the cost of buying energy off the market during 2021,a a, , .Oerome year impacted by extreme weather events including a summer heat dome,a February ice storm and the enduring effects of drought conditions that have reduced hydropower generation. CURRENTS l JANUARY 9,2022 2 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION yew" Inotm Lea In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, BEAUTIE—Berkshire Hathaway Energy's employee resource group for our Black workforce f and their allies—will host a special guest speaker for their monthly meeting Thursday,Jan. 12 at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT. Gabrielle Felder will discuss the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther . King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech,the impact this speech has had over the last 60 years,and how Dr. King's words and ideas will shape and inform our communities in the future. Click here to join the BEAUTIE meeting. On Monday,Jan. 16,the nation will recognize the life and You are invited to participate in one of the following ways to honor achievements of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,who devoted his life to the legacy of Martin Luther King—or coordinate a volunteer service advancing equality, social justice and opportunity for all. event in your area. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the only federal holiday designated as a • Portland: PDX Free Fridge—donating warm clothing, hygiene National Day of Service—a day intended to encourage all Americans supplies and nonperishable food to be delivered to neighborhood to volunteer and take action for the betterment of their communities. pantries across Portland. BHE CARES, our corporate citizenship and employee engagement • Salt Lake City: Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salt Lake City program, in coordination with BEAUTIE, our employee resource —sorting and organizing donated items for distribution among group for Black employees and allies, has identified a variety of service club members and building shelves for the childcare center and projects that impact the communities we serve. recreation area. P ML �\o S O MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. o -r, i o o o L— D OF SERVICE � � O �Pdx{�c ce�rY�dge �`� O wJ ' 1S Sf 1b �9 �4 L ` r BORY S &GIRLS CLUBS OF G—K CURRENTS JANUARY 9,2022 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES S&ffv" 9&& ffitf"*ffy H10 k join the learning and development team for a Lunch &Learn webinar on Wednesday,Jan.25 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT. Our topic is Setting Goals That Actually Work. Setting goals doesn't just happen at the start of a new year,and achieving goals doesn't just happen because you set them. In this webinar,we will discuss the importance of goal setting, strategies for tracking progress, and the power of leaning into your strengths. V. What will help you conquer your goals in the long run? Be prepared to interact and self-reflect on the topic of goals. O Hosted by Kara Sappington,senior training development analyst, A learning and development. Click here to add this event to your calendar. MANDATORY TRAINING ectrw 15 As a member of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies, PacifiCorp sets high expectations for safety, integrity and regulatory compliance in the conduct of all business activities. All PacifiCorp employees, contractors and vendors are required to take annual training courses.Additional courses may also be required, depending on the scope of your work.All required courses will be automatically assigned via our Learning Management System and will cover the following topics: Approximate Title Audience Course Description Length Berkshire Hathaway Outlines expectations for all employees regarding ethical and legal behavior. Energy Code of All employees All exempt employees are required to complete an additional conflict of interest 60 min Business Conduct questionnaire.It is included at the end of the training. Berkshire Hathaway Energy Active Threat All employees,contractors Provides information on our Violence Prevention and Weapons-Free Workplace Policy,and 30 min Response and vendors familiarization with tools and strategies to overcome active threats. NEW annual requirement Berkshire Hathaway All employees,contractors Energy Preventing and vendors with access to Outlines strategies for identifying potential phishing attacks.Describes cybercriminal tactics 45 min Phishing Attacl<s computer systems and actions employees should take when encountering suspicious messages. PacifiCorp Security All employees,contractors Provides critical information related to devices,cyber security.Includes information on the 30 min &ISMS Training and vendors protection and security of information itself and our ISMS program. FERC Standards of All employees,contractors Renews knowledge on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Order 717-Standards of Conduct and vendors with access to Conduct for Transmission Providers,and the standards impact your work. 20 min computer systems All identified employees, Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards require utilities to establish a baseline set of security CIP Annual Training contractors and vendors that measures to protect our Bulk Electric System.This course fulfills part of CIP-004 annual training 20 min have access to CIP assets requirements that include the reinforcement of CIP security and compliance principles. (Continued) CURRENTS I JANUARY 9,2022 4 (Continued from previous poge) BHE affiliate employees: IT, corporate security and procurement BHE affiliate employees will take their training through the LMS We appreciate your prompt attention to this important, mandatory of their platform. For example, if you are a MidAmerican Energy training.The revocation process for individuals out of compliance employee,you will take your annual training through MEC's Learning begins March 16 and terminates on March 31. Management System.The one exception throughout remains If you have questions, please contact PacifiCorp Learning. with CIP training (PPW0000176)which must be taken via the PacifiCorp Learning Management System. Supervisors with employees, contractors or vendors who do not have computer access: TTRAINING IS DUE You have several choices to conduct alternative training outside of the LMS.Your department Training Coordinator has access to alternative MARCH 15 deployment via Microsoft Sway and Forms. Contract your business unit Training Coordinator or PacifiCorp Learning for support. EMPLOYEE SAFETY S+IV&4a *f&" Two recent vehicle accidents are reminders that snow and ice demand our utmost winter driving preparation and attention: • On Dec. 12, a Cutler Hydro employee slid while driving on snow-covered black ice,went off the road and rolled vehicle, resulting in minor injuries. (See photo to the right). - _ ,* • On Dec. 23, a Willamette Operations employee slid out of a right-hand turn in icy conditions, striking another vehicle. Preparation: • Talk to your supervisor about studded and/or snow tires if appropriate for your vehicle and driving needs. • Once a year, practice installing your chains for familiarity and to double check for proper size and condition. • Ensure your vehicle is weighted properly.Adjust load as needed. When driving on snow and ice: OA►� • Only operate company vehicles in snow/ice if you have experience. • Pull over and install traction devices when conditions dictate and it is safe to do so. • If available, use "Snow Mode;'which optimizes torque distribution, power and transmission for snowy/icy conditions. PACIFICORP 0 �E # ' , -75 .� �. Pacific Power PACIFICORIP. Rocky Me untain Power IN THE NEWS JANUARY pwoh` �� INS At Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power,we live and work in the communities we serve.That's why we give back to local charities and volunteer alongside our neighbors. In the News 1 That's been true for more than 100 years, and it's our ongoing commitment. Through our foundation, corporate giving, in-kind donations and employee contributions, Learning Opportunity we gave more than $5.3 million to local communities in 2022 to lend a helping hand and spur economic growth. Engage&Connect Those funds were dispersed through several different programs: PacifiCorp Foundation—The PacifiCorp Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the company.The foundation makes charitable investments through grants to community- based nonprofit organizations focused on education, community enhancement, IT Update environmental efforts, arts and culture, and safety and wellness. • In 2022,the PacifiCorp Foundation awarded $2,424,298 in grants to local nonprofit organizations to support the growth and vitality of our communities. SAFE & SECURE Matching Gift Program—When an employee donates to a community nonprofit or PacifiCorp safety results as of educational institution,the PacifiCorp Foundation matches the donation dollar for dollar. 1/13/2023 • 436 charitable donations by 155 employees totaling$60,911 were matched by PacifiCorp's Matching Gift Program in 2022. RECORDABLE Global Days of Service—When employees invest their time by volunteering with a YTD ON TRACK? community nonprofit,the PacifiCorp Foundation matches the volunteer hours with a 1 monetary contribution to the nonprofit. • PacifiCorp employees logged 4,868 volunteer hours with 61 nonprofit organizations through the Global Days of Service program,earning$34,050 in matching funds for TARGET their chosen nonprofits in 2022. 30 Community Giving Campaign—Each year, PacifiCorp employees support our neighbors in need and help our communities thrive through a focused, month-long pledge drive. • In our 2022 campaign,employees pledged $352,532 to United Way and VEHICLE ACCIDENTS many other community nonprofits, and all pledges were 100% matched by the PacifiCorp Foundation. YTD ON TRACK? Corporate giving—A total of$2,185,995 was funneled into our communities last 3 year in the form of corporate contributions and sponsorships that support community enhancement, economic development, STEM education programs and more. TARGET In-kind donations—A further$255,966 in 2022 came from in-kind contributions, such 31 as donating the use of company bucket trucks to hang holiday lights and decorations or providing utility poles for bird nesting platforms. (Continued) CURRENTS I JANUARY 17,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) A � f r. - a . . • m itted to our • r - Avow Click here to watch the video we're sharing with customers to let them know about our commitment and contributions to our local communities. • Pacific Power video • Rocky Mountain Power video You can also check out the interactive maps at pacificpower.net/community and rockymountainpower.net/community to see some of the recent community grants and donations in your area. LEARNING OPPORTUNITY S(/ 96* _LJ -L tvtt"*a wk join the learning and development team for a Lunch& Learn webinar Wednesday,Jan. 25 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT. Our topic is Setting Goals That Actually Work. Setting goals doesn't just happen at the start of a new year, and achieving goals doesn't just happen because you set them. In this webinar,we will discuss the importance of goal setting, strategies for tracking progress and the power of leaning into your strengths. F 11r What will help you conquer your goals in the long run? Be prepared O to interact and self-reflect on the topic of goals. 14 This webinar will be hosted by Kara Sappington, senior training A development analyst. Click here to add this event to your calendar. CURRENTS I JANUARY 17,2023 2 ENGAGE AND CONNECT ff S 94mwa tawt If you haven't joined Yammer yet, this is your sign. 3 AWESOME WAYS TO USE YAMMER Yammer is our internal social network that's here to help us There are lots of great features of Yammer that can help your start communicate and collaborate across PacifiCorp and the entire conversations, meet colleagues outside of your team and connect Berkshire Hathaway Energy family. with others across the business. Yammer communities are a place to ask questions, build relationships, share useful ideas,give a shout out to a co-worker, share something © Share thoughts,ideas,or updates you're proud of, impart your own expertise and connect with others across the business. Discussion 0 Question Q Praise (� Poll join PacifiCorp's Yammer community today! Here's how: First, it'll help if you know where to find Yammer.You can get to it 1.Take a poll—Using Yammer's Question or Poll function is a great in several different ways: way to start a conversation and hear from people across the • Go to web.yammercom. (Tip:Add it as a favorite in your browser.) company that you haven't yet connected with. Polls can range from all business to more informal to just for fun. • From your Start menu,open Office, and find Yammer among the 2. Share photos—Is there something at work you're particularly Microsoft 365 apps. proud of or excited about? Follow the old writer's adage, "show, • In Teams, click on Viva Engage in the left sidebar. don't tell" and post pics or videos.A written explanation helps too, so in Yammer,show and tell. Next,join the PacifiCorp community. 3. Heap praise—If a colleague does something outstanding and • In Yammer, click Discover Communities in the left sidebar. helps you out in such a way that a simple "thanks" doesn't quite feel enough, head for Yammer! Choose the Praise option to start a • Find PacifiCorp and click Join community. post,tag the person,and add a praise badge indicating"ninja skills" Once you're in, browse the feed, explore your options,join other or"you're a star"to accompany your written explanation of what communities,and start posting! they did to go above and beyond. jF O CURRENTS I JANUARY 17,2023 3 PHISH TANK COAA *Of&04 b &*91 bits You have options to set up a rule that redirects external email to a P lir separate folder,either to the [INTERNET] folder or the Junk Email folder. Redirection to a separate folder provides you with a single • • ke the : • place to review external email messages,which can be your cue to take extra precaution when determining the legitimacy of a message. Follow these steps to create the Outlook rule to manage your external email. ', Complete phish awareness training Employees and contractors hired after June 2021 who have a business need to receive email from an external email address must complete A phishing email is a technique used by cybercriminals to con people phishing training prior to receiving access to external email. into revealing sensitive information or unknowingly installing malware. Once the training is complete,the employee's supervisor should Berkshire Hathaway Energy distributes phishing tests to help us stay complete the phishing awareness verification form and submit it to the vigilant when checking email. appropriate HR business partner, if applicable,and the IT service desk. A recent companywide phishing test claimed to be from the IT will not grant external email access until a signed copy of the form "Technology Resource Center"warning of upcoming maintenance is received. It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that all the outages on an attached list of applications and databases. Four training indicated in the form has been completed. PacifiCorp employees took the bait and opened the email attachment. Additionally,all employees, contractors and vendors with access to Beware of emails with the [INTERNET]tag that claim to come from PacifiCorp's computer systems are required to complete annual within the company.An internal email message will not have the training on strategies for preventing phishing attacks. [INTERNET]tag or the SAIL message on it. Remember,when in doubt, do not open attachments or click on links Use Outlook rules to help catch phish in a suspicious email, and use the Phish Alert Report button to submit Cybersecurity is critical to the success of our business and our ability it for further review. to provide essential service to our customers and communities.You If you have questions, please contact the BHE Service Desk. are often the first and most important line of defense against cyber threats, including phishing attempts. If you are not already doing so,IT strongly recommends using an Outlook rule to manage external email to reduce the risk of phishing attacks. IT UPDATE SAP knimVY11 pr4w4m huts& On Thursday,Jan. 19 from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m. PT (7-10 p.m. MT), changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. Questions? Contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. PACIFICORP 0 HEALTH AND WELLNESS A)&ff-k" �a*6 Every year,as we mark another trip around the sun,we make resolutions for the new year—promises to start fresh, be different, do better or get healthier.Yet how many of us stick to those resolutions?Are they already a faded memory? Setting smaller and more attainable goals is one way to get off that resolution roller coaster and incorporate real change into our daily lives.Try these reasonable, actionable goals to make changes for the better this year. Take a walk every day • Getting more exercise is one of the most common New Year's resolutions, but it's also one we let slide in no time. (We've all seen how packed gyms are in January, but by February the crowds have thinned considerably.)This year,try something more manageable: Set a goal to go on a daily walk.You could take it during a lunch break or in the morning or evening,or even split your walk into two shorter breaks in your workday. A brisk walk can help you build fitness gradually—and it's an excellent stress buster. Enrich your diet SAFE & SECURE A lot of us resolve to lose weight, and we often launch a new year with the latest diet. PacifiCorp safety results as of Try this fun and attainable resolution instead: Make your diet more interesting. Instead of 1/20/2023 giving up foods you love,add diversity and enrichment to your diet.Try a new roasted carrot recipe. Use a variety of leafy greens rather than one type of lettuce for your salads. RECORDABLE • ENTS Add new fruits to your breakfast. Use several different vegetables in your stir-fry.As you find delicious ways to eat a wider variety of nutritious foods,you may naturally shift YTD ON TRACK? toward a healthier overall diet—and one that's sustainable. (Continued) 1 AD TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS .e+R YTD ON TRACK? TARGET CURRENTS I JANUARY 23,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Improve your sleep routine Spend more time outside Another doable New Year's goal is to start a better sleep routine. We feel better when we spend time outdoors.We know this Simple changes before bedtime can boost both the quality and instinctively, and science confirms that getting out in nature can boost quantity of your sleep. Improve your sleep environment by lowering both physical and mental health. Enjoying the outdoors can range the temperature of your room at night and ensuring it's dark and from a weekend camping trip to hiking a nearby wooded trail to going quiet. Read non-stress-inducing content right before bed. (Avoid the for a bike ride to gardening out on the patio. Exposure to even small news and social media) Try meditative techniques like progressive greenspaces can be an effective respite throughout the week. muscle relaxation. Swap your caffeinated or alcoholic beverage for a The bottom line soothing cup of tea. Easy changes like these can go a long way toward a better night's sleep. New Year's resolutions shouldn't add stress to your life. Use your goals to add enjoyment or needed "me time"to your week. Simple, Set aside time for self-care attainable changes like stress-busting walks in the park, experimenting You don't have to go on a month-long yoga retreat to practice self- with delicious new recipes or even watching a favorite movie can care.just setting aside a small amount of time each day can make a contribute to our overall wellness. difference in how you're feeling.Whether it's a relaxing bath, reading, or playing with a pet, resolve to spend 30 minutes a day on something that boosts your mental health and brings you joy. LEARNING OPPORTUNITY SA" 964h [Vait4t4y, Nak Join the learning and development team for a Lunch &Learn webinar Wednesday,Jan. 25 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT. Our topic is Setting Goals That Actually Work. Setting goals doesn't just happen at the start of a new year,and achieving goals doesn't just happen because you set them. In this webinar,we will discuss the importance of goal setting, strategies for tracking progress and the power of leaning into your strengths. What will help you conquer your goals in the long run? Be prepared to interact and self-reflect on the topic of goals. This webinar will be hosted by Kara Sappington, senior training development analyst. Click here to add this event to your calendar. R CURRENTS I JANUARY 23,2023 2 SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT OWR" *6 OWL6k1tum Of 0)f Lf_t_WW Karel We have a vision for a clean energy future,and we're making progress on it every day. The plan includes growing our renewable resources,expanding our transmission capacity and modernizing our grid—all while maintaining safety, reliability and affordability for our customers. Here's how the pieces work together. BUILDING A FOUNDATION FOR ' • FUTURE PACIFICORP. We're hard at work building a safe, reliable, affordable clean energy system. POWERING YOUR GREATNESS how the pieces worktogether. r7e _ By 2040,we'll have add'' ewable resources,which is enough West lies in the diversity of its landscapes.Our to power 3.6 million homes. roject will add 2,000 miles of transmission lines Our non-carbon energy generation also involves hydro,geothermal and forthcoming projects. potential of renewable energy projects from including an advanced nuclear demonstration project at a retiring coal plant in Wyoming . TRANSMISSION LINES WIND •Ex t7ng capacity(2022I:3.589 MW •Tutal—id tapauty through 2040:6.842 MW ' PROJECTS SOLAR x •f)—ined storage hydropower •I.xNtinR capacity 12022):1,812 MW x •Advanced nuclear energy demrmstra' •local solar WP.itvthmgh 2040:5,/w ro: ENERGY EFFICIENCY& ELECTRIFICATION Mat encourage energy savings,and support for electric vehicles,we're laying the foundation for a clean energy future. WATTSMART' emturnen can ram rebates and incentives on energy-efficient equipment ■ p r a CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES 'i—t n F . VOLUNTARY DEMAND RESPONSE - •Programs that reduce energy use during peak times for cooling la •Agricultural customers can—,I,,—entr k tiie sfor reducing energy us—, PRICING OPTIONS pea Tone pf use wtipos •� encauragecustonurs to reduce energy use c dunng peak limes CURRENTS JANUARY 23,2023 3 RECORDS MANAGEMENT P6W4T fP. M&M PC645 f&W&4a Upon logging in on Wednesday,Jan. 25,you will see a pop-up message on your computer screen about the retention of company records. After reading the message, please click on the "I Accept" button at the bottom of the screen to indicate that you have read the message and accept responsibility for adhering to PacifiCorp's record-retention policy.You must click the button to unlock your computer. If you have questions about the pop-up screen or PacifiCorp's records-management policies and procedures, please contact Carole DuLong at 503-813-6296. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION Ofl fUM4 s: Pot i4U OifCkf& 04, SOg 09l PacifiCorp is a member of Partners in Diversity, a nonprofit based Education and resources in Portland, Oregon. Partners in Diversity offers a number of Through various forums, including presentations,workshops, opportunities for engagement, education and volunteering to support newsletters and podcasts, Partners in Diversity offers education and advance professionals of color. for member organizations and their employees to learn impactful Check out some of the opportunities to engage with Partners in approaches to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. Past topics Diversity and advance diversity, equity and inclusion in our workplaces covered in forums include allyship, measuring inclusion, bystander and communities. intervention,the intersection of race and disability and employee G resource groups. U H VY� Accessing Partners in Diversity resources Say Hey! is a quarterly event that welcomes professionals of color To access the members-only resources listed above and to sign up who have recently relocated to the Portland area and serves to for the Say Hey! event,you will need to create a user account by connect attendees with their community.The next Say Hey! event visiting this link. is scheduled for Feb. 9. Say Hey! is free to attend and open to professionals of color and their allies. Please reach out to Emily Weaver, PacifiCorp's diversity, equity and inclusion director,with any questions. Community resource groups Similar to workplace employee resource groups, Partners in Diversity offers community resource groups. CRGs bring people together in a safe space to network and learn about the community. Current CRGs hosted by Partners in Diversity include: • Asian and Pacific Islander Resource Group • Black Community Resource Group • Latino Community Resource Group • Native American Community Resource Group I CURRENTS I JANUARY 23,2023 4 MAKE A DIFFERENCE A4&C44 h M11 a N A *6 owe I ctr&4 Child poverty and hunger are reaching alarming levels in Utah,where Join us to help tackle child hunger! Donations will be collected 1 in 9 kids face the pain and anxiety of hunger. Rocky Mountain through Feb. 12. Power is once again teaming up with KUTV and other organizations to sponsor the Souper Bowl of Caring,a campaign to help fight Ways to donate: childhood hunger in Utah. • Make an online donation now to Utah Food Bank. How does it work? • Text: 1-855-719-2328 The Souper Bowl of Caring invites people to think about the • Call in to the Souper Bowl of Caring telethon on Wednesday, Feb. 1 abundance of food at their Super Bowl parties and the children who from 6 a.m.to 10:30 p.m.,toll free: 1-877-908-0680. struggle with hunger on a daily basis. Then, set aside some of the money you would have spent at your Super Bowl party and contribute it to the Souper Bowl of Caring. All proceeds will help support Utah Food Bank programs, including weekend back packs, additional meals at the schools, or the mobile food program—all working with children. p ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER.' AMERICA FIRSTIdPOWERING YOUR GREATNESS DIWL PROUD 0 Check NS �h CitySMI'D tt Donate • 11rijTMArocom PowerPACIFICORP. Pacific _ f _ I ` l r- - '� .• • �: � r � " Aw IN THE NEWS 64M 6fh Five new habitat restoration projects received funding through The Freshwater Trust in 2022,thanks to Blue Sky Habitat customers in Oregon.These projects will benefit • native fish and flora in the Lower Columbia River, Sandy River,Applegate River and Mid- Columbia River. • Pacific Power's Blue Sky Habitat option gives residential and small business customers the ability to make a difference in two ways: Participating customers support renewable energy and they help restore and preserve habitat for Oregon native fish, including salmon,through an automatic$2.50 donation on their monthly energy bill. The$2.50 donations are delivered to The Freshwater Trust to administer multiple grants that restore habitats in Pacific Power's service area.The nonprofit coordinates use of Blue Sky customer funds and matches their donations with grant dollars, creating an even bigger positive impact for our communities. SAFE & SECURE PacifiCorp safety results as of 1/27/2023 RECORDABLE YTD ON TRACK? TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS f tan �.. � 4 ► YTD ON TRACK? Habitat projects funded in 2022 include: 5 South Fork Little Butte Creek River Mile 6.2 Ecological Restoration—Upper Rogue River,Jackson County, Oregon TARGET Restoration plans include riparian rehabilitation, large wood placement, side channel 31 reconnection and instream flow restoration.These actions work in tandem to restore natural stream processes and enhance habitat conditions. (Continued) CURRENTS I JANUARY 30,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) The riparian rehabilitation focuses on removing noxious weeds like Monitoring of fish and habitat response will make it possible to non-native Himalayan blackberry and supplemental planting of native adaptively manage the implementation of the restoration plan over species to augment natural regeneration. Placement of large wood time.This project is part of a large-scale, multi-year effort. creates crucial habitat for coho salmon, Chinook salmon and summer Watts Toppin Dam Fish Passage Project—Applegate River, steelhead,all species that are either threatened or sensitive. Josephine County, Oregon By reconnecting a historical side channel,the length of the creek will This project removes the second of three major fish passage barriers almost double in the winter, offering important rearing habitat for that prevent access to high-quality upstream habitat on Williams juvenile fish.This side channel contributes to floodplain reconnection, Creek.The primary goal is to provide year-round fish passage to all which in turn supports a resilient riparian plant community. life stages and species at the Watts Toppin Diversion. South Tongue Point Habitat Improvement—Lower Columbia The project involves a strong collaboration with local farmers and River, Clatsop County, Oregon ranchers,who rely on Williams Creek for irrigation.The project This project is an important step toward finding ways to create design includes dam removal, an upgraded irrigation system,and productive habitat in dredge spoils sites, of which there are hundreds installation of a roughened and reprofiled channel that will provide in the lower Columbia River. adequate water control to maintain flow to the newly constructed This project creates more than 18 acres of tidal channels and headgate so that the irrigators can divert their legally allowed rate of surrounding tidal wetlands around the periphery of the 102-acre water. South Tongue Point landform,a task that will entail excavating more The new system will reduce maintenance for irrigation and provide than 48,000 cubic yards of material. irrigation water security, especially during times of drought. A flow-through channel nearly half a mile long will improve fish Tony Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project—Mid-Columbia access and hydrologic function to a 2012 restoration project.A series River, Hood River County, Oregon of tidal channel networks on the site's eastern shore will provide This project restores fish passage at the Tony Creek hydro diversion valuable foraging and refuge habitat for endangered juvenile salmonids dam, reconnecting over five miles of critical habitat for target species, migrating to the ocean. resulting in the increased presence and abundance of native fish above New techniques for amending the dredge sand substrate with wood the current barrier mulch, paired with expanded plant-water interactions,will boost food Passage is created with streambed modification in the form of an inputs to the surrounding estuary. engineered and constructed riffle and step pools downstream of the Upper Sandy Habitat Restoration—Sandy River, Clackamas existing diversion. County, Oregon With climate change, cold, clearwater habitat like Tony Creek has The overall goal of this project is to benefit Sandy Basin salmon and become increasingly important for threatened native fish species, steelhead by restoring natural stream processes so that high-quality including the severely endangered bull trout population in the Middle habitat is self-sustaining over time. Fork Hood River Subbasin,the only known population in the Mt. This project increases off-channel habitat/floodplain connectivity and Hood National Forest and the Hood River Watershed. large wood abundance on the Zigzag River and restores fish passage on Lady Creek. A WORKPLACE TO THRIVE 04 �aw4a/&6WSorwcattm comet~S Projects are ongoing to transform our work environments into spaces and a bright, modern design allowing plenty of natural light and that inspire collaboration and foster a sense of community among unobstructed views out the large windows. co-workers. Floor updates include collaborative workspaces and conference Here are the latest updates on the Lloyd Center Tower renovations rooms in a variety of sizes and configurations, including a relatively and redevelopment plans for our North Temple campus. new concept,the "SUV room"This single-user video conferencing Lloyd Center Tower room features a fully enclosed plug-and-play workstation with lighting and audio-video equipment designed for presenters or other meeting Employees returned to the newly renovated 8th floor of the Lloyd participants who need to be well lit and clearly heard,such as when Center Tower today(Monday,Jan. 30).As with the other renovated providing testimony at commission hearings or other public meetings. floors, LCT 8,which houses IT employees, has an open floor plan (Continued) CURRENTS I JANUARY 30,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) „4 %_ W �®Lim -. - �m Qm I7 nemn¢nnm artiam::�rm 1 is A collaboration room and new workstations stand ready for employees to return to LCT 8. The Portland Customer Care Center on the 3rd floor of the Lloyd Center Tower was reopened Sept. 6, 2022,following its renovation. In addition to housing the customer care teams,the floor has a customer service training room and a special breakroom for agents who work the graveyard shift and/or have limited time for their scheduled breaks. I a � - ►� �. -- .� •ems AAM Morette Whitney takes customer calls in the newly renovated customer care center on LCT 3.The floor has its own breakroom(pictured right)for those who need a quick breather. Next in line for renovation is LCT 7. Construction is set to begin on a conference center that will occupy about half of the floor, replacing the Lloyd Learning Center currently located in the Lloyd Center mall. Conference rooms will accommodate groups of 12, 20, 24, 28 and 80-100 (replacing the LLC Willamette Room).There will also be smaller breakout spaces, coffee and water stations,and an area for catering delivery. Open-floor workstations in other areas of the 7th floor will be occupied by IT personnel. Renovations are expected to be completed this summer. (Continued) CURRENTS I JANUARY 30,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) North Temple Campus (Power District) Rocky Mountain Power will break ground this spring on new all-electric facilities near the Jordan River that will replace the North Temple Office. The new facilities will include a new corporate headquarters building that will house the administrative and engineering functions;an Essential Services Building(ESB)that will house electric grid operations, corporate security,the customer care center and the IT data center;and a parking structure. Completion of the new facilities is expected in 2025. Example renderings of the new facilities are shown below: RIVIP HQ hShared Parking Structure ' — Anticipated is J Development k '�'k: DABS Property Existing Light at 1300 West ' Artist renderings for the newRocky Mountain Power headquarters.The North Temple campus redevelopment will be known as the Power District. F-" - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ll L _J Phase 1 Mixed Use - The &HQ Site J r- Power J 3 L - — - — - — - — - — - - L - - - - - - - - - 7 District i _ J r - - - -- --- - -- - i 0000 b The company has engaged a broker to assist with ground leases within Phase 1 of the Power District development.The full-site Power District development,to be completed over time, is anticipated to be a vibrant community that will include dining, retail, entertainment, professional offices and housing, plus public green spaces and access to public transit. CURRENTS I JANUARY 30,2023 4 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION t1w 06 &4"t4 COW At PacifiCorp,we've been working to make sure every employee feels We look forward to continuing to develop this corner of the intranet valued, respected and empowered,and has opportunities to connect with more content and features and to make it a place of learning, with both the broader workplace community and with specific groups connection and collaboration on all things DEI. that offer unique perspectives on life and work. Questions. Contact Emily Weaver, director of diversity, equity To help advance diversity,equity and inclusion and offer more chances and inclusion. to connect with each other,we're pleased to launch a whole new section of the company intranet devoted to DEI. On the new"Diversity, Equity&Inclusion" intranet tab,which you can reach from the main homepage or by clicking this link,you can find a * � number of resources: • Key headlines about the employee community and strides made in DEI • Easy access to BHE's journey to Excellence site related to DEI • p • An overview of our DEI framework and principles • Contact info for BHE and PacifiCorp employee resource groups • A calendar of major holidays,cultural events and celebrations r • An archive of DEI-related communications • A space dedicated to DEI learning opportunities,and • An easy-access guide on how to count yourself in 1 through self-identification. 0M(194&qt4(1f Mark your calendars for f Dr. Gines is also an author of several guides, reports and e-books for Thursday, Feb. 9 at 9 a.m. - community development practitioners, educators and entrepreneurs, PT/10 a.m. MT, as BEAUTIE including"Building Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Communities of welcomes Dr. Dell Gines, lead ,,. Color" and "Black Women Business Startups:' community development cav All employees are invited to join this event. Email advisor for the Federal BEAUTIE@brkenergy.com to request an invite or click here Reserve Bank of Kansas City, to join the meeting at its scheduled start time. to discuss the importance of Black History Month. BEAUTIE is Berkshire Hathaway Energy's employee resource group for members of the Black community and their allies.To become During this virtual meeting, a member of BEAUTIE, email BEAUTIE@brkenerg y.com and join attendees will hear insights group conversations by visiting the BEAUTIE Community in Yammer. about the significance and importance that Black lives have in our society. The discussion will improve cultural competency and continue our journey toward a more inclusive work environment. Gines' career began in banking before he moved to manage a small Elm nonprofit business incubator. He also spent time working for Habitatfor Humanity and a nonprofit health care organization. Gines holds a master's degree in business administration and a Ph.D. in public administration. He is a commissioner on Nebraska's inaugural African Black Employees and Allies United To Inspire Equity American Commission and serves on the International Economic Development Council. CURRENTS I JANUARY 30,2023 5 COMPLIANCE sSF d �r" 4istncam f6gaway, A message from Joelle Steward and Matthew McVee Provided below are the regulatory and legal personnel who should be Employees are required to be aware of the regulatory compliance contacted for review of asset and property disposition transactions. obligations related to PacifiCorp asset and property disposition Mark Alder, Rocky Mountain Power regulation department transactions.Asset and property dispositions include, but are not limited John Hutchings, Rocky Mountain Power legal department to,sales,leases,use permits,easements,donations and exchanges. Jennifer Angell, Pacific Power regulation department Each of the six state utility commissions and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that oversee PacifiCorp have unique rules Carla Scarsella, Pacific Power legal department that govern utility asset and property dispositions. Dispositions may If the disposition transaction is with an affiliate, an affiliate transaction trigger regulatory compliance obligations such as commission pre- form must be submitted.The affiliate transaction form is located approval or notification of the transaction. at the following link:Affiliate Transaction Form. If it's unclear if the To ensure compliance with rules governing asset and property transaction is with an affiliate, please refer to the affiliate list at the dispositions,all dispositions, regardless of value, must be following link for more information:Affiliate Issues. If it is still unclear reviewed by the regulation and legal departments prior to `Whether a transaction meets the definition of"disposition" or is with finalizing the disposition. Property dispositions requiring department an affiliate,the legal and regulation departments should be consulted. approvals are required prior to submission to the regulation and legal Thank you for your attention to this matter. Following this process departments for review. promotes and maintains our core value of Regulatory Integrity by The Asset and Property Disposition Review Form must be provided ensuring PacifiCorp's compliance with all rules governing these types to regulation and legal when submitting a transaction for regulatory of transactions. and legal review. Using this form will streamline the review process and ensure that the legal and regulation departments have the information Joelle Steward Matt McVee necessary to make regulatory compliance determinations.The most Senior Vice President, Vice President, Regulatory current version of the form can be obtained on the intranet. Regulation and Customer Policy and Operations All disposition transactions must be reviewed by both the &Community Solutions PacifiCorp Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power regulation and PacifiCorp legal departments, regardless of where the subject asset or property is located. Transactions should be submitted for review early to avoid undue delays and allow any necessary regulatory notification or approvals to be included in the disposition transaction schedule. Receiving approvals, if required,could take up to one year. DRIVE ELECTRIC C)O�Vaw,oc'& Test drive an electric vehicle at the 2023 Portland International Auto Show Feb. 2-5 at the Oregon Convention Center. ELECTRIC AVENUE /PGE/ �wce rxrvEc Pacific Power is teaming up with Portland General Electric, Clark 11 PUD, Forth, Oregon Auto Dealership Association and Columbia- Willamette Clean Cities Coalition to present Electric Avenue,an CAP interactive electric vehicle exhibit at the auto show. At Electric Avenue,visitors will have the opportunity to see and test u I drive the newest electric cars and learn about electric fuel, charging o and financial incentives. Visit www.portlandautoshow.com for tickets and complete show details. CURRENTS I JANUARY 30,2023 6 MAKE A DIFFERENCE a 4CA&ck4 bsnyga a tvA *6 em��cov" Tockle child hunger with the Souper Bowl of Coring Join us to help tackle child hunger! Donations will be collected Child poverty and hunger are reaching alarming levels in Utah,where through Feb. 12. 1 in 9 kids face the pain and anxiety of hunger. Rocky Mountain Ways to donate: Power is teaming up with KUTV to sponsor the Souper Bowl of Caring,a campaign to help fight childhood hunger in Utah. ' Make an online donation now to Utah Food Bank. How does it work? • Text: 1-855-719-2328 The Souper Bowl of Caring invites people to think about the Call in to the Souper Bowl of Caring telethon on Wednesday, Feb. 1 abundance of food at their Super Bowl parties and the children from 6 a.m.to 10:30 p.m.,toll free: 1-877-908-0680. who struggle with hunger on a daily basis,then make a donation to the Souper Bowl of Caring.All proceeds support Utah Food Bank programs working with children, including weekend back packs, additional meals at the schools,and the mobile food program. O ' P RO CKY MOUNTAIN AME • FIRST CREDIT L,?410PJ -IL- PROUD Loft I smitics Check City Donate Now at: Power#'CjjTWAr-6C0M PACIFICORP. Pacific sip SAFETY SPOTLIGHT : 1 LW qjppha 9f&M& 6AX4 When two college athletes suffered serious injuries in a grizzly bear attack last fall, journeyman lineman Clayton Bales was among the first on the scene to respond and administer first aid. • The attack happened on property managed by Bales' parents in Cody,Wyoming. As soon as he heard what happened, Bales sped over to where the young men were and, among other actions, removed his own sweatshirt and wrapped it around the more severely injured person's head to help stanch the profuse bleeding. Because of the quick first-aid treatment after the attack,the injured students were able to get the professional medical care they needed. Both were life-flighted to a regional SAFE&SECURE hospital in Billings, Montana, and underwent multiple surgeries. PacifiCorp safety results as of 2/6/2023 "I am so grateful for those who assisted these brave young men in the aftermath of this terrifying ordeal and that no lives were lost," Northwest College president Lisa Watson said in a press release after the attack. "It took quick thinking and no small amount of RECORDABLE bravery for this to have ended without tragedy." Kudos to Clayton Bales for not hesitating to act and for applying his safety and first-aid YTD ON TRACK? training to help two gravely injured individuals! 4 TARGET - 30 �s - VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? TARGET 31 CURRENTS FEBRUARY 6,2023 1 IN THE NEWS Pav grot Wmawoff, 04c"w*&S 04&a buw. More than $2 million in funding will help bring charging stations, Oregonians plug into the benefits of electric transportation electric trucks and work vehicles, a-bikes and more to rural and by offering valuable customer rebates and other incentives for underserved communities in Oregon. homeowners, businesses and multifamily property owners who Pacific Power has awarded more than $2 million to 18 cities,small install EV chargers.A free technical assistance program is available towns, community colleges and nonprofits throughout the state for businesses, property owners and organizations,which provides for projects that will connect more Oregonians to the cost-saving, a feasibility analysis for EV charging options, costs, rates and best clean-air benefits of electric vehicles and electric mobility—including practices for siting, installing and managing equipment. residents of underserved and rural communities that Pacific Pacific Power is also expanding Oregon's EV charging infrastructure Power serves. beyond big cities by installing public fast-charging stations in Klamath For example, in Sweet Home, Pendleton and Grass Valley, Pacific Falls, Madras, Otis and Mill City. Power Electric Mobility Grants will help bring EV charging stations These efforts to help more Oregon drivers choose electric vehicles to places where few or none exist. In central Oregon, low- are also assisting communities in improving air quality by reducing income residents in Bend may receive vouchers for e-bikes,and a vehicle emissions. Gas-engine cars and trucks are the number one community-driven coalition will map out the first EV charging and source of air pollution in Oregon, according to the DEQ's 2022 car share plan for the region. In Multnomah County,the public Biennial Energy Report. EVs with zero tailpipe emissions are key to library and nonprofits that repair homes and improve energy improving air quality over the long term. efficiency in diverse and historically underserved communities will be E-mobility: More than electric cars able to purchase electric trucks and vans to deliver services. Previous rounds of Pacific Power Electric Mobility Grants have "Pacific Power is hard at work building a safe, reliable, affordable helped communities purchase electric tractors in Prineville,an clean energy future.A critical part of that work is helping to ensure electric school bus in Bend,an EV and charger for a Portland health that Oregonians at all income levels, in all kinds of communities, clinic, and a traveling EV educational exhibit that visits rural parts of have access to electric transportation and the economic growth and the state. vitality it can bring," said Kate Hawley, electric transportation senior product manager for Pacific Power. "These Electric Mobility Grants The 2022 grant recipients and projects are similarly creative and are an important way that we can strengthen the communities we wide-ranging: serve and help them thrive" CENTRAL OREGON Since 2020, Pacific Power has distributed more than$4.5 million in • Grass Valley Country Market (Sherman County)—Funds will Electric Mobility Grants to Oregon communities. Funding is made be used to add two or four DC fast chargers (dual port) at this possible by the Oregon Clean Fuels Program,which is administered popular community gathering spot and traveler stop in a rural by the state Department of Environmental Quality and aims to area with no other charging options within 30 miles. reduce the carbon intensity of Oregon's transportation fuels. Pacific Power raises funds for the Electric Mobility Grants through the sale • 350 Deschutes (multiple locations)—Funds will be used to of Clean Fuels Program credits. create an equitable EV charging and EV car share plan for central Oregon that specifically involves underserved, rural and urban Grants are part of bigger e-mobility picture decision makers, including Black,Tribal and Hispanic communities In addition to Electric Mobility Grants, Pacific Power is helping —the first plan of its kind in Oregon. 1. - ' (continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 6,2023 2 (continued from previous page) • City of Bend— In an effort modeled on the City of Corvallis' • Oregon Environmental Council (multiple locations)—In successful e-bike voucher program,the grant will be used a partnership between Oregon Environmental Council and to fund 110 vouchers for low-income residents in Bend to Oregon State University's Agricultural Research/Extension, purchase an e-bike. funds will be used to purchase four utility EVs to test and • KOR Community Land Trust (Bend) —Funds will provide promote the viability of electric farm equipment to agricultural 17 e-bikes and training for low-income home buyers in students and communities through workshops,visits and field communities that the land trust is building in Bend,who day demonstrations. otherwise may not have access to e-mobility options. • Genesis XXI (Medford)—At Genesis XXI,a workforce • Central Oregon Community College—Funds will be used housing development in downtown Medford, expected to to install chargers and to purchase four used EVs for fleet and open in 2023,funds will be used to install four Level 2 chargers educational purposes at the Bend and Prineville campuses. and to purchase one EV that residents may use via the Chargers will be available to students,staff and the public. GoForth CarShare platform. • City of Prineville—In an area with only one other public • Umpqua Community College (Roseburg)—Funds will be charger within a 20-mile radius, funds will be used to install used to install the first EV chargers on the campus.The one or two DC fast chargers near downtown in a highly- two Level 2 chargers will be available at no cost to students visible and accessible location for residents and travelers. and staff. • Upper Deschutes Watershed Council (Bend)—Funds will WILLAMETTE VALLEY be used to purchase one Ford F-150 Lightning EV,which will • City of Sweet Home—Funds will be used to install the first be incorporated into conservation education and used to help public chargers in Sweet Home. One or two DC fast charger deliver programs to underserved communities in central Oregon. stations will be installed downtown for public use by residents, EASTERN OREGON commuters and travelers. • Blue Mountain Community College (Pendleton)—Funds will • First Alternative Cooperative (Corvallis)—Funds will be used be used to install two Level 2 EV chargers at the college's main to install two DC fast chargers,available to the public, at the campus in an area severely lacking in EV infrastructure. co-op's south Corvallis location, a high-traffic area of affordable homes and multifamily properties currently underserved by EV PORTLAND AND MULTNOMAH COUNTY charging infrastructure. • Multnomah County—Funds will be used to purchase a • Linn County—Funds will be used to install two Level 2 Class 5 EV box truck that will travel three daily routes, seven charging stations in downtown Albany.They will be available days a week,to transport circulating books and other items to the public, including residents and commuters from to multiple library locations in Portland, including many in surrounding rural areas. lower-income neighborhoods.The truck will replace a diesel- The chargers will allow Linn County to convert some other equivalent vehicle and serve as a pilot program for replacing fleet vehicles to EVs. other county-owned diesel vehicles. For information about the Electric Mobility Grant program • Taking Ownership PDX—Taking Ownership PDX provides and customer rebates for installing EV chargers, please visit home repairs, maintenance, landscaping and other upgrades to pacificpower.net/ev. Black community members at no cost. Funds will be used to purchase one Volkswagen ID.A EV (for transporting supplies to work sites and awareness-raising events) and one Level 2 EVs aren't just for urban commuters.An electric mobility grant charger to be available at no cost to workers and the public. from Pacific Power made possible the purchase of three Polaris Ranger UTVs(Utility Task Vehicles)for Oregon irrigation districts • Verde (Portland)—Verde serves vulnerable populations in and the installation of a charging station at the Swolley Irrigation diverse communities by designing and implementing renewable District once in Bend. energy and energy-efficiency projects. Funds will be used to .l purchase one Level 2 charger and one Ford E-Transit van to - deliver programs. 'A t _ SOUTHERN OREGON `- • Chiloquin Visions in Progress (Klamath County)— Funds will be used to install a Level 2 charger and DC fast charger in downtown Chiloquin,a rural area with few charging options. Chargers will help draw visitors to a business district with an . .•; ::; �.r art center,grocery store and county library. CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 6,2023 3 6'agv technology,the market finds and delivers the lowest-cost resources to meet immediate power needs and manages congestion on ,.� transmission lines to maintain grid reliability. The 2022 fourth-quarter economic benefit for PacifiCorp customers was$53.9 million, bringing total savings for the year to more than$200 million and accumulated savings since the market's inception to$591.4 million. - Originally launched by PacifiCorp and the California Independent -_ System Operator(CAISO),the current WEIM footprint includes portions of Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah,Washington and Wyoming and extends to the The Western Energy Imbalance Market allows participants to buy border with Canada. and sell power close to the time electricity is consumed and gives system operators real-time visibility across neighboring grids.The Later this year,Avangrid, El Paso Electric and the Western Area result improves balancing supply and demand at a lower cost. Power Administration Desert Southwest Region are expected to join the WEIM.With their participation in the real-time energy Continued growth in the market generates more results market,the entities will represent nearly 80%of the load within the for participants Western Electricity Coordinating Council. With fourth-quarter results for 2022,the Western Energy Building on the success of the WEIM, PacifiCorp announced in Imbalance Market has achieved a new milestone, reaching$3.4 December plans to join two new innovative efforts that have billion in cumulative benefits since the market launched in 2014 and been years in the making:the Extended Day-Ahead Market in accumulating more than$1 billion in benefits in a single year for the development by the California Independent System Operator and first time. the Western Power Pool's Western Resource Adequacy Program. The$485.29 million in fourth-quarter benefits for 2022 is also This next evolution of western energy markets will enable the second-largest quarterly total for the WEIM due to more PacifiCorp to deliver additional customer savings, increase grid participants joining the market, marking a greater volume of resilience in severe weather conditions,and accelerate emissions economical transfers that displaced more expensive generation and reductions. higher electricity prices due to high natural gas prices in December. Visit our Grid Modernization webpage to learn more about the The WEIM is designed to enable participants to buy and sell power WEIM and how PacifiCorp is innovating to power the West with close to the time electricity is consumed.With state-of-the-art clean,reliable and affordable energy. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION ycwv". 9&tok "4w M na&C-16tru S CY l�dot, February is Black History Month, an annual observance that honors the achievements of Black Americans and highlights their central role in our shared history. We will recognize this important celebration with profiles of Black individuals who contributed to the development of the energy industry or featured prominently in the history of American science,technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). SLACK HISTORY MONTF Each week during February,we'll highlight Black Americans who contributed their diverse ideas,talents and achievements to help build the STEM foundation that powers our country's greatness. PACIFICORP. First up: Solomon G. Brown,the first Black employee of the Smithsonian Institution. CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 6,2023 4 caf4" O&CA_ uotot U1, mw*. sdewm 6 A, Solomon G. Brown was born free in a time of slavery,coming into He continued to work at the Smithsonian and to serve his the world in February 1829 in Washington, D.C.,the fourth of six community until his retirement in February 1906,followed by his children of once-enslaved parents. death that summer. After losing his father at a young age and growing up in an Solomon G. Brown's life and legacy are a testament to the central impoverished family, Brown was unable to attend school and receive importance of both scientific and racial progress in the history of a formal education. But the chance to work at the Post Office of America—as a free Black man born to former slaves who rose up the nation's capital introduced him to a world of emerging science in a time of discord and oncoming civil war to become a respected and technology and cherished citizen of the nation's capital and an early leader at the As a teenager appointed at the Post Office, Solomon assisted country's foremost institution of knowledge and learning. Samuel Morse and others with installing the first Morse telegraph. To learn more, read "Solomon Brown: First African American And it was there that he first met Joseph Henry,a scientist also Employee at the Smithsonian Institution"from the working on the Morse telegraph and the man who would later Smithsonian archives. become the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. This early experience offered Brown a subsequent opportunity t to work for seven years as a battery tender at the new Morse Telegraph Company,followed by roles in the chemical laboratory of a manufacturing company. During this time, Lambert Tree,the assistant postmaster who had hired Brown at the Post Office,continued to be a friend and mentor. In 1858, a time of great national stress over the issue of slavery, he even stood alongside Brown and swore to a justice of the peace that ` Brown was and always had been a free man. Solomon became the first Black employee of the Smithsonian Institution in 1852,only a few years after the national museum's 1846 founding by the federal government. He was hired under ; Joseph Henry as a general laborer, building exhibit cases and completing other tasks,and soon supervised a group of Smithsonian workers. He developed a relationship with then-Assistant Secretary Spencer Fullerton Baird, later the second Secretary of the Smithsonian, and continued working with the man, increasingly as a close confidante, •y �, until Baird's death in 1887.All the while, Brown grew his portfolio of duties and became a trusted presence at the Smithsonian, even as he observed the effects of the Civil War upon the nation's capital and A' wrote insightful letters to his friend Baird, including one 3 '� on the march of Confederate troops near Washington. ' At the nation's leading museum, Solomon became known as "Professor Brown"for his accomplishments and interests, educating himself in the field of natural history, creating illustrations for lectures and offering his own presentations on scientific topics to churches and civic groups. He was also well known in the community as a church trustee, host of local picnics and even an elected member . of the Washington D.C. House of Delegates (the precursor to the modern City Council). PACIFICORP Pacific�_ J Power Rocky MountainPower O �r . � r SAFETY SPOTLIGHT savwnt&CA . SdiVPrS 5 � ��Gt�(Fi I JD Popkes,journeyman serviceman in Riverton,Wyoming,was working on an underground faulted secondary cable one weekend at the home of an elderly couple. While visiting with them outside the home after making temporary repairs,JD noticed their chimney was on fire. He took immediate action and deployed his fire extinguisher at the base of the chimney on the side of the home,then went up onto the roof where the fire had spread to the top of the chimney and continued using the extinguisher to fight the fire. • • Terry Heard,distribution manager and volunteer firefighter,was among the fire department first responders who were called to the fire.They were able to extinguish the fire completely before it could spread to the rest of the home. "My chief and I discussed JD's actions,and we have no doubt that his quick response contained the fire to the chimney.This gave us time to get there and prevented a full- SAFE & SECURE blown structure fire that would have had devastating consequences to the owners;" PacifiCorp safety results as of Heard said. 2/10/2023 Kudos to JD Popkes for his quick thinking, capable response and use of his safety training and equipment to help save a customers' home from a potentially destructive fire! RECORDABLE Do you know of co-worker who went above and beyond for safety?Let us know and we'll Share YTD ON TRACK? the story here. Lmoil Internal Communications. 4 - — TARGET 30 — VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? s 6 v v TARGET 31��d v CURRENTS FEBRUARY 13,2023 1 IN THE NEWS raW4,t M 9rt&A ckhahavmt MVvVWnMt Every day, local organizations are putting their hearts into projects A sampling of the community and environment grants are listed and programs to nurture our communities and care for the below. For a full list of grants in this cycle, see the Pacific Power and environment.These efforts weave together to create a stronger, more Rocky Mountain Power news releases. resilient future for the region. • Del Norte County Library District in northern California for The PacifiCorp Foundation,the company's nonprofit arm which exterior maintenance and beautification of the Crescent City library, operates as the Pacific Power Foundation and Rocky Mountain Power including pressure washing, landscaping and grounds cleanup. Foundation, has donated more than $406,000 in new grant funding . City of Downey, Idaho,for updating the kitchen at the Community across the six states we serve to support organizations committed to Center,which provides a local gathering space for a variety of activities. community enhancement and environmental respect. • The Environmental Center to support Bend, Oregon's Garden From improving access to affordable housing and workforce for Every School Program that improves science education training to building new hiking trails and protecting wildlife and local resources, student nutrition and environmental literacy outcomes. ecosystems,this round of grants will underwrite a wide range of efforts that meet critical needs and improve local livability. Clever Octopus Creative Reuse Center to create five Little Free Libraries to supply free books and STEM art kits to "We are inspired by these organizations, in towns large and small, underserved youth of South Salt Lake, Utah, neighborhoods. that are working hard to lift up people in their communities and take care of the environment," said Stefan Bird, president and CEO, Pacific ' Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Yakima County, Washington,for supplies and other support of Project Warm-Up,which Power. "It is an honor to support this indispensable work,while helping to donates hand-knit hats,blankets and other items to people in need. boost the growth and vitality of the communities we serve," added ' Audubon Rockies in Wyoming to support three community Gary Hoogeveen, president and CEO, Rocky Mountain Power science projects: bird-banding stations,the annual BioBlitz events and the Wyoming Naturalist Program,all of which serve to engage This round of grants,focused on community enhancement and youth and adults with science and education focused on local birds environmental respect, is one of the four grant cycles offered by the and their habitats. foundation each year.The other three focus on funding education/ STEM,arts and culture,and safety and wellness in our communities. K Y - f 1 � _ � •Mrs;r.�..m sa.m-m E' .. .f - The Illinois Valley Community Development Organization in Oregon(left)and Pinedole Aquatic Center's Learn-to-Swim program in Wyoming(right) were among the grant recipients in the PacifiCorp Foundation's community and environment cycle. CURRENTS i FEBRUARY 13,2023 2 HEALTH AND WELLNESS A&YU What to know for a healthier heart Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One in five deaths is due to heart disease, even though the disease is largely preventable. Knowing what causes heart disease,what puts you at risk for it, and how you can reduce those risks can help you make informed #OurHearts decisions to protect your heart and keep it strong February is Be heart • American Heartwhatyour blood pressure and WANT TO TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE? cholesterol TAKE THIS SHORT HEART-HEALTH QUIZ: numbers Ticker Test 1. True or False? High blood pressure is also known as z` hypertension and occurs when your blood pressure is consistently 130/80 mm Hg or higher. ❑ True ❑ False 2.True or False? Being overweight is the biggest risk factor for heart disease. ❑ True ❑ False 3.True or False?You get high cholesterol just because of what you eat. #OurHearts ❑ True ❑ False , 4. True or False? Eating lots of vegetables,fruits and whole grains, using fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and limiting foods high in saturated fat and sugar are all part of aheart-healthy diet. Aim for 150 ❑ True ❑ False minutes of 5.True or False? Not getting enough sleep or getting poor quality sleep on a regular basis increases the risk of having high blood physical pressure, heart disease and other medical conditions. _ ach week. ❑ True ❑ False 6. True or False? For a strong and healthy heart,adults should aim to get one straight hour of exercise every day. True ❑ False �deaod n .e (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 13,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) Answer Key: 1.True. If you have high blood pressure,the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high, and your _ heart has to work harder to pump blood. Untreated, high blood pressure increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. #OurH _ • rts 2. False. Being too sedentary may be the worst thing you can do for your heart.According to a CDC report,40%of Americans are at risk for heart disease because they're inactive. Close behind, 34% Self-care are at risk due to obesity.The other most important risk factors are uncontrolled high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking. helps keep 3. False. Many things affect our cholesterol level, including genetics. your blood pressure But we do have a lot of control,especially with our food choices. in the healthy range Limit items with too much cholesterol or saturated fats and avoid and reduces your risk trans fats completely.To do that, cut back on fatty meats,full-fat dairy products, and deep-fried and processed foods. of heart disease. 4.True.In addition to limiting your intake of cholesterol and saturated fats,a diet with lots of whole grains,fruits,vegetables and beans provides a' the fiber you need for a healthy heart.Fiber helps lower your"bad" ` G cholesterol,which reduces your risk for heart disease. Love your heart. Learn more about keeping it healthy. S.True. Sleep plays a vital role in good health throughout your life. Visit the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute website to learn During sleep,your body is working to support healthy brain function more about heart-healthy living.You'll find heart-smart tips and and maintain your physical health, including healing and repairing your information on: heart and blood vessels. Not getting enough sleep or good-quality sleep over time can raise your risk for many chronic health problems, ' Understanding your risk for heart disease not the least of which is heart disease. • Getting your blood pressure and cholesterol checked • Choosing heart-healthy foods 6. False. Physical activity is key, but you don't have to carve out a solid hour every day to do it. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate ' Aiming for a healthy weight activity (like walking,yoga or a leisurely bike ride) at least five days • Getting regular physical activity a week. (You can even break it up into 10 or 15 minutes here and • Managing stress there) Or do at least 25 minutes of harder activity(like running, swimming or basketball)three days a week. Quitting smoking Sources:National Heart,Lung and Blood Institute and WebMD • Getting enough good-quality sleep DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION y"W" NCA_"46a && WGC4&JBI04 February is Black History Month,an annual observance that honors Each week during February,we'll be highlighting Black Americans who the achievements of Black Americans and highlights their vital role in contributed their diverse ideas,talents and achievements to help build our shared history. the STEM foundation that powers our country's greatness. We're recognizing this important celebration through profiles of Here's the second in our four-part series.You can revisit the first Black individuals who contributed to the development of the energy part here. industry or featured prominently in the history of American science, technology,engineering and mathematics (STEM). (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 13,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) f• t i rX r BLACK HISTORY MONTH • :�f wfi POWERING YOURC"r" ma< y4cfy Inc&& Ova P. 0'&wy Hazel Reid O'Leary is a key Black leader in American STEM history, having made strides in both the energy sector and the political domain as the first woman and first Black individual to become U.S.Secretary of Energy,serving in President Bill Clinton's first term cabinet. She was born in Newport News,Virginia, in 1937 and experienced a segregated school system for much of her childhood, before her ` parents sent her and her sister to live in New Jersey with their aunt. r She attended an integrated arts school there,and later obtained a Bachelor's degree at Fisk University,a historically Black university, in Nashville,Tennessee,where she would later serve as president from 2004 to 2013. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha. O'Leary earned a law degree and worked in the New Jersey Attorney General's office before moving to Washington D.C.and, later,joining the federal government.Among several roles, as an appointee to the Federal Energy Administration's Office of Consumer Affairs, she aided citizens who lacked the same political capital as large corporations and major energy interests, helping ensure they were represented in federal decision-making on energy matters. Appointed by incoming President Bill Clinton and confirmed unanimously by the Senate to serve as U.S. Secretary of Energy in January 1993, Hazel O'Leary had an opportunity to challenge the �» status quo of American energy policy, particularly when it came to nuclear weapons—which are overseen by the Department of Energy —and the declassification of government secrets.While secretary, and amid the new post-Cold War era in which the U.S. and Russia (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 13,2023 5 (Continued from previous page) were engaged in negotiations over nuclear arms, O'Leary pushed the and directing resources toward the development of new wind and Clinton administration to end nuclear tests entirely.She surprised solar technologies. Her efforts also focused on the commercialization federal officials early in her tenure by refusing to approve the nuclear of energy-efficient products, helping bring the business sector on tests they recommended, arguing that they were unnecessary,and board as a partner for innovation. she helped ensure that the Operation Julin tests of September 1992 As with any role in American politics, O'Leary's groundbreaking term would remain the last-ever conducted by the United States. as the seventh U.S. Secretary of Energy wasn't devoid of tumult, O'Leary also launched an openness initiative that declassified a including criticism of travel spending and a push by some in Congress large amount of secret information on nuclear matters and the to eliminate the Department of Energy altogether. But her time in environmental and health effects of nuclear tests and experiments. office marked a period of significant change at the nexus of U.S. This successful effort to shine a light on a powerful agency's secrets is energy and foreign policies, on issues as pivotal as the future of our regarded as just one of the ways in which O'Leary's time at the helm most fearsome weapons and the ways in which our homes and was transformative. businesses are powered. Her public service ensured a safer and more She was also a champion in government for renewable energy and transparent post-Cold War era and helped lay the policy groundwork energy efficiency, making them priorities through strategic planning for the changing energy landscape in which we live and work today. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES b"X& 01h)-lLma � &Wk The RMP Sustainability Team is hosting a Lunch and Learn on the Lunch will be served for those joining in person,and the meeting will Lincoln Highway Tuesday, Feb. 21 from noon to 1 p.m. MT. also be available via Teams. The Lincoln Highway,dedicated in 1913,was the first automobile route to span the United States coast-to-coast from New York City Please RSVP by Feb. 17 for in-person attendance and lunch by emailing Amy Harve to San Francisco. y. Rocky Mountain Power worked with agency partners to help create What: Lincoln Highway Film Lunch & Learn a 45-minute film about the highway under an agreement related to When: Tuesday, Feb. 21, noon to 1 p.m. MT PacifiCorp's Gateway West transmission project.The film is set in rural Carbon County,Wyoming,and features stretches of the Lincoln Where: NTO Room 130K Highway through areas of historical and archeological importance. Click here to join the meeting in Teams RMP environmental analyst Robert Hamilton will introduce the project and setting before the film starts. vIMF J r LINCOLN HIGHWAY V0000 CURRENTS FEBRUARY 13,2023 6 Etta Folk. Aw, 4m,ftelff, • • Learning & Development Starting Thursday, Feb. 16 at 11 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT, PacifiCorp Te c h Ta I k Learning& Development is bringing Tech Talk back! This month, 4 we will cover all the ways you can use video with M365 Teams Get Live Help and Stream. If you have a complicated process to describe, an important meeting Every third Thursday of the month, bring you can or want to express yourself clearly, show,don't tell!And as usual,we'll your burning M365 questions to Learning and have time to take your drop-in questions. ' No pre-registration required. Email host Delpha Thomas,senior to troubleshooting,keeping up-to-date with the training development analyst, if you'd like to be added to the series! latest features,and working out solutions Click here to join the meeting your technology needs. raw& M t�fse�t� s Join the learning and development team for a Lunch &Learn webinar on time management r Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 12 p.m. PT/ 1 p.m. MT. AM Take control of your workday to achieve your goals and get stuff done.Work smarter, not harder,with time management strategies r that work for you. — — — — — In this one-hour webinar,we will diagnose symptoms that indicate O 8 poor uses of time.Then we'll look at ways to track and analyze your hours so that you can eliminate time stealers, minimize distractions �� * 31 and prioritize the things that matter. I Be prepared to interact and self-reflect!This event will be hosted by Delpha Thomas, senior training development analyst. Click here to register and add this event to your calendar. - IT UPDATE Vn pr4wtm f&tu& On Thursday, Feb. 16 from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m. PT (7-10 p.m. MT), Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of Have questions or need help? Please contact the our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. 0 r - POWERING Rocky Mountain Power EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT FEBRUARY PttW&d 6+4Vffx Gv : INSID1 care out "imw Employee Spotlight I This week,we're recognizing National Engineers Week,a celebration of the countless contributions that engineers make in our society—from creating monumental public In The News 2 works to designing the products we use and enjoy each day. Here is one of our engineers in her own words: Kendra Cullen, of the engineering project delivery team. InclusionDiversity Equity& Kendra,thanks for joining us for this spotlight as we celebrate National Engineers Week. To start off, tell us a bit about yourself. Where do you hail Learning Opportunities from?What brought you to PacifiCorp? Make a Difference 6 1 am originally from the Central Coast of California,the small town of Los Osos. I moved to Oregon from North Carolina after completing my master's degree in hopes of finding a full- time position in the area. I got an interview at PacifiCorp after a few months of job hunting. What made you choose engineering as a career field? And was there anything SAFE & SECURE specific that brought you to the energy sector? PacifiCorp safety results as of I grew up around construction and construction sites because my father was a general 2/17/2023 contractor. I was drawn toward buildings and how they were designed from a young age. I RECORDABLE INCIDENTS was always good at math and science in school and was encouraged to look at a career in engineering. I knew nothing about power or substations before my interview with PacifiCorp. YTD ON TRACK? (Continued) 4 TARGET 30 _A VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? o- A 6 TARGET 31 CURRENTS FEBRUARY 20,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Engineering is obviously a foundational part of our company When you think about the future, what do you think it will and of the energy sector in general. What do you think is the take to be a good engineer a generation from now? What do main role in society of engineering as a practice?What do you you think the energy sector will be like at that time? think is key to being a successful engineer? I think the future of engineering will rely more on technology than The earliest engineers are said to be the civil engineers who designed ever before.We need to keep up to date with the way technology the pyramids and roads.They shaped society through their designs is changing all fields of engineering. I don't think I could predict what and planning,and the same can be said today.As the field of anything will look like a generation from now. engineering has grown, so has our influence. just something a bit fun: Do you have a favorite fictional I think the key to being a successful engineer is being adaptable and engineer? If so, who and why? not too rigid in your views.We often need to see something from a Dr. Emmet Brown, I don't think this needs a why, but a DeLorean that different angle to find the solution. travels through time, "Great Scott!"—that should be enough. Anything you'd like to highlight about the work your team Thanks again for joining us today.Any final words of wisdom does—whether day-to-day stuff, or specific projects? on engineering and National Engineers Week? My team works on almost every project that passes through To all the future engineers,take business classes.They don't tell you, the company at some point.We start them off with the scoping but you need to be so much more than an engineer to be successful and getting engineering assignments.We work with our external in your career. engineering teams to complete their projects.With our external teams,we can complete more work than just by relying on our internal resources. IN THE NEWS 104 di ktf4 ffit1f �OU& - 0,61 tf Gp& W W PrA di 1-ftf-I fV4" In a recent study by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 34 million U.S. households (27%of all U.S. households) reported difficulty paying energy bills or reported that they had kept their home at an unsafe temperature because of energy cost concerns. That's why Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power support our customers and neighbors through programs that help people with their energy bills when times are tight. These programs are managed by nonprofit partner agencies to help customers experiencing financial hardship keep their lights on and their homes warm and safe: • California Project HELP • Utah Lend A Hand • Idaho Lend A Hand • Washington Project HELP • With Fixed Donation,a dollar amount of your choice will be added • Oregon Energy Fund • Energy Share of Wyoming to your monthly bills. The company invites employees and customers to help by donating • With Small Change,we'll round your bill up each month to the next to the energy assistance program in your area.When you do, Pacific whole dollar and donate the change. Power or Rocky Mountain Power will match every dollar donated Visit the pacificpower.net/donate or rockymountainpower.net/donate with $2 more. website for details on contributing to the energy assistance program You can donate either one time or by adding a fixed amount to your in your area. monthly electric bill. Both types of donations are matched 2-for-1. Refer a customer in need Customers who receive their bills by mail will find an energy If you know a customer, relative or neighbor who needs help paying assistance contribution envelope included in their February bill.Those their power bill, have them contact our customer care specialists at who pay their bills electronically can send a check or enroll in one of 1-888-221-7070.They can help with payment plans or connect the the company's monthly bill donation options—either Fixed Donation customer to the energy assistance resources that may be able to or Small Change—by calling 1-888-221-7070. address their individual needs. CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 20,2023 2 PHISH TANK Prawtoist" 44,0k cttf�otk A phishing email is a technique used by cybercriminals to con us into To avoid falling for this type of phish, remember to slow down, revealing sensitive information or unknowingly installing malware. evaluate and verify before taking any action in response to an external PacifiCorp distributes phishing tests to help us practice recognizing email. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of an email, use the the red flags of a phish and staying vigilant when checking email. Phish Alert Report button to submit it for further review. A recent phishing test message purported to be a staff meeting Complete your phishing awareness training invitation from Microsoft Teams and was individualized to include All employees are required to complete annual training on strategies your name and email address. Unfortunately, 90 employees took the for preventing phishing attacks.The training describes cybercriminal bait and failed the test by clicking on the 'Accept Invitation" button. tactics,tips for recognizing phishing red flags,and actions you should This test was a good example of how phish are becoming more take when you see a suvspicious message. complex—and how our vigilance and awareness must follow suit. Complete the training by March 15. Remember to look for the indicators of phishing before clicking a link or opening an attachment in an external email. In the "Staff Meeting via Teams" example: • The sender's domain was suspicious. Meeting invitations normally come from a real person, not from invite@teams-microsoft.us. • The invitation,though claiming to be for an internal (staff) meeting, was marked [INTERNET]—meaning it came from an external sender—and included the SAIL reminders: THIS MESSAGE IS FROM AN EXTERNAL SENDER. Look closely at the SENDER address.Do not open ATTACHMENTS unless expected. Check for INDICATORS of phishing.Hover over LINKS before clicking.Learn to spot a phishing message •When hovering over the link and 'Accept Invitation" button,you didn't see a normal Teams meeting URL, but something more suspect. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION yew&" Nc�-&4&K iru AWW1151101IJ y4vt�, February is Black History Month, an annual observance that honors the achievements of Black Americans and highlights their vital role in our shared history. We're recognizing this important celebration through profiles of Black individuals who contributed to the development of the energy industry or featured prominently in the history of American science, technology,engineering and mathematics (STEM). BLACK HISTORY MONTH Each week during February,we'll be highlighting Black Americans who iw - contributed their diverse ideas,talents and achievements to help build the STEM foundation that powers our country's greatness. Here's the third in our four-part series.You can revisit the first two ■. here and here. (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 20,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION C&"NA" 96ta< Kftotyl 04 Lff LAI/�&UT4-f UTO& w� 00 It's hard to imagine that many people could claim to be both an After graduating, he worked on government projects including nuclear accomplished aerospace engineer and the inventor of one of the most reactor cooling systems at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and on popular toys ever created. But that's the mix of STEM innovation aspects of the U.S.Air Force's secretive stealth bomber program. that defines the remarkable career of Lonnie Johnson,a pioneer in He later moved on to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to work advanced technologies from nuclear propulsion to clean energy,and on programs that included the nuclear power source for the Galileo the mind behind the Super Soaker,aquatic terror of many a backyard. probe's voyage to Jupiter. During this National Engineers Week, let's take a look at the life and While making professional strides at some of the leading technological career of a remarkable leader in American engineering. institutions in the world,Johnson continued to be an avid tinkerer in Lonnie George Johnson was born in 1949 in Mobile,Alabama,the third his spare time. of six children of a healthcare worker and a World War II veteran. It was during experimentation on a new type of refrigeration, one Johnson became fascinated with tinkering at an early age, after his relying on water instead of harmful chlorofluorocarbons (or CFCs) father gave him his first lessons in the basic principles of electricity. that destroy the Earth's ozone layer,that he began his unexpected Known as "the professor"among neighborhood kids, Lonnie often led journey toward becoming the father of a leading toy brand.As he engineering projects among his friends, like the functional engine made worked on a nozzle hooked up to a bathroom sink,a thin stream of from scrapped parts that they attached to one of their go-karts. `Hater shot out,and it struck him that a powerful water gun would be a fun and exciting new project. Even as the tumult and strife of the Civil Rights Era unfolded around him and controversy raged about the integration of his high school, After rejoining the Air Force to help with stealth bomber testing, Johnson focused on what mattered most to him: inventing new Johnson continued to work on his new toy concept during his wonders, including a mobile robot named Linex, 3 '/2 feet in height downtime,and eventually handed his 7-year-old daughter Aneka and equipped with working arms,that won first place at a science fair a prototype plastic water gun to use against other kids on the held at the University of Alabama. airbase. She proved the overwhelming victor, easily defeating the comparatively measly squirt guns of the other children. Johnson attended the alma mater of George Washington Carver, renowned agricultural scientist and one of the most prominent Black Johnson pursued the idea behind this early model, patenting the scientists of the 20th century,who was a personal inspiration to him.At underlying technology and shopping around the concept within the Tuskegee University, Lonnie earned his bachelor's degree in mechanical toy industry. First marketed as the Power Drencher,the toy evolved engineering in 1973 and his master's in nuclear engineering in 1975. to become the trademarked Super Soaker and exploded in popularity, (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 20,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) generating$200 million in sales in 1991.Johnson's inventions were later incorporated into the foam-launching line of Nerf guns. Y While the Super Soaker was Johnson's greatest source of material success, his accomplishments and commendations extend far beyond his status as a toy maven. He has accumulated over 250 patents, received awards from the Air Force, NASA, Popular Mechanics and other sources,and has continued in his lifelong love of innovation, including in the clean energy sector. His more recent work has focused on ways to transform heat into \i electricity and make green energy more affordable through improved n solar panel technologies. • y�iV,i�° Lonnie Johnson's career uniquely highlights the many ways engineers • contribute to society,from working on spacecraft that reach other . • worlds to giving kids the toys that turn their backyards into realms of amusing engagement. ement. His accomplishments show how people with big ideas can change the world in all kinds of ways,with just a bit of tinkering and imagination. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES The RMP Sustainability Team is hosting a Lunch and Learn on the RMP environmental analyst Robert Hamilton will introduce the Lincoln Highway Tuesday, Feb. 21 from noon to 1 p.m. MT. project and setting before the film starts. The Lincoln Highway, dedicated in 1913,was the first automobile What: Lincoln Highway Film Lunch & Learn route to span the United States coast-to-coast from New York City to San Francisco. When: Tuesday, Feb. 21, noon to 1 p.m. MT Rocky Mountain Power worked with agency partners to help create Where: NTO Room 130K a 45-minute film about the highway under an agreement related to PacifiCorp's Gateway West transmission project.The film is set in Click here to join the meeting in Teams rural Carbon County,Wyoming,and features stretches of the Lincoln Highway through areas of historical and archeological importance. HISrORIC BYWAY I LINCOLN s, HIGHWAY CURRENTS FEBRUARY 20,2023 5 raw& r�� t�fse�t� Join the learning and development team for a Lunch & Learn webinar on time management Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 12 p.m. PT/ 1 p.m. MT. Take control of your workday to achieve your goals and get stuff done.Work smarter, not harder,with time management strategies that work for you. e Og A In this one-hour webinar,we will diagnose symptoms that indicate a poor uses of time.Then we'll look at ways to track and analyze your 17 * A 31 hours so that you can eliminate time stealers, minimize distractions and prioritize the things that matter. A Be prepared to interact and self-reflect!This event will be hosted by Delpha Thomas, senior training development analyst. Click here to register and add this event to your calendar. MAKE A DIFFERENCE 7�& ems 60q ewfilo" btcv Mark your calendar for the 26th annual Benefit Golf Classic!Join PacifiCorp employees, retirees,friends and family for a day in the sun and a fun round of golf in beautiful Hood River, Oregon,to support the Oregon Burn Center and the Burn Education and Prevention `� program. The Benefit Golf Classic is sponsored by PacifiCorp, IBEW Local 125 AMA and other area utilities. When: Saturday,June 24 - Where: Indian Creek Golf Course, Hood River How: Registration will open in May at benefitgolfclassic.com. Hope to see everyone there! _--- PACIFICORP 0 LEADERSHIP MESSAGE At PacifiCorp,we continue on our journey of building a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace—one that welcomes and celebrates our differences and is reflective of the communities in which we live and work. Championing DEI benefits us all by creating a workplace in which every employee thrives. To support us in understanding and advancing the diversity of our workforce,we ask employees to voluntarily self-identify in five categories—disability,veteran status,gender/ gender identity, race/ethnicity and whether an individual identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community—so that we can obtain a true and accurate picture of our workforce. Understanding who we are allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies, policies and practices we use in our company. In an effort to increase transparency and showcase our DEI progress,our 2022 year-end workforce diversity metrics are available on the PacifiCorp DEI intranet page.This SAFE & SECURE information was obtained through voluntary self-identification information provided by PacifiCorp safety results as of PacifiCorp employees. 2/24/2023 While recognizing opportunities for growth and improvement to ensure everyone feels valued, respected and empowered, I am proud of the intentional efforts and progress RECORDABLE made to recruit, retain and promote diverse talent. As a company,we are committed to YTD ON TRACK? building upon our foundation of advancing ,� 4 diversity,equity and inclusion through workplace trainings on DEI topics, TARGET including how to identify and interrupt microaggressions and how to recognize 30 (D and address the unconscious biases that we all have. Our efforts to educate - ' ourselves and collaborate on DEI topics VEHICLE ACCIDENTS continue,and later this year,we will roll out a training to increase our knowledge 1 YTD ON TRACK? and awareness of the importance of using L inclusive language. `. V Employee resource groups have also made incredible progress across , TARGET PacifiCorp and Berkshire Hathaway ► 31 Energy, and they continue to grow and thrive and to inspire our workforce (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 27,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) through collaborative meetings, authentic conversations, mentorship I am grateful for and celebrate all our employees and their and volunteer activities. I am thankful for the continued efforts and demonstrated commitment to building an inclusive workplace culture, commitment of our employee resource groups,which create spaces and for the efforts to enhance the connections we have to the of belonging for employees throughout the workplace—for members communities in which we live and work. I look forward to continuing of diverse demographics and their allies alike. our DEI journey together. If you have not yet self-identified in all five categories or are unsure of �i D whether you have, please consider"taking five"to count yourself in. Emily Weaver Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion PacifiCorp BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION tjW ��*Q C(r �o fS �o1��S , & Robotic Process Automation is a technology that automates repetitive, routine and predictable tasks that were previously performed by t humans,freeing up employees'time for more meaningful work that makes better use of their skills and expertise. RPA uses software "bots"to perform tasks that would normally ROBOTIC • • require human intervention.These tasks can range from simple, — PROCESS repetitive tasks such as data entry and form filling to more complex tasks such as invoicing and customer service. The new automated OF process reduces compliance risk by eliminating the possibility of human error and has increased the efficiency and The Business Optimization and Innovation team recently programmed accuracy of the data entry. a bot to automate PacifiCorp's Contractor/Vendor Information Form (CIF) process. DoForms collects information entered by the Do you have an idea for a process or task that could be automated? contractor/vendor,and the bot loads the information into HR's Email Mike Mueller or Robotic Process Automation. system of record. Several internal controls are built into the process Do you have a question about the new automated OF process?Email HR to ensure data quality and accuracy. Service Center or visit Hiring Contractors,Vendors and BHE No Pay Staff. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION yam. Ncw<&4&K �& - st�i� Kftct February is Black History Month, an annual observance that honors the achievements of Black Americans and highlights their vital role in our shared history. We're recognizing this important celebration through profiles of Black individuals who contributed to the development of the energy industry or featured prominently in the history of American science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). BLACK HISTORY MONTH Each week during February,we'll be highlighting Black Americans who *r contributed their diverse ideas,talents and achievements to help build the STEM foundation that powers our country's greatness. Here's the last of our four-part series.You can revisit the earlier parts PACIFICORP. here, here and here. (Continued) (Continued from previous page) DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION c6"f6tt" As NACA became NASA, and as new machines took over for human calculators, Easley became a programmer of the earliest computers, adapting to a quickly changing technological landscape. She was a leader in the development of software for the Centaur rocket stage that served as a key component in the delivery of vehicles into space, and she helped evaluate alternative power sources for a number of NASA's major programs. Easley's computer coding skills also made her a vanguard for clean energy—including batteries used in novel electric vehicle concepts. Her work supported the exploration of solar and wind technologies, placing her among a community of experts who helped lay the groundwork for the energy sector in which we work today. In spite of her formal education and demonstrated skills, Easley was directed to complete additional internal courses to be considered qualified,after being hired (as one of only four Black employees) at a lower pay grade than what she was promised during her interview. N" vU, ,Ic/ r �0Gy r Ay1N5y, rah poy Y . Americas space program and energy sector may not seem closely related,at first glance. One sends advanced machines to the stars and the other powers the everyday homes and businesses of people irl who might not give much thought to outer space at all.Yet both e �1 yip � were built on profound technological advancements, and some of our nation's greatest STEM leaders have bridged the gap between the two industries. Among such pioneers was Annie Easley—one of the first Black ^' employees at NASA and an early leader in rocket science and clean energy development. Annie jean Easley was born in 1933 in Birmingham,Alabama. Raised Easley showing an exhibit on electric vehicle concepts by her mother alongside an older brother, she decided to study pharmacy, enrolling at Xavier University in New Orleans before later relocating to Cleveland, Ohio,and refocusing her career on mathematics. She'd never heard of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,the precursor to NASA, but became interested in the institution after reading an article about twin sisters who served as "human computers" at the Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory in Cleveland (later to be known as NASA's Glenn Research Center). NACA needed people with strong math skills,and Easley decided to apply just two weeks after her interest was piqued by reading about the sisters' experiences. Her hiring as a"human computer" herself in 1955 launched a 34-year career,with Easley starting out performing advanced computations for researchers. Crater on the moon named in honor of Easley by the International Astronomical Union. (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 27,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) These were some of the ways in which clear biases,amidst the broader racial injustices of the Jim Crow era,affected her career, but Easley wasn't ground down by these slights—instead, she became an Equal Employment Opportunity counselor at NASA in order to help leadership address discrimination complaints and bring about a more equitable organization. Annie Easley never sought to be a pioneer,stating in 2001: "1 just have e a i my own attitude. I'm out here to get the job done, and I knew I had '�' �' i ' _ t the ability to do it,and that's where my focus was" It wasn't her intent or desire to be the role model and hero that i she's remembered as today, but her contributions show that her accolades, including a crater on the moon named in her honor,are j truly deserved. She left an enduring legacy as a champion of STEM history, helping „ take human beings and their inventions beyond Earth,and helping lay the groundwork for our clean energy future. Annie Easley began her career at NASA as a human computer performing complex mathematical calculations. IT UPDATES t 1W ficamad, ractV4"mvt"C tgr"If Effective March 2,the BHE Service Desk will implement a new process 3. Once you open the Outlook contact, click on the Phone/ to validate your identity if you need your password reset or your Notes tab to see the phone numbers. account unlocked.This new process enforces the Berkshire Hathaway Energy Information Security Policy requirements and benefits you,as General Of9anr:ation Phonet,otee Memberot E.maa Addresses the BHE Service Desk no longer requires access to the last four digits of Phone numbers your Social Security number to validate your identity. Basmess Home: The new process is like the validation method you may use to access Business Home 2: ANEk— -A bank accounts or health records,where you are sent a one-time- Fa.: j Mobae: passcode on your mobile device as part of the validation process.The Assistant: Pager BHE Service Desk will use a system from TextMagic to generate the one-time-passcode and send it to your company-issued mobile device If your company mobile device number is not listed in Outlook or is as part of the identity validation process. incorrect,follow these steps to update your information: If you do not have a company-issued mobile device,you must be 1. Go to SuccessFactors sponsored by someone who possesses a company-issued device and can validate your identity. For employees,this is typically your 2. Click on My Profile supervisor. If you work a shift when a supervisor is not present, a 3. On the Contact Information section, click on colleague known to you who has a company-issued mobile phone the pencil icon. may act as your sponsor. To confirm your mobile device is registered with the company,follow Contact Information Contact Information these steps: J Search People 1. Open the Outlook Address Book ®Address Book Filter Email 4. Under Phone Information, either modify the existing entries or click on "Add"to create new entries. Find 2. Search for your name using the format Last, 'r1011P°`.—"- First and double-click on the name found. - Search: • All columns Name only a "O1 Last First I I S. Click Save at the bottom right to save your changes. Name (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 27,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) If you have a company-issued mobile phone and need to have your To have your password reset or account unlocked using a sponsor, password reset or account unlocked,follow these steps: follow these steps: 1. Call the BHE Service Desk and select the password reset option. Let 1.With the employee/contractor and sponsor,supervisor or known them know if you need your password reset or account unlocked. colleague together or on a conference call,call the BHE Service Desk. 2.Advise the Service Desk that the employee/contractor account 2.The Service Desk will send an SMS text containing a one-time-use needs unlocked or the password needs reset. code from TextMagic to your company-issued mobile phone.You 3.The Service Desk will send an SMS text containing a one-time-use will be asked to verbally repeat the code back to the Service Desk code from TextMagic to the sponsor.The sponsor verbally repeats staff on the call. the code back to the BHE Service Desk staff on the call. 3. Upon validation of the code,the Service Desk will proceed with 4. Upon validation of the code,the Service Desk will reset the resetting the password or unlocking the account. password or unlock the account. Thank you for your continued focus on the security of our organization,customers,and each other. If you have questions, contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. Am)&Apt Store,to k twool ftew � wok&4aw 044C4 1 This information only applies to employees with company-is- sued Whones or Wads. With more than 10 million apps in the Apple App Store, company < Apps All apps - issued iPhone and iPads are potentially at risk,as attackers increasingly exploit security vulnerabilities within mobile devices and apps. If a company-issued device is compromised,company information and the Q Search personal data of employees and customers are at risk. To strengthen security, company-issued mobile devices must comply Filter Sort with Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Information Security Policy.The first phase of compliance is replacing the Apple App Store with a company portal that contains a curated list of approved applications DI 1st Reporting emappetizer Inc. for business use. On Wednesday, March 1,the Apple App Store will be removed and the company portal—Comp Portal—will need to be used to install ABB Ellipse WFM Field Worker approved applications on mobile devices. V ABB Enterprise Software Inc. What you need to know • ' . 9' Adobe Acrobat Reader: • Comp Portal is available on the home screen of company mobile devices. If prompted,touch the"Sign in" button to access the app. Adobe Inc. Select'Apps" in the lower-left corner to view apps available for installation. For reference, here is a list of approved applications. If you Adobe Acrobat Sign cannot access the list,ask your supervisor to export the information , ' Adobe In(- for you. Here are instructions on how to use Comp Portal. • In Comp Portal you will only see mobile apps available to you. If Adoddle Field you need an app that is not in Comp Portal, submit the Mobile Asite Solutions Limited App Request form for processing. Requests will be routed to ss your supervisor for approval and may require your department to purchase a license or service. Requests for mobile apps new to Airgas SRVS r0�o� Lo..� our environment require approval from your supervisor,the chief Airgas Airgas, Inc. security office and IT. ••• 0 R ... o Supervisors, here are instructions to complete the Apps Devices Support Notificati... More approval process. (Continued) CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 27,2023 5 (Continued from previous page) -The BHE Service Desk will only accept requests via the Mobile App • Mobile apps already installed from the Apple App Store will still Request form.You must include the name of the mobile app,the work; however,you must use the Comp Portal for any future Apple App Store link and, if making a group request,the names updates or installations. Be proactive and submit the Mobile App of those who need access.You must also include department Request form now if the mobile apps you use for work are not in accounting codes to purchase a license if necessary. Comp Portal. o To find the Apple App Store link for an app,open the Edge • You are responsible for removing unapproved, non-business-related browser and in the Search field type in the mobile app name+ apps, such as streaming media (Netflix, Disney+, Pandora, Spotify), "iOS mobile app" For example: Elecsys iOS mobile app. Select games,gambling apps and dating apps from mobile devices. Removal the link,which starts with https://apps.apple.com. Copy the full of unapproved, non-business-related apps will be enforced later. link and paste it into the Mobile App Request form. In accordance with the Berkshire Hathaway Energy Information • If an app you wish to use is not available, consider using an approved Security Policy, enforcement may include a remote reset to default app with similar functionality instead of requesting a new app. Some settings,which includes the removal of installed apps and all of these apps may require a license, an associated service or may personal and company data. only be offered for limited use per the chief security office. • Approved apps that were installed from the Apple App Store • Apps previously purchased from the App Store must be instead of Comp Portal must be uninstalled then reinstalled from repurchased before they are made available in Comp Portal. Comp Portal.The reinstallation of an app may cause data loss; Complete the Mobile App Request form to repurchase the app. employees are responsible for backing up and migrating data.Work- related photos and documents should be managed and stored in • Apps that contain ads are no longer allowed.Ad-free versions of the an approved business app such as OneDrive,Teams or SharePoint. same app may include a license fee and must be purchased by your These instructions include steps on how to uninstall a mobile app. department. Complete the Mobile App Request form to purchase the ad-free version. Your patience is greatly appreciated as we work to improve the security of our company-issued mobile devices.Thank you for your What else you need to know continued focus on keeping our organization, customers and each • IT will NOT transfer a company-assigned mobile phone number to other safe and secure. a personal device. If you have questions, contact the BHE Service Desk at • The Comp Portal does not require the use of an AppleID to install 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. mobile apps.To remove your personal AppleID from your company device, select Settings>your name>scroll to the bottom then select Sign Out. SAP fd 4aw 1V"tW6C*j o&s6t44etyl On Saturday, March 4 from 8 p.m. until 12 a.m. PT (9 p.m.to 1 a.m. MT), all SAP production systems—including ECC,ePortal, Process Orchestration, Business Warehouse, Environmental Compliance, SAP GRC,and SAP SRM—will be down for maintenance. Please plan your activities accordingly. During the ePortal maintenance, intranet content will be unavailable.Web applications will be unaffected by this maintenance; however,you will need to access them through these direct links. If you have questions or need help, contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 27,2023 6 POLICY & POLITICS A &40-&0-ar There's always more to learn about an industry as dynamic as ours. Because the energy sector is a foundational part of our society and economy,the forces that impact our business are complex and far-reaching.Those forces include, in no small part,government institutions at all levels—local,state and national. With this new series on energy policy and politics,we'll explore the people and organizations that are shaping our industry now and into the future.We'll cover a mix of state energy profiles and major energy policies and institutions. We hope this series provides information that's both interesting and useful in your day-to-day work. Let's take a look at California, its government and energy regulators. Pacific Power serves 46,000 customers in the northernmost part of the state, home to majestic redwood forests and the scenic southern end of the Cascade mountain range. As the largest state in the nation, California's energy needs are significant—but so are its production capabilities. Meanwhile,the CALIFORNIA state's landscapes are increasingly prone to wildfires, posing challenges for the reliable delivery of electric power. On the whole, California is an immense,global-scale economy, larger PacifiCorp service area in size than that of India.The region that Pacific Power serves is 1 relatively small in population compared to other parts of the state, but it covers a large geographic area that includes the Klamath and Shasta-Trinity National Forests and communities such as Crescent City,Yreka and Mt. Shasta. California at a glance: Population: 39 million (rank 1) Economy:$3.6 trillion GDP (rank 1) Capital: Sacramento Key Leaders: Z, • Gov. Gavin Newsom • U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein N • Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis • U.S. Senator Alex Padilla CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 27,2023 (Continued) 7 (Continued from previous page) California's Energy Sector adjustments and comply with state policies. Its five commissioners California has vast energy resources and is second in the nation are appointed by the Governor to staggered six-year terms and to Texas in terms of electric generation from all renewable confirmed by the California Senate. resources—while leading in generation from solar,geothermal and The state's bulk electric system is overseen by the California biomass sources.The state is also second in terms of total energy Independent System Operator, created by the legislature in 1998 as consumption, but 49th in terms of per capita energy consumption, part of a major restructuring of the state's electricity markets, largely reflecting in part an emphasis on energy efficiency programs. in response to recommendations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Historically a substantial generator of hydropower, California's ongoing Commission. CAISO is a close partner of PacifiCorp in many areas, experiences with chronic drought have reduced that source of most notably the 2014 launch of the Western Energy Imbalance electricity in the state. Market.The WEIM has since saved PacifiCorp customers more than The state's primary energy policy agency is the California Energy $591 million and has grown to save its total membership more than Commission,which serves to advance the state's energy priorities $3.4 billion. in energy efficiency, innovation, renewable energy development, California's energy utility community consists of six investor-owned infrastructure,emergency preparedness and other matters. Its cabinet- utilities,46 public utilities,four electric coops,three community level parent organization is the California Natural Resources Agency choice aggregators and 22 electric service providers.The largest The California Public Utilities Commission is the state's utility investor-owned utilities in the state,and the providers with the most regulator, overseeing PacifiCorp and other private and public utilities. customers, are Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas&Electric and The company makes regular filings with the CPUC and works San Diego Gas&Electric—companies with whom PacifiCorp often with the commission to finalize wildfire mitigation plans,enact rate collaborates on industry priorities and best practices. (Continued) CALIFORNIA ENERGY GENERATION MIX Puget Soun Energylroloo werex SeattleitCity Ligh Tacoma — Power Avi sta Film Renewables Avangrid'— North Western Portland/ Bonneville ;� Energy General AdPower ministration / Electric - Idaho �'` PacifiCorp Power NV' ✓PacifiCor BANC Energy !� Market Operator Turlock Wh California ISO Irrigations WEIM entity District Active participant California Planned entry 2023 ISO Los Angeles Arizona Public Dept. of Service Water& Power Salt Public Service WAPA Desert / ProRr ect Company of Southwest New Mexico Tucson Electric Power El Paso Electric "Avangrid office;generation-only BAA with distribution across multiple states. Map boundaries are approximate and for illustrative purposes only. Copyright©2023 California ISO CURRENTS I FEBRUARY 27,2023 8 (Continued from previous page) California's Government& Politics In national political terms, California's state government aligns F substantially with Democrats,who control the Governor's office, both 4 U.S. Senate seats,the majority of the U.S. congressional delegation and both houses of the state Legislature—the Assembly and Senate. California's government prioritizes clean energy adoption and strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change.An example of the state's policy approach is the California Climate Commitment, signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in September 2022.Among s its goals,this$54 billion law seeks to achieve carbon neutrality by 19 � 2045—with 90% of the goal reached by 2035.The act also seeks toA achieve several specific milestones within two decades, including: • Cutting air pollution by 60% _ • Reducing state oil consumption by 91% • Reducing fossil fuel use in buildings and transportation by 92% NEW . • Cutting refinery pollution by 94% Of significant note to PacifiCorp's activities,the state government is i also heavily focused on preventing wildfires and mitigating the effects i h 9 1 of those that do occur.The California Department of Forestry and --- _ — m Fire Protection, commonly called CAL FIRE, is principally charged with battlingand preventing wildfires. Meanwhile,the state government - P g continues to seek policy solutions for wildfire management, including through action plans issued by the Governor's Forest Management Task Force and related interagency coordination. The California State Capitol PACIFICO '•wer 0 1 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT ^' Nomm i1n)Aega.&ya ot 40,4611cl I March is Women's History Month,and we're excited to bring you two employee spotlights this month featuring women making history right here at PacifiCorp. First, meet journeyman serviceman Michaela Haroldson, one of the company's first female line workers. She works out of Laramie,Wyoming, and also serves as a union steward for IBEW Laramie 57. Can you tell us a little about your career path? It's interesting because it is so nontraditional. It is very nontraditional, and I actually had a very nontraditional entrance to the trade. My family comes from a very blue-collar line—my grandpa, my dad and my brother worked for a power company.So I was familiar with the energy industry, but I had never really considered a trade. Instead, I wanted to pursue a degree in history education and SAFE & SECURE become a professor in history. I was very confident that was going to be my path. PacifiCorp safety results as of So, right out of high school I was working as summer help for the municipally owned 3/3/2023 power company in my hometown,doing odd jobs like mowing and weeding. I was also doing inventory management at the warehouse where I organized, catalogued and RECORDABLE counted everything.About a month before leaving for college, my manager approached me to ask if I'd ever considered an apprenticeship and encouraged me to look into YTD ON TRACK? it. So, I went home and talked to my dad and mentioned that I had been offered an apprenticeship.And he said, "Well,take it.You can still go to college later if it's not what you want.You're not losing anything by taking this opportunity." (Continued) TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? - 6 _ TARGET 31 CURRENTS I MARCH 6,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) So, I accepted the apprenticeship and journeyed out with that company. I then began working for Rocky Mountain Power in July 2018 as a journeyman lineman, and I am now a troubleman, i responding to outages, customer calls and emergencies. What challenges have you faced in the worl<place specific to being a woman, and did you have any mentors that helped you through it? This is always an interesting topic for me because I never want to downplay the difficulties there are for anyone getting into this trade. It really,truly is a very difficult trade.There's a level of excellence that I is required by the people who pioneered it that is passed down to everyone who does try to get into this industry. I would say I have dealt with more difficulties than my male counterparts.There was a lot of / distrust and uncertainty,not from my superiors,but my co-workers who yy _ were journeymen. I believe that was because they had never worked with a woman. It was hard for them to believe I would be able to hold up.There was quite a lot of proving time.It took,depending on the 3 person,a solid two to three years to establish my reliability in their minds. Dependence on your co-worker and the person next to you is so key in this trade.You really do rely on the person you work ` with to have your back and to be there mentally and physically. So I understand their hesitancy.You know, I started when I was 18. So here was this young blonde girl coming in and working with full 1 grown, bearded men. I was a bit of a fish out of water. But you gotta let the comments roll and not let them get you down.Wake up every t, -- morning and say, "Okay,today's the day I'm going to prove to them that I deserve to be here" So, as the only woman, did you have anybody to help mentor It sounds lil<e you really have a love for the trade. you through it? I think anything worth doing is worth doing well, and that includes The gentleman that initially offered me the apprenticeship was really learning about what you do for a living and being proud of it. I want an amazing guy. I still stay in touch with him. He was absolutely 100% to go home every day and say, "I'm really glad I have this job and I'm behind me the whole time,and I would not be in this position if it good at it"There's a pride in that. weren't for him. I will admit that he watched me cry many times just because it was a rough go for a bit,and he was always behind me. What impact do you hope to have on other women 'Just don't give u You know, o out there again, rove them wrong." in their careers? g P� g g � P g>> If it weren't for him believing that I could do it, I would not be here. I would definitely say I love talking to people. I've done one career fair I definitely had other people along the way who were very supportive. I with Rocky Mountain Power, but with my old company, I did a lot of don't want to paint a picture that everyone was against having a woman them—four or five a year—and I absolutely loved speaking with young in the trade,because many people were very supportive. Most said they'd women who are the hard-working outdoor kind of people I relate to like to see more of it,but he was the most significant champion that I had. —that was me. I think there are so many people that would succeed in something similar to this trade, if not this trade. If I can open their eyes And would you lil<e to see more of it too? to that or educate them on that,then I've 100%succeeded. More women in the trade? The other thing is cultivating a generation of independent, self- Oh, I am all for it if they're there for the right reasons. If you come sufficient women.That's huge to me.There is something incredibly into a trade,you need to come into it not expecting the trade to healthy about being able to take care of yourself. Being able to do change for you. Not saying that women should live or work in hostile what I do, it helps me feel my worth,and I want other people to feel or difficult environments.just that this trade has been around since that as well. electricity, 150 years,and men have been doing it the whole time. So women should not expect the world to change around them because How do you think you can help shape the future? they're women, if that makes sense. My goal,when I first started this Positive behavior and excellence are contagious, so I guess that's what and really decided that it was something I wanted to do,was I wanted I see if I maintain the level of excellence that I feel I need to. Other to be a good lineman, not a good lineman for a woman, but just a people see that pride in your work,and that desire to always improve good lineman. I wanted to utilize the things that made me different, passes on to other people.That's how it is in my little sphere of but never allow it to be a crutch. influence.That's how I see myself shaping the future for the better. CURRENTS I MARCH 6,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) What advice would you give women today interested in working and advancing in nontraditional roles? Find a place to get your foot in the door,whether it's going to line demanding trade, and I'm not bulletproof,as much as I'd like to think school or a vocational school or just starting to apply for entry-level I am. So, I think in the future I would definitely be okay with other trades jobs.just get your foot in the door and then get ready to work. opportunities, but I also know I'd miss it. I don't know if that day is Work ethic will get you everywhere in life.Work hard and get ready to right now for me. But someday in the future, I would love to fulfill a put your boots on because it's going to be tough. But it'll be worth it. role like that. I think I've always had a heart for it, and I think I could Where do you see your path taking you in the future? help a lot. You know, I've really thought about of where I envision myself in Thanks to Miritt Com forti, supply chain manager in Salt Lake City, and the future, and actually I'm enrolled in college now. I want to get a PAC Women, Poci fiCorp's employee resource group for women and their degree in human resources management,with the future in mind, supporters, for conducting this interview just because I know I will break down physically.A lineman, I would say, is one of the more physically demanding jobs there is. It's a pretty IN THE NEWS Re o pp ro-w �rq ton (a 4&ff Ld sh 01/1" The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Feb. 10 approved Twenty utilities and market participants across the western U.S. and the Western Resource Adequacy Program, clearing the way for the Canada have signed up to participate. In addition to PacifiCorp,the West's first region-wide reliability planning and compliance program. WRAP's participants are:Arizona Public Service,Avista, Bonneville The voluntary WRAP, proposed at FERC in August by the Western Power Administration, Calpine, Chelan County Public Utility District, Power Pool, is designed to ensure the West has enough power supplies Clatskanie PUD, Eugene Water&Electric Board, Grant PUD, Idaho through a regional approach that is expected to be more efficient and Power, Northwestern Energy, NV Energy, Portland General Electric, less expensive than the existing utility-by-utility framework. Powerex, Puget Sound Energy, Salt River Project, Seattle City Light, Shell Energy, Snohomish County PUD and Tacoma Power. PacifiCorp worked extensively with the Western Power Pool and other potential participants in the development of the WRAP,which will provide a more accurate regional picture of resource needs and supply. It offers a region-wide approach for assessing and addressing resource adequacy,taking advantage of operating efficiencies, diversity WRAP and sharing of pooled resources. "We're so pleased that FERC shared the industry's appreciation for ADDITIONAL WPP FOOTPRINT the value of a region-wide resource adequacy program and supported our vision for it,"WPP president and CEO Sarah Edmonds said in a NON-WPP FOOT PRINT statement. "This is a critical step for the West to help ensure that we • CURRENT WRAP FOOTPRINT can achieve a clean energy future without sacrificing reliability." PacifiCorp sees the WRAP as a vital component of a modernized grid that,together with the existing Western Energy Imbalance Market and pending Extended Day-Ahead Market,will work to ensure the benefits and certainty needed to meet customers'growing demands for a reliable and clean grid. "The WRAP will increase reliability across the West and for our customers;" said Michael Wilding,vice president, energy supply management. "The WRAP participants and stakeholders,along with the Western Power Pool,worked collaboratively to provide a Utilities from the northwest,the desert southwest,Canada and northern California are expected to be solution. It's gratifying to see that work result in FERC's approval:' part ofthe WRAP's overall footprint. CURRENTS I MARCH 6,2023 3 c4ftwols rwav&W MWO& � A credit of$132.85 will be applied to the electric bill of each Pacific Power residential and small business customer in California in March. The bill credit is part of California's efforts to fight climate change through a program requiring large industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution permits.The California Climate Credit, which is funded by these permit fees, is distributed to customers via their power bills as electric service providers pass through the credit. In 2023,the California Public Utilities Commission is accelerating the distribution of these credits to help energy users manage increasing costs for heating and the general cost of living. Usually,these credits are distributed in April and October each year, but the commission has taken action to alter this schedule and is considering additional actions that could increase the amount of the credit planned for October 2023. Customers can learn more about the California Climate Credit at the CPUC website. HEALTH AND SAFETY PCAkf C& t"NyS 4 V�Si Eye disease and vision loss affect millions of Americans.The good Get a comprehensive eye exam regularly. Getting a dilated eye news is,there's a lot we can do to keep our eyes healthy and protect exam is simple and painless—and it's the single best thing you can do our vision. Use these simple steps to protect your eyes from things for your eye health. that can harm them. Even if your eyes feel healthy,you could have a problem and not Wear sunglasses.You know the sun's ultraviolet rays can harm your know it.That's because many eye diseases don't have any symptoms skin, but did you know the same goes for your eyes? Protect them or warning signs. by wearing sunglasses—even on cloudy days. Be sure to look for A dilated eye exam is the only way to check for many eye diseases sunglasses that block 99 to 100%of both UVA and UVB radiation. early on,when they're easier to treat. Wear protective eyewear. Use the safety glasses and goggles that Source:National Eye Institute are designed to protect your eyes against chemical,environmental and mechanical hazards at work. Protective eyewear should also be worn during certain activities outside of work, like playing sports or doing home repairs. Give your eyes a rest. If you spend a lot of time focusing on one thing, such as a computer screen,your eyes can get tired.Try the 20- 20-20 rule to reduce eyestrain: Every 20 minutes, look at something ' about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Take care of your overall health. Healthy habits like eating well - and being active can lower your risk for diseases and conditions t that can lead to eye and vision problems, like diabetes or high Y. ' blood pressure. Smoking increases your risk of diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts and can harm the optic nerve. --_ CURRENTS I MARCH 6,2023 4 IT UPDATE filWoTog0(fvr.r,2013 sApf,;�dta4f Apd 1I Microsoft is ending support for the Office 2013 suite of products on April 11.This includes Word 2013, Excel 2013 and other Office 2013 products. Once support ends,these applications will become unsupported and non-compliant with security and must be updated to current versions. Many corporate systems are already updated. Clients with systems still on Office 2013 will be notified in the coming weeks with instructions on how to upgrade. If you would like to verify your version of MS Office,you can follow these steps to see if you may be impacted. 1. Click the Start button in the bottom-left corner. 2. Click Settings. t} 3. Click Apes. 4. Under Apps and Features, look for either of these: vApps ■ Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise-en-us �— Uninstall,defaults,optional features Microso ice ProfessiQnnLPlus2013 If you only show MS Office 365, no action will need to be taken. If you have MS Office 2013 installed, it will need to be removed. Instructions will be sent to you in a follow-up email. If MS Office 2013 needs to be removed and you still need to use any of these products,you can access MS Office 365 through https://office.com. If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. MAKE A DIFFERENCE Mark your calendar for the 26th annual Benefit Golf Classic!Then join PacifiCorp employees, retirees,friends and family for a fun round of golf in beautiful Hood River, Oregon,to support the Oregon Burn Center. The Benefit Golf Classic is sponsored by PacifiCorp, IBEW Local 125 and other area utilities. - When: Saturday,June 24 - - Where: Indian Creek Golf Course, Hood River How: Registration will open in May at benefitgolfclassic.com. .. 'T H _ � r IN THE NEWS Funding helps organizations deliver creative education and enrichment in local communities Arts and cultural organizations play an essential role in maintaining a healthy and resilient society.They provide programs that entertain and educate, support creative expression, • • inspire young minds, nurture wellbeing and help us look at the world in new ways. These organizations also strengthen communities by drawing people together for shared experiences and by contributing to the local economy. To support the vital work of arts and cultural organizations,the PacifiCorp Foundation, the company's nonprofit arm, is donating$410,500 in 117 new grants across the six states we serve.The grants will help fund projects ranging from bilingual Shakespeare performances to free music events,and from programming that engages diverse youth in SAFE & SECURE public art projects to museums that preserve and share regional cultural history. PacifiCorp safety results as of "These organizations, large and small, reflect our shared humanity.They inspire us not only 3/10/2023 with their creative programs but also with the vibrant and inclusive spirit they bring to the communities where we live and work;" said Abbie Rice, senior foundation administrator. "We're honored to support the incredible work they are doing:" RECORDABLE Alvin M.Josephy, Jr. 100 Years on tu YTD ON TRACK?ba Frontlines 6 yy11401, TARGET 30-_ VEHICLE ACCIDENTS 1 YTD ON TRACK? TARGET _- - 31 The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture received a Pacific Power Foundation grant to support Native artists and speakers and provide teaching materials to increase Nez Perce educational and cultural learning in Wallowa County schools. CURRENTS I MARCH 13,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) This round of grants focused on art and culture is one of the • Capitol Theatre Committee for the Capitol Kids Series that foundation's four quarterly grant cycles.The other three cover provides multilingual, multicultural performances and artist residency community enhancement and environmental respect,education/ activities for student groups from kindergarten through college and STEM,and safety and wellness in our communities. for community events in Yakima,Washington. Some of the PacifiCorp Foundation grants supporting • Platte River Trails Trust for Wind Cathedral,a public art installation community arts and cultural organizations include: by artist Chris Navarro that uses spent wind turbine blades originally destined for the landfill.Twelve blades standing on end will form a • Red Scarf Society for the Performing Arts for the staging of six "tunnel"over a section of the Platte River Trail near Casper Wyoming. concerts in the Yreka, California, area. • St.Anthony Parks and Recreation for playground equipment to help create the Harry Worrell Toddler Park,which will provide underserved youth with a safe space to learn,grow and play in their Idaho community. • Arts Council of Pendleton, Oregon,to support access to free arts education and experiences for over 1,200 rural youth - in Eastern Oregon, including visual arts, literary arts and music _ instruction. • Full Circle Intertribal Center for Nourishing Traditions Cultural Dinners that provide a place where Native American community members can cook traditional foods and share a meal with Native traditions in Moab, Utah. Idaho's Oxford Peak Arts Council received a Rocky Mountain Power Foundation grant to help produce 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreomcoat"as 2023s annual youth production. Alyw" Vq&"qd Rocky Mountain Power filed a general rate case with the Wyoming "While these costs are generally outside our reasonable control,we Public Service Commission March 1, seeking an overall customer rate are actively managing our system to offset these costs and reduce increase of 21.6%. impacts on our customers;' said Sharon Fain,vice president for If approved,a typical Wyoming household using 709 kilowatt-hours Wyoming. of electricity each month would see an average increase of$16.42 "Our proposed rate increase is lower than the nationwide spike on their monthly bill. in energy prices because of our continued efforts, including the A number of factors explain the size of the requested increase, integration of low-cost renewables in our diverse resource portfolio including inflation, extreme weather and market volatility. Since 2021, and our participation in innovative markets that allow us to buy natural gas fuel prices have risen 89%and the company's coal fuel energy at the lowest possible price available" prices have increased 38%,while open market power costs have The proposal will be reviewed by the Wyoming commission and, if increased 199%.The company does not make a profit on these approved,the updated rates will go into effect Jan. 1, 2024. costs—they are passed through directly to customers. These are among the factors raising the costs of providing electric service ,it38% 89% 1 199% Increase in Rise in natural Increase in coal fuel gas fuel prices open market prices for 2024 since 2021 power cost P P CURRENTS I MARCH 13,2023 2 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION otfwu�v I&hIM4 &f Potj ct4 When we consider what it means to live and work in diverse Focusing on our strengths is key to an exercise that many of us have communities and organizations,we might not immediately think recently completed:the CliftonStrengths assessment. CliftonStrengths of neurological differences. Yet the way our brains are wired can is a talent model that measures natural patterns of thinking,feeling define the way we experience the world—and the workplace. and behaving based on 34 talent themes.The program focuses on identifying each individual's strengths and how to build on them, This week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week,a worldwide initiative rather than worrying about weaknesses. Its intent is to help us to challenge misconceptions about people with neurological differences recognize what makes each person unique and appreciate our co- and create a world that understands it takes all kinds of different minds. workers' contributions in a more specific way. Let's look at what that means and how we can be make our Knowing our strengths strengthens us all workplace more inclusive by recognizing the strengths that come from In the context of neurodiversity,the key takeaway is that differences diverse ways of thinking and being. in how people think,act and experience the world are very real—and No two minds are alike—and that's a good thing those differences are a source of great value for our organization. The terms "neurodiversity" and "neurodivergent"generally refer to If every member of a team held the same limited set of strengths, people with autism and those who learn and process information in the team's collective capabilities would be limited. But,for example, different ways,such as people with dyslexia or ADHD. Neurodiversity when one team member is good at efficiently gathering and organizing advocates reinforce that there isn't a"right"way of thinking, information and another is good at communicating that information communicating and behaving,and that differences should not be and influencing others with it,the group benefits from two very viewed as deficits. distinct types of minds. Last year,we identified some tips for making our workplaces friendly At PacifiCorp,we believe that creating an inclusive workplace culture and inclusive for neurodiverse employees, customers and others.As where we value each individual and the characteristics that make them with so many aspects of diversity, it's important we avoid making unique is not only the right thing to do but is also fundamental to the assumptions rooted in our unconscious biases—particularly ways we success of our business. Inclusion broadens our perspectives,encourages might think others "ought to" speak or behave. If we push too hard new ideas,and opens new opportunities to transform the way we work. for conformity with what we think is "normal,"we miss opportunities If you want to learn more about CliftonStrengths and how to arrange to cultivate the many strengths and talents of our teams. a session for your team, contact PacifiCorp Learning& Development. You can learn more about the assessment on YouTube. ot . .�• • O 4 *° L ono 25 - 2 i CURRENTS I MARCH 13,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITY &t,f w4tV96. 0"61 fVA fl�af, How are you feeling these days?The truth is that we're all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout. Understanding what they are and how they work helps us create a better, more satisfying lifestyle. r?'•. �'' '" In this webinar, we'll define stress, pressure and burnout, and recognize the unique ways they show up for us. You'll be able to evaluate your work and lifestyle to identify opportunities for healing. You'll also get valuable strategies to manage the effectsT R E S S and recharge yourself. 1+� '- Sign up here to hold your calendar on Wednesday, March 29 at 11 � ' a.m. to noon PT/ noon to 1 p.m. MT. This webinar will be hosted by Julie Frank, learning and development manager. ; IT UPDATES Of&*6 Stwntltfav" "fft t� To provide a better customer service experience,the BHE Service The IT Help Request form replaces the existing BHE Service Desk form Desk is introducing a new, enhanced IT self-service form called and is located under the Service Desk section of Digital Workplace. IT Help Request in Digital Workplace.The IT Help Request form Service Desk provides a quick and efficient way to receive help with common services that are typically requested via email. IT Help Request The IT Help Request form prompts for key information, creates a ticket on your behalf and auto-assigns it to the proper support team, effectively reducing the time it takes to resolve an issue or We continue to seek improvements in IT to provide a better service fulfill a request. experience. Self-service options allow all clients to benefit from With the implementation of the IT Help form March 16,the BHE Service streamlined services at their convenience.The BHE Service Desk will Desk will no longer accept requests via email.You will receive an continue to provide phone support via all current contact numbers. automatic reply directing you to complete the IT Help Request. Review this FAQ for additional information. SAP tvmt� PWI 0 &4 f&&Af/ On Thursday, March16,from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m. PT (7-10 p.m. MT), changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. PACIFICORP 0 1f� .� ! PACIFICORP. Pacific Power Rocky Mountain Power EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT MARCH 20, 2023 W INSK HIS Issul c6"f4a 50 p441 W" Employee Spotlight 1 First was journeyman serviceman Michaela Haroldson, one of the company's first female In The News 3 line workers. This week, meet Jamie Austin,the first female engineer hired at PacifiCorp,who just marked 50 years with the company. OpportunitiesLearning Jamie, thanks very much for joining us for this spotlight. To start off, tell us about yourself. Where do you call home? What brought you to PacifiCorp? Sustainability at Work 1 grew up in Lebanon (the country)on a Make a Difference 6 little farm and was one of the first from my family to attend college.It all started when my father's cousin (my aunt)sponsored me to attend high school at The Dalles, SAFE & SECURE Oregon. I came to the U.S.at age 15. PacifiCorp safety results as of I'd enjoyed math and science in school and ` 3/17/2023 my interest in engineering began with a field trip to The Dalles hydroelectric dam - RECORDABLE while attending Wahtonka High School. My math teacher spoke of the degree YTD ON TRACK? of difficulty associated with electrical engineering.This somehow resonated with me and increased my interest in pursuing a degree in electrical engineering. •' TARGET I was accepted to the University of Portland School of Engineering and worked my way 30 through the program to supplement a scholarship that covered the tuition. My aunt's elderly relative lived close to the University of Portland. She welcomed the opportunity to have a resident student to help with household chores in exchange for room and board. I was the first woman to graduate from the University of Portland in engineering in 1973. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS This was the year of long lines at gas stations due to the oil embargo and shortages in power engineers.A degree in electrical power engineering,especially in the early 70s,was YTD ON TRACK? valuable. I applied to several jobs at the time and was accepted to several of them.The 7 package from PacifiCorp included a sponsorship for U.S.citizenship. I was the first female engineer hired by the company in 1973. TARGET Although I held a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, I was started as an "associate 31 engineer."This, plus challenges from some co-workers who made me feel out of place, led me to work in the evenings on a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. I was the first woman to receive such a degree from the University of Portland in 1977. (Continued) CURRENTS I MARCH 20,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) I'm fortunate to have been involved in the development of the Anchor Data Set at WECC and have led the effort on behalf of MAy6,1973 PacifiCorp since its inception in 2007.This data set is the basis that FIRST WOMAN all transmission providers and regional transmission organizations in the West use to perform power system studies.The same data set is GRADUATE OF THE used by the National Labs to develop methods and tools that help the SCHOOL OF industry in performing reliability system planning. ENGINEERING Through my involvement in regional activities, I've been able to After more than 20 years of support PacifiCorp's Energy Gateway projects on many fronts, coeduction in Up's School of including in-house analyses defining capacity,the timing sequence and Engineering,Jameely Badyh positioning of the various segments. Farah is the first female to receive her diploma. There's a lot going on in transmission planning! What are the biggest priorities you are working on?What Unh r 1tvofPortlandArchives keeps things interesting? Read the University of Portland Beacon's timeline celebrating Women's History Month,Which Building a green energy future is bringing about new and greater includes Jamie as the first Woman to graduate from the school of Engineering. challenges to transmission planning,especially for building a reliable You've just celebrated your 50-year service anniversary electric power grid. Moving from using base-loaded resources (thermal at PacifiCorp. Wow! From your perspective, how has the generation)to inverter-based resources ("IBR" resources—wind,solar, company and the energy industry changed during that time? batteries—used to store the energy) is a paradigm shift that comes I've learned over the years that an engineering career is highly with challenges including grid modernization.The transmission team dependent on collaboration and teamwork. is addressing not only decarbonization but also resiliency and the My initial experiences in school,followed by working as an engineer at integration of new technologies such as nuclear,offshore wind,etc. PacifiCorp,were unfortunately initially tarnished by gender stereotypes. The volume of study requests to integrate IBR resources is My career at PacifiCorp for the past 50 years has been like a roller exponentially greater than just adding base-loaded resources, netting coaster.While I'd worked positively on teams,there have been many much more work than ever before. challenges due to some of the stereotypical issues that have existed. Public policy has played a big role, contributing to the speed with The more conservative sectors in our industry have an "old boys club" which we're needing to comply, unlike anything that had happened in culture,which has led to businesses being overwhelmingly dominated the past when it came to planning for a grid primarily using thermal by men.This area of the energy industry is lagging on the gender resources.This brings with it a need to change rules and regulations, divide. However,the renewable sector is still relatively new,which including standards that govern the implementation of system means that the culture has not had the time to fully develop, and reliability(FERC, NERC,WECC, PacifiCorp, etc). women's voices are not as overlooked. Thinking ahead to the future,what do you think the energy The motto "make lemonade from a lemon" has worked well for me. sector is going to be like in the decades ahead?Anything that Staying with PacifiCorp over the past 50-odd years has afforded me you find most exciting—or concerning? the opportunity to build a diversified portfolio of expertise working in PacifiCorp has been a trailblazer,first joining the California Independent many areas of the company. I started my career working in substation System Operator in launching the Western Energy Imbalance Market, design, moved to estimation,area planning and transmission planning, and we all know the value that has brought to our customers. followed by a short stop in PacifiCorp Power Marketing. I returned to PacifiCorp is continuing that visionary foresight by being the first to join PacifiCorp operations, mergers and acquisitions,followed by a stop in the CAISO on the Extended Day-Ahead Market that is expected to resource planning supporting the development of the 2005 Integrated bring yet more vast savings. Much more optimization will come from Resource Plan. Following that short stint, I was called on to join the EDAM than from just the WEIM.WEIM plus EDAM will allow not only strategic planning group,which was followed by a principal engineer the pooling of current real-time needs, but additional resources as well, position in transmission. to the extent they are made available to manage expected next day Many of these moves were due to company changes and mergers, needs. Ultimately,this approach could lead to a regional transmission including the acquisition by Scottish Power and then by Berkshire organization for the West.This is a good thing. Hathaway Energy. During March,we've been recognizing Women's History Month. What do you like most about your work? Do you have any thoughts about how the roles of women at the With my background and with support from my management, I have company and in the industry have changed during your career? been allowed to represent the company on regional forums such as Have there been challenges—and are there still? the Northern Tier Transmission Group (now NorthernGrid) as well Certainly, much has changed at PacifiCorp and in the power industry as appointments to leadership positions at the Western Electricity at large over the past 50 years,and the industry owes a collective Coordinating Council and on Technical Review Committees by the debt of gratitude for the women who persevered to reach the senior National Laboratories and the U.S. Department of Energy. roles they now hold. (Continued) CURRENTS I MARCH 20,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) Getting opportunities to work in different parts of the company is critical for women to have a shot at senior management positions. Obviously,getting those opportunities has a lot to do with the managers one works under, and the culture the company exhibits. Do you have any advice for new employees joining engineering or other technical fields? Or for folks joining the energy sector in general, regardless of job type? I would recommend staying abreast of the field of practice through involvement in technical groups. In my case, among other groups, I was involved with: • The aforementioned involvement at WECC. • Several key positions in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, leading to the status of senior member: section chair for Oregon and southwest Washington,and serving for five years as a board member representing the IEEE on NORTHCON (an electrical-electronics show convention rotating between Seattle and Portland— 10,000 attendees). • A role on an advisory panel for the Shiley School of Engineering at the University of Portland. Thanks again for joining us today! To end on an informal note,what do you like to do for fun? I love to travel. IN THE NEWS At PacifiCorp,we're not just planning for a net-zero emissions future See how we're sharing this message with customers in our new video, —we're actively building it. Connecting the West: We've already made significant progress,and now we're accelerating our https:Hyoutu.be/3aYMiPg4O7O efforts and investments and leading the West to deliver an affordable, reliable, net-zero energy system that's ready for the decades ahead. i We are rapidly acquiring more clean energy resources, expanding transmission capacity to carry those resources across our system,and leading the development of new ways to manage the Western energy grid for reduced emissions, reliability and lower customer costs. THE POWER OFTHE CONNECTED This is work happening at a transformative scale, as only a utility of our size and reach can achieve,and it will benefit our 2 million+ customers across our six-state service area and the entire West. The result will be a connected West,where our customers and communities have access to the affordable, reliable, clean and non- e . carbon energy they need to thrive. pui,60 Pew r r4 weds&�a A*h&"tm 0vto tIA Pacific Power filed a general rate case with the Washington Utilities Net power expenses have increased roughly 37%since 2021.This general and Transportation Commission March 17 requesting an average rate request is based on a forecast for net power costs for 2024. customer rate increase of approximately 6.6% per year in 2024 and In addition to net power costs,the request includes increased fuel 2025 to recover the cost of new investments and rising power costs. costs for natural gas and capital investment in wind facilities and the If approved,the average residential customer bill will increase by Gateway South transmission project. $12.11 in the first year,followed by$9.34 in the second year. 'As a company,we're taking long-term actions to lessen the impact of Most of the requested increase is related to net power costs,which these rising costs on our customers;' said Matt McVee,vice president, have been climbing at unprecedented levels since the company's regulatory policy and operations. 'Additions of zero-fuel renewable 2019 Washington rate case. PacifiCorp does not make a profit on energy resources to our generating fleet have been selected from net power costs. among the least-cost, least-risk options available.Without these new resources and our wind repowering projects, our Washington rates would have increased by much more" (Continued) CURRENTS I MARCH 20,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) The Gateway South transmission line will lessen the effect of these rising costs by allowing the company to use additional capacity from low-cost energy resources across our diverse six-state service area, McVee explained. PacifiCorp has also led the region in the formation of cost-saving programs like the Western Energy Imbalance Market.The WEIM allows utilities across the West to access the lowest-cost energy available, capturing savings for customers. "Regionally, our peer utilities are facing similar bill pressures.We expect that,due to our focus on operating efficiently, adding cost- effective long-term resources and participating in innovative cost- saving markets,we will maintain our position as a low-cost energy provider," McVee said. The company's rate proposal will be reviewed by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and, if approved,the updated rates will go into effect starting March 1, 2024.The second rate update will be effective March 1, 2025. Pacific Power's Washington service area includes the city of Walla Walla.Our Washington customers enjoy some of the lowest energy bills in the country—see price comparisons here. PHISH TANK 9c,OVOC,I wish V4 If you use a mobile device, you've most likely received a smish in the past two years. Like phishing, smishing is on attempt to induce individuals to reveal personal information. While phishing attempts are made through email, smishing attempts are made through SMS text messages. Don't fall victim to smishing attempts. Here's what to watch for: • You get a text message with an appeal that requires "urgent" attention by either clicking on a link or calling a number. F;day 6:03 PM • It may be an unexpected message from your internet or cellular S O3pe�/•yo Am u� provider,a credit card company,or another common brand like A zit,�✓/myth C andZ"°t�tbe ages Witt Amazon, PayPal, Linkedln, Netflix,etc.asking you to verify a recent xr egg har/es h2sv�` ct purchase or account information. �4n��603P" •You may see these scammers posing as PacifiCorp executives or 0 Te managers. PacifiCorp executives and managers are never going to ask Xtmessage you to circumvent standard processes or reveal sensitive information. , O Here's how to respond: •Just like a phish, if you suspect a smish, never click the link or call the number provided. Do not reply to the smish. t1l E • Go directly to your account online or call the number published by the real provider to check the status of your account. f S n • You can report these text message scams to your wireless provider L using your phone's "report spam"feature or by forwarding the text message to 7726 (SPAM).This helps your provider spot and block similar messages in the future. • Be sure to report any company-related security issues to the BHE In this example of smishing—a phishing attempt made via SMS text message—the scommer pretends to be Amazon notifying the user of a valuable"loyalty reword"in hopes they will top the link to learn more. Global Security Operations Center. CURRENTS I MARCH 20,2023 4 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES (,If&o� fS� � tatt ts tf, "ki An acceptable use of assets policy documents the constraints, practices and rules put in place by the company for the use of computing resources such as hardware, software,telecommunications infrastructure, mobile devices, portable storage devices and information assets. �. Knowing the requirements and prohibitions related to their use is imperative for our employees to protect customer,employee and company sensitive information and reduce the likelihood of breaches. join Brad Shellman on Wednesday, March 22 at 12 p.m. PT/ 1 p.m. MT for a security learning session that dives into Berkshire Hathaway Energy's policy. It will include topics such as: • Use of computing resources • Passwords ' - /�� • Privacy • Clear desk and screen - • Personal use • Third party information services ✓���® • Software • Physical security • Portable storage devices • Incident reporting Recordings of past security sessions can be accessed on the Journey to Excellence website at Security Training. Ldf t&4o &: Om&j s ifs, af46 t&4 by How are you feeling these days?The truth is that we're all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout. Understanding what they are and how they work helps us create a better, more satisfying lifestyle. \ In this webinar,we'll define stress, pressure and burnout,and recognize the unique ways they show up for us.You'll be able to s S T evaluate your work and lifestyle to identify opportunities for healing. You'll also get valuable strategies to manage the effects and recharge yourself. Sign up here to hold your calendar on Wednesday, March 29 at ION o 11 a.m.to noon PT/noon to 1 p.m. MT. - S This webinar will be hosted by Julie Frank, learning and q development manager. CURRENTS I MARCH 20,2023 5 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK F46-ffi& com film-ffi cholffuld Celebrate the planet we call home by participating in First place winners at each business will select a charity to receive a Poci fiCorp's Earth Month Challenge April 1-301 $1,000 donation; second place is a$500 donation,and third place is a The challenge—brought to you by the Pacific Power Green Team and $250 donation. Rocky Mountain Power Sustainability Team—encourages everyone to Bookmark this Earth Month Challenge page to track your progress, identify and share opportunities to reduce waste and practice sustainable view the leaderboard,and return to complete additional activities! living for a chance to win a donation to a nonprofit of your choosing. Want to complete a sustainability activity that's not on the list? Submit How it worl<s an activity for review using the "Submit an Activity Idea!" button on 1. Sign up for the Earth Month Challenge here. (Log in using your the left-hand navigation panel. Upon review and approval, points will standard network credentials,then fill in the registration form and be rewarded for completing the activity. click Submit) MidAmerican Energy Company and NV Energy are also participating 2. Choose environmentally friendly activities from the in the challenge—let's see how they stack up to us! dashboard to complete. Contact Stacey Davis, Monica McDonald, Chelsey Roth, or lackie 3. Between April 1 and April 30, complete the activity and snap a Wetzsteon with any questions about the Earth Month Challenge. photo or take a screenshot to share. 4. Upload the photo or screenshot to the dashboard to earn points EARTH MONTH based on the level of difficulty. 5.At the end of the month,the top three participants at Pacific CHALLENGE Power and at Rocky Mountain Power will get to choose a nonprofit organization to receive a donation! MAKE A DIFFERENCE JJ sele,yuca TV& OUW 64 Nff�t Mark your calendar for the 26th annual Benefit Golf Classic!Then join PacifiCorp employees, retirees,friends and family for a fun round of golf in beautiful Hood River, Oregon,to support the Oregon Burn Center. The Benefit Golf Classic is sponsored by PacifiCorp, IBEW Local 125 and other area utilities. When: Saturday,June 24 Where: Indian Creek Golf Course, Hood River How: Registration will open in May at benefitgolfclassic.com. SEASONAL SAFETY 3 *V"f Ot 6& f+ " Spring has sprung, and the season's warmer days open the door for yard work, -. . . planting and outdoor spring cleaning. To stay safe and make the most of the mild weather, keep these three things in mind — and share them with family, ' friends and neighbors: 1. Plant and prune trees safely. Beautiful and essential,trees make our communities more livable, our homes more energy efficient and our lives more vibrant and healthy.Trees can also interfere with power lines,causing outages or creating other hazards. The company offers our Small Trees for Small Places booklets (PP/RMP versions)to help customers—and you—learn how to choose the right tree for the right location, how to safely plant trees in the vicinity of power lines,and other tree-related safety matters. Be sure to check for power lines in or near trees before pruning branches. Never try to SAFE & SECURE remove a branch that is tangled or lying across a power line. Instead,call Pacific Power PacifiCorp safety results as of or Rocky Mountain Power at 1-888-221-7070. 3/24/2023 Energy efficiency pro tip: Plant deciduous trees facing southeast and southwest for summer shade and winter sun.Shrubs and small trees can be placed to shade air RECORDABLE conditioners and heat pumps.Just be careful not to block air flow and keep the units free of leaves and needles. YTD ON TRACK? 11 TARGET 30 r4FVEHICLE ACCIDENTS � 1`~ YTTD ON TRACK? ! :a...... TARGET 31 (Continued) CURRENTS MARCH 27,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) 2. Before you dig, call 8-1-1 to locate underground 3. Look up and maintain a 10-foot circle of safety. utility lines. Always be aware of the location of overhead power lines. Be careful Utility lines beneath the ground provide all the essentials of a safe, not to lift or move any long or tall items such as gutters, ladders modern home,including electricity,internet,water, natural gas and sewer. or irrigation pipes near power lines—they can conduct electricity To ensure your safety,call 8-1-1 to locate buried utilities before you start through you. any projects that involve digging on your property, including landscaping, Follow the 10-foot circle of safety rule: Keep everyone and everything fence installation or construction. It's free and it's the law,one that can —you,the tools and materials you are handling and the equipment prevent thousands of dollars in damage and the risk of injuries. you are operating—at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines The 411 on 8-1-1:Think it's not that deep? Dug there before?You and anything that may be touching the line. might not know your area as well as you think. Even if you've previously Sprinkler safety tip: Do not spray water on power lines, equipment excavated an area,erosion,settling ground and other factors can change or structures or allow water from your irrigation or sprinkler system the depth and location of utilities overtime.Contact 8-1-1 before to hit electrical infrastructure.A stream of water hitting energized putting a shovel in the ground—every dig,every time. equipment can create a path for electricity. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION OPP rograwt P"(Xaftv 6tt ka"s ill) 6"r C-V�Uwfj Six PacifiCorp employees and members of VETRN,the company's They also heard several discussions from panelists on the importance employee resource group for veterans,attended the 2023 Veterans of employee resource groups like VETRN,offering attendees the in Energy Leadership Forum March 6-7 in Arlington,Virginia—just opportunity to learn more about tools that Veterans in Energy can across the Potomac River from the nation's capital.They joined provide to ERGS moving forward. counterparts from MidAmerican Energy and other utilities from across the country for two days of professional development, informative speakers and panels,and networking with other veterans in the energy industry. l "The Veterans in Energy conference this year was a wonderful event that allowed veterans groups from multiple companies and sectors of M the energy community to come together," said Charlene King, logistics and materials manager and one of VETRN's leaders. = Charlene King,PacifiCorp logistics manager(seated center),joined peers on the Frontline Stories panel to discuss herjourney from the military to the energy industry. VETRN members also had the chance to talk to ERG leaders from other electric utilities to share best practices, identify priorities and gather ideas for activities that can help an ERG thrive. "The group was honored to attend the forum and is excited to use what we learned to improve our business and increase support to our veteran families," MiclAmerican's Milt Buker said on Yammer. VETRN members from PacifiCorp and MidAmerican Energy paused for a group photo at the Veterans in Energy Leadership Forum. A sacred moment for VETRN's Ron Wild "This was an opportunity to listen to different speakers talk about Ron Wild,regional business manager at RockyMountain Power different facets of the energy industry and to listen to stories from and another VETRN leader, shares his heartfelt thoughts retired military officers about their part in the energy industry and the as the Veterans in Energy conference attendees dispersed value of veterans in the industry." throughout the hallowed Arlington National Cemetery and he Among their activities, PacifiCorp attendees at the conference listened found himself in his "sacred place." to a panel on energy supply chains and the impacts of ongoing As the sun began to rise over Arlington Cemetery,a peaceful hush fell challenges as the utility sector competes with the electric car industry over the fields of stone.The tombstones,standing in neat rows,seemed for materials. (Continued) CURRENTS I MARCH 27,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) to stretch out into infinity,a silent testament to the thousands of men The Honor Guard continued their march,their precision and discipline and women who had given their lives in service to their country. a tribute to the fallen.They moved with a quiet reverence,their eyes The only sound was the soft crunch of footsteps as the Honor Guard fixed on the tomb,as if willing the unknown soldier to rest in peace. made their way to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.They moved As the sun rose higher,the fields of stone began to come to life.The with a solemn grace,their crisp uniforms a sharp contrast to the air was filled with the sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustle stillness of the stones around them. of leaves in the breeze.The cemetery, once a place of silence and As they approached the tomb,the sky began to turn shades of orange stillness,was now alive with the promise of a new day. and pink,casting a warm glow over the field.The Honor Guard paused, But even as life continued around them,the Honor Guard remained standing at attention,as they waited for the changing of the guard. steadfast,their vigil unbroken. For in this place of honor,where the As the new guard took his post,the sun broke over the horizon, fields of stone seemed to stretch on forever,there was no forgetting casting its first light over the tomb.The marble gleamed in the early the sacrifice of those who had come before. morning light, and the intricate carvings on its surface seemed to How to get involved come to life. VETRN is a PacifiCorp employee resource group that works to For a moment,the only movement was the flutter of the flags at promote inclusion and engagement of veteran employees and their half-mast,waving in the gentle breeze.Then, slowly,the Honor Guard family members. began their march,their polished shoes tapping out a steady rhythm. "Employee resource groups are an important part of developing a As they moved,the sun climbed higher,casting more and more light over sense of belonging and community within any organization;' said Wild. the cemetery.The stones,once shrouded in shadows,now sparkled ERGS are made up of employees who share a common interest or with a new radiance,each one a reminder of a life lost in service. identity, such as being U.S. military veterans. "ERGS like VETRN provide a forum for employees to share their experiences, support each other, and work together to create positive change within the organization, rather than having to seek that from the world;" he added. To get involved, email Veterans Employee Resource Group and visit their Yammer page. _ , 1 r ov It N - j "Being an ally is not who you are, but what you do," says Darla Zink, All employees are welcome to join the April meetings for the ERGS— chief diversity officer, Berkshire Hathaway Energy. and any future meetings! If you are already a member of an ERG,you By listening and learning with our employee resource groups,we should have a recurring meeting request on your calendar. If you are create a sense of belonging and community at PacifiCorp and across not a member of the group, use the links below to send an email to Berkshire Hathaway Energy.We allow space for individuals to come our different ERGS to sign up. Be sure to check out the together, share experiences and support one another in ways we Yammer communities for each ERG as well. otherwise could not. Our Familia,Thursday, April 6, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT For the month of April, each employee resource group will host a panel of guests to discuss what allyship is and showcase how similar— ' Featuring panelists Amy Key, MiclAmerican principal engineer-NERC; and different—allyship can be in practice. Antoine Tilmon, NV Energy vice president customer operations; and Gino Blefari, HomeServices of America president and CEO If you support diversity, equity and inclusion, but you don't know what to do, attend one or more of these sessions and learn to (Continued) become a more active ally. CURRENTS I MARCH 27,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) BEAUTIE,Thursday, April 13, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT • Featuring panelists Nick Marquardt, Northern Natural Gas vice president engineering; Mike Gehringer, MiclAmerican vice president customer operations;and Darla Zink, BHE chief diversity officer InspirAsian,Wednesday,April 19, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT • Featuring panelists Burt Short, BHE Renewables human resources manager; Emily Weaver, PacifiCorp director of diversity,equity and inclusion;and Tna Brooks, BHE diversity,equity and inclusion manager Pride Connection,Wednesday,April 26,9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT -Featuring panelists Pat Reiten, Berkshire Hathaway Energy senior vice president, public policy;Amanda Sadleir,Altal-ink corporate communications manager;and Rachelle Hannon, PacifiCorp principal engineer/operations project manager ` 1 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES These days we're all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout. N 0 Understanding what they are and how they work can help us create a better, more satisfying lifestyle. In this webinar,we'll define stress, pressure and burnout,and recognize the ways they show up in our personal and work T R E S S lives.You'll be able to evaluate your work and lifestyle to identify opportunities for healing and get valuable strategies to manage the effects and recharge yourself. Sign up here to hold your calendar on Wednesday, March 29 at �1 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT. ,�� x � I 0e This webinar will be hosted by Julie Frank, learning and development .r� manager. IT UPDATE ow S4--saVvC-f/(Ohl ft waw a-rnmat"TT A new self-service form is helping the BHE IT Service Desk This new form replaces email requests,and can be found in the offer a better customer service experience to employees. The Service Desk section of Digital Workplace (on the intranet Tools tab IT Help Request form provides an efficient way to get help with under Companywide Applications > IT Self-Service). common requests typically submitted via email. For questions, review this FAQ or email the BHE Service Desk. Here's how it works:The IT Help Request form prompts for key Service Desk information,then creates a ticket and auto-assigns it to the proper support team. This reduces the amount of time it takes to get an issue resolved or fulfill a request. IT Help Request CURRENTS I MARCH 27,2023 4 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK Celebrate the planet we call home by participating in Poci fiCorp's Earth Month Challenge April 1-30! • The challenge—brought to you by the Pacific Power Green Team and • �� : / / / i / Rocky Mountain Power Sustainability Team—encourages everyone to identify and share opportunities to reduce waste and practice sustainable living for a chance to win a donation to a nonprofit of your choice. How it works 1. Sign up for the Earth Month Challenge here. (Log in using your standard network credentials,then fill in the registration form and click Submit) First place winners at each business will select a charity to receive a 2. Choose environmentally friendly activities from the $1,000 donation; second place is a$500 donation,and third place is dashboard to complete. a$250 donation. 3. Between April 1 and April 30, complete the activity and snap a Bookmark the Earth Month Challenge page and get ready to photo or take a screenshot to share. complete activities,track your progress and watch the leaderboard starting April 1! 4. Upload the photo or screenshot to the dashboard to earn points based on the level of difficulty. Contact Stacey Davis, Monica McDonald, Chelsey Roth, or Jackie Wetzsteon with any questions about the Earth 5.At the end of the month,the top three participants at Pacific Month Challenge. Power and at Rocky Mountain Power will get to choose a nonprofit organization to receive a donation! MAKE A DIFFERENCE &V#4 oety"&/,%Mj7 Join the Sustainability Team at NTO or plan your own community cleanup! u The Rocky Mountain Power Sustainability Team is challenging co- ✓ workers across the service area to get out and celebrate Earth Day `wig with a cleanup effort around your home, office or facility. Join the team at NTO and the Jordan River Parkway April 4,or gather your co-workers or family members for a cleanup effort in @ s! your area. Pick up litter from green spaces and roadways to give your community a fresh Spring cleaning! What: Litter and trash cleanup at NTO and Jordan River Parkway 44 When: Tuesday April 4, 11 a.m.to 1 p.m. �"�►" Where: Check in at our table in the NTO lobby. r Garbage bags and buckets will be provided.We will have water, snacks and sunscreen. Please bring your own gloves and wear your If you have questions or need a T-shirt,contact Stacey Davis, blue "make a difference" T-shirt. 801-220-2047. PACIFICORP. POWERING YOUR GREATNESIr, r _ IN THE NEWS P4&gdfV'f 2023 p&&04WV s 0i A45t-Wk-KW The plan advances reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the transition ' to clean energy sources. PacifiCorp on March 31 filed its 2023 Integrated Resource Plan with the six state utility commissions in the company's service area, advancing its path to net-zero emissions. The biennial long-term resource plan calls for a dramatic increase of nearly four times the company's current wind and solar resources to a total of 20,000 megawatts by 2032,in addition to 7,400 megawatts of energy storage by 2029,as PacifiCorp continues to advance on its trajectory toward decarbonization and meet state and federal regulations and requirements. 0 The 2023 IRP builds on PacifiCorp's strong reliability by leveraging the abundant diversity of resources that are available across its vast multi-state transmission network,from the Rockies to the Pacific Coast.The plan continues investments in innovative emissions-free technologies, including advanced nuclear and non-emitting peaking resources that meet high-demand energy needs. "The advanced nuclear resources that appear in the plan represent a promising future SAFE & SECURE for our employees and communities in rural Utah and Wyoming," said Rick Link, senior PacifiCorp safety results as of vice president of resource planning, procurement and optimization at PacifiCorp. 'As we 3/31/2023 transition to a net-zero energy future, it is important to leverage the experience, skills and dedication of the communities that have supplied our energy needs for the past century." 7- RECORDABLE INCIDENTS Although carbon capture utilization and storage as a resource type was not selected in the current preferred portfolio, PacifiCorp remains committed to exploring this technology YTD ON TRACK? where it makes sense for customers. 11 The plan also calls for continued progress on demand response and energy efficiency programs. PacifiCorp's innovative resource plan is enabled by the expansion and modernization of its transmission network to deliver the most cost effective and reliable TARGET energy portfolio to serve customers. 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? IN 8 -= TARGET 31 new I I u I `i~1 I IS CURRENTS APRIL 3,2023 (Continued) (Continued from previous page) "We are engaged in a fundamental remaking of our regional Investments in new resources and transmission that appear in the generation and transmission network,which has served our company's plan are envisioned for multiple states,from the Pacific customers so well for decades;" Link said. 'As new sustainable Coast to the Rockies.The company is accelerating its investments generating resources come online,we will expand our transmission in Wyoming and Utah with new transmission, advanced nuclear, network to ensure the reliability and reasonable costs our customers renewable energy and storage resources. In addition to the advanced expect and deserve.This plan includes short-term actions and a 20- nuclear reactor project selected by the 2021 IRP for the Kemmerer, year vision designed to meet the needs of customers tomorrow and Wyoming,area by 2030,the 2023 plan selected two more advanced for the next generation:' nuclear projects,which could be located in Utah near currently Developed with comprehensive data analysis and active stakeholder operating thermal coal plants.The company is also expanding input spanning more than a year,the plan results in a system-wide transmission in Oregon and Idaho to increase access to renewable 70% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels by resources,serve growing customer demand and substantially expand 2030,an 87% reduction by 2035 and a 100% reduction by 2050. its transfer capability, resource diversity and resilience benefits PacifiCorp's western states' emissions reductions will be even more between the West and the Rockies. accelerated in compliance with individual state emissions targets and Developed through comprehensive data analysis and computer clean energy requirements. modeling of the future needs of customers,together with an The company remains focused on delivering safe,affordable and reliable assessment of available resource types,the Integrated Resource Plan power to its customers and communities.As part of these efforts, yields a preferred portfolio of resources across a 20-year planning PacifiCorp continues to drive market innovation,including plans to join horizon.The plan selects the least-cost, least-risk resource types,which the Extended Day Ahead Market with the California Independent System will become the basis for a future Request for Proposals,a competitive Operator in 2025.The EDAM will allow participants to trade the lowest- bidding process that will select specific projects for construction. cost available energy a day in advance.The EDAM builds upon,and will The preferred portfolio includes new investments in wind and solar expand on,the success of the Western Energy Imbalance Market,which generation,and battery storage co located with many of the solar has saved PacifiCorp customers over$591 million since 2014. projects,joined together with a major expansion of energy efficiency "Our Integrated Resource Plan is designed to determine the lowest- and customer demand-management programs. cost options for customers, adjusting for risks,future customer needs, To connect and optimize these diverse, clean resources across the system reliability, market projections and changing technology;" Link West with a strengthened and modernized transmission network,the said. "We depended a great deal on public involvement by utility modeling process selected additional transmission projects that will regulators, customers and other stakeholder groups to develop this be needed to ensure reliability for customers and create maximum plan.We are grateful for their involvement" opportunities for communities in the company's service area to thrive. 06A,o In April, Blue Sky will mark 23 years as a leading customer-supported renewable energy program,and our participating customers have a OUR IMPACT IN 2022 lot to be proud of. In 2022,more than 141,000 Blue Sky participants In 2022, more than 141,000 Blue Sky participants collectively made a difference: supported 1,015,494 megawatt-hours of renewable energy, reducing ` I, their combined carbon footprints by 678,350 tons of CO2e. J. ; By supporting clean, renewable energy,these customers have reduced their carbon footprint and are helping accelerate the transition 1015 494 that's enough energy to power to clean renewable energy, making a big difference for their own megawatt-hours 97,832 communities and for the planet we all call home. of renewable energy Supported homes for a year Blue Sky is a simple,customizable opt-in program that empowers O customers to match all or a portion of their electricity use with renewable energy for as little as$1.95 each month.Those dollars are put gym■■ 362 to work developing renewable energy resources(including utility-scale and community-based renewable T local community projects)and,in Oregon,restoring fish habitat. energy projects funded since 2006 Oregon customers can add the Blue Sky Habitat option to their Blue O Sky Usage plan.The additional monthly donation of$2.50 goes directly to The Freshwater to help restore and preserve native fish habitats. $199,831 donated to The Freshwater Trust Learn more at pacificpower.net/bluesky or ZZ for native fish habitat restoration rockymou ntainpower.net/bluesky. CURRENTS I APRIL 3,2023 2 SAFETY SPOTLIGHT Nak grautn rocay&2022 Sw y One hundred thirteen work groups from across the company were recognized last month TARGET for their Target Zero safety performance in 2022: They worked the full year with zero OSHA recordable incidents and zero preventable vehicle accidents. For these groups,that means there were no on-the-job injuries requiring medical treatment, restricted X E RCco; duty or time lost from work,and every driver of a vehicle used for company business did everything reasonable and in their power to avoid an accident or property damage. Congratulations and thank you to the groups that achieved this significant safety success: Alturas Distribution Lifton Hydro Smithfield Distribution American Fork Metering Operations Lincoln City Distribution Southeast Communications Ashton Hydro Logistic SW Stayton Operations Bend Hydro Logistics Salt Lake City Substation Ops-American Fork Bigfork Hydro Logistics Wasatch Front/Richfield Substation Ops-Bend Blanding Distribution Madras Distribution Substation Ops-Casper Blundell Plant Medford DEMC Substation Ops-Cedar City Buffalo Distribution Medford Hydro Substation Ops-Jordan Valley Casper Distribution Merwin Hydro Substation Ops-Klamath Falls Casper Metering Operations Milford Distribution Substation Ops-Medford Cedar City Distribution Moab Distribution Substation Ops—Ogden Cedar City Metering Operations Montpelier Distribution Substation Ops-Portland Chehalis Plant Naughton Plant Substation Ops-Preston Cody Distribution North Temple Hydro Substation Ops-Price Cottage Grove North Umpqua Hydro Substation Ops-Richfield Crescent City Distribution Oneida Hydro Substation Ops—Rigby Currant Creek Plant Pinedale Distribution Substation Ops-Roseburg Cutler Hydro Pioneer Hydro Substation Ops-SLC Metro Delta Distribution Portland Customer Care Center Substation Ops-Walla Walla Dispatch,SCC Portland Metering Business Services Substation Ops—Willamette Dixie Distribution Portland Metering Ops Substation Ops-Yakima Douglas Distribution Portland Metro Operations Substation Ops-Yreka Eagle Mountain Distribution Preston Distribution System Power Control Center Enterprise Distribution Price Distribution T&D Environmental Facilities East Rawlins Distribution T&D Support Services Gadsby Plant Resource Development&Construction Tooele Distribution Generation/Mining Rexburg Distribution Transport North Granite Hydro Rexburg Metering Operations Transport South Grants Pass Distribution RMP Health and Safety Transport Support Hood River Distribution RMP Investment Delivery Transport West Huntington Plant Rock Springs Distribution Tremonton Distribution Jordan Valley Distribution Roseburg Distribution Vegetation Management Lake Side Plant Rubbergoods Lab Vernal Distribution Lakeview Distribution Salt Lake DEMC Wasatch Customer Care Center Laramie Distribution Salt Lake Metering Operations Willamette Distribution Lava Distribution Santa Clara Willamette Metering Ops Layton Distribution Santaquin Distribution Worland Distribution Shelley Distribution Wyodak Plant (Continued) CURRENTS I APRIL 3,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) And the 2022 Safety Achievement Award goes to... Here's a sampling of the 113 groups that earned a 2022 Safety Achievement Award. Ih Pet JA �. f Portland Metro distribution operations Safety and training director Bret Rich(left)recognizes the substation operations team from Richfield,Utah, with a 2022 Safety Achievement Award at the training conference in southern Utah. P . The Safety Achievement Awards were presented at six safety training conferences held in four states over two days in March.The conferences were attended by employees who have stepped up to the take on the role of safety committee chair, co-chair or secretary for their location. Safety committees play an important role in ensuring workplace compliance with safety regulations and safe work practices. Federal, state and local regulations and internal policies require safety meetings at each worksite either monthly or quarterly, depending on location and job function.The training sessions help managers and safety committee members coordinate, host and run effective safety meetings and learn other ways they can help keep the workplace safe. - The training included: • How to document and record meeting minutes, make assignments and follow up on safety related issues. Rexburg distribution operations • Assisting with facility,vehicle and tool inspections and identifying and correcting hazards. • Working with management and facilities to rectify � 3 t buildingsafety concerns. Y • Assisting with incident investigations when needed. Other workplace safety topics covered in this year's training include rigging inspections,flammable storage cabinet contents, assured grounding,fire extinguishers,first aid kits, eyewash stations,AEDs, rubber goods,forklift inspections, office-setting safety, and selection and care of fire-resistant clothing. In addition to the formal training,guest speakers were invited to inspire and motivate conference attendees.These safety training conferences are also great for networking with co-workers from other locations, learning from each other and gathering ideas for safety improvements to implement back home. Grants Pass distribution operations CURRENTS I APRIL 3,2023 4 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK W &A 04 NA&I& orvt The Earth Month Employee Challenge started April 1. Celebrate the Contact Stacey Davis, Monica McDonald, Chelsey Roth, or planet we call home! Share how you're reducing waste and practicing Jackie Wetzsteon with any questions about the Earth Month Challenge. sustainable living for a chance to win a donation to a nonprofit of your choice. First place winners at each business (Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power)will select a charity to receive a$1,000 donation; second place is a$500 donation, and third place is a$250 donation. How it worl<s OUR 1. Sign up for the Earth Month Challenge here. (Log in using your standard network credentials,then fill in the registration form and click Submit) Va LU 2. Choose environmentally friendly activities from the dashboard to complete. r 3. Between April 1 and April 30, complete the activity and snap a photo or take a screenshot to share. 4. Upload the photo or screenshot to the dashboard to earn pointsEVERY DAY IS &6V* /based on the level of difficulty. 5.At the end of the month,the top three participants at Pacific Power and at Rocky Mountain Power will each get to choose a nonprofit organization to receive a donation! Bookmark the Earth Month Challenge page and get ready to complete activities,track your progress and watch the leaderboard starting April 1! 6if&YW Join the RMP Sustainability Team at NTO or coordinate your own community cleanup! The Rocky Mountain Power Sustainability Team is challenging co- workers across the service area to get out and celebrate Earth Day with a cleanup effort around your home, office or facility. Join the team at NTO and the Jordan River Parkway next week— Tuesday,April I I —or gather your co-workers or family members for a cleanup effort in your area. Pick up litter from green spaces and roadways to give your community a fresh spring cleaning! What: Litter and trash cleanup at NTO and Jordan River Parkway When: Tuesday April 1 1, 11 a.m.to 1 p.m. Where: Check in at our table in the NTO lobby. Garbage bags and buckets will be provided.We will have water, snacks and sunscreen. Please bring your own gloves and wear your blue "make a difference"T-shirt. If you have questions or need a T-shirt, contact Stacey Davis, — - 801-220-2047. :: ; k CURRENTS I APRIL 3,2023 5 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION A ffrkp- illi#46 04 1 AW "Being on ally is not who you are, but what you do,"says InspirAsian,Wednesday,April 19, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT Darla Zink, chief diversity officer, Berkshire Hathaway Energy. • Featuring panelists Burt Short, BHE Renewables human resources Throughout the month of April, BHE employee resource groups will manager; Emily Weaver, PacifiCorp director of diversity, equity and be hosting guest panelists to discuss what allyship is and how similar— inclusion;and Tna Brooks, BHE diversity, equity and and different—it can be in practice. inclusion manager If you support diversity,equity and inclusion, but you don't know what Pride Connection,Wednesday,April 26, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT to do,attend one or more of these sessions and learn to become a • Featuring panelists Pat Reiten, Berkshire Hathaway Energy senior more active ally. vice president, public policy;Amanda Sadleir,Altal-ink corporate All employees are welcome to join the April meetings for the ERGS communications manager;and Rachelle Hannon, PacifiCorp principal —and any future meetings! If you are already a member of an ERG, engineer/operations project manager you should have a recurring meeting on your calendar. If you are not a member of the group, use the links below to send an email to the ERG to request a meeting invite. Be sure to check out the Yammer communities for each ERG as well. Our Familia,Thursday,April 6, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT •� • Featuring panelists Amy Key, MidAmerican principal engineer-NERC; �I • Antoine Tlmon, NV Energy vice president customer operations; and Gino Blefari, HomeServices of America president and CEO BEAUTIE,Thursday,April 13, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT • Featuring panelists Nick Marquardt, Northern Natural Gas vice president engineering; Mike Gehringer, MidAmerican vice president customer operations;and Darla Zink, BHE chief diversity officer f IT UPDATE SAP sckelwW 1VqMtAnCfJ fu66k On Saturday,April 8,from 8 p.m. until 12 a.m. PT (9 p.m.to 1 a.m. MT), SAP production systems—including Process Orchestration, DMZ (Fiori/onesap) and Solman Java—will be down for maintenance. Please plan your activities accordingly. If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. PowerM— — PACIFICORP., Pacific Power MRocky Mountain 00 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT ouvil6uD cbatfeir/f Work has officially begun on what has been called the largest dam removal and river restoration effort in U.S. history. • • •• The plan to remove the lower four Klamath River dams and restore a 38-mile stretch of river to a more natural state was formally approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission late last year. • Crews are now in the field doing the preliminary work for dam removal under the direction of the nonprofit Klamath River Renewal Corporation.That work includes bridge upgrades, new road construction to access the dam sites more easily and worksite development.The project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024. • This week,we caught up with Demian Ebert, Klamath program manager,who's coordinating with the KRRC on the Klamath dam removal project. SAFE & SECURE PacifiCorp safety results as of 4/7/2023 RECORDABLE INCIDENTS : s YTD ON TRACK? 14 x TARGET s� 30 CD Demion Ebert at Iron Gate Dam,one of the four Lower Klamath dams slated for removal Demian,thanks so much for joining us! First off,what does your VEHICLE ACCIDENTS current role entail? As Klamath program manager, I'm the main point of contact at the technical and YTD ON TRACK? operational level between PacifiCorp and the Klamath River Renewal Corporation. Most of my work is in support of the KRRC as it starts work on dam removal. I also manage the implementation of the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement.This is the TARGET guiding agreement that ultimately led to the transfer of the Lower Klamath Project out of 31 PacifiCorp's ownership and to the upcoming removal of J.C. Boyle, Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2 and Iron Gate developments.Aside from dam removal,the KHSA includes a suite of measures that require PacifiCorp to provide annual funding for water quality sampling, habitat enhancement,water quality studies and so on. CURRENTS I APRIL 10,2023 (Continued) 1 (Continued from previous page) What do you like most about your job? Now that the dam removal project has finally begun, what The Klamath is a fascinating basin to work in.There are sweeping does a typical day look like for you? implications of the dam removal from social justice and environmental Like most of us, I tend to spend hours a day in meetings and putting legacy perspectives.The social dynamics of the basin are complicated, out fires. Most of those revolve around the ongoing work by the with a host of stakeholders that cover the entire spectrum of politics KRRC and supporting their pre-drawdown construction work. I and priorities. On the technical side,water management in the spend a fair amount of time reviewing work plans from the KRRC Klamath is as complicated as any basin I've ever encountered and (with the help of our operations and dam safety teams)to ensure continues to be a point of contention.The basin is also intensely that they do not interfere or create safety risks for operation of the studied from a scientific perspective,from wide-scale climate change project. It is critical that PacifiCorp be able to operate the project analysis to cutting-edge research into specific genetic markers for through the year,and there are a wide range of ways that the ongoing fish disease.With a hydroelectric project in the middle of that, along work could compromise that ability. with the largest dam removal process ever undertaken, it creates a What do you think is the most important skill that helps you complicated,fascinating and sometimes frustrating job. succeed in your current role? How did you get here?Who or what inspired you to pursue Although my in-box wouldn't reflect this, I tend to be pretty the career path you are on? organized and detail focused. It's easy to put grand sweeping programs I've always been interested in natural resources. I've been working on in place, but it's really hard to get those programs to function as hydroelectric projects in one way or another for over 30 years. I think envisioned without the details. what really focused my attention on hydro was a colleague I worked On a personal note,what do you like to do outside of work? with at a consulting company in California. He'd been consulting on hydroelectric facilities for other utilities and welcomed my expertise There is a whole pile of things I enjoy outside of work.We've been when I joined the company;we made a great team.What followed remodeling a 1972 split-level home we bought a couple of years ago, were years of work on hydro projects all over California. Each one and it's nice to see that start to come together.We're doing some was a little different and presented its own challenges; I loved solving habitat improvement on the property to remove invasive vegetation those problems. Related,the owners of those facilities all seemed to and improve bird habitat. I also do some metal sculpture creation in care not only about meeting their license requirements, but actually my spare time. using the resources in a responsible way.When I got the opportunity What would your perfect weekend look like? to join PacifiCorp as a principal environmental scientist for Klamath in I'd be camping with my wife and dog along a stream where the trout 2015, 1 jumped in with no reservations. are rising to dry flies,there aren't any other people, and there's no cell What are you most proud of and what are some of phone service. the lessons you've learned in your time working on the Klamath project? The staff operating our hydroelectric projects are the best in the business. Even with the stress generated by the pending removal of their workplaces,they are professional,and the powerhouses and dams are safe,functional and spotless. I'm proud to work with these people " and grateful for all the help they've provided to me over the years. Perhaps PacifiCorp's longest-lasting legacy in the Klamath that I am ` really pleased with is the Coho Enhancement Fund. Between 2009 and 2022, PacifiCorp has put$6.7 million into restoration projects �, ' Lill" 1. to support federally threatened Coho Salmon on the Klamath River, b rya !1 and the organizations receiving this money have leveraged it to get 4 an additional $11.7 million.Through the work of the grant recipients, those funds have resulted in real habitat benefit for fish in the basin. I think the primary lessons learned are all about communication, Inside the powerhouse(left)of Copco 1 (right).PacifiCorp will continue to generate electricity at the respect and patience.With a variety of stakeholders, interests, Klamath hydroelectric facilities until they are decommissioned. experiences and priorities, progress in a generally consensus-driven process like the Klamath has been can't be achieved without being able to hear and understand people, communicate clearly,and have respect for everyone's position. It's a balancing act that can test your patience. CURRENTS I APRIL 10,2023 2 IN THE NEWS chpl�w, OWAAM gift go-*tvak &&wtak (Iffi4_ Rocky Mountain Power is proud to partner with United Way of Eastern Soles2Souls Utah to make a difference in the lives of our customers and neighbors. „We ask a lot of children when they arrive at school;' Boyd said. "We The company recently delivered a check in the amount of$31,590 expect them to pay attention to their teachers,soak in their lessons and representing funds donated by employees during our annual Community interact positively with their peers. But if they are distracted by aching Giving Campaign as well as company and foundation support. feet because of worn out or ill-fitting shoes,they quite literally lack the These funds help United Way support programs like Soles2Souls, foundation for a positive learning experience.That is a problem,with Angel Tree and Live.Love.Local that are doing critical work to help our the help of our financial partners,that UWEU can solve." eastern Utah communities thrive. For example: For years,the Soles2Souls program provided shoes when teachers, • Last fall, 616 children in southeastern Utah started the school year counselors or other school personnel called and requested help. In with a new pair of sturdy shoes on their feet. 2022,the program took a leap forward by staging one-day pop-up shoe shops in Price and Monticello.At those events, held in August and • At Christmastime, 115 Carbon and Emery County families who are September, local families received back-to-school shoes free of charge. having a tough time making ends meet were able to celebrate with gifts under the tree. At the inaugural Price pop-up shop, 125 pairs were distributed in 20 minutes and an additional 157 pairs were special ordered when the •And over the past 12 months, 32 local residents who are battling supply ran out.A total of 282 children received footwear at the event. cancer were able to cross one item off their list of worries when they A second pop-up shop in Monticello distributed 292 pairs for families received fuel cards to defray travel expenses as they sought treatment. that live in an area of the state where retail options are very limited. "The mission of the United Way of Eastern Utah is to improve lives by "We are thrilled with the success of our first Soles2Souls pop-up mobilizing the caring power of communities;" said UWEU executive events, and because of our financial partnership with Rocky Mountain director Pam Boyd. "That statement says a lot,and it outlines a basic Power we can plan even bigger and better things in 2023;' Boyd said. truth behind what we do.We can't do this work by ourselves,and we Angel Tree are so grateful for partners like Rocky Mountain Power." It truly takes a community to make sure every local child enjoys a Rocky Mountain Power regional business manager Merlin Ruston Merry Christmas. Rocky Mountain Power plays a huge role in that (right) presents the check to United Way of Eastern Utah. He's joined effort,according to Boyd. (on the left) by Bryan Kinder, distribution manager, Price, Utah, and "United Way of Eastern Utah acts as the clearing house for the Angie Peacock,financial/accounting specialist and community giving Carbon/Emery County Angel Tree program—connecting families coordinator, Huntington Plant. in need with community sponsors.We also sponsor last-minute As a Cornerstone Partner,Rocky Mountain Power helps fund United applicants,and we have the financial resources to do so because of Way's far-reaching programs in eastern Utah.Soles2Souls is one example. our Cornerstone Partners" alter ,.:.. l unled Ws o_ 1�.�� 11.590 — ` -ROCKY MOUNTAIN \POWER �I _ um..dw+ror Ean.,nu�h ••°•"""`"'°"'•""' 81339 I-_ OPERATED BY I E PACIRCORP USO07 026931� _ ;of Eastern Utah ' GIVE.ADVOCATE.VOLUNTEER. , LIVE UNITED ' 13 Rocky Mountain Power regional business manager Merlin Ruston(right)presents the check to United Way of Eastern Utah.He's joined(on the left)by Bryan Kinder,distribution manager, Price,Utah,and Angie Peacock,financial/accounting specialist and community giving coordinator,Huntington Plant. (Continued) CURRENTS APRIL 10,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) In addition to this organization support, employees at the Huntington Through these signature programs and many other assistance Power Plant stepped up in a big way, individually acting as the angels requests,the United Way of Eastern Utah works to fulfill its mission for four families last Christmas. every day, Boyd noted. "This is how we harness the caring power of community," Boyd said. `And every day we are thankful for the people and companies "Rocky Mountain Power has played a crucial role in this effort for that make our work possible. Rocky Mountain Power is truly a many years—in both a larger, corporate giving program and a very cornerstone for our efforts" hands-on personal way. It speaks volumes about the company's values" Live.Love.Local When a resident of Carbon or Emery County receives a cancer diagnosis,there are so many issues for concern.Through its Live. Love.Local program,the United Way of Eastern Utah works to take - one worry off the plate—the financial burden of traveling to seek ~l`: treatment.The program provides a$500 fuel card for cancer patients. f �- "Traveling over the mountain to all the appointments for surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments, it has been such a financial help;" one d _ patient reported. . "We know that the impact of cancer hits everyone,and we have heard from employees of Rocky Mountain Power that co-workers have benefitted from this program," said Boyd. "Through our partnership, Live.Love.Local offers our residents a helping hand at a Ws and parents queue up for back-to-school shoes at United Way's Soles2Souls pop-up shop. time when they are most vulnerable" DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION �ffoKh ip, i4u*& Inca I#a April is Celebrate Diversity Month—and a great time to learn Pride Connection,Wednesday,April 26, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT more about what it means to be an ally. • Featuring panelists Pat Reiten, Berkshire Hathaway Energy senior Throughout April,each of our employee resource groups will host a panel vice president, public policy;Amanda Sadleir,AltaLink corporate of guests to discuss allyship—what it is and what it looks like in practice. communications manager;and Rachelle Hannon, PacifiCorp principal All employees are invited to join the April ERG meetings—and any engineer/operations project manager future meetings. If you are already a member of the ERG,you should have a recurring meeting on your calendar. If you are not a member of the ERG, use the links below to email the group and request a meeting invite. Be sure to check out the Yammer communities for each ERG as well. BEAUTIE,Thursday, April 13, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT I • Featuring panelists Nick Marquardt, Northern Natural Gas vice president engineering; Mike Gehringer, MiclAmerican vice president customer operations; and Darla Zink, BHE chief diversity officer InspirAsian,Wednesday,April 19, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT • Featuring panelists Burt Short, BHE Renewables human resources manager; Emily Weaver, PacifiCorp director of diversity, equity and inclusion;and Tna Brooks, BHE diversity, equity and inclusion manager f CURRENTS l APRIL 10,2023 4 Mtk-019 s"s&s (a VO4UT t" Four make-up sessions will be offered for employees who have not If you have questions, please contact Todd Dinehart,vice president, yet completed the required Equipping Bystanders training. In this employee experience, or Emily Weaver,diversity, equity and interactive training,we will: inclusion director. • Use group discussion to raise awareness about diversity, equity and inclusion by sharing information,exploring our own views and hearing about the views and perspectives of others. • Learn to recognize opportunities to step into allyship and apply strategies to interrupt bias and microaggressions (subtle insults that communicate negative messages about a person or group of people) ^,..••.,.,•,o,•, REACTIONS AND in positive, respectful ways. IMPACTS WITH There are four opportunities to participate in a make-up MICROAGGRESSIONS session. In-person sessions: • Portland area—April 19, 8 a.m.-9:30 a.m. PT, Lloyd Center Tower room 19S/19T • Salt Lake City area—April 26, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. MT, North Temple Office room 130K Virtual sessions: • May 1, 7 a.m. PT/8 a.m. MT f Click here to join the meeting • May 4, 10 a.m. PT/ 11 a.m. MT Click here to join the meeting , LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Fa Wk.- Fowf Effectively manage and engage the participants in your next Teams meeting! Learn how to manage roles and settings as well as present PacifiCorp Learning & Development content, implement breakout rooms, polls and whiteboard features to keep participants engaged.We'll also cover best practices for 'Tech Ta I k hosting and collaborating for hybrid events with in-person and remote attendees. Get Live Help 000000 Join us Thursday,April 20 from 11 a.m.to 12 p.m. PT/ 12 p.m.to Every third Thursday of the month,youcan bring _iolo 1 p.m. MT. your burning M365 questions to Learning and Development's Tech Talk,a drop-in hour dedicated Click here to join the meeting to troubleshooting,keeping up-to-date with the For questions, contact your host, Delpha Thomas, senior training latest features,and working out solutions for development analyst. your technology needs. CURRENTS I APRIL 10,2023 5 PUTAT tutc-(N64 M&MAd(1" Take your career to new heights! IBEW Local 57 will be hosting a National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee test in central Utah next week.The electrical aptitude test is part of the selection process identifying candidates for the lineworker apprenticeship program—on-the-job training to become a journeyman lineman. When: Monday,April 17 at 12:30 p.m. Where:40 North Main, Huntington, Utah (Old Huntington Town Hall) Anyone wishing to take the NJATC test should pre-register by calling the IBEW Local 57 Union Hall at 801-270-5757. For current employees,the cost of the NJATC test ($50) is paid for by the company.Testing must be completed on the employee's own time. If you have questions, please contact your labor relations specialist. _ SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK V46-ffir/ C4* 04 chavacild In honor of Earth Day on April 22,the Earth Month Employee Contact Stacey Davis, Monica McDonald, Chelsey Roth,or Challenge encourages us to make small changes and complete simple Jackie Wetzsteon with any questions about the Earth Month Challenge. tasks to reduce waste and live more sustainably. Earn points for each challenge you complete,and at the end of the month,the three employees with the most points at each business (Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power)will choose a nonprofit to receive a generous donation. First place is a$1,000 donation, second place is a$500 donation,and OUR third place is a$250 donation. How it works • 1. Register for the Earth Month Challenge here. (Log in using your standard network credentials,then fill in the registration form and click Submit) r 2. Choose your challenges from the dashboard. 3. Complete each challenge and snap a photo or take a screenshot EVERY .AY IS 46�� to share. 4. Upload the photo or screenshot to the dashboard to earn points based on the level of difficulty. Bookmark the Earth Month Challenge page to complete challenges, track your progress and watch the Ieaderboard! CURRENTS I APRIL 10,2023 6 6i41&YVT Join the RMP Sustainability Team tomorrow at NTO or coordinate your own community cleanup! ' The Rocky Mountain Power Sustainability Team is challenging co-workers across the service area to get out and celebrate Earth Day with a cleanup effort around your home,office or facility. - Join the team at NTO and the Jordan River Parkway tomorrow- Tuesday,April 11 -or gather your co-workers or family members for a cleanup effort in your area. Pick up litter from green spaces and roadways to give your community a fresh spring cleaning! What: Litter and trash cleanup at NTO and Jordan River Parkway \ When:Tuesday April 11, 11 a.m.to 1 p.m. ,�.. Where: Check in at our table in the NTO lobby. Garbage bags and buckets will be provided.We will have water, snacks and sunscreen. Please bring your own gloves and wear your - blue "make a difference" T-shirt. If you have questions or need a T-shirt, contact Stacey Davis, 801-220-2047. FEATURED PHOTO Thanks to Horace Ward for this week's featured photo! This incredible shot of the atmospheric optical phenomenon known as STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement)was taken in Wasco County, Oregon, looking north toward a wind project near Goldendale,Washington. (The red lights are wind turbines) Used with permission from photographer Heather Tianen. Pacific Power PACIFICORP 0 s+ a .._ IN THE NEWS &P brmk qtc"f� Pow m 04&c;tda&p"tLt ' Rocky Mountain Power held a groundbreaking event for the Power District development April 12.The Power District is a planned redevelopment of the company's North Temple campus on the west side of Salt Lake City.Approximately 100 acres of the North Temple site will be transformed into a modern, sustainable and vibrant space for businesses and • residents alike. The company has had facilities at the North Temple location for nearly 100 years and • • is committed to remaining in Salt Lake City's west side and working with Salt Lake City leadership,the Utah State Fairpark and west-side community councils to create a • development that benefits our colleagues,customers and the community. Company facilities in the Power District will include a new corporate headquarters building for administrative and engineering functions;an Essential Services Building that will house electric grid operations, corporate security,the customer care center and the IT data center; and a parking structure. In this video invitation to the groundbreaking event,company leaders share their vision SAFE & SECURE for the planned company facilities. PacifiCorp safety results as of 4/14/2023 The rest of the Power District development is anticipated to be a vibrant community that will include dining, retail,entertainment, professional offices and housing, plus public green spaces and access to public transit. Focusing on potential entertainment opportunities RECORDABLE at the site, a coalition of stakeholders announced that they are petitioning Major League Baseball to bring an expansion team to Salt Lake City. If approved by MLB,the stadium YTD ON TRACK? will be part of the Power District. 12 Employees and members of the community were invited to join state and local leaders to break ground on the first phase the Power District project, learn more about the development and celebrate this momentous step. TARGET - 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 10 r , TARGET 31 Company and community leaders turn ceremonial shovels at the Power District groundbreaking. CURRENTS I APRIL 17,2023 (Continued) 1 (Continued from previous page) Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall,Salt Lake City Council members,Jordan River Commission leadership, community council leaders, Rocky Mountain Power executives and employees,and west-side community members all attended the groundbreaking event. Lunch was served from food trucks, followed by the groundbreaking ceremony and remarks from distinguished guests -' and community leaders. Hear what company and community leaders have to say about thek`` Power District: https://youtu.be/BelgQ8aPyGQ Pav w6"On e* 4 A160f WAPA Desert Southwest region, El Paso Electric and AVANGRID join the market. Three new participants joined the Western Energy Imbalance Market As the WEIM has continued to grow, PacifiCorp has joined CAISO April 5,expanding the real-time energy market's footprint to include a and other entities in moving toward the launch of the Extended Day- portion of Texas. Ahead Market, an initiative that was jointly approved in February by Western Area Power Administration Desert Southwest region, CAISO Board of Governors and the WEIM Governing Body.When El Paso Electric and AVANGRID formally began participating in it goes live,the EDAM will offer WEIM partners the opportunity to the WEIM,which now represents nearly 80%of the demand for participate in the day-ahead market,where the majority of energy electricity in the Western interconnection transactions occur and even greater benefits are expected. "We are excited to welcome the WAPA Desert Southwest region, For more information about the Western Energy Imbalance Market El Paso Electric and AVANGRID to the WEIM;'said Elliot Mainzer,the and PacifiCorp's plans to join the Extended Day-Ahead Market,visit California Independent System Operator's president and CEO."Because PacifiCorp's Grid Modernization webpage, of their varied resources and location,these new WEIM partners further strengthen regional collaboration and coordination in the West." The new participants are unique to the WEIM for the diversity of the Puget Sound powerex resources and customers they serve: Energy Seattle A • WAPA Desert Southwest provides federal hydroelectric power City Light, Tacoma and transmission services to 70 municipalities, cooperatives, Native power Avista American tribes,federal and state agencies, and irrigation districts. Avangrid' ---_- - Norrhweste*' L_Portland Bonneville Energy • ------ El Paso Electric is a regional energy provider engaged in Power Genergi Administration generation,transmission and distribution that serves more than Electric o 460,000 customers in west Texas and southern New Mexico. PacifiCorp -As the first generation-only entity,AVANGRID is the third-largest Market Operator NV J California ISO renewable generator in the U.S.The company owns and operates BANC Energy WEIM entity 8.7 gigawatts of emissions-free installed capacity. Active participant Turlock The WEIM,which was established by PacifiCorp and CAISO in irrigation", District 2014, uses sophisticated technology to find and deliver the lowest- California cost energy to its members,while enhancing reliability and providing IiO Angeles De significant environmental benefits through the reduction of renewable Los pt.of Arizona viPuublic energy curtailments during periods of oversupply. Water&Power Public Service Salt River WAPA Desert/ / Project Company of The newest participants are joining the WEIM following a historic year SouthwestNew Mexico in customer benefits. In 2022,the WEIM accumulated $1.5 billion in �• Tucson benefits, increasing the cumulative amount to more than $3.4 billion, Electric in part due to more participants in the real-time market. Since 2014, Power El Paso Electric PacifiCorp's participation in the WEIM has produced $591 million in benefits to customers. CURRENTS I APRIL 17,2023 2 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power are committed to investing Small steps lead to big changes.We all have the power to make a in and celebrating this beautiful place we call home.That's why we difference and contribute toward a sustainable future-on Earth Day offer programs, incentives and advice to help customers use energy and every day. wisely and contribute to a healthier environment. Here are a few easy and Earth-friendly ideas for contributing towards a brighter-and cleaner-future. • Carpool or take non-emitting transportation to work. • Contribute time or resources to an environmental organization. • Plant trees and flowers to help absorb carbon dioxide from the air. • •join a local team to pick up litter in your community. • Go paperless on your Pacific Power or Rocky Mountain Power bill. LU • Start an energy-efficient upgrade project with our Wattsmart • programs and incentives (EP/ RMP). Energy-efficient equipment produces less waste, lowers carbon emissions, and helps keep our electricity prices among the nation's lowest. • Sign up for Blue Sky (PP/ R� and support renewable energy development in your local community and across the region. EVERY DAY IS • Consider Rocky Mountain Power's Cool Keeper program.You'll help ease demand for energy during select, high-demand periods and earn a$30 annual bill credit. PACIFICORP • Drive electric! More drivers are making the switch to electric cars to save money on fuel costs and contribute to a healthier environment. We can help with that,too. PP/ RMP film* N'Iff"(1t If you haven't done so already,there's still plenty of time to register If benefitting the environment and the competitive goal of earning and participate in the Earth Month Employee Challenge. It's simple, more points than MEC and NVE aren't enough to get you involved, fun and a great opportunity to reduce your impact on Mother how about the prizes?You could win a very generous donation to a Nature, learn something along the way and feel good while doing it! qualified nonprofit of your choice! The highest ranking challenge activities so far include completing the First place is a$1,000 donation,second place is a$500 donation, and Earth Day Nature and Happy Quiz and the Earth Day Bee Quiz. third place is a$250 donation. Did you know that studies suggest it takes 120 minutes per week in (Continued) nature to see measurable improvements in your physical and mental wellbeing? Did you also know that there are 25,000 different species ' of bees?These and other fun facts are right at your fingertips. ..- It's great to see employees are engaging with their kids as part of the Earth Month Challenge,too. Reading to your child or getting dirty in the garden are just some of the activities that you can do with kids • �� to encourage respect for our environment and have some fun while � • i� i i you're at it. So far, 107 PacifiCorp employees have registered for the challenge. We hope to triple that number before the end of the month. Have you seen the BHE dashboard lately? PacifiCorp is in the lead against MiclAmerican Energy and NV Energy! CURRENTS I APRIL 17,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) Get started today! 1. Register for the Earth Month Challenge here. (Log in using your Bookmark the Earth Month Challenge page to complete challenges, standard network credentials,then fill in the registration form and track your progress and watch the leaderboard! click Submit) Contact Stacey Davis, Monica McDonald, Chelsey Roth,or 2. Choose your challenges from the dashboard. Jackie Wetzsteon with any questions about the Earth Month Challenge. 3. Complete each challenge and snap a photo or take a screenshot to share. 4. Upload the photo or screenshot to the dashboard to earn points based on the level of difficulty. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES L"4 fl, 1wru: &40441 k0l` Can you identify your emotions and understand why they're happening?What about other people's emotions?Are you skilled at spotting and responding to people and organizational cues? Register for a Lunch&Learn webinar on Wednesday,April 19 at 12 p.m. PT/ 1 p.m. MT to learn about the topic of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a skill that leads to success both at work and in our personal lives. In this webinar,we will unpack what emotional intelligence is and learn to develop and refine that skill by strengthening personal and social competence. Click here to register and add this webinar to your calendar. If you have any questions, please contact PacifiCorp Learning. Want to learn more on your own? Check out these two Leading With Emotional Intelligence courses in the LMS: • Personal Competence (Course # OL PPW0000328) .. • Social Competence (Course # OIL PPW0000329) y. - I A1. .s CURRENTS APRIL 17,2023 4 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION aa MyThq7 i4u*6 04 1 April is Celebrate Diversity Month —and a great time to learn more about what it means to be on ally. Throughout April,our employee resource groups are hosting guest �400, panelists at their monthly meetings to discuss allyship—what it is and what it looks like in practice. Two sessions remain,and all employees are invited to join in to these and any future meetings.If you are already a member of the ERG,you should have a recurring meeting on your calendar. If you are not a member of the ERG,use the links below to email the group and request a meeting invite. Be sure to check out the Yammer communities for each ERG as well. , I InspirAsian,Wednesday,April 19, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT • Featuring panelists Burt Short, BHE Renewables human resources manager; Emily Weaver, PacifiCorp director of diversity, equity and inclusion;and Tna Brooks, BHE diversity, equity and inclusion manager Pride Connection,Wednesday,April 26, 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT • Featuring panelists Pat Reiten, Berkshire Hathaway Energy senior vice president, public policy;Amanda Sadleir,Altal-ink corporate communications manager;and Rachelle Hannon, PacifiCorp principal t engineer/operations project manager Four make-up sessions will be offered for employees who have not If you have questions, please contact Todd Dinehart,vice president, yet completed the required Equipping Bystanders training. In this employee experience, or Emily Weaver,diversity, equity and interactive training,we will: inclusion director. • Use group discussion to raise awareness about diversity, equity and inclusion by sharing information,exploring our own views and hearing about the views and perspectives of others. • Learn to recognize opportunities to step into allyship and apply strategies to interrupt bias and microaggressions (subtle insults that communicate negative messages about a person or group of people) REACTIO T101•NS AND IA.N' s in positive, respectful ways. IMPACTS WITH There are four opportunities to participate in a make-up MICROAGGRESSIONS session. In-person sessions: , A • Portland area—April 19, 8 a.m.-9:30 a.m. PT, Lloyd Center _ Tower room 19S/19T • Salt Lake City area—April 26, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. MT, North Temple Office room 130K Virtual sessions: • May 1, 7 a.m. PT/8 a.m. MT Click here to join the meeting - i - • May 4, 10 a.m. PT/ 11 a.m. MT Click here to join the meeting ! CURRENTS l APRIL 17,2023 5 Pcjda ftf A 1023 PboOSTwmt 0&V&&fWvwtSWW6t Berkshire Hathaway Energy's 2023 Employee Resource your manager and then register here, and be sure to Group Professional Development Summit will take place June reserve hotel accommodations by May 19. 16-18 in Portland, Oregon, and bring together the BEAUTIE, Reach out to Emily Weaver, diversity, equity and inclusion Energized Women, InspirAsian, Our Familia, PAC Women, Pride director, with any questions. Connection, VETRN and WIRE ERGS for a day of educational sessions followed by a weekend of volunteer opportunities. Click the banner below for a full flyer with Friday's summit will feature a day of professional development scannable QR code. through speakers and breakout sessions that will help us learn and grow together, followed by an evening reception. �� On Saturday and Sunday, there will be volunteer opportunities Use t;g.s toto support diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities, access thn ails: r** including participation in Portland's Juneteenth parade and festival. Last year, a cohort of PacifiCorp employees attended the 0 inaugural BHE Professional Development Summit where ' Register today for the Berkshire Hathaway Energy 2023 Employee Resource Group employees actively engaged in learning and service Professional Development Summit at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland,Oregon! activities to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in our Hear from great speakers like Jennifer Brown and engage in interactive breakout sessions • Participate in the Juneteenth Parade and Festival workplace and communities. Hotel reservations must be made by May 19 using the link on the registrationsite If you are interested in attending this ear's Professional —PRIDE ���t,,�i� •VETRN- Development Summit in Portland, please first seek approval from -�r'-- o'---`` IT UPDATES SAP hlm �W,44M k&sc/ On Thursday,April 20 from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m. PT (7-10 p.m. MT), changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. If you have questions or need help, contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. SAP 4444 fn."tW" On Saturday,Apr. 22,from 8 p.m. until 12 a.m. PT(9 p.m.to 1 a.m. MT), all SAP production systems—including ECC,ePortal, Process Orchestration, Business Warehouse, Environmental Compliance,SAP GRC,and SAP SRM—will be down for maintenance. Please plan your activities accordingly. During the ePortal maintenance, intranet content will be unavailable.Web applications will be unaffected by this maintenance; however,you will need to access them through these direct links. If you have questions or need help, contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. PACIFICORP 0 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT 1 A �.&"4qAVe *ss&CA 4W ffi"s t" On April 26, we celebrate Administrative Professionals Day in honor of the work that our colleagues do day-in and day-out to keep our teams at their best, our • • •• workplaces resourced and our organization and operations humming efficiently. At PacifiCorp,administrators serve in a variety of roles across the business.This week, we're happy to catch up with and spotlight two administrative professionals—Tannett James, senior administrative services coordinator in thermal generation, and Monica • McDonald,senior executive assistant in transmission development. Thanks so much for taking the time to be part of this spotlight! To start off, tell us a little about yourselves. What brought you to PacifiCorp and the .• energy industry? Monica: I came because being proud of the product is important to me. Everyone needs electricity,and hence, I never feel I am upkeeping an SAFE & SECURE organization that has an arguably useless product. PacifiCorp safety results as of Tannett: I have worked in heavy industry for the 4/21/2023 majority of my career, largely oil and gas, supporting operations and maintenance. I transitioned into r RECORDABLE government contracting but realized that I missed the environment in which I had invested so many ;. YTD ON TRACK? years. I have always heard very positive things about I Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp, so I began _ 12 lookingfor opportunities within the company,and � \ ��". PPMonica McDonald here I am. TARGET Can you describe your team and your role, and what a typical day looks like? 30 Tannett: My manager is Brad Richards,vice president,thermal generation. I provide administrative ' support to him,and to James Owen,vice president, environmental,fuels and mining,and to their VEHICLE J ACCIDENTS managing directors,engineers and other plant YTD ON TRACK? personnel and departments as needed. Honestly, no , two days are the same.There may be typical tasks 10 that are executed daily, but each day is unique. Monica: I have teams—plural. I assist transmission ` TARGET development,finance and the regional business - 1 managers. Both finance and transmission development are quiet and focused,while the TonnettJames regional business managers are extroverted and community-engaged. (Continued) CURRENTS I APRIL 24,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) A typical day is spent managing short-term projects and answering It's not easy to keep the trains running on time, so to speak, random questions. I'm an event-heavy admin and arrange for and it's not entirely up to administrative professionals to meetings,trainings and for planning/coordinating these events. maintain an efficient organization. Is there anything you'd like Recently,we've had a lot of retirees, and I've spent a lot of time colleagues to think about when it comes to doing their part preparing for their final sendoff. It's quite rewarding,and I learn a lot to keep the business moving? from the stories of our longest-serving employees. Monica:Tell me about your project/need as soon as possible. Even if Administrative professionals do a lot of important work you haven't gotten approval, it helps me help you when it's "Go Time" —sometimes visibly and sometimes behind the scenes. Tannett:When possible, avoid procrastinating when you have needs What are your thoughts on what it means to be a good that I cannot foresee, and please provide sufficient notice so I can administrator—and essential skills for success?What do you provide effective support to you and others whom I also support. think about the part that administrative professionals play in While appreciate being credited for mind reading, be specific if the our business? need is specific. Monica: I think you must be service minded to be a good administrator. Obviously, organization is important to the job, but What do you enjoy most about a given workday or work also being open to different styles is key.We interface with different week? (And how much coffee do you drink in a given day?) departments,and sometimes we're the contact for external sources. Tannett:I appreciate the sense of accomplishment that comes with The role we play?Administrators are like air, and people are very fond having a lot to do and getting it done.And I do it all powered by Pepsi! of breathing. Monica:The portion of my job that I enjoy the most is research, Tannett:The primary objective of an administrative professional is to planning and making connections. I would say I drink three coffees manage the daily operations of their teams,allowing the individuals a week,and it's usually during a crunch day. Otherwise, I don't drink they support to focus on critical operations.The skillset goes beyond coffee that often. proficiency with software or being tech savvy; it takes initiative, Our experience as employees goes well beyond our specific tenacity and the ability to anticipate needs in order to be productive jobs and teams. Is there anything you'd like to highlight about in this role. your activities or experiences in the employee community, The strengths I find essential include time management,ability to or interacting with external partners, customers or the prioritize,organization, multitasking, attention to detail, creative communities we serve? problem-solving and adaptability—among others. Interpersonal skills Monica: I do a lot of catering and meeting set up, and so, I hate and empathy are also key. Norman Doors and you should,too. Everyone has crashed into Although it's not always evident,these roles have a significant impact a door that makes no sense at least once in their lives.When our on the overall efficiency of the business. North Temple Office is rebuilt, I hope they don't have a SINGLE What do you find most rewarding about your work?And Norman Door.* I believe in you, Mr. Hoogeveen. what are the biggest challenges? Tannett:I invite any opportunity to assist where needed.This has allowed me the chance to get to know and work with individuals and Tannett:I enjoy working with various groups throughout the teams that I otherwise would not. Many aspects of my role require organization. Meeting and interacting with different personalities and interaction and collaboration with various departments. I work with work styles is enlightening and helps me grow as an individual. I also some great people, both within and outside of my direct departments, appreciate that my manager treats me like a valued member of his team. all working toward a common goal—to get things done.The bonus As far as challenges go, I would say that it has been difficult to find is getting to know some of them on a personal level,as I believe opportunities to work on more substantive projects in addition to my camaraderie strengthens teams and improves company culture. routine tasks. Thanks again for taking the time to join us today. To close There are occasions when the most rewarding part of my job—the out, tell us about your favorite hobbies. people—can also be the most challenging.As the old saying goes, "You Tannett: My favorite hobbies include fishing, camping, hiking, can please some of the people some of the time,all of the people bicycling, skiing (water and snow), playing co-ed softball, some of the time,and some of the people all of the time, but you can woodworking and gardening. I have recently taken up golf; I'm never please all of the people all of the time" But I continue to try! definitely a work in progress! Monica: It's most rewarding when I can make something easier long- Monica: I really like finding novelty items.They're often ridiculous term. Sometimes that means appealing to leadership to invest in tools, (Do you really need a peeler shaped like a carrot?), but functional. and other times that means facilitating events that enrich people.The biggest challenge is the job requires me to herd cats.Yes,you are all *Norman Door:A door that's confusing to use. cats, and I'm the crazy cat lady. CURRENTS I APRIL 24,2023 2 IN THE NEWS Pau N&fh4&Ts&M S&9G4Mt fVS 6 Nat*W06 Po&4 Expanding and modernizing our transmission system to connect clean Other project elements include upgrades to the Anticline and Shirley energy to communities is the foundation for PacifiCorp's plan to meet Basin substations and construction of a fiber-optic regeneration station our customers' expectations for an affordable and reliable net-zero approximately halfway between the two substations—near the line energy future. between Sweetwater and Carbon counties.The substation upgrades As our 2023 Integrated Resource Plan demonstrates,the company are expected to remain within the existing footprint of each facility. has made significant headway on our Energy Gateway transmission PacifiCorp anticipates that design,engineering, permitting and rights- expansion in recent years and now we're accelerating those efforts of-way activities for Gateway Segment D.2.2 will continue through and investments. 2025,with construction slated to start in mid-2026. Among other projects the IRP calls for, PacifiCorp is planning a new Other new and ongoing transmission expansion 500-kilovolt, 143-mile transmission line through southern Wyoming projects include: to increase the state's wind-export capabilities. • 416 miles of new transmission from the new Aeolus substation near The Anticline to Shirley Basin transmission project, also known as Medicine Bow,Wyoming,to the Clover substation near Mona, Utah Gateway Segment D.2.2,would run from the Shirley Basin substation, (Energy Gateway South). approximately 28 miles northwest of Medicine Bow,to the Anticline • 290 miles of new transmission from the Longhorn substation in substation near the Jim Bridger power plant. north central Oregon to the Hemingway substation in south central "The new transmission line will facilitate the interconnection of up Idaho (Energy Gateway Segment H). to 1,100 megawatts of additional wind energy capacity in the region • 200 miles of new transmission from the new Anticline substation and relieve existing transmission constraints;" said Todd Jensen,vice near Point of Rocks,Wyoming,to the existing Populus substation president, project delivery. near Downey, Idaho (Energy Gateway West Sub-Segment D3). While "Gateway" is in the name, Gateway Segment D.2.2 is separate • 59 miles of new transmission from the Shirley Basin substation in from PacifiCorp's ongoing Gateway West and Gateway South southeastern Wyoming to the Windstar substation near Glenrock, projects. However, D.2.2 would still be part of the overall Gateway Wyoming(Energy Gateway West Sub-Segment D1). system,given the location. PacifiCorp already has the existing Gateway D.2 line running from Aeolus to the Jim Bridger plant, south of the ' Additional local transmission upgrades to enable renewable resource proposed D.2.2 route. requests to connect to the transmission system in southeast Idaho, central Utah, central Oregon,the Willamette Valley in Oregon,and "The goals of this transmission project include relieving grid in Yakima and Walla Walla,Washington. congestion, improved stability,alleviating voltage issues and increasing overall system capacity;"Jensen said. I _ Construction of a Gateway West transmission line CURRENTS I APRIL 24,2023 3 ow O'ka, 004" 1-q4tilt' PacifiCorp,as operator of the Bear River hydroelectric system in PacifiCorp urged residents in proximity to the Bear River to monitor northern Utah and southeastern Idaho, has been closely monitoring these information sources until the threat of spring runoff subsides. spring runoff conditions in the Bear River basin. Due to high PacifiCorp or its predecessor companies have operated the snowpack,the company last week warned the public that the hydroelectric systems on the Bear River and at Bear Lake since potential for flooding is very high all along the Bear River below Bear development began in 1909.The primary goals of the project are to Lake, including the area between Wardboro and Bern in Bear Lake provide irrigation water for some 150,000 acres of farmland and to County, Idaho.Also of particular concern is the area between Grace generate hydroelectric power. and Cleveland in Caribou and Franklin Counties, Idaho,and between Collinston and Corinne in Box Elder County, Utah. "Based on runoff forecasts,we believe there will be serious flooding of the Bear River into its historic flood plain;" said Connely Baldwin,senior L hydro project manager. "There are many naturally occurring factors that could influence the extent of flooding, including how rapidly snow melts and the possibility of a local heavy rainstorm.These conditions are likely to exceed those of 1983-84, 2011 or 2017 because current snowpack levels greatly exceed those high-flow years:' Local emergency management officials are aware of the situation.The Bear River hydroelectric projects have tested emergency operating plans that include provisions for coordinating with the National Weather Service and local public safety officials in the case of Impending high runoff events or more serious emergencies. Soda Dam is one of the hydroelectric developments that make up the Bear River project. So&&44(a & Lavuou Po4d The lineman rodeos are back this year and even bigger than before! Questions? Save the date and plan to attend as electrical workers from across the For the Utah rodeo, contact Jenny Tillotson,Justin Halloran or West gather for a day of fun, action-packed competition. Jeff Hermreck. Teams of journeyman linemen and individual apprentice linemen compete in events that test their speed, safety and trade skills.The For the PNW rodeo, contact Kevin Freeman or James Guild. rodeos are also fundraisers benefitting two regional burn centers. Bring family and friends and come see our incredible,skilled linemen in action! Food trucks, raffles,auctions and kids'events round out the day. Utah Lineman's Rodeo Saturday,June 10 3000 W. Lester Dr. (1575 W.) West Valley City, UT Bene fitting the University of Utah Burn Center Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo \ Saturday,July 22 3490 W Powell Loop Gresham, OR Benefitting the Legacy Oregon Burn Center CURRENTS I APRIL 24,2023 4 PHISH TANK 3 c"" 104" : otit, 00-ill abol co" Every day,scammers are using email or text messages to try to steal Phishing phase 3: Catch your passwords,account numbers or other confidential information The third phase of phishing is the actual attack.The nature of the or to gain access to your personal accounts or PacifiCorp's network. "catch" depends on the scam. If the attacker used a link to a landing These cybercriminals frequently update their tactics, customizing their page to gain your password,they can then log in to your account, phishing attacks to make them more likely to work. Stay a step ahead harvest more information and even start targeting your personal by learning to recognize the three phases of a phishing attack: bait, contacts. If they've used an attachment to install malware,they may hook and catch. hold your account and data for ransom. Phishing phase 1: Bait To avoid taking the bait and being caught in a phishing attack, keep The first step of a phishing attack is preparing the bait—pretending to your guard up and apply critical thinking as you open your messages. represent a familiar company or to be someone you know. Look for these common warning signs: The more sophisticated cybercriminals can harvest details from sources ' The message comes from an unknown sender and/or it is marked as like your social media profiles in order to bait you with a customized INTERNET or EXTERNAL. message that will appear convincingly legitimate.This can be as simple as • It solicits sensitive information, like your password. knowing that you use a particular service or work at a particular business. . It prompts you to open an attachment or click a link. Phishing phase 2: Hook • It appeals to urgency,fear or desire. Once the attacker has information to use as bait,they set the hook by promising something or trying to scare you into action.The hook • It may contain spelling or grammatical errors. usually involves creating a sense of urgency to get you to act quickly— perhaps without thinking. Some common hooks include: • Saying they've noticed some suspicious activity or log-in attempts. • Claiming there's a problem with your account or your payment information. • Asking you to confirm some personal or financial information in ° ® LCD order to receive a shipment. D• a bait! • Saying you're eligible for a tax refund,a prize or other incentive. SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK Le eok -fil Cott 04 Chauffalio! If you haven't logged in yet,don't wait!The challenge runs through April 30. OUR 1. Register for the Earth Month Challenge here. (Log in using your standard network credentials,then fill in the registration form and click • 0 Submit) ii 2. Choose your challenges from the dashboard. 3.Complete each challenge and snap a photo or take a screenshot to share. 4. Upload the photo or screenshot to the dashboard to earn We're in the final stretch, but there's still plenty of time to register and points based on the level of difficulty. participate in the Earth Month Employee Challenge. It's simple,fun Bookmark the Earth Month Challenge page to complete challenges, and a great opportunity to reduce your environmental footprint, learn track your progress and watch the leaderboard! something along the way, and maybe even win a prize! Along with bragging rights,the employee with the most points at Contact Stacey Davis, Monica McDonald, Chelsey Roth,or each business (Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power) will select a Jackie Wetzsteon with any questions about the Earth Month Challenge. charity to receive a$1,000 donation; second place is a$500 donation, and third place is a$250 donation. CURRENTS I APRIL 24,2023 5 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION aa MyThq7 i4u*6 04 1 April is Celebrate Diversity Month —and a great time to learn more about what it means to be an ally. Throughout April,our employee resource groups are hosting guest panelists at their monthly meetings to discuss allyship—what it is and what it looks like in practice. There's one final opportunity to tune in,and all employees are invited! If you are already a member of the ERG,you should have a recurring meeting on your calendar.If you are not a member of the ERG,use the link below to email the group and request a meeting invite.Be sure to check out the ERG Yammer communities for each ERG as well. Pride Connection,Wednesday,April 26,9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT • Featuring panelists Pat Reiten, Berkshire Hathaway Energy senior vice president, public policy;Amanda Sadleir,AltaLink corporate J communications manager;and Rachelle Hannon, PacifiCorp principal f �/ engineer/operations project manager - Mom- Y9xwmf (a 4WIPP-M Three make-up sessions remain for employees who have not yet completed the required Equipping Bystanders training. In this interactive training,we will: • Use group discussion to raise awareness about diversity, equity and inclusion by sharing information, exploring our own views and hearing about the views and perspectives of others. • Learn to recognize opportunities to step into allyship and apply REACTIONS AND strategies to interrupt bias and microaggressions (subtle insults that IMPACTS WITH communicate negative messages about a person or group of people) MICROAGGRESSIONS in positive, respectful ways. There are three remaining opportunities to participate in a make-up session. 1 A 1 In-person session: • Salt Lake City area—April 26, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. MT, North -� Temple Office room 130K Virtual sessions: • May 1, 7 a.m. PT/8 a.m. MT Click here to join the meeting • May 4, 10 a.m. PT/ 11 a.m. MT Click here to join the meeting If you have questions, please contact Todd Dinehart,vice president, employee experience, or Emily Weaver, diversity, equity and • — • inclusion director. CURRENTS I APRIL 24,2023 6 POLICY AND POLITICS Atc,ear ftwa: (4tik-0- In our Policy& Politics series, we explore and explain the forces that are shaping the energy industry and the people and institutions, policies and political issues that impact our business. We hope this series provides information that's both interesting and useful in your day-to-day work. Let's take a look at Idaho,where we serve 87,000 customers in the eastern part of the state. Idaho has a substantial amount of land,and a relatively small population, making it one of the least densely populated states in the nation. Its economy's central drivers include manufacturing,agriculture, mining and forestry,and—key to our sector—it hosts the Idaho National Laboratory,a major U.S. Department of Energy facility responsible for immense scientific breakthroughs, including in nuclear energy. PacifiCorp maintains transmission lines in Idaho that serve as a vital link between the company's western and eastern service areas. We're also making more investments in the state: Key segments of the Gateway West transmission project will run from north-central I D A H O Oregon through the southern half of Idaho,and from there will link up with resources in Utah and Wyoming. The map below illustrates Idaho's central position in PacifiCorp seI vice area PacifiCorp's interconnected, six-state system: PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION ROUTES WASHINGTON IDAHO ENERGY GENERATION MIX 1-1 MONTANA R°a.dm b- "M H, ® PacifiCorp service area 00 OREGON ° eM'ar wesr O O Coal facilities ❑ ° a" DAHOu ♦ ® Natural gas facilities 2 E WYOMING m * Geothermal plant - ■ �^ar X01 uhi nneaine o_ °i°' ❑ Hydro systems 00 0 ♦ Wind facilities e s <w umb«°a les oQYirrn o t ❑ Solar facilities CALIFORNIA u C F e?"-00 fI Customer-supported NEVADA o1 renewable resources 4 — PacifiCorp-owned primary • C O L O R A D O transmission lines UTAH - Transmission access Rid Uu New transmission lines: —500 kV minimum voltage Renewables —345 kV minimum voltage 230 kV minimum voltage A R I Z O N A a Existing substation NEW M E X I C O o New substation Resources eepK-rel,—,VacRCorps anticipmed 2033 owned and mst°mer-enabled purcnau oortorio az identifiM In de 2019Integrated Res°rce Plan.Ry the end of 2029,costs!mm coal-fired resources will not be ircluded in rates for OR.WA antl CA customers. Idaho's Energy Sector Idaho's energy comes predominantly from renewable resources, The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is the state's utility regulator, owing largely to power from hydroelectric generation,with wind, overseeing PacifiCorp and the state's two other investor-owned small-scale solar and natural gas resources making up the remainder. utilities (Idaho Power Company and Avista Corporation). Rocky The state has one coal-fired plant,though power sourced from coal Mountain Power makes regular filings with the Idaho PUC, and the generation in other states is brought in, as needed,to meet electricity commission's approvals are essential to the development of future demand.Altogether,about one-third of the electricity consumed in infrastructure in the state that will benefit customers throughout the Idaho comes from outside the state. company's service area. (Continued) CURRENTS I APRIL 24,2023 7 (Continued from previous page) PacifiCorp also regularly cooperates with other utilities in the state, such as through its agreements with Idaho Power and the Bonneville Power Administration regarding the Boardman to Hemingway transmission line crossing from north-central Oregon to western Idaho. , These partners also join PacifiCorp as participants in the Western Energy Imbalance Market, of which PacifiCorp was the first utility member.The WEIM has since saved PacifiCorp customers more than $591 million and has grown to save the customers of its 22 members more than $3.4 billion.The map below shows how most of Idaho is served by WEIM participants: - . _ . Idaho's energy utility community consists of the investor-owned utilities and two dozen municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives—who largely buy their electricity from the Bonneville Power Administration,with its substantial hydro resources in the Pacific Northwest. — Idaho's government and politics Idaho's government frames its energy policy as seeking to efficiently _ increase the state's energy supply while maintaining the integrity of The Idaho state Capitol its natural resources. Its legislature has also pushed back,through bills passed this year, against any existing or potential local government efforts to enact energy conservation or decarbonization policies or stricter than those pursued by the state government. Idaho at a glance: In contrast to some of its neighbors,the state does not have a renewable portfolio standard, a policy that requiring a specific portion Population: 1.8 million (rank 38) of electricity to come from renewable resources by a certain date. It Economy:$111 billion GDP (rank 39) offers certain incentives to encourage energy efficiency and renewable Capital: Boise generation projects, including small-scale residential programs. The Governor's office has stated that an affordable, reliable, secure Key Leaders: and abundant energy supply is critical to Idaho's economy,and Gov. • Gov. Brad Little Little has even addressed energy policy as a national political issue, • Lt. Gov. Scott Bedke making note of geopolitical dynamics including competition with China • U.S. Senator Mike Crapo on the global stage. Little has also noted climate change as a real challenge requiring Idaho to adapt to changing conditions, such as the • U.S. Senator Jim Risch ongoing threat of wildfires,a concern in Idaho and throughout the western U.S. PACIFICORP 0 F � i ,i POWERING • YOUR GREATNESS �\ Y FOCUS ON WILDFIRE e° s 444 fauvxt� 44raf Iv11&W&14 May is National Wildfire Awareness Month Weather is one of the biggest concerns for electric utilities. For decades, our work when it comes to weather has focused on preparing for storms, responding to storm-caused • outages, and meeting heightened demand for electricity during very cold or hot weather. Today,weather is still all those things for us, but we're also responding to new extremes • • —especially around wildfire risk. Climate and weather conditions are changing, and so are our plans and responses. PacifiCorp's ongoing wildfire mitigation efforts enable us to protect the communities we serve and to continue providing safe, reliable power. We're investing nearly half a billion dollars in wildfire mitigation strategies over the SAFE & SECURE coming years.This includes deploying technology that provides round-the-clock reporting of weather conditions, rebuilding portions of the grid with equipment upgrades, and /28/2023 Corp safety results as of 428/ increasing inspections and vegetation maintenance on our lines. Our wildfire mitigation planning and response are becoming state-of-the-art.We're using new high-performance computing and sophisticated data modeling, driven by the RECORDABLE INCIDENTS meteorologists and data scientists who've joined our wildfire management team. YTD ON TRACK? See how we are integrating advanced technology and data to deliver power to our 1 customers safely and reliably in all weather. TARGET tn 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS �• A ` YTD ON TRACK? 11 TARGET e . 31 https://youtu.be/xOPuWVIfZFM CURRENTS I MAY 1,2023 1 IN THE NEWS r"444m9fout , h4* t kAfwff The PacifiCorp Foundation is announcing$506,00 in new funding UTAH—The Moab Free Health Clinic—the only safety-net clinic to directly support community organizations across the six states in southeastern Utah—received a$3,500 grant for equipment to we serve. Like Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power,these provide dental care to uninsured and underinsured people. In a part organizations are deeply invested in their communities and intent on of the state where even private/insurance-covered dental care is in making them more vibrant and resilient. low supply,the grant will help increase availability of quality dental Throughout the region, local community organizations deliver care for underserved members of the community. countless services and programs that increase access to healthy food, WASHINGTON— Rod's House in Yakima received a$5,500 provide safe and stable housing, offer healthcare and mental health foundation grant to help the Young Adult Emergency Home provide support services,and deliver disaster relief and public safety programs. longer-term sheltering services,essential supplies,case managers Every day,these neighbors who support and show up for each other and therapists to help young adults who have been homeless or in are making our communities safer and stronger. unstable housing transition to positive housing options. "We're proud to build on the strength of our communities and WYOMING—The Downtown Clinic in Laramie received a$6,000 to help energize and expand the heroic work of these local foundation grant to support an adult vaccination program for low- organizations;" said Gary Hoogeveen, president and CEO, Rocky income, uninsured residents and homeless people of Albany County. Mountain Power. The clinic's vaccination program has successfully reduced the number "They are enriching our communities and improving the lives of our of illnesses and sick days reported by clients.This grant will help fill most vulnerable children,families and seniors;"added Stefan Bird, a gap to continue the program where state and federal funding has president and CEO, Pacific Power. been eliminated. These safety and wellness grants are made through one of four quarterly grant cycles offered by the company's nonprofit arm each year.The other three cover community enhancement and PIP environmental respect, education/STEM, and arts and culture. in A sampling of the 147 grants in this quarter's safety and wellness cycle are listed below. For a full list of grants in this cycle, see the Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power news releases. You can also visit rockymountainpower.net/community or pacificpower.net/community to see an interactive map of recent grants in your community. CALIFORNIA—Great Northern Services received a$4,000 Pacific Power Foundation grant to help continue free, healthy lunches for children from food-insecure homes during the summer. Harrisburg(Oregon)Fire and Rescue received a Pacific Power Foundation grant for automatic external This summer lunch program serves the communities of Mt. Shasta, defibrillators to fully equip the Harrisburg Fire fleet. Dunsmuir, McCloud and Weed.Volunteers also provide fun, engaging activities during the lunches. 1 IDAHO—Oneida Crisis Center received $5,000 from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation for food and supplies to stock Carol's Pantry,a food bank serving community members in Oneida _ (— County.The funds will help keep the pantry stocked with healthy, , nutritious food, reducing the stress and discomfort associated with food insecurity. bR R"twkns Spa OREGON—Josephine County Foundation received a$5,000 ~- foundation grant to support Project SAFE (Students Acquiring _ Firefighter Equipment),a student-led initiative that purchases critical fire, medical and rescue equipment for volunteer fire departments in this high-risk wildfire area.These funds will be directed to fire departments in the rural Applegate Valley, Illinois Valley,Williams and Red Barn Farms in Farmington,Utah,received a Rocky Mountain Power Foundation grant for support Wolf Creek Communities. services that help men who have been homeless or imprisoned learn life and work skills that enable them to live successful lives. CURRENTS I MAY 1,2023 2 IN THE NEWS Lqva /� /�OW& 4vit valoyd IP mf Work has officially begun on what has been called the largest dam "Operating the Lower Klamath hydro plants while dam removal is in removal and river restoration effort in U.S. history. process is challenging.The staff and hydro south team are doing an The plan to remove the lower four Klamath River dams and restore a outstanding job dealing with conditions that are continually changing. 38-mile stretch of river to a more natural state was formally approved They are the best at what they do;' said Pete Sukraw, director, by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission late last year. Klamath operations. Crews are now in the field doing the preliminary work for dam KRRC gears up removal under the direction of the nonprofit Klamath River Renewal The Klamath River Renewal Corporation, a private, independent Corporation.That work includes bridge upgrades, new road construction nonprofit organization formed by signatories of the amended Klamath for easier access to the dam sites,and worksite development. Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement to oversee removal and Background restoration of the lands where the dams, reservoirs and other facilities are located, is now moving forward with the dam removal project. In November 2022,the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a license surrender order for the Lower Klamath Hydroelectric "We have several milestones associated with the project to highlight Project,giving final approval for a plan to remove four PacifiCorp this year," noted KRRC chief executive officer Mark Bransom. "This dams on the Klamath River includes the replacement of a drinking water line for the city of Yreka in May and the removal of Copco 2 dam by September." That approval paved the way for implementation of a settlement agreement nearly 15 years in the making among PacifiCorp,the The three larger dams are to be removed next year,with removal of states of California and Oregon,the Yurok and Karuk Tribes,the all four dams completed by the end of 2024; however,the restoration U.S. Departments of the Interior and Commerce, environmental of the 38-mile reach of river impacted by the dams will take longer advocates and other stakeholders. That restoration process is already underway as well. According to the terms of the amended Klamath Hydroelectric "We wanted to get a running start on this project;' explained Dave Settlement Agreement,the property and license for PacifiCorp's Coffman,the Northern California and Southern Oregon director of Lower Klamath hydroelectric project were transferred Dec. 1,2022, Resource Environmental Solutions. "Our crews spent several years to the states of California and Oregon and the Klamath River Renewal collecting thousands of native seeds from plants around the reservoir Corporation,which are now co-licensees of the project. sites that we propagated at commercial nurseries to become 17 billion seeds and thousands of saplings.As soon as the reservoirs are That step kickstarted the ambitious plan outlined in the agreement drawn down,we will immediately start the restoration process by to remove the four dams (J.C. Boyle in Oregon and Copco No. 1, seeding these areas:' Copco No. 2 and Iron Gate in California) in an effort to restore fish populations and improve river health. This project is one of several highlighted in the film Restoring Balance. PacifiCorp hydro operations personnel continue to operate the RES will be reconnecting critical tributaries and ensuring fish can once Lower Klamath hydro project under an operating agreement with the again access over 400 miles of historical habitat upstream of the dams. KRCC and will continue to generate electricity for customers until the dams are removed. >' Y kL t l Copco No.2 is the first of four Klamath River dams slated for removal. CURRENTS I MAY 1,2023 3 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION RC tve.&& s *fps o&wmW hw% q*)t naf Increasing our awareness of mental health can help us with our own learn of important patterns in Black suicide and how using an inclusive mental well-being and can provide us with the tools to help others. approach can lead to suicide prevention. One way that we can support each other is through addressing and InspirAsian—"Mental Health and Stigma in the API Community" reducing stigma related to mental health and wellness. with Dr. Howard Liu—Wednesday, May 17, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Throughout May, Berkshire Hathaway Energy's employee resource Dr. Liu will discuss the role of mental health stigma in the Asian groups are hosting guest speakers to discuss aspects of mental health Pacific Islander community, and InspirAsian founders will share some in relation to that affinity group.All are welcome to attend any of the personal experiences and share resources for employees to support following meetings. mental health in the organization. To join the meeting, click the presentation below. Registration is not Pride Connection—"LGBTQ Experiences of Grief and Loss" required.To become a member and receive monthly meeting updates, with Tim Hron—Wednesday, May 24, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. select the ERG below and send an email to join. Hron will discuss the mental health impact and trauma history of Our Familia—"Si, Se Puede Hablar About Mental Health grief/loss for lost adolescence of LGBTQ persons. Learn from first- (Yes,We Can Talk About Mental Health)"with Monica Meier— person perspectives and how to navigate resources with a healthcare Thursday, May 4, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. provider and employee assistance program. Meier will discuss mental health within the Latino/a/x community. Stigma, identification of struggles and identity will be incorporated. Participants will learn what they can do within their own lives and on a larger scale. y is BEAUTIE—"Suicide and the Black Community"with Tia Manning—Thursday, May 11, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. ME HEALTH A n re�ss MY n t h Suicide and factors that contribute to suicide are understudied among the Black community.As a result,there is much needed insight to l0" '\ � *C/ pri4el poq*l Rocky Mountain Power is one of the sponsors for this year's Utah Pride Festival June 3-4.We'll have a booth inside the festival and we're looking for a big group of people to walk as a team in the Pride Parade. y The Pride Parade is Utah's largest LGBTQ event. Held annually,the rr parade draws nearly 150,000 spectators and participants, including social groups, nonprofits, large and small businesses and schools,as a well as spectators on the streets. We need up to 275 people to join the celebration,walk in the parade with the Rocky Mountain Power team, and show our support for Utah's LGBTQ community. Family and friends are welcome! f �r4l' { Pride Parade: Sunday,June 4, 10 a.m.—1 p.m. Contact Stacey Davis if you'd like to participate, and let her know your T-shirt size. Employees from all BHE businesses participated in the 2022 PrideFest Parade in Des Moines. CURRENTS I MAY 1,2023 4 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION Aqvda Of&2023 prepwAd 0a&&"tSaWWtt Berkshire Hathaway Energy's 2023 Employee Resource Group Reach out to Emily Weaver,diversity,equity and inclusion director, Professional Development Summit will take place June 16-18 in Portland, with any questions. Oregon, bringing employees from across BHE together for a day of educational sessions followed by a weekend of volunteer opportunities. Friday's summit will feature a day of professional development through _Us e ease the QR code to the registration site: speakers and breakout sessions that will help us learn and grow together,followed by an evening reception. ? :rl= On Saturday and Sunday,there will be volunteer opportunities to support diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities, including Register today for the Berkshire Hathaway Energy 2023 Employee Resource Group professional Development Summit at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland,Oregon! participation in Portland's Juneteenth parade and festival. Hear from great speakers like Jennifer Brown and engage in interactive breakout sessions • Participate in the Juneteenth Parade and Festival If you are interested in attending, please first seek approval Hotel reservations must be made by May 19 using the link on the registration site from your manager and then register here,and be sure to till -PRIDE P VETRN• reserve hotel accommodations by May 19. ----r © r• LEARNING OPPORTUNITY When you open an Excel spreadsheet, are you comfortable getting around? Do you feel overwhelmed by the information or struggle to organize it in a way that makes sense to you? Join Leeanna Weislogel,training development analyst,for a Lunch and Learn webinar on Wednesday, May 17 from 11 a.m.to noon PT/ noon to 1 p.m. MT to learn more about basic Excel navigation. During our time together,we'll be covering how to create pivot tables; how to sort,filter and color code; and how to find unique values.These functions are helpful when consolidating data,creating lists and sorting information to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Click here to hold space on your Outlook calendar for this upcoming webinar. If you have any questions, contact PacifiCorp Learning. Prefer to learn more on your own?The online course Introduction to M365 Excel is available in our Learning Management System. Search for course number PPW0000414. OO V i Basic Excel Navigation CURRENTS MAY 1,2023 5 MAKE A DIFFERENCE 014a &QV �a& 9UW 60q C(*Tft/Cj The Benefit Golf Classic is back for the 26th year of supporting the Oregon Burn Center and its Burn Education and Prevention program. Hit the links with PacifiCorp employees, retirees,friends and family for a day in the sun and a fun round of golf in beautiful Hood River, Oregon. The Benefit Golf Classic is sponsored by PacifiCorp, IBEW Local 125 and other area utilities. When: Saturday,June 24 Where: Indian Creek Golf Course, Hood River Register at benefitgolfclassic.com. i„''' ,•y is wpm x - _ __ . Power 0 b �of P h�I I'. I i ® P U 1! k 4 16b ru"'t �I MR , �I I ! k I I 'I r � r � EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT (JM Nof Of ftK1 ��I�C�fi� I U Beautiful and essential,trees make our communities more livable, our homes more energy efficient and our lives healthier and more vibrant. Trees can also interfere with power lines, causing outages or creating other hazards.That's why the company employs a team of professional arborists to care for and manage the trees and other vegetation that grows around our facilities. Jon Spicer is a senior utility forestry arborist who works out of the Smithfield Service Center in northern Utah. Jon,thank you for giving us a peek into your world! Tell us about what a utility arborist does. And, how does your work benefit our customers? A utility forestry arborist manages multiple contractors and resources working various vegetation management projects for the company. Projects range from regular SAFE & SECURE vegetation cycle maintenance to fire mitigation and storm response.A utility arborist also works with communities PacifiCorp safety results as of 5/5/2023 and customers to educate them about the benefits of line clearance tree pruning when done properly.The vegetation management program implemented by our utility arborists RECORDABLE INCIDENTS increases the safety and reliability of our service for our customers. What do you like most about your job? YTD ON TRACK? Utility arborists at Rocky Mountain Power cover large geographical areas.This means that 12 my day-to-day work tasks can take me to amazing country throughout Idaho,Wyoming and Northern Utah. I often get to explore new far-off places as a part of work. How did you get into your line of work?There must be a lot of training TARGET required to care for and maintain trees while managing the added risk of 30 working around electric utility lines and equipment. I stumbled into becoming a utility arborist when I was looking for a new career.A family friend and my brother were both in the industry and all I knew was that it was a good VEHICLE ACCIDENTS union job. An arborist's training begins in the field, and once I got started, I found that I enjoyed YTD ON TRACK? working with trees and chainsaws,working outside, and the camaraderie that comes with 11 being on a line clearance tree crew. Once a utility arborist is immersed in the industry,they can expand their knowledge and TARGET skill set in any number of different ways.There are trainings for gear and equipment, 31 and tree climbing competitions.An arborist can also expand their expertise by pursuing certifications through the International Society of Arboriculture. One of the best things about being an arborist is that there is never a shortage of new information to learn. (Continued) CURRENTS I MAY 8,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Tell us about a tree-related success story that you're proud of. One tree-related success story that I am proud of was becoming a member of the Heber City, Utah,tree advisory board. Initially, serving on the board was outside of my comfort zone, but after a time I found it to be a rewarding experience. During my time on the board, we were able to help Heber City rewrite their tree ordinance, regain s _�, •ar" Tree City USA status and organize a yearly Arbor Day celebration. Unfortunately, I had to leave the board when I made a move north, but I will be looking to help create a tree board in my new city. l What brought you to northern Utah? And what do you lil<e to do outside of worl<? rREE an ITSa When the opportunity for a position in northern Utah presented itself,I %rix'r Da'r Ild�uun jumped on it because of the outdoor recreation opportunities in the area. W. As an avid upland hunter and a not very skilled fisherman,the hobbies that I enjoy the most are just out the back door or a short drive away. Jon Spicer(third from the left)is proud to have helped Heber City achieve Tree City USA status,a designation that recognizes the community's commitment to maintaining a healthy urban forest. FOCUS ON WILDFIRE OtAT o k to - f May is National Wildfire Awareness Month At Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power, safety and service These mitigative actions reduce wildfire risk, strengthen and improve reliability are our top priorities.As extreme weather conditions and the system,and ensure we can provide electricity to customers safely elevated wildfire risk become more common,we're making important and reliably. updates across our system. Video: Hardening our infrastructure Backed by a big investment and a targeted, informed strategy,we're hardening our grid from end to end. In 2022, crews installed 61 miles of covered conductor, undergrounded another mile of line in a high-risk area, replaced 2,095 expulsion fuses, replaced 1,101 poles with fire-resistant ones, and installed 684 fault indicators. In 2023, PacifiCorp continues to make substantial investments to ensure a reliable and resilient grid. ` An additional 100 weather stations, 130 miles of covered conductor Hardening our infrastructure and 7 miles of underground lines will be installed. PacifiCorp will also replace 5,000 expulsion fuses and 2,600 power poles. RMP: https://youtu.be/Sc-YgKLgbo8 PP: https://youtu.be/kv8D-k4vyhM In areas of high wildfire risk, our foresters have increased the frequency of their inspections.We are now conducting annual Video: Increased vegetation management inspections of trees and other vegetation that can impact our poles and wires and removingpotential risks as we see them.We also ,3 i ,a w� P clear the brush around certain equipment poles in these areas.These efforts supplement our regular scheduled trimming cycle. We're installing intelligent devices on our lines,so we can react remotely more often, reducing the time it would take for crews to assemble and dispatch to a site. For times when weather conditions increase the risk for wildfire, we are installing more sectionalizing devices that will reduce outage times and, in the event of a public safety power shutoff,allow us to Vegetation management de-energize only an affected portion of a line (such as between two poles)to impact as few customers as possible. RMP:https://youtu.be/RuZb4GFIMpY PP:https://youtu.be/Bo3wm]hCpuA CURRENTS I MAY 8,2023 2 IN THE NEWS 0&6sk y,wAttxatvq�t h&�V ratm f0a Wf Pacific Power celebrated Earth Day with an update on local wildlife • The Applegate Partnership is uses funds to remove fish passage habitat restoration projects awarded through the Blue Sky Habitat barriers that impede coho salmon access to quality upstream habitats program last year.These efforts, some of which are still in progress, on Williams Creek in Josephine County. will benefit the planet for years to come. • And in Jackson County,ahead of schedule,the Rogue River Pacific Power customers can support Blue Sky Habitat on their bills by Watershed Council completed a two-mile restoration of threatened matching their electricity use with renewable energy and donating an salmon habitat.The team removed invasive plant species, reconstructed additional $2.50 per month toward habitat restoration projects. side channels and restored instream flow to create a viable rearing Funds from Blue Sky Habitat participants are allocated to The habitat for young summer steelhead,coho and chinook salmon. Freshwater Trust,which coordinates the use of customer funds and Since 2011, Pacific Power Habitat participants have awarded over provides matching grant dollars to local restoration efforts. $2.1 million to Oregon-based restorations across our service area. "Blue Sky Habitat participants support salmon and native fish These investments help our partners leverage funds raised from other enhancement projects that are important for our ecosystem and sources to increase project impacts. communities;" said Cory Scott,vice president of customer and How Blue Sky works community solutions. "We're immensely proud to support our Blue Sky is a voluntary program available to Pacific Power and Rocky partners'work, made possible by our Blue Sky participants'generosity." Mountain Power customers that allows participants to match their Together with local partners across Oregon,The Freshwater Trust energy usage with the purchase of renewable energy credits. It's used Blue Sky Habitat participant funds to support projects benefiting an effortless way for participants to champion renewable energy in more than 25 miles of river habitats last year: the West, above and beyond the company's substantial and growing • The Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce is reclaiming a World portfolio to renewable resources. War II ship mooring basin for the salmon that rely on local water In addition to supporting renewable energy in the West,funds flow.With the help of funds administered by Pacific Power's Blue Sky from Blue Sky participants' support allows Pacific Power and Rocky Habitat program, crews will build more than 18 acres of new tidal Mountain Power to partner with community organizations to channels to improve fish access, refuge area and habitat. fund local renewable energy projects.These projects have helped • The Hood River Watershed Group is boosting recovery of spring community organizations save money on electricity costs and reinvest chinook,winter steelhead, coho, cutthroat trout and the endangered those funds to support their missions in the communities we serve. bull trout. Efforts will center on restoring a fish passage on Tony Customers who want to participate in Blue Sky may call toll Creek to reconnect over five miles of critical habitat. free at 1-888-221-7070 or visit pacificpowernet/bluesky or -Quality stream habitats for Clackamas' Sandy basin salmon and rockymountainpowernet/bluesky. steelhead will become self-sustaining after the Freshwater Trust's efforts to clear dams and dikes, restore fish passages and add large wood to side channels and stream margins. � � � • yA •!•' "^}gym 14* r^ � CURRENTS MAY 8,2023 ` 3 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION A)h6ttAAP( yaiNo nn 04&f *M& May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and we're celebrating with colleagues from InspirAsian, BHE's Asian and Pacific Islander employee resource group. owl ASIAN � AMERICAN! PACIFIC ISLANDER Ilia HERITAGE MONTH InspirAsian "I am an Asian American whose Japanese grandfather immigrated to Hawaii in the early 1900s, so the celebration of Asian American and I I I Pacific Islander Heritage Month is particularly I surreal. I am extremely proud of the life and family my grandfather and others like him built in America. II I And deeply grateful for the opportunities they fought to provide me:" InspirAsian - Lisa Walker, Asian and Pacific Islander Employees and Allies Joint Use Services Manager f V 664"f *ow C&wm&( ow"'fT Increasing our awareness of mental health can help us with our own InspirAsian—"Mental Health and Stigma in the API Community" mental well-being and can provide us with the tools to help others. with Dr. Howard Liu—Wednesday, May 17, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. One way that we can support each other is through addressing and Dr. Liu will discuss the role of mental health stigma in the Asian reducing stigma related to mental health and wellness. Pacific Islander community,and InspirAsian founders will share some Throughout May, Berkshire Hathaway Energy's employee resource personal experiences and share resources for employees to support groups are hosting guest speakers to discuss aspects of mental health mental health in the organization. in relation to that affinity group.All are welcome to attend any of the Pride Connection—"LGBTQ Experiences of Grief and Loss" following meetings. with Tm Hron—Wednesday, May 24, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. To join the meeting, click the presentation below. Registration is not Hron will discuss the mental health impact and trauma history of required.To become a member and receive monthly meeting updates, grief/loss for lost adolescence of LGBTQ persons. Learn from first- select the ERG below and send an email to join. person perspectives and how to navigate resources with a healthcare provider and employee assistance program. BEAUTIE—"Suicide and the Black Community"with Tia Manning—Thursday, May 11, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. I q° t N Suicide and factors that contribute to suicide are understudied among ': 10 the Black community.As a result,there is much needed insight to _•y is learn of important patterns in Black suicide and how using an inclusive ► ` approach can lead to suicide prevention. Mdnth CURRENTS I MAY 8,2023 4 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION Aqvda Of&1013 prepond 9C*&ftwUtSMkMtt Friday, May 19,will be the last day the block of hotel rooms at the Hilton Portland Downtown and The Duniway Portland will be held for the June 16-18 Berkshire Hathaway Energy 2023 Employee Resource Group Professional Development Summit. Use the qa:...d,.to access the regin site: Reserve your hotel accommodations now. 0 You can still register for the event and weekend activities and reserve a hotel room (on your own)after May 19, but the hotel room block will be unavailable after that date.Visit the 2023 ERG Professional Register today for the Berkshire Hathaway Energy 2023 Employee Resource Group Development Summit website for event details and register t0 attend. Professional Development Summit at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland,Oregon! • Hear from great speakers like Jennifer Brown and engage in interactive breakout sessions If you are interested in attending this year's Professional Development • Participate in the Juneteenth Parade and Festival • Hotel reservations must be made by May 19 using the link on the registration site Summit in Portland, please first seek approval from your manager. Reach out to Emily Weaver, diversity, equity and inclusion director, ,n PRIDE pAcwohien, •VETRN- CONNECTION ----- with any questions. SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK co* C to, The Earth Month Employee Challenge ended on April 30, and we The top five most popular activities employees chose to have winners! complete were: Employees from all across the company took the challenge to Amount Points complete activities that help them reduce waste and live more Activity Name Completed Earned sustainably, earning points based on the difficulty level. The three top performers from each division (Pacific Power and Get outside! 147 1470 Rocky Mountain Power) will be announced next week, along with the Go an entire week without using bottled nonprofits each one selects to receive a donation. water:fill and pack a reusable water container 86 3010 The challenge was a win for the environment and for the selected in place of purchased bottled water nonprofits: First place is a$1,000 donation;second place is a$500 Use a resuseable coffee cup for an entire 72 2520 donation, and third place is a$250 donation. week(7 days) By the numbers Complete the Earthday Nature and Happiness 67 335 Quiz PacifiCorp employees were unofficially competing against MidAmerican Energy and NV Energy,and PacifiCorp came out on top! Listen to a sustainability podcast 66 330 Company Comparison JIM A 15,000 12,000 9,000 0 14,073 6,000 11,591 3,000 0 — PacifiCorp MidAmerican NV Energy CURRENTS I MAY 8,2023 5 IT UPDATES CA Sn or�u�tvo ealS out On Saturday, May 13,from 8 p.m. until 12 a.m. PT(9 p.m.to 1 a.m. MT), all SAP production systems—including ECC, ePortal, Process Orchestration, Business Warehouse, Environmental Compliance, SAP GRC and SAP SRM—will be down for maintenance. Please plan your activities accordingly. During the ePortal maintenance, intranet content will be unavailable.Web applications will be unaffected by this maintenance; however,you will need to access them through these direct links. If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. (f Lofwetto&Sews paws Supervisors, please share this information with personnel • Added exceptions for Console Session timeouts based on current who do not have access to email. Bulletin board business operations. administrators, please post this message on company • Added clarification of asset patching for DMZ items. bulletin boards. • Added reference to Open Web Application Security Project The BHE Chief Security Office has issued a new revision of the BHE (OWASP) for application security along with specific guidance on Information Security Policies (revision 1.4) effective May 1, 2023.This application development. change supports efforts to standardize best information security • Removed any exception process for the use of Personal Devices. practices throughout BHE and our commitment to ensure the continued confidentiality, integrity and availability of customer and ' Added references to Access Control Standard (5202) instead of the more generic "standards approved the Chief Security Officer." company information and associated assets. The BHE Information Security Policies are not limited to IT.They A documented exception is still required when a business policies or set forth expectations and governance requirements for information implementation does not meet the requirements of policies security across the organization. The BHE Information Security Policies and the BHE Physical Security The key change highlights from revision 3 to 4.1 includes: Policies are located on the PacifiCorp Intranet under Business Services —+ Security, Information Security Management System. • The BHE Physical Security Policies-Revision 1 has been separated from the BHE Information Security Policies-Revision 4.1. Other PacifiCorp ISMS documents and trainings will be undergoing subsequent updates to as to be in alignment with the BHE • Review language has been changed from annually to once per Information Security Policies. calendar year to clarify the language from an audit perspective. Please do not hesitate to reach out to BHE CSO or PacifiCorp ISMS • Added references to ISO 27019 and began control additions for the leaders should you have any questions regarding this communication, ISO 27017:2022 framework. policy changes or PacifiCorp's ISMS program in general. EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS pvt&&4 Stm,C-K&K &-bik 4iS&VV&t Cynergy E-Bikes is offering$300 off any regularly priced e-bike in the store.Just let them know you're a PacifiCorp employee and the discount is yours! Cynergy's goal is to get fewer cars on the roads and more happy people riding e-bikes. Do it for yourself. Do it for the environment. Do it because it's fun! Find Cynergy E-Bikes at 3608 SE Powell Blvd. in Portland. Magnum Premium 3 Low step E-lux Malibu Step-Thru CURRENTS I MAY 8,2023 6 MAKE A DIFFERENCE P"Ar"r 4-fil Ohh- Au Adftt In collaboration with InspirAsian and as a part of our celebration of The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is a sponsor of the festival Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Rocky Mountain and we encourage all to attend this free event on Saturday,June 3, Power is looking for at least 15 volunteers to help the Asian whether you volunteer or not. Association of Utah set up for the 46th Utah Asian Festival More information can be found at Utah Asian Festival. Friday,June 2 from 1 to 4 p.m.at the Grand Building of the Utah State Fairpark(155 N 1000 W in Salt Lake City—just down the street from NTO). Set up will include a range of tasks to get the venue up and ready, 46th ANNUAL 4 r.USIAN � ��SFUTAHincluding decorations and making paper cranes. � � 1-1 '•1r•` To volunteer, email LeAnn Singleton by May 18 and include your a SATURDAY 111AM 7PM name,email address, phone number and your shirt size, if you do not PAL L J UN already have a blue RMP volunteer T-shirt. s4 UTAH STATE FAIRPARK 155 N 1000 W,Salt Lake City,UT 84116 Family members and friends are welcome to help out! Please RSVP 1 ems with their information so we have an accurate count. UT" eflip &fu*6 pri46 PoO461 Rocky Mountain Power is one of the sponsors for this year's Utah Pride Festival,June 3-4. We'll have a booth inside the festival and we're looking for a big group of people to walk as a team in the Pride Parade. f, The Pride Parade is Utah's largest LGBTQ event. Held annually,the x parade draws nearly 150,000 spectators and participants, includingI social groups, nonprofits, large and small businesses and schools,as S well as spectators on the streets. 1 ;( We need up to 275 people to join the celebration,walk in the parade '.. with the Rocky Mountain Power team, and show our support for Utah's LGBTQ community. Family and friends are welcome! k Pride Parade: Sunday,June 4, 10 a.m.—1 p.m. Contact Stacey Davis if you'd like to participate, and let her know your T-shirt size PACIFICORP 0 i• . �rt�..A ♦n 1~ r'�h' :,.. Y '1 -+ f�1A11�'' 1►..�^ 4 ';. .* A.-Y ,�, +�^•� grillt J �;,,..►,�^.'Yl ...�+�'",, 1 \ �f M':t 0. y!1• ,K±_.ri0 Y '�.+� `K M'�,.4! � �' i•.. •. t ` POWERING • • YOUR GREATNESS r Pacific Power Rocky Mountain Power FOCUS ON WILDFIRE Pf&Cty&4't"44 f�W(W&fWm INSIDI THIS ISSUI May is National Wildfire Awareness Month Focus on Wildfire Over the past couple weeks,we've shared how Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power In the News 2 are building our system to be more resilient for all seasons and weather conditions and investing in wildfire mitigation strategies to help keep the power on safely and reliably. Sustainability at Work 4 Safety is a core value at PacifiCorp, and it begins at home. Here are some steps you can Diversity, Equity& Inclusion 6 take to prepare for emergencies, reduce the impact of wildfire and safeguard your home and family. IT Updates 7 STEP 1: Create a defensible space Make a Difference 8 Just as we're clearing vegetation away from power lines, it's important for you to create a defensible space around your property. ZONE 1:The 30-foot area closest to your home should contain only low-growing plants such as annual flowers,succulents and well-tended lawns, providing less fuel for a potential SAFE & SECURE wildfire. ZONE 2: Between 30 and 100 feet from your home, stick to well-spaced trees and PacifiCorp safety results as of5/12/2023 shrubs, and islands of vegetables surrounded by noncombustible materials. ZONE 3: Beyond 100 feet, reduce fire fuel by thinning and pruning trees and RECORDABLE other vegetation. YTD ON TRACK? 12 ` TARGET ' 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS 000, • YTD ON TRACK? fill, ilk TARGET 31 (Continued) CURRENTS MAY 15,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) STEP 2: Update your emergency plan and supplies See our Wildfire Safety Checklist(LP_/ RMP), or refer to this Is your family ready for an emergency?With a simple plan and the Preparing for a Power Outage guide from FEMA. right supplies,you'll be able to act with confidence. STEP 3: Stay informed Here are a few of the essentials: In the event of an emergency,you should use all available options to • Make sure you have a two-week supply of shelf-stable food and stay informed, including TV, radio and social media announcements,as water for all the people and pets in your home. well as direct contact with your utilities and other responders. • Gather a backup supply of essential medicine. Make sure your contact information is up to date so your utilities and emergency contacts can reach you by phone,text or email. • Create an emergency kit with flashlights,fresh batteries, solar phone chargers,first aid, essential phone numbers and cash. • Designate an emergency meeting location. • Learn how to manually open your garage door. IN THE NEWS Farolpew fits Am* t I P&rut TerraPower founder and chairman Bill Gates visited Kemmerer, Wyoming,future home to the Natrium reactor and integrated ''. storage system that will be sited near PacifiCorp's Naughton plant. �F I ■ Gates was joined during the May 5 visit by Rocky Mountain Power _ << president and CEO Gary Hoogeveen,TerraPower president and CEO Chris Levesque, Natrium project director and senior vice president Tara Neider,and Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon for tours of the Naughton coal plant and the future Natrium demonstration site. Gates also met with Wyoming elected officials and joined community _ members for a Natrium plant preview event. "I am proud to be investing in a next-generation nuclear power plant in Kemmerer and supporting the state of Wyoming as an energy leader in the U.S.:' Gates said. "TerraPower's Natrium reactor is an example Bill Gates speaks with Rebecca Jarvis,chief ABC News correspondent,while joining Gary Hoogeveen,Rocky Mountain Power president and CEO,Ryan McGraw,Paci fiCorp vice president of project development,and of how energy innovation can create jobs and strengthen the American Naughton employees,among others,during the tour. economy.That's why I am so excited to be here talking about the project with the community leaders that are making it happen" The storage technology can boost the system's output to 500 megawatts "It was a pleasure to introduce Bill to our Wyoming stakeholders of power when needed,which is equivalent to the energy required to today.TerraPower has received a warm welcome in the Lincoln power around 400,000 homes.The energy storage capability allows the County community and in our engagements across the state.We plant to integrate seamlessly with renewable resources. are proud to add our project to Wyoming's rich history of energy The project will need a peak workforce of 1,600 construction jobs production and it was an honor for our chairman to be able to meet and 250 full-time employees to support day-to-day operations when local community members and experience firsthand the excitement the plant comes online. that our team encounters every day;" said Chris Levesque,TerraPower "PacifiCorp and TerraPower have a combined commitment president and CEO. to providing low-cost, carbon-free energy solutions, while The Natrium demonstration project is a public-private partnership maintaining grid reliability and integrating dispatchable power that and part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Reactor can support intermittent energy resources;' said Gary Hoogeveen, Demonstration Program.The demonstration plant will validate Rocky Mountain Power president and CEO. "Kemmerer is home the design,construction and operational features of the Natrium to a highly skilled workforce that knows what it takes to support technology.The project features a 345-megawatt, sodium-cooled fast major energy projects, and we are grateful for the community's reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system. support and enthusiasm" (Continued) CURRENTS I MAY 15,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) In fall 2022,TerraPower and PacifiCorp announced their intention to This would total 1,500 megawatts of advanced nuclear energy develop up to five additional Natrium reactors by 2035. PacifiCorp's from three total Natrium reactors, including the plant in Kemmerer. 2023 Integrated Resource Plan included plans for three Natrium TerraPower and PacifiCorp will also continue to explore the possibility reactors and energy storage systems to be online by 2033. of deploying additional Natrium units by 2035. Ming 1 � TerroPower's renderings of the future Natrium advanced nuclear demonstration project in Kemmerer govffa y 1 � The Peak Load Management Alliance,which represents load program with the goal of accelerating the transition to the management practitioners, recently held its 2Oth awards ceremony renewabl es-powered grid of the future.The program is a first- during the PLMA Conference in Memphis,Tennessee.This annual of-its-kind solution for customers who use batteries to turn their awards program recognizes innovative approaches to flexible load own intermittent solar power into a smart grid asset managed by management and honors practitioners who develop programs and Rocky Mountain Power, one capable of providing advanced demand technologies that benefit the electric grid. response functionality. Among the award winners was Rocky Mountain Power's Wattsmart Congratulations to everyone involved in making the Wattsmart Battery Demand Response Program. Battery program an award-winning success,and for all the work "Each spring, PLMA honors load management practitioners who have employees do day in and day out to safely deliver reliable electric implemented leading-edge technologies and excelled in extraordinary service to our customers while exploring innovative ways to excel in customer engagement," explained PLMA Awards co-chair Peter an ever-changing energy industry Bergeron of CPower. "Their initiatives,successes and lessons learned provide valuable perspectives for consideration and adaptation by other energy professionals:' ROCKY MOUNTAIN vay In its submission for the PLMA award, Rocky Mountain Power noted POWER that the current electric grid was designed to facilitate the one-way ` transfer of energy from large power plants—such as coal, hydro or natural gas—but that the transition to clean, renewable energy all requires an evolution of the grid into a system that can manage the continued growth of intermittent energy resources,such as rooftop solar panels.This recognizes the reality that the utility-customer ' relationship is becoming a two-way connection. To adapt to this emerging relationship with customers, Rocky Mountain Power partnered with its rooftop solar customers to . develop and launch the Wattsmart Battery Demand Response CURRENTS I MAY 15,2023 3 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK [of gym* Niff"& �i� We have winners! The Earth Month Challenge was a huge success,thanks to all the efforts and activities of employees across the company who participated. Here in their own words are those who racked up the most points and secured donations to the nonprofits of their choice. We asked each of the top three winners from Pacific Power and from Rocky Mountain Power to tell us about one new activity they completed during the challenge, or one they were newly inspired by.They also told us about the nonprofit they chose to receive a prize donation (ranging from $250 to$1,000),and why. Brandon Burke, senior utility forestry arborist, I�3►` ` Klamath Falls, Oregon-2,080 points "I was newly inspired by the way my young children participated and enjoyed the challenge. I believe it encouraged the kids to embrace Y the joy of giving and doing good for others. My oldest recognized the importance of giving without expectation.The family did many activities such as recycling, pollution awareness, planting, bird watching and many walks on trails and parks.The goal is to continue these activities during the entire year, not just during April-teaching and learning about our amazing planet and how to care for it all year. ''• +'•�"`�` "I picked Steens sports park as my nonprofit organization to receive • A �''r ``� - `the donation. I played high school baseball for the founder of the park years ago. Now many events and games are held year-round at +. .�. the fantastic facility.The park creates great opportunities for young - children and businesses in the Klamath Basin." Benjamin Dudik, utility forestry arborist, Albany, Oregon-1,625 points r "I enjoyed the tree planting activities. It was great to get engaged with p � local communities,schools,and municipals to help plant new trees in r { public places for future community benefit. "I have selected the Oregon Chapter of the Backcountry Hunters - &Anglers to receive my donation.This will undoubtably help to continue the emphasis on promoting and providing public land access - and conservation of our wild places throughout the state and the country for recreational opportunities and enjoyment by all." • • Mehdi Eskandari,transmission design engineer, Salt Lake City, Utah- 1,455 points "Planting pollinator plants was a new activity that I completed during this challenge! a, "I would like the donation prize to go to Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary y ; in Erie, Colorado. My wife took me to visit this animal sanctuary when COVID hit.Their care for the animals that they rescued from slaughterhouses was heartwarming; it felt so peaceful and lively,a true sanctuary from COVID as well as for the amazing animals.The animals - loved hanging out with people-so forgiving,given their horrible trauma.The pigs loved belly rubs,just like our dogs.After that visit, I had an urge for a sustainable and ecofriendly lifestyle and ended up winning a prize in the Earth Month Challenge. I would love to share this + joy with Luvin Arms and support their mission." (Continued) d CURRENTS l MAY 15,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) Haidee Montejo Degoma, drafting specialist, Portland, Oregon— 1,115 points -'Joining the Earth Day Challenge is something new to me, but the activities involved for this initiative were a part of my daily activities. Spring is when I start planting out to the garden with the seedlings I have grown from seeds in January to March.This month really _ ;✓ pushed me to work harder with gardening, composting, recycling and spending more time outside. 4 "For my donation, I picked Friends of Trees.They have been planting yY trees and native shrubs since 1989 in the Portland-Vancouver- Salem, and Eugene-Springfield areas.They have already planted 910,000 trees and shrubs and I'd like to support them to continue to provide city- approved trees that households can plant along the street and in their yards.This will allow our region to increase the urban canopy and have a greener city." Jeffry Ketelsen, estimator trainee, Cody,Wyoming—1,070 points 'A new activity I started during the challenge was using hydroponics and LED lights to start an indoor garden. My wife had gifted me an AeroGarden, so I thought it was the perfect time to try it out. She is a big cook and loves to use vegetable from the garden, but with Wyoming winters it can be a challenge.We have successfully started to grow a spinach plant and jalapeno plant. She loves adding these vegetables to our meals, and I love doing all the work to get them ready for her.We are planning to add a few more vegetables to our AeroGarden. "I would like to pick Cody Recreation Foundation for getting people outdoors and enjoying the community parks" Jake McCoy, student engineer, Salt Lake City, Utah—1,035 points "The activity that inspired me the most was watching nature documentaries. I learned so much about orcas! Prior to this challenge, I had no idea how intelligent and ruthless they are.The most incredible thing I saw them do was work together to make a tidal wave to push a seal off an ice chunk and into the water, so they could eat it. "I have chosen Operation Underground Railroad to receive my donation.They assist law enforcement agencies both here and abroad in shutting down modern-day slavery and sex trafficking. Liberty—the right to make good choices—is one of the most sacred things with which all humankind has been endowed and I want to hope OUR will __" be able to use the donation to preserve this right for others." s CURRENTS I MAY 15,2023 5 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION A)h6t6VP( OW496 Kos *M& May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and we're celebrating with colleagues from InspirAsion, r BHE's Asian and Pacific Islander employee resource group. a ASIAN AMERICAN! PACIFIC ISLANDER ] HERITAGE MONTH InspirAsian "After living most of my life in India,where thousands of dialects, hundreds of languages and ethnic cultures coexist, I strongly believe that I I I genuine leaders with cultural awareness,empathy I and mindful inclusivity are pivotal to making us stronger and relatable in our working culture and II I also in our community." Rohit Nair InspirAsian Director, engineering standards Asian and Pacific Islander Employees and Allies &grid modernization HEALTH AND WELLNESS �° wma ta* hloltfas May is National Mental Health Awareness Month Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think,feel, act, make choices,and relate to others. Mental health is more than the absence of a mental illness—it's essential to our overall health and quality of life. (Continued) 5� `I CURRENTS I MAY 15,2023 6 (Continued from previous page) Self-care supports mental health Self-care can play a role in maintaining good mental health. Self-care Self-care looks different for everyone. Find what you need and enjoy, means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve and do what works best for you. both your physical health and mental health. When to seek professional help These self-care can tips help you manage stress, lower your risk of Seek professional help if you are experiencing severe or distressing illness and increase your energy symptoms that have lasted two weeks or more, such as: • Get regular exercise.just 30 minutes of walking every day can • Difficulty sleeping help boost your mood and improve your health. Small amounts of exercise add up,so don't be discouraged if you can't do 30 minutes ' Appetite changes that result in unwanted weight changes at one time. • Struggling to get out of bed in the morning because of mood • Eat healthy,regular meals and stay hydrated.A balanced diet • Difficulty concentrating and plenty of water can improve your energy and focus throughout • Loss of interest in things you usually find enjoyable the day.Also, limit caffeinated beverages such as soft drinks or coffee. • Inability to perform usual daily functions and responsibilities • Make sleep a priority. Stick to a schedule,and make sure you're getting enough sleep. Blue light from devices and screens can make it Don't wait until your symptoms are overwhelming.Talk about your harder to fall asleep,so reduce blue light exposure from your phone concerns with your primary care provider,who can refer you to a or computer before bedtime. mental health professional if needed. • Try a relaxing activity. Explore relaxation or wellness programs Employee Assistance Program or apps,which may incorporate meditation, muscle relaxation or PacifiCorp's Employee Assistance Program is here to help you and breathing exercises. Schedule regular times for these and other your family members identify and deal with personal, health and healthy activities you enjoy such as journaling. work-related problems. Offered through a third party, all services are • Set goals and priorities. Decide what must get done now and confidential and available at no cost to you and your family members. what can wait. Learn to say"no"to new tasks if you start to feel You and your family members can each receive up to eight free like you're taking on too much.Try to be mindful of what you have counseling sessions per year through the EAR. Learn more here. accomplished at the end of the day, not what you have been unable What to do in a crisis to do. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of • Practice gratitude. Remind yourself daily of things you are grateful suicide, call or text the 988 Suicide&Crisis Lifeline at 988 or chat at for. Be specific.Write them down at night or replay them in your suicide call rg. mind. This service is confidential,free and available • Focus on positivity. Identify and challenge your negative and 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • • unhelpful thoughts. In life-threatening situations, call 911. • Stay connected. Reach out to your friends or family members LIFELINE who can provide emotional support and practical help. Source: National Institutes of Mental Health IT UPDATES CAP 19W,w4m r&&4A& Vn On Thursday, May 18 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. PT (7-10 p.m. MT), changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. If you have questions or need help, please contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. CURRENTS I MAY 15,2023 7 MAKE A DIFFERENCE 06ty,,0&� o-atq� �M4 wi flJc4v�,Sf d�4f Saturday,July 8, 2023 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Merwin Fish Hatchery t"Q Ariel, Washington ON FISHING Volunteers are still needed at the 23rd annual Merwin Special Kids Day! Pacific Power partners with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to put on a memorable day of fishing and fun in join ' annual the sun for children with special needs. MerwinSpecialKids D' HOW: Email Todd Dinehart by July 5 to sign up. This is a great day to volunteer as a team or with your family or friends.Volunteers are needed for: • One-on-one fishing with a child �— • Registration • Parking 6C • Pulling fish wagons to the weigh station _ • Weighing fish • Taking photos—and more! Games, educational booths,fun activities and a barbecue lunch are offered for all volunteers, participants and their families. Please wear your"make a difference"volunteer T-shirt. (Contact Todd Dinehart if you need one) — UT6&Ring &fU 446 POM41 Rocky Mountain Power is sponsoring this year's Utah Pride Festival June 3-4.We'll have a booth inside the festival and we're looking for a s, big group of people to walk as a team in the Pride Parade. The Pride Parade is Utah's largest LGBT event. Held annually,the �{ g Q Y , parade draws nearly 150,000 spectators and participants, including social groups, nonprofits, large and small businesses and schools,as well as spectators on the streets. We need up to 275 people to join the celebration,walk in the parade •: " with the Rocky Mountain Power team,and show our support for Utah's LGBTQ community. Family and friends are welcome! T 1171 1%1. Pride Parade: Sunday,June 4, 10 a.m.—1 p.m. Contact Stacey Davis if you'd like to participate,and let her know your T-shirt size PACIFICORP 0 ' � a a _ r 1 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT S440a PWIM,&&W At PacifiCorp,environmental respect is one of our core values,and as we work to deliver safe, reliable and affordable power to our customers,we also seek to protect the beautiful ecosystems of the western states in which we operate. ' PacifiCorp employs a number of professionals who help us better work in harmony with the •. environment—among them Summer Peterman,senior environmental scientist in hydro compliance,who took time to help us understand the role ' that environmental science plays in our company's operations. Summer, thanks very much for joining us for this spotlight.What brought you to the world of environmental science? Can you tell us what it !. means to you personally to work in biology? f �* 1 am from Detroit, Michigan. I grew up in the suburbs but spent my free time camping and enjoying the outdoors. Originally, I was on track to be a firefighter/paramedic,but SAFE & SECURE 1 at 20 1 decided I wasn't quite ready to fully commit to that PacifiCorp safety results as of career.Instead, I moved west to pursue wildland firefighting, 5/19/2023 and in the process completely fell in love with the wild beauty of Oregon.Soon after,I enrolled in the Wildlife and Fisheries program at Oregon State University where I became passionate RECORDABLE about conserving and managing wildlife and their habitats throughout Oregon. I enjoy what I do,and I am proud of the work I get to do here at PacifiCorp. YTD ON TRACK? When people think about the role of an electric utility, biology probably isn't a 12 field that immediately comes to mind.What are some of the key activities that a PacifiCorp biologist performs? TARGET Enhancing and maintaining wildlife habitat is central to PacifiCorp's goal of protecting the O environment.We focus on preserving forests,meadows,shrubland,oak sites,wetlands and many other unique habitats on PacifiCorp-owned lands.These managed areas benefit a host of wildlife species like deer,elk,birds,amphibians,fish and pollinators. I endearingly refer to these efforts as"gardening for wildlife" VEHICLE ACCIDENTS We also work with our operations staff to reduce impacts on fish and wildlife at our hydroelectric facilities.One example is the creation and implementation of protection plans for YTD ON TRACK? birds like osprey and bald eagles. 11 What do you like most about the biology profession and your job in particular? I love that I get to spend a good portion of my time working outdoors and practicing TARGET science-based management.I am continuously learning and enjoy staying up to date on best 31 management practices that benefit the species on our lands.Some of that work includes looking at the use of transmission line rights-of-ways by pollinators,the use of oak restoration sites by elk,and the nesting success of raptors near our facilities. (Continued) CURRENTS I MAY 22,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) I also enjoy navigating the challenges of managing wildlife disease, invasive What changes have you experienced or observed in the field species, noxious weeds and the impacts of climate change. of environmental science? My most recent endeavor was to become drone certified.This I think the largest shift I've seen over the last 10 years has been the certification has allowed me to more easily conduct wildlife surveys, public's desire for green energy products and social accountability.What which allows me to get out to meet and help our operations staff in I think is often lacking is education for the public on how our natural Montana and Idaho,as well as here in Washington and Oregon. resources are managed.As you said before,not many people know that What would you say our relationship should be with nature, companies like PacifiCorp even have biologists. both as individuals and as an organization? This is an era of rapid change for the energy industry and As individuals, I feel we have a responsibility to manage and respect nature for environmental science. What do you expect from the at all scales.Whether it be in your own backyard or on a large landscape, future, whether just a few years from now or much further the focus should be on the long-term health,enjoyment and conservation down the line? of our ecosystems and landscapes.One major key to this is understanding I expect we will continue to see an increase in desire from the public our role and relationship with natural resources and how to apply the for new environmentally friendly energy products,with a focus on best available science. wildlife and preserving habitat.This will likely include continued work on On a company level,we should continue to implement projects that mitigating impacts to wildlife from wind turbines. Really,this is an exciting will maintain,improve and/or enhance wildlife populations,their habitats time.We have great technology and great people continuing to do great and connectivity.We should adhere to best management practices and `Mork to provide electricity and protect and enhance our wildlife. use the best available science when making decisions about wildlife or their habitats.We should continuously look for new ways to minimize the potential adverse effects our operations may have on wildlife and embrace new technologies. FOCUS ON WILDFIRE 40p" Cut GCWWA" T+ Our highest priority at Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power is We take the decision to turn off power seriously, and Public Safety doing our part to reduce the threat of wildfires while providing our Power Shutoffs will be targeted, precise and informed by robust, real- customers with safe, reliable power. time data about the situation on the ground. Our wildfire safety plan is comprehensive,and includes persistent A new video outlines the established protocol we follow in making vegetation management, ongoing work to harden our infrastructure the decision to implement a Public Safety Power Shutoff,and what and a combination of on-the-ground monitoring and advanced customers can expect when that happens. technology that allows us to track weather and fuel conditions in real time and take action when and where it's needed. When conditions creating a high risk of wildfire arise,we may power down specific circuits until service can be safely restored. This action,taken only after it is determined that weather conditions SHUTOFF could lead to catastrophic wildfires, is known as a Public Safety PUBLIC SAFETY POWER Power Shutoff. Why would a Public Safety Power Shutoff happen? r We work hard to clear plants and trees away from our power lines, but debris,tree limbs and other material can be blown onto lines by high winds.Wildfire could spread rapidly when strong windsmi H are combined with high temperatures, low humidity and other dangerous conditions. Pacific Power version Rocky Mountain Power version Turning power off in areas experiencing extreme weather conditions Visit pacificpower.net/psps or rockymountainpower.net/psps may be necessary to ensure the safety of the community. to learn more. CURRENTS I MAY 22,2023 2 BUSINESS OPTIMIZATION CC?I)t0W1&J Wt9VCYan&*titftJV &AUI)Sty S&9W6&04 p4VtV0 pr"Tf A4WO&M A healthy organization is one that evolves and adapts and is hungry and day out and identifying what's working well and what can be for new ideas.At PacifiCorp,we're always thinking about the best improved. It's also about using Lean Six Sigma principles and modern ways to deliver safe, reliable and affordable power to our customers technology effectively to let employees use their creativity, skills and while navigating an economy and energy sector that are ever-changing. expertise while leaving repetitive tasks to software. The business optimization Robotic Process Automation is the primary driver for delegating and innovation team is at the certain rote tasks to "bots"—you can think of them as a digital forefront of our continuous worker. It involves using software to automate sequences of steps improvement efforts, linking that previously had to be performed by an employee. Sometimes this colleagues in business means teaching the software to add a key attachment to a document transformation and other parts moving through SAP or to update pricing for certain supply chain of the company to think about r, processes. big and small ways we can do While RPA trains the bots,we humans can train under Lean Six Sigma things better. —a process improvement method that combines Lean methodology Among them is Kelly Tuttle, with Six Sigma strategy, bringing colleagues together to solve problems senior business specialist for and improve performance across a myriad of business functions. business optimization and At its core, Lean Six Sigma seeks to eliminate waste in eight key innovation.With a background areas, known as "TIM WOODS:"Transportation, Inventory, Motion, in project management, she's Waiting, Overproduction, Over-processing, Defects and Skills. new to PacifiCorp but already deeply engaged facilitating Throughout PacifiCorp are Lean Six Sigma-trained "Green Belts" continuous improvement and "Black Belts"who identify and implement projects, and the throughout the business. business optimization and innovation team is the right place to go for employees interested in getting more involved in Lean Six Sigma. "I'm excited to learn more about the business;"Tuttle said. "I enjoy looking for opportunities to help colleagues and their departments Altogether,these efforts improve employee workloads, make business implement process improvements to standardize those processes functions more adaptable and lead to savings that we can pass on to so employees can focus on what they do best: learn,grow and find customers—helping us better execute our mission of providing safe, innovative ways to deliver for their peers and our customers" affordable, reliable power to millions of customers across six states. At its heart, business optimization and innovation is about really You can learn more about business optimization and innovation,ask thinking through the tasks and responsibilities we perform day in about opportunities for Lean Six Sigma engagement and connect with colleagues by joining the BO&I community on Yammer. AM* + Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma Create value for customers Reduces defects Lean accelerates Six Sigma - by minimizing waste. by effectively solving problems. Solving problems and improving processes is faster and more efficient. CURRENTS l MAY 22,2023 3 CYBERSECURITY Phishing emails are commonly used by cybercriminals to try and To alert your colleagues to the presence of a phishing email,take trick us into revealing sensitive information or providing entry to a screenshot and share it in Teams or send out a warning in a new our network.That's why PacifiCorp and Berkshire Hathaway Energy email message.You can also spread the word person-to-person, distribute test phishing messages—to help us learn what to look for verbally telling your team members what to look out for. and stay vigilant with our email. What shouldn't you do?Forward the email.That only increases the chance The good news is,we're getting pretty good at catching those of someone clicking a dangerous link or opening a harmful attachment. phish. In a recent phishing test claiming to be from Apple Billing, no VIDEO:Watch the message about phishing from BHE chief security PacifiCorp employees clicked on the fake link to "cancel"the payment officer Michael Ball on Journey to Excellence. for iCloud storage. However,the next phishing test—claiming to be from Facilities with a link to a new fire drill schedule—resulted in 11 failures. So we still have some work to do. Let's help each other out �l Don't take the bait. When you catch a phish—whether it's real or a test—let your team members know. Catching those phish before someone takes the bait is a team sport! DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION K"4 � ��IC�S d,�v to orgy Gvt�v��Pi�� U At 4 * h i. During this Mental Health Awareness Month, a key topic that relates Minority stress is the added burden that members of minority groups to the company's ongoing diversity, equity and inclusion journey is experience as a result of negative social events:slights, misunderstandings, minority stress—a factor that can take an added toll on the mental stigmatization,statements made out of conscious and unconscious biases, health of employees,customers and community members, beyond overt prejudice—and even,far too often,violence. life's normal day-to-day stressors. (Continued) CURRENTS I MAY 22,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) Time and again, events show that prejudice continues to exist in our Everyone experiences stress as a result of life events and society,while much of the nation's history has included extreme circumstances, and all employees can be mindful of how they can help harms inflicted on minorities.The consequences of these events colleagues when times are tough or when someone's just having a bad persist today and loom large in the minds of many as they think about day, no matter their background. Members of dominant majorities the world and their place in it. also experience harms and slights and negativity and should be Some may have living family members who witnessed harsh periods of supported by inclusive workplaces too. history and directly experienced life under overtly racist policies and But minority stress is an added mental health burden on top of those segregated communities. Many can recount the pain that prejudice commonly felt forms of stress—the unfortunate truth of a world that has inflicted on them just in the last few months or years. Even as still has a long way to go to bend the arc of the moral universe toward people work to resist bigotry and build a more inclusive society, some justice,to borrow from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous quote. continue to experience the subliminal, but very real,weight of ongoing As PacifiCorp continues on its diversity, equity and inclusion journey, political controversies regarding their lives and identities. let's be mindful of the reality and effects of minority stress amid the In the monthly meetings of Berkshire Hathaway Energy's ongoing process of building workplaces in which all of the company's employee resource groups, colleagues often share heartfelt stories employees thrive, day in and day out. about the negative experiences they've had that linger in their minds During this Mental Health Awareness Month, remember that your as they navigate their communities,workplaces and society at large. employee benefits are here to help. If you or a dependent need In training sessions on unconscious bias and equipping bystanders, support,the Employee Assistance Program provides up to eight colleagues have considered how microaggressions,or seemingly small counseling sessions per person, per year at no cost.You've also got statements and acts of bias, can add up to take a cumulative toll on access to mental health care under your medical benefits coverage. mental health through a"death by a thousand cuts" effect. AAMAPOW496 May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and we're celebrating with colleagues from InspirAsion, BHE's Asian and Pacific Islander employee resource group. - ASIAN AMERICANS PACIFIC ISLANDER �� HERITAGE MONTH Ins IfAp Sian "AAPI heritage month is important to me because it celebrates all of our unique and diverse backgrounds. It also honors those who paved the I I I way for us. By learning how the AAPI community I helped shape America's history, I recognize how I doors and opportunities were opened for me. Now I it is my duty to pay it forward and support the community. It is an honor and a privilege to be able InspirAsian to do 5o!" Asian and Pacific Islander Employees and Allies Karen De Vera, Finance/Accounting Manager CURRENTS MAY 22,2023 5 LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT [1W &40 CdA4L&&aWU flJ"anMtSyTtan As part of our ongoing support of employee development, PacifiCorp If you have any questions or require job-specific training for your has contracted with HSI SOS as our new online training provider groups, please email PacifiCorp Learning. for a variety of environmental, health and safety, compliance and professional development courses. We will be publishing the full course catalog on our PacifiCorp a oaP Learning website over the coming weeks.The current Martech 'jx��' courses in our LMS will remain the same,while the 360Training 0 courses will be removed. If you are in the process of taking online vendor classes in the Learning Management System, please be sure to complete them by „,•, �,„��,e June 20. W „� PacifiCorp Learning has begun replacing the 360Training NERC continuing education courses in the LMS and will begin loading the software skills catalog, including updated training for Teams and Microsoft 365, in the next few weeks.We anticipate that all new courses will be uploaded by July 1. MAKE A DIFFERENCE /J Wctf Tickets can be purchased at any of the following locations: • Utah Power Credit Union at NTO (1407 West North Temple, Salt Lake City) �j�j�j • Utah Power Credit Union branch at 957 East 6600 South, Raffle tickets for the Utah Lineman's Rodeo Murray, UT are available now! • IBEW Local 57 office at 3400 West 2100 South, • Kids General Raffle—$2 per ticket West Valley City, UT • General Raffle Day of Rodeo—$5 per ticket -Online at Utah Li nemansRodeo.com • Grand Prize Raffle—$20 per ticket Bring family and friends and come out on the day of the rodeo to see our incredible,skilled linemen in action! In addition to the competition The Kids General Raffle includes skateboards,scooters,water blasters, and raffle,food trucks and kids' events round out the day.All pop-up play tents,yard and camping games, and more. proceeds got to the University of Utah Burn Center. The General Raffle prizes include coolers, lanterns, portable speakers, ROCKY pop-up shades, cordless tools, hats, mugs,T-shirts,gift cards,etc. POWER MOUNTAIN Utah Lineman's Rodeo The Grand Prize Raffle consists of four packages,and there will be Saturday,June 10 four winners. 1. Back Yard Package:Solo stove, chairs, cooler, portable 3000 W. Lester Dr. (1575 W.) UT UTAH City, speaker,games, lights—everything you would need for a night in West Valley LINCMAN�S the back yard. Questions? Contact: HE'D 2. Outback Adventurer Package: 2 paddle boards,tent, cooler, Jenny Tillotson lanterns,sleeping bags, small fire pit cooker, outdoor speaker— Justin Halloran everything you need to go trekking in the back country. Jeff Hermreck. 3. Tailgater Package: Smoker, chairs,tables, pop-up shade,cooler, Hope to see everyone there! cornhole boards—everything needed for a Utes tailgating party. 4. Vacation Package:Valued at$2,500 with a new luggage set. CURRENTS I MAY 22,2023 6 Wm&taa "c,(1" Afixw JWvYtt In collaboration with InspirAsian and as a part of our celebration of The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is a sponsor of the festival Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Rocky Mountain and we encourage all to attend this free event on Saturday,June 3, Power is looking for at least 15 volunteers to help the Asian whether you volunteer or not. Association of Utah set up for the 46th Utah Asian Festival More information can be found at Utah Asian Festival. Friday,June 2 from 1 to 4 p.m.at the Grand Building of the Utah State Fairpark(155 N 1000 W in Salt Lake City—just down the street from NTO). Set up will include a range of tasks to get the venue up and ready, 46th ANNUAL )`'/�ASIAN UTAI'll � � Sf UTAH including decorations and making paper cranes. '.1r.` To volunteer, email LeAnn Singleton b May 18 d include SATURDAY I JUNE 3,2023 L I 11AM 7PM g y y an your 1 name,email address, phone number and your shirt size, if you do not IA a already have a blue RMP volunteer T-shirt. ® 4.mps UTAH STATE FAIRPARK Family members and friends are welcome to help out! Please RSVP 1 155 N 1000 W,Salt Lake City,UT 84116 with their information so we have an accurate count. 6&tb"Qmosb"t Help out at the 23rd annual Merwin Special Kids Day Saturday,July 8, 2023 9 a.m.to 1 p.m. ON Merwin Fish Hatchery Ariel,Washington join us at the 23rd annual Volunteers are needed at the 23rd annual Merwin Special Kids Day! Pacific Power partners with the Merwin Special ' D• Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to put on a memorable day of fishing and fun in the sun for children with special needs. This is a great day to volunteer as a team or with your family or friends.Volunteers are needed for: • One-on-one fishing with a child • Registration • Parking • Pulling fish wagons to the weigh station • Weighing fish • Taking photos—and more! s t Games,educational booths,fun activities and a barbecue lunch are offered for all volunteers, participants and their families. Email Todd Dinehart by July 5 to sign up. N . PACIFICORP 0 • Pad'c Power IN THE NEWS &P fMPf94A (ff&dfifdS NA 20 RAW INSID1 f HIS ISM Ot-dwy&" s 01LS In the News 1 Diversity, Equity& Inclusion 3 More than 80 individual chargers are coming to the Wasatch Front and other areas of the state. Health &Safety 4 Rocky Mountain Power on May 17 announced the installation of 20 new electric vehicle Make a Difference 6 charging stations in Utah.The project will include more than 80 individual chargers at 15 stations in the Salt Lake City area and five stations in surrounding regions. The new charging stations, owned by Rocky Mountain Power and built by Electrify Commercial,a business unit of Electrify America,will be featured on Electrify America's coast-to-coast"locate a charger" map,which includes over 800 stations and 3,500 SAFE & SECURE individual chargers. PacifiCorp safety results as of Electrify Commercial will provide industry-leading charging equipment, installation, 5/26/2023 networking and ongoing operations and maintenance. Each station will have a minimum of four chargers that can charge capable vehicles at up to 350 kilowatts, offering speed and convenience for EV drivers. Rocky Mountain Power will set pricing at these charging RECORDABLE stations, and customers will be able to access and seamlessly pay for charging through the Electrify America mobile app. (Continued) YTD ON TRACK? 12 TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? TARGET 31 CURRENTS MAY 30,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) "As electric vehicles continue becoming more mainstream, it's important to expand access and range confidence in all parts of the country;" said Aaron Young, senior manager,commercial networks and fleets, Electrify America. "With a shared commitment to increase EV adoption, reduce tailpipe emissions and improve air quality,we are excited to collaborate with Rocky Mountain Power to deliver 350-kW charging capability to EV drivers in Utah" Electrify Commercial presents a unique opportunity for companies 'NRKY MOUNTAIN POVVM like Rocky Mountain Power to own their own charging stations while leveraging Electrify America's experience building the largest open, DC fast-charging network in the U.S.The collaboration will help Rocky Mountain Power to expand critical EV infrastructure needed for Utah's future growth. "Salt Lake City is the top city in the U.S.to own an electric vehicle, making it more important than ever to provide accessible charging in the region and in other parts of Utah;" said James Campbell, director of innovation and sustainability at Rocky Mountain Power. "Electrify electrify Commercial will play an important role in helping us achieve our electrification goals and enable seamless EV travel throughout the state of Utah" The first charging stations from this collaboration are expected to open in 2024 in Salt Lake City,the Wasatch Front and Moab. 00� Nonprofits, local governments and other non-residential Pacific Power customers in Oregon are encouraged to apply for Pacific Power's Electric Mobility Grants. More than $1.5 million is available to help fund projects increasing electric vehicle access in Oregon. Grant funding is made possible by the Oregon Clean Fuels Program,which is administered by the state Department of Environmental Quality and aims to reduce the carbon intensity of Oregon's transportation fuels. Pacific Power raises funds through the sale of Clean Fuels Program credits,which the company aggregates on behalf of customers who charge their electric vehicles at home. (Continued) WELCOHE >� BEND-LAPI ES H - LION Fx�liE,i�; let. .I escuclu A •,;ta. ��N�ays -=yam �� - Saly R.ai�� OCIk �or bein Tf) Oregon's Bend-La Pine School District acquired its first electric bus through Pacific Power's electric mobility grant program.The bus eliminates tailpipe emissions,reduces noise and saves the district money on fuel costs. CURRENTS I MAY 30,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) "Electric vehicles and supporting infrastructure are increasingly in Online applications will be accepted up to Aug. 31,and recipients will demand by customers and communities across the state," said Cory be announced in November. Scott,vice president of community and customer solutions. "This In addition to the Electric Mobility Grant, Pacific Power is pleased to grant program is just one of the ways Pacific Power is helping prepare make electric vehicle grant matching funds available to non-residential communities for more electric vehicles on the road:' customers in Oregon who plan to secure additional funding to support Since 2020, Pacific Power has awarded more than 40 unique Pacific Power customers with EV-related projects.Additionally,grant E-Mobility Grants to nonprofits, local governments, hospitals and writing support is available for non-residential customers to apply to other non-residential customers served by Pacific Power in Oregon. EV-related grants to support Pacific Power customers. "Pacific Power is unique in that we serve diverse communities Pacific Power also offers customers an electric vehicle charging station throughout Oregon, including large metro areas and rural technical assistance program.The program supports non-residential communities, major corridors and vacation destinations;" said Kate customers interested in installing electrical vehicle supply equipment Hawley, senior product manager, electric transportation. "We have or electrifying their fleet with technical assistance.The technical supported many innovative projects over the last few years,and we assistance program is available at no cost and includes a site visit, look forward to seeing what's in store for this year." analysis of electric vehicle technology options,costs, rates and best Funding awards may cover up to 100%of the project cost.All non- practices for siting, configuring, installing and managing equipment. residential Pacific Power customers in Oregon are eligible to apply For more information about the benefits of electric vehicles and the with preference given to community-focused organizations, such as programs and incentives Pacific Power offers,visit pacificpower.net/ev. school and transit districts, 501(c)(3) organizations and city, county and regional governments. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION emp rV1&6&4(' c ww&Mftc-eag,&T This week,we honor Memorial Day and the sacrifices of those who Ron Wild, regional business manager and a leader of the company's followed the call of duty and ultimately gave their lives in service to VETRN employee resource group, remarked that the hiring of the nation.We also thank all veterans and active duty servicemembers veterans is a particularly high priority for the state. "It is noted for their contributions and sacrifices on behalf of others. within the leadership of the state of Wyoming that veterans provide Rocky Mountain Power was recently recognized for its participation Wyoming employers with a motivated workforce;' he said. in Wyoming's "We Hire Vets" campaign and for the company's Thank you to the members of VETRN for your efforts that led demonstrated commitment to veterans and their families. Company to this award, and for all the work you do to foster a supportive representatives were presented with recognition letters at a meeting environment for veterans within our employee community of the state's Workforce Development Council. G u.Mrs m Ron Wild,regional business manager,and Erin Boling,estimator trainee,hold the letters received from Gov.Mark Gordon and the State of Wyoming in recognition of Rocky Mountain Power's award. CURRENTS I MAY 30,2023 3 May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, All and we're celebrating with colleagues from InspirAsian, -. BHE's Asian and Pacific Islander employee resource group. ASIAN - AMERICAN! PACIFIC ISLANDER �� HERITAGE MONTH InS Irp Asian "This month provides an opportunity to acknowledge, appreciate,and celebrate the rich Ell cultural history and significant contributions of Asians and Pacific Islanders. It also allows me to connect with my own heritage, broaden my understanding of these communities and foster an environment of inclusivity." InspirAsian Tiffany Erickson Asian and Pacific Islander Employees and Allies Director, external communications HEALTH AND SAFETY Act Memorial Day marks the unofficial start to summer,with the school Here are some basic tips to help you stay safe this summer. year winding down,vacation plans being made, and sunshine and Boating warm weather allowing for more outdoor activities like swimming, boating,fireworks and barbecues. According to the U.S. Coast Guard,there were 4,040 recreational boating accidents last year, resulting in 636 deaths and 2,222 injuries. "As we look forward to these summertime activities, make your plans Alcohol was a leading contributing factor in these accidents,along with an eye toward safety;' said Jeremy Gee, managing director, health with operator inattention or inexperience and excessive speed. and safety. "It may not be your first rodeo—or the first time you've taken out the boat, ridden your motorcycle, planned a road trip or • All boat passengers should wear life jackets. Of the fatal accidents, 85% involved people who were not wearing a life jacket. fired up the grill—but it's likely been a while. "No one means to be complacent or overconfident.Taking the time ' Do not drink and drive—boats included. to think through a safety checklist before you get started is a great • Take a boating safety course before you head out. 74%of way to make sure everyone enjoys these seasonal activities safely." fatal accidents occurred on boats where the operator had not received boating safety instruction. • Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Most boating accidents occur in benign conditions—calm waters, light wind and good G visibility—when it's easy to relax and let your guard down. .ww� CURRENTS MAY 30,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) Hiking Summer driving Blisters and cuts, sprained ankles, knee pain,sunburn, dehydration and For many of us, summertime means road trips. Some planning and heat stress are all common hiking injuries. But hiking can be safe and safety checks might spare you from the consequences of a breakdown healthy fun if you follow a few common-sense tips: —or worse, a highway crash. • Educate yourself on the length and difficulty levels of possible • Prepare for warm weather:A vehicle overheating can cause a hikes, and pick a trail that everyone in your group can safely and serious breakdown. Inspect your coolant system, including the successfully complete. radiator and pressure cap,to make sure they're in good shape. • Know your own limits, and don't hike at a level above your Bring extra coolant, oil and other fluids with you, especially if expertise or physical fitness. you're traveling in an isolated area. • If you will be hiking in hot weather,think about how much water ' Check your tires: Proper tire inflation is always important for you will need for the day. Plan ahead to prevent dehydration or good gas mileage and safe tire wear. But in the summer months, heat-related illness. it's especially important to keep your tires running cool with the right amount of pressure to avoid a dangerous blowout. • Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes to help prevent injury. •Watch for construction: Road construction work increases in the • Watch out for hazards like snakes,ticks and poison oak, and keep summer months. Keep a watchful eye out for construction zones, your distance from any wildlife you may encounter. obey all signs,and use extra caution when workers are present. • Share the road: Bicyclists and motorcyclists are out on the road more often in the summertime. Keep an eye out and give them plenty of space. • Don't forget your emergency kit: Be prepared with basic " tools and supplies to handle roadside emergencies. Be sure your vehicle's jack and spare tire are on board. Make sure you also bring water and a first aid kit with a seatbelt cutter. w 'i HY.� A IIIIIr. 111111,, ur t { r r r i 1 d 11� ' F' •"'+` CURRENTS I MAY 30,2023 5 MAKE A DIFFERENCE &t,f get f64, &lror oP t Bring family and friends and come out to see our incredible, skilled Ticl<ets can be purchased at any of the following locations: linemen in action! • Utah Power Credit Union at NTO Utah Lineman's Rodeo (1407 West North Temple, Salt Lake City) Saturday,June 10—Opening Ceremony at 8 a.m. Competition goes • Utah Power Credit Union branch at until about 2 p.m. 957 East 6600 South, Murray, UT 3000 W. Lester Dr. (1575 W.) • IBEW Local 57 office at West Valley City, UT 3400 West 2100 South,West Valley City, UT In addition to the fun, action-packed competition where linemen • Online at Utah LinemansRodeo.com -POOCKY WER MOUNTAIN showcase their speed,safety and trade skills,the Utah Lineman's • In person on the day of the rodeo Rodeo is a fundraiser benefitting the University of Utah Burn Center. Raffle tickets are on sale now! Ail LINEMAN'S • Kids General Raffle—$2 per ticket NODiO • General Raffle Day of Rodeo—$5 per ticket y^ • Grand Prize Raffle—$20 per ticketp� Help out at the 23rd annual Merwin Special Kids Day Saturday,July 8, 2023 9 a.m.to 1 p.m. ON Merwin Fish Hatchery Ariel,Washington join us at the 23rd annual Volunteers are needed at the 23rd annual Merwin Special Kids Day! Merwin Special ' D• Pacific Power partners with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to put on a memorable day of fishing and fun in the sun for children with special needs. This is a great day to volunteer as a team or with your family or friends.Volunteers are needed for: i-- • One-on-one fishing with a child • Registration • Parking • Pulling fish wagons to the weigh station • Weighing fish • Taking photos—and more! Games, educational booths,fun activities and a barbecue lunch are offered for all volunteers, participants and their families. Email Todd Dinehart by July 5 to sign up. PACIFICORP0 IN THE NEWS P&,&(0&4tWJ0-eiSsWa 2040 The Clean Energy Plan also creates engagement, improves resilience and , establishes community enhancement measures. Pacific Power on May 31 released plans to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions for all electricity sold to Oregon consumers by 2040,while significantly enhancing customer and community participation in decarbonization efforts. The plan,filed with the Oregon Public Utility Commission, provides a roadmap for the company's compliance with the Clean Energy Targets bill that was signed into law in 2021. Specifically,the law requires electricity providers to reduce emissions by: • 80% below 2010-2012 baseline emissions levels by 2030; SAFE & SECURE • 90% below baseline emissions levels by 2035; and PacifiCorp safety results as of • 100% below baseline emissions levels by 2040. 6/2/2023 "This plan continues our progress on the path to decarbonization;" said Matt McVee, Pacific Power vice president for regulatory policy and operations. "We are also working to RECORDABLE enhance system resilience and reliability while exploring and supporting community-based renewable energy projects." YTD ON TRACK? PacifiCorp also filed an update to its 2023 Integrated Resource Plan on May 31,advancing 12 its trajectory toward net-zero emissions, calling for nearly four times the company's current wind and solar resources.The plan also continues investments in innovative emissions-free technologies, including advanced nuclear and non-emitting peaking TARGET resources that meet high-demand energy needs. (Continued) 30 i�n un nnn on„ nnuinuun wuun nuum�unnu nn m III u n III VEHICLE ACCIDENTS u i i unuu unminuunun � munn� ,,..� . i nu uuu nun unw uum nuunn�unnnunum m��_ mnmuunuuuuu n;uuuuuum nuunuuou�a a YTD ON TRACK? mnm �nu u w � nwuuw iuuw a uu � ,�, uuu�uuuuuunuuuummuuwmm�uuunm m noon uuuu��� uun w nm wWilln uuuunn uuunm umm�uuuwu uum unnuun nuumunm u��u�nn," loin TARGET uunnm�w uuw n u umu nu unm w nn nnwu la,n u;_- ;;III; U It I ,;,,;, ,n;;;,. „�,,,,,�� ;��„ ,,;;;;;;; 31 nnumnuuuu,w mum _ �,..i R t CURRENTS I JUNE 5,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Additionally,the company is at the forefront of driving innovation Community-Based Renewable Energy—As part of the plan, through grid development and market expansion enabling access to a Pacific Power will pursue small-scale renewable energy projects that diverse array of non-emitting resources throughout the West to ensure can be combined with microgrids, storage systems, demand response reliability and keep costs affordable for customers. measures or other energy-related infrastructure that promotes Pacific Power's Clean Energy Plan outlines the company's transition climate resilience. to renewable and non-carbon-emitting resources in Oregon, and it Path to net zero—PacifiCorp is on track to meet Oregon's ensures those milestones are achieved equitably among its customers requirement to achieve emissions reductions 80% below baseline levels and communities.The plan meets Oregon's near-term goals by by 2030 through existing long-term resource plans.Over the next 20 limiting thermal resources that serve the state and seeking to increase years,the company plans to add more than 9,000 megawatts of new Oregon's share of non-emitting resources to serve the state's growing wind generation,about 8,000 megawatts of solar and 8,000 megawatts energy needs. of energy storage,along with other non-emitting resources. The plan advances the following goals: The Clean Energy Plan identifies gaps between Oregon's requirements Engagement Opportunities—Pacific Power has developed a series after 2030 and the company's existing resource plan's trajectory to of public engagement meetings in four main areas related to the reach 100%emissions reductions.To address these gaps,the plan Clean Energy Plan: long-term resource planning,community benefits outlines two potential paths to meet the 2040 requirement by ensuring and impacts,Tribal Nations engagement and local distribution system non-emitting resources are used to meet anticipated energy demand planning. Interested parties can track meeting opportunities, participant growth in Oregon after 2030,while acknowledging that advances in input and company responses and other related material on dedicated technology will be needed to meet the post-2030 requirements. Clean Energy Plan and Tribal Nations Engagement web pages. Oregon law also requires that small-scale renewable projects no larger Community Benefit Indicators—The plan lays out a series of than 20 megawatts make up 10% of the energy supply for Oregon measurements to track the company's performance in five main areas: customers by 2030. Pacific Power expects to issue separate Requests system and community resilience, health and community well-being, for Proposals for utility-scale and small-scale renewable projects to environmental impacts, energy equity, and economic impacts. fulfill this requirement. Resilience—The plan includes two interim metrics for system Pacific Power will be holding a public informational meeting on resilience—one to measure efforts to reduce the frequency and June 23 to further discuss the proposed plan with members of the duration of energy outages and another focused specifically on commission and the public. For more information you can access the improving resilience for vulnerable communities. Clean Energy Plan on PacifiCorp's website. CURRENTS I JUNE 5,2023 2 j4fC44a Sa&f tS at bfigW stV'0t(0 (1hk- ov6hW Rocky Mountain Power's Subscriber Solar program gives Utah Customers can keep their subscription for up to 20 years and can customers the ability to use solar power even if they cannot afford or even take their solar blocks with them if they move to another do not want solar panels on their home. location in Utah served by Rocky Mountain Power. The program is powered by a 20-megawatt solar plant in Millard Subscriber Solar customers are making a significant and positive County, Utah. Customers can subscribe in blocks of 200 kilowatt- impact in Utah.The numbers tell an impressive story. hours to offset their electricity usage. Residential and small business customers can also choose full coverage where 100%of their usage is billed on the Subscriber Solar rate. "This latter option is very popular for those who want to fully'green' SUBSCRIBER their energy usage," said Stacey Davis, customer solutions program manager. "We have 600 residential customers and 295 small business customers greening all of their usage, supporting over 8 million SO R kilowatt-hours of solar power." 2022 at-a-glance 2022 Monthly Generation At Our Holden,Utah,Subscriber Solar Plant As a vital member of the Subscriber Solar community, 6 you're helping to make a significant and positive impact here in your community. The numbers tell an 5 impressive story. PP Last year: 4 ____ On average,we generated 3.8 million kWh a month 2,300 residential customer meters subscribed 17,477,305 kWh supported 3 828 business/community meters subscribed 2 31,539,090 kWh supported 81,840 solar panels near Holden, UIT 1 46,040,088 kWh of solar energy generated 0 $31,927 donated to low-income programs JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 0 What's1• of generating 46 That's like taking Charging Planting million7,254 3.9 billion 539,034 cars off the road smartphones trees Learn more about the Subscriber Solar program at rockymountainpower.net/subscriber. CURRENTS I JUNE 5,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES hk"Ofv: lh&Ati WQ COWW41CA We are constantly in communication at work,whether participating in a meeting, having a one-on-one conversation or presenting to a group. Communication is a vital skill that we can continually improve. Join Learning and Development manager Julie Frank for a workshop on The Art of Verbal Communication. In this course,we'll start with how our body language and first impressions can set the tone.We'll explore communication strategies that all great leaders keep in their toolbox, including how to escape from tight spots that sometimes constrain us when communicating.We'll also practice how to navigate more difficult conversations with confidence,clarity and productive dialogue. This in-person workshop will be offered in both Salt Lake City and Portland. • Thursday,June 8, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.at LCT Room 19S/T • Thursday,June 15, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at NTO Room 130K Please register for the workshop by clicking here. Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development for a Lunch-and-Learn webinar on Teamwork Essentials on Wednesday,June 28 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT. It's enjoyable to work in an environment of mutual trust, respect and camaraderie.So,what can you do if you feel your professional relationships could be better? In this workshop,we'll focus on identifying the qualities of good teamwork and practical tips you can �� Y ' use to be a better teammate or team leader. Come with your questions and your team player prowess! Hosted by Delpha Thomas,training development analyst. Pre-register for the webinar here. r While neither short LMS course below is required prior to attending, we strongly encourage you to review the content ahead or after to strengthen your learning: •A Guide to Navigating Team Dynamics (Leadership)—PPW0000336 • How to Build Better Relationships with Your Boss and Co-workers (Professional Skills)—PPW0000406 ° CURRENTS I JUNE 5,2023 4 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION ,TWU51hr"sC&fRM* Ik"010of406�V, 04"f&M During June, PacifiCorp employees can look forward to several key events and milestones related to our diversity, equity and inclusion journey. Use the qfl code to This month brings recognitions of Juneteenth and Pride Month, and access the registration al'a :41glor 0;;ft we will be sharing more about the significance and history of each ,f, observance in the coming weeks. 0 . June also provides an opportunity to gather with colleagues from pRegisteroday for the Berksh ire Hathaway Energy 2023 Employee Resource Group across Berkshire Hathaway Energy at the second annual Professional nal Development Summit at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland,Oregon! Development Summit in Portland, Oregon,June 16-18. Hear from great speakers like Jennifer Brown and engage in interactive breakout sessions • Participate in the Juneteenth Parade and Festival Last year's summit brought BHE employees together in Des Moines, rrqq Hotel reservations must be made by May 19 using the link on the registration site Iowa,for a weekend of learning,engagement and fun,and this I ate, ,PRIDE � Wa e] P� ,VETRN- g ' ' .. year will provide all employee resource groups with a forum for - collaborating and engaging with attendees convening in Portland. There is still time to register for the PDS—all are welcome! Friday,June 16,will feature top-notch speakers and breakout sessions that will help employees learn and grow together,followed by an evening reception. On Saturday and Sunday, everyone is invited to participate in Portland's Juneteenth Oregon Parade and Festival. HUMAN RESOURCES tvc"tm eAta AV4�renw*(f The state of Washington has implemented a mandatory long- Beginning July 1, 2026, benefits become available to qualified term care insurance benefit,the Washington Cares Fund,which individuals. For more information on eligibility, please click here. can be used to purchase professional care, equipment, home Employees may qualify to be exempt from the program and must safety evaluations and/or compensation for family members who apply for the exemption directly with the state of Washington here. provide care.This fund is also referred to as the Long-Term Services If the exemption is approved by the state,the employee is required and Supports program.The Washington Cares Fund program is to email the approval letter to Payroll Services. For more information administered by the state of Washington and is not a PacifiCorp about exemptions,visit the Washington Cares Fund website. benefit, program or service. For additional information or assistance,contact your The Washington Care Fund is available for all workers in the state of human resources representative or payroll services. Washington,and benefits are funded entirely by worker premiums. Starting July 1, 2023,the company is required to begin collecting premiums for all Washington employees.The company must collect these premiums from employees through payroll deductions and remit the amounts collected to the Employment Security Department. ENSURING WASHINGTONIANS HAVE ACCESS TO Employees who reside in Washington will be required to contribute CARE up to$0.58 per$100 of earnings. For example:The median worker in Washington earns$52,075 per year and would contribute$302 WA CARES per year in premiums.That's about$25 per month. Employees can OFUND estimate their deductions using the calculator on the Washington Cares Fund website: Estimate your payment. CURRENTS I JUNE S,2023 5 POLICY & POLITICS C"Ififf&*a sit" papylvff" row In our Policy & Politics series, we explore the forces that are H.R. 1 represents a starting point for negotiations between the House shaping the energy industry and the people and institutions, and Senate and Democrats and Republicans on modernizing federal policies and political issues that impact our business. This siting and permitting laws,and senators on both sides of the aisle have article appeared in the May 25 edition of Be Informed, begun offering competing proposals in response. courtesy of the Berkshire Hathaway Energy government The Senate affairs and communications teams. In the Democrat-controlled Senate, Senate Energy and Natural A significant focus of Congress has centered on how to build energy Resources Committee Chair Joe Manchin (D-WV), Senate Energy infrastructure faster, more efficiently and more affordably. Proponents and Natural Resources Ranking Member John Barrasso (R-WY) of siting and permitting reform argue that changes are necessary to and Senate Environment and Public Works Ranking Member Shelley take advantage of the significant investments in energy infrastructure Moore Capito (R-WV) have each developed bills on siting and made in the Infrastructure Investment and jobs Act and the Inflation permitting reform. Reduction Act. Like H.R. 1, Chairman Manchin's bill,titled the Building American Lawmakers,environmental groups and the energy industry all agree: Energy Security Act of 2023,sets maximum timelines for permitting To take full advantage of these investments,the siting and permitting reviews at two years for NEPA reviews for major projects and one process for building energy infrastructure must be streamlined, year for reviews for lower-impact projects.The bill also addresses standardized and improved.The House of Representatives and the litigation delays by setting a 150-day statute of limitation for court Senate have each prepared proposals aimed at modernizing the siting challenges. and permitting process;they now will negotiate and argue on the Sen. Manchin's bill differs from H.R. 1 in several ways.The bill: merits of each proposal,with a goal of passing a bipartisan package • Directs the president to designate and periodically update a list of into law. at least 25 high-priority energy infrastructure projects that will be The House of Representatives arranged for siting and permitting, inclusive of technologies such On March 31,the Republican-controlled House of Representatives as nuclear, hydrogen,fossil fuels,transmission, renewables and passed H.R. 1,the Lower Energy Costs Act,generally across party lines. carbon capture. H.R. 1 is an amalgamation of various bills passed out of several different ' Empowers the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to regulate committees, including the House Energy and Commerce Committee, interstate hydrogen pipelines and enhances the commission's the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the authority to permit interstate electric transmission lines that have House Natural Resources Committee. Relevant to Berkshire Hathaway been determined by the commission to be in the national interest. Energy and included in H.R. 1 are several provisions developed in and The bill also attempts to address cost allocation of transmission proposed by the House Natural Resources Committee. buildout by assigning costs to stakeholders that benefit from the construction of the line. Those provisions include: • Mandates that FERC approve the Mountain Valley Pipeline,which • Setting timelines and deadlines for National Environmental Policy is a 300-mile natural as pipeline that will run from northwestern Act reviews at one year for environmental assessments and two g p p West Virginia to southern Virginia. (Continued) years for environmental impact statements. • The bill imposes a 120-day statute of limitations on litigation related to project approvals and makes it so that wildfire mitigation activities and certain transmission upgrades, among other actions, do not trigger federal NEPA reviews. H.R. 1 also sets page limits for submitted reviews. • H.R. 1 places great emphasis on encouraging the use and further development of fossil fuels.The bill mandates offshore oil and gas lease sales, repeals federal royalties and fees on offshore oil and gas production,and ends moratoriums on new coal leasing. Democrats have heavily criticized the bill, saying it is overly focused on incentivizing fossil fuels and restricts the ability of communities to oppose projects. CURRENTS I JUNE 5,2023 6 (Continued from previous page) Sen. Barrasso's bill,the Spur Permitting of Underdeveloped Resources Discussions within the Senate are expected to intensify over the next —or SPUR—Act, is like H.R. 1 and the Building American Energy several weeks,with the goal of passing bipartisan legislation that is Security Act in different ways: acceptable to both the House and the Senate. • Like H.R. 1,the act mandates that the federal government resume Monitoring Siting and Permitting Reform oil and gas lease sales and expedite permitting processes for oil In conversations with lawmakers, Congressional staff and other and gas drilling.The bill also ends moratoriums on coal leasing and stakeholders, Berkshire Hathaway Energy's D.C. office has emphasized directs the federal government to begin offering lands for coal the importance of three main policy changes in any prospective siting leasing upon request. and permitting package: • Like the Building American Energy Security Act,the SPUR act 1. Assuring there is a single point of accountability among empowers FERC by reinforcing its role as the lead agency for federal agencies in siting and permitting processes to avoid NEPA reviews and allows the commission to extend deadlines for complex and duplicative collaboration and communication hydropower license recipients to begin construction from four to among those agencies. eight years. 2. Guaranteed and dedicated timelines for project reviews to • The bill invalidates a court decision that made it more difficult to help ensure siting and permitting processes do not suffer from execute forest management and wildfire mitigation activities,which perpetual delays. aligns with the fire mitigation provisions of H.R. 1. 3. Ensuring environmental reviews are not subject to re-reviews Sen. Capito's bill,the Revitalizing the Economy by Simplifying Timelines based on changing land or species plans, which effectively and Assuring Regulatory Transparency—or RESTART—Act is quite rolls the clock back to the beginning of the siting and similar to both H.R. 1 and the Building American Energy Security Act. permitting process. Sen. Capito's bill: Berkshire Hathaway Energy's D.C.office will continue to monitor • Imposes a one-year timeline for NEPA environmental assessments and advocate for legislative proposals related to siting and permitting and a two-year timeline for NEPA environmental impact reform for the betterment of our businesses, employees, customers statements and sets page limits for environmental reviews. and the communities we serve. • Sets a 60-day statute of limitations for filing court challenges to NEPA documents and imposes a 180-day deadline for courts to process challenges. • Expedites completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Aq4� oo Thanks to Mike Lanegan,area distribution manager in Pendleton, Oregon,for this week's masthead photo demonstrating the power of Mother Nature! Here's the full photo of a power pole splintered by lightning,with the offending storm in the background. Do you have a cool photo to share? Email it to Internal Communications. PACIFICORP 0 l SAFETY SPOTLIGHT &p67eof o--(qk AKY/P*"V"A/ . - PacifiCorp renewables employees have been volunteering time at the Oregon Coast Aquarium to help improve its safety performance and culture. Aquarium personnel had been experiencing a significant number of injuries resulting from slips,trips,falls and strains. "Those types of preventable incidents can occur in many industries, including power generation and delivery. PacifiCorp employees face similar risks, and we work diligently to eliminate those hazards through engagement,training and candid discussions about safety culture;'said Travis Brown,director,wind compliance and permitting. The Newport, Oregon,facility also has some unique risks related to handling marine wildlife, including fish, sharks and jellyfish,which can result in lift strains, bites or stings,and water-related hazards. The aquarium had struggled with a high recordable incident rate in the years prior to PacifiCorp employees volunteering their time to help improve its safety performance. SAFE & SECURE Brent Denham, project manager with renewable energy development, serves as board PacifiCorp safety results as of chair for the Aquarium Board of Directors. He recognized their struggle with safety 6/9/2023 culture and believed they could benefit from engagement with PacifiCorp colleagues. "Shawn Childs [senior environmental and safety analyst] and I are members of the aquarium RECORDABLE INCIDENTS and visit it frequently, so it was an easy transition for us to volunteer," Brown said. (Continued) YTD ON TRACK? 12 TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 11 TARGET 31 CURRENTS I JUNE 12,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) "The three of us spent several days meeting on-site with operations Prior to their volunteer efforts,the aquarium was incurring nine or staff,safety leads and executive management to walk down the facility more recordable incidents per year.They have now gone over 210 and provide recommendations on managing hazards and improving days with no recordable incidents. overall safety culture;" he said. "This volunteer effort highlights the value our customer and "Additionally,we had many follow-up conference calls to maintain community engagement brings and how safety culture can be shared momentum,gauge performance and answer questions" between organizations to improve the overall health and safety of the communities we serve," Brown said. mist lam_ y Safety hazards at the Oregon Coast Aquarium range from universal risks like slips,trips and falls to aquarium-specific risks related to water and wildlife interactions. IN THE NEWS Cot"(to: 2 k4y(0 fWcYtt fWWt Wa One of the four dams to be decommissioned on a 38-mile stretch Copco No. 2,the smallest of the four dams, is a 33-foot-tall, 278-foot- of the Klamath River was disconnected from the grid May 22 and is wide concrete structure built in 1925.The other three dams were built expected to be demolished by the end of this summer. between 1918 and 1962 and range from 68 feet to 173 feet tall. Copco No. 2 will be the first dam to be removed in what is believed The dam removals will be the first step in restoring the fish to be the largest dam removal and river restoration project in history, populations and improving the health of the Klamath River based on the size of the dams and their reservoirs. The dam's removal will be followed by the deconstruction of three larger dams—Copco No. 1, Iron Gate and J.C. Boyle—which are - slated to be taken offline on Jan.4 and removed next year r , y e f The Klamath River Renewal Corporation,the nonprofit entity carrying out the dam removal project,took over the license of the dams from PacifiCorp after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the license surrender and plans for the dams' removal in November. r Contractors have been on-site since March doing preliminary work while the KRRC is working out the final technical details with FERC <9 prior to beginning demolition of Copco No. 2. PacifiCorp will continue to operate the other three dams until they go offline.The four dams have a total capacity of 163 megawatts and `dew generate an average of 686,000 MWh annually. Copco No.2 Dam has been taken offline and is scheduled for demolition this summer. CURRENTS I JUNE 12,2023 2 (Vafl4 W-VWta buWf(W-2023 VWA 1411 WAm Cumulative results anticipated to top $4 billion in the The WEIM footprint recently expanded to include a portion of Texas second quarter when El Paso Electric joined earlier this year.The Western Area Power Administration's Desert Southwest Region and AVANGRID The Western Energy Imbalance Market generated $418.8 million in also joined the WEIM in April.With their participation in the real-time benefits during this year's first quarter, pushing cumulative results to energy market,WEIM entities represent 79%of the load within the $3.82 billion. Western Electricity Coordinating Council. The first-quarter benefits illustrate the economic benefits of energy In addition to a portion of Texas,the WEIM footprint includes transfers and continued growth in overall market outcomes, reflecting participants in Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New the number of new entities that have joined the market over the past Mexico, Oregon, Utah,Washington and Wyoming,and extends to several years. the border with Canada. The WEIM, launched by PacifiCorp and the California Independent To provide additional economic, environmental and reliability benefits, System Operator in 2014, is anticipated to surpass$4 billion in the CAISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body last year cumulative results during the second quarter approved a proposal that will allow WEIM entities who currently buy Operated by CAISO,the WEIM enables participants to buy and sell and sell energy in the real-time market to participate in an extended power close to the time electricity is consumed. Using state-of-the day-ahead market. art technology,the market finds and delivers lowest-cost resources Implementation activities for the new market service are currently to meet immediate power needs and manages congestion on underway. CAISO anticipates onboarding the first set of EDAM transmission lines to maintain grid reliability. participants, including PacifiCorp, in 2025. The 2023 first-quarter economic benefit for PacifiCorp customers To learn more,visit the Western EIM website or PacifiCorp's was$28.9 million, bringing the cumulative customer savings since grid modernization webpage. market inception to more than $620 million. PocifiCorp's participation in the Western Energy Imbalance Market has saved our customers over$620 million—and the savings continue to grow every year. CURRENTS I JUNE 12,2023 3 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION emp, (A*i4'ATi4&ho g fntk&(�4 Asp,ratott 6�big xCoofs Rocky Mountain Power and Kern River employees and their family This event presented the opportunity for Rocky Mountain Power members on June 2 partnered with InspirAsian, Berkshire Hathaway employees to partner with InspirAsian and amplify the ERG's work Energy's employee resource group for Asian and Pacific Islander following Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. employees and their allies,to help the Asian Association of Utah set up Volunteers helped set up tables, chairs, table covers and skirting for their most visible program in the community,the Utah Asian Festival. for the vendor booths and helped prepare and hang decorations. The annual festival brings the community together to celebrate The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation was also proud to the cultural heritage and diversity within Utah, offering a glimpse sponsor the festival. at how traditional practices have been preserved and upheld in See photos below from the event and check out everything the state and creating a mutual respect and understanding among InspirAsian is up to on their Yammer page. community members. '1 ,� II \limb 1 _ �UI•hAra•nimbvd 1' 4ti CURRENTS I JUNE 12,2023 4 kap(Ypoq: &P&Tir/f, "iwl( w fWC4 &k�t WWI (441 More than 225 employees and family members from Rocky Mountain This year, over 18,000 community members marched among 171 Power, Kern River and Berkshire Hathaway Energy came together different entries, a record for the Utah Pride Parade. to demonstrate their pride, support and allyship at the Utah Pride The event was sponsored by Rocky Mountain Power and BHE Festival and Parade in Salt Lake City June 4. partners through a combination of corporate giving and Rocky Walking in the Pride Parade alongside a decorated bucket truck and Mountain Power Foundation support,and the BHE-IBEW: Stronger decked out in matching rainbow T-shirts,the Rocky Mountain Together partnership was represented by a booth at the festival. Power/BHE contingent include representatives from multiple Take a look at photos from the event below,and check out posts on employee resource groups, including Pride Connection, BEAUTIE, Pride Connection's Yammer page from employees who participated. InspirAsian, Our Familia and PAC Women. 5001 10 � 10; � AND iN OUR COMMUM, J. +. PRIDE ��`a, I II0IIIIIII!I ;iIIIInII ,, - I�IIIIIIIII� ,- �' sn��r i 1116uudIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�um PRIDE •'. --... �� new — IIII'i'III��II'n�l���fi����ll��ll� I puAsan_ Ii �I fi CURRENTS I JUNE 12,2023 5 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Noktvfg: 7k ArtlWW Ceww"Otm We are constantly in communication at work,whether participating in a meeting, having a one-on-one conversation or presenting to a group. Communication is a vital skill that we can continually improve. Join Learning and Development manager Julie Frank for a workshop on The Art of Verbal Communication. In this course,we'll start with how our body language and first impressions can set the tone.We'll explore communication strategies that all great leaders keep in their toolbox, including how to escape from tight spots that sometimes constrain us when communicating.We'll also practice how to navigate more difficult conversations with confidence,clarity and productive dialogue. This in-person workshop will be offered in both Salt Lake City and Portland. (Note the new date for Portland!) • Thursday,June 15, 10 a.m.—I2 p.m.at NTO Room 130K • Wednesday,June 21, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at LCT Room 19S/T Please register for the workshop by clicking here. &f U44 Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development for a Lunch-and-Learn NO webinar on Teamwork Essentials on Wednesday,June 28 at . 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT. It's enjoyable to work in an environment of mutual trust, respect — r and camaraderie.So,what can you do if you feel your professional relationships could be better? In this workshop,we'll focus ons 1 identifying the qualities of good teamwork and practical tips you can use to be a better teammate or team leader. �• Come with your questions and your team player prowess! Hosted by Delpha Thomas,training development analyst. Pre-register for the webinar here. While neither short LMS course below is required prior to attending, we strongly encourage you to review the content ahead or after to strengthen your learning: '% •A Guide to Navigating Team Dynamics (Leadership)—PPW0000336 • How to Build Better Relationships with Your Boss and Co-workers (Professional Skills)—PPW0000406 +, CURRENTS I JUNE 12,2023 6 Aw d0n;tWkVi* Nvapeipt In this month's Tech Talk,we'll continue exploring ways to communicate with audio and video-enabled M365 tools. PacifiCorp Learning & Development Did you know that you can create communicative and effective video content with PowerPoint? Learn how to add audio, use animationTech Ta I k and transitions, record your screen and export to your slides to video! This is a great way to capture new or updated software interfaces, complex processes or step-by-step procedures to make sure everyone is onboard with what matters to our ways of doing EveryThursday -month,you canbring business. your burning M365 questions to Learning and Join us Thursday,June 15 from 11 a.m.to noon PT/ Development'sdedicated noon to 1 p.m. MT to troubleshooting, •• with the - For questions, contact your Tech Talk host, Delpha Thomas, senior latest features,and working out • training development analyst. your technology --- Click here to join the meeting IT UPDATES t1pokk*&ff f S&N&C-clCA" Based on your feedback, IT is pleased to announce updates to the IT Digital self-service application, Digital Workplace. q Search The most significant change is a new section called New Services Published in the Past 30 Days, located under How-to Resources.This .r -Service gives you quick access to the most recent IT service requests. " " Use the Search field at the top to find a request you submitted, user atalog guides or a specific service request. Access Digital Workplace via the IT Digital Workplace desktop How-to Resources shortcut or on the Intranet Tools tab under Companywide Mua'•„ ,��aREo,nH.1E�,�me�M e H.I. ,®,.1wo � 1 —,1ee 1oQ Applications (see the last linked bullet, IT Self-Service- Remedy Digital Workplace). Consider saving Digital Workplace as a favorite egv,roo"°f a;oeadma°•^r• nMre°�°—b- °"' site in your browser for easy access. 4 New Services Published in the Past 30 Days+ If you have questions, call the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or Ina- 801-220-5555. VI-1 � On Thursday,June 15 from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m. PT(7-10 p.m. MT), Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of If you have questions or need help, please contact the BHE Service our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. CURRENTS I JUNE 12,2023 7 MAKE A DIFFERENCE UTOM*6(ITO ko1w 4&&Yat'" ffn&"fit 6�New � For over 27 years, a group of volunteers at the North Temple The team of volunteers is seeking additional help.With retirements, Office have been delivering more than a warm meal to local COVID and remote work,the team has dwindled to 13 volunteers homebound seniors. Every weekday,this team delivers a smile and a who kindly do what they can to make a difference.This team would listening ear along with a hot meal. Friendships are made. Kindness greatly appreciate the opportunity to share this rewarding experience exchanged. And the delivery team is the recipient of heartfelt with additional volunteers. gratitude and a ready hug. If you are interested in giving a lunch hour a few times a month and Just take a quick look at what can happen for the volunteer and the receiving an outpouring of love in return, please contact volunteer homebound: https://youtu.be/vVyjcXPI]Rs coordinator Gary Hoffman at ext. 2319 at the North Temple Office. 'r PACIFIC r- I t 1 . •.wer 0 0 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT ra fl4i" uwp ', S� I/S (�UI�p OfL6 I U Safety matters every day of the year, but during June—National Safety Month—we're giving it the extra attention it deserves with a spotlight on one of our senior safety administrators, Mitchell Jolley. He works out of the Lava Hot Springs office helping colleagues in Idaho and northern Utah stay safe in the workplace—and anyplace. Mitch,thanks for giving us a glimpse into the world of safety! Tell us about your job.What does a typical day look like for a safety administrator? •••• My day usually starts with a quick review of emails and a check of where my crews are _ • working for the day. I plan my day around crew visits and spend as much time as I can in the field with metering,substation and line crews. I generally review their tailboards with the foreman and talk through any safety issues they have seen or any issues going on in the industry. I really enjoy being out in the field with the crews and interacting with them.The employees I work with in northern Utah and Idaho are great at their jobs and good about talking through the issues they're seeing. (Continued) SAFE & SECURE PacifiCorp safety results as of 6/16/2023 RECORDABLE INCIDENTS �,• * : YTD ON TRACK? 12 TARGET J ` 30 i VEHICLE ACCIDENTS 1 J YTD ON TRACK? 11 TARGET 31 Mitch Jolley and his family enjoy the outdoor recreation opportunities in his home state of Idaho. CURRENTS I JUNE 19,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) What do you find most rewarding about your work? What's your best safety advice—one "tip"that you think People. The people I work with are the best in the business. everyone should follow? When I get to help them improve a process or make their job Do it safe or not at all.When it comes to electrical safety,there are safer, it is very rewarding. very few do-overs or second chances. How did you get into your line of work? What led you to the Are you originally from Idaho?What do you like best about electric utility business? living there? I originally planned to go into the medical field but didn't want to be I grew up in Firth, Idaho. I like the outdoor aspects of Idaho. I enjoy indoors all day. My mom sent me some information on the safety camping and riding dirt bikes with my family. and health field,and after looking into it I switched my major to What do you do outside of work? Describe an interesting occupational safety and health. It was a great decision and I really hobby or pastime that you have. enjoy my job. Outside of work I run a small farm.We grow alfalfa,wheat, run some I started out contracting for NV Energy on the generation side right cows and do some custom haying. I enjoy watching things grow and out of college. I really enjoyed it but left for full-time employment running the equipment. elsewhere. I always wanted to come back to the utility business because it interested me and was fortunate that a safety job in transmission and Is there something surprising that not many people Know distribution opened in the Idaho area. I really enjoy learning new things, about you? so coming over to the T&D side has been a great experience. Something surprising about me is I learned to drive a tractor before I learned to drive a car. too lift R _ Mitch Jolley runs a farm in his spare time,and learned to drive a tractor before he learned to drive a car. He worked at NV Energy on the generation side of the business before coming to PocifCorp. CURRENTS I JUNE 19,2023 2 IN THE NEWS Sharon Fain,Rocky Mountain Power vice president for Wyoming,was Agricultural Legacy to Tap into New Markets."The session also included among a delegation of officials from across the country that met in Virginia site visits to an orchard,a grain terminal and to previously mined land June 7-8 to learn and share information about economic diversification that is now a proving ground for innovative energy production. efforts in communities that have been shaped by coal industries. Fain, a Certified Economic Developer, is a natural choice to participate It was the first in-person meeting of the Commitment Coalition,a in the coalition. "Rocky Mountain Power has spent the past century network of local leaders that is part of the National Association of building relationships throughout the West and working with Counties' Building Resilient Economies in Coal Communities (BRECC) community leaders and organizations to build economic vitality. initiative,which aims to serve coal communities seeking to revitalize „We are committed to the communities that have supported our and diversify their economies. ability to provide safe, reliable and affordable electricity to the West. BRECC was launched in November 2022 and is supported by the U.S. As the demand for non-carbon energy alternatives expands,we are Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration. working to help our coal communities in Wyoming and Utah through "The U.S. Economic Development Administration is committed that transition" to supporting coal communities currently facing and experiencing In addition to Fain's membership on BRECC's Commitment Coalition, transition;' said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic the company's economic development support includes: Development Alejandra Y Castillo when the coalition was formed. • Facilitating strategic planning and goal setting; "The 20 local leaders and eight community teams who were selected • Consulting on infrastructure improvements, land use and to participate in the Commitment Coalition and Action Challenge ... growth management; represent the innovative, entrepreneurial leadership that is needed to help coal communities across America build and access new Assisting with target industries selection;and opportunities for growth in the years ahead." • Providing information to help communities prioritize site "BRECC's Commitment Coalition is a network of coal community leaders development activities. working together to advance economic development and community "Communities that are home to coal plants identified for retirement resilience through learning from national subject-matter experts and from are considering ways to diversify their economies," Fain explained. our counterparts'community-based experiences;' Fain said. "Traditionally,the plants are among the community's largest employers "Coalition members span 13 states and will receive technical and contributors to the tax base. assistance and peer learning support to strengthen and grow "Our engagement with BRECC allows us to identify and share best opportunities in our local coal-based economies;" she said. practices with our Wyoming and Utah communities that are part of The June meeting of the Commitment Coalition included panel the energy transition to help increase the resilience and strength of discussions on topics like "Leveraging Technology and Telework to their economies.We're honored to be a part of the conversation" Overcome Rural Barriers and Attract New Business"and "Building on x� The BRECC Commitment Coalition meeting included site visits to communities in Virginia that are successfully diversifying their economies.In the photo above,Rocky Mountain Power's Sharon Fain is pictured fourth from the left. CURRENTS I JUNE 19,2023 3 BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION �M"YmA au&OAV M 04 401soth4m)" PacifiCorp's business transformation journey is preparing our business If you missed the Power Hour,you can catch up by watching the full for sustainable success by improving the way we work together and recorded session here. serve our customers. SharePoint site Here are some of the ways the business transformation team is To keep you updated on our business transformation journey,the working to keep you informed as our journey progresses. business transformation team has launched a new SharePoint site. Power Hour The site features information about what is included in the business To help keep you up to date on new tools that have been deployed transformation initiative, demos of new applications,our roadmap, and what's next on our business transformation roadmap,change lead our project and change network teams,and other resources. Shiree Holt hosted a Power Hour on May 23.The meeting offered The site complements the Business Transformation Journey intranet page, three key takeaways: 1) Defining business transformation; 2) How and which offers a high-level overview of goals and anticipated benefits. when it will impact you;and 3) How you can stay informed. The SharePoint site will provide detailed and dynamic information Guest speakers shared their success stories with newly deployed throughout each implementation, including fact sheets,schedule applications, outlining the benefits and improvements for employees updates, deployment team member lists and more. and our customers. The site will be updated regularly, so be sure to bookmark it and check • Barb Modey and Kortney Dale shared their experience with our back often. improvement in timely customer notifications for Public Safety Change Network Power Shutoffs and new customer communications using the new application Oracle Responsys. Business transformation has an established a Change Network to help pave the way on our business transformation journey. Please reach out • Austin Sollars and Christ Kost shared their experience expanding to any team member if you have questions. the Oracle Field Systems application for the Substation Expansion project based upon a successful pilot in July 2022. Learn more with this fact sheet. • Marion Stanwood discussed the upcoming implementation of Oracle Supply Chain Module replacing Jaggaer on July 5. Learn E more about who will be impacted and what's changing here. ^rJ. • Brittney Davis-Smiley discussed the soft launch of Oracle Financial Consolidation &Closing Application and how the finance ' applications support all of us.You can learn more about that _ npr - r on this fact sheet. r S� "A i 4- _ N Substation OFS and customer service initiative team members are just some of the employees that make up the Change Network supporting their peers through our business transformation journey. CURRENTS I JUNE 19,2023 4 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES LW41- F, &44&: rw o�&ade �qh Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development for a Lunch-and-Learn webinar on Teamwork Essentials on Wednesday,June 28 at _ . 1 gy 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT It's enjoyable to work in an environment of mutual trust, respect and camaraderie.So,what can you do if you feel your professional relationships could be better? In this workshop,we'll focus on identifying the qualities of good teamwork and practical tips you can ' use to be a better teammate or team leader. Come with your questions and your team player prowess! Hosted by Delpha Thomas,training development analyst. Pre-register for the webinar here. While neither short LMS course below is required prior to attending, - we strongly encourage you to review the content ahead or after to •Y strengthen your learning: •A Guide to Navigating Team Dynamics (Leadership)—PPW0000336 • How to Build Better Relationships with Your Boss and Co-workers '10* .t (Professional Skills)—PPW0000406 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION J A664. � fwc4(&46pa4woo 00y America was formed to be a self-determined nation built upon freedom of slaves in Texas and helping ensure, in all parts of the individual liberty,to represent a people embodying e pluribus unum, U.S.,the enforcement of President Abraham Lincoln's January 1863 creating a unified whole from many parts.The journey to fulfill that Emancipation Proclamation. founding vision has been long and sometimes tragic when our history The holiday also more broadly recognizes the multiple events and and our stated ideals came into direct conflict. milestones that ended slavery, including Lincoln's proclamation and Yet on that journey,there have been times when the arc of the moral the ratification of the Constitution's Thirteenth Amendment,which universe bent a little more toward justice.Juneteenth—celebrated abolished chattel slavery in the United States on Dec. 6, 1865. June 19th—is a time to celebrate those moments when strides were The defeat of slavery was by no means the end of America's taken toward a more promising future. journey to becoming a more perfect union, but Juneteenth offers an Even as the Declaration of Independence articulated the self-evident opportunity to reflect on our nation's capacity for change. It gives us truth that"all men are created equal;'with inherent rights to life, a chance to celebrate the renewal of America and a time when, in the liberty and the pursuit of happiness,the new nation of America wake of vast tragedy and war,the nation took a powerful step toward enslaved hundreds of thousands of people at its founding in 1776,with fulfilling the true promise of its birth. an estimated 10 million people, primarily forcibly relocated Africans or their descendants, held in bondage between 1619 and 1865. The contradictions between the founding ideals of the U.S. and its actual legal and social practices fueled tensions between states that yearned to abolish slavery and those that sought to protect it as an = institution.This gradual buildup of pressure from the nation's very birth ultimately led to the bloodiest conflict in U.S. history—the Civil �► War,which split the country apart and sent Americans into battle against each other from April 1861 through May 1865. Juneteenth specifically marks an event that happened shortlyHONORING after the Civil War ended,when Major General Gordon Granger FREEDOM & JUSTICE issued an order in Galveston on June 19, 1865, proclaiming the CURRENTS I JUNE 19,2023 5 COMPLIANCE O&OV4640iff"' Iff"S"twra: 9�4wqj"' Wel"Ag A message from Ryan Flynn and Richard Garlish A current list of all affiliated Berkshire Hathaway companies is available Transactions with affiliates on the intranet and is updated regularly. Please review the list to become aware of affiliated companies. It is imperative that employees As a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company and avoid purchasing from or approving transactions with affiliates unless Berkshire Hathaway Inc., PacifiCorp has a large number of affiliate review from legal and regulation is obtained before transacting. companies. In accordance with federal and state law and regulations governing transactions between regulated utility companies and Performing services for affiliates affiliate companies, PacifiCorp's policy is to avoid transactions with companies within BHE or Berkshire Hathaway Inc. unless there is a If you are asked to perform services to support BHE or its subsidiaries business justification and the transaction is reviewed before execution other than PacifiCorp,you must use proper time accounting. by the business unit's legal and regulation departments.This policy Time keeping and recording must be initiated if any support extends applies to any business owned or controlled in whole or in part by beyond one hour in any calendar year. Upon meeting the BHE or Berkshire Hathaway Inc. threshold, or if the threshold is likely to be met,a work order number PacifiCorp employees must seek products or services from other should be identified for purposes of tracking time. If you are aware competitively priced vendors for the goods or services they need that the beneficiary of the affiliate work is outside of BHE or its before choosing to transact with an affiliate. subsidiaries, please advise PacifiCorp legal and accounting. All transactions with affiliates must be reviewed for legal and Also, regulators have approved certain transactions between regulatory compliance before signing any contract or otherwise initiating PacifiCorp and BHE and its subsidiaries to allow for the sharing the transaction,by filling out an Affiliate Transaction Review Form and of administrative services under the Intercompany Administrative Services Agreement.The IASA applies only to BHE and its submitting the form to the identified members of the legal and regulation departments.Additionally,all employees are expected to follow subsidiaries. If you become aware that an affiliate transaction is the company's Procurement Policy and to contact the appropriate proposed that is outside of BHE, please contact the PacifiCorp legal procurement staff for help in determining which vendor to use. or regulation department immediately. PacifiCorp accounts payable, card administration and procurement • Intercompany Administrative Services Agreement have controls in place to prevent some unintentional purchases from affiliated companies. Employees must, however, be aware of affiliated Mutual assistance—Transactions between affiliates companies to avoid other types of affiliate transactions. There is also an intercompany mutual assistance agreement in place to Several states also have state-specific affiliate transaction rules, such allow for the exchange of utility-related goods, services and specialized as California's "Rule II(B)"Affiliate Transaction Rules,which relate resources for temporary emergency purposes, or the emergency to transactions with other businesses owned or controlled by BHE interchange of equipment or goods between PacifiCorp and certain or Berkshire Hathaway Inc. operating in California. PacifiCorp's Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiaries. compliance is audited annually.Affiliate transaction regulations also Further information regarding the intercompany mutual assistance affect the sharing of information,corporate support services, real agreement is available on the intranet at this link: estate, business development and customer relations responsibilities • Intercompany Mutual Assistance Agreement between affiliates. PacifiCorp is also prohibited from assigning its customers to an affiliated company or receiving the assignment of Summary customers from an affiliate. If you become aware that a transaction has occurred or is PacifiCorp may not advertise on behalf of or jointly with its affiliates contemplated with a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, please contact and may not provide services or discounts to the customers of an PacifiCorp legal or regulation immediately and prepare and submit the affiliate unless they are provided to all customers.Any negotiation form linked above. involving a PacifiCorp affiliate or an affiliate's customers must receive prior review by PacifiCorp legal and regulation departments. Further information regarding PacifiCorp affiliate transactions is Ryan Flynn Richard Garlish available on the intranet at these links: Senior Vice President and Vice President, Government • Affiliate Interest Memo Chief Legal Officer Affairs and General Counsel • Affiliate Transactions Pacific Power Rocky Mountain Power CURRENTS I JUNE 19,2023 6 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK C&O ffic,Ar Nuffm9c' ... ga-OW Join the RMP team to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality in Utah! Utah's 2023 Clear the Air Challenge begins July 11 This month- long competition encourages everyone to reduce vehicle emissions by choosing Travel Wise transportation strategies—walking, biking, teleworking,trip chaining, using public transit and more. CLEAR THE AIR Join the Rocky Mountain Power team, and let's show other Utah DRIVE DOWN YDUR MILES businesses, our customers and co-workers the positive power of our collective action. By driving less and driving smarter, we'll help improve air quality— and protect our health, our environment LET'S KEEP THIS and our quality of life. If you have participated in the past,simply log in at cleartheairchallenge.org to get started. If not, create a new account PERFECTLY now and get ready to be part of the solution. You could win a weekly or grand prize! R Log your trips and miles saved for a chance to win weekly prizes -A-throughout July—and a grand prize at the end of the challenge! CLE For each entry you log on the Clear the Air Challenge website,you receive one entry into the weekly drawing. WHEN YOU TAKE THE CHALLENGE, WE ALL WIN- Click here to learn more about the Challenge and why youJulyClearTheAirChattenge.org should participate. For help registering with the Rocky Mountain Power team, contact Sustainability Team member Nic Jenkins. AA44 Our masthead photo this week shows a pumped storage hydro facility. Pumped storage projects store and generate energy by moving water between two reservoirs at different elevations.At times of low electricity demand, excess energy is used to pump water to an upper reservoir. During periods of high electricity demand,the stored water is released through turbines similar to conventional hydro projects,flowing downhill from the upper reservoir into the lower and generating electricity. PACIFICORP 0 IN THE SPOTLIGHT Lwmom&q� *& Summer is rodeo season, but there were no bulls, horses or cowboys at the Utah Lineman's Rodeo June 10.just high-powered competition. Four teams of Rocky Mountain Power journeymen and 51 apprentice linemen from Idaho, Utah and Wyoming turned out to showcase their technical skills, speed and safety. One three-man journeyman team and one apprentice from Pacific Power also joined the day's competition. Lineman's Rodeo participants compete in four events—speed climb, hurt-man rescue, and two events simulating typical line work—earning scores based on safety,work practice, neatness and ability,equipment handling and speed. Each event is worth 100 points, and points can be deducted for infractions like missing safety gear, dropping or misusing tools, or poor housekeeping.The top three competitors in each event are awarded plaques at the evening banquet.You can see the scorecards for each event on the rodeo website. Kudos to all our linemen for an exceptional showing at the Utah Lineman's Rodeo! SAFE & SECURE PacifiCorp safety results as of 6/23/2023 RECORDABLE YTD ON TRACK? 12 TARGET t; 30 i' YTD ON TRACK? - 12 TARGET 31 The rodeo starts with a flag-raising ceremony and the Rocky Mountain Power apprentice lineman Taylor Warnick, Star-Spangled Banner. American Fork,Utah,competes in the speed climb. CURRENTS I JUNE 26,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) is I - The pole climb event requires both speed and dexterity.Linemen race to the top of a power pole carrying Rocky Mountain Power's Bryce Stucki,Shelly,Idaho,competes in a journeyman mystery event,the dead- a raw egg in a basket.At the top,they take the egg out and toss it to another lineman,who carries it in end insulator change.(The two T&D events are referred to as"mystery"events because the tasks aren't their mouth while descending the pole as quickly as possible without breaking the egg. announced until the day of the rodeo) _ ��A61iS0.rw.1 cooAAars-�� ,�. �,✓i,,, #}�'� t The Utah Lineman's Rodeo is also a fundraiser for the University of Utah Burn Center.$50,000 was raised through donations from the company and other rodeo sponsors,raffles,silent and live auctions,and other fundraising at the rodeo. CURRENTS I JUNE 26,2023 2 PHISH TANK AlapfAlym h6w&OWN*&f scod Recently, a journeyman estimator in Utah emailed a contract to a Thankfully,the city employee noticed the incorrect spelling and local city employee requesting their signature and a payment in the realized it was a scam. amount of$53,936.The city sent back a copy of the signed contract Look for the red flags and indicated they would be mailing a check. Besides the spoofed email address, a red flag in this incident is Two days later,the city received an email from what looked like the the request for a specific or unusual payment method. Gift cards, same estimator. However,the sender's email address was modified cryptocurrency, payment apps and online wire transfers are favorite with an "rn" rather than an "m" in rockymountain power.net.The methods for scammers. scammer had intercepted the original email chain and replied to the city using the spoofed email address asking the city to remit payment If someone asks you to pay or send money using a method that is different than what you typically do, be suspicious. via ACH instead of check. = What to do if you suspect a scam If you spot some red flags and are concerned about a phishing or scam attempt: • Slow down and think it through before doing anything. Don't VOMW• give in to their pressure tactics. ► • Directly contact the company the suspected scammer claims to be and confirm the details for whatever they are telling you or asking of you. • Consult with someone you trust before you send any money (or provide sensitive information, or click a risky link, or open a suspicious attachment). / ;� • You can always contact BHE's Global Security Operations Center at globalsecurityoperations@brkenergy.com for help You won't get a big red alert on your screen when someone's trying to scam you.The red flags are usually much more subtle.That's why it's so important to be vigilant as you open and read your emails. evaluating a Suspected phish or scam attempt. DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION More than 300 employees from across the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Jim Morris and featuring Arick Sears,vice president of regulation, came together in Portland, Oregon,June 16 for Berkshire Hathaway and Mike Gehringer,vice president of customer operations, both of Energy's second annual Professional Development Summit organized MidAmerican Energy. by BHE's employee resource groups. Summit attendees also spent the afternoon in four breakout sessions Summit participants also represented PacifiCorp and other BHE that helped them make connections and learn best practices to take companies by volunteering at Portland's Juneteenth festival and parade back to their teams and businesses. during the June 17-18 weekend. "The summit was a valuable opportunity for BHE to come together, PDS attendees experienced a day of learning, connection and honor our values and learn how to help every member of our team collaboration. Keynote speaker Jennifer Brown, an award-winning feel included and empowered;' said Stefan Bird, president and CEO of speaker,author, and diversity,equity and inclusion consultant, Pacific Power,who attended the PDS. discussed how every employee and member of an organization has "I particularly want to thank each of the PacifiCorp employees and their own diversity story. Employee Resource Group leaders who participated, especially those Through interactive audience polls, Brown also helped participants whose time and effort allowed all of our BHE colleagues to have a learn from each other in real time—including through an insightful wonderful experience. exercise which demonstrated that struggles with mental health "I'm also grateful for the hundreds of PacifiCorp and BHE employees, are the most common factor that employees tend to hide about family members and friends from across the U.S., Canada and the themselves in the workplace. U.K.who made a difference in our community by participating in the Also included in the summit was a panel discussion on how men Juneteenth parade that followed the PDS." can best participate in inclusivity efforts, hosted by DEI consultant (Continued) CURRENTS I JUNE 26,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) During closing remarks at the summit's conclusion, Darla Zink, BHE's "It was a great event,and we were all delighted to help out;' said Jim Chief Diversity Officer,gave a shout-out to the volunteers who Miernyk, FERC compliance manager at PacifiCorp. "We had a lot of helped make the PDS a valuable experience for all attendees, including enthusiasm and camaraderie while handing out PacifiCorp and BHE PacifiCorp's Rick Dunn, Sam Hayden and Carrie Young,who gave items to event participants" their time and energy to ensure a successful and enjoyable visit to one With these long-planned events fresh in the minds of many, members of PacifiCorp's headquarters cities. and leaders of employee resource groups are looking forward to the During the weekend following the PDS, BHE colleagues also marched next steps in BHE's diversity, equity and inclusion journey.You can in the Juneteenth parade and staffed booths at the accompanying engage by signing up for ERGS,connecting on Yammer and joining in festival in northeast Portland. dialog during monthly meetings. a ry r Left to right on top:InspirAsion president Kathy Leew ofAltaLink welcomes PDS attendees.BHE diversity,equity and inclusion manager Tina Brooks From left:Jennifer Brown,summit keynote speaker;Jen opens the summit.Consultant Jennifer Brown delivers keynote address.BHE Chief Diversity Officer Darla Zink closes out the summit.Bottom Oswald,NV Energy senior vice president;Erik Brookhouse, photo:Consultant Jim Morris,MidAmerican vice president Arick Sears and MidAmerican vice president Mike Gehringer discuss how men can best PacifiCorp vice president o f system operations;and Darla promote inclusivity. Zink,BHE chief diversity officer f .... 11` wl'— 'ETRI Y� � aFlo[ ii VP s„y ti PacifiCorp employees,BHE colleagues and family members gather and march in the Juneteenth parade in Portland June 17. CURRENTS I JUNE 26,2023 4 9V fJ&W44 fu6ff 6&rot You might have noticed that at the end of spring and the beginning of summer, a particular chromatic explosion tends to burst onto the scene all across the country. Pride Month takes place every June, bringing with it the most significant annual time of recognition, reflection and celebration EQUALITY • for the LGBTQ community and its allies. Marked principally by the symbolic rainbow flag—along with variants that incorporate colors / to recognize Black, Brown and Trans communities—Pride Month has / its origins in the June 28, 1969, Stonewall Uprising in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City. The Stonewall riot itself was a moment of resistance centered on Celebrating PrAe Month the Stonewall Inn, one of the few places of refuge in which gay, lesbian,trans and other LGBTQ patrons could be themselves and experience a sense of community.An unprovoked police raid on the While members of the LGBTQ community and their allies celebrate establishment triggered an outpouring of frustration as patrons of the the many strides made in recent decades,they also consider the overt Stonewall and other LGBTQ bars, along with neighborhood residents, harm codified by exclusionary laws and policies being enacted in some fought back against arrest and assaults by law enforcement. states—and the dangers that may still come from being one's fully authentic self in the open,while discrimination lingers. Today,Stonewall—both the physical place and the moment in history —is a foundational symbol of the LGBTQ community and the Pride Still,for a movement that began with a riot,the sight of families and movement,which seeks to foster LGBTQ inclusion. It's often a time of revelers crowding the streets of cities and towns for Pride parades merriment,with enthusiastic crowds lining the streets to watch colorful and festivals is a heartwarming sign of inclusion and allyship for a parades go by, but it is also an emotionally complex time for many community that began by fighting back against the sting of exclusion. Pride may be a time for some to recall the anxiety of coming out and This time every year brings not only a chance to feel pride in one's making themselves vulnerable to family,friends and colleagues. It may authentic self, but also to feel joy in the camaraderie we're able to be a time for remembering those lost to the HIV/AIDS epidemic a build together, in the workplace and in our communities, each June generation ago. It may be a time to process the harsh feelings that come and in every month in between. from bullying and bigotry,whether directed at oneself or a loved one. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES MWT M16k: FC4"Ok Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development for a Lunch-and-Learn webinar on Teamwork Essentials Wednesday,June 28 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT . It's enjoyable to work in an environment of mutual trust, respect and camaraderie. So,what can you do if you feel your professional relationships could be better? In this workshop,we'll focus on identifying the qualities of good teamwork and practical tips you can L use to be a better teammate or team leader. Come with your questions and your team player prowess! Hosted by Delpha Thomas,training development analyst. X Pre-register for the webinar here. r While neither short LMS course below is required prior to attending, �c. we strongly encourage you to review the content ahead or after to strengthen your learning: l • A Guide to Navigating Team Dynamics(Leadership)—PPW0000336 • How to Build Better Relationships with Your Boss and Co-workers (Professional Skills)—PPW0000406 CURRENTS I JUNE 26,2023 5 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK &ff&&,t t 6t&r, (I�/ Join the Rocky Mountain Power team in the 2023 Clear the Air Challenge to help improve air quality in Utah. When summer air is hot and still,vehicle emissions build up in Utah's ■ valleys, resulting in poor air quality. Ground level ozone,the main ingredient of smog,can reach levels that are dangerous to our health. - ;; V t; Transportation emissions are responsible for 50%of this ground level !' ozone. So by reducing vehicle trips,we can help protect our health, our environment and our quality of life. Challenge accepted! Be part of the solution!Join the Rocky Mountain Power team and take the Clear the Air Challenge.This month-long competition encourages everyone to reduce vehicle emissions by choosing - - _— alternative transportation strategies.Join the team, and track all the ways you are driving less and traveling smarter! If you've taken the challenge in the past, simply log in at The challenge starts this Saturday,July 1,and runs through July 31. cleartheairchallenge.org to get started. If not,create a new account Here are a few of the ways you can participate: now and join the Rocky Mountain Power team. (We're competing • Working from home? Log each avoided commute! with other Utah businesses, so be sure you're on our team!) • Use active transportation-bike or walk instead of driving. You could win a weekly or grand prize! • Carpool with co-workers. Log your trips and miles saved on the T 'Vise Tracker for a • Combine errands into one trip-also known as "trip chaining." chance to win weekly prizes throughout July and a grand prize at the end of the challenge! For each entry you log on the Clear the Air • Log every electric vehicle trip (personal or company car). Challenge website,you receive one entry into the weekly drawing. • Use public transit. For any questions or help registering, contact Sustainability Team • Find more ideas with these TravelWise strategies. member Nic Jenkim. CLEAR THE AIR C H A L E E N G E DRIVE DOWN YOUR MILES CURRENTS JUNE 26,2023 6 POLICY REMINDER pcw4f fl4"aff4ttP&y As you process and file company records, please remember that all • Employees should be aware of the retention requirements for records created, received and used at PacifiCorp, regardless of type their department records and retain them for the appropriate or medium, are company property and are to be managed,stored amount of time. and retained in accordance with applicable legal, regulatory and • Destruction of records should be appropriately documented, operational requirements as documented in the PacifiCorp Records approved and processed as described in the PacifiCorp Records Management Policy and the PacifiCorp Records Retention Schedule. Destruction Policy and in the Procedures for the Destruction of Employees are responsible for complying with these policies,which Official Records. include the following: The records management policies, procedures and guides,as well as • Employees should know what records their department is the company retention schedule and related forms,are located on the responsible for creating, using,and retaining and should ensure company intranet under the Business Services tab> Office Services> that these records are created,completed and used accurately Records Management. and appropriately. Questions regarding these policies, procedures,guides,forms or • Records should be stored in a manner that allows them to be record retention requirements should be directed to located easily, keeps them safe from damage,destruction or Records Management or to Carole Dul-ong at 503-813-6296. deletion,and provides adequate security and access controls. &Atkv��Wc- Thanks to Tina Ward, senior HR analyst at Bridger Coal,for this week's featured photo! Bridger Coal takes pride in restoring lands to their natural state after mining activities are completed, creating - favorable habitat for native vegetation and wildlife like the elk pictured here.You can click here to see the full photo. Do you have a cool photo to share? Email it to Internal Communications. Ai PACIFICORP 0 M' 4 00 �� \@ ► PF POWERING YOUR GREATNESS PACIFICORP. Pacific Power EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT JULY 3, 2023 flJ&*,tcKkq,--Groot"of d afol INSIDI IRIS Issul Employee .. Mentorship is one way employees can achieve professional development and grow in their careers at PacifiCorp.The workplace wisdom,guidance and insight provided by a mentor In the News 3 can help individuals navigate challenges, expand their networks and achieve their goals. PAC Women's Professional Partnership Program, launched in 2020,works like a traditional Health & Safety 5 mentorship program, embodying the company's core principle of employee commitment by offering coaching and fostering a sense of belonging. Sustainability at Work 6 Among the program's participants are mentee Anusha Ananthanarayanan, principal tech product manager on the T&D asset performance team,and her mentor, Ryan McGraw, vice president of project development.They join us to talk more about the Professional Partnership Program,the benefits of mentorship and their work at PacifiCorp. Anusha and Ryan, thanks very much for joining us for this spotlight.To start, SAFE & SECURE can you each tell us about the work you do, and any highlights or shout-outs PacifiCorp safety results as of you'd like to offer regarding your teams? 6/30/2023 Anusha: I am a product manager in the asset risk team and lead the implementation of Foundry, a `j wildfire data management platform. I took on this role RECORDABLE in March and it has been an exciting journey so far! My background is in software engineering,and I have YTD ON TRACK? worked with several IT teams in PacifiCorp prior to 12 my current role. Ryan:Thanks for having us! PacifiCorp's project TARGET r development team is focused on developing and ` constructing carbon-free generating assets.We recently 30 started construction of the Rock Creek I and Rock Anusho Ananthonaroyanon earned an MBA from Indiana 'Creek II wind projects in Wyoming,which total 590 University while working full time at PacifiCorp. megawatts and are being managed by Mike Saunders. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS We're also developing a substantial pipeline of new projects,with a heavy emphasis on wind,solar and YTD ON TRACK? battery storage,which are led by Amy Peterson and 12 Jeff Howcroft. But we're also working hard to find the right path forward with innovative technologies such as advanced nuclear,which is led by Jeremy Bries,and TARGET other technologies like hydrogen and ammonia which 31 could present a compelling use case in the next few years.We're very fortunate to have a great,cohesive team working hard to strategize, plan and execute the Ryan McGrowjumped at the chance to participate as a mentor and views it as a mutually beneficial deployment of carbon-free generation. experience. CURRENTS I JULY 3,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Mentorship is one way the company lives up to the principle Anusha, you have not only been growing in your leadership of employee commitment. Can you tell us about the journey at the company for the past nine years, but you also Professional Partnership Program, how you each became just graduated from Indiana University with an MBA. All while involved and what you gained from participating? taking care of young kids! What advice would you give to Ryan:When I saw the opportunity to participate in the program, employees pursuing educational opportunities while working I jumped in immediately. Not only did I view this program as a way full time, and do you have any insights into how best to to deliver on my commitment to our employees, I saw it as an achieve work-life balance? opportunity for my own personal development. I wanted to learn Anusha:Although it might appear daunting(well it is!)to pursue more about the challenges our employees face—particularly our an advanced degree while working full-time, understanding what is employees with diverse backgrounds—and how to be a strong ally most important to you and prioritizing that will help a great deal. For and voice for all our employees'well-being. me,the focus was on my kids and completing my MBA.There have For me,the program has delivered on each of these items. I've been things or activities that I have had to let go of in the last two learned more about myself, learned about issues our employees care years.The most important thing I've learned is to manage my time deeply about that may be difficult to work through,and developed effectively and put in place a plan to balance home with educational some friendships and connections that I value. and professional priorities. Anusha: I was looking to join a network within the organization,and Ryan, any thoughts on those points from you? I came across the Professional Partnership Program. In addition to Ryan:There isn't much I can offer here, other than a resounding being assigned Ryan as my mentor,the program covered topics like "WOW"to the amount of effort Anusha has put into her growth. strengths assessments,goal setting and emotional intelligence that are When I completed my MBA and JD, I was working part time while useful in a professional and even a personal context. being single with no children. It was a daunting task for me then. I What was something specific you learned from being a mentor can't imagine the long nights and tireless effort Anusha has given! or a mentee? Have you been in the opposite role at any point, In terms of work/life balance, I'm of the opinion that we need to through a similar mentorship experience or program? find time to recharge in order to be the most effective versions of Anusha: I learned that one of the biggest barriers individuals face in ourselves. For me,that's usually accomplished through spending time the pursuit of professional growth is the lack of a network. Ryan has outdoors, playing sports and exercise. It's never easy to find the time been a great sponsor for me, helping me connect with other leaders to dedicate to those activities, but for me, it's important enough that I in the organization.These connections have led to interactions that make the time for it(often early in the morning before work). Everyone have helped me learn about other areas of work within PacifiCorp is different,and I wouldn't advocate that anyone should follow a given and engage with teams to gain more exposure. I hope to be able to path to their own work/life balance, but I do think we should all be help others in the same way soon. thoughtful and make the time in our lives to dedicate to ourselves. Ryan: Perhaps the most important lesson I've learned is one that PAC Women is an active and essential part of our diversity, wasn't new to me but needed to be reinforced: Different people view equity and inclusion journey at PacifiCorp. Can you tell us the world in different ways.This may stem from a variety of reasons more about your experiences with that employee resource including an individual's background,current life circumstances,or group, and how one can get involved in the Professional simply by virtue of having different personal strengths and weaknesses. Partnership Program, either as a mentor or a mentee? These differences are useful to us as a company; by listening to a Ryan: The amount of fantastic work occurring on DEI here at variety of perspectives,we can problem solve to achieve optimal PacifiCorp and throughout BHE is astounding.There are so many outcomes across the board instead of solving for isolated issues opportunities to get involved. I've had the opportunity to participate with a narrow perspective. Now, if we take this lesson and consider in the recurring DEI Leaders meeting,which takes place every individuals instead of the company as a whole, I've learned that I can other week and touches on a variety of topics relating to DEI.The understand an individual's underlying issues more completely if I simply Professional Partnership Program is a great way to dive in and work slow down and truly listen to the perspective being offered. I hope to directly with others that may come from a diverse background. If apply these lessons both in my work and in my personal life. you're interested in learning more, I would recommend reaching out In terms of whether I've been in an opposite role before, I've never to some of our experts in the space including Abbie Rice, Darla Zink officially had a mentor in my career. However,there have been and Tina Brooks. individuals throughout my career who (whether they know it or not) Anusha:The PAC Women's group offered a wealth of information, I have viewed as unofficial mentors.These are individuals that I've tools and interactive sessions to aid in my professional development. admired and often emulated, particularly in how I choose to conduct For anyone interested, I would suggest that you be on the lookout for myself in difficult or controversial settings.Some of these people are information regarding the mentorship program,whether you want here at PacifiCorp, and I continue to seek new ways I might grow by to be involved as a mentor or a protege.They are very prompt with watching and listening to others. providing the information you will need and pairing you with a mentor who can help with your professional goals. (You can contact PAC Women by email at pacwomen@pacificorp.com) CURRENTS I JULY 3,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) Thanl<s so much again for taking the time to be part of this Ryan: PacifiCorp is unquestionably a leader in our societal journey spotlight. In closing,what do you like most about working at towards decarbonization. Having the opportunity to work on PacifiCorp or in the energy industry? challenging issues that affect each of our daily lives is thrilling and offers Anusha: I really like that individuals are open to sharing their a huge amount of learning and growth opportunities throughout the professional journeys and helping you grow.The variety of work done company. I also continue to be impressed by the high level of talent at PacifiCorp in addition to the changes in the energy landscape offers throughout our company, and I'm honored to get to work with and lots of opportunities for internal mobility, and I have been fortunate learn from so many skilled people every day. I appreciate all the work to have worked for several teams during my time here! we all put in, and I love the energy, engagement, and team-focused mentality our folks bring each day! IN THE NEWS P"9019 Of Had I mfa"4aaw PacifiCorp's engineering standards and grid modernization team last PacifiCorp Foundation; supply chain; engineering; regional business month completed the third of three grant applications tied to the managers; revenue requirement and wildfire mitigation. Infrastructure Investment and jobs Act,which became law in 2021 'Although the program is extraordinarily competitive,the partnerships and funded historic investment in our nation's core infrastructure, forged with our communities, educational institutions, labor unions and including roads and bridges, rail,transit, ports, airports,the electric tribal partners was incredibly encouraging,and we are confident that grid,water systems and broadband internet. this work will be leveraged for future applications as well," Nair said. The Infrastructure Investment and jobs Act channels funding to The Department of Energy is expected to release results this federal agencies, including the Department of Energy,to carry out the summer or fall. law's intent and distribute the funds to projects across the country. Among these opportunities were three Grid Resilience and Innovation Regardless of the outcome, "the application process has shown how Partnership (GRIP) grants with potential awards between a maximum well PacifiCorp can bring expertise,talent, effort and goodwill to bear of$50 and $250 million. on worthy goals that support our organization, our industry,and the customers and communities we serve," Nair said. PacifiCorp's grid modernization team led the submission of the three applications seeking a combined funding of more than $300 million This diagram illustrates the project benefits expected from for various projects that include grid innovations,wildfire mitigation, the first of PacifiCorp's three grant applications. transmission and distribution asset hardening, advanced protection and control technology improvement,and Wildfire n workforce development. ONCameraswithAl Line Line Sensor- Ignition alerts "This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the utility industry .• Weather 1 MO111r Distribution Fault Stations �� o Anticipation to secure significant federal funding for programs that support (DFA) our customers,especially those in disadvantaged communities and wildfire risk areas;'said Rohit Nair,director,engineering standards Real-time PROJECT a Advanced DASHBOARD Microprocessor ,� T with HlF Forecasting and grid modernization. g and ERelay o � � and FR 0 Fire Risk P�dsr `or�� Substation The team is not new to federal grant applications, but the N Modeling 9 Relays three GRIP grants represented uncommon challenges in their significant breadth, unprecedented competitiveness, and 04 compressed application turnaround timelines, Nair explained. ea•n>CFCI During the application process,the team worked with Substation Relays IMicroprocessor ARARI� numerous PacifiCorp employees in work groups including &DFA Relays D t ther R��R AI-enable asset management; customer solutions;diversity,equity and Cameras inclusion; emergency management; environmental compliance; G Reduce wildfire G Improve grid �✓ 50%+benefits to GIS;government affairs; human resources; labor relations;the risks resiliency disadvantaged communities CURRENTS I JULY 3,2023 3 coq4A y fCXW The days are getting longer,the temperatures are rising,and you're FRAUD VS. FACTS positive you paid your electric bill. But a caller from the power Anyone who pays a utility bill can be a mark for these scams—and company insists that your bill is past due and says if you don't pay anyone can protect themselves by being aware of these facts: now,the juice stops flowing. FRAUD:Scammers will often tell you that your service will be That's the last thing you want, judging by the forecast. Best to pay interrupted in the next 30-60 minutes if you don't pay up. up, right? FACT: Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power will not contact any That's what scammers want you to think.And enough people fall for it customer demanding immediate payment to avoid disconnection of to make utility impostor scams one of the most commonly reported service the same day. types of fraud. FRAUD:These imposters may ask you to purchase a prepaid card How utility scams worl< and tell them the card information over the phone. Impersonators call homes and small businesses demanding payment FACT: Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power does not ask for supposedly delinquent bills and threatening to terminate service. customers to make payments by purchasing a prepaid card. They time their attacks for maximum urgency, stepping up scams Customers can always choose how they want to make payment. during peak heating or air conditioning season and targeting businesses at busy times, like the lunch or dinner rush at a restaurant. FRAUD:A fake utility worker might approach you by phone, email, text or in person demanding on-the-spot payment to replace or The caller tells the customer to pay by wiring money, providing the repair a meter or other device. numbers of a reloadable card or gift card,or using cryptocurrency. Scammers prefer these payment methods because it's hard to track FACT: Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power will not demand that money—and almost impossible to get it back. immediate payment for damaged or broken electrical equipment or any other service. Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power are reminding customers to be vigilant about these scammers posing as FRAUD:Scammers may use a deceptive tactic that makes it appear company representatives. Share these important tips with to caller ID systems that the call is coming from the company when customers, family members, friends or neighbors. it is not. FACT: If a customer has concerns about the legitimacy of a call,they can always hang up and call back at our published customer service BEWARE OF UTILITY number, 1-888-221-7070. The company is asking customers to report any scam calls they 0 receive, including the phone number the person is calling from and any information that may help to track down the fraudsters. %"APT TO AVC)I D UTI LITY SCAM S 1. Never - personal or information to an unknownor • 2. Demands forpayment or cryptocurrency should immediately raise -d flags. doubt,3.When in • company directly. CURRENTS JULY 3,2023 4 HEALTH AND SAFETY C&ft&s*M*&4* As we get ready to celebrate Independence Day, many of us plan to attend fireworks displays, go for a picnic or enjoy a day on the water. The American Red Cross offers these tips for a fun and safe celebration. FIREWORKS SAFETY WATER SAFETY The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks show Everyone—children and adults—should learn to swim so they have put on by professionals. Many states outlaw most fireworks, especially the basic skills of water competency: be able to enter the water,get a in areas at risk of wildfire. If you are legally setting fireworks off at breath, stay afloat, change position, swim a distance and get out of the home, remember these safety steps: water safely. • Never give fireworks to small children,and never throw or • Watch the weather and get out of the water at the first sign point a firework toward people,animals,vehicles,structures or of lightning or the rumble of thunder. Stay indoors and away flammable materials. from water for 30 minutes after the last lightning flashes or • Always follow the instructions on the packaging. thunder roars. • Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution. • When lifeguards aren't available, designate a"water watcher" whose sole responsibility is to keep a close eye and constant • Make sure the person lighting fireworks wears eye protection. attention on everyone in and around the water until the next • Light only one firework at a time,and never attempt to water watcher takes over relight a"dud." • Children, inexperienced swimmers,and all boaters should wear • Store fireworks in a cool,dry place away from children and pets. properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets. PICNIC SAFETY • Make sure you swim sober and that you always swim with a buddy. Know your limitations and make sure you have enough • Wash your hands before preparing the food. energy to swim back to shore. • Don't leave food out in the sun. Keep perishable foods in a cooler • Protect your neck—don't dive in headfirst.Walk carefully into with plenty of ice or freezer gel packs. open waters.Watch out for and avoid aquatic life. • If you are cooking on a grill, keep the grill out in the open,away • Pay attention to all posted signs, such as those warning against from the house,the deck,tree branches or anything that could diving or dangerous currents, and follow those directives. catch fire. • Always supervise the grill when in use. Don't add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited. Use long-handled tools especially made for grilling to keep the chef safe. • Make sure everyone, including pets, stays away from the grill. e i F I CURRENTS I JULY 3,2023 5 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK UTOM efllp M&C&AV&At NACIT&I Help improve air quality in Utah by driving down your vehicle emissions. Every entry is a chance to win a prize! Join the Rocky Mountain Power team in Utah's 2023 Clear the Air Challenge!This month-long competition encourages everyone to reduce CLEAR THE AIR vehicle emissions by choosing TravelWise transportation strategies. The challenge started July 1 (it's not too late to register!) and runs through July 31. Here are a few of the ways you can participate: - - • Working from home? Log each avoided commute! • Use active transportation—bike or walk instead of driving. • Carpool with co-workers. • Combine errands into one trip—also known as "trip chaining." 't a _ • Log every electric vehicle trip (personal or company car). • Use public transit. logged TravelWise entries equals four entries in the drawing. Be sure • Find more ideas with these TravelWise strategies. to log each segment of your activities for more chances to win! You could win a weekly or grand prize! This year there will be four winners per week in the weekly Once you've registered and joined the Rocky Mountain Power team, drawing and a bunch of prizes at the end of the challenge. log your trips, miles and emissions saved on the TravelWise Tracker. For Week 1,the prize is a$100 REI gift card. Outfit yourself for active Each entry you log gets you one entry in the weekly drawing, so four transportation (biking or walking)! Here are the prizes awaiting Rocky Mountain Power team members throughout the challenge: Category Prize Gift Card Basis Week 1 Drawing 4 x$100 REI 1 drawing entry per entry logged in the challenge Week 2 Drawing 4 x$100 Best Buy 1 drawing entry per entry logged in the challenge Week 3 Drawing 4 x$100 Amazon 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website Week 4 Drawing 4 x$100 Target 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website 1 st Place e-Bike Highest total avoided CO2 emissions 2nd Place $500 Winner's choice* 2nd highest total avoided CO2 emissions 3rd Place $400 Winner's choice* 3rd highest total avoided CO2 emissions Active Transportation $100 REI Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Carpooling $100 Apple Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Skip the Trip $100 Amazon Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Public Transit $100 Best Buy Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Trip Chaining $100 Target Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy *Choice of gift cards from REI,Apple,Amazon,Best Buy or Target Have questions or need help registering with the Rocky Mountain Power team? Contact Sustainability Team members Nic Jenkins or Ian Hoag. PACIFICORP 0 LEADERSHIP MESSAGE 1 1 0vt taca 0twi'k As we do every year on July 10,today we observe Lineworker Appreciation Day together with our labor partners at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and Utility Workers Union of America. While this observance comes once a year,our gratitude lasts all year round for the critical • work our lineworkers and all our operations and generation employees do to build, operate and maintain the electric grid that powers our communities, homes and businesses. It takes highly trained and highly skilled professionals to do this work—and it's work that .. is done around the clock, often in the wake of wildfires,winter storms and other extreme weather events. • • No matter the conditions, our lineworkers and other front-line colleagues rise to the challenge. So today we take a moment to honor and recognize their tremendous work, dedication and commitment to the customers and communities they proudly serve. As the videos below demonstrate, our customers are often the first to #Than kALi neworker—and I encourage everyone to join them. SAFE & SECURE Take care, PacifiCorp safety results as of Curtis Mansfield 7/7/2023 Senior Vice President,Power Delivery WEENmr— RECORDABLE INCIDENTS r ` k� YTD ON TRACK? i Pacific Power video: 14 • https://youtu.be/--g8BF—Kkghw j TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? Rocky Mountain Power 12 video: https://youtu.be/kQoTTDLObSk TARGET 31 CURRENTS JULY 10,2023 1 CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS C"�f ulT� b6tt CUt�i hot Summer is here and it's hot. How can customers stay cool and keep energy costs low?Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power share their Top 10 Summer Energy Saving Tips. 1. Set your air conditioner thermostat as high as comfortable. 9. If you have a pool, consider upgrading to a variable speed pool We recommend 78' or higher when you're home. Use a smart pump to save on energy costs.Also be sure to keep the intake thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature and help save grates clear of debris. in any season. 10. For long-term cooling, consider landscaping with leafy shade 2. Have your central air conditioner tuned up and clean or trees. Planted on the southwest and southeast sides of your home, replace filters monthly for efficient operation. they can go a long way toward keeping your home comfortable. 3. Close blinds and curtains on sun-facing windows during the day to keep out heat. ~ r • 4. Open windows during cooler nights and mornings, and use fans to draw the cool air in.Turn off fans when no one is in the room or when you're not trying to circulate cooled air. 5. Minimize indoor heat in the afternoon: run the dryer and 1\\ dishwasher at night on hot days and let your dishes air dry. Use a microwave,toaster oven or outdoor grill instead of the kitchen stovetop or oven. w 6.Wash clothes in cold water and clean the lint filter in the dryer I� A after every use for greatest efficiency. `I PEA 7. Unplug appliances and electronics that aren't in use.They can sap energy and put off heat.To make it easier, plug home electronics into advanced power strips. 8. Remove, or unplug, extra freezers or refrigerators if you can, especially if they spend the summer outdoors or in a garage. _ t SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK �/ p� (Tfiifit&efllp au��tPi C&O C�[Pi 0 Heip improve air quality in Utah by driving down your vehicle CLEAR THE AIR emissions. Every entry is a chance to win a prize! ` Join the Rocky Mountain Power team in Utah's 2023 Clear the Air Challenge.This month long competition encourages everyone to reduce / vehicle emissions by choosing TravelWise transportation strategies. The challenge started July 1 (it's not too late to register!) and extends through July 31. Rocky Mountain Power is currently in 8th place. Join the team today! Let's crack the Top 5 and aim for first! (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 10,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) Here are a few of the ways you can participate: Win a weekly prize! • Working from home? Log each avoided commute! Once you've registered and joined the Rocky Mountain Power team, • Use active transportation—bike or walk instead of driving. log your trips, miles and emissions saved on the TravelWise Tracker. Each entry you log gets you one entry in the weekly drawing, so four • Carpool with co-workers. logged TravelWise entries equals four entries in the drawing. Be sure • Combine errands into one trip—also known as "trip chaining" to log each segment of your activities for more chances to win! • Log every electric vehicle trip (personal or company car). This year there will be four winners per week in the weekly drawing and a bunch of prizes at the end of the challenge. • Use public transit. For Week 2,four challengers will each win a$100 Best Buy gift • Find more ideas with these TravelWise strategies. card.You can use it to raise your entertainment game as you take public transit! Here are the prizes awaiting Rocky Mountain Power team members throughout the challenge: Category Prize Gift Card Basis Week 1 Drawing 4 x$100 RE 1 drawing entry per entry logged in the challenge Week 2 Drawing 4 x$100 Best Buy 1 drawing entry per entry logged in the challenge Week 3 Drawing 4 x$100 Amazon 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website Week 4 Drawing 4 x$100 Target 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website 1 st Place e-Bike Highest total avoided CO2 emissions 2nd Place $500 Winner's choice* 2nd highest total avoided CO2 emissions 3rd Place $400 Winner's choice* 3rd highest total avoided CO2 emissions Active Transportation $100 REI Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Carpooling $100 Apple Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Skip the Trip $100 Amazon Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Public Transit $100 Best Buy Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Trip Chaining $100 Target Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy *Choice of gift cards from REI,Apple,Amazon,Best Buy or Target Have questions or need help registering with the Rocky Mountain Power team?Contact Sustainability Team members Nic Jenkins or Ian Hoag. IN THE SPOTLIGHT pt IN WC&bw w &"Wm, Sw6tton Bring family and friends and come out to see lineworkers from across More information at: Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo the West showcase their speed,safety and exceptional skills! Questions? Contact Kevin Freeman or James Guild. At the Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo,journeyman teams and individual apprentices compete in events that simulate everyday(and not-so-everyday)work like the pole climb, hurt-man rescue and transformer changeout. Food trucks and kids' activities make the rodeo a fun outing for the whole family,while proceeds from an auction and raffle go to the Oregon Burn Center. Hope to see everyone there! Saturday,July 22—Opening ceremony at 8 a.m. 3490 W Powell Loop Gresham, OR Ajourneyman team competes in the 2022 Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo. CURRENTS I JULY 10,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITY Lp")A fl,&WfU: A 6 46 64 Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development on Thursday,July 27 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT for a virtual lunch-and-learn webinar on Active Listening. How much do you usually remember after a conversation or conference?According to the Harvard Business Review,the average listener only remembers 25%of a talk or lecture two months J �� later.Active listening can help us in our day-to-day interactions and conversations inside and outside of work. Active listening is a key communication and emotional intelligence skill that involves absorbing the information someone shares with you and reflecting back that you heard them. In this Lunch & Learn,we will explore what it means to actively listen and review ways we can improve our listening abilities for both in- person and virtual interactions. Click here to register and save the date on your Outlook calendar. IITT UPDATES (`/ �,p �(an a. S6�'�i sS CI'dA1iS�Pi��l Phis When an employee transfers to a new position within the company, If this access is only required on an interim basis, please return to the their Sarbanes-Oxley-related access will be revoked on the effective date Access Request Form to request the access be revoked once it's no of the transfer. If that access needs to be retained for the new position,a longer needed.Alternatively,you can use the quarterly review process new access request must be submitted to avoid lapses in access. to revoke any access that is no longer required. Use the Access Request Form to request SOX access that is Questions? required after the transfer date. After following the steps in the how-to guide, if you need assistance A how-to guide available at this link shows you how to model the completing the Access Request Form, please contact the BHE Service transferring employee's future access after the access they have in Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. their current/old role. Managers, it's recommended that you submit your access request for the transferring employee at least five business days prior to the transfer date. PACIFICORP 0 n Ili I - r r IN THE SPOTLIGHT 1 44f iVi* 4S4&a red M wwwa of filaw i4 U yok k a y .. Every year, Pacific Power and the Washington Department of Fish&Wildlife team up to give kids with disabilities an unforgettable experience at the Merwin Fish Hatchery near Woodland,Washington. At the 23rd annual Merwin Special Kids Day on July 8, more than 200 kids took home as many as five fish each,aided by more than 80 volunteers from Pacific Power,the Washington Department of Fish &Wildlife and many recreational fishing organizations and corporate vendors. For some kids, it was their first chance ever to catch a fish—and the biggest catch of the day weighed 6.5 pounds. The yearly event is always marked by lots of excitement, laughter and notes of gentle encouragement.When a kid who rarely fishes hooks one,they can't help but smile.The excitement doubles as they reel it in—usually with the assistance of a volunteer coach— and as the flopping fish emerges from the water. SAFE & SECURE "It's phenomenal to watch;" said Kevin Young,who manages the hatchery for Washington PacifiCorp safety results as of Fish &Wildlife. "Giving kids with disabilities access to fish in the hatchery ponds puts 7/14/2023 smiles on their faces and that is absolutely the reason we're here" Pacific Power has sponsored the event with the Department of Fish and Wildlife for more RECORDABLE than 23 years,a commitment interrupted only by the pandemic.The company provides volunteers and support for the event at the hatchery near its Merwin dam,which YTD ON TRACK? generates hydroelectric power for customers in the region. Pacific Power employees 15 always love helping the kids have a good day. "It's tough to go fishing.The expense for kids,finding a TARGET river,the accessibility," said Todd Dinehart, Pacific Power's vice president of employee experience. "There is nothing 30 better than seeing the joy and surprise when kids realize how big their fish are° The event brings together young patients, including VEHICLE ACCIDENTS those with spina bifida,cerebral palsy,cancer or other conditions,from Doernbecher Children's Hospital, i- YTD ON TRACK? Shriners Hospitals for Children, Legacy Emanuel 13 Children's Hospital, Kaiser Kids and other facilities.Along with their family members, kids are paired with volunteer fishing coaches who help them reel in and net trout that TARGET have been cultivated especially for the event. Kids can 31 collect prizes for fish that can weigh up to nine pounds. Todd Dinenort,VP of employee experience (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 17,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) "It's so nice to have a family event "We've never experienced anything like this because we're trying to where these kids and all their siblings, always find things to do for kids with special needs with my son who their parents and their care providers has muscular dystrophy;" said Herberholz. and others are coming out to enjoy "' The occasion is also a gift for the volunteers,who are delighted to this event at Merwin;' said Diana make the unforgettable day happen each year.Young,the hatchery Knous, regional business manager for manager, said he thinks volunteers get as much out of the event as Pacific Power,who volunteered at any of the participants. the event. "The kids always have an amazing time." Seeing the joy of a kid with his first fish, he said, "is absolutely humbling" The event is also a meaningful opportunity for family members of children with disabilities. Attendee Erin Herberholz told KPTV that the real reward of the day was seeing her Diana Knous,regional business manager son have fun by the water. "1 All I v- � 10, � T low - ko f Wt p4F I am 7; Fun and fish at the 23rd annual Merwin Special l(ids Day. CURRENTS I JULY 17,2023 2 IN THE NEWS IV P"p pwa beet�M* kc*"A" *r"h CWaWVMcapfqO EGON orcqmCONSERVATION CORPS Wildfire mitigation remains a key, and growing,focus of utilities In its first year of operation,the corps reached 14 of Oregon's 36 throughout Oregon and the West, bolstered by the efforts of counties and partnered with over half of the state's federally recognized policymakers and elected officials to adapt their communities to a Tribal Nations, helping spread the impact of its youth workforce. changing climate. The Pacific Power Foundation's grant to the OCC will focus on the To aid in wildfire prevention efforts,and to promote training Grants Pass area, helping to align with PacifiCorp's own wildfire opportunities for youth, Pacific Power—through its Foundation— mitigation priorities in its service territory. recently provided a$20,000 grant to the Oregon Conservation Corps, "Investing in wildfire prevention and skilled workforce training for in partnership with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission. youth across our territory are vital efforts we are committed to," The Oregon Conservation Corps is an initiative established by the said Jessica Augustus, community partnerships program manager at Oregon legislature to fund partner organizations across the state that Pacific Power. "We're looking forward to this partnership opportunity employ young Oregonians to engage in vegetation management and with the Oregon Conservation Corps and to seeing it pay dividends clear out hazardous fuels for potential wildfires. toward helping protect our customers and communities." With an enormous amount of work to be done in the Pacific Pacific Power's support,and that of other organizations and utilities, Northwest to improve vegetation management, promote forest will be amplified by 5-to-1 matching funds from the state of Oregon. health and prevent wildfires,the OCC helps introduce youth to The state will invest$5 for every$1 donated in private funds, until new career opportunities in the great outdoors—all while they help reaching the goal of$1 million set aside by the legislature for this improve the resilience of Oregon's communities throughout the critical effort.That means the company's support will translate into a wildland-urban interface. $120,000 investment in Oregon. The goals of the corps include reducing wildfire risk to communities While the risks posed by wildfires will continue to pose a challenge and infrastructure;fostering fire-adapted communities; engaging youth for states in the West, programs like the Oregon Conservation Corps and young adults in workforce training; and providing millions of shine a light on the path forward—all while investing in the workforce dollars in funding to youth work-based learning organizations. of tomorrow. `I F 7 I --INN "it opens up many possibilities to good careers. Working out `After getting this job, I've been able to get on my feet, get here with a private company or with the Forest Service as everything stabilized in my life, and go to college."—Rosie, 18 well."— Seneca, 18 CURRENTS I JULY 17,2023 3 The transition to a clean energy future often requires creative In addition to powering the water treatment plant,the floating solar thinking—such as the aquatic power solution chosen by the Mountain panels are expected to produce surplus energy at times, particularly Regional Water District in Summit County, Utah. in the winter.This excess power, delivered to the grid,will allow As reported by KPCW,the district,which provides drinking water the Mountain Regional Water District to earn credits from Rocky to the western part of the county,wanted a new way to power the Mountain Power Blue Sky participants. entirety of its Silver Creek Business Park treatment plant, settling Sika Gadzanku, a researcher at the National Renewable Energy on a plan to install a floating solar array on the plant's holding pond. Laboratory under the Department of Energy, noted some of the Unfortunately,the district was short of the total funds needed to benefits of floating solar arrays. complete the$1.8 million project. "What we've seen a lot in the U.S. is that a lot of smaller cities and However,a$400,000 grant from Rocky Mountain Power through the agencies are taking up floating solar,and they're actually deploying Blue Sky program, paired with a solar investment tax credit from the them on water treatment ponds," Gadzanku said. U.S. Department of Energy, enabled the project to move forward by She also noted that the water provides a cooling effect on solar covering over half of its cost. panels, making them more efficient.And their placement on existing Floating solar arrays, such as this one in Groningen in the artificial ponds means that any harm to local ecosystems is avoided, by Netherlands, can offer environmentally-friendly and efficient better utilizing existing infrastructure. power solutions for facilities. The district's new array could be installed as soon as August of this year, and will serve as an innovative example of how PacifiCorp powers the greatness of its customers and communities. Floating solar arrays,such as this one in Groningen in the Netherlands,can offer environmentally-friendly A mockup shows how the floating solar array will be placed at the Mountain Regional Water District and efficient power solutions for facilities. treatment plant in Summit County,Utah. DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION qistb"y pw& fluffi Disability Pride Month is celebrated each July and serves as a month remaining aware of the experiences of those with disabilities, and to uplift, empower and join together to recognize and celebrate the being empathetic and supportive. uniqueness of those within the disability community. An important component of support for the disability community The disability community is as vibrant as any other, representing those is understanding how best to speak and write about colleagues with disabilities that may be undiagnosed, physical,sensory, mental, and neighbors with disabilities—whether through casual discussion, cognitive,developmental and non-apparent or invisible. Members of the internal documents or external communications. community have diverse stories and ways of experiencing the world. The ADA National Network provides some helpful guidelines on Those who don't identify as having a disability can serve as allies for how to communicate with and about those within the disability those who do by recognizing Disability Pride Month, becoming and community.The tips below are adapted from their resource on writing about individuals with disabilities. (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 17,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) 1.Avoid assumptions—even if you know that an individual has a 9. Don't be condescending—even when used with the best disability,ask first to find out if they want their disability disclosed of intentions, certain words can be hurtful. "Differently-abled;' to others.Also, only mention or discuss a person's disability when "challenged" and "handi-capable" are among the words to avoid. it's necessary to the context. 10. Don't be offensive—it should go without saying, but making 2. Emphasize abilities and not limitations—empower others by fun of people with disabilities and using offensive terms regarding emphasizing what they can do instead of what they can't do. disabilities are never acceptable. 3. Refer to the person first and their disability second 11. Be mindful of how to describe people without disabilities- -people with disabilities are people first and foremost;they don't imply negativity toward those who do have disabilities.A are complex individuals who shouldn't be reduced to specific person without a disability is not a"normal" person in relation to conditions or circumstances.That's why the term "people with a person with a disability. disabilities" is favored,for example, instead of"disabled people:' 12.While these guidelines are important for general communication 4. Use neutral language—in tandem with avoiding assumptions, about people with disabilities,always be mindful of a specific don't depict a person as passive, a victim or lacking something person's identity—find out an individual's language because they have a disability. "Person with epilepsy" is a better preferences if you're communicating,with permission,about a term than "person afflicted by epilepsy." Similarly, "burn survivor" is specific person with a disability.Some use"identity-first" language a better term than "burn victim" while others use the"person-first" language,addressed in these tips. 5. Emphasize the need for accessibility rather than the Whether you're a member of the disability community or an ally, presence of a disability. "Accessible parking" works better than everyone can benefit from considering how to be empathetic, "handicapped parking" inclusive and supportive when communicating about colleagues, customers and neighbors with disabilities. 6. Remember that a disability is not an illness—the two are If you are an individual with a disability and need workplace very distinct medical and experiential concepts.A person with accommodations, please reach out to disability services at a disability,just like a person without a disability, is only a patient disability@pacificorp.com or 800-455-6363. when in the context of healthcare settings. 7.Avoid negative stereotypes about psychiatric disabilities— to aid the broader societal discussion about mental health and the value of mental healthcare, it's important to destigmatize psychiatric disabilities when they're addressed. For example, one can note that a person has a mental health condition or a psychiatric disability without calling them "mentally ill;' "disturbed"or"insane" 8. Seel<balanced communication regarding people with disabilities—as important as it is to confront and combat stigma, it's also necessary to avoid seemingly positive assumptions or stereotypes. Don't call a person with a disability"heroic" or "inspiring"when they are simply living their life. The Disability Pride flag represents various disabilities including those that are undiagnosed,physical, sensory,mental,cognitive,developmental and non-apparent or invisible. SUSTAINABILITY AT�/WORK �- �/ (T�efllpitV C(/�Pr M01, IU�Pr�o C'1164"&t Help improve air quality in Utah by driving down your vehicle CLEAR THE AIR emissions. Every entry is a chance to win a prize! Join the Rocky Mountain Power team in Utah's 2023 Clear the Air Challenge!This month-long competition encourages everyone to reduce / vehicle emissions by choosing TravelWise transportation strategies. ' The challenge started July 1 (it's not too late to register!) and extends through July 31. Rocky Mountain Power is currently in 8th place.Join the team today! Let's crack the Top 5 and aim for first! (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 17,2023 5 (Continued from previous page) Here are a few of the ways you can participate: Win a weekly prize! • Working from home? Log each avoided commute! Once you've registered and joined the Rocky Mountain Power team, log your trips, miles and emissions saved on the TravelWise Tracker. • Use active transportation—bike or walk instead of driving. Each entry you log gets you one entry in the weekly drawing, so four logged TravelWise entries equals four entries in the drawing. Be sure • Carpool with co-workers. to log each segment of your activities for more chances to win! • Combine errands into one trip—also known as "trip chaining." This year there will be four winners per week in the weekly drawing and a bunch of prizes at the end of the challenge. • Log every electric vehicle trip (personal or company car). For Week 3,four challengers will each win a$100 Amazon gift • Use public transit. card.You can use it to buy some bling for the bike you're using on your emissions-free commute or to treat the co-workers who share • Find more ideas with these TravelWise strategies. your carpool! Here are the prizes awaiting Rocky Mountain Power team members throughout the challenge: Category Prize Gift Card Basis Week 1 Drawing 4 x$100 REI 1 drawing entry per entry logged in the challenge Week 2 Drawing 4 x$100 Best Buy 1 drawing entry per entry logged in the challenge Week 3 Drawing 4 x$100 Amazon 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website Week 4 Drawing 4 x$100 Target 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website 1st Place e-Bike Highest total avoided CO2 emissions 2nd Place $500 Winner's choice* 2nd highest total avoided CO2 emissions 3rd Place $400 Winner's choice* 3rd highest total avoided CO2 emissions Active Transportation $100 REI Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Carpooling $100 Apple Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Skip the Trip $100 Amazon Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Public Transit $100 Best Buy Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Trip Chaining $100 Target Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy *Choice of gift cards from REI,Apple,Amazon,Best Buy or Target Have questions or need help registering with the Rocky Mountain Power team?Contact Sustainability Team members Nic Jenkins or Ian Hoag. COMPLIANCE Re If A044df I Background Non-Discrimination As a transmission provider, PacifiCorp is subject to the regulation of The "non-discrimination rule" states that employees working in many entities, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, transmission operations must treat the company's marketing, or FERC. One section of FERC rules called the Standards of Conduct sales or marketing affiliate employees no differently than if they (SOC) rules were put in place to prevent undue preference in worked for another unaffiliated company. They cannot be given wholesale energy markets,with the goal of leveling the playing field in special treatment. Transmission providers cannot give their own the wholesale market. marketing affiliates an unfair advantage over the independent The SOC contains four primary rules:the "non-discrimination rule;' companies with which they compete. the "independent functioning rule,"the "no-conduit rule" and the Independent Functioning "transparency rule."While these rules appear to apply mainly to The "independent functioning rule" requires transmission function transmission function and marketing function employees, in reality the and marketing function employees to operate independently of each SOC rules relate to all employees. (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 17,2023 6 (Continued from previous page) other.Transmission function employees (TFEs) work on a day-to-day Are there any other"conduit" issues I should be aware of? basis operating the transmission grid, responding to transmission or It's important for employees of PacifiCorp to remember that interconnection requests or planning for bulk power transmission. Northern Natural Gas and Kern River Gas Transmission Company are Transmission function information that TFEs use during work must gas transmission providers and that Northern and Kern River's non- be protected from disclosure to marketing function employees unless public transmission function information should not be shared with such information is publicly available. Examples of public transmission PacifiCorp employees who sell natural gas on behalf of the company. information include:transmission capability calculations;transmission Likewise, NV Energy market function employees are subject to curtailments or outages;granting and denying of service requests; the Standards of Conduct prohibition against sharing non-public information regarding the actual flow of power; information regarding transmission function information, including information related to the isolation of portions of the system to prevent outages; and PacifiCorp's transmission system. information regarding the imposition of transmission loading relief. In addition to the information-sharing restrictions required by Marketing function employees (MFEs) sell electricity for resale in the Standards of Conduct, FERC's Market-Based Rates Affiliate interstate commerce on a day-to-day basis.These employees can be Restrictions require that"market information" is not passed between easily identified by the{Mkt Function}tag in their email and Microsoft PacifiCorp employees or its contractors and any employees of a Teams profiles. For more information, click here or see PacifiCorp's market-regulated power sales affiliate such as MiclAmerican Energy, Open Access Same Time Information System O( ASIS)website. directly or indirectly. Microsoft Teams will show the{Mkt Function} Employees who work in departments like engineering,finance,field tag for MFEs working at BHE affiliates. operations,generation or IT may have access to information about Transparency the company's transmission business that is not available to the public The "transparency rule" states that transmission providers must and must take precautions to avoid sharing it with MFEs. operate transparently and, under certain conditions, requires posting No Conduit of non-public transmission function information that has been The "no-conduit rule" prohibits all employees from sharing non-public disclosed to an MFE.A company does this by posting the disclosure transmission function information with marketing function employees publicly. PacifiCorp would post such a disclosure on OASIS. and must be strictly observed. If it's not,the information being shared How do I learn more? could give an unfair advantage to a marketing function employee, and Please see PacifiCorp's Standards of Conduct Compliance Procedures the company could be in violation of FERC regulations. for additional guidance. SECURITY AWARENESS 0 Jam, 2f4 016d�V�5��'tA � A notice from the BHE Global Security Operations Center: On June 14 and June 22, BHE IT sent communications informing you of a change being made to the USB storage device management Complete the USB Exception/Purchase form in procedure.This new procedure eliminates the use of unapproved Digital Workplace. USB storage devices and better protects our assets and networks. After successful testing with pilot groups and other early adopters,we are ready to move forward. On July 17,we will begin expanding the new process to the general audience at PacifiCorp. Upon implementation,when Cortex XDR detects an unapproved If you currently do not have an exception on file and have a business device,apop-up like the one below will show on your screen.This need to use a USB storage device, complete the USB Exception/ pop-up will show the first time you plug in a USB storage device Purchase form in Remedy Digital Workplace. Remember, OneDrive, regardless of exception state.Within 15-30 minutes,the device will Teams and Share Point are the preferred tools for sharing files. begin working as expected. If you do not receive this pop-up,your We have coordinated with IT to ensure there is as little disruption device is not recognized as a USB storage device and will continue as possible.This new process is supported by the Global Security working as usual. Operations Center. PACIFICORP 0 .10 ON Own wo ���/%//jam �.�����/ AV /I/ . . NA - • �� /; ♦ /// // . ' Pacific Power . . . Rocky Mountain Power IN THE 1 P"AAM �f f )a,01WAAM, INSIDI 9MI P to 9 fo V f In the News 1 The PacifiCorp Foundation is delivering more than$500,000 in new grant awards to nonprofits and community organizations that support education and science,technology, Health and Safety 3 engineering and math (STEM) learning opportunities in the communities Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power serve. Learning Opportunities 4 Through this funding,the foundation seeks to open doors to opportunity now and in the future by investing in programs that support and empower young people through Diversity Equity& Inclusion education and skill development for a rapidly changing world. The local organizations receiving these grants help kids and adults prepare for the Sustainability at • rk 8 future and succeed on their own terms through education, STEM and workforce development opportunities. These education and STEM-focused grants are made through one of four grant cycles offered by PacifiCorp's nonprofit arm each year.The other quarterly cycles are: SAFE & SECURE • Community Enhancement and Environmental Respect PacifiCorp safety results as of • Arts and Culture 7/21/2023 • Safety and Wellness • ' � � : INCIDENTS In the Education/STEM cycle, 122 grants totaling$503,400 were given to educational programs and organizations across our service area.A sampling of these grants YTD ON TRACK? is provided below. (Continued) 16 TARGET 30 YTD ON TRACK? y = 14 TARGET 31 Pacific Power's Sam Carter(left)toured the instructional garden at Southwestern Oregon Community College,part of o new agroecology , program that will emphasize sustainable and regenerative practices. CURRENTS I JULY 24,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) To see a full list of the grants in this cycle, read the Pacific Power • Western Wyoming College in Rock Springs,Wyoming, received or Rocky Mountain Power news release.You can also visit our a$10,000 grant to fund scholarships for students in the Powerline Community web pages PP/ RMP to see interactive maps showing Technology Program. Rocky Mountain Power is one of the main recent grant recipients. drivers for the college's powerline program.As the world is • Bear Lake Education Foundation in Montpelier, Idaho,received increasingly electrified and transitioning to clean energy,the need for a$5,000 grant for a game design course to help Bear Lake Middle skilled workers in the power industry has never been greater.This School students learn 3D modeling,animation and programming and program is designed to meet that need and ensure that graduates other STEM concepts.This course is designed to introduce STEM are well-prepared to enter the workforce. concepts in a fun, innovative way that will capture attention and „m interest in STEM subjects and provide a pathway for hands-on learning. ' • Southwestern Oregon Community College Foundation inNi Coos Bay, Oregon, received a$7,500 grant to help establish and maintain an instructional garden for a new agroecology program that will emphasize sustainable and regenerative practices and p integrate STEM curriculum in course design.With the instructional garden, agroecology courses and business training,the college hopes - & "fRgCy�dlgR to teach students how to grow their own food, create community ' tigr T gardens or start their own businesses. •4 t, • Southwest Technical College in Cedar City, Utah, received a $7,500 grant to fund scholarships for students studying welding, - "� robotics, industrial maintenance and wildfire management.These mug scholarships have a significant impact on the lives of students from rural Utah who want an alternative to a traditional college education.The new wildfire management curriculum was added at �r the request of local fire departments and wildfire organizations. • Heritage University, located on the Yakama Indian Reservation in Toppenish,Washington, received a$7,500 grant to provide Utah's Tracy Aviary received a$5,000 foundation grant for Nature at Home Kits,which include hands-on, scholarships to students of diverse cultures and backgrounds outdoor activities that help children learn about birds,sounds of nature,plants,soil ecosystems and more. Rocky Mountain Power's Lisa Romney(left)delivered the big check. pursuing studies in health sciences. Heritage University is a local, place-based option for students to pursue STEM careers and enter the workforce prepared and ready to contribute. POWO t�,UZ44f��—sfc PacifiCorp is in the early stages of feasibility studies evaluating the In addition to the Oneida Narrows and Cutler reservoir areas, costs and benefits of installing pumped-storage hydroelectric systems PacifiCorp has feasibility studies underway at 11 other potential sites at the Oneida Narrows Reservoir in Franklin County, Idaho,and the for pumped-storage hydro projects in Utah,Wyoming, Oregon, Idaho Cutler Reservoir that extends into Box Elder and Cache counties in and Washington. Utah. PacifiCorp does not have preexisting hydro projects at those 11 sites. PacifiCorp already has 30-megawatt hydroelectric projects at each "What all these sites do have in common is topography that would site,which are part of the company's Bear River hydro development work well for the construction and operation of two reservoirs with that has been serving customers since the early 1900s. significant elevation differences between them;' said Tm Hemstreet, The feasibility studies began early this year as part of efforts to vice president, renewable energy development. expand the company's diverse mix of energy resources and manage How it works the transition to more renewable energy as older fossil fuel generating Pumped storage hydroelectricity requires two bodies of water near resources reach the end of their useful lives. one another—one at a higher elevation than the other.Water is That transition is mapped out in PacifiCorp's 2023 Integrated pumped from the lower reservoir to the higher reservoir when there Resource Plan,which calls for 8,095 MW of storage resources, is low demand for energy.To generate electricity when it's needed, including batteries co-located with solar generation, standalone water is released downhill through the hydroelectric plant and into batteries and pumped-storage hydro. the lower reservoir. (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 24,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) "A pumped storage hydro system is essentially a water battery, in that The economic and environmental studies required to prepare it can store potential energy and then release it to generate electricity license amendments for consideration by the FERC will take at when needed;" Hemstreet explained. least 18 months to complete. Specific construction schedules will Pumped-storage hydro has some distinct advantages over be established if the company determines that development at chemical battery storage, including longer plant lives and greater the sites is feasible. energy delivery capabilities. "Pumped storage is also a proven technology, and our familiarity with the dependability and long life of hydro assets leads us to believe pumped storage will have an important role in our energy transition," Hemstreet said. Additional advantages of the Oneida Narrows and Cutler sites, he said, are that each project has an existing reservoir and would only require construction of a second, higher-elevation reservoir.Also,the a{ q g two sites are located near existing transmission infrastructure that, when modified, may be able to transport energy from the projects. For the Cutler project, PacifiCorp hosted a public informational workshop June 21 with stakeholder groups including landowners, conservation organizations and resource agencies to discuss the : feasibility study. "Because we have existing relationships at Cutler and Oneida,we wanted to be sure we were being open and transparent;" Hemstreet said. "Normally,at this early stage,we wouldn't have a lot of public outreach because it's very early and we are unsure whether we will Existing reservoirs and infrastructure at the Cutler(pictured)and Oneida hydroelectric projects could pursue these projects" support pumped storage development to assist in the energy transition. HEALTH AND SAFETY 40f,77q C/64 i4u hotf�eo&r With much of the country baking under a heat dome, it's important Personal factors like age, obesity,dehydration, heart disease, poor to understand heat-related illnesses and how to stay cool and safe in circulation,fever, sunburn, alcohol use and medication side effects can hot weather also play a role in your body's ability to cool off in very hot weather. You can become ill from the heat if your body can't compensate for it Everyone, no matter their age or health, should take measures to and properly cool off. stay cool, stay hydrated and stay informed during hot weather. High humidity is one of the main things affecting your body's ability to STAY COOL cool itself during extremely hot weather.When it's very humid out, Dress for the weather—Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. sweat won't evaporate as quickly.This keeps your body from releasing Stay in an air-conditioned space as much as possible. If your home heat as fast as it needs to. doesn't have air conditioning,go to a movie theater,shopping mall,public 3AJ TO BEAT THE HEAT library or a local cooling shelter. Even a few hours spent in air conditioning can help your body stay cooler when you go back into the heat. Schedule outdoor activities carefully—Try to limit your outdoor activity to when it's coolest, like morning and evening hours. Rest often in shady areas so that your body has a chance to recover. Pace yourself—Cut down on exercise during the heat. If you're not used to working or exercising in a hot environment,start slowly and increase gradually. If exertion in the heat makes your heart pound and leaves you gasping for breath, or if you become lightheaded,confused, Stay Stay weak or faint, STOP all activity. Get into a cool area or into the shade Stay Cool Hydrated Informed and rest. (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 24,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) Wear sunscreen—Sunburn affects your body's ability to cool down Know the signs—Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related and can make you dehydrated.If you go outdoors, protect yourself from illnesses and how to treat them. the sun by applying sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher 30 minutes before Use a buddy system—When working in the heat, monitor your going out.Continue to reapply it according to the package directions. co-workers and have them do the same for you. Heat-induced illness Avoid hot and heavy meals—They add heat to your body and can cause a person to become confused or lose consciousness, so it's preparing them will add heat to your home. important to look out for each other. STAY HYDRATED Monitor those at high risk—Although anyone at any time can suffer Drink plenty of fluids—Drink more fluids than normal, regardless from heat-related illness,some people are at greater risk than others: of how active you are. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. • Infants and young children Stay away from very sugary or alcoholic drinks—These actually • People 65 years of age or older cause you to lose more body fluid.Also avoid very cold drinks, • People who are overweight because they can cause stomach cramps. • People who overexert during work or exercise Replace salt and minerals—Heavy sweating removes salt and minerals from the body that need to be replaced.A sports drink can • People who are physically ill,especially with heart disease or high replace what you lose in sweat. blood pressure, or who take certain medications, such as for Keep your pets hydrated,too—Provide plenty of fresh water for depression, insomnia or poor circulation your pets and leave the water in a shady area. Visit adults who are at risk at least twice a day and closely watch them STAY INFORMED for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Infants and young children, of course, need much more frequent watching. Check your local news for extreme heat alerts and safety tips and Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to learn about any cooling shelters in your area. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES 7his m6k. �Cttfc,Li4" Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development this Thursday,July 27 Click here to register and save the date on your Outlook calendar. at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT for a virtual lunch-and-learn webinar on Active Listening. How much do you usually remember after a conversation or conference?According to the Harvard Business Review,the average r listener only remembers 25%of a talk or lecture two months OB later.Active listening can help us in our day-to-day interactions and conversations inside and outside of work. Active listening is a key communication and emotional intelligence skill that involves absorbing the information someone shares with you and reflecting back that you heard them. In this lunch-and-learn webinar,we will explore what it means to actively listen and review ways to improve our listening abilities for in-person and virtual interactions. In lam We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job.Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for a workshop on how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement, and what we can do to support ourselves, each other and our teams. This in-person workshop will be offered on two dates: • • ^ ^ • Wednesday,Aug. 9, 1:00-2:30 p.m.at NTO 130K • Wednesday,Aug. 23, 1:00-2:30 p.m.at LCT 19S/T Pre-register here: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/kxuijAUQW2 CURRENTS I JULY 24,2023 4 st4t"&yl PoNal gout Join the Pacific Power Green Team at the intersection of sustainability, 11BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY ENERGY'S SUSTAINABILITY POWER HOUR environmental stewardship and diversity,equity and inclusion at Featuring Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Sustainability Power Hour on Cathy Woollums Jenny McIver Darla Zink Thursday,Aug. 24 at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT on Teams. Chief sustainability officer Chief Environmental Officer Chief Diversity Officer -BERRSRIRR HA7RAWAV Participants will gain valuable insight into the vital role sustainability EmRGY. plays within our company,the pressing issues that Berkshire Hathaway Energy faces today,and what we are doing to turn these challenges Click here to register and save the date on your Outlook calendar. into opportunities. Do you have questions for the panel? Include them in your This enlightening and thought-provoking panel will feature leaders registration or email them to Jackie Wetzsteon. from Berkshire Hathaway Energy, including Cathy Woollums, chief sustainability officer;Jenny Mclvor, chief environmental officer;and Darla Zink, chief diversity officer. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION &pl7e.&T, Ga"P.6S S� Pi Sl�11 SlNi S �o�t�'� �l Pi Dozens of Pacific Power employees and their family members "The executives carrying our parade banner at the front of the line, marched to show their pride, support and allyship at the Portland the lineman who got out of the truck and danced with the parade Pride parade and festival in downtown Portland, Oregon,July 16. MC,and the friends and family who joined us made this event a huge Decorated bucket trucks led the contingent while members waved success,and I am so happy that I got to be a part of it. I can't wait for flags and held employee resource group banners along a route that next year." began at the city's northern park blocks and passed alongside the An estimated 45,000 people turned out for the Portland Pride riverfront festival area. parade,with another 10,000 walking in the event, placing it among the Meanwhile,they and thousands of other marchers from 170 city's largest annual gatherings. participating organizations passed under a huge Pride flag held aloft In addition to marching, Pacific Power volunteers staffed a booth by two Pacific Power bucket trucks stationed near the iconic Lan Su at the waterfront festival throughout the weekend, providing free Chinese Garden in Portland's Old Town neighborhood. sunscreen on hot, cloudless days and letting festival attendees spin a "I have worked for PacifiCorp for 26 years and am so proud that wheel to claim prizes. we became a sponsor and participant in the Portland Pride festival Take a look at photos from the event below,and check out posts on this year. It made my heart swell to see so many of my co-workers Pride Connection's Yammer page from employees who participated. come out in the heat, dressed in rainbows and smiles,to walk in support of our LGBTQ employees,the community,and our Pride Connection employee resource group," said Heather Tuck,general trainer in customer service,who marched in the parade and was on the organizing team for Pacific Power's participation. r $� i f CURRENTS I JULY 24,2023 5 =, ST 71 _�44 I ' ' •4 .E� gyp_ •' ,� -�� '- _ \ - - "'••�t'NG YCx"GRCATNESS � �� ley �s f f♦ �� aX A•a. � to 1 1 t • "e�wf "-A/0*W &OU f4-(o of WA,4_f&M PacifiCorp and Berkshire Hathaway Energy want to ensure every The steps for completing self-identification can be found below and in employee feels valued, respected and empowered. One of the most an accompanying jab aid. important steps toward achieving that goal is for employees to 1. From the intranet portal, select the"Employee Self-Service"tab. complete self-identification and make their voices heard. 2. On your SuccessFactors homepage, click"My Profile" Employee self-identification is how accurate workforce demographic 3. Scroll to the "Personal Information" portlet and click the pencil icon. information is collected, enabling PacifiCorp and BHE to better assess whether our policies and practices are effective while determining 4. Under"Global Information;' select the appropriate options for how to best support all employees. your ethnicity, race,veteran status and disability status. Note: Do (All self-identification responses are protected as confidential not change the "Country/Region"field. information—see further details below.) a. If you are a veteran,select as many options as applicable to your To help collect accurate information that fully represents the personal situation. Note: If the "Recently Separated Veteran" workforce, PacifiCorp wants to inform employees of their full options field is marked "Yes," do not enter a discharge date with a date for self-identification, including those covering gender identity. later than the date selected for the "When would you like your changes to take effect"field. Employees who identify as nonbinary can select"Non-Binary" as their gender identity during self-identification using the steps S. Click"Show 5 more fields"to provide your disability,gender and provided below. LGBTQ status. PacifiCorp invites all employees to count yourself in by completing 6. Click"Save" self-identification in all five demographic categories.When you PacifiCorp takes seriously its obligation to treat your voluntarily provide your self-identification information,you help information with the utmost confidentiality and care. ensure accurate workforce demographic data and empower our The information you provide will not be used to influence any workforce diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. employment decision.Your personal information will be kept separate from all other personnel records and will only be accessed by a Gender Identity limited number of administrative employees to generate aggregate No Selection reports for purposes of analyzing and reporting the data. Importantly,any information you provide to PacifiCorp will not be Female disclosed to benefits providers, including health insurance and healthcare providers.We will use the aggregate data to develop strategies that Male positively impact our recruitment, hiring and retention goals and Non-Binary continue building a more diverse,equitable and inclusive workplace. Prefer not to answer CURRENTS JULY 24,2023 7 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK Leiveic,k* 'ors&C&A44t Ckff"ct Help improve air quality in Utah by driving down your vehicle CLEAR THE AIR emissions. Every entry is a chance to win a prize! ' ---. It's not too late to join the Rocky Mountain Power team in Utah's 2023 Clear the Air Challenge!This month-long competition encourages 1 I!!\ everyone to reduce vehicle emissions by choosing TravelWise _ transportation strategies. , The challenge started July 1 and ends July 31. (You can still register!) Rocky Mountain Power is currently in 6th place.Join the team today! Let's crack the Top 5 and aim for first! Here are a few of the TravelWise strategies you can try: Congratulations to our Week 1 winners,who each received a$100 • Teleworking—work from home, or if you come to the office, REI gift card! avoid traveling to meetings by attending online. • Cameron Nielsen (procurement/materials specialist, NTO) • Use active transportation—bike or walk instead of driving. • Kirk Nigro (regional business manager, Ogden Service Center) • Carpool to work with co-workers or coordinate with other parents to transport kids. Jeff Howcroft, (principle engineering/operations project manager, NTO) • Combine errands into one trip—also known as "trip chaining:' • Sherry Liguori (environmental manager, NTO) • Count every trip you make in an electric vehicle (personal or company car). Congratulations to our Week 2 winners,who each received a$100 • Use public transit. Best Buy gift card! • Skip the trip—pack a lunch for work, place orders online instead • Matt Briggs (gas plant manager, Currant Creek) of going out to shop, etc. • Riley Larsen (senior business specialist, NTO) Win a weekly prize! • Shannon Ott (customer care specialist,WFH) Once you've registered and joined the Rocky Mountain Power team, log your trips, miles and emissions saved on the TravelWise Tracker. Trevor Stuart (grid solutions manager, NTO) Each entry you log gets you one entry in the weekly drawing. Be sure Week 3 winners will be announced later today! to log each segment of your travel for more chances to win! For Week 4,four challengers will each win a$100 Target gift There are four winners per week in the weekly drawing and a card.You'll be covered as you trip chain your errands! bunch of prizes at the end of the challenge. Here are the prizes awaiting Rocky Mountain Power team members throughout the challenge: Category Prize Gift Card Basis Week 3 Drawing 4 x$100 Amazon 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website Week 4 Drawing 4 x$100 Target 1 drawing entry per entry logged on the website 1 st Place e-Bike Highest total avoided CO2 emissions Have questions or need help 2nd Place $500 Winner's choices 2nd highest total avoided CO2 emissions registering with the Rocky Mountain Power team?Contact Sustainability 3rd Place $400 Winner's choice* 3rd highest total avoided CO2 emissions Team members Nic Jenkins or Active Transportation $100 REI Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Ian Hoag. Carpooling $100 Apple Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Skip the Trip $100 Amazon Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Public Transit $100 Best Buy Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy *Choice of gift cards from REI,Apple,Amazon, Trip Chaining $100 Target Highest avoided CO2 emissions using this strategy Best Buy or Target PACIFICO •.wer 0 C IN THE SPOTLIGHT Luvwm 6#1Y9 & Summer is rodeo season—but not the kind of rodeo you might think. On Saturday,July 22, linemen from across the West converged on a substation in Gresham, Oregon,for the Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo. Trading cowboy hats for hard hats and bucking broncos for power poles,apprentice and journeyman linemen engaged in competitions that tested their speed,safety and trade skills. The Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo, now in its 29th year,was a chance for these linemen to showcase the work they do every day for their colleagues and families. , Three-person journeyman lineman Apprentices competed teams competed in five events: individually in these events: • 12 kV Glass Replacement • Hurt-Man Rescue • High Line Event • Pole Climb with Raw Egg • Hurt-Man Rescue • Saddle Replacement pr • Pole Climb with Raw Egg • Wire Clipping Event • Transformer Changeout • Written Test SAFE & SECURE In total,there were five pre-apprentices, 39 apprentices and 29 three-person journeyman PacifiCorp safety results as of teams participating in the high-powered Pacific Northwest rodeo.That included seven 7/28/2023 Pacific Power and four Rocky Mountain Power apprentices, plus four Pacific Power , journeyman teams and two Rocky Mountain Power journeyman teams. 4144111DOM Among apprentices, Pacific Power's Taylor Buti and Justin Swartzendruber ranked YTD ON TRACK? 2nd and 3rd overall. In the journeyman competition,the Rocky Mountain Power team of 1 Ryan James, Bryce Stucki and Adam Loumis claimed 2nd place overall and the Pacific Power team of Trent Ammer, Chason Hooker-Foy and Banjo Reed took 9th. TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 17 TARGET Nick McOeery and Kyle Kessinger,journeyman linemen from Portland,compete in the Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo. 31 (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 31,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Click here to check out the full rodeo results. 'All our linemen demonstrated the proficiency and strong safety focus that they bring to work every day," said James Guild,distribution manager, Portland. "The competition was tight,and the results showed the quality of linemen we have.They all did a great job and did it safely." y^a. Mike Larsen,line patrolman,Bend,Oregon I — _ c A flag-raising ceremony kicks of the rodeo. •1 7 + ' A Warren Johns,journeyman lineman,Portland Craig Robbiboro,Journeyman serviceman,Portland CURRENTS I JULY 31,2023 2 PHISH TANK Unfortunately, 37 PacifiCorp employees took the bait on this highly personalized phishing test and clicked the link to 'Join Meeting." All the signs of phishing were there: • The manager's email address displayed in the "From" field was fake (manager@berkenergy.com). • The email was marked [INTERNET] indicating it came from outside the company. • The email included the colorful SAIL banner warning that it was from an external sender and reminding recipients to check carefully before clicking any links. Don't get hooked by a lillisk el 6t ' The banner also included a warning that"This sender might be impersonating a domain that's associated with your organization" Cybercriminals are constantly devising new schemes, exploiting new • By hovering over the 'Join Meeting" link, recipients could see it technologies and adapting their tactics to get us to fall for their scams. did not link to a real Teams meeting. That's why PacifiCorp security continually updates and improves • The language of the email was stilted,and the manager's signature its tools and solutions to prevent cyberattacks and thwart phishing was formatted in a way that would be unusual for a real person: attempts. One of those tools is our phishing drills—emails meant Last Name, First Name (Company Name) to test your vigilance, raise awareness and minimize the risk of a To avoid falling for these personalized phish—or any phishing attempt PacifiCorp employee taking the bait on a real scam. —remember to slow down, evaluate and verify before taking any A recent phishing drill sent email notifications that appeared to come action in response to an external email. from each employee's manager asking them to immediately join a If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of an email, use the Phish Teams Meeting for an emergency call.The correct manager's name Alert Report button to submit it for further review. appeared in the "From"field and the meeting topic was also tailored to the employee's role. COMMUNITY GIVING CAMPAIGN Employees at plants and field offices across the company are helping Portland survey Salt Lake City survey to select local nonprofits to be featured in the 2023 Community Complete your survey by Friday,Aug. 11. Giving Campaign,our annual fundraiser for United Way and other Questions? Email Community Giving Campaign. community organizations. Featured nonprofits are those that receive employee donations plus W �_ CANTor matching contributions from the PacifiCorp Foundation. - �EARNiNck -- ADuENiuRE_�, In our Community Giving Campaign you have three giving options: 1. Donate to your local United Way, and your local United Way 4e71 receives the PacifiCorp Foundation match. - 2. Donate to any nonprofit you choose, and your local United Way v receives the matching contribution. 3. Donate to one of our"featured nonprofits," and the featured nonprofit receives the match. Now employees in Portland and Salt Lake City offices have a chance to help select local nonprofits from a list of nominated organizations to be featured in this year's Community Giving Campaign. Use the survey below to cast your vote! The organizations with the most votes in each location will be included as featured nonprofits in the Rocky Mountain Power employees volunteered at the United Way of Salt Lake Stuff the Bus event,where they sorted and counted donated school supplies at the South Kearns Elementary School and wrote notes 2023 Community Giving Campaign. o f encouragement to the incoming students. CURRENTS I JULY 31,2023 3 SUSTAINABILITTY� AT WORK �/ �► 06 IU�Pr2�11.�1.� CLEAR THE AIR We'll hold the weekly drawing tomorrow,Aug. 1,and announce the LETS KEEPTHIS final competition prizes on Aug. 2. z Here are the prizes awaiting Rocky Mountain Power team \ _ members Category Active $100 REI Highest avoided CO2 — — Transportation emissions using this strategy Today (July 31) is the last day to log your TravelWise trips, miles and Carpooling 100 Apple Highest avoided CO2 Car emissions saved in the Clear the Air Challenge. p g $ pp emissions using this strategy Enter your teleworking,active transportation, carpooling,trip chaining, Highest avoided CO2 use of EVs or public transit, and skipped trips by the end of the day Skip the Trip $100 Amazon emissions using this strategy today for a chance to win our Week 4 prize—$100 Target gift cards Highest avoided CO2 —or the overall competition prizes! Public Transit $100 Best Buy emissions using this strategy Congratulations to our Week 3 winners,who each received a$100 Highest avoided CO2 Amazon gift card! Trip Chaining $100 Target emissions using this strategy • Craig Larsen (assistant revenue requirements manager, NTO) *Choice of gift cards from REI,Apple,Amazon,Best Buy or Target •Jaren Campbell (finance/accounting manager, NTO) Have questions or need help registering with the Rocky • Pete Maskell (logistics/materials manager,Tooele Office) Mountain Power team? Contact Sustainability Team members • Thomas Carter(government affairs director, NTO) Nic Jenkins or Ian Hoag. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job.Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for a workshop on rqWF how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement,and what we can do to support ourselves, each other and our teams. This in-person workshop will be offered on two dates: • Wednesday,Aug. 9, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at NTO 130K r • Wednesday,Aug. 23, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at LCT 19S/T Pre-register here: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/kxuijAUQW2 P&C449&C& SaSt""o 6itoutf �wv" Pow Not Join the Pacific Power Green Team at the intersection of sustainability, Participants will gain valuable insight into the vital role sustainability environmental stewardship and diversity,equity and inclusion at plays within our company,the pressing issues that Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Sustainability Power Hour on Energy faces today,and what we are doing to turn these challenges Thursday,Aug. 24 at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT on Teams. into opportunities. BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY ENERGY'S SUSTAINABILITY POWER HOUR This enlightening and thought-provoking panel will feature leaders Featuring from Berkshire Hathaway Energy, including Cathy Woollums, chief Cathy Woollums Jenny McIver Darla Zink Chief Sustainability Officer Chief Environmental Officer Chief Diversity Officer sustainability officer;Jenny Mclvor, chief environmental officer;and BERKSHIREMATHAr,IAY Darla Zink, chief diversity officer. IEKEKGN. Do you have questions for the panel? Include them in your Click here to register and save the date on your Outlook calendar. registration or email them to Jackie Wetzsteon. CURRENTS I JULY 31,2023 4 COMPLIANCE REMINDER UP 94ow'r,Of Kaofjtz 6(iPP&4tWrLS The North American Electric Reliability Corporation critical SharePoint sites that are created and stored on premise may contain infrastructure protection (CIP) standards require that energy BCSI and need to be tracked in accordance with company BCSI companies protect certain information related to critical facilities and repository procedures. systems,such as control centers and substations.This information is If you have questions, contact Theresa Andres,senior information designated as Bulk Electric System Cyber System Information, or BCSI. compliance analyst. BCSI is information that could be used to gain unauthorized access or If you have general questions related to BCSI or CIP standards,or pose a security threat to a Bulk Electric System Cyber System or other need assistance determining if your data contains BCSI, contact CIP cyber assets at critical facilities,such as desktop computers,servers, Scott Hill, CIPS compliance director. firewalls,switches and substation relays. Examples of BCSI may include: • Passwords to shared accounts • Firewall rules • Full baseline configuration information • Network diagrams with IP addresses and host names • Physical security perimeter drawings • Security configuration information, such as IP and network addresses As we collaborate with colleagues—both within our business and _ across multiple Berkshire Hathaway Energy businesses—we need to remain mindful of the information being shared.While CIP information protection programs vary by Berkshire Hathaway Energy business,the following guidelines apply to ALL businesses and their affiliates: • Do not store,transfer or message BCSI in Teams. • Do not share BCSI stored in OneDrive. - Use caution when BCSI temporarily stored locally is subject to OneDrive automatic uploads. Extra care is needed to protect information related to critical facilities and systems like our control centers • Do not store BCSI in cloud-based collaborative and substations.(Pictured here is the Westwood Substation in Idaho) SharePoint sites. POLICY AND POLITICS sty&kv pf". orcru In our Policy & Politics series, we explore the forces that are shaping the energy industry and the people and institutions, policies and political issues that impact our business. 7 Let's take a look at Oregon, where we serve 618,000 customers in communities across the west, south, central and north parts of the State. ArR E G O N Slightly larger than the United Kingdom, Oregon is diverse in geography and regional climates. Its economy has historically been centered on natural resources, such as timber and fish, but in the last several decades the state has sought to shift toward a blend of tech, manufacturing and various services. Akw%ft E PacifiCorp service area (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 31,2023 5 (Continued from previous page) PacifiCorp is headquartered in Oregon's largest city, Portland,whose While drought conditions have reduced the total amount of generation metro area is home to about 60%of the state's population.As the provided by hydro resources in recent years, Oregon remains one of state's second-largest utility, and the largest electric-sector company the top four hydroelectricity-producing states in the nation. operating in the state, PacifiCorp (operating as Pacific Power) maintains a visible presence in communities across Oregon. OREGON ENERGY GENERATION MIX The map below illustrates Oregon's position in PacifiCorp's —"qqql interconnected,six-state system, including existing transmission lines and the planned Boardman to Hemingway 500-kilovolt line. Construction of B2H is expected to begin later this year. Oregon at a glance: ' les Population:4.2 million (rank 27) Economy: $317 billion GDP (rank 24) Renewables Capital: Salem Key Leaders: • Gov.Tina Kotek • Sec. of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade • U.S. Senator Ron Wyden The Oregon Public Utility Commission is the state's utility regulator, • U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley overseeing PacifiCorp and the state's two other investor-owned utilities, Portland General Electric and Idaho Power Company,along with various cooperatives and municipal utilities. PacifiCorp makes PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION ROUTES regular filings with the OPUC and collaborates frequently with the state's other investor-owned utilities,with BPA and with other l WASHINGTON Oregon energy partners, such as NW Natural and Avista in the MONTANA natural gas sector. / H0 Oregon holds an essential place in the geography of the Western � PacifiCorp sernce area OREGON °Arr.—w•„ atan (1 o cr>alfa Iffi,� Energy Imbalance Market,the real-time energy trading market that DAHO ♦ Nt gas facilities ■ ne�v E nin WYO NG Geoth 1plam PacifiCorp founded in 2014 with the California Independent System ■ Hydro rys C) eQ • Wndfacildies Operator.This allows the state's resources to join those in other W� '"""' ■ Solar facilities western states in a common energy market,allowing participants CALIFORNIA NEVA DA �� • rensewoable resources m o - aciliGnp_own tlpimvy to balance their systems,find efficiencies and pass on savings to C"p P g O O transmission lions aro ID AH — T nsmissionaccess customers.The map below shows how almost all of Oregon is served New[rensmissionli... b WEIM participants. 500 kV minim°..1t,. Y P P —3,15 kV minimum voltage —230 kV minimum vokege ARIZONA.: •Existing substation NEW MEXICO O N—bstation Puget Sound bolo)owerex Energy I"I Seattle City Light Tacoma J" Power Am,, By em ar Rn� wrtd io9 W]�cuu3fiom roaLfretl03iew<a mt be indWetl raesMC0.WAatl CAcuedn.+gym IDt9Mev+� �aae vb,.sr u� Avongrid'—� North#goLr Portland/ Bonneville En General Administration Oregon's energy sector Electric Idaho PacifiCorp Oregon's energy is primarily sourced from renewable resources, rket operator with hydropower servin as the core of those resources owing to BANG California ISO g g WEiM entity the Columbia River,which runs along much of the border between Turlock %7 I Active participant Oregon and Washington. "D trict\ California Oregon's four largest power generating facilities are all hydro Los An110 Dept.of \ Public projects located on the Columbia and operated by the federal WateraPower Public Service L R"er Company of ggovernment, which sells the power through the Bonneville WAPAwest ✓Protect New Mexico P g Southwest � Power Administration, apower marketing entity within the U.S. T—n � Department of Energy with headquarters located only a few EPower P gY q Y El Paso blocks from PacifiCor s Portland offices. Electric P� (Continued) CURRENTS I JULY 31,2023 6 (Continued from previous page) Oregon's Government& Politics In national political terms, Oregon's state government generally aligns The state also employs a renewable portfolio standard requiring that with Democrats,who hold the Governor's office, both U.S. Senate 50%of the state's electricity consumption be served by renewables by seats and four of the state's six U.S. House seats,and who maintain a 2040.When Oregon's first RPS was adopted in 2007, only 2%of the majority in both houses of the Oregon Legislative Assembly. state's electricity consumption was served by renewables.The current The Oregon State Capitol RPS with its 2040 target was adopted in March 2016 following the passage of updated legislation. Oregon policymakers favor the advancement of renewable resources for electricity generation,with the Oregon Department However,an even more ambitious policy was set into motion in of Energy noting that its statewide energy goals include increased 2021 when Gov. Kate Brown signed House Bill 2021 to provide an use of renewable energy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, emissions-based clean energy framework for electricity providers. enhancement of energy system resilience and promotion of energy That legislation established goals for the reduction of greenhouse gas efficiency for Oregon homes and businesses. emissions from electricity providers of: • 80% below baseline emissions levels by 2030; • 90% below baseline emissions levels by 2035;and • 100% below baseline emissions levels by 2040. To answer the call of HB 2021, PacifiCorp developed its Oregon Clean Energy Plan,and is in the process of holding public input meetings to allow Oregonians to weigh in. Oregon policymakers are also seeking to advance transportation electrification and promote the ownership of electric vehicles.The state is part of the West Coast Electric Highway-in cooperation with California,Washington and British Columbia-which provides charging stations along Interstate 5, U.S. Highway 101 and other major roadways. PacifiCorp is actively working to advance Oregon's clean transportation goals, including installing public charging stations, — --- --- --- - - --_- ___ providing rebates for charging equipment at homes and businesses, offering electric mobility grants, and more. MAKE A DIFFERENCE T rel& FOR OUR COMMUNITIES Hit the links with co-workers and friends at the annual Pacific Power Pacific Power - United Way - United Way golf tournament! Friends and family are welcome to play! Charity Golf Tournament Proceeds from the tournament are donated to United Way, supporting its mission to build strong, equitable communities where PACIFIC POWER or everyone can thrive. When: Friday, Sept. 8 Registration 7:30 a.m., shotgun start 8:30 a.m. To register: Go to: pacificpowergolf.company.site Where: Glendoveer East Golf Course 14015 NE Glisan St., Portland Or send a check payable to Giving Campaign - PacifiCorp to: Pacific Power Entry fee:$100 per golfer-includes green fees, 18 holes of golf Attn: Rick Dunn with a power cart, range balls, drink tickets, breakfast 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1700 pastries and lunch Portland, Oregon 97232 Questions? Contact Rick Dunn at 503-813-6294 or rick.dunn@pacificorp.com CURRENTS I JULY 31,2023 7 chqv- M, a C'hott t4&teof (a o/ It's time to tee up for the 24th Annual Rocky Mountain Power Community Giving Golf Tournament! Proceeds from this year's charity golf tournament will go to Junior Not a golfer?Volunteers are also needed to staff the event and help Achievement to power their important work inspiring and preparing make the RMP Community Giving golf tournament a big success! young people for a bright future through financial literacy,work We need help checking in golfers, selling raffle tickets, setting up readiness and entrepreneurship. sponsorship holes and prize holes, and coordinating golf carts. Tournament format is four-person scramble. Following the round Volunteers are particularly needed between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. of golf,there will be an awards banquet in the clubhouse including Breakfast is included after check-in for early-bird volunteers! drawings for prizes and awards for our winners. To help out,contact Stacey Davis at 801-220-2047. When:Wednesday, Sept. 13 Check-in and continental breakfast: 7:15 a.m. Welcome ceremony:7:40 a.m. Shotgun start: n a.m.and Lunch, awards and prizes follow. v Where: Stonebridge Golf Club 4415 Links Drive COMMUNITY GIVING West Valley City, Utah GOLF TOURNAMENT Entry fee:$100 per golfer—includes a round of golf with a cart, continental breakfast, lunch,awards ceremony and a lot of fun! To register: Complete this form and return it with a check payable to Rocky Mountain Power Community Giving to: LeAnn Singleton, NTO 310 or Rocky Mountain Power - Attn: LeAnn Singleton 1407 West North Temple, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Registration deadline is Aug. 31. Get your form in early!The tournament hits capacity every year. If you have questions, drawing donations, or recommendations for businesses that might want to sponsor the tournament,email Rocky Mountain Power Golf Tournament or Nic Jenkins at 801-220-7246. PACIFICORP 0 _ 12 �,� • IN THE NEWS pry & With much of our service area experiencing high temperatures over the past several weeks, everyone is feeling the heat of summer. The same goes for PacifiCorp's electrical system, both from the outside temperatures and the increased customer demand for electricity. "In Rocky Mountain Power's service area, more electricity is used by our customers during the summer season than at any other time of the year," said Curt Mansfield, senior vice president of power delivery. "On the Pacific Power side, customer energy usage has historically peaked in the winter, but with extreme weather like the record-setting heat dome last year,coupled with increased use of air conditioners,the peak load is moving towards summertime." The demand for electricity typically reaches its highest point on hot summer weekday afternoons from about 3 p.m.to 8 p.m.That's when power is needed to operate summer irrigation systems and the ever-increasing number of air conditioners in homes and businesses. SAFE & SECURE "Although we see the demand for electricity peak when temperatures rise,we are PacifiCorp safety results as of confident about our network's readiness for this summer," Mansfield said. 8/4/2023 "Understanding the climate and customer needs helps us provide reliable electricity during this high-usage season." YTD ON TRACK? 18 TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 18 TARGET �... 31 The electric system sensitive to temperature,so the conditions our forecasters watch for include triple-digit high temperatures coupled with night-time lows that stay above 70 degrees. (Continued) CURRENTS I AUGUST 7,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) At the end of each summer, Rocky Mountain Power and Pacific Company engineers and power system operators keep a close eye Power review how the electrical system performed and identify on area weather forecasts as well. Electric systems are sensitive to projects that can help it do even better. Last year,the company temperature, so the conditions that impact the electric system the identified 75 improvement projects that were completed prior to the most are a series of days when 100-degree highs are coupled with 2023 summer season. Examples of the projects include: night-time temperatures that stay above 70 degrees. • Increasing system and distribution capacity "Customers also can take steps to manage their energy use during the • Installing new equipment like switches and voltage regulators summer peak season," Mansfield said. "We have simple tips, programs and incentives for customers to increase their energy efficiency at • Balancing and reconfiguring the electrical pathways serving home and in the workplace, particularly during the summer months. customers in specific areas These steps save money for customers and help ease the stress on During hot weather, Rocky Mountain Power and Pacific Power take the electric utility system." steps each day to keep electric service reliable for customers by To see a full list of energy-saving tips and incentives,visit the monitoring which substations and circuits have the highest use and company's website at rockymountainpower.net/wattsmart or identifying any potential trouble spots,with solutions usually designed pacificpower.net/wattsmart. by the following day. Orl�an)owf ts Otc-6 f6awtm fit A4a Due to low inflow conditions in the Lewis River Basin and with The drawdown and corresponding closures are in accordance with a dry forecast expected through Labor Day, PacifiCorp initiated a federal licensing regulations,which require flow amounts in quantities drawdown of Yale Reservoir July 31 to meet federal license needed to support salmon and steelhead populations in the lower river flow requirements. PacifiCorp understands the inconvenience the Yale Reservoir drawn Lowering Yale Reservoir resulted in the closure of the Yale Saddle down may cause for recreational ists, but believes this planning Dam boat ramp beginning July 31.The Yale Reservoir Dispersed provides as many recreational opportunities as possible over the Shoreline Camping program ended July 30 to ensure boaters could project area given the dry conditions we are currently experiencing. return to and use the Saddle Dam boat ramp prior to its closure. For more information about company-owned recreational sites plus In addition,the company estimates that the Beaver Bay boat ramp will alerts about potential closures and other low-water impacts,visit our close on or around Aug. 13.The Yale Park boat ramp will remain open. website at pacificorp.com/community/recreation/. t The Yale Park boat ramp is expected to remain open amid other closures resulting from dry conditions in the Lewis River Basin. CURRENTS I AUGUST 7,2023 2 HEALTH AND SAFETY Sww fm Sw&: �P4 Swnl/ Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet rays.You can protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful UV rays without sacrificing summer fun. Follow these tips from the American Cancer Society to stay safe in the sun. t WHAT AFFECTS UV EXPOSURE? The strength of the sun's UV rays depends on a number of factors: • Time of day: UV rays are strongest in the middle of the day, between 10 a.m.and 4 p.m. If you are going to be in the sun, "Slip! Slop! Slap! and Wrap!" is a • Season: In our part of the world, UV rays are stronger during catchphrase that can help you remember some of the key steps you spring and summer months. can take to protect yourself from UV rays: • Distance from the equator: UV exposure increases the closer • Slip on a shirt.When you're out in the sun,wear clothing that you get to the equator. covers your skin. • Altitude: More UV rays reach the ground at higher elevations. • Slop on sunscreen.Sunscreens with broad spectrum protection • Cloud cover:The effect of clouds can vary, but it's important to (against both UVA and UVB rays) and with SPF 30 or higher know that UV rays can get through to the ground even are recommended. on a cloudy day. • Slap on a hat.A hat with at least a 2-or 3-inch brim all around • Reflection off surfaces: UV rays can bounce off surfaces like is ideal because it protects exposed areas like the ears, eyes, water,sand, snow or pavement, leading to increased exposure. forehead, nose and scalp. • Wrap on sunglasses to protect your eyes and the skin around PROTECT YOURSELF FROM UV RAYS them. UV-blocking shades are important: Long hours in the sun Simply staying in the shade is one of the best ways to limit without eye protection increases your risk of certain eye diseases. your UV exposure. COMMUNITY G2IVI�NGCAMPAIGN PDX 04401 Employees in Portland and Salt Lake City offices have a chance to help select local nonprofits to be featured in this year's Community Giving Campaign,our annual fundraiser for United Way and other community organizations. Featured nonprofits are those that receive employee donations plus Salt Lake City employees volunteered with the Granite Education Foundation,packing over 550 matching contributions from the PacifiCorp Foundation. (Employees backpacks with school supplies to help students start the year ready to learn and equipped to succeed. at plants and field offices across the company have their own process Background for selecting their local featured nonprofits) In our annual Community Giving Campaign,which takes place in Use the one-question survey below to cast your vote! The October,you have three options for how to direct your giving and organizations with the most votes in each location will be included as how your contribution is matched by the PacifiCorp Foundation. featured nonprofits in the 2023 Community Giving Campaign. 1. Donate to your local United Way,and your local United Way Portland ballot receives the PacifiCorp Foundation match. Salt Lake City ballot 2. Donate to any nonprofit you choose,and your local United Cast your vote by this Friday,Aug. 11! Way receives the matching contribution. Questions? Email Community Giving Campaign. 3. Donate to one of our"featured nonprofits;' and the featured nonprofit receives the match. CURRENTS I AUGUST 7,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES �t fffaf, ftaf 46 f b4 We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job.Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for a workshop on how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement,and what we can do to support ourselves, each other and our teams. This in-person workshop will be offered on two dates: '�'� • Wednesday,Aug. 9, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at NTO 130K • Wednesday,Aug. 23, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at LCT 19S/T Pre-register here: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/kxuijAUQW2 In this month's Tech Talk,we'll explore ways that Microsoft Outlook PacifiCorp Learning • Development can be used as a tool for project management. Organize and "I'lli.Tech Ta I k transform your communications into actionable tasks and put your calendar to work for you and those on your project team. Get Live Help Tech Talk is a monthly drop-in hour where we demonstrate Microsoft Every third Thursday of the month,you can bring 365 tools, share tips and invite your questions,from file sharing to Teams meetings and beyond. dedicatedyour burning M365 questions to Learning n Join us every third Thursday(Aug. 17 this month) at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 Development's ,a drop-in hour p.m. MT. Save the date and the meeting link below on your calendar! to troubleshooting, latest features,and working out solutions for Click here to join the meeting. your technology needs. Want to be added to the series? Contact host, Delpha Thomas, senior training development analyst. join the Pacific Power Green Team at the intersection of sustainability, This enlightening and thought-provoking panel will feature leaders environmental stewardship and diversity,equity and inclusion at from Berkshire Hathaway Energy, including Cathy Woollums, chief Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Sustainability Power Hour on sustainability officer;Jenny Mclvor, chief environmental officer;and Thursday, Aug. 24 at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT on Teams. Darla Zink, chief diversity officer. Participants will gain valuable insight into the vital role sustainability Click here to register and save the date on your Outlook calendar. plays within our company,the pressing issues that Berkshire Hathaway Do you have questions for the panel? Include them in your Energy faces today,and what we are doing to turn these challenges registration or email them to Jackie Wetzsteon. into opportunities. BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY ENERGY'S SUSTAINABILITY POWER HOUR Featuring Cathy Woollums Jenny Mclvor Darla Zink Chief Sustainability Officer Chief Environmental Officer Chief Diversity Officer BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY ENERGY CURRENTS I AUGUST 7,2023 4 L"4 f- lwru: av" 49AU,tk"t W"44-11 Are you ready to elevate your skills, knowledge and connection - 1P to others through mentoring?Whether you are an experienced professional looking to give back, or a fresh talent seeking guidance as �y you take on a stretch goal or new role, mentorship might be for you! i Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development Wednesday,Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT for this a virtual webinar on the best practices for effective mentorship. To register and receive a link,visit the our new Events Page! COMPLIANCE P69aUk f&"UW A (0 atc d/Tf6t pf" 4&sW6&w A message from Matthew McVee and Joelle Steward Transactions should be submitted for review early to avoid undue The purpose of this communication is to increase awareness of the delays and allow any necessary regulatory notification or approvals regulatory compliance obligations related to PacifiCorp asset and to be included in the disposition transaction schedule. Receiving property"disposition"transactions.Asset and property dispositions approvals, if required, could take up to one year. include, but are not limited to, sales, leases, use permits, easements, Below are the regulatory and legal personnel who should be donations and exchanges. contacted for review of asset and property disposition transactions. Each of the six state utility commissions and the Federal Energy Mark Alder, Rocky Mountain Power regulation department Regulatory Commission,which oversee PacifiCorp, have unique rules John Hutchings, Rocky Mountain Power legal department that govern utility asset and property dispositions. Dispositions may trigger regulatory compliance obligations such as commission pre- Jennifer Angell, Pacific Power regulation department approval or notification of the transaction. Carla Scarsella, Pacific Power legal department To ensure compliance with rules governing asset and property If the disposition transaction is with an affiliate, an affiliate transaction dispositions,all dispositions, regardless of value, must be reviewed by form must be submitted.The affiliate transaction form is located the regulation and legal departments prior to finalizing the disposition. at the following link:Affiliate Transaction Form. If it's unclear if the Property dispositions requiring department approvals are required transaction is with an affiliate, please refer to the affiliate list at the prior to submission to the regulation and legal departments for review. following link for more information:Affiliate Issues. If it is still unclear The Asset and Property Disposition Review Form must be provided whether a transaction meets the definition of"disposition" or is with to regulation and legal when submitting a transaction for regulatory an affiliate,the legal and regulation departments should be consulted. and legal review. Using this form will streamline the review process Thank you for your attention to this matter. Following this process and ensure that the legal and regulation departments have the promotes and maintains Regulatory Integrity by ensuring PacifiCorp information necessary to make regulatory compliance determinations. compliance with all rules governing these types of transactions. The most current version of the Asset and Property Disposition Review Form can be obtained on the intranet. Joelle Steward Matt McVee All disposition transactions must be reviewed by both the Pacific Senior Vice President, Regulation and Vice President,Regulatory Power and Rocky Mountain Power regulation and legal departments, Customer&Community Solutions Policy and Operations regardless of where the subject asset or property is located. PacifiCorp PacifiCorp PACIFICORP 0 . � IN THE NEWS ARM topf 14 bv"M totte buwf The Western Energy Imbalance Market generated $798.7 million in benefits in the first half of 2023, reaching$4.2 billion in cumulative savings since the market was launched in late 2014. The real-time energy market's$379.91 million in second-quarter results is attributed to the growing number of participants,who provide diversity and economical energy transfers that offset more expensive generation. During the second quarter of 2023, the economic benefits for PacifiCorp customers came to $37.5 million, bringing the total accumulated savings since market inception , to $657.8 million. (Continued) Puget Sou Energy Seattle SAFE & SECURE City light t Tacoma PacifiCorp safety results as of Power 8/11/2023 Avangrid' ► NorthWestern Portland/ Bonnevi le Energy . General Power Administration Electric daho i` YTD ON TRACK? PacifiCorp ower Market Operator 18 N)&X acificor California ISO BA Energy Is WEIM entity ` Active participant TARGET Turloc kt Irrigati 3 0 on District California ISO Los Ange D pt.of s rizona Public VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Water&Power Service WAPA Desert , Salt River Public Service / Project Company of YTD ON TRACK? Sout Southwest i s New Mexico 19 Tucson Electric Power El Paso i Electric TARGET 31 The WEIM has a vast geographic footprint across the western United States and into southwestern Canada. CURRENTS I AUGUST 14,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) The WEIM, initially launched by PacifiCorp and the California With greater regional coordination enabled by the WEIM,that clean Independent System Operator, is designed to enable participating power can be moved across a large geographic area to replace entities to buy and sell power close to the time electricity is other resources.Additionally,grid operators have more resource consumed.With state-of-the art technology,the market finds and options for balancing supply and demand,which is particularly helpful delivers the lowest-cost resources available to meet immediate power during summer evenings when electricity use remains high but solar needs and manages congestion on transmission lines to maintain grid generation is declining. reliability.The WEIM also provides system operators with real-time Building on the success of the WEIM, PacifiCorp and the CAISO is visibility across neighboring grids, resulting in a more efficient balancing collaborating with utilities, independent power producers, regulators, of supply and demand. environmental advocates and other partners to develop an Extended Since its 2014 launch,the number of Western EIM participants has Day-Ahead Market to trade power a day ahead of time,to harness expanded to 22,further diversifying energy resources while improving the timeframe when the majority of energy transactions occur. By transmission efficiencies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. optimizing diverse generation resources and transmission connectivity The Western Area Power Administration Desert Southwest region, on a day-ahead basis across the WEIM's wide geographic footprint, El Paso Electric and AVANGRID Renewables are the WEIM's newest market participants and consumers could realize even greater participants,joining in April 2023.The WEIM now includes portions reliability, economic and environmental benefits. of Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Regulators in California, Oregon,Washington,Arizona and New Utah,Washington,Wyoming,Texas and even extends to the border Mexico also recently came together to release a letter in support of with Canada. the concept that EDAM embodies, of a single West-wide day-ahead The environmental benefits of the market are also noteworthy.With market.This backing by key public officials shows how EDAM is a more variable resources such as solar and wind on the grid, excess central part of the evolution of the energy sector in the western U.S. clean power would typically tend to be curtailed and go unused to CAISO is planning to file tariff language for the EDAM with the keep the grid from becoming overloaded. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in mid-August and has announced a public EDAM Forum on Aug. 30 in Las Vegas. For information about the WEIM,visit PacifiCorp's grid modernization webpage or the WEIM website. 9&&sk 04eflipk# "Wa 64wkq Aft Adwe Thanks to the sponsorship of Rocky Mountain Power and its Blue Sky "Through our Blue Sky program, Rocky Mountain Power was proud to renewable energy program,along with other community partners, sponsor the Kimball Arts Festival and to support the vibrant art scene the Kimball Arts Festival in Park City, Utah,was a big success during and culture of the greater Salt Lake City area,"said Stacey Davis, RMP's the weekend of August 5-6. Blue Sky program manager."The festival was just one of the many Organized by the Kimball Art Center,an art education institution exciting events we're grateful to be able to support in communities in Park City,the 54th occurrence of the festival this month enabled throughout Utah and other parts of the Intermountain West." residents of Summit and Wasatch counties, and visitors to the town, Learn more about the Blue Sky program here, and how it's advancing to connect with standout artists who are making strides through our journey toward a net-zero energy future. their diverse crafts,techniques and creative styles. a� n 6 - a r1" r � v e CURRENTS I AUGUST 14,2023 2 IN THE COMMUNITY &Ptra 64 qJ h44 gt(res46 OW Paw Employees from Rocky Mountain Power's Cody,Wyoming,T&D line The juvenile eagle received a good bill of health, and the team got to survey crew and from PacifiCorp's Pryor Mountain wind project and watch Dr. Preston attach a U.S. Geological Survey identification band renewable resources wind compliance team joined forces July 21 at and a color band to the eagle's ankle.With these bands attached, Ironside Bird Rescue in Cody to help spruce up the property. the eagle will help provide data for ongoing, long-term monitoring of Owner Susan Ahalt,whose home is located on property alongside eagles in the West. Ironside's rehab facilities, has been working hand-in-hand with After the bands were attached,the eagle was transported back to the PacifiCorp renewable resources and Rocky Mountain Power for many nest and released. "Its sibling flew overhead as a welcoming gesture years to help care for wild injured and orphaned birds. upon our arrival. It was very gratifying to all of us' Schafer said. "Whether it's helping relocate a high-risk nest and its residents from "Susan has been a valuable resource for PacifiCorp and Rocky Mountain a power pole or taking care of a sick or injured bird from one of the Power and we're happy to help her out when we can;" he added. wind facilities, Susan is always there to help," said Christopher Schafer, Over the years, Ironside Bird Rescue has received grants from the associate environmental scientist, Foote Creek Rim Wind Project. company and the support of employees lending a helping hand to During the wet spring and summer,weeds had overtaken much of build bird rehab enclosures. "It's a great partnership that we do not Susan's property. Equipped with weed eaters, rakes, pruners and chain take for granted," Schafer said. saws,the team wasted no time in getting to work. Employees pulling weeds,trimming shrubs and hauling off waste and debris had Susan's place transformed by that afternoon. As an added bonus to the day, Dr. Charles Preston and his wife showed up to band one of Susan's bird residents,a three-month-old golden eagle—and former resident of a golden eagle nest a few miles F f` away from Ironside Bird Rescue that Susan monitors each year.While monitoring the nest,Susan noticed the young bird was out and about on the ground but hadn't flown yet, so she brought the young eagle back to her facilities to check its health. `Y�• - ." SLR` 77 6,� 5 -- Photos by Brittany Elliott,compliance/wildlife field technician. CURRENTS I AUGUST 14,2023 3 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION � �waiffas i4u-ffi& Civility is the cornerstone of the "Golden Rule"to treat others as She adds that workplace civility"doesn't mean you can't have strong you would like to be treated.We all want to come to work and be opinions, can't disagree, can't have conflict or can't give negative treated with kindness and respect. feedback.Just do it civilly." National Civility Month,observed every August, is a timely reminder Make civility your norm that civility paves the way for trust and mutual understanding—and for Professor Porath shares a"code of civility"that one workplace a productive, inclusive workplace. Ultimately, being civil is just the right defined for itself and agreed to abide by as the norm.This code can thing to do—but here are some of civility's more specific benefits. be a benefit to anyone in our workplace—and anyplace. Civility improves communication 1.We greet and acknowledge each other. Being civil is all about finding ways to disagree without being disagreeable. It allows us to have effective conversations with others 2.We say please and thank you. even if we don't see eye to eye. Civil communication helps us express ourselves clearly, listen carefully and speak respectfully. 3.We treat each other equally and with respect, no matter the conditions. Civility fosters a positive work culture When we communicate in a courteous, respectful manner,the entire 4.We acknowledge the impact of our behavior on others. workplace atmosphere becomes more positive and productive.As employees and colleagues,we feel appreciated and valued,which leads 5.We welcome feedback from each other. to less conflict and fewer misunderstandings. 6.We are approachable. Civility promotes understanding and respect By treating others with courtesy, respect and kindness,we create a 7.We are direct, sensitive, and honest. workplace environment where everyone is heard, understood and 8.We acknowledge the contributions of others. feels a sense of belonging.This encourages collaboration and open dialogue between employees in different roles and people of different 9.We respect each other's time commitments. backgrounds and beliefs. According to a National Institutes of Health article that recaps a 10.We address incivility. workshop by Georgetown University professor Christine Porath, "Saying thank you,sharing credit, listening attentively to people, humbly Source:Workplace Civility Increases Productivity I NIH asking questions,acknowledging people and even smiling can have a really great effect on others and, in turn, lift yourself up as well" CURRENTS I AUGUST 14,2023 4 SUSTAINABILITY AT WORK CLEAR THE AIR q*4Y1VJf facov-1616ttNa" & Congratulations to the 2023 Clear the Air Challenge Rocky Mountain - Power team.Together they recorded 18.6 tons of CO2 savings. Overall,the team came in SIXTH out of 255 teams! Rocky Mountain Power employees went above and beyond in their Clear the Air Challenge entries this year! High numbers were recorded in carpooling,active transportation and skip-the-trip.This year's category winners were awarded a$100 gift card. The top three overall Clear the Air Challenge winners collectively Congratulations to: saved 7,508 ton of CO2 over 362 recorded trips. • Active Transportation:Jacob Hatch Congratulations to: • Carpooling: Phil Richardson • First Place:Jeff Howcroft • Skip the Trip:Wayne Stoltz • Second Place: Eve Davies • Public Transit: Chad Ahlmer • Third Place:Thom Carter • Trip Chaining: Shannon Ott Thank you to all those who participated! LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES sfv&fs, T&ff46"bg&4VVt We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job.Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for a workshop on how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement,and what we can do to support ourselves, each other and our teams. This in-person worl<shop will be offered on two dates: ^ • Wednesday,Aug. 9, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at NTO 130K • Wednesday,Aug. 23, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at LCT 19S/T Pre-register here: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/kxuijAUQW2 j��j ���t�GVI. P/ •C.�/c� In this month's Tech Talk,we'll explore ways that Microsoft Outlook PacifiCorp Learning • Development can be used as a tool for project management. Organize and transform your communications into actionable tasks and put your Tech Ta I k calendar to work for you and those on your project team. Get Live Help Tech Talk is a monthly drop-in hour where we demonstrate Microsoft 365 tools, share tips and invite your questions,from file sharing to Teams meetings and beyond. your burning M365 questions to Learning and Join us every third Thursday(Aug. 17 this month) at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 Development's ,a drop-in hour dedicated p.m. MT. Save the date and the meeting link below on your calendar! troubleshooting,to . .. latest features,and working out solutions for Click here to join the meeting. your technology needs. Want to be added to the series? Contact host, Delpha Thomas, senior training development analyst. CURRENTS I AUGUST 14,2023 5 P644449&M f mt"&y Olt OU& M W pma YC4 Join the Pacific Power Green Team at the intersection of sustainability, BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY ENERGY'S SUSTAINABILITY POWER HOUR environmental stewardship and diversity,equity and inclusion at Featuring Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Sustainability Power Hour on Cathy Woollums Jenny Mclvor Darla Zink Thursday, Aug. 24 at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT on Teams. Chief Sustainability officer Chiet Environmental officer Chief Diversity Officer BERKSHIRE HATNAWAY ENERGY Participants will gain valuable insight into the vital role sustainability ENERGY plays within our company,the pressing issues that Berkshire Hathaway Energy faces today,and what we are doing to turn these challenges into opportunities. Click here to register and save the date on your Outlook calendar. This enlightening and thought-provoking panel will feature leaders Do you have questions for the panel? Include them in your from Berkshire Hathaway Energy, including Cathy Woollums, chief registration or email them to Jackie Wetzsteon. sustainability officer;Jenny Mclvor, chief environmental officer;and Darla Zink, chief diversity officer. toit�' �ol� G� to�S�i Are you ready to elevate your skills, knowledge and connection to others through mentoring?Whether you are an experienced professional looking to give back, or a fresh talent seeking guidance as you take on a stretch goal or new role, mentorship might be for you! Join PacifiCorp Learning and Development Wednesday,Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT for this a virtual webinar on the best practices for effective mentorship. � To register and receive a link,visit the our new Events Page! MAKE A DIFFERENCE �o��� ems: G�,�o�t��tG� ,S'r.G�o�►-P�o�s�5���-��s-tGrvs �e�n,P,s� l Volunteers are needed to help out with a school supply packing event for Portland-area schools! Schoolhouse Supplies and Pacific Power are seeking 10-15 volunteers are requested for an action-packed day helping Tools for Schools sponsors pack 11,000 school supply kits for local schoolchildren! Volunteers will help build boxes, pack kits into boxes, restock theSC�601hoyse assembly line, stack boxes on pallets and more. SUPPLIES Here are the details: When:August 16, 12:00 p.m.to 2:00 p.m. Contact Heather Tuck to volunteer! Where:4916 NE 122nd Ave., Portland, OR 97230 PACIFICORP0 y � MITI IN THE SPOTLIGHT 1 000pwa&f i August 24 is National Hydropower Day! For over 135 years, hydropower has fueled the nation with clean, renewable energy. .. National Hydropower Day was designated to collectively recognize hydropower's contributions to bolstering the nation's clean energy infrastructure and providing grid • resilience and reliability. Hydro is the nation's first and oldest renewable resource,providing clean,carbon-free energy to roughly 30 million Americans,and 31%of the United States'overall renewable electricity. At PacifiCorp,we know that hydropower is key to the vitality of our region's energy infrastructure. It's flexible enough to quickly provide dispatchable generation while keeping •"• the power system in balance. It can help integrate other renewable resources onto the grid by generating power when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing and can be operated to quickly adjust generation up or down to meet fluctuations in demand. Hydropower is also key to a cleaner environment.The lands and waterways around these facilities provide natural recreation opportunities for visitors to enjoy and support thriving wildlife habitats. SAFE & SECURE This week,we join with others in the industry to celebrate hydropower's role in building PacifiCorp safety results as of our clean energy future alongside other renewables. 8/18/2023 Powering a better energy future Fi V 1111101014011DIE PacifiCorp owns 37 hydroelectric facilities with a total generating capacity of 971 megawatts located in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Utah and Montana. Our Y ON TRACK? hydro resources represent the company's oldest generation facilities—some of these 18 plants have been serving customers for over 100 years—yet they are key to advancing a clean energy future. In addition to the emission-free energy generated for customers, PacifiCorp is evaluating TARGET ways our existing hydro fleet can be adapted to even better serve the energy transition by 30 adding pumped storage at sites like North Umpqua, Cutler and Oneida. 1 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 22 TARGET 31 Lemolo 1 is part of PacifCorp's North Umpqua hydroelectric project in southern Oregon. CURRENTS I AUGUST 21,2023 1 CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS tJ"VbtA,fif�9et Northwest Harvest has partnered with Pacific Power to save energy access to wonderful, healthy foods. I think about the kids in the and money. Participation in Pacific Power's Wattsmart Business Yakima area who will take home amazing,fun-to-prepare foods, and program will help this nonprofit business customer optimize its that makes a major difference." energy use and offset utility costs through energy-efficient upgrades. Pacific Power is proud to support Northwest Harvest as they Northwest Harvest,which supports a network of over 400 food strive to serve the communities of the Yakima Valley. For more banks, meal programs and high-need schools, installed energy-efficient information about Pacific Power's Wattsmart Business program,visit refrigeration equipment and controls in its new Yakima,Washington, BeWattsmart.com. distribution center to improve production and reduce energy use for the center's new food storage warehouse.This equipment was customized to fit cooling needs in the facility's cold and freezer storage. FRUITVALE COMMUNITY MARKET The refrigeration upgrades yield 956,472 kilowatt-hours per year in energy savings, enough to power 65 typical homes in the Yakima area 3191 for a year. Northwest Harvest received over$220,000 in Wattsmart Business incentives from Pacific Power for this project.The energy- cost savings from the more efficient refrigeration system will reduce Northwest Harvest's electric bill by more than $54,000 annually. "We contacted Pacific Power in the hope of developing a Wattsmart business project designed to meet our organizational needs;'said Thomas Reynolds,CEO of Northwest Harvest."Opting for energy-efficient ' equipment was extremely beneficial in terms of usage and cost savings. "This project reduces our energy footprint and frees up more funds Hallie Gollinger,senior product manager(far left),and Toni Petty,regional business manager(far right) present a big Wattsmart incentive check to the Northwest Harvest team at the new community market for food programs that support families across the region and provide that opened this year in Yakima. BUSINESS OPTIMIZATION & INNOVATION AIM 6f6m go Lean Six Sigma uses the DMAIC process (Define, Measure,Analyze, Improve, Control),which is very similar to Berkshire Hathaway - Energy's process controls of Plan, Execute, Measure and Correct. ` Who should apply for training? PacifiCorp employees can receive training to become certified in Lean 9 _ Six Sigma principles.There are different levels of certification divided into "belt" colors.The highest level of certification is a Black Belt, signifying a deep knowledge of Lean Six Sigma principles, and below that is a Green Belt. If you are an open-minded,change-oriented individual who enjoys collaborating with others to drive change and are looking to enhance Joyson Branch,vice president of business optimization and innovation,shares the principles of Lean Six your process improvement skills and make a positive impact throughout Sigma and how you can get certified.Click to watch. the company,ask to be nominated by your department lead,who What is Lean Six Sigma? will then submit your name for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training opportunities that are offered annually in Salt Lake City and Portland. Lean Six Sigma is a focused approach that seeks to improve (Continued) performance by eliminating process inefficiencies and operational waste. It combines Lean Enterprise philosophies and Six Sigma principles to increase the value of business processes. CURRENTS I AUGUST 21,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) Green Belt training requirements: • Employees should be nominated by management and approved Openings will be available for progress-oriented people in future by their executive to participate. training courses offered onsite in Salt Lake City and Portland.There • The number of current Green and Black Belts in your is a cost associated with the courses that will come out of the department will be considered when assigning nominees to employee's cost center. available training courses. You can learn more about Lean Six Sigma and business optimization • Participants are expected to come to class having identified one and innovation and connect with colleagues by joining the or more potential improvement projects. BO&I community on Viva Engage. • Certification requires completion of a project using Lean Six Sigma principles and methodology. COMMUNITY GIVING CAMPAIGN 7he, vota 4c,M(a mr ft ft Thank you to all employees who live and work in Portland and Salt As a reminder, in our Community Giving Campaign—our annual Lake City and who voted on the nonprofits to be featured in our fundraiser for United Way and other community nonprofits—you upcoming Community Giving Campaign! have three options for how to direct your giving and how the We had two clear winners in each location:Across the company,our PacifiCorp Foundation boosts your donation with matching funds: employees want to support animal welfare and access to food. 1. Donate to your local United Way,and your local United Way In Portland, Oregon Humane Society received the most votes receives the PacifiCorp Foundation match. with 89 out of 289 responses, and Oregon Food Bank ranked 2. Donate to one of our"featured nonprofits," and the featured 2nd with 73 votes. nonprofit receives the matching contribution. In Salt Lake City, Utah Food Bank got the most votes with 81 3. Donate to any other nonprofit you choose, and your local out of 238 responses, and Humane Society of Utah came in United Way receives the match. next with 63 votes. All four of these featured nonprofits will receive a matching donation Questions? Email Community Giving Campaign. from the PacifiCorp Foundation when you direct your Community Giving Campaign contribution their way. Look for the pledge drive to begin Oct. 1! - - z 464 fa4y - 1-16 JL 1 NN a z E CURRENTS AUGUST 21,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES ku4apo? Movies and TV series like 2001:A Space Odyssey,The Terminator, This live event will be recorded, so chat will not be available; however, iRobot, Blade Runner,Westworld and The Matrix depict a future that you can submit questions through the Q&A. portrays the dark side of artificial intelligence as science fiction. During Recordings of past security sessions can be accessed on the the past few years, use of artificial intelligence has become common Journey to Excellence website. place for both personal and business use. Large language models—specifically ChatGPT—are the fastest growing consumer applications in history.They are able to generate human-like responses and use machine learning to acquire new skills. Large language models can be programmed to complete tasks,such as solve complex problems,conduct research,write songs and stories, and summarize multifaceted documents in just seconds. However, t 1/ large language models can also be programmed to favor certain biases and deliver misinformation. Join Ross Jones and Joe Paul on Wednesday,Aug. 23 at 11 a.m. PT/12 p.m. MT for a Teams session about artificial intelligence, large language models and the associated risks. ff�&f tV&&k: T&Sf M bt4&&Af We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job. Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for an in-person workshop on how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement,and what we can do to support ourselves,each other and our teams. When:Wednesday,Aug. 23, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ^ /1 Where: LCT Conference Room 19S/T /*ION Pre-register here: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/kxuijAUQW2 Join the Pacific Power Green Team at the intersection of sustainability, BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY ENERGY'S SUSTAINABILITY POWER HOUR environmental stewardship and diversity,equity and inclusion at Featuring Berkshire Hathaway Energy's Sustainability Power Hour on CathyWoollums JennyMclvor Darla Zink Thursday,Aug. 24 at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT on Teams. Chief sustainability Officer Chief Environmental Officer Chief Diversity Officer BERKSKIRE HATIIAWAY Participants will gain valuable insight into the vital role sustainability 4ENERGY plays within our company,the pressing issues that Berkshire Hathaway Energy faces today,and what we are doing to turn these challenges into opportunities. Click here to register and save the date on your Outlook calendar. This enlightening and thought-provoking panel will feature leaders Do you have questions for the panel? Include them in your from Berkshire Hathaway Energy, including Cathy Woollums, chief registration or email them to Jackie Wetzsteon. sustainability officer;Jenny Mclvor, chief environmental officer;and Darla Zink, chief diversity officer. CURRENTS I AUGUST 21,2023 4 LwI4 � lctw- Tha" tqdhar oing thm9k - Are you ready to elevate your skills, knowledge and connection to others through mentoring?Whether you are an experienced ^r professional looking to give back, or a fresh talent seeking guidance as you take on a stretch goal or new role, mentorship might be for you! Y, } join PacifiCorp Learning and Development Wednesday,Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT for this a virtual webinar on the best — practices for effective mentorship. j--- To register and receive a link,visit the our new Events Page! :ter MAKE A DIFFERENCE yow *IV#& The devastating wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui were the Donate supplies: If you're located in the Portland area,you can bring deadliest in the U.S. in more than a century, upending the beloved much-needed supplies to a hula school in Beaverton that is working with community of Lahaina and leaving thousands without a home or other nonprofits to send the supplies to Maui.Needed supplies include: business to return to. • Pillows Many of us at PacifiCorp hold Hawaii near and dear or know • Blankets people who have been impacted. Here are some ideas for those who wish to help. Body Wash Rachelle Hannon, principal project manager at PacifiCorp and a leader • Deodorant of the InspirAsian employee resource group for Asian American and • Soap Pacific Islander employees, shared some ways to help the people of • Toothbrushes Maui through donations to organizations providing aid: • Shower scrunchies/Loofahs • Aloha United Way Maui Fire Relief Fund • Baby items (Pedialyte,formula,wipes, diapers) • American Red Cross Maui Fire Aid Double your gift: PacifiCorp is proud to amplify our employees' Drop off items on Sunday or Thursday during classes,or contact the charitable giving through our Matching Gift Program. Learn how you halau for other times and ways to donate: can double the impact of your donation in support of Maui through a • Hula Halau 'Ohana Holo'oko'a(www.hulaaloha.org) matching gift from the PacifiCorp Foundation here. 12570 SW Farmington Rd. Beaverton, OR t' b. f CURRENTS AUGUST 21,2023 5 t4titeof( 0&2023 011 C064 Rocky Mountain Power is teaming up with United Way of Salt Lake for the annual citywide Day of Caring.Join our team of volunteers to make a difference for students and teachers at Kearns Junior High, part of the Granite School District. What:The primary volunteer projects will be: How: Rocky Mountain Power volunteers can sign-up for the • Beautifying the garden beds at the entrance of the school project here: • Helping to set up the new community food pantry space Day of Caring 2023: Rocky Mountain Power at Kearns at the school Junior High (uw.org) Where: Kearns Junior High Be sure to wear your blue "make a difference"T-shirt! 4040 Westsams Blvd., Kearns, UT If you need a T-shirt or have any questions,contact Chris Kanoff, When:Thursday,Sept. 14, 9:30 a.m.to 12:00 p.m. 801-220-4282, or Clay Monroe, 801-220-3443. J � V L_ I I \ 7 � J PA OrP Power Rocky Mountain Power V1 OF 4t, 0 IN � POWERING YOUR GREATNESS Pacific Power PACIFICORR Rocky Mountain Power IN THE NEWS AUGUST 28, 2023 Petetff"a Wei INSIDI THIS ISSUI On Aug. 15, lightning strikes started fires near Pacific Power's northern California service area close to transmission lines that serve about 13,000 customers in Del Norte County In the News 1 and Crescent City. Our meteorology team monitored the fire progression, and on the afternoon - of Aug. 18 our operations team was able to access our right of way andOpportunities determined that active fire was within ° a quarter-mile of our lines. Inclusion That afternoon,we made the difficult decision to de-energize the lines for Wildfire Impact to 115 kV Making a Difference 5 the safety of the public and emergency Transmission Corridor responders. IL The fires are now combined and are part of the Smith River Complex Fire,which the U.S. Forest Service has deemed the first priority in the country for firefighting.Active SAFE & SECURE fires continue to impact our transmission lines, so we are not able to re-energize the lines until it is safe to do so. PacifiCorp safety results as of 8/25/2023 During the first days of the outage,we focused on providing commercial generators to critical services and residential generators to customers with medical needs, installing • over 125 residential generators to provide life-saving assistance to these customers. Pacific Power also established two Community Resource Centers for those who YTD ON TRACK? were without power and needed assistance or services. The Community Resource 18 Centers offer information, Wi-Fi, charging stations, air conditioning, water, snacks, seating, security and more. �F 7 TARGET r 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS r' =� YTD ON TRACK? - -- 24 TARGET 31 Pacific Power's Alan Meyer(left)and Sam Carter(right)greet a customer and her furry family member at one of the Community Resource Centers the company set up to assist those without power in northern California. CURRENTS I AUGUST 28,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) "We provided 150 charging ports available for customers, and they've Over 200 employees are now working on-site setting up these been heavily relied on by folks to charge everything from phones, generators at our substations, monitoring and fueling the generators, tablets and laptops to battery back-ups for medical devices," said Alan and finding solutions to unexpected challenges that come along. Meyer, director, commercial accounts and community relations. "We Only six days after the start of this emergency,we have provided even helped jump start cars and drove an individual to the airport" temporary full-service power to nearly all customers in the area. Regional business managers helped hand out two semi-truck loads of Two areas remain under evacuation orders due to the fires,and once water—along with thousands of bags of ice. those residents are able to return to their homes and businesses,we "We've had a few thousand folks stop by the Community Resource will work to provide power. Centers;" Meyers said. 'A customer dropped off this thank-you sign, "We are committed to seeing our customers through this emergency which sums it up well:We don't leave our customers alone in the dark" and our teams moved heaven and earth to provide a local power solution so that our customers could return to their daily lives," said Stefan Bird, Pacific Power president and CEO. Pacific Power continues to coordinate with local emergency responders and once the fires are clear of our transmission lines we will start the work of making necessary repairs and re-energizing our a Q transmission lines. o � �ou have been ama2i II -(hank you 6o Much for "Employees from across PacifiCorp have been involved in this p�errw &fn a �uyePark�f 1�t �1Aon 11 Yov d;dnk leave- herculean effort,and our customers and stakeholders across Del �h� Us Flo lit ►fit alark 11 wank yyoN ;r-+itz e� �� Norte County truly appreciate all the hard work and historic i ell an Wa+er' was rea} -�o rlou) care response;' Bird said. Corwin Berry On Aug. 19,we shifted our focus to providing power to nearly You are honestly doing more than i could expect from a corporation. all impacted customers using commercial generators.This was an This sci fi stuff is super appreciated. unprecedented and dynamic effort that involved sourcing generators Like Reply ,.. from peer utilities and partners including Pacific Gas&Electric, Rocky Ana Tonarelli Mountain Power, NV Energy, United Rentals and Island Power. Thank you for working so hard for Del Norte County residents!!! The initial distribution and placement of the generators was Like Reply 21h coordinated with local emergency officials and prioritized essential Facebook User services including the hospital,grocery stores,gas stations, pharmacies, •15 hours ago ratots large retail stores, restaurants and hotels first,and then larger groups tfunthecohank u un y wilepoer for erhasing neeno g g g p to run the county while power has been out of customers via substations with generator power. for 5 days it's soexcitingto finally have I power keep tf good work and thank u to all of the fire lighters and cal Trans and Ill , the sheriff's and all other personnel that has ' assisted and came from out of town to fight this fire stay safe out theft i R�.d kit 0 Facebook User ® •LG hours ago This is the tentative schedule for Del Norte. After listening to the Pacific Power CEO "Y _ today at the town hall,Pacific Power has NEVER tried to power a whole county before.They are doing everything they can - .R to get power to us_It really is amazing. aaaaLess N . Jermaine Starshine Brubaker •18 hours ago �</ ,j r What Pacific Power has done for our community is amazing.The fact that so many people will have power within the _ . next few days!They are hooking huge - t generators into the power grids.They are -�- pulling resources from 7 different states. 1 "' Our little corner of the state was cut off,no power,and theyjumped in!I have been amazed at the resources that have come to Stefan Bird,Pacific Power president and CEO,(center)and Curt Mansfield,senior vice president for power our community! delivery,(center left)met with customers and community members last week in Crescent City. CURRENTS I AUGUST 28,2023 2 PW494M 46AAta 40&lr ki�g (V4f*S(11(1, The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation continues to support Southern "You don't know how much it means to have this opportunity to help Utah University by dedicating thousands of dollars in scholarship money make my education easier to afford. It helps ease the financial burden for first-generation college students,the Center for STEM Teaching and on my family and also myself, since I try to pay for as much of my Learning,and the SUU FIRST Tech Robotics program. schooling as I can on my own.Thank you for helping me out" Over the past 13 years, more than 100 SUU students have received Other scholarships funded by the PacifiCorp Foundation in this year's financial support from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation to help education cycle are listed in the recent Rocky Mountain Power and them become the first in their families to earn a college degree. Pacific Power news releases. The$10,000 grant for SUU scholarships was part of the annual Education/STEM cycle in which the PacifiCorp Foundation contributed $503,400 to schools, universities, libraries and other nonprofit organizations dedicated to education and learning, particularly in the - - - ---- = fields of science, engineering,technology and math. II _ Two SUU students shared firsthand how scholarship funds from the - Rocky Mountain Power Foundation impacted their college experience and helped them achieve their academic goals. "Because of this scholarship, I am able to attend college and get an education that would otherwise be impossible. I am so grateful for your generosity;" said Lehi Moran, a music major. Another music major, Nancy Johnson,also offered her thoughts on Regional business manager Tom Heaton,center-left,presents the scholarship funds to SUU how the scholarship aided her college experience. representatives. PHISH TANK Be cautious when scanning any QR code.Be sure you know it is legitimate before you click through to the related website.Although these scams take advantage of our inability to"read"QR codes,there are some red flags (" AN Poll you can look out for and steps to avoid being"quished." `O • Never scan a QR code from an unfamiliar source.A QR • • • • ��'.' =�• code you encounter out in public or receive in the mail could have been put there, sent or altered by a cybercriminal. �� O�•, < < ,. � • Stay alert for the hallmarks of a phishing campaign, •.� , �.�t.•1r�� •�•• such as a sense of urgency and appeals to your emotions— . sympathy, fear, etc. JL w •O� • Preview the URL before accessing the link: Before directing you to the intended page,your phone will show you the destination of the QR code. Check the URL to see if it seems safe. Make sure the website uses HTTPS rather than HTTP and You've heard of phishing,and maybe even smishing and vishing has a trusted domain. If the URL is shortened or unreadable, (phishing attempts via SMS and voice messages).As cybercriminals don't click through. continue to adapt their tactics, quishing—QR code phishing—is gaining ground with those eager to steal your data. • Check the destination site: If you do click through after scanning a QR code, stop and check the site for mistakes QR code phishing or quishing is a type of phishing attack that uses and misspelled words, shoddy design, low-quality photos, QR codes to trick people into revealing sensitive information. and insecure URLs as indicators that you've landed on a Scammers create a QR code that looks legitimate, such as one that fraudulent website. appears to offer a discount or special offer from a popular brand. • Be extremely wary if a QR code takes you to a site that asks When someone scans the QR code using a mobile phone, it takes for personal information, login credentials or payment. them to a fraudulent website controlled by the attacker that might For extra caution, avoid downloading QR code download malware or prompt the victim to enter sensitive data like scanning apps and only use your phone's built-in QR login credentials or credit card information. scanner in the camera. CURRENTS I AUGUST 28,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Lw 4 €" 641A&: 7h to" ti 4 a ffit"gh IL Are you ready to elevate your skills, knowledge and connection - A r, v to others through mentoring?Whether you are an experienced "io j professional looking to give back, or a fresh talent seeking guidance as you take on a stretch goal or new role, mentorship might be for you! join PacifiCorp Learning and Development Wednesday,Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT for this a virtual webinar on the best practices for effective mentorship. - — y--= To register and receive a link,visit the our new Events Page! DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION s People Helping People Strengthening Families Through Successful Employment Women's Equality Day, celebrated Aug. 26, commemorates the 19th knowledge and self-confidence to compete for better jobs, seek raises Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,which prohibits the states and and promotions, and eventually earn an adequate income. the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of Volunteering for People Helping People is a unique and rewarding the United States on the basis of sex. experience. Volunteers share their time, talents and workplace Universal suffrage was a big step in the right direction.Yet on experiences to help PHP's clients through one-on-one coaching Women's Equality Day in 2023,we are still striving to uphold our and mentoring. Volunteers help clients learn successful workplace nation's promise of equality for all people. For example,women behaviors, develop critical employment tools, and explore and their allies are still fighting for pay equity, an end to workplace the job search process to expand their options and discover discrimination,and equitable access to good-paying jobs. new opportunities. PAC Women, PacifiCorp's employee resource group for women and Are you interested in volunteering to make a difference in the lives of supporters of women, recently shared an opportunity to advance women by sharing your knowledge and skills?Volunteer opportunities equality for women through a nonprofit employment program are flexible and can range from a weekly to a bi-annual commitment dedicated to helping low-income women become financially secure depending on your availability and interest. Remote engagement from and self-sufficient. any state is an option! Based in Utah, People Helping People deploys volunteer business Please follow this link to PHP's volunteer application form. professionals to help low-income women develop the tools, CURRENTS I AUGUST 28,2023 4 MAKING A DIFFERENCE tW*Oeof(0&2023 Rocky Mountain Power is teaming up with United Way of Salt Lake for the annual citywide Day of Caring.join our team of volunteers to make a difference for students and teachers at Kearns junior High, part of the Granite School District. What:The primary volunteer projects will be: How: Rocky Mountain Power volunteers can sign-up for the • Beautifying the garden beds at the entrance of the school project here: • Helping to set up the new community food pantry space Day of Caring 2023: Rocky Mountain Power at Kearns at the school Junior High (uw.org) Where: Kearns junior High Be sure to wear your blue "make a difference"T-shirt! 4040 Westsams Blvd., Kearns, UT If you need a T-shirt or have any questions,contact Chris Kanoff, When:Thursday,Sept. 14, 9:30 a.m.to 12:00 p.m. 801-220-4282, or Clay Monroe, 801-220-3443. IL oil PACIFIC f L y 1 . ••wer 0 Pacific IN THE NEWS 1 PCt�&&PCWa ftfka 20"&0#Od(10A,UdCWn Thanks to the tireless work of crews in the field, all Pacific Power customers in Del Norte County, California, now have running electricity. Transmission lines serving the area have been de-energized since Aug. 18 due to wildifres, and the company provided a temporary_power solution for nearly all of the 13,000 impacted customers using commercial and residential generators. On Aug.29,Pacific Power received permission from the Joint Incident Management Team on the Smith River Complex fires to access the Gasquet area of Del Norte County,one of the last communities to be safely accessible,and begin planning for re-energizing that community. Crews brought in a large commercial generator and completed installation over the next two days. After the generator was successfully installed, Pacific Power crews patrolled all distribution lines serving Gasquet and began restoring power on Aug. 31 in coordination with the Del Norte County Emergency Operations Center. Re-energization in the Patrick Creek area began Sept. 1 following reduced evacuation levels. Pacific Power provided each customer in the Patrick Creek area and some remaining Gasquet customers with a residential generator to meet their electricity needs SAFE & SECURE until the substation serving them can be safely energized. "This has been an unprecedented effort to restore power to a community in the middle PacifiCorp safety results as of of a wildfire;" said Allen Berreth, Pacific Power's vice president of transmission and 9/1/2023 distribution operations. "This wouldn't have been possible without the tireless work of our crews in the field.We • ' 11110 remain committed to our customers in Del Norte County, and to fully repairing and re- energizing our transmission lines that serve them" YTD ON TRACK? Due to continued wildfire activity in the transmission corridor serving Crescent City and Del Norte County, it remains unsafe to re-energize the transmission line serving the city 2 and surrounding areas. 1% Pacific Power continues to closely monitor all fire activity in the region and will re- TARGET energize the transmission lines when it is safe to do so. 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 25 TARGET 31 A portable generator complex was installed at Belmont substation in Crescent City to provide temporary power while the area transmission lines remain de-energized due to active wildfires.Photo by substation journeyman jarred Bennett. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 5,2023 1 Starting this fall, PacifiCorp will convert units 1 and 2 of the Jim PacifiCorp co-owns the Jim Bridger units with Idaho Power,giving the Bridger power plant from coal to natural gas. company 354 megawatts of Unit 1's 531 MW nameplate capacity and The Jim Bridger units are two of the PacifiCorp coal units scheduled 359 MW of Unit 2's 539 MW capacity. PacifiCorp and Idaho Power for retirement or conversion to natural gas by 2032,as outlined will share of costs for the conversion to natural gas. in PacifiCorp's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan. Units 3 and 4 are scheduled for conversion to natural gas in 2030,with the plant continuing operations until 2037. ice' v The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality issued a permit last December to PacifiCorp for the conversion of units 1 and 2, and preconstruction activities are already underway. — The conversion process will involve decommissioning the coal transport system,the feeders and pulverizers,and removing some vertical coal transport pipes and coal igniters to make room for natural gas infrastructure. New construction will include a gas pipeline and a gas regulating station.The company has entered into an agreement with MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline to build a 1.2-mile natural gas pipeline to the plant and expects to sign a transport agreement with MountainWest prior to commercial operation. Conversion work is scheduled to begin around November on the units,which will then cease coal operation by the end of 2023 and Jim Bridger Plant at sunrise.Photo by Tina Ward,senior HR analyst at Bridger Coal Company. return to service on natural gas by May 2024. ["t�wf NO" houk �414 Aa b4f) PVA 00AA1044 Curiosity,wonder and awe were in abundance as Rocky Mountain Power employees and family members engaged with live birds of prey at the North Temple Office on Aug. 29. HawkWatch International,along with their"raptor ambassadors"—a = golden eagle, bald eagle, peregrine falcon and western screech owl —conducted an educational program where employees and their ~:_ families learned about raptors and observed them up close. —- "HawkWatch and Rocky Mountain Power have partnered on raptor conservation projects for many years, and I was thrilled to have them ' bring live birds here for employees and their families to enjoy;' said Sherry Liguori,environmental manager. "It's heart-warming to see the smiles on so many faces as they look at an owl's big eyes or an eagle's impressive bill:' - II Over 100 people attended the event held in NTO's biggest conference room. I Regional business manager Nic Jenkins commented, "What an amazing experience for the whole family. My 9-year-old daughter, Lucy, loved how Hallie the bald eagle seemed to watch her and kept moving towards her. Making friends with a bald eagle is a once-in-a- lifetime experience" (Continued) CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 5,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) "A huge thank you to Hawk Watch for sharing their love for these raptors and to Rocky Mountain Power for making it happen!" he added. qs qL I �I = q CURRENTS SEPTEMBER 5,2023 3 HEALTH AND SAFETY us r _ � P r or As kids head back to school,drivers are urged to slow down and stay Watch for bicycles. Children on bikes may be inexperienced, alert in neighborhoods and school zones,and to be on the lookout for unsteady and unpredictable. Slow down and allow at least 3 feet of students on or near the roadways before,during and after school hours. passing distance between your vehicle and any bicyclists. Here are some reminders from AAA and Smith System Driver Take extra care around school buses. If kids are worried Training to help keep kids safe this school year about being late for a bus or excited to be off the bus and headed Slow down. Speed limits in school zones are reduced for a reason. home, they may not be paying attention to cars on the road. The speed limit in most states is 20 mph. Be especially alert when school buses are operating— usually between 7-9 a.m. and 2-5 p.m. Ditch distractions. Children can cross the road unexpectedly and may emerge suddenly from between two parked cars. Focus ' Do not pass.All states have very straightforward laws around on driving when you're behind the wheel, not your phone or stopping for a school bus: It's illegal to pass a school bus that has other distractions. stopped to load or unload children. Reverse responsibly. Every vehicle has blind spots. Check for ' When yellow lights start flashing, slow down. Don't try to pass children on the sidewalk, driveway and around your vehicle before the bus before it stops. slowly backing up. • When the red lights flash, stop.This rule applies whether you Stop means stop. Always come to a complete stop at are behind a bus or approaching from the other direction. intersections, checking carefully for children on sidewalks and in • When the lights stop flashing, proceed with caution. crosswalks before proceeding. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 5,2023 4 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES h4ot ��rs All employees are invited to join BEAUTIE'S September meeting featuring guest speaker Dr.Andrea S.Allen,assistant professor at the University of Toronto. Dr.Allen will discuss the roles of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade in the development of Blackness as an idea and lived experience. Dr.Allen will also describe the ways Black populations and communities have created cultural practices and combated t discrimination and marginalization. Finally, Dr.Allen will introduce j important calls to action for Berkshire Hathaway Energy employees, including recommendations on how to focus on the important role of education, respect and appreciation for difference,as well as how individuals can make significant transformations in the world. Dr.Allen has an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, a master's degree from Harvard Divinity School, and a doctoral degree from Harvard University.An anthropologist by training, Dr. Allen has conducted research about race,gender, religion, sexuality, immigration, and violence in the U.S., Brazil and Portugal. Dr.Allen has also been an expert witness for asylum seekers in the U.S. and the EUH • •U.K. and served in the U.S.Army Reserves as an enlisted soldier.Don't miss out!Join the BEAUTIE meeting Thursday, Sept. 14,at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT,via this link. Black Employees and Allies United To Inspire Equity Straf, We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job. Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for a rescheduled in-person workshop on how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement, and what we can do to support ourselves, each other and our teams. R Wednesday, Oct. 11 S, T, , `, El S, S1 1:00—2:30 p.m. Von LCT 19S/T Please follow this link to save the event to your Outlook calendar. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 5,2023 5 MAKING A DIFFERENCE tW*Oeof(0&2023 Rocky Mountain Power is teaming up with United Way of Salt Lake for the annual citywide Day of Caring.join our team of volunteers to make a difference for students and teachers at Kearns junior High, part of the Granite School District. What:The primary volunteer projects will be: How: Rocky Mountain Power volunteers can sign-up for the • Beautifying the garden beds at the entrance of the school project here: • Helping to set up the new community food pantry space Day of Caring 2023: Rocky Mountain Power at Kearns at the school Junior High (uw.org) Where: Kearns junior High Be sure to wear your blue "make a difference"T-shirt! 4040 Westsams Blvd., Kearns, UT If you need a T-shirt or have any questions,contact Chris Kanoff, When:Thursday,Sept. 14, 9:30 a.m.to 12:00 p.m. 801-220-4282, or Clay Monroe, 801-220-3443. IL oil PACIFIC f L y 1 . ••wer 0 Pacific 11 "1 �/ r b l �C"l t u EMERGENCY ��I PREPAREDNESS I v�o U 10to"t prctw4wf �'I�� During National Preparedness Month in 1� September and throughout the year, Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power are reminding customers and employees that it's important to prepare in advance for natural disasters and other emergencies—and the •... power outages they may cause. This year alone, historic flooding,wildfires and . extreme heat have threatened the lives and 1� livelihoods of people across the West.With hurricane and wildfire season in full swing, now is the time to reassess your emergency plans and make sure your emergency kit is stocked _ and readily available. Ready.gov, a national public service campaign designed to help all Americans prepare for, SAFE & SECURE respond to and mitigate emergencies, offers these tips and resources: PacifiCorp safety results as of • Make a plan. Consider how you will receive emergency alerts and warnings, shelter 9/8/2023 in place, evacuate if necessary, communicate with family members and access your emergency supplies. . ' 1110 • Build or restock your emergency supplies kit. Make sure you have food, water and other supplies your household will need to last several days in the event YTD ON TRACK? of an emergency. 21 • Strengthen your financial preparedness to help reduce the financial impact of IF,*) disasters on you and your family.This Emergency Financial First Aid Kit from TARGET FEMA and Operation Hope can help you get organized. 30 • Make sure you're "tech ready."Technology has made it easier than ever to prepare for emergencies, but if your gadgets aren't protected and powered up,you won't be able to rely on them in the event of an emergency. • Develop a network of family,friends and neighbors who can plan and prepare VEHICLE ACCIDENTS together and help each other during a disaster. Make sure at least one person in your network lives in another area that would not be impacted by the same YTD ON TRACK? emergency and can help if necessary. 25 • Register your cell phone number with your electric service provider,and make sure your contact information is current so you can receive any status or safety TARGET updates the company might send out during an emergency. 1 • Be sure to follow your electric company on social media for real-time updates. Visit rockymountainpower.net/prepare or pacificpower.net/prepare for more on how to be ready and stay safe in case a storm or other emergency knocks out power. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 11,2023 1 CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS Alosh"tm fta&t9rW&" Since 1923, Cowiche Growers has stored, packed and shipped The energy management project fit Cowiche Growers' specific some of the world's finest apples and pears grown in the fertile storage and refrigeration needs while maintaining the color, soils of the Yakima Valley. crispness and quality of the fruit. Pacific Power provided a This month, Pacific Power recognized Cowiche Growers for Wattsmart incentive of$9,500. achieving an energy efficiency milestone and implementing "The partnership with Pacific Power through the Wattsmart Business measures that save the grower owned cooperative nearly 400,000 program has proved to be tremendously helpful in optimizing energy kilowatt-hours annually. usage and cost savings;' said Jose Garcia, operations manager, Cowiche Pacific Power has partnered with Cowiche Growers for over a Growers. "It has freed up funds that could be diverted to cover the decade to lower utility costs and save energy at their Cowiche, operational costs for smooth functioning of the facility." Washington,fruit storage facilities. Over the last 10 years, Cowiche Growers has implemented 16 In their latest project, Pacific Power and Cowiche Growers'Jose energy-savings projects that yield 2,944,659 kilowatt-hours of energy Garcia initiated an energy management project to optimize control savings annually—enough to power 200 typical homes in the Yakima setpoints on the cooperative's refrigeration systems to operate their area for a year. fruit storage facilities in the most energy-efficient way possible. Cowiche Growers has received over$455,000 in Wattsmart Business Through the Wattsmart Business program, Pacific Power provided incentives from Pacific Power for these projects,and Cowiche energy engineering services to identify opportunities to improve Growers is realizing energy cost savings from these projects totaling efficiency,save utility costs and receive incentives from Pacific Power. more than $150,000 annually. After implementing the recommended control strategies — Pacific Power is proud to support Cowiche Growers as they without having to purchase new equipment—the project yielded celebrate 100 years of business in the Yakima Valley. an annual energy savings of 383,969 kilowatt-hours and utility For more information about Pacific Power's Wattsmart Business cost savings of$20,724. program, please visit www.bewattsmart.com 1 1 i a in n - I tr � . 1 Pacific Power's Hallie Gallinger,senior product manager,helped Cowiche Growers'Jose Garcia implement Wattsmart strategies at the cooperative's fruit storage and packing facility. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 11,2023 2 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Lm" � &Atru: lh& Pow I Cc"vxtallwiS Good relationships can boost your professional success and satisfaction at work.What are some ways you build rapport,trust and respect that you could share? Join us for this virtual interactive Lunch & Learn on The Power of Connectedness to explore ways you might be strengthening UAL ' or weakening workplace relationships and strategies to build or repair them. Wednesday, Sept 20 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT ` �f —or— _ ll Monday, Sept. 25 at 12 p.m. PT/ 1 p.m. MT pi ' Register for this Lunch &Learn on the +' Learning& Development Events page. ew"USA"ffif kd,0511 Do you need to refresh your knowledge on CliftonStrengths and get Come recharge with us Thursday, Sept. 28 at 1 p.m. PT/2 p.m. MT. reacquainted with how to name, claim and aim your strengths? Find and register for CliftonStrengths Recharge: Getting This workshop is designed for those who have taken the Reacquainted with Your Strengths and more on the CliftonStrengths assessment and discovery workshop in the past and Learning& Development Events page. would benefit by exploring their report with fresh eyes. <jE111ffTT><[[M111111TM11111 ,D tvha&Pow w C I i f to n St re n g t h s'Mf,fo&44 7 EVENTS c6"rok(16(tvill"At Orin &A10 COME CHECK A166k OUT the latest in "I EV technology. o� Checl<out the latest in electric vehicle technology and learn about z� z the available EV and E-bike employee incentives! z Get behind the wheel of an EV or E-bike for a test drive! Grab a bite from the participating food trucks or coffee vendors! LCT EV Car Show INTO EV Car Show . o Tuesday, Sept. 26 Thursday, Sept. 28 ,•� 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m.— 1:30 p.m. Lloyd Center Tower parking lot INTO Parking Lot and Courtyard CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 11,2023 3 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION All employees are invited to join BEAUTIE's September meeting featuring guest speaker Dr.Andrea S.Allen,assistant professor at the University of Toronto. Dr.Allen will discuss the roles of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade in the development of Blackness as an idea and lived experience. Dr.Allen will also describe the ways Black populations and communities have created cultural practices and combated discrimination and marginalization. Finally, Dr.Allen will introduce 1 important calls to action for Berkshire Hathaway Energy employees, including recommendations on how to focus on the important role of education, respect and appreciation for difference,as well as how individuals can make significant transformations in the world. Dr.Allen has an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, a master's degree from Harvard Divinity School, and a doctoral degree from Harvard University.An anthropologist by training, Dr. Allen has conducted research about race,gender, religion, sexuality, immigration, and violence in the U.S., Brazil and Portugal. Dr.Allen has also been an expert witness for asylum seekers in the U.S. and the Elm • •U.K. and served in the U.S.Army Reserves as an enlisted soldier.Don't miss out!join the BEAUTIE meeting Thursday, Sept. 14, at 9 a.m. PT/10 a.m. MT,via this link. Black Employees and Allies United To Inspire Equity MAKING A DIFFERENCE rok ct b4 ew-1-TIO 4Aa aM 041-k join the Rocky Mountain Power Sustainability Team for a volunteer shift at the Utah Food Bank! We are looking for up to 0 15 people to help sort food to be delivered to local food pantries ., and any other assigned tasks.When:Wednesday,Sept. 27, 12:00-1:30 p.m. Where: Utah Food Bank, 3150 S 900 W, Salt Lake City How: Contact Stacey Davis if you are interested in volunteering. PACIFICO '•wer 0 -beep 1 i w � •• • ING • • • EATN SS IN THE NEWS ; 1 rrva"Tf&V& &W fPf k" Oct,t W& CML; r&-ava,9Ga4 Pacific Power safely re-energized the transmission lines serving Crescent City and Del Norte County,California,on Sept. 10,and all customers have been returned to electric grid service. In coordination with Fire Incident Management Teams and the Del Norte County Emergency Operations Center, Pacific Power crews repaired and replaced transmission ••• and distribution structures damaged by the Smith River Complex Fire,which burned for weeks in and around the transmission corridor that links Crescent City and Del Norte - County to the power grid. Around 13,000 customers were supplied power through a network of 44 commercial- grade generators that were mobilized into the area after Pacific Power de-energized transmission lines impacted by the fire.As of Sunday,those generators were taken off-line, and crews switched the substations back to normal transmission service. SAFE & SECURE "We thank our customers in Del Norte County for their patience and understanding PacifiCorp safety results as of9/15/2023 while we worked to manage this challenging emergency situation," said Allen Berreth,vice president of transmission and distribution operations for Pacific Power. "Thanks also to the dedicated efforts of our incredible crews on the ground,who worked tirelessly to help accomplish this significant and unprecedented task:" YTD ON TRACK? Pacific Power worked in close coordination with the Del Norte County Emergency 21 Operations Center during re-energization to ensure minimal disruptions to critical infrastructure and scheduled community events. The company thanked the staff at Del Norte County and the Incident Management TARGET Teams working the Smith River Complex fire for their partnership and communication,as 30 well as their exhaustive efforts to protect and serve the surrounding communities. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS a _ YTD ON TRACK? - 25 r TARGET 31 Pacific Power crews installed tractor-trailer-sized commercial generators at substations in northern California to provide temporary power while the area transmission lines were de-energized due to active wildfires. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 18,2023 1 When the "Hunchback of Notre Dame" opened at Ogden's Ziegfeld and Parry also grew up with a first-hand view of how people with Theater Sept. 1,audiences knew immediately that this production disabilities can be treated differently after her father broke his neck was something special. and became quadriplegic when she was 13. The entire production includes the use of American Sign Language. This is the third ASL production Ziegfeld has staged,following Deaf performers sign their lines while another actor voices them,and "Newsies" in 2000 and "The Wizard of Oz" in 2022.These shows are hearing performers sign their lines as they speak or sing them. part of the theater's commitment to providing actors and audiences "When you have an actor on stage signing, it is incredible to observe;" of all backgrounds and abilities the opportunity to experience musical said Morgan Parry,who founded the theater with her husband, Caleb theater. Parry. She says the addition of ASL opens the production to deaf The Ziegfeld plans to do one show a year in ASL and English,said audience members,for whom accessibility isn't always guaranteed. Parry,who directs "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" "It's also an opportunity for our hearing actors to learn sign language "Inclusion has been a huge priority for us;" she said, "especially so they can communicate with those around them." inclusion of the LGBTQ community, people of color and anybody A$7,500 grant from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation wanting to be involved in the arts." supports the production,an adaption of the Victor Hugo novel in At the Ziegfeld,the show runs through Sept. 23, and tickets are still which a disfigured—and deaf—young man named Quasimodo falls available here. in love with the beautiful Esmeralda,who accepts and protects him from his oppressors.The themes of cultural diversity and inclusion You can also catch the ASL-inclusive production at Park City's are still relevant today,and Quasimodo's struggle reflects the reality of Egyptian Theater Sept. 29—Oct. 8. many marginalized communities in modern society. See how a Rocky Mountain Power Foundation grant is helping the Ziegfield The production also reflects the experiences of Parry and Jennifer Theater make its production of"Hunchback"more inclusive for those who Hall,the theater's operations manager. Hall's son was born deaf, perform and those in the audience. -4 South Ogden theater weaving sign language into production of Hunchback of Notre Dame 0 14 Watch later Share jj I 12 MORE VIDEOS .CO IGeyBank O-s , Opens Doors. 0' https://www.youtube.com/embed/-NIhclpizQI?rel=O CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 18,2023 2 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION him 6t&ry(a 4001-Leff r Self-identification is when an employee discloses their identity to The information from your self-identification survey will be kept their employer in the categories of race/ethnicity,gender,veteran confidential and only used in aggregate with other employees to status, disability and LGBTQ identity.This information is used to track provide pertinent demographic information.This information allows workforce demographics and to evaluate the policies and processes PacifiCorp and Berkshire Hathaway Energy to better assess whether that help create a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. our policies and practices are effective, how accurate our measures To encourage employees to complete their voluntary self- are, and how to enhance our efforts to support all employees. identification survey, Berkshire Hathaway Energy is offering the chance Berkshire Hathaway Energy supports a diverse, equitable and inclusive to win a trip for two to Las Vegas, Nevada! workplace that enriches the lives of our employees, enhances the Complete your voluntary self-identification survey by Oct. 15 communities in which we live and work,and delivers positive business to be eligible for one of four prize packages that include: results.With your participation,we can continue building a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. • Round-trip airfare for the winner and a guest to Las Vegas How will the winner be selected?A drawing will be held to • One hotel room for three nights at Red Rock Resort randomly select four names from the pool of eligible employees,and • $750 resort credit that can be used at Red Rock Resort's the winners will be announced during the DEI Leaders Meeting held restaurants, bars, spa, bowling alley and movie theater Nov.9.Winners will have until Dec. 31, 2024,to make use of the prize. To complete your self-identification survey, log in to SuccessFactors All PacifiCorp employees who complete their self-identification survey (just click on the Employee Self-Service tab of the intranet) and follow are eligible to win,as are those at BHE's other U.S. businesses. these instructions to enter responses in each of the five categories: For questions, check out this FAQ document or contact Abbie Rice, • Race/ethnicity PacifiCorp's diversity, equity and inclusion director. • Gender/gender identity • Veteran status (currently serving or previously served) O • Whether you identify as a person with a disability • Whether you identify as a member of the LGBTQ community O O Note: Selecting"Choose Not to Answer" is considered a complete O O response. While completing your self-identification survey is voluntary, it is 0 required to be eligible for this contest. If you have previously fully completed your self-identification survey, Be Seen - Be Reard - Be Valved you are already eligible.Those who have yet to complete the survey must do so by Oct. 15 to be eligible for the contest. National Hispanic Heritage Month is an annual commemoration in the U.S.that honors the generations of Hispanic and Latin Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15,we recognize and celebrate the diverse traditions, cultures and achievements of these communities while joining together in celebration with our colleagues at Our Familia, Berkshire Hathaway Energy's employee resource group for Latino, Latina and Latinx employees and their allies. join Our Familia's next monthly meeting during Hispanic Heritage Month on Oct. 5 at 9 a.m. PT/ 10 a.m. MT,and connect with the . . 15 i ER 15 group on Viva Engage. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 18,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Lm" � &Atru: 74 Pova I Ccruwtalw� Good relationships can boost your professional success and satisfaction at work.What are some ways you build rapport,trust and respect that you could share? join us for this virtual interactive Lunch & Learn on The Power of Connectedness to explore ways you might be strengthening or weakening workplace relationships and strategies to build or repair them. , ,c Wednesday, Sept 20 at 11 a.m. PT/ 12 p.m. MT Jf —or— Monday, Sept. 25 at 12 p.m. PT/ 1 p.m. MT ' Register for this Lunch &Learn on the Learning& Development Events page. IT UPDATE �/ VFJ MP tvMffi f44m&&M ��Pr On Thursday, Sept. 21 from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m. PT (7-10 p.m. MT), changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. If you have questions or need help, contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555 SAP sefli�°41 M64M ew "tt"& On Friday, Sept. 22 from 6 p.m. (7 p.m. MT) until Saturday, Sept 23 at 11 a.m. PT (12 p.m. MT), SAP SRM Production system will be unavailable due to scheduled support pack upgrade activity. All batch jobs for SAP SRM Production system will be placed on hold during this time. Please plan your activities accordingly. If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. PACIFICORP Pacific Power 40 YAM DRIVE ELECTRIC More drivers are making the switch to plug-in electric vehicles to save money on fuel costs and contribute to a healthier environment. Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power are paving the way to transportation electrification by: • Investing in infrastructure to expand the network of charging stations. • Awarding grants for innovative electric mobility projects. • Providing technical assistance to businesses that want to install EV chargers. •... • Offering EV drivers time-of-use pricing plans to help them save on their energy bills. • Supplying tools and resources to help drivers learn about savings opportunities and the benefits of going electric. SAFE & SECURE To empower EV drivers (and their vehicles), Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power are PacifiCorp safety results as of also offering rebates for customers installing chargers at their home or business. 9/22/2023 Learn more about available charger incentives on pacificpower.net/EV or rockymountainpower.net/EV. I D YTD ON TRACK? 21 TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? �6 25 I� TARGET Going electric is easier and more affordable than ever with rebates and resources for installing chargers at home. 31 CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 25,2023 1 6VCkt9&" lot Vehicle charging—knowing where and how you'll do it—is an Charging an EV using 240 volts is similar to adding a large appliance important part of an electric car purchase.There are three types or such as a clothes dryer.This might require upgrading your home's levels of EV charging systems. electrical panel and wiring. Level 1 —A typical 120-volt outlet provides a Level 1 charge. On one Level 3: DC Fast Charging—While the Level 1 and 2 chargers end of the cord is a standard three-prong household plug and on the work on alternating current(AC), Level 3 stations rush electricity on other end is a connector that plugs into the vehicle. direct current(DC) at 480 volts or more. Depending on the vehicle and size of the battery, Level 1 charging These charging stations can recharge an EV in 30-60 minutes. DC Fast can take 8 to 12 hours for a full charge—slow but efficient when Chargers are available at workplaces, along traffic corridors, at public connected overnight. charging stations and other areas. Level 2—With a 240-volt connection for Level 2 charging,you can recharge your EV battery in 3 to 6 hours. ion I Twenty new DC fast-charging stations developed through a partnership between Rocky Mountain Power and Electrify America are expected to open in 2024 in Salt Lake City,the Wasatch Front and Moab. C&"W& orik 9a4t,10 bje&k 47 n,f SGtoYnrS� COME CHECK OUT the latest in z Check out the latest in electric vehicle technology and learn about EV teChn010gy the available EV and E-bike employee incentives! 2 4 Get behind the wheel of an EV or E-bike for a test drive! o Grab a bite from the participating food trucks or coffee vendors! LCT EV Car Show NTO EV Car Show Tuesday, Sept. 26 Thursday, Sept. 28 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m.— 1:30 p.m. Lloyd Center Tower parking lot NTO Parking Lot and Courtyard Get more details on our Get more details on our event flyer event flyer. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 25,2023 2 IN THE NEWS J S66 IA V&"64 Pi/l/h�i�f1�GPi�/!/�Pii1/C5 aI� Spy/( " fq&c l/et SC46(l sfw4f lbw PacifiCorp, along with federal and state natural resource agencies, Employees are invited to attend along with members of the public and will host a public tour of the fish enhancement projects at the North the media. Reserve your spot on the tour by contacting Rich Grost at Umpqua Hydroelectric Project, on Wednesday, Oct.4. 541-498-2617 by Sept. 29. The annual tour will highlight state-of-the-art fish passage facilities Carpooling is encouraged due to limited space for parking.Attendees and recent spawning habitat improvements at Soda Springs Dam and should wear sturdy boots or shoes and bring a sack lunch and a hard upstream locations on the North Umpqua River within the Umpqua hat, if you have one. Hard hats are required to access the dam and National Forest,about 60 miles east of Roseburg, Oregon. will be provided to those who don't have their own. These enhancements are part of PacifiCorp's 194-megawatt hydroelectric project that produces enough renewable, emission- free electricity to supply about 80,000 average homes each year. ' The project was built in the 1940s and 50s but has undergone many substantial improvements since 2003 to balance efficient energy production with sustaining fish and wildlife populations,offering recreational opportunities,and other priorities. "The river is dynamic and so are we—constantly operating, maintaining and improving the facilities for fish passage and protection and the habitat for fish spawning and rearing," said Rich Grost, principal aquatic scientist with PacifiCorp. l_ "It's especially satisfying to see hundreds of wild Chinook salmonA spawning both upstream and downstream of the dam and to share _ that experience on tours like this:" uay ;;,,,;,,,;,,,,,,,,,I 11, 1 The tour begins at 2 p.m.and is expected to conclude by 5 p.m. It starts with a presentation at the North Umpqua Implementation Center,after which guests will be transported on buses to the project sites. Fish passage focalties of soda springs Dom PHISH TANK OMMOW44_ffiqt0&fh.t Teamwork is an important part of our cybersecurity efforts.At If someone forwards you a phish—even if it's a company test—never PacifiCorp,we encourage the "see something, say something" click on the link, open the attachment or scan the QR code. concept:When you spot a phish—whether it's real or a test—let You are our strongest cybersecurity defense. your teammates know. What you shouldn't do is forward the email.That only increases the Don't forward phish! chance of someone clicking a dangerous link or opening a harmful attachment and can result in a phish violation and disciplinary action. To alert your colleagues to a phishing email,take a screen snip and share it in Teams or send out a warning in a new email message.You can also spread the word by simply telling your co-workers what to look out for. If you think you've received a real phish,again—don't forward it. Use the Phish Alert Button to report it. If it is a phish,the Global Security Operations Center can take action and remove similar emails from the BHE domain. CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 25,2023 3 A WORKPLACE TO THRIVE xr7m 0194 t;av �G t� o r s611" The newly renovated 7th floor of the Lloyd Center Tower opens Employees and guests can use the larger 6th floor breakroom when today,Sept. 25.The floor is partially occupied by IT employee groups, more dining space or amenities like ice and beverage machines, and about half the floor is comprised of a new conference center, dishwashers,full-size refrigerators and microwaves are needed. replacing our former Lloyd Learning Center space. (Non-PacifiCorp guests should be escorted or accompanied by With a variety of meeting room configurations and gathering spaces, employees on any PacifiCorp floor.) this center is designed for employees to hold and attend conferences, Click here for a list of available conference rooms,the floor plan, meetings and computer-based learning. Each room is equipped with photos and information about each room,and guidelines for use integrated audio-visual equipment that can be used for in-room of the facilities. screen sharing and connecting with remote meeting attendees via Microsoft Teams. Some open seating areas are provided for gathering before and after meetings or during meeting breaks.The conference center also has a small breakroom with a beverage station, open seating and a few tables to eat at. Counter space to lay out catering is available on the east and west sides of the conference center. UU LCT 7th floor conference center breakroom Siletz Room 1' f A � R Y l My Deschutes Room Willamette Room CURRENTS I SEPTEMBER 25,2023 4 HEALTH AND WELLNESS (� 44&4 Ask—Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way. 1 C/Y Be There—Individuals are more likely to feel less depressed, less September is Suicide Prevention Month, but understanding the issues suicidal, less overwhelmed and more hopeful after speaking to concerning suicide and mental health is important enough to think someone who listens without judgment. about every day. It's also an important way to help others in crisis and Keep Them Safe—A number of studies have indicated that when to change the conversation around suicide. lethal means are made less available or less deadly, suicide rates by This month,through the hashtag#BeThe1To,the 988 Suicide& that method decline, and suicide rates overall will often decline. Crisis Lifeline is spreading the word about actions we can all take to Help Them Stay Connected—Helping someone at risk create prevent suicide, promote healing and give hope. a network of resources and individuals for support and safety can help them take positive action and reduce feelings of hopelessness. Follow Up—Brief, low-cost intervention and supportive,ongoing contact may be an important part of suicide prevention,especially S E P T E M B E R after an individual has been discharged from hospitals or care services. SUICIDE If you need support or are worried about a friend or loved one, call or text 988, or chat with Lifeline at 9881ifeline.org to speak to a PREVENTIONtrained crisis counselor 24/7. AWARENESS MONTH The Employee Assistance Program is here to help Through PacifiCorp's Employee Assistance Program,employees and their families have access to resources to help raise awareness of suicide and learn about warning signs,as well as counseling to help you care for your mental health. Offered through a third party, all EAP services are confidential and available at no cost to you and your family members. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Lw4 f &w&: Th& Pow I Cc"wtalw Good relationships can boost your professional success and F satisfaction at work.What are some ways you build rapport,trust and respect that you could share? join us today for this virtual interactive Lunch & Learn on Im- The Power of Connectedness to explore ways you might be A strengthening or weakening workplace relationships and strategies to build or repair them. r J Monday, Sept. 25 at 12 p.m. PT/ 1 p.m. MT - Register for this Lunch &Learn on the G, Learning& Development Events page. w PACIFICORP 0 RIN Thank YoL, Y . r r COMMUNITY GIVING CAMPAIGN 7�&tgma* Dear colleagues, I'm honored to kick off PacifiCorp's annual Community Giving Campaign today.This is our opportunity to give back to the communities we call home and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors who may need a helping hand. • The Community Giving Campaign is our annual fundraiser for United Way and other nonprofit organizations. Each year, employees across our six states make generous • • donations through a convenient payroll deduction, — and the PacifiCorp Foundation amplifies our giving by \ " matching our contributions dollar-for-dollar. This year,we have three options for how to direct our i giving and secure the foundation match. SAFE & SECURE 1. Donate to your local United Way,and your local United Way receives PacifiCorp safety results as of the PacifiCorp Foundation match. 9/29/2023 2. Donate to one of the featured nonprofits listed here—selected locally by employee groups across the company—and the featured nonprofit receives • ' � the matching contribution. 3. Donate to any other nonprofit you choose,and your local United Way YTD ON TRACK? receives the match (based on work location). 21 1 hope you'll join me by donating in the way you find most impactful.just a few dollars each pay period can be life-changing for someone in your community. TARGET To make your pledge in our 2023 Community Giving Campaign,visit our secure donation 30 site:connect.unitedway-pdx.org/pacificorp and use this initial login: _ Email: p#####@PacifiCorp.com (using your P#) Temporary password: poweringourcommunities VEHICLE ACCIDENTS You can learn more about our Community Giving Campaign in this FAQ or find PDF pledge forms and YTD ON TRACK? more information on the intranet. 25 Thank you for joining with colleagues across the company to give back to your community.Together,we have the power to make a big difference. TARGET Erin Isselmann 31 Campaign Executive Sponsor VP, Corporate Communications (Continued) CURRENTS I OCTOBER 2,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Throughout October we'll T`_ and dear to my heart.It's just one small way be introducing you to that I can give back to the charities that 46 have touched my farnily's life personally,The colleagues who participate Leukemia Lymphoma Society and Shriners Hospital.My mother passed away from a The in our Community Giving long battle writh non-Hodgkin's ly ho and my daughter spent time in hrine Campaign year after year. Hospital after she was severely urn in a IV cooking accident as a child.. r care s all Hear firsthand aboutpaid for by donations.This is w y I giv hope to someone with cancer and helping to what inspires them to join pay for outstanding care of a child in need." in and give back. IN THE NEWS Rocky Mountain Power's testimony and evidence in our regulatory filings demonstrate that the proposed increases are almost entirely due to significant spikes in the costs of natural gas and coal for our thermal power plants,together with the rising costs of power purchased on the regional wholesale market,a necessary part of balancing the power grid to ensure reliable service. Since 2021: y I • Natural gas fuel prices have risen 89%while coal fuel prices have increased 38%—sharply increasing the cost of fueling our power plants. • Open market power costs have increased 199%—raising the cost of the power we purchase from the market when energy demand exceeds our generation capacity. Rocky Mountain Power does not make a profit on these costs, and because they occur in large-scale commodity markets,they are beyond the company's reasonable control. Rocky Mountain Power filed a rate request with the Wyoming Public Service Commission in March 2023.The company understands Contrary to assertions by some,the company's investments in wind the impact that rate increases have on our customers and local power and other renewable resources have actually reduced the communities and wants to share key facts with customers,employees impact of fossil fuel costs and power market prices because wind and other stakeholders regarding this request. and solar power have no fuel costs.Without these new renewable resources,along with our wind repowering projects, rates would Rocky Mountain Power is seeking an average rate increase of 21.1% have increased an additional 60% ($85.4 million) in Wyoming. or an overall increase of$137.2 million. If approved,this would result in an average increase of$15.67 on Wyoming residential monthly bills. Rocky Mountain Power takes its obligation to meet the needs of our customers seriously and understands that a price increase is never The company is also requesting a temporary 7.6%cost adjustment welcome news.The company is committed to delivering reliable to recover$50.3 million of about$90 million in sudden fuel cost and power in an inflationary environment,and our rates will continue to power purchase price spikes in 2022 caused by extreme weather be among the lowest in the region. events.That rate increase started to appear in customer bills in July, but still needs final approval. It will sunset in July 2024. For more information about the Wyoming rate proposal, please visit our website. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 2,2023 2 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION Sdf-4mt*b Oct. 15: you auN AJm 6& Leff V69aff t Self-identification allows our company to better understand the The prize package includes: makeup and needs of our employee base in order to evaluate our • Round-trip airfare for the winner and a guest to Las Vegas policies,facilities and resources necessary to support all employees. Ultimately, self-identification is about cultivating an inclusive work One hotel room for three nights at Red Rock Resort environment at PacifiCorp. • $750 resort credit that can be used at Red Rock Resort's Please consider self-identifying in these five categories: restaurants, bars,spa, bowling alley and movie theater • Gender/gender identity • Disability status The prize package will be provided to four winners who are randomly selected.All eligible Berkshire Hathaway Energy employees who • Race/ethnicity • LGBTQ status have fully completed their self-identification status by Oct. 15 will be • Veteran status entered to win. You do not have to share your identity in any of these categories Questions? Review this FAQ document or contact Abbie Rice, —you can select "choose not to answer." This still counts as a PacifiCorp's diversity, equity and inclusion director complete response. It's important to know that self-identification data is kept confidential O and responses are only used in aggregate. To get started, log in to SuccessFactors (select the Employee Self- O O Service tab on the intranet) and follow these instructions to enter O O your respoanses. Completed all five?You're eligible to enter to win a trip! Valved If you complete all five categories—whether it was done in the past or Be Seen - Be 4eard - Be Valved recently completed—you will be entered to win a trip to Las Vegas! - HEALTH AND SAFETY to t' 644a w w& Getting your vehicle ready for winter while temperatures are still mild is a proactive way to ensure safety, reliability and fewer unexpected repairs when cold and inclement weather arrives. Whether you do it yourself or take your car to a professional service technician,the nonprofit Car Care Council recommends 10 basic maintenance checks to keep your vehicle operating at its best. 31' g 1. Check all fluids, including engine oil, power steering, brake and transmission as well as windshield washer solvent and Goad tire tread is especially important as wetter,colder seasons approach. antifreeze/coolant. 7. Check the heating,ventilating and air conditioning 2. Check the hoses and belts to make sure they are not cracked, system. Proper heating and cooling performance is critical for brittle,frayed, loose or showing signs of excessive wear interior comfort and for safety reasons such as defrosting. 3. Check the battery and replace if necessary. Make sure the 8. Inspect the steering and suspension system annually, connection is clean,tight and corrosion-free. including shock absorbers, struts and chassis parts such as ball 4. Check the brake system annually and have the brake linings, joints,tie rod ends and other related components. rotors and drums inspected at each oil change. 9. Check the tires, including tire pressure and tread. Uneven 5. Inspect the exhaust system for leaks, damage and broken wear indicates a need for wheel alignment.Tires should also be supports or hangers if there is an unusual noise. Exhaust leaks checked for bulges and bald spots. can be dangerous and must be corrected without delay. 10. Check the wipers and lighting so that you can see and 6. Check engine performance to make sure it is delivering the be seen. Check that all interior and exterior lighting is working best balance of power and fuel economy and producing the properly and replace worn wiper blades so you can see clearly lowest level of emissions. when driving during precipitation. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 2,2023 3 LEA RNING OPPOR TUNITY 46 04 We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job. Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for an in-person workshop on how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement,and what we can do to support ourselves, each other and our teams.Wednesday, Oct. 11 St T, Rj E � S,� ' , S, 1:00—2:30 p.m. LCT 19 S/T Follow this link to save the workshop to your Outlook calendar and see other learning opportunities. SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT PMP, Alga At&kon mjg ftf salt"& - �fte,&�a&&ff t"&I y Rocky Mountain Power is partnering with Weber State University Get up to four free digital tickets here: athletics to showcase our shared focus on sustainability. • Go to Weber State University's ticket page:weber.evenue.net. With its strong commitment to sustainability,the university is on track • Enter RMPower in the "Enter Promo Code" box and click"Go." to reach its goal of being carbon neutral by 2040—leading the way in higher education. WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY To learn more about our connection with WSU,visit PoweringGreatness.com/WSU. Support your team! 4— tw•.. , Rocky Mountain Power is sponsoring the Oct.7 football game at Weber State.The Wildcats will take on Northern Arizona at 6 p.m.at the Steward Stadium in Ogden, Utah. • Click the "Find Tickets" button to select the Wildcat Football vs As game sponsor,we have free tickets for employees,family members Northern Arizona game sponsored by Rocky Mountain Power. and customers! • Select up to 4 free tickets and add to cart. • Continue to checkout. (The cost is$0.00.) Questions? Contact Kirk Nigro, Rocky Mountain Power regional business manager. PACIFICORP 0 F / .• . • I kq I ROM r COMMUNITY GIVING CAMPAIGN 7�qgma Jfgaffv4 tjdha There's no better way to make a big impact than by joining forces with others. Our Community Giving Campaign,which runs through ± the end of this month, is our way of doing just that —marshaling the power of our collective energy and investments to support our neighbors in need and help our communities grow and thrive. The power of our Community Giving campaign lies in the opportunity to contribute individually and make a big impact collectively. •... Through this campaign,you can use a convenient payroll THE POWER TO deduction process to donate to your local United Way,to 114h C&4&wx, the featured nonprofit in your area,or to any nonprofit that's important to you and your community. All employee donations are matched by the PacifiCorp Foundation, boosting the impact of SAFE & SECURE your gift and the good it will do. PacifiCorp safety results as of Can we count you in? 9/29/2023 • If you haven't pledged before,will you consider joining in this year?A small 7YT ; amount per paycheck can be life-changing for someone in need. in • If you have pledged before,will you renew your contribution for 2023? ON TRACK? If you're able,consider increasing your donation to help meet the growing needs of our communities. To make your pledge in our 2023 Community Giving Campaign,visit our secure donation TARGET site:connect.unitedway-pdx.org/pacificorp and use this initial login: 30 Email: p#####@PacifiCorp.com (using your P#) 40 Temporary password: poweringourcommunities You can learn more about our Community Giving VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Campaign in this FAQ or find PDF pledge forms and more information on the intranet. YTD ON TRACK? However you choose to donate or join in with support, 26 6 your generosity lifts us all. Thank you! TARGET Erin Isselmann 31 Campaign Executive Sponsor VP, Corporate Communications (Continued) CURRENTS I OCTOBER 9,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Throughout October, we'll be introducing you to colleagues who participate I give through Giving Campaign because in our Community Giving 'community'represents all of us and it's always good to invest in our own, Campaign year after year. especially when that investment is doubled through the PacifiCorp Hear firsthand about Foundation match."Rikin Shah what inspires them to join in and give back. IN THE NEWS �r S�to rs h&�c6"K& PacifiCorp's businesses recently hosted electric vehicle car shows in _ e Oregon and Utah to showcase their commitment to a sustainable future.The events helped celebrate National Drive Electric Week and highlight the growing adoption of electric vehicles in the company's service area and throughout the U.S. On Sept. 26 in Portland, Oregon, Pacific Power hosted a Ride and Drive event in partnership with Forth Mobility, enabling customers, employees and the media to take a look at some of the latest EV models, including the Chevy Bolt EUV, Ford F-150 Lightning, Polestar 2 and a variety of Tesla vehicles. PAC�F�C POWER Attendees even had the opportunity to take some of the EVs out for a spin,while learning about rebates available for business and residential customers. A0 I;PACIFICORP POWERING YOUR GREATNESS Z Q • ► `YF A_`�s i , i 1�1 i.p (Continued) CURRENTS OCTOBER 9,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) �`^ `v 1• ��.�-` _ '- � ,yt� '• ;�%� fit" jl �'�r . = t ; l en6,YdE t I Meanwhile, on Sept. 28, Rocky Mountain Power hosted an electrification and EV car show in Salt Lake City, Utah. The event featured a keynote speech from Salt Lake City Mayor Erin With recently announced federal electric vehicle adoption incentives, Mendenhall and showcased a number of electric vehicles, including the expanding charging infrastructure and the variety of electric vehicles best-selling Ford F-150 Lightning, Rivian RT1 and R1 S, Hyundai loniq on the market, more and more Utahns are driving electric and saving 6, BMW A Polestar 2, Mini Cooper Electric and models from Tesla, money.There's never been a better time to go electric to create a Chevrolet, Nissan and more more sustainable future! ROCKY MOUNTAIN �i 1 _ROCKY MOU"ITArl ? �PowER �A DIVISION OF POWEROPP \ C MOUNTAIN CURRENTS OCTOBER 9,2023 3 r"�" ti* WWW4 , MVvl Mwilwa o g"'i'm w bo lt&y4lu The Poci ftCorp Foundation's latest grant cycle focuses on OREGON—The Salvation Army—Medford Citadel Corps community enhancement and environmental respect. received $4,000 from the Pacific Power Foundation to support the creation of a recreational center that will provide unhoused families Nonprofit organizations in communities across our six states with access to wellness activities and workforce and academic transform hopes into action every day by showing up to care for development services while giving children a safe place to play. their neighbors and the environment.The PacifiCorp Foundation is supporting this important work with a new round of grants to local — organizations that are committed to fostering resilient cities,towns and natural areas in our region. ' The foundation is donating a total of$279,500 in grants to r ► 87 community nonprofits across the six states we serve to underwrite a diverse range of programs and projects,from affordable �(HaNIC Y��"i`�� housing access,job training and rural economic development to - ecosystem preservation,trail restoration and nature-based education. % >. "These organizations lift up our communities and protect our natural surroundings for future generations," said Abbie Rice, director, DEI and community impact. "It is an honor to support their inspiring work and help build communities where everyone can flourish." Q This round of grants,focused on community enhancement and environmental respect, is one of the four rant cycles offered b the P g Y Y foundation annually.The other quarterly cycles focus on: The Salvation Army received support from the Pacific Power Foundation for a new recreational center. • Arts and Culture UTAH—Vineyard City received $7,500 from the Rocky Mountain • Safety and Wellness Power Foundation to advance the development of two multipurpose • Education/STEM recreational fields designed to serve the growing city as a hub for multiple sports, a venue for public recreational programs and a The following is a sampling of the grants from the latest community gathering place for community events that foster social connections enhancement and environmental respect cycle: WASHINGTON—Yakima Greenway Foundation received a CALIFORNIA—Community Foundation of the North State $4,000 grant from the Pacific Power Foundation to help create safe received a$2,000 grant from the Pacific Power Foundation to fund costs and accessible routes to the river, restore surrounding natural areas associated with live trainings and guidance materials for North State and expand low-cost recreation opportunities. Giving Tuesday,which supports multiple local charitable organizations. WYOMING—The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation IDAHO—Ammon Improvement Alliance, Inc. received $5,000 granted $10,000 to The WYldlife Fund for a project to reduce from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation to purchase computers, wildlife-vehicle collisions and promote habitat connectivity by directing equipment and books for the new Ammon Library animals to new and existing wildlife crossing structures along a 28-mile stretch of Highway 189 in southwest Wyoming. '46 WLDLIFE FUND New computers installed at the Ammon Library circulation desk Uniting people to advance Wyoming wildlife habitat,research,and education. The Wyldli fe Fund received support from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation for a project to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions and promote habitat connectivity. CURRENTS OCTOBER 9,2023 4 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION P"gafv is pkq*f�rmfvt Kfp"W OaA96 04 amts Ogden Hispanic Festival celebrates culture, cuisine and more Hosted by LUPEC—Latinos United Promoting Education and In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Rocky Mountain Power Civic Engagement—at the Ogden Amphitheater,this public event was proud to sponsor the Ogden Hispanic Festival on Saturday, Sept. highlighted the culture, history, music,dance and gastronomy of the 30, in Ogden, Utah. Latino/Latina/Latine community. Check out pictures from the festival below: 73L- • w CURRENTS OCTOBER 9,2023 5 cm-W Ncfft"tm uilf"Iw et"allf CACIffet 444 Pacific Power is proud to partner with the Central Washington I Sir Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and to sponsor their Estrella Awards in recognition of local leaders.The 2023 awards will be presented on Oct. 20,and you can read more about the event on the Chamber's website. Yanira Cisneros, Board Chair of the Central Washington Hispanic ?' Chamber,explained the value of Hispanic Heritage Month and the Estrella Awards: "Hispanic Heritage Month is a time of reflection and celebration, highlighting the rich tapestry of Hispanic and Latino culture that , 7 _a has enriched our nation's history,While CWHCC celebrates the Hispanic-Latino heritage year-round,the Estrella Awards allows us the opportunity to honor the history and spotlight the profound contributions of our local Hispanic and Latino leaders. i "We are immensely grateful for the support we receive from local organizations like Pacific Power,whose partnership enables us to host this extraordinary event.With your involvement,we are able to showcase our deep appreciation, admiration, and unwavering support for the Hispanic and Latino community.Together,we amplify the voices, stories, and achievements of our community,ensuring that The 2022 recipients of the Estrella Awards,presented by the Central Washington Hispanic they continue to shine brightly for generations to come." Chamber of Commerce. �4 � F1 Aa Save the date!join PAC Women alongside the Energized Women, Women in Renewable Energy and Women in Power employee resource groups for an exciting training opportunity through Women Achieving Together(formerly Strive to Thrive). SAVE What: Women Achieving Together T H E When: Wednesday, Nov. 1, 11:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m. MT/ 10:00 a.m.to 1:00 p.m. PT DAT E Where:Virtual meeting or local watch parties (details to come soon) During this session,you'll hear from women across different stages of their career with Berkshire Hathaway Energy as well as a keynote W 0 MEN speaker who will focus on living in the dichotomy of happy and hard. Ada T,9 All employees are invited to join virtually or by attending local watch parties to be held at LCT and NTO. Mark your calendars and look 11 . 01 . 23mi out for registration information coming your way soon! If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to Sarah Buchwalter. s� CURRENTS I OCTOBER 9,2023 6 T444mt*by,, Oct. 15: �m "uo tvm 6&Aq.,?-*Leff V69eff t Don't miss out on your chance to have some fun in Las Vegas! The prize package will be provided to four winners who are randomly Complete your self-ID information by Oct. 15, and you will be selected for completing their self-ID survey. entered to win a prize package that includes: All eligible employees who have fully completed their self-ID status • Round-trip airfare for the winner and a guest to Las Vegas (whether it has been completed in the past or recently completed) by • One hotel room for three nights at Red Rock Resort Oct. 15 will be entered to win! • $750 resort credit that can be used at Red Rock Resort's To complete your self-identification survey, log in to SuccessFactors restaurants, bars, spa, bowling alley and movie theater (click on the Employee Self-Service tab on the intranet) and follow these instructions to enter responses in each of the five categories: O • Race/ethnicity • Gender/gender identity OO O O • Veteran status (currently serving or previously served) • Disability status • LGBTQ status Be Seen — Be Rear-d — Be Valved Note: Selecting"Choose Not to Answer" is considered a complete response. HUMAN RESOURCES C & Lfl As employees of a Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary,each year we PQCIFICORP Hoy„ � - receive a letter from Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway chairman, and Marc Hamburg, senior vice president and CFO,about our commitment to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and our obligation to speak up if we witness or suspect unethical or illegal behavior. The letter is accompanied by a brochure about Berkshire Hathaway's Ethics and Compliance Hotline. In the past, the company distributed these materials via mail to our homes. Beginning this year, there is a required training assigned to each employee in our Learning Management System, where we will review and acknowledge receipt of these Ethics Quick Actions y and Compliance communications. Please complete this training Nov. 10. ® I To view the training, select the Employee-Self-Service tab on the •' intranet and click on My Learning.You will see the training "BHE Ethics and Compliance Hotline Brochure" For questions, contact your Employee Relations Specialist. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 9,2023 7 HEALTH AND WELLNESS 014 amf 409 crisis Substance abuse continues to be a significant national issue. Deaths from drug overdoses in the U.S. hit a record high in 2022,when 109,680 people died from drug overdoses and poisonings,according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.That's more than 300 people every day. _ Fentanyl abuse is a particular danger; in fact, 67%of the deaths reported in 2022 involved synthetic opioids like fentanyl. ^� Fentanyl is increasingly easily available,and the consequences can be deadly. It is now the leading cause of death for Americans under age 50. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 50 times stronger than ��! heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. �A , Illicitly manufactured fentanyl is often added to other drugs because off,%�'�+';';• t its extreme potency,which makes the drugs cheaper, more powerful, •0�' •i more addictive and more dangerous. Even small doses can be fatal. — Signs of overdose Recognizing the signs of opioid overdose can be lifesaving. Here are some things to look for: • Small,constricted "pinpoint pupils" ; l . i • Falling asleep or losing consciousness I • Slow,weak,or no breathing f, • Choking or gurgling sounds • Limp body • Pale, blue or cold skin What do to if you think someone is overdosing It may be hard to tell whether a person is high or experiencing an overdose. If you aren't sure, treat it like an overdose—you could Addiction recovery is possible save a life. Addiction is a treatable condition. If you or someone you know is • Call 911 immediately struggling, help is available.While no single treatment method is right for everyone, recovery is possible, and you don't have to go it alone. • Administer naloxone, if available. (Carrying naloxone with you or keeping it at home may be a good idea if you or someone you PacifiCorp's Employee Assistance Program offers confidential, know is at increased risk for opioid overdose) individual assistance with a wide range of issues, including drug and alcohol dependency. Learn more on the Intranet. • Try to keep the person awake and breathing. For more on overdose prevention strategies,visit • Lay the person on their side to prevent choking. www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose. • Stay with the person until emergency assistance arrives. Source:PocifiCorp BeneFocts newsletter CURRENTS I OCTOBER 9,2023 8 LEARNING OPPORTUNITY SA&IT, PrWar&V 4 We are all susceptible to stress, pressure and burnout on the job. Join Julie Frank, learning and development manager,for an in-person workshop on how to recognize the signs,the role of employee engagement,and what we can do to support ourselves, each other and our teams. Wednesday, Oct. 11 S, R1 I E 1 , S1 S1 1:00—2:30 p.m. LCT 19 S/T Follow this link to save the workshop to your Outlook calendar and see other learning opportunities. MAKE A DIFFERENCE ��"tw "& (1" r Volunteers are needed to help out at the Utah Food Bank—up to 15 UTAH folks who can help sort food to be delivered to other food banks, or complete other assigned tasks. What:Volunteer at the Utah Food Bank When:Tuesday, October 24, 2023 FOOD 12:00 p.m.— 1:30 p.m. MTNI Where: 3150 S 900 W,Salt Lake City, UT N ✓ BANK Please contact Stacey Davis if you are interested in volunteering. PACIFICORP 0 1 4 Y, �r u .� pill 11I T COMMUNITY GIVING CAMPAIGN • • : 1 7�6t.watew4&p4"f I For over 110 years, PacifiCorp employees have been connecting and powering our communities—doing our part to make lives better every day. • Our Community Giving Campaign is another way we can make a difference in the lives of those we serve. By f joining forces and investing in the people and places that matter to us,we can help create a brighter future and strong,thriving communities. Through this campaign, you have the opportunity to contribute in the way that is most meaningful to you personally. You can give to your local United Way, choose from a POWERTHE list of featured nonprofits,or donate to any nonprofit IlAk' you want to support. Payroll deduction makes it easy to give generously—just a few dollars each pay period SAFE & SECURE can be life-changing for someone in your community.And matching donations from the PacifiCorp safety results as of PacifiCorp Foundation will amplify your gift. 10/13/2023 This is our opportunity to show up for our communities,to make a difference for those in need,and give back in ways that have real impact.However you choose to give, thank you! . 9 11 To make your pledge in our 2023 Community Giving Campaign,visit our secure donation YTD ON TRACK? site:connect.unitedway-pdx.org/pacificorp and use this initial login: Email: p#####@PacifiCorp.com (using your P#) 22 Temporary password: poweringourcommunities You can learn more about our Community Giving Campaign in this FAQ or find PDF TARGET pledge forms and more information on the intranet. 30 "Safehouse Services is a safe haven for KW many in Wyoming,providing shelter Throughout October, and support services to survivors of 10 we'll be introducing VEHICLE ACCIDENTS domestic violence,sexual assault, stalking,elder abuse and trafficking.I you to colleagues believe,as does the team at Safelhouse - who participate YTD ON TRACK? Services,that you have the power to change your life and the lives of those in our Community �� around you for the better.Our power, Giving Campaign as RMP employees,is having the opportunity ; year after year. Hear organizations like Safehouse Services S CES firsthand about what TARGET through the company's annual Community Giving Campaign." inspires them to join Sharon Fain in and give back. 31 ac�nnc Office CURRENTS I OCTOBER 16,2023 1 IN THE NEWS S� Vec*,&VC,&*tm4 VVIr m�0 9rem�Vma sus Thanks to PacifiCorp's Blue Sky program participants,the popular It's an effortless way for participants to support renewable energy in Blue Sky renewable energy program ranked first in overall green the West, above and beyond Pacific Power's substantial and growing pricing sales in a national study by the U.S. Department of Energy's commitment to renewables. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. In addition to supporting renewable energy in the West,funds NREL recently released its ranking of leading utility green power from Blue Sky participants' support have allowed Pacific Power to programs based on 2022 data and recognized the top ten outstanding partner with community organizations to fund more than 145 local green power programs. For the 21 st consecutive year, PacifiCorp's renewable energy projects over the years.These projects have helped Blue Sky program—which includes participation by Pacific Power and community organizations save money on electricity costs and reinvest Rocky Mountain Power customers—is being recognized. those funds to support their missions in the communities Pacific "Blue Sky participants are making an impact by supporting additional Power serves. renewable energy and local community projects;" said Cory Scott, Pacific Power customers who want to participate in Blue Sky can call vice president of customer&community solutions. "We're proud toll free at 1-888-221-7070 or visit Blue Sky Renewable Energy. of our Blue Sky participants for their continued commitment to The top 10 utility green pricing program listing is compiled by the renewables that helped achieve this national recognition. National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the following categories: "Our Blue Sky participants voluntarily support this program and total sales of renewable energy,total number of customer continue to bring renewable energy awareness into the forefront participants, customer participation rate,green power as a percentage of everyday life and lead the way toward a more robust renewable of overall sales, price premium and percentage of solar energy. energy future while making meaningful changes in our communities" National Renewable Energy Laboratory green power rankings are PacifiCorp scored first in the top 10 list for green power sales based available at www.nrel.gov. on December 2022 data. How Blue Sky works Blue Sky allows participants to match their energy usage with the purchase of renewable energy credits. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 16,2023 2 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION U66V t&T 4ew*of& Nto- sav& In honor of Veterans Day, PacifiCorp's chapter of VETRN—the employee resource group for veterans and their family members— wants to highlight you! ' Are you actively serving or have you served? Do you have a family member that has proudly served?Or perhaps you volunteer for a community organization focused on assisting veterans? ,A In whatever way you're involved with the veterans community,we want to see it! Please send images that can be highlighted in company communications to VETRN's email inbox by Oct. 31 and include � , any information we should know about the image (e.g., names and IT relationships, service details, organization information,etc). 4 Feel free to reach out with any questions, and thank you in advance _ 19A I 11N for helping us honor all those who serve! n .u 1 SoC4606146.. Save the date!join PAC Women alongside the Energized Women, Register for the event using this form. Women in Renewable Energy and Women in Power employee During this session,you'll hear from women across different stages resource groups for an exciting training opportunity through of their career with Berkshire Hathaway Energy as well as a keynote Women Achieving Together (formerly Strive to Thrive). speaker who will focus on living in the dichotomy of happy and hard. What: Women Achieving Together SAVE All employees are invited to join virtually or by attending local watch When: Wednesday, Nov. 1, —THE— parties to be held at LCT and NTO. Mark your calendars and look 11:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m. MT/ DATE out for registration information coming your way soon! If you have 10:00 a.m.to 1:00 p.m. PT WOMEN any questions about this event, please reach out to Sarah Buchwalter. Where:Virtual meeting or local watch Ad -gTrID parties (details to come soon) 1 1 .01 .23 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Don't miss the October edition of TechTalk,where we'll explore the best new features for managing Teams.You'll discover how to use Development Loop components to create dynamic meeting notes,the Whiteboard to unleash your team's brainstorming potential, and best practices for Tech Ta I k managing members,channels and OneNote.And as usual,we'll have time to take your drop-in M365 questions! Get Live Help Every third Thursday of the month,you can bring No pre-registration is required. Email host Delpha Thomas,senior your burning M365 questions to Learning and training development analyst, if you'd like to be added to the series! We'll be exploring SharePoint and OneDrive for the rest of the year. Development's Tech Talk,a drop-in hour dedicated to troubleshooting,keeping up-to-date with the When: October 19—11 a.m.to 12 p.m. PT/ 12 p.m.to 1 p.m. MT latest features,and working out solutions for (and the same time the third Thursday of each month) your technology needs. 7 Click here to join the meeting CURRENTS I OCTOBER 16,2023 3 Ltfa+ fwt& Pfd- LiveSafe Join us for an in-person workshop at LCT and get hands-on guidance on downloading, setting up, and using the LiveSafe mobile app to improve your personal safety and peace of mind.Topics covered include how LiveSafe's key features allow you to stay informed, ensure "g tInfo C•"'ac'pak• your journey is safe and connect with Security easily. Please bring a either your company or personal mobile device. I • When:Wednesday, October 25th from 11 am to noon LiveSafe 9afalyMap N•uyContacts Where:Willamette Room, LCT 7 HEALTH AND SAFETY ens: 'ovr� srr tr"&" f6&0twAd 6wouwIf The LCT Safety Committee invites Portland-area employees to attend - - a safety training on situational awareness this Thursday, Oct. 19. Sara Johnson of the City of Portland will discuss the Strength Programs through the Community Safety Division within the city's Office of Management and Finance. , Learn effective de-escalation skills during this workshop,which will - - also introduce attendees to a variety of self-protective options such ,77 as preventative strategies, using your intuition, understanding different - escape options, negotiating consent, setting boundaries and boosting - assertiveness skills. The discussion is designed to help people identify their risks and evaluate their strengths. When:Thursday, Oct. 19 12:00 p.m. �= Where:Willamette Room, LCT 700 And on Teams using the following link: Click here to join the meeting file Y&0Va to-k& (aft rap"4af s+ Every day,first responders put their lives at risk on our nation's roads. Police officers,fire and rescue workers,tow truck drivers and emergency technicians perform their jobs within a few feet of speeding vehicles. Shockingly, every six days, one of these responders loses their life tending to a disabled vehicle. Their service is recognized by national "Move Over Day" on the third Saturday in October. This year, it's Oct. 21. Do your part that day and every day to keep first responders safe by following the "slow down, move over" laws in every state:When approaching an emergency vehicle or tow truck on the side of the road with its lights on, drivers must slow down and, if possible, move to the adjacent lane. This simple action gives roadside responders more room to do their Slow down and move over one lane when you approach roadside responders.It's not just the law;it's the important work and keeps everyone safer. right thing to do. CURRENTS l OCTOBER 16,2023 4 POLICY AND POLITICS (ffitk, Stok a Lag ,,It pfww Let's take a look at Utah, where we serve 1,008,000 The map below illustrates Utah's position in PacifiCorp's customers in all parts of the Beehive State. interconnected, six-state system. The 13th largest state in area, Utah is known for its vibrant natural PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION ROUTES landscapes and diverse spectrum of terrain,from pine forests to canyonlands to deserts. Utah's population and development core is the Wasatch Front,a chain of towns and cities in the north- WAs"'NG.T°" MONTANA central part of the state. Utah's economy is diversified and includes 7TaMw industries such as tourism, mining,agriculture, manufacturing,tech, ° PocifiCorp service area finance and fO$$II fuels. 0REGONH DAH OoAtt wAr W • Coal facilities ■ t" Natural gas facilities 0 W70MING � E eoiF sm,Ay e.n„ * Geothermal plantms c«a.•wi "` M Hydro syste u O O u Wind hcilitie. W� t;m , o eus ■ Solar facilities CALIFORNIA �• a F,s,e'OO Customer-supported N E VA DA ��jaJ/r, renevrzble resources nom — Ncifcor ed primary s�it7/a�OOO O C O L O R A D O tmnsmissPon IInc, UTAH . Transmission access Nm transmisslon lines: \ —500 kV minimum voltage —345 kV minimum voltage —230 kV minim- voltage A RI ZO NA as E—tingsubststion NEW MEXICO o Nmsubstatlon UTAH 0.acurtes aepu,ea reDreu+a AraCwDt anutlpuM N123 axma aM<unomermNatl purtadSe ponklo,s iamuliM N a,20191nkpaud Ilrvnime DMn.M nr rM nl Mfl,rrnh lmm mJ-fml mrvmv wll rcq M rcYMi'n m,ry Irc(1R.WA nM l.A,in,men. PacifiCorp service area Utah's Energy Sector Utah's energy is primarily sourced from coal and natural gas,with the remainder provided by renewables, primarily solar generated from the state's vast solar resources. Overall, Utah is a net supplier of energy to other states,generating about one-fifth more electricity than it Utah at a glance: consumes.The state is also a net exporter of coal. Population: 3.3 million (rank 30) PacifiCorp operates a number of key electricity generating facilities Economy: $259 billion GDP (rank 29) in Utah, such as the Hunter and Huntington coal-fired plants,the Capital: Salt Lake City Currant Creek, Gadsby and Lake Side natural gas-fired plants,the Blundell geothermal plant and hydroelectric stations such as the Key Leaders: Cutler dam. • Gov. Spencer Cox UTAH ENERGY GENERATION MIX • Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson _ — • U.S. Senator Mike Lee • U.S. Senator Mitt Romney Rocky Mountain Power is headquartered in Utah's capital and largest city,Salt Lake City,whose metro area is home to about 83%of the state's population.As the state's largest utility,and the largest electric sector company operating in the state, PacifiCorp maintains a visible presence in communities across Utah. 79%A (Continued) CURRENTS I OCTOBER 16,2023 5 (Continued from previous page) The Utah Public Service Commission is the state's utility regulator, Utah's government identifies "affordability, reliability and overseeing PacifiCorp through Rocky Mountain Power,which is Utah's sustainability" as its priorities for energy policy, as outlined in only rate regulated public utility providing electric service. Meanwhile, the Utah Energy and Innovation Plan that resulted from Gov. the Utah Division of Public Utilities makes recommendations to the Spencer Cox's One Utah Roadmap. The plan makes a number of commission regarding ratemaking processes,filings, hearings and other commitments, including to pursue an "any of the above" energy issues affecting utility customers. future, to bolster American energy independence, to find climate Utah holds an essential place in the geography of the Western Energy solutions that enable innovation, to support rural communities, Imbalance Market,the real-time market that PacifiCorp helped found to secure an environmentally responsible energy future through in 2014 with the California Independent System Operator.This allows a strong mining program, and to collaborate with local, regional the state's resources to join those in other western states to build and and federal partners to advance innovative infrastructure projects, maintain a common market for energy trading,allowing participants including in EV adoption and transmission. to balance their systems,find efficiencies and pass on savings to Utah also prioritizes transportation electrification and the adoption of customers.The map below shows how most of Utah is served by electric vehicles.The state's department of transportation has been WEIM through Rocky Mountain Power, enabling Utah to be a key directed to develop a statewide electric vehicle charging network, provider of the electricity traded in the West-wide market. which Rocky Mountain Power is aiding through the company's own efforts in support of EV adoption.The Utah Transit Authority is also working to replace a substantial share of its fleet of diesel-powered Puget Sou buses with electric vehicles. Finally, Utah State University's ASPIRE nd y e Energ erex Engineering Research Center was launched in 2020 through a$25m Seattl National Science Foundation grant and has received further funding City Light Tacoma, from the state legislature as it works to accelerate the development of Power Avista electrified transportation corridors. Avangrid'� NorthWestern Portland/ Bonneville Energy General Administration Electric Idaho PacifiCorp Power Market Operator California ISO BANC Energy WEIM entity Turlock 1 Awl y Pr Active participant Irrigation District California ISO / Los Angeles Arizona Public Dept.of Water 8 Power Service40 Public Service WAPA Desert/ ,Salt River Project New Company iof Southwest co Tucson - Electric Power Electric Tr - II It = -- Utah's Government& Politics In national political terms, Utah's state government aligns substantially with Republicans, who control the Governor's office, both U.S. Senate seats, the state's four U.S. House seats and both houses of the Utah State Legislature, consisting of the House of Representatives and Senate. The Utah state Capitol. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 16,2023 6 MAKE DIFFERENCE 6"*&A17& CCV6t0r0& Rocky Mountain Power and Utah Power Credit Union are having a _ coat drive at the North Temple Office to help keep Guadalupe School students warm this winter. Pick an ornament tag off the giving tree in the NTO main lobby. Each 9 '� ornament will have the name and coat size of a student in need.This ` year we will also be sponsoring some preschool students. f Please return your NEW gift-wrapped coat with the ornament tag N _ attached under the giving tree. Please do not put anything else in the wrapped gift besides the coat, other than gloves and hat if you want to donate them along with the coat. We are hoping to donate 300 coats to the students this year,and Now we are starting early so the students get them before it gets really _ cold. Please return the donated coats by Wednesday, Nov. 29. If you don't have time to shop but would still like to help,you can . make a donation directly into the Guadalupe account at the credit union or by calling 801-708-8900.The Utah Power Credit Union will / be matching monetary donations and donating a pair of gloves for all / of the wrapped coats that are returned. Please contact Stacey Davis if you have any questions or need help making a donation. •• vc"tw (Nk P64 94,W Volunteers are needed to help out at the Utah Food Bank—up to 15 folks who can help sort food to be delivered to other food banks, or UTAH complete other assigned tasks. What:Volunteer at the Utah Food Bank When:Tuesday, October 24, 2023 FOOD 12:00 p.m.— 1:30 p.m. MT Where: 3150 S 900 W,Salt Lake City, UT L •v BAN K Please contact Stacey Davis if you are interested in volunteering. PACIFICORP 0 Ited Way of Saff take � 6,J a�l F / i ll' i f F 11 1 COMMUNITY GIVING CAMPAIGN • • : 1 74 t7wa*h1tv ow, GoGWw'Aw ffira& Small actions,taken together, have the power to make a big difference. Our annual Community Giving Campaign is underway with PacifiCorp colleagues coming together to support our communities by donating to local United Way chapters,to one of our featured nonprofits, or to any charitable organization—the choice is yours. This is our opportunity to make a difference together—to give back in ways that lift up people in need and help build stronger, healthier, more connected communities. When we all join together, each individual donation THE POWER TO adds up to a powerful impact in the communities ' we serve. L �Wjv And matching funds from the PacifiCorp Foundation will amplify the power of your gift. SAFE & SECURE joining in is easy and convenient.With payroll deduction,you decide how much you PacifiCorp safety results as of10/20/2023 want to contribute,and it comes right out of your paycheck. To make your contribution,visit our secure donation site: connect.unitedway-pdx.org/ pacificorp and use this initial login to create your account: Email: p#####@PacifiCorp.com (using your P#) YTD ON TRACK? Temporary password: poweringourcommunities 23 You will be asked to create a new password and con then proceed with your pledge. You can learn more about our Community Giving Campaign in this FAQ or find PDF TARGET pledge forms and more information on the Intranet. 30 In "While we're a private sector hap company.we have a mission to serve Am. Throughout October, the public by providing millions of VON 7t; y we're introducing VEHICLE ACCIDENTS people with reliable power.I you to colleagues participate in the Community Giving "I Campaign because it's another way y who participate YTD ON TRACK? for us to give back to the customers in our Communityand communities that we support in our day-to-day work.I direct my 28 Giving Campaign giving to the American Red Cross year after year. Hear because of their impactful work firsthand about what providing disaster relief and supporting emergency preparedness." inspires them to join TARGET Christian Marble in and give back. 3 CURRENTS I OCTOBER 23,2023 1 IN THE NEWS P"gCfJ7 f"(0 ft4att a4J M4Ct46(V44" to- whov,06, fV4(Vf&tattg4m Grants will fund projects to increase grid resilience "We are committed to improving resilience and reliability in those and reliability communities,and will be matching these federal funds dollar-for-dollar PacifiCorp has been selected for award negotiations on two major, with our own investment in these programs" competitive infrastructure grants by the U.S. Department of Energy's The government funding will help reduce the likelihood and Grid Deployment Office.These Grid Resilience and Innovation consequence of wildfires, minimize the impacts to the grid due to Partnerships grants,funded by the federal Infrastructure Investment extreme weather and align resilience investments with state,Tribal and Jobs Act, support wildfire mitigation projects that will greatly and regional plans.The projects' scope includes: benefit our customers and communities. • Hundreds of miles of covered conductor The U.S. Department of Energy will be investing roughly$150 million in key PacifiCorp grid resilience projects that touch the six western • Thousands of fire-resistant poles states within the company's service area. • Thousands of non-expulsion fuses Just under$100 million in federal funding will support PacifiCorp's Equity-aware Enhancement of grid Resiliency(PEER) project,which • Workforce development and pre-apprentice programs is designed to reduce the impact of extreme weather events on portions of the electrical grid serving disadvantaged communities in Enhanced forecasting capabilities for wildfire risk management areas at highest risk for wildfire. • Improved grid resiliency and reliability An additional $50 million in funding will go toward the company's Resiliency Enhancement for Fire mitigation and Operational Risk PacifiCorp thanked its key partners supporting the grant applications, Management(REFORM) project,which enhances control center including labor union partners (IBEW Local 125, IBEW Local capabilities with technological improvements and improves situational 57, IBEW Local 77 and IBEW Local 659),subrecipients (Rural awareness through sophisticated weather forecasting models and Development Initiative, Crater Lake Electrical Joint Apprenticeship artificial intelligence-enabled cameras that detect wildfires. Center), higher education partners (University of Utah, Utah State University, College of the Siskiyous, Oregon Institute of Technology), Both grants include community benefits managed in collaboration and state and local agency and tribal partners. with labor unions and local organizations—including skilled workforce training, supplier diversity and community engagement. 100%of the infrastructure upgrades identified in the PEER program and 50%of the upgrades in REFORM will impact underserved and "This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to secure significant Tribal communities.The two projects combined will benefit tens of federal funding for projects that support our customers, thousands of PacifiCorp customers in California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, especially those in historically underrepresented and marginalized Washington and Wyoming. communities;" said Rohit Nair, PacifiCorp's director of engineering standards and grid modernization. -- 1 b Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships grants,matched by PacifiCorp investment,will fund projects to increase grid resilience and reliability for the benefit of our customers and communities. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 23,2023 2 6U OJ ty4k_ •mot PacifiCorp has filed its Initial Consultation Document with the Federal Pumped storage hydroelectric projects take advantage of natural Energy Regulatory Commission as a preliminary step to evaluate geographic terrain where an upper and lower reservoir can be feasibility of a pumped hydroelectric facility at the company's existing constructed with a system of pipes connecting the two.A pumping Oneida hydroelectric project. and generating unit is used to move water into the upper reservoir The Oneida project is part of the company's Bear River Hydroelectric and generate electricity when water is released from the upper Project located in southeastern Idaho. reservoir back to the lower reservoir. The filing for the proposed Oneida pumped storage facility includes water is pumped into the upper reservoir during times of lower information on the proposed process and schedule, a description of electric demand,which can then be released downhill through the the project,the existing environment and known potential impacts pumping and generating unit and into the lower reservoir as utility of the project, and details of studies proposed to fill identified system needs indicate. information gaps. Pumped storage hydroelectric projects have unique attributes, PacifiCorp's proposed project would consist of: including longer plant lives and significantly greater energy delivery capability compared with chemical batteries.This makes these • Anew upper reservoir resources attractive for integrating wind and solar energy resources • The existing lower Oneida reservoir and maintaining and enhancing the reliability of the electric system. • Pipes to connect the upper and lower reservoirs to a new powerhouse and pumping station • A new powerhouse and pumping station located northwest of the existing Oneida powerhouse that would contain two pumping and turbine-generator units with a total rated capacity s of 200 megawatts , • A transmission line connecting the new project substation to PacifiCorp's existing Oneida substation and associated facilities The filing begins the process to consult with FERC and evaluate the feasibility of the project.A final decision on whether to construct the project has not yet been made.The full initial consultation document is available on the company's webslte. The Oneida hydroelectric project in southeastern Idaho has potential as a site for pumped storage hydro. This month, Pacific Power customers' utility bills in California will include Customers can call Pacific Power at 888-221-7070 for their bill a credit called the California Climate Credit.A credit of$404.27 will information and learn more about the California Climate Credit at the apply to the utility bill of each California residential and small business California Public Utilities Commission's website. customer in October.This variable climate credit is paid twice a year at a flat rate and is part of the state's efforts to fight climate change. This credit is a provision of the California Cap-and-Trade Program, which requires power plants,fuel providers and extensive industrial facilities that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution allowances. The credit on Pacific Power bills is designed to help utility customers during the transition to a low-carbon future. Proceeds raised by the Cap-and-Trade Program generate the Climate Credit and fund additional programs that cut pollution,create jobs and invest in cleaner energy and transportation. For more information about additional programs funded by the California Cap-and-Trade Program to reduce carbon pollution, improve public health and the environment and provide meaningful , benefits to the most disadvantaged communities,visit www.caclimateinvestments.ca.gov/. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 23,2023 3 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION yid In honor of Veterans Day, PacifiCorp's chapter of VETRN—they employee resource group for veterans and their family members— ' wants to highlight you! I Are you actively serving or have you served? Do you have a family - member that has proudly served?Or perhaps you volunteer for a community organization focused on assisting veterans? In whatever way you're involved with the veterans community,we want to see it! Please send images that can be highlighted in company communications to VETRN's email inbox by Oct. 31 and include , i any information we should know about the image (names and T relationships, service details, organization information,etc), I It N Feel free to email VETRN with any questions,and thank you in _ J advance for helping us honor all who serve! �� .u 1 PI&I&V fwf,� of Women Achieving Together,formerly known as Strive to Thrive, tHE�R y continues to build on the success of the past three years with an event for employees from across Berkshire Hathaway Energy. W i- MEN This year's event will focus on living in the dichotomy of happy and T hard. It will include a panel of women at different stages of their . / career with Berkshire Hathaway Energy's businesses,as well asgAn keynote speaker Bethanie Baynes. The panel will offer thought-provoking conversation about invisible labor,ties between productivity and anxiety,and different definitions of success. Bethanie is a women's advocate and recognized leader on the topic of breadwinning women. She will expand on living in a JOIN US FOR constant battle between keeping everything together at work and at ~ home and the complexities women face in their everyday lives. WOMEN ACHIEVING TOGETHER BY To learn more about Bethanie, check out her website. REGISTERING All employees are invited to join virtually or by attending local watch parties to be held at LCT and NTO. Register for the event using this form. What:Women Achieving Together 0 When:Wednesday, Nov. 1 10 a.m.to 1 p.m. PT/ 11 a.m.to 2 p.m. MT Where:Virtual meeting or local watch parties If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to Keynote Speaker Bethanie Baynes Sarah Buchwalter. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 23,2023 4 IT UPDATE SAP 60 P4606&4 SAP Graphical User Interface is being upgraded to stay up to date with support and security patching. The new version, SAP GUI 8.1.03, is available now in Software Center for manual installation. Beginning Nov. 6,the SAP GUI upgrade package will begin being pushed to workstations for automatic installation. Please note that all SAP sessions, including the SAP Logon Pad, need to be closed prior to performing the upgrade.Additionally,a reboot is required after installation. For instructions on how to self-install, please follow the steps outlined in this SAP GUI Update Guide. If you have questions or need help, contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. MAKE A DIFFERENCE Rocky Mountain Power and Utah Power Credit Union are having a coat drive at the North Temple Office to help keep Guadalupe School students warm this winter. o� Pick an ornament tag off the giving tree in the NTO main lobby. Each ornament will have the name and coat size of a student in need.This .w►; 'fie year we will also be sponsoring some preschool students. Please return your NEW gift-wrapped coat with the ornament tag i ._ attached under the giving tree. by Wednesday, Nov. 29. Please do not put anything in the wrapped gift besides the coot, other than gloves and hot if you want to donate them along with the coot. We are hoping to donate 300 coats to the school this year, and we are starting early so the students get them before it gets really cold. If you don't have time to shop but would still like to help,you can make a donation directly into the Guadalupe account at the credit GIVE THE GIFT OF union or by calling 801-708-8900. Utah Power Credit Union will be matching monetary donations and donating a pair of gloves for each gift-wrapped coat. Please contact Stacey Davis if you have any questions or need help Winter o' t Drive for making a donation. Guadalupe School PACRICORP Pacific Power D 0 POWERING COMMUNITY GIVING CAMPAIGN 00-s pew(4 t4W We're in the final days of our Co., .juniL, Giving Campaign. Enter your pledge now to make a difference in your community! This week,there is still one powerful action you can take to lift up a neighbor in need _ and help build a strong,thriving community: �_ w Make your contribution to our annual Community Giving Campaign. Join with colleagues across six states who I� believe in our collective power to do good �i and make a difference! You can donate to your local United Way, one of our featured nonprofits, or to any charitable organization you want to support. SAFE & SECURE Donating is easy and convenient.With payroll THE POWER J�P� PacifiCorp safety results as of deduction,you decide how much you want qi,, i i , 41 111 10/27/2023 to contribute,and it comes right out of your paycheck starting in 2024. Adding to our collective impact, matching funds from the PacifiCorp Foundation will amplify the power of your gift. YTD ON TRACK? Don't wait!The campaign wraps up this week. 2 3 To make your contribution,visit our secure donation site: connect.unitedway-pdx.org/ pacificorp and use this initial login: TARGET Email: p#####@PacifiCorp.com (using your P#) 30 Temporary password: poweringourcommunities You can learn more about our Community Giving Campaign in this FAQ or find PDF pledge forms and more information on the intranet. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 31 TARGET 31 • M - CIO CURRENTS I OCTOBER 30,2023 1 MAKING A DIFFERENCE etr f 6ds Cis �-Ma tkp 9[fll 4<4tvm Pacific Power and the Pacific Power Foundation partner on STEM programs at Boys & Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley. Crank that generator, attach those leads, light up that house. "His rooms are always packed;' said Greg Roe, executive director of That's what a group of 4th and 5th graders from Boys&Girls Clubs Boys&Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley. of the Rogue Valley did Oct. 13 with employees from Pacific Power And because Eckenrode can't be everywhere at once, he created on hand to assist.The students replicated what the company does STEAM Club bins,which contain simple engineering materials that every day,except they did it on a tabletop using cardboard, alligator kids can use to create self-directed projects while they're at the clubs. clips and Play-Doh. That emphasis on engineering creativity puts the clubs neatly in It figures that a long-running partnership between Pacific Power and alignment with a key goal of the PacifiCorp Foundation—to foster Boys&Girls Clubs would take the long view of curiosity, creativity, the next generation of creative problem solvers by promoting STEM education,training and relationships.The Pacific Power Foundation, education for underserved youth. the company's charitable arm, has been supporting Boys&Girls The foundation seeks out partnerships with local organizations in the Clubs of the Rogue Valley for more than 28 years through grant communities where Pacific Power operates, like Boys&Girls Clubs, giving. Pacific Power has also helped two club locations connect to that prepare young people to succeed in a rapidly changing world that solar arrays that reduce monthly energy costs through its Blue Sky needs their skills and ingenuity. program. "When you look at the value they provide in a community, I don't Recently,the foundation awarded a new$5,000 Education and STEM think anybody can hold a candle to that," said Alan Meyer, Pacific grant to support the clubs' innovative STEAM program. (STEAM Power's regional business manager and a supporter of Boys&Girls refers to science,technology, engineering and mathematics,with an Clubs. "From its very beginning,the club has provided a safe,fun and additional focus on the arts) inclusive environment for the families they serve:' As part of the Oct. 13 showcase, Pacific Power employees spoke The Boys&Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley,which charges families to high schoolers at the Grants Pass Boys&Girls Club about career a sliding fee to cover the costs for after-school care, education and opportunities in their field,from climbing utility poles to fixing meals, doesn't turn anyone away for lack of funds. By providing care transmission problems to balancing the books in the accounting office. and enrichment activities to underserved kids at its locations in Grants Boys&Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley is one of the first in Oregon to Pass,Talent, Phoenix and Illinois Valley,the organization aims to close employ a full-time STEAM coordinator,Jesse Eckenrode,who rotates the opportunity gap between children and teens from low-income among different age groups and different Boys&Girls Club sites to backgrounds and their peers. More than 500 kids of various ages work with students. He might help them launch a rocket or build participated in STEAM activities at the clubs last year. an ocean-cleanup device or a mini-drone. Recently he helped some students execute their idea of creating a hinged top hat modeled on -- ' Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat. -'WIT r PACIFIC POWER 1 - = POWERING GREATNESS Regional business manager Todd Andres helps kids at a Boys&Girls Club in southern Oregon with a The company donated two 20-watt solar panels and a solar oven with everything needed to start cooking power plant engineer activity involving hand-crank generators,LED lights and play-doh wiring. to support STEM learning at the Boys&Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley. CURRENTS l OCTOBER 30,2023 2 r-71 i koo 4111�1 I ' il.I 9 -- is - - -. Rocky Mountain Power lineworkers and Western Wyoming Community College students demonstrated pole-climbing and other skills during W WCC's Manufacturing Day. A Rocky Mountain Power Foundation grant and RMP lineworkers are providing a boost to the new Powerline course at WWCC. The job market for utility lineworkers is very strong,says Lance Rocky Mountain Power,along with other companies, has worked to Caldwell,a veteran lineman who teaches the new Powerline course at identify needs in the business sector and collaborate with education Western Wyoming Community College.Young people with lineman partners like WWCC to prepare students to meet those needs.The certificates have no trouble finding work across the U.S., he said, intent is to train a new generation of skilled workers, and to improve because the field is booming. prospects for young people growing up in the region.The lineworker The Powerline course reflects WWCC's focus on training and program at Western Wyoming is part of that initiative. education for Wyoming young people who want to learn a valuable At the same time,the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is trade in energy and other industries that are vital to their state's dedicated to supporting STEM education and workforce training in economic future. the communities it serves.That makes the lineworker course,with That focus is why Rocky Mountain Power is supporting WWCC in two its emphasis on all the facets of managing the electrical distribution ways:with a$10,000 education/STEM grant from the Rocky Mountain system,from climbing a pole to reading an engineering diagram, an Power Foundation to provide scholarships to students and by bringing ideal match for the foundation. Rocky Mountain Power lineworkers and other employees to the college "You teach these kids how to be a lineman,and this is truly a career to help train students,answer questions and provide guidance. path for them that they can use over the course of their entire lives;' The partnership with WWCC demonstrates the company's and the said Ron Wild, regional business manager for Rocky Mountain Power foundation's dedication to boosting STEM and spurring workforce and a leader in the Southwest Wyoming Manufacturing Partnership development in the communities we serve. and the Wyoming Workforce Development Council. 'And it's going to truly transform some of their opportunities:' The Western Wyoming lineworker program is the result of a concerted strategy to prepare Wyoming youth to work in the state's The average person doesn't think much about what electrical industrial and manufacturing sector lineworkers do— until the power goes out. That's when (Continued) CURRENTS I OCTOBER 30,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) lineworkers mount poles —frequently during storms and mind is wandering," Caldwell said,that's a recipe for catastrophe. "This subfreezing weather—diagnose the problem that caused the program points out to them—and to us—whether they're a fit:' outage, and fix it. The reward comes from seeing lights go back Caldwell launched the lineworker course in August 2022,and already on in darkened houses and commercial buildings and knowing that his graduates are working in the power industry around the region. customers are breathing their thanks. Rocky Mountain Power remains involved, not just with grant money, "Climbing is the thing that washes out the majority of people who but by investing the time and energy of employees. want to be linemen;" said Wild. "It's a unique skill" "You have to have a significant presence to have a significant "It takes a special type of person to be able to do it;" agrees Western relationship to have significant success;'Wild said. 'And if you don't Wyoming's Caldwell,who teaches 15 lineworker students per term. show up, if you don't work at building those relationships,you're not They need to be physically agile, knowledgeable about electrical going to have success" distribution,and not afraid of heights, he said. Visit SweetwaterNow for more photos and the full story about They need to be mentally sharp and able to focus,too. "If you're Rocky Mountain Power lineworkers and students at WWCC's Oct. 6 about to touch something high voltage,say 24,000 volts,and your Manufacturing Day. evo Lof s UT"Vte r U/Z&s P"60 pwa I f 0A6601 Pacific Power was recognized Oct. 25 as one of the region's top Last year, Pacific Power and the Pacific Power Foundation philanthropic companies in the Portland Business Journal's 2023 donated over$1.6 million to organizations in Oregon and Corporate Philanthropy Awards. southwest Washington. Pacific Power and the Pacific Power Foundation were included in the "We were thrilled to be included in the Million Dollar Club," said Million Dollar Club honoring 10 organizations that invested more than Jessica Augustus, community partnerships program manager for $1 million in the community last year. Pacific Power. The Portland Business Journal's annual Corporate Philanthropy "Thank you to the many employees across the company who support Awards is a celebration of community service and corporate giving. these vital investments in our communities. It's inspiring to work with The awards honor the region's most philanthropic companies of the such outstanding colleagues and community members who are truly past year with a special nod to those that develop innovative and making a difference" unique partnerships in giving back. MILLION DOLLAR CLUB PACIFIC POWE r t � E At its Corporate Philanthropy Awards banquet Oct.25,the Portland Business Journal honored Pacific Power as a member of the Million Dollar Club,a group of 10 organizations that invested more than$1 million in the community last year. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 30,2023 4 emp pw*&M rwaya loom j- gotm 169ag Afv,44 The Davis Technical College Foundation presented the prestigious "I'm glad we had the chance to honor these individuals and companies Haven J. Barlow Legacy Award to the Rocky Mountain Power who are so dedicated to elevating education in our community.We Foundation at its annual Life-Changer Luncheon Oct. 12.This are extremely grateful to have this kind of support" accolade celebrates the strong partnership between the company and the college and honors the enduring legacy of Haven J. Barlow, a revered advocate of education and community development. "The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation's unwavering commitment to education and community betterment has made a significant impact in this region," said regional business manager Logan Taggart. "This award highlights the foundation's consistent support for Davis Technical College,fostering student success and contributing to local { economic growth." T g E _ The foundation donated $5,000 to Davis Tech earlier this year to provide scholarships for students from low-and moderate-income homes,and to support a welding technology course for students 1 `s at Red Barn Farms,a residential vocational training school for men _ h recovering from substance abuse. The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation has provided similar funding every year since 2014. "Donations to Davis Technical College Foundation help to create life-changing opportunities.We have so many incredible people in our Left to right:LeAnn Singleton,Eric Holje,Jon Pontke,Travis Tanner,Logan Taggart,Abbie Rice and Kirk Nigro accept the Haven J.Barlow Legacy Award from the Davis Technical College Foundation. community who are true life-changers for Davis Tech students," said The award honors the company's longstanding support for the college's mission and students. Davis Technical College Foundation director Lindsey Rees. DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSIONWuMEN o�HEIR� � Fs A4&01- r �W Ad&- Tan 14 NOVEMBER1,2023 12-3 PM CENTRAL TIME Register now for Women Achieving Together, an event for Hear each of these women talk about their experiences employees from across Berkshire Hathaway Energy! Hear from as female leaders in our companies and so much more! a panel and keynote speaker on a variety of topics that impact breadwinning women. Each of the panelists bring their own diverse backgrounds to the table to discuss challenges they've faced in their careers.With women from different companies, departments and stages of their careers,this \ Anne,Phawl. fodi'aacon £noslla fackson conversation will be something you won't want to miss! Director,Renewable Development Vice President,Human Resources Director,Talent,Diversity and Inclusion BHE Renewables Berkshire Hathaway Energy NV Energy Date:Wednesday, Nov. 1 Time: 10 a.m.— 1 p.m. PT/ 11 a.m.—2 p.m. MT a Be sure to find your local watch party and register to attend using this link or the QR code in the image here. In-person watch parties will be held at LCT and NTO: l2ache e, -Fannon £wti�Singer Principal Engineer and Vice President,Regulatory Affairs LCT: 7th floor Willamette Conference Room Operations Project Manager BHE Renewables PacifiCorp NTO: 130K Conference Room 4�44hot, CURRENTS I OCTOBER 30,2023 5 octtwd ois4imy E eat t a e ss tnm* October is recognized as National Disability Employment Awareness �� #NOEAM i#RehabAceSo Month by the U.S. Department of Labor to celebrate the + 4 ao.9o.od•a contributions of American workers with disabilities and to promote ��4 � employment policies that support more inclusive workplaces for I ADVANCING employees with disabilities. �� 4 �This year, NDEA Month highlights the 50-year anniversary of the 4 ACCESS �� �`� & EQUITY signing of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act,which advanced policies on �J ��� vocational rehabilitation for workers with disabilities, prohibited National Disability Employment �s��� Awareness Month > discrimination on the basis of disability status in the federal ' GiNbMing 50 yen'or Um ReMb9Mim Ace or 1973 government, and served as a foundation for the passage of the groundbreaking Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. At PacifiCorp,we recognize National Disability Employment Awareness Month and join the movement to raise awareness and The Department of Labor also notes that in August 2023, the celebrate the value and talent that people with disabilities add to our employment-population ratio (of those employed, divided by the company.We are committed to continuing our journey of building full population) for people with disabilities in the U.S. reached an inclusive workplace that provides access and opportunities to all, a record 23%, marking notable progress in the journey toward including our colleagues with disabilities. more inclusive workplaces regarding disability status —while also highlighting that efforts must continue to empower people with If you are an individual with a disability and need workplace disabilities in the workforce. accommodations, please reach out to disability services at disability@pacificorp.com or 800-455-6363. CYBERSECURITY orrurPilot 96lowtvot October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a collaborative effort between government and industry to raise awareness about cybersecurity and practices that can be used to stay safe and secure online. CYBERSECURITY Bad actors never stop trying to infiltrate systems to obtain sensitive � 'AWARENESS information,so we must make cybersecurity awareness a 24/7 priority.Whether at home or work,these tips can help keep our MONTH devices and information secure. —y OCTOBER Use strong passwords and a password manager Passwords are the first line of defense against cybercriminals and data breaches. Creating strong passwords is an easy way to improve Enable multifactor authentication cybersecurity. • Create strong passwords by using 11 or more characters with Multifactor authentication is an extra login step to confirm you at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number and are who you say you are before accessing devices,websites and special character. applications. Multifactor authentication: • Use a different password for each account and device. ' May include inputting a secondary personal identification number, answering a security question,entering a code sent to your email • Use a password manager to help generate and remember or texted to your device,or using a biometric identifier, like facial passwords.A password manager will secure your passwords or fingerprint recognition. by encrypting them. PasswordSafe is available in the software • Can be implemented for any account that permits it. Outside of center for work use. work, multifactor authentication is most often used with school, • When using a password manager for personal use,verify it is email, credit card, banking and social media accounts. from a reputable company to ensure necessary software updates. Check news reporting and other information sources (Continued) to assess the password manager's cybersecurity performance. CURRENTS I OCTOBER 30,2023 6 (Continued from previous page) Recognize and report all forms of phishing Update your software Phishing lures are designed to trick or scare you into revealing your Network defenders remediate flaws or vulnerabilities in a system account passwords, Social Security number, credit card numbers or to help protect against bad actors. Make sure your devices have the other sensitive information. latest version of software to help reduce risk: • Never click on a link, open an attachment or scan a QR code • Install software fixes and patches as soon as they are available. unless you have confirmed it is safe. • Update the operating system on mobile phones,tablets, • At work, use the Phish Alert Report button in Outlook to laptops and other devices regularly. It is important to update report any message, link or QR code that appears to be a applications—especially web browsers—on devices as well. phishing attempt. • Enable automatic updates on all devices,applications and • Never forward messages that appear to be phishing. If a co- operating systems. worker takes the bait,you are on the hook. • Remove unused and obsolete applications from devices. • Visit journey to Excellence for information about protecting your home network. HUMAN RESOURCES PAT Nte-fa4&1U66401W IBEW Local 57 will be hosting a National joint Apprenticeship Training Committee test in central Utah next month.The electrical aptitude test is part of the selection process identifying candidates for the lineworker apprenticeship program—on-the-job training to become a journeyman lineman. ' When: Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 3:00 p.m. - Where: Old Huntington Town Hall (40 North Main, Huntington, Utah) How:To be eligible to test on this date, pre-register by calling the IBEW Local 57 Union Hall at 801-270-5757. • The company will cover up to 2 hours of employee time to take the test. (Requires manager approval prior to test date) • The company will cover the exam fee for current employees. • Contractors and others outside the company are required to pay the$100 exam fee to take the test. If you have questions, please contact your labor relations specialist. PACIFICORP 0 s. �J•1 1 •_� �S �[�� J 7. �s D it •• • • • • Y IN THE NEWS ARM M 14. tcttt l mqj" The real-time energy market is poised to reach the $5 billion mark in 2023. The Western Energy Imbalance Market achieved $462 million in cost-saving benefits in the third quarter this year, bringing total leveraged savings across the West to$4.66 billion since the launch of the real-time electricity market in 2014. The increase in third-quarter economic benefits is due to a growing number of market participants and expanded resource diversity across a broader geographic footprint,allowing . . - cleaner, less expensive energy to serve demand in place of more expensive generation. By the end of 2023,total WEIM economic benefits will likely reach $5 billion, hitting the real-time electricity market's second billion-dollar milestone this year. In July,the WEIM topped $4 billion in gross cumulative benefits. The Q3 economic benefits for PacifiCorp customers was$37.75 million, bringing the total accumulated since market inception to$695.2 million. The WEIM, launched in 2014 by PacifiCorp and the California Independent System SAFE & SECURE Operator, enables participating entities to buy and sell power close to the time PacifiCorp safety results as of electricity is generated and consumed, something that was critical for helping to maintain 11/3/2023 interconnection reliability during the high temperatures and extreme weather events of summer 2023. Using state-of-the art technology,the market finds and delivers lowest-cost resources to meet immediate power needs and manages congestion on transmission lines to maintain grid reliability. (Continued) YTD ON TRACK? 23 �. TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS 33 YTD ON TRACK? TARGET 31 PacifiCorp and the California Independent System Operator launched the Western Energy Imbalance Market in November 2014. CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 6,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) The WEIM also provides system operators real-time visibility Building on the success of the WEIM,the California ISO and across neighboring grids, resulting in more efficient balancing of stakeholders—including PacifiCorp—are developing an Extended supply and demand, particularly important on summer evenings Day-Ahead Market that will enable entities participating in the WEIM when electricity use remains high but solar generation is rolling off to benefit from optimized and efficient commitments in the day-ahead the system. market to meet next-day demand,where most energy transactions With three new entities joining in 2023,the market now includes 22 occur. For more information, check out the EDAM fact sheet. participants from 11 western states. For more information about the WEIM,visit the WEIM website or Because of greater regional coordination in the WEIM,the market PacifiCorp's Grid Modernization website. also reduces greenhouse gas emissions by finding excess clean power Source:WEIM at risk of curtailment and moving it across the West. Re vftcva 92Y#WwY4T&M gaitsqv The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Oct. 19 issued FERC approved the swap with the condition that Idaho Power and conditional approval to Idaho Power and PacifiCorp to swap PacifiCorp submit a finalized memorandum of understanding between transmission system assets as part of the plan to develop the the two utilities, BPA, Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems and Boardman to Hemingway transmission line.The transaction Idaho Falls outlining details of the coordination,scheduling and delivery of application was filed at FERC July 20. power to Idaho Falls.The condition was set at least partially in response The swap is per an agreement with the Bonneville Power to comments from UAMPS on potential service impacts the transaction Administration to transfer its ownership interest in B2H to Idaho could have on the association's southeastern Idaho members. Power. Idaho Power is the lead developer of the line and co-owns it Source: Clearing Up with PacifiCorp. BPA negotiated a contract to serve its 15 preference customers in southeast Idaho with the line, in lieu of an ownership interest. Once built,the 298-mile, 500-kilovolt B2H line will extend from a new station four miles east of Boardman, Oregon,to Idaho Power's existing Hemingway substation in Owyhee County, Idaho.The line is scheduled to come into service by July 2026,according to the — company's latest integrated resource plan. Building a line west from Idaho will increase system flexibility and reliability to serve customers. As part of the asset swap, Idaho Power will convey four transmission lines and 14 substation terminals (the points where the transmission line connects to substation equipment),while PacifiCorp will convey 16 lines and 65 terminals. The trade will not affect wholesale power rates,as the assets will be transferred at equal net book value,the FERC order states.All told, PacifiCorp will own 300 megawatts of west-to-east transmission capacity through the transferred facilities and 600 MW of east-to- west capacity,while Idaho Power will own 200 MW of bidirectional transmission capacity on the Four Corners New Mexico to Populus substation in southeast Idaho and another 600 MW specifically The proposed Boardman to Hemingway transmission line is a 500-kilovolt line that would run approximately 300 miles from a new substation proposed near Boardman,Oregon,to the Hemingway allocated for BPA's southeast Idaho wholesale customers. substation near Melba,Idaho,southwest of Boise,Idaho. CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 6,2023 2 HEALTH AND SAFETY Fall foliage may be lovely to look at, but fallen leaves create several Help keep others safe: Clean up the leaf-strewn surfaces around types of hazards. Keep these tips top of mind to avoid slips,trips and your home, especially your sidewalk, driveway and porch. falls—and vehicle accidents—for a safe autumn season. • Don't blow or rake leaves into the street. Slippery when wet:Wet leaves create slippery surfaces that can • Gather leaves into out-of-the-way piles and dispose of them be just as slick as ice.This is especially true on any kind of incline.To as soon as you can. avoid injury from a fall,wear shoes with high traction and low heels, and take your time—you're more likely to slip and fall if you're in a Keep your outdoor areas well-lit and clear of obstructions. rush and not watching where you walk. Driving tip:When driving over large patches of wet leaves, slow down and increase your distance from the car ahead of you.Also watch for areas where leaves have clogged storm drains, leaving puddles in the road that increase the risk of hydroplaning. Camouflaged potholes (and people): It's harder to spot potholes, curbs, debris, loose pavers or uneven sidewalks when leaves are .. w r�`♦ strewn across or piled in your path.Avoid walking over or through piles of leaves that could mask these tripping hazards. �: _, ` � I; Driving tip: Never drive through a pile of leaves—it could be hiding a large rock,a fire hydrant or even a child playing. L EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT v�taa,s 0 �Qj ckaV4 t ley. 10 In recognition of those who have served, PacifiCorp will observe Later this month,we look forward to showcasing the photos and Veterans Day—which falls on Nov. 11 every year—as a stories that employees sent in to the VETRN employee resource companywide holiday on Friday, Nov. 10. group regarding veterans and family members who serve or have We are proud to have 242 PacifiCorp co-workers who are veterans served in the U.S.Armed Forces. and active members of the military.To each one of you:Thank you for your service! It's an honor to work with you. TO ALL OUR VETERA�S imam �M 11 - 11 -2023 4,. CURRENTS NOVEMBER 6,2023 3 ktaqnf 04 &N9 te ,,i� oacta)Q Wasatch Adaptive Sports,a Utah-based nonprofit focused on making Eligible employees are invited to register by scanning the QR code recreational opportunities accessible for people with disabilities, invites here*or by using this registration form. local veterans and supporters to Snowbird Resort for the 11th annual Registration closes Dec. 3 and is first come,first served. Contact Highly Decorated event honoring service and celebrating holiday cheer Abbie Rice with any questions. with skiing,a tree lighting, live entertainment, speakers and more. *If wasatchadaptivesports.org/highly-decorated doesn't load properly on Rocky Mountain Power is sponsoring this event,which benefits your work computer, try your phone or personal computer. Wasatch Adaptive Sports' recreational programming for veterans with disabilities.The Highly Decorated event provides an opportunity for veterans, active-duty servicemembers and their family members to ❑� ❑� enjoy a half day of free skiing at Snowbird Resort (near Salt Lake City), �{• ' ti .-: followed by an apres-ski reception and tree lighting ceremony. r•� Highly Decorated r •�� Saturday, Dec. 9 Snowbird Resort \ 1 fir,' • 12:30 p.m.—Skiing for veterans and families (must RSVP) 7 4:00 p.m.—Apres-ski reception 4:30 pm—Public tree lighting and honor ceremony Each veteran/servicemember is eligible for up to four free tickets. (Ski rental equipment not included) MAKE A DIFFERENCE UQqV1 9T, 4fw ftt (da teoiti Thanks to the overwhelming support we received last year, the Pacific Power Green Team is again organizing a holiday drive for / _1 Project Lemonade. The nonprofit Project Lemonade supports foster youth by providing ` a free shopping experience in the Lloyd Center mall and resources to help foster kids realize their gifts and gain confidence, so they achieve project lemonade NEW, Inq.riA+rf.ume in L-i.r nuM success in school and life. This year,we plan to make the season bright for 10 teens and - young adults living in a boys'group home in Hood River.We The Green Team will be setting up giving trees and collection boxes at: will be collecting items on their Christmas wish lists that range from several small gifts to one large gift for each person. • LCT 6 and LCT 18 breakrooms • System Power Control Center We are also gathering wintery items to restock the Project • Portland Metro Operations Center • Hood River Service Center Lemonade store at the Lloyd Center with mittens,gloves, beanies and pajamas for foster kids ages 5 to 23. Portland Power/Sub Ops All gifts must be new and unwrapped. Used items cannot If have any questions, please reach out to Diana Knous, Chelsey Roth be accepted. or Jackie Wetzsteon. PACIFICORP 0 6 l f IN THE NEWS • 1 Cot"t to-. 2 don fanoYti W&S to-a�A& � Removal of the diversion dam restores flows to historic Klamath River canyon for the first time in nearly a century. Last week,crews put the final touches on the removal of the Copco No. 2 Dam and its diversion infrastructure from the Klamath River in northern California. Removal of the dam structure was completed in September, and crews spent the last month removing the remaining diversion infrastructure,grading the river channel, and • performing erosion control.This work prepares the river canyon for consistent river flows,which the canyon hasn't seen in 98 years. Currently,flows in the canyon are . . fluctuating due to work being done to prepare Copco No. 1 for drawdown. "Copco No.2 is the first dam to be removed due to its small stature, location and lack of reservoir," noted Mark Bransom,CEO of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation,the entity tasked with the safe and efficient removal of the four lower Klamath hydroelectric dams. Copco No. 2 was located right below Copco No. 1 in a steep river canyon, commonly SAFE & SECURE known as Ward's Canyon, named after Kitty Ward, a Shasta woman who lived in the PacifiCorp safety results as of valley now submerged by the reservoir created by Copco No. 1. 11/10/2023 Completed in 1925, Copco No. 2 was a diversion dam that funneled the river's flows out of the canyon and into a tunnel system that sent the water to the Copco No. 2 powerhouse located downstream, essentially dewatering the 1.7-mile-long canyon. Without the river's presence in the canyon,trees grew in the riverbed which,when YTD ON TRACK? exposed to consistent river flows,would have died off, creating a hazard for future 23 recreationists.These trees were removed in September in collaboration with area tribes. (Continued) TARGET _ 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 33 TARGET 31 Copco No.2 dam before removal from the Klamath River—Photo by Shane Anderson of Swiftwater Films CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 13,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) The remaining three dams, Copco No. 1, Iron Gate and JC Boyle, are slated for removal next year. In January, KRRC will implement drawdown,the slow draining of the reservoirs,which is expected to take less than a month depending on the amount of water entering the system from spring runoff. Once the drawdown is complete, restoration and deconstruction activities will begin in earnest.All three dams are expected to be completely removed by fall 2024, while restoration activities will continue for years to come to ensure restoration success. Source:The Klamath River Renewal Corporation is a private, independent nonprofit organization formed in 2016 by 23 signatories of the amended Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, or = :• KHSA. KRRC is part of a cooperative effort to re-establish the natural vitality of the Klamath River so that it can support all communities in the Klamath Basin. Signatories to the KHSA,which include PacifiCorp, the States of California and Oregon, local governments,Tribal nations, irrigators, and several conservation and fishing groups, appointed x KRRC to take ownership and oversee removal of four hydroelectric t dams on the river. The Klamath River after removal of Copco No.2 dam—Photo by Shane Anderson of Swiftwater Films 0c,4&t�o �y Ski g Nov. 15 is Utility Scam Awareness Day Utilities across the country are seeing increasing reports of customers being contacted by scammers who pose as utility employees in an Q! attempt to access their financial information or take their money. These are known as utility impostor scams. Imposter scams often begin with a call,text message or email, but QOF UTILITY IMPOSTERS may also occur in person.The scams vary, but there are some common tactics that everyone should learn to spot. SCAM ALERT Learn to spot common Tactics frequently used by scammers and how to avoid them • Scammers posing as utility representatives will try to tell you that you owe money and your service will be disconnected in the next 30-60 minutes unless immediate payment is made. Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power will not contact any customer • Scammers may call claiming you have overpaid your utility bill and demanding immediate payment to avoid same-day disconnection of service. you must provide your bank account or credit card information to facilitate a refund. -The thieves may ask you to wire money, put money on a gift card or Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power will not request your personal pre-paid debit card, or send cryptocurrency. financial information over the phone. If you suspect a scam, hang up, Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power do not ask customers to use then call the company using the phone number provided on your bill or these payment methods. Customers can choose how they would like to on the company's official website. make a payment. Utilities United Against Scams,a consortium of more than 150 U.S.and • Scammers may demand immediate payment to repair damaged or Canadian electric,water and natural gas utilities, provides a list of Top- broken electrical equipment. 10 Utility Imposter Scams to be aware of, plus some General Tips to Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power will not do this for any type of Avoid Utility Imposter Scams. Make sure you're familiar with these and service. Be suspicious of anyone who demands on-the-spot payment. share them with anyone you know who might be vulnerable to a scam. CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 13,2023 2 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Ftvc-pregrovsaqftrkir Send in your 2023 volunteer hours and charitable donations Your 2023 volunteer information must be received by Dec. 31 to be by Dec. 31 to be matched by the PacifiCorp Foundation. eligible for matching funds this year. As the end of the year and the holidays approach, many of us are Find the online form to submit your 2023 volunteer hours here: thinking about making charitable donations and volunteering to Global Days of Service. brighten the spirits of neighbors in need. If you have questions or need help, email LeAnn Singleton,foundation Did you know PacifiCorp has two programs to boost the gifts of administrator, at GlobalDaysofService@PacifiCorp.com. time and money you give to your community?The Global Days of Matching Gift Program Service and Matching Gift Program support employee volunteerism When you donate to an eligible charity or educational institution, and charitable giving with matching donations from the PacifiCorp the PacifiCorp Foundation matches your donation dollar-for-dollar. Foundation. Donations are matched from a minimum of$25 up to$1,500 per Both programs have a deadline of Dec. 31 for submitting your 2023 employee in a calendar year. donations and volunteer hours to be matched. Information on your 2023 charitable donations must be received Global Days of Service by Dec. 31 to be matched this year. Global Days of Service supports your community volunteer work by Find the online form to submit your 2023 charitable donations here: making donations to match your hours volunteered.At the end of Matching Gift Program. each year,the nonprofit organizations where you have volunteered If you have questions or need help, email LeAnn Singleton,foundation will receive a donation from the PacifiCorp Foundation at the administrator, at MatchingGiftProgram@PacifiCorp.com. following levels: 4-9 hours =$40 50-74 hours = $500 Note:The Matching Gift Program is separate from the Community Giving Campaign held in October. You do not need to submit your Community 10-24 hours=$100 75-99 hours = $750 Giving Campaign contribution to the Matching Gift Program. The Foundation 25-49 hours=$250 100+ hours — $1,000 automatically matches all Community Giving Campaign pledges. '.rk— +s �- tl e i, [ -_ L� J With a minimum of 4 volunteer hours or a$25 charitable donation,the PacifiCorp Foundation will make a donation to match the time or money you've given to help your community thrive. CURRENTS i NOVEMBER 13,2023 3 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION yew&" *016 who-%W& In honor of Veterans Day, Poci fiCorp's chapter of VETRN— the employee resource group for veterans and their family members — asked employees to send in photos and stories of themselves or their family members serving in uniform. Here is the first of two collections highlighting PacifiCorp colleagues who have proudly served in the U.S. military, have family members who have served, or who volunteer with veterans organizations. Look for the second round in the next issue of Currents! AO/fir►. _ t 9, S y \ 3 W I was a Private First Class in this picture, in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. I was a 91 Whiskey Combat Medic. Favorite deployment was this one doing hurricane relief effort fort in New Orleans. Tony Giese, logistics foreman in Casper, Wyoming, pictured -Alijah Floro, logistics specialist, Willamette Operations here as a U.S. Army First Sergeant in Iraq in 2004. In this picture, while assigned to the NATO s International Security Assistance Force Headquarters, Engineering Branch, in Afghanistan, I was escorting on Afghan colonel and engineers on a Canadian C 130 transport to Kandahar air base to negotiate with locals for an expansion of the base. Ion Hoag, principal engineer, Salt Lake City CURRENTS NOVEMBER 13,2023 4 III A�T 111N�\ '•� - - ----- --- I was in the U.S. Navy from 1999 to 2007, during which This is a picture of my dad, Bob Marble, on the left. While he I was stationed on the USS Hopper (Arleigh Burke- is wearing fatigues, he was actually a civilian serving with the class destroyer), at NCTAMS PAC (Naval Computer American Red Cross's Service to the Armed Forces program. and Telecomms Area Master Station Pacific) and at An Army veteran, he was a career civilian educator in the COMSUBLANT (Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic, U.S. Department of Defense Dependent Schools at overseas Fleet Forces Command). postings, including the Azores Islands, where I was born. This picture is of my promotion from rank E2 to E3. After retiring from DoDDs, he served three separate four- - Nikki Hickey, IT enterprise specialist 3, Medford, Oregon month deployments with the Red Cross in Baghdad from 2008 to 2010, primarily helping to facilitate emergency communications between servicemembers and their families back in the states. - Christian Marble, senior communications representative, Portland CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 13,2023 5 As part of my service with the U.S. Army I was deployed to Iraq as a machine gunner/dismount in late 2004. My unit was relocated around the country multiple times over the course of a year in response to changing operational demands, allowing me to experience the diverse regions of the country. This picture was taken in Northern Iraq in early 2005 and is unique because of the snowy mountains in the background. The soldier in the road is folding up a set of tire chains after we escaped an icy whiteout snowstorm as we drove through a mountain pass. Gavin Mangelson, performance '' �IIIIIIIIIIIW improvement manager, Salt Lake City This is a photo from when I served on the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) on her last deployment in 2012. We were floating around the south end of Italy up to Naples for our port call after serving in the Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf We INC— _ had to go through the Strait of Hormuz several times due to the threats from Iran wanting to shut it off to outsiders. I was a nuclear machinist's mate, a nuclear operator and mechanic, and when we had to go into the Persian Gulf, the plant spaces would get up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Best job I ever had and am truly grateful for. - Diana Renner, control room operator, Godsby Plant CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 13,2023 6 1% 77pf � ! 1 1 �J i X �. All- ` . This is a picture of my nephew Zac Reich (middle back I'm on active volunteer with the nonprofit organization row) a Lieutenant Commander in Navy Intelligence, while Wasatch Adaptive Sports and their recreational stationed at Naval Support Activity Bahrain & Iso Air Base. programming for veterans with disabilities. This picture is - Bret Reich, vice president and chief litigation counsel, one I took of a group of WAS veteran participants and Salt Lake City instructors at Snowbird Resort. -Abbie Rice, DEI & community impact director, Salt Lake City CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 13,2023 7 v,.t -ter r"-yt—• � .►f.�•� •`� - .� .i � '— A& 6k wet LA� R Na, -,,r•r'�' G Mave ,� � !� ,rr 40 h Y ti r z . �w .A � This is a picture of me at Ft. Rosecrons National Cemetery, I served for 6 years, from 1998 to my honorable discharge volunteering with Wreaths Across America. in 2004. 1 was a Navy Nuclear Electrician stationed onboard Remember the fallen. Honor those who serve. Teach the the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. During that time, I operated next generation the value of freedom. It's the mission of and maintained the electrical systems of the nuclear Wreaths Across America. You can join us by sponsoring reactor plant while deployed to the Persian Gulf and during a wreath, volunteering or partnering with us on National a complex refueling overhaul. I earned Surface and Air Wreaths Across America Day and every day. Warfare qualification as well as qualifying Propulsion Plant Watch Supervisor. I now work as the principal maintenance - Teresa Roy, senior resource valuation/planning analyst, and technical instructor for the Natrium plant to be Walla Walla, Washington constructed in Kemmerer, Wyoming. - Pamela Tafili, principal nuclear maintenance and technical instructor, Salt Lake City About VETRN VETRN promotes a company culture and environment that positively encourages inclusion and engagement of our current and future veteran employees and spouses.To get involved, email Veterans Employee Resource Group and visit their Yammer page. CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 13,2023 8 C"WV4 (faityc'Af navA& yatttq& lnm* November is National Native American Heritage Month in the United Take this opportunity to learn,celebrate and show respect. States, a time to honor and celebrate the culture and heritage of PowWows.com,a website dedicated to helping everyone learn Native Americans,Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and affiliated about and experience Native culture, offers ideas for how native and Island communities. non-native people can celebrate Native American Heritage Month. There are 574 federally recognized Tribal Nations in the U.S. and You can also learn more by visiting NativeAmericanHeritageMonth.gov 9.6 million people, or 3%of the population,who identify as Native and the National Park Service. American.At PacifiCorp, strong working relationships with Tribal governments and organizations are essential to our business and operations as we provide reliable power to our customers, including Native American communities. Collaboration with Native American tribes has been key to impactful initiatives like the historic Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement and dam removal and our efforts to preserve vital A salmon, lamprey and other wildlife populations in the rivers and ® HERITAGE MONTH habitats that support our hydroelectric generation. a► During this National Native American Heritage Month,we're proud to honor and recognize the rich and diverse cultures,traditions and contributions of Native Americans. UTO-&& 441& a 7�& 44 P&#U* V The leaders of Pride Connection have a fun twist for their last meeting of 2023. Berkshire Hathaway Energy's employee resource group for LGBTQ members and their allies is transforming its November meeting into a gay trivia contest,The Pride is Right, complete with fabulous prizes. Everyone is invited to join hosts John Clark and Sam Hayden for an I hour of gay trivia Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 9 a.m. PT/10 a.m. MT. Strut your knowledge and be the first to correctly answer questions about gay history, movies,television, music and more.A lot of learning and laughing is guaranteed! I To join the Pride Connection meeting, click here and we'll see you for The Pride is Right! CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 13,2023 9 (fuymt�&YW4� �P**&& PAC Women invites all Utah-based female employees to apply for two complimentary spots in the Rising Leader Series through the Women's Leadership Institute.This opportunity is made possible by Rocky Mountain Power's support of WLI. What The Women's Leadership Institute is working to elevate female leadership in the state of Utah and build a diverse and motivated s pipeline of future female leaders. �. The Rising Leader Series is a six-month cohort to help women ' identify their strengths and refine their vision to confidently step up as leaders and elevate their careers. Why This program is designed for women with career growth goals in large companies. Individuals will learn and practice skill sets necessary to propel that growth.The WLI Rising Leader Series is an excellent place to grow one's network and create a personal trajectory plan to achieve your career goals. When "I was on the precipice of a big career change when I found the development series at the Women's Leadership Institute. As we The Rising Leader cohort will meet from 10 a.m.to 2 p.m. on the worked through the topics, I was able to articulate my career goals following dates: and elevate my skill sets to match those goals. My time with WLI Thursday, March 14, 2024 Thursday,June 13, 2024 had a direct and positive impact on my career."—Jessica Dalton, Thursday,April 11, 2024 Thursday,July 11, 2024 WLI Alumni 2021 Thursday, May 16, 2024 Tuesday,August 13, 2024 Where How The Rising Leader cohort meets in person in Salt Lake City once a month for six months. Participation in this program must be approved Submit your Application Form by Dec. 31. by the applicant's manager. Questions? Email PACWomen@pacificorp.com. .4 Featured Photo: Our masthead photo this week,a moody shot of Swift Dam canal in southwest Washington, is brought to you by hydro environmental manager Kendel Emmerson.The canal carries discharge from PacifiCorp's largest hydroelectric dam, Swift No. 1,to the smaller Swift No. 2 project owned by Cowlitz County PUD. PACIFICORP 0 �dIL i PACIFICO r Rocky Mountain Power CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS NOVEMBER 20, 2023 rrip&ycur INSW HIS Issul cif 40"waiCustomer Connections 1 Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power this month are offering a simple way to help vulnerable neighbors and struggling families stay warm and safe this winter. Cybersecurity The company will match every dollar donated toward energy bill assistance with $2 more. Energy assistance programs, operated by nonprofit partner agencies in each of our six Diversity, Equity& Inclusion 3 states, help customers experiencing financial hardship keep their lights on and their homes IT heated—which helps keep the household safe and healthy. Update "We're grateful to our customers and fellow employees who join us in providing this Human Resources crucial help to vulnerable neighbors this time of year," said Charity Spires, low-income program manager. "These donations help limited-income families, seniors,veterans and others who are struggling to make ends meet at a time of year when household expenses increase." SAFE & SECURE Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power customers who receive their bills by mail will PacifiCorp safety results as of find that their November bill includes an energy assistance donation envelope. 11/17/2023 Customers who pay their bills electronically can send a check or enroll in our fixed donation program to help those in need of energy assistance.This program allows customers to donate any dollar amount, starting at$1 per month,via their monthly Pacific Power or Rocky Mountain Power bill. Fixed donations are also matched 2-for-1. YTD ON TRACK? 23 ,Olt TARGET ----- 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 33 TARGET 31 (Continued) CURRENTS NOVEMBER 20,2023 1 (Continued from the previous page) Anyone can donate by mailing a contribution to the energy assistance The Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power websites also have program in their area: contact information for the energy assistance partner agencies in • California Project HELP each state. • Idaho Lend A Hand Another way to help: Gift payments • Oregon Energy Fund You can help a specific family member,friend or neighbor in need • Utah Lend A Hand by making a gift payment to their Pacific Power or Rocky Mountain • Washington Project HELP Power account. • Energy Share of Wyoming To keep customers' information confidential,the company won't share Every donation is forwarded directly to these nonprofit partners,who the recipient's account balance, but you can choose any amount you'd verify recipient eligibility and distribute funds to those in need. like to pay. Information on how to donate and get the 2-for-1 company match can There are several ways to make gift payments: Make a payment online be found on the Pacific Power or Rocky Mountain Power websites. using our gift pay process, mail a gift payment, or pay by phone using Refer a customer in need a check, credit or debit card. If you know a customer, relative or neighbor who needs help paying Learn more at Gift Payments (pacificpower.net) or their power bill, have them contact our customer care specialists at Gift Payments (rockymountainpower.net). 1-888-221-7070.They can help with payment plans or connect the customer to the energy assistance resources that may be able to address their individual needs. CYBERSECURITY co&KCrev ttpf ifi se�so It's a holiday tradition for many of us to open our hearts and our wallets to help those in need and donate to charitable organizations that make a difference. Unfortunately, scammers exploit our goodwill with a seasonal surge in fake charity websites, phishing attempts and other forms of fraud. To avoid getting taken during the season of giving, be aware of Only donate through the charity's official website—To make a common charity scams and remember these cybersecurity tips. donation,go directly to the charity's website. Closely check the URL Validate the charity's legitimacy—Before giving to any charity, and charity name before donating. Scammers will use variations of research them through trusted sites like the Better Business Bureau's trusted names to try to fool you. Wise Giving Alliance or Charity Navigator. For GoFunclMe and Watch out for spoofed websites—Cybercriminals create fake charity similar campaigns, make sure you thoroughly vet the organizer. Read websites that look nearly identical to the real ones. Double-check the Donating Through Crowdfunding, Social Media, and Fundraising URL and the site's content: Does it give you details about the programs Platforms for more information. you want to support or how it uses donations? If you can't find detailed Be careful how you pay—When donating online, ensure the information about a charity's mission and programs, be suspicious. website uses "https" in the URL and has a padlock icon, indicating an Never provide sensitive information—Legitimate charities will encrypted connection. Never donate in cash, by gift card,or by wiring not ask for your Social Security number, bank account or credit card money—that's how scammers ask you to pay. Instead, use a credit numbers, or wire transfer information. Be wary of charities that card or a service like PayPal that offers fraud protection. pressure you for personal details or try to rush you into making a Don't fall for phishing emails—Scammers send emails posing as donation;these are signs of fraud. charities to steal money or personal information.A common tactic Set a budget and monitor statements—Decide how much you is to try to trick you into paying by thanking you for a donation that want to donate to different charities and keep a record of all donations. you never made. Never click links, download attachments or reply to Review your bank or credit card statements to make sure you're only unsolicited messages. charged the amount you agreed to donate—and that you're not signed Don't trust your caller ID—Technology makes it easy for up to make a recurring donation. Report suspicious activity immediately. scammers to fake caller ID information. Calls can look like they come You don't have to be a Scrooge to protect yourself against scams from your local area code or from a specific organization,even if they during the holidays.Just keep practicing the good security habits don't. In reality,the caller could be anywhere in the world. you use all year round. CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 2 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION rcM 4,4& sapt"-.-CM t to 40c,�Gaf&C 4,1 U�q l ovs We recognize National Native American Heritage Month during Lelooska Foundation: Cultural Sharing Boxes November, but the PacifiCorp Foundation partners with Native To advance their goal of immersing students in Pacific Northwest American organizations year-round to support meaningful projects Native cultures,the Lelooska Foundation in Ariel,Washington,with and initiatives. support from the Pacific Power Foundation,created Cultural Sharing Here are some of the vibrant programs that received foundation Boxes to work with diverse age groups and enhance both virtual and funding during the last year. in-person experiences for visitors to its museum and cultural center. Kayenta Arts Foundation: Festival of the Americas The boxes contain curriculums, activities,games, samples and art, The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation sponsored the 2023 Festival and are designed to be loaned out to schools,allowing teachers of the Americas,which took place in May to celebrate Native to build upon field trip experiences to help students gain a deeper American culture and included performers from all over the Navaho understanding of Native cultures. and Paiute nations. It was presented by the Kayenta Arts Foundation The boxes' art pieces, designed to be handled by students, offer in Ivins, Utah,which is also home to the Shivwits Tribe. tangible ways to imagine how the items were created and how they are intended to be used as part of a living culture.The sharing boxes also allow the Lelooska Foundation to expand on-site learning when school is not in session and provide visitors with hands-on learning about the history and current lives of Native Peoples. f 'A , L 'tom The three-day free festival featured an array of cultural art forms and customs against a backdrop of ancient red rock.The cultures C +� represented have been preserved through music, dance,fine art, + Lf storytelling and sacred customs.The festival was intended to create a u d celebratory community hub for the understanding and appreciation of the history and cultural fabric of Native American communities and the land that Utahns live on. 01 77 Full Circle Intertribal Center: Nourishing Traditions cultural dinners �' •� �� Founded in the spring of 2018,the Nourishing Traditions program of ^t.- r the Full Circle Intertribal Center in Moab, Utah,was founded to bring together Native community members to share traditional Navajo ' - meals and perpetuate cultural traditions for future generations. (Continued) CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 3 (Continued from the previous page) Held twice monthly,the Nourishing Traditions cultural dinners have Josephy Center for Arts and Culture: Nez Perce educational been a success since the first gathering and have grown rapidly in and cultural learning 2023 with support from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation to The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture in Joseph, Oregon, has serving 60-100 Indigenous people at each event.The dinners provide seen its Nez Perce learning program grow significantly over the past a cherished space in which Native community members can speak five years, providing Native artists, speakers and teaching materials to their language, cook the same traditional foods that their ancestors local schools.With support from the Pacific Power Foundation,the made, and share meals together with prayers and teachings. program has held workshops, including one with a Nez Perce park ranger,and offers teaching boxes,which have seen high demand from schools and nonprofits. ��- •�lf�t��o�m � WALLOWA unn�irvn or Nez Pe_ rail U ti�ffr a - 1 Sponsarnp by --—— NATIONS ` G V ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF ORTH AMERICAN INDIANS -- Alvin E Joseph :r. // I Years on Frontlines UK CURRENTS NOVEMBER 20,2023 4 yewol *q& Goo-sav& In honor of Veterans Day, Poci fiCorp's chapter of VETRN— the employee resource group for veterans and their family members — asked employees to send in photos and stories of themselves or their family members serving in uniform. Here is the second of two collections highlighting PacifiCorp colleagues who have proudly served in the U.S. military, have family members who have served,or who volunteer with veterans organizations. Y �♦r dy'1. J� (w • s� Robert Beckman, father of Erin Dejong, associate project I joined the Montana Air National Guard in 1989 and manager at BHE Renewables, was a Specialist 5th Class in served for 26 years on active duty and in the Montana the U.S. Army and served in the Vietnam war,Jan. 1970— and Oregon Air National Guards.Joined as enlisted Egress Feb. 1971. (Ejection System) mechanic on the F-16 and then qualified on F-15 airframes. Got my commission in 2005 and f qualified as on Air Battle Manager, Senior Director in the USS�HACHFFG41�r `�` , 116th Air Control Squadron, Camp Rilea, Oregon. Retired as At in a Major in 2016. .EADY _ (+ I'm second from left in this picture, which is from a ys deployment to Panama in support of the Coronet Nighthawk counter-drug operation. - Kori Felix, senior dam safety program manager, Portland (Continued) This was taken at the decommissioning ceremony for the first ship I was stationed on, the USS Thoch (Oliver Hazard17PV44 Perry-class frigate). I'm on the for right. I was on Electronics Technician 3rd Class in the U.S. Navy at the time. t 11N - Maksim Dobrioglo, GIS specialist, Portland CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 5 � r � 11N 11141% ,"% - - -TIN U . S . AIR FOR?4 .r • j N M r ter-- a 1 ,T1 I served eight years in the U.S. Air Force Security Police, Capt.Jameson Reich, medical officer in U.S. Air Force, including three tours in the Middle East and 14 months and family in South Korea. I then served another two years in the Stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base, Knob Noster, U.S. Army as a 74D Chemical, Biological, Radiological Missouri. and Nuclear Specialist. I am now one of the two pilots for the company. Son of Bret Reich, vice president and chief litigation counsel in Salt Lake City- -John Hubbell, pilot, Salt Lake City CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 6 a Ryan Reich, Petty Officer Second Class, retired U.S. Navy, Corporal Kevin Holdaway and Madison Holdaway U.S. radar duties Marines, radio communications duties Nephew of Bret Reich, vice president and chief litigation Stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in North counsel in Salt Lake City. Carolina; currently deployed on a Navy ship for nine months. Son-in-law of Bret Reich, vice president and chief litigation counsel in Salt Lake City. 17PVN r IIN CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 7 � rI � V11MA RN One— t - 010 At � 1\ T ^w _J r sa ._z Staff Sergeant Verl Hawes, retired Served in the U.S. Air Force, including during the Korean War, as a flight engineer on B-29 Superfortress bombers and KC- 97 Stratofreighter tankers. Father-in-law of Bret Reich, vice president and chief litigation counsel in Salt Lake City. CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 8 -"� t. i r •w of i 1 _ 1 r f • r / - A� Major Lee Tucker, retired Pilot, U.S. Army Air Forces/ U.S. Air Force Flew P-47 Thunderbolts in World War 11 and flew support in the Battle of the Bulge to help General George S. Patton's 9th Army. He just turned 99 and lives in South Jordan, Utah. Uncle of Kimberly and Bret Reich, vice president and chief litigation counsel in Salt Lake City. About VETRN VETRN promotes a company culture and environment that positively lf7o , r i encourages inclusion and engagement of our current and future P veteran employees and spouses.To get involved, email Veterans I Employee Resource Group and visit their Yammer page. CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 9 UTOi,& Pw& C")6CtVM(a 7�& pw& is pightAw*game, The leaders of Pride Connection have a fun twist for their last meeting of 2023. Berkshire Hathaway Energy's employee resource group for LGBTQ members and their allies is transforming its November meeting into a gay trivia contest,The Pride is Right,complete with fabulous prizes. Everyone is invited to join hosts John Clark and Sam Hayden for an hour of gay trivia Wednesday, Nov. 29,at 9 a.m. PT/10 a.m. MT. Strut your knowledge and be the first to correctly answer questions about gay history, movies,television, music and more.A lot of learning and laughing is guaranteed! To join the Pride Connection meeting, click here and we'll see you for The Pride is Right! (&Y&f t i4D yw&q� APB *&&pis" 64a Sates PAC Women invites all Utah-based female employees to apply for two complimentary spots in the Rising Leader Series through the Women's Leadership Institute.This opportunity is made possible by Rocky Mountain Power's support of WLI. The Women's Leadership Institute is working to elevate female leadership in the state of Utah and build a diverse and motivated pipeline of future female leaders. The Rising Leader Series is a six-month cohort to help women identify their strengths and refine their vision to confidently step up as leaders and elevate their careers. This program is designed for women with career growth goals in large companies. Individuals will learn and practice skill sets necessary to propel that growth. Submit your Application Form by Dec. 31. Questions? Email PACWomen@pacificorp.com. IT UPDATE POP)If *6 t V6,*4&94 6W SAP vivrcya With the holidays approaching, please ensure you have a delegate for staff.There are no emergency exceptions to this rule, so it is essential SAP access approvals when out of the office. to have delegates in place in advance. If you're a supervisor, it is your responsibility to delegate a person with Click here for instructions on how to review current delegations and authority to approve SAP access requests in your absence. Before set up a delegated approver in the SAP GRC tool. taking personal time off, please verify that you have a delegate and If you have questions or concerns, contact the BHE Service Desk at that he or she will be in the office during your absence. 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. No access to SAP will be granted without proper authorization, including access for time administrators to enter time sheets for your CURRENTS I NOVEMBER 20,2023 10 TAP t4410totm ea,6 cut &this s4t4j On Saturday, Nov. 25 from 8 p.m. until 12 a.m. PT (9 p.m.to 1 a.m. During the ePortal maintenance, intranet content will be unavailable. MT),SAP production systems—ePortal, Process Orchestration, SRM, Web applications will be unaffected by this maintenance; however,you Business Warehouse, Environmental Compliance,SAP GRC and PZP will need to access them through these direct links. (DMZ)—will be down for the maintenance activity. If you have questions or need help, contact the BHE Service Desk at Please plan your activities accordingly. 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. HUMAN RESOURCES Please click here for the 2022 Summary Annual Reports for the You may or may not be a participant in all the plans, but PacifiCorp is PacifiCorp Welfare Benefit Plans and K Plus Plan. required to make these reports available each year. These reports are brief summaries of the annual reports that are filed If you have any questions, please contact the employee benefits team with the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of the plans. at 1-800-455-6363 or by email at Benefits Services. f—� k� Featured Photo Thanks to Kimball Walton, procurement and contract specialist at NTO,for this week's featured photo! You can click on the Currents I S masthead to see the full photo of Gadsby Plant with the moon rising above the stacks.The natural gas-fueled power plant is located takinga hold.3-y on the company's North Temple campus in Salt Lake City. Our newsletter is taking a break next week. Currents will not be published Nov. 27 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. If you have a communication need for that week, please contact Internal Communications. PACIFICORP 0 y POWERING YOUR IN THE NEWS CM&AM Rocky Mountain Power partnered with the Wyoming County Commissioners Association, the Wyoming Association of Municipalities and Lincoln County, Wyoming, to host and sponsor the National Association of Counties' Building Resilient Economies in Coal Communities Coalition (BRECC) peer exchange and • tour of southwest Wyoming in November. Coalition members from Utah,Wyoming, Kentucky,Virginia and West Virginia;Wyoming county commissioners;and representatives from the Wyoming Governor's office,the • Department of Energy's Interagency Working Group for Coal Communities,and the Environmental Protection Agency toured the Naughton Power Plant and downtown Kemmerer,Wyoming. The two-day event included presentations from TerraPower,the company developing an advanced nuclear reactor and energy storage system near Naughton Plant,and from regional elected officials working to navigate a changing energy economy. BRECC is a network of local leaders from 13 states dedicated to advancing economic SAFE & SECURE development and community revitalization initiatives in communities with historically PacifiCorp safety results as of vcoal-based economies. 12/1/2023 (Continued) • ' a ` : � :y YTD ON TRACK? 23 TARGET 30 VEHICLE ACCIDENTS YTD ON TRACK? 5 35 TARGET 31 BRECC members tour Fossil Butte National Monument in Kemmerer,Wyoming.The coalition's economic diversification tours often include discussions on tourism and the environmental impacts of energy development. CURRENTS l DECEMBER 4,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) Launched in 2022 and supported by the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration, BRECC serves coal communities seeking to revitalize and diversify their economies. —_ The coalition is developing a knowledge-sharing community and its activities connect coal communities across the nation, empower local leaders and prepare communities to advance new approaches and projects for economic diversification—like TerraPower's Natrium reactor demonstration project in Kemmerer. Sharon Fain, Rocky Mountain Power's vice president for Wyoming, Naughton Plant managing director Rodger Holt hosted BRECC members for a tour of the plant,and represents Wyoming and Utah communities on the coalition. TerroPower's Wyoming outreach director Rito Meyer updated members on the Notnum demonstration project. CUSTOMER CONNECTIONS AJ6tffftVqtt etkf"ff & fvv*flo,�."f Located in a lovely mid-century building in Salt Lake City's Ballpark areas with a high-efficiency HVAC system, lighting, and a cool roof Neighborhood,the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga in Utah was over the gym area. The new space will help the church attract founded on July 26, 1989,and currently serves a community of 30 to and engage youth in their community. 40 families while welcoming new parishioners. These upgrades save about 38,000 kilowatt-hours every month, Some of the building's systems were approaching the end of their reducing operating costs by 40-60%.The cost of the upgrades and useful life.Thanks to a partnership between Utah Clean Energy and new construction was almost entirely covered by a grant from Rocky Mountain Power's Wattsmart Business program,the church Utah Clean Energy and incentives from Rocky Mountain Power's was able to make some improvements. Wattsmart Business program. Outdated fluorescent lighting was replaced with energy-efficient "We are so happy.We are so grateful;' said the Rev. Maama Fihaki, LED flat panels which improved the ambiance and illumination pastor of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga in Utah. "It lifts the throughout the building. The church also added a new community burden of the cost and lifts the burden from my heart for me for center building that includes a gymnasium, locker room and office taking care of this church:' (Continued) Rev.Magma Fihoki(left)teamed up with Wilmer Cabrera,Wattsmart Business community outreach manager,to bring energy efficiency upgrades to the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga in Utah. CURRENTS I DECEMBER 4,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) Savings and solutions for businesses Rocky Mountain Power is committed to local communities and one "With every person—especially when it's a business—there are way we build community is through our Wattsmart programs. By struggles,there are challenges,and it's nice to know that we can help providing technical expertise and cash incentives,the Wattsmart their business or facility." Business program gives customers information and incentives to make By working with individual businesses and organizations one-on-one, energy-efficient upgrades that help them save money on their bill. like the First Wesleyan Church of Tonga in Utah, our programs deliver "What's rewarding for me working on the Wattsmart Business a personalized experience to help each business reduce costs. program is to be able to learn the stories of people that we are When many businesses participate, it helps to keep electric prices low actually helping out;" said Wilmer Cabrera,a Wattsmart Business for all customers while contributing to thriving communities across community outreach manager with Evergreen Consulting Group. the service area. 111QA If ITO 1111�U111I1�11 _ The energy efficiency upgrades save the church about 38,000 kilowatt-hours every month,reducing operating costs by 40-60%.That money can now be used to better serve the church's growing community. Tb h 4 9 effm qJ&.11M 4rk &&-M ato I A op Driving in the morning or night wasn't bright for the 55,000-plus In the final tally,the city qualified for about$207,000 in cash incentives people living in the Albany, Oregon,area until improved lighting to offset its costs. Energy Trust also estimates that Albany will save throughout the city increased safety—on and off the roads. about 1 million kilowatt-hours a year in energy.That translates into The decision to replace nearly 3,000 lights throughout the city was nearly$26,000 in annual savings on the city's energy bills. one thing. But doing so while saving a significant amount of money? Brilliant. The project originated in an Albany Public Works feasibility plan nearly five years ago.The plan was produced by Pacific Power in partnership with Energy Trust of Oregon,and identified incentives that made the numbers work.All three phases are now complete. In all,the city converted about 2,670 lights from outdated technology (high-pressure sodium and vapor mercury)to energy-efficient LEDs. "The difference is clear,"says Mike Bryan, public works technical services manager. "It's a win-win.We knew the savings could be substantial, but e _ we also knew environmentally it was a good thing to do" dF Albany officials expected to pay more than $520,000 for the lighting upgrades but found significant savings thanks to Energy A Pacific Power employee installs new energy-efficient LED streetlights in Albany,Oregon. Trust's cash incentives. (Continued) CURRENTS I DECEMBER 4,2023 3 (Continued from previous page) Brighter days ahead LED lights shine brighter because of the technology—less energy To learn more about how Pacific Power helps customers meet is lost while creating heat. Even so,they cause less light pollution their goals with tools for lowering their monthly bills and because the light is directed to where it's supposed to go—downward incentives for efficiency upgrades, visit Savings & Energy Choices to illuminate city streets and buildings instead of up into the sky. at pacific power.net. This isn't mood lighting,which wouldn't be safe for visibility. But it's Oregon customers can also work with Energy Trust, a nonprofit not hospital-level bright, either,which was a concern for some. funded through customer utility bills that provides cash incentives and "We've had just a handful of complaints," says Kristin Preston, public resources to help customers save energy, reduce energy costs and works operations manager. "Maybe three people who said that the achieving their clean energy goals. light shines too much into their house" Source:Energy Trust of Oregon The city made sure to respond to these concerns.A contractor was soon on the case, installing a shield that directed light away from the affected homes. For Bryan and Preston,working with Pacific Power and Energy Trust was worthwhile—not just for the savings, but to understand what's possible through energy efficient upgrades. "They're the experts, so it was good;" Bryan says of the experience. Preston recalls representatives from Pacific Power and Energy Trust attending meetings with the City Council before the project commenced. "They know what they're talking about;" she says. "They're very smart _ people and can predict the savings.They follow through. Compared The new LED streetlights in Albany shine brighter while causing less light pollution. to other folks we deal with,they follow through and are always on top of things" HUMAN RESOURCES �W-M4 VOW&4W (#YV4 It's the end of the year, and there are a few things you need _, T to know or may want to consider regarding your annual incentive, benefits, paid time off and W-2 form. n ANNUAL INCENTIVES Employees who are eligible for an annual incentive may choose to adjust their 401(k) contribution for the paycheck that includes the incentive.Adjustments to your 401(k) contribution must be made by 11 p.m.Thursday, Dec. 7 to be effective for the Dec. 15 paycheck. You can make changes on the K Plus plan website www.empower-retirement.com. BENEFITS If you are enrolled in the Health Savings Account medical plans and +— +� did not elect an HSA contribution starting in 2024,you can make Please note if you added any post-tax contributions or transferred your elections 4 days before the end of any pay cycle in Benefitfocus. either into out of the Flex or Western Utilities group,your prior If you contributed to an HSA this year(2023), make sure your contributions in Benefitfocus are not accumulated to the limits from remaining contributions do not exceed the annual limit of$3,850 the other group.You may go over your limit, so check carefully. Once for an individual and $7,750 for a family. (These limits include both the year-end payroll closes and you find you went over the annual employer and employee contributions) Those who turned 55 this limit,W-2s cannot be corrected.You will need to take a distribution year are allowed an additional $1,000 "catch up" contribution. from your HSA directly with HealthEquity. (Continued) CURRENTS I DECEMBER 4,2023 4 (Continued from previous page) It's also a good idea to log into Benefitfocus one more time to W-2 FORMS confirm your 2024 benefits and covered dependents or complete All employees will receive their 2023 W-2 forms by the end of any action needed before year end.After Dec. 31,you cannot change January 2024. your benefits (except for HSA contribution amounts) unless you have a mid-year status change. To receive your W-2 on time, make sure your current mailing address is on file in SuccessFactors,the HR employee database system. TIME ENTRY AND PTO DEADLINES The 2023 payroll year ends on Dec. 25. If you plan to take time off on To check that the company has the correct address on file: or before Dec. 24,you will need to have your time-off hours entered 1. On the intranet, select the "Employee Self-Service"tab. into SAP before Dec. 23. This takes you to the SuccessFactors homepage. Time-off hours taken between Dec. 26 and Dec. 31 need to be 2. Click on the "Home" menu in the upper left corner and recorded in SAP after Jan. 5, 2024. select"My Employee File" All eligible time off as of Dec. 26 will transfer into next year's 2024 3. Scroll down to "National ID&Address Information:' available time balance after payroll closes. If you miss one of these time-entry deadlines,you will need to submit 4.To edit your address, click on the clock icon for an email request to Benefits Services with your manager's approval 'Addresses History" and then click on "Insert New Record." no later than Jan. 10, 2024. Questions may be directed to Benefits Services at 800-455-6363 Also remember,floating holidays do not roll over to the next year. Be or Payroll Dept at 503-813-5300. sure to use your allocated floating holidays before Dec. 25. PUNIC kt aff C/I4 M"41 GAM/ wqA IBEW Local 57 will be hosting a National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee test in central Utah next month.The electrical aptitude test is part of the selection process identifying candidates for the lineworker apprenticeship program—on-the-job training to become a 1 _ journeyman lineman. ` When:Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 3:00 p.m. � Where: Old Huntington Town Hall (40 North Main, Huntington, Utah) How:To be eligible to test on this date, pre-register by calling the IBEW Local 57 Union Hall at 801-270-5757. • The company will cover up to 2 hours of employee time to take the test. (Requires manager approval prior to test date.) s , • The company will cover the exam fee for current employees. • Contractors and others outside the company are required to --VP" pay the$100 exam fee to take the test. If you have questions, please contact your labor relations specialist. CURRENTS I DECEMBER 4,2023 5 LEARNING OPPORTUNITY The Business Optimization and Innovation team wants to reward and recognize you and your continuous improvement projects!join us for -am Aq r a step-by-step guide to navigating MaxValue. '�- w1 This training course will guide you through the process of submitting your continuous improvement projects into MaxValue to capture the -low _ - ��• . t benefits of your innovative efforts and ideas. Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 11 a.m. MT/ 10 a.m. PT. Please register by clicking here. What is MaxValue? • MaxValue is an internally developed tracking system to capture business optimization benefits. • The system identifies and reports continuous improvement efforts that result in financial and non-financial improvements, A river dredging project at Dave Johnston Plant was submitted to using Lean Six Sigma, Robotic Process Automation, Celonis, Maxl/alue. Operations and maintenance personnel cut channels in the river Oracle or other optimization tools and techniques. to maintain optimal water levels around the intakes, which is crucial for plant operation.As an added efficiency bonus, the sand obtained from the • MaxValue provides a platform to recognize and reward dredging process is being repurposed as landfill cover material. individuals for continuous improvement. • It is not intended to replace budgeting or approval processes for Capital and OMAG expenditures. (kyatmrw4t IA to •ovlV �Pis. &4&V So rVa PAC Women invites all Utah-based female employees to apply for two complimentary spots in the Rising Leader Series through the Women's Leadership Institute.This opportunity is made possible by Rocky Mountain Power's support of WLI. The Women's Leadership Institute is working to elevate female leadership in the state of Utah and build a diverse and motivated pipeline of future female leaders. The Rising Leader Series is a six-month cohort to help women identify their strengths and refine their vision to confidently step up as leaders and elevate their careers. This program is designed for women with career growth goals in large companies. Individuals will learn and practice skill sets necessary to propel that growth. The Rising Leader cohort will meets in person in Salt Lake City once a month for six months in 2024. Participation in this program must be approved by your manager. To apply for one of these two opportunities, submit your Application Form by Dec. 31! Questions? Email PACWomen@pacificorp.com. CURRENTS I DECEMBER 4,2023 6 DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION OUCraw4g&m hewal ftt (SM&46whqv-"von As part of Berkshire Hathaway Energy's commitment to diversity, discussed Berkshire Hathaway Energy's student mentorship program, equity and inclusion,colleagues involved with employee resources BHE Foundation scholarships and career opportunities with our groups at PacifiCorp, NV Energy and BHE Renewables attended various businesses. the American Indian Science and Engineering Society 2023 National BHE Foundation also received an AISES plaque in recognition of our Conference. scholarship program. AISES is a national nonprofit organization focused on increasing the The conference ended with a traditional Indigenous powwow representation of Indigenous people of North America and the Pacific including singing,dancing,crafts, regalia, drum circles and more. Islands in science,technology, engineering and mathematics. Berkshire Hathaway Energy looks forward to future collaboration During the conference, Berkshire Hathaway Energy employees with AISES and encourages team members to become a mentor to attended breakout sessions that brought awareness to Indigenous our Indigenous students.To sign up to become a mentor,visit ERG culture, diversity and inclusion.They also met with students and Mentoring Application. . I':MiMfLM41W.EL'Y1rA1Nln^ — _BERKSHIRE HATHAW ' NER Y. r _ _ �'ems� � r• « CEffBRATING OUR - -�' •DIFFERENC« SPONSORED BY - �EZ... IHE MATMAWAY `. 1 3 NEgGV e� - .O t •apTHEMHIn wRH 'v 1\ .'NALTALINK - �BNinees. � - INNVEnergy. �PACIFICORP. � .0 IT UPDATE CAP cePWVrt"& ,, Vn On Friday, Dec. 8 from 5 p.m. PT until Saturday, Dec. 9 at 5 p.m. PT(6 p.m.to 6 p.m. MT), SAP ECC Production will be unavailable due to deployment of the annual support packs. Remote access to SAP using Citrix will also be unavailable. All batch jobs and interfaces associated with the SAP ECC Production system will be placed on hold during this time. Please plan your activities accordingly. If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. PACIFICORP 0 A POWER • ' --ram - �� r+jN�f+f - � ilk IN THE NEWS ro& Crewok Paw repay W44A, The 43-megawatt Foote Creek II-IV wind repowering project achieved commercial operation on Nov. 21 with commissioning and completion of the last of 11 new wind turbines. PacifiCorp purchased the Foote Creek North II-IV projects in 2022 as part of the company's plan to power the grid with clean energy through smart investments that keep costs low. Over the last year,the project was repowered or upgraded with newer turbine ' • • technology that produces more energy with fewer turbines. The new turbines are the same type—Vestas V136-4.2 model—that were installed at Foote Creek I,the company's first wind facility and the first utility-scale wind project in Wyoming,which was originally commissioned in 1999 and repowered in 2020. With repowering completed at Foote Creek II-N,,the entirety of the Foote Creek Rim now has new turbines that are providing 60% more energy for our customers than the older turbines generated. While not the largest wind resources in our fleet,the combined Foote Creek Rim SAFE & SECURE projects (84.75 MW), located in one of the most favorable wind energy sites in Wyoming, PacifiCorp safety results as of are the highest capacity factor wind resources in our fleet. 12/8/2023 YTD ON TRACK? 23 TARGET 30 YTD ON TRACK? 36 TARGET 31 With repowering complete,the Foote Creek Rim wind projects,located in southwestern Wyoming,now have all new turbines providing 60%more energy for our customers. CURRENTS I DECEMBER 11,2023 1 P"(Xap-Atanmtm�atf--, Cwk fV4(1�t& fweanmt PacifiCorp has reached a$299 million settlement agreement with 463 of insurance claims PacifiCorp settled where homeowners and plaintiffs impacted by the 2020 Archie Creek fire in Douglas County, businesses have received insurance payments for their real and Oregon.The 2020 wildfires were undeniably tragic,and PacifiCorp personal property damages and alternative living expenses. is pleased to resolve this matter on behalf of our affected customers The growing threat of wildfires to communities and businesses is and communities. bigger than any one company or industry. PacifiCorp will continue PacifiCorp has settled and is committed to settling all reasonable to collaborate with stakeholders on holistic solutions to address claims for actual damages as provided under Oregon law and will the impact of wildfires while leading in investments in wildfire continue to advance its positions in other proceedings to ensure preparedness and mitigation.The safety of our customers and fair and appropriate outcomes.These settlements are in addition communities remains our top priority. to settlements with other individuals and businesses,and hundreds HEALTH AND SAFETY Nt&" f+&J i4v a/ "In the lane, snow is glistening." It's a beautiful sight, but that glistening snow could be treacherous. • Before exiting a vehicle, look down at the pavement. If it's coated Slipping and falling on a slick, icy surface can result in serious injury. with ice,try to park somewhere else.At a minimum, hold onto the Use these strategies for safely traversing snow and ice this winter. car as you step out,and take it slow. • Choose your shoes wisely.Wear flat, stable shoes with grip soles ' Keep your hands free. Walking with your hands in your and good tread. Shoe grips or ice cleats can give you extra traction pockets or holding bulky items hinders the use of your arms for when you're walking on snowy or icy surfaces. balance if you slip. • Plan your route.Assume all wet, dark areas are icy.Avoid slopes • Keep your full attention on walking.Talking on the phone or and stairs when you can. Look ahead as you walk. If a sidewalk is texting while walking is dangerous any time, but especially on slick covered with ice,try walking along the grassy edge for traction. surfaces. • Adjust your stride. Slow down,take short shuffling steps,and ' Wipe your feet.When you get to your destination, knock snow use your feet as probes to determine the degree of slipperiness or off your shoes and wipe your feet before entering so you don't identify hazards buried beneath snow. create a slipping hazard for others. --1 � , 41 CURRENTS DECEMBER 11,2023 2 EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT Ow. C is Potum6te Kwf oqU Each year on Dec. 6,we celebrate National Miners Day to recognize and applaud the skill, dedication and hard work of our colleagues at Bridger Coal Company. National Miner's Day marks the anniversary of the worst mining accident in history on Dec. 6, 1907, in Monogah,West Virginia. So today we also honor our miners by recommitting to ensuring that miners' safety and health is always the first priority and by recognizing our mining employees for their dedication to working safely every day. Id R. e I 19 ` CURRENTS DECEMBER 11,2023 3 LEARNING OPPORTUNITY The Business Optimization and Innovation team wants to reward and recognize you and your continuous improvement projects!join us for -am Aq r a step-by-step guide to navigating MaxValue. '�- w1 This training course will guide you through the process of submitting your continuous improvement projects into MaxValue to capture the -low _ - ��• . t benefits of your innovative efforts and ideas. Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 11 a.m. MT/ 10 a.m. PT. Please register by clicking here. What is MaxValue? • MaxValue is an internally developed tracking system to capture business optimization benefits. • The system identifies and reports continuous improvement efforts that result in financial and non-financial improvements, A river dredging project at Dave Johnston Plant was submitted to using Lean Six Sigma, Robotic Process Automation, Celonis, Maxl/alue. Operations and maintenance personnel cut channels in the river Oracle or other optimization tools and techniques. to maintain optimal water levels around the intakes, which is crucial for plant operation.As an added efficiency bonus, the sand obtained from the • MaxValue provides a platform to recognize and reward dredging process is being repurposed as landfill cover material. individuals for continuous improvement. • It is not intended to replace budgeting or approval processes for Capital and OMAG expenditures. PUTRe IBEW Local 57 will be hosting a National joint Apprenticeship Training 'W C ' • Committee test in central Utah next month.The electrical aptitude 1� ` test is part of the selection process identifying candidates for the t lineworker apprenticeship program—on-the-job training to become a 1 �, , journeyman lineman. 111117 When:Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 3:00 p.m. Where: Old Huntington Town Hall A (40 North Main, Huntington, Utah) How:To be eligible to test on this date, pre-register by calling the IBEW Local 57 Union Hall at 801-270-5757. • The company will cover up to 2 hours of employee time to take the test. (Requires manager approval prior to test date) I • The company will cover the exam fee for current employees. • Contractors and others outside the company are required to pay the$100 exam fee to take the test. If you have questions, please contact your labor relations specialist. - CURRENTS I DECEMBER 11,2023 4 COMMUNITY CONNECTION r 9 '§t I taW&0_461 tnop)Vj Reminder: Send in your 2023 volunteer hours and Your 2023 volunteer information must be received by Dec. 31 to be charitable donations by Dec. 31 to be matched by the eligible for matching funds this year. PacifiCorp Foundation. Find the online form to submit your 2023 volunteer hours here: During the holiday season and all year round,the PacifiCorp Global Days of Service. Foundation gives back by supporting the community organizations and If you have questions or need help, email LeAnn Singleton,foundation causes you care about. administrator, at GlobalDaysofService@PacifiCorp.com. Two giving programs boost the gifts of time and money you give to your community:The Global Days of Service and Matching Gift Matching Gift Program programs support your volunteerism and charitable giving with When you donate to an eligible charity or educational institution, matching donations from the PacifiCorp Foundation. the PacifiCorp Foundation matches your donation dollar-for-dollar. Both programs have a deadline of Dec. 31 for submitting your 2023 Donations are matched from a minimum of$25 up to$1,500 per donations and volunteer hours to be matched. employee in a calendar year. Global Days of Service Information on your 2023 charitable donations must be received by Global Days of Service supports your community volunteer work by Dec. 31 to be matched this year. making donations to match your hours volunteered.At the end of Find the online form to submit your 2023 charitable donations here: each year,the nonprofit organizations where you have volunteered Matching Gift Program. will receive a donation from the PacifiCorp Foundation ranging from If you have questions or need help, email LeAnn Singleton,foundation $40 for a minimum of 4 volunteer hours to$1,000 for 100 or more administrator, at MatchingGiftProgram@PacifiCorp.com. volunteer hours. s — — 14 r+ LU \ it CURRENTS I DECEMBER 11,2023 5 UT•i,&t Aa (a & tnL�011 saivecoo Every year in January,we honor and celebrate the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,an enduring civil rights champion and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who dedicated himself to pursuing racial equity and advancing human rights. Beyond a federal holiday, Martin Luther King Day is recognized as a Day of Service,with an invitation to all Americans to make a positive impact in our communities and continue advancing Dr. King's enduring dream. As we approach the new year, Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain ''.•' -.:- •' Power look forward to joining the BHE-wide Martin Luther King Day - r [�_ of Service in partnership with BHE CARES and BEAUTIE to help make a difference in our communities. V In January,volunteers will work with Curly Me! in Salt Lake City and with PDX Free Fridge in Portland. Employees in other areas are encouraged to participate in or organize a service project in their local communities. You can reach out to Abbie Rice, DEI and community impact director, for help identifying service opportunities and to share the details of your projects. MLK DAY Stay tuned for more information about these and other volunteer OF SERVICE opportunities. In the meantime,visit AmeriCorps to learn more about the MLK Day of Service. IT UPDATE P&WWAV 0&44 6&pp-rcya b&(O& h Q6 SAP h4M*&J pwwtum f&&Jf& Supervisors:With the holidays approaching, please ensure you have On Monday, Dec. 18 from 6 p.m.to 9 p.m. PT (7-10 p.m. MT), a delegate for SAP access approvals when out of the office. changes will be made to the production SAP R/3 system as part of As a supervisor, it is your responsibility to delegate a person with our normal monthly maintenance and enhancement process. authority to approve SAP access requests in your absence. Before Please avoid doing any critical work in SAP during this time. taking personal time off, please verify that you have a delegate and If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at that they will be in the office during your absence. 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. No access to SAP will be granted without proper authorization, including access for time administrators to enter time sheets for your staff.There are no emergency exceptions to this rule, so it is essential to have delegates in place in advance. Click here for instructions on how to review current delegations and set up a delegated approver in the SAP GRC tool. If you have questions or need help,contact the BHE Service Desk at 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. PACIFICORP 0 r a r" A" HOLIDAY SPOTLIGHT 1 Ob fobolt(, l Each holiday season, we join with our communities to help make local festivities merry and bright. It's our pleasure to be a part of these celebrations. HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power employees donate time and the company provides equipment to help install holiday lighting and other decorations. Here are a few of the locations where we've put up community Christmas trees and helped decorate city streets and parks. • Astoria, Oregon • Philomath, Oregon • Aurora, Utah • Richfield, Utah • Dallas, Oregon • Seaside, Oregon SAFE & SECURE • Dayton, Oregon • Walla Walla,Washington PacifiCorp safety results as of 12/15/2023 • Grants Pass, Oregon • Warrenton, Oregon • Herriman, Utah • Yakima,Washington 7D! Hood River, Oregon • Yreka, California ON TRACK? 23 TARGET 30 . . VEHICLE ACCIDENTS r . YTD ON TRACK? 38 TARGET 31 ID Pacific Powerjoined the festivities at Albany's Downtown Twice Around Christmas Parade and Community Tree Lighting last year. (See the parade participants in this week's masthead photo!) (Continued) CURRENTS I DECEMBER 18,2023 1 (Continued from previous page) j.. Rocky Mountain Power crews hung garlands and wreaths in Richfield,Utah,and laterjoined in the Pacific Power lineman Choson Hooker Foyhangs lighted snowflakes on streedomps in Grants Pass,Oregon. community Light Parade. FESTIVE CELEBRATIONS The company also sponsors and joins in community holiday celebrations across our service area.This year we supported community festivals, tree lightings and other holiday celebrations. Employees and family members decorated company vehicles and rode in holiday parades. r lil I �1 A Grinch-themed bucket truck pulls a sleigh(okay,a trailer)with lighted power lines in Downtown Walla Walla's Holiday Parade. ' ,l v � tM .i Rocky Mountain Power was thrilled to be part of Herriman,Utah's Night of Lights,which had food carts,games,crafts,ice skating,musical performances and even a reindeer. (Continued) CURRENTS DECEMBER 18,2023 2 (Continued from previous page) GREEN HOLIDAY LIGHTING WANT TO SEE MORE? From Albany's Community Tree Lighting to Prineville's Christmas in Follow Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power on social media the Pines,from Laramie's Winter Lights Festival to Ogden's Christmas to learn more about our community involvement,track outages,get Village,festive community lighting displays celebrate the season while energy efficiency and safety tips, and much more. illuminating the benefits of renewable energy. You can find all our social media accounts here: Be social with us! In Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power communities across the West, Blue Sky customers are matching the electricity for holiday lighting displays with emission-free renewable energy, reducing the community celebrations' carbon footprint and environmental impact. :R,r. s The holiday lights are green and bright in festive Park City,Utah,thanks to renewable energy supported by Blue Sky participants. NUCLEAR UPDATE "&I*cw I am more than excited for the future of nuclear energy and the positive impact it will have for our families and communities,especially those who have been bringing energy to our homes and businesses for generations. I'm honored to be on the forefront of developing nuclear projects for PacifiCorp, and I also realize that many of us would prefer to transition to a nuclear future as quickly as possible. Future goals and dreams are most easily planned for in times of certainty and stability.Yet,we are not in those times. First-of-a-kind projects with a horizon of a decade take patience,fortitude, resilience, optimism and just plain grit.Throughout my first year at PacifiCorp, our workforce has shown me these characteristics consistently,and I see more and more how fitting it is to bring nuclear energy to the West as an option for transitioning our coal-based energy communities. Thank you. I am grateful for your patience as we work to advance our nuclear future. I look forward to the journey we are embarking on and will make every effort to keep you updated as Jeremy Bries challenges are met and progress is made. Director Nuclear Projects CURRENTS I DECEMBER 18,2023 3 4waa 4anvh44ck t4lat TerraPower remains on-track for a 2030 commercial operating date TerraPower and Centrus Energy continue to collaborate to ensure for the Natrium demonstration project in Kemmerer,Wyoming. that the Natrium demonstration project in Kemmerer has access While physical construction work near PacifiCorp's Naughton power to the required nuclear fuel, called high-assay low-enriched uranium plant is not underway currently,TerraPower continues to make (HALEU),at the milestones necessary to meet the 2030 operation significant progress on development of the construction permit date.The DOE expects to release two requests for proposals related application with a target of March 2024 for submitting to the U.S. to building the HALEU supply chain in the near future,which will help Nuclear Regulatory Commission.This timeline will allow construction ensure a viable domestic path to fuel procurement. of the nuclear facility to begin in 2026. Key elements of the supply chain are being established,with The U.S. Department of Energy continues with their environmental TerraPower issuing contracts related to the engineering simulator, review of the non-nuclear portions of the project not covered injection casting process, intermediate heat exchanger(a very by NRC responsibility to meet National Environmental Policy Act important component internal to the reactor vessel),and the reactor requirements.This review is required to be completed before the protection system. non-nuclear construction activities (like the sodium test and fill facility) Development of plant operating and maintenance procedures,along can commence. Once the DOE review is complete, construction on with the initial training programs, is actively underway. the non-nuclear portion of the plant can begin before the NRC issues the construction permit. e v fr , ilJ _ TerraPower updated Kemmerer,Wyoming,community members in October 2022. Notrium plant facility rendering depicting the reactor island on the right,energy island on the left. C*"'klm 46�v&�Wt Joint study with TerraPower set to complete In October 2022,TerraPower and PacifiCorp announced efforts resource planning team and the nuclear industry to improve our to expand Natrium technology deployment by jointly studying the analysis and understanding of cost, performance,viability and risk feasibility of deploying up to five additional Natrium reactors and related to new nuclear construction and operation. integrated energy storage systems in the PacifiCorp service area by As we look to a potential future of hosting nuclear energy,we need the mid-2030s.We have been working with TerraPower this summer to constantly challenge biases and assumptions within our planning and fall to complete this joint study and expect to finalize the report process.While the results of this joint study with TerraPower will not by the end of 2023. result in a final site selection for future Natrium systems, it will serve Additionally, our most recent Integrated Resource Plan outlined the to further refine and inform any potential plans for nuclear energy on need for 1,000 megawatts of new advanced nuclear resources in PacifiCorp's system. the preferred portfolio.We continue to work with the PacifiCorp CURRENTS I DECEMBER 18,2023 4 tvkt" ...and did you say Sodium? The Natrium Power Plant is a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), Natrium reactors hold the promise of higher efficiency,fuel recycling which is at the forefront of advanced nuclear technology. It works and reduced nuclear waste,while featuring an intrinsically safe design. similarly to traditional nuclear reactors, with a few key differences. For further information, here are two additional resources you may Instead of water, liquid sodium is used as both the coolant and consider exploring: heat-transfer medium. https://www.terrapower.com/our-work/natriumpower/ Here's a simplified breakdown of how it operates: https://www.energy.gov/ne/office-nuclear-energy • Within the reactor core, uranium fuel rods initiate nuclear fission reactions,generating intense heat. • Liquid sodium, known for its stability and excellent heat conductivity, circulates through the reactor core,absorbing the — steam generated heat. ye,e at^ • The heated liquid sodium then transfers its thermal energy to a T,teme Generator Coltl plenum c molten salt loop that is not exposed to the reactor core. "°tp'e^°m } + Control • The thermal energy contained in the molten salt loop is either rods exchanger } 0 used to produce high-pressure steam or stored in tanks.This integrated storage system (not depicted in the illustration) is -- unique to the Natrium technology. Heat sink y Pump Pomary • This high-pressure steam drives a turbine,which in turn drives a 5(hot) sodumary generator to produce electricity. imp The electricity generated is transmitted to the power grid for distribution to customers. }_}_}_} / Primary sodium f (ola) The SFR also uses a fast neutron spectrum, meaning that neutrons can cause fission without having to be slowed down first, as they are in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor illustration current reactors.This could allow SFRs to use both fissile material and (courtesy of Idaho National Laboratory) spent fuel from current reactors to produce electricity. r4 kh4 0lXMiA"&f Q:What is the Natrium reactor? A:The Natrium technology is a sodium-cooled fast reactor coupled Further,the Natrium reactor is a pool-type reactor, so there are no with a molten salt-based integrated energy storage system that will penetrations in the reactor vessel below the lid,which eliminates the provide clean,flexible energy and stability for the grid.The Natrium possibility of a leak or loss of coolant accident.The design also relies reactor is a TerraPower and GE-Hitachi technology.The system is on natural forces, like gravity and hot air rising,to cool the reactor if expected to provide 345 MW with the ability to boost output up an unexpected shutdown occurs.This means the plant does not rely to 500 MW for up to five and a half hours to serve peak demand. on power to cool itself. The reactor maintains its thermal power constant during its entire Q:Where does the company understand the Natrium project operating period, maximizing its capacity factor and value.The to be in the process for permitting a new nuclear power plant? technology provides dispatchable power at a scale that can make a difference in efforts to decarbonize electricity and stabilize grids with A:The Natrium project is utilizing Nuclear Regulatory Commission high penetrations of renewables. Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR Part 50 for the permitting, construction and operation.The construction permit application is Q: Is the Natrium Plant safer than existing commercial under development,with a target submission to the NRC by the end nuclear power plants? of Q1 2024. Once submitted,the general timeframe for construction A:Yes.The Natrium technology enhances safety, relying on natural permit issuance is 36 months, subject to various factors. forces and advanced design. In addition,the Natrium reactor operates at atmospheric pressure and uses sodium instead of water as its (Continued) coolant.The reactor operates at a temperature of approximately 350 degrees Celsius (662 degrees Fahrenheit). CURRENTS I DECEMBER 18,2023 5 (Continued from previous page) Q: Can you explain the fuel that the Natrium plant will use Q: Please provide an update on the construction or and the status of supply sources for this fuel? availability of federally licensed storage facilities for nuclear A:The Natrium reactor will initially use a metallic uranium alloyed waste generated from the Natrium plant. with 10%zirconium (U-10Zr).The fuel assemblies will be produced A:The Natrium demonstration plant can store spent fuel for up to by Global Nuclear Fuels in Wilmington, North Carolina.TerraPower is 10 years in an underground storage pool. Subsequently,the fuel will transitioning to domestic sources for high-assay low-enriched uranium be transferred to dry storage vaults at the Kemmerer site,awaiting (HALEU).The U.S. Department of Energy is actively working on approval of a final repository by the U.S.government. Like the securing HALEU supplies,with Centrus in Ohio and Urenco in New method used at light water reactors, spent fuel is stored safely at the Mexico developing the capability. site. Interim dry storage facilities in Andrews,Texas, and Eunice, New Mexico, offer promising solutions.The facility in Eunice is licensed through the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES � p Newly released substation,field operations and safety training materials are available in the company portal and PowerApps now. t PacifiCorp has paired with Index AR Solutions in their unique approach to create multi-modal content that caters to all types of learning styles, resulting in intuitive and interactive e-books and mobile applications. These innovative mobile applications and e-books aim to boost worker safety and knowledge retention and enable remote learning to meet the evolving needs of our field employees. The new applications and e-books include interactive graphics, , animation,augmented reality,and photos and videos starring some of your favorite familiar faces (and spaces) from around the company. These applications and e-books are currently available to all employees in the Power Delivery organization. If you are interested in viewing these new materials and do not have access, please reach out to Amanda Lindsay, T&D work planning manager, for more information. More information on how to access these applications and e-books can be found at the links below: Application Access Guide ' E-Book Access Guide *� E-books and applications can be used on your company provided . i0S tablet.Applications are not available via cellular phone devices. E-books can also be accessed using your Windows devices;however, the n_ functionality is limited when using this access method. aw . ww CURRENTS I DECEMBER 18,2023 6 0414c,phfk" risk of 0460-k ruks While email is a necessary tool for business communications, it You also can use the links below to register for a demonstration on continues to be a vector for malicious activity. Emails from trusted how to configure the rules. vendors and external parties require extra scrutiny to ensure they are Tuesday, Dec. 19: 10:30-11 a.m. PT/ 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. MT not a phishing attempt. Wednesday, Dec. 20: 8:30-9 a.m. PT/9:30-10 a.m. MT Earlier this year, IT colleagues implemented two Outlook rules to better manage external email and achieved an 80% improvement Thursday, Dec. 21: 7:30-8 a.m. PT/8:30-9 a.m. MT in phishing test performance! The first rule redirects external email Wednesday,Jan. 3: 12:30-1 p.m. PT/ 1:30-2 p.m. MT from known and trusted third parties the department does business Thursday,Jan.4: 9:30-10 a.m. PT/ 10:30-11 a.m. MT with,such as Microsoft, Oracle and Accenture,to a folder outside of the Inbox for further review.The second rule redirects all other If you have questions or need help, call the BHE Service Desk at external email to the junk Email folder.These rules are another level 503-813-5555 or 801-220-5555. of protection; however,you must still use caution when reviewing external emails. ' To mitigate your phishing risk, IT has made these rules available to you. (Look for a new folder under your Inbox called "External Business") If you are interested in using these rules,follow these steps • or watch this video to configure the same rules used by IT. POLICY REMINDER 0c, c,I d/K&Vt Pr tWUs Ms: J r��ut A message from Ryan Flynn and Richard Garlish Transactions with affiliates As a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company and Several states also have state-specific affiliate transaction rules, such Berkshire Hathaway Inc., PacifiCorp has many affiliate companies. as California's "Rule II(B)"Affiliate Transaction Rules,which relate In accordance with federal and state law and regulations governing to transactions with other businesses owned or controlled by BHE transactions between regulated utility companies and affiliate or Berkshire Hathaway Inc. operating in California. PacifiCorp's companies, PacifiCorp's policy is to avoid transactions with compliance is audited annually.Affiliate transaction regulations also companies within BHE or Berkshire Hathaway Inc. unless there affect the sharing of information, corporate support services, real is a business justification and the transaction is reviewed before estate, business development and customer relations responsibilities execution by the business unit's legal and regulation departments. between affiliates. PacifiCorp is also prohibited from assigning its This policy applies to any business owned or controlled in whole or customers to an affiliated company or receiving the assignment of in part by BHE or Berkshire Hathaway Inc. customers from an affiliate. PacifiCorp employees must seek products or services from other PacifiCorp may not advertise on behalf of or jointly with its affiliates competitively priced vendors for the goods or services they need and may not provide services or discounts to the customers of an before choosing to transact with an affiliate. affiliate unless they are provided to all customers.Any negotiation All transactions with affiliates must be reviewed for legal and involving a PacifiCorp affiliate or an affiliate's customers must receive regulatory compliance before signing any contract or otherwise prior review by PacifiCorp legal and regulation departments. initiating the transaction, by filling out an Affiliate Transaction Further information regarding PacifiCorp affiliate transactions is Review Form and submitting the form to the identified members available on the intranet at these links: of the legal and regulation departments.Additionally,all employees • Affiliate Interest Memo are expected to follow the company's Procurement Policy and to contact the appropriate procurement staff for help in determining • Affiliate Transactions which vendor to use. A current list of all affiliated Berkshire Hathaway companies is available PacifiCorp accounts payable, card administration and procurement on the intranet and is updated regularly. Please review the list to have controls in place to prevent some unintentional purchases from become aware of affiliated companies. It is imperative that employees affiliated companies. However, employees must be aware of affiliated avoid purchasing from or approving transactions with affiliates unless companies to avoid other types of affiliate transactions. review from legal and regulation is obtained before transacting. (Continued) CURRENTS I DECEMBER 18,2023 7 (Continued from previous page) Performing services for affiliates Mutual assistance—Transactions between affiliates If you are asked to perform services to support BHE or its subsidiaries There is also an intercompany mutual assistance agreement in place to other than PacifiCorp,you must use proper time accounting. allow for the exchange of utility-related goods, services and specialized Time keeping and recording must be initiated if any support extends resources for temporary emergency purposes, or the emergency beyond one hour in any calendar year. Upon meeting the interchange of equipment or goods between PacifiCorp and certain threshold, or if the threshold is likely to be met,a work order number Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiaries. should be identified for purposes of tracking time. If you are aware Further information regarding the intercompany mutual assistance that the beneficiary of the affiliate work is outside of BHE or its agreement is available on the intranet at this link: subsidiaries, please advise PacifiCorp legal and accounting. • Intercompany Mutual Assistance Agreement Also, regulators have approved certain transactions between Summary PacifiCorp and BHE and its subsidiaries to allow for the sharing If you become aware that a transaction has occurred or is contemplated of administrative services under the Intercompany Administrative with a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, please contact PacifiCorp legal or Services Agreement.The IASA applies only to BHE and its regulation immediately and prepare and submit the form linked above. subsidiaries. If you become aware that an affiliate transaction is proposed that is outside of BHE, please contact the PacifiCorp legal Ryan Flynn Richard Garlish or regulation department immediately. Senior Vice President and Vice President, Government Affairs Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel • Intercompany Administrative Services Agreement Pacific Power Rocky Mountain Power COMPLIANCE cawp��. IgrI ton hi&-f -1WIM PeMA4 Of V&V&tMS Supervisors, please share this information with employees who do not PacifiCorp's regulatory compliance program is modeled after the four have regular computer access. pillars of compliance presented in FERC's 2008 Policy Statement on As a regulated public utility, PacifiCorp is required to comply with Compliance: many rules, regulations and requirements adopted by the Federal 1. Promoting a culture of compliance: Does senior Energy Regulatory Commission, North American Electric Reliability management promote compliance throughout the organization? Corporation and Western Electricity Coordinating Council. 2. Preventing violations:Are controls and training in place to Violations of these rules and regulations can result in civil penalties prevent violations from occurring? of up to$1.5 million per day per violation. 3. Detecting, mitigating and reporting violations: How are Some of the rules and regulations affecting PacifiCorp include: potential violations discovered, mitigated and reported? • NERC Reliability Standards—Outlines mandatory and 4. Remediating and preventing repeat violations: How are enforceable requirements for entities that own, operate or use violations prevented from reoccurring? the bulk power system in North America. The current version of PacifiCorp's regulatory compliance program • Open Access Transmission Tariff—Defines available can be found at on the intranet Business Services tab under Legal and transmission services and requires that the services are offered Compliance> PacifiCorp Compliance. to all wholesale customers on anon-discriminatory basis. As employees and contractors of PacifiCorp, it is important to be • FERC Standards of Conduct—Governs the relationship aware of the legal requirements we must comply with and understand between transmission providers and employees who perform how the company is meeting these requirements.You should also electric and gas marketing functions. know to promptly report any potential issues of non-compliance to • FERC Market Behavior Rules—Defines the rules intended your supervisor, legal department or PacifiCorp's compliance office. to prohibit manipulation of the wholesale electricity and We encourage you to contact PacifiCorp's compliance office natural gas markets. immediately when you have any questions about compliance. It is To help ensure our continued compliance with these rules and only by working together that we can instill a culture of compliance regulations, PacifiCorp developed a rigorous compliance program, throughout the organization. which has been in place for several years and is updated periodically. For questions about PacifiCorp's compliance program, contact The program provides a framework for the activities and processes Colt Norrish at 503-813-5545. used to promote compliance throughout the company,and addresses how the company detects, mitigates and reports instances of potential non-compliance. CURRENTS I DECEMBER 18,2023 8 MAKE A DIFFERENCE P"tw �&Re 0&*6 K�01 Salo Every year in January,we honor and celebrate the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Beyond a federal holiday, Martin Luther King Day is recognized as a Day of Service,with an invitation to all Americans to make a positive impact in our • communities and continue advancing Dr. Kings enduring dream. Volunteers are needed in January for two events in Salt Lake City as part of the MLK Day of Service.These events will support Curly Me!, y�� whose mission is to serve as a resource for families with children of ��f color, particularly Black girls ages 5-14. ►-5s� �� - ! What: Organize and clean up Curly Me's office space in £ - downtown Salt Lake City When: Tuesday,Jan. 9— 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Where: 350 E 400 S, Salt Lake City What: Help Curly Me participants create vision boards for their 2024 goals and plans When: Friday,Jan. 19—5:30-8:30 p.m. Where:Visual Art Institute MLK DAY 2900 S 300 W, South Salt Lake OF SERVICE Please contact Abbie Rice to volunteer! 01. Our newsletter is taking time off for the holidays. Currents will not be t published the weeks of Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.We'll return on Jan. 8. If you have a communication request during these holiday weeks, email Internal Communications. PACIFICORP. Pacific Power Rocky Mountain Power