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Monday, July 1, 2024 2:03:40 PM
Corporate Counsel
mgoicoecheaal len(a�idahopower.com
July 1, 2024
Commission Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
11331 West Chinden Blvd., Building 8
Suite 201-A
Boise, Idaho 83714
Re: Case No. IPC-E-24-25
Black Canyon #3 Hydro Project
Idaho Power Company's Application for Approval of a Second Amendment
to the Energy Sales Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Electric Energy
from the Black Canyon #3 Hydro Project
Dear Commission Secretary:
Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company's Application in the above-
entitled matter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Megan Goicoechea Allen
Idaho Power Company
1221 West Idaho Street (83702)
P.O. Box 70
Boise, Idaho 83707
Telephone: (208) 388-2664
Facsimile: (208) 388-6936
dwalker idahopower.com
Attorneys for Idaho Power Company
Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with Idaho
Public Utilities Commissions ("Commission") Rule of Procedure' 52 and the applicable
provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), hereby
respectfully applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for an order approving the
Hereinafter cited as RP.
Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to the Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA")
between Idaho Power and Wood Hydro LLC ("Seller") under which Seller sells and Idaho
Power purchases electric energy generated by the Seller's Black Canyon #3 Hydro
Project ("Facility" or "Project"), which is a PURPA Qualifying Facility.
In support of this Application, Idaho Power represents as follows:
1. Idaho Power and the Seller (jointly, "Parties") entered into an ESA on
January 30, 2019, for the purchase and sale of energy produced by the Facility and a
First Amendment to the ESA on March 13, 2019, to amend Section 6.2.3 to include a
change to Seller's adjustment and notification of estimated net energy amounts. The ESA,
which has a 20-year term with non-levelized, seasonal hydro published avoided cost
rates, was approved, as amended, by the Commission in Order No. 34295 in Case No.
IPC-E-19-04 on March 29, 2019.
2. The ESA, as amended, determines the Project's eligibility for seasonal
hydro rates based on a calendar year. The Seller, however, would like to modify the
evaluation period for determining eligibility for seasonal hydro avoided cost pricing so that
each year's period would start on June 1 and end on May 31 of the following year. This
is consistent with a request recently made by another PURRA QF, which was approved
by the Commission on August 31, 2023, in Order No. 35908 issued in Case No. IPC-E-
3. In addition, the ESA, as amended, contains a provision, Article XXIII
Modification, that the Commission has identified in other cases as requiring revisions to
address scenarios involving Facility modifications to ensure, inter alia: the modified
Facility operates under a correct and accurate contract that describes the characteristics
and parameters of the modified Facility and the rate paid to the Facility and recovered
from ratepayers, starting from the first operation date after the Facility is modified, reflect
the proper and authorized rate of the modified Facility.
4. Finally, given the recent emphasis upon having a more accurate description
of Nameplate Capacity, the Parties determined that the description of the Facility as well
as both the Nameplate Capacity and Maximum Capacity contained in Appendix B to the
ESA, as amended, could be stated with more specificity to ensure accuracy insofar as
the actual Nameplate Capacity and Maximum Capacity Amount of the Project is slightly
lower than the values listed in Appendix B.
5. As a result of these circumstances, the Parties desire to enter into the
Second Amendment to the ESA, as amended, to: (1) modify the evaluation period for the
Project's eligibility for seasonal hydro rates consistent with the change recently authorized
by the Commission for another PURPA QF; (2) revise Article XXIII Modification in
conformity with the language recently approved by the Commission; and (3) amend
Sections B-1 and B-4 of Appendix B to the ESA to more precisely describe the generating
unit as well as both the Nameplate Capacity and the Maximum Capacity Amount.
6. The Second Amendment to the ESA to effectuate these changes, which are
more fully describe below, was executed by the Parties on May 15, 2024, and is subject
to the Commission's approval. A copy of the Second Amendment is attached to this
Application as Attachment 1.
7. Except as expressly provided in the Second Amendment, the conditions,
obligations, rates, and other terms of the ESA, as amended, remain in full force and effect.
Seasonal Hydro Eligibility Period
8. Consistent with Order No. 35908, which authorized a new measuring year
for determining eligibility for seasonal hydro rates so that each year's period would start
on June 1 and end on May 31 instead of a traditional calendar year (January 1 through
December 31), the Second Amendment revises Articles I, III, and VI I of the ESA to
correspond with the new this measuring timeframe for qualifying seasonal hydro as set
forth below.
i. ARTICLE l: DEFINITIONS of the ESA, as amended, deletes existing
paragraphs 1.38, "Seasonal Hydro Facility," and 1.39, "Seasonal Hydro Facility Eligibility
Test Periods," in their entirety and replaces them with revised provisions incorporating
the following changes (new language is underlined, and deleted language uses
strikethro g ):
1.38 "Seasonal Hydro Facility" — As described in acEe,rdanGe with
Commission Order 32802, a hydroelectric generating Facility that
delivers to Idaho Power total Net Energy of at least 55% of its
Gale ,.dar year annual Net Energy during the months June, July, and
August. The annual period used for the evaluation of whether a
Facility meets this requirement will be the 12 months commencing
June 1 and ending May 31 of each year.
1.39 "Seasonal Hydro Facility Eligibility Test Periods"— Beginning with the
first full ^'''�aT year (June 1 - May 31) after the Operation Date,
each five (5) GaleRdar year (June 1- May 31) consecutive period. If
the term of this Agreement results in the last period not having a full
five (5) Galendar years, then the last period will be equal to the time
from the end of the last full five (5) ^'''�aT year consecutive period
and the expiration date of this Agreement.
ii. ARTICLE Ill: WARRANTIES of the ESA, as amended, deletes
existing paragraph 3.4, "Seasonal Hydro Facility Qualifications," in its entirety and
replaces it with a revised provision incorporating the following change:
3.4 Seasonal Hydro Facility Qualifications — Seller warrants that the
Facility is a Seasonal Hydro Facility as that term is defined in
paragraph 1.38 of this Agreement. After initial qualification, Seller
will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Seasonal
Hydro Facility status during the full term of this Agreement. Seller's
failure to achieve Seasonal Hydro Facility status for at least three (3)
^a'vc+lenda-r years during any Seasonal Hydro Facility Eligibility Test
Period will result in this Facility being reclassified as a Non-Seasonal
Hydro Facility for the remaining Term of this Agreement. Idaho
Power reserves the right to review the Seasonal Hydro Facility status
of this Facility and associated support and compliance documents at
any time during the term of this Agreement.
the ESA, as amended, deletes existing paragraph 7.8, "Seasonal Hydro Facility eligibility,"
including subparagraphs 7.8.1, "Annual eligibility audits,",, and, in
their entirety and replaces them with revised versions incorporating the following
7.8 Seasonal Hydro Facility eligibility - If the Facility fails to satisfy the
Seasonal Hydro Facility Qualifications specified in paragraph 3.4,
this Facility shall be reclassified as a Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility for
the remaining term of the Agreement and the Non-Seasonal Hydro
Facility Energy Prices specified in Appendix E will be applicable.
7.8.1 Annual eligibility audits — On or before February July 15t" of
the year following the first full GalendaT June 1 — May 31 year
after the Operations Date and for every Ga'�aF year
thereafter, Idaho Power will divide the total Net Energy
received from the Facility for the months of June, July, and
August by the total Net Energy received for the previous
Ga'��T June 1 — May 31 year to establish a percentage of
energy deliveries for the months of June, July and August.
Any reduction in energy deliveries due to Forced Outages,
planned or unplanned maintenance, Force majeure or any
other reduction in energy deliveries will result in reduction of
both the numerator and the denominator in this calculation,
therefore no adjustment to this calculation is required for
these events. If this percentage is greater than or equal to fifty-five
percent (55%) it will be deemed that the Facility has
met the requirements to be classified as a Seasonal
Hydro Facility for that previous ^^'�c„endaT year. If this percentage is less than fifty-five percent (55%),
Idaho Power will provide notification to the project of
the Facility's failure to meet the Seasonal Hydro
Facility requirements for the previous GaleRdar year
and the monthly energy payments for that previous
''a'�aT year will be recalculated to reflect the Non-
Seasonal Hydro Facility energy prices as contained
within Appendix E of this Agreement. Any
overpayments will be collected from the Facility in
equal monthly payments over the remaining months of
the current ^a'�aT June 1 — May 31 year. If the
Facility fails to meet the Seasonal Hydro Facility
requirements for the second to last ^a'�aT June 1 —
May 31 year of the Contract Term, then the monthly
energy payments for the remaining term of the
contract will be priced according to the Non-Seasonal
Hydro Facility Energy Prices specified in Appendix
E. If the Facility fails to achieve this percentage of fifty-
five percent (55%) for at least three (3) ^a'�aT years
during any Seasonal Hydro Facility Eligibility Test
Period the Facility will be reclassified as a Non-
Seasonal Hydro Facility for the remaining term of this
Agreement and the Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility
Energy Prices specified in Appendix F- E will replace
the Seasonal Hydro Facility Energy Prices specified in
Appendix € D for use in all calculations in this
Agreement for the remaining term of the Agreement.
9. In addition to modifying the evaluation period for the Project's eligibility for
seasonal hydro rates, the Second Amendment incorporates the revised language for
Article XXIII "Modifications" that was previously approved by the Commission, see e.g.
Case Nos. IPC-E-23-02, IPC-E-23-15, by replacing the existing article in its entirety with
the following:
23.1 No later than the First Energy Date, the Seller will provide Idaho
Power with an "as-built" description of the Facility in the form set forth
in Appendix B.
23.2 The Seller will not modify the Facility from the description set forth in
Appendix B without prior notification to Idaho Power. A proposed
modification to the Facility that would change the Facility as
described in Appendix B is referred to herein as a "Proposed Facility
Modification." Proposed Facility Modification does not include
additions or expansions to the Facility that result in an increase to
the Maximum Capacity Amount, which are addressed in paragraph
23.6. The Seller may not begin construction of any Proposed Facility
Modification(s) unless and until the following requirements have
been met:
(i) Seller has promptly notified Idaho Power of the Proposed
Facility Modification(s) prior to initiating the modification
design, specification, purchasing and construction process;
(ii) Seller has provided Idaho Power with detailed plans regarding
the Proposed Facility Modification(s), including proposed
revisions to the as-built description of the Facility set forth in
Appendix B; and
(iii) The Proposed Facility Modification has been reviewed by
Idaho Power and a determination made to either pursue
amendment as a Proposed Facility Modification pursuant to
paragraphs 23.3 and 23.4 or as an expansion or additional
project pursuant to paragraph 23.6.
23.3 Idaho Power will review any Proposed Facility Modification(s) and
"as-built" descriptions to determine whether amendment of the
Agreement is appropriate as set forth in paragraph 23.4. In reviewing
any Proposed Facility Modification(s) or actual modifications
reflected in the as-built description, Idaho Power shall consider the
following information: (i) The nature, scope, and extent of the
proposed or actual modification(s); (ii) The impact, if any, on the
applicable avoided cost rates or other relevant terms and conditions;
and (iii) Such other information as may reasonably be necessary
including the effect on any other provisions hereof which may be
impacted by the proposed or actual modification. Proposed
modifications could result in several possible actions including but
not limited to: no change to Appendix B, and thus no further action;
an amendment to conform Appendix B to the modified Facility; an
amendment to adjust the pricing and other relevant terms and
conditions; or a termination and new Agreement.
23.4 Based on its review, Idaho Power, at its sole determination in accord
with the provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of
1978 and any amendments thereto ("PURPA") and subject to
Commission approval, may choose to enter into an amendment of
the Agreement to adjust the pricing or other relevant terms and
conditions as necessary, including Appendix B;
23.4.1 If Idaho Power determines that it is appropriate to revise the
Agreement, the Parties will enter into a written amendment to
the Agreement revising the relevant terms, conditions,
description in Appendix B, and, if necessary, pricing, referred
to herein as the "Facility Modification Amendment". The
Facility Modification Amendment will be submitted to the
Commission for approval. If the pricing is adjusted, the Parties
will agree on and include in the amendment a pricing true-up
mechanism to ensure that the correct rates apply to the
modified Facility from the completion date of the modification.
23.4.2If the Commission determines that the Proposed Facility
Modification would require termination of the Agreement, the
Seller may abandon the Proposed Facility Modification or
accept the termination. If the Seller accepts the termination,
Seller will be responsible for Termination Damages, if any,
and the Parties may negotiate a new agreement based on the
Facility as modified.
23.5 In addition to prior notification of any modifications to the Facility from
the description set forth in Appendix B, no later than thirty (30) days
following the date of substantial completion of such modification, and
prior to the first Operation Date of such modification, Seller must
provide Idaho Power with an "as-built" description of the modified
Facility in the form set forth in Appendix B of this Agreement;
provided that the Facility, as reflected in the "as-built" description to
be provided under this paragraph, may not deviate from the Facility
Modification Amendment, except, in each case, to the extent such
further modification(s) are authorized under a subsequent written
amendment to this Agreement that is executed by the Parties and
approved by the Commission. If the "as-built" description deviates
from the then-approved Appendix B, Idaho Power will review it and
follow the process described in paragraphs 23.3 and 23.4.
23.6 Idaho Power is not required to purchase any Net Energy above the
Maximum Capacity Amount. If Seller builds an expansion or
additional project such that the expansion, or additional project would
be deemed a single Qualified Facility or the same site under FERC
regulations, Seller may not require Idaho Power (and Idaho Power
will have no obligation to purchase pursuant to this Agreement) the
output of any such expansion, or additional facility under the terms,
conditions and prices in this Agreement. Instead, Seller may exercise
any rights to enter into a new agreement for the sale of such
incremental energy from such additional facility that is a Qualified
Facility under then-applicable laws and regulations.
23.7 Idaho Power is not obligated to and shall not make any incremental
payment to Seller as a result of any modification, addition, or
expansion of the Facility if such modification was not authorized and
approved by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this Article
23. Should the Seller modify, construct additions, and/or expand the
Facility without notification to Idaho Power nor the authorization and
approval of the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this Article
23, any incremental payments to Seller resulting from and
subsequent to the modification, addition, and/or expansion of the
Facility that deviate from the description in Appendix B shall be
unauthorized and immediately due and owing back to Idaho Power.
Failure to repay, or reasonably offset future payments made to Seller
designed to repay and recoup any unauthorized payment amounts
will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.
23.8 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in
writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by
the Commission.
Description of Facility
10. Because the actual Nameplate Capacity and Maximum Capacity Amount of
the Project is slightly lower than the values listed in Appendix B of the ESA, as amended,
the Second Amendment revises sections B-1 and B-4 of Appendix B of the ESA to add
clarity to the description of the Facility and to state the specific Nameplate and Maximum
Capacity Amounts as follows (new language is underlined, and deleted language uses
A single hydro unit o-R encompassing a US Motor induction generator
rated at 112 kW with a Power Factor of 1.15 for a total nameplate
rating of 128.8 kW (112 kW x 1.15) driven by a Byron Jackson TKW
reverse pump turbine. The facilities were originally built in 1984. The
turbine was rebuilt in 2018.
Nameplate: 4W 128.8 kW
The Maximum Capacity Amount is 4W 128.8 kW`"'hinh io nnnsistent
with the value a provided by Seller Wall— Pwv—r in onnnrd nce
vv�-i�rrc��a�crc-prvvrcrca-�� cr-t6 cr�rraccvra-cn�cc
,with the G! . This value is the maximum generation (kW) that
potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho
Power electrical system at any moment in time.
11. The changes to Appendix B are intended to promote clarity and accuracy
and do not otherwise change any of the obligations of the Parties. Notably, because the
modified Maximum Capacity Amount is within the amount contemplated in the original
ESA, it does not impact the Project's eligibility for published rates.
12. Idaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider
the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed
under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201,
et seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the
Company stands ready to prepare and present testimony and exhibits as appropriate in
such hearing.
13. Communications and service of pleadings, exhibits, orders, and other
documents relating to this proceeding should be sent to the following:
Megan Goicoechea Allen Energy Contracts
Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company
IPC Dockets 1221 West Idaho Street (83702)
1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70
P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707
Boise, Idaho 83707 energycontracts(a-)_idahopower.com
dwalker _idahopower.com
dockets idaho power.com
14. Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order
approving the Second Amendment to the Energy Sales Agreement between Idaho Power
and the Seller as submitted herewith without change or condition.
Respectfully submitted this 1st day of July, 2024.
Attorney for Idaho Power Company
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 1st day of July, 2024, 1 served a true and correct
copy of the within and foregoing APPLICATION upon the following named parties by the
method indicated below, and addressed to the following:
Commission Secretary Hand Delivered
Idaho Public Utilities Commission U.S. Mail
11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8 Overnight Mail
Suite 201-A (83714) FAX
PO Box 83720 FTP Site
Boise, ID 83720-0074 X Email
Courtesy Copy:
Ted Sorenson - tedC@.tsorenson.net
Christy Davenport
Legal Administrative Assistant
CASE NO. IPC-E-24-25
DocuSign Envelope ID:768A7502-B52A-4C9C-BC9D-E92E1D557F6E
This Second Amendment of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement("Second Amendment") is
effective as of this 15th day of May 2024 ("Effective Date"), and is entered into by and between
Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power"), and Wood Hydro LLC, a limited
liability company ("Seller") (individually a"Party" and collectively the "Parties").
WHEREAS, Idaho Power and Seller entered into an Energy Sales Agreement
("Agreement") on January 30, 2019, for the purchase and sale of energy produced by the Black
Canyon #3 Hydro Project ("Project"), which is a Qualifying Facility ("QF") under the Public
Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") located near Gooding, Idaho, and a First
Amendment to the Agreement on March 13, 2019, to amend Section 6.2.3 to include a change to
Seller's adjustment and notification of estimated net energy amounts. The Agreement, which has
a 20-year term with non-levelized, seasonal hydro published avoided cost rates, was approved, as
amended,by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission("Commission")on March 29,2019, in Order
No. 34295; and
WHEREAS, the Agreement, as amended, determines the Project's eligibility for seasonal
hydro rates based on a calendar year, which is a concept that was recently reconsidered by the
Commission based on a request from another PURPA QF to modify the evaluation period for
determining eligibility for seasonal hydro avoided cost pricing so that each year's period would
start on June 1, and end on May 31 of the following year, a request that was approved by the
Commission on August 31, 2023, in Order No. 35908; and
WHEREAS, the Agreement, as amended, contains a provision, Article XXIII
Modification, that has recently been identified by the Commission in several other PURPA
agreements as requiring revisions to address scenarios involving potential Facility modifications;
WHEREAS, the Parties have recently identified that the actual Nameplate Capacity and
Maximum Capacity Amount of the Project is slightly lower than the values listed in Appendix B
of the Agreement, as amended; and
WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, the Parties now desire to enter into this Second
Amendment to the Agreement to: (1)modify the evaluation period for the Project's eligibility for
seasonal hydro rates consistent with the change recently authorized by the Commission for another
PURPA QF, which is effectuated by the revisions to Articles 1, 111, and VII of the Agreement, as
amended,as set forth below;(2)revise Article XXIII Modification in conformity with the language
recently approved by the Commission; and (3) clarify the description of the Facility and correct
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DocuSign Envelope ID:768A7502-B52A-4C9C-BC9D-E92E1D557F6E
the values for Nameplate Capacity and Maximum Capacity Amount listed in Appendix B of the
Agreement, as amended.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and for other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to be
legally bound, the Parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Incorporation of Recitals. The above-stated recitals are incorporated into and made a part of
this Agreement, as amended,by this reference to the same extent as if these recitals were set forth
in full at this point.
2. Amendments.
A. ARTICLE L DEFINITIONS of the Agreement, as amended, is hereby revised by
deleting existing paragraphs 1.38, "Seasonal Hydro Facility," and 1.39, "Seasonal Hydro Facility
Eligibility Test Periods," in their entirety and replacing with the following:
1.38 "Seasonal Hydro Facility" — As described in Commission Order 32802, a
hydroelectric generating Facility that delivers to Idaho Power total Net
Energy of at least 55% of its annual Net Energy during the months June,
July, and August. The annual period used for the evaluation of whether a
Facility meets this requirement will be the 12 months commencing June 1
and ending May 31 of each year.
1.39 "Seasonal Hydro Facility Eli ig bility Test Periods"—Beginning with the first
full year(June 1 -May 31)after the Operation Date,each five(5)year(June
1- May 31) consecutive period. If the term of this Agreement results in the
last period not having a full five (5)years, then the last period will be equal
to the time from the end of the last full five (5)year consecutive period and
the expiration date of this Agreement.
B. ARTICLE III. WARRANTIES of the Agreement, as amended, is hereby revised
by deleting existing paragraph 3.4, "Seasonal Hydro Facility Qualifications," in its entirety and
replacing with the following:
3.4 Seasonal Hydro Facility Qualifications— Seller warrants that the Facility is
a Seasonal Hydro Facility as that term is defined in paragraph 1.38 of this
Agreement. After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be
required to maintain the Seasonal Hydro Facility status during the full term
of this Agreement. Seller's failure to achieve Seasonal Hydro Facility status
for at least three (3) years during any Seasonal Hydro Facility Eligibility
Test Period will result in this Facility being reclassified as a Non-Seasonal
Hydro Facility for the remaining Term of this Agreement. Idaho Power
reserves the right to review the Seasonal Hydro Facility status of this
Facility and associated support and compliance documents at any time
during the term of this Agreement.
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DocuSign Envelope ID:768A7502-B52A-4C9C-BC9D-E92E1D557F6E
Agreement, as amended, is hereby revised by deleting existing paragraph 7.8, "Seasonal Hydro
Facility eligibility," including subparagraphs 7.8.1, "Annual eligibility audits,",,
and, in their entirety and replacing with the following:
7.8 Seasonal Hydro Facility eli-ig bility - If the Facility fails to satisfy the
Seasonal Hydro Facility Qualifications specified in paragraph 3.4, this
Facility shall be reclassified as a Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility for the
remaining term of the Agreement and the Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility
Energy Prices specified in Appendix E will be applicable.
7.8.1 Annual eli ig bility audits — On or before July 151h of the year
following the first full June 1 — May 31 year after the Operations
Date and for every year thereafter, Idaho Power will divide the total
Net Energy received from the Facility for the months of June, July,
and August by the total Net Energy received for the previous June 1
—May 31 year to establish a percentage of energy deliveries for the
months of June,July and August.Any reduction in energy deliveries
due to Forced Outages, planned or unplanned maintenance, Force
majeure or any other reduction in energy deliveries will result in
reduction of both the numerator and the denominator in this
calculation, therefore no adjustment to this calculation is required
for these events. If this percentage is greater than or equal to fifty-five percent
(55%) it will be deemed that the Facility has met the
requirements to be classified as a Seasonal Hydro Facility
for that previous year. If this percentage is less than fifty-five percent(55%), Idaho
Power will provide notification to the project of the
Facility's failure to meet the Seasonal Hydro Facility
requirements for the previous year and the monthly energy
payments for that previous year will be recalculated to
reflect the Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility energy prices as
contained within Appendix E of this Agreement. Any
overpayments will be collected from the Facility in equal
monthly payments over the remaining months of the current
June 1 — May 31 year. If the Facility fails to meet the
Seasonal Hydro Facility requirements for the second to last
June 1 —May 31 year of the Contract Term,then the monthly
energy payments for the remaining term of the contract will
be priced according to the Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility
Energy Prices specified in Appendix E. If the Facility fails to achieve this percentage of fifty-five
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percent(55%)for at least three(3)years during any Seasonal
Hydro Facility Eligibility Test Period the Facility will be
reclassified as a Non-Seasonal Hydro Facility for the
remaining term of this Agreement and the Non-Seasonal
Hydro Facility Energy Prices specified in Appendix E will
replace the Seasonal Hydro Facility Energy Prices specified
in Appendix D for use in all calculations in this Agreement
for the remaining term of the Agreement.
D. ARTICLE XXIIL MODIFICATION of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:
23.1 No later than the First Energy Date, the Seller will provide Idaho Power
with an "as-built" description of the Facility in the form set forth in
Appendix B.
23.2 The Seller will not modify the Facility from the description set forth in
Appendix B without prior notification to Idaho Power. A proposed
modification to the Facility that would change the Facility as described in
Appendix B is referred to herein as a "Proposed Facility Modification."
Proposed Facility Modification does not include additions or expansions to
the Facility that result in an increase to the Maximum Capacity Amount,
which are addressed in paragraph 23.6. The Seller may not begin
construction of any Proposed Facility Modification(s) unless and until the
following requirements have been met:
(i) Seller has promptly notified Idaho Power of the Proposed Facility
Modification(s) prior to initiating the modification design,
specification,purchasing and construction process;
(ii) Seller has provided Idaho Power with detailed plans regarding the
Proposed Facility Modification(s), including proposed revisions to
the as-built description of the Facility set forth in Appendix B; and
(iii) The Proposed Facility Modification has been reviewed by Idaho
Power and a determination made to either pursue amendment as a
Proposed Facility Modification pursuant to paragraphs 23.3 and
23.4 or as an expansion or additional project pursuant to paragraph
23.3 Idaho Power will review any Proposed Facility Modification(s) and "as-
built" descriptions to determine whether amendment of the Agreement is
appropriate as set forth in paragraph 23.4. In reviewing any Proposed
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Facility Modification(s) or actual modifications reflected in the as-built
description, Idaho Power shall consider the following information: (i) The
nature, scope, and extent of the proposed or actual modification(s); (ii) The
impact, if any, on the applicable avoided cost rates or other relevant terms
and conditions; and (iii) Such other information as may reasonably be
necessary including the effect on any other provisions hereof which may be
impacted by the proposed or actual modification. Proposed modifications
could result in several possible actions including but not limited to: no
change to Appendix B, and thus no further action; an amendment to
conform Appendix B to the modified Facility; an amendment to adjust the
pricing and other relevant terms and conditions; or a termination and new
23.4 Based on its review, Idaho Power, at its sole determination in accordance
with the provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
and any amendments thereto ("PURPA") and subject to Commission
approval, may choose to enter into an amendment of the Agreement to
adjust the pricing or other relevant terms and conditions as necessary,
including Appendix B;
23.4.1 If Idaho Power determines that it is appropriate to revise the
Agreement, the Parties will enter into a written amendment to the
Agreement revising the relevant terms, conditions, description in
Appendix B, and, if necessary, pricing, referred to herein as the
"Facility Modification Amendment". The Facility Modification
Amendment will be submitted to the Commission for approval. If
the pricing is adjusted, the Parties will agree on and include in the
amendment a pricing true-up mechanism to ensure that the correct
rates apply to the modified Facility from the completion date of the
23.4.2 If the Commission determines that the Proposed Facility
Modification would require termination of the Agreement,the Seller
may abandon the Proposed Facility Modification or accept the
termination. If the Seller accepts the termination, Seller will be
responsible for Termination Damages, if any, and the Parties may
negotiate a new agreement based on the Facility as modified.
23.5 In addition to prior notification of any modifications to the Facility from the
description set forth in Appendix B,no later than thirty(30) days following
the date of substantial completion of such modification, and prior to the first
Operation Date of such modification, Seller must provide Idaho Power with
an "as-built" description of the modified Facility in the form set forth in
Appendix B of this Agreement;provided that the Facility, as reflected in the
"as-built" description to be provided under this paragraph, may not deviate
from the Facility Modification Amendment, except, in each case, to the
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extent such further modification(s) are authorized under a subsequent
written amendment to this Agreement that is executed by the Parties and
approved by the Commission.If the"as-built"description deviates from the
then-approved Appendix B, Idaho Power will review it and follow the
process described in paragraphs 23.3 and 23.4.
23.6 Idaho Power is not required to purchase any Net Energy above the
Maximum Capacity Amount. If Seller builds an expansion or additional
project such that the expansion, or additional project would be deemed a
single Qualified Facility or the same site under FERC regulations, Seller
may not require Idaho Power (and Idaho Power will have no obligation to
purchase pursuant to this Agreement) the output of any such expansion, or
additional facility under the terms, conditions and prices in this Agreement.
Instead, Seller may exercise any rights to enter into a new agreement for the
sale of such incremental energy from such additional facility that is a
Qualified Facility under then-applicable laws and regulations.
23.7 Idaho Power is not obligated to and shall not make any incremental payment
to Seller as a result of any modification, addition, or expansion of the
Facility if such modification was not authorized and approved by the
Commission pursuant to the provisions of this Article 23. Should the Seller
modify, construct additions, and/or expand the Facility without notification
to Idaho Power nor the authorization and approval of the Commission
pursuant to the provisions of this Article 23, any incremental payments to
Seller resulting from and subsequent to the modification, addition, and/or
expansion of the Facility that deviate from the description in Appendix B
shall be unauthorized and immediately due and owing back to Idaho Power.
Failure to repay, or reasonably offset future payments made to Seller
designed to repay and recoup any unauthorized payment amounts will be
deemed a material breach of this Agreement.
23.8 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and
signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission.
amended, is hereby revised by modifying sections B-1 and B-4 as follows (additional language is
underlined, and deleted language uses stfikethr-oug ):
A single hydro unit on encompassing a US Motor induction generator rated
at 112 kW with a Power Factor of 1.15 for a total nameplate rating of 128.8
kW(112 kW x 1.15)-driven by a Byron Jackson TKW reverse pump turbine.
The facilities were originally built in 1984. The turbine was rebuilt in 2018.
Nameplate: 4-30 128.8 kW
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The Maximum Capacity Amount is 4-N 128.8 kW whieh is eensisten4 with the
valtie pr-ovided by the Seller-to Per-in ueee cewith the GI^. This value
is the maximum generation (kW)that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's
Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time.
3. Commission Approval. The obligations of the Parties under this Second Amendment are
subject to the Commission's approval of this Second Amendment and such approval being upheld
on appeal, if any,by a court of competent jurisdiction.
4. Effect of Amendment. Except as expressly amended by this Second Amendment, the
Agreement, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect.
5. Capitalized Terms. All capitalized terms used in this Second Amendment and not defined
herein shall have the same meaning as used in the Agreement, as amended.
6. Scope of Amendment. This Second Amendment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of the Parties hereto, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns,
who are obligated to take any action which may be necessary or proper to carry out the purpose
and intent thereof.
7. Authority. Each Party represents and warrants that (i) it is validly existing and in good
standing in the state in which it is organized, (ii) it is the proper party to amend the Agreement,
and(iii) it has the requisite authority to execute this Second Amendment.
8. Counterparts. This Second Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each
of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute a single
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Second Amendment to be
duly executed as of the date above written.
By: i� N. AJ4. By: 1-4 SbVti,ln,sbvu
Name: Ryan Adelman Name: Ted Sorenson
Title: Vice President, Power Supply Title: Manager
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