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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240628Compliance Filing.pdf RECEIVED 2024 June 28 AM 9:35 IDAHO PUBLIC SSION �1 Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 Via Electronic Mail June 28, 2024 Commission Secretary State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 RE: Tariff I.P.U.C. No. 28 (Electric) and Tariff I.P.U.C. No. 27 (Natural Gasj Case Nos. AVU-E-23-01 and AVU-G-23-01 Compliance Tariff Filing—2024 Rates Commission Order No. 35909 -Case Nos. AVU-E-23-01 and AVU-G-23-01 Enclosed for electronic filing with the Commission are the compliance tariffs effective September 1, 2024 per the Commission's Order No. 35909 in Case Nos. AVU-E-23-01 and AVU-G-23-01. Electric Eighteenth Revision Sheet 001 canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 001 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 011 canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 011 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 021 canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 021 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 025 canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 025 Nineteenth Revision Sheet 025P canceling Eighteenth Revision Sheet 025P Eighteenth Revision Sheet 031 canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 031 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 041 canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 041 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 042 canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 042 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 042A canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 042A Seventeenth Revision Sheet 044 canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 044 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 045 canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 045 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 046 canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 046 Sixth Revision Sheet 046A canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 046A Seventeenth Revision Sheet 047 canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 047 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 049 canceling Fifteenth Revision Sheet 049 Natural Gas Seventeenth Revision Sheet 101 canceling Rep. Sixteenth Revision Sheet 101 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 111 canceling Rep. Seventeenth Revision Sheet I I I Nineteenth Revision Sheet 112 canceling Rep. Eighteenth Revision Sheet 112 These tariff sheets have an effective date of September 1, 2024, in compliance with the Order. Also enclosed is a copy of the workpapers supporting the rate changes within the tariffs and the updated FCA base. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please call Joe Miller at (509) 495-4546. Sincerely, /s/Patrick Ehrbar Patrick Ehrbar Director of Rates Enclosures BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-E-23-01 Tariff Sheets — Electric Clean Eighteenth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter. the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $20.00 Basic Charge, plus First 600 kWh 9.1520 per kWh All over 600 kWh 10.2860 per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $20.00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. If energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $20.00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Eighteenth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE -- IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $20.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge First 3650 kWh 9.2110 per kWh All Over 3650 kWh 6.458¢ per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $7.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $20.00 for single phase service and $27.10 for three phase service, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Eighteenth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE. To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWh 7.1700 per kWh All Over 250,000 kWh 6.0420 per kWh Demand Charge $525.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $7.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 40¢ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: If Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $525.00. unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. tariff. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar. Director of Regulatory Affairs Eighteenth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2.500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history. the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First 500,000 kWh 5.689¢ per kWh All Over 500,000 kWh 4.7660 per kWh Demand Charge: $17,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $6.25 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 400 per kVA of demand per month. Minimum. The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $783,640 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months. the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000.000 kWh's annually). plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Q Nineteenth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, Idaho Facility, APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110.000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: Block 1 Retail Meter 4.253¢ per kWh Block 2 Generation Meter 3.6240 per kWh Demand Charge as measured at the Retail Meter. $17,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1S' Demand Block $6.25 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kVA. 2"11 Demand Block: $3.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kVA. Primary Voltage Discount as measured at the Retail Meter: If Customer takes service at 11 kV(wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 40¢ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $671,830 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month priced at the Block 1 per kWh rate, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Eighteenth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service. Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $20,00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 11.522¢ per kWh for the first 85 KWh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 9.731¢ per KWh for all additional KWh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. If no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar. Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facility Fixture Metal Standard & Size Wood Pedestal Direct Developer Lumens No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single Mercury Vapor 7000 411 $ 17.18 416 $ 17.18 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar. Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling I.P.U.C. No. 28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. Closed to new installations of sodium vapor lamps as of January 1, 2018, except where Company and customer agree, sodium vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. MONTHLY RATE: Metal Standard Pole Facility Developer Fixture & Size Standard Pedestal Base Direct Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 50W 235 $12.11 234# $15.12 100W 434# $15.89 100W 431/435 $14.73 432 $27.83 433 $27.83 436 $15.42 20OW 531/535 $24.42 532 $37.48 533 $37.48 536 $25.16 25OW 631/635 $28.67 632 $41.73 633 $41.73 636 $29.40 40OW 831/835 $43.02 832 $56.10 Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100W 446 $30.98 20OW 545 $48.84 542 $63.48 546 $49.57 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vapor 100W Granville 474* $28.74 100W Post Top 484* $27.59 100W Kim Light 438** $15.90 *16' fiberglass pole **25' fiberglass pole Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Fourteenth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling P.U.0 No. 28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 42A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42A - Continued MONTHLY RATE: Metal Standard Pole Facility Developer Fixture & Size Standard Pedestal Base Direct Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single Light Emitting Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 70W 935L $12.67 434L# $15.89 70W 431/435L $14.73 432L $27.83 433L $27.83 436L $15.42 107W 531/535L $24.42 532L $37.48 533L $37.48 536L $25.16 248W 831/835L $43.02 832L $56.10 833L $56.10 836L $43.73 Double Light Emitting Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 70W 441 L $30.98 442L $44.15 446L $30.98 107W 545L $48.84 542L $63.48 546L $49.57 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L $22.10 474L` $28.74 70W Post Top 484L' $27.59 70W(30ft Fiberglass Pole) 494L $26.91 70W (35' Fiberglass Pole) 594L $29.66 '16' fiberglass pole Custom Street Light Calculation Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rate. Step 1 — The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 10.952%. Step 2 —The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy) Step 3—The energy component will be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46. Issued June 28. 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state; or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective January 1 2016 APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facility Metal Standard Fixture & Size Developer (Lumens) No Pole Pedestal Base Direct Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor 100W 435 $11.25 432 $11.25 20OW 535 $16.96 532 $16.96 25OW 635 $19.06 632 $19.06 633 $19.06 40OW 835 $30.38 832 $30.39 150W 936 $14.76 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS' Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar. Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Fixture Dawn & Size Service Lumens Code Rate Mercury Vapor 10000 515 $ 8.26 20000# 615 15.00 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture Per Luminaire & Size Dusk to Dawn Service Lumens Code Rate High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100W 435 $ 5.12 20OW 535 9.57 250W 635 11.77 310W 735 13.99 40OW 835 17.85 150W 935 7.39 LED 01 — 10W 005L $ 0.23 11 — 20W 015L 0.57 21 — 30W 025L 1.01 31 —40W 035L 1.47 41 — 50W 045L 1.81 51 —60W 055L 2.25 61 — 70W 065L 2.59 71 — 80W 075L 3.04 81 — 90W 085L 3.49 91 — 100W 095L 3.84 101 — 110W 105L 4.29 Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs GC)d1_ _ "_ Sixth Revision Sheet 46A Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 46A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46A - Continued MONTHLY RATE: Fixture Per Luminaire & Size Dusk to Dawn Service Lumens Code Rate 111 - 120W 115L $ 4.62 121 - 130W 125L 5.07 131 - 140W 135L 5.52 141 - 15OW 145L 5.85 151 - 160W 155L 6.31 161 - 170W 165L 6.65 171 - 180W 175L 7.10 181 - 190W 185L 7.55 191 - 20OW 195L 7.89 201 - 225W 212L 8.68 226 - 250W 237L 9.69 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs C� Seventeenth Revision Sheet 47 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Nominal Lumens) 7,000 10,000 20,000 Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 17.18 $ 20.82 $ 29.55 Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole 21.51 25.16 33.89 Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 40.67 Monthly Rate per Pole Pole Facility 30-foot wood pole $ 7.08 55-foot wood pole 13.72 20-foot fiberglass-direct burial 7.08 Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Sixteenth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Rating in Watts) Luminaire 100W 20OW 25OW 40OW Cobrahead $13.72 $18.14 $20.96 $26.90 Decorative Curb $13.72 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole $33.09 100W Kim Light w/25-foot fiberglass pole $20.80 40OW Flood (No pole) $32.87 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Charge per Unit (Nominal Rating in Watts) Luminaire 70W 107W 125W 248W Cobrahead $13.72 $18.14 $26.90 Decorative Curb $13.72 70W Granville w/16-foot decorative pole $36.44 70W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole $33.09 70W 30ft fiberglass direct buried $26.91 107W 35ft fiberglass direct buried $31.29 125W Flood (No Pole) $16.69 125W Flood (40ft Pole) $28.33 248W Flood (No Pole) $32.87 Pole Facility Monthly Rate per Pole 30-foot wood pole $7.08 40-foot wood pole $1 1.63 55-foot wood pole $13.67 20-foot fiberglass $7.08 25-foot galvanized steel standard $11.05 30-foot galvanized steel standard' $12.21 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* $13.49 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base $33.79 30-foot steel-pedestal base $31.19 35 foot steel direct buried $31.19 Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar. Director of Regulatory Affairs BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-E-23-01 Tariff Sheets — Electric Strike Seventeenth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE- To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However. if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $15�9 Basic Charge, plus First 600 kWh 9 456¢ per kWh All over 600 kWh 4-9.-C�¢ per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $15-99 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $15.00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. If energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $4-5:89 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar. Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION d1b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $18.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: First 3650 kWh S 350¢ per kWh All Over 3650 kWh 65540 per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6,50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $18.00 for single phase service and $25.10 for three phase service: unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1. 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge'. First 250,000 kWh 7.1350 per kWh All Over 250,000 kWh 6.0120 per kWh Demand Charge: $500.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $6.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 300 per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: If Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $500 00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period DEMAND. The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs (;C1z, Seventeenth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE. To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history. the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First 500.000 kWh 5.738¢ per kWh All Over 500.000 kWh 4.807¢ per kWh Demand Charge: $16,000. for the first 3.000 kVA of demand or less. $5-.7-5 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount.- If Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 300 per kVA of demand per month. Minimum. The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $776,630 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months.. the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar. Director of Regulatory Affairs p - Eighteenth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston. Idaho Facility. APPLICABLE. To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: Block 1 Retail Meter 4.290¢ per kWh Block 2 Generation Meter 3.6240 per kWh Demand Charge as measured at the Retail Meter: $16,900.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 111 Demand Block: $5-75 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kVA. 2"d Demand Block: $3.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kVA. Primary Voltage Discount as measured at the Retail Meter: If Customer takes service at 11 kV(wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 300 per kVA of demand per month. Minimum. The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $663,900 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month priced at the Block 1 per kWh rate, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Issued January 19, 2024 Effective January 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE. To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents. including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $1-8.00 Basic Charge. plus Energy Charge: 11.3610 per kWh for the first 85 KWh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3.000 KWh. 9.5940 per KWh for all additional KWh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. If no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company. by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Sixteenth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling I P.U.0 No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE. To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facility Fixture Metal Standard & Size Wood Pedestal Direct Developer Lumens No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single Mercury Vapor 7000 411 $ 4�.41-1 416 S 17.11 `Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Sixteenth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling I.P.U.C. No. 28 Substitute Fifteenth Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. Closed to new installations of sodium vapor lamps as of January 1 , 2018, except where Company and customer agree, sodium vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. MONTHLY RATE: Metal Standard Pole Facility Developer Fixture & Size Standard Pedestal Base Direct Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 50W 235 $12.06 234# $15.06 100W 434# $15 82 100W 431/435 $14.6 432 $27,74 433 $2 -.74 436 $15.36 20OW 531/535 $2432 532 $37.32 533 $37-.32 536 $25.05 250W 631/635 $28.55 632 $41-56 633 $41-.-56 636 $29:28 40OW 831/835 $42 84 832 $55.8 Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Wafts) 100W 446 $30-85 20OW 545 $48.64 542 $63.21 546 $49.36 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vapor 100W Granville 474* $2362 100W Post Top 484* $27.47 10OW Kim Light 438** $15.83 *16' fiberglass pole **25' fiberglass pole Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Thirteenth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling I.P.U.C. No. 28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 42A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42A - Continued MONTHLY RATE: Metal Standard Pole Facility Developer Fixture 8 Size Standard Pedestal Base Direct Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Singleght Emitting Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 70W 935L $12.62 434L# $15:82 70W 431/435L $14.67 432L $2q-:-TT 433L $27.74 436L $15:36 107W 531/535L $24.32 532L $37:32 533L $37.3 536L $25.05 248W 831/835L $42794 832L $55.87 833L $55.87 836L $43:55 Double Light Emitting Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 70W 441 L $30..85 442L $41J7 446L $30.85 107W 545L $49.64 542L $63-24 546L $49.36 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L $22.01 474L' $28.62 70W Post Top 484L" $27.4 70W(30ft Fiberglass Pole) 494L $26.80 70W(35' Fiberglass Pole) 594L $29.54 *16' fiberglass pole Custom Street Light Calculation Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rate. Step 1 -The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 10.952%. Step 2 -The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3-The energy component will be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Sixteenth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective January 1, 2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facility Metal Standard Fixture & Size Developer (Lumens) No Pole Pedestal Base Direct Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor 100W 435 $11.2-0 432 $1-1.20 20OW 535 $16.89 532 $16 69 25OW 635 $18 98 632 $18.98 633 $18.98 40OW 835 $30.25 832 $30:26 150W 936 $14.70 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design. standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Sixteenth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Fixture Dawn & Size Service Lumens Code Rate Mercury Vapor 10000 515 $8:13 20000# 615 14.94 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 . Issued August 31, 2023 Fffective September 1. 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Sixteenth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture Per Luminaire & Size Dusk to Dawn Service Lumens Code Rate High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100W 435 $ 6 �g 200W 535 9 53 250W 635 41 72 31 OW 735 i3.93 400W 835 17.8 150W 935 7-.-36 LED 01 — 10W 005L $ 0.23 11 — 20W 015L 0.57 21 — 30W 025L 1.01 31 — 40W 035L 4-:46 41 — 50W 045L 4--80 51 — 60W 055L 2-24 61 — 70W 065L 2-.-58 71 — 80W 075L 6-9-3 81 — 90W 085L 3-48 91 — 100W 095L 3: 2 101 — 110W 105L 4-27 Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities Qut By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Fifth Revision Sheet 46A Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 46A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46A - Continued MONTHLY RATE: Fixture Per Luminaire & Size Dusk to Dawn Service Lumens Code Rate 111 - 120W 115L $ 4-68 121 - 130W 125L 5--95 131 - 140W 135L 5-58 141 - 150W 145L a-88 151 - 160W 155L &-28 161 - 170W 165L 662 171 - 180W 175L 7,07 181 - 190W 185L 7,a2 191 - 20OW 195L 7-86 201 - 225W 212L 8-.64 226 - 250W 237L 9.65 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 76 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1. 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs C� Sixteenth Revision Sheet 47 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Nominal Lumens) 7,000 10,000 20,000 umrnaire (on existing standard) $ 17.11 $ 20.73 - $-2g-:43 Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole 2.4225.05 33.75 Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 40.50 Monthly Rate per Pole Pole Facility 30-foot wood pole $ 7 95 55-foot wood pole 13.66 20-foot fiberglass-direct burial 7 G5 Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1. 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Fifteenth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.28 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Rating in Watts) Luminaire 100W 20OW 250W 40OW Cobrahead $13.66 $18.06 $20_g7 $26.79 Decorative Curb $13.66 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole $32.95 100W Kim Light w/25-foot fiberglass pole $20.71 40OW Flood (No pole) $32.73 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Charge per Unit (Nominal Rating in Watts) Luminaire 70W 107W 125W 248W Cobrahead $13.66 $18.06 $26.79 Decorative Curb $13.66 70W Granville w/16-foot decorative pole $36.29 70W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole $32.95 70W 30ft fiberglass direct buried $26-40 107W 35ft fiberglass direct buried $31.6 125W Flood (No Pole) $16.62 125W Flood (40ft Pole) $28.1 248W Flood (No Pole) $32.73 Pole Facility Monthly Rate per Pole 30-foot wood pole $77G5 40-foot wood pole $1-1,58 55-foot wood pole $13.61 20-foot fiberglass $7-05 25-foot galvanized steel standard $111.0A 30-foot galvanized steel standard* $12.16 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* $13.43 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base $33.65 30-foot steel-pedestal base $31.06 35 foot steel direct buried $31,06 Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-G-23-01 Tariff Sheets — Natural Gas Clean Seventeenth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $20.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 25.605¢ Minimum Charge: $20.00 The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 175, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 176 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities �j By Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs �T . Eighteenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Per Meter Base Rate Per Month First 200 $0.35605 Next 800 $0.33451 Next 9,000 $0.24364 All Over $0.18358 Minimum Charge: $71.21 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 175, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 176 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 . Issued June 28, 2024 Effective September 1. 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs ;C-)z t _ - Nineteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling I.P.U.0 No.27 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 , 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 — Transportation Service for Customer—Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Per Meter Base Rate Per Month First 200 $0.35605 Next 800 $0.33451 Next 9,000 $0.24364 All Over $0.18358 Minimum Charge: $71.21 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 175, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 176 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191. Issued June 28. 2024 Effective September 1, 2024 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs C� BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-G-?-3-01 Tariff Sheets — Natural Gas Strike Sixteenth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling I.P U.C. No.27 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE. To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge Charge Per Therm: Base Rate . Minimum Charge: $15.DO The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155. Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 175, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 176 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS- Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1. 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Seventeenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose. subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Per Meter Base Rate Per Month First 200 $0.40g70 Next 800 $0.32368 Next 9,000 $0.23575 All Over $0.1-7764 Minimum Charge: $81-4 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 175, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 176 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 . Issued August 31. 2023 Effective September 1. 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs (;C)a �'. Eighteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling LP U.C. No.27 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 — Transportation Service for Customer—Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Per Meter Base Rate Per Month First 200 $8-.40870 Next 800 $0.32368 Next 9,000 $0.23575 All Over $0.17764 Minimum Charge: $ 4-74 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 175, Tax Customer Credit Schedule 176 and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191. Issued August 31, 2023 Effective September 1, 2023 Issued by Avista Utilities By Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES AVU-E-23-01 Electric Workpapers AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC,CASE NO.AVU-E-23-01 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective September 1, 2024 General Proposed Proposed Base Tariff Present Present Rate Billing Base Tariff Sch Rate Other Ad (1) Billing Rate Inc/(Decr) Rate Rate (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (t) (9) Residential Service-Schedule 1 Basic Charge $15.00 $15.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 Energy Charge First 600 kWhs $0.09456 ($0.01146) $0.08310 ($0.00304) $0.08006 $0.09152 All over 600 kWhs $0,10628 ($0.01243) $0 09385 ($0.00342) $0.09043 $0.10286 General Services-Schedule 11 Basic Charge $18.00 $18 00 $2.00 $20.00 $20.00 Energy Charge: First 3,650 kWhs $0.09350 ($0.00456) $0.06692 ($0.00139) $0.08753 $0.09211 All over 3,650 kWhs $0 06554 ($0 00217) $0 06337 ($0.00096) $0.06241 $0.06458 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge no charge no charge no charge Over 20 kW $6.50/kW S6 50/kW S0.50/kW $7.00/kW $7 OOIkW Large General Service-Schedule 21 Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWhs $0,07135 ($0-00288) $0.06847 $0.00035 $0.06882 $0.07170 All over:(2)Includes all preser $0,06012 ($0.00184) $0.05828 $0.00030 $0.05858 $0.06042 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $500.00 $500.00 $25.00 $525.00 $525.00 Over 50 kW $6.50/kW $6 50/kW $0.50/kW $7 00/kW $7.00/kW Primary Voltage Discount $0 30/kW $0 30/kW $0 10/kW $0A0/kW $0 40/kW Extra Large General Service-Schedule 25 Energy Charge First 500.000 kWhs $0,05738 (S0.00331) $0.05407 ($0.00049) $0.05358 $0.05689 All over 500.000 kWhs $0,04807 ($0 00229) $0.04578 ($0.00041) $0.04537 $0.04766 Demand Charge. 3,000 kva or less $16,000 $16,000 $1,000 $17,000 $17,000 Over 3,000 kva $5.75/kva $5.75/kva $0.50/kva $6.25/kva $6.25/kva Primary Volt Discount $0 30/kW $0.30/kW $0.10/kW $0 40/kW $0.40/kW Annual Minimum Present: $776,630 $783,640 Clearwater-Schedule 25P Energy Charge Block 1 Retail kWhs $0 04290 ($0 00145) $0,04145 ($0.00037) $0.04108 $0.04253 Demand Charge 3,000 kva or less $16,000 $16.000 $1,000 $17,000 $17,000 3,000-55.000 kva $5 75/kva $5J5/kva $0.50/kva $6.25/kva $6.25/kva Over 55,000 kva $3.00/kva $3 00/kva $3 00/kva $3 00/kva Primary VOIt. Discount $0 30/kW $0 30/kW $0.10/kW $0-40/kW $0,40/kW Annual Minimum Present: $663,900 $671,830 Pumping Service -Schedule 31 Basic Charge $18.00 $18.00 $2.00 $20.00 $20.00 Energy Charge First 165 kW/kWhs $0 11361 ($0.00477) $0 10884 $0.00161 $0.11045 $0.11522 All additional kWhs $0,09594 ($0.00345) $0,09249 $0.00137 $0.09386 $0.09731 (1)Includes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59-Residential& Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66- Temporary Power Cost Adjustment. Schedule 75-Fixed Cost Adjustment, and Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment. Appendix F Page 3 of 6 8 0 8 » M w a sa x mm _ - -f----- --- 8888588�888888885'oSvi8888008'o�Sm8��'80"0`0 3"..,^rb'3$F..3;'3�,8,^�$'89�o�m.,eo'"3'8$"�808880888888888 oaa»»»»»»«aaaa»«»aaa a2aaaa o $$a 8www.w22» �88'0888888$8885`8^.,888$$583888888S8S00000 5888888888888888888888888008888888888 aawaaaaaa.4ioiaa.� .Qi.°�.4n.on.on.ona.nN.on.Y�.`,e`�.g.oiainw ww$wa$$aw.�wwwwwwww.o..u.on.o�wr.o.. o.o^.o, .o...o.,o..o,..o,..000. 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AVU-E-23-01 and AVU-G-23-01, upon the following parties by electronically providing a copy thereof, to: Commission Staff: Clearwater Paper: Chris Burdin Peter J. Richardson Deputy Attorneys General Richardson Adams Idaho Public Utilities Commission 515 N. 27th Street 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, PO Box 7218 Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83702 Boise, ID 83714 Chris.burdin( Dr. Don Reading Monica Barrios-Sanchez, 280 S. Silverwood Way Secretary Eagle, ID 83616 Idaho Public Utilities Commission dreadinggmindspring com 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, carol.haugen( Suite 201-A nathan.smith(c�r�, Boise, ID 83714 jamie.mcdonaldn& monica.barriossanchez uc.idaho. ov Idaho Forest Group: Walmart: Andrew Moratzka Justina A. Caviglia Stoel Rives LLP Parons Behle & Latimer 33 South Sixth Street, Suite 4200 50 Est Liberty Street, Suite 750 Minneapolis, MN 55405 Reno,NV 89502 Andrew.moratzka(ii,) ;c� avi lg ia(a), Larry Crowley Steve W. Chriss The Energy Strategies Institute, Inc. Director, Energy Services 3738 S. Harris Ranch Ave. Walmart Inc. Boise, ID 83716 2608 Southeast"J" Street crowleyla(iy�, Bentonville, AR 72716 Stephen.chris s(&, Bradley R. Mullins Principal Consultant MW Analytics brmullins(a, Idaho Conservation League: NW Energy Coalition: Marie Callaway Kellner F. Diego Rivas Brad Heusinkveld NW Energy Coalition Idaho Conservation League 1101 8th Ave. 710 N. 6th St. Helena, MT 59601 Boise, ID 83702 diego(d), mkellnergidahoconservation.or,g beusinkveld idahoconservation.or /s/Paul Kimball Paul Kimball Manager of Compliance & Discovery