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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240625Final_Order_No_36241.pdf Office of the Secretary Service Date June 25,2024 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) CASE NO. PAC-E-24-08 POWER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL ) OF UPDATED VARIABLE ENERGY PRICES ) ORDER NO. 36241 FOR QFs SUBJECT TO TERMS OF THE ) 1992 AMENDMENTS TO CERTAIN POWER ) PURCHASE AGREEMENTS ) On April 12,2024,Rocky Mountain Power,a division of PacifiCorp("Company"),applied for Commission approval of the annual updates to the Qualifying Facility ("QF") variable energy price pursuant to the terms of the 1992 amendments ("Amendment") to certain Idaho QFs power purchase agreements. The Company requests that its Application be processed through Modified Procedure with an effective date for the new variable energy rate of July 1, 2024. On May 14, 2024,the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure establishing public comment and Company reply deadlines. Staff filed the only comments. Having reviewed the record, the Commission approves the Company's Application as filed. THE APPLICATION The Company requests Commission approval for a variable energy rate of $31.76 per megawatt hour ("MWh") for deliveries commencing July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. The variable energy rate is the sum of the Company's fuel costs and Colstrip variable Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") cost. The variable O&M costs are based on the operation costs of the Colstrip coal power generating facility,excluding the generation tax and line loss adjustments. The Company represents that the variable energy rate will apply only to its Marsh Valley Hydro contract.1 STAFF COMMENTS After reviewing the Application and verifying the accuracy of the proposed rate, Staff recommended approval of the proposed $31.76 per MWh variable energy rate, effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. 1 This contract will remain effective through February 28,2028. ORDER NO. 36241 1 COMMISSION FINDINGS AND DECISION The Commission has jurisdiction over the Company, an electric utility, under Title 61 of the Idaho Code and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). The Commission has authority under PURPA and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") regulations to set avoided costs, to order electric utilities to enter fixed-term obligations for the purchase of energy from QFs, and to implement FERC rules. The Commission is empowered to investigate rates, charges, rules, regulations, practices, and contracts of public utilities and to determine whether they are just, reasonable, preferential, discriminatory, or in violation of any provision of law, and to fix the same by order. Idaho Code §§ 61-502 and 61-503. The Commission has reviewed the record—including the Application and Staff's Comments. Based on our review, we find it reasonable to approve the Application as filed. Staff reviewed the data provided by the Company and verified the Company's calculations included in the Application.Accordingly,the Commission finds that a variable energy rate of$31.76 per MWh effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, is fair,just, and reasonable. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the variable energy rate for deliveries from affected QF contracts between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025, shall be $31.76 per MWh. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date upon this Order regarding any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code §§ 61- 626. 1H ORDER NO. 36241 2 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 25th day of June 2024. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT - �-4� HN:R. HAMMONID JR., COMMISSIONER EDWARD LODGE, OM T SIONER ATTEST: V-01 ' a 13 a n X&-..% n Ue Commission Secretary IALegaRELECTRIC\PAC-E-24-08_PPAs QFS\orders\PACE2408_fina1_at.docx ORDER NO. 36241 3