HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAC to Staff Response to First PR Exhibit SLC RMP - Block 4.pdf SLC RMP - Block 4 A parcel of land located in the North Half of Section 3 and Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and is described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 276.52 feet S. 89057'10" W. along a monument line and 126.12 feet South from the Northeast Corner of said Section 3, said point is also 2367.74 feet N. 89058'23" E. along a monument line of North Temple Street and 863.84 feet South from a 1" Brass Rivet described as Point 805 in that Record of Survey filed as S2014-06-0296 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Surveyor; thence S. 89055'23" E. 1,167.32 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of the Jordan River described on "Plat 31" of the Salt Lake City Atlas Plats and a point of non-tangency with a 2,260.00—foot radius curve to the left, concave easterly (Radius point bears S. 77049'06" E.); thence along said westerly right-of-way line the following four (4) courses: 1) Southerly 131.38 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 03'19'50" (Chord bears S. 10*30'59" W. 131.36 feet); 2) S. 08°51'03" W. 140.50 feet; 3) N. 81°08'57" W. 5.00 feet to a point of non-tangency with a 1184.96 —foot radius curve to the left, concave easterly (Radius point bears S. 81008'57" E.); 4) Southerly 154.20 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 07027'21" (Chord bears S. 05007'23" W. 154.09 feet) to a found rebar marking the northerly right-of-way line of Salt Lake, Garfield &Western Railroad Company; thence along said northerly right-of-way line the following three (3) courses: 1) S. 83-27-34" W. 267.74 feet to a point of tangency with a 2878.79 —foot radius curve to the left, concave southerly; 2) Westerly 924.05 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 18°23'28" (Chord bears S. 74015'50" W. 920.09 feet); 3) S. 65°04'06" W. 1,101.18 feet; thence N. 00003'38" W. 31.96 feet; thence S. 65004'06" W. 15.19 feet to a easterly right-of-way line of Highway Interstate - 80; thence N. 76°18'33" W. 90.36 feet along said easterly right-of- way; thence N. 00021'56" W. 785.06 feet; thence S. 89054'33" E. 102.02 feet; thence N. 00046'29" W. 85.82 feet; thence N. 89029'18" E. 234.66 feet; thence N. 00008'22" E. 98.66 feet; thence S. 89048'39" E. 818.48 feet; thence N. 00010'59" W. 150.78 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above-described parcel of land contains 1,453,199 sq. ft. or 33.3609 acres, more or less. BASIS OF BEARING: S. 89057'10" W. along a monument line between the Northeast Corner and the Northwest Corner of said Section 3, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian.