HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAC to Staff Response to First PR Exhibit SLC RMP - Block 3.pdf SLC RMP - Block 3 A parcel of land located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 34 and the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and the Northwest Quarter of Section 2 and Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Section Line which is 12.66 feet S. 89057'10" W. along a monument line from the Southeast Corner of said Section 34, said point is also 2631.60 feet N. 89058'23" E. along a monument line of North Temple Street and 737.62 feet South from a 1" Brass Rivet described as Point 805 in that Record of Survey filed as S2014-06-0296 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Surveyor; thence North 660.07 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of said North Temple Street; thence N. 89°59'32" E. 353.65 feet along said southerly right- of-way line; thence S. 00°00'30" W. 79.11 feet; thence N. 89057'51" E. 63.78 feet; thence S. 00000'30" W. 170.90 feet; thence N. 89°57'51" E. 170.22 feet; thence N. 00°00'30" E. 249.89 feet to said southerly right-of-way line of North Temple Street; thence N. 89°59'36" E. 334.13 feet along said southerly right-of-way line to the westerly right-of-way line of Jordan River described on "Plat 31" of the Salt Lake City Atlas Plats; thence S. 12035'55" E. 298.94 feet to a point of tangency with a 360.00 —foot radius curve to the right, concave westerly; thence Southerly 167.39 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 26°38'28" (S. 00043'19" W. 165.89 feet); thence S. 14°02'33" W. 266.97 feet to a point of tangency with a 2,260.00 —foot radius curve to the left, concave easterly; thence Southerly 73.40 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 01°51'39" (Chord bears S. 13006'44" W. 73.40 feet); thence N. 89055'23" W. 1,167.32 feet; thence N. 0010'59" W. 59.68 feet; thence S. 89057'51" W. 2,338.75 feet; thence N. 00°02'09" W. 66.50 feet to the Section Line; thence N. 89°57'51" E. 2,602.84 feet along the Section Line to the Point of Beginning. The above-described parcel of land contains 895,630 sq. ft or 20.560 acres, more or less. BASIS OF BEARING: S. 89057'10" W. along a monument line between the South Corner and the Southwest Corner of said Section 3, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. n89°59'32"e n89°59'36"e 353.65 m4 334.13 N N J2� p N O O O C� n89°57'51"e 2338.7�02.84 s89°57'51"w 1167.32 ' n89°55'23"w Block 3 4/4/2024 Scale: 1 inch= 458 feet File: Tract 1:20.5606 Acres,Closure:s42.0920w 0.01 ft. (1/999999),Perimeter=9124 ft. 01 nOe 660.07 12 Lt,r=2260.00,delta=001.5139,arc=73.40,chord=s13.0644w 73.40 02 n89.5932e 353.65 13 n89.5523w 1167.32 03 s00.0030w 79.11 14 n00.1059w 59.68 04 n89.5751e 63.78 15 s89.5751w 2338.75 05 s00.0030w 170.9 16 n00.0209w 66.5 06 n89.5751e 170.22 17 n89.5751e 2602.84 07 n00.0030e 249.89 08 n89.5936e 334.13 09 s12.3555e 298.94 10 Rt,r=360.00,delta=026.3828,arc=167.39,chord=s00.4319w 165.89 11 s14.0233w 266.97