HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAC to Staff Response to First PR Exhibit SLC RMP - Block 1B.pdf SLC RMP - Block 1 B
A parcel of land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 1 South, Range 1
West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and is described as follows:
Beginning at a point which is 276.71 feet S. 89057'10" W. along a monument line and 66.45
feet South from the Northeast Corner of said Section 3, said point is also 2367.55 feet N.
89058'23" E. along a monument line of North Temple Street and 804.17 feet South from a 1"
Brass Rivet described as Point 805 in that Record of Survey filed as S2014-06-0296 in the
Office of the Salt Lake County Surveyor; thence S. 00010'59" E. 210.46 feet; thence N.
89048'39" W. 818.48 feet; thence S. 00008'22" W. 98.66 feet; thence S. 89029'18" W. 234.66
feet; thence S. 00046'29" E. 85.82 feet; thence N. 89054'33" W. 102.02 feet; thence S. 00021'56"
E. 785.06 feet to a northerly right-of-way line of Highway Interstate - 80; thence along said
northerly right-of-way the following four courses: 1) N. 76'18'33" W. 322.97 feet; 2) N. 72°28'31"
W. 73.47 feet; 3) N. 65'35'15" W. 73.50 feet; 4) N. 61°49'39" W. 776.60 feet; thence N.
05018'35" W. 162.91 feet; thence N. 89056'26" E. 982.15 feet; thence N. 00°03'34" E. 519.56
feet; thence N. 89057'51" E. 1,316.31 feet to the Point of Beginning.
The above-described parcel of land contains 875,282 sq. ft. or 20.093 acres, more or less.
BASIS OF BEARING: S. 89057'10" W. along a monument line between the Northeast
Corner and the Northwest Corner of said Section 3, Township 1
South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian.
818.48 a
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Block 1 B 4/4/2024
Scale: 1 inch= 295 feet File:
Tract 1:20.0941 Acres,Closure:n00.0000e 0.00 ft.(1/999999),Perimeter=6563 ft.
01 s00.1059e 210.46 11 n61.4939w 776.6
02 n89.4839w 818.48 12 n05.1835w 162.91
03 s00.0822w 98.66 13 n89.5626e 982.15
04 s89.2918w 234.66 14 n00.0334e 519.56
05 s00.4629e 85.82 15 n89.5751e 1316.31
06 n89.5433w 102.02
07 s00.2156e 785.06
08 n76.1833w 322.97
09 n72.2831w 73.47
10 n65.3515w 73.5