HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240606Notice of Publication.pdf AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
) ss.
County of Bonner )
RikkiJade Lindstrom, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes
and states:
1. I am a citizen of the United States of America, over
the age of 18 years, a resident of the State of Idaho, and am
not a party to the proceedings referred to in the attached
Legal Notice.
My business address is P.O. Box 159, Sandpoint, Idaho.
2. 1 am the Legal Clerk of the Bonner County Daily Bee,
a newspaper of general publication in Bonner County, Idaho;
3. Said newspaper has been continuously and
uninterruptedly published in Bonner County, Idaho during a
period of 12 months prior to the first publication of said
Notice, and thereafter.
4. The attached Notice was published in the regular and
entire issue of the Bonner County Daily Bee for a period of
consecutive weeks, commencing on the day of
e,r e tj 20�, and ending on the day of
State of Idaho, county of Bonner ss. �
On this� day of h , in the year of 02�
before me, Angela Minehart, Notary Public, personally
appeared RikkiJade Lindstrom known or identified to me to
be the person whose name is subscribed to the within
instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she (or they)
executed the same.
Notary blic - •, ok
Residing at: Kootenai County
My Commission Expires 03/20/2029 A
VP Inc.
PO Box 1785
Sandpoint,ID 83864-0903
February 15,2024
VP Inc.has filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Com-
mission(IPUC)requesting approval of a rate increase to be effec-
tive July 1,2024.The Company is proposing to increase overall
revenue by$10,451.This represents an overall increase of 21.5%.
This rate increase is deemed necessary and prudent to enable
ongoing maintenance and operation of existing infrastructure and
allow for a reasonable rate of return on investment.
If approved,a residential customer would see the monthly bill
increase to$55.00.This application is a proposal,subject to public
review and a Commission decision.
A copy of the application is available for review at the offices of
the Commission and VP Inc.The application may also be viewed
on the IPUC web site at www.puc.idaho.gov.The application and
other case information may be found by clicking on the
"WATER"icon,then on"OPEN CASES"and scroll down to
Case No.VPI-W-24-01.
Interested parties may submit written comments to the Idaho
Public Utilities Commission.
•File comments electronically via the Commission website at:
www.ouc.idaho.aoy.(Look for the case comment form under
"CONSUMERP"gip.tqe hon*pop.
•Email comments'*"secretarydpuc.tdaho.goV
•Mail comments to,
Idaho Public Udlltiec Commhsbn
PO Box83720
Boise, ID 83720-0074.
When submitting comments please refer to Case No. PI-W-24-01.
March 21.2024