HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240531Direct R. Link.pdf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF AND CHARGES IN IDAHO AND ) Rick T. Link APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND ) REGULATIONS ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 May 2024 1 I . INTRODUCTION AND QUALIFICATIONS 2 Q. Please state your name, business address, and present 3 position with PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power (the 4 "Company") . 5 A. My name is Rick T . Link. My business address is 825 NE 6 Multnomah Street, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97232 . My 7 position is Senior Vice President, Resource Planning and 8 Procurement . 9 Q. Please describe the responsibilities of your current 10 position. 11 A. I am responsible for PacifiCorp' s resource planning and 12 procurement functions, which includes the integrated 13 resource plan ("IRP") and structured commercial business 14 and valuation activities . Most relevant to this docket, 15 I am responsible for the economic analysis used to screen 16 system resource investments and conducting competitive 17 request for proposal ("RFP") processes, consistent with 18 applicable state procurement rules and guidelines . 19 Q. Briefly describe your education and professional 20 experience. 21 A. I joined PacifiCorp in December 2003 and assumed the 22 responsibilities of my current position in September 23 2021 . I have held several analytical and leadership 24 positions responsible for developing long-term commodity 25 price forecasts, pricing structured commercial contract Link, Di 1 Rocky Mountain Power 1 opportunities and developing financial models to 2 evaluate resource investment opportunities, negotiating 3 commercial contract terms, and overseeing development of 4 PacifiCorp' s resource plans . I have been heavily 5 involved in developing PacifiCorp' s IRPs since 2013; 6 have been directly involved in several resource RFP 7 processes; and performed economic analysis supporting a 8 range of resource and transmission investment 9 opportunities . Before joining PacifiCorp, I was an 10 energy and environmental economics consultant with ICF 11 Consulting (now ICF International) from 1999 to 2003, 12 where I performed electric-sector financial modeling of 13 environmental policies and resource investment 14 opportunities for utility clients . I received a Bachelor 15 of Science degree in Environmental Science from the Ohio 16 State University in 1996 and a Master of Environmental 17 Management from Duke University in 1999 . 18 Q. Have you testified in previous regulatory proceedings? 19 A. Yes . I have testified in proceedings before the Idaho 20 Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") , the Public 21 Service Commission of Utah ("Utah Commission") , the 22 California Public Utilities Commission, the Public 23 Utility Commission of Oregon ("Oregon Commission") , the 24 Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, and 25 the Wyoming Public Service Commission. Link, Di 2 Rocky Mountain Power 1 II . PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY 2 Q. What is the purpose of your direct testimony? 3 A. I provide economic analysis that supports PacifiCorp' s 4 decision to build two transmission projects, including: 5 (1) Gateway South, a 414-mile, 500-kilovolt ("kV") 6 overhead transmission line between the Aeolus 7 Substation, near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, to the Clover 8 substation near Mona, Utah; and (2) Gateway West Segment 9 D. 1, a 59-mile, 230-kV transmission line from the 10 Shirley Basin substation in southeastern Wyoming to the 11 Windstar substation near Glenrock, Wyoming and the 12 accompanying ancillary facilities (collectively, the 13 "Transmission Projects") . 14 I also summarize PacifiCorp' s assessment of the 15 projects from the 2021 IRP and 2021 IRP update, provide 16 background on PacifiCorp' s 2020 All-Source Request for 17 Proposal ("2020AS RFP") to solicit new resources, 18 including those enabled by the Transmission Projects, 19 and discuss customer benefits that result from the 20 projects . 21 For details regarding Gateway South and Gateway 22 West, please refer to the direct testimony of Company 23 witness Richard A. Vail . Link, Di 3 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Please summarize your testimony for the Transmission 2 Projects . 3 A. The 2021 IRP confirmed that the Transmission Projects 4 remain a key transmission investment that will enable 5 the procurement of low-cost wind facilities to reliably 6 meet the Company' s need for additional resources . These 7 resources are expected to produce significant customer 8 benefits . This includes ensuring that all new wind 9 resources from the 2020AS RFP that depend on the 10 Transmission Projects : (1) qualify for 110 percent of 11 available federal production tax credits ("PTC") , 12 further reducing the cost of these resources (that 13 already have no fuel costs or emissions) relative to 14 other resource options; and (2) generate renewable- 15 energy certificates ("RECs") that can be used to offset 16 revenue requirements where appropriate. 17 As discussed by Company witness Vail, the 18 Transmission Projects will also provide critical voltage 19 support to the Wyoming transmission network, improve 20 overall reliability of the transmission system, and 21 enhance PacifiCorp' s ability to comply with mandated 22 reliability and performance standards . Most importantly, 23 the Transmission Projects ensure the Company will meet 24 its obligations to reliably accommodate nearly 2, 500 25 megawatts ("MW") of interconnection and transmission Link, Di 4 Rocky Mountain Power 1 service requests, including 13 executed interconnection 2 service and transmission service agreements for over 3 1, 600 MW of new wind resources . This includes 500 MW of 4 firm point-to-point ("PTP") transmission service to a 5 third-party transmission customer under the Federal 6 Energy Regulatory Commission' s ("FERC") jurisdiction. 7 Moreover, the Transmission Projects create additional 8 opportunity to increase transfer capability with the 9 construction of additional segments of the Energy 10 Gateway project. 11 Q. Please summarize your economic analysis of the 12 Transmission Projects . 13 A. My economic analysis demonstrates that the Transmission 14 Projects are necessary and in the public interest. In my 15 analyses, I reviewed the change in revenue requirement 16 due to the Transmission Projects, and associated 17 resources that are dependent upon the Transmission 18 Projects, using the Company' s IRP modeling tool across 19 five different scenarios that pair varying natural gas 20 price assumptions with varying carbon dioxide ("CO2") 21 policy assumptions (price-policy scenarios) . 22 For each price-policy scenario, I calculated the 23 change in system revenue requirement between cases with 24 and without the Transmission Projects through 2040, 25 where capital revenue requirement is levelized. These Link, Di 5 Rocky Mountain Power 1 price-policy scenarios include : 2 • Medium natural gas prices paired with medium CO2 3 prices ("MM") ; 4 • Medium natural gas prices without a CO2 price 5 ("MN") ; 6 • High natural gas prices paired with high CO2 prices V ("HH") ; 8 • Low natural gas prices without a CO2 price ("LN") ; 9 and 10 • The Social Cost of Greenhouse Gas ("SCGHG") . 11 These analyses confirm that the Transmission 12 Projects are expected to generate customer benefits . 13 Under the MM price-policy scenario, the present-value 14 revenue requirement differential ("PVRR (d) ") customer 15 benefit when using the most conservative assumptions for 16 unavoidable transmission is $128 million, while the 17 risk-adjusted PVRR (d) benefits are $260 million . 18 When assuming the cost of the Transmission Projects 19 are unavoidable, the PVRR (d) under the MM price-policy 20 scenario yields a $610 million customer benefit and a 21 risk-adjusted benefit of $742 million. Conservatively, 22 these benefits do not assign any value to the RECs that 23 will be generated by new resources made available due to 24 the Transmission Projects . The risk-adjusted results 25 indicate that the Transmission Projects add significant 26 risk mitigation benefits associated with volatility in 27 market prices, loads, hydroelectric generation, and 28 unplanned outages . Link, Di 6 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Did you develop an additional calculation to measure how 2 changes in cost might influence customer benefits? 3 A. Yes . I calculated how changes in resource and 4 transmission cost assumptions would impact customer 5 benefits . My review of resource costs show that assumed 6 initial capital costs would need to increase by 32 7 percent to erode the customer benefits from the MM price- 8 policy scenario. Similarly, the cost of the Transmission 9 Projects would need to increase by 50 percent to erode 10 the benefits from the MM price-policy scenario. These 11 results show that the projected customer benefits are 12 robust, and that they persist even if the resource costs 13 and transmission costs far exceed the estimates that 14 were available when we committed to move forward with 15 the Transmission Projects . 16 Q. Did you continue to review the economic analysis after 17 the Company began construction of the Transmission 18 Projects? 19 A. Yes . I revisited the economic analysis as we were 20 finalizing contracts for the wind resources dependent 21 upon the Transmission Projects . This update accounted 22 for, among other things, higher costs, higher PTC values 23 associated with the passage of the Inflation Reduction 24 Act ("IRA") , and the potential impacts of the Ozone 25 Transport Rule ("OTR") . This review showed risk-adjusted Link, Di 7 Rocky Mountain Power 1 customer benefits totaling $247 million in the MM price- 2 policy scenario . 3 Q. Do you believe your testimony supports the prudency of 4 the Company' s investments for both Transmission 5 Projects? 6 A. Yes . 7 III . GATEWAY SOUTH AND GATEWAY WEST SEGMENT D. 1 8 Q. Can you please provide an overview of this section of 9 your testimony? 10 A. Yes . I provide an overview of the Company' s resource 11 needs from the 2021 IRP and procurement efforts in 2020AS 12 RFP, detail the Company' s price-policy assumptions and 13 modeling methodologies that were used to analyze the 14 Transmission Projects, discuss results from these 15 analyses, and provide additional post-construction 16 economic review. 17 A. Resource Need 18 Q. Did the 2021 IRP identify the need for additional 19 resources to serve PacifiCorp' s customers? 20 A. Yes . The primary focus of the 2021 IRP is to forecast 21 the need for resources and then evaluate different ways 22 to meet that need over time . In the 2021 IRP, the 23 assessment of resource need is presented in Volume I, 24 Chapter 6 . The load-and-resource balance shows that 25 PacifiCorp has a capacity deficit in all years of the Link, Di 8 Rocky Mountain Power 1 planning horizon—starting at 1, 071 MW in 2021 and 2 increasing to over 6, 600 MW by 2040 . 1 In 2025, the first 3 full year that the Transmission Projects will be online, 4 the resource need is 1, 627 MW. Consistent with prior 5 IRPs, all resource portfolios produced in the 2021 IRP 6 that were considered as candidates for the preferred 7 portfolio contain new supply-side, demand-side, and 8 market resources to fill this need. 9 This need has continued to increase due to 10 increases in forecasted load. The 2021 IRP Update shows 11 a resource need in all years of the planning horizon- 12 starting at 1, 584 MW in 2022 and increasing to 6, 755 MW 13 in 2040 .2 In 2025, the first full year that the 14 Transmission Projects will be online, the resource need 15 is 1, 867 MW, an increase of 240 MW or approximately 15 16 percent from the 2021 IRP. The higher load reflected in 17 the 2021 IRP Update approaches the level analyzed in the 18 high-load sensitivity conducted in the 2021 IRP. 3 19 Since the Company initiated construction of the 20 Transmission Projects, national tariff policies, global 21 supply-chain issues, and inflationary pressures 22 eliminated some bids on the 2020AS RFP final shortlist. 23 Consequently, PacifiCorp' s procurement was reduced by 1 PacifiCorp 2021 Integrated Resource Plan, Vol. I, Table 6.12. z Id. at Table 4.2. s Id. at 2. Link, Di 9 Rocky Mountain Power 1 902 MW of solar resources and 497 MW of battery storage 2 resources . Additional resources are needed to reduce 3 PacifiCorp' s reliance on the market . 4 Q. Why is it important to reduce PacifiCorp' s reliance on 5 market purchases? 6 A. There is a strong consensus that the western United 7 States will face an increasing capacity deficit in the 8 near future .4 For example, in December 2020, the Western 9 Electricity Coordinating Council ("WECC") issued its 10 Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy Report 11 ("WARA") .5 The WARA was developed based on data collected 12 from balancing authorities describing their own demand 13 and supply projections over the next 10 years . The WARA 14 evaluated resource adequacy among six subregions under 15 two scenarios—one with and without imports to the 16 subregion. PacifiCorp serves load in three of these 17 subregions—Northwest Power Pool Northwest ("NWPP-NW") , 18 Northwest Power Pool Northeast ("NWPP-NE") , and 19 Northwest Power Pool Central ("NWPP-C") . For each of 20 these scenarios, the WARA considered variations of 21 supply. The most conservative assumes availability of 22 only existing resources, and the most liberal includes 4 Id. at Vol. I, Ch. 5. 5 The Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy Report, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (Dec. 18, 2020) (https://www.wecc.org/Administrative/Western%20Assessment%20of%2OResour ce%20Adequacy%2OReport%2020201218.pdf) . Link, Di 10 Rocky Mountain Power 1 availability of new resources under construction, those 2 expected to come online, and those under development. 3 The study found that for each of the three subregions in 4 which PacifiCorp serves load, imports are needed to meet 5 a one-day in 10-year planning threshold. The WARA shows 6 that the NWPP-NW subregion would fall short of the 7 planning threshold in 194 hours (under the most liberal 8 supply case) to 208 hours (assuming availability of only 9 existing resources) without imports . In the NWPP-NE and 10 NWPP-C subregions, the study found that planning 11 threshold is not met in 4, 200 hours without imports . 12 These findings highlight that there are real 13 reliability risks associated with relying on supply 14 being available in the market to meet projected load 15 obligations . In addition, WECC' s 2021 WARA issued 16 December 2021 further concludes that not only are 17 resource adequacy risks to reliability likely to 18 increase over the next 10 years, it recommends entities 19 take immediate action to mitigate near-term risks and 20 prevent long-term risks . The 2021 WARA projects that "by 21 2025, each subregion, and the interconnection, will be 22 unable to meet the 99 . 98o-one-day-in-ten-year- 23 reliability threshold. "6 6 2021 Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy Report, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (Dec. 17, 2021) (https://www.wecc.org/Administrative/WARAo202021.pdf) . Link, Di 11 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Are there any other third-party studies confirming the 2 resource adequacy concerns in the west? 3 A. Yes . In December 2020, the North American Electric 4 Reliability Corporation ("NERC") issued its Long-Term 5 Resource Adequacy ("LTRA") study that included its 10- 6 year WECC region reliability assessment. ' The NERC LTRA 7 calculates an anticipated resource-based reserve margin 8 to a reference reserve margin to establish one of three 9 risk determinations—adequate (anticipated margin 10 exceeds the reference margin) , marginal (anticipated 11 margin is below the reference margin, but new resources 12 under development could cover the shortfall) , and 13 inadequate (anticipated reserve margin is below the 14 reference margin and load interruption is likely) . 15 The NERC LTRA shows that the Northwest Power Pool 16 region and Rocky Mountain Reserve Group regions are 17 projected to be inadequate beginning in 2028 even if 18 resources under development come online. Again, these 19 findings highlight the risk of relying on other entities 20 in the region to have excess supply available for the 21 market when PacifiCorp may be required to buy power to 22 serve its customers . 2020 Long-Term Reliability Assessment, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (Dec. 2020) (https://www.nerc.com/pa/RAPA/ra/Reliabilityo20Assessmentso20DL/NERC LT RA 2020.pdf) . Link, Di 12 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. How did the 2021 IRP preferred portfolio address the 2 need for new resources? 3 A. The 2021 IRP preferred portfolio represented 4 PacifiCorp' s least-cost, least-risk plan to reliably 5 meet customer demand over a 20-year planning period, 6 based on the information available at the time the plan 7 was developed. Using a range of cost and risk metrics to 8 evaluate numerous resource portfolios, PacifiCorp 9 selected a preferred portfolio that reflected a cost- 10 conscious plan with near-term investments in renewable 11 resources that capture tax credits before they expire or 12 decrease, and new transmission infrastructure to 13 facilitate the interconnection and delivery of these 14 resources . These new resources and transmission 15 investments are lower cost than other resource and 16 transmission alternatives and are necessary to reliably 17 serve our customers . 18 Q. Were the Transmission Projects part of the 2021 IRP 19 preferred portfolio? 20 A. Yes . As described in Volume I, Chapter 4 of the 2021 21 IRP, the preferred portfolio includes both Gateway South 22 and Gateway West Segment D. 1 . In the 2021 IRP, the 23 Transmission Projects are assumed to be placed in 24 service by the end of 2024, consistent with current 25 construction timelines discussed by Company witness Link, Di 13 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Vail . The Transmission Projects will enable the addition 2 of new wind facilities that contribute to meeting 1, 627 3 MW of projected resource need beginning 2025 . 4 Q. Were the Transmission Projects part of the 2021 IRP 5 Update? 6 A. Yes . $ 7 Q. What new transfer capabilities and interconnection 8 capacity do the Transmission Projects add to 9 PacifiCorp' s system? 10 A. The Transmission Projects will increase the transfer 11 capability between the Aeolus substation in eastern 12 Wyoming and the Clover substation located near Mona, 13 Utah by 1, 700 MW, and enable the interconnection of 2, 030 14 MW of new resources in eastern Wyoming. 15 Q. Please describe key factors supporting the inclusion of 16 the Transmission Projects as prudent investments in this 17 case. 18 A. The Transmission Projects allow PacifiCorp to implement 19 system improvements, support the full capacity rating of 20 Gateway South and West, and enable the addition of 21 incremental Wyoming renewable resources to support 22 customer needs and deliver value for customers in the $ PacifiCorp's 2021 Integrated Resource Plan Update, Ch. 7, Action Plan Item 3a-3b, at 103-104 (Mar. 31, 2022) (https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/e nergy/integrated-resource-plan/2021 IRP Update.pdf) . Link, Di 14 Rocky Mountain Power 1 most cost-effective way. As discussed by Company witness 2 Vail, the Transmission Projects will also improve 3 overall reliability of the transmission system and 4 enhance PacifiCorp' s ability to comply with mandated 5 reliability and performance standards . Importantly, at 6 the time PacifiCorp committed to move forward with 7 building these new transmission assets, the Transmission 8 Projects would ensure the Company could meet its 9 obligations to reliably accommodate nearly 2, 500 MW of 10 interconnection and transmission service requests, 11 including 13 executed interconnection service and 12 transmission service agreements for over 1, 600 MW of new 13 wind resources . This included 500 MW of firm PTP 14 transmission service to a third-party transmission 15 customer under the FERC' s jurisdiction . 16 Q. Please describe the reliability benefits of the 17 Transmission Projects . 18 A. The Transmission Projects directly connect eastern 19 Wyoming to central Utah while enhancing reliability 20 throughout PacifiCorp-served regions . Connecting to the 21 Mona/Clover market hub provides additional flexibility 22 in the use of least-cost resources from eastern Wyoming 23 or southern Utah. 24 Moreover, allowing additional generation resources 25 to interconnect and serve load will lessen PacifiCorp' s Link, Di 15 Rocky Mountain Power 1 reliance on volatile and potentially diminishing market 2 transactions to serve load. Given concerns over regional 3 resource adequacy, reducing reliance on the market 4 ensures a stable and reliable supply of capacity and 5 energy going forward. 6 In addition, Gateway South improves reliability by 7 relieving the stress on the transmission system in 8 eastern Wyoming and central Utah. Gateway South relieves 9 stress on the underlying 230-kV transmission system in 10 Wyoming, and it unloads the underlying 345-kV 11 transmission system in central Utah, improving 12 reliability in both regions . Essentially, the 500-kV 13 line brings two distant areas closer to each other in a 14 way that improves regional reliability. 15 Gateway West Segment D. 1 creates a new transmission 16 path that allows for additional resource development in 17 the area. The addition of this line improves the 18 reliability of the transmission system during certain 19 identified outage conditions (Dave Johnston to Amasa 20 230-kV outage or Amasa - Shirley Basin 230-kV outage) . 21 Gateway West Segment D. 1 is also a prerequisite for 22 interconnecting new resources, including those selected 23 in the 2020AS RFP. Company witness Vail' s testimony 24 addresses transmission system reliability and 25 interconnection issues in greater detail . Link, Di 16 Rocky Mountain Power 1 B. The 2020AS RFP 2 Q. Please provide an overview of the 2020AS RFP. 3 A. The 2020AS RFP was issued to identify resources that 4 could meet the Company' s projected resource need 5 identified in the 2019 IRP. Based on the cost-and- 6 performance assumptions for proxy resources in the 2019 7 IRP, the Company expected that new wind, solar and 8 battery energy storage systems ("BESS") were likely to 9 be the most cost-competitive types of resources offered 10 into the 2020AS RFP. However, bidders could offer 11 proposals for other types of resources (i . e. , natural 12 gas, pumped storage, etc. ) . 13 Q. When was the 2020AS RFP issued? 14 A. After receiving approval from the Utah Commission 15 (Docket No. 20-035-05) and Oregon Commission (Docket No. 16 UM 2059) , PacifiCorp issued the 2020AS RFP on July 7, 17 2020 . 9 18 Q. What was the market response to the 2020AS RFP? 19 A. There was a robust market response that resulted in over 20 28, 000 MW of conforming bids, with an additional 12, 500 9 Utah's Energy Resource Procurement Act requires a competitive solicitation process before the acquisition of renewable resources greater than 300 MW. Utah Code Ann. § 54-17-201 et. seq. In addition, the Oregon Commission has established competitive bidding requirements for certain resource acquisitions by Oregon's investor-owned utilities. In the Matter of the Rulemaking Regarding Allowances for Diverse Ownership of Renewable Energy Resources, Docket No. AR 600, Order No. 18-324, Appendix A (Aug. 30, 2018) (https://apps.puc.state.or.us/orders/2018ords/18-324.pdf) (codified at Or. Admin. R. 860-89-0010, et seq. ) . Link, Di 17 Rocky Mountain Power 1 MW of non-confirming bids . Bids for 24 projects totaling 2 over 9, 000 MW of resource capacity located in eastern 3 Wyoming were submitted. 4 Q. How did the Company evaluate submitted bids? 5 A. The Company created an initial shortlist that was made 6 public on October 29, 2020 . This shortlist included 7 5, 453 MW of renewable resource capacity: 2, 974 MW of 8 solar or solar with storage (1, 130 MW of battery 9 storage) , 2, 479 MW of wind, and 200 MW of standalone 10 BESS . PacifiCorp then initiated a capacity factor 11 evaluation process (performed by third-party expert WSP 12 Global) . The initial shortlist contained a mix of 13 various ownership structures, including proposals for 14 power-purchase agreements ("PPAs") , build-transfer 15 agreements ("BTAs") , and battery storage agreements 16 ("BSAs") . 17 Q. What resources were selected to the final shortlist? 18 A. After evaluating a range of potential bid portfolios, 19 and accounting for bid updates from interconnection 20 study results, the final shortlist included: 1, 792 MW of 21 new wind capacity (590 MW as BTAs and 1, 202 as PPAs) ; 22 1, 302 MW of solar capacity as PPAs; and 697 MW of BESS Link, Di 18 Rocky Mountain Power 1 (497 MW of BESS capacity paired with solar bids, and 2 200 MW as standalone BESS capacity as a BSA) . 10 3 Q. Which final shortlist resources depend on the 4 Transmission Projects for interconnection? 5 A. Six final shortlist resources, representing over 1, 600 6 MW of wind generation, require the Transmission Projects 7 to interconnect to PacifiCorp' s transmission system. 8 Table 1 summarizes the wind resources that require the 9 Transmission Projects to achieve interconnection. Table 1 . 2020AS RFP Wind Bids Dependent on the Transmission Projects for Interconnection Project Bidder Structure Capacity (MW) Cedar NextEra PPA 350 Springs IV Boswell Innergex PPA 320 Springs BlueEarth Two Rivers Renewables LLC PPA 280 and Clearway Renew LLC Anticline NextEra PPA 101 Rock Creek Invenergy BTA 190 I Rock Creek Invenergy BTA 400 II 10 Q. Was the 2020AS RFP overseen by independent evaluators? 11 A. Yes . Consistent with Utah and Oregon Commissions' 12 requirements, the solicitation process was overseen by io The final shortlist originally included an additional solar bid collocated with BESS. Shortly after the bidder was notified its project was on the final shortlist, it withdrew the bid from the 2020AS RFP. This bid is not included in the total capacity. Link, Di 19 Rocky Mountain Power 1 two independent evaluators—one retained by the Utah 2 Commission (Merrimack Energy Group) , and one retained by 3 PacifiCorp and appointed by the Oregon Commission (PA 4 Consulting Group, Inc . ) . 5 Q. What were the independent evaluators' conclusions 6 regarding the 2020AS RFP? 7 A. Both independent evaluators concluded that the process 8 was fair and transparent, and that the bids selected for 9 the final shortlist were reasonable. 10 Q. Please describe the Utah independent evaluator' s 11 conclusions regarding the 2020AS RFP. 12 A. In its Shortlist Report, the Utah independent evaluator 13 concluded that the RFP was fair, reasonable, and in the 14 public interest.11 The Utah independent evaluator 15 concluded: 16 • The market response to the RFP was robust and, 17 "Based on the unbelievable response from the market 18 it is safe to say that the solicitation process 19 resulted in a very competitive process with many 20 more proposals generally submitted than the 21 expected requirements by bubble identified by 22 PacifiCorp. "12 23 • PacifiCorp engaged the bidders throughout the 24 process in a timely manner to ensure that all 25 bidders were treated fairly. 26 • All bidders were treated the same, had access to 27 the same information at the same time, and had an 28 equal opportunity to compete. 11 In re Rocky Mountain Power 2020AS RFP Application, Docket No. 20-035- 05 (Sept. 2, 2021) (https://psc.utah.gov/2020/01/24/docket-no-20-035- 05/) . 12 Utah Independent Evaluator Shortlist Report at 74. Link, Di 20 Rocky Mountain Power 1 • PacifiCorp implemented its evaluation and selection 2 process consistent with its proposed evaluation and 3 selection process as outlined in the RFP in a 4 structured and consistent manner designed to result 5 in the selection of a portfolio of projects that 6 would result in a least cost solution. 7 • PacifiCorp subjected all bidders to the same 8 information requirements and conducted a consistent 9 evaluation process with all proposals treated 10 equally in terms of the evaluation methodology and 11 information required of each bidder. 12 • The selection process was unbiased with respect to 13 ownership structures, i .e. , the process did not 14 unreasonably favor bids that resulted in a utility- 15 owned resource. 16 • The selected bids resulted in lower system cost 17 than a case where no bids were selected and 18 maximized customer benefits while managing risk. 19 Q. Please describe the Oregon independent evaluator' s 20 conclusions regarding the 2020AS RFP. 21 A. In its Closing Report, the Oregon independent evaluator 22 concluded that the final shortlist reflected a diverse 23 portfolio of competitive resources that achieves the 24 resource adequacy and least cost goals set forth in 25 PacifiCorp' s IRP.13 This was based on the following 26 conclusions : 27 • PacifiCorp' s procurement process, scoring 28 methodology and results were fair and free of bias 29 across all bids and bidders . 30 • PacifiCorp applied the rules of the 2020AS RFP in 31 an unbiased manner, communicated transparently with 32 the independent evaluators regarding their 13 In re PacifiCorp's 2020AS RFP Application, Docket No. UM 2059 (Oregon Commission; Jun. 15, 2021) (https://apps.puc.state.or.us/edockets/DocketNoLayout.asp?DocketID=2232 0) . Link, Di 21 Rocky Mountain Power 1 modelling processes and with stakeholders regarding 2 their decisions . 3 • PacifiCorp' s bid price scores were on average 4 consistent with the independent evaluator' s 5 independent scoring methodology. 6 • PacifiCorp' s utilization of an outside consultant, 7 WSP Global, to evaluate wind, solar, and battery 8 storage benefitted stakeholders . 9 • The final shortlist was reasonably aligned with the 10 2019 IRP preferred portfolio. 11 Q. Did the Oregon Commission acknowledge the shortlist? 12 A. Yes .14 Acknowledgement means that the Oregon Commission 13 found that the "final shortlist appears reasonable at 14 the time of acknowledgment and was determined in a manner 15 consistent with [Oregon' s] competitive bidding rules . "ls 16 The Oregon Commission noted that the final shortlist "is 17 a reasonable capacity and energy blend, with diversity 18 in contract structures (and therefore rate impact 19 profiles) , technology types, and geography. 1116 20 C. Price-Policy Assumptions 21 Q. Please summarize the natural gas and CO2 price 22 assumptions used in the economic analysis . 23 A. The economic analysis of the Transmission Projects 24 includes five price-policy scenarios—MM, MN, HH, LN, and 25 SCGHG. These assumptions influence the value of system 14 Docket No. UM 2059, Order No. 21-437 (Nov. 24, 2021) (https://apps.puc.state.or.us/orders/2021ords/21-437.pdf) . is Id. at 12. i6 Id. at 13. Link, Di 22 Rocky Mountain Power 1 energy, the dispatch of system resources, and 2 PacifiCorp' s resource mix. Consequently, wholesale- 3 power prices and CO2policy assumptions affect net-power 4 cost ("NPC") benefits, non-NPC variable-cost benefits, 5 and system fixed-cost benefits associated with the 6 Transmission Projects . Because wholesale power prices 7 and CO2policy outcomes are both uncertain and important 8 drivers to the economic analysis, it is important to 9 evaluate a range of assumptions for these variables . 10 Table 2 summarizes the price-policy scenarios used to 11 analyze the Transmission Projects . Link, Di 23 Rocky Mountain Power Table 2 . Price-Policy Scenario Assumption Overview Henry Hub Price- Natural Gas CO2 Price Description Policy Price Scenario (Levelized $/MMBtu) $9 . 93/ton starting MM $4 . 44 2025 rising to $57 . 94/ton in 2040 MN $4 . 44 None $22 . 57/ton starting HH $5 . 64 2025 rising to $102 . 48/ton in 2040 LN $2 . 94 None $74 . 10/ton starting SCGHG $4 . 44 2021 rising to $150 . 38/ton in 2040 *Nominal levelized Henry Hub natural gas price from 2025 through 2040 . 1 Q. Please describe the natural-gas price assumptions used 2 in the price-policy scenarios. 3 A. The medium natural gas price assumptions are from 4 PacifiCorp' s official forward price curve ("OFPC") dated 5 March 31, 2021, which was the most current OFPC available 6 when PacifiCorp prepared its modeling inputs for the 7 2021 IRP. The first 36 months of the OFPC reflect market 8 forwards at the close of a given trading day (March 31, 9 2021, in this case) . As such, these 36 months are market 10 forwards as of March 2021 . The blending period (months Link, Di 24 Rocky Mountain Power 1 37 through 48) is calculated by averaging the month-on- 2 month market forwards from the prior year with the month- 3 on-month fundamentals-based price from the subsequent 4 year. The fundamentals portion of the natural gas OFPC 5 reflects an expert third-party, multi-client "off-the- 6 shelf" price forecast. The fundamentals portion of the 7 electricity OFPC reflects prices as forecast by 8 AURORAXMP4 ("Aurora") , a WECC-wide market model . Aurora 9 uses the expert third-party natural gas price forecast 10 to produce a consistent electricity price forecast for 11 market hubs in which PacifiCorp participates . Figure 1 12 shows Henry Hub natural-gas price assumptions for the 13 medium, high, and low natural gas price scenarios . Figure 1 . Natural Gas Price Assumptions Wholesale Electricity Prices Natural Gas Prices Average of Palo Verde and Mid-C(Flat) Henry Hub $120 $9 $100 $8 $80 $7 $6 on $60 $5 $40 $3 $20 $2 $_ $1 N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M V $- O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M OV O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O —Mgas_00O2 tMgas_MCO2 —0—Hgas_HCO2 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N --O--Lgas_00O2 —0—Mgas_SCO2 —Medium tLow —m—High 14 Q. Please describe the CO2 price assumptions used in the 15 price-policy scenarios . 16 A. PacifiCorp used four different CO2 price scenarios in 17 the 2021 IRP—zero, medium, high, and a price forecast Link, Di 25 Rocky Mountain Power 1 that aligns with the social cost of greenhouse gases . 2 The medium and high scenario are derived from expert 3 third-party, multi-client "off-the-shelf" subscription 4 services . Both scenarios apply a CO2 price beginning 5 2025 . PacifiCorp also incorporated the social cost of 6 greenhouse gas, which is assumed to start in 2021 . The 7 social cost of greenhouse gases is applied such that the 8 price for the social cost of greenhouse gas is reflected 9 in market prices and dispatch costs for the purposes of 10 developing each portfolio (i . e. , incorporated into 11 capacity expansion optimization modeling) . Figure 2 12 shows the three non-zero CO2 price assumptions used to 13 analyze the Transmission Projects . Figure 2 . CO2 Price Assumptions $160 $150 — $140 $130 $120 $110 $100 $90 $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 - $10 $0 - N M \O r- o0 C1 O - N M � kn � r- 00 C1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N }Medium High Societal Cost Link, Di 26 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. How did PacifiCorp pair the natural gas and CO2 price 2 assumptions for purposes of its analysis of the 3 Transmission Projects? 4 A. Scenarios pairing medium gas prices with alternative CO2 5 price assumptions reflect OFPC forwards through April 6 2024 before transitioning to a fundamentals forecast. 7 Scenarios using high or low gas prices, regardless of 8 CO2 price assumptions, do not incorporate any market 9 forwards because these scenarios are designed to reflect 10 an alternative view to that of the market. As such, the 11 low and high natural gas price scenarios are purely 12 fundamental forecasts . Low and high natural gas price 13 scenarios are also derived from expert third-party, 14 multi-client "off-the-shelf" subscription services . 15 Q. Does including potential future CO2 costs reflect prudent 16 utility planning? 17 A. Yes . The Company' s price-policy scenarios include 18 varying levels of assumed CO2 costs to reflect the fact 19 it is more likely than not that some policy will exist 20 that will drive reduced emissions over the life of the 21 Transmission Projects . When determining CO2 costs used 22 for planning purposes, the Company strives to ensure 23 that it is not an outlier as discussed above, and the 24 medium price is within a reasonable range used by the 25 industry to assess risk and conduct prudent resource Link, Di 27 Rocky Mountain Power 1 planning. 2 Q. Are the modeled CO2 costs intended to represent a literal 3 carbon tax? 4 A. No . The modeled CO2 costs are not intended to explicitly 5 account for a future tax on CO2 emissions . Rather, these 6 costs capture the effect of policies incentivizing 7 reduced emissions through benefits or imposing costs 8 through penalties or other costs resulting from market 9 dynamics driving the need for zero-emission resources or 10 customer preferences . 11 D. Modeling Methodology 12 Q. Please describe the modeling methodology PacifiCorp used 13 in its analysis of the Transmission Projects . 14 A. PacifiCorp calculated a system PURR by identifying 15 least-cost resource portfolios and dispatching system 16 resources through 2040, which aligns with the 20-year 17 forecast period used in the 2021 IRP. Net customer 18 benefits are calculated as the PVRR (d) between two 19 simulations of PacifiCorp' s system. One simulation 20 includes the Transmission Projects, and the other 21 simulation excludes them. In addition, because wind bids 22 selected from the 2020AS RFP located in eastern Wyoming 23 cannot interconnect without the Transmission Projects, 24 these wind resources are also eliminated from the 25 simulation without the Transmission Projects . When the Link, Di 28 Rocky Mountain Power 1 two simulations are compared, changes to system costs 2 are attributable to the Transmission Projects and 3 associated wind resources from the 2020AS RFP final 4 shortlist . 5 Customers are expected to realize benefits when the 6 system PVRR from the simulation with the Transmission 7 Projects is lower than the system PVRR without the 8 Transmission Projects . Conversely, customers would 9 experience increased costs if the system PURR with the 10 Transmission Projects were higher than the system PVRR 11 without the Transmission Projects . 12 Q. Are there any other costs that differ between the 13 simulations with and without the Transmission Projects? 14 A. Yes . The simulation that excludes the Transmission 15 Projects includes the cost of transmission upgrades 16 necessary to accommodate PacifiCorp' s obligation to 17 provide 500 MW of firm PTP transmission service to a 18 third-party customer. As explained in more detail by 19 Company witness Vail, these transmission upgrade costs 20 were included because, even conservatively ignoring all 21 the executed interconnection service and transmission 22 service contracts listing the Transmission Projects as 23 prerequisites and focusing solely on the upgrades 24 required to provide service under one transmission 25 service contract, PacifiCorp assumed it would need to Link, Di 29 Rocky Mountain Power 1 construct a 230-kV line by the end of 2024 at an 2 estimated cost of approximately $1 . 4 billion . 3 Further, this $1 . 4 billion cost is the minimum cost 4 for the alternative considering that it includes only 5 the upgrades required to provide service under a single 6 transmission service contract. Additional costs would be 7 incurred to provide service under all interconnection 8 service contracts listing the Transmission Projects as 9 prerequisites . To provide service under all these 10 contracts, it is likely the alternative would be to 11 construct the Transmission Projects, which means that 12 construction of these transmission investments are 13 unavoidable given PacifiCorp' s federal open access 14 transmission tariff obligations to grant interconnection 15 and transmission service requests . 16 Q. Please describe the modeling tool used to create the 17 economic analysis of the Transmission Projects . 18 A. PacifiCorp uses the PLEXOS modeling system. The PLEXOS 19 modeling system provides three platforms of the PLEXOS 20 tool (referred to as Long-term ("LT") , Medium-term 21 ("MT") and Short-term ("ST") ) , which work on an 22 integrated basis to inform the optimal combination of 23 resources by type, timing, size, and location over 24 PacifiCorp' s 20-year planning horizon. The PLEXOS tool 25 also allows for improved endogenous modeling of resource Link, Di 30 Rocky Mountain Power 1 options simultaneously, greatly reducing the volume of 2 individual portfolios needed to evaluate impacts of 3 varying resource decisions . 4 Q. Please describe how PacifiCorp used the LT model. 5 A. PacifiCorp used the LT model to produce unique resource 6 portfolios across a range of different planning cases . 7 Informed by the public-input process, PacifiCorp 8 identified case assumptions that were used to produce 9 optimized resource portfolios, each one unique regarding 10 the type, timing, location, and amount of new resources 11 that could be pursued to serve customers over the next 12 20 years . Portfolios from the LT model are informed by 13 an hourly review of reliability based on ST model 14 simulations (described below) . This ensures that each 15 portfolio meets minimum reliability criteria in all 16 hours . 17 Q. Please describe how PacifiCorp used the MT model . 18 A. PacifiCorp used the MT model to perform stochastic risk 19 analysis of the portfolios . Each portfolio was evaluated 20 for cost and risk among five price-policy scenarios (MM, 21 MN, HH, LN, and SCGHG) . A primary function of the MT 22 model is to calculate an optimized risk-adjustment, 23 representing the relative risk of a portfolio under 24 unfavorable stochastic conditions for that portfolio . Link, Di 31 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Please describe how PacifiCorp used the ST model . 2 A. PacifiCorp used to ST model to evaluate each portfolio 3 to establish system costs over the entire 20-year 4 planning period. The ST model accounts for resource 5 availability and system requirements at an hourly level, 6 producing reliability and resource value outcomes as 7 well as a PURR, which serves as the basis for selecting 8 least-cost, least-risk portfolios . As noted above, ST 9 model simulations were also used to identify the 10 potential need for resources in the portfolio to 11 maintain system reliability. 12 Q. How did each of the three PLEXOS models work together to 13 inform the economic analysis presented here? 14 A. In the first step, resource portfolios (with and without 15 the Transmission Projects and associated wind resources) 16 were developed using the LT model . The LT model operates 17 by minimizing operating costs for existing and 18 prospective new resources, subject to system load 19 balance, reliability, and other constraints . Over the 20 20-year planning horizon, the model optimizes resource 21 additions subject to resource costs and load 22 constraints . These constraints include seasonal loads, 23 operating reserves and regulation reserves plus a 24 minimum capacity reserve margin for each load area 25 represented in the model . Link, Di 32 Rocky Mountain Power 1 To accomplish these optimization objectives, the LT 2 model performs a least-cost dispatch for existing and 3 potential planned generation, while considering cost and 4 performance of existing contracts and new demand-side 5 management ("DSM") alternatives within PacifiCorp' s 6 transmission system. Resource dispatch is based on 7 representative data blocks for each of the 12 months of 8 every year. Dispatch also determines optimal electricity 9 flows between zones and includes spot market 10 transactions for system balancing. The model minimizes 11 the system PURR, which includes the net present value 12 cost of existing contracts, market purchase costs, 13 market sale revenues, generation costs (fuel, fixed and 14 variable operation and maintenance, decommissioning, 15 emissions, unserved energy, and unmet capacity) , costs 16 of DSM resources, amortized capital costs for existing 17 coal resources and potential new resources, and costs 18 for potential transmission upgrades . 19 Each portfolio developed by the LT model must have 20 sufficient capacity to be reliable over the IRP' s 20- 21 year planning horizon. The resource portfolios reflect 22 a combination of planning assumptions such as resource 23 retirements, CO2 prices, wholesale power and natural gas 24 prices, load growth net of assumed private generation 25 penetration levels, cost and performance attributes of Link, Di 33 Rocky Mountain Power 1 potential transmission upgrades, and new and existing 2 resource cost and performance data, including 3 assumptions for new supply-side resources and 4 incremental DSM resources . 5 Q. What is the next step in the modeling process? 6 A. In the second step, the Company conducted a reliability 7 assessment using the ST model . The ST model begins with 8 a portfolio from the LT model that has not yet benefited 9 from a reliability assessment conducted at an hourly 10 level . The ST model is first run at an hourly level for 11 20 years to retrieve two critical pieces of data: (1) 12 shortfalls by hour; and (2) the value of every potential 13 resource to the system. This information is then used to 14 determine the most cost-effective resource additions 15 needed to meet reliability shortfalls, leading to a 16 reliability-modified portfolio. The ST model is then run 17 again with the modified portfolio to calculate an 18 initial PURR, which is risk-adjusted by outcomes of MT 19 model stochastics that occurs in the third step of the 20 process . 21 Q. Please describe how the MT model is used to conduct cost 22 and risk analysis . 23 A. In the third step, the resource portfolios developed by 24 the LT model and adjusted for reliability by the ST model 25 are simulated in the MT model to produce metrics that Link, Di 34 Rocky Mountain Power 1 support comparative cost and risk analysis among the 2 different resource portfolio alternatives . The 3 stochastic simulation in the MT model produces a 4 dispatch solution that accounts for chronological 5 commitment and dispatch constraints . The MT simulation 6 incorporates stochastic risk in its production cost 7 estimates by using the Monte Carlo sampling of 8 stochastic variables, which include load, wholesale 9 electricity and natural gas prices, hydro generation, 10 and thermal unit outages . The MT results are used to 11 calculate a risk adjustment, which is combined with ST 12 model system costs to achieve a final risk-adjusted 13 PVRR. 14 Q. Is the PLEXOS model appropriate for analyzing the 15 customer benefits of the Transmission Projects? 16 A. Yes . The PLEXOS model is the appropriate modeling tool 17 when evaluating significant capital investments that 18 influence PacifiCorp' s resource mix and affect least- 19 cost dispatch of system resources . The LT model 20 simultaneously and endogenously evaluates capacity and 21 energy trade-offs associated with resource and 22 transmission capital projects and is needed to 23 understand how the type, timing, and location of future 24 resources might be affected by the Transmission 25 Projects . The ST and MT models provide additional Link, Di 35 Rocky Mountain Power 1 granularity on how the Transmission Projects are 2 projected to affect system operations while assessing 3 stochastic risks . Together, the LT, MT, and ST models 4 are best suited to perform a benefit analysis for the 5 Transmission Projects that is consistent with long- 6 standing least-cost, least-risk planning principles 7 applied in PacifiCorp' s IRP and resource procurement 8 activities . 9 Q. When developing resource portfolios with the PLEXOS 10 model, did you perform a reliability assessment? 11 A. Yes . As described above, the ST model was used to 12 establish system costs for each portfolio over the 13 entire 20-year planning period. The ST model accounts 14 for resource availability and system requirements at an 15 hourly level, producing reliability and resource value 16 outcomes that will reveal whether an initially reliable 17 portfolio selected by the LT model leaves shortfalls at 18 an hourly level, which can then be addressed. 19 Q. Did PacifiCorp analyze how other assumptions affect its 20 economic analysis of the Transmission Projects? 21 A. Yes . The economic analysis also included one sensitivity 22 that quantified how changes in new resource capital 23 costs for the two BTA wind projects and capital cost 24 assumptions for the Transmission Projects influenced 25 projected customer benefits . Link, Di 36 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Company witness Vail' s testimony indicates that the 2 Transmission Projects will enable up to 2 , 030 MW of new 3 resources to interconnect in eastern Wyoming. Why does 4 your analysis only account for 1 , 640 MW? 5 A. The economic analysis reasonably accounted for only 6 those wind resources that were selected to the 2020AS 7 RFP final shortlist . 8 Q. Does PacifiCorp assume that all the up-front capital 9 costs of the Transmission Projects will be paid by its 10 retail customers? 11 A. No . The cost of the Transmission Projects will be shared 12 between PacifiCorp' s retail and wholesale transmission 13 customers . In my analyses, I assumed retail customers 14 would pay 80 percent of the revenue requirement from the 15 up-front capital cost for the Transmission Projects, 16 after accounting for an assumed 20 percent revenue 17 credit from the Company' s transmission customers . 18 E. Price-Policy Scenario Results 19 Q. Please summarize the PVRR(d) results calculated from the 20 PLEXOS model . 21 A. Table 3 summarizes the PVRR (d) results for each price- 22 policy scenario . 17 17 Exhibit No. 31 - Transmission Projects Analysis. Link, Di 37 Rocky Mountain Power Table 3 . PVRR(d) (Benefit) /Cost of the Transmission Projects ($ million) Price-Policy PVRR(d) Risk-Adjusted Scenario PVRR(d) MM ($128) ($260) LN $755 $670 MN $393 $289 HH ($932) ($1, 100) SCGHG ($2, 568) ($2, 819) 1 As shown above, system costs increase when the 2 Transmission Projects are removed from the portfolio in 3 the MM, HH, and SCGHG price-policy scenarios . 4 Conversely, costs decrease in the LN and MN price-policy 5 scenarios . Without the Transmission Projects, emissions 6 from PacifiCorp' s generation resources increase 7 considerably—ranging from 8 . 4 percent in the MN price- 8 policy scenario to 17 . 8 percent in the SCGHG price- 9 policy scenario. The LN and MN scenarios unrealistically 10 fail to account for the risk that there will be some 11 form of policy action taken to impute a cost or penalty 12 on greenhouse gas emissions over the planning period. It 13 is also unlikely gas prices will be suppressed for many 14 decades to come, as assumed in the LN price-policy 15 scenario . Further, cost-and-risk results indicate that 16 there is a tremendous opportunity cost of not building 17 the Transmission Projects should policies develop that Link, Di 38 Rocky Mountain Power 1 impose costs on greenhouse gas emissions . This is seen 2 with the disproportionate increase in costs under the HH 3 and SCGHG price-policy scenarios relative to the size of 4 cost reductions in the unlikely LN and MN price-policy 5 scenarios . 6 Considering that the removal of the Transmission 7 Projects increases system costs among the MM, HH, and 8 SCGHG price-policy scenarios, significantly increases 9 emissions and associated costs and risks, and 10 significantly increases market-reliance risk (discussed 11 further below) , this analysis supports the necessity of 12 the Transmission Projects and indicates that they are 13 likely to result in robust customer benefits . 14 Q. Did you calculate how the PVRR(d) results presented 15 above would change if you assumed the Transmission 16 Projects would be required to provide service under all 17 these interconnection and transmission service 18 contracts? 19 A. Yes . This would increase the cost of the "alternative" 20 to equal the cost of the Transmission Projects, which 21 represents a $971 million increase in unavoidable 22 capital relative to what is shown in the table above. 23 This translates into $482 million on a PVRR basis . Table 24 4 shows the PVRR(d) results with this level of 25 unavoidable capital . When this higher cost is applied to Link, Di 39 Rocky Mountain Power 1 the results, the MN price-policy scenario now shows 2 there are significant customer benefits from the 3 Transmission Projects . Table 4 . PVRR(d) (Benefit) /Cost of the Transmission Projects Assuming the Transmission Projects are Unavoidable ($ million) Price-Policy PVRR(d) Risk-Adjusted Scenario PVRR(d) MM ($610) ($742) LN $273 $188 MN ($90) ($194) HH ($1, 414) ($1, 582) SCGHG ($3, 050) ($3, 301) 4 Q. Please describe the impact of removing the Transmission 5 Projects and associated wind resources from the 2021 6 IRP' s preferred portfolio. 7 A. Figure 3 shows the cumulative (at left) and incremental 8 (at right) portfolio changes when the Transmission 9 Projects are eliminated under the MM price-policy 10 scenario . A positive value indicates an increase in 11 resources and a negative value indicates a decrease in 12 resources when the Transmission Projects are eliminated. 13 Without the Transmission Projects, the 1, 640 MW of wind 14 resources selected in the 2020AS RFP are removed from 15 the portfolio in 2024 (shown as a reduction in 2025, the 16 first full year these resources would be online) . An 17 additional 289 MW of wind is eliminated in 2030 . In 2034, Link, Di 40 Rocky Mountain Power 1 the absence of the new wind resources triggers the 2 addition of an advanced nuclear plant that displaces 3 solar co-located with storage resources . Figure 3 . Changes in the Resource Portfolio without the Transmission Projects ctmluimive PoMolio chmga h.—.td Portfolio chmga 1000 100 W -500 •300 •1000 -I300 �•1000 -2000 -I51f0 -2500 A R4 41� 1 'P5^'f 't'iA "i 4 h �f'7 'C �P�' /^Q�'y r� 'P 'P� ^ci'' .Pi^ '� , -Md— oSda,+ M. Arod =�,MyPBd®ry oN.d.. •gW_S". •Wind •Enalq Ef6d..y 4 Q. Does the removal of the Transmission Projects and 5 associated wind resources increase the Company' s 6 reliance on market purchases? 7 A. Yes . Figure 4 shows how market purchases change when the 8 Transmission Projects are removed from the portfolio 9 under the MM price-policy scenario. With fewer 10 resources, market purchases increase by nearly 20 11 percent on an annual basis . This creates higher risk as 12 the Company is forced to rely on market purchases at a 13 time when there are increasing resource adequacy 14 concerns throughout the western interconnect. This 15 increased market and reliability risk is not reflected 16 in the PVRR (d) results . Link, Di 41 Rocky Mountain Power Figure 4 . Changes in Market Purchases without the Transmission Projects 1,200 1,000 800 ---_-��- 600 400 -- 200 0 N m Q n n 00 m o N m Q vi t, 00 m o N N N N N N N N N M m M m M M M m m m Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ———P02-MPo1 —P02c-No GWS 1 Q. How do system costs change with and without the 2 Transmission Projects? 3 A. Figure 5 summarizes changes in system costs 4 (conservatively assuming the cost for a 230-kV 5 alternative is unavoidable) , based on ST model results 6 using MM price-policy assumptions, when the Transmission 7 Projects are eliminated from the portfolio . The graph on 8 the left shows annual changes in cost by category and 9 the graph on right shows annual net changes in total 10 costs (the solid black line) and the cumulative PVRR (d) 11 of changes to net system costs over time (the dashed 12 black line) . Through 2040, the PVRR(d) shows that the 13 portfolio without the Transmission Projects is $128 14 million higher cost than the portfolio with the 15 Transmission Projects . On a risk-adjusted basis, which 16 factors in the risk associated with low-probability, 17 high-cost events through stochastic simulations, the Link, Di 42 Rocky Mountain Power 1 portfolio without the Transmission Projects is $260 2 million higher cost than the portfolio with the 3 Transmission Projects . The risk-adjusted results 4 indicate that the Transmission Projects add significant 5 risk mitigation benefits associated with volatility in 6 market prices, loads, hydro generation, and unplanned 7 outages . Figure 5 . Increase/ (Decrease) in System Costs when the Transmission Projects are Removed from the Portfolio Annual Change in Cost by Line Item Net Difference In Total System Cost $400 $a0 $300 $20 $2�$100 _'�� 1 1 1111 $0 - --" ($20) $0 ($40) ($100) ($200) ' 1 1 1" isS80 ($128) ($300) - _. (5180) — ($400) ($120) ($s00) ($140) — n n ao m n n ao m so($1 ) ry n ry ry n n ry ry ry ry ry ry ry n ry ry n ry ry ry n m n m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■Coal&Gas Fixed ■Coal&Gas Variable ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ■Proxy Resource Costs ■Emissions ■Net Market Transactions■Transmission Net Cost/(Benefit) ———Cumulative PVRR(d) 8 Q. Is there incremental customer upside to the PVRR(d) 9 results? 10 A. Yes . The PVRR (d) results presented in Table 4 do not 11 reflect the potential value of RECs generated by the 12 incremental energy output from the renewable projects 13 enabled by the Transmission Projects . Customer benefits 14 for all price-policy scenarios would improve by 15 approximately $42 million for every dollar assigned to 16 the incremental RECs that will be generated through 17 2040 . Beyond potential REC-revenue benefits, the Link, Di 43 Rocky Mountain Power 1 economic analysis of the Transmission Projects does not 2 reflect the reliability benefits that these investments 3 will provide to the transmission system, which are 4 described by Company witness Vail . 5 Q. How do the risk-adjusted PVRR(d) results compare to the 6 stochastic-mean PVRR(d) results? 7 A. The risk-adjusted PVRR(d) results show an increase in 8 the benefits of the Transmission Projects when compared 9 to the reported ST-model PVRR (d) results . This indicates 10 that the Transmission Projects provide stochastic risk 11 benefits by making the system less susceptible to low- 12 probability combinations of load, market price, hydro 13 generation, and thermal outage volatility that can 14 increase system costs . 15 Q. Have you calculated how changes in the capital cost for 16 the Transmission Projects might affect customer 17 benefits? 18 A. Yes . A one percent increase in the initial capital costs 19 associated with the Transmission Projects would reduce 20 PVRR benefits by $4 . 8 million . This estimate 21 conservatively assumes that there is no change in 22 transmission costs that will be avoided with the 23 construction of the Transmission Projects . In the MM 24 price-policy scenario, capital costs for the 25 Transmission Projects would need to increase by Link, Di 44 Rocky Mountain Power 1 54 percent to eliminate customer benefits on a risk- 2 adjusted basis . This demonstrates that the projected 3 customer benefits are robust to potential variations in 4 capital costs for the Transmission Projects, 5 particularly when considering that the cost estimates 6 used in the economic analysis of the Transmission 7 Projects reflect PacifiCorp' s experience with the recent 8 construction of Gateway West Segment D. 2 and the 9 associated 230-kV network upgrades reflecting current 10 market conditions . 11 F. Post-Construction Economic Review 12 Q. Did you continue to revisit your economic analysis of 13 the Transmission Projects after initiating construction? 14 A. Yes . 15 Q. Why did you continue to revisit your economic analysis? 16 A. After PacifiCorp provided its notice to proceed to begin 17 constructing the Transmission Projects, the Company 18 continued to negotiate contracts for the wind resources 19 that are dependent on the Transmission Projects . During 20 the pendency of those negotiations, there were two 21 significant developments that affected the cost of the 22 wind resources . Considering that the cost of the wind 23 resources affects the economic analysis of the 24 Transmission Projects, I continued to check that changes 25 to costs did not erode customer benefits . Link, Di 45 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Please describe the two developments that affected the 2 cost of the wind resources dependent upon the 3 Transmission Projects . 4 A. First, as the Company finalized contracts with resources 5 selected to the 2020AS RFP final shortlist, national 6 tariff policies, global supply-chain challenges, and 7 inflationary pressures required that bidders secure 8 higher prices than originally offered into the 2020AS 9 RFP. Second, Congress passed the IRA that, among other 10 things, provided an opportunity for the wind projects 11 dependent upon the Transmission Projects to qualify for 12 a 110 percent PTC, which is substantially higher than 13 the 60 percent PTC assumed in my economic analysis that 14 supported the Company' s decision to begin constructing 15 the Transmission Projects . 16 Q. How did you evaluate the impact of these developments on 17 the economic analysis of the Transmission Projects? 18 A. As the Company finalized the wind resource contracts to 19 capture price changes and new provisions related to the 20 IRA, MM price-policy results were revisited so that we 21 could understand how the economic analysis was being 22 impacted. The updated analysis captured price changes in 23 the contracts and incorporated updated energy values for 24 projected wind energy using more current market price 25 assumptions (i . e. , June 2022) . Link, Di 46 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Did your post-construction economic review capture other 2 updates? 3 A. Yes . Due to the price pressures I discussed above, some 4 of the 2020AS RFP final shortlist bidders were unwilling 5 to offer any form of price update. These projects were 6 removed from consideration. While this did not include 7 any of the wind projects dependent on the Transmission 8 Projects, the removal of bids increases the overall need 9 for new resources . The updated analysis also included 10 any new contracts that were executed outside of the 11 2020AS RFP process and incorporated the most current 12 load forecast, which was developed in May 2022 . The 13 updated analysis also accounted for the potential impact 14 of the OTR. 15 Q. What did you find when you prepared this post- 16 construction economic review of the Transmission 17 Projects? 18 A. This on-going review continued to show that the 19 Transmission Projects are expected to generate customer 20 benefits . The last of these reviews, prepared in 21 September 2022, reflected updated pricing for all wind 22 resource PPAs dependent upon the Transmission Projects 23 and showed risk-adjusted customer benefits totaling 24 $247 million in the MM price-policy scenario. This is 25 similar to the comparable risk-adjusted customer Link, Di 47 Rocky Mountain Power 1 benefits totaling $260 million from the economic 2 analysis in place when the Company initiated 3 construction of the Transmission Projects . 4 IV. CONCLUSION 5 Q. Please summarize the conclusions of your Gateway South 6 and Gateway West testimony. 7 A. PacifiCorp' s analysis shows that the Transmission 8 Projects are necessary and in the public interest. Under 9 the MM price-policy scenario, the Transmission Projects 10 produce significantly lower total system costs—ranging 11 from $128 to $260 million when using the most 12 conservating assumptions for avoided transmission and 13 ranging from $610 million to $742 million when assuming 14 the Transmission Projects are unavoidable. The 15 Transmission Projects are also lower risk than 16 alternative scenarios without the resources . Most 17 notably, without the Transmission Projects and 18 accompanying wind resources, the Company is forced to 19 rely heavily on market purchases to serve load, which 20 increases risk related to market volatility and creates 21 reliability concerns given the region' s well established 22 resource adequacy concerns . 23 By proactively constructing the Transmission 24 Projects the Company can not only save customers money 25 (as evidenced by the savings in the MM price-policy Link, Di 48 Rocky Mountain Power 1 scenario) but also reduce customer risk, which is a non- 2 quantifiable benefit that strongly favors the 3 Transmission Projects . The updated economic analysis of 4 the Transmission Projects demonstrates that net benefits 5 more than outweigh net project costs . 6 Q. What do you recommend? 7 A. As supported by PacifiCorp' s economic analysis, I 8 recommend that the Commission determine that Company' s 9 decisions to invest in the Transmission Projects are 10 prudent and reasonable. 11 Q. Does this conclude your direct testimony? 12 A. Yes . Link, Di 49 Rocky Mountain Power Case No. PAC-E-24-04 Exhibit No. 31 Witness : Rick T. Link BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Rick T. Link Transmission Projects Analysis May 2024 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.31 Page 1 of 3 Case No. PAC-E-24-04 Witness:Rick T.Link ST Results($million) Medium Gas,Medium CO2 (Benefit)/Cost I PVRR(d) 2021 1 2022 1 2023 1 2024 1 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 1 2036 1 2037 1 2038 1 2039 2040 Cost of Project $1,837 $0 $0 $0 $0 $193 $194 $199 $214 $217 $225 $231 $234 $240 $238 $298 $301 $298 $300 $304 S309 New Wind Capital Cost $397 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33 $34 $34 $40 $40 $42 $45 $45 $47 $51 $93 $94 $94 $95 $97 $99 Wind Run-Rate Fixed Costs $327 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51 $51 $54 $53 $55 $56 $57 $59 $59 $56 $16 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 PPA $1,332 $0 $0 $0 ($0) $180 $181 $188 $197 $202 $208 $215 $220 $224 $220 $130 $132 $129 $129 $132 $134 PTC Credits ($748) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($130) ($130) ($135) ($134) ($139) ($140) ($143) ($148) ($148) ($148) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wind Tax $14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 Transmission GWS $1,261 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 Transmission D.1 $185 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Avoided Transmission-Base 230 kV ($843) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) Transmisison Network Wind $41 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5 $5 $5 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 Transmission OATT Credit ($129) $0 $0 $0 ($0) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) Change inNPC ($1,345) ($0) $0 ($1) ($2) ($170) ($158) ($166) ($175) ($175) ($189) ($198) ($193) ($163) ($169) ($171) ($171) ($212) ($211) ($222) ($306) Change in Emissions ($488) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($25) ($32) ($36) ($41) ($49) ($82) ($80) ($99) ($71) ($76) ($87) ($107) ($95) ($105) ($120) ($91) Change in VOM&Driver Adjustments ($40) (SO) $0 $0 (SO) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($3) $34 ($16) ($16) ($16) ($16) ($16) ($16) ($17) Change in DSM ($41) $0 ($1) ($2) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) Change in Deficiency ($4) (SO) $0 $0 ($1) ($3) $0 ($1) ($2) ($O) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 ($0) $0 $0 $0 Change in System Fixed Cost ($48) (SO) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) $48 $49 $49 ($40) ($41) ($42) ($43) ($45) ($46) ($48) ($49) Net(Benefit)/Cost ($128) (SO) ($1) ($2) ($6) ($12) ($4) ($12) ($12) ($16) ($5) ($6) ($17) ($5) ($70) ($24) ($42) ($76) ($85) ($107) ($160) Risk Adjustment ($132) Net(Benefit)/Cost with Risk Adjustment ($260) �2 (Benefit)/Cost PVRR(d) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 1 2034 1 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2A40 Cost of Project $1,811 $0 $0 $0 $0 $194 $195 $201 $215 $217 $225 $231 $234 $240 $167 $297 $301 $298 $300 $304 $309 New Wind Capital Cost $398 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34 $35 $34 $40 $40 $42 $45 $45 $47 $51 $93 $94 $94 $95 $97 $99 Wind Run-Rate Fixed Costs $326 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 $54 $52 $55 $56 $57 $59 $59 $56 $16 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 PPA $1,304 $0 $0 $0 ($0) $180 $181 $188 $197 $202 $208 $215 $220 $224 $149 $130 $132 $129 $129 $132 $134 PTC Credits ($746) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($129) ($129) ($134) ($134) ($139) ($140) ($143) ($148) ($148) ($148) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wind Tax $14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 Transmission GWS $1,261 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 Transmission D.1 $185 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Avoided Transmission-Base 230 kV ($843) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) Transmisison Network Wind[1] $41 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5 $5 $5 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 Transmission OATT Credit ($129) $0 $0 $0 ($0) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) Change inNPC ($1,305) $1 $0 ($1) ($1) ($163) ($163) ($168) ($171) ($172) ($202) ($197) ($203) ($150) ($152) ($153) ($167) ($190) ($202) ($215) ($251) Change in Emissions $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Change in VOM&Driver Adjustments ($49) ($O) ($0) $0 ($0) ($7) ($8) ($8) ($4) ($4) ($4) ($4) ($4) $34 ($16) ($17) ($17) ($17) ($17) ($17) ($16) Change inDSM ($41) $0 ($1) ($2) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) Change in Deficiency ($4) (SO) $0 $0 ($1) ($3) ($O) ($1) ($1) $0 ($0) $0 $0 ($0) $0 $0 ($1) $0 $0 $0 $0 Change in System Fixed Cast ($20) (SO) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($O) ($0) ($0) ($0) $48 $49 $49 ($40) $30 ($42) ($43) ($45) ($46) ($48) ($49) Net(Bencfit)/Cost $393 $0 ($1) ($2) ($5) $18 $21 $19 $33 $36 $62 $74 $70 $80 $23 $80 $68 $39 $28 $20 ($12) Risk Adjustment ($104) Net(Benefit)/Cost with Risk Adjustment $289 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.31 Page 2 of 3 Case No. PAC-E-24-04 Witness:Rick T.Link High Gas,Iligh CO2 (Benefit)/Cos[ I PVRR(d) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 Cost of Project $1,808 $0 $0 $0 $0 $193 $194 $199 $214 $217 $225 $231 $234 $240 $167 $298 $301 $298 $300 $304 $309 New Wind Capital Cost $396 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33 $34 $34 $40 $40 $42 $45 $45 $47 $51 $93 $94 $94 $95 $97 $99 Wind Run-Rate Fixed Costs $327 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51 $51 $54 $53 $55 $56 $57 $59 $59 $56 $16 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 PPA $1,304 $0 $0 $0 ($0) $180 $181 $188 $197 $202 $208 $215 $220 $224 $149 $130 $132 $129 $129 $132 $134 PTC Credits ($749) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($131) ($131) ($135) ($134) ($139) ($140) ($143) ($148) ($148) ($148) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wind Tax $14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 Transmission GWS $1,261 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 Transmission D.1 $185 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Avoided Transmission-Base 230 kV ($843) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) Transmission Network Wind $41 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5 $5 $5 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 Transmission OATT Credit ($129) $0 $0 $0 ($0) ($14) ($14) ($14) 14) 14 14 14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) Change in NPC ($1,697) $0 $1 $1 ($4) ($185) ($183) ($199) ($217) ($206) ($232) ($241) ($259) ($217) ($211) ($237) ($233) ($269) ($346) ($349) ($339) Change in Emissions ($936) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($71) ($79) ($86) ($84) ($109) ($160) ($161) ($169) ($125) ($153) ($150) ($186) ($188) ($130) ($170) ($203) Change in VOM&Driver Adjustments ($37) ($0) $0 $0 $0 ($3) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($2) ($2) ($3) $34 ($16) ($16) ($16) ($17) ($17) ($19) ($18) Change in DSM ($41) $0 ($1) ($2) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) Change in Deficiency ($8) ($3) $0 $0 ($1) ($3) $0 ($1) ($3) $0 ($0) ($0) ($2) ($0) ($0) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Change in System Fixed Cost ($20) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) $48 $49 $49 ($40) $30 ($42) ($43) ($45) ($46) ($48) ($49) Net(Benefit)/Cost ($932) ($3) ($1) ($1) ($8) ($72) ($75) ($95) ($98) ($106) ($125) ($130) ($154) ($113) ($189) ($154) ($183) ($227) ($246) ($287) ($306) Risk Adjustment ($168) Net(Benefit)/Cost with Risk Adjustment ($1,100) (Benefit)/Cost PVRR(d) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 Cost ofProiect $1,838 $0 $0 $0 $0 $194 $195 $200 $214 $217 $225 $231 $234 $240 $238 $298 $301 $298 $300 $304 $309 New Wind Capital Cost $397 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34 $34 $34 $40 $40 $42 $45 $45 $47 $51 $93 $94 $94 $95 $97 $99 Wind Run-Rate Fixed Costs $326 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51 $51 $54 $53 $55 $56 $57 $59 $59 $56 $16 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 PPA $1,332 $0 $0 $0 ($0) $180 $181 $188 $197 $202 $208 $215 $220 $224 $220 $130 $132 $129 $129 $132 $134 PTC Credits ($748) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($130) ($130) ($134) ($134) ($139) ($140) ($143) ($148) ($148) ($148) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wind Tax $14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 Transmission GWS $1,261 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 Transmission D.1 $185 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Avoided Transmission-Base 230 kV ($843) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) Transmisison Network Wind[1] $41 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5 $5 $5 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 Transmission OATT Credit ($128.78) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($0.07) ($14.19) ($14.17) ($14.14) ($14.13) ($14.11) ($14.10) ($14.08) ($14.06) ($14.05) ($14.04) ($14.14 ( 1a.1z) ( 1a.1o) ( 1a.o8) ( 1a.o7) ( 14.06) Change in NPC ($948) ($0) $0 $0 ($2) ($105) ($109) ($115) ($120) ($119) ($141) ($141) ($147) ($118) ($123) ($122) ($130) ($151) ($159) ($165) ($200) Change in Emissions $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Change inVOM&Driver Adjustments ($40) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($4) ($5) ($6) ($3) ($2) ($2) ($3) ($3) $34 ($17) ($17) ($17) ($17) ($17) ($17) ($17) Change inDSM ($41) $0 ($1) ($2) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) Change in Deficiency ($5) ($0) $0 $0 ($2) ($3) ($0) ($1) ($2) ($0) ($0) $0 $0 ($0) $0 ($0) ($0) $0 $0 $0 $0 Change in System Fixed Cost ($48) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) $48 $49 $49 ($40) ($41) ($42) ($43) ($45) ($46) ($48) ($49) Net(Benefit)/Cost $755 ($0) ($1) ($2) ($6) $79 $77 $74 $84 $90 $125 $132 $128 Sill $52 Sill $105 $79 $72 $69 $38 Risk Adjustment ($85) Net(Benefit)/Cost with Risk Adjustment $670 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.31 Page 3 of 3 Case No. PAC-E-24-04 Witness:Rick T.Link (Benefit)/Cost I PFRR(d) 2021 2022 2023 2024 1 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 2036 2037 1 2038 1 2039 2040 Cost of Project $1,836 $0 $0 $0 $0 $192 $194 $199 $214 $217 $225 $231 $234 $240 $238 $298 $301 $298 $300 $304 $309 New Wind Capital Cost $396 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33 $34 $34 $40 $40 $42 $45 $45 $47 $51 $93 $94 $94 $95 $97 $99 Wind Run-Rate Fixed Costs $328 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51 $52 $54 $53 $55 $56 $57 $59 $59 $56 $16 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 PPA $1,332 $0 $0 $0 (s0) $180 $181 $188 $197 $202 $208 $215 $220 $224 $220 $130 $132 $129 $129 $132 $134 PTC Credits ($750) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($131) ($131) ($135) ($134) ($139) ($140) ($143) ($148) ($148) ($148) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wind Tax $14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 Transmission GWS $1,261 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 $138 Transmission D.1 $185 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Avoided Transmission-Base 230 kV ($843) $0 $0 $0 $0 ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) ($92) Transmission Network Wind $41 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5 $5 $5 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $5 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 Transmission OATT Credit ($129) $0 $0 $0 ($0) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) ($14) Change in NPC ($2,129) $0 ($1) ($6) ($4) ($217) ($230) ($243) ($260) ($296) ($363) ($350) ($357) ($286) ($288) ($292) ($304) ($380) ($270) ($291) (359) Change in Emissions ($1,919) ($0) $3 $5 ($3) ($317) ($264) ($266) ($245) ($246) ($286) ($286) ($296) ($198) ($218) ($229) ($260) ($257) ($274) ($274) ($260) Change in VOM ($30) $0 ($0) $0 $0 ($1) ($1) ($2) ($2) ($2) ($1) ($2) ($2) $35 ($16) ($16) ($15) ($22) ($15) ($14) ($17) Change in DSM ($41) $0 ($1) ($2) ($3) ($3) ($3) ($4) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($5) ($5) ($5) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) ($6) Change in Deficiency ($236) ($0) $0 ($15) ($3) ($67) ($38) ($16) ($25) ($4) ($126) $0 $0 $0 ($0) $0 ($0 233) 0 0 69 Change in System Fixed Cost ($48) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($0) $48 $49 $49 ($40) ($41) ($42) ($43) ($45) ($46) ($48) ($49) Net(Benefit)/Cost ($2,568) (SO $1 ($18) ($13) ($412) ($343) ($331) ($322) ($336) ($508) ($363) ($377) ($254 (331) (287) (328) (646) (312) (328) (312) Risk Adjustment ($251) Net(Benefit)/Cost with Risk Adjustment ($2,819)