HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240528IPC to Staff No 22 Attachment.pdf Technical Reference Manual Multifamily 1 .0 Prepared for Idaho Power Company September 20th, 2023 Prepared by: R ADM Associates, Inc. 3239 Ramos Circle Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 363-8383 Chapter Title i Table of Contents 1. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method...................................................... 6 1.1. Purpose...................................................................................................................... 6 1.2. Methodology and Framework ..................................................................................... 6 1.3. Weather Data Used for Weather Sensitive Measures................................................. 7 1.4. Peak Demand Savings and Peak Demand Window Definition.................................... 9 1.5. Building Type by Measure .........................................................................................10 2. Multifamily Deemed Savings Measures.........................................................................12 2.1. Ductless Heat Pumps................................................................................................13 2.2. Air Source HVAC units ..............................................................................................18 2.3. PTAC and PTHP .......................................................................................................25 2.4. Ventilating Bathroom Exhaust Fan.............................................................................31 2.5. Spa Covers................................................................................................................35 2.6. Pool Covers...............................................................................................................38 2.7. Efficient Windows ......................................................................................................41 2.8. Ceiling Insulation .......................................................................................................45 2.9. Floor Insulation..........................................................................................................51 2.10. Reflective Roof..........................................................................................................57 3. Appendix A: Document Revision History......................................................................60 i List of Figures Figure 1-1 Map of Idaho Power Company Service Territory....................................................... 7 Figure 1-2 Map Illustrating ASHRAE Weather Zones................................................................. 8 Figure 1-3 Comparison of Monthly Average Temperatures........................................................ 9 Figure 1-4 Hypothetical Hourly Savings Profile Used to Illustrate Calculation of Coincidence Factor................................................................................................................................10 ii List of Tables Table 1-1 Building Type and Location.......................................................................................11 Table 2-1 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Ductless Heat Pumps Idaho..........13 Table 2-2 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Ductless Heat Pumps Idaho ..........................13 Table 2-3 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Ductless Heat Pumps Oregon.......14 Table 2-4 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Ductless Heat Pumps Oregon .......................14 Table 2-5 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type ...............................17 Table 2-6 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type............................................................17 Table 2-7 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 1, Idaho .........................18 Table 2-8 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 2, Idaho .........................19 Table 2-9 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 1, Idaho..........................................19 Table 2-10 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 2, Idaho........................................20 Table 2-11 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 1, Oregon.....................20 Table 2-12 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 2, Oregon.....................21 Table 2-13 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 1, Oregon .....................................21 Table 2-14 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 2, Oregon .....................................22 Table 2-15 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type .............................24 Table 2-16 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type..........................................................24 Table 2-17 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction High Efficiency, PTHP with Different BaselineUnits, Idaho ........................................................................................................25 Table 2-18 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit High Efficiency, PTHP with Different Baseline Units, Idaho.......................................................................................................................26 Table 2-19 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, PTAC, Idaho...................................26 Table 2-20 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction High Efficiency, PTHP with Different Baseline Units, Oregon .....................................................................................................27 Table 2-21 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit High Efficiency, PTHP with Different Baseline Units, Oregon....................................................................................................................27 Table 2-22 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, PTAC, Oregon................................28 Table 2-23 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Cooling and Heating Hours (EFLH) by Building Type ..........................................................................................................................................30 Table 2-24 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type..........................................................30 Table 2-25 Typical Saving Estimate for New Construction Manual Exhaust Fan.......................31 iii Table 2-26 Typical Saving Estimate for Retrofit Manual Exhaust Fan .......................................31 Table 2-27 Typical Saving Estimate for New Construction Continuous Exhaust Fan ................32 Table 2-28 Typical Saving Estimate for Retrofit Continuous Exhaust Fan.................................32 Table 2-29 Continuous Exhaust Fan Deemed Variables...........................................................34 Table 2-30 Continuous Exhaust Fan Deemed Variables...........................................................34 Table 2-31 Typical Saving Estimate for Efficient Spa Covers, Idaho.........................................35 Table 2-32 Typical Saving Estimate for Efficient Spa Covers, Oregon ......................................35 Table 2-33 Standard Spa Cover Deemed Variables..................................................................37 Table 2-34 Annual Summation of Hour Temperature Difference by Weather Zone...................37 Table 2-35 Typical Saving Estimate for Outdoor Pool Covers, Idaho ........................................38 Table 2-36 Typical Saving Estimate for Outdoor Pool Covers, Oregon .....................................38 Table 2-37 Typical Saving Estimate for Indoor Pool Covers......................................................39 Table 2-38 Deemed Savings for Outdoor Pool Covers by Zone and Heater Type.....................40 Table 2-39 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Electric Resistance Heating, Idaho.................................................................................................................................41 Table 2-40 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Heat Pump Heating, Idaho...42 Table 2-41 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Electric Resistance Heating, Oregon..............................................................................................................................42 Table 2-42 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Heat Pump Heating, Oregon42 Table 2-43 Window Tier Efficiency Requirements.....................................................................44 Table 2-44 Deemed Savings per Sq. Ft. ...................................................................................44 Table 2-45 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho...............45 Table 2-46 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho..45 Table 2-47 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon............46 Table 2-48 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon ..........................................................................................................................................46 Table 2-49 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho ..........................................................................................................................................46 Table 2-50 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho.................................................................................................................................47 Table 2-51 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon ..........................................................................................................................................47 iv Table 2-52 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon..............................................................................................................................47 Table 2-53 Standard System Variables.....................................................................................49 Table 2-54 Weather Zone Dependent Variables .......................................................................50 Table 2-55 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho...............51 Table 2-56 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho..51 Table 2-57 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon............52 Table 2-58 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon ..........................................................................................................................................52 Table 2-59 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho ..........................................................................................................................................52 Table 2-60 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho.................................................................................................................................53 Table 2-61 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon ..........................................................................................................................................53 Table 2-62 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon..............................................................................................................................53 Table 2-63 Standard System Variables.....................................................................................55 Table 2-64 Weather Zone Dependent Variables .......................................................................56 Table 2-65 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Reflective Roof, Idaho ...........................57 Table 2-66 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Reflective Roof, Oregon.........................57 Table 2-67 Weather Zone Dependent Variables .......................................................................59 Table 2-68 Deemed Savings by Weather Zone.........................................................................59 Table 3-1 Document Revision History.......................................................................................60 V 1 . Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method This Technical Reference Manual (TRM) is a compilation of stipulated algorithms and values for various energy efficiency measures implemented by Idaho Power Company's Multifamily demand side management programs and serves the New Construction and Retrofit programs by providing up to date savings estimates for the energy efficiency measures offered by the programs. This manual is intended to facilitate the cost effectiveness screening, planning, tracking, and energy savings reporting for the New Construction and Retrofit Energy Efficiency incentive programs. While the algorithms and stipulated values contained in this TRM are derived using best practices, the stipulated values should be reviewed and revised according to relevant industry research and impact evaluation findings as necessary to ensure that they remain accurate for the New Construction and Retrofit programs. The following sections describe many of the processes and cross-cutting assumptions used to derive the measure level savings estimates found in Section 2. 1.1. Purpose This manual is intended to facilitate the cost effectiveness screening, planning, tracking, and energy savings reporting for the New Construction and Retrofit energy efficiency incentive programs. This document is intended to be a living document in which the stipulated values are revised according to relevant industry research and impact evaluation findings. 1.2. Methodology and Framework The algorithms and stipulated values contained in this TRM are derived using current industry standard engineering best practices. Current relevant research, recent impact evaluations, and Technical Reference Manuals developed for other states and/or regions are referenced where appropriate. All energy savings algorithms in this TRM are designed to be applied using the simple engineering formulas defined for each measure in conjunction with the included stipulated values. Each measure is presented first with a summary of the technology and typical expected (per unit) energy savings, expected useful life, and incremental cost estimates. The `typical' per unit values leverage basic assumptions regarding the geographic distribution of program participants (e.g. weather zone) as well as participant demographics (for example distribution of building types, efficiency of current building stock, etc.). Each measure is accompanied by a spreadsheet calculator containing live formulas and all weights used to derive the typical per-unit estimates. It is expected that as better information is made available regarding program participants, or as program designs are adjusted these numbers will be updated accordingly. Following the measure summary information, each measure section provides a description of its scope and the spectrum of eligible projects/equipment to which the algorithms and values apply. When applicable, a discussion of code compliance topics (for new construction projects) is included. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 6 1.3. Weather Data Used for Weather Sensitive Measures The service territory for Idaho Power Company covers much of southern Idaho and stretches into eastern Oregon. This is illustrated in Figure 1-1.In order to normalize expected annual energy savings and peak demand reductions for annual variations in weather patterns, all stipulated values for weather sensitive measures were derived using the industry standard Typical Meteorological Year (TMY3) weather data. While there are many weather stations in Idaho for which TMY3 data is available, it was determined that averaging the TMY3 weather across stations in three ASHRAE weather zones (zones 5, 6, and Oregon) provided sufficient resolution without adding too many separate variations for stipulated values reported in the TRM. Service Area Salmon South-East • Region McCall • Canyon-West cascade Region Ontario •Payette Vale• • Emmett 1 Caldwell Halley • • • •Bolse I Nampa Capital R E G O N Region Blackfoot iMountain Home Gooding • Pocatello i Jerome South-East • • I • Region American Falls 1 Twin Falls 1 I I ` Figure 1-1 Map of Idaho Power Company Service Territory' All stipulated values for weather sensitive measures (e.g. Equivalent Full Load Cooling Hours) are based on `typical' weather data and provided separately for each of these two weather zones. A map of the ASHRAE weather zones is provided in Figure 1-2. When separate savings estimates are provided for different weather zones, the project location should be used to determine which of the values are applicable. The `typical' energy savings values reported at the beginning of each measure's section assumes a weighted average between the three weather zones using weights of 77.5%, 17.5%, and 5% for Zones 5, 6, and Oregon respectively. Map represents service territory at the time of this publication. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 7 ine iC1j Dry fBi Nl IA"I a., 6 1.: .•4s :.r f r 5 5 �J �_ r f-• 9oroupn..,7enAa. NortMtu Arne F N.Str V LA lympon eM 1 xop►M Noi�P 7YaM YAM rre dv Vim• 61anb I 1 Figure 1-2 Map Illustrating ASHRAE Weather Zones2 While reviewing the weather data it was noted that while both weather zones are 'heating dominated' Weather Zone 6 is on average cooler that Weather Zone 5. Therefore, energy conservation measures targeting heating efficiency tend to perform much better in Zone 6. However; measures which result in a heating penalty tend to perform better in Zone 5. Monthly average dry bulb temperatures are compared for both weather zones in Figure 1-3. z Note how Idaho is bisected by Zones 5 and 6 Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 8 Comparison of Monthly Average Temperatures for Weather Zones 5 and 6 60- d Weather Zone Y 40- ZONE5 PZONE6 Q E 20- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Figure 1-3 Comparison of Monthly Average Temperatures 1.4. Peak Demand Savings and Peak Demand Window Definition Where applicable peak demand savings estimates are derived using Idaho Power Company's peak period definition of: weekdays from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM, June 1 through August 31. Hourly savings estimates are averaged over the aforementioned time period to report peak savings. Coincidence Factors for Lighting Coincidence factors are defined as the percentage of the demand savings which occur during Idaho Power Company's peak period (defined above). When hourly data are available these are calculated by averaging the hourly demand savings over the peak period definition. This is exemplified in Figure 1-4 which illustrates a hypothetical hourly savings profile. The highlighted region bounds the peak period definition and the CF is calculated by taking the average demand reduction during that period divided by the max demand reduction Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 9 12 Maximum Demand Savings 10 Y_ 8 O u 3 6 tic 4 E v 2 Peak Demand Window 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour Of The Day Figure 1-4 Hypothetical Hourly Savings Profile Used to Illustrate Calculation of Coincidence Factor Thus in the example above let's suppose that the maximum Demand savings are 10 kW and the average kW reduction in the shaded area is 6 kW. The coincidence factor is calculated as follows: Average Reduction 6 kW Coincidence Factor = 6 Max Reduction 10 kW 1.5. Building Type by Measure This TRM estimates the facility energy savings for each measure using deemed values where applicable. Because of how various measure savings are sourced and calculated, all building types are not present for all measures. When applying for measure savings, the building type that most closely resembles the stated facility should be used and should be consistent for all measures being implemented at the same facility. Table 1-1 helps combine the building types listed for HVAC and Lighting measures. This table can be used to select a single building type from either list and lookup the appropriate building type label in the other measure. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 10 Table 1-1 Building Type and Location Idaho4 Oregon Building Type' HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC Cooling Heating Cooling Heating EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Low Rises 469 679 287 929 High Rise 896 338 764 516 3 Typical savings values are calculated using an average of the low and high rise building types. For more precise estimates, use the savings algorithms and provided deemed numbers. 4 Idaho combined hours are weighted 80/20 for zone 5,and 6 respectively. s Low rise is defined as any building with less than 5 stories above ground. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 11 2. Multifamily Deemed Savings Measures This chapter contains the protocols and stipulated values for multifamily measures covered by this TRM. Spreadsheets were developed for each measure and contain any calculations used to derive stipulated values (or deemed savings estimates). Each measure is presented first with a summary of the technology and typical expected (per unit) energy savings, expected useful life, and incremental cost estimates. The `typical' per unit values leverage basic assumptions regarding the geographic distribution of program participants (e.g. weather zone) as well as participant demographics (for example distribution of building types, efficiency of current building stock, etc.) and are intended for use in cost effectiveness screening — not as deemed savings estimates (given their generality). Where applicable, deemed savings estimates are provided for various scenario in tables at the end of each measure's section. Most deemed saving values are rounded and may cause the combined totaled value to not match the values above, (e.g. heating and cooling numbers combined total not matching the stated total). Each measure is accompanied by a spreadsheet calculator containing live formulas and all weights used to derive the typical per-unit estimates. It is expected that as better information is made available regarding program participants, or as program designs are adjusted these numbers will be updated accordingly. Following the measure summary information, each measure section provides a description of its scope and the spectrum of eligible projects/equipment to which the algorithms and values apply. When applicable, a discussion of code compliance topics (for new construction projects) is included. It should also be noted that while savings estimates are provided for a multitude of measures (both for retrofit and new construction) a custom engineering analysis should be preferred for significantly large projects when possible. Commercial and Industrial Deemed Savings Measures 12 2.1. Ductless Heat Pumps The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to ductless heat pump units installed in multifamily spaces. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Table 2-1 through Table 2-4 summarize the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure broken out by the baseline assumption. Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants.' Note that the values listed in the tables below are averaged across each of the system efficiency and tonnage categories offered by the program. Table 2-1 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Ductless Heat Pumps Idaho Ductless Ductless Mini-Spit HP Ductless Mini-Spit Mini-Spit base Gas base ER base Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 94 kWh 94 kWh 94 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 82 kWh 0 kWh 685 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 176 kWh 94 kWh 779 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 173 W 173 W 173 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $786 $858 $858 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-2 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Ductless Heat Pumps Idaho Ductless Ductless Mini-Spit HP Ductless Mini-Spit Mini-Spit base Gas base ER base Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 128 kWh 128 kWh 128 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 125 kWh 0 kWh 685 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 252 kWh 128 kWh 812 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 234 W 234 W 234 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1766 $1766 $1766 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC e See spreadsheet "1-TypicalCalcs_DuctlessHP_MF_v1.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Ductless Heat Pumps 13 Table 2-3 and Table 2-4 show deemed savings for the Oregon territory. Table 2-3 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Ductless Heat Pumps Oregon Ductless Ductless Mini-Spit HP Ductless Mini-Spit Mini-Spit base Gas base ER base Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 72 kWh 72 kWh 72 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 117 kWh 0 kWh 973 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 189 kWh 72 kWh 1,045 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 173 W 173 W 173 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $786 $858 $858 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-4 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Ductless Heat Pumps Oregon Ductless Ductless Mini-Spit HP Ductless Mini-Spit Mini-Spit base Gas base ER base Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 98 kWh 98 kWh 98 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 177 kWh 0 kWh 973 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 275 kWh 98 kWh 1,071 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 234 W 234 W 234 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1766 $1766 $1766 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.1.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All ductless heat pump systems under 5 tons cooling capacity are eligible provided the installed equipment meets or exceeds ENERGYSTAR ductless heat pump requirements. Note that projects replacing pre-existing A/C only units with heat-pump units are eligible under this measure. In such project the heating component must use a new construction baseline whereas the cooling component can use either (retrofit or new construction) baselines as deemed appropriate. Eligibility is determined by calculating the EER, SEER, and/or HSPF as appropriate for the installed unit. Ductless Heat Pumps 14 2.1.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or New construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment in working condition, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing equipment. If the equipment being replaced is not in working order, then this is considered "replace on burn-out" and the baseline becomes new construction. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable EER by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Current applicable standards are defined by ASHRAE 90.1-2019. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.1.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWhcoot + OkWhHeat = Cap * (1/SEERbase,cool- 1/SEERInstaued,cool) / 1000 * EFLHcoo/* DF + Cap * (1/HSPFbase,Heat— 1/HSPFInstalled,Heat) / 1000 * EFLHHeat *DF AkWpeak = Cap * (1/EERbase,cool— 1/EERInst.Iled,cool) / 1000 * CF 2.1.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWpeak Expected peak demand savings. EFLH Equivalent full load cooling/heating hours of Idaho specific EFLH are by weather zone and building in Table 2-5. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. Table 2-6 EER Energy Efficiency Ratio for base and installed systems in cooling and heating modes. This is defined as the ratio of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner in British Thermal Units per hour, to the total electrical input in watts. Since ASHRAE does not provide EER requirements for air-cooled air conditioners < 65,000 Btu/h, assume the following conversion: Ductless Heat Pumps 15 EER = -0.02 *SEER2 + 1.12 *SEER SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTU/hr), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER:' SEER = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER(described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 Cap Nominal cooling capaity in kBTU/Hr (1 ton = 12,000BTU/Hr) DF Discount factor for reduced savings pertaining to high efficiency HVAC units based on actual energy saving studies. (Default 0.55) 2.1.5. Sources ■ ENERGYSTAR Ductless Heat Pump Requirements and list of qualified products ■ New York Standard Approach for Estimating Energy Savings from Energy Efficiency Programs — Residential, Multi-Family, and Commercial/Industrial Measures, Version 9 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08. California DEER Incremental Cost worksheets: Revised DEER Measure Cost Summary (05_30_2008) Revised (06_02_2008).xls ■ I ECC 2018 2.1.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. Ductless Heat Pumps 16 Table 2-5 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type' Zone 5 Zone 6 Oregon Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Low Rise 488 622 394 903 287 929 High Rise 910 298 842 498 764 516 Table 2-6 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Low Rise 0.69 High Rise 0.69 a Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours were calculated by weather normalizing data from the New York State TRM for multifamily EFLH values. Ductless Heat Pumps 17 2.2. Air Source HVAC units The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to air source heat pump and air conditioning units installed in multifamily spaces. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Air source air conditioning units can only claim savings for cooling savings. Table 2-7 through Table 2-14 summarize the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure broken out by the baseline assumption. Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants.' Note that Table 2-7 reports the incremental savings and costs associated with going from CEE Tier 1 to CEE Tier 2 and are therefore additive with the appropriate baseline value based on the product. Typical Savings are split into two regions, Idaho and Oregon. Table 2-7 through Table 2-10 refer to Idaho and Table 2-11 through Table 2-14 refer to Oregon. Table 2-7 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 1, Idaho HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HP Baseline Gas Baseline Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 0 kWh 0 kWh 0 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 0 kWh 0 kWh 602 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 0 kWh 0 kWh 602 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 0 W 0 W 0 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0 $72 $72 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 9 See spreadsheet "2-TypicalCalcs_AirSourceHP_MF_v1.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Air-Source Heat Pumps 18 Table 2-8 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 2, Idaho HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HP Baseline Gas Baseline Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 19 kWh 19 kWh 19 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 8 kWh 0 kWh 611 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 27 kWh 19 kWh 630 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 35 W 35 W 35 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $124 $124 $124 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-9 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 1, Idaho HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/Gas HVAC Unit HP Baseline Baseline w/ Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 33 kWh 33 kWh 33 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 42 kWh 0 kWh 602 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 76 kWh 33 kWh 636 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 0 W 61 W 61 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $980 $980 $980 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Air-Source Heat Pumps 19 Table 2-10 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 2, Idaho HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/Gas HVAC Unit HP Baseline Baseline w/ Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 52 kWh 52 kWh 52 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 51 kWh 0 kWh 611 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 103 kWh 52 kWh 663 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 96 W 96 W 96 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1032 $1032 $1032 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-11 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 1, Oregon HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HP Baseline Gas Baseline Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 0 kWh 0 kWh 0 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 0 kWh 0 kWh 856 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 0 kWh 0 kWh 856 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 0 W 0 W 0 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0 $72 $72 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Air-Source Heat Pumps 20 Table 2-12 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction CEE Tier 2, Oregon HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/ HP Baseline Gas Baseline Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 14 kWh 14 kWh 14 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 12 kWh 0 kWh 868 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 26 kWh 14 kWh 883 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 35 W 35 W 35 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $124 $124 $124 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-13 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 1, Oregon HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/Gas HVAC Unit HP Baseline Baseline w/ Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 26 kWh 26 kWh 26 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 60 kWh 0 kWh 856 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 86 kWh 26 kWh 882 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 0 W 61 W 61 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $980 $980 $980 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Air-Source Heat Pumps 21 Table 2-14 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit CEE Tier 2, Oregon HVAC Unit w/ HVAC Unit w/Gas HVAC Unit HP Baseline Baseline w/ Elec Res Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 40 kWh 40 kWh 40 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 72 kWh 0 kWh 868 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 112 kWh 40 kWh 908 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 96 W 96 W 96 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1032 $1032 $1032 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.2.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All air source systems under 5 tons cooling capacity are eligible provided the installed equipment meets or exceeds 2019 Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) Tier 1 or Tier 2 efficiencies. Note that projects replacing pre-existing A/C only units with heat-pump units are eligible under this measure. In such project the heating component must use a new construction baseline whereas the cooling component can use either (retrofit or new construction) baselines as deemed appropriate. Eligibility is determined by calculating the EER, SEER, and/or HSPF as appropriate for the installed unit. 2.2.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or New construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment in working condition, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing equipment. If the equipment being replaced is not in working order, then this is considered "replace on burn-out" and the baseline becomes new construction. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable EER by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Current applicable standards are defined by ASHRAE 90.1-2019. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.2.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: Air-Source Heat Pumps 22 OkWh = OkWhcoot + OkWhHeat = Cap * (1/SEERbase,cool— 1/SEERInstalled,cool) / 1000 * EFLHcoot* DF + Cap * (1/HSPFbase,Heat— 1/HSPFinstalled,Heat) / 1000 * EFLHHeat*DF OkWpeak = Cap * (1/EERbase,cool— 1/EERinstalled,cool) / 1000 * CIF 2.2.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWpeak Expected peak demand savings. EFLH Equivalent full load cooling/heating hours of Idaho specific EFLH are by weather zone and building in Table 2-15. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. Table 2-16 EER Energy Efficiency Ratio for base and installed systems in cooling and heating modes. This is defined as the ratio of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner in British Thermal Units per hour, to the total electrical input in watts. Since ASHRAE does not provide EER requirements for air-cooled air conditioners < 65,000 Btu/h, assume the following conversion: EER = -0.02 *SEER2 + 1.12 *SEER SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTU/hr), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER: 11 SEER = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER (described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 Cap Nominal cooling capaity in kBTU/Hr (1 ton = 12,000BTU/Hr) 10 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. Air-Source Heat Pumps 23 DF Discount factor for reduced savings pertaining to high efficiency HVAC units based on actual energy saving studies. (Default 0.55) 2.2.5. Sources ■ ENERGYSTAR Heat Pump Requirements and list of qualified products ■ New York Standard Approach for Estimating Energy Savings from Energy Efficiency Programs— Residential, Multi-Family, and Commercial/Industrial Measures, Version 9 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08. California DEER Incremental Cost worksheets: Revised DEER Measure Cost Summary (05_30_2008) Revised (06_02_2008).xls ■ I ECC 2018 ■ Consortium for Energy Efficiency, High Efficiency Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Initiative 2019 2.2.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-15 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type" Zone 5 Zone 6 Oregon Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Low Rise 488 622 394 903 287 929 High Rise 910 298 842 498 764 516 Table 2-16 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Low Rise 0.69 High Rise 0.69 " Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours were calculated by weather normalizing data from the New York State TRM for multifamily EFLH values. Air-Source Heat Pumps 24 2.3. PTAC and PTHP The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to energy efficient PTAC and PTHP units installed in multifamily units. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Table 2-17 through Table 2-22 summarizes the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure.12 Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants. Savings are shown as a unit that is 10% better than the stated baseline and 20% better than code. Note: the 20% better than code column should be added to the 10% better than code for eligible units. Typical Savings are split into two regions, Idaho and Oregon. Table 2-17 through Table 2-19 refer to Idaho and Table 2-20 through Table 2-22 refer to Oregon. Table 2-17 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction High Efficiency, PTHP with Different Baseline Units, Idaho PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP wl HP w/Gas w/ Elec Res +20%w/ Baseline Baseline Baseline +10% Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 39 kWh 39 kWh 39 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 48 kWh 0 kWh 612 kWh 34 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings 87 kWh 39 kWh 651 kWh 66 kWh (Combined) Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 71 W 71 W 71 W 60 W (Cooling) Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA Na NA NA Average Incremental Cost $224 $384 $384 $224 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 12 See spreadsheet"3-TypicalCalcs_Packaged_MF_vl.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. PTAC and PTHP 25 Table 2-18 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit High Efficiency, PTHP with Different Baseline Units, Idaho PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP +20% w/ HP w/ Gas w/ Elec Res w/+10% Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 86 kWh 86 kWh 86 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 95 kWh 0 kWh 722 kWh 34 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 181 kWh 86 kWh 808 kWh 66 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 159 W 159 W 159 W 60 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1783 $1783 $1783 $2006 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-19 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, PTAC, Idaho New Construction Retrofit PTAC +20% +10% PTAC +10% PTAC +10% w/w/+10% Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 39 kWh 86 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 0 kWh 0 kWh 0 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 39 kWh 86 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 71 W 159 W 60 W (Cooling) Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA $1599 $1800 Average Incremental Cost $201 NA $201 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 3 This column can be used to add to New Construction or Retrofit. PTAC and PTHP 26 Table 2-20 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction High Efficiency, PTHP with Different Baseline Units, Oregon PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP +20% w/ HP w/Gas w/ Elec Res w/+10% Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 30 kWh 30 kWh 30 kWh 25 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 68 kWh 0 kWh 870 kWh 48 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 98 kWh 30 kWh 900 kWh 73 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 71 W 71 W 71 W 60 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA Na NA NA Average Incremental Cost $224 $384 $384 $224 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-21 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit High Efficiency, PTHP with Different Baseline Units, Oregon PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP +10% PTHP +20% w/ HP w/Gas w/ Elec Res w/+10% Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 67 kWh 67 kWh 67 kWh 25 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 134 kWh 0 kWh 1,025 kWh 48 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 201 kWh 67 kWh 1,092 kWh 73 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 159 W 159 W 159 W 60 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1783 $1783 $1783 $2006 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC PTAC and PTHP 27 Table 2-22 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, PTAC, Oregon New Construction Retrofit PTAC +20% w/+10% PTAC +10% PTAC +10% _ baseline14 Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 30 kWh 67 kWh 25 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 0 kWh 0 kWh 0 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 30 kWh 67 kWh 25 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 71 W 159 W 60 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost NA $1599 $1800 Average Incremental Cost $201 NA $201 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.3.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All commercial PTHP and PTAC units under 5 tons are eligible provided the installed equipment exceeds IECC 2018 minimum standard equipment efficiency by at least 10%. 2.3.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment in working condition, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing equipment. If the equipment being replaced is not in working order, then this is considered "replace on burn-out" and the baseline becomes new construction. Note that units replacing window/wall mounted air-conditioners, room air-conditioners, and/or evaporative cooling are not eligible for early replacement and are considered "New Construction." New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable SEER and EER by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.3.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: 14 This column can be used to add to New Construction or Retrofit. PTAC and PTHP 28 OkWh = OkWhcoot + OkWhHeat = Cap * (1/SEERbase,cool— 1/SEERInstalled,cool) / 1000 * EFLHcoot* DF+ Cap * (1/HSPFbase,Heat— 1/HSPFinstalled,Heat) / 1000 * EFLHHeat*DF OkWpeak = Cap * (1/EERbase,cool— 1/EERinstalled,cool) / 1000 * CIF 2.3.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWpeak Expected peak demand savings. EFLH Equivalent full load cooling/heating hours of Idaho specific EFLH are by weather zone and building in Table 2-23. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. Table 2-24 EER Energy Efficiency Ratio for base and installed systems. This is defined as the ratio of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner in British Thermal Units per hour, to the total electrical input in watts. Since ASHRAE does not provide EER requirements for air-cooled air conditioners < 65,000 Btu/h, assume the following conversion: EER = -0.02 *SEER2 + 1.12 *SEER SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTU/hr), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER: 15 SEER = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER(described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 Cap Nominal cooling capaity in kBTU/Hr (1 ton = 12,000BTU/Hr) DF Discount factor for reduced savings pertaining to high efficiency HVAC units based on actual energy saving studies. (Default 0.55) 15 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. PTAC and PTHP 29 2.3.5. Sources ■ New York Standard Approach for Estimating Energy Savings from Energy Efficiency Programs — Residential, Multi-Family, and Commercial/Industrial Measures, Version 9 ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08. California DEER Incremental Cost worksheets: Revised DEER Measure Cost Summary (05_30_2008) Revised (06_02_2008).xls ■ I ECC 2018 2.3.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-23 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Cooling and Heating Hours (EFLH) by Building Type16 Zone 5 _ Zone 6 Oregon Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling _Heating Cooling Heating_ Cooling Heating Low Rise 488 622 394 903 287 929 High Rise 910 298 842 498 764 516 Table 2-24 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Low Rise 0.69 High Rise 0.69 6 Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours were calculated by weather normalizing data from the New York State TRM for multifamily EFLH values. PTAC and PTHP 30 2.4. Ventilating Bathroom Exhaust Fan Ventilating bath exhaust fans in multifamily buildings are installed to exhaust either hot and humid air caused by a resident taking a shower in the space, or foul smelling air. A bathroom exhaust fan can be installed in two different systems. The first system is in a residential bathroom which is manually controlled to turn on when the space is in use. This will exhaust air as needed based on the occupant. The second system is designed to function as part of the building's HVAC system and operate continuously. Table 2-25 through Table 2-28 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below". Table 2-25 Typical Saving Estimate for New Construction Manual Exhaust Fan ESME Fan without Light ESME Fan with Light Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 126 kWh 169 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.13 kW 0.18 kW Expected Useful Life 19 years 19 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA Average Incremental Cost $17 $95 Stacking Effect End-Use NA Table 2-26 Typical Saving Estimate for Retrofit Manual Exhaust Fan ESME Fan without Light ESME Fan with Light Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 139 kWh 188 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.15 kW 0.20 kW Expected Useful Life 19 years 19 years Average Material & Labor Cost $82 $177 Average Incremental Cost NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use NA "See spreadsheet"4-TypicalCalcs_Bath Fan_MF_vl.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Ventilating Bathroom Exhaust Fan 31 Table 2-27 Typical Saving Estimate for New Construction Continuous Exhaust Fan Single Speed 2-speed <90 2-speed >90 Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 113 kWh 120 kWh 120 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.01 kW 0.01 kW 0.01 kW Expected Useful Life 19 years 19 years 19 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $46 $58 $56 Stacking Effect End-Use NA Table 2-28 Typical Saving Estimate for Retrofit Continuous Exhaust Fan Single Speed 2-speed <90 2-speed >90 Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 128 kWh 137 kWh 137 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.01 kW 0.02 kW 0.02 kW Expected Useful Life 19 years 19 years 19 years Average Material & Labor Cost $86 $205 $168 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use NA 2.4.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment are bath fans that meet or exceed ENERGY STAR minimum energy requirements. For continuously operated exhaust fans, eligible equipment is broken up based on the number and cfm of the unit. For manually operated exhaust fans, eligible equipment must meet ENERGY STAR's Most Efficient (ESME) certified requirements. Eligible equipment is broken up based on if the exhaust fan has a light and heater included. 2.4.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit are standard exhaust fans that do not meet ENERGY STAR's requirements. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction are standard exhaust fans that do not meet ENERGY STAR's requirements. Ventilating Bathroom Exhaust Fan 32 2.4.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: Manual Exhaust Fans: kWhsavings = kWhbase — kWhmeasure 365 kWhi = (Wfan X Hrsfan + Wheat X HrSheat ) X (-1,000) Continuous Exhaust Fans: kWhsavings = kWhbase — kWhmeasure kWhi = (E f fHs x CFMHS x HrSHS + E f fLs x CFMLs x HrSLS) x ( 365 ) 1,000 2.4.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kWhi Expected daily energy consumption of bathroom exhaust fan W Operating wattage of the system component Hrs Daily estimated operating hours HSIS Fan operating condition, High Speed or Low Speed Eff Fan operating efficiency, cfm/W CFM Operating airflow, cfm 2.4.5. Sources ■ Energy Trust of Oregon Measure Approval Document for Multifamily Bath Fans ■ Energy Trust of Oregon Measure Approval Document for Ventilating Bath Exhaust Fans in New Multifamily Buildings Ventilating Bathroom Exhaust Fan 33 2.4.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-29 Continuous Exhaust Fan Deemed Variables High Low High High Speed LOW Low Speed Speed Speed Daily Speed Speed Daily Efficacy CFM Operating Efficacy CFM Operating (CFM/W) Hours (CFM/W) _ Hours Baseline Single Speed 2.8 50 24 0.0 0 0.0 Baseline 2-speed <90 2.8 80 2.6 2.8 50 21.4 Baseline 2-speed >90 3.5 110 2.6 2.8 50 21.4 Measure Single Speed 10.0 50 24.0 10.0 0 0.0 Measure 2-speed <90 10.0 80 2.6 10.0 50 21.4 Measure 2-speed >90 10.0 110 2.6 10.0 50 21.4 Table 2-30 Continuous Exhaust Fan Deemed Variables Fan Light/heater Daily Fan Daily Wattage Wattage Hours of light/heater (W) (W) Use (hrs) hours use (hrs) Baseline ESME Fan without Light 140.5 0.0 2.6 0.0 Baseline ESME Fan with Light 51.9 312.0 2.6 1.2 Measure ESME Fan without Light 8.2 0.0 2.6 0.0 Measure ESME Fan with Light 12.5 11.5 2.6 1.2 Ventilating Bathroom Exhaust Fan 34 2.5. Spa Covers A typical spa will use up to 2,500 kWh per year to maintain the desired temperature.This is caused by heat loss through all sides of the spa. A typical above ground spa will come with a standard cover to help insulate the water from the outside conditions. This measure consists of using a high insulation spa cover to reduce the amount of heat loss. Table 2-31 and Table 2-32 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below'$. Table 2-31 Typical Saving Estimate for Efficient Spa Covers, Idaho New Construction Cover Retrofit Cover Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 196 kWh 196 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.02 kW 0.02 kW Expected Useful Life 7 years 7 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA $100 Average Incremental Cost $100 NA Stacking Effect End-Use NA Table 2-32 Typical Saving Estimate for Efficient Spa Covers, Oregon New Construction Cover Retrofit Cover Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 216 kWh 216 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.02 kW 0.02 kW Expected Useful Life 7 years 7 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA $100 Average Incremental Cost $100 NA Stacking Effect End-Use NA 2.5.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible spa covers must have a minimum R-value of 12 and be continuous with no hinges. Spa cover measure only applies to electrically heated spa units. Spa covers must have an area greater than 25 square feet and less than 77 square feet. 2.5.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. 18 See spreadsheet"5-TypicalCalcs_SpaCover_MF_vl.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Spa Covers 35 Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit covers are a standard spa cover with an average insulation value between 8 and 15. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction are a standard spa cover with an average insulation value between 8 and 15. 2.5.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = kWhbase - kWhmeasure UXAxAT kWhi = 3,412 2.5.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kWhi Expected annual energy consumption of the spa U Cover insulation U-value A Cover insulation area, square feet AT Annual summation of temperature difference between the spa and outside air temperature 3,412 Conversion factor 2.5.5. Sources ■ Energy Trust of Oregon Measure Approval Document for Efficient Spa Covers Spa Covers 36 2.5.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-33 Standard Spa Cover Deemed Variables Baseline Cover Measure Cover Insulation (U- Insulation (U- Cover Area (sf) value) value) 0.096 0.067 51 Table 2-34 Annual Summation of Hour Temperature Difference by Weather Zone Zone 5 Zone 6 Oregon 436,642 480,956 489,216 Spa Covers 37 2.6. Pool Covers A typical heated pool will lose energy through Convection, Evaporation, Radiation and Conduction. A majority of the heat loss is caused by evaporation, so adding a pool cover that stops water evaporation will help save energy when the pool is not in use. This measure consists of installing a solid pool cover to prevent evaporation when the heated pool is not occupied. Table 2-35 and Table 2-37 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below19. Table 2-35 Typical Saving Estimate for Outdoor Pool Covers, Idaho Electric Resistance Heater Heat Pump Heater Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 104 kWh 21 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.00 kW 0.00 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $4.99 $4.99 Average Incremental Cost $4.99 $4.99 Stacking Effect End-Use NA Table 2-36 Typical Saving Estimate for Outdoor Pool Covers, Oregon _ Electric Resistance Heater Heat Pump Heater Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 77 kWh 15 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.00 kW 0.00 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $4.99 $4.99 Average Incremental Cost $4.99 $4.99 Stacking Effect End-Use NA 19 See spreadsheet"6-TypicalCalcs_PoolCover_MF_vl.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Pool Covers 38 Table 2-37 Typical Saving Estimate for Indoor Pool Covers Electric Resistance Heater Heat Pump Heater Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 39 kWh 8 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.00 kW 0.00 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $4.99 $4.99 Average Incremental Cost $4.99 $4.99 Stacking Effect End-Use NA 2.6.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible pool covers must be installed on a heated pool without a cover and must be installed during time periods when the pool is not open. Pool covers must be a solid track, bubble or foam cover. Oher pool covers such as liquid evaporation suppressants, solar disks, and mesh covers do not qualify. 2.6.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit is an uncovered pool. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction is an uncovered pool. 2.6.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings — kW hper area X A 2.6.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings kWhper areaDeemed savings per pool location and heating type A Cover area, square feet 2.6.5. Sources L Energy Trust of Oregon Measure Approval Document for Pool Covers Pool Covers 39 2.6.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-38 Deemed Savings for Outdoor Pool Covers by Zone and Heater Type Electric Resistance Heat Pump Zone 5 107.3 21.5 Zone 6 93.0 18.7 Oregon 76.8 15.4 Indoor 38.8 7.8 Pool Covers 40 2.7. Efficient Windows The following algorithm and assumptions are applicable to efficient windows in multifamily spaces which provide a lower U-value than existing windows or prevailing codes and standards. Savings will be realized through reductions in the buildings cooling and heating loads. Note that window films and windows with too low an SHGC value can for many buildings increase the heating loads (unless the building has a significant internal load as is the case for example in hospitals and/or data centers). In a heating dominated climate such as Idaho the increase in heating loads can negate any reduction in the cooling loads. Energy impacts for this measure are largely due to the improved U-Value and care should be taken when selecting windows to ensure that the SHGC values are appropriate for the building and climate. This measure only applies to low-rise multifamily buildings. Table 2-39 through Table 2-42 summarize the `typical' expected (per window ft2) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below.20 Typical Savings are split into two regions, Idaho and Oregon. Table 2-39 and Table 2-40 refer to Idaho, and Table 2-41 and Table 2-42 refer to Oregon. Table 2-39 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Electric Resistance Heating, Idaho Tier 1 Savings Tier 2 Savings Tier 3 Savings Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 2.46 kWh 5.17 kWh 8.89 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 45 years 45 years 45 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Average Incremental Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 21 See spreadsheet"7-TypicalCalcs_Window_v1.xlsx"for additional assumptions and calculations, EUL,and incremental cost. Efficient Windows 41 Table 2-40 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Heat Pump Heating, Idaho Tier 1 Savings Tier 2 Savings Tier 3 Savings Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.15 kWh 0.29 kWh 0.51 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 45 years 45 years 45 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Average Incremental Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-41 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Electric Resistance Heating, Oregon Tier 1 Savings Tier 2 Savings Tier 3 Savings Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 3.06 kWh 6.44 kWh 11.08 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 45 years 45 years 45 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Average Incremental Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-42 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows with Heat Pump Heating, Oregon Tier 1 Savings Tier 2 Savings Tier 3 Savings Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.18 kWh 0.37 kWh 0.63 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 45 years 45 years 45 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Average Incremental Cost $0.71 $1.5 $2.57 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.7.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment To be considered eligible equipment windows must be independently tested and certified according to the standards established by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). While the NFRC does provide such testing and certification - any NFRC-licensed independent certification and inspection agency can provide certification. One example of such a body is the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). In addition, eligible windows must meet or exceed the following performance ratings: Efficient Windows 42 Tier 1: SHGC = any and U-factor <=0.3 Tier 2: SHGC = any and U-factor <= 0.27 Tier 3: SHGC = any and U-factor <= 0.24 Window films and shades are not eligible under this measure as they reduce the SHGC without providing an appreciable improvement in the U-Value and in many circumstances their addition would result in an increased heating load which negates or exceeds the reduction in cooling loads. Retrofit equipment replacement must include replacing the glass and window frame together. 2.7.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing windows. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For new construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable window performance in the prevailing building energy code or standard to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 and ASHRAE 90.1 2019 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.7.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = kWhper area X A 2.7.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings kWhper area Deemed savings per square foot A Cover area, square feet 2.7.5. Sources Energy Trust of Oregon Measure Approval Document for Residential Windows Efficient Windows 43 2.7.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-43 Window Tier Efficiency Requirements U-Value SHGC Tier 1 0.3 - 0.28 Any Tier 2 0.27—0.25 Any Tier 3 <=0.24 Any Table 2-44 Deemed Savings per Sq. Ft. Tier Heating Type kWh/sf 1 Elec Res 1.84 HP 0.11 Elec Res 3.87 2 HP 0.22 Elec Res 6.66 3 HP 0.38 Efficient Windows 44 2.8. Ceiling Insulation The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to ceiling insulation installed in multifamily spaces which are more efficient than existing insulation or prevailing codes and standards. Ceiling insulation is rated by its R-value. An R-value indicates its resistance to heat flow (where a higher the R-value indicates a greater insulating effectiveness). The R-value depends on the type of insulation including its material, thickness, and density. When calculating the R-value of a multilayered installation, add the R-values of the individual layers. Table 2-45 and Table 2-52 summarizes the `typical' expected (per insulation ft2 square foot) energy impacts for this measure.21 Typical Savings are split into two regions, Idaho and Oregon. For Retrofit, Table 2-45 and Table 2-46 refer to Idaho, and Table 2-47 and Table 2-48 refer to Oregon. For New Construction, Table 2-49 and Table 2-50 refer to Idaho, and Table 2-51 and Table 2-52 refer to Oregon. Table 2-45 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.10 kWh 0.15 kWh 0.18 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.002 W 0.003 W 0.004 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $1.57 $1.87 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-46 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.21 kWh 0.31 kWh 0.38 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.002 W 0.003 W 0.004 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $1.57 $1.87 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 21 See spreadsheet "8-TypicalCalcs_Ceilinglnsulation_vl.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs for cooling savings. Ceiling Insulation 45 Table 2-47 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.13 kWh 0.18 kWh 0.23 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.001 W 0.002 W 0.003 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $1.57 $1.87 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-48 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.27 kWh 0.39 kWh 0.47 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.001 W 0.002 W 0.003 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $1.57 $1.87 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-49 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.06 kWh 0.08 kWh 0.11 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.001 W 0.002 W 0.002 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.35 $0.65 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Ceiling Insulation 46 Table 2-50 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.13 kWh 0.16 kWh 0.23 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.001 W 0.002 W 0.002 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.35 $0.65 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-51 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.08 kWh 0.10 kWh 0.14 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.001 W 0.001 W 0.002 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.35 $0.65 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-52 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-38 R-49 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.17 kWh 0.20 kWh 0.29 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.001 W 0.001 W 0.002 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.35 $0.65 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.8.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible roof/ceiling area is limited to buildings or potions of buildings with central mechanical air conditioning or PTAC systems. Qualifying ceiling insulation can be rigid foam, fiberglass bat, or Ceiling Insulation 47 blown-in fiberglass or cellulose a long as material is eligible, assuming it meets or exceeds the required R-value. The insulation must upgrade from R19 or less. Added rigid insulation must provide continuous insulation with an R-value of 10 minimum. Additional insulation measures include installing R-38 and R-49. 2.8.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing insulation, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing insulation. New Construction (New Construction, Replace on Burnout) New Construction must meet building code and will only be eligible for added insulation above building code. The baseline ceiling insulation for new construction is estimated at R-25 continuous insulation. 2.8.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWhcoo, + AkWhheat AkWhcoo, = A* (CDD * 24)/(SEER * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) AkWhheat = A* (HDD * 24)/(HSPF * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) AkWpeak = AkWhcool / EFLHcool * CF 2.8.4. Definitions A Area of the insulation that was installed in square feet HDD Heating degree days, refer to Table 2-54 for typical heating degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the HDD CDD Cooling degree days refer to Table 2-54 for typical cooling degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the CDD. Rbase The R-value of the insulation and support structure before the additional insulation is installed Rmeas The total measure R-value of all insulation after the additional insulation is installed Ceiling Insulation 48 EFLH Annual equivalent full load cooling hours for the air conditioning unit. Values for various building types are stipulated in Table 2-54. When available, actual system hours of use should be used. SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTU/hr), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER: SEER22 = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER (described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. 2.8.5. Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ New York Standard Approach for Estimating Energy Savings from Energy Efficiency Programs — Residential, Multi-Family, and Commercial/Industrial Measures, Version 9 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08.xls ■ I ECC 2018 ■ 2019 California Residential Appliance Saturation Study (RASS) 2.8.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-53 Standard System Variables CIF SEER HSPF,hp HSPF,elec 0.69 12.6 7.2 3.41 22 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. Ceiling Insulation 49 Table 2-54 Weather Zone Dependent Variables EFLH,c EFLH,h CDD HDD Zone 5 699 460 240 5,297 Zone 6 618 701 165 6,954 Oregon 526 722 107 7,094 Idaho Weighted Average 683 508 225 5,628 Ceiling Insulation 50 2.9. Floor Insulation The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to floor insulation installed in multifamily spaces which are more efficient than existing insulation or prevailing codes and standards. Floor insulation is rated by its R-value. An R-value indicates its resistance to heat flow (where a higher the R-value indicates a greater insulating effectiveness). The R-value depends on the type of insulation including its material, thickness, and density. When calculating the R-value of a multilayered installation, add the R-values of the individual layers. Table 2-55 and Table 2-62 summarizes the `typical' expected (per insulation ft2 square foot) energy impacts for this measure.23 Typical Savings are split into two regions, Idaho and Oregon. For Retrofit, Table 2-55 and Table 2-56 refer to Idaho, and Table 2-57 and Table 2-58 refer to Oregon. For New Construction, Table 2-59 and Table 2-60 refer to Idaho, and Table 2-61 and Table 2-62 refer to Oregon. Table 2-55 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-13 R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.75 kWh 0.69 kWh 0.83 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.017 W 0.016 W 0.019 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $0.89 $1.04 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-56 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-13 R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 1.56 kWh 1.44 kWh 1.73 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.017 W 0.016 W 0.019 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $0.89 $1.04 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 23 See spreadsheet"9-TypicalCalcs_Floorinsulation_vl.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs for cooling savings. Floor Insulation 51 Table 2-57 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-13 R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.93 kWh 0.86 kWh 1.03 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.010 W 0.010 W 0.012 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $0.89 $1.04 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-58 Typical Savings Estimates for Retrofit Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Upgrading to Insulation R-13 R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 1.96 kWh 1.81 kWh 2.17 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.010 W 0.010 W 0.012 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.81 $0.89 $1.04 Average Incremental Cost NA NA NA Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-59 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Insulation R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.19 kWh 0.14 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.004 W 0.003 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.15 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Floor Insulation 52 Table 2-60 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Idaho Adding Rigid Upgrading to Insulation R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.39 kWh 0.29 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.004 W 0.003 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.15 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-61 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Heat Pump Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Insulation R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.23 kWh 0.17 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.003 W 0.002 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.15 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-62 Typical Savings Estimates for New Construction Electric Resistance Heated Spaces, Oregon Adding Rigid Upgrading to Insulation R-19 Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.49 kWh 0.36 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.003 W 0.002 W Expected Useful Life 25 years 25 years Average Material & Labor Cost NA NA Average Incremental Cost $0.81 $0.15 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Floor Insulation 53 2.9.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible floor area is limited to buildings or potions of buildings with central mechanical air conditioning or PTAC systems. Qualifying Floor insulation can be rigid foam, fiberglass bat, or blown-in fiberglass or cellulose a long as material is eligible, assuming it meets or exceeds the required R-value. The insulation must upgrade from R5 or less. Added rigid insulation must provide continuous insulation with an R-value of 10 minimum. Additional insulation measures include installing R-13 and R-19. 2.9.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing insulation, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing insulation. New Construction (New Construction, Replace on Burnout) New Construction must meet building code and will only be eligible for added insulation above building code. The baseline insulation should be determined for each building based on the location and building type. The baseline flooring insulation for new construction is estimated at R- 13 continuous insulation. 2.9.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh000, + AkWhheat AkWhcoo, = A* (CDD * 24)/(SEER * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) AkWhheat = A* (HDD * 24)/(HSPF * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) AkWpeak = AkWh000l / EFLH0001 * CF 2.9.4. Definitions A Area of the insulation that was installed in square feet HDD Heating degree days, refer to Table 2-64 for typical heating degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the HDD Floor Insulation 54 CDD Cooling degree days refer to Table 2-64 for typical cooling degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the CDD. Rbase The R-value of the insulation and support structure before the additional insulation is installed Rmeas The total measure R-value of all insulation after the additional insulation is installed EFLH Annual equivalent full load cooling hours for the air conditioning unit. Values for various building types are stipulated in Table 2-64. When available, actual system hours of use should be used. SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTU/hr), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER: SEER24 = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER (described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. 2.9.5. Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ New York Standard Approach for Estimating Energy Savings from Energy Efficiency Programs— Residential, Multi-Family, and Commercial/Industrial Measures, Version 9 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_1 0-1-08.xls ■ I ECC 2018 ■ 2019 California Residential Appliance Saturation Study (RASS) 2.9.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-63 Standard System Variables CIF SEER HSPF,hp HSPF,elec 0.69 12.6 7.2 3.41 24 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. Floor Insulation 55 Table 2-64 Weather Zone Dependent Variables EFLH,c EFLH,h CDD HDD Zone 5 699 460 240 5,297 Zone 6 618 701 165 6,954 Oregon 526 722 107 7,094 Idaho Weighted Average 683 508 225 5,628 Floor Insulation 56 2.10. Reflective Roof This section covers installation of"cool roof" roofing materials in multifamily buildings. Energy and demand saving are realized through reductions in the building cooling loads. The approach utilizes DOE-2.2 simulations on a series of commercial DEER prototypical building models. Table 2-65 and Table 2-66 summarize the `typical' expected (per ft2) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Low Slope assumes a slope of less then 2:12 and Steep slope assumes a slope greater then 2:12 Table 2-65 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Reflective Roof, Idaho Low Slope Steep Slope Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.093 kWh 0.017 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.07 W 0.01 W Expected Useful Life25 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost26 $2.15 $2.15 Average Incremental Cost27 $0.05 $0.05 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-66 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Reflective Roof, Oregon Low Slope Steep Slope Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 0.087 kWh 0.016 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.07 W 0.01 W Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $2.15 $2.15 Average Incremental Cost $0.05 $0.05 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.10.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment includes all reflective roofing materials when applied to the roof above a space with central mechanical air conditioning or PTAC systems. The roof treatment must be Energy Star rated or tested through a Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) accredited laboratory. For low- 25 From 2008 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2008.2.05, "Effective/Remaining Useful Life Values", California Public Utilities Commission, December 16,2008 26 Labor costs from 2005 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2005.2.01, "Technology and Measure Cost Data",California Public Utilities Commission,October 26,2005 2' Material costs from common roof types found in EPA's Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies: http://www.epa.gov/heatisld/resources/pdf/Cool RoofsCompend i um.pdf Reflective Roof 57 slope (2:12 or less) roofs, the roof products must have a solar reflectivity of at least 0.70 and thermal emittance of 0.75. For steep slope (greater than 2:12) roofs, minimum solar reflectance is 0.25. Note that facilities with pre-existing cool roofs are not eligible for this measure. 2.10.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios— retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the pre-existing (non-cool roof) roofing material. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction projects is a standard code compliant roofing (non- cool roof) materials. 2.10.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/Unit * A AkW = AkW/Unit* A 2.10.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. AkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-68 according to climate zone. AkW/Unit Per unit demand reduction as stipulated in Table 2-68 according to climate zone. A Area of cool roofing material installed [ft2] 2.10.5.Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ California DEER Prototypical Simulation models, eQUEST-DEER 3-5.28 28 Prototypical building energy simulation models were used to obtain U-Factor and SHGC values for each building type. Reflective Roof 58 ASHRAE. 2006. Weather data for building design standards. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2006. 2004-2005 Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER) Update Study. December 2005 2008 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2008.2.05, "Effective/Remaining Useful Life Values", California Public Utilities Commission, December 16, 2008 2005 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2005.2.01, "Technology and Measure Cost Data", California Public Utilities Commission, October 26, 2005 2.10.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-67 Weather Zone Dependent Variables EFLH,c EFLH,h CDD HDD Zone 5 699 460 240 5,297 Zone 6 618 701 165 6,954 Oregon 526 722 107 7,094 Weighted Average 676 515 220 5,677 Table 2-68 Deemed Savings by Weather Zone Low Slope Steep Slope kWh/sf W/sf kWh/sf W/sf Zone 5 0.093 0.072 0.017 0.013 Zone 6 0.090 0.071 0.016 0.013 Oregon 0.087 0.070 0.016 0.013 Reflective Roof 59 3. Appendix A: Document Revision History Table 3-1 Document Revision History Date Modified Revised Description of Changes Version Version 09/20/2022 - 1.0 Initial Adoption of TRM. Appendix A 60 Appendix A 61