HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240528IPC to Staff No 12 Attachment 1.pdf Technical Reference Manual 3.2 Prepared for Idaho Power Company November 24th, 2021 Prepared by: R ADM Associates, Inc. 3239 Ramos Circle Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 363-8383 Chapter Title i Table of Contents 1. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method.....................................................14 1.1. Purpose.....................................................................................................................14 1.2. Methodology and Framework ....................................................................................14 1.3. Weather Data Used for Weather Sensitive Measures................................................15 1.4. Peak Demand Savings and Peak Demand Window Definition...................................17 1.5. Description of Prototypical Building Simulation Models..............................................18 1.6. Application of Stacking Effects in the TRM ................................................................19 1.7. Building Type by Measure .........................................................................................23 2. Commercial and Industrial Deemed Savings Measures...............................................25 2.1. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction)........................................26 2.2. Exterior Lighting Upgrades (New Construction).........................................................42 2.3. Efficient Vending Machines........................................................................................46 2.4. Vending Machine Controls.........................................................................................47 2.5. Efficient Washing Machines.......................................................................................48 2.6. Wall Insulation ...........................................................................................................53 2.7. Ceiling Insulation .......................................................................................................61 2.8. Reflective Roof..........................................................................................................69 2.9. Efficient Windows ......................................................................................................73 2.10. HVAC Controls ..........................................................................................................83 2.11. Hotel/Motel Guestroom Energy Management Systems............................................100 2.12. High Efficiency Air Conditioning...............................................................................104 2.13. High Efficiency Heat Pumps ....................................................................................113 2.14. High Efficiency Chillers............................................................................................124 2.15. Evaporative Coolers (Direct and Indirect) ................................................................132 2.16. Evaporative Pre-Cooler (For Air-Cooled Condensers).............................................135 2.17. Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) ...............................................138 2.18. Water-Side Economizers.........................................................................................146 2.19. Kitchen: Refrigerators/Freezers...............................................................................148 2.20. Kitchen: Ice Machines..............................................................................................153 i 2.21. Kitchen: Efficient Dishwashers.................................................................................157 2.22. Refrigeration: Efficient Refrigerated Cases..............................................................158 2.23. Refrigeration: ASH Controls.....................................................................................159 2.24. Refrigeration: Auto-Closer.......................................................................................162 2.25. Refrigeration: Condensers.......................................................................................165 2.26. Refrigeration: Controls.............................................................................................167 2.27. Refrigeration: Door Gasket......................................................................................171 2.28. Refrigerator: Evaporator Fans .................................................................................171 2.29. Refrigeration: Insulation...........................................................................................172 2.30. Refrigeration: Night Covers......................................................................................175 2.31. Refrigeration: No-Heat Glass...................................................................................177 2.32. PC Management Software.......................................................................................179 2.33. Variable Frequency Drives (Process Applications) ..................................................180 2.34. Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors ............................................................181 2.35. High Volume Low Speed Fans ................................................................................185 2.36. HVAC Fan Motor Belts ............................................................................................189 2.37. Refrigeration Strip Curtains......................................................................................192 2.38. Electronically Commutated Motor in HVAC Units.....................................................195 2.39. Engine Block Heater................................................................................................198 2.40. Dairy Pump VFD......................................................................................................201 2.41. Compressed Air Measures ......................................................................................204 2.42. Smart Power Strip ...................................................................................................210 2.43. Potato and Onion Ventilation Variable Frequency Drive ..........................................212 2.44. Kitchen Ventilation Hood .........................................................................................214 2.45. Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS)...................................................................217 2.46. Generator: Circulating Block Heater ........................................................................221 2.47. Air Conditioning Tune Up.........................................................................................224 2.48. High Efficiency Battery Chargers.............................................................................229 2.49. Defrost Coil Control .................................................................................................232 2.50. Networked Lighting Controls....................................................................................235 2.51. Evaporative Fan Controls ........................................................................................239 ii 2.52. Circulation Pump .....................................................................................................242 2.53. Pump Optimization ..................................................................................................247 3. Appendix A: Document Revision History....................................................................250 4. Appendix B....................................................................................................................255 4.1. Optimum Start Stop.................................................................................................255 4.2. Economizer Controls ...............................................................................................255 4.3. Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) ..........................................................................256 4.4. Supply Air Temperature Reset Controls...................................................................257 4.5. Chilled Water Reset Controls...................................................................................257 4.6. Condenser Water Reset Controls............................................................................257 iii List of Figures Figure 1-1 Map of Idaho Power Company Service Territory......................................................15 Figure 1-2 Map Illustrating ASHRAE Weather Zones................................................................16 Figure 1-3 Comparison of Monthly Average Temperatures.......................................................17 Figure 1-4 Hypothetical Hourly Savings Profile Used to Illustrate Calculation of Coincidence Factor................................................................................................................................18 iv List of Tables Table 1-1 Stacking Effect Discount Factors...............................................................................20 Table1-2 Building Type ............................................................................................................23 Table 2-1 Typical Savings Estimates for 10% Interior LPD Improvement (New Construction)...26 Table 2-2 Typical Savings Estimates for 20% Interior LPD Improvement..................................26 Table 2-3 Typical Savings Estimates for >= 30% Interior LPD Improvement.............................27 Table 2-4 Typical Savings Estimates for 60% Interior LPD Improvement..................................27 Table 2-5 Typical Savings Estimates for Occupancy Sensors (New Construction)....................28 Table 2-6 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Exit Signs .....................................................28 Table 2-7 Stipulated Lighting Hours of Use (HOU) by Building Type.........................................33 Table 2-8 Baseline Lighting Power Densities by Building Type — Building Area Method............34 Table 2-9 Baseline LPD For Common Spaces - Space-by-Space Method (IECC 2018) ...........35 Table 2-10 Baseline LPD for Specific Spaces - Space-by-Space Method (IECC 2018).............36 Table 2-11 Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors by Building Type and Weather Zone ........38 Table 2-12 Peak Demand Coincidence Factors by Building Type.............................................39 Table 2-13 Controls Savings Factors by Building and Control Type..........................................40 Table 2-14 Mandatory Lighting Control Space Types, IECC 2018.............................................41 Table 2-15 Stipulated Fixture Wattages for Various LED Exit Signs..........................................41 Table 2-16 Typical Savings Estimates for Exterior LPD Improvement (New Construction)........42 Table 2-17 Baseline Power Densities for Exterior Lighting —Tradable Surfaces(IECC 2018)....44 Table 2-18 Baseline Power Densities for Exterior Lighting — Non-Tradable Surfaces (IECC 2018) ..........................................................................................................................................45 Table 2-19 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Laundromat Efficient Washing Machines ..........................................................................................................................................48 Table 2-20 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Multi-family Efficient Washing Machines48 Table 2-21 Unit Energy Savings Efficient Washing Machines - New Construction ....................51 Table 2-22 Unit Energy Savings Efficient Washing Machines - Retrofit.....................................52 Table 2-23 Typical Savings Estimates for Wall Insulation (Cooling Only)..................................53 Table 2-24 Typical Savings Estimates for Wall Insulation (Cooling & Heating)..........................54 Table 2-25 Deemed Energy Savings for Wall Insulation - Retrofit.............................................56 Table 2-26 Deemed Energy Savings for Wall Insulation — New Construction............................57 v Table 2-27 Wall Insulation: Code Minimum R-values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 5.....57 Table 2-28 Wall Insulation: Code Minimum R-values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 6.....58 Table 2-29 Stipulated Heating and Cooling Degree Days by Building Type ..............................58 Table 2-30 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type..........................................................59 Table 2-31 Heating and Cooling Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type.............60 Table 2-32 Typical Savings Estimates for Ceiling Insulation (Cooling Only)..............................61 Table 2-33 Typical Savings Estimates for Ceiling Insulation (Cooling & Heating)......................62 Table 2-34 Typical Savings Estimates for Ceiling Insulation Retrofit from R11 to R38/R49.......62 Table 2-35 Deemed Energy Savings for Ceiling Insulation - Retrofit.........................................64 Table 2-36 Deemed Energy Savings for Ceiling Insulation — New Construction........................65 Table 2-37 ASHRAE Baseline R—values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 5 .......................65 Table 2-38 ASHRAE Baseline R—values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 6 .......................65 Table 2-39 International Energy Conservation Code 2018 Chapter 4........................................65 Table 2-40 Base Heating and Cooling Degree Days by Building Type......................................66 Table 2-41 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type..........................................................67 Table 2-42 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type .............................68 Table 2-43 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Low-Slope Roof (2:12 or less) Reflective Roof..................................................................................................................................69 Table 2-44 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Steep-Slope Roof (>2:12) Reflective Roof ..........................................................................................................................................69 Table 2-45 Unit Energy Savings for Low-Slope (<= 2:12) Reflective Roof.................................71 Table 2-46 Unit Energy Savings for Steep-Slope (> 2:12) Reflective Roof................................72 Table 2-47 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows (Cooling Only).............................73 Table 2-48 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows (Heating and Cooling) .................73 Table 2-49 Typical Savings Estimates for Premium Windows (Cooling Only) ...........................74 Table 2-50 Typical Savings Estimates for Premium Windows (Cooling and Heating)................74 Table 2-51 Retrofit Deemed Savings per Sq. Ft........................................................................77 Table 2-52 New Construction Deemed Savings per Sq. Ft. ......................................................77 Table 2-53 Calculated Heating/Cooling Et; for Zone 5 each Building Type ................................78 Table 2-54 Calculated Heating/Cooling Et; for Zone 6 each Building Type ................................79 Table 2-55 Baseline U-Factor and SHGC for Each Building......................................................80 Table 2-56 Average Heating/Cooling COP................................................................................80 VI Table 2-57 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type .............................81 Table 2-58 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type..........................................................82 Table 2-59 Typical Savings Estimates for Air-Side Economizer Only (New and Retrofit) ..........83 Table 2-60 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/1 Strategy Implemented ..84 Table 2-61 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/ 2 Strategies Implemented ..........................................................................................................................................84 Table 2-62 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/ 3 Strategies Implemented ..........................................................................................................................................85 Table 2-63 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/ 4 Strategies Implemented ..........................................................................................................................................85 Table 2-64 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/ 5 Strategies Implemented ..........................................................................................................................................85 Table 2-65 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/ 6 Strategies Implemented ..........................................................................................................................................86 Table 2-66 HVAC System Types...............................................................................................86 Table2-67 EMS Measures .......................................................................................................87 Table 2-68 Energy Savings for Retrofit EMS Controls Climate Zone 5......................................89 Table 2-69 Energy Savings for New Construction EMS Controls Climate Zone 5 .....................91 Table 2-70 Energy Savings for Retrofit EMS Controls Climate Zone 6......................................93 Table 2-71 Energy Savings for New Construction EMS Controls Climate Zone 6 .....................95 Table 2-72 Energy Savings for Retrofit Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 5...................97 Table 2-73 Energy Savings for New Construction Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 5 ..97 Table 2-74 Energy Savings for Retrofit Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 6...................98 Table 2-75 Energy Savings for New Construction Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 6 ..98 Table 2-76 Energy Savings for Retrofit DCV Only Climate Zone 6............................................99 Table 2-77 Unit Energy Savings for New Construction DCV Only Climate Zone 6 ....................99 Table 2-78 Typical Savings Estimates for GREM (w/o Housekeeping Set-Backs) ..................100 Table 2-79 Typical Savings Estimates for GREM (With Housekeeping Set-Backs).................100 Table 2-80 Typical Savings Estimates for GREM (Average) ...................................................101 Table 2-81 Unit Energy Savings for GREM Systems - Retrofit................................................103 Table 2-82 Unit Energy Savings for GREM Systems — New Construction (IECC 2018) ..........103 Table 2-83 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Air Cooled Air Conditioning —CEE Code Standard Incremental......................................................................................................104 vii Table 2-84 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Water Cooled Air Conditioning — CEE Code Standard Incremental.............................................................................................104 Table 2-85 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Variable Refrigerant Flow— CEE Code Standard Incremental......................................................................................................105 Table 2-86 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Water Cooled Air Conditioning with Air Cooled Baseline — CEE Code Standard Incremental.......................................................105 Table 2-87 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Variable Refrigerant Flow with Air Cooled Baseline — CEE Code Standard Incremental.......................................................106 Table 2-88 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C — Retrofit Baseline to CEE Tier 1...........108 Table 2-89 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C — New Construction (IECC 2018) Baseline to CEE 2019 Tier 1 ..........................................................................................................108 Table 2-90 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C — CEE 2019 Tier 1 to Tier 2...................109 Table 2-91 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C — New Construction (IECC 2018)Air Cooled Baseline to CEE 2019 Tier 1 ...........................................................................................109 Table 2-92 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Cooling and Heating Hours (EFLH) by Building Type ........................................................................................................................................109 Table 2-93 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type........................................................110 Table 2-94 CEE 2019 Minimum Efficiencies by Unit Type for All Tiers....................................111 Table 2-95 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps —Air-cooled...............113 Table 2-96 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps —Water-cooled..........114 Table 2-97 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps —Air Cooled VRF ......114 Table 2-98 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps —Water Cooled VRF.115 Table 2-99 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps using Baseline Air Cooled Air-Conditioners to Tier 1 Water-cooled Air-Conditioners ................................................115 Table 2-100 Typical Savings Estimates for Air Cooled VRF using an Air Cooled Baseline......116 Table 2-101 Typical Savings Estimates for Water Cooled VRF using an Air Cooled Baseline.116 Table 2-102 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps— Retrofit to CEE 2019Tier 1 119 Table 2-103 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps — New Construction (IECC 2018) Base to CEE 2019 Tier 1 .................................................................................................119 Table 2-104 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps — New Construction (IECC 2018) Air Cooled Baseline to CEE 2019 Tier 1 ..........................................................................120 Table 2-105 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps — CEE 2019 Tier 1 to Tier 2..120 Table 2-106 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type .........................121 Table 2-107 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type......................................................122 viii Table 2-108 CEE 2019 Baseline Efficiency by Unit Type ........................................................122 Table 2-109 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Chillers(air cooled).......................124 Table 2-110 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Chillers(water cooled)..................124 Table 2-111 Deemed Measure Savings for Retrofit, IECC 2018 .............................................127 Table 2-112 Deemed Measure Savings for New Construction, IECC 2018.............................128 Table 2-113 Baseline Code Requirements, IECC 2018...........................................................129 Table 2-114 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type .........................130 Table 2-115 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type......................................................131 Table 2-116 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Coolers (Direct)................................132 Table 2-117 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Coolers (Indirect)..............................133 Table 2-118 Unit Energy Savings for Evaporative Coolers —Weather Zone 5.........................134 Table 2-119 Unit Energy Savings for Evaporative Coolers —Weather Zone 6.........................134 Table 2-120 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Pre-Cooler (Installed on Chillers)......135 Table 2-121 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Pre-Cooler (Installed on Refrigeration Systems).........................................................................................................................135 Table 2-122 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for VFD ...................................................138 Table 2-123 Stipulated Hours of Use for Commercial HVAC Motors.......................................140 Table 2-124 Stipulated Energy Savings Factors (ESF) for Commercial HVAC VFD Installations ........................................................................................................................................143 Table 2-125 Typical Savings Estimates for Water-Side Economizers .....................................146 Table 2-126 Water Side Economizer Savings.........................................................................147 Table 2-127 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Refrigerators (< 30 ft3) ...............148 Table 2-128 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Refrigerators (>_ 30 ft3) ...............148 Table 2-129 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Freezers (< 30 ft3)......................149 Table 2-130 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Freezers (>_ 30 ft3)......................149 Table 2-131 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units less than 15 cu.ft.............................151 Table 2-132 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units 15 to 30 cu.ft. ..................................151 Table 2-133 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units 30 to 50 cu.ft. ..................................151 Table 2-134 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units greater than 50 cu.ft........................152 Table 2-135 List of Incremental Cost Data for Refrigerators and Freezers. .............................152 Table 2-136 Typical Savings Estimates for Ice Machines (<200 Ibs/day) ................................153 Table 2-137 Typical Savings Estimates for Ice Machines (>_200 Ibs/day) ................................153 ix Table 2-138 Unit Energy Savings for Ice Machine...................................................................156 Table 2-139 Unit Incremental Cost for Ice Machines...............................................................156 Table 2-140 Typical Savings Estimates for ASH Controls.......................................................159 Table 2-141 Connected Load for Typical Reach-In Case........................................................161 Table 2-142 Typical Savings Estimates for Auto-Closers (Walk-In, Low-Temp)......................162 Table 2-143 Typical Savings Estimates for Auto-Closers (Walk-In, Med-Temp)......................162 Table 2-144 Typical Savings Estimates for Auto-Closers (Reach-In, Low-Temp)....................163 Table 2-145 Typical Savings Estimates for Auto-Closers (Reach-In, Med-Temp) ...................163 Table 2-146 Unit Energy and Demand Savings Estimates......................................................164 Table 2-147 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Efficient Refrigeration Condenser......165 Table 2-148 Unit Energy Savings for Efficient Refrigeration Condenser..................................166 Table 2-149 Typical Savings Estimates for Floating Suction Pressure Controls (Only) ...........167 Table 2-150 Typical Savings Estimates for Floating Head Pressure Controls (Only)...............167 Table 2-151 Typical Savings Estimates for Floating Head and Suction Pressure Controls......168 Table 2-152 Unit Energy and Demand Savings estimates for Retrofit Projects .......................170 Table 2-153 Unit Energy and Demand Savings estimates for New Construction Projects.......170 Table 2-154 Typical Savings Estimates for Suction Line Insulation for Medium-Temperature Coolers............................................................................................................................172 Table 2-155 Typical Savings Estimates for Suction Line Insulation for Low-Temperature Freezers ........................................................................................................................................172 Table 2-156 Unit Energy Savings for Suction Line Insulation ..................................................174 Table 2-157 Typical Savings Estimates for Night Covers........................................................175 Table 2-158 Unit Energy Savings for Refrigeration: Night Covers...........................................176 Table 2-159 Typical Savings Estimates for Low/No Heat Doors..............................................177 Table 2-160 Stipulated Energy and Demand Savings Estimates for "No-Heat Glass".............178 Table 2-161 Typical Saving Estimate for Automatic High Speed Doors: Refrigerated Space to Dock................................................................................................................................181 Table 2-162 Typical Savings Estimate for Automatic High Speed Doors: Freezer to Dock......181 Table 2-163 Typical Savings Estimate for Automatic High Speed Doors: Freezer to Refrigerated Space..............................................................................................................................182 Table 2-164 Typical Freezer and Refrigerated Space Properties............................................184 Table 2-165 Typical Saving Estimate for High Volume Low Speed Fans in Unconditioned Spaces ........................................................................................................................................185 x Table 2-166 Typical Savings Estimate for High Volume Low Speed Fans in Conditioned Spaces ........................................................................................................................................185 Table 2-167 Fan Replacement Wattage by Fan Diameter.......................................................187 Table 2-168 Average Savings by Fan Diameter in Unconditioned Space................................187 Table 2-169 Fan Hours by Building Type ................................................................................188 Table 2-170 Estimated Savings for Conditioned Spaces.........................................................188 Table 2-171 Typical Saving Estimate for Cogged HVAC Fan Belts.........................................189 Table 2-172 Typical Saving Estimate for Synchronous HVAC Fan Belts.................................189 Table 2-173 Energy Savings Factor by Belt Replacement ......................................................191 Table 2-174 Typical Occupancy Hours by Building Type ........................................................191 Table 2-175 Typical Saving Estimate for Freezer Strip Curtains .............................................192 Table 2-176 Typical Saving Estimate for Cooler Strip Curtains ...............................................192 Table 2-177 Typical Savings Parameters by Building Type.....................................................194 Table 2-178 Typical Saving Estimate for Fan Motors in HVAC Units (ECM) ...........................195 Table 2-179 Typical Saving Estimate for Fan Motors in HVAC Units (PMSM).........................195 Table 2-180 Typical Occupancy Hours by Building Type ........................................................197 Table 2-181 Typical Motor Replacement Parameters..............................................................197 Table 2-182 Typical Saving Estimate for Wall Mounted Engine Block Heater Controls...........198 Table 2-183 Typical Saving Estimate for Engine Mounted Engine Block Heater Controls.......198 Table 2-184 Typical Vehicle Hours of Operation .....................................................................200 Table 2-185 Typical Engine Block Heater Parameters............................................................200 Table 2-186 Typical Effective Full Load Hours........................................................................200 Table 2-187 Typical Saving Estimate for Milking Vacuum Pump VFD.....................................201 Table 2-188 Typical Saving Estimate for Milk Transfer Pump VFD .........................................201 Table 2-189 Deemed Savings for Dairy Pump VFDs...............................................................203 Table 2-190 Typical Saving Estimate for Air Compressor VFD ...............................................204 Table 2-191 Typical Savings Estimate for a Low Pressure Filter.............................................205 Table 2-192 Typical Savings Estimate for a No-Loss Condensate Drain.................................205 Table 2-193 Typical Savings Estimate for an Efficient Compressed Air Nozzle.......................206 Table 2-194 Typical Saving Estimate for an Efficient Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer......206 Table 2-195 Typical Hours of Operation and Coincidence Factor Based on Shift Schedules..209 Table 2-196 Typical Parameters Based on Compressor Type ................................................209 xi Table 2-197 Typical Energy Consumption Ratio by Dryer Type ..............................................209 Table 2-198 Typical Saving Estimate for Smart Power Strip Devices......................................210 Table 2-199 Deemed Savings by Control Device....................................................................211 Table 2-200 Typical Savings Estimate for Potato and Onion Ventilation VFDs........................212 Table 2-201 Deemed Savings Normalized by Horsepower.....................................................213 Table 2-202 Typical Savings Estimate for Kitchen Ventilation Hood Controls .........................214 Table 2-203 Deemed Savings Normalized by Horsepower.....................................................215 Table 2-204 Average Kitchen Exhaust Hood Demand Controlled Ventilation Parameters.......216 Table 2-205 Typical Savings Estimate for a Dedicated Outdoor Air System............................217 Table 2-206 Energy Savings for New Construction DOAS......................................................220 Table 2-207 Energy Savings for Retrofit DOAS.......................................................................220 Table 2-208 Energy Savings and Cost Estimates for New Construction based on Baseline HVAC type.................................................................................................................................220 Table 2-209 Typical Savings Estimate for a Circulating Block Heater on a Backup Generator < 200 kW............................................................................................................................221 Table 2-210 Typical Savings Estimate for a Circulating Block Heater on a Backup Generator 201-500 kW.....................................................................................................................221 Table 2-211 Typical Savings Estimate for a Circulating Block Heater on a Backup Generator 501-1000 kW...................................................................................................................222 Table 2-212 Stipulated Energy Savings Based on Generator Size..........................................223 Table 2-213 Typical Savings Estimates for Air Conditioning Tune Up — Fixed Orifice .............224 Table 2-214 Typical Savings Estimates for Air Conditioning Tune Up —TXV...........................224 Table 2-215 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Cooling and Heating Hours (EFLH) by Building Type ........................................................................................................................................227 Table 2-216 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type......................................................228 Table 2-217 Efficiency Loss Factor by Refrigerant Charge Level ............................................228 Table 2-218 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Battery Chargers — Single Phase.229 Table 2-219 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Battery Chargers — Three Phase .229 Table 2-220 Battery Charging System - Hours and Wattages.................................................231 Table 2-221 Typical Savings Estimates for Defrost Coil Control - Cooler................................232 Table 2-222 Typical Savings Estimates for Defrost Coil Control - Freezer ..............................232 Table 2-223 Battery Charging System - Hours and Wattages.................................................234 Table 2-224 Typical Savings Estimates for Network Lighting Controls....................................235 xii Table 2-225 Stipulated Control Savings Fraction by Space Type............................................237 Table 2-226 Stipulated Lighting Hours of Use (HOU) by Building Type...................................238 Table 2-227 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Fan Motor and Controls in Freezers .239 Table 2-228 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Fan Motor and Controls in Coolers...239 Table 2-229 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM without Speed Controls and <=1 HP ...........242 Table 2-230 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM without Speed Controls and >1 HP .............242 Table 2-231 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM with Speed Controls and <=1 HP ................243 Table 2-232 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM with Speed Controls and >1 HP ..................243 Table 2-233 Deemed Savings for ECMs without Speed Controls on Circulation Pump...........245 Table 2-234 Deemed Savings for ECMs with Speed Controls on Circulation Pump................246 Table 2-235 Typical Savings Estimates for Pump Optimization...............................................247 Table 2-236 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type .........................249 Table 3-1 Document Revision History.....................................................................................250 Table 4-1 List of Eligible HVAC Control Measures ..................................................................255 xiii 1 . Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method This Technical Reference Manual (TRM) is a compilation of stipulated algorithms and values for various energy efficiency measures implemented by Idaho Power Company's commercial demand side management programs and serves the New Construction and Retrofit programs by providing up to date savings estimates for the energy efficiency measures offered by the programs. This manual is intended to facilitate the cost effectiveness screening, planning, tracking, and energy savings reporting for the New Construction and Retrofit Energy Efficiency incentive programs. While the algorithms and stipulated values contained in this TRM are derived using best practices, the stipulated values should be reviewed and revised according to relevant industry research and impact evaluation findings as necessary to ensure that they remain accurate for the New Construction and Retrofit programs. The following sections describe many of the processes and cross-cutting assumptions used to derive the measure level savings estimates found in Section 2. 1.1. Purpose This manual is intended to facilitate the cost effectiveness screening, planning, tracking, and energy savings reporting for the New Construction and Retrofit energy efficiency incentive programs. This document is intended to be a living document in which the stipulated values are revised according to relevant industry research and impact evaluation findings. 1.2. Methodology and Framework The algorithms and stipulated values contained in this TRM are derived using current industry standard engineering best practices. Current relevant research, recent impact evaluations, and Technical Reference Manuals developed for other states and/or regions are referenced where appropriate. All energy savings algorithms in this TRM are designed to be applied using the simple engineering formulas defined for each measure in conjunction with the included stipulated values. Each measure is presented first with a summary of the technology and typical expected (per unit) energy savings, expected useful life, and incremental cost estimates. The `typical' per unit values leverage basic assumptions regarding the geographic distribution of program participants (e.g. weather zone) as well as participant demographics (for example distribution of building types, efficiency of current building stock, etc.). Each measure is accompanied by a spreadsheet calculator containing live formulas and all weights used to derive the typical per-unit estimates. It is expected that as better information is made available regarding program participants, or as program designs are adjusted these numbers will be updated accordingly. Following the measure summary information, each measure section provides a description of its scope and the spectrum of eligible projects/equipment to which the algorithms and values apply. When applicable, a discussion of code compliance topics (for new construction projects) is included. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 14 1.3. Weather Data Used for Weather Sensitive Measures The service territory for Idaho Power Company covers much of southern Idaho and stretches into eastern Oregon. This is illustrated in Figure 1-1.In order to normalize expected annual energy savings and peak demand reductions for annual variations in weather patterns, all stipulated values for weather sensitive measures were derived using the industry standard Typical Meteorological Year (TMY3) weather data. While there are many weather stations in Idaho for which TMY3 data is available, it was determined that averaging the TMY3 weather across stations in two ASHRAE weather zones (zones 5 and 6) provided sufficient resolution without adding too many separate variations for stipulated values reported in the TRM. Service Area Salmon South-East • Region McCall • Canyon-West cascade Region Ontario •Payette Vale• • Emmett 1 Caldwell Halley • • • •Bolse I Nampa Capital REGON Region Blackfoot iMountain Home Gooding • Pocatello i Jerome South-East • • I • Region American Falls 1 Twin Falls 1 I I ` Figure 1-1 Map of Idaho Power Company Service Territory' All stipulated values for weather sensitive measures (e.g. Equivalent Full Load Cooling Hours) are based on `typical' weather data and provided separately for each of these two weather zones. A map of the ASHRAE weather zones is provided in Figure 1-2. When separate savings estimates are provided for different weather zones, the project location should be used to determine which of the values are applicable. The `typical' energy savings values reported at the beginning of each measure's section assumes a weighted average between the two weather zones using weights of 80% and 20% for Zones 5 and 6 respectively. Map represents service territory at the time of this publication. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 15 ine iC1j Dry fBi Nl IA"I r 5 5 �J �_ r f-• 9oroupn..,7enAa. NortMtu Arne F N.Str V LA lympon ZeM 1 -ltopw�M pW1R��.�iu�R NoiP 7YaM YAM rra dv VP• Wnnb I 1 Figure 1-2 Map Illustrating ASHRAE Weather Zones2 While reviewing the weather data it was noted that while both weather zones are 'heating dominated' Weather Zone 6 is on average cooler that Weather Zone 5. Therefore, energy conservation measures targeting heating efficiency tend to perform much better in Zone 6. However; measures which result in a heating penalty tend to perform better in Zone 5. Monthly average dry bulb temperatures are compared for both weather zones in Figure 1-3. z Note how Idaho is bisected by Zones 5 and 6 Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 16 Comparison of Monthly Average Temperatures for Weather Zones 5 and 6 60- d Weather Zone Y 40- ZONE5 PZONE6 Q E 20- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Figure 1-3 Comparison of Monthly Average Temperatures 1.4. Peak Demand Savings and Peak Demand Window Definition Where applicable peak demand savings estimates are derived using Idaho Power Company's peak period definition of: weekdays from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM, June 1 through August 31. Hourly savings estimates are averaged over the aforementioned time period to report peak savings. Coincidence Factors for Lighting Coincidence factors are defined as the percentage of the demand savings which occur during Idaho Power Company's peak period (defined above). When hourly data are available these are calculated by averaging the hourly demand savings over the peak period definition. This is exemplified in Figure 1-4 which illustrates a hypothetical hourly savings profile. The highlighted region bounds the peak period definition and the CF is calculated by taking the average demand reduction during that period divided by the max demand reduction Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 17 12 Maximum Demand Savings 10 3 Y O 8 O r u 3 6 O m 4 E v 2 Peak Demand Window 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour Of The Day Figure 1-4 Hypothetical Hourly Savings Profile Used to Illustrate Calculation of Coincidence Factor Thus in the example above let's suppose that the maximum Demand savings are 10 kW and the average kW reduction in the shaded area is 6 kW. The coincidence factor is calculated as follows: Average Reduction _ _6 kW Coincidence Factor = 6 Max Reduction 10 kW 1.5. Description of Prototypical Building Simulation Models The estimated energy impacts for many of the measures in this TRM were developed using the help of building energy simulation modeling. All of the building simulations were performed using the DOE2.2 simulation software to simulation prototypical building models developed for the Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER). A complete description of these models can be found in the DEER final report — though some aspects will be heighted here as they relate to the TRM.3 5 different vintages of 23 non-residential prototypical building models were developed for the DEER. These models include the following: ■ Assembly, ■ Education Primary School, ■ Education Secondary School, ■ Education—Community College, ■ Education University, s Southern California Edison, Database for Energy Efficiency Resources(DEER)Update Study.2005 Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 18 ■ Education—Relocatable Classroom, ■ Grocery, ■ Health/Medical—Hospital, ■ Health/Medical—Nursing Home, ■ Lodging—Hotel, ■ Lodging—Motel, ■ Manufacturing—Bio/Tech, ■ Manufacturing—Light Industrial, ■ Office—Large, ■ Office—Small, ■ Restaurant—Sit-Down, ■ Restaurant—Fast-Food, ■ Retail—3-Story Large, ■ Retail—Single-Story Large, ■ Retail—Small, ■ Storage—Conditioned, ■ Storage—Unconditioned, and ■ Storage—Refrigerated Warehouse. A complete set of these models was pulled from the DEER for use in simulating various weather sensitive measures (including heating and cooling interactive factors for lighting). All simulations were run using the (2) Idaho specific weather data-set described in Section 1.3 for the buildings for which a measure was applicable. The hourly results were then compiled and typically normalized using the building conditioned area (ft2) or installed cooling/heating capacity (Tons). Note that the newest vintage of a building type was selected for simulating impacts for new construction while the most applicable vintage was selected for retrofit.4 1.6. Application of Stacking Effects in the TRIM! Often energy conservation projects involve `packages' of measures implemented together. As measures are `stacked' on top of one another, each add to the overall project energy savings, however; individual measure impacts are not always directly additive. This is because, unless otherwise noted, the `typical' savings values reported within this TRM assumes that the measure is implemented on its own. When measures interact with each other this can cause the total energy savings to be less than the individual savings added together, labeled as the stacking effect. The stacking effect will apply to all measures that are implemented in the same space and have the same end-use category. All overlapping measures will have a discount factor applied to the saving depending on the measure order, see Table 1-1. 'The specific vintage selected was a function of the expected distribution of buildings of that type in the Idaho Power Service Territory. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 19 Table 1-1 Stacking Effect Discount Factors Measure Order Discount Factor 1 1 2 .85 3 .74 4 .67 5 .62 6 .59 1.6.1. Step by Step Guide to Applying the Stacking Effect Step one: Arrange the measures Measures will be arranged by the estimated savings from highest savings to lowest savings. Step Two: Identify End-uses For each measure, identify the end-uses that will affect the savings and that will affect other measures. Note: A measure can have more than one end-use. Step Three: Discount factor Recognize where any overlap in end-use occurs and apply the discount factor based on the number of measures with the same end-use above it. Step Four: Adjust Energy Savings Multiply measure savings by the associated discount factor to obtain the adjusted measure savings. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 20 1.6.2. Stacking Effect Example Let's assume that a project involved the following energy conservation measures: Order Implemented Measure Relative Savings End-Use 1 Efficient Interior Lighting 5% Cooling & Lighting 2 High Efficiency Chilled 4% Pumps &Auxiliary Water Pumps 3 High Efficiency Chiller 10% Cooling 4 Water-side economizer 2% Cooling Step One: Arrange the Measures The measures are arranged with the highest savings being applied first and decrease in savings down the list. This arrangement can be done using the relative savings as shown or using the individual measure projected kWh savings. Order Measure Relative Savings End-Use 1 High Efficiency Chiller 10% Cooling 2 Efficient Interior Lighting 5% Cooling & Lighting 3 High Efficiency Chilled 4% Pumps &Auxiliary Water Pumps 4 Water-side economizer 2% Cooling Step Two: Identify End-uses Use the TRM to record all the measure end-uses. Find where the end-uses overlap and make sure that the installed equipment actually overlaps by being in the same space or working on the same system. Order Measure Relative Savings End-Use 1 High Efficiency Chiller 10% Cooling 2 Efficient Interior Lighting 5% Cooling & _ Lighting 3 High Efficiency Chilled 4% Pumps &Auxiliary Water Pumps 4 Water-side economizer 2% Cooling Step Three: Discount Factors Apply a discount factor to all measures based on the number of overlapping measures above. Note that the chilled water pump does not overlap so has a discount factor of 1 and the water- side economizer is the third cooling end-use so has a discount factor of 0.74. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 21 Order Measure Relative End-Use Discount Factor Savings 1 High Efficiency Chiller 10% Cooling 1 2 Efficient Interior 5% Cooling & Lighting 0.85 Lighting 3 High Efficiency Chilled 4% Pumps&Auxiliary 1 Water Pumps 4 Water-side 2% Cooling 0.74 economizer Step Four: Adjust Energy Savings Apply the discount factor to all relevant measures by multiplying the discount factor by the individual measure energy savings. Relative Individual Discount Adjusted Order Measure Savings End-Use Energy Factor Energy Savings Savings 1 High Efficiency 10% Cooling 300,000 kWh 1 300,000 kWh Chiller _ 2 Efficient Interior 5% Cooling & 150,000 kWh 0.85 127,500 kWh Lighting Lighting High Efficiency a Pumps & 3 Chilled Water 4/o Auxiliary 120,000 kWh 1 120,000 kWh Pumps 4 Water-side 2% Cooling 60,000 kWh 0.74 44,400 kWh economizer Project Total: 591,900 kWh 1.6.3. Special Cases There are a few cases that require more explanation. Stacking effect integrated into the TRM Savings: Two measures in the TRM already have stacking effects integrated into the typical savings stated as the measure interacts with itself. 1) High efficiency lighting and lighting controls 2) HVAC Controls These two measures should be treated the same as all other measures once the correct typical savings has been decided. For example, the HVAC control measure there are many levels of savings based on the number of controls implemented that interact with each other. For this reason, savings for one control measure can not be multiplied by the number of controls implemented. However, once the correct typical savings value is selected the measure should be used in the stacking effect calculation as previously described. Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 22 Measures that have the same end-use but are installed in different areas: Two or more measures can have the same end-use without needing a discount factor applied if the measures are not in the same space and will not interact with each other. For example: if an office replaces AC unit #2 and improves the LPD in a space served by AC unit #1 than these measures will not stack. Any instances of this needs to be well documented. Measure has multiple end-uses that cause stacking effect: Some measures have multiple end-uses which can cause it to stack with multiple measures. When a measure with multiple end-uses where both end-uses will stack with other measures in the program than each end-use should be evaluated separately and the measure should use the lowest discount factor calculated. For example, a program has four measures and in order from greatest savings to least savings are: two cooling only measures, one lighting only measure and the last one is lighting and cooling. In this case the final measure is the third cooling measure for discount factor of 0.74 and the second lighting measures for a discount factor of 0.85. A discount factor of 0.74 should be used since it is the lower number. 1.7. Building Type by Measure This TRM estimates the facility energy savings for each measure using deemed values where applicable. Because of how various measure savings are sourced and calculated, all building types are not present for all measures. When applying for measure savings, the building type that most closely resembles the stated facility should be used and should be consistent for all measures being implemented at the same facility. Table 1-2 helps combine the building types listed for HVAC and Lighting measures. This table can be used to select a single building type from either list and lookup the appropriate building type label in the other measure. Table 1-2 Building Type Lighting Lighting HVAC HVAC Building Type HVAC Measures Measures EFLH Cooling Heating EFLH EFLH Assembly Assembly Assembly 2,700 855 985 Education - Primary Education - Primary School, Primary 2,500 197 321 School _ School Education - Secondary Education - Secondary School, Secondary 2,500 223 428 School School Education - Education - Community College 2,100 551 352 Community College College Education - University Education - University University 2,100 702 363 Grocery Grocery Retail Supermarket 6,800 544 1,862 Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 23 Lighting Lighting HVAC HVAC Building Type HVAC Measures Measures EFLH Cooling Heating EFLH _ EFLH Health/Medical - Health/Medical - Hospital 4,200 1,575 625 Hospital Hospital Health/Medical - Health/Medical - Other Health, 4,300 1,016 1,450 Nursing Home Nursing Home Nursing, Medical _ Clinic Lodging - Hotel Lodging - Hotel Lodging, Hotel 3,500 1,112 653 Lodging - Motel Lodging - Motel Lodging, Motel 3,500 970 705 Industrial Plant- 1/2 Manufacturing - Light Industrial Plant with 5,500 507 777 Shift Industrial One/Two Shift Industrial Plant- 3 Manufacturing - Light Industrial Plant with 7,000 507 777 Shift Industrial Three Shifts Office- Large Office- Large Office >100,000 sf 3,300 733 207 Library Office-Small Library 3,000 599 277 Office <20,000 sf Office-Small Office <20,000 sf 2,600 599 277 Office 20,000 to Office-Small Office 20,000 to 3,300 599 277 100,000 sf 100,000 sf Restaurant- Sit-Down Restaurant- Sit-Down Restaurant, Sit- 4,900 792 641 Down Restaurant- Fast- Restaurant- Fast-Food Restaurant, Fast- 4,900 827 737 Food Food Retail -3-Story Large Retail - 3-Story Large Retail Anchor Store 4,400 741 816 >50,000 sf Multistory Retail 5,000 to 50,000 Retail - Single-Story Retail 5,000 to 3,900 694 884 sf Large 50,000 sf Retail Big Box> Retail - Single-Story Retail Big Box 6,000 694 884 50,000 sf One-story Large >50,000 sf One- Story Retail Mini Mart Retail - Small Retail Mini Mart 7,200 705 936 Retail Boutique <5,000 Retail - Small Retail Boutique 2,500 705 936 sf <5,000 sf Automotive Repair Storage- Conditioned Automotive Repair 3,100 316 748 Warehouse Storage- Conditioned Warehouse 2,600 316 748 Other Other Other 3,800 635 726 Overview and Purpose of Deemed Savings Method 24 2. Commercial and Industrial Deemed Savings Measures This chapter contains the protocols and stipulated values for commercial and industrial measures covered by this TRM. Spreadsheets were developed for each measure and contain any calculations used to derive stipulated values (or deemed savings estimates). Each measure is presented first with a summary of the technology and typical expected (per unit) energy savings, expected useful life, and incremental cost estimates. The `typical' per unit values leverage basic assumptions regarding the geographic distribution of program participants (e.g. weather zone)as well as participant demographics (for example distribution of building types, efficiency of current building stock, etc.) and are intended for use in cost effectiveness screening — not as deemed savings estimates (given their generality). Where applicable, deemed savings estimates are provided for various scenario in tables at the end of each measure's section. Each measure is accompanied by a spreadsheet calculator containing live formulas and all weights used to derive the typical per-unit estimates. It is expected that as better information is made available regarding program participants, or as program designs are adjusted these numbers will be updated accordingly. Following the measure summary information, each measure section provides a description of its scope and the spectrum of eligible projects/equipment to which the algorithms and values apply. When applicable, a discussion of code compliance topics (for new construction projects) is included. It should also be noted that while savings estimates are provided for a multitude of measures (both for retrofit and new construction) a custom engineering analysis should be preferred for significantly large projects when possible. This is particularly true for projects involving VFDs, HVAC controls, and/or large `packages' of multiple measures. Commercial and Industrial Deemed Savings Measures 25 2.1. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to interior lighting systems installed in commercial and industrial spaces which are more efficient than required by prevailing codes and standards. This measure applies only to projects which represent new construction or major renovations.' The following tables summarize the `typical' expected (per ft2) energy impacts for lighting power density improvements and controls additions. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants.' Table 2-1 Typical Savings Estimates for 10% Interior LPD Improvement (New Construction) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit n/a ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings n/a .43 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings n/a .09 W Expected Useful Life n/a 14 Years Average Incremental Cost' n/a $0.13 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC, Lighting Table 2-2 Typical Savings Estimates for 20% Interior LPD Improvement Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit n/a ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings n/a .86 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings n/a .17 W Expected Useful Life n/a 14 Years Average Incremental Cost8 n/a $0.25 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC, Lighting e Major renovations are defined to be any renovation or facility expansion project in which building permits were required and the lighting system had to be demonstrated to comply with a particular code or standard. 6 See spreadsheet"1-Typical Calcs_HighEffLight_v7.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Stated costs only apply to the increased cost of materials and do not account for the additional design costs associated with this measure. 8 See previous footnote Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 26 Table 2-3 Typical Savings Estimates for>= 30% Interior LPD Improvements Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit n/a ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings n/a 1.95 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings n/a .39 W Expected Useful Life n/a 14 Years Average Incremental Cost10 n/a $0.58 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC, Lighting Table 2-4 Typical Savings Estimates for 60% Interior LPD Improvement Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit n/a ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings n/a 2.57 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings n/a .52 W Expected Useful Life n/a 14 Years Average Incremental Cost" n/a $0.76 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC, Lighting 9 Note that the values listed for this measure assume the"typical'improvement in this category is a 45.5%reduction in interior LPD. This is based on observed lighting load reductions from past program participants. Note that an average%reduction was taken for participants whose LPD reduction fell within this category. 10 Stated costs only apply to the increased cost of materials and do not account for the additional design costs associated with this measure. 11 See previous footnote. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 27 Table 2-5 Typical Savings Estimates for Occupancy Sensors (New Construction)12 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit n/a Sensor Average Unit Energy Savings n/a 329 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings n/a 66 W Expected Useful Life n/a 8 Years Average Incremental Cost n/a $134 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC, Lighting Table 2-6 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Exit Signs13 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit n/a _ Sign Average Unit Energy Savings n/a 28 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings n/a 3.6 W Expected Useful Life n/a 16 Years Average Incremental Cost n/a $10.83 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.1.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All above-code interior lighting systems (fixtures, lamps, ballasts, etc.) are eligible. Eligibility is determined by calculating the lighting power density (LPD) for the installed system. If the LPD is at least 10% lower than allowed by code (see Section 2.1.2) then the system is eligible. Efficient equipment may include florescent fixtures, LED lamps, LED exit signs, compact florescent light bulbs, high intensity discharge lamps, etc. In addition to efficient lighting fixtures, lighting controls are eligible under this measure. Eligible controls include: occupancy sensors (wall mounted and fixture mounted), dimmers, and bi-level switches. Lighting controls are only eligible when not already required by the building code standard to which a project is permitted. Occupancy sensor lighting controls are required in all spaces types stated in Table 2-14. Lighting controls must: automatically turn off lights within 30 minutes of occupants leavings the space, be manual on or controlled to automatically turn lighting on to no more than 50% power, and incorporate a manual off control14. Warehouse spaces shall be controlled as follows: in aisleways and open areas the controls will turn down lighting power to no less than 50% when unoccupied 12 Occupancy sensor savings are based on the assumption that each sensor will control 300 Watts 13 Note that the energy savings for exit signs are the same for both code standards. 14 Warehouse spaces shall be controlled based on section C405.2.1.2. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 28 and each aisleway will be controlled independently with the aisle sensor not controlling lighting beyond the aisleway. Photocontrol sensors are not eligible for new construction savings and have been removed from the TRM. The building code requires photocontrols on all lights in areas that received natural lighting and therefore are not eligible for savings. Exit signs are required to be less than 2 watts per face. 2.1.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the new construction scenario. Retrofit (Early Replacement) This measure does not apply to retrofit or early replacement. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) Baseline equipment for this measure is defined as an installed lighting system with a maximum allowable LPD. The maximum allowable LPD is defined by the building code according to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction from the previous standard IECC 2015. Two paths are available for code compliance—the Building Area Method (IECC 2018, C405.4.2.1) and the Space-by-Space Method (IECC 2018, C405.4.2.2). Either can be used to determine baseline power density provided it is consistent with the method used by the project for code compliance. Code Compliance Considerations for Lighting Controls Section C405.2 of the IECC 2018 Standard specifies mandatory automatic lighting controls in certain space types with a few exceptions and are listed in Table 2-14. If the building or space is not exempt from these mandatory provisions, then the least efficient mandatory control strategy shall be assumed as baseline equipment. Note that prescriptive lighting control requirements have changed between the 2015 and 2018 versions of IECC. 2.1.3. Algorithms Two sets of algorithms are provided for this measure. The first are algorithms for Lighting Power Density (LPD) reductions and/or for the addition of lighting controls. The second set of algorithms are included for high efficiency exit signs (which are treated separately by ASHRAE 90.1): Algorithm 1 (Lighting Power Density Reduction and Controls Additions): AkWh = kWhbase— kWhtnstaued Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 29 =ASF*(LPDbase - LPDlnstalled * (1 — CSF)] *HOU *HCIFEnergy dkW = (Mbase - Mmstaued) * CF =ASF *(LPDbase - LPDlnstalled * (1 — CSF)] *HCIFpemand * CF kWh/UnitTypical =-7(QkWhlUnitbuilding i* Wbuilding i) kWh/Unitbuilding,i =[LPDbuilding i,base- LPDbuilding i,Installed* (1 — CSF)] *HCIFpemand The above equations for AkWh and AkW can be simplified to the following if a project involves only a lighting power density reduction or lighting controls addition: Power density reduction only. dkWh =ASF*[LPDbase - LPDlnstalled] *HOU *HCIFEnergy Controls installation only: AkWh =ASF*LPDlnstalled * CSF *HOU *HCIFEnergy Algorithm 2 (High Efficiency Exit Signs): dkWh = kWhbase—kWhlnstalled _ (Wbase - Wlnstalled) * 8760 * HCIFEnergy *NSigns dkW = (Wbase - Wlnstalled) * Nsigns 2.1.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. dkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. HOU Annual operating hours for the lighting system. Values for various building types are stipulated in Table 2-7. When available, actual system hours of use should be used. LPD Lighting power density baseline (base)and installed (meas)systems. This is defined as the total lighting system connected load divided by the lighted area. The Building Area method baseline LPD is defined by Table 2-8. The Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 30 Space-By-Space method the LPD is defined by Table 2-9 through Table 2-10. W Exit Sign base and installed wattage. Note that the base wattage is defined by IECC to be 5 watts. Note exit sign wattage is the same for IECC 2015 and 2018. See Table 2-15 for stipulated wattages. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. For Exit signs the coincidence factor is defined to be unity. HCIF Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors. These account for the secondary impacts reductions in internal loads effect on HVAC systems by representing the expected "typical' impacts a reduction in the lighting power density will effect on electric space conditioning equipment. These are defined in Table 2-11 for various building types and climate zones. CSF Controls Savings Factor. This is defined as the % reduction in system hours of use (HOU) due do installed lighting controls. Stipulated values for this variable are provided in Table 2-13. kWh/Unitrypi,ai Typical measure savings on a per unit basis. kWh/Unitbuildi g,i Typical measure savings for building type i on a per unit basis. Uses the baseline LPD for building type i as defined in Table 2-8. Measure LPD for building i is defined as the average installed LPD for past program participants of that building type. Wbuilding,i Population weight for building type i. This is defined to be the square footage of building type i in past program participants divided by the total square footage of past participant building space 2.1.5. Sources ■ IECC 2015, Chapter 4. ■ IECC 2018, Chapter 4. ■ Regional Technical Forum, draft Standard Protocol Calculator for Non-Residential Lighting improvements, https:Hrtf.nwcouncii.org/standard-protocol/non-residential- lightinq-retrofits ■ California DEER Prototypical Simulation models (modified), eQUEST-DEER 3-5.11 15 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors and Coincidence factors for various building and heating fuel types. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 31 California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08.xls Acker, B., Van Den Wymelenberg, K., 2010. Measurement and Verification of Daylighting Photocontrols; Technical Report 20090205-01, Integrated Design Lab, University of Idaho, Boise, ID. 2.1.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 32 Table 2-7 Stipulated Lighting Hours of Use (HOU) by Building Type16 Building Type Hours of Use Assembly 2,700 Automotive Repair 3,100 College 2,100 University 2,100 Exterior 24 Hour Operation 8,766 Hospital 4,200 Industrial Plant with One Shift 5,500 Industrial Plant with Three Shifts 7,000 Industrial Plant with Two Shifts 5,500 Library 3,000 Lodging, Hotel 3,500 Lodging, Motel 3,500 Manufacturing 5,500 Office <20,000 sf 2,600 Office >100,000 sf 3,300 Office 20,000 to 100,000 sf 3,300 Other Health, Nursing, Medical Clinic 4,300 Parking Garage 6,300 Restaurant, Sit-Down 4,900 Restaurant, Fast-Food 4,900 Retail 5,000 to 50,000 sf 3,900 Retail Anchor Store >50,000 sf Multistory 4,400 Retail Big Box>50,000 sf One-Story 6,000 Retail Boutique <5,000 sf 2,500 Retail Mini Mart 7,200 Retail Supermarket 6,800 School, Primary 2,500 School, Secondary 2,500 Street&Area Lighting (Photo Sensor Controlled) 4,383 Warehouse 2,600 Other 3,800 16 The values in this table are based on the most recent Regional Technical Forum draft Standard Protocol Calculator for Non- Residential Lighting improvements:x hftps://rtf.nwcouncil.org/standard-protocol/non-residential-lighting-retrofits version 4.2 Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 33 Table 2-8 Baseline Lighting Power Densities by Building Type- Building Area Method" Building Area Type IECC 2018 LPD (W/ft2) Automotive facility 0.71 Convention center 0.76 Courthouse 0.9 Dining: bar lounge/leisure 0.9 Dining: cafeteria/fast food 0.79 Dining: family 0.78 Dormitory 0.61 Exercise center 0.65 Gymnasium 0.53 Health-care clinic 0.68 Hospital 0.82 Hotel 1.05 Library 0.75 Manufacturing facility 0.78 Motel 0.9 Motion picture theater 0.83 Multifamily 0.68 Museum 1.06 Office 0.79 Parking garage 0.15 Penitentiary 0.75 Performing arts theater 1.18 Police/fire station 0.8 Post office 0.67 Religious building 0.94 Retail 1.26 School/university 0.81 Sports arena 0.87 Town hall 0.8 Transportation 0.61 Warehouse 0.48 Workshop 0.9 "These values are from Tables C405.4.2(1)in IECC 2018. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 34 Table 2-9 Baseline LPD For Common Spaces - Space-by-Space Method (IECC 2018) Common Space Type 8 (2018) LPD (W/ft2) 0.03 per Atrium - Less than 40 feet in height foot in height 0.4 + 0.02 Atrium - Greater than 40 feet in height per foot in total height Audience/seating area - Permanent In an auditorium 0.63 In a convention center 0.82 In a gymnasium 0.65 In a motion picture theater 1.14 In a penitentiary 0.28 In a performing arts theater 2.03 In a religious building 1.53 In a sports arena 0.43 Otherwise 0.43 Banking activity area 0.86 Breakroom (see Lounge/breakroom) Classroom/lecture hall/training room In a penitentiary 1.34 Otherwise 0.96 Conference/meeting/multipurpose 1.33 Copy/print room 1.07 Corridor In a facility for the visually impaired (and not 0.92 used primarily by the staff) In a hospital 0.92 In a manufacturing facility 0.29 Otherwise 0.66 Courtroom 1.39 Computer room 0.93 Dining area In a penitentiary 0.96 In a facility for the visually impaired (and not 2 used primarily by the staff) In a bar/lounge or leisure dining 0.93 In cafeteria or fast food dining 0.63 In a family dining area 0.71 Otherwise 0.63 Electrical/mechanical 0.43 $In cases where both a common space type and a building specific type are listed,the building specific space type shall apply. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 35 Common Space Type" (2018) LPD (W/ft2) Emergency vehicle garage 0.41 Food preparation 1.06 Guest room 0.77 Laboratory In or as a classroom 1.2 Otherwise 1.45 Laundry/washing area 0.43 Loading dock, interior 0.58 Lobby In a facility for the visually impaired (and not 2.03 used primarily by the staff) Otherwise 0.85 Sales area 1.22 Seating area, general 0.42 Stairway(see space containing stairway) Stairwell 0.58 Storage room 0.46 Vehicular maintenance 0.56 Workshop 1.14 Table 2-10 Baseline LPD for Specific Spaces - Space-by-Space Method (IECC 2018) Building Specific Space Types (2018) LPD (W/ft2) Facility for the visually impaired In a chapel (and not used primarily by 1.06 the staff) In a recreation room (and not used 1.8 primarily by the staff) Automotive - (See Vehicular maintenance, above) Convention center- Exhibit space 0.88 Dormitory living quarters 0.54 Fire stations -Sleeping quarters 0.2 Gymnasium/fitness center In an exercise area 0.5 In a playing area 0.82 Health care facility In an exam/treatment room 1.68 In an imaging room 1.06 In a medical supply room 0.54 In a nursery 1 In a nurse's station 0.81 Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 36 Building Specific Space Types (2018) LPD (W/ft2) In an operating room 2.17 In a patient room 0.62 In a physical therapy room 0.84 In a recovery room 1.03 Library In a reading area 0.82 In the stacks 1.2 Manufacturing facility In a detailed manufacturing area 0.93 In an equipment room 0.65 In an extra high bay area (greater than 1.05 50-foot floor-to-ceiling height) In a high bay area (25-50-foot floor-to- 0.75 ceiling height) In a low bay (< 25-foot floor-to-ceiling 0.96 height) Museum In a general exhibition area 1.05 In a restoration room 0.85 Performing arts theater dressing/fitting 0.36 room Post office- Sorting area 0.68 Religious buildings In a fellowship hall 0.55 In a worship/pulpit/choir area 1.53 Retail facilities In a dressing/fitting room 0.5 In a mall concourse 0.9 Sports arena- Playing area For a Class 1 facility 2.47 For a Class 2 facility 1.96 For a Class 3 facility 1.7 For a Class 4 facility 1.13 Transportation In a baggage/carousel area 0.45 In an airport concourse 0.31 At a terminal ticket counter 0.62 Warehouse-Storage area For medium to bulky palletized items 0.35 For smaller, hand-carried items 0.69 Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 37 Table 2-11 Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors by Building Type and Weather Zone19 Building Type Weather Zone 5 Weather Zone 6 kWh kW kWh kW Primary School 1.04 1.2 1.03 1.17 Secondary School 1.04 1.14 1.02 1.12 Community College 1.11 1.16 1.08 1.15 University 1.13 1.14 1.14 1.14 Hospital 1.09 1.04 1.08 1.06 Nursing Home 1.09 1.29 1.08 1.26 Hotel 1.15 1.16 1.14 1.15 Mote120 0.74 1.29 0.66 1.28 Light Manufacturing 1.05 1.25 1.04 1.23 Small Office 1.06 1.26 1.06 1.24 Large Office 1.08 1.14 1.07 1.14 Full Service Restaurant(Sit-Down) 1.06 1.25 1.05 1.22 Fast Food 1.05 1.2 1.04 1.19 Small Retail 1.07 1.29 1.06 1.25 Large 1-story Retail 1.07 1.3 1.06 1.27 3-story Retail 1.05 1.14 1.05 1.13 Conditioned Storage 1.03 1.09 1.01 1.02 Multi Family 1.03 1.26 1.02 1.24 Other 1.05 1.2 1.04 1.18 19 Factors generated using DOE2.2 simulations based on the prototypical building models developed for the California Database for Energy Efficiency Resources using weather data based on the two Idaho weather zones. The values in this table make assumptions regarding `typical'fuel sources and efficiencies for heating and cooling equipment. These numbers represent the expected "typical' impacts a reduction in the lighting power density will effect on electric space conditioning equipment. 2°Note that these figures assume Motel HVAC systems are either heat-pumps or use electric resistance heating. If it is known that a particular motel uses gas heating then use the values for Hotel instead. Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 38 Table 2-12 Peak Demand Coincidence Factors by Building Type21 Building Type CIF Primary School 0.48 Secondary School 0.48 Community College 0.6 University 0.76 Hospital 0.92 Nursing Home 0.9 Hotel 0.89 Motel 0.89 Light Manufacturing 0.98 Small Office 0.71 Large Office 0.85 Full Service Restaurant(Sit-Down) 0.95 Fast Food 0.95 Small Retail 0.47 Large 1-story Retail 0.78 3-story Retail 0.56 Conditioned Storage 0.8 Multi Family 0.43 Other 0.73 21 Factors generated using prototypical lighting schedules found in the DEER building models and the definition for the Idaho Power Company's peak period(12 pm to 8 pm on weekdays between June 1st and August 31st). Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 39 Table 2-13 Controls Savings Factors by Building and Control Type22 Dimmers, Space Type Occupancy Daylight Bi-level Wireless Occupancy Sensor Sensor Switching on/off & Daylight Switches Assembly 36% 36% 6% 6% 40% Break Room 20% 20% 6% 6% 40% Classroom 18% 29% 6% 6% 34% Computer Room 35% 18% 6% 6% 34% Conference 35% 18% 35% 35% 40% Dining 35% 18% 6% 6% 40% Gymnasium 35% 35% 6% 6% 40% Hallway 15% 15% 6% 6% 34% Hospital Room 45% 27% 6% 6% 35% Industrial 45% 0% 35% 35% 40% Kitchen 30% 0% 6% 6% 34% Library 15% 18% 6% 6% 34% Lobby 25% 18% 6% 6% 40% Lodging (Guest Rooms) 45% 0% 35% 35% 40% Open Office 22% 27% 35% 35% 40% Parking Garage 15% 18% 35% 0% 0% Private Office 22% 27% 35% 35% 40% Process 45% 0% 6% 6% 34% Public Assembly 36% 36% 6% 6% 40% Restroom 40% 0% 6% 6% 40% Retail 15% 29% 6% 6% 34% Stairs 25% 0% 0% 0% 18% Storage 45% 0% 6% 6% 40% Technical Area 35% 18% 6% 6% 34% Warehouses 31% 28% 35% 35% 40% Other 7% 18% 6% 6% 34% 22 The values in this table are based on the most recent Regional Technical Forum draft Standard Protocol Calculator for Non- Residential Lighting improvements:https://rtf.nwcouncil.org/standard-protocol/non-residential-lighting-retrofits version 4.2 Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 40 Table 2-14 Mandatory Lighting Control Space Types, IECC 2018 Space Type Occupancy Sensor Time-Switch Control Exceptions Exceptions Areas designated as security Classrooms/lecture/training rooms or emergency areas that are Spaces where patient required to be continuously care is directly provided lighted Interior exit stairways, interior Spaces where Conference/meeting/multipurpose rooms exit ramps and exit automatic shutoff would passageways endanger occupant safety or security Copy/print rooms Emergency egress lighting that Lighting intended for is normally off continuous operations Lounges Shop and laboratory classrooms Employee lunch and break rooms Private offices Restrooms Storage rooms Locker rooms Other spaces 300 square feet or less that are enclosed by floor-to-ceiling height partitions Warehouses Table 2-15 Stipulated Fixture Wattages for Various LED Exit Signs Fixture Description Base Fixture Installed Fixture Wattage Wattage LED Exit Sign, 0.5 Watt Lamp, Single Sided 5 W 0.5 W LED Exit Sign, 1.5 Watt Lamp, Single Sided 5 W 1.5 W LED Exit Sign, 2 Watt Lamp, Single Sided 5 W 2 W LED Exit Sign, 0.5 Watt Lamp, Double Sided low 1 W LED Exit Sign, 1.5 Watt Lamp, Double Sided low 3 W LED Exit Sign, 2 Watt Lamp, Double Sided low 4 W Other/Unknown LED 5 W 2 W Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 41 2.2. Exterior Lighting Upgrades (New Construction) The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to exterior lighting systems installed in commercial and industrial spaces which are more efficient than required by prevailing codes and standards. This measure applies only to projects which represent new construction or major renovations.21 The following table summarizes the `typical' expected (per kW reduction) energy impacts for lighting power density improvements and controls additions. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants.24 Table 2-16 Typical Savings Estimates for Exterior LPD Improvement (New Construction) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit n/a kW (reduced) Average Unit Energy Savings n/a 4,059 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings n/a 0 W Expected Useful Life n/a 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $ 287 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 2.2.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All above-code Exterior lighting systems (fixtures, lamps, ballasts, etc.) are eligible. Eligibility is determined by calculating the lighting power density (LPD) for the installed system. If the LPD is at least 15% lower than allowed by code (see Table 2-17 and Table 2-18) then the system is eligible. Efficient equipment may include florescent fixtures, LED lamps, LED exit signs, compact florescent light bulbs, high intensity discharge lamps, etc. 2.2.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the new construction scenario. Retrofit (Early Replacement) n/a 21 Major renovations are defined to be any renovation or facility expansion project in which building permits were required and the lighting system had to be demonstrated to comply with a particular code or standard. "See spreadsheet "2-TypicalCalcs_ExtLight_v4.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Exterior Lighting Upgrades (New Construction) 42 New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) Baseline equipment for this measure is defined as an installed lighting system with a maximum allowable LPD. The maximum allowable LPD is defined by the building code according to which the project was permitted. Current applicable standards are defined by IECC 2018.2019. Code Compliance Considerations for Lighting Controls Sections C405.4 Exterior lighting power requirements specify energy efficiency and lighting power density requirements for non-exempt exterior lighting. Table C405.4.2(2) and C405.4.2(3) list the power density requirements for various building exteriors. 2.2.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = kWhbase— kWhmeas =AsF*X PDbase - LPDmeas * (1 — CSF)] *HOU dkW = 0 kWhIUnitTypical =Z(QkWhIUnitbuilding i* Wbuilding i) 2.2.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. dkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. HOU Stipulated to be 4,059 hours.21 LPD Lighting power density baseline (base) and installed (meas) systems. This is defined as the total lighting system connected load divided by the lighted area (or as defined by code). See Table 2-17 and Table 2-18 kWh/Unitrypical Typical measure savings on a per unit basis. Wbuilding,i Population weight for application type L This is defined to be the % of application type i in past program participants. zs Value is sourced from https://www.idahopower.com/AboutUs/RatesReguIatory/Tariffs/tariffPDF.cfm?id=39 Exterior Lighting Upgrades (New Construction) 43 2.2.5. Sources 2.2.6. IECC 2018, Chapter 4.Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-17 Baseline Power Densities for Exterior Lighting— Tradable Surfaces26(IECC 2018) Area Type Location LPD Units Uncovered Parking I Parking Lots and Drives 0.08 W/Ft2 Areas Walkways less than 10 feet wide 0.7 W/Linear Foot Walkways 10 feet wide or greater 0.14 W/Ft2 Building Grounds Dining areas 0.95 W/Ft2 Stairways 0.7 W/Ft2 Pedestrian tunnels 0.21 W/Ft2 Landscaping 0.04 W/Ft2 Pedestrian and vehicular entrances 21 W/Linear Foot of Door Building Entrances and exits Width and Exits Entry canopies 0.4 W/Ft2 Loading docks 0.35 W/Ft2 Canopies and Canopies (free standing and attached 0.6 W/Ft2 Overhangs and overhangs) Open Areas (including vehicle sales 0.35 W/Ft2 Outdoor Sales lots) Street frontage for vehicle sales lots in 7 W/Linear Foot addition to 'open area" allowance 26 These values are from Tables C405.4.2(2)in IECC 2018 Exterior Lighting Upgrades (New Construction) 44 Table 2-18 Baseline Power Densities for Exterior Lighting— Non-Tradable Surfaces21 (IECC 2018) Area Type LPD Building Facades 0.15 W/ft2 for each illuminated wall or surface or 5.0 W/linear foot for each illuminated wall or surface length Automated teller machines and night 135 W per location plus 45 W per additional ATM per depositories location Uncovered entrances and gatehouse 0.5 W/ft2 of uncovered area (covered areas are included in inspection stations at guarded facilities the "Canopies and Overhangs" section of"Tradable Surfaces") Uncovered Loading areas for law 0.35 W/ft2 of uncovered area (covered areas are included enforcement, fire, ambulances and other in the "Canopies and Overhangs" section of"Tradable emergency service vehicles Surfaces") Drive-up windows at fast food 200 W per drive-through restaurants Parking near 24-hour retail entrances 400 W per main entry 2'These values are from Tables C405.4.2(3)in IECC 2018 Exterior Lighting Upgrades (New Construction) 45 2.3. Efficient Vending Machines The measure relating to the installation of ENERGY STAR qualified new and rebuilt vending has been deemed standard practice and is no longer offered in the incentive program. Refer to version 2.2 of the Idaho Power TRM for previous assumptions. Efficient Vending Machines 46 2.4. Vending Machine Controls The measure relating to the installation of new controls on refrigerated beverage vending machines, non-refrigerated snack vending machines, and glass front refrigerated coolers has been deemed standard practice and is no longer offered in the incentive program. Refer to version 2.2 of the Idaho Power TRM for previous assumptions. Vending Machine Controls 47 2.5. Efficient Washing Machines This protocol discusses the calculation methodology and the assumptions regarding baseline equipment, efficient equipment, and usage patterns used to estimate annual energy savings expected from the replacement of a standard clothes washer with an ENERGY STAR or high efficiency clothes washer. Table 2-19 and Table 2-20 summarizes the expected (per machine) energy impacts for this measure assuming an electric dryer. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-19 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Laundromat Efficient Washing Machines28 Laundromat Retrofit New Construction29 Deemed Savings Unit Machine Machine Average Unit Energy Savings 1,579 kWh 1,019 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.79 kW 0.51 kW Expected Useful Life 7 Years 7 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 1,582 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $400 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Table 2-20 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Multi-family Efficient Washing Machines30 Multi-family Retrofit New 31 Construction Deemed Savings Unit Machine Machine Average Unit Energy Savings 1,161kWh 610 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.58 kW 0.30 kW Expected Useful Life 11 Years 11Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 1582 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $400 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 2.5.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is clothes washers meeting ENERGY STAR or better efficiency in small commercial applications and can have either electric or gas water heating (DHW) and electric 28 See spreadsheet"5-TypicalCalcs_EffwshMcn_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings,EUL,and incremental costs. 29 Laundromat new construction deemed savings are based on units with an MEF>2.2 so See spreadsheet"5-TypicalCalcs_EffwshMcn_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings,EUL,and incremental costs. 31 Multi-family new construction deemed savings are based on an average of all sizes with electric dryers. Efficient Washing Machines 48 dryers. For all setup combinations, use Table 2-21 and Table 2-22 for savings estimates. Currently, only front-loading clothes washers meet the ENERGY STAR standards. 2.5.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The retrofit baseline condition is a standard efficiency washing machine. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For new construction the baseline is the Federal efficiency standard MEF >_1.60 (ft3/kWh/cycle) and WF <_ 8.5 (gal/ft3/cycle) for Top Loading washers and MEF >_2.0 (ft3/kWh/cycle)/ (kWh) and WF <_ 5.5 (gal/ft3/cycle) for Front Loading washers. The RTF only designates savings for Front Loading washers. 2.5.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWh/Unit * Nunirs OkWh/Unitrypioal = y (AkWh/Unit; * Wi) AkWh/Uniti,lnralled = OkWhDryer + OkWhwaterheat + OkWhwatertreatment AkWhwaterneat = Cap * 0.058 * WF1.3593 * CP* MWater* AT/ (rlElec * 3,412) * Ncycles OkWhWatertreatment = Cap * WF * Ncycles * kWhaeration OkW = OkW/Unit * Nunits OkW/Unitrypical = Y (AkW/Uniti* OF * Wi) 2.5.4. Definitions A kWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. A kW Demand energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. A kWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-21 and Table 2-22. If retrofit and capacity & WF are known, this can be calculated using the equation for AkWh/Uniti,lnstalledabove. AkWh/UnitTypicai Typical measure energy savings on a per unit basis. AkWh/Unit;,instaiied Calculated energy savings on a per unit basis for retrofit projects. Efficient Washing Machines 49 AkW/Unit Per unit demand savings as stipulated in Table 2-21 and Table 2-22. AkW/UnitTyp;cai Typical measure demand savings on a per unit basis. Wi Population weight for each AkWh/Unit; and AkW/Unit;. Values used are from DOE's Commercial Clothes Washers Final Rule Technical Support Document OF Utilization Factor. This is defined to be 0.00049912 Nunits Number of Machines NCycles Number of Cycles Cap Compartment Capacity of Washer (ft3) WF Manufacturer rated water factor kWhpryer Dryer energy savings from washer lessening remaining moisture content OkWhwater heat Water heating savings from washer using less hot water OkWhwatertreatment Energy savings from reduced wastewater aeration AkWhgeration Aeration energy usage = 5.3 kWh/1000gal" CP Specific Heat of water= 1 Btu/lb-F Water Mass of water = 8.3149 Ibs/gallon AT Delta temperature. This is defined to be 80 (degree F) nElec Electric Water Heating Efficiency = 98% sz See spreadsheet"5-TypicalCalcs_EffwshMcn_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the UF. sa From Regional Technical Forum measure workbook Efficient Washing Machines 50 2.5.5. Sources Regional Technical Forum measure workbook: http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/Com ClothesWasher_v5.1 Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Support Document, 2009: http://www 1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/product.aspx/productid/46 California Energy Commission, appliance list: https://cacertappliances.energy.ca.gov/Pages/ApplianceSearch.aspx 2.5.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-21 Unit Energy Savings Efficient Washing Machines - New Construction Facility DHW Dryer Type Source Size kWh/Unit kW/Unit Type Type Electric Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 813 0.41 Electric Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 1244 0.62 Dryer Gas Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 482 0.24 Laundromat Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 794 0.40 Electric Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 381 0.19 Gas Dryer Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 510 0.25 Gas Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 50 0.03 Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 60 0.03 Electric Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 595 0.30 Electric Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 910 0.45 Dryer Gas Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 353 0.18 Multifamily Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 581 0.29 Electric Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 279 0.14 Gas Dryer Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 373 0.19 Gas Hot MEF J2 from 2.00 to 2.19 37 0.02 Water MEF J2 of 2.20 or greater 44 0.02 Efficient Washing Machines 51 Table 2-22 Unit Energy Savings Efficient Washing Machines - Retrofit Facility Type Dryer Type DHW Source Type kWh/Unit kW/Unit Electric Electric Hot Water 1,915 0.96 Laundromat Dryer Gas Hot Water 1,244 0.62 Gas Dryer Electric Hot Water 756 0.38 Gas Hot Water 85 0.04 Electric Electric Hot Water 1,407 0.70 Multifamily Dryer Gas Hot Water 916 0.46 Gas Dryer Electric Hot Water 559 0.28 Gas Hot Water 68 0.03 Retrofit table does not include savings based on unit size because the CEC database used to create the baseline did not have enough unit types to create a baseline based on the unit size. Efficient Washing Machines 52 2.6. Wall Insulation The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to wall insulation installed in commercial spaces which are more efficient than existing insulation or prevailing codes and standards. Wall insulation is rated by its R-value. An R-value indicates its resistance to heat flow, a higher R-value mean greater insulating effectiveness. The R-value depends on the type of insulation including its material, thickness, and density. When calculating the R-value of a multilayered installation, add the R-values of the individual layers. Table 2-23 and Table 2-24 summarize the `typical' expected (per insulation square foot) energy impacts for this measure for cooling only and cooling +heating impacts respectively. These tables show the average savings for the two scenarios calculated, R-2.5 to R-11 and R-19 for retrofit and R-19 to R-26 and R-30 for new construction. Typical and deemed values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below34. The typical and deemed values reported in this chapter are based on a weighted average across multiple building types. The cooling savings assume either DX or Hydronic cooling (depending on what is considered `typical' for that building type) while the heating component assumes DX air-cooled heat pumps. Table 2-23 Typical Savings Estimates for Wall Insulation (Cooling Only) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit +. Insulation ft2 Insulation ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings 0.022 kWh 0.001 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.017 W 0.002 W Expected Useful Life 25 Years 25 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 0.74 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $ 0.13 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC sa See spreadsheet "6-TypicalCalcs_Walllnsul_v4.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs for cooling savings. Wall Insulation 53 Table 2-24 Typical Savings Estimates for Wall Insulation (Cooling & Heating) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Insulation ft2 Insulation ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings 3.01 kWh 0.130 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 2.10 W 0.092 W Expected Useful Life 25 Years 25 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $0.74 n/a Average Incremental Cost _ n/a $ 0.13 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.6.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible wall area is limited to the treated wall area of exterior walls (gross wall area, less window and door) where the insulation has been installed to the proposed R-value. Insulation must be installed in buildings, or portions of buildings, with central mechanical air conditioning or PTAC/PTHP systems. Qualifying wall insulation can be rigid foam, fiberglass bat, blown-in fiberglass or cellulose, assuming it meets or exceeds the required R-value. Radiant barriers will not be allowed as a substitute for insulation. The savings estimates for retrofit projects assume the baseline building has no wall insulation (e.g., an empty cavity). 2.6.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement)or new construction. Note that heating savings are only applicable for facilities with electric heating. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing insulation and the project does not represent a major renovation, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing insulation. New Construction (New Construction, Replace on Burnout) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable R-value by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction from the previous standard ASHRAE 90.1-2019. Given the recent adoption the program expects to see participants permitted to either of these standards so stipulated code values for both are provided. Wall Insulation 54 2.6.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWhco.I + AkWhheat AkWhcooj = A * (CDD * 24)/(SEER * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) AkWhheat = A* (HDD * 24)/(HSPF * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) AkWpeak = AkWhcool / EFLH...I X CF 2.6.4. Definitions A Area of the insulation that was installed in square feet HDD Heating degree days, refer to Table 2-29 for typical heating degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the HDD CDD Cooling degree days refer to Table 2-29 for typical cooling degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the CDD. Rbase The R-value of the insulation and support structure before the additional insulation is installed Rmeas The total measure R-value of all insulation after the additional insulation is installed EFLH Annual equivalent full load cooling hours for the air conditioning unit. Values for various building types are stipulated in Table 2-31. When available, actual system hours of use should be used. SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTUs), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER:35 SEER = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER (described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the% of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. AkWh/UnitRetrofit Typical measure savings on a per unit basis. ss Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. Wall Insulation 55 AkWhNew Const Savings reflecting the most efficient unit upgrading to the least efficient qualifying unit representing a conservative savings estimate for the measure. 2.6.5. Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ California DEER Prototypical Simulation models (modified), eQUEST-DEER 3-5.36 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08.xls37 ■ IECC 2018 2.6.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-25 Deemed Energy Savings for Wall Insulation - Retrofit38 W/ft2 kWh/ft2 Cost/ft2 R-2.5 to R-11 Cooling 0.016 0.021 $0.64 Heating 1.956 2.82 $0.64 Cooling & Heating 1.973 2.84 $0.64 R-2.5 to R-19 Cooling 0.018 0.023 $0.85 Heating 2.199 3.16 $0.85 Cooling & Heating 2.217 3.19 $0.85 36 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors and Coincidence factors for various building and heating fuel types. 37 After reviewing the sources feeding into the DEER value of 20 years it was found that the 20 year determination was based on a DEER policy for maximum EUL.Since DEER sources supported a higher EUL the higher EUL is used here. 38 See spreadsheet"6-TypicalCalcs_Walllnsul_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the deemed unit energy savings. Wall Insulation 56 Table 2-26 Deemed Energy Savings for Wall Insulation— New Construction39 W/ft2 kWh/ft2 Cost/ft2 R-13 to R-19 Cooling 0.002 0.001 $0.10 Heating 0.076 0.109 $0.10 Cooling & Heating 0.078 0.110 $0.10 R-13 to R-21 Cooling 0.003 0.001 $0.15 Heating 0.103 0.149 $0.15 Cooling & Heating 0.106 0.150 $0.15 Table 2-27 Wall Insulation: Code Minimum R-values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 5a0 Climate Opaque ASHRAE 90.1 2019 Zone 5 Element Insulation Min. R- IECC 2018 Value Mass R-11.4 6 R-11.4 6 Metal R-0 + R-19 c.i R-13 + R-13 c.i Walls, Building Above- Steel-Framed R-13.0 + R-10 c.i R-13 + R-7.5 c.i Grade Wood- Framed and R-13.0 + R-7.5 c.i OR R-13 + R-3.8 c.i Other R-19 + R-5 c.i OR R-20 Wall, Below-Grade Below- Wall R-7.5 c.i R-7.5 c.i Grade 39 See spreadsheet"6-TypicalCalcs_Walllnsul_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the deemed unit energy savings. 40 Values stipulated from Table 5.5-5 ASHRAE 2019.c.i.=continuous insulation, NR=no requirement Wall Insulation 57 Table 2-28 Wall Insulation: Code Minimum R-values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 641 Climate Opaque ASHRAE 90.1 2019 Zone 6 Element Insulation Min. R- IECC 2018 Value Mass R-13.3 c.i R-13.3 c.i Walls, Metal Building R-0 + R-19 ci R-13 + R-13 c.i Above- Steel-Framed R-13.0 + R-12.5 c.i R-13 + R-7.5 c.i Grade Wood-Framed R-13.0 + R-7.5 c.i OR -13 + R-75 c.i OR and Other R-19 + R-5 ci R-20 + R-3.8 c.i Wall, Below-Grade Below- Wall R-10 c.i R-7.5 c.i Grade Table 2-29 Stipulated Heating and Cooling Degree Days by Building Type42 Zone 5 Zone 6 Building Type HDD CDD HDD CDD Assembly 5,866 229 7,325 170 Education - Community College 5,866 187 7,325 134 Education - Primary School 5,866 187 7,325 134 Education -Secondary School 5,866 187 7,325 134 Education - University 5,866 187 7,325 134 Grocery 6,329 284 7,809 216 Health/Medical - Hospital 7,628 278 9,169 210 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 7,690 413 9,233 321 Lodging - Hotel 7,690 517 9,233 405 Lodging - Motel 7,690 286 9,233 216 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 5,700 159 7,140 124 Office- Large 6,430 253 7,912 189 Office- Small 5,759 159 7,206 124 Restaurant- Fast-Food 6,901 286 8,407 216 Restaurant-Sit-Down 6,901 286 8,407 216 Retail -3-Story Large 6,329 284 7,809 216 Retail - Single-Story Large 6,329 284 7,809 216 Retail - Small 6,545 286 8,042 216 Storage-Conditioned 5,700 159 7,140 124 4'Values stipulated from Table 5.5-6 in ASHRAE 2019.c.i.=continuous insulation, NR=no requirement 0.2 Values obtained from simulations of the DEER input models using eQuest to obtain typical baseline temperatures for each building. TMY3 weather data was collected and averaged over the ASHRAE weather Zones 5 and 6 to create heating and cooling degree days using the typical baseline temperatures. Wall Insulation 58 Table 2-30 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Assembly 0.47 Education - Community College 0.54 Education - Primary School 0.1 Education -Secondary School 0.1 Education - University 0.53 Grocery 0.54 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.82 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.49 Lodging - Hotel 0.67 Lodging - Motel 0.63 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.46 Office- Large 0.58 Office-Small 0.51 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.48 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.46 Retail -3-Story Large 0.66 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.56 Retail - Small 0.49 Storage-Conditioned 0.41 Wall Insulation 59 Table 2-31 Heating and Cooling Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type43 Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted Average44 Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 43 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. 44 EFLH average values are weighted 80%zone 5 and 20%zone 6. Wall Insulation 60 2.7. Ceiling Insulation The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to ceiling insulation installed in commercial spaces which are more efficient than existing insulation or prevailing codes and standards. Ceiling insulation is rated by its R-value. An R-value indicates its resistance to heat flow (where a higher the R-value indicates a greater insulating effectiveness). The R-value depends on the type of insulation including its material, thickness, and density. When calculating the R-value of a multilayered installation, add the R-values of the individual layers. Table 2-32 and Table 2-33 summarizes the `typical' expected (per insulation ft2 square foot) energy impacts for this measure. Table 2-33 is the average deemed energy savings for all of the specific insulation upgrades cited in Table 2-35 and Table 2-36. Typical and deemed values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. The typical and deemed values reported in this chapter are based on a weighted average across multiple building types. The cooling savings assume either DX or Hydronic cooling (depending on what is considered `typical' for that building type) while the heating component assumes DX air-cooled heat pumps. Table 2-32 Typical Savings Estimates for Ceiling Insulation (Cooling Only)" Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Insulation ft2 Insulation ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings 0.003 kWh 0.0003 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .002 W .0002 W Expected Useful Life 25 Years 25 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 1.45 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $ 0.20 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 45 See spreadsheet"7-TypicalCalcs_Ceilinglnsul_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs for cooling savings. Note that the reported gas impacts assume that if savings are being claimed for cooling only the facility is gas heated. If the facility is electrically heated then these gas impacts are not applicable and savings should be based on the following table. Ceiling Insulation 61 Table 2-33 Typical Savings Estimates for Ceiling Insulation (Cooling & Heating)46 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Insulation ft2 Insulation ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings 0.386 kWh 0.044 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.268 W 0.03 W Expected Useful Life 25 Years 25 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 1.45 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $ 0.20 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-34 shows the retrofit savings for cooling only and cooling & heating for retrofit averaging only R11 to R38 and R11 to R49 together. Table 2-34 Typical Savings Estimates for Ceiling Insulation Retrofit from R11 to R38IR4947 Cooling Only Cooling & Heating Deemed Savings Unit Insulation ft2 Insulation ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings .004 kWh 0.591 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .003 W .410 W Expected Useful Life 25 Years 25 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 1.45 $ 1.45 Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.7.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible roof/ceiling area is limited to buildings or potions of buildings with central mechanical air conditioning or PTAC systems. Qualifying ceiling insulation can be rigid foam, fiberglass bat, or blown-in fiberglass or cellulose a long as material is eligible, assuming it meets or exceeds the required R-value. The insulation must upgrade from R11 or less to a minimum of R24 or from R19 or less to a minimum of R38. 2.7.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) 46 See spreadsheet"7-Typical Cal cs_CeiIingInsul_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs for cooling and heating savings. 47 See spreadsheet"7-Typical Cal cs_CeiIingInsul_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs for cooling and heating savings. Ceiling Insulation 62 If the project is retrofitting pre-existing insulation, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing insulation. New Construction (New Construction, Replace on Burnout) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable R-value by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction from the previous standard ASHRAE 90.1-2019. Given the recent adoption the program expects to see participants permitted to either of these standards so stipulated code values for both are provided. 2.7.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: 4kWh = OkWh.1 + 4kWhheat OkWh000, = A * (CDD * 24)/(SEER * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) OkWhheat = A * (HDD * 24)/(HSPF * 3412) * (1/Rbase— 1/Rmeas) 4kWpeak = OkWhcool / EFLHcool * CF 2.7.4. Definitions A Area of the insulation that was installed in square feet HDD Heating degree days, refer to Table 2-40 for typical heating degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the HDD CDD Cooling degree days refer to Table 2-40 for typical cooling degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the CDD. Rbase The R-value of the insulation and support structure before the additional insulation is installed Rmeas The total measure R-value of all insulation after the additional insulation is installed EFLH Annual equivalent full load cooling hours for the air conditioning unit. Values for various building types are stipulated in Table 2-42. When available, actual system hours of use should be used. SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTUs), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER: Ceiling Insulation 63 SEER48 = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER (described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 CIF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. AkWh/UnitRetrofit Typical measure savings on a per unit basis. AkWhNew Const Savings reflecting the most efficient unit upgrading to the least efficient qualifying unit representing a conservative savings estimate for the measure. 2.7.5. Sources ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. California DEER Prototypical Simulation models (modified), eQUEST-DEER 3-5.49 California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08.xls50 IECC 2018 2.7.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-35 Deemed Energy Savings for Ceiling Insulation - Retrofit51 W/ft2 kWh/ft2 Insulation Cooling Cooling & Values Cooling Heating &Heating Cooling Heating Heating R-11 to R-24 0.002 0.297 0.299 0.003 0.427 0.430 R-11 to R-38 0.003 0.390 0.392 0.004 0.561 0.565 R-11 to R-49 0.003 0.425 0.428 0.004 0.612 0.616 R-19 to R-38 0.001 0.159 0.160 0.002 0.228 0.230 R-19 to R-49 0.001 0.194 0.196 0.002 0.280 0.282 Weighted: 0.002 0.266 0.268 0.003 0.383 0.386 48 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. 49 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors and Coincidence factors for various building and heating fuel types. 50 After reviewing the sources feeding into the DEER value of 20 years it was found that the 20-year determination was based on a DEER policy for maximum EUL.Since DEER sources supported a higher EUL the higher EUL is used here. 51 See spreadsheet`7-TypicalCalcs_Ceilinglnsul_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the deemed unit energy savings. Ceiling Insulation 64 Table 2-36 Deemed Energy Savings for Ceiling Insulation — New Construction52 W/ft2 kWh/ft2 R-38 to R-49 Cooling .0002 0.0003 Heating 0.03 0.043 Cooling & Heating 0.030 0.044 Table 2-37 ASHRAE Baseline R—values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 5" Zone 5 Nonresidential 2019 Opaque Element Insulation Min. R-Value Insulation Entirely Above Deck R-30.0 c.i. Metal Building R-19.0 + R-11 Ls or R-25+ R-8 Ls Attic and Other R-49 Table 2-38 ASHRAE Baseline R—values for Nonresidential Buildings in Zone 654 Zone 6 Nonresidential 2019 Opaque Element Insulation Min. R-Value Insulation Entirely Above Deck R-30.0 c.i. Metal Building R-25+ R-11 Ls Attic and Other R-49 Table 2-39 International Energy Conservation Code 2018 Chapter 455 Zone 5 Zone 6 Opaque Element Insulation Min. R-Value Insulation Min. R-Value Insulation Entirely Above Deck R-30 ci R-30 ci Metal Building R-19 + R-11 LS R-25 + R-11 LS Attic and Other R-38 R-49 52 See spreadsheet"7-Typical Cal cs_CeiIingInsul_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the deemed unit energy savings. 53 Values stipulated from ASHRAE 90.1 2019 Table 5.5-5 54 Values stipulated from ASHRAE 90.1 2019 Table 5.5-6 ss Values stipulated from the International Energy Conservation Code 2018 Chapter 4 Table C402.1.4 Ceiling Insulation 65 Table 2-40 Base Heating and Cooling Degree Days by Building Type56 Zone 5 Zone 6 Building Type HDD CDD HDD CDD Assembly 5,866 229 7,325 170 Education - Community College 5,866 187 7,325 134 Education - Primary School 5,866 187 7,325 134 Education - Secondary School 5,866 187 7,325 134 Education - University 5,866 187 7,325 134 Grocery 6,329 284 7,809 216 Health/Medical - Hospital 7,628 278 9,169 210 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 7,690 413 9,233 321 Lodging - Hotel 7,690 517 9,233 405 Lodging - Motel 7,690 286 9,233 216 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 5,700 159 7,140 124 Office- Large 6,430 253 7,912 189 Office-Small 5,759 159 7,206 124 Restaurant- Fast-Food 6,901 286 8,407 216 Restaurant-Sit-Down 6,901 286 8,407 216 Retail - 3-Story Large 6,329 284 7,809 216 Retail - Single-Story Large 6,329 284 7,809 216 Retail - Small 6,545 286 8,042 216 Storage-Conditioned 5,700 159 7,140 124 ss Values obtained from simulations of the DEER input models using eQuest to obtain typical baseline temperatures for each building. TMY3 weather data was collected and averaged over the ASHRAE weather Zones 5 and 6 to create heating and cooling degree days using the typical baseline temperatures. Ceiling Insulation 66 Table 2-41 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Assembly 0.47 Education - Community College 0.54 Education - Primary School 0.10 Education -Secondary School 0.10 Education - University 0.53 Grocery 0.54 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.82 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.49 Lodging - Hotel 0.67 Lodging - Motel 0.63 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.46 Office- Large 0.58 Office-Small 0.51 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.48 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.46 Retail -3-Story Large 0.66 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.56 Retail - Small 0.49 Storage-Conditioned 0.41 Ceiling Insulation 67 Table 2-42 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type57 Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted values Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 57 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. Ceiling Insulation 68 2.8. Reflective Roof This section covers installation of "cool roof' roofing materials in commercial buildings. Energy and demand saving are realized through reductions in the building cooling loads. The approach utilizes DOE-2.2 simulations on a series of commercial DEER prototypical building models. Table 2-43 and Table 2-44 summarize the `typical' expected (per ft2) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-43 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Low-Slope Roof(2:12 or less) Reflective Roof Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ft2 ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings 0.116 kWh 0.116 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.095 W 0.095 W Expected Useful Life58 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost59 $ 7.84 n/a Average Incremental CoSt60 n/a $0.05 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-44 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Steep-Slope Roof(>2:12) Reflective Roof Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ft2 ft2 Average Unit Energy Savings 0.021 kWh 0.021 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.017 W 0.017 W Expected Useful Life58 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost59 $7.90 n/a Average Incremental CoSt60 n/a $0.11 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.8.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment includes all reflective roofing materials when applied to the roof above a space with central mechanical air conditioning or PTAC systems. The roof treatment must be Energy Star rated or tested through a Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) accredited laboratory. For low- slope (2:12 or less) roofs, the roof products must have a solar reflectivity of at least 0.70 and 58 From 2008 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2008.2.05, "Effective/Remaining Useful Life Values", California Public Utilities Commission, December 16,2008 59 Labor costs from 2005 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2005.2.01, "Technology and Measure Cost Data",California Public Utilities Commission,October 26,2005 So Material costs from common roof types found in EPA's Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies: http://www.epa.gov/heatisld/resources/pdf/CoolRoofsCompendium.pdf Reflective Roof 69 thermal emittance of 0.75. For steep slope (greater than 2:12) roofs, minimum solar reflectance is 0.25. Note that facilities with pre-existing cool roofs are not eligible for this measure. 2.8.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the pre-existing (non-cool roof) roofing material. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline for new construction projects is established by the constructions and materials typically employed for similar new construction buildings and roof constructions. For the purposes of calculating typical energy savings for this measure it is assumed that the baseline roofing material has a reflectance of 0.15.61 2.8.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/Unit * A AkW = AkW/Unit* A 2.8.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. AkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-45 and Table 2-46 according to building type and climate zone. AkW/Unit Per unit demand reduction as stipulated in Table 2-45 and Table 2-46 according to building type and climate zone. A Area of cool roofing material installed [ft2] 2.8.5. Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. 61 Value derived using common roof types performance specifications found in the EPA publication Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies:http://www.epa.gov/heatisld/resources/pdf/CoolRoofsCompendium.pdf Reflective Roof 70 ■ California DEER Prototypical Simulation models, eQUEST-DEER 3-5.62 ■ ASHRAE. 2006. Weather data for building design standards. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2006. ■ 2004-2005 Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER) Update Study. December 2005 ■ 2008 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2008.2.05, "Effective/Remaining Useful Life Values", California Public Utilities Commission, December 16, 2008 ■ 2005 Database for Energy-Efficiency Resources (DEER), Version 2005.2.01, "Technology and Measure Cost Data", California Public Utilities Commission, October 26, 2005 2.8.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-45 Unit Energy Savings for Low-Slope (<= 2:12) Reflective Roofi 3 Building Type Weather Zone 5 Weather Zone 6 kWh W kWh W Primary School 0.082 0.076 0.062 0.059 Secondary School 0.088 0.060 0.052 0.046 Community College 0.392 0.075 0.449 0.068 University 0.148 0.092 0.141 0.083 Hospital 0.086 0.050 0.076 0.052 Nursing Home 0.120 0.096 0.101 0.087 Hotel 0.137 0.054 0.124 0.049 Motel 0.099 0.152 -0.014 0.135 Light Manufacturing 0.078 0.069 0.062 0.062 Small Office 0.102 0.089 0.089 0.083 Large Office 0.202 0.227 0.167 0.183 Full Service Restaurant(Sit-Down) 0.119 0.098 0.092 0.084 Fast Food 0.072 0.046 0.053 0.041 Small Retail 0.117 0.099 0.095 0.084 Large 1-story Retail 0.140 0.112 0.112 0.095 3-story Retail 0.087 0.057 0.098 0.049 Conditioned Storage 0.049 0.051 0.018 0.014 62 Prototypical building energy simulation models were used to obtain U-Factor and SHGC values for each building type. "See spreadsheet"8-TypicaICalcs_CooI Roof.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings. Reflective Roof 71 Table 2-46 Unit Energy Savings for Steep-Slope (> 2:12) Reflective Root64 Weather Zone 5 Weather Zone 6 Building Type kWh W kWh W Primary School 0.015 0.014 0.012 0.011 Secondary School 0.015 0.012 0.009 0.009 Community College 0.076 0.013 0.071 0.011 University 0.027 0.016 0.021 0.014 Hospital 0.014 0.008 0.013 0.008 Nursing Home 0.022 0.017 0.019 0.016 Hotel 0.026 0.009 0.028 0.008 Motel 0.017 0.026 -0.002 0.024 Light Manufacturing 0.014 0.012 0.011 0.011 Small Office 0.018 0.016 0.016 0.015 Large Office 0.037 0.038 0.032 0.030 Full Service Restaurant(Sit-Down) 0.021 0.017 0.017 0.015 Fast Food 0.013 0.008 0.010 0.007 Small Retail 0.021 0.018 0.017 0.015 Large 1-story Retail 0.025 0.020 0.020 0.017 3-story Retail 0.013 0.011 0.018 0.009 Conditioned Storage 0.010 0.012 0.006 0.005 sa See spreadsheet"8-TypicalCalcs_CoolRoof.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings. Reflective Roof 72 2.9. Efficient Windows The following algorithm and assumptions are applicable to efficient windows in commercial spaces which provide a lower U-value than existing windows or prevailing codes and standards. Savings will be realized through reductions in the buildings cooling and heating loads. Note that window films and windows with too low an SHGC value can for many buildings increase the heating loads (unless the building has a significant internal load as is the case for example in hospitals and/or data centers). In a heating dominated climate such as Idaho the increase in heating loads can negate any reduction in the cooling loads. Energy impacts for this measure are largely due to the improved U-Value and care should be taken when selecting windows to ensure that the SHGC values are appropriate for the building and climate. Table 2-47 and Table 2-50 summarize the `typical' expected (per window ft2) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. 65 Table 2-47 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows (Cooling Only) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ft2 Window Glass ft2 Window Glass Average Unit Energy Savings 1.50 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.62 W n/a Average Gas Impacts66 0.53 Therms n/a Expected Useful Life 25 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $20.66 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-48 Typical Savings Estimates for Efficient Windows (Heating and Cooling) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ft2 Window Glass ft2 Window Glass Average Unit Energy Savings 9.13 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.44 W n/a Expected Useful Life 25 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $20.66 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 65 Average unit energy and peak demand cooling savings are based on a weighted average of electric resistance and heat pump savings only.Average unit energy and peak demand cooling savings are based on a weighted average of chiller and dx cooling only. See spreadsheet"9-Typical Cal cs_Windows_v6.xlsx"for additional assumptions and calculations, EUL,and incremental cost. s6 Note that the reported gas impacts assume that if savings are being claimed for cooling only the facility is gas heated. If the facility is electrically heated then these gas impacts are not applicable and savings should be based on the following table. Efficient Windows 73 Table 2-49 Typical Savings Estimates for Premium Windows (Cooling Only) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ft2 Window Glass ft2 Window Glass Average Unit Energy Savings 2.22 kWh 0.07 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.62 W 0.10 W Average Gas Impacts67 0.63 Therms 0.48 Therms Expected Useful Life 25 Years 25 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $22.08 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $5.92 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-50 Typical Savings Estimates for Premium Windows (Cooling and Heating) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ft2 Window Glass ft2 Window Glass Average Unit Energy Savings 11.23 kWh 6.93 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.62 W 0.10 W Expected Useful Life 25 Years 25 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $22.08 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $5.92 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.9.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment To be considered eligible equipment windows must be independently tested and certified according to the standards established by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). While the NFRC does provide such testing and certification - any NFRC-licensed independent certification and inspection agency can provide certification. One example of such a body is the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA). In addition, eligible windows must meet or exceed the following performance ratings: Efficient Windows: SHGC = any and U-factor<= 0.42 Premium Windows: SHGC = any and U-factor <= 0.3 Window films and shades are not eligible under this measure as they reduce the SHGC without providing an appreciable improvement in the U-Value and in many circumstances their addition would result in an increased heating load which negates or exceeds the reduction in cooling loads. 67 Note that the reported gas impacts assume that if savings are being claimed for cooling only the facility is gas heated. If the facility is electrically heated then these gas impacts are not applicable and savings should be based on the following table. Efficient Windows 74 Retrofit equipment replacement must include replacing the glass and window frame together. 2.9.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment than the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing windows. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For new construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable window performance in the prevailing building energy code or standard to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 and ASHRAE 90.1 2019 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction from the previous standards of IECC 2015 and ASHRAE 90.1 2007. 2.9.3. Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWhHeating+AkWhCooling OkWhHeating =A* ( ( Ubase— Umeas ) * ( HDD x 24 )— ( SHGCbase— SHGCmeas ) * Et,Heating )/ HSPF / 1000 OkWhCooling = A* ( ( Ubase— Umeas ) * ( CDD x 24 ) + ( SHGCbase— SHGCmeas ) * Et,cooling ) / SEER/ 1000 OkWpeak = A* ( ( Ubase — Umeas ) * OTpeak + ( SHGCbase — SHGCmeas ) * Et,cooling peak )/ EER/ 1000 * CF 2.9.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWhHeating1Coo1ing Non-coincident energy reduction for the Heating and Cooling end-uses. A Total area of the windows being installed in the same orientation. Ubase Coefficient of heat transfer (U-Factor) of the window being replaced. Umeas Coefficient of heat transfer (U-Factor) of the replacement window installed. HDD Heating degree days, refer to Table 2-29 for typical heating degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the HDD CDD Cooling degree days refer to Table 2-29 for typical cooling degree days for different buildings. When possible, actual base temperatures should be used to calculate the CDD. SHGCbase Solar heat gain coefficient of the window being replaced. SHGCmeas Solar heat gain coefficient of the replacement window installed. Efficient Windows 75 Et heating Total irradiance for heating found in Table 2-53 and Table 2-54. Et cooling Total irradiance for cooling found in Table 2-53 and Table 2-54. SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner(in BTUs), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER:68 SEER = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 EER Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner in British Thermal Units per hour, to the total electrical input in watts. Since ASHRAE does not provide EER requirements for air-cooled air conditioners < 65,000 Btu/h, assume the following conversion: EER =-0.02 *SEER + 1.12 *SEER HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER (described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 OkWpeak Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. OTpeak Difference between indoor and outdoor air temperature during peak periods. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period which can be found in Table 2-58 2.9.5. Sources ■ I ECC 2019 ■ ASHRAE Fundamentals 2007 ■ ASHRAE 90.1 2007 ■ ASHRAE 90.1 2019 2.9.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. 68 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. Efficient Windows 76 Table 2-51 Retrofit Deemed Savings per Sq. Ft. Premium Windows Efficient Windows Orientation Savings Type kWh/sq. ft. W/sq. ft. kWh/sq. ft. W/sq. ft. Heating 15.87 n/a 12.21 n/a North Cooling 0.16 0.000 0.12 0.000 Heating and Cooling 16.02 0.000 12.33 0.000 Heating 1.99 n/a 2.95 n/a South Cooling 3.48 0.001 2.34 0.001 Heating and Cooling 5.47 0.001 5.29 0.001 Heating 10.15 n/a 8.39 n/a West Cooling 3.21 0.001 2.16 0.001 Heating and Cooling 13.36 0.001 10.55 0.001 Heating 8.01 n/a 6.97 n/a East Cooling 2.05 0.000 1.38 0.000 Heating and Cooling 10.06 0.000 8.35 0.000 Heating 9.00 n/a 7.63 n/a Average Cooling 2.22 0.62 1.50 0.44 Heating and Cooling 11.23 0.62 9.13 0.44 Table 2-52 New Construction Deemed Savings per Sq. Ft. Premium Windows Orientation Savings Type kWh/sq, ft. kW/sq. ft. Heating 6.87 n/a North Cooling 0.07 0.000 Heating and Cooling 6.93 0.000 Heating 6.87 n/a South Cooling 0.07 0.000 Heating and Cooling 6.93 0.000 Heating 6.87 n/a West Cooling 0.07 0.000 Heating and Cooling 6.93 0.000 Heating 6.87 n/a East Cooling 0.07 0.000 Heating and Cooling 6.93 0.000 Heating 6.87 n/a Average Cooling 0.07 0.10 Heating and Cooling 6.93 0.10 Efficient Windows 77 Table 2-53 Calculated Heating/Cooling Es for Zone 5 each Building Type69 South North East West Building Type Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Assembly 260,105 177,133 0 0 142,974 99,777 116,398 169,977 Community College 200,825 194,884 0 0 108,124 111,238 75,997 183,584 Conditioned Storage 260,105 149,214 0 0 142,974 73,103 116,398 152,829 Fast Food Restaurant 262,047 177,133 0 0 144,369 99,777 118,314 169,977 Full Service Restaurant 274,518 162,841 0 0 154,606 87,595 125,788 160,668 High School 254,575 188,124 0 0 139,313 107,248 112,118 178,031 Hospital 40,575 402,123 0 0 21,586 224,975 7,842 282,306 Hotel 191,629 251,070 0 0 101,745 144,817 70,866 219,282 Large Retail 1 Story 233,102 205,178 0 0 127,168 117,394 96,662 191,023 Large Retail 3 Story 235,662 177,133 0 0 128,424 99,777 97,898 169,977 Large Office 200,825 226,315 0 0 108,124 128,810 75,997 204,378 Light Manufacturing 233,102 200,609 0 0 127,168 113,761 96,662 187,701 Medical Clinic 282,540 160,159 0 0 161,835 84,727 131,473 158,675 Motel 167,419 275,280 0 0 86,070 160,491 57,636 232,512 Multi Family 183,563 200,609 0 0 96,926 113,761 66,061 187,701 Nursing Home 305,929 136,769 0 0 184,449 62,113 145,638 144,510 Primary School 251,624 191,075 0 0 137,733 108,829 109,974 180,174 Small Office 192,687 227,580 0 0 102,380 129,336 71,411 206,160 69 See spreadsheet "9-Typical Cal cs_Windows_v6.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Efficient Windows 78 Table 2-54 Calculated Heating/Cooling Es for Zone 6 each Building Type70 South North East West Building Type Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Assembly 262,986 173,414 0 0 167,824 105,991 107,377 148,196 Community College 193,984 186,789 0 0 107,504 116,779 68,321 156,324 Conditioned Storage 289,002 140,600 0 0 192,527 74,804 122,625 127,893 Fast Food Restaurant 274,343 162,057 0 0 180,165 93,650 114,209 141,364 Full Service Restaurant 289,002 147,398 0 0 192,527 81,289 122,625 132,949 High School 289,002 147,398 0 0 192,527 81,289 122,625 132,949 Hospital 294,217 173,881 0 0 197,428 106,399 126,416 148,883 Hotel 252,573 183,827 0 0 159,558 114,258 100,494 155,080 Large Retail 1 Story 248,700 187,700 0 0 155,902 117,914 98,689 156,885 Large Retail 3 Story 262,986 171,120 0 0 167,824 103,629 107,377 147,068 Large Office 225,978 213,687 0 0 133,520 143,492 85,976 171,490 Light Manufacturing 261,774 174,626 0 0 166,188 107,628 106,217 149,357 Medical Clinic 294,217 142,183 0 0 197,428 76,388 126,416 129,158 Motel 277,829 158,571 0 0 183,925 89,890 115,674 139,900 Multi Family 228,602 142,183 0 0 136,561 76,388 87,526 129,158 Nursing Home 302,373 134,027 0 0 202,521 71,295 132,991 122,582 Primary School 280,394 156,006 0 0 187,079 86,737 117,379 138,195 Small Office 240,556 193,253 0 0 147,531 124,286 94,487 159,873 70 See spreadsheet "9-Typical Cal cs_Windows_v6.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Efficient Windows 79 Table 2-55 Baseline U-Factor and SHGC for Each Building" Building U-Factor North Facing Non-North Facing SHGC SHGC Assembly 0.81 0.70 0.65 Education - Primary School 0.81 0.70 0.65 Education - Secondary School 0.81 0.70 0.65 Education - Community College 0.81 0.70 0.64 Education - University 1.04 0.83 0.84 Grocery 0.81 0.71 0.70 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.81 0.70 0.65 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.81 0.70 0.64 Lodging - Hotel 0.81 0.70 0.64 Lodging - Motel 0.81 0.70 0.64 Manufacturing - Bio/Tech 0.81 0.71 0.70 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.81 0.71 0.70 Office- Large 0.81 0.71 0.70 Office-Small 0.81 0.71 0.70 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.81 0.71 0.70 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.81 0.71 0.70 Retail - 3-Story Large 0.81 0.71 0.70 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.81 0.71 0.70 Retail - Small 0.81 0.71 0.70 Storage-Conditioned 0.81 0.71 0.70 Storage- Unconditioned 0.81 0.71 0.70 Warehouse- Refrigerated 0.81 0.71 0.70 Table 2-56 Average Heating/Cooling COP72 Heating I Cooling Electric Resistance Heat Pump Chiller DX 2.6 3.6 5.1 2.9 " See spreadsheet "9-Typical Cal cs_Windows_v6.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 'Z Average COP by heating/cooling type stipulated in ASHRAE 90.1 2019 code baseline efficiencies. Efficient Windows 80 Table 2-57 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type73 Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted values Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 73 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. Efficient Windows 81 Table 2-58 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type CIF Assembly 0.47 Education - Community College 0.54 Education - Primary School 0.1 Education -Secondary School 0.1 Education - University 0.53 Grocery 0.54 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.82 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.49 Lodging - Hotel 0.67 Lodging - Motel 0.63 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.46 Office- Large 0.58 Office-Small 0.51 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.48 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.46 Retail -3-Story Large 0.66 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.56 Retail - Small 0.49 Storage-Conditioned 0.41 Efficient Windows 82 2.10. HVAC Controls This section covers the implementation of HVAC controls in commercial buildings. HVAC controls include economizers, demand controlled ventilation (DCV), and EMS controls. The discussion of eligible equipment provides more detail regarding the individual measures. HVAC controls garner energy savings by optimizing the algorithms by which HVAC equipment are operated. The approach used in this TRM to estimate energy impacts from such measures is based on DOE- 2.2 simulations of prototypical commercial building models.74 The controls measures included in this chapter do not encompass equipment optimization, retro- commissioning, or commissioning. Such projects are demonstrated to have significant variance in energy impacts and short measure lives (lack of persistence). They are more suitable for a custom approach and are not included in the TRM. Measures of this nature include: temperature set-point and equipment staging optimization, thermostat set-back overrides, and behavioral or maintenance oriented measures. Table 2-59 though Table 2-65 summarize `typical' expected (per ton of cooling) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below.75 Table 2-59 Typical Savings Estimates for Air-Side Economizer Only(New and Retrofit76) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton of cooling Ton of cooling Average Unit Energy Savings 279 kWh 197 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .0130 kW .0059 kW Average Unit Gas Savings 0 Therms 0 Therms Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 155.01 (New) n/a $ 73.65 (Repair) Average Incremental Cost n/a $81.36 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 74 The prototypical building models are sourced from the DEER 2008. 75 See spreadsheet"10-TypicalCalcs_HVACcntrls_v6.xlsx"to read six HVAC EMS measures for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs.Also note that the savings figures represented in these tables give equal weight to the eleven HVAC system types discussed later in this chapter 76 Retrofit can be repairing an existing economizer or replacing a new one. Building Energy Management Controls 83 Table 2-60 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/1 Strategy Implemented77 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton of cooling Ton of cooling Average Unit Energy Savings 372 kWh 227 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .10 kW .06 kW Average Unit Gas Savings 8 Therms 6 Therms Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $198 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $162 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-61 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/2 Strategies Implemented78 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton of cooling Ton of cooling Average Unit Energy Savings 622 kWh 409 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .10 kW .07 kW Average Unit Gas Savings 6 Therms 6 Therms Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $233 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $198 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC "Assumes that one(1)control measure is implemented on average. 78 Assumes that two(2)control measures are implemented on average. Building Energy Management Controls 84 Table 2-62 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/3 Strategies Implemented79 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton of cooling Ton of cooling Average Unit Energy Savings 811 kWh 473 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .13 kW .07 kW Average Unit Gas Savings 18 Therms 10 Therms Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $269 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $233 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-63 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/4 Strategies Implemented80 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton of cooling Ton of cooling Average Unit Energy Savings 1,728 kWh 567 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .26 kW .03 kW Average Unit Gas Savings 96 Therms 21 Therms Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $304 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $269 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-64 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/5 Strategies Implemented81 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton of cooling Ton of cooling Average Unit Energy Savings 1,796 kWh 617 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .31 kW .06 kW Average Unit Gas Savings 97 Therms 21 Therms Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $340 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $304 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 73 Assumes that three(3)control measures are implemented on average. 80 Assumes that four(4)control measures are implemented on average. 81 Assumes that five(5)control measures are implemented on average. Building Energy Management Controls 85 Table 2-65 Typical Deemed Savings Estimates for EMS Controls w/6 Strategies Implemented 82 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton of cooling Ton of cooling Average Unit Energy Savings 1,816 kWh 643 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .32 kW .08 kW Average Unit Gas Savings 97 Therms 21 Therms Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $375 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $340 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.10.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment is based on applicable HVAC system type (note that any building with a system type that isn't included in Table 2-66 should follow a custom path) and appropriately implementing the controls measures listed in Table 2-67. Note that evaporative cooling equipment is not eligible for this measure. Table 2-66 HVAC System Types Item System Type 1 VAV with chilled water coils 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 7 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP)83 8 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP)84 9 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 10 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 11 Chilled water coils without VAV units Note that detailed descriptions for each of the above system types can be found in ASHRAE Handbook— Systems. A summary of the system types, their typical configurations, and how 82 Assumes the six(6)control measures are implemented on average. 83 Water source heat pumps rely on water as the heat source and sink. ea Ground source heat pumps transfer heat to or from the ground.They use the earth as the heat source and sink. Building Energy Management Controls 86 they are modeled in eQuest85 can be found in Building Energy Use and Cost Analysis Program Volume 3: Topics.86 Table 2-67 EMS Measures Item Measure 1 . Optimum Start/Stop 2 Economizer Controls 3 Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) 4 Supply Air Reset 5 Chilled Water Reset 6 Condenser Water Reset Eligibility requirements for each of the control strategies listed above are as follows: Optimum Start/Stop The optimum start strategy with restrict unit heating and cooling start times to startup as late as possible to still reach the desired temperature at the specified timeframe. The optimum stop strategy with shut off mechanical heating and cooling before the scheduled unoccupied periods based on internal thermal loads and outside air temperatures. Optimum stop strategy will allow the fan and outdoor air damper to remain open for building ventilation. Economizer Controls The economizer is enabled to modulate the outside air intake ventilation based on the outside air enthalpy, dry-bulb temperature or combination of the two to allow for free-cooling when applicable. Demand Controlled The minimum outside air fraction is varied based on a DCV sensor. Ventilation (DCV) Supply Air Reset The air temperature leaving the system cooling coil is adjusted based on outdoor or zone return air temperature. Chilled Water Reset The supply chilled water temperature can rise during low loads. Condenser Water Reset The cooling tower temperature floats with the load and wet-bulb temperature 2.10.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is an existing mechanical HVAC system (see list in Table 2-66 for eligible systems) that has not implemented the control strategy (or strategies) 85 The software package used to simulate energy impacts for this measure. es http://doe2.com/download/DOE-22/DOE22Vol3-Topics.pdf Building Energy Management Controls 87 claimed in the project. See Table 2-67 for a list of eligible control strategies. Note that evaporative cooling equipment is not eligible for this measure. New Construction (Includes Major Renovations) The baseline equipment for new construction projects is an HVAC system (see list in Table 2-66 for eligible systems) that meets the local building energy codes and standards. Many of the measures listed in Table 2-67 are required by IECC 2018 except for certain exceptions. These exceptions are reproduced in Appendix B and represent the only cases in which the measures are eligible. Savings for all strategies and building types are calculated assuming the measure qualifies for the exceptions stated in appendix B and are therefore not required by building code. 2.10.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/ton * Cap AkW = AkW/ton * Cap 2.10.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. 4kWh/ton Energy savings on a per unit basis as stipulated in Table 2-68 though Table 2-77. AkW/ton Demand reduction on a per unit basis as stipulated in Table 2-68 though Table 2-77. Cap Capacity (in Tons) of the HVAC system on which the HVAC control(s) are installed. 2.10.5. Sources U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: http://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER) 2008. Building Energy Management Controls 88 2.10.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-68 Energy Savings for Retrofit EMS Controls Climate Zone 5 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton Implemented 1 VAV with chilled water coils 501 0.077 2 VAV with chilled water coils 1,160 0.079 3 VAV with chilled water coils 1,715 0.249 4 VAV with chilled water coils 1,739 0.266 5 VAV with chilled water coils 1,805 0.309 6 VAV with chilled water coils 1,825 0.319 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 353 0.151 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 750 0.153 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 790 0.168 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 221 0.100 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 341 0.100 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 329 0.108 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 942 0.098 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 1,050 0.100 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 1,601 0.106 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) 219 0.102 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) 407 0.104 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) 411 0.114 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) Heat Pump 372 0.103 Building Energy Management Controls 89 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton Implemented 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) Heat Pump 560 0.105 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 677 0.114 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature(PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 1 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 251 0.101 2 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 494 0.103 3 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 552 0.113 4 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 5 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 6 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 1 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 247 0.079 2 Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) 422 0.083 3 Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) 483 0.088 4 Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) n/a n/a 5 Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) n/a n/a 6 Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 227 0.114 2 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 464 0.116 3 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 4 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 391 0.114 2 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 610 0.116 3 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 739 0.122 4 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a Building Energy Management Controls 90 Table 2-69 Energy Savings for New Construction EMS Controls Climate Zone 5 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton Implemented _ 1 VAV with chilled water coils 163 0.011 2 VAV with chilled water coils 536 0.013 3 VAV with chilled water coils 565 0.026 4 VAV with chilled water coils 568 0.026 5 VAV with chilled water coils 618 0.063 6 VAV with chilled water coils 644 0.075 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 225 0.096 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 530 0.098 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 578 0.113 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 174 0.066 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 276 0.067 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 169 0.077 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 457 0.066 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 556 0.067 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 757 0.066 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 134 0.070 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 299 0.072 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 303 0.083 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 265 0.071 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 430 0.072 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 545 0.084 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 1 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 151 0.011 Building Energy Management Controls 91 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton implemented 2 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 312 0.012 3 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 371 0.023 4 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 5 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 6 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 1 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 164 0.055 2 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 283 0.055 3 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 340 0.061 4 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 5 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 6 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 186 0.096 2 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 371 0.097 3 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 4 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 349 0.096 2 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 535 0.098 3 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 638 0.103 4 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a Building Energy Management Controls 92 Table 2-70 Energy Savings for Retrofit EMS Controls Climate Zone 6 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton Implemented 1 VAV with chilled water coils 490 0.074 2 VAV with chilled water coils 1,182 0.083 3 VAV with chilled water coils 1,765 0.263 4 VAV with chilled water coils 1,685 0.253 5 VAV with chilled water coils 1,761 0.295 6 VAV with chilled water coils 1,781 0.305 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 307 0.127 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 660 0.134 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 730 0.147 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 204 0.076 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 301 0.081 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 264 0.087 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 1,025 0.083 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 1,114 0.088 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 1,622 0.090 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 198 0.080 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 364 0.096 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 367 0.104 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 420 0.080 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 587 0.096 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 750 0.104 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a Building Energy Management Controls 93 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton implemented 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 1 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 244 0.080 2 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 466 0.096 3 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 542 0.100 4 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 5 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 6 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 1 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 254 0.067 2 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 410 0.078 3 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 488 0.080 4 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 5 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 6 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 185 0.089 2 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 406 0.106 3 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 4 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 376 0.089 2 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 599 0.106 3 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 789 0.108 4 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a Building Energy Management Controls 94 Table 2-71 Energy Savings for New Construction EMS Controls Climate Zone 6 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton Implemented 1 VAV with chilled water coils 162 0.014 2 VAV with chilled water coils 537 0.018 3 VAV with chilled water coils 560 0.027 4 VAV with chilled water coils 563 0.027 5 VAV with chilled water coils 612 0.065 6 VAV with chilled water coils 639 0.079 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 201 0.081 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 468 0.087 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 563 0.099 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS)Gas Heat 160 0.056 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS)Gas Heat 241 0.060 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS)Gas Heat 108 0.067 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS)Gas Heat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 494 0.056 2 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 573 0.060 3 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 753 0.055 4 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) 122 0.057 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) 263 0.070 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) 266 0.078 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) Heat Pump 292 0.057 2 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) Heat Pump 433 0.070 3 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) Heat Pump 592 0.078 4 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 5 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 6 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) Heat Pump n/a n/a 1 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 166 0.109 Building Energy Management Controls 95 #of Measures HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton implemented 2 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 307 0.119 3 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 381 0.126 4 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 5 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 6 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) n/a n/a 1 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 170 0.045 2 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 273 0.052 3 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 342 0.055 4 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 5 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 6 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 168 0.075 2 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 334 0.088 3 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 4 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System n/a n/a 1 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 339 0.075 2 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 504 0.088 3 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 674 0.091 4 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 5 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a 6 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit n/a n/a Building Energy Management Controls 96 Table 2-72 Energy Savings for Retrofit Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 5 HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton VAV with chilled water coils 836 0.0030 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 450 0.0020 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS)Gas Heat 130 0.0020 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 122 0.0020 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) 203 0.0049 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) Heat Pump 203 0.0049 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 272 0.0059 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 197 0.0059 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 260 0.0906 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 261 0.0054 Table 2-73 Energy Savings for New Construction Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 5 HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton VAV with chilled water coils 437 0.0013 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 344 0.0020 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 112 0.0020 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 106 0.0020 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) 167 0.0039 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PWT) Heat Pump 167 0.0039 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 166 0.0059 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 131 0.0020 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 189 0.0044 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 190 0.0044 Building Energy Management Controls 97 Table 2-74 Energy Savings for Retrofit Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 6 HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton VAV with chilled water coils 878 0.0119 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 404 0.0068 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 107 0.0068 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 101 0.0059 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 179 0.0185 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 179 0.0185 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 247 0.0205 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 174 0.0146 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 240 0.0202 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 240 0.0202 Table 2-75 Energy Savings for New Construction Economizer Controls Only Climate Zone 6 HVAC System Type kWh/Ton kW/Ton VAV with chilled water coils 441 0.0040 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 304 0.0068 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat 93 0.0059 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 88 0.0059 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 144 0.0156 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 144 0.0156 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 161 0.0702 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 114 0.0088 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System 169 0.0161 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 169 0.0161 Building Energy Management Controls 98 Table 2-76 Energy Savings for Retrofit DCV Only Climate Zone 6 HVAC System Type kWh/Ton W/Ton VAV with chilled water coils 1,087.93 230.743 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 85.82 23.336 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat -59.24 7.306 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Electric Reheat 813.65 -4.160 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 1.69 7.238 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat Pump 310.27 7.162 Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 362.76 20.808 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 283.42 11.174 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System -37.77 1.807 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 368.07 1.614 Table 2-77 Unit Energy Savings for New Construction DCV Only Climate Zone 6 HVAC System Type kWh/Ton W/Ton VAV with chilled water coils 17.85 11.096 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) 111.17 20.412 Packaged Variable Air Volume System (PVAVS) Gas Heat -231.17 7.282 Packaged Variable Air Volume System(PVAVS)Electric Reheat 344.25 -4.160 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) 1.38 6.654 Packaged Variable Volume and Temperature (PVVT) Heat 286.08 6.685 Pump Water Source Heat Pump (WSHP) 275.05 74.587 Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) 216.50 10.118 Packaged Rooftop Unit/Split System -36.97 1.739 Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Unit 374.14 1.620 Building Energy Management Controls 99 2.11. Hotel/Motel Guestroom Energy Management Systems The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to occupancy based Guest Room Energy Management Systems (GREM) installed in motel and hotel guest rooms. These systems use one or more methods to determine whether the guest room is occupied. If the room is un- occupied for a predetermined amount of time (typically 15 - 30 min) the thermostat set-point is set-back. Table 2-78 through Table 2-80 summarize the `typical' expected (per Ton) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants.87 Table 2-78 Typical Savings Estimates for GREM (w/o Housekeeping Set-Backs) New Construction Retrofit I ECC 2018 Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 1,063 kWh 917 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 11 Years 11 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $150.61 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $57.50 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-79 Typical Savings Estimates for GREM (With Housekeeping Set-Backs) New Construction Retrofit I ECC 2018 Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 223 kWh 183 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 11 Years 11 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $150.61 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $57.50 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 87 See spreadsheet "11-TypicalCalcs_GREM_v4xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Note that due to the limited savings available for gas heated facilities the numbers in these tables account only for electric heating fuel system types(e.g.heat-pumps and electric resistance coils). Hotel/Motel Guestroom Energy Management Systems 100 Table 2-80 Typical Savings Estimates for GREM (Average)$$ New Construction Retrofit IECC 2018 Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit _ Average Unit Energy Savings 643 kWh 550 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 11 Years 11 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $150.61 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $57.50 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.11.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible systems include any occupancy based thermostatic set-back controls controlling an electrically heated system. Systems can be centralized or local controls. Systems must set-back room space temperatures by a minimum of 8 degrees F when the room is determined to be unoccupied. Temperature set-back must occur no longer than 30 minutes after the room is determined unoccupied. Eligible systems include, thermostat based controls, room key-card controls, and system check-in/check-out controls. 2.11.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios— retrofit and new construction. However, there are currently no building energy code requirements (as defined in ASHRAE 90.1) which mandate installation of Guestroom Occupancy Control Systems. As such the baseline for retrofit and new construction projects only differ in the efficiency of the existing HVAC systems and building envelope. Retrofit (Early Replacement) Baseline equipment for this measure is defined as a non-occupant based room thermostat (either manual or programmable) installed in the existing room. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel) Baseline equipment for this measure is defined as a non-occupant based room thermostat (either manual or programmable) installed in the designed room. 2.11.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: " The savings represented in this table give equal weight to the two prevailing baseline conditions (e.g. with and without a housekeeping set-back). Hotel/Motel Guestroom Energy Management Systems 101 AkWh = kWh/Unit * NUnits AkWhUnittypi,ai = 7-(AkWh/Unit; * W;) 2.11.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-81 through Table 2-82 according to case temperatures. AkWh/Unittyp;�a, Typical measure savings on a per unit basis. AkWh/Unit; Unit savings for combination i of building type (Hotel or Motel), housekeeping practices, weather zone, and heating fuel source. W; Population weight for each AkWh/Unit. Calculated by dividing the expected number of participants with AkWh/Uniti by the total number of expected participants. 2.11.5. Sources ■ Prototypical hotel and motel simulation models were developed in EnergyPlus by ADM Associates Inc. for this measure. ■ U.S. Department of Energy Report on PTAC and PTHP energy use in Lodging facilities: http://wwwl.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/commercial/pdfs/ptac_pthps _tsd_ch7_09-30-08.pdf ■ Kidder Mathews, Real Estate Market Review (Seattle Hotel). 2010 ■ I ECC 2015 ■ IECC 2018 2.11.6.Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure.89 89 Savings values are based on an assumed 46%annual average guestroom vacancy rate.This assumption is based on real estate market research for Boise, Idaho Falls,and Post Falls in 2010. Hotel/Motel Guestroom Energy Management Systems 102 Table 2-81 Unit Energy Savings for GREM Systems - Retrofit Weather Zone 5 Weather Zone 6 Housekeeping Setback Heat- Electric Heat- Electric Pump Gas Resistance Pump Gas Resistance Yes 131 35 398 173 29 498 No 741 200 1,706 875 149 1,930 Table 2-82 Unit Energy Savings for GREM Systems— New Construction (IECC 2018) Weather Zone 5 Weather Zone 6 Housekeeping Setback Heat- Electric Heat- Electric Pump Gas Resistance j Pump Gas Resistance Yes 95 24 352 129 21 447 No 599 153 1,551 726 116 1,793 Hotel/Motel Guestroom Energy Management Systems 103 2.12. High Efficiency Air Conditioning The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to energy efficient air conditioning units installed in commercial spaces. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Table 2-83 through Table 2-85 summarizes the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure.90 Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants. Note that Table 2-83 reports the incremental savings and costs associated with going from CEE Tier 1 to CEE Tier 2 and are therefore additive with the appropriate baseline value based on the product. Table 2-83 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Air Cooled Air Conditioning— CEE Code Standard Incremental Retrofit to New Tier 1 to Tier 2 to Tier 1 Construction Tier 2 Advanced to Tier 1 Tier Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings 152 kWh 47 kWh 41 kWh 66 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 140 W 44 W 15 W low Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $940 n/a n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $79 $44 $27 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-84 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Water Cooled Air Conditioning— CEE Code Standard Incremental New Retrofit to Tier 1 Construction to Tier 1 Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings 130 kWh 28 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 148 W 62 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1237 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $135 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC so See spreadsheet"12-TypicalCalcs_HighEffAC_v5.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. High Efficiency Air Conditioning 104 Table 2-85 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Variable Refrigerant Flow— CEE Code Standard Incremental Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 to Tier 1 Tier 2* Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings 129 kWh 31 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 141 W 43 W 18 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1,078 n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $93 $15 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC *Tier 1 to Tier 2 savings are only applicable for units less than 5 tons Table 2-86 through Table 2-87 summarize the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure assuming the baseline installed equipment are the less efficient air cooled air conditioner. The tier 1 to tier 2 savings remains the same as the tables above since this savings value represents the same. These tables only apply to new construction. Table 2-86 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Water Cooled Air Conditioning with Air Cooled Baseline — CEE Code Standard Incremental New Construction to Tier 1 Deemed Savings Unit Tons Average Unit Energy 67 kWh Savings Average Unit Peak 111 W Demand Savings Expected Useful Life 15 Years Average Material & Labor n/a Cost Average Incremental Cost $225 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC High Efficiency Air Conditioning 105 Table 2-87 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency, Variable Refrigerant Flow with Air Cooled Baseline — CEE Code Standard Incremental New Construction Tier 1 to Tier to Tier 1 2* Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings 87 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings _ 43 W n/a Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost $93 $15 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC *Tier 1 to Tier 2 savings are only applicable for units less than 5 tons 2.12.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All commercial unitary and split air conditioning system are eligible (This includes Package Terminal Air Conditioners) provided the installed equipment meets or exceeds current 2019 Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) Tier 1 efficiencies. High efficiency chillers are not eligible under this measure but are included as a separate measure in this document. Note that projects replacing pre-existing AC units with A/C only are eligible under this measure—though no impacts are considered for the heating component. Eligibility is determined by calculating the EER, SEER, and/or the IEER for the installed unit. 2.12.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment in working condition, then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing equipment. If the equipment being replaced is not in working order, then this is considered "replace on burn-out" and the baseline becomes new construction. Note that units replacing window/wall mounted air-conditioners, room air-conditioners, and/or evaporative cooling are not eligible for early replacement and are considered "New Construction." New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable SEER and EER by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.12.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: High Efficiency Air Conditioning 106 AkWh = Cap * (1/SEERbase— 1/SEERnstalled) / 1000 * EFLH AkW = Cap * (1/EERbase— 1/EERInstaued) / 1000 * CF 2.12.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkWpeak Expected peak demand savings. EFLH Equivalent full load cooling hours of. Idaho specific EFLH are by weather zone and building in Table 2-92. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. EER Energy Efficiency Ratio for base and installed systems. This is defined as the ratio of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner in British Thermal Units per hour, to the total electrical input in watts. Since ASHRAE does not provide EER requirements for air-cooled air conditioners < 65,000 Btu/h, assume the following conversion: EER = -0.02 *SEER2 + 1.12 *SEER SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTUs), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER:91 SEER = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 Cap Nominal cooling capaity in kBTU/Hr (1 ton = 12,000BTU/Hr) 2.12.5.Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ California DEER Prototypical Simulation models (modified), eQUEST-DEER 3-5.92 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08. California DEER Incremental Cost worksheets: Revised DEER Measure Cost Summary (05_30_2008) Revised (06_02_2008).xls ■ 2019 CEE Building Efficiency Standards ■ I ECC 2018 91 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. 92 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors and Coincidence factors for various building and heating fuel types. High Efficiency Air Conditioning 107 2.12.6.Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-88 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C- Retrofit Baseline to CEE Tier 1 Expected Expected Measure Measure Description Savings Savings [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] Cost [$/Ton] AC Air Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.16 156 $1,438 AC Air Cooled >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.14 158 $873 AC Air Cooled >135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.15 148 $762 AC Air Cooled >240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/h 0.14 153 $848 AC Air Cooled >760,000 Btu/h 0.12 144 $782 AC Water Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.15 106 $748 AC Water Cooled >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.15 150 $1,512 AC Water Cooled >135,000 Btu/h 0.14 133 $1,452 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.15 117 $1,609 VRF >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.12 135 $925 VRF >135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.14 139 $822 VRF >240,000 Btu/h 0.15 126 $958 PTAC 0.14 231 $1,571 Table 2-89 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C- New Construction (IECC 2018) Baseline to CEE 2019 Tier 1 Expected Expected Incremental Measure Description Savings Savings Cost [$/Ton] [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] AC Air Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.06 57 $143 AC Air Cooled >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.04 52 $55 AC Air Cooled >135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 0.05 38 $41 Btu/h AC Air Cooled >240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 0.03 38 $87 Btu/h AC Air Cooled >760,000 Btu/h 0.01 24 $34 AC Water Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.07 0 $74 AC Water Cooled >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 0.07 51 $189 Btu/h AC Water Cooled >135,000 Btu/h 0.05 34 $143 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.06 25 $159 VRF >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.03 38 $43 VRF >135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.04 39 $34 High Efficiency Air Conditioning 108 Expected Expected Incremental Measure Description Savings Savings Cost [$/Ton] [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] VRF >240,000 Btu/h 0.04 22 $137 PTAC 0.05 58 $164 Table 2-90 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C— CEE 2019 Tier 1 to Tier 293 Expected Expected Incremental Base Description Savings Savings Cost [$/Ton] [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] AC Air Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.01 32 $27 AC Air Cooled >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.00 30 $0 AC Air Cooled >135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.00 41 $0 AC Air Cooled >240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/h 0.02 43 $52 AC Air Cooled >760,000 Btu/h 0.03 38 $85 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.02 32 $60 PTAC 0.04 48 $164 Table 2-91 Deemed Savings for High Efficiency A/C— New Construction (IECC 2018) Air Cooled Baseline to CEE 2019 Tier 1 Expected Expected Incrementa Measure Description Savings Savings I Cost [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [$/Ton] AC Water Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.11 0 $110 AC Water Cooled >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.11 99 $279 AC Water Cooled >135,000 Btu/h 0.12 101 $286 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.06 78 $159 VRF >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.03 94 $43 VRF >135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.04 96 $34 VRF >240,000 Btu/h 0.04 82 $137 PTAC 0.05 58 $164 Table 2-92 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Cooling and Heating Hours (EFLH) by Building Type9a Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted values Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating 93 Note that CEE Tier 2 savings are the incremental savings(and cost)between Tier 1 and Tier 2. 94 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. High Efficiency Air Conditioning 109 Zone 5 Zone 6 I Weighted values Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 Table 2-93 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Assembly 0.47 Education - Community College 0.54 Education - Primary School 0.1 Education -Secondary School 0.1 Education - University 0.53 Grocery 0.54 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.82 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.49 Lodging - Hotel 0.67 Lodging - Motel 0.63 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.46 Office- Large 0.58 Office-Small 0.51 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.48 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.46 Retail -3-Story Large 0.66 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.56 Retail - Small 0.49 High Efficiency Air Conditioning 110 Building Type Coincidence Factor Storage- Conditioned 0.41 Table 2-94 CEE 2019 Minimum Efficiencies by Unit Type for All Tiers' Equipment Size Heating CEE Tier Advanced Type Category Section Type Subcategory CEE Tier 1 2 Tier 15.0 SEER 16.0 SEER 18.0 SEER <65,000 All Split System12.5 EER 13.0 EER 13.0 EER Btu/h 15.0 SEER 16.0 SEER 17.0 SEER Single Package 12.0 EER 12.0 EER 12.5 EER >_65,000 Electric Split System and 12.2 EER 12.2 EER 12.6 EER Resistance(or Single Package 14 IEER 14.8 IEER 18.0 IEER Btu/h and None) <135,000 Btu/h All Other Split System and 12 EER 12.0 EER 12.4 EER Single Package 13.8 IEER 14.6 IEER 17.8 IEER Air >_135,000 y Resistance(or Electric Split System and 12.2 EER 12.2 EER 12.2 EER Conditioners, Btu/h and None) Single Package 13.2 IEER 14.2 IEER 17 IEER Air Cooled <240,000 Split System and 12 EER 12.0 EER 12.0 EER (Cooling Btu/h All Other Single Package 13 IEER 14.0 IEER 16.8 IEER Mode) Electric Split System and 10.5 EER 10.8 EER 10.8 EER Btu0 andResistance(or Single Package 12.3 IEER 13.2 IEER 14.5 IEER / None) <760,000 Btu/h All Other Split System and 10.3 EER 10.6 EER 10.6 EER Single Package 12.1 IEER 13 IEER 14.3 IEER Electric Split System and 9.9 EER 10.4 EER NA >_760 000 Resistance(or Single Package 11.6 IEER 12.3 IEER NA None) one) All Other Split System and 9.7 EER 10.2 EER NA Single Package 11.4 IEER 12.1 IEER NA <65,000 All Split System and 14.0 EER NA NA* Btu/h Single Package >_65,000 Electric Split System and 14.0 EER NA NA* Air Btu/h and ResiNonee(or Single Package 15.3 IEER NA NA* Conditioners, <135,000 Split System and 13.8 EER NA NA* Water Cooled Btu/h All Other Single Package 15.1 IEER NA NA* Electric Split System and 14.0 EER NA NA* >_135,000 Resistance or Single Package 14.8 IEER NA NA* Btu/h None) All Other 13.8 EER NA NA* 95 Values obtained from 2019 CEE building efficiency standards for unitary air conditioning units. High Efficiency Air Conditioning ill Split System and 14.6 IEER NA NA* Single Package <65,000 All Split System and 14 EER NA NA* Btu/h Single Package Electric 14 EER Air Btu/h and >_65,000 Resistance(or Split System and NA NA* Single Package 15.3 IEER Conditioners, <135,000 None) Evaporatively Btu/h All Other Split System and 13.8 EER NA NA* Cooled Single Package 15.1 IEER >135,000 Electric Split System and 11.7 EER Btu/h Resistance(or Single Package NA NA None) 14.41EER <65,000 12.5 EER 13 EER NA Btu/h All Multisplit System 15 SEER 16 SEER NA >_65,000 11.7 EER NA NA Btu/hand Electric Variable Resistance(or Multisplit System Refrigerant <135,000 None) 14.91EER NA NA Flow Air Btu/h Cooled >!135,000 11.7 EER NA NA Btu/hand Electric (cooling Resistance(or Multisplit System Mode) <240,000 None) 14.41EER NA NA Btu/h 240,000 Electric Btu/h Resistance(or Multisplit System 10.5 EER NA NA None) *The advanced tier should not be considered a level of performance that is currently being met by several manufacturers in all nominal sizes. Instead, the advanced tier is an aspirational level that acknowledges and provides recognition for manufacturers who have developed the most efficient systems available in the market today. High Efficiency Air Conditioning 112 2.13. High Efficiency Heat Pumps The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to energy efficient heat pump units installed in commercial spaces. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Table 2-95 through Table 2-98 summarize the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants.96 Note that the values listed in the tables below are averaged across each of the system efficiency and tonnage categories offered by the program. Table 2-102 through Table 2-108 at the end of this section provide individual savings and materials/labor costs. Table 2-95 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps—Air-cooled Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 to Tier 1 Tier 2* Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 187 kWh 72 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 356 kWh 82 kWh 57 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 543 kWh 154 kWh 89 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 129 W 30 W 18 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $888 n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $36 $31 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC *Tier 1 to Tier 2 savings are only applicable for units less than 5 tons "See spreadsheet"1 3-TypicalCalcs_HeatPumps_v6.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. High Efficiency Pumps 113 Table 2-96 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps— Water-cooled Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 129 kWh 47 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 195 kWh 79 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 324 kWh 126 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) ill W 33 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $971 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $370 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-97 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps—Air Cooled VRF Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 to Tier 1 Tier 2* Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 143 kWh 51 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 342 kWh 92 kWh 57 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 485 kWh 143 kWh 89 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 126 W 27 W 18 W Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $999 n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $36 $35 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC * Tier 1 to Tier 2 savings are only applicable for condenser units with a capacity less than 5 tons High Efficiency Pumps 114 Table 2-98 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps— Water Cooled VRF Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 to Tier 1 Tier 2* Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons n/a Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) 75 kWh 2 kWh n/a Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) 1,422 kWh 1,106 kWh n/a Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) 1,497 kWh 1,108 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) 108 W 30 W n/a Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $1,187 n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $62 n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC *Tier 1 to Tier 2 savings are only applicable for condenser units with a capacity less than 5 tons Table 2-99 through Table 2-101 summarize the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure assuming the baseline installed equipment are the less efficient air cooled air conditioner. The tier 1 to tier 2 savings remain the same as the tables above since this savings value represents the same. These tables only apply to new construction. Table 2-99 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Heat Pumps using Baseline Air Cooled Air-Conditioners to Tier 1 Water-cooled Air-Conditioners Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 Deemed Savings Unit n/a Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) n/a 133 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) n/a 79 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) n/a 211 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) n/a 79 W Expected Useful Life n/a 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $370 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC High Efficiency Pumps 115 Table 2-100 Typical Savings Estimates for Air Cooled VRF using an Air Cooled Baseline Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 to Tier 1 Tier 2* Deemed Savings Unit n/a i Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) n/a 97 kWh 32 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) n/a 92 kWh 57 kWh Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) n/a 190 kWh 89 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) n/a 27 W 18 W Expected Useful Life n/a 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost n/a n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $36 $35 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC *Tier 1 to Tier 2 savings are only applicable for units less than 5 tons Table 2-101 Typical Savings Estimates for Water Cooled VRF using an Air Cooled Baseline Retrofit to New Construction Tier 1 to Tier 1 to Tier 1 Tier 2* Deemed Savings Unit n/a Tons n/a Average Unit Energy Savings (Cooling) n/a 128 kWh n/a Average Unit Energy Savings (Heating) n/a 1,106 kWh n/a Average Unit Energy Savings (Combined) n/a 1,234 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings (Cooling) n/a 76 W n/a Expected Useful Life n/a 15 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost n/a n/a n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $145 n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.13.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All heat pump systems are eligible provided the installed equipment meets or exceeds 2019 Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) Tier 1 efficiencies. Note that projects replacing pre- existing A/C only units with heat-pump units are eligible under this measure. In such project the heating component must use a new construction baseline whereas the cooling component can use either(retrofit or new construction) baselines as deemed appropriate. Eligibility is determined by calculating the EER, SEER, IEER, and/or HSPF as appropriate for the installed unit. 2.13.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or New construction. High Efficiency Pumps 116 Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment in working condition,then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing equipment. If the equipment being replaced is not in working order, then this is considered "replace on burn-out" and the baseline becomes new construction. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable EER by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Current applicable standards are defined by ASHRAE 90.1-2019. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.13.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWhcoot + OkW hHeat = Cap * (1/SEERbase,cool— 1/SEERinstalled,cool) / 1000 * EFLHcoot + Cap * (1/HSPFbase,Heat— 1/HSPFinstalled,Heat) / 1000 * EFLHHeat OkWpeak = Cap * (1/EERbase,cool- 1/EERInstaued,cool) / 1000 * CF 2.13.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWPeak Expected peak demand savings. EFLH Equivalent full load cooling hours of. Idaho specific EFLH are by weather zone and building in Table 2-106. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. EER Energy Efficiency Ratio for base and installed systems in cooling and heating modes. This is defined as the ratio of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner in British Thermal Units per hour, to the total electrical input in watts. Since ASHRAE does not provide EER requirements for air-cooled air conditioners < 65,000 Btu/h, assume the following conversion: EER = -0.02 *SEER2 + 1.12 *SEER High Efficiency Pumps 117 SEER Seasonal Energy efficiency ratio of the air conditioning unit. This is defined as the ratio of the Annual cooling provided by the air conditioner (in BTUs), to the total electrical input (in Watts). Note that the IEER is an appropriate equivalent. If the SEER or IEER are unknown or unavailable use the following formula to estimate from the EER:97 SEER = .0507 * EER2 + .5773 * EER + .4919 HSPF Heating Season Performance Factor. This is identical to the SEER (described above) as applied to Heat Pumps in heating mode. If only the heat pump COP is available, then use the following: HSPF = .5651 * COP2 + .464 * COP + .4873 Cap Nominal cooling capaity in kBTU/Hr (1 ton = 12,000BTU/Hr) 2.13.5. Sources ■ Consortium for Energy Efficiency, High Efficiency Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Initiative 2019 ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ California DEER Prototypical Simulation models (modified), eQUEST-DEER 3-5.98 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08. California DEER Incremental Cost worksheets: Revised DEER Measure Cost Summary (05_30_2008) Revised (06_02_2008).xls ■ IECC 2018 2.13.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. 97 Note that this formula is an approximation and should only be applied to EER values up to 15 EER. 98 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific Heating and Cooling Interactive Factors and Coincidence factors for various building and heating fuel types. High Efficiency Pumps 118 Table 2-102 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps— Retrofit to CEE 2019Tier 199 Demand Energy Energy Energy Measure Description Savings- Savings- Savings- Savings - Measure Cooling Cooling Heating All Cost [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] HP Air Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.11 133 219 351 $812 HP Air Cooled :65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.13 190 403 594 $770 HP Air Cooled :135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.12 178 400 578 $745 HP Air Cooled >240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/h 0.16 249 400 649 $690 HP Water Cooled <135,000 Btu/h 0.11 129 195 324 $600 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.12 74 219 293 $918 VRF >65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.11 146 403 550 $870 VRF >,135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.12 149 373 522 $842 VRF >240,000 Btu/h 0.16 204 373 577 $780 VRF Water Source <135,000 Btu/h 0.11 75 1422 1497 $994 Table 2-103 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps— New Construction (IECC 2018) Base to CEE 2019 Tier 1 Demand Energy Energy Energy Measure Description Savings- Savings - Savings - Savings- Incr.Cost Cooling Cooling Heating All [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] HP Air Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.02 36 32 68 $27 HP Air Cooled >,65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.04 76 126 202 $49 HP Air Cooled >,135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.02 63 84 147 $18 HP Air Cooled >,240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/h 0.05 114 84 198 $49 HP Water Cooled <135,000 Btu/h 0.03 47 79 126 $370 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.03 -13 37 24 $48 VRF >,65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.01 42 126 167 $21 VRF >,135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.02 42 57 99 $21 VRF >,240,000 Btu/h 0.05 81 57 138 $55 VRF Water Source <135,000 Btu/h 0.03 1 1106 1107 $62 99 Retrofit equipment estimated to be 15%worse than current IECC Code. See spreadsheet"13-TypicalCalcs_HeatPumps_v6.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. High Efficiency Pumps 119 Table 2-104 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps— New Construction (IECC 2018) Air Cooled Baseline to CEE 2019 Tier 1 Demand Energy Energy Energy Measure Description Savings- Savings - Savings - Savings- Incr.Cost Cooling Cooling Heating All [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] HP Water Cooled <135,000 Btu/h 0.08 133 79 211 $370 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.03 36 37 74 $48 VRF -65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h 0.01 100 126 226 $21 VRF >,135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h 0.02 103 57 160 $21 VRF >,240,000 Btu/h 0.05 150 57 208 $55 VRF Water Source <135,000 Btu/h 0.08 128 1106 1234 $62 Table 2-105 Deemed Energy Savings for Efficient Heat Pumps— CEE 2019 Tier 1 to Tier 2 Demand Energy Energy Energy Measure Description Savings- Savings- Savings- Savings- Incr. Cooling Cooling Heating All Cost [kW/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] [kWh/Ton] HP Air Cooled <65,000 Btu/h 0.01 32 28 60 $15 VRF <65,000 Btu/h 0.02 32 57 89 $35 High Efficiency Pumps 120 Table 2-106 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type"' Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted values Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 "I prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. High Efficiency Pumps 121 Table 2-107 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Assembly 0.47 Education - Community College 0.54 Education - Primary School 0.1 Education -Secondary School 0.1 Education - University 0.53 Grocery 0.54 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.82 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.49 Lodging - Hotel 0.67 Lodging - Motel 0.63 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.46 Office- Large 0.58 Office-Small 0.51 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.48 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.46 Retail -3-Story Large 0.66 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.56 Retail - Small 0.49 Storage-Conditioned 0.41 Table 2-108 CEE 2019 Baseline Efficiency by Unit Type Equipment Type Size Category Heating Seection Subcategory Tier 1 Tier 2 Typ Split System 15 SEER 16 SEER 12.5 EER 13 EER <65,000 Btu/h All 15 SEER 16 SEER Single Package 12 EER 12 EER Electric Resistance Split System and 11.8 EER NA* >_65,000 and (or None) Single Package 13.6 IEER NA* <135,000 Btu/h Split System and 11.6 EER NA* Air Conditioners, All Other Single Package 13.4 IEER NA* Air Cooled (Cooling Mode) Electric Resistance Split System and 10.9 EER NA* >_135,000 and (or None) Single Package 12.8 IEER NA* <240,000 Btu/h Split System and 10.7 EER NA* All Other Single Package 9 9 12.81EER NA* Electric Resistance Split System and 10.3 EER NA* >_240,000 and (or None) Single Package 11.8 IEER NA* <760,000 Btu/h Split System and 10.1 EER NA* All Other Single Package 11.6 IEER NA* High Efficiency Pumps 122 Equipment Type Size Category Heating Seection Subcategory Tier 1 Tier 2 Typ<65,000 Btu/h Split System 8.5 HSPF 9.0 HSPF � Single Package 8.2 HSPF 8.2 HSPF - 47oF db/43oF wb 3.4 COP NA* >_65,000 and Outdoor Air Air Cooled <135,000 Btu/h 17oF db/15oF wb (Heating Mode) - Outdoor Air 2.4 COP NA* - 47oF db/43oF wb 3.3 COP NA* >_135,000 Btu/h Outdoor Air - 17oF db/15oF wb 2.1 COP NA* Outdoor Air Water Source <135,000 Btu/h All 86oF Entering 14.0 EER NA* (Cooling Mode) Water Water Source <135,000 Btu/h _ 68oF Entering 4.6 COP NA* (Heating Mode) Water <65,000 Btu/h All Multisplit System 15 SEER 16 SEER 12.5 EER 13 EER >_65,000 and Electric Resistance 11.3 EER <135,000 Btu/h or None Multisplit System 14.2 IEER NA* VRF Air Cooled ( ) (Cooling Mode) >_135,000 and Electric Resistance Multisplit S 11.1 EER NA* <240,000 Btu/h (or None) pystem 13.7 IEER Electric Resistance Multisplit 10.1 EER NA* >240,000 Btu/h (or None) plit System 12.3 IEER <65,000 Btu/h Multisplit System 8.5 HSPF 9.0 HSPF >_65,000 Btu/h 47°F db/43°F wb 3.4 COP NA* and<135,000 Outdoor Air VRF Air Cooled Btu/h 17°F db/15°F wb 2.4 COP NA* (Heating Mode) Outdoor Air 47°F db/43°F wb 3.2 COP NA* Outdoor Air >_135,000 Btu/h 17°F db/15°F wb O 2.1 COP NA* Outdoor Air Multisplit System 86°F Entering 14 EER NA* VRF Water Source Water (Cooling Mode) <135,000 Btu/h All Multisplit System with Heat R 13.8 IEER NA* Recovery 86°F Entering Water VRF Water Source 60°F Entering <135,000 Btu/h 4.6 COP NA* (Heating Mode) Water High Efficiency Pumps 123 2.14. High Efficiency Chillers The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to Electric Chillers installed in commercial spaces. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Table 2-109 through Table 2-110 summarizes the `typical' expected unit energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants. Note that the values listed in the table below are averaged across each of the system efficiency and tonnage categories offered by the program. Table 2-111 through Table 2-115 at the end of this section provide individual savings and materials/labor costs. Table 2-109 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Chillers90'(air cooled) IECC 2018 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings 154 kWh 102 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.12 kW 0.08 kW Expected Useful Life 20 Years 20 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 784 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $209 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-110 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Chillers902(water cooled) IECC 2018 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings 91 kWh 61 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.07 kW 0.05 kW Expected Useful Life 20 Years 20 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $596 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $103 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 101 See spreadsheet "14-TypicalCalcs_HighEffChillers_v5.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 102 See spreadsheet "15-TypicalCalcs_HighEffChillers_v5.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. High Efficiency Chillers 124 2.14.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All commercial chiller units are eligible provided the installed equipment exceeds current federal minimum efficiencies by at least 10%. Eligibility is determined by calculating the Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV)for the installed unit. The algorithms and stipulated assumptions stipulated for High Efficiency Chillers apply only to like-for-like chiller replacements and are not suited for addition of variable speed drives (VSDs) or plant optimization. Only primary chillers will qualify. Chillers intended for backup service only are not eligible. Air- cooled chiller efficiencies must include condenser-fan energy consumption. Efficiency ratings for IPLV must be based on ARI standard rating conditions per AHRI 550/590-2015. 2.14.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment in working condition,then the baseline efficiency is defined by the pre-existing equipment. If the equipment being replaced is not in working order, then this is considered "replace on burn-out" and the baseline becomes new construction. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) For New Construction, the baseline efficiency is defined as the minimum allowable COP and IPLV by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.14.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = Cap * (IPLVbase— IPLVmeas) * EFLH AkW = Cap * (IPLVbase— IPLVmeas) * CF OkWh/Unit; _ (IPLVbase — IPLVmeas) * EFLHi 2.14.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Expected peak demand savings. High Efficiency Chillers 125 IPLV103 Efficiency of high efficiency equipment expressed as Integrated Part Load Value in units of kW/Ton Cap104 Chiller nominal cooling capacity in units of Tons CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. EFLH Annual Equivalent Full Load cooling hours for chiller. Values for various building types are stipulated in Table 2-114. When available, actual system hours of use should be used. AkWh/Unit; Typical measure savings on a per unit basis per kBTU/hr. 2.14.5. Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ California DEER Prototypical Simulation models (modified), eQUEST-DEER 3-5.105 ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_1O-1-O8.xls ■ SCE workpaper SCE17HCO3O revision 1 Air-Cooled Chiller ■ SWHC workpaper SWHCOO5 revision 1 Water-Cooled Chiller ■ I ECC 2018 2.14.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. 103 Integrated Part Load Value is a seasonal average efficiency rating calculated in accordance with ARI Standard 550/590.It may be presented using one of several sets of units: EER, kW/ton,or COP. 04 Units for the capacity must match the units for the IPLV. os Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. High Efficiency Chillers 126 Table 2-111 Deemed Measure Savings for Retrofit, IECC 2018 Deemed Savings kW/Ton kWh/Ton Measure Cost [$/Ton] Air-Cooled Chiller with Condenser < 150 Tons 0.12 155 $842 >_ 150 Tons 0.12 152 $725 Air-Cooled Chiller without Condenser, < 150 Tons 0.12 155 $842 electrically operated >_ 150 Tons 0.12 152 $725 < 75 Tons 0.08 105 $964 >_ 75 and < 150 Tons 0.08 100 $650 Water Cooled Chiller electronically '- 150 and < 300 0.07 94 $436 operated, positive displacement Tons >_300 and < 600 0.07 89 $325 Tons >_600 Tons 0.07 84 $318 < 150 Tons 0.07 94 $855 >_ 150 and < 300 0.07 91 $957 Tons Water Cooled Chiller electronically > 300 and < 400 0.07 87 $676 operated, centrifugal Tons >_400 and < 600 0.07 84 $356 Tons >_600 Tons 0.07 84 $427 High Efficiency Chillers 127 Table 2-112 Deemed Measure Savings for New Construction, IECC 2018 Deemed Savings kW/Ton kWh/Ton Incremental Cost [$/Ton] Air-Cooled Chiller with Condenser < 150 Tons 0.08 103 $253 >_ 150 Tons 0.08 101 $164 Air-Cooled Chiller without < 150 Tons 0.08 103 $253 Condenser, electrically operated >_ 150 Tons 0.08 101 $164 < 75 Tons 0.05 70 $127 >_ 75 and < 150 Tons 0.05 67 $0 Water Cooled Chiller electronically '- 150 and < 300 0.05 62 $0 operated, positive displacement Tons >_ 300 and < 600 0.05 59 $0 Tons >_600 Tons 0.04 56 $0 < 150 Tons 0.05 63 $12 >_ 150 and < 300 0.05 60 $442 Tons Water Cooled Chiller electronically >_ 300 and <400 0.05 58 $303 operated, centrifugal Tons >_400 and < 600 0.04 56 $0 Tons >_600 Tons 0.04 56 $143 High Efficiency Chillers 128 Table 2-113 Baseline Code Requirements, IECC 2018 Minimum Efficiency 2019 Equipment Type Size Units Path A(Full- Path B (Part- Category Load Optimized Load Optimized _ Applications) Applications) EER >_10.10 FL >_9.70 FL Air-cooled <150 Tons (Btu/W) >_13.70 IPLV >_15.80 IPLV EER >_10.10 FL >_9.70 FL Air-cooled >_150 Tons (Btu/W) >_14.00 IPLV >_16.10 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated <75 Tons kW/t <_0.75 FL <_0.78 FL positive displacement <_0.60 IPLV :50.50 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated >_75 and <_0.72 FL <_0.75 FL positive displacement <150 Tons kW/t < P P 0.561PLV :50.491PLV Water-cooled, electrically operated >_150 and kW/t :50.66 FL :50.68 FL positive displacement <300 Tons :50.54 IPLV :50.44 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated >_300 and kW/t 150.61 FL 150.625 FL positive displacement <600 Tons <_0.52 IPLV 150.41 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated >600 Tons kW/t <_0.56 FL <_0.585 FL positive displacement :50.50 IPLV :50.38 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated <150 Tons kW/t <_0.61 FL <_0.695 FL centrifugal 150.55IPLV 150.44IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated >_150 and kW/t :50.61 FL :50.635 FL centrifugal <300 Tons :50.55 IPLV :50.40 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated >_300 and kW/t 150.56 FL 150.595 FL centrifugal <400 Tons <_0.52 IPLV :50.39 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated >_400 and kW/t :50.56 FL :50.585 FL centrifugal <600 Tons <_0.50 IPLV :50.38 IPLV Water-cooled, electrically operated <_0.56 FL <_0.585 FL centrifugal >_600 Tons kW/t :50.50 IPLV :50.38 IPLV High Efficiency Chillers 129 Table 2-114 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type'os Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted values Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 "I prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. High Efficiency Chillers 130 Table 2-115 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Assembly 0.47 Education - Community College 0.54 Education - Primary School 0.10 Education -Secondary School 0.10 Education - University 0.53 Grocery 0.54 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.82 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.49 Lodging - Hotel 0.67 Lodging - Motel 0.63 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.46 Office- Large 0.58 Office-Small 0.51 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.48 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.46 Retail -3-Story Large 0.66 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.56 Retail - Small 0.49 Storage-Conditioned 0.41 High Efficiency Chillers 131 2.15. Evaporative Coolers (Direct and Indirect) Evaporative coolers provide an effective space cooling alternative to direct expansion units in dry climates such as found in Idaho. Evaporative coolers can be designed in direct and indirect configurations. A direct evaporative cooler represents the simplest and most efficient approach by pulling air directly through a wetted media to cool the air before dispersing it into the space. A direct evaporative cooler will also humidify the incoming air which, depending on the ambient conditions, can lead to high indoor humidity levels. Indirect evaporative coolers employ heat exchangers to cool dry outside air on one side with evaporatively cooled moist air on the other. The two air streams are kept separate and the moist air exhausted outside while the dry cool air is supplied indoors. These systems are more complex and often much larger than direct systems because they require more space for large heat exchangers. However; indirect coolers do not increase the indoor humidity levels.107 Table 2-116 through Table 2-117 summarize the `typical' expected unit energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-116 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Coolers (Direct)"' Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton Ton Average Unit Energy Savings 350 kWh 315 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.25 kW 0.23kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $1,178 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $364 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 07 Except by the normal relationship between temperature and relative humidity. 108 Ibid. Note that these values are for Direct Evaporative units only. Evaporative Coolers (Direct and Indirect) 132 Table 2-117 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Coolers (Indirect)'os Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton Ton Average Unit Energy Savings 250 kWh 225 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.22 kW 0.20 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $2,367 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $1,553 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.15.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment includes any direct or indirect evaporative cooler systems used to supplant direct expansion (DX) system of equivalent size (or greater). Evaporatively pre-cooled DX systems do not qualify under this measure. 2.15.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) Baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the pre-existing DX system. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel) Baseline equipment for New Construction projects is a new DX system meeting federal or local building energy code (whichever is applicable) minimum efficiency requirements. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. 2.15.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = kWh/Unit * Cap AkW = kW/Unit * Cap 2.15.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. 101 Ibid. Note that these values are for Indirect Evaporative units only. Evaporative Coolers (Direct and Indirect) 133 AkW Expected peak demand savings between baseline and installed equipment. Cap Nominal capacity (in Tons) of the air-cooled equipment kWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-118 and Table 2-119. kW/Unit Per unit demand savings as stipulated in Table 2-118 and Table 2-119. 2.15.5. Sources ■ California Energy Commission. Advanced Evaporative Cooling White Paper. 2004 ■ Southwest Energy Efficiency Project & UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center. SWEEP /WCEC Workshop on Modern Evaporative Cooling Technologies. 2007 ■ 3012-14 Non-DEER Ex Ante measure work papers submitted by Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas and Electric. http://www.deeresources.com/ ■ IECC 2015 ■ I ECC 2018 2.15.6.Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-118 Unit Energy Savings for Evaporative Coolers— Weather Zone 5 Retrofit New Construction _ (IECC 2018) Measure kWh/ Unit Unit kWh/ Unit kW/ Unit Direct Evaporative 360kWh 0.25 324kWh 0.23 kW Cooler Indirect Evaporative 257 kWh 0.18 232 kWh 0.16 kW Cooler Table 2-119 Unit Energy Savings for Evaporative Coolers— Weather Zone 6 Retrofit New Construction (IECC 2018) Measure kWh/ kW/ kWh/ kW/ Unit Unit Unit Unit _ Direct Evaporative kWh 0.25 kW 278kWh 0.25kW Cooler Indirect Evaporative kWh 0..18 kW 199 kWh 0.16 kW Cooler Evaporative Coolers (Direct and Indirect) 134 2.16. Evaporative Pre-Cooler(For Air-Cooled Condensers) Evaporative pre-coolers, when added to an air-cooled condenser coil, can improve both equipment capacity and energy efficiency. The algorithms and assumptions for this measure are applicable to retrofits in which a separate evaporative cooling system is added onto an air-cooled condenser. Such systems include saturated media, water nozzles (and associated water piping), and a rigid frame. The additional equipment is used to evaporatively pre-cool ambient air before it reaches the air-cooled condenser. This not a replacement of an air-cooled condenser with an evaporative condenser. Typical applications include refrigeration systems and air-cooled chillers. The tables below summarize the `typical' expected unit energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-120 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Pre-Cooler(Installed on Chillers)10 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton Ton Average Unit Energy Savings 63 kWh 63 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .05 kW .05 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 173 $ 173 Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-121 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Pre-Cooler(Installed on Refrigeration Systems)"' Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton Ton Average Unit Energy Savings 110 kWh 110 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings .09 kW .09 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 173 $ 173 Average Incremental Cost Refrigeration Refrigeration 2.16.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment includes retrofits in which equipment is added to an existing air-cooled condenser to evaporatively cool the ambient air temperature before reaching the condenser coils. 10 See spreadsheet "16-TypicalCalcs_Eva pPreCool_v2.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. "' See spreadsheet "16-TypicalCalcs_Eva pPreCool_v2.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Evaporative Pre-Cooler(For Air-Cooled Condensers) 135 Self-contained evaporative condensing coils are not eligible as part of this measure. Eligible systems must be purchased and installed by a qualified contractor. Eligible equipment must have a minimum performance efficiency of 75%. Must have enthalpy controls to control pre-cooler operation. Water supply must have chemical or mechanical water treatment. Magnetic water treatment does not qualify for this measure. 2.16.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the existing air-cooled condenser coil in a properly working and maintained condition. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction projects is defined to be a properly working and maintained air-cooled condenser coil with all required fan and head pressure controls as defined by the local energy codes and standards. 2.16.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = kWh/Unit * Cap OkW = kW/Unit * Cap 2.16.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. LkW Expected peak demand savings between baseline and installed equipment. Cap Nominal capacity (in Tons) of the air-cooled equipment kWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-120 and Table 2-121. kW/Unit Per unit demand savings as stipulated in Table 2-120 and Table 2-121. 2.16.5. Sources Bisbee, Dave & Mort, Dan. Evaporative Precooling System: Customer Advanced Technologies Program Report Technology Evaluation Report. 2010112 "Z https://www.smud.org/en/business/save-energy/energy-management-solutions/documents/evapercool-tech-aug10.pdf Evaporative Pre-Cooler(For Air-Cooled Condensers) 136 Shen, B., et. al., Energy and Economics Analyses of Condenser Evaporative Precooling for Various Climates, Buildings and Refrigerants. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Energies 2019, 12(11), 2079One other internal monitoring study was referenced when deriving savings values for this measure; however, has not been made public. Evaporative Pre-Cooler(For Air-Cooled Condensers) 137 2.17. Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) on HVAC fans and pumps installed in commercial spaces. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Table 2-122 summarizes the `typical' expected unit energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants. Table 2-122 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for VFD Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 622 kWh 582 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $184.55 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $153.91 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.17.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment ALL VFDs installed on variably loaded motors, less than 300 horsepower, in HVAC applications are eligible under this measure. New construction projects must meet or exceeds current federal minimum requirements and VFDs must not be required by the applicable building codes. Retrofit projects must remove or permanently disable any pre-existing throttling or flow control device(s), and cannot replace a pre-existing VFD. This measure can be combined with sections 2.10, 2.12 and 2.13 if the HVAC system is being replaced and VFD controls are added. Note when combining savings for this measure and 2.12/2.13, this measure can only be applied for if the HVAC fan motor VFD is an addition to the unit and has not already been included in the HVAC unit SEER used for 2.12/2.13. This measure can be combined with sections 2.38 without including any interactive factor penalty. Additionally, ECMs installed with modulating controls qualify for savings associated with this measure. 2.17.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is retrofitting pre-existing equipment with a variable frequency drive, then the baseline control strategy is defined by the pre-existing control strategy. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 138 For facilities that are installing VFDs during a new construction project the minimum HVAC fan/pump controls strategy is dictated by the prevailing building energy code or standard according to which the project was permitted. Current applicable control standards are defined by IECC 2018. Code Compliance Considerations for HVAC VFDs The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) specifies that fan motors used in VAV systems must have variable speed controls if equal to or greater than a specified horsepower. As such, fan motors in VAV systems are only eligible under this measure if they are less than 7.5 HP when permitted to IECC 2018. 2.17.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = .746 * HP * LF / nmatar *HRS * ESF AkW = 0 2.17.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkW Peak demand savings are defined to be zero for this measure. HP Manufacturer name plate rated horsepower of the motor. LF Load Factor. Ratio between the actual load and the rated load. Motor efficiency curves typically result in motors being most efficient at approximately 75% of the rated load. The default value is 0.75. r1motor Manufacturer name plate efficiency of the motor at full load. HRS Annual operating hours of VFD. Values for various building types and end uses are stipulated in Table 2-123. ESF Energy Savings Factor. Percent of baseline energy consumption saved by installing a VFD. The appropriate ESF can be found in Table 2-124. 2.17.5. Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ California DEER Effective Useful Life worksheets: EUL_Summary_10-1-08.xls ■ California DEER Incremental Cost worksheets: Revised DEER Measure Cost Summary (05_30_2008) Revised (06_02_2008).xls Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 139 ■ Illinois TRM Version 8.0 2.17.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-123 Stipulated Hours of Use for Commercial HVAC Motors Building Type Motor Usage Group Zone 5 Zone 6 Chilled Water Pump 2,111 1,877 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Assembly Condenser Water Pump 2,111 1,877 HVAC Fan 6,132 1,753 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 649 584 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Education - Primary School Condenser Water Pump 649 584 HVAC Fan 3,454 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 711 559 Chilled Water Pump 649 584 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Education-Secondary School Condenser Water Pump 649 584 HVAC Fan 3,454 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 711 559 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Education-Community College Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 4,795 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Education - University Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 4,795 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Grocery Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 5,423 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 2,485 2,028 Health/Medical - Hospital Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Condenser Water Pump 2,485 2,028 HVAC Fan 8,760 1,753 Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 140 Building Type Motor Usage Group Zone 5 Zone 6 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 2,485 2,028 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Health/Medical - Nursing Home Condenser Water Pump 2,485 2,028 HVAC Fan 8,760 1,753 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 2,485 2,028 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Lodging- Hotel Condenser Water Pump 2,485 2,028 HVAC Fan 8,760 1,753 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Lodging - Motel Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 5,423 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,418 1,306 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Manufacturing - Light Industrial Condenser Water Pump 1,418 1,306 HVAC Fan 4,672 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,612 1,472 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Office- Large Condenser Water Pump 1,612 1,472 HVAC Fan 5,047 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,612 1,472 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Office- Small Condenser Water Pump 1,612 1,472 HVAC Fan 5,047 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Restaurant-Sit Down Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 5,423 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Restaurant- Fast Food Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 5,423 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Retail -3 Story Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 141 Building Type Motor Usage Group Zone 5 Zone 6 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 5,423 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Retail -Single Story Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 5,423 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,861 1,694 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Retail -Small Condenser Water Pump 1,861 1,694 HVAC Fan 5,423 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Chilled Water Pump 1,418 1,306 Heating Hot Water Pump 6,133 6,610 Storage- Conditioned Condenser Water Pump 1,418 1,306 HVAC Fan 4,672 1,752 Cooling Tower Fan 1,050 851 Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 142 Table 2-124 Stipulated Energy Savings Factors (ESF) for Commercial HVAC VFD Installations Building Type Motor Usage Group Zone 5 Zone 6 i. Chilled Water Pump 0.313 0.300 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.411 0.401 Assembly Condenser Water Pump 0.313 0.300 HVAC Fan 0.297 0.284 Cooling Tower Fan 0.301 0.278 Chilled Water Pump 0.363 0.357 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.301 0.384 Education - Primary School Condenser Water Pump 0.363 0.357 HVAC Fan 0.258 0.254 Cooling Tower Fan 0.324 0.311 Chilled Water Pump 0.363 0.357 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.301 0.384 Education-Secondary School Condenser Water Pump 0.363 0.357 HVAC Fan 0.258 0.254 Cooling Tower Fan 0.324 0.311 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Education- Community College Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Education - University Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Grocery Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.294 0.285 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.331 0.429 Health/Medical - Hospital Condenser Water Pump 0.294 0.285 HVAC Fan 0.278 0.269 Cooling Tower Fan 0.279 0.268 Chilled Water Pump 0.294 0.285 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.331 0.429 Health/Medical - Nursing Home Condenser Water Pump 0.294 0.285 HVAC Fan 0.278 0.269 Cooling Tower Fan 0.279 0.268 Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 143 Building Type Motor Usage Group Zone 5 Zone 6 Chilled Water Pump 0.294 0.285 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.331 0.429 Lodging- Hotel Condenser Water Pump 0.294 0.285 HVAC Fan 0.278 0.269 Cooling Tower Fan 0.279 0.268 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Lodging - Motel Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.317 0.303 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.307 0.396 Manufacturing - Light Industrial Condenser Water Pump 0.317 0.303 HVAC Fan 0.300 0.287 Cooling Tower Fan 0.307 0.280 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.305 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.307 0.395 Office- Large Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.305 HVAC Fan 0.302 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.309 0.285 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.305 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.307 0.395 Office- Small Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.305 HVAC Fan 0.302 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.309 0.285 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Restaurant-Sit Down Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Restaurant- Fast Food Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Retail -3 Story Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Retail -Single Story Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 144 Building Type Motor Usage Group Zone 5 Zone 6 Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.319 0.306 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.309 0.395 Retail —Small Condenser Water Pump 0.319 0.306 HVAC Fan 0.303 0.289 _ Cooling Tower Fan 0.310 0.286 Chilled Water Pump 0.317 0.303 Heating Hot Water Pump 0.307 0.396 Storage— Conditioned Condenser Water Pump 0.317 0.303 HVAC Fan 0.300 0.287 Cooling Tower Fan 0.307 0.280 Variable Frequency Drives (For HVAC Applications) 145 2.18. Water-Side Economizers The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to water-side economizer units installed in commercial spaces. This measure applies to projects which represent either equipment retrofit or new construction (including major renovations). Table 2-125 summarizes the `typical' expected (per combined chillers tonnage) unit energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below and data from past program participants. Table 2-125 Typical Savings Estimates for Water-Side Economizers Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton (Chillers) Ton (Chillers) Average Unit Energy Savings 153 kWh 153 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 10 Years 10 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 725.82 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $ 725.82 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.18.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligibility is determined by the installed cooling system. A water cooled chilled water plant must be present and a separate cooling tower installed dedicated to providing free cooling to the chilled water loop. The installed water-side economizer shall comply with IECC 2018 section C403.5.4 and have a design capacity to provide 100 percent of the system cooling load at temperatures of no greater than 50 °F dry bulb and 40 'F wet bulb. 2.18.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. For both cases the assumed baseline is a water cooled chilled water plant with no water-side free cooling capabilities. Retrofit (Early Replacement) If the project is adding water-side economizing capabilities to a pre-existing chilled water system, then it is considered a retrofit except when the project involves an expansion of capacity of the chilled water plant. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) Water-side economizer additions on new chilled water plants and on pre-existing plants undergoing expansion are considered new construction for the purposes of this measure. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. Part of IECC 2018 code compliance is that chilled-water systems greater than 1,320,000 Btu/h and district chilled-water systems greater than 1,720,000 Btu/h require either air or water side Water-Side Economizers 146 economizer control. Projects that exceed the stated size without an air-side economizer are not eligible for this measure. Exceptions are listed in Appendix B section 4.2. 2.18.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = Capsupplanted * LkWh/Ton 2.18.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWh/Ton Per unit energy savings as stipulated by weather zone. Capsupplanted The combined rated capacities of all the chillers supplanted by the water-side economizer. 2.18.5. Sources California DEER Prototypical Simulation models (modified), eQUEST-DEER 3-5002E13 IECC 2018 2010-2012 WOO17 Ex Ante Measure Cost Study Final Report. 2.18.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-126 Water Side Economizer Savings14 Building Type Zone 5 (AkWh/Ton) Zone 6 (AkWh/Ton) Community College 57.8 69.7 University 137.8 153.5 Hospital 341.8 323.0 Large Office 76.2 84.4 3-Story Retail 93.9 96.2 Average 141.5 145.3 13 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific kWh savings for various buildings. "'See"18-Typical Cal cs_WaterEcono_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings. Water-Side Economizers 147 2.19. Kitchen: Refrigerators/Freezers The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to the installation of a new reach-in commercial refrigerator, or freezer meeting ENERGY STAR 4.0 efficiency standards. ENERGY STAR labeled commercial refrigerators and freezers are more energy efficient because they are designed with components such as ECM evaporator and condenser fan motors, hot gas anti- sweat heaters, and/or high-efficiency compressors, which will significantly reduce energy consumption. Table 2-127 and Table 2-128 summarize `typical' expected (per unit) energy impacts for this measure can be found. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below.1' Note, there is not a difference between new construction and retrofit because the retrofit baseline is at least as efficient as that required by federal equipment standards. Table 2-127 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Refrigerators (< 30 ft3)116 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Refrigerator Refrigerator Average Unit Energy Savings 208 kWh 208 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 22 W 22 W Expected Useful Life 12 Years 12 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $2,905 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $537 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-128 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Refrigerators (>_ 30 ft3) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Refrigerator Refrigerator Average Unit Energy Savings 463 kWh 463 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 50 W 50 W Expected Useful Life 12 Years 12 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $2,905 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $1,350 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration "s See spreadsheet"19-TypicalCalcs_Kitch Frig Frzrlce_v3.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings,EUL,and incremental costs. 16 These numbers do not include chest refrigerators.Inclusion of chest refrigerators would increase the`typical'savings estimates. Kitchen: Refrigerators/Freezers 148 Table 2-129 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Freezers (< 30 ft3) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Freezer Freezer Average Unit Energy Savings 337 kWh 337 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 36 W 36 W Expected Useful Life 12 Years 12 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $3,718 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $653 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-130 Typical Savings Estimates for ENERGY STAR Freezers (>_ 30 ft3) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Freezer Freezer Average Unit Energy Savings 994 kWh 994 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 56 W 56 W Expected Useful Life 12 Years 12 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $3,718 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $1,729 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.19.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is a new commercial vertical solid, glass door refrigerator or freezer, or vertical chest freezer meeting the minimum ENERGY STAR 4.0 efficiency level standards. 2.19.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment The baseline equipment used to establish energy savings estimates for this measure is established by the Regional Technical Forum (RTF). The RTF uses an existing solid or glass door refrigerator or freezer meeting the minimum federal manufacturing standards effective as of March 27, 2017. The RTF sources a market potential study for and uses a baseline that is more efficient than code. Consequently, there is no distinction between baselines for new construction and retrofit projects. Retrofit (Early Replacement) See explanation above. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) See explanation above. Kitchen: Refrigerators/Freezers 149 2.19.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/Unit * N,,,;ts AkW = AkW/Unit * N,,,its = AkWh/Unit * CF / Hours 2.19.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkW Demand energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-131 and Table 2-132. kW/Unit Per unit demand savings. AkW/Unit; Unit demand savings for combination of type, harvest rate, and/or volume. CF Coincidence Factor = 0.937 Hours Annual operating hours = 8760 Nunits Number of refrigerators or freezers 2.19.5. Sources Regional Technical Forum measure workbooks: http://rtf.nwcounci1.org/measures/com/ComFreezer—v3.xlsm & http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/ComRefrigerator_v3.xlsm Regional Technical Forum measure workbook: https://nwcounci1.box.com/v/ComRefrigeratorFreezerv4-2 Illinois TRM Version 8.0 ENERGY STAR Certified Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Database 2.19.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Kitchen: Refrigerators/Freezers 150 Table 2-131 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units less than 15 cu.ft Measure Category Energy Savings Peak Reduction (kWh/yr) A Solid Door Refrigerator 229 24.46 Glass Door Refrigerator 168 17.96 Chest Refrigerator(Solid) 230 24.6 Chest Refrigerator(Glass) 43 4.63 Solid Door Freezers 204 21.77 Glass Door Freezers 335 35.85 Chest Freezer(Solid) 220 23.48 Chest Freezer(Glass) N/A N/A Table 2-132 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units 15 to 30 cu.ft. Measure Category Energy Savings Peak Reduction (kWh/yr) (W) Solid Door Refrigerator 260 27.77 Glass Door Refrigerator 295 31.6 Chest Refrigerator(Solid) 230 24.6 Chest Refrigerator(Glass) N/A N/A Solid Door Freezers 404 43.19 Glass Door Freezers 632 67.63 Chest Freezer(Solid) 229 24.49 Chest Freezer(Glass) N/A N/A Table 2-133 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units 30 to 50 cu.ft. Measure Category Energy Savings Peak Reduction (kWh/yr) A Solid Door Refrigerator 250 26.74 Glass Door Refrigerator 564 60.37 Chest Refrigerator(Solid) N/A N/A Chest Refrigerator(Glass) N/A N/A Solid Door Freezers 468 50.1 Glass Door Freezers 1113 119.03 Chest Freezer(Solid) N/A N/A Chest Freezer(Glass) N/A N/A Kitchen: Refrigerators/Freezers 151 Table 2-134 Unit Energy and Demand Savings for Units greater than 50 cu.ft. Measure Category Energy Savings Peak Reduction (kWh/yr) A Solid Door Refrigerator 445 47.55 Glass Door Refrigerator 594 63.5 Chest Refrigerator(Solid) N/A N/A Chest Refrigerator(Glass) N/A N/A Solid Door Freezers 785 83.94 Glass Door Freezers 1610 172.24 Chest Freezer(Solid) N/A N/A Chest Freezer(Glass) N/A N/A Table 2-135 List of Incremental Cost Data for Refrigerators and Freezers. Equipment Type Federal Cost Energy Star Incremental Cost Cost Vertical Transparent Door Refrigerator $3,216 $4,430 $1,214 Vertical Transparent Door Freezer $4,395 $6,013 $1,617 Vertical Solid Door Refrigerator $1,913 $3,099 $1,186 Vertical Solid Door Freezer $2,322 $3,812 $1,490 Horizontal Transparent Door Refrigerator $964 $1,468 $504 Horizontal Transparent Door Freezer $1,047 $1,718 $670 Horizontal Solid Door Refrigerator $783 $1,186 $404 Horizontal Solid Door Freezer $796 $1,330 $534 From RTF Workbook: http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/ComRefrigeratorFreezer_v4_2 Kitchen: Refrigerators/Freezers 152 2.20. Kitchen: Ice Machines The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to the installation of a new commercial ice machine meeting ENERGY STAR 3.0 efficiency standards. The ENERGY STAR label is applied to air-cooled, cube-type ice machines including ice-making head, self-contained, and remote-condensing units. Table 2-136 and Table 2-137 summarize the `typical' expected (per unit) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. "s Note there is not a difference between new construction and retrofit because the retrofit baseline is at least as efficient as that required by federal equipment standards. Table 2-136 Typical Savings Estimates for Ice Machines (<200 lbs/day) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Machine Machine Average Unit Energy Savings 285 kWh 285 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.05 kW 0.05 kW Expected Useful Life 9 Years 9 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $2,775 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $311 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Table 2-137 Typical Savings Estimates for Ice Machines (>_200 lbs/day) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Machine Machine Average Unit Energy Savings 2608 kWh 2608 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.49 kW 0.49 kW Expected Useful Life 9 Years 9 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $3,130 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $311 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 2.20.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is a new commercial ice machine meeting the minimum ENERGY STAR 3.0 efficiency level standards. 78 See spreadsheet"20-Typical Cal cs_KitchIceMcn_v3.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings,EUL,and incremental costs. Kitchen: Ice Machines 153 2.20.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment The baseline condition for retrofit and new construction is established by the RTF. The RTF uses a commercial ice machine meeting federal equipment standard effective January 1, 2018. The RTF sources a market potential study for and uses a baseline that is more efficient than code. Consequently, there is no distinction between baselines for new construction and retrofit projects. Retrofit (Early Replacement) See explanation above. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) See explanation above. 2.20.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWh/Unit * Nunrrs _ [(kWhbase— kWhInstalled) /100 * H * DC * 365.25] * Nunits OkW = OkW/Unit * Nunits = OkWh/Unit;,;,, * CIF / Hours 2.20.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Demand energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-138. OkW/Unit Per unit demand savings as stipulated in Table 2-138. kWh ba.11,statled Daily energy usage per 100 pounds of ice for base (baseline) or installed ice machines. AkWhwastewater Annual savings from reduced water usage. CF Coincidence Factor = 0.919 H Harvest Rate (pounds of ice made per day) 19 From SDGE Workpaper:WPSDGENRCC0004 Revision 3 Kitchen: Ice Machines 154 DC Duty Cycle of the ice Machine120 Nunits Number of refrigerators or freezers 2.20.5.Sources ■ Regional Technical Forum measure workbooks: http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/ComlceMaker v1_2.xlsx ■ SDG&E Work Paper: WPSDGENRCC0004, "Commercial Ice Machines" Revision 3 ■ Illinois TRM Version 8.0 ■ ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers Version 3.0 Specification 2.20.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Ice Making Head (IMH): automatic commercial ice makers that do not contain integral storage bins but are generally designed to accommodate a variety of bin capacities. Storage bins entail additional energy use not included in the reported energy consumption figures for these units.121 Remote Condensing Unit (RSU): A type of automatic commercial ice maker in which the ice- making mechanism and condenser or condensing unit are in separate sections. This includes ice makers with and without remote compressor.122 Self-Contained Unit (SCU): A type of automatic commercial ice maker in which the ice-making mechanism and storage compartment are in an integral cabinet.123 120 Value from Illinois Technical Reference Manual 4.2.10 121 ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers Version 3.0 Specification 122 ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers Version 3.0 Specification 12'ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Makers Version 3.0 Specification Kitchen: Ice Machines 155 Table 2-138 Unit Energy Savings for Ice Machine121 Measure kWh per Unit kW per Unit Savings Savings Air-cooled Batched IMH <200 Ib 147 0.03 Air-cooled Batched IMH >_ 200 Ib 1072 0.20 Air-cooled Batched RCU < 200 Ib 215 0.04 Air-cooled Batched RCU >_200 Ib 1771 0.33 Air-cooled Batched SCU <200 Ib 320 0.06 Air-cooled Batched SCU >_200 Ib 4214 0.79 Air-cooled Continuous IMH< 200 Ib 250 0.05 Air-cooled Continuous IMH >_ 200 Ib 2620 0.49 Air-cooled Continuous RCU < 200 Ib 380 0.07 Air-cooled Continuous RCU >_200 Ib 3288 0.62 Air-cooled Continuous SCU <200 Ib 304 0.06 Air-cooled Continuous SCU >_ 200 Ib 2001 0.38 Table 2-139 Unit Incremental Cost for Ice Machines121 Harvest Rate (H) New Construction & ROB Retrofit-ER 100-200 Ib ice machine $311 $2,775 201-300 Ib ice machine $311 $2,775 301-400 Ib ice machine $266 $2,673 401-500 Ib ice machine $266 $2,673 501-1000 Ib ice machine $249 $4,561 1001-1500 Ib ice machine $589 $4,688 >1500 Ib ice machine $939 $8,130 124 Values given are based on assumed weights for harvest rates.Savings vary significantly between harvest rates. 121 Values from SDGE Workpaper:WPSDGENRCC0004 Revision 3 Kitchen: Ice Machines 156 2.21. Kitchen: Efficient Dishwashers The measure relating to the installation of an efficient dish washer is no longer offered in the incentive program since the Regional Technical Forum has deactivated this measure based on current building standard practices. Refer to version 2.2 of the Idaho Power TRM for previous assumptions. Kitchen: Efficient Dishwashers 157 2.22. Refrigeration: Efficient Refrigerated Cases The measure relating to the installation of efficient refrigerated case has been deemed standard practice and is no longer offered in the incentive program. Refer to version 2.2 of the Idaho Power TRM for previous assumptions. Refrigeration: Efficient Refrigerated Cases 158 2.23. Refrigeration: ASH Controls Anti-sweat heater (ASH) controls turn off door heaters when there is little or no risk of condensation. There are two commercially available control strategies that achieve "on-off' control of door heaters based on either: (1) the relative humidity of the air in the store or (2) the "conductivity" of the door (which drops when condensation appears). In the first strategy, the system activates door heaters when the relative humidity in a store rises above a specific set- point and turns them off when the relative humidity falls below that set-point. In the second strategy, the sensor activates the door heaters when the door conductivity falls below a certain set-point and turns them off when the conductivity rises above that set-point. Without controls, anti-sweat heaters run continuously whether they are necessary or not. Savings are realized from the reduction in energy used by not having the heaters running continuously. In addition, secondary savings result from reduced cooling load on the refrigeration unit when the heaters are off. The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to ASH controls installed on commercial glass door coolers and freezers. Table 2-140 summarizes the `typical' expected (per linear ft. of case) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-140 Typical Savings Estimates for ASH Controls126 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit linear ft. of case_ n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 256 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 29.2 W n/a Expected Useful Life _ 8 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $ 77.26127 n/a Average Incremental Cost _ n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.23.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is assumed to be a door heater control on a commercial glass door cooler or refrigerator utilizing humidity or conductivity control. This does not apply to special doors with low/no anti-sweat heat. 2.23.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the retrofit scenario. 126 See spreadsheet "23-TypicalCalcs_ASH_v4.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings,expected useful life,and incremental costs. 127 The cost is based on the most recent Regional Technical Forum Measure Workbook for this measure: http://rtf.nwcounci1.org/measures/Com/ComGroceryAntiSweatHeaters_v4.3.xIsm. Refrigeration: ASH Controls 159 Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline condition is assumed to be a commercial glass door cooler or refrigerator with a standard heated door with no controls installed. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New construction is not eligible for this measure as this measure is assumed to be standard practice. 2.23.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = [ (WInsta11ed * Fwaste * 3.413 * 8760 * Fs,,/ ( EER * DF * 1000 )) + (Winstaued * 8760 * Fs,,/ 1000 ) ] * L OkW = OkWh / 8760 2.23.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. Wlnstalled Connected load (kW)for typical reach-in refrigerator or freezer door and frame with a heater. L Length of the cases in linear feet. EER Energy Efficiency Ratio for the annual average refrigeration system. DF Degradation Factor accounts for the refrigeration and HVAC systems ages, condenser cleanliness and condition, and evaporative or air cooled condenser. Fwaste Waste Heat Factor. Defined as the percentage of ASH energy use that is converted into heat in the case and must be removed by the refrigeration system. Stipulated values for this figure are provided in Table 2-141. Fsav ASH run-time reduction Factor. Stipulated values for this figure are provided in Table 2-141. 2.23.5. Sources June 2001 edition of ASHRAE Journal Refrigeration: ASH Controls 160 ■ Regional Technical Forum, Measure Workbooks http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/ComGroceryAntiSweatHeaterControls_v4.3.xlsm ■ PG&E Work Paper PGEREF108: Anti-Sweat Heat (ASH) Control 2.23.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-141 Connected Load for Typical Reach-In Case121 Case Type kWBase EER DF Fwaste Fsav AW/linear AkWh/linear ft. case ft. case Low Temperature 55.20 4.10 0.98 35% 47% 33.4 292 Medium Temperature 23.68 10.56 0.98 35% 95% 25.1 220 Average 39.44 7.33 0.98 35% 71% 29.2 256 12' The values are based on the most recent Regional Technical Forum Measure Workbook for this measure. http://rtf.nwcounci1.org/measures/Com/ComGroceryAntiSweatHeaters_v4.3.xIsm Refrigeration: ASH Controls 161 2.24. Refrigeration: Auto-Closer Auto-closers on freezers and coolers can reduce the amount of time that doors are open, thereby reducing infiltration and refrigeration loads. The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to auto-closers installed on reach-in and walk-in coolers and freezers. Table 2-142 through Table 2-145 summarize the `typical' expected (per door) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. 129 Table 2-142 Typical Savings Estimates for Auto-Closers (Walk-In, Low-Temp) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Door n/a� Average Unit Energy Savings 2,509 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.27 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 8 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $736 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-143 Typical Savings Estimates forAuto-Closers (Walk-In, Med-Temp) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Door n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 562 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.14 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 8 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $736 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 121 See spreadsheet"24-TypicalCalcs_AutoCloser_v4.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Refrigeration: Auto-Closer 162 Table 2-144 Typical Savings Estimates forAuto-Closers (Reach-In, Low-Temp) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Door n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 326 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.04 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 8 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $736 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-145 Typical Savings Estimates for Auto-Closers (Reach-In, Med-Temp) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ,. Door n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 243 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.04 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 8 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $ 736 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.24.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is an auto-closer that must be able to firmly close the door when it is within one inch of full closure. 2.24.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the retrofit scenario. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment is doors not previously equipped with functioning auto-closers and assumes the walk-in doors have strip curtains. Walk-in doors without strip curtains are still available to apply for this measure incentive but there is no additional savings calculated based on the lack of strip curtains. Additionally, walk-in doors without auto-closers and strip curtains can apply for both Refrigeration: Auto Closers AND Refrigeration Strip Curtains without any interactive effect penalty. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New construction is not eligible for this measure as this measure is assumed to be standard practice. Refrigeration: Auto-Closer 163 2.24.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWh/Unit * Nur,tts OkW = AkW/Unit * Nunrts 2.24.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. OkWh/Unit Unit energy savings estimates. Stipulated values for this input are provided in Table 2-146 based on case type and temperature. OkW/Unit Unit demand savings estimates. Stipulated values for this input are provided in Table 2-146 based on case type and temperature. Nunits Number of doors onto which this measure is installed. 2.24.5. Sources Regional Technical Forum, Measure Workbooks http://rtf.nwcounci1.org/measures/com/ComGroceryAutoCloser—v1-2.xlsm http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/ComGroceryDisplayCaseECMs—v2-2.xlsm Workpaper PGECOREF110.7 —Auto-Closers for Main Cooler or Freezer Doors DEER Measure Cost Summary: http://www.deeresources.com/deer09l 1 planning/downloads/DEER2008_Costs_ValuesA ndDocumentation-080530Revl.zip 2.24.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-146 Unit Energy and Demand Savings Estimates Case Temperature AkWh/Unit AkW/Unit Low Temperature (Reach-in) 326 0.04 Medium Temperature (Reach-in) 243 0.04 Low Temperature (Walk-in) 2,509 0.27 Medium Temperature (Walk-in) 562 0.14 Refrigeration: Auto-Closer 164 2.25. Refrigeration: Condensers The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to efficient air and evaporative cooled refrigeration condensers. Condensers can be oversized to take maximum advantage of low ambient dry-bulb (for air-cooled) or wet-bulb (for evaporative cooled) temperatures. Table 2-147 summarizes the `typical' expected (per ton) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-147 Summary Deemed Savings Estimates for Efficient Refrigeration Condenser Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Ton ton Average Unit Energy Savings 120 kWh 114 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.118 kW 0.112 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $ 912130 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $ 192131 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.25.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Efficient condenser retrofits must have floating head pressure controls, staged or VSD controlled fans, must operate with subcooling of 50F or more at design conditions and have a TD of 80F of less for low-temp systems, 13°F or less for med-temp systems and 18°F or less for evaporative condensers. 2.25.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the existing condenser coil in a properly working and maintained condition. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction projects is defined to be a properly working and maintained condenser coil with all required fan and head pressure controls as defined by the local energy codes and standards. 3o SWCR022 Version 1 Refrigeration Efficient Adiabatic Condenser 31 SWCR022 Version 1 Refrigeration Efficient Adiabatic Condenser Refrigeration: Condensers 165 2.25.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/Unit * Nunrts AkW = AkW/Unit * N,,,its 2.25.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. AkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-148. AkW/Unit Per unit demand savings as stipulated in Table 2-148. Nunirs Number of condensers installed on individual systems 2.25.5. Sources Ameren Missouri Technical Resource Manual Version 2.0 SWCR022 Version 1 Refrigeration Efficient Adiabatic Condenser DEER 2011 database 2.25.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-148 Unit Energy Savings for Efficient Refrigeration Condenser132 Measure kWh/Ton kW/Ton Energy Efficient Condenser- Retrofit 120 0.118 Energy Efficient Condenser—New Construction 114 0.112 112 From Ameren Missouri Technical Resource Manual Refrigeration: Condensers 166 2.26. Refrigeration: Controls Floating-head pressure controls take advantage of low outside air temperatures to reduce the amount of work for the compressor by allowing the head pressure to drop and rise along with outdoor conditions. Dropping the head pressure during low outdoor ambient temperature conditions (less than 70 degrees F) reduces compressor energy consumption and overall runtime. Floating suction pressure requires controls to reset refrigeration system target suction temperature based on refrigerated display case or walk-in temperature, rather than operating at a fixed suction temperature set-point. This also reduces compressor energy consumption and overall runtime. Table 2-149 through Table 2-151 the `typical' expected (per unit)energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-149 Typical Savings Estimates for Floating Suction Pressure Controls (Only) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 104 kWh 77 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 19 W low Expected Useful Life 16 Years 16 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $86.91 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $53.75 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-150 Typical Savings Estimates for Floating Head Pressure Controls (Only) Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 440 kWh 225 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 17 W 11 W Expected Useful Life 16 Years 16 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $311.90 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $171.90 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Refrigeration: Controls 167 Table 2-151 Typical Savings Estimates for Floating Head and Suction Pressure Controls Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 544 kWh 302 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 36 W 21 W Expected Useful Life 16 Years 16 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $398.81 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $225.65 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.26.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Refrigeration systems having compressors with motors rated 1 horsepower or larger are eligible. A head pressure control valve (flood-back control valve) must be installed to lower minimum condensing head pressure from fixed position (180 psig for R-22; 210 psig for R-404a) to a saturated pressure equivalent to 70 degrees F or less. Either a balanced-port or electronic expansion valve that is sized to meet the load requirement at a 70 degree condensing temperature must be installed. Alternatively, a device may be installed to supplement refrigeration feed to each evaporator attached to condenser that is reducing head pressure. Equipment eligibility is based on the requirements stated in the most recent Reginal Technical Forum measure for Floating Head Pressure Controls and should be referenced for me details on eligible equipment. 2.26.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the existing refrigeration system without floating head and/or suction pressure controls. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for New Construction projects is a refrigeration system meeting current federal energy efficiency requirements and without floating head and/or suction pressure controls. Recently Idaho adopted IECC 2018 as the energy efficiency standard for new construction. IECC 2018 standards now requires that compressors include a floating suction pressure control logic and therefore are not eligible for that part of this measure savings. Exception: Controls are not required for the following: • Single-compressor systems that do not have variable capacity capability. • Suction groups that have a design saturated suction temperature of 30' F or higher, suction groups that comprise the high stage of a two-stage or cascade system, or suction groups that primarily serve chillers for secondary cooling fluids. Refrigeration: Controls 168 2.26.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/Unit * Cap AkW = AkW/Unit* Cap 2.26.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. AkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. AkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-152 and Table 2-153 according to building type, building vintage, and baseline refrigeration system type. AW/Unit Per unit demand savings (in Watts) as stipulated in Table 2-152 and Table 2-153 according to building type, building vintage, and baseline refrigeration system type. Cap The capacity (in Tons) of the refrigeration system(s) onto which controls are being installed. 2.26.5. Sources ■ DEER Database for Energy-Efficient Resources. Version 2011 4.01 ■ DEER Measure Cost Summary: http://www.deeresources.com/deer09l 1 plan ning/downloads/DEER2008_Costs_ValuesA ndDocumentation_080530Rev1.zip ■ Regional Technical Forum UES workbook for Floating Head Pressure Controls: http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/ComGroceryFHPCSingleCompressor_v2_l.xls ■ I ECC 2018 2.26.6.Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Refrigeration: Controls 169 Table 2-152 Unit Energy and Demand Savings estimates for Retrofit Projects Measure Description AkWh/HP AW/HP Grocery, Floating Suction Pressure 104 17.27 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Fixed Setpoint(air-cooled) 325 -0.81 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Fixed Setpoint(evap-cooled) 466 4.59 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpoint(air-cooled) 345 9.05 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpoint(evap-cooled) 484 26.89 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpt& Speed (air-cooled) 520 21.90 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpt& Speed (evap-cooled) 515 30.85 Ref Warehse, Floating Suction Pressure 115 57.89 Ref Warehse, Floating Head Pressure, Fixed Setpoint(evap-cooled) 351 45.10 Ref Warehse, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpoint(evap-cooled) 351 45.10 Ref Warehse, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpt & Speed (evap- 467 45.10 cooled) Table 2-153 Unit Energy and Demand Savings estimates for New Construction Projects Measure Description AkWh/HP _ AW/HP Grocery, Floating Suction Pressure 78 9.62 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Fixed Setpoint(air-cooled) 120 0.00 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Fixed Setpoint(evap-cooled) 184 -23.55 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpoint(air-cooled) 169 16.24 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpoint(evap-cooled) 190 0.62 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpt&Speed (air-cooled) 411 63.16 Grocery, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpt& Speed (evap-cooled) 226 4.96 Ref Warehse, Floating Suction Pressure 70 12.31 Ref Warehse, Floating Head Pressure, Fixed Setpoint(evap-cooled) 352 28.06 Ref Warehse, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpoint(evap-cooled) 352 28.06 Ref Warehse, Floating Head Pressure, Variable Setpt & Speed (evap- 438 28.06 cooled) Refrigeration: Controls 170 2.27. Refrigeration: Door Gasket The measure relating to the installation of door gasket for refrigeration has been deemed standard practice and is no longer offered in the incentive program. Refer to version 2.2 of the Idaho Power TRM for previous assumptions. 2.28. Refrigerator: Evaporator Fans This measure has been removed from the TRM because it is deemed standard practice for new construction and for retrofit there are too many restrictions to the unit size and fitting that most new models fail to qualify as viable replacements for existing units. This difficulty to find a qualifying retrofit unit results in poor customer experience and reduces participation in other TRM measures. Refrigeration: Door Gasket 171 2.29. Refrigeration: Insulation This measure applies to installation of insulation on existing bare suction lines (the larger diameter lines that run from the evaporator to the compressor) that are located outside of the refrigerated space. Insulation impedes heat transfer from the ambient air to the suction lines, thereby reducing undesirable system superheat. This decreases the load on the compressor, resulting in decreased compressor operating hours, and energy savings. Table 2-154 and Table 2-155 summarize the `typical' expected (per foot) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-154 Typical Savings Estimates for Suction Line Insulation for Medium-Temperature Coolers133 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Linear Foot n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 7.5 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 1.5 W n/a Expected Useful Life 7 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $ 6.45 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-155 Typical Savings Estimates for Suction Line Insulation for Low-Temperature Freezers9.. Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Linear Foot n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 12 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 2.3 W n/a Expected Useful Life 7 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $ 7.35 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.29.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Insulation must insulate bare refrigeration suction lines of 2-1/4 inches in diameter or less on existing equipment only. Medium temperature lines require 3/4 inch of flexible, closed-cell, nitrite rubber or an equivalent insulation. Low temperature lines require 1-inch of insulation that is in compliance with the specifications above. Insulation exposed to the outdoors must be protected from the weather (i.e. jacketed with a medium-gauge aluminum jacket). 33 From SCE Work Paper:SCE17RN003.2 34 From SCE Work Paper:SCE17RN003.2 Refrigeration: Insulation 172 2.29.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the retrofit scenario. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline condition is an un-insulated (bare) refrigeration suction line. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New construction is not eligible since installation of insulation on refrigerant suction line is standard practice. 2.29.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWh/Length * L OkW = OkW/Length * L 2.29.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. OkWh/Length Energy savings per unit of length. Stipulated values for this input are listed in Table 2-156. OkW/Length Energy savings per unit of length. Stipulated values for this input are listed in Table 2-156. L Length of insulation installed. 2.29.5. Sources ■ Southern California Edison Company, "Insulation of Bare Refrigeration Suction Lines", Work Paper SCE17RN003 Revision 2 ■ Regional Technical Forum, Measure Workbooks: http://rtf.nwcouncil.org/measures/com/ComGroceryWalkinECM—v3-1.xlsm 2.29.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Refrigeration: Insulation 173 Table 2-156 Unit Energy Savings for Suction Line Insulation115 Case Type dkW/ft dkWh/ft Medium-Temperature Coolers 0.001548 7.5 Low-Temperature Freezers 0.00233 12 as See spreadsheet "29-TypicalCalcs_Reflns_v3.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Unit energy savings are referenced from the DEER for California climate zone 16(which exhibits the most similar weather to Idaho). Note that these savings do not exhibit significant sensitivity to outdoor weather. Refrigeration: Insulation 174 2.30. Refrigeration: Night Covers Night covers are deployed during facility unoccupied hours to reduce refrigeration energy consumption. These types of display cases are typically found in all size grocery stores. The inside display case air temperature for low-temperature is below 10°F, for medium-temperature between 10°F to 30°F and for high-temperature between 30OF to 55°F. The main benefit of using night covers on open display cases is a reduction of infiltration and radiation cooling loads. It is recommended that these covers have small, perforated holes to decrease moisture buildup. The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to night covers installed on existing open- type refrigerated display cases. Table 2-157 summarizes the `typical' expected (per ft. of the opening width) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-157 Typical Savings Estimates for Night Covers Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ft. of case n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 158 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.0 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 5 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $42.20 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.30.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is assumed to be a refrigerated case with a continuous cover deployed during overnight periods. Characterization assumes covers are deployed for six hours daily. 2.30.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the retrofit scenario. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment is assumed to be an open refrigerated case with no continuous covering deployed during overnight periods. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New construction is not eligible for this measure as this measure is assumed to be standard practice. 2.30.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: Refrigeration: Night Covers 175 OkWh = OkWh/Unit * L OkW = 0 2.30.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Defined to be zero for this measure. Demand savings are zero because it is assumed that the covers aren't used during the peak period. OkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings as stipulated in Table 2-158 according to case temperature and climate zone. 2.30.5. Sources PGE Workpaper. "Night Covers for Display Cases Revision #6", PGECOREF101 vision 6.0 DEER Measure Cost Summary: http://www.deeresources.com/deer09l 1 planning/downloads/DEER2008_Costs_ValuesA ndDocumentation_080530Rev1.zip Arkansas TRM Version 8.0 2.30.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-158 Unit Energy Savings for Refrigeration: Night Covers Case Type Savings (kWh/ft) Low Temperature 197 Medium Temperature 119 Refrigeration: Night Covers 176 2.31. Refrigeration: No-Heat Glass New low/no heat door designs incorporate heat reflective coatings on the glass, gas inserted between the panes, non-metallic spacers to separate the glass panes, and/or non-metallic frames (such as fiberglass). This protocol documents the energy savings attributed to the installation of special glass doors with low/no anti-sweat heaters for low temp cases. Table summarizes the `typical' expected (per door) energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-159 Typical Savings Estimates for Low/No Heat Doors13s Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Door Door Average Unit Energy Savings 779 kWh 675 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.16 kW 0.14 kW Expected Useful Life 12 Years 12 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $664 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $544 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.31.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is a no-heat/low-heat clear glass on an upright display case. It is limited to door heights of 57 inches or more. Doors must have either heat reflective treated glass, be gas filled, or both. This measure applies to low temperature cases only—those with a case temperature below 0°F. Doors must have 3 or more panes. Total door rail, glass, and frame heater wattage cannot exceed 54 Watts per door for low temperature display cases. 2.31.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline condition is assumed to be a commercial glass door that consists of two-pane glass, aluminum doorframes and door rails, and door and frame heaters. For the purposes of calculating typical energy savings for this measure it is assumed that the baseline door and frame heaters consume 214 Watts per door. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline for new construction projects is established by the typically commercial glass door employed. For the purposes of calculating typical energy savings for this measure it is assumed that the baseline door and frame heaters consume 193 Watts per door. 131 See spreadsheet "31-Typical Calcs_NoHeatGlass_v4.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings, EUL,and incremental cost. Refrigeration: No-Heat Glass 177 2.31.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = OkWh/Unit * Nun,&, OkW = OkW/Unit * Nun;ts 2.31.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. OkWh/Unit Per unit energy savings. Stipulated values for this input can be found in Table 2-160. OkW/Unit Per unit peak reduction. Stipulated values for this input can be found in Table 2-160. Nu,;ts Total number of doors installed. 2.31.5.Sources ■ Southern California Edison. Low ASH Display Doors Work Paper: SCE13RN018.0 ■ Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Low ASH Display Doors Work Paper: PGECOREF123 Revision 3 ■ Southern California Edison Company, "Insulation of Bare Refrigeration Suction Lines", Work Paper SCE17RN003 Revision 0 ■ South West Coastal Region "Low-Temperature Display Case Doors with No Anti-sweat Heaters", SWCR002 Revision 1 ■ DEER EUL/RUL Values: http://www.deeresources.com/deer09l l planning/downloads/EUL_Summary_10-1-08.xls 2.31.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-160 Stipulated Energy and Demand Savings Estimates for "No-Heat Glass" Baseline Measure Demand Energy Usage Usage Savings Savings (W/door) (W/door) (kW) (kWh/year) Retrofit 214 54 .16 779 New Construction 193 54 .14 675 Refrigeration: No-Heat Glass 178 2.32. PC Management Software This measure has been removed from the TRM because of the Regional Technical Forum has deactivated this measure based on current technologies having power management software built in to new equipment and most commercial IT departments assuming this as standard practice. PC Management Software 179 2.33. Variable Frequency Drives (Process Applications) This measure has been removed from the TRM because of the large variability associated with motor runtime and motor speed making a deemed savings value unreliable. See sections 2.40 and 2.43 for specific process VFD savings. Variable Frequency Drives (Process Applications) 180 2.34. Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors High speed doors are flexible doors composed of a soft material that can either roll up or bi-part for instant access to a facility. Automatic high speed doors can provide energy savings by decreasing the amount of time a door will remain open compared to a traditional warehouse door. Traditional warehouse doors are generally left open for longer periods of time than necessary since it takes extra time to open and close these doors every time. The savings potential for automatic high speed doors is variable and depends upon its location and time left open. The method below can be used to assess energy impacts for projects in which an automatic high speed door is installed on a freezer or refrigerated space. Automatic high speed doors will have an additional benefit of reduced man hours required to operate a typical door. Table 2-161 through Table 2-163 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-161 Typical Saving Estimate for Automatic High Speed Doors: Refrigerated Space to DOck137 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit . Square Foot of . Square Foot of Door Opening Door Opening Average Unit Energy Savings 400 kWh 360 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.42 kW 0.38 kW Expected Useful Life 16 Years 16 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $188 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $167 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-162 Typical Savings Estimate for Automatic High Speed Doors: Freezer to Dock Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit i. Square Foot of Square Foot of Door Opening Door Opening Average Unit Energy Savings 2,812 kWh 2,531 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 2.79 kW 2.51 kW Expected Useful Life 16 Years 16 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $188 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $167 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 131 See spreadsheet "34-TypicalCalcs_HighSpeedDoor v3.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors 181 Table 2-163 Typical Savings Estimate for Automatic High Speed Doors: Freezer to Refrigerated Space Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Square Foot Square Foot Average Unit Energy Savings 2,032 kWh 1,829 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 2.02 kW 1.82 kW Expected Useful Life 16 Years 16 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $188 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $167 Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.34.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment will replace a manual or electric door with an automatic door that will open and close. New door controls should decrease the amount of time the door remains open throughout the day. Savings will not be realized if doors are rarely opened or personnel are already diligent about ensuring door is only open when needed. Qualifying automatic door closers will be able fully open or fully close within 7.5 seconds and will remain open for less than 3 minutes.138 2.34.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment are manual or electronic doors that require personnel input to open and close the doors. Baseline door openings should either have strip curtains that block a majority of door area or is typically closed during business hours. During times of traffic, primary doors are left open, leaving just the strip curtains as open-doorway protection. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the existing refrigeration system and manual or electronic warehouse doors. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for New Construction projects is a refrigeration system meeting current federal energy efficiency requirements and manual or electronic warehouse doors. 2.34.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OMMBtu/h = 60 * V * A * (hi_hr) * p * Dt/ CF1 38 ASHRAE,`Refrigerated—Facility Loads", in Refrigeration Handbook 2014:ASHRAE,2014,24.11 and 24.6. Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors 182 A kWh = (MMBtu/h * CF,) / (CF2 * COP) A kW = kWh / EFLH 2.34.4. Definitions OMMBtu/h Expected heat savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. V Face air velocity across the door opening (ft/min). A Area of the door opening (ft2). h; Enthalpy of the infiltration air (Btu/Ib). hr Enthalpy of the refrigerated air (Btu/Ib). P Air density of the refrigerated air (lb/ft3). Dt Annual duration of time door is open (hours/year). CF, Conversion factor 1,000,000 Btu/MMBtu. CF2 Conversion factor 3,413 Btu/kWh. COP Coefficient of Performance of the refrigeration system 2.34.5. Sources ■ ASH RAE Refrigeration Handbook 2010 ■ Oregon State University, Energy Efficiency Center Research: (http://eeref.engr.oregonstate.edu/Opportunity_Templates/High_Speed_Door) ■ RTF: Commercial Grocery Floating Head Pressure v2.1 2.34.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors 183 Table 2-164 Typical Freezer and Refrigerated Space Properties Measure Freezer Refrigerated Space Temperature(°C) -18 0 Enthalpy(Btu/Ib) -16.2 9.477 Air Density(Ibs/ft3) 0.0863 0.0806 Retrofit COP139 1.26 2.295 New Construction COP140 1.4 2.55 139 Retrofit COP is assumed to be 10%less efficient than the new construction efficiency 10 New Construction COP is from the RTF for Commercial Grocery Floating Head Pressure Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors 184 2.35. High Volume Low Speed Fans High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) Fans provide greater air flow for the same amount of energy compared to a standard fan. This increased air flow provided can reduce the number of fans necessary to properly circulate air compared to the standard fan. Circulation fans are used to provide air movement for thermal comfort in large open spaces or an open ceiling area with partial wall dividers. Energy savings are realized by being able to reduce the number of fans necessary to achieve the same desired air circulation volume. Table 2-165 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-165 Typical Saving Estimate for High Volume Low Speed Fans in Unconditioned Spaces14. Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Fan Fan Average Unit Energy Savings 16,105 kWh 16,105 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 4.23 kW 4.23 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $4,185 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $3,185 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Table 2-166 Typical Savings Estimate for High Volume Low Speed Fans in Conditioned Spaces"' Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Fan Fan Average Unit Energy Savings 17,360 kWh 17,360 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 4.56 kW 4.56 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $4,185 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $3,185 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 141 See spreadsheet"35-TypicalCalcs_HVLSFans_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 142 See spreadsheet"35-TypicalCalcs_HVLSFans_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. High Volume Low Speed Fans 185 2.35.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment will replace standard high speed fans with fewer high volume low speed fans. HVLS fans should operate only during business hours (either turned off automatically or by a manual switch) and only when needed for thermal comfort. Eligible equipment should follow AMCA 230-15 performance testing standards and meet the minimum energy efficiency (CFM/Watt) requirement for large diameter ceiling fans set by Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) Part 430 C Energy and Water Conservation Standards. The minimum energy efficiency is estimated with the following equation: Minimum Energy Efficiency (CFM/Watt) = 0.91 D (inch) -30. 00143 Where: D is the ceiling fan's blade span, in inches. 2.35.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment are standard 48 inch high speed fans operating to provide thermal comfort in an unconditioned space. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects are the existing standard high speed fans in unconditioned spaces. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for New Construction projects are standard high speed fans in unconditioned spaces. 2.35.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: A kW = (JWb— YWee) A kWh = A kW * Hours * CIF 2.35.4. Definitions AkWh Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. OkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. 13 Title 10—Energy Electronic Code of Federal Regulations(e-CFR)430.32 Energy and water conservation standards(i) High Volume Low Speed Fans 186 Wb Baseline fan wattage (Watts) Wee Installed HVLS fan wattage (Watts) Hours Total annual operating hours (hours) CIF Cooling interactive factor (CIF=1 for unconditioned spaces) 2.35.5. Sources Illinois TRM Version 8.0 Measure 4.1.2 Minnesota TRM Version 2.1 Pennsylvania PUC TRM Wisconsin Focus on Energy 2019 TRM Energy Electronic Code of Federal Regulations 430.32 - Energy and water conservation standards 2.35.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-167 Fan Replacement Wattage by Fan Diameter Fan Diameter(ft) HVLS Watts Baseline Fans Watts kW Savings 16 761 4124 3.36 18 850 4640 3.79 20 940 5155 4.21 22 940 5671 4.73 24 1119 6186 5.07 Table 2-168 Average Savings by Fan Diameter in Unconditioned Space Fan Diameter Demand Savings Annual Savings 16 3.4 12,795 18 3.8 14,418 20 4.2 16,036 22 4.7 17,998 24 5.1 19,278 Average 4.23 16,105 High Volume Low Speed Fans 187 Table 2-169 Fan Hours by Building Type Annual Hours Above 50 Building Type Operating Hours Daily Hours CZ5 CZ6 Warehouse 4746 13.00 3877 3310 Manufacturing 5200 14.25 4011 3389 Other/Misc 4576 12.54 3877 3310 Table 2-170 Estimated Savings for Conditioned Spaces Building Type Fan kWh Fan Demand HCIF kW kWh Savings Savings Savings Savings Process Facility 16,105 4.23 1.05 4.44 16,910 Conditioned Warehouse 16,105 4.23 1.05 4.44 16,910 Refrigerated Warehouse (35 Degrees) 16,105 4.23 1.13 4.80 18,261 Cold Storage Warehouse (0 Degrees) 16,105 4.23 1.17 4.95 18,814 High Volume Low Speed Fans 188 2.36. HVAC Fan Motor Belts Cogged and Synchronous fan motor belts provide greater motor transfer efficiency compared to a standard fan belt. The cogged belt can be used directly on a standard fan motor without any motor retrofits. Energy savings are realized by more efficiently transferring power from the fan motor when in operation. A standard fan belt loses efficiency over time as the belt stretches and wears down with an average of 93% energy transfer rate. The cogged fan belt takes longer to wear out but still requires the occasional maintenance to tighten and averages a 95% energy transfer rate. The synchronous belt is toothed and requires the fan to be retrofitted to function but once installed it does not require the same amount of maintenance since the toothed design prohibits slippage as the belt stretches and therefore maintains a high average of 98% energy transfer rate. Note, savings can only be realized if the motor speed is adjusted to run slower based on improved belt efficiency. Table 2-171 and Table 2-172 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-171 Typical Saving Estimate for Cogged HVAC Fan Belts144 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 83 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.02 kW n/a Expected Useful Life145 4 years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $4.40 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-172 Typical Saving Estimate for Synchronous HVAC Fan Belts Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 213 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.04 kW n/a Expected Useful Life146 4 years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $67 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 144 See spreadsheet"36-TypicalCalcs_HVACBelt_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 14'Expected Useful Life(EUL)is based on the typical building HVAC runtime and a belt life of 24,000 hours. 14'Expected Useful Life(EUL)is based on the typical building HVAC runtime and a belt life of 24,000 hours. HVAC Fan Motor Belts 189 2.36.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment will replace standard fan motor belts with either a cogged belt or a synchronous belt. 2.36.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment The baseline equipment for this measure is the same for retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the retrofit scenario. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit measure is a standard fan belt. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New Construction is not eligible for this measure since the fan belt will be included in the HVAC efficiency and therefore covered in the HVAC efficiency measures. 2.36.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWh = kW * EFLH * ESF kW = HP * 0.746 * LF / Eff 2.36.4. Definitions kWh Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. HP Fan motor rated horsepower LF Load factor (default 80%) Eff Fan motor efficiency EFLH Effective full load hours ESF Energy savings factor based on the type of belt being installed HVAC Fan Motor Belts 190 2.36.5.Sources ■ Gates Corporation Announces New EPDM Molded Notch V-Belts ■ Baldor, Synchronous Belt Drives Offer Low Cost Energy Savings ■ Gates, Energy Savings from Synchronous Belts ■ NREL, Replace V-Belts with Cogged or Synchronous Belt Drives ■ US Department of Energy, EERE, Replace V-Belts with Notched or Synchronous Belt Drives ■ SWH Workpaper SWHCO24 Revision 1 Cogged-V-Belt for HVAC Fan, Commercial ■ Illinois TRM Version 8.ODEER EUL Table 2/4/2014 2.36.6.Stipulated Values Table 2-173 Energy Savings Factor by Belt Replacement Cogged Synchronous ESP 2% 5.1% Table 2-174 Typical Occupancy Hours by Building Type DEER Building Prototype Occupancy Hours Assembly 5,517 Education - Community College* 4,336 Education - Primary School 2,998 Education - Secondary School* 4,165 Education - University* 4,684 Education - Relocatable Classroom 3,374 Grocery 8,760 Health/Medical - Hospital * 8,760 Lodging - Hotel* 8,760 Lodging - Motel* 8,760 Manufacturing - Bio/Tech 3,664 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 3,946 Health/Medical - Nursing Home* 8,760 Office - Large* 3,547 Office - Small 3,848 Restaurant- Fast-Food 6,935 Restaurant-Sit-Down 5,111 Retail - Multistory Large* 5,155 Retail - Single-Story Large 5,508 Retail - Small 4,855 Storage - Conditioned 4,985 HVAC Fan Motor Belts 191 2.37. Refrigeration Strip Curtains Strip curtain on walk-in freezers and coolers help keep the conditioned air inside of the space while still allowing for easy travel through the door. Energy savings are realized by reducing that amount of energy loss from the space which will reduce the amount of energy required by the refrigeration cooling system. Table 2-175 and Table 2-176 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-175 Typical Saving Estimate for Freezer Strip Curtains947 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Sq ft n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 210 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 33 W n/a Expected Useful Life 4 years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $9 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-176 Typical Saving Estimate for Cooler Strip Curtains948 _ Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Sq ft n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 78 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 7 W n/a Expected Useful Life 4 years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $9 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.37.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment will replace a standard unobstructed door opening of a cooler or freezer. 2.37.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment The baseline equipment for this measure is the same for retrofit and new construction. 147 See spreadsheet"37-TypicalCalcs_StripCurtains_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 1411 Average savings estimate excludes the estimation for refrigerated warehouse doors since the cross area of a warehouse door is estimated at 120 square feet compared to the standard door area of 21 square feet. Refrigeration Strip Curtains 192 Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit measure is a standard doorway without any protective barrier. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for this new construction measure is a standard doorway without any protective barrier. 2.37.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWh = kWh/ft^2 * Area kW = kWh / Hours 2.37.4. Definitions kWh Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. kWh/ft^2 Estimated energy saving per square foot of open area Area Area of the doorway in square feet Hours Annual operating hours and time the doorway will be open 2.37.5. Sources ■ RTF ComGroceryStripCurtain Version 2.1 2.37.6. Illinois TRM Version 8.OStipulated Values Refrigeration Strip Curtains 193 Table 2-177 Typical Savings Parameters by Building Type Space Type kWh/ft^2 Area kWh Savings Hours kW Savings Grocery Store- Freezer 490 21 10,290 6,482 1.587 Grocery Store- Cooler 120 21 2,520 8,482 0.297 Convenience Store- Freezer 30 21 420 6,887 0.061 Convenience Store- Cooler 20 21 420 6,887 0.061 Restaurant- Freezer 110 21 2,310 5,509 0.419 Restaurant-Cooler 20 21 420 5,509 0.076 Refrigerated Warehouse 150 120 18,000 2,525 7.129 Refrigeration Strip Curtains 194 2.38. Electronically Commutated Motor in HVAC Units Existing standard efficiency airflow fan motors in small HVAC units can be retrofit with high- efficiency motors. There are four types of HVAC fan motors covered in this measure: Shaded Pole (SP) motor, Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC) motor, Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM), and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM). The ECM and PMSM have the higher efficiency and can replace the PSC or SP motor. A PSC can only replace a SP motor. Savings are realized by requiring less energy to provide the same amount of airflow. Table 2-178 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-178 Typical Saving Estimate for Fan Motors in HVAC UnitS149 (ECM) Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit New (PSC to ECM) (SP to ECM) (SP to PSC) Construction Deemed Savings Unit .. HP HP HP n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 6,126 kWh 11,044 kWh 4,918 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 1.15 kW 2.08 kW 0.93 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years 15 years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $255 $255 $227 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-179 Typical Saving Estimate for Fan Motors in HVAC Units (PMSM) Retrofit Retrofit (PSC to (SP to New PMSM) PMSM) Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 6,587 kWh 11,504 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 1.24 kW 2.17 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $224 $224 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.38.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment will be: an ECM replacing PSC or SP motor; an PMSM replacing PSC or SP motor; or a PSC motor replacing a SP motor in an HVAC unit. 141 See spreadsheet"38-TypicalCalcs_HVAC_ECM_v3.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Electronically Commutate Motor in HVAC Units 195 2.38.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment The baseline equipment for this measure only addresses the retrofit option. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for this retrofit measure is a PSC or SP motor in a HVAC unit that provides the primary cooling and ventilation airflow. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New construction is not eligible for this measure since replacing the HVAC fan will improve the HVAC EER value and therefore should apply for the HVAC measure. 2.38.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWh = kW * EFLH kW = HP * 0.746 * LF / Eff 2.38.4. Definitions kWh Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. EFLH Effective full load hours. HP Motor rated horsepower. LF Motor load factor (default is 80%). Eff Motor efficiency 2.38.5. Sources SCE Workpaper SCE13HC040 Revision 2 Cogged V-Belt Non-Residential HVAC Fans ECM Motors: An Energy Saving Opportunity Electronically Commutate Motor in HVAC Units 196 2.38.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-180 Typical Occupancy Hours by Building Type DEER Building Prototype Occupancy Hours Assembly 5,110 Education—Community College 3,828 Education—Primary School 2,616 Education—Secondary School 2,840 Education—University* 4,671 Education—Relocatable Classroom 5,012 Health/Medical—Hospital 8,760 Lodging—Hotel* 8,760 Lodging—Motel* 8,760 Manufacturing - Bio/Tech 3,514 Manufacturing— Light Industrial 3,514 Health/Medical—Nursing Home 8,760 Office—Large 3,974 Office—Small 3,371 Restaurant- Fast-Food 6,935 Restaurant-Sit-Down 5,110 Retail - Multistory Large 4,482 Retail - Single-Story Large 5,475 Retail —Small 4,745 Storage—Conditioned 4,707 Grocery 6,570 Table 2-181 Typical Motor Replacement Parameters Motor Type HP LF EFLH Eff kW Energy Usage SP 1.00 80% 5310 20% 2.98 15,846 PSC 1.00 80% 5310 29% 2.06 10,928 ECM 1.00 80% 5310 66% 0.90 4,802 PMSM 1.00 80% 5310 73% 0.82 4,341 SP to PSC Savings 0.93 4,918 SP to ECM Savings 2.08 11,044 PSC to ECM Savings 1.15 6,126 SP to PMSM Savings 2.17 11,504 PSC to PMSM Savings 1.24 6,587 Electronically Commutate Motor in HVAC Units 197 2.39. Engine Block Heater An engine block heater warms an engine which improves the engine start up in cold weather. Typically, an engine block heater will be plugged in during the colder months and the heater will run continuously while connected. The engine block heater controls come in two varieties, engine mounted and wall mounted. A wall mounted heater has a 2 hour delay when plugged in after vehicle use since the engine is already warm enough and equipped with an outside air temperature sensor that will only turn active the heater when the outside air temperature drops below a certain threshold. The engine mounted heater cycles on based on the engine temperature which makes it operate in the same manner as the wall mounted heater. Table 2-182 and Table 2-183 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-182 Typical Saving Estimate for Wall Mounted Engine Block Heater Controls150 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 2,738 kWh 2,738 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $120 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $70 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Table 2-183 Typical Saving Estimate for Engine Mounted Engine Block Heater Controls15, Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 2,352 kWh 2,352 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $170 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $120 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 150 See spreadsheet"39-Typical Calcs_BlockHeater_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 151 See spreadsheet"39-TypicalCalcs_BlockHeater_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Engine Block Heater Controls 198 2.39.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment will be able to automatically cycle the heater on and off based on need instead of running continuously. Multiple heaters can be connected to the same controller, however, savings are based on a single unit controlled and incentives will only be paid out based on the number of controllers installed. 2.39.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment The baseline equipment for this measure is the same for retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit is a standard engine block heater with no controls. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction is a standard engine block heater with no controls. 2.39.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWh = kW * (EFLHBase- EFLHProp) 2.39.4. Definitions kWh Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kW Expected heater demand when ON. EFLHBase Effective full load hours of the baseline unit without automatic controls. Calculated using TMY3 weather data, vehicle operating schedule, deemed heating season and temperature less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature requirement is based on studies of when people feel it is cold enough to plug in the heater. EFLHProp Effective full load hours of the installed engine block automatic control unit. Calculated using TMY3 weather data, vehicle operating schedule, deemed heating season and temperatures less 24 degrees Fahrenheit. The block heater controls vary the power based on the outdoor air temperature as shown in Table 2-185. 2.39.5.Sources ■ RTF: Engine Block Heater Controls Version 1.2 ■ Illinois TRM Version 8.0 Measure 4.1.1 Engine Block Heater Controls 199 2.39.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-184 Typical Vehicle Hours of Operation Vehicle Type Typical Daily Schedule Bus 7 AM to 9 AM and 2PMto4PM Delivery and Refuse 7 AM to 3 PM Mass Transit 7 AM to 6 PM Residential 9 AM to 5 PM Table 2-185 Typical Engine Block Heater Parameters Heater Type Heating Season Delay Start Temp Full Load Temp Standard Nov—Mar 0 hours 50 OF 50 OF Wall Mounted Controlled Nov—Mar 2 hours 24 OF -13 OF Engine Mounted Controlled Nov—Mar 2 hours 40 OF -3 OF Table 2-186 Typical Effective Full Load Hours Baseline Wall-mounted Engine-mounted Vehicle Type CZ5 CZ6 CZ5 CZ6 CZ5 CZ6 Bus 2,814 2,909 34 168 352 666 Delivery 2,257 2,337 33 157 328 607 Mass Transit 1,903 1,938 30 141 292 518 Residential 2,320 2,374 37 183 370 660 Engine Block Heater Controls 200 2.40. Dairy Pump VFD A standard dairy pump will not have controls even though the milk flow is variable. Two pumps are analyzed in this measure: milking vacuum pump and milk transfer pump. The vacuum pump is responsible for keeping a designated negative pressure to milk the cows typically by having a pump oversized and operating at full speed with a bleed valve to maintain the desired pressure. A VFD on this pump will allow the motor to slow down during normal operation and then speed up when necessary. Savings are realized by operating the pump just to meet the vacuum needs without wasting energy through a bleed valve. The milk transfer pump transports the collected milk into a storage unit (not include milk processing). Since the flow of milk is not consistent this pump will typically cycle off and on throughout the milking process to keep from running without milk present. A VFD on this pump will allow the pump to operate continually at a decreased speed based on the amount of milk being produced. Savings are realized from operating the pump continually at a low speed rather than cycling off and on at full speed. Table 2-187 and Table 2-188 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-187 Typical Saving Estimate for Milking Vacuum Pump VFD152 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 3,084 kWh 548 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.57 kW 0.21 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $356 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $273 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Table 2-188 Typical Saving Estimate for Milk Transfer Pump VFD953 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 11,777 kWh 7,687 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 2.34 kW 2.73 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $2,052 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $1,469 152 See spreadsheet"40-TypicalCalcs_DairyVFD_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 153 See spreadsheet"40-TypicalCalcs_DairyVFD_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Dairy Pump VFD 201 Retrofit New Construction Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 2.40.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment are pumps that are directly used to create a milking vacuum or transfer milk into storage. Only primary pumps are eligible, secondary, or backup units are not eligible. Full replacement of an existing fixed speed pump with a new VFD driven pump is eligible for this incentive. 2.40.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios— retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit are standard vacuum and transfer pumps without a VFD. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) Although this measure is considered standard practice when installing a new system, typically, a new construction facility will install equipment from a decommissioned facility instead of buy new equipment. Therefore, this measure is included with new construction. 2.40.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings,np = [(HP — (0.25 * MU)) * 0.746 *DRhr * DY/ Eff] / HP kWhsavings = kWh/unit* N 2.40.4. Definitions kWhsavings,hp Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment normalized per pump motor horsepower. HP Pump motor nameplate horsepower. 0.25 Constant, HP required per milking unit. MU Number of milking units connected to the vacuum pump. 0.746 Constant, conversion factor kW/ HP. Dairy Pump VFD 202 DRhr Daily runtime in hours required for milking. DY Amount of milking days per year. Eff Pump motor nameplate efficiency. kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kWh/unit Deemed savings associated with each milk transfer pump VFD N Number of milk transfer pump VFDs being installed on primary pump motors. 2.40.5. Sources DEER 2014 EUL Table 2/4/2014 Vermont TRM 1/1/2018 RTF: Dairy Milking Machines Vacuum Pump VFD Version 1.2 Work Paper: PGE3PAGR116 Revision 0: Milk Vacuum Pump VSD (Dairy Farm Equipment) Work Paper SCE13PRO04 Revision 2: Agricultural Milk Transfer Pump VSD Work Paper PGE3PAGR118 Revision 0: Milk Transfer Pump VSD 2.40.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-189 Deemed Savings for Dairy Pump VFDs Pump Type Savings kWh/unit Demand Savings kW/unit Transfer pump VFD 11,777 2.34 Vacuum pump VFD 43,691 0.57 Dairy Pump VFD 203 2.41. Compressed Air Measures Compressed air in a facility can have many uses and many ways to save energy. This measure applies to savings associated with: adding a VFD on the air compressor, installing a low pressure drop filter, installing a no-loss condensate drain, installing an efficient spray nozzle, and installing an efficient refrigerated compressed air dryer. Table 2-190 through Table 2-194 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for each measure, along with a description for each measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below154 VFD Compressor: The baseline compressor for this measure is a load/unload controller the operates at a fixed speed to meet the desired PSI setpoint. Installing a VFD on the air compressor allows the compressor to modulate the speed based on actual demand and save energy by operating at a more efficient part load setting. This measure only applies to motors <200 horsepower. Table 2-190 Typical Saving Estimate for Air Compressor VFD _ Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 949 kWh 949 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.15 kW 0.15 kW Expected Useful Life 13 years 13 years Average Material & Labor Cost $223 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $223 Stacking Effect End-Use Compressed air Low Pressure Filter: The typical compressed air filter has a pressure drop that starts at 3 psi and ends at 5 psi. The low pressure filter has a pressure drop that starts at 1 psi and ends at 3 psi. Savings are realized by reducing the compressor setpoint by 2 psi to account for the lower filter pressure drop. 154 See spreadsheet "41-Typical Calcs_CompressedAir_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Compressed Air Measures 204 Table 2-191 Typical Savings Estimate for a Low Pressure Filter Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 44 kWh 44 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.007 kW 0.007 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $10 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $10 Stacking Effect End-Use Compressed air No-loss condensate drain: Compressed air causes the system to build up condensate that needs to be drained occasionally. The typical drain uses the high pressure to exhaust the condensate out but also exhaust some compressed air. A no-loss condensate drain monitors the amount of condensate present and then exhaust only the condensate without wasting any compressed air. Table 2-192 Typical Savings Estimate for a No-Loss Condensate Drain955 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 1,970 kWh 1,970 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.29 kW 0.29 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $244 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $194 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Efficient Air Nozzle: A compressed air nozzle is used to blow off parts or drying. A high-efficiency air nozzle reduces the amount of air required, compared to a standard nozzle, to adequately accomplish the nozzle purpose. High-efficiency air nozzles must meet a SCFM rating at 80 psig less than or equal to: 1/8" 11 SCFM, 1/4" 29 SCFM, 5/16" 56 SCFM, and 1/2" 140 SCFM. 155 Savings are calculated using an average unit efficiency. See spreadsheet "41_Typical Calcs_CompressedAir_v2.xlsx" for assumptions and calculation used to estimate the typical unit savings and incremental costs. Compressed Air Measures 205 Table 2-193 Typical Savings Estimate for an Efficient Compressed Air Nozzle Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 2,223 kWh 2,223 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.35 kW 0.35 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $85 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $85 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Efficient Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer: The air dryer in the compressed air cycle prevents excess condensate from forming in the compressed air supply lines, which can damage the system if not controlled. The baseline air dryer is a non-cycling refrigerated dryer. The efficient refrigerated air dryer can either be: thermal mass, variable speed or digital scroll controlled. Savings are realized during periods where the efficient dryer can turn off or operate at a lower part load operation rather than running the whole time. Table 2-194 Typical Saving Estimate for an Efficient Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit CFM CFM Average Unit Energy Savings 10.62 kWh 10.62 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 1.66 W 1.66 W Expected Useful Life 13 years 13 years Average Material & Labor Cost $6 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $6 Stacking Effect End-Use Compressed air 2.41.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment for this measure will be installed as the primary unit in the compressed air system. The compressor VFD can be new construction or a retrofit and will be installed on the air compressor and programmed to allow the compressor to vary in speed based on load demand. The low pressure filter should decrease the pressure drop across the filter and then the compressor should be adjusted to provide the same source air pressure. The no-loss condensate drain should expel enough condensate so that none gets into the system but does not waste any compressed air. The efficient nozzle needs to be able to deliver the same performance while using less airflow. The efficient air dryer will be able to cycle on and off based on the part load demand. Compressed Air Measures 206 2.41.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. This measure currently only addresses the retrofit scenario. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for this measure is: an air compressor without VFD controls, a standard filter, an open tube with ball valve to limit the amount of air waste, a standard air nozzle, and a standard air dryer. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) n/a 2.41.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: VFD Air Compress: kWh = 0.9 * HP * EFLH * (CFb— CF,) kW = kWh / EFLH * CF Low Pressure Filter: kWh = (kWtyp * deltaP * SF * EFLH / HPtyp) * HP kW = kWh / EFLH * CF No-Loss Condensate Drain: kWh =CFM,oss * kWcfm * EFLH kW = kWh / EFLH * CF Efficient Nozzle: kWh = SCFM * %reduction * kWcfm * %use * EFLH kW = kWh / EFLH * CF Efficient Dryer: kWh = Ps * (ECso,base— ECso,eff) * EFLH * CFMso,cap kW = kWh / EFLH * CF 2.41.4. Definitions kWh Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kW Expected peak demand savings. Compressed Air Measures 207 EFLH Effective full load hours of the facility in which the air compressor system will be engaged. HP Air compressor motor nameplate horsepower. CFb Baseline compressor efficiency factor. CFe Efficient compressor with VFD control efficiency factor. kWtyp Typical industrial motor power consumption. deltaP Change in pressure drop across the filter between baseline and installed unit. SF Savings factor associated with decrease in filter pressure drop. HPtyp Typical industrial motor horsepower. CFM,oss Rate of exhaust airflow through open condensate drain. SUM Standard nozzle airflow at 80 psi. %reduction Percent reduction in airflow comparing the efficient nozzle to a standard nozzle. %use Percentage of time the nozzle will be in use during operating hours. Ps Full flow specific power usage. EC50 Energy consumption ratio of the dryer at 50% capacity. CFM5o,cap System rated airflow when running at 50% capacity. CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the %of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. 2.41.5.Sources ■ Workpaper SCE17PRO05 revision 0 Air Compressor VSD ■ Illinois TRM Version 8.0 Measure 4.7.1 —4.7.5 2.41.6. Stipulated Values Compressed Air Measures 208 Table 2-195 Typical Hours of Operation and Coincidence Factor Based on Shift Schedules Shift Type Hours/Days EFLH CIF Weight Single Shift 8/5 1976 0.59 16% 2-Shift 16/5 3952 0.95 23% 3-Shift 24/5 5928 0.95 25% 4-Shift 24/7 8320 0.95 36% Weighted Average 5702 0.89 100% Table 2-196 Typical Parameters Based on Compressor Type Compressor Type kWTyp kWcfm Reciprocating -On/off control 70.2 0.184 Reciprocating - Load/Unload 74.8 0.136 Screw 0 load/Unload 82.3 0.152 Screw- inlet modulation 82.5 0.055 Screw- inlet modulation w/unloading 82.5 0.055 Screw-variable displacement 73.2 0.153 Screw-VSD 70.8 0.178 typical 77.56 0.107 Table 2-197 Typical Energy Consumption Ratio by Dryer Type Dryer Type CZ5 thermal-mass 0.729 VSD 0.501 Digital Scroll 0.501 Average 0.577 Compressed Air Measures 209 2.42. Smart Power Strip A standard power strip provides continuous power to all devices that are plugged into the power strip. A smart power strip will cycle off all devices that are plugged into the controlled outlets based on expected time of non-use. There are three different methods for a power strip to cycle off controlled equipment: Motion Sensor, Load Sensor, and Timer. The motion sensor detects movement in the room and then will turn equipment after a set amount of inactivity in the detected space. The load sensor has a master load outlet that will control the other plugs. When the master load power drops below a set threshold, such as when a computer is shutdown or goes into sleep mode, then all other controlled equipment is shutdown. The load sensing circuit must be sensitive enough to detect small changes in power consumption to correctly control the whole power strip. A timer controls the equipment with a user defined programmed schedule. Savings are realized by powering down all nonessential equipment during unoccupied hours. This will eliminate wasted energy from equipment being left on as well as reducing loads produced by the small energy draw from equipment even when they are powered off. Table 2-198 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-198 Typical Saving Estimate for Smart Power Strip Devices156 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 65 kWh 65 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0 kW 0 kW Expected Useful Life 4 years 4 years Average Material & Labor Cost $44 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $39 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 2.42.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment are power strips that are capable of automatically cutting power to all equipment plugged into the controllable slots. Strips can be controlled with a motion sensor, load sensor, or timer. 2.42.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) ,es See spreadsheet"42-TypicalCalcs_SmartStrip_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Smart Power Strip 210 The baseline equipment for retrofit are standard power strips that do not have automatic shutoff controls. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline equipment for new construction are standard power strips that do not have automatic shutoff controls. 2.42.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = kWhsavings/unit * N 2.42.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kWhsavings/unit Expected annual energy savings per smart strip unit installed. N Number of units installed. 2.42.5. Sources RTF Commercial Smart Plug Power Strips version 4.1 2.42.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-199 Deemed Savings by Control Device Control Device Installation Location Savings Cost$/unit kWh/unit Motion Sensor Office Workstation 67 $49 Load Sensor Office Workstation 133 $35 Timer Office Workstation 42 $34 Timer Office Workstation + 110 $34 Common Areas Smart Power Strip 211 2.43. Potato and Onion Ventilation Variable Frequency Drive When potatoes and onions are harvested, they are stored in large storage sheds that need to have adequate ventilation to properly preserve the produce during storage. Potatoes and onions need to be well ventilated to maintain proper temperature, provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Installing a variable frequency drive (VFD) on the ventilation fans help keep uniform temperatures in the whole storage shed compared to cycling the ventilation fan on and off. Savings are realized by allowing the ventilation fans to operate at lower speeds based on actual system demands. Table 2-200 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-200 Typical Savings Estimate for Potato and Onion Ventilation VFDs157 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 1,193 kWh 1,193 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.144 kW 0.144 kW Expected Useful Life 10 years 10 years Average Material & Labor Cost $264 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $264 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 2.43.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment is a variable frequency drive installed on the primary ventilation fan used to directly control the environment in a potato or onion storage shed structure. The VFD should be able to reduce the fan speed down to preset minimum value based on system demands. 2.43.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit are single speed ventilation fans with only on and off cycle ability. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) 15'See spreadsheet"43-TypicalCalcs_PotatoOnionShedVFD_v1.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Potato and Onion Ventilation Variable Frequency Drive 212 The baseline equipment for new construction are single speed ventilation fans with only on and off cycle ability. 2.43.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = kWhsavings/hp * HP * N kWsavings = kWsavings/hp * HP * N 2.43.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. kWhsavings/unit Deemed annual energy savings per motor horsepower. kWsavings Expected peak demand savings between baseline and installed equipment. kWsavings/unit Deemed peak demand energy savings per motor horsepower. HP Ventilation fan nameplate rated horsepower. N Number of units installed. 2.43.5. Sources RTF Potato/Onion Shed Variable Frequency Drives Version 3.3 2.43.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-201 Deemed Savings Normalized by Horsepower Energy Savings (kWh/hp) Demand Savings (kW/hp) Ventilation VFD 1193 0.144 Potato and Onion Ventilation Variable Frequency Drive 213 2.44. Kitchen Ventilation Hood Commercial kitchens need to have ventilation fans to exhaust heat and effluent created while cooking. These fans typically are operated manually on/off and are on the whole time during operating hours. Installing temperature and optic sensors on the exhaust hoods or a smoke/VOC sensor in the exhaust hood to control the ventilation fans so they only operate when necessary and can decrease speed based on the ventilation demand. The temperature sensor detects when a cooking surface is in use and the optic sensor detects the amount of effluent in the air and adjusts the fan speed accordingly. Savings are realized by decreasing the fan operating speed during normal hours of operation. Table 2-202 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-202 Typical Savings Estimate for Kitchen Ventilation Hood Controls158 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP HP Average Unit Energy Savings 4,590 kWh 4,590 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.39 kW 0.39 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $469 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $248 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.44.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment is a variable frequency drive installed on the kitchen ventilation fans that is controlled by a temperature and optic sensor. The VFD should be able to reduce the fan speed down to a preset minimum value based on system demands. Kitchen HVAC system must be able to accommodate the variable exhaust airflow caused by the hood VFD. 2.44.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit are single speed ventilation fans with only on and off cycle ability. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) 151 See spreadsheet"44-TypicalCalcs_KitchenVentHood_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Kitchen Ventilation Hood 214 The baseline equipment for new construction are single speed ventilation fans with only on and off cycle ability. 2.44.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = (HP * 0.7457 / Eff/ LF) * (1 - (1 - %reduction) A2.7) * Hours * Days Mavings = kWhsavings / Hours / Days * CF 2.44.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected annual energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. HP Fan motor nameplate horsepower. Eff Fan motor nameplate efficiency. LF Load factor, default 75%. %reduction Estimated average percent reduction from the installed unit. Hours Daily operating hours. Days Annual day kitchen is in operation. CIF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period. 2.44.5. Sources Workpaper: SCE17CCO08 Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hood Demand Controlled Ventilation Revision 2 Workpaper: SWFS012-01 Exhaust Hood Demand Controlled Ventilation, Commercial 2.44.6. Stipulated Values Table 2-203 Deemed Savings Normalized by Horsepower _ Energy Savings (kWh/hp) Demand Savings (kW/hp) Kitchen Hood VFD 4,590 0.391 Kitchen Ventilation Hood 215 Table 2-204 Average Kitchen Exhaust Hood Demand Controlled Ventilation Parameters Exhaust Baseline Measure kW Fan Speed Baseline Measure Annual HP kW kW Reduction Percent annual Annual Savings Reduction kWh kWh kWh 4.42 6.12 2.68 3.43 25% 35,784 15,498 20,286 Kitchen Ventilation Hood 216 2.45. Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) A Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) takes in 100% outside air and delivers it to all spaces. This outside air is usually conditioned to either room temperature or slightly chilled and satisfies all the ventilation required for each space. A parallel system in each space then operates on 0% outside air to properly condition the space. This system setup allows for the DOAS and secondary systems to be independently sized to only maintain the latent and sensible loads. This system setup allows for several high efficiency measures to be implemented including a total energy recovery unit and variable refrigerant flow units. Savings are realized by: allowing the two parallel systems to be properly sized to each space: running the units at optimal efficiency and installing an energy recovery device between outdoor air and the exhaust air. Table 2-205 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-205 Typical Savings Estimate for a Dedicated Outdoor Air System159 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Tons Tons Average Unit Energy Savings 1,731 kWh 1,063 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.31 kW 0.14 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $5,760 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a -$2,608 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.45.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment is a Dedicated Outdoor Air System with a parallel space conditioning unit and a total energy recovery device on the exhaust air. For nontransient dwelling units, energy recovery systems shall result in an energy enthalpy recovery ratio of at least 50% at cooling design condition and at least 60% at heating design condition. The energy recovery system shall provide the required enthalpy recovery ratio at both heating and cooling design conditions, unless one mode is not required for the climate zone by the exceptions below.160 Exceptions to Nontransient Dwelling Units: 1. Nontransient dwelling units in Climate Zone 3C. 2. Nontransient dwelling units with no more than 500 ft2 of conditioned floor area in Climate Zone 0, 1, 2, 3, 4C, and 5C. 59 See spreadsheet "45-TypicalCalcs_DOAS_v1.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Aso See ASHRAE Standard,90.1,2019 Section Exhaust Air Energy Recovery, Nontransient Dwelling Units. Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) 217 3. Enthalpy recovery ratio requirements at heating design condition in Climate Zones 0, 1, and 2. 4. Enthalpy recovery ratio requirements at cooling design condition in Climate Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. For spaces other than nontransient dwelling units, energy recovery systems shall result in an enthalpy recovery ratio of at least 50%. The energy recovery system shall provide the required enthalpy recovery ratio at both heating and cooling design conditions, unless one mode is not required for the climate zone by the exception below.161 1. Laboratory systems meeting ASHRAE 90.1 Section 2. Systems serving spaces that are not cooled and that are heated to less than 60 degree. 3. Heating energy recovery where more than 60% of the outdoor air heating energy is provided from site-recovered energy or site-solar energy in Climate Zones 5 through 8. 4. Enthalpy recovery ratio requirements at heating design condition in Climate Zone 0, 1, and 2. 5. Enthalpy recovery ratio requirement at cooling design condition in Climate Zone 3C, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B. 7, and 8. 6. Where the sum of the airflow rates exhausted and relieved within 20 ft of each other is less than 75% of the design outdoor airflow rate. 7. Heating energy recovery for systems in Climate Zones 0 through 4 requiring dehumidification during heating mode that employ energy recovery and have a minimum SEER of 0.40. 8. Systems expected to operate less than 20 hours per week at the outdoor percentage covered by ASHRAE 90.1 Section 2.45.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is an existing mechanical HVAC system that does not currently use a 100% outdoor air ventilation unit. New Construction (Includes Major Renovations) The baseline equipment for new construction projects is an HVAC system that meets the local building energy codes and standards. 161 See ASHRAE Standard, 90.1, 2019 Section Exhaust Air Energy Recovery, Spaces Other than Nontransient Dwelling Units. Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) 218 2.45.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/ton * Cap AkW = AkW/ton * Cap 2.45.4. Definitions dkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. dkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. 4kWh/ton Energy savings on a per unit basis as stipulated in Table 2-206 and Table 2-207. 4kW/ton Demand reduction on a per unit basis as stipulated in Table 2-206 and Table 2-207. Cap Capacity (in Tons) of the HVAC system on which DOAS will be replacing. 2.45.5. Sources ■ ASHRAE, Standard 90.1-2019. ■ University of Nebraska: Energy Benefits of Different Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems Configurations in Various Climates ■ Desert Aire: AHRI 920 Performance Rating and Comparisons of DX-DOAS Unit Efficiency ■ Engineered Systems: September 2013: Cost of DOAS/Radiant ■ Business Energy Advisor: Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems: https:Hfpl.bizenergyadvisor.com/BEAl/PA/PA—Ventilation/PA-54 2.45.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) 219 Table 2-206 Energy Savings for New Construction DOHS Climate Zone 5 Climate Zone 6 Weighted Average kWh/ton kW/ton kWh/Ton kW/ton kWh/Ton kW/ton Heat Pump 1887 0.19 2225 0.12 1,954 0.17 Package RTU 809 0.19 680 0.12 783 0.17 Package VAV 1513 0.35 1395 0.329 1,489 0.34 Package VAV and Temperature 717 0.22 566 0.12 686 0.20 GSHP 602 -0.15 662 -0.18 614 (0.15) WSHP 852 0.09 842 0.02 849 0.07 Table 2-207 Energy Savings for Retrofit DOAS Climate Zone 5 Climate Zone 6 Weighted Average Baseline HVAC Type kWh/ton kW/ton kWh/Ton kW/ton kWh/Ton kW/ton Heat Pump 2,646 0.37 3,021 0.29 2,721 0.35 Package RTU 1,448 0.37 1,305 0.29 1,420 0.35 Package VAV 2,231 0.55 2,099 0.48 2,205 0.54 Package VAV and Temperature 1,346 0.41 1,178 0.29 1,313 0.38 GSHP 1,219 0 1,285 -0.04 1,232 (0.01) WSH P 1,496 0.26 1,485 0.18 1,494 0.24 Table 2-208 Energy Savings and Cost Estimates for New Construction based on Baseline HVAC type VAV to DOAS RTU to DOAS kWh/ton 1,489 783 kW/ton 0.34 0.17 Cost $(2,608) $(2,608) Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) 220 2.46. Generator: Circulating Block Heater This measure applies to replacing an existing thermo siphon heater on a backup generator with a circulating block heater and a smaller electric resistance heater. It is important to keep a backup generator warm when not in operation to allow for a quick startup and therefore provide the shortest break in electricity. The typical thermos siphon heater relies on the change in density to circulate the heated coolant within the generator which is slow and causes non-uniform temperatures throughout the generator requiring the heater to stay on longer to sufficiently warm up the whole system. A circulating block heater uses a small pump to circulate the heated coolant providing better uniform temperatures throughout the system. Energy savings are realized by being able to run the system less often and by not wasting energy by overheating some parts of the system. Table 2-209 through Table 2-211 summarizes the `typical' expected energy impacts for this measure. Typical values are based on the algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-209 Typical Savings Estimate for a Circulating Block Heater on a Backup Generator < 200 kW162 _ Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 1,106 kWh 1,106 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.14 kW 0.14 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $1,268 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $239 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a Table 2-210 Typical Savings Estimate for a Circulating Block Heater on a Backup Generator 201-500 kW 63 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 2,493 kWh 2,493 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.31 kW 0.31 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $2,152 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $573 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 162 See spreadsheet"46-TypicalCalcs_GenBlockHeater_v2.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 161 See previous footnote. Generator: Circulating Block Heater 221 Table 2-211 Typical Savings Estimate for a Circulating Block Heater on a Backup Generator 501-1000 kW64 Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 4385 kWh 4385 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.55 kW 0.55 kW Expected Useful Life 15 years 15 years Average Material & Labor Cost $2,645 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $573 Stacking Effect End-Use n/a 2.46.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible equipment is a recirculation pump with a small electric resistance heater directly installed onto a backup generator. 2.46.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is the existing thermo siphon engine heater without a circulation device. New Construction (Includes Major Renovations) The baseline equipment for new construction projects is a pre-heating device other than a circulating block heater or similar device. 2.46.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/unit * N AkW = AkW/unit * N 2.46.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. 164 See previous footnote. Generator: Circulating Block Heater 222 4kW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. 4kWh/unit Energy savings on a per unit basis. 4kW/unit Demand reduction on a per unit basis. N Quantity of generator block heaters being replaced. 2.46.5. Sources Workpaper SCE17HCO55 Circulating Block Heater Revision 0 RTF Commercial Standby Generator Block Heaters v1.1 2.46.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-212 Stipulated Energy Savings Based on Generator Size Backup Generator Size (kW) Heater Size (kW) Savings kWh/yr Demand Savings (kW) 37-199 1 3,472 0.43 200-799 2 11,466 1.43 800-1099 4 13,616 1.70 100-2500 8 21,650 2.70 Generator: Circulating Block Heater 223 2.47. Air Conditioning Tune Up The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to implementing an air conditioning unit tune up measure. This measure only applies to retrofit projects where the refrigerant needs to be added. Savings are based on the expansion component having a fixed orifice or a thermal expansion valve. Table 2-213 through Table 2-214 summarizes the `typical' expected (per ton) unit energy impacts for this measure.16' Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-213 Typical Savings Estimates for Air Conditioning Tune Up— Fixed Orifice Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ton ton Average Unit Energy Savings 146 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.09 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 10 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $35 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-214 Typical Savings Estimates for Air Conditioning Tune Up —TXV Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit ton ton Average Unit Energy Savings 53 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.03 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 10 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $35 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.47.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All commercial unitary and split air conditioning system are eligible for this measure provided the tune up process included the following items: • Check refrigerant charge • Identify and repay leaks if refrigerant charge is low • Measure and record refrigerant pressure • Measure and record temperature drop at indoor coil • Clean condensate drain line 161 See spreadsheet"47-TypicalCalcs_ACtuneup_v1.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Air Conditioning Tune Up 224 • Clean outdoor coils and straighten fins. • Clean indoor and outdoor fan blades • Repair damaged insulation at the suction line. • Change Air filter • Measure and record blower amp draw 2.47.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. The baseline is a system with demonstrated imbalances of refrigerant charger or does not have a standing maintenance contract or a tune-up within in the last 36 months.16I There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) All existing air conditioning units that are operating as designed and provides cooling and comfort to the conditioned space are eligible for this measure. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New Construction is not eligible for this measure since a new unit should already be operating at design specifications when installed. 2.47.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: OkWh = Cap * (1/EERpre— 1/EERp(,st) / 1000 * EFLH EERpre = (1 — EL) * EERpost OkW = Cap * (1/EERpre— 1/EERpost ) / 1000 * CF 2.47.4. Definitions OkWh Expected energy savings for air conditioning tune up OkWpeak Expected peak demand savings. EFLH Equivalent full load cooling hours. Idaho specific EFLH are by weather zone and building in Table 2-215. ss Illinois TRM 4.4.1 Air Conditioner Tune-up. Air Conditioning Tune Up 225 CF Peak coincidence factor. Represents the % of the connected load reduction which occurs during Idaho Power's peak period in Table 2-216. EER Energy Efficiency Ratio for existing systems before and after the tune up. This is defined as the ratio of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner in British Thermal Units per hour, to the total electrical input in watts. Since ASHRAE does not provide EER requirements for air-cooled air conditioners < 65,000 Btu/h, assume the following conversion: EER - -0.02 *SEER2 + 1.12 *SEER EL Efficiency Loss determined by the percentage of refrigerant charge left in the system. Deemed values by expansion component in Table 2-217. Cap Nominal cooling capaity in kBTU/Hr (1 ton = 12,000BTU/Hr) 2.47.5.Sources ■ Illinois Technical Reference Manual v8.0 ■ Arkansas Technical Reference Manual v8.0 2.47.6.Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Air Conditioning Tune Up 226 Table 2-215 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Cooling and Heating Hours (EFLH) by Building Type167 Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted values Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 167 Prototypical building energy simulations were used to generate Idaho specific heating and cooling equivalent full load hours for various buildings. Air Conditioning Tune Up 227 Table 2-216 HVAC Coincidence Factors by Building Type Building Type Coincidence Factor Assembly 0.47 Education - Community College 0.54 Education - Primary School 0.1 Education -Secondary School 0.1 Education - University 0.53 Grocery 0.54 Health/Medical - Hospital 0.82 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 0.49 Lodging - Hotel 0.67 Lodging - Motel 0.63 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 0.46 Office- Large 0.58 Office-Small 0.51 Restaurant- Fast-Food 0.48 Restaurant-Sit-Down 0.46 Retail -3-Story Large 0.66 Retail - Single-Story Large 0.56 Retail - Small 0.49 Storage-Conditioned 0.41 Table 2-217 Efficiency Loss Factor by Refrigerant Charge Level'ss Percentage Charged Fixed Orifice TXV 70 0.37 0.12 75 0.29 0.09 80 0.20 0.07 85 0.15 0.06 90 0.10 0.05 95 0.05 0.03 100 0.00 0.00 120 0.03 0.04 16'Arkansas Technical Reference Manual v8.0 table 47 and table 48. Air Conditioning Tune Up 228 2.48. High Efficiency Battery Chargers The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to replacing a traditional battery charger with a single high frequency battery charger that converts AC to DC power more efficiently. The battery charger system can be used for industrial material handling vehicles or forklifts. Table 2-218 through Table 2-219 summarizes the `typical' expected unit energy impacts for this measure.16' Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-218 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Battery Chargers— Single Phase Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 1,111 kWh 1,111 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.02 kW 0.02 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $400 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $400 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-219 Typical Savings Estimates for High Efficiency Battery Chargers— Three Phase Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 5,563 kWh 5,563 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.63 kW 0.63 kW Expected Useful Life 15 Years 15 Years Average Material & Labor Cost $400 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $400 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.48.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All commercial battery charging system are eligible for this measure if meet efficiency requirements below: • Power conversion efficiency is greater than 89% • Maintenance Power is less than 10 W 161 See spreadsheet"48-TypicalCalcs_HighEffBatteryCharger_vl.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. High Efficiency Battery Charger 229 2.48.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is a traditional Ferro resonant (FR) or silicon- controlled rectifier (SCR) existing battery charger that operates in an industrial or warehouse setting to power forklifts. New Construction (Includes Major Renovations) The baseline equipment for new construction projects is typical Ferro resonant (FR) or silicon- controlled rectifier (SCR) charging equipment, operating with minimum 8-hour shift operation five days per week. 2.48.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = HOurscharge * (Wcharge_pre — Wcharge_post) + HOursidle (Wcidle_pre—Widle_post)/l 000 AkW =AkWh/( HOurscharge + HOursidle) * CF 2.48.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings for high efficiency battery chargers AkWpeak Expected peak demand savings. Hourscharge Annual number of hours the charging system is actively charging. Wcharge Wattage draw of the charging system in active charging mode. Hoursidle Annual number of hours the charging system is operating with no load or in maintenance mode on a fully charged battery. Widle Wattage draw of the charging system is operating with no load or in maintenance mode. CF Peak coincidence factor. High Efficiency Battery Charger 230 2.48.5.Sources ■ AR TRM v8.0. ■ IL TRIM v8.0. 2.48.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-220 Battery Charging System - Hours and Wattages Charging Idle Equipment hours hours Wcharge_pre Widle_pre Wcharge_post Widle_post CF (hrs/yr) (hrs/yr) Single 3,942 4,818 2,000 50 1767 10 0.19 Phase _ Three 8,234 536 5,785 34 5111 10 1 Phase High Efficiency Battery Charger 231 2.49. Defrost Coil Control The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to install electric defrost control on small commercial walk-in freezer and reach-in cooler systems. A refrigeration system with electric defrost is set to run the defrost cycle periodically throughout the day. A defrost control uses temperature and pressure sensors to monitor system processes and statistical modeling to learn the operations and requirements of the system. When the system calls for a defrost cycle, the controller determines if it is necessary and starts the cycle. Table 2-221 through Table 2-222 summarizes the `typical' expected unit energy impacts for this measure.1' Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-221 Typical Savings Estimates for Defrost Coil Control - Cooler Cooler Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit per fan n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 220 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.45 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 10 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $500 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-222 Typical Savings Estimates for Defrost Coil Control- Freezer Freezer Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit per fan n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 171 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.35 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 10 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $500 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.49.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment All commercial defrost coil control system are eligible for this measure. 2.49.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. 10 See spreadsheet"49-TypicalCalcs_DefrostCoilControl_vl.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Defrost Coil Control 232 Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline equipment for retrofit projects is a small commercial walk-in freezer or reach-in cooler refrigeration system without evaporator coil defrost control. New Construction (Includes Major Renovations) New Construction is not eligible for this measure since a new unit should already be equipped with automatic defrost coil control when installed. 2.49.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = #fans * kWDE * SVG * BF AkWh =AkW * FLH 2.49.4. Definitions AkWh Expected energy savings for defrost coil control AkWpeak Expected peak demand savings. #fans Number of evaporator fans kWDE kW of defrost element per evaporator fan. SVG % of defrost cycles saved by control. BF Bonus factor for reduced cooling load from eliminating heat generated by defrost element from entering the cooler or freezer. FLH Average full load defrost hours. 2.49.5. Sources Vermont TRM v8.0. PPL Calculator for Commercial Refrigeration Measures 2.49.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Defrost Coil Control 233 Table 2-223 Battery Charging System - Hours and Wattages Space kW DE SVG BF FLH kW kWh Savings Savings Cooler 0.9 0.3 1.67 487 220 0.45 Freezer 0.9 0.3 1.3 487 171 0.35 Defrost Coil Control 234 2.50. Networked Lighting Controls The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to the installation of networked lighting controls in commercial and industrial spaces which are more efficient than required by prevailing codes and standards. Table 2-224 summarize the typical expected energy impacts for efficient lighting control system."' Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below. The typical savings value is calculated assuming a 21% improved efficiency. Table 2-224 Typical Savings Estimates for Network Lighting ControlS12 New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Sensor Average Unit Energy Savings 147 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 27 W Expected Useful Life 12 Years Average Material & Labor Cost n/a Average Incremental Cost $4913 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC, Lighting * Retrofit scenario is still eligible, please check Idaho Power's website for details. 2.50.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment Eligible controls must be installed on a new LED fixture or LED Level 2 retrofit kit. Choose luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC) for interior applications and exterior applications. LLLC requires that luminaries must be individually addressable, and each fixture must have a minimum of 2 control strategies. One of the two strategies must be a senser-based strategy. • Sensor-based occupancy sensing (on/off and/or dimming) • Sensor-based daylight harvesting with continuous dimming. • Tuning ■ High-end trim (not applicable for exterior applications or interior applications with daylight harvesting) ■ Advanced scheduling/zone ■ Personal tuning with continuous dimming (interior only) "'See spreadsheet"50-TypicalCalcs_Networked Lighting Controls_v1.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. 12 Estimated savings are based on a single sensor controlling an average of 128 watts. 13$49 is estimated by Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance(NEEA)'s 2020 Luminaire Level Lighting Controls Incremental Cost Study Networked Lighting Controls 235 2.50.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment There are two possible project baseline scenarios — retrofit and new construction. When using actual lighting load installed, stacking effects with measure 2.1 are not required and can be ignored. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline standard for this measure is commercial and industrial space equipped with manual switch control system. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The baseline standard for this measure is commercial and industrial space equipped with occupancy sensor control system. 2.50.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = sysWattbaseline * HOU * A CSF kWsavings = sysWattbaseline* A CSF 2.50.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected energy savings for networked lighting control kWsavings Expected peak demand savings sysWattbaseline Full-load input power per base system, in watts. HOU Hours of Use CSF Control savings fraction resulting from controls-induced changes in run time or power consumption. 2.50.5.Sources ■ Regional Technical Forum, Standard Protocol Calculator for Non-Residential Lighting improvements, https://rtf.nwcouncil.org/standard-protocol/non-residential-lighting-retrofits ■ Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Energy Savings from Networked lighting control (NLC) systems with and without LLLC Networked Lighting Controls 236 2.50.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Table 2-225 Stipulated Control Savings Fraction by Space Type Luminaire Occupancy Level Lighting SPACE TYPE Sensor Control Control than Occupancy Sensor Control Assembly 25% 8% Break Room 25% 25% Classroom 15% 10% Computer 25% 25% Room Conference 25% 25% Dining 15% 35% Gymnasium 25% 25% Hallway 60% 4% Hospital Room 25% 25% Industrial 25% 25% Kitchen 25% 25% Library 25% 25% Lobby 25% 25% Lodging (Guest 25% 25% Rooms) Open Office 15% 35% Parking Garage 25% 25% Private Office 15% 35% Process 25% 25% Public 25% 25% Assembly Restroom 50% 5% Retail 25% 25% Stairs 64% 4% Storage 50% 5% Technical Area 25% 8% Warehouse 50% 25% Aisle Other 25% 25% Networked Lighting Controls 237 Table 2-226 Stipulated Lighting Hours of Use (HOU) by Building Type Building Type Hours of Use Assembly 2,700 Automotive Repair 3,100 College 2,100 University 2,100 Exterior 24 Hour Operation 8,766 Hospital 4,200 Industrial Plant with One Shift 5,500 Industrial Plant with Three Shifts 7,000 Industrial Plant with Two Shifts 5,500 Library 3,000 Lodging, Hotel 3,500 Lodging, Motel 3,500 Manufacturing 5,500 Office <20,000 sf 2,600 Office >100,000 sf 3,300 Office 20,000 to 100,000 sf 3,300 Other Health, Nursing, Medical Clinic 4,300 Parking Garage 6,300 Restaurant, Sit-Down 4,900 Restaurant, Fast-Food 4,900 Retail 5,000 to 50,000 sf 3,900 Retail Anchor Store >50,000 sf Multistory 4,400 Retail Big Box>50,000 sf One-Story 6,000 Retail Boutique <5,000 sf 2,500 Retail Mini Mart 7,200 Retail Supermarket 6,800 School, Primary 2,500 School, Secondary 2,500 Street&Area Lighting (Photo Sensor Controlled) 4,383 Warehouse 2,600 Other 3,800 Networked Lighting Controls 238 2.51. Evaporative Fan Controls The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to the installation of a new evaporator fan motor with temperature controls in a refrigerator or freezer space. The controller reduces airflow of the evaporator fans when there is no refrigerant flow reducing the energy usage. Table 2-227 through Table 2-228 summarizes the `typical' expected (per unit) energy impacts for this measure.17' Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-227 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Fan Motor and Controls in Freezers Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 483 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.06 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 16 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $291 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration Table 2-228 Typical Savings Estimates for Evaporative Fan Motor and Controls in Coolers Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 514 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.06 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 16 Years n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $ 291 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Refrigeration 2.51.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is equipment that has an energy management system (EMS) or other electronic controls to modulate evaporator fan operation based on temperature of the refrigerated space. 2.51.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. 14 See spreadsheet "51-TypicalCalcs_Evaporative Fan Contorls_v1.xlsx" for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Evaporative Fan Controls 239 Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline standard for this measure is an existing shaded pole evaporator fan motor with no temperature controls with 8,760 annual operating hours. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) New construction is not eligible for this measure as this measure is assumed to be standard practice. 2.51.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = kWsavings * 8760 kWsavings = [(kWevap * naans) — kWcirc] *(1-DCcomp) * DCevap * BF 2.51.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected energy savings for evaporative fan controls kWsavings Expected peak demand savings kWevap Nameplate connected load kW of each evaporator fan = 0.123kW (default) nfans Number of evaporator fans kWcirc Nameplate connected load kW of the circulating fan = 0.035kW DCcomp Duty cycle of the compressor = 50% (default) DCevap Duty cycle of the evaporator fan = Coolers: 100%; Freezers: 94% (default) BF Bonus factor for reducing cooling load from replacing the evaporator fan with a lower wattage circulating fan when the compressor is not running = Low Temp:1.5, Medium Temp: 1.3, High Temp: 1.2 2.51.5. Sources ■ Arkansas TRM v8.0 ■ Illinois TRM v8.0 2.51.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Evaporative Fan Controls 240 Duty cycle Type Temp Bonus of the kWh kW yp p factor evaporator fan Freezer Low 1.5 0.94 543 0.062 Freezer Medium 1.3 0.94 471 0.054 Freezer High 1.2 0.94 435 0.050 Cooler Low 1.5 1 578 0.066 Cooler Medium 1.3 1 501 0.057 Cooler High 1.2 1 463 0.053 Evaporative Fan Controls 241 2.52. Circulation Pump The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to the installation of Electronically Commutated Motor(ECM)on Hydronic Heating and Domestic Hot Water recirculation pumps and additional savings associated with implementing pump speed controls. Savings are broken down based on the pump horsepower and if pump speed controls are present. Pump controls must be able to automatically adjust the motor speed based on pressure and/or temperature sensors. Table 2-229 through Table 2-232 summarizes the `typical' expected (per unit) energy impacts for this measure.15 Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-229 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM without Speed Controls and <=1 HP Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 225 kWh 225 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.08 kW 0.08 kW Expected Useful Life 12 years 12 years Average Material & Labor Cost $1,497 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $304 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-230 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM without Speed Controls and >1 HP Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 1,039 kWh 1,039 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.36 kW 0.36 kW Expected Useful Life 12 years 12 years Average Material & Labor Cost $3,460 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $598 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 15 See spreadsheet"52-TypicalCalcs_Circulation Pump_v1.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. Circulation Pump 242 Table 2-231 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM with Speed Controls and <=1 HP Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 462 kWh 462 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.15 kW 0.15 kW Expected Useful Life 12 years 12 years Average Material & Labor Cost $1,602 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $409 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC Table 2-232 Typical Savings Estimates for ECM with Speed Controls and >1 HP Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit Unit Unit Average Unit Energy Savings 2,187 kWh 2,187 kWh Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.69 kW 0.69 kW Expected Useful Life 12 years 12 years Average Material & Labor Cost $6,167 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a $1,034 Stacking Effect End-Use HVAC 2.52.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment are electronically commutated motors installed on circulation pumps on the hydronic heating or domestic hot water systems. Additional savings are achieved by installing automatic speed controls that adjust the pump motor speed using temperature and/or pressure sensors. 2.52.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is determined by the nature of the project. There are two possible scenarios: retrofit (early replacement) or new construction. Retrofit (Early Replacement) The baseline standard for this measure is an existing low efficiency pump motor with no speed controls. New Construction (Includes Major Remodel & Replace on Burn-Out) The new construction baseline for this measure is a code compliant pump motor with no speed controls. Circulation Pump 243 2.52.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: AkWh = AkWh/unit* N AkW = AkW/unit * N 2.52.4. Definitions dkWh Expected energy savings between baseline and installed equipment. dkW Expected demand reduction between baseline and installed equipment. 4kWh/unit Energy savings on a per unit basis. AMunit Demand reduction on a per unit basis. N Quantity of circulation pump motors installed 2.52.5.Sources ■ RTF Commercial Circulator Pumps Version 2.1 2.52.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Circulation Pump 244 Table 2-233 Deemed Savings for ECMs without Speed Controls on Circulation Pump Energy Peak Efficient Nominal ECM w/ no speed controls Savings Demand Measure Incremen HP Size (kWh) Savings Cost ($) t Cost($) (kW) 1/12 >1/16-<_1/8 horsepower(>100-:5200 98 0.03 $872 $165 Max watts) 1/6 >1/8-<_1/6 horsepower(>200 -<_300 125 0.04 $1,046 $353 _ Max watts) 1/4 >1/6-<_1/4 horsepower(>300 - 5400 157 0.05 $1,177 $354 Max watts) 1/2 >1/4-<_1/2 horsepower(>400 - <_550 237 0.08 $1,570 $335 Max watts) 3/4 >1/2-<_3/4 horsepower(>550 -<_750 317 0.11 $1,963 $316 Max watts) >3/4-<_1.25 horsepower(>750 - <_1000 1 Max watts) 416 0.14 $2,357 $303 >1.25- <_1.75 horsepower(>1000 - 1 1/2 <_1300 Max watts) 624 0.21 $3,535 $455 >1.75-<_2.5 horsepower(>1300-<_1750 2 Max watts) 831 0.29 $4,713 $607 3 >2.5-<_3.5 horsepower(>1750 -<_2350 1,039 0.36 $5,891 $758 Max watts) >3.5-<_4.5 horsepower(>2350 - <_3100 4 Max watts) 1,247 0.43 $7,070 $910 >4.5-<_5 horsepower(>3100-<_3700 5 Max watts) 1,455 0.50 $8,248 $1,062 Circulation Pump 245 Table 2-234 Deemed Savings for ECMs with Speed Controls on Circulation Pump Energy Peak Efficient Nominal ECM w/speed controls Savings Demand Measure Incremen HP Size (kWh) Savings Cost ($) t Cost($) (kW) >1/16 - <_1/8 horsepower(>100 -<_200 1/12 Max watts) 168 0.05 $989 $283 1/6 >1/8-<_1/6 horsepower(>200 -<_300 247 0.08 $1,142 $449 Max watts) 1/4 >1/6-<_1/4 horsepower(>300 -<_400 313 0.10 $1,274 $451 Max watts) 1/2 >1/4-<_1/2 horsepower(>400 - <_550 494 0.16 $1,672 $436 Max watts) >1/2-<_3/4 horsepower(>550 - <_750 3/4 Max watts) 675 0.21 $2,069 $422 >3/4-<_1.25 horsepower(>750 -<_1000 1 Max watts) 875 0.28 $2,467 $414 >1.25- <_1.75 horsepower(>1000 - 1 1/2 51300 Max watts) 1,312 0.42 $3,700 $620 >1.75-<_2.5 horsepower(>1300 -<_1750 2 Max watts) 1,749 0.55 $4,934 $827 >2.5-<_3.5 horsepower(>1750 - <_2350 3 Max watts) 2,187 0.69 $6,167 $1,034 4 >3.5-<_4.5 horsepower(>2350 -<_3100 2,624 0.83 $7,401 $1,241 Max watts) >4.5 -<_5 horsepower(>3100 -<_3700 5 Max watts) 3,061 0.97 $8,634 $1,448 Circulation Pump 246 2.53. Pump Optimization The following algorithms and assumptions are applicable to pump optimization. This measure can be done to optimize the design and control of centrifugal water pumping systems, including water solutions with freeze protection up to 15% concentration by volume. Other fluid and gas pumps cannot this this measure calculation. The measurement of energy and demand savings for commercial and industrial applications will vary with the type of pumping technology, operating hours, efficiency, and existing and proposed controls. Depending on the specific application slowing the pump, trimming or replacing the impeller may be suitable option for improving pumping efficiency. Pumps up to 40 HP are allowed to use this energy savings calculation. Larger motors should use a custom calculation. Table 2-235 summarizes the `typical' expected (per unit) energy impacts for this measure.16 Typical values are based on algorithms and stipulated values described below. Table 2-235 Typical Savings Estimates for Pump Optimization Retrofit New Construction Deemed Savings Unit HP n/a Average Unit Energy Savings 46 kWh n/a Average Unit Peak Demand Savings 0.03 kW n/a Expected Useful Life 8 years"' n/a Average Material & Labor Cost $245 n/a Average Incremental Cost n/a n/a Stacking Effect End-Use Miscellaneous End Use 2.53.1. Definition of Eligible Equipment The eligible equipment is equipment that has optimized centrifugal pumping system meeting the applicable program efficiency requirements: • Pump balancing values no more than 15% throttled. • Balancing values on at least one load 100% open. 2.53.2. Definition of Baseline Equipment Baseline equipment for this measure is assumed to be the existing pumping system including existing controls and sequence of operations. The baseline equipment 's HP range is up to 40 HP. Only equipment with a centrifugal water pumping system is applicable. 16 See spreadsheet"53-TypicalCalcs_PumpOptimization_v1.xlsx"for assumptions and calculations used to estimate the typical unit energy savings and incremental costs. "'SCE Pump Test Final Report(2009), Summit Blue Consulting, LLC. This value is a weighted average of estimates provided by program participants. Pump Optimization 247 2.53.3.Algorithms The following energy and demand savings algorithms are applicable for this measure: kWhsavings = HPmotor* 0.746 * LF/7jmotor* Hours * ESF kWsavings = HPmotor* 0.746 * LF/r/motor* Hours * ESF * CF 2.53.4. Definitions kWhsavings Expected energy savings for pump optimization kWsavings Expected peak demand savings HPmotor Installed nameplate motor horsepower 0.746 Conversion factor from horsepower to kW (kW/hp) LF/rlmotor Combined as a single factor since efficiency is a function of load = 0.65 Hours Annual operating hours of the pump ESF Energy savings factor; assume a value of 15% CF Summer coincident peak factor for measure 2.53.5. Sources ■ Ameren Missouri TRM v2.0 ■ Illinois TRM v9.0 ■ SCE Pump Test Final Report (2009), Summit Blue Consulting, LLC. 2.53.6. Stipulated Values The following tables stipulate allowable values for each of the variables in the energy and demand savings algorithms for this measure. Pump Optimization 248 Table 2-236 Stipulated Equivalent Full Load Hours (EFLH) by Building Type Zone 5 Zone 6 Weighted values Building Type EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH EFLH Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Assembly 879 966 758 1059 855 985 Education - Primary School 203 299 173 408 197 321 Education - Secondary School 230 406 196 514 223 428 Education - Community College 556 326 530 456 551 352 Education - University 697 341 721 449 702 363 Grocery 564 1825 460 2011 544 1862 Health/Medical - Hospital 1616 612 1409 679 1575 625 Health/Medical - Nursing Home 1049 1399 884 1653 1016 1450 Lodging - Hotel 1121 621 1075 780 1112 653 Lodging - Motel 978 682 937 796 970 705 Manufacturing - Light Industrial 530 699 415 1088 507 777 Office- Large 746 204 680 221 733 207 Office-Small 607 256 567 360 599 277 Restaurant-Sit-Down 811 624 716 709 792 641 Restaurant- Fast-Food 850 722 734 796 827 737 Retail - 3-Story Large 765 770 644 998 741 816 Retail - Single-Story Large 724 855 576 998 694 884 Retail - Small 726 886 619 1138 705 936 Storage-Conditioned 335 688 242 989 316 748 Pump Optimization 249 3. Appendix A: Document Revision History Table 3-1 Document Revision History Date Modified Revised Description of Changes Version Version 4/01/14 - 1.0 Initial Adoption of TRM. Added PVVT and GSHP system types to HVAC Controls measure chapter. Updates were made to values in the summary tables which provide a unit 11/04/14 1.0 1.1 savings estimate based on an assumed average of system types. System type specific values were added to the remaining applicable tables in this section. Updated tables include Table 2-59 through Table 2-77. Added WSHP system type to HVAC Controls measure chapter. Updates were made to values in the summary tables which provide a unit savings 04/16/15 1.1 1.2 estimate based on an assumed average of system types. System type specific values were added to the remaining applicable tables in this section. Updated tables include Table 2-59 through Table 2-77. Found typo in several tables (Table 2-59 through 05/19/15 1.2 1.3 Table 2-77). Table values updated to reflect corresponding calculator spreadsheets. Found typo in several tables (Table 2-59 through 05/27/15 1.3 1.4 Table 2-61). Table values updated to reflect corresponding calculator spreadsheets. Updated savings values for Evaporative Pre-Cooler measure (Chapter 17) to incorporate data from new source. Accounts for the fact that the studies used to 06/26/15 1.4 1.5 determine savings are biased towards R-22 and that R-410A has higher savings potential. New numbers assume a mix of both refrigerants, but a predominance of R-410A. Made small revisions to three chapters: 1) Sections 2.12 and 2.13: Expanded description of eligible equipment to include changing from A/C only to Heat-Pump and visa versa. 08/06/15 1.5 1.6 2) Section 2.10: Added references for the reader which provide full descriptions of the listed HVAC system types. 3) Section 2.16: Updated numbers in Table 2-124 to reflect those in summary table and consistent with the previous update. Appendix A 250 Date Modified Revised Description of Changes Version Version Updated (4) measures to include energy savings under IECC 2012. Note that only a handful of measures were affected by the IECC 2012 code update: 1) High Efficiency A/C 2) High Efficiency Heat Pumps 10/30/2015 1.6 1.7 3) Guest Room Occupancy Sensors 4) Direct/Indirect Evaporative Coolers Updated eligibility language for new construction baseline in measures affected by changes in IECC 2012. This included the addition of Appendix B which describes cases in which individual HVAC controls measures are eligible due to exceptions in IECC 2012 requirements. Updated (7) measures to include energy savings under IECC 2015. Note that only a handful of measures were affected by the IECC 2015 code update: 1) Efficient Interior Lighting and Controls (New Construction) 2) Efficient Windows 3) HVAC Controls 4) Hotel/Motel Guestroom Energy Management Systems 5) High Efficiency Air Conditioning 6) High Efficiency Heat Pumps 12/1/2017 1.7 2.0 7) Evaporative Coolers (Direct and Indirect) Added (12) measures to the TRM: 1) Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors 2) High Volume Low Speed Fans 3) HVAC Fan Motor Belts 4) Refrigeration Strip Curtains 5) Electronically Commutated Motors in HVAC units 6) Engine Block Heater Controls 7) Dairy Pump VFD 8) Compressed Air Measures 9) Smart Power Strips 10)Potato/Onion Ventilation VFD 11)Kitchen Ventilation Hood VFD 12)Dedicated Outdoor Air System Appendix A 251 Date Modified Revised Description of Changes Version Version Rewrote section 1.6 Application of Stacking Effect in the TRM for clarity and ease of use. Changed may "Stacking Effect End-Use" values for simplicity and to match the revised stacking effect section. Updated savings and cost values for section 2.14 High Efficiency Chiller based on data from new 8/21/18 2.0 2.1 sources and changing the expected installed unit efficiency. Changed the measure life for the Compressed Air Dryer from 10 to 13 years based on information from new sources. Changed the retrofit cost for cogged HVAC fan motor belts based on revised cost data. Updated Section 2.38 to include Shaded Pole motors as a potential baseline equipment. 10/15/18 2.1 2•2 Updated Table 2-222 and 2-224 to include Shaded Pole motors and savings from Shaded Pole motors to ECMs and PSC motors. Appendix A 252 Date Modified Revised Description of Changes Version Version Reviewed all measures for the most up to date information regarding energy savings and incremental costs. Adjusted the cost and/or savings estimates to most measures based on current measure studies. Updated all measures to comply with the new IECC 2018 building code requirements. The following (7) measures were removed as Idaho TRM measures: 1. 2.3 Efficient Vending Machines 2. 2.4 Vending Machine Controls 3. 2.21 Kitchen: Efficient Dishwashers 9/9/2020 2.2 3.0 4. 2.22 Refrigeration: Efficient Refrigerated Cases 5. 2.27 Door Gaskets 6. 2.32 PC Management Software 7. 2.33 Variable Frequency Drives (Process Application) The following (6) measures have been added as Idaho TRM measures: 1. 2.47 Air Conditioning Tune Up 2. 2.48 High Efficiency Battery Chargers 3. 2.49 Refrigeration Defrost Control 4. 2.50 Networked lighting Control 5. 2.51 Evaporative Fan Control 6. 2.52 Circulation Pump Clarified Language 2.35 Added new measure 2.53 Pump Optimization 4/9/2021 3.0 3.1 Adjusted savings and cost values for measure 2.34 Refrigeration: Automatic High Speed Doors to better reflect actual baseline conditions and installation costs per square foot. Appendix A 253 Date Modified Revised Description of Changes Version Version Updated tables to reflect changes and fixes in the following measures: 1. 2.5 Efficient Washing Machines 2. 2.6 Wall Insulation 3. 2.10 HVAC Controls 11/14/2021 3.1 3.2 4. 2.12 High Efficiency Air Conditioning 5. 2.13 High Efficiency Heat Pumps 6. 2.20 Kitchen: Ice Machine 7. 2.39 Engine Block Heaters 8. 2.41 Compressed Air Measures 9. 2.44 Kitchen Ventilation Hood Appendix A 254 4. Appendix B Several of the controls measures listed in Chapter 2.10 are required by IECC 2015 and 2018 for certain new construction buildings. This appendix reproduces the exceptions listed in IECC and identifies the cases for which these controls measures are still eligible under the New Construction Program. Note that while the listed controls are not eligible as energy efficiency measures under the New Construction Program (except as presented in this Appendix), they remain eligible under the Retrofit Program as retrofit measures for which the energy code considerations presented here can be ignored. The HVAC controls measures covered in Chapter 2.10 are listed in Table 4-1. The remainder of this section is organized in sub-sections which outline the conditions in which these controls measures are eligible under the New Construction Program. Table 4-1 List of Eligible HVAC Control Measures Item Measure 1 Optimum Start/Stop 2 Economizer Controls 3 Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) 4 Supply Air Reset 5 Chilled Water Reset 6 Condenser Water Reset 4.1. Optimum Start Stop Sections C403. and C4. of IECC 2018178 indicates that automatic startup controls are required for all HVAC systems and be capable of automatically adjusting the daily start time of the HVAC system in order to bring each space to the desired occupied temperature immediately prior to scheduled occupancy. While automatic shut-down controls are required, they can be time- clock based or programmable. This measure is only eligible when the system(s) install both optimum start and optimum stop simultaneously on the same system(s) or for zones with a full HVAC load demand not exceeding 6,800 Btu/h and having a readily accessible manual shutoff switch. 4.2. Economizer Controls Section C403.3 of IECC 2018171 indicates that economizer controls are required on all Simple HVAC Systems except when stated in the exceptions listed below. Simple HVAC Systems are defined as unitary or packaged HVAC equipment,180 each serving one zone and controlled by a single thermostat in the zone served. This also includes two-pipe heating systems serving one or 178 IECC 2018 Sections C403. and C403. 171 IECC 2018 Section C403.3.1 18'As listed in Tables C403.2.3(1)through C403.2.3(8)IECC 2015 and 2018 Appendix B 255 more zones, where no cooling system is installed. Economizers are required for all Complex HVAC Systems."' Several exceptions are listed in Section C403.3 of IECC 2018182 and represent the only cases in which this measure is eligible. Note that these exceptions apply only to Simple HVAC systems. Exceptions (2018): - Individual fan cooling units with supply capacity less than 54,000 Btu/h and have the following: o Have direct expansion cooling coils. o The total chilled water system capacity minus the capacity of fan units with air economizers is less than 1,320,000 Btu/h for local water-cooled chilled-water systems or 1,720,000 Btu/h for air-cooled chilled-water systems. o The total supply capacity of all fan-cooling units without economizers shall not exceed 20% or 300,000 Btu/h, whichever is greater. - Where more than 25 of the air designed to be supplied by the system is to spaces that are designed to be humidified above 35 OF dew-point temperature to satisfy process needs. - Systems that serve residential spaces where the system capacity is less than 8,600,000 Btu/h. - Systems expected to operate less than 20 hours per week. - Where the use of outdoor air for cooling will affect supermarket open refrigerated casework systems. - Chilled-water cooling systems that are passive or use induction where the total chilled water system capacity minus the capacity of fan units with air economizers is less than 1,320,000 Btu/h for local water-cooled chilled-water systems or 1,720,000 Btu/h for air- cooled chilled-water systems. - Systems that include a heat recover system in accordance with Section C403.4.5 of IECC 2018. 4.3. Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) Section C403.2.6.1 of IECC 2018181 states that Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) is required for spaces greater than 500 ft2, and an average occupant load of 25 people per 1000 ft2, and served by systems with one or more of the following: 1) An air-side economizer. 2) Automatic modulating control of the outdoor air damper. 3) A design outdoor airflow greater than 3,000 cfm. 181 Complex HVAC systems are defined as all systems listed in Tables C403.2.3(1)through C403.2.3(8)which cannot be categorized as either unitary or packaged. 182 Section C403.3.1 of IECC 2018 183 Section C403.2.5.1 of IECC 2018 Appendix B 256 This measure is only eligible when the above conditions are not met or when the system meets one of the following exceptions. - Systems with energy recovery (ERV) complying with Section C403.2.7 of IECC 201818a - Multiple-zone systems without direct digital control (DDC) of individual zones communicating with a central control panel. - System with a design outdoor airflow less than 1,200 cfm. - Spaces where the supply airflow rate minus any makeup or outgoing transfer air requirement is less than 1,200 cfm. - Ventilation provided for process loads only. 4.4. Supply Air Temperature Reset Controls Section C403.4.4.5 of IECC 2018181 states that multiple-zone systems shall include an automatic supply-air temperature reset in response to building loads or outdoor air temperature. The control reset shall be capable of adjusting the supply air temperature not less than 25% of the difference between the design supply air temperature and the design room air temperature. This measure is only eligible when the system meets one of the following exceptions: - Systems that prevent reheating, recooling or mixing of heated and cooled supply air. - 75% of the energy for reheating is from site-recovered or site-solar energy sources. - Zones with peak supply air quantities less than 300 cfm. 4.5. Chilled Water Reset Controls Section C403.4.2.4 item 1 of IECC 2018186 Chilled water reset controls are required for all hydronic systems greater than or equal to 500,000 Btu/h (300,000 Btu/h for IECC 2012) in design output capacity supplying heated or chilled water to comfort conditioning systems. This measure is only eligible on hydronic systems less than 500,000 Btu/h (300,000 Btu/h for IECC 2012) in design output capacity. 4.6. Condenser Water Reset Controls Section C403.5.1 of IECC 2018 states that the refrigeration system condenser shall have control logic to reset the condensing temperature setpoint according to the ambient dry-bulb temperature for air-cooled condensers, and the ambient wet-bulb temperature for evaporatively cooled condensers. Note, this measure is not required by IECC 2012. 184 Section C403.2.5.1 of IECC 2018 185 Section C403.4.5.4 of IECC 2018 18'Section C403.4.3.4 item 1 of IECC 2018 Appendix B 257 This measure is only eligible for projects that are not required to meet the standards of IECC 2018. Appendix B 258