HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240510Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdf RECEIVED Friday, May 10, 2024 2:19PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In The Matter Of: THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF QUESTAR GAS COMPANY'S, et al. AMENDED NOTICE OF CUSTOMER HEARING April 10, 2024 T&T Reporting, LLC 477 Shoup Avenue, Suite 105 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 (208) 529-5491 Min-U-Script® with Word Index RECEIVED Friday, May 10, 2024 2:19PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 3 4 IN THE MATTER OF QUESTAR GAS ) COMPANY' S AND ENBRIDGE QUAIL ) CASE NO. QST-G-23-01 5 HOLDINGS, LLC' s JOINT ) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE ) AMENDED NOTICE OF 6 PROPOSED SALE OF FALL WEST ) CUSTOMER HEARING HOLDCO, LLC TO ENBRIDGE QUAIL ) 7 HOLDINGS, LLC. ) ORDER NO. 36130 8 9 10 11 LOCATION: The Elks Lodge 1229 N. 8th E. 12 Preston, Idaho 83263 13 DATE & TIME : April 10 , 2024 ; 1 : 00 p.m. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reported by: Karla Steed-Layfield, RMR, CSR #1182 25 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr. 3 Commissioner Edward Lodge Assistant Attorney General Dayn Hardie 4 Jennifer Clark - Questar Gas Company Kelly Mendenhall - Questar Gas Company 5 Austin Summers - Questar Gas Company Jordan Stephenson - Questar Gas Company 6 Jennifer Reinhardt-Tessmer - Enbridge Quail Holdings Brian Burnett - Enbridge Quail Holdings 7 Tia Earaneik - Enbridge Quail Holdings 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AMENDED NOTICE OF CUSTOMER HEARING - April 10, 2024 3 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 MR. HAMMOND, JR. : Good afternoon. 3 This is the time and place for a customer 4 hearing in Case Number QST-G-23-01 , also 5 referred to as In the Matter of Questar Gas 6 Company' s and Enbridge Holdings , LLC ' s Joint 7 Application for Approval of the Proposed Sale 8 of Fall West Holdco, LLC to Enbridge Quail 9 Holdings , LLC. 10 The purpose of this hearing is to take 11 testimony from members of the public in 12 reference to Questar Gas Company ' s request that 13 was filed with the Commission on October 23rd, 14 2023 . 15 My name is Commissioner John Hammond. I 'm 16 the chair in today' s proceedings and to my 17 right is Commissioner Ed Lodge . Sitting in 18 between is lead Deputy Attorney General for the 19 State of Idaho and counsel for the Commission, 20 Dayn Hardie . 21 Today, we will take public testimony. The 22 transcript will be added to the underlying 23 record in this case . The commissioners will 24 review the facts and evidence in the record to 25 make the final decisions in this case . AMENDED NOTICE OF CUSTOMER HEARING - April 10, 2024 4 1 As an initial matter, let' s document for 2 purposes of the record the parties present and 3 their counsel . We can begin with staff' s 4 representation through Mr. Hardie. 5 MR. HARDIE : Dayn Hardie, counsel for the 6 Commission. 7 MR. HAMMOND, JR. : And for Questar Gas 8 Company? 9 MS . CLARK: Good afternoon. I 'm Jennifer 10 Clark. I 'm counsel for Questar Gas Company. 11 (reporter clarification) 12 MS . CLARK: I 'm sorry. Jennifer Clark, 13 Dominion Energy Utah. I have with me Kelly 14 Mendenhall, Austin Summers and Jordan 15 Stephenson. 16 MS . REINHARDT-TESSMER: Jennifer 17 Reinhardt-Tessmer. And I 'm here today on 18 behalf of Enbridge Quail Holdings . Joining me 19 is Brian Burnett and Tia Earaneik. 20 MR. HAMMOND, JR. : Have I missed anybody? 21 If there are any -- I don' t believe there ' s 22 anybody else . Please raise your hand if I 've 23 missed you. 24 I don' t think I need to cover this but I 25 will because it' s in my spreadsheet. The most AMENDED NOTICE OF CUSTOMER HEARING - April 10, 2024 5 1 important information apparently is that the 2 bathrooms are out the door to the left, down 3 the haul . 4 In the case of an emergency, please do not 5 use the elevator. I 'm not sure whether there ' s 6 an elevator, but don' t use that because that is 7 not going to get you anywhere in this building. 8 Run out to the golf course if you need to exit 9 for whatever reason. 10 I will explain procedures and parameters 11 of today ' s hearing -- well , first, actually let 12 me step back. 13 Is there anyone here that wishes to 14 testify in this case today? 15 (no response) 16 MR. HAMMOND, JR. : I don ' t believe 17 there ' s -- oh, Kevin wants to -- 18 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: No one has signed 19 in to testify. 20 MR. HAMMOND, JR. : I thought you were 21 going to come testify, Kevin. 22 So nobody has signed in to testify. I 23 think at this point since we have nobody here 24 that wishes to testify, we ' ll go off the record 25 for approximately ten minutes . During that AMENDED NOTICE OF CUSTOMER HEARING - April 10, 2024 6 1 time if anybody comes we can have them come up 2 to testify and we ' ll go back on the record. 3 But for now let' s be at ease . Thank you very 4 much. 5 (Pause in proceedings . ) 6 MR. HAMMOND, JR. : Let' s go back on the 7 record here in the customer hearing, for the 8 customer hearing in Case Number QST-G-23-01 . 9 I don' t believe I have seen anybody else 10 that has walked in or expressed an interest in 11 testifying in today' s matter. Mr. Keith has 12 indicated that nobody has signed up to testify. 13 So at this point, since we don ' t have any 14 folks here to testify for purposes of this 15 hearing, we ' ll close the hearing. And I want 16 to thank you all for being here today. And we 17 with that, we ' ll adjourn. Thank you. 18 19 (Hearing adjourned at 1 : 22 p.m. ) 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 1 REPORTER' S CERTIFICATE 2 3 I , Karla Steed-Layfield, Certified Shorthand 4 Reporter ##1182 , State of Idaho, do hereby certify that the 5 foregoing transcript, consisting of pages 1 to 6 inclusive, 6 is a true and accurate record of the proceedings had on the 7 date and at the time indicated therein as stenographically 8 reported by me to the best of my ability, dated the 15th day 9 of April , 2024 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 ' 7 16 17 FNOTARY LA S. E7L9D MISSION 0 47907 18 PUBUC TATE OF IDAHO SION EXPIRES 01R812028 19 Karla Steed-Layfield 20 Idaho CSR No. 1182 Notary Public in and for 21 the State of Idaho 22 23 24 25 THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AMENDED NOTICE OF CUSTOMER HEARING IN THE MATTER OF QUESTAR GAS COMPANY'S,et al. April 10,2024 3:23 3:24 Joining(1) 3:13 A Company(2) Fall(1) 4:18 off(1) 4:8,10 3:8 Joint(1) 5:24 actually(1) Company's(2) filed(1) 3:6 one(1) 5:11 3:6,12 3:13 Jordan(1) 5:18 added(1) counsel(4) final(1) 4:14 out(2) 3:22 3:19;4:3,5,10 3:25 JR(6) 5:2,8 adjourn(1) course(1) first(1) 3:2;4:7,20;5:16,20; 6:17 5:8 5:11 6:6 P adjourned(1) cover(1) folks(1) 6:19 4:24 6:14 K parameters(1) afternoon(2) customer(3) 5:10 3:2;4:9 3:3;6:7,8 G Keith(1) parties(1) apparently(1) 6:11 4:2 5:1 D Gas(4) Kelly(1) Pause(1) Application(1) 3:5,12;4:7,10 4:13 6:5 3:7 Dayn(2) General(1) Kevin(2) place(1) Approval(1) 3:20;4:5 3:18 5:17,21 3:3 3:7 decisions(1) golf(1) Please(2) approximately(1) 3:25 5:8 L 4:22;5:4 5:25 Deputy(1) Good(2) pm(1) Attorney(1) 3:18 3:2;4:9 lead(1) 6:19 3:18 document(1) 3:18 point(2) Austin(1) 4:1 H left(1) 5:23;6:13 4:14 Dominion(1) 5:2 present(1) 4:13 HAMMOND(7) LLC(2) 4:2 g door(1) 3:2,15;4:7,20;5:16, 3:8,9 procedures(1) 5:2 20;6:6 LLC's(1) 5:10 back(3) down(1) hand(1) 3:6 proceedings(2) 5:12;6:2,6 5:2 4:22 Lodge(1) 3:16;6:5 bathrooms(1) During(1) Hardie(4) 3:17 Proposed(1) 5:2 5:25 3:20;4:4,5,5 3:7 begin(1) haul(1) M public(2) 4:3 F' 5:3 3:11,21 behalf(1) hearing(8) Matter(3) purpose(1) 4:18 Earaneik(1) 3:4,10;5:11;6:7,8, 3:5;4:1;6:11 3:10 Brian(1) 4:19 15,15,19 members(1) purposes(2) 4:19 ease(1) Holdco(1) 3:11 4:2;6:14 building(1) 6:3 3:8 Mendenhall(1) 5:7 Ed(1) Holdings(3) 4:14 Q Burnett(1) 3:17 3:6,9;4:18 minutes(1) 4:19 elevator(2) 5:25 QST-G-23-01 (2) 5:5,6 I missed(2) 3:4;6:8 C else(2) 4:20,23 Quail(2) 4:22;6:9 Idaho(1) most(1) 3:8;4:18 can(2) emergency(1) 3:19 4:25 Questar(4) 4:3;6:1 5:4 important(1) much(1) 3:5,12;4:7,10 Case(6) Enbridge(3) 5:1 6:4 3:4,23,25;5:4,14; 3:6,8;4:18 indicated(1) R 6:8 Energy(1) 6:12 N chair(1) 4:13 information(1) raise(1) 3:16 evidence(1) 5:1 name(1) 4:22 clarification(1) 3:24 initial(1) 3:15 reason(1) 4:11 exit(1) 4:1 need(2) 5:9 CLARK(4) 5:8 interest(1) 4:24;5:8 record(6) 4:9,10,12,12 explain(1) 6:10 nobody(3) 3:23,24;4:2;5:24; close(1) 5:10 5:22,23;6:12 6:2,7 6:15 expressed(1) d Number(2) reference(1) Commission(3) 6:10 3:4;6:8 3:12 3:13,19;4:6 Jennifer(3) referred(1) Commissioner(2) F 4:9,12,16 O 3:5 3:15 17 John(1) REINHARDT-TESSMER(2) commissioners(1) facts(1) 3:15 October(1) 4:16,17 Min-U-Script® (1)actually-REINHARDT-TESSMER THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AMENDED NOTICE OF CUSTOMER HEARING IN THE MATTER OF QUESTAR GAS COMPANY'S,et al. April 10,2024 reporter(1) 3:22 4:11 representation(1) U 4:4 request(1) underlying(1) 3:12 3:22 response(1) UNIDENTIFIED(1) 5:15 5:18 review(1) up(2) 3:24 6:1,12 right(1) use(2) 3:17 5:5,6 Run(1) Utah(1) 5:8 4:13 S W Sale(1) walked(1) 3:7 6:10 signed(3) wants(1) 5:18,22;6:12 5:17 Sitting(1) West(1) 3:17 3:8 sorry(1) wishes(2) 4:12 5:13,24 SPEAKER(1) 5:18 1 spreadsheet(1) 4:25 1:22(1) staffs(1) 6:19 4:3 State(1) 2 3:19 step(1) 2023(1) 5:12 3:14 Stephenson(1) 23rd(1) 4:15 3:13 Summers(1) 4:14 sure(1) 5:5 T ten(1) 5:25 testify(8) 5:14,19,21,22,24; 6:2,12,14 testifying(1) 6:11 testimony(2) 3:11,21 thought(1) 5:20 Tia(1) 4:19 Today(4) 3:21;4:17;5:14; 6:16 today's(3) 3:16;5:11;6:11 transcript(1) Min-U-Script® (2)reporter-23rd