HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240510Compliance Related Email Correspondence.pdf From: Caldwell,Samantha
To: Maria Barratt-Riley;Jeff Brooks
Cc: Sanders,Josh; Darras,Patrick; Blattner, Lori;Schoepp,Michael
Subject: RE: 2022-10-12 Pending Settlement Agreement Update-Idaho
Date: Wednesday,October 12,2022 7:42:25 AM
Attachments: imaae001.Dna
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Yes, the audit results will be submitted separately.
Thank you,
From: Maria Barratt-Riley<maria.barratt-riley@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 7:39 AM
To: Caldwell, Samantha <Samantha.Caldwell@mdu.com>;jeff.brooks@puc.idaho.gov
Cc: Sanders,Josh <Josh.Sanders@mdu.com>; Darras, Patrick<Patrick.Darras@mdu.com>; Blattner,
Lori <LORI.BLATTNER@intgas.com>; Schoepp, Michael <Michael.Schoepp@mdu.com>
Subject: Re: 2022-10-12 Pending Settlement Agreement Update - Idaho
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sender verification of purpose. DO NOT provide your user ID or password on sites or forms
linked from this email. **
Thank you. Are the audit results for July-Sept. coming separately?
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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From: Caldwell, Samantha <Samantha.Caldwell(@mdu.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 7:07:05 AM
To: Maria Barratt-Riley<maria.barratt-rileyCcDpuc.idaho.gov>
Cc: Sanders,Josh <Josh.Sanders(@mdu.com>; Darras, Patrick<Patrick.Darras(@mdu.com>; Blattner,
Lori <LORL BLATTN ERCcDintgas.com>; Schoepp, Michael <Michael.SchoeppC(Dmdu.com>
Subject: 2022-10-12 Pending Settlement Agreement Update - Idaho
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click or open,even if you recognize and/or trust the sender.Contact your agency service desk with any
Attached is Intermountain Gas Company's update for items outlined in the pending Settlement
Samantha Caldwell
Manager, Policy and Procedure
Montana-Dakota Utilities
Office: 208-377-6034
Cell: 208-509-2140
From: Sanders,Josh
To: Maria Barratt-Rilev
Cc: Jeff Brooks
Subject: RE: 2022-10-25 Settlement Agreement-Quarter 3 Audit Results
Date: Friday,November 4,2022 3:12:19 PM
Attachments: imaae001.Dna
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click or open,even if you recognize and/or trust the sender.Contact your agency service desk with any
Hello Maria and Jeff,
In reviewing our reported 3rd quarter audit findings we have determined that 29 of the issues were
reported in error. These 29 findings were due to non-applicable qualification being mistakenly used
to validate against service work or span of control documentation was discovered. The remaining 19
orders that failed the audit were as follows:
• 18 G-SNIFTS were failed due to a procedural change that required supervisors to individually
assign an enhanced test for periodic sampling for odorization. These orders occurred around
the Boise and Nampa communities by journey level technicians. All technicians have
completed the required test and all orders were reworked.
• 1 G-ON order completed by an apprentice on 7/1/22. He did not have the 1202.01 Outside
Gas Leak Investigation, or the 1203.01 Inside Gas Leak Investigation. He received these
qualifications on 7/6/22. His supervisor is Colten Crowley.
To answer your question if we anticipate being able to reach and maintain 100% compliance, I do.
Processes that were put into place as part of the settlement agreement have already shown a
significant improvement from last report, and we continue looking for improvements to implement
that will bring us to sustaining zero OQ issues.
If you would like to visit about any of these audit findings I would be glad to host a call to discuss the
findings and how the changes we have implemented are going to help us get to 100% compliance
and stay that way.
Josh Sanders
Director of Ops Policy and Procedures
(701) 222-7773 Office
(701) 690-5774 Cell
From: Maria Barratt-Riley<maria.barratt-riley@puc.idaho.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 5:10 PM
To: Sanders,Josh <Josh.Sanders@mdu.com>
Subject: FW: 2022-10-25 Settlement Agreement-Quarter 3 Audit Results
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sender verification of purpose. DO NOT provide your user ID or password on sites or forms
linked from this email. **
Could we please get some additional information on the 48 incidents of non-qualified techs
performing work orders (were they completed by one or two technicians or many, when
(specific dates) did each one occur, where did each one occur, what did the work orders
entail, who was the supervisor assigned to each tech per each occurrence, etc.)? Do you
anticipate being able to reach and maintain 100% compliance?
From: Caldwell, Samantha <Samantha.Caldwell(@mdu.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October 25, 2022 8:06 AM
To: Maria Barratt-Riley<maria.barratt-rileyl@puc.idaho.gov>
Cc: Sanders,Josh <Josh.Sandersl@mdu.com>; Darras, Patrick<Patrick.Darras(@mdu.com>;
Blattner, Lori <LORI.BLATTNERIcDintgas.com>; Schoepp, Michael
Subject: 2022-10-25 Settlement Agreement- Quarter 3 Audit Results
CAUTION:This email originated outside the State of Idaho network.Verify links and attachments
BEFORE you click or open,even if you recognize and/or trust the sender.Contact your agency service
desk with any concerns.
As outlined in the Settlement Agreement, attached is the submission of quarter 3 audit
results for work orders completed July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022.
Samantha Caldwell
Manager, Policy and Procedure
Montana-Dakota Utilities
Office: 208-377-6034
Cell: 208-509-2140