HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023Annual Report.pdf VEO-W RECEIVED Thursday,April 18,2024 3:54 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT OF Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. NAME 8248 W Victory Rd, Boise, ID 83709 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED: DECEMBER 31 , 2023 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING: December 31, 2023 COMPANY INFORMATION 1 Give full name of utility Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. Telephone Area Code ( ) (208) 362-1300 E-mail address Website: www.mywater.veolia.us Email: csid@veolia.com 2 Date of Organization April 2, 1928 3 Organized under the laws of the state of Idaho 4 Address of Principal Office(number&street) 8248 W. Victory Road 5 P.O. Box(if applicable) 6 City Boise 7 State Idaho 8 Zip Code 83709 9 Organization (proprietor, partnership, Corp.) Corporation 10 Towns, Counties served Towns: Boise, Eagle, Meridian Counties: Ada 11 Are there any affiliated Companies? Yes If yes, attach a list with names, addresses&descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 12 Contact Information: Name Phone No. CEO Municipal Water-Regulated Rodolphe Bouichou (201)767-9300 Vice President, Treasurer Michael Algranati (201)767-9300 Secretary, Senior Utility Counsel Bryant Gonzalez (201)767-9300 Vice President, General Manager Position vacant at time of filing (201)767-9300 Complaints or Billing Roger Lawless or Marie Flores (208)362-7304 Engineering Cathy Cooper (208)810-0516 Emergency Service Seth Goertz (208) 761-3738 Accounting/Finance Jarmila M. Cary (208)803-4593 13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any additions/deletions made to the service area during the year? No If yes, attach a list with names, addresses&descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 14 Where are the Company's books and records kept? Veolia Water Management&Services Inc. Street Address 461 From Road, Suite 400 City Paramus State New Jersey Zip 07652 Page 1 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. COMPANY INFORMATION For the Year Ended: December 31, 2023 11. Affiliated Companies: Veolia Water Management& Services Inc. 461 From Road, Suite 400 Paramus, NJ 07652 Services provided to the utility: Management and service contract on file with the I.P.U.C. Page 1 Detail NAME: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. COMPANY INFORMATION (Cont.) For the Year Ended December 31, 2023 15 Is the system operated or maintained under a service contract? No 16 If yes: With whom is the contract? When does the contract expire? What services and rates are included? 17 Is water purchased for resale through the system? Yes (3 service locations on Joplin Road) 18 If yes: Name of Organization City of Garden City Name of owner or operator Garden City Public Works - Finance Department Mailing Address 6015 Glenwood City Garden City State ID Zip 83714 Gallons Amount Water Purchased 697,880 $ 2,082 19 Has any system(s) been disapproved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality? No If yes, attach full explanation 20 Has the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality recommended any improvements? No If yes, attach full explanation 21 Number of Complaints received during year concerning: Quality of Service 810 High Bills 118 Disconnection 2,138 22 Number of Customers involuntarily disconnected 2,138 23 Date customers last received a copy of the Summary of Rules required by IDAPA Aug. - Sep. 2023 Attach a Copy of the Summary 24 Did significant additions or retirements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year? Yes If yes, attach full explanation and an updated system map Page 2 PUC ANNUAL REPORT Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. December 31, 2023 4/18/2024 24. SIGNIFICANT ADDITIONS TO THE PLANT ACCOUNT ADDITIONS (Over$100,000 Gross) NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 C21 B504_060_002 CWTP 6 MGD Membrane Replacement $ 8,872,812 2 "G" NEW & REPLACEMENT METERS $ 5,527,802 3 C21 E510_060_002 Hillcrest Tank Replacement $ 3,664,682 4 "D" HYDRANTS & MAINS $ 3,124,357 5 C21 C514_060_002 Ustick Pump Station $ 1,285,630 6 7" NEW, REPLACEMENT & FIRE SERVICES $ 1,197,384 7 C22D702_060_002 Kootenai Water Main Replacement $ 1,020,938 8 C22D609_060_002 T&D Main Replacements $ 861,674 9 C22K101_060_002 2 Crew Trucks with upfitting $ 806,588 10 C22D705 060 002 11 th St. main - River to State $ 768,180 11 C22K109 060 001 Vac Truck $ 723,485 12 C200531_060_001 Redwood Creek Pump and Pipe Re $ 712,354 13 C22C101 060 006 EWC Well 4 Genset Install $ 454,612 14 C22D341_060_001 Crestgate Subdivision $ 427,867 15 C21 D325 060 001 Baron Black Cat Sub $ 420,280 16 C21 K008 060 001 Bench WQ Master Plan $ 387,740 17 C2213505_060_002 CWTP PLC Replacement $ 371,276 18 C23J503 060 002 Antenna Towers $ 333,904 19 C22D714_060_002 Grove St. Main Replacement $ 325,451 20 C2213507 060 003 Bali Hai 300 PPD $ 303,687 21 C22D323_060_001 Adler Gowen Building 301 $ 291,778 22 C23J503_060_003 Microwave Radio Equipment $ 272,042 23 C22D320_060_001 Element Skye Subdivision $ 241,952 24 C22K107_060_001 Network GIS and Hyd Study $ 240,801 25 C22C101_060_013 Franklin Park Piping $ 220,009 26 C21 D357 060 001 Telluride Subdivision $ 205,974 27 C21 D344_060_001 Mark Guho Construction-Joplin $ 200,924 28 C22D319_060_001 Langara Park $ 195,499 29 C23K101 060 004 CAT 308 Excavator $ 181,399 30 C22D322 060 001 Charter Pointe Meadows East#4 $ 174,195 31 C21 D362 060 001 Forester Subdivision $ 161,830 32 C21 D337_060_001 State Street Apartments $ 160,658 33 C2213507 060 002 Fisk 75 PPD $ 160,321 34 C23K110 060 001 Easement Purchase $ 158,727 35 C22D317 060 001 Whitewater Townhomes $ 137,937 36 C22D711_060_002 Reutzal Bridge Main Replacement $ 134,017 37 C20K502_060_006 Concept Planning and Office La $ 133,918 38 C22D315 060 001 Abracadabra Subdivision $ 127,712 Page 2 Detail Additions 39 C231D304_060_001 2545 S Fry St $ 126,763 40 C221D306_060_001 Kingfisher Cove Subdivision $ 126,510 41 C21 D358_060_001 Exchange Street Storage $ 126,108 42 C221D304_060_001 Mygrant Glass $ 125,315 43 C221D336_060_001 Southpark Subdivision #3 $ 123,446 44 C231D604_060_002 2023 EFB Mainline Replacement $ 116,989 45 C2213507 060 004 Veterans 24 PPD $ 116,910 46 C23C101_060_005 LaGrange Well Pump Replacement $ 115,441 47 C2213507 060 005 Roosevelt 24 PPD $ 113,945 48 C23C101_060_008 Settlers Well Pump Replacement $ 113,674 49 C22C510_060_006 Lower Andy's PRV $ 109,110 50 C21 D333_060_001 Limelight Village $ 108,373 51 C22D713 060 002 Cory Lane main replacement $ 105,889 TOTAL $ 36,518,866 Page 2 Detail Additions PUC ANNUAL REPORT Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. December 31, 2023 04/18/24 24. SIGNIFICANT RETIREMENTS FROM THE PLANT ACCOUNT RETIREMENTS (Over $15,000) BOOK NO. DESCRIPTION COST 1 C21 B504_060_002 CWTP 6 MGD Membrane Replacement $ (2,005,879) 2 G - Meters RETIREMENT OF METERS $ (390,121) 3 C21 E510_060_002 Hillcrest Tank Replacement $ (291,878) 4 C2213507_060_003 Bali Hai 300 PPD $ (193,774) 5 C200531_060_001 Redwood Creek Pump and Pipe Replacement $ (167,367) 6 C2213505_060_002 CWTP PLC Replacement $ (149,360) 7 C21 C514_060_002 Ustick Pump Station $ (127,276) 8 C23F505_060_001 Domestic Services $ (103,567) 9 C2213507_060_002 Fisk 75 PPD $ (90,789) 10 C22C101_060_013 Frankin Park Piping $ (86,038) 11 CYYG501_060_001 Repl Customer Meters $ (47,070) 12 C23D502_060_001 Replace Short Mains & Valves $ (46,807) 13 C22C513_060_004 VFD Replacements $ (44,743) 14 C2213507_060_004 Veterans 24 PPD $ (34,571) 15 C23C101_060_008 Settlers Well Pump Replacement $ (29,228) 16 C23C101_060_005 LaGrange Well Pump Replacement $ (27,051) 17 CO3C504_060_001 CONTROL EQUIPMENT $ (26,974) 18 C2213506_060_006 CRWP 500 HP VFD Replacement $ (21,906) 19 C22D705_060_002 11th St. main - River to State $ (19,779) 20 C2313503_060_006 12 Percent CL2 Dosing Pump $ (16,329) 21 C04DO03_060_001 BLACKEAGLE TELEMETRY $ (16,313) 22 C22D702 060 002 Kootenai Water Main Replacement $ (15,666) TOTAL $ (3,952,487) Page 2 Detail Retirements NAME: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended December 31, 2023 ACCT# DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 400 REVENUES 1 460- Unmetered Water revenue 2 461.1 - Metered Sales - residential 38,266,327 3 461.2 - Metered Sales - commercial, industrial 16,637,588 4 462 - Fire Protection Revenue - Private 1,416,561 464 -Other revenue (Difference between pension targets and 5 cash contributions. Per Rate Order#SUZ-W-20-02) (196,661) 6 465- Irrigation Sales revenue - 7 466-Sales for Resale - 8 400 Total Revenue (Add Lines 1 -7) 56,123,816 (also enter result on Page 4, line 1) Booked to Acct#: 9 * DEQ Fees Billed separately to customers 316,937 23699000 10 ** Hookup or Connection Fees Collected - 11 'Commission Approved Surcharges (Franchise Taxes) 1,435,373 23610000 401 OPERATING EXPENSES - 12 601.1-6- Labor-Operations & Maintenance 4,091,491 13 601.7 - Labor- Customer Accounts 1,859,239 14 601.8 - Labor-Administrative & General 1,751,425 15 603 -Salaries-Officers & Directors - 16 604 - Employee Pensions & Benefits 1,292,570 17 610 - Purchased Water (Includes leased) 388,398 18 615-16 - Purchased Power& Fuel for Power 2,549,279 19 618 -Chemicals 778,652 20 620.1-6- Material & Supplies-Operation & Maint 277,115 21 620.7-8- Material & Supplies-A&G and Cust Care 24,892 22 631-34 -Contract Services - Professional 4,351,322 23 635-Contract Services-Water Testing 144,549 24 636 -Contract Services- Other 1,381,696 25 641-42 - Rentals - Property& Equipment 16,628 26 650 -Transportation Expense 782,753 27 656-59 - Insurance (Includes Reserve Adjustment) 168,869 28 660 -Advertising 224,186 29 666 - Rate Case Expense (Amortization) 46,828 30 667 - Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Amortizations) 36,075 31 670 - Bad Debt Expense (Includes Reserve Provision Adj.) 267,029 32 675- Miscellaneous 1,713,368 33 Total Operating Expenses (less Reg. Comm, Depr, Taxes) 22,146,364 (Add lines 12 - 32, also enter on Pg 4, line 2) Page 3 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. INCOME STATEMENT For Year Ended December 31, 2023 ACCT# DESCRIPTION 1 Revenue (From Page 3, line 8) 56,123,816 2 Operating Expenses (From Page 3, line 33) 22,146,364 3 403- Depreciation Expense 10,571,339 4 406-Amortization, Utility Plant Acquisition Adj 195,296 5 407-Amortization Exp. -Other Utility Plant - 6 408.10 - Regulatory Fees 103,816 7 408.11 - Property Taxes 1,501,019 8 408.12 - Payroll Taxes 915,934 9A 408.13 -Other Taxes (1) 9B 9C 9D 10 409.10 - Federal Income Taxes 466,382 11 409.11 -State Income Taxes 140,341 12 410.10 - Prov for Deferred Income Tax- Federal 2,461,918 13 410.11 - Prov for Deferred Income Tax-State 17,034 14 411 - Prov for Deferred Utility Income Tax Credits - 15 412 - Investment Tax Credits- Utility (48,240) 16 Total Expenses from operations before interest(add lines 2-15) 38,471,202 17 413 - Income from Utility Plant Leased to Others - 18 414 - Gains (Losses)from Disposition of Util Plant - 19 Net Operating Income (Add lines 1, 17 &18 less line 16) - 17,652,614 20 415- Revenues, Mdsing, Jobbing &Contract Work - 21 416 - Expenses, Mdsing, Jobbing & Contract Work - 22 419- Interest& Dividend Income Other - 23 420 -Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 826,104 24 421 - Miscellaneous Non-Utility Income 52,523 25 426 - Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense (Includes Acct 70700428) (792,005) 26 408.20 -Other Taxes, Non-Utility Operations - 27 409.20 - Income Taxes, Non-Utility Operations - 28 Net Non-Utility Income (Add lines 20,22,23 &24 less lines 21,25,26, &27) 86,623 29 Gross Income (add lines 19 &28) 17,739,237 30 427.3- Interest Expense on Long-Term Debt - 31 427.5- Other Interest Charges (Acct 70700428 included in 426) 6,363,697 32 NET INCOME (Line 29 less lines 30 &31) (Also Enter on Pg 9, Line 2) 11,375,540 Page 4 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. ACCOUNT 101 PLANT IN SERVICE DETAIL For Year Ended: December 31,2023 Balance Added Removed Adjustments Balance SUB Beginning During During During End of ACCT# DESCRIPTION of Year Year Year Year Year 1 301 Organization 103,738 - - 103,738 2 302 Franchises and Consents 41,182 - - 41,182 3 303 Land, Land Rights&Water Rights 13,632,593 221,693 - 13,854,286 4 304 Structures and Improvements 34,031,096 9,683,756 60,165 43,654,687 5 305 Reservoirs&Standpipes 44,944 - - 44,944 6 306 Lake, River&Other Intakes 1,518,794 - - 1,518,794 7 307 Wells 9,714,766 84,972 99,950 9,699,788 8 308 Infiltration Galleries&Tunnels - - - - 9 309 Supply Mains 3,073,139 35,073 3,038,066 10 310 Power Generation Equipment 3,689,123 94,882 - 3,784,006 11 311 Power Pumping Equipment 31,755,480 2,886,999 519,088 34,123,391 12 320 Purification Systems 37,059,153 1,477,805 2,467,937 36,069,022 13 330 Distribution Reservoirs&Standpipes 20,790,185 3,654,641 293,457 24,151,368 14 331 Trans.&Distrib. Mains&Accessories 261,968,465 8,106,861 81,941 269,993,385 15 333 Services 106,658,500 6,725,304 108,843 113,274,961 16 334 Meters and Meter Installations 18,850,232 1,197,384 478,387 19,569,230 17 335 Hydrants 15,961,005 1,913,141 - 17,874,147 18 336 Backflow Prevention Devices - - 19 339 Other Plant&Misc. Equipment - - 20 340 Office Furniture and Computer Equipment 1,566,186 19,693 60,088 1,525,790 21 341 Transportation Equipment 752,697 863,757 1 - 1,616,453 22 342 Stores Equipment 216,491 - - - 216,491 23 343 Tools,Shop and Garage Equipment 1,680,719 51,246 62,669 - 1,669,296 24 344 Laboratory Equipment 58,831 6,109 - 52,721 25 345 Power Operated Equipment*See note 197,859 989,947 - - 1,187,806 26 346 Communications Equipment 5,217,971 403,571 108,069 - 5,513,473 27 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 176,171 - 622 - 175,550 28 348 Other Tangible Property 2,832,510 836,708 1 - 3,669,217 29 Rounding Difference 1 - 1 30 TOTAL PLANT IN SERVICE 571,591,829 39,212,361 (4,382,401) - 606,421,789 Enter beginning&end of year totals on Pg 7, Line 1 Page 5 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL For Year Ended: December 31, 2023 Annual Depreciation Balance Balance Increase SUB Rate* Beginning End of or ACCT# DESCRIPTION % of Year Year (Decrease) 1 304 Structures and Improvements 2.07% 2.55% Office Bldg. 11,607,706 11,933,637 325,931 2 305 Reservoirs&Standpipes 1.67% 2,459 3,210 751 3 306 Lake, River&Other Intakes 1.68% 610,715 636,231 25,516 4 307 Wells 1.44% 5,193,021 5,100,914 (92,107) 5 308 Infiltration Galleries&Tunnels 0.00% 14,170 14,170 0 6 309 Supply Mains 1.30% 979,304 983,992 4,688 7 310 Power Generation Equipment 4.25% 1,937,226 2,092,714 155,488 8 311 Electric Pumping Equipment 3.39% 18,314,918 19,152,803 837,885 9 320 Purification Systems 0.26% 1.85% Filters 24,932,551 23,161,340 (1,771,211) 10 330 Distribution Reservoirs&Standpipes 2.00% 3,819,778 4,041,475 221,697 11 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains&Accessories 1.43% 78,615,489 82,225,659 3,610,170 12 333 Services 1.32% 37,541,090 38,877,899 1,336,809 13 334 Meters and Meter Installations 5.36% 2,039,189 2,120,939 81,750 14 335 Hydrants 2.47% 3,282,244 4,150,450 868,206 15 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 0.00% - - - 16 339 Other Plant&Misc. Equipment 0.00% - - - 17 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 7.27% 21.58% 20.00% 227,208 309,697 82,489 18 341 Transportation Equipment 10.59% 131,599 273,110 141,511 19 342 Stores Equipment 6.68% 8,570 23,032 14,462 20 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 6.65% 380,252 503,747 123,495 21 344 Laboratory Equipment 11.30% 21,251 31,271 10,020 22 345 Power Operated Equipment 9.91% 137,306 169,890 32,584 23 346 Communications Equipment 6.32% 1,852,096 2,079,651 227,555 24 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 7.60% 80,052 92,811 12,759 25 348 Other Tangible Property 2.00% 11.14% Master Plan 152,462 431,837 279,375 26 301 Organization 0.00% (810) (810) - 27 303 Land & Land Rights 0.00% 57,839 57,402 (437) 28 302 Franchise/Consents-Intang Plt 0.00% 11,357 11,357 (0) 29 Cost of Removal/Salvage - - - 30 Rounding (0) (2) (2) 31 TOTALS (Add Lines 1 -30) 191,949,043 198,478,426 1 6,529,383 Page 6 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended: December 31, 2023 ASSETS Balance Balance Increase Beginning End of or ACCT# DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 1 101/106 Utility Plant in Service (From Pg 5, Line 30) 571,591,829 606,421,789 34,829,960 2 102 Utility Plant Leased to Others - 3 103 Plant Held for Future Use - 4 107/1075 Construction Work in Progress 18,694,448 18,717,382 22,935 5 114 Utility Plant Aquisition Adjustment 11,075,761 11,075,761 - 6 Subtotal (Add Lines 1 - 5) 601,362,038 636,214,933 34,852,895 7 108.1 Accumulated Depreciation (From Pg 6, Line 31) 191,949,043 198,478,426 6,529,383 8 108.2 Accum. Depr.- Utility Plant Lease to Others - - 9 108.3 Accum. Depr. - Property Held for Future Use - - 10 110.1 Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant In Service - - 11 110.2 Accum. Amort.- Utility Plant Lease to Others - - 12 115 Accumulated Amortization-Aquisition Adj. 277,673 472,969 195,296 13 Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less lines 7 - 12) 409,135,322 437,263,538 28,128,216 14 123 Investment in Subsidiaries - - 15 121 Other Investments (Non-utility Property) 7,554 7,554 - 16 Total Investments (Add lines 14 & 15) 7,554 7,554 - 17 131 Cash - - - 18 135 Short Term Investments - 19 141 Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers 2,358,654 2,380,178 21,523 20 142 Other Receivables 22,572 16,528 (6,043) 21 146 Receivables from Associated Companies (1,739,356) (614,344) 1,125,012 22 151 Materials & Supplies Inventory 1,416,267 1,652,232 235,965 23 162 Prepaid Expenses 166,936 174,448 7,512 24 173 Unbilled (Accrued) Utility Revenue 3,580,751 3,681,302 100,551 25 143 Provision for Uncollectable Accounts 259,925 261,527 1,602 26 Total Current (add lines 17 -24 less line 25) 5,545,900 7,028,818 1,482,918 27 181 Unamortized Debt Discount& Expense - - 28 183 Preliminary Survey& Investigation Charges 1,115,129 1,228,951 113,822 29 184 Deferred Rate Case Expenses 184,428 157,022 (27,406) 30 186 Other Deferred Charges 18,552,947 20,414,177 11861,231 31 Total Assets (Add lines 13, 16 &26 -30) 434,541,279 466,100,059 31,558,780 Page 7 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended: December 31, 2023 LIABILITIES & CAPITAL Balance Balance Increase Beginning End of or ACCT# DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 1 201-3 Common Stock 1,261,750 1,261,750 - 2 204-6 Preferred Stock - 3 207-13 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 121,411,599 141,628,171 20,216,572 4 214 Appropriated Retained Earnings - 5 215 Unappropriated Retained Earnings 161,789,527 167,738,106 5,948,579 6 216 Reacquired Capital Stock - 7 218 Proprietary Capital - 8 Total Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 less line 6) 284,462,876 310,628,027 26,165,151 9 221-2 Bonds - - - 10 223 Advances from Associated Companies - - - 11 224 Other Long- Term Debt - - - 12 231 Accounts Payable 9,622,649 8,163,923 (1,458,726) 13 232 Notes Payable - - - 14 233 Accounts Payable -Associated Companies 8,221 7,980 (241) 15 235 Customer Deposits (Refundable) 191 - (191) 16 236.11 Accrued Other Taxes Payable 940,233 851,952 (88,281) 17 236.12 Accrued Income Taxes Payable 1,434,368 557,676 (876,693) 18 236.2 Accrued Taxes - Non-Utility - - - 19 237-40 Accrued Debt, Interest & Dividends Payable 2 - (2) 20 241 Misc. Current &Accrued Liabilities 3,112,841 2,673,891 (438,950) 21 251 Unamortized Debt Premium - - - 22 252 Advances for Construction 3,835,654 3,790,141 (45,513) 23 253 Other Deferred Liabilities 5,279,795 4,214,689 (1,065,107) 24 255.1 Accumulated Investment Tax Credits - Utility 422,674 374,434 (48,240) 25 255.2 Accum. Investment Tax Credits - Non-Utility - - - 26 261-5 Operating Reserves (Pension & Benefits) 3,540,650 3,637,486 96,836 27 271 Contributions in Aid of Construction 164,638,929 173,155,682 8,516,753 28 272 Accum. Amort. of Contrib. in Aid of Const. ** (49,733,409) (52,287,455) (2,554,046) 29 281-3 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 6,975,606 10,331,635 3,356,029 30 Total Liabilities (Add lines 9 -29) 150,078,404 155,472,032 5,393,629 31 TOTAL LIAB & CAPITAL (Add lines 8 & 30) 434,541,279 466,100,059 31,558,780 ** Only if Commission Approved Page 8 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS For Year Ended: December 31, 2023 1 Retained Earnings Balance @ Beginning of Year 161,789,525 2 Amount Added from Current Year Income (From Pg 4, Line 32) 11,375,540 3 Other (Credits) / Debits to Account - 4 Dividends Paid or Appropriated (5,426,960) 5 Other Distributions of Retained Earnings - 6 Retained Earnings Balance @ End of Year 167,738,105 CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL No. Shares No. Shares Dividends 7 Description (Class, Par Value etc.) Authorized Outstanding Paid Common Stock, $50.00 Par Value 50,000 25,235 $ 5,426,960 DETAIL OF LONG-TERM DEBT Interest Year-end Interest Interest 8 Description Rate Balance Paid Accrued None - Held by Parent (Veolia Water Resources Inc.) Page 9 Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA For Year Ended: December 31, 2023 1 Provide an updated system map if significant changes have been made to the system during the year. 2 Water Supply: Type of Water Treatment: Supply Rated (None, Chlorine Annual Source Capacity Fluoride Production (Well, Spring, Pump Designation or location (GPM) Filter etc.) (000's Gal.) Surface Wtr) See attached Treatment 3 System Storage: Total Usable Type of Capacity Capacity Reservoir Construction 000's 000's (Elevated,Pres- (Wood, Steel Storage Designation or Location Gal. Gal. urized, Boosted) Concrete) See attached Storage (Duplicate form and attach if necessary. Asterisk facilities added this year.) Page 10 PUC ANNUAL REPORT Veolia Water Idaho,Inc. December 31,2023 04/18/24 RATED ANNUAL WATER SITE PUMP CAPACITY PROD TYPE OF SUPPLY NO. DESIGNATION (GPM) (1000 GAL) TREATMENT Notes SOURCE 1 16TH ST 800 13,080 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 2 27TH ST 350 52,993 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 3 AMITY 700 167,270 NaOCI<1%, PO4 Ground Water 4 ARCTIC 700 - NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Out of Service in 2023 Ground Water 5 BALI HAI 1,500 254,360 Green Sand, NaOCI<1% Ground Water 6 BEACON 600 37,849 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 7 BERGESON 700 34,101 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 8 BETHEL 2,500 467,418 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 9 BIF 250 42,119 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 10 BROADWAY 1,000 352,973 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 11 BROOK HOLLOW 850 33,169 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 12 BYRD NA - NaOCI(12 to 15%) Out of Service in 2023 Ground Water 13 CASSIA 1 900 80,869 NaOCI<1%, PO4 Ground Water 14 CASSIA 800 41,396 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 15 CENTENNIAL 750 104,707 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 16 CHAMBERLAIN 1 250 9,017 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 17 CHAMBERLAIN 2 600 80,564 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 18 CLIFFSIDE 800 110,664 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 19 CLINTON 1,300 132,918 NaOCI(12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 20 COLE 700 28,185 NaOCI (12 to 15%)&ASR Ground Water 21 COUNTRY CLUB 800 116,084 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 22 COUNTRY SQUARE 1,100 248,468 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 23 COUNTRYMAN 500 - NaOCI(12 to 15%) Out of Service in 2023 Ground Water 24 DURHAM 200 46,074 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 25 EAGLE WELL 1 " ' - Not In Service Ground Water 26 EAGLE WELL 2" ' - Not In Service Ground Water 27 EAGLE WELL 3" ' - Not In Service Ground Water 28 EAGLE WELL 4" ' 1,800 449,705 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 29 EAGLE WELL 6" ' 2,500 8,882 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 30 EAGLE WELL 7" ' 1,400 360,884 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 31 EAGLE WELL 8" " 2,075 73,149 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 32 EDGEVIEW 800 12,125 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 33 FISK 1,900 406,620 NaOCI<1%GAC Ground Water 34 FIVE MILE 12 500 15,902 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 35 FLOATING FEATHER 3,000 522,792 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 36 FOX TAIL 1,000 30,685 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 37 FRANKLIN PARK 1,200 395,474 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 38 FRONTIER 1 1,750 50,769 NaOCI(12 to 15%),ASR Ground Water 39 GODDARD 1 1,300 174,120 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 40 HIDDEN VALLEY 1 950 249,928 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 41 HIDDEN VALLEY 2 750 51,362 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 42 HILLCREST 750 219,521 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 43 HILTON 1,400 324,984 Green Sand, NaOCI<1% Ground Water 44 HP 1,100 391,177 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 45 HUMMEL j 600 - NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Out of Service in 2023 Ground Water 46 IDAHO 375 - NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Out of Service in 2023 Ground Water 47 ISLAND WOODS 1 800 109,701 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water Page 10 Detail A Treatment (Page 1 of 2) PUC ANNUAL REPORT Veolia Water Idaho,Inc. December 31,2023 04/18/24 RATED ANNUAL WATER SITE PUMP CAPACITY PROD TYPE OF SUPPLY NO. DESIGNATION (GPM) (1000 GAL) TREATMENT Notes SOURCE 48 ISLAND WOODS 2 800 29,814 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 49 JR FLAT 450 85,468 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 50 KIRKWOOD 300 149,944 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 51 LA GRANGE 1,350 227,596 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 52 LICORICE 190 30,554 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 53 LOGGER 750 134,489 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 54 LONGMEADOW 250 - NaOCI(12 to 15%) Out of Service in 2023 Ground Water 55 MAC 1,200 104,852 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 56 MAPLE HILL 1,800 353,619 Green Sand, NaOCI<1% Ground Water 57 MAPLE HILL 2 500 13,513 NaOCI<1%ASR Ground Water 58 MARKET 700 33,788 NaOCI (12 to 15%)&ASR Ground Water 59 MCMILLAN 800 199,397 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 60 OVERLAND 1,000 114,137 NaOCI<1%, PO4 Ground Water 61 PARADISE 500 110,089 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 62 PIONEER 1,200 244,277 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 63 PLEASANT VALLEY 1,800 796,812 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 64 RAPTOR 1,000 100,375 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 65 REDWOOD CREEK 1 1,800 417,211 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 66 RIVER RUN 900 13,676 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 67 ROOSEVELT 1 700 20,690 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 68 ROOSEVELT 3 545 212,796 NaOCI (12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 69 SETTLERS 1,000 20,851 NaOCI (12 to 15%)&ASR Ground Water 70 SPURWING 2,000 3 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Fire Standby Ground Water 71 SUNSET WEST 2,000 764,922 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 72 SWIFT 1 1,100 25,849 Iron and Manganese Removal, NaOCI <1% Ground Water 73 SWIFT 2 900 40,627 Iron and Manganese Removal, NaOCI<1% Ground Water 74 TAGGART 1 300 143,757 Iron and Manganese Removal, NaOCI<1% Ground Water 75 TAGGART 2 750 181,453 Iron and Manganese Removal, NaOCI <1% Ground Water 76 TEN MILE 1,000 398,615 NaOCI<1% Ground Water 77 TERTELING 600 15,169 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 78 VETERANS 740 180,048 NaOCL<1% Ground Water 79 VICTORY 600 212,676 NaOCL<1% Ground Water 80 VISTA 450 146,887 NaOCI(12 to 15%), PO4 Ground Water 81 WARM SPRINGS 2 450 - NaOCI(12 to 15%) Out of service in 2023 Ground Water 82 WARM SPRINGS 3 600 30,286 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 83 WESTMORELAND 350 30,622 NaOCL(12 to 15%) Ground Water 84 WILLOW LANE 1 500 - NaOCI(12 to 15%), PO4 Out of service in 2023 Ground Water 85 WILLOW LANE 2 370 19,845 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 86 WILLOW LANE 3 300 22,241 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Ground Water 1 Columbia WTP 6,944 1,096,363 Membrane Filtration, NaOCI<1% Surface Water 2 Marden WTP 12,700 3,204,225 Conventional Filtration, NaOCI<1% Surface Water 16,229,593 Asterisk facilities added this year Page 10 Detail A Treatment (Page 2 of 2) PUC ANNUAL REPORT Page 10 - 3. System Storage Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. December 31, 2023 RESERVOIR AVAILABLE TYPE CONSTRUCTION STORAGE STORAGE CAPACITY Elevated Concrete, Steel, SITE DESIGNATION CAPACITY (1,000 GALLONS) Boosted Wood NO. (1,000 GALLONS) Both 1 Aeronca Tank 150 140 Boosted Steel 2 Arrowhead Tank 445 444 Elevated Concrete 3 Arrowhead1 Clearwell 30 29 Both Concrete 4 Arrowhead2 Clearwell 30 29 Both Concrete 5 Barber Tank 2,000 2,000 Both Steel 6 Bogus Tank 360 350 Both Concrete 7 Boulder Tank 630 600 Both Concrete 8 Briarhill Tank 250 250 Both Concrete 9 Broken Horn Tank 662 657 Elevated Steel 10 Claremont Tank 1 90 90 Elevated Concrete 11 Claremont Tank 2 192 192 Elevated Concrete 12 Columbia Tank 3,000 1,500 Elevated Steel 13 Columbia WTP 1,500 1,200 Both Steel 14 Columbia WTP Clear Well 1,070 395 Both Concrete 15 Crestline Tank 300 300 Both Steel 16 Federal Tank 2,000 2,000 Boosted Steel 17 Five Mile Tank 2,400 2,121 Boosted Steel 18 Good Street Tank 3,000 3,000 Both Steel 19 Gowen Tank 2,000 2,000 Both Steel 20 Harris Ranch North 356 356 Elevated Steel 21 Harris Ranch Tank 360 360 Elevated Concrete 22 Harvard Tank 150 150 Boosted Steel 23 Hidden Hollow Tank 2,000 2,000 Both Steel 24 Hidden Springs Tank 347 347 Elevated Steel 25 Hidden Springs Tank#2 619 619 Both Steel 26 Hillcrest Tank 2,000 2,000 Boosted Steel 27 Hulls Gulch Tank 6,000 6,000 Both Steel 28 Marden WTP Clearwell 900 450 Boosted Concrete 29 North Mountain Tank 300 300 Elevated Steel 30 Old Pen Tank 320 320 Elevated Concrete 31 Quail Ridge Tank 326 325 Elevated Concrete 32 Steelhead Tank 3,000 2,900 Boosted Steel 33 Sunset Peak 1,000 1,000 Elevated Concrete 34 Table Rock Tank 68 65 Elevated Concrete 35 Toluka Tank 92 90 Both Steel 36 Upper Danmor Tank 750 750 Both Concrete 37 Ustick Tank 2,000 1,900 Boosted Steel 38 Whistle Pig Tank 2,750 2,750 Elevated Concrete 43,447 39,979 Asterisk facilities added this year*** Page 10 Detail B Storage Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended: December 31, 2023 4 Pump information for ALL system pumps, including wells and boosters. Rated Discharge Energy Designation or Location Horse Capacity Pressure Used &Type of Pump** Power (gpm) (psi) This Year See attached Pumps& Boosters **Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities added this year. Attach additional sheets if inadequate space is available on this page. Gross(in Million Gal.) 5 If Wells are metered: What was the total amount pumped this year? 16,230 What was the total amount pumped during peak month? 2,711 What was the total amount pumped on the peak day? 95 6 If customers are metered,what was the total amount sold in peak month? 2,651 7 Was your system designed to supply fire flows? Yes If Yes: What is the current system rating? ISO-2 (City of Boise)- ISO-3(Other Areas Served) 8 How many times were meters read this year? 6 or 12 During which months? Monthly billed customer meters are read every month. Bi-monthly billed customer meters are read every other month with one cycle read on even months, and the other set read on odd months. 9 How many additional customers could be served with no system improvements except a service line and meter? 12,500 How many of those potential additions are vacant lots? 500 10 Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? Yes If Yes, attach an explanation of projects and anticipated costs 2022-2024 Sage Acres Booster Pump Improvements-$1,300,00 2023-2024 La Grange Well Building Replacement-$940,000 2024-2027 PFAS Treatment Projects- Investigation Underway, Unknown costs at this time 2022-2025 Old Penitentiary Booster$875,000 11 In what year do you anticipate that the system capacity(supply, storage or distribution) will have to be expanded? 2024 2024-2026 Columbia Ridge Second Tank- $8,400,000 2024-2025 Island Woods Connection$1,600,000 2024-2026 New tank in Central First-$6,600,000 2023-2024 Five Mile Main-Seneca to Sandpiper-$3,700,000 2022-2025 Sherman Oaks Well-$3,000,000 2023-2027 Central First bench New Well-$3,000,000 2023-2025 New TableRock Tank-$1,805,000 2024-2026 Toluka Tank Replacement-$2,050,000 Page 11 PUC ANNUAL REPORT Page 11 - 4.All System Pumps(including Wells&Boosters) Veolia Water Idaho,Inc. December 31,2023 RATED PRODUCTION SEN LqcATIONE UMP TYPE HP GPM DPSI KWH USED (1,000 Gallons) 1 WELLPUMP 16th Street Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 800 72 39,754 13,080 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 2 WELLPUMP 27th Street Well Pump Submersible 60 350 65 126,191 52,993 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 3 WELLPUMP Amity Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 150 1,000 87 302,000 167,270 NaOCI<1%,PO4 4 WELLPUMP Arctic Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 700 80 53,200 - NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 5 WELLPUMP Bali Hai Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 250 1,500 80 466,640 254,360 Green Sand,NaOCI<1% 6 WELLPUMP Beacon Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 75 600 65 84,612 37,849 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 7 WELLPUMP Bergeson Well Pump Submersible 100 700 62 76,680 34,101 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 8 WELLPUMP Bethel Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 200 2,500 60 500,600 467,418 NaOCI<1% 9 WELLPUMP BIF Well Pump Submersible 40 250 57 125,796 42,119 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 10 WELLPUMP Broadway Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 150 1,000 55 505,200 352,973 NaOCI<1% 11 WELLPUMP Brookhollow Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 75 850 60 57,833 33,169 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 12 WELLPUMP Cassia 1 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 900 60 202,760 80,869 NaOCI<1%,PO4 13 WELLPUMP Cassia 2 Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 125 800 60 41,396 NaOCI<1% 14 WELLPUMP Centennial Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 750 57 189,240 104,707 NaOCI<1% 15 WELLPUMP Central Park Well Pump RETIRED IN 2017 2,854 - 16 WELLPUMP Chamberlain 1 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 250 70 116,600 9,017 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 17 WELLPUMP Chamberlain 2 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 30 380 70 80,564 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 18 WELLPUMP Cliffside Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 50 5001 60 126,221 1 110,664 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 19 WELLPUMP Clinton Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 125 1,300 59 199,240 132,918 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 20 WELLPUMP Cole Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 700 70 52,280 28,185 NaOCI(12 to 15%)&ASR 21 WELLPUMP Country Club Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 125 800 46 200,480 116,084 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 22 WELLPUMP Country Square Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 125 1,100 58 450,200 248,468 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 23 WELLPUMP Countryman Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 500 65 6,668 - NaOCI(12 to 15%) 24 WELLPUMP Durham Well Pump Submersible 15 200 62 57,805 46,074 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 25 WELLPUMP Eagle Well 1(not in service)"` 2,746 - 26 WELLPUMP Eagle Well 2(not in service)"` 969 27 WELLPUMP Eagle Well 3(not in service)"` - 28 WELLPUMP Eagle Well "' DWVerticalTurbine 300 1,800 80 704,480 449,705 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 29 WELLPUMP Eagle Well "' DWVerticalTurbine 250 2,500 52 34,620 8,882 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 30 WELLPUMP Eagle Well 7"' DWVerticalTurbine 200 1,400 93 670,320 360,884 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 31 WELLPUMP Eagle Well 8"' DWVerticalTurbine 250 2,075 95 89,040 73,149 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 32 WELLPUMP Edgeview Well VSP Submersible 75 800 60 23,120 12,125 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 33 WELLPUMP Fisk Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 200 1,900 59 700,640 406,620 NaOCI<1% 34 WELLPUMP Five Mile 12 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 600 55 25,320 15,902 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 35 WELLPUMP Floating Feather Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 450 3,000 63 922,640 522,792 NaOCI<1% 36 WELLPUMP Foxtail Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 125 1,000 80 54,080 30,685 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 37 WELLPUMP Franklin Park Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 125 1,2001 60 490,240 1 395,474 NaOCI<1% 38 WELLPUMP Frontier Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 150 1,750 58 71,160 50,769 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4&ASR 39 WELLPUMP Goddard Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 150 1,300 54 390,580 174,120 NaOCI<1% 40 WELLPUMP Hidden Valley 1 Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 150 950 68 423,000 249,928 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 41 WELLPUMP Hidden Valley 2 Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 100 750 70 126,160 51,362 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 42 WELLPUMP Hillcrest Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 750 32 570,400 219,521 NaOCI<1% 43 WELLPUMP Hilton Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 200 1,400 58 599,960 324,984 Green Sand,NaOCI<1% 44 WELLPUMP HP Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 150 1,100 70 646,200 391,177 NaOCI<1% 45 WELLPUMP Hummel Well Pump RETIRED IN 2020 75 600 66 2,583 - NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 46 WELLPUMP Idaho Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 375 68 1,320 - NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 47 WELLPUMP Island Wood 1 Well Pump VSP Submersible 15 150 69 42,301 109,701 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 48 WELLPUMP Island Wood 2 Well Pump VSP Submersible 75 800 66 135,441 29,814 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 49 WELLPUMP JR Flat Well Pump Submersible 100 450 71 227,680 85,468 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 50 WELLPUMP Kirkwood Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 40 300 66 207,851 149,944 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 51 WELLPUMP La Grange Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 150 1,350 60 332,840 227,596 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 52 WELLPUMP Licorice Well Pump Submersible 15 190 62 59,491 30,554 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 53 WELLPUMP Logger Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 150 700 67 342,440 134,489 NaOCI<1% 54 WELLPUMP Longmeadow Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 250 50 4,720 - NaOCI(12 to 15%) 55 WELLPUMP MAC Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 150 1,200 79 186,320 104,852 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 56 WELLPUMP Maple Hill 1 Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 200 1,800 70 597,360 353,619 Green Sand,NaOCI<1% 57 WELLPUMP Maple Hill 2 Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 60 500 70 13,513 NaOCI<1%ASR 58 WELLPUMP Market Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 125 700 69 88,960 33,788 NaOCI(12 to 15%)&ASR 59 WELLPUMP McMillan Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 800 80 334,280 199,397 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 60 WELLPUMP Overland Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 1,000 69 256,823 114,137 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 61 WELLPUMP Paradise Well Pump Submersible 40 500 65 253,657 110,089 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 62 WELLPUMP Pioneer Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 300 1,200 65 1,042,000 244,277 NaOCI<1% 63 WELLPUMP Pleasant Valley Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 500 1,800 67 2,890,560 796,812 NaOCI<1% 64 WELLPUMP Raptor Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 300 1,000 87 369,080 100,375 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 65 WELLPUMP Redwood Creek Well Pump VSP Submersible 200 1,800 65 590,160 417,211 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 66 WELLPUMP River Run Well VSP Submersible 100 900 65 31,200 13,676 NaOCI(12 to 15%) Page 11 Detail Pumps&Boosters (Page 1 of 4) PUC ANNUAL REPORT Page 11 - 4.All System Pumps(including Wells&Boosters) Veolia Water Idaho,Inc. December 31,2023 RATED PRODUCTION Ls�CATIONM PUMP TYPE HP GPM DPSI KWH USED (1,000 Gallons) 67 WELLPUMP Roosevelt 1 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 700 55 366,120 20,690 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 68 WELLPUMP Roosevelt 3 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 60 600 55 212,796 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 69 WELLPUMP Settlers Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 1,000 56 35,446 20,851 NaOCI(12 to 15%)&ASR 70 WELLPUMP Sherman Oaks Well Pump N/A(Out of Service) 71 WELLPUMP Spurwing Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 150 2,000 80 36,920 3 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 72 WELLPUMP Sunset West Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 250 2,000 68 1,728,920 764,922 NaOCI<1% 73 WELLPUMP Swift 1 Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 125 1,100 66 111,440 25,849 NaOCI(12 to 15%)GAC&ASR 74 WELLPUMP Swift 2 Well Pump VSP DWVerticalTurbine 100 900 66 40,627 NaOCI(12 to 15%)GAC 75 WELLPUMP Taggart 1 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 300 55 642,760 143,757 NaOCI<1% 76 WELLPUMP Taggart2 Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 125 750 55 181,453 NaOCI<1% 77 WELLPUMP Ten Mile Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 300 1,000 64 1 1,473,640 398,615 NaOCI<1% 78 WELLPUMP Terteling Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 600 69 53,407 15,169 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 79 WELLPUMP Veterans Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 75 740 60 286,500 180,048 NaOCL<1% 80 WELLPUMP Victory Well VSP DWVerticalTurbine 60 600 55 359,303 212,676 NaOCL<1% 81 WELLPUMP Vista Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 75 450 50 301,440 146,887 NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 82 WELLPUMP Warm Springs Mesa 2 Well Pump RETIRED IN 2020 75 450 136 1,667 - NaOCI(12 to 15%) 83 WELLPUMP Warm Springs Mesa 3 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 100 600 136 94,731 30,286 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 84 WELLPUMP Westmoreland Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 350 50 51,487 30,622 NaOCL(12 to 15%) 85 WELLPUMP Willow 1 Well Pump RETIRED IN 2020 40 500 69 - NaOCI(12 to 15%),PO4 86 WELLPUMP Willow 2 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 50 370 69 59,093 19,845 NaOCI(12 to 15%) 87 WELLPUMP Willow 3 Well Pump DWVerticalTurbine 40 300 69 4,040 22,241 NaOCI(12 to 15%) COLUMBIA WTP COLUMBIA PUMP RIVER 1,990,561 88 Raw Water #1 Intake SS VTRB 500 2800 205 89 Raw Water #2 Intake SS VTRB 500 2800 205 90 Raw Water #3 Intake SS VTRB 500 2800 205 COLUMBIA TRTMNT PLANT 1,039,741 1,096,363 Membrane Filtration,NaOCI<1% 91 FINISHWATER Columbia WTP VSP 1 SS VTRB 75 1050 52 92 FINISHWATER Columbia WTP VSP 2 SS VTRB 75 1050 52 93 FINISHWATER Columbia WTP VSP 3 SS VTRB 200 2800 52 94 FINISHWATER Columbia WTP VSP 4 SS VTRB 200 2800 52 MARDEN WTP MARDEN TRTMNT PLANT 3,892,8041 3,204,225 Conventional Filtration,NaOCI<1% 95 Raw Water #1 Ranney SUBM 50 1750 30 96 Raw Water #2 Ranney SUBM 40 1000 30 97 Raw Water #3 Ranney VSP SUBM 90 1800 30 98 Raw Water #1 Intake SS VTRB 15 1390 30 99 Raw Water #2 Intake VSP SS VTRB 30 2775 30 100 Raw Water #3 Intake SS VTRB 30 2775 30 101 Raw Water #4 Intake SS VTRB 25 2775 30 102 Raw Water #5 Intake SS VTRB 50 4166 30 103 FINISHWATER Marden WTP 710 VSP SS VTRB 150 2777 63 104 FINISHWATER Marden WTP 720 Pump SS VTRB 150 2777 63 105 FINISHWATER Marden WTP 730 Pump SS VTRB 250 4166 63 106 FINISHWATER Marden WTP 740 VSP SS VTRB 250 4166 63 107 FINISHWATER Marden WTP 750 Pump SS VTRB 300 4166 85 TOTAL PUMPS 13,670 128,963 6,866 31,015,616 16,229,593 RATED PRODUCTION SITE# TYPE LOCATION PUMP TYPE HP GPM DPSI KWH USED (1,000 Gallons) 1 BOOSTER 36th Street Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 75 1,000 95 81,687 2 BOOSTER 36th Street Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 75 1,000 95 3 BOOSTER Aeronca Booster Pump 1 End Suc Centrifugal 15 200 52 19,027 4 BOOSTER Aeronca Booster Pump 2 End Suc Centrifugal 50 800 52 5 BOOSTER Arctic Booster End Suc Centrifugal 40 2,500 80 6 BOOSTER Arrowhead 1 Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 450 50 74,850 7 BOOSTER Arrowhead 1 Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 450 50 8 BOOSTER Arrowhead 1 Booster#3 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 50 900 50 9 BOOSTER Arrowhead 2 Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 450 95 108,500 10 BOOSTER Arrowhead 2 Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 450 95 11 BOOSTER Arrowhead 2 Booster#3 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 75 900 95 12 BOOSTER Barber Booster Pump 1 End Suc Centrifugal 150 1,500 90 100,760 13 BOOSTER Barber Booster Pump 2 End Suc Centrifugal 150 1,500 90 14 BOOSTER Bluffs Booster#1-RETIRED End Suc Centrifugal 7.5 150 75 Page 11 Detail Pumps&Boosters (Page 2 of 4) PUC ANNUAL REPORT Page 11 - 4.All System Pumps(including Wells&Boosters) Veolia Water Idaho,Inc. December 31,2023 RATED PRODUCTION SEN LqcATIONE PUMP TYPE HP GPM DPSI KWH USED (1,000 Gallons) Treatment 15 BOOSTER Bluffs Booster#2-RETIRED End Suc Centrifugal 25 500 75 16 BOOSTER Bluffs Booster#3-RETIRED End Suc Centrifugal 25 500 75 17 BOOSTER Boise Avenue Pump VSP End Suc Centrifugal 30 1,000 72 14,769 18 BOOSTER Boulder Booster#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 20 280 80 134,776 19 BOOSTER Boulder Booster#2 End Suc Centrifugal 20 280 80 20 BOOSTER Boulder Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 40 1,500 1 30 21 BOOSTER Boulder Booster 94 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 1,500 30 22 BOOSTER Braemere Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 75 1,000 83 145,920 23 BOOSTER Braemere Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 75 1,000 83 24 BOOSTER Braemere Booster#3 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 500 83 25 BOOSTER Braemere Booster#4 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 20 250 83 26 BOOSTER Briarhill Booster#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 75 900 150 152,536 27 BOOSTER Briarhill Booster#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 75 900 150 28 BOOSTER Briarhill Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 75 900 150 29 BOOSTER Broken Horn Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 125 1,000 165 160,240 30 BOOSTER Broken Horn Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 125 1,000 165 31 BOOSTER Broken Horn Booster#3 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 125 1,000 165 32 BOOSTER Broken Horn Booster CONTROL BLDG NA NA NA 33 BOOSTER Brumback Booster#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 100 600 150 183,320 34 BOOSTER Brumback Booster#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 100 600 150 35 BOOSTER Cartwright Booster#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 60 325 170 130,860 36 BOOSTER Cartwright Booster#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 60 325 170 37 BOOSTER Council Springs Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 60 465 165 63,950 38 BOOSTER Council Springs Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 60 465 165 39 BOOSTER Crestline Booster#1 End Suc Centrifugal 40 420 90 68,978 40 BOOSTER Crestline Booster#2 End Suc Centrifugal 40 420 90 41 BOOSTER Eagle Sage Acres Booster#1 End Suc Centrifugal 100 2,000 100 58,863 42 BOOSTER Eagle Sage Acres Booster#2 End Suc Centrifugal 25 400 105 43 BOOSTER Eagle Yard Booster#1" End Suc Centrifugal 100 2,550 95 429,040 44 BOOSTER Eagle Yard Booster#2" End Suc Centrifugal 60 2,100 100 45 BOOSTER Federal Booster#1 In-line Centrifugal 100 1,500 60 137,400 46 BOOSTER Federal Booster#2 VSP In-line Centrifugal 100 1,500 60 47 BOOSTER Five Mile Booster VSP 1 SSVerticleTurbine 40 500 78 98,640 48 BOOSTER Five Mile Booster VSP 2 SSVerticleTurbine 100 1,500 78 49 BOOSTER Five Mile Booster 3 SSVerticleTurbine 100 1,500 78 50 BOOSTER Good Street Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 100 4,500 25 141,080 51 BOOSTER Good Street Booster#2 SSVerticleTurbine 125 2,500 75 52 BOOSTER Good Street Booster#3 SSVerticleTurbine 125 2,500 75 53 BOOSTER Good Street Booster#4 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 700 75 54 BOOSTER Gowen Booster VSP 1 End Suc Centrifugal 40 1,000 66 13,728 55 BOOSTER Gowen Booster VSP 2 End Suc Centrifugal 50 1,500 66 56 BOOSTER Gowen Booster VSP 3 End Suc Centrifugal 25 340 66 57 BOOSTER Harris Ranch Booster#1 End Suc Centrifugal 10 300 65 29,592 58 BOOSTER Harris Ranch Booster#2 End Suc Centrifugal 30 700 65 59 BOOSTER Harris Ranch Booster#3 End Suc Centrifugal 30 700 65 60 BOOSTER Harvard Booster Pump 1 End Suc Centrifugal 20 350 85 13,467 61 BOOSTER Harvard Booster Pump 2 End Suc Centrifugal 20 350 85 62 BOOSTER Hidden Hallow 1 Pump SSVerticleTurbine 200 1,000 220 808,000 63 BOOSTER Hidden Hallow 2 Pump SSVerticleTurbine 200 1,000 220 64 BOOSTER Hidden Hallow 3 Pump VSP SSVerticleTurbine 200 1,000 220 65 BOOSTER Highland View#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 40 600 67 800 Out of Service 66 BOOSTER Highland View#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 40 600 67 Out of Service 67 BOOSTER Highland View#3 End Suc Centrifugal 100 1,200 67 Out of Service 68 BOOSTER Hillcrest Booster VSP 1 SSVerticleTurbine 75 1,500 65 In Hillcrest Well 69 BOOSTER Hillcrest Booster VSP 2 SSVerticleTurbine 125 3,000 52 70 BOOSTER Hillcrest Booster VSP 3 SSVerticleTurbine 125 3,000 52 71 BOOSTER Hillcrest Booster VSP 4 SSVerticleTurbine 125 3,000 52 72 BOOSTER Hillsboro Booster#1 SSVerticleTurbine 50 600 104 70,920 73 BOOSTER Hillsboro Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 75 900 104 74 BOOSTER Hillsboro Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 20 300 104 75 BOOSTER Hilo Booster VSP End Suc Centrifugal 50 800 105 3,648 76 BOOSTER Hulls Gulch#1 SSVerticleTurbine 125 900 178 551,680 77 BOOSTER Hulls Gulch#2 SSVerticleTurbine 125 900 178 78 BOOSTER Hulls Gulch#3 SSVerticleTurbine 125 900 178 79 BOOSTER Lower Danmor Booster#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 75 900 135 268,960 80 BOOSTER Lower Danmor Booster#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 75 900 135 Page 11 Detail Pumps&Boosters (Page 3 of 4) PUC ANNUAL REPORT Page 11 - 4.All System Pumps(including Wells&Boosters) Veolia Water Idaho,Inc. December 31,2023 RATED PRODUCTION LqcATIONE PUMP TYPE HP GPM DPSI KWH USED (1,000 Gallons) Treatment 81 BOOSTER Lower Danmor Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 75 900 135 82 BOOSTER Micron Booster VSP 1 End Suc Centrifugal 50 900 105 1,622 83 BOOSTER Micron Booster 2 End Suc Centrifugal 20 340 105 84 BOOSTER Micron Booster 3 End Suc Centrifugal 75 1,700 105 85 BOOSTER North Mountain#1 End Suc Centrifugal 15 250 88 24,599 86 BOOSTER North Mountain#2 End Suc Centrifugal 25 600 88 87 BOOSTER Old Pen Booster End Suc Centrifugal 15 300 70 836 88 BOOSTER Quail Booster#1 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 100 800 151 151,664 89 BOOSTER Quail Booster#2 VSP SSVerticleTurbine 100 800 151 90 BOOSTER Roger Heights 1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 75 3,000 45 171,520 91 BOOSTER Roger Heights 2 Pump End Suc Centrifugal 75 3,000 45 92 BOOSTER Roger Heights 3 Pump End Suc Centrifugal 75 3,000 45 93 BOOSTER Somerset Booster 1 End Suc Centrifugal 25 200 166 In Roger Hts Bstr 94 BOOSTER Somerset Booster 2 End Suc Centrifugal 100 1,000 166 95 BOOSTER Steelhead Booster#1 End Suc Centrifugal 25 500 60 129,240 96 BOOSTER Steelhead Booster#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 60 1,500 60 97 BOOSTER Steelhead Booster#3 End Suc Centrifugal 100 2,500 60 98 BOOSTER Sunview Booster End Suc Centrifugal 60 750 101 21,553 99 BOOSTER Technology Booster VSP SSVerticleTurbine 40 800 83 76,433 100 BOOSTER Toluka Booster#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 50 500 81 145,680 101 BOOSTER Toluka Booster#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 50 500 81 102 BOOSTER Toluka Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 100 1,200 81 103 BOOSTER Upper Danmor Booster#1 In-line Centrifugal 50 300 104 180,800 104 BOOSTER Upper Danmor Booster#2 In-line Centrifugal 50 300 104 105 BOOSTER Upper Danmor Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 150 1,200 104 106 BOOSTER Ustick Booster#1 End Suc Centrifugal 200 3,500 65 78,840 107 BOOSTER Ustick Booster#2 End Suc Centrifugal 200 3,500 65 108 BOOSTER Ustick Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 100 1,500 75 109 BOOSTER Warm Springs Booster#1 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 100 600 155 168,000 110 BOOSTER Warm Springs Booster#2 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 100 600 155 111 BOOSTER Warm Springs Booster#3 VSP End Suc Centrifugal 150 1,200 155 TOTAL BOOSTERS 8,078 119,610 1Q857 5,216,778 TOTAL PUMPS&BOOSTERS 21,748 248,573 17,723 36,232,394 16,229,593 Asterisk facilities added this year Page 11 Detail Pumps&Boosters (Page 4 of 4) Name: Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended: December 31,2023 FEET OF MAINS In Use Installed Abandoned GIS Adjustments In Use 1 Pipe Beginning During During During End of Size of Year Year Year Year* Year 36" 327 (45) 281 30" 873 - 873 24" 85,481 (996) 84,485 20" 10,036 1,520 11,555 18" 3,382 - 3,382 16" 297,890 702 (1,622) (8,610) 288,360 14" 9,129 1 9,129 12" 1,751,278 7,671 (2,718) (5,060) 1,751,171 10" 51,743 17 (27) (1,152) 50,581 8" 3,453,020 25,302 (5,455) (30,322) 3,442,545 6" 1,542,085 937 (2,117) (6,420) 1,534,484 4" 218,437 61 (186) (181) 218,131 3" 5,213 7 5,220 2",2.5" 145,409 99 (659) (1,307) 143,542 3/4", 1", 1.25", 1.5" 4,831 21 (54) (433) 4,365 TOTAL 7,579,132 34,810 (12,838) (52,998) 7,548,106 MILES 1,429.57 GIS adjustments include reclassifications and data corrections. 8"reclassifications relate to revising mains into hydrant branch lines/fire service lines to fix data errors. CUSTOMER STATISTICS Number of Customers Thousands of Gallons Sold This Last This Last Year Year Year Year 2 Metered: 2A Residential 93,530 92,800 9,588,965 9,795,748 2B Commercial 10,278 10,124 5,335,563 5,289,883 2C Industrial 3 Flat Rate: 3A Residential 3B Commercial 3C Industrial 4 Private Fire Protection: 2,546 2,459 5 Public Fire Protection: 6 Street Sprinkling(included in other) 7 Municipal,Other 58 62 44,088 49,026 8 Other Water TOTALS(Add lines 2 through 8) 106,412 105,445 14,968,616 15,134,657 Page 12 CERTIFICATE State of Idaho ) ss County of Ada ) WE, the undersigned Rodolphe Bouichou. CEO Municipal Water-Regulated and Jarmila M. Cary, Finance Director Idaho of the Veolia Water Idaho Inc. utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing report has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the report in respect to each and every matter and thing therin set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. (Chief Officer) t 1 (Officer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me •o`'�NMI(;,y'''��., this Z, day of r� , 2024 �q, r r�oT�Y of O ; UBLIG�; (Notary Public) ''offal III, ' My Commission Expires: Page 13 Report ID: RLREG060 Layout ID: RLREG060 Veolia Water Idaho Business Unit: 00060 General Ledger System Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Rolling Regulatory I/S Run on 04/07/24 at 11:52 PM 12 12 Months Months Ending Ending Increase/ Current Year Prior Year (Decrease) 460.0-Unmetered Water Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 40105461 Meter Sale-Residential consump 24,635,015.22 23,459,207.74 1,175,807.48 40106461 Meter Sale-Residential facili 13,631,312.13 12,651,343.90 979,968.23 461.1-Residential 38,266,327.35 36,110,551.64 2,155,775.71 40110461 Meter Sale-Commercial consump 13,404,159.56 12,410,421.36 993,738.20 40111461 Meter Sale-Commercial facility 2,990,969.39 2,745,131.51 245,837.88 40136461 Meter Sale-Const Mtr-Consump 111,692.61 81,624.85 30,067.76 40137461 Meter Sale-Const Mtr-Fac Chgs 130,766.91 130,040.17 726.74 461.2-Commercial 16,637,588.47 15,367,217.89 1,270,370.58 40140462 Private Fire protection facili 1,416,560.67 1,296,327.35 120,233.32 462.0-Fire Protect Rev-Private 1,416,560.67 1,296,327.35 120,233.32 40120461 Meter Sale-public auth consump 115,890.40 120,032.99 (4,142.59) 40121461 Meter Sale-public auth fac 33,953.46 32,178.52 1,774.94 40130474 Surcharges 17,844.81 24,820.11 (6,975.30) 40145463 Public Fire protection facilit 3,622.45 3,464.63 157.82 40200471 Miscellaneous service revenue 19,640.00 15,940.00 3,700.00 40239474 Revenue Deferral-Other (517,268.00) (740,132.00) 222,864.00 40245471 Turn on fees 29,105.00 28,360.00 745.00 40300474 Reg Unbill consumption revenue (69,136.00) 122,189.00 (191,325.00) 40301474 Reg Unbill facility charge rev 169,687.00 (1,731.00) 171,418.00 464.0-Other Revenue (196,660.88) (394,877.75) 198,216.87 400-Total Revenue 56,123,815.61 52,379,219.13 3,744,596.48 Total Operating Revenue 56,123,815.61 52,379,219.13 3,744,596.48 50100600 Supv Lbr-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 49,256.40 40,068.09 (9,188.31) 50100601 Supv Lbr-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp 23,426.53 39,541.02 16,114.49 50100610 Supv Lbr-SOS Maint Sup&Eng 21,259.96 19,722.20 (1,537.76) 50100620 Supv Lbr-Pump Ops Sup&Eng 222,607.02 166,898.01 (55,709.01) 50100624 Supv Lbr-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 1,835.49 1,294.97 (540.52) 50100630 Supv Lbr-Pump Maint Sup&Eng 0.00 2,790.07 2,790.07 50100633 Supv Lbr-Pump Maint Equip 0.00 298.94 298.94 50100640 Supv Lbr-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng 178,808.36 148,251.77 (30,556.59) 50100642 Supv Lbr-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 3,190.77 21,450.30 18,259.53 50100660 Supv Lbr-T&D Ops Sup&Eng 29,034.08 35,852.25 6,818.17 50100662 Supv Lbr-T&D Ops Line Exp 0.00 581.72 581.72 50100670 Supv Lbr-T&D Maint Sup&Eng 132,613.04 75,712.85 (56,900.19) 50100673 Supv Lbr-T&D Maint-Main 0.00 (291.35) (291.35) 50100675 Supv Lbr-T&D Maint-Services 0.00 (3,538.33) (3,538.33) 50105600 Drct Lbr-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 4,584.69 521.63 (4,063.06) 50105603 Drct Lbr-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 188.48 188.48 50105624 Drct Lbr-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 1,083,057.03 1,154,134.48 71,077.45 50105631 Drct Lbr-Pump Maint Strctrs 272.32 0.00 (272.32) 50105632 Drct Lbr-Pump Maint Pwr Prd (206.64) 604.16 810.80 50105642 Drct Lbr-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 605,748.65 631,783.76 26,035.11 50105662 Drct Lbr-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 1,614.86 1,614.86 50105664 Drct Lbr-T&D Ops Cust instl 2,619.40 2,552.00 (67.40) 50105665 Drct Lbr-T&D Ops Misc Ex 92,257.68 94,758.75 2,501.07 50105675 Drct Lbr-T&D Maint-Services 1,703,379.82 1,545,703.15 (157,676.67) 50105677 Drct Lbr-T&D Maint-Hydrants 282.16 0.00 (282.16) 50105678 Drct Lbr-T&D Maint-Misc Plnt 201.04 1,075.60 874.56 Page 1 of 7 Layout ID: RLREG060 Veolia Water Idaho Business Unit: 00060 General Ledger System Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Rolling Regulatory I/S Run on 04/07/24 at 11:52 PM 12 12 Months Months Ending Ending Increase/ Current Year Prior Year (Decrease) 50110600 S L T-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 28,261.73 16,630.24 (11,631.49) 50110675 S L T-T&D Maint-Services 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 50115600 D L T-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 603.14 10,391.86 9,788.72 50120620 S L T out-Pump Ops Sup&Eng (99.57) (140.40) (40.83) 50120660 S L T out-T&D Ops Sup&Eng 255.68 (733.24) (988.92) 50125642 D L T out-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 0.00 (206.63) (206.63) 50125665 D L T out-T&D Ops Misc Ex (92,257.68) (94,758.75) (2,501.07) 601.1-6-Labor-Oper&Maint 4,091,491.10 3,912,752.46 (178,738.64) 50100901 Supv Lbr-Gust Acct Suprvsn 41,936.46 66,706.91 24,770.45 50100902 Supv Lbr-Gust Acct Mtr Rdng 109.23 0.00 (109.23) 50100903 Supv Lbr-Gust Acct Rcrds&Coll 206,727.44 201,377.58 (5,349.86) 50105902 Drct Lbr-Gust Acct Mtr Rdng 381,556.86 320,629.86 (60,927.00) 50105903 Drct Lbr-Gust Acct Rcrds&Coll 1,229,383.46 1,039,897.58 (189,485.88) 50120901 S L T out-Gust Acct Suprvsn (263.97) (2.73) 261.24 50125903 D L T out-Gust Acct Rcrds&Coll (210.12) (31.32) 178.80 601.7-Labor Cust Accounts 1,859,239.36 1,628,577.88 (230,661.48) 50100920 Supv Lbr-A&G Ops Salaries 4,001,860.81 3,725,928.99 (275,931.82) 50105920 Drct Lbr-A&G Ops Salaries 1,802,419.27 1,461,073.51 (341,345.76) 50120920 S L T out-A&G Ops Salaries (2,325,139.41) (2,195,799.08) 129,340.33 50125920 D L T out-A&G Ops Salaries (1,727,715.56) (1,374,835.31) 352,880.25 601.8-Labor-Admin&General 1,751,425.11 1,616,368.11 (135,057.00) 90950000 F B T-ES (3,339,021.31) (4,655,881.59) (1,316,860.28) 90950600 F B T-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 23,167.75 30,249.69 7,081.94 90950601 F B T-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp 6,355.39 16,701.52 10,346.13 90950603 F B T-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 102.38 102.38 90950610 F B T-SOS Maint Sup&Eng 6,147.32 7,937.04 1,789.72 90950620 F B T-Pump Ops Sup&Eng 57,708.28 66,110.87 8,402.59 90950624 F B T-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 319,936.69 499,369.15 179,432.46 90950630 F B T-Pump Maint Sup&Eng 0.00 1,447.69 1,447.69 90950631 F B T-Pump Maint Strctrs 109.95 0.00 (109.95) 90950632 F B T-Pump Maint Pwr Prd Impry 0.00 153.67 153.67 90950633 F B T-Pump Maint Eq 0.00 98.22 98.22 90950640 F B T-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng 51,242.02 59,519.60 8,277.58 90950642 F B T-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 176,644.00 289,282.40 112,638.40 90950660 F B T-T&D Ops Sup&Eng 7,929.54 13,091.79 5,162.25 90950662 F B T-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 2,332.72 2,332.72 90950664 F B T-T&D Ops Cust Instl 908.58 1,732.00 823.42 90950670 F B T-T&D Maint Sup&Eng 37,490.40 30,223.19 (7,267.21) 90950675 F B T-T&D Maint-Services 501,318.48 664,929.22 163,610.74 90950677 F B T-T&D Maint-Hydrants 95.03 0.00 (95.03) 90950678 F B T-T&D Maint-Misc Plnt 174.51 675.67 501.16 90950901 F B T-Gust Acct Suprvsn 12,333.41 29,140.33 16,806.92 90950902 F B T-Gust Acct Mtr Rdng 99,540.90 137,447.27 37,906.37 90950903 F B T-Gust Acct Rcrds&Coll 408,511.19 535,053.43 126,542.24 90950920 F B T-A&G Salaries 500,545.20 714,372.15 213,826.95 91500926 Pension-A&G Ops 289,743.97 536,981.03 247,237.06 91550926 Post Rtrmnt PBOP-A&G Ops-Pnsn 76,460.03 132,546.00 56,085.97 91700926 Emplyee Grp Hlth&L-A&G Op-Pnsn 1,512,302.08 2,278,881.30 766,579.22 91800926 Emplyee 401 K-A&G Ops-Pension 449,797.97 411,540.30 (38,257.67) 91850000 Other Employee Benefits-ES 459.30 9,273.56 8,814.26 91860926 Other Awards-A&G Ops-Emp Pnsns 92,669.01 7,408.20 (85,260.81) 604.0-Employee Pension&Benefit 1,292,569.69 1,820,718.80 528,149.11 50605602 Prchsd Wtr-SOS Ops 388,397.80 343,497.16 (44,900.64) 610.0-Purchased Water 388,397.80 343,497.16 (44,900.64) 50610623 Prchsd Pwr-Pump Ops Fuel Pwr 2,083,330.50 2,082,165.99 (1,164.51) 50610643 Prchsd Pwr-Wtr Tmt Ops Misc 0.00 0.00 (0.00) 50610665 Prchsd Pwr-T&D Ops Misc Ex 443,161.56 446,245.64 3,084.08 50610921 Prchsd Pwr-A&G Ops Off Suppl 22,787.37 34,575.93 11,788.56 Page 2 of 7 Layout ID: RLREG060 Veolia Water Idaho Business Unit: 00060 General Ledger System Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Rolling Regulatory I/S Run on 04/07/24 at 11:52 PM 12 12 Months Months Ending Ending Increase/ Current Year Prior Year (Decrease) 615.0-Purchased Power 2,549,279.43 2,562,987.56 13,708.13 50635614 Chmcals-SOS Maint Wlls&Spr 42,139.55 7,527.99 (34,611.56) 50635626 Chmcals-Pump Ops Misc Exp 0.00 0.00 (0.00) 50635640 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng 3,111.73 15,415.68 12,303.95 50635641 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng 728,400.25 568,694.11 (159,706.14) 50635642 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 0.00 1,508.55 1,508.55 50635651 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Maint Strctrs 0.00 100.93 100.93 50635677 Chmcals-T&D Maint-Hydrants 0.00 0.00 0.00 50635921 Chmcals-A&G Ops Off Suppl&Exp 5,000.30 10,384.71 5,384.41 618.0-Chemicals 778,651.83 603,631.97 (175,019.86) 50300600 Material-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (456.33) 1,292.00 1,748.33 50300611 Material-SOS Maint Strctrs 23,585.62 39,986.52 16,400.90 50300624 Material-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 86,047.48 64,369.02 (21,678.46) 50300632 Material-Pump Maint Pwr Prd 930.89 0.00 (930.89) 50300633 Material-Pump Maint Eq 6,329.29 3,583.71 (2,745.58) 50300642 Material-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 36,691.72 36,746.56 54.84 50300650 Material-Wtr Tmt Maint Sup&Eng 213.22 0.00 (213.22) 50300651 Material-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct 2,435.02 4,693.56 2,258.54 50300652 Material-Wtr Tmt Maint Equip 9,617.19 7,629.71 (1,987.48) 50300660 Material-T&D Ops Sup&Eng 0.00 0.00 0.00 50300662 Material-T&D Ops Line Ex 3,067.33 5,154.73 2,087.40 50300664 Material-T&D Ops Cust instl 420.76 0.00 (420.76) 50300665 Material-T&D Ops Misc Ex 13,461.20 23,353.94 9,892.74 50300673 Material-T&D Maint-Main 23,851.76 25,274.69 1,422.93 50300675 Material-T&D Maint-Services 64,063.98 33,560.55 (30,503.43) 50300677 Material-T&D Maint-Hydrants 6,855.97 9,373.09 2,517.12 620.1-6 Mat&Supply-Oper&Maint 277,115.10 255,018.08 (22,097.02) 50300902 Material-Gust Acct Mtr Rdng 782.55 16.83 (765.72) 50300903 Material-Gust Acct Rcrds&Coll 417.60 330.40 (87.20) 50300930 Material-A&G Ops-Misc Gen 0.00 1,951.50 1,951.50 50300932 Material-A&G Maint Plnt 23,691.82 26,361.23 2,669.41 620.7-8-Mat&Supp-A&G:Cust Care 24,891.97 28,659.96 3,767.99 90850923 Corporate Shared Services Fees 4,351,321.63 4,156,976.70 (194,344.93) 631-34-Contract Services-Prof 4,351,321.63 4,156,976.70 (194,344.93) 50400601 Out Servs-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp 0.00 19.46 19.46 50400611 Out Servs-SOS Maint Strctrs 164.30 861.30 697.00 50400613 Out Servs-SOS Maint Lke,Rvr&Ot 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 50400614 Out Servs-SOS Maint Wlls&Spr 1,481.58 1,102.50 (379.08) 50400624 Out Servs-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 22,782.76 24,228.11 1,445.35 50400626 Out Servs-Pump Ops Misc Exp 2,938.74 0.00 (2,938.74) 50400631 Out Servs-Pump Maint Strctrs 16,094.21 22,784.35 6,690.14 50400632 Out Servs-Pump Maint Pwr Prd 112,963.36 52,862.21 (60,101.15) 50400633 Out Servs-Pump Maint Eq 8,566.85 2,185.00 (6,381.85) 50400635 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Lab Testing 144,549.30 172,946.80 28,397.50 50400636 Out Servs-Other 8,012.26 (18,615.99) (26,628.25) 50400642 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 7,603.62 5,449.71 (2,153.91) 50400643 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Ops Misc Exp 33,580.21 17,165.66 (16,414.55) 50400651 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct 14,287.70 14,062.34 (225.36) 50400652 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Maint Equip 31,532.89 38,249.06 6,716.17 50400662 Out Servs-T&D Ops Line Ex 33,078.33 38,204.30 5,125.97 50400665 Out Servs-T&D Ops Misc Ex 7,017.61 (419.47) (7,437.08) 50400672 Out Servs-T&D Maint Rsrvrs&Stn 16,601.14 24,947.86 8,346.72 50400675 Out Servs-T&D Maint-Services 18,481.20 17,381.05 (1,100.15) 50400902 Out Servs-Gust Acct Mtr Rdng 34,348.63 46,493.41 12,144.78 50400903 Out Servs-Custr Acct Rcrds&Col 277,363.86 214,203.30 (63,160.56) 50400905 Out Servs-Gust Acct Misc Exp 5,038.56 11,515.67 6,477.11 50400920 Out Servs-A&G Ops OffSuppl&Exp 16,115.23 7,213.78 (8,901.45) 50400921 Out Servs-A&G Ops OffSuppl&Exp 56,903.31 16,786.99 (40,116.32) Page 3 of 7 Layout ID: RLREG060 Veolia Water Idaho Business Unit: 00060 General Ledger System Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Rolling Regulatory I/S Run on 04/07/24 at 11:52 PM 12 12 Months Months Ending Ending Increase/ Current Year Prior Year (Decrease) 50400923 Out Servs-A&G Ops 327,772.91 152,043.74 (175,729.17) 50400932 Out Servs-A&G Maint Plnt 5,448.12 5,921.00 472.88 50405903 Print&Postage-Gust Acct Rcrd 321,018.55 324,073.94 3,055.39 636-Contract Other-Prof 1,526,245.23 1,194,166.08 (332,079.15) 50310604 Rent-SOS Ops 3,252.85 2,647.23 (605.62) 50310624 Rent-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 46.57 0.00 (46.57) 50310626 Rent-Pump Ops Misc Exp 4,181.60 4,660.48 478.88 50310921 Rent-A&G Ops Off Suppl&Exp 6,528.05 7,797.96 1,269.91 50310931 Rent-A&G Ops 2,618.45 2,411.30 (207.15) 641-42-Rentals-Property&Equip 16,627.52 17,516.97 889.45 50645000 Trnsprt Cst-ES 1,449,877.04 1,436,840.09 (13,036.95) 50645600 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 8,252.34 7,772.27 (480.07) 50645601 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp 3,444.08 4,290.49 846.41 50645603 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 43.10 43.10 50645610 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Maint Sup&Eng 2,345.20 2,245.17 (100.03) 50645620 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Ops Sup&Eng 25,571.56 17,725.27 (7,846.29) 50645624 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 105,408.46 132,579.74 27,171.28 50645630 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Sup&Eng 0.00 447.56 447.56 50645631 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Strctrs 40.43 0.00 (40.43) 50645632 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Pwr Prd 0.00 63.58 63.58 50645633 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Eq 0.00 21.96 21.96 50645640 Trnsprt Cst-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&En 16,837.51 16,933.64 96.13 50645642 Trnsprt Cst-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Ex 58,552.41 76,913.03 18,360.62 50645660 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Ops Sup&Eng 5,747.97 2,862.94 (2,885.03) 50645662 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 465.77 465.77 50645664 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Ops Cust Instl 555.08 286.77 (268.31) 50645670 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint Sup&En 10,123.00 8,138.63 (1,984.37) 50645675 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint-Services 173,637.33 177,104.95 3,467.62 50645677 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint-Hydrants 17.84 0.00 (17.84) 50645678 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint-Misc Plt (157.22) 126.05 283.27 50645901 Trnsprt Cst-Cust Acct Suprvsn 8,027.65 7,687.64 (340.01) 50645902 Trnsprt Cst-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng 33,204.04 36,981.14 3,777.10 50645903 Trnsprt Cst-Cust Acct Rcrds&Co 139,193.32 140,805.34 1,612.02 50645920 Trnsprt Cst-A&G Salaries 191,952.15 181,375.72 (10,576.43) 50646000 Transportation Cost-Trnsfrred (1,449,877.04) (1,436,840.09) 13,036.95 650.0-Transportation Expense 782,753.15 814,870.76 32,117.61 91400924 Liability Insurance-A&G Ops 74,279.02 (332,351.25) (406,630.27) 91460925 Worker comp-A&G Ops-Inj&Dmages 94,589.66 (3,957.80) (98,547.46) 656-59-Insurance 168,868.68 (336,309.05) (505,177.73) 660.0-Advertising 0.00 0.00 0.00 92000928 Amrt Rate Case-A&G Ops-Reg Com 46,828.00 29,868.00 (16,960.00) 666.0-Reg Comm Exp-Amort 46,828.00 29,868.00 (16,960.00) 92050930 Amort of Dfrrd Exp-Misc Gen-A& 36,075.31 38,940.00 2,864.69 667-Reg Comm.Exp(Amort) 36,075.31 38,940.00 2,864.69 90400904 Bad Dbt-WO-Custr Acct Uncollct 265,426.67 275,018.21 9,591.54 90405904 Bad Dbt-Provsn-Cust Acct Uncol 1,601.86 (454,273.74) (455,875.60) 670.0-Bad Debt Expenses 267,028.53 (179,255.53) (446,284.06) 50620624 Utilities-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 8.15 0.00 (8.15) 50620626 Utilities-Pump Ops Misc Exp 4,780.38 4,457.20 (323.18) 50620631 Utilities-Pump Maint Strctrs 15.01 0.00 (15.01) 50620632 Utilities-Pump Maint Pwr Prd 0.00 0.00 0.00 50620633 Utilities-Pump Maint Eq 1,414.91 1,095.12 (319.79) 50620651 Utilities-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct (35,372.33) (9,566.29) 25,806.04 50620663 Utilities-T&D Ops Meter Exp 0.00 32.70 32.70 50620665 Utilities-T&D Ops Misc Exp 16,138.33 14,425.18 (1,713.15) 50620921 Utilities-A&G Ops Off Suppl 23,798.26 26,498.95 2,700.69 50620930 Utilities-A&G Misc 8,117.17 9,573.38 1,456.21 50625642 Sludge Dspsl-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr 2,183.00 0.00 (2,183.00) Page 4 of 7 Layout ID: RLREG060 Veolia Water Idaho Business Unit: 00060 General Ledger System Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Rolling Regulatory I/S Run on 04/07/24 at 11:52 PM 12 12 Months Months Ending Ending Increase/ Current Year Prior Year (Decrease) 50625643 Sludge Dspsl-Wtr Tmt Ops Misc 40,866.96 9,450.00 (31,416.96) 50625651 Sldge Dspsl-WtrTmt Maint Strct 0.00 0.00 0.00 50625930 Sldge Dspsl-A&G Ops-Misc Gen 0.00 40.00 40.00 50650600 Office Exp-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 5,582.97 23,542.46 17,959.49 50650603 Office Exp-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 990.00 990.00 50650624 Office Exp-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 907.00 2,738.46 1,831.46 50650626 Office Exp-Pump Ops Misc Exp 29,874.99 40,042.84 10,167.85 50650633 Office Exp-Pump Maint Eq 0.00 624.92 624.92 50650642 Office Exp-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 5,372.25 381.00 (4,991.25) 50650651 Office Exp-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct 86.82 0.00 (86.82) 50650660 Office Exp-T&D Ops Sup&Eng 1,051.90 730.64 (321.26) 50650661 Office Exp-T&D Ops Strg Faclt 4,680.00 4,201.62 (478.38) 50650662 Office Exp-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 935.22 935.22 50650665 Office Exp-T&D Ops Misc Ex (11,118.79) 36,602.07 47,720.86 50650673 Office Exp-T&D Maint-Main 0.00 2,370.12 2,370.12 50650675 Office Exp-T&D Maint-Services 11,462.09 3,397.45 (8,064.64) 50650902 Office Exp-Gust Acct Mtr Rdng 130.74 0.00 (130.74) 50650903 Office Exp-Gust Acct Rcrds&Col 55,360.71 58,394.01 3,033.30 50650905 Office Exp-Gust Acct Misc Exp 7,911.27 10,276.57 2,365.30 50650920 Office Exp-A&G Ops Salaries 64,736.50 61,192.74 (3,543.76) 50650921 Office Exp-A&G Ops Off Suppl 206,869.33 199,721.12 (7,148.21) 50650923 Office Exp-A&G Accntng&Audtn 211,094.45 206,441.52 (4,652.93) 50650930 Office Exp-A&G Ops Misc Gen 134,770.30 139,301.99 4,531.69 50650932 Office Exp-A&G Maint Plnt 26,610.00 26,186.65 (423.35) 50651660 Advertising Exp-A&G 224,186.15 194,473.54 (29,712.61) 50655603 Misc Exp-SOS Ops Misc 622.14 600.91 (21.23) 50655631 Misc Exp-Pump Maint Strctrs 227,104.92 219,700.97 (7,403.95) 50655651 Misc Exp-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct 19,536.72 10,973.77 (8,562.95) 50655675 Misc Exp-T&D Maint-Services (1,956.68) 16,616.06 18,572.74 50655930 Misc Exp-A&G Ops Misc Gen 0.00 0.00 0.00 92053672 Amort Tnk Pntng-T&D Maint rsry 151,592.76 145,216.72 (6,376.04) 92056930 Amort OPEB Csts-A&G Ops Misc 174,608.00 477,384.00 302,776.00 92059930 Amort Exp-Tax Reform Reg Liab (209,004.00) (1,019,076.00) (810,072.00) 92061623 Amrt Pwr Csts-Pump Ops Fuel Pw 241,876.00 197,484.00 (44,392.00) 92064930 AmortAFUDC Eq GU-A&G Ops Misc 42,250.93 36,570.42 (5,680.51) 92200620 Uni&Sfty Eq-Pump Ops Sup&Eng 0.00 (0.00) (0.00) 92200624 Uni&Sfty Eq-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp 8,102.59 4,840.39 (3,262.20) 92200632 Uni&Sfty Eq-Pump Maint Pwr Prd 529.60 444.00 (85.60) 92200642 Uni&Sfty Eq-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Ex 3,671.03 1,337.28 (2,333.75) 92200651 Uni&Sfty Eq-Wtr Tm Maint Strct 3,857.02 4,430.22 573.20 92200660 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Ops Sup&Eng (174.89) 487.53 662.42 92200662 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 1,094.37 1,094.37 92200665 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Ops Misc Ex 0.00 291.96 291.96 92200673 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Maint-Main 851.85 2,463.68 1,611.83 92200675 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Maint-Services 28,296.46 28,823.84 527.38 92200902 Uni&Sfty Eq-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng 642.20 599.91 (42.29) 92200903 Uni&Sfty Eq-Cust Acct Rcrds&Co 1,398.51 1,279.54 (118.97) 92200921 Uni&Sfty Eq-A&G Ops OffSup&Exp 93,181.70 78,674.04 (14,507.66) 92200930 Uni&Sfty Eq-A&G Ops Misc Gen 24,440.98 40,412.56 15,971.58 92200932 Uni&Sfty Eq-A&G Maint Plnt 18,330.41 24,492.92 6,162.51 92300930 Bank Charges-A&G Ops Misc Gen 3,928.64 5,358.31 1,429.67 92450930 Severance Plan-A&G Ops Misc 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 92600920 Other G&A Exp-A&G Ops Salaries 101.63 0.00 (101.63) 92600923 Other G&A Exp-A&G Outs Srvcs E 0.00 21,208.00 21,208.00 92600932 Other G&A Exp-A&G Maint Plnt 57,247.44 15,095.84 (42,151.60) 675.0-Miscellaneous Other 1,937,554.48 1,385,356.42 (552,198.06) Utility Operating Expenses 22,146,363.92 19,894,342.33 (2,252,021.59) Page 5 of 7 Layout ID: RLREG060 Veolia Water Idaho Business Unit: 00060 General Ledger System Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Rolling Regulatory I/S Run on 04/07/24 at 11:52 PM 12 12 Months Months Ending Ending Increase/ Current Year Prior Year (Decrease) Total Expenses 22,146,363.92 19,894,342.33 (2,252,021.59) GROSS INCOME 33,977,451.69 32,484,876.80 1,492,574.89 70100403 Depreciation-Utility Plant 8,534,572.74 7,843,693.34 690,879.40 70101403 Depreciation-Cost of Removal 2,036,766.44 1,900,809.70 135,956.74 403.0-Depreciation Expense 10,571,339.18 9,744,503.04 826,836.14 71255406 Amort of Util Plt Acquis Adj 195,296.00 20,712.00 174,584.00 406.0-Amort Util Plant Acq Adj 195,296.00 20,712.00 174,584.00 91900928 Regulatory Commission-A&G Ops 103,815.62 101,940.18 1,875.44 408.10-Regulatory Fees 103,815.62 101,940.18 1,875.44 70203408 Real Estate Tax 1,501,018.65 1,655,394.01 (154,375.36) 408.11-Property Taxes 1,501,018.65 1,655,394.01 (154,375.36) 70250408 Payroll Taxes 915,934.10 822,506.75 93,427.35 408.12-Payroll Taxes 915,934.10 822,506.75 93,427.35 70200408 Taxes other than income tax (0.83) 0.83 (1.66) 408.13-Other Taxes (0.83) 0.83 (1.66) 80100409 Current-federal 466,382.45 1,086,658.01 (620,275.56) 409.1-Income Taxes-Federal 466,382.45 1,086,658.01 (620,275.56) 80150409 Current-state 140,340.76 (1,220,770.36) 1,361,111.12 409.11-St Income Tax-Util Oper 140,340.76 (1,220,770.36) 1,361,111.12 80200410 Deferred-Federal Income Taxes 2,461,917.71 1,917,411.50 544,506.21 410.10-Prov Defer Inc Tax-Fed 2,461,917.71 1,917,411.50 544,506.21 80250410 Deferred-State Income taxes 17,034.00 (374,699.85) 391,733.85 410.11-Prov Def Inc Tax-State 17,034.00 (374,699.85) 391,733.85 80400411 Investment Tax Cr,amortization (48,240.00) (48,240.00) 0.00 412.0-Invest Tax Cred-Utility (48,240.00) (48,240.00) 0.00 71200422 Gain-Disposition of Property 0.00 (2,000.00) 2,000.00 414-Gain(Loss)from Dis of Util 0.00 (2,000.00) 2,000.00 Total Non-Operating Income 16,324,837.64 13,703,416.11 2,621,421.53 415-Merchandise&Jobbing Inc 0.00 0.00 0.00 416-Merchandise&Jobbing Exp 0.00 0.00 0.00 71051419 AFUDC Debt (217,167.91) (160,772.89) (56,395.02) 71052419 AFUDC Equity (608,936.45) (430,107.87) (178,828.58) 420.0-Allow for Funds Used (826,104.36) (590,880.76) (235,223.60) 71250421 Misc non operating income 0.00 (1,119.78) 1,119.78 71251418 Misc Non Oper Rental Income (52,523.04) (56,927.88) 4,404.84 421-Misc Non-Util Income (52,523.04) (58,047.66) 5,524.62 71225426 Impairment-Other 168,253.04 17,319.40 150,933.64 71253426 Non Recoverable 238,651.23 5,667.23 232,984.00 71257426 Pension-Other componts of NPPC 694,443.97 (66,543.00) 760,986.97 71258426 PBOP-Other components of NPPC (448,530.00) (710,445.97) 261,915.97 90890426 Corp Shrd Svcs-Non Recoverable 16,244.69 20,044.53 (3,799.84) 426.0-Misc Non-Utility Expense 669,062.93 (733,957.81) 1,403,020.74 Total Non-Operating Income&Deductions (209,564.47) (1,382,886.23) 1,173,321.76 427.3-Int Exp on LongTerm Debt 0.00 0.00 0.00 71000431 Other interest 6,364,796.81 4,908,581.03 1,456,215.78 71010431 Other interest-Regulatory (1,099.82) (427.52) (672.30) 427.5-Other Int Charges 6,363,696.99 4,908,153.51 1,455,543.48 Total Interest Expenses 6,363,696.99 4,908,153.51 1,455,543.48 70700426 Amort of Debt Issue Cost-Reg 122,941.80 122,941.80 0.00 70700428 Amort of Debt Issuance Cost 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 428.0-Amortization Disc-Exp 122,941.80 122,941.80 0.00 Total Amortization Disc Expenses 122,941.80 122,941.80 0.00 Page 6 of 7 Layout ID: RLREG060 Veolia Water Idaho Business Unit: 00060 General Ledger System Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Rolling Regulatory I/S Run on 04/07/24 at 11:52 PM 12 12 Months Months Ending Ending Increase/ Current Year Prior Year (Decrease) NET INCOME 11,375,539.73 15,133,251.61 (3,757,711.88) Page 7 of 7 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business Unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) Assets 10100000 Utility Plant in Service 591,924,227.22 555,263,933.54 (36,660,293.68) 10600000 Cnstrction Csts Not Classified 14,497,561.94 16,327,895.74 1,830,333.80 Utility Plant 606,421,789.16 571,591,829.28 (34,829,959.88) 11400000 Utility plant acquisition adj 11,075,761.18 11,075,761.18 0.00 11500000 Amort Utility Plant Acquis Adj (472,969.18) (277,673.18) 195,296.00 Net Utility Plant Acquist Adj 10,602,792.00 10,798,088.00 195,296.00 10800000 Utility Accumulated Depr (147,063,579.73) (142,769,895.81) 4,293,683.92 10810000 Retirement work in progress 872,609.10 554,261.80 (318,347.30) 11100000 Utility Accumulated Depr-CIAC (52,287,454.88) (49,733,408.64) 2,554,046.24 Less Accumulated Depr&Amort (198,478,425.51) (191,949,042.65) 6,529,382.86 10700000 Construction work in progress 18,714,635.41 18,691,714.79 (22,920.62) 10750000 CWIP-Suspense 2,747.03 2,732.94 (14.09) 18300000 Prelim Survey and Inv. Chrgs 1,228,950.74 1,115,129.15 (113,821.59) Construction Work in Progress 19,946,333.18 19,809,576.88 (136,756.30) Plant Held for Future Use 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Utility Plant 438,492,488.83 410,250,451.51 (28,242,037.32) Right of Use Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 Less ROU Accum Amort 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Right of Use Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 Investments-LT Consol Comp 0.00 0.00 0.00 Investments-LT Non-Consol Co 0.00 0.00 0.00 Equity Investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 12100000 Non-Utility Property 7,553.83 7,553.83 0.00 Non-Utility Property&Equip 7,553.83 7,553.83 0.00 Depreciation Non-Utility Prop 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Properties&Investments 7,553.83 7,553.83 0.00 Goodwill, net 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Intangibles, Net 0.00 0.00 0.00 Goodwill &Other Intangibles 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 Restricted Cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 14200000 Customer AR-CC&B 3,114,291.93 3,121,353.67 7,061.74 14201000 AR Cash Accrual (734,114.22) (762,699.44) (28,585.22) 14309000 Accounts Receivable-Other 16,528.42 22,571.84 6,043.42 14400000 Provision Uncllctble Acct(Cr) (261,527.09) (259,925.23) 1,601.86 17300000 Unbilled Revenue 3,681,302.00 3,580,751.00 (100,551.00) Accounts Receivable-Customer 5,816,481.04 5,702,051.84 (114,429.20) 14605000 PS Intercompany Account 0.00 0.01 0.01 14606000 Utility Money Pool Receivable (0.01) (0.01) 0.00 14610000 SW IC Receivable(net) (614,343.70) (1,739,355.79) (1,125,012.09) A/R-AssociatedCompanies (614,343.71) (1,739,355.79) (1,125,012.08) A/R Affiliated Companies 0.00 0.00 0.00 Notes Receivable-Short Term 0.00 0.00 0.00 15000000 Capital&Maint Inv Nonexempt 176,964.09 176,964.09 0.00 15010000 Small Repairs Inventory Exempt 1,186,751.39 837,387.39 (349,364.00) 15020000 Other Inventory 196,074.99 329,884.23 133,809.24 15030000 Chemical Inventory 92,441.64 72,031.65 (20,409.99) Materials&Supplies Inventory 1,652,232.11 1,416,267.36 (235,964.75) Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 1 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 16599000 Prepaid Expenses-Other 174,448.33 166,936.18 (7,512.15) Prepaid Expenses 174,448.33 166,936.18 (7,512.15) Dividends Receivable 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Current Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Current&Accrued Assets 7,028,817.77 5,545,899.59 (1,482,918.18) Unamortized Debt Discount/Exp 0.00 0.00 0.00 18608000 COR Regulatory Assets 5,483,101.40 4,789,714.15 (693,387.25) 18609000 Deferred Emplyee Benefits-Othr (361,954.46) 349,212.00 711,166.46 18618000 Deferred Unamort Debt Exp 963,044.52 1,085,986.32 122,941.80 18620000 Deferred Tank Painting Expense 4,790,346.80 3,152,338.90 (1,638,007.90) 18621000 Dfrrd Relocation Exp-Approve 0.00 0.05 0.05 18623000 Deferred AFUDC Equity Gross Up 240,930.65 207,695.35 (33,235.30) 18625000 Deferred Pwr Costs-Approved 1,479,749.16 1,105,667.13 (374,082.03) 18633000 Deferred AFUDC Equity 811,317.71 677,475.54 (133,842.17) 18635000 RA-Deferred Pension FAS158 7,449,227.00 8,037,723.00 588,496.00 18636000 RA-Deferred PBOP FAS158 (1,753,110.00) (1,698,731.00) 54,379.00 18650000 Reg Defrrd Tank Pnting-Amort (976,695.80) (825,103.04) 151,592.76 18680000 Deferred rate charges 157,021.51 184,427.62 27,406.11 18681000 Deferred State Tax Charges 2,210,130.82 1,542,381.64 (667,749.18) 18699000 Other Regulatory Assets 76,616.00 120,523.31 43,907.31 Regulatory Assets 20,569,725.31 18,729,310.97 (1,840,414.34) 18718000 Cloud Computing Arrangements 0.00 8,012.26 8,012.26 Other Deferred Charge&Assets 0.00 8,012.26 8,012.26 Notes Receivable-Long Term 0.00 0.00 0.00 18404000 Clearing-Capital Work Order 1,473.65 51.32 (1,422.33) Clearing Accounts 1,473.65 51.32 (1,422.33) Non Current Assets 20,571,198.96 18,737,374.55 (1,833,824.41) Total Assets 466,100,059.39 434,541,279.47 (31,558,779.91) Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 2 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) Capitalization and Liabilities 20100000 Common Stock Issued 1,261,750.00 1,261,750.00 0.00 20800000 Additional Paid-in Capital 141,628,170.73 121,411,599.05 (20,216,571.68) Common Stock 142,889,920.73 122,673,349.05 (20,216,571.68) Preferred Stock 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Capital Stock 142,889,920.73 122,673,349.05 (20,216,571.68) 21600000 RE-Cumulated Income 161,789,525.46 146,656,273.85 (15,133,251.61) Retained Earnings-beginning 161,789,525.46 146,656,273.85 (15,133,251.61) 80550000 Common Stock Dividend (5,426,960.38) 0.00 5,426,960.38 Common Stock Dividend (5,426,960.38) 0.00 5,426,960.38 40105461 Meter Sale-Residential consump 24,635,015.22 23,459,207.74 (1,175,807.48) 40106461 Meter Sale-Residential facili 13,631,312.13 12,651,343.90 (979,968.23) 40110461 Meter Sale-Commercial consump 13,404,159.56 12,410,421.36 (993,738.20) 40111461 Meter Sale-Commercial facility 2,990,969.39 2,745,131.51 (245,837.88) 40120461 Meter Sale-public auth consump 115,890.40 120,032.99 4,142.59 40121461 Meter Sale-public auth fac 33,953.46 32,178.52 (1,774.94) 40130474 Surcharges 17,844.81 24,820.11 6,975.30 40136461 Meter Sale—ConstMtr—Consump 111,692.61 81,624.85 (30,067.76) 40137461 Meter Sale—Const Mtr—Fac Chgs 130,766.91 130,040.17 (726.74) 40140462 Private Fire protection facili 1,416,560.67 1,296,327.35 (120,233.32) 40145463 Public Fire protection facilit 3,622.45 3,464.63 (157.82) 40200471 Miscellaneous service revenue 19,640.00 15,940.00 (3,700.00) 40239474 Revenue Deferral-Other (517,268.00) (740,132.00) (222,864.00) 40245471 Turn on fees 29,105.00 28,360.00 (745.00) 40300474 Reg Unbill consumption revenue (69,136.00) 122,189.00 191,325.00 40301474 Reg Unbill facility charge rev 169,687.00 (1,731.00) (171,418.00) Total Operating Revenues 56,123,815.61 52,379,219.13 (3,744,596.48) 50100600 Supv Lbr-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (49,256.40) (40,068.09) 9,188.31 50100601 Supv Lbr-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp (23,426.53) (39,541.02) (16,114.49) 50100610 Supv Lbr-SOS Maint Sup&Eng (21,259.96) (19,722.20) 1,537.76 50100620 Supv Lbr-Pump Ops Sup&Eng (222,607.02) (166,898.01) 55,709.01 50100624 Supv Lbr-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (1,835.49) (1,294.97) 540.52 50100630 Supv Lbr-Pump Maint Sup&Eng 0.00 (2,790.07) (2,790.07) 50100633 Supv Lbr-Pump Maint Equip 0.00 (298.94) (298.94) 50100640 Supv Lbr-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng (178,808.36) (148,251.77) 30,556.59 50100642 Supv Lbr-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp (3,190.77) (21,450.30) (18,259.53) 50100660 Supv Lbr-T&D Ops Sup&Eng (29,034.08) (35,852.25) (6,818.17) 50100662 Supv Lbr-T&D Ops Line Exp 0.00 (581.72) (581.72) 50100670 Supv Lbr-T&D Maint Sup&Eng (132,613.04) (75,712.85) 56,900.19 50100673 Supv Lbr-T&D Maint-Main 0.00 291.35 291.35 50100675 Supv Lbr-T&D Maint-Services 0.00 3,538.33 3,538.33 50100901 Supv Lbr-Cust Acct Suprvsn (41,936.46) (66,706.91) (24,770.45) 50100902 Supv Lbr-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (109.23) 0.00 109.23 50100903 Supv Lbr-Cust Acct Rcrds&Coll (206,727.44) (201,377.58) 5,349.86 50100920 Supv Lbr-A&G Ops Salaries (4,001,860.81) (3,725,928.99) 275,931.82 50105600 Drct Lbr-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (4,584.69) (521.63) 4,063.06 50105603 Drct Lbr-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 (188.48) (188.48) 50105624 Drct Lbr-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (1,083,057.03) (1,154,134.48) (71,077.45) 50105631 Drct Lbr-Pump Maint Strctrs (272.32) 0.00 272.32 Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 3 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 50105632 Drct Lbr-Pump Maint Pwr Prd 206.64 (604.16) (810.80) 50105642 Drct Lbr-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp (605,748.65) (631,783.76) (26,035.11) 50105662 Drct Lbr-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 (1,614.86) (1,614.86) 50105664 Drct Lbr-T&D Ops Cust instl (2,619.40) (2,552.00) 67.40 50105665 Drct Lbr-T&D Ops Misc Ex (92,257.68) (94,758.75) (2,501.07) 50105675 Drct Lbr-T&D Maint-Services (1,703,379.82) (1,545,703.15) 157,676.67 50105677 Drct Lbr-T&D Maint-Hydrants (282.16) 0.00 282.16 50105678 Drct Lbr-T&D Maint-Misc Plnt (201.04) (1,075.60) (874.56) 50105902 Drct Lbr-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (381,556.86) (320,629.86) 60,927.00 50105903 Drct Lbr-Cust Acct Rcrds&Coll (1,229,383.46) (1,039,897.58) 189,485.88 50105920 Drct Lbr-A&G Ops Salaries (1,802,419.27) (1,461,073.51) 341,345.76 50110600 S L T-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (28,261.73) (16,630.24) 11,631.49 50110675 S L T-T&D Maint-Services (500.00) 0.00 500.00 50115600 D L T-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (603.14) (10,391.86) (9,788.72) 50120620 S L T out-Pump Ops Sup& Eng 99.57 140.40 40.83 50120660 S L T out-T&D Ops Sup&Eng (255.68) 733.24 988.92 50120901 S L T out-Cust Acct Suprvsn 263.97 2.73 (261.24) 50120920 S L T out-A&G Ops Salaries 2,325,139.41 2,195,799.08 (129,340.33) 50125642 D L T out-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 0.00 206.63 206.63 50125665 D L T out-T&D Ops Misc Ex 92,257.68 94,758.75 2,501.07 50125903 D L T out-Cust Acct Rcrds&Coll 210.12 31.32 (178.80) 50125920 D L T out-A&G Ops Salaries 1,727,715.56 1,374,835.31 (352,880.25) 50300600 Material-SOS Ops Sup&Eng 456.33 (1,292.00) (1,748.33) 50300611 Material-SOS Maint Strctrs (23,585.62) (39,986.52) (16,400.90) 50300624 Material-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (86,047.48) (64,369.02) 21,678.46 50300632 Material-Pump Maint Pwr Prd (930.89) 0.00 930.89 50300633 Material-Pump Maint Eq (6,329.29) (3,583.71) 2,745.58 50300642 Material-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp (36,691.72) (36,746.56) (54.84) 50300650 Material-Wtr Tmt Maint Sup&Eng (213.22) 0.00 213.22 50300651 Material-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct (2,435.02) (4,693.56) (2,258.54) 50300652 Material-Wtr Tmt Maint Equip (9,617.19) (7,629.71) 1,987.48 50300662 Material-T&D Ops Line Ex (3,067.33) (5,154.73) (2,087.40) 50300664 Material-T&D Ops Cust instl (420.76) 0.00 420.76 50300665 Material-T&D Ops Misc Ex (13,461.20) (23,353.94) (9,892.74) 50300673 Material-T&D Maint-Main (23,851.76) (25,274.69) (1,422.93) 50300675 Material-T&D Maint-Services (64,063.98) (33,560.55) 30,503.43 50300677 Material-T&D Maint-Hydrants (6,855.97) (9,373.09) (2,517.12) 50300902 Material-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (782.55) (16.83) 765.72 50300903 Material-Cust Acct Rcrds&Coll (417.60) (330.40) 87.20 50300930 Material-A&G Ops-Misc Gen 0.00 (1,951.50) (1,951.50) 50300932 Material-A&G Maint Plnt (23,691.82) (26,361.23) (2,669.41) 50310604 Rent-SOS Ops (3,252.85) (2,647.23) 605.62 50310624 Rent-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (46.57) 0.00 46.57 50310626 Rent-Pump Ops Misc Exp (4,181.60) (4,660.48) (478.88) 50310921 Rent-A&G Ops Off Suppl&Exp (6,528.05) (7,797.96) (1,269.91) 50310931 Rent-A&G Ops (2,618.45) (2,411.30) 207.15 50400601 Out Servs-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp 0.00 (19.46) (19.46) 50400611 Out Servs-SOS Maint Strctrs (164.30) (861.30) (697.00) 50400613 Out Servs-SOS Maint Lke,Rvr&Ot (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 50400614 Out Servs-SOS Maint Wlls&Spr (1,481.58) (1,102.50) 379.08 50400624 Out Servs-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (22,782.76) (24,228.11) (1,445.35) 50400626 Out Servs-Pump Ops Misc Exp (2,938.74) 0.00 2,938.74 50400631 Out Servs-Pump Maint Strctrs (16,094.21) (22,784.35) (6,690.14) 50400632 Out Servs-Pump Maint Pwr Prd (112,963.36) (52,862.21) 60,101.15 50400633 Out Servs-Pump Maint Eq (8,566.85) (2,185.00) 6,381.85 Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 4 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 50400635 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Lab Testing (144,549.30) (172,946.80) (28,397.50) 50400636 Out Servs-Other (8,012.26) 18,615.99 26,628.25 50400642 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp (7,603.62) (5,449.71) 2,153.91 50400643 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Ops Misc Exp (33,580.21) (17,165.66) 16,414.55 50400651 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct (14,287.70) (14,062.34) 225.36 50400652 Out Servs-Wtr Tmt Maint Equip (31,532.89) (38,249.06) (6,716.17) 50400662 Out Servs-T&D Ops Line Ex (33,078.33) (38,204.30) (5,125.97) 50400665 Out Servs-T&D Ops Misc Ex (7,017.61) 419.47 7,437.08 50400672 Out Servs-T&D Maint Rsrvrs&Stn (16,601.14) (24,947.86) (8,346.72) 50400675 Out Servs-T&D Maint-Services (18,481.20) (17,381.05) 1,100.15 50400902 Out Servs-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (34,348.63) (46,493.41) (12,144.78) 50400903 Out Servs-Custr Acct Rcrds&Col (277,363.86) (214,203.30) 63,160.56 50400905 Out Servs-Cust Acct Misc Exp (5,038.56) (11,515.67) (6,477.11) 50400920 Out Servs-A&G Ops OffSuppl&Exp (16,115.23) (7,213.78) 8,901.45 50400921 Out Servs-A&G Ops OffSuppl&Exp (56,903.31) (16,786.99) 40,116.32 50400923 Out Servs-A&G Ops (327,772.91) (152,043.74) 175,729.17 50400932 Out Servs-A&G Maint Plnt (5,448.12) (5,921.00) (472.88) 50405903 Print&Postage-Cust Acct Rcrd (321,018.55) (324,073.94) (3,055.39) 50605602 Prchsd Wtr-SOS Ops (388,397.80) (343,497.16) 44,900.64 50610623 Prchsd Pwr-Pump Ops Fuel Pwr (2,083,330.50) (2,082,165.99) 1,164.51 50610665 Prchsd Pwr-T&D Ops Misc Ex (443,161.56) (446,245.64) (3,084.08) 50610921 Prchsd Pwr-A&G Ops Off Suppl (22,787.37) (34,575.93) (11,788.56) 50620624 Utilities-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (8.15) 0.00 8.15 50620626 Utilities-Pump Ops Misc Exp (4,780.38) (4,457.20) 323.18 50620631 Utilities-Pump Maint Strctrs (15.01) 0.00 15.01 50620633 Utilities-Pump Maint Eq (1,414.91) (1,095.12) 319.79 50620651 Utilities-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct 35,372.33 9,566.29 (25,806.04) 50620663 Utilities-T&D Ops Meter Exp 0.00 (32.70) (32.70) 50620665 Utilities-T&D Ops Misc Exp (16,138.33) (14,425.18) 1,713.15 50620921 Utilities-A&G Ops Off Suppl (23,798.26) (26,498.95) (2,700.69) 50620930 Utilities-A&G Misc (8,117.17) (9,573.38) (1,456.21) 50625642 Sludge Dspsl-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr (2,183.00) 0.00 2,183.00 50625643 Sludge Dspsl-Wtr Tmt Ops Misc (40,866.96) (9,450.00) 31,416.96 50625930 Sldge Dspsl-A&G Ops-Misc Gen 0.00 (40.00) (40.00) 50635614 Chmcals-SOS Maint Wlls&Spr (42,139.55) (7,527.99) 34,611.56 50635640 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng (3,111.73) (15,415.68) (12,303.95) 50635641 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng (728,400.25) (568,694.11) 159,706.14 50635642 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp 0.00 (1,508.55) (1,508.55) 50635651 Chmcals-Wtr Tmt Maint Strctrs 0.00 (100.93) (100.93) 50635921 Chmcals-A&G Ops Off Suppl&Exp (5,000.30) (10,384.71) (5,384.41) 50645000 Trnsprt Cst-ES (1,449,877.04) (1,436,840.09) 13,036.95 50645600 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (8,252.34) (7,772.27) 480.07 50645601 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp (3,444.08) (4,290.49) (846.41) 50645603 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 (43.10) (43.10) 50645610 Trnsprt Cst-SOS Maint Sup&Eng (2,345.20) (2,245.17) 100.03 50645620 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Ops Sup&Eng (25,571.56) (17,725.27) 7,846.29 50645624 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (105,408.46) (132,579.74) (27,171.28) 50645630 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Sup&Eng 0.00 (447.56) (447.56) 50645631 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Strctrs (40.43) 0.00 40.43 50645632 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Pwr Prd 0.00 (63.58) (63.58) 50645633 Trnsprt Cst-Pump Maint Eq 0.00 (21.96) (21.96) 50645640 Trnsprt Cst-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&En (16,837.51) (16,933.64) (96.13) 50645642 Trnsprt Cst-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Ex (58,552.41) (76,913.03) (18,360.62) 50645660 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Ops Sup&Eng (5,747.97) (2,862.94) 2,885.03 50645662 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 (465.77) (465.77) Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 5 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 50645664 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Ops Cust Instl (555.08) (286.77) 268.31 50645670 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint Sup&En (10,123.00) (8,138.63) 1,984.37 50645675 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint-Services (173,637.33) (177,104.95) (3,467.62) 50645677 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint-Hydrants (17.84) 0.00 17.84 50645678 Trnsprt Cst-T&D Maint-Misc Plt 157.22 (126.05) (283.27) 50645901 Trnsprt Cst-Cust Acct Suprvsn (8,027.65) (7,687.64) 340.01 50645902 Trnsprt Cst-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (33,204.04) (36,981.14) (3,777.10) 50645903 Trnsprt Cst-Cust Acct Rcrds&Co (139,193.32) (140,805.34) (1,612.02) 50645920 Trnsprt Cst-A&G Salaries (191,952.15) (181,375.72) 10,576.43 50646000 Transportation Cost-Trnsfrred 1,449,877.04 1,436,840.09 (13,036.95) 50650600 Office Exp-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (5,582.97) (23,542.46) (17,959.49) 50650603 Office Exp-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 (990.00) (990.00) 50650624 Office Exp-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (907.00) (2,738.46) (1,831.46) 50650626 Office Exp-Pump Ops Misc Exp (29,874.99) (40,042.84) (10,167.85) 50650633 Office Exp-Pump Maint Eq 0.00 (624.92) (624.92) 50650642 Office Exp-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp (5,372.25) (381.00) 4,991.25 50650651 Office Exp-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct (86.82) 0.00 86.82 50650660 Office Exp-T&D Ops Sup&Eng (1,051.90) (730.64) 321.26 50650661 Office Exp-T&D Ops Strg Faclt (4,680.00) (4,201.62) 478.38 50650662 Office Exp-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 (935.22) (935.22) 50650665 Office Exp-T&D Ops Misc Ex 11,118.79 (36,602.07) (47,720.86) 50650673 Office Exp-T&D Maint-Main 0.00 (2,370.12) (2,370.12) 50650675 Office Exp-T&D Maint-Services (11,462.09) (3,397.45) 8,064.64 50650902 Office Exp-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (130.74) 0.00 130.74 50650903 Office Exp-Cust Acct Rcrds&Col (55,360.71) (58,394.01) (3,033.30) 50650905 Office Exp-Cust Acct Misc Exp (7,911.27) (10,276.57) (2,365.30) 50650920 Office Exp-A&G Ops Salaries (64,736.50) (61,192.74) 3,543.76 50650921 Office Exp-A&G Ops Off Suppl (206,869.33) (199,721.12) 7,148.21 50650923 Office Exp-A&G Accntng &Audtn (211,094.45) (206,441.52) 4,652.93 50650930 Office Exp-A&G Ops Misc Gen (134,770.30) (139,301.99) (4,531.69) 50650932 Office Exp-A&G Maint Plnt (26,610.00) (26,186.65) 423.35 50651660 Advertising Exp-A&G (224,186.15) (194,473.54) 29,712.61 50655603 Misc Exp-SOS Ops Misc (622.14) (600.91) 21.23 50655631 Misc Exp-Pump Maint Strctrs (227,104.92) (219,700.97) 7,403.95 50655651 Misc Exp-Wtr Tmt Maint Strct (19,536.72) (10,973.77) 8,562.95 50655675 Misc Exp-T&D Maint-Services 1,956.68 (16,616.06) (18,572.74) 70100403 Depreciation-Utility Plant (8,534,572.74) (7,843,693.34) 690,879.40 70101403 Depreciation-Cost of Removal (2,036,766.44) (1,900,809.70) 135,956.74 70200408 Taxes other than income tax 0.83 (0.83) (1.66) 70203408 Real Estate Tax (1,501,018.65) (1,655,394.01) (154,375.36) 70250408 Payroll Taxes (915,934.10) (822,506.75) 93,427.35 90400904 Bad Dbt-WO-Custr Acct Uncollct (265,426.67) (275,018.21) (9,591.54) 90405904 Bad Dbt-Provsn-CustAcct Uncol (1,601.86) 454,273.74 455,875.60 90850923 Corporate Shared Services Fees (4,351,321.63) (4,156,976.70) 194,344.93 90890426 Corp Shrd Svcs-Non Recoverable (16,244.69) (20,044.53) (3,799.84) 90950000 F B T-ES 3,339,021.31 4,655,881.59 1,316,860.28 90950600 F B T-SOS Ops Sup&Eng (23,167.75) (30,249.69) (7,081.94) 90950601 F B T-SOS Ops Lbr&Exp (6,355.39) (16,701.52) (10,346.13) 90950603 F B T-SOS Ops Misc 0.00 (102.38) (102.38) 90950610 F B T-SOS Maint Sup& Eng (6,147.32) (7,937.04) (1,789.72) 90950620 F B T-Pump Ops Sup&Eng (57,708.28) (66,110.87) (8,402.59) 90950624 F B T-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (319,936.69) (499,369.15) (179,432.46) 90950630 F B T-Pump Maint Sup&Eng 0.00 (1,447.69) (1,447.69) 90950631 F B T-Pump Maint Strctrs (109.95) 0.00 109.95 90950632 F B T-Pump Maint Pwr Prd Impry 0.00 (153.67) (153.67) Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 6 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 90950633 F B T-Pump Maint Eq 0.00 (98.22) (98.22) 90950640 F B T-Wtr Tmt Ops Sup&Eng (51,242.02) (59,519.60) (8,277.58) 90950642 F B T-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Exp (176,644.00) (289,282.40) (112,638.40) 90950660 F B T-T&D Ops Sup&Eng (7,929.54) (13,091.79) (5,162.25) 90950662 F B T-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 (2,332.72) (2,332.72) 90950664 F B T-T&D Ops Cust Instl (908.58) (1,732.00) (823.42) 90950670 F B T-T&D Maint Sup& Eng (37,490.40) (30,223.19) 7,267.21 90950675 F B T-T&D Maint-Services (501,318.48) (664,929.22) (163,610.74) 90950677 F B T-T&D Maint-Hydrants (95.03) 0.00 95.03 90950678 F B T-T&D Maint-Misc Plnt (174.51) (675.67) (501.16) 90950901 F B T-Cust Acct Suprvsn (12,333.41) (29,140.33) (16,806.92) 90950902 F B T-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (99,540.90) (137,447.27) (37,906.37) 90950903 F B T-Cust Acct Rcrds&Coll (408,511.19) (535,053.43) (126,542.24) 90950920 F B T-A&G Salaries (500,545.20) (714,372.15) (213,826.95) 91400924 Liability Insurance-A&G Ops (74,279.02) 332,351.25 406,630.27 91460925 Worker comp-A&G Ops-Inj&Dmages (94,589.66) 3,957.80 98,547.46 91500926 Pension-A&G Ops (289,743.97) (536,981.03) (247,237.06) 91550926 Post Rtrmnt PBOP-A&G Ops-Pnsn (76,460.03) (132,546.00) (56,085.97) 91700926 Emplyee Grp Hlth&L-A&G Op-Pnsn (1,512,302.08) (2,278,881.30) (766,579.22) 91800926 Emplyee 401K-A&G Ops-Pension (449,797.97) (411,540.30) 38,257.67 91850000 Other Employee Benefits-ES (459.30) (9,273.56) (8,814.26) 91860926 Other Awards-A&G Ops-Emp Pnsns (92,669.01) (7,408.20) 85,260.81 91900928 Regulatory Commission-A&G Ops (103,815.62) (101,940.18) 1,875.44 92000928 Amrt Rate Case-A&G Ops-Reg Com (46,828.00) (29,868.00) 16,960.00 92050930 Amort of Dfrrd Exp-Misc Gen-A& (36,075.31) (38,940.00) (2,864.69) 92053672 Amort Tnk Pntng-T&D Maint rsry (151,592.76) (145,216.72) 6,376.04 92056930 Amort OPEB Csts-A&G Ops Misc (174,608.00) (477,384.00) (302,776.00) 92059930 Amort Exp-Tax Reform Reg Liab 209,004.00 1,019,076.00 810,072.00 92061623 Amrt Pwr Csts-Pump Ops Fuel Pw (241,876.00) (197,484.00) 44,392.00 92064930 Amort AFUDC Eq GU-A&G Ops Misc (42,250.93) (36,570.42) 5,680.51 92200624 Uni&Sfty Eq-Pump Ops Lbr&Exp (8,102.59) (4,840.39) 3,262.20 92200632 Uni&Sfty Eq-Pump Maint Pwr Prd (529.60) (444.00) 85.60 92200642 Uni&Sfty Eq-Wtr Tmt Ops Lbr&Ex (3,671.03) (1,337.28) 2,333.75 92200651 Uni&Sfty Eq-Wtr Tm Maint Strct (3,857.02) (4,430.22) (573.20) 92200660 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Ops Sup&Eng 174.89 (487.53) (662.42) 92200662 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Ops Line Ex 0.00 (1,094.37) (1,094.37) 92200665 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Ops Misc Ex 0.00 (291.96) (291.96) 92200673 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Maint-Main (851.85) (2,463.68) (1,611.83) 92200675 Uni&Sfty Eq-T&D Maint-Services (28,296.46) (28,823.84) (527.38) 92200902 Uni&Sfty Eq-Cust Acct Mtr Rdng (642.20) (599.91) 42.29 92200903 Uni&Sfty Eq-Cust Acct Rcrds&Co (1,398.51) (1,279.54) 118.97 92200921 Uni&Sfty Eq-A&G Ops OffSup&Exp (93,181.70) (78,674.04) 14,507.66 92200930 Uni&Sfty Eq-A&G Ops Misc Gen (24,440.98) (40,412.56) (15,971.58) 92200932 Uni&Sfty Eq-A&G Maint Pint (18,330.41) (24,492.92) (6,162.51) 92300930 Bank Charges-A&G Ops Misc Gen (3,928.64) (5,358.31) (1,429.67) 92450930 Severance Plan-A&G Ops Misc (5,000.00) 0.00 5,000.00 92600920 Other G&A Exp-A&G Ops Salaries (101.63) 0.00 101.63 92600923 Other G&A Exp-A&G Outs Srvcs E 0.00 (21,208.00) (21,208.00) 92600932 Other G&A Exp-A&G Maint Pint (57,247.44) (15,095.84) 42,151.60 Operating Expenses (35,254,715.33) (32,238,731.67) 3,015,983.66 Operating Income 20,869,100.28 20,140,487.46 (728,612.82) 70700426 Amort of Debt Issue Cost-Reg (122,941.80) (122,941.80) 0.00 71000431 Other interest (6,364,796.81) (4,908,581.03) 1,456,215.78 71010431 Other interest—Regulatory 1,099.82 427.52 (672.30) 71051419 AFUDC Debt 217,167.91 160,772.89 (56,395.02) Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 7 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 71052419 AFUDC Equity 608,936.45 430,107.87 (178,828.58) 71200422 Gain-Disposition of Property 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 71225426 Impairment-Other (168,253.04) (17,319.40) 150,933.64 71250421 Misc non operating income 0.00 1,119.78 1,119.78 71251418 Misc Non Oper Rental Income 52,523.04 56,927.88 4,404.84 71253426 Non Recoverable (238,651.23) (5,667.23) 232,984.00 71255406 Amort of Util Plt Acquis Adj (195,296.00) (20,712.00) 174,584.00 71257426 Pension-Other componts of NPPC (694,443.97) 66,543.00 760,986.97 71258426 PBOP-Other components of NPPC 448,530.00 710,445.97 261,915.97 Other Income&Expenses (6,456,125.63) (3,646,876.55) 2,809,249.08 Income before Income Taxes 14,412,974.65 16,493,610.91 2,080,636.26 80100409 Current-federal (466,382.45) (1,086,658.01) (620,275.56) 80150409 Current-state (140,340.76) 1,220,770.36 1,361,111.12 80200410 Deferred-Federal Income Taxes (2,461,917.71) (1,917,411.50) 544,506.21 80250410 Deferred-State Income taxes (17,034.00) 374,699.85 391,733.85 80400411 Investment Tax Cr,amortization 48,240.00 48,240.00 0.00 Provision for Income Taxes (3,037,434.92) (1,360,359.30) 1,677,075.62 Current Year Earnings 11,375,539.73 15,133,251.61 3,757,711.88 Total Retained Earnings 167,738,104.82 161,789,525.46 (5,948,579.35) 21800000 AOCI-Pension 0.21 0.21 0.00 21805000 AOCI-PBOP 1.03 1.03 0.00 Accum Other Comprehensive Inc 1.24 1.24 0.00 Oth Equity Noncontrol Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 Long Term Debt 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Capitalization 310,628,026.79 284,462,875.75 (26,165,151.03) 23200000 Accounts Payable 7,657,117.13 8,749,208.24 1,092,091.11 23210000 Accounts Payable Reversing 387,798.11 394,607.15 6,809.04 23211000 Accounts Payable Non Reversing 118,313.05 478,660.39 360,347.34 23230000 AP-Lease Clearing 694.76 173.69 (521.07) Accounts Payable 8,163,923.05 9,622,649.47 1,458,726.42 23255000 AP-Suez Group affiliates 7,980.00 8,220.52 240.52 A/P Affiliated Companies 7,980.00 8,220.52 240.52 Notes Payable 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/P Affiliated Companies 0.00 0.00 0.00 Current Portion of LT Debt 0.00 0.00 0.00 23500000 Customer Deposits 0.00 191.00 191.00 Customer Deposits 0.00 191.00 191.00 23601000 Property Taxes Accrued 745,271.42 825,838.32 80,566.90 23610000 Franchise taxes Accrued 77,873.58 80,910.17 3,036.59 23641000 Federal Income Tax Accrued 490,697.15 1,498,626.00 1,007,928.85 23651000 State Income Tax Accrued 66,978.44 (64,257.56) (131,236.00) 23661000 FICA Tax Accrued 56,785.56 46,538.16 (10,247.40) 23662000 Federal Unemployment Tax Accr 60.68 128.19 67.51 23663000 State Unemployment Tax Accrued 285.13 472.09 186.96 23670000 Sales&Use Taxes Accrued 7,635.10 19,415.55 11,780.45 23699000 Other Accrued Taxes (35,959.94) (33,069.81) 2,890.13 Accrued Taxes 1,409,627.12 2,374,601.11 964,973.99 23711000 Accrued Interest 0.00 1.56 1.56 Accrued Interest 0.00 1.56 1.56 Dividend Payable 0.00 0.00 0.00 24205000 Accrued-Payroll 253,316.73 206,641.60 (46,675.13) 24211000 Accrued Insurance 225,038.58 216,650.11 (8,388.47) 24213000 Accrued IBNR 238,440.95 452,687.79 214,246.84 24215000 Accrued-Power 207,553.89 249,716.94 42,163.05 Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 8 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 24220000 Accrued-Sludge Removal 900.00 0.00 (900.00) 24245000 Accrued-Vacation 48,102.58 111,286.00 63,183.42 24246000 Accrued-Bonus 650,416.30 640,345.07 (10,071.23) 24247000 Accrued-Employee Related 3,061.48 2,481.49 (579.99) 24248000 Accr-Employee Related Other 140,019.38 132,833.22 (7,186.16) 24250000 Unearned Revenue 1,118.04 1,118.04 0.00 24298000 Customer AR credits 907,607.02 895,731.23 (11,875.79) 24301000 Employee W/hg-401 K (35,297.60) 0.00 35,297.60 24306000 Employee withholding—PAC 55.00 50.00 (5.00) 26200000 Injuries and Damages Reserve 33,558.23 203,299.22 169,740.99 Other Current Liabilities 2,673,890.58 3,112,840.71 438,950.13 Total Current Liabilities 12,255,420.75 15,118,504.37 2,863,083.62 19010000 Def. Federal Inc Taxes-Other (101,569.67) (111,676.67) (10,107.00) 19012000 Def State Income Taxes-Other (29,779.62) (33,943.62) (4,164.00) 19017000 Def Fed NOL Tax Benefit 0.00 (9,272.30) (9,272.30) 19101000 Def. FIT-FAS109 ITC 54,512.58 44,874.58 (9,638.00) 19103000 Def. FIT-F71/F109 G/U ITC (25,702.25) (28,920.25) (3,218.00) 19131000 Def.SIT-FAS109ITC 15,982.16 13,639.16 (2,343.00) 19132000 Def. SIT-F71/F109 G/U ITC (7,535.69) (8,790.69) (1,255.00) Deferred Taxes (94,092.49) (134,089.79) (39,997.30) 25500000 Deferred ITC 374,434.00 422,674.00 48,240.00 25501000 Deferred State ITC Idaho (650,000.00) (650,000.00) 0.00 28203000 Def. FIT-MACRS 4,773,833.40 3,396,768.40 (1,377,065.00) 28204000 Def SIT-MACRS 1,281,512.51 884,245.51 (397,267.00) 28207000 Def FIT Pens Reg Asset FAS158 1,486,536.30 1,596,201.30 109,665.00 28208000 Def FIT PBOP Reg Asset FAS158 (350,465.48) (338,281.48) 12,184.00 28209000 Def SIT Pens Reg Asset ASC715 370,482.12 436,765.12 66,283.00 28210000 Def SIT PBOP Reg Asset ASC715 (84,223.52) (87,864.52) (3,641.00) 28212000 Def SIT-Utility 717,594.62 550,148.03 (167,446.59) 28221000 Def FIT-COR 815,625.10 417,588.10 (398,037.00) 28251000 Def SIT-COR 239,138.21 126,926.21 (112,212.00) 28300000 Def. FIT-Other 34,283.86 164,079.86 129,796.00 28301000 Def. FIT-Tank Painting 754,415.83 459,395.83 (295,020.00) 28302000 Def. FIT-Rate Expenses 19,364.40 36,406.40 17,042.00 28303000 Def. FIT-Deferred Charges 279,397.59 204,129.59 (75,268.00) 28304000 Def. FIT-Relocation Expense 0.01 0.01 0.00 28306000 Def. FIT-Pensions (732,496.71) (708,478.71) 24,018.00 28307000 Def. FIT-PEBOP (39,417.39) (206,335.39) (166,918.00) 28308000 Def. FIT-Cost of Removal 1,084,667.49 945,489.49 (139,178.00) 28311000 Def. FIT-Injuries and Damages (53,806.63) (129,491.63) (75,685.00) 28312000 Def. FIT-AFUDC Equity 636,782.08 549,909.36 (86,872.72) 28313000 Def. FIT-AFUDC Equity GU 197,461.08 86,522.74 (110,938.34) 28350000 Def. SIT-Other 81,865.97 83,616.97 1,751.00 28353000 Def. SIT-Tank Painting 221,192.22 139,634.22 (81,558.00) 28354000 Def. SIT-Pensions (149,401.20) (166,941.20) (17,540.00) 28355000 Def. SIT-Post Retrmnt Benefits (30,089.66) (77,672.66) (47,583.00) 28356000 Def. SIT-AFUDC Equity 186,701.99 167,145.70 (19,556.29) 28358000 Def. SIT-Cost of Removal 318,019.67 287,382.67 (30,637.00) 28364000 Def. SIT-AFUDC Equity GU 57,894.53 26,298.48 (31,596.05) 28408000 Def FIT-Tax Reform for GU2018 (1,003,755.04) (1,063,090.04) (59,335.00) Deferred Income Taxes&Credit 10,743,454.86 7,419,082.57 (3,324,372.29) 25200000 Advances for Construction 5,051,360.89 5,051,360.89 0.00 25200001 CWIP non-taxable advances (778,646.81) (733,133.52) 45,513.29 Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 9 of 10 Report ID: BSCOR100 Layout ID: BSCOR100 Veolia Water Idaho General Ledger System Business unit: 00060 Corp BS C/M vs Same Month P/Yr Period Ending: Dec 31,2023 Run on 04/07/24 at 11:49 PM - Current Month - Increase This Last or Year Year (Decrease) 25201000 Taxable Advncs/Service Laterals (482,573.32) (482,573.32) 0.00 Cust Advances for Construction 3,790,140.76 3,835,654.05 45,513.29 27100000 Contribution in Aid of Cnstrct 131,845,829.06 126,317,731.26 (5,528,097.80) 27100001 CWIP non-taxable CIAC 4,965,293.70 2,179,582.12 (2,785,711.58) 27100002 In Service non-taxable CIAC 1,768,305.12 1,460,985.22 (307,319.90) 27101000 Taxable CIAC-Sery Laterals 34,379,836.28 32,664,873.48 (1,714,962.80) 27101001 CWIP taxable CIAC 65,299.19 1,008,805.08 943,505.89 27101002 In Service taxable CIAC 131,119.21 1,006,951.85 875,832.64 27110000 Accumulated Amortization CIAC (52,287,454.88) (49,733,408.64) 2,554,046.24 Contribution in aid of Constru 120,868,227.68 114,905,520.37 (5,962,707.31) 25340000 PBOP Liability-Trustee 184,446.24 1,030,895.21 846,448.97 26310000 Pension Accrued 3,637,485.65 3,540,649.71 (96,835.94) Pension and Benefits 3,821,931.89 4,571,544.92 749,613.03 25309000 Dfrrd Regulatory Liabilities 74,401.65 83,508.51 9,106.86 25316000 Regulatory Liab-Tax NewFedRate 3,923,678.34 4,132,682.34 209,004.00 25317000 Reg Liab-NewFedRate2018portion 0.00 (2,570.04) (2,570.04) 25402000 DefRegLiab F71/F109-Fed:ITC (37,385.80) (20,802.80) 16,583.00 Regulatory Liabilities 3,960,694.19 4,192,818.01 232,123.82 25380000 Other Deferred Credits 32,162.47 35,279.43 3,116.96 Other Long Term Liabilities 32,162.47 35,279.43 3,116.96 Lease Liabilities Non Current 0.00 0.00 0.00 Deferred Income Taxes&Credit 143,216,611.85 134,959,899.35 (8,256,712.50) Total Capital&Liabilities 466,100,059.39 434,541,279.47 (31,558,779.91) Run Date:4/18/2024 Run Time:2:17 PM Page 10 of 10 Veolia Water Idaho Inc Annual Report on Deferred Power Cost-Pending Summary of 18625 Account as of December 31,2023 Prepared By:Michael Wilson,April 17,2024 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Interest kWH subject to PCA Deferred PCA Accrual at Misc Authorized Total Monthly Cumulative Accounting Month change Costs 1% Adjustments Amortization Increase/Decrease Account Balance NOTES GL BAL Beginning Balance: $ 1,105,667.13 $1,105,667.13 January 2023 1,858,637 $ 20,915.73 $ 1,074.99 $ (16,457.00) $ 5,533.72 $ 1,111,200.85 $1,111,200.85 February2023 1,950,802 $ 27,142.84 $ 1,111.65 $ (16,457.00) $ 11,797.49 $ 1,122,998.34 $1,122,998.34 March 2023 1,854,069 $ 25,777.33 $ 1,158.75 $ (16,457.00) $ 10,479.08 $ 1,133,477.42 $1,133,477.42 April 2023 1,853,675 $ 25,786.72 $ 1,203.66 $ (16,457.00) $ 10,533.38 $ 1,144,010.80 $1,144,010.80 New amortization amount from May 2023 to Apr 2027,per May 2023 2,216,435 $ 30,820.41 $ 224.99 $ (22,006.89) $ 9,038.51 $ 1,153,049.31 Rate Case VEO-W-22-02,effective May 1,2023 $1,153,049.31 June 2023 3,296,256 $ 46,520.24 $ 225.41 $ (22,006.00) $ 24,739.65 $ 1,177,788.96 $1,177,788.96 July 2023 3,684,355 $ 76,695.75 $ 303.33 $ (22,006.00) $ 54,993.08 $ 1,232,782.04 $1,232,782.04 August 2023 5,425,602 $ 60,923.77 $ 431.69 $ (22,006.00) $ 39,349.46 $ 1,272,131.50 $1,272,131.50 September 2023 4,898,226 $ 100,575.29 $ 533.97 $ (22,006.00) $ 79,103.26 $ 1,351,234.76 $1,351,234.76 October 2023 4,300,121 $ 89,589.92 $ 702.52 $ (22,006.00) $ 68,286.44 $ 1,419,521.20 $1,419,521.20 November 2023 2,963,158 $ 62,013.97 $ 853.04 $ (22,006.00) $ 40,861.01 $ 1,460,382.21 $1,460,382.21 December 2023 1,931,059 $ 40,415.11 $ 957.84 $ (22,006.00) $ 19,366.95 $ 1,479,749.16 $1,479,749.16 Total 36,232,395 $ 607,177.08 $ 8,781.84 $ $(241,876.89) 644,867.13 NOTES: The IPUC authorized the establishment of a deferral account for the incremental cost resulting from increases in Idaho Power PCA adjustment in Order No.28800 issued in 2001.IPUC Order No.29838 issued in August 2005 authorized continuation of the deferral mechanism and added the requirement that United Water Idaho file an annual report with the Commission documenting account activity and balance. In Order No.30104,issued July 24, 2006 the Commission approved the settlement stipulation of UWID's general rate case.The Agreement called for continuation of the deferral account methodology as well as amortization of the deferred power expense over three years.In Order No.31016,issued March 4,2010,the IPUC approved the settlement stipulation of UWID's GRC,UWI-W-09-01.The Stipulation allowed a three year amortization of Deferred Power Costs accumulated through the end of February,2010. The Stipulation modified the methodology used by UWID to calculate Deferred Power:as of March 1,2010,the Company is entitled to defer the entire amount of Idaho Power PCA charge. Prior to this modification, United Water Idaho deferred only the incremental change in PCA rates from the base PCA rate in effect at the time of UWID's rate change and Idaho Power new PCA rate,which is updated each year effective June 1. Per PUC Order 32443 UWI-W-11-02 and Settlement Stipulation, the unamortized deferred power expense balance through Jan.2012 will be re-amortized over 36 months commencing Feb.1,2012. Per Case No.UWI-W-15-01,authorized 3-year amortization of deferred balance beginning December 2015. September 2016 Interest calculation methodology changed so that interest on current month deferrals are calculated on a whole month instead of the number of days from the date the accounts payable voucher posts through the end of the month.Per Case No.SUZ-W-20-02,effective 5/1/21,ao amortize Deferred Power for 48 months from May 1,2021 to Apr 30,2025 per Case SUZ_W_20-02,effective on 5/1/2021.Model JE:MDEFPW25 061521 uthorized 48 month amortization of deferred balance on 4/30/21 ($825,165.42 less$35,226.31 adjustment= $789,939.11). Account revised from 18714 to 18625. New amortiziation on $644,867.13 of$22,006 per month to be record the amortization of deferred power expense and related interest from May 2023 to Apr 2027,per Rate Case VEO-W-22-02,effective May 1,2023. General Metered Service for a 3/4"meter plus the volume charge per 100 cubic feet. Veolia bills former Eagle Water area customers monthly.There The billing would be calculated as follows: vE O �I A are two components to your water bill:a monthly Customer Winter Charge based on the size of the meter as shown below and Customer charge =$ 7.17 the Volume Charge for consumption determined by the meter 18 CCF @$0.9966 =$17.94 reading.The Customer Charge will only change if the meter Total =$25.11 size is increased or decreased.The Volume Charge is applied to each 100 cubic feet(1 CCF)of water used.* Summer �. Customer charge =$ 7.17 Customer Rate Customer Rate Customer Rate 1.5 CCF @$0.9966 =$ 1.50 , As Of 05/01/2023 As Of 01/01/2024 As Of 011011202E 16.5 CCF @$1.2618 =$20.82 Meter Size:5/8"3/4" Total =$29.49(These total charges do not include taxes,state safe drinking „ $ 7.17 $ 8.19 $ 9.22 water fee,or charges for any other types of service.) Meter Size: 1" $ 9.16 $ 10.47 $ 11.78 When the billing period encompasses both seasonal periods, «� the water billing will be prorated. Bills will be prorated twice Meter Size: 1-1/2" each year. If there are any questions concerning the billing, $ 15.67 $ 17.92 $ 20.16 we will be happy to discuss this process with you. Existing customers residing in the area formerly Meter Size:2"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity known as Eagle Water as of the closing date Miscellaneous Charges January 1,2022 will be billed at a rate set by $ 24.33 $ 27.81 $ 31.28 Veolia believes that the cost of providing special services , the Idaho Public Utility Commission(IPUC)in Meter Size:3"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity should be borne by those customers responsible for incurring their order dated December 9,2021.These $ 47.45 $ 54.23 $ 61.01 the costs.The handling of returned checks,accounts that customers will be phased into Veolia's existing Meter Size:4"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity are disconnected for non-payment,cross connection control rates over a seven year period, increasing by violations and after-hour or weekend service are some $ 88.53 $101.18 $113.83 examples of special services.These miscellaneous charges 8.33%each year,until January 1,2028 when Meter Size:6"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity are as follows: Veolia's full rate has been met. $147.81 $168.92 $190.04 •Returned checks: $20.00 This is a summary of the rules for deposit Meter Size:8"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity •Reconnection for non-payment or and termination of service for all former Eagle $193.36 $220.99 $248.61 cross connection control: Water Company customers as determined by Meter Size: 10"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Regular hours(8:00 am to 4:30 pm) $20.00 p q p y After hours(4:31 pm to 6:30 pm) $30.00 the IPUC.These rules cover the rights and $275.56 $314.93 $354.29 •New service connections: responsibilities of the customer and the utility. *(1 CCF or 100 cubic feet of water- Regular hours No Charge An explanation of our rate schedule has also approximately 748 gallons) After hours $25.00 been included. *Reconnections will not occur M-F 6:31 pm to 7:59 am, Volume Charges are seasonal.One rate is charged during and on weekends or observed holidays between Questions concerning this the summer season and one during the winter season. 4:31 pm and 7:59 am. information may be directed to: The summer season is May 1 through September 30. In most cases,these fees must be paid prior to service being The rates are: granted or restored. Veolia Customer Rate Customer Rate Customer Rate Customer Service Payment Options csid@veolia.com As Of 05/01/2023 As Of 01/01/2024 As Of 01/01/2026 There are several ways to pay your bill: 208-362-7304 For all water used up to 1.5CCF •Try our Budget Billing Plan.Call 208-362-7304 to enroll $ 0.9966 $ 1.1391 $ 1.2815 •Direct debit from either your checking or savings account or Winter Rate for water used greater than 1.5CCF •Online at mywater.veolia.us $ 0.9966 $ 1.1391 $ 1.2815 •24-hour automated payment line: 1-888-608-6690 IPUC Summer Rate for water used greater than 1.5CCF •Pay stations(see mywater.veolia.us for locations) Consumer Assistance $ 1.2618 $ 1.4420 $ 1.6223 •Use the envelope provided with your bill. P.O. Box 83720 02023 Veolia Boise, ID 83720-0074 For example: 208-334-0369 In keeping with our commitment to the environment,this publication If there is a 3/4"meter and the billing states the consumption was printed on paper containing at least 10%post consumer fiber. is 18 CCF,the usage during the last monthly billing period was 052023-Veolia EWC 1,800 cubic feet.The bill would include the customer charge IN-189793-VEOLIAALL Veolia E-EWC Deposits/Payment3. If service is terminated,a notice will be left at the If service is terminated for any one of the conditions The IPUC service rules allow utilities to ask for deposits property advising the customer of the necessary listed,Veolia has employees available for reconnection or payment guarantees under specific conditions.At steps to have service restored. within 24 hours after the situation is corrected. this time,Veolia does not require deposits or payment Only a twenty-four(24)hour notice is required if: Complaint Procedure guarantees. 4. The initial payment of a payment If at any time there is a complaint concerning Rules r Termination of Service arrangement is not made or the initial termination of service,policies and practices,or any • payment is made with a check not honored other matter regarding our service, please contact Veolia Termination with Prior Notice by the bank; in person,by telephone or in writing.The complaint will With proper customer notification,Veolia may deny or 5. Payment is made to prevent termination of service be investigated promptly and thoroughly.The customer terminate water service for one of the following reasons: or reconnect service with insufficient funds or is will be notified orally or in writing of the results of the 1. Nonpayment of a past due billing, payment of a not honored by the bank. investigation,and we will make every effort to resolve past due billing with any check not honored by Additional Notice the complaint. the bank,or insufficient funds on an electronic 1. If service is not terminated within twenty-one payment; (21)calendar days after the proposed If the customer is dissatisfied with the proposed 2. Failure to abide by the terms of a payment termination date,Veolia will begin the resolution of the complaint,the IPUC may be asked to arrangement; review the matter.The service will not be disconnected 3. Obtaining service by misrepresentation of notice process again with the seven(7)day written notice while the complaint is being investigated by the utility or identity; . the IPUC. 4. Denying or willfully preventing access to the Payment Arrangements and Special Circumstances water meter; If the customer cannot pay the billing in full or receives Rate Schedule Information 5. Willfully wasting service through improper a notice of termination,payment arrangements can be Most Veolia customers are billed under the enclosed rate equipment or otherwise; made to avoid termination of service.Call customer schedule. However,some customers may be billed under 6. The applicant or customer is a minor. service at 208-362-7304. a special temporary tariff. Please call customer service if Termination without Prior Notice If the customer cannot pay the billing and a member there are any questions about the rate schedule used for Veolia may deny or terminate water service without prior of the household is seriously ill or there is a medical your billing. notice for one of the following reasons: emergency,Veolia will postpone termination of service Veolia Cares 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous for thirty(30)days.A written certificate is required from Veolia has established Veolia Cares,a program to to life,physical safety or property; a licensed physician or public health official stating the help low-income residents and customers who have 2. To prevent a violation of federal,state or local name of the person who is ill and the name,title,and experienced temporary financial hardship pay their water safety or health codes; signature of the person certifying the serious illness or bills.Customers can be eligible for up to$100 in credits 3. Service is obtained,diverted or used without the medical emergency. annually to help pay their water bill. authorization of Veolia; 4. Veolia has diligently attempted to notify the Restrictions on Termination of Service Veolia Cares is administered by the EI-Ada Community customer of termination and has been unable to Service cannot be terminated if: Action Agency.To get more information on the make contact; 1. The past due billing is less than$50.00 or two(2) program and eligibility requirements,please call 5. If ordered by any court,the Commission,or any months of service,whichever is less; EI-Ada at 208-345-2820. other duly authorized public authority. 2. The unpaid billing is for service to another customer; Notification 3. The billing is for charges other than water service. 1. A billing may be considered past due fifteen(15) days after the billing date.A written notice of Service cannot be disconnected on Friday,Saturday, termination must be mailed at least seven(7) Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the state of Idaho, days before the proposed termination date. or on any day immediately preceding any legal holiday. 2. At least twenty-four(24)hours before the service Service may be terminated only between the hours of is terminated,another attempt shall be made to 8:00 a.m.and 4:00 p.m. contact the customer in person or by telephone. General Metered Service for a 3/4"meter plus the volume charge per 100 cubic feet. Veolia bills new Eagle Water area customers monthly.There The billing would be calculated as follows: vE O �I A are two components to your water bill:a monthly Customer Winter Charge based on the size of the meter as shown below and Customer charge =$12.29 the Volume Charge for consumption determined by the meter 18 CCF @$1.7086 =$30.75 reading.The Customer Charge will only change if the meter Total =$43.04 size is increased or decreased.The Volume Charge is applied to each 100 cubic feet(1 CCF)of water used.* Summer Customer charge =$12.29 Customer Rate 1.5 CCF @$1.7086 =$ 2.56 As Of 5/1/2023 16.5 CCF @$2.1630 =$35.69 Total =$50.54 Meter Size:5/8"3/4" (These total charges do not include taxes,state safe drinking N \ to $ 12.29 water fee,or charges for any other types of service.) ++ Meter Size: 1" � When the billing period encompasses both seasonal periods, $ 15.71 the water billing will be prorated. Bills will be prorated twice Meter Size: 1-1/2" each year. If there are any questions concerning the billing, $ 26.88 we will be happy to discuss this process with you. New customers moving into the area formerly Meter Size:2"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Miscellaneous Charges known as Eagle Water after the closing date "' January 1,2022 will be billed at a rate set by $ 41.71 Veolia believes that the cost of providing special services +, the Idaho Public Utility Commission(IPUC)in Meter Size:3"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity should be borne by those customers responsible for incurring their order number 35247 dated December 9, $ 81.35 the costs.The handling of returned checks,accounts that their These customers will be billed ember's full Meter Size:4"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity are disconnected for non-payment,cross connection control existing rates on a monthly basis. violations and after-hour or weekend service are some $151.77 examples of special services.These miscellaneous charges Meter Size:6"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity are as follows: This is a summary of the rules for deposit and $253.39 termination of service for new customers moving •Returned checks: $20.00 into the former Eagle Water Company area as Meter Size:8"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity •Reconnection for non-payment or determined by the IPUC.These rules cover the $331.49 cross connection control: rights and responsibilities of the customer and Meter Size: 10"or multiple meters of equivalent capacity Regular hours(8:00 am to 4:30 pm) $20.00 the utility.An explanation of our rate schedule $472.39 After hours(4:31 pm to 6:30 pm) $30.00 has also been included. •New service connections: *(1 CCF or 100 cubic feet of water= Regular hours No Charge approximately 748 gallons) After hours $25.00 Questions concerning this *Reconnections will not occur M-F 6:31 pm to 7:59 am, information may be directed to: Volume Charges are seasonal.One rate is charged during and on weekends or observed holidays between the summer season and one during the winter season. 4:31 pm and 7:59 am. Veolia The summer season is May 1 through September 30. In most cases,these fees must be paid prior to service being Customer Service The rates are: granted or restored. csid@veolia.com Customer Rate 208-362-7304 Payment Options As Of 5/1/2023 There are several ways to pay your bill: or For all water used up to 1.5CCF •Try our Budget Billing Plan.Call 208-362-7304 to enroll $ 1.7086 •Direct debit from either your checking or savings account IPUC Winter Rate for water used greater than 1.5CCF •Online at mywater.veolia.us Consumer Assistance $ 1.7086 •24-hour automated payment line: 1-888-608-6690 P.O. Box 83720 Summer Rate for water used greater than 1.5CCF •Pay stations(see mywater.veolia.us for locations) Boise, ID 83720-0074 $ 2.1630 •Use the envelope provided with your bill. 208-334-0369 For example: 02023 Veolia In keeping with our commitment to the environment,this publication Veolia If there is a 3/4"meter and the billing states the consumption was printed on paper containing at least 10%post consumer fiber. is 18 CCF,the usage during the last monthly billing period was 052023-Veolia NEWC 1,800 cubic feet.The bill would include the customer charge IN-189782-VEOLIAALL NEWC Deposits/Payment3. If service is terminated,a notice will be left at the If service is terminated for any one of the conditions The IPUC service rules allow utilities to ask for deposits property advising the customer of the necessary listed,Veolia has employees available for reconnection or payment guarantees under specific conditions.At steps to have service restored. within 24 hours after the situation is corrected. this time,Veolia does not require deposits or payment Only a twenty-four(24)hour notice is required if: Complaint Procedure guarantees. 4. The initial payment of a payment If at any time there is a complaint concerning Rules r Termination of Service arrangement is not made or the initial termination of service,policies and practices,or any • payment is made with a check not honored other matter regarding our service, please contact Veolia Termination with Prior Notice by the bank; in person,by telephone or in writing.The complaint will With proper customer notification,Veolia may deny or 5. Payment is made to prevent termination of service be investigated promptly and thoroughly.The customer terminate water service for one of the following reasons: or reconnect service with insufficient funds or is will be notified orally or in writing of the results of the 1. Nonpayment of a past due billing, payment of a not honored by the bank. investigation,and we will make every effort to resolve past due billing with any check not honored by Additional Notice the complaint. the bank,or insufficient funds on an electronic 1. If service is not terminated within twenty-one payment; (21)calendar days after the proposed If the customer is dissatisfied with the proposed 2. Failure to abide by the terms of a payment termination date,Veolia will begin the resolution of the complaint,the IPUC may be asked to arrangement; review the matter.The service will not be disconnected 3. Obtaining service by misrepresentation of notice process again with the seven(7)day written notice while the complaint is being investigated by the utility or identity; . the IPUC. 4. Denying or willfully preventing access to the Payment Arrangements and Special Circumstances water meter; If the customer cannot pay the billing in full or receives Rate Schedule Information 5. Willfully wasting service through improper a notice of termination,payment arrangements can be Most Veolia customers are billed under the enclosed rate equipment or otherwise; made to avoid termination of service.Call customer schedule. However,some customers may be billed under 6. The applicant or customer is a minor. service at 208-362-7304. a special temporary tariff. Please call customer service if Termination without Prior Notice If the customer cannot pay the billing and a member there are any questions about the rate schedule used for Veolia may deny or terminate water service without prior of the household is seriously ill or there is a medical your billing. notice for one of the following reasons: emergency,Veolia will postpone termination of service Veolia Cares 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous for thirty(30)days.A written certificate is required from Veolia has established Veolia Cares,a program to to life,physical safety or property; a licensed physician or public health official stating the help low-income residents and customers who have 2. To prevent a violation of federal,state or local name of the person who is ill and the name,title,and experienced temporary financial hardship pay their water safety or health codes; signature of the person certifying the serious illness or bills.Customers can be eligible for up to$100 in credits 3. Service is obtained,diverted or used without the medical emergency. annually to help pay their water bill. authorization of Veolia; 4. Veolia has diligently attempted to notify the Restrictions on Termination of Service Veolia Cares is administered by the EI-Ada Community customer of termination and has been unable to Service cannot be terminated if: Action Agency.To get more information on the make contact; 1. The past due billing is less than$50.00 or two(2) program and eligibility requirements,please call 5. If ordered by any court,the Commission,or any months of service,whichever is less; EI-Ada at 208-345-2820. other duly authorized public authority. 2. The unpaid billing is for service to another customer; Notification 3. The billing is for charges other than water service. 1. A billing may be considered past due fifteen(15) days after the billing date.A written notice of Service cannot be disconnected on Friday,Saturday, termination must be mailed at least seven(7) Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the state of Idaho, days before the proposed termination date. or on any day immediately preceding any legal holiday. 2. At least twenty-four(24)hours before the service Service may be terminated only between the hours of is terminated,another attempt shall be made to 8:00 a.m.and 4:00 p.m. contact the customer in person or by telephone. General Metered Service When the billing period encompasses both seasonal periods, Veolia bills customers every two(2)months.There are two the water billing will be prorated. Bills will be prorated twice components to your water bill:a bi-monthly Customer Charge each year. If there are any questions concerning the billing, based on the size of the meter as shown below and the we will be happy to discuss this process with you. VEOLIA Volume Charge for consumption determined by the meter reading.The Customer Charge will only change if the meter Miscellaneous Charges size is increased or decreased.The Volume Charge is applied Veolia believes that the cost of providing special services to each 100 cubic feet(1 CCF)of water used.* should be borne by those customers responsible for incurring Customer Charge the costs.The handling of returned checks,accounts that Meter Size......................................................as of 05101/2023: are disconnected for non-payment,cross connection control 3/4"and smaller..............................................$ 24.58 violations and after-hour or weekend service are some 1.. ...................................................................$ 31.42 examples of special services.These miscellaneous charges v 1-1/2.. .............................................................$ 53.75 are as follows: �• (or multiple meters of equivalent capacity) 2......................................................................$ 83.42 ' 3......................................................................$162.70 •Returned checks: $20.00 ^ 4......................................................................$303.54 •Reconnection for non-payment or «� " 6......................................................................$506.77 cross connection control: Regular hours 8:00 am to 4:30 m «' 10....................................................................$944.78 After hours(4:31 pm to 6:30 pm) $30.00 *(1 CCF or 100 cubic feet of water= •New service connections: Regular hours No Charge approximately 748 gallons) After hours $25.00 This is a summary of the rules for deposit Volume Charges are seasonal.One rate is charged during *Reconnections will not occur M-F 6:31 pm to 7:59 am, and termination of service for all Veolia the summer season and one during the winter season. and on weekends or observed holidays between customers as determined by the Idaho Public The summer season is May 1 through September 30. 4:31 pm and 7:59 am. «, Utilities Commission(IPUC).These rules cover The rates are: the rights and responsibilities of the customer As of 05/01/2023: Where applicable, remote capable meter reconnection and the utility.An explanation of our rate Winter fees will be charged at a reduced 50%of reconnection schedule has also been included. $1.7086 per CCF fee amount above. Summer Questions concerning this $1.7086 for 1st 3 CCF In most cases,these fees must be paid prior to service being information may be directed to: $2.1630 above 3 CCF granted or restored. Veolia For example: Payment Options Customer Service If there is a 3/4"meter and the billing states the consumption is There are several ways to pay your bill: csid@veolia.com 18 CCF,the usage during the last two month billing period was 208 362 7304 1,800 cubic feet.The bill would include the customer charge •Try our Budget Billing Plan.Call 208-362-7304 to enroll for a 3/4"meter plus the volume charge per 100 cubic feet.The billing would be calculated as follows: Direct debit from either your checking or savings account or As of 05/01/2023: •Online at www.mywater.veolia.us Winter IPUC Customer charge = $ 24.58 •24-hour automated payment line: 1-888-608-6690 Consumer Assistance 18 CCF @$1.7086 = $ 30.75 •Pay stations(see www.mywater.veolia.us for locations) P.O. Box 83720 Total = $ 55.33 •Use the envelope provided with your bill. Boise, ID 83720-0074 208-334-0369 Summer Customer charge = $ 24.58 3 CCF @$1.7086 = $ 5.13 15CCF @2.1630 = $ 32.45 Veolia Total = $ 62.16 02023 Veolia (These total charges do not include taxes,state fees, or charges for any other types of service.) IN-189805-VEOLIAALL LEGACY Deposits/PaymentOnly a twenty-four(24)hour notice is required if: If service is terminated for any one of the conditions The IPUC service rules allow utilities to ask for deposits 3. The initial payment of a payment listed,Veolia has employees available for reconnection or payment guarantees under specific conditions.At arrangement is not made or the initial within 24 hours after the situation is corrected. this time,Veolia does not require deposits or payment payment is made with a check not honored Complaint Procedure guarantees. by the bank; If at any time there is a complaint concerning 4. Payment is made to prevent termination of service termination of service,policies and practices,or any Rules for or reconnect service with insufficient funds or is other matter regarding our service, please contact Veolia Termination with Prior Notice not honored by the bank. in person,by telephone or in writing.The complaint will With proper customer notification,Veolia may deny or Additional Notice be investigated promptly and thoroughly.The customer terminate water service for one of the following reasons: 1. If service is not terminated within twenty-one will be notified orally or in writing of the results of the 1. Nonpayment of a past due billing, payment of a (21)calendar days after the proposed investigation,and we will make every effort to resolve past due billing with any check not honored by termination date,Veolia will begin the the complaint. the bank,or insufficient funds on an electronic notice process again with the seven(7)day payment; written notice. If the customer is dissatisfied with the proposed 2. Failure to abide by the terms of a payment Payment Arrangements and Special Circumstances resolution of the complaint,the IPUC may be asked to arrangement; If the customer cannot pay the billing in full or receives review the matter.The service will not be disconnected 3. Obtaining service by misrepresentation of a notice of termination,payment arrangements can be while the complaint is being investigated by the utility or identity; the IPUC. 4. Denying or willfully preventing access to the made to avoid termination of service.Call customer water meter; service at 208 362 7304. Rate Schedule Information 5. Willfully wasting service through improper If the customer cannot pay the billing and a member Most Veolia customers are billed under the enclosed rate equipment or otherwise; of the household is seriously ill or there is a medical schedule. However,some customers may be billed under 6. The applicant or customer is a minor. emergency,Veolia will postpone termination of service a special temporary tariff. Please call customer service if Termination without Prior Notice for thirty(30)days.A written certificate is required from there are any questions about the rate schedule used for Veolia may deny or terminate water service without prior a licensed physician or public health official stating the your billing. notice for one of the following reasons: name of the person who is ill and the name,title,and 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous signature of the person certifying the serious illness or Veolia Cares to life,physical safety or property; medical emergency. Veolia has established Veolia Cares,a program to 2. To prevent a violation of federal,state or local Restrictions on Termination of Service help low-income residents and customers who have safety or health codes; Service cannot be terminated if: experienced temporary financial hardship pay their water 3. Service is obtained,diverted or used without the 1. The past due billin bills.Customers can be eligible for up to$100 in credits g is less than$50.00 or two(2)authorization of Veolia; months of service,whichever is less; annually to help pay their water bill. 4. Veolia has diligently attempted to notify the 2. The unpaid billing is for service to another Veolia Cares is administered by the EI-Ada Community customer of termination and has been unable to customer; Action Agency.To get more information about the make contact; 3. The billing is for charges other than water service. program,other financial assistance and eligibility 5. If ordered by any court,the Commission,or any requirements,please call EI-Ada at 208-345-2820. other duly authorized public authority. Service cannot be disconnected on Friday,Saturday, Notification Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the state of Idaho, 1. A billing may be considered past due fifteen(15) or on any day immediately preceding any legal holiday. days after the billing date.A written notice of Service may be terminated only between the hours of termination must be mailed at least seven(7) 8:00 a.m.and 4:00 p.m. days before the proposed termination date. 2. At least twenty-four(24)hours before the service is terminated,another attempt shall be made to contact the customer in person or by telephone. Q VEOIIA WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM N A Facilities Reservoirs 0 Boosters W� Treatment Plants V' A Vaults Wells Z A Mains ` —1/2 inch EAGLE —3/4 inch E —1 1/2 inch - 1 1/4 inch —1 inch 2 1/2 inch —2 inch 3 inch —4 inch 6 inch LID —8 inch 10 inch Ln i EAGLE _ 12 inch 3 '1 14 inch Z k 16 inch i i 18 inch W State St I W Y 4q� 20 inch E•/iwY}44 �I 24 inch i 30 inch 36 inch pf � y M Q Service Area OL101111Print Date:4/8/2024 No Scale n g �E Chinden GARDEN tWiChindelvd�E•Chindem�glvd gl'vd CITY �~ •� �� BTS —W'Ustick Rd E Ustick Rd � ' _ � a� � W • W Cherry Ln oC E Fairview Ave �rw,Faa rvFiew Ave r W pairv�eW'Ave1 9 OJ �� �� � �Pt7 •. z W Franklin Rd Z E Frank1in,Rd W FrankliniRd ime i AN qw) nr LU W Overland Rd E Overland Rd :WOverland'Rd S. 0 1Wy a•'tQ't� kCe� ' -'C`er '�- •n. Coe m Ala ej- la \ W 4-4 ow Hazel Rd �• E.Lake Hazel Rd W LaketHazel Rd � ■ `l.. l" E_HNip wy*21 ` BOISE E Gowen,Rd \ z m z E Kuna Mora Rd E Kuna Mora Rd W Kuna Mora Rd E Kuna Mora Rd KUNA