HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023Annual Report Gas.pdf Avista Corp. 2023 IDAHO State Natural Gas Annual Report (IC 61-405) IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This report is(original, resubmission) Original Date of report 4/17/2024 s� Year/period of report 2023/Q4 i I Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 ❑ A Resubmission 4/17/2024 STATEMENT OF UTILITY OPERATING INCOME-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each account below,report the amount attributable to the state of Idaho based on Idaho jurisdictional Results of Operations. 2. Provide any necessary important notes regarding this statement of utility operating income in a footnote in the available space at the bottom of this TN Refer to TOTAL SYSTEM-IDAHO Account Form 2 Current Year Prior Year Page (a) (b) (C) (d) 1 UTILITY OPERATING INCOME 2 Operating Revenues(400) 300-301 512,985,949 520.101,035 3 ODerating Expenses 4 ODeration Expenses(401) 317-325 3367497.110 357,2177159 5 Maintenance Expenses 402 317-325 26.436,728 30,289,738 6 DeDreciation Expense(403) 336-338 59.081.789 56.478.034 7 Depreciation Expense for Asset Retirement Costs 403.1 336-336 - 8 Amortization&Depletion of Utility Plant(404-405) 336-338 16.655.751 15.348.086 9 Amortization of Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustment(406) 336-338 - 10 Amort.of Property Losses,Unrecov Plant and Regulatory Study Costs 407 11 Amortization of Conversion Expenses(407) - - 12 Regulatory Debits 407.3 4.166,247 3,282.261 13 (Less)Regulatory Credits 407.4) 15.806.967) (17.696.983) 14 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 408.1 262-263 17,147.479 19,620,560 15 lincome Taxes-Federal(409.1) 262-263 (303.077) (1.332.381 16 -Other(409.1) 262-263 17 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes(410.1) 234-235 (9.010.501) (10.417.490) 18 (Less)Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Cr.(411.1) 234-235 - 19 Investment Tax Credit Adjustment-Net 411.4) (172.197) (172.585) 20 (Less)Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant(411.6) 21 Losses from Disposition Of Utility Plant 411.7) 22 (Less)Gains from Disposition of Allowances 411.8) 23 Losses from Disposition of Allowances 411.9 24 Accretion Expense(411.10) - - 25 TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses(Total of line 4 through 24 434,692,362 452,616,399 26 Net Utility Operating Income(Total line 2 less 25 78.293.587 67.484.636 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.114-115 { C / Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation XO An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 STATEMENT OF UTILITY OPERATING INCOME-IDAHO Instructions page or in a separate schedule. f 3. Explain in a footnote if the previous years figures are different from those reported in prior reports ELECTRIC UTILITY GAS UTILITY OTHER UTILITY Line Current Year Prior Year Current Year Prior Year Current Year Prior Year No. (e) (f) (9) (h) _ 1 391.413,522 395.962.215 121,572427 124.138,820 2 3 243,415.359 263.694.228 93,081,751 93,522,931 4 23,316,905 27 030,605 3,119,823 3,259.133 5 / 49,909,930 47,881,160 9.171.859 8,596;874 6 l 7 ( 13 551.081 12.812,222 3,104.670 2.535.864 8 9 10 11 31902,138 3.044,087 264,109 238,174 12 (12,808,982) (16,046,960) (2.997.985) (1,650,023 13 13 765,709 16.257.241 3.381.770 3,363,319 14 (594.238) 620.888) 291,161 (711.493) 15 { -(8,745,603) (11,021.436) 898 603 - 16 (264, ,946 17 - 18 (172.197) (172.585) 19 2A 21 { 22 23 24 325 540,102 342,857,674 109.152,260 109.758.725 25 65.873.420 53.104.541 12,420,167 14,380,095 26 c c t c c l l t ` IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.IDA 14-115 r Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION,AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION-IDAHO Instructions 1. Report below the original cost of utility plant in service necessary to furnish utility service to customers in the state of Idaho,and the accumulated provisions for depreciation,amortization,and depletion attributable to that plant in service. 2. Report in column(c)the amount for electric function,in column(d)the amount for gas function,in columns(e),(f),and(g)report other(specify), Line Total Company No. Account End of Current Year Electric (a) (b) (c) 1 Utility Plant 2 In Service 3 Plant in Service(Classified) 2.381.567.830 1.828.433.015 4 Property Under Capital Leases 20,693.174 5 Plant Purchased or Sold 6 Completed Construction not Classified 7 Experimental Plant Unclassified 8 Total(Total lines 3 through 7) 2.402.261.004 1.828.433.015 9 Leased to Others - 10 Held for Future Use 1.605.077 1.424.181 11 Construction Work in Progress 52,920,283 42,1687225 12 Acquisition Adiustments - 13 Total UtilityPlant Total lines 8 through 12) 21456.7861364 1,872,025.421 14 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation,Amortization.and Depletion 909,802.349 701.885,368 15 Net Utility Plant(Line 13 less line 14) 1,546,984.015 16 Detail of Accumulated Provision for Depreciation.Amortization,and Depletion 17 In Service 18 Depreciation 84"7,030.071 689.452.842 19 Amortization and Depletion of Producing Natural Gas Lands/Land Rights - 20 Amortization of Underground Storage Lands/Land Rights 21 Amortization of Other Utilitv Plant 62.772.278 12.432.526 22 Total Total lines 18 through 21 909.802.349 701.885.368 23 Leased to Others 24 Depreciation - 25 Amortization and Depletion 26 Total Leased to Others 27 Held for Future Use 28 Depreciation - 29 Amortization 30 Total Held for Future Use 31 Abandonment of Leases(Natural Gas) 32 Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adjustment - 33 Total Accumulated Provision(Total lines 909.802.349 701.885.368 (1)Common Property Under Capital Leases are comprised of ROU Assets IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-406) G.I13.200-201 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation � An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 _A A Resubmission 4/17/2024 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION,AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION-IDAHO Instructions and in column(h)common function. 3. In order to accurately reflect utility plant in service necessary to furnish utility service to customers in the state of Idaho,electric and gas f plant not directly assigned is allocated to the state of Idaho as appropriate and included in column(c)and(d). Line Gas Other(Specify) Other(Specify) Other(Specify) Common No. (d) (e) M (g) (h) 1 2 343,939,061 209.195.754 3 20,693;174 4 5 6 7 343,939,061 229,888.928 8 9 180,896 10 849,875 9,902,183 11 12 344,969,832 239.7917111 13 119.590.830 88,326,151 14 225.379,002 151.464.960 15 16 17 119,335,451 38,241,778 18 19 20 255.379 50,084,373 21 119,590,830 88.326.151 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 119,590.830 88,326,151 33 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.200-201 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation TJ An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE-IDAHO(Account 101,102,103 and 106) Instructions 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service necessary to furnish natural gas utility service to customers in the state of Idaho. Include gas plant not directly assigned as allocated to the state of Idaho. 2. In addition to Account 101,Gas Plant in Service(Classified),this page and the next include Account 102,Gas Plant Purchased or Sold;Account 103,Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified;and Account 106,Completed Construction Not Classified-Gas. 3. Include in column(c)or(d),as appropriate,corrections of additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. 4. For revisions to the amount of initial asset retirement costs capitalized,include by primary plant account increases in column(c),additions,and reductions in column(e),adjustments. 5. Enclose in parentheses credit adjustments of plant accounts to indicate the negative effect of such amounts. 6. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts,on an estimated basis if necessary,and include the entries in column(c). Also to be included in column(c)are entries for reversals of tentative distributions of prior year in column(b). Likewise,if the respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year,include in column(d)a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an estimated basis,with appropriate contra entry to the account for accumulated depreciation provision. Include also in column(d)distributions of Line Balance No. Account Beginning of Year Additions (a) (b) (c) 1 INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 301 Organization 3 302 Franchises and Consents - 4 303 Miscellaneous Intangible Plant 853.161 68.165 5 TOTAL Intangible Plant(Total of lines 2.3,and 4) 853.161 68,165 6 PRODUCTION PLANT 7 Natural Gas Production and Gathering Plant 8 325.1 Producing Lands - - 9 325.2 Producing Leaseholds 10 325.3 Gas Rights 11 325.4 Riahts-of-Wav 12 325.5 Other Land and Land Rights 13 326 Gas Well Structures 14 327 Field Compressor Station Structures 15 1 328 Field Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 16 329 Other Structures 17 330 Producing Gas Wells-Well Construction 18 331 Producing Gas Wells-Well Equipment - 19 332 Field Lines 20 333 Field Compressor Station Equipment 21 334 Field Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 22 1 335 Drilling and Cleaning Equipment 23 336 Purification Equipment 24 337 Other Eauipment 25 338 Unsuccessful ExDloration and Development Costs 26 339 Asset Retirement Costs for Natural Gas Production and Gathering Plant 27 TOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gathering Plant(Total of lines 8 through 26) 28 Products Extraction Plant 29 1 340 Land and Land Rights 30 341 Structures and Improvements 31 342 Extraction and Refining Equipment 32 343 Pipe Lines 33 344 Extracted Products Storage Equipment IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.204-205 l ' ( Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation X❑ An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 O A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE-IDAHO(Account 101,102,103 and 106) Instructions these tentative classifications in columns(c)and(d),including the reversals of the prior year's tentative account distributions of these amounts. Careful F observance of these instructions and the texts of Accounts 101 and 106 will avoid serious omissions of the reported amount of respondent's plant actually in service at end of year. 7. Show in column(f)reclassifications or transfers within utility plant accounts. Include also in column(f)the additions or reductions of primary account Classifications arising from distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102;include in column(e)the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for depreciation,acquisition adjustments,etc.,and show in column(f)only the offset to the debits or credits distributed in column(f)to primary account classifications. 8.For Account 399,state the nature and use of plant included in this account,and,if substantial in amount,submit a supplementary statement showing ( subaccount classification of such plant conforming to the requirement of these pages. 9.For each account comprising the reported balance and changes in Account 102,state the property purchased or sold,name of vendor or purchase,and date of transaction. If proposed journal entries have been filed as required by the Uniform System of Accounts,give also the date of such filing. { Balance Line Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year No. (d) (a) (f) (g) 1 2 3 165,267 1,086,593 4 { 165.267 1,086,593 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ( 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 t 21 22 23 24 25 26 1, 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 t l l l l l t l IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.204-205 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation XD An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE-IDAHO(Account 101,102,103 and 106)(Continued) Line Balance No. Account Beginning of Year Additions (a) (b) (c) 34 345 Compressor Equipment 35 346 Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment 36 347 Other Equipment _ 37 348 Asset Retirement Costs for Products Extraction Plant 38 TOTAL Products Extraction Plant(Total of lines 29 through 37 39 TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant(Total lines 27 and 38) 40 Manufactured Gas Production Plant Submit Supplementary Schedule 41 TOTAL Production Plant(Total lines 39 and 40) 42 NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT 43 Underground Storage Plant 44 350.1 Land 359,995 45 350.2 Rights-of-Way 20,846 46 351 Structures and Improvements 902,870 47 352 Wells 7.408.840 48 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Rights 49 352.2 Reservoirs 50 1 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 51 353 Lines 649,548 52 354 Compressor Station Equipment 4,851.595 53 355 Other Equipment 626.609 54 356 Purification Equipment 171.993 55 357 Other Equipment 946.484 56 358 Asset Retirement Costs for Underground Storage Plant 57 ITOTAL Underground Storage Plant 15.938,780 58 Other Storage Plant 59 360 Land and Land Riqhts 60 361 Structures and Improvements 61 362 Gas Holders 62 363 Purification Equipment 63 363.1 Liquefaction Equipment 64 ,363.2 Vaporizing Equipment 65 363.3 Compressor Equipment 66 363.4 Measuring and Regulatinq Equipment 67 363.5 Other Equipment 68 363.6 Asset Retirement Costs for Other Storaqe Plant 69 TOTAL Other Storage Plant Total of lines 58 through 68 70 Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant 71 364.1 Land and Land Rights 72 364.2 Structures and Improvements 73 364.3 LNG Processing Terminal Equipment 74 364.4 LNG Transportation Equipment 75 364.5 Measuring and Requlatinq Equipment 76 364.6 Compressor Station Equipment 77 364.7 Communications Equipment 78 364.8 Other Equipment 79 364.9 Asset Retirement Costs for Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas _ TOTAL Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant(Total lines 71 80 through 79) IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G ID.206-207 f Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 f 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE-IDAHO(Account 101,102,103 and 106)(Continued) f Balance Line Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year No- (d) (e) M (g) - 34 35 C - 36 37 I I 38 39 C 40 41 42 43 E 18,021 378.016 44 271 21,117 45 122.134 1.025.004 46 206,684 7,615.524 47 48 - 49 - - 50 8.441 657,989 51 173.452 5.025.047 52 118.547 745,156 53 2.235 174.228 54 122,703 1,069,187 55 56 772,488 16.711.268 57 58 t - - 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 t 67 68 69 70 71 72 - 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 - 80 t l l l l l 1 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.206-207 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE-IDAHO(Account 101,102,103 and 106)(Continued) Line Balance No. Account Beginning of Year Additions (a) (b) (c) 81 TOTAL Natural Gas Storage and Processing Plant(Total of lines 57,69 and 80) 15,938.780 82 TRANSMISSION PLANT 83 365.1 Land and Land Rights - 84 365.2 Rights-of-Way 85 366 Structures and Improvements - 86 367 Mains 87 368 Compressor Station Equipment - 88 369 Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment - - 89 370 Communication Equipment - 90 1 371 Other Equipment - - 91 372 Asset Retirement Costs for Transmission Plant - - 92 TOTAL Transmission Plant(Total lines 83 through 91) - - 93 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 94 374 Land and Land Riqhts 205.025 6,015 95 375 Structures and Improvements 649,495 37,268 96 376 Mains 152.449,075 6.760.673 97 377 Compressor Station Equipment - - 98 378 Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-General 2.678.268 147.274 99 379 Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-City Gate 4,869,009 187,771 100 380 Services 106.454.913 6.388.935 101 381 Meters 32,276,336 537,008 102 382 Meter Installations - - 103 383 House Requlators 104 384 House Regulator Installations - - 1051 385 Industrial Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 1.058.474 27.537 106 386 Other Property on Customers'Premises - 107 387 Other Equipment 108 388 Asset Retirement Costs for Distribution Plant - - 109 TOTAL Distribution Plant(Total lines 94 through 108) 300.640.595 14.092.481 110 GENERALPLANT 111 389 Land and Land Riahts 1121 390 Structures and Improvements 113 391 Office Furniture and Equipment 33,145 - 114 392 Transportation Equipment 4.339.475 42.971 115 393 Stores Equipment - 116 394 Tools.Shop,and Garage Equipment 1.706.581 214.821 117 395 Laboratory Equipment 71,975 - 118 396 Power ODerated Equipment 1.007.884 70.790 1191 397 Communication Equipment 339,425 120 398 Miscellaneous Equipment 173 - 121 Subtotal(Total of Lines 111 through 120 7.498.658 328.582 122 399 Other Tangible Property - 123 399.1 Asset Retirement Costs for General Plant - 124 TOTAL General Plant(Total of lines 121,122 and 123) 7,498.658 328,582 125 TOTAL(Accounts 101 and 106) 324.931.194 14.489,228 126 1 Gas Plant Purchased See Instruction 8 127 (Less)Gas Plant Sold(See Instruction 8 128 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified 129 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service Total of lines 125 through 128) 324,931,194 14,489,228 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.208-209 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation X� An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 F7 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE-IDAHO(Account 101,102,103 and 106)(Continued) Balance Line Retirements Adjustments Transfers End of Year No. 772,488 16.711.268 81 82 - - 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 211,040 94 5.865 680.898 95 72,295 (2,772) 159,134.681 96 - - 97 14,978 2,810,564 98 14.914 5.041.866 99 16,308 - 112,827,540 100 236.130 4.069.707 36.646.921 101 - 102 103 - - 104 21,572 1,0641439 105 - 106 107 - - 108 382,062 4.0667935 318,417,949 109 110 - 111 112 - 2,511 35.656 113 173.141 48.658 4.257.963 114 - 115 71.643 92.142 1.941,901 116 - 5,329 77,304 117 25.327 16.485 1.069.832 118 2,719 3,703 340.409 119 - 13 186 120 272,830 168.841 7.723,251 121 - 122 - 123 272,830 168,841 7,723.251 124 654.892 5,173,531 343,939,061 125 - 126 127 128 654.892 5.173.531 343.939.061 129 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID,208-209 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS STORED-IDAHO(Accounts 117.1,117.2,117.3,164.1,164.2,and 164.3) Instructions 1. If during the year adjustments were made to the stored gas inventory reported in columns(d),(f),(g),and(h)(such as to correct cumulative inaccuracies of gas measurements),explain in a footnote(in the available space at the bottom of this page or in a separate schedule)the reason for the adjustments,the Dth and dollar amount of adjustment,and account charged or credited. 2. Report in column(a)all encroachments during the year upon the volumes designated as base gas,column(b),and system balancing gas,column(c), and gas property recordable in the plant accounts. 3. State in a footnote,in the available space at the bottom of this page or in a separate schedule,the basis of segregation of inventory between current and noncurrent portions. Also,state in a footnote the method used to report storage(i.e.,fixed asset method or inventory method). Line Description (Account (Account Noncurrent (Account Current LNG LNG Total No 117.1) 117.2) (Account 117.4) (Account (Account (Account 117.3) 1641) 164.2) 164.3) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1 Balance at beginning of year 1.831.648 8.942,997 10,774,645 2 as delivered to storage 7.870.106 7870.106 3 Gas withdrawn from storaae 10,796.071 10,796,071 4 Other debits and credits 5 Balance at end of vear M18381 6,017,032 7.848.680 6 Dth 2.769,657 3097909 7 Amount per Dth 2.17 2.53 (1) Fuel is accounted for within injections and withdrawal accounts. (2) All gas reported is current working gas. Avista uses the inventory method to report all working gas stored. IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.220 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 r' ` GAS OPERATING REVENUES-IDAHO Instructions 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues attributable to the state of Idaho for each prescribed account total in accordance with jurisdictional Results of Operations. 2. Revenues in columns(b)and(c)include transition costs from upstream pipelines. 3.Other Revenues in columns(f)and(g)include reservation charges received by the pipeline plus usage charges,less revenues reflected in columns (b)through(e). Include in columns(f)and(g)revenues for Accounts 480-495. Revenues for Revenues for Line Transition Costs GRI and ACA No. Account and Take-or-Pa Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1 480 Residential Sales 2 481 Commercial and Industrial Sales 3 482 Other Sales to Public Authorities - 4 483 Sales for Resale (1) 5 484 Interdepartmental Sales 6 485 Intracomoanv Transfers 7 487 Forfeited Discounts B 488 Miscellaneous Service Revenues 9 489.1 Revenues from Transportation of Gas for Others through Gathering Facilities 10 489.2 Revenues from Transportation of Gas for Others throuqh Transmission Facilities 11 489.3 Revenues from Transportation of Gas for Others through Distribution Facilities 12 1489.4 Revenues from Storing Gas of Others 13 490 Sales of Products Extracted from Natural Gas 14 491 Revenues from Natural Gas Processed by Others 15 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales 16 493 Rent from Gas Property 17 494 Interdepartmental Rents 18 495 Other Gas Revenues (1) 19 tSubtotal 20 496 (Less)Provision for Rate Refunds 21 TOTAL IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.300-301 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation XQ An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATING REVENUES-IDAHO Instructions 4. If increases or decreases from previous year are not derived from previously reported figures,explain any inconsistencies in a footnote in the available space at the bottom of this page or attached in a separate schedule. 5.See pages 108 in the FERC Form 2,Important Changes During the Quarter/Year,for information on major changes during the year,new service, and important rate increases or decreases. 6. Report the revenue from transportation services that are bundled with storage services as transportation service revenue. Other Total Dekatherm of Revenues Operating Natural Gas Line Revenues No. Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year (f) (9) (h) (i) Q) (k) 72.147.956 60.766,427 72.147,956 60.766.427 5.830.500 6.324.202 1 35,204,699 29,407,613 35,204.699 29 407,613 3.510,534 3,873,808 2 3 13,465,971 30,050.414 13,465,971 30.050.414 6,588,650 61806,634 4 44,444 39,302 44,444 39,302 4,537 5,102 5 6 7 5.954 4.828 5.954 4.828 8 9 - - 10 677,076 534,751 677,076 534,751 5,680,275 5,573,612 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 26,328 3.335,484 26,328 3.335,484 18 121.572.427 124.138.820 121.572.427 124,138.820 19 20 121.572.427 124.138.820 121.572.427 124.138.820 21 (1) Sales for Resale and Deferred Exchange dollars are allocated based on the Washington/Idaho monthly commodity allocations used in Results of Operations. IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61405) G ID 300-301 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation XD An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO ( Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) 1 1. PRODUCTION EXPENSES 2 A. Manufactured Gas Production 3 Manufactured Gas Production(Submit Supplemental Statement) 4 B. Natural Gas Production 5 1131. Natural Gas Production and Gathering 6 Operation 7 750 Operation Supervision and Engineering 8 751 Production Maps and Records 9 752 Gas Well Expenses 10 753 Field Lines Expenses 11 754 Field Compressor Station Expenses 12 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power 13 756 Field Measurinq and Requlatinq Station Expenses 14 757 Purification Expenses 15 758 Gas Well Rovalties 16 759 Other Expenses 17 760 Rents 18 TOTAL Operation Total of lines 7 through 17 19 Maintenance 20 761 Maintenance Supervision and Enqineerinq 21 762 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 22 763 Maintenance of Producing Gas Wells 23 764 Maintenance of Field Lines 24 765 Maintenance of Field Compressor Station Equipment 25 766 Maintenance of Field Measurinq and Requlatinq Station Equipment 26 767 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 27 768 Maintenance of Drilling and Cleaning Equipment 28 769 Maintenance of Other Equipment 29 TOTAL Maintenance(Total of lines 20 through 28) 30 TOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gathering Total of lines 18 and 29 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.317 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) 31 B2. Products Extraction 32 Operation 33 770 Operation Supervision and Engineering 34 771 O eration Latnr 35 772 Gas Shrinkage 36 773 Fuel 37 774 Power 38 1 775 Materials 39 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses 40 777 Gas Processed by Others 41 778 Royalties on Products Extracted 42 779 Marketina Expenses 43 780 Products Purchased for Resale 44 781 Variation in Products Inventory 45 782 (Less)Extracted Products Used by the Utilitv-Credit 46 783 Rents 47 TOTAL Operation(Total of line 33 through 46) 48 Maintenance 49 784 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 50 785 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 51 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refining Eguioment 52 787 Maintenance of Pipe Lines 53 788 Maintenance of Extracted Products Storage Eauioment 54 789 Maintenance of Compressor Equipment 55 790 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Regulating EguiDment 56 791 Maintenance of Other Eauioment 57 TOTAL Maintenance Total of lines 49 through 56) 58 TOTAL Products Extraction(Total of lines 47 and 57) IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.318 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation K] An Original mrWdWyyyy End of 2023/Q4 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) 59 C. Exploration and Development 60 Operation 61 795 Delay Rentals 62 796 Nonproductive Well Drilling _ 63 797 Abandoned Leases 64 798 Other Exploration 65 TOTAL Exploration and Development(Total of lines 61 through 64 _ 66 D. Other Gas Supply Expenses 67 Operation 68 1 800 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 69 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases,Intracompany Transfers 70 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 71 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Purchases _ 72 803 Natural Gas Transmission Line Purchases 73 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 67,412.389 79,874,123 74 804.1 Liquefied Natural Gas Purchases 75 805 Other Gas Purchases 76 805.1 (Less)Purchased Gas Cost Adiustments 77 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Expenses(Total of lines 68 through 76) 67,412.389 79,874,123 78 806 Exchanqe Gas _ 79 Purchased Gas Expenses 80 807.1 Well Expense-Purchased Gas _ 81 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 82 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations _ 83 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Expenses 84 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Expenses 85 TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses(Total of lines 80 through 84) IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.319 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation X❑ An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (C) 86 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Storaae-Debit 2,925,957 (3,160,467) 87 808.2 Less Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit 88 809.1 Withdrawals of Liauefied Natural Gas for Processina-Debit 89 809.2 Less Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processing-Credit - 90 Gas Used in Utility ODeration-Credit 91 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel-Credit 92 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit (132.1561 (266.667) 93 812 Gas Used for Other Utility ODerations-Credit - 94 TOTAL Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit Total of lines 91 through 93 (132.156) (266.667) 95 813 Other Gas SUDDly Expenses 370.371 356,209 96 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Expenses(Total of lines 77,78.85,86 through 89.94,95) 70.576.561 76.803.198 97 TOTAL Production Expenses(Total of lines 96) 70.576.561 76.803,198 98 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE,TERMINALING AND PROCESSING EXPENSES 99 A. Underaround Storage Expenses 100 ODeration 101 814 Operation Supervision and Enqineerinq (1) 1021 815 Maps and Records 103 816 Wells Expenses 104 817 Lines Expense 105 818 Compressor Station Expenses 106 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 107 820 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 108 821 Purification Expenses 109 822 Exploration and Development 110 823 Gas Losses 111 824 Other Expenses 298,982 265,398 112 825 Storage Well Royalties - 113 826 Rents - 114 TOTAL Operation Total of lines 101 through 113) 298,982 1 265,397 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID 320 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) 115 Maintenance 116 830 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 117 831 Maintenance of Structures and Imorovements 118 832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 120 834 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 121 1 835 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 1221 836 Maintenance of Purification Eauioment 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equipment 608,689 642.509 124 TOTAL Maintenance(Total of lines 116 through 123) 608,689 642.509 125 TOTAL Underground Storage Expenses Total of lines 114 and 124) 907.671 907,906 126 B. Other Storaae ExDenses 127 ODeration 128 840 Operation Supervision and Engineering 129 1 841 Operation Labor and Expenses 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Power 133 842.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Operation Total of lines 128 through 133 135 Maintenance 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 137 843.2 Maintenance of Structures 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purification Eauioment 140 843.5 Maintenance of Liquefaction Equipment 141 843.6 Maintenance of Vaporizing Equipment 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compressor Equipment 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Equipment 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other Equipment 145 TOTAL Maintenance(Total of lines 136 through 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storage Expenses Total of lines 134 and 145 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.321 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation jX I An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) 147 C_ Liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Expenses 148 Operation 149 844.1 Operation Supervision and Engineerinq 150 1844.2 LNG Processinq Terminal Labor and Expenses 151 844.3 Liquefaction Processing Labor and Expenses 1521844.4 Liquefaction Transportation Labor and Expenses 153 844.5 Measuring and Requlatinq Labor and Expenses 154 844.6 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 155 844.7 Communication System Expenses 156 844.8 System Control and Load Dispatching 157 845.1 Fuel 158 845.2 Power 159 845.3 Rents 160 845.4 Demurrage Charges 161 845.5 (Less)Wharfage Receipts-Credit 162 845.6 Processing Liquefied or Vaporized Gas by Others 163 846.1 Gas Losses 164 846.2 Other Expenses 165 TOTAL Operation(Total of lines 149 through 164) 166 Maintenance 167 847.1 Maintenance Supervision and Enqineerinq 168 647.2 Maintenance of Structures and improvements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processinq Terminal Equipment 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation Equipment 171 8475 Maintenance of Measurinq and Regulating Equipment 172 847.6 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 173 8477 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other Equipment 175 TOTAL Maintenance(Total of lines 167 through 174 176 TOTAL Liquefied Nat Gas Terminalinq and Proc Exp(Total of lines 165 and 175) 177 TOTAL Natural Gas Storage(Total of lines 125,146,and 176) 907.671 907,906 1DAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61405) G ID.322 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation X� An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 179 Operation 180 850 Operation Supervision and Engineering _ 181 851 System Control and Load Dispatching 182 852 Communication System Expenses 183 853 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 184 854 Gas for Compressor Station Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Expenses 187 857 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 188 858 Transmission and Compression of Gas by Others 189 859 Other Expenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation(Total of lines 180 through 190) 192 Maintenance 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measuring and Requlatinq Station Equipment 198 866 Maintenance of Communication Eauipment 199 867 Maintenance of Other Equipment 200 TOTAL Maintenance Total of lines 193 through 199 201 TOTAL Transmission(Total of lines 191 and 200) 202 4. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervision and Engineering 669.471 645.48 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatchinq _ _ 206 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 207 1 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G ID.323 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 ❑ A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO Instructions 1. For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (c) 208 874 Mains and Services Expenses 2,480,954 1 420t7O6 209 875 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-General 42.428 65.118 210 876 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-Industrial 13,428 535 211 1 877 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-City Gas Check Station 22.136 32.308 212 878 Meter and House Regulator EXpenses 203.011 256,138 213 879 Customer Installations Expenses 2.674 850 687.419 214 880 Other Expenses 1.095,006 465,377 215 881 Rents (363) (21009) 216 TOTAL Operation(Total of lines 204 through 215) 7.200.921 3,571.079 217 Maintenance 2181 885 Maintenance Supervision and Enqineerinq 15.298 7.575 219 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 220 887 Maintenance of Mains 210.329 292.287 221 888 Maintenance of Comoressor Station Equipment 222 889 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-General 76.694 58.388 223 890 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-Industrial 3.888 8,686 224 891 Maintenance of Meas.and Rea.Station Equipment-City Gate Check Station 63,568 83.712 225 892 Maintenance of Services 375.923 367.227 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Regulators 618,203 714,615 227 894 Maintenance of Other Equipment 73.742 59.035 228 TOTAL Maintenance(Total of lines 218 through 227) 1,437,645 1,591,525 229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses(Total of lines 216 and 228) 8,638.566 5.162.604 230 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 231 Operation 232 1 901 Supervision 31.034 29.683 233 902 Meter Reading Expenses 139,257 136.963 234 903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 1.964.568 1,898.342 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.324 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation X❑ An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 r 0 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-IDAHO f Instructions 1,For each prescribed account below,report operation and maintenance expenses as allocated by the Results of Operations model to the state of Idaho. 2. If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures,explain in a footnote. Line Amount for Amount for No. Account Current Year Previous Year (a) (b) (C) 235 904 Uncollectible Accounts 156,929 203,522 236 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 63.645 58,896 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses(Total of lines 232 through 236) 2,355,433 2.327.406 23816. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 239 Operation 240 907 Supervision 241 908 Customer Assistance Expenses 4,070,586 2,554,831 242 909 Informational and Instructional Expenses 187,661 181,041 243 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Informational Expenses 52.496 28,312 244 TOTAL Customer Service and Informational Expenses(Total of lines 240 through 243) 4.310;743 2,764,184 245 7. SALES EXPENSES 246 Operation 247 911 Supervision _ _ 248 912 Demonstrating and Selling Expenses _ 249 913 Advertisinq Expenses _ 250 916 Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 2 149 251 TOTAL Sales Expenses(Total of lines 247 through 250 (2) 149 252 18. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 253 Operation 254 920 Administrative and General Salaries 2.860,881 2.353.041 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 348.224 337,562 256 922 (Less)Administrative Expenses Transferred-Credit (5,825), (4.881) 257 923 Outside Services Emoloved 1.226.837 1,088,057 258 924 Property Insurance 202.318 158.188 259 925 Iniuries and Damages 577,414 478,023 260 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 2.240.338 2.624.076 261 927 Franchise Reauirements 262 928 Requlatory Commission Expenses 323.541 260.157 263 929 (Less)Duplicate Charges-Credit 264 930.1 General Advertisinq Expenses 265 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expenses 518,654 461.784 266 931 Rents 46.731 35,511 267 TOTAL Operation(Total of lines 254 through 266) 8:,339,113 7.791.518 268 Maintenance 269 932 Maintenance of General Plant 1,073,489 1,025,099 270 TOTAL Administrative and General Expenses(Total of lines 267 and 269) 9,412,602 8.816.617 271 TOTAL Gas O&M Expenses(Total of lines 97.177,201.229,237,244,251,270) 96,201,574 96,782,064 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.325 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation O An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS TRANSMISSION MAINS-IDAHO Instructions 1. Report below the requested details of transmission mains in system operated by respondent at end of year in the state of Idaho. 2. Report separately any lines held under a title other than full ownership. Designate such lines with an asterisk and in a footnote(in the available space at the bottom of this page or attached in a separate schedule)state the name of owner or co-owner,nature of respondent's title,and percent ownership if jointly owned. Taken Up Total Length Line Kind of Diameter of Total Length in Use Laid During Year or Abandoned in Use No. Material Pipe Beginning of Year in Feet During Year End of Year in Inches in Feet in Feet in Feet (a) (b) (c) (d) e 1 NONE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NOTE: In accordance with the definitions established in the Uniform System of Accounts for production,transmission,and distribution plant,the Company's gas mains are appropriately classified as distribution property for accounting purposes(see definitions 29(B)and(C)). IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.514 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation XD An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 ❑ A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS DISTRIBUTION MAINS-IDAHO Instructions 1. Report below the requested details of distribution mains in system operated by respondent at end of year in the state of Idaho. 2. Report separately any lines held under a title other than full ownership. Designate such lines with an asterisk and in a footnote(in the available space at the bottom of this page or attached in a separate schedule)state the name of owner or co-owner,nature of respondent's title,and percent ownership if jointly owned. Taken Up Total Length Line Kind of Diameter of Total Length in Use Laid During Year or Abandoned in Use No. Material Pipe Beginning of Year in Feet During Year End of Year in Inches in Feet in Feet in Feet (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 1 Steel Wrapped Less than 2" 1.745.647 235 1,502 1.744,380 2 Steel Wrapped 2"to 4" 611;477 2.217 1.869 611.825 3 Steel Wrapped 4"to 8" 446,772 180 446,952 4 Steel Wrapped 8"to 12" 12,244 - 12.244 5 Steel Wrapped Over 12" 11 10 1 6 7 8 Plastic Less than 2" 6.501.972 151.931 31.373 6,622.530 9 Plastic 2"to 4" 1,552,473 20,711 15.320 1.557.864 10 Plastic 4"to W. 668.406 12.163 1.281 679,288 11 Plastic 8"to 12" _ 12 Plastic Over 12" 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 I 40 IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.I13.514A Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation 0 An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 SERVICE PIPES-GAS-IDAHO Instructions 1. Report below the requested details of line service pipe in possession of the respondent at the end of the year in the state of Idaho. Line Type of Diameter of Number of Added Retired Number of Average No. Material Pipe Service Pipes During Year During Year Service Pipes Length in Inches Beginning of Year End of Year in Feet (a) (b) (c) (c) (d) (e) (fl 1 Steel WraDDed 1"or Less 11.296 3 63 11,236 (1) 2 Steel Wrapped 1"to 2" 161 - 3 158 (1) 3 Steel Wrap ed I 2"to 4" 7 1 8 (1) 4 Steel Wrapped 1 4"to 8" 1 1 (1) 5 Steel Wrapped Over 8" - I (1) 6 Steel Wrapped Unknown 202 - 10 192 (1) 7 8 Plastic 1"or Less 75.201 1.464 132 76.533 (1) 9 Plastic 1"to 2" 348 30 378 (1) 10 Plastic 2"to 4" 11 - 11 (11 11 Plastic 4"to 8" 4 - 4 (1) 12 Plastic Over 8" (1) 13 Plastic Unknown 404 7 397 (1) 14 15 Other Unknown - (1) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 (1)Information not available. IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.514B Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation X� An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 REGULATORS-GAS-IDAHO Instructions 1. Report below the requested details of gas regulators in possession of the respondent at the end of the year in the state of Idaho. Line Size Type Make Capacity In Service Added During Retired During In Plant No. Beginning of Year Year Year End of Year (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (al (h) 1 - 2 No Data available 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 _37 38 39 40 Total IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.514C Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation K An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 A Resubmission 4/17/2024 CUSTOMER METERS-GAS-IDAHO Instructions 1. Report below the requested details of gas customer meters in possession of the respondent at the end of the year in the state of Idaho. Line Size Type Make Capacity In Service Added During Retired During In Plant No. Beginning of Year Year Year End of Year (a) (b) (C) (d) (e) (fl (a) (h) 1 All All All All 80.771 2.082 ! 1.478 81.375 2 3 4 - 5 6 _ 7 8 9 10 _ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 (1)The Company's systems do not supply meter information tracking by type of meter, IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.514D Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation XD An Original mm/dd/yyyy End of 2023/Q4 ❑ A Resubmission 4/17/2024 GAS ACCOUNT-NATURAL GAS-IDAHO i Instructions 1_The purpose of this schedule is to account for the quantity of natural gas received and delivered by the respondent for service in the state of Idaho. l� 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any mixture of natural and manufactured gas. 3. Enter in column(c)the year-to-date Dth as reported in the schedules indicated for the items of receipts and deliveries. 4. Indicate in a footnote(in the available space at the bottom of this page or in a separate schedule)the quantities of bundled sales and transportation gas and specify the line on which such quantities are listed. 5. If the respondent operates two or more systems which are not interconnected,submit separate pages for this purpose. 6. Indicate by footnote the quantities of gas not subject to FERC regulation which did not incur FERC regulatory costs by showing(1)the local distribution volumes another jurisdictional pipeline delivered to the local distribution company portion of the reporting pipeline,(2)the quantities that the reporting pipeline transported or sold through its local distribution facilities or intrastate facilities and which the reporting pipeline received through gathering facilities or intrastate facilities,but not through any of the interstate portion of the pipeline,and(3)the gathering line quantities that were not destined for interstate market or that were not transported through any interstate portion of the reporting pipeline. 7. Indicate in a footnote the specific gas purchase expense account(s)and related to which the aggregate volumes report on line 3 relate. r 8. Indicate in a footnote(1)the system supply quantities of gas that are stored by the reporting pipeline during the reporting year and also reported as sales, transportation and compression volumes by the reporting pipeline during the same reporting year,(2)the system supply quantities of gas that are stored r by the reporting pipeline during the reporting year which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or transport in a future reporting year,and(3)contract storage quantities. 9.Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field sales that are included in both the company's total sales figure and the company's total transportation figure. Add additional information as necessary to the footnotes. f Line Refer to Amount of Dth Amount of Dth No. Account Form 2 Year to Date Current 3 Months Ended Page Quarterly Only (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 Name of S stem 2 GAS RECEIVED 3 Gas Purchases(Accounts 800-805) 17.464.390 4 Gas of Others Received for Gathering Account 489.1) 303 5 Gas of Others Received for Transmission Account 489.2 305 6 Gas of Others Received for Distribution(Account 489.3) 301 5.680.275 7 Gas of Others Received for Contract Storage Account 489.4 307 8 Exchanged Gas Received from Others(Account 806) 328 9 Gas Received as Imbalances Account 806) 328 (25,195 10 Receipts of Respondent's Gas Transported by Others Account 858 332 11 Other Gas Withdrawn from Storage(Exolain) (1.078.116) 12 Gas Received from Shippers as Compressor Station Fuel 13 Gas Received from Shippers as Lost and Unaccounted For 14 Other Receipts(Specify)(footnote details) 15 Total Receipts(Total of lines 3 through 14) 22,041,354 16 IGAS DELIVERED 17 1 Gas Sales Accounts 480-484 15,791.695 18 Deliveries of Gas Gathered for Others(Account 489.1) 303 19 Deliveries of Gas Transported for Others 489.2 305 20 Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others(Account 489.3) 301 5,680,275 21 Deliveries of Contract Storage Gas(Account 489.4) 307 22 Exchange Gas Delivered to Others Account 806 328 23 Gas Delivered as Imbalances(Account 858) 328 24 Deliveries of Gas to Others for Transportation Account 858 332 25 Other Gas Delivered to Storage(Explain) (1 26 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel 509 569,384 27 Other Deliveries(Specify) footnote details 28 Total Deliveries(Total of lines 17 through 27) 22.041.354 29 GAS UNACCOUNTED FOR 30 Production System Losses - 31 lGathering System Losses - 32 Transmission System Losses 33 Distribution System Losses 34 Storage Svstem Losses 35 Other Losses(Specify) footnote details) - 36 Total Gas Unaccounted For(Total of lines 30 through 35) 37 Total Deliveries and Gas Unaccounted For Total of lines 28 and 36) 22,041;354 (1) Represents net gas withdrawals and injections. IDAHO STATE NATURAL GAS ANNUAL REPORT(IC 61-405) G.ID.520