HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240429SWS to Staff 31-55.pdf ST8* NERIDGE M 10; Q Stoneridge Utilities P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 Ph(208) 43 7-3148 Extn. 4 Sent by:Priority Mail April 24, 2024 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utility Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID. 83720-0079 RE:StoneRdge Utilities, LLC General Rate Case Application SWS-W-24-01 Response to PR#2 & PR#3 Dear Commission Members: Please find enclosed our completed response to Production Requests 2&3 on our General Rate Case General Rate Case. In addition to the enclosed 3 ring binder with printed documents please find a USB Thumb Drive with digital es etc. Please,let us know if yo, have any questions. i Sincerely Chan h Managhng he 1 J Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 31: Please provide a schedule showing monthly revenue by customer. Please break out this revenue by fixed charges, volumetric charges, and any other charges the company used. Answer: See attached excel spreadsheet of Monthly Revenue by Customer (redacted) by Total Charges (fixed and volumetric/commodity) and gallons used per month—sample month September 2023. Commodity rate is .79 per 1,000 gallons to determine commodity charge to subtract from total charge to get base charges—this is the only way we can provide this data. Company Response 4/24/2024 1 1 �4 CO LO O 00 00 00 LO Cl) M c0 ram+ O a0 (V Lf) Lf) a0 Lf) Lq Lf? 0 ffj Lc� d' CV c0 c0 LO 00 O) � ti M M CV V' C) CD N � CV N N (n O O O O CV O O M O O O O O ^ O O O O 0� O O Lq O O O O O O O O O N� O O N O O CD O CD r41 U (/� O O O O O L() O O co O O O O O O O O O 00 O O Om) O O O O 0 O O O O O M O O CEO C) C)O O d a --�- L O O O O O O O O O O O O O d O O O O O O O O O O O O O t O O O O O O O O O O O O O � 0 V No0 0 0 0 o O O O o 0 0 0 0 CDLn O co (o O O O O O_ O_ C O_ N N 00 N LO CV N N N N N a) N CU a) CU N 0) N N El) Cn U) U) U) N Cn Cn U) CA U) h U J H C:) C:) CD CD C:) C) 0 CD C:) C:) C) o 0 J o O O o O o 0 o O O o 0 0 C) o C) C) o CD CD o CD o o CD C) C O W r L CO LO m d' N 00 um) N M M Nt CO a) O co r CO CM Lq 0T O) Lf) LC) _l Lri LC) CV CO C7 LO 1� fvA' M M N Cl) M N N CO N N N r ■� W Q� L O O CDO CD C) C--) C) C) C) CDG� O C:) O O O O O O O O O O O — EO O O O C7 C7 O O O C) C7 CD C7 O M N 00 LC) W) 00 N I-- O N m ` O N N M co m 00 T N Lf') I� �" ■� N O O O O CV CV co Cl) tt O O O O IL O O O O O O O O A U O O O O O O O O O O O O O .* 1 r � � �� i J 4�: Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 32: Please provide the amount of the Happy Valley Ranchos DEQ Loan surcharge collected by month from the time the Company bought the system until present. Answer: Please see attached file. Company Response 4/24/2024 } 1 0 m OZQ L- C- 3 n 6 � C4 - fu 0 Cfl � -I -NW4�k, W W -4 C) O OO --I -P,, CANdON00 .p -4 -41J W CC -IOCfl00000000W Cfl0000 Q c0 W � 00 Cn 00 1 Cn N -P W W W O 2i CD j co in .p :J� :p W w =p. O A cn � Cn 00 00 -4 -p rn -4 O O N CA) (31CnCD -4 -4w010 -1�, Ww O r O CO .pCflN 0000 -NCC) -N00 1 � - � --L K) O W Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn -N Cn � -N O :3 N0000 -IN0 -4 -400000 N C+WCnCn " CD CnCnW -L1111 W W W N N W N N --,, N `< co (D (OC3-) 11 0-) 4�, -PCI 0000 n O W CA CA C3� C3� CA CA O CA Cn Cn Cn Cn O �- p --%. -A -A -A Cfl Cfl (fl CD K) O. t0 W W W 00 W W W W CC) CD O (O' K) tDIN. IN � ---% -P -A -N -N .PININ -P 00 Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn N N N N � CAC) CACACACACACACAOCACA O p -.%. N � � -L - -L -x � -L -x N W W -I W W W W W W W ---% W W W :0. ID" P% -D, .01, IN 4�1 -P�l -Ph, 4h, 6 lo, ioll to cn 00 Cn Cn Cn cn Cn cn Cn Cn I Cn --L -Al c0 CA 0-) CA N CD 0000 -I W 11 K) s 000 cn 00 1 .� Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 33: Please provide a list of employees by title who received compensation in the test year along with their salary, job descriptions, and the allocation of time to the water system. Answer: See attached "Staffing Agency Contract" for compensation rates, job descriptions, and allocation of time to the water system. The current "Staffing Agency Contract" between Esprit and CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC is a "Fixed Base Price Contract" which does not provide for any "overtime" costs to the Water Company. In the last couple of years this clause has significantly reduced labor costs to the water company when there was an extended problem with the water company alarm system, which resulted in over 100+ hours of weekend and evening coverage from the system operator and laborer to keep the system running 24-7 for almost a year—ultimately it was discovered a wire on the antenna had been "chewed through" by a rodent. 2023 Employees/Contractor Under the Staffing Agency Contract Position Employee/Contractor Name 1. Owner Consultant Chan & Teresa Karupiah 2. Utility Administrator Teresa Zamora 3. Utility Operations Manager Steve Durbin 4. Bookkeeper Judy Duffy 5. Compliance/Process Lead Jeff Merkeley 6. Laborer Greg Ziel Company Response 4/24/2024 1i ,�, 7 Esprit Staffing Contract With StoneRidge Utilities Page 1 of 5 First Amended Original STAFFING AGENCY CONTRACT This"First Amendment"to the original "Staffing Agency Contract" (which is attached as Exhibit 1 dated January 2, 2020(this "Contract") is made effective as of January 4, 2024 by and between CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC-Water, (SRU), of 12 Holiday Loop, Blanchard, Idaho 83804, and Esprit Enterprises, LLC, ("Esprit"), of 364 StoneRidge Road, Blanchard, Idaho 83804. The parties to the original agreement dated January 2, 2020, which is attached hereto as Exhibit- 1, by their signatures below agree to make the following changes to the original agreement. 1. Exhibit A-"Staffing Charge Rates for StoneRidge Utilities,LLC Water" has been updated with additional Positions, Revised estimated hours per week,Hourly Reimbursement Rate and addition of Chart of Account Numbers for contract owners effective January 1, 2024 PARTY CONTRACT14 SERVICES- 1* CDS S n R' lge [Jtilitie LLC-Water I BY Date: Chi Karupiah Member STAFFING AGENCY: Esprit Enterprises, LLC BY�-� t•lc - Date: .. Teresa Karupiah Member f7 TK e CK _ Esprit Staffing Contract With StoneRidge Utilities Page 2 of 5 First Amended Original Exhibit A Staffing Charge Rates for StoneRidge Utilities, LLC-Water Esprit is responsible for all payroll items (withholding, FICA, SS, etc.) and benefit expenses on the following provided individuals. SRU shall report the weekly hours"worked report" to Esprit on a timely basis Estimated 1/1/2020 Esprit Hourly Position Hours/Week Reimbursement Rate 1. 601.1 Mgr. Operations &Maint. 28.00 $39.00 2. 601.2 Op/Maint Laborer 5.60 $24.00 3. 601.7 Customer Accts Admin. 21.00 $26.00 4. 601.8 Admin& Gen.--Compliance 28.00 $25.00 5. 601.8 Admin& Gen.-GM (1) $25.00 6. 601.8 Admin& Gen.---Rate Case (2) $40.00 7. 601.8 Admin Accountant 8.00 $30.00 8. 603.0 Salaries, Owner Contract 4.80 $125.00 Notes: (1) General Manager role and hours are variable (2)Rate Case Consultant Contractor to assist on General Rate Case in 2024. Hour's variable. The staffing charge rates shall be subject to an annual 8%rate increase to be implemented January 1st(commencing January 1, 2021) each year for as long as this agreement is in force. Unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties. JOB DESCRIPTIONS-SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Mgr. Operations Maint. -Steve Durbin-Non-licensed Operations Manager responsible for keeping the water plant, and distribution system operating 24/7 year-round--Steve Durbing/Greg Ziel 2023 Regular Activities: Monitoring of all Alarm and well Systems 24/7 Random Water Quality Testing Daily Chlorine level Monitoring by testing, re-filling chlorine reservoirs, ordering chlorine supplies and update records. Water storage tanks monitoring TK CK Esprit Staffing Contract With StoneRidge Utilities Page 3 of 5 First Amended Original Daily System well Pump Volume Record keeping and Reconciliation of Water Pumped to Water Sold each month for system loss calculation and preparation of annual report. Monthly Water Quality Testing per DEQ requirements take sample to testing laboratory And update records. New Connection Installations, locate, coordinate outside contractors and observe installation and approve when complete. Fire Hydrant seasonal/annual testing coordinated with Spirit Lake Fire Dept. Management of annual irrigation customer backflow prevention device monitoring Annual winterization of water meters with insulation to prevent freezing Annual Spring system startup including removing insulation from water meters etc. Unexpected interruptions(power outages, leaks in distribution system, etc.) in water delivery service require operator to respond to location 24/7, assess damage and call contractor to affect repairs etc. Notification of loss of pressure notice to affected customers by email and post paper copies on individual houses, flush system, chlorinate. Keep system assets free of vegetative growth, fallen debris, and animal disturbance at all times. Completes"out of sequence" meter reads for property ownership transfer requests. Coordinates any required or impromptu regulatory inspection requests by DEQ, IDWR, or IPUC. 2. Op/Maint Laborer—Greg Ziel 2023 supports the Operations Manager in system maintenance work. 3. Customer Accts. Admin—Teresa Zamora--Manages utility office responsible for monthly billing and payment processing and maintenance of records etc. Enter monthly meter reads to billing system. Run Monthly Billing Statement Report and print postcard bills and postage deliver to USPS. Process all check/CC payments along with any online portal Payments. Handle all customer calls and walk-ins, including new service connection requests, and attendant paper work and file development. Upon approval of a new connection application, updates the billing system with new customer information and setup for monthly billing. Transfer of Property requests from sellers/buyers, agents, escrow for payoffs etc. Manage past due accounts and communicate with customers. Prepare daily deposit paperwork and transfer weekly to GM for bank deposits. Reconcile daily billing registry with daily bank deposit activity, coordinate with bookkeeper. Walk-in traffic with questions, new service, and reconnection/disconnection requests, Prepares and notifies irrigation customers of need to file backflow prevention testing, report, and fall/winter irrigation system blowouts. j T CK Esprit Staffing Contract With StoneRidge Utilities Page 4 of 5 First Amended Original Process customer complaints informal and IPUC formal noticed complaints, coordinates with Operations Manager and provides response to IPUC on Quarterly Reports. 4. A& G Compliance Officer—Jeff Merkel ey--Responsibl e for system processes development and all required regulatory filings. Develop and manage all IPUC Case filings and manage general rate cases for Company Prepare and file all required IPUC Quarterly and Annual Reports Prepare and file Idaho State Tax Commission Annual Reports Develop all Procedures for Water Company operations and administration. Responsible for Monthly/Quarterly Reconciliation of Billing system to Accounting System working with Customer Administrator and Bookkeeper. 5. A& G General Manager—Beeca Loughlan--Responsible for facility& personnel management, payroll, Accounts Payable Management, banking, purchasing etc. Acting general manager of StoneRidge Utilities on behalf of offsite ownership. 24/7 Emergency Point of Contact for system leaks or power outages Makes Weekly Bank Deposits Supervises Customer Accts. Admin, coordinate with suppliers and outside contractors for Project administration, negotiating contracts etc. Approves all purchase orders Manages Licensed System Operators—WSM etc. Handles all walk-in traffic at"Sales Office"regarding StoneRidge Golf Community (when Customer Administrator is off-site or on vacation), especially questions about water service. 6. Admin & Gen. Rate Case Consultant—Randi Flaherty--Contract support for General Rate Case Application to be submitted in 2024. Document Management of Rate Case Application Coordinate with local government agencies Manage of recurring schedules and costs/personnel schedules Leads long-term planning for system development(Capital Expenditure Projects) and permits 7. Admin Bookkeeper—Judy Duffy--Responsible for Accounts Payable, Accounting software and banking reconciliation on a monthly basis. Review all Payables with GM and approve for payment. TK C� CK Esprit Staffing Contract With StoneRidge Utilities Page 5 of 5 First Amended Original Review and reconcile billing system A/R to Accounting system A/R Reconcile monthly bank accounts. Review monthly billing register from billing system and reconcile to monthly profit & loss report from accounting system 8. Owner Contract—Chan & Teresa Karupiah--biweekly meetings with staff, professional consultants etc. Daily leadership of all staff implementing current strategies. Including financial reporting, personnel matters, system maintenance and improvements. Provides team with long-term strategic planning to improve water quality, system efficiencies, cost controls and Company profitability. TK CK l ORIGINAL Page 1 of 3 STAFFING AGENCY CONTRACT This Independent Contractor Agreement(this "Contract") is made effective as of January 2, 2020, by and between CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC-Water, ("SRU"), of 12 Holiday Loop, Blanchard, Idaho 83804, and Esprit Enterprises, LLC, ("Esprit"), of 364 StoneRidge Road, Blanchard, Idaho 83804. 1. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. Beginning on January 2, 2020, Esprit will submit to SRU the names and resumes of qualified candidates ("Candidates") for the positions with the skills and educational background necessary to fill the positions described in the attached Exhibit A. (collectively, the "Services"). 2. FIXED BASE PRICE CONTRACT. During the term of this contract Esprit shall provide the listed contract labor services to SRU at the stated hourly rates and will charge SRU the same rate for business hours as non-business hours and will not bill for overtime. 3. INVOICES & PAYMENTS. a. Esprit shall invoice SRU monthly for Contract Employees provided to SRU. b. Payment to Esprit to be made within 10 business days of receipt of a valid invoice. 4. SERVICE PROVIDER'S REPRESENTATIONS.Esprit represents and warrants that Esprit and its supplied workers have the right to perform the services under and pursuant to this Contract without violation of obligations to others, and that Esprit and its supplied workers have the right to disclose to SRU all information transmitted to SRU in the performance of services under and pursuant to this Contract and Esprit agrees that any information'submitted to SRU, whether patentable or not, may be used fully and freely by SRU. 5. TERMITER.MINATION. This contract term shall be for five years and SRU shall have an option to extend for an additional Five year by giving Esprit written notice a minimum of 180 days prior to the original term expiring. This Contract may be terminated by either party upon 60 days written notice to the other party. 6. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. It is understood by the parties that Esprit is an independent contractor with respect to SRU, and not an employee of SRU. SRU will not provide fringe benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefit, for the benefit of Esprit. T CK ORIGINAL Page 2 of 3 7. CONFIDENTIALITY.Esprit will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use for the personal benefit of Esprit, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any information that is proprietary to SRU. Esprit will protect such information and treat it as strictly confidential. This provision shall continue to be effective after the termination of this Contract. Upon termination of this Contract, Esprit will return to SRU all records, notes, documentation and other items that were used, created, or controlled by Esprit during the term of this Contract. 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Contract contains the entire agreement of the parties, and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written. 9. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Contract shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Contract is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. 10. APPLICABLE LAW. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho. 11. SIGNATURES. This Contract shall be signed on behalf of CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC by Teresa Karupiah, President, and on behalf of Esprit Enterprises, LLC by Chan Karupiah, President. PAR CONTRACTING SERVICES: CDS t eRidge Util ties, LLC-Water 4 By I' Date• han rupiah Member STAFFING AGENCY: Esprit Enterpri es, LLC t By Teresa'Karupiah r Member 1TY CK ORIGINAL Page 3 of 3 --�� Exhibit A Staffing Charge Rates for StoneRidge Utilities, LLC-Water Effective 1/2/2020 Esprit is responsible for all payroll items(withholding, FICA, SS, etc.) and benefit expenses on the following provided individuals. SRU shall report the weekly hours "worked report" to Esprit on a timely basis Estimated Esprit Hourly Position Hours/Week Reimbursement Rate 1. Owner Consultant 4.8 $125.00 2. Utility Administrator 21 $26.00 3. Utility Operations Manager 28 $39.00 4. Accountant 8 $40.00 5. Compliance/Process Lead 28 $25.00 6. Laborer 5.6 $24.00 The staffing charge rates shall be subject to an annual 8%rate increase to be implemented January 1st (commencing January 1, 2021)each year for as long as this agreement is in force. Unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties. JOB DESCRIPTIONS: 1. Utility Owner Consultant-biweekly meetings with staff, professional consultants et 2. Utility Administrator—Manages utility office responsible for monthly billing and payment processing and maintenance of records etc. 3. Utility Operations Manager—Non-licensed Operations Manager responsible for keeping the water plant, and distribution system operating 24/7 year-round. 4. Accountant—Responsible for Accounts Payable and banking reconciliation on a monthly basis. 5. Process/Compliance lead—Responsible for system processes development and all required regulatory filings. 6. Laborer—supports the Operations Manager in system maintenance work. �T CK Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 34: Please provide all contracts for labor the Company has used from 2022 to present. Answer: the original agreement signed 1/2/2020 and the amended agreement signed 1/4/2024 are in Question #33. Company Response 4/24/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 35: Please provide all supporting documents for the services provided to the Company by Terri Hunter CPA from 2022 to present. .Answer: Please see attached Documents Company Response 4/24/2024 l Invoice Terri] Hunter CPA PLLC Date Invoice# .05 N Lakewood Dr Suite 301 —oeut d'Alene,ID 83814 9f11/2023 8062 (208)664-1040 Bill To CDS Stoneridge Utilities LLC Chan Kanapiah 19705 SE 15th Place Sammamish,WA 98075 Description Amount 2022 Business Tax Return Preparation 875.00 Total S875.00 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case Second Production Request REQUEST NO. 36: Please provide the WSM contracts used in the test year. Answer: Please see attached two contracts with Water Systems Management for the StoneRidge Utilities, LLC., water system Company Response 4/12/2024 1 WATER SYSTEMS MGT., INC. V6'S1VI, Inc. ' 67 Wild Horse Trail Water System Mauagetnent%Operaiion Wastewater System Management%Operation Sandpoint, ID 83864 Backt1ow Prevention Assembly Testing (208)265-4270 (phone) Cross Connection Control Inspection (208) 265-5243 (fax) Consulting wsmibob(%.aol.eom (e-mail) November 16, 2020 CDS Stoneridge Utilities 364 Stoneridge Road Blanchard, ID 83804 RE: PROPOSAL, RESPONSIBLE-CHARGE AND SUBSTITUTE RESPONSIBLE-CHARGE PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS OPERATION, PWS #1090009 STONERIDGE UTILITES Stoneridge Utilities: Thank you for the opportunity to present the following proposal for responsible-charge and substitute responsible-charge operation of your Public Water System (PWS) treatment and distribution systems located at Stoneridge, 364 Stoneridge Road, Blanchard, ID 83804. As you are aware, your PWS is required to have a minimum of one responsible-charge operator and one substitute responsible-charge operator licensed at a level equal to, or greater than, the classification of the systems being operated. We offer our services as responsible-charge and substitute-responsible charge operators for your PWS. Water Systems Management, Inc. (WSM) does employ appropriately licensed personnel for water treatment, water distribution, and backflow prevention assembly testing. As a corporation engaged in the general operation of water and wastewater systems, backflow prevention assembly testing, cross connection control inspection, cross connection control programs, and consulting, we are able to offer our contract services as such, alleviating our customers of financial responsibilities generally associated with payroll, payroll deductions, workers compensation insurance, social security deductions and match, vehicles, vehicle insurance, vehicle maintenance, liability insurance, employee benefit packages and other costs generally associated with direct hiring of personnel, Emergency contact phone numbers, including message and cell voice message are available twenty-four hours a day. Water Systems M,,t., Inc. Proposal for: CDS Stonerid�jc L'tilitic, Pat[c 1 of 3 \� 1 The following proposal is based on CDS Stoneridge Utilities Staff reading and recording daily water production meters, recording daily chlorine readings, and reading and recording monthly individual service meters as required. It is understood that on site personnel will not make any process and/or control modifications to any systems associated with the PWS without first consulting with one of our appropriately licensed operators. It is further agreed that on site personnel will immediately notify Water Systems Management, Inc. with any problems associated with the PWS when WSM personnel are not on site. PROPOSAL: WATER TREATMENT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS RESPONSIBLE CHARGE AND SUBSTITUE RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OPERATION: S 1,600.00 per month —Public Drinking Water Systems Operation - General system operation includes: l. Weekly site visits during season - six (6) months. 2. Twice (2) monthly site visits during off season- six (6) months. 3. Direct supervision of the water treatment and distribution systems. 4. Monthly Coliform sampling and delivery to State Laboratory. 5. Water quality sampling as require by the DEQ Public Drinking Water System Monitoring Schedule Report, and delivery to a State Laboratory, with the exception of Lead & Copper testing, 6. Preparation of monthly log forms. 7. Delivering water quality sample/s to certified lab. General system operation does NOT include: A. Oversight/inspection working with outside contractors engaged in repair and/or upgrade activities. B. Maintenance activities outside of generally anticipated routine operational requirements. C_ Working with outside engineering firms on issues other than providing general operation information. D. Locates (811 calls). E. Pulling of repeat samples as may be required by DEQ as a result of failed original samples. F_ Lead & Copper testing. This is due to the complexity of sampling, testing, reporting, and certification to DEQ. G. Laboratory charges for testing by a State Certified laboratory. H. Preparation of annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). 1. Backflow prevention assembly testing. J. Development of a Cross Connection Control Program. K. Meter Reading for individual customers. Water Systems Vlgt., Inc Proposal for: CDS Stoneridge CtiLnc, Page 21 of 3 1 Additional available services: 1. Repeat sample testing due to original sample failure. This service generally runs $45.00/hr.NO CHARGE for mileage. 2. Lead& Copper testing, sampling, customer notifications, and cent. to DEQ. This service generally runs $45.00/hr., plus lab fees. NO CHARGE for mileage. 3. Oversight of others for system repair and/or maintenance. This service generally runs $45.00/hr. 4. Response to non-emergency call outs for items identified during periods when we are not on site. This service generally runs $45.00/hr. NO CHARGE for mileage. 5. Response to emergency call outs for items identified during periods when we are not on site. This service generally runs $67.50/hr. NO CHARGE for mileage. 6. Preparation of annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) 7. Backflow prevention assembly testing. This service runs $50.00 for each unit tested. 8. Backflow prevention assembly repair. This service runs $45.00/hr. plus material. 9. Consulting This service generally runs approximately $60.00 per hour. 10. Develop a Cross Connection Control Program This service generally runs approximately $495.00 for program development. Implementation and maintenance of a cross connection control program is charged out by the hour; however, you may choose to maintain the program inhouse. It has been our experience that the first year of implementation is relatively time intensive and after the first year, routine maintenance requires relatively little time. All billing will be on the first of each month for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due twenty days after receipt of invoice. Enclosed you will find a copy of our very general contract highlighting those items required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). Upon agreement please complete, sign and return the original contract. Thank you for the opportunity to submit the above proposal and if you have additional questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, la"IA, "X., Robert I lanscn ENCLOSURE Yiupu.ril responsible charge&substitute responsible charge systems opciauom contract. VCater Syai lil. M121 , [nc. Proposal for. CDS ston,.nd'_. l tilinc, Page 3 of 3 \o�ember 2020 1 CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS CONTRACT FOR RESPONSIBLE & SUBSTITUE RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OPERATION WITH WATER SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT, INC. This agreement between Water Systems Management, Inc. (Robert Hansen, licensed water treatment and Distribution systems operator or appropriately licensed personnel such as may be available and CDS Stoneridge Utilities is being issued to provide for both a licensed responsible charge operator and a licensed substitute responsible charge operator for the CDS Stoneridge Utilities Public Drinking Water Systems, PWS #1090009, located at Stoneridge. All terms and conditions of Water Systems Management proposal dated November 16, 2020 attached, are herby incorporated into this contract. Contract Duration: The starting date is December 1. 2020 , and considered to be automatically renewed each succeeding year with the stipulation that either party may, for any reason, void the contract with thirty day written notification. Compensation: Water Systems Management, Inc. (Contractor), an independent company, is supplying services for a monthly fee of $1,600.00 , plus hourly compensation as outlined in the WSM proposal dated November 16, 2020. Wages, health benefits, workman's compensation, vacation, sick time, disability, retirement benefits, holiday time and paid paternity or maternity leave are the sole responsibility of the contractor. From time-to-time additional reasonable expenses may be reimbursed for miscellaneous items such as mileage for hauling supplies, required travel for meetings outside of the area, or additional services not specified under operator responsibilities below. Operator Time: Time required for general systems operation is as outlined in the Water Systems Management proposal dated November 16, 2020, attached. The maximum acceptable response time when responding to an emergency or to troubleshoot operational problems is eight hours. In no instance, should the response time for an emergency or a problem that could result in public health impacts, be longer than four hours. Operator Responsibility: The Contractor is responsible for maintaining licensed operators with valid licenses that are equal to or greater than the classification of the systems served. The contractor is responsible for operating the systems within the framework of cun-ent Idaho Rules, permits and guidelines. CDS Stoneridge utilities Public Drinking Waxer Systems Operational Contract Page 1 of-2 �5 1 Owner Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the system Owners to notify the contractor of any emergencies and/or operational problems for which the contractor is responsible that arise in the contractor's absence. The maximum response time within which the Owners will notify the contract operator after the Owner, or system user, experiences or recognizes an operational problem or emergency is four hours. The Owner is responsible for having telephone numbers or other relevant means of communication for the contractor. The Owner may choose to post contractor contact numbers in a visible location for system users. Attachment: WSM, Inc. proposal dated November 16, 2020. CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS WATER SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT, INC. CONTRACT AGREEMENT APPROVALS Signed: Date: Print: Chan Karupiah chansan(u;comcast.net Signed: Date: November 17. 2020 Print: Robert Hansen, President Water Systems Mgt., Inc. 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 wsmibob(a aol.com JCDS Stoneridge t ulinc> Public Drinking Wax- >trm Operational Cont:act Pape 2 of'2 i Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 37: Please provide a description of the services provided by 7B Engineering. .Answer: 7B engineering provides engineering analysis for hook-up fees and a recent estimate for developing PER's for Capital Expenditures we have proposed in this general rate case along with a proposal for an update to the Water Company Facility Plan. Quick review of QB shows at least one sewer invoice ($5,800.00) was mistakenly paid by the Water Company. We have reversed this entry and show that BUS owes the Water Company for this payment and this correction will reduce the 2023 Test Year operating expenses. Company Response 4/24/2024 �' 1 11:52 AM CDS Stoneridge Utilities LLC -Water 04/19/24 All Transactions for 713 Engineering All Transactions Type Num Date Account Amount Aging Memo Check 1003 12/11/2019 Washington Trust Bank-1064 -1,225.84 Check 1023 02/12/2020 Washington Trust Bank-1064 -1,725.00 Bill 1812-... 06/01/2020 231.1 Accounts Payable -600.00 Bill 1812-... 06/01/2020 231.1 Accounts Payable -1,200.00 Bill Pmt-Check 1092 07/03/2020 Washington Trust Bank-1064 -1,800.00 Check 1153 03/02/2021 Washington Trust Bank-1064 -2,677.30 Bill 2047-... 10/01/2021 231.1 Accounts Payable -491.10 921 General Journal 96 12/31/2021 231.1 Accounts Payable 491.10 JE to adju: Total 1 12:07 PM StoneRidge Utilities,LLC--Water 2022 W19/24 Transaction Journal All Transactions Trans 11 Type Date Num Name Memo Account class Debit Credit til Check 06/2212023 1462 7B Engineering $01 down prat leakage testing 131.1 WTB 1064 Ckg 5,800.00 7B Engineering 501 down pmt leakage testing 631 Contract Services-Professional 5,80000 5,800.00 5,800.00 TOTAL 5,800.00 5,800.00 Pagel .-. l Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 38: Please provide a list of all contaminants tested for by the Company and include the cost and frequency of each test. Answer: See the attached DEQ water system Testing Requirements.The Company tests monthly at a cost of $30/test. Company Response 4/24/2024 1 DEQ Public Drinking Water System Monitoring Schedule Report Print Date: April 22, 2024 ID1090009 - STONERIDGE UTILITIES Co'^"�inity water system serving 1000 people and 370 connections. RE_ !ed by: COEUR D ALENE REGIONAL OFFICE The following schedules include monitoring periods between 1-1-2024 and 12-31-2024 Schedules for Distribution System(s) Code Group/Analyte Name Monitoring Frequency Season Begin Date Season End Date Satisfied 3100 COLIFORM(TCR) 1 per MN 1/1 12/31 Monthly DBP2 DBP2-STAGE 2 1 per YR collected in 2024 taken 7/1 through 9/30 7/1 9/30 *FUTURE 1 set TTHM/HAAS-STONERIDGE BOOSTER(DBP2A) Schedules for Distribution Systems(s) Lead and Copper Code Group/Analyte Name Monitoring Frequency Season Begin Date Season End Date Satisfied PBCU LCR-LEAD COPPER 10 per 3Y collected in 2024 taken 6/1 through 9/30 6/1 9/30 *FUTURE Note:Consumer notice of lead tap results,regardless of lead level,is required within 30 days after receiving results.For templates and more information,please visit: https://www2.deq.idaho.gov/water/PublicNotificationTemplates Schedules for tag#: ID1090009WH Please Label Sampling PointlLocation as:"WELLFIELD(1&2)" Code Group/Analyte Name Monitoring Frequency Season Begin Date Season End Date Satisfied ZN03 NITRATE 1 per YR due between 01/01/2024 and 12/31/2024 n/a n/a YES —FUTURE"in the"Satisfied"column indicates the sampling requirement begins sometime in the future.Sampling before the monitoring period begin date will not satisfy the requirement for the monitoring period. ""See CO"in the"Satisfied"column indicates the operator needs to contact his or her compliance officer(CO)to verify that samples have been taken and the schedule has been satisfied. IMPORTANT NOTICE:This monitoring schedule is provided to you as a courtesy and is current as of April 22, 2024 Surface water systems and sysip---that are disinfecting have additional sampling that is not reflected in this monitoring schedule report.This monitoring schedule may be ch or modified as needed.This monitoring schedule does not show past unfulfilled schedules for which violations may exist. Please revisit the mo .g schedule tool and review the system's monitoring schedule prior to sampling to ensure compliance with the most current monitoring requirements.Contact your public water system regulating agency if you have any questions. Date Pnnted: Monday,.April 22,2024 Page 1 of 1 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 39: Please provide copies of all lease contracts the Company has entered into. Please ensure they include the building lease, vehicle and equipment leases, and the ROW, water Rights, and Easement Leases. Answer: See attachments: 1. Building Lease 2. ROW, water rights & equipment lease. Company Response 4/24/2024 �i .' � ti Ori final Page 1 of 5 Office Space Lease This Lease Agreement(this"Lease") is dated January 01, 2020, by and between Esprit Enterprises, LLC ("Landlord"), and CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC-Water("Tenant").The parties agree as follows: PREMISES_ Landlord, in consideration of the lease payments provided in this Lease, leases to Tenant 1,200 Square Foot Furnished Office Space in StoneRidge Event Center(the"Premises") located at 12 Holiday Loop, Blanchard, Idaho 83804 and approximately 200 Square Feet Furnished Office Space in StoneRidge Sales Office (the"Premises") located at 364 StoneRidge Road, Blanchard, Idaho, 83804. TERM.The lease term will begin on January 01, 2020 and will terminate on December 31, 2025. LEASE PAYMENTS. Tenant shall pay to Landlord a "base"monthly rent of$1,470.00 In addition tenant shall pay landlord a "Supplemental Services"monthly rent of$331.00 per month for a total payment of $1,801.00 per month for the 12 Holiday Loop Office and Sales Office space. Lease payments shall be made to the Landlord at 364 StoneRidge Road, Blanchard Idaho 83804, which address may be changed from time to time by the Landlord. See Attached Exhibit A regarding services and items to be provided by landlord for tenants benefit with all costs included in the base rent and the "Supplemental Services" rent. Rents shall be increased by eight(8) Percent every 12 months, unless mutually agreed upon otherwise by landlord and tenant. POSSESSION.Tenant shall be entitled to possession on the first day of the term of this Lease, and shall yield possession to Landlord on the last day of the term of this Lease, unless otherwise agreed by both parties in writing.At the expiration of the term, Tenant shall remove its goods and effects and peaceably yield up the Premises to Landlord in as good a condition as when delivered to Tenant, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Landlord promises to place Tenant in peaceful possession of the Office Space, and Tenant, by taking possession of the Office Space, will have acknowledged that the Office Space are in satisfactory and acceptable condition. Landlord promises to place Tenant in peaceful possession of the Office Space, and Tenant, by taking possession of the Office Space, will have acknowledged that the Office Space are in satisfactory and acceptable condition. USE OF PREMISES. Tenant may use the Premises only for Utility Office and related functions The Premises may be used for any other purpose only with the prior written consent of Landlord, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Tenant shall notify Landlord of any anticipated extended absence from the Premises not later than the first day of the extended absence. PROPERTY INSURANCE. Landlord and Tenant shall each maintain appropriate insurance for their respective interests in the Premises and property located on the Premises. Landlord shall be named as an additional insured in such policies.Tenant shall deliver appropriate evidence to Landlord as proof that adequate insurance is in force issued by companies reasonably satisfactory to Landlord. Landlord shall receive advance written notice from the insurer prior to any termination of such insurance policies.Tenant shall also maintain any other insurance which Landlord may reasonably require for the protection of Landlord's interest in the Premises.Tenant is responsible for maintaining casualty insurance on its own property. LIABILITY INSURANCE.Tenant shall maintain liability insurance on the Premises in a total aggregate sum of at least$300,000.00.Tenant shall deliver appropriate evidence to Landlord as proof that adequate insurance is in force issued by companies reasonably satisfactory to Landlord. Landlord shall receive advance written notice from the insurer prior to any termination of such insurance policies. 12 Holiday Loop & 364 StoneRidge Road Office Lease-Final TK z�- CK Original Page 2 of 5 RENEWAL TERMS.This Lease shall automatically renew for an additional period of 5 Years per renewal term, unless either party gives written notice of termination no later than 60 days prior to the end of the term or renewal term.The lease terms during any such renewal term shall be the same as those contained in this Lease. UTILITIES AND SERVICES. See Attached Exhibit A regarding services and items to be provided by landlord for tenants benefit with all costs included in the base rent and the"Supplemental Services" rent. COMMON AREAS OF OFFICE SPACE. Landlord shall make available at all times during the term of this lease in any portion of the Office Space that Landlord from time to time designates or relocates, automobile parking and common areas as Landlord shall from time to time deem appropriate.Tenant shall have the nonexclusive right during the term of this lease to use the common areas for itself, its employees, agents, customers, clients, invitees, and licensees. Landlord reserves the right to re- designate a common area for a non-common use or to designate as a common area a portion of the Office Space not previously designated a common area. All common areas shall be subject to the exclusive control and management of Landlord or any other persons or nominees that Landlord may have delegated or assigned to exercise management or control, in whole or in part, in Landlord's place and stead. Landlord shall have the right to close, if necessary, all or any portion of the common areas as is deemed necessary by Landlord to effect necessary repairs, maintenance, or construction, or to maintain the safety of tenants or the general public. Landlord will maintain the common areas in a clean, orderly, and sanitary manner. Landlord is responsible for all repairs of the common areas, except those required by the negligence of Tenant. Landlord and Landlord's nominees and assignees shall have the right to establish, modify, amend, and enforce reasonable rules and regulations with respect to the common areas and the Office Space.Tenant shall fully and faithfully comply with and observe the rules and regulations for the common areas and the Building ("the Building Rules and Regulations"), of which the Leased Space is a part, including any additions or amendments to the Building Rules and Regulations that may be hereafter enacted by Landlord in Landlord's sole discretion. COVENANT AGAINST WASTE.Tenant agrees that Tenant will not commit waste in or upon the Office Space or any portion thereof.The Tenant shall be responsible for the ventilation and cleanliness of the demised premises and for keeping the waste sewerage lines free from grease stoppages. TAXES.Taxes attributable to the Premises or the use of the Premises shall be allocated as follows: REAL ESTATE TAXES. Landlord shall pay all real estate taxes and assessments for the Premises. PERSONAL TAXES. Landlord shall pay all personal taxes and any other charges which may be levied against the Premises and which are attributable to Tenant's use of the Premises, along with all sales and/or use taxes (if any)that may be due in connection with lease payments. TERMINATION UPON SALE OF PREMISES. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, Landlord may terminate this lease upon 90 days'written notice to Tenant that the Premises have been sold, Tenant shall have a first right of refusal on the sale of the premises (which tenant must close within 6 months of Tenant receiving written notice of their first right of refusal on a pending sale). 12 Holiday Loop & 364 StoneRidge Road Office Lease-Final � <1 TK CK Original Page 3 of 5 DESTRUCTION OR CONDEMNATION OF PREMISES. If the Premises are partially destroyed by fire or other casualty to an extent that prevents the conducting of Tenant's use of the Premises in a normal manner, and if the damage is reasonably repairable within sixty days after the occurrence of the destruction, and if the cost of repair is less than $50,000.00, Landlord shall repair the Premises and a just proportion of the lease payments shall abate during the period of the repair according to the extent to which the Premises have been rendered untenantable. However, if the damage is not repairable within sixty days, or if the cost of repair is$50,000.00 or more, or if Landlord is prevented from repairing the damage by forces beyond Landlord's control, or if the property is condemned,this Lease shall terminate upon twenty days'written notice of such event or condition by either party and any unearned rent paid in advance by Tenant shall be apportioned and refunded to it.Tenant shall give Landlord immediate notice of any damage to the Premises. DEFAULTS.Tenant shall be in default of this Lease if Tenant fails to fulfill any lease obligation or term by which Tenant is bound. Subject to any governing provisions of law to the contrary, if Tenant fails to cure any financial obligation within 10 days(or any other obligation within 10 days) after written notice of such default is provided by Landlord to Tenant, Landlord may take possession of the Premises without further notice (to the extent permitted by law), and without prejudicing Landlord's rights to damages. In the alternative, Landlord may elect to cure any default and the cost of such action shall be added to Tenant's financial obligations under this Lease.Tenant shall pay all costs, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees and expenses) suffered by Landlord by reason of Tenant's defaults. All sums of money or charges required to be paid by Tenant under this Lease shall be additional rent,whether or not such sums or charges are designated as "additional rent".The rights provided by this paragraph are cumulative in nature and are in addition to any other rights afforded by law. HOLDOVER. If Tenant maintains possession of the Premises for any period after the termination of this Lease("Holdover Period"), Tenant shall pay to Landlord lease payment(s) during the Holdover Period at a rate equal to the normal payment rate set forth in the Renewal Terms paragraph. CUMULATIVE RIGHTS.The rights of the parties under this Lease are cumulative, and shall not be construed as exclusive unless otherwise required by law. NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS.Tenant shall be charged $50.00 for each check that is returned to Landlord for lack of sufficient funds. GOVERNING LAW.This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/AMENDMENT.This Lease Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other promises, conditions, understandings or other agreements,whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter of this Lease. This Lease may be modified or amended in writing, if the writing is signed by the party obligated under the amendment. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Lease shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Lease is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable,then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. WAIVER.The failure of either party to enforce any provisions of this Lease shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Lease. 12 Holiday Loop & 364 StoneRidge Road Office Lease-Final TK CK Original Page 4 of 5 BINDING EFFECT.The provisions of this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of both parties and their respective legal representatives, successors and assigns. SIGNATURES AND NOTICE.This Lease shall be signed by the following parties. No notice under this Lease shall be deemed valid unless given or served in writing and forwarded by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the parties below: LANDLORD: Esprit Enterprises, LLC Teresa Karupiah, Member 364 StoneRidge Road Blanchard, Idaho 83804 TENANT: CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC-Water Chan Karupiah, Member 12 Holiday Loop Blanchard, Idaho 83804 Such addresses may be changed from time to time by either party by providing notice as set forth above. Notices mailed in accordance with the above provisions shall be deemed received on the third day after posting. LANDLORD: Esprit Enterprises, LLC 'Z -f ' ,L-C<<._. '�-�Date: 2 C� Teresa Karupiah Member 1 TENANT: CDS Ston Ri ge Utilities, LC-Water I V vli B � Date Y Chan Karupiah Member 12 Holiday Loop & 364 StoneRidge Road Office Lease-Final j. K r CK Ori ina/ Page 5 of 5 Exhibit A Effective 1/1/2020 Supplemental Services to Be Provided by Landlord In exchange for rental payments described in the"Lease Payments"section, Landlord agrees to provide the following, at Landlords sole expense the following to Tenant: 1. Telephone system and monthly telephone service, including long-distance calls only for water company lines. 2. Alarm Service-24-hour coverage. 3. Internet Service for Event Center office lines only 4. Janitorial services weekly, bathrooms, and office space 5. IT Support Technician 6. Landscaping per landlord schedule 7. Power,water, sewer, propane, garbage 8. Parking and snow maintenance (plow when 3+ inches new snow) 9. Furnishings in place 10. Office supplies & office equipment 11. Casualty and liability insurance coverage as recommended by Philadelphia Insurance 12. Pest Control Services per vendor recommended schedule. 12 Holiday Loop & 364 StoneRidge Road Office Lease-Final TK CK ORIGINAL Page 1 of 6 GROUND, WATER RIGHTS, EQUIPMENT, AND EASEMENT LEASE This Equipment Lease(this "Lease")is made effective as of January 1, 2020,between Esprit Enterprises,LLC(the "Lessor"), 364, Blanchard,Idaho 83804, and CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC--Water(the "Lessee"), 12 Holiday Loop,Blanchard,Idaho 83804, and states the agreement of the parties as follows: PROPERTY AND RIGHTS SUBJECT TO LEASE. The Lessor shall lease the ground,water rights and easements listed on the attached Exhibit"A". The Lessor shall also lease the equipment listed on the attached Exhibit"B". PAYMENT TERMS. The Lessee shall make monthly payments of$2,000,00 for the items listed on Exhibit A and monthly payments of$1,500.00 for the items listed on Exhibit B. Payments shall be due on the first day of each month, with the first payment due on 1/1/2020. The lease payments shall be due whether or not the Lessee has received notice of a payment due. Both the monthly payments shall increase 8% annually on January 1 each year(beginning January 1, 2021) of the lease, unless mutually agreed upon otherwise by both landlord and tenant. NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS. The Lessee shall be charged$30.00 for each check that is returned to the Lessor for lack of sufficient funds. LEASE TERM. This Lease shall begin on the above effective date and shall terminate on December 31, 2025,unless otherwise terminated in a manner consistent with the terms of this Lease. OPTION TO RENEW.If the Lessee is not in default upon the expiration of this lease,the Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease for a similar term on such terms as the parties may agree at the time of such renewal. OPTION TO PURCHASE.If the Lessee is not in default under this Lease,the Lessee shall have the first right of refusal option to purchase the real estate, and water rights at the end of the lease term for a price agreed upon by both parties. LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY.Liability for injury, disability, and death of workers and other persons caused by operating, handling, or maintaining the ground and/or water right during the term of this Lease is the obligation of the Lessee, and the Lessee shall indemnify and hold the Lessor harmless from and against all such liability. Lessee shall maintain liability insurance of at least$1,000,000.00, Ground, Water Rights, Equipment and Easement Lease _ TK CK k i ORIGINAL Page 2 of 6 CASUALTY INSURANCE. The Lessor shall be responsible for maintaining casualty insurance with respect to loss or damage of the ground and/or water right. DEFAULT.The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute a default under this Lease: A. The failure to make the required payment under this Lease when due. B. The violation of any other provision or requirement that is not corrected within 180 day(s)after written notice of the violation is given. C. The insolvency or bankruptcy of Lessee. D. The subjection of any of Lessee's property to any levy, seizure,assignment, application or sale for or by any creditor or government agency. RIGHTS ON DEFAULT.In addition to any other rights afforded the Lessor by law, if the Lessee is in default under this Lease, without notice to or demand on the Lessee, the Lessor may take possession of the ground and water right as provided by law,deduct the costs of recovery (including attorney fees and legal costs), repair, and related costs, and hold the Lessee responsible for any deficiency. The rights and remedies of the Lessor provided by law and this Agreement shall be cumulative in nature. The Lessor shall be obligated to re-lease the ground and/or water right, or otherwise mitigate the damages from the default, only as required by law. NOTICE. All notices required or permitted under this Lease shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or by mail,postage prepaid,addressed to the appropriate parry at the address shown for that party at the beginning of this Lease. ASSIGNMENT. The Lessee shall not assign or sublet any interest in this Lease or the ground and/or water right or permit the ground or water right to be used by anyone other than the Lessee or Lessee's employees, without Lessor's prior written consent. Lessor agrees that Lessee may share the equipment with Blanchard Utility Services, an entity owned by Lessor. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATION. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.No modification or amendment of this Lease shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. This Lease replaces any and all prior agreements between the parties. GOVERNING LAW. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. SEVERABILITY.If any portion of this Lease shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds Ground, Water Rights, Equipment and Easement Lease c' C.K ORIGINAL Page 3of6 that any provision of this Lease is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision,it will become valid and enforceable,then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. WAIVER.The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Lease shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Lease. CERTIFICATION. Lessee certifies that the application, statements,trade references, and financial reports submitted to Lessor are true and correct and any material misrepresentation will constitute default under this Lease. DISPUTE RESOLUTION.The parties will attempt to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement through friendly negotiations amongst the parties. If the matter is not resolved by negotiation,the parties will resolve the dispute using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (AD)procedure below. Any controversies or disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be submitted to mediation in accordance with any statutory rules of mediation. If mediation does not successfully resolve the dispute, the parties may proceed to seek an alternative form of resolution in accordance with any other rights and remedies afforded to them by law. SIGNATORIES. This Lease shall be signed on behalf of Esprit Enterprises, LLC by Teresa Karupiah,Member, and on behalf of CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC-Water by Chan Karupiah, Member, and shall be effective as of the date first above written. Ground , Water Rig Equipment Rights, E ui ment and Easement Lease CK r ORIGINAL Page 4 of 6 LESSOR: 7Z Teresa Karupiah Esprit Enterprises,LLC Member LESSEE: J Bv: �� Date. C.C/ 61V _ Chan Karupiah, CDS StoneRidge Utilities,LLC Member Ground, Water Rights,Equipment and Easement Lease TK CK Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT A ,description of Leased Ground and Water Rights Ground Lease Locations: 1. Tower Site--East Skyline Drive 2. Happy Valley Ranchos Mid Booster Site-Mtn View Road 3. Forest Way Storage Tank& Booster Site 4. Well Site 5. ROW Easements for all water/power associated line Water Rights: 1. 95-9587 588.6-acre feet Total Monthly Payment for the above items leased is$2,000.00 per month commencing January 1,2020 Ground, dater eights,Equipment and Easement Lease TIC. CK 1. ORIGINAL Page 6of6 EXHIBIT B Description of Leased Equipment Monthly Lease Rate 1. Case Backhoe $600.00 2. Kubota UTV $180.00 3. Ford F-150 Pickup $180.00 4. Ford Ranger Pickup 1� 20.00 SUBTOTAL $ 1,080.00 Add-on Licenses, insurance&fuel $420.00 Not maintenance Total Monthly Lease Expense for Equip $1,500.00 Leasee has rights to purchase additional equipment and/or office improvements at Lessee's prerogative Ground, Water Rights,Equipment and Easement Lease TK CK Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 40: Please provide a copy of the current insurance contract that includes premiums and coverage along with any invoices from the insurance provider. .Answer: The "Umbrella Policy" from Philadelphia Insurance Company covers all the Esprit divisions. Water Company share is $7,000.00. We have corrected the original Journal Entry in the 2023 Test Year profit and loss statement submitted with our application. This correction results in an increase in our insurance cost of approximately $6,568.00. Company Response 4/24/2024 1 chansan@comcast.net From: chansan@comcast.net t: Tuesday,April 23, 2024 11:40 AM Jeffrey Merkeley Subject: FW: stoneridge (espirit) From:Scott Kanemoto<SKanemoto@crestins.com> Sent:Wednesday, March 6, 2024 1:18 PM To:Susan Salazar<ssalazar@crestins.com>; Rebecca Loughnan <beccaloughnan gmail.com> Cc: Becca <becca@stoneridgeidaho.com>; chansan@comcast.net Subject: Re: stoneridge (espirit) Hello! In looking through my notes it looks like the premium billed back to the HOA for the water treatment portion of hte insurance was roughly$7,000. Let me know if this helps as you put together your allocations. Thanks, Scott i Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 41: Please provide a list of all the services the parent company provides Stoneridge Utilities and any cost allocation methodologies used. Answer: Esprit provides the following services to CDS StoneRidge Utilities: 1. Office space and supplemental office support items (see office lease attached in Question #39) 2. Staffing Agency contract labor for operations and administration. (See original Staffing Agency Agreement dated January 2020 and Amended Staffing Agency Agreement dated January 2024 in Question #3). 3. ROW, water rights, easement, and equipment lease (See ROW, water rights, equipment and easement lease in Question #39) The allocation of the costs for each of the three agreements is as follows: A. Office space and operation costs are allocated 60% to Water Company and 40% to Sewer Company (Blanchard Utility Services). Labor and equipment cost is allocated 70% to Water Company and 30% to Sewer Company. allocation-- The amount of office space and labor involved in operating the water company is significantly higher than sewer operations—i.e. monthly meter readings, winterization ,testing, disconnects/reconnects, backflow preventers, chlorine treatment level monitoring, unstable electric power grid, record keeping, billing and payment collections, alarm/monitoring system issues, water line failures, fire hydrant testing, reservoir/storage management. 4. Water rights are allocated 100% to water company, ROW, easement and equipment is allocated in the following manner-60% water & 40% Sewer. Company Response 4/24/2024 I Case # SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 42: Please provide a copy of the Company's bank statements for 2022 and 2023. .Answer: Please see the attached bank monthly statements for 2022-2023 on memory stick Company Response 4/24/2024 I Case # SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 43: Please provide the supporting documentation for the JD Resort Uncategorized expenses of$1,049.02. Answer: This entry was discovered after we forwarded a copy off our 2022- 2024 QB file to IPUC. Our year-end review of accounting records revealed this check (#1449) payment of $47,241.38 was for accrued interest ($46,192.36) plus a $1,049.02 reduction in the principal balance on the loan. We moved the $1,049.02 from Misc. Expense to a decrease in loan principal during our review. This line of credit was converted to additional equity investment, in the Water Company at year end 23 per our application to IPUC for issuance of stock/interests etc. Company Response 4/24/2024 1 Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 44: Please provide all documents for the DEQ Loan. Answer: Please see attached copy of the DEQ loan agreement for Happy Valley. Company Response 4/24/2024 LC STATE OF IDAHO u DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ' A. 1410 North Hilton•Boise,Idaho 83706-1255•(208)373-0502 Dirk Kempthorne,Governor C.Stephen Allred,Director August 28, 2003 Mr. Dean Allara CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC P. O. Box 280 364 Stoneridge Dr. Blanchard, ID 83804 Dear Mr. Allara: I am please to inform you that your application for loan in the amount of $213,450 from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund has been accepted- The loan offer is enclosed. Once this offer has been accepted, please complete the project schedule on pages 5 and 6 and sign the offer on page 10. A copy of the signed offer should be kept in your files. The original loan offer and the completed EPA Form. 4700-4 should be returned to Bill Jerrel in this office at the address listed above, If you have any questions regarding this loan offer please contact Bill Jerrel at (208) 373-0400 or John Tindall in our Coeur d'Alene office at (208) 769-1422. Pector llred cc: John Tindall, Coeur d'Alene Regional Office STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY LOAN OFFER,ACCEPTANCE AND CONTRACT FOR DRINKING WATER TREATMENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SECTION I. INTRODUCTION The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality(Department) is authorized by Title 39, Chapter 76,Idaho Code, to make loans from the State Drinking Water Revolving Loan Account (Account) to assist public water systems in the construction of drinking water treatment facilities. The Department has determined that the CDS Stoneridge Utilities,LLC has established eligibility for a loan under the terms of the Idaho Code and the Rules for Administration of Drinking Water Loan Account, IDAPA 58 Title 1, Chapter 20 (Rules). A completed application for a Drinking Water Design and Construction Loan has been submitted to the Department by the Applicant. The Department hereby offers a loan to the Applicant according to the terns and conditions contained in this document and the Rules. SECTION II. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This loan offer is for design and construction of the following project: A. Loan Project Number: DW-9918 B. Applicant: CDS Stoneridge Utilities,LLC P.O. Box 280 364 Stoneridge Dr. Blanchard, ID 83804 C. Terms: $213,450 at 2% interest to be repaid in biannual installments over 20 years. D. Project Description: Integration of the Happy Valley Ranchos water system into the Stoneridge water system. Construction includes approximately 3500 feet of 8-inch transmission line, fire hydrant, booster pump station and improvements to the existing reservoirs. 1 Loan No. DW-9918 E. Estimated Project Budget 1. Administration&Legal $ 14,000 2. Engineering Fees 31,900 3. Construction 167,550 4. Total $213,450 SECTION III. GENERAL CONDITIONS This offer may only be accepted by signature by an authorized representative of the Applicant. Upon acceptance by the Applicant,this offer shall become a loan contract and the Applicant shall become a Borrower.By accepting this offer, the Borrower agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in this document and the Rules: The Borrower agrees: A. To not transfer, assign or pledge any beneficial interest in this contract to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (Director). To not enter into sale, lease or transfer of any of the property related to the project. To not make any additional material encumbrances to the project without the prior written consent of the Director. To not incur any liabilities that would materially affect the fields pledged to repay this loan without the prior written consent of the Director. To not delegate legal responsibility for complying with the terms, conditions, and obligations of this contract without the prior written consent of the Director. Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph, the Borrower may sell or otherwise dispose of any of the works, plant, properties and facilities of the project or any real or personal property comprising a part of the same which shall have become unserviceable, inadequate, obsolete or unfit to be used in the operation of the project, or no longer necessary, material or useful in such operation, without the prior written consent of the Director which will not unreasonably be withheld. B. To enter into such contractual arrangements with third parties as it deems advisable to assist it in meeting its responsibilities under this contract. C. To fulfill all declarations, assurances,representations and statements in the application and all other documents, amendments and communications filed with the Department by the Applicant in support of the request for this loan. D. To comply with applicable State and Federal employment requirements including, but not 2 r , Loan No. DW-9918 limited to, Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights requirements. E. To make efforts to award subagreements to Minority and Women-owned businesses (MBE/WBE). The fair share goals, 1% and 1%respectively,will be in bid solicitations and documentation of efforts to obtain MBE/WBE participation will be required of any contractor who fails to attain the goals. Quarterly reports of MBE/WBE utilization will be prepared on forms supplied by the Department. F. To provide evidence of ownership in the form of fee simple title or long-term lease and right of access or easements for real property on which the project is to be constructed. Clear title to all real property necessary for the successful operation of the facilities shall be guaranteed by the Borrower for the useful life of the project. G. To take affirmative action to ensure that the project shall be completed and operated in conformance with federal and state laws relating to occupational health and safety. H. That if prior to completion of this contract the project is damaged or destroyed,there will be no reduction in the amounts payable by the Borrower to the Department. I. That in the event there is any default in the payment of either the principal amount or the interest due under this contract, or any breach by the Borrower of any of the terns or conditions of this contract, the entire principal amount and whatever interest is due to the date of payment may be declared due and immediately payable..The amount of such default shall bear the same interest rate as applies to the principal of this loan from the date of default until the date of payment by the Borrower. All costs incurred by the Department due to such default, including court costs and attoriey's fees, shall be repaid by the Borrower to the Department . J. That any waiver by the Department at any time of the rights or duties under this contract shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent or additional rights or duties under this contract. K. That the use by the Department of any remedy specified in this contract for its enforcement is not exclusive and shall not deprive the Department of the right to seek any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy. L. That this agreement is binding upon the Borrower and the Department, and any person,office or entity succeeding the Borrower or the Department. M. To comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws. 3 Loan No. DW-9918 SECTION IV. PROJECT MANAGEMENT The Borrower agrees to: A. Require the prime engineering firm(s) and their principals retained for engineering services to carry professional liability indemnification to protect the public from the engineer's negligent acts and errors of omission of a professional nature. The total aggregate of the engineer's professional liability indemnification shall be one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or twice the amount of the engineer's fee, whichever is greater. Professional liability indemnification must cover all services rendered for all phases of the project, whether or not those services are state funded,until the certification of project performance is accepted by the Department . B. Comply with the Public Contracts Bond Act, Title 54, Chapter 19, Idaho Code, including requiring the prime construction contractor retained for construction to carry performance and payment bonds equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. The bond will be released when the constructed facility is accepted by the Borrower. C. Assure that contracts related to the project which provide for arbitration allow appeal of any resulting arbitration decision to a district court or allow the arbitration to be non-binding on both parties if either party desires not to use arbitration as a method of dispute settlement. D. Jointly with an engineering consultant provide assurances that the physical and operational integrity of the works,when constructed,will achieve the level of treatment provided for in the design specifications. E. Provide for the accumulation of funds through charges made for services or otherwise, for the purposes of(1) establishing a fund dedicated solely to the repayment of principal and interest on this loan, (2) capital replacement and (3) future improvement, betterment, and extension of such works occasioned by increased usage on the facility. F. Provide a plan and program for an equitable user charge system for payment of operation and maintenance of constructed facilities. The user charge system shall be approved by the Department and enacted by the Borrower prior to receiving final payment. Make available on an equitable basis the services of the project to the residents and commercial and industrial establishments of the area it was designed to serve. G. Develop and adopt a water system protection policy approved by the Department prior to receiving final payment of loan funds. H. Provide an operation and maintenance manual for the project approved by the Department prior to receiving final payment of loan funds. 4 Loan No. DW-9918 I. Provide adequate staffing and qualified operation and maintenance personnel as specified in the operation and maintenance manual approved by the Department . J. Assure that the operator in charge of the facility has a level of competency commensurate with the nature of the facility. He(She)must be certified as a Drinking Water Operator in a class equal to or greater than that of the facility. K. Assure that treatment facility personnel shall participate in operator training programs approved by the Department and designed to assure competence in the operation and maintenance of the facility. L. Commence satisfactory operation and maintenance of the drinking water treatment facility on completion of the project in accordance with applicable provisions, rules of the Department and any other applicable law,rule or regulation and not discontinue operation or dispose of the facility without the written approval of the Department . M. Review and update the user charge system at least biennially during the life of this agreement to assure that all costs including applicable debt retirement, operation and maintenance are offset by sufficient revenues. N. Maintain project accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB). SECTION V. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. The Borrower shall complete the project in accordance with the following schedule: Number of months fiom Task Loan Acceptance 1 10% Design Review �r 50% Design Review Z- 90%Design Review [ L User Charge System Approved Water System Protection Ordinance Approved Final Plans, Specifications and Bidding Documents Bid Summary S Award Construction Contract S' Project Management Conference Plan of Operation Amendment Draft Operation& Maintenance Manual Staffing Plan Construction Completion 5 Loan No. DW-9918 User Charge System Enacted t c Water Protection Ordinance Enacted Final O&M Manual Final Inspection ! Initiate Operation t Final Payment B. The above schedule constitutes the project schedule; all amendments to the project schedule must be approved by the project engineer in the DEQ regional office, prior to becoming effective. SECTION VI. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS The Borrower agrees: A. Upon completion of construction this loan will be evidenced and secured by a promissory note in the amount of$213,450 plus accrued interest, if applicable. The loan will be repaid solely from revenues provided by a surcharge, approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, from the Happy Valley Ranchos customers. A copy of the promissory note will be attached to this contract and incorporated by reference. B. To establish a reserve account that within 5 years will contain an amount equal to 1 year's repayment of principal and interest due on this contract. A minimum of 20 percent of the total reserve will be deposited a rivally during the 5-year period. In the event Borrower fails to make any repayment due on this contract,Borrower shall inmlediately use the funds in the reserve account to pay the past due principal and interest on this contract. Borrower will inform the Department in writing when funds from the reserve account are used. Within 30 days of using the funds in the reserve account, Borrower will replenish the reserve account in an amount equal to the amount borrowed from the reserve account. The reserve account may be used by the Borrower solely for the plumose of securing repayments on this contract. C. Establish and maintain accounting records for the water system as an enterprise fund separate from the wastewater system. D. Establish and maintain a cash budget that contains an amount equal to one and one-half months of operating expenses. E. Prior to completion of construction complete a capital improvement plan and capital budget to address long-term capital improvements to the drinking water system. F. Prior to completion of construction establish policies that address safety and/or risk management and operating emergencies. 6 Loan No. DW-9918 SECTION VII. LOAN DISBURSEMENTS The Borrower agrees: A. This loan shall be used solely to aid in the financing of the Borrower's project. B. Requests for actual disbursement of loan funds will be made by the Borrower using forms provided by the Department . Upon approval of the disbursement request by the Department loans funds shall be released to the Borrower. C. The costs set forth in Section II have been determined by the Department to be eligible costs for funding. Some of the costs, however, have been estimated, and the actual costs may differ from such estimated costs. A project review by the Department will determine final eligible costs for the project. D. If the actual eligible cost of the project is determined by the Department to be lower than the estimated eligible cost, the loan amount will be reduced accordingly. E. Payment of the final five percent (5%) of this loan shall be withheld until the following requirements are met: 1. The Borrower's engineer certifies (a)that the project has been constructed according to plans and specifications previously approved by the Department and (b) that the project is fully operational; and 2. The Department has inspected the project and verifies the engineer's certification; and 3. The Department has determined that all terms and conditions of this agreement have been met; and 4. A final loan repayment schedule has been completed; and 5. All security requirements of Section VI have been satisfied. F. This offer is subject to the existence of the offered sum of money in the Account at the time of payment. Should the offered sum of money not be available in the Account at the time of payment,the Department hereby agrees to pay the Applicant the offered sum of money on the basis of the Applicant's priority position immediately upon the accrual of said sum in the Account. SECTION VIII. REPAYMENT TERMS AND SCHEDULE The Borrower agrees: 7 Loan No. DW-9918 A. This loan shall be repaid in the manner set forth in the promissory note that shall be attached to this contract and incorporated by reference. B. To pay biannual payments of principal and interest and to fully amortize this loan not later than twenty 20 years from project completion. Interest will begin accruing with the first disbursement. At the end of construction accrued interest will either be paid to the Department or incorporated into the final loan amount if the approved amount has not been exceeded. C. This loan contract shall remain in full force and effect until all loan proceeds, including principal and interest, have been paid in full or the contract is otherwise suspended or terminated by the Department. SECTION IX. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF LOAN CONTRACT A. The Director may suspend or terminate this loan contract prior to final disbursement for good cause including,but not limited to, the following: 1. Commission by an employee or agent of the Borrower, of any of the following acts which affects the Borrower's obligations under this contract: fraud, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, misrepresentation, conversion, malpractice, misconduct, malfeasance,misfeasance,falsification or unlawful destruction of records,receipt of stolen property or any crime for which the maximum sentence includes the possibility of one (1) or more years' imprisonment. 2. Violation(s) of any term of this loan contract; or 3. Any willful or serious failure to perform within the scope of the project, plan of operation and project schedule,tenors of engineering subagreements, or contracts for construction; or 4. Utilizing a contractor or subcontractor who has been debarred for good cause by any federal or state agency from working on public work projects funded by that agency. B. The Director will notify the Borrower in writing and by certified mail of the intent to suspend or terminate this loan contract. The notice of intent shall state: 1. Specific acts or omissions which form the basis for suspension or termination; and 2. Availability of a contested case hearing,before the Board of Environmental Quality, conducted as provided for in the Rules of Administrative Procedure Before the Board of Environmental Quality, IDAPA 58.01.23. et seq. 8 Loan No. DW-9918 C. If the Borrower does not initiate a contested case hearing before the Board by filing a petition within the time period specified by the Rules of Administrative Procedure Before the Board of Environmental Quality,IDAPA 58.01.23 et. seq.,the Department may thereafter terminate or suspend the loan contract by written notice to the Borrower. If the Borrower initiates a contested case,the termination or suspension shall be determined by the Board. D. Upon written request by the Borrower with evidence that the cause(s) for suspension no longer exists, the Director may, if funds are available, reinstate the loan contract. If a suspended loan contract is not reinstated, the loan will be amortized and a repayment schedule prepared in accordance with the provisions of the loan contract. E. No terminated loan shall be reinstated. Terminated loans will be amortized and a repayment schedule prepared in accordance with the provisions of this loan contract. SECTION X. ACCESS AND INDEMNIFICATION The Borrower agrees to: A. Provide the Department, or its authorized agents, access to all files,records,accountings and books relating to the management and accountability of this loan. B. Indemnify and save harmless the Department, its agents, and its employees from any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities and expenses directly or indirectly connected to the Borrower or its agents, employees, contractors, or assignees actions related to the location, design, constriction, operation,maintenance,repair, failure or deactivation of the project or any part of the project. 9 Loan No. DW-9918 SECTION XI. OFFER The offer set forth herein must be accepted, if at all, on or before October 28,2003. An acceptance must be accompanied by a resolution of the Applicant's governing body authorizing the signator to sign on the Applicant's behalf for the purpose of this agreement. Dated August 28, 2003. 1 irec o De rtment of Environmental Quality SECTION XII.ACCEPTANCE CDS Stoneridge Utilities,LLC,by and through its undersigned representative, accepts the foregoing offer and agrees to discharge all obligations and to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein. Representative Name and Title of Representative-type or print Date 10 PLEASE NOTE:Questions concerning cow on of this form should be directed to Cecel' 7ntreras at 20b 553-2899. United States Environmental Protection Agency FORM Approved Washington, DC 20460 OMB No.2090-0014 Preaward Compliance Review Report for Expires 4-30-99 All Applicants Requesting Federal Financial Assistance EPA Note: Read instructions on reverse side before completing form. 1. A. Applicant(Name,City,State) B. Recipient(Name,City,State) C. EPA Project No. 5� -, �t,k ']YJ, -6`rrwutst,zN l v 53s.:4 i1. Brief description of proposed project,program or activity. 7 A I- 1-1-* ` ,. t�tTr7 114L<Fy Ill. Are any civil rights lawsuits or complaints pending against applicant and/or recipient? If yes,list those complaints and the disposition of each complaint. :1 Yes CIo iV. Have any civil rights compliance reviews of the applicant and/or recipient been conducted by any Federal agency during the two years prior to this application for activities which would receive EPA assistance? ❑ Yes [�-No If yes, list those compliance reviews and status of each review. V Is any other Federal financial assistance being applied for or is any other Federal financial assistance being applied to any portion of this project,program or activity? Yes ❑�No If yes,list the other Federal Agency(s)describe the associated work and the dollar amount of assistance. VI. if entire community under the applicantGs jurisdiction is not served under the existing facilities/services, or will not be served under the proposed plan,give reasons why. VII. Population Characteristics Number of People 1. A. Population of Entire Service Area v B. Minority Population of Entire Service Area 2. A. Population Currently Being Served S B. Minority Population Currently Being Served l/N 3. A. Population to be Served by Project,Program or Activity S u B.Minority Population to be Served by Project,Program or Activity ,,4 4. A. Population to Remain Without Service B. Minority Population to Remain Without Service C'hNr( �<✓� Vlll. Will all new facilities or alterations to existing facilities financed by these funds be designed and constructed to be readily accessible to and usable by handicapped persons? if no,explain how a regulatory exception(40CFR 7.70)applies. 2--yes El No IX. Give the schedule for future projects,programs or activities(or for future plans),by which services will be provided to all beneficiaries within applicant0s jurisdiction. If there is no schedule,explain why. S((ff r ; 17;, f X. 1 certify that the statements I h ve on this form and all attachments thereto are true,accurate and complete. i acknowledge that any knowingly false or mi lea ia ng statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment or both under applicable law. A. Signature of Authorized Official L Title of Authorized Official �✓' � N4 )1 E y -L For the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency U Approved U Disapproved Authorized EPA Official Date ey. 1 0)Previous itions are ete. 9 j(,)/0 Case # SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 45: Please provide a list of any IT expenses the Company has incurred since the Company's last rate case. Please provide a worksheet that provides: a. Description of each purchase; b. Purpose of each purchase; C. Date of purchase; and d. Cost of the purchase. .Answer: All IT services are included in the office lease "supplemental" clause provided by landlord. See Question #39 for copy of the original office lease agreement between Esprit Enterprises, LLC and CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC. Company Response 4/24/2024 r Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 46: Please list all available water rights to the Company. Please provide supporting documentation, including the total maximum water production in acre feet ("AF") for each water right. .Answer: Per the attached agreement between Esprit Enterprises and CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC there is only one water right currently being leased to CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC. A copy of that water right from IDWR is attached Company Response 4/24/2024 A I Water Right Report : 95-9587( Decreed/Active) Water Right Owners J Owner Type Name Address City State Postal Code Current Owner ESPRIT ENTERPRISES LLC PO BOX 770 BAYVIEW ID 83803-0770 Original Owner STONERIDGE WATER CO PO BOX 298 BLANCHARD ID 83804 Water Right Status Priority Date:4/26/1972 Basis:Decreed Status:Active Water Source Source Source Qualifier Tributary Tributary Qualifier GROUND WATER Points Of Diversion (Location) Source Township Range Section Govt.Lot QQQ QQ Q County Diversion Type GROUNDWATER 54N OSW 20 0 NW SW BONNER GROUND WATER S4N 05W 20 0 NW SW BONNER GROUND WATER 54N O5W 20 0 NW SW BONNER Water Uses Beneficial Use From To Diversion Rate Volume MUNICIPAL 01/01 12131 1 89 CFS 588.60 AFA TOTAL 1 69 CFS 588.60 CFS Places of Use This water right has a Lai c:,;'I:;-_C:f e 12 Conditions Code Condtions C18 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the definition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may be.ultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a fmal unified decree Section 42-1412t6;,Idaho Code. I 124 Place of use is within the service area of the Stoneridge Water Company distribution area as provided for under Idaho Law 1 C04 Right includes accor,ohshed change in purpose of use pursuant to Section 42-1425,Idaho Code. j COS Right includes accomplished change in place of use pursuant to Section 42-1425,Idaho Code. !` 208 To the extent neceSL ary for administration between points of diversion for ground water,and between points of dnei s ur,for ground water and h,draul.rally connected surface sources,ground water was first diverted under this right from Stir- doe Water Company Well Nr: 'a•To?located in TS4N,R05W,520,NWSW. CO3 Right includes ac c o-nlrsned change in point of diversion pursuant to Section 42-1425,Idaho Code. Dates Other Information Licensed Date State or Federal: Decreed Date 11./812U1; Water District Number:TBD Permit Proof Due Dal., Generic Max Rate Per Acre:0 Permit Proof Man.r•.^. Generic Max Volume Per Acre 0 Permit Approved C:.,;• Civil case Number: .J Permit Morator,rvl k Decree Plantiff I i Enlaryment U;a% rrnt;;;-i� Decree Defendant Enlargem—T vaf._F•• rb Swan Falls Trust or Nontrus* Apphrauon Rr,c� ,-... Swan Fallc D cn-ics�d �� r ' r Protest Deadline Date: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan:False _ IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 4/19/2024 ©2021-ExternalSearch-Pri:pacy 1 Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 47: In Attachment B "Details on any affiliated entity relationships," it states that Esprit Enterprises, LLC leases "Water Rights and use of ROW held over other private property" to the Company. Please answer the following: a. Please define "use of ROW held over other private property." Additionally, please describe how this term applies to the Company; In addition to land owned by Esprit (which is the successor Declarant/Developer), mainlines and service lines in the system likely also pass over other privately owned land that is not owned by Esprit. Easements were likely granted at the time of development and/or "prescriptive easement(s)". b. Please provide a list of the water rights that are leased to the Company, please include: See Question #46 response i. A description of each leased item; This water right is in use by the two main wells in or near the Well House ii. Cost of the leased item; and The original annual lease amount was $2,000 a month (subject to an 8% annual increase) billed to the water company only and not shared with anyone else. iii. Length of the lease; The lease commenced in 2020 and is a term of 5 years. c. Please explain if each of the water rights leased are only used by the Company. If not, please explain how many AF of each leased water right are used by the Company; and This water right is used solely by the Company. The total AF of this right is 588.60 AF and is solely used under the lease by the Company d. Please explain how the water right expenses were allocated to the Company. 100% to Company from the Esprit lease—see Question #39. Company Response 4/24/2024 1 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 48: Please explain if the Company has conducted a load forecast for the next 5 years. If so, please provide supporting worksheets. If not, please explain why. Answer: The Company has not done a future planning for the water company for the next 5 years. In the last week, our engineers have proposed an $80,000 Facility Plan update for the water system. As part of this update a load forecast could be developed for the update. Company Response 4/24/2024 i ,, Case # SWS-W-24-0 1 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 49: In addition to Production Request No. 25, please provide mileage logs for the vehicles used by the Company for 2023. Answer: We do not keep a mileage log for the vehicles (ford 150 and 4 wheeler). The vehicle agreement (see Question #39) is "flat fee" lease that provides for fuel to be provided by the Lessor. Company Response 4/24/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST NO. 50: In reference to the "Tiered" commodity charge for Residential Meters discussed on Sheet 5 of the Marked-up Tariff #5 submitted on March 20, 2024, please respond to the following: a. Please explain the rationale and/or criteria the Company used to determine the water volume levels (0-9,999 gallons, 10,000 to 19,999 gallons, and 20,000+ gallons) for each of the proposed Tiers. Please provide any associated work papers in excel format with all formulas intact. and enabled. b. Please explain the rationale and/or criteria the Company used to determine the-proposed charge for the "second tier" and the "third tier" ($3.75 and $5.25, respectively). Please provide any associated work papers in excel format with all formulas intact and enabled; and C. Please explain the rationale and/or criteria the Company used to determine the Tiered rates that would only apply to Residential meters and not other service types. Please provide any associated work papers in excel format with all formulas intact and enabled. Answer: This was a first step to encourage conservation within our system by incentivizing users to be more aware of how much water they are using. In 20221 North Idaho experienced a significant drought. In fact, a local golf course - Ranch Club shut down for the summer due to lack of water. Stoneridge Utilities anticipates future droughts and to encourage and change behavior for conservation, tiered pricing is being implemented. There is significant concern for both water quality and conservation of the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer due to growth and increasing use of the aquifer. Recent IPUC Staff recommendations and Commission decisions have addressed these concerns by focusing on meeting a larger portion of revenue requirement increases from the commodity rather than the minimum/customer charge. "(Citing Bitterroot Water Case No. BIT- 05- , Order No. 29966)". Two of our larger customers i.e. Timeshare and Motor Coach Village utilize average use for system capacity allocation based on their meter size rather than equivalent ERU's for peak demand. Question # 9 asked for the water Company to quantify the system's ability to meet historical average and peak demand. At this stage, system capacity is allocated based on average Company Response 4/24/2024 ,I Case # SWS-W-24-01 -StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request flow and it is conceivable that peak demand may create a safety issue as it could drain the system of minimum line pressure requirement and may even fall below the minimum 20 psi safety requirement. This may contaminate the drinking water system and without active pressure monitoring throughout the system, people may get sick, which is a potential liability. The tier pricing proposed is to address capacity allocation to large customers who are not paying their fair share of system allocation for peak flow. The fact that the timeshare resort and motorcoach facility are located close to the pumps, they utilize most of the facility as the water gets pumped up to the reservoirs and flows back down to their point of use. We will be submitting a revised Tier Pricing Table specifically addressing larger meter customers. The Water Company is proposing a "Special Contract" (To be approved by IPUC) to eliminate the use of our fire hydrants in a "non-metered/non- backflow protected" state to fill swimming pools, operate street cleaning trucks, and hydro-vac trucks etc. This Special Contract will replace our "Bulk Water" sales rate and ensure that all water will be both metered and protected by the back flow prevention devices. This new "Special Contract" will be available to any potential customer to purchase "no firm excess water" during non-peak time, utilizing fire hydrants, and other access points to our water system. This contract will use tier pricing to potentially generate additional income to utilize excess capacity during non-peak demand periods. This rate could potentially be offered to Timeshare Resort, Motor Coach Village, SPOA HOA and any other large user(s) to incentivize them to protect and conserve our finite water resources. Company Response 4/24/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST No. 51: In reference to the Golf Course commodity charge receiving a 10% discount discussed on Sheet 6 of the Marked-up Tariff #5 submitted on March 20, 2024, please respond to the following: a. Please explain the rationale and/or criteria the Company used to determine that the Golf Course commodity charge should be reduced 10%. Please provide any associated workpapers in excel format with all formulas intact and enabled and: b. Please identify the specific customer(s) and account numbers (s) who will receive the 10% discount. Answer: Historically the golf course primary irrigation account #08-0298-00 has received a 10% discount on commodity charges (currently $.71/1,000 vs $79/1,000) that all other customers pay for their usage. We understand the 10% discount was based on the irrigation account being interruptible in the event there was not sufficient water supply to fulfill all other non- interruptible customers and the Golf Course irrigation demand at the same time. We do not possess any work papers or formulas upon which the original 10% discount was determined. In Marked-up Tariff #5 we propose to continue this 10% discount forward in the event Golf Irrigation to purchase water from the Water Company in addition to the water it will use from its new well. Company Response 4/24/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 2nd Production Request REQUEST No. 52: Please provide proof of revenue requirement workpapers that include ""Tiered" rates and all other proposed rates not included in the Application but are proposed in the Marked-up Tariff #5 submitted on March 20,2024. Please provide all workpapers in excel format with all formulas intact and enabled. Answer: We forecast no change in Revenue as we anticipate the tiered pricing model will lead to water resource conservation by many of our customers. The projection of changes (that were not included in the Application) of how the other proposed rates in Tariff #5, will impact customers behavior cannot be predicted. Company Response 4/24/2024 I Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 3rd Production Request REQUEST NO 53: Please provide a copy of that Plat map for the current service territory. Please note or mark any locations that currently do not have service. Answer: Please find attached the StoneRidge Water Service Area Map showing the nearby lots that are outside the service area. The 2nd map Shows the vacant lots (approximately 113) within the StoneRidge Water Company service area that are currently not connected to the water system. Company Response 4/24/2024 1. • r r • J1� •f1-.Ate �•,� ILLr.—.c 'i %11►.�St4q o 01 _ 1 -� WOW � y 11 ! ,- `a { sA ,''.a, r c. •` � —tj s ' ■" ,NIT ONE ' . ® N TWO .1 a ' � GA I 1 • 1.FW. ♦ \ { A . 18M FAIRWAY / 6 i 1 •f ., ,,,\.P Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case Third Production Request Request No. 54: Please provide a schedule showing the estimate number of new customers to be connected per year for 2024-2029. If there are plans for additional sections to be developed, please provide a map of the area and number of connections planned and the size of those connections for each development. Answer: Forecasting new connections is not something we can do in-house with any certainty. In the time period 2019-2023 we experienced over 100 new connections. With the step-back in residential "new construction" and we currently are only seeing 2- 3 new connections per year. At this point we are projecting no more than 5 new connections per year. There are currently no plans for "remainder parcels" within the PUD to be developed in the future. Company Response 4/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-0 1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 3rd Production Request REQUEST NO 55: Please provide a list of the residential customers with 1-inch meters that are being charged at the 3/4 in meter rate. Please identify the address, account number, actual meter size, and billed meter size for each customer. Answer: Attached is the first sheet (the entire pdf of worksheets is included in the enclosed "thumb drive") of last week's meter reading worksheets (customer names redacted). All meters (104 total) with a check mark are 1" meters. All of these 1" customers are being billed for a 3/4"meter. Company Response 4/24/2024 z . ss,� � Z No STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 8 % Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg/Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq# J 3,000 20-06470-OA 20-06470-00 491 MEADOWLAND DRIVE WTR 1,000 -3o 41 NOTE: 283 2,000.0000 20-05860-00 251 MEADOWLAND DRIVE WTR 1,000 1,000 20-05860-OA NOTE: 41 2,001,0000 2000, �°"°'�20-0 1 630-00 20-01630-00 381 BLANCHARD ELK RD. WTR 1,000 S 7 NOTE: 3829 2,002.0000 2,00t"1"6Q 20-00130-00 20-00130-00 167 MEADOWLAND DR. WTR 1,000 `� NOTE: 1978 2,003.0000 pool 20-06910-00 1405 BLANCHARD ELK RD WTR 1,000 6,000 c � 20-06910-00 NOTE: 271 2,004.0000 20-05770-01 1459� BLANCHARD ELK RD WTR 1,000 28' 20-05770.00 NOTE: 9756 2,005.0000 M 8,000 20-03330-00 20-03330-00 158 MEADOWLAND DR. WTR 1,000 37 Z Z— _ NOTE: 3664 2,006.0000 20-07130-00 BEADOWLAND DR WTR 1 20-07130.00 NOTE: 0 2,006.1000 �'20-03300.00 20-03300-01 56 MEADOWLAND DR. WTR 1.000 0 p 3 __ NOTE: 6073 2,007,0000 20-01660-00 1796 BLANCHARD ELK RD. WTR 1,000 3,000 -a 17 20-01660-00 1281 / 2,008.000 0 NOTE. ,J f06 _r.o� -- _ 2,000 20-00670-00 20-00670-00 1931 BLANCHARD ELK RD. WTR 1,000 ?f 2,009.0000 NOTE: Ke3r�ef �, 3784 ''�"""� 20-03310-00 313 E. SKYLINE DR. WTR 1,000 3,000 20-03310-00S S NOTE: 634 2,130.0000 20-06490-00 333 EAST SKYLINE DRIVE WTR 1,000 2,000 20-06490-00 NOTE, W-L Pc,1 rc c dw 62 _ 2,131.0000 20-01130-00 285 E. SKYLINE DR. WTR 1,000 15,000 1`7 �??2 _NOTE: fry Sdt,Y1 �•.L �, u.Se L,W`f dl,vw�y 54M�1I� 2,134.0000 C�i 1 o t. i �� — - - 3,000 7' 'a'20-01140-00 we S h 0-01100 161 E. SKYLINE OR WTR 1,000 oC w� ►.J _ NOTE: .-J's S':' % 2 f 311 2,136A000 3,000 3` _0-06440-00 20-06440-00 155 E SKYLINE DRIVE WTR 1,000 2353 2,139.0000 NOTE: STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 2 of 8 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg /Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq 20-05780-00 139 E SKYLINE DR WTR 1,000 2,000 T 20-05780-00 NOTE: 918 2,146.0000 20-05350-00 35 E, SKYLINE DRIVE WTR 1,000 14,000 /L J 20-05350-00 NOTE: PW& l y. LcK)cj_M) 3929 ( 2,150.0000 20-04780-00 36 WEST SKYLINE DR WTR 1,000 0 Z?9 20-047$0-00 NOTE: 1279 2,154.0000 20-04830-00 92 W. SKYLINE DR. WTR 1,000 7,000 / 20-04$30 00 NOTE: 3106 (• 2,168.0000 20-03200-00 152 W. SKYLINE DR. WTR 1,000 1,000 c� 0.03200-00 NOTE: 81 0 2,162.0000 20-03160-01 230 w SKYLINE DR. WTR 1,000 7,000 2,q� 20-03160-00 NOTE: '(. 1�4/ei 2428 2,166.0000 20-06540-00 127 WEST SKYLINE DR WTR 1,000 4,00020-06540-00 NOTE: 584 2,167,0000 20-06670-00 1121 MOUNTAIN VIEW WTR 1,000 2,000 20-06670 00 NOTE: 162 t j 2,168.00f 20-04420-00 24 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1.000 NOTE: 111 2,170.0000 WWI 20-06950-00 53 LAKEVIEW DR WTR 1,000 5,000 20-06950-00 NOTE: 49 2,171.0000 20-06730-00 6�,AKEVIEW DRIVE WTR 1,000 2,000 / 20-06730-00 NOTE: � 151 Y 2,172.0000 5,000a �" 20-05160-00 20-05160-00 178 LAKEVIEW DR WTR 1,000 l NOTE: 2383 2,174.0000 20-05830-00 165 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1,000 6'00 20-05830-00 NOTE: 1790 $ $ 2,178.0000 20-04040-00 181 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1,000 1,000 } F q 20-04040-00 NOTE: 2489 2,182.0000 20-01100-00 219 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1,000 1,000 20-01100-00 NOTE: tq I o,rf e��* S. 1449 2,186.0000 20-04580-00 241 LAKEVIEW DR WTR 1,000 2,000 7777 NOTE: IAp 1d.l_1., �p0 111 Z 2,190.000' 1 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 3 of 8 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq# 20-01010-00 28 SHORT DRIVE WTR 1,000 1,000 -01010-00 NOTE, i 3517 2,194,0000 20-05230-00 50 SHORT DRIVE WTR 1,000 3,000 20-05230-00 NOTE: 1638 ` 2,198.0000 000 0-01030-o0 20-01030-00 53 SHORT DR. WTR 1,000 3, 33 Z NOTE: 5309 2,202.0000 20-06650-00 60 SHORT DRIVE WTR 1,000 0 NOTE: 0 2,204.0000 47,000 or' "* 0-05790-00 20-06790-00 277 LAKEVIEW DR WTR 1,000 v y NOTE: ?,,�< ��4s/ c'/�✓k ,.,t 992 2,206.0000 ........... _ 20-01070-00 297 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1,000 1'000 20-01070-00 NOTE: 3992 141 2,210,0000 mobo 12,00a sfr r "'�2o-oloao-oo 20-01040-00 3 4 LAKEVIEW DR, WTR 1,000 " 3515 2,214.0000 NOTE. I 14-8 .%,4k, t-f- /s S,_ r 60-00 20-01060-00 321 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1,000 5,000 0-01 2218.0000 1 !1 , NOTE: 4140 f `I 218. 20-05550-00 368 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1,000 4,000 t0-05550-00 NOTE: __'3 449, Sc c 1378 !� O 2,222.0000 20-01050-00 369 LAKEVIEW DR, WTR 1,000 3,000 �awwwww.�+ewre..we..•��.'r ,�,.20-01050-00 NOTE: 3267 �� 2,226.0000 - - - -- 3,000 *pti"eA.: +N ::.•'/*"6~20-04300-00 20-04300-00 364 LAKEVIEW DR. WTR 1,000 1064 � ' 3 2,230 0000 NOTE: 20-06420-00 1015 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD WTR 1,000 1.000 .*srwac�nAlauria 20-06420-00 3858 3�y 2,234.0000 NOTE: � 20-05420-00 941 MOUNTIAN VIEW RD WTR 1,000 3000 20-05420-00 � 2,7.38.0000 NOTE: 13,000 20-05670-00 20-05670-00 602 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 q S,0 S NOTE: aa??. 2.248.0000 6,000 `20-00870 20-00870-00 780 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1.000 -3 l 249 2,252.0000 NOTE: 111111110 5,000 s; ;:r ems°20-06430-00 20-06430-00 778 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD WTR 1,000 9 3627 2,256 0000 NOTE STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 4 of 8 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg/Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq« 20-03810-00 843 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 2,000 2___ W""OW70-03810.00 NOTE: 0/� f} i 3599 2,260.0000 20-00820-00 729 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD, WTR 1,000 5,000 0-00820-00 NOTE: - Loriw� d�/,vG..c 3319 2,264.0000 w._ 2000 -05270-00 2 20-05270-00 707 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD, MR 1,000 C NOTE:: 2701 2,268.0000 20-06270-00 561 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD MR 1,000 2,000 2--o p, 0-06270 00 NOTE: 191 2,270.0000 20-02420-00 500 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 3,000 �--�0-02420 00 NOTE: � 4oe4 642 2,272.0000 20-04660-00 468 MOUNTIAN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 5,000 0-04660.00 NOTE: 1911 2,276.0000 20-00770-00 509 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 0 0s"'OpN-00770-00 NOTE: L44- _er. tf;w— #a-,- LeC., Z21 �r� c o� � 2986 2,280.0000 20-00980-00 19 FOREST PLACE WTR 1,000 2,000 g Oq �20-00980-00 NOTE: 794 2,2B4.000 20-03850-00 70 FOREST PL. WTR 1,000 3,000 g 0-03850-00 NOTE: 962 2,288.0000 oil 20-02330-00 465 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD, WTR 1,000 1,000 p 0-02330-00 NOTE: 187 2,292,0000 1 000 0-00970-00 20-00970-00 101 FOREST PL. WTR 1,000 ' S� NOTE; U arPo 2348 2,296.0000 3,000 ? 0 05950 00 WT 20-05950-00 113 FOREST PLACE R 1,000 LLL TTT 111 NOTE: 2390 2,298.0000 20-05800-00 98 MEADOW DR. WTR 1,000 5,000 -� 0-05300-00 NOTE: 3 � .vyg, A✓� piG }e tld(,,� Aj0�t 2198 2,304.0000 20-05470-00 393 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD WTR 1,000 4,000 -3 �20 05470-00 NOTE: 1292 2,308.0000 20-05390-00 396 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 4,000 "liII1020-05390 00 NOTE, 2482 >7 vv��SS 2.312.0000 20-06090-00 386 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD WTR 1,000 12,000 / 20-06090-00 NOTE: 3402 2,316,000' STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 5 of 8 PrevIous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq# 20-00720-00 387 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD, WTR 1,000 3,0000-00 ,232 000.0000 NOTE: 641 32 620-00 20-06620-00 372 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD WTR 1,000 47,000 �w'� 0-062,321, 1106 2,321,0000 NOTE: �I- -- %T— 700-00 20-00700-00 345 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 1,000 g ��0-002,324. NOTE: 2177 2,324.0000 20-00680-00 237 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 3,000 � �20-00630-00 NOTE: 2023 2.324.5000 20-05110-00 8 HOMESTEAD LN. WTR 1,000 4,OOD d � � i"�0-05110-00 4948 - - 2,325.0000 NOTE: -- — - � 9,000 20-05850-00 20-05850-00 36 HOMESTEAD LN. WTR 1,000 4384 _- _ _ 2,326,0000 NOTE; 20-04530-00 125 HOMESTEAD LN. WTR 1,000 4,000 � "0-04530-00 NOTE: � 5258 2,328,0000 5,000 �"�f-l`* 20-01210-00 20-01210-00 144 HOMESTEAD LANE WTR 1,000 97 5449 _ 2,332.0000 NOTE: 2 20-01870-00 152 HOMESTEAD LANE WTR 1,000 ,000 3333 J? 0-01 2336.0000 , NOTE; (( 336. 20-00730-00 190 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 0 3099 o 0-00 , NOTE: MAYBE BROKEN? 2352.0000 352. — 3,000 "'f!�"'a,.•;,.t.,,z� ,:�,k.. •f20-05840 00 20-05840-00 140 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD WTR 1,000 3197 2,356.D000 NOTE: ���'20-04370-00 20-04370-01 96 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD. WTR 1,000 0 4948 2,360.0000 NOTE; ME 20-04680-00 93 MEADOW DR. WTR 1,000 2,000 8 00000%-04680-00 3851 2,364.0000 - 2 f / A� '�"'"`T�0-05400-00 20-05400-00 95 MEADOW DRIVE WTR 1,000 ,000 1434 2,367.0000 NOTE: 20-00910-00 96 MEADOW DR. WTR 1.000 2,000 %�a:40'" - `c4„�t20-00910-00 1911 Ills 2,366.0000 NOTE: Tama 38,000 " "J 20-05640-00 20-05640-00 92 MEADOW DR. r WTR 1.000 1677 2,372.0000 NOTE: STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 6 of 8 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg i Read Reading Meter# ! Seq�t 20-05320-00 71 MEADOW DRIVE WTR 1,000 8,000 I 7 20-05320-00 NOTE: 1268 ` °` 2,374.0000 20-04260-00 54 MEADOW DR. WTR 1,000 10,000 a -lL 0-04260-00 NOTE: 4617 l 2,376.0009 20-00880-00 24 MEADOW DR. 1 WTR 1,000 37,000 �~ 7 r 20-00880.00 NOTE: 2152 L 2,380.0000 20-02460-00 35 MEADOW DR. WTR 1,000 3,000 2 s -02460-00 NOTE; 3088 2,384.0000 20-07100-00 177 DEER TRAIL ROAD WTR 1,000 7,000 20-07100-00 NOTE: 60 2,401,0000 20-01280-00 33 PEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1,000 1,000 .1 20 01280-00 NOTE: 2986 2,402.0000 20-04760-00 1920 BLANCHARDlELK RD WTR 1,000 6,000 �� 0 04760-00 NOTE: 2197 2,403.0000 20-05960-00 1966 BLANCHARD ELK RD. WTR 1,000 4,000 r � 20-05960-00 NOTE: 2528 1 2,403.500 20-04720-00 118 DEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1,000 10,000 1 / 20-04720-00 - - NOTE- A• as I � ✓��! , )tll �i dlc� E l � 5040 2,404.0000 20-01360-00 537 DEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1,000 7,000 20 01350-00 NOTE: LEAK??????? 4318 2,408.0000 NOMIEW 2000 20-03370-00 20-03370-00 435 PEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1,000 J/l NOTE; So l Icy I I < <. -��r s 3762 2,412.0000 , 20-05820-00 500 DEER TRAIL RD WTR 1,000 14 000 31 ©q 20-05820-00 2,416A000 NOTE: DO NOT READICUS 3061_TOMER CALL IN _ 20-01390-01 700 DEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1,000 j S20-01390-00 1 ; �� f , " 3551 2,420.0000 NOTE: - - .�k. ._!_e :�, ,,..+ .,, j�, _ __.....- �-- .,1,. .,r. 1.- �r__ 20 06400-00 3151 POIRIER WTR 1,000 3,000 20-06400-00 NOTE: 5878 2,424.0000 4000 � 20-01400-00 20-01400-00 72i2 DEER TRAIL RD. W , WTR 1,000 S 6► NOTE: ,••«r yt l YC... /, {��,y - ;f 3541 2,428,0000 20-01410-00 816 DEER TRAIL RD WTR 1,000 6,000 (1` 20-01410 00 NOTE; 4527 ) 2,432 000' STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC Page 7 of 8 4/18/2024 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# 1 5eq# 9,000 1 ;Ma-01420 GO 20-01420-00 866 DEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1.000 I , 4933 2 135.0000 NOTE: 20-01270-00 2120 BLANCHARD-ELK RD. WTR 1,000 3,000 WO-01270-00 NOTE: _ 11- 722 l 2,440.0000 20-01260-00 2072 BLANCHARD ELK RD. WTR 1,000 6,000 Z "�"^%-" '30 0126Q-00 2836 � 2,444.0000 20-06010-00 1998 BLANCHARD ELK RD WTR 1,000 Zoo -06010-00 ,,.. ._ 860 2,448.0000 NOTE: _.fit 20-01370-02 526 DEER TRAIL RD, WTR 1.000 J z 20-01 ,4600 2 NOTE: "a�eH,e..r ►�' dn� 3523 460.0000 —-- Y -- 2,000 / 20-04340-00 20-04340-00 3019 POIRIER RD. WTR 1,000 !�, } 638 4,464.0000 NOTE: ' on 20-01380-01 636 DEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1,000 7,000 L 20-01380-00 3162 2,468.0000 NOTE. r .c%,�s L:.._. 0 480-0 20-01 000,4 i � 20-01480-00 35 VISTA DR. WTR 1,000 191i -7 S 480-0 0000 NOTE: \/fi t �! I r'w'r-`` J-. - - - *SUSPENDED*Q 20-02940-00 20-02940-00 2933 POIRIER RD. WTR 1,000 1 NOTE: ? �' 3082 -` - 2,476.0000 20-01450-00 2855 POIRIER RD. WTR 1.000 11,000 `� r 20-01450-00 NOTE: FENCE l3 HOT 3532 Z` 2,480.0000 20-06040-01 2811 POIRIER RD WTR 1,000 9,000 ^! S 20-08040-00 NOTE: 1756 2,484.0000 20-04190-00 218 VISTA DR. WTR 1,000 5,000 L C 20-04190-? NOTE: 165 J 2,488.0000 20-01440-00 2700 POIRIER RD - WTR 1.000 2,000 20-01440-00 NOTE: a {j Os � L s;V �<.,... " � 1711 / 7-7 �- - 2,492,0000 20-01430-00 2671 POIRIER RD, WTR 1,000 2,000 20-01 2,496. NOTE: 1l� , 1, 07 496.Ofl00 20-05370-00 20-05370-01 334 DEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1.000 2735 4ci it 2,504.0000 NOTE: 0 C� 20-01500-00 20-01600-00 248 VISTA DR. WTR 1,000 f 3279 f L 2,508.0000 NOTE STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 8 of 8 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mutt Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# f Seq# 20-01310-00 296 DEER TRAIL RD VVTR 1.000 2,000 ' -o 310-00 NOTE: t „, �.• 1628 2,512.0000 r._ __ 11111111111110 20-01300-00 206 DEER TRAIL RD. WTR 1,000 1,000 .� -01300-00 NOTE_ s z..,,::. +- 1371 2,516.0000 20-05810.00 247 VISTA DR. WTR 1,000 3,000 r! 1 j 0-05810-00 NOTE: 2404 2.516.1000 20-06330-00 434 - TRAIL RD WTR 1,000 4,000 �1'3 20-05330 00 NOTE: 2794 2,516.2000 Rttaaxird::...,,�• %00 0 mid mart��a �j.�fr tawzgodt7lc�t! STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 1 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg!Read Reading Meter# ! Seq# 10,000 gw = _;4-04210-00 30-04210-00 250 CHATWOLD RD, WTR 1,000 3467 �L 299.0000 NOTE: -- 49,000 r� °" „�i►►fi�::. W-00390-00 X 30-00390-00 25C CHATWOLD RD WTR 1,000 19292 ' rf 300.0000 NOTE: _ E 71,000 30-00380-00 I✓ -- 30-00380-00 250 CHATWOLD R6. WTR 1.000 27320 301.0000 NOTE: 39,000 30-00370-00 30-00370-00 250 CHATWOLD RD. WTR 1,000 17645 (. 302.0000 NOTE: 83,000 �_`.1-� �G7-`�. 30-00360-00 30-00360-00 250 CHATWOLD RD. WTR 1,D00 21661 303.0000 NOTE 52,000 30-00350-00 30-00350-00 250 CHATWOLD RD, WTR 1,000 29111 J J 304,0000 NOTE: 35,000 ? ! 'r. 30-00550-00 \ 30-00550-00 250 CHATWOLD RD. WTR 1,000 34529 f yam`` 306.0000 NOTE: STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 1 Prevlous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg i Read Reading Meter# / Seq A 08-06180-00 M CHATWOLD ST WTR 1,000 0 ? -06160-00 NOTE: 99 1 499.0000 08-02970-00 1 1TH TEE BOX WTR 1,000 14,000 %j 02970 00 NOTE: 8701 U 751.0000 r4 A4r STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 2 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq# r a,a;.,; .:ATT 'tW-07060-00 07-07060-01 100 BUNKER LANE WTR 1,000 5,000 302 1 ) 1,7060 NOTE: 07-06740-01 78 BUNKER LANE T WTR 1,000 NOTE; 345 1.7063 - — 8,000co'�zrr,�y, ... -07070-00 07-07070-01 65 BUNKER LANE WTR 1,000 NOTE: 317 1.7070 00 07-07080-01 55 BUNKER LANE WTR 1,000 17,000 .7 01-07080-1,7080 i NOTE: 337 v 07-07140-01 40 BUNKER LN WTR 1,000 07-07140-01 NOTE: 278 1.7150 -00 07-07130-01 16 LINKS DR W 2 35 WTR 1,000 07-07 , 0000. 0000 NOTE; �f 07-05120-00 30 LINKS RD WTR 1,000 12,000 ,z / ? 07-05120-00 NOTE: 2773 y 2,001.0000 10,000 07-05870-00 07-05870-00 57 LINKS R. WTR 1,000 4391 ` - 2,008.0000 NOTE: 07-06750-00 58 LINKS DRIVE WTR 1,000 4,000 tl +l 07-06750-00 NOTE: 227, _ _ 2,009.0000 07-06920-00 70 LINKS DR WTR 1,000 13,000 J -00 07-06 2, 0 237 ��` 009.9.5000 NOTE: _ 6,000 07-06170-00 07-06170-00 87 LINKS DR, WTR 1,000 �� _� ,�` 858 2,010.0000 NOTE: --- . _ _ M B 07-06050-00 131 L RD. WTR 1,000 '000 07-06050-00 1204 2,017.0000 NOTE: 07-05240-00 134 LINKS DR,� WTR 1,000 18,000 07-05240-00 NOTE: 5681 2,021.0000 low 24,000 07-06 07-06930-00 150 LINKS DRIVE W 2 182 WTR 1,000 , 0021. 200D NOTE 1,000 07-06690-00 07-06690-00 143 LINKS WTR 1,000 U 581 2,021.5000 NOTE: 07-03860-00 163 LINKS DR. WTR 1.000 7,000 07-03860-00 � � 1 ? NOTE: 3284 2,022.0000 i� 1 ' STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 411 Bf2024 Page 1 of 1 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Wit Uso I Read Reading Meter# I Seq# (` '`'z; V4-02470-00 8 04-02470-00 CHATWOLD 6"METER WTR 1,000 252,00 ti 5794 400.0000 NOTE: { 0 .1�" 'SU8ED. 04-03380-00 2"METER WTR 1,000 85 0 0 ` t! r �� 03380 00 NOTE: 43759 j 401.0000 { 27,000 1 'IA-03570-00 04-03570-00 17 PAR LOOP WTR 1,000 32739 402.0000 NOTE: w+ � i- • 4 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg /Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq # `M r..... 06-02130-00 15A CHARDONNAY OR WTR 1,000 294 600.0000 NOTE; 06-02140-00 15B CHARDONNAY WTR 1,000 1,000 i �6-02140-00 183 601 0000 NOTE: 00 06-02150-00 15C CHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 3,000 -02160- NOTE: 381 802.0000 06-02060-00 77P,CHA RDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 3,000 06-0206 NOTE; 432 603.3.0000 00 06-02080-00 29B CHARDONNAY D' WTR 1,000 2,000 O6-Q2080- NOTE; 264 604,0000 4,000 06-02090-00 l " 06-02090-00 29C CHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 305 605.0000 NOTE: _ _ 0 —Al 1 r 4 _f, �. 06-01770-00 06-01770-01 41A CHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 NOTE 406 606.0000 - 000 ,SUSPENDED* 06-01830-00 06-01830-00 4 1 B CHARDCNNAY WTR 1,000 ;-5 I NOTE: 552 607.0000 3,000 r C 06-01750-00 06-01750-00 41C CHARDONNAY WTR 1,000 417 608.0000 NOTE: 00 06-02000-01 49ACHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 1,000 '� 06-02000- NOTE: 270 609.0000 06-02010-00 49B CHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 3.000 (4 06-02010-00 NOTE: 378 1 610.0000 - * SUSPENDED* 06-01760-00 06-01760-00 49C CHARDONNAY DR 345 Qom. 811.0000 NOTE: 06-01900-00 5 HARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 2,000 06-01900-00 NOTE: 390 612.0000 06-01730-00 568 CHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 2000, �} 06-01730- J NOTE' 476 �3 613.0000 06-01740-00 06-01740-01 55C CHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 562 814.0000 NOTE: 06-01710-01 81 A CHARDONNAY D WTR 1,000 1,000 06-01710.00 NOTE: 364 615,0000 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 2 of 2 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg!Read Reading Meter# I Seq. 07-07120-00 1 0 LINKS DR WTR 1,000 87-07120-00 NOTE; 0 `' 2,022.3000 8,000 ' "�`"_' �^ l ",°`^'-•x47-07100-00 07-07100-01 178 LINKS DR WTR 1,000 n� NOTE: 156 2,022.5000 �,tl,,$fa�NDis.p� . 07-03870-00 JMBCA/COLUMBIA WTR 1,000 0 - 47-03870-00 NOTE_: 3096 3,017.0000 �*llt t�tl•.�: •�ai M�.•i.-..'�-i�i§+rw fir•+. - - - xLe ..•.��tor•� ,..A 'L� STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC i 4/18/2024 Page 3 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq # 06-02910-00 112C COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1.000 5,000 '� 6-02910-00 r 355 632.000o NOTE: V 1,000 6-02920-00 06-02920-00 112B COLUMBIA WTR 1,000yi r NOTE; 278 633.0000 4 06-02930-01 112A COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1,000 ,000 ' --�6-02930-00 �; r -- 243 634.0000 NOTE: 06-04700-00 152B COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1,000 2,000 r '06-04700-00 219 1 ' 835.0000 NOTE: 1,000 ryr 06-04690-00 06-04590-00 152A COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1,000 320 ' 836.0000 NOTE: _ _ 2 06-03070-00 176C COLUMBIA WTR 1,000 ,000 ( ` *"06-03070-00 NOTE: 411 _ 637.0000 06-03080-00 176B COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1,000 2,000 , -03080-00 NOTE: 622 638.0000 SUSPENDD�`' -- 06-03090-00 176A COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1,000 6,000 06-03090-00 NOTE: 336 639,0000 'M EW6 06-03220-00 BETWEEN BLDG 1 &2 WTR 1.000 0 , : ., 06-03220-00 NOTE: 15801 640.0000 06-03230-00 BETWEEN BLDG 4&5 WTR 1.000 30,000 06-03230-00 NOTE: 10863 641.0000 06-03240-00 BLDG 5 WTR 1,000 4 ' NOTE: BROKEN METER /j. v 1?e 6487 F 642.0000 - ems. �6-04710-00 06-04710-01 24 IRONWOOD DRIVE WTR 1,000 28 f 643.0000 L NOTE: 06-04720-00 26IRONWOOD RD WTR 1,000 4 7 643.1000 NOTE: 2,000 � D 06-03730-00 06-03730-00 40 IRONWOOD CT WTR 1,000 �+ NOTE: 245 644.0000 mop 06-03740-00 42 IRONWOOD CT VVITR 1.000 0 06-03740-00 NOTE: 74 645.0000 06-03750-00 44 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 2,000 it !7 06-03750-00 604 646.0000 NOTE: STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 2 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usq I Read Reading Meter# I Seq 06-02020-00 BIB CHARDONNAY WTR 1,000 Ll 5,000 ' �++96-02020-00 �� NOTE: 716 616,0000 06-01720-00 81C CHARDONNAY WTR 1,000 1,000ti«�• 6-01720-00 NOTE: 503 617.0000 S / 7 000 w� <-�- <406-02120-00 06-02120-00 89A CHARDONNAY OR, WTR 1,000 ' ,i -- NOTE: 689 618.0000 06-02110-00 89BCHARDONNAY DR WTR 1,000 10 000 NOTE: 396 619.0000 06-02100-00 89C CHARDONNAY.DR WTR 1,000 2,000 7 "!,i ^'4"06-02100-00 NOTE: 713 620.0000 06-02160-00 103AC HARD ONNAY DR WTR 1,000 0 06-02160-00 NOTE: 91 621.0000 06-02170-00 1038 CHARDONNAY WTR 1,000 0 ~06-02170-00 NOTE: 647 622.0000 06-02180-00 103C CHARDONNAY WTR 1,000 13,000 ( ' "*X*'06-02180-00 NOTE: 589 fl 623.00r 06-01960-00 #14 FAIRWAY WTR 1,00D 0 ��.:� 06-01960-00 17649 r 624,0000 NOTE: _ _ 06-03000-00 15TH FAIRWAY WTR 1,000 0 f DFmn INIIC 06-03000-00 NOTE: 8196 / 625.0000 0 ' �'�• 06-02850-00 06-02850-00 WTR 1,000 r - - NOTE: 5821 ' 'l 626.0000 06-03020-00 28C COLUMBIABLVD WTR 1,000 1,000 �' 06-03020-00 NOTE: 345 627.0000 III 1,000 o'06-03030-00 06-03030-00 28B COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1,000 f. NOTE: 223 628.0000 2000 ~ A °06-03040-OD , 06-03040-00 28A COLUMBIA BLVD, WTR 1,000 f NOTE: 312 629.0000 06-02950-00 BOB GOLUMBIA WTR 1,000 3,000' " �� '°°�06-02950-00 NOTE: 192 f 630.0000J ;* 06-02960-00 80A COLUMBIA BLVD WTR 1.000 0 7 " 06-02960-00 NOTE: 322 631.00f1" 0 1 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4118/2024 Page 4 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mutt Usg f Read Reading Meter# J Seq# 00 06-03550-00 86IRONWOOD WTR 1,000 2 06-03550- ,000 �� NOTE: 330 647.0000 06-0353p-00 88 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 5,000 " )i*5USP.fiN0fiQr,;;,06-03530-00 357 � j ' 848,OD00 NOTE: 06-03650-00 104IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 2,000 «" "006-03650-00 NOTE: 701 ' 1 649.0000 __... 06-03640-00 10 IRONWOOD COURT WTR 1,000 11,000 2 �b6-03640 00 NOTE: 676 J 650.0000 USPeNDt'--4 06-03880-00 108IRONWOOD WTR 1,000 2,000 :' 06-Q3880-00 167 651,0000 NOTE: D6-03660-00 369 CHATWOLD DRIVE WTR 1,000 10,000 NOTE; 276 652.0000 Zw" i STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 1 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg/Read Reading Meter# I Seq k 10-05730-00 147 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 45,000 - ; """�10-05730-00 NOTE: 350 1,000.0000 10-05970-00 161 IRONWOOD DR, WTR 1,000 1 000 ' ~� `�" 10-05970-00 NOTE: 255 1,001,0000 4 000 t ' '�`2" 10-05500-00 10-05500-00 169 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 f` NOTE: 426 1,002.0000 8,000 rL".."„"�" "'.,'4"rA 10-05510-00 10-05510-00 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 t NOTE: 348 1,003.0000 � �'�, 10-05720-00 201 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 6,009° 10-05720-00,,. . NOTE: 230 1,004,0000 a b. ►+eF.. xatll�f�1/�I�I�f'• °1`:s' ''10-05650-00 10-05650-00 215 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 y NOTE: 653 1,005.0000 10-06550-00 224 IRONWOOD WTR 1,000 4,000 I�;�' 10-06550-00 NOTE: 145 �- 1,024.0000 10-06890-00 212 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 1,000 ', 10.06890-00 NOTE: 104 r J, 1,025.00( 10-06880-00 198 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 4,000 10-06880-00 NOTE: 150 1,026,0000 10-05570-00 184 IRONWOOD DR WTR 1,000 2,000 7 10-05570-00 NOTE: 223 Lys 3 1,027.0000 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 1 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq # 3,000 •' ' w {}� : -' a +�+�5-06450-OD 03-06450-00 51 BELLFLOWER CT,-HOLBEF VTR 1,000 162 l 3.6450 NOTE. 1,000 03-06460-00 37 BELLFLOWER-SMITH WTR 1,000 84 `F 3.6460 NOTE: - - - - - - It;� , r""�"+�'t�''>h�13-06470-00 03-06470-00 24 BELLFLOWER CT-ESPRIT I WTR 1,000 0 0 •1 3.6461 NOTE: 0 43-06480-00 03-06480-00 10 BELLFLOWER CT- ESPRIT I WTR 1,000 3.6462 NOTE: _ --- — 4,000� li`'' _ .:...r, ,.r y,43-05580-00 03-05580-00 36 BELLFLOWER CT.-RUSH WTR 1,000 284 3,002,0000 NOTE: W 2,000��;;:---( .L ,r' .:�3-05590-00 03-05590-00 50 BELLFLOWER CT.-JOHNSC TR 1,000 331 3,003,0000 NOTE: 8,00Q�`�� •.�_,.°°, C�...L.:�-.,�.,,�,��3-03510-00 .� 03-03510-00 76 BELLFLOWER CT.-GARRIS WTR 1.000 364 3,004.0000 NOTE: 5,000 � " !+��►"'`ial : �03-03580-00 03-03580-00 74 BELLFLOWER CT-VAN HOP WTR 1,000 427 3,005.0000 NOTE: ss�� 225,000 !C "�� 13-03630-00 03-03630-00 TWEEN 74 & 102 BELLFLOWE WTR 1,000 9116 i 3,006.0000 NOTE: _ _ 8,000 03-03500-00 03-03500-00 102 BELLFLOWER CT.-LORIS WTR 1,000 ,� -� 1274 _ _ - _ 3,007.0000 NOTE: 2,000 03-03540-00 03-03540-00 99 BELLFLOWER CT,- DEHAk WTR 1,000 y NOTE: 582 3,008.0000 03-03680-00 97 BELLFLOWER-SUTfON WTR 1,000 2,000 c' 03-03680-00 344 3,009.0000 NOTE: 6,000 03-03820-00 03-03820-00 85 BELLFLOWER CT.-WIGGIN WTR 1,000 490 / 3,010.0000 NOTE: w I� STONERIDGE OTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 1 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq# 05-00450-00 250 CHATWOLD ROAD 89-F W 2 TR 1,000 2,000 1 � � 0�-00450-oo NOTE: 1211 / 500.0000 05-00460-00 89-F1 WTR 1,000 2,000 � 7 - 5-00460-00 NOTE: 630 '" 505.0000 05-00540-00 69 FAIRWAY OR, UNIT E2 WTR 1.000 7,000 TIT 05-00540-00 NOTE: 9144 / 510.0000 05-04140-00 169 FAIRWAY DR E-1 WTR 1,000 0 `' �� - '-04140-00 NOTE: 295 515.0000 5,000 "''4",�-00410-00 f y 05-00410-00 15 FAIRWAY DRA1A-A4B WTR 1,000 J {; NOTE: 1445 520.0000 to 05-00420-00 250 CHATWOLD ROAD81A-B41 WTR 1.000 0 NOTE, 0 525,0000 27,000 / �, 01-00430-00 CHATWOLD ROADCIA-C4 WTR 1,000 05.00430.00 250 C . NOTE: 3244 1� ! 530.0000 05-02200-00 537 STONERIDGE-RON YOUNS WTR 1,000 11,000 �. . '�5.02200-00 NOTE: 532 535.0001 05-02210-00 521 STONERIDGE RD,DA FW WTR 1,000 5,000 05-02210-00 NOTE: 657 540.0000 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 1 of 5 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq# 02-00530-00 HOLIDAY LOOP 12 WTR 1,000 1,000 S '"t12-00530-00 3827 J 200.0000 NOTE: 1,000 w""':�, .�' `z;-%-;LA-05280-00 02-05280-00 201 STONERIDGE RD. WTR 1,000 1223 / h 201.0000 NOTE: 4,000 ` ` Y C;�'6"'""r'''"-' 2-07020-00 02-07020-00 145 BERKSHIRE CT WTR 1,000 130 ! 201.5000 NOTE: - MOP 3,000 1"7 n �"`" -06330-00 1r' 02-06330-00 129 BERKSHIRE WTR 1,000 386 y j 202.0000 1 NOTE- - 000 02-05620-00 87 BERKSHIRE WTR 1,000 7, ' 2677 204.0000 NOTE: - 60,000 ( �'it•o "`"•:_''l*'i"2-00300-00 02-00300-00 67 BERKSHIRE WTR 1,000 T / '✓A� 205.0000 " NOTE: _ 4888 T 20,000 ' ,9 t r,'402-03290-00 02-03290-00 STONERIDGE RD, -355 WTR 1,000 7163 '7 206,0000 NOTE: 5 / 4 ��w'we`L-05920-00 02-05920-00 231 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 .000 5092 -:2�j 208.0000 NOTE: 2,000�'' °`�'�'`�`_"'". •�•�.. t 2-01970-00 02-01970-00 234 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 � NOTE: 214 - _ 210,0000 -- f _A102-06240.00 02-06240-01 263 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 NOTE: 3173 212-0000 2,000 �f.+'�! -":;" 02-05750-00 02-05750-00 270 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 456 216.0000 NOTE - -- 8,000 `t2-04730-00 02-04730-00 285 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 ""'� 2810 218.0000 NOTE,---- 2000 `°" "_;am ���2-06B50-00 , 02-06850-00 298 STONERIDGE ROAD WTR 1,000 j' 230 219.0000 NOTE: 02-06110-00 02-06110-01 299 STONERIDGE RD. WTR 1.000 4237 220.0000 NOTE: 02-06930-00 312 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 1,000 ' M "02-06930-00 V NOTE: 172 / 221,0000 ..�.�:_ '7:...- 4*402-05900-00 02-05900-00 332 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 2,000 T Jf NOTE; 4177 222.0000 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 2 of 5 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq Aimmum 02-00520-00 364 STONERIDGE ROAD WTR 1,000 1,000 •awn --" 00520-00 NOTE: 7812 I 226,0000 0 i. e2 90-00 -- 02-00190-00 370 STONERIDGE RD. WTR 1,000 ,7 NOTE: 4378 228.0000 / 02-05170-00 428 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 16,000 TT, ��2-05170-00 NOTE: 3 368 230.0000 02-03610-00 STONERIDGE RD.-444 WTR 1,000 6,000 / J J -d'2 03610-00 NOTE: 1583 231.0000 -- - ate'x/,; %�.••u.t:.,!7 02-07130-01 458 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 26,000 NOTE:_ 264 231.5000 .- _ ___ a*Yt*.»+•*�t"''•�;."~'- �2 02-04480-00 474 STONERIDGE RD, WTR 1,000 3,000 �'� .04480-04 NOTE: 2207 232.0000 02-00440-00 479 STONERIDGE RD, WTR 1,000 89,000 02-00440-?? 21�f NOTE: 842 234.0000 02-02040-00 STONERIDGE RD. -480 WTR 1,000 4 000 '2-02040-00�� 3952 �'� 236.000 NOTE: 02-04450-01 500 STONERIDGE RD. ak WTR 1,000 2,000 # 1 '�..'R'f2-04450-00 NOTE: 3074 238.0000 13,000 , ' IF IOM-06100-00 02-,06100-00 512 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 NOTE: 5647 240.0000 02-05310-00 522 STONERIDGE RD, WTR 1,000 5,000 /7," 2-06310-00 NOTE: 2755 242.0000 3 02-05690-00 536 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 ,000 ��"�'_�02-05690-00 W NOTE: 4671 244,0000 02-07210-01 566 STONERIDGE ROAD WTR 1,000 4,000 `'� "ASK STEVE NOTE: 233 244.40005000 / 02-07240-00 575 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 2-G72a0 NOTE: 108 244.6000 2,000 y 7 02-06230-00 02-06230-00 583 STONERIDGE ROAD WTR 1,000 NOTE. 201 `'~ 244.8000 02-03280-00 584 STONERIDGE RD, WTR 1,000 4,000 02-03280-00 l NOTE: 2307 246.000' STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 3 of 5 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq# 1,000 � '`�"°f` '-' -06530-00 02-06530.00 596 STONERIDGE ROAD WTR 1,000 384 247-0000 NOTE: 02-05720-00 616 STONERIDGE RD WTR 1,000 5,000 292 247.5000 NOTE: _ 1,00�''.-.r :u. ....:;.•; �..;"-402-00570-00 02-00570-00 STONERIDGE RD.-664 WTR 1,000 f 5274 24$.0000 NOTE` 4,oAK�'.,. ' 02-03620-00 STONERIDGE RD, WTR 1,000 ' �J \ 524 - — — - - 249.0000 NOTE: - - — -- -- �,.......;-.f.> �` 2-05700-00 J 02-05700-00 704 S 8,000 ti� RIDGE RD WTR 1,000 9813 eJ 250.0000 NOTE: p +�AAs'�"ul; t? '` ' `A2-00150-00 02-00150-00 720 STONERIDGE ROAD WTR 1.000 2345 252.0000 NOTE: _ - -- 1,000 t' 1'T• ,,.:,, - r� `:'' ;-'-W2-06140-00 02-08140 00 1431 POIRIER RD. WTR 1.000 �.7 11378 254.0000 NOTE: SHOULD BE 5 DIGIT READING --- — 000 ,�r_-•-a,:,y 142-05080-00 02-05080-00 1435 POIRIER RD. WTR 1,00023, 9 " �=� 256.0000 NOTE: 4535 ` 4`04*12-03590-00 02-03590-00 1443 POIRIER ROAD WTR 1,000 2,000 �l 159= _ _257.0000 NOTE: - - - 22,000 ``' -X*1!l2-05930-00 02-05930-00 1533 POIRIER RD. WTR 1,000 �'' NOTE: 5908 258.0000 p . Q-U2-05940-00 02-06940-01 22 HANAFORD RD WTR 1,000 0 / 268.5000 NOTE: - - ,000 't'-°�'`402-06190-00 3 02-06190-00 26 HANAFORD RD WTR 1,000 .�� 190 — Y - 259.0000 NOTE; 3,000 ' �' ) ��*--02-00320-00 02-00320-00 29 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 2386 -� ' 260.0000 NOTE: _. z;. 0%,*"Z02-00480-00 02-00480-01 54 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 658 t 262.0000 NOTE: 10,000 r*' J '`02-07000-00 02-07000-00 69 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 .. NOTE: 62 _ 263-0000 - --- 1,000 ;;.;:``-�b2-01670-00 02-01670-00 64 HANAFORD RD. WTR 1,000 ? ,/ 269 264.D000 NOTE: �, L�-.^•Sc: rr! ,� r; C J, STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4118/2024 Page 4 of 5 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# 1 Seq k triv4�. .• 2000 ytit-03950-00 02-03950-00 106 HANAFORD RD WTR 1 , 000 r� ;/' NOTE: 989 �' ✓ 2 65.00 00 - — -- - 000 r"-��•"_�' ""02-01700-00 02-01700-00 112 HANAFORD RD. WTR 1,000 3, C NOTE: 619 266.0000 02-06630-00 115 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 3,000 , '1-06630 00 r NOTE: 778 267.0000 Y 02-00290-00 134 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 3.000 ~ � � 62-00290-00 NOTE: 271 268.0000 4,000 a'—�� ^°0�'-05990-00 02-06990-00 175 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 ��� NOTE: 137 / J 26B,5000 i 02-06700-00 191 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 13 000 � "'--po, � S-06700-00 NOTE: 416 268.7000 02-06150-00 249 HANAFORD RD, WTR 1,000 7,000 j j 02-06150-00 NOTE: 295 269.0000 02-05910-00 260 HANAFORD RD. WTR 1.000 5,000 jO 02-05910-00 NOTE: 1056 269.500 02-06900-00 253 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 6,000 �/ 2-06900-00 NOTE: 183 CJ 270.0000 - 19,00W' 02-06980 00 ` f 02-06980-00 263 HANAFORD RD WTR 1,000 V NOTE: 266 271.0000 3,0 00 02-05250-00 300 HANAFORD RD. WTR 1,000 NOTE: 4562 / 272.0000 0 'SE ~`�02-07010-00 02-07010-00 31X HANAFORD RD LOT 4 BLI WTR 1,000 NOTE: 0 0 272.5000 WNW- x 02-06080-00 303 HANAFORD RD. WTR 1,000 1,000 � �� �... V 02-06080-00 NOTE: 90 273.0000 :, 2,000 b2-00160-00 02-00160-00 31 c l! (f NOTE: 5414 J 274,0000 *,..,•iiiri►,� 02-06570-00 346 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 4,000 2-06570-00 NOTE: 517 275.0000 r. 02-05200-00 359 HANAFORD RD, WTR 1,000 19,000 4� 4 02-05200-00 NOTE: 4861 ! 276.000f vI STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 5 of 5 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg /Read Reading Meter# / Seq# 02-06680-00 379 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 9,000 �i 02-06680-00 NOTE; 452 / 276.6000 02-06260-00 403 HANAFORD ROAD WTR 1,000 2,000 �, 02-06260-00 J NOTE: 485 ! 277.0000 02-06130-00 411 HANAFORD RD• WTR 1,000 5,000 t 02-08130-00 NOTE: 3918 {� ` ' -- - 278.0000 02-06760-00 396 HANAFORD RD WTR 1,000 3,000 fi 02-06760-00 NOTE: 75 279.0000 02-05490-00 418 HANAFORD RD, WTR 1,000 3,000 02-05490-00 NOTE: - 1410 / 280.0000 02-05710-00 431 HANAFORD RD WTR 1,000 8,000 f� 02-05710-00 NOTE: 1074 J I 281.0000 02-05940-00 437 HANAFORD RD. WTR 1,000 4,000 02-05940-00 NOTE: 2315 282.0000 02-06120-00 372 HANAFORD RD. WTR 1,000 2,000 02-06120-00 / NOTE: 2265 284.0000 V 02-03210-00 48 HANAFORD CT WTR 1,000 30,000 02-03210-00 - NOTE: SHOULD BE 5 DIGIT READING 11507 286.0000 02-01880-00 41 HANAFORD CT WTR 1,000 1.000 f��`� 02-01880-00 �j.. NOTE: 1854 288.0000 02-04280-01 49 HANAFORD CT, WTR 1,000 0 63 1-302-04280-00 NOTE: 6375 _ 290.0000 l) 02-04030-00 51 HANAFORD CT. WTR 1,000 5,000 0 02-04030-00 NOTE: 3988 -� .��__ ��M.a�•� 291.0000 02-05520-01 53 HANAFORD CT WTR- 1,000 4,000 1i�(4 02-05520-00 -NOTE: 1113 ---�--- - - - 292.0000 02-00210-00 52 HANAFORD COURT WTR 1,000 0 ' SUSPENDED' 02-00210-00 NOTE: 522 ' 1 RVic- 293.0000 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4118/2024 Page 1 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# f Seq a 01-06370-00 735 BLANCHARD ELK ROAD WTR 1,000 4,000 ' v �"r 01-06370-00 NOTE: END OF LINE 159 ? 99.0000 01-02880-00 841 BLANCHARD ELK ROAD WTR 1,000 1,000 "" 01-02880-00 NOTE: 716 100.0000 01-04790-00 857 BLANCHARDfEK RD, WTR 1,000 4,0 / - 01-04790-00 NOTE: 826 102.0000 18,000 '~ Z ,•. , , 01-05040-00 01-06040-00 859 BLANCHARD ELK RD. WTR 1,000 �J �/ NOTE: 2564 103.0000 01-05660-00 01-05660-00 12 BROOKWAY CT. WTR 1,000 ,� !n . NOTE: 2028 104.0000 r ttx+r-rzk•-i+lr�Mlk1�6"�H".'.:;::' V 01-07100-01 55 PARKLAND CT WTR 1,000 4,0�0 8 r�7 01-0710 -00 04 2000 NOTE: 01-03710-00 STEWART IRR. #1 JMBCA WTR 1,000 4,000 I 01-03710-00 y% NOTE: 796 104.5000 7,000 �•:i-� � 01-05610-00 - 01-05610-00 22 STEWART DR. WTR 1,000 J _NOTE: 3519 108.000, 01-06870-00 38 STEWART DR WTR 1,000 3,000 ,J ,�� 01-06670-00 W NOTE: 233 108.5000 _ � Y ,a.. i' J 01-00310-00 31 BROOKWAY CT WTR 1,000 15,000 01-00310-00 NOTE; 6103 106,6000 01-06500-00 48 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 7,000 / , ...w 01-06500-00 J NOTE: 180 108.6000 4,000 01-06320-00 �f 01-06320-00 74 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000i _NOTE: 81 109.0000 01-00220-00 77 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 6,000 2,77G� 01-00220-00 NOTE: 2762 110.0000 01-06210-01 106 STEWART DR. WTR 1,000 C 01-06210-00 NOTE: 809 112.0000 01-06070-00 113 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 6,000 f;� 01-06070-00 NOTE: 265 112.5000 01-06560-00 125 STEWART WTR 1.000 4,000 7 Pf{ 01.08560-00 NOTE 338 / 113.000r rI- STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 411 B/2024 Page 2 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mult Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq# 2,000 '-`" * 01-06060-00 01-06060-00 131 STEWART DR WTR 1,000 R" � `� ]i � ' " " 3107 114.0000 NOTE 2,000 .04-06410-00 01-06410-00 139 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 ✓ 3016 _ , _ V 116.0000 NOTE 3,000 �~ , f `""'01-05600-00 J 01-05600-00 151 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 458 � 117.0000 NOTE: 3,000 1 ^ '+ 1-07140-00 01-07140-00 159 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 24 �^ 117.1000 NOTE. _ - — _ 4"A&V l-07180-00 01-07180-00 165 STEWART DR WTR 1,000 _ ? -- _-` - -- - _ 117.200D NOTE: - """01-06580-00 01-06580-00 148 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1.000 2000 NOTE_: _ - 168 117.5000 1,000 01-01650-00 171 STEWART DR, WTR 1,000 f NOTE: 1611 118.0000 -- - ;,, , y, .-� .:�.A,�01-06220-00 01-06220-00 181 STEWART DR. WTR 1,000 2,000 498 119.Op00 NOTE: `tl-04400-00 01-04400-01 205 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 5,000 ;♦"� : NOTE: 2502 _ -- - 120.0000 1,OOII .�:� . ..r !.:. ..401-06510-00 ,/ 01-06510-00 232 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 V NOTE: 154 �.� - _ 120.6000 - - -05880-00 f 01-05880-00 243 STEWART DR, WTR 1,000 NOTE: 1001 - _ 121.0000 - - -- - -. - - 4,000 � ` 01-05130-00 01-05130-00 259 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 1199 - J 122.0000 NOTE: 01-05890-00 285 STEWART DR._ WTR 1,000 1,000 - -, 01-05890.00 NOTE: 2369 aZ 123.0000 ell 01-06690-00 01-06590-00 284 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 'Ob0 t 246 123.5000 NOTE: 1,000 01-05480-00 01-05480-00 292 STEWART DRIVE WTR 1,000 1054 124.0000 NOTE: 01-05560-00 305 STEWART DR. WTR 1,000 2,000 t�.. "� �l f' .01-05560-00 269 � 125.00D0 NOTE: O—L\ STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 3 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mutt Usg 1 Read Reading Meter# f Seq J 01-03010-00 66 PARKLAND COURT WTR 1,000 0 "—'846PENWDAN�*03010-00•' l NOTE 763 126.0000 01-06260-00 77 PARKLAND COURT WTR 1,000 3,000 j t'• t -06260-00 NOTE: 327 / 127.000D 6,000« ••`f!✓; T � 'D1-02350-00 01-02350-00 81 PARKLAND COURT WTR 1,000 J NOTE: 818 128.0000 01-04520-00 85 PARKLAND CT, WTR 1.000 5,DOQ � � '01-04520-00 NOTE: 2025 130.0000 �.��"i'!' 01-05340-00 88 PARKLAND CT. WTR 1,000 2,000 0'1-05340 NOTE: 211 132.0000 1 006 -�....� �81-06030-00 01-06030-00 11 PARKLAND DR. WTR 1,000 , 1 3 00�� NOTE: 2 3 1 3,00 3,000` ;' ir'+-'.a�.a.: -''bi-06960-DO v 01-06960-00 33 PARKLAND DR WTR 1,000 J d� NOTE: NEED METER 84 133.5000 01-06990-02 51 PARKLAND DRIVE WTR 1,000 3,000 {►N "J01-05990-00 j NOTE: 552 134.000 01-06200-00 63 PARKLAND DR. WTR 1,000 2,000 '" il-06200-00 , NOTE: 221 136,0000 V 01-06970-00 80 PARKLAND WTR 1,000 2,000 !, ^ "01-06970-00 I f NOTE: _ME_TER 32 136.1000 01-07090-01 45 FOREST RIDGE —WTR 1,000 2,000 '% °"''''01-07090-00 V NOTE: 4 136.2000 01-06020-00 113 FOREST RIDGE RD WTR 1,000 5'000 , 01-05020-00 NOTE: 572 149.0000 --� 4,000 """`.`.,-...,n. w...� .�«.'-%l-06160-00 01-06160-00 133 FOREST RIDGE RD, WTR 1,000 2 NOTE: 732 149.5000, _.. - - '�-...�,....►..W`•` /i�"'a01-07160 _.--- 01-07160-01 151 FOREST RIDGE RD WTR 1.000 2,000 NOTE. 159 149.7500 3.00 01-05630-00 01-05630-00 159 FOREST RIDGE RD WTR 1,000 V NOTE: 3577 `' 150.0000 01-04270-00 179 FOREST RIDGE RD WTR 1,000 NOTE: 1943 152.000" r� STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC 4/18/2024 Page 4 of 4 Previous Current Account Customer Meter Mutt Usg I Read Reading Meter# I Seq# 1,000 , '' A 01-06480-00 J 01-06480-00 18 SANS SOUCI WTR 1.000 598 ' 160.0000 NOTE: 1 , 01-05260-00 28 SAN SOUCI DRIVE WTR 1,000 3,000 01-05260-00 NOTE: 2958 •r~� 16 0000 �MNMI�R' p 01-07110-00 01-07110-01 46 SANS SOUCI DR WTR 1.000 0 16 0000 NOTE: 3,000 A ' '` 01-07120-00 01-07120-01 90 SANS SOUCI DRIVE WTR 1,000 107 163.0000 NOTE: 9,000 -7 01-05980-00 01-05980-00 148 SAN SOUCI DR. WTR 1,000 1710 ! / r 165.0000 NOTE: -4 OMIM p 01-00280-00 01-00280-01 188 SANS SOUCI DRIVE WTR 1,000 2575 166.0000 NOTE: 2,000 01-06300-00 01-06300-00 21 PARKLAND COURT WTR 1,000 361 167.0000 NOTE: 6,000 01-03720-00 01-03720-00 STEWART IRR.#2 JMBCA WTR 1,000 699 t.' 168.0000 NOTE_ 1,000 r/ 01-00030-00 01-00030-00 137 FOREST WAY WTR 1,000 3`� T 3977 169,0000 NOTE: �' .. �...�,.. .,s �+ fie: _.�w t .., �►'r.,.. .�