HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023Annual Report.pdf FLS-W RECEIVED Monday,April 15,2024 3:55 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. 2180 N. DEBORAH DR, IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401 TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILIrTIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2023 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 1 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31, 2023 COMPANY INFORMATION 1 Give full name of utility Falls Water Co., Inc. Telephone Area Code (208) 522-1300 E-mail address scottl@fallswater.com 2 Date of Organization 1/7/1959 3 Organized under the laws of the state of Idaho 4 Address of Principal Office (number&street) 2180 N Deborah Dr 5 P.O. Box(if applicable) 6 City Idaho Falls 7 State Idaho 8 Zip Code 83401 9 Organization (proprietor, partnership,corp.) Corporation 10 Towns, Counties served Bonneville County Idaho, Jefferson County Idaho, and portions of Ammon, Idaho 11 Are there any affiliated companies? Yes If yes, attach a list with names, addresses &descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 12 Contact Information Name Phone No. President(Owner) Justin Palfre man, President 503-226-4211 Vice President Secretary Shawn Filippi 503-226-4211 General Manager K. Scott Bruce 208-522-1300 Complaints or Billing K. Scott Bruce 208-522-1300 Engineering Tony Wise 208-522-1300 Emergency Service Tony Wise 208-522-1300 Accounting K. Scott Bruce 208-522-1300 13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any additions/deletions made to the service area during the year? No If yes, attach a list with names, addresses& descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 14 Where are the Company's books and records kept? Street Address 2180 N Deborah Dr City Idaho Falls State Idaho Zip 83401 Rev 3/02 Page 1 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 2 NAME: Falls Water Co., Inc. COMPANY INFORMATION(Cont.) For the Year Ended December 31, 2023 15 Is the system operated or maintained under a service contract? No 16 If yes: With whom is the contract? When does the contract expire? What services and rates are included? 17 Is water purchased for resale through the system? Yes, Leased well site within FWC's Service Area 18 If yes: Name of Organization Lincoln Land Company LLC Name of owner or operator Well operated by Falls Water Company, Inc. Mailing Address PO Box 1768 City Idaho Falls State Idaho Zip 83403 Gallons $Amount Water Purchased 31,628,221 I $ 3,300.38 19 Has any system(s)been disapproved by the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality? No If yes, attach full explanation 20 Has the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality recommended any improvements? No If yes, attach full explanation 21 Number of Complaints received during year concerning: Quality of Service 48 High Bills 83 Disconnection 0 22 Number of Customers involuntarily disconnected 88 23 Date customers last received a copy of the Summary of Rules required by IDAPA September 2023 Attach a copy of the Summary 24 Did significant additions or retirements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year? Yes If yes, attach full explanation and an updated system map Rev 3/02 Page 2 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 3 NAME: Falls Water Co., Inc. REVENUE&EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended December 31, 2023 ACCT# DESCRIPTION 400 REVENUES 1 460 Unmetered Water Revenue - 2 461.1 Metered Sales-Residential 2,433,003 3 461.2 Metered Sales-Commercial, Industrial 124,554 4 462 Fire Protection Revenue - 5 464 Other Water Sales Revenue 10,640 6 465 Irrigation Sales Revenue - 7 466 Sales for Resale - 8 400 Total Revenue(Add Lines 1 -7) 2,568,197 (also enter result on Page 4, line 1) 9 * DEQ Fees Billed separately to customers Booked to Acct# 10 **Hookup or Connection Fees Collected 259,098 Booked to Acct# 271.3 11 ***Commission Approved Surcharges Collected Booked to Acct# 401 OPERATING EXPENSES 12 601.1-6 Labor-Operation &Maintenance 378,951 13 601.7 Labor-Customer Accounts - 14 601.8 Labor-Administrative&General 222,250 15 603 Salaries, Officers&Directors - 16 604 Employee Pensions& Benefits 131,039 17 610 Purchased Water (155,098) 18 615-16 Purchased Power&Fuel for Power 285,321 19 618 Chemicals 923 20 620.1-6 Materials&Supplies-Operation &Maint. 92,165 21 620.7-8 Materials&Supplies-Administrative&General 135,405 22 631.3-4 Contract Services-Professional 305,586 23 635 Contract Services-Water Testing 21,418 24 636 Contract Services-Other 128,880 25 641-42 Rentals-Property& Equipment 6,950 26 650 Transportation Expense 68,192 27 656-59 Insurance 95,828 28 660 Advertising 244 29 666 Rate Case Expense(Amortization) - 30 667 Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Other except taxes) - 31 670 Bad Debt Expense 9,887 32 675 Miscellaneous 31,195 33 Total Operating Expenses(Add lines 12-32, also enter on Pg 4, line 2) 1,759,136 Rev 3/02 Page 3 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 4 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. INCOME STATEMENT For Year Ended December 31, 2023 ACCT# DESCRIPTION 1 Revenue (From Page 3, line 8) 2,568,197 2 Operating Expenses(From Page 3, line 33) 1,759,136 3 403 Depreciation Expense 416,396 4 406 Amortization, Utility Plant Aquisition Adj. 5 407 Amortization Exp. -Other 6 408.10 Regulatory Fees(PUC) 4,949 7 408.11 Property Taxes 30,735 8 408.12 Payroll Taxes 50,356 9A 408.13 Other Taxes(list) 9B 9C 9D 10 409.10 Federal Income Taxes 97,206 11 409.11 State Income Taxes 34,374 12 410.10 Provision for Deferred Income Tax-Federal (20,852) 13 410.11 Provision for Deferred Income Tax-State (7,392) 14 411 Provision for Deferred Utility Income Tax Credits 15 412 Investment Tax Credits-Utility 16 Total Expenses from operations before interest(add lines 2-15) 2,364,907 17 413 Income From Utility Plant Leased to Others 18 414 Gains(Losses) From Disposition of Utility Plant 92,100 19 Net Operating Income(Add lines 1, 17&18 less line 16) 295,390 20 415 Revenues, Merchandizing Jobbing and Contract Work 21 416 Expenses, Merchandizing, Jobbing&Contracts 22 419 Interest& Dividend Income 534 23 420 Allowance for Funds used During Construction 24 421 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Income 3,892 25 426 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense 2,558 26 408.20 Other Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 27 409-20 Income Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 28 Net Non-Utility Income(Add lines 20,22,23&24 less lines 21,25,26, &27) 1,868 29 Gross Income(add lines 19&28) 297,258 30 427.3 Interest Exp. on Long-Term Debt 25,758 31 427.5 Other Interest Charges - 32 NET INCOME(Line 29 less lines 30&31) (Also Enter on Pg 9, Line 2) 271,500 Rev 3/02 Page 4 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 5 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc, ACCOUNT 101 PLANT IN SERVICE DETAIL For Year Ended December 31, 2023 Balance Added Removed Balance SUB Beginning During During End of ACCT# DESCRIPTION of Year Year Year Year 1 301 Organization 2 302 Franchises and Consents 3 303 Land&Land Rights 1,916,225 430,450 2,346,675 4 304 Structures and Improvements 980,425 2,031,328 3,011,753 5 305 Collecting &Impounding Reservoirs - - 6 306 Lake, River&Other Intakes - - 7 307 Wells 683,008 683,008 8 308 Infiltration Galleries&Tunnels - - 9 309 Supply Mains - - 10 310 Power Generation Equipment 258,810 32,457 291,266 11 311 Power Pumping Equipment 777,241 531,428 1,308,669 12 320 Purification Systems 74,104 4,816 78,920 13 330 Distribution Reservoirs&Standpipes - 1,840,224 1,840,224 14 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains&Accessories 3,402,166 967,883 4,370,049 15 333 Services - - 16 334 Meters and Meter Installations 1,736,954 316,593 7,623 2,045,924 17 335 Hydrants 63,277 16,202 79,479 18 336 Backflow Prevention Devices - - 19 339 Other Plant& Misc. Equipment 100,400 55,425 155,825 20 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 264,974 69,875 334,849 21 341 Transportation Equipment 231,202 59,758 290,960 22 342 Stores Equipment - - 23 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 105,248 6,920 1,044 111,125 24 344 Laboratory Equipment - - 25 345 Power Operated Equipment 130,294 130,294 26 346 Communications Equipment - - 27 347 Miscellaneous Equipment - - 28 348 Other Tangible Property 657,211 657,211 29 TOTAL PLANT IN SERVICE 11,381,540 6,363,360 8,667 17,736,232 (Add lines 1 -28) Enter beginning &end of year totals on Pg 7, Line 1 Rev 3/02 Page 5 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 6 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL For Year Ended December 31,2023 Depreciation Balance Balance Increase SUB Rate Beginning End of or ACCT# DESCRIPTION % of Year Year Decrease 1 304 Structures and Improvements 105,311 160,893 55,582 2 305 Collecting &Impounding Reservoirs 3 306 Lake, River&Other Intakes 4 307 Wells 83,635 106,471 22,836 5 308 Infiltration Galleries&Tunnels 6 309 Supply Mains 7 310 Power Generation Equipment 14,864 29,585 14,721 8 311 Power Pumping Equipment 161,114 221,088 59,974 9 320 Purification Systems 18,112 23,534 5,422 10 330 Distribution Reservoirs& Standpipes - 2,556 2,556 11 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains&Accessories 333,448 437,823 104,376 12 333 Services 13 334 Meters and Meter Installations 328,205 422,060 93,855 14 335 Hydrants 11,135 14,119 2,984 15 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 16 339 Other Plant& Misc. Equipment 45,728 64,186 18,458 17 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 94,402 150,243 55,840 18 341 Transportation Equipment 120,100 161,671 41,571 19 342 Stores Equipment 20 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 55,306 68,568 13,262 21 344 Laboratory Equipment 22 345 Power Operated Equipment 78,460 94,002 15,542 23 346 Communications Equipment 24 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 25 348 Other Tangible Property 384,682 405,702 21,019 26 TOTALS(Add Lines 1 -25) 1,834,502 1 2,362,500 1 527.998 Enter beginning &end of year totals on Pg 7, Line 7 Rev 3/02 Page 6 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 7 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended December 31,2023 ASSETS Balance Balance Increase Beginning End of or ACCT# DESCRIPTION of Year Year Decrease 1 101 Utility Plant in Service(From Pg 5, Line 29) 11,381,540 17,736,232 6,354,693 2 102 Utility Plant Leased to Others 3 103 Plant Held for Future Use 80,000 - 80,000 4 105 Construction Work in Progress 869,137 251,263 617,874 5 114 Utility Plant Aquisition Adjustment 6 Subtotal(Add Lines 1 -5) 12,330,676 17,987,496 5,656,819 7 108.1 Accumulated Depreciation(From Pg 6, Line 26) 1,834,502 2,362,500 527,998 8 108.2 Accum. Depr. - Utility Plant Lease to Others 9 108.3 Accum. Depr. - Property Held for Future Use 10 110.1 Accum. Amort. -Utility Plant in Service 11 110.2 Accum. Amort. -Utility Plant Lease to Others 12 115 Accumulated Amortization-Aquisition Adj. 13 Net Utility Plant(Line 6 less lines 7- 12) 10,496,174 15,624,996 5,128,821 14 123 Investment in Subsidiaries 15 125 Other Investments - - - 16 Total Investments(Add lines 14& 15) - - - 17 131 Cash 560,220 383,451 176,770 18 135 Short Term Investments 19 141 Accts/Notes Receivable-Customers 260,860 286,496 25,636 20 142 Other Receivables 1,783 2,205 423 21 145 Receivables from Associated Companies - - - 22 151 Materials&Supplies Inventory 266,300 330,802 64,502 23 162 Prepaid Expenses 359,666 267,782 91,885 24 173 Unbilled(Accrued) Utility Revenue 25 143 Provision for Uncollectable Accounts - - - 26 Total Current(Add lines 17-24 less line 25) 1,448,830 1,270,736 178,094 27 181 Unamortized Debt Discount& Expense 5,422 5,280 142 28 183 Preliminary Survey&Investigation Charges 29 184 Deferred Rate Case Expenses 155,098 228,837 73,739 30 186 Other Deferred Charges 35,122 32,549 2,573 31 Total Assets(Add lines 13, 16&26-30) 12,140,647 17,162,399 5,021,752 Rev 3/02 Page 7 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 8 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended December 31,2023 LIABILITIES&CAPITAL Balance Balance Increase Beginning End of or ACCT# DESCRIPTION of Year Year Decrease 1 201-3 Common Stock 25,000 25,000 - 2 204-6 Preferred Stock 3 207-13 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 5,066,127 10,145,814 5,079,687 4 214 Appropriated Retained Earnings 5 215 Unappropriated Retained Earnings 2,735,272 3,006,772 271.499 6 216 Reacquired Capital Stock 7 218 Proprietary Capital 8 Total Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 less line 6) 7,826,399 13,177,586 5,351,187 9 221-2 Bonds 10 223 Advances from Associated Companies 11 224 Other Long-Term Debt 1,439,117 1,291,392 147,726 12 231 Accounts Payable 67,055 178,348 111,293 13 232 Notes Payable 136,811 120,455 16,356 14 233 Accounts Payable-Associated Companies 812,114 579,560 232,554 15 235 Customer Deposits(Refundable) 16 236.11 Accrued Other Taxes Payable 3670 2,974 696 17 236.12 Accrued Income Taxes Payable 303,857 332,101 28,244 18 236.2 Accrued Taxes-Non-Utility 19 237-40 Accrued Debt, Interest& Dividends Payable 20 241 Misc. Current&Accrued Liabilities 268,313 264,734 3,579 21 251 Unamortized Debt Premium 22 252 Advances for Construction 23 253 Other Deferred Liabilities 155,098 - 155,098 24 255.1 Accumulated Investment Tax Credits-Utility 25 255.2 Accum. Investment Tax Credits-Non-Utility 26 261-5 Operating Reserves 27 271 Contributions in Aid of Construction 2.557,547 2,814,295 256,747 28 272 Accum. Amort. of Contrib. in Aid of Const. ** 821,621 934,844 113,223 29 281-3 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - - - 30 Total Liabilities(Add lines 9-29 4,314,247 3,984,812 329,435 31 TOTAL LIAB&CAPITAL(Add lines 8&30) 12,140,647 17,162,399 5,021,752 ** Only if Commission Approved Rev 3/02 Page 8 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 9 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS For Year Ended December 31,2023 1 Retained Earnings Balance @ Beginning of Year 2,735,272 2 Amount Added from Current Year Income(From Pg 4, Line 32) 271,500 3 Other Credits to Account - 4 Dividends Paid or Appropriated 5 Other Distributions of Retained Earnings 6 Retained Earnings Balance @ End of Year 3,006,772 CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL No. Shares No. Shares Dividends 7 Description(Class, Par Value etc.) Authorized Outstanding Paid COMMON 1000 25 DETAIL OF LONG-TERM DEBT Interest Year-end Interest Interest 8 Description Rate Balance Paid Accrued DEQ State Revolving Loan Fund-DW-9931 3.25% 410,245 14,972 1,190 DEQ State Revolving Loan Fund-DW-1302A 1.25% 376,783 4,839 2,231 Zions Bank Loan#0001010000682011 3.49% 624,834 17,277 - Rev 3/02 Page 9 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/1 512 0 2 4 Page 10 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA For Year Ended December 31, 2023 1 Provide an updated system map if significant changes have been made to the system during the year. 2 Water Supply: Type of Water Treatment: Supply Rated (None, Chlorine Annual Source Capacity Fluoride Production (Well, Spring, Pump Designation or location (gpm) Filter etc.) (000's Gal.) Surface Wtr) Well#1 750 CHLORINATION 78,004 WELL Well#2 400 CHLORINATION 123,600 WELL Well#4 1500 SAND SEP/CHLRN 54,952 WELL Well#5 750 SAND SEP/CHLRN 176,764 WELL Well#6 (Pump 6 600 NONE 87,043 WELL Pump#7 In Well#6 600 NONE 92,689 WELL Well#8 1500 CHLORINATION 83,219 WELL Well#9 3000 CHLORINATION 487,599 WELL Well#10 1200 SAND SEP/CHLRN 179,650 WELL Well#11 2500 SAND SEP/CHLRN 194,127 WELL Taylor Mountain Well#1, Submersible Pump 193 NONE 21,747 WELL Well#2, Submersible Pump 220 NONE 22,357 WELL Morningview Well#1 &Well#2 on a single flow meter 100/350 SAND SEPARATOR 22 WELL Well#3 600 NONE 44,015 WELL 3 System Storage: Total Usable Type of Capacity Capacity Reservoir Construction 000's 000's (Elevated,Pres- (Wood, Steel Storage Designation or Location Gal. Gal. urized, Boosted) Concrete Well2/4 5 1.8 Pressurized Steel Taylor Mountain 150 120 Elevated Concrete Falls Water-Well 9 2,000 1,970 Boosted Concrete (Duplicate form and attach if necessary. Asterisk facilities added this year.) Rev 3/02 Page 10 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 11 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended December 31, 2023 4 Pump information for ALL system pumps, including wells and boosters. Rated Discharge Energy Designation or Location Horse Capacity Pressure Used &Type of Pump** Power (gpm) (psi) This Year Falls Water System Well#2, Turbine Pump#2 40 400 65 Well#4, Turbine Pump#4 150 1500 65 Well#6, Submersible Pump#6 75 600 65 Pump#7, Submersible Pump#7 75 600 65 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE The above are all on one Power Meter Totaling 466,550 kwh Well#1, VFD Turbine Pump#1 75 750 65 213,778kwh Well#5, VFD Turbine Pump#5 75 750 14 218,301 kwh Well#8, VFD Turbine Pump#8 150 1500 65 136,280 kwh Well#9, VFD Turbine Pump#9 400 3000 14 Booster Pump Station @ Well#9-3-200 hp VFD Turbine Pumpi 56001 65 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE WELL#9 The above are all on one Power Meter Totaling 982,735 kwh Well#10, VFD Turbine Pump#10 150 1200 65 282,200 kwh **Well#11,VFD Turbine Pump#11 450 2500 70 362,781 kwh Taylor Mountain Well#1, Submersible Pump 30 193 90 43,644 kwh Well#2, Submersible Pump 30 220 69 52,450 kwh Morningview Well#1, Submersible Pump 10 100 60 Well#2, Submersible Pump 301 3501 60 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE The above are all on one Power Meter Totaling 11,868 kwh Well#3, Submersible Pump 601 600 60 162,424 kwh **Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities added this year. Attach additional sheets if inadequate space is available on this page. 5 If Wells are metered: What was the total amount pumped this year? 1,645,788,044 What was the total amount pumped during peak month? 359,542,451 What was the total amount pumped on the peak day? 13,870,614 6 If customers are metered, what was the total amount sold in peak month? 350,295,041 7 Was your system designed to supply fire flows? Yes If Yes: What is current system rating? 4 8 How many times were meters read this year? 12 During which months? January through December _ Rev 3/02 Page 11 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 12 9 How many additional customers could be served with no system improvements except a service line and meter? 750 How many of those potential additions are vacant lots? 280 10 Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? No If Yes, attach an explanation of projects and anticipated costs! 11 In what year do you anticipate that the system capacity(supply,storage or distribution) will have to be expanded? 2026 Rev 3/02 Page 12 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 13 Name: Falls Water Co., Inc. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended December 31,2023 FEET OF MAINS In Use Installed Abandoned In Use 1 Pipe Beginning During During End of Size Of Year Year Year Year 2" 2,809 - - 2,809 4" 5,356 - - 5,356 6" 234,165 8,175 - 242,340 8" 181,264 9,143 - 190,407 10" 32,956 - - 32,956 12" 62,563 750 - 63,313 18" - 695 - 695 24" - 60 - 60 CUSTOMER STATISTICS Number of Customers Thousands of Gallons Sold This Last This Last Year Year Year Year 2 Metered: 2A Residential 6,784 6,316 1,437,032 1,486,019 2B Commercial 202 194 78,142 79,245 2C Industrial N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 Flat Rate: 3A Residential N/A N/A N/A N/A 3B Commercial N/A N/A N/A N/A 3C Industrial N/A N/A NIA N/A 4 Private Fire Protection N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 Public Fire Protection 763 739 N/A N/A 6 Street Sprinkling N/A N/A NIA N/A 7 Municipal, Other N/A NIA N/A N/A 8 Other Water Utilities N/A N/A N/A N/A TOTALS (Add lines 2 through 8) 7,749 7,249 1,515,174 1,565,264 Rev 3/02 Page 13 Falls Water Company Confidential 4/15/2024 Page 14 CERTIFICATE State ofzho—� ) ) ss County ol'-�illa.) WE, the undersigned Justin Palfreyman, President, Northwest Natural Water Company, LLC, and Brody Wilson, Treasurer, Northwest Natural Water Company, LLC,on our oath do severally say that the foregoing report has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the report in respect to each and every matter and thing therein set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. (C ief Officer) O arge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this 5 day of ''� ZD2 *MY OFFICIAL STAMP CASSIA R.CARPIONOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION NO.1008298A COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 08,2025 My Commission Expires l I--Ioa s- gdkfexcel Jnolsonfanulrptstwtmnnualrpt Rev 3/02 Page 14 Supplemental Information for question 11: List any affiliated companies(name,address,description): o Northwest Natural Holding Company;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;holding company that through its subsidiaries,provides natural gas distribution,gas storage,and water distribution services o Northwest Natural Gas Company;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;regulated natural gas distribution company serving Oregon and southwest Washington;wholly- owned subsidiary of Northwest Natural Holding Company o Northwest Energy Corporation;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;non-operating holding company;wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwest Natural Gas Company o NWN Gas Reserves LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;natural gas reserves development;wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwest Energy Corporation o NNG Financial Corporation;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204,financial company which owns 100%of the stock of KB Pipeline Company;wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwest Natural Holding Company o KB Pipeline Company;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;gas pipeline owner;wholly-owned subsidiary of NNG Financial Corporation o NW Natural Energy,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;holding company;wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwest Natural Holding Company o NW Natural Gas Storage,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;natural gas storage development and holding company;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Energy,LLC o Gill Ranch Storage,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;natural gas storage;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Gas Storage,LLC o Trail West Holdings,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;gas pipeline owner,50%interest owned by NW Natural Energy,LLC o Trail West Pipeline,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;gas pipeline owner and operator;wholly-owned subsidiary of Trail West Holdings,LLC o BL Credit Holdings,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;gas transportation;wholly-owned subsidiary of Trail West Pipeline,LLC o Northwest Biogas,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;biodigester owner;50%interest owned by Northwest Natural Holding Company o NW Natural Water Company,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204,wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Holding Company created to own and operate water utilities,through subsidiaries,in Oregon,Washington and Idaho o NW Natural Water of Oregon,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water o Salmon Valley Water Company;24525 E Watches Rd,Welches,OR 97067;regulated water utility serving Welches,Oregon; o NW Natural Water of Washington,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water o Cascadia Water,LLC;18181 WA-525,Freeland,WA 98249;regulated water utility serving Whidbey Island,Washington o NW Natural Water of Idaho,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water o Gem State Water Company,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water of Idaho,LLC o NW Natural Water of Texas,LLC;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water o Foothills Utilities;250 SW Taylor Street.Portland,OR 97204;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water o King Water;250 SW Taylor Street,Portland,OR 97204;wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water Explain any services provided to the utility: Northwest Natural Gas Company provides accounting,tax,legal,regulatory,engineering,business development,and marketing services to NWN Water,LLC,the parent of Falls Water Company. Supplemental Information for question 13: List of new subdivisions(see attached will serve letters)added to water system in 2023 include: Wolf Creek Division 4 Beach's Comer Division 2 C&B Operations Ridge View Division 5 Kit's Place Subdivision Sunrise Peak Industrial Park Elevate Academy Water Systems Acquired in 2022: None No services are provided to Falls Water Co.,Inc.by the subdivisions and water system added to the Falls Water system. See attached Spout copies for copies of summaries requested in question 23. Spouts sent to customers in September 2023. Supplemental Information for question 24: In 2023,the following significant additions were made to the Plant Accounts: $ 350,449.75 Account 303- Water Rights 25-14516&25.14517 $ 80.000.00 Account 303-Land for Storage Tank at Well 9 $ 30,600.00 Account 304-Well 10 Security Fence $ 1,688,889.22 Account 304-Storage Tank/Booster Pump Building Addition and site improvements at Well 9 $ 264,910.65 Account 304-TM Well 2 Wellhouse $ 46,928.48 Account 304-MV Fencing for Welisite 1&2 $ 32,456.56 Account 310-TM Well 2 Generator $ 507,407.31 Account 311-Storage Tank/Booster Pump Station at Well 9-Pumping Equipment&SCADA $ 1,840,223.97 Account 330-Storage Tank at Well 9 $ 23,645.18 Account 331-Harding Ln Loop $ 60,529.00 Account 331-451h E Loop North of 1 st St $ 422,485.63 Account 331-Honeybee Acres(41 st East)Loop $ 22,925.61 Account 331-3685 Greenwillow Ln Service Line Replacement&Sewer Lateral Repair $ 361,222.06 Account 331-Storage Tank Project at Well 9 water lines $ 46,545.92 Account 340-Elements Asset Management Software $ 26,247.94 Account 341-2015 Ford F-250 VIN#1 FD7X2B62FEA65057 $ 17,281.40 Account 341-2016 GMC Terrain VIN#2GKALMEK5G6185195 $ 6,072.00 Account 341-2023 6'xl2'Enclosed Trailer VIN#2SFAL2269R7085208 $ 5,828,820.68 Total of Significant Additions to Plant in 2022 See attached system map for Falls Water's system. SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA Supplemental Information for question 10: None I I F lis TM t WAT E R 2180 N Deborah Dr, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Website: www.failswater.com Eagle Rock Engineering January 20.2023 1331 Fremont Ave Idaho Falls,ID,83402 Water Service for Wolf Creek Division 4 This confirms that Falls Water Company,Inc.has the ability,capacity,and willingness to provide domestic water utility service to the proposed development, Wolf Creek Division 4 described as follows. BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS N.89016'37"E.ALONG THE SECTION LINE 1011.26 FEET FROM THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF SECTION 2,TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH,RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEAST BOUNDARY CORNER OF WOLF CREEK SUBDIVISION,DIVISION NUMBER 2,BONNEVILLE COUNTY; IDAHO, RUNNING THENCE N.89'16'37"E.ALONG SAID SECTION LINE 54t.91 FEET; THENCE S.00043'23"E. 341.93 FEET; THENCE N.89016'37"E. 136.64 FEET; TIIENCE S.63005'45"W. 291.51 FEET; THENCE N.57103'19"W. 115.64 FEET; "THENCE SA8"16'40"W. 60.00 FEET: THENCE S.4000931"W.284.61 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF WOLF CREEK SUBDIVISION, DIVISION NUMBER 3, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY LINE THE FOLLOWING FOUR(4) COURSES: (1) THENCE N.7710732"W. 165.36 FEET; (2) THENCE N.65036'53"W.60.00 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENT CURVE WIT14 A RADIUS OF 235.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING S.19031'52"W.39.77 FEET;(3)THENCE TO THE LEFT ALONG SAID NON- TANGENT CURVE 39.82 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09042'29";(4)THENCE N.87'35'12"W. 201.83 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF CROW CREEK; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF CROW CREEK"THE FOLLOWING NINE(9)COURSES:(I)THENCE N.46'59'18"E. 18.15 FEET; (2) THENCE N.33035'35"E. 65.71 FEET; (3) THENCE N.40129'41"E. 78.96 FEET; (4) THENCE N.4092158"E.43.18 FEET;(5)THENCE N.4010234"E.62.06 FEET;(6)THENCE N.38°06'41"E.96.43 FEET;(7) THENCE N.48009'45"E.87.78 FEET;(8)THENCE N.47°00'02"E. 18.55 FEET;(9)THENCE N.42°04'17"E.86.85 FEET; THENCE S.82°56'45"W. 51.61 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3, BLOCK 4, WOLF CREEK SUBDIVISION, DIVISION NUMBER 2, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO; THENCE S.89°16'37"W. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 50.78 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF I.OT 2 OF SAID 13LOCK 4;THENCE N.00°43'23"W.ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID i.oT2 A DISTANCE OF l 10.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2,SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTI I RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF KIMBER WAY:"THENCE N.89d16'37"E.ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 74.03 FEETTO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MARIAH DRIVE;THENCEN,00°43�23"W.ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 230.00 FEET TO THE POINTOF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 9.315 ACRES This is subject to the following.conditions: I. Installation and extension of the water system by the developer in accordance with Falls Water standards both within the development and connecting to the existing Fails Water system. 2. Approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPIJC). 3. In accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariff for Falls Water Company,Inc. 4. Payment by developer or by subsequent builders,homeowners,or lot purchasers of the connection fee in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariffs. 5. System design and installation approved,inspected and accepted by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality,Falls Water's designated professional engineer,and by Falls Water's own internal staff. 6. Developer or their representative shall provide as-built drawings on paper and in an electronic format readable by Falls Water as the development progresses. 7. This will serve letter is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 8. In accordance with any other lawfully necessary provisions as agreed between developer and Falls Water. If construction on the division of this sub-development is not started within one year of the date of this letter the developer or his authorized agent will need to seek a new will serve letter. FALLS WATER COMPANY,INC. K K.Scott Bruce Manager TM F lis WAT E R 2180 N Deborah Dr, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Website: www.fallswater.com Steel Vision Construction January 30,2023 648 4116 E Rigby, ID 83442 Water Service for C&B Operations—John Deere Dealership This confirms that Falls Water Company,Inc.has the ability,capacity,and willingness to provide domestic water utility service to the proposed development,C&B Operations- lohn Deere Dealership described as follows: TRACT 1: LOT 1 BLOCK 1, LOT 1, BLOCK 3 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, YELLOWSTONE INDUSTRIAL PARK, DIVISION NO. 1,COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE,STATE OF IDAHO, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 9,TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS SOUTH 940.46 FEET AND WEST 2370.71 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 9,TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNEVILLE COUNTY,IDAHO, SAID POINT BEING ALSO SOUTH 49040'02"WEST 750.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U.S . HIGHWAY NO. 191 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 40019,581, EAST 400.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 49°40'02" EAST 250.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 40119'58" EAST 300.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 49040'02" EAST 38.55 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 40°19'58" EAST 410.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°40'02" WEST 401.54 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID CURVE 31.42 FEET;THENCE NORTH 40019'58"WEST 390.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49140'02"WEST 152.19; THENCE NORTH 40019'58"WEST 197.41 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89153'56"WEST 286.05 FEET;THENCE NORTH 40019'58"WEST 131.14 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9;THENCE NORTH 0008'33" EAST 244.42 FEET ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED SOUTHEASTERLY IGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE NORTH 49140'02" EAST 344.26 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING THREE PARCELS: PARCEL A(60 FOOT ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY) BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS SOUTH 940.46 FEET AND WEST 2370.71 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 9,TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 38, EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 191,THENCE SOUTH 49040'02"WEST 113.00 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING BEING A POINT OF CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET; AND RUNNING THENCE TO THE LEFT ALONG SAID CURVE 31.42 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 40°19'58" EAST 680.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°40'02" WEST 60.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 40119'58"WEST 680.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET;THENCE TO THE LEFT ALONG SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 31.42 FEET;THENCE NORTH 49140'02" EAST 100.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL B(BIO-CHEM LOTI LOT 2, BLOCK 3,YELLOWS TONE INDUSTRIAL PARK, DIVISION NO. 1, COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE,STATE OF IDAHO, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF ALSO DESCRIBED AND KNOWN AS: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS SOUTH 940.46 FEET AND WEST 2370.71 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 9,TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNEVILLE COUNTY,IDAHO, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 191;THENCE SOUTH 49040'02"WEST 193.00 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE SOUTH 40°19'58"EAST 300.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 40019'58" EAST 202.59 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 49040'02"WEST 92.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89053'56"WEST 286.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 40019'58"WEST 17.04 FEET;THENCE NORTH 49140'02" EAST 309.92 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C: (RESERVED EASEMENT) BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS SOUTH 940.46 FEET AND WEST 2370.71 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 9,TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S.HIGHWAY NO. 191;THENCE SOUTH 491140'02" WEST 133.00 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE;THENCE SOUTH 40119'58" EAST 700.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 40019'58"EAST 20.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 49140'02"EAST 421.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 40019'58"WEST 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°40'02" WEST 421.54 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. This is subject to the following conditions: l. Installation and extension of the water system by the developer in accordance with Falls Water standards both within the development and connecting to the existing Falls Water system. 2. Approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). 3. In accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariff for Falls Water Company, Inc. 4. Payment by developer or by subsequent builders,homeowners,or lot purchasers of the connection fee in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariffs. 5. System design and installation approved,inspected and accepted by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality,Falls Water's designated professional engineer,and by Falls Water's own internal staff. 6. Developer or their representative shall provide as-built drawings on paper and in an electronic format readable by Falls Water as the development progresses. 7. This will serve letter is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 8. In accordance with any other lawfully necessary provisions as agreed between developer and Falls Water. If construction on the division of this sub-development is not started within one year of the date of this letter the developer or his authorized agent will need to seek a new will serve letter. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. K.Scott Bruce Manager F lis TM WAT E R 2180 N Deborah Dr, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Website: mvw.fallswater.com Connect Engineering February 15,2023 1150 Hollipark Dr Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Water Service for Kit's Place Subdivision This confirms that Falls Water Company, Inc. has the ability,capacity,and willingness to provide domestic water utility service to the proposed development,Kit's Place Subdivision described as follows: COMMENCING from the Southeast Corner of Section 15,T 2 N-R 38 E, B.M., Bonneville County, Idaho;thence N 890 29'30"W for a distance of 1181.38 feet along the south line of said Section;thence N 00°56'32"E for a distance of 484.15 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence,N 890 29'43" W for a distance of 362.05 feet;Thence,N 000 54'42" E for a distance of 302.50 feet;Thence,S 890 29'43" E for a distance of 362.21 feet;Thence,S 00°56'32"W for a distance of 302.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Described boundary contains 2.515 acres,more or less. This is subject to the following conditions: 1. Installation and extension of the water system by the developer in accordance with Falls Water standards both within the development and connecting to the existing Falls Water system. 2. Approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). 3. In accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariff for Falls Water Company. Inc. 4. Payment by developer or by subsequent builders,homeowners,or lot purchasers of the connection fee in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariffs. 5. System design and installation approved,inspected and accepted by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality,Falls Water's designated professional engineer,and by Falls Water's own internal staff. 6. Developer or their representative shall provide as-built drawings on paper and in an electronic format readable by Falls Water as the development progresses. 7. This will serve letter is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 8. In accordance with any other lawfully necessary provisions as agreed between developer and Falls Water. If construction on the division of this sub-development is not started within one year of the date of this letter the developer or his authorized agent will need to seek a new will serve letter. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. K.Scott Bruce Manager 2180 N.Deborah Dr. Falls Idaho Palls, Idaho 83401 Tel.:4AIL*440 (208) S22-1300 WATER e : ite: 522 allsw Website:wtiwvv.fallswater.corn March 9,2023 Horrocks Engineering 2194 Snake River Pkwy Suite 205 Idaho Falls,ID 83402 Water Service for Sunrise Peak Commercial Park This confirms that Falls Water Company,Inc.has the ability,capacity,and willingness to provide domestic water utility service to the proposed development,Sunrise Peak Commercial Park described as follows: A parcel of land being part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35,Township 3 North,Range 38 East,Boise Meridian,Bonneville County,Idaho,more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the Southwest comer of Section 35,thence N89°16'36"E 1324.37 feet along the South line of said Section 35 to a point on the extended East line of Beach's Corner Commercial Park,said extended East line also being the West line of Mackay Acres Division No. 1,thence along said East and West lines N00°17'34"W 713.63 feet to the Northwest Comer of said Mackay Acres Division No. I,said Northwest corner also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,thence continuing along said East line of said Beach's Comer Commercial Park N0001734"W 563.52 feet,thence leaving said East line N86"45'13"E 248.17 feet,thence N08046'30"W 204.86 feet, thence N2602243"W 200.25 feet to the South right-of-way of Highway 26,thence along said South right-of--way N50005'18"E 1448.63 feet,thence leaving said South right-of-way S70059'39"E 83.94 feet,thence S00106'13"E 1596.44 feet,to the centerline of Sand Creek,thence along said centerline the following four(4)courses;(1) S50°31'13"W 95.85 feet;(2)S34153'03"W 79.57 feet;(3)S53°00'16"W 81.17 feet;(4)S58004149"W 85.76 feet to the Northeast corner of said Mackay Acres Division No. 1,thence along the North line of said Mackay Acres Division No. 1 S87035'13"W 1061.90 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel contains 39.373 Acres. This is subject to the following conditions: 1. Installation and extension of the water system by the developer in accordance with Falls Water standards both within the development and connecting to the existing Falls Water system. 2. Approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). 3. In accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariff for Falls Water Company, Inc. 4. Payment by developer or by subsequent builders,homeowners,or lot purchasers of the connection fee in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariffs. 5. System design and installation approved,inspected and accepted by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Falls Water's designated professional engineer,and by Falls Water's own internal staff. 6. Developer or their representative shall provide as-built drawings on paper and in an electronic format readable by Falls Water as the development progresses. 7. This will serve letter is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 8. In accordance with any other lawfully necessary provisions as agreed between developer and Falls Water. 9. In-house use only.All irrigation must be a secondary stand alone water system. If construction on the division of this sub-development is not started within one year of the date of this letter the developer or his authorized agent will need to seek a new will serve letter. FALLS WATER COMPANY,INC. Tony Wise Operations Manager 2180 N. Deborah Dr. Idaho calls, Idaho 83401 01Falls Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Fax: 22-4099 LA14%W WATER Website:www.fallswater.com April 11,2023 Horrocks Engineering 2194 Snake River Pkwy Suite 205 Idaho Falls,ID 83402 Water Service for Elevate Academy- This confirms that Falls Water Company, Inc.has the ability,capacity,and willingness to provide domestic water utility service to the proposed development, Elevate Academy described as follows: ELEVATE ACADEMY—LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2,BLOCK I OF ELEVATE ACADEMY WHICH IS A RE-PLAT OF A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 3 HENDERSON SUBDIVISION DIVISION I AND PART OF THE SOUTH ''/]OF THE SOUTHEAST'''A SECTION 10,TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH,RANGE 38 EAST,BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNEVILLE COUNTY,IDAHO. This is subject to the following conditions: I. Installation and extension of the water system by the developer in accordance with Falls Water standards both within the development and connecting to the existing Falls Water system. 2. Approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). 3. In accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariff for Falls Water Company, Inc. 4. Payment by developer or by subsequent builders,homeowners,or lot purchasers of the connection fee in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariffs. 5. System design and installation approved,inspected and accepted by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality,Falls Water's designated professional engineer,and by Falls Water's own internal staff. 6. Developer or their representative shall provide as-built drawings on paper and in an electronic format readable by Falls Water as the development progresses. 7. This will serve letter is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 8. In accordance with any other lawfully necessary provisions as agreed between developer and Falls Water. If construction on the division of this sub-development is not started within one year of the date of this letter the developer or his authorized agent will need to seek a ne%v will serve letter. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. Tony Wise Operations Manager I I F lis t WAT E R TM 2180 N. Deborah Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Website: www.fallswater.com Connect Engineering April 18,2023 2295 N Yellowstone Hwy,Unit 6 Idaho Falls,ID,83401 Water Service for Beach's Corner Division 2 This confirms that Falls Water Company, Inc.has the ability,capacity,and willingness to provide domestic water utility service to the proposed development,Beach'i Corner Division 2 described as follows: Part of the southwest quarter of Section 35.Township 3 North.Range 38 East.Boise Meridian.Bonneville County,State of Idaho,being more particularly described as follows:commencing at the southwest comer ofsaid Section 35(liotn which the south quarter corner of Section 35 bears N 89'16'39"E 2640.6l'),thence N 89'16'39"E 388.06'along the southerly line of said Section 35,thence N 0004T21"W 50.00'to the northerly right of way line o1'49"North also being the point of beginning:thence along the west boundary of Beach's Comer Commercial Park instrument#1572541 N 00°09'45"W 432.15:thence N 50'05'06" E 782.56 to the westerly right of way of Thom Drive;thence along the westerly right of way of'rhom Drive S 39°54'16"E 124.62'to the westerly right of way line of Beach Drive;thence along the westerly right of way line of Beach Drive for the following five(5)courses: 1)S 05°05'52"W 56.57,2)S 50006'01"W 532.33'to a tangent curve to the left,3)along said tangent curve to the Icft 245.98'(curve data:radius--280.00',delta=W20'09",chord=S 24'56'00"W 238.15)4)S 00'14'04"1: 183.06'. 5)S 44°31'33"W 56.48'to the north right of way line of49th North;thence along the said north right of way line S 89°16'39"W 126.24'to the point of beginning.Property contains*4.323 acres more or less. This is subject to the following conditions: I. Installation and extension of the water system by the developer in accordance with Falls Water standards both within the development and connecting to the existing Falls Water system. 2. Approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). 3. in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariff for Falls Water Company,Inc. 4. Payment by developer or by subsequent builders,homeowners,or lot purchasers of the connection fee in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariffs. 5. System design and installation approved,inspected and accepted by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality,Falls Water's designated professional engineer,and by Falls Water's own internal staff. 6. Developer or their representative shall provide as-built drawings on paper and in an electronic format readable by Falls Water as the development progresses. 7. This will serve letter is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 8. In accordance with any other lawfully necessary provisions as agreed between developer and Falls Water. If construction on the division of this sub-development is not started within one year of the date of this letter the developer or his authorized agent will need to seek a new will serve letter. FA/ 7 LLSS WATER COMPANY, INC. ) K.Scott Bruce Manager TM F lis WATER 2180 N. Deborah Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Website: www.fallswater.com Jeff Freiberg Engineering July 19,2023 946 Oxbow Lane Idaho Falls,ID 83404 Water Service for Ridgeview Div. 5 Special Warranty Deed Inst.No. 1678795 A parcel of land being part of Section 13,Township 2 North,Range 38 East,Boise Meridian,and also a part of Ridge View Division 2 recorded as Instrument No. 1532218,Bonneville County,Idaho described as follows; Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said Section 13,and running thence along the west Section Line of said Section 13, N021I0'00"E, 1718.67 feet;thence departing said Section Line S871'109O'E,50.00 feet to a point on the east right-of-way of 45th East and the southwest corner of Lot 1,Block 1 of Ridge View Division 2,said point also being the True Point of Beginning,thence along said right-of-way NO2'10'00"E,348.46 feet;thence departing said right-of-way N 15005'47"E, 125.15 feet;thence NO2°10'00"E 93.45 feet;thence N49°35'36"E,72.19 feet; thence S75052'15"E, 136.36 feet;thence S59°53'52"E,64.50 feet;thence S52°03'13"E,426.24 feet; thence S63024'40"E,209.67 feet;thence S79°24'30"E, 161.83 feet;thence S02009'59"W, 199.68 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 4,Block 5 of Ridge View Division No. 1 recorded as Instrument No. 1276951 Bonneville County Idaho;thence along said Ridge View 1 the following five(5)courses;(1)N78146'23"W, 126.28 feet to a point on the east Right-of-Way of Lost River Road and the northwest corner of Lot 4,Block 5 of Ridge View 1; (2)S82°57'20"W,62.47 feet to a point on the west Right-of-Way of Lost River Road and the northeast corner of Lot 5,Block 6 of Ridge View 1;(3)N87°50'0I"W, 133.63 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 5,Block 6 of Ridge View 1;(4)S02009'59"W,300.00 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 3,Block 6 of Ridge View 1;(5)N87050'01"W, 336.21 feet along the northerly boundary of Ridge View 1;thence departing the northerly boundary NO2°08'29"E, 149.74 feet;thence N03012'52"E, 144.58 feet;thence N87°40'46"W,314.71 feet to a point on the east right-of-way of 45th East and the True Point of Beginning. Parcel contains 11.110 Acres. This is subject to the following conditions: l. Installation and extension of the water system by the developer in accordance with Falls Water standards both within the development and connecting to the existing Falls Water system. 2. Approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). 3. In accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariff for Falls Water Company,Inc. 4. Payment by developer or by subsequent builders,homeowners,or lot purchasers of the connection fee in accordance with IPUC approved Rates and Tariffs. 5. System design and installation approved,inspected and accepted by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality,Falls Water's designated professional engineer,and by Falls Water's own internal staff. 6. Developer or their representative shall provide as-built drawings on paper and in an electronic format readable by Falls Water as the development progresses. 7. This will serve letter is valid for one year from the date of this letter. 8. In accordance with any other lawfully necessary provisions as agreed between developer and Falls Water. 9. Attached Water Model memorandum file. If construction on the division of this sub-development is not started within one year of the date of this letter the developer or his authorized agent will need to seek a new will serve letter. FALLS WATER COMPANY,INC. Tony Wise Operations Manager Falls Water Co., Inc.has operated since 1959 and if payment is made to an employee restoring service after currently serves over 6,250 homes in Bonneville County. an involuntary disconnection for nonpayment. As your water provider, we would like you to become A customer requesting that the company test the meter familiar with some of our policies. for their service will be charged a $10 meter testing fee. THE WATER SOURCE If the meter tests outside the manufacturer's specifications of plus or minus 1.5%, the meter test Your water is supplied through a network of several charge will be waived, the meter replaced, and an inter-connected deep wells throughout the service area. adjustment made to the customer's bill. The computer controlled pumps and distribution system A $20 returned check fee will be charged when a automatically delivers water to meet the fluctuating customer's check is returned by the bank for insufficient demand. funds. The water is tested frequently according to testing THE METER COVER schedules approved by The Idaho Department of SPOUT Environmental Quality and by an independent laboratory Our meter readers and service personnel must to ensure that it meets all state and federal water quality have access to the water meter located on your standards. The water is chlorinated. property. Please do not cover the meter with Falls Water Company operates in compliance with and landscaping or other obstacles. If you fence your is regulated by the Idaho Department of Environmental yard, be sure to leave the meter on the outside of Quality and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). the fence. You can identify the cover as a round Falls Water Co., Inc. WATER RATES cast iron lid near where the water line enters your The IPUC approved rate for residential, multi-family property. Information Pipeline residential,and commercial rates is as follows: TERMINATION RULES For 2023 Service Gallons included each billing Minimum Meter Size cycle is less than orequal to Charge or less 12,000 $18.75 SUMMARY OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE 1" 17,000 $26.40 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 1 '/2" 22.000 $34.05 GOVERNING CUSTOMER RELATIONS OF NATURAL 2" 28,000 $43.30 GAS, ELECTRIC AND WATER PUBLIC UTILITIES 4" 49,000 $77.35 A utility may terminate service to a customer without If usage in a billing cycle or portion of a billing cycle his/her permission after adequate notice for the following exceeds the allowable gallons included in the minimum reasons: charge, the excess usage will be billed at $0.917 per 1. Failure to pay an undisputed past due bill, or when thousand gallons of water used. payment is made with a written check or electronic The bills are calculated on water use between meter payment drawn on an account with insufficient funds. readings and are due by the 15th of the following month. 2. Failure to make security deposit where it is required. Fall Customers with outstanding balances, as of the billing 3. Failure to abide by terms of a payment arrangement. date,will be charged a 1%per month late payment fee. 4. Customer or applicant misrepresented their identity TM The one-time Hook-up Fee for newly constructed for the purpose of obtaining utility service. WATE R homes is$500 for a' meter, $600 for a 1"meter,$930 5. Customer or applicant denied or prevented the for a 1Y2"meter, and$1,205 for a 2"meter. utility's access to the meter. Reconnect fees after involuntary disconnection are$20 6. Willful waste of service through improper equipment for reconnection during office hours, Monday through or otherwise. 2180 Deborah Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and $40 if reconnected (208} 522-1300 or on our website after office hours. This fee is due at the time of service 7. Customer or applicant is a minor not competent to Phone: Phone:llswater.com restoration. contract as defined by Idaho Code. www.faA $15 field collection fee will be charged if our 8. Customer or applicant owes money on an existing representative receives a partial or full payment on a account or from a previous account for service customer's account while visiting the customer to provided within the past four years. terminate service for nonpayment. The fee will be waived A utility may deny or terminate service without prior written certificate signed by a licensed physician or public Memberships notice to the customer or applicant and without his/her health official is received. American Water Works Association permission for one or more of the following reasons: An informal or formal complaint concerning the 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to termination may be fled directly with the utility. If the Idaho Rural Water Association life,physical safety or property. customer is dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of Regulated by: 2. The utilityis ordered to terminate service b an the complaint, they may contact the Consumer � Y Y Idaho Public Utilities Commission court, the Commission or other duly authorized Assistance staff by mail at the Idaho Public Utilities public authority. Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074, or Idaho Department of Environmental Quality P 3. The service is obtained,diverted or used without the by telephone at 800-432-0369, or online at Idaho Department of Water Resources authorization or knowledge of the utility. hitp://www.puc.idaho.gov/ g tY U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 4. The utility has made a diligent attempt to notify the A complete set of customer Rules and Regulations are customer of termination but has been unable to on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and on make contact. the website. NOTIFICATION FIRE HYDRANTS 1. A billing may be considered past due fifteen (15) Any customer with a fire hydrant located on their days after the billing date. A written notice of property is responsible to make sure that access to the termination must be mailed at least seven (7) days hydrant is not blocked by landscaping,trees and shrubs, before the proposed termination date. or by fences. Fire department personnel must be able to 2. At least twenty-four(24) hours before the service is easily get to all sides of a hydrant in the case of a fire. terminated,another attempt shall be made to contact the customer in person or by telephone. SPRINKLING 3. If service is not terminated within twenty-one (21) Falls Water may impose watering days and we urge calendar days after the proposed termination date, you not to waste water. A nozzle or sprinkler must another seven (7) day and twenty-four (24) hour always be used when watering your lawn. Use of an notice is required. "open"hose'can result in termination of service. 4. No additional notice is required if upon receipt of a termination notice the customer makes a payment arrangement and fails to keep it,or when payment is BEFORE YOU DIG made with a written check or electronic payment Idaho Law requires that you call Dig Line utility locating drawn on an account with insufficient funds service prior to any excavating in an easement or digging deeper than 18 inches anywhere on or off your property. WHEN TERMINATION IS NOT ALLOWED Call 811 or 1-800-342-1585 three days before digging. 1. The unpaid bill totals less than fifty dollars ($50) or two(2)months service,whichever is less. IMPORTANT REMINDERS 2. The unpaid bill is for service to another customer. 1. It is the owner's responsibility to repair any water 3. The unpaid bill results from the purchase of non-utility leaks in the service line from the meter to the home, goods or services. and any leaks in the home or under the home. 4. Terminations are not allowed on Friday, Saturday or Prompt repairs of leaks results in lower billings and Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the State of conserves water. Idaho,the day preceding legal holidays,or at any time 2. During severe cold weather spells,be sure to keep a when the company is not open for business. pencil-sized stream of water running to prevent costly and inconvenient freeze-ups. You will be responsible for repairing any freeze-up beyond the MEDICAL EMERGENCY meter. If the customer or a member of the customer's family is 3. Make sure you know where the main water shutoff seriously ill or has a medical emergency, the utility will valve in your house is located in case you have a postpone termination of service for thirty (30) days if a "plumbing emergency". Falls Water Co., Inc. has operated since 1959 and THE METER COVER currently serves over 6,000 homes in Bonneville County. As your water provider, we would like you to become Our meter readers and service personnel must familiar with some of our policies. have access to the water meter located on your property. Please do not cover the meter with THE landscaping or other obstacles. If you fence your WATER SOURCE yard, be sure to leave the meter on the outside of Your water is supplied through a network of several the fence. You can identify the cover as a round inter-connected deep wells throughout the service area. cast iron lid near where the water line enters your The computer controlled pumps and distribution system property. automatically delivers water to meet the fluctuating demand. The water is tested frequently according to testing TERMINATION RULES SPOUT schedules approved by The Idaho Department of SUMMARY OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE Environmental Quality and by an independent laboratory IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION to ensure that it meets all state and federal water quality standards. The water is chlorinated. GOVERNING CUSTOMER RELATIONS OF NATURAL GAS, ELECTRIC AND WATER PUBLIC UTILITIES Falls Water Company operates in compliance with and A is regulated by the Idaho Department of Environmental utility may terminate service to a customer without Quality and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. his/her permission after adequate notice for the following Falls Water Co. Inc- reasons: The IPUC approved rate for residential, multi-family 1. Failure to pay an undisputed past due bill, or when Morni ngview Div. residential,and commercial rates is as follows: payment is made with a written check or electronic payment drawn on an account with insufficient funds. Information Pipeline WATER RATES 2. Failure to make security deposit where it is required. 3. Failure to abide by terms of a payment arrangement. FOR2023 The bills are calculated on water use between meter 4. Customer or applicant misrepresented their identity readings and are due by the 231"of the following month. for the purpose of obtaining utility service. Customers with outstanding balances, as of the billing 5. Customer or applicant denied or prevented the date,will be charged a 1%per month late payment fee. utility's access to the meter. Reconnect fees after involuntary disconnection are$25 6. Willful waste of service through improper equipment for reconnection of service.This fee is due at the time of or otherwise. 41k service restoration. 7. Customer or applicant is a minor not competent to Falls A $20 returned check fee will be charged when a contract as defined by Idaho Code. TM customer's check is returned by the bank for insufficient 8. Customer or applicant owes money on an existing funds. WATER account or from a previous account for service provided within the past four years. First Tier Second Tier Lot Min. First Commodity Commodity Charge Tier Charge Charge A utility may deny or terminate service without prior 2180 Deborah Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Size g 9 9 notice to the customer or applicant and without his/her Phone: 208 522-1300 or on our website Volume (per 1,000 (per 1,000 permission for one or more of the following reasons: ( ) al) gal www.fallswater.com 1/4 $55.00 10,000 $0.17 $0.53 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to Acre life,physical safety or property. 1/2 $65.00 40,000 $0.17 $0.53 2. The utility is ordered to terminate service by any Acre court, the Commission or other duly authorized 1 $70.50 1 45,000 $0.17 $0.53 public authority. Acre 3. The service is obtained,diverted or used without the authorization or knowledge of the utility. 4. The utility has made a diligent attempt to notify the A complete set of customer Rules and Regulations are Memberships customer of termination, but has been unable to on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and on American Water Works Association make contact. the website. Idaho Rural Water Association NOTIFICATION FIRE HYDRANTS 1. A billing may be considered past due fifteen (15) Any customer with a fire hydrant located on their Regulated by: days after the billing date. A written notice of property is responsible to make sure that access to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission termination must be mailed at least seven (7) days hydrant is not blocked by landscaping,trees and shrubs, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality before the proposed termination date. or by fences. Fire department personnel must be able to p y 2. At least twenty-four(24) hours before the service is easily get to all sides of a hydrant in the case of a fire. Idaho Department of Water Resources terminated,another attempt shall be made to contact U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the customer in person or by telephone. 3. If service is not terminated within twenty-one (21) SPRINKLING calendar days after the proposed termination date, Falls Water may impose watering days and we urge another seven (7) day and twenty-four (24) hour you not to waste water. A nozzle or sprinkler must notice is required. always be used when watering your lawn. Use of an 4. No additional notice is required if upon receipt of a "open"hose"can result in termination of service. termination notice the customer makes a payment arrangement and fails to keep it,or when payment is BEFORE YOU DIG made with a written check or electronic payment drawn on an account with insufficient funds Idaho Law requires that you call Dig Line utility locating service prior to any excavating in an easement or digging WHEN TERMINATION IS NOT ALLOWED deeper than 18 inches anywhere on or off your property. Call 811 or 1-800-342-1585 three days before digging. 1. The unpaid bill totals less than fifty dollars ($50) or two(2)months service,whichever is less. IMPORTANT REMINDERS 2. The unpaid bill is for service to another customer. 3. The unpaid bill results from the purchase of non-utility 1. It is the owner's responsibility to repair any water goods or services. leaks in the service line from the meter to the home, and any leaks in the home or under the home. 4. Terminations are not allowed on Friday, Saturday or Prompt repairs of leaks results in lower billings and Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the State of conserves water. Idaho,the day preceding legal holidays,or at any time 2. During severe cold weather spells,be sure to keep a when the company is not open for business. pencil-sized stream of water running to prevent costly and inconvenient freeze-ups. You will be MEDICAL EMERGENCY responsible for repairing any freeze-up beyond the If the customer or a member of the customer's family is meter. 3. Make sure you know where the main water shutoff seriously ill or has a medical emergency, the utility will valve in your house is located in case you have a postpone termination of service for thirty (30) days if a "plumbing emergency". written certificate signed by a licensed physician or public health official is received. An informal or formal complaint concerning the termination may be filed directly with the utility. If the customer is dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of the complaint, they may contact the Consumer Assistance staff by mail at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074, or by telephone at 800-432-0369, or online at http:/twww.puc.idaho.gov/ Falls Water Co., Inc.has operated since 1959 and THE METER COVER currently serves over 6,000 homes in Bonneville County. As your water provider, we would like you to become Our meter readers and service personnel must familiar with some of our policies. have access to the water meter located on your property. Please do not cover the meter with THE landscaping or other obstacles. If you fence your WATER SOURCE yard, be sure to leave the meter on the outside of the fence. You can identify the cover as a round Your water is supplied through a network of several cast iron lid near where the water line enters your inter-connected deep wells throughout the service area. property. The computer-controlled pumps and distribution system automatically delivers water to meet the fluctuating TERMINATION RULES SPOUT demand. SUMMARY OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE The water is tested frequently according to testing IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION schedules approved by The Idaho Department of GOVERNING CUSTOMER RELATIONS OF NATURAL Environmental Quality and by an independent laboratory GAS, ELECTRIC AND WATER PUBLIC UTILITIES to ensure that it meets all state and federal water quality A utility may terminate service to a customer without standards. his/her permission after adequate notice for the following Falls Water Co., Inc.- Falls Water Company operates in compliance with and reasons: is regulated by the Idaho Department of Environmental Taylor Mountain Division Quality and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). 1. Failure t pay an undisputed past due bill, or when Y payment is made with a written check or electronic payment drawn on an account with insufficient funds. Information Pipeline WATER RATES 2. Failure to make security deposit where it is required. For 2023 The IPUC approved rate for residential, multi-family 3. Failure to abide by terms of a payment arrangement. residential,and commercial rates is as follows: 4. Customer or applicant misrepresented their identity Minimum for the purpose of obtaining utility service. Tiers Max Gallons Charge 5. Customer or applicant denied or prevented the Tier 1 15,000 Gallons $20.00 utility's access to the meter. Tier 2 15,001 —75,000 Gallons $0.71 per 6. Willful waste of service through improper equipment 1000 gal. or otherwise. Tier 3 75,001 — 125,000 Gallons $1.00 per 7. Customer or applicant is a minor not competent to 1000 gal contract as defined by Idaho Code. Tier 4 125,001 Gallons&Up $2.00 per$5 8. Customer or applicant owes money on an existing 00 al account or from a previous account for service month Falls Sewer 0 per provided within the past four years. TM A utility may deny or terminate service without prior WATERThe bills are calculated on water use between meter notice to the customer or applicant and without his/her readings and are due by the 23R1 of the following month. Permission for one or more of the following reasons: Customers with outstanding balances, as of the billing 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to date,will be charged a 1%per month late payment fee. life,physical safety or property. 2180 Deborah Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 The one-time Hook-up Fee for newly constructed 2• The utility is ordered to terminate service by any Phone: (208) 522-1300 or on our website homes is$1,179.00. Sewer is$6,639.00. court, the Commission or other duly authorized www.fallswater.com Reconnect fees after involuntary disconnection are$20 public authority. for reconnection during office hours, Monday through 3. The service is obtained,diverted or used without the Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and $40 if reconnected authorization or knowledge of the utility. after office hours. This fee is due at the time of service 4. The utility has made a diligent attempt to notify the restoration. customer of termination but has been unable to make contact. NOTIFICATION hydrant is not blocked by landscaping,trees and shrubs, Memberships 1. A billing may be considered past due fifteen (15) or by fences. Fire department personnel must be able to American Water Works Association days after the billing date. A written notice of easily get to all sides of a hydrant in the case of a fire. termination must be mailed at least seven (7) days Idaho Rural Water Association before the proposed termination date. 2. At least twenty-four(24) hours before the service is SPRINKLING Regulated by: terminated,another attempt shall be made to contact Falls Water may impose watering days and we urge the customer in person or by telephone. you not to waste water. A nozzle or sprinkler must Idaho Public Utilities Commission 3. If service is not terminated within twenty-one (21) always be used when watering your lawn. Use of an Idaho Department of Environmental Quality calendar days after the proposed termination date, "open"hose"can result in termination of service. Idaho Department of Water Resources another seven (7) day and twenty-four (24) hour notice is required. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 4. No additional notice is required if upon receipt of a BEFORE YOU DIG termination notice the customer makes a payment Idaho Law requires that you call Dig Line utility locating arrangement and fails to keep it,or when payment is service prior to any excavating in an easement or digging made with a written check or electronic payment deeper than 18 inches anywhere on or off your property. drawn on an account with insufficient funds Call 811 or 1-800-342-1585 three days before digging. WHEN TERMINATION IS NOT ALLOWED 1. The unpaid bill totals less than fifty dollars ($50) or IMPORTANT REMINDERS two(2)months service,whichever is less. 2. The unpaid bill is for service to another customer. 1. It is the owner's responsibility to repair any water leaks in the service line from the meter to the home, 3. The unpaid bill results from the purchase of non-utility and any leaks in the home or under the home. goods or services. Prompt repairs of leaks results in lower billings and 4. Terminations are not allowed on Friday, Saturday or conserves water. Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the State of 2. During severe cold weather spells, be sure to keep a Idaho,the day preceding legal holidays,or at any time pencil-sized stream of water running to prevent when the company is not open for business. costly and inconvenient freeze-ups. You will be MEDICAL EMERGENCY responsible for repairing any freeze-up beyond the meter. If the customer or a member of the customers family is 3. Make sure you know where the main water shutoff seriously ill or has a medical emergency, the utility will valve in your house is located in case you have a postpone termination of service for thirty (30) days if a "plumbing emergency". written certificate signed by a licensed physician or public health official is received. An informal or formal complaint concerning the termination may be filed directly with the utility. If the customer is dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of the complaint, they may contact the Consumer Assistance staff by mail at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074, or by telephone at 800-432-0369, or online at http://www.puc.idaho.gov/ A complete set of customer Rules and Regulations are on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and on the website. FIRE HYDRANTS Any customer with a fire hydrant located on their property is responsible to make sure that access to the Legend Certificated Seryice Area „ Wells.Storage Tank,Office - !F seacn Corry ' ,VVeli t0.�, f • s ' r StIK nr PIT ank a ., .. F�Ets Water Office -�- > r �•�i • �I � y ] °j` 4ELErcotnRtl Mall 2,11" Iwo A earth - • _ " {; 'r .iN