HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240416FLS to Staff 23-26.pdfFALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSES TO STAFF’S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST PAGE 1 OF 2 18307717.1) Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR APPROVAL OF A REPLACEMENT WELL FOR ITS MORNING VIEW SYSTEM Case No. FLS-W-24-01 FALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSES TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Falls Water Co., Inc. (“Falls Water” or “Company”), in response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated April 1, 2024, submits the following responses. Responsive documents are available for download using the link provided in the accompanying email. DATED: April 16, 2024. By:_____________________________ Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. RECEIVED Tuesday, April 16, 2024 10:20 AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FALLS WATER CO., INC.’S RESPONSES TO STAFF’S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST PAGE 2 OF 2 18307717.1) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on April 16, 2024, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be served upon the following parties as indicated below: Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 monica.barriossanchez@puc.idaho.gov Email U.S. Mail Fax Hand Delivery Preston N. Carter Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-24-01 In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Co., Inc. For Approval of a Replacement Well for Its Morning View System Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 The Company’s response to Production Request No. 4 states: “The SCADA system will be set up to alternate the run time on the two wells to ensure that the wells are operational.” Please provide the total estimated cost of installing the SCADA system on both Well Nos. 3 and 4. Additionally, please explain if the estimated costs of the SCADA system on Well No. 4 are included in the Project’s cost estimate. Response: Currently, both well sites have SCADA systems onsite. The SCADA will need to be reprogrammed to have the wells alternate lead/lag functions. It is estimated that the reprogramming will be $5,000 or less. The new well project does not have this estimate built into it. Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce, General Manager, Falls Water Co., Inc. (208) 522-1300 FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 23 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-24-01 In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Co., Inc. For Approval of a Replacement Well for Its Morning View System Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 24 According to the “Morning View Water Company PER & Facility Plan” (Attachment 1 to the Application) at 22: the Company “will screen the new well, so the use of a sand separator is not anticipated.” Please explain and provide evidence for the need of a new sand separator for the proposed Well No. 4, since Aspen Engineering’s recommendation in the Company’s Facility Plan was that the sand separator is not necessary. Response: Aspen Engineering did not anticipate needing a sand separator. The expectation is that one will not be necessary. However, if the well does not develop as hoped, it could still produce sand above DEQ’s limit of 5 ppm. If this is the case, a sand separator will be necessary. The cost of the sand separator was built into the cost estimate, but should have had the disclaimer “If Necessary” in its description. Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce, General Manager, Falls Water Co., Inc. (208) 522-1300 FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 24 Page 1 of 1 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-24-01 In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Co., Inc. For Approval of a Replacement Well for Its Morning View System Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 25 In response to Staff’s Production Request No. 19, the Company listed several significant challenges it encountered regarding repairs of the existing Well Nos. 1 and 2 due to excessive accumulation of sand, mud, and rock. In this regard, please answer the following: a. Please explain the risk of excessive accumulation of sand, mud, and rock by drilling the proposed Well No. 4 at the same location as existing Well Nos. 1 and 2; b. If there is a risk, please explain how the Company will mitigate it; and c. If there is a risk, please explain if there are alternative locations that should be explored. Response: Looking at the well driller’s logs (See FLS-W-23-01 IPUC DR 25 Attachments 1-3) for the three wells, the stratum for all wells is very similar. The depth of Well Nos. 1 and 2 are 120 feet and 118 feet respectively. Well No. 3 has a depth of 185 feet. All the wells are going through gravel and sediment from at least 2 feet down to the bottom of the well shaft. All the wells have the risk of sand, mud, and rock. In the years that the Company has owned the system, Well No. 3 has been the primary source of water. In those years, we have received no complaints from customers about sediment or sand clogging their plumbing. No sign of sediment or sand has been seen by our servicemen as they have worked on meters in the system. The production from Well No. 3 has not been compromised by sediment, sand, rocks, and mud. This is important because Well No. 3 does not have a sand separator to filter out sediments. Well No. 3 is the only well that has a stainless-steel screen with a slot size of .050 for the last twenty feet of the column. The screen seems to have been successful in filtering sediments out of the water. The risk can be mitigated by designing Well No. 4 at the site of Well Nos. 1 and 2, but in the same fashion as Well No. 3: Drill the well deeper to provide for better water supply FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 25 Page 1 of 2 in dry years when shallow wells may suffer from lack of recharge when the water table falls, and install a .050 slot size screen in the lower 20 feet of the column to screen out the sediments. An alternate site (e.g., the site of Well No. 3) would not be needed because the geologic features of all three wells would suggest the sites within the service area will be similar. Putting another similarly-sized well on the same well site as Well No. 3 may create drawdown issues if both wells need to run simultaneously. Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce, General Manager, Falls Water Co., Inc. (208) 522-1300 FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 25 Page 2 of 2 Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-24-01 In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Co., Inc. For Approval of a Replacement Well for Its Morning View System Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 26 Please provide detailed information including but not limited to make, model, capacity, specifications, etc. for the new VFD that the Company is planning to install for the anticipated 60 hp pump of the proposed Well No. 4. Response: The VFD for the proposed Well No. 4 will be a Phase Technologies Model 3LH460. The cabinet for the VFD will be the 3LHS460. Please see the four manufacturer specifications brochures that accompany this response (FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 26 Attachments 1-4). Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce, General Manager, Falls Water Co., Inc. (208) 522-1300 FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 26 Page 1 of 1 Product Specifications INTUITIVELYENGINEERED 3LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 5 HP to 450 HP VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE Low Harmonic | Three-Phase 5 HP to 450 HP PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 2 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 3187280 Three—Phase, Voltage Doubling, Low Harmonic VFDs •Quick & easy installation and setup PERFECT PRESSURE™ •Setup constant pressure in minutes •Large backlit graphic display with intuitive menus •Messages in clear English Industry Best Lead Times •3—10 Business Days Sinewave Filter Integration •Minimize excessive voltage spikes •In—house manufacturing / intstallation Superior Heat Rejection •Maximizing component life and uptime VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE Three—Phase | Low Harmonic | Voltage Doubling 5 HP to 450 HP Section Page #Section Page #Section Page # Table Of Contents 3LH SERIES Overview ����������������������������3 • AQUAPHASE™ Feature Set �������������4 ENTERPRISE Enclosure ������������������������5 • Nomenclature �����������������������������������5 ƍSdGLRMGEkRTdGMƼGEsMSRr ������������������6 • Models ����������������������������������������������7 — Optional Accessories ���������������8 • Fuse Breaker Recommendations ����9 • Line Drawings ���������������������������������10 • Wiring Diagram �������������������������������11 SIGNATURE Enclosure �����������������������������13 • Nomenclature ��������������������������������������13 ƍSdGLRMGEkRTdGMƼGEsMSRr ���������������������14 • Models �������������������������������������������������15 — Optional Accessories������������������16 • Fuse Breaker Recommendations �������17 • Line Drawings ��������������������������������������18 • Wiring Diagram ������������������������������������22 PERFORMANCE Enclosure ���������������������24 • Nomenclature ��������������������������������������24 ƍSdGLRMGEkRTdGMƼGEsMSRr ���������������������25 • Models �������������������������������������������������26 — Optional Accessories������������������27 • Fuse Breaker Recommendations �������28 • Line Drawings ��������������������������������������29 • Wiring Diagram ������������������������������������32 www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 3 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Enclosure Overview 20 HP to 200 HP Signature enclosures offer rugged performance & superior quality� •Slim & Light Design •Lower Cost •Shorter Lead Times (3—7 business days) 5 HP to 50 HP Phase Technologies’ most value driven product to date� •Compact Design •Best Value •Shortest Lead Times (3—5 business days) See Page 4 See Page 12 See Page 22 The Performance enclosures offer a large sub—panel with ample space for a multitude of integrated options� •Rugged •Spacious •Simple Equipment Integration •Lead Times (5—10 business days) 20 HP to 450 HP 5 HP to 450 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 4 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Feature Set ™AQUAPHASE™ feature set provides complete control capability for all pumping applications Power Behind The Pump 5 HP to 450 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 5 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Nomenclature •5 HP to 50 HP • Input 240 V & 480 V | Output 240 V & 480 V • Three—Phase • Voltage Doubling • Low Harmonic — IEEE519 Compliance Guaranteed • NEMA 3R Rated Outdoor Enclosure 5 HP to 50 HP Enclosure IEEE 519 Compliance Our Guarantee Phase Technologies guarantees that the LH SERIES product line will meet the IEEE 519—2014 standard as long as a minimum load of 80% is maintained as related to the max current rating of the r]rsdQ-eEr]rsdQHSdrRSsGSQTk]4LErdSdGLRSkSKMdrvMkkdMsLdVSeedVErtMsEakdƼ\sSsLdaVMRK the panel into compliance or offer a full refund for the purchase price of the panel upon return. www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 6 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 SdGLRMGEkRTdGMƼGEsMSRr 5 HP to 50 HP Physical / Environmental Operating Temperature Range —40 °C – 50 °C (—40 °F – 122 °F) *Heater in enclosure may be required below —40 °C, de—rating required above 50 °C. Storage Temperature Range —40 °C – 57 °C (—40 °F – 135 °F) Enclosure NEMA Type 3R: Outdoor | Rainproof Altitude Derate by 5 °C every 2000 ft over 5500 ft of elevation Input Power Input Phase 3 phase Input Voltage 240 V | 480 V Input Voltage Range 190 V – 264 V | 440 V — 520 V Input Frequency 60 Hz Output Power Output Phase 3 phase Nominal Output Voltage 240 V | 480 V Output Voltage Range 190 V – 264 V | 440 V — 520 V Output Frequency 5 Hz – 300 Hz Horsepower 5 HP – 50 HP Output Power 4 – 37 kW Switching Frequency 2 kHz – 5 kHz Output V/f Control or Torque Control (Optional) Integrated Output Filter Optional Sinewave Filter Electrical Short Circuit Withstand Rating 25 kA RMS symmetrical amps (65 kA available upon request) )ƾcienc]95% Startup Ramp Time 1 – 120 s Shutdown Ramp Time 1 – 120 s or Coast to Stop Overload Capacity 120% for 60 s Analog Inputs Quantity (3) Programmable Current Reference 4 – 20 mA, (2) Inputs Voltage Reference 0 – 5 VDC, (1) Input Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Digital Inputs Quantity (2) Programmable Ratings < 5 V, galvanically isolated Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Relay Outputs Quantity (2) Programmable Rating Relay 1: 28 VDC, 10 A or 250 VAC, 10 A Relay 2: 30 VDC, 2 A or 125 VAC, 0�5 A Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Features Low Harmonic Compliance IEEE—519 Guaranteed — (See page 4 for guarantee statement) 'ertification ETL listed to UL 61800-5-1 and CSA C22�2 No� 274-17 User Interface Push button membrane keypad with backlit graphic display Available Feature Sets AquaPhase™ (pump control) www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 7 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Models Part Number HP Rated Input Current Rated Output Current [w/ 208 V Input | w/ 240 V Input] Dimensions (H x W x D)Weight 3LHE — ENTERPRISE — 208 V/240 V Input Three—Phase | 208 V/240 V Output Three—Phase 3LHE005R 5 HP 18 A 15 A | 18 A 31 x 19 x 19 in�100 lbs 3LHE007R 7�5 HP 24 A 20 A | 24 A 31 x 19 x 19 in� 115 lbs 3LHE010R 10 HP 31 A 26 A | 31 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 125 lbs 3LHE015R 15 HP 46 A 40 A | 46 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 125 lbs 3LHE020R 20 HP 61 A 53 A | 61 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 125 lbs 3LHE025R 25 HP 75 A 65 A | 75 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 145 lbs 3LHE030R 30 HP 91 A 79 A | 91 A 36 x 21 x 18 in�145 lbs 3LHE — ENTERPRISE — 208 V/240 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHE205R 5 HP 18 A 8 A | 9 A 31 x 19 x 19 in� 100 lbs 3LHE207R 7�5 HP 24 A 11 A | 13 A 31 x 19 x 19 in� 100 lbs 3LHE210R 10 HP 30 A 15 A | 18 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 130 lbs 3LHE215R 15 HP 46 A 20 A | 24 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 140 lbs 3LHE220R 20 HP 61 A 26 A | 31 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 150 lbs 3LHE225R 25 HP 77 A 33 A | 38 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 150 lbs 5 HP to 50 HP Part Number HP Rated Input Current Rated Output Current 480 V Dimensions (H x W x D)Weight 3LHE — ENTERPRISE — 480 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHE405R 5 HP 9 A 9 A 31 x 19 x 19 in�100 lbs 3LHE407R 7�5 HP 13 A 13 A 31 x 19 x 19 in� 100 lbs 3LHE410R 10 HP 18 A 18 A 31 x 19 x 19 in� 100 lbs 3LHE415R 15 HP 24 A 24 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 125 lbs 3LHE420R 20 HP 31 A 31 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 140 lbs 3LHE425R 25 HP 38 A 38 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 145 lbs 3LHE430R 30 HP 46 A 46 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 145 lbs 3LHE440R 40 HP 61 A 61 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 150 lbs 3LHE450R 50 HP 77 A 77 A 36 x 21 x 18 in� 155 lbs www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 8 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Optional Integrations & Accessories 5 HP to 50 HP Part Number Description Standard User Installation Optional UL508A Panel Shop Installation (Additional Fee Applies) Kits KIT E H HOA Switch & Speed Potentiometer Yes Yes KIT E H1 HOA Switch Only Yes Yes KIT E H2 Speed Potentiometer Only Yes Yes KIT E S 240V 3P Strikesorb Surge Protection, 240 V, Single—Phase Yes Yes KIT E S 480V 3P Strikesorb Surge Protection, 480 V, Single—Phase Yes Yes KIT E S1 240V 3P Protec Surge Protection Yes Yes KIT E S1 480V 3P Protec Surge Protection Yes Yes Transducer S00150 0—150 psi Transducer with 15ft lead Yes No S00150—25 0—150 psi Transducer with 25ft lead Yes No S00150—50 0—150 psi Transducer with 50ft lead Yes No S00150—100 0—150 psi Transducer with 100ft lead Yes No Other Parts PSI SNUB Pressure Snubber for Transducers Yes No CVR0002 Keypad Locking Security Cover ENTERPRISE Enclosures Yes No CVR0001 HOA Switch and Speed Pot Security Cover Yes No LF0018 GPS Output Filter Yes No Miscellaneous [Custom]Run or Fault Indicator Light and 150VA Power Supply No Yes [Custom]Additional Run or Fault Indicator Light No Yes www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 9 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Recommended Fuse & Breaker Ratings Model Number Horsepower VFD Recommended Fuse Rating Class J Recommended Circuit Breaker Rating 3LHE — ENTERPRISE — 208 V/240 V Three—Phase | 208 V/240 V Output Three—Phase 3LHE005R 5 HP 30 A, 600 V 30 A 3LHE007R 7�5 HP 30 A, 600 V 30 A 3LHE010R 10 HP 40 A, 600 V 40 A 3LHE015R 15 HP 60 A, 600 V 60 A 3LHE020R 20 HP 80 A, 600 V 80 A 3LHE025R 25 HP 100 A, 600 V 100 A 3LHE030R 30 HP 125 A, 600 V 125 A 3LHE — ENTERPRISE — 208 V/240 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHE205R 5 HP 30 A, 600 V 30 A 3LHE207R 7�5 HP 30 A, 600 V 30 A 3LHE210R 10 HP 40 A, 600 V 40 A 3LHE215R 15 HP 60 A, 600 V 60 A 3LHE220R 20 HP 80 A, 600 V 80 A 3LHE225R 25 HP 100 A, 600 V 100 A 3LHE — ENTERPRISE — 480 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHE405R 5 HP 20 A, 600 V 20 A 3LHE407R 7�5 HP 20 A, 600 V 20 A 3LHE410R 10 HP 30 A, 600 V 30 A 3LHE415R 15 HP 30 A, 600 V 30 A 3LHE420R 20 HP 40 A, 600 V 40 A 3LHE425R 25 HP 60 A, 600 V 60 A 3LHE430R 30 HP 60 A, 600 V 60 A 3LHE440R 40 HP 80 A, 600 V 80 A 3LHE450R 50 HP 100 A, 600 V 100 A 5 HP to 50 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 10 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings Model Number 3LHE005R 3LHE007R 3LHE205R 3LHE207R 3LHE405R 3LHE407R 3LHE410R Model Number 3LHE010R 3LHE015R 3LHE020R 3LHE025R 3LHE030R 3LHE210R 3LHE215R 3LHE220R 3LHE225R 3LHE415R 3LHE420R 3LHE425R 3LHE430R 3LHE440R 3LHE450R 5 HP to 50 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 11 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Wiring Diagram 5 HP to 50 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 12 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Notes 5 HP to 50 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 13 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Nomenclature Enclosure 20 HP to 200 HP •20 HP to 200 HP • Input 240 V & 480 V | Output 480 V • Three—Phase • Voltage Doubling • Low Harmonic — IEEE519 Compliance Guaranteed • NEMA 3R Rated Outdoor Enclosure IEEE 519 Compliance Our Guarantee Phase Technologies guarantees that the LH SERIES product line will meet the IEEE 519—2014 standard as long as a minimum load of 80% is maintained as related to the max current rating of the r]rsdQ-eEr]rsdQHSdrRSsGSQTk]4LErdSdGLRSkSKMdrvMkkdMsLdVSeedVErtMsEakdƼ\sSsLdaVMRK the panel into compliance or offer a full refund for the purchase price of the panel upon return. www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 14 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 SdGLRMGEkRTdGMƼGEsMSRr 20 HP to 200 HP Physical / Environmental Operating Temperature Range —40 °C – 50 °C (—40 °F – 122 °F) *Heater in enclosure may be required below —40 °C, de—rating required above 50 °C. Storage Temperature Range —40 °C – 57 °C (—40 °F – 135 °F) Enclosure NEMA Type 3R: Outdoor | Rainproof Altitude Derate by 5 °C every 2000 ft over 5500 ft of elevation Input Power Input Phase 3 phase Input Voltage 240 V | 480 V Input Voltage Range 190 V – 264 V | 440 V – 520 V Input Frequency 60 Hz Output Power Output Phase 3 phase Nominal Output Voltage 480 V Output Voltage Range 440 V – 520 V Output Frequency 5 Hz – 300 Hz Horsepower 20 HP – 200 HP Output Power 15 – 150 kW Switching Frequency 2 kHz – 5 kHz Output V/f Control or Torque Control (Optional) Integrated Output Filter Optional Sinewave or dV/dt Filter (20 HP – 100 HP models) Electrical Short Circuit Withstand Rating 25 kA RMS symmetrical amps (65 kA available upon request) )ƾcienc]95% Startup Ramp Time 1 – 120 s Shutdown Ramp Time 1 – 120 s or Coast to Stop Overload Capacity 120% for 60 s Analog Inputs Quantity (3) Programmable Current Reference 4 – 20 mA, (2) Inputs Voltage Reference 0 – 5 VDC, (1) Input Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Digital Inputs Quantity (4) Programmable Ratings < 5 V, galvanically isolated Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Relay Outputs Quantity (4) Programmable Rating Relays 1 and 2: 28 VDC, 10 A or 250 VAC, 10 A Relays 3 and 4: 30 VDC, 2 A or 125 VAC, 0�5 A Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Features Low Harmonic Compliance IEEE—519 Guaranteed — (See page 11 for guarantee statement) 'ertification ETL listed to UL 61800—5—1 and CSA C22�2 No� 274—17 User Interface Push button membrane keypad with backlit graphic display Available Feature Sets AquaPhase™ (pump control) www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 15 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Models Part Number HP Rated Input Current Rated Output Current [w/ 208 V Input | w/ 240 V Input] Dimensions (H x W x D)Weight 3LHS — SIGNATURE — 208 V/240 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHS220R 20 HP 61 A 26 A | 31 A 53 x 23 x 18 in 220 lbs 3LHS230R 30 HP 91 A 40 A | 46 A 62 x 31 x 22 in 340 lbs 3LHS240R 40 HP 121 A 53 A | 61 A 62 x 31 x 22 in 370 lbs 3LHS250R 50 HP 142 A 66 A | 77 A 71 x 34 x 24 in 480 lbs 3LHS260R 60 HP 172 A 79 A | 91 A 71 x 34 x 24 in 530 lbs 20 HP to 200 HP Part Number HP Rated Input Current Rated Output Current 480 V Dimensions (H x W x D)Weight 3LHS — SIGNATURE — 480 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHS420R 20 HP 31 A 31A 53 x 23 x 18 in�180 lbs 3LHS430R 30 HP 46 A 46 A 53 x 23 x 18 in�210 lbs 3LHS440R 40 HP 61 A 61 A 53 x 23 x 18 in�215 lbs 3LHS450R 50 HP 77 A 77 A 53 x 23 x 18 in�220 lbs 3LHS460R 60 HP 91 A 91 A 62 x 31 x 22 in�375 lbs 3LHS475R 75 HP 107 A 107 A 62 x 31 x 22 in�380 lbs 3LHS4100R 100 HP 142 A 142 A 62 x 31 x 22 in�385 lbs 3LHS4125R 125 HP 172 A 172A 71 x 34 x 24 in�475 lbs 3LHS4150R 150 HP 198 A 198 A 71 x 34 x 24 in�480 lbs 3LHS4200R 200 HP 250 A 250A 71 x 41 x 24 in�540 lbs www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 16 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Optional Integrations & Accessories 20 HP to 200 HP Part Number Description Standard User Installation Optional UL508A Panel Shop Installation Kits ASPD013 Three—Phase Strikesorb Surge Protection Kit n/a n/a SVK7000 Service Kit for All LH & DX Systems with RJ45 Connectors (Signature & Performance Enclosures Only — 2018, 2019, 2020 models)n/a n/a LEGS07 or LEGS08 Pad Mount Kit (Legs)Yes No Transducer S00150 0—150 psi Transducer with 15ft lead Yes No S00150—25 0—150 psi Transducer with 25ft lead Yes No S00150—50 0—150 psi Transducer with 50ft lead Yes No S00150—100 0—150 psi Transducer with 100ft lead Yes No Other Parts PSI SNUB Pressure Snubber for Transducers Yes No CVR0001 HOA Switch and Speed Pot Security Cover Yes No LF0018 GPS Output Filter Yes No Miscellaneous [Custom]Run or Fault Indicator Light and 150VA Power Supply No Yes [Custom]Additional Run or Fault Indicator Light No Yes www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 17 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Recommended Fuse & Breaker Ratings Model Number Horsepower VFD Recommended Fuse Rating Class J Recommended Circuit Breaker Rating 3LHS — SIGNATURE — 208 V/240 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHS220R 20 HP 80 A, 600 V 80 A 3LHS230R 30 HP 125 A, 600 V 125 A 3LHS240R 40 HP 175 A, 600 V 175 A 3LHS250R 50 HP 200 A, 600 V 200 A 3LHS260R 60 HP 250 A, 600 V 250 A 3LHS — SIGNATURE — 480 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LHS420R 20 HP 40 A, 600 V 40 A 3LHS430R 30 HP 60 A, 600 V 60 A 3LHS440R 40 HP 80 A, 600 V 80 A 3LHS450R 50 HP 100 A, 600 V 100 A 3LHS460R 60 HP 125 A, 600 V 125 A 3LHS475R 75 HP 150 A, 600 V 150 A 3LHS4100R 100 HP 200 A, 600 V 200 A 3LHS4125R 125 HP 250 A, 600 V 250 A 3LHS4150R 150 HP 250 A, 600 V 250 A 3LHS4200R 200 HP 400 A, 600 V 400 A 20 HP to 200 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 18 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings Model Number 3LHS220R 3LHS420R 3LHS430R 3LHS440R 3LHS450R 20 HP to 200 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 19 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings Model Number 3LHS230R 3LHS240R 3LHS460R 3LHS475R 3LHS4100R 20 HP to 200 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 20 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings Model Number 3LHS250R 3LHS260R 3LHS4125R 3LHS4150R 3LHS4200R 20 HP to 200 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 21 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings Model Number 3LHS4200R 20 HP to 200 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 22 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Wiring Diagram 20 HP to 200 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 23 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 20 HP to 200 HP Notes www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 24 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Nomenclature •20 HP to 450 HP • Input 240 V & 480 V | Output 480 V • Three—Phase • Voltage Doubling • Low Harmonic — IEEE519 Compliance Guaranteed • NEMA 3R Rated Outdoor Enclosure Enclosure 20 HP to 450 HP IEEE 519 Compliance Our Guarantee Phase Technologies guarantees that the LH SERIES product line will meet the IEEE 519—2014 standard as long as a minimum load of 80% is maintained as related to the max current rating of the r]rsdQ-eEr]rsdQHSdrRSsGSQTk]4LErdSdGLRSkSKMdrvMkkdMsLdVSeedVErtMsEakdƼ\sSsLdaVMRK the panel into compliance or offer a full refund for the purchase price of the panel upon return. www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 25 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 20 HP to 450 HP SdGLRMGEkRTdGMƼGEsMSRr Physical / Environmental Operating Temperature Range —40 °C – 50 °C (—40 °F – 122 °F) *Heater in enclosure may be required below —40 °C, de—rating required above 50 °C. Storage Temperature Range —40 °C – 57 °C (—40 °F – 135 °F) Enclosure NEMA Type 3R: Outdoor | Rainproof Altitude Derate by 5 °C every 2000 ft over 5500 ft of elevation Input Power Input Phase 3 phase Input Voltage 240 V | 480 V Input Voltage Range 190 V – 264V | 440 V – 520 V Input Frequency 60 Hz Output Power Output Phase 3 phase Nominal Output Voltage 480 V Output Voltage Range 440 V – 520 V Output Frequency 5 Hz – 300 Hz Horsepower 20 HP – 450 HP Output Power 15 – 336 kW Switching Frequency 2 kHz – 5 kHz Output V/f Control or Torque Control (Optional) Integrated Output Filter Optional Sinewave or dV/dt Filter (20 HP – 100 HP models) Electrical Short Circuit Withstand Rating 25 kA RMS symmetrical amps (65 kA available upon request) )ƾcienc]95% Startup Ramp Time 1 – 120 s Shutdown Ramp Time 1 – 120 s or Coast to Stop Overload Capacity 120% for 60 s Analog Inputs Quantity (3) Programmable Current Reference 4 – 20 mA, (2) Inputs Voltage Reference 0 – 5 VDC, (1) Input Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Digital Inputs Quantity (4) Programmable Ratings < 5 V, galvanically isolated Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Relay Outputs Quantity (4) Programmable Rating Relays 1 and 2: 28 VDC, 10 A or 250 VAC, 10 A Relays 3 and 4: 30 VDC, 2 A or 125 VAC, 0�5 A Terminal Block Size 26 — 12 AWG Features Low Harmonic Compliance IEEE—519 Guaranteed — (See page 20 for guarantee statement) 'ertification ETL listed to UL 61800—5—1 and CSA C22�2 No� 274—17 User Interface Push button membrane keypad with backlit graphic display Available Feature Sets AquaPhase™ (pump control) www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 26 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Models Part Number HP Rated Input Current Rated Output Current [w/ 208 V Input | w/ 240 V Input] Dimensions (H x W x D)Weight 3LH — PERFORMANCE — 208 V/240 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LH220R 20 HP 61 A 26 A | 31 A 54 x 39 x 20 in 450 lbs 3LH230R 30 HP 91 A 40 A | 46 A 61 x 46 x 22 in 615 lbs 3LH240R 40 HP 121 A 53 A | 61 A 61 x 46 x 22 in 630 lbs 3LH250R 50 HP 142 A 66 A | 77A 63 x 60 x 23 in 645 lbs 3LH260R 60 HP 172 A 79 A | 91A 63 x 60 x 23 in 810 lbs 20 HP to 450 HP Part Number HP Rated Input Current Rated Output Current 480 V Dimensions (H x W x D)Weight 3LH — PERFORMANCE — 480 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LH420R 20 HP 31 A 31 A 54 x 39 x 20 in 445 lbs 3LH430R 30 HP 46 A 46 A 54 x 39 x 20 in 445 lbs 3LH440R 40 HP 61 A 61 A 54 x 39 x 20 in 450 lbs 3LH450R 50 HP 77 A 77 A 54 x 39 x 20 in 450 lbs 3LH460R 60 HP 91 A 91 A 61 x 46 x 22 in 615 lbs 3LH475R 75 HP 107 A 107 A 61 x 46 x 22 in 620 lbs 3LH4100R 100 HP 142 A 142 A 61 x 46 x 22 in 645 lbs 3LH4125R 125 HP 172 A 172 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 810 lbs 3LH4150R 150 HP 198 A 198 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 890 lbs 3LH4200R 200 HP 250 A 250 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 935 lbs 3LH4250R 250 HP 304 A 304 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 950 lbs 3LH4300R 300 HP 362 A 362 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 980 lbs 3LH4350R 350 HP 415 A 415 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 1,050 lbs 3LH4400R 400 HP 478 A 478 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 1,320 lbs 3LH4450R 450 HP 515 A 515 A 63 x 60 x 23 in 1,330 lbs www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 27 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Optional Integrations & Accessories 20 HP to 450 HP Part Number Description Standard User Installation Optional UL508A Panel Shop Installation Kits ASPD013 Three—Phase Strikesorb Surge Protection Kit n/a n/a SVK7000 Service Kit for All LH & DX Systems with RJ45 Connectors (Signature & Performance Enclosures Only — 2018, 2019, 2020 models)n/a n/a LEGS01, LEGS02 or LEGS03 Pad Mount Kit (Legs)Yes No Transducer S00150 0—150 psi Transducer with 15ft lead Yes No S00150—25 0—150 psi Transducer with 25ft lead Yes No S00150—50 0—150 psi Transducer with 50ft lead Yes No S00150—100 0—150 psi Transducer with 100ft lead Yes No Other Parts PSI SNUB Pressure Snubber for Transducers Yes No CVR0001 HOA Switch and Speed Pot Security Cover Yes No LF0018 GPS Output Filter Yes No Miscellaneous [Custom]Run or Fault Indicator Light and 150VA Power Supply No Yes [Custom]Additional Run or Fault Indicator Light No Yes www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 28 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Recommended Fuse & Breaker Ratings Model Number Horsepower VFD VFD With Bypass (Q) Option Recommended Fuse Rating Class J Recommended Circuit Breaker Rating Installed Circuit Breaker Rating 3LH — PERFORMANCE — 208 V/240 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LH220R 20 HP 80 A, 600 V 80 A 150 A 3LH230R 30 HP 125 A, 600 V 125 A 225 A 3LH240R 40 HP 175 A, 600 V 175 A 300 A 3LH250R 50 HP 200 A, 600 V 200 A 350 A 3LH260R 60 HP 250 A, 600 V 250 A 400 A 3LH — PERFORMANCE — 480 V Input Three—Phase | 480 V Output Three—Phase 3LH420R 20 HP 40 A, 600 V 40 A 60 A 3LH430R 30 HP 60 A, 600 V 60 A 125 A 3LH440R 40 HP 80 A, 600 V 80 A 150 A 3LH450R 50 HP 100 A, 600 V 100 A 200 A 3LH460R 60 HP 125 A, 600 V 125 A 225 A 3LH475R 75 HP 150 A, 600 V 150 A 250 A 3LH4100R 100 HP 200 A, 600 V 200 A 350 A 3LH4125R 125 HP 250 A, 600 V 250 A 400 A 3LH4150R 150 HP 250 A, 600 V 250 A 500 A 3LH4200R 200 HP 350 A, 600 V 350 A 600 A 3LH4250R 250 HP 400 A, 600 V 400 A 800 A 3LH4300R 300 HP 500 A, 600 V 500 A 1000 A 3LH4350R 350 HP 600 A, 600 V 600 A 1200 A 3LH4400R 400 HP 600 A, 600 V 600 A 1200 A 3LH4450R 450 HP 800 A, 600 V 800 A 1600 A 20 HP to 450 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 29 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings Model Number 3LH220R 3LH420R 3LH430R 3LH440R 3LH450R 20 HP to 450 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 30 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings 20 HP to 450 HP Model Number 3LH230R 3LH240R 3LH460R 3LH475R 3LH4100R www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 31 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Line Drawings Model Number 3LH250R 3LH260R 3LH4125R 3LH4150R 3LH4200R 3LH4250R 3LH4300R 3LH4350R 3LH4400R 3LH4450R 20 HP to 450 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 32 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Wiring Diagram 20 HP to 450 HP www.phasetechnologies.com INTUITIVELY ENGINEERED 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 866-250-7934 Product Specifications Page 33 of 333LH(E/S)SPECS_v1.0_10052020 Notes 20 HP to 450 HP Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-24-01 In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Co., Inc. For Approval of a Replacement Well for Its Morning View System Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 26 Please provide detailed information including but not limited to make, model, capacity, specifications, etc. for the new VFD that the Company is planning to install for the anticipated 60 hp pump of the proposed Well No. 4. Response: The VFD for the proposed Well No. 4 will be a Phase Technologies Model 3LH460. The cabinet for the VFD will be the 3LHS460. Please see the four manufacturer specifications brochures that accompany this response (FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 26 Attachments 1-4). Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce, General Manager, Falls Water Co., Inc. (208) 522-1300 FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 26 Page 1 of 1 DATEREV.NAME CHANGES REVISION LOCATION: Document realized with version : CONTRACT: SCHEME 04L1Main electrical closet 3LH Circuit 0 2015.0.4.7 User data 2 0 Andrew9/22/2015 SO L I D W O R K S E l e c t r i c a l J22 J21 J20 J11 J10 J23 J24 J25 J28 J1 J2 J3 J4 J6 J7 3LH Control Board J5 J8 J9 J13 J1 1 J1 2 J1 J3 J4 J5 J6 3LH Power Board 40 39 TE R M I N A L B L O C K 3 49 48 A1 A2 CONTACTOR2 4 1 2 0 RE L A Y 1 15 17 INPUT MCCB2 U SURGE3 U SURGE2 U SURGE1 CA P 7 CA P 6 CA P 5 2 INDUCTOR1 CAP8 RESISTOR26 FAN8 FAN9FAN7 FAN6 8 IG B T 1 IG B T 2 IG B T 3 IG B T 5 IG B T 4 IG B T 6 1 CA P 1 CA P 2 CA P 3 RESISTOR1 CM1 CM 2 TERMINAL BLOCK1 FA N 1 H1 H2 H3 H4 X2X3 X1X4 XF M R 1 45 50 46 47 FUSE1 41 FUSE2 42 TO CONTACTOR INPUT L2 TO CONTACTOR INPUT L1 TM2 43 L2 L3 25 22 333027 26 29 32 3124 28 342319 18 20 21 TM1 44 7 TE R M I N A L B L O C K 2 36 37 38 FUSE3 35 L1 4 5 3 10 12 14 13119 16 TO INPUT TERMINAL BLOCK L1 1P TB1 OUTPUT dVdt1 ALF004 48 47 46 CM1 5 HP to 500 HP VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE Low Harmonic | Three-Phase INTUITIVELYENGINEERED THREE-PHASE Active Front End Technology • Guaranteed IEEE 519 compliant without additional harmonic filters* Regenerative • Maximize efficiency with balanced, stable voltage to the load and full regeneration on shutdown PERFECT PRESSURE™ • Setup constant pressure in minutes • Large backlit graphic display with intuitive menus • Messages in clear English Industry Best Lead Times • 3 to 10 business days Voltage Doubling Output • Eliminates the need for transformers while minimizing load wire size Superior Heat Rejection • Unique design maximizing component life and minimizing downtime Expanded Enclosure Options 5 HP to 50 HP Phase Technologies’ most value driven product to date The Performance enclosures offer a large sub-panel with ample space for a multitude of integrated options • Compact Design • Best Value • Shortest Lead Times (3-5 business days) • Rugged • Spacious • Simple Equipment Integration • Lead Times (5-10 business days) 20 HP to 200 HP Signature enclosures offer rugged performance & excellence in quality • Slim & Light Design • Lower Cost • Shorter Lead Times (3-7 business days) 20 HP to 500 HP The Leader In Low Harmonic VFDs GUARANTEED IEEE 519-2014 IEEE 519 Compliance *Our Guarantee Phase Technologies guarantees that the LH SERIES product line will meet the IEEE 519-2014 standard as long as a minimum load of 50% is maintained as related to the max current rating of the system. If a system does not comply, Phase Technologies will either offer a suitable fix to the bring the panel into compliance or offer a full refund for the purchase price of the panel upon return. Significant Installation Cost Savings Voltage Doubling Input Output 240 V Three-Phase 480 V Three-Phase Harmonic Profile Indirect Cooling Our innovative cooling design utilizes outside air in a separate compartment segregated from sensitive electronics. It eliminates the risk of contaminated air entering the electronics areas and ultimately prolongs the life and improves the efficiency of internal components. Superior Heat Rejection Exhausting Hot Air Clean Air In Components Area Cool Air Intake *Applies to most models Contaminated Air In Separate Compartment Segregated Airflow Channel (Behind main component panel) Temperature Rating Up to 50 °C (122 °F)* American Made & Built To Last 508A Panel Shop Options • NEW! Two Contactor System Bypass • MCCB Service Rated Disconnect • HOA Switch • Speed Potentiometer • Sinewave Filter • dV/dt Filter • Strikesorb® Surge Protection • ProTec® Surge Protection Designed For Deep Set Wells & Long Lead Applications • Significantly reduce installation costs • Smaller motor cable & well size requirements • Voltage control for deep wells 5 HP to 500 HP Specifications - Variable Frequency Drive 3LH(ES) 1.1_04122021 HP Enclosures E | S | P Rated Voltage Input | Output Rated Current Input | Output Weight (lbs)* E | S | P 5 HP E 240 V | 240 V 18 A 100 lbs 240 V | 480 V 18 A | 9 A 100 lbs 480 V | 480 V 9 A 100 lbs 7.5 HP E 240 V | 240 V 24 A 115 lbs 240 V | 480 V 24 A | 13 A 100 lbs 480 V | 480 V 13 A 100 lbs 10 HP E 240 V | 240 V 31 A 125 lbs 240 V | 480 V 31 A | 18 A 130 lbs 480 V | 480 V 18 A 100 lbs 15 HP E 240 V | 240 V 46 A 125 lbs 240 V | 480 V 46 A | 24 A 140 lbs 480 V | 480 V 24 A 130 lbs 20 HP E 240 V | 240 V 61 A 125 lbs E | S | P 240 V | 480 V 61 A | 31 A 150 lbs | 220 lbs | 450 lbs E | S | P 480 V | 480 V 31 A 140 lbs | 180 lbs | 445 lbs 25 HP E 240 V | 240 V 75 A 145 lbs 240 V | 480 V 77 A | 38 A 150 lbs 480 V | 480 V 38 A 145 lbs 30 HP E 240 V | 240 V 91 A 145 lbs S | P 240 V | 480 V 91 A | 46 A 340 lbs | 615 lbs E | S | P 480 V | 480 V 46 A 145 lbs | 210 lbs | 445 lbs 40 HP S | P 240 V | 480 V 121 A | 61 A 370 lbs | 620 lbs E | S | P 480 V | 480 V 61 A 150 lbs | 215 lbs | 450 lbs 50 HP S | P 240 V | 480 V 142 A | 77 A 480 lbs | 815 lbs E | S | P 480 V | 480 V 77 A 155 lbs | 220 lbs | 450 lbs 60 HP S | P 240 V | 480 V 172 A | 91 A 530 lbs | 890 lbs 480 V | 480 V 91 A 375 lbs | 615 lbs 75 HP S | P 480 V | 480 V 107 A 380 lbs | 620 lbs 100 HP S | P 480 V | 480 V 142 A 385 lbs | 645 lbs 125 HP S | P 480 V | 480 V 172 A 475 lbs | 810 lbs 150 HP S | P 480 V | 480 V 198 A 480 lbs | 890 lbs 200 HP S | P 480 V | 480 V 250 A 540 lbs | 905 lbs 250 HP P 480 V | 480 V 304 A 910 lbs 300 HP P 480 V | 480 V 362 A 915 lbs 350 HP P 480 V | 480 V 415 A 950 lbs 400 HP P 480 V | 480 V 478 A 1,320 lbs 450 HP P 480 V | 480 V 515 A 1,330 lbs 500 HP P 480 V | 480 V 590 A 1,330 lbs Three-Phase • Voltage Doubling • Low Harmonic #3187280 222 Disk Drive, Rapid City, SD 57701 Phase Technologies, LLC 605.343.7934 - Main 866.250.7934 - Toll Free www.phasetechnologies.com Slimmer & lighter enclosure S = Signature Full-size enclosure & room for integration P = PerformanceEnclosure Options E = Enterprise NEW! - Compact & versatile enclosure *Weights are approximate and vary based on the VFD configuration Standard Lead Time: 3-10 Business Days Scan to download all 3LH materials electronically