HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240415Application (REDACTED).pdf1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 April 9, 2024 VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-24-06 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF THE TRANSFER OF PORTIONS OF THE NORTH TEMPLE PROPERTY AND ACCOUNTING ORDER Attention: Commission Secretary Pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-328, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, submits its application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) requesting approval of a property transfer agreement. Additionally, in accordance with Idaho Code § 61-524, Rocky Mountain Power submits its application to the Commission for a deferred accounting order authorizing the Company to record a regulatory liability associated with the net proceeds associated with a property transfer agreement. Informal inquiries may be directed to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2313. Very truly yours, Joelle Steward Senior Vice President, Regulation and Customer & Community Solutions Enclosures CC: Terri Carlock RECEIVED Monday, April 15, 2024 11:49 AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Page 1 Joe Dallas (ISB# 10330) PacifiCorp, Senior Attorney 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Email: joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF THE TRANSFER OF PORTIONS OF THE NORTH TEMPLE PROPERTY AND ACCOUNTING ORDER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC -E-24-06 APPLICATION Comes now PacifiCorp, d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power (“Rocky Mountain Power” or “Company”) pursuant to Idaho Code (I.C.) § 61-328 and IDAPA hereby submits this application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”). Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests an order approving the Property Transfer Agreement (“Transfer Agreement”) between the Company and LHM DEV E, LLC (“LHM DEV E”) and determining that the property disposition is in the public interest. The Transfer Agreement provides for the terms of conveyance of portions of real property located in Salt Lake City, Utah, from the Company to LHM DEV E, which is referred to in this application as the “North Temple Property” or “NTP.” Additionally, in accordance with I.C. § 61-524 and IDAPA, Rocky Mountain Power hereby requests an accounting order that would authorize the recording of a regulatory liability for any net proceeds arising from the Transfer Agreement for the benefit of customers. This account would then offset future costs that may arise in a subsequent rate proceeding as described in this Application. Rocky Mountain Power requests approval of this application by Page 2 October 1, 2024. The approval of the Transfer Agreement is in the public interest as it presents a unique opportunity to facilitate the sale of real property that is either underutilized or unnecessary for future utility operations. Moreover, approval of the Application will not lead to an increase in rates. The construction of new facilities detailed in this Application will be subject to a prudence review, and any potential rate impacts will be assessed in a subsequent regulatory proceeding. Moreover, the approval of the Accounting Order will allow the Company to place any net proceeds from the Transfer Agreement into a balancing account for the benefit of customers, to be addressed in a future rate proceeding. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: I. NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT 1. Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, whose address is 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 88,780 customers in the state and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Company’s retail certificated service territory encompasses portions of Fremont, Madison, Teton, Clark, Jefferson, Lemhi, Oneida, Bannock, Franklin, Caribou, Butte, Bingham, Bear Lake, and Bonneville counties. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state pursuant to I.C. § 61-129. 2. Formal correspondence and requests for additional information regarding this matter should be addressed to: By email (preferred): datarequest@pacificorp.com Page 3 By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 With copies to: Mark Alder Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-2313 Email: mark.alder@pacificorp.com Joe Dallas Attorney Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Email: joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com Informal inquiries related to this Application should be directed to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager, at (801) 220-2313. II. BACKGROUND 3. The NTP consists of an estimated 100-acres of real property in Salt Lake City, Utah. The property is flanked to the east by the Jordan River, North Temple bounds it to the north, Interstate 80 and a railroad define its southern edge, and Redwood Road lies to the west. Figure 1 offers a reference map of the NTP property: Page 4 Figure 1 – NTP General Reference Map 4. PacifiCorp acquired the NTP in the 1940s. Before that time, significant portions of the NTP were utilized for various purposes including industrial activities and landfill to store residential, commercial, and industrial waste for Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. PacifiCorp’s corporate headquarters (“North Temple Office” or “NTO”) has been located at the NTP since approximately 1955, when it relocated from its prior downtown headquarters in the Kearns Building in Salt Lake City. Since then, PacifiCorp has made various improvements to the property beyond typical repairs and maintenance. The property has remained in the same or substantially similar condition since 1990. 5. Currently, the NTP includes approximately 264,000 square foot multi-purposed office building that houses employee workspaces, conference rooms, and training spaces (164,000 square feet); warehouse operations (31,000 square feet); IT Data Center (45,000 square feet); electric grid operations (20,000 square feet); and the Security Center (4,000 square feet). The NTP Page 5 also includes the Salt Lake Metro Service Center (SLCSC), inventory laydown yards, space for parking, storage, and other operations. 6. The NTO currently provides system-wide support across PacifiCorp’s six-state service area. For example: • The NTO includes personnel in engineering, grid operations, thermal generation, regulation, legal, finance, facilities and property management, customer and community solutions, environmental management, fuels procurement and mining, wind and solar resource development, health and safety, IT, human resources, and security divisions. All of these departments manage assets and operations that support system-wide generation and electric operations across PacifiCorp’s six- state service area; • The IT Data Center located in the NTO supports PacifiCorp’s corporate and operations technology needs; • The Grid Operations Center located in the NTO manages the power system in PacifiCorp’s Utah, Idaho and Wyoming service territories on a 24/7 basis, responds to disturbances on the power system, investigates outages on distribution and transmission assets, dispatches field resources, schedules and performs switching on distribution and transmission systems as well and as the backup for the Pacific Power grid operations located in Portland, Oregon, which manages the power systems in California, Oregon and Washington. • The Security Center located in the NTO monitors and provides critical infrastructure security to PacifiCorp’s physical and cyber assets throughout the Company’s six-state service area. Page 6 7. At present, the NTP facilities are beyond their useful life for operations and disaster recovery requirements. These facilities require a major renovation or reconstruction to address significant concerns with the facility to ensure continuous essential services. In particular, these facilities grapple with a range of issues, including structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, as well as physical and cyber-security vulnerabilities, and architectural shortcomings. All of these issues demand attention for the facilities to be suitable for sustained occupancy in the future. A third-party evaluation conducted by CRSA, an architectural and planning firm, coupled with PacifiCorp’s own internal expertise and insights, support this assessment. The CRSA evaluation is included with this application and can be found in Exhibit No. 1 to this Application. 8. Confronted with the NTO’s inadequate condition for ongoing use and operation, the Company evaluated the choice between renovating the current premises or constructing entirely new facilities. It became evident that the essential renovations and improvements needed for the existing facilities would not be cost effective. In particular, CRSA’s assessment revealed that revamping the current infrastructure would incur costs exceeding those of new construction by over ten percent, not to mention the additional financial strains from renting temporary spaces during the renovation, moving materials and equipment, and the disruption to regular business activities. Moreover, renovation would not meet key project objectives identified by the Company.1 Furthermore, the building’s outdated structure and motel-like design would still pose physical security threats to the Company’s assets, and the current inefficient layout would remain unchanged. Upgrading the facilities would also fail to meet critical resilience goals necessary to 1 These objectives include: (1) Enhance resilience of grid operation and data center assets; (2) Bolster physical and cyber security to ensure life safety and asset protection; (3) Build upon community relations; (4) Execute the Company’s environmental compliance strategy at the NTP; (5) Enhance the Company’s ability to attract and retain employees by providing an optimal work environment that fosters increased collaboration and employee engagement; and (6) Provide customer benefits and rate mitigation revenue from development or disposition of sections of the NTP. Page 7 ensure the Grid Operations Center, Security Center and IT Data Center remain functional in major events; and the dispersed layout of assets across the NTO would limit the potential benefits to customers that could come from the property’s strategic disposition. 9. The initial phase of development on the NTP site will include critical PacifiCorp construction initiatives: a new headquarters (referred to as the “New NTO”), and potentially the new Energy Services Building (“referred to as the “New ESB”) for electric grid operations and dispatch control. PacifiCorp plans to develop between 4 acres and 10 acres, depending on the final location of its New ESB. Additionally, PacifiCorp will retain approximately 35 acres for the Gadsby power plant and substation operations. 10. The New NTO will be designed to accommodate roughly 700 PacifiCorp employees across approximately 215,000 gross square feet to continue performing system-wide support across the Company’s six-state service area. It will be constructed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (“LEED”) silver certification standards. 11. The New ESB is set to accommodate roughly 60 PacifiCorp employees and will encompass about 80,000 gross square feet. It, too, will be constructed to meet LEED silver certification standards. Moreover, the New ESB will adhere to the resilience risk Category IV standards applicable to critical infrastructure. The building will be equipped with a base isolation system for seismic protection, allowing it to separate the foundation from the superstructure. This feature ensures that the building remains operational during and after natural calamities, extreme environmental incidents, and potential terrorist attacks. The New ESB will be designed to withstand earthquakes of up to 7.5 magnitude, wind speeds of 110 miles per hour, heavy snow loads, remain habitable during poor air quality events, and includes Electromagnetic Pulse shielding. Furthermore, it will incorporate multiple layers of physical and electronic security to Page 8 deter unauthorized entry and protect against terrorist or riotous assaults. 12. In this proceeding, PacifiCorp is not seeking a prudence determination, or any rate change associated with the construction of the New NTO or the New ESB. The Company has provided an overview of its intended projects at the NTP to give context to this Application. Instead, this Application requests authorization for the approval of the Transfer Agreement to enable the sale of real property that is either underdeveloped or surplus to utility operations. Additionally, it seeks to establish a balancing account to track the net proceeds associated with the Transfer Agreement for the benefit of customers, that will be addressed in a future rate proceeding. III. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFER AGREEMENT 13. Attached to this Application as Confidential Exhibit No. 2 is the Transfer Agreement between LHM DEV E and PacifiCorp. The Transfer Agreement presents a unique opportunity to receive proceeds for certain parcels of the NTP that are either underdeveloped or not required for utility operations. The Agreement categorizes the NTO into separate blocks (Block 1-A, 1-B, 2, 3, and 4): Page 9 Figure 2 – NTP Reference Map 14. Portions of Blocks 1-B and 2 will be retained by PacifiCorp for the construction of the New NTO and potentially the New ESB facilities and are not available for purchase by LHM DEV E. 15. The Transfer Agreement outlines the conditions under which LHM DEV E may exercise its option to purchase portions of the aforementioned Blocks depicted above for the NTP and includes provisions for the assessment of land value and environmental liability. In particular, the agreement enables LHM DEV E to purchase acreage at an agreed upon value, plus escalation adjustments. LHM DEV E is not required to exercise its entire option at once; therefore, the option may be exercised through a series of transactions over time. Section 2(b) of the Transfer Agreement provides a timeline duration for property purchase from March 1, 2024, through December 31, 2039. Mandatory purchases by LHM DEV E begin January 1, 2028, as per Section 14(a) of the Transfer Agreement. Page 10 IV. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSFER AGREEMENT 16. I.C. § 61-328(1) requires the Company to obtain Commission approval before transferring property used in the generation of electric power to the public. As relevant here, in order to approve a property transfer, I.C. § 61-328(3) requires that the Commission determine: “(a) That the transaction is consistent with the public interest; [and] (b) That the cost of and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of such transaction[.]”2 17. The approval of the Transfer Agreement aligns with the public interest by offering a unique opportunity to facilitate the sale of real property that has been identified as either underutilized or not required for forthcoming NTP facility construction. The approval of this transfer will not impact current rates. The Company’s present Application seeks authorization for the transfer of specific portions of the NTP and does not request a prudence determination or approval for any prospective construction of facilities. Therefore, the transfer proposed in this proceeding will not affect current rates, and the prudence and potential rate impact of any future construction will be evaluated in a subsequent rate proceeding. Additionally, as detailed in the following section, the Company proposes to account and record any proceeds, less the net book value of any property sold and costs associated with the disposition(s), from the Transfer Agreement for the benefit of customers. V. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTING ORDER 18. Rocky Mountain Power also requests approval of an accounting order that would authorize the recording of a regulatory liability for any net proceeds arising from the Transfer Agreement. Additionally, the Company proposes deferring to this regulatory liability amounts in 2 I.C. § 61-328(3)(c) also requires a finding, “That the applicant for such acquisition or transfer has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service.” As represented by the Agreement, LHRME is a bona fide purchase and PacifiCorp represents that LHRME is a developer with the financial ability to operate and maintain the property for public benefit. Page 11 rates at the time of the transaction associated with any property sold. The Company further requests that this balancing account be amortized, along with applicable interest, in a subsequent rate proceeding. Considering the Transfer Agreement grants LHM DEV E the option(s) to purchase the real property, the timing, and proceeds from such a transaction cannot currently be determined at this time and are currently not known and measurable for purposes of rate setting. As a result, it is in the public interest to approve the requested accounting order. This will ensure that any net proceeds from any transactions are appropriately preserved and returned to customers in a future proceeding. 19. As stated above, given the Transfer Agreement’s provision allowing LHM DEV E the option to purchase a maximum amount of acreage, combined with the annually escalating basis for the transaction and unknown final costs related to preparing the real property for sale, the Company is unable to specify an exact figure to be recorded in the deferred account at this time. However, should LHM DEV E exercise its option in full, the Company estimates that the amount recorded will be approximately the amount specified in Appendix H of the Transfer Agreement less the environmental deduction specified in the Transfer Agreement, the net book value of any property sold, and costs associated with the disposition(s). The Company will submit informational filings to this docket once any option is exercised by LHM DEV E. 20. If this application is approved, the Company will record deferred amounts by crediting Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Account 254-Other Regulatory Liabilities and debiting FERC Account 421.1-Gain on disposition of property. Amounts in customer rates associated with any property sold will be deferred by debiting the appropriate revenue accounts and crediting FERC Account 254. If this application is denied, the net proceeds will remain in FERC Account 421.1. Page 12 21. The Company acknowledges that the Commission’s approval of deferred accounting treatment does not constitute a prudence determination for the construction of any facilities described in this Application. Recovery of any costs would be subject to a prudence review and a final decision on rate recovery in a future regulatory filing. VI. REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE 22. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, in accordance with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure 201 – 204. VII. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 23. This filing, specifically the Transfer Agreement, labeled as Confidential Exhibit No. 2, includes trade secrets and confidential information exempt from public review under Idaho Code §§ 74-104–109 and Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Rule of Procedure 67. VIII. CONCLUSION 24. WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests an order approving the Transfer Agreement pursuant to I.C. § 61-328 and an accounting order authorizing it to record to record a regulatory liability to FERC Account 254 (Other Regulatory Liabilities) to account for any net proceeds associated with the Transfer Agreement to be amortized in a subsequent rate proceeding. Page 13 Respectfully submitted this 9th day of April 2024. ____________________________________ Joe Dallas (ISB# 10330) PacifiCorp, Senior Attorney 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Email: joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power EXHIBIT 1 CRSA Evaluation APRIL 23, 2021 LIFE-CYCLE COST ANALYSIS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER HEADQUARTERS 1407 W. NORTH TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 PREPARED BY: CRSA 175 S. MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111 Table of Contents Executive Summary………………………………….5 Architectural Report………………………………….9 Structural Report…………………………………….17 Electrical Report……………………………………..25 Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire Protection Report…...67 Construction Cost Estimate ………………………..75 Executive Summary This report is a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for Rocky Mountain Power (RMP), specifically comparing the long-term financial implications of renovating its existing headquarters versus constructing a new facility on their site located at 1407 W. North Temple in Salt Lake City. The current headquarters (including the warehouse), designed by Ashton, Evans and Brazier, was constructed starting in the late 1940s. As RMP predecessor Utah Power and Light grew through the second half of the twentieth century, along with vast population growth throughout the Salt Lake Valley and Utah generally, the headquarters was expanded in a piecemeal fashion. A large three-story addition was constructed west of the original core in 1958. A three-story south wing was added in 1977. The current facility has experienced regular additions and modifications since 1977 to meet the ever- changing operational needs of RMP. However, it is falling behind modern energy efficiency standards, and the need for a significant renovations, seismic upgrade and/or construction of a new facility to better support staff, workflow and productivity has become apparent to RMP. CRSA was approached by Giv Development in March 2021 to assist RMP leadership in the decision to build new or renovate the headquarters by evaluating the existing facilities and vetting the RMP standards for a new development. Giv is currently assisting RMP in selecting a master developer for the site, and the fate of the existing RMP building is central to the larger vision of the site and the financial viability of its development. CRSA evaluated the architectural components of the existing facility and collaborated with the following sub-consultants in compiling this report: • Calder Richards Consulting Engineers: Structural Engineering • Spectrum Engineers: Electrical Engineering • B&D Engineering: Mechanical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Engineering • Parametrix: Cost Modelling Architecture With any building over fifty years of age, its historical significance should be evaluated and accounted for in demolition vs. renovation decisions. However, the historical integrity of the RMP headquarters has largely been lost through years of renovations, additions, and maintenance-oriented changes. The building was not built with current standards for workplace environment in mind, and it is therefore lacking in quality daylighting, thermal comfort, and high-quality indoor air. Under the Utah-adopted 2018 I-Suite of codes, including the International Existing Building Code (IEBC) and International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), we would address the following deficiencies in addition to standard architectural services and interior design in the case of a renovation to the existing headquarters: • Additional fire separations to meet maximum fire areas for Type II-B construction (unprotected non-combustible). • Class B finishes in interior exit stairways/ramps and exit passageways. • Upgrading accessibility in restrooms and other common areas. • Upgrading building envelope to meet the IEBC requirements, including adding additional thermal insulation in exterior walls, replacing exterior doors/windows, and upgrading the roof. While we may be able to minimize required insulation under code, a full building upgrade would be ideal to ease the mechanical system burden, meet RMP standards for workplace conditions, and to meet LEED requirements. Structural/Seismic Systems The building withstood the March 2020 Magna Earthquake relatively unscathed, with minor cracking to the unreinforced masonry warehouse walls. However, a major renovation would require seismic upgrades under the current 2018 I-Codes. Because different areas of the building were built at different times under varying contemporary codes, the seismic retrofit items would vary accordingly, including: • Shear walls and upgraded roof-wall connections in original Warehouse. • Bracing connection and wall connection upgrades in the 1950 and 1958 portions, which were seismically upgraded in the 1990s. • Concrete shear walls and upgraded masonry wall connections anticipated in 1970 and mid-1970s additions. • Further study of 1977 addition (the current system was designed for a six-story building, so it may be sufficient). • Lateral system upgrades to 1990 Energy Management Building Addition, constructed under 1988 Uniform Building Code. Electrical Systems Due to deficiencies at every level, complete demolition and replacement of the electrical system is recommended if the current headquarters is renovated. This assessment is based on observed deficiencies in the medium voltage distribution, lack of a centralized utility yard for electrical service, inefficient panel locations and layouts, and a handful of code violations. Significant electrical system upgrade recommendations include: • Branch circuits loaded to no more than 80% NFPA 70 standard. • Copper conductors throughout, sized to prevent voltage drop exceeding 3% at the farthest load. • Providing min. 20A outlets in code-mandated locations. • Upgrade the grounding system. • Lightning protection system is recommended. • Increased EV charging stations. • Replacing uninterruptible power system (UPS) and emergency/standby generator system. • Wholesale replacement of the lighting systems to meet current codes and health department requirements; utilized all LED fixtures and a centralized system to help meet LEED and energy standards. • New telecom system with special attention to Data Center upgrades. • Wholesale replacement of security, A/V, and fire alarm systems to meet current codes and RMP requirements. Mechanical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection Systems According to the ASHRAE Equipment Life Expectancy Chart and given the most recent system upgrade was completed in 1990, not a single mechanical system in the existing headquarters building has any service life remaining. Therefore, a substantial replacement plan should be developed as a part of any renovation of the current building. With the age of piping running throughout the building and observations of its material characteristics, wholesale replacement of the plumbing and fire protection systems is also recommended. Some factors which would be considered in replacing the mechanical systems include: • Working around existing structural systems and other features complicates the mechanical design in any existing building. • As it stands now, the mechanical design would be calculated based off under-insulated envelope conditions (architect recommends upgrading envelope thermal properties). • Current energy code requires a fully integrated controls system which allows for trending. • Current maintenance staff knowledge may limit the options for a new system. • High cost of seismic restraints under current codes. Cost Modelling Existing Building Summary Almost every aspect of the existing RMP Headquarters Building is deficient to modern office standards. In addition, the demands for seismically stable, environmentally controlled, and physically hardened operations environments will be both difficult and costly to develop within the existing structure. The cost of renovation to meet the demands of RMPs business and operational goals will far exceed the cost of new construction. Work will require building seismic retrofit, wholesale replacement of electrical systems, nearly wholesale replacement of mechanical systems, abatement of any existing hazardous materials (lead paint, asbestos wrapped pipes, etc.), and the retrofit of the structures to better position RMP to support is administrative and operational mandates. Renovation work is expected to cost more than $300/sf or approximately $77.885 million for the 233,860 sf of primarily office/operations space. RMP Proposed Headquarters While the pro forma for new headquarters facilities include both standard office space as well as 50,000+ sf of operations areas requiring high levels of seismically performance, environmentally controlled, physically hardened and independently operated environments. The need for approximately 150,000 square feet of contemporary office environments is anticipated to cost an average of $466/sf, for an average total replacement cost of $69.843 million. Conclusion While the current headquarters has served RMP well for over seventy years, its renovation would provide less value to RMP and its ratepayers that a new headquarters. Rapid developments in building codes, especially seismic and energy efficiency standards, along with standards for interior work environments, have largely led to obsolescence in the current headquarters. Bringing that facility up to current standards would not represent a cost savings to the point of financial feasibility compared to a new building. Additionally, the existing headquarters has very little inherent value, in the form of historical or aesthetic value, and a new building would allow RMP to convey its values through architecture, green construction, and branding. Rocky Mountain Power Headquarters Existing Building Architectural Narrative General The current Rocky Mountain Power headquarters, located at 1407 W. North Temple, was constructed in multiple phases starting in 1950, with major additions in 1958, 1978, 1980, 1985, and 1990. As a result of this piecemeal development of the facility, it is not organized efficiently and fails to provide the quality of work environment expected in a modern office setting. Furthermore, some sections of the current headquarters do not meet current building codes, accessibility requirements, or environmental regulations. To mitigate these shortcomings and provide facilities that meet RMP’s needs, a substantial renovation of the existing facility would be required. If the project were undertaken currently, the 2018 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) would govern these alterations. However, given the recent pattern of the release of a new model code every three years, with adoption by Salt Lake City the following July 1, we would expect this project to fall under the upcoming 2021 IEBC. Because the 2021 IEBC is only available in outline format at this time (to be released in full December 2021), our code review looks at the potential project through the lens of the 2018 IEBC. By virtue of its age, the historic nature of the building should be considered in any plans for its renovation, redevelopment, or demolition. The historic core of the headquarters was designed by notable Salt Lake architecture firm Ashton, Evans & Brazier in the International Style. The exterior of the historic section largely maintains its architectural integrity along the North Temple frontage, although additions to the south and west have negatively impacted the integrity on those sides of the building. As a result, the overall architectural integrity of the building has been diminished, and National Register listing under Criterion C (“Properties significant as representatives of the manmade expression of culture or technology”) would be difficult. National Register listing under Criterion A (“Properties significant for their association or linkage to events important in the past”) may be feasible given the building’s association with the corporate growth of Utah Power and Light Co., but such listing is entirely voluntary, and would be recommend only if RMP or a new owner wishes to pursuit historic preservation tax credits or other such incentives. The building is not listed as a Salt Lake City local landmark or as contributing to a local historic district, so the City has no jurisdiction regarding historic preservation. Building Code Considerations As stated above, the renovation of this building would presumably fall under the 2021 IEBC; however, this model code will not be released until late 2021 and adopted by SLC in July 2022. Therefore, this preliminary code evaluation is through the 2018 IEBC, a code that “covers repair, alteration, addition and change of occupancy for existing buildings and historic buildings, while achieving appropriate levels of safety without requiring full compliance with the new construction requirements contained in the other I-Codes.” The 2018 IEBC was adopted by Utah on July 1, 2019. The IEBC lays out three options for designers to meet code requirements: Prescriptive Compliance Method, Work Area Compliance Method, and Performance Compliance Method. We recommend the Prescriptive Compliance Method in this case, as the building is not undergoing a change of occupancy, it is relatively straightforward, and we anticipate a full “gutting” the building to install new mechanical and electrical systems. At its most basic level, the Prescriptive Compliance Method requires alterations, additions, and changes of occupancy to meet the requirements of the International Building Code (IBC), the Utah-adopted model code for new construction of commercial buildings. The following considerations would be addressed during the design process under the 2018 IBC: • Occupancy Classification and Use (Cpt. 3): currently Business (Group B) occupancy, no change of use anticipated. • Special Detailed Requirements (Cpt. 4): the atrium space at the main entry is the only special requirement contained in the building. It connects three stories, so a fire barrier is not required, provided the smoke control system accounts for the full height of the space. Atrium interior finishes must meet a minimum of Class B. The atrium triggers installation of an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout the building. The current wet-pipe sprinkler system is anticipated to remain. • General Building Heights and Areas (Cpt. 5): o Allowable number of stories above grade plan: existing three stories is under the maximum for sprinklered Type I or II construction. o Allowable building height: existing 57’ height (approx.) is under the maximum for sprinklered Type I or II construction. o Allowable area: the allowable area (calculated by equation 5-2 (506.2.3)) is 86,250 square feet per floor for Type II-B construction, which makes up most of the current building. The overall footprint is approximately 135,000 square feet, so some fire separation will be required. The interface between the 1958 building and the 1977 addition already meets the fire separation requirement (as shown on C/A-16 on the 1977 plans). Furthermore, the 1950 building and 1958 addition appear to be isolated based off the 1958 plans. Further analysis is required, but existing fire separations appear to be sufficient based off current information. • Types of Construction (Cpt. 6): the renovations of the building any additions to it should be constructed of minimum Type II-B construction, as it meets the allowable stories, height, and areas. Type II-B is common in commercial buildings and is defined as a building constructed of non-combustible materials but where materials have no fire resistance. • Interior Finishes (Cpt. 8): Group B sprinklered buildings shall use Class B finishes for interior exit stairways and ramps and exit passageways. Class C finishes are acceptable for corridors and rooms. • Means of egress (Cpt. 10): The building has approximately 900 occupants according to Table 1004.5. This number should be fine-tuned as future programs are determined and assembly areas (i.e. conference/training rooms) are laid out. There appears to be sufficient egress currently, though it is difficult to verify that the required egress requirements are met until renovation plans are developed. • Accessibility (Cpt. 11): The facility is required to be accessible as outlined under IBC Chapter 11 and in ANSI A117.1. While the IEBC contains some exceptions to IBC accessibility requirements, none of these apply to the RMP project. o The existing building appears to have an accessible route from accessible parking stalls to accessible entrances. o Within the building, the existing building appears to be fully accessible, with accessible routes connecting all spaces and with stories connected by elevators. o Restrooms appear to be mostly accessible, along with other plumbing facilities and other employee use areas (break rooms, etc). If a wholesale renovation were undertaken, new restrooms and breakrooms would be designed to meet accessibility codes. Building Envelope One key component in the decision to retrofit or to build new is environmental sustainability, achieved largely through efficient mechanical systems and a tight, well-insulated building envelope. The current RMP building was constructed prior to adoption of energy codes, evidenced by drafty facades. Energy consumption was hardly a consideration in the 1950s. The Ashton, Evans & Brazier plans only call for 1” of rigid insulation sandwiched between the exterior brick veneer and an interior course of brick. While this small amount of insulation provides some thermal separation, there are many thermal bridges in the design. The steel windows are thermally unbroken, allowing the cold air to easily transfer from exterior surfaces to interior ones. Roof insulation in the 1950s portions was also inadequate, although it is unclear if the roof insulation has been upgraded since the original construction as it is covered by gravel ballast and membranes. By the time of the 1977 addition, building codes were starting to incorporate energy efficiency, but the addition is still considered under-insulated by today’s standards. The primary envelope insulation is composed of 6” batts between metal studs, opening the door to prolific thermal bridging at each stud. Rigid roof insulation in the 1977 section is much closer to what would be designed today, although we cannot confirm the condition of this insulation. Windows in the 1950s and 1977 portion of the building are also inadequate in their thermal properties, with high U-Factors and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients (SHGC). While most of the glazing is insulated, it represents early technology and is showing signs of wear in most cases. Under the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), “Alterations shall be such that the existing building or structure is not less conforming to the provisions of this code than the existing building or structure was prior to the alteration. Alterations to an existing building, building system or portion thereof shall conform to the provisions of this code as those provisions relate to new construction without requiring the unaltered portions of the existing building or building system to comply with this code.” Since the existing building would be entirely altered, the IECC requirements would apply wholesale. For Climate Zone 5, those requirements include: • Insulation entirely above roof deck: R-30ci. This polyiso insulation would be installed along with a new single-ply roof membrane (TPO or PVC). 2 layers of 2.6” polyiso would yield this R-value, thickness will not be counted as an average R-Value. • Walls: R-13+R-3.8ci. Fir in existing walls, with a spray-foam layer to provide continuous insulation. Min. 3” closed cell spray foam, which also provides vapor retarder. • Fixed fenestration: U-0.38 min., see table C402.4: varies from 0.38 to 0.61, depending on orientation and projection factor. For elements of the building not altered during the renovation, these upgrades would be voluntary. However, these updates would be strongly recommended if LEED certification and a high-performing building are desired. RM P  CO R P O R A T E  HE A D Q U A R T E R S Li f e  Cy c l e  An a l y s i s ,  04 . 1 6 . 2 0 2 1 ex i s t i n g   pr o p o s e d pr o g r a m  ar e a  na m e g s f g s f L1 L 2 L 3 A r c h .  Re q r . No t e s H a r d e n i n g  me a s u r e s He a d q u a r t e r s  (H Q ) 2 3 3 , 8 6 0              15 0 , 0 0 0              Bu i l d i n g  En t r a n c e 3 , 5 0 0                        2, 0 0 0                      o g u e s s  on  sf      Lo b b y o X Di r e c t  ac c e s s  to  UP C ,  VT R F ,  el e v  lo b b y  (T 2 S )      Lo b b y  Di s p l a y o X      Se c u r i t y o X      RM P  Em p l o y e e  En t e r a n c e o X      Lo b b y  to  T2 S  Ai r l o c k / S i n g l e  En t r y  Co n t r o l o X Al l o w i n g  on l y  in  in d i v  th r o u g h  at  a ti m e      St a I r / E l e v a t o r s o X Ha r d e n e d      MD F / I D F / C o m m  Sh a f t  (C a b l e  We l l ) o o o X Co n c r e t e  fl o o r s ,  wa l l s  ce i l i n g s  ‐   co n t i n u o u s      Ma i l  Ro o m o X Vi s i t o r  Ro o m s  an d  Tr a i n i n g  Fa c i l i t i e s  (V R T F ) 6 , 0 0 0                        10 , 0 0 0                  o 5, 4 0 0                           Lg  Me e t i n g  Ro o m 2 , 0 0 0                        o X di v i s i b l e  in t o  2 or  3,  ou t f i t  wi t h  vi d e o   co n f e r e n c i n g      Tr a i n i n g  Ro o m 6 0 0                              o X AV  pa c k a g e ?      Me e t i n g  Ro o m s 4 8 0                              o X 2 @ 24 0 ,  ea .  se a t  12 ,  ou t f i t  wi t h  vi d e o   co n f e r e n c i n g      Br e a k o u t  Ro o m s 7 2 0                              o X 6 @ 12 0 ,  ea .  se a t  6      Re s t r o o m s 6 0 0                              o X      Br e a k r o o m / L o u n g e 6 0 0                              o X      Ch a i r / T a b l e  St o r a g e 4 0 0                              o X Co r p .  Of f i c e  Sp a c e  (C O S ) 1 2 7 , 5 7 0              69 , 3 4 8                  X ge n e r a l  of f i c e  sp a c e  to  be  us e d  by  RM P   em p l o y e e s      Op e n  Of f i c e o o X      Of f i c e s o o X      Tr a i n i n g  Ro o m o o X 38  se a t s ,  di v i s i b l e  to  16  se a t s / 2 2  se a t s      La r g e  Co n f e r e n c e  Ro o m s o o X 18 ‐24  se a t s      Me d i u m  Me e t i n g  Ro o m s o o X 6‐8 se a t s      Sm a l l  Me e t i n g  Ro o m s o o X 3‐5 se a t s      Ph o n e  Bo o t h s o o X 1‐2 se a t s      Co p y  Ce n t e r o o X      Re f r e s h  St a t i o n   oo X sm  br e a k  se r v i c e  ‐   re f r i g ,  si n k ,  co f f e e ,   mi c r o w a v e ,  ex h a u s t ,  2 se a t s      Br e a k  Ro o m o o X      In d v  Se l f c a r e / M o t h e r ' s  Ro o m o o X 80  sf ,  1 pe r  fl o o r ,  sm a l l  ha n d s i n k      ID F / C o m m / E l e c  Cl o s e t s o o X      Re s t r o o m s o o X ti e r  1  se c u r i t y   le v e l ti e r  2  se c u r i t y   le v e l ti e r  3  se c u r i t y   le v e l Cu s t o m e r  Ca r e  Ce n t e r  (C C C ) 2 2 , 0 0 0                    15 , 1 5 2                  X te l e p h o n e  ca l l  ce n t e r  st a f f e d  24 ‐ho u r s      Wo r k s t a t i o n s 7 , 5 6 0                        o X      Su p e r v i s o r s  wo r k s t a t i o n s 4 7 0                              o X      Vi d e o  Co n f e r e n c e  Ro o m s 6 7 2                              o X      Tr a i n i n g  Ro o m 2 , 6 0 0                        o X      Lg  Me e t i n g  Ro o m 2 , 0 0 0                        o X      Sm  Co n f e r e n c e  Ro o m s 5 6 0                              o X di v i s i b l e ,  Sk y f o l d  pa r t i t i o n  to  di v i d e  ro o m   in t o  4      Ta r i f f  Po i l i c y  Te a m 4 0 3                              o X      Bu s i n e s s  An a l y s t  an d  Ma n a g e r s 4 0 3                              o X      Mi s s i o n  Co n t r o l ,  Wo r k f o r c e  Mg t ,  Co n t r o l  Ct r 4 0 3                              o X      In d v  Se l f c a r e / M o t h e r ' s  Ro o m 8 0                                  o X 80  sf ,  1 pe r  fl o o r ,  sm a l l  ha n d s i n k Gl o b a l  Se c u r i t y  Op e r a t i o n s  Ce n t e r  (G S O C )   4, 0 0 0                        2, 5 0 0                      X 20 '  cl e a r  ce i l i n g s ,  50 '  x  50 '  cl e a r s p a n  sp a c e ,  si x   wa l l  bo r d e r 24 / 7  RM P  se c u r i t y  gr o u p  pr o v i d i n g  in t e r n a l   se c u r i t y  fo r  HQ  an d  mo n i t o r s  cr i t i c a l  el e c t r i c   gr i d  in f r a s t r u c t u r e  re m o t e l y      Th e a t e r 2, 0 0 0                        oX 50 '  x 40 ' ,  3 ra i s e d  ti e r s ,   20 '  cl e a r  ce i l i n g . si x  wo r k s t a t i o n s  pe r  ti e r ,  LE D  di s p l a y  wa l l  36 '   w x 12 '  h      Co n f e r e n c e  Ro o m 30 0                              oX 30 '  x 10 ' Be h i n d  an d  ov e r l o o k i n g  th e  Th e a t e r .  Si n g l e   co n f  ta b l e  pl u s  ad d i t i o n a l  se a t i n g .  3 wa l l s   ha v e  LE D  di s p l a y s .      En c l a v e  1 10 0                              o X 1 0 '  x 10 ' ad j .  to  co n f  rm  on  up p e r  ti e r .  Us e  op e n  of f i c e   me d i u m  en c l a v e  de s i g n  st a n d a r d .      En c l a v e  2 50                                  oX 5 '  x 10 ' ad j .  to  co n f  rm  bu t  op p o s i t e  fr o m  en c l a v e  1.   Us e  op e n  of f i c e  sm a l l  en c l a v e  de s i g n   st a n d a r d .      Fo y e r 50                                  oX 5'  x 10 ' pr i m a r y  en t r y  po i n t  to  GS O C .  Co n t a i n s   st o r a g e  fo r  pe r s o n a l  be l o n g i n g s  an d  ot h e r   su p p l i e s . Ut a h  Po w e r  Cr e d i t  Un i o n  (U P C U ) ‐                                1, 5 0 0                      X em p l o y e e  ow n e d  CU  wi t h  sa t e l l i t e  lo c a t i o n  in   HQ      Wo r k  Ar e a 2 4 0                              o ac c o m o d a r t e r  3 st a f f      Te l l e r  Ar e a 1 4 4                              o 3 st a t i o n s      Lo b b y o      Co n f e r e n c e  Ro o m o      Br e a k r o o m o      Su p p l y  St o r a g e  Ro o m o      IT  Ra c k  Cl o s e t o      Co n t r o l  Ce n t e r  De s i g n  Re q u i r e m e n t  Fa c i l i t i e s IT  Da t a  Ce n t e r  (I T D C ) 2 5 , 0 0 0                    25 , 0 0 0                  oX no n ‐wa t e r  fi r e   su p p r e s s i o n Ti e r  4 Da t a  Ce n t e r  (f a u l t  to l e r a n t ) i n t e r n a l   se r v e r s ,  el e c t r o n i c  da t a  st o r a g e ,   co m m u n i c a t i o n s  eq u i p m e n t ,  ma y  be  lo c a t e d   in  HQ  or  se p a r a t e  du e  to  co d e  re q u i r e m e n t   or  co s t  de s i r a b i l i t y ,  Co n t r o l  Ce n t e r  de s i g n   cr i t e r i a  pl u s  ha r d e n i n g . R e d u n d a n t  sy s t e m s .   Un i n t e r u p t a b l e  po w e r  sy s t e m s .  Se p e r a t e   en v i r o n m e n t a l  an d  po w e r  sy s t e m s .    Po w e r   Us a g e  Ef f e c t i v e n e s s  (P U E )  1. 1 5 ,  72 ‐ho u r  se l f ‐ su f f i c i e n c y ,  gr o u n d i n g  be s t  pr a c t i c e s   (M o t o r o l a  R5 6  st a n d a r d ) .  AN S I / B I C S I  00 2 ‐ 20 1 9 op e r a t e  th r u  an d  af t e r  an  em e r g e n c y  (n a t u r a l  di s a s t e r ,   ex t r e m e  en v i r o n m e n t a l  ev e n t ,  te r r o r i s t  at t a c k ) ,   wi t h s t a n d  7. 5  ma g n i t u d e  ea r t h q u a k e ,  11 0  mi l e  pe r  ho u r   wi n d s ,  6'  sn o w  ac c u m u l a t i o n ,  th r o u g h  ba d  ai r  qu a l i t y   (u r b a n  fi r e  or  wi l d f i r e ) ,  mu l t i ‐la y e r e d  ph y s i c a l  an d   el e c t r o n i c  se c u r i t y  (t h w a r t  te r r o r i s t / r i o t e r s )      Co n t r o l  Ce n t e r  Da t a  Ce n t e r 4, 5 0 0                        o X no  ex t e r n a l  wi n d o w s ma i n l y  tr a d i t i n a l  fo u r ‐po s t  se r v e r  ca b i n e t s          CI P  MD F o X mu l t i p l e  se c u r e  ca b l e  ro u t e s      Co m m u n i c a t i o n s  Ro o m 6 , 0 0 0                        o X no  ex t e r n a l  wi n d o w s ma i n l y  tw o ‐po s t  co m m u n i c a t i o n s  ra c k s ,   ov e r h e a d  po w e r  an d  ca b l e  tr a y s ,  di r e c t   co n n e c t i o n  to  MW  To w e r          CO M  DF o X mu l t i p l e  se c u r e  ca b l e  ro u t e s      Co r p o r a t e  Da t a  Ce n t e r 7 , 5 0 0                        o X no  ex t e r n a l  wi n d o w s          CO R P  MD F X      Re c e i v i n g / S t o r a g e 2 , 0 0 0                        o X      Bu i l d  Ro o m 2 , 0 0 0                        o X im m e d i a t l e y  ad j .  to  re c v / s t o r ,  da t a  ce n t e r ,   co m m  ro o m      Ma i n  Po i n t  of  En t r y  Ro o m s 1 , 0 0 0                        o X no  ex t e r n a l  wi n d o w s 2 ro o m s ,  se e  IT D C  Di a g r a m  1      Ba c k u p  Po w e r 2 , 0 0 0                        o X (4 )  80 0  kW  em e r g e n c y  ba c k u p  po w e r   ge n e r a t o r s ,  fo r  po w e r  an d  co o l i n g      Lo a d i n g  Do c k ac c e s s  to  ID T C  st o r a g e  an d / o r  bu i l d  ro o m ,   ca n  ha v e  ac c e s s  to  RM P  co n t r o l l e d  fr e i g h t   el e v a t o r  if  IT D C  no t  on  gr o u n d  fl o o r      Mu l t i p l e  Po i n t  of  Fi b e r  En t r y mu l t i p l e  ro o m s  to  se r v e  CD C ,  CC D C ,  CR El e c t r i c  Gr i d  Op e r a t i o n s  (E G O ) 1 5 , 0 0 0                    24 , 0 0 0                  o X 24 / 7  co n t r o l  ce n t e r ,  Co n t r o l  Ce n t e r  de s i g n   cr i t e r i a ,  ma y  be  lo c a t e d  in  HQ  or  se p a r a t e   du e  to  co d e  re q u i r e m e n t  or  co s t  de s i r a b i l i t y   pl u s  ha r d e n i n g as  no t e d  ab o v e      EG O  Co n t r o l  Ro o m 1 8 , 0 0 0                  o X 20 '  cl e a r  ce i l i n g s 16  se a t s  at  co n t o l  mo d u l e s ,  2 Sk y f o l d   pa r t i o t n s  to  di v i d e  ro o m  in t o  3      EG O  Su p p o r t 6 , 0 0 0                        o X as  no t e d  ab o v e            Ma n a g e m e n t  Of f i c e   63 4                              o X 6 wo r k s t a t i o n s            Lg .  Co n f e r e n c e  Ro o m o X vi e w s  in t o  ce n t e r  ba y  of  th e  Co n t r o l  Ro o m          Sm .  Co n f e r e n c e  Ro o m o X          Br e a k r o o m / K i t c h e n o X          Em e r g e n c y  Ma n a g e m e n t  Sy s t e m s  Su p p o r t o X          Ma n a g e m e n t  Of f i c e o X          Tr a i n i n g  Ro o m o X 15  pe o p l e          Re s t  Ar e a / S l e e p i n g  Qu a r t e r s o X 2 si n g l e  re s t r o o m / s h o w e r  ro o m s ,  6 sl e e p i n g   ro o m s ,  lo c k e r s          Co m m u n i c a t i o n s  Ro o m / C o m m  Su p p o r t 5 , 0 0 0                        o X in t e g r a t e d  wi t h  IT D C  re q u i r e m e n t s Co m m u n i c a t i o n  To w e r X mo u n t e d  12 0 ‐19 5 '  ab o v e  gr o u n d  pl a n e  wi t h   cl e a r  li n e  of  si g h t  to  Tr a v r s e  Ri d g e  an d  En s i g n   Pe a k .  Bu i l d i n g  mo u n t e d  or  to w e r  mo u n t  of .   Co n n e c t i o n  to  Ga d s b y  pl a n t .  Ad j .  to  IT D C   wi t h  de d i c a t e d  co n d u i t  pa t h / r a c e w a y  an d   bl d g  en t r y  po r t s .  Di s t a n c e  be t w e e n  to w e r   an d  IT D C  as  sh o r t  as  po s s i b l e . to w e r  lo c a t i o n  re q u i r e s  RF  sa f e t y  ev a l u a t i o n  fo r  mo b l i e   ra d i o  tr a n s m i t t e r  an t e n n a  an d b l d g  oc c u p a n t s .   Gr o u n d i n g  co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  RM P  be s t  pr a c t i c e s  an d   Mo t o r o l a  R5 6  st a n d a r d s . Wa r e h o u s e 3 0 , 7 9 0                    Ne w  HQ  Ge n e r a l  Re q u i r e m e n t s El e c t r i c  po w e r  on l y ,  LE E D  (g o  fo r  Go l d ) ,   ma x i m i z e  da y l i g h t ,  hi g h  ai r  qu a l i t y  st a n d a r d ,   op e n  (g r a n d )  st a i r w e l l  be t w e e n  tw o  fl o o r s ,   mi n  15 '  fl o o r ‐to ‐fl o o r 6 3 4 S o u t h 4 0 0 W e s t , S u i t e 1 0 0 , S a l t L a k e C i t y , U t a h 8 4 1 0 1 T 8 0 1 - 4 6 6 - 1 6 9 9 F 8 0 1 - 4 6 7 - 2 4 9 5 Sent Via Email April 2, 2021 Laura Smith, AIA CRSA 175 S Main Street, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Reference: Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Ms. Smith, Pursuant to your request, our office has been asked to help provide a Life-Use Analysis on the existing Rocky Mountain Power office facility, formerly known as Utah Power and Light. The facility is located at 1407 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Our part within the Life-Use Analysis is to provide a narrative describing the existing structural systems, their integrity, and any foreseen seismic upgrades that may be required. Ballpark square footage costs for structural upgrades are also to be included. Our narrative is based on structural observations performed on site along with existing drawings that were available for review. Structural items that can easily be identified on site and or within the provided structural drawings will only be addressed in the narrative. Localized demolition and testing have not been performed. I have performed a couple of site observations and have reviewed the received documents relating to the above referenced building. Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Page 2 RECEIVED DOCUMENTS I have devoted substantive attention to the following documents. 1. Architectural and Structural Drawings for the 1950 Original Office Building prepared by Ashton, Evans and Brazier Architects and Engineers. 2. Partial 1992 Structural Drawings for the seismic upgrade to the 1950 Original Office Building prepared by MHT Architects and ARW Engineers. 3. Architectural and Structural Drawings for the 1958 General Office Addition prepared by Ashton, Evans and Brazier Architects and Engineers. 4. 1991 Structural Drawings for the seismic upgrade to the 1958 General Office Addition prepared by ARW Engineers. 5. Architectural and Structural Drawings for the 1970 General Office Building Remodel and Additions prepared by Brazier Montmorency Hayes and Talbot Architects. 6. Architectural and Structural Drawings for the 1978 Office Addition prepared by Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot Architects. 7. Architectural and Structural Drawings for the Vertical Office Addition prepared by Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot Architects. 8. Architectural and Structural Drawings for the 1990 Energy Management Building Systems Addition prepared by Richardson Associates Architects and E. W. Allen Associates Engineers. BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS The existing office building is a conglomerate of several buildings. The original building had several additions added on over the years of use with each building appearing to be separated by expansion joints. The following is a brief description and current condition of the original building along with each major addition. The first and original facility consisted of a warehouse type structure on the southeast portion of the site. The date of construction is not precisely known at this time but is presumed to have been built in the mid to late 1940s. Structural drawings were not available for this original structure. However, the structural system is clearly visible since it’s an open warehouse. The warehouse is mostly a single-story structure with a barrel framed roof comprised of wood joists and decking along with steel trusses. The trusses and framing are then supported on reinforced concrete pilasters and upper bond beams with infilled unreinforced concrete masonry unit (cmu) walls between them. The structure is then supported Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Page 3 on concrete foundations. The lateral system for the warehouse building utilizes the exterior masonry walls. A few wall cracks, perhaps due to some differential settlement, were observed at the south end of the structure. The warehouse structure appeared to be in satisfactory condition and appears to have performed well over its years of use. The office building was built after the warehouse structure around the year, 1950. This original facility occurs on the eastern side of the site just north of the warehouse. Structural drawings for the office building along with the 1992 seismic upgrade were available for review. Per the available drawings along with a recent field observation, the following structural systems were observed. The office building is a two-story structure with a basement below. It has steel and concrete framed roof and floors with open web steel joists and wide flange beams. The roof and floors are then supported on double wythe masonry walls with reinforced cavities and interior steel columns. The structural framing is then supported on reinforced concrete foundations with fairly wide, spread footings. During the early 1990s, steel brace frames were added as a seismic upgrade to the original exterior masonry shear wall lateral system. The original office structure appeared to be in good condition and has perform well over its years of use. The 1958 general office building addition occurs on the west side of the original office building. Structural drawings were available for this addition. The building is predominantly three stories in height with a basement below along with a single story occurring on the west end of the addition. Its roof framing has a concrete deck supported on open web steel joists and wide flange beams. The floors have concrete decks supported on wide flange beams. The roof and floors are then supported by interior steel columns and perimeter double wythe masonry walls with reinforced concrete cavities. The foundations are comprised of reinforced concrete walls, grade beams and pile caps supported on reinforced concrete drilled piers. The original lateral system utilized the exterior reinforced masonry walls and semi rigid steel beam to column connections. During the early 1990s steel brace frames were added as a seismic upgrade to the original exterior masonry shear wall lateral system. The 1958 General Office Addition also appears to be in good shape and has performed well over its years of use. Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Page 4 The 1970 General Office Building Addition occurs just south of the 1958 building addition. Structural drawings were available for this addition. This addition has two stories above grade with a basement below. The structural framing systems for this addition consists of a steel framed roof with open web joists and wide flange beams. The floor is framed with concrete and metal deck supported on wide flange beams. The roof and floors are then supported on interior steel columns with exterior reinforced cmu walls. The foundation system is comprised with reinforced concrete walls, pile caps and drilled piers. The lateral system for this addition utilizes the reinforced cmu perimeter walls. This addition appears to be in good shape and has performed well over its years of use. Architectural and structural drawings for the addition south of the 1958 General Office Building and east of the 1970 Addition and Remodel were not available. The site plan within the 1970 Building Addition and Remodel drawings does not show this addition. However, the site plan within the 1978 Office Addition does. Therefore, it’s presumed that this addition was built around the mid 1970s. Per a recent site visit, the addition has two stories above grade with a basement below. The structural framing system appears to have a steel framed roof with steel and concrete framed floors. The foundations are most likely reinforced concrete with pile caps supported on drilled piers. Since drawings were not available for this addition along with limited visual access, the lateral system for this building is unknown at this time. However, it maybe similar to that of the previous 1970 addition with exterior reinforced masonry walls. This addition appears to be in good shape and has performed well over its years of use. The 1978 office building addition occurs on the west side of the 1958 addition. Structural drawings were available for this addition. The addition is predominantly three stories tall. The eastern portion of this addition was built on top of the single- story office addition built in 1958. Structural drawings were also provided allowing for an additional three stories to be built on top of the western three story, however, only the original three stories were built. The easter roof framing is comprised of a metal deck with open web steel joists and wide flange beams. The western roof and all floors are framed with concrete and metal decks supported on wide flange beams. The foundations have reinforced concrete walls, grade beams and pile caps all supported on reinforced concrete drilled piers. The lateral system for this addition utilizes steel braced frames. This addition has also performed well over its years of use and appears to be in good shape. Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Page 5 The 1990 Energy Management Systems Addition occurs south of the mid 1970s building addition. Structural drawings for this addition were available for review. The addition is two stories tall with a small basement corridor adjacent to the mid 1970s addition. The roof is steel framed with a metal deck and open web joists along with perimeter wide flange beams. The floor is framed with a concrete and metal deck supported on wide flange beams. The roof and floors are supported with steel columns and then supported on reinforced concrete foundations including walls, grade beams and pile caps all supported on drilled piers. The lateral system is comprised of steel moment frames. This addition has performed well and is in good condition. OBSERVATIONS & FINDINGS Salt Lake Valley experienced a moderate size earthquake in March of 2020. The epic center of the earthquake was less than 10 miles from this facility. It was mentioned by a Rocky Mountain Power representative that the earthquake was felt by several employees and the buildings were evacuated for a short period afterwards for safety measures. The structural systems for each building remained in good shape and except for the original warehouse building, only a few non- structural cracks were observed. At the south end of the warehouse, a few diagonal wall cracks were observed. It’s likely that those cracks were originally caused by differential settlement and probably were there prior to the earthquake. But it is possible that they may have opened a bit further during the earthquake and aftershocks. As for the non-structural cracks, some wall cracks were observed in the sheetrock near the east side elevator within the original 1950 office building. There were also some brick veneer cracks on the west side of the 1978 addition. Those cracks developed during the earthquake due to the building(s) rocking side to side. It should be noted that the office facility is located in an area of Salt Lake City that has potentially liquefiable soils. During a significant seismic event, these soils may experience some settlement. For this reason, deep foundation systems were utilized in the structural systems for the newer additions. As mentioned earlier, wide spread footings were used in the original 1950 Office Building. The wide footings are effective to help minimized differential settlement in poor soils, however, they are not as effective as deep foundations. Since the warehouse structure was built prior to the original office building, it’s presumed that it also has conventional spread footings but they may be relatively less in width. Hence, the differential settlement, wall cracks observed at the south end. Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Page 6 While on site, it was observed that most of the building additions have expansion joints between them. However, it’s unclear if an expansion joint occurs between the original warehouse and office buildings. The 1950 Office Building drawings also do not show an expansion joint. These incorporated expansion joints are a good design and with them, they helped mitigate any structural damage at and between the existing buildings. The original facility along with its additions were designed and built using different and updated building codes. For example, the seismic upgrades to the 1950 Original Office Building and 1958 General Office Building Addition were designed using the 1991 Uniform Building Code and the 1988 Uniform Building Code respectively. The 1978 Office Building Addition was designed probably using the 1976 Uniform Building Code. At the time of this narrative, the current building code in use is the 2018 International Building Code. The seismic design requirements and design force levels have change throughout the building code updates. With the latest International Building Codes, the ductility requirements have increased greatly and depending on the lateral system, the seismic force levels have also increased in the Salt Lake Valley area. Some very brief calculations were performed in order to compare the relative design force levels under the current code requirements versus that of the 1988 Uniform Building Code for an ordinary brace frame system. The current force level requirement is about double of the older code. If the older brace frame systems qualify as special rather than ordinary, the force level still increases by 16%. In short, it’s likely that the majority, if not all, of the buildings have lateral systems that do not meet current code seismic design levels and ductile detailing. In reviewing the structural drawings provided the following seismic upgrades should be anticipated for each building. The Original Warehouse Building may be seismically upgraded with the addition of some concrete shear walls strategically placed around the perimeter. The roof framing anchorage to the perimeter walls will also need to be updated. The 1950 Original Office Building along with the 1958 General Office Building Addition were both upgraded in the early 1990s with the addition of steel braced frames. More study and calculations will need to be performed to determine the extent of any additional upgrade to the brace frames. However, it’s very likely that the bracing connections along with the masonry wall connections will need to be upgraded. Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Page 7 The 1970 and Mid 1970s Office Additions could be upgraded if needed with new concrete shear walls. Additional calculations will need to be performed in order to determine the extents of the shear wall upgrades. However, just like the earlier masonry wall structures, the masonry wall connections will most likely need upgrading. The 1977 Office Building Addition brace frame lateral system may or may not need upgrading since the addition was originally designed as a six story structure but only three stories were built. With that said, the existing connections will need further study in order to determine if they need upgrading or not. The 1990 Energy Management Building Addition is the latest of additions and was designed using special steel moment frames. However, current code force levels are approximately 29% higher than the 1988 Uniform Building Code force level used in its original design. Also, the original building design utilized wide flange columns in their weaker axis of bending. Current code does not have prequalified moment frame connections using the columns in their weaker axis of bending. Therefore, the lateral system will need to be upgraded. The information provided above is based on a typical office building with a standard occupancy. In reviewing the drawings and the information provided within them, most of the buildings were designed for a typical occupancy. In one case, the 1958 General Office Building Addition was upgraded using 75% of the lateral design load at that time. This is typically allowed when upgrading an existing building with no change in occupancy type and load. It was mentioned on site that the owner may be interested in an enhanced design to higher level of importance in order for immediate occupancy after a significant event. This level of design could be achieved but is most likely cost prohibitive. It was mentioned that the owner wanted some ballpark costs to upgrade the buildings seismically if needed. Below are some rough structural square footage costs. These costs have been taken from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 156, Second Edition, Typical Costs for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. The FEMA 156 accounts for a data base of relative seismic upgrade costs from similar building types and construction. Some of the costs taken from the FEMA 156 have been adjusted down a bit for the newer 1990 Addition along with the previously upgraded 1950 and 1958 additions. Rocky Mountain Power Facility Structural Survey Structural Investigation Page 8 Original Warehouse Building $45 per square foot 1950 Original Office Building $40 per square foot 1958 General Office Addition $40 per square foot 1970 Office Building Addition $55 per square foot Mid 1970s Office Addition $55 per square foot 1977 Office Building Addition $20 per square foot 1990 Energy Management Building Addition $30 per square foot When taking into account all of the different buildings and their areas, an average structural upgrade cost of around $40 per square foot can be anticipated. CONCLUSION The buildings, at their original time of construction and later seismic upgrades, all appeared to have been designed well with adequate load paths for gravity and lateral. They all appeared to have performed well over their years of use. However, they do not meet current seismic ductility requirements. They definitely do not meet the requirements for immediate occupancy after a significant seismic event. It’s possible to upgrade the buildings further to meet current code seismic loading and to a certain extent, the ductility requirements for a typical office building risk category. Rough ballpark costs are shown above. However, upgrading to immediate occupancy will most likely be cost prohibitive. In conclusion, it should be noted that the above findings are based on a review of the drawings provided and observation of exposed areas on site. Selective demolition was not performed. The findings noted above are based on my experience with structural design and construction for over 27 years. Furthermore, the above findings and recommendations do not express nor imply any warranty of the structure but only addresses conditions noted above. I appreciate this opportunity to provide you with this report and trust that it meets with your needs. Please call if you have any questions or require further clarification. Respectfully, Shaun Packer P.E., S.E. Managing Partner Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CODES, STANDARDS, AND REFERENCE MATERIALS Codes which are directly applicable to design of the electrical systems are listed below: ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act IECC, International Energy Conservation Code ASHRAE 90.1, Standard for Energy Conservation in New Building Design EIA/TIA, Electronics Industries Association/Telecommunications Industry Association BICSI, Building Industry Consulting Services International International Building Code (IBC) IESNA, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America NFPA, National Fire Protection Association (applicable sections including but not limited to): NFPA 70, National Electrical Code 2017 NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 101, Life Safety Code UL, Underwriter’s Laboratories State of Utah Fire Marshal Laws, Rules and Regulations DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A = Amps or Amperage IT = Information Technology kW = Kilowatts kVA = Kilovolt-Amps MV = Medium Voltage NEC = National Electrical Code NIC = Not in Contract RMP = Rocky Mountain Power T1S = Tier 1 Security T2S = Tier 2 Security T3S = Tier 3 Security V = Volts Electrical Systems Responsibility Summary Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-2 REV 0, 04/01/21 Designed By Furnished By Installed By Notes Power & Lighting Outdoor Medium Voltage Switch(es) Design Team Contractor Contractor Utility Indoor Medium Voltage Switches / Junctions Design Team Contractor Contractor Solid Dielectric G&W/ Cooper Medium Voltage Cabling Design Team Contractor Contractor Medium Voltage Transformer(s) NIC NIC NIC Utility RMP Utility Raceways Design Team Contractor Contractor Emergency/Standby Generator Design Team Contractor Contractor Centralized UPS System Design Team Contractor Contractor Confirm with group Electrical Sub-Metering Design Team Contractor Contractor Confirm with group Photovaltaic (PV) Generation System NIC NIC NIC Battery Energy Storage System TBD TBD TBD Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Design Team Contractor Contractor Lightning Protection System Design Team Contractor Contractor Interior Lighting Design Team Contractor Contractor Interior Task Lighting Owner Owner Owner Exterior Lighting Design Team Contractor Contractor Telecomm Raceways, Conduit/Cable Tray/J-Hooks Design Team Contractor Contractor Fiber Micro Duct Design Team Contractor Contractor Site Backbone Airblown Fiber Design Team Contractor Contractor Site Backbone Fiber and Copper Cabling Design Team Contractor Contractor Site Backbone Copper Cabling Design Team Contractor Contractor Fiber Termination Shelves (FPP1, FPP2) Design Team Contractor Contractor Copper Building Backbone Cabling Design Team Contractor Contractor Riser Patch Panels (RPP1) Design Team Contractor Contractor Fuse Protection for Backbone Cabling Design Team Contractor Contractor Cat 6 Horizontal Cable Design Team Contractor Contractor Cat 6A Horizontal Cable Design Team Contractor Contractor Patch Panels/Inserts SPP, WPP Design Team Contractor Contractor Horizontal Wire Manager (1RU, 2RU) Design Team Contractor Contractor Vertical Wire Manager Design Team Contractor Contractor Data ports, Faceplates, Boxes Design Team Contractor Contractor Cat 6 and Cat 6A Patch Cords Owner Owner Owner Building MDF/IDF Racks Design Team Contractor Contractor Building MDF/IDF Ladder Rack Design Team Contractor Contractor Active Network Electronics Owner Owner Owner Rack PDUs Design Team Contractor Contractor Elevator 2 way comm Design Team Contractor Contractor Emergency Responder DAS Testing Design Team Contractor Contractor Emergency Responder DAS System TBD Contractor Contractor Confirm with group Cellular DAS Testing TBD Contractor Contractor Cell Phone Booster System and/or DAS TBD Contractor Contractor Confirm with group Radio Communication System Owner Owner Owner Microwave Communication System Owner Owner Owner Confirm with group Antenna Systems TBD TBD TBD Confirm with group Security, Fire & Misc. Raceways Design Team Contractor Contractor Fire Alarm Design Team Contractor Contractor CCTV Security Cameras Design Team Contractor Contractor CCTV Headend, Programming, Licensing TBD TBD TBD Confirm with group Access Controls Design Team Contractor Contractor Intrusion Detection Design Team Contractor Contractor Confirm with group Emergency Lockdown System TBD Contractor Contractor Fire Alarm System Design Team Contractor Contractor Mass Notification System NIC NIC NIC Wireless Clock System NIC NIC NIC A/V Raceways Design Team Contractor Contractor Audio Systems Design Team Contractor Contractor Video Systems Design Team Contractor Contractor IVC Systems Design Team Contractor Contractor Digital Signage Design Team Contractor Contractor Projector Mounts Design Team Contractor Contractor Projector Screens Design Team Contractor Contractor TV Distribution System Design Team Contractor Contractor Intercom/Paging System Design Team Contractor Contractor Confirm with Users Monitors / Projectors Design Team Contractor Contractor Ops Center AV System Design Team Contractor Contractor Demolition Medium Voltage Design Team Contractor Contractor Power Design Team Contractor Contractor Lighting Design Team Contractor Contractor Exterior Lighting Design Team Contractor Contractor Data/Telecom/AV Design Team Contractor Contractor Security & Misc. Design Team Contractor Contractor Fire Alarm Design Team Contractor Contractor System Responsibility Matrix Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-3 MEDIUM VOLTAGE and SITE ELECTRICAL Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) owns the medium voltage (MV) distribution system that runs throughout the site and building. The project is served by the RMP medium voltage distribution system and is fed from multiple nearby MV switches located next to building transformers. The existing MV system will most likely need an extensive overhaul throughout the building. There are multiple MV systems running throughout the building. These systems appear to be at or nearing end of useful life on the medium Voltage equipment. There are MV switches (VACpac 4-way Vacuum Switchgear for instance), fused disconnects, junctions, and cable systems that should be replaced and either brought to an outside MV pad mount switch or upgraded in the vault with new switch and equipment to replace the system. The building will also require a new MV switch for one of the building service transformers. See Exhibit A for photos. There appears to be multiple services coming into the building from the many additions throughout the life of the building. There appears to be both 480/277V services and 208/120V services in the building. There is a 480/277V service is located on Level 1 in the Southwest corner of the building. There are separate services to each generator system which are fed from 2 – 750kVA transformers at 480/277V. These are located on the South-central portion of the building, on the exterior, feeding into the UPS/Emergency electrical rooms. There is a 280/120V service located in the basement near the transformer vault that appears to be at least partially in service still. The service transformers are located in multiple locations throughout the exterior of the building. The project should coordinate to provide a new electrical utility yard for the service equipment, centrally located on the exterior of the building to support the building and distribution. A new site electrical utility yard would help with security and maintenance purposes for the building. These utility areas should be provided with all new equipment. There is other large distribution equipment located throughout the building, mostly in the basement that are no longer in service. The existing metering system will need to be verified with the Owner on any potential upgrades and consolidation for the building, but most likely will be provided with new pad-mounted NEMA 3R metering switchboards located in the new utility yard for the building and shall be sized at 480/277V 2,500 Amps and 208/120V 2,500 Amps. The building load is currently estimated to be between 3,000-3,500 kVA. This will depend greatly on the final programming, layout and loads of the building and will need to be confirmed during design. The project will most likely have two services set up to help with the load of the building. The operating Voltage will be 12,470V, 3-phase on the primary and 480/277V on the secondary of one service and 12,470V, 3-phase on the primary and 208/120V on the secondary of the other service. This will require all new primary and secondary service conduits and raceways throughout the site and into the existing building. Telecommunications Utilities Telecommunication services will be provided through the RMP building. Connectivity will most likely be served through new air blown single mode fiber. Building will have SM fiber to the building demarc then pulled back to the nearest utility network node. The site fiber will be routed in raceways and shall have a minimum of four (4) 4” raceways to the nearest telecom vault. The fiber for the final site telecommunications design shall be coordinated with the Owner during design. BUILDING SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION Main Service There appears to be three main electrical rooms providing the building with both 480/277V, 3-phase, 4- wire and 208/120V, 3-phase, 4-wire main distribution switchboards. These rooms are located on level 1, 480V main and 480V EM electrical rooms, and in the basement, 208V main. There are also multiple transformer vaults located throughout the building in the basement and level 1, including 3 single phase tub style transformers feeding the penthouse electrical room servicing large HVAC systems. The majority of the electrical service equipment witnessed is more than 40 years old and beyond its end of useful life as called out by manufacturer standards. This equipment should be replaced, combined and consolidated in the center of the building for separate emergency and main distribution electrical rooms for the Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-4 remodel. These rooms will be large, minimum of 15’ x 25’ and have two forms of egress on opposite ends with panic hardware. The main 480/277V distribution switchboard is anticipated to have a rating of approximately 2,000-2,500 Amps, this shall be verified and adjusted as necessary during design. The main 208/120V distribution switchboard is anticipated to have a rating of approximately 2,000-2,500 Amps as well and shall be verified and adjusted as necessary during design. These shall have a main circuit breaker and shall be free-standing and equipped with Owner metering. Additional sub-metering will be required throughout the building and should be discussed during design. The switchboards shall be utilized to provide power to power/lighting panelboards, motors, elevators and large mechanical equipment such as air handlers, pumps, chillers, fans, etc. for 480/277V and 208Y/120V shall be used for distribution that will serve power panelboards, computers, plug loads and other small equipment. Panelboards The current electrical layout for the building is very inefficient for maintenance purposes and utilizes a lot of real estate throughout the building. The majority of the electrical distribution equipment witnessed is more than 40 years old and beyond its end of useful life as called out by manufacturer standards. This equipment should be replaced and combined in new distribution and branch electrical rooms for each level of the building. There is currently more than a dozen, possibly 20-30, distribution and branch electrical rooms and locations located throughout the existing building as well as panels located in hallways in some cases. These rooms should be consolidated during the remodel and more centrally located to minimize the number of electrical rooms and equipment per floor. Possibly one branch electrical room on each end of each level, this would allow for the majority of equipment and devices to be fed from 2 locations per level rather than 4 or 5 different locations. These rooms should be vertically stacked to help with ease of running large feeders from level to level. This would greatly increase productivity and downtime of maintenance for the building. Distribution panelboards shall be provided in the main electrical room and branch electrical rooms on each level and centrally located on each end of each level as much as possible, while taking into account other building and architectural considerations, so that the conductor distance from any panelboard to the most remote outlet is not greater than 150 feet. Each branch electrical room should handle the distribution panelboards for each level. Panelboards should be surface mounted, ease and accessibility of running new and future conduits out of each room is an important consideration in defining the location of the rooms. If inaccessible ceilings surround the room, (5) spare 3/4” conduits from each panelboard shall be stubbed to accessible ceiling areas and tagged as spare. These rooms shall be dedicated to electrical distribution and shall not be used for storage or any other purposes. The main branch electrical rooms for each level shall be sized at 12’ x 10’ and branch electrical rooms at 8’ x 10’ at a minimum but may be larger due to the size of each level. Dedicate an area of each room for current and future riser conduits so that wall-mounted equipment will not impede vertical distribution. Electrical rooms shall have a minimum of 25% additional space for future growth. All 208/120V power and appliance branch circuit panelboards shall have 100% neutral busses with no isolated ground busses, unless required for the specific application. Computer and electronic loaded panelboards may be equipped with 200% neutral bus panelboards. Main distribution switchboard, power distribution panels, and branch panelboards shall have copper bussing, 25% excess capacity and 25% spaces/spares for future growth and flexibility. Distribution equipment such as distribution panels and panelboards shall be located as near as practicable to the loads served. For labs or shop type spaces the electrical distribution equipment may be located within or adjacent to the primary space served. Metering Currently there are analog power meters located throughout the building that are manually read that will need to be removed as part of the demolition for the project. Owner main building digital power metering Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-5 will be included along with select sub-metering as coordinated with the Owner. Metering for the building may include enhanced sub-metering or load demand response controls meeting LEED requirements and shall be coordinated during design. A building wide metering data collection system may also be integrated and should be coordinated during design. Electrical Code Violations There are multiple code violations noted throughout the existing electrical system and code updates that should be addressed from the time the building was built. Some of the code violations noted throughout the building are transformers installed below panelboards in the dedicated electrical space for the panelboard, egress pathways from electrical equipment and clearance requirements. Some of the electrical rooms and spaces were noted to be used for storage. Proper storage rooms should be provided in the new building remodel to ensure no electrical room is used for storage purposes. Some of the code requirements for newer buildings that should be upgraded are ground fault protection on breakers over 1000 Amps, arc flash reduction on systems 277V to ground and more and 1200 Amps and more, Arc Flash labels on all equipment for personnel protection. Demolition It is recommended that the entire electrical system for the building be demolished and replace in its entirety. The demolition of the current electrical system should include the entire system, including, switchboards, panelboards, MCCs, transformers, disconnects, feeders, cabling, conduit, outlets, building entrance/service, etc. Demolition and/or salvaging of Emergency Systems and Lighting will be covered in their respective locations. Motor Control All 3-phase motors will be provided with phase-loss protection. Disconnect switches will be provided within sight of all motors. Provide variable frequency drives (VFD’s) where required for mechanical equipment in compliance with RMP requirements, and sized at least 10% over the connected motor load. Minimum total harmonic current distortion when measured at the input terminals of the VFD will be not greater than 15%. The design electrical engineer may evaluate the variety of harmonic filtering and mitigation techniques and choose the best method to achieve this performance. A VFD scheme shall be provided with at least a 50% level of redundancy for the HVAC cooling system. This can be done with multiple drives, redundant drives, or bypass on the VFD as determined most economical and practical for the selected mechanical system. Branch Circuits Branch circuits will be loaded to no more than 80% of what is allowed by NFPA 70. Where outlets are intended for a specific piece of equipment, the load of the outlet will be based on the equipment nameplate. Allow no more than 6 convenience outlets per circuit in instructional lab spaces and for computer workstations, and 8 convenience outlets per circuit for general purpose use. Sufficient capacity for plug-in task lights and other peripherals typical of desk items will be provided. Outlets with dedicated branch circuits (one outlet on a circuit) are provided for vending machines, copy machines, break room counters, refrigerators, dishwashers, A/V cabinets and other locations likely to have equipment requiring dedicated circuits. Each branch circuit homerun will have no more than 3 circuits per raceway. Dedicated neutrals for each phase conductor will be provided. Conductors All conductors will be copper. Conductors for branch circuits will be sized to prevent voltage drop exceeding 3% at the farthest load. The total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits will not exceed 5%. For measurement purposes, a load of 180 VA (1.5A) per outlet, with a 50% diversify factor per NEC should be assumed. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-6 Raceways All wiring will be in raceways, minimum ¾” conduit for power and 1” minimum for telecom. Type MC cable should be reviewed where can be used for the project if allowed by Owner. New cable tray shall be provided throughout the corridors for distribution of low voltage network cabling such that raceways do not extend more than 50’ (approx.) to the cable tray. Conduits for telecommunications shall stub to cable tray located in accessible ceiling space. Structured IT cabling will then be run in cable tray to the telecom rooms. Include pull strings in all empty conduits. Include raceway for all security, audio/visual and technology systems as defined in the project building requirements whether furnished as part of the construction contract or furnished by the Owner. Equipment and Furniture Refer to the program equipment summary and space plan sheets for equipment requiring electrical rough-in and connections and coordinate during design. All equipment and furniture identified in the program documents, whether it is furnished in this contract or a separate contract, shall be provided with power and raceway rough-in for complete operation. Fault Current, Coordination, and Arc Flash Study A fault current, coordination and arc flash study shall be performed by a licensed electrical engineer to indicate available fault current and arc flash at all points in the building distribution systems. New equipment shall be adequately rated for the amount of available fault current. System coordination shall be studied, and fuses or breakers selected to ensure minimum system outage due to overloads or fault currents. Per the 2017 NEC, emergency systems will be selectively coordinated to the extent possible. Breakers with adjustable long time, short time, instantaneous and / or ground fault settings shall be set at levels for optimum system coordination. In addition, an arc flash study shall be provided; electrical equipment shall be provided with labeling per all NEC/NFPA requirements. Surge Protective Devices To provide protection against damage to sensitive electronic equipment, due to surges, provide a new surge protective device (SPD) at the main distribution switchboards and at branch circuit panelboards serving sensitive electronic equipment. SPD units will be integral to the panelboard or switchboard. Provide surge protection for all emergency distribution panelboards as required by NEC. Outlets Outlets will be 20A, minimum. The program and space data sheets will be used as a guideline, but user input should be welcomed during the design. Unless noted otherwise, the following will be used as a general guideline where more specific requirements are not elsewhere identified. Each outlet location will be coordinated with the design team and end user during design. Where the term “outlet” is used, this refers to a 20A duplex receptacle outlet (unless otherwise noted). Offices/Small Rooms: For each workstation, provide one quad outlet dedicated to computer terminals and one additional outlet for every 10’ of wall space or one on each wall. Open Office Areas: For each workstation, provide one quad outlet dedicated to computer terminals where located on walls. Provided systems furniture and/or floorboxes for workstations located in the center of rooms away from walls. Global Security Operations Center (GSOC): For each workstation, provide a minimum of one quad outlet dedicated to computer terminals, but possibly 2 or 3 quads for multiple monitors, terminal and general purpose. Provide an outlet for each monitor or projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide outlets above counters, including power and A/V for staff tables and at the podium. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-7 Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus throughout to allow for power and data in the multipurpose layout. Provide emergency power outlets as required. Utah Power Credit Union (UPCU): Provide power and data for offices, reception/teller desk and other areas. Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience outlets per wall. Provide an outlet for each monitor or projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus for power, data, and A/V in the conference rooms. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Customer Care Center (CCC): Outlets sufficient for programmed equipment, plus outlets along work benches or tables – no greater than 2’ on center (unless otherwise identified in the space plan sheets). Ensure that there is at least one outlet for each 10’ of wall space. Provide floor outlets for stations or equipment for specific operations. Where tables are fixed in place, coordinate power outlets mounted directly into the millwork. Provide furniture feeds for power furniture or desks as required. Provide emergency power outlets as required. IT Data Center (ITDC): Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience quad outlets per wall on emergency power. Provide quads and 208V power at data cabinets as required. Provide starline busway (or equal) system for racks and cabinets as required. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Electric Grid Operations (EGO): Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience outlets per wall. Provide an outlet for each monitor or projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus throughout to allow for power, data, and A/V in the multipurpose layout. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Provide emergency power outlets as required. Multi-Purpose Rooms: Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience outlets per wall. Provide an outlet for each monitor or projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus throughout to allow for power, data, and A/V in the multipurpose layout and banquet layouts. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Conference and Meeting Rooms: Provide outlets on walls as required by NEC. Provide combination power/communication/AV floor outlets underneath conference room tables for each 215SF of space. Where tables are fixed in place, coordinate power outlets mounted directly into the millwork. Lounges / Breakrooms / Kitchenettes: GFI Outlets on dedicated circuits every 4’ on counter top plus dedicated outlets for refrigerator, microwave, and disposal (switched at counter top), plus one outlet for every 10’ of other wall space in room. Telephone / Data Closets: Provide one 208 Volt outlet near each telecommunications rack on emergency power for a UPS – coordinate amperage requirements with Owner. Provide one 120 Volt quad outlet on emergency power at each rack, plus one quad outlet on emergency power on each wall. Copy/Mail Rooms: One outlet on every wall plus additional dedicated outlets for printers. Provide above counter outlets. Mechanical/Electrical Rooms: At least one outlet on emergency power. Restrooms / Shower Rooms: One GFI outlet near each lavatory counter top. Corridors, Lobbies: Provide at least one outlet every 25’, on alternating sides of the corridor or lobby. Where seating areas are provided, provide at least two outlets per seating area. Stairs: One outlet at the landing of each level. Storage Rooms (small), Janitors Closets: One outlet. Building Exterior: One WP/GFI receptacle near each building entrance/exit. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-8 Other Areas: Refer to individual space plan data sheets, and where not defined coordinate requirements with user during design. Grounding The existing grounding system does not appear to provide adequate grounding to all locations such as the building grounding, main electrical room, Data/IT rooms, cable trays, etc. This system should be demolished and replaced along with the electrical system. Provide a grounding riser system throughout the electrical and telecommunication rooms consisting of a ground bus mounted on the wall in each room near the switchboards and telecommunications racks and two grounding conductors (one extending to the main ground bus in the main electrical room and the other extended to building steel). Grounding conductors shall be installed with all feeder and branch circuits. Specialty grounding systems may exist for Owner provided building systems such as antennas, radio systems, etc. These grounding systems shall be performed as part of the building design. Lightning Protection A lightning protection system is recommended by NFPA 780 for the remodeled building and should be verified during design. Provide a lightning protection system for the building with UL master label. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations: The project will include EV charging stations for no less than 50 spaces for Level 2 fast chargers and 100 spaces for Level 1 charging. In addition, another 100 spaces shall be roughed-in for future Level 2 charging stations. These will be part of the LEED points and shall meet LEED requirements. The charger type, quantities, and locations should be coordinated by the design team with the Owner needs. Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) A central UPS system is existing for the building. The building at one point had two 500 kVA UPS lineups. It was discussed with the Owner that one of the lineups is no longer in use. The other is 30+ years old. This system shall be verified during design, however is anticipated to be completely demolished and replaced with new along with the electrical system for the building. If the building electrical system were to be replaced, it is our opinion that leaving a 30+ year old UPS system in place for another 5+ years would not be the most efficient due to the extreme remodel of the building and ensuring room for the future UPS system. The UPS system is anticipated to be sized to run all Data Center, PDU’s, Telecom Rooms and Critical Operation Center loads. More clarification on the UPS system needs to be made during design, however is anticipated to be at least 1,000 kVA+. Emergency & Standby Generator System and Distribution: The current building has a separate Emergency Electrical Room housing two 480/277V 620kW generators from 1990. The current building has a third generator that is 480/277V 700 kW and is located in an ancillary building adjacent to the main building. The generators are located indoors and are fed from an underground day tank system. Similar to the UPS, it is our opinion that leaving 30+ year old generators in service for the new remodeled building would not be the most efficient for the building’s future. The generators should be demolished and centralized in an emergency generator room for the future. New generators will most likely be required for the project to house the emergency and standby electrical equipment. This room shall be sized at 40’ x 30’ at a minimum, but needs to be verified with the actual sizes of the new generator(s) and could be much larger. The generators are estimated to be around 500-1000kW each, actual size shall be determined during design once the exact generator loads have been determined. The current plan is to have two generators for the building with at least 1,500- 2,000kW total, to feed two UPS systems, similar to the existing setup. This will need to be verified by the design team. The generator(s) will be indoors and will require fume exhausting. The existing underground day tank system will need to be verified if it can be reused for the future generator installation. If not, the removal of the underground tanks may be required for the project and new in ground tanks and piping Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-9 installed for the new generator(s). Fuel supply is anticipated to be minimum 72 hours at full load but should be determined during design. Provide at least two transfer switches and possibly three: one for data center, one for emergency/life safety and possibly one for non-emergency (standby) loads. Annunciate alarms adjacent to fire alarm panel. The following shall be provided with each transfer switch with possible changes or additions during design: Emergency Emergency egress and exit lighting Fire Alarm Standby Electrical room - outlets Communications rooms - outlets and air conditioning Critical equipment Building loads (if legally required standby is not required) Security Systems Data Center LIGHTING General The basis for design shall be the IES and its Recommended Practices for offices, operation centers, multi-purpose rooms, conference rooms, and other applicable spaces and Utah State Health Department Requirements or Codes where applicable, i.e., restrooms. The existing building lighting consists of around ~10% LED Lighting. The majority of the lighting and lighting controls, ~90%, shall be completely demolished and replaced. The existing ~10% LED lighting may be salvaged and reused in the office spaces as required. The exterior lighting does not appear to be LED and should be completely demolished and replaced as part of the project. For exterior lighting and critical interior spaces, a point-by-point plot of illuminance establishing conformance with the Recommended Practices shall be furnished. Utilize LED fixtures to meet the illumination requirements while maintaining high efficiency and requiring minimal maintenance. Provide task lighting where practical to reduce the overall energy consumption. IECC requirements shall be met and exceeded to meet the overall project requirement with goals for lighting power density to be minimum 10-20% less than required. Energy savings design techniques such as daylighting control, occupancy sensors, centralized and de-centralized control systems, energy efficient lamps/ballasts shall be used where practical to maximize energy efficiency. Fixtures should be 4000K color temperature with a minimum CRI of 80. The existing LED lighting in the building appears to be 3500-4000K and should be verified to match the new lighting. If it does not match the new LED lighting preferred by the Owner, the existing LED lighting will need to be replaced. In areas where color rendition is important, fixtures with CRI of 90 or above and color temperature of 5000K shall be utilized. Dimming drivers shall be included with all LED fixtures and shall be compatible with daylighting and dimming controls. Interior Lighting and Controls Lighting intensity and uniformity should provide shadow-free and glare-free illumination of work surfaces. Lighting intensity control using dimmers or multi-level switching should be incorporated where computer or other electronic equipment monitors are used. Pendant indirect or direct / indirect fixtures are ideally suited for the environments that will be encountered and should be used where ceiling heights will allow for suspension of 12-60 inches or more below the finished ceiling or where budget allows. If pendant fixtures are used in rooms with ceiling projectors, carefully coordinate the pendant fixtures with the projected image to eliminate any conflicts such as the Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-10 Operation Centers or the Multi-Purpose Rooms. In areas with projectors or flat panel displays, provide a separate zone of lighting control near the projector input location for ease of controlling lighting during presentations. For spaces where glare control is not required, LED lay-in fixtures may be used. Recessed LED downlights and/or decorative LED fixtures shall be used in areas where aesthetics call for an upgraded appearance, such as in the new building lobby, multi-purpose, and operations centers. For spaces where wall or floor displays will be shown, accent or wall wash lighting shall be designed where practical like the main lobby. All interior lighting shall be controlled by some automatic means. This shall include vacancy sensors for regularly occupied spaces and smaller enclosed areas to shut down lighting when areas are not occupied. Lighting in common areas such as corridors and lobbies should be controlled by a programmable networked lighting relay control system with the capability of timed control, sensor inputs and building automation system integration and provided with local wall override switches. Large areas should be designed for multiple zones and light level control with occupancy sensors to allow energy reduction when the maximum light output is not needed. Uniformity must be maintained when in reduced lighting modes. Provide automatic day light harvesting controls in areas where natural illumination is available as defined by daylight zones within the energy code. Photoelectric sensors should be used to shut down or dim the artificial lighting when it is not needed. In offices where day lighting control is used, utilize continuous dimming to negate the noticeable effects of the on / off cycles of the artificial illumination. Certain areas with security requirements may be exempt from code required dimming, such as the Operation Centers. As required by the room use, provide variable lighting levels by continuous dimming. In rooms with audio / visual (AV) equipment, provide variable and zoned lighting control, from front to back, to allow for flexibility in lighting scenes for the various room functions. Where central AV control systems are used, provide lighting control / dimming systems with an RS232 AV interface to allow the lights to be controlled from and integrated into the AV system. All offices and instructional spaces shall be provided with manual dimming controls. Exit and emergency lighting shall comply with the IBC. Emergency lighting for means of egress to 1 fc average, 0.3 fc minimum, shall be provided. Emergency lighting shall also be included in restrooms, electrical rooms, and communication rooms. The state of Utah has adopted IECC for the state energy code, but IECC has a compliance path allowing the use of ASHRA 90.1, so either energy is acceptable to the state. The lighting load for the facility should target a lighting power density of 0.65-0.70 Watts/SF, this would result in a lighting design between ~10- 20% better than baseline. It is anticipated that the increased building energy performance option will be for reduced lighting power densities. The lighting power density baseline values are shown below. · IECC 2018: 0.79 W/SF (Office) · IECC 2018, reduced based on table 406.3: 0.71 W/SF (Office) Task Illuminance Lighting levels shall be in accordance with the Recommended Illuminance Categories and Illuminance Values for Lighting Design, IES Lighting Handbook. Total lighting load for the facility should not exceed the calculated lighting power budget, minus 10%, as determined by IECC. The lighting levels listed below in footcandles should be used for design purposes. The values listed are average maintained illuminance levels using a maintenance factor of 75%. The numbers listed are target values and should be adjusted to meet the special requirements of individual areas. The following table summarizes lighting levels and control methods for important spaces (some of the regularly occupied spaces may be changed during design depending on LEED requirements. For Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-11 instance, all offices and open offices may be changed to a t-grid mounted indirect fixture rather than a lay- in fixture to help with the Interior Lighting credit). Function / Space Fixture Type Controls Type Electric Grid Operations (20ft ceiling) Linear pendants with mostly indirect Dimming, vacancy, lighting multi-zone, multi-scene Global Security Operations Center Recessed or pendant linear w/ direct/ Dimming, vacancy, (20ft ceiling) indirect lighting multi-zone, multi-scene North Temple Service Center Recessed Linear or 2x4 lay-in type Dimming, vacancy, multi-zone, multi-scene Offices / Small rooms Lay-in grid/troffer fixtures Dimming, vacancy Open Office Spaces Lay-in grid/troffer fixtures Dimming, vacancy, multi-zone Conference / Meeting Spaces Pendant with Recessed Downlight Dimming, vacancy, Perimeter multi-zone, multi-scene Multi-Purpose Spaces Varies – lay-in type, upgraded linear Dimming, vacancy, recessed or pendants, downlights multi-zone, multi-scene Salt Lake City Service Center Recessed Linear or 2x4 lay-in type Dimming, vacancy Utah Power Credit Union Recessed Linear or 2x4 lay-in type w/ Dimming, vacancy Upgraded lobby lighting IT Data Center Strip lighting or Lay-in fixtures On/Off Toggle Corridors Troffer Lighting Time Control, Override Lobby/Reception Linear recessed or pendants w/ Time Control, Override downlights, upgraded look Lounges / Breakrooms Troffer or Recessed Downlights On/Off, vacancy General Storage Strip lighting On/Off, vacancy Mechanical / Electrical Rooms Strip lighting On/Off Toggle IT Rooms Strip lighting On/Off Toggle Restrooms Recessed linear and downlight Occupancy Function / Space Illuminance (Avg. Footcandles) Customer Care Centers 30-50 (ambient) 50-75 (task) Operation Centers 40-50 (ambient) 50-75 (task) Multi-Purpose Room 30-50 Offices / Small rooms 30 (ambient) 50 (task) Open Office Spaces 30 (ambient) 50 (task) Conference / Meeting Spaces 30-50 Corridors / stairwells 15-20 Lobby/Reception 20 Lounges / Breakrooms 20-30 General Storage 15-30 Mechanical / Electrical Rooms 30 IT Rooms 30 Restrooms 30 EXTERIOR LIGHTING Design Criteria The existing parking lot lighting appears to be missing lighting in some areas. The lighting appears to be a mixture of older HPS type lighting and newer LED lighting. These fixtures will need to be verified during design, but it is anticipated that ~25-50% new lighting in the existing parking lots will be provided and refeeding existing LED lighting that may remain from the new electrical system. The exterior lighting fixtures shall be selected to harmonize with the architectural style of the building. In general, all outdoor lighting shall have full cut-off optics as defined by the IESNA. Dark sky compliance Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-12 should be verified with the Owner per IDA. Wall mounted decorative fixtures may be used to draw attention to main entry or circulation areas, but for the most part should be kept to a minimum for energy purposes. Wall mounted fixtures at other locations should be non-decorative with cutoff optics that are designed for the intended use. Fixtures for parking surface areas should consider pole lighting while walkways could be a bollard or pole style light. LED sources should be selected for use in all exterior fixtures to minimize the maintenance. All exterior light fixtures should be robust and suitable for the harsh exterior environment. Preference should be given to fixtures that have design features such as hinging reflectors and removable ballast trays that reduce the cost of lamp replacement and fixture repairs. Illuminance Lighting levels should be in accordance with the Recommended Illuminance Categories and Illuminance Values for Lighting Design, IES Lighting Handbook. Total lighting load for the facility should not exceed the calculated lighting power budget as determined by IECC. The lighting levels listed below in footcandles should be used for design purposes. The values listed are average maintained illuminance levels using a maintenance factor of 75%. Function Illuminance (Avg. Footcandles) Parking 0.5-2 Walkways 1 Building Perimeter – Egress/entrance 5 Emergency Illuminance Select standard building lighting as may be required to achieve the illuminance criteria set forth in the NFPA Life Safety Code, IBC, and local codes. Designate these fixtures as egress lighting fixtures. Where lamp sources of building lighting are not instant on, provide arc keeper devices or battery/inverter units to prevent lamp source from extinguishing until emergency power can be supplied. Provide dedicated branch circuiting from the emergency power branch. Emergency lighting shall be provided on all paths of egress including but not necessarily limited to corridors, large open office or instructional spaces, operation centers, restrooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, and communication rooms. Egress pathways shall be provided with minimum lighting levels of 1 footcandle. Depending on building generator option chosen, the entire building may be provided on emergency backup. Provide illuminated exit signs in locations as required by the NFPA Life Safety Code, IBC, and local codes. Exit sign shall be cast aluminum LED type. Provide dedicated branch circuiting from the emergency power branch. LEED Every effort shall be made where economically feasible to incorporate sustainable design into the electrical systems. The LEED design shall be based on LEED version 4.1. With regard to LEED, below is a summary of electrical related credits and which are currently being pursued: · LT Green Vehicles - This credit is currently being pursued. Conduit shall be installed for electric vehicle charging stations. This credit requires electric vehicle charging stations for 2% of the parking spaces in addition to meeting the other requirements for this credit. · SS Light Pollution Reduction - This credit may be pursued if possible depending on property boundaries. · EA Minimum Energy Performance – The lighting design will target 20% reduction in lighting energy use to aid in this credit. · EA Building Level Energy Metering – This prerequisite will be met. · EA Advanced Energy Metering - This credit will not be pursued. · EA Demand Response – This credit is not planning on being pursued, however needs to be confirmed with the Owner. · EA Renewable Energy Production – This credit will not be pursued. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-13 · EA Green Power – This credit may be purchased at the discretion of the Owner · IEQ Interior Lighting – The interior lighting will include lighting controls meeting option 1 and option 2 of this credit will be dependent on indirect lighting in spaces and/or Architectural choices. · IEQ Daylight – This credit may be pursued depending on building layout FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Fire Alarm and Life Safety The existing fire alarm system appears to be ~40+ years old. With the building additions over the years, this most likely is not fully synchronized across building locations as required by code. The entire system is at or near it’s end of useful life and should be demolished and replaced with a new system for the building. Fire alarm system shall be designed to comply with State of Utah Fire Marshal's “Rules and Regulations". Based on current intended building use and defined spaces, the building is expected to be a B Occupancy Type with Assembly spaces. This would require the following minimum system features: · Addressable fire alarm system with control panel and remote supervision · Remote annunciator(s) · Pull stations · Monitoring of the fire sprinkler system · Building notification via horn and strobe lights. · Duct detection and fan shutdown · Elevator initiation, monitoring, and control · Automatic smoke detection throughout all corridors and spaces open to corridors · Smoke detection at fire alarm panels · Exterior water flow horn/strobe Design strobes visible from all locations except private offices. Provide duct detectors and fan shutdown where required by NFPA and the IMC, including detection of smoke at all return air shafts servicing multiple floors. Provide smoke detectors in elevator lobbies, shafts, and in machine rooms. Provide heat detectors in machine rooms. Coordinate location of the building fire alarm control panel and annunciator panel with the fire marshal. Provide automatic smoke detectors throughout all corridors and spaces open to corridors as required by Owner. The approved manufacturer shall be coordinated during design and the system shall be furnished and installed by a UL-listed, factory-approved distributor and installer. Data cabling shall be provided at the panel for connection to building network for informational reporting to selected computer terminals. TELECOMMUNICATION General The voice and data system shall consist of four main categories: 1) Data Center 2) Pathways and Spaces to support the voice and data system, 3) The structured cabling system, and 4) Communications Tower. The existing Data Center will need to be coordinated during design on if the current location will work with the remodel or if it will need to be relocated. The existing Equipment Rooms and Telecommunication Rooms need to also be looked at. These rooms should be separated from the electrical rooms. In many cases these appear to be the same in multiple rooms on many levels. These rooms will most likely need to be relocated in the remodel and an all new telecommunication system including racks, cable trays, pathways, cabling and outlets should be provided. DATA CENTER Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-14 The data center needs have not been identified but should include 20-50 server cabinets and 2 post racks at 4 – 7 kW per cabinet. These cabinets should be considered to have some existing and some new. Not all may be needed at once, so a modular approach to design should be considered. The level of redundancy should meet Tier 4 standards which requires a fault tolerant design. A fault tolerant data center has redundant, isolated systems that provide enough capacity in power and cooling to operate the environment after any data center infrastructure failure and all IT equipment provided dual power. Below are specific recommendations for the electrical systems serving the data center: Redundant UPS systems: This will consist of two systems in “A+B” redundant configuration, together with all associated upstream and downstream feeders. Upstream, would connect to generators, switchboards and panel gear. Downstream would be all new up to and including the branch panelboards in the data center. New data center electrical distribution: Initial 150 kVA PDU’s with branch circuit wiring to 20-50 racks: two 30A feeders to each rack, one from “A” system, and one from “B” system. Possibly a starline busway system. Power for new air conditioning. New LED lighting. New fire alarm system and possibly consisting of an air sampling “VESDA” system. New security system. Raceways and cable trays for IT cabling. New IT cabling for racks. PATHWAYS AND SPACES There may be one or two main communication rooms, Equipment Room “ER” or MDF. This room shall house the main computer and phone equipment that serves the building. The room shall be located as close to the center of the building as possible. The MDF should be sized to serve the entire building, and will interconnect with all IDF’s in the building. The MDF should be sized to hold four racks (15’ x 10’ at a minimum). A minimum of three walls in the ER/MDF will be covered with ¾” x 4’ x 8’ sheets of BCX fire rated plywood. All plywood should be painted with a fire-retardant coating that is white. The building is anticipated to have at least two Telecommunication Rooms “TR” or IDFs on each level to serve the building, to support the horizontal cable length to a telecommunications outlet to ensure no cable exceeds 295 ft. This is the total length of cable from patch panel in the TR to the work area outlet at the work station. The TR/IDF should be sized to hold two racks (10’ x 12’). All walls of the TR/IDF will be covered with plywood. ¾” x 4’ x 8’ sheets of BCX, fire rated plywood. All plywood should be painted with a fire-retardant coating that is white. A standard network rack should have a planned space of 3’ x 3’ for proper spacing in the front and rear of the rack. The racks shall have 3’ clearance in front and back of each rack as well. Power should be provided in each MDF/IDF room. Each wall should have one 120V 20A quad outlet mounted at 84” in elevation. Each rack should have one 208V 30A circuits, and one 120V 20A circuit. One circuit should be on utility house power, and one circuit should be on either generator or UPS power, or both. Power outlets dedicated to feeding the racks should be mounted to the rear of the ladder rack raceway mounted above the racks. A minimum of two (2) 2" conduits shall be run from the communication room on the top level to the roof of the building for roof mounted external wireless communications. All communication rooms shall be located in a stacked configuration and shall be interconnected with at least (4) 4” sleeves. There shall be no water (for example but not limited to restrooms, drinking fountains or janitor sinks) adjacent to or above any of the communications rooms. All communications rooms shall have access directly from a hallway without needing to go through a classroom or office to enter the room. The cable tray in communication rooms shall be a minimum of 18" wide with a 4" loading depth. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-15 Each telephone/data outlet shall utilize a 4" square by minimum 2-1/8" deep junction box with a single- gang plaster–ring. One 1” conduit with nylon pull rope shall be run from each junction box to the cable tray located in the accessible ceiling space. In offices where it is anticipated that there could be two (2) workstations or varying locations for a single workstation, provide at least two (2) telephone/data outlets and more as may be required. STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEM General Backbone fiber and copper cabling shall be extended from new building network to the new building ER/MDF. Backbone will include both fiber and copper backbone cabling. The structured cabling system shall be designed to support high-speed voice/data/video and future high bandwidth applications including VOIP systems. The system should be a Category 6A solution. The building network service entrance cable and backbone cable shall be fiber-optic. Horizontal cabling to each telephone/data outlet shall be unshielded twisted pair. All backbone cables shall be terminated in a wall-mounted fiber break out enclosure. All horizontal cabling shall be terminated in patch panels located in a 7’-0” high, 19” floor-standing rack. Each communication room shall be provided with floor-standing racks. Each telephone/data outlet shall have at least two (2) Category 6A RJ-45 4-pair ports with a dedicated horizontal cable ran from the respective communication room on that particular level to each port. Provide telephone outlets for elevator panels, building automation system, video surveillance cameras, wall phone and other required uses. Each telephone outlet shall have one Category 6A RJ-45 4-pair port with a dedicated horizontal Category 6A cable ran from the respective communication room on that particular level to each port. Wireless The user desires that the building and all immediate adjacent outdoor areas be provided with reliable wireless local area network coverage. Provide data outlets at owner designated location for wireless points to cover all interior areas, as well as to spill out into all immediate adjacent outdoor areas. Design wireless access point data outlet with two category 6A, RJ-45 data jack mounted in a 4" square by minimum 2-1/8" deep junction box with a cover plate. The wireless AP coverage and locations shall be determined by the Owner and provided to the design team for documentation and bidding purposes. COMMUNICATIONS TOWER Microwave communications equipment must be mounted 120 ft to 195 ft above ground level with clear line-of-sight to Traverse Ridge and Ensign Peak with no path obstructions. The microwave equipment can be mounted on a self-supporting ground mounted communications tower or on a communications tower built on the top of a building, provided the building is specifically designed to accommodate the load of the tower and microwave equipment. SECURITY Security Systems - General During the site walk of the building it was not readily known where all security panels are located. The system should be demolished and locate all security panels in electrical or IT rooms as well as tying into the new security rooms throughout the building. The CCTV system appears to be aging and should be upgraded throughout the building. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-16 All security systems will comply with any established standards and capable of being integrated into a new standard for security systems. Systems will annunciate alarm conditions to security rooms and be completely monitored. The security system may include panic alarm/lock down function or other similar features for the operation centers and front desk area. The details for the operation of this system will be coordinated with the Owner during design. Security System devices, cabling, control panels, monitors, terminations, etc. shall be furnished, installed, and connected by Contractor. The project will include multiple security levels throughout the building, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. Tier 1 Security (T1S) level is for facilities that require visitors to check in at the security desk and receive temporary badges to gain access. Tier 2 Security (T2S) level is for facilities that require a RMP employee badge to gain access. Tier 3 Security (T3S) level is for facilities that require an RMP employee badge with special designations to gain access. Card Access A complete access control system shall be provided and be compatible with the existing system to salvage any of the existing system that makes sense during design. This will be coordinated with the Owner as design proceeds. The new access control system needs to utilize the existing cards and integrate into the existing system as needed. The access control system includes control entry to all perimeter entry / exit points and interior spaces to the T2S and T3S spaces, operation centers and other defined spaces as discussed further by the design team. Card readers will be the proximity type, and will comply with any established standards. Card readers will report to a central door controller. Coordinate door hardware to minimize the aesthetic impact to the appearance of the building. Request-to-exit motion detectors will be installed on the secure side of each access-controlled door. Magnetic locks and/or electric strikes will be utilized to secure access- controlled door. Intrusion Detection An Intrusion Detection system is currently anticipated for the project. The Intrusion Detection system shall be designed in compliance with RMP security standards. Door position indication shall be provided for all exterior doors, regardless of function (entry/ exit/ exit only/ utility/ etc.) and any interior doors that require separate arm/disarm control as well as Tier 2 and Tier 3 spaces. Motion Detection may also be required in the higher tier spaces and should be coordinated during design. CCTV Security Systems A complete video surveillance system shall be provided and be compatible with the existing IP based CCTV system. New cameras shall be provided for all locations. The CCTV system includes control for visual monitoring of building perimeter, all building entry / exit points, at select main building thoroughfares, elevator lobbies, and at select sensitive interior areas. Additionally, in the T2S and T3S, there will be surveillance located in select locations. These systems may also include intercom and audio recording systems tied to the CCTV system. High megapixel cameras will monitor exterior areas including the building perimeter. Fixed megapixel and/or multi-sensor cameras will monitor designated locations inside the building. Cameras will be installed in appropriately rated enclosures. Signals from cameras will be connected to a central switching / multiplexing system with minimum 21” video monitors for viewing. All camera images will be digitally recorded by NVR’s that are local area network accessible. Additionally, cameras will be capable of being monitored and controlled at Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-17 a remote location via the LAN. Provide NVR with 50% spare channels, cameras shall be fixed 1080p HD IP cameras, but shall be finalized with Owner during design. Locations shall be coordinated with Owner and finalized during design as well. Raceways for Other Low-Voltage Systems Provide empty raceways for all other low-voltage systems in the building, which will include audio/visual, security, and MATV/CATV. Coordinate with the Owner and/or systems designers. AUDIO AND VIDEO SYSTEMS General Audio and video systems will be specified for installation as part of the building construction work, to be completed with all building trades. Audio and video systems will be specified for full compliance with the industry standards. All video system displays will be planned for low energy consumption utilizing LED and other emerging technologies. Displays will be RoHS compliant, will have built-in eco-power consumption modes, and will be created with no consumables. All audio and video systems shall be coordinated with the Owner during design for final instruction and systems. All A/V systems are assumed to be new for the remodel. All existing A/V systems will be demolished as part of the demolition for the building. Operation Centers The operation centers will be equipped with an audio system for voice reinforcement where required and media source reinforcement. Speaker systems will be designed to provide even sound pressure level throughout the entire seating area with + 2 dB at 2 KHz, and a frequency response of at least150 Hz to 15 KHz + 2 dB, and a maximum of 12% articulation loss of consonants. The operation centers will be provided with a technology enabled lectern where required. Several media source devices will be provided and housed at the lectern. These devices will include, but not be limited to inputs for portable computers. Audio originating from these source devices will be selected, processed, and amplified to the speaker system. Video input connections will also be provided at each staff location, in the councils with inputs as required per council. A video system will be provided for large screen or multi display of presentations. A single large screen front projection system or a multiple display wall will be specified. The projection screen will be sized using industry standard formulas appropriate for the nearest and furthest viewer, and located in close coordination with seating layouts to assure appropriate viewing sight lines. The projection systems and display systems will be specified in a 16:9 format, with a minimum native resolution of 1080p. As with image sizing, industry standard formulas will be used to calculate the required light output for each projector to assure that images will not be “washed out” by ambient room lighting. Projection systems will be supplemented with multiple smaller flat panel monitors for off center viewing. Basic source devices including a digital television tuner will also be provided as needed. The operation centers will be equipped with an integrated control panel for control of all audio and video system components, lighting systems, and motorized window coverings (if applicable). To meet this need, a touch screen control panel will be provided. The touch screen control panel will be programmed in full compliance with the end user’s desired button layout, configuration, and labeling. In addition, macros (multiple events) will occur when a button on the touch panel is engaged. Touch screens will be provided at locations coordinated with the Owner. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-18 Multi-Purpose Room For multi-purpose use, two electric roll-up, tensioned cabled, 16:9 video projection screens will be provided for the display of media content. The projection screens will be sized using AV industry-wide accepted standards for the nearest and furthest viewers. Carefully coordinate the projection screen location with seating layouts to assure appropriate viewing sight lines. Specify a projector with a minimum native resolution of 1920 X 1080 in a 16:9 format. As with screen sizing, apply AV industry-wide accepted standards in calculating the required light output for each projector to assure that images will not be “washed out” by ambient room lighting. For smaller multi-purpose rooms, a single large or multiple smaller TV monitor displays may take the place of the projector where it makes the most sense and coordinated with the Owner. An audio system will be provided for reinforcement of media source devices. Speaker systems will be designed to provide even sound pressure level throughout the entire seating area. A multi-channel infrared transmission system will also be provided for private listening to selected media sources. Control of the video routing system, video control processor, and audio system will be achieved using an integrated control system. User interface will occur using PC based control screens accessible from networked computers, resident touch panels and personal wireless devices Video conferencing will also be provided in select multi-purpose rooms as required by the Owner. Conference Rooms Conference rooms will be equipped with an audio system for media audio reproduction only. Capability for voice reinforcement will not be provided. Speaker systems will be designed to provide even sound pressure level throughout the entire seating area with + 2 dB at 2 KHz, and a frequency response of at least150 Hz to 15 KHz + 2 dB, and a maximum of 12% articulation loss of consonants. A video system will be provided for large screen display of presentations. A single large flat panel monitor will be specified for each room, with the size of each monitor depending upon room size. Monitors will be sized using industry standard formulas appropriate for the nearest and furthest viewers. Display systems will be specified in a 16:9 format, with a minimum native resolution of 1080p. Conference room tables will be equipped with HDMI video inputs, along with their associated audio signals. This connectivity will be provided in “hidden” connection panels with integrated patch cords. Flat panel displays will include digital television tuners as needed. Conference rooms will be equipped with an integrated control panel for control of all audio and video system components, lighting systems, and motorized window coverings (if applicable). To meet this need, a touch screen control panel will be provided. The touch screen control panel will be programmed in full compliance with the end user’s desired button layout, configuration, and labeling. In addition, macros (multiple events) will occur when a button on the touch panel is engaged. Video conferencing will also be provided in select conference rooms as required by the Owner. Offices Select offices will be equipped with an audio system for media audio reproduction only. Capability for voice reinforcement will not be provided. Speaker systems will consist of speakers mounted on the wall below the large flat panel display. A video system will be provided for large screen display of presentations. A single large flat panel monitor will be specified for each room, with the size of each monitor depending upon room size. Monitors will be sized using industry standard formulas appropriate for the nearest and furthest viewers. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-19 Display systems will be specified in a 16:9 format, with a minimum native resolution of 1080p. Offices will be equipped with HDMI video inputs at outlet height in owner-specified locations. Flat panel displays will include digital television tuners as needed. Open office areas and customer service areas will be provided with sound masking to minimize cross talk. Other AV Spaces Coordinate other AV spaces during design with the Owner such as digital signage, white noise, fitness center, etc. TV Distribution System Confirm with the Owner for an RF TV distribution system may be provided by the owner for distribution of audio and video signals throughout the building. EXHIBIT 1: Existing Photos Existing Building Service Transformers Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-20 Existing Main 480/277V 3,000 A Existing age of Panelboards in Existing 208/120V Main Switchboard Building Switchboard located in basement Existing TR Rooms Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-21 Existing Lighting to be Demolished Existing Ground Bus in Electrical Room Existing LED Lighting to possibly Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-22 Be reused in Open Office Existing Fire Alarm Control Panels and Battery Panels Existing MCCs and VFDs Existing MV Equipment Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-23 Existing Diesel Generators Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-24 Existing UPS System Existing exterior lighting and CCTV Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-25 Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CODES, STANDARDS, AND REFERENCE MATERIALS Codes which are directly applicable to design of the electrical systems are listed below: ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act IECC, International Energy Conservation Code ASHRAE 90.1, Standard for Energy Conservation in New Building Design EIA/TIA, Electronics Industries Association/Telecommunications Industry Association BICSI, Building Industry Consulting Services International International Building Code (IBC) IESNA, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America NFPA, National Fire Protection Association (applicable sections including but not limited to): NFPA 70, National Electrical Code 2017 NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 101, Life Safety Code UL, Underwriter’s Laboratories State of Utah Fire Marshal Laws, Rules and Regulations DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A = Amps or Amperage IT = Information Technology kW = Kilowatts kVA = Kilovolt-Amps MV = Medium Voltage NEC = National Electrical Code NIC = Not in Contract RMP = Rocky Mountain Power T1S = Tier 1 Security T2S = Tier 2 Security T3S = Tier 3 Security V = Volts Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-2 Electrical Systems Responsibility Summary Designed By Furnished By Installed By Notes Power & Lighting Medium Voltage Transformer(s) Owner Owner Owner Medium Voltage Raceways & Cabling Owner Owner Owner Raceways by Contractor Emergency/Standby Generator Owner Owner Owner Emergency Generator Equipment Design Team Contractor Contractor ATS, Cabling, Conduit, Etc. Centralized UPS System Design Team Contractor Contractor Electrical Sub-Metering Design Team Contractor Contractor Photovaltaic (PV) Power Generation System NIC NIC NIC Battery Energy Storage System NIC NIC NIC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Design Team Contractor Contractor Lightning Protection System Design Team Contractor Contractor Interior Lighting Design Team Contractor Contractor Exterior Lighting Design Team Contractor Contractor Telecomm Raceways, Conduit/Cable Tray Design Team Contractor Contractor Boxes, Raceways, Cabletray, Site, ect. Site Carrier Fiber/Copper Design Team Contractor Contractor Fiber Termination Shelves (FPP1, FPP2)Design Team Contractor Contractor Copper Building Backbone Cabling Design Team Contractor Contractor Riser Patch Panels (RPP1)Design Team Contractor Contractor Cat 6A Horizontal Cable Design Team Contractor Contractor Patch Panels/Inserts SPP, WPP Design Team Contractor Contractor Horizontal Wire Manager (1RU, 2RU)Design Team Contractor Contractor Vertical Wire Manager Design Team Contractor Contractor Data ports, Faceplates, Boxes Design Team Contractor Contractor Cat 6A Patch Cords Design Team Contractor Contractor Building MDF/IDF Racks Design Team Contractor Contractor Building MDF/IDF Ladder Rack Design Team Contractor Contractor Active Network Electronics Owner Owner Owner Rack PDUs Design Team Contractor Contractor Elevator 2 way comm Design Team Contractor Contractor Emergency Responder DAS Testing Design Team Contractor Contractor Performance Spec Emergency Responder DAS System NIC Contractor Contractor Confirm with Owner Group Cell Phone Booster System and/or DAS NIC Contractor Contractor Confirm with Owner Group Antenna Systems TBD Contractor Contractor Confirm with Owner Group Microwave/Radio Communication System TBD Contractor Contractor Confirm with Owner Group Security, Fire & Misc. Raceways Design Team Contractor Contractor Fire Alarm Design Team Contractor Contractor CCTV Security Cameras Design Team Contractor Contractor CCTV Headend, Programming, Licensing TBD TBD TBD Confirm with Owner Group Access Controls & Intrusion Detection Design Team Contractor Contractor Emergency Lockdown System TBD Contractor Contractor Mass Notification System NIC NIC NIC Wireless Clock System NIC NIC NIC A/V Raceways Design Team Contractor Contractor Audio Systems Design Team Contractor Contractor Video Systems Design Team Contractor Contractor Digital Signage Design Team Contractor Contractor Flat Panel Monitors / Projectors Design Team Contractor Contractor Flat Panel Monitor Mounts Design Team Contractor Contractor Projector Mounts Design Team Contractor Contractor Projector Screens Design Team Contractor Contractor TV Distribution System Design Team Contractor Contractor Intercom / Paging System Design Team Contractor Contractor Ops Center AV System Design Team Contractor Contractor System Responsibility Matrix Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-3 SITE ELECTRICAL Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) owns the medium voltage (MV) distribution system that runs throughout the site. The project will be served by the RMP medium voltage distribution system. The contractor shall provide the required precast concrete transformer pad/vault, all required primary and secondary conduit, along with the CT/Metering section and main service disconnect. Rocky Mountain Power will provide the transformer, meter, primary cabling and secondary cabling. Due to the anticipated larger power demand and equipment for the building a 480Y/277 Volt service will be provided. There will be project costs from RMP for their portion of the work that will need to be included and covered by the project outside of the electrical Contractor’s costs. The project should coordinate to provide a new electrical utility yard for the service equipment, centrally located on the exterior of the building to support the building and distribution. The building load is currently estimated to be between 3,000-3,500 kVA. This will depend greatly on the final programming, layout and loads of the building and will need to be confirmed during design. The project could use dual services set up to help with the load of the building. The operating Voltage will be 12,470V, 3-phase on the primary and 480/277V on the secondary of one service and 12,470V, 3-phase on the primary and 208/120V on the secondary of the other service. Telecommunications Utilities Telecommunication services will be provided through the RMP building. Connectivity will most likely be served through new air blown single mode fiber. Building will have SM fiber to the building demarc then pulled back to the nearest utility network node. The site fiber will be routed in raceways and shall have a minimum of four (4) 4” raceways to the nearest telecom vault. The fiber for the final site telecommunications design shall be coordinated with the Owner during design. BUILDING SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION Main Service The main electrical room shall be constructed to house the 480/277V, 3-phase, 4-wire main distribution switchboard. This room will be a minimum of 10’ x 15’ and have two forms of egress with panic hardware. This room should be located as close as possible to the pad-mounted medium voltage transformers to reduce the length of feeder conduit and conductors. Service voltage will be 480Y/277V, 3-phase, 4-wire serving primarily mechanical, motor, and building lighting loads with 208Y/120V stepdown transformers used for 208Y/120V, 3-phase, 4-wire distribution that will serve server, computer, equipment, plug loads and other small equipment. The main 480/277V distribution switchboard is anticipated to have a rating of approximately 4,000 Amps, this shall be verified and adjusted as necessary during design (this could be reduced with dual services if desired). It shall have a main circuit breaker and shall be free-standing and equipped with both utility and Owner metering. Panelboards Distribution panelboards shall be provided in the main electrical room and branch electrical rooms on each level and centrally located on each end of each level as much as possible, while taking into account other building and architectural considerations, so that the conductor distance from any panelboard to the most remote outlet is not greater than 150 feet. Each branch electrical room should handle the distribution panelboards for each level. Panelboards should be surface mounted, ease and accessibility of running new and future conduits out of each room is an important consideration in defining the location of the rooms. If inaccessible ceilings surround the room, (5) spare 3/4” conduits from each panelboard shall be stubbed to accessible ceiling areas and tagged as spare. These rooms shall be dedicated to electrical distribution and shall not be used for storage or any other purposes. The main branch electrical rooms for each level shall be sized at 12’ x 10’ and branch electrical rooms at 8’ x 10’ at a minimum but may be larger due to the size of each level. Dedicate an area of each room for current and future riser conduits so Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-4 that wall-mounted equipment will not impede vertical distribution. Electrical rooms shall have a minimum of 25% additional space for future growth. All 208/120V power and appliance branch circuit panelboards shall have 100% neutral busses with no isolated ground busses, unless required for the specific application. Computer and electronic loaded panelboards may be equipped with 200% neutral bus panelboards. Main distribution switchboard, power distribution panels, and branch panelboards shall have copper bussing, 25% excess capacity and 25% spaces/spares for future growth and flexibility. Distribution equipment such as distribution panels and panelboards shall be located as near as practicable to the loads served. For labs or shop type spaces the electrical distribution equipment may be located within or adjacent to the primary space served. Metering Owner main building digital power metering will be included along with select sub-metering as coordinated with the Owner. Metering for the building may include enhanced sub-metering or load demand response controls meeting LEED requirements and shall be coordinated during design. A building wide metering data collection system may also be integrated and should be coordinated during design. Motor Control Provide variable frequency drives with harmonic filtering where required for mechanical equipment in compliance with DFCM requirements and sized at least 10% over the connected motor load. VFD’s shall be specified with a 5-year warranty. Minimum total harmonic current distortion when measured at the input terminals of the VFD will be not greater than 15%. The design electrical engineer may evaluate the variety of harmonic filtering and mitigation techniques and choose the best method to achieve this performance. A VFD scheme shall be provided with at least a 50% level of redundancy for the HVAC cooling system. This can be done with multiple drives, redundant drives, or bypass on the VFD as determined most economical and practical for the selected mechanical system. Branch Circuits Branch circuits will be loaded to no more than 80% of what is allowed by NFPA 70. Where outlets are intended for a specific piece of equipment, the load of the outlet will be based on the equipment nameplate. Allow no more than 6 convenience outlets per circuit in instructional lab spaces and for computer workstations, and 8 convenience outlets per circuit for general purpose use. Sufficient capacity for plug-in task lights and other peripherals typical of desk items will be provided. Outlets with dedicated branch circuits (one outlet on a circuit) are provided for vending machines, copy machines, break room counters, refrigerators, dishwashers, A/V cabinets and other locations likely to have equipment requiring dedicated circuits. Each branch circuit homerun will have no more than 3 circuits per raceway. Dedicated neutrals for each phase conductor will be provided. Conductors All conductors will be copper. Conductors for branch circuits will be sized to prevent voltage drop exceeding 3% at the farthest load. The total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits will not exceed 5%. For measurement purposes, a load of 180 VA (1.5A) per outlet, with a 50% diversify factor per NEC should be assumed. Raceways All wiring will be in raceways, minimum ¾” conduit for power and 1” minimum for telecom. Type MC cable should be reviewed where can be used for the project if allowed by Owner. New cable tray shall be Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-5 provided throughout the corridors for distribution of low voltage network cabling such that raceways do not extend more than 50’ (approx.) to the cable tray. Conduits for telecommunications shall stub to cable tray located in accessible ceiling space. Structured IT cabling will then be run in cable tray to the telecom rooms. Include pull strings in all empty conduits. Include raceway for all security, audio/visual and technology systems as defined in the project building requirements whether furnished as part of the construction contract or furnished by the Owner. Equipment and Furniture Refer to the program equipment summary and space plan sheets for equipment requiring electrical rough-in and connections and coordinate during design. All equipment and furniture identified in the program documents, whether it is furnished in this contract or a separate contract, shall be provided with power and raceway rough-in for complete operation. Fault Current, Coordination, and Arc Flash Study A fault current, coordination and arc flash study shall be performed by a licensed electrical engineer to indicate available fault current and arc flash at all points in the building distribution systems. New equipment shall be adequately rated for the amount of available fault current. System coordination shall be studied, and fuses or breakers selected to ensure minimum system outage due to overloads or fault currents. Per the 2017 NEC, emergency systems will be selectively coordinated to the extent possible. Breakers with adjustable long time, short time, instantaneous and / or ground fault settings shall be set at levels for optimum system coordination. In addition, an arc flash study shall be provided; electrical equipment shall be provided with labeling per all NEC/NFPA requirements. Surge Protective Devices To provide protection against damage to sensitive electronic equipment, due to surges, provide a new surge protective device (SPD) at the main distribution switchboards and at branch circuit panelboards serving sensitive electronic equipment. SPD units will be integral to the panelboard or switchboard. Provide surge protection for all emergency distribution panelboards as required by NEC. Outlets Outlets will be 20A, minimum. The program and space data sheets will be used as a guideline, but user input should be welcomed during the design. Unless noted otherwise, the following will be used as a general guideline where more specific requirements are not elsewhere identified. Each outlet location will be coordinated with the design team and end user during design. Where the term “outlet” is used, this refers to a 20A duplex receptacle outlet (unless otherwise noted). Offices/Small Rooms: For each workstation, provide one quad outlet dedicated to computer terminals and one additional outlet for every 10’ of wall space or one on each wall. Open Office Areas: For each workstation, provide one quad outlet dedicated to computer terminals where located on walls. Provided systems furniture and/or floorboxes for workstations located in the center of rooms away from walls. Global Security Operations Center (GSOC): For each workstation, provide a minimum of one quad outlet dedicated to computer terminals, but possibly 2 or 3 quads for multiple monitors, terminal and general purpose. Provide an outlet for each monitor or projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide outlets above counters, including power and A/V for staff tables and at the podium. Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus throughout to allow for power and data in the multipurpose layout. Provide emergency power outlets as required. Utah Power Credit Union (UPCU): Provide power and data for offices, reception/teller desk and other areas. Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience outlets per wall. Provide an outlet for each monitor or Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-6 projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus for power, data, and A/V in the conference rooms. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Customer Care Center (CCC): Outlets sufficient for programmed equipment, plus outlets along work benches or tables – no greater than 2’ on center (unless otherwise identified in the space plan sheets). Ensure that there is at least one outlet for each 10’ of wall space. Provide floor outlets for stations or equipment for specific operations. Where tables are fixed in place, coordinate power outlets mounted directly into the millwork. Provide furniture feeds for power furniture or desks as required. Provide emergency power outlets as required. IT Data Center (ITDC): Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience quad outlets per wall on emergency power. Provide quads and 208V power at data cabinets as required. Provide starline busway (or equal) system for racks and cabinets as required. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Electric Grid Operations (EGO): Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience outlets per wall. Provide an outlet for each monitor or projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus throughout to allow for power, data, and A/V in the multipurpose layout. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Provide emergency power outlets as required. Multi-Purpose Rooms: Provide a minimum of 2 general convenience outlets per wall. Provide an outlet for each monitor or projector on walls or ceilings and AV equipment rack locations. Provide floorboxes or poke-thrus throughout to allow for power, data, and A/V in the multipurpose layout and banquet layouts. Additional outlets shall be provided for specific equipment. Conference and Meeting Rooms: Provide outlets on walls as required by NEC. Provide combination power/communication/AV floor outlets underneath conference room tables for each 215SF of space. Where tables are fixed in place, coordinate power outlets mounted directly into the millwork. Lounges / Breakrooms / Kitchenettes: GFI Outlets on dedicated circuits every 4’ on counter top plus dedicated outlets for refrigerator, microwave, and disposal (switched at counter top), plus one outlet for every 10’ of other wall space in room. Fitness Center: Outlets sufficient for programmed equipment. Ensure that there is at least one outlet for each 6’ of wall space. Telephone / Data Closets: Provide one 208 Volt outlet near each telecommunications rack on emergency power for a UPS – coordinate amperage requirements with Owner. Provide one 120 Volt quad outlet on emergency power at each rack, plus one quad outlet on emergency power on each wall. Copy/Mail Rooms: One outlet on every wall plus additional dedicated outlets for printers. Provide above counter outlets. Mechanical/Electrical Rooms: At least one outlet on emergency power. Restrooms / Shower Rooms: One GFI outlet near each lavatory counter top. Corridors, Lobbies: Provide at least one outlet every 25’, on alternating sides of the corridor or lobby. Where seating areas are provided, provide at least two outlets per seating area. Stairs: One outlet at the landing of each level. Storage Rooms (small), Janitors Closets: One outlet. Building Exterior: One WP/GFI receptacle near each building entrance/exit. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-7 Other Areas: Refer to individual space plan data sheets, and where not defined coordinate requirements with user during design. Grounding Provide a grounding riser system throughout the electrical and telecommunication rooms consisting of a grounding bus mounted on the wall in each room near the switchboards and telecommunications racks and two grounding conductors (one extending to the main ground bus in the main electrical room and the other extended to building steel). Grounding conductors shall be installed with all feeder and branch circuits. Specialty grounding systems may exist for Owner provided building systems such as antennas, radio systems, etc. These grounding systems shall be performed as part of the building contract by the contractor Lightning Protection A lightning protection system is recommended by NFPA 780 for the remodeled building and should be verified during design. Provide a lightning protection system for the building with UL master label. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations: The project will include EV charging stations for no less than 50 spaces for Level 2 fast chargers and 100 spaces for Level 1 charging. In addition, another 100 spaces shall be roughed-in for future Level 2 charging stations. These will be part of the LEED points and shall meet LEED requirements. The charger type, quantities, and locations should be coordinated by the design team with the Owner needs. Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) A centralized UPS system will be included with the new building. The UPS system is anticipated to be sized to run all Data Center, PDU’s, Telecom Rooms and Critical Operation Center loads. More clarification on the UPS system needs to be made during design, however is anticipated to be at least 1000 kVA+. Emergency & Standby Generator System and Distribution: New generators will be required for the project to house the emergency and standby electrical equipment. This room shall be sized at 50’ x 40’ at a minimum, but needs to be verified with the actual sizes of the new generators and could be much larger. The generators are estimated to be around 800kW each, actual size shall be determined during design once the exact generator loads have been determined. The current plan is to have four (4) generators for the building, to feed 2-4 UPS systems, similar to RMP existing building setup. RMP will provide and install the generators. The contractor will be responsible for all support equipment and cabling. This will need to be verified by the design team. The generators will be indoors and will require fume exhausting. An underground day tank system will need to be provided for the system. If not, the removal of the underground tanks may be required for the project and new in ground tanks and piping installed for the new generators. Fuel supply is anticipated to be minimum 72 hours at full load but should be determined during design. Provide at least two transfer switches and possibly three: one for data center, one for emergency/life safety and possibly one for non-emergency (standby) loads. Annunciate alarms adjacent to fire alarm panel. The following shall be provided with each transfer switch with possible changes or additions during design: Emergency Emergency egress and exit lighting Fire Alarm Standby Electrical room - outlets Communications rooms - outlets and air conditioning Critical equipment Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-8 Building loads (if legally required standby is not required) Security Systems Data Center LIGHTING General The basis for design shall be the IES and its Recommended Practices for offices, operation centers, multi-purpose rooms, conference rooms, and other applicable spaces, Utah State Health Department Requirements or Codes where applicable, i.e., restrooms. For exterior lighting and critical interior spaces, a point-by-point plot of illuminance establishing conformance with the Recommended Practices shall be furnished. Utilize LED fixtures to meet the illumination requirements while maintaining high efficiency and requiring minimal maintenance. Provide task lighting where practical to reduce the overall energy consumption to support net-zero application. IECC requirements shall be met and exceeded to meet the overall project requirement with goals for lighting power density to be minimum 10-20% less than required. Energy savings design techniques such as daylighting control, occupancy sensors, centralized and de-centralized control systems, energy efficient lamps/ballasts shall be used where practical to maximize energy efficiency. Fixtures should be 4000K color temperature with a minimum CRI of 80. In areas where color rendition is important, fixtures with CRI of 90 or above and color temperature of 5000K shall be utilized. Dimming drivers shall be included with all LED fixtures and shall be compatible with daylighting and dimming controls. Interior Lighting and Controls Lighting intensity and uniformity should provide shadow-free and glare-free illumination of work surfaces. Lighting intensity control using dimmers or multi-level switching should be incorporated where computer or other electronic equipment monitors are used. Pendant indirect or direct / indirect fixtures are ideally suited for the environments that will be encountered and should be used where ceiling heights will allow for suspension of 12-60 inches or more below the finished ceiling or where budget allows. If pendant fixtures are used in rooms with ceiling projectors, carefully coordinate the pendant fixtures with the projected image to eliminate any conflicts such as the Operation Centers or the Multi-Purpose Rooms. In areas with projectors or flat panel displays, provide a separate zone of lighting control near the projector input location for ease of controlling lighting during presentations. For spaces where glare control is not required, LED lay-in fixtures may be used. Recessed LED downlights and/or decorative LED fixtures shall be used in areas where aesthetics call for an upgraded appearance, such as in the new building lobby, multi-purpose, and operations centers. For spaces where wall or floor displays will be shown, accent or wall wash lighting shall be designed where practical like the main lobby. All interior lighting shall be controlled by some automatic means. This shall include vacancy sensors for regularly occupied spaces and smaller enclosed areas to shut down lighting when areas are not occupied. Lighting in common areas such as corridors and lobbies should be controlled by a programmable networked lighting relay control system with the capability of timed control, sensor inputs and building automation system integration and provided with local wall override switches. Large areas should be designed for multiple zones and light level control with occupancy sensors to allow energy reduction when the maximum light output is not needed. Uniformity must be maintained when in reduced lighting modes. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-9 Provide automatic day light harvesting controls in areas where natural illumination is available as defined by daylight zones within the energy code. Photoelectric sensors should be used to shut down or dim the artificial lighting when it is not needed. In offices where day lighting control is used, utilize continuous dimming to negate the noticeable effects of the on / off cycles of the artificial illumination. Certain areas with security requirements may be exempt from code required dimming, such as the Operation Centers. As required by the room use, provide variable lighting levels by continuous dimming. In rooms with audio / visual (AV) equipment, provide variable and zoned lighting control, from front to back, to allow for flexibility in lighting scenes for the various room functions. Where central AV control systems are used, provide lighting control / dimming systems with an RS232 AV interface to allow the lights to be controlled from and integrated into the AV system. All offices and instructional spaces shall be provided with manual dimming controls. Exit and emergency lighting shall comply with the IBC. Emergency lighting for means of egress to 1 fc average, 0.3 fc minimum, shall be provided. Emergency lighting shall also be included in restrooms, electrical rooms, and communication rooms. The state of Utah has adopted IECC for the state energy code, but IECC has a compliance path allowing the use of ASHRA 90.1, so either energy is acceptable to the state. The lighting load for the facility should target a lighting power density of 0.65-0.70 Watts/SF, this would result in a lighting design between ~10- 20% better than baseline. It is anticipated that the increased building energy performance option will be for reduced lighting power densities. The lighting power density baseline values are shown below. · IECC 2018: 0.79 W/SF (Office) · IECC 2018, reduced based on table 406.3: 0.71 W/SF (Office) Task Illuminance Lighting levels shall be in accordance with the Recommended Illuminance Categories and Illuminance Values for Lighting Design, IES Lighting Handbook. Total lighting load for the facility should not exceed the calculated lighting power budget, minus 10%, as determined by IECC. The lighting levels listed below in footcandles should be used for design purposes. The values listed are average maintained illuminance levels using a maintenance factor of 75%. The numbers listed are target values and should be adjusted to meet the special requirements of individual areas. The following table summarizes lighting levels and control methods for important spaces (some of the regularly occupied spaces may be changed during design depending on LEED requirements. For instance, all offices and open offices may be changed to a t-grid mounted indirect fixture rather than a lay- in fixture to help with the Interior Lighting credit). Function / Space Fixture Type Controls Type Electric Grid Operations (20ft ceiling) Linear pendants with mostly indirect Dimming, vacancy, lighting multi-zone, multi-scene Global Security Operations Center Recessed or pendant linear w/ direct/ Dimming, vacancy, (20ft ceiling) indirect lighting multi-zone, multi-scene North Temple Service Center Recessed Linear or 2x4 lay-in type Dimming, vacancy, multi-zone, multi-scene Offices / Small rooms Lay-in grid/troffer fixtures Dimming, vacancy Open Office Spaces Lay-in grid/troffer fixtures Dimming, vacancy, multi-zone Conference / Meeting Spaces Pendant with Recessed Downlight Dimming, vacancy, Perimeter multi-zone, multi-scene Multi-Purpose Spaces Varies – lay-in type, upgraded linear Dimming, vacancy, recessed or pendants, downlights multi-zone, multi-scene Salt Lake City Service Center Recessed Linear or 2x4 lay-in type Dimming, vacancy Utah Power Credit Union Recessed Linear or 2x4 lay-in type w/ Dimming, vacancy Upgraded lobby lighting Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-10 IT Data Center Strip lighting or Lay-in fixtures On/Off Toggle Corridors Troffer Lighting Time Control, Override Lobby/Reception Linear recessed or pendants w/ Time Control, Override downlights, upgraded look Lounges / Breakrooms Troffer or Recessed Downlights On/Off, vacancy Fitness Center Troffer Lighting Dimming, vacancy General Storage Strip lighting On/Off, vacancy Mechanical / Electrical Rooms Strip lighting On/Off Toggle IT Rooms Strip lighting On/Off Toggle Restrooms Recessed linear and downlight Occupancy Function / Space Illuminance (Avg. Footcandles) Customer Care Centers 30-50 (ambient) 50-75 (task) Operation Centers 40-50 (ambient) 50-75 (task) Multi-Purpose Room 30-50 Offices / Small rooms 30 (ambient) 50 (task) Open Office Spaces 30 (ambient) 50 (task) Conference / Meeting Spaces 30-50 Corridors / stairwells 15-20 Lobby/Reception 20 Lounges / Breakrooms 20-30 General Storage 15-30 Mechanical / Electrical Rooms 30 IT Rooms 30 Restrooms 30 EXTERIOR LIGHTING Design Criteria The exterior lighting fixtures shall be selected to harmonize with the architectural style of the building. In general, all outdoor lighting shall have full cut-off optics as defined by the IESNA. Dark sky compliance should be verified with the Owner per IDA. Wall mounted decorative fixtures may be used to draw attention to main entry or circulation areas, but for the most part should be kept to a minimum for energy purposes. Wall mounted fixtures at other locations should be non-decorative with cutoff optics that are designed for the intended use. Fixtures for parking surface areas should consider pole lighting while walkways could be a bollard or pole style light. LED sources should be selected for use in all exterior fixtures to minimize the maintenance. All exterior light fixtures should be robust and suitable for the harsh exterior environment. Preference should be given to fixtures that have design features such as hinging reflectors and removable ballast trays that reduce the cost of lamp replacement and fixture repairs. Illuminance Lighting levels should be in accordance with the Recommended Illuminance Categories and Illuminance Values for Lighting Design, IES Lighting Handbook. Total lighting load for the facility should not exceed the calculated lighting power budget as determined by IECC. The lighting levels listed below in footcandles should be used for design purposes. The values listed are average maintained illuminance levels using a maintenance factor of 75%. Function Illuminance (Avg. Footcandles) Parking 0.5-2 Walkways 1 Building Perimeter – Egress/entrance 5 Emergency Illuminance Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-11 Select standard building lighting as may be required to achieve the illuminance criteria set forth in the NFPA Life Safety Code, IBC, and local codes. Designate these fixtures as egress lighting fixtures. Where lamp sources of building lighting are not instant on, provide arc keeper devices or battery/inverter units to prevent lamp source from extinguishing until emergency power can be supplied. Provide dedicated branch circuiting from the emergency power branch. Emergency lighting shall be provided on all paths of egress including but not necessarily limited to corridors, large open office or instructional spaces, operation centers, restrooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, and communication rooms. Egress pathways shall be provided with minimum lighting levels of 1 footcandle. Depending on building generator option chosen, the entire building may be provided on emergency backup. Provide illuminated exit signs in locations as required by the NFPA Life Safety Code, IBC, and local codes. Exit sign shall be cast aluminum LED type. Provide dedicated branch circuiting from the emergency power branch. LEED Every effort shall be made where economically feasible to incorporate sustainable design into the electrical systems. The LEED design shall be based on LEED version 4.1. With regard to LEED, below is a summary of electrical related credits and which are currently being pursued: · LT Green Vehicles - This credit is currently being pursued. Conduit shall be installed for electric vehicle charging stations. This credit requires electric vehicle charging stations for 2% of the parking spaces in addition to meeting the other requirements for this credit. · SS Light Pollution Reduction - This credit may be pursued if possible depending on property boundaries. · EA Minimum Energy Performance – The lighting design will target 20% reduction in lighting energy use to aid in this credit. · EA Building Level Energy Metering – This prerequisite will be met. · EA Advanced Energy Metering - This credit will not be pursued. · EA Demand Response – This credit is not planning on being pursued, however needs to be confirmed with the Owner. · EA Renewable Energy Production – This credit will not be pursued. · EA Green Power – This credit may be purchased at the discretion of the Owner. · IEQ Interior Lighting – The interior lighting will include lighting controls meeting option 1 and option 2 of this credit will be dependent on indirect lighting in spaces and/or Architectural choices. · IEQ Daylight – This credit may be pursued depending on building layout. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Fire Alarm and Life Safety Fire alarm system shall be designed to comply with State of Utah Fire Marshal's “Rules and Regulations". Based on current intended building use and defined spaces, the building is expected to be a B Occupancy Type with Assembly spaces. This would require the following minimum system features: · Addressable fire alarm system with control panel and remote supervision · Remote annunciator(s) · Pull stations · Monitoring of the fire sprinkler system · Building notification via horn and strobe lights. · Duct detection and fan shutdown · Elevator initiation, monitoring, and control · Automatic smoke detection throughout all corridors and spaces open to corridors · Smoke detection at fire alarm panels · Exterior water flow horn/strobe Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-12 Design strobes visible from all locations except private offices. Provide duct detectors and fan shutdown where required by NFPA and the IMC, including detection of smoke at all return air shafts servicing multiple floors. Provide smoke detectors in elevator lobbies, shafts, and in machine rooms. Provide heat detectors in machine rooms. Coordinate location of the building fire alarm control panel and annunciator panel with the fire marshal. Provide automatic smoke detectors throughout all corridors and spaces open to corridors as required by Owner. The approved manufacturer shall be coordinated during design and the system shall be furnished and installed by a UL-listed, factory-approved distributor and installer. Data cabling shall be provided at the panel for connection to building network for informational reporting to selected computer terminals. TELECOMMUNICATION General The voice and data system shall consist of four main categories: 1) Data Center 2) Pathways and Spaces to support the voice and data system, 3) The structured cabling system, and 4) Communications Tower. DATA CENTER The data center needs have not been identified but should include 20-50 server cabinets and 2-post racks at 4 – 7 kW per cabinet. Not all may be needed at once, so a modular approach to design should be considered. The level of redundancy should meet Tier 4 standards which requires a fault tolerant design. A fault tolerant data center has redundant, isolated systems that provide enough capacity in power and cooling to operate the environment after any data center infrastructure failure and all IT equipment provided dual power. Below are specific recommendations for the electrical systems serving the data center: Redundant UPS systems: This will consist of two systems in “A+B” redundant configuration, together with all associated upstream and downstream feeders. Upstream, would connect to generators, switchboards and panel gear. Downstream would be all new up to and including the branch panelboards in the data center. New data center electrical distribution: Initial 150 kVA PDU’s with branch circuit wiring to 20-50 cabinets and racks: two 30A feeders to each rack, one from “A” system, and one from “B” system. Possibly a starline busway system. Power for new air conditioning. New LED lighting. New fire alarm system and possibly consisting of an air sampling “VESDA” system. New security system. Raceways and cable trays for IT cabling. New IT cabling for racks. PATHWAYS AND SPACES There may be one or two main communication rooms, Equipment Room “ER” or MDF. This room shall house the main computer and phone equipment that serves the building. The room shall be located as close to the center of the building as possible. The MDF should be sized to serve the entire building, and will interconnect with all IDF’s in the building. The MDF should be sized to hold four racks (15’ x 10’ at a minimum). A minimum of three walls in the ER/MDF will be covered with ¾” x 4’ x 8’ sheets of BCX fire rated plywood. All plywood should be painted with a fire-retardant coating that is white. The building is anticipated to have at least two Telecommunication Rooms “TR” or IDFs on each level to serve the building, to support the horizontal cable length to a telecommunications outlet to ensure no cable exceeds 295 ft. This is the total length of cable from patch panel in the TR to the work area outlet at the work station. The TR/IDF should be sized to hold two racks (10’ x 12’). All walls of the TR/IDF will be Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-13 covered with plywood. ¾” x 4’ x 8’ sheets of BCX, fire rated plywood. All plywood should be painted with a fire-retardant coating that is white. A standard network rack should have a planned space of 3’ x 3’ for proper spacing in the front and rear of the rack. The racks shall have 3’ clearance in front and back of each rack as well. Power should be provided in each MDF/IDF room. Each wall should have one 120V 20A quad outlet mounted at 84” in elevation. Each rack should have one 208V 30A circuits, and one 120V 20A circuit. One circuit should be on utility house power, and one circuit should be on either generator or UPS power, or both. Power outlets dedicated to feeding the racks should be mounted to the rear of the ladder rack raceway mounted above the racks. A minimum of two (2) 2" conduits shall be run from the communication room on the top level to the roof of the building for roof mounted external wireless communications. All communication rooms shall be located in a stacked configuration and shall be interconnected with at least (4) 4” sleeves. There shall be no water (for example but not limited to restrooms, drinking fountains or janitor sinks) adjacent to or above any of the communications rooms. All communications rooms shall have access directly from a hallway without needing to go through a classroom or office to enter the room. The cable tray in communication rooms shall be a minimum of 18" wide with a 4" loading depth. Each telephone/data outlet shall utilize a 4" square by minimum 2-1/8" deep junction box with a single- gang plaster–ring. One 1” conduit with nylon pull rope shall be run from each junction box to the cable tray located in the accessible ceiling space. In offices where it is anticipated that there could be two (2) workstations or varying locations for a single workstation, provide at least two (2) telephone/data outlets and more as may be required. STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEM General Backbone fiber and copper cabling shall be extended from new building network to the new building ER/MDF. Backbone will include both fiber and copper backbone cabling. The structured cabling system shall be designed to support high-speed voice/data/video and future high bandwidth applications including VOIP systems. The system should be a Category 6A solution. The building network service entrance cable and backbone cable shall be fiber-optic. Horizontal cabling to each telephone/data outlet shall be unshielded twisted pair. All backbone cables shall be terminated in a wall-mounted fiber break out enclosure. All horizontal cabling shall be terminated in patch panels located in a 7’-0” high, 19” floor-standing rack. Each communication room shall be provided with floor-standing racks. Each telephone/data outlet shall have at least two (2) Category 6A RJ-45 4-pair ports with a dedicated horizontal cable ran from the respective communication room on that particular level to each port. Provide telephone outlets for elevator panels, building automation system, video surveillance cameras, wall phone and other required uses. Each telephone outlet shall have one Category 6A RJ-45 4-pair port with a dedicated horizontal Category 6A cable ran from the respective communication room on that particular level to each port. Wireless Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-14 The user desires that the building and all immediate adjacent outdoor areas be provided with reliable wireless local area network coverage. Provide data outlets at owner designated location for wireless points to cover all interior areas, as well as to spill out into all immediate adjacent outdoor areas. Design wireless access point data outlet with two category 6A, RJ-45 data jack mounted in a 4" square by minimum 2-1/8" deep junction box with a cover plate. The wireless AP coverage and locations shall be determined by the Owner and provided to the design team for documentation and bidding purposes. COMMUNICATIONS TOWER Microwave communications equipment must be mounted 120 ft to 195 ft above ground level with clear line-of-sight to Traverse Ridge and Ensign Peak with no path obstructions. The microwave equipment can be mounted on a self-supporting ground mounted communications tower or on a communications tower built on the top of a building, provided the building is specifically designed to accommodate the load of the tower and microwave equipment. SECURITY Security Systems - General All security systems will comply with any established standards and capable of being integrated into a new standard for security systems. Systems will annunciate alarm conditions to security rooms and be completely monitored. The security system may include panic alarm/lock down function or other similar features for the operation centers and front desk area. The details for the operation of this system will be coordinated with the Owner during design. Security System devices, cabling, control panels, monitors, terminations, etc. shall be furnished, installed, and connected by Contractor. The project will include multiple security levels throughout the building, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. Tier 1 Security (T1S) level is for facilities that require visitors to check in at the security desk and receive temporary badges to gain access. Tier 2 Security (T2S) level is for facilities that require a RMP employee badge to gain access. Tier 3 Security (T3S) level is for facilities that require an RMP employee badge with special designations to gain access. Card Access A complete access control system shall be provided and be compatible with the existing RMP system. This will be coordinated with the Owner as design proceeds. The new access control system needs to utilize the existing cards and integrate into the existing system as needed. The access control system includes control entry to all perimeter entry / exit points and interior spaces to the T2S and T3S spaces, operation centers and other defined spaces as discussed further by the design team. Card readers will be the proximity type, and will comply with any established standards. Card readers will report to a central door controller. Coordinate door hardware to minimize the aesthetic impact to the appearance of the building. Request-to-exit motion detectors will be installed on the secure side of each access-controlled door. Magnetic locks and/or electric strikes will be utilized to secure access- controlled door. Intrusion Detection An Intrusion Detection system is currently anticipated for the project. The Intrusion Detection system shall be designed in compliance with RMP security standards. Door position indication shall be provided for all exterior doors, regardless of function (entry/ exit/ exit only/ utility/ etc.) and any interior doors that require separate arm/disarm control as well as Tier 2 and Tier 3 spaces. Motion Detection may also be required in the higher tier spaces and should be coordinated during design. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-15 CCTV Security Systems A complete video surveillance system shall be provided and be compatible with the existing IP based CCTV system. New cameras shall be provided for all locations. The CCTV system includes control for visual monitoring of building perimeter, all building entry / exit points, at select main building thoroughfares, elevator lobbies, and at select sensitive interior areas. Additionally, in the T2S and T3S, there will be surveillance located in select locations. These systems may also include intercom and audio recording systems tied to the CCTV system. High megapixel cameras will monitor exterior areas including the building perimeter. Fixed megapixel and/or multi-sensor cameras will monitor designated locations inside the building. Cameras will be installed in appropriately rated enclosures. Signals from cameras will be connected to a central switching / multiplexing system with minimum 21” video monitors for viewing. All camera images will be digitally recorded by NVR’s that are local area network accessible. Additionally, cameras will be capable of being monitored and controlled at a remote location via the LAN. Provide NVR with 50% spare channels, cameras shall be fixed 1080p HD IP cameras, but shall be finalized with Owner during design. Locations shall be coordinated with Owner and finalized during design as well. Raceways for Other Low-Voltage Systems Provide empty raceways for all other low-voltage systems in the building, which will include audio/visual, security, and MATV/CATV. Coordinate with the Owner and/or systems designers. AUDIO AND VIDEO SYSTEMS General Audio and video systems will be specified for installation as part of the building construction work, to be completed with all building trades. Audio and video systems will be specified for full compliance with the industry standards. All video system displays will be planned for low energy consumption utilizing LED and other emerging technologies. Displays will be RoHS compliant, will have built-in eco-power consumption modes, and will be created with no consumables. All audio and video systems shall be coordinated with the Owner during design for final instruction and systems. Operation Centers The operation centers will be equipped with an audio system for voice reinforcement where required and media source reinforcement. Speaker systems will be designed to provide even sound pressure level throughout the entire seating area with + 2 dB at 2 KHz, and a frequency response of at least150 Hz to 15 KHz + 2 dB, and a maximum of 12% articulation loss of consonants. The operation centers will be provided with a technology enabled lectern where required. Several media source devices will be provided and housed at the lectern. These devices will include, but not be limited to inputs for portable computers. Audio originating from these source devices will be selected, processed, and amplified to the speaker system. Video input connections will also be provided at each staff location, in the councils with inputs as required per council. A video system will be provided for large screen or multi display of presentations. A single large screen front projection system or a multiple display wall will be specified. The projection screen will be sized using industry standard formulas appropriate for the nearest and furthest viewer, and located in close coordination with seating layouts to assure appropriate viewing sight lines. Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-16 The projection systems and display systems will be specified in a 16:9 format, with a minimum native resolution of 1080p. As with image sizing, industry standard formulas will be used to calculate the required light output for each projector to assure that images will not be “washed out” by ambient room lighting. Projection systems will be supplemented with multiple smaller flat panel monitors for off center viewing. Basic source devices including a digital television tuner will also be provided as needed. The operation centers will be equipped with an integrated control panel for control of all audio and video system components, lighting systems, and motorized window coverings (if applicable). To meet this need, a touch screen control panel will be provided. The touch screen control panel will be programmed in full compliance with the end user’s desired button layout, configuration, and labeling. In addition, macros (multiple events) will occur when a button on the touch panel is engaged. Touch screens will be provided at locations coordinated with the Owner. Multi-Purpose Room For multi-purpose use, two electric roll-up, tensioned cabled, 16:9 video projection screens will be provided for the display of media content. The projection screens will be sized using AV industry-wide accepted standards for the nearest and furthest viewers. Carefully coordinate the projection screen location with seating layouts to assure appropriate viewing sight lines. Specify a projector with a minimum native resolution of 1920 X 1080 in a 16:9 format. As with screen sizing, apply AV industry-wide accepted standards in calculating the required light output for each projector to assure that images will not be “washed out” by ambient room lighting. For smaller multi-purpose rooms, a single large or multiple smaller TV monitor displays may take the place of the projector where it makes the most sense and coordinated with the Owner. An audio system will be provided for reinforcement of media source devices. Speaker systems will be designed to provide even sound pressure level throughout the entire seating area. A multi-channel infrared transmission system will also be provided for private listening to selected media sources. Control of the video routing system, video control processor, and audio system will be achieved using an integrated control system. User interface will occur using PC based control screens accessible from networked computers, resident touch panels and personal wireless devices Video conferencing will also be provided in select multi-purpose rooms as required by the Owner. Conference Rooms Conference rooms will be equipped with an audio system for media audio reproduction only. Capability for voice reinforcement will not be provided. Speaker systems will be designed to provide even sound pressure level throughout the entire seating area with + 2 dB at 2 KHz, and a frequency response of at least150 Hz to 15 KHz + 2 dB, and a maximum of 12% articulation loss of consonants. A video system will be provided for large screen display of presentations. A single large flat panel monitor will be specified for each room, with the size of each monitor depending upon room size. Monitors will be sized using industry standard formulas appropriate for the nearest and furthest viewers. Display systems will be specified in a 16:9 format, with a minimum native resolution of 1080p. Conference room tables will be equipped with HDMI video inputs, along with their associated audio signals. This connectivity will be provided in “hidden” connection panels with integrated patch cords. Flat panel displays will include digital television tuners as needed. Conference rooms will be equipped with an integrated control panel for control of all audio and video system components, lighting systems, and motorized window coverings (if applicable). To meet this need, a touch screen control panel will be provided. The touch screen control panel will be programmed in full Rocky Mountain Power Building Use Life Analysis ELECTRICAL PROGRAMMING Page E-17 compliance with the end user’s desired button layout, configuration, and labeling. In addition, macros (multiple events) will occur when a button on the touch panel is engaged. Video conferencing will also be provided in select conference rooms as required by the Owner. Offices Select offices will be equipped with an audio system for media audio reproduction only. Capability for voice reinforcement will not be provided. Speaker systems will consist of speakers mounted on the wall below the large flat panel display. A video system will be provided for large screen display of presentations. A single large flat panel monitor will be specified for each room, with the size of each monitor depending upon room size. Monitors will be sized using industry standard formulas appropriate for the nearest and furthest viewers. Display systems will be specified in a 16:9 format, with a minimum native resolution of 1080p. Offices will be equipped with HDMI video inputs at outlet height in owner-specified locations. Flat panel displays will include digital television tuners as needed. Open office areas and customer service areas will be provided with sound masking to minimize cross talk. Other AV Spaces Coordinate other AV spaces during design with the Owner such as digital signage, white noise, fitness center, etc. TV Distribution System Confirm with the Owner for an RF TV distribution system may be provided by the owner for distribution of audio and video signals throughout the building.     B&D ENGINEERING Brunner and Dallon MECHANICAL │ ELECTRICAL │ PLUMBING │ CONTROLS 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 320 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84047 801.685.8081 www.bd-eng.com Page | 1  Date: April 15, 2021  To: Rocky Mountain Power Company  From: B&D Engineering    Re: Mechanical and Plumbing Observations and Recommendations at the Rocky Mountain Power  Complex    Executive Summary   This report identifies current mechanical and plumbing systems present at the Rocky Mountain Power  main campus at 1407 W North Temple, SLC, UT. The mechanical and plumbing items reviewed within  this report are divided by discipline. The intent of the report is to provide the viewing party with  general/broad overview of the types, condition, and ultimate life expectancy of the existing mechanical  and plumbing systems. A brief synopsis of the related mechanical and plumbing system renovation cost  associated with keeping the building shall be provided at the end of this report.     General Building Information   The total RMP complex is comprised of six (6) separate buildings phase together starting from 1949 to  1990 – see image below. The approx. total building(s) square footage of the main level is 84,000 – this  square footage will be used later in the report for general revision costs.  The building structure type has  evolved over time, but reinforced concrete appears to be predominated building methodology.              B&D ENGINEERING Brunner and Dallon MECHANICAL │ ELECTRICAL │ PLUMBING │ CONTROLS 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 320 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84047 801.685.8081 www.bd-eng.com Page | 2  General Existing Mechanical Systems Overview   The following types of existing mechanical equipment/systems are currently installed throughout the  complex:     Chilled Water Systems: Water Base Chillers and Cooling Towers (Condenser Water)   Chilled Water Systems: Air‐Cooled Chillers – No wet side condenser water system.   Heating water system: Natural Gas Fired Boilers.    Indoor Air Handlers (AHU’s) – served by the chilled and heating water systems.   Direct Expansion (DX) rooftop mounted HVAC units (RTU’s) ‐Refrigerant Based Packaged Air  Handling Systems.   CRAC Units – Computer Room Air Conditioners   Heating Water Fintube Baseboard Radiant Heaters – Primarily in the older buildings (1949, 1955,  etc.)   Ductwork Systems (Served by the AHU’s):  o Variable Air Volume (VAV) Zoned Systems ‐ with and without reheat.  o Multi‐duct system (central duct distribution point)  o Constant Volume – No Zoning – Served by the RTU’s)   HVAC Control Systems:  o There is no central BMS control system to integrate all the HVAC systems across the  campus. From observation, and review of available documentation the following control  systems are present: individual zone controllers; pneumatic (air) controls, individual  DDC system controls.     The condition and age of each of the above referenced systems ranges greatly – i.e., there are heating  water systems that have been in place and operational since 1949. However, to understand what can  honestly be expected regarding service life of the installed systems we need to create a  control/reference point to evaluate the system under. To do so will use the ‘ASHRAE Equipment Life  Expectancy Chart’ shown below: ***NOTE: evaluation of service life will be based solely on date of  construction. B&D has not been provided with information for equipment that has been replaced. ***          B&D ENGINEERING Brunner and Dallon MECHANICAL │ ELECTRICAL │ PLUMBING │ CONTROLS 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 320 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84047 801.685.8081 www.bd-eng.com Page | 3    Based upon the fact the last phase of construction occurred in 1990, there is not a single mechanical  system present on the RMP campus that has any service life remaining based upon industry standard  calculations. As stated above, this does not include any equipment replaced where the replacement  date is unknown.  Using the baseline of building construction dates and understanding the existing  mechanical systems present are outside the expected service life, Rocky Mountain Power should expect  that major mechanical systems failures will begin to occur, and a replacement plan should be developed  and implemented as soon as possible if the buildings/campus are to be maintained/renovated.         B&D ENGINEERING Brunner and Dallon MECHANICAL │ ELECTRICAL │ PLUMBING │ CONTROLS 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 320 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84047 801.685.8081 www.bd-eng.com Page | 4  General Overview and Cost of Replacing Existing Mechanical Systems   In general, the replacement of complete mechanical systems within an existing building comes at a  premium. This premium is not just associated to cost of labor and equipment, but many other factors  which are usually gone unnoticed. Some of these factors are as follow:     What is the renovation history of the building(s). Has there been good record  keeping/preservation of drawings.  o Lack of renovation drawings for contractors to use as a reference will add cost to the  project. The contractor will have to add time to their budget to verify system layout and  approach prior to new work beginning.   o Lack of renovation drawings also will increase the engineering cost for similar reasons.  The engineering team will have to identify each system capacities against calculated  loads prior to design. This can open unknown issues of system performance that were  not budgeted.    Workforce downtime: Critical nature of the space served and the disruption to workflow  expected and/or to be tolerated.    Changes in workspace conditioning comfort level during construction, and the adverse effects  on workforce productivity.   Long‐term energy costs of conditioning a building with a poor envelope.  o The new mechanical system designed to replace the existing will have to meet the load  of the aged building. Without substantial changes to the windows, and overall building  R‐value, the energy consumption of the mechanical system will be fair greater in the  existing building than in a new one.   Based upon the size/value of the renovation, the ‘Building Code’ will require the entire building  to be brought up to current code.  o This item alone can have a massive impact on the renovation budget that was not  accounted for in the beginning. A tremendous amount of work will need to occur to  bring a 1949 building up to current mechanical code requirements.   Unknown hazards uncovered during the renovation.  o Given the age of the buildings there is a high likelihood that the discovery of banned  building materials will be found. This will add additional cost to the project via schedule  and resolution costs.   Piping within the buildings will have issues.   o Given the age of installation and the known properties of piping materials, corrosion  and weakening of the piping systems has occurred regardless of the system type the  piping serves. The risk associated with cutting into, and/or modifying the existing piping  systems given the average age of the complex of buildings is very high.   o There is also the fact that since the erection of these buildings laws have been passed  that outlaws the use of lead‐based materials in any potable water systems. If these  components are present in an existing system, they will be required to be replaced.    HVAC systems control upgrades and integration will be expensive.  o To meet current energy code mandates the complex of buildings will be require a new  fully integrated controls systems which allows for trending. This trending of data points  is compiled to provide the end user a real time energy model.   o The labor rate involved in wiring and programming the entire complex for a new DDC  control system may be as much as 3 – 4 times the cost of providing the same service for  a new building of the same size.    Maintenance staff knowledge my limit the mechanical options for the building.      B&D ENGINEERING Brunner and Dallon MECHANICAL │ ELECTRICAL │ PLUMBING │ CONTROLS 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 320 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84047 801.685.8081 www.bd-eng.com Page | 5  o The cost of retraining the maintenance staff to operate the new systems/software is  real consideration that must be quantified.   The cost of providing seismic restraint on all the mechanical systems present in the building to  meet current code will be high, and there is no true return on investment.    Again, the above list of considerations is condensed. A large‐scale investigation into the viability of  building renovations would be necessary to understand the true financial, energy, as well as the other  ramifications.    For the purposes of this report, we will act as though the building renovations are the chosen route.  Therefore, what would some of the expected costs be to renovate the mechanical systems for one level  of the entire complex.     Expected Mechanical Systems Renovation Costs   For this example, we will use the 84,000‐sf alluded to earlier in the report, as well as the known systems  present to come up with a $/sf cost for each system type. To come up with costs we will use the  following assumptions:     Labor will be multiplied by 1.54 factor to account for renovation of existing buildings  o This information was collected from 2020 RS Means.   o This considers off‐peak work hours and overtime.    Cooling Systems will be based on $3,500/installed ton of cooling – equipment only.  o Does not include materials and labor associated with piping installation.  o Does not include required controls materials and labor  o Estimated tonnage = 294 (One Level Only)   Heating Systems will be based on $6.85/cfm of installed heating – equipment only.  o Does not include materials and labor associated with piping installation.  o Does not include required controls materials and labor  o Estimated BTUH = 2,520,000 (One Level Only)   Fans/Ducting/Coils/Dampers/Filters will be based on $15.65/cfm all systems.  o Does not include materials and labor associated with piping installation.  o Does not include required controls materials and labor   Chilled/Condenser/Heating Water Piping will be based upon and average of $130/ft   o Chilled water supply/return piping length 1,700 ft (1.5) = 2,550 ft  o Condenser water supply/return piping length 900 ft (1.5) = 1,350 ft  o Heating water supply/return piping length 2,800 ft (1.5) = 4,200 ft   Controls will be based upon $1,650/point  o Includes the device, labor, and programming  o Approx. 15 – 20 points per chiller  o Approx. 10 – 14 points per boiler  o Approx. 10 – 14 points cooling tower  o Approx. 15 – 20 points per AHU  o Approx. 4 – 6 points per VAV Box/Fan Coil   Control’s wiring will be based upon $10.35/ft installed.    Computer Room HVAC   o Typical Server Rack Energy Consumption 7kW (~24,000 BTUH)  o 2‐tons of cooling per server rack         B&D ENGINEERING Brunner and Dallon MECHANICAL │ ELECTRICAL │ PLUMBING │ CONTROLS 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 320 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84047 801.685.8081 www.bd-eng.com Page | 6  Expected Mechanical Systems Renovation Costs $ / SF:    SYSTEM TYPE  $ / SF or $ / ton  Chilled/Condenser Water (Equip, piping, labor)  24.75 $ / SF  Heating Water (Equip, piping, labor)  18.30 $ / SF  RTU Replacement (Equip and labor)  17.70 $ / SF  Fans/Ducting/Coils/Dampers/Filters  20.85 $ / SF  Controls (Equip, wiring, programming)  29.95 $ / SF  Computer Room HVAC (Includes ductwork)  2,750 $ / ton    The above cost per square foot is estimated costs based upon normal market activity. Actual renovation  costs may be as much as 20 – 30% higher based upon market materials and labor fluctuation. The above  cost estimates also do not consider high demand labor markets or the premium incurred.    With that noted, it is realistic to expect the total cost to complete a single level mechanical systems  renovation in the current market to value somewhere near $4,765,400.00 – Mechanical Systems Only.     The above number does not include Data Room Renovation. For the purposes of this report, it is  assumed that the minimum tonnage of the existing Data Room is 60 tons. Therefore, the associated cost  of replacement would be $165,000.00 – Data Room Only.    NOTE: The cost per level cannot obtained by simply multiplying the building sf by the $/sf. A multitude  of factors must be considered to determine the Mechanical System usable square footage. Also, the  previously mentioned cost does not include any package RTU replacement as it was assumed only AHU’s  would be used during the renovation – and those cost are included.     The above cost also does not include any plumbing or fire suppression related renovation costs, which  were not a part of this report.     Wet fire suppression systems typical have a 50‐year life expectancy, or 25 drains and fills. Plumbing  systems have a similar life expectancy. Industry standard ranges from 35 ‐45 years. Basically, the Fire  suppression and plumbing systems also need to be replaced.     Expected Plumbing Systems Renovation Costs $ / SF:  With current labor and materials costs considered, and general $ / SF Plumbing Renovation Cost that  can be applied would be 17.70 $ / SF.     17.70 $ / SF x 84,000 SF = $1,486,800.00 – Expected Single Level Renovation Cost    Expected Fire Suppression Systems Renovation Costs $ / SF:  With current labor and materials costs considered, and general $ / SF Fire Suppression Renovation Cost  that can be applied would be 11.00 $ / SF.     11.00 $ / SF x 84,000 SF = $924,000.00 – Expected Single Level Renovation Cost         B&D ENGINEERING Brunner and Dallon MECHANICAL │ ELECTRICAL │ PLUMBING │ CONTROLS 1225 Fort Union Blvd., Suite 320 Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84047 801.685.8081 www.bd-eng.com Page | 7  Conclusion   Total Expected Mechanical + Plumbing Systems Renovation Costs:  $4,765,400.00 + $165,000.00 + $1,486,800.00 = $6,417,200.00 Per Level (@84,000 SF)    Total Expected Fire Suppression System Renovation Costs (Wet System Only):  $924,000.00 Per Level (@84,000 SF)      This report was formulated under the assumption that all the existing mechanical, plumbing, and fire  suppression systems in the RMP complex are antiquated and need replacement based upon industry  recommendation. The reality is somewhere in the middle. If the Rocky Mountain complex of buildings  are to be retained and renovated, there are many opportunities to execute the replacement of  equipment/systems in a financially conservative manner. However, the fact remains the same – all the  building’s systems, including the Fire Suppression System, are past their life expectancy and will need  replacement sooner than later.     Some Additional Thoughts New Construction vs. Renovation:    In preparing the renovation cost estimates for this report it was clear to see that the driving factor for  the high cost of renovation were the labor costs. Material costs have also risen substantially over the  past few years, but cost of materials will be relevant to new construction as well. The labor market  shortage and the subsequent elevated labor costs multiplied by the premium on renovation labor costs  have a much greater contribution to the overall renovation costs. Therefore, the argument that money  could be saved by erecting a new building is valid. B&D’s assessment is constructing a new building cut  labor costs 40%+ over a renovation of the existing buildings.     Finally, there is the energy consumption aspect of renovation vs. new. With the advances in  construction materials and methods over the last 50+ years, combined with current energy code  requirements, it is easy to understand a new buildings energy consumption would be far less than the  existing. Better building envelopes equals less load, which equals less and/or smaller capacity  equipment, which equals less first cost, and most importantly equals less operating costs over the life of  the systems.      Page 1SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RMP HEADQUARTERS BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING RENOVATION Feasibility Study Construction Cost Estimate April 22, 2021 SECTION UNIT UNIT COST COST SITE IMPROVEMENTS Site Improvements Not Included HEADQUARTERS (HQ) Building Entrance 3,500 SF 485.00 $1,698,000 Visitor Rooms & Training Facilities (VRTF)6,000 SF 365.00 $2,190,000 Corporate Office Space (COS)127,570 SF 285.00 $36,357,000 Customer Care Center (CCC)22,000 SF 335.00 $7,370,000 Global Security Operations Center (GSOC)4,000 SF 625.00 $2,500,000 Information Technology Data Center (ITDC)25,000 SF 675.00 $16,875,000 Electric Grid Operations (EGO)15,000 SF 675.00 $10,125,000 Warehouse 30,790 SF 25.00 $770,000 13,694 233,860 SF 333.00 $77,885,000 TOTAL (Construction)233,860 SF 333.00 $77,885,000 NOTES:Costs are for Construction Only. Contractor Mark-ups are Included in Unit Costs. Costs are Based on a Traditional Open Competitive Bid Basis. Costs are Current and do Not Include Inflation. For Inflation, Add 4.0% Per Year Compounded. Parametrix, Inc. (801) 733-5900 Page 2SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER RMP HEADQUARTERS BUILDING NEW BUILDING Feasibility Study Construction Cost Estimate April 22, 2021 SECTION UNIT UNIT COST COST SITE IMPROVEMENTS Site Improvements Not Included HEADQUARTERS (HQ) Building Entrance 2,000 SF 500.00 $1,000,000 Visitor Rooms & Training Facilities (VRTF)10,000 SF 375.00 $3,750,000 Corporate Office Space (COS)69,848 SF 315.00 $22,002,000 Customer Care Center (CCC)15,152 SF 350.00 $5,303,000 Global Security Operations Center (GSOC)2,500 SF 650.00 $1,625,000 Utah Power Credit Union (UPCU)1,500 SF 425.00 $638,000 Information Technology Data Center (ITDC)25,000 SF 725.00 $18,125,000 Electric Grid Operations (EGO)24,000 SF 725.00 $17,400,000 13,694 150,000 SF 466.00 $69,843,000 TOTAL (Construction)150,000 SF 466.00 $69,843,000 NOTES:Costs are for Construction Only. Contractor Mark-ups are Included in Unit Costs. Costs are Based on a Traditional Open Competitive Bid Basis. Costs are Current and do Not Include Inflation. For Inflation, Add 4.0% Per Year Compounded. Parametrix, Inc. (801) 733-5900 CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT 2 Transfer Agreement THIS EXHIBIT IS CONFIDENTIAL IN ITS ENTIRETY AND IS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER