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20240414VPI to Staff Responses Nos. 15-20_23-28. Exhibits included..pdf
Subject: CASE NO. VPI-W-24-01 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST RESPONSE Secretary/Travis, RESPONSE TO: REQUEST NO. 15: There is no expected additions anticipated for for 2024. REQUEST NO. 16: Please see attached, Exhibit 2, Corrected Legal Description of Service Area. REQUEST NO. 17: Plans call for and field observations confirm that the majority of piping is 6" C900. REQUEST NO. 18: a. Water is pumped by one of the wells to the treatment building where it is measured and chlorine is added. The water then enters the lower distribution system. The water required for the upper distribution system is pumped from the lower system storage tank by a booster pump. b.Manpower includes daily checks of volume and chlorine dosing and residual. DEQ requirements are for Level 1 water treatment and distribution certification for system operation. c.Two wells, piping, flow meter, chlorine feed pump, two storage tanks, control systems for all pumps. d.Service level is per operational contract with Water Systems Management, Inc. e.Materials are purchased as needed. The critical spare of back up chlorine feed pump is stored on hand at Water Systems Management shop along with misc. replacement components. There are no know deficiencies that need to be addressed within the system, at this time. REQUEST NO. 19: a.Make and models are unknown. Well on is rated at 45 gpm and Well two is rated at 200 gpm. b.Make and models are unknown. Well one is 5 hp and Well two is believed to be 30 hp. RECEIVED Sunday, April 14, 2024 2:34 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION c. There are no pressurized storage tanks d. The lower concrete storage tank has a capacity of 45,000 gallons. The upper concrete storage tank has a capacity of 20,000 gallons. Both storage tanks are poured in place concrete. Exact float switch activation levels are unknown. e. The lower storage tank contains a 3 hp booster pump that pumps to the upper storage tank. Make and model and capacity are unknown. Estimate is around 50 gpm. f. Pulsatron chlorine feed pump, model LE13SA-VTC1, capacity is 12.0 gpd. g. 6" C900 PVC h. There is no backup generator in place. REQUEST NO. 20: The individual wells are not metered separately. Please see attached total water production, by month, for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023. NOTE: No data for December and October of 2019 or July of 2020 is available. REQUEST NO. 23: There are service stubs to all lots and all are paying monthly fees. The total number of connections will be 74 when all lots are built out. REQUEST NO. 24: Unknown. REQUEST NO. 25: Unknown. REQUEST NO. 26: Exhibit 7 is provided as the current rates and charges. Exhibit 14 rates and charges will be used under PUD regulation. REQUEST NO. 27: The fee is intended to cover the manpower costs to disconnect and reconnect the service. The disconnect can generally be made during routine daily system checks. The reconnection will most likely require an additional trip to the system. REQUEST NO. 28: Please see attached, updated, Cross Connection Control Program. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Bob Hansen Water Systems Management VP, Inc. RCO (208) 265-4270 Exhibit 2 Corrected Legal Description of Service Area Legal Description of Service Area Hidden Lakes A tract of land located in a portion of the East half of Section 36, Township 58 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho First Addition to Hidden Lakes A tract of land located in a portion of the East half of Section 36, Township 58 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho Second Addition to Hidden Lakes A tract of land located in a portion of the East half of Section 36, Township 58 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho Lots 1,2, and 3 of Mary’s Pack River Lots A tract of land located in a portion of the East half of Section 36, Township 58 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho VP, INC COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM PWS #ID1090195 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 2 of 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………… 2 Section 1 Finding of Fact ………………………………………………… 3 Section 2 Facility and Design Standard – IDAPA ………… 3 Section 3 Interpretation ………………………………………………………… 4 Section 4 Backflow Prevention Requirements ………………………………… 4 Section 5 Type of Backflow Protection Required ………………………… 5 Section 6 Owner’s Duty for Inspection ………………………………………… 6 Section 7 Customer System Open For Inspection ………………………… 6 Section 8 Previously Installed Assemblies ………………………………… 6 Section 9 Enforcement ………………………………………………………… 6 Section 10 Severability ………………………………………………………… 7 Section 11 Definitions ………………………………………………………… 7 CCC PROGRAM APPROVAL, BOARD OF DIRECTORS ………………… 10 APPENDIX A – Sample residential, survey letter ………………………………… 11 APPENDIX B – Sample residential, survey form ………………………………… 12 APPENDIX C – Sample commercial, survey notice ………………………………… 13 APPENDIX D – Sample residential, backflow assembly test due notice ………… 14 APPENDIX E – Sample commercial, backflow assembly test due notice ………… 15 APPENDIX F – Sample residential, Termination of Service notice …………………. 16 APPENDIX G – Sample commercial, Termination of Service notice ………… 17 VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 3 of 18 VP, INC - COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM PWS #ID1090195 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM In accordance with IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, Department of Environmental Quality, IDAPA & 548.01.08.552.06 – IDAHO RULES FOR PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS, Cross Connection Control, and Uniform Plumbing Code requirements, VP, INC Owners, are adopting the following Cross Connection Control Program. Section 1 Finding of Fact It is the water purveyor’s responsibility to provide water to the customer that meets State water quality standards; and It is the water purveyor’s responsibility to prevent contamination of the public water supply system; and Cross connections within the customer’s plumbing system pose a potential source for contamination of the public water supply system; and VP, INC establishes the following service policy to protect the public water supply system from the risk of contamination. For public health and safety, this policy shall apply equally to all new and existing customers. Section 2 FACILITY AND DESIGN STANDARS: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL – IDAPA – There shall be no connection between the distribution system and any pipes, pumps, hydrants, water loading stations, or tanks whereby unsafe water or other contaminating materials may be discharged or drawn into a public water system. The water purveyor is responsible through its cross connection control program to take reasonable and prudent measures to protect the water system against contamination and pollution from cross connections through premises isolation or containment, internal or in-plant isolation, fixture protection, or some combination of premises isolation, internal isolation, and fixture protection. (3-24-22) 01. Testable Assemblies. All double check valve backflow prevention assemblies, reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies, spill resistant vacuum breakers, and pressure vacuum breakers used must pass a performance test conducted by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross- Connection Control and Hydraulic Research (USC Foundation) and be included on the USC Foundation “List of Approved Assemblies.” (3-24-22) 02. Atmospheric vacuum Breakers. All atmospheric vacuum breakers used shall be marked approved either by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Official (IAPMO) or by the American Society of Sanitation Engineers (ASSE). (3-24-22) VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 4 of 18 03. Replacement Parts and Components. All replacement parts and components, including resilient seated shutoff valves, shall meet original manufacturer’s specifications or otherwise be approved by the USC Foundation as replacement parts or components for use on double check valve backflow prevention assemblies, reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies, pressure vacuum breakers, and spill resistant pressure vacuum breakers. The design, material, or operation characteristic of any assembly must not be altered during maintenance or repair. (3-24-22) 04. Assembly Selection. Appropriate and adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities, fixtures, equipment, and uses of water should be selected from the AWWA Pacific Northwest Section Cross Connection Control Manual, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control (M14), the USC Foundation Manual of Cross Connection Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department. The selected assembly manufacturer model number must be included on the USC Foundation “List of Approved Assemblies” and must comply with local ordinances. (3-24-22) Section 3 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM – COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEMS – IDAPA – The water purveyor is responsible through its cross connection control program to take reasonable and prudent measures to protect the water system against contamination and pollution from cross connects through premises isolation, internal or in plant isolation, fixture protection, or some combination of premises isolation, internal isolation, and fixture protection Pursuant to Section 543, all suppliers of water for community water systems shall implement a cross connection control program to prevent the entrance to the system of materials know to be toxic or hazardous. The water purveyor is responsible to enforce the system’s cross connection control program. The program will at a minimum include: (3-24-22) a. An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine required suitable protection. For new connection, suitable protect must be installed prior to providing water service. (3-24-22) b. Required installation and operation of adequate backflow prevention assemblies. Appropriate and adequate backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities, fixtures, equipment, and uses of water should be selected from the AWWA Pacific Northwest Section Cross Connection Control Manual, the Uniform Plumbing Code, the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control (M14), the USC Foundation Manual of Crosw Connection Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department, The assemblies must meet the requirements of Section 543 and comply with local ordinances. (3-24-22) VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 5 of 18 c. Annual inspections and testing of all installed backflow prevention assemblies by a tester licensed by a licensing authority recognized by the Department. Testing shall be done in accordance with the test procedures published by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross- Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. See the USC Foundation Manual of Cross-Connection Control referenced in Subsection 002.02. (3-24-22) d. Discontinuance of service to any structure, facility, or premises where suitable backflow protection has not been provided for a cross connection. (3-24-22) e. Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to be defective shall be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days. If the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days, water service to the failed assembly shall be discontinued. (3-24-22) Section 4 Interpretation A. Any interpretation of this document regarding scope, intent, degree of hazard or type of protection required, will be subject to the current accepted guidelines of the State of Idaho, at the time of interpretation, and regulations established herein. Section 5 Backflow Prevention Requirements A. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed on each service line of a customer’s system at or near the property line or immediately inside the building being served, but in all cases before the first branch line leading off of the service line wherever any of the following conditions exist: 1. There is an auxiliary water supply which is, or could be, connected to the potable water piping. 2. Where there is piping for conveying liquids other than potable water, and where that piping is installed and operated in a manor which could cause a cross connection. 3. There are cross connections or intricate plumbing which make it impractical to ascertain whether or not a cross connection exists. 4. In the case where there has been a history of repeating the same or similar cross connection or a backflow, even though these have been removed or disconnected. 5. Where there is a building over two stories in height or any plumbing system that is greater than or equal to thirty feet above the water main from which it is served. 6. Where fire hydrants or fire systems are connected to the potable domestic water service within the property being served. VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 6 of 18 7. Where a single water service is used to supply three or more dwellings. 8. Where the water meter serving the property is one and one half inches or larger. 9. Where there is backflow or backsiphonage potential. 10. Where any fixture is subject to being submerged. 11. Where the system is not open for inspection. Section 6 Type of Backflow Protection Required A. The type of protection required shall be commensurate with the degree of hazard which exists, as follows: 1. An approved Air Gap of at least twice the inside diameter, but not less than one inch, of the incoming supply line measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, or an approved Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly shall be installed where the substance which could backflow is a “contaminant” or potentially hazardous to health. Examples of premises where these conditions may exist include hospitals, mortuaries, car washes, medical clinics, auxiliary water systems, boilers, sewage piping, etc. 2. An approved Double Check Valve Assembly shall be installed where the substance which could backflow is a secondary contaminant. Example would include multiple dwelling units served by a single water service. 3. An approved Pressure Vacuum Breaker or an Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker shall be installed where the substance which could backflow is objectionable but does not pose a risk to health and where there is no possibility of backpressure in the downstream piping. 4. In the case of all private fire services, an approved Backflow Prevention Assembly installed to the Purveyor’s construction specifications shall be required. The Purveyor may require a monitoring meter or detection system to detect unauthorized use or leakage within the system. Exceptions may be granted for those fire systems specifically designed to be continuously circulating and approved by the purveyor for use in public drinking water systems. The type of Backflow Prevention Assembly shall be as follows: a. Low Hazard – Systems with or without a pumper connection but no auxiliary water supplies available, chemicals or additives, or other detectable cross connections require an Approve Double Check Valve Assembly. VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 7 of 18 b. High Hazard – Systems with auxiliary water supplies, chemical additives, or other detectable cross connection shall require an approved Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly. Section 7 Owner’s Duty for Inspection A. It shall be the duty of the assembly owner of any premise where backflow assemblies are installed to have the assembly tested and certified as working immediately upon installation of the assembly, any maintenance or repair of the assembly, and at least once a year, or more frequently in those instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure. The frequency of these tests or the replacement of the assembly because of repeated failure is at the discretion of the Purveyor. The test of any Backflow Prevention Assembly shall be at the expense of the assembly owner. and performed by a Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (BAT) who is currently licensed by the State of Idaho and approved by the Purveyor. Test, repair and/or replacement shall be performed within thirty days of the test due date. The assembly owner is required to contact a Tester who can perform the test in the necessary time period. Records of all tests, repairs, and/or replacement shall be submitted to the Purveyor within ten (10) days of such tests, repairs or replacement. Section 8 Customer System Open For Inspection A. The customer system shall be open for “Facility Survey” at all reasonable times to the Purveyor to determine whether cross connections or other structural or sanitary hazards, including violation of these regulations, exist. When such a condition becomes known, the Purveyor’s Cross Connection Inspector shall cause the service to the premises to be immediately discontinued or denied by a physical break in the service until the customer has corrected the condition in conformance with these regulations. Section 9 Previously Installed Assemblies A. Backflow Prevention Assemblies which were approved at the time they were installed but are not on the current list of approved assemblies, shall be permitted to remain in service provided they are properly maintained, are commensurate with the degree of hazard, are tested at least annually, and perform satisfactorily. When assemblies of this type are moved, or require more than minimum maintenance, they shall be replaced by assemblies which are in compliance with current State of Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water System. Section 10 Enforcement A. The Cross Connection Inspector shall cause the water service to the premises to be immediately discontinued or denied by a physical break in the service until the customer has corrected the condition, in conformance with this program in any of the following situations: VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 8 of 18 1. When it becomes known that a condition such as a cross connection, plumbing, structural or sanitary hazard, or other violation of this program is present. 2. In those cases of extreme emergency, and where an immediate threat to life or public health is found to exist. 3. When, in other cases and after a reasonable length of time has been allowed as determined solely by the Purveyor’s Cross Connection Inspector, the tests, repairs, and or replacement of assemblies or any other requirement within this program is not performed in accordance with this program. Section 11 Severability A. The provisions of this program are severable. If any portion of this program is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such determination shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the program or its application to any other section. Section 12 Definitions A. As used in this document, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions shall apply: Air Gap Separation – The physical vertical separation between the free flowing discharge end of a potable water supply pipe line and the open or non-pressure receiving vessel. Approved Backflow Prevention Assembly – An assembly which has been approved by the State of Idaho, as defined in section 2, above. Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker – (also known as an anti-siphon valve) A device consisting of a single check valve in the supply line that opens to the atmosphere when the pressure in the line drops to atmospheric. Auxiliary Water Supply – Any supply of water used to augment the supply obtained through the Purveyor’s water system which serves the premises in question. Backflow – The reverse from normal flow direction in a plumbing system or water system caused by back pressure or back siphonage. Check Valve – A valve that permits flow in only one direction. Contaminant – Any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water. VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 9 of 18 Cross Connection – Any actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a public or a consumer’s potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable water system used water, water from any source other than an approved public water system, industrial fluid, gas or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied. Cross connections include bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable section, swivel or change-over devices and other temporary or permanent devices which, or because of which “backflow” can or may occur. Cross Connection Inspector – An individual Licensed by the State and approved by the Purvey, to inspect for cross connections. Customer System – All plumbing, piping, and appurtenances on the customer’s side of the point of metering or connection. Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) – An approved assembly consisting of two independently operating check valves, loaded to the closed position by springs or weights, and installed as a unit with, and between two resilient seated shutoff valves and having suitable connections for testing. Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) – An approved assembly consisting of two approved double check valve assemblies, set in parallel, equipped with a meter on the bypass line to detect small amounts of water leakage or use. Facility Survey – An on-site review of the water source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance for the purpose of evaluating the hazards to the drinking water supply. Premises Isolation or Containment – The practice of separating the customer’s structure, facility, or premises from the purveyor’s system by means of a backflow prevention assembly installed on the service line before any distribution takes place. Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly (PVBA) – An approved assembly consisting of a spring loaded check valve loaded to the closed position, an independently operating air inlet valve loaded to the open position and installed as a unit with and between two resilient seated shutoff valves and with suitable connections for testing. It is designed to protect against backsiphonage only. Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly (RPBA) – An approved assembly consisting of two independently operating check valves, spring loaded to the closed position, separated by a spring loaded differential pressure relief valve loaded to the open position, and installed as a unit with and between two resilient seated shutoff valves and having four suitable test cocks for checking the water tightness of the check valves and the operation of the relief valve. VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 10 of 18 Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly (RPDA) – An approved assembly consisting of two approved reduced pressure backflow assemblies, set in parallel, equipped with a meter on the bypass line to detect small amounts of water leakage or use. This unit must be purchases as a complete assembly. The assembly may be allowed on fire line water services in place of an approved reduced pressure backflow assembly upon approval by the local water purveyor. Safe Drinking Water – (Potable Water) Water which has sufficiently low concentration of microbiological, inorganic chemical, organic chemical, radiological or physical substances so that individuals drinking such water at normal levels of consumption will not be exposed to disease organisms or other substances. Secondary Contaminant – Contaminants which at levels generally found in drinking water do not present unreasonable risk to health, but do adversely affect taste, odor or color. Service Connection – The point of delivery of water at or near the property line, generally at the water meter. VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 11 of 18 VP, INC COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM PWS #ID1090195 CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM OWNERS APPROVAL Signature: Signature: Print: Robert Hansen Print: Date: April 6, 2024 Date: Position: System RCO/Manager VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 12 of 18 January xx, 20xx Mr. John Doe P.O. Box xxx xxxxxx, ID 838xx RE: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL RESIDENTIAL SURVEY Dear Mr. Doe: In accordance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems and the Uniform Plumbing Code, VP, Inc Community Water System has implemented a comprehensive Cross Connection Control Program. This program shall apply equally to all new and existing customers. The purpose of this program is to prevent the entrance of toxic or hazardous substances to the public water supply system through a cross connection. A cross connection is any actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a public or a consumer’s potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable water system used water, water from any source other than an approved public water system, industrial fluid, gas or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied. Cross connections include bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over devices and other temporary or permanent devices which, or because of which “backflow” can or may occur. All water customers will be surveyed and/or inspected, with physical inspections of businesses performed, not less than annually. In an effort to minimize the impact on our residential users, we are attaching a Cross Connection Control Program, Residential Survey. Please complete this form and return it to VP, Inc. In the event potential cross connections are identified, a representative of the Water System will contact you, determine the type of backflow prevention assembly required, and work with you in an effort to eliminate identified cross connections. Thank you for your time and effort in working with us to insure a safe drinking water supply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, XXX XXXXXX VP, Inc. XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXXX VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 13 of 18 VP. INC COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM RESIDENTIAL SURVEY Please carefully review each of the item listed below and indicate by checking YES, NO or ?, whether or not, to the best of your knowledge, they can be found on your premises. If you are not sure, please check (√) ?, and we will review these items on a case by case basis. I T E M DESCRIPTION Y E S N O ? 1 Air compressor, water cooled 2 Aquarium with plumbed-in make-up water supply 3 Bathtub with the fill located below the rim of tub 4 Boiler feed lines 5 Decorative ponds supplied by domestic water 6 Dishwasher, commercial 7 Domestic water booster pump on service lines 8 Film processing equipment (dark room) 9 Fire sprinkler system 10 Floor drains 11 Heat pumps with domestic water supply line 12 Heat exchanger with transfer fluids (floor heat, boiler feed, etc.) 13 High pressure washers 14 Hose bibs (supplied by domestic water supply) 15 Hoses, kitchen rinse 16 Hot tub 17 Ice maker, commercial 18 Intertie, domestic water with any other source 19 Irrigation system supplied with domestic water supply 20 Livestock drinking water tanks 21 Private water sources (well, spring, etc.) connected to domestic water supply 22 Sewer flushing (recreational vehicle/boat dump station or sewer cleaning) with domestic water 23 Steam generating equipment (steam cleaner for auto, boat, etc.) 24 Swimming pool Name: Signature: Address: Date: Membership Number: Phone: VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 14 of 18 January xx, 20xx Mr. John Doe P.O. Box xxx xxxxxx, ID 838xx RE: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL COMMERCIAL NOTICE Dear Mr. Doe: In accordance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems and the Uniform Plumbing Code, VP, Inc. Community Water System has implemented a comprehensive Cross Connection Control Program. This program shall apply equally to all new and existing customers. The purpose of this program is to prevent the entrance of toxic or hazardous substances to the public water supply system through a cross connection. A cross connection is any actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a public or a consumer’s potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable water system used water, water from any source other than an approved public water system, industrial fluid, gas or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied. Cross connections include bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over devices and other temporary or permanent devices which, or because of which “backflow” can or may occur. All water customers will be surveyed and/or inspected, with physical inspections of businesses performed, not less than annually. You will be contacted by a representative of VP, Inc. Community Water System to arrange a convenient time to schedule inspection. If the information is available, please provide plumbing design drawings for your business. Someone familiar with the plumbing and products and/or processes used in the business should be available for consultation during the inspection process. In the event potential cross connections are identified, a representative of the Water System will determine the type of backflow prevention assembly required, and work with you to see that identified cross connections are eliminated. Thank you for your time and effort in working with us to insure a safe drinking water supply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, XXX XXXXXX VP, Inc. XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX 838XX VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 15 of 18 January xx, 20xx Mr. John Doe P.O. Box xxx xxxxxx, ID 838xx RE: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL, RESIDENTIAL BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TEST NOW DUE Dear Mr. Doe: In accordance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems and the Uniform Plumbing Code, VP, Inc. Community Water System has implemented a comprehensive Cross Connection Control Program. This program shall apply equally to all new and existing customers. The purpose of this program is to prevent the entrance of toxic or hazardous substances to the public water supply system through a cross connection. A cross connection is any actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a public or a consumer’s potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable water system used water, water from any source other than an approved public water system, industrial fluid, gas or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied. Cross connections include bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over devices and other temporary or permanent devices which, or because of which “backflow” can or may occur. The backflow prevention assembly installed at your residence to protect the customers of VP, Inc. Community Water System from existing or potential cross connection contamination through either back pressure or backsiphonage into the distribution system is NOW DUE for testing as required by our cross connection control program. Thank you for your time and effort in working with us to insure a safe drinking water supply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, XXX XXXXXX VP, Inc. XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX 838XX VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 16 of 18 January xx, 20xx Mr. John Doe P.O. Box xxx xxxxxx, ID 838xx RE: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL, COMMERCIAL BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TEST NOW DUE Dear Mr. Doe: In accordance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems and the Uniform Plumbing Code, VP, Inc. Community Water System has implemented a comprehensive Cross Connection Control Program. This program shall apply equally to all new and existing customers. The purpose of this program is to prevent the entrance of toxic or hazardous substances to the public water supply system through a cross connection. A cross connection is any actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a public or a consumer’s potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable water system used water, water from any source other than an approved public water system, industrial fluid, gas or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied. Cross connections include bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over devices and other temporary or permanent devices which, or because of which “backflow” can or may occur. The backflow prevention assembly installed at your business to protect the customers of VP, Inc. Community Water System from existing or potential cross connection contamination through either back pressure or backsiphonage into the distribution system is NOW DUE for testing as required by our cross connection control program. Thank you for your time and effort in working with us to insure a safe drinking water supply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, XXX XXXXXX VP, Inc. XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX 838XX VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 17 of 18 January xx, 20xx Mr. John Doe P.O. Box xxx xxxxxx, ID 838xx RE: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL, RESIDENTIAL TERMINATION NOTICE Dear Mr. Doe: In accordance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems and the Uniform Plumbing Code, VP, Inc. Community Water System has implemented a comprehensive Cross Connection Control Program. This program shall apply equally to all new and existing customers. The purpose of this program is to prevent the entrance of toxic or hazardous substances to the public water supply system through a cross connection. A cross connection is any actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a public or a consumer’s potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable water system used water, water from any source other than an approved public water system, industrial fluid, gas or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied. Cross connections include bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over devices and other temporary or permanent devices which, or because of which “backflow” can or may occur. The backflow prevention assembly installed at your residence to protect the customers of VP, Inc. Community Water System from existing or potential cross connection contamination through either back pressure or backsiphonage into the distribution system HAS NOT been inspected and tested as required by our cross connection control program. You were notified on , by the Water System, of this requirement. Failure to comply within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice will result in TERMINATION OF WATER SERVICE. If you are experiencing difficulty in finding an Idaho licensed backflow prevention assembly tester, please contact this office for assistance. Thank you for your time and effort in working with us to insure a safe drinking water supply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, XXX XXXXXX VP, Inc. XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX 838XX VP, INC - PWS#ID1090195 Prepared By: Water Systems Mgt., Inc. Cross Connection Control Program 67 Wild Horse Trail Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208) 265-4270 Page 18 of 18 January xx, 20xx Mr. John Doe P.O. Box xxx xxxxxx, ID 838xx RE: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL, COMMERCIAL TERMINATION NOTICE Dear Mr. Doe: In accordance with the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems and the Uniform Plumbing Code, VP, Inc Community Water System has implemented a comprehensive Cross Connection Control Program. This program shall apply equally to all new and existing customers. The purpose of this program is to prevent the entrance of toxic or hazardous substances to the public water supply system through a cross connection. A cross connection is any actual or potential connection or piping arrangement between a public or a consumer’s potable water system and any other source or system through which it is possible to introduce into any part of the potable water system used water, water from any source other than an approved public water system, industrial fluid, gas or substance other than the intended potable water with which the system is supplied. Cross connections include bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or change-over devices and other temporary or permanent devices which, or because of which “backflow” can or may occur. The backflow prevention assembly installed at your business to protect the customers of VP, Inc. Community Water System from existing or potential cross connection contamination through either back pressure or backsiphonage into the distribution system HAS NOT been inspected and tested as required by our cross connection control program. You were notified on , by the Water System, of this requirement. Failure to comply within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice will result in TERMINATION OF WATER SERVICE. If you are experiencing difficulty in finding an Idaho licensed backflow prevention assembly tester, please contact this office for assistance. Thank you for your time and effort in working with us to insure a safe drinking water supply. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, XXX XXXXXX VP, Inc. XXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXX 838XX 69622600 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 69652500 29900 SHOP 10:00 0.50 2 69657900 5400 SHOP 08:00 0.51 3 69668800 10900 SHOP 12:00 0.50 4 69674200 5400 SHOP 13:00 0.51 5 69685200 11000 SHOP 09:00 0.50 6 69690500 5300 SHOP 09:00 0.50 7 69702100 11600 SHOP 10:00 0.51 8 69707700 5600 SHOP 10:00 0.51 9 69718600 10900 SHOP 10:00 0.50 10 69724000 5400 SHOP 10:00 0.51 11 69729400 5400 SHOP 07:00 0.50 12 69735000 5600 SHOP 08:30 0.50 13 69747000 12000 SHOP 08:00 0.50 14 69757900 10900 SHOP 10:00 0.51 15 69798300 40400 SHOP 10:00 0.53 16 69826400 28100 SHOP 08:00 0.53 17 69831800 5400 SHOP 10:00 0.52 18 69837300 5500 SHOP 07:00 0.53 19 69848200 10900 SHOP 08:30 0.52 20 69853800 5600 SHOP 08:30 0.52 21 69870200 16400 SHOP 10:00 0.51 22 69881100 10900 SHOP 11:00 0.51 23 69886500 5400 SHOP 07:00 0.52 24 69897500 11000 SHOP 10:00 0.52 25 69903100 5600 SHOP 08:00 0.52 26 69914700 11600 SHOP 08:00 0.52 27 69919700 5000 SHOP 08:00 0.52 28 69936100 16400 SHOP 10:00 0.51 29 69941700 5600 SHOP 06:00 0.51 30 69965400 23700 SHOP 06:00 0.51 31 70020900 55500 SHOP 14:00 0.51 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of January 2019 IDAHO - DEQ JEAN FELKER SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI /41-6QAf::-#~ 70020900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 70026400 5500 SHOP 7:00 0.52 2 70037300 10900 SHOP 8:30 0.52 3 70048300 11000 SHOP 1:00 0.52 4 70059200 10900 SHOP 10:00 0.51 5 70064700 5500 SHOP 11:00 0.51 6 70075700 11000 SHOP 6:00 0.52 7 70086700 11000 SHOP 10:00 0.52 8 70092200 5500 SHOP 2:00 0.51 9 70097900 5700 SHOP 8:30 0.52 10 70108500 10600 SHOP 8:30 0.52 11 70164800 56300 SHOP 6:30 0.51 12 70175800 11000 SHOP 12:30 0.51 13 70181500 5700 SHOP 7:30 0.52 14 70187000 5500 SHOP 12:30 0.52 15 70197900 10900 SHOP 10:00 0.52 16 70203400 5500 SHOP 8:00 0.52 17 70215100 11700 SHOP 8:00 0.52 18 70226100 11000 SHOP 2:00 0.51 19 70237100 11000 SHOP 10:00 0.51 20 70242500 5400 SHOP 10:00 0.52 21 70248000 5500 SHOP 6:00 0.52 22 70250000 2000 SHOP 6:00 0.51 23 70267000 17000 SHOP 9:30 0.52 24 70275600 8600 SHOP 8:30 0.52 25 70328400 52800 SHOP 6:00 0.51 26 70339400 11000 SHOP 8:00 0.52 27 70350300 10900 SHOP 6:00 0.52 28 70355900 5600 SHOP 10:00 0.53 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of February 2019 IDAHO - DEQ JEAN FELKER SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 ~6V>.t:-#~ 70355900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 70367700 11800 SHOP 10:00 0.53 2 70373100 5400 SHOP 08:00 0.53 3 70384600 11500 SHOP 08;00 0.53 4 70395700 11100 SHOP 10:00 0.54 5 70401200 5500 SHOP 10:00 0.54 6 70438900 37700 SHOP 12:00 0.53 7 70491600 52700 SHOP 06:00 0.54 8 70575200 83600 SHOP 10:00 0.54 9 70633100 57900 SHOP 09:30 0.54 10 70690800 57700 SHOP 08:00 0.54 11 70870700 179900 SHOP 10:00 0.53 Filling reservoir, south side of Hwy 12 70929200 58500 SHOP 10:00 0.53 13 70993300 64100 SHOP 10:00 0.54 14 71045600 52300 SHOP 06:00 0.54 15 71109100 63500 SHOP 06:00 0.54 16 71180800 71700 SHOP 08:00 0.54 17 71251900 71100 SHOP 08:30 0.50 18 71360600 108700 SHOP 10:00 0.50 Filling reservoir, south side of Hwy 19 71424700 64100 SHOP 12:00 0.50 20 71482600 57900 SHOP 06:00 0.51 21 71559500 76900 SHOP 09:00 0.50 22 71631600 72100 SHOP 13:00 0.51 23 71683200 51600 SHOP 08:00 0.51 24 71747500 64300 SHOP 08:30 0.51 25 71831400 83900 SHOP 10:30 0.50 26 71895900 64500 SHOP 10:00 0.50 27 71953800 57900 SHOP 08:00 0.51 28 72043700 89900 SHOP 10:00 0.51 29 72101800 58100 SHOP 10:00 0.52 30 72165100 63300 SHOP 08:00 0.52 31 72381200 216100 SHOP 08:00 0.52 Filling reservoir, south side of Hwy MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of March 2019 IDAHO - DEQ JEAN FELKER SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6QAf:-#~ 72381200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 72458500 77300 SHOP 10:00 0.52 2 72529600 71100 SHOP 10:00 0.53 3 72613200 83600 SHOP 16:00 0.52 4 72651600 38400 SHOP 09:00 0.52 5 72735300 83700 SHOP 10:00 0.54 6 72782100 46800 SHOP 08:00 0.54 7 72851800 69700 SHOP 08:00 0.53 8 72937200 85400 SHOP 10:00 0.53 9 73011600 74400 SHOP 10:00 0.54 10 73076700 65100 SHOP 10:00 0.53 11 73154000 77300 SHOP 10:00 0.53 12 73224800 70800 SHOP 10:00 0.52 13 73307600 82800 SHOP 10:00 0.54 14 73562600 255000 SHOP 14:30 0.51 15 73633700 71100 SHOP 10:00 0.51 16 73691600 57900 SHOP 10:00 0.53 17 73762300 70700 SHOP 10:00 0.53 18 73820400 58100 SHOP 10:00 0.52 19 73891000 70600 SHOP 10:00 0.53 20 73949400 58400 SHOP 08:00 0.53 21 74019200 69800 SHOP 08:00 0.54 22 74091500 72300 SHOP 10:00 0.54 23 74273700 182200 SHOP 10:30 0.53 24 74408700 135000 SHOP 07:00 0.53 25 74486400 77700 SHOP 15:00 0.52 26 74544100 57700 SHOP 08:00 0.53 27 74621100 77000 SHOP 10:30 0.53 28 74743300 122200 SHOP 12:00 0.52 29 74881700 138400 SHOP 10:00 0.51 30 74946200 64500 SHOP 10:00 0.51 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of April 2019 IDAHO - DEQ JEAN FELKER SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 h6ru±-II~ 74946200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 75023800 77600 SHOP 1000 0.52 2 75171100 147300 SHOP 1000 0.52 3 75340100 169000 SHOP 1000 0.52 4 75450800 110700 SHOP 0900 0.50 5 75517800 67000 SHOP 0900 0.50 6 75603300 85500 SHOP 1000 0.50 7 75677500 74200 SHOP 1000 0.53 8 75879900 202400 SHOP 1000 0.53 9 75933300 53400 SHOP 1000 0.51 10 75988100 54800 SHOP 1200 0.51 11 76022300 34200 SHOP 0530 0.51 12 76081400 59100 SHOP 1000 0.50 13 76273800 192400 SHOP 1000 0.50 14 76460800 187000 SHOP 1000 0.50 15 76544300 83500 SHOP 1000 0.52 16 76611400 67100 SHOP 1000 0.52 17 76702600 91200 SHOP 1000 0.50 18 76770000 67400 SHOP 0930 0.51 19 76853100 83100 SHOP 1200 0.50 20 76899100 46000 SHOP 1000 0.56 21 76992800 93700 SHOP 1000 0.59 22 77165700 172900 SHOP 1000 0.59 23 77329900 164200 SHOP 1000 0.57 24 77376200 46300 SHOP 1000 0.57 25 77408800 32600 SHOP 0730 0.57 26 77468100 59300 SHOP 0800 0.57 27 77527800 59700 SHOP 1000 0.55 28 77587300 59500 SHOP 1000 0.56 29 77717300 130000 SHOP 1000 0.55 30 77828700 111400 SHOP 1000 0.55 31 77981900 153200 SHOP 1000 0.54 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of May 2019 IDAHO - DEQ Suzanne Scheidt SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6ru±-II~ 77981900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 78082200 100300 SHOP 0700 0.53 2 78145500 63300 SHOP 0600 0.54 3 78313500 168000 SHOP 1000 0.54 4 78409900 96400 SHOP 1000 0.55 5 78589600 179700 SHOP 1000 0.55 6 78712700 123100 SHOP 1000 0.54 7 78799900 87200 SHOP 1400 0.54 8 78902000 102100 SHOP 0730 0.50 9 79023400 121400 SHOP 0830 0.50 10 79171400 148000 SHOP 1000 0.54 11 79271100 99700 SHOP 1000 0.55 12 79419800 148700 SHOP 1000 0.55 13 79560800 141000 SHOP 1000 0.55 14 79743000 182200 SHOP 1000 0.54 15 79849300 106300 SHOP 0800 0.53 16 79982300 133000 SHOP 0900 0.54 17 80142900 160600 SHOP 1000 0.54 18 80225300 82400 SHOP 0900 0.52 19 80365900 140600 SHOP 1000 0.52 20 80411000 45100 SHOP 1300 0.53 21 80483800 72800 SHOP 1000 0.53 22 80600200 116400 SHOP 0800 0.53 23 80732200 132000 SHOP 0800 0.53 24 80830900 98700 SHOP 1000 0.51 25 80902800 71900 SHOP 1000 0.50 26 81073600 170800 SHOP 1000 0.50 27 81117200 43600 SHOP 1200 0.52 28 81212200 95000 SHOP 1100 0.52 29 81270800 58600 SHOP 0800 0.52 30 81355700 84900 SHOP 0800 0.51 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of June 2019 IDAHO - DEQ Suzanne Scheidt SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI ,LJ~~AA _ ·~ ,1 l;'J >I 81355700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 81524200 168500 SHOP 0800 0.50 2 81612000 87800 SHOP 1000 0.50 3 81687800 75800 SHOP 1000 0.52 4 81746100 58300 SHOP 0900 0.52 5 81807700 61600 SHOP 1300 0.51 6 81890600 82900 SHOP 0800 0.52 7 81981100 90500 SHOP 0800 0.50 8 82097200 116100 SHOP 0900 0.50 9 82178900 81700 SHOP 1000 0.51 10 82255400 76500 SHOP 1000 0.51 11 82334100 78700 SHOP 1000 0.50 12 82472900 138800 SHOP 1400 0.51 13 82543800 70900 SHOP 0730 0.51 14 82643700 99900 SHOP 0700 0.51 15 82766100 122400 SHOP 0900 0.52 16 82919300 153200 SHOP 1000 0.51 17 82948900 29600 SHOP 1000 0.50 18 82991200 42300 SHOP 1000 0.52 19 83108400 117200 SHOP 1000 0.52 20 83184700 76300 SHOP 1230 0.50 21 83263700 79000 SHOP 0700 0.51 22 83397000 133300 SHOP 1000 0.51 23 83491600 94600 SHOP 1100 0.52 24 83554000 62400 SHOP 1000 0.52 25 83619900 65900 SHOP 1000 0.50 26 83721000 101100 SHOP 1100 0.51 27 83791800 70800 SHOP 0800 0.50 28 84011300 219500 SHOP 0800 0.50 29 84118800 107500 SHOP 1000 0.51 30 84212000 93200 SHOP 1400 0.51 31 84323200 111200 SHOP 1000 0.52 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of July 2019 IDAHO - DEQ Suzanne Scheidt SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 h6rut:-#~ 84323200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 84388500 65300 SHOP 1100 0.50 2 84489400 100900 SHOP 1200 0.51 3 84581400 92000 SHOP 0800 0.50 4 84707000 125600 SHOP 0900 0.50 5 84841900 134900 SHOP 1000 0.52 6 84982000 140100 SHOP 1000 0.52 7 85084700 102700 SHOP 1000 0.51 8 85170400 85700 SHOP 1100 0.52 9 85264500 94100 SHOP 1300 0.51 10 85376500 112000 SHOP 0800 0.52 11 85468500 92000 SHOP 0800 0.52 12 85627100 158600 SHOP 1000 0.53 13 85766700 139600 SHOP 1300 0.52 14 85851900 85200 SHOP 1400 0.51 15 85914800 62900 SHOP 1100 0.52 16 86005300 90500 SHOP 1000 0.52 17 86078400 73100 SHOP 1400 0.51 18 86174600 96200 SHOP 1100 0.52 19 86276300 101700 SHOP 1100 0.51 20 86376100 99800 SHOP 1100 0.53 21 86537600 161500 SHOP 1500 0.52 22 86645700 108100 SHOP 0700 0.53 23 86734700 89000 SHOP 1000 0.53 24 86805700 71000 SHOP 0700 0.52 25 86904700 99000 SHOP 0700 0.53 26 87012200 107500 SHOP 1000 0.53 27 87101400 89200 SHOP 1000 0.54 28 87188000 86600 SHOP 0830 0.53 29 87242000 54000 SHOP 0900 0.53 30 87330500 88500 SHOP 1300 0.52 31 87408700 78200 SHOP 1230 0.53 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of August 2019 IDAHO - DEQ Stacey Roberts SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6rur# ~ 87408700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 87498000 89300 SHOP 0900 0.54 2 87579600 81600 SHOP 1000 0.53 3 87681000 101400 SHOP 1100 0.53 4 87765500 84500 SHOP 1000 0.53 5 87899000 133500 SHOP 1000 0.53 6 88033400 134400 SHOP 0600 0.53 7 88107500 74100 SHOP 0900 0.52 8 88175700 68200 SHOP 0800 0.51 9 88261700 86000 SHOP 1000 0.51 10 88326100 64400 SHOP 1030 0.49 11 88386500 60400 SHOP 1330 0.50 12 88430900 44400 SHOP 1030 0.50 13 88497500 66600 SHOP 1430 0.51 14 88548000 50500 SHOP 0630 0.50 15 88618800 70800 SHOP 0730 0.51 16 88767000 148200 SHOP 1000 0.51 17 88901300 134300 SHOP 1400 0.50 18 88931100 29800 SHOP 0600 0.50 19 88960800 29700 SHOP 1000 0.50 20 89012300 51500 SHOP 1100 0.51 21 89030200 17900 SHOP 0600 0.50 22 89070500 40300 SHOP 0800 0.50 23 89109000 38500 SHOP 1000 0.50 24 89139000 30000 SHOP 1000 0.50 25 89169700 30700 SHOP 1000 0.48 26 89199600 29900 SHOP 0700 0.49 27 89321700 122100 SHOP 1000 0.49 28 89349800 28100 SHOP 0800 0.50 29 89374000 24200 SHOP 0730 0.49 30 89410100 36100 SHOP 1000 0.49 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of September 2019 IDAHO - DEQ Stacey Roberts SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6tU:t:-#~ 90068900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 90080600 11700 SHOP 0800 0.51 2 90092500 11900 SHOP 0800 0.50 3 90109400 16900 SHOP 0800 0.51 4 90126200 16800 SHOP 1000 0.51 5 90137400 11200 SHOP 1100 0.51 6 90155300 17900 SHOP 1100 0.52 7 90172100 16800 SHOP 1100 0.52 8 90183400 11300 SHOP 1100 0.52 9 90194700 11300 SHOP 0800 0.52 10 90205500 10800 SHOP 0800 0.51 11 90216500 11000 SHOP 1000 0.51 12 90233000 16500 SHOP 1000 0.51 13 90243600 10600 SHOP 1000 0.51 14 90255400 11800 SHOP 1000 0.51 15 90273200 17800 SHOP 1000 0.53 16 90278700 5500 SHOP 0800 0.52 17 90289700 11000 SHOP 0800 0.52 18 90306300 16600 SHOP 0900 0.51 19 90317300 11000 SHOP 0900 0.51 20 90328500 11200 SHOP 1000 0.50 21 90339600 11100 SHOP 1000 0.50 22 90347000 7400 SHOP 0900 0.49 23 90357400 10400 SHOP 0900 0.50 24 90375900 18500 SHOP 0900 0.50 25 90384900 9000 SHOP 1000 0.50 26 90395900 11000 SHOP 0800 0.51 27 90412500 16600 SHOP 1000 0.51 28 90417300 4800 SHOP 0700 0.51 29 90434800 17500 SHOP 1200 0.50 30 90445900 11100 SHOP 0900 0.50 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of November 2019 IDAHO - DEQ Stacey Roberts SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 90859000 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 90870100 11100 SHOP 1030 0.51 2 90886800 16700 SHOP 1000 0.51 3 90897900 11100 SHOP 0700 0.50 4 90914700 16800 SHOP 0930 0.51 5 90931500 16800 SHOP 0800 0.51 6 90948100 16600 SHOP 1000 0.50 7 90959100 11000 SHOP 1000 0.50 8 90970300 11200 SHOP 1000 0.52 9 90981400 11100 SHOP 1000 0.52 10 90997900 16500 SHOP 1300 0.51 11 91009100 11200 SHOP 1030 0.52 12 91021000 11900 SHOP 0830 0.51 13 91037700 16700 SHOP 1000 0.50 14 91048700 11000 SHOP 1000 0.50 15 91059900 11200 SHOP 1000 0.50 16 91071000 11100 SHOP 1000 0.50 17 91082100 11100 SHOP 1000 0.50 18 91093100 11000 SHOP 0830 0.51 19 91104300 11200 SHOP 0800 0.50 20 91125900 21600 SHOP 1000 0.48 21 91132500 6600 SHOP 1200 0.51 22 91302100 169600 SHOP 0900 0.50 23 24869000 SHOP 1200 0.50 STARTED USING SECONDARY PUMP 24 24929000 60000 SHOP 1200 0.51 25 24929000 0 SHOP 0900 0.57 26 24952400 23400 SHOP 0900 0.51 27 24960300 7900 SHOP 1100 0.51 28 24984800 24500 SHOP 1000 0.52 29 25000100 15300 SHOP 0900 0.52 30 25013000 12900 SHOP 1100 0.50 31 91316500 SHOP 1100 0.50 CHANGED BACK TO PRIMARY PUMP MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of JANUARY 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Stacey Roberts SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 PRIPMARY PUMP STOPPED WORKING ON 1/23 - IT WAS REPLACED ON 1/31 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 46~#~ 91316500 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 91327200 10700 SHOP 0800 0.50 2 91338800 11600 SHOP 0800 0.50 3 91356400 17600 SHOP 1000 0.51 4 91376500 20100 SHOP 1200 0.50 5 91386700 10200 SHOP 1100 0.50 6 91401200 14500 SHOP 1200 0.51 7 91411000 9800 SHOP 1100 0.51 8 91425800 14800 SHOP 0800 0.50 9 91440500 14700 SHOP 0800 0.51 10 91455200 14700 SHOP 1400 0.53 11 91469700 14500 SHOP 1100 0.53 12 91484300 14600 SHOP 1300 0.52 13 91494000 9700 SHOP 1300 0.51 14 91508900 14900 SHOP 1100 0.51 15 91518700 9800 SHOP 0800 0.52 16 91533200 14500 SHOP 0800 0.51 17 91547900 14700 SHOP 1000 0.51 18 91562800 14900 SHOP 1000 0.50 19 91577800 15000 SHOP 0900 0.50 20 91592000 14200 SHOP 1000 0.50 21 91606700 14700 SHOP 1100 0.50 22 91616400 9700 SHOP 0800 0.51 23 91631200 14800 SHOP 0800 0.50 24 91649600 18400 SHOP 1130 0.49 25 91665500 15900 SHOP 1100 0.49 26 91744000 78500 SHOP 1100 0.49 27 91753800 9800 SHOP 0700 0.48 28 91773100 19300 SHOP 1400 0.49 29 91782400 9300 SHOP 0800 0.49 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of FEBRUARY 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Stacey Roberts SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 46tUt:-#'~ 91782400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 91797300 14900 SHOP 0800 0.49 2 91816600 19300 SHOP 1130 0.51 3 91831100 14500 SHOP 0900 0.62 4 91845500 14400 SHOP 1000 0.62 5 91860000 14500 SHOP 1000 0.62 6 91874500 14500 SHOP 1000 0.60 7 91884200 9700 SHOP 0800 0.61 8 91898700 14500 SHOP 0800 0.62 9 91918500 19800 SHOP 1000 0.62 10 91928300 9800 SHOP 1000 0.62 11 91947700 19400 SHOP 1000 0.61 12 91962400 14700 SHOP 1000 0.61 13 91981800 19400 SHOP 1100 0.61 14 91991500 9700 SHOP 0930 0.61 15 92011300 19800 SHOP 0830 0.60 16 92030700 19400 SHOP 1000 0.60 17 92040600 9900 SHOP 1130 0.62 18 92060100 19500 SHOP 1000 0.61 19 92080000 19900 SHOP 1100 0.61 20 92089700 9700 SHOP 1100 0.60 21 92099300 9600 SHOP 0730 0.61 22 92113400 14100 SHOP 0700 0.61 23 92133300 19900 SHOP 1000 0.60 24 92147700 14400 SHOP 1000 0.62 25 92162500 14800 SHOP 1000 0.62 26 92177100 14600 SHOP 1000 0.61 27 92191500 14400 SHOP 1000 0.62 28 92201000 9500 SHOP 0700 0.62 29 92210600 9600 SHOP 0730 0.62 30 92229900 19300 SHOP 1000 0.60 31 92244300 14400 SHOP 1100 0.60 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of March 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Stacey Roberts SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 .fLt~Ar~.~_,,A•~ 92244300 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 92253800 9500 SHOP 0700 0.61 2 92305700 51900 SHOP 1100 0.61 3 92320300 14600 SHOP 1000 0.60 4 92328500 8200 SHOP 0700 0.61 5 92344300 15800 SHOP 0730 0.61 6 92363000 18700 SHOP 1000 0.48 7 92373800 10800 SHOP 1000 0.53 8 92388700 14900 SHOP 1000 0.58 9 92408000 19300 SHOP 1000 0.58 10 92430900 22900 SHOP 1000 0.57 11 92442700 11800 SHOP 0800 0.58 12 92457300 14600 SHOP 0800 0.58 13 92478100 20800 SHOP 1100 0.59 14 92505500 27400 SHOP 1100 0.59 15 92526000 20500 SHOP 1100 0.57 16 92541100 15100 SHOP 1100 0.58 17 92560600 19500 SHOP 1000 0.58 18 92575100 14500 SHOP 0800 0.58 19 92594800 19700 SHOP 0700 0.58 20 92619700 24900 SHOP 1000 0.55 21 92639600 19900 SHOP 1000 0.55 22 92669700 30100 SHOP 1100 0.52 23 92685700 16000 SHOP 1100 0.52 24 92710600 24900 SHOP 1100 0.52 25 92725500 14900 SHOP 0800 0.51 26 92740700 15200 SHOP 0800 0.52 27 92760200 19500 SHOP 1100 0.50 28 92784800 24600 SHOP 1100 0.50 29 92815400 30600 SHOP 1100 0.51 30 92837000 21600 SHOP 1100 0.50 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of April 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Stacey Roberts SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6ru±-II~ 92837000 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 92917600 80600 SHOP 1100 0.50 2 92963600 46000 SHOP 0800 0.50 3 92996300 32700 SHOP 0800 0.50 4 93016000 19700 SHOP 1100 0.52 5 93038100 22100 SHOP 1100 0.52 6 93057700 19600 SHOP 1100 0.52 7 93077100 19400 SHOP 1100 0.52 8 93091700 14600 SHOP 1100 0.52 9 93111500 19800 SHOP 0800 0.51 10 93143000 31500 SHOP 0800 0.52 11 93183800 40800 SHOP 1100 0.52 12 93215200 31400 SHOP 1100 0.50 13 93241500 26300 SHOP 1100 0.50 14 93260800 19300 SHOP 1000 0.50 15 93280300 19500 SHOP 1000 0.52 16 93294900 14600 SHOP 0830 0.51 17 93319500 24600 SHOP 0900 0.52 18 93338800 19300 SHOP 1030 0.52 19 93353400 14600 SHOP 0900 0.51 20 93372700 19300 SHOP 1000 0.51 21 93387200 14500 SHOP 0830 0.52 22 93406600 19400 SHOP 0930 0.51 23 93421800 15200 SHOP 0830 0.52 24 93436300 14500 SHOP 0800 0.52 25 93460900 24600 SHOP 1000 0.50 26 93486100 25200 SHOP 1000 0.50 27 93506300 20200 SHOP 0900 0.53 28 93536700 30400 SHOP 1000 0.53 29 93579200 42500 SHOP 0900 0.53 30 93615800 36600 SHOP 0800 0.52 31 93651800 36000 SHOP 0830 0.52 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of May 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Sandra Hartzell SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI /41-6QAf::-#~ 93651800 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 93676300 24500 SHOP 1000 0.52 2 93704300 28000 SHOP 1000 0.50 3 93732600 28300 SHOP 1000 0.50 4 93757600 25000 SHOP 1100 0.50 5 93785100 27500 SHOP 1300 0.51 6 93813200 28100 SHOP 0830 0.50 7 93837400 24200 SHOP 0830 0.50 8 93868300 30900 SHOP 1000 0.52 9 93887800 19500 SHOP 1000 0.52 10 93943800 56000 SHOP 1200 0.51 11 93974100 30300 SHOP 1100 0.51 12 94003800 29700 SHOP 1300 0.50 13 94024800 21000 SHOP 0800 0.52 14 94049200 24400 SHOP 0800 0.70 15 94074700 25500 SHOP 0930 0.70 16 94136800 62100 SHOP 0930 0.71 17 94161700 24900 SHOP 0930 0.71 18 94186200 24500 SHOP 1030 0.68 19 94216400 30200 SHOP 0930 0.69 20 94246700 30300 SHOP 0830 0.68 21 94272100 25400 SHOP 0800 0.68 22 94313000 40900 SHOP 0900 0.70 23 94349600 36600 SHOP 0830 0.71 24 94415200 65600 SHOP 0800 0.70 25 94450300 35100 SHOP 1400 0.71 26 94481400 31100 SHOP 0800 0.71 27 94518000 36600 SHOP 0715 0.69 28 94560200 42200 SHOP 0700 0.67 29 94601200 41000 SHOP 0930 0.64 30 94638200 37000 SHOP 0930 0.64 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of June 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Sandra Hartzell SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI ~6V>.t:-#~ 96903700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 97099000 195300 SHOP 0800 0.70 2 97194900 95900 SHOP 0630 0.71 3 97308600 113700 SHOP 1000 0.71 4 97418800 110200 SHOP 1030 0.72 5 97515900 97100 SHOP 1000 0.72 6 97588400 72500 SHOP 1000 0.70 7 97674900 86500 SHOP 1000 0.70 8 97782400 107500 SHOP 0730 0.61 9 97872900 90500 SHOP 0700 0.63 10 98002900 130000 SHOP 1000 0.74 11 98101500 98600 SHOP 1000 0.74 12 98205100 103600 SHOP 1000 0.73 13 98304100 99000 SHOP 0930 0.70 14 98396800 92700 SHOP 0830 0.72 15 98540100 143300 SHOP 1000 0.72 16 98731100 191000 SHOP 1300 0.72 17 98835600 104500 SHOP 1000 0.74 18 98937800 102200 SHOP 1000 0.74 19 99040500 102700 SHOP 1000 0.72 20 99118100 77600 SHOP 1000 0.70 21 99222400 104300 SHOP 1030 0.70 22 99301500 79100 SHOP 0800 0.71 23 99388100 86600 SHOP 0730 0.70 24 99506400 118300 SHOP 1030 0.70 25 99620400 114000 SHOP 0830 0.71 26 99777000 156600 SHOP 1000 0.71 27 99835100 58100 SHOP 1000 0.69 28 99941400 106300 SHOP 1000 0.70 29 100022700 81300 SHOP 0800 0.69 30 100110600 87900 SHOP 0830 0.69 31 206600 96000 SHOP 0730 0.71 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of August 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Jim Williamson SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 LJ~.l_,,A I./ -~-~ 1,1.,. 206600 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 282000 75400 SHOP 1000 0.70 2 385300 103300 SHOP 1000 0.70 3 456200 70900 SHOP 1000 0.71 4 621500 165300 SHOP 1000 0.71 5 713300 91800 SHOP 0800 0.71 6 798700 85400 SHOP 0900 0.70 7 892600 93900 SHOP 1030 0.71 8 968400 75800 SHOP 1030 0.69 9 1049100 80700 SHOP 1130 0.69 10 1110300 61200 SHOP 0930 0.71 11 1189900 79600 SHOP 0930 0.72 12 1274300 84400 SHOP 0830 0.71 13 1343500 69200 SHOP 0800 0.70 14 1429800 86300 SHOP 0830 0.72 15 1491900 62100 SHOP 1000 0.72 16 1575800 83900 SHOP 1000 0.70 17 1695600 119800 SHOP 1000 0.70 18 1768900 73300 SHOP 1000 0.71 19 1816900 48000 SHOP 0800 0.70 20 1875400 58500 SHOP 0800 0.70 21 1948700 73300 SHOP 1000 0.72 22 2004500 55800 SHOP 1000 0.71 23 2058800 54300 SHOP 1500 0.72 24 2099800 41000 SHOP 1130 0.72 25 2142800 43000 SHOP 1000 0.71 26 2168000 25200 SHOP 0700 0.53 27 2204100 36100 SHOP 0700 0.48 28 2252200 48100 SHOP 1100 0.51 29 2287700 35500 SHOP 1000 0.54 30 2350700 63000 SHOP 1000 0.59 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of September 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6rur-ll~ 2350700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 2463100 112400 SHOP 1000 0.54 Filling reservoir south side of Hwy 2 2500200 37100 SHOP 1300 0.55 3 2540600 40400 SHOP 0930 0.70 4 2576500 35900 SHOP 0700 0.67 5 2623100 46600 SHOP 1000 0.65 6 2658400 35300 SHOP 0800 0.65 7 2690500 32100 SHOP 1000 0.64 8 2734100 43600 SHOP 1100 0.64 9 2767800 33700 SHOP 1100 0.62 10 2787700 19900 SHOP 0800 0.63 11 2812700 25000 SHOP 0730 0.62 12 2847400 34700 SHOP 1000 0.62 13 2872200 24800 SHOP 1000 0.64 14 2896500 24300 SHOP 1000 0.64 15 2955100 58600 SHOP 1000 0.61 Filling reservoir south side of Hwy 16 3017000 61900 SHOP 0700 0.62 Filling reservoir south side of Hwy 17 3031300 14300 SHOP 0800 0.61 18 3055200 23900 SHOP 0730 0.62 19 3079300 24100 SHOP 1100 0.63 20 3103600 24300 SHOP 1100 0.63 21 3134000 30400 SHOP 1100 0.65 22 3156700 22700 SHOP 1000 0.64 23 3175700 19000 SHOP 1000 0.61 24 3190100 14400 SHOP 0830 0.62 25 3209300 19200 SHOP 0900 0.62 26 3233200 23900 SHOP 1000 0.63 27 3252200 19000 SHOP 1000 0.61 28 3271300 19100 SHOP 0930 0.61 29 3298300 27000 SHOP 0930 0.64 30 3317500 19200 SHOP 1000 0.63 31 3331700 96000 SHOP 0800 0.64 Filling reservoir south side of Hwy MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of October 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h,6QA.f:-#~ 3331700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 3352400 20700 SHOP 0730 0.65 2 3376200 23800 SHOP 1000 0.63 3 3395200 19000 SHOP 1000 0.62 4 3414300 19100 SHOP 1000 0.62 5 3433300 19000 SHOP 1000 0.64 6 3452700 19400 SHOP 1000 0.61 7 3462400 9700 SHOP 0800 0.63 8 3481500 19100 SHOP 0730 0.62 9 3505400 23900 SHOP 1000 0.60 10 3520400 15000 SHOP 1100 0.60 11 3540500 20100 SHOP 1000 0.57 12 3559500 19000 SHOP 1000 0.58 13 3578600 19100 SHOP 1000 0.56 14 3588700 10100 SHOP 0700 0.78 15 3607000 18300 SHOP 0700 0.72 16 3631000 24000 SHOP 1000 0.61 17 3650100 19100 SHOP 1000 0.60 18 3681400 31300 SHOP 1000 0.58 19 3701000 19600 SHOP 1000 0.57 20 3720800 19800 SHOP 1100 0.59 21 3743100 22300 SHOP 0730 0.68 22 3762000 18900 SHOP 0730 0.66 23 3786000 24000 SHOP 1000 0.60 24 3805000 19000 SHOP 1000 0.61 25 3819300 14300 SHOP 0700 0.61 26 3838300 19000 SHOP 0700 0.60 27 3924900 86600 SHOP 1000 0.62 28 3939300 14400 SHOP 0800 0.61 29 3958500 19200 SHOP 0730 0.61 30 3982200 23700 SHOP 1000 0.60 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of November 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI ,t?o6rvtr#~ 3982200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 4001400 19200 SHOP 1000 0.57 2 4025400 24000 SHOP 1000 0.58 3 4048300 22900 SHOP 1000 0.58 4 4069500 21200 SHOP 1000 0.55 5 4083800 14300 SHOP 0800 0.56 6 4108400 24600 SHOP 0730 0.57 7 4138300 29900 SHOP 1000 0.58 8 4157600 19300 SHOP 1000 0.58 9 4176800 19200 SHOP 1000 0.56 10 4197000 20200 SHOP 1000 0.59 11 4216100 19100 SHOP 1000 0.58 12 4230500 14400 SHOP 0800 0.57 13 4250000 19500 SHOP 0800 0.58 14 4279100 29100 SHOP 1000 0.61 15 4293500 14400 SHOP 1000 0.60 16 4312300 18800 SHOP 0900 0.61 17 4336600 24300 SHOP 1000 0.61 18 4355700 19100 SHOP 1400 0.62 19 4374600 18900 SHOP 0800 0.61 20 4393600 19000 SHOP 0830 0.60 21 4418000 24400 SHOP 1000 0.62 22 4441900 23900 SHOP 1200 0.61 23 4462000 20100 SHOP 1000 0.59 24 4486100 24100 SHOP 1300 0.59 25 4510300 24200 SHOP 1200 0.60 26 4524300 14000 SHOP 0900 0.59 27 4543900 19600 SHOP 0800 0.59 28 4573100 29200 SHOP 1000 0.61 29 4592200 19100 SHOP 1000 0.60 30 4612900 20700 SHOP 1100 0.60 31 4635500 22600 SHOP 1100 0.62 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of December 2020 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 4635500 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 4654800 19300 SHOP 1100 0.61 2 4674100 19300 SHOP 0730 0.67 3 4698100 24000 SHOP 0730 0.63 4 4793500 95400 SHOP 1030 0.60 5 4811000 17500 SHOP 1000 0.61 6 4832100 21100 SHOP 1000 0.61 7 4850800 18700 SHOP 1000 0.62 8 4873700 22900 SHOP 1000 0.60 9 4888900 15200 SHOP 0830 0.61 10 4908000 19100 SHOP 0730 0.61 11 4936900 28900 SHOP 1000 0.58 12 4951300 14400 SHOP 0700 0.59 13 4976200 24900 SHOP 1200 0.59 14 4996000 19800 SHOP 1000 0.56 15 5016500 20500 SHOP 1300 0.57 16 5035200 18700 SHOP 0830 0.58 17 5059300 24100 SHOP 0800 0.58 18 5087900 28600 SHOP 1100 0.56 19 5107100 19200 SHOP 0830 0.54 20 5126100 19000 SHOP 0730 0.53 21 5154900 28800 SHOP 0930 0.54 22 5173900 19000 SHOP 0930 0.56 23 5193100 19200 SHOP 0800 0.55 24 5217300 24200 SHOP 0830 0.55 25 5246100 28800 SHOP 1100 0.58 26 5263700 17600 SHOP 0700 0.57 27 5284500 20800 SHOP 1100 0.54 28 5308300 23800 SHOP 1100 0.55 29 5327500 19200 SHOP 1100 0.53 30 5346500 19000 SHOP 0830 0.54 31 5370700 24200 SHOP 0830 0.54 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of Januray 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 5370700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 5399500 28800 SHOP 1000 0.51 2 5443000 43500 SHOP 1000 0.51 3 5506800 63800 SHOP 1000 0.52 4 5525800 19000 SHOP 1000 0.50 5 5550800 25000 SHOP 900 0.57 6 5570100 19300 SHOP 830 0.58 7 5594500 24400 SHOP 730 0.58 8 5623600 29100 SHOP 1100 0.64 9 5642700 19100 SHOP 700 0.65 10 5666700 24000 SHOP 1000 0.68 11 5695600 28900 SHOP 1000 0.68 12 5714700 19100 SHOP 1300 0.67 13 5734000 19300 SHOP 730 0.68 14 5758200 24200 SHOP 730 0.67 15 5792000 33800 SHOP 1000 0.65 16 5811100 19100 SHOP 1000 0.64 17 5839900 28800 SHOP 1000 0.64 18 5863800 23900 SHOP 1000 0.67 19 5887500 23700 SHOP 1100 0.65 20 5907100 19600 SHOP 700 0.68 21 5930900 23800 SHOP 700 0.71 22 5959400 28500 SHOP 1000 0.67 23 5983100 23700 SHOP 1000 0.65 24 6002700 19600 SHOP 1000 0.65 25 6026300 23600 SHOP 1100 0.68 26 6050200 23900 SHOP 1100 0.69 27 6069500 19300 SHOP 830 0.68 28 6093800 24300 SHOP 830 0.69 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of Februray 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 6093800 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 6122600 28800 SHOP 1000 0.62 2 6146900 24300 SHOP 1000 0.62 3 6170900 24000 SHOP 1000 0.64 4 6190100 19200 SHOP 1200 0.65 5 6219200 29100 SHOP 1230 0.67 6 6232400 13200 SHOP 0830 0.66 7 6257300 24900 SHOP 0800 0.65 8 6286700 29400 SHOP 1000 0.68 9 6310700 24000 SHOP 1000 0.67 10 6334700 24000 SHOP 1000 0.64 11 6359500 24800 SHOP 1000 0.65 12 6379000 19500 SHOP 1000 0.62 13 6398300 19300 SHOP 0630 0.63 14 6422400 24100 SHOP 0800 0.63 15 6451500 29100 SHOP 1100 0.65 16 6475500 24000 SHOP 1100 0.63 17 6499300 23800 SHOP 1100 0.64 18 6523400 24100 SHOP 1100 0.67 19 6548300 24900 SHOP 0800 0.68 20 6573500 25200 SHOP 0800 0.67 21 6598200 24700 SHOP 1000 0.68 22 6637200 39000 SHOP 1000 0.64 23 6661300 24100 SHOP 1000 0.64 24 6754600 93300 SHOP 1000 0.62 25 6773300 18700 SHOP 1000 0.63 26 6797400 24100 SHOP 1000 0.60 27 6816300 18900 SHOP 0800 0.62 28 6840500 24200 SHOP 0800 0.63 29 6869100 28600 SHOP 1000 0.60 30 6897600 28500 SHOP 1000 0.61 31 6921400 23800 SHOP 1000 0.63 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of March 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 6921400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 6952600 31200 SHOP 1000 0.65 2 6977500 24900 SHOP 1200 0.64 3 7001300 23800 SHOP 0800 0.65 4 7025200 23900 SHOP 0830 0.64 5 7059000 33800 SHOP 1000 0.61 6 7083100 24100 SHOP 1000 0.62 7 7107300 24200 SHOP 1000 0.64 8 7126400 19100 SHOP 1200 0.63 9 7163500 37100 SHOP 1100 0.59 10 7178000 14500 SHOP 0730 0.60 11 7201900 23900 SHOP 0700 0.65 12 7236800 34900 SHOP 1000 0.61 13 7260800 24000 SHOP 1000 0.62 14 7291100 30300 SHOP 1000 0.61 15 7319900 28800 SHOP 1000 0.63 16 7344500 24600 SHOP 1000 0.63 17 7378800 34300 SHOP 0830 0.65 18 7405700 26900 SHOP 0800 0.64 19 7441300 35600 SHOP 0930 0.65 20 7465800 24500 SHOP 1000 0.67 21 7495100 29300 SHOP 1000 0.67 22 7519800 24700 SHOP 1400 0.68 23 7543900 24100 SHOP 0630 0.67 24 7578600 34700 SHOP 0730 0.67 25 7608700 30100 SHOP 0730 0.68 26 7647900 39200 SHOP 1000 0.65 27 7673300 25400 SHOP 0700 0.65 28 7708000 34700 SHOP 0730 0.67 29 7748000 40000 SHOP 1000 0.66 30 7778400 30400 SHOP 1000 0.64 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of April 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 7778400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 7815600 37200 SHOP 0800 0.65 2 7862200 46600 SHOP 0730 0.64 3 7913700 51500 SHOP 1000 0.64 4 7962500 48800 SHOP 1000 0.61 5 8029000 66500 SHOP 0830 0.62 6 8071000 42000 SHOP 0830 0.60 7 8121100 50100 SHOP 1000 0.60 8 8156700 35600 SHOP 0800 0.61 9 8205300 48600 SHOP 0800 0.60 10 8268900 63600 SHOP 1000 0.62 11 8329900 61000 SHOP 0830 0.60 12 8482500 152600 SHOP 1000 0.60 13 8519900 37400 SHOP 1000 0.60 14 8628000 108100 SHOP 1000 0.63 15 8747900 119900 SHOP 0800 0.62 16 8823000 75100 SHOP 0730 0.62 17 8902400 79400 SHOP 0730 0.61 18 8980600 78200 SHOP 1230 0.60 19 9052800 72200 SHOP 1530 0.61 20 9105200 52400 SHOP 1000 0.63 21 9167700 62500 SHOP 0700 0.62 22 9265600 97900 SHOP 1230 0.60 23 9341100 75500 SHOP 0830 0.60 24 9418400 77300 SHOP 1000 0.61 25 9494900 76500 SHOP 0630 0.58 26 9563000 68100 SHOP 0900 0.59 27 9607000 44000 SHOP 0700 0.60 28 9695400 88400 SHOP 0830 0.61 29 9765900 70500 SHOP 0700 0.60 30 9849500 83600 SHOP 0730 0.56 31 9940300 90800 SHOP 0830 0.58 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of May 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 9940300 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 10187500 247200 SHOP 0830 0.68 2 10367100 179600 SHOP 0930 0.81 3 10427900 60800 SHOP 1130 0.82 4 10573300 145400 SHOP 0830 0.80 5 10651400 78100 SHOP 0830 0.81 6 10738900 87500 SHOP 0800 0.80 7 10836700 97800 SHOP 0930 0.78 8 10897300 60600 SHOP 1000 0.79 9 10985900 88600 SHOP 1000 0.80 10 11064000 78100 SHOP 1000 0.80 11 11323900 259900 SHOP 1000 0.78 12 11411700 87800 SHOP 1400 0.87 13 11502900 91200 SHOP 1400 0.80 14 11595100 92200 SHOP 0930 0.82 15 11670400 75300 SHOP 0930 0.82 16 11755400 85000 SHOP 0930 0.81 17 11936300 180900 SHOP 1230 0.82 18 12062600 126300 SHOP 1430 0.81 19 12148000 85400 SHOP 0700 0.81 20 12270900 122900 SHOP 0830 0.80 21 12445700 174800 SHOP 0930 0.78 22 12577300 131600 SHOP 0800 0.78 23 12729400 152100 SHOP 0930 0.81 24 12845700 116300 SHOP 0730 0.80 25 12968500 122800 SHOP 0930 0.80 26 13173300 204800 SHOP 0830 0.81 27 13306700 133400 SHOP 0800 0.80 28 13487200 180500 SHOP 1000 0.79 29 13640400 153200 SHOP 0830 0.79 30 13816800 176400 SHOP 0830 0.80 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of June 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 13816800 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 14029000 212200 SHOP 1230 0.81 2 14317800 288800 SHOP 0830 0.79 3 14423500 105700 SHOP 0530 0.68 4 14586700 163200 SHOP 0530 0.79 5 14799900 213200 SHOP 0930 0.76 6 14989900 190000 SHOP 0800 0.76 7 15205700 215800 SHOP 0930 0.77 8 15391900 186200 SHOP 0700 0.76 9 15518300 126400 SHOP 0900 0.79 10 15663500 145200 SHOP 0800 0.78 11 15819500 156000 SHOP 0800 0.79 12 16074100 254600 SHOP 0900 0.81 13 16323900 249800 SHOP 0700 0.80 14 16538800 214900 SHOP 0900 0.80 15 16686700 147900 SHOP 0730 0.78 16 16838600 151900 SHOP 0900 0.79 17 16977700 139100 SHOP 0800 0.80 18 17249100 271400 SHOP 0800 0.80 19 17430400 181300 SHOP 0900 0.78 20 17568800 138400 SHOP 0930 0.79 21 17787200 218400 SHOP 1000 0.79 22 17960300 173100 SHOP 0930 0.77 23 18117600 157300 SHOP 1030 0.78 24 18282700 165100 SHOP 0830 0.77 25 18418400 135700 SHOP 0800 0.78 26 18585500 167100 SHOP 0900 0.81 27 18738600 153100 SHOP 0700 0.81 28 18957500 218900 SHOP 0900 0.79 29 19063800 106300 SHOP 1030 0.78 30 19237300 173500 SHOP 0730 0.77 31 19493600 256300 SHOP 1030 0.81 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of July 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 19493600 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 19672800 179200 SHOP 0930 0.81 2 19924500 251700 SHOP 0900 0.76 3 20052700 128200 SHOP 1100 0.80 4 20193400 140700 SHOP 1000 0.78 5 20313000 119600 SHOP 0600 0.79 6 20453700 140700 SHOP 1100 0.78 7 20662400 208700 SHOP 0800 0.78 8 20784000 121600 SHOP 0730 0.77 9 20917800 133800 SHOP 1000 0.73 10 21041800 124000 SHOP 0900 0.74 11 21174100 132300 SHOP 0800 0.73 12 21339800 165700 SHOP 1300 0.74 13 21512200 172400 SHOP 0830 0.74 14 21644100 131900 SHOP 0730 0.67 15 21776800 132700 SHOP 0730 0.70 16 22006900 230100 SHOP 0930 0.73 17 22156300 149400 SHOP 0930 0.74 18 22277100 120800 SHOP 0930 0.70 19 22358300 81200 SHOP 0830 0.70 20 22462400 104100 SHOP 0930 0.72 21 22544800 82400 SHOP 0830 0.71 22 22641900 97100 SHOP 0730 0.70 23 22855700 213800 SHOP 0800 0.74 24 22941600 85900 SHOP 1130 0.72 25 23033100 91500 SHOP 0830 0.72 26 23121000 87900 SHOP 0830 0.74 27 23274300 153300 SHOP 1230 0.75 28 23449700 175400 SHOP 0800 0.74 29 23537400 87700 SHOP 0800 0.74 30 23665600 128200 SHOP 0830 0.76 31 23753200 87600 SHOP 1730 0.77 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of August 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 23753200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 23900500 147300 SHOP 1130 0.78 2 24090100 189600 SHOP 1000 0.78 3 24173300 83200 SHOP 0830 0.75 4 24255700 82400 SHOP 0830 0.77 5 24344800 89100 SHOP 0730 0.76 6 24452500 107700 SHOP 0830 0.72 7 24625700 173200 SHOP 0900 0.70 8 24721100 95400 SHOP 0900 0.70 9 24787100 66000 SHOP 0900 0.71 10 24857000 69900 SHOP 1300 0.70 11 24931400 74400 SHOP 0830 0.70 12 25016600 85200 SHOP 0800 0.70 13 25209000 192400 SHOP 0830 0.74 14 25284000 75000 SHOP 1330 0.75 15 25370100 86100 SHOP 1030 0.73 16 25441800 71700 SHOP 1230 0.74 17 25507600 65800 SHOP 0900 0.74 18 25579700 72100 SHOP 0900 0.74 19 25749100 169400 SHOP 0800 0.73 20 25823600 74500 SHOP 1100 0.72 21 25881700 58100 SHOP 1500 0.72 22 25941700 60000 SHOP 0930 0.72 23 25983800 42100 SHOP 0630 0.73 24 26037500 53700 SHOP 0930 0.73 25 26171600 134100 SHOP 0830 0.74 26 26228600 57000 SHOP 0800 0.73 27 26283900 55300 SHOP 0830 0.73 28 26357600 73700 SHOP 0830 0.72 29 26554000 196400 SHOP 0830 0.72 30 26559400 5400 SHOP 0600 0.73 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of September 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 26559400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 26571300 11900 SHOP 0830 0.73 2 26576600 5300 SHOP 1300 0.73 3 26583000 6400 SHOP 0800 0.72 4 26588800 5800 SHOP 0830 0.70 5 26599700 10900 SHOP 0830 0.70 6 26611200 11500 SHOP 0830 0.70 7 26618100 6900 SHOP 0830 0.70 8 26629600 11500 SHOP 0830 0.72 9 26636600 7000 SHOP 0800 0.64 10 26641900 5300 SHOP 0830 0.67 11 26647600 5700 SHOP 0830 0.67 12 26654500 6900 SHOP 0900 0.65 13 26662600 8100 SHOP 0900 0.65 14 26662600 0 SHOP 0830 0.62 15 26671200 8600 SHOP 0830 0.62 16 26671200 0 SHOP 0800 0.62 17 26678500 7300 SHOP 0800 0.61 18 26682300 3800 SHOP 0830 0.58 19 26687500 5200 SHOP 0800 0.59 20 26692800 5300 SHOP 1300 0.60 21 26698000 5200 SHOP 0800 0.59 22 26703200 5200 SHOP 0830 0.59 23 26703200 0 SHOP 0800 0.60 24 26708500 5300 SHOP 0800 0.59 25 26713200 4700 SHOP 1100 0.59 26 26716900 3700 SHOP 0600 0.59 27 26727300 10400 SHOP 0930 0.59 28 26727300 0 SHOP 0800 0.58 29 26727300 0 SHOP 1400 0.57 30 26732700 5400 SHOP 0830 0.58 31 26737900 5200 SHOP 0800 0.58 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of October 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 26737900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 26743200 5300 SHOP 0900 0.58 2 26744500 1300 SHOP 0900 0.59 3 26749700 5200 SHOP 0900 0.57 4 26754900 5200 SHOP 0930 0.57 5 26760100 5200 SHOP 0930 0.57 6 26760100 0 SHOP 0830 0.58 7 26765300 5200 SHOP 0730 0.57 8 26775600 10300 SHOP 0930 0.58 9 26775600 0 SHOP 0930 0.56 10 26780700 5100 SHOP 0930 0.57 11 26786900 6200 SHOP 0930 0.56 12 26792100 5200 SHOP 0930 0.56 13 26792100 0 SHOP 0830 0.57 14 26797300 5200 SHOP 0800 0.56 15 26802500 5200 SHOP 0830 0.56 16 26807700 5200 SHOP 0830 0.56 17 26812800 5100 SHOP 0800 0.58 18 26818000 5200 SHOP 0600 0.58 19 26823200 5200 SHOP 1100 0.58 20 26823200 0 SHOP 0800 0.58 21 26828400 5200 SHOP 0800 0.57 22 26833600 5200 SHOP 0900 0.57 23 26838800 5200 SHOP 0900 0.58 24 26844000 5200 SHOP 0600 0.57 25 26844000 0 SHOP 0700 0.50 26 26850200 6200 SHOP 1030 0.50 27 26861000 10800 SHOP 1600 0.55 28 26861000 0 SHOP 0900 0.53 29 26866200 5200 SHOP 1400 0.54 30 26871500 5300 SHOP 0930 0.54 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of November 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 26871500 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 26876700 5200 SHOP 0930 0.54 2 26881900 5200 SHOP 0930 0.50 3 26887100 5200 SHOP 0930 0.50 4 26892400 5300 SHOP 1430 0.48 5 26892400 0 SHOP 1300 0.49 6 26897600 5200 SHOP 0930 0.49 7 26902800 5200 SHOP 1230 0.48 8 26908500 5700 SHOP 0930 0.49 9 26908500 0 SHOP 1000 0.49 10 26913700 5200 SHOP 1400 0.50 11 26918900 5200 SHOP 0830 0.49 12 26924100 5200 SHOP 0800 0.49 13 26929300 5200 SHOP 0930 0.47 14 26934600 5300 SHOP 0930 0.48 15 26934600 0 SHOP 0830 0.47 16 26939800 5200 SHOP 1030 0.47 17 26945000 5200 SHOP 0900 0.47 18 26950200 5200 SHOP 0830 0.48 19 26955500 5300 SHOP 1000 0.47 20 26960700 5200 SHOP 1200 0.46 21 26965900 5200 SHOP 1000 0.48 22 26971700 5800 SHOP 1000 0.49 23 26976400 4700 SHOP 0930 0.42 24 26982200 5800 SHOP 1130 0.48 25 26982400 200 SHOP 0930 0.48 26 26987700 5300 SHOP 0930 0.48 27 26993200 5500 SHOP 1000 0.46 28 26998500 5300 SHOP 1000 0.46 29 27003800 5300 SHOP 1000 0.47 30 27009100 5300 SHOP 1000 0.45 31 27014400 5300 SHOP 1000 0.45 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of December 2021 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: IDAHO CLUB, PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) OPERATOR SIGNATURE: Robert Hansen Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI 27014400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 27019800 5400 SHOP 0830 0.45 2 27023100 3300 SHOP 0830 0.45 3 27036800 13700 SHOP 1000 0.46 4 27036800 0 SHOP 1000 0.46 5 27060100 23300 SHOP 1000 0.45 6 27115600 55500 SHOP 1000 0.46 7 27186000 70400 SHOP 1000 0.48 8 27249900 63900 SHOP 1330 0.41 9 27294900 45000 SHOP 0830 0.41 10 27355700 60800 SHOP 1000 0.40 11 27412200 56500 SHOP 1000 0.42 12 27467100 54900 SHOP 1000 0.42 13 27518600 51500 SHOP 1000 0.41 14 27574500 55900 SHOP 1000 0.41 15 27623900 49400 SHOP 0830 0.41 16 27684100 60200 SHOP 1000 0.42 17 27735700 51600 SHOP 1000 0.40 18 27793800 58100 SHOP 1000 0.40 19 27846900 53100 SHOP 0900 0.41 20 27907800 60900 SHOP 1000 0.41 21 27957200 49400 SHOP 0930 0.42 22 28008300 51100 SHOP 0800 0.41 23 28065400 57100 SHOP 0800 0.41 24 28123100 57700 SHOP 1000 0.41 25 28177400 54300 SHOP 1000 0.43 26 28240900 63500 SHOP 1100 0.42 27 28290700 49800 SHOP 1000 0.43 28 28347000 56300 SHOP 1000 0.43 29 28400000 53000 SHOP 0830 0.43 30 28454600 54600 SHOP 0830 0.44 31 28515700 61100 SHOP 1000 0.44 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of January 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 &6rvd:-#~ 28515700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 28570100 54400 SHOP 0800 0.45 2 28632000 61900 SHOP 0830 0.45 3 28683100 51100 SHOP 0830 0.46 4 28740500 57400 SHOP 1000 0.45 5 28796100 55600 SHOP 0830 0.45 6 28857100 61000 SHOP 1030 0.45 7 28911700 54600 SHOP 0930 0.51 8 28968000 56300 SHOP 1000 0.53 9 29030500 62500 SHOP 1000 0.54 10 29085700 55200 SHOP 1000 0.53 11 29140700 55000 SHOP 1000 0.61 12 29192300 51600 SHOP 0800 0.60 13 29253100 60800 SHOP 0930 0.60 14 29320300 67200 SHOP 0930 0.61 15 29370200 49900 SHOP 0930 0.61 16 29430400 60200 SHOP 1200 0.61 17 29487100 56700 SHOP 1200 0.60 18 29543900 56800 SHOP 1000 0.61 19 29598200 54300 SHOP 0830 0.61 20 29657600 59400 SHOP 1000 0.61 21 29727800 70200 SHOP 0930 0.60 22 29783700 55900 SHOP 1230 0.61 23 29842400 58700 SHOP 1030 0.60 24 29894000 51600 SHOP 0930 0.60 25 29951300 57300 SHOP 0930 0.62 26 30006400 55100 SHOP 0830 0.61 27 30071600 65200 SHOP 0930 0.61 28 30078400 6800 SHOP 1030 0.62 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of February 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 h6rvd:-#~ 30078400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 30085500 7100 SHOP 0930 0.60 2 30086600 1100 SHOP 1330 0.61 3 30092800 6200 SHOP 0930 0.62 4 30099000 6200 SHOP 1130 0.61 5 30104800 5800 SHOP 0800 0.61 6 30111000 6200 SHOP 0730 0.60 7 30117200 6200 SHOP 0900 0.61 8 30123500 6300 SHOP 0700 0.59 9 30129700 6200 SHOP 0900 0.59 10 30136000 6300 SHOP 0700 0.54 11 30144300 8300 SHOP 1030 0.50 12 30144400 100 SHOP 0830 0.51 13 30150600 6200 SHOP 1000 0.50 14 30158700 8100 SHOP 1130 0.48 15 30165700 7000 SHOP 1230 0.47 16 30171700 6000 SHOP 0630 0.47 17 30178500 6800 SHOP 1030 0.48 18 30185100 6600 SHOP 1000 0.48 19 30185500 400 SHOP 0800 0.48 20 30191800 6300 SHOP 0930 0.48 21 30198900 7100 SHOP 1030 0.49 22 30208500 9600 SHOP 1000 0.48 23 30209400 900 SHOP 1200 0.42 24 30219100 9700 SHOP 0800 0.48 25 30223000 3900 SHOP 0930 0.47 26 30229900 6900 SHOP 0800 0.48 27 30235600 5700 SHOP 0730 0.48 28 30241300 5700 SHOP 1100 0.48 29 30247500 6200 SHOP 1100 0.47 30 30253600 6100 SHOP 1100 0.47 31 30261400 7800 SHOP 1100 0.48 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of March 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6M±-# ClJ14,IM,, 30261400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 30262600 1200 SHOP 1130 0.48 2 30269600 7000 SHOP 0800 0.48 3 30275900 6300 SHOP 0730 0.47 4 30283900 8000 SHOP 1000 0.47 5 30288700 4800 SHOP 1100 0.46 6 30290900 2200 SHOP 1100 0.46 7 30298400 7500 SHOP 1100 0.48 8 30305200 6800 SHOP 1100 0.48 9 30311200 6000 SHOP 0800 0.48 10 30311200 0 SHOP 0800 0.48 11 30324700 13500 SHOP 1100 0.51 12 30330700 6000 SHOP 1030 0.51 13 30331400 700 SHOP 1030 0.50 14 30337900 6500 SHOP 0800 0.51 15 30345500 7600 SHOP 1100 0.51 16 30351700 6200 SHOP 0800 0.50 17 30357400 5700 SHOP 0730 0.50 18 30363800 6400 SHOP 1130 0.50 19 30370100 6300 SHOP 1130 0.52 20 30376700 6600 SHOP 1100 0.53 21 30383500 6800 SHOP 1100 0.53 22 30390200 6700 SHOP 1100 0.51 23 30396500 6300 SHOP 0830 0.52 24 30403000 6500 SHOP 0730 0.52 25 30409800 6800 SHOP 1100 0.53 26 30416200 6400 SHOP 1100 0.53 27 30422400 6200 SHOP 1100 0.53 28 30428500 6100 SHOP 1100 0.54 29 30434400 5900 SHOP 1130 0.54 30 30441100 6700 SHOP 0830 0.53 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of April 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 ~6va:-#~ 30441100 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 30441100 0 SHOP .730 0.54 2 30455000 13900 SHOP 1000 0.54 3 30455000 0 SHOP 1130 0.53 4 30462200 7200 SHOP 1030 0.53 5 30468300 6100 SHOP 1030 0.53 6 30474900 6600 SHOP 1100 0.52 7 30481900 7000 SHOP 0800 0.53 8 30487500 5600 SHOP 0730 0.53 9 30494100 6600 SHOP 1030 0.53 10 30500200 6100 SHOP 1030 0.51 11 30507000 6800 SHOP 1030 0.50 12 30513400 6400 SHOP 1100 0.50 13 30519700 6300 SHOP 1300 0.51 14 30526200 6500 SHOP 0800 0.50 15 30532000 5800 SHOP 0730 0.50 16 30538100 6100 SHOP 1030 0.50 17 30544100 6000 SHOP 1030 0.51 18 30550700 6600 SHOP 1000 0.50 19 30562500 11800 SHOP 1000 0.50 20 30569800 7300 SHOP 1100 0.52 21 30570200 400 SHOP 0800 0.51 22 30582300 12100 SHOP 0730 0.52 23 30592500 10200 SHOP 1030 0.51 24 30600000 7500 SHOP 1030 0.51 25 30605900 5900 SHOP 1030 0.52 26 30619900 14000 SHOP 1030 0.52 27 30626100 6200 SHOP 1000 0.51 28 30632100 6000 SHOP 0900 0.52 29 30638300 6200 SHOP 0730 0.52 30 30651200 12900 SHOP 1030 0.51 31 30656900 5700 SHOP 1000 0.51 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of May 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI ,.{!g6~II~ 30656900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 30663300 6400 SHOP 1000 0.52 2 30675800 12500 SHOP 1100 0.52 3 30682000 6200 SHOP 1100 0.51 4 30687900 5900 SHOP 0730 0.52 5 30693800 5900 SHOP 0730 0.52 6 30707100 13300 SHOP 1000 0.50 7 30718600 11500 SHOP 0800 0.50 8 30724400 5800 SHOP 0900 0.51 9 30730800 6400 SHOP 0900 0.51 10 30744600 13800 SHOP 0900 0.50 11 30745000 400 SHOP 0800 0.51 12 30751200 6200 SHOP 0730 0.51 13 30764000 12800 SHOP 0900 0.52 14 30771200 7200 SHOP 1130 0.52 15 30774000 2800 SHOP 1130 0.51 16 30784100 10100 SHOP 1030 0.51 17 30796400 12300 SHOP 0930 0.50 18 30797400 1000 SHOP 0800 0.51 19 30809600 12200 SHOP 0730 0.51 20 30816400 6800 SHOP 1000 0.52 21 30829900 13500 SHOP 1000 0.53 22 30836000 6100 SHOP 1000 0.53 23 30848700 12700 SHOP 1100 0.54 24 30861600 12900 SHOP 1100 0.54 25 30874200 12600 SHOP 0700 0.54 26 30887600 13400 SHOP 0630 0.54 27 30920000 32400 SHOP 1100 0.55 28 30946900 26900 SHOP 1100 0.55 29 30969400 22500 SHOP 1100 0.54 30 30991400 22000 SHOP 1000 0.54 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of June 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 flAAvd;-#a ,J A,, ,J 30991400 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 31016600 25200 SHOP 1100 0.55 2 31050100 33500 SHOP 0800 0.55 3 31075200 25100 SHOP 0800 0.54 4 31115700 40500 SHOP 1100 0.55 5 31136200 20500 SHOP 1030 0.55 6 31156300 20100 SHOP 1100 0.56 7 31169100 12800 SHOP 1000 0.56 8 31182400 13300 SHOP 1000 0.57 9 31201400 19000 SHOP 1230 0.55 10 31227900 26500 SHOP 1300 0.55 11 31262100 34200 SHOP 1100 0.57 12 31289600 27500 SHOP 1100 0.57 13 31319000 29400 SHOP 0900 0.56 14 31353800 34800 SHOP 0830 0.56 15 31391600 37800 SHOP 0930 0.57 16 31419800 28200 SHOP 1000 0.57 17 31462400 42600 SHOP 0930 0.57 18 31496300 33900 SHOP 0830 0.60 19 31538600 42300 SHOP 0930 0.62 20 31567200 28600 SHOP 0930 0.64 21 31595900 28700 SHOP 0930 0.64 22 31634300 38400 SHOP 1000 0.65 23 31661700 27400 SHOP 0800 0.64 24 31709800 48100 SHOP 1200 0.65 25 31754400 44600 SHOP 0930 0.65 26 31807500 53100 SHOP 1100 0.66 27 31856200 48700 SHOP 1000 0.67 28 31908900 52700 SHOP 1000 0.67 29 31955900 47000 SHOP 1000 0.67 30 32010800 54900 SHOP 1500 0.65 31 32053700 42900 SHOP 1330 0.65 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of July 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6M±-#~ 32053700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 32105000 51300 SHOP 1000 0.64 2 32148500 43500 SHOP 1000 0.64 3 32193900 45400 SHOP 1000 0.65 4 32232400 38500 SHOP 1030 0.65 5 32273800 41400 SHOP 1030 0.67 6 32317800 44000 SHOP 0800 0.66 7 32348500 30700 SHOP 0800 0.66 8 32393700 45200 SHOP 0930 0.67 9 32436300 42600 SHOP 1430 0.68 10 32471900 35600 SHOP 0930 0.68 11 32527900 56000 SHOP 1330 0.69 12 32576700 48800 SHOP 1030 0.67 13 32606100 29400 SHOP 0800 0.68 14 32644200 38100 SHOP 0800 0.68 15 32702300 58100 SHOP 1200 0.67 16 32746500 44200 SHOP 1200 0.65 17 32788900 42400 SHOP 1030 0.65 18 32831400 42500 SHOP 1230 0.63 19 32872900 41500 SHOP 1000 0.64 20 32916500 43600 SHOP 0930 0.65 21 32943200 26700 SHOP 0730 0.65 22 32998100 54900 SHOP 0930 0.63 23 33035800 37700 SHOP 1130 0.64 24 33068900 33100 SHOP 1130 0.62 25 33116200 47300 SHOP 0830 0.60 26 33152700 36500 SHOP 0930 0.60 27 33182500 29800 SHOP 0800 0.60 28 33210200 27700 SHOP 0800 0.61 29 33250700 40500 SHOP 0930 0.60 30 33279700 29000 SHOP 0700 0.61 31 33320000 40300 SHOP 0930 0.62 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of August 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 h6fld:-<II~ 33320000 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 33353900 33900 SHOP 0800 0.61 2 33384800 30900 SHOP 0900 0.61 3 33419100 34300 SHOP 0800 0.62 4 33440700 21600 SHOP 0800 0.61 5 33481600 40900 SHOP 1100 0.60 6 33507100 25500 SHOP 0830 0.60 7 33545100 38000 SHOP 1530 0.61 8 33565900 20800 SHOP 0730 0.62 9 33610000 44100 SHOP 0730 0.61 10 33638300 28300 SHOP 0800 0.62 11 33658500 20200 SHOP 0730 0.62 12 33688200 29700 SHOP 0630 0.62 13 33716700 28500 SHOP 0900 0.61 14 33739200 22500 SHOP 0900 0.60 15 33766000 26800 SHOP 0830 0.60 16 33787900 21900 SHOP 0630 0.61 17 33814700 26800 SHOP 1030 0.60 18 33828400 13700 SHOP 0730 0.60 19 33849200 20800 SHOP 0830 0.60 20 33868600 19400 SHOP 0730 0.61 21 33889500 20900 SHOP 0830 0.60 22 33909400 19900 SHOP 0930 0.60 23 33924000 14600 SHOP 1000 0.61 24 33937700 13700 SHOP 0800 0.60 25 33950800 13100 SHOP 0730 0.60 26 33968900 18100 SHOP 0930 0.62 27 33984200 15300 SHOP 0930 0.62 28 33997100 12900 SHOP 0930 0.61 29 34008600 11500 SHOP 1000 0.61 30 34021200 12600 SHOP 1000 0.60 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of September 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 .46ML:-#~ 34021200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 34035800 14600 SHOP 1500 0.61 2 34051100 15300 SHOP 1500 0.61 3 34062200 11100 SHOP 0900 0.60 4 34079200 17000 SHOP 0900 0.60 5 34091600 12400 SHOP 1000 0.62 6 34105200 13600 SHOP 1000 0.61 7 34118700 13500 SHOP 0900 0.59 8 34125200 6500 SHOP 0800 0.60 9 34132700 7500 SHOP 0800 0.60 10 34149200 16500 SHOP 0700 0.58 11 34164300 15100 SHOP 0730 0.59 12 34180500 16200 SHOP 0900 0.59 13 34193800 13300 SHOP 0800 0.60 14 34209600 15800 SHOP 0900 0.60 15 34219200 9600 SHOP 0830 0.60 16 34226800 7600 SHOP 0730 0.60 17 34238700 11900 SHOP 0700 0.61 18 34253500 14800 SHOP 0900 0.60 19 34267100 13600 SHOP 0800 0.61 20 34280900 13800 SHOP 0900 0.62 21 34287500 6600 SHOP 0800 0.62 22 34293900 6400 SHOP 0800 0.62 23 34300200 6300 SHOP 0800 0.62 24 34310000 9800 SHOP 0900 0.61 25 34319700 9700 SHOP 0900 0.61 26 34331000 11300 SHOP 0900 0.60 27 34358100 27100 SHOP 0830 0.60 28 34383400 25300 SHOP 0930 0.61 29 34410400 27000 SHOP 0830 0.60 30 34444800 34400 SHOP 0730 0.60 31 34472900 28100 SHOP 0800 0.60 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of October 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI fl,,,6QA£#~ 34472900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 34507500 34600 SHOP 0900 0.61 2 34543200 35700 SHOP 0900 0.61 3 34573900 30700 SHOP 0830 0.60 4 34606000 32100 SHOP 0900 0.60 5 34637500 31500 SHOP 0830 0.61 6 34644700 7200 SHOP 0730 0.60 7 34655200 10500 SHOP 0830 0.60 8 34658700 3500 SHOP 0830 0.59 9 34665800 7100 SHOP 0830 0.61 10 34672800 7000 SHOP 0830 0.60 11 34679700 6900 SHOP 0900 0.60 12 34679900 200 SHOP 0800 0.60 13 34686300 6400 SHOP 0800 0.60 14 34692700 6400 SHOP 0900 0.61 15 34699500 6800 SHOP 0900 0.60 16 34705100 5600 SHOP 0900 0.60 17 34711600 6500 SHOP 0800 0.60 18 34719700 8100 SHOP 0800 0.61 19 34726300 6600 SHOP 0800 0.60 20 34732600 6300 SHOP 0800 0.60 21 34739100 6500 SHOP 0830 0.60 22 34745400 6300 SHOP 0830 0.61 23 34751900 6500 SHOP 0930 0.60 24 34758700 6800 SHOP 0800 0.60 25 34766300 7600 SHOP 0800 0.61 26 34773200 6900 SHOP 0800 0.60 27 34779500 6300 SHOP 0900 0.60 28 34785900 6400 SHOP 0900 0.61 29 34792500 6600 SHOP 0900 0.60 30 34799300 6800 SHOP 1000 0.60 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of November 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 Yg6fld-#~ 34799300 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 34800000 700 SHOP 1000 0.60 2 34807000 7000 SHOP 1000 0.61 3 34813500 6500 SHOP 0830 0.60 4 34813500 0 SHOP 0830 0.60 5 34823900 10400 SHOP 0900 0.61 6 34833400 9500 SHOP 1000 0.61 7 34833400 0 SHOP 0900 0.60 8 34839900 6500 SHOP 0900 0.60 9 34846200 6300 SHOP 0900 0.60 10 34853000 6800 SHOP 0800 0.60 11 34856700 3700 SHOP 0800 0.60 12 34863700 7000 SHOP 0900 0.58 13 34866100 2400 SHOP 1100 0.59 14 34872300 6200 SHOP 0900 0.58 15 34878700 6400 SHOP 0900 0.58 16 34885000 6300 SHOP 0900 0.59 17 34886800 1800 SHOP 0800 0.58 18 34894200 7400 SHOP 1700 0.58 19 34899200 5000 SHOP 0900 0.59 20 34906400 7200 SHOP 0900 0.61 21 34914000 7600 SHOP 0900 0.61 22 34921200 7200 SHOP 0900 0.60 23 34928000 6800 SHOP 1000 0.61 24 34934600 6600 SHOP 0800 0.60 25 34940900 6300 SHOP 1100 0.60 26 34947100 6200 SHOP 0900 0.61 27 34954000 6900 SHOP 1000 0.61 28 34960600 6600 SHOP 1100 0.60 29 34966800 6200 SHOP 0900 0.62 30 34973200 6400 SHOP 0900 0.62 31 34978800 5600 SHOP 0830 0.62 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of December 2022 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI ht~<//~ 34978800 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 34992200 13400 SHOP 1030 0.62 2 34998500 6300 SHOP 0900 0.63 3 35004800 6300 SHOP 0900 0.63 4 35012200 7400 SHOP 1000 0.61 5 35012200 0 SHOP 1000 0.61 6 35018600 6400 SHOP 1000 0.62 7 35025400 6800 SHOP 0830 0.61 8 35031900 6500 SHOP 0830 0.61 9 35038400 6500 SHOP 0900 0.60 10 35044800 6400 SHOP 0900 0.61 11 35051200 6400 SHOP 0900 0.61 12 35051200 0 SHOP 0900 0.60 13 35057500 6300 SHOP 1300 0.61 14 35064000 6500 SHOP 0900 0.61 15 35070300 6300 SHOP 0800 0.61 16 35076300 6000 SHOP 1430 0.61 17 35082700 6400 SHOP 1230 0.62 18 35089200 6500 SHOP 1030 0.62 19 35089200 0 SHOP 0900 0.61 20 35095400 6200 SHOP 0900 0.61 21 35101600 6200 SHOP 0830 0.61 22 35108000 6400 SHOP 0830 0.61 23 35114400 6400 SHOP 0900 0.62 24 35120800 6400 SHOP 0900 0.62 25 35127200 6400 SHOP 1000 0.62 26 35133500 6300 SHOP 1000 0.61 27 35133500 0 SHOP 0900 0.61 28 35139800 6300 SHOP 0930 0.61 29 35146600 6800 SHOP 0900 0.61 30 35152700 6100 SHOP 0900 0.60 31 35158800 6100 SHOP 1000 0.61 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of JANUARY 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI ~6u:t:-#~ 35158800 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 35165200 6400 SHOP 1000 0.63 2 35171700 6500 SHOP 1000 0.63 3 35177900 6200 SHOP 1000 0.62 4 35185800 7900 SHOP 0900 0.63 5 35192100 6300 SHOP 0900 0.63 6 35202600 10500 SHOP 1000 0.62 7 35210300 7700 SHOP 1000 0.63 8 35216700 6400 SHOP 0900 0.63 9 35223500 6800 SHOP 1000 0.62 10 35230000 6500 SHOP 1000 0.62 11 35230000 0 SHOP 0830 0.62 12 35242400 12400 SHOP 0800 0.62 13 35249000 6600 SHOP 0800 0.63 14 35254900 5900 SHOP 1100 0.63 15 35260800 5900 SHOP 0900 0.63 16 35267200 6400 SHOP 0900 0.62 17 35273300 6100 SHOP 0900 0.63 18 35279600 6300 SHOP 0900 0.63 19 35286700 7100 SHOP 0900 0.63 20 35297200 10500 SHOP 1000 0.61 21 35305700 8500 SHOP 1200 0.61 22 35316700 11000 SHOP 1000 0.62 23 35324800 8100 SHOP 1200 0.62 24 35330900 6100 SHOP 0900 0.62 25 35343500 12600 SHOP 1500 0.62 26 35356500 13000 SHOP 1130 0.61 27 35369600 13100 SHOP 0800 0.62 28 35387000 17400 SHOP 0800 0.62 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of: FEBRUARY 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6rLA±-#~ 35387000 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 35403500 16500 SHOP 0900 0.62 2 35419400 15900 SHOP 0900 0.61 3 35439300 19900 SHOP 0900 0.61 4 35457500 18200 SHOP 0930 0.61 5 35477000 19500 SHOP 0830 0.60 6 35491200 14200 SHOP 1000 0.58 7 35498100 6900 SHOP 0900 0.58 8 35509400 11300 SHOP 0900 0.57 9 35517100 7700 SHOP 0900 0.57 10 35526800 9700 SHOP 0800 0.58 11 35536000 9200 SHOP 1000 0.58 12 35549100 13100 SHOP 1000 0.58 13 35559700 10600 SHOP 0900 0.57 14 35567900 8200 SHOP 1000 0.58 15 35577200 9300 SHOP 0900 0.58 16 35592100 14900 SHOP 0900 0.58 17 35599700 7600 SHOP 1000 0.60 18 35606300 6600 SHOP 0830 0.60 19 35618800 12500 SHOP 0900 0.60 20 35630200 11400 SHOP 1030 0.59 21 35641900 11700 SHOP 0900 0.58 22 35650700 8800 SHOP 0900 0.58 23 35664500 13800 SHOP 1100 0.58 24 35675600 11100 SHOP 0900 0.57 25 35684400 8800 SHOP 0900 0.58 26 35690700 6300 SHOP 0830 0.58 27 35706600 15900 SHOP 0900 0.57 28 35719200 12600 SHOP 0900 0.57 29 35729800 10600 SHOP 0900 0.58 30 35741200 11400 SHOP 0900 0.57 31 35749000 7800 SHOP 0900 0.57 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of March 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 ~61Vl±-#~ 35749000 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 35761700 12700 SHOP 0900 0.57 2 35768200 6500 SHOP 0830 0.56 3 35786000 17800 SHOP 1000 0.57 4 35795300 9300 SHOP 0900 0.57 5 35809000 13700 SHOP 0900 0.57 6 35820900 11900 SHOP 0900 0.56 7 35831300 10400 SHOP 0800 0.56 8 35846300 15000 SHOP 0900 0.56 9 35858900 12600 SHOP 0800 0.56 10 35875400 16500 SHOP 0900 0.57 11 35886700 11300 SHOP 1300 0.56 12 35899900 13200 SHOP 0700 0.57 13 35911200 11300 SHOP 0900 0.57 14 35928600 17400 SHOP 1000 0.57 15 35938300 9700 SHOP 0830 0.57 16 35957700 19400 SHOP 0800 0.56 17 35969400 11700 SHOP 0800 0.55 18 35983000 13600 SHOP 0900 0.54 19 35997700 14700 SHOP 0900 0.56 20 36014900 17200 SHOP 0800 0.56 21 36032400 17500 SHOP 0900 0.55 22 36043700 11300 SHOP 0830 0.56 23 36063700 20000 SHOP 0830 0.56 24 36079900 16200 SHOP 0900 0.55 25 36092600 12700 SHOP 0800 0.55 26 36111300 18700 SHOP 0900 0.54 27 36121700 10400 SHOP 0700 0.55 28 36128200 6500 SHOP 0800 0.55 29 36134600 6400 SHOP 0800 0.55 30 36140900 6300 SHOP 0830 0.56 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of April 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI Kd6v±#~ 36140900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 36151900 11000 SHOP 0900 0.56 2 36165500 13600 SHOP 0900 0.57 3 36177800 12300 SHOP 0900 0.57 4 36186000 8200 SHOP 0900 0.58 5 36198500 12500 SHOP 0900 0.57 6 36206900 8400 SHOP 0830 0.58 7 36219600 12700 SHOP 0830 0.58 8 36230600 11000 SHOP 0930 0.57 9 36238900 8300 SHOP 0900 0.54 10 36249300 10400 SHOP 0900 0.54 11 36259100 9800 SHOP 0900 0.53 12 36275800 16700 SHOP 0900 0.54 13 36293600 17800 SHOP 0830 0.54 14 36320300 26700 SHOP 0800 0.54 15 36333500 13200 SHOP 0900 0.53 16 36368600 35100 SHOP 0900 0.53 17 36394700 26100 SHOP 1000 0.52 18 36412500 17800 SHOP 1000 0.53 19 36431100 18600 SHOP 1000 0.53 20 36456300 25200 SHOP 0830 0.53 21 36476700 20400 SHOP 0830 0.54 22 36498100 21400 SHOP 0900 0.54 23 36525400 27300 SHOP 0700 0.53 24 36546100 20700 SHOP 0900 0.53 25 36567000 20900 SHOP 0900 0.53 26 36591300 24300 SHOP 0900 0.54 27 36614900 23600 SHOP 1300 0.54 28 36638100 23200 SHOP 1130 0.54 29 36658700 20600 SHOP 0830 0.53 30 36687600 28900 SHOP 1430 0.54 31 36710700 23100 SHOP 0800 0.54 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of May 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 kueQAf:-</1~ 36710700 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 36734100 23400 SHOP 0800 0.55 2 36762000 27900 SHOP 0900 0.55 3 36791000 29000 SHOP 0830 0.55 4 36827300 36300 SHOP 0830 0.54 5 36856100 28800 SHOP 0600 0.55 6 36899000 42900 SHOP 0800 0.55 7 36938300 39300 SHOP 0600 0.54 8 36982100 43800 SHOP 0700 0.54 9 37010800 28700 SHOP 0800 0.53 10 37035200 24400 SHOP 0900 0.54 11 37056600 21400 SHOP 0800 0.54 12 37090700 34100 SHOP 0900 0.55 13 37124900 34200 SHOP 0900 0.56 14 37155200 30300 SHOP 0900 0.56 15 37174800 19600 SHOP 0900 0.60 16 37198400 23600 SHOP 0700 0.62 17 37225500 27100 SHOP 0800 0.61 18 37260700 35200 SHOP 0800 0.62 19 37278000 17300 SHOP 0900 0.62 20 37303700 25700 SHOP 0800 0.63 21 37335100 31400 SHOP 0800 0.63 22 37358500 23400 SHOP 0900 0.64 23 37388400 29900 SHOP 0900 0.64 24 37428400 40000 SHOP 0830 0.64 25 37457300 28900 SHOP 0830 0.64 26 37493800 36500 SHOP 0900 0.63 27 37533100 39300 SHOP 0900 0.63 28 37565700 32600 SHOP 0900 0.63 29 37606600 40900 SHOP 1600 0.64 30 37638200 31600 SHOP 0900 0.64 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of June 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h-61!A±-#~ 37638200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 37689000 50800 SHOP 1100 0.63 2 37744000 55000 SHOP 1730 0.62 3 37770700 26700 SHOP 0900 0.64 4 37816000 45300 SHOP 0900 0.64 5 37857700 41700 SHOP 0900 0.63 6 37896200 38500 SHOP 0700 0.63 7 37937000 40800 SHOP 0600 0.64 8 38006800 69800 SHOP 0800 0.64 9 38067400 60600 SHOP 1300 0.63 10 38105500 38100 SHOP 0800 0.64 11 38147500 42000 SHOP 0800 0.62 12 38179900 32400 SHOP 0800 0.61 13 38243400 63500 SHOP 1500 0.61 14 38288600 45200 SHOP 1300 0.61 15 38323000 34400 SHOP 0800 0.62 16 38382400 59400 SHOP 0800 0.61 17 38428300 45900 SHOP 0800 0.63 18 38480000 51700 SHOP 0800 0.63 19 38523800 43800 SHOP 0800 0.62 20 38566200 42400 SHOP 0800 0.63 21 38613200 47000 SHOP 0800 0.63 22 38667300 54100 SHOP 0700 0.62 23 38734000 66700 SHOP 1000 0.63 24 38781100 47100 SHOP 0900 0.64 25 38834200 53100 SHOP 0800 0.64 26 38885000 50800 SHOP 0800 0.62 27 38936700 51700 SHOP 0900 0.63 28 38989500 52800 SHOP 0800 0.63 29 39060000 70500 SHOP 1130 0.62 30 39106900 46900 SHOP 1130 0.62 31 39161200 54300 SHOP 1630 0.62 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of July 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 Ro6~#~ 39161200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 39204800 43600 SHOP 0900 0.71 2 39269400 64600 SHOP 0700 0.73 3 39329500 60100 SHOP 0800 0.73 4 39407200 77700 SHOP 1300 0.74 5 39445000 37800 SHOP 0830 0.73 6 39494000 49000 SHOP 0800 0.73 7 39526200 32200 SHOP 0800 0.73 8 39567000 40800 SHOP 1300 0.73 9 39601600 34600 SHOP 0800 0.75 10 39639700 38100 SHOP 0800 0.75 11 39681800 42100 SHOP 0700 0.74 12 39726900 45100 SHOP 0730 0.75 13 39780100 53200 SHOP 0830 0.75 14 39836500 56400 SHOP 0900 0.74 15 39892700 56200 SHOP 0800 0.76 16 39956700 64000 SHOP 1000 0.76 17 40008600 51900 SHOP 0900 0.78 18 40060300 51700 SHOP 0700 0.78 19 40118500 58200 SHOP 0830 0.78 20 40171100 52600 SHOP 0900 0.78 21 40212500 41400 SHOP 0800 0.77 22 40251100 38600 SHOP 0800 0.77 23 40284300 33200 SHOP 0730 0.78 24 40322500 38200 SHOP 0800 0.78 25 40359200 36700 SHOP 0800 0.78 26 40399800 40600 SHOP 0830 0.78 27 40449000 49200 SHOP 1000 0.78 28 40488300 39300 SHOP 0800 0.76 29 40533100 44800 SHOP 0700 0.78 30 40576000 42900 SHOP 0800 0.78 31 40600900 24900 SHOP 0830 0.78 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI . (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of August 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 h6w::-#~ 40600900 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 40626700 25800 SHOP 0730 0.78 2 40669600 42900 SHOP 0830 0.78 3 40698000 28400 SHOP 0830 0.78 4 40724500 26500 SHOP 0800 0.76 5 40753700 29200 SHOP 0700 0.76 6 40785000 31300 SHOP 0800 0.77 7 40815500 30500 SHOP 0800 0.76 8 40845900 30400 SHOP 0800 0.76 9 40879300 33400 SHOP 0830 0.76 10 40968200 88900 SHOP 0830 0.75 11 41057200 89000 SHOP 1130 0.74 12 41126300 69100 SHOP 0700 0.74 13 41153700 27400 SHOP 0800 0.78 14 41187100 33400 SHOP 0700 0.78 15 41223900 36800 SHOP 0800 0.77 16 41255500 31600 SHOP 0830 0.78 17 41301500 46000 SHOP 0830 0.78 18 41339400 37900 SHOP 1000 0.77 19 41375300 35900 SHOP 0800 0.78 20 41390900 15600 SHOP 0800 0.78 21 41403000 12100 SHOP 0800 0.77 22 41421900 18900 SHOP 0800 0.77 23 41433300 11400 SHOP 0800 0.78 24 41441400 8100 SHOP 0800 0.77 25 41453500 12100 SHOP 0800 0.77 26 41463600 10100 SHOP 0800 0.76 27 41472900 9300 SHOP 0800 0.76 28 41482300 9400 SHOP 1400 0.75 29 41490000 7700 SHOP 1400 0.76 30 41498600 8600 SHOP 0830 0.76 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of September 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 ,46ut;-#~ 41498000 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 41506100 8100 SHOP 0830 0.76 2 41513000 6900 SHOP 0800 0.78 3 41520500 7500 SHOP 0800 0.77 4 41527300 6800 SHOP 0800 0.77 5 41536400 9100 SHOP 0830 0.77 6 41547600 11200 SHOP 0730 0.78 7 41562000 14400 SHOP 1030 0.78 8 41569400 7400 SHOP 1100 0.78 9 41576900 7500 SHOP 0800 0.78 10 41584600 7700 SHOP 0800 0.77 11 41592600 8000 SHOP 0700 0.77 12 41600500 7900 SHOP 0830 0.78 13 41620000 19500 SHOP 1230 0.77 14 41629400 9400 SHOP 0830 0.75 15 41629400 0 SHOP 1030 0.76 16 41630100 700 SHOP 0900 0.76 17 41638100 8000 SHOP 0800 0.73 18 41643200 5100 SHOP 1000 0.70 19 41649100 5900 SHOP 0900 0.71 20 41651000 1900 SHOP 1030 0.70 21 41651000 0 SHOP 0900 0.68 22 41651000 0 SHOP 0800 0.69 23 41652500 1500 SHOP 0800 0.69 24 41652500 0 SHOP 0800 0.70 25 41656400 3900 SHOP 0800 0.69 26 41664000 7600 SHOP 1400 0.71 27 41672700 8700 SHOP 1000 0.71 28 41684500 11800 SHOP 0800 0.69 29 41692400 7900 SHOP 0830 0.70 30 41701200 8800 SHOP 0800 0.69 31 41708200 7000 SHOP 0800 0.69 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of October 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6Vt±-#~ 41708200 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 41717500 9300 SHOP 0800 0.68 2 41722800 5300 SHOP 0800 0.69 3 41730700 7900 SHOP 0800 0.68 4 41735700 5000 SHOP 0830 0.69 5 41744700 9000 SHOP 0800 0.69 6 41752400 7700 SHOP 0800 0.68 7 41759800 7400 SHOP 0800 0.68 8 41767100 7300 SHOP 0800 0.67 9 41775000 7900 SHOP 0900 0.67 10 41781000 6000 SHOP 0800 0.68 11 41788000 7000 SHOP 1100 0.68 12 41795000 7000 SHOP 1000 0.68 13 41802400 7400 SHOP 0800 0.67 14 41809600 7200 SHOP 0800 0.68 15 41815800 6200 SHOP 0800 0.68 16 41823000 7200 SHOP 0800 0.69 17 41830100 7100 SHOP 0900 0.69 18 41837500 7400 SHOP 0830 0.69 19 41844300 6800 SHOP 0830 0.69 20 41852400 8100 SHOP 0900 0.70 21 41860000 7600 SHOP 0900 0.70 22 41867400 7400 SHOP 0900 0.71 23 41874600 7200 SHOP 1000 0.71 24 41881400 6800 SHOP 0800 0.71 25 41888200 6800 SHOP 0900 0.71 26 41894900 6700 SHOP 0800 0.70 27 41903800 8900 SHOP 0800 0.72 28 41912400 8600 SHOP 0800 0.72 29 41919000 6600 SHOP 0800 0.71 30 41925500 6500 SHOP 0800 0.72 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of November 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 46tM±-#~ 41925500 METER WATER READING USED LOCATION TIME RESULT 1 41932900 7400 SHOP 0800 0.71 2 41941300 8400 SHOP 0930 0.72 3 41947900 6600 SHOP 1030 0.71 4 41955000 7100 SHOP 0800 0.71 5 41962600 7600 SHOP 0800 0.70 6 41970000 7400 SHOP 1200 0.70 7 41976300 6300 SHOP 0800 0.72 8 41982900 6600 SHOP 0800 0.72 9 41990200 7300 SHOP 0900 0.72 10 41997600 7400 SHOP 0830 0.71 11 42005200 7600 SHOP 0800 0.72 12 42012300 7100 SHOP 0800 0.72 13 42019900 7600 SHOP 1400 0.72 14 42027000 7100 SHOP 0800 0.71 15 42034600 7600 SHOP 0800 0.70 16 42042000 7400 SHOP 1030 0.70 17 42048400 6400 SHOP 1030 0.70 18 42056200 7800 SHOP 0830 0.72 19 42063700 7500 SHOP 0800 0.72 20 42072700 9000 SHOP 1400 0.73 21 42079200 6500 SHOP 0900 0.71 22 42086700 7500 SHOP 0900 0.71 23 42094300 7600 SHOP 0930 0.72 24 42100900 6600 SHOP 0830 0.71 25 42108300 7400 SHOP 0500 0.71 26 42118700 10400 SHOP 0800 0.70 27 42127800 9100 SHOP 0800 0.70 28 42136200 8400 SHOP 0800 0.69 29 42143800 7600 SHOP 0800 0.69 30 42150400 6600 SHOP 0800 0.69 31 42156000 5600 SHOP 0800 0.69 MONTHLY CHLORINATION REPORT Month of December 2023 IDAHO - DEQ Tia Drew SYSTEM NAME: VP, INC PWS #1090195 (208) 769-1422 FREE CL2 RESIDUAL, mg/L COMMENTSDATE Robert Hansen - (265-4270) Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 COUNTY: BONNER 2110 Ironwood Parkway TYPE OF CHLORINATOR: LMI h6M±-I/~