HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240410FLS to Staff 13_1st Supplemental.pdf FBaIVID VUriesday,April 10,202411:03:49 AM IDAHOPUB IC UI1UTIESC01VMS40N Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgan og odin(i�givenspursley.com Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION Case No. FLS-W-24-01 OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR APPROVAL OF A REPLACEMENT WELL FALLS WATER CO.,INC.'S FIRST FOR ITS MORNING VIEW SYSTEM SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Falls Water Co., Inc. ("Falls Water" or"Company"), in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated February 26, 2024, submits the following supplemental response to Production Request No. 13. Responsive documents are available for download using the link provided in the accompanying email. DATED: April 10, 2024. By. Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. FALLS WATER CO.,INC.'s FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO STAFF's FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST PAGE I OF 2 18295170.1) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on April 10, 2024, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing to be served upon the following parties as indicated below: Monica Barrios-Sanchez ® Email Commission Secretary ❑ U.S. Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission ❑ Fax P.O. Box 83720 ❑ Hand Delivery Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 monica.barrio s sanchez(&_puc.Idaho.gov Preston N. Carter FALLS WATER CO.,INC.'s FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES TO STAFF'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST PAGE 2 OF 2 18295170.1) (�) NW Natural Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-24-01 In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Co., Inc. For Approval of a Replacement Well for Its Morning View System Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 13 Please explain whether the Facility Plan provided in the Application is approved by IDEQ. Response: The Company submitted the Facility Plan earlier this month (March 2024) to IDEQ for approval, and we expect a response from IDEQ in the coming weeks. The Company will supplement this response with the IDEQ's response once we receive it. Supplemental Response: Please see FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 13 Attachments 1 and 2. Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce, General Manager, Falls Water Co., Inc. (208) 522-1300 FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 13 Pagc 1 of 1 900 N Skyline Drive,Suite B Brad Little,Governor Idaho Falls, ID 83402 • (208) 528-2650 Jess Byrne, Director April 5, 2024 K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company 2180 Deborah Dr Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Scottl@fallswater.com Subject: Final Approval—Morning View Water Company Facility Plan, DEQ#24-07-26 Dear Mr. Bruce: The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) received the final facility plan entitled "Preliminary Engineering Report& Facility Plan" (Report) submitted to DEQ on March 8, 2024.The Facility Plan was sealed and signed by Ryan Loftus, PE. DEQ has reviewed the Facility Plan for general conformance with DEQ Rules'and determined it is approved for implementation.The report contained general information required for a Preliminary Engineering Report(PER) but did not contain information to meet the PER requirements for a new source, which are specified in IDAPA The next steps towards project implementation is the submittal of supplementary information for the PER for the new source as identified above, a well site evaluation meeting the requirements of IDAPA 58.01.510, and submittal of well design for construction meeting the requirements of IDAPA 58.01.510. These may be combined into one or more submittals, but well design will only be reviewed after review and approval of the PER for the new source and well site evaluation. If the project includes a new well/pump house or modifications to an existing well/pump house, please include relevant information for PER requirements specified in IDAPA If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at(208) 528-2650 or tyler.ayers@deg.idaho.gov. Sincerely, Tyler Ayers, El Water Quality Engineer Attachment: Facility Plan c: Ryan Loftus, P.E.,Aspen Engineering, ryan@aspeneng.net Tony Wise, Falls Water Company, mrwater@fallswater.com Carlin Feisthamel, P.E., DEQ Idaho Falls Regional Engineering Manager 'IDAPA 58.01.08—Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (�) NW Natural Rates & Regulatory Affairs FLS-W-24-01 In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Co., Inc. For Approval of a Replacement Well for Its Morning View System Data Request Response Request No.: FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 13 Please explain whether the Facility Plan provided in the Application is approved by IDEQ. Response: The Company submitted the Facility Plan earlier this month (March 2024) to IDEQ for approval, and we expect a response from IDEQ in the coming weeks. The Company will supplement this response with the IDEQ's response once we receive it. Supplemental Response: Please see FLS-W-24-01 IPUC DR 13 Attachments 1 and 2. Preparer/Responding Witness: Scott Bruce, General Manager, Falls Water Co., Inc. (208) 522-1300 FLS-W-24-01 IPUC Staff PR 13 Pagc 1 of 1 Preliminary Engineering Report Facility Plan Morning View Water Company Jefferson County, Idaho TONAL i APPROVED 8 2 By ryle-r Ayerk State of Idaho OF IOP NDepartmentof Environmental Quality N LQ�.tJ Date: Ape'05, 2024 PREPARED BY: ASPEN ENGINEERING, INC. JANUARY 30, 2024 Contents Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER1 Summary................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 4 WaterRequirements.............................................................................................................. 4 Supply.................................................................................................................................... 4 Storage................................................................................................................................... 4 Distribution............................................................................................................................ 5 Water Quality and Regulations............................................................................................. 5 Capital Improvement Program.............................................................................................. 5 Recommendations/Conclusions ............................................................................................ 5 CHAPTER2 Introduction............................................................................................................... 6 History................................................................................................................................... 7 CurrentAssets ....................................................................................................................... 7 DEQLoan.................................................................................................................... 8 Operations/Administration.................................................................................................... 8 Rates...................................................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 3 Existing System........................................................................................................ 9 Supply.................................................................................................................................... 9 Treatment ............................................................................................................................ 10 PressureZone...................................................................................................................... 10 StandbyPower..................................................................................................................... 11 Storage................................................................................................................................. 11 Security................................................................................................................................ 11 TelemetrySystem................................................................................................................ 11 DistributionSystem............................................................................................................. 12 SewageSystem.......................................................................................................... 12 WaterLosses.............................................................................................................. 12 CHAPTER 4 Water Requirements ............................................................................................... 14 Definitionof Terms............................................................................................................. 14 Demand...................................................................................................................... 14 Consumption.............................................................................................................. 14 PeakingFactors.......................................................................................................... 15 WaterProduction....................................................................................................... 15 PerConnection Demand............................................................................................ 15 "Unaccounted-For" Water......................................................................................... 15 DemandProjections ............................................................................................................ 16 Population Projections............................................................................................... 16 FutureWater Demands.............................................................................................. 16 Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER& Facility Page 2 CHAPTER 5 Water Supply and Storage...................................................................................... 17 WaterRights........................................................................................................................ 17 Water Supply and Storage Requirements............................................................................ 17 WaterSupply Criteria................................................................................................ 17 CHAPTER6 Distribution............................................................................................................. 20 Regulations.......................................................................................................................... 20 Peak Hour Demand Under Normal Operating Conditions.................................................. 20 Maximum Day Demand Under Normal Operating Conditions .......................................... 21 CurrentSystem Evaluation.................................................................................................. 21 WellDesign......................................................................................................................... 21 CHAPTER 7 Water Quality and Regulations............................................................................... 22 Potential Contamination...................................................................................................... 22 PotentialFlooding............................................................................................................... 23 Groundwater Analysis......................................................................................................... 24 GroundWater Levels................................................................................................. 24 SoilConditions .......................................................................................................... 24 CHAPTER 8 Capital Improvement Program ............................................................................... 25 CostEstimating................................................................................................................... 25 DrillWater Supply Well ..................................................................................................... 25 Backup Power Generator .................................................................................................... 25 Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 26 AppendixA: Maps........................................................................................................................... AppendixB: Water Rights............................................................................................................... AppendixC: Well Logs................................................................................................................... Appendix D: Water Production Data............................................................................................... Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER& Facility Page 3 CHAPTER 1 Summary Introduction The Morning View Water Company(MVWC),a subsidiary of Falls Water Co.Inc.,has contracted with Aspen Engineering to complete a Preliminary Engineering Report and a Facility Plan for the Morning View water system. This document serves as both reports. This report serves as the basis of design for modifications. The findings of this study are summarized below: Water Requirements The population serviced by MVWC is approximately 400 people via approximately 138 active individual connections. Morning View Water Company's historical average daily demand(ADD) for the years 2021 through 2023 was 125,948 gallons. This water system's main well is located at 3990 E 178 N, Rigby, ID. Supply MVWC currently utilizes groundwater as its sole source of water. The groundwater is mainly supplied by one well. There are two other older wells that produce a very limited amount of water. Both old wells are located on a single lot and are separated by 100 feet. Aspen Engineering is proposing that both older wells,known as Wells 1 &2 within the report,be replaced. All the wells lie within the Company's platted service area. Total pumping capacity of the active production well is estimated at 940 gpm or 1,353,600 gallons per day, which is about 11 times the system ADD. The current firm capacity (largest well out of service) of the Company's production wells is 200 gpm or 288,000 gallons per day. Current firm capacity does not meet PHD or MDD (Peak Hourly Demand or Maximum Daily Demand) flow requirements, and a backup well is needed immediately, in the event of a well failure. Storage There is no current storage at the Morning View Water system. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Page 4 Distribution The distribution system is composed of both 4 inch and 6-inch main lines. These mains are exclusively class 200 PVC. Any future expansions should continue to incorporate similar materials throughout the distribution system. The water system does not have fire hydrants, and the distribution mains are adequate to supply domestic flows. Water Quality and Regulations All of Morning View's water is supplied by groundwater wells. The water quality is good, and compliance with both State and Federal regulations for contaminants is currently being maintained. Currently, there is no water treatment provided at the MVWC facilities. Capital Improvement Program A new backup well with adequate capacity to meet the firm ADD demand must be planned and completed as soon as possible. The estimated cost to complete the new well and pump is$235,000. Additionally, it is recommended that backup power generation be provided for the new well to prevent depressurization events during power outages. We recommend using a VFD pump controller on the new well. Leaks in the mainline contribute to significant pumping losses and should be found and repaired. Recommendations/Conclusions Providing and maintaining adequate water supply in the event of a failure in well #3 and minimizing leaks are the main concern for the MVWC water system. System operating pressures are currently maintained at about 58 psi. Immediate construction of a backup well is recommended to ensure adequate water production for the current and future demands. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Page 5 CHAPTER 2 Introduction The Morning View Water Company(MVWC),a subsidiary of Falls Water Company,is a privately held public drinking water system that is currently regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The system services approximately 138 single family residences in an unincorporated area of Jefferson County Idaho, near the city of Rigby. The intended purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of the existing water system and provide recommendations to maintain and improve the facilities. The following topics are contained in the report: • Existing System (Chapter 3) • Water Requirements (Chapter 4) • Water Supply and Storage (Chapter 5) • Distribution(Chapter 6) • Water Quality and Regulations (Chapter 7) • Capital Improvement Plan(Chapter 8) The following acronyms are contained in the report: • MVWC—Mountain View Water Company • VFD—Variable Frequency Drives • ADD—Average Daily Demand • MDD—Maximum Daily Demand • MMD—Maximum Month Demand • PHD—Peak Hour Demand • EPA—Environmental Protection Agency • SDWA— Safe Drinking Water Act • DEQ -Department of Environmental Quality • IPUC—Idaho Public Utilities Commission • gpm—Gallons per minute • gpd—Gallons per day • mgd—million gallons per day • cfs—cubic feet per second • gph—gallons per hour • cf—cubic foot • PF MDD—Peaking factor of Maximum Daily Demand • PF PHD—Peaking factor of Peak Hour Demand • gpdpc—gallons per day per connection • USGS—United States Geological Survey • IDWR—Idaho Department of Water Resources • psi—Pounds per square inch Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 6 • fps—feet per second • AACE—American Association of Cost Engineers • KW-kilowatt The report covers the current configuration of the water system as well as a projection of three years from now when the system will likely be finished - i.e. all lots sold and occupied. As a reference for development time frame, in 2002 the system serviced approximately 65 connections. As of 2023 there are about 138 connections and only 3 more connections are expected to be added in the coming years. History Since Falls Water acquired MVWC's water system in 2021, water quality has exceeded all applicable state and federal requirements. MVWC's water system registered number with Idaho DEQ is: ID7260063. Current Assets Current assets of MVWC include three deep wells, a 30' x 32' wood frame pump house, a second 13'x20' wellhouse, and 2.5 miles of distribution lines. Pump house #1 encloses a 40-gallon air compressor, meters, valves, and piping. The following table presents the various components and their anticipated useful life and replacement data. Morning View Water Company- Ca ital Replacement Item Date Installed Anticipated Life Replacement Replacement Cycle Date Cost 30 well pump February 2021 15 years 2036 $6,000 10 well pump July 2007 15 years 2022 $4,000 60 well pump August 2014 15 years 2029 $15,000 Motor 2002 10 years 2012 $5,000 Ea Controllers Well House#1 1998 40 years 2038 $50,000 Flushing 2007 20 years 2027 $500 Ea Hydrants Well House#2 2014 40 years 2054 $40,000 Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 7 VFD-ABB 2014 20 years 2030 $12,000 Brand AC 550 VFD-ABB 2014 20 years 2030 $12,000 Brand AC 6500 DEQ Loan Before it was acquired by Falls Water,MVWC applied for a state-revolving fund loan through the Idaho DEQ to construct a new well. This well is labeled as well #3 in this report. It was drilled in August 2014. When MVWC was acquired by Falls Water in 2021, they continued the loan payment to Idaho DEQ. The original loan started on February 7, 2017, and was $462,969.38. It is to be paid back at an interest rate of 1.25% semiannually with payments of$9,277.77. Falls Water has taken responsibility for the loan. Operations/Administration Falls Water maintains an office located at 2180 N Deborah Dr, Idaho Falls, ID 83401. The office handles billings, customer service, complaints, notifications to its customers and correspondence with DEQ and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(IPUC). Operations plans include a daily check of the well house with written record keeping of water pressure,pressure tank air levels, flow rate and flow totalization. Rates As shown in the table below, customers pay a flat rate according to the size of the lot being serviced. One acre lots are charged $65.50/month, one-half acre lot fees are $60.00/month and quarter acre lots fees are $50.00/month. The first 11,000 gallons used in the first-tier block are included in the monthly minimum charge. The second-tier usage charge is $0.64 per 1,000 gallons for the next 22,000 gallons used. For usage above 33,000 gallons, the third-tier rate is $1.439 per 1,000 gallons. Gallons New in Gallons Approved First Gallons Second Second Third in Third Monthly Tier in First Tier Tier Tier Tier Minimum Block Tier Block Block Block Block Meter Size Charge Rate Block Rate Next Rate (Over) MV .25 Acre-3/4" & 1" $50.00 $0.00 11,000 $0.640 22,000 $1.439 33,000 MV .50 Acre-3/4" & 1" $60.00 $0.00 11,000 $0.640 22,000 $1.439 33,000 MV 1.0 Acre-3/4" & 1" $65.50 $0.00 11,000 $0.640 22,000 $1.439 33,000 Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 8 CHAPTER 3 Existing System The existing MVWC water system includes three wells and approximately 11,000 feet of six-inch diameter class 200 PVC water main. 2,300 feet of four-inch diameter, class 200 PVC is also included on the system. A map of the system and its features is shown in Appendix A: Maps. The current service area for the MVWC includes 109 acres located in the Morning View Acres Divisions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Division No. 1 of Country Grove Estates Mobile Home Subdivision is also included in the system. There are currently 138 connections to single family residences. Residences include site constructed homes (stick built), mobile trailer homes, and manufactured homes on permanent foundations. Lot sizes range from one quarter of an acre to just over one acre in area. The smaller lots are typically occupied by either mobile trailer houses or manufactured homes. Stick built single family residences generally occupy the larger lots. Future growth within the existing service area boundary will include water service connections to 3 lots in the stick-built divisions.This will make a total of 141 individual connections to the system. It is estimated that the system will be fully developed within the next three years. Supply Well 1 —Prior to drilling Well #3, this well was the main production well for the MVWC water system. Well#1 is a 12-inch diameter well and is approximately 120' deep. The well is located on "well lot #1" at the northwest corner of Division No. 3. The well lot comprises 1.64 acres. The well log shows it was completed in July 1996 and is cased to a depth of 118 feet. This well has not been pump tested and the actual well capacity is unknown. Currently a 30-horsepower submersible pump is installed in the well. This well is currently used only as a backup well as it discharges too much sand and is not deep enough into the earth to be a functioning production well. Aspen Engineering recommends that this well be abandoned, after construction of the replacement well. Well 2 - The old backup well is a six-inch diameter well that is 120 feet deep. According to the well log,this well has a surface seal 18 feet deep and was constructed in June 1986. No pump test data is available and a 10 horsepower submersible pump services the well. This well does not produce enough water to be a significant resource and is only used as an emergency source. Well 3 - The main well for the MVWC water system is a 12-inch diameter well approximately 176' deep. The well is located on "well lot" at the southwest corner of Block No. 3. The second well lot comprises 0.354 acres. The well log for this well shows it was completed in August 2014 and is cased to a depth of 154 feet. This well has been pump tested and the actual well capacity is Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 9 940 gpm. Currently a 60-horsepower submersible pump is installed in the well. Wells 1 and 2 feed into a single pump house via separate pitless adapters and buried six-inch diameter pipes. Wells 1 and 2 are both equipped with ABB VFD pump controllers. Well 3 and well house 2 are located on the south-west well lot of morning view acres #4. Well 3 is equipped with an ABB brand VFD pump controller. The well house is 13'x20', has a 6" pipe system, and contains a backup generator. Water quantities are monitored using a totalizer/flow meter located in each pump house. The meters read the instantaneous flow through the meter as well as providing the total quantity passing the meter (totalizer). Wells 1 and 2 were run through a single meter, Well 3 has its own meter, and after abandoning Wells 1 and 2, Well 4 will use that meter. After this upgrade each operating well will have its own meter. The water quality of well #3 currently meets drinking water regulations. Chapter 7 includes dialog of compliance with drinking water regulations. Treatment Well 3 doesn't require any treatment. For wells 1 and 2 the only treatment currently in operation is to separate sand from the well production water. The sand separator consists of a centrifugal type separator with raw water being fed into the unit, centrifugal action then separates the heavier sand particles which fall to the bottom of the unit and treated water is returned to the top of the unit and put into the distribution system. The unit operates manually, and the only maintenance required is to purge the solids from the bottom chamber of the unit on a periodic basis. A determination of how often this is required can be made by flushing the solids into a bucket and then measuring the amount of sand produced per unit of water. It is likely the unit will operate at peak efficiency with only weekly or bi-weekly purging. No other treatment or treatment equipment is provided or necessary. For emergency circumstances manual dosing of the individual wells would be required to treat a bacteriological outbreak, should one occur. The water company may want to purchase an emergency chlorination system to provide emergency disinfection capabilities. Pressure Zone The entire system is served by a single pressure zone. System pressures throughout the development are established by the VFD setting at each of the pump house buildings. The pressure settings have been adjusted to operate near 58 psi. This pressure is measured at the pump building and customer pressures at the point of use will vary due to friction losses and the variation in demand especially during peak demand hours. The pressure settings at the pump building can be adjusted to provide a two-pound differential. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 10 Based on the information obtained from pressure monitoring, the system consistently operates above the minimum pressure of 40 psi. The current system includes variable frequency drives (VFD)that are installed in the pump house for each of the submersible well pumps. Each VFD can be set to maintain 60 psi and so long as the pumps can keep up with demand, operating pressures currently remain constant within plus or minus 3-4 psi. Standby Power Currently there is standby power or emergency power generation equipment at the MVWC system for the main well#3 in use. The proposed backup well should also have standby power in the event of an area wide power failure. It was estimated by MVWC personnel that power outages account for system shutdown 3-4 times per year. Typically, outages occur during strong weather events such as high winds or heavy thunder showers. Storage There are currently two Xtrol 350 bladder tanks in well house #1. However, these two tanks are required for proper operation of the VFDs, do not provide a significant amount of storage, and are not available as storage for customer needs. There are no plans for water storage at MVWC. Security Both existing well houses have fences with barbwire, lighting, and water system alarms. They are maintained and no issues have been reported. As there have been no issues, there are no improvements suggested for the security of this system. Telemetry System Telemetry at the MVWC water system is a Missions Communications 123 system. The three wells are operated by electronic pressure transducers located in the pump houses. There are no required or recommended system controls improvements at the time of this report. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page l l Distribution System Water distribution for the Morning View system includes approximately 11,000 feet of six-inch pipe and 2,300 feet of 4"pipe. All the pipe consists of class 200 polyvinyl chloride(PVC). A map of the existing water distribution system, including pipe sizes, is presented in Appendix A: Maps. Flushing hydrants at the three dead end locations have been installed. There are no fire hydrants on the system. Service connections are exclusively one inch and are typically polyethylene. There are seventeen control valves within the distribution system, four of which are four-inch valves controlling flow to the two four-inch diameter loops - one at the east end of the system and the other from the two cul-de-sacs on 3950 East. The maximum number of residents on one continuous, isolatable loop is at 178 North where there are 32 trailers on one loop. Generally, there are adequate valves to isolate ten to twelve homes without interrupting the water service to others. Each home is metered, and the water usage is recorded for each home, clients are then billed accordingly. Periodic flushing of the dead-ends should be completed. A written plan identifying when each location is/was flushed and the results of the flushing (i.e. water conditions, turbidity, etc.) should be included in the operations. Dead end mains should be flushed at least twice per year. Cross-connection contamination of the distribution system is controlled using backflow prevention devices, generally consisting of a Pressure Vacuum Breaker (PVB) assembly or other approved back-flow prevention device. Check devices are required to be inspected and tested after the initial installation with written verification given to either the owner/operator or the office manager. Periodic testing of the valves is not currently part of the operation plan and should be implemented. The cost of testing each device should be charged to the homeowner. Records showing the location of the device, along with the test date and results should be kept on a master plan at the office. The proposed cross connection control plan has been submitted to DEQ. Sewage System Regarding the sewer system, all homes within MVWC are on private septic systems with individual drain fields located on each lot. Interference with the water system has not been experienced and no contamination issues have been reported. Connection to the City of Rigby sewer collection system could be explored if water quality problems are encountered. Water Losses Recently there has been a leak that is being investigated by Falls Water, the parent company of MVWC, as the water losses have been about 60% during non-irrigation season and about 20% losses during irrigation season. Due to these significant losses, we recommend using and/or Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 12 obtaining sonar tracking equipment to help with leak detection and repair. The equipment is portable and could be used at each of the company's water systems. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 13 CHAPTER 4 Water Requirements This chapter summarizes the current water system demands and projects future water use for 3 and 20-year planning horizons. This includes a description of historical water use and forecasting estimates developed to project future water use. Definition of Terms Demand Demand refers to the total system demand,which is that quantity of water obtained from the water supply source during a given time period required to meet the needs of domestic use, lawn irrigation, system losses, and miscellaneous applications. Demands are normally discussed and quantified in terms of flow rates, such as gallons per minute(gpm)or gallons per day(gpd). Flow rates can be described in any terms involving a given volume of water delivered during a specific time. Flow rates pertinent for the analysis and design of water systems are as follows: Average Day Demand(ADD): the total volume of water delivered to the system in a year, divided by 365 days. Maximum Month Demand (MMD. the average rate of water delivered to the system during the month of greatest demand during the year. Maximum Day Demand(MDD):the rate of water delivered to the system during the day of highest demand during the year. Peak Hour Demand (PHD): the rate of water delivered to the system during the hour of highest demand during the year. These demands are typically presented in units of mgd. The following conversion factors may be used to express rate of demand in other terms: 1 mgd= 694 gpm= 1.55 cubic feet per second(cfs) 1 gpm= 60 gallons per hour(gph) = 1,440 gpd 1 cfs=450 gpm=0.648 mgd Volumetric conversions are: 1 cubic foot(cf) =7.481 gallons (gal) 1 gallon= 0.134 cubic feet(cf) The concept of per capita demand provides a convenient method of comparing water use by different water systems or areas served by the system. The per capita demand is obtained by dividing the total system demand by the total population served. Differences in climate, type of development, and water use trends influence the per capita demand for different water systems. Consumption Consumption refers to the actual volume of water used by customers measured at their connections to the water distribution system. Consumption is typically measured in gallons. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 14 Peaking Factors The relationships between the ADD and other demand parameters, such as the MDD, MMD, and PHD,are expressed as peaking factors.Typical peaking factors include the ratios of MDD to ADD, MMD to ADD, and PHD to ADD. Water Production Available historical water production data is presented in Appendix D: Water Production Data. The available historical data includes limited readings for both Well 1, 2, and 3 during the period. TABLE 4-1 Average Day Demand - ADD for orning View Water Company Year ADD (gallons) 2021 129,926 2022 130,462 2023 ear to date 117,458 Based on historical averages from Table 4-1,a MDD (PF MDD)peaking factor of 3.0 will be used in this study. A value of 5.0 will be used as the PHD peaking factor(PF PHD). Per Connection Demand The population serviced by MVWC is approximately 400 people via approximately 138 active individual connections. Morning View Water Company's historical average daily demand(ADD) for the years 2022 through 2023 was 124,000 gallons. Morning View's customer base is exclusively residential. Given the rather insignificant demand currently exerted by other uses, future water demand is estimated in this report solely on the residential growth projected for the area. "Unaccounted-For" Water Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 15 "Unaccounted-for"water is the difference between the volume of water produced and the volume of water sold to customers. Unaccounted-for-water in a metered community is typically the result of system leakage or unmetered customers. Demand Projections Population Projections Land uses surrounding the MVWC system are generally residential, single-family homes. The area immediately south of the platted subdivision has been platted and developed as single-family homes with individual wells. Immediately north is developed land and a public elementary school that has been connected to city water lines. To the east, the ground has been subdivided into residential lots, but infrastructure and homes have not been constructed. MVWC is focused on servicing current customers and the 3 potential connections located within the current service area. To the west of the trailer home area is some undeveloped land. If it is developed, MVWC would be interested in supplying their services to the new homes. The possible expansion of the service area to the east or west would require drilling of a new well. Under the current system layout, it has been estimated that a maximum additional three stick-built homes may be added to the system as the remainder of the lots are sold and built on in Divisions one through three of Morning View Acres. This will increase the total number of connections to 141 for the entire system. No other growth has been estimated. Future Water Demands Currently, the MVWC system accommodates about 400 people via 138 connections. Ultimately it is conceived that the state average of 2.9 people per connection will be served via the same 138 connections plus 3 more lots in the stick-built homes making a total of 141 connections and 409 people. It is anticipated that the 3 additional lots will be built out by the end of the year in 2026 - three years from now. Producing the following results which are expected to stay the same over the coming years: Current Estimated ADD = 124,000 gpd MDD= 399,200 gpd PHD =496,000 gpd While these projected water demands provide a basis for planning purposes and are used in other portions of this report, they must be considered estimates. If growth from outside development is allowed,then significant increases from the predicted annual rates will occur and demands will be much higher than predicted. Unit demand patterns may also change, and these patterns would influence water needs for the community. Therefore, the projected demands should be compared each year to actual demands. The timing for recommended improvements can then be adjusted as needed. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 16 CHAPTER 5 Water Supply and Storage Topics covered in this chapter include water rights,and anticipated water supply and storage needs. Water Rights Table 5-1 contains water rights information for the MVWC. Refer to Appendix B: Water Right for a copy of the current water rights information. A water right permit is the authorization necessary from the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) to begin construction of withdrawal facilities and begin using water. A license is only issued once water has been used and documentation of use is submitted and approved by IDWR. A water rights permit does not guarantee water for the appropriator. A decreed right is a water right that has been adjudicated by the court. Under the prior-appropriation doctrine, the water right authorizes diversions of water only to the extent that water is available. TABLE 5-1 Morning View Water Com an - Water Rights Source Pumping Priority Date Right No. Stage Water Right Rate m cfs m Groundwater 600 10/10/1995 25-7593 License 0.79 355 Groundwater 250 09/04/2007 25-14199 License 0.83 373 Groundwater 1 150 07/06/2009 25-14236 License 0.25 (112 Water Supply and Storage Requirements Currently there is no storage provided in the MVWC system. Wells #1 and #2 are no longer functioning, and well#3 is providing flow to the community. A new backup well is needed. Water Supply Criteria The following is a list of key criteria outlined in the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems used to determine the timing and development of new water supply wells, storage, and emergency power generation capability for the MVWC water system. • The water system must have a sufficient number of water supply wells with backup power to satisfy ADD or emergency storage equal to one days ADD. • The water system must have enough firm pumping capacity to satisfy MDD. • Firm pumping capacity combined with additional storage must be sufficient to supply Peak Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 17 Hour Demand. • Total system capacity including supply and storage must be sufficient to meet MDD while maintaining a 40-psi residual throughout the system. In this report, firm pumping capacity is defined as the production capacity of the water supply wells in the system with the largest well out of service. This chapter explores these criteria using the water demand projections listed above, to determine the capital improvements needed for the water system during the 3-year and 20-year plan horizons. Criterion 1: Firm Well Production Capacity Required to Satisfy MDD The first criterion involving MDD during the 20-year planning period is used to determine well supply requirements for the Morning View water system. The current well pumping capacity totals approximately 940 gpm or 1,353,600 gpd. However, if a malfunction of well #3 occurs which solely produces this water occurs, no water will be produced. So, a backup well needs to be implemented. Criterion 1 Summary: Anticipated Firm Capacity Requirements to Satisfy MDD The Company will need to construct a new backup well immediately with a capacity of nearly 600 gpm like Well #3. Criterion 2: Emergency Power Required to Satisfy ADD The second criterion involving ADD is used as a means of determining the emergency power requirements for the MVWC water system. A comparison of the available supply capacity of Well 3 (720,000 gpd), which is equipped with backup power, shows that the MVWC water system currently does not have backup power to supply ADD requirements now or for the projected 20-year horizon. An option to include backup power for the new well#4 could be beneficial. Criterion 2 Summary: Anticipated Emergency Power Requirements Emergency backup power is necessary to maintain the required minimum 20 psi. Idaho DEQ requires substantial sampling if a loss of pressure event occurs. Loss of pressure is defined by DEQ as any pressure less than 20 psi under emergency operations and less than 40 psi under normal operating conditions. Criterion 3 Well Capacity and Storage Must Satisfy PHD The following is a list of assumptions that are used to calculate required well capacity and storage Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 18 volume required under these criteria: • The PHD must be supplied for up to 8 hours. • Firm well capacity is not less than MDD. Well 3 has adequate capacity to meet current demand, but a backup well is needed immediately. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 19 CHAPTER 6 Distribution This chapter describes the capacity of MVWC's water distribution system. The distribution system was evaluated under existing and future conditions. Regulations The Idaho DEQ has regulatory authority over public water systems in Idaho. In general, DEQ's rules govern the quality of water distributed,but not the manner in which it is distributed.However, the rules do contain basic construction standards and some of these apply to distribution systems. Significant rules for the distribution system analysis are summarized as follows: • Distribution piping and the supply system shall be designed and installed so that the pressure measured shall not be reduced below 40 pounds per square inch (psi) during maximum hourly demand conditions. • Distribution piping and the supply system shall be designed and installed so that the pressure measured shall not be reduced below 20 pounds per square inch (psi) during maximum hourly demand conditions (including fire flow). • Wherever possible, dead ends shall be minimized by looping. Where dead ends are installed, blow-offs of adequate size shall be provided for flushing. • Wherever possible,booster pumps shall take suction from reservoirs to avoid the potential for negative pressures on the suction line, which could result when the pump suction is directly connected to a distribution main. Pumps that take suction from distribution mains shall be provided with a low-pressure cutoff switch on the suction side set at no less than 5 psi. Peak Hour Demand Under Normal Operating Conditions The PHD condition represents the average demand rate during the highest hour of water use for the entire year. This is an extreme condition,but one that the system must be able to supply. Since PHD has been estimated according to projected growth, the actual occurrence in the system may be higher. It is also true that demands greater than MDD and approaching the peak hour value will occur several times during a year. The estimated 2023 PHD for the system is 496,000 gpd. PHD can be provided in the system with adequate pressures (Adequate means that pressures are maintained above 40 psi). Pressures under the current PHD can be maintained above 40 psi. As water demand increases under peak Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 20 conditions,pipeline velocity can begin to be a problem; however,no pipes in the system exhibited velocities significantly greater than 4 fps. In summary, no deficiencies were identified under the current PHD. Maximum Day Demand Under Normal Operating Conditions The MDD condition represents the average demand rate over the highest day of water use during the entire year. The water system must be designed to equal or exceed the MDD on a firm capacity basis. When MDD is modeled under normal operating conditions, the distribution system can provide water at adequate pressures. The estimated MDD for 2023 is 399,200 gpd. No pipeline velocities greater than 4 fps were identified and system pressures should remain above 40 psi. Current System Evaluation Based on the information given by the operator and observation at the pump building the system appears to be capable of producing the required flow at adequate pressures. It is recommended to monitor pressures for any location experiencing low pressure again during the 2023 irrigation season. Well Design Information about well#4 and its design will be included in a future document about the design of well#4. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 21 CHAPTER 7 Water Quality and Regulations This chapter includes relevant water quality regulation information for MVWC's reference, with an accompanying description of how pertinent regulations affect the administration and operation of the system. Surface water regulations are not discussed, as it is not anticipated that Morning View will be utilizing surface water to meet current or future demands. The nearest surface water body is an irrigation canal located south of Morning View about 1,170 ft. In addition, there is no expectation that this improvement will affect the watershed or other water cycle operations. As discussed in previous chapters, the water system relies solely on groundwater as its source of water. Generally, the quality of the groundwater is good, meeting current Federal- and State- established regulatory limits for inorganic chemicals (IOCs), synthetic organic compounds (SOCs), volatile organic chemical (VOCs), lead and copper, co 1 iform, arsenic, and fluoride. We will screen the new well, so the use of a sand separator is not anticipated. Potential Contamination As seen in Figure 1 Nitrate Area's and in Figure 2 Nitrate Impacted Wells there are no causes of concern for contamination currently. Historically there are no causes for concern either. The area around all wells is fenced in and exceeds requirements by code. 20 r 0.01 mglL + 1.4 myfL{' 0.'01 m8lL r 1.05 mXFO gfL A + ' Rol;:• K #Jf'�t.:�.���a � '� �T 1 Figure 1 Nitrate Area's Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 22 � �� y� T Locate nitrate impacted wells(,9.95 mg/L)within 2000 ft of a L place or address. 3990 E 178 N.RgDy.ID X q ,~ Features within 2000 ft: J Nitrate Impacted Wells:0 Your Location is not within 2000 ft of a Nitrate priority Area IS.ore Inl�m Into Figure 2 Nitrate Impacted Wells It can be seen from Figure 3 Recorded Testing of Contaminants that there have been no reported issues with contaminants in the last few years. These tables were taken from Idaho DEQ's website "Drinking Water Branch". MVWC's ID number in the record is: ID7260063. MVWC is in compliance with all drinking water requirements. 4010 02NMIXED—IL.M.26a 28) vull Y \m1 1000000000 PCLl 01-01-2017 12-31.2022 4020 n.M.226 w0 Y \m1 ]000000000 PCIL OIAI.2017 12-31.2022 '30 II.M-228 vv0 Y \m1 IOOOOOOOOO M1 01-01-2017 12-31-2022 1 1005 SE\7C aWl \ \DO- OE-9 0.001 MGL 01-01-2020 1.31:022 1010 PARIUM ouu . \ML OE-9 0.061 MO 0141-2020 12-31 022 1015 AD\IILIf nuU Y \mL OE-9 01-01-2020 12-31-'0:' 1020 \GL'M vv0 Y \m1 OE-9 0141-2020 12.31.2022 1025 I:ORIDE nu0 K NIRL OE-9 OJ MGL 0141-2020 1_31-2022 1035 CLRY vv0 Y \IDL OE-9 0141-2020 12-31-2022 1036 VICEL null Y \mL OE-9 01-01-2020 12-31-2022 I045 ELE\7n i w0 Y \mL OE-9 0141-2020 12-31-2022 1052 ODIUM vv0 N MRL OE-9 10.6 MGL 01-01.20.10 1231.2022 107J 4.1-MIO\Y.TOTAL vv0 Y \m1 OE-9 O]-01-20-0 12-31-101, 10-5 ER}L..1 TOTAL vu0 }- .1 3-9 01-01-2020 2-31-2022 TOSS i1L117\1,TOTAL I ull I Y I \m1 I OE-9 1 1 01-01-2020 1231-2022 Peiid I. IOJO rMILATE I null I Y I \mi OE-9 01-0I-2023 12 31 202i I 1040 PUPATE mtl Y \O0L OE-91 0141-2023 112-31-2023 Figure 3 Recorded Testing of Contaminants Potential Flooding For all wells the well casing extends 12" above ground elevation supporting IDAPA rules. If there is a flood of greater magnitude, there would be issues. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 23 Groundwater Analysis The purpose of this section is to show that the groundwater and geographically related areas have been considered. Ground Water Levels As seen in Appendix C: Well Logs, the static water level for the well currently in use (Well#3) is 20 ft below the ground. As there are no subsurface structures the water elevation was found to be 4840 ft. Soil Conditions The soil is an alluvial deposited gravel, it is suitable for building on, and there are no concerns from Aspen Engineering regarding the soil at MVWC for construction purposes. Morning View Water Company Aspen Eng Job Number 2023.034 PER&Facility Plan Page 24 CHAPTER 8 Capital Improvement Program Recommended improvements from previous chapters are shown below and summarized in this chapter, along with estimates of costs. Cost Estimating Cost estimates for proposed improvements presented are Order-of-Magnitude cost estimates. The American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) defines Order-of-Magnitude cost estimates as estimates made without detailed engineering data. These estimates may be developed using cost curves, scale-up or scale-down factors, or an approximate ratio. AACE defines the accuracy for this level of estimate as plus 50 percent to minus 30 percent. The cost estimates presented below have been prepared for guidance in project evaluation and implementation from the information available at the time of the estimate. The final costs of the project will depend on actual labor and material costs, competitive market conditions, final project costs, implementation schedule and other variable factors. As a result, the final project costs will vary from the estimate presented herein.Because of this,project feasibility and funding needs must be carefully reviewed prior to making specific financial decisions to help ensure proper project evaluation and adequate funding. Drill Water Supply Well The cost to drill a new well assumes 12-inch diameter open hole production well 240 feet deep. The estimate includes costs for a pilot hole and final production well, and assumes the Company owns the well lot. A 30 percent allowance for contingency, engineering, administration, and legal cost is included in the estimate. The estimated cost to drill a new water supply well is $23,000. Backup Power Generator Natural gas or diesel generated power to run the submersible pump and controller at the pump building will require an 80 to 100 KW generator. Anticipated cost for purchase and installation of the generator including concrete pad and weather enclosure is $50,000. Schedule The anticipated construction schedule will be based on obtaining adequate funding. The time frame begins when funding is implemented with the following milestones: • 45-60 days complete design. • 20-30 days DEQ review of design • 7-15 days Comment Resolution • 15-28 days contractor bidding process • 30-45 days drilling of new well • 7-10 days well testing(well capacity pumping test) • 7-10 days set pump/electrical connection Appendix A: Maps Lu z_ J Block 1 <1 200 NORTH 1086' 001A 0020 003A 003B 0040 005B o Well 001 1 035 034 •� 6 "' °' 001 EXIS . WE L #1 o� Gar Subdi ision -- a � co 001C o , S� ' P OPOSED BACKUP WELL #4 m Block 1 e� 033co ```` w Qv 003 031 �` b a Lot 1 N G� 1 003 032 �� owe N 'J 392.46' 2 0 Q `` w 001 D �OV' QJ � p 004 Q Q `` o m w 030 pew 028 100 004 0 456.70' SER ICE BOUND RY 1 12 3240 244.92' 3252 011 N' wv 001 002 003 00 005 006 007 008 ppg 010 005 006 00716 1 005 ck 2 CCPYRIGHT M3 co by ASPEN N M 1 OuAll ncAon ortranslation of N BI ck 2 027 �kw wa J� 026 of ASPEN ENGINEERING s > L e�Violalonwill be prosecutetl. 185 NORTH � 185 NORTH i 3345 015 1 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 001 024 p23 p22 o M 1 " Lu Bloc 3 lock 4Ln w 3441 WELL #3 1 002A w� 18 0 N 0 R TH w Q o — — — —— — Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 � 3 wv 027 025 024 0 3 Z W 1 2 3 4 5 6 ° — ---- -- in---- bin. J > o 7 \\ e c� o --- — -- ---- zo Q o' 3534 8 r9 10 11 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 003A Block 1 026 O W > 487' SERVICE B UNDAR 12 3 4 11 12 1 3 1218 Ro. 5 6 e 2023.034 7 8 9 10 1 12 1 aE 11/14/23 OPFWN 8Y CHENE 6Y O JP JRL 13 ; R��R= — to k 1 1 cl 3682 U 3 1 13 SHEET No. 14 1 •O of 2 wl z_ J 2 SERVICE BOUNDARY N 259.30 250.99 250.99 250.99 262.87 H 200 NORTH 1086' 261.72' 200 NORTH � � 005B I 6 CIO �' 001 036 035 034 Well Lot EX ST. WELL #2002 003 004 005 001 008 007 E EXIST. WE L #1 -- XIST. P MPHO W� PkOPOSED BACKUP WELL #4 �ck 4 w "t too 009 033 7 1-6h'. 006 031 001 014 010 3 001 002 003 032 ' ` < G 002 013 Block 3 P 010 v w 030 p 028 002 004 0 003 012 �,Q* B l o k 003 �Z W� Block 2 k 1 6 007 I 008 003 Block 2 . 004 011 Q 011 CGPVRIGEERING Bli ck 2 _ _ 004 P ASPEN ENGINEERING,INC. 005 All ngMsremvetl RepmtlucAon rctranslation of 027 V/1 � fASPE IEN NEEONG A � isspn of pRPEry ENGINEERIrvGis `,lawful 025 Q Violalonwlll Ne P�aaecatetl. 026 005 010 007 004 w W 185 NORTHI w w o 012 CD 015 006 009 � � 4 001 024 023 022 � 005 003 006 005 Lu L 007 Lu Block 4 008 013 wv 180 NORTH 180 NORTH W� 002 Q 3 002A i -6in. -6in. 3 Z W 15 16 W� 027 025 024 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 016 Q > ~ ---- 015 014 °� " z o Q ----lNur-\ in 002BBlock 1 BI k1 001W > 23 24 003A 026 O SE VICE MOLAR 48.48' 1218 JOB NO, 2023.034 1 1 wre 11/14/23 oRnwN ar cxECNm m 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Lr � jp _ '� 13 M Block 1 10 2.0 OF 2 Appendix B : Water Right Water Right Report : 25-7593( License/Active) Water Right Owners Owner Type Name Address City State Postal Code Current Owner FALLS WATER CO INC 2180 N DEBORAH DR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 Original Owner MORNINGVIEW WATER CO INC PO BOX 598 RIGBY ID 83442 Water Right Status Priority Date:10/10/1995 Basis:License Status:Active Water Source Source Source Qualifier Tributary Tributary Qualifier GROUND WATER Points Of Diversion (Location) Source Township Range Section Govt.Lot QQQ QQ Q County Diversion Type GROUNDWATER 04N 39E 30 0 NW NE JEFFERSON GROUND WATER 04N 39E 30 0 NW NE JEFFERSON Water Uses Beneficial Use From To Diversion Rate Volume IRRIGATION 04/01 10/31 0.46 CFS 92.00 AFA DOMESTIC 01/01 12/31 0.33 CFS 28.80 AFA TOTAL 0.79 CFS 120.80 CFS Places of Use Place of Use Legal Description : IRRIGATION (JEFFERSON county) Township Range Section Lot QQQ QQ Q Acres 04N 39E 30 NE NE 9 04N 39E 30 NW NE 14 Place of Use Legal Description : DOMESTIC (JEFFERSON county) Township Range Section Lot QQQ QQ Q Acres 04N 39E 30 NE NE 04N 39E 30 NW NE Irrigation Totals Total Acres Acre Limit 23.00 Conditions Code Condtions R05 Use of water under this right will be regulated by a watermaster with responsibility for the distribution of water among appropriators within a water district.At the time of this approval,this water right is within State Water District No.120. X35 Rights 25-14199 and 25-7593 when combined shall not exceed a total diversion rate of 0.83 cfs for in-house non-consumptive purposes and 0.46 cfs and 92 afa for the irrigation of 152 lots. 132 Domestic use is for 48 homes.Irrigation of lawn,garden and landscaping associated with the home is authorized under the irrigation component of this right. X60 Place of use is located within Morningview Subdivision. 004 The issuance of this right does not grant any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. 048 The use of water under this right shall not give rise to any claim against the holder of a senior water right based upon the theories of forfeiture,abandonment,adverse possession,waiver,equitable estoppel,estoppel by laches or customary preference. R64 This right when combined with all other rights shall provide no more than 0.02 cfs per acre nor more than 4.0 afa per acre at the field headgate for irrigation of the place of use. Dates Other Information Licensed Date:1/31/2012 State or Federal: Decreed Date: Water District Number:120 Permit Proof Due Date:7/1/1994 Generic Max Rate Per Acre:0.02 Permit Proof Made Date:10/10/1995 Generic Max Volume Per Acre:4 Permit Approved Date:7/15/1991 Civil Case Number: Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Decree Plantiff: Enlargment Use Priority Date: Decree Defendant: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust:T Application Recevied Date:5/14/1991 Swan Falls Dismissed Protest Deadline Date: IDLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan:False IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1/29 Water Right Report : 25-14199( License/Active) Water Right Owners Owner Type Name Address City State Postal Code Current Owner FALLS WATER CO INC 2180 N DEBORAH DR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 Original Owner MORNINGVIEW WATER CO INC PO BOX 598 RIGBY ID 83442 Water Right Status Priority Date:9/4/2007 Basis:License Status:Active Water Source Source Source Qualifier Tributary Tributary Qualifier GROUND WATER Points Of Diversion (Location) Source Township Range Section Govt.Lot QQQ QQ Q County Diversion Type GROUNDWATER 04N 39E 30 0 NW NE JEFFERSON GROUND WATER 04N 39E 30 0 NW NE JEFFERSON GROUND WATER 04N 39E 30 1 NW NW JEFFERSON Water Uses Beneficial Use From To Diversion Rate Volume DOMESTIC 01/01 12/31 0.83 CFS 156.00 AFA TOTAL 0.83 CFS 156.00 CFS Places of Use Place of Use Legal Description : DOMESTIC (JEFFERSON county) Township Range Section Lot QQQ QQ Q Acres 04N 39E 30 NE NE 04N 39E 30 NW NE 04N 39E 30 NE NW 04N 39E 30 1 NW NW Conditions Code Condtions X01 Domestic use is for 130 homes. X35 Rights 25-14199,25-14236 and 25-7593 when combined shall not exceed a total diversion rate of 0.83 cfs for in-house non-consumptive purposes for 152 homes,and 0.46 cfs and 92 AFA for the irrigation of 152 lots. R05 Use of water under this right may be regulated by a watermaster with responsibility for the distribution of water among appropriators within a water district.At the time of this approval,this water right is within State Water District No.120. 213 Upon specific notification of the Department,the right holder shall install and maintain data loggers to record water usage information at the authorized point(s)of diversion in accordance with Department specifications. 212 Prior to diversion and use of water under this right,the right holder shall install and maintain acceptable measuring device(s)at the authorized point(s)of diversion,in accordance with Department specifications. 070 The irrigation occurring under this domestic use shall not exceed 1/2 acre within each platted subdivision lot upon which a home has been constructed.This right does not provide for irrigation of common areas or for irrigation of lots upon which homes have not been constructed. 071 The domestic use authorized under this right shall not exceed 13,000 gallons per day per home. Dates Other Information Licensed Date:6/25/2020 State or Federal: Decreed Date: Water District Number:120 Permit Proof Due Date:11/19/2022 Generic Max Rate Per Acre:0 Permit Proof Made Date:5/8/2020 Generic Max Volume Per Acre:0 Permit Approved Date:1/22/2010 Civil Case Number: Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Decree Plantiff: Enlargment Use Priority Date: Decree Defendant: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust:T Application Recevied Date:7/31/2007 Swan Falls Dismissed Protest Deadline Date:9/24/2007 IDLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan:False IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1/29 Water Right Report : 25-14236( License/Active) Water Right Owners Owner Type Name Address City State Postal Code Current Owner FALLS WATER CO INC 2180 N DEBORAH DR IDAHO FALLS ID 83401-6223 Original Owner MORNINGVIEW WATER CO INC PO BOX 598 RIGBY ID 83442 Water Right Status Priority Date:7/6/2009 Basis:License Status:Active Water Source Source Source Qualifier Tributary Tributary Qualifier GROUND WATER Points Of Diversion (Location) Source Township Range Section Govt.Lot QQQ QQ Q County Diversion Type GROUNDWATER 04N 39E 30 0 NW NE JEFFERSON GROUND WATER 04N 39E 30 0 NW NE JEFFERSON GROUND WATER 04N 39E 30 1 NW NW JEFFERSON Water Uses Beneficial Use From To Diversion Rate Volume DOMESTIC 01/01 12/31 0.25 CFS 12.00 AFA TOTAL 0.25 CFS 12.00 CFS Places of Use Place of Use Legal Description : DOMESTIC (JEFFERSON county) Township Range Section Lot QQQ QQ Q Acres 04N 39E 30 NE NE 04N 39E 30 NW NE 04N 39E 30 NE NW 04N 39E 30 1 NW NW Conditions Code Condtions 132 Domestic use is for 10 homes. Water rights 25-14236,25-14199,and 25-7593 shall not exceed a diversion rate of.83 cfs for in-house non consumptive domestic purposes for 152 homes,and.46 cfs,and 92 AFA for the irrigation of 152 lots. R05 Use of water under this right will be regulated by a watermaster with responsibility for the distribution of water among appropriators within a water district.At the time of this approval,this water right is within State Water District No.120. 213 Upon specific notification of the Department,the right holder shall install and maintain data loggers to record water usage information at the authorized point(s)of diversion in accordance with Department specifications. 212 Prior to diversion and use of water,the right holder shall install and maintain acceptable measuring device(s)at the authorized point(s)of diversion,in accordance with Department specifications. 070 The irrigation occurring under this domestic use shall not exceed 1/2 acre within each platted subdivision lot upon which a home has been constructed.This right does not provide for irrigation of common areas or for irrigation of lots upon which homes have not been constructed. 071 The domestic use authorized under this right shall not exceed 13,000 gallons per day per home. Dates Other Information Licensed Date:6/25/2020 State or Federal: Decreed Date: Water District Number:120 Permit Proof Due Date:11/19/2022 Generic Max Rate Per Acre:0 Permit Proof Made Date:5/8/2020 Generic Max Volume Per Acre:0 Permit Approved Date:1/22/2010 Civil Case Number: Permit Moratorium Expiration Date: Decree Plantiff: Enlargment Use Priority Date: Decree Defendant: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrust:T Application Recevied Date:6/1/2009 Swan Falls Dismissed Protest Deadline Date:7/6/2009 IDLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan:False IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1/29 Appendix C: Well Logs Form 238-7 STATE OF IDAHO USE TYPEWRITER OR 9i62 DEPARTMENT Of WATER RESOURCES BALLPOINT PEN WELL D_RILLER'S REPORT State lire n"lim thats this port tier tied rhb the Dinector,Depeetrwnt of Walsr Raaatrcw - t wl0dn 30 daya shvir tat eneetortion ar abaodommem of the wall I.WELLOWNER ",, (end �ev�a/nt[itiC 7. WATER LEVEL /J r Nstse /1/A I g,�y_ jkjtj�/ Static wavr revel Pert below land wrtecr. _�'�-" Florin? O Ys (3.P.M.fber Address //'/�• >`f#Q ,<gQH--� Artailen cinned_In ttreaurs P.S.I. �77 Controlled by: ❑Valve ❑Cap ❑Plug owner's Paernut No. Temperature OF. Ouarlty Pervr .marrrn n.h.rpwer..w Ipwr aNw�. 2.NATURE OF WORK 8. WELL TEST DATA Jk'fiew well Cl Deeoarted t) Replscemtnt ❑ Pump ❑Seller U Air O Othr ❑ Abandoned(describe abandonment procedures such as meter[sls,pliq defsehs"etc in llthologe:logo Otscha p D.P.M. Punrlri Lase1 Hass Pe. 3 PROPOSED USF - - - — V-6oresuc ❑Irrigation L)T. ❑ Municipal 9- LITHOLOGIC LOG $r7!ElIndsm uisl ❑Stock ❑Waste Dlsoosal or Injection O Other (Wocify tvpel Bore D Wear From 1 To Material V No 4,METHOD DRILLED OrK.tary ❑Air L1 Hydlroulle O Raw"so rotary --- - - - ❑Cable n Dog n Otltar S.WELL CONSTRUCTION CaO"schadule. LT4JA"l Ci Concrete ❑Other ntaknws Olanwty, r__ To inches_� Incftas +, C feet -feet y, Itches indow, fnct kwhes Inches lect feet inches_.^ inches feat __feet Was canny drfee shoe treed? s ❑No Was a packer or aesl used? Ys Perforated? O Ys *Ito How perforated? O Factory ❑ KINh O Tallith - -Sire of perforation Ir bolts s&y Isltftie - 141-t r Fewe To _petforatiorm flm fate pafarati feat free prf rstions hit IMt WWI mrten Irstalkaf? O Vas VIM Manufacellnrs"ne _ Typo _ fio I N0. Diameter__Slat sou_Sat from feMt Ili tOt Man"_ Slot stet_Set from feet 10 hat Gravel Pocked? ❑Yes P fM O She of aravW Pleoed from feat to flat Surface I dePUt_/ Material used instal: O Cement pout �Benronrte ❑Puddltrg clay ❑ _ - Sedilnb Procedure used- ❑Slurry pit ')Temp.surface es" $Tlvwbon to sad depth Meehad of joining casing- ❑Threaded ♦rfiledded O SohantAMUMN Wood G Cemented batmen Wow OosCAbo access:Port__ _ 1Q Work s[artad L9 finished 8.LOCATION OF WELL 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION Sketch map Ideation npug tree with written location. IAYa—tify that all minkn m well canstructfon rtrdarck wen N complied wf at the dme th - wm romoved, r Subdivision Name Finn Name / "irm No_ r w ! e — SEC Mrshess Date [71 � -�-� Lot No. Block No. ' (Firm O)Ilciel) S teal County _ e. (Operator) J6/Sa.J Y NJ,% U"ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NfCD ARY - FORWARD THE WHfTE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT Figure 4 Well#1 orm 2367 STATE OF IDAHO F- USE TYPEWRITEF.OR /78 DFPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES �j ►� _BALLPOINT PEN WELL DRILLER'S REPORT State lase mquirec that this report be filed with the Director,Deliarb»ant of Water within 30 days after du cornplation or abandonment o1 dw*A. ✓UIV 1.WELL OWNER 7. WATER LEVEL (a�y.� ems,,,,_ y 11i Anne _ Static orator Itd _3__teat bwo IertdiUFY -'ugl g Fk-irsg? O Yes �No G.P,M,flrrie Address _ Artesw elaeedrn presaac p.si. Controlled by: ❑Valve O Cap O Mac Owncr's Permit No, Temperature _OF. Quality ? NATURE OF WORK R WELL TEST DATA New well 'J Deepened ❑Replacement O Pump ❑Bager ❑ Air O Other Abandoned(describe method of abandoning) - dsehe.ye 6P.M_ t Pumped 3. PROPOSED USE ---- Dumestic O Irrigation Ll Test Cl Munkipal 8, LITHOLOGIC LOG 7 industrial O Stock O Waste Disposal or Injection He" WaOer O Oder (tPe"y tyM1 From To m Y No l METHOD DRILLED AV r❑�Rotary J Air U Hydraulic Li Heverseratary n a Y Cable 1-1 Otg ❑Other _ 7' + -- it I •low M �( 6-WELL CONSTRUCTION w x u i• Casing schedule: 9p Steel n Conerate O Other w or R Tldckr qw"M From ToA30-AXE w rr r.Ij-d inches *n ja i ides _�_feet e 1"A feet Inches Inches fast test inch- Ilya bet-- —feet inches inches feet - was cesihq 66 shoe used? joy" ❑No Was a packer or seal wed? O Yes R No Pie forated? .10 Yas D No - - Now nerforatea? ❑Factory 0 Knife Ir Torch Site of perforation -4 ierhisa by Inches Number Frem To parfaradorla _ '^? rent ^t r tiers �!4�perforations feet feet Perforations fort -_ Feet Well scr an inmatlsd7 ❑Yee of No Manufacarsrs name - Type Mod.+No Diameter_Slot size Set from feat to feet -- Diemater_Slot sic_Sot trash feet to_ feet Gravel pecked? O Yet X No FJ Size o1 gravel 1'larerd froze_ feet to }sat 1 Suract nasal depth-1,T`Material uad In heel: ❑Conent grout O PuddOng clay P1 Well cuttings .IUN Seeling procedure used_ Fed Slurry lrit ❑Tewrp.erfacs caahq - PUG O Overbore to teal depth Mothod of jo.nwhg casing: n Threaded 4 Welded SoMent pg� `-- ❑Cemented strwta Describe access port 10. �n7 Wurk stand /ram 7S - O flnldhed�_�D_,�� & LOCATION OF WELL ^ 11. DRILLERS CERTIFICATION � 111 Sketch map locution rust agree with written Iota" on, entity that all mininann well construction standards were N 4� twmplid with at the time the r4 was nornovsd. �.} Subdivision Name =�"� Flu+Name _ �Firu No- h f/"vri-ter ,J��� W , E - Add. 3�+�r Date a- Last No. _ 8lraet Na s Signed by IFItm Off cieli�. S and (Operator) S. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY- FORWARD THE WHITE COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT Figure 5 Well#2 For �6.T �6�� IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1�^ WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 1.WELL.TAG NO.0 C—r)So 7 Z_ — t2•STATIC WATER LEVEL and WELL TESTS: ' Dmlmg Forest No Depth first water encourored(Il) 3c —_ Slant.W laird lid YMIw little of spcs°n wool a _ — MW lamp(°Fl Balton"a temp.(°F) 2.OWNER Ocumbe aooesa port Name ' a... � y1 s1L VAII test: Test method: Daa.rea w Taaf dr.re.t P , ab+aq Address Y Z� prea0r.....p0� N s1 uw0 awl A+ arteaM CdY~'1`rill. SIeY Zr') Lo Q��1� — .r GL� O ❑ ❑ ❑ 1WELLLOCATION: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ltlaw"allty uat or CommMla. Twp NoRh in or South❑ Rge '1 East® or West❑ 1 11.LRHOLOGIC LOG androi repairs a abandonmsM: SSC p. Frera to am.stltenolY it,enensssa of raaeifi er MMv too ONdh daaeeeL aWwrnep. M GairlLo/t- CauM1 —`�As`tGpGr•..•# l 1 M0 'i� 15 T. (pre and amr�enurq t oily ° -_ri�i.�r1:1 e�Oennat a.n.aest .` c address of Wei Sde 399 C' I. _7 C#yLq e.USE: ❑Domestic N%i mfapal ❑Mdnlldr ❑Mtgslatn ❑Thermal O IIIpCaora ❑uafef 5.TYPE OF WORK: SINaw wel ❑Reytecenunl wel, ❑MOaFF anstmp wall ❑Atmilax ttent ❑Other G.DRILL METHOD. &w Rotary ❑Mud Rotary ❑Cable ❑Other — 7.SEALING PROCEDURES: I}�...�a�%nraanat Te O.ed wn o tvw.En.m�IneO,y.uc0aue _ 11.CASINGILWER: — a`a'^rr F—lift Tolltl i O� Nw.w Ua.na t^w TrwaMe Ihtrent !� t`. jt�-4 ❑ O e T ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - - O ❑ ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ O O r_• Violas drive shoe usedl)MY [IN Shoe D°pMts) IA g.PERFORATION SCREENS — Pedo•el.onts O Y ❑N Maetad - Menulaceurad screen My'1❑1N Type McatodofnsWlabn I��t1 nt r—to 1 1.let t to,wa N«..00.M 0-fi 1°' YaM.w Oa."ar Saed.M CO eud Da I��+_") �G•'L"M a Dau 5+arsWZ t f�. Dole ConWeeW �1 H L. 14.DRO_LER'S CERTIFICATION: IIWa ceAlfy WM as mltemum well construction standards were anmffeld vsot 01 Lengat d Headplpe LsatgMt of TalfOipe — ate time lord rip was removed Pawl 11 Y ❑N Type Tr:AL � CompaM Nartt� Co No r 10-FILTER PACK: •Pmctpsl Diller Xf roll va ..o Frain fill TO Ia7 O.eeb eaa w nrf ptm—.a m itrod �'� J D.* •Ooerevt it -_ Data 11,FLOWING ARTESIAN: Operator 1 —Oela Fla"ArlaeteM❑Y ❑N AMatsn Pressure(PSIG) •Eignehtre of PAnolpal Drplar and rip operator are required Cescnber control d"ce Figure 6 Well#3 Appendix D : Water Production Data Well Log 2021 Wells 1&2 Well 3 Production Total January 2.546 1.764.919 1,767 465 February P, 752.797 P, 813.417 F 1,566.214 March PF 954.046 F 728.733 F 1,682.779 April F 697.188 P, 1 102.376 r 1,799.564 r-Y1ay PF 286.326 F 3.618.754 r 3,905.080 June P, 728.547 P, 8.015,190 P, 8.743.737 July PF 1,029,894 F 9,395,919 F 10.425.813 August P, 517.344 P, 5,723,435 P, 6.240.779 September Pr 1,673 F 5,799,653 F 5,801.326 October F 576 P, 2,324,773 v 2,325.349 November v 2.300 F 1,640,377 F 1,542.677 December P, 1.890 P, 1.620,276 v 1,622,166 Totals 4 975 127 42.447,822 47.422.949 Figure 7 2021 Well Log Well Log 2022 Wells 1&2 Well 3 Production Total January 1.957 1,692,781 1,694.738 February 33.937 F 1,497,165 F 1,531 102 March P, 29.659 P, 1,534,652 P, 1,564.311 April v 796.181 r 954,028 F 1.750.209 May P, 2.325 P, 3.761 626 P, 3,763.951 June v 1.785 F 5,935,040 F 5,936.825 July P, 1,909 P, 9.821.330 P, 9.823.239 August v 1.932 F 8,724,406 F 8,726.338 September P' 1,796 P, 6,420,629 P, 6,422.425 October v 2,498 P, 3,061.309 F 3,063.807 November P, 1,739 P, 1,648,036 F 1,649.775 December v 1,791 P, 1,690.053 r 1 691 844 Totals 877.509 46 741 055 47 618 564 Figure 8 2022 Well Log Morning View Well Log 2023 Gallons per Acre Acre Feet of Well 1&2 Well 3 Production Total Foot Production January 1,863 F 1314.854 1.716.717 F 1716717 325851 5.27 February PF 1,691 PF 1 612358 PF 1.614.449 F t614."9 325851 4 95 March � 1,850 F 1,709.037 F 1,710,887F 1,710,887 325851 � 5.25 April 1,961 F, 1,758,817 PF 1.760,778 F 1360.778 325851 540 tylay 1.322 F 4.311492 F 4,314.814 F 4,314.814 325851 13.24 June 1_779 F, 5,389 306 PF 5.391.085 PF 5.391.085 325851 16.54 July 1 564 r 7,451 061 F 7.452.625 7.452.625 325851 22 87 PF PF PF August - - 0 0 325851 - September - - 0 0 325851 - October PF - PF - PF O F 0 325851 F - November - F - F O F 0 325851 F - December - F - PF 0 P, 0 325851 P, - Totals 12 030 23 949 325 PF 23 961 355 23 961 355 Figure 9 2023 Well Log