HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240409HCR 52.pdf ;'tr•f (ilT iil 11f'I. PHIL McGRANE ' APR --9 AM 9= 55 IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE April 4, 2024 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attention: Agency Rules Coordinator STATEHOUSE MAIL Dear Agency Rules Coordinator: Pursuant to the provisions of 67-5291, Idaho Code,please find enclosed a copy of HCR 52,recently adopted by the 67'h Legislature, Second Regular Session. Sincerely, isa Mason, Director Executive and Legislative Affairs Enclosure 700 W.JEFFERSON ST.,RM E205,BOISE,ID 83702 PHONE:(208)334-2300 P.O.BOX 83720,BOISE,ID 83720-0080 SECRETARY@SOS.IDAHO.GOV LU RS31740C1 00 00 LO ---------------------------------------------------- LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO Sixty-seventh Legislature Second Regular Session - 2024 N ---------------------------------------------------------------------- La G IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 52 0 -J A BY WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE 1 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 2 STATING FINDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND APPROVING PENDING RULES OF THE IDAHO 3 STATE RACING COMMISSION, THE IDAHO STATE LIQUOR DIVISION, THE IDAHO ~` 4 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, AND THE ENDOWMENT FUND INVESTMENT BOARD BY 5 THE HOUSE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE AND THE SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMIT- IL 6 TEE, WITH AN EXCEPTION. 7 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: a WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 67-5291, Idaho Code, the Legislature must r"Ly s approve pending administrative rules by adoption of a concurrent resolu- 10 tion; and (p 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 67-5291, Idaho Code, any H. 12 pending 'rule that is not approved by adoption of a concurrent resolution < 13 shall expire upon adjournment sine die of the legislative session during 9L 14 which the agency submits the pending rule to the Legislature for review; and 15 WHEREAS, the House State Affairs Committee and the Senate State Affairs 16 Committee reviewed pending rules adopted by the Idaho State Racing Commis- 17 sion, the Idaho State Liquor Division, the Idaho Public Utilities Commis- O 18 sion, and the Endowment Fund Investment Board; and A 19 WHEREAS, the Senate State Affairs Committee approved pending rules of H. 20 the Idaho State Liquor Division, IDAPA 15. 10.01 Rules of the Idaho State 0 21 Liquor Division, Docket No. 15-1001-2301, the entire docket; and 22 WHEREAS, the House State Affairs Committee approved pending rules of p 23 the Idaho State Liquor Division, IDAPA 15. 10. 01 Rules of the Idaho State Fh 24 Liquor Division, Docket No. 15-1001-2301, with the exception of Section C. 25 021. , Subsection 09. , only; and ,r3 26 WHEREAS, -it is the finding of the House of Representatives that certain 27 rules of the Idaho State Liquor Division, Rules of the Idaho State Liquor Di- H 28 vision, are not consistent with legislative intent because the Division does 9, 29 not have authority to increase the amount of wine gallons available to sam- R 30 ple; and 0 31 WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that it is in the public interest to 32 adopt this resolution. 33 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the Second Regular Ses- 34 sion of the Sixty-seventh Idaho Legislature, the House of Representatives �1 35 and the Senate concurring therein, that the pending rules adopted by the (D 36 Idaho State Racing Commission, the Idaho State Liquor Division, the Idaho Ct 37 Public Utilities Commission, and the Endowment Fund Investment Board, pur- 3a suant to the Administrative Procedure Act and submitted through the Office 39 of the Administrative Rules Coordinator to the Legislature for review during 4 40 the 2024 legislative session and reviewed by the Senate State Affairs Com- 41 mittee and the House State Affairs Committee, be, and the same are hereby ap- 42 proved with the exception of IDAPA 15.10. 01, Rules of the Idaho State Liquor at 43 Division, Docket No. 15-1001-2301, Section 021 . , Subsection 09 . , only. 0) to 0 00 LO STATEMENT OF PURPOSE r RS31740C1 /HCRO52 0 This resolution states the legislative findings and approves the pending rules of the Idaho State Racin Commission,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and the Endowment Fund Investinent Board. It approve the rules of the Idaho State Liquor Division rejecting certain sections which were not consistent with legislativ® intent. These rules were reviewed by the Senate and House State Affairs Conunittees. A FISCAL NOTE 0 This legislation causes no additional expenditure of funds at the state or local government,nor does it cause aid increase or decrease in revenue for the state or local government. Contact: Representative Julianne Young I-A (208) 332-1000 ru Ia I2 F­ O I-h Fh Fi- n ID 0 A tr Ia H l�+ 0 Ia ID ih 0 Eh DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent Ct of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative 0 process,including judicial review(Joint Rule 18). Ct CI Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 04/02/2024,6:49 PM Lu 0 00 [9 N I N r N Da I 0 0 THIS HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ` N ON THE DAY OF r 1 , 2024, AT 0 N r N r r SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pa THIS HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SENATE ON THE DAY OF r I , 2024, AT 9L Ti M. O Fh N R PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE O 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WITHIN Fh ct HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. S ORIGINATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DURING THE SECOND REGULAR IL SESSION OF THE SIXTY—SEVENTH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. M REGEIVED&FILED Chapter No. CHIEF CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF €'HIL MCGRANE REPRESENTATIVES 8ett0n of State O Fh ch !U ch IU