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Customer Name Street address City State Zip Phone Email Address LagelDescriptIon Monthly Water Fee Ash,Jeffrey&Susan Anderson 182 355 Olympic Drive Sandpoint ID 83864 (918)7184852 anderson ent@gmail com SU02-BLK2-LOT7 40 Ash,Jeffrey&Susan Anderson 36 355 Olympic Drive Sandpoint ID 83864 (918)718-4852 anderson ent@gmail.com SUB2-BLK2-LOT9 40 Babin,Stephen and Kristen 352 Dustarr Ln Ponderay ID 83852 stephenbabin@gmail.corn Blk4 Lot 12nd add Hidden Lake 40 Berry,Jim Beverly Wiley Livin Trust 662 Whiskey Jack Rd Sandpoint ID 83864 (208)2W3332 cmalone d@gmail,wm SUBl-BLKS-LOT10 35 Black,Heather 17025 N Triple Butte Circle Colbert WA 99M heatherray@hotmail.com SUB-LOT17 40 Caruso,Diane 2209 W Birch St Bellingham WA 98229 (714)814-9284 ddipi@aol.com SUBS-BLK3-LOT8 40 Cautield Trust 1312 S.Slephora Ave Glendora CA 91740 (949)233-6760 SUB-LOT5 350 Clem,Alice 38 P.O.Box 476 Kootenai 10 83840 (208)263-8255 SUBS-BLKS-LOT2 40 Clem,Alice 39 P.O.Box 476 Kootenai ID 83840 (208)283-8255 SUBS-BLKS-LOT3 40 Cline,Hermine&Foster 500 Lakeview Lane Sandpant ID 83864 (208)265-1519 herm eckne@gmail cam SUB-LOT20 40 Connolly,William 57 Golf View Lane Sandpoint ID 83884 blconnolly@fronbeccom SUB-LOT12 35 Crocker,Dana 1309 Stephora Street Glendora CA 191740 SUB-LOT6 35 Curran,Stephen&Unda SUB2-BLK2-LOT31 40 DeBasilio,Alejandro&Heidi Lamprecht 85 Olympic Or Sandpoint ID 83864 SUB2-BLK2-LOT2 40 DePriest,Larry&loan 134 736 Fir Place S.E. Salem OR 97306 (503)507-6326 depnesl@ah.net SUBS-BLK3-LOT38 40 Faith,Meredith&Dean 4111 Montana Hvry 35 Kalispell MT 59901 (406)755-7585 SUBS-BLKi-LOT14 35 Fenton,Barbara 87 Golf View Lane Sandpoint 10 83864 (619)980-079 bfentonbbf@aol com SUB-LOT13 40 Fleishman.Chris&Chelsey-hasn't been paying 1795 Pyrenass Lp Coeur d•Atom ID 83e15 Be shmanq@gmail com SUB2-BLK4-LOT5 40 Glacier(map#34) 40 Grafton,Theodore&Victoria 773 Lower Pack River Rd Sandpoint ID 83864 (208)255-3823 SUB-LOT27 40 Hadler,Matthew 28 1042 N Wrenn Rd Sandpoint ID 03864 (415)301-1396 madhadsman@gmail.com SUB2-BLK3-LOT3 40 Hadler,Matthew 29 1 D42 N Wrenco Rd Sandpoint ID 83864 (415)301-1396 madhodsman@gmail.com SUB2$1.0-LOT4 40 Hazel,Phillip&Kelley 15610 Linden Lane Overland Park OK 66224 (913)901-MS kelleykhszel@yahoo cum SUBS-BLK3-LOT13 40 Hendry,Martha 932 Cedar Ave.03 Lewiston ID 83501 (208)7504084 kc7cxs&mail com SUB-LOT21 40 Hensley,Robert&Bethany 105 Vermeer Cr Suter 2-229 Ponderay ID 83852 (208)277-4313 bethanyhensley@comcasl not SUBl-BLK3-LOT16A 40 Henson,Gary&Trisha 237 Lower Pack River Rd. Sandpoint ID 83864 (951)285-3880 lanexcl l@gmail.com SUB-LOT7 40 Hem,Eric&Stephanie SUB2-BLK4-LOT3 40 Hewitt,Dane&Johna 53 Tubman Ln Sandpoint ID 83964 (253)777-UM7 daneh891@hotmat.cum SUB-LOT4 40 Horrace,Richard&Cindy-Kellsie Kater 215 Fairway View Drive Sandpoint ID 83864 (208)437-INS chonace@gmeil.com SUB2-BLK3-LOT2 40 Hosking Jeffery&Pamela 200 478 Olympic Or Sandpoint ID 83864 jeff hosking@gmail.com SUB2-Blk4-LOT4 40 Insley,Charles&Nancy 11 S Golfview Lane Sandpoint ID 83864 (503)481 4M insleyco@msn corms com SUB-LOT7 40 Jeffrey,Nathan&Jamie 91 Farway View Or Sandpoint ID 83864 GTE2-BLK3-LOT1 40 Johnson,Nicholas(map k42) 100 Olympic Or Sandpoint ID 83864 bdaoa2015johnson@gmalLcom 40 Kopylovsky,Dm(try&Larisa 239 Lower Pack River Rd Sandpoint ID 83864 (415)672-1889 dkopy99@gmaii.mm SUB-LOT2 40 Lee,Don 21821 Woodbury Drive Cupertino CA 95014 (40e)891-7630 SUB-LOT16 40 Lynch,Tyler-doesn't pay 512 A Lupine St. Ponda,ay ID 83852 40 Malsam,Tyler 861 Lower Pack River Rd Sandpoint l0 83864 taylermalsam@hotmail com SUB-LOT29 40 Mann,Mary 775 Lower Pack River Rd Sandpoint ID 83W 1 SUB-LOT28 40 MATK Investments 78 McNeamay Rd Pon leray ID 83852 (208)ato-a386 hghmarkinvoices@gmail com SUB-LOT23 40 Matthews,Randall&Carolyn 925 Lower Pack River Rd. Sandpoint ID 83864 (714)585-7032 themat hewsmommy@gmail.corn LOTS-Marys Pack River 40 McConnell,Timothy Jr. 739 Lower Pack River Road Sandpoint ID 83864 (208)285-2694 SUB-LOT22 35 McCormick,Sharon Lynn 343 Olympic Dr Sandpoint ID 83864 SUB2-BLK2-LOT6 40 Monk,Alan 70 South Quail Run Sandpoint ID 83884 (503)929-4064 alanmonke@hotmail.com 1- L 1-LOT4 40 Moore,Brett&Cherie 126 S.Oua9 Run Sandpoint ID 83864 (208)304-2738 cheneleemoore@yahoo com SUBS-BLK3-LOT6 40 Parker,Ken 12402 Industrial Blvd.Ste A2 Victorvine CA 92395 peo)243-4410 ken@gooddealrealty net 2- -O 1 35 Parnell,Christian and Jenelle PO BOX 1069 Sandpoint ID 83864 SUB-LOT14 40 Peterson,Diane 132 doesn't pay PO Box648 Clark Fork ID 83811 riversendl@gmail.com SUB2-BLK2-LOT5 40 Razook,Jennifer(former owner is S Beck) 211 Golfview Lane Sandpoint ID 83864 jennifer.razook@icloud.com SUB Lot 18 45 Reiss,Kai&Kandy 42303 Hwy 200 97 Hope ID 83836 (714)351-3189 kre-89@gmail.com SU82-131-0-LOT1 40 Rowtey,Steven&Katie 2625 Allison Way Richland WA 99352 SUBS-BLKi-LOTS 40 Rush,Mark&Jill 767 Lower Pack River Rd. Sandpoint ID 83864 (425)422-7447 jr32523@yahoo com SU LOT24 40 Scherer,Lauren 771 Lower Park River Rd. Sandpoint ID 83864 (toe)255-2u3 Ihscherer@aol com SUB-LOT26 40 Shields,Royal&Jana 402 Sandpoint Ave a223 Sandpoint 10 83864 (208)810-8114 SUBl-BLKi-LOTS 40 Smith,Kendall&Lauren PO Box 517 Sandpoint ID 83864 (936)240-1510 211auren ith@gmail.com LT 7,BLK 11st AddtN Hidden La 40 SoUy,Christopher&Charlotte 209 Golh iew Lane Sandpoint ID 83864 (401)644-1323 cso9y.usa@yahoo.com SUB L0T391 1 40 Stevens,Mary(#45)doesn't pay 951 Shingle Mill Rd Sandpoint ID 83864 40 Stich,Brian&Pamela P.O.Box 352 Sandpoint ID 83864 (206)972-6275 bcsbch@icloud com SUB-LOT15 40 Swenson,David&Sonia 6301 Mercedes Bend Austin Tx 78759 SUBI-BLK1-LOTII 40 Taber,W]ltiam&J.Da Silva Curiet Taber 401 Olympic Dr Sandpoint ID 83864 (805)312,1824 wtaber@yahoo.com SUB2-BLK2-LOT8 40 Tarnow,Joyce 193 Lora Lane Athol ID 83809 (925)337-3157 jtarnow@yahoo.com LOT2-lower Pack River 40 TIC prop mgmt(#31) 40 Tricota,Jesse&Christie 39 GolMew Lane Sandpoint ID 83864 (360)921-7832 SUB-LOT11 40 Troughton,James&Martha 167 doesn't pay P O.Box 933 Ponderay ID 83852 (808)280-5157 iim@mauidreams com SUB-LOT9 40 Troughton,James&Martha 179 doesn't pay P.O.Box 933 Ponderay ID 83852 (808)280-5157 iim@mauidreams.com SUB-LOT10 40 Ursitlo,Michael&Linda,c/o Jamee Cook 125 Olympic Dr Sandpoint ID 83864 (619)772-6893 SUB2-LOT3-BLK2 40 Valiant(#19) 40 Vogel,Richard&Cindy 204 N.Quail Run Sandpoint ID 83864 (208)255-1685 alohavogel@yahoo com SUBI-BLKI-LOT15 40 Weber,Karl] 3101 Spring Creek Way Sandpoint IIID 83864 (208)946-7846 kburnach@gmail.com SUBI-BLK1-LOT12 40 Whyte,Robert 31 S GolMew Lane Sandpoint JID 83864 SUB-LOT8 40 WiWamson,Wayne&Barbara 769 Lower Pack Rival Road Sandpoint ID 83864 (949)933-6182 wpwilliamsonga@gmail com SUB-LOT25 40 Ziola,James&Linda 73 Tubman Lane Sandpoint ID 83864 (510)468-1100 iimnola@gmail com SUB-L0T3 40